Mechanobiology of the intervertebral disc




阵发性室上性心动过速 +++
+++ ++ +++
++ ++ + ----
• 抑钠促钾药 – 利多卡因 • 钾通道抑制药 – 胺碘酮
mv 30 0
-70 -90
2相:K+外流;Ca2+内流 (初期最强并逐步递减)
• 抑钠促钾药 – 利多卡因 • 钾通道抑制药 – 胺碘酮
4相: Na+-Ca2+交换; Na+-K+交换(Na+-K+ ATPase)
1.自律性增高 ……主要机制 ⑴交感活性增高时 ⑵低血钾、心肌细胞受机械牵张时 ⑶缺血、缺氧时



纤维环修复组织工程支架材料的研究进展王宇鹏;银和平【摘要】腰椎间盘突出症是外科的常见病、多发病,摘除髓核后仍然会有一定的复发率,造成术后复发的主要原因之一是如何使得纤维环缺口修复及再生,以恢复原有纤维环的结构及功能.随着组织工程学的不断发展,纤维环修复组织工程支架材料的研究也不断得到学者们的重视.本文对近几年国内外关于纤维环组织工程学修复支架材料做一介绍,为今后的纤维环修复支架材料选择提供参考.【期刊名称】《内蒙古医学杂志》【年(卷),期】2014(046)008【总页数】4页(P944-947)【关键词】纤维环;修复;支架材料;组织工程学【作者】王宇鹏;银和平【作者单位】内蒙古医科大学,内蒙古呼和浩特010059;内蒙古医科大学第二附属医院,内蒙古呼和浩特 010030【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R681.3生理状态下,椎间盘由髓核、纤维环及上下软骨终板组成[1],纤维环由胶原纤维组成的片层结构并包绕髓核,每层之间以约60°角相互排列[2]。




1 纤维环修复支架材料的组织工程学要求随着组织工程学的不断发展,用作纤维环修复的材料也不断被发现,纤维环修复主要是恢复自身力学结构及原有的功能。




“生物药”--Wharton’s jelly源间充质干细胞

“生物药”--Wharton’s jelly源间充质干细胞

“生物药”--Wharton’s jelly源间充质干细胞高连如【摘要】干细胞治疗代表生物冶疗进入到了一个崭新的时代。



Wharton’s jelly组织,是起始于胚胎发育第13天的胚外中胚层组织。

使用基因微阵列分析及功能分析,首次发现Wharton’s jelly源间充质干细胞( Wharton’s jelly derived mesenchymal stem cells,WJMSCs)高表达胚胎早期干性基因及心肌细胞分化早期特异转录因子,可分化心肌细胞等多种细胞。




%Cell-based treatment represents a new generation in the evolution of biological therapeutics. Mesenchymal stem cells ( MSCs) are mesoderm-derived multipotent stromal cells that reside in embryonic and adult tissues. The use of adult MSCs is limited by the quality and quantity of host stem cells. Wharton’s jelly of the umbilical cord originates from the extraembryonic and/or the embryonic mesoderm at day 13 of embryonic development. Using Affymetrix GeneChip microarray and functional network analyses, we found for the first time that Wharton’s jelly-derived MSCs ( WJMSCs) , except for their expression of stemness molecular markers in common with human ESCs ( hESCs) ,exhibited a high expression of early cardiac transcription factor genes and could be in-duced to differentiate into cardiomyocyte-like cells. Further, we demonstrated for the first time that intracoronary delivery of prepared clinical-grade WJMSCs was safe in treating patients with an ST-AMI attack by double-blind, randomized controlled trial and could significantly improve myocardial viability and heart function. It is therefore important to consider the benefits of WJMSCs, which are not ethically sensitive, have differentiation potential, and do not have the worrying issue of teratoma formation. Moreover, as the off the shelf product, WJMSCs can be applied immediately, and on de-mand. Thus, WJMSCs constitute a true stem cell population and are promising cells as a biological drug for stem cell-based therapies.【期刊名称】《转化医学杂志》【年(卷),期】2016(005)004【总页数】5页(P193-197)【关键词】间充质干细胞;Wharton’s jelly源间充质干细胞;生物药物【作者】高连如【作者单位】100048 北京,海军总医院心脏中心【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R329.2+4[Abstract]Cell-based treatment represents a new generation in the evolution of biological therapeutics.Mesenchymal stem cells(MSCs)are mesoderm-derived multipotent stromal cells that reside in embryonic and adult tissues.The use of adult MSCs is limited by the quality and quantity of host stem cells.Wharton’s jelly of the umbilical cord originates from the extraembryonic and/or the embryonic mesoderm at day 13 of embryonic ing Affymetrix GeneChip microarray and functional network analyses,we found for the first time that Wharton’s jelly-derived MSCs (WJMSCs),except for their expression of stemness molecular markers in common with human ESCs (hESCs),exhibited a high expression of early cardiac transcription factor genes and could be induced to differentiate into cardiomyocyte-like cells.Further,we demonstrated for the first time that intracoronary delivery of prepared clinical-grade WJMSCs was safe in treating patients with an STAMI attack by double-blind,randomized controlled trial and could significantly improve myocardial viability and heart function.It is therefore important to consider the benefits of WJMSCs,which are not ethically sensitive,have differentiation potential,and do not have the worrying issue of teratoma formation.Moreover,as the off the shelf product,WJMSCs can be applied immediately,and on demand.Thus,WJMSCs constitute a true stem cell population and are promising cells as a biological drug for stem cell-based therapies.[Key words]Mesenchymal stem cells(MSCs);Wharton’s jelly-derived mesenchymal stem cells(WJMSCs);Biological drug21世纪,人类疾病治疗模式在继现代医学——药物、手术、机械辅助等手段后,一个崭新的充满希望的新理念——细胞生物治疗理论诞生了,这将给人类带来什么样的变化与影响,如此快速之进展,正如Science、Nature中所表述的“即使站在世界最前沿的科学家也难以预料”[1-2]。



























细胞分子生物学文章第十卷(2005),711-719 pl2005.7.15寄出200510.6收到脂质体:一项先进制造技术的概述新西兰,北帕默斯顿,专用邮袋11222,梅西大学Riddet中心,M.REZA MOZAFARI摘要:近几十年来,脂质体作为生物膜的理想模型,也是药物、诊断、疫苗、营养物和其他生物活性剂的有效载体,引起了广泛关注。














机械敏感性离子通道蛋白Piezo1在椎间盘髓核细胞中的表达及意义1. 引言1.1 Piezo1是什么Piezo1是一种机械敏感性离子通道蛋白,是最新发现的一种参与机械感应的蛋白分子。








1.2 机械敏感性离子通道蛋白在细胞中的作用机械敏感性离子通道蛋白在细胞中起着重要的作用。








2. 正文2.1 椎间盘髓核细胞中Piezo1的表达情况针对椎间盘髓核细胞中Piezo1的表达情况进行了研究。



益生菌对阿尔茨海默病作用的研究进展发布时间:2021-12-14T06:08:15.523Z 来源:《中国结合医学杂志》2021年12期作者:宋鑫萍1,2,李盛钰2,金清1[导读] 阿尔茨海默病已成为威胁全球老年人生命健康的主要疾病之一,患者数量逐年攀升,其护理的经济成本高,给全球经济造成重大挑战。


宋鑫萍1,2,李盛钰2,金清11.延边大学农学院,吉林延吉 1330022.吉林省农业科学院农产品加工研究所,吉林长春 130033摘要:阿尔茨海默病已成为威胁全球老年人生命健康的主要疾病之一,患者数量逐年攀升,其护理的经济成本高,给全球经济造成重大挑战。



关键词:益生菌;阿尔茨海默病;肠道菌群;机制Recent Progress in Research on Probiotics Effect on Alzheimer’s DiseaseSONG Xinping1,2,LI Shengyu2,JI Qing1*(1.College of Agricultural, Yanbian University, Yanji 133002,China)(2.Institute of Agro-food Technology, Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Chanchun 130033, China)Abstract:Alzheimer’s disease has become one of the major diseases threatening the life and health of the global elderly. The number of patients is increasing year by year, and the economic cost of nursing is high, which poses a major challenge to the global economy. In recent years, studies have shown that probiotics, as microorganisms beneficial to the health of the host, have a positive impact on the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. Its mechanism may be through regulating intestinal flora, affecting the nervous immune system, regulating the neuroactive substances and metabolites, and affecting the occurrence and development of the disease through thegut- brain axis. This paper reviews the progress of probiotics on Alzheimer’s disease at home and abroad in recent years, as well as its potential mechanism of prevention and treatment.Key words:probiotics; Alzheimer’s disease; gut microbiota; mechanism阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer’s disease, AD),系中枢神经系统退行性疾病,属于老年期痴呆常见类型,临床特征主要包括:记忆力减退、认知功能障碍、行为改变、焦虑和抑郁等。



【WORD格式论文原稿】肌球蛋白Ⅱ在有丝分裂中的作用免费查阅标准与论文:* 肌球蛋白?在有丝分裂中的作用1刘阳,安美文,李晓娜,王立(太原理工大学应用力学与生物医学工程研究所,太原,030024 ) 摘要:细胞骨架具有产生主动变形和抵抗被动变形的能力,与有丝分裂等主动变形活动密切相关。



关键词:主动变形; 肌球蛋白?;有丝分裂1.引言细胞骨架是指真核细胞中的蛋白纤维网架体系,细胞骨架不仅在维持细胞形态,保持细胞内部结构的有序性中起重要作用,而且与细胞运动、能量转换、信息传递、基因表达、细胞分化等重大生命活动密切相关。


肌球蛋白?具有两条完全相同的长肽链(重链 ) 和两对短肽链(轻链),组成两个球状头部和一个长杆状尾部(图1),分子量约460kD。




[1]图 1 肌球蛋白?的结构示意图[1]Fig. 1 Schematic of myosin ?2.肌球蛋白?在细胞有丝分裂中的作用在有丝分裂过程中,细胞核和细胞质都发生了一系列的变化,通过形成有丝分裂器,将[2]遗传物质平均分配到两个子代细胞中。

肌球蛋白?在整个皮层都有分布,但是在不同时期不同区域的聚集程度也有所不同:在有丝分裂后期,肌球蛋白?在赤道区域的聚集情况比较* 国家自然科学基金资助项目(10672114),山西省自然科学基金资助项目(2007011011)1 通讯作者:安美文,太原理工大学应用力学与生物医学工程研究所,E-mail:meiwen_an@ - 1 -免费查阅标准与论文:明显;胞质分裂中,肌球蛋白?由赤道区域逐渐移动到子细胞的两极。






TED演讲:永生不死的体细胞科学研究Where does the end begin?Well, for me, it all began with this little fellow.This adorable organism --well, I think it’s adorable --is called Tetrahymena and it’s a single-celled creature.It’s also been known as pond scum.So that’s ri ght, my career started with pond scum.完毕是以何逐渐的?对于我而言,它逐渐于这一小宝贝。




Now, it was no surprise I became a scientist.Growing up far away from here,as a little girl I was deadly curiousabout everything alive.I used to pick up lethally poisonous stinging jellyfish and sing to them.And so starting my career,I was deadly curious about fundamental mysteriesof the most basic building blocks of life,and I was fortunate to live in a society where that curiosity was valued.我变为生物学家并不许人出现意外。



ISSN 1007-7626CN 11-3870/Q中国生物化学与分子生物学报http :// Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology2012年8月28(8):733 738Received :March 26,2012;Accepted :June 6,2012Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.31040018and No.31172146),Shanxi Scholarship Council of China (2010-2012)and International Cooperation Projects of Shanxi Province*Corresponding author Tel :86-25-85891763;E-mail ;Tel :0086-351-7018268,E-mail收稿日期:2012-03-26;接受日期:2012-06-06国家自然科学基金((No.31040018;No.31172146)和山西省国际合作项目资助*联系人Tel :86-25-85891763;E-mail ;Tel :0086-351-7018268,E-mail of Wingless /Wnt1Influences the Development of Tribolium castaneumPENG Ya-Nan 1),LI Cheng-Jun 2),Li Bin 2)*,LI Zhuo-Yu 1)*(1)Key Laboratory of Chemical Biology and Molecular Engineering of Ministry of Education ,Institute of Biotechnology ,Shanxi University ,Taiyuan030006,China ;2)Jiangsu Key Laboratory for Biodiversity and Biotechnology ,College of Life Sciences ,Nanjing Normal University ,Nanjing210046,China )Abstract Known as highly conserved during evolution ,the Wnt signaling pathway plays a vital role in regulating animal embryonic axis ,embryonic differentiation ,and deciding cell polarity and maintaining adult dynamic equilibrium.Mutations or deregulations of its components might cause the occurrence of carcinoma.We studied the role of Wingless /Wnt1during larva-adult development of the red flour beetle ,Tribolium castaneum ,with dsRNA-mediated Wingless (Wg )/Wnt 1gene knocked down.The treated late larvae metamorphosed into pupae with drastically increased wing interval and decreased wing width (P <0.01).The pursuant pupa-adult eclosion was also severely affected and most of pupae died during this period.The qPCR result showed that the mRNA level of Cadherin-like and Smoothened (Smo )geneswere up-regulated greatly ,and that of armadillo-2was slightly higher ,after Wingless /Wnt 1gene was knocked down.We drew the conclusion that Wnt-1signaling pathway is closely related to the proper wingdevelopment and adult metamorphosis of Tribolium .In addition ,the elevated expression of Cadherin-like and Armadillo-2may be accountable for the reduced wing width and enlarged wing interval caused by wggene silencing ,because those alterations can either enhance cell adhesion or change cell morphology.Importantly ,the up-regulation of smo gene indicates that Hedgehog signaling pathway may be affected by the RNAi of Wg and involved in the abnormal or lethal phenotypes observed in our experiment.Key words Tribolium castaneum ;Wg RNAi ;Wingless /Wnt1protein ;Wnt signaling pathway ;eclosion敲减Wingless /Wnt1基因表达对赤拟谷盗发育中的影响彭亚男1),李承军2),李斌2)*,李卓玉1)*(1)化学生物学与分子工程教育部重点实验室山西大学生物技术研究所,太原030006;2)南京师范大学生命科学学院,南京210046)摘要Wnt 信号通路是进化中高度保守的一条信号转导途径,在调控动物的胚胎轴向正常发育、胚胎分化、决定细胞极性、维持成体动态平衡等方面发挥重要作用.该信号通路的异常激活还与肿瘤的发生密切相关.本实验将体外人工合成的Wingless (Wg )/Wnt 1基因dsRNA 显微注射入赤拟谷盗晚期幼虫体内,研究Wingless /Wnt1蛋白在赤拟谷盗发育过程中发挥的作用.实验结果显示,注射Wingless (wg )/Wnt 1基因dsRNA 后,赤拟谷盗发育形成的蛹,翅膀宽度减小,翅间距明显增大,且羽化过程也受到严重影响.此外,qPCR 结果表明,赤拟谷盗Wingless (Wg )/Wnt 1基因被沉默后,Cadherin-like 和Smoothened (Smo )基因的表达显著上调,A rmadillo -2基因略上调.这些结果揭示,Chinese Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Vol.28Wnt-1信号通路和赤拟谷盗翅膀发育以及成虫羽化过程密切相关.蛹翅宽减小,翅间距增大,可能是由于调控细胞粘连及细胞形态的Cadherin-like和Armadillo-2基因的上调所引起.更重要的是,Smo基因的上调,表明了Wnt信号通路和Hedgehog信号通路在赤拟谷盗发育过程中有交互作用.关键词赤拟谷盗;Wg RNAi;Wingless/Wnt1蛋白;Wnt信号通路;羽化中图分类号Q966Wnt gene was first reported by Nusse and his colleagues in1982,and named as int-1.When this gene was abnormally activated,it would induce tumor[1].The subsequent name‘wnt’was derived from a combination of int-1and wingless(a developmental patterning gene in Drosophila),because these two genes were shown to be homologous[2].Later,the family of wnt genes was confirmed to exist in many species from nematodes to vertebrates:nineteen in human[3],seven in Drosophila,seven in Apis,six in Anopheles,and nine in Tribolium castaneum[4,5].Wnt genes encode a large family of secreted,cysteine-rich proteins that play a key role in animal development,as intercellular signaling molecules.Most Wnt proteins are comprised of350to380amino acids,with more than100conserved residues scattering across the entire sequence.The initiation of these proteins is a sequence of hydrophobic signal followed by a site that can be recognized by signal peptides.Each protein has one or more sites for N-linked glycosylation and up to 24conservative cysteine residues that form disulfide bonds[6].Wnt ligands(Wnts)bind to various transmembrane receptors by autocrine or paracrine and drive the Wnt signaling pathway,thereby triggering intercellular cascades to regulate transcription in target genes.Wnt signaling pathway activated by Wnt proteins is involved in embryonic development,as well as cell proliferation and differentiation in adult development.It is required in the processes of regulating the establishment of head-to-tail axis,the differentiation of neural crest,the correct formation of brain and heart,kidney morphogenesis and sex determination[7].The disruption of this precise system will induce developmental disabilities.A total of nine Wnt genes have been reported in Tribolium genome,including Wnt A,Wnt8,orthologs of the vertebrate Wnt5-7and Wnt9-11genes,in addition to Wg or Wnt1[5].The expression patterns of these nine Wnt genes in embryogenesis have been discussed at length in existing studies,especially their segment polarity function of the canonical Wg/Wnt1 gene.However,less is known about the role of Wnt signaling pathway in postembroyonic developmental process of Tribolium.An investigation had been carried out about the role of Wg/Wnt1protein during the larval-adult development of Tribolium.1Materials and Methods1.1Beetle strain and maintenanceThe Georgia-1(GA-1)strain of Tribolium castaneum used in this study was reared at30ħand all experiments were performed at room temperature 25ħ[8].1.2Analysis of Wg gene transcript levels in different developmental stages by RT-PCREarly and late eggs,larvae,pupae and adults were collected for RNA preparation,followed byRT-PCR.The first day of the embryonic period was taken for early egg stage,the initial1-7days of larval stage for early larval stage,and the starting1-3days of pupa/adult stage for early pupa/adult stage.Sequence of designed primers was Wg-F1:5'-GTGCCAATA ATGCGATTCAC-3',Wg-R1:5'-TTCCTTTGTAGT GCGTTTCG-3'.Amplification conditions of RT-PCR were:94ħ5min,94ħ30s,60ħ30s,72ħ30s,35cycles,25ħ10min.The housekeeping gene Rps3(Tribolium ribosomal protein3)was used as an internal control.Amplification conditions of RT-PCR were:94ħ5min,94ħ30s,60ħ30s,72ħ30s,28cycles,25ħ10min.1.3RNA interferenceDouble-stranded RNA was produced from a714 bp fragment of the T.castaneum Wingless gene (fragment positions493 1206).Template for dsRNA synthesis was amplified by using gene-specific primers that have T7promoter sequences at the end.The sequences of primers were as follows:Wg-F2:5'-TAATACGACTCACTATAGGGATAG ATACGTGCAAC TGCGA-3',Wg-R2:5'-TAATACGACTCACTATAGG GCTCGAATACGACGACTTCCT-3'.Amplification conditions of RT-PCR were:94ħ5min,94ħ30s,60ħ30s,72ħ1min,35cycles,25ħ10min.Double-stranded RNA was synthesized and purified using the Transcript Aid TM T7High Yield Transcription kit.dsRNA was diluted to1μg/μL with1ˑinjection buffer(5mmol/L KCl,0.1mmol/L K3PO4,pH6.8)prior to injection.For injection,T.castaneum late larvae were affixed to microscope slides with tweezers at their posterior abdomen.Approximately0.2μL of dsRNA solution was injected into each pupa through a micromanipulator set-up,at a ventrolateral position between abdominal segments three and four.Untreated late larvae of the same number were selected as437No.8PENG Ya-Nan et al:Knocking-down of Wingless/Wnt1Influences the Development of Tribolium castaneum controls.Beetles of group IB were injected with0.2μL of injection buffer(1ʒ10).Larva RNAi wasperformed with WPI Nanoliter microscopic injectionsystem.After,these beetles were reared in the sameconditions mentioned above.Their development statuswas observed every24hours.Five days after injection,three insects from each treatment were collected forRT-PCR to confirm Wg gene was silenced.Anotherreaction with a pair of primers for rps3gene was usedas the internal loading control.Sequences of primersfor Rps3g ene was:Rps3-F5'-TCAAATTGATCGGAGGTTTG-3',Rps3-R5'-GTCCCACGGCAACATAATCT-3',and Wg-F1and Wg-F2were used for Wggene.1.4Detection of mRNA level of other relatedgenes by qPCRTc-Armadillo-2,NCBI mRNA accession numberXM_966892,is located on LG9;smo,XM_966834,is on LG8;cadherin-like,XM_966295.Primers ofqPCR were designed and synthesized by TakaraBiotechnology CO.(Dalian,China).The detailedinformation of primer sequences was described in Table1.Three cDNA templates were prepared with threepupae from each group.Technical triplicates of eachreaction mix were prepared in20μL final volumecontaining:10μL of2ˑSYBR Green PCR Mix,0.4μL of Rox,3μL of water-diluted cDNA(1︰20),which corresponds to1μg of total RNA,0.8μL ofeach primer(10pmol).Finally,5μL DEPC H2Owas introduced to raise the system to20μL.Thefollowing cycling protocol was used:40cycles of30sat95ħ,5s at95ħ,34s at60ħ.To verify theapplicant’s consistency,the product was tested in amelting point analysis conducted directly afteramplification.Relative expression level of each genewas determined versus a constitutively expressed generps3.The results were displayed by meansʃstandarderrors with three independent experiments.Table1Details of primers used for the three evaluatedgenesGene Sequences(5'→3')Product length(bp)Armadillo-2For:caatcacggtagtcagccttttc81Rev:tgtgtgccaatctccagtccSmo For:atcggttactgcgtcctggt95Rev:aaggcggggtatttgttggCadherin-like For:gacttcaaagatgctcagtcgaaa118Rev:taacaactaaaacggcaaccacac2Results2.1Knockdown of Wg gene in Tribolium late larvaeWe first examined expression pattern of Wg gene by reverse transcription-PCR(RT-PCR).The results indicated that wg gene showed a high expression from late larval stage to late pupa stage,and the expression was declined in adult stage(Fig.1A).It is likely that Wg gene plays a crucial role in larva-pupa-adult transitions.To study the role of Wg/Wnt1protein during these transitions,we injected Wg-dsRNA into late larvae.Five days later,we verified the mRNA level of Wg gene by using RT-PCR.The results showed that Wg gene of beetles was silenced as expected (Fig.1B).Fig.1Analysis of wg gene expression by reversetranscription-PCR(A)The mRNA level of Wg ineight developmental stages.1:early egg;2:late egg;3:early larva;4:late larva;5:early pupa;6:late pupa;7:early adult;8:late adult.(B)Knocking-down of Wgtranscript by RNAi.Control:no injecting;IB:injectinginjection buffer;RNAi:injecting Wg-dsRNA.PCRanalysis of Rps3with the same cDNA template served asinternal control2.2Wnt1protein is required for wing develop-ment of Tribolium pupaeBecause a fraction of late larvae died as a result of injury caused by dsRNA injections,we observed phenotypes of the remaining bettles:n(group RNAi)=27;n(group IB)=25;n(group Control)=30.All of the remaining larvae survived on the pupa stage,but the wing interval of pupae from group RNAi was bigger than that of control beetles(Fig.2A).Furthermore,body size,the length,width and interval of each pupa wing were measured using OLYMPUS microscope.The experiments showed that the wing width of Wg RNAi pupae decreased,and the wing interval expanded distinctly (Fig.2B).However,the body size and wing length did not appear to be affected in comparison to the two control groups(Fig.2B).2.3Wnt1protein contributes to pupa-adult moltingAlthough the wg RNAi larvae had metamorphosed into pupae,three defective phenotypes were revealed at the ensuing adult eclosion(Fig.3).Ultimately,these abnormal insects died during the eclosion process.The proportion of three cases in each group was calculated:n(group RNAi)=27;n(group IB)=25;n(group Control)=30.And the result was indicated in Table 2.Most insects in group Control and IB showed normal phenotype.However,the majority of insects in group537Chinese Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Vol.28Fig.2RNAi results of wg on Tribolium pupae(A)Phenotype deficiency of pupae by RNAi.(a)Pupae in group of control;(b)Pupae in group of IB;(c)and(d)RNAi treated pupae.Arrow indicates the wing interval.These indexes were measured under OLYMPUS microscope.The photo was magnified by2.5times.(B)The statistical results of body size,wing length,wing width and wing interval of Tribolium pupae in group of control,IB and RNAi.Data processing was made usingsoftware SPSS.Star markers(**)indicates a highly significant difference between control and treated insects(P<0.01)Fig.3RNAi effects of wg on Tribolium adult eclosion(A)and(E):normal adult;(B)and(F):deficiency adult stopped at the prophase of emergence;(C)and(G):deficiency adult emerged incompletely;(D)and(H):defective adult exhibiting abnormal phenotypes(dorsal is on top row;ventral is on bottom row)637No.8PENG Ya-Nan et al :Knocking-down of Wingless /Wnt1Influences the Development of Tribolium castaneum Table 2Statistical results of three kinds of emergence phenotypes in each groupGroup Normal eclosion Stop at beginning eclosion Incomplete eclosion Finish eclosion yet with phenotype defects Control 94%0%0%6%IB 97%0%0%3%RNAi7%41%22%30%The percentage in theTable 2is the ratio of Tribolium with certain emergence phenotype in corresponding groupRNAi did not finish the adult eclosion completely.Some of the pupae stopped at the beginning eclosion ;some went further ;and others metamorphosed into pharate adults with phenotype defects.2.4Knock-down of Wg has effects on a few genesat transcript levelIn order to study the molecular mechanism of Wnt1/Wingless protein in regulating wing development and pupa-adult molting of Tribolium ,the isolated total RNA of pupae from each group was screened to test whether the observed effects of Wg gene knock-down were caused by those factors :Armadillo -2,Smo a ndCadherin-like ,which have been demonstrated to play some roles in the wing development of Drosophila [9-11].The result of qPCR indicated that the expression of Cadherin-like and Smo were up-regulated markedly ,the level of Armadillo-2with a slightincrease.Fig.4The mRNA level of Cadherin-like ,Smo ,andArmadillo-2affected by the RNAi of Wg The Y-axis denoted mRNA relative expression levels(normalized by Tcrps 3).Mean ʃSE of mRNA relative expression levels of three genes mentioned above were showed.Star markers (*)indicated a significant difference between control and treated insects (P <0.05).Double star markers (**)indicated a highly significant difference between control and treated insects (P <0.01)3DiscussionStudies have suggested that Wnts can signal through three different pathways :the canonical β-catenin pathway ,the non-canonical planar cell polarity (PCP )and Wnt /Ca 2+pathways.The β-catenin pathway is required for growth and cell fate specification [12],whereas the two non-canonical pathways are implicated in cell polarity and cellmovement [13].The classic Wingles s /Wnt signaling pathway has been demonstrated to play a key role in the wing development of Drosophila .The functional mechanism is also clear.The pathway is involved in the growth ,specification ,and morphogenesis of the wing pouch of Drosophila [11],one region of the wing disc that will be transformed to the adult wing blade during pupa development [14].Further studies suggested that Wingless promoted the wing disc pouch growth mainly through the inhibition of apoptosis [15].Meanwhile ,the regulation of wingless for vestigial ,one of its targets which defines the wing primordium and is required for its growth ,contributes partly to the increase of thewing pouch size [16,17].Wingless /Wnt signaling also participates in the cell specification of the wing disc.The depletion of wingless gene during the development of Drosophila early larvae will lead to the result of losing normal wing structures.Meanwhile ,wingless can induce the expression of genes along dorsal-ventral boundary during late larval development ,including senseless regulating cell fate specification at the wing margin [18].The latest studies have revealed the role of wingless in controlling the cell shape of late larval wing disc [11].In addition ,Wingless /Wnt signaling is implicated in cell adhesion by directing the graded expression of Shotgun ,which encodes E-cadherin in Drosophila .For cells along the proximodistal axis of the developing wing epithelium ,those further away from the source of Wg signaling in the wing imaginal discs display lower levels of DE-Cadherin expression when compared with those receiving high threshold of Wg signaling [19].The model insect Tribolium used in our experiment is one of the well-known holometabolous pests for stored products ,mainly in tropical or warmer regions around the world [20].It belongs to Tenebrionidae ,Coleopteran ,and the genome sequence of the Tribolium is now available [21].Although Tribolium belongs to holometabolous taxa as well as Drosophila ,its developmental pattern differs from that of Drosophila .In Tribolium ,primordia of anterior segments appears first ,then primordia of more posterior segments are generated from a posterior growth zone.However ,all segments in Drosophila occur nearly simultaneously [22].Our data therefore complement the Drosophila on functional genetic737Chinese Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Vol.28analysis of basic biological questions.In this study,the results showed that the disruption of canonical Wingless/Wnt signaling pathway in Tribolium also resulted in abnormal wing phenotype,along with severely affected emergence process,indicating that Wnt1protein is necessary for the wing development of Tribolium.This result also shows that Tribolium is an excellent model for studying genetic regulation.Furthermore,the qPCR result shows that Cadherin-like,Armadillo-2and Smo genes of T.castaneum pupae with abnormal wings were upregulated.Because E-cadherin and Armadillo-2play some roles in wing cell adhesion and shape[23],we believe that Cadherin-like and Armadillo-2may influence the wing growth of Tribolium by strengthening cell adhesion or changing cell shapes.In addition,the abnormal activation of Smo implies that smo gene is possibly related to the effects of wing development and adult emergence.This finding points to a conclusion that Wnt1protein may play an additional role independent of Wnt signaling pathway in postembryonic development of Tribolium.Importantly,it may mediate the cross-talk of Wnt signaling pathway and Hedgehog pathway.Further studies need to be completed in the future.参考文献(References)[1]Nusse R,Varmus H E.Many tumors induced by the mouse mammary tumor virus contain a provirus integrated in the sameregion of the host genome[J].Cell,1982,31(1):99-109[2]Rijsewijk F,Schuermann M,Wagenaar E,et al.The Drosophila homolog of the mouse mammary 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Research paperAnatomy and nomenclature of murine lymph nodes:Descriptive study and nomenclatory standardization in BALB/cAnNCrl miceWim Van den Broeck a,⁎,Annie Derore b,c ,Paul Simoens aaDepartment of Morphology,Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,Ghent University,Salisburylaan 133,B-9820Merelbeke,BelgiumbInnogenetics NV ,Industriepark Zwijnaarde 7,B-9052Ghent,BelgiumcFlanders Interuniversity Institute for Biotechnology (VIB),Technologiepark 927,B-9052Ghent,BelgiumReceived 21November 2005;received in revised form 10January 2006;accepted 26January 2006Available online 6March 2006AbstractMurine lymph nodes are intensively studied but often assigned incorrectly in scientific papers.In BALB/cAnNCrl mice,we characterized a total of 22different lymph nodes.Peripheral nodes were situated in the head and neck region (mandibular,accessory mandibular,superficial parotid,cranial deep cervical nodes),and at the forelimb (proper axillary,accessory axillary nodes)and hindlimb (subiliac,sciatic,popliteal nodes).Intrathoracic lymph nodes included the cranial mediastinal,tracheobronchal and caudal mediastinal nodes.Abdominal lymph nodes were associated with the gastrointestinal tract (gastric,pancreaticoduodenal,jejunal,colic,caudal mesenteric nodes)or were located along the major intra-abdominal blood vessels (renal,lumbar aortic,lateral iliac,medial iliac and external iliac nodes).Comparative and nomenclative aspects of murine lymph nodes are discussed.The position of the lymph nodes of BALB/cAnNCrl mice is summarized and illustrated in an anatomical chart containing proposals for both an official nomenclature according to the Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria and English terms.©2006Elsevier B.V .All rights reserved.Keywords:Mouse;Lymph node;Nomenclature1.IntroductionRodents,and mice in particular,have long been used as laboratory animals in various scientific experiments.The possibility to produce different murine strains and a variety of knock-out mice,the high reproductive rate of these animals,and the ease of their handling have made them the preferential laboratory animal.In immunolog-ical sciences,murine lymph nodes (lnn.)are often used to isolate lymphocytes in order to study fundamentalaspects of immunology and immunopathology.The methodology to recognize and dissect these lymph nodes requires at least a basic anatomical knowledge.In numerous studies,however,inaccurate,misleading or even enigmatic terms such as genital nodes (Cain and Rank,1995)or tonsillar nodes (Deaglio et al.,1996)have sometimes been assigned to murine lymph nodes.The ambiguity of murine lymph node (ln.)nomenclature is illustrated by the lymph node at the ear base of mice which has been variably designated by various terms such as parotid ln.(Cuq,1966;Grassé,1972;Popesko et al.,1992),lateral mandibular ln.(Cuq,1966),and facial ln.(Wolvers et al.,1999),while numerous recent studies refer to an allegedly auricular ln.(Anjuère et al.,1999;Dearman et al.,1996;Sailstad et al.,1995)or pre-Journal of Immunological Methods 312(2006)12–19/locate/jim⁎Corresponding author.Tel.:+3292747716;fax:+3292647790.E-mail (W.Van den Broeck).0022-1759/$-see front matter ©2006Elsevier B.V .All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.jim.2006.01.022auricular ln.(Hendrickx et al.,1992)in this region.Given this confusion,it becomes very difficult to reproduce the experimental reports or compare different scientific results.Nevertheless,the localization of the different lymph nodes with their respective names in mice has been thoroughly described in a number of anatomical publications (Barone et al.,1950;Cuq,1966;Kawashima et al.,1964),but these papers are seldom referred to.A sample bibliographic (Medline)search from 1989to 1999demonstrated that of 293randomly chosen papers in which the words “mouse lymph node(s)”are used,89citations (i.e.30%)used only vague terms such as “lymph node ”,“peripheral lymph node ”,“draining lymph node ”,“local lymph node ”,or “regional lymph node ”instead of the precise anatomical names.In the remaining 204publications,at least 42different specific names were given to the lymph nodes that were studied.Only 1article,however,contained some figures illustrating the anatomical position and identification of the lymph nodes in question (Wolvers et al.,1999).In contrast,in the remaining 203studies the exact scientific identification of the node was lacking:59of these investigations referred to previous publica-tions in which the nomenclature used was not based on asufficiently scientific anatomical support,while in the remaining 144articles no anatomical reference was given at all.In an attempt to rectify this situation,we first characterized the lymph nodes in BALB/cAnNCrl mice and then summarized our findings in an anatomical chart.2.Materials and methods 2.1.AnimalsSeventy female BALB/cAnNCrl mice (Iffa Credo N.V .,Brussels,Belgium)aged 8to 32weeks were housed in groups of 3to 6animals in conventional type II cages containing nesting material as environmental enrich-ment (Brain et al.,1994)along with water and food supply ad libitum.At the end of the experiments,all animals were euthanized by intraperitoneal (IP)injec-tion of 30μl T61(Hoechst Roussel Vet,Brussels,Belgium).All experimental studies described in this paper were approved by the Institutional Animal Welfare Committee of Innogenetics (September 15,1999).Table 1Protocols used for demonstrating murine lymph nodes Protocol Route of administrationSedation/anaesthesia Product Quantity (μl)Incubation (days)Number of animals I Intravenous (lateral caudal vein)–Ink+RAS a 200b 103II Subcutaneous,mental region –Ink+CFA c 60b 286III Subcutaneous,mental region –Ink+RAS 10b 214IV Subcutaneous,frontal region –Ink+CFA 60b 286V Subcutaneous,auricular base–Ink+RAS 10b 216VI Subcutaneous,palmar metacarpal region –Ink+CFA 40b 183426VII Subcutaneous,plantar metatarsal region –Ink+CFA 40b 183426VIII Intranasal instillation Sedation Ink+RAS 2×30b,d 10e 317e 3IX Intraperitoneal –Ink+tR f2000g 143X PeroralSedation Ink+RAS or CFA 500b 216XI Intrahepatic h Anaesthesia Ink+RAS 30b 216XIIIntralienal iAnaesthesiaInk+RAS50b216a RAS:Ribi Adjuvant System®,RIBI Immuno Chem Research,Inc.,Hamilton,USA.bEqual quantities ink/RAS or CFA.cCFA:Complete Freunds Adjuvant®,Difco Laboratories,Detroit,Michigan,USA.dTwo administrations of 30μl with 21-day interval.eDays after the last administration.ftR:Thioglycollate+Resazurin®,Sanofi Diagnostics Pasteur,Marnes-la-Coquette,France.g50μl ink+1950μl Thioglycollate +Resazurin®.hAfter anaesthesia,the abdominal wall was incised 5mm caudal to the xiphoid process under surgical conditions;after the injection of the solution into the left and right hepatic lobes,the abdominal incision was closed.iAfter anaesthesia,the left abdominal wall was incised under surgical conditions;after the injection of the solution into the spleen,the abdominal incision was closed.13W.Van den Broeck et al./Journal of Immunological Methods 312(2006)12–19Table 2List of lymph nodes observed in the present study of BALB/cAnNCrl mice #English name Official name Protocol Occurrencea Topography2Accessory mandibular ln.Ln.mandibularis accessorius I,II,IV ,V Constant (21/21)Dorsolateral to the mandibular lymph nodeSuperficial parotid ln.Ln.parotideus superficialisI,II,IV ,VConstant (21/21)Ventral to the external acoustic pore,caudal to the extraorbital lacrimal gland,cranioventral to the parotid salivary gland,dorsal to the junction between the superficial temporal vein (v.)and the maxillary v.4Cranial deep cervical ln.Ln.cervicalisprofundus cranialis I,II,IV ,VIConstant (24/24)Medial to the external jugular vein and sternocephalic muscle (m.),lateral to sternohyoid m.,caudal to digastric m.,dorsal to the trachea5Proper axillary ln.Ln.axillaris propriusI,VIConstant (12/12)Medial to the shoulder,dorsolateral to ascending pectoral m.,at the junction between the lateral thoracic vein and the axillary vein6Accessory axillary ln.Ln.axillaris accessorius I,VI Constant (12/12)Caudal to triceps brachii m.,lateral to cutaneous trunci m.,in subcutaneous adipose tissue7Subiliac ln.Ln.subiliacusI,VIIConstant (12/12)In the fold of the flank (plica lateralis)cranial to thigh musculature,near the deep circumflex iliac artery (a.)and v.8Sciatic ln.Ln.ischiadicus I,VIIConstant (12/12)Medial to gluteus superficialis m.,caudal to gluteus medius m.and sciatic nerve9Popliteal ln.Ln.popliteus I,VII Constant(12/12)In the popliteal fossa between biceps femoris m.and semitendinosus m.10Cranial mediastinal lnn.Lnn.mediastinales craniales I Constant(3/3)Bilaterally 2lymph nodes located lateral to the thoracic thymus and along the internal thoracic a.and v.11Tracheobronchal ln.Ln.tracheobronchalis VIII Constant(6/6)Single (unpaired)lymph node at the tracheal bifurcation 12Caudal mediastinal ln.Ln.mediastinalis caudalis I Constant(3/3)Single (unpaired)lymph node in the caudal mediastinum,ventral to the esophagus,along the ventral vagal trunk 13Gastric ln.Ln.gastricus I,IX,X,XI,XII Constant(24/24)Single (unpaired)lymph node in the lesser omentum at the minor curvature of the stomach14Pancreaticoduodenal ln.Ln.pancreaticoduodenalis I,IX,X,XI,XII Constant(24/24)Single (unpaired)lymph node in the mesoduodenum,dorsal to the portal vein,surrounded by pancreatic tissue 15Jejunal lnn.Lnn.jejunales I,IX,X,XI,XII Constant(24/24)Large cluster of lymph nodes in the mesojejunum along the cranial mesenteric a.16Colic ln.Ln.colicus I,IX,X,XI,XII Constant(24/24)In the mesocolon at the transition between ascending colon and transverse colon17Caudal mesenteric ln.Ln.mesentericus caudalis I,IX,X,XI,XII Constant(24/24)Single (unpaired)lymph node in the caudal mesentery at the origin of the caudal mesenteric a.18Renal ln.Ln.renalis I,VII,IX,X,XI,XII Constant(33/33)Dorsal to the ipsilateral kidney nearby the renal blood vessels,caudal to the adrenal gland19Lumbar aortic ln.Ln.lumbalis aorticus VII bInconstant(4/6bilateral,2/6only left)Lateral to (and adjacent with)the abdominal aorta,halfway between the origin of the renal and common iliac arteries20Lateral iliac ln.Ln.iliacus lateralis I Inconstant(2/3only right,1/3absent)In adipose tissue caudolateral to the kidney along the deep circumflex iliac a.21Medial iliac ln.Ln.iliacus medialis I,VII,IX,X Constant(21/21)Major bilateral lymph node at the terminal segment of the abdominal aorta and the origin of the common iliac a.22External iliac ln.Ln.iliacus externus I Constant(3/3)Small lymph node along the initial (intra-abdominal)segment of the external iliac a.,before the latter enters the femoral canalEnglish and official Latin names of each node are given together with their frequency and a short description of their topography.aF :number of animals in which lymph nodes were found,E :number of animals in which these particular lymph nodes were examined.bProtocol VII with 42incubation days.14W.Van den Broeck et al./Journal of Immunological Methods 312(2006)12–192.2.Stimulation of lymph nodesAs murine lymph nodes are hardly distinguishable from the surrounding fat and connective tissue(Cuq, 1966),they were stimulated and colored in vivo by an injection of Indian ink in combination with an adjuvant prior to euthanasia and subsequent dissection of the animals.Intravenous injections were performed in three mice to obtain a general overview(protocol I),whereas different additional stimulation protocols were used to demonstrate the presence of particular nodes in various body regions(protocols II–XII).In some protocols,a previous sedation of the mice by intramuscular injection of1μl/g body weight of a solution of200μl ketamine (Ketalar,Parke Davis,Dublin,Ireland)and30μl xylazine(Rompun2%,Bayer,Brussels,Belgium)was required.In a few cases,anaesthesia was induced by injecting the mice intraperitoneally with220μl of a solution containing200μl ketamine,100μl xylazine and 700μl physiological salt solution.The different protocol details are listed in Table1.The specific protocols that have been used to identify the particular nodes are listed in Table2.2.3.Histological examinationThe lymphoid architecture of the in vivo colored structures was verified by histological examination. Dissected lymph nodes were fixed in3.5%phosphate-buffered formaldehyde immediately after necropsy. Paraffin sections were made and stained with eosin–haematoxylin.3.ResultsBased on their topography,the murine lymph nodes were divided into peripheral(head and neck region, forelimb,hindlimb),intrathoracic,and intra-abdominal lymph nodes.A precise nomenclature based on the Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria(2005),equivalent English terms,and the topography of the lymph nodes are described in Table2.The anatomical position ofthe Fig.1.Peripheral lymph nodes in the mouse.(1a)Ventro-lateral view of the head and throat region with sublingual(a),mandibular(b)and parotid (c)salivary gland and the extraorbital lacrimal gland(d),(1b)ventral view of the axillary region,(1c)lateral view of the thorax and forelimb,(1d) dorsal view of the sacral region with the sciatic nerve(a),and(1e)ventral view of the spread hindlimbs;numbers(1–9)according to the description in Table2.15 W.Van den Broeck et al./Journal of Immunological Methods312(2006)12–19exposed lymph nodes is illustrated in 14photographs (Figs.1–3)and 2drawings (Fig.4).Nine peripheral lymph nodes are constant and bilaterally present,namely the mandibular,accessory mandibular,superficial parotid,and cranial deep cervical the head and neck regions,the axillary and accessory axillary the forelimb,and the subiliac,sciatic and popliteal the hindlimb region.Intrathoracic nodes are few in number and consist of the cranial mediastinal lnn.,tracheobronchal ln.and the caudal mediastinal ln.Intra-abdominal lymph nodes are either associated with the gastroin-testinal tract or lie along the major abdominal arteries.The former group consists of the gastric and pancrea-ticoduodenal ln.,the jejunal lnn.and colic ln.which together represent the cranial mesenteric lnn.,and the caudal mesenteric ln.The other intra-abdominal lymph nodes include the bilateral renal,medial iliac and external iliac ln.,as well as the inconstant lumbar aortic and lateral iliac ln.The latter lymph node was observed in 2out of 3mice that were stimulated by intravenous injection.Other lymph nodes such as the facial (Wolvers et al.,1999),auricular or pre-auricular (Anjuère et al.,1999;Dearman et al.,1996;Hendrickx et al.,1992;Sailstad et al.,1995),superficial cervical (Barone et al.,1950;Cuq,1966),caudal deep cervical (Barone et al.,1950),pulmonary (Teitelbaum et al.,1999),hepatic and lienal (Barone et al.,1950),(ileo)cecal (Barone et al.,1950;Cuq,1966),sacral (Popesko et al.,1992),and femoral (Björkdahl et al.,1999;Mishell et al.,1980)lymph nodes were not observed in any of the BALB/cAnNCrl mice that were examined in the present study.Furthermore,there was no evidence of the presence of a submental lymph node (Cook,1983;Jacoby and Fox,1984),but a number of subcutaneous submental lymph nodules were demonstrated just caudal to the inter-mandibular synchondrosis by histological examination.4.DiscussionWe sought to definitely localize lymph nodes in mice and to provide an up-to-date anatomical determination chart to identify the different nodes.Most oftheseFig.2.Intrathoracic and intra-abdominal lymph nodes in the mouse.(2a)Ventral view of the thoracic cavity with the right lung (a)and thymus (b),both turned over to the left side,(2b)ventral view of the thoracic cavity with oesophagus (a),heart (b)and thymus (c),(2c)ventral view of the abdominal cavity with stomach (a),liver (b)and spleen (c),(2d)exposed mesentery,and (2e)ventral view of the abdominal cavity with the left uterine horn (a)and the caudal mesenteric artery (b);numbers (10–17)according to the description in Table 2.16W.Van den Broeck et al./Journal of Immunological Methods 312(2006)12–19lymph nodes have already been described in anatomical papers (Barone et al.,1950;Cuq,1966;Kawashima et al.,1964),but bibliometric analysis indicates that contemporary investigators are often not familiar with these publications.As a consequence,the nomenclature of murine lymph nodes used in recent literature lacks uniformity and is sometimes inadequate or even incorrect.By using different conventional in vivo staining techniques,22lymph nodes could be demonstrated in BALB/cAnNCrl mice.They were named by analogy to the terms listed in Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria (2005).This terminology is based on precise nomen-clatory principles leading to short and simple terms with instructive and descriptive value.Several lymph nodes that were observed in BALB/cAnNCrl mice could be identified because of their comparative and topographic similarities with analogous lymph nodes in domestic carnivores,pigs,and herbivores,and they were named accordingly.However mice lack several lymph nodes that are present in other mammals,such as the deep parotid or proper lumbar lymph nodes.Despite the absence of these complementary structures in mice,the terms superficial parotid and lumbar aortic lymph nodes were retained because the pertaining adjectives have useful descriptive value.This was also the case for the term cranial deep cervical lymph node,although the superficial cervical and caudal deep cervical lymph nodes were not observed in BALB/cAnNCrl mice.No additional topographic adjective was used for the single tracheobronchal lymph node because a precise homol-ogy with either the right,left,or middle tracheobronchal lymph node of domestic animals could not be ascertained in the present study or by data from the literature (Cuq,1966;Kawashima et al.,1964).A number of lymph nodes that has been described in murine species by other authors were not found in the present study.The facial lymph node as mentioned by Wolvers et al.(1999),and the auricular (Anjuère et al.,1999;Dearman et al.,1996;Sailstad et al.,1995)and pre-auricular lymph node (Hendrickx et al.,1992)probably correspond with the superficial parotid ln.described in our study.The submental ln.,illustrated as bilateral lymph nodes in two papers (Cook,1983;Jacoby and Fox,1984),were not observed as nodes as such,but subcutaneous median lymph noduleswereFig.3.Intra-abdominal lymph nodes in the mouse (ventral view).(3a,3b,3c,3d)Ventral views of the abdominal cavity with the right kidney (a)(turned over to the left side in 3a),the right adrenal gland (b),the descending colon (c)(displaced in 3c)and the deep circumflex iliac artery (d);numbers (7,17–22)according to the description in Table 2.17W.Van den Broeck et al./Journal of Immunological Methods 312(2006)12–19present just caudal to the intermandibular synchondro-sis.Furthermore,there was no evidence of the caudal deep cervical ln.which has been described ventral to the trachea and dorsal to the sternum at the level of the first two ribs (Barone et al.,1950).Similarly,the existence of the superficial cervical ln.which has inconstantly be seen medial to the cervical part of the trapezius muscle and cranial to the supraspinatus muscle (Barone et al.,1950;Cuq,1966),and the presence of the femoral ln.which has been described in the inguinal region (Björkdahl et al.,1999;Mishell et al.,1980)could not be demonstrated.An intrathoracic pulmonary lymph node (Teitelbaum et al.,1999)was also absent in all mice examined in the present study.The (ileo)cecal lnn.,described in the ileocecal mesentery as accessory nodes (Barone et al.,1950;Cuq,1966),were not observed inour study,whereas the sacral ln.which has been illustrated by Popesko et al.(1992)most likely refers to the caudal mesenteric defined by Kawashima et al.(1964).Despite the minute dissections and the use of specific intrahepatic and intralienal stimulation techni-ques,our study failed to demonstrate the existence of hepatic and lienal lymph nodes in BALB/cAnNCrl mice.The presence of these nodes in mice has been discussed by Barone et al.(1950).According to these authors,murine lienal nodes are absent,which corre-sponds with the present findings in BALB/cAnNCrl mice.On the other hand,they observed a (retro)hepatic or portal lymph node which could hardly be discerned from the lymph nodes adjacent to the stomach and the pancreas.This lymph node corresponds most likely with the pancreaticoduodenal lymph node described in the present study.A novel finding in our study was the presence of a small and inconstant lateral iliac lymph node in BALB/cAnNCrl mice.The presence and lymphoid nature of the latter lymph node were verified by histological examination.It is not unlikely that this structure,along with other lymph nodes,might also be demonstrated in other murine species and breeds.To date,no precise nor conclusive data are available concerning the presence of hemal lymph nodes in mice.The exact function of these nodes,which are very obvious in some domestic animal species such as oxen and sheep,has still to be elucidated,but probably they perform a spleen-like function,as suggested by their morphology (Bassan et al.,1999).In the present study,the presence of hemal lymph nodes could not be demonstrated neither by macroscopic nor by micro-scopic examination in any of the stimulated or unstimulated regions in BALB/cAnNCrl mice.In 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Separation, structure characterization, conformation and immunomodulating effect of a hyperbranched

Separation, structure characterization, conformation and immunomodulating effect of a hyperbranched

Carbohydrate Polymers 87 (2012) 667–675Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirectCarbohydratePolymersj o u r n a l h o m e p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /c a r b p olSeparation,structure characterization,conformation and immunomodulating effect of a hyperbranched heteroglycan from Radix AstragaliJun-Yi Yin a ,b ,1,Ben Chung-Lap Chan a ,1,Hua Yu a ,Iris Yuen-Kam Lau a ,Xiao-Qiang Han a ,Sau-Wan Cheng a ,Chun-Kwok Wong a ,d ,Clara Bik-San Lau a ,Ming-Yong Xie b ,∗∗,Kwok-Pui Fung a ,Ping-Chung Leung a ,Quan-Bin Han a ,c ,∗aState Key Laboratory of Phytochemistry and Plant Resources in West China (CUHK),Institute of Chinese Medicine,The Chinese University of Hong Kong,Shatin,NT,Hong Kong,China bState Key Laboratory of Food Science and Technology,Nanchang University,Nanchang 330047,China cSchool of Chinese Medicine,Hong Kong Baptist University,Hong Kong,China dDepartment of Chemical Pathology,The Chinese University of Hong Kong,Prince of Wales Hospital,Shatin,NT,Hong Kong,Chinaa r t i c l ei n f oArticle history:Received 30June 2011Received in revised form 3August 2011Accepted 17August 2011Available online 24 August 2011Keywords:Radix Astragali PolysaccharideStructure character Morphology featureImmunomodulating effecta b s t r a c tA water soluble polysaccharide (RAP)was isolated and purified from Radix Astragali and its structure was elucidated by monosaccharide composition,partial acid hydrolysis and methylation analysis,and further supported by FT-IR,GC–MS and 1H and 13C NMR spectra,SEM and AFM microscopy.Its aver-age molecular weight was 1334kDa.It was composed of Rha,Ara,Glc,Gal and GalA in a molar ratio of 0.03:1.00:0.27:0.36:0.30.The backbone consisted of 1,2,4-linked Rha p ,␣-1,4-linked Glc p ,␣-1,4-linked GalA p 6Me,␤-1,3,6-linked Gal p ,with branched at O -4of the 1,2,4-linked Rha p and O -3or O -4of ␤-1,3,6-linked Gal p .The side chains mainly consisted of ␣-T-Ara f and ␣-1,5-linked Ara f with O -3as branching points,having trace Glc and Gal.The terminal residues were T-linked Ara f ,T-linked Glc p and T-linked Gal p .Morphology analysis showed that RAP took random coil feature.RAP exhibited significant immunomodu-lating effects by stimulating the proliferation of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells and enhancing its interleukin production.© 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.1.IntroductionRadix Astragali (Astragalus )is the dried root of Astragalus membranaceus (Fisch.)Bunge and Astragalus mongholicus Bunge (Fabaceae).It has been used in the treatment of various renal dis-eases in Traditional Chinese Medicine for over 2000years.Modern researches showed that Radix Astragali possesses a variety of activ-ities,including immunomodulating (Bedir,Pugh,Calis,Pasco,&Khan,2000),anti-hyperglycemic (Chan,Lam,Leung,Che,&Fung,2009),anti-inflammation (Choi et al.,2007),anti-oxidation (Yu,Bao,Wei,&An,2005),antiviral activities (Zhu et al.,2009),etc.Besides saponins and isoflavonoids,polysaccharides are believed as the principle active constituents of Radix Astragali (Chu,Qi,Li,Gao,&Li,2010),which could activate the proliferation and cytokine production of mouse B cells and macrophages (Shao et al.,2004),and showed immunomodulating effects on Peyer’s patch∗Corresponding author.Tel.:+852********.∗∗Corresponding author.Tel.:+8679183969009.E-mail addresses:myxie@ (M.-Y.Xie), (Q.-B.Han).1Equal contribution.immunocompetent cells (Kiyohara et al.,2010).The crude polysac-charide could stimulate macrophages to express iNOS gene through the activation of NF-␬B/Rel (Lee &Jeon,2005).It could also amelio-rate the digestive and absorptive function and regulate amino acid metabolism to beneficially increase the entry of dietary amino acid into the systemic circulation (Yin et al.,2009).An acid polysaccha-ride from Radix Astragali showed significant reticuloendothelial system-potentiating activity (Shimizu,Tomoda,Kanari,&Gonda,1991).Scientists made efforts in the structure characterization of the polysaccharides isolated from Radix Astragali (Kiyohara et al.,2010;Shao et al.,2004;Wang,Shan,Wang,&Hu,2006)and only sev-eral glucans (Fang &Wagner,1988;Li &Zhang,2009)were well characterized.As for heteroglycans,nothing but monosaccharide composition and molecular weight was reported (Yan et al.,2010;Zhang et al.,2011).Therefore,their structures deserve further study.Herein we report the isolation and purification of a water-soluble hyperbranched heteroglycan (coded RAP)from Radix Astragali.Its structure was characterized by a combination of chem-ical and instrumental analysis of monosaccharide compositions,methylation,partial acid hydrolysis,FT-IR,ESI-MS,GC–MS and0144-8617/$–see front matter © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.carbpol.2011.08.045668J.-Y.Yin et al./Carbohydrate Polymers87 (2012) 667–675NMR.Its morphology feature was further analyzed by scanning electron microscopy(SEM)and atomic force microscopy(AFM). RAP exhibited immunomodulating effects on human peripheral blood mononuclear cells.2.Materials and methods2.1.MaterialThe roots of A.membranaceus were purchased from herbal store in Hong Kong and identified by Dr.Chun-Feng Qiao.The voucher specimens are deposited at the Institute of Chinese Medicine,the Chinese University of Hong Kong,with voucher specimen number 2010-3268.Hiload26/60Superdex-200prep grad was purchased from Pharmacia Co.(Uppsala,Sweden).The dextran standards(T-2000,T-270,T-80,T-50,T-25and T-12with molecular masses of2,000,000,270,000,80,000,50,000and12,000respectively) and monosaccharide standards of d-mannose(Man),l-rhamnose (Rha),d-galactose(Gal),d-arabinose(Ara),and d-glucose(Glc) were obtained from Merck Co.(Darmstadt,Germany).Ultra-pure water was produced by a Milli-Q water purification system(Milli-pore,Bedford,MA,USA).Lipopolysaccharide(LPS)was purchased from Sigma(St.Louis,USA).All chemical reagents were of analytical grade.2.2.Extraction and purification of polysaccharideThe air-dried Radix Astragali(100g)was cut into pieces and extracted twice with boiling water(2×1.2L)for1h.The solution wasfiltered and concentrated under reduced pressure.The solu-tion was precipitated with four volumes of absolute ethanol for 12h.The precipitate was resolved again in water and deproteined using Sevag method(Staub,1965)forfive times.Then the solution was dialyzed against distilled water for72h.Finally,the retentate was lyophilized with Virtis Freeze Dryer(The VirTis Company,New York,USA)to yield crude polysaccharide(RACP,1.67g).RACP was dissolved in distilled water(4mg/mL),filtered through a0.45␮m membrane and separated by the Buchi Puri-fier system(BUCHI Labortechnik AG,Switzerland)coupled with a Hiload26/60Superdex-200(2.6cm×60cm)column,eluted with water at aflow rate of2mL/min.Fractions were collected every 3min and checked using phenol-sulfuric acid under UV detection at490nm.Gel permeation chromatography(GPC)was used to test the homogeneity of the purified polysaccharide.Total carbohydrate was determined using the phenol-sulfuric acid colorimetric method(Dubois,Gilles,Hamilton,Rebers,& Smith,1956).Uronic acid contents were determined accord-ing to Blumenkrantz and Asboe-Hansen’s method(Blumenkr& Asboehan,1973).Protein was estimated by photometric assay using bovine serum albumin as the standard(Bradford,1976). Specific rotation was recorded with a Perkin-Elmer241M digital polarimeter.2.3.Homogeneity and molecular weightThe homogeneity and molecular weight of the purified polysac-charide was determined by GPC.It was analyzed on a Waters UPLC system(Waters,Milford,MA)equipped with a Waters Ultrahydrogel TM1000column(7.8mm×300mm),a Waters ELS Detector,controlled with a Binary Solvent Manager system.The ELS Detector conditions were as follows:drift tube temperature (75◦C),nebulizer temperature(48◦C),gain(300◦C),gas pressure (45Psi).Dextran standards with different molecular weight were used to calibrate the column and establish a standard curve.2.4.Monosaccharide composition analysisRAP was hydrolyzed with2M trifluoroacetic acid(TFA)at120◦C for2h in a sealed test tube.The acid was removed under reduced pressure by repeated evaporation with methanol,and then the hydrolysate was converted into alditol acetates(Chen,Xie,Nie,Li,& Wang,2008;Jones&Albersheim,1972).Shimadzu GC/MS-QP2010 equipment(Nishinokyo Kuwabaracho,Kyoto,Japan)was used for the identification and quantification of monosaccharides.2.5.Methylation and GC–MS analysis2.5.1.Reduction of polysaccharideThe reduction of the uronic acid was conducted following a pro-cedure as described in the literature(Taylor&Conrad,1972)with slight modifications.RAP(20mg)was added into water and treated with1-cyclohexyl-3-(2-morpholinoethyl)-carbodimide methyl-p-toluenesulfonate(CMC)forfive times,until the reduction of uronic acid completed.The polysaccharide after reduction(RAP-R)was subjected to monosaccharide composition and methylation analy-sis.2.5.2.Methylation and GC–MS analysisMethylation analysis of polysaccharide(RAP and RAP-R)was conducted according to the reported methods(Ciucanu&Kerek, 1984;Guo,Cui,Wang,&Christopher Young,2008)with some mod-ifications.The dried polysaccharide was dissolved in anhydrous dimethyl sulphoxide.Dry sodium hydroxide(30mg)was added, and the mixture was stirred for3h at room temperature.Methyl iodide was added into the mixture.The reaction was stopped by adding water.The methylated polysaccharides were then extracted with chloroform followed by washing with distilled water for three times.They were acetylated with acetic anhydride to obtain par-tially methylated alditol acetates(PMAA).GC/MS analysis of PMAA was performed on a DB-5ms capillary column(0.25␮m×0.25␮m×30m)using a temperature program-ming of140◦C(3min)to250◦C(40min)at2◦C/min.Helium was used as the carrier gas.The components were identified by a combi-nation of the main fragments in their mass spectra and relative GC retention times,comparing with the literature(Wang,He,&Huang, 2007).2.6.Partial acid hydrolysisRAP(50.5mg)was treated with0.05M TFA(10mL)at100◦C for1h.The product was concentrated by evaporation of TFA with methanol,and then dialyzed against distilled water(5×500mL, molecular weight3500Da cut off).The solution outside of the dial-ysis bag(RAP-P-L)was collected for monosaccharide analysis and ESI-MS.The solution in the dialysis bag(RAP-P-H)was concen-trated and lyophilized.RAP-P-H’s homogeneity was confirmed by GPC.It was further applied to monosaccharide compositions and methylation analysis.2.7.FT-IR analysisInfrared spectra were recorded with a Thermo Nicolet5700 infrared spectrometer(Madison,WI,USA),using KBr disks method.2.8.NMR spectroscopyRAP was treated with deuterium by lyophilizing with D2O for three times.The deuterium-exchanged RAP(25mg)was put in a5-mm NMR tube and dissolved in0.5mL of99.9%D2O.NMR-spectra were recorded with a Brucker AM-600NMR(Karlsrhue,Germany).J.-Y.Yin et al./Carbohydrate Polymers87 (2012) 667–6756692.9.Molecular morphology analysisPolysaccharide powder was placed on the sample stage,and coated with a thin layer of gold in a MODEL IB-3ion coater(Eiko Corp.,Mito City,Japan).Then it was examined in a QUANTA200F scanning electron microscope(FEI Company,Holland).The sample was viewed at an accelerating voltage of30kV.The atomic force microscopy in this study was manufactured by Shanghai AJ Nano-Science Development Limited(Shanghai,China) and operated in the tapping mode.RAP was diluted to thefinal concentration of5␮g/mL in distilled water.5␮L of solutions was dropped onto freshly cleaved mica and allowed to stand in air before imaging.The quoted spring constant was between5.5and 25N m−1.2.10.Immunomodulatory activities of RAP on human peripheral blood mononuclear cells(PBMC)Immunomodulatory activities of RAP were determined by the capacity of the compounds to influence the cytokine production by human PBMC.PBMCs were obtained from the buffy coat collected from Hong Kong Red Cross by density gradient separation.Buffy coat was diluted1:1with phosphate buffer saline(PBS)and this was overlaid on Ficoll Paque Plus(Amersham Biosciences).Cells were washed with PRMI and plated in96-well plates at105cells/well. Serial dilutions of RAP from10to10,000ng/mL were added to the wells.The plates were maintained in a37◦C incubator for24h. The immunomodulatory effects on PBMC of RAP were compared with a well known mitogen lipopolysaccharide(LPS)from Gram negative bacteria.The cell free supernatants were then assayed for GM-CSF(granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor), IFN(interferon)-␥,IL(interleukin)-1␤,IL-2,IL-4,IL-10IL-12and TNF(tumor necrosis factor)-␣production by commercially avail-able human cytokine ELISA kits(BD OptEIA,USA)according to the manufacturer instruction with detection limits ranged from3.1to 7.8pg/mL.3.Results and discussion3.1.Isolation and purification of RAPRAP was purified from the crude polysaccharide RACP through a Hiload26/60Superdex-200column.It presented a single and symmetrical peak in GPC(gel-permeation chromatography)exam-ination on an Ultrahydrogel TM1000column(Fig.1).The average molecular weight was1334kDa with reference to Dextran T-series standard samples of known molecular weight.The total sugar con-tent was determined to be76.5%using the phenol-sulfuric acid method.It had a high specific rotation of[␣]D20+125.8(0.54,H2O) and weak UV absorption at280nm which was consistent with its low protein content(only0.72%).The uronic acid content was56.7% using colorimetric method.3.2.Monosaccharide compositions analysisAfter complete hydrolysis of RAP by2M TFA,its monosaccha-ride composition was determined using GC–MS.As demonstrated in Table1,RAP contained Rha,Ara,Glc and Gal.Reduction of RAP with CMC-NaBH4gave the carboxyl-reduced derivative RAP-R and further analysis of RAP and RAP-R both indicated the presence of GalA.The molar ratio of Rha,Ara,Glc,Gal and GalA of RAP was 0.03:1.00:0.27:0.36:0.30,in which the ration of GalA was calculated by the increase of Gal content in RAP-R.Table1Monosaccharide composition of RAP,RAP-R(RAP after reduction),RAP-P-H,RAP-P-L,and RAP-P-L-NH.RAP,after partially hydrolysis followed by dialysis,gave two parts:RAP-P-H(the part in the dialysis bag)and RAP-P-L(the part outside of the dialysis bag).RAP-P-L-NH meant direct examination on the monosac-charides in RAP-P-L before complete hydrolysis.The results were obtained ona Shimadzu GC/MS-QP2010series coupled with a DB-5ms capillary column(0.25␮m×0.25␮m×30m).Samples Mw(kDa)Monosaccharide composition(molar,%)Rha Ara Glc GalRAP13340.03(1.8) 1.00(60.2)0.27(16.3)0.36(21.7) RAP-R n.d.0.01(0.6) 1.00(55.6)0.13(7.2)0.66(36.7) RAP-P-H12150.28(5.4) 1.00(19.2) 1.84(35.3) 2.00(38.4) RAP-P-L n.d.n.d. 1.00(89.3)0.10(8.9)0.02(1.8) RAP-P-L-NH n.d.n.d. 1.00(100.0)n.d.n.d.n.d.not determined.3.3.Methylation analysisRAP and RAP-R were methylated and analyzed by GC–MS in order to elucidate the linkages(Table2).Compared with GalA’s content given in monosaccharide composition analysis,the carboxyl-reduced RAP-R showed a significant increase of1,4-linked Gal p,suggesting the GalA in RAP was1,4-linked.Similarly,it could be suggested that RAP was mainly composed of T-linked Ara f,1,5-linked Ara f,1,4-linked Glc p,1,4-linked GalA p,1,3-linked Glc p and 1,3,6-linked Gal p.The terminals consisted of Ara f(20.6%),Glc p (2.0%)and Gal p(5.2%),indicating RAP was significantly branched and the side chains were terminated by the Ara residues.The ratio of T-,1,5-and1,3,5-linked Ara f(50.9:41.7:7.4)sug-gested that the Ara side chains contained a central core of1,5-linked Ara f residues.The high proportion of T-linked Ara f residues sug-gested that some terminal Ara residues existed in the Ara side chains,and others were attached to the highly branched Gal side chains or connected to the back bone directly(Ros,Schols,& Voragen,1996;Sun,Cui,Tang,&Gu,2010).The proportion of terminal,1,4-,1,3-,1,6-,1,2,4-,1,4,6-and 1,3,6-linked Gal p was9.3:8.7:16.1:8.1:5.0:11.1:41.6.The low pro-portion of terminal residues of Gal(9.3%)indicated that a part of the Gal side chains were terminated by the Ara residues.The Rha residues were exclusively1,2,4-linked.Glc residues were mainly terminal,1,4-linked units,with a small amount of1,3,4-linkedTable2GC–MS analysis for methylation of RAP,RAP-R and RAP-P-H on a DB-5ms capillary column(0.25␮m×0.25␮m×30m).PMAA a Molar ratios b Linkages cRAP RAP-R RAP-P-H2,3,5-Me3-Ara13.420.6 4.2T-2,3-Me2-Ara10.919.89.01,5-2-Me-Ara 2.0 4.3–1,3,5-3-Me-Rha 3.9 5.8 3.91,2,4-2,3,4,6-Me4-Glc 4.4 2.0 4.2T-2,3,6-Me3-Glc24.315.330.11,4-2,6-Me2-Glc 1.9 1.7 3.91,3,4-2,3,4,6-Me4-Gal 3.6 5.27.5T-2,3,6-Me3-Gal 3.414.4 3.31,4-2,4,6-Me3-Gal 6.3 2.014.21,3-2,3,4-Me3-Gal 3.2 1.8 6.91,6-3,6-Me2-Gal 1.90.8–1,2,4-2,3-Me2-Gal 4.4 2.1 5.11,4,6-2,4-Me2-Gal16.3 4.17.51,3,6-–,not determined.a The sugar type was confirmed both with the literature and mass spectrum anal-ysis.b Molar ratios were given as percentage of total ion count(TIC).c The pyranosyl or furanosyl forms of glycosyl residues was confirmed with13C NMR.670J.-Y.Yin et al./Carbohydrate Polymers87 (2012) 667–675Fig.1.GPC chromatogram of RAP on an Ultrahydrogel TM1000column(7.8mm×300mm),mobile phase:water,at aflow rate of0.3mL/min,the ELS Detector conditions were:drift tube temperature(75◦C),nebulizer temperature(48◦C),gain(300◦C),gas pressure(45Psi).Fig.2.The IR spectra of RAP(A)and RAP-P-H(B,partially hydrolyzed RAP),recorded in KBr tablet at the absorbance mode from4000to400cm−1(mid infrared region)at a resolution of4cm−1.J.-Y.Yin et al./Carbohydrate Polymers87 (2012) 667–675671Fig.3.The1H NMR(600.1MHz)spectrum of RAP that was measured in a5-mm NMR tube with0.5mL of99.9%D2O.(A)At27◦C;(B)at50◦C.Fig.4.The13C NMR(151.0MHz)spectra of RAP(A)and RAP-P-H(B,partially hydrolyzed RAP)that were measured in a5-mm NMR tube with0.5mL of99.9%D2O.672J.-Y.Yin et al./Carbohydrate Polymers 87 (2012) 667–675Fig.5.SEM images of RAP at 1000×(A)and 3000×(B).The molecular morphology of RAP was first coated with a thin layer of gold,then observed using SEM at an accelerating voltage of 30kV.units.RAP contained two types of intra-chain linkages for galac-tose,a 1,4-linked that is common in type I arabinogalactan,and a 1,3,6-linked in type II arabinogalactan,suggesting that RAP contain different types of Gal branches.3.4.Partial acid analysisPartial degradation of polysaccharide by acid hydrolysis is based on the fact that some glycosidic linkages are tolerable to acid.To determine more structural features,RAP (50.5mg)was partially hydrolyzed with 0.1M TFA to give two parts,RAP-P-H (in the dialysis bag)and RAP-P-L (outside of the dialysis bag).Direct exam-ination on the monosaccharides in RAP-P-L found only Ara,while after complete hydrolysis it gave a small amount of Glc (9.0%)and Gal (2.1%)in addition to Ara (88.8%)(Table 1).It was suggested that RAP probably contained terminal residues of Ara in the branch areas.There was no GalA found in RAP-P-L in HPLC examination (Honda et al.,1989),which confirmed that GalA was located intheFig.6.AFM image of RAP.RAP was dissolved in distilled water at the concentration of 5␮g/mL.5␮L of solution was dropped onto freshly cleaved mica and allowed to stand in air before imaging.backbone of RAP.These results suggested that GalA and Rha existed in the backbone and the neutral sugars were located in the side chains.ESI-MS of RAP-P-L presented sodium cationized pseu-domolecular ions at m /z 1159.9[Ara 6(Glc/Gal)2+Na]+,997.3[Ara 6(Glc/Gal)+Na]+,702.0[Ara 5+Na]+,569.1[Ara 4+Na]+,407.1[Ara 3+Na]+and 305.1[Ara 2+Na]+.RAP-P-L seemed a mixture of monosaccharide (terminal Ara residues)and oligosaccharide (containing [Ara-Ara]linkages).The degraded polysaccharide RAP-P-H (30mg)was mainly com-posed of Gal and Glc,with small amounts of Rha and Ara (Table 1).Its average molecular weight was 1215kDa.The methylation analy-sis (Table 2)showed that the removal of most Ara f residues resulted in an increase of the ratio of 1,6-linked Gal p and significant increase for 1,3-linked Gal p .Therefore it could be deduced that Ara residues were attached to 1,6-linked and mainly 1,3-linked Gal residues.RAP-P-H gave no 1,3,5-linked Ara f ,suggesting that 1,3,5-linked Ara f should be in the branch.A great amount of 1,4-linked Glc p residues still detected in RAP-P-H indicated that 1,4-linked Glc p residues were located in the backbone of RAP.3.5.FT-IR spectra analysisThe IR spectrum of RAP (Fig.2A)showed a strong band at 3404cm −1which was attributed to the hydroxyl stretching vibra-tion of the polysaccharide.The band at 2935cm −1was due to C–H stretching vibration.Bands at 1743and 1618cm −1indicated the ester carbonyl (COOR)groups and carboxylated ion groups (COO −)(Gnanasambandam &Proctor,2000).The FT-IR spectrum of RAP showed a strong absorbance at 1021,1100and 1142cm −1attributed to the stretching vibrations of ␣-pyranose ring of the glucosyl residue.Moreover,the characteristic absorptions at 830and 916cm −1indicated that both ␣-and ␤-configurations existed.These observations confirmed that the RAP was a polysaccharide containing uronic acid.The IR spectrum of RAP-P-H (Fig.2B)showed the same charac-teristic absorption with RAP which indicated RAP-P-H retained the backbone of RAP.3.6.NMR analysisSignals in the 1H and 13C NMR spectra of RAP were assigned as much as possible,according to monosaccharide compositions analysis,methylation results and literature values (Bock,Pedersen,&Pedersen,1984;Chandra,Ghosh,Ojha,&Islam,2009;Polle,J.-Y.Yin et al./Carbohydrate Polymers87 (2012) 667–675673Fig.7.Cytokines production(GM-CSF,IFN-␥,IL-1␤,IL-2,IL-4,IL-10IL-12and TNF-␣)of human blood mononuclear cells(PBMC)with the addition of RAP or LPS from2to 10,000ng/mL.Each bar represents the mean±SEM of duplicates(n=7).Ovodova,Shashkov,&Ovodov,2002;Sun et al.,2010;Xu,Dong, Qiu,Cong,&Ding,2010).The1H NMR spectrum(Fig.3A)showed signals in the anomeric region.Due to the existence of H2O in the sample or HDO from D2O,there was large signal atı4.815ppm which disturbed the analysis of RAP.Therefore,another1H NMR spectrum was obtained at50◦C(Fig.3B).From methylation analysis,1,4-linked Glc p was the main resides in RAP.So the signal atı5.096ppm was assigned to␣-1,4-linked Glc p.The signal atı 5.254ppm was assigned to␣-1,5-linked Ara f,and the signal atı5.162ppm was originated from␣-1,3,5-linked Ara f.The signal atı4.968ppm was assigned to␣-1,4-linked GalA p6Me,which meant some of1,4-linked GalA p was present as methyl ester.The signal atı4.922could be assigned to␣-1,4-linked GalA p.The signals atı4.693and4.653ppm were assigned to␤-1,3,6-linked Gal p.The signal atı4.469ppm was assigned to␤-1,3-linked Gal p and corresponded with␤-1,3-linked Gal p anomeric carbon resonance atı104.43ppm in the HSQC.The proton signals nearbyı2.083,2.131and2.186ppm could be assigned from the–CH3of the O-acetyl groups.It suggested that RAP contained kinds of O-acetyl groups at the different positions of the sugar residues or different chemical environments.Signal atı1.260ppm was identified to be H-6from methyl group of the Rha residues.The overlapped signals in the range ofı3.355–4.410ppm were assigned to protons H-2to H-5(or H-6)of the glycosidic ring.The anomeric signals in the13C NMR spectrum of RAP (Fig.4A)were assigned partly according to correlations in the HSQC spectrum.The signal atı108.66ppm correlated to H-1 (ı108.66/5.096ppm)of T-Ara f.The signal atı110.48ppm cou-pled to H-1(ı110.48/5.254ppm)of1,5-linked Ara f.The signal atı108.13ppm corresponded to1,3,5-linked Ara f,which was confirmed by its absence in the13C NMR spectrum of RAP-P-H (Fig.4B).The low-field chemical shifts indicated the Ara residues were in furnanose form and adopted␣-anomeric configuration(Xu et al.,2010).Methylation analysis results showed that1,3-linked674J.-Y.Yin et al./Carbohydrate Polymers87 (2012) 667–675Gal p residues increased significantly after partial acid hydrolysis of pared with the13C NMR of RAP,signal atı104.43ppm became much stronger in RAP-P-H.So the signal atı104.43ppm (ı104.43/4.469ppm from HSQC)was assigned to1,3-linked Gal p. The signal atı101.37ppm was assigned to C-1of1,4-linked GalA p. The signals atı101.60and100.18ppm were assigned to C-1 of1,3,6-linked Gal p and␣-1,4-linked GalA p6Me.And the signal atı100.61ppm was assigned to C-1of1,4-linked Glc p.The sig-nal atı62.36ppm was assigned to C-5of a terminal Ara,while the stronger signal atı61.68ppm was attributed to the C-6of 1,4-linked Glc p.The signal atı18.06ppm could be assigned to the methyl carbon of Rha.The signal atı54.15ppm could be assigned to methyl ester groups of RAP.The presence of methyl esterified GalA p was also supported by the signals atı54.15/3.814ppm in HSQC spectrum (Bushneva,Ovodova,Shashkov,&Ovodov,2002).In the lowfield, typical signals for the C-6carboxyl group of GalA were observed at ı176.33and172.06ppm,which confirmed the presence of free and esterified carboxyl groups of GalA.RAP and RAP-R after hydrolysis were acetylated,and no methylated monosaccharide was detected by GC–MS(Samuelsen et al.,1999).It was confirmed that the1,4-linked GalAp was present as1,4-linked GalAp6Me.3.7.Molecular morphology of RAPIts molecular morphology was further investigated by scanning electron microscopy(SEM)and atomic force microscopy(AFM).The SEM micrograph of RAP was shown in Fig.5.RAP appeared as loose flaky and curly aggregation.The observed irregular microstructure demonstrated that RAP was a type of amorphous solid.The molecular morphology of RAP was further investigated by single molecular AFM.The topographical image was shown in Fig.6. The results showed that there were many spherical lumps within the height of3–70nm while the height of a single polysaccharide chain is generally0.1–1nm,which suggested molecular aggrega-tion happened somehow.There might be a repulsive force between the polysaccharide and the mica causing aggregation(Chen et al., 2009)because both RAP and the mica a type of aluminum sili-cate were negative.The side chains might be another reason for the aggregation(Sletmoen,Maurstad,Sikorski,Paulsen,&Stokke, 2003).3.8.Immunomodulatory activities on human peripheral blood mononuclear cells(PBMC)RAP has been investigated for its in vitro effect on the cytokine profile(GM-CSF,IFN-␥,IL-1␤,IL-2,IL-4,IL-10,IL-12and TNF-␣) of unstimulated human PBMC compared with LPS.No significant productions of cytokines were detected in drug free negative con-trol.When RAP was added to RPMI for24h incubations,potent stimulatory effects on the production of two pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1␤and TNF-␣from PBMC were observed from200to 10,000ng/mL(Fig.7).These cytokines are important in mediating the immune response against bacterial infections.Dose dependent stimulation of IL-10,IL-12and GM-CSF productions from PBMC were also observed with RAP addition but the stimulatory activ-ities was not weaker than LPS.The source of these5cytokines is mainly from monocytes and these results suggested that RAP is an activator of monocytes and further studies are required to inves-tigate its mechanism of action such as the involvement of toll like receptors.For T cell producing cytokines(IL-2,IL-4and IFN-␥),RAP did not produce any significant effects on PBMC(Fig.7).4.ConclusionA water soluble polysaccharide(RAP),with the average molec-ular weight1334kDa,was isolated from Radix Astragali.It was composed of Rha,Ara,Glc,Gal and GalA in a molar ratio of 0.03:1.00:0.27:0.36:0.30.The structure was characterized by par-tial acid hydrolysis,methylation analysis,FT-IR,GC–MS and1H and13C NMR analysis.The backbone of RAP mainly consisted of 1,2,4-linked Rha p,␣-1,4-linked Glc p,␣-1,4-linked GalA p6Me,␤-1,3,6-linked Gal p.It had branches at O-4of the1,2,4-linked Rha p and O-3or O-6of␤-1,3,6-linked Gal p.The side chains mainly consisted of␣-T-Ara f and␣-1,5-linked Ara f possessing O-3as branching points,with trace Glc and Gal.The terminal residues were T-linked Ara f,T-linked Glc p and T-linked Gal p.Morphol-ogy analysis using SEM and AFM showed that RAP took random coil feature.This hyperbranched heteroglycan exhibited significant immunomodulating effects by stimulating the cytokines produc-tion mainly from monocytes in a dose dependent manner. 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FISH PCR 原位杂交 基因测序 分子病理学技术的应用 诊断与鉴别诊断 肿瘤预后判断 药物的筛选 …….
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各学科相互融合成为当今发展的主流 现代病理学技术是多学科相互融合的结果 病理诊断,肿瘤预后判断和指导临床治疗的主要手段 对疾病的认识更加深入
Rudolf Virchow (1821,10-1902,12) 德国医生 现代病理学之父 编著《细胞病理学》 开创了细胞病理学时代
电子显微镜:细胞超微结构的观察 免疫病理学:免疫组化技术的应用 分子病理学:疾病遗传和基因的研究 数字病理学:
传统病理学技术 HE染色技术 组织化学染色 细胞病理学技术
现代病理学技术 超微病理 免疫病理 分子病理 数字化病理
病理学技术的基础和根本,是临床和科研最常用的技术 全手工操作发展为自动化的机器:脱水机,包埋机,封片
机,染色机,包埋盒和切片打号机,液基细胞制片技术 材料的优化:塑料包埋盒,一次性切片刀 试剂的该进:试剂的商业化,非污染环保试剂 低温恒冷切片机替代二氧化碳制冷机等
免疫组织化学技术:发展快,应用广,已成为临床诊断,靶向药物的 筛选以及科研的重要手段;尽管存在问题。
电镜技术:包括透射电镜,扫描电镜,免疫电镜等,用于肿瘤的分型, 肾脏病的诊断,肌肉疾病的诊断等;科研。



人体寄生虫学专业英语词汇人体寄生虫学专业英语词汇——2006年9月整理总论1.human parasitology 人体寄生虫学2.medical parasitology 医学寄生虫学3.disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) 伤残调整生命年4.disease burden疾病负担 parasitosis食物源性寄生虫病6.emerging parasitic diseases新现寄生虫病7.symbiosis共生mensalisms共栖自生生活的10.mutualism互利共生11.parasitism寄生12.parasite寄生虫13.host宿主14.protozoa 原虫15.medical protozoology 医学原虫学16.helminth蠕虫17.medical helminthology 医学蠕虫学18.medical entomology 医学昆虫学 cycle 生活史20.opportunistic parasite 机会致病寄生虫21.obligatory parasite 专性寄生虫22.facultative parasite兼性寄生虫23.endoparasite体内寄生虫24.ectoparasite体外寄生虫25.temporary parasite 暂时性寄生虫26.definitive host 终宿主27.intermediate host 中间宿主28.reservoir host 保虫宿主29.paratenic host/ transport host 转续宿主30.nonsterilizing immunity 非消除性免疫31.sterilizing immunity 消除性免疫32.premunition带虫免疫33.concomitant immunity 伴随免疫34.immunocompromised host 免疫受累宿主35.immune evasion 免疫逃避36.infective stage 感染期37.parasitic infection寄生虫感染38.carrier带虫者39.suppressive infection 隐性感染40.polyparasitism 多寄生现象rva migrans 幼虫移行症42.visceral larva migrans 内脏幼虫移行症43.cutaneous larva migrans 皮肤幼虫移行症44.ectopic parasitism 异位寄生45.parasitic zoonoses 人兽共患寄生虫病蠕虫线虫46.worm蠕虫47.protocoele原体腔48.pseudocoelom假体腔49.polymyarian type 多肌型50.meromyarian type 少肌型51.holomyarian type细肌型52.buccal capsule 口囊53.vas deferens 输精管54.cloaca泄殖腔55.seminal vesicle 储精囊56.ejaculatory duct 射精管57.copulatory spicule 交合刺58.copulatory bursa 交合伞59.seminal receptacle 受精囊60.acetylcholinesterase乙酰胆碱酯酶61.molt蜕皮62.Ascaris lumbricoides 似蚓蛔线虫(蛔虫)63.round worm 蛔虫64.ascariasis蛔虫病 worm 成虫66.chitinous layer几丁质层67.ascarosidal layer 蛔甙层68.albuminoid layer 蛋白质层69.oviposition产卵70.hatch孵化71.fertilized egg 受精卵72.unfertilized egg 未受精虫卵 fecal smear 粪便直接涂片74.Trichuris trichiura 毛首鞭形线虫(鞭虫)75.whip worm 鞭虫76.trichuriasis鞭虫病77.Enterobius vermicularis 蠕形住肠线虫(蛲虫)78.pinworm蛲虫79.enterobiasis蛲虫病80.enuresis遗尿症81.cellophane-tape impression透明胶纸粘贴法82.Ancylostoma duodenale 十二指肠钩口线虫(十二指肠钩虫)83.Necator americanus 美洲板口线虫(美洲钩虫)84.hookworm钩虫85.hookworm infection 钩虫感染86.hookworm disease 钩虫病87.buccal cavity 口囊88.cutting plate 切板89.dorsal ray 背辐肋90.caudal spine 尾刺91.esophageal spear 咽管矛92.filariform larva 丝状蚴93.rhabditiform larva 杆状蚴94.negative geotropism 向上性95.thermotaxis向温性96.ground itch地痒疹,粪毒97.anemia贫血98.allotriophagy异嗜症99.eosinophilia嗜酸性细胞增多症100.anticoagulants抗凝素101.Trichinella spiralis 旋毛形线虫(旋毛虫)102.trichinelliasis旋毛虫病103.stichocyte杆细胞104.filaria丝虫105.lymphatic filariasis 淋巴丝虫病106.Wuchereria bancrofti 班氏吴策线虫(班氏丝虫)107.Brugia malayi 马来布鲁线虫(马来丝虫)108.microfilaria微丝蚴109.sausage-shape larvae 腊肠期蚴110.sheath鞘膜111.cephalic space头间隙112.excretory pore 分泌孔113.body nuclei 体核114.excretory cell 分泌细胞115.terminal nuclei 尾核116.lymphadenitis淋巴结炎117.lymphangitis淋巴管炎118.funiculitis精索炎119.orchitis睾丸炎120.epididymitis副睾炎121.fibrosis纤维化122.nocturnal periodicity 夜现周期性123.elephantiasis象皮肿124.hydrocele testis 睾丸鞘膜积液125.chyluria乳糜尿126.Onchocerca volvulus旋盘尾线虫(盘尾丝虫)127.Loa loa 罗阿罗阿线虫(罗阿丝虫)128.thick blood film 厚血片129.furapyrimidone呋喃嘧酮130.river blindness 河盲症131.loiasis罗阿丝虫132.kalabar swelling 卡拉巴丝虫性肿块吸虫133.Class Trematoda 吸虫纲134.hermaphroditism雌雄同体135.vas efferens 输出管136.vas deferens 输精管137.seminal vesicle 储精囊138.cirrus organ 阴茎139.sucker吸盘140.oral sucker口吸盘141.ventral sucker 腹吸盘142.acetabulum腹吸盘143.vitelline gland 卵黄腺144.Mehlis’gland 梅氏腺145.ootype卵模urer’s canal 劳氏管147.seminal receptacle 受精囊148.excretory bladder 排泄囊149.excretory pore 排泄孔150.operculum卵盖151.snail螺152.vitellaria卵黄腺153.vitelline duct 卵黄管154.genital atrium 生殖腔155.collecting tube集合管156.tegument皮层157.pharynx咽158.flame cell 焰细胞159.genital sinus 生殖窦160.miracidium毛蚴161.sporocyst胞蚴162.redia雷蚴163.cercaria尾蚴164.metacercaria囊蚴165.encyst成囊166.excyst脱囊167.adolescaria童虫168.adolescent worm 童虫169.Clonorchis sinensis 华支睾吸虫(肝吸虫)170.liver fluke肝吸虫171.clonorchiasis华支睾吸虫病(肝吸虫病)172.cirrhosis肝硬化173.cholangitis胆管炎174.cholelithiasis胆石症175.Fasciolopsis buski 布氏姜片虫(姜片虫)176.fasciolopsiasis姜片虫病(姜片虫病)177.planorbiid snail 扁卷螺 caltrop 红菱179.water chestnut 荸荠180.water bamboo 茭白181.Paragonimus westermani 卫氏并殖吸虫(肺吸虫)182.paragonimiasis并殖吸虫病、肺吸虫病183.Pagumogonius skrjabini 斯氏狸殖吸虫184.crayfish喇蛄185.stage of abscess脓肿期186.stage of fibrous cyst 囊肿期187.stage of fibroscar 纤维疤痕期188.Charcot-Leyden crystal 夏科雷登氏结晶189.bronchitis支气管炎190.bronchiectasis支气管扩张191.hemoptysis咯血192.biopsy活组织检查193.Schistosoma japonicum 日本血吸虫194.schistosomiasis japonica 日本血吸虫病195.Schistosoma haematobium 埃及血吸虫196.Schistosoma mansoni 曼氏血吸虫197.gynecophoral canal 抱雌沟198.spine棘199.dioecious雌雄异体的200.copulation交配201.mother sporocyst 母胞蚴202.daughter sporocyst 子胞蚴203.schistosomula童虫204.soluble eggs antigen 可溶性虫卵抗原205.eosinophilic abscess 嗜酸性脓肿206.ulceration溃疡207.hematuia血尿208.penetration gland 穿刺腺209.infiltration浸润210.granuloma肉芽肿211.fibrosis纤维化212.portal hypertension 门静脉高压213.splenomegaly脾肿大214.ascites腹水215.caput medusae脐周静脉曲张216.esophageal varices 食道静脉曲张217.concomitant immunity 伴随免疫218.sedimentation hatching method 沉淀孵化法219.circumoval precipitin test 环卵沉淀试验220.Oncomelania hupensis 湖北钉螺221.amphibious两栖的绦虫222.cestode绦虫223.tapeworm带虫224.Class Cestoda 绦虫纲225.scolex头节226.neck颈部227.strobilus链体228.proglottid节片229.gravid proglottid 孕节230.uterine branches 子宫侧支231.Cyclophyllidea原叶目232.Pesudophyllidea假叶目233.rostellum顶突234.bothrium235.oncosphere六钩蚴236.hexacanth larva 六钩蚴237.embryophore胚膜238.coracidium钩球蚴239.procercoid原尾蚴240.plerocercoid, sparganum 裂头蚴241.Taenia solium 猪肉绦虫242.Cysticercus cellulosae 猪囊尾蚴243.bladder worm 囊虫244.cysticercosis囊虫病245.Taenia saginata牛肉绦虫246.Cysticercus bovis 牛囊尾蚴247.Echinococcus granulosus 细粒棘球绦虫248.echinococcosis棘球蚴病(包虫病)249.hydatid cyst 棘球蚴250.hydatid disease 棘球蚴病(包虫病)251.carnivore食肉动物252.herbivore食草动物253.germinal layer 生发层254.brood capsule 育囊255.daughter cyst 子囊256.protoscolex原头节257.hydatid sand 棘球砂258.Spirometra mansoni 曼氏迭宫绦虫259.sparganosis mansoni 曼氏裂头蚴病260.sparaganum裂头蚴261.sparganosis裂头蚴病262.sucking groove 吸槽263.Cyclops剑水蚤264.procercoid原尾蚴265.plerocercoid裂头蚴266.Hymenolepis nana 短膜壳绦虫267.cysticercoid似囊尾蚴原虫268.protozoa原虫269.pseudopodium伪足270.flagellum鞭毛271.flagellate鞭毛虫272.cilium纤毛273.ciliate纤毛虫274.undulating membrane 波动膜275.ectoplasm 外质276.endoplasm 内质277.lysosome 溶酶体278.kinetoplast 动基体279.kinetosome 基体280.axostyle轴柱281.trophozoite 滋养体282.cyst包囊283.vesicular nucleus 泡状核pact nucleus 实质核285.cytosome胞口286.cytopharynx胞咽287.cytopyge胞肛288.contractile vacuole 伸缩泡 vacuole 食物泡290.glycogen vacuole 糖原泡291.chromatoid body 拟染色体292.pinocytosis胞饮293.phagecytosis吞噬294.asexual reproduction 无性生殖295.binary二分裂296.multiple fission 多分裂297.schizogony裂体生殖298.exogenous budding 外出芽299.endogenous budding 内出芽300.sporogony孢子生殖301.sexual reprooduction 有性生殖302.conjugation接合生殖303.gametogony配子生殖304.female gamete 雌配子305.male gamete 雄配子306.alternation of generations 世代交替307.Entamoeba histolytica 溶组织内阿米巴308.Entamoeba dispar 迪斯帕内阿米巴309.amoebiasis阿米巴病310.amoebic colitis 阿米巴结肠炎311.intestinal amoebiasis 肠阿米巴病312.extraintestinal abscess肠外阿米巴病313.amoebic liver abscess 阿米巴肝脓肿314.cast carrier / cyst passenger 包囊携带者315.Gal/GalNAc inhibitable lectin 半乳糖/乙酰氨基半乳糖可抑制性凝集素316.amoeba pore 阿米巴穿孔素317.cysteine proteinases 半胱氨酸蛋白酶318.amoeboma阿米巴肿319.odine-stain smear 碘液染色涂片320.primary amoebic meningoencephalitis 原发性阿米巴性脑膜炎(PAM)321.granulomatous amoebic encephalitis 肉芽肿性阿米巴性脑膜炎(GAE)322.Acanthamoeba keratitis (AK) 棘阿米巴角膜炎323.Lesishmania donovani 杜氏利什曼原虫324.leishmaniasis利什曼病325.Kala-azar黑热病326.visceral leishmaniasis内脏利什曼病327.cutaneous leishmaniasis 皮肤利什曼病328.mucocutaneous leishmaniasis 皮肤粘膜利什曼病329.amastigote无鞭毛体330.promastigote前鞭毛体331.rhizoplast根丝体,鞭毛根332.sandfly白蛉333.hepatomegaly肝肿大334.NNN medium 三N培养基335.Trypanosoma gambiense 冈比亚锥虫336.Trypanosoma rhodesiense 罗得西亚锥虫337.Trypanosoma cruzi 枯氏锥虫338.Chagas’disease 恰加斯病339.Giardia lamblia 蓝氏贾第鞭毛虫340.giardiasis贾第虫病341.duodenal aspiration十二指肠引流342.Trichomonas vaginalis 阴道毛滴虫343.vaginitis阴道炎344.urethritis尿道炎345.chromatic basal rod 基染色杆346.parabasal fibril 副基纤维347.plasmodium疟原虫348.malaria疟疾349.Plasmodium vivax(P.v) 间日疟原虫350.Plasmodium falciparum(P.f ) 恶性疟原虫351.Plasmodium malariae(P.m) 三日疟原虫352.Plasmodium ovale(P.o) 卵形疟原虫353.merozoite裂殖子354.sporozoite子孢子355.hypnozoite休眠子356.oocyst卵囊357.exoerythrocytic stage (EE) 红细胞外期358.erythrocytic stage 红细胞期359.preerythrocytic stage 红细胞前期360.ring-form环形体361.amoeboid form 阿米巴型362.schizont裂殖体363.macrogametocyte雌配子体。



在拟南芥等其他植物中,SERK不仅在胚性细胞中表达, 在某些非胚性细胞中也有表达。
AtSERK1 的表达比较广泛, 不仅在早期的合子胚及培 养的胚性细胞内大量表达, 还在雌配子体、孢子体原基周 围细胞层、表皮细胞及成熟的根茎叶维管组织中少量表达, 在合子胚发育中只表达到心形期。
TcSERK与ZmSERK2、MtSERK1 的表达方式相似, 在合 子胚和体细胞胚的整个发育过程中均表达。TcSERK不仅在 胚性愈伤和增生胚中大量表达,还在叶片中有微量表达, 但在根、花瓣及退化雄蕊中没有表达信号。
花药培养(Guha and Maheswari,1966)
烟草(Vasi 1965)
原生质体培养(Nagata and Takebe,1971)
植物细胞全能性的证实推动了植物组织培养及其相关 研究领域的迅猛发展。在茎尖和愈伤组织培养研究中,我 国已有 700种以上的植物能离体再生植株。尽管如此 ,植 物细胞全能性的调控机制仍然不清楚 ,吸引人们从细胞学 、 分子生物学等方面进行研究。
表达调控: 受到植物生长物质参BAP和NAA以及AMP1 蛋白的调控
可能功能: 参与体细胞胚发生,孢子体发育,植物病 害防御和孤雌生殖等
信号转导: AtSERK3参与的芸苔素信号传导途径
4.1 无性系的快速繁殖
快速繁殖是组织培养在生产上应用最广泛、最成功的一 个领域。通常一年内可以繁殖数以万计的种苗,特别对于名 贵品种、稀优种质、优良单株或新育成品种的繁殖推广具有 重要的意义。
B状态细胞细胞壁能被 JIM8抗体标记(深灰色),B状态 细胞细胞壁出现极性时,只有一半细胞壁能被JIM8抗体标 记 ,并开始进行细胞分裂 ,形成不能被JIM8标记的C状态 细胞和完全被 JIM8标记的F状态细胞 。C状态细胞是胚胎 感受态细胞 ,与来自B状态细胞的信号分子反应后形成胚 胎决定细胞,并继续发育成体细胞胚 。F状态细胞逐渐萎 缩,成为 G状态细胞 ,最后细胞死亡 。( McCabe,1997)

Anthony Atala Printing a human kidney

Anthony Atala Printing a human kidney

There's actually a major health crisis today in terms of the shortage of organs. The fact is that we're living longer. Medicine has done a much better job of making us live longer, and the problem is, as we age, our organs tend to fail more, and so currently there are not enough organs to go around. In fact, in the last 10 years, the number of patients requiring an organ has doubled, while in the same time, the actual number of transplants has barely gone up. So this is now a public health crisis.现今社会主要的健康危机,就是器官短缺。







So that's where this field comes in that we call the field of regenerative medicine. It really involves many different areas. You can use, actually, scaffolds, biomaterials -- they're like the piece of your blouse or your shirt -- but specific materials you can actually implant in patients and they will do well and help you regenerate. Or we can use cells alone, either your very own cells or different stem cell populations. Or we can use both. We can use, actually, biomaterials and the cells together. And that's where the field is today.这就是我们这个领域的研究要解决的问题,我们管它叫再生医学。



独活寄生汤对腰椎间盘突出症术后预后的影响田琨【摘要】目的观察独活寄生汤对腰椎间盘突出症术后预后的影响.方法将108例行腰椎间盘髓核摘除术后患者按随机数字表法分为对照组50例与治疗组58例.对照组采用术后常规康复治疗,治疗组在对照组的基础上口服独活寄生汤,每日1剂,共治疗12周.采用视觉模拟量表(VAS)评分、腰椎日本骨科协会(JOA)评分评估各组的临床症状改善情况,并以有症状的邻椎病发生为终点,评估其腰椎间盘突出症术后生存率.结果 108例患者均获随访,随访18 ~27个月,末次随访时治疗组VAS疼痛评分低于对照组,JOA评分高于对照组,对照组中9例患者出现有症状的邻椎病,其24个月生存率为69.8%,而治疗组出现了4例有症状的邻椎病,其24个月生存率为84%,Log Rank法检验结果表明治疗组患者的生存状况好于对照组(P<0.05).结论独活寄生汤能有效地改善腰椎间盘突出症术后的恢复并在一定程度上延缓邻椎病的发生.【期刊名称】《中国中医急症》【年(卷),期】2016(025)006【总页数】3页(P1246-1248)【关键词】独活寄生汤;腰椎间盘突出症术后;预后;邻椎病【作者】田琨【作者单位】浙江中医药大学第一临床医学院,浙江省中医院,浙江中医药大学附属第一医院,浙江杭州310000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R681.5+3腰痛是引起患者丧失劳动能力的十大危险因素之一[1],全球50%至80%的成人都会在一生中遭受至少1次的腰痛,而椎间盘退变是引起腰痛的主要原因之一[2-4]。




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Mechanobiology of the intervertebral discJ.C.Lotz1,A.H.Hsieh,A.L.Walsh,E.I.Palmer and J.R.ChinOrthopaedic Bioengineering Laboratory,University of California,San Francisco,CA94143-0514,U.S.A.AbstractIntervertebral disc degeneration has been linked in humans to extreme spinal loading regimens. However,mechanisms by which spinal force influences disc cellularity,morphology and conse-quently biomechanical function are unclear.To gain insight into mechanobiological interactions within the disc,we developed an in vivo murine tail-compression model.Results from this model demonstrate how deviations in spinal stress induce a cycle of altered cell function and morphology as the disc remodels to a new homoeostatic con-figuration.IntroductionThe intervertebral disc is a pliant,fibrocartil-agenous joint that separates spinal vertebrae.It has a number of biophysical features(architec-tural,cellular and mechanical)that make it unique among bodily organs.Firstly,it is composed of three tissues:an outer-layer annulusfibrosus,a central proteoglycan-rich nucleus pulposus and two hyaline cartilage endplates.Secondly,these tissues contain multiple cell types that include fibroblasts within the outer annulusfibrosus,fibrochondrocytes within the inner annulus,noto-chordal cells and chondrocytes within the nucleus pulposus,and chondrocytes within the cartilage endplates.Since the disc is avascular,these cells depend largely on diffusion for nutrition and metabolic product removal.Finally,the disc’s response to load varies with magnitude(non-linear)and time(viscoelastic),and it is the only joint that allows a full6m of freedom in movement.Age-related changes in disc biophysical char-acteristics occur in all mon among these are annular disorganization with fibrocartilage production,loss of anatomic dis-tinction between the nucleus and annulus,and decreases in cellularity.These anatomic and cellu-lar changes are associated withfluctuations in disc mechanical stiffness,which decreases during early degeneration and increases again with more ad-Key words:apoptosis,biomechanics,remodelling,spine.1To whom correspondence should be addressed(e-mail jlotz!).vanced stages.Although the mechanisms for these changes are obscure and controversial,most agree that they reflect a combination of mechanically and biologically mediated events.To clarify mechanobiological interactions, our group has developed an in vivo disc-loading model,where controlled force regimens are placed on intervertebral discs and the biological and mechanical consequences monitored.These ex-periments have shed light on the following im-portant interactions among force,tissue stress\ strain,cell function and matrix synthesis\de-gradation.Static compression produces disc degeneration in a dose-dependent fashionFor the in vivo loading model,the tenth coccygeal disc of12week-old Swiss Webster mice is sub-jected to static compression via stainless steel pins(0.4mm diameter)inserted percutaneously through adjacent vertebral ing cali-brated elastics,a range of compressive stresses (0.4,0.8and1.3MPa)are applied for various times(3h–7days).Biological and biomechanical responses to compression are assessed either im-mediately after load removal,or after various recovery periods without load(3days–4weeks).Histologically,normal murine tail discs ex-hibit morphology and cellularity comparable to young human discs(Figure1left-hand panel)[1]. The annulus consists of highly organizedfibrous collagenous lamellae populated by elongatedfibro-blastic cells.In contrast,the nucleus contains physaliphorous notochordal cells in a contiguous cluster surrounded by a thin Alcian Blue-staining proteoglycan-rich zone.A thin cartilage endplate separates the nucleus from adjacent vertebral trabecular bone.In situ hybridization analyses demonstrate that transcripts of type II collagen localized primarily to the cells of the inner and middle annulus,cartilage endplate and occasion-ally to some peripheral nucleus cells.Widespread expression of aggrecan was characteristic of nu-cleus cells.Cells in the inner annulus and cartilage endplate also exhibited aggrecan but to a lesser extent than type II collagen.Static loading results in distortion of nucleus cell aggregates and lamellae of the inner annulus with a concurrent down-regulation of type II collagen expression within 6h of loading.At 24h,type II collagen expression is absent and TUNEL (terminal dUTP nickend labelling)-positive cells began to appear in the inner annulus \peripheral nucleus region.By 7days,extensive apoptosis is apparent within the inner annulusandnucleus.Overall,celldeathiscorrelated with the magnitude and duration of static loading;a traditional dose-response model [2]demon-strated that there was a linear correlation between cell death and the logarithmic transformation of the stress dose (magnitude and time):Y l αj β"log σj β#log t (1)where Y is the probit transformation of the percentage of cells undergoing apoptosis,σis the applied stress (MPa),t is the stress duration (h),and α,β"and β#are constants (αl 1.01,β"l 1.545and β#l 1.472;R #l 0.92)[3].More recently,ithas become apparent that after 3h of compression (approximate time for steady state in the dis-placement response to load),the influence of subsequent time was comparable whether the load was maintained or removed [4].This observation suggests that apoptosis is mainly triggered by peak matrix deformations associated with transient disc load,rather than other mechanisms associated with prolonged matrix compaction,such as re-duced cell nutrition.After load removal,architectural remodelling progresses from modest disruption and dis-Figure 1Histology of the normal and degenerated murine tail intervertebral discNormal murine tail disc architecture (left-hand panel).The nucleus consists of notochordal cells surrounded by proteoglycan matrix.Distinct annular layers are populated by elongated fibroblastic cells.After compressive loading and recovery,notochordal cell death is accompanied by proteoglycan production (right-hand panel).Inner annular architecture is lost and fibroblastic metaplasia to chondrocytes is apparent.Magnification,i20.organization of the inner annulus at 6days,to significant loss of nuclear cellularity,dissolution of inner annular layers and phenotypic metaplasia of inner annular fibroblasts at 4weeks (Figure 1,right-hand panel).The loss of nuclear volume due to notochordal cell death is partially offset by a 30%increase in proteoglycan content.This new matrix is likely synthesized by remaining,viable notochordal cells and inner annular fibrochondro-cytes,as these cells demonstrate punctate aggrecan gene expression.Overall,these loaded \recovered discs exhibit a number of features comparable with degenerating human discs,including loss of disc height,loss of distinction between the inner annulus and nucleus,fibrocartilage production within the annulus and biomechanical hyper-mobility.Mechanical response of the disc changes with degenerationThe structural organization and distinct material properties of individual disc tissues cause the disc’s mechanical response to be non-linear and time-dependent.Healthy discs are largely water (approx.80%)in a charged,permeable (0.013mm %Ns,where Ns is Newton seconds [5]),pliant matrix.Water helps define tissue volume,creates spaces for molecular transport and offers resistance to compression (since water is es-sentially incompressible).In the extracellular matrix,water is generally extrafibrillar (in relation to collagen)and defines a continuum of pores inthe charged,collagen \proteoglycan network.At rest,Donnan ionic swelling causes the tissues to attract water until there is an equilibrium among fluid pressure,matrix stress and externally applied loads.Rapidly applied forces are initially resisted by increased interstitial fluid pressure and elastic matrix deformation.With increasing time,fluid movement allows matrix compaction that,in turn,leads to increased fixed charge density,decreased porosity and hence enhanced resistance to further deformation.We utilized a one-dimensional fluid transport model to parameterize these time-and de-formation-dependent features of disc compression [6].The time-dependent axial strain in response to a constant force (creep)can be described by the following equation:ε(t )l ε!jσ!k P osm D k h i G 2kD #i AB 1k exp k2kDth i CDj GD t (2)where t is the time,ε(t )is the axial strain,ε!is theaxial strain at t l 0,σ!is the external compressivestress,P osm is the initial nuclear swelling pressure,h i is the initial disc height,k corresponds to the endplate permeability,D represents the strain dependence of the swelling pressure and G repre-sents the time dependence of annular deformation.These three parameters (k ,D ,G )provide insight into those features that dominate the disc’s re-sponse to load,and the manner by which they change with degeneration.The above formulation was fitted to exper-imental creep data collected from bone \disc \bone specimens previously subjected to either sham treatment (percutaneous pin placement with no load application,n l 28)or 1week of 1.3MPa compression followed by 4weeks of recovery (n l 30).Specimens were subjected to five successive creep cycles (either 0.4or 0.8MPa applied stress),with the duration of creep being 20min followed by a 40min recovery period.After in vivo compression and recovery,disc height decreased by 19%(P 0.0001)and the elastic compressive modulus was reduced by 44%(P 0.053).The parameter D ,which represents strain dependence due to swelling of the nucleus,decreased by approx.40%in the degenerated discs (P 0.03).The parameter G ,representing the time dependence of the collagen fibres in the annulus,tended to be smaller in the degenerateddiscs,but the differences were not statisticallysignificant.Similarly,whereas there was a trend of increased permeability (k )in the degenerated discs,this difference was not statistically signifi-cant.These degeneration-related trends compare with measurements made in humans [7]and,together with histological observations,support similarities between this murine model and human disc degeneration.Moreover,parameterization using the model provides insight into possible mechanisms behind mechanically induced degen-eration.A decrease in D suggests that,with degeneration,the nucleus is less effective at re-sisting compression,perhaps due to the shift in composition of the nucleus from being primarily cellular to consisting of mostly proteoglycan matrix.The trends of decreasing G and increasing k are consistent with our recent finding that loading activates latent metalloproteinases (A.H.Hsieh and J.C.Lotz,unpublished work),which may contribute to compromised matrix integrity.Patterns of matrix deformation correlate with alterations of cell function and matrix structureTo understand the relationships between global disc deformation and spatial patterns of matrix deformation,we developed a porohyperelastic finite element model for the murine tail motion segment using commercial software (ABAQUS version 6.2;Hibbitt,Karlsson &Sorensen,Inc.,Pawtucket,RI,U.S.A.)and custom material property definitions.Material properties of the annulus,nucleus,endplate and bone were ob-tained from the literature for similar tissues.The annulus was modelled as an isotropic,compress-ible Mooney–Rivlin material with values for the hyperelastic coefficients obtained from previous experiments in our laboratory [5,8,9].Collagen fibres in the annular matrix were represented as non-linear reinforcing elements (REBARS),whose orientation with respect to the transverse plane varied with radial position to simulate the lamellae [8].The nucleus pulposus was also represented as a porohyperelastic material whose properties were based on previously validated results [10].In addition,a novel strain-dependent swelling pressure was incorporated into the material definition of the nucleus with swelling properties based on extensive work by Urban and colleagues [11–13].As the nucleus is compressed and the tissue porosity decreases,the fixed chargedensity increases,resulting in a greater propensity for swelling:Πl 2.1185k 2.5425:P(3)where Πis the swelling pressure and P is the tissue porosity (defined as volume of fluid \total volume).Permeability in the endplate adjacent to the nu-cleus was enhanced to permit fluid exchange between the disc and the adjacent vertebrae.Trabecular bone was modelled as transversely isotropic with properties obtained from the litera-ture [14,15].The model was used to predict spatial patterns of collagen fibre strain,dilatational strain (matrix volume change),shear strain (matrix distortion),hydrostatic stress,fluid pressure and strain energy density.For static loading,the model predicts a creep response comparable to that measured experimen-tally.Further,the analysis predicts location-dependent changes in matrix deformation with compression and time.After a period of loading,creep deformation results in loss of collagen fibre strains within the inner annulus along with an in-crease in hydrostatic stress (Figure 2).When com-paring with the in vivo compression response,these results suggest that alterations in matrix pressure,stress and distortion contribute to changes in cell function and matrix architecture.Consistent with observations in other tissues,areas of elevated hydrostatic stress and diminished distortion co-incide with regions of fibroblastic metaplasia to chondrocytes,and disorganization of lamellarFigure 2Finite element analysis predictions of the collagen fibre strain (left-hand panel)for the lamella of the annulus fibrosusas a function of radial position and timeAfter creep loading,the fibres of the inner and middle annulus lose tension,whereas tension of the outer annulus in maintained.After creep,an opposite trend in compressive hydrostatic stress (right-hand panel)is predicted for the inner and middleannulus.collagen.These predictions and their association with histological observations suggest that mor-phological changes attributed to aging and de-generation represent tissue adaptation to chronic mechanical loading.The association with matrix deformation and cell activity has been further clarified using an in vivo tail-bending model [16].In this approach,static bending was applied via percutaneously applied pins into adjacent vertebrae.The exposure consisted of either a fixed angular deformity (18m )or a constant bending moment (4.25Nmm).The exposure continued for 7days at which time the animals were killed and the tissues analysed.In contrast with pure compression,no cell death was observed within the nucleus of these bent discs.Rather,extensive apoptosis was noted on the concave side of the deformity,and was associated with significant differences in annular cell shape.The average shape (aspect ratio)of the apoptotic cell nuclei in the concave annulus (1.66p 0.09)was statistically more rounded than non-apoptotic cells in both the convex annulus (2.16p 0.04;P 0.0001)and the annulus of sham discs (2.09p 0.03;P 0.0001).Finite element simulations of bending demonstrated increased compressive stresses in the concave-side annulus with bending,while the nuclear pressures were only minimally affected.Taken together,results of the compression and bending studies demonstrate how changes in matrix pressure and distortion away from homoeostatic values lead to alterationsin cell function and matrix -pression selectively influences nuclear and inner annular cells,where computational simulations demonstrate the largest deviation in matrix stress and strain.Bending,in contrast,induces sig-nificant changes in matrix stress,strain and cell function on the concave annulus,while sparing the nucleus.Dynamic stimulation can balance anabolic and catabolic influences of loadWhen loads are applied statically,disc creep can result in excessive matrix deformations that,in turn,can have deleterious biological con-sequences.During dynamic loading,compression is intermittently diminished,allowing for cess-ation of creep,and therefore an opportunity for disc recovery via swelling and elastic responses.Because of this,we questioned whether periods of dynamic stimulation could provide a mechanical stimulus for disc matrix synthesis,without the excessive deformation and adverse consequences of static loading.To provide in vivo dynamic stimulation of murine tail discs,we designed a pneumatic device that can be worn by mice continuously.Disc compression is produced by inflation of the latex bladder within a plastic housing that surrounds the mouse tail.The bladder is connected via aFigure 3Schematic representation of the disc cell population’s response to mechani-cal stimulationThe anabolic window is defined as the difference between the frequency of stimulatory and inhibitory or toxic responses.Ideal loading (a combination of load magnitude,frequency and duration)leads to maximum matrix synthesis.Excessive stimulation (low frequencies and/or high stresses)leads to increasing cell inhibtion or toxicity and matrixdegradation.pneumatic line and swivel to a pressure source external to the animal’s cage.An electronically controlled valve regulates pressure and provides a waveform with a pre-defined magnitude,fre-quency and ing this device,discs were compressed cyclically at one of two frequencies (0.1Hz or 0.01Hz)and one of two peak stresses (0.8MPa or 1.3MPa).Cyclic compression was applied from 0MPa to the peak stress for 6h \day for each of 7days.As expected,biological responses were both load-and frequency-dependent.For the four exposures,apoptosis was minimum for the higher frequency and lower stress.Conversely,the lower-frequency,higher-stress loading enhanced aggrecan gene expression within the inner annu-lus and also elevated total proteoglycan content above sham discs.The strain energy density,which has been theorized as a remodelling stimu-lus in other tissues [17,18],was used to rep-resent a single measure of overall disc exposure.Finite element simulations demonstrated that combinations of frequency and stress,because of the viscoelastic properties of the disc,produce strain environments corresponding to distinct strain energy density values.The lowest strain energy density occurs for the high-frequency,low-stress case where the biological response was the least,and the strain energy density (and the response)increases when thefrequency is lowered and \or the stress level is raised.Static load at the higher stress results in the greatest strain energy density.Similar trends were also predicted for hydrostatic strain and maximum shear strain.The anabolic window defines a balance between stimulatory and inhibitory response to loadThe above results demonstrate that macro-scopically,the disc responds to loading in a complex,time-dependent fashion.Due to its architecture,external loads are ‘filtered’into spatial patterns of fluid pressure and matrix stress.Under homoeostatic conditions,these pressure and stress patterns coincide with appropriately organized matrix and cellular phenotype.The results of our computational and experimental studies suggest that,with alterations in spinal load,patterns of matrix stress and fluid pressure deviate from ideal levels and lead to cell inhibition and,in extreme cases,cytotoxicity.Consequently,anabolic responses to load represent a balance between stimulation and inhibition,both of which can be related to matrix stress and fluid pressure (Figure 3).Since matrix stress and fluid press-ure are related to spinal load in a time-and magnitude-dependent fashion,the complex as-sociation between spinal load and beneficial or detrimental outcomes,while apparent,remains to be quantified.Once established,however,disc mechanobiological relations will contribute sig-nificantly to efforts on disease prevention and therapy development.References1Ghosh,P.(1988)The Biology of the Intervertebral Disc,CRC Press,Boca Raton,FLThe role of the physicochemical environment in determining disc cell behaviourJ.P.G.Urban 1Physiology Laboratory,Oxford University,Oxford OX13PT,U.K.AbstractThe cells of the intervertebral disc exist in an unusual environment.They are embedded in a dense matrix containing a high concentration of aggrecan whose fixed negative charges regulate 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glycoly-sis,lactic acid is produced at high rates and hence the pH is acidic.Finally,the disc is subjected to mechanical forces at all times;these vary with。
