Hypnotic use for insomnia management in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease




1.病例资料 病例选择2006年6月至2006年12月本院神经内科及精神科门诊就诊的抑 郁症患者39例,全部病例随访3周,其中男性17例,女性22例,年龄17—62 岁,平均(42.3±12.3)岁,病程3月至18月,平均(20.4±18.1)月。 2.研究方法

浙江大学硕士生论文 本研究采用单盲,安慰剂对照试验观察扎来普隆对抑郁症所致的继发性失眠 的疗效,入组病人随机分成两组(基础用药均为百忧解20mg),扎来普隆组患者 每天早上8点给予百忧解20mg,每天睡前半小时给予扎来普隆5mg;对照组每天 早上8点给予百忧解20mg,每天睡前半小时给予谷维素100mg(告知患者此药有 助于睡Bg)。疗程共21天,在开始治疗的前一天,用多导睡眠监测仪监测患者未 行治疗时睡眠参数(多导睡眠图(PsG))及汉密尔顿抑郁量表评分,收集基线资 料。治疗的第2l天再次用多导睡眠监测仪监测患者服药21天后的睡眠参数及汉
short~acting and
benzodiazepine zolpidem, has and
non—benzodiazepine these
共46例病人入组,完成试验的共39例。两组在治疗后HAMD评分总分与治 疗前相比无明显下降(P均>0.05),治疗后两组间lIND总分相比差异也无显著 性(P>O.05)。扎来普隆组汉密尔顿抑郁量表睡眠因子评分在治疗后有明显下降 (由5.I±0.9下降至3.3±I.5,P<0.001),而对照组下降却不明显(由5.3± 0。9下降至4.9±1.0,P=0.25>0.05),两组间相比差异也具有显著性(P<O.001); 两组在治疗前后总睡眠时间(TST)及三、四期睡眠百分比(S3『4%)、REM睡眠 百分比(RE麟)在治疗前后均无明显变化(P均>0.05),而扎来普隆组在治疗前 后睡眠潜伏期有明显缩短(由治疗前39.1--+39.4分钟缩短至治疗后16.5--+8.6 分钟,前后有显著性差异,P=0.02<0.05),对照组睡眠潜伏期缩短不明显(由 治疗前48.I±35.7分钟缩短至治疗后40.4-+35.3分钟,P=0.51>0.05),在治 疗后扎来普隆组睡眠潜伏期与对照组相比,差异也有显著性(P=0.009<0.01)。



收稿日期:2023-11-22基金项目:广东省自然科学基金(2021A1515010498);广东省农业科学院协同创新中心项目(XT202305);广东省畜禽疫病防治研究重点实验室项目(2023B1212060040)作者简介:马艳平(1984-),女,博士,副研究员,研究方向为水产病害防控,E-mail:*********************通信作者:刘振兴(1981-),男,博士,研究员,研究方向为水产病害防控,E-mail:********************广东农业科学Guangdong Agricultural Sciences 2024,51(3):148-156 DOI:10.16768/j.issn.1004-874X.2024.03.014马艳平,覃宝田,梁曦,王刚,郝乐,周东来,刘振兴. 花鲈虹彩病毒交叉引物恒温扩增检测方法的建立[J]. 广东农业科学,2024,51(3):148-156.MA Yanping, QIN Baotian, LIANG Xi, WANG GANG, HAO Le, ZHOU Donglai, LIU Zhenxing. Establishment of a cross priming amplification detection method of Lateolabrax maculatus iridovirus[J]. Guangdong Agricultural Sciences, 2024,51(3):148-156.花鲈虹彩病毒交叉引物恒温扩增检测方法的建立马艳平1,覃宝田1,梁 曦2,王 刚1,郝 乐1,周东来3,刘振兴1(1. 广东省农业科学院动物卫生研究所/广东省畜禽疫病防治研究重点实验室,广东 广州 510640;2. 汕尾市农业科学院,广东 汕尾 516600;3. 广东省农业科学院蚕业与农产品加工研究所,广东 广州 510640)摘 要:【目的】花鲈虹彩病毒(Lateolabrax maculatus iridovirus,LMIV)严重威胁花鲈养殖业安全,无特效防控药物,早期诊断在LMIV 防控中发挥极其重要的作用。



免疫调节英文介绍作文Immunomodulation refers to the regulation or modulation of the immune system. It involves the manipulation of the immune response to enhance or suppress immune activity as needed. This can be achieved through various means, such as the use of immunosuppressive drugs, vaccines, or natural remedies.Immunomodulation plays a crucial role in maintaining the balance of the immune system. It helps to prevent excessive immune responses that can lead to autoimmune diseases, allergies, or chronic inflammation. On the other hand, it can also boost the immune response in cases of weakened immunity, such as in cancer patients orindividuals with immunodeficiencies.One way to achieve immunomodulation is through the use of immunosuppressive drugs. These drugs work by suppressing the activity of the immune system, thus reducing inflammation and preventing the immune system fromattacking healthy cells. Examples of immunosuppressivedrugs include corticosteroids, methotrexate, and cyclosporine.Vaccines also play a significant role in immunomodulation. Vaccines contain antigens that stimulate the immune system to produce a protective immune response. This immune response can be targeted towards specific pathogens, such as bacteria or viruses, helping to prevent infections. Vaccines can also be used to boost the immune response in individuals with weakened immunity, such as the elderly or those with chronic illnesses.In addition to conventional medicine, natural remedies and lifestyle changes can also be used for immunomodulation. For example, certain herbs and supplements, such as echinacea or probiotics, have been found to have immunomodulatory effects. Regular exercise, a healthy diet, and stress management techniques can also help to support a balanced immune system.In conclusion, immunomodulation is a vital aspect ofmaintaining a healthy immune system. It involves the regulation and manipulation of the immune response to prevent or treat immune-related disorders. Whether through the use of drugs, vaccines, or natural remedies, immunomodulation aims to achieve a balanced immune response that is appropriate for the individual's needs.。



·论著·小剂量多塞平配合心理行为干预治疗失眠症的临床研究许敏 谈晚生435003湖北省黄石,黄石市妇幼保健院保健科(许敏);435001湖北省黄石,黄石市第二医院药剂科(谈晚生)通信作者:谈晚生,Email:1004591886@qq.comDOI:10.3760/cma.j.issn.1008-6706.2016.04.005 【摘要】 目的 运用小剂量多塞平配合心理行为干预治疗失眠症,对患者睡眠质量指标的影响进行研究,观察治疗效果。

方法 选择21例失眠症患者作为研究对象,每晚睡前口服多塞平25mg,并由专人进行心理行为干预,连续治疗8周。


结果 治疗8周后,患者主观睡眠质量、入睡困难、睡眠时间、睡眠效率、睡眠紊乱、催眠药物使用、日间功能评分均低于治疗前评分(t=17.34、16.65、10.54、13.37、11.65、7.66、11.57,均P<0.05);治疗后PSQI总分[(5.80±0.97)分]与治疗前[(13.34±2.28)分]相比,差异有统计学意义(t=21.27,P<0.01)。

结论 采用小剂量多塞平配合心理行为干预治疗可以改善失眠症患者睡眠质量相关指数,具有较好的临床效果。

【关键词】 失眠症; 多塞平; 心理行为干预; 睡眠质量 基金项目:湖北省卫生计划生育委员会科研立项项目(WJ2015MB275)Clinicalresearchofsmalldosedoxepincombinedwithpsychologicalbehaviorinterventioninthetreatmentofinsomnia XuMin,TanWansheng.DepartmentofMedicalCare,theMaternalandChildHealthCareHospitalofHuangshi,Huangshi,Hubei435003,China(XuM);DepartmentofPharmacy,theSecondHospitalofHuangshi,Huangshi,Hubei435001,China(TangWS)Correspondingauthor:TanWansheng,Email:1004591886@qq.com 【Abstract】 Objective Toinvestigatetheeffectofsmalldoseofdoxepincombinedwithpsychologicalbehav-iorinterventioninthetreatmentofinsomnia.Methods 21patientswithinsomniawereselectedasthestudysub-jects,tookdoxepin25mgbeforegoingtobedateverynight,totheresearchobjectandpsychologicalbehaviorinterven-tionbyhand,continuoustreatmentfor8weeks.Usedthemethodofquestionnairesurveybeforeandaftertwoperiodsoftime,assessedbyusingpittsburghSleepQualitymder(PSQI)scale,analysedthecorrelationbetweensleepqualityandsleepbeliefsattitudes.Results Aftertreatmentwith8weeks,subjectedsleepquality,sleepdifficulties,sleeptime,sleepefficiency,sleepdisturbance,hypnoticdruguse,anddaytimefunctionalscoreswerelowerthanbeforetreat-ment(t=17.34,16.65,10.54,13.37,11.65,7.66,11.57,allP<0.05),thedifferenceofthescoreofPSQIbetweenaftertreatment[(5.80±0.97)points]andbeforetreatment[(13.34±2.28)points]wassignificant(t=21.27,P<0.01).Conclusion Smalldoseofdoxipincombinedwithpsychologicalbehaviorinterventionintreatinginsomniacanimprovethesleepqualityofpatients.【Keywords】 Insomnia; Doxepin; Psychologicalbehaviorintervention; Sleepquality Fundprogram:HubeiscientificresearchprojectoftheFamilyPlanningCommission(WJ2015MB275) 世界卫生组织(WTO)调查确认:在世界范围内三分之一的人有睡眠障碍。







该文所涉及到的神经递质包括γ氨基丁酸(GABA)、谷氨酸(Glu)、5羟色胺(5HT)、多巴胺(DA)、去甲肾上腺素(NE)及其代谢物5吲哚乙酸(5HIAA)、高香草酸(HV A)、二羟苯乙酸(DOPAC)。

研究结果表明,目前安神药研究最多的是5HT和GABA 能神经系统。



标签:失眠;神经递质;安神中药;镇静催眠;单体;提取物Review for sedative and hypnotic mechanism ofsedative traditional Chinese medicine and relative activecomponents on neurotransmittersZHANG Feiyan,LI Jingjing,ZHOU Ying,XU Xiaoyu*(College of Pharmaceutical Sciences & Chinese Medicine,Southwest University,Chongqing 400716,China)[Abstract]The sedative traditional Chinese medicine has a long history of clinical experience in treating insomnia The main pharmacological effects of sedative agents are sedation,hypnosis,antianxiety and antidepression which might be related to certain neurotransmitters and cytokines and so on This review summarized the mechanism of sedative traditional Chinese medicine and its active monomers based on neurotransmitters,including GABA,Glu,5HT,DA,NE and their metabolites 5HIAA,HV A,DOPAC The results showed that the most research about the sedative medicine at present was throught serotonergic and GABA ergic system Study on Ziziphi Spinosae Semen was the most extensive,including its monomers,extracts and traditional Chinese patent medicines It involved many sedative traditional Chinese medicine,such as Schisandrae Chinensis Fructus,Albiziae Flos,Polygalae Radix,Longan Arillus,Ganoderma,etc It also systematically summarized the information which was useful for the further applications and research on sedative drugs and their active components[Key words]insomnia;neurotransmitter;sedative traditional Chinese medicine;sedative hypnotic;monomers;extractsdoi:10.4268/cjcmm20162305随着社会压力的增大,失眠问题越发严重[13]。



(5) Others
amnesia (短暂性记忆缺失, i.v.) 短暂性记忆缺失, respiratory and CVS effects
A. Benzodiazepines
2. Mechanisms of actions
(1) Sites of action: mainly acts on limbic system and action:
A. Benzodiazepines
(3) Antiepileptic and anticonvulsant effects
convulsion due various causes; status epilepticus (i.v.) i.v.)
(4) Centrally acting muscle relaxant effect
Centrally acting muscle relaxant effect:
increasing presynaptic inhibition in the spinal cord
Centrally acting muscle relaxant effect:
increasing presynaptic inhibition in the spinal cord
A Psychomotor stimulants
1. Pharmacological effects
(1) Central stimulation (2) CVS effects: cardiac stimulation, dilatation of vessels effects: (3) Relaxing smooth muscles: airways, GI muscles: (4) Other effects: Gastric acid secretion, diuretic effect effects: (5) Mechanisms of action:inhibiting PDE- cAMP ↑ ; action: PDEantagonizing A1 adenosine receptor & GABA receptor







关键词;失眠;失眠认知行为疗法;体验Experience;of;Cognitive;Behavioral;Therapy;Intervention;For;Patients;with;InsomniaCHEN;Tianyu1,ZHENG;Shuchuan2,YAN;Xiaona1,XU;Xiuying2(1;Fujian;University;of;Traditional;Chinese;Medicine,Fuzhou;350108,China;;2;Xiamen;Xianyue;Hospital,Xiamen;361012,China)Abstract;Objective:Exploring;and;analyzing;the;experience;of;insomnia;patients;after;intervention;in;cognitive;behaviora l;therapy;for;insomnia.Methods:By;objective;sampling,21;insomnia;patients;who;underwent;CBT-I;at;a;sleep;medical;center;from;August;2018;to;February;2019;were;selected;as;subjects.Patients;wer e;interviewed;and;recorded;by;semi-structured;interview.Colaizzie;seven;steps;analysis;was;used;to;analyze;the;data.Results:Seven;themes;were;emerged:improve;sleep,enhance;the;acceptance;of;insomnia;and;antiinterference;ability;reduce;hypnotic;dependence;improve ;the;quality;of;life;improve;self-efficacy;enhance;self-regulation;team;sharing;and;support;to;promote;behavioral;change;challenges.Conclusion:Understanding;the;real;experience;of;patients;after;CBT-I;is;helpful;increase;the;awareness;of;medical;staff,and;constantly;improve;the;future;treatment;strategy;to;promote;its;professional;development.Keywords;Insomnia;;Cognitive;behavioral;therapy;for;insomnia;Experience中圖分类号:R338.63文献标识码:Adoi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-7130.2020.01.050失眠是指患者对睡眠时间和(或)质量不满足并影响日间社会功能的一种主观体验[1],其可影响人们的身心健康,增加不良事件的风险[2]。

Intermezzo(zolpidem tartrate)酒石酸唑吡坦

Intermezzo(zolpidem tartrate)酒石酸唑吡坦
Intermezzo (zolpidem tartrate)
HIGHLIGHTS OF PRESCRIBING INFORMATION These highlights do not include all the information needed to use INTERMEZZO® safely and effectively. See full prescribing information for INTERMEZZO. Intermezzo® (zolpidem tartrate) sublingual tablets, CIV Initial U.S. Approval: 1992 ---------------------------INDICATIONS AND USAGE---------------------------­ Intermezzo is a GABAA agonist indicated for use as needed for the treatment of insomnia when a middle-of-the-night awakening is followed by difficulty returning to sleep (1) Limitation of Use: Not indicated for the treatment of middle-of-the night awakening when the patient has fewer than 4 hours of bedtime remaining before the planned time of waking (1) -------------------------DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION-------------------­ • Take only if 4 hours of bedtime remain before the planned time of waking (2.1, 5.1) • Intermezzo should be placed under the tongue and allowed to disintegrate completely before swallowing. The tablet should not be swallowed whole. (2.1) • The effect of Intermezzo may be slowed if taken with or immediately after a meal (2.1) • Recommended dose is 1.75 mg for women and 3.5 mg for men, taken only once per night if needed (2.2) • Lower doses of CNS depressants may be necessary when taken concomitantly with Intermezzo (2.3) • Co-administration with CNS depressants: Recommended dose is 1.75 mg for men and women (2.3) • Geriatric patients and patients with hepatic impairment: Recommended dose is 1.75 mg for men and women (2.4, 2.5) --------------------------DOSAGE FORMS AND STRENGTHS----------------­ 1.75 mg and 3.5 mg sublingual tablets (3) --------------------------------CONTRAINDICATIONS---------------------------­ Known hypersensitivity to zolpidem (4) ---------------------------WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS-------------------­



内蒙古中医药第38卷2019年11月第11期Inner Mongolia Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine Vol.38No.l1201983贾春华教授运用活血化瘀法治疗顽固性失眠验案举隅郑会芬I张妙时牛悦虹2(1.北京市朝阳区双桥医院北京100121;2.北京市朝阳区双桥医院北京100121)摘要顽固性失眠是一种严重影响人们生活和工作的疾病,且病程长、迁延难愈,严重困扰广大患者。



关键词活血化瘀;血府逐瘀汤;酸枣仁汤;大承气汤;顽固性失眠;验案中图分类号:R249文献标识码:B文章编号:1006-0979(2019)11-0083-02Examples of professor Jia Chunhua's Experience in treating intractable insomnia by promoting blood circulation and removingblood stasisZHENG Hui-fen1ZHANG Miao-shi NIU Yue-hong2(1.Department of traditional Chinese medicine,shuangqiao hospital,chaoyang district,Beijing100121;2.Department of neurology,shuangqiao hospital,chaoyang district,Beijing100121)[Abstract]Intractable insomnia is a disease that seriously affects people's life and work.It has a long course of illness and is difficult to recover.It seriously troubles patients.Sedative and hypnotic drugs are commonly used for insomnia patients,but most of these drugs are dependen仁Once they are discontinued,insomnia recurs.Professor Jia Chunhua's research on traditional Chinese medicine after years of clinical experience,In view of the treatment o£obstinate insomnia from blood stasis,removing blood stasis,activating blood circulation and regulating qi,the author is fortunate to learn from Professor Jia Chunhua,I would like to share with you two of the many illnesses that I have treated with my teacher.[Key words]Huoxue Huayu Decoction;Xuefu Zhuyu Decoction;Suanzaoren Decoction;Dachengqi Decoction;Intractable insomnia;Case-checking失眠是临床常见的病症之一,多指对睡眠时间和(或)睡眠质量不满意,并影响白天社会功能的一种主观体验,属于一种常见的生理心理疾病叫长期失眠会给人的正常生活和工作带来严重的不利影响,因失眠造成的记忆力、注意力的下降往往引发严重的意外叫中医学将失眠称之为“不寐”“不得眠”“目不暝”等叫中医认为失眠是由于心神失养或不安引起的经常性、长期性不能获取正常睡眠为特征的一类病症叫病程较长、易反复、短时间内难以治愈,严重影响工作及生活。



2人参研究GINSENG RESEARCH 2022年第2期黄晓巍1,王宇2,王亚杰2,周佳2,王晋冀2,律广富2,谢晓燕3,辛国3*(1.长春中医药大学东北亚中医药研究院,长春130117;2.长春中医药大学药学院,长春130117;3.长春中医药大学附属医院后勤保障部,长春130021)摘要:,。


、、、;;ELISA 5-HT、DA、NE、γ-GABA、Glu、TSH,cAMP、cGMP ;Western Blot CRH ACTH 。


,,,5-HT、DA、NE、γ-GABA、Glu、TSH,cAMP、cGMP CRH ACTH (P <0.05P <0.01)。





5-HT、DA、NE、γ-GABA、Glu [4],,,。



Abstract:Objective To explore the improvement effect of Zaoren Fuling Yuzhu plasters (ZFYP)on insomnia of yindeficiency type by subthreshold hypnotic dose test of pentobarbital sodium and reproduction of insomnia animal model of yin deficiency type.Method Subthreshold hypnotic dose test of pentobarbital sodium was used to calculate the sleep rate of mice in each group.The insomnia rat model of yin deficiency type was reproduced with thyroxine.Body weight,water intake,food intake and Anal temperature were monitored;open field experiment was used to detect behavioral changes;ELISA was used to detect 5-HT,Da,NE in serum γ-GABA,Glu,TSH,camp and cGMP in plasma were detected;the expression levels of CRH and ACTH were detected by Western blot.Results The results of subthreshold hypnotic dose test of pentobarbital sodium showed that ZFYP could significantly reduce the number of spontaneous activities and increase the sleep rate of mice.The animal model of insomnia of yin deficiency type was established,the results showed that compared with the model group,ZFYP could significantly improve the appearance,behavior,5-HT,DA,NE,γ-GABA,Glu,TSH,cAMP,cGMP in plasma and CRH and ACTH in brain tissue (P <0.05or P <0.01)with Yin deficiency insomnia induced by thyroxine.Conclusion ZFYP can improve the insomnia symptoms of yin deficiency insomnia model rats induced by thyroxine,and its mechanism may be related to the regulation of 5-HT,Da,NE γ-The contents of GABA,Glu,camp,cGMP,TSH,CRH and ACTH.Keywords:ZaoRenFuLingYuZhu plasters;subthreshold hypnotic dose;insomnia of yin deficiency type;thyroxine;pentobarbital sodiumZaoRenFuLingYuZhu plasters for Study on the effect of improving insomnia ofyin deficiency typeHUANG Xiao-wei 1,WANG Yu 2,WANG Ya-jie 2,ZHOU Jia 2,WANG Jin-ji 2,LV Guang-fu 2,XIE Xiao-yan 3,XIN Guo 3*(1.Northeast Asian Research Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Changchun University of Chinese Medicine,Jilin Changchun 130117,China;2.School of Pharmaceutical Sciences,Changchun University of Chinese Medicine,Jilin Changchun 130117,China;3.Logistics SupportDepartment,Affiliated Hospital of Changchun University of Chinese Medicine,Jilin Changchun 130021,China;)基金项目:2020(2020021)。


例8.This product is prepared from units of human plasma which have been tested and found nonreactive for hepatitis associated (Australia) antigen.
2. 商品名译法 药品名称的中文翻译方法有多种,包括音译、意译、音意合译、谐音译以及按药理作用或药物成分翻译。a. 音译 Penicilin 盘尼西林,Cediland (西地兰), Persantin(潘生丁), aspirin (阿司匹林)b. 意译 Chlorimycin 氯霉素;Tetracyclin 四环素;Cholic Acid 胆酸c. 音意合译 Medemycin 麦迪霉素(-mycin 霉素) d. 谐音 Legalon利肝隆,Webilin胃必灵 e. 按药理作用或药物成分翻译
包括下列内容:药品名称 (Drug name)性状 (Description)药理作用 (Pharmacological Actions )适应症 (Indication)禁忌症 (Contraindication)注意事项 (Precaution)副作用 (Side effects)剂量和用法 (Dosage and administration)包装 (Packing)有效期 (Expiry date)出厂日期 (Manufacturing date)参考文献 (References)
例1.Folic acid is a yellowish to orange, crystalline powder; odourless or almost odourless.



532 世界睡眠医学杂志WorldJournalofSleepMedicine2020年3月第7卷第3期March.2020,Vol.7,No.3基金项目:福建省科技厅青年创新项目(2017D0012)作者简介:郑书传,医学学士,主管护师,心理治疗师通信作者:韦璇,研究方向:睡眠医学,E mail:weixuan17@qq com睡眠精神病学SleepPsychopathy认知行为治疗对催眠药物依赖型失眠患者药物戒断及生命质量的影响郑书传1 杨林霖2 韦璇1 赖鹏1 金凤1(1厦门市仙岳医院睡眠医学中心,厦门,361012;2河北医科大学附属第一医院脑功能科,石家庄,050031)摘要 目的:考察认知行为治疗对催眠药物依赖型失眠患者睡眠质量、药物戒断和生命质量的影响。


对入组的患者进行为期5周,共计6次,2 5h/次的认知行为治疗。


采用匹兹堡睡眠指数量表(PSQI),贝克抑郁量表(BDI),贝克焦虑量表(BAI),健康状况调查问卷(SF 36)对患者进行评估。

结果:治疗结束后PSQI总分阴性(7分以下)人数逐渐增加,1年以后达到56(65 11%)人。

通过5周治疗,83 72%的患者不再使用催眠药物,1年后达到79(91 86%);抗焦虑抑郁药物出组时减药率达到67 85%,一年后达到了87 50%。

治疗结束后,失眠患者的焦虑水平、抑郁水平,生命质量得到显著改善(P<0 001)。


关键词 认知行为治疗;失眠;药物戒断;生命质量EffectofCognitiveBehavioralTherapyonDrugWithdrawalandQualityofLifeinPatientswithHypnoticDrug dependentInsomniaZHENGShuchuan1,YANGLinlin2,WEIXuan1,LAIPeng1,JINFeng1(1XiamenXianyueHospitalSleepMedicalCenter,Xiamen361012,China;2Departmentofbrainfunction,theFirstAffiliatedHospitalofHebeiMedicalUniversity,Shijiazhuang050031,China)Abstract Objective:Toinvestigatetheeffectsofcognitivebehavioraltherapyonsleepquality,drugwithdrawalandqualityoflifeinpatientswithhypnoticdrug dependentinsomnia Methods:Eighty sixpatientswithchronicinsomniawereenrolledintheSleepMedicineCenterofXiamenXianyueHospitalfromJuly2015toMarch2018 ThecriteriaforenrollmentmetthediagnosticcriteriaforadultchronicinsomniaintheInternationalClassificationofSleepDisordersThirdEdition Medicationsformorethan6monthsand≥3times/weekwithoutothermentaldisorders Theenrolledpatientsweretreatedfor5weeksforatotalof6sessionsand2 5hoursofcognitivebehavioraltherapy Oneyearfollow upaftertreatment PittsburghSleepIndexNumberScale(PSQI),BakerDe pressionScale(BDI),BakerAnxietyScale(BAI),andHealthStatusQuestionnaire(SF 36)wereusedtoassesspatients Results:Aftertheendoftreatment,thenumberofPSQItotalscores(below7points)graduallyincreased,reaching56(65 11%)peopleafter1year After5weeksoftreatment,83 72%ofpatientsnolongerusedhypnoticdrugs,andreached79(11 86%)afteroneyear;anti anxietyanddepressiondrugshadadrug reducingrateof67 85%whentheycameout,and87 50%afteroneyear Afterthetreatment,theanxietylevel,depressionlevel,andqualityoflifeofinsomniapatientsweresignificantlyimproved(P<0 001).Con clusion:Cognitive behaviouraltherapycansignificantlyimprovesleepinpatientswithdrug dependentinsomnia,withdrawalfromdependenceondrugs,improvepatients′levelsofdepressionandanxiety,andimprovetheirqualityoflife.Keywords Cognitivebehavioraltherapy;Insomnia;Drugwithdrawal;Qualityoflife中图分类号:R338 63文献标识码:Adoi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-7130.2020.03.068 随着社会节奏不断加快,失眠成为威胁人们身体健康的重要因素之一。



1320 世界睡眠医学杂志WorldJournalofSleepMedicine2019年9月第6卷第9期September.2019,Vol.6,No.9作者简介:合浩(1977—),男,回族,本科,副主任医师,研究方向:精神疾病诊断与治疗,Tel:(0871)65619125通信作者:莫敏,E mail:2647378498@qq com1例唑吡坦依赖的慢性失眠障碍患者替代治疗报告并文献复习合浩 吕鑫 李晓霞 冒才英 周莉 黄芹 薛莹 方静 莫敏(云南省精神病医院,昆明,650000)摘要 唑吡坦是临床中广泛用于治疗睡眠障碍的药物,因其属于非苯二氮艹卓类镇静催眠药物,临床工作者多忽略其药物依赖性。




关键词 慢性失眠障碍;唑吡坦;药物依赖性ACaseofZolpidem dependentAlternativeTreatmentReportForChronicInsomniaPatientsandLiteratureReviewHeHao,LyuXin,LiXiaoxia,MaoCaiying,ZhouLi,HuangQin,XueYing,FangJing,MoMin(YunnanProvincialPsychiatricHospital,Kunming650000,China)Abstract Zolpidemiswidelyusedinthetreatmentofsleepdisordersintheclinic Becauseitbelongstonon benzodiazepineseda tiveandhypnoticdrugs,cliniciansignoreitsdrugdependence Inrecentyears,casereportsofzolpidemdrugdependencehavebeenreported,andzolpidemdrugdependenceshouldbetakenseriously Thisarticlereportsthedrugdependenceofapatientwithchron icinsomniaaftertakingzolpidemandreviewingrelevantliterature Theuseofnon benzodiazepinesedativeandhypnoticdrugsinclinicalpracticeshouldbestandardized,toavoiddrugdependencecausedbylong termuseofpatients,andpatientsshouldbepromptlyreducedafterdrugdependence,andalternativetreatment.KeyWords Chronicinsomnia;Zolpidem;Drugdependence中图分类号:R338 63文献标识码:Adoi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-7130.2019.09.063 慢性失眠障碍(ChronicInsomniaDisorder,CID)是一种频繁发生的持续性睡眠启动困难及睡眠维持困难,导致睡眠质量不能满足个体需要并影响社会功能的一种睡眠障碍[1]。



慢性阻塞性肺疾病病人睡眠障碍研究进展罗颖;汪晖;胡凯利【摘要】介绍了慢性阻塞性肺疾病病人睡眠障碍的现状,分析了病人睡眠障碍的影响因素,提出了促进病人睡眠的药物和非药物干预方式,旨在为慢性阻塞性肺疾病病人睡眠障碍的护理干预提供理论依据.%It introduced the status quo of sleep disorders in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and analyzed influencing factors of sleep disorders,proposed a drug and non drug intervention to promote sleep,and to provide theoretical basis for nursing intervention of sleep disorders in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.【期刊名称】《护理研究》【年(卷),期】2017(031)036【总页数】4页(P4605-4608)【关键词】慢性阻塞性肺疾病;睡眠障碍;影响因素;药物治疗;非药物干预【作者】罗颖;汪晖;胡凯利【作者单位】430030,华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院;430030,华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院;430030,华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R473.5慢性阻塞性肺疾病(chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,COPD)是一种以气流受限为特征,并呈进行性发展的慢性呼吸系统疾病[1]。



GHB (Gamma-HydroxyButyric acid)说明书

GHB (Gamma-HydroxyButyric acid)说明书

G, GHB, one4b, liquid ecstasy, fantasyGHB is a hypnotic sedative drug known by many people for its use in rape and sexual assaults. It generally comes either as a powder in a capsule or as a clear, salty liquid sold in small bottles mixed into water. In powder form, measuring a dose is fairly straightforward whereas with liquid it can be difficult to know the strength and there is no way, without testing, to determine its strength.Although some people call it ‘liquid E’ its effects are more similar to alcohol than ecstasy. GHB affects the release of dopamine in the brain which at low doses usually causes effects ranging from relaxation to sleep. The effects come on in about 15 minutes and usually last 1 - 3 hours though can last a lot longer depending on the dose and the individual. A hangover effect is often experienced for up to 72 hours afterwards.Some chemicals convert to GHB in the stomach and blood stream; these include GBL (gammabutyrolactone), 14B or One4b (1, 4, butanediol) and sodium oxybate which all have similar effects to GHB.GHB has many effects on the body which can make overdoses difficult to treat. Also GHB has a very fast overdose time course: within 15 minutes a person can lose consciousness and breathing can slowsignificantly. This can happen with doses above 3500 mg and single doses over 7000 mg can cause life-threatening respiratory depression (low air movement in and out of the lungs). Higher doses can cause the heart rate to slow (bradycardia) and stop working (cardiac arrest).Many people are afraid to call an ambulance when someone ODs – but not doing socould see you in an even stickier situation. ODs don't have to be fatal. Thedifference between life and death often depends on the care given to the personwho has overdosed. When you call the ambulance be as calm as possible, clear andconcise:∙ Tell the operator that someone has stopped breathing. That should get theambulance there pretty quickly∙ If you're asked if it's an overdose don't lie. If you're scared say you think theperson took something but you don't know what. Be as honest as you can under the circumstances The greatest life threat due to GHB overdose is that someone stops breathing. Other relatively common causes of death when someone’s taken GHB include:∙ choking on vomit. People are most likely to vomit as they become unconscious and as they wake up.Keep the person awake and moving. Never leave them on their own. They may be in a good mood but this does not mean they are not in danger. GHB overdose is a medical emergency∙ trauma sustained while intoxicated (e.g. having an accident while driving under the influence of GHB) ∙ positional asphyxia (when the position of a person's body interferes with their ability to breath)People can become both physically and psychologically addicted to GHB. They experience symptoms of withdrawal if they suddenly stop using GHB. They can’t sleep, feel anxious, get tremors and sweaty and their heartbeat is irregular. Withdrawal can be severe and medical assistance may be needed. According to the NZ Drug Foundation many heavy users say they were able to taper off their use to zero by reducing their intake slowly over a two week period.Withdrawal effects may include hallucinations, insomnia, anxiety, tremors, sweating, edginess, chest pains and tightness, muscle and bone aches, sensitivity to sounds and colours, and mental blocks. The effects can last 2-21 days and some people might experience bowel or bladder incontinence and blackouts. Anyone experiencing these symptoms should see a doctor.∙ No use is the safest choice∙ Avoid mixing GHB with alcohol or other drugs∙ Measure the amount you are taking accurately. Remember the effects of this drug vary a lot from oneperson to the next; you may not be able to tolerate what someone else can. Be aware that GHBconcentration can vary a lot between batches∙ Avoid GHB if you have heart or breathing problems, epilepsy, sensitivity to other central nervoussystem depressants or general poor health∙ Avoid using with drugs that also have a sedative effect (e.g. benzos, opiates, alcohol or ketamine) ∙ Taking GHB is safest with friends who have had previous experience with the drug and know whatyou’re using in case medical attention is urgently r equired. Avoid taking it alone∙ If purchasing G, check if it’s GHB or GBL as GBL is usually 2 to 3 times stronger. However individualbatches of these drugs will also vary so be cautious if acquiring G from new sources∙ Avoid accepting GHB or similar drugs from people you don’t fully trust due to the possible risk of rape,robbery or being left alone if you’re too out of it or unconscious.It is dangerous to suddenly stop taking GHB if you have been taking it daily for a period of time. Seek advice from your GP or come to the walk in clinic at Pitman House between 10am and 1pm Mon-Fri for advice or an assessmentIf you're looking for more information, or maybe want to talk to someone about GHB or other drug issues for yourself or someone close to you give Auckland CADS a call on 845-1818For confidential advice, support or information on alcohol & drug services in your region contact the alcohol drug helpline on 0800-787-797Referenceshttps:///wiki/Gamma-Hydroxybutyric_acid#cite_note-6Bell James and Rodney Collins. 2010. ‘Gamma -butyrolactone (GBL) dependence and withdrawal ’ Addiction 106: 442–447 Benzer, Theodore I. 2007. ‘Toxicity, Gamma-Hydroxybutyrate ’ eMedicine/ghb/dependence.au/drug-facts/ghb/chemicals/ghb/ghb_effects.shtmlThe Expert Advisory Committee on Drugs. December 2001. ‘Advice on Gamma-hydroxybutyric acid and related Substances (‘fantasy’)’。





以下⽂章由整理,欢迎阅读!更多相关讯息请关注! 失眠⽤英语⼝语怎么说 (suffer from) insomnia 例句 As I've been lying wide awake for a couple of hours, I know I've come in for it again tonight. 毫⽆睡意地躺了⼀两个⼩时之后,我知道今晚⼜要失眠了。

During this period, the patient experiences tremulousness, anxiety, depression, and insomnia 在这⼀期间,患者经受颤抖、忧虑、郁闷和失眠的痛苦。

Psychic changes have been commonly observed, as well as daytime somnolence, nocturnal insomnia, and partial blindness 普遍观察的有精神变化,以及⽩天嗜睡,夜间失眠和部分失明。

Their faces were pale after a sleepless night, their eyes were bloodshot, and they were tense with excitement 他们那些失眠的脸上都罩着⼀层青⾊,眼球上有红丝,有兴奋的光彩。

A psychotic or neurotic condition characterized by an inability to concentrate, insomnia, and feelings of extreme sadness, dejection, and hopelessness. 忧郁症⼀种精神或神经状态,其特征是不能集中精⼒,失眠,感到过度忧郁、沮丧和绝望。



Paralysis n . 麻痹,无力停顿Stroke n .中风,打击Congestive heart failure CHF 充血性心力衰竭Cardiomyopathy n .心肌症Ipecac syrup 吐根糖浆Spastic dysphonia 痉挛性发音困难,声带痉挛Botox 肉毒杆菌,肉毒杆菌毒素M.R.I.(magnetic resonance imaging) 核共振成像Phenytoin sodium 苯妥英钠IV intravenous injection 静脉注射IG immune globulin 免疫球蛋白Small cell lung cancer SCLC 小细胞肺癌Lambert-Eaton syndrome 兰伯特-伊顿综合征Thymus gland 胸腺Digeorge syndrome 迪格奥尔格综合征Porphyrin 卟啉Acute intermittent porphyria AIP 急性间歇性卟啉病Methanol 甲醇Ethanol 乙醇Pheochromocytoma 嗜络细胞瘤Chromaffin cell 嗜络细胞TIA暂时性脑缺血发作Anti-biotic 抗生素TB tuberculosis 结核病PPD purified protein derivative 纯蛋白衍生物ECG,EKG 心电图Sick sinus syndrome 病态窦房结综合征Cardiac arrest 心脏停搏Sinus 窦Nasal spay 鼻腔喷雾器Antihistamine 抗组胺药Steroids 类固醇Fever 发烧Diarrhea 腹泻Flu 流感Lump 肿块Optimum 良性Malignant 恶性False-positive 假阳性Negative 阴性Biopsy 活检Pink eye 红眼病Levofloxacin左氧氟沙星Streptomycin 链霉素Isoniazid 异烟肼(rimifom 雷米封)Tumor 癌Autonomic nerve system 自律神经Fentanyl 芬太尼(止痛剂)Morphine 吗啡Transfusion 输液Cerebrospinal fluid 脑脊液Dysentery 痢疾Dengi fever 登革热Staph , staphylococci 葡萄球菌Insulin 胰岛素Pancreas 胰腺Rash 皮疹Tick 扁虱Euphoria 精神愉快,欣快,欣快感Legionella 军团菌Brain biopsy 大脑活检Parasite 寄生虫Naegleria 耐格里原虫Amebic parasite 阿米巴原虫Primary amoebic meningoence phalitis 原发性阿米巴脑膜炎PAM Inflame 发炎Rickets 佝偻病Scurvy 坏血病Thiamin 维生素B1Assimilate 吸收,消化Contract 得(病)Dentistry 牙科Ethylene 乙烯,亚乙基Insensitive 感觉迟钝的,不敏感的Ghastly 可怕的,恐怖的,死人般的Inhalation 吸入(药剂)Irritant 刺激物Nauseate 使恶心。



唑吡坦的临床应用研究进展刘桂萍;张国领【期刊名称】《中国医药导报》【年(卷),期】2017(014)029【摘要】失眠是一种临床常见的睡眠障碍性疾病.目前,镇静催眠类药物仍然是治疗失眠的主要措施.唑吡坦是一种新型镇静催眠药物,为苯二氮革类受体激动剂,属于非苯二氮革类.相比苯二氮革类,唑吡坦具有治疗失眠安全、有效且长期使用不良反应少的优点,临床应用日益广泛.为了确保合理用药和用药安全,临床医师和药师应基于相关指南,正确选择适应证,严密监测药物不良反应,加强精神药品应用管理,防止镇静催眠药物滥用.%Insomnia is a common sleep disorder,at present,sedative and hypnotic drugs are still the main measures in the treatment of insomnia.Zolpidem is benzodiazepine receptor agonists,which is a new type of sedative and hypnotic drugs,belonging to the nonbenzodiazepine pared to benzodiazepine drugs in the treatment of insomnia,Zolpidem has the advantages of safe and effective,less adverse reactions,widely clinical application.In order to ensure the rational use of drugs and medication safety,clinicians and pharmacists should base on the relevant guidelines,correctly select indications,closely monitor adverse drug reactions,strengthen the management of psychotropic drugs,and prevent the abuse of sedative and hypnotic drugs.【总页数】4页(P41-44)【作者】刘桂萍;张国领【作者单位】解放军第三○九医院门诊部,北京100082;解放军第三○九医院门诊部,北京100082【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R971.3【相关文献】1.唑吡坦在中国的临床应用综述 [J], 李洋;曾训庭;郑静波2.唑吡坦治疗慢性意识障碍的研究进展 [J], 夏小雨;杨艺;党圆圆;尹霄霄;李广罡;何江弘;焦辉;徐如祥;黄勇华;3.唑吡坦治疗慢性意识障碍的研究进展 [J], 夏小雨;杨艺;党圆圆;尹霄霄;李广罡;何江弘;焦辉;徐如祥;黄勇华4.OLIF的临床应用与研究进展 [J], 李生鋆;范顺武;赵凤东5.我国肿瘤病人营养风险评估量表临床应用研究进展 [J], 晏超;杨胜欢;黎静;李永红因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。









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Review ArticleHypnotic use for insomnia management in chronicobstructive pulmonary diseaseThomas Roth *Sleep Disorders and Research Center,Henry Ford Hospital,2799West Grand Boulevard,CFP-3Detroit,MI 48202,USAReceived 11March 2008;received in revised form 31May 2008;accepted 17June 2008Available online 9August 2008AbstractChronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)is one of the leading causes of mortality and morbidity worldwide.Because of the chronic nature of the disease,optimal care for patients includes successful treatment of comorbidities that accompany COPD,including insomnia.Insomnia symptoms and associated disruption of sleep are prevalent in COPD patients but treatment with traditional benzodiazepines may compromise respiratory function.This review summarizes the efficacy and safety consideration of current drugs available for the treatment of insomnia in COPD patients including benzodiazepines,non-benzodiazepine receptor agonists such as eszopiclone,zolpidem,and zaleplon,sedating antidepressants such as trazodone,and the melatonin receptor agonist ramelteon.Ó2009Published by Elsevier B.V.Keywords:Drug therapy;Respiratory diseases;Sleep disorders;Insomnia;Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease;Hypnotics1.IntroductionChronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)encompasses a range of respiratory diseases including chronic bronchitis,emphysema,and others.The disease is defined as a progressive limitation of functional air-flow that is not fully reversible with inhaled bronchodi-lators [1].The disease is progressive and chronic,requiring long-term treatment to improve quality of life in affected patients.Several comorbidities accompany COPD including unexplained weight loss,cardiovascular disease,periph-eral muscle weakness,cognitive impairment,depression,anxiety,and sleep disorders [2,3].COPD patients are more likely to have difficulty falling and staying asleep and have increased sleepiness during the day.In some cases,they take hypnotics to combat their sleep distur-bance.Arousals from sleep are more likely in thesepatients due to chronic coughing and nocturnal wheez-ing and also nocturnal oxygen desaturation [4].In addi-tion,an increased number of COPD patients also have obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS),a condition that is referred to as overlap syndrome [5].The coinci-dence of OSAS has detrimental effects on respiratory physiology and exacerbates hypoxia and hypercapnia in COPD patients during sleep [6].This is particularly important to recognize because hypoxia correlates strongly with nocturnal mortality [7].The most common pharmacologic treatment pre-scribed for insomnia including those comorbid with COPD are the benzodiazepine receptor agonists (BZRAs),a group of drugs that function by binding to the benzodiazepine receptor at the GABA A complex.These receptors are expressed in the plasma membrane of neurons throughout the CNS and PNS [8].BZRAs include both the traditional benzodiazepines,which bind a broad range of BZ receptors and a newer group of more selective BZRAs called the non-benzodiazepine BZRAs.These drugs are more selective to a BZ receptor1389-9457/$-see front matter Ó2009Published by Elsevier B.V.doi:10.1016/j.sleep.2008.06.005*Tel.:+13138762233;fax:+13139165150.E-mail address:Troth1@/locate/sleepSleep Medicine 10(2009)19–25subtype that is expressed in the CNS and people have hypothesized that they produce fewer adverse side effects on pulmonary function than do the traditional BZRAs [8].The selective MT1/MT2melatonin receptor agonist ramelteon is another option for the treatment of insom-nia.Melatonin receptors,expressed in the hypothala-mus,regulate neural and endocrine mediated processes that control mammalian circadian rhythms[9].By engaging signaling pathways downstream of these G-protein coupled receptors,ramelteon is believed to decrease sleep latency and increase sleep efficiency. Finally,the antidepressant trazodone is sometimes used off-label for treatment of insomnia and may be consid-ered for use in COPD patients,although there is a lack of data on its effectiveness and safety in this patient pop-ulation(NIH consensus statement).It has become clear that the COPD patient popula-tion comorbid for insomnia is underserved by current practices in sedative pharmacotherapy.The current treatment paradigm relies heavily on CNS depressants, namely benzodiazepines,that can lead to hypoxia[4]. While there are no pharmacological treatments specifi-cally indicated for the treatment of sleep disturbances in the COPD population,evidence suggests a reevalua-tion of the current treatment paradigm for this cohort of patients.As our understanding of sleep mechanisms has increased,so too has our appreciation for the clini-cal potential associated with newer sleep therapies.This review will discuss the clinical impact of insomnia on the COPD population and will highlight special consider-ations to be taken for this population and the risks related to current pharmacological treatment options of insomnia in COPD.2.Effects of sleep on respiratory function in the COPD populationDuring sleep,a number of respiratory functions are affected in normal healthy individuals,including altera-tions in central respiratory control,airway resistance and airway muscle tone.Overall,these effects result in hypoventilation,moderate hypercapnia,and hypoxia [10].During sleep the response of the respiratory center in the brain to both hypoxia and hypercapnia is attenu-ated,particularly during phasic REM sleep[11–13].The changes in arterial blood gases that occur in normal sub-jects during sleep are exacerbated in patients with COPD.Moreover,sleep related breathing disorders occur with relatively high frequency in this population, further worsening sleep-related hypoxia and hypercap-nia,particularly during REM sleep[14].These altera-tions in COPD patients may contribute to an increased frequency of nocturnal awakenings.In addi-tion,these effects of sleep on blood gas levels should be taken into consideration when choosing hypnotic treatment for insomnia,as those that promote further alterations may be particularly dangerous in this patient population.Patients with COPD have varied levels of alterations in arterial blood gas values during wakefulness.Those that exhibit even mildly hypoxic diurnal arterial oxygen tension(P a O2)levels tend to develop substantial noctur-nal oxygen desaturation,especially during REM sleep [14].Studies have recognized that the hypoventilation that occurs during sleep is the major cause of nocturnal oxygen desaturation among COPD patients[4,15,16]. Furthermore,the changes in respiratory muscle function that occur during sleep,worsen functional residual capacity and contribute to lower ventilation/perfusion matching,exacerbating desaturation[17,18].Nocturnal P a O2tends to be lower in COPD patients relative to nor-mal subjects since the P a O2drops observed normally during sleep cause a larger drop in saturation when the patient is already hypoxemic,following the steepness of the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve[3,19].Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome(OSAS),relatively common in individuals over the age of45,occurs in about 10–15%of patients with COPD,a condition referred to as ‘‘Overlap Syndrome”[20].Individuals with both condi-tions tend to develop dangerously low levels of P a O2 which is believed to occur because COPD patients are already hypoxemic at the beginning of each apneic event[20–22].Alterations in arterial blood gas values in individuals with Overlap Syndrome lead to pulmonary hypertension which is associated with increased risk of cardiac arrhythmias and cor-pulmonale.These patients have a decreased survival rate over5years relative to patients that have OSAS alone[23].3.Insomnia in the COPD populationNocturnal hypoxia and hypercapnia cause increased arousals and sleep disruption in COPD patients to improve respiration.This leads to sleep disruption and,in vulnerable individuals,chronic insomnia[3]. Over50%of COPD patients report a long sleep latency, frequent arousals during the night and/or general insomnia[8].Insomnia tends to be more prevalent and severe with advanced disease,roughly correlating with the extent of underlying lung disease[24].Analysis of a large COPD database revealed that21.4%of the listed COPD patients were diagnosed with and were treated for insomnia as compared to only7.2%of non-COPD patients[25].4.The effects of COPD treatment on the development of insomniaAlthough few studies have been done to determine the role that drugs used to treat COPD have on sleep, it is clear that insomnia can be a side effect of some of these medications.For example,bronchodilators used20T.Roth/Sleep Medicine10(2009)19–25to treat some COPD patients have been noted to cause insomnia in a small population of treated patients [26–28].In addition,other medications commonly pre-scribed to COPD patients including corticosteroids and b -adrenoreceptor agonists contribute to insomnia [29].In contrast,nocturnal oxygen therapy has been shown to improve sleeplessness in COPD patients,per-haps by preventing awakenings due to oxygen desatura-tion during the night [30].There is a lack of studies done to determine whether or not expectorants have any impact on the quality of sleep in COPD patients.5.Pharmacologic treatment of insomniaThere are currently a limited number of classes of medication that are used to treat insomnia (Table 1).Benzodiazepine receptor agonists (BZRAs)are the most commonly prescribed sleep agents used in the manage-ment of insomnia in the COPD population [8,31,32].This class of drugs includes both the traditional benzo-diazepines that share the formal benzodiazepine chemi-cal structure and have affinities for multiple subtypes of BZ receptors as well as the newer non-benzodiazepines (zolpidem,eszopiclone,and zaleplon),that have a higher selectivity for a narrower range of BZ receptor subtypes [33].Another treatment option for insomnia in COPD patients is ramelteon,a MT 1/MT 2melatonin receptor agonist [9].In clinical trails,ramelteon has been shown to be safe in patients with mild-to-moderate COPD and in mild-to-moderate OSAS patients [34,35].Finally,low dose sedating antidepressants such as traz-odone have been used as an off-label treatment of insomnia.However,it is not clearly understood at what doses these drugs promote sleep and the safety of these doses.Clinical studies have found this agent to be safe in not exacerbating respiratory function in COPD patients,but there is no data on dose related safety and efficacy in subjects not suffering from depression [31,32,36].plications associated with the use of standard insomnia treatment6.1.Traditional benzodiazepinesThe benzodiazepines traditionally prescribed for insomnia include those indicated specifically for insom-nia,namely,temazepam,triazolam,flurazepam,estazo-lam,and quazepam among others (Table 1)[33].These drugs have varied half-lives and some result in the pro-duction of active metabolites which cause daytime impairment.Those with shorter half-lives that do not result in the production of active metabolites are most useful in elderly patients and significantly decrease sleep latency but have less of an effect on sleep maintenance against which intermediate acting drugs are more effec-tive.Longer acting benzodiazepines lead to residual cog-nitive effects the following day [33].When used in normal subjects,few significant adverse side effects on pulmonary function have been observed with benzodiazepines.However,despite being com-monly used in the treatment of insomnia in COPD patients,several reports describe adverse pulmonary events associated with benzodiazepine usage in these patients.Some trials have reported adverse effects on pulmonary function in patients with COPD.In one small study on the effects of 1.5–2mg dose of lorazepam on respiratory function in COPD patients,the authors noted a 20%decrease in minute ventilation due to decreased tidal volume.In addition,they observed a 10–15%reduction in a number of respiratory muscle functional parameters after a single dose,including neg-ative effects on diaphragmatic endurance [37].In another study,it was found that a 30mg dose of fluraz-epam resulted in a decreased tidal volume in mild COPD patients,and a decrease in oxygen saturation [38].Beau-pre et al.reported that administration of a single oral dose of diazepam to patients with moderate to severeTable 1Pharmacologic options for treatment of insomnia Drug classification Drug subclass Drug(s)(half-life)ReceptorMechanism of sedation BZRAaBenzodiazepinesLorazepam (10–12h)BZ 1,BZ 2,BZ 3,BZ 5Neuron desensitization,CNS depression,smooth muscle relaxation,anxiolytic effectsTemazepam (8–20h)Triazolam (2h)Flurazepam (>40h)Estazolam (10–24h)Quazepam (25–100h)BZRA aNon-benzodiazepines Zopliclone (5–6h)BZ 1,3Neuron desensitization,CNS depressionEszopliclone (5–6h)Zolpidem (2h)Zaleplon (2h)Antidepressants Serotonin reuptake receptor antagonist Trazodone (3–6h)5HT 2A serotonin receptors Unknown,may indirectly "GABA levelsMelatonin receptor agonistsSelective MT 1/MT 2receptor agonist Ramelteon (1–2h)MT 1/MT 2Blocks circadian alerting signals in the hypothalamusaBenzodiazepine receptor agonist.T.Roth /Sleep Medicine 10(2009)19–2521COPD resulted in a significant decrease in ventilatory drive in response to hypercapnia and mouth occlusion [39].Another study found that0.25mg triazolam signif-icantly increased the arousal threshold to airway occlu-sion and in both normal subjects and those with severe OSAS[40,41].Thus,benzodiazepines depress respira-tory functions that participate in maintaining homeosta-sis of arterial blood gases during sleep.It is recognized that different BZ receptor subtypes mediate different effects.Benzodiazepines are thought to produce sedative effects through BZ1receptors and anxiolytic and other effects through BZ2and BZ3recep-tor subtypes[42,43].However,apart from binding receptors in the CNS,benzodiazepines also have effects on neurons to peripheral tissues.Benzodiazepines inhi-bit voltage-gated Ca2+channels in canine tracheal smooth muscle cells,leading to pulmonary muscle relax-ation,although this effect is not blocked using GABA A receptor antagonists,suggesting alternative pathways [44].In addition,they inhibit nerves that control the upper airway muscles.It is recognized that inhibition of the hypoglossal nerve and the recurrent laryngeal nerve by benzodiazepines can lead to airway obstruction during sleep[42,43].Altogether,these observed effects on respiratory function suggest that there are significant safety con-cerns associated with the use of benzodiazepines in the COPD population.These risks are heightened further in patients with Overlap Syndrome who are already hyp-oxic at the start of apneic episodes.In addition,adverse effects of benzodiazepines on cognitive function suggest that they may not be the best choice for use in elderly COPD patients who may be at increased risk for falls and fractures.6.2.Non-benzodiazepine BZRAsA newer generation of BZ receptor agonists,also known as non-benzodiazepines,has a higher selectivity for BZ receptor subtypes expressed predominantly in neurons of the CNS(Table1).These drugs have little to no affinity for the other GABA A receptor subtypes, and have fewer adverse effects on respiratory function than do the traditional benzodiazepines.Furthermore, these drugs specifically target the receptor believed to mediate the sedation effects of the BZRAs[45].Drugs in this subclass include zolpidem,zolpdem CR,zopi-clone and its active racemate eszopiclone,and zaleplon (Table1).While zolpidem and zaleplon show selectivity for the BZ alpha1subunit,zopiclone and eszopiclone are selective for the alpha3subunit.The non-benzodiazepine BZRAs have similar effects on sleep latency and efficiency as traditional benzodiaze-pines(Table2)[33].Several clinical studies have been conducted to test the effects of these drugs on pulmon-ary function.Unlike benzodiazepines,zopiclone (7.5–10mg)and zolpidem(10mg)have been found to have no significant effect on ventilatory drive and central control of breathing in normal subjects or in patients with mild to moderate COPD[39,46–48].One small study has noted a non-significant trend towards an increased number and duration of apneic spells in patients taking5–10mg zopiclone[49].Furthermore,non-benzodiazepine BZRAs have amnestic and cognitive effects similar to benzodiaze-pines.A recent review reported sixteen studies that included1541participants that evaluated the differences between benzodiazepines and non-benzodiazepines in terms of cognitive and psychomotor adverse events in elderly patients over the age of60years,finding no significant differences between treatments[50].Thus, although non-benzodiazepines have fewer apparent adverse effects on pulmonary function,the potential for adverse effects on cognitive function may complicate treatment of insomnia in COPD patients,many of whom suffer from cognitive impairment or are elderly patients at risk for fall-related fractures[51].6.3.RamelteonRamelteon is a MT1/MT2melatonin receptor agonist and thus mediates similar action to the endogenously produced hormone,melatonin,by decreasing sleep latency[9].Ramelteon has no known appreciable affin-ity for the benzodiazepine or any receptor at the GABA A complex or receptors that bind neuropeptides, cytokines,serotonin,dopamine,noradrenaline,or opi-ates[52].In contrast to melatonin,ramelteon has no affinity for the MT3receptor which may mediate other functions of melatonin on the gastrointestinal system. MT1and MT2receptors are expressed in the hypothal-amus and respond to the hormone melatonin that is released by the pineal gland in response to photorecep-tor signals.Melatonin levels are highest during periods of darkness and are believed to promote drowsiness in humans through poorly understood mechanisms.In animal studies and human clinical trials,ramelteon promotes similar effects,in particular a significant reduction in latency to persistent sleep and an increase in total sleep time in normal subjects[53–55].While more clinical trials need to be done to assess the effects of ramelteon on respiratory function,three studies have recently been conducted.In a randomized study,ramelteon was demonstrated to be safe in patients with mild-to-moderate COPD,and the group receiving the drug did not exhibit differences in nocturnal P a O2 [34].This point is important because hypoxia correlates with nocturnal mortality in patients with COPD and may also lead to increased awakenings[4,7].In addition, there was no effect of ramelteon treatment on the apnea/ hypopnea index,and ramelteon has been shown to be safe in patients with mild to moderate OSAS[34,35].22T.Roth/Sleep Medicine10(2009)19–25A recent double-blind placebo-controlled study was the first study to test the effects of ramelteon on oxygen sat-uration in moderate to severe COPD patients[56]. Patients in the ramelteon treatment group had similar mean nocturnal PaO2levels as those who received pla-cebo.In addition the patients who took ramelteon exhibited a significant increase in total sleep time and efficiency.Another advantage of ramelteon is that it does not appear to have adverse effects on cognitive function,which is particularly important in treating COPD and elderly patients.6.4.TrazodoneTrazodone is a commonly prescribed antidepressant commonly administered to non-depressed patients as an off-label treatment for insomnia(Table1)[36]. Though trazodone is known to act as a serotonin reup-take receptor(5-HT2)antagonist,the exact mechanism behind its effects on sleep promotion remains unclear [57].Serotonin neurotransmitters act on these G-protein coupled receptors expressed in neurons of the CNS and smooth muscle cells.Trazodone may indirectly lead to increased GABA release as a result of increased levels of serotonin,but it is still unclear if this is how it medi-ates its sedative effects[57]and,more importantly,at what dose and with what safety cost.The data on the effectiveness of trazodone in normal subjects is limited and there are virtually no studies done in patients with COPD.Very little data suggest that traz-odone improves sleep in patients without a mood disorder [58].Furthermore,there is no dose–response data for trazodone on sleep and safety at hypnotic doses to date, and available data suggest tolerance occurs to its hypnotic effects.There is also a lack in clinical trial data on the effect of trazodone on respiratory function.It should also be noted that trazodone has been reported to be associated with cardiac arrhythmias[58].Adverse effects observed with trazodone in normal patients include cognitive impairment,dizziness,and psychomotor difficulties[59].Because meaningful clinical research of the effects of trazodone on respiratory function and in COPD patients has not been done,the off-label use of this drug to treat insomnia in these patients should be reconsid-ered,even in patients who do have a mood disorder. Moreover,the adverse effects of trazodone on cognitive function may create special challenges in the COPD population due to the prevalent cognitive dysfunction that is comorbid in COPD patients[51].7.ConclusionCOPD is a leading cause of worldwide mortality. Managing quality of life in COPD patients is critical as they are likely to live with the disease as it pro-gresses over significant periods of time.Among other comorbidities,insomnia is prevalent in the COPD pop-ulation and affected individuals seek treatment to improve their quality of sleep.Additionally,a signifi-cant percentage of COPD patients also have OSAS, which further complicates treatment of sleep disorders in the COPD population[4,20,22].The natural drops in minute ventilation,tidal volume and functional residual capacity,coupled with the increased airway resistance and respiratory muscle atonia that occur normally during sleep,exacerbate the hypoxia and hypercapnia seen in COPD,producing nocturnal oxy-gen desaturation in this population[17,60].These changes in arterial blood gases and reduced pulmonary muscle strength and endurance increase the risk of noc-turnal mortality[14,61].Safe pharmacological treatment of insomnia must include consideration for whether the hypnotic could potentially exacerbate the already impaired gas exchange and atonia problems that present during sleep in COPD patients.Benzodiazepines are pre-scribed despite adverse pulmonary effects that could potentially lead to poor outcomes in the COPD popu-lation[8,62].Furthermore,the side effects of cognitive impairment and anterograde amnesia make benzodi-azepines a poor choice for the elderly COPD popula-tion.These complications highlight the need to reevaluate the current insomnia treatment paradigm in the COPD population.Table2Known adverse effects of current pharmaceuticals on respiratory function in COPD patientsDrug subclass Effects on sleep Adverse pulmonary effects inCOPD patientsReferencesBenzodiazepines;sleep latency,"sleep efficiency,;arousals ;tidal volume,;arousalresponse to hypercapnia," hypoxia,"hypercapnia[37–39]Non-benzodiazepines;sleep latency,"sleep efficiency,;arousals"apneas a[49] Melatonin receptor agonists(ramelteon);sleep latency,"sleep efficiency No effect on apnea or P a O2a[56] Trazodone"sleep efficiency(only in patientswith depression)Unknown a[58]a Further research is needed.T.Roth/Sleep Medicine10(2009)19–2523The non-benzodiazepine BZRAs may offer some ben-efit in comparison to traditional benzodiazepines with respect to respiratory depression complications.How-ever,there is some data to suggest that these drugs may promote apnea,which is known to significantly exacerbate hypoxia in COPD patients.Both types of BZRAs have amnestic effects which may pose problems if prescribed in the elderly COPD population already predisposed to cognitive impairment[32,63].Ramelteon shows promise in the COPD patient suffering from insomnia.It has been determined to be safe and effica-cious in mild to moderate COPD and OSAS patients, with no adverse effects on nocturnal arterial blood gases [34,35],however more clinical research needs to be done with ramelteon in this population.Trazodone has been shown to be effective only in patients with depression and comorbid insomnia.In addition,there is little to no data on the effects of trazodone on pulmonary func-tion or in patients with COPD and OSAS[36,58,59]. While evidence and opinion point to a reevaluation of traditional BZRA therapies in favor of newer agents for COPD comorbid with insomnia,more research is needed to determine the safest and most effective treat-ment strategies.AcknowledgementsI wish to thank Amy S.McKee,Fred W.Peyerl and Fabian D’Souza of Boston Strategic Partners Inc.,for research assistance and manuscript preparation. 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