1.如图所示,边长为a 的空间四边形ABCD 中,∠BCD =90°,平面ABD ⊥平面BCD ,则异面直线AD 与BC 所成角的大小为( )A .30°B .45°C .60°D .90°2.若直线y ax =是曲线2ln 1y x =+的一条切线,则实数a =( ) A .12e- B .122e-C .12eD .122e3.函数()sin()0,0,||2f x A x A πωϕωϕ⎛⎫=+>><⎪⎝⎭的部分图象如图所示,则512f π⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭的值为( )A .3-B .12-C .3D .34.如图,网格纸上的小正方形的边长为1,粗实线画出的是某几何体的三视图,则该几何体的外接球的体积为( )A .16πB .3πC .48πD .3π 5.下列命题中为真命题的是( ) A .若10,2x x x≠+≥ B .命题:若21x =,则1x =或1x =-的逆否命题为:若1x ≠且1x ≠-,则21x ≠C .“=1a ”是“直线0x ay -=与直线0x ay +=互相垂直”的充要条件D .若命题2:,10p x R x x ∃∈-+<,则2:,10p x R x x ⌝∀∈-+> 6.某几何体的三视图如图所示,其中正视图是边长为4的正三角形,俯视图是由边长为4的正三角形和一个半圆构成,则该几何体的体积为( )A .4383π+B .2383π+C .4343π+D .8343π+7.已知椭圆C 的中心为原点O ,(25,0)F -为C 的左焦点,P 为C 上一点,满足||||OP OF =且4PF =,则椭圆C 的方程为( )A .221255x y +=B .2213616x y +=C .2213010x y +=D .2214525x y +=8.如图,网格纸上小正方形的边长为1,粗线画出的是某三棱锥的三视图,则该三棱锥的外接球的表面积是( )A .25πB .254πC .29πD .294π9.已知函数()lg(1)f x x =+,记0.2(5)a f =,0.2(log 3)b f =,(1)c f =,则,,a b c 的大小关系为( ) A .b c a <<B .a b c <<C .c a b <<D .c b a <<10.设l ,m 是两条不同的直线,α是一个平面,则下列命题正确的是 ( ) A .若l m ⊥,m α⊂,则l α⊥ B .若l α⊥,//l m ,则m α⊥C .若//l α,m α⊂,则//l mD .若//l α,//m α,则//l m11.已知命题:(0,2)p m ∈,命题q:双曲线2212x ym m -=+的离心率3e >,则p 是q 的()A .充分不必要条件B .必要不充分条件C .充要条件D .既不充分也不必要条件12.如图,在ABC △中,AD AB ⊥,3BC BD =u u u r u u u r ,||1AD =u u u r ,则AC AD ⋅=u u u r u u u r( )A .23B .32C .33 D .3二、填空题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分。
福建省师大附中2020-2021学年高三下学期期中考试数学试题注意事项1.考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回.2.答题前,请务必将自己的姓名、准考证号用0.5毫米黑色墨水的签字笔填写在试卷及答题卡的规定位置.3.请认真核对监考员在答题卡上所粘贴的条形码上的姓名、准考证号与本人是否相符.4.作答选择题,必须用2B 铅笔将答题卡上对应选项的方框涂满、涂黑;如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案.作答非选择题,必须用05毫米黑色墨水的签字笔在答题卡上的指定位置作答,在其他位置作答一律无效.5.如需作图,须用2B 铅笔绘、写清楚,线条、符号等须加黑、加粗.一、选择题:本题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分。
1.在ABC ∆中,2AB =,3AC =,60A ∠=︒,O 为ABC ∆的外心,若AO x AB y AC =+,x ,y R ∈,则23x y +=( ) A .2B .53C .43D .322.已知双曲线C :2214x y -=,1F ,2F 为其左、右焦点,直线l 过右焦点2F ,与双曲线C 的右支交于A ,B 两点,且点A 在x 轴上方,若223AF BF =,则直线l 的斜率为( )A .1B .2-C .1-D .23.在正方体1AC 中,E 是棱1CC 的中点,F 是侧面11BCC B 内的动点,且1A F 与平面1D AE 的垂线垂直,如图所示,下列说法不正确...的是( )A .点F 的轨迹是一条线段B .1A F 与BE 是异面直线C .1A F 与1DE 不可能平行D .三棱锥1F ABD -的体积为定值4.函数()()()sin 0,02g x A x A ωϕϕπ=+><<的部分图象如图所示,已知()5036g g π⎛⎫== ⎪⎝⎭数()y f x =的图象可由()y g x =图象向右平移3π个单位长度而得到,则函数()f x 的解析式为( )A .()2sin 2f x x =B .()2sin 23f x x π⎛⎫=+⎪⎝⎭ C .()2sin f x x =- D .()2sin 23f x x π⎛⎫=-⎪⎝⎭5.正三棱锥底面边长为3,侧棱与底面成60︒角,则正三棱锥的外接球的体积为( ) A .4πB .16πC .163πD .323π6.设函数22sin ()1x xf x x =+,则()y f x =,[],x ππ∈-的大致图象大致是的( )A .B .C .D .7.若(12)5i z i -=(i 是虚数单位),则z 的值为( ) A .3B .5C 3D 58.中国古代中的“礼、乐、射、御、书、数”合称“六艺”.“礼”,主要指德育;“乐”,主要指美育;“射”和“御”,就是体育和劳动;“书”,指各种历史文化知识;“数”,指数学.某校国学社团开展“六艺”课程讲座活动,每艺安排一节,连排六节,一天课程讲座排课有如下要求:“数”必须排在第三节,且“射”和“御”两门课程相邻排课,则“六艺”课程讲座不同的排课顺序共有( ) A .12种B .24种C .36种D .48种9.已知集合1|2A x x ⎧⎫=<-⎨⎬⎩⎭,{|10}B x x =-<<则AB =( )A .{|0}x x <B .1|2x xC .1|12x x ⎧⎫-<<-⎨⎬⎩⎭D .{|1}x x >-10.下列命题为真命题的个数是( )(其中π,e 为无理数) ①32e >;②2ln 3π<;③3ln 3e<. A .0B .1C .2D .311.在精准扶贫工作中,有6名男干部、5名女干部,从中选出2名男干部、1名女干部组成一个扶贫小组分到某村工作,则不同的选法共有( ) A .60种B .70种C .75种D .150种12.已知纯虚数z 满足()122i z ai -=+,其中i 为虚数单位,则实数a 等于( ) A .1-B .1C .2-D .2二、填空题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分。
1.设数列的前项和为,且,为常数列,则通项为( )A .B .C .D .2.已知52345012345(1)mx a a x a x a x a x a x +=+++++,若12345242a a a a a ++++=,则012345a a a a a a -+-+-=( )A .1B .-1C .-81D .813.从5名学生中选出4名分别参加数学,物理,化学,生物四科竞赛,其中甲不能参加生物竞赛,则不同的参赛方案种数为 A .48B .72C .90D .964.如图,网格纸上小正方形的边长为1,粗实线画出的是某几何体的三视图,已知其俯视图是正三角形,则该几何体的外接球的体积是( )A .5754πB .6654πC .193πD .223π5.已知定义在R 上的偶函数()f x 满足:当[)0,x ∈+∞时,()2018xf x =,若()ln3a f e =,()0.30.2b f =,123c f -⎛⎫⎛⎫=- ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭,则a ,b ,c 的大小关系是( )A .b c a <<B .c b a <<C .b a c <<D .c a b <<6.已知函数(3)5,1()2,1a x x f x a x x-+≤⎧⎪=⎨>⎪⎩是(-∞,+∞)上的减函数,则a 的取值范围是A .(0,3)B .(0,3]C .(0,2)D .(0,2] 7.若非零向量a r ,b r 满足||||a b =r r ,向量2a b +r r与b r 垂直,则a r 与b r 的夹角为( ) A .150︒B .120︒C .60︒D .30°8.设变量,x y 满足约束条件20{510080x y x y x y -+≥-+≤+-≤,则目标函数34z x y =-的最大值和最小值分别为A .3,11-B .3,11--C .11,3-D .11,39.已知函数()()3sin22f x x x R π⎛⎫=-∈ ⎪⎝⎭,下列说法错误的是( ) A .函数()f x 最小正周期是πB .函数()f x 是偶函数C .函数()f x 图像关于04π⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭,对称D .函数()f x 在02π⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦,上是增函数10.《九章算术》是我国古代内容极为丰富的数学名著,书中提到了一种名为“刍甍”的五面体(如图)面ABCD 为矩形,棱//EF AB .若此几何体中,4AB =,2EF =,ADE ∆和BCF ∆都是边长为2的等边三角形,则此几何体的表面积为( )A .83.883+C .6223D .86223+11.某旅行社租用A 、B 两种型号的客车安排900名客人旅行,A 、B 两种车辆的载客量分别为36人和60人,租金分别为1600元/辆和2400元/辆,旅行社要求租车总数不超过21辆,且B 型车不多于A 型车7辆.则租金最少为( )A .31200元B .36000元C .36800元D .38400元12.f (x )的定义域是(0,+∞),其导函数为f′(x ),若f′(x )-()f x x=1-lnx ,且f (e )=e 2(其中e 是自然对数的底数),则( ) A .()()221f f < B .()()4334f f <C .当0x >时,()0f x > D .当0x >时,()0f x ex -≤二、填空题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分。
1.已知x ,y R ∈,则“x y <”是“1x y <”的( ) A .充分而不必要条件B .必要而不充分条件C .充分必要条件D .既不充分也不必要条件2.已知全集U =R ,集合{}{}237,7100A x x B x x x =≤<=-+<,则()U A B ⋂=( ) A .()(),35,-∞+∞ B .(](),35,-∞+∞ C .(][),35,-∞+∞ D .()[),35,-∞+∞ 3.双曲线的渐近线与圆(x -3)2+y 2=r 2(r >0)相切,则r 等于( ) A .B .2C .3D .6 4.已知12log 13a =131412,13b ⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭,13log 14c =,则,,a b c 的大小关系为( ) A .a b c >> B .c a b >> C .b c a >> D .a c b >>5.记递增数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S .若11a =,99a =,且对{}n a 中的任意两项i a 与j a (19i j ≤<≤),其和i j a a +,或其积i j a a ,或其商j i a a 仍是该数列中的项,则( ) A .593,36a S ><B .593,36a S >>C .693,36a S >>D .693,36a S >< 6.已知整数,x y 满足2210x y +≤,记点M 的坐标为(,)x y ,则点M 满足5x y +≥) A .935 B .635 C .537 D .7377.已知平行于x 轴的直线分别交曲线2ln 21,21(0)y x y x y =+=-≥于,A B 两点,则4AB 的最小值为( ) A .5ln 2+B .5ln 2-C .3ln 2+D .3ln 2- 8.若集合{}2|0,|121x A x B x x x +⎧⎫=≤=-<<⎨⎬-⎩⎭,则A B =( ) A .[2,2)- B .(]1,1- C .()11-, D .()12-, 9.设a ,b 是非零向量,若对于任意的R λ∈,都有a b a b λ-≤-成立,则A .//a bB .a b ⊥C .()-⊥a b aD .()-⊥a b b 10.已知函22()(sin cos )2cos f x x x x =++,,44x ππ⎡⎤∈-⎢⎥⎣⎦,则()f x 的最小值为( )A .2B .1C .0D .11.单位正方体ABCD -1111D C B A ,黑、白两蚂蚁从点A 出发沿棱向前爬行,每走完一条棱称为“走完一段”.白蚂蚁爬地的路线是AA 1→A 1D 1→‥,黑蚂蚁爬行的路线是AB →BB 1→‥,它们都遵循如下规则:所爬行的第i +2段与第i 段所在直线必须是异面直线(i ∈N *).设白、黑蚂蚁都走完2020段后各自停止在正方体的某个顶点处,这时黑、白两蚂蚁的距离是( )A .1BCD .012.已知复数z 满足()125z i ⋅+=(i 为虚数单位),则在复平面内复数z 对应的点位于( )A .第一象限B .第二象限C .第三象限D .第四象限二、填空题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分。
绝密★启用前福建省连城县第一中学2020届高三毕业班下学期高考模拟考试数学(文)试题(解析版)2020年4月考生注意:1.本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,共150分,考试时间120分钟.2.请将各题答案填写在答题卡上.3.本试卷主要考试内容:高考全部内容.第Ⅰ卷一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1. 已知集合A ={x ∈Z |﹣1<x <5},B ={x |0<x ≤2},则A ∩B =( )A. {x |﹣1<x ≤2}B. {x |0<x <5}C. {0,1,2}D. {1,2}【答案】D【解析】【分析】列举法表示集合A ,直接进行交集运算.【详解】∵集合A ={x ∈Z |﹣1<x <5}={0,1,2,3,4}, B ={x |0<x ≤2},∴A ∩B ={1,2}.故选:D .【点睛】本题考查集合的交集运算,属于基础题.2. 已知,a b ∈R ,3(21)ai b a i +=-- ,则( )A. 3b a =B. 6b a =C. 9b a =D. 12b a =【答案】C【解析】【分析】直接利用复数相等的条件列式求得a 和b 的值,即可得出答案.【详解】解:因为,a b ∈R ,3(21)ai b a i +=--,所以3(21)b a a =⎧⎨--=⎩,解得331b a =⎧⎨=⎩,则9b a =.故选:C.【点睛】本题考查复数相等的条件,是基础题.3. 已知向量0,2a ,()23,b x =,且a 与b 的夹角为3π,则x =() A. -2 B. 2 C. 1D. -1 【答案】B 【解析】【分析】 由题意cos 3a ba b π⋅=,代入解方程即可得解. 【详解】由题意21cos 322ab ab x π⋅===,所以0x >,且2x ,解得2x =.故选:B.【点睛】本题考查了利用向量的数量积求向量的夹角,属于基础题.4. 若x ,y 满足约束条件-0210x y x y x ≤⎧⎪+≤⎨⎪+≥⎩,,,则z =23y x ++的最大值为()A. 12B. 34C. 52D. 3 【答案】C。
2020届连城县第一中学高三英语下学期期中试题及答案解析第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项ASome young people win attention because of their good looks or their singing ability. A much smaller number gain fame because they have done something important and worthwhile with their abilities. Rishab Jain is among the latter. In 2018, 13-year-oldRishab developed a way to use AI technology to help pancreatic(胰腺的) cancer patients and won the3MYoung Scientist Challenge, a nationwide middle-school science competition, and its $25,000 prize.In the last stage of the contest, Rishab competed againstnine other finalists at the 3M Innovation Center(创新中心) in St.Paul,Minnesota. Leading up to the big meet, each finalist had partnered with a scientist to further develop their inventions.Rishab explains what led him to create his invention. First,a family friend died of cancer. Then Rishab learned about how deadly pancreatic cancer is, and that its low survival rate is due to how difficult it is to treat. "I'm also into programming, so I was learning about AI technology. I decided to try to solve a real-world problem using it."His winnings have been put in further research and in his nonprofit Samyak Science Society, which helps poor children enter the STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) education. Rishab is also raising awareness about pancreatic cancer. These efforts make him quite different from teenagers of his age. Considering becoming a biomedical engineer or a doctor一or both, he has also put some money aside to further his own learning. Almost certainly the doors of higher education will open wide to him before he even knocks.That's an outstanding outlook for one so young. Rashib is committed to helping very sick people in need. He is also providing teenagers of his age with a much-needed model of what kinds of things youth can achieve.1. What can we learn about the 3M Young Scientist Challenge in 2018?A. It was intended to solve medical problems.B. It was a nationwide AI competition for teenagers.C. It offered the finalists an opportunity to work with scientists.D. It allowed the finalists to learn AI technology in the 3M center.2. How did Rishab win the 3M Young Scientist Challenge?A.He showed excellent programming ability.B. He figured out the survival rate of pancreatic cancer.C. He introduced poor children to STEM education.D. He applied AI technology to treating pancreatic cancer.3. Which of the following best describes Rishab?A. Talented and caring.B. Independent and humorous.C. Responsible and patient.D. Polite and inspiring.BAddiction to smartphones will result in poor sleep, according to a new study.The study, published Tuesday in Frontiers in Psychiatry, looked at smartphone use among 1,043 students between the ages of 18 and 30at King's College London. Researchers asked the students to complete two questionnaires on their sleep quality and smartphone use, in person and online.Using a 10-question scale that was developed to judge smartphone addiction in children, nearly 40% of the university students qualified as "addicted" to smartphones, the study found. “Our findings are in agreement with other reported studies in young adult populations globally, which are in the range of 30-45%,” lead author Sei Yon Sohn and her co-authors wrote in the study. "Later time of use was also significantly connected with smartphone addiction, with use after 1 a.m. increasing a 3- times risk," the authors wrote.Students who reported high use of smartphones also reported poor sleep quality, the study found. That foils in line with previous studies that have found overuse of smartphones at night to be associated with trouble falling asleep, reduced sleep duration (睡眠持续时间)and daytime tiredness. That's likely because use of smartphones close to bedtime has been shown to delay the body's normal sleep - and - wake clock.In fact, the No. 1 rule is "no computers, cell phones, and ipads in bed and at least one hour beforebed Dr. Vsevolod Polotsky, who directs sleep basic research, said in a recent interview. That's because "any LED light source from electronics (电子设备)may further hold back melatonin (褪黑激素)levels," Polotsky said. Melatonin is often referred to as a "sleep hormone," because we sleep better during the night when levels reach the top.“This is a cross-sectional study, and it cannot lead to any firm conclusions about smartphone use as the cause of reduced sleep quality, said Bob Patton, a lecturer in clinical psychology at the University of Surrey, via email.4. How did Sei Yon Sohn's team begin their study?A. By publishing researching papers.B. By responding to others’ concern.C. By collecting firsthand data.D. By turning to related experts.5. What did the study find about sleep quality and smartphone use?A. 30-45% of the university students are addicted to smartphones.B. High use of smartphones is related to poor sleep quality.C. Overuse of smartphones leads to shorter sleep duration.D. Use after 1 a.m. will result in smartphone addiction.6. What is Polotsky's opinion on electronics ?A. We should stop using them an hour before going to sleep.B. LED light source from them will delay normal sleep- and- wake clock.C. Reduced sleep quality has nothingto do with them.D. No electronics should be used in bed at any time.7. What can be a suitable title for the text?A. Say No to SmartphonesB. Sleep Quality Can Be ImprovedC. LED Light Source Causes Great HarmD. Smartphone Addiction Ruins SleepCLast summer, Maria and her mother moved from their house in the countryside to a flat building in Chicago. Maria really liked some things about the city, but she missed her house and yard in the countryside.One day, Maria was in her flat building when she noticed her neighbor, Mrs. Garcia, carrying a gardening tool and a bag of soil. Maria wondered how Mrs. Garcia was able to garden in the city.“My mom used to grow the most delicious vegetables, and I know she misses her garden now that we don’t have a yard,” said Maria.Mrs. Garcia laughed. “I’ll show you,” she said.Maria thought that Mrs. Garcia would take her to the park, but she took her to the roof. When the door opened, Maria was surprised to see rows of flowers and vegetables on the roof.“What a wonderful garden!” said Maria.Mrs. Garcia told Maria that for a long time the roof was just an empty space. Then some of the people in the building asked the owners to turn it into a community garden. The building owners liked the idea because the plants not only helped to keep the air clean, but they also helped to keep the building cooler during warmer weather.“I plant flowers in my own place,” Mrs. Garcia said, “but you would be surprised by how different the plantsare up here. Some people grow vegetables just like your mom. You can do some of the same things in the city as in the countryside. You just have to be creative!”8. Where did Mrs. Garcia take Maria to one day?A. The park.B. The roof.C. The garden in front of her house.D. The countryside.9. Which of the following is NOT the good side of the community garden?A. It made the building stronger.B. It helped keep the air clean.C. It helped keep the building cooler.D. It used the empty space well.10. After Maria visited the garden, she would most probably ask her mom to ________.A. go back to the countrysideB. pick flowers from the gardenC show her around the park D. grow vegetables on the roof11. What is the best title for this passage?A. A Creative LadyB. An Empty RoofC. A Rooftop GardenD. A Special BuildingDYou don't generally expect to put yourself in the public eye whenyou go on vacation. However when a British couple, Jessica and Edward, flew to Crete, they found themselves attracting a lot of attention after coming across a large sum of money in the street.At first, their Crete vacation hadn't been anything outside of the norm. However, it was as they were exploring the souvenir shops that everything changed. The couple were just walking down the street when Jessica suddenly kicked something lying on the ground. It looked a bit like a make-up bag and so they assumed that someone had lost it.Without hesitation, Jessica picked up the bag and opened it. She was shocked to see a lot of money in it-a total of 7,100 Euros. There was probably a lot they could do with all that money. However, the couple didn't have it in them to steal what belonged to someone else. Going to the police was the first thought that came to mind when Jessica saw the money. She didn't consider that there was any other choice, so the couple handed over the money to the local police.The police found the owner, an elderly woman, and informed the couple that the woman wanted to meet them. When they eventually met at the police station, the woman was so overcome with emotion that she wouldn't stop hugging and blessing them, although they insisted they were just doing the right thing.News of what the couple had done quickly made its way around the island. The locals wanted to show them their gratitude. This included receiving free taxi rides and even an offer to have their hotel room upgraded. The couple appreciated the kindness, but it was all getting to be a bit too much. They just wanted to have a normal vacation.They are probably hoping that they fly a little more under the radar during their next vacation. There's only so much attention that these two lovebirds can handle.12. What is the first reaction of the couple after finding the money?A. They decided to do all with that money.B. They bought something in souvenir shops.C. They turned it over to the local police station.D. They tried to look for the owner by themselves.13. Which o£ the following can best describe the locals in Crete?A. Polite and hard-working.B. Kind and grateful.C. Sociable and honest.D. Rich and determined.14. Why do the couple hope to “fly a little more under the radar" in the last paragraph?A. They want to take fewer flights.B. They can't handle more radars.C. They hope to gain less attention.D. They don't have more money.15. What can we learn from the text?A. Good things come to kind people.B. The early bird catchesthe worm.C. Behind bad luck conies good luck.D. Money is too much for strangers.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
2020年连城县第一中学高三英语下学期期中考试试题及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AWashingtonD.C.SightseeingWith the information below, you’re not missing anything in D.C.! Click Here to find the perfect hotel for your stay as well.TheOldTownTrolley TourIt offers something for the whole family. Not only will it give them something fun to do, but it will give them a history lesson. This tour will last about three hours and it’s proper for people of all ages.African American History TourBe sure to take this tour because African Americans have had an important role in the making of our country. Take this historical four-hour tour, where you will visit some important sites includingMuseumofAfrican American Historyand Culture.Comedy WalksWashingtonD.C.This is a great experience allowing you to enjoy the capital in a new way. The walking tour lasts for about one hour and thirty minutes, which takes place in less than a mile journey from the starting place.D.C. Twilight TourCheck out the D.C. Twilight Tour for a unique view of some of the most famous sites! What makes this two-hour guided tour truly unique is that you can view many wonderful sites at night time!1. Which tour is recommended to a tourist who is fond of hiking?A. TheOldTownTrolley TourB. African American History TourC. Comedy WalksWashingtonD.C. D. D.C. Twilight Tour2. Which tour lasts longest?A. TheOldTownTrolley TourB. African American History TourC. Comedy WalksWashingtonD.C. D. D.C. Twilight Tour3. Where will you read this text most likely?A. In a guidebook.B. In a magazine.C. In a newspaper.D. On the Internet.BDisease-carrying mosquitoes can spread diseases without affecting themselves. Nearly 700 million people get a mosquito-borne illness each year, which results in over one million deaths. Humans experience continuous pressures from disease-carrying mosquitoes in many parts of the world, so we have to find ways to fight against those insects because they keep getting scarier.Even though DEET remains the most commonly used, and most powerful, mosquito repellent ever developed, scientists are actively pursuing effective products based entirely on plant oils. While DEET is an effective contact repellent, many people dislike the oily feel and smell on their skin, and sometimes some people are sensitive to it. Consumers are always interested in alternatives to DEET and other synthetic repellents, so there are numerous natural repellents on the market.In his lab atIowaStateUniversity, Dr. Joel Coats and his team have successfully tested these repellents against three species of dangerous mosquitoes. The first group of the new repellents act through the air. These chemicals have a vapor action that provides protection, and they are called “spatial” repellents, since they act through space. These are potentially most useful in backyards, parks, and houses. The other group are the classic ones that stop insects from standing on a treated surface, such as human skin, clothing or tents; collaborators at the USDA-ARS and BioGents have conducted testing with humans to confirm the effectiveness and identify the very best ones.The new repellents were designed and made from the natural materials in plant essential oils. They maintain many of the advantages of the natural repellents: They are fully biodegradable, with no ecological concerns or environmental wastes, and generally considered safe like the thousands of types of plant essential oils used in the flavor and perfume industries. However, thorough testing will be conducted to determine if they are truly non-poisonous because there is still no enough evidence.4. What does the author mainly want to show in paragraph 1?A. The way mosquitoes spread disease.B. The high death rate of mosquito-borne illness.C. The difficulty of fighting disease-carrying mosquitoes.D. The urgency of finding tools to fight against mosquitoes.5. What is a disadvantage of DEET?A. It won’t be effective for long.B. It can’t be applied universally.C. It causes discomfort to the users.D. It greatly harms people’s health.6. What can we learn about the second group of the new repellents?A. They can kill mosquitoes indirectly.B. They are mainly used in the open air.C. They are more effective on human skin.D. They can prevent mosquitoes from contacting users.7. What’s the author’s attitude to the new repellents?A. Subjective.B. Objective.C. Doubtful.D. Disapproving.CA 24-year-old female space commander has become a viral sensation on Chinese social media for her work.Zhou Chengyu was in charge of the rocket connector system---described as a vital role. Her story in particular has drawn the public’s attention given her young age. Social media users have been celebrating her brilliance and referring to her as pride of the country.Being the youngest of the team, Zhou Chengyu was born in1996 intheprovinceofGuizhou. She is certainly not “old” enough compared with her colleagues, but she is known at work as "Big Sister” as a sign of respect. Once in a 3-km running contest, she actually beat half of her male counterparts. Although work shifts are not uncommon at the Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site, each shift requires tremendous courage because of the different background knowledge. However, for Zhou Chengyu, she experienced multiple positions in 5 launching tests and now she is the youngest commander at the site.Despite carefulness and high responsibility at work, she is just like her peers in normal life. Eating snacks and shopping are her favorite free-time activities. Her high school teacher remembers her as tough and determined. “She always had a dream of becoming scientist,” said her physics teacher.According to her colleague, Zhou Chengyu was very surprised when she found out shewent viralonline. She said that she was happy when she saw people online regarding her as the pride of the country, and yet she kept saying that she was “nobody but normal worker at a launch site” and there are a lot more people just like her going unnoticed while doing the hardest job to guarantee a better future for the Chinese space program. She also said that she wished to remain her current status and continue doing her work with or without the popularity.8. What makes Zhou Chengyu the pride of the country?A. Her young age.B. Her vital role in her work.C. Her great courage.D. Her responsibility at work.9. Which of the following words can best describe Zhou Chengyu?A. Learned and confident.B. Respectable and generous.C. Patient and responsible.D. Modest and determined.10. Which of the following can replace the underlined words in paragraph 5?A. took prideB. made a contributionC. became a hitD. made an achievement11. What can be the best title for the text?A. A Young PrideB. A Successful ColleagueC. An Extraordinary DreamD. An Ambitious CommanderDA maverick describes a person who thinks independently. A maverick refuses to follow the customs or rules of a group to which he or she belongs. In the US, a maverick is often admired for his or her free spirit, although others who belong to the maverick’s group may not like the maverick’s independent ways.But where did the word “maverick” come from?Early in the 1800s, a man named Samuel Augustus Maverick settled down in Texas, which was a place of wide-open land, rich soil, cattle ranches(牛场) and cowboys. As the years passed, Mr. Maverick increased his property(财产) in Texas. Before long, he owned huge pieces of land that were good for raising cattle. But he had no cattle. He wasn’t a rancher.One day, a man came to Samuel Maverick to pay him an old debt. But the man didn’t have enough money. So he offered Mr. Maverick 400 head of cattle. Mr. Maverick accepted them, but he didn’t really want them. He simply put the cattle on his land to eat and care for themselves.It was not long before the cows reproduced(繁殖). The calves grew and had more calves. Soon, hundreds of cows and calves moved freely across Samuel Maverick’s land. They also moved across the land of nearby ranch owners.It was a tradition among ranchers in the West to put a mark of ownership on newborn calves. They burned the name of their ranch into the animal’s skin with a hot iron. The iron made a clear mark called a “brand”. Brands allowed ranchers to easily see who owned which cattle.Samuel Maverick refused to brand his calves. “Why should I?” he asked. If all the other cattle owners branded theirs, then those without a brand belonged to him.And this is how the word “maverick” entered the American language. It meant a calf without a brand. As time passed, the word “maverick” took on a wider meaning. It came to mean a person who was too independent tofollow even his or her own group.12. Why did the man give Samuel Maverick 400 head of cattle?A. To get some money.B. To return what he owed him.C. To buy some of his land.D. To ask him to raise them.13. How could the ranchers easily know who the cattle belonged to?A. Through the brand on the cattle.B. Through the name of the cattle.C. Through the appearance of the cattle.D. Through the land on which the cattle stayed.14. What can we learn about Samuel Augustus Maverick from the text?A. He was born in Texas.B. He took good care of all his cattle.C. He didn’t really want to accept the cattle.D. He followed the tradition of ranchers in the West.15. What is the text mainly about?A. How to become an independent thinker.B. “Maverick” means a calf without a brand.C. The life story of Samuel Augustus Maverick.D. How the word “maverick” got into American English.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
2020年连城县第一中学高三英语下学期期中试卷及答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AStudents, teachers, and local community members are strongly encouraged to register online to receive real-time information of emergency events fromColumbiaUniversity.Text message warnings will only be used in rare cases where ongoing events causean immediate threat or have a significant influence. Possible situations include severe weather conditions, emergency campus closures, crimes in progress that may endanger the community, and major transportation interruptions.Read instructions on how to sign up for emergency notifications(通知).ColumbiastudentsColumbiastudents can easily register for text message notifications. Simply enter Student Services Online, click on "Text Message Enrollment" and add your cellphone number. Students can register parents or family members by following the instructions for the public below.ColumbiateachersColumbiateachers can register for text message notifications by following the step by step instructions below:● Register with your UNI and password .● Select "Faculty & Staff"at the top of the page.● Select "Contact Details".● Click the "+" under "Phone".● Select "Campus Alert 1".● Enter your mobile number.To receive emergency information on additional mobile phones, you may follow the above instructions for "Campus Alert2" and "Campus Alert 3" for a total of three.Community/General PublicCommunity/General Public interested in receiving emergency information fromColumbiacan sign up by clicking on the "Register" button on the registration page and entering their email and mobile number. Users will receive confirmation code(密码)on their phone and will need to confirm their account via email.Users can choose not to use the Emergency Text Alert System at any time by texting STOP to 226787, calling226789 or sending an email tolr27682@.1.Which is a possiblesituation where a text message will be sent?A.The temperature will drop slightly tomorrow.B.The campus will be closed during Christmas.C.The main railway system of the city is interrupted.D.A bank robber is being sentenced in the court of the city.2.Which step comes before the others when teachers register?A.Selecting Campus Alert.B.Entering mobile numbers.C.Clicking "+" under "Phone".D.Selecting "Faculty& Staff".3.How can users stop receiving text messages?A.By sending an email.B.By texting STOP to 226789.C.By managing information online.D.By making a phone call to 226787.BAn anti-obesity program for Australian girls didn’t lead to any improvements in their diet, physical activities or body weight a year later, according to a new report.Findings from the school-based intervention (介入), which involved exercise sessions and nutrition workshops for lower-income girls, are the latest disappointment in a lot of research attempting tohead offadult obesity and the disease risks that come with it.Especially during the middle-and high-school years, girls’ physical activity reduces obviously, according to lead researcher David Lubans, from theUniversityofNewcastleinNew South Wales,Australia. He said, “In the future we need to make the programs more interesting and exciting and present information in a way that is meaningful to adolescent girl.”Lubans and his workmates conducted their study in 12 schools in low-income areas ofNew South Wales. At the start of the study, girls in both groups weighed an average of close to 130pounds, with about four in ten considered overweight. Over the next year, adolescents in the intervention group were given pedometers (计步器) to encourage walking and running and invited to nutrition workshops and regular exercise sessions during the schoolday and at lunchtime. Participation in some of those activities were less than ideal. For example, the girls went to only one-quarter of lunchtime exercise sessions, and less than one in ten completed at-home physicalactivity or nutrition challenges, the researchers reported. At the end of the year, girls in both groups had gained a similar amount of weight and there was no difference in their average body fat.Preventive medicine researcher Robert Klesges said that although some anti-obesity programs have helped adults lose weight, the teen population has always been a source of failure for researchers. “The common belief is: nothing works,” he said. “And we have got to get beyond that.”“We need to think outside the box,” said Klesges, who wasn’t involved in the new study. “That could include learning from what has worked in adult studies, such as giving meal replacement drinks or prepared foods to teens who have trouble making changes to their diet. Or, it could mean using a “step-care” method — rather than researchers or their doctor telling them to keep doing the same thing.” Klesges said.4. The underlined words “head off” in Paragraph 2 can best be replaced by “________”.A. damageB. defendC. preventD. affect5. The methods used in the program to stop obesity don’t include ________.A. walking and runningB. inviting them to nutrition workshopsC. joining exercise sessions regularlyD. giving meal replacement drinks6. The main reason for the failure of the anti-obesity program is probably that ________.A. the participants didn’t take an active part in itB. the program was not interesting and exciting to participantsC. the participants didn’t get extra nutrition or exercise helpD. the program didn’t pay attention to healthy exercise7. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?A. As researchers, it is important to have creative research methods.B. Researchers need to give meals or prepare foods to participants.C. Teen girls have no difficulty in making changes to their diet.D. Some ant-obesity programs have not helped adults lose weight.CA growing body of research is revealing associations between birth defects (缺陷) and a father's age, alcohol use and environmental factors, say researchers atGeorgetown University Medical Center. They say these defects result from epigenetic changes that can potentially affect multiple generations.The study, published in theAmerican Journal of Stem Cells, suggest both parents contribute to the health status of their offspring — a common sense conclusion which science is only now beginning to demonstrate, says the study's senior investigator, Joanna Kitlinska, PhD, an associate professor in biochemistry, and molecular and cellular biology.“We know the nutritional, hormonal and psychological environment provided by the mother permanently influences organ structure, cellular response and gene expression in her offspring,” she says.“But our study shows the same thing to be true with fathers — his lifestyle, and how old he is, can be reflected in molecules that control gene function,” she says. “In this way, a father can affect not only his immediate offspring, but future generations as well.”For example, a newborn can be diagnosed with fetal (胎儿的) alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD), even though the mother has never consumed alcohol, Kitlinska says. “Up to 75 percent of children with FASD have biological fathers who are alcoholics, suggesting that preconceptual paternal alcohol consumption negatively impacts their offspring.”Advanced age of a father is correlated with elevated rates of certain diseases, and birth defects in his children.A limited diet during a father’s preadolescence has been linked to reduced risk of cardiovascular death in his children and grandchildren. Paternal obesity is linked to enlarged fat cells, changes in metabolic regulation, diabetes, obesity and development of brain cancer. Psychosocial stress on the father is linked to defective behavioral traits in his offspring. And paternal alcohol use leads to decreased newborn birth weight, marked reduction in overall brain size and impaired cognitive function.“This new field of inherited paternal epigenetics needs to be organized into clinically applicable recommendations and lifestyle alternations,” Kitlinska says. “And to really understand the epigenetic influences of a child, we need to study the interplay between maternal and paternal effects, as opposed to considering each in isolation.”8. What’s the message the writer conveys in the passage?A. Both parents contribute to the health status of their offspring.B. Father’s age and lifestyle are tied to birth defects.C. Father plays a more critical role in birth defects.D. Birth defects can potentially affect multiple generations.9. What can we infer from the example in Paragraph 5?A. FASD can only be diagnosed in a newborn whose father is addicted to alcohol.B. A newborn will not contract FASD if his mother has never consumed alcohol.C. A father’s lifestyle can negatively impact his offspring.D. Most children have biological fathers who are alcoholics.10. Which of the following situations is less likely to lead to children’s birth defects?A. Having a father with a limited diet.B. Having a father who is an alcoholic.C. Having an overweight father.D. Having a father with psychosocial stress.11. What will the research probably continue to focus on in the part that follows?A. The maternal epigenetic influences of a child.B. The ways to avoid negative paternal influence on children.C. The clinical application of the research findings.D. The interaction between maternal and paternal effects.DJack was born without eyes. He was very lucky as he grew up having other kittens (young cats) to socialize (交往)with, and was used to people from the moment he was born. However, when it came time to find the kittens homes, no one knew where Jack would end up.That’s when I got an e-mail from my friend. All she asked was “Do you still want one of the kittens? There’s one here with no eyes and no one would like to take him”. Without thinking I told her that I did want the kitten.When we first brought him home, Jack stayed mostly in my room. After about a day he had noissues running around and climbing on everything. At times he gets lost in the house, he’ll stop. But we just call his name and talk to him and it isn’t long before he finds his way back to us.A few weeks after getting Jack, we got a new cat named Bear. Jack and Bear have become best friends. It doesn’t matter that he can’t see. He always knows when Bear is around. He’ll run across the yard straight to Bear and wrap his front legs around his neck in a big hug. They run after each other around and wrestle (摔跤). They’ll lie down in the grass together when tired.Jack is truly an inspiration. I’ve owned lots of kittens in my life, but Jack is the happiest and most playful. He doesn’t feel sorry for himself. He doesn’t need pity. I think Jean, owner of Gumbo, another eyeless cat, said it best when she told me that cats don’t have disabilities; they have adaptability.12. Why did Jack come to the author’s home?A. The author cared for an eyeless cat.B. The author didn’t mind whether he was blind.C. No other young cats kept him company.D. The author’s friend begged the author to take him home.13. Which of the following statements is TRUE?A. Jack often wrestles with Bear indoors.B. Jack likes to play with a new eyeless cat.C. Jack quickly adapts to the new environment.D. Jack is good at talking and playing with people.14. What does the underlined word “issue” in Paragraph 3 mean?A. Trouble.B. Fun.C. Luck.D. Business.15. What does the passage mainly tell us?A. A cat has nine lives.B. All is well that ends well.C. God helps those who help themselves.D. A good beginning makes a good ending.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
2020届连城县第一中学高三英语模拟试卷及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项ABest of British:Outdoor CinemasLuna Beach Cinema, BrightonOn the beaches of Brighton this summer, you can enjoy the lapping of waves as you take inFinding Dory, Moana and Sharknadoover a month-long residency. This spot boasts the highest definition outdoor LED screen in the country. stretching to an impressive 33 feet!Moonlight Flicks, ChesterThe biggest outdoor cinema in the North West of England, Moonlight Flicks will be showing some serious blockbusters(大片)this summer, including A Star Is Born and singalong crowd-pleaser, The Greatest Showman. Cinephiles can gather on the lawn and plug into wireless headphones to ensure perfect sound quality.Rooftop Film Club, LondonEnjoy cult classics and family favorites while looking out on a view of London's skyline with the city's unique Rooftop Film Club. The current programme only runs until June 30 and our top picks include The Breakfast Club, Fargo and a special 65th anniversary showing of Rear Window.Chirk Castle, Wrexham, North WalesThe 11th-century Chirk Castle was first built under the reign o£ Edward I, but now it's the destination for Silly Walk superfans, as they put on screenings of the cult classic, Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Has there ever been a more perfect surrounding to enjoy the comedy capers of King Arthur and his dozy squire?1. What can you enjoy in the biggest outdoor cinema in the North West of England?A.Finding DoryB.A Star Is BornC.The Breakfast ClubD.Monty Python and the Holy Grail.2. Where can you enjoy a special anniversary show?A. Luna Beach Cinema, Brighton.B. Moonlight Flicks, Chester.C. Rooftop Film Club, London.D. Chirk Castle, Wrexham, North Wales3. What's the purpose of writing the text?A. To encourage summer activities.B. To advertise several cult classics.C. To recommend some blockbusters.D. To introduce outdoor cinemas.BIf you have ever been disappointed because you don’t have a good gardener ,the clever robot may one day become the helper of your indoor plantsThe Hexa Plant is a six-legged robot that has been specially made to care for the potted plant that carries on top of its head .Using light and heats sensors (传感器) the robot has the ability to carry its plant in and out the daylight .If the houseplant needs more sun,the Hexa will walk into the sunlight ;and if the houseplant is getting too hot , the Hexa will go back into the area that blocks direct light The Hexa Plant will even do a little dance when it senses that the plant needs to be watered to warn its owner .The robot was developed by Vincross engineer and founder Sun Tianqi after he saw a dead sunflower sitting in the darkness in a room back in 2014 .” Plants only receive an action without responding ,”SunTianqi wrote in a blog post .” Whether they are being cut ,bitten ,burned or pulled from the earth ,or when they haven’t received enough sunshine ,water ,or are too hot or cold ,they will hold still and take whatever is happening to them .According to Sun Tianqi ,for billions of years ,plants have never experienced movement of any kind ,not even the simplest movement .In their whole lives ,they stick to where they were born .Sun Tianqi continued ,” Do they want break their own settings or have a tendency towards this ?I do not know the answer ,but would love to try to share some of this human tendency and technology with plants With the help of the robot ,plants can experience the move”.The Hexa Plant model robots are not for sale ,though Vincross does sell a Hexa robot model .It is said that in the near future the robots can open up a new market to watch over our household plants4. What can we learn about the Hexa Plant?A. It helps people do some gardening .B. It waters the plants through dancingC. It helps indoor plants get proper sunlightD. It carries the potted plant with its hands5. What does the author try to show through Paragraph 3?A. The way plants spend their whole livesB. The common way people deal with plantsC. The difference between plants and humansD. The cause of making the indoor plants’ helper.6. What does Sun Tianqi try do using this technology?A. To develop gardening skills.B. To draw people’s attention plantsC. make plants experience moveD. study the living conditions of plants7. What can be the best title for the text?A. A New Market for robotsB. An Indoor Plants’ HelperC. An Important Development in GardeningD The Tendency of Gardening in the FutureCAfter almost an entire year of not going shopping and vacationing, you find the numbers reflected by your bank account meet your heart’ s desire.Now the most important question comes, what to do with the earnings? Should you fulfill dreams of the present, invest in preserving the future or perhaps keep saving it for a rainy day?Our elders always try to teach us the value of money and its moral weakness. One may be on a winning streak (连续成功) now, but it will not always be so. One will have days when there will be no sunshine but only rain, and their luck will hide behind those thick grey clouds. Save for those rainy days, they say. Do not spend too much, live within a budget,refrain fromcredit no matter how small and save for the future.Since the very first time we earn our own money from a summer job or earning our first salary, the lessons start. In fact, the pocket money that we receive when we are children begins the process of learning how to best manage one’ s money.People often think like this — one day when I have enough money, I will travel the world. Then, once we do earn enough money, tomorrow’ s plans start shadowing our present ones. However, is it wise to keep living for that future? Will we still enjoy or even be able to backpack in our 50s? How will we ever enjoy our present if we are constantly living for the future?Good questions, aren’ t they? I say travel but don’ t let yourself run dry, treat yourself to some luxuries but also keep enough for your necessities, and enjoy your present but with a plan for the foreseeable future. Life is for the living, so live it sensibly.8. Why do elders teach us to save money?A. Because there are more rainy days in life.B. Because no one can win streak.C. Because good days may end.D. Because money can’t buy everything.9. What does the underlined phrase “refrain from” mean in Paragraph 3?A. select fromB. hold backC. rely onD. prefer to10. Which of the following opinions would the author agree?A. To enjoy yourself in the right time.B. To wait to travel until we have enough money.C. To go backpacking in our 50s.D. To live for the future.11. What should we do with the earnings according to the author?A. We should save all for rainy days.B. We should fulfill our dreams.C. We should entertain ourselves.D. We should live the present wisely.DAt first glance, there is nothing unusual about BingoBox’s convenience store–shelves packed with snacks line the walls, attracting passers-by through the glass windows. But upon closer look, BingoBox is no ordinary store. The door unlocks only after customers scan (扫描) aQR code to enter, and there is no cashier — just a lone checkout counter (柜台) in a corner. The Shanghai-based company is one of many unmanned store operators (运营者) opening outlets all over China, hoping to improve slim profit by reducing staff costs.“Ifstaff costs rise quickly, that puts greater pressure on low-profit businesses like convenience stores and supermarkets,” said Andrew Song, an analyst at Guotai Junan Securities. “InChina, manpower costs have been rising ly quickly.”However, the future vision of shopping without a check-out person is still a work in progress. A Post reporter who visited a BingoBox store inShanghaiwas briefly locked in when trying to exit without buying anything. Although a sign near the exit stated that empty-handed customers can leave by scanning a QR code, no QR code was to be found. Repeated calls to the customer service hotline went unanswered.The idea of unmanned stores first caught the world’s attention in December last year. Equipped with technology such as RFID tags, mobile payment systems and facial and movement recognition, such stores collect large amounts of data that give operators a better idea of consumer preferences and buying habits, which can then be used to optimize (使最优化) operations and make more efficient inventory decisions. For companies like BingoBox, lower operating costs also mean it can afford to expand its reach to areas with less foot traffic or fewer people, according to its founder and chief executive ChenZilin.12. What makes BingoBox store look like an ordinary convenience store?A. No cashier to check out.B. A lone checkout counter.C. Shelves packed with goods.D. Entering by scanning a QR code.13. Why are unmanned stores popular with operators?A. The customers prefer mobile payment systems.B. The unmanned stores help improve profit with lower labor costs.C. The employees focus on consumer preferences and buying habits.D. The operators care more about operations and inventory decisions.14. Why is the reporter’s case mentioned in the passage?A. To show his anger and dissatisfaction.B. To warn people not to go to a BingoBox store.C. To explain unmanned stores still have a long way to go.D. To complain that QR code service is not convenient at all..15. What can we infer from the chief executive Chen Zilin?A. Nowadays all stores should be equipped with advanced technology.B. The operators collect data about consumer preferences and buying habits.C. BingoBox made wiser decisions based on the data collected in those unmanned stores.D. The operators can open unmanned supermarkets in more distant places with low cost.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
高三模拟考数学(理科)考生注意:1.本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,共150分,考试时间120分钟.2.请将各题答案填写在答题卡上.3.本试卷主要考试内容:高考全部内容.第Ⅰ卷一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.已知集合A={x|x<0},B={x|x 2+mx-12=0},若A ∩B={-2},则m=A .4B .-4C .8D .-8 2.已知a ,b ∈R ,3+a i =b-(2a-1)i ,则|3a+b i |=A .√10B .2√3C .3D .43.已知向量a=(0,2),b=(2√3,x ),且a 与b 的夹角为π3,则x=A .-2B .2C .1D .-14.若x ,y 满足约束条件{x -y ≤0,x +y ≤2,x +1≥0,则z=x+3y+2的取值范围为A .[25,43]B .[25,3]C .[43,2]D .[25,2]5.如图所示的程序框图,当其运行结果为31时,则图中判断框①处应填入的是A .i ≤6?B .i ≤5?C .i ≤4?D .i ≤3?6.在正方体ABCD-A 1B 1C 1D 1中,E ,F 分别为CC 1,DD 1的中点,则异面直线AF ,DE 所成角的余弦值为A .14B .√154C .2√65D .157.已知f (x )=e x -1e x +a 是定义在R 上的奇函数,则不等式f (x-3)<f (9-x 2)的解集为A .(-2,6)B .(-6,2)C .(-4,3)D .(-3,4)8.已知椭圆y 2a 2+x 2b2=1(a>b>0)与直线y a -xb =1交于A ,B 两点,焦点F (0,-c ),其中c 为半焦距,若△ABF 是直角三角形,则该椭圆的离心率为A .√5-12B .√3-12C .√3+14D .√5+149.将函数f (x )=sin 3x-√3cos 3x+1的图象向左平移π6个单位长度,得到函数g (x )的图象,给出下列关于g (x )的结论:①它的图象关于直线x=5π9对称;②它的最小正周期为2π3;③它的图象关于点(11π18,1)对称;④它在[5π3,19π9]上单调递增.其中所有正确结论的编号是 A .①②B .①②④C .②③D .②③④10.第七届世界军人运动会于2019年10月18日至27日在中国武汉举行,中国队以133金64银42铜位居金牌榜和奖牌榜的首位.运动会期间有甲、乙等五名志愿者被分配到射击、田径、篮球、游泳四个运动场地提供服务,要求每个人都要被派出去提供服务,且每个场地都要有志愿者服务,则甲和乙恰好在同一组的概率是A .110B .15C .140D .94011.“中国剩余定理”又称“孙子定理”,最早可见于中国南北朝时期的数学著作《孙子算经》卷下第二十六题,叫做“物不知数”,原文如下:今有物不知其数,三三数之剩二,五五数之剩三,七七数之剩二.问物几何?现有这样一个相关的问题:将1到2020这2020个自然数中被5除余3且被7除余2的数按照从小到大的顺序排成一列,构成一个数列,则该数列各项之和为A .56383B .57171C .59189D .6124212.已知函数f (x )=ax 2-x+ln x 有两个不同的极值点x 1,x 2,若不等式f (x 1)+f (x 2)>2(x 1+x 2)+t 有解,则t 的取值范围是A .(-∞,-2ln 2)B .(-∞,-2ln 2]C .(-∞,-11+2ln 2)D .(-∞,-11+2ln 2]第Ⅱ卷二、填空题:本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分.把答案填在答题卡中的横线上. 13.已知数列{a n }为等比数列,a 1+a 2=-2,a 2+a 3=6,则a 5= ▲ .14.已知双曲线x 2a 2-y 2b 2=1(a>0,b>0)与抛物线y 2=8x 有一个共同的焦点F ,两曲线的一个交点为P ,若|FP|=5,则点F 到双曲线的渐近线的距离为 ▲ .15.若x 5=a 0+a 1(x-2)+a 2(x-2)2+…+a 5(x-2)5,则a 1= ▲ ,a 1+a 2+…+a 5= ▲ .(本题第一空2分,第二空3分)16.如图,在三棱锥A-BCD 中,点E 在BD 上,EA=EB=EC=ED ,BD=√2CD ,△ACD 为正三角形,点M ,N 分别在AE ,CD 上运动(不含端点),且AM=CN ,则当四面体C-EMN 的体积取得最大值23时,三棱锥A-BCD 的外接球的表面积为 ▲ .三、解答题:本大题共6小题,共70分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.第17~21题为必考题,每道试题考生都必须作答.第22、23题为选考题,考生根据要求作答. (一)必考题:共60分. 17.(12分)在△ABC 中,内角A ,B ,C 的对边分别为a ,b ,c ,且2a-c=2b cos C. (1)求sin (A+C2+B )的值; (2)若b=√3,求c-a 的取值范围.18.(12分)某工厂为提高生产效率,需引进一条新的生产线投入生产,现有两条生产线可供选择,生产线①:有A ,B 两道独立运行的生产工序,且两道工序出现故障的概率依次是0.02,0.03.若两道工序都没有出现故障,则生产成本为15万元;若A 工序出现故障,则生产成本增加2万元;若B 工序出现故障,则生产成本增加3万元;若A ,B 两道工序都出现故障,则生产成本增加5万元.生产线②:有a ,b 两道独立运行的生产工序,且两道工序出现故障的概率依次是0.04,0.01.若两道工序都没有出现故障,则生产成本为14万元;若a 工序出现故障,则生产成本增加8万元;若b 工序出现故障,则生产成本增加5万元;若a ,b 两道工序都出现故障,则生产成本增加13万元. (1)若选择生产线①,求生产成本恰好为18万元的概率;(2)为最大限度节约生产成本,你会给工厂建议选择哪条生产线?请说明理由. 19.(12分)如图,在四棱锥P-ABCD 中,PA ⊥底面ABCD ,AD ∥BC ,∠ABC=90°,AB=BC=12AD=12PB=2,E 为PB 的中点,F 是PC 上的点.(1)若EF ∥平面PAD ,证明:EF ⊥平面PAB. (2)求二面角B-PD-C 的余弦值.20.(12分)设抛物线C :y 2=2px (p>0)的焦点为F ,准线为l ,AB 为抛物线C 过焦点F 的弦,已知以AB 为直径的圆与l 相切于点(-1,0). (1)求p 的值及圆的方程;(2)设M 为l 上任意一点,过点M 作C 的切线,切点为N ,证明:MF ⊥NF. 21.(12分)已知函数f (x )=ax 2+ax+1-e 2x.(1)若函数g (x )=f'(x ),试讨论g (x )的单调性; (2)若∀x ∈(0,+∞),f (x )<0,求a 的取值范围.(二)选考题:共10分.请考生在第22、23两题中任选一题作答,如果多做,则按所做的第一题计分.22.[选修4-4:坐标系与参数方程](10分)在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,已知曲线C 的参数方程为{x =cosα,y =3sinα(α为参数).以坐标原点为极点,x 轴的正半轴为极轴,建立极坐标系,直线l 的极坐标方程为ρsin θ+ρcos θ=6. (1)求曲线C 的普通方程和直线l 的直角坐标方程;(2)若射线m 的极坐标方程为θ=π(ρ≥0).设m 与C 相交于点M ,m 与l 相交于点N ,求|MN|.23.[选修4-5:不等式选讲](10分)设函数f (x )=|12x+1|+|x-1|(x ∈R )的最小值为m. (1)求m 的值;(2)若a ,b ,c 为正实数,且1ma +12mb +13mc =23,证明:a 9+2b 9+c3≥1.高三模拟考数学参考答案(理科)1.B 由A ∩B={-2},可知-2∈B ,所以(-2)2-2m-12=0,解得m=-4.2.A 因为3+a i =b-(2a-1)i ,所以{b =3,-(2a -1)=a,解得{b =3,3a =1,则|3a+b i |=√10.3.B 因为cos π3==12,所以x>0,且2x=√x 2+12,解得x=2.4.D z=x+3y+2表示经过点D (-3,-2)和可行域内的点(x ,y )的直线斜率的倒数,画出可行域(图略)可知,可行域的三个顶点分别为A (-1,3),B (-1,-1),C (1,1),且k AD =52,k BD =12,k CD =34,故25≤z ≤2.5.B 当S=1时,i=9;当S=1+9=10时,i=8;当S=1+9+8=18时,i=7;当S=1+9+8+7=25时,i=6;当S=1+9+8+7+6=31时,i=5.此时输出S=31,故选B .6.D 连接BE ,BD (图略),因为BE ∥AF ,所以∠BED 为异面直线AF 与DE 所成的角(或补角),不妨设正方体的棱长为2,则BE=DE=√5,BD=2√2.取BD 的中点为G ,连接EG ,则EG=√5-2=√3,cos ∠BEG=√3√5,所以cos ∠BED=2×35-1=15.7.C 因为f (x )=e x -1e x +a 是定义在R 上的奇函数,所以f (1)+f (-1)=0,即e -1e+a +1e -11e+a =0,解得a=1,即f (x )=e x -1e x +1=1-2e x +1,易知f (x )在R 上为增函数.又f (x-3)<f (9-x 2),所以x-3<9-x 2,解得-4<x<3.8.A 不妨设A (0,a ),B (-b ,0),则BA⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ ·BF ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ =0,解得b 2=ac ,即a 2-c 2=ac ,故e=√5-12.9.C 因为f (x )=sin 3x-√3cos 3x+1=2sin (3x-π3)+1,所以g (x )=2sin [3(x+π6)-π3]+1=2sin (3x+π6)+1,令3x+π6=k π+π2,得x=kπ3+π9(k ∈Z ),所以x=5π9不是对称轴,①错误,②显然正确;令3x+π6=k π,得x=kπ3-π18(k ∈Z ),取k=2,得x=11π18,故关于点(11π18,1)对称,③正确;令2k π-π2≤3x+π6≤2k π+π2,k ∈Z ,得2kπ3-2π9≤x ≤2kπ3+π9,取k=2,得10π9≤x ≤13π9,取k=3,得16π9≤x ≤19π9,所以④错误,选项C 正确. 10.A 五人分成四组,先选出两人组成一组,剩下的人各自成一组,所有可能的分组共有C 52=10种,甲和乙分在同一组,则其余三人各自成一组,只有一种分法,与场地无关,故甲和乙恰好在同一组的概率是110. 11.C 被5除余3且被7除余2的正整数构成首项为23,公差为5×7=35的等差数列.记该数列为{a n },则a n =23+35(n-1)=35n-12,令a n =35n-12≤2020,解得n ≤58235,故该数列各项之和为58×23+58×572×35=59189.12.C f'(x )=2ax 2-x+1x(x>0),因为函数f (x )=ax 2-x+ln x 有两个不同的极值点x 1,x 2,所以方程2ax 2-x+1=0有两个不相等的正实数根,于是有{Δ=1-8a >0,x 1+x 2=12a >0,x 1x 2=12a>0,解得0<a<18. 若不等式f (x 1)+f (x 2)>2(x 1+x 2)+t 有解,所以t<[f (x 1)+f (x 2)-2(x 1+x 2)]max .因为f (x 1)+f (x 2)-2(x 1+x 2)=a x 12-x 1+ln x 1+a x 22-x 2+ln x 2-2(x 1+x 2)=a [(x 1+x 2)2-2x 1x 2]-3(x 1+x 2)+ln (x 1x 2)=-54a-1-ln (2a ).设h (a )=-54a -1-ln (2a )(0<a<18),h'(a )=5-4a 4a 2>0,故h (a )在(0,18)上单调递增,故h (a )<h (18)=-11+2ln 2,所以t<-11+2ln 2,所以t 的取值范围是(-∞,-11+2ln 2). 13.81 设公比为q ,则a 2+a 3a 1+a 2=q=-3,由a 1-3a 1=-2,得a 1=1,故a 5=81. 14.√3 由题意得F (2,0),|FP|=5,不妨取P (3,2√6),代入x 22-y 2b 2=1,得92-24b2=1.又因为a 2+b 2=4,得a=1,b=√3,所以双曲线的渐近线为y=±√3x ,距离d=2√32=√3. 15.80;211 x 5=[2+(x-2)]5,则a 1=C 51·24=80.令x=3,得a 0+a 1+a 2+…+a 5=35=243;令x=2,得a 0=25=32,故a 1+a 2+…+a 5=243-32=211.16.32π 因为EA=EB=EC=ED ,所以点E 为三棱锥A-BCD 的外接球球心,BD 为直径,所以∠BAD=∠BCD=90°.设正三角形△ACD 的边长为a ,则BD=√2a ,EA=ED=√2a2,BA=2-AD 2=a ,BC=2-CD 2=a ,故△ABD ,△BCD 为等腰直角三角形,所以AE ⊥BD ,CE ⊥BD.又因为AE=CE=√2a2,AC=a ,所以AE ⊥CE ,所以AE ⊥平面BCD.设AM=CN=x ,则V C-EMN =V M-CEN =1·(1CN ·CE sin 45°)·ME=-2ax 2+√2a 2x , 当x=√2a4时,V C-EMN 有最大值a 396=23,解得a=4,所以三棱锥A-BCD 的外接球的半径R=EA=2√2,从而表面积S=4πR 2=32π.17.解:(1)因为2a-c=2b cos C ,所以2sin A-sin C=2sin B cos C , .............................. 1分 所以2sin (B+C )-sin C=2sin B cos C ,整理得sin C=2cos B sin C. ............................. 2分 因为sin C ≠0,所以cos B=12, ....................................................... 3分所以B=π3,从而A+C 2+B=2π3, .......................................................... 4分 故sin (A+C 2+B )=sin 2π3=√32. ......................................................... 6分 (2)由(1)得sin B=√32, ............................................................. 7分所以a sinA =c sinC =b sinB=2,从而a=2sin A ,c=2sin C. .......................................... 8分 所以c-a=2sin C-2sin A=2sin (2π3-A )-2sin A =√3cos A-sin A=2sin (π3-A ). ...................................................... 10分因为A+C=2π3,所以0<A<2π3,从而-π3<π3-A<π3, .............................................. 11分 所以-√3<2sin (π3-A )<√3,故c-a 的取值范围为(-√3,√3). .................................. 12分 18.解:(1)若选择生产线①,生产成本恰好为18万元,即A 工序不出现故障B 工序出现故障,故所求的概率为(1-0.02)×0.03=0.0294. ............................................................. 4分 (2)若选择生产线①,设增加的生产成本为ξ(万元),则ξ的可能取值为0,2,3,5.P (ξ=0)=(1-0.02)×(1-0.03)=0.9506;P (ξ=2)=0.02×(1-0.03)=0.0194; .................................................... 5分 P (ξ=3)=(1-0.02)×0.03=0.0294; P (ξ=5)=0.02×0.03=0.0006. ....................................................... 6分 所以Eξ=0×0.9506+2×0.0194+3×0.0294+5×0.0006=0.13(万元), ........................... 7分 故选生产线①的生产成本期望值为15+0.13=15.13(万元). .................................. 8分 若选生产线②,设增加的生产成本为η,则η的可能取值为0,8,5,13. P (η=0)=(1-0.04)×(1-0.01)=0.9504;P (η=8)=0.04×(1-0.01)=0.0396; .................................................... 9分 P (η=5)=(1-0.04)×0.01=0.0096; P (η=13)=0.04×0.01=0.0004. ..................................................... 10分 所以Eη=0×0.9504+8×0.0396+5×0.0096+13×0.0004=0.37(万元), ......................... 11分 选生产线②的生产成本期望值为14+0.37=14.37(万元),故应选生产线②. ...................... 12分 19.(1)证明:因为BC ∥AD ,BC ⊄平面PAD ,AD ⊂平面PAD , 所以BC ∥平面PAD. .............................................................. 1分 因为P ∈平面PBC ,P ∈平面PAD ,所以可设平面PBC ∩平面PAD=PM , 又因为BC ⊂平面PBC ,所以BC ∥PM. ................................................... 2分 因为EF ∥平面PAD ,EF ⊂平面PBC , 所以EF ∥PM ,从而得EF ∥BC. ........................................................ 3分 因为PA ⊥底面ABCD ,所以PA ⊥BC.因为∠ABC=90°,所以AB ⊥BC. ...................................................... 4分 因为PA ∩AB=A ,所以BC ⊥平面PAB. ................................................... 5分 综上,EF ⊥平面PAB. .............................................................. 6分(2)解:由(1)可得AB ,AD ,AP 两两垂直,以A 为原点,AB ,AD ,AP 所在直线分别为x ,y ,z 轴,建立如图所示的空间直角坐标系A-xyz.因为AB=BC=12AD=12PB=2,所以PA=√PB 2-AB 2=2√3,则B (2,0,0),C (2,2,0),D (0,4,0),P (0,0,2√3),所以BD ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ =(-2,4,0),BP ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ =(-2,0,2√3),CD ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ =(-2,2,0),CP⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ =(-2,-2,2√3). ............................. 8分 设m=(x 1,y 1,z 1)是平面BDP 的法向量,由{m ·BD⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ =0,m ·BP⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ =0,得{-2x 1+4y 1=0,-2x 1+2√3z 1=0,取x 1=2√3,得m=(2√3,√3,2). .......................... 9分设n=(x 2,y 2,z 2)是平面CDP 的法向量,由{n ·CD ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ =0,n ·CP⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ =0,得{-2x 2+2y 2=0,-2x 2-2y 2+2√3z 2=0,取x 2=√3,得n=(√3,√3,2),........................ 11分所以cos <m ,n>=m ·n |m||n|=13√190190,即B-PD-C 的余弦值为13√190190. ................................ 12分 20.(1)解:由题意得l 的方程为x=-p2, .................................................. 1分 所以-p 2=-1,解得p=2. ............................................................. 3分 又由抛物线和圆的对称性可知,所求圆的圆心为F (1,0), ..................................... 4分 所以圆的方程为(x-1)2+y 2=4. ........................................................ 5分 (2)证明:易知直线MN 的斜率存在且不为0,设M (-1,y 0),MN 的方程为y=k (x+1)+y 0,代入C 的方程,得ky 2-4y+4(y 0+k )=0. ............................................................. 6分 令Δ=16-16k (y 0+k )=0,得y 0+k=1k, ..................................................... 7分所以ky 2-4y+4(y 0+k )=k 2y 2-4ky+4k =0,解得y=2k.将y=2k代入C 的方程,得x=1k2,即N 点的坐标为(1k 2,2k), ....................................... 9分所以FM⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ =(-2,y 0),FN ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ =(1k2-1,2k), ..................................................... 10分 FM ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ ·FN ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ =2-2k2+y 0·2k=2-2k2+(1k-k )·2k=0, .............................................. 11分故MF ⊥NF. ................................................................... 12分21.解:(1)因为g (x )=f'(x )=2ax+a-2e 2x,所以g'(x )=2a-4e 2x=-2(2e 2x-a ), ............................ 1分 ①当a ≤0时,g'(x )<0,g (x )在R 上单调递减. ............................................. 2分②当a>0时,令g'(x )>0,则x<12ln a 2;令g'(x )<0,则x>12ln a 2,所以g (x )在(-∞,12ln a 2)上单调递增,在[12ln a 2,+∞)上单调递减. ................................. 3分 综上所述,当a ≤0时,g (x )在R 上单调递减;当a>0时,g (x )在(-∞,12ln a 2)上单调递增,在[12ln a 2,+∞)上单调递减. .............................. 4分 (2)f'(x )=2ax+a-2e 2x=a (2x+1)-2e 2x=(2x+1)(a-2e 2x),f (0)=0. 令f'(x )=0,得a=2e 2x2x+1. ............................................................ 5分 设h (x )=2e 2x 2x+1,则h'(x )=8xe 2x(2x+1)2. ..................................................... 6分 当x>0时,h'(x )>0,h (x )在(0,+∞)上单调递增,所以h (x )在(0,+∞)上的值域是(2,+∞),即2e 2x2x+1>2. ......................................... 7分 当a ≤2时,f'(x )=0没有实根,且f'(x )<0,f (x )在(0,+∞)上单调递减,f (x )<f (0)=0,符合题意........................................... 9分 当a>2时,h (0)=2<a ,所以h (x )=2e 2x2x+1=a 有唯一实根x 0, ................................................... 10分 当x ∈(0,x 0)时,f'(x )>0,f (x )在(0,x 0)上单调递增,f (x )>f (0)=0,不符合题意. ........................ 11分综上,a ≤2,即a 的取值范围为(-∞,2]. ................................................ 12分 22.解:(1)因为{x =cosα,y =3sinα(α为参数),所以消去参数α,得x 2+y29=1, 所以曲线C 的普通方程为x 2+y 29=1. ................................................... 2分因为{x =ρcosθ,y =ρsinθ,所以直线l 的直角坐标方程为x+y-6=0. .................................. 4分(2)曲线C 的极坐标方程为ρ2cos 2θ+ρ2sin 2θ9=1. .......................................... 5分 将θ=π(ρ≥0)代入ρ2cos 2θ+ρ2sin 2θ=1,解得ρ1=√3, ..................................... 6分 将θ=π3(ρ≥0)代入ρsin θ+ρcos θ=6,解得ρ2=6√3-6. ................................ 8分 故|MN|=|ρ1-ρ2|=5√3-6. ........................................................ 10分23.(1)解:f (x )=|12x+1|+|x-1|={ -3x,x ≤-2,-12x +2,-2<x <1,32x,x ≥1. ..................................... 3分当x ∈(-∞,1)时,f (x )单调递减;当x ∈[1,+∞)时,f (x )单调递增. ................................ 4分所以当x=1时,f (x )取最小值m=32. .................................................... 5分 (2)证明:由(1)可知1a +12b +13c=1. ....................................................... 6分 因为a ,b ,c 为正实数,所以a+2b+3c=(a+2b+3c )(1a +12b +13c)=3+a 2b +a 3c +2b a +2b 3c +3c a +3c 2b=3+(a 2b +2b a )+(a 3c +3c a )+(2b 3c +3c 2b)≥3+2+2+2=9. .............................................. 8分当且仅当a=2b=3c ,即a=3,b=32,c=1时取等号, ............................................ 9分 所以a +2b +c≥1. ................................................................ 10分。
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1.在R 上定义运算⊗:(1)x y x y ⊗=-,若不等式()()1x a x a -⊗+<对任意实数x 恒成立,则实数a 的取值范围为( )A .11a -<<B .1322a -<<C.3122a -<< D .02a << 2.在ABC ∆中,角A 、B 、C 的对边长分别a 、b 、c ,满足()22sin 3cos 40a a B B -++=,27b =,则ABC V 的面积为 A .22B .2C .23D .33.若某程序框图如图所示,则该程序运行后输出的值是( )A .7B .8C .9D .104.已知双曲线22221(0,0)x y a b a b-=>>的左、右焦点分别为1F ,2F ,点P 为左支上任意一点,直线l 是双曲线的一条渐近线,点P 在直线l 上的射影为Q ,且当2PF PQ +取最小值5时,12F QF S ∆的最大值为( )A .258B .254 C .252 D .105.已知函数()37sin f x x x x =--+,若()()220f af a +->,则实数a 的取值范围是A .(),1-∞B .(),3-∞ C .()1,2-D .()2,1-6.已知点A 与点(1,2)B 关于直线30x y ++=对称,则点A 的坐标为( ) A .(3,4)B .(4,5)C .(4,3)--D .(5,4)--7.已知等差数列{}n a 前n 项和为n S ,若1010S =,2060S =,则40S =( ) A .110 B .150 C .210 D .2808.在ABC ∆中,三内角A 、B 、C 对应的边分别为a 、b 、c ,且cos cos 2cos a B b A C +=,1c =,则角C = ( )A .6πB .3πC .23πD .56π9.已知在三棱锥P ABC -中,1PA PB BC ===,2AB =,AB BC ⊥,平面PAB ⊥平面ABC ,若三棱锥的顶点在同一个球面上,则该球的表面积为( )A .3πB .2πC .2πD .3π10.函数22x y x =-的图象大致是()A .B .C .D .11.执行如图所示的程序框图,若输入m 0=,n 2=,输出的x 1.75=,则空白判断框内应填的条件可能是( )A .m n 1-< B .m n 0.5-< C .m n 0.2-< D .m n 0.1-<12.函数()2ln(21)4f x x x=++-的定义域为 ( )A .(-12,2 )B .1,22⎡⎫-⎪⎢⎣⎭C .1,22⎡⎤-⎢⎥⎣⎦D .1,22⎛⎤- ⎥⎝⎦二、填空题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分。
13.根据如图所示的伪代码,可知输出的结果S 为____.14.已知复数z 满足()12z i z+=-,则2z =__________.15.盒子里有完全相同的6个球,每次至少取出1个球(取出不放回),取完为止,则共有_______种不同的取法(用数字作答).16.若实数a ,b ,c 满足22(21)(ln )0a b a c c --+--=,则b c -的最小值是__________.三、解答题:共70分。
17.(12分)在直角坐标系xOy 中,直线l 的方程为0x y a +-=,曲线C 的参数方程为2cos ,sin x y αα=⎧⎨=⎩(α为参数).以坐标原点为极点,x 轴正半轴为极轴建立极坐标系.求直线l 和曲线C 的极坐标方程;若直线l与曲线C 交于A ,B 两点,且直线OA 与OB 的斜率之积为54,求a .18.(12分)在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,已知角α的顶点与坐标原点重合,始边与x 轴的非负半轴重合,它的终边过点34,55P ⎛⎫-- ⎪⎝⎭.求sin 3πα⎛⎫+ ⎪⎝⎭的值;若角β满足5sin()13αβ+=,求cos β的值. 19.(12分)已知椭圆2222:1(1)y x C a b a b +=>≥的离心率为22,其上焦点到直线220bx ay +-=的距离为23.求椭圆C 的方程;过点1(,0)3P 的直线l 交椭圆C 于A ,B 两点.试探究以线段AB 为直径的圆是否过定点?若过,求出定点坐标,若不过,请说明理由. 20.(12分)选修4-4:坐标系与参数方程在直角坐标系xOy 中,曲线22cos :2sin x C y αα=+⎧⎨=⎩(α为参数),直线1cos :sin x t l y t ββ=-+⎧⎨=⎩(t 为参数),以O为极点,x 轴的非负半轴为极轴建立极坐标系. 求曲线C 与直线l 的极坐标方程(极径用ρ表示,极角用θ表示);若直线l 与曲线C 相交,交点为A 、B ,直线l 与x 轴也相交,交点为Q ,求||||QA QB +的取值范围.21.(12分)设函数()13f x x x =--+.求不等式()1f x ≤的解集;若函数()f x 的最大值为m ,正实数,p q 满足2p q m +=,求212p q ++的最小值.22.(10分)已知椭圆()2222:10x y E a b a b +=>>经过点()0,1C,且离心率为2.求椭圆E 的方程;若直线1:3l y kx =-与椭圆E 相交于A ,B 两点,线段AB 的中点为M ,是否存在常数λ,使AMC ABC λ=⋅∠∠恒成立,并说明理由.参考答案一、选择题:本题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分。
1.B 2.C 3.A 4.A 5.D 6.D 7.D 8.B 9.D 10.A 11.B 12.A二、填空题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分。
13.205 14.-4. 15.32 16.1三、解答题:共70分。
17.(1)l :cos sin 0a r q r q +-=,C :()2224sin cos 4ρθθ+=;(2)12a =±. 【解析】 【分析】(1)利用直角坐标与极坐标换算公式直接可得; (2)联立直线l 与曲线C 的极坐标方程,得()()22224sin cos 4cos sin aθθθθ++=,设()()1122,,,A B ρθρθ,则125tan tan 4O O B A k k θθ==,解得a 即可. 【详解】(1)将cos x ρθ=,sin y ρθ=代入0x y a +-=的方程中,所以直线l 的极坐标方程为cos sin 0a r q r q +-=.在曲线C 的参数方程中,消去α,可得2214x y +=,将cos x ρθ=,sin y ρθ=代入2214x y +=的方程中,所以曲线C 的极坐标方程为()2224sincos 4ρθθ+=.(2)直线l 与曲线C 的公共点的极坐标满足方程组()222cos sin 04sin cos 4a ρθρθρθθ+-=⎧⎪⎨+=⎪⎩,由方程组得()()22224sin cos 4cos sin a θθθθ++=, ()2222224sin cos 4si 2cos n sin cos a a θθθθθθ+=++,两边同除2cos θ,可化为22224tan 48tan 4tan a a θθθ+=++,即()22244tan 8tan 40a a θθ--+-=, 设()()1122,,,A B ρθρθ,则212245tan tan 444O OB A a k k a θθ-===-,解得12a =±. 【点睛】本题考查了参数方程,极坐标方程,普通方程之间的换算关系.考查了直线与椭圆极坐标方程的应用.属于中档题. 18.(1)4sin 310πα+⎛⎫+=- ⎪⎝⎭;(2)56cos 65β=-或16cos 65β=. 【解析】 【分析】(1)由三角函数的定义,求得sin ,cos αα的值,再利用两角和的正弦公式,即可求解. (2)利用三角函数的基本关系式,求得12cos()13αβ+=±,又根据()βαβα=+-,得到cos cos()cos sin()sin βαβααβα=+++,代入即可求解,得到答案.【详解】(1)由题意,角α的终边经过点34,55P ⎛⎫-- ⎪⎝⎭,则1OP == 由三角函数的定义,可得43sin ,cos 55αα=-=-,所以1143sin sin 32255πααα⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫+==⨯-+-= ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭. (2)因为5sin()13αβ+=,所以12cos()13αβ+===±,又因为()βαβα=+-,所以cos cos()cos sin()sin βαβααβα=+++当12cos()13αβ+=时,56cos 65β=-; 当12cos()13αβ+=-时,16cos 65β=. 综上所述:56cos 65β=-或16cos 65β=. 【点睛】本题主要考查了三角函数的化简求值问题,其中解答中熟记三角函数的定义,以及三角函数恒等变换的公式,合理、准确运算是解答的关键,着重考查了推理与运算能力,属于基础题.19.(1)2212y x +=(2)详见解析【解析】 【分析】(1)由椭圆离心率结合222a b c =+得到a,b,c 之间的关系,计算焦点到直线的距离得到a,b 的值,从而得到椭圆方程;(2)当直线l 斜率不存在时,得到AB 为直径的圆的方程,当直线l 斜率为0时,得到AB 为直径的圆的方程,从而得到两圆的交点Q ,然后只需证明当直线l 的斜率存在且不为0时AB 以为直径的圆恒过点Q 即可. 【详解】解:(1)由题意,c e a ==,222212a b e a -==,所以a =,c b =.3=1a b >≥,所以1b =,22a =,故椭圆C 的方程为2212y x += (2)当AB x ⊥轴时,以AB 为直径的圆的方程为2211639x y ⎛⎫-+=⎪⎝⎭当AB y ⊥轴时,以AB 为直径的圆的方程为221x y +=. 可得两圆交点为()10Q -,. 由此可知,若以AB 为直径的圆恒过定点,则该定点必为()10Q -,. 下证()10Q -,符合题意. 设直线l 的斜率存在,且不为0,则方程为13y k x ⎛⎫=- ⎪⎝⎭,代入2212yx +=并整理得()22222122039k x k x k +-+-=, 设()11A x y ,,()22B x y ,,则()2122232k x x k ++=, ()21221892k x x k -+=, 所以()()121211QA QBx x y y ⋅+++u u u v u u u v = 1212x x x x +=+ 21211133k x x ⎛⎫⎛⎫++-- ⎪⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭ ()()22212121111139k x x k x x k ⎛⎫=+-+ ⎪⎝⎭+++()()22218192k kk -+=+ 2113k ⎛⎫+- ⎪⎝⎭()22232k k + 21109k ++= 故QA QB ⊥u u u v u u u v,即()10Q -,在以AB 为直径的圆上. 综上,以AB 为直径的圆恒过定点()10,-. 【点睛】本题主要考查椭圆标准方程、直线与椭圆的位置关系以及曲线过定点问题,解决曲线过定点问题一般有两种方法:① 探索曲线过定点时,可设出曲线方程 ,然后利用条件建立等量关系进行消元,借助于曲线系的思想找出定点,或者利用方程恒成立列方程组求出定点坐标.② 从特殊情况入手,先探求定点,再证明与变量无关.20.(1)曲线C 的极坐标方程为4cos ρθ=,直线l 的极坐标方程为sin()sin ρθββ-=(2)6) 【解析】 【分析】(1)直接利用转换关系式,把参数方程直角坐标方程和极坐标方程之间进行转换; (2)利用直线与圆的位置关系,数形结合即可得到QA QB +的取值范围. 【详解】(1)曲线()22:24C x y -+=即224x y x +=即24cos ρρθ=即0ρ=或4cos ρθ=由于曲线4cos ρθ=过极点 ∴曲线C 的极坐标方程为4cos ρθ= 直线():1sin cos l x y ββ+=即sin cos sin 0x y βββ-+= 即cos sin sin cos sin 0ρθβρθββ-+=即()sin sin ρθββ-= 直线l 的极坐标方程为()sin sin ρθββ-= (2)由题得()1,0Q -设M 为线段AB 的中点,圆心到直线l 的距离为()0,2d ∈则2QA QB QM +== 它在()0,2d ∈时是减函数∴QA QB +的取值范围()= 【点睛】本题考查的知识要点:参数方程直角坐标方程和极坐标方程之间的转换,直线与圆的位置关系,三角函数关系式的恒等变变换,主要考查学生的运算能力和转化能力,属于基础题型. 21.(1)32x x ⎧⎫≥-⎨⎬⎩⎭(2)见解析【解析】 【分析】(1)不等式可化为3131x x x ≤-⎧⎨-++≤⎩或31111x x x -<<⎧⎨---≤⎩或1131x x x ≥⎧⎨---≤⎩,据此求解不等式的解集即可;(2)由题意可得4m =,结合均值不等式的求解212p q++的最小值即可,注意等号成立的条件. 【详解】(1)不等式可化为3131x x x ≤-⎧⎨-++≤⎩或31111x x x -<<⎧⎨---≤⎩或1131x x x ≥⎧⎨---≤⎩解得32x ≥-()1f x ∴≤的解集为32x x ⎧⎫≥-⎨⎬⎩⎭(2)13134x x x x ---≤-++=,()4,24226m p q p q ∴=+=∴++=,()2112114222426262q p p q p q p q p q ⎛⎫⎛⎫++=+++=++ ⎪ ⎪+++⎝⎭⎝⎭14463⎛≥+= ⎝. 当且仅当223p q +==时,即132p q =⎧⎪⎨=⎪⎩时,取“=”,212p q ∴++的最小值为43. 【点睛】绝对值不等式的解法:法一:利用绝对值不等式的几何意义求解,体现了数形结合的思想; 法二:利用“零点分段法”求解,体现了分类讨论的思想;法三:通过构造函数,利用函数的图象求解,体现了函数与方程的思想.22.(1)2212x y +=;(2)存在.【解析】 【分析】(1)根据题意得到1b =,2c a =,求出a = (2)先由题意判断出结果,再证明,联立直线与椭圆方程,设()11,A x y ,()22,B x y ,根据韦达定理,以及向量数量积运算,得到0CA CB ⋅=u u u r u u u r,进而可得出结果.【详解】(1)由题意知1b =,2c a =. 又因为222a b c =+解得1225,a = 所以椭圆方程为2212x y +=.(2)存在常数()f x ,使AMC ABC λ=⋅∠∠恒成立. 证明如下:由221312y kx x y ⎧=-⎪⎪⎨⎪+=⎪⎩得()2291812160k x kx +--=,且>0∆. 设()11,A x y ,()22,B x y ,则1221221291816918k x x k x x k ⎧+=⎪⎪+⎨⎪=-⎪+⎩, 又因为()11,1CA x y =-u u u r ,()22,1CB x y =-u u u r,()()()()2121212121212444161113339CA CB x x y y x x kx kx k x x k x x ⎛⎫⎛⎫⋅=+--=+--=+-++⎪⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭u u u r u u u r ()22216412161091839189k k k k k -=+-⋅+=++ , 所以CA CB ⊥u u u r u u u r . 因为线段AB 的中点为M ,所以MC MB =, 所以2AMC ABC ∠=∠.所以存在常数()f x ,使AMC ABC λ=⋅∠∠恒成立. 【点睛】本题主要考查求椭圆的方程以及椭圆的应用,熟记椭圆的标准方程与椭圆的简单性质即可,属于常考题型. 高考模拟数学试卷一、选择题:本大题共10小题,每小题5分,共50分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.(理).下面是关于复数21z =-+i 的四个命题:p1:|z|=2;p2:z2=2i ;p3:z 的共轭复数为1+i ;p4:z 的虚部为-1.其中的真命题为A .p2,p3B .p1,p2C .p2,p4D .p3,p4(文).设全集+=R U ,集合A ={02|2<-x x x },B ={x }0lg ≥x ,则“∈x A ”是“∈x U B ð”的 A. 充分不必要条件 B . 充要条件 C. 必要不充分条件 D. 即不充分也不必要 2.已知等比数列{an}的前三项依次为a -1,a +1,a +4,则an =.A .34()2n⋅B .24()3n ⋅C .134()2n -⋅ D .124()3n -⋅ 3.甲、乙两人在一次射击比赛中各射靶5次,两人成绩的条形统计图如图所示,则A .甲的成绩的平均数小于乙的成绩的平均数B .甲的成绩的方差小于乙的成绩的方差C .甲的成绩的中位数等于乙的成绩的中位数D .甲的成绩的极差小于乙的成绩的极差4.(理)设1(5)nx x -的展开式的各项系数之和为M ,二项式系数之和为N ,若M -N =240,则展开式中x 的系数为. A . 150 B .-150 C .300 D .-300 (文) 如图,一个空间几何体的正视图、侧视图、俯视图为全等的等腰直角三角形,如果直角三角形的直角边长为2,那么这个几何体的体积为. A.43 B.83C .4D .8 5.(理)函数()f x 满足(0)0f =,其导函数()f x '的图象如图所示,则()f x 的图象与x 轴所围成的封闭图形的面积为 A.13B.43C .2D.83(文)已知函数()f x =x3+ax2+(a +6)x +1有极大值和极小值,则实数a 的取值范围是.A .(-1,2)B .(-∞,-3)∪(6,+∞)C .(-3,6)D .(-∞,-1)∪(2,+∞)6.阅读如图所示的算法框图,输出的s 值为 .开始结束0,1s n ==sin4n s s π=+11n ≤s输出是1n n =+否2yxθABOA.0 B.1+ 2 C.1+22 D.2-17.定义在R上的奇函数()f x满足f(2-x)=f(x),当x∈[0,1]时,f(x)=x,又g(x)=cosπx2,则集合{x|f(x)=g(x)}等于.A. ⎭⎬⎫⎩⎨⎧∈+=Zkkxx,214|B.⎭⎬⎫⎩⎨⎧∈+=+=Zkkxkxx,254214|或C.{x|x=2k+1,k∈} D.⎩⎨⎧x⎪⎪⎭⎬⎫x=4k±12,k∈Z8.一个正方体的展开图如图所示,A,B,C,D为原正方体的顶点,则在原来的正方体中A.AB∥CD B.AB与CD相交C.AB⊥CD D.AB与CD所成的角为60°9.若点M是△ABC所在平面内的一点,且满足5AM→=AB→+3AC→,则△ABM与△ABC的面积比为A.15 B.25 C.35 D.4510.如图,已知线段2AB=,当点A在以原点O为圆心的单位圆上运动时,点B在x轴上滑动,设AOBθ∠=,记()xθ为点B的横坐标关于θ的函数,则()xθ在0,2π⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦上的图像大致是二、填空题(本大题共5小题,每小题5分共25分.把答案填在答题卷中的横线上.)11.已知函数f(x)=ax(a>0,且a≠1)在区间[1,2]上的最大值与最小值的差为a2,则a的值为________.12.在△ABC中,B=60°,AC=3,则AB+2BC的最大值为________.13.若曲线f(x)=ax5+ln x存在垂直于y轴的切线,则实数a的取值范围是________.14.设F1、F2分别是椭圆x2a2+y2b2=1(a>b>0)的左、右焦点,若在直线x=a2c上存在点P,使线段PF1的中垂线过点F2,则椭圆的离心率的取值范围是________.15.(理)(在下列两题中任选一题,若两题都做,按第①题给分)题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10答案(1).在极坐标系中,点(4,)3M π到曲线cos()23πρθ-=上的点的距离的最小值为____.(2).若不等式|x +1|+|x -3|≥a +4a对任意的实数x 恒成立,则实数a 的取值范围是____.15(文). 已知函数x x y cos sin +=,x x y cos sin 22=,则下列结论中,①两函数的图像均关于点(4π-,0)成中心对称;②两函数的图像均关于直线4π-=x 成轴对称;③两函数在区间(4π-,4π)上都是单调增函数; ④两函数的最小正周期相同.正确的序号是_____.三、解答题(本大题共6小题共75分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤) 16.(本小题满分12分)已知定义域为R 的函数f (x )=Asin (ωx+φ) (A >0,ω>0)的一段图象如图所示. (1)求f (x )的解析式;(2)若g (x )=cos3x ,h (x )=f (x )•g (x ), 求函数h (x )的单调递增区间. 17.(本小题满分12分)已知数列{an}的前n 项和为Sn ,且Sn=2an ﹣2(n ∈N*),数列{bn}满足b1=1,且点 P (bn ,bn+1)(n ∈N*)在直线y=x+2上. (1)求数列{an}、{bn}的通项公式; (2)求数列{an•bn}的前n 项和Dn ;(3)设22sin cos 22n n n n n c a b ππ=-(*n ∈N ),求数列{cn}的前2n 项和T2n .18. (本小题满分12分)(理)设ξ为随机变量,从棱长为1的正方体的12条棱中任取两条,当两条棱相交时,ξ=0 ;当两条棱平行时,ξ的值为两条棱之间的距离;当两条棱异面时,ξ=1.(1)求概率P(ξ=0);(2)求ξ的分布列,并求其数学期望Eξ.(文).有甲、乙两个班级进行数学考试,按照大于等于85分为优秀,85分以下为非优秀统计成绩后,得到如下的列联表.已知从全部105人中随机抽取1人为优秀的概率为27.(1)请完成上面的列联表;(2)根据列联表的数据,若按95%的可靠性要求,能否认为“成绩与班级有关系”;(3)若按下面的方法从甲班优秀的学生中抽取一人:把甲班优秀的10名学生从2到11进行编号,先后两次抛掷一枚均匀的骰子,出现的点数之和为被抽取人的序号.试求抽到6号或10号的概率.(参考公式:22()()()()()n ad bc a b b c c d d a χ-=++++,)19.(本小题满分12分)(理)如图,四棱锥P ﹣ABCD 的底面ABCD 是正方 形,侧棱PD ⊥底面ABCD ,PD=CD ,E 是PC 的中点. (1)证明PA ∥平面BDE ;(2)求二面角B ﹣DE ﹣C 的平面角的余弦值;(3)在棱PB 上是否存在点F ,使PB ⊥平面DEF ?证明 你的结论.(文).如图(a)所示,已知等边△ABC 的边长为2,D ,E 分别是AB ,AC 的中点,沿DE 将△ADE 折起,使AD ⊥DB ,连接AB ,AC ,得到如图(b)所示的四棱锥ABCED. (1)求证:AC ⊥平面ABD ; (2)求四棱锥ABCED 的体积.20.(本小题满分13分)已知向量a=(x,3y),b=(1,0),且(a+3b)⊥(a-3b).(1)求点Q(x,y)的轨迹C的方程;(2)设曲线C与直线y=kx+m相交于不同的两点M、N,又点A(0,-1),当|AM|=|AN|时,求实数m的取值范围.21. (本小题满分14分)(理)设函数()lnaf x x xx=+,32()3g x x x=--.(1)讨论函数()()f x h x x =的单调性;(2)如果存在12,[0,2]x x ∈,使得12()()g x g x M -≥成立,求M 的最大整数;(3)如果对任意的1,[,2]2s t ∈,都有()()f s g t ≥成立,求实数a 的取值范围.(文).已知函数()f x 满足121()(1)(0)2x f x f e f x x -'=-+(1)求(1),(0)f f '的值以及()f x 的单调区间;(2)令321()()2xh x f x x ax e =---,若()h x 在x ∈(1,3)单调递增,求a 的取值范围.参考答案二、填空题:每小题5分,共25分.11.32或12; 12.27; 13.(-∞,0); 14.⎣⎡⎭⎫33,1 15.(理)○12;○2(,0){2}-∞U(文)3三、解答题:(本大题共6小题共75分)16、解:(1)∵24()4123T πππ=-=,∴23T πω==,∴()2sin(3)f x x θ=+.∵点(12π,2)在图象上,∴2sin (3×12π+θ)=2,即sin (φ+4π)=1,∴φ+4π=2kπ+2π(k ∈),即θ=2kπ+4π.故()2sin(3)4f x x π=+. (2)()2sin(3)cos32(sin 3cos cos3sin )cos3444h x x x x x x πππ=+=+23cos3cos 3)6cos 61)x x x x x =+=++=sin (6x+4π).由2kπ2π-≤6x+4π≤2kπ2π+(k ∈)得函数()h x 的单调递增区间为[,]38324k k ππππ-+(k ∈).17、解:(1)当n=1,a1=2,当n≥2时,an=Sn ﹣Sn ﹣1=2an ﹣2an ﹣1∴an=2an ﹣1(n≥2),∴{an}是等比数列,公比为2,首项a1=2, ∴2nn a =又点1(,)n n P b b +在直线y=x+2上,∴bn+1=bn+2,∴{bn}是等差数列,公差为2,首项b1=1,∴bn=2n ﹣1(3)∵(21)2nn n a b n ⋅=-⨯∴ 123123252(21)2nn D n =⨯+⨯+⨯++-⨯L ①23412123252(21)2n n D n +=⨯+⨯+⨯++-⨯L ②①﹣②得123112222222(21)2n n n D n +-=⨯+⨯+⨯++⨯--⨯L 12(32)6n n +=--所以,1(23)26n n D n +=-⨯+(3)2 (21)n n n c n n ⎧=⎨--⎩为奇数为偶数 T2n=(a1+a3+…+a2n ﹣1)-(b2+b4+…b2n )2122223n n n+-=--18、(理)(1)若两条棱相交,则交点必为正方体8个顶点中的1个,过任意1个顶点恰有3条棱,所以共有8C23对相交棱,因此P(ξ=0)=8C23C212=8×366=411.(2)若两条棱平行,则它们的距离为1或2,其中距离为2的共有6对,故P(ξ=2)=6C212=111,于是P(ξ=1)=1-P(ξ=0)-P(ξ=2)=1-411-111=611,所以随机变量ξ的分布列是ξ 0 1 2 P411611111因此Eξ=1×611+2×111=6+211.(文)解 (1)优秀 非优秀 总计 甲班 10 45 55 乙班 20 30 50 合计3075105(2)根据列联表中的数据,得到k =105×10×30-20×45255×50×30×75≈6.109>3.841,因此有95%的把握认为“成绩与班级有关系”.(3)设“抽到6号或10号”为事件A ,先后两次抛掷一枚均匀的骰子,出现的点数为(x ,y),则所有的基本事件有(1,1)、(1,2)、(1,3)、…、(6,6),共36个.事件A 包含的基本事件有(1,5),(2,4),(3,3),(4,2),(5,1),(4,6),(5,5),(6,4),共8个,∴P(A)=836=29.19、(理)解:(1)以D 为坐标原点,分别以DA 、DC 、DP 所在直线为x 轴、y 轴、z 轴建立空间直角坐标系,设PD=CD=2,则A (2,0,0),P (0,0,2),E (0,1,1),B (2,2,0), 所以=(2,0,﹣2),=(0,1,1),=(2,2,0). 设=(x ,y ,z )是平面BDE 的一个法向量,则由,得;取=﹣1,则1n u r=(1,﹣1,1),∵•1n u r=2﹣2=0,∴⊥1n u r ,又PA ⊄平面BDE ,∴PA ∥平面BDE .(2)由(1)知1n u r =(1,﹣1,1)是平面BDE 的一个法向量,又2n u u r ==(2,0,0)是平面DEC 的一个法向量.设二面角B ﹣DE ﹣C 的平面角为θ,由图可知θ=<1n u r ,2n u u r >,∴cosθ=cos <1n u r ,2n u u r >===,故二面角B ﹣DE ﹣C 余弦值为.(3)∵=(2,2,﹣2),=(0,1,1),∴•=0+2﹣2=0,∴PB ⊥DE . 假设棱PB 上存在点F ,使PB ⊥平面DEF ,设=λ(0<λ<1),则=(2λ,2λ,﹣2λ),=+=(2λ,2λ,2﹣2λ),由•=0得4λ2+4λ2﹣2λ(2﹣2λ)=0,∴λ=∈(0,1),此时PF=PB ,即在棱PB 上存在点F ,PF=PB ,使得PB ⊥平面DEF .(文)(1)证明 连接DC ,在等边△ABC 中,有BD ⊥CD ,而BD ⊥AD ,AD ∩DC =D ,所以BD ⊥平面ADC.又AC ⊂平面ADC ,所以BD ⊥AC.在△ADB 中,AD =DB =1,∠ADB =90°,则AB = 2.由对称性,知AC = 2.在△ABC 中,AB =2,AC =2,BC =2,则AB ⊥AC.又BD ∩AB =B ,所以AC ⊥平面ABD. (2)解 在梯形BCED 中,易知S △CDE ∶S △BCD =1∶2,所以V ABCD =2V ADCE.所以V ABCED =32V ABCD.又V ABCD =VCADB =13×12·AD·DB·AC =13×12×2=26,所以V ABCED =32×26=24.20、(1)由题意得a +3b =(x +3,3y),a -3b =(x -3,3y),∵(a +3b)⊥(a -3b),∴(a +3b)·(a -3b)=0,即(x +3)(x -3)+3y·3y =0.化简得x23+y2=1,∴Q点的轨迹C 的方程为x23+y2=1.(2)由⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧y =kx +m ,x23+y2=1得(3k2+1)x2+6mkx +3(m2-1)=0,由于直线与椭圆有两个不同的交点,∴Δ>0,即m2<3k2+1.①(i)当k≠0时,设弦MN 的中点为P(xP ,yP),xM 、xN 分别为点M 、N 的横坐标,则xP =xM +xN 2=-3mk3k2+1,从而yP =kxP +m =m3k2+1,kAP =yP +1xP =-m +3k2+13mk ,又|AM|=|AN|,∴AP ⊥MN.则-m +3k2+13mk =-1k,即2m =3k2+1,②将②代入①得2m>m2,解得0<m<2,由②得k2=2m -13>0,解得m>12,故所求的m 的取值范围是⎝⎛⎭⎫12,2.(ii)当k =0时,|AM|=|AN|,∴AP ⊥MN ,m2<3k2+1,解得-1<m<1.综上,当k≠0时,m 的取值范围是⎝⎛⎭⎫12,2,当k =0时,m 的取值范围是(-1,1).21、(理)解:(1)2()ln ah x x x =+,233212()a x a h x x x x -'=-+=, ①a≤0,h'(x )≥0,函数h (x )在(0,+∞)上单调递增 ②a >0,()0h x '≥,2x a ≥,函数h (x )的单调递增区间为(2,)a +∞,()0h x '≤,02x a <≤,函数h (x )的单调递减区间为(2)存在x1,x2∈[0,2],使得g (x1)﹣g (x2)≥M 成立,等价于:[g (x1)﹣g (x2)]max≥M ,考察g (x )=x3﹣x2﹣3,2()3()3g x x x '=-, x2()g x '0 ﹣ 0 + g (x ) ﹣3 递减极(最)小值递增1由上表可知:min 85()27g x =-,m ()1av g x =,∴[g (x1)﹣g (x2)]max=g (x )max ﹣g (x )min=11227,所以满足条件的最大整数M=4; (3)当1[,2]2x ∈时,()ln 1a f x x x x =+≥恒成立,等价于a≥x ﹣x2lnx 恒成立,记h (x )=x ﹣x2lnx ,所以a≥hmax (x ),又h′(x )=1﹣2xlnx ﹣x ,则h′(1)=0.记h'(x )=(1﹣x )﹣2lnx ,1[,1)2x ∈,1﹣x >0,xlnx <0,h'(x )>0 即函数h (x )=x ﹣x2lnx 在区间1[,1)2上递增,记h'(x )=(1﹣x )﹣2lnx ,x ∈(1,2],1﹣x <0,xlnx >0,h'(x )<0, 即函数()h x =x ﹣x2lnx 在区间(1,2]上递减,∴x=1, ()h x 取到极大值也是最大值(1)h =1. ∴a≥1(文)解:由于f (x )=f′(1)ex ﹣1﹣f (0)x+212x ,则f′(x )=f′(1)ex ﹣1﹣f (0)+x ,令x=1得,f (0)=1,则f (x )=f′(1)ex ﹣1﹣x+,∴f (0)=f′(1)e ﹣1 则f′(1)=e ,得到f (x )=ex ﹣x+212x ,则g (x )=f′(x )=ex ﹣1+x ,g′(x )=ex+1>0,所以y=g (x )在x ∈R 上单调递增,则f′(x )>0=f′(0)⇔x >0,f′(x )<0=f′(0)⇔x <0,所以f (x )=ex ﹣x+212x的单调递增区间为(0,+∞),单调递减区间为(﹣∞,0).(2)由(1)知,h (x )=f (x )﹣x3﹣212ax ﹣ex=﹣x3+﹣x ,∴h’(x )=﹣3x2+(1﹣a )x ﹣1≥0对x ∈(1,3)恒成立,(1﹣a )x≥3x2+1,∵x ∈(1,3),∴1﹣a≥令φ(x )=,21()30x x φ'=->,∴1﹣a≥,∴253a ≤-高考模拟数学试卷第Ⅰ卷一、选择题:(本大题共12个小题,每小题5分,共60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有项是符合题目要求的.)1.已知集合{}|2A x N x =∈>,集合{}|,B x N x n n N =∈<∈,若A B I 的元素的个数为6,则n 等于( )A .6B .7C .8D .92.设i 为虚数单位,2(34)(,)i a bi a b R -+=+∈,则a bi +等于( )A .5B .10C .25D .50 3.设奇函数f (x )满足,则f (-2)的值为()A. -4B. -2C. 4D. 24.0245)5sin θθ+=,则tan θ等于( ) A .14-B .14C .-4D .4 5.已知双曲线22221(0,0)x y a b a b -=>>的一条渐近线方程为6y x =,则此双曲线的离心率为( )A 42B .76C 5D .546.若函数()2sin(4)(0)f x x ϕϕ=+<的图象关于直线24x π=对称,则ϕ的最大值为( )A .53π-B .23π-C .6π-D .56π- 7.若,x y 满足约束条件3000x y a x y -≤⎧⎪-≤⎨⎪+≥⎩且目标函数2z x y =+的最大值为10,则a 等于( )A .-3B .-10C .4D .108.若正整数N 除以正整数m 后的余数为n ,则记为(mod )N n m =,例如104(mod 6)∈.下面程序框图的算法源于我国古代闻名中外的《中国剩余定理》.执行该程序框图,则输出的n 等于( )A .17B .16C .15D .139.一底面是直角梯形的四棱柱的正(主)视图,侧(左)视图如图所示,则该四棱柱的体积为( )A .20B .28C .20或32D .20或28支持新教材 支持旧教材 合计教龄在10年以上的教师 12 34 46 教龄在10年以下的教师22 23 45 合计345791附表:20()P K k ≥ 0.050 0.010 0.0010k3.841 6.635 10.828给出相关公式及数据:22()()()()()n ad bc K a b c d a c b d -=++++,其中n a b c d =+++,2(12232234)222784,345746454011660⨯-⨯=⨯⨯⨯=,参照附表,下列结论中正确的是( )A .在犯错误的概率不超过0.001的前提下,认为“教龄的长短与支持新材有关”B .在犯错误的概率不超过0.050的前提下,认为“教龄的长短与支持新材有关”C .在犯错误的概率不超过0.010的前提下,认为“教龄的长短与支持新材有关”D .我们没有理由认为“教龄的长短与支持新教材有关”11.长方体1111ABCD A B C D -的8个顶点都在球O 的表面上,E 为AB 的中点,533,cos CE ACE =∠=,且四边形11ABB A 为正方形,则球O 的直径为( ) A .4 B 51 C .451 D .4或512.函数32()lg(5)f x ax x a =-+在(1,2)上递减,则实数a 的取值范围为( ) A .41,133⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦ B .41,133⎛⎤ ⎥⎝⎦ C .1,3⎛⎤-∞ ⎥⎝⎦ D .1,3⎡⎫+∞⎪⎢⎣⎭第Ⅱ卷二、填空题(本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分,将答案填在答题卡中的横线上)13.设函数2,0()21,0x x f x x x ⎧<=⎨-≥⎩,则((1))f f -=________.14.设向量(1,),(2,1)AB m BC m ==-u u u v u u u v,其中[)1,m ∈-+∞,则AB AC u u u v u u u v g 的最小值为________.15.在ABC ∆中,,3sin 8sin 3B C A π==,且ABC ∆的面积为ABC ∆的周长为________.16.设0m >,点(4,)A m 为抛物线22(0)y px p =>上一点, F 为焦点,以A 为圆心AF 为半径的圆C被y 轴截得的弦长为6,则圆C 的标准方程为________.三、解答题 (本大题共6小题,共70分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.)17.(本小题满分12分)已知数列{}2n n a -为等差数列,且138,26a a ==.(1)求数列{}n a 的通项公式; (2)求数列{}n a 的前n 项和n S . 18.(本小题满分12分)若抽取学生n 人,成绩分为A (优秀)、B (良好)、C (及格)三个等级,设,x y 分别表示数学成绩与地理成绩,例如:表中地理成绩为A 等级的共有14+40+10=64人,数学成绩为B 等级且地理成绩为C 等级的有8人.已知x 与y 均为A 等级的概率是0.07. (1)设在该样本中,数学成绩优秀率是30%,求,a b 的值;(2)已知8,6a b ≥≥,求数学成绩为A 等级的人数比C 等级的人数多的概率.如图,在四棱锥A EFCB -中,AEF ∆为等边三角形,平面AEF ⊥平面EFCB ,2EF =,四边形EFCB 是高为3的等腰梯形,//EF BC ,O 为EF 的中点. (1)求证:AO CF ⊥; (2)求O 到平面ABC 的距离.20.如图,椭圆22221(0)x y a b a b+=>>的左、右顶点分别为,A B ,焦距为22,直线x a =-与y b =交于点D ,且32BD =,过点B 作直线l 交直线x a =-于点M ,交椭圆于另一点P . (1)求椭圆的方程;(2)证明:OM OP u u u u v u u u vg为定值.21.(本小题满分12分)设a R ∈,函数2()ln ,()xf x ax xg x e ax =-=-.(1)当7a =时,求曲线()y f x =在点(1,(1))f 处的切线方程;(2)若()()0f x g x >g 对(0,)x ∈+∞恒成立,求实数a 的取值范围. 请考生在22、23、24三题中任选一题作答,如果多做,则按所做的第一题记分. 22.(本小题满分10分)如图,从圆O 外一点P 引圆的切线PC 及割线PAB ,C 为切点,OD BC ⊥,垂足为D .(1)求证:2AC CP AP BD =gg ; (2)若,,AP AB BC 依次成公差为1的等差数列,且21PC =,求AC 的长.已知直线l的参数方程为62333x ty t ⎧=-+⎪⎪⎨⎪=⎪⎩(t为参数),在直角坐标系中,以原点O为极点,x轴正半轴为极轴建立极坐标系,曲线C的方程为22cos()2sin4πρθθ=--.(1)求曲线C的直角坐标方程;(2)点P Q、分别为直线l与曲线C上的动点,求PQ的取值范围.24.(本小题满分10分)设函数()f x x a=-.(1)当2a=时,解不等式()71f x x≥--;(2)若()1f x≤的解集为[]0,2,11(0,0)2a m nm n+=>>,求证:4223m n+≥+.参考答案1. D ∵{}|2,A B x x n n N=<<∈I的元素的个数为6,∴这6个元素为3,4,5,6,7,8,从而9n=.2. C ∵2(34)91624724i i i-+=--=--,∴7,24a b=-=-,∴2225a bi a b+=+=.3. D ∵()f x为奇函数,∴(2)(2)f f-=-,∴3(2)8(2)f f-=--,∴(2)2f-=.6.B 由题可得,4242kππϕπ⨯+=+,∴,3k k Zπϕπ=+∈,∵0ϕ<是,∴max23πϕ=-.7.C 作出可行域可知,当直线2z x y=+过点(3,)A a时,z取得最大值为610a+=,∴4a=.8.A 当10n>时,被3除余2,被5除也余2的最小整数17n=.9.D 由图可知,梯形的上底为1或3,下底为4,高为2,棱柱的高为4,所以体积为20或28.10.B ∵2K的观测值为2()5.0536 3.841()()()()n ad bcka b c d a c b d-=≈>++++,∴在犯错误的概率不超过0.050的前提下,认为“教龄的长短与支持新教材有关”.11.C 设AE x =,则BC AC ==由余弦定理,得cos ACE ∠==∴42760x x -+=,∴21x =或6,∴1x =.设球O 的半径为R ,则24R ===12.A 设32()5g x ax x a =-+,∵lg y x =在(0,)+∞上递增,∴根据复合函数的单调性可知,()g x 在(1,2)递减,且()0g x >对(1,2)x ∈恒成立.∴2()320g x ax x '=-≤对(1,2)x ∈恒成立且(2)1340g a =-≥,∴23a x ≤对(1,2)x ∈恒成立,且413a ≥,∴41133a ≤≤. 13. 0 1((1))()02f f f -==.14.34 22133()21(1)1()244AB AC AB AB BC m m m m m m =+=++-=++=++≥u u u v u u u v u u u v u u u v u u u v g g .15. 18 由正弦定理及3sin 8sin C A =得83c a =,设8,3c k a k ==,∴由余弦定理得7b k =,∴21sin 122S ac B k ===,∴1,3,7,8k a b c ====,∴18a b c ++=. 16.22(4)(4)25x y -+-= 由点(4,)A m 到y 轴的距离为4,及圆C 被y 轴截得的弦长为6得5AF =,则452p+=,∴2p =,∴4m ==,∴圆C 的标准方程为22(4)(4)25x y -+-=. 17.解:(1)设数列{}2n n a -的公差为d ,∵31326,218a a -=-=,∴18662d -==,........3分 ∴266(1)6n n a n n -=+-=,∴26n n a n =+. ........................................7分(2)12122(1)2226(12)623(1)2122n nn n n n S n n n ++-+=+++++++=+⨯=++--L L ........12分18.解:(1)140.07200n n =⇒=,∴14280.3200a ++=,故18a =, 而1428403681034200ab ++++++++=,∴12b =. ...........................6分 (2)30a b +=且8,6a b ≥≥.由14281034a b ++>++得2a b >+.(,)a b 的所有结果为(8,22),(9,21),(10,20),(11,19),(24,6)L 共17组,其中2a b >+的共8 组,则所求概率为:8 17............................................12分19.(1)证明:因为AEF∆等边三角形,O为EF的中点,所以AO EF⊥.......................1分又因为平面AEF⊥平面,EFCB AO⊂平面AEF,平面AEF I平面EFCB EF=,所以AO⊥平面EFCB,.......................................................4分又CF⊂平面EFCB,所以AO CF⊥.................................................5分(2)解:取BC的中点G,连接OG.由题设知,OG BC⊥.................................................6分由(1)知AO⊥平面EFCB,又BC⊂平面EFCB,所以OA BC⊥,因为OG OA O=I,所以BC⊥平面AOG.........8分过O作OH AG⊥,垂足为H,则BC OH⊥,因为AG BC G=I,所以OH⊥平面ABC........................................................10分因为3,3OG AO==,所以62OH=,即O到平面ABC的距离为62.(另外用等体积法谈亦可).......................................12分20.解:(1)由题可得22222(2)32222a bca b c+==⎨⎪=+⎪⎩,∴2242ab⎧=⎨=⎩,∴椭圆的方程为22142x y+=.................................................5分(2)(2,0),(2,0)A B-,设011(2,),(,)M y P x y-,则110(,),(2,)OP x y OM y==-u u u v u u u u v,直线BM的方程为:0(2)4yy x=--,即0142yy x y=-+,................................7分代入椭圆方程2224x y+=,得2222000(1)40822y y yx x+-+-=,...............................8分由韦达定理得2124(8)28yxy-=+,.............................................9分∴201202(8)8y x y -=+,∴012088y y y =+,................................................10分 ∴2220001012220004(8)843224888y y y OP OM x y y y y y -+=-+=-+==+++u u u v u u u u v g ,即OP OM u u u v u u u u v g为定值. .........12分21.解:(1)当7a =时,21()7ln ,()14f x x x f x x x'=-=-,∴(1)13f '=,∵(1)7f =, ∴曲线()y f x =在点(1,(1))f 处的切线方程为713(1)y x -=-即136y x =-.............3分 (2)若()0f x >对(0,)x ∈+∞恒成立,即2ln 0ax x ->对(0,)x ∈+∞恒成立,则max 2ln ()xa x >, 设2ln ()(0)x h x x x =>,则312ln ()xh x x-'=, 当120x e <<时,()0h x '>,函数()h x 递增;当12x e >时,()0h x '<,函数()h x 递减,所以当0x >时,12max 1()()2h x h e e ==,∴12a e>..............................................7分 ∵()h x 无最小值,∴()0f x <对(0,)x ∈+∞恒成立不可能.∵()()0f x g x >g 对(0,)x ∈+∞恒成立,∴()0xg x e ax =->,即xe a x<对(0,)x ∈+∞恒成立.设()x e H x x =,∴2(1)()x e x H x x -'=,当01x <<时,()0H x '<,函数()H x 递减;当1x >时,()0H x '>,函数()H x 递增,所以当0x >时,min ()(1)H x H e ==,∴a e <.......11分 综上可得,12a e e<<.........................................................12分 22.(1)证明:∵PC 为圆O 的切线,∴PCA CBP ∠=∠, 又CPA CPB ∠=∠,故CAP BCP ∆∆:, ∴AC APBC PC=,即AP BC AC CP =g g . 又2BC BD =,∴2AC CP AP BD =g g ..................................................5分(2)解:设(0)AP x x =>,则1,2AB x BC x =+=+,由切割定理可得2PA PB PC =g ,∴(21)21x x +=,∵0x >,∴3x =,∴5BC =,由(1)知,AP BC AC CP =g g,∴35⨯=,∴AC =.........................10分 23.解:(1)∵2cos 2sin 2sin 2cos ρθθθθ=+-=,∴22cos ρρθ=.......................3分又sin ,cos y x ρθρθ==,∴222x y x +=,∴C 的直角坐标方程为22(1)1x y -+=............................................5分(2)l 的普通方程为2)y x =+,即20x -+=...................................7分∴圆C 的圆心到l 的距离为d ==,∴PQ 的最小值为11d -=-,∴PQ 的取值范围为)1,+∞...................................................10分24.解:(1)当2a =时,不等式为217x x -+-≥,∴1217x x x <⎧⎨-+-≥⎩或12217x x x ≤≤⎧⎨-+-≥⎩或2217x x x >⎧⎨-+-≥⎩,∴2x ≤-或5x ≥. ∴不等式的解集为(][),25,-∞-+∞U . .................................................5分 (2)()1f x ≤即1x a -≤,解得11a x a -≤≤+,而()1f x ≤解集是[]0,2, ............6分∴1012a a -=⎧⎨+=⎩,解得1a =,所以111(0,0)2m n m n +=>>,................................7分∴1144(4)()3322n mm n m n m n m n+=++=++≥.(当且仅当1,m n =+=号)...........................................................10分高考模拟数学试卷考试说明:本试卷分第I 卷(选择题)和第II 卷(非选择题)两部分,满分150分,考试时间120分钟.(1)答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号码填写清楚;(2)选择题必须使用2B 铅笔填涂, 非选择题必须使用0.5毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写, 字体工整, 字迹清楚;(3)请按照题号顺序在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效,在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效;(4)保持卡面清洁,不得折叠、不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、刮纸刀.第I 卷 (选择题, 共60分)一、选择题(本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.)1. 集合{}2,1=M ,{}5,4,3=N ,{}N b M a b a x x P ∈∈+==,,,则集合P 的元素个 数为A.3B.4C.5D.62. 若i 是虚数单位,则=+-ii12 A.i 2321+ B.i 2321- C.i 2323- D.i 2323+3. 若变量y x ,满足约束条件⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧≤+-≤-+≥043041y x y x x ,则目标函数y x z -=3的最小值为A.4-B.0C.34D.4 4. 若312cos =θ,则θθ44cos sin +的值为 A.1813 B.1811 C.95D.15. 若向量b a ,的夹角为3π,且1,2==b a ,则a 与b a 2+的夹角为 A.6π B.3πC.32πD.65π6. 若按右侧算法流程图运行后,输出的结果是76,则输入的 的值为A.5B.6C.7D.8。