Foreignization and domestication in Translation
校园英语 / 翻译研究公示语翻译的错误分析及对策广安职业技术学院/母滨彬【摘要】随着国际步伐的加速和我国对外开放的逐渐深入,公示语的翻译(英译)与日俱增。
【关键词】公示语 错误 对策公示语是一种常见于公共场所的特殊文体,用寥寥数字来表达对受众的某些要求或引起人们的注意。
例如在我国很多景区,游客经常会看到“注意安全,小心落水”的警示牌,英译文竟然是“Take care! Fall into water carefully!”很显然,原文中的“小心落水”是希望游客能加以防范,也就是“Be careful of deep water!”并不是要希望大家“小心地落入水中”,试想若果某些外国游客轻信了警示牌中的英译文,还以为这是景区的某个娱乐项目,都纷纷“小心翼翼落入水中”,其后果将不堪设想。
Domestication versus Foreignizationin English Advertisement Translation英语广告翻译中的归化与异化The present paper focuses on the application of the two translating strategies--domestication and foreignization to English advertisement translation. Why does a translator choose this translation strategy instead of that one when he translates an advertisement? In the consumers’ eyes, what kind of advertisements do they expect and would get their attention?1. Definition of Domestication and ForeignizationIn translation, there are two basic translation strategies, which are termed “domesticating” and “foreignizing” by Lawrence Venuti (Venuti 2004).The roots of the terms can be traced back to the German Philosopher Schleiermacher’s argument in his famous lecture “On the Different Ways of Translating” given in 1813. In that lecture, he argued that there are only two different methods of translation, “either the translator leaves the author in peace as much as possible, and moves the reader towards him; or he leaves the reader in peace as much as possible, and moves the author towards him.” (Venuti 2004: 19-20) 2.Functions of Domestication and ForeignizationAs is mentioned, translation is a matter of choice. The strategies of domestication and foreignization have their respective advantages and limitations which decide their different functions in the translating work.Domesticating translation is easier for the readers to understand and accept, because expressions and styles familiar to the TL readers are adopted. However, the naturalness and smoothness of the TL are often achieved at the expense of the cultural and stylistic message of the SL; while the foreignizing strategy seeks to evoke a sense of the foreign freshness. The function of domestication is to shorten the distance of the author and the readers, while the function of foreignization is to bring the readers to the author’s world.3. Application of Domestication and Foreignization to English Advertisement TranslationAdvertisement is of a very practical type of writing with high commercial value. Its ultimate purpose is to promote sales. If the translator rigidly adheres to the original form and content in translation, it may lead to the failure of promoting sales in target markets.Translating advertisements is something like presenting one the tip of an iceberg. What one sees are the words, but there is a lot behind the words that must beunderstood to transfer advertising from one culture to another.The production of an advertising text involves considerable market research, so that the intended audience can be very carefully targeted, the right buttons pressed and the desired responses elicited.On the other hand, with the development of cultural communication in different countries, the situation has gradually changed in a subtle way. Nowadays, more and more people tend to accept the foreign culture and even eager to learn some necessary information globally through different ways. The discrepancy between SL and TL in the aspects of language and culture would attract them and arouse their interests.4. ConclusionIn the business flow between countries, the advertisement, as one of the important ways to spread information, carries messages from one country to another. The advertising messages may contain different cultural factors such as language, values, history, customs and the like which need to be dealt with in advertising translation. So the advertisement translation is a complex job, which not only requires transiting and passing on the foreign cultural elements, but also calls for considering whether the consumers would accept this kind of transition.References[1]Adab, Beverly, ed. 2004. The Translator—Key Debates in the Translation of Advertising Material[M]. Manchester, UK: St. Jerome Publishing.[2]Baker, Mona. 2000.In Other Words: A Coursebook on Translation[M].Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.[3]Bassnett, Susan. 2004. Translation Studies[M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.[4]Belch, George E. & Belch Michael A. 2001. Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing Communication Perspective[M]. New York: Irwin/ McGraw-Hill.[5]Lefevere, Andre, ed. 2004. Translation, History & Culture: A Sourcebook[M].Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.[6]Venuti, Lawerence. 2004. The Translator’s Invisibility—A History of Translation[M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.[7]Jin Hanshen靳涵身. 《诗型广告翻译研究》[M]. 成都:四川大学出版社. 2004.[8]Sun Huijun 孙会军.《普遍与差异—后殖民批评视阈下的翻译研究》[M]. 上海:上海译文出版社. 2005.[9]Xie Tianzheng 谢天振. 《翻译研究新视野》[M]. 青岛:青岛出版社. 2003.[10]Zhou Xiao Zhou Yi 周晓,周怡. 《现代英语广告》[M]. 上海:上海外语教育出版社. 1998.。
Foreignization and Domestication In the literature translationOutline:1,The definition of foreignization and domestication1.1 What's foreignization1.2 What's domestication2,Contrast of foreignization and domestication2.1 Comparison of the titles of literature2.2 Comparison of the translation of kinship terms2.3 Comparison of the translation of cultural words3,Foreignization and domestication exist simultaneously3.1 The defect of overuse foreignization3.2 The merit of domestication3.3 Both foreignization and domestication make text perfect4,Conclusion【摘要】文学翻译涉及到许多复杂的文化因素,在文学翻译中,译者必须考虑原语与目的语之间的文化距离.归化和异化在这方面发挥了很重要的作用.但是与归化相比,读者更愿意接受异化. 异化不仅在文章形式上,而且在文化移植方面都有很多的优点.异化保留了原语语言的表达方式和文学寓意,异化倾向于原语文化,目的是为了保留原语文化.异化读者体会到不同国家之间的文化差异,并且使他们能够更好的理解原文及其文化.然而,在文学翻译中过度的使用异化也会有负面影响,它可能让读者对译文产生含糊感,觉得译文没有可读性.实际上,归化也有其自身的优点,它可使读者对译文产生熟悉感和认可性.所以在文学翻译中归化和异化不可以完全分开.首选是异化,然后归化可以作为补充,且两者同时并存.【关键词】翻译异化归化对比AbstractThe translation of literature involves many complicated cultural factors. And cultural distance between the source and target cultures requires some considerations in the translation of literature. The foreignization and domestication play important roles in it. But compared with domestication, foreignization is more acceptable by readers. Foreignization has lots of advantages not only in the text form but also in the function of culture transplant. Foreignization maintains the original linguistic expression or literary images in the source language. Foreignization is oriented towards the source-language culture and its aim is to preserve source culture. Foreignization makes readers know the cultural differences between different countries, and comprehend the original text and culture better. While overuse foreignization in the translation of literature has negative influence. It may bring readers the ambiguity or unreadability of the translation. In fact, domestication also has its own merits. It can make the text recognizable and familiar. So foreignization and domestication can't be separated completely in the translation of literature.The first choice is foreignization, the last resort is domestication. And both of them exist simultaneously【Key words】: translation foreignization domestication contrast1,The definition of foreignization and domesticationThe translation of literature involves many complicated cultural factors. In the translation of literature, cultural distance between the source and target cultures requires some considerations. The foreignization and domestication, these two translation strategies play important roles in it. While, what are the foreignization and domesticationIn the west, the rudiment of domestication and foreignization can be traced far back to word-for-word translation and sense-for-sense translation put forward by Gcero, Horace and Jerome during the period of ancient Rome. Domestication and foreignizatin are extension of the two concepts of literal translation and free translation. Foreignization and domestication, as a pair of important binary theories, are paid more and more attention by translators.1.1 What's foreignizationDictionary of Translation studies gives the definition of foreignization , to a certain extent, maintaining the foreignness of the source text and break the linguistic nom of the target language. Such as "胆小如鼠"( as timid as a mouse ) "Win-win situation"(双赢局势)"crocodile tears"(鳄鱼的眼泪). All these examples are mostly translated by word-for-word .The structures are remained. Foreignization in the translation of literature is to maintain the particular linguistic expression in native language, which helps the target reader to know cultural differences between different counties. In fact, foreignization is the process of culture transplant, as the diagram shows:A LanguagetranslateB languageA CulturetransplantA CultureA language packed with A culture was translated toB language packed with A culture.A culture was just transplanted. It just moved its place. e.g.(1) 他总是事后诸葛亮.He is always Zhugeliang, the master after the event.(2) Nobody can predict whether another Pandora Box is opened when human can be cloned没有人可以预言对人的克隆是否意味着开了一个潘多拉的盒子会给人类带来各种各样的灾难.(3)"心较比干多一窍,病如西子胜三分""She looked more sensitive than Pikan, more delicate than His Shih"In these examples, we can see that both sentences remain the original culture and linguistic expression. Reader can learn the source cultures. A Dream of Red Mansions translated by Y angxianyi is the typical example of foreignization.e.g. 闲静时如娇花照水,行动处似弱柳扶风.In repose, she was like a lovely flower mirrored in the water.In motion, a pliant willow swaying in the wind.1.2 what's domesticationDomestication means the opposite of the foreignization. Domestication doesn't emphasis on syntactical and morphological traces of the original, and doesn't maintain the source culture. It close to the target language and let the translation reads like the native language. Domestication is concerned mainly with messages.e.g. 天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福The weather and human life are both unpredictableBirds of a feather flock together 物以类聚To kill two birds with one stone 一箭双雕All these examples are the sense-for sense translation. They didn't maintain the source culture. Domestication is the process of culture , The diagram is as followA LanguagetranslateB languageA CulturetransferB CultureA language packed with A culture was translated toB language packed with B culture, the culture was transferred from A culture to B culture. e.g.(1) 他跟老人招呼了一声"吃过了没有,老伯""Good morning, Grandpa " he greeted the old man.(2) 他总是事后诸葛亮He is always wise after event(3) "No, ye poor, lost soul, that ye mustn't do.""不,你这迷途的羔羊啊!千万不能这样做."The purpose of domestication is to make the text recognizatable and familiar and thus brings the foreign culture close to the reader in the target culture. So in the literature translation, translators often make some semantic extension and abridging lengthy writings,to satisfy the readers'demand. Ducis use domestication in the translation of Hamlet to fit the French taste. And another typical example of domestication is The Story of The Stone translated by David Hawkes.e.g. 闲静时如娇花照水,行动处似弱柳扶风.Their beauty were beyond description. (Hawkes)2,Contrast of foreignization and domesticationAlthough domestication and foreignization are good strategies in literature translation. With the rapid development of cultural communication, the readers' horizon is being greatly widened. Readers are more interested in the different elements of foreign cultures. Foreignization is faithful to the original text and the source cultural spirits. While domestication doesn't emphsis on the equlence with the original text. So foreignization is more acceptable than domestication. Luxun , a great writer ,was the advocator of foreignizing translation in China. He tried to maintain the foreigners of foreign works, in order to introduce news thoughts and ideas into china④(潘文国; P178 ). And in west, Venuti is the representative of foreignization. Foreignization do have more advantage. Here we make some comparisons between foreignization anddomestication.2.1 Comparison of the titles of literatureAs a mode of cultural transmission, the titles of literature also have abundant cultural connotations. Therefore, the translation of titles of literatures are not only a matter of word rendering, but also a matter of culture rendering . If the titles are with somewhat color of foreignal culture. It can attract more target readers. They are more curious about the foreign culture. All these can be reached only through foreignization.For the title of Hong Lou Meng, Hawkes translated it into The Story of The Stone. He just considerated the acceptability of ordinary European readers. He just tried to create an image that conforms to western cultural values. Because stone has deep metaphoric meaning in western literature. While MrY ang translated the title into A Dream of Red Mansions through foreignization. This title is faithful to the source text, and retains the foreignness of Chinese culture. And it will attract the readers who show a real interest in the oriental culture and who also want to keep in close contact with the real culture and the foreignness of that culture.Another example is the famous novel"水浒传". Pearl S.Buck translated it "All Men Are Brothers". Although it's very easy to understand, it's not proper. Because not all the people in Liangshan Marsh, considered others as brothers. It's far from the source text. Sidney Shapiro's Outlaws of The Marsh is better. And there are more good instances, which succeed in using the translation method of foreignization such as Herbert.A.Giles's. "Strange Tales from A Chinese Studio" is not better than Y angxianyi's Selected Tales from Liaozhai. Arthus Waley's Analects of Confucius is better than Thomas Cleary's Essential of Confucius.2.2 Comparison of the translation of kinship termsIn the translation of kinship terms, Y angxianyi mainly uses the method of foreignization, aiming to introduce Chinese culture to the western country, while David Hawkes mainly adopts the method of domestication with the focus on the target readers and omits the honorifics as many as possible. C hinese feudal society is a patriarchal society, which means the rule that center on kindred and gives a judgment about the near and distant relative by lineage. So they emphasized the honorifics. It's obvious that domestication can't show the source culture well.e.g. (1) 宝玉向林黛玉说道:"你听见了没有,难道二姐姐也跟我撒谎不成"……宝玉笑道:"太太不知道这缘故.宝姐姐先在家里住着,那薛大哥的事,他也不知道.……林妹妹在背后羞我,打谅我撒谎呢."(第二十八回)Y ang: Pao-yu appealed to Tai-yu."Y ou heard what's been said. Would my Cousin His-feng back me up if I were lying " "Y ou don't know the reason, madam." Pao-yu grinned. "Even when Cousin Pao-chai lived with her family she didn't know her brother's doingsBut just now Cousin Tai-yu, sitting at the back, drew a finger across her cheek to shame me because she thought I was fibbing."Hawkes: Bao-yu turned to Dai-yu.'Did you hear what Feng said ' he asked her. 'I hope you're not going to say that she was lying.' Bao-yu only laughed. "Y ou don't know the reason, Mother. Bao-chai didn't know a half of what Cousin Xue got up to, even when she was liv ing with her motheroutside; … what you don't realize is that Cousin Lin was all the time sitting behind her making signs to show that she didn't believe me."In this example, there are four appellations including"宝姐姐","薛大哥""二姐姐","林妹妹". "二姐姐"is Wang Hsi-feng who is Pao-yu's cousin and sister-in-law ."宝姐姐" whose mother is his mother's sister is also his girl cousin. "薛大哥"is "宝姐姐"'s brother, therefore, he is Pao-yu's boy cousin. As for "林妹妹", she is his aunt's daughter. All these addressing terms can be translated into "cousin" because the word cousin can designate the children of aunts and uncles with no distinction between male and female, old and young, near and distant. English native speakers usually use "cousin + first name" to call the sons or daughters of their uncles and their aunts. Contrarily, the word "cousin" can indicate all the children of maternal side and paternal side including "姑表哥,堂哥,舅表哥" and so on in Chinese. In Chinese patriarchal clan system, the complicated family tree in large extended family leads to the complex addressing terms. While not in western countries.So they're translated by Hawks respectively into "Bao-chai", "Cousin-Xue", "Cousin Lin", "Feng". However, in Y ang's translation, they are "Cousin Pao-chai", "her brother","Cousin Dai-yu", "my cousin Hsi-feng". Y ang's translation is better because he takes the habitual usage of the target language into consideration. The translation by Hawks may lead to the misunderstanding of the readers. They are likely to think that the first name of Pao-chai And Tai-yu is Xue and Lin respectively.(2) ----"况且这通身的气派,竟不像老祖宗的外孙女,竟是个嫡亲的孙女,怨不得老祖宗天天口头心头一时不忘"-----Y ang:Her whole air is so distinguished! She doesn't take after her father, son-in-law of our Old Ancestress, but looks more like a Chia. No wonder our Old Ancestress couldn't put you out of her mind and was for ever talking or thinking about you Hawkes:And everything about her is so distingue! She doesn't take after your side of the family, Grannie. She's more like Jia.Y angxianyi translated it to "Old Ancestress". It can not only express that WangXi-feng want to show her great respect to Grandmother Jia deliberately, but also emphasize the powerful prestige of Grandmother Jia in the family. While Hawks translated "老祖宗" into "Grannie". It can't let readers know the original meaning. Y angyixian's translation is more close to the original text.2.3 Comparison of the translation of cultural wordsThe cultural word that carries the meaning of a cultural trait particular to a certain socio-cultural community, that is, whose referent is a unique thing or conception, and therefore that has no corresponding equivalent in other communities, when it is used in cross-cultural communication, is called word of cultural unique or culture word⑤( 周志培; P491). In the translation of literature, only through foreignization can the target culture reader know the unique and can particular culture be embodied the cultural difference between original text and target. For instance,谋事在人,成事在天Man proposes, Heaven disposes (Y ang)Man proposes, God disposes ( Hawkes )巧媳妇做不出没米的粥Even the cleverest housewife can't cook a meal without rice (Y ang)Even the cleverest housewife can't make bread without flour (Hawkes )In the two examples, we can compared translation of "天"and"粥".In China people worship"天"(heaven).Because Buddhism has been deeply noted in chinese ideology and they have rice as the main cereal foods. While in the western countries most people are Christians and they believe in God, and because of the different geographical conditional, they have bread. Other examples, such as "sofa" translated "沙发", "coffee" translated "咖啡", New Zealand translated "新西兰", "mini-skirt" translated "迷你裙","饺子"translated "Jiaozi". All these used foreignization to show the unique and particular culture successfullyIn one word, to avoid the loss and distortion of cultural features and also to enrich our language, translators should use the foreignization in the translation of literature as possible as they can, and try their best to transplant foreign cultures into our language and at the same time to introduce our culture to outside world in an acceptable way. 3,Foreignization and domestication exist simultaneously3.1 The defect of overuse foreignizationForeignization has lots of advantages. It's an effective way for the enrichment of the target language and culture, but there is no such thing as absolute foreignization. There is no version, which is completely foreignization from the beginning to end of a text. Foreignization aims to close to the source language. It maintains the original language expression. But in this sense foreignization is limited. For instance, Chinese readers have accepted "上帝" or "黑色星期五", but they may not accept the expression"浑身起鹅皮疙瘩"which is "be gooseflesh all over" in English. And it's likely that Chinese people will never say "胃里有蝴蝶" (have butterflies in one's stomach),when they feel nervous. There is one piece of poetry Autumn Thoughts《天净沙.秋思》马致远枯藤老树昏鸦,小桥流水人家,古道西风瘦马.夕阳西下,断肠人在天涯Tr.Schlepp's version ( foreignization)Dry vine, old tree, crows at dusk,Low bridge, stream running, cottages,Ancient road, west wind, lean nag,The sun westeringAnd one with breaking heart at the sky's edgeTr.Ding ZuXin&Burton Raffle's version ( domestication)Withered vines hanging on old branches,Returning crows croaking at dusk.A few houses hidden past a narrow bridge,And below the bridge quiet creek running.Down a worn path, in the west wind,A lean horse comes plodding.The sun dips down in the west,And the lovesick traveler is still at the end of the world.Compared with the domestication version, foreignization version is very close to the content and form of source text, but the space of images for readers is very small. And it let readers feel boring. Overuse foreignization will become imitate the linguistic structure of the original language so as to create a foreignized Chinese.Besides, foreignization is concerned with cultural connotation foreignization is also limited to the receptivity of the target readership which of course is restricted by the recipient environment. For example:我属鸡,我从来不吃鸡,鸡年是我的本命年.I was born in the year of the Rooster. I never eat chicken. The year of the Rooster will bring me good luck or bad luckAfter reading this translation, the target reader may be somewhat confused, because he doesn't understand what's "the year of the Rooster" and why it will bring good or bad luck to a person born in this year. Another example:"难道这是痴丫头,又像颦儿来葬不成"因又笑到:"若真也葬花,可谓东施效颦了,不但不为新奇,而是更可厌.""Can this be another absurd maid come to bury flower like Taiyu " he wondered in some amusement. "If so, she's Tung Shih imitating His Shih," which isn't original but rather tiresome."The target reader also can't understand well this translation. Because the readers don't know His Shih is a famous beauty in the ancient kingdom of Yueh. Tung Shih was an ugly girl who tried to imitate her ways .Just only using foreignization, the target readers may be arise ambiguity or unreadability of the translation even caused by cultural default.3.2 The merit of domesticationWhen foreignization can't express the original text and original cultural connotation well. Domestication is a good choice. In fact, domestication also has its own merit. Domestication translation is concerned mainly with message. It's reader-based. It has a great communicative function of the translation. It's easy for the target reader to comprehend and accept the translated version.For example, the famous English works The Red Shoes describes the devious and touching experiment of a young ballet dancer during the time when she dedica tes herself to the ballet art. The writer of the original scenario uses the kill of metonymy, comparing "red shoes" to the heroin, showing her pursuit of art and her longing for love. The title of the works is concise and vivid. If it was translated into Chinese as "红鞋子",for Chinese readers, it must sound vulgar. The translator uses the Chinese word "红菱", whose color is bright and whose shape is elegant to translate "the red shoes". And the Chinese word "红菱" is also full of Chinese cultural connotation. Another Chinese word"菱" not only can modify "红菱", displaying its bright color, but also describes the beauty of the heroin's pursuit of art and love. The translated version is concise and dainty and abundant in artistic inspiration. It's a good example succeeding in using the method of domestication.In Chinese culture, the concept of "福" has wide range of associative meaning, suchas happiness, good fortune and so on, which is very specific to a native Chinese. There is a popular saying in china. That's "福无双至,祸不单行",which means "blessings never come in pairs; misfortunes never come singly". On the birthday of a senior Chinese ,people like "福如东海,寿比南山", which means "I wish you long life and happiness". And during the Spring Festival, the Chinese character "福" can be seen everywhere in china, as part of the Spring Festival couplets. So based on above analysis, when it necessary, domestication also can be used. And translator should know to what extent foreignization or domestication is allowed.3.3 Both foreignization and domestication make text perfectWith the rapid development of cultural globalization, nowadays the main target of translation is to unfold foreign cultures for the readers as much as possible. In this sense, a good translation of literature must be examined at least from those two aspects: one is preserve its exotic elements and the other is to be well understood and accepted by the target readers. Domestication strategy is employed on linguistic level, while foreignization on cultural level. So foreignization and domestication can't be separated completely. Only both of them exist simultaneously in the translation of literature, which make the text perfect. Take the《天净沙.秋思》(Autumn Thoughts) as an example again. The following is the Tr.Arthus Sze's version.Withered vine,old tree,crows.A small bridge,flowing water,houses.Ancient road,west wind,lean horse.Sun sinking,in the west—And a man,crushed,at the sky's edge.In this version, author used not only foreignization, such as "withered vine, old tree," but also domestication,like "a man crushed at the sky's edge". It brings readers a large sight and thus create literary images. It's like a vivid picture, which lead readers into a desolate, sorrowful atmosphere. There is another typical example of using both foreignization and domestication succeedlyPrologueTwo households, both alike in dignity,In fair V erona, where we lay our scence,From ancient grudge, break to new mutiny,Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.From forth the fatal loins of these two foesA pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life;Whose misadventur'd piteous overthrowsDo, with their death, bury their parents' strife.The fearful passage of their death-mark'd love,And the continuance of their parents' rage,Which, but their children's end, nought could remove,Is now the two hours' traffick of our stage;The which if you with patient ears attend,What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend.(Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet)故事发生在维洛那名城,有两家门户相当的巨族,累世的宿怨激起了新争,鲜血把市民的白手污渎.是命运注定这两家仇敌,生下了一双不幸的恋人,他们的悲惨凄凉的殒灭,和解了他们交恶的尊亲.这一段生生死死的恋爱,还有那两家父母的嫌隙,把一对多情的儿女杀害,演成了今天这一本戏剧.交代过这几句挈领提纲,请诸位耐着心细听端详.(朱生豪译)This is a famous poetry. There are 14 sentences. From the whole form, poet used foreignization. The rhyme method of the original poetry is "abab cdcd efefgg". While that of the translation version isn't so well-arranged, which considers the acceptiability of target readers. We can see it is domestication.From the analysis of those above examples, because of using both foreignization and domestication, the target readers can accept the translation version easily, and they can also learn some foreign culture.4,ConclusionIn short, foreignization and domestication are very important concepts in deciding a translator's approaches to the linguistic and cultural differences of the source text. But some scholars declared that domestication translation was the main trend in the last century, the 21st century would mostly embrace foreignizing translation③(孙萍; P172 )As the inter-communication between countries becomes more and more frequent. People emphases the inter-cultural communication stronger and stronger. And in the translation of literature, foreignization aims for cultural transfer. The tendency of literature translation strategies will be foreignization. However, there's no absolute foreignization. Translator shouldn't neglect domestication in the translation of literature. The first choice is foreignization, the last resort is domestication②. (赵明; P27) Both domestication and foreignization exist simultaneously. The two strategies can supplement each other and coexist forever in disseminating cultures andpromoting the development of different cultures. Bibliography……………………………………………………..①《英汉互译理论与实践》编著:陈秋劲Richard B.l dauf,Jr (澳)David Gordon Ether i dge (加) 武汉大学出版社2005②《语际翻译与文化交融》——汉英互译的理论与实践编著: 赵明中国矿业大学出版社2003③《英汉翻译导论》(英) 编著:孙萍吉林大学出版社2004④Translation and Contrastive Studies: Proceedings of 2002 International Symposium on Contrastive and Translation Studies Between Chinese and English主编: 潘文国上海外语教育出版社2005⑤《英汉对比与翻译中的转换》周志培著邵志洪审华东理工大学出版社2003⑥《文学翻译佳作对比赏析》主编:崔永禄南开大学出版社2001⑦《英汉语比较与翻译》主编: 杨自俭上海外语教育出版社2000。
美国著名翻译理论学家劳伦斯韦努蒂(lawrence venuti)于1995年在《译者的隐身》中提出“归化”和“异化”两种翻译策略。
归化(domestication),就是源语(source language)的语言形式、习惯和文化传统的处理以目的语(target language)为归宿,也就是用符合目的语的语言习惯和文化传统的“最切近自然对等”的概念进行翻译,以实现动态对等或功能对等。
序网络学院翻译方向毕业论文(设计)题目号1On the Influence of Bible Culture on the Translation between English and Chinese2The Proper Use of Foreignization and Domestication3Culture Gaps and Untranslatability4The Proper Use of Literal Translation and Free Translation5 A Touch to Translation Theory and Skill6The Translation of Trademarks and Advertising Claims and Their Cultural Connotation 7English Allusion and Its Translation8Cognition and Translation of Metaphor9Translation and Translating: The Theory and Practice10Culturally Loaded English Idioms and Their Translations11On Translator's Obtrusion in Translation12The Translation Studies of Metaphor13Domestication and Foreignization in Translation14C-E Translation in Cultural Context15Machine Translation and Human Translation: in Competition or in Complementation 16Translation of Commercial Lines17English Idioms and Literal Translation and Free Translation18An Overview of Translation in China: Theory and Practice19Analysis of Descriptive Translation Studies20The Translation of English Sentences of Passive Voice21The Vague Strategy and Pragmatic Analysis of Euphemisms22On Translation of Vocabulary with Chinese Characteristics23Unequivalence of Business English Translation24The Study of the Word Connotation in Translation25On the Unequivalence of Translation26On Some Untranslatability27An Analysis of Descriptive Translation Studies28How to Deal with the Ellipsis in Translation29Translation of Idioms and Cultural Differences30Culture Connotation of Color Words and Their Translation31The Comparison and Translation of Chinese and English Allusion32On Translation of Advertisements33How to Select and Use the Literal Translation and Liberal Translation Correctly34Study on Multiplication of Translation Standards35Criticism and Humor in Charles Dickens' Works36Chinese-English Translation in Cultural Contrast37The Factors Effecting Context in Translation38On the Writing Devices Employed in " I Have a Dream " by Martin Luther King39On the Translation of XieHouYu in English40How to Name and Translate the Trademarks of Products for Entering the International Markets41An Analysis on the Phenomenon of Chinglish in Translation42On Literal and Liberal Translation43The Relationship between English Idioms and Its Culture44Culture Difference In Idioms in Translation学院翻译方向毕业论文(设计)题目11的影响文化在翻译《圣经》在英文和中文e Proper Use of Foreignization and Domestication33文化差距和不可e Proper Use of Literal Translation and Free Translation55一触到翻译理论和技巧e Translation of Trademarks and Advertising Claims and Their Cultural Connotation7针对7英语,其翻译gnition and Translation of Metaphor9翻译:9和翻译理论与实践的结合lturally Loaded English Idioms and Their Translations1111 Obtrusion译者的翻译e Translation Studies of Metaphor1313归化和异化的翻译E Translation in Cultural Context15机器翻译和人的翻译:在竞争或补充anslation of Commercial Lines1717英语习语和直译和意译Overview of Translation in China: Theory and Practice19描述性翻译研究19分析e Translation of English Sentences of Passive Voice2121模糊的策略和语用分析委婉语的Translation of Vocabulary with Chinese Characteristics2323 unequivalence商务英语翻译e Study of the Word Connotation in Translation2525的Unequivalence的翻译Some Untranslatability2727分析描述性翻译研究w to Deal with the Ellipsis in Translation2929翻译习语和文化差异lture Connotation of Color Words and Their Translation3131比较汉语和英语和翻译典故Translation of Advertisements3333如何选择和使用直译和自由翻译正确udy on Multiplication of Translation Standards3535批评和幽默在查尔斯·狄更斯的作品了inese-English Translation in Cultural Contrastinese-English Translation in Cultural Contrast37语境在第37影响因素的翻译the Writing Devices Employed in " I Have a Dream " by Martin Luther King3939翻译的XieHouYu英文w to Name and Translate the Trademarks of Products for Entering the International Markets4141分析状态下生成的中国式英语的翻译现象Literal and Liberal Translation43英语习语43之间的关系及其文化lture Difference In Idioms in Translation。
翻译基础知识总结1.异化(foreignization) 和归化(domestication)保留原语所包含的文化、形象色彩,叫异化,读者通过这样的译文可以感受到异域文化的东西。
例如,把crocodile tears 译为鳄鱼泪,就是异化的翻译方法;舍弃原语所包含的文化、形象色彩,取而代之用译文的文化色彩,或者牺牲这种文化色彩而只翻译出其意义就是归化,就是让原文“归顺”于译文。
例如把crocodile tears 译为假惺惺的眼泪,就是归化的翻译方法。
2.直译(literal translation) 和意译(free translation) 直译即照着原文直接翻译,例如藏龙卧虎– Hidden dragons and hidden tigers. 意译就是抛弃原文形式而只传达其意义,例如Dutch courage –酒后之勇3.音译(transliteration) 比如:store –士多cheese –汁斯风水–fungshui4.翻译的标准:信达雅faithfulness, expressiveness, elegance “信”指的是忠实于原文的内容和风格(faithful to the content and style of the source text;“达”指的是译文语言流畅自然而不生硬阻滞(the translation or target text should be natural and expressive);“雅”指的是译文译文语言风格尽可能贴近原文风格。
5.词类的转化conversion :名词动词形容词副词根据表达需要,在翻译中,往往需要进行词类的转化,此外,还包括抽象与具体的转化。
6.增添法amplification 比如:增添连接词、范畴词、冠词、介词等等7.省略法omission比如:省略连接词、范畴词、冠词、介词等等8.汉语是意合(parataxis)语言,分句之间的关系是隐性的(covert),英语是形合(hypotaxis) 语言,分句之间关系还是显性的(overt)9.英语的54种基本句型:SV / SVC / SVO / SVOO / SVOC (参考教材15面)10.比较来说,汉语是动态(dynamic) 语言英语是静态( static) 语言;汉语更喜欢使用有灵主语(及人或其他有生命的词作主语animate subject),英语更喜欢无灵主语(inaminate subject),例如:The sight of the photo reminded me of ...(参考教材31面)11.句子层次来说,英译汉常要分division, 汉译英常要合combination.。
英语论文题目1. English Translation of Chinese Idioms from Perspective of Foreignization and Domestication从归化与异化看汉语习语的英译2. Political Factors in E-C and C-E Translation英汉互译中的政治因素3. Aesthetic Association in Business Translation审美联想与商务翻译4. English Translation of Chinese Public Signs公共标识的英译探析5. E-C and C-E Translation of Company Profile公司简介的英汉互译6. .6. Comparative Study and Translation of Chinese and English Advertisements 中英广告语言比较研究及翻译7. Untranslatability in C-E and E-C Translation英汉互译中的不可译性8. Principle and Strategy in Movie Name Translation电影名称翻译的原则及策略9. Features and Principles of Movie Subtitle Translation电影字幕翻译的特点与原则10. Features and Translation of Tourism Publicity Materials旅游宣传品特点及翻译11. Metaphors in Science and Technology English隐喻视角下的的科技英语12. Verbal Characteristics in Women’s Talk女性言语交际的特点13. Pragmatic Features of Court Language法庭语言的语用特征探析14. A Pragmatic Study of Humor Language言语幽默的语用研究15. Discussion of Collocation Errors and Coping Strategies浅谈词汇搭配错误分析及其应对策略16. Analysis of Network Word Creation网络词汇造词法分析17. Gender Discrimination in English Language论英语语言中的性别歧视18. A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Address Terms英汉称谓的语用对比研究19. Social Strata of English and Chinese Color Terms英汉颜色词与社会分层20. Negative Native Cultural Transfer in English Acquisition英语习得中的母语文化负迁移21. Clause Structure Transfer in English-Chinese Translation of TEM8英语专业八级考试英汉翻译中的从句结构转换22. Logical Thinking in Chinese-English Translation of TEM8逻辑思维在英语专业八级考试汉译英中的应用23. Culture Information in Translation of TEM8英语专业八级考试翻译中的文化信息初探24. Note-taking of Interpreting in Listening Comprehension of TEM8口译笔记法在英语专业八级听力考试中的运用25. Conjunction in Chinese-English Translation of TEM8英语专业八级考试汉译英中连接现象的翻译26. Discourse Analysis in Listening Comprehension of TEM8语篇分析在英语专业八级听力考试中的应用27. Literal and Free Translation in Prose Translation by Zhang Peiji浅析张培基散文翻译中的直译与意译28. 28.Rhetorical Features of English Color Words and Their Translation英语颜色词的修辞特征及其翻译29. 29.Cross-cultural Translation of English and Chinese Idioms英汉成语跨文化翻译策略30. 30.Rhetorical Characteristics in English Names and Their Translation英语姓名的修辞现象与翻译31. Movie Farewell to My Concubine’s Subtitles Translation—A Perspective of Domestication and Foreignization 从归化和异化看电影《霸王别姬》的字幕翻译32. Narrative Techniques in William Faulkner’s Short StoryA Rose for Emily威廉?福克纳短篇小说《献给爱米莉的玫瑰》叙事技巧分析33. Symbolism in Bliss by Katherine Mansfield凯瑟琳?曼斯菲尔德小说《幸福》的象征主义分析34. English Translation of Chinese Classic Poetry Titles中国古典诗歌标题英译35. English Translation of Fussiness in Tang Poems唐诗中模糊语言的翻译36. Features of Tourism English and Its Translation旅游英语特点及其翻译37. English Translation of “Qing Ming” by Du Mu杜牧的诗《清明》的英译研究38. Treatment of Cultural Factors in Translation翻译中文化差异的处理方法39. Approach to Translation of Poetic Image诗歌翻译的意象问题探讨40. Chinese Translation of the English Film Titles英语电影片名汉译研究41. Anxiety in EFL Listening Comprehension外语听力理解中焦虑问题的研究42. Relationship of Writing Ability between Thinking in L1 and L2母语思维与外语写作能力的关系43. Implementation of Learner Autonomy Training in EFL Classroom外语课堂中学习者自主性训练44. Vocabulary Learning Strategies of Non-English Major Students非英语专业大学生词汇学习策略研究45. Effects of Different Reading Tasks on Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition不同的阅读任务对附带性词汇习得的影响研究46. Corrective Feedback in College English Classroom大学英语课堂的纠正性反馈研究47. Productive Vocabulary Development of Chinese College English Majors中国英语专业大学生产出性词汇发展研究48. Application of Input Theory to College English Reading Teaching and Learning输入理论在大学英语阅读教学与学习中的应用49. Negative Transfer of Mother T ongue in College EFL Writing大学生英语写作中的母语负迁移研究50. Effects of L2 Vocabulary Learning Modes on Its AcquisitionL2词汇学习方式对学习效果的影响探究51.On the Differences between Chinese and Westerners in Non-language Communication谈中国人和英美人非语言交际的差异52.On the Contribution of the American Blacks during American Civil War美国黑人在美国历史上的贡献53.On American Black English浅谈美国黑人英语54.On the Differences of the Marriage Concept between Chinese and American浅谈中美婚姻观念的差异55.A Contrastive Analysis of Table Manners and Culture between China and Western Countries中西方国家的餐桌礼仪与文化的对比分析56.On Sister Carrie’s Criticism upon American Society论<<嘉莉妹妹>>对美国社会的批判意义57、On Scarlett’s Attitude towards Life关于斯佳丽的生活观58、On the Characterization of Picaresque Huck论哈克的流浪汉形象59、On the Moral Spirit in the Great Gatsby. 论《了不起的盖茨比》中的道德观60、Thomas Hardy’s Pessimism in Tess of the D’urbervelles托马斯.哈代在《德伯家的苔丝》中的悲观主义61、A Study of Tom Joad in the Grapes of Wrath《愤怒的葡萄》的中汤姆约德研究62、Mark Twain’s Linguistic Style in T he Adventures of Tom Sawyer浅析《汤姆索娅历险记》中马克吐温的语言风格63、On the Characteristics of Uncle T om汤姆叔叔的性格分析64、A Study of the Themes in a Farewell to Arms《永别了,武器》的主题思想研究65、The Tragic Fate of “a Pure Woman” in the Conflict of the Individual and the Society “一个纯洁女人”在人与社会发展冲突中的悲剧命运66、On the Language Style of a Midsummer-Night's Dream 论《仲夏夜之梦》的语言风格67、The Social Significance of Swift's Gulliver's Travels《格列佛游记》的社会意义68、The Psychological Analysis in Macbeth论莎士比亚《麦克白》的心理刻画69、Inflexible Ada in Cold Mountain《冷山》中执著的艾达70、On the Romanticism and Realism of Alice in Wonderland 论爱丽丝梦游仙境的童话性与现实性71、On the Tragicomedy of Rebecca in Vanity Fair论《名利场》中利蓓加的悲喜一生72、On the Humour of Oliver Twist论《雾都孤儿》的幽默艺术。
第二次论争是开始于二十世纪 80 年代的“异化、归化”之争。
英语专业学术论文写作:引言英语专业学术论文写作:引言英语专业学术论文写作:引言一、引言部分的作用和构成要素引言是开题报告的一个翻版开题报告成分分析引言结构分析一、选题:政治新闻翻译中的归化与异化1.IntroductionDomestication and Foreignization in Translating Political News1.1Rational/Significance/Background(1)从大的背景引出研究对象的重要性二、研究目的与意义 (2)研究对象的切入点研究很重要,是能够更好更及时地在国人眼前真实准确地展现英美等经济政治强国经济政治文化领研究的难点/亟待解决的问题域的最新情况,让关心国际时事大事的人们看到最原汁原味同时也是最精确真实的第一手(3)针对这个切入点的研究现状:成就新闻报道,是提高中国国人政治意识的一大法宝,因此在翻译政治新闻时,正确处理政治和问题各是怎样的(极其概括,否则和文新闻中的“外国风味”,同时加上适当“中国风味”让国人更好地理解原语作者的意图就献综述重合了,尽量控制在3-5句话内) 成了政治新闻翻译者亟待解决的一个问题。
07届本科毕业论文备选题(英语专业)英汉翻译方向On Foreignization and Domestication of Cultural Factors in Translation(浅谈翻译中文化因素的异化和归化)On Treatment of Cultural Factors in Translation (翻译中文化差异的处理方法)On English Translation of Public Signs in Chinese (汉英公示语的翻译)On Translation of English Names of Commendation (英语商品名称的翻译)The relationship between Cultural Difference and Translation Skill 中英文化差异与翻译An Approach to the Translation of Poetic Image诗歌翻译的意象问题探讨A Study of the Chinese Version of Titles of English Films英语电影片名汉译研究A Study of the Chinese Version of Titles of English Novels英语小说题目的汉译问题A Comparative Study of the English Version of the Poem “ Untitled “ by Li Shangyin 李商隐的诗〈无题〉的英译比较研究Foreignization and Translation of IdiomsOn Culture Translation under ForeignizationOn Faithfulness in TranslationOn Fidelity and Expressiveness in TranslationInterpreting and Interpreting SkillsOn Literal Translation and Free TranslationThe Comparison and Translation of Chinese and English IdiomsEquivalence and its Application in TranslationCultural Equivalence in TranslationLearning a Foreign Language Through TranslationArts in Verse TranslationA Comparative Study of Two English Version of Hong Lou MengOn Translating the Passive VoiceOn the Translation of English Long SentencesThe Social and Cultural Factors in Translation PracticeThe Application of Functional Equivalence in English and Chinese Cross-cultural Trans Exploring English-Chinese Audiovisual TranslationOn Chinese Translation of Journalistic EnglishOn the Criteria of InterpretationOn the Unit of TranslationThe Cultural Differences and Arts of Translation in Advertising LanguageOn Transformation between Parts of Speech in E-C TranslationExploring Substitution and Ellipsis in TranslationOn English Proverbs TranslationOn the Criteria of TranslationThe Analysis of Translation StyleCultural Differences and Translation StrategiesTranslation and Foreign Language YeachingChinglish in C-E YranslationA Contrastive Study of English and Chinese Allusions and their Translation English Neologisms in Newspaper and their TranslationOn Translation of Humor in Pride and PrejudiceOn Features of Journalistic English and its TranslationCultural Discrepancies and their Influences on TranslationEnglish and Chinese Translation Song lyricsTranslation of Address Term between English and ChineseOn the Importance of Context in TranslationOn the Translation of English Pun into ChineseThe Role of Dictionary in TranslationThought Pattern and its Influence on TranslationLexical Characteristics of Legal English and Legal Lexicon Translation Features of Foreign Trade English and its Translation ModelOn Euphemism TranslationTranslation of Metaphor from English into ChineseFeatures of Tourism English and its Translation翻译中的文化因素影视字幕翻译的原则影响长句翻译的因素例析英译汉中形象语言的处理生活中广告英语的翻译特色对翻译原则“以信为本,求真求美”的思考翻译中的中国英语与中国式英语南昌旅游景点中英翻译错误及纠错对策背景知识在口、笔译中所扮演的角色分析商务英语翻译的不对等性英美文学The Gift of Magi and ConsumensmA Brief Comment on An American TragedyAn Analysis of the Source of Dichson's Death PoemsOn The Call of the WorldLove Tragedy and War—An Analysis of A Farewell to ArmsSister Carrie and Jennie GerhardtThe Evil of Mankind Portayed in Moby DickOn Henry Heming in The Red Badge of CourageEmily Dickingson and her PoemsAnalysis of A Rose of EmilyThe Aesthetic Interpretation of Ezra Pound's PoetrySymbolism in The Great Gatsbyan Analysis of the theme of adventures of Huckleberry FinnOn the symbolism of The Old Men and the SeaSome English Learner’ image of America(survey and study)Influence of the Bible on English LiteratureDeviation and Foregrounding in … (using literar y works for a case study)The Language of Shakespeare’s Sonnets, or of any particular literary worksCultural Shocks in the English Language TextbooksDeep Love And Deep Hate—A Brief Analysis On Wuthering HeightsPsychological Descriptions In Hemingway’s The Snows Of KilimajaroOn Ernest Hemingway And His Novel The Sun Also RisesDifference Between China And The West Reflected In Social Manners鸟的赞歌--------评英国浪漫派诗歌《呼啸山庄》的悲剧分析海明威英汉形象和冰山风格《名利场》的现实意义苔丝的形象分析哈姆雷特的犹豫再探讨爱伦坡小说的艺术创作成就爱伦坡小说人物塑造O Neill剧作对美国戏剧的影响华兹华斯的语言风格华兹华斯的自然观诗人哈代简述哈代的悲剧性叙事艺术On Hardy's tragedy narrative art奥斯丁与勃朗特写作风格异同The comparison between Austen and Bronte in writing style 杰克·伦敦(或某作家)《》(某作品)评述On Farewell to Arms of Hemingway浅析《失乐园》中撒旦的形象塑造《还乡》的悲剧艺术特色蓓基形象再解读蘩漪与伯莎梅森的比较研究爱玛形象的魅力海明威研究——浅析海明威笔下的女硬汉子《苔丝》的悲剧性与现代性 Tragedy and Modernity in Tess of D’Urbervilles华兹华斯诗歌的和谐观 On the View of Harmony in Word sworth’s Poetry海明威小说的悲剧意识从《老人与海》看海明威的创作特点《红色英勇勋章》的叙述技巧分析论《白鲸》的象征含义论吴尔夫的《一间自己的房间》中的女权主义论简.奥斯汀对《爱玛》主人公的塑造《红字》中的象征哈姆雷特的人物特征及悲剧根源华兹华斯《孤独的割麦女》赏析杰克·伦敦的个人奋斗莎士比亚的悲剧人物《名利场》人物与艺术特色之分析简析英国浪漫派诗人:1800年左右安东尼奥与夏洛克的对抗肖伯纳的戏剧评论简论十九世纪英国女性生活The Beauty in Sense, in Sound and in Form关于德伯维尔家族的叙述在《苔丝》中的重要作用德莱塞的自然主义论海明威的死亡意识The Negative Influence of Society on the Oliver TwistMrs. Browning’s Sonnets from the PortugueseLove Stories in William Cather’s “O Pioneers”The Literature Characteristics in A Tale of Two CitiesOn the Symbolism of wrence’s “The Rainbow”Simple Analysis on Milton and Paradise LostOn the Author and the Major Characters of The PearlThe Analysis of Santiago’s CharacterRobinson Crusoe and the Colonial EmpireA Farewell to Arms—A Clear MirrorOn the Humanism in "A Tale of Two Cities"The Modernist Features in "Wuthering Heights"A Feminist Study of "Heart of Darkness"Naturalism as Reflected in "The Call of the Wild"论《天路历程》的象征和社会意义论《名利场》的社会意义浪漫的现实——丁尼生作品浅析《蝇王》中的象征迪金森的自然诗麦琪悲剧的成因——《弗洛斯河上的磨坊》解读从存在主义视角解读《永别了武器》《永别了武器》中主人公亨利形象分析《蝇王》的主题分析《蝇王》的象征意义英语教学法On Sino—Western Cultural Differences and the Structure of Chinese College Students' 中西文化差异与中国大学生中式英语结构The Application of Cooperative Learning Theory in Senior High School English Reading 高中生英语阅读教学中合作学习理论的运用Interaction in Oral English Teaching 英语口语教学中的互动On Developing English Reading Skills 论英语阅读技能的培养The Strategies of Topic Controlling in Spoken English 英文口语中的语题控制策略Communicative Competence and Focused Task-based Teaching ApproachError Analysis and English TeachingOn Developing English Reading SkillsInteraction in Oral English TeachingRole-play in English TeachingCultural Teaching in English in Middle SchoolUsing Questions in English ReadingResearch on the Improvement of Middle School Students’ Communicative CompetenceOn Bilingual Teaching in Primary SchoolHow to Design Questions in the Classroom TeachingNew Concepts of Modern English TeachingHow to Arouse Students’ Potentialities in Learning English by Using Non-intelligence Autonomous Language Learning in CALL EnvironmentsOn Attitude and Motivation in Second Language LearningMaking Use of Resources on the Internet to Assist English LearningTask-based Language Teaching Methodology and its Application in ReadingUsing Task-based Method and Internet Resources to Improve Teaching of Classroom Readi The Study of Learner’s Motivation and its In fluence upon Learners and their Learning On Communicative Competence, Exploring the Learning Process in China’s Context Interaction and English Language TeachingTeacher’s Roles and their Impact upon Learner’s Learning ProcessThe Comparison or Analysis of Different ELT Methods and its Application in China’s L The Student’s Learning Autonomy and Language TeachingTeaching the Different Skills Based on the Interactive Approaches.The Relationship between Affective State and Language Learning.Errors and Language Learning.Teacher’s Talk and Students’ LearningMy Perspectives of Senior/Junior English for ChinaCognitivism and English Teaching of Listening and SpeakingA Survey of Students’ Motivation of Learning EnglishExtracurricular Activities and English TeachingA Study on Cooperative Learning in Classroom TeachingCommunicative Approach and Grammar TeachingNetworked Multimedia and Senior/Junior English TeachingIs Multimedia Effective for Language Learning/Teaching?Improving English Reading through Online NewspapersReflections on CALL/CAINetwork-based English Teaching of Reading/Writing/Listening: What Advantages? Applying Task-based Teaching Principles to Organize Oral Classroom Activities Interactive Theory and the Teaching of Listening ComprehensionEffective Ways to Improve Efficiency of Vocabulary LearningImprove Students' Oral Proficiency by UsingCommunicative Language Teaching MethodTeaching English by Student-centered ApproachHow to Combine Traditional English Teaching Methods with Communicative Language Teach Importance and Feasibility of Improving Students' Communicative CompetenceMake the Best of Language Learning Strategies to Improve English Learning Efficiency How to Improve Students' Learning Style in Classroom TeachingThe Importance of Understanding Mild Tones in Studying the English LanguageThe Role of Cultural Background Knowledge in Studying the English LanguageOn English Vocabulary AcquisitionEnglish and Chinese Comparison and TranslationDifferences between American and British EnglishA Cognitive Approach of English OnomatopoeiasA Brief Analysis of English MoviesEnglish Ambiguity and Its FunctionThe Pragmatic Analysis of the Motivations for EuphemismInfluence of Science and Technology on English VocabularyA Study of Student-Centered English Vocabulary TeachingFactors Influencing English Learning and Possible SolutionsComputer-assisted English ReadingApplication of Non-verbal Communication in English TeachingPsychology in English TeachingHow to Develop Students’ Abilities to Listen and Speak English EffectivelyHow to Make Use of Mother Tongue in English TeachingPrinciples of English Learning and TeachingStrategies on Intercultural Communication Training in English TeachingReading Efficiently: An English Classroom Model Focusing on Students’ Reading Abilit Factors Affecting English Listening and its Appropriate MeasuresIntensifying Cultural Awareness in Middle School English Teaching—With A Sample Teac Apply Communicative Approach to Pleasant Teaching—Analysis Of My Sample Teaching Exp The Strategic Difference between Effective Listeners and Ineffective ListenersOn Error-Correction Strategy in Oral English ClassroomOn the Use of Interactive Approach in Writing ClassroomOn the Reciprocal Method of Teaching English ReadingOn Developing English SkillsCollaborative Learning in Writing ClassMotivation in English LearningTask-based Teaching in Writing ClassThe Brain-storming in English WritingIncreasing Cultural Awareness in English WritingThe Importance of Free WritingThe Application of Multimedia Technology in College English TeachingThe Connection between College English Teaching and CET-BAND4How to Improve the Students' Listening Ability Effectively in English TeachingTask-based Method of English Teaching in Middle School英语单词科学记忆如何提高英语阅读速度与质量How to improve English reading speed and quality如何在阅读教学中培养学生的跨文化意识如何在英语阅读教学中体现师生的互动略论课外阅读与英语写作的关系外语工作者如何为江西在中部地区崛起做出贡献略论英语听力能力的培养如何培养大学非英语专业学生的四项基本技能如何提高大学生的英语写作水平大学英语专业学生词汇量与阅读能力相关性研究课堂里的艺术--口语教学研究增强课堂活力-英语听力课的教学探索和实践提高中学英语课堂教学质量的途径快乐活动性原则及其在儿童英语教学中的应用科技英语口译人才培训研究口语教学中的模拟训练方法精读教学法在外语教学中的利与弊教师行动研究在中学英语教学中的应用中国初中英语教师素质探究论多媒体辅助大学英语课堂教学的利与弊浅谈新课标背景下中学英语课堂活动教学论“互动”教学法提高英语学习兴趣的有效途径高校专业英语阅读教学模式初探优秀语言教师素质--专业学生的观念调查学生评教的意义和问题专业学生英语自主学习模式研究建构支持专业英语学习的校园环境专业英语课程设置合理性问题探讨课堂交互性调查--中方和外方教师课堂比较外教在提升专业英语水平的角色探讨专四对英语学习的影响(后效作用)专八对英语学习的影响(后效作用)专业英语学习中管理策略的使用如何利用多媒体辅助教学手段促进中学外语教学?英语教学中语言与文化的关系几种外语教学方法的比较问题、思考、改进——使每个学生学好英语英语教学中的文化意识英语教学中如何实施被动学习向主动学习的转化英语阅读教学的发展趋势与探索英语课堂教学中的双向交流英语教学几种课型的安排教学评价之我见改革英语教学方法注重培养学生能力浅谈“pairwork”在课堂教学中的运用英语教学中的“互动”教学模式多媒体英语教学与学生自主学习能力的培养英语教学活动中作业布置法的实践与研究从英语写长法学习英语写作江西农村中学外语教学现状调查江西农村小学外语教学现状调查论多媒体教学条件下的师生互动论外语教学模式与大学生学习动机的相融性大学英语常用段落展开手法双语教学实践与研究英语专业泛读教学的思考与实践英语专业“阅读”课教学改革英语专业基础阅读课与短期强化培训阅读课比较英语口语学习策略英语听力学习中的干扰因素分析英文电影与英语听说教学任务型教学方法在中学外语教学中的应用研究非言语交际与外语教学焦虑对听力理解的影响论学习风格和英语成绩的关系互联网在外语教学中的作用课堂提问的方式和技巧中英恭维语比较英语语言学可理解输出假设的中国现实性The Local Reality of the Comprehensible Output Hypothesis可理解输入假设的心理现实性The Psychological Reality of the Comprehensible Input HypothesisAn Analysis of the Access Effect Advantages of the Prefabricated Chunks预制语块提取效应优势分析The Presentation of the Second Language’s Mental Lexicons of Chinese Middle School S 中国中学生二语心理词汇的表征Ways of Child Language Acquisition儿童语言习得方法The Change of English Word Meaning: Factors and Types英语词义改变:因素与类型The Linguistic Characteristics of Advertising EnglishOn Linguistic Features in O Henry's WorksOn the Formation and Use of Parody in English and Chinese英语语音学浅析从翻译视角看中西方思维差异被动意义表达的英汉对比研究英汉复合名词对比研究英汉否定表达比较研究英汉语序比较与翻译问题研究语篇(话语)分析功能语言学与阅读教学翻译理论与实践词汇教学方法与技巧语言问题研究语用学与教学英汉句法对比研究认知语法与句法教学语用失物分析再谈认知隐喻交际修辞的语用分析探究语篇信息度的认知分析英语语音学的理论与实践语言与文化The Analysis on the Differences of Interpersonal Relationship between Eastern and Wes 东西方人际关系要素差异探析On Values of Chinese from Perspective of Lexicon从词汇角度读中国人的价值观Research on Sino-Western Differences of Cooperative Principles合作原则的中西方差异初探The Comparison of Euphemism in Wording of Sino-Western Letters中西书信用语的委婉语比较How to avoid ambiguity in different culture如何避免由文化差异造成的歧义On the Influence of Network Vocabulary on Chinese Language英语网络词汇对汉语的影响The Cultural Connotation of English Etymology and the Teaching of English Vocabulary 英语词源的文化内涵与词汇教学An Analysis of the Political Prejudice in VOA 《美国之音》的语汇与政治偏见分析A Comparison Between News Report of BBC and VOA BBC 与VOA新闻报道之比较English idioms—A Mirror Reflecting British CultureAmerican culture Reflected in the Use of Words of American EnglishTranslation of Brand Names and their Cultural AssociationsOn Cultural Differences of Body Language between English and ChineseA Comparative Study on Sexism in both English and ChineseEuphemism—Their Construction and ApplicationCultural Comparison in IdiomsThe Cultural Conflict in the Cross-Cultural CommunicationA Talk of Cultural Difference between China and the WestOn Language and Culture in TranslationFamily Education Differences between China and Western CountriesThe Effect of Context on the Meaning of WordsA View on the Differences between Chinese and English Cultures with Regard to TaboosA View on the Differences between Chinese and English Cultures with Regard to Etiquet A View on the Similarities and Differences between Chinese and English Cultures in Te Proverbs and CultureExotic Cultures Influence on English VocabularyThe Differences Between Chinese and Western Cultures and English Education The Impact of Economic Globalization on World CultureThe Cultural Effect Of Civilized English On English Writing从现代汉语中的英语外来词看中国文化对西方文化的吸收与处理中国学生英语习得中的母语迁移现象论影响跨文化沟通的主要因素校园交际中的语码选择唐诗英译中文化意象保留英语教学中汉文化的参与和渗透母语和第二语言阅读的文化差异与认知体系英语写作中汉语干扰因素分析中英文化交际差异对比英语词汇与变化类比在现代中英词汇中的应用拟声理据的应用词的理据与文化历史的关系小说《喜福会》中的文化碰撞广告语篇翻译中的跨文化交际汉语的负迁移与英语学习论中西文化的差异对中西餐饮业的影响英汉词汇的社会文化内涵漫谈美语口语中的俚语现象透析汉英颜色词背后的文化英汉习语文化差异探源浅析英语委婉语。
翻译基础知识总结1.异化(foreignization) 和归化(domestication)保留原语所包含的文化、形象色彩,叫异化,读者通过这样的译文可以感受到异域文化的东西。
例如,把crocodile tears 译为鳄鱼泪,就是异化的翻译方法;舍弃原语所包含的文化、形象色彩,取而代之用译文的文化色彩,或者牺牲这种文化色彩而只翻译出其意义就是归化,就是让原文“归顺”于译文。
例如把crocodile tears 译为假惺惺的眼泪,就是归化的翻译方法。
2.直译(literal translation) 和意译(free translation) 直译即照着原文直接翻译,例如藏龙卧虎– Hidden dragons and hidden tigers. 意译就是抛弃原文形式而只传达其意义,例如Dutch courage –酒后之勇3.音译(transliteration) 比如:store –士多cheese –汁斯风水–fungshui4.翻译的标准:信达雅faithfulness, expressiveness, elegance “信”指的是忠实于原文的内容和风格(faithful to the content and style of the source text;“达”指的是译文语言流畅自然而不生硬阻滞(the translation or target text should be natural and expressive);“雅”指的是译文译文语言风格尽可能贴近原文风格。
5.词类的转化conversion :名词动词形容词副词根据表达需要,在翻译中,往往需要进行词类的转化,此外,还包括抽象与具体的转化。
6.增添法amplification 比如:增添连接词、范畴词、冠词、介词等等7.省略法omission比如:省略连接词、范畴词、冠词、介词等等8.汉语是意合(parataxis)语言,分句之间的关系是隐性的(covert),英语是形合(hypotaxis) 语言,分句之间关系还是显性的(overt)9.英语的54种基本句型:SV / SVC / SVO / SVOO / SVOC (参考教材15面)10.比较来说,汉语是动态(dynamic) 语言英语是静态( static) 语言;汉语更喜欢使用有灵主语(及人或其他有生命的词作主语animate subject),英语更喜欢无灵主语(inaminate subject),例如:The sight of the photo reminded me of ...(参考教材31面)11.句子层次来说,英译汉常要分division, 汉译英常要合combination.翻译部分题型:一、篇章汉译英(15分):请注意词的处理技巧的恰当运用,以及句子的组合。
英语专业非常非常棒的论题(经典收藏)2010-04-19 10:28关于各个方面的英语专业所需要的经典论题,仅供参考!Ⅰ. 英语教学Ⅱ. 英语语言及文化Ⅲ. 英汉翻译Ⅳ. 英美文学及其它Ⅰ. 英语教学1. A Study of the Development of English Language Teaching Methodologies2. The Application of Cooperative Learning Theory in Senior High School English Reading Teaching3. Interaction in Oral English Teaching4. On Developing English Reading Skills5. The Strategies of Topic Controlling in Spoken English6. Communicative Competence and Focused Task-based Teaching Approach7. Error Analysis and English Teaching8. On Developing English Reading Skills9. Interaction in Oral English Teaching10. Role-play in English Teaching11. Cultural Teaching in English in Middle School12. The Improvement of Middle School Students’ Communicative Competence13. On Bilingual Teaching in Primary School14. Question-Design and its Influence in the Classroom Teaching15. Non-intelligence Factors in Promoting Students’ Potentialities in Lear ning English16. Autonomous Language Learning in CALL Environments17. On Attitude and Motivation in Second Language Learning18. Making Use of Resources on the Internet to Assist English Learning19. Task-based Approach in Reading Instruction20. The Study of Learner’s Motivation and its Influence upon Learners and their Learning Process21. On Communicative Competence22. Interaction and English Language Teaching23. Teacher’s Roles and their Impact upon Learner’s Learning Process24. Teaching Different Skills Based on the Interactive Approaches25. The Relationship between Affective State and Language Learning26. Errors and Language Learning27. Teacher-Talk in English Language Teaching Context28. Cognitivism and Teaching of Listening and Speaking29. A Survey of Students’ Motivation of Learning English30. Extracurricular Activities and English Teaching31. Cooperative Learning in Classroom Teaching32. Communicative Approach Employed in Grammar Teaching33. Multimedia and Its Effect on Language Learning/Teaching34. Reflections on CALL/CAI35. Network-based English Teaching of Reading/Writing/Listening36. Applying Task-based Teaching Principles to Organize Oral Activities37. Interactive Theory and the Teaching of Listening Comprehension38. Effective Ways to Improve Efficiency of Vocabulary Learning39. Improve Students' Oral Proficiency by Using Communicative Language Teaching Method40. Student-centered Approach in English Language Teaching41. Importance and Feasibility of Improving Students' Communicative Competence42. Learning Strategies in the Improvement of English Learning Efficiency43. How to Improve Students' Learning Style in Classroom Teaching44. The Role of Cultural Background Knowledge in English Study45. On English Vocabulary Acquisition46. Differences between American and British English47. English Ambiguity and Its Function48. Influence of Science and Technology on English Vocabulary49. A Study of Student-Centered English Vocabulary Teaching50. Factors Influencing English Learning and Possible Solutions51. Application of Non-verbal Communication in English Teaching52. Strategies on Intercultural Communication Training in English Teaching53. Reading Efficiently: An English Classroom Model Focusing on Students’ Reading Ability54. Factors Affecting English Listening55. Intensifying Cultural Awareness in Middle School English Teaching56. The Strategic Difference between Effective Listeners and Ineffective Listeners57. On Error-Correction Strategy in Oral English Classroom58. On the Use of Interactive Approach in Writing Instruction59. Collaborative Learning in Writing Instruction60. Motivation in English Learning61. Task-based Teaching in Writing62. The Brain-storming in English Writing63. Increasing Cultural Awareness in English Writing64. How to Improve the Students' Listening Ability Effectively in English Teaching65. Task-based Method of English Teaching in Middle Schools66. 英语单词科学记忆67. 如何提高英语阅读速度与质量68. 如何在阅读教学中培养学生的跨文化意识69. 如何在英语阅读教学中体现师生的互动70. 略论课外阅读与英语写作的关系71. 如何培养中学生的四项基本技能72. 如何提高中学生的英语写作水平73. 中学英语专业学生词汇量与阅读能力相关性研究74. 课堂里的艺术--口语教学研究75. 增强课堂活力-英语听力课的教学探索和实践76. 提高中学英语课堂教学质量的途径77. 快乐活动性原则及其在儿童英语教学中的应用78. 口语教学中的模拟训练方法79. 教师行动研究在中学英语教学中的应用80. 论多媒体辅助中学英语课堂教学的利与弊81. 浅谈新课标背景下中学英语课堂活动教学82. 论“互动”教学法提高英语学习兴趣的有效途径83. 中学英语阅读教学模式初探84. 中学生英语自主学习模式研究85. 课堂交互性调查--中方和外方教师课堂比较86. 如何利用多媒体辅助教学手段促进中学外语教学?87. 英语教学中语言与文化的关系88. 几种外语教学方法的比较89. 英语教学中的文化意识90. 英语教学中如何实施被动学习向主动学习的转化91. 英语阅读教学的发展趋势与探索92. 英语课堂教学中的双向交流93. 英语教学几种课型的安排94. 英语教学中的“互动”教学模式95. 多媒体英语教学与学生自主学习能力的培养96. 英语教学活动中作业布置法的实践与研究97. 论多媒体教学条件下的师生互动98. 论外语教学模式与中学生学习动机的相融性99. 双语教学实践与研究100.英语口语学习策略101.英语听力学习中的干扰因素分析102.任务型教学方法在中学外语教学中的应用研究103.非言语交际与外语教学104.焦虑对听力理解的影响105.论学习风格和英语成绩的关系106.互联网在外语教学中的作用107.课堂提问的方式和技巧108.高中生英语阅读教学中合作学习理论的运用109.中西文化差异与中国中学生中式英语结构Ⅱ. 英语语言及文化1. The Change of English Word Meaning: Factors and Types2. The Linguistic Characteristics of Advertising English3. On the Formation and Use of Parody in English and Chinese4. The Analysis on the Differences of Interpersonal Relationship between Eastern and Weste rn People5. Research on Sino-Western Differences of Cooperative Principles6. The Comparison of Euphemism in Wording of Sino-Western Letters7. How to avoid ambiguity in different cultures8. On the Influence of Network Vocabulary on Chinese Language9. The Cultural Connotation of English Etymology and the Teaching of English Vocabulary10. An Analysis of the Political Prejudice in VOA11. American culture Reflected in the Use of Words of American English12. Translation of Brand Names and their Cultural Associations13. On Cultural Differences of Body Language between English and Chinese14. A Comparative Study on Sexism in both English and Chinese15. Euphemism—Construction and Application16. Cultural Comparison in Idioms17. The Effect of Context on the Meaning of Words18. Differences between Chinese and English Cultures with Regard to Taboos19. Differences between Chinese and English Cultures with Regard to Etiquette20. Similarities and Differences between Chinese and English Cultures in Terms of Proverbs21. The Influence of Exotic Cultures on English Vocabulary22. The Differences Between Chinese and Western Cultures and English Education23. 东西方人际关系要素差异探析24. 中西书信用语的委婉语比较25. 合作原则的中西方差异初探26. 如何避免由文化差异造成的歧义27. 英语网络词汇对汉语的影响28. 英语词源的文化内涵与词汇教学29. 从现代汉语中的英语外来词看中国文化对西方文化的吸收30. 中国学生英语习得中的母语迁移现象31. 论影响跨文化沟通的主要因素32. 英语教学中汉文化的参与和渗透33. 母语和第二语言阅读的文化差异与认知体系34. 英语写作中汉语干扰因素分析35. 类比在现代中英词汇中的应用36. 广告语篇翻译中的跨文化交际37. 英汉词汇的社会文化内涵漫谈38. 美语口语中的俚语现象透析39. 汉英颜色词背后的文化40. 英汉习语文化差异探源41. 浅析英语委婉语42. 被动意义表达的英汉对比研究43. 英汉复合名词对比研究44. 英汉否定表达比较研究45. 英汉语序比较与翻译问题研究46. 功能语言学与阅读教学47. 词汇教学方法与技巧48. 认知语法与句法教学49. 交际修辞的语用分析探究50. 语篇信息度的认知分Ⅲ. 英汉翻译1. On Foreignization and Domestication of Cultural Factors in Translation2. On Treatment of Cultural Factors in Translation3. On English Translation of Public Signs in Chinese4. On Translation of English Names of Commendation5. The relationship between Cultural Difference and Translation Skill6. An Approach to the Translation of Poetic Image7. A Study of the Chinese Version of Titles of English Films8. A Study of the Chinese Version of Titles of English Novels9. Foreignization and Translation of Idioms10. On Culture Translation under Foreignization11. On Literal Translation and Free Translation12. The Comparison and Translation of Chinese and English Idioms13. Equivalence and its Application in Translation14. Cultural Equivalence in Translation15. On Translating the Passive Voice16. On the Translation of English Long Sentences17. The Social and Cultural Factors in Translation Practice18. The Application of Functional Equivalence in English and Chinese Cross-cultural Translation19. On Chinese Translation of Journalistic English20. On the Criteria of Interpretation21. On the Unit of Translation22. The Cultural Differences and Arts of Translation in Advertising Language23. On Transformation between Parts of Speech in E-C Translation24. Exploring Substitution and Ellipsis in Translation25. The Analysis of Translation Style26. Cultural Differences and Translation Strategies27. A Contrastive Study of English and Chinese Allusions and their Translation28. English Neologisms in Newspaper and their Translation29. On Features of Journalistic English and its Translation30. Cultural Discrepancies and their Influences on Translation31. Translation of Address Term between English and Chinese32. On the Translation of English Pun into Chinese33. Features of Foreign Trade English and its Translation Model34. On Euphemism Translation35. Features of Tourism English and its Translation36. 论英汉翻译中外来词译法37. 影响长句翻译的因素38. 例析英译汉中形象语言的处理39. 生活中广告英语的翻译特色40. 翻译中的中国英语与中国式英语Ⅳ. 英美文学1. A Study of The Gift of Magi2. A Brief Comment on An American Tragedy4. Love Tragedy and War—An Analysis of A Farewell to Arms5. A Study of Sister Carrie6. The Evil of Mankind Portrayed in Moby Dick7. On Henry Heming in The Red Badge of Courage8. Emily Dickinson and her Poems9. Analysis of A Rose of Emily10. Analysis of the theme of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn11. On the symbolism of The Old Men and the Sea13. Deep Love And Deep Hatred—A Brief Analysis of Wuthering Heights14. Psychological Descriptions In Hemingway’s The Snows Of Kilimajaro15. On Ernest Hemingway And His Novel The Sun Also Rises16. The Literature Characteristics in A Tale of Two Cities17. On the Symbolism of D.H. Lawrence’s The Rainbow18. 《呼啸山庄》的悲剧分析19. 海明威英汉形象和冰山风格20. 《名利场》的现实意义21. 苔丝的形象分析22. 哈姆雷特的犹豫再探讨23. 爱伦坡小说的艺术创作成就24. 爱伦坡小说人物塑造25. 华兹华斯的语言风格26. 华兹华斯的自然观27. 简述哈代的悲剧性叙事艺术28. 浅析《失乐园》中撒旦的形象塑造29. 《还乡》的悲剧艺术特色30. 从《老人与海》看海明威的创作特点31. 论《白鲸》的象征含义32. 论简.奥斯汀对《爱玛》主人公的塑造33. 《红字》中的象征34. 哈姆雷特的人物特征及悲剧根源35. 杰克·伦敦的个人奋斗36. 《名利场》人物与艺术特色之分析37. 简论十九世纪英国女性生活38. 德莱塞的自然主义39. 论《天路历程》的象征和社会意义40. 《永别了武器》中主人公亨利形象分析How to Arouse Students’ Potentialities in Learning English by Using Non-intelligence Factors How to Make Use of Mother Tongue in English TeachingOn the Role of Affective Factors in English Teaching素质教育在英语学习中的体现大一新生英语学习策略使用状况调查研究新技术在大学英语教学中的运用对比分析在英语词汇教学中的运用如何提高英语阅读速度英语学习过程中文化自觉意识的培养motivation for english reading teaching英语词汇教学的交际化传统语法-翻译法与现代语法-翻译法的对比分析英语测验的设计(口语交际能力课堂培养模式探索)英语歌曲与英语语言的学习浅谈如何激发中学生英语学习的兴趣4.Grammar Teaching in Communicative Language Teaching6.The Role of Learner Differences in Foreign Language Learning英语教学中情感的重要意义小议影视作品名称的翻译英语中的缩略词经典英美电影赏析与英语学习绵阳市内主要景点英译现状的分析广告翻译中的文化因素。
归化和异化相关著作归化和异化是翻译理论中的两个重要概念,这两个概念最早由德国翻译家尼达弗(Johann Gottfried Herder)提出,并逐渐发展和完善。
下面介绍几本与归化和异化相关的著作:1. 《翻译研究的变革》(The Manipulation of Literature: Studies in Literary Translation):这本由埃维托·奥斯特(Evelyn Fishburn)撰写的书是翻译研究领域的经典之作,其中有一章专门讨论了归化和异化的问题。
2. 《论归化和异化的翻译策略》(The Strategies of Domestication and Foreignization in Translation):这本由陈斐撰写的书对归化和异化的翻译策略进行了深入研究。
3. 《异化与归化:翻译中的文化冲突》(Foreignization and Domestication: Cultural Conflicts in Translation):这本书由马奇亚诺(Lawrence Venuti)撰写,是归化和异化问题研究的经典之作。
4. 《再论翻译的异化和归化》(Revisiting Foreignizationand Domestication in Translation):这本由埃义(Yves Gambier)和索拉亚(Lucía Ruiz Rosend o)合著的书在归化和异化问题的研究中起着重要作用。
Course:中英文筆譯English-Chinese Written TranslationInstructor: 蘇瑞琪博士; PH.D. in Applied Linguistics, Boston UniversityE-mail: 06-2754537; 0932792284翻譯的重要性沒有譯者,就沒有翻譯;沒有翻譯,異文化之間就無法交流,文學與文化,終將枯萎。
翻譯的定義translating (翻譯過程):進行翻譯的過程,是活動而不是有形的物體;a translation (譯作):翻譯過程的產品,即譯語語篇;translation (翻譯):一個抽象概念,包括翻譯過程和該過程的產品。
translator (譯者):翻譯過程的執行者,譯作的製作者。
Source language (來源語) (原文)Target language (目標語) (譯入語)Interpretation (口譯)Consecutive Interpretation (逐步口譯)Simultaneous Interpretation (同步口譯)Whispering Interpretation (耳譯):耳譯的方式,通常安排給會議現場中只有一兩位需要翻譯的貴賓。
John C. Catford: Translation may be defined as follows: The replacement of textural material in one language (Source Language) by equivalent textual material in another language (Target Language).翻譯可作如下界定:用一種語言(譯入語)的本文材料對等地再現另一種語言(原文) 的本文材料Translation is a process in which the parole of one language is transferred into the parole of another with the content i.e. meaning unchanged. ( Barhudarov蘇聯翻譯理論家巴爾胡達羅夫) (翻譯就是在內容、含義不變的前提下,把話語從一種語言轉化成另一種語言的過程。
domestication篇一:Domestication and Foreignization in Advertisement Translation题目:毕业设计(论文)说明书 Domestication and Foreignization in AdvertisementTranslation系名社会科学与外国语系专业科技英语年级 06级姓名封阳阳指导教师李建东年月日一、原始依据(包括设计或论文的工作基础,研究条件,应用环境,工作目的。
) At present, the world has become a highly connected and open world, the cooperation and the communication among different countries is more frequent than ever, and the traditional cultural pattern has been improved. In order to sell out more products in the world market, the most powerful way is advertising, so the translation of ads becomes essential. Domestication and foreignization are the two main ways of ads translation. Domestication focus on the effectiveness, less strange words exits in the translation, foreignization focus on the original culture. The appropriate use of domestication and foreignization can bring a lot of benefits to the merchants and the customers.二、参考文献[1] Venuti, L. The translator’s invisibility –A history of translation (M) London and New York:Routledge, 1995.[2] Newmark A textbook of translation (M) London: Prentice Hall International (UK) Ltd 1988.[3] Mueller, Barbara. International Advertising CommunicatingAcross Cultures. Da Lian:Northeast Financial University Press, 1998.[4] 刘金侠. 归化与异化理论在商业广告翻译中的应用与解析. 全国中文核心期刊.1998[5] 三友李静. 广告翻译中的文化转换. 中国科技翻译.1997.[6] 蒋磊. 英语文化差异与广告的语用翻译. 中国翻译.2002.[7] 凌征华. 英汉广告差异及其翻译. 全国中文核心期刊.2003.[8] 林琳,单小艳. 文化因素在广告翻译中的体现. 全国中文核心期刊.1996.[9] 贾文波. 文本类型的翻译策略导向. 上海科技翻译.1996[10] 曹顺发. 谈广告用语的翻译. 涪陵师专学报.2002.[11] 冯焕红. 浅谈中英语言与文化差异对广告翻译的影响. 中国校外教育.2004.[12] 邓建辉. 广告翻译中的文化因素. 全国中文核心期刊.2003.[13] 王雪松. 广告翻译中的跨文化因素. 全国中文核心期刊.2001.三、设计(研究)内容和要求Content of studiesAt present, the world economy in slow recovery phase, still faces many uncertainties. Every country should undertake to promote the world economic growth. Each country is responsible to eliminate trade barriers, and jointly promote sustained world economic recovery and development. In order to gain more market share and profits, every country is positively promoting their goods across the world. Consequently, ads translation is an essential approach for the international communication of economy and culture.As a social culture, advertisements possess bright national features. Because different countryhas its distinct history, custom, culture and values, it is significant to make the consumers around the world clear of the national culture andideology contained in the advertisement.In the process of ads translation, domestication means bring the foreign culture closer to the reader in the target culture, and translate the foreign words by local ways so as to make the text recognizable and familiar. The ultimate goal of the advertisement is to stimulate the customers and inspire them into a buying impulse. In order to make the customer of the target language and the source language get the same effect, the appropriate application of domestication is necessary, and it will make the advertisement more effective, raise empathy among the customers. Lastly, the ultimate aim of the manufacture will be reached.Globalization has promoted the international communication and combination in culture. In the process of ads translation, foreignization means making the target language reader travel abroad and see the differences. Foreignization designates the type of translation in which a target text “deliberat ely breaks target conventions by retaining something of the foreignness of the “original” (Shuttleworth … Cowie, 1997:59). The domestication of ads translation is popular with the most youngsters, who are open-minded and courageous to experience the new things, and sensitive to the fashion. It can satisfy the needs of the youngsters to contact with the outer world. At the same time,the youngsters are part of the consumers with largest vigor, which can realize the manufacture?s aim of winning profits. What?s more, the foreignization will help promoting each country?s culture across the world, and increasing the national reputation in the world.Domestication and foreignization in ads translation have great impacts on the promotion of the commodity in the international market. Requirements:As an indispensable part of undergraduate education, the writing of thesis plays an important role in developing the students? ability tocomprehensively apply learnt knowledge and skills to practical use. According to the Document of Tianjin University Ren?ai College issued in 2009 on the requirements of undergraduates? thesis, students should stick to the following requirements:1. The thesis must be based on the student?s own ideas. Plagiarizing is not allowed.2. The thesis should strictly conform to the format set by the university.3. The length of the thesis is 5000-7000 words.篇二:Domestication and foreignizationDomestication and foreignization are strategies in translation, regarding the degree towhich translators make a text conform to the target culture. Domestication is the strategy of making text closely conform to the culture of the language being translated to, which may involve the loss of information from the source text. Foreignization is the strategy of retaining information from the source text, and involves deliberately breaking the conventions of the target language to preserve its meaning. These strategies have been debated for hundreds of years, but the first person to formulate them in their modern sense was Lawrence Venuti, who introduced them to the field of translation studies in 1995 with his book The Translator’s Invisibility: A History of Translation.[1][2][1] Venuti’s innovation to the field[1]was his view that the dichotomy between domestication and foreignization was an ideological one; he views foreignization as the ethical choice for translators to make.In his 1998 book The Scandals of Translation: Towards an Ethics of Difference, Venuti states that “Domestication and foreignization deal with ‘the question of how much a translation assimilates a foreign textto the translating language and culture, and how much it rather signals the differences of that text’”.According to Lawrence Venuti, every translator should look at the translation process through the prism of culture which refracts the source language cultural norms and it is the translator’s task to convey them, preserving their meaning and their foreignness, to the target-language text. Every step in the translation process—from the selection of foreign texts to the implementation of translation strategies to the editing, reviewing, and reading oftranslations—is mediated by the diverse cultural values that circulate in the target language. He estimates that the theory and practice of English-language translation has been dominated by submission, by fluent domestication. He strictly criticized the translators who in order to minimize the foreignness of the target text reduce the foreign cultural norms to target-language cultural values. According to Venuti, the domesticating strategy “violently” e rases the cultural values and thus creates a text which as if had been written in the target language and which follows the cultural norms of the target reader. He strongly advocates the foreignizationstrategy, considering it to be “an ethnodeviant p ressure on [target-language cultural] values to register the linguistic and cultural difference of the foreign text, sending the reader abroad.” Thus an adequate translation would be the one that would highlight the foreignness of the source text and instead of allowing the dominant target culture to assimilate the differences of the source culture, it should rather signal these differences. [3]篇三:托福阅读模考试题托福阅读模考试题题目来源:Red Delta (新托福考试冲刺试题)要求:把所涉及段落变成电子版一.词汇题:1. page 39-29; 43-39;3.page47-51; 79-18When an odorous substance enters the nose, it binds to olfactory receptor cells, the neurons lining the yellow upper portion of the nasal cavity. Olfactory receptor cells contain microscopic hairs called cilia that extend into the layer of mucus coating the inside of the nose. Odor molecules diffuse into this region and are absorbed by the cilia of the olfactory receptor cells. What this means is that when we hold a nose to our nose and inhale, odor molecules float up into the nasal cavity, where they are absorbed by five million olfactory receptor cells. The receptor cells alert the olfactory nerve, which sends impulses to the brain’s limbic system, where, in most of us, it stimulates a feeling of pleasure.29. The word diffuse in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning toA. dropB. flowC. cutD. bendIn the study of mythology, the character known as the trickster is a god, spirit, human, or animal who breaks the rules of the gods or nature, sometimes maliciously but usually with results that are positive. The rule breaking often takes the form of mischief or thievery. The trickster is usually male but occasionally disguises himself in female form. He can be cunning or foolish, or both, and often very humorous. His curiosity leads him into trouble, but he recues himself with his sly wit. When he plays tricks, he performs important cultural tasks that benefit humans, and for this reason the trickster is a significant figure in world mythology.39. The word maliciously in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning toA. destructivelyB. falselyC. bravelyD. mistakenlyThe domestication of wild species led directly to denser human populations by yielding more food than the hunter-gatherer lifestyle could provide. In societies that possessed domestic animals, livestock helped to feed more people by providing meat, milk, and fertilizer, and by pulling plows. Large domestic animals became the societies’ main source of animal protein, replacing wild game, and they also furnished wool, leather, and land transport. Humans have domesticated only a few species of large animals, with “large” defined as those weighing over 100 pounds (45 kilograms). Fourteen such species were domesticated before the twentieth century, all of them terrestrial mammals and herbivores. The five most important of these are sheep, goats, pigs, horses, and cattle or oxen.51. The word furnished in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning toA. demandedB. inventedC. providedD. changedThe transportation technology of the Industrial Revolution contributed greatly to deforestation. The river steamboats that came into operation after 1830 had a voracious appetite for wood. To keep their wheels turning, steamboats typically took on fuel twice a day. The wood was supplied by thousands of “wood hawks” along the banks of the Ohio and Mississippi with stacks of cut firewood. Annual consumption of wood on riverboats continued to increase until 1865. Consequently, river valleys that had the heaviest traffic were stripped of their forests.18. The word voracious in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning toA. varyingB. greedyC. strangeD. moderate二.排除题:1.page39-32;(文章第5段)2.page163-10(文章第4段)Scent may be the strongest trigger of memory and emotions. When we inhale a scent, receptors in the brain’s limbic center compare the odor entering our nose to odors stored in our memory. Along the way, memories associated with those odors are stimulated. A smell can be overwhelmingly nostalgic because it triggers powerful images and emotions. The waxy fragrance of crayons can instantly transport us to our second-grade classroom, or the scent of freshly mown grass can flood us with the joy of summer freedom. What we see and hear may fade quickly in short-term memory, but what we smell is sent directly to long-term memory.32. When a scent is inhaled, all of the following occur in the limbic system EXCEPTA. The scent is compared to other scents stored in memory.B. The scent is transmitted to the other sensory organs.C. The brain stimulates memories associated with the scents.D. The person may feel an emotion related to a memory.Several control processes enable the transfer of information from short-term to long-term memory. One such process is rehearsal, or “practice makes perfect”. Rehearsal is when you repeat something to yourself over and over. The purpose behind such behavior is usually to memorize information for later use, although sometimes it is simply to hold information in short-term memory for immediate use. For example, you may rehearse a telephone number by saying it aloud so you can redial itafter getting a busy signal without having to look it up again in the phone book. Another process that enables the transfer of information to long-term memory is the association of new data with data previously learned and stored in long-term memory. Thus, it is easier to learn a new card game if you already have “card sense” from playing other games.10. All of the following enhance the transfer of information from short-term memory to long-term memory EXCEPTA. deciding that information is not meaningful or relevantB. repeating information over and over to oneselfC. linking new information with data in long-term memoryD. performing a task frequently and repeatedly三.句子简化题:1. page43-40;2.page163-7In the study of mythology, the character known as the trickster is a god, spirit, human, or animal who breaks the rules of the gods or nature, sometimes maliciously but usually with results that are positive. The rule breaking often takes the form of mischief or thievery. The trickster is usually male but occasionally disguises himself in female form. He can be cunning or foolish, or both, and often very humorous. His curiosity leads him into trouble, but he recues himself with his sly wit. When he plays tricks, he performs important cultural tasks that benefit humans, and for this reason the trickster is a significant figure in world mythology.40. Which sentence below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in paragraph 1? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.A. In world mythology, every important aspect of human culture is the result of the trickster’s behavior.B. The trickster develops human culture by tricking people into performing dangerous cultural tasks.C. When the trickster wants to be helpful, he devises a trick that will teach people what is important.D. The trickster is an important mythological character because his tricks contribute positively to human culture.Several control processes enable the transfer of information from short-term to long-term memory. One such process is rehearsal, or “practice makes perfect”. Rehearsal is when you repeat something to yourself over and over. The purpose behind such behavior is usually to memorize information for later use, although sometimes it is simply to hold information in short-term memory for immediate use. For example, you may rehearse a telephone number by saying it aloud so you can redial it after getting a busy signal without having to look it up again in the phone book. Another process that enables the transfer of information to long-term memory is the association of new data with data previously learned and stored in long-term memory. Thus, it is easier to learn a new card game if you already have “card sense” from playing other games.7. Which sentence below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in paragraph 4? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.A. Usually information is rehearsed so it can be used later, but sometimes it is rehearsed so it can be used right away.B. There are several reasons for memorizing information; the most common reason is to improve short-term memory.C. The belief that “practice makes perfect” causes people to repeat certain behavior even when the behavior is very complex.D. It is fairly simple to keep information in short-term memory, but it is difficult to send it to long-term memory.四.插入句子题目1.page40-49;2.page168-2537. Look at the four squares, A, B, C, and D, which indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage. Where would the sentence best fit?One of these structures is a kind of central processing unit that connects memory with physical functions.The limbic system of the brain integrates memory, emotion, and behavior. The system is composed of a group of related nervous system structures that are the functional center of emotions such as anger, fear, pleasure, and sadness. A The components of the limbic systems are linked to the cerebral cortex, the part of the brain involved in complex learning, reasoning, and personality. B The cerebral cortex makes decisions about the emotional content of these unique human qualities after “consulting” the limbic system and other brain c enters in processing and retrieving memories. C it may, in turn, use memories to modify behavior. D25. Look at the four squares, A, B, C, and D, which indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage. Where would the sentence best fit?Railroad construction required enormous amounts of capital and was financed in diverse ways.A In Britain and the United States, private companies built hundreds of uncoordinated rail projects, nut in continental Europe railroad construction became a concern of the state, which provided overall control and a large share of capital.B Until 1914, the building of railroads remained the most important reason for the export of capital as well as the main method of developing new territories.C British capital financed the majority of the railroads built in India, Canada, and Latin America.D The U.S. transcontinental railroad played a key role in populating and developing huge tracts of land in North America, as did the Trans-Siberian Railway in Asia.五.细节题:1.page47-55;(第4段)2.page119-10;(第6段)3.page135-54;(第2段)Domestication involves transforming wild animals into something more useful to humans. Truly domesticated animals differ in many ways from their wild ancestors. These differences result from two processes: human selection of individual animals that are more useful to humans than other individuals of the same species, and evolutionary responses of animals to the forces of natural selection operating in human environments rather than in wild environments.55. According to the passage, what is one reason that domesticated animals differ from their wild ancestors?A. Wild animals find food easily, but domesticated animals must work for food.B. Domesticated animas live near humans, so they forget their wild ancestors.C. Animals’ evolutionary responses in captivity differ from those in the wild.D. More animals survive in human environments than in wild environments.Construction techniques were refined and extended over the next several decades to produce what architectural historians have called “true sky scrapers”, buildi ngs over twenty stories high. The invention of steel was particularly significant, as steel T-beams and I-beams replaced iron in these new structures. Steel weighs less than half as much as masoy and exceeds both masoy and iron in tension and compressionstrength as well as resistance to fatigue. Steel rivets replaced iron bolts and were in turn replaced by electric are wilding in the 1920s. The skyscraper’s steel skeleton could meet all the structural requirements while occupying very little interior space. Exterior curtain walls could be quite thin, since their only function now was to let in light and keep the weather out.10. According to the passage, why did steel replace iron in the construction of skyscrapers?A. Steel is stronger than iron and resists fatigue better.B. Steel allows architects more freedom of expression.C. Steel is more available and less expensive than iron.D. Steel does not rust, so it lasts longer than iron does.Other photographic images of Mars revealed its seasonally changing polar ice caps and features that appeared to be ancient islands located in what was now a dry streambed. When the islands were first discovered, some scientists speculated that a thick water-laden atmosphere capable of generating heavy rains had once existed on Mars. However, others remained unconvinced of the presence of water. Then, in 1963, a team of astronomers obtained a good photographic plate of the near-infrared spectrum of Mars. The photograph showed that, faintly but definitely, water vapor lines could be seen. This photograph established that there really was water on Mars, though the amount was very small. Today, the presence of water vapor in the Martian atmosphere is generally accepted, as is the belief that the atmosphere was once much denser than it is now, with a much greater abundance of water vapor.54. What discovery led some scientist to think that the Martian atmosphere had produced heavy rains in the past?A. a network of canals on the surfaceB. Ancient islands in a dry streambedC. Water vapor lines on a photographic plateD. Volcanic cones near the planet’s North Pole。
1813年施莱尔马赫在《论翻译的方法》一文中指出,对于具有文化内涵 的地方,翻译的途径一般有两种,“一种是尽可能让作者安居不动,而 引导读者去接近作者;另一种是尽可能让读者安居不动,而引导作者去接 近读者。”
因此,直译和意译主要是局限于语言层面的价值取向,异化和归化则是 立足于文化大语境下的价值取向两者之间的差异是显而易见的,不能混 为一谈。
Literal translation and foreignization put emphasis on the linguistic and stylistic features of the source text, and the target text translated in these ways may not be very smooth in language and the content may not be familiar to the target readers, so they may feel foreign when reading the translation.
从历史上看,异化和归化可以视为直译和意译的概念延伸,但又不完全 等同于直译和意译。直译和意译所关注的核心问题是如何在语言层面处 理形式和意义,而异化和归化则突破了语言因素的局限,将视野扩展到 语言、文化和美学等因素。
按韦努蒂(Venuti)的说法,归化法是“把原作者带入译入语文化”, 而异化法则是“接受外语文本的语言及文化差异,把读者带入外国情 景”。
However, this does not mean the two pairs are just one. There are some differences between them. When a translator resorts to either literal translating method or free translating method, he puts his attention mainly to the linguistic factors of the source text and tries his utmost to keep the original meaning in the target text.
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The performance of domestication The usage of four-Chinesefour-Chinesecharacter idioms
“And then there were—Oh, there were so many things to do to were— bachelors and she knew them all, the nuance of the sidelong glance, the half -smile behind the fan, the swaying of the hips so that skirt swung like a bell, the tears, the laughter, the flattery, the sweet sympathy. Oh, all the tricks that never failed to work— work— except with Ashley. ” (Gone with the wind) 此外——啊,对于未结婚青年所能做的事情还多着呢,她是统统 此外——啊,对于未结婚青年所能做的事情还多着呢,她是统统 知道的,例如横送秋波,扇遮笑口,款摆纤腰,嘤嘤而泣,痴痴 知道的,例如横送秋波,扇遮笑口,款摆纤腰,嘤嘤而泣,痴痴 而笑,软语温存,输寒送暖之类…… 而笑,软语温存,输寒送暖之类……
Foreignization can meet target readers’ expectation of “foreignness”
“ I am not a soldier and I have no desire to seek bubble reputation even in the cannon’s mouth.” “我又不是一个军人,并没有志愿要从炮口里去找那泡影一 我又不是一个军人,并没有志愿要从炮口里去找那泡影一 般的名誉” “我不是个军人,我也没有不惜从炮口里寻求虚名的志 “我不是个军人,我也没有不惜从炮口里寻求虚名的志 愿。” Unless you’ve an ace up your sleeve, we are dished. sleeve, 译文1:除非你有锦囊妙计,否则我们是输定了。 译文1:除非你有锦囊妙计,否则我们是输定了。 译文2:除非你手中藏有王牌,否则我们是输定了。 译文2:除非你手中藏有王牌,否则我们是输定了。
special cultural color
居然敢教训你的长辈 (最终翻译)
望子成龙 望子成龙
Hope one’s child has a bright future
evil image
Over Foreignization
Characters’ names: Scarlet O’Hara 郝思嘉 Rhett Butler 白瑞 德 Places’ names: Atlanta 饿狼陀 Charleston 曹氏屯
The translation of idiom
Conflicts between literal meaning, images, and implicit meaning
Teach one’s grandmother to suck eggs (英文谚语)
(中文对应)avoid Chinese expression which carry
Domestication: target language oriented Foreignization: original language oriented
The performance of Foreignization
Enhance cultural communications among different nations
“She pounded her clenched fist against the tall white pillar beside her, and she wished she were a Samson, so that Samson, she could pull down all of Twelve Oaks, and destroy every person in it.” (Gone with the Wind) “他捏紧了拳头,打着身边那颗高高的白柱,他恨不得变做 参孙,把整个十二橡树都坍倒了,把里面的人一个个地 了参孙,把整个十二橡树都坍倒了,把里面的人一个个地 都毁灭” Note: 艾萨克列人,大力士
The reason of over Foreignization
Objective reasons Advantages of Foreignization Pressure of contemporary Байду номын сангаасife speed on the press The international status of English and the disproportionate investment on English and Chinese learning Subjective reasons Translator find it easy to follow the original text literally Follow the fashion on purpose Translators’ indifference to the Chinese culture
Foreignization and domestication in Translation
What is Foreignization and domestication
First put forward by a famous German translator, Schleiermacher in his lecture “ On the Different Methods of Translating” “There are only two translation approaches. Either the translator leaves the author in peace, as much as possible, and moves the reader towards him, or he leaves the reader in peace, as much as possible, and moves the author towards him. ”
Repetition and supplementation
“For a fleeting instant she saw Melanie’s incredulous face, the look on the chaperon’s faces, the petulant girls, the enthusiastic approval of the soldiers.” 只在一刹那之间,她瞥见了媚兰惊愕的面孔,瞥见了那些 只在一刹那之间,她瞥见了媚兰惊愕的面孔,瞥见了那些 监护人的愠怒神情,瞥见了一般女孩子们的烦闷,瞥见了 监护人的愠怒神情,瞥见了一般女孩子们的烦闷,瞥见了 一般士兵们的热烈赞成。