Enhancing Computational power DALI child agents generation




TECHNOLOGY AND INFORMATION科学与信息化2023年12月下 65AI智能算力云计算数据中心供配电系统探究龙熹1,21. 腾讯科技(深圳)有限公司 广东 深圳 518063;2. 腾讯云计算(北京)有限责任公司 北京 100000摘 要 当前云计算数据中心进入了AI算力发展的新阶段,传统供配电方式难以匹配AI高算力下数据中心稳定性、安全性及成本诉求,在机柜功率、系统成本、供电冗余、运维等方面还有一定优化空间。


关键词 云计算;AI算力;数据中心;供配电系统AI intelligent computing power cloud computing data center power supply and distribution system research Long Xi 1,21. Tencent Technology (Shenzhen) Co., LTD., Shenzhen 518063, Guangdong Province, China;2. Tencent Cloud Computing (Beijing) Co., LTD., Beijing 100000, ChinaAbstract At present, cloud computing data centers have entered a new stage of AI computing power development. Traditional power supply and distribution methods are difficult to match the stability, security and cost demands of data centers under AI high computing power. There is still some room for optimization in cabinet power, system cost, power supply redundancy, operation and maintenance. Based on this condition, this paper puts forward the key points of power supply and distribution system design applied to AI intelligent computing cloud computing data center, and makes a comprehensive comparative analysis of 2N, DR, RR power supply and distribution architectures and distributed and centralized server power supply schemes that meet the fault tolerance requirements of data centers, so as to provide reference for the construction of similar projects.Key words cloud computing; AI computing power; data centers; power supply and distribution system引言近年来,5G+、大数据、物联网等技术的发展显著加快,基于数据和算力的AI 产品在很多领域都有成功应用,带动了云计算数据中心行业的总体发展,特别是近期ChatGPT 产品发布带来的大模型训练浪潮,让数据中心服务器从计算加存储的通用服务器时代进入了追求极致算力的AI 服务器时代,加速了数据中心供配电技术变革。



超级计算技术对于人工智能的意义与应用人工智能(Artificial Intelligence, AI)已经成为现代科技领域中的热门话题。

























超级计算机——运算能力的极致追求一、超级计算机:历史沿革与技术飞跃1.1 早期起源与奠基超级计算机的历史始于20世纪50年代,那时的计算机主要用于解决复杂的科学和工程挑战。

ENIAC和UNIVAC I等先驱设备,尽管在当今看来显得原始,却奠定了高性能计算的基础,开启了探索未知世界的新篇章。

1.2 并行处理的崛起随着技术的进步,并行处理成为提升计算性能的关键。



1.3 集群计算的普及集群计算的出现进一步推动了超级计算机的商业化进程。



2. 现代超级计算机:技术转型与创新2.1 硬件优化与效能提升现代超级计算机在硬件层面的变革,如使用GPU和其他加速器,显著提升了计算效率。


2.2 软件进步与并行计算在软件层面,改进的编程模型和并行算法使开发人员能够更好地利用硬件资源,释放超级计算机的潜力。

3. 新技术与未来应用3.1 探索新边界新兴技术如量子计算、神经网络加速和边缘计算,正在不断重塑超级计算机的形态和应用领域。






去中心化金融 (DeFi)


精通以太坊虚拟机 (EVM) 和 Solidity 编程语言。























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成富有活力的软件系统。发明者J e f f B e z a n s o n 、
S t e f a n K a r p i n s k i 、Vi r a l B S h a h 、Al a n Ed e l ma n四
展的方法来实现这类功能。 V i r a l : 我一 直对 科学 计算 感兴趣 ,这 也是 我的
Co v er St or y 封 面 报 道 『编 程 语 言
人, 你可 阅 读 ( ( P r o g r a mmi n g L a n g u a g e 我 介绍给了J e f f 。 我 们便开始讨论 用于数据分析 P r a g ma t i c s ) )( 中译本 《 程 序设计语言——实践之 的理 想编 程系统应该是怎样 的。后来我们决定着 路》), 并 因此被表弟温言揶揄的情形。 不过我后 手 做点什么— —以三个月为限, 届时我们将决定 来没有去做编译器 , 而是无意 中走入了之后称为 是 否继续 。我完成了第一次g i t 提 交, 搭好 了 ’ 服务 “ 数据科学”的领域。那时我正好有一堆数据 , 想
S t e f a n: 读研时我真正想做 的是程序语言设 计, 在I S C, P a r r y 、 V i r a l  ̄ 1 ] 我认识到, 通 过 一 种慢 速 的 结 果却 进 了 网络 研 究 实 验 室 。到离 开 U C S B 之前, 动 态 专有 语 言 来实 现 快速 的 并行 化 是荒 唐 的 。 J e f 我 在 用 线性 代 数 、机 器 学 习和 数 据 统 计 做 网络 流 也是I S C 的 员工 , 在这个问题上也有自己的独到见 量的分析与建模。这需要一 种弗兰肯斯坦式的编 解。 我 真心 希 望 看到 这个 问题 的解 决 方案 。 程 语 言 组合 : 用于 网络 跟 踪 处 理 的C, 准 备数 据 的

课文参考译文 (1)-信息科学与电子工程专业英语(第2版)-吴雅婷-清华大学出版社

课文参考译文 (1)-信息科学与电子工程专业英语(第2版)-吴雅婷-清华大学出版社

Unit 16 大数据和云计算Unit 16-1第一部分:大数据当前,全世界迎来数据大爆炸的时代。






















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上述两种对话的区别在于,第一种可明显地感到 回答者是从知识库里提取简单的答案,第二种则具有 分析综合的能力,回答者知道观察者在反复提出同样 的问题。“图灵试验”没有规定问题的范围和提问的 标准,如果想要制造出能通过试验的机器,以我们现 在的技术水平,必须在电脑中储存人类所有可以想到 的问题,储存对这些问题的所有合乎常理的回答,并 且还需要理智地作出选择。
二、第一台电子计算机(ENIAC:Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer)
① 1946年,在美国宾夕法尼亚大学莫尔学院产生; ② 重量30吨,占地170平方米,功率140千瓦; ③ 电子管18000多个,继电器1500多个; ④ 采用10进制,机器字长10位,运算最快速度5000次/秒; ⑤ 工作方式:通过插件式“外接”线路实现的,尚未采用“程序存储”
1928年,美国数学泰斗、普林斯顿高级研究院 维伯伦教授(O.Veblen)广罗天下之英才,一封烫 金的大红聘书,寄给了柏林大学这位无薪讲师,请他 去美国讲授“量子力学理论课”。冯·诺依曼预料到 未来科学的发展中心即将西移,欣然同意赴美国任教。 1930年,27岁的冯·诺依曼被提升为教授;1933年, 他又与爱因斯坦一起,被聘为普林斯顿高等研究院第 一批终身教授,而且是6名大师中最年轻的一名。
1937年,伦敦权威的数学杂志又收到图灵一篇论文 《论可计算数及其在判定问题中的应用》,作为阐明 现代计算机原理的开山之作,被永远载入了计算机的 发展史册。
这篇论文原本是为了解决一个基础性的数学问题:是 否只要给人以足够的时间演算,数学函数都能够通过 有限次运算求得解答?传统数学家当然只会想到用公 式推导证明它是否成立,可是图灵独辟蹊径地想出了 一台冥冥之中的机器。

算力结算 英语

算力结算 英语

算力结算英语The rapid advancements in technology have revolutionized the way we approach various aspects of our lives. One such area that has seen significant transformation is the field of computational power settlement. As our reliance on digital technologies continues to grow, the need for efficient and equitable distribution of computational resources has become increasingly crucial. In this essay, we will delve into the concept of computational power settlement, its importance, and the challenges associated with it.Computational power, often referred to as "compute," is the backbone of modern digital infrastructure. It is the engine that powers our smartphones, computers, and the vast array of interconnected devices that make up the Internet of Things (IoT). The demand for computational power has been steadily increasing, driven by the exponential growth of data generation, the rise of artificial intelligence and machine learning, and the proliferation of resource-intensive applications.At the heart of computational power settlement lies the concept offair and efficient allocation of these valuable resources. In a world where computational power is a scarce and valuable commodity, the way in which it is distributed can have significant implications for individuals, businesses, and even entire economies.One of the primary challenges in computational power settlement is the need to balance the competing interests of various stakeholders. On one hand, individuals and organizations may seek to maximize their access to computational resources to meet their specific needs, whether it's for personal use, research and development, or commercial applications. On the other hand, service providers and infrastructure operators must ensure that the distribution of computational power is fair, transparent, and aligned with the overall system's capacity and efficiency.To address these challenges, various models and approaches have been developed. One such model is the concept of "computational power markets," where computational resources are traded like any other commodity. In these markets, computational power is bought and sold, with prices fluctuating based on supply and demand. This approach aims to incentivize the efficient use of computational resources, as users are motivated to optimize their usage and service providers are encouraged to expand their infrastructure to meet the growing demand.Another approach to computational power settlement is the use of blockchain technology. Blockchain-based solutions offer the potential for decentralized and transparent record-keeping of computational power transactions, ensuring fairness and traceability. By leveraging the immutable nature of blockchain, these systems can enable the creation of smart contracts that automatically execute the settlement of computational power usage, reducing the need for intermediaries and streamlining the overall process.In addition to market-based approaches, there are also efforts to develop more collaborative and community-driven models of computational power settlement. These models may involve the creation of distributed computing networks, where individuals or organizations contribute their idle computational resources to a shared pool, which can then be accessed and utilized by others in need. This approach can foster a sense of collective responsibility and promote the efficient utilization of computational power, while also providing opportunities for individuals and small-scale players to participate in the computational ecosystem.As the demand for computational power continues to grow, the need for robust and equitable settlement mechanisms becomes increasingly crucial. Policymakers, industry leaders, and technologists must work together to develop and implement effective solutions that address the challenges posed by computational powersettlement.One key aspect of this effort is the need for increased transparency and accountability in the allocation of computational resources. This may involve the development of standardized metrics and reporting frameworks that allow stakeholders to understand the usage patterns, pricing structures, and overall efficiency of the computational power ecosystem.Moreover, the integration of emerging technologies, such as edge computing and distributed ledger systems, can play a pivotal role in enhancing the scalability, security, and resilience of computational power settlement. By leveraging these technologies, we can create more decentralized and resilient systems that can better adapt to the rapidly changing demands of the digital age.In conclusion, the settlement of computational power is a complex and multifaceted challenge that requires a comprehensive and collaborative approach. As we continue to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of digital technologies, the development of efficient and equitable computational power settlement mechanisms will be crucial in ensuring that the benefits of technological progress are distributed fairly and sustainably. By addressing these challenges, we can unlock new opportunities for innovation, economic growth, andsocietal progress, ultimately shaping a future where computational power is a truly democratized and empowering resource for all.。


Take the field of medicine, for example. While AI can assist in diagnosis and treatment planning by analyzing medical data, it cannot replace
AI Will Not Replace Humans
As a student in the 21st century, I've grown up surrounded by rapidly advancing technology, particularly in the realm of artificial intelligence (AI). While the capabilities of AI systems continue to expand at an astonishing rate, there is a growing concern that these intelligent machines might one day replace humans in various roles and jobs. However, I firmly believe that AI will not and cannot entirely replace human intelligence and creativity.
Moreover, emotional intelligence, the capacity to understand and navigate the complex landscape of human emotions, is a vital aspect of interpersonal relationships and decision-making. AI systems, despite their impressive computational power, lack the innate ability to empathize, to read subtle social cues, and to navigate the nuances of human interactions. Professions that rely heavily on emotional intelligence, such as counseling, teaching, and leadership roles, will continue to be dominated by humans.



重塑计算力!引领PC创新的Intel年一度的CES不仅是科技圈的盛会,更是新兴技术大力展现未来市场潜力的舞台,具有极其重要的战略价值和前瞻性,而每届CES上,Intel发布会及其产品都是不容错过的存在,雄厚的技术积淀和远见令Intel常常扮演科技发展引领者的角色,而在CES 2019上,Intel众多黑科技技术及产品,让人们看到了重塑计算力的机会。

一开启多元计算时代CES 2019不仅给与新兴科技企业崭露头角的机会,更是芯片巨头“露肌肉”的秀场,在NVIDIA 宣布以游戏为核心布局未来、AMD强调自己CPU 产品性能提升时,Intel却在CES 2019上揭开了其多元化计算时代的幕布。


英特尔公司处理器核心与视觉计算高级副总裁Raja Koduri介绍了英特尔在设计与工程模式方面的战略性转变,这种转变整合了一系列基础构建模块,包含英特尔公司领先的技术和IP(知识产权)组合,旨在让英特尔加快创新步伐,并扎根于六大战略支柱:制程、架构、内存、超微互联、安全、软件。

Intel公司高级副总裁兼客户端计算事业部总经理Gregory Bryant在CES上展示Lakefield技术产品。


具体在CES 2019上,Intel公布了多项最新进展,范围涵盖PC、新设备以及包括人工智能、5G和自动驾驶等在内的多个增长领域。



推动移动PC产业升级5G 、AI 、智能驾驶等技术应用领域对于大众而言多少有些距离,但以笔记本为代表的移动PC 领域,却令大众尤为关注。



Trends in computing power development
帮我写个主题为《算力的PPT》的PPT,标题为《算力:理解、应用与未来展望》,内容部分为《算力发展趋势》。 幻灯片1:封面 标题:《算力:理解、应用与未来展望》 副标题:理解、应用与未来发展趋势 幻灯片2:目录 1. 算力的定义与分类 2. 算力在现实生活中的应用 幻灯片3:算力的定义与分类 介绍算力的定义和分类,包括: 1. 计算力:包括CPU、GPU等计算设备的能力。 2. 存储容量:存储设备的容量大小。 3. 网络带宽:网络连接的速度和带宽。 4. 人工智能算力:包括深度学习、机器学习等计算能力。 5. 其他分类:如量子计算、区块链等。 幻灯片4:算力在现实生活中的应用 介绍算力在现实生活中的应用,包括: 1. 智能手机、电脑等设备中的计算力。 2. 人工智能在医疗、交通、金融等领域的应用。 3. 云计算、大数据等技术的运用。 4. 量子计算、区块链等新兴技术的运用。 幻灯片5:算力发展趋势 介绍算力的发展趋势,包括: 1. 硬件升级:CPU、GPU等计算设备将继续升级,性能更高、功耗更低。 2. 技术创新:量子计算、生物计算等新兴技术将不断涌现,带来新的算力解决方案。 3. 应用拓展:算力将进一步深入到各个领域,如医疗、金融、能源等。 4. 产业融合:算力与其他产业的融合将更加紧密,推动产业升级。
THAN:算力:理解、应用与未来展望 幻灯片1:标题页 标题:算力:理解、应用与未来展望 副标题:探索算力的角色与影响 幻灯片2:目录 幻灯片3:算力概念 定义:算力是计算处理数据的能力,包括但不限于处理、分析、存储和传输数据。 类型:物理算力(由硬件提供)和虚拟算力(由软件提供)。 发展:随着硬件技术的进步,算力将持续增长。 幻灯片4:算力应用 人工智能(AI):提供AI模型的训练和推理能力。 区块链技术:提供加密和解密数据的能力,保证交易的安全和透明。 云计算:提供远程计算服务,如大数据分析和处理。 科学研究:支持各种复杂的科学计算和模拟。 幻灯片5:未来展望 预计在未来几年,随着AI和区块链等新兴技术的快速发展,对算力的需求将进一步增长。 硬件性能将继续提升,推动算力的增长。 此外,算力的提高也将促进AI和其他技术的进步,从而产生更多的应用场景。 幻灯片6:总结 算力是理解世界的重要工具,其应用范围广泛,包括AI、区块链、云计算和科学研究等。 随着硬件性能的提升和新兴技术的快速发展,我们可以预见到算力的未来将更加光明。


1945年,冯·诺依曼和他的研制小组在共同讨论的基础上,发表了一个全新的“存储程序通用电子计算机方 案”——EDVAC(Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer )在此过程中他对计算机的许多关键性 问题的解决作出了重要贡献,从而保证了计算机的顺利问世。
ENIAC长30.48米,宽6米,高2.4米,占地面积约170平方米,30个操作台,重达30英吨,耗电量150千瓦, 造价48万美元。它包含了17,468根真空管(电子管)7,200根水晶二极管,1,500 个中转,70,000个电阻器, 10,000个电容器,1500个继电器,6000多个开关,计算速度是每秒5000次加法或400次乘法,是使用继电器运 转的机电式计算机的1000倍、手工计算的20万倍。
而在国内的朋友们竟很少有人知道此事真相, 不少国内的作者在他们的专著、教材中,甚至科普活动中, 仍然宣传ENIAC是世界上第一台计算机。因此,做为一名IT工作者有必要本着科学的精神,替前人查清事实,希 望通过此文有助于纠正这个在国内知识界长期存在的重大学术误会,以正视听。
这里有计算机、电子计算机、通用电子计算机等概念,计算机的出现甚至可以追述到17世纪的加法机。(也 称帕斯卡机,这是一台机械计算机)。ABC计算机是第一台电子化的计算机,非图灵完备、不可编程是其最大限 制。而现代计算机的概念应等同于通用电子计算机,即图灵完备,可编程等。
美国军方要求该实验室每天为陆军炮弹部队提供6张射表以便对导弹的研制进行技术鉴定。事实上每张射表 都要计算几百条弹道,而每条弹道的数学模型是一组非常复杂的非线性方程组。这些方程组是没有办法求出准确 解的,因此只能用数值方法近似地进行计算。
不过即使用数值方法近似求解也不是一件容易的事!按当时的计算工具,实验室即使雇用200多名计算员加 班加点工作也大约需要二个多月的时间才能算完一张射表。在“时间就是胜利”的战争年代,这么慢的速度怎么 能行呢?恐怕还没等先进的武器研制出来,败局已定。



超级计算机的人工智能算法人工智能(Artificial Intelligence,简称AI)是近年来备受瞩目的科学领域,其研究范围涵盖了机器学习、深度学习、自然语言处理以及图像识别等多个领域。









二、超级计算机在人工智能算法中的应用1. 机器学习算法超级计算机在训练机器学习算法方面发挥着重要作用。



2. 深度学习算法深度学习算法是一种机器学习技术,其通过构建多层神经网络来模拟人脑的工作原理。



3. 自然语言处理算法自然语言处理算法是指对文本和语音进行分析和处理的一类算法。





高性能计算的基础知识高性能计算(High Performance Computing,HPC)是指利用各种高速计算技术和设备来进行大规模、高速、复杂计算的一种计算和处理技术。

在科学研究、工程设计、生产制造、商业应用等领域中,HPC 已成为推动科学技术发展和促进社会经济发展的重要技术手段之一。




HPC的定义也蕴含在其英文名High Performance Computing中,HPC主要特点表现在两个方面:高速性和扩展性。

















超级计算机通常采用高性能计算处理器,如英特尔的Xeon Phi和AMD的EPYC处理器。
















智能化和网络化趋势:从ENIAC到现在,计算机 不仅逐渐实现了智能化,还发展成为了互联网的 基础。人工智能、大数据、云计算等新兴技术不 断推动计算机行业向前发展。
摩尔定律的印证:ENIAC的诞生和发展验证了摩 尔定律的预测。随着时间的推移,计算机的处理 能力不断提高,而价格和体积不断降低,这成为 计算机行业持续发展的动力。
ENIAC作为第一台电子计算机,它的设计和开发过程为计算机科学的发展奠定 了基础,开创了计算机科学的新纪元。
ENIAC的设计思想和使用经验,对后续计算机体系结构的研究和发展产生了重 要影响,为现代计算机的设计提供了重要的参考。
汇报人: 日期:
• 电子计算机简介 • 世界上第一台电子计算机-ENIAC • ENIAC的影响和贡献 • 与ENIAC相关的趣事 • 总结与展望
电子计算机是一种基于电子技术 、通过执行预先编写的程序来实 现数据处理和计算的机器。
ENIAC采用十进制计数制,基于电子管进行二进制运算。它 使用了一种称为“条件分支”的逻辑结构,以及一种延迟线 的内存储器。程序和数据通过插接板输入,运算结果通过灯 泡和电机驱动的机械式寄存器输出。
ENIAC能进行每秒5000次的加法运算,360次的乘法运 算,以及更复杂的运算,如平方根和三角函数等,相比之 前的计算工具,运算速度有了质的飞跃。
ENIAC于1945年开始研制,1946年完 工,由美国宾夕法尼亚大学莫尔电气 工程学院(Moore School of Electrical Engineering)研制成功。











Summit采用了IBM的POWER9 CPU和NVIDIA的V100 GPU来提供强大的计算能力和图形处理能力。


















你知道怎么用英语表达吗?A computer model capable of more accurately forecasting and analyzing the cause of smoggy days is expected to be put into operation in the following three to five years.The simulation model will be developed using the technology of Tianhe-1A, which ranked as the world's fastest supercomputer from November 2010 to June 2011, and the model's data will be revised in light of actual observation data from other monitors.The model is also expected to forecast weather conditions further in advance compared with current air quality monitors in operation.一台能够更准确地预测和分析雾霾天气形成原因的计算机模型预计将在未来三到五年内投入运行。


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Enhancing computational power:DALI child agents generation⋆Stefania Costantini Arianna TocchioUniversit`a degli Studi di L’AquilaDipartimento di InformaticaVia Vetoio,Loc.Coppito,I-67010L’Aquila-Italy{stefcost,tocchio}@di.univaq.itAbstract.In this paper we introduce a novel feature of the DALI language:aDALI agent is now able to activate child agents and to feed them either with agoal to be reached or a result to be obtained.Each child agent is independentand can communicate with its father or with other agents.When the childfinallyreaches the given goal,it notifies the father.At any point,the latter may possiblydecide to stop it.Then:(i)each child is aware of the identity of its father;(ii)eachchild will notify the father about its achievements;(iii)a child can be stopped bythe father;(iv)the father may set a limited amount of time for children’s activ-ities completion.We introduce the mechanisms for children generation and thecorresponding operational semantics,and then present an example.1IntroductionIntelligent agents by using their potentialities are able at least to some extent to over-come problems such as limited computational resources,non-deterministic environ-ment,and insufficient knowledge.When a problem is not naturally multi-agent based, a sole agent is capable of solving it by taking enough computational resources and in-formation about its environment.In a lot of problem domains however,the context naturally requires several agents to take a role in problem-solving or,more generally,requires the adoption of a multi-agent strategy.A multi-agent system is composed of multiple interacting agents which are typically capable of cooperating to solve problems that are beyond the capabilities of any individual agent.Building a cooperation strategy is not easy:an agent,contrary to an object,can renounce to cooperate or,as emphasized in[5],can reveal itself an unreliable collaborator.So,when an agent accepts the aid of another one,it implicitly assumes a certain risk degree on its future activity.Can an agent minimize this risk?In some cases the response to this query is’yes’.Some kind of problems requiring a certain degree of computational power that a single agent cannot provide can be faced not by invoking the collaboration of external agents,but by generating child agents.⋆We acknowledge support by the Information Society Technologies programme of the European Commission,Future and Emerging Technologies under the IST-2001-37004W ASP project.The difference is relevant:a child agent is reliable and cannot refuse to give as-sistance.In fact,the basic premise of coordination is that if an agent cannot solve an assigned problem using local resources/expertise,it will decompose the problem into sub-problems and try tofind other willing agents with the necessary resources/expertise to solve these sub-problems.By using child agents,the sub-problems assignment is solved by a simple message exchange between father and children without adopting a contracting mechanism.Moreover,the possibility to assign complex tasks to one or more child agents allows the father to keep its energies for more strategic activities.In particular a father agent,by delegating a time-expensive jobs to a child,can maintain a high reactivity degree and respond timely to the changes in the environment.This is a not negligible detail.A limit of this approach is that a child agent cannot resolve tasks that require a knowledge degree that the father agent does not posses,unless the child acquires knowledge autonomously from other external sources.According to the above considerations,we have introduced in the DALI frame-work the ability to generate children.An important motivation for this improvement has been the need for our agents to face not-trivial planning problems by means of the invocation of a performant planner,such as for instance an Answer Set solver[7].The idea of Answer Set Programming[20]is to represent a given computational problem by means of a logic program whose answer sets correspond to solutions and then use an answer set solver,e.g.,SMODELS or DLV,tofind an answer set for this program. Answer Set Programming has proved to be a strong formalism for planning[12],and thus appears suitable for an integration with DALI.As a planning process can require a significant amount of time tofind a solution,the possibility for an agent to assign this time-expensive activity to its children can constitute a real advantage.Another motivation for generating children is,more generally,that of splitting an agent goal into subgoals to be delegated to children.This possibly with the aim of ob-taining different results by means of different strategies,and then comparing the various alternatives and choosing the best ones.The father provides the child with all the infor-mation useful tofind the solution and,optionally,with an amount of time within which to resolve the assigned problem.In this paper,we present the details on the child generation capability of DALI agents while the current work to integrate DALI and Answer Set Programming will be presented in forthcoming papers.This paper is organized as follows:in Section2we introduce the main functionalities of the DALI language;in Section3we explain briefly the DALI communication architecture;in Section4we present the Operational Seman-tics of our language;Section5is reserved to outline the child generation mechanism of DALI agents,Section6presents the related operational semantics laws,Section7 shows an example of application.Finally,we conclude this paper with some remarks and discussion of related work.2The DALI languageDALI[3]is an Active Logic Programming language designed in the line of[10]for executable specification of logical agents.The reactive and proactive behavior of the2DALI agent is triggered by several kinds of events:external events,internal,present and past events.All the events and actions are timestamped,so as to record when they occurred.An external event is a particular stimulus perceived by the agent from the environ-ment.In fact,if we define S={s1:t0,...,s n:t k}as the set of external stimuli s k that the agent received from the world during the interval(t0,t k),where the set of “external events”E is a subset of S.In particular,we can define the set of external events as follows:Definition1(Set of External Events).We define the set of external events perceived by the agent from time t1to time t n as a set E={e1:t1,...,e n:t n}where E⊆S.A single external event e i is an atom indicated with a particular postfix in order to be distinguished from other DALI language events.More precisely:Definition2(External Event).An external event is syntactically indicated by postfix E and it is defined as:ExtEvent::=<<Atom E>>|seq<<Atom E>>where an Atom is a predicate symbol applied to a sequence of terms and a term is either a constant or a variable or a function symbol applied in turn to a sequence of terms.External events allow an agent to react through a particular kind of rules,reactive rules, aimed at interacting with the external environment.When an event comes into the agent from its“external world”,the agent can perceive it and decide to react.The reaction is defined by a reactive rule which has in its head that external event.The special token :>,used instead of:−,indicates that reactive rules performs forward reasoning.Definition3(Reactive rule).A reactive rule has the form:ExtEvent E:>Body or ExtEvent1E,...,ExtEvent nE:>Bodywhere Body::=seq<<Obj>>andObj::=<<Action A>>|<<Goals G>>|<<Atom>>|...The agent remembers to have reacted by converting the external event into a past event (time-stamped).Operationally,if an incoming external event is recognized,i.e.,corre-sponds to the head of a reactive rule,it is added into a list called EV and consumed according to the arrival order,unless priorities are specified.The internal events define a kind of“individuality”of a DALI agent,making it proactive independently of the environment,of the user and of the other agents,and allowing it to manipulate and revise its knowledge.More precisely:Definition4(Internal Event).An internal event is syntactically indicated by postfix I:InternalEvent::=<<Atom I>>The structure of an internal event is composed by two rules.Thefirst one contains the conditions(knowledge,past events,procedures,etc.)that must be true so that the reaction(in the second rule)may happen:IntEvent:−ConditionsIntEvent I:>Body3where Conditions::=seq<<Obj cond>>andObj cond::=<<P astEvent P>>|<<Atom>>|<<Belief>>|... Moreover,Body::=seq<<Obj body>>andObj body::=<<Action A>>|<<Goals G>>|<<Atom>>|...Internal events are automatically attempted with a default frequency customizable by means of directives in the initializationfile.The user’s directives can tune several para-meters:at which frequency the agent must attempt the internal events;how many times an agent must react to the internal event(forever,once,twice,...)and when(forever, when triggering conditions occur,...);how long the event must be attempted(until some time,until some terminating conditions,forever).When an agent perceives an event from the“external world”,it does not necessarily react to it immediately:it has the possibility of reasoning about the event,before(or instead of)triggering a reaction.Reasoning also allows a proactive behavior.In this situation,the event is called present event and is formalized as follows:Definition5(Present Event).A present event is syntactically indicated by postfix N: P resentEvent::=<<Atom N>>|seq<<Atom N>>The syntax of a present event usage is:InternalEvent:−P resentEvent NInternalEvent I:>Bodywhere Body::=seq<<Object>>andObject::=<<Action A>>|<<Goals G>>|<<Atom>>|...Actions are the agent’s way of affecting the environment,possibly in reaction to either an external or internal event.An action in DALI can be also a message sent by an agent to another one.Definition6(Action).An action is syntactically indicated by postfix A:Action::=<<Atom A>>|message A<<Atom,Atom>>Actions take place in the body of rules:Head:−Bodywhere Body::=seq<<Object>>andObject::=<<Action A>>|<<Goals G>>|<<Atom>>|...In DALI,actions may have or not preconditions:in the former case,the actions are defined by actions rules,in the latter case they are just action atoms.An action rule is just a plain rule,but in order to emphasize that it is related to an action,we have introduced the new token:<,thus adopting the following syntax:Definition7(Action rule).An action rule has the form:Action:<P reconditionswhere P reconditions::=seq<<Object>>andObject::=<<P astEvent P>>|<<Atom>>|<<Belief>>|...Similarly to external and internal events,actions are recorded as past actions.4A DALI agent is able to build a plan in order to reach an objective,by using internal events of a particular kind,called planning goals.A goal has postfix G,and like an internal event is defined by two rules.Thefirst one is attempted when the goal is invoked and activates its subgoals,if any.The second one contains a reaction related to the reached subgoal.The relevant difference between an internal event and a planning goal is that while the former starts being attempted when the agent is born,the latter is attempted when invoked by a rule.A DALI agent is also able to verify if a goal was reached by using a special kind of atom with a postfix T.When the interpreter meets the construct goal T,it checks if a past event goal P or a fact corresponding to this predicate exists.Past events represent the agent’s“memory”,that makes it capable to perform future activities while having experience of previous events,and of its own previous conclu-sions.Past events are kept for a certain default amount of time,that can be modified by the user through a suitable directive in the initializationfile.A past event is formalized as follows:Definition8(Past Event).A past event is syntactically indicated by the postfix P:P astEvent::=<<Atom P>>3DALI Communication ArchitectureThe DALI communication architecture consists of four levels.Thefirst and last levels implement the DALI/FIPA communication protocol and afilter on communication,i.e.a set of rules that decide whether or not receive(told check level)or send a message (tell check level).The DALI communicationfilter is specified by means of meta-level rules defining the distinguished predicates tell and told.Whenever a message is re-ceived,with content part primitive(Content,Sender)the DALI interpreter automatically looks for a corresponding told rule.If such a rule is found,the interpreter attempts to prove told(Sender,primitive(Content)).If this goal succeeds,then the message is accepted,and primitive(Content))is added to the set of the external events incoming into the receiver agent.Otherwise,the message is discarded.Symmetrically,the mes-sages that an agent sends are subjected to a check via tell rules.The second level in-cludes a meta-reasoning layer,that tries to understand message contents,possibly based on ontologies and/or on forms of commonsense reasoning.The third level consists of the DALI interpreter.4Operational SemanticsThe operational semantics of DALI system[4]is defined by adopting an approach which is a novelty in the agent world.The novelty in particular is that we use a formal dialogue game in order to define the full operational semantics of the DALI interpreter.5Fig.1.DALI communication architectureRecently,formal dialogue games,which have been studied in philosophy since the time of Aristotle,have found application as the basis for interaction protocols between au-tonomous agents[13][14].Dialogue games are formal interactions between two or more participants,in which participants“move“by uttering statements according to pre-defined rules.Dialogue game protocols have been proposed for agent team formation,persuasion, negotiation over scarce resources,consumer purchase interactions and joint delibera-tion over a course of action is some situation([11],[17],[18],[19])but,to the best of our knowledge,they have not been used up to now to give a formal description of an agent language.In our formalization we assume that the DALI interpreter plays a game and thus makes“moves”not only towards other agents,but also towards itself.By adopt-ing this approach we explain the behavior of each layer of the architecture and their interactions.We define a formal dialogue game framework that focuses on the rules of dialogue,regardless the meaning the agent may place on the locutions uttered.Dialogue games has been applied successfully in negotiation contexts because in these cases is possible to individuate easily players and moves.Thefirst question that we faced in order to formalize the operational semantics of DALI architecture has been in fact:which are the players and which moves can they make?We considered that the DALI architecture is composed by layers and each layer adopts a specific behavior.A layer can be viewed as a dark box whose behavior is determined only by moves of other correlated layers and by its policy.By adopting this view point,our players are the layers and moves are defined through laws and transitions rules.A strategy for a player is a set of rules that describe exactly how that player should choose,depending on how the other player has chosen at earlier moves.The rules of the operational semantic show how the states of an agent change according to the applica-6tion of the transition rules.We define a rule as a combination of states and laws.Each law links the rule to the interpreter behavior and is based on the DALI architecture.Our work demonstrates how solutions from game theory together with computing theories can be used to publicly specify rules and prove desirable properties for agent systems. In order to make it clear what we intend for state,law and transition rule,we adopt the following definitions.Definition9(State of a DALI agent).Let Ag x be the name of a DALI agent.Wedefine the internal state IS Agx of a DALI agent as the tuple<E,N,I,A,G,T,P>composed by its sets of events,actions and goals.Definition10(Law).We define a law L x as a framework composed by the following elements:–name:the name of law;–locution:the arguments that the law takes;–preconditions:the preconditions to apply the law;–meaning:the meaning of the law;–response:the effects of the applied law;Definition11(Transition rule).A transition rule is described by two pairs and some laws.If the transition is internal to the same agent,a transition rule corresponds to: <Ag x,<P,IS,Mode>>L i,...,L j−→<Ag x,<NewP,NewIS,NewMode>> Starting from thefirst pair and by applying the current laws,we obtain the secondpair where some parameters have changed.Each pair is defined as<Ag x,S Agx >,where Ag x is the name of the agent and the operational state S Agx is the triple<P Agx ,IS Agx,Mode Agx>.Thefirst argument is the logic program(written in DALI)of the agent,the second one is the internal state,the third one is a particular attribute describing what the interpreter is doing.NewP,NewIS and NewMode indicate, respectively,P,IS and Mode updated after applying L i,...,L j laws.A transition rule can also describe how an agent can influence an other one.In this case,we will have:<Ag x,<P Agx ,IS Agx,Mode Agx>>L i,...,L j−→<Ag y,<P Agy,IS Agy,Mode Agy>>wherex=yThe operational semantics viewed with the eyes of game theory transforms TOLD filter into TOLD player,META level into META player,and so on until TELLfilter that becomes TELL player.Also the DALI internal interpreter becomes a player that plays with the other structural player and with itself.What will we expect from these players? Their behavior is surely cooperative because only if all levels work together,a DALI agent will satisfy the user expectations.The players are not malicious because our game is innocent and does not involve any competition strategy.So,we expect each player to follow deterministically the laws and rules and produces a set of moves admissible. These moves will influence the other players and will determine the global game.When does a player win?The game that an agent plays with itself and with the other agents is innocent,so we do not intend define rigorously the concept of winner.7Our winner is the player which play with success a specific game.More precisely,we intend,after defining the general operational semantics,to prove some relevant proper-ties of DALI language.For us,each property that must be demonstrated is a particular game that a player must face through defined the laws and rules.A player wins if plays successfully a game/property proposed.Next sections will describe the ability of DALI agents to generate children.5Child generation capabilityA DALI agent is able to activate child agents and to feed them either with a goal to be reached or a result to be obtained.Each child agent is independent and can communicate with its father or with other agents.When the childfinally reaches the given goal,it notifies the father.At any point,the latter may possibly decide to stop it.This will mostly happen either after obtaining results,or when the time amount that the father means to allocate to the child’s task has expired.Then:(i)each child is aware of the identity of its father;(ii)each child will notify the father about its achievements;(iii)a child can be stopped by the father;(iv)the father may set a limited amount of time for children’s activities completion.Apart from that,a child agent is a DALI one,equipped with its own knowledge base,directives and communicationfilter,and can in turn create children.This feature is relevant for DALI multi-agent system scalability.From a cognitive point of view,it allows the father for instance to:compute and then compare various alternative plans (or intentions in the BDI view);perform hypothetical reasoning;create its own local social setting in the form of a society of agents,each one with its role and commitment. The resulting architecture,useful to DALI agents to generate children,is divisible in three modules,each of which offers specific functionalities.Thefirst module allows a father agent to create children,the second one establishes a connection between father and child,the third one determines the child life time.5.1Create childrenThisfirst module allows each DALI agent to activate,through a specific action,one or more children.The new generated agent can include,according to the fatherly will, either the knowledge base of the father or a different knowledge base KB specified at the generation moment.If the child incorporates the father logic program and knowledge, the action able to create it will be:–create A(Num Children),where Num Children specifies how many agents the father intends to generate.The KB specification implies that the child agent will have the knowledge and logic program contained in the specifiedfile:–create A(NumF igli,KB),where Num Children has the same meaning speci-fied above and KB specifies thefile name containing the knowledge base.8For instance,an agent party who plays the role of a party organizer,can generate the following children:create A(1,c:/kb/cake.txt,ontology1).create A(1,c:/kb/fizz.txt,ontology2).Children will be named by default party child1and party child2(child1and child2for the father).Thefiles cake.txt and fizz.txt contain all the activation data (including knowledge bases and,optionally,ontologies)for the two agents.After this generation process,a child agent will have all potentialities to be able itself to generate further children.In other words,each child agent can become a father one.A particular mechanism avoids child agents to be given the same name.The last step of this module is to check if the activation succeeds:to this aim,the father agentchild.sends a specific message to each5.2Connect moduleThis module provides two functionalities:thefirst one establishes the connection be-tween father and child agents;the second one allows the father to assign a sub-goal to its child that,when it reaches its task,advises the father on its success. As soon as the child agent becomes active,it receives by the father the message: born(F ather name).Its child keeps in its memory the father name and sends to it the message:hello dad(Child name)Starting from the moment in which this hap-pens,two agents can communicate between them.When the father reaches the internal conclusion that it is necessary to assign a goal to a child,it sends one of the following messages:9–solve goal(Goal,Ev,T ime):the child has a time limit to resolve its task.The Ev parameter is necessary because the father must trigger specific reactive rules(in the child program)to activate the resolution process;–solve goal(Goal,Ev):the child agent does not have afixed amount of time to return the solution to the father;The child,as soon as its goal is reached,tells the father through a confirm message. 5.3Lifetime moduleThis third module kills the child agent when its allocated time has expired.DALI child agents have a specific internal event that checks from time to time if the current agent elapsed time has exceeded the value specified at the generation act.In this case,not only the agent is killed but also its data are erased.6Operational semantics of children generationIn this Section we show the operational semantics rules that cope with children genera-tion.In particular,the laws are L19-L24in the context of the119overall transition rules [21].–L19:initialize child(.)law:Locution:initialize child(Logic program/KB,Ontology)Preconditions:The agent reaches the conclusion(by an internal event)that it needs a child.Meaning:This law allows an agent to generate a child agent.If either Logic program or Ontology are empty,the generated child will inherit the parameters of the father,else it takes the specified value.Response:The agent has a child agent.–L20:The active child law:Locution:active childPreconditions:The child agent has been initialized.Meaning:This law activates a child agent.After the activation,the child agent enters the“wait”mode and is ready to receive communication acts from the father.Father and child can communicate by using the usual DALI primitives.Response:The child agent is active.–L21:The expired time child law:Locution:expired time childPreconditions:The time assigned from the father to child is expired.Meaning:This law checks the time assigned to the child agent.Response:The father informs the child that the time isfinished and asks for the results.10–L22:The obtain result law:Locution:obtain resultPreconditions:The time assigned to the child has expired.Meaning:The child agent has reached the requested result and it sends it to the father.Response:The father obtains the result.–L23:The not obtain result law:Locution:not obtain resultPreconditions:The time assigned to child has expired.Meaning:The child agent has not achieved the requested result.Response:The father does not obtain the result.–L24:The kill child law:Locution:kill childPreconditions:The child agent terminates its job.Meaning:The father resets the internal state of the agent and removes it from the environment.Response:The child is dead.7An example:organizing a partyIn this section we show an example in which an agent,having had a promotion,or-ganizes a party in order to offer a cake and afizz bottle to its friends.To this aim, it identifies two subgoals:to prepare the cake and to buy the bottle.Then,it creates two children in order to assign them the two tasks.We suppose that the internal event triggering the party organization is organize party:organize party:−promotion P.organize party I:>child name(F1,1),child name(F2,2),message A(F1,confirm(solve goal(cake ready,cake),user)),message A(F2,confirm(solve goal(fizz ready,fizz,120000),user)).where the child name/2predicate is useful to obtain the child agents names.Via the messages solve goal,the children receive the goals assignment.When the father agent receives the communications from the children that their tasks have been accomplished, it starts the party.start party:−cake ready P,fizz ready P.start party I:>write(′T he party is starting...′),invite everyone A.After the generation,the child agents tell the user about their birth by printing:11Hello World.....My name is party child1My father is partywhile the father party,verified the success of the generation process,writes:My son is party child1My son is party child2Once started,children will react to an event of the form solve goal(G)coming from their father.In this case,for instance,the father will be able to ask children to prepare a cake and drinks respectively,by means of the messages:message A(child1,confirm(solve goal(cake ready)).message A(child1,confirm(solve goal(buy drinks)).The father will be notified by the children when the goal will have been reached,and made aware of results.Notice that the second child has a time limit to give a solution. Below we show the logic programs of two children.The agent party child1The knowledge base of this agent consists in the cake.txtfile and contains the following rules:cake E:>preparing cake G.preparing cake:−haveF lour P.preparing cake I:>cake ready A.The agent triggers the goal preparing cake G while the connect module starts to verify if the assigned time is expired.In order to reach its goal,the agent is in need of flour.If the agent receives theflour,it prepares the cake and informs its father:make(cake ready)send message to(party child1,send message(cake,party child1))send message to(party child1,agree(cake ready,party child1))send message to(party child1,inform(agree(cake ready),values(yes),party child1))Reached Goal:cake readysend message to(party,confirm(cake ready,party child1)).The agent party child2This agent has the following logic program:fizz E:>buy fizz G.buy fizz:−haveMoney P.buy fizz I:>fizz ready A.In order to reach its goal,this child must have sufficient money.In this case,it buys the bottle and advices its father.The last exchanged messages are:Reached Goal:fizz readysend message to(party,confirm(fizz ready,party child2))12。
