1. ag, act [L]=to do, to drive做,驱使① age ②aggression③agitational④ agaze⑤ tractor ⑥ factory ⑦ actuary ⑧ coactionB.判断下列派生词中act是词根还是单词:① react ② re-act ③ ex-actor ④ exactor⑤ underact ⑥ overact ⑦ coact ⑧ enact2. [举一反三]根据例子写出后面单词的中文意思。
A.例:agitate v.鼓动→agitator n.鼓动者① act v.行动,行为→actor n.② exact v.强索,强征(捐税等)→exactor n.③ activate v. [化]使活化→activator n.B. active a.积极的→actively ad.积极地① interactive a.相互作用的→interactively ad.② reactive a.反动的→reactively ad.③ counteractive a.抵制的→counteractively ad.3. [望文生义]根据已知单词的含义求出其同根词的含义。
①已知:coact v.共同行动,合力工作(提示:co-=together)求:coaction n.coactive a.②已知:counteract v.抵抗,抵制;抵消(提示:counter-=against)求:counteraction n.counteractive a.③已知:retroact v.倒行;追溯既往(提示:retro-=backward)求:retroactive a.retroaction n.4. [同义相连]请将左栏的单词和右栏中相对应的词义连接起来。
A.含ag的名词派生词① coagent a.反作用剂;反抗力② subagent b.共事者;合作者③ reagent c.副代理人④ counteragent d.反应力;反应物⑤ subagency e.分代理处B.含act的名词派生词① activable a.不活动的;不活跃的② exactable b. [化] 能被活化的③ inactive c.可强取的;可强求而得的④ reactionary d.倒行的;有追溯效力的⑤ retroactive e.反动的5. [寻根问底]指出下列单词的词根并领会其词义的由来。
基础词根(20个)汉义英词希腊源拉丁源例词前before pro- pre- prognosis (预后) / precardiac (心前的)上above hyper-, epi- super- epigastrium(上腹部) /superofrontal (额上的)下below hypo- sub- hypotension(低血压)/ subneural(神经下的) 内inside endo- intra- endocrine(内分泌的)/ intervenous(静脉内的)多many, much poly- multi- polyuria(多尿症)/ multipara (经产妇)同sameness homo- iso- homobody(同体)/ isotope (同位素)异difference allo- hetero- allosome(异染色体)/ heterotopia(异位)半half hemi- semi- hemisection(半切除)/ semicanal (半管)一one mono- uni- monoclonal(单克隆的)/ unicellular (单细胞的)二two di- bi- diarthric(两关节的)/ bidental(双牙的)运动系统(10个)汉义英词希腊源拉丁源例词肌肉flesh myo- musculo- myofiber(肌纤维)/ musculotendinous(肌腱的)骨bone osteo- os- osteoporosis(骨质疏松)/ ossa pedis (足骨)关节joint arthro- articulo- a rthritis(关节炎)/ articulation (关节)椎骨vertebra spondylo- vertebro- spondylodynia脊椎痛/ vertebrocostal(椎肋的)脊柱backbone rachio- spino- rachiomyelitis(脊髓炎)/ spinocortical(脊髓皮质的)心血管系统(10个+备用8个)汉义英词希腊源拉丁源例词心heart cardio- cor- cardiology(心脏病学)/ cor bovinum (牛心症)心房atrium atrio- aurico- atrium(心房)/ auricula (心房)血blood hemo- hemato- hemoglobin(血红蛋白)/ hematology (血液学)血管vessel angio- vaso- angiofibroma(血管纤维瘤)/ vascular (血管的)静脉vein phlebo- veno- phlebology(静脉学)/ venoclysis (静脉输注)快fast tachy- tachycardia (心动过速)慢slow brady bradycardia (心动过缓)主动脉aorto------- main artery毛细血管capillo------slim vessel血栓thrombo--------clot of blood血清sero-------watery part of blood.淋巴lympho-----colorless fluid from the tissues or organs of the body,containing white-cells.胸腺thymo-----a kind of gland in chest.呼吸系统(6个+ 备用5个)汉义英词希腊源拉丁源例词呼吸breath pneumo- spiro- pneumocardiography(呼吸心动描记法)/ spirography(呼吸描记法)鼻nose rhino- naso- rhinoplasty(鼻整形术)/ nasolabial (鼻唇的)肺lung pneumono- pulmo- pneumonia (肺炎)/ pulmonologist (肺脏病学家)咽pharyngo----喉laryngo------the hollow box like part in your throat where you make voice sounds气管tracheo----wind-pipe支气管broncho----slim windpipe胸膜pleuro----delicate membrance of the thorax and the lungs.呼吸-pnea -----breathe消化系统(第一组10个;第二组10个;备用7个)汉义英词希腊源拉丁源例词消化digestion pepso- gesto- pepsin(胃蛋白酶)/口mouth stomato- oro- stomatology(口腔医学)/ oronasal(口鼻的)舌tongue glosso- linguo- glossocele(大舌病)/ lingular (小舌的)牙teeth odonto- dento- odontoma(牙瘤)/ dentist(牙医)肝liver hepato- jeco- hepatization(肝样变)/ jecorize (鱼肝油化)胆gall bladder chole- bili- cholecyst(胆囊)/ biligenensis(胆汁生成)肠gut entero- intestino- enterococcin(肠球菌素)/ intestinotoxin(肠毒素)直肠rectum procto- recto- proctectomy (直肠切除术)/ rectum (直肠)肛门anus procto- ano- proctodynia(肛部痛)/ anus (肛门)糖glucose glyco- saccharo- glycogen(糖原)/ saccharose (蔗糖)食道esophago-胃gastro-幽门pyloro-阑尾appendo-胆囊cholecysto-胰腺pancreato-酶-ase泌尿系统(6个+4个= 10个)汉义英词希腊源拉丁源例词肾kidney nephro- reno- nephrosis(肾变病)/ renocortical (肾皮质的)肾盂renal pelvis pyelo- pelvi- pyelopathy(肾盂病)/ pelviostpmy(肾盂造口术)膀胱bladder cysto- vesico- cystotome(膀胱刀)/ vesicocolic(膀胱结肠的)尿urine uro- urocyst (膀胱)水water hydro- hydromyelia (脊髓积水)球菌coccus cocco- coccobacillus(球杆菌)结石stone litho- litholysis(结石溶解)皮肤、感觉器官(6个)汉义英词希腊源拉丁源例词皮肤skin dermato- cutaneo- dermatitis(皮炎)/ cutaneomucosal(皮粘膜的)眼eye ophthalmo- oculo- ophthalmosurgery(眼外科)/耳ear oto- auri- otology(耳科学)/ auriform(耳状的)药理学(2个)汉义英词希腊源拉丁源例词药drug pharmaco- medicine pharmacogenetics(药物遗传学)疗法treatment -therapy remedy chemotherapy(化疗)诊断(7个)汉义英词希腊源例词表,量器measure -meter thermometer (温度计)度量,测量to measure -metry pelvimetry (骨盆测量法)图,像 a mark -gram electrocardiogram (心电图)图-graph electrocardiograph (心动电流描记器)书写,记录to write -graphy electrocardiography (心动电流描记法)镜to examine -scope endoscope (内镜)检查法to examine -scopy endoscopy (内镜检查术)外科学(6个)汉义英词希腊源例词切开cutting -tomy anatomy (解剖)切除cut away -ectomy appendectomy (阑尾切除术)造口opening -stomy gastrostomy (胃造口术)成形shape -plasty cardioplasty (贲门成形术)缝合sew -rrhaphy herniorraphy (疝缝手术)固定术fixation -pexy hepatopexy (肝固定术)典型词素(第一组10个;第二组9个)情况-ia anoxia (缺氧症)瘤-oma carcinoma (癌)炎症-itis hepatitis (肝炎)痛-algia arthralgia (关节痛)痛-dynia osteodynia (骨痛)血症-emia leukemia (白血病)尿-uria oliguria (少尿症)病态,状态-osis sclerosis (硬化症)贫乏,缺少-penia erythropenia (红细胞减少)患病状态,疾病-pathy myopathy (肌病)细胞cell -cyte monocyte (单核细胞)体-some chromosome(染色体)嗜-phil acidophilia (嗜酸性)杀死-cide g ermicide(杀虫剂)溶解-lysis hemolysis (溶血)溢出-(o)rrhea diarrhea(腹泻)恐惧-phobe hydrophobia(恐水症)…学科-iatry/ -iatrics pediatrics (儿科)..状的-form filiform (线形的)成…细胞-blast osteoblast (成骨细胞)。
基础医学英语词根arthr(o)—关节articul(o)—关节--blast成—细胞calci(o)—钙carp(o)—腕骨chondr(o)—软骨--clast破—细胞cost(o)—肋骨crani(o)—颅骨femor(o)—股骨myel(o)—脊髓oste(o)—骨phalang(o)—指,趾stern(o)—胸骨vertebr(o)—椎骨--it is炎症--cyte细胞--penia减少--emia血症--ectomy切除术--oscopy检查术--cele疝--oid—样的cerebr(o)—大脑hyp(o)—在··下,底下mid—中部的,中间的vas(o)—血管gangli(o)—神经节micr(o)—小的,微cerebell(o)—小脑encephal(o)—脑thalam(o)—丘脑mening(o)—脑膜ventricul(o)—脑(心)室sympath(o)—交感神经para—副,旁边的,异常parasympath(o)—副交感神经myelin(o)—髓磷脂spin(o)—脊髓hem(o)—血plasm(o)—血浆reticul(o)—网thromb(o)—血栓fibr(o)—纤维ser(o)—血清phag(o)—吞噬immun(o)—免疫lymph(o)—淋巴bas(o)—碱--poiesis产生--stasis 制止,停止--in··素,··质sider(o)—铁agglutin(o)—凝块,凝集--gen··原hyper—过多,亢进adren(o)—肾上腺neur(o)—神经hydr(o)—水,氢gluc(o)—糖ster(o)—固体coll(o)—胶somat(o)—身体thyr(o)—甲状腺natr(i)—钠kal(i)—钾acr(o)—顶,顶体dips(o)—渴pineal(o)—松果体--tropin激素pharyng(o)—咽esophag(o)—食道gastr(o)—胃celi(o)—腹enter(o)—肠duoden(o)—十二指肠jejun(o)—空肠ile(o)—回肠col(o)—结肠rect(o)—直肠an(o)—肛门hepat(o)—肝cholecyst(o)—胆囊bil(i)—胆汁pept(i)—消化nephr(o)—肾epitheli(o)—上皮erythr(o)—红end(o)—内peri—周围--oma瘤--ology··学--cyte细胞--uria尿症--toxin毒素nephr(o)—肾pyel(o)—肾盂glomerul(o)—肾小球bio—生命cyst(o)—囊,膀胱cyt(o)—细胞hist(o)—组织men(o)—月经my(o)—肌ovari(o)—卵巢placent(o)—输尿管ureter(o)—尿道--gram图--graph图,描记器--graphy摄影,记录--pathy病--scope镜--scopy检查术cardi(o)—心脏aort(o)—主动脉angi(o)—血管arteri(o)—动脉phleb(o)—静脉ven(o)—静脉splanchn(o)—内脏steth(o)—胸splen(o)—脾--lith石,结石--rrhexis破裂coron(o)—冠atri(o)—(心)房capillar(o)—毛细血管larryng(o)—喉esophag(o)—食管trache(o)—气管bronch(o)—支气管macr(o)—大thorac(o)—胸pleur(o)—胸膜inter—中间intra—在内trans—经过,横过--dynia痛--rrhage出血--plasty成形术--tomy切开术nas(o)—鼻carcin(o)—癌sarc(o)--肉,肌ne(o)—新prot(o)—原,原始leuk(o),leuc(o)—白retr(o)—后,在后面prostat—前列腺onc(o)—肿瘤--therapy疗法--alagia痛--tachy快ur(o)—尿megal(o)—巨,大de—去,脱--lysis溶解,分解--some体--plasm浆,质--ase酶troph(o)—营养hepat(o)—肝kary(o)—核morph(o)—形态chrom(o)—颜色embry(o)—胚胎abdomin(o)—腹部brady—缓,慢albumin(o)—白蛋白cyan(o)—绀色,青re—再,重复a—无mono—单iso—同poly—多oligo—少,寡--oid类似gen(o)—基因eti(o)—原因hemi—半ile(o)—回肠orth(o)—直pancreat(o)—胰腺proct(o)—直肠,肛anti—抗homo—同一exo—外,在外extra--外--coccus球菌path(o)—病strept(o)—链hetero—异,杂pneum(o)—肺maga—巨,大pylor(o)—幽门aden(o)—腺ante—在前bi—二个--phil嗜pharmacy(o)—药alkal(o)—碱necr(o)—坏死,死亡lys(o)—溶解,分解bscterio—细菌appendic(o),append(o)—阑尾,附件circum—周围,回cry(o)—寒冷derm—皮肤inguin(o)—腹股沟lapar(o)—腹lip(o)—脂肪narco—麻醉orchid(o)—睾丸dys—不良,困难,障碍mal—病,不良mult—多,多数--sis病,症--ectomy切除术ren(o)—肾iatro—医师,医学ather(o)—脂肪变性,动脉粥样化pyo—脓vesic(o)—膀胱amnio—羊膜的andro—雄的colp(o)—阴道gyn(e)—妇,女性acetyl—乙酰基amin(o)—氨基chlor—氯chol(e)—胆dynam(o)—力electr(o)—电的kinet(o)—可动的osmo—渗透stero—硬脂--ide盐,化合物--cide杀hyster(o)—子宫mast(o)—乳房metr(o)—子宫auto—自体,自动的epi—在··上,向sub—亚,从uni—单一的--ology学科,知识noct—夜supra—在···上syn—相同somn—睡眠--cele膨出,疝,积水--centesis穿刺术--meter测量计--metry测量法--pexy固定术pre—在··之前psych(o)—心理,精神muscul(o)—肌肉vascul(o)—血管--cian专业人员--ptosis下垂--rrhea流出,漏--tome刀--tomy切开术omphal(o)—脐aniso—不等pseudo—假。
1、常见词根arch: 无anim: 生物;生命anthrop:人;人类aud:听ben:好biblio:书籍bio:生命;生物cent:百chron:时间com: 一起cycl:圆的dict:说;告诉duce, duct:引导;领导fact:制作gen:产生geo:土地gram, graph:书写物homo:同;自身hydro:水join, junct:连接leg, lect:读logy:学科;词medi:中间的mem:记忆miss, mit:发送mov, mot:移动nom:法则;规则nov:新的ortho:直;正ped, pod:足port:携带;支承psych:心理scrib, scrip:写sequ, secut:随后的simi, simul:相似的;相同的spect:看;查tech:技术tele:远tempor:时间terr:土地test:证实tract:拉vene, vent:召集ver:核实vid, vis:看;视voc, voke:召唤2、常见前缀ab-:离去;脱离abnormal adj.不正常的,反常的(即背离正常的)abort v. (使)流产,(使)(某事物)中止abortion n.e.g. The doctor had to abort the baby.They aborted the space flight finally.ac-, ad-, af-, ag-:进入;向前accelerate v.(使)加快, (使)增速e.g. The car suddenly accelerated. advance v. 前进;提高aggress v. 进攻,侵犯an-:无anemia n.贫血(无血之意)anesthesia n.无感觉,麻醉ante-:在前antechamber n.前厅antecede v. 先前,先行anti-:反对;抗antiwar adj.反战的auto-:自;自身automobile n. 汽车autoland n. (飞机由电子装置控制的) 自动着陆autobiography n.自传bi-:双;二bilingual adj.两种语言的;能说两种语言的n. 能说两种语言的人bilateral adj. 双边的, 双方的e.g. They have been negotiating a bilateral trade deal.by-:在旁;附属;次要的bypass n. v. 绕过, 避开;旁道e.g. He bypassed his colleagues on the board and went ahead with the deal. circum-:绕;周circum-Pacific belt 环太平洋带co-, com-, con-, cor-:一起;共同;和co-worker n.同事=colleaguecomrade n.亲密的伙伴, 战友, 朋友;同志combineconnectconcentric adj.同一中心的,同轴的~ circle 同心圆contra-:反对;相反contradict v.反驳,与…发生矛盾contrastcounter-:反对;逆counter clockwise 逆时针方向counterclockwise adj.逆时针方向的counterculture n.反主流文化de-:向下;减少;除去descend v.下降,下来decelerate v.减速decrease v. n. 减少de-ice v.除去……的冰defatted adj. 脱脂的di-, dia-:二;横过dioxide n. 二氧化物carbon ~dialoguediameter n.直径(semidiameter n.半径) dis-:不;无;解除disarm v.裁军,解除……武器 disable v.使无能力; 使残废ex-:前;向外;除去ex-president 前任总统export n. v. 出口exclude v. 排除 ;不准…进入exhaust n. 排气, 排气装置, 废气vt. 抽完, 用尽, 耗尽, 使精疲力尽extra-:在……外,超出,越出extracurricular adj. 学校课程以外的extraordinary adj. 非凡的,非同寻常的;卓越的hyper-: 超越hyperacoustic adj. 超声波(的) (acoustic adj.声音的,听觉的)hypo-:在…之下,亚,次,次于,不足,从属于hypocritical adj. 伪善的,虚伪的hypodermic n. 皮下注射adj. 皮下注射用的(dermic adj.真皮的,皮肤的)im-, in-:在内;向内import v. n. 进口inborn=innate adj. 天生的, 先天的, 固有的im-, in-, il-, ir-:不impossibleincompleteillegalirresponsibleinter-:在……间;相互interpersonal adj. 人际的internationalintra-, intro-:在内;向内intra-African trade 非洲内部贸易introvert n. 性格内向的人macro-:大macroscopic adj. 宏观的macroeconomics n. 宏观经济学mal-:坏;不良malpractice n. 玩忽职守, 渎职, 不法行为mal-condition n. 恶劣条件malnutrition n.营养不良maltreat v.虐待mega-:大,一百万倍megadose n. (药)大剂量megabit (=MB ) n. 百万位,兆位meta-:变换、转变metabolism n.新陈代谢metaphor n.隐喻metonymy n.转喻micro-:微;小microcosmic n. a. 微观;微观的microscope n. 显微镜microwave n.微波mid-:中midnight n. 午夜mid-autumn festival 中秋节mini-:小miniskirt n.超短裙minimum 最小量mis-:坏,错误,否定misunderstandmisjudgemisfortunemono-:单;一monologuemonolingualmonopoly n.垄断multi-:多multiply v.multiple adj.multimedia n.multilateral adj.多方面的;多边的non-:非;不nongovernmental adj. nonalcoholic adj.不含酒精的nonstop a.直达的over-:超过;过分;在……之上overcareful adj.overwork v.oversleep v.overlap v. 重叠overlook v. 俯视,忽视para-:旁,与...并行;辅助parallelparamedic n. 护理人员;(尤指做急救工作的)医疗辅助人员peri-:周围;包围periphery n.外围,边缘perimeter n. 周边;周长poly-:多;聚polyfunctional 多功能的polyester n.聚酯纤维,涤纶post-:在后;邮件,邮政postwarpostgraduate a. n. 研究生(的)postofficepostcardpre-:预先previewprehistoryprefixprecedent n. 先例precaution n. 预防措施pro-:向前;赞同,亲progresspromotepropel v.推进pro-American 亲美的proabortionist 赞成堕胎者pseudo-:伪pseudonym n.假名,笔名pseudoscience n.伪科学quadr-, quart:四quadruple adj.四倍的;四重的quadrangle n. 四边形quarterquartet n.四重唱(奏)re-:向后,相反;一再,重新retreatreverse a. v. 反转(的),颠倒(的)reflectrearrangereassurere-, retro-:返回;回复replyretrogress v.倒退,退化retrospect n.回顾,回想semi-:半semicirclesemifinal n. 半决赛sub-:在下;低;次subwaysubmarinesubconscious a.suburbsubtitle n. 小标题;字幕super-:超级;上superpower n. 超级大国superstructure n. 上层建筑supervise v.监督,管理trans-:转移,变化;横过,越过transformtranslatetranscontinental a. 横贯大陆的,洲际的transmittransplanttranscend v. 超越tri-:三triple a. 三倍的triangleultra-:极端;超出,超过ultraliberal 极端自由主义的ultrasonic 超音速的,超声波的(sonic adj. 音波的,音速的)un-:不;打开,解开unequaluneducatedunlockunbuttonunearth v. 挖掘,发掘,揭露under-:在……下面;不足,不够undergroundunderseaunderlineunderwearunderestimate underpopulated人口稀少的uni-:单;一uniqueuniformunicell 单细胞【英语字根】 1,ag=do,act 做,动 2,agri=field 田地,农田(agri也做agro,agr) 3,ann=year年 4,audi=hear听 5,bell=war战争 6,brev=short短 7,ced,ceed,cess=go行走 8,cept=take拿取 9,cid,cis=cut,kill切,杀 10,circ=ring环,圈 11,claim,clam=cry,shout喊叫 12,clar=clear清楚,明白 13,clud=close,shut关闭 14,cogn=known知道 15,cord=heart心 16,corpor=body体 17,cred=believe,trust相信,信任 18,cruc=cross 十字 19,cur=care关心 20,cur,curs,cour,cours=run跑 21,dent=tooth牙齿 22,di=day 日 23,dict=say说 24,dit=give给 25,don=give给 26,du=tow二 27,duc,duct=lead引导 28,ed=eat吃 29,equ=equal等,均,平 30,ev=age年龄,寿命,时代,时期 31,fact=do,make做,作 32,fer=bring,carry带拿 33,flor=flower花 34,flu=flow流 35,fus=pour灌,流,倾泄 36,grad=step,go,grade步,走,级 37,gram=write,draw写,画,文字,图形 38,graph=write,records写,画,记录器,图形 39,gress=go,walk 行走 40,habit=dwell居住 41,hibit=hold拿,持 42,hospit=guest客人 43,idio=peculiar,own,private,proper特殊的,个人的,专有的 44,insul=island岛 45,it=go行走 46,ject=throw投掷 47,juven=young年轻,年少 48,lectchoose,gather选,收 49,lev=raise举,升 50,liber=free自由 51,lingu=language语言 52,liter=letter文字,字母 53,loc=place地方 54,log=speak言,说 55,loqu=speak言,说 56,lun=moon月亮 57,man=dwell,stay居住,停留 58,manu=hand手 59,mar=sea海 60,medi=middle中间 61,memor=memory记忆 62,merg=dip,sink 沉,没 63,migr=remove,move迁移 64,milit=soldier兵 65,mini=small,little小 66,mir=wonder惊奇 67,miss=send 投,送,发(miss也作mit) 68,mob=move动 69,mort=death死 70,mot=move移动,动 71,nomin=name名 72,nov=new新 73,numer=number 数 74,onym=name 名 75,oper=work工作 76,ori=rise升起 77,paci=peace和平,平静 78,pel=push,drive推,逐,驱 79,pend,pens=hang悬挂/weigh称量/pay支出,付钱,花费 80,pet=seek追求 81,phon=sound声音 82,pict=paint画,描绘 83,plen=full满,全 84,plic=fold折,重叠 85,pon=put放置 86,popul=people人民 87,port=carry拿,带,运 88,pos=put放置 89,preci=price价值 90,punct=point,prick点,刺 91,pur=pure清,纯,净 92,rect=right,straight正,直 93,rupt=break破 94,sal=salt盐 95,scend,scens=climb爬,攀 96,sci=know知 97,sec,sequ=follow跟随 98,sect=cut切割 99,sent,sens=feel感觉 100,sid=sit坐 101,sist=stand站立 102,son=sound声音 103,spect=look看 104,spir=breathe呼吸 105,tail=cut切割 106,tain,ten,tin=hold握,持,守 107,tect=cover掩盖 108,tele=far远 109,tempor=time时 110,tend(tens,tent)=stretch伸 111,terr=land,earth土地,陆地 112,text=weave纺织 113,tract=draw拉,抽,引 114,un=one一 115,urb=city城市 116,vac,vacu=empty空 117,vad,vas=walk,go行走 118,vari=change变化 119,ven=come来 120,vert,vers=turn转 121,vi,via=way道路 122,vis,vid=see看 123,vit=life生命 124,viv=live活 125,aer(o)空气,空中,航空 126,alt高 127,am爱 128,ambul行走 129,anim生命,活,心神,意见 130,anthrop(o)人,人类 131,aqu水 132,arch统治者,首脑archy 统治 133,avi鸟 134,bat打 135,biblio书 136,birg战斗,打 137,cad,cas降落,降临 138,cert 确定,确信 139,chron时 140,cid降落,降临 141,clin倾 142,cosm(o)世界,宇宙 143,cracy统治crat支持 144,cub躺,卧 145,cult耕,培养 146,cycl(o)圈,环,轮 147,dem(o)人民 148,dexter右 149,doc教 150,dom屋,家 151,dorm睡眠 152,drom跑 153,ego我 154,err漫游,走,行 155,fabl,fabul 言 156,feder联盟 157,ferv沸,热 158,fict,fig塑造,虚构 159,fid信任 160,fil线 161,flat 吹 162,flect,flex弯曲 163,flict打击 164,frag,fract破,折 165,frig冷 166,fug逃,散 167,fund,found底,基础 168,gam婚姻 169,gram谷物,谷粒 170,grav重 171,greg群,集合 172,gyn,gynce(o)妇女 173,hal呼吸 174,helic(o)螺旋 175,hes,her粘着 176,ign火 177,integr整,全 178,junct连接,连结 179,later边 180,leg读 181,leg,legis法 182,luc光 183,lumin光 184,magn(i)大 185,matr(i),metro母 186,mega大 187,mens测量 188,ment心,神,智,思,意 189,min伸出,突出 190,misc混合,混杂 191,mis(o)恨,厌恶 192,mon告诫,提醒 193,mon单独,一个 194,mur墙 195,mut变换 196,nat诞生 197,nav船 198,nect,nex结,系 199,negr,nigr黑 200,nihil无 201,noc,nox伤害 202,noct(i)夜 203,norm规范,正规,正常 204,nutri营养 205,orn装饰 206,par生,产 207,parl说,谈 208,past喂,食 209,path(o),pathy疾病,疗法 210,patr(i)父,祖 211,ped脚,足 212,ped儿童,小孩 213,petr(o)石 214,phag吃 215,phil(o)爱 216,phob(ia)怕 217,plex重叠,重 218,polis城市 219,prim第一,最初 220,radic根 221,ras,rad擦,刮 222,rid,ris笑 223,rod,ros咬,啮 224,rot轮,转 225,rud原始,粗野 226,rur,rus农村 227,sat,satis,satur足,满,饱 228,sen老 229,simil,simul相似,相同 230,sol单独 231,sol太阳 232,soph智慧 233,sper希望 234,spers,spars散,撒 235,splend发光,照耀 236,stell星 237,tact,tag触 238,the(o)神 239,ton音 240,tort扭 241,tour迂回,转 242,trud,trus推,冲 243,tut,tuit监护,看管 244,umbr阴影 245,ut,us用 246,vas走,漫游 247,val强 248,van空,无 249,ver(i)真实 250,voc,vok声音,叫喊 251,vol,volunt意志,意愿 252,volu,volv滚,转.-。
【英语字根】1,ag=do,act 做,动2,agri=field 田地,农田(agri也做agro,agr)3,ann=year年4,audi=hear听5,bell=war战争6,brev=short短7,ced,ceed,cess=go行走8,cept=take拿取9,cid,cis=cut,kill切,杀10,circ=ring环,圈11,claim,clam=cry,shout喊叫12,clar=clear清楚,明白13,clud=close,shut关闭14,cogn=known知道15,cord=heart心16,corpor=body体17,cred=believe,trust相信,信任18,cruc=cross 十字19,cur=care关心20,cur,curs,cour,cours=run跑21,dent=tooth牙齿22,di=day 日23,dict=say说24,dit=give给25,don=give给26,du=tow二27,duc,duct=lead引导28,ed=eat吃29,equ=equal等,均,平30,ev=age年龄,寿命,时代,时期31,fact=do,make做,作32,fer=bring,carry带拿33,flor=flower花34,flu=flow流35,fus=pour灌,流,倾泄36,grad=step,go,grade步,走,级37,gram=write,draw写,画,文字,图形38,graph=write,records写,画,记录器,图形39,gress=go,walk 行走40,habit=dwell居住41,hibit=hold拿,持42,hospit=guest客人43,idio=peculiar,own,private,proper特殊的,个人的,专有的44,insul=island岛45,it=go行走46,ject=throw投掷47,juven=young年轻,年少48,lectchoose,gather选,收49,lev=raise举,升50,liber=free自由51,lingu=language语言52,liter=letter文字,字母53,loc=place地方54,log=speak言,说55,loqu=speak言,说56,lun=moon月亮57,man=dwell,stay居住,停留58,manu=hand手59,mar=sea海60,medi=middle中间61,memor=memory记忆62,merg=dip,sink 沉,没63,migr=remove,move迁移64,milit=soldier兵65,mini=small,little小66,mir=wonder惊奇67,miss=send 投,送,发(miss也作mit)68,mob=move动69,mort=death死70,mot=move移动,动71,nomin=name名72,nov=new新73,numer=number 数74,onym=name 名75,oper=work工作76,ori=rise升起77,paci=peace和平,平静78,pel=push,drive推,逐,驱79,pend,pens=hang悬挂/weigh称量/pay支出,付钱,花费80,pet=seek追求81,phon=sound声音82,pict=paint画,描绘83,plen=full满,全84,plic=fold折,重叠85,pon=put放置86,popul=people人民87,port=carry拿,带,运88,pos=put放置89,preci=price价值90,punct=point,prick点,刺91,pur=pure清,纯,净92,rect=right,straight正,直93,rupt=break破94,sal=salt盐95,scend,scens=climb爬,攀96,sci=know知97,sec,sequ=follow跟随98,sect=cut切割99,sent,sens=feel感觉100,sid=sit坐101,sist=stand站立102,son=sound声音103,spect=look看104,spir=breathe呼吸105,tail=cut切割106,tain,ten,tin=hold握,持,守107,tect=cover掩盖108,tele=far远109,tempor=time时110,tend(tens,tent)=stretch伸111,terr=land,earth土地,陆地112,text=weave纺织113,tract=draw拉,抽,引114,un=one一115,urb=city城市116,vac,vacu=empty空117,vad,vas=walk,go行走118,vari=change变化119,ven=come来120,vert,vers=turn转121,vi,via=way道路122,vis,vid=see看123,vit=life生命124,viv=live活【第二部分,多认词根,多识单词】125,aer(o)空气,空中,航空126,alt高127,am爱128,ambul行走129,anim生命,活,心神,意见130,anthrop(o)人,人类131,aqu水132,arch统治者,首脑archy 统治133,avi鸟134,bat打135,biblio书136,birg战斗,打137,cad,cas降落,降临138,cert 确定,确信139,chron时140,cid降落,降临141,clin倾142,cosm(o)世界,宇宙143,cracy统治crat支持144,cub躺,卧145,cult耕,培养146,cycl(o)圈,环,轮147,dem(o)人民148,dexter右149,doc教150,dom屋,家151,dorm睡眠152,drom跑153,ego我154,err漫游,走,行155,fabl,fabul 言156,feder联盟157,ferv沸,热158,fict,fig塑造,虚构159,fid信任160,fil线161,flat 吹162,flect,flex弯曲163,flict打击164,frag,fract破,折165,frig冷166,fug逃,散167,fund,found底,基础168,gam婚姻169,gram谷物,谷粒170,grav重171,greg群,集合172,gyn,gynce(o)妇女173,hal呼吸174,helic(o)螺旋175,hes,her粘着176,ign火177,integr整,全178,junct连接,连结179,later边180,leg读181,leg,legis法182,luc光183,lumin光184,magn(i)大185,matr(i),metro母186,mega大187,mens测量188,ment心,神,智,思,意189,min伸出,突出190,misc混合,混杂191,mis(o)恨,厌恶192,mon告诫,提醒193,mon单独,一个194,mur墙195,mut变换196,nat诞生197,nav船198,nect,nex结,系199,negr,nigr黑200,nihil无201,noc,nox伤害202,noct(i)夜203,norm规范,正规,正常204,nutri营养205,orn装饰206,par生,产207,parl说,谈208,past喂,食209,path(o),pathy疾病,疗法210,patr(i)父,祖211,ped脚,足212,ped儿童,小孩213,petr(o)石214,phag吃215,phil(o)爱216,phob(ia)怕217,plex重叠,重218,polis城市219,prim第一,最初220,radic根221,ras,rad擦,刮222,rid,ris笑223,rod,ros咬,啮224,rot轮,转225,rud原始,粗野226,rur,rus农村227,sat,satis,satur足,满,饱228,sen老229,simil,simul相似,相同230,sol单独231,sol太阳232,soph智慧233,sper希望234,spers,spars散,撒235,splend发光,照耀236,stell星237,tact,tag触238,the(o)神239,ton音240,tort扭241,tour迂回,转242,trud,trus推,冲243,tut,tuit监护,看管244,umbr阴影245,ut,us用246,vas走,漫游247,val强248,van空,无249,ver(i)真实250,voc,vok声音,叫喊251,vol,volunt意志,意愿252,volu,volv滚,转。
英语常见词根 — 400个-英语词根
![英语常见词根 — 400个-英语词根](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e9ecca5b69eae009581becf8.png)
英语常见词根—400个Root: The form of a word that remains after removal of all affixes;a morpheme(词素) with lexical meaning that is not further subdivisible(可以再分的) into other morphemes with lexical (词汇的)meaning;the essential, fundamental, or primary part of a word.英语词根:词的核心部分,词的意义主要是由它体现出来的。
(词根和词缀叫构词语素)下面举出一些主要词根例词:ag=do,act做,动agent 代理人agri,agro=agriculture田地,农田agriculture农业,农艺ann,enn=year年annual 每年的,年度的astro,aster=star星astronomy天文学audi,audit=hear听audible听得见的bell=war战争rebellion反叛,反抗bio,bi=life生命,生物biology生物学brev=short短abbreviate缩短,节略ced,ceed=go行走precedent先行的,在前cept=take拿,取exception例外,除外circ=ring环,圆circle 圆,圈,环状...acid, acr = sour, sharp act = to actagogue = leader al, ol, ul = to nourishalt = high alter,ali = otheram = to love ang= to strangleangl, angul = angle anim = breath, mindann = year anthrop = manapt = fit aqua = waterarm = weapons art= skill, artaud = to hear aug= to increase, to make,to growavi = bird astro = star, star-shapedband, bond = to bind bar = barbat = to beat bat ,bas = to gobell = war bio= lifebrev = short cad,cid, cas = to fallcalc = lime camp = fieldcand = white , bright cant, chant, cent = to singcap = head cap = to takecar = car , to run carn = fleshcast = throw cav = hollowcede, ceed , cess = to go, to yield ceive, cept, cip, cipate = to takeceler = swift cent = hundredcentr = center cern, cret = to separatecert = sure chron = timecide , cise = to cut circ , cyc = ringcite = to call , to urge claim , clam = to cryclin = to bend clud = to shutcoct = to cook cognis, gnos = to knowcommun = common cord = heartcorp = body cosm , cosmo = universecount = to count cover = to covercre, cresc = to make, to grow cred = to believecrim = accusation, crime crit = to judgecruc = cross culp = blame, guiltcult = to till cumb = to lie downcur, course = to run cure = to take carecuss = to strike , to shake deb,du = to owedei = god dem= peopledent = tooth derm, derma, dermat = skindic = to proclaim dict,dit = to saydign = worthy divid, divis = to dividedoc = to teach dom = housedom = to tame, to rule don, dot, dow = to givedorm = to sleep dox, dogma = opiniondraw = to draw, to pull drom = to run , course(process)duce, duct = to lead dur = to lastdyn, dynam = powereco = house ego= I , selfelectr = electricem, empt = to take, to buy equ = equalerr = to wander, to err ess, est = to befa, fabl, fabul = to speak fac, front = face, foreheadfac, fect = to make , to do fall, fals = to deceivefam = to speak fare = to gofend , fest = to strikefer = to carry, to bear, to tolerateferv = to boil fess = to speakfest = festival fict, fig = to feignfid = to trust figure = to shape , figure(n.), form(n.)fil = thread , to spin fin = to endfirm = firm fix = to fastenflam, flagr = flame, to burn flat = to blowflect, flex = to bend flict = to strikeflor = flower flu = to flowfoli = leaf form = to form, form ,shapefort = strongfound , fund = basefract, frag = to break fug = to fleefuse, found = to pour gam = marriagegener, gen, gent = to produce, race(n.) ger, gest = to carrygrad, gress = to walk gram , graph = to writegrand = grand grat = to pleasegrav = heavy gregat = to collecthab, hibit = to have hap= luckhelio = sun her = heirherb = grass here, hes = to stickhorr = to tremblehum , hom = manhum = ground hydr = waterhypno = sleep idio = personal, distinctinsul = island it = to goject , jac = to throw join, junct = to joinjourn = day jud = to judgejur = to swear just, juris = law, right , justicelabor = to work laps = to slip, to glidelate = to bring , to bear later = sidelav , lau = to wash lax , lyse = to loosenlect, leg = to choose , to gather, to readleg = to appoint , to sendleg = law lev = to raise, light (adj.)liber = free libr, lib = booklic = to be permitted lig = to bindlingu = tongue, language liqu = fluidliter = letter loc = placelog , loqu, locut = to speak long = longlud = to play lumin = lightlust, luc = brightmagn, maj , max = great manu, man = handmand, mend = to order , to entrust mari = seamark = to mark , boundary matr= mothermechan = machine med = to healmedi = middle melan = blackmemor = to remember ment = to think , mind(n.)mere = to trade , reward(n.) merge, mers = to sink, to dipmeter = to measure migr = to remove , to wandermilit = soldier, to fight min = to jut , to projectmin = small mir = to wonder, to beholdmiss, mit = to send, to throwmix = to mixmod = manner mon = to advise , to remindmonstr = to show mor = custommorph = form mort = deathmount = mountain, to ascend mov, mob, mot = to movemuni = service mur = wallmut = to change myst = mysterynat = born nau, nav = shipnecro = death, dead nect , nex = to bindneg = to deny neur , neuro , nerv = nerveneutr = neither nihil = nothingnoc , nox = to harm noct , nox = nightnomin, nom = name norm = rule, normnot = to mark nounce, nunci = to reportnov = new nul, null = nothingnumber, numer = number, to count nutri = to nourishocul = eye onym = nameoper = to work , work opt = to wishopt, opto = eye, sight ora = to speak ,to prayorder, ordin = order ori = to rise , to beginorn = to decorate, to furnish ortho = straight , rightoss, osteo = bone pact = to agree, to fastenpan = bread par = to preparepar = equal par = to appearpar = to bear , to give birth to part = a part , to partpass = to pass passi , pati, path = to suffer, feelingspart = father ped = footped = child pel , puls = to drivepen ,pun = to punish pend, pens = to hang , to weighperi = to go through pet = to fly , to seekpetr, petro = stone, rock phan ,fan = appearancephon = sound ; phe = to speak photo = light (n.)pict = to paint , picture plac , pleas = to pleaseplain , plaint = to beat the breast plant = to plant , plant (n.)plaud, plode = to strike, to clap plen, plete, ple , pli, ply = to fill, full ( adj. )plore = to flow out ply, pli, ple = to foldpolis = city polit, poli = state, countrypon , pound = to put popul, publ = peopleport = to carry port = gatepos = to place , to putpotent = powerfulprec = to pray preci = pricepreda = prey(n.), to plunder press = to pressprim, prin, prem = first pris, prehend = to seizepriv = private (adj.) to deprive proach , proxim = nearprob, prov = to test , to try, to examine proper , propri = proper, one’s ownpsych, psycho = soul pugn = to fightpunct = to prick pur = purepurg = to purify pute = to thinkquer = to complain qui, quiet = calm , rest(n.)quire, quisit , quest = to seekquit = to free , to releaserad, ras = to scrape radi = rootradi = ray rap, rav = to snatchrat , ratio = to reckon , reason (n.) rect = right , straightreg = to rule , king (n.) rept = to creeprid , ris = to laugh rod, ros = to gnawrog = to ask rot = wheel (n.) , to turnrud = raw rupt = to breakrur, rus = country sacr , sanct , secr = sacredsal = salt sal, sult = to leapsal , san = whole sangui = bloodsat = full scan , scend , scal = to climbsci = to know scribe , script = to writesect = to cut sed, sess, sid = to sitsemin = seed sen = oldsens ,sent = to feel sequ, secut, su = to followsert = to join, to put serv = to serve, to keepsign = to mark simil, sembl = like(prep.), samesinu = curve ,sinus sist , stitut, sta, st = to standsoci = companion, to associate sol = alonesol = sun solv, solute = to loosensomn = sleep son =soundsoph = wise ,wisdom sort = kindspec, spect = to see, to look sper = hopespers = to scatter spher = ballspir = to breathe splend = to shinespond , spons = to promise stell = starstill = drop stinct, sting = to prickstring , strict , strain, stress = to draw tight stru, struct = to buildsuade = to advise sume,sumpt = to takesumm = sum, highest sur = sure , securesurge , surrect = to rise tac, tic = silenttail = to cut tang , tact = to touchtain , ten, tin = to hold , to keep techn(o) = art , skilltect = to cover temper = to moderatetempor = time tempt , tent = to trytend , tens , tent = to stretch tenu = thinterm = boundary terr = earthterr = to frighten test = witnesstext = to weave the(o) = godthes, thet = to place , to put tim = to fearton = tone tort = to twisttour, torn = to turn tox = poisontract , treat = to draw tribut = to pay , to bestowtrop = to turn trud , trus = to thrust , to pushtum = to swell turb = to disturbultim = last umbr = shadowurb = city us , uti = to usevac, van , void = empty vade = to govaga = to wander val , vail = strong , worthvar(i) = diverse , to change velop = to wrapven , vent = to come ven = veinvenge = to avenge vent = windver = true verb = wordverg = to incline vers, vert = to turnvest = to clothe , garmentvi , voy = way vict , vinc = to conquervid , vis = to see vig , veg = livelyviv = to live voc , voke = to call , voicevol = willvolve, volut = to rollvor = to eat vulse = to pluck , pull out ,pull off词根例词ag=do,act做,动agent代理人agri,agro=agriculture田地,农田agriculture农业,农艺ann,enn=year年annual每年的,年度的astro,aster=star星astronomy天文学audi,audit=hear听audible听得见的bell=war战争rebellion反叛,反抗bio,bi=life生命,生物biology生物学brev=short短abbreviate缩短,节略ced,ceed=go行走precedent先行的,在前cept=take拿,取exception例外,除外circ=ring环,,圆circle圆,圈,环状物cid,cis=cut,kill切,杀suicide自杀claim,clam=cry,shout喊叫exclaim呼喊,惊叫clar=clear清楚的,明白的clarify澄清;使清楚clud,clus=close,shut关闭exclude排斥,拒绝,接纳cogn=know知道cognition认知cord=heart心cordial衷心的,诚心的corpor,cor=body体corporation团体,社团cred=believe,trust相信,信任credibility可信,可靠,cruc=cross十字crucify把……钉在十字桇上;折磨cur=care关心,挂念,注意security安全cru,curs,cour,cours=run跑cruise巡航舰di=day日diary日记dit=give给edit编辑dict,dic=say言,说dictator独裁者,口授者duc,duct=lead引导conduct引导,指导,经营ed=eat吃edible可以吃的,食用的ev=age年龄,时代longevity长寿,长命fact,fac=do,make做,作factory工厂fer=bring,carry带,拿different不同的,相异的flor,olour=flower花florid如花的,华丽的flu=flow流fluency流利,流畅fus=pour灌,流,倾泻refuse拒绝,拒受geo=earth地geography地理学gon=angle角trigon三角形grad=step,go,grade步,走,级gradual 逐步的gram=write写telegram电报graph=write,writing写,画photograph 照相,拍照gress=go,walk行走progress进步hap=chance,luck,accident机会,偶发happen发生,巧遇hibit=hold拿,持exhibit展出,展览hospit,hosp=guest客人hospitable好客的idio=particular,own,private,proper特殊的,个人的,专有的idiom惯用语,方言insul=island岛insular岛的,偏狭的it=go行走exit出口,退出ject=throw投掷projection投掷,发射lect,leg,lig=choose,gather选,收elect选举lev=raise举、升elevate抬起,使升高liber=liberty自由liberation解放lingu=language语言linguist语言专家liter=letter文字,字母literate识字的,有文化的loc=place地方local当地的log=speak言,说dialogue对话loqu=speak言说eloquent有口才的,雄辩的lun=moon月亮lunar月亮的,似月的nanu,man=hand手manuscript手稿mar=sea海marine海上的,航海的medi=middle中间mediate居中调解,调停memor=memory,mindful记忆,记住的memory记忆,记忆力milit=soldier兵military军事的,军队的mini=small,less小minimum最小数mir=wonder惊奇,惊异admire赞赏,钦佩mort=death死mortal终有一死的mot=move移动motion运动,动nomin=name名nominal名义上的,有名无实的nov=new新novel新的,新奇的numer=number数numeral数字,[语]数词oper=work工作operation手术,工作,操作ori=rise升起orient东方,东方的paci=peace和平pacify使和平,抚慰past=feed喂,食pasture放牧、牧场,吃草pel=push,drive推,逐,驱propel推动pend,pens=hang悬挂pendent悬空的,悬而未决的pet=seek追求compete竞争,比赛phon=sound声音phone电话plen=full满,全plenty大量,丰富pone=put放置postpone推后,推迟popul=people人民population人口,全体居民port=carry拿,带,运import输入,进口pos=put放置expose揭露,揭发preci=price价值precious宝贵的,珍贵的pur=pure清,纯purify使纯净rect=right,straight正,直correct改正,纠正rupt=break破rupture破裂,使裂开sal=salt盐salary薪水sci=know知science科学sec,sequ=follow跟随sequence继续,连续sect=cut切割section切开,一部分sent,sens=feel感觉sentiment感情,思想感情son=sound声音sonic声音的,音速的spect=look看spectate出席,观看spir=breathe呼吸inspire鼓舞,吸入tail=cut切,割tailor裁缝,成衣商tain,ten=hold握,持,守contain容纳,包含,内装tect=cover掩盖detect侦查,发觉tempor=time时temporary暂时的,临时的tend,tens=draw拉tension拉紧,引力tent,tract=draw拉,抽,引tractor拖拉机urb=city城市suburb郊区,近郊ut=use用utility效用,有用vac,vacu=empty空vacancy空白,空虚vad,vas=walk,go行走invasion入侵,侵略vari=change变化variable可变的,反复的ven=come来convene召集(会议),集会vert,vers=turn转subvert推翻,颠覆vi,via=way路via取道,经由vis,vid=see看visible可见的,看得见的vit=life生命vital充满活力的viv=live活vivid活泼的,有生气的前缀开放分类:英语、语法、学习、词汇中文中:[prefix]以结合形式出现,与一词、词根或短语开头的一个音或连续几个音相接,或书写中一个字母或连续几个字母用以产生出派生词或变化形式。
(化学) 专业英语词根
![(化学) 专业英语词根](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/7c9b8142336c1eb91a375ded.png)
-acetal 醛缩醇acetal- 乙酰acid 酸-al 醛alcohol 醇-aldehyde 醛alkali- 碱allyl 丙烯基alkoxy- 烷氧基-amide 酰胺amino- 氨基的-amidine 脒-amine 胺-ane 烷anhydride 酐anilino- 苯胺基aquo- 含水的-ase 酶-ate 含氧酸的盐、酯-atriyne 三炔azo- 偶氮benzene 苯bi- 在盐类前表示酸式盐bis- 双-borane 硼烷bromo- 溴butyl 丁基-carbinol 甲醇carbonyl 羰基-caboxylic acid 羧酸centi- 10-2chloro- 氯代cis- 顺式condensed 缩合的、冷凝的cyclo- 环deca- 十deci 10-1二-dine 啶dodeca- 十二-ene 烯epi- 表epoxy- 环氧-ester 酯-ether 醚ethoxy- 乙氧基ethyl 乙基fluoro- 氟代-form 仿-glycol 二醇hemi- 半hendeca- 十一hepta- 七heptadeca- 十七hexa- 六hexadeca- 十六-hydrin 醇hydro- 氢或水hydroxyl 羟基hypo- 低级的,次-ic 酸的,高价金属-ide 无氧酸的盐,酰替…胺,酐-il 偶酰-imine 亚胺iodo- 碘代iso- 异,等,同-ite 亚酸盐keto- 酮ketone 酮-lactone 内酯mega- 106meta- 间,偏methoxy- 甲氧基methyl 甲基micro- 10-6milli- 10-3mono- ( mon-) 一,单nano- 10-9nitro- 硝基nitroso- 亚硝基nona- 九nonadeca- 十九octa- 八octadeca- 十八-oic 酸的-ol 醇-one 酮ortho- 邻,正,原-ous 亚酸的,低价金属oxa- 氧杂-oxide 氧化合物-oxime 肟oxo- 酮oxy- 氧化-oyl 酰para- 对位,仲penta- 五pentadeca- 十五per- 高,过petro- 石油phenol 苯酚phenyl 苯基pico- 10-12poly- 聚,多quadri- 四quinque- 五semi- 半septi- 七sesqui 一个半sexi- 六sulfa- 磺胺sym- 对称syn- 顺式,同,共ter- 三tetra- 四tetradeca- 十四tetrakis- 四个thio- 硫代trans- 反式,超,跨tri- 三trideca- 十三tris- 三个undeca- 十一uni- 单,一unsym- 不对称的,偏位-yl 基-ylene 撑(二价基,价在不同原子上)-yne 炔。
掌握了词根和词缀,不仅可以帮助我们提高单词背诵的效率,考试中如果遇到不认识的单词,也可以凭借词根和词缀猜出单词的意思,所以大家一定要掌握这部分内容哦~常用的前缀ab-表示反常,如:absent缺席abnormal不正规的ap-表示添加,如:append悬挂apposition同位置bi-表示两、重,如:bicycle自行车bigamy重婚com-表示共同,如:combine联合compete相争dis-表示分开,如:disarm裁军dislike讨厌im-表示不,如:impossible不可能的immoral不道德的in-表示不、向内,如:informal非正式的inhuman不人道的non-表示无,如:nonparty无党派的nonmetal非金属pro-表示向前,如:progress进步prognostic预兆re-表示回、重新,如:review复习reaction反应un-表示不、非,如:unhappy不快乐的unbalance失去平衡常用的后缀-al表示人、物,如:rival竞争者mural壁画-cy表示状态、职位,如:bankruptcy破产captaincy船长-er表示人、物,如:teacher老师cooker厨具-able表示可能的,如:movable可移动的passable可通行的-ful表示充满,如:beautiful美丽的useful有用的-or表示人、物,如:actor男演员mirror镜子-ist表示人,如:copyist抄写员socialist社会主义者-ment表示行为,如:enjoyment娱乐movement运动-ing表示令人,如:exciting令人兴奋的interesting令人有兴趣的-ed表示感到,如:excited感到兴奋的interested感到有兴趣的-less表示没有的,如:resistless不抵抗的homeless无家可归的-ly副词后缀,如:gently轻轻地intently专心地-tion名词后缀,如:graduation毕业relation亲属典型的前后缀应用举例excite vt.刺激exciting adj.令人兴奋的excited adj.感到兴奋的excitement n.兴奋smile v./n.微笑smiling adj.微笑的smilingly adv.微笑地unsmiling adj.不笑的自学小贴士词根词缀记忆法常常被英语初学者所忽略,如果将此法配合多遍反复记法在自学中应用则可以做到举一至少反三的妙用。
完整版英语词根词缀全表一、常见的词根1. a- (无,非)例如:atheist (无神论者)2. ab- (远离)例如:absent (缺席的)3. ac- (向,加强)例如:accord (一致)4. ad- (向,加强)例如:advance (推进)5. aer- (空气)例如:aerodynamics (空气动力学)6. ag- (行动,做)例如:activate (激活)7. alb- (白色)例如:albino (白化病患者)8. ambi- (双,两)例如:ambidextrous (左右都能用手)9. ana- (向上,分离)例如:analysis (分析)10. ante- (前面)例如:antebellum (内战前期的)11. anti- (反对)例如:antibody (抗体)12. apo- (离开,远离)例如:apology (道歉)13. aqua- (水)例如:aquarium (水族馆) 14. arch- (首席,最重要的) 例如:architect (建筑师) 15. audi- (听)例如:audience (观众)16. auto- (自动)例如:automatic (自动的) 17. belli- (战争)例如:bellicose (好战的) 18. bene- (好的)例如:benefit (好处)19. bi- (双)例如:bilateral (双边的) 20. bio- (生命)例如:biology (生物学) 21. brev- (短)例如:brevity (简短)22. cad- (落下)例如:cascade (瀑布)23. cap- (拿,抓)例如:capture (捕获)24. carn- (肉)例如:carnivore (食肉动物) 25. caus- (原因)例如:cause (原因)26. ced- (走,离开)例如:cede (放弃)27. cent- (百)例如:century (世纪)28. cep- (拿,抓)例如:reception (接待)29. cert- (确定)例如:certain (确定的)30. chron- (时间)例如:chronological (按时间顺序的) 31. circ- (圆,周围)例如:circle (圆)32. cis- (割,切)例如:incision (切口)33. civi- (城市)例如:civilization (文明)34. clam- (喊,叫)例如:proclamation (公告)35. cogn- (认识)例如:cognitive (认知的)36. col- (共同)例如:collaborate (合作)37. com- (一起)例如:combine (合并)38. contra- (反对)例如:contradict (反驳)39. corp- (身体)例如:corpse (尸体)40. cosm- (宇宙)例如:cosmic (宇宙的)41. counter- (反对)例如:counteract (抵消) 42. cred- (相信)例如:credibility (可信度) 43. crypt- (隐藏)例如:cryptic (神秘的) 44. cub- (立方体)例如:cubic (立方的)45. cumb- (躺)例如:recumbent (躺着的) 46. cycl- (圆圈)例如:cyclic (循环的)47. de- (向下)例如:decrease (减少)48. dec- (十)例如:decimal (十进制的) 49. dem- (人民)例如:democracy (民主) 50. dendr- (树状物)例如:dendrite (树突)51. dent- (牙齿)例如:dentist (牙医)52. derm- (皮肤)例如:dermatitis (皮炎)53. di- (两个)例如:diagonal (对角线)54. dia- (穿过)例如:diagonal (对角线)55. dict- (说)例如:predict (预测)56. dis- (分开)例如:disconnect (断开连接) 57. doc- (教)例如:document (文件)58. domin- (主人)例如:dominate (控制)59. don- (赠送)例如:donate (捐赠)60. dors- (背部)例如:dorsal (背部的)61. duc- (引导)例如:induce (诱导)62. dur- (坚固)例如:durable (耐用的)63. dyna- (能量)例如:dynamic (动态的)64. dys- (困难)例如:dysfunction (功能障碍) 65. e- (电子的)例如:electron (电子)66. eco- (环境)例如:ecology (生态学)67. ego- (自我)例如:egotistical (自大的) 68. em- (进入)例如:embed (嵌入)69. en- (使)例如:enable (使能够)70. end- (内部)例如:endocytosis (内吞作用) 71. equ- (相等)例如:equal (相等的)72. erg- (工作)例如:energy (能量)73. esth- (感觉)例如:aesthetic (美学的) 74. eu- (好的)例如:euphoria (欣快感)75. ex- (出,外)例如:exit (出口)76. extra- (超过)例如:extraordinary (非凡的) 77. fac- (使)例如:facilitate (促进)78. fall- (欺骗)例如:fallacy (谬论)79. fals- (错误)例如:false (虚假的)80. feder- (联邦)例如:federation (联邦制度) 81. fid- (信任)例如:confide (信任)82. fil- (线)例如:filament (灯丝)83. fin- (结束)例如:finish (完成)84. flex- (弯曲)例如:flexible (柔韧的) 85. flu- (流)例如:fluid (流体)86. foli- (叶)例如:foliage (叶子)87. forma- (形状)例如:formation (形成)88. fort- (强壮)例如:fortitude (坚忍)89. fract- (破碎)例如:fracture (骨折)90. frig- (冷)例如:refrigerator (冰箱) 91. fum- (烟)例如:fume (冒烟)92. fus- (融化)例如:fusion (熔合)93. gam- (婚姻)例如:gamete (配偶子)94. gastr- (胃)例如:gastric (胃的)95. gen- (种类)例如:generation (一代)96. geo- (地球)例如:geology (地质学)97. germ- (生命)例如:germination (发芽)98. giga- (十亿)例如:gigabyte (千兆字节)99. gloss- (光亮)例如:glossy (有光泽的)100. gluc- (糖)例如:glucose (葡萄糖)二、常见的词缀1. -able, -ible (能够,可被)例如:provable (可证明的), responsible (负责的) 2. -al (有关,属于)例如:federal (联邦的), cultural (文化的)3. -ance, -ence (动作或状态)例如:guidance (指导), persistence (坚持)4. -ant, -ent (有…的,做…的)例如:important (重要的), independent (独立的) 5. -ar, -er (具有…特征的)例如:familiar (熟悉的), harder (较难的)6. -ate (使…,成为…)例如:graduate (毕业), elaborate (详细阐述) 7. -ation (动作或状态)例如:education (教育), application (应用)8. -ed (过去式)例如:started (开始了), walked (走了)9. -en (使成为…)例如:fasten (系好), strengthen (增强)10. -er (比较级)例如:bigger (更大的), better (更好的)11. -est (最高级)例如:biggest (最大的), best (最好的)12. -ful (充满…的)例如:grateful (感激的), powerful (强大的) 13. -ic (有关… 的)例如:romantic (浪漫的), historic (历史性的) 14. -ify, -fy (使…,成为…)例如:intensify (加强), clarify (澄清)15. -ile (某种状态或特征)例如:versatile (多才多艺的), fragile (易碎的) 16. -ism (相信或追求…)例如:racism (种族主义), feminism (女权主义) 17. -ist (从事某种活动或专业的人)例如:dentist (牙医), scientist (科学家)18. -ite (居住在…)例如:Israelite (以色列人), meteorite (陨石) 19. -ity, -ty (表示状态或性质)例如:creativity (创造力), honesty (诚实)20. -ize (使成为…)例如:normalize (规范化), personalize (个性化)21. -less (没有…的)例如:thoughtless (没有思考的), useless (没用的)22. -logy (研究或学科)例如:biology (生物学), psychology (心理学)23. -ly (表示方式或状态)例如:quickly (迅速地), slowly (慢慢地)24. -ment (状态或过程)例如:improvement (改进), development (发展)25. -ness (具有…的状态)例如:happiness (幸福), illness (疾病)26. -ology (学科或研究)例如:biology (生物学), anthropology (人类学)27. -ous (含有…的)例如:famous (有名的), dangerous (危险的)28. -phobia (对…的恐惧)例如:arachnophobia (蜘蛛恐惧症), agoraphobia (广场恐惧症)29. -sis (状态或过程)例如:analysis (分析), diagnosis (诊断)30. -tic (有关…的)例如:neurotic (神经质的), athletic (运动员)31. -tion, -sion (动作或状态)例如:creation (创作), decision (决定)32. -y (状态或性质)例如:sleepy (困倦的), greedy (贪婪的)以上就是英语常见的词根和词缀,掌握它们有助于我们更好地理解和运用英语。
英语字根 1.ag=do,act 做,动 2.agri=field 田地,农田(agri也做agro,agr) 3.ann=year年 4.audi=hear听 5.bell=war战争 6.brev=short短 7.ced,ceed,cess=go行走 8.cept=take拿取 9.cid,cis=cut,kill切,杀 10.circ=ring环,圈 11.claim,clam=cry,shout喊叫 12.clar=clear清楚,明白 13.clud=close,shut关闭 14.cogn=known知道 15.cord=heart心 16.corpor=body体 17.cred=believe,trust相信,信任 18.cruc=cross 十字 19.cur=care关心 20.cur,curs,cour,cours=run跑 21.dent=tooth牙齿 22.di=day 日 23.dict=say说 24.dit=give给 25.don=give给 26.du=tow二 27.duc,duct=lead引导 28.ed=eat吃 29.equ=equal等,均,平 30.ev=age年龄,寿命,时代,时期 31.fact=do,make做,作 32.fer=bring,carry带拿 33.flor=flower花 34.flu=flow流 35.fus=pour灌,流,倾泄 36.grad=step,go,grade步,走,级 37.gram=write,draw写,画,文字,图形 38.graph=write,records写,画,记录器,图形 39.gress=go,walk 行走 40.habit=dwell居住 41.hibit=hold拿,持 42.hospit=guest客人 43.idio=peculiar,own,private,proper特殊的,个人的,专有的 44.insul=island岛 45.it=go行走 46.ject=throw投掷 47.juven=young年轻,年少 48.lectchoose,gather选,收 49.lev=raise举,升 50.liber=free自由 51.lingu=language语言 52.liter=letter文字,字母 53.loc=place地方 54.log=speak言,说 55.loqu=speak言,说 56.lun=moon月亮 57.man=dwell,stay居住,停留 58.manu=hand手 59.mar=sea海 60.medi=middle中间 61.memor=memory记忆 62.merg=dip,sink 沉,没 63.migr=remove,move迁移 it=soldier兵 65.mini=small,little小 66.mir=wonder惊奇 67.miss=send 投,送,发(miss也作mit) 68.mob=move动 69.mort=death死 70.mot=move移动,动 71.nomin=name名 72.nov=new新 73.numer=number 数 74.onym=name 名 75.oper=work工作 76.ori=rise升起 77.paci=peace和平,平静 78.pel=push,drive推,逐,驱 79.pend,pens=hang悬挂/weigh称量/pay支出,付钱,花费 80.pet=seek追求 81.phon=sound声音 82.pict=paint画,描绘 83.plen=full满,全 84.plic=fold折,重叠 85.pon=put放置 86.popul=people人民 87.port=carry拿,带,运 88.pos=put放置 89.preci=price价值 90.punct=point,prick点,刺 91.pur=pure清,纯,净 92.rect=right,straight正,直 93.rupt=break破 94.sal=salt盐 95.scend,scens=climb爬,攀 96.sci=know知 97.sec,sequ=follow跟随 98.sect=cut切割 99.sent,sens=feel感觉 100.sid=sit坐 101.sist=stand站立 102.son=sound声音 103.spect=look看 104.spir=breathe呼吸 105.tail=cut切割 106.tain,ten,tin=hold握,持,守 107.tect=cover掩盖 108.tele=far远 109.tempor=time时 110.tend(tens,tent)=stretch伸 111.terr=land,earth土地,陆地 112.text=weave纺织 113.tract=draw拉,抽,引 114.un=one一 115.urb=city城市 116.vac,vacu=empty空 117.vad,vas=walk,go行走 118.vari=change变化 119.ven=come来 120.vert,vers=turn转 121.vi,via=way道路 122.vis,vid=see看 123.vit=life生命 124.viv=live活超实用——终于有人把英语单词常见前缀后缀整理齐全啦!前缀1 a- 加在单词或词根前面, 表示不,无,非2 a- 加在单词前, 表示在..., ...的3 ab-, abs- 加在词根前,表示相反,变坏,离去等4 ab-, ac-, ad-, af-, ag-, an-, ap-, ar-, as-, at- 等加在同辅音字母词根前,表示一再等加强意5 ad- 加在单词或词根前, 表示做....., 加强......6 amphi- 表示两个、两种7 an- 在词根前, 表示不,无8 ana- 表示错误,在旁边,分开9 ante- 表示前面,先10 anti- 表示反对,相反11 apo- 表示离开,远离12 auto- 表示自动、自已13 be- 构成动词,表示使......成为14 be- 构成一些介词15 bene- 表示善, 好16 bi- 表示二个, 两17 by- 表示在旁边,副的18 cata- 表示向下,相反,离开19 circum- 表示环绕,周围20 co- 表示共同,通常放元音词根前21 col-, cor- 在同辅音词根前, 表示共同22 com-, con- 表示共同23 contra - 表示反对,相反24 counter - 表示反对,相反25 de- 表示去掉,变坏,离开,变慢,向下等26 de- 表示使....成为,加强等27 deca- 表示十28 deci- 表示十分之一29 demi- 表示半30 di- 表示二个,双31 di- 表示使...变成,分开,离开32 dia- 表示穿过,二者之间33 dif- 和辅音重复表示不,否定,分开34 dis- 表示不,消失掉35 dis- 表示分开,分离36 dys- 表示坏,不良37 e-, ef- 表示出,出来,38 em-, en-, 表示进入... 之中,包围39 em-,en-, 表示使..... 进入状态40 endo- 表示内部41 epi- 表示在...上,在...周围,在...后面42 eu- 表示好,优秀43 ex- 表示出,出去44 ex- 表示前面的,前任的45 exo- 表示外部的,外面46 extra- 表示以外的,超过的47 fore- 表示前面,预先48 hecto- 表示百,许多50 hepta- 表示七51 hetero- 表示异类,异种52 hexa- 表示六53 holo- 表示全部'54 homo- 表示同类的55 hyper- 表示超过,太多56 hypo- 表示下面,次等57 il-, ir- 辅音重复表示不,无58 il-,ir- 表示使.....成为,进入59 im-, in- 表示不,无,非60 im-,in- 表示向内,进入61 inter- 表示在..... 之间,相互62 intra- 表示在内,内部63 intro- 表示向内,入内64 iso- 表示等, 同65 kilo- 表示一千66 macro- 表示宏传,大67 mal-; male 表示坏,恶68 meta- 表示超过, 改变69 micro- 表示微,小70 milli- 表示千,千分之一71 mini- 表示小72 mis- 表示错误,坏73 mono- 表示单个,一个74 multi- 表示多,很多75 neo- 表示新的76 non- 表示不,非77 ob- 表示逆,倒,加强意义78 octa- 表示八; 亦作octo79 omni- 表示全部,到处80 out- 示超过,过度81 out- 表示出去,过时82 over- 表示过度,过份83 over- 表示翻转84 over- 表示在... 之上85 paleo- 表示古,旧86 pan- 表示广泛的87 para- 表示半,类似,辅助88 para- 表示旁边89 para- 表示降落伞90 pen- 表示近似,差不多91 penta- 表示五92 per- 表示贯穿,自始至终94 peri- 表示周围,靠近95 poly- 表示多奇速英语微信公众号qisuen96 post- 表示在后面97 post- 表示邮件,邮政98 pre- 表示 ...前的,预先99 pro- 表示赞同,亲...100 pro- 表示向前,在前101 pro- 表示很多...102 proto- 表示原始...103 pseudo- 表示假,伪104 quadri-,quadru- 表示四105 quasi- 表示类似,准106 re- 表示向后,相反107 re- 表示一再,重新108 retro- 表示向后,倒退109 se- 表示分开,离开,区别开110 semi- 表示半111 sept-,septi- 表示七112 sex-, sexi- 表示六113 step- 表示后,继或前夫(妻)所生114 stereo- 表示立体115 sub- 表示在下面,次一等,副手116 sub- 表示接近,靠近117 suc-, suf-, sup-, sur- 等辅音重复表示在...下面118 super- 表示在...上面119 super- 表示超级,超过,过度120 supra- 表示超...121 sur- 辅音不重复表示超过,在上面122 sus- 表示在... 下面123 sym-, syn- 表示共同,相同124 tetra- 表示四125 trans- 表示横过,越过126 trans- 表示变换,改变';转移127 tri- 表示三128 twi- 表示二、两129 ultra- 表示极端130 ultra- 表示超出,超过131 un- 表示不,无,非,没有132 un- 表示打开,解开,弄出133 under- 表示在...下,在...之内134 under- 表示不足,不够135 under- 表示副手3136 uni- 表示一个、单一138 with- 表示向后,相反后缀139 -ability 表名词,能...;性质140 -able 表形容词,可...的,能...141 -ably 表副词,能...地142 -aceous 表形容词,具有...特征的143 -acious 表形容词,有特征的,多...的144 -acity 表名词,有...倾向145 -acle 表名词, ... 物品,状态146 -acy 表名词, ...性质,状态147 -ad 表名词, ...东西,状态148 -ade 表名词, 表示状态,物品149 -ade 表示个人或集体150 -age 表示:费用151 -age 表示场所,物品152 -age 名词后缀,表示状态,总称153 -ain 表名词, ...人154 -air 表名词,人、物155 -aire 表名词, ...人156 -al 表形容词, ...的157 -al 表名词,人,物,状态158 -ality 表名词,状态,性质159 -ally 表副词,由al+ly 构成, ...地160 -an 表名词和形容词, ...地方,...人161 -ance 表名词,性质,状况162 -aneity 表名词,表示性质,状态163 -aneous 表形容词, ...有; ...特征的164 -ant 表形容词, ...的165 -ant 表名词, ...人166 -ant 表名词, ...剂167 -ar 表形容词, ...的168 -ard 表名词,不好的人169 -arian, 表形容词或名词, ...的(人) 170 -arium 表名词,地点,场所171 -ary 表名词,人,场所,物172 -ary 表形容词, ...的173 -ast 表名词, ...人,物174 -aster 表名词,不怎么样的人175 -ate 表动词,做,造成176 -ate 表形容词,具有...的177 -ate 表名词,人或地位178 -atic 表形容词,有...性质的179 -ation 表名词,行为,过程,结果180 -ative 表形容词,有...倾向(性质)的181 -ator 表名词,通常由ate结尾的动词而来,做事的人或物182 -atory 表名词场所,地点183 -atory 表形容词,有...性质的184 -cy 表名词,也作-acy, 性质,状态185 -dom 表名词,状态或领域186 -ee 表名词,被动或主动的人187 -eer 表名词, ... 人员188 -el 表名词,人或物189 -en 表动词,变成190 -en 表形容词,由...制成的,通常加在名词后面191 -en 表名词,人或物192 -ence 表名词,性质,状态193 -ency 表名词,ence 的变体194 -enne 表名词,女性195 -ent 表形容词, ...的196 -ent 表名词, ...药剂197 -ent 表名词, ...人198 -eous 表形容词,有...的199 -er 表动词,反复做200 -er 表名词,物品,机器201 -er 表名词, ...人202 -ern 表形容词, ...方向的203 -ern 表名词, ...场所204 -ery 表名词,场所,地点205 -ery 表名词,行为,情况206 -esque 表形容词,如...的207 -ess 表名词,女性,雌性208 -et 表名词,小东西209 -etic 表形容词,属于...的210 -ette 表名词,小的东西或状态211 -ety 表名词,状态212 -eur 表名词, ...人213 -faction 表名词,达到的状态,由-fy转化而来214 -fic 表形容词,产生...的215 -fication 表名词,由fic变化而来216 -fier 表名词,人或物,由-ify转化而来217 -fold 表形容词或副词,倍,双重218 -form 表形容词,有...形状的219 -ful 表形容词, 有...的220 -ful 表名词, 满,量221 -fy 表动词, ...化,成为... ,更多时候作-ify222 -hood 表名词, 时期,性质等223 -ia 表名词, 某种病224 -ia 表名词, 总称,状态225 -ial 表形容词,有...的226 -ian 表名词,某种人227 -ian 表形容词, ...国家的228 -ibility 表名词,具备...性质的229 -ible 形容词能...的230 -ic 表形容词, ....的,有时作-tic231 -ic 表名词,某种药232 -ic 表名词,人或学科233 -ical 表形容词, ...的234 -ice 表名词,行为,状态235 -ics 表名词,学科,学术236 -id 表形容词,如...的237 -ie 表名词,小东西或人238 -ier 表名词,人或物239 -ile 表形容词, ...的240 -ile 表名词,物体241 -ine 表形容词, ...的242 -ine 表名词,人或女人243 -ine 表名词,状态, 药物等244 -ing 表形容词,正...的,令人...的245 -ing 表名词,行业246 -ing 表名词,物品247 -ing 表名词,状态248 -ion 表名词,动作或状态分为--sion和--tion两种249 -ion 表示某种物,用品250 -ior 表形容词,较...的251 -ious 表形容词, ....的252 -ise 表动词后缀,和-ize 相同,是-ize 的变体, ...化253 -ise 表名词,物品,状态254 -ish 表形容词,象...一样,有的... ,通常放在一具体名词后255 -ish 表动词,造成...256 -ish 表示国家的或语言257 -ism 表示学术或学术流派258 -ism 表示行为, 现象,状态259 -ism 表示疾病260 -ism 表示具备某种性质261 -ism 名词,表示各种主义,宗教262 -ist 表名词,表示信仰者,专家或从事人263 -ist 以-ist 结尾的单词,不少同时可做名词和形容词用。
Without clear and definite laws,
it's usually hard to judge the validity of innominate contracts.
无名合同没有明确的法律规 制,因此在效力认定问题上存 在困难。
词根:fin = limit 结束,限制
助记:nomin(命名)+ ee (被…者)→被命名者→被提 名者
释义:n. 被提名者,被任命者
The Director is awaiting the Board's affirmation of his nominee.
董事长在等待董事会批准他提 名的候选人。
5. innominate
助记:in(无)+ nomin(名) + ate(使…)→使无名的→匿 名的
释义:n./v. 妥协,折衷 I think we'd better reach a compromise. 我认为我们最好相互让步。
5. submit
我们很难给那些抽象的事物下 定义。
4. infinite
助记:in(无)+ fin(范围)+ ite(…的)→没有范围的→无 限的
释义:a. 无穷的,无限的
助记:nomin(命名)+ ator (…者)→命名者→提名者
释义:n. 提名者,任命者
Nominator should have got the nominee's consent before making the nomination.
提名人在做出提名前,必须得 到获提名人士的同意。
4. nominee
词根词缀例词1 mno- uni- monocotyledon 单子叶植物2 di bi- dicotyledon 双子叶植物bisexual 两性的3 tri- trifoliate 具三小叶的4 ter(a)- quadr(u)- dinitrogen tetroxide 四氧化二氮duadrant 四分体5 pent- quinqu(e)- pentose 戊糖quinquennial 五年生的6 hex- sex- sextuploid 六倍体(的)hexose 已糖7 hept(a)- septem- heptaploid 七倍体(的)septempartite 七深裂的8 oct(a)- octagynous 有八雄蕊的9 enn(a)- enneaploid 九倍体的10 dec(a)- decameter 十米11 hende(a)-12 dodec(a)-半semi- hemi- hemiepihyte 半匍匐植物semipermeability 半透性1/10 deci- decimeter 分米多mult- multigenic 多基因的百hect(o)- hectare 公顷(100公亩)百分之一centi- centimeter 厘米Centigrade ℃千分之一milli- milligram(me) 毫克万myria- myriametre 万米S sulfur-(sulphur-) sulfuric acid 硫酸N(硝基) nitri- nitro- nitrous acid 亚硝酸P phosphor- metaphosphoric acid 偏磷酸B boro- bori- boric acid 硼酸C carb(o)- carbon dioxide 二氧化碳F fluori- hydrofluoric acid 氢氟酸Cl chlori- perchloric acid 高氯酸Br bromi- hypobromous acid 次溴酸I iodi- iodide 碘化物Fe ferr- potassium ferrate 高铁酸钾Ca calc(i)- decalcify 脱钙氰cyani- cyanic acid 氰酸氧化-oxide nitrogen dioxide 二氧化氮氢氧-hydroxide Sodium hydroxide 氢氧化钠脱- de- deoxy- 脱氧-dehydr- 脱水;脱氢氨基amid(o)- amino- amino acid 氨基酸甲基meth(o)- methanol 甲醇乙基ethyl- ethylene 乙烯苯基phenyl- phenylalanine 丙氨酸水、氢化- hydr(o)- hydrophyte 水生植物超- hyper- ultra- hypersensibility 过敏性ultrastructure 超微结构最高、顶点acr(o)- acropetal 向顶的空气aer(o)- aer(i)- aerobic 好气的aerial root 气生根花anth flor- anther 花药inflorescence 花序果实carp-(o) parthenocarpy 单性结实茎cauli- caulo- cauliflower 花椰菜叶foli- phyll(o)- phylloxanthin 叶黄素foliage bud 叶芽根rhiz(o)- rhizobia 根瘤菌细胞cyt(o)- cytology 细胞学生态ec(o)- ecology 生态学生命、生物bio- biosynthesis 生物合成颜色chrom(o)- chromosome 染色体皮、外层derm dermatoplasm 胞壁质-酶-ase azotase 固氮酶运动kine- kinetin 激动素脂肪的lip(o)- lipoid 类脂化合物大、长macro(o)- meg(a)- macrostylous 长花柱的megaspore 大孢子小micro- microscope 显微镜个体onto- ontogeny 个体发生卵ov(o)- ov(i) ovary 子房光photo- photosynthesis 光合作用盐sali- salinization 盐渍化毒toxic(o)- toxin 毒素蔓viti- viticulture 葡萄栽培成对、接合zyg(o)- zygote 合子异- allo- allodiploid 异源二倍体heter- heterophyte 异养植物同- homo- homolog 同源染色体雄- andro- androeciua 雄蕊雌- gyn- gynoecia 雌蕊隐- crypto- cryptogam 隐花植物糖glyco- glycolysis 糖酵解上- epi- epicotyl 上胚轴下- hypo- hypodermis 下表皮同- iso- isoenzyme 同功酶核karyo- karyomixis 核融合中- mes- mesocarp 中果皮寡- 少- oligo- oligosaccharide 低聚糖周- peri- peridrem 周皮植物phyto- phytocoenosium 植物群落原- proto- protophloem 原生韧皮部假- pseu- pseudaxis 假轴杀-剂-cide pesticide 杀虫剂园艺学相关科技文献中常出现的词汇一、植物名称(一)果树猕猴桃kiwifruit菠萝pineapple菠萝蜜jack fruit杨梅arbutus槟榔areca樱桃cherry油桃nectarine板粟chestnut橄榄olive椰子coconut李plum蟠桃flat peach金桔cumquat银杏gingko榛子hazelnut山核桃pecan胡桃walnut荔枝litchi枇杷loquat桂圆longan山楂maythorn、hawthorn桃peach梨pear槟榔pinang榅桲quince柿persimmon、Chinese fig枣Chinese jujub椰枣date柑桔citrus杏apricot橙China orange柠檬lemon柚pomelo(pumelo)、shaddock蒲桃柚grapefruit脐橙navel orange油梨avocado无花果fig石榴pomegranate草莓strawberry黑霉blackberry悬钩子raspberry大杨莓loganberry(罗甘莓)露莓dewberry(a type of blackberry)博伊森莓Boysenberry((a type of blackberry)越橘blueberry(cranberry is a type of blueberry) 接骨木elderberry醋栗gooseberry腰果acajou、elephant’s tick杨桃carambola芒果mango桑mulberry山定子Siberian crabapple番木瓜papaya阿月浑子pistachio仁果类pome坚果类nut浆果类berry核果类drupe、stone fruits(二)蔬菜荠菜blind weed百合lily豆科植物legume菜豆bean黄荚种菜豆wax bean食荚菜豆snap bean绿豆mung bean赤豆small red bean豇豆string bean、cowpea刀豆sword bean扁豆hyacinth bean、dolichos蚕豆broad bean菜豆lima bean苜蓿alfalfa 、medick芦荟aloe芦笋asparagus葫芦科植物cucurbit苦瓜balsam pear、bitter cucumber佛手瓜chayote美洲南瓜pumpkin中国南瓜squash印度南瓜winter squash、true sqush、giant pumpkin黑籽南瓜malabar gourd丝瓜sponge gourd、towel gourd、luffa冬瓜white(wax)gourd葫芦gourd甜瓜melon香瓜muskmelon罗马香瓜cantaloupe金瓜marrow?蛇瓜serpentmelon甜菜beet茄子eggpant辣椒pepper朝天椒cone pepper、chilli胡椒粉black pepper(来自浆果)、white pepper(来自种子) 牛蒡burdock莴苣lettuce结球莴苣head lettuce直立莴苣cos(romaine) lettuce甘蓝cabbage羽衣甘蓝kale(collard)抱子甘蓝Brussels sprout球茎甘蓝kohlrabi芥蓝kailan大白菜Chinese cabbage芹菜celery香椿Chinese mahogany山药yam萝卜radish细香葱chive洋葱onion芋dasheen、taro茴香(sweet)fennel木耳black fungus银耳white fungus茼蒿garland大蒜garlic生姜ginger藕lotus枸杞matrimony地瓜pachyrhizus韭Chinese chive韭葱eek韭黄tender yellowish leek菊苣succory、common chicory薄荷bergamot菊芋Canada potato茭白Indian rice、wild rice竹笋bamboo shoot慈姑arrowhead荸荠water chestnut芫荽Coriander胡萝卜carrot苋菜edible amaranth芡实Gordon euryale辣根horse radish空心菜water spinach、swamp cabbage菱water caltrop花菜cauliflower青花菜broccoli青菜loose-head Chinese cabbage、nonheading Chinese cabbage 芥菜mustard榨菜tuber mustard雪里蕻potherb mustard蘑菇mushroom草菇Chinese mushroom朝鲜蓟artichoke甘薯sweet potato芜菁turnip欧洲防风parsnips婆罗门参salsify芜菁甘蓝rutabaga木薯cassava苣荬菜endive水芹cress、water drop-wort欧芹parsley豆瓣菜water cress乌塌菜wu-ta-tasi大黄rhubarb芦荟aloe金针菜day lily冬寒菜potherb mallow落葵Lakui香辛蔬菜Spicy vegetables(三)花卉翦股颖bentgrass早熟禾blue grass结缕草Korean lawngrass、lawngrass 狗牙根Bermuda grass凤仙花balsam、impatiens三色堇love-in-idleness矢车菊blue cornflower雏菊daisy仙人掌cactus鸾凤玉bishops-hood量天尺common nightblooming-cereus 令箭荷花nopalxochia景天blush stonecrop蟹爪兰crab cactus大丽花dahlia鸢尾iris铁线草black maidenhair美人蕉(indian)canna瓜叶菊cineraria盆景dish garden蕨类植物fern唐菖蒲gladiola蜀葵hollyhock金丝桃John’s-wort龙舌兰maguey万寿菊marigold水仙花narcissus、crocus月季Chinese rose一串红scarlet sage芍药(common)peony牡丹moutan报春花fairy primrose马齿苋purslane晚香玉tuberose郁金香tulip紫罗兰violet、pansies菊花chrysanthemum兰orchid香石竹carnation向日葵sunflower、turnsole茉莉jasmine矮牵牛petunia天竺葵geranium爬山虎boston ivy石竹dianthus百日草zinnias金鱼草snapdragons蜘蛛抱蛋aspidistra蟆叶海棠assamking begonia鹤望兰bird-of-paradise-flower虎尾兰bowstring-hemp小苍兰common freesia仙客米cyclamen含羞草humble plant风信子hydrangea绣球hydrangea花叶万年青tuftroot(四)林木巴西木Brazil wood(wood Brazil) 南洋杉araucaria侧柏arbor vitae白杨aspen山毛榉beech樟树camphor tree海桐Japanese pittosporum茉莉Arabian jasmine迎春winter jasmine苏铁cycad榆elm桧juniper铺地柏creeping juniper金桔kumquat小檗barberry十大功劳mahonia连翘weeping forsythia法国梧桐oriental planetree海仙花weigela扶芳藤winter crepping euonymus 蜡梅winter sweet冬青holly枸骨Chinese holly夹竹桃oleander柳树osier棕榈(hemp) palm洒金东瀛珊瑚gold-dust tree杜仲eucommia荚迷snowball麻叶乡球reeves spiraea柽柳tamarisk玉兰magnolia conspicus女贞prim、privet香柏cedar榕树Indian fig茶花camellia海棠Chinese flower apple、crabapple 垂丝海棠hall crabapple梅花Japanese apricot天竺葵geranium长春藤ivy紫藤Chinese wistaria水杉metasequoia松pine南洋杉hoop pine五针Japanese white pine马尾松mason-pine湿地松slash pine白皮松bunge pine杉fir橡树oak橡子acorn紫荆redbud杜鹃rhododendron丁香clove枫maple三角枫buerger maple鸡爪槭Japanese maple五角枫mono mapple南天竹nandina云杉spruce加洲银杉hemlock榆叶梅flowering almond文竹asparagus fern小蜡Chinese privet女贞glossy石楠Chinese photinia圆柏Chinese juniper金丝桃Chinese st. john’s wort枫杨Chinese wingnut黄杨Chinese box榔榆Chinese elm栀子cape jasmine忍冬honeysuckle二、栽培矮化栽培dwarf culture矮化砧dwarf stock栽培种cultigen亚种subspecies绑蔓tying保护地栽培protected cultivation催芽accelerating germination造林、绿化afforest前茬作物preceding crop后茬作物subsequent crop基肥basal manure追肥after manure后熟after ripening无性繁殖agamogenesis、asexual reproduction 有性生殖gamogenesis、sexual reproduction农技站agricultural extension service(agency) 机械化agricultural mechanization小气候microclimate塑料薄膜plastic sheeting农产品加工agricultural processing扦插cuttage硬枝扦插hardwood cutting软枝扦插succulent wood移植transplant插条cutting空中压条air layering压条layering冲积的(田)alluvial(field)轮作alternate culture、rotation换茬alternate husbandry施肥量amount of fertilizer降雨量amount of precipitation、rainfall可耕的arable干燥的arid人工授粉artificial pollination土球栽植ball-and-burlap plant行距between-tree(hill、hole) distance株距blanching culture软化栽培blooming盛花期blossom and fruit drop(abscission)落花落果bunch seeding穴播bunchy、ridge条播drill撒播broadcast seeding垄、埂bunchy、ridge叶球head主干(果树)central lead嫁接graft芽接budding接穗scion砧木rootstock劈接cleft grafting切接cut grafting、splice舌接whip and tongue鞍接saddle靠接side嫁接亲和力grafting affinity密植compact planting复种指数cropping index中耕、栽培cultivation短截、回缩cutting back促成栽培early forcing of vegetables 抑制栽培retard culture芽眼eye定植set plant无霜期frost-free period沟furrow发芽率germination percentage 发芽势germinating viability日光温室heliogreenhouse集约栽培intensive culture倒伏lodging年平均温度mean annual temperature 根瘤菌nodule bacteria草木灰plant ash豆荚pod聚乙烯polyethylene(PE)聚氯乙烯polyvinyl chloride(PVC) 采后的postharvest修剪prune、trim环剥ring根蘖root sucker树苗sapling疏果thinning种子纯度purity of seeds种子净度cleanliness of seeds 拌种seeds dressing无籽的seedless实生苗seedling plant副梢side shoot无土栽培soil-less culture特种蔬菜special vegetables基质substrate腐殖质humus分蘖tiller棚架trellis间作inter-cropping混作mixes-cropping间苗discarding plant氨水liquid ammonia变则主干型modified-leader form 团粒结构granular structure磷肥fertiphos匍匐茎runner离核freestone粘核clingstone果酱catsup果脯prune果台bourse果园orchard葡萄干raisin(currant)果仁kernel锄头mattock锹spade手镐pickaxe(短柄双刃) 喷雾器nebulizer大小年alternate habit结果的bearing早熟的early ripe晚熟的later ripe中熟的middle ripe绿篱hedge摘心nipping苗床nursely bed根外追肥outroot feeding腐熟的overrotten珍珠岩perlite蛭石vermiculite泥炭peat物候期phonological period肥料fertilizer三、遗传育种伴性遗传sex linked interitance自交不亲合性self incompatibility雄性不育系A-line、male sterility line 保持系B-line驯化acclimation适应性adaptation加性遗传additive inheritance性状character、traits等位基因allele抗性育种breeding for resistance化学诱变chemomorphosis染色体chromosome缺失deficiency重复duplication易位translocation倒位inversion近亲繁殖close breeding杂交cross、hybridization测交test cross退化degeneration显性的dominant隐性的recessive去雄emasculation杂种hybrid近交的inbred不育性infertility sterility基因文库gene library品系line连锁linkage位点locus母本的maternal父本的paternal突变mutation突变体mutant正反交reciprocal cross回交back cross返祖现象atavism常染色体autosome异染色体heterochromosome噬菌体bacteriophage密码子codon近交系数coefficient of inbreeding 遗传力heritability干扰系数coefficient of interference 互补作用complementation交换crossingover漂移drift嵌合体mosaics大肠杆菌 E.coli上位性epistasis进化evolution种质germ plasm杂种优势heterosis杂合体heterozygotes纯合体homozygotes纯系pure lines后代progeny重组recombination分离segregation物种species芽变sports转录transcription翻译translation自交系self-bred line配合力combining ability混杂confusion株系strain四、植物学科family磷片interfoyles鳞茎盘bulb pan分蘖bushing out假茎cauloid顶点acme向顶的apical生长的apical point孢母细胞sporocyte孢子spore畸形的abnormal直根tap root衰老senescence瘦果achene、akene常绿的adeciduous落叶的deciduous观赏植物adornment plant不定的(芽)adventitious(bud)气根aerating root好气的aerobic厌氧的anaerobic聚生的(果)aggregate(fruit)对生的opposite互生的alternate藻类alga无丝分裂amitosis减数分裂meiosis有丝分裂mitosis小孢子androspore风媒授粉anemogamy虫媒的entomophilous、insect pollination 鸟媒的ornithophily旱生植物xerophyte被子植物angiospermae裸子植物gymnogen皱叶的curly掌状的palmate蜡层waxen film一年生的annual二年生的biennial多年生的perennial花药anther花粉pollen花粉粒pollen grain花粉管pollen tube授粉pollinate开花anthesis草本的herbaceous头状花序anthodium总状花序botryoid、raceme伞房花序corymb聚伞花序cyme圆锥花序panicle水生的aquatic乔木arbor灌木arboret自花授粉autogamy异花授粉allogamy轴生的、主axial(root)腋生的axillary阔叶的broadleaf针叶树conifer鳞茎bulb球茎corm维管束bundle鞘sheath心皮carpel导管catheter复(芽)compound(bud) 匍匐- creeping皱叶的curled角质层cuticle胚(囊)embryo(sac)胚乳endosperm果皮pericarp、rind外果皮epicarp、exocarp 中果皮mesocarp内果皮endocarp果肉pulp上胚轴epicotyl出土的epigeal上位的epigynous下位的hypogynous肉质的fleshy配子gamete胚芽、细菌germ保卫细胞guard cell奇数羽状的imparipinnate偶数羽状的pinnate花序inflorescence种间的interspecific属间的intergeneric藤本植物liana髓部的medullary变态的metabolous薄壁组织parenchyma果胶pectin花梗pedicel韧皮部phloem木质部xylem雄蕊stamen雌蕊pistil原生质protoplasm蕨类植物pteridophyte胚根radicle气孔stoma卷须tendril超微结构ultrastructure营养的vegetative合子zygote雌雄异株的dioecious雌雄同株的monoecious雌雄异花diclinism受精fertilization色素pigment离层abscission layer树皮bark皮层cortex子叶cotyledon生态型ecotype常绿的evergreen、aiophyllus、indeciduous 落叶的defoliate、deciduous生长的growing point节间internode侧芽lateral bud瓠果pepo花瓣petal初生的primary次生的secondary三生的tertiary叶脉vein无籽的aspermous识别recognition五、植物生理学半透性semipermeability膜membrane脱落abscission乙酰胆碱acetyl choline腺嘌呤adenine(A)三磷酸腺苷adenosine triphosphate(ATP)抗坏血酸ascorbate主动运输active transport适应性adaptiveness吸附作用adsorption逆境adverse growing conditions 抗逆性adverse resistance淀粉amylum拮抗作用antagonism花青素anthocyanidin同化作用assimilation维生素vitamines激素hormines生长素auxin矮壮素cycocel(CCC)乙烯利ethrel乙烯ethylene固氮作用azotification甜菜碱betaine束缚态的bound形成层cambium胡罗卜素carotene类胡罗卜素caroteinoid叶绿素chlorophyll叶绿体chloroplast线粒体cytochondriome抗性resistance耐性tolerance胁迫stress冷害chilling damage(injury)冻害cold injury、freezing injury 涝害flood临界的critical光周期photoperiod长日植物long-day plant短日植物short-day plant变性denaturation内源的endogenous外源的exogenous酶enzyme光合作用photosynthesis呼吸作用respiration呼吸商respiration quotient葡萄糖glucose甘油glycerol生长调节剂growth regulator新陈代谢metabolism光诱导photoinduction荧光fluorescence脯氨酸proline丙酮酸pyruvic acid蒸腾作用transpiration春化作用vernalization反馈feedback源source库sink主动- active被动- passive有限生长determinate growth 无限生长indeterminate growth 饱和点saturation point补偿点compensation point 克隆clone极性polarity载体carrier渗透作用osmosis六、病虫害病原体pathogen真菌fungus防治control霜霉病downy mildew白粉病mildew斑枯病spot blight叶斑病spot角斑病angular leaf spot圆斑病blotch炭疽病anthracnose灰霉病grey mould疫病blight锈病rust疮痂病scab蚜虫aphid菜粉蝶cabbage butterfly菜青虫cabbageworm黄条跳甲stripe flea-beetle天牛capricorn beetle黄守瓜cucumber beetle瓢虫ladybird蛞蝓slug蜗牛snail蝗虫grasshopper蛆maggot蛴螬grub蝶蛹chrysalis金龟子Japanese beetle蛾moth黄瓜花叶病毒cucumber mosaic virus(CMV) 烟草花叶病毒tobacco mosaic virus(TMV) 生物农药biological control agent杀细菌剂bactericide链霉素streptomycin杀真菌剂fungicide百菌清chlorthalonil、daconil多菌灵bavistin代森锰锌dithane M-45福美双fernasan 、thiram甲基托布津thiophanate波尔多液Bordeaux mixture福尔马林formalin杀虫剂pesticide、insecticide乙酰甲胺磷acephate甲胺磷methamidophos、tamaron乐果daphene、rogor氧化乐果omethoate敌敌畏dichlorphos 、vapour敌百虫dipterex、dylox杀螟松fenchlorphos、sumithion石硫合剂lime-sulphur mixture马拉硫磷malathon甲拌磷phorate、thimet辛硫磷phoxim除虫菊酯pyrethrin西维因denapon除草剂herbicide、weedicide阿特拉津ametryn、atrazine杀草丹benthiocarb、saturn枯草隆chloroxuron敌草隆diuron、karmex草甘磷glyphosate扑草净prometryne氟乐灵trifluralin成虫期adult stage幼虫larva蛹pupa茧cocoon鳞翅目幼虫caterpillar若虫(蝻)nymph生理小种biological strain感病的susceptible抗病的resistant熏烟fumigation宿主host、parasitifer侵染infection接种inoculation致死浓度lethal concentration螨类mite克螨特propargite线虫nematode病毒virus寄生parasitization污染contamination传染媒介vehicle of infection免疫immunity抗体antibody抗原antigen检疫quarantine七、统计边际效应edge(border) effect空白试验blank assay区组block保护行bound row可加性additivity方差分析analysis of variance完全随机设计completely random design 随机区组设计randomized blocks design 平均数average对照check(CK)、control卡平方测验chi-square tests回归regression相关correlation效应effect自由度degress of treedom(df)误差error标准差SD(standard deviation)标准误SE(standard error)小区plot多重比较multiple comparisons局部控制local control八、实验比色分析colorimetric analysis石英砂arenaceous quartz层析、色谱chromatography电泳electrophoresis人工气候室climatic chamber、growth chamber 秋水仙素colchicines凝胶gel照度计illuminometer培育incubation盆栽试验pot experiment放射自显影radioautography放射性同位素radiosotope放射性同位素标记的radiolabelled光谱分析spectral analysis分光光度计spectrophotometer上层清液supernatant微量分析microanalysis九、组织培养(tissue culture)琼脂agar培养基mediem无菌的aseptic(sterile)消毒sterilize升汞bichloride of mercury愈伤组织callus培养皿culture dish器官发生organogeny继代栽培subculture紫外的ultraviolet分化differentiation再分化redifferentiation脱分化dedifferentiation看护培养nurse culture分生组织meristem平板培养plate culture外植体explants原生质体protoplasts全能性totipotency形态发生morphogenesis远缘杂交outcross连续培养continuous culture体细胞杂交somatic hybirdization质壁分离plasmolysis诱变mutagenesis胚状体embroid离体in vitro悬浮培养suspension culture微繁殖micropropagation振荡培养shaking culture十、学科生态学ecology群落生态学synecology生物学biology经济学ecology昆虫学entomology气象学meteorology统计学statistics生物统计学biometry农学agronomy土壤学pedology解剖学anatomy植物解剖学phytotomy植物学botany植物生理学physiology生物化学biochemistry遗传学genetics微生物学microbiology育种学breeding形态学morphology病理学pathology真菌学mycology病毒学virology分类学taxonomy(systematics)果树学carpology、pomology果树栽培学arboriculture、pomoculture 蔬菜学olericulture花卉园艺学floriculture园林设计landscape design观赏园艺ornamental horticulture树木学dendrology柑桔学citrology草本学agrostology组织学histology。
英语词根(一)1. abol=to do away with废除abolish废除 2. ab-sum=not present离开absent不在 3. abyssys=bottom底abyss深渊 4. ac=an oak栎属植物acorn橡树子 5. acer=a field原野acre英亩 6. acer=sharp尖锐的acerbity酸 7. acidus=sour发酸acid酸 8. acu=sharpen削尖acumen敏锐 9. aedes=a house住宅edifice屋宇 10. aequus=equal相等的equal平等的 11. aer=air空气aerate充气 12. aer=before以前ere在…之前 13. aesth=feel发觉aesthete审美家 14. aestimo=to value估价esteem尊重 15. aeternus=of endless duration永久的eternity 永恒 16. aevum=age年龄coeval同年代的 17. afen=evening晚上eve黄昏 18. afre=always永远ever永远 19. ag=act行动agency力量 20. agan=to own承认owe感谢 21. aggelos=a messenger通信员angel天使 22. agger=heap堆积exaggerate夸大 23. ago=lead引导pedagog教师 24. ago=to do做agile敏捷的 25. agon=contest争夺agonal濒死 26. agr=field原野agrarian土地的 27. aither=burn烧ether太空 28. alb=white白的alb白长袍 29. ali=another又一alias别名 30. alo=to nourish营养aliment食物 31. alt=high高的alter祭坛 32. alter=the other of tow两者的另外一个alter 改变 33. ambio=I go round about我在周围到处走ambition抱负 34. ambulo=I walk我步行preamble序言 35. amo=I love我爱amiable可亲的 36. ampl=wide广大ample广大的 37. an=one一个any什么 38. ancestre=one who goes before走在先前的人ancestor祖宗 39. ancien=old古代的ancient古代的 40. anemos=wind风enemograph风速计 41. angl=a corner角angle角 42. ango=to choke呛anguish苦恼 43. anim=breath呼吸animal动物 44. anism=mind心animosity敌意 45. ann=year年annual周年的 46. answer=to declare in opposition回答answer up应对迅速 47. anth=flower花anthology选集 48. anthropos=man人anthropocentric以人类为宇宙中心的 49. antiqunus=ancient古代的antic古怪的 50. apell=call by name叫appeal要求 51. aper=open打开aperture口 52. apt=fit配合apt合适的 53. aqu=water水aqua水 54. ar=plow犁arable耕地 55. arbiter=a judge法官arbitrate仲裁 56. arbor=a tree树arbor棚架 57. arc=a bow弯曲arc弧 58. ardeo=I burn我烧ardent热心的 59. are=circle环circular环形的 60. area=vacant place空地area地面 61. arena=sound活动场所 62. argent=silver银argent银 63. arguo=I prove我证明argue证明 64. arid=dry干旱的arid干旱的 65. arktos=bear熊星arctician北极探险者 66. arm=arms兵器arms兵器 67. ars=art艺术art艺术 68. asketikos=ascetic修士ascetic苦行的 69. aspectus=look外表aspect样子 70. asper=rough粗asperate使粗糙 71. asthmamatos=asthma喘息asthma气喘 72. astigmamatosic=astigmatic散光的astigmatic散光的 73. asulon=refuge庇护asylum收容所 74. athletes=athlete运动员athlete运动员 75. atmos=air气atmograph呼吸气息计 76. atrox=savage野蛮的atrocious凶恶的 77. aud=hear听闻audible可闻的 78. audax=bold大胆的audacious大胆的 79. augeo=increase增加augment增加 80. aur=gold金auriferous含金的 81. austeros=austere严厉的austere严厉的 82. av=bird鸟aviary鸟屋 83. ax=axle轴axial轴的 84. axios=worthy有价值的axiom公理 85. bac=back后backer支持者 86. bacan=to bake烘batch一批 87. bacteri=bacteri细菌bacterium细菌 88. balaution=baluster栏杆baluster栏杆柱 89. balig=bag袋belly胃 90. ball=dance跳舞会ball跳舞会 91. ballo=throw投emblem象征 92. bana=death死bane祸害 93. baptein=bathe给…洗澡baptism洗礼 94. barba=a beard须barb倒钩 95. barbaros=rude原始barbarian野蛮 96. baros=weight重barodynamics重力学 97. bas=short短的base低级的 98. basis=step步base基础 99. bat=beat打abate减少 100. beacnian=to nod点头beckon召唤 101. beam=a tree树干beam光线 102. beatan=beat击beat打 103. beatus=blessed神圣的beatific赐福的 104. bed=a prayer祈祷bead水珠 105. bel=fair美丽beldam老太婆 106. bell=war战争bellicose好战的 107. bene=well好benediction祝福 108. beodan=to proclaim宣布bid吩咐 109. beorgan=to protect保护burgh自治市 110. beran=to bear生bear负担 111. betan=to amend改正better改善 112. biblia=book书biblical《圣经》的 113. bibo=I drink我饮bib常常喝 114. bindan=to bin捆bind装订 115. bio=life生命biochemistry生物化学 116. bitan=to bite咬bite咬断 117. blanc=white白blanch漂白 118. blasan=to blow吹blast一阵 119. blawan=to blow吹bladder囊 120. blowan=to bloom开花blow开 121. bodian=to announce宣布bode预兆 122. bodig=body身体body身体 123. bon=good好bonus奖金 124. botone=plant植物botanic植物的 125. brad=broad广阔的broad宽阔的 126. brecan=to brak打破brake刹车 127. breowon=to brew酿造broth肉汤 128. brev=short短breve短间符号 129. bronch=tow main divisions of windpipe支气管bronchus支气管 130. buan=to till耕种boor农民 131. bucan=to use用brook容忍 132. buffalo=ox水牛buffalo野牛 133. bugan=to bend使弯曲bay湾 134. burs=purse钱包bursar掌管财务者 135. byman=to burn点burn烧毁 136. cad=to fall降落cad抑扬 137. caed=cut切caesura休止 138. camer=vault地下室camera暗箱 139. camp=field原野camp营 140. cancellare=lattice栏杆cancel取消 141. cancer=a crab癌canker口疮 142. candeo=I shine我发光candid公正的 143. canis=a dog狗canine狗的 144. canistrum=a basket篮 145. cano=to sing唱cant假话 146. cap=to take拿capable有能力的 147. capit=head头capital主要的 148. capr (capere)=goat山羊caper跳跃 149. carcer=a prison监狱incarcerate监禁 150. carn (car, carnis)=flesh肉carnage屠杀 151. carta=card纸chart海图 152. carus=dear亲爱的caress爱抚 153. castigo=I correct修正chasten惩戒 154. castus=pure纯chaste纯洁的 155. causa=a cause原因cause原因 156. cautum=to take care留意caution当心 157. cav=hollow穴cave洞 158. ceald=cold冷cool凉的 159. ceapan=to form形成form形成 160. ceapian=to buy买keep保持 161. cearcian=to crack劈啪地响crack裂开 162. cearu=care关心care小心 163. ced=go行cede让步 164. celer=swift快celerity迅速 165. cennan=to produce生产produce出产 166. censeo=I judge我审判censor检查员 167. cent=hundred百cent分 168. center=center中心center中央 169. ceowan=to chew嚼cheek面颊 170. cern=separate区别concern关系 171. certus=fixed一定的certain确实的 172. character=character性格character性质 173. charte=papyruscard海图chart海图 174. chasma=an opening开chasm陷窟 175. cheer=a state高兴cheer高兴 176. cheir=hand手chirognomy相手术 177. chem.=belonging化学的chemical化学的 178. cheval=horse马chevalier骑士 179. chil=lip唇chilognatha唇颚类 180. chlor=green绿chloral氯醛 181. chole=bile怒cholesystectomy胆囊切除术 182. choros=chorus合唱choir歌唱队 183. christos=anoint抹油于chrism圣油 184. chromato=colour颜色chromatic色彩的 185. chron=time时间chronic长期的 186. chrys=gold金chrysalid蝶蛹 187. cine=movement运动cinecamera电影摄影机 188. cing=bind束pre-cinct境界 189. cito=summon叫cite引用 190. civ=citizen公民civic城市的 191. clam=a bond契约clamp夹子 192. clamo=cry out乞求claim要求 193. clarus=clear光明clarify澄清 194. claud=close关闭clause分句 195. clemens=mild温和的clement温和的 196. cleofan, cleovan=to split劈开cleft裂缝 197. clifian=to adhere粘附clay泥土 198. clin=bend弯incline低 199. cliniqueklinike=clinical临床术clinic门诊所 200. cliv=slope坡acclivity斜坡 201. cnawan=to know知道ken眼界 202. cniht=a youth青春youth男青年 203. cnotta=a knot结knotty有节的 204. cnytta=to knit编织knot结 205. cogn=know知道cognition认识 206. col=to till耕耘colony殖民地 207. color=heat热caloric热 208. commod=fit合适的commodity物品 209. communis=common普通的common公共的 210. cone=peak高峰cone锥形物 211. coquo=to boil烧cook煮 212. cor=heart心core核心 213. corn=horn角corn鸡眼 214. corona=a crown王位corona冠 215. corp=body体corporal肉体的 216. cosmos=world世界cosmic宇宙的 217. cranio=skull头脑craniology骨头学 218. creed=believe相信credence介绍信 219. creo=I create我创造create创造 220. cresc=grow增长crescent新月状的 221. crimen=a crime犯罪crime罪 222. crux=a cross交叉crucial决定性的 223. cryo=frost寒冷cryobiology低温生物这 224. crystallo=ice水晶crystal水晶 225. cubi=cube立方体cube立方体 226. cubo=I lie down我躺下incubate孵 227. culp=fault错culpable有罪的 228. cumbrous=heap积累cumber麻烦 229. cunnan=to know知道can能 230. cur=care注意cure纠正 231. curr=to run跑current通用的 232. cwellan=to kill杀kill杀死 233. cwethan=to say说quoth说过 234. cwic=alive活着的quick快的 235. cyclo=a circle圆周cycle周期 236. cyno=cynic狗cynic玩世不恭的 237. cyst=bladder囊cyst胞 238. cyt细胞cytochemistry细胞化学 239. daeg=day日dawn黎明 240. daelan=to divide分deal分配 241. daemon=spirit鬼demon恶棍 242. damno=I condem谴责damn攻击 243. deare=dear亲爱的dear亲爱的 244. debeo=to owe欠debt债务 245. decem=ten十decimal十进的 246. decens=becoming合适的decent正派的 247. deman=to judge裁判deem认为 248. demos=people人民democracy民主 249. dens=a tooth牙齿dent齿 250. densus=thick厚的dense密集的 251. derma=skin皮derma真皮 252. deus=a god神deify当作神明 253. dexter=right hand右手dexterity灵巧 254. diaita=way of living生活方式diet饮食 255. dico=to say说出dictation命令 256. die=ditch沟dig挖 257. dies=a day一天diary日记 258. dignus=worthy有价值的dignity高贵 259. dioikeo=to manage管理diocesan主教 260. do=to give给date日期 261. doceo=to teach教docile驯良的 262. dokeo=think想dogma教条 263. doleo=I grieve我感到悲痛condole慰问 264. dominus=a lord主人dominant支配的 265. domus=a house房子domestic家里的 266. don=to do做don披上 267. dono=I give我给与donor赠与人 268. dormio=I sleep我睡觉dormitory集体寝室 269. dragan=to drag drag拖 270. drao=act行为drama戏曲 271. drifan=to drive驱drive驱使 272. drincan=to drink喝drink喝酒 273. dripan, drypan=to drip湿透drip湿透 274. dromas=a running跑 275. dromos=a course进行dromos竞走场 276. drygan=to dry干涸dry干旱的 277. duco=to lead领导duke公爵 278. duo=two二duplicate复制的 279. durus=hard坚硬的endure持久 280. dwal, dol=foolish笨的fool蠢人 281. dynamis=power力dynameter扩度计 282. dyne=a noise杂音din闹音 283. dyppan=to dip浸dip浸渍 284. eac=also也 285. eage=an eye眼睛eye眼睛 286. eaid=old年老的older较老 287. earian=to plough犁ear穗 288. earnian=reap收获earn赚得 289. echo=a sound声echo回声 290. efese=eaves屋檐eavesdrop檐水 291. ego=I我egotist利己主义者 292. eidolon=an image偶像idol偶像 293. eidolon=an image像idol偶像 294. eidolon=idol偶像idol偶像 295. eidos=form形状cyclorama圆形画景 296. eikon=an image像icon人像 297. eikon=icon像iconic人像 298. eiron=a dissembler伪君子ironic讽刺的 299. elao=draw out引长elastic弹性的 300. electron=amber琥珀electric电的 301. emo=to buy买redeem买回 302. eo=to go去exit退场 303. equus=a horse马equine马的 304. eremos=solitary孤独的hermit隐士 305. ergon=work工作erg尔格 306. erro=I wander我漫游err犯错误 307. esse=to be存在essence本质 308. ethnos=race种族ethnocentrism种族优越感的 309. ethos=a custom风俗ethic伦理 310. etymos=true真的etym词源 311. eu=well美好eulogist颂扬者 312. exemelum=example范例example例子 313. expedio=I set free我给予释放expedition 远征 314. experior=to try尝试expert专家 315. faber=a workman工人fabric布 316. facies=the face脸face脸 317. facilis=easy容易的facile易做到的 318. facio=I do我制作fact事实 319. fadus=a treaty条约federal联邦的 320. fallo=to deceive欺骗false假的 321. fama=a report报告fame名声 322. fans=speaking说infant婴儿 323. fanum=a temple庙宇fane教堂 324. faran=to go or to travel去或旅行fare行走 325. fast=fast紧的fasten扎牢 326. fattus=silly愚蠢fatuous愚昧的 327. fatus=spoken口语的fate命运 328. fedan=to feed喂food食物 329. felicis=happy幸福的felicity幸福 330. femina=a woman女人feminine女性的 331. fendo=I strike我进行反击fender防御物 332. fengan=to catch捉fang尖牙 333. feower=four四firkin小桶 334. fero=to bear承担confer授予 335. ferox=fierce凶猛ferocity残忍 336. festus=I boil我煮开水fervent炽热的 337. festus=pertaining to holidays关于假日的festal节日的 338. fibula=a story故事fable寓言 339. fidelis=faithful忠诚的fidelity忠诚 340. fido=I trust我信赖confide信托 341. figo=I fix我把…固定下来fix牢记 342. figura=a form形式figure外形 343. filius=a son儿子filial子女的 344. fillan=to fill装满fill占满 345. filum=a thread线file档案 346. findan=to find找到find发现 347. findo=to cleave劈开fissile裂变的 348. fingo=to form形成feign假装 349. finis=an end终端finite有限的 350. firmus=firm坚强firm结实的 351. flagro=I burn我燃烧flagrant公然的 352. flamma=a flame火焰flame火焰 353. flecto=to bend弯曲flexible可变通的 354. fleogan=to flee逃flee逃避 355. fleotan=to float漂浮fleet海军 356. fligo=to dash猛撞afflict折磨 357. flos=a flower花flower花 358. flowan=to flow流动floe浮冰块 359. fluo=to flow流动fluid流动的 360. foda=food食物fodder饲料 361. fola=foal驹filly小雌马 362. folium=a leaf树叶foil叶形饰 363. forma=a form形状form形态 364. fortis=strong强壮的fort堡垒 365. fot=foot足foot跳舞 366. frango=I break我弄破fragile脆的 367. frater=a brother弟兄fraternal友好的 368. fraus=deceit欺诈fraud欺骗 369. freon=to love爱 370. freond=friend朋友Friday星期五 371. frigus=cold冷frigid寒冷的 372. frons=the forehead前额front前面 373. fruor=to enjoy享受fructify结实 374. fugio=I flee我逃跑fugitive逃亡者 375. ful=foul难闻的filth污秽 376. fumus=smoke烟fume烟 377. fundo=to pour倾倒found铸造 378. fundus=the bottom底部foundation创办 379. furo=madness疯狂fury猛烈 380. gabban=to mock嘲笑mocker嘲笑者 381. galan=to sing唱yell叫喊 382. gamos=merriage婚姻monogamy一夫一妻制 383. gangan=to go去gone过去的 384. gast=breath呼吸ghost鬼 385. ge=earth地geochemistry地球化学 386. geapan=to gape张口gap缺口 387. geard=a yard院子garden园 388. gelu=frost霜冻congeal冻结 389. gen=produce生产generate产生 390. gens=a race种族gentle文雅的 391. genus=a kind种general一般的 392. gero=to bear搬运gerund动名词 393. gifan=to give给given赠送的 394. gildan=to pay支付guilt内疚 395. glacies=ice冰glacier冰河 396. gloria=glory光荣glory光荣 397. gloss=tongue语言gloss注解 398. gnagan=to bite叮nag唠唠叨叨地责骂 399. god=good好gospel真理 400. Gospel=God’s spell喜讯 401. gradior=I walk我行走 402. gradus=a step一步grade等级 403. grafan=to dig挖digger挖掘者 404. gram=a letter字gramophone留声机 405. grands=great伟大的grand重大的 406. granum=seed种子grain谷物 407. grapho=write写graph图 408. grapian=to handle弄handler处理者 409. gratus=pleasing使人愉快的grace优美 410. gravis=heavy重的grave坟墓 411. grex=a flock群aggregation总计 412. gripan=to seige逮捕grasp掌握 413. gymnazo=to exercise naked裸体锻炼gymnast体育教师 414. gyn=woman妇女gynaeceum闺房 415. gyrdan=to enclose围绕gird束 416. habban=to have有haft柄 417. habeo=to have有habit习惯 418. habito=I dwell我居住在…inhabit居住于 419. haem=blood血hemal血液的 420. haereo=to stick黏着adhere坚持 421. haeres=an heir后裔inherit继承 422. hairesis=a choice选择heresy异教 423. hal, hael=to heal医治hale强壮的 424. half=bread面包loaf一只面包 425. halig=holy神圣的hallow圣徒 426. healdan=to hold握住uphold举起 427. hebban=to raise举起heave举起 428. hekaton=a hundred一百hecatomb大祭祀 429. helios=the sun日helicopter直升飞机 430. hentan=to seize逮捕hint暗示 431. here=an army军队harbor港口 432. heros=a demi-god半神半人hero英雄 433. hieros=holy神圣的hierarch祭司长 434. hilaros=gay快乐的hilarious狂欢的 435. hippos=a horse马hippocampus海马 436. historia=a narrative记事history历史 437. hlot=a lot签lottery抽彩给奖法 438. hodos=a way道路method方法 439. holos=all完全holocaust燔祭 440. homo=a man男人human人类的 441. homos=same同homogeneous同类的 442. horizo=bounding界限horizon地平 443. horo=hour小时horologe日出 444. horreo=I bristle我发抖horror恐怖 445. hospes=a guest客人hospitable好客的 446. hostis=an enemy敌人hostile敌意的 447. humeo=to be moist变潮湿humid湿的 448. hus=a house房子husband丈夫 449. hydro=water水hydro水疗处 450. ichno=track足迹ichnography平面图 451. ichthy=fish鱼ichthyoid鱼形的 452. idein=idea思想idea思想 453. idio=one’s own私有的idiocrasy特质 454. ignis=fire火ignite着火 455. imago=a likeness相似image肖像 456. imitor=I copy我抄写imitate模仿 457. impero=I command我下命令imperative迫切的 458. indico=I point out我指出index索引 459. insula=an island岛屿isle小岛 460. integer=whole全的entire完全的 461. ira=anger生气ire爱尔兰 462. iso=equal等于isobar等压线 463. iter=a journey旅行itinerant巡回的 464. jacio=to throw投掷abject凄惨的 465. jocus=a jest玩笑joke笑话 466. judex=a judge法官judge法官 467. judume=a joke轭conjugate结合 468. jungo=to join结合junction连结 469. juro=I swear我发誓jury陪审团 470. jus=right权利jurisdiction司法 471. kaio=capable of burning侵蚀caustic苛性的 472. kalos=beautiful美的calligraphy笔迹 473. kanna=a reed芦苇canister罐 474. kanon=a rule法则canon教规 475. kastanea=chestnut chestnut栗子 476. kata=down open降下cataract瀑布 477. kate=sound声音catechism审问 478. kedros=cedar雪松cedarn雪松 479. kenotophion=tomb空墓cenotaph衣冠墓 480. kentron=a sharp point点central中心的 481. kerasos=cherry樱桃cherry樱桃树 482. khaos=disorder混乱chaos混乱 483. khilias=chiliad一千chiliad一千 484. khimaira=chimera怪物chimera怪物 485. kichore=succory菊苣chicory菊苣 486. kilma=a slope坡度climate气候 487. kisia=chest胸chest箱子 488. klerikos=a lot一分clerical牧师的 489. klimax-akos=ladder梯子climax顶点 490. koimeterion=cemetery公墓 491. kolikos=pained in the bowels腹疼colic腹痛 492. kolon=limb肢colon冒号 493. kolossos=colosus巨像colosus巨像 494. komma=clause小句comma逗号 495. komoidia=comedy喜剧comedy喜剧 496. konops=gnat小昆虫canopy华盖 497. kophinos=basket篮coffer资产 498. kratos=rule统治aristocarcy贵族统治 499. kriterion=criterion标准criterion标准 500. kritikos=critic批评critic批评家 501. krokodeilos=a large amphibious reptile爬虫crocodile鳄 502. krokos=yellow桔黄色crocus桔黄色 503. krypt=conceal隐瞒crypt地窟 504. krystallos=ice冰crystal水晶 505. kumbalon=cymbals钗chime韵律 506. kuon=a dog犬cynic玩世不恭的人 507. kurikon=Lord’s上帝 508. kurios=lord领主church教堂 509. kyklos=ring集团cycle周期.-。
Word-Formation•homeo-相同,象;同一,同( homeostasis )hypno-睡眠(hypnosis / hypnotic / hypnotherapy )psych/o 心理,精神(psychotherapy )ovari/o-卵巢( ovarian )splen/o 脾( spleen )leuk/o白(leukemia )lymph/o 淋巴( lymphoma )melan/o 黑色( melanoma )onco-瘤,肿( oncology ) anti-抗, 防止( antioxidant )tox/o 毒,毒素( genotoxic )intra-内,内部的( intravenous ) crani/o 颅骨( craniosacral )-ic …的( psychosomatic )-iatry 医疗术,医治法( psychiatry ) diet 饮食( dietitian )chemo-化学( chemotherapy )oxy-氧,氧化( antioxidant )ven/o-,ven/i-静脉( venous )-stasis 停滞,淤积(homeostasis )-osis 状态,病态,病,症( hypnosis ) -therapy 治疗(chemotherapy )-emia 血症(leukemia )-oma 肿瘤(melanoma )-logy 学科,研究(oncology )-ant …剂(antioxidant )-ous …的,有…的,分泌…的( venous )Word Formationmuscul/o肌肉cardi/o心脏tend/o, tendin/o腱quadri-四trans-横跨, 越过, 在…的另一边vas/o管, 血管-al …的-ac …的( musculoskeletal, musculotendinous)( cardiac, cardiovascular )( tendon )( quadriceps )( transverse )( cardiovascular )( cardiac )( visceral )neur/o-神经Word Formation ( neuron, neurofibril)necle/o核( nucleus )gangli/o-, ganglion/o-神经节gli/o-胶, 胶质( ganglia )( neuroglia)peri-周, 周围( peripheral )-tic …的( sympathetic, antagonistic ) -ic…的( preganglionic)-atic…的( plasmatic )spin/o-脊柱( spinal, spine )micro-小, 微, 细( microtubule ) cerebr/o-脑( cerebrum, cerebral ) crani/o-颅骨( cranial )para-周, 旁, 副; 异常( parasympathetic ) pre-在前( preganglionic)post-在后( post ganglionic)enter/o-肠( enteric )dendr/o-, dendri-树( dendritic)axo-轴, 轴突( axon )medull/o 髓质( medulla )medull/o 髓质( cytoplasm )mito- 线( mitochondrial ) -ule (使小后缀)( spinule, tubule ) fibr/o- 纤维( neurofibril )Word Formation •atri/o-房( atrium )ventricul/o-室( ventricle )my/o-肌肉( myocardium )cardi/o-心( myocardium )de-去掉, 脱离( deoxygenate )-let (使小后缀)( platelet )arteri/o-动脉( artery )ven/i-, ven/o-静脉( vein, venous ) pulmo-, pulmon/o-肺; 气( pulmonary ) di-二, 双( carbon dioxide )urin/o-尿( urinary, urine ) endo-在内部( endocrine )erythr/o-红( erythrocyte )-cyte细胞( erythrocyte, phagocyte ) hem/o-, haem/o-血( hemoglobin ) lymph/o-淋巴( lymph, lymphatic ) ex(o)-外,在外( excrete )phago-吞噬( phagocytosis)leuk/o-白( leukocyte )inter-间, 中间( interstitial )nas/o鼻Word Formation ( nasal )epiglott/o-会厌( epiglottis )trache/o-气管( trachea )bronch/o-,bronchi/o-支气管( bronchi ) thorac/o-胸, 胸腔( thoracic )dia-通过; 区别, 分离( diaphragm ) pleur/o-胸膜( pleura )muc/o-黏液( mucous ) esophag/o-食管( esophagus ) alveol/o-小孔, 肺泡( alveoli )in-进入( inhale )ex(o)-排出( exhale )oxy-氧( oxygen, deoxygenated )Word Formation rect/o-直肠( rectum )an/o-肛门( anus )saliv/o-唾液( saliva )de-脱离, 分离( decompose, decontamination ) dis-分开, 分离(disassemble )peptid/o-肽( peptide , polypeptide)muc/o-黏液( mucosa)-gen原, 发生物( pepsinogen, glycogen )hydr/o-水( hydrolyze, hydrolysis ) gastr/o-胃( gastrin)-in…素, …剂( gastrin)duoden/o-十二,十二指肠( duodenum ) jejun/o-空, 空肠ile/o-回肠( jejunum )( ileum )fec/o-粪便( defecation, feces )carbo-碳( carbohydrate )-ate …酸盐( carbonate, bicarbonate ) tox/o- 毒,毒素( detoxification )syn- 连, 合, 联, 共( syndrome, synthesize )ex(o)- 外,在外( excretion )Word Formationur/o-尿( ureter, urethra )abdomin/o-腹( abdomen )-itis炎症( urethritis, cystitis )cyst/o-囊, 膀胱( cystitis, cystoscopy) pyel/o-肾盂( pyelonephritis, pyelogram) nephr/o-肾(nephron)vagin/o-阴道( vagina )dia-通过; 区别, 分离( diaphragm ) sperm/o-( spermicidal, spermicide)-cide杀( spermicidal )bio-生, 生命( antibiotics )anti-抑制, 对抗, 防止( antibody ) micro-小, 微, 细( microbe )-gram 图, 照片( pyelogram, radiogram ) -scopy检查(法)( cystoscopy)tri-三( trimethoprim)tetra-四( tetracycline )immun/o-免疫( immunoglobulin )2Word Formationmacro-巨大( macrophage )proto-原始,第一, 初( protozoa )-gen 原, 发生物( antigen )nitro-硝基( nitrogen, nitrogenous, nitric )cerebr/o-脑( cerebral, cerebritis)a-/an-无, 缺,非( asexual, anuria )iso-均等; 同种, 同族( isotype, isotope )3pro-原, 前immun/o-免疫( immunopathology, immunity)( pro-inflammatory, prodrome )inter-间, 中间( interleukin, interneuron )-osis 病态( necrosis )-cyte 细胞( cytokine )re-再,重Word Formation(reproductive, recombinant)-ic (therapeutic, somatic)-some 体(chromosome, somatic)gen/o 基因(genome, genotype )-in 剂,素(ionomycin)sperm/o, spermat/o 精子(sperm, spermatovum)Word Formation pharmac/o 药,药学( pharmacology, pharmacy)syn-联合,结合( synthetic )tox/o 毒, 毒素( toxicity )bio-生物, 生命( biosynthetic )arteri/o 动脉( arterial )immuno-免疫( immunosuppressant )path/o 病 ( pathology, pathogen ) tox/o 毒 ( toxicology )-osis 病态 ( metamorphosis )hybrid 杂交 ( hybridisation )-opsy (view) 检查 ( autopsy / necropsy; biopsy )-gen 原, 发生物 ( pathogen )pro- 原, 前 ( protist )pre- 在前 ( precursor )organ/o 有机, 器官 ( inorganic )a 无 ( abiogenesis, aseptic )macro- 巨大( macroscopic )-genesis 发生, 生成( biogenisis )-cle (使小后缀) ( vesicle )-coccus 球菌 ( staphylococcus )-rrhea 流出, 溢出 ( gonorrhea, diarrhea )aden/o- 腺 ( adenine; adenoma )thym/o- 胸腺 ( thymine; thymocyte )-form 具有…形状的 ( coliform )chlor/o- 氯 ( chloramphenicol / chloromycetin; chloroform )-phil(e) 嗜;亲 ( eosinophil; haemophilus )1. holistic medicine/health/healing2. alternative/alternate medicine3. modalities of diagnosis and treatment4. mainstream/conventional medicine ( care )5. health professionals/providers6. complementary therapy7. preventive care8. radiation / hormone therapy9. oral hygiene10. genotoxic agents11. synthetic interferon12. side effects13. physical therapists1.musculoskeletal system2.cardiovascular system3.digestive tract4.skeletal muscles5.connective tissues6.knee joints7.physical strain8.locomotor system1. nerve impulses2. central/peripheral/autonomic nervous system3. spinal cord4. cerebral cortex5. sleep-wakefulness cycles6. visceral organs7. energy metabolism8. sympathetic/parasympathetic nervous system9. preganglionic/postganglionic neurons10. brain stem11. autonomic ganglia12. target organs13. sensory fibers14. enteric nervous system15. gastrointestinal tract1. endothelial cells2. systemic/pulmonary circulation3. integumentary systems4. cellular metabolism5. oxygen molecules6. nutrient absorption7. endocrine/ lymphatic system8. interstitial fluid9. venous blood10. lymph nodes11. metabolic waste1.carbon dioxide2.upper/lower respiratory tract3.nasal cavities4.mucous membranes5.vocal cords6.thoracic cavity7.rib cage8.chronic/acute inflammation9.chronic obstructive pulmonary disease10.allery /allergic symptoms11.taste receptors12.salivary glands13.digestive tract14.hydrochloric acid15.gastric fundus mucosa16.amino acids17.pancreatic juice18.gastrointestinal system19.urinary tract infection20.reproductive system21.prostate gland22.spermicidal foam23.a frequent urge to urinate24.pubic bone25.a fullness in the rectum26.loose bowels27.intravenous pyelogram28.offending bacteria29.single-dose treatment30.a follow-up urinalysis31.injected and oral vaccines32.change in urinary pattern33.cerebral malaria34.innate/adaptive immune system35.(anti-/pro-) inflammatory cytokine36.nitric oxide37.toxic radicals38.inflammatory mediators39.systemic disease40.effector mechanisms41.anti-malarial vaccines42.merozoite proteins43.genetic variation1. reproductive / therapeutic cloning2. recombinant DNA technology3. self-replicating genetic element4. a bacterial plasmid5. a host cell6. extra-chromosomal circular DNA molecules7. human genome project8. restriction enzymes9.cloning vector10. artificial chromosomes11. lambda phage particles12. somatic cell nuclear transfer13. a donor adult cell14. a cloned embryo15. aging process16. stem cells17. gene therapy18. genetic engineering of organisms19. sequencing genomes20. degenerative diseases21. viable offspring22. compromised immune function23. mutations in the genes24. genetic imprint of DNA25. developmental abnormalities of clonedembryos1. Cerebrospinal fluid2. Specific defence mechanisms3. Postmortem examination4. Clinical signs and symptoms5. Diagnostic investigations6. Postmortem findings7. Clinical significance/manifestations8. Morbid anatomy9. Ionising radiation10. Carcinogenic chemicals11. Adverse effects12. light/electron microcopy13. Congenital disorders14. Solid tissues / lesion15. Antigen specificity16. Cell preparations17. Monoclonal antibodies18. Cancer diagnosis and screening19. Renal biopsies20. Electrolyte homeostasis21. Serum enzyme assays22. Cardiac enzymes23. Damage to cardiac myocytes24. Assays of blood coagulation factors25. Chromosome spreads26. Cytogenetic analysis27. Sequence of bases28. Amino acid synthesis29. In situ hybridisation30. Nucleic acids31. Tissue sections32. Oligonucleotide primers33. DNA microarrays34. Patterns of gene expression35. Sickle cell disease36. Osteogenesis imperfecta1. Chemical properties2. Biological effects3. Organic / analytical chemistry4. medicinal chemistry / products5. Synthetic drugs6. Side effects7. Optimal therapeutic outcomes8. Potential toxicity9. Clinical dosage10. Premature death11. Blood flow in specific vascular beds12. Drug actions13. Chemotherapeutic drugs14. Immunosuppressant agents15. Organ transplant operations16. Therapeutic management of disease17. Psychoactive drugs18. Drug addiction1. Parental organisms2. Pathogenic microorganisms3. Delivery wards4. Resident physician5. Puerperal fever6. Aseptic technique7. In widespread usage8. Chemotherapeutic agents9. Staphylococcus aureus10. Broad / narrow spectrum drugs11. Strains of bacteria.-。
词根的基本概念 英文单词在某种意义上来说,是跟汉字一样有偏旁部首的,更确切地说是由各个部分组成的。
词干(stems) 是加后缀之前词根的变形。
例如modify 修改,-modi- 为词干,-mod- 为词根,-fy 为后缀;denial 否认,-deni- 为词干、-deny- 为词根、-al 为后缀。
词根的基本特点 (1)英语中某些来自外族语的词根或词干只见于科技词汇; (2)一个词根通常会含有多个含义。
引申方式多种多样,有的扩大,有的缩小,有的扬升,有的贬降,有的甚至为比喻义,但大多数为平行义(类似近义词); (3)有一些词根可以单独构成单词,即它本身就是一个单词,有时称这种词根为根词。
如:-fact-、-man-、-act-、-work-等; (4)有时表示同一含义且来源不同的外来词根(或词干) 分别用于不同的文体。
如:表示“心”的拉丁语词根(或词干) -cor- (-cordis-),多用来构成常用词;而来源希腊语词根(或词干) -cardio- (-cardia-),多用来构成科技词汇; (5)词根大部分是单音节的,只有一小部分是多音节的; (6)词根的含义或词根所决定的字面含义,总在一定程度上表现在单词词义中,且或明或暗地反映出单词的基本意义。
学习英文字根的意义 (1)帮助我们分析单词的结构,加强对单词的记忆,从而更科学、更快速的记忆单词,大面积地提升词汇量; (2)帮助我们正确地理解单词词义,更好地使用这些单词; (3)还能帮助我们理解单词的读音规则,减少发音上的盲目性。
举例 例如autobiography这个单词,是由auto+bio+graphy这3部分(词源都是希腊文)组成的,意思分别为self(自己)、life(生活)、write (写),“写自己的生活”,引申为“自传”的意思。
十大经典词根经典词根之一—— FAC, FIC, FECT, FACT, FICT(一个词根,不同变体) 源自拉丁语,意为to do, to make 1.affect (AF- = AD- toward + FECT) vt. 影响,感动,(疾病)侵袭 2.affectation (AF- + FECT + -ATION) n. 假装,装作,装模作样 3.artifact (ARTI- art + FACT) n. 人工制品,制造物 4.artificial (ARTI- + FIC + -IAL) adj. 人工的,人造的 5.beatific (BEATI- happy + FIC) adj. 极乐的,天使般的 6.benefactor (BENE- well, good + FACT + -OR) n. 捐款人,恩人 7.beneficent (BENE- + FIC + -ENT) adj. 行善的,慈善的 8.beneficial (BENE- + FIC + -IAL) adj. 有利的,有益的,有助的 9.confection (CON- together + FECT + -ION) n. (糖果等的)制造,调制;糖果蜜饯 10.confectioner – n. 制作(或出售)糖果、蜜饯的人 11.confectionery – n. 糖果糕饼店,糖果糕饼厂 12.counterfeit (COUNTER- against + FEIT) n. (from French spelling) 伪造品,假货,赝品;adj. 伪造的,仿造的,虚假的 13.defeat (DE- down + FEAT) n. 失败,挫折;vt. 使…失败,使…受挫 14.defect (DE- away from + FECT) n. 缺点,不足之处;vt. 离开,背叛 15.defection (DE- away from + FECT + -ION) n. 背信,背叛,变节 16.defective (DE- away from + FECT + -IVE) adj. 有缺点的,有缺陷的,不完全的 17.deficiency (DE- away from + FICI + -ENCY) n. 缺点,缺少,不足 18.deficient (DE- + FICI + -ENT) adj. 缺乏的,不足的,欠缺的 19.deficit – n. 不足,缺乏,亏空(额),赤字 20.effect (EF- = EX- out of + FECT) n. 结果,效果,作用,影响,效力 21.effective (EF- + FECT + -IVE) adj. 有效的,有力的,给人印象深刻的 22.efficiency (EF- = EX- well, fully + FICI + -ENCY) n. 效率,功效,效能,实力 23.efficient (EF- + FICI + -ENT) adj. 效率高的,有能力的,能胜任的 24.facile (FAC + -ILE able) adj. 易做的,易得的,不花力气的 25.facility (FACILI + -TY) n. 设备,设施,便利 26.fact – n. 事实,实情,真相 27.faction (FACT + -ION) n. 派别,宗派,小团体 28.factor (FACT + -OR) n. 因素,要素,原动力 29.factory (FACT + -ORY place) n. 工厂,制造厂,在国外的代理商行 30.factual (FACTU + -AL) adj. 与事实有关的,真实的 31.faculty – n. 全体教师,教员 32.feat – n. (from French spelling) 功绩,武艺,技艺 33.fiction (FICT + -ION) n. 虚构,捏造,杜撰,小说 34.fictional – adj. 虚构的,编造的 35.imperfect (IM- not + PER- thoroughly + FECT) adj. 不完美的,有缺点的 36.infect (IN- inside + FECT) vt. 传染,使感染,侵染 37.infection (IN- + FECT + -ION) n. 传染,感染,侵染,传染病 38.infectious (IN- +FECTI + -OUS) adj. 传染的,感染性的 39.manufacture (MANU hand + FACT + -URE) vt. (大量)制造,加工 40.munificence (MUNI generous + FIC + -ENCE) n. 慷慨,毫不吝啬 41.munificent (MUNI + FIC + -ENT) adj. 慷慨的,不吝啬的 42.official (OF- = OB- to + FIC + -IAL) n. 官员,行政人员,高级职员;adj. 公务的,官方的,法定的 43.officiate (OF- = OB- in the way + FICI + -ATE) vt. 行使职权,执行公务,充当(比赛的)裁判 44.officious (OF- + FICI + OUS) adj. 多管闲事的 45.olfactory (OL smell + FACT + -ORY) adj. 嗅觉的,与鼻子有关的 46.omnificent (OMNI- all + FIC + -ENT) adj. 有无限创造力的,全能的 47.pacific (PACI peace + FIC) adj. 太平的,和平的 48.pacifism (PACI + FI + -SM) n. 和平主义 49.pacifist – n. 和平主义者 50.perfect (PER- + FECT) vt. 使完美,使完善;adj. 完美的,完善的 51.perfectible (PER- + FECT + -IBLE able) adj. 可完成的,可改善的,可臻完善的 52.perfection (PER- + FECT + -ION) n. 尽善尽美,完美无缺,登峰造极,圆满成功 53.perfectionist (PER- + FECT + -ION + -IST person) n. 完美主义者,尽善尽美者,圆满论者,至善论者 54.perfectly (PER- + FECT + -LY) adv. 完美地,美好地,完全地 55.prefect (PRE- before, in front + FECT) n. 级长,领袖生,(负责维持纪律的)高年级学生 56.proficiency (PRO- forward + FICI +-ENCY) n. 熟练,精通 57.proficient (PRO- + FICI + -ENT) adj. 熟练的,精通的 58.sacrifice (SACRI sacred + FICE) n. 祭献,牺牲;vt. 献祭 59.sacrificial (SACRI + FIC + -IAL) adj. 牺牲的,献祭的 60.scientific (SCI- knowledge + ENTI + FIC) adj. 科学的 61.suffice (SUF- = SUB- under + FICE) vi. 满足,足够,有能力 62.sufficient (SUF- + FICI + -ENT) adj. 足够的,充分的经典词根之二—— -FY 源自拉丁语,只作动词后缀,意为to make,该动词转化为名词时-fy变为-fication 1.beautify (BEAUTI pretty + -FY) 美化,装饰-beautification 2.certify (CERTI certain + -FY) 用书面形式证明-certification 证明,证明书-certificate – n. 证明,证书,执照,证券 3.clarify (CLARI clear + -FY) 解释,澄清-clarification 4.deify (DEI god + -FY) 神化,把…奉若神明-deification 5.diversify (DI- away + VERSI to turn + -FY) 使变化-diversification 变化,多样,多元化 6.edify (EDI to instruct + -FY) 教诲,启发,开导-edification 7.fortify (FORTI strong + -FY) 增强(体力,结构等),加固-fortification 筑城,筑垒,设防 8.glorify (GLORI glorious + -FY) 颂扬,夸赞,美化-glorification 9.magnify (MAGNI large + -FY) 放大,扩大-magnification 放大,放大率-magnificent – adj. 壮丽的,宏伟的,豪华的 10.modify (MODI measure + -FY) 缓和,减轻,限制,修改-modification 11.mortify (MORTI dead + -FY) 使受辱;使窘迫-mortification 12.nullify (NULLI null, nothing + -FY) 废弃,取消,使无效,使无用,使无价值-nullification 无效,废弃,取消 13.pacify (PACI peace + -FY) 使镇静,使平定,使平静-pacification 平定,镇定 14.purify (PURI pure + -FY) 纯化,净化-purification 洁身礼,纯化,净化 15.qualify (QUALI quality + -FY) 使取得资格,使具备合格的条件-qualification 资格,合格证书 16.rectify (RECTI right, straight, correct + -FY) 纠正,矫正,校正,整顿-rectification 17.satisfy (SATIS enough + -FY) 满足,使满意,使满足-satisfaction 满意,满足,称心 18.signify (SIGNI sign + -FY) 表明,表示-signification 意义,含义-significance (有)意义,重要性 19.specify (SPECI to see + -FY) 指定,详细说明-specification 指明,详述,范围,清单,说明书 20.stupefy (STUPE stupid + -FY) 使麻木,使无感觉,使惊呆-stupefaction 恍惚,麻木状态,昏迷 21.verify (VERI truth + -FY) 查证,证实,核实-verification 证明,证实,核实 22.vilify (VILI cheap + -FY) 诬蔑,辱骂,诽谤,诋毁,中伤-vilification 咒骂,诋毁 23.vivify (VIVI living, alive + -FY) 使生动,赋以生命-vivification经典词根之三—— GEN/GIN 主要源自希腊语,部分源自拉丁语,意为birth, gender, family, kind, race 1.aboriginal (AB- from + ORI- begin + GIN + -AL) adj. 原始的,土著的,土著人的,土生土长的-aborigine – n. 土著人,土著居民 2.congenial (CON- together + GENI + -AL) adj. 意气相投的,舒适宜人的 3.congenital (CON- with + GENIT + -AL) adj. 先天的,天生的 4.degeneracy (DE- down + GENER + -ACY) n. 衰退,衰弱,退步,堕落 5.degenerate (DE- + GENER + -ATE) n. 堕落者,潦倒者;vi. 退化,变质,堕落;adj. 退步的,堕落的-degeneration – n. 退步,堕落,变质 6.disingenuous (DIS- from + IN- not + GENU + -OUS) adj. 不真诚的,不坦诚的 7.engender (EN- = IN- in + GENDER) v. 产生,引起 8.gender – n. 性别,性(即男性或女性) 9.gene – n. (from German) 基因,遗传因子 10.genealogy (GENEA + -OLGY) n. 家谱,宗谱,宗谱学-genealogist – n. 宗谱研究者,系谱学家 11.general (GENER kind + -AL) adj. 普遍的,大众的,一般的-generalize – vi. 概括,归纳-generally – adv. 普遍地,广泛地,通常地,大体地,全体性地 12.generate (GENER + -ATE) vt. 产生,引起,发生,使形成某物-generation – n. 产生,发生,一代(人)-generator –n. 发电机,发动机 13.generic (GENER + -IC) adj. 一般的,普通的 14.generous (GENER + -OUS) adj. 慷慨的,不吝啬的 15.genesis (GENE + -SIS) n. 创始,发生 16.genetic (GENET + -IC) adj. 遗传的,起源的,遗传学的 17.genetics (GENET + -ICS study of…) n. 遗传学,发生学 18.genital (GENIT + -AL) adj. 生殖器的 19.genius (GENI + -US) n. 天才,专门才能 20.genocide (GENO + -CIDE to kill) n. 种族灭绝,种族大屠杀 21. genre – n. (from French) (文艺的)类型,风格,体裁 22.genteel (GENTEEL gentle) adj. 有教养的 23.gentile (GENT + -ILE) n. 非犹太教徒,异教徒 24.gentle –adj. 有教养的,温和的,门第高贵的,彬彬有礼的-gentleman – n. 绅士,君子,出身高贵的男人,富有的男人 25.gentry – n. 上流社会人士,绅士 26.genuine (GENU + -INE) adj. 真正的,非伪造的 27.genus – n. 类属,种类 28.heterogeneous (HETERO- different + GENE + -OUS) adj. 异类的,由不同成分组成的 29.homogenize (HOMO- same + GEN + -IZE) vt. 使均匀,使均质 30.homogenous (HOMO- + GEN+ OUS) adj. 同类的,同质的 31.indigenous – adj. 土产的,本土的,固有的,土生土长的 32.ingenious – adj. 聪明的,巧妙的,才干与生俱有的 33.ingenue – n. (from French) 天真无邪的女孩,扮演天真姑娘的女演员 34.ingenuous – adj. 天真的,单纯的,直率的 35.origin (ORI- begin + GIN) n. 起源,出身,血统,起因-original –adj. 最初的,创新的,原版的,原作的-originality – n. 独创性,独特性-originally –adv. 起初,原来,本来 36.photogenic (PHOTO- light + GEN + -IC) adj. 上镜的,上照的,拍照效果好的 37.pregnant (PRE- before + GN + -ANT) adj. 怀孕的,含蓄的 38.progenitor (PRO- before + GENIT + -OR) n. 祖先,始祖-progeny – n. 后裔,后代,子女 39.regenerate (RE- again + GENER + -ATE) vt. 新生,再生-regeneration – n. 新生,复兴,再生,改革经典词根之四—— STA/STAT/STIT 源自拉丁语,意为to stand, to set 1.circumstance (CIRCUM- around + STA + -ANCE) n. 境况,境遇 2.constable (CON- with + STA + -ABLE able) n. 警官 3.constant (CON- + STA + -ANT) adj. 坚定的,坚贞的,经久不变的,永恒的-constancy – n. 坚定,坚贞,经久不变 4.constituent (CON- + STITU + -ENT) n. 选区内的选民,选举人,委托人-constituency – n. 选区的全体选民,选区的居民 5.constitute (CON- with, together + STIT + -UTE) vi. 构成,组成-constitution – n. 宪法 6.distance (DI- apart, away + STA + -ANCE) n. 距离-distant – adj. 远的,远离的,稀疏的 7.establish (E- + STA + -BL + -ISH) vt. 建立,制定,规定-establishment – n. 建立,设立,确定,创定,创办 8.estate – n. 财产,产业,遗产 9.extant – adj. (书画,文件等)现存的,传世的 10.install (IN- in + STALL) vt. 任命,使就职,装设 11.instate (IN- + STATE) vt. 安置 12.interstate (INTER- between + STATE) adj. 州与州之间,州际的 13.intrastate (INTRA- within + STATE) adj. 州内的 14.obstacle (OB- against + STA + -CLE) n. 障碍物,妨碍物 15.obstinacy (OB- + STIN + -ACY) n. 顽固,倔强,固执-obstinate – adj. 顽固的,倔强的,固执的 16.reinstate (RE- again + IN- in + STATE) vt. 使恢复原状(或原位),恢复(权利等) 17.stabilize – vt. 稳定,安定 18.stable – n. 厩,马厩,牛棚;adj. 稳定的,不变的,坚固的 19.stage – n. 讲台;vt. 把…搬上舞台,上演 20.stagnant – adj. 污浊的 21.stagnate – vi. 停滞,不流动,不活泼-stagnation – n. 萧条 22.stall – n. (畜舍内的)分隔栏,厩,畜棚 23.stance (STA + -ANCE) n. 姿势 24.stand – n. 站立,位置,立场,摊位;vi. 站,立-standing – n. 身份,地位,名望 25.standard (STAND + -ARD) n. 标准,水准,规格,规范;adj. 标准的,规范的-standardize – vt. 标准化,规格化 26.stanza – n. (诗的)节,段 27.stasis – n. 静态 28.state – n. 状态,状况,情形,(美国等的)州;vt. 陈述,说明,阐明,声明 29.station (STAT + -ION) n. 身份,地位,职位 30.stationary (STAT + -ION + -ARY) adj. 不动的,静止的,不变的,固定的,停留的 31.statue – n. 雕像,塑像-statuesque – adj. 雕塑般的,优美的,优雅的 32.status – n. 地位,身份,情形,状况 33.statute – n. 法令,法规,成文律 34.stay – n. 逗留,停留;vi. (暂)住,耽搁,逗留 35.substance (SUB- under + STA + -ANCE) n. 本旨,主旨,要义,真义,物质 36.substantial (SUB- + STA + -ANT + -IAL) a. 多的,重大的,大量 37.substitute (SUB- under + STIT + -UTE) vt. 用…代替(某人或某物)-substitution – n. 代,代替,替换 38.superstition (SUPER- above + STIT + -ION) n. 迷信-superstitious – adj. 迷信的 39.thermostat (THERMO- heat + STAT) n. 恒温器 40.unstable (UN- not + STA + -ABLE able) adj. 不固定的,不牢靠的,易变的经典词根之五—— VERT/VERS 源自拉丁语,意为to turn 1.adverse (AD- against + VERSE) adj. 不利的,逆向的,有敌意的-adversity – n. 逆境,不幸,苦难 2.advertise (AD- toward + VERT + -ISE) vt. 登广告,大肆宣扬-advertisement – n. 广告,广告宣传 3.aversion (A- = ABS- away + VERS + -ION) n. 厌恶,反感 4.avert (A- = ABS- + VERT) vt. 防止,避免;转移,移开 5.controversy (CONTRO- against + VERS + -Y) n. 争议,争论,论战-controversial – adj. 争论的,有争议的,好争辩的 6.conversation (CON- together + VERS + -ATION) n. 会话,谈话 7.converse (CON- + VERSE) n. 相反的事物,反面说法,反义词,反转语;vi. 谈话 8.conversion (CON- + VERS + -ION) n. 转化,转换,转变 9.diversify (DI- = DIS- away + VERSI + -FY to make) vi. 使多样化 10.diversion (DI- = DIS- + VERS + -ION) n. 转向,绕道,转移,消遣 11.diversity (DI- + VERS + -ITY) n. 差异,多样性,多方面 12.divert (DI- + VERT) vt. 使转向,改换用途;转移(某人注意力),使娱乐 13.extrovert (EXTRO- outward + VERT) n. 性格外向之人 14.inadvertently (IN- not + AD- + VERT + -ENT + -LY) adv. 疏忽地,非故意地 15.introvert (INTRO- inward + VERT) n. 性格内向之人 16.invert (IN- inward + VERT) vt. 颠倒,转换,倒置-inversion – n. 反向,颠倒,倒置,倒转 17.obverse (OB- toward + VERSE) adj. 正面的,对应面的 18.perverse (PER- thorough + VERSE) adj. 乖张的,任性的,悖理的,反常的 19.pervert (PER- away, through + VERT) n. 反常者,性变态者,堕落者;vt. 使反常,引入歧途;歪曲,颠倒(是非);滥用(职权)-perversion – n. 堕落,变态,反常,歪曲 20.reverse (RE- back + VERSE) n. 颠倒,反面,背面,反向,挫折;vt. 颠倒,倒退,使反向,反转,撤销,推翻;adj. 相反的,颠倒的,反向的,向后的-reversal – n. 颠倒,倒转,逆转,反向 21.revert (RE- + VERT) vi. 倒退,恢复(原状,原样),复归-reversion – n. 颠倒,反转,回复,返回(原位,原状等) 22.subvert (SUB- under + VERT) vt. 颠覆,破坏,扰乱(人心)-subversion – n. 颠覆活动,破坏,推翻(政府等)-subversive – adj. 颠覆性的,破坏性的 23.transverse (TRANS- across + VERSE) adj. 横向的,横放的,横切的 24.universe (UNI- one + VERSE) n. 宇宙,星系-universal – adj. 宇宙的,世界性的,普遍的,广泛的 25.versatile (VERS + -AT + -ILE) adj. 多面手的,多用途的,多才多艺的 26.version – n. 说法,版本,译本,描述 27.versus – adv. 敌对,以…为对手 28.vertebra – n. 脊椎骨 29.vertigo – n. 眩晕 30.vice-versa – adv. 反之亦然经典词根之六—— CAP/CIP/CEPT/CEIV/CUP(同一词根,多个变体) 源自拉丁语,意为to take, to take hold of, to capture 1.anticipate (ANTI- = ANTE- before + CIP + -ATE) vt. 预期 2.capable (CAP + -ABLE able) adj. 能干的,有才干的,有能力的 3.capacity (CAP + -AC + -ITY) n. 容量,容积,能力 4.captivate – vt. 迷住,吸引住 5.captive (CAPT + -IVE) n. 俘虏,着迷的人 6.captor (CAPT + -OR) n. 捕捉者,夺得者 7.capture (CAPT + -URE) vt. 占领,夺得,夺取,捕获,俘获 8.conceive (CON- with, together + CEIVE) vt. 构想出,想象出 9.concept (CON- + CEPT) n. 概念,观念,思想 10. conception (CON- + CEPT + -ION) n. 概念,思想 11.deceive (DE- away + CEIVE) vt. 欺骗,诓骗-deception – n. 12.emancipate (E- = EX- out + MAN hand + CIP + -ATE) vt. 解放,使…不受束缚-emancipation – n. 解放 13.except (EX- out + CEPT) prep. 除…之外-exception – n. 例外,除外 14.inception (IN- in + CEPT + -ION) n. 接收,接纳,摄取 15.incipient (IN- + CIPI + -ENT) adj. 早期的,开始的,刚出现的 16.intercept (INTER- between + CEPT) vt. 拦截,截住,截取-interception – n. 17.misconceive (MIS- wrongly + CON- + CEIVE) vt. 误解-misconception – n. 误解,错觉 18.occupant (OC- = OB- near + CUP + -ANT) 居住者 19.occupation (OC- + CUP + -ATION) n. 职业,工作 20.occupy (OC- + CUP + -Y) vt. 占领,占据 21.participate (PARTI part + CIP + -ATE) vi. 参加,参与-participation – n. 参加,参与-participant – n. 参与者,参加者 22.perceive (PER- thoroughly + CEIVE) vt. 发现,发觉,察觉-perception – n. 感觉,知觉,洞察力-perceptive – adj. 感觉灵敏的,有觉察力的 23.percept (PER- + CEPT) n. 格言,箴言 24.receipt (RE- back + CEIPT) 发票,收据,收条 25.receive (RE- + CEIVE) vt. 得到,接到,收到 26.receptacle (RE- + CEPT + -ACLE) n. 容器,贮藏器 27.reception (RE- + CEPT + -ION) n. 接待,招待,招待会,欢迎会-receptionist – n. 接待员,招待员 28.receptive (RE- + CEPT + -IVE) adj. 接收的,有接收能力的 29.recipe – n. 食谱,菜谱,烹调法 30.recipient (RE- + CIPI + -ENT) n. 接受者,领受者 31.reciprocate (RE- back + CI go + PRO before + CATE) vt. 互给,互换-reciprocal – adj. 相互的,互惠的-reciprocity – n. 互惠关系,互换,交流 32.recuperate (RE- + CUP + -ER + -ATE) vt. 康复-recuperation – n. 康复,恢复 经典词根之七—— PON/POS 源自拉丁语,意为to put, to place 1.apposition (AP- = AD- to, toward + POSIT + -ION) n. 并列,同位-appositive – n. 同位语 ponent (COM- together + PON + -ENT) n. 成分,组成部分,部件 pose (COM- + POSE) vi. 组成,构成 posite (COM- + POS + -ITE) n. 合成物,混合物,混合式 5.counterproposal (COUNTER- against + PRO- forward + POS + -AL) n. 反提案,反对案 6.depose (DE- down + POSE) vt. 废黜,罢免,取缔 7.deposit (DE- + POSIT) vt. 放下,存放,储蓄;n. 存放,存款,寄存物 8.deposition (DE- + POSIT + -ION) n. 口供,作证书 9.depository (DE- + POSIT + -ORY) n. 仓库,保藏处 10.dispose (DIS- apart, away + POSE) vt. 处理,处置-disposition – n. 处理,安排,支配 11.exponent (EX- out + PON + -ENT) n. 指数,幂,样品,例子 12.expose (EX- + POSE) vt. 被暴露,揭发,陈列-exposition – n. 展览,展览会,陈列 13.impose (IM- into + POSE) vt. 把…强加,把…硬塞-imposition – n. 负担,过分的要求 14.interpose (INTER- between + POSE) vt. 插入,插话,干预,提出 15.opponent (OP- = OB- against + PON + -ENT) n. 对手,敌手 16.oppose (OP- + POSE) vt. 反对,反抗,对抗-opposite (OP- + POS + -ITE) adj. 对立的,相对的-opposition – n. 反对,反抗,对立 17.pose – n.(照相,表演时的)姿势;vi. 摆姿势-posit – vt. 安置,安排,假定-position – n. 位置,地位,职位;vt. 置于适当的位置,给…定位 18.postpone (POST- later, after + PONE) vt. 延迟,推迟 19.posture (POST + -URE) n. 姿势,体位 20.proponent (PRO- forth + PON + -ENT) n. 建议者,支持者 21.propose (PRO- + POSE) vt. 提议,建议-proposal – n. 22.repose (RE- back + POSE) vi. 安静,安眠 23.suppose (SUP- = SUB- under + POSE) vi. 猜想,想象-supposition – n. 想象,假定,推测 24.transpose (TRANS- across + POSE) vt. 调换,交换位置-transposition – n. 调换,互相交换位置经典词根之八—— SPEC/SPIC/SPECT 源自拉丁语,意为to look 1.aspect (A- = AD- toward + SPECT) n. 方面,局面,形势,外观 2.bespectacled (BE- = BI- two + SPECT + -ACLE + -ED) adj. 戴眼镜的 3.circumspect (CIRCUM- around + SPECT) adj. 谨慎小心的,周到的,慎重的 4.conspicuous (CON- together + SPICU + -OUS) adj. 明显的,显著的,惹人注目的 5.despicable (DE- down + SPIC + -ABLE) adj. 可鄙的,卑鄙的 6.despise (DE- + SPISE) vt. 鄙视,藐视,看不起 7.disrespect (DIS- not + RE- again + SPECT) n. 无礼,失礼 8.expect (EX- out + SPECT) n. 期待,预期,盼望――expectation – n. 期望,预料――expectant – adj. 期待的,预期的,期望的 9.inspector (IN- into + SPECT + -OR) n. 检查员,监察员,视察员,检阅者 10.perspective (PER- through + SPECT + -IVE) n. 看法,回顾,展望 11.perspicacity (PER- + SPIC + -AC + -ITY) n. 颖悟,敏锐 12.prospect (PRO- forward + SPECT) n. 前景,景色,前程,前途,期望 13.respect (RE- again + SPECT) n. 尊敬,敬意,问候,重视,方面;vt. 尊敬,尊重――respectable – adj. 有声望的,正派的,高尚的,体面的,像样的,高雅的 14.special (SPECI + -AL) adj. 特殊的,特别的 15.species – n. 种,种类,类型 16.specific – adj. 具体的,明确的 17.specify (SPECI + -FY to make) vt. 指定,详细说明,载明――specification – n. 详细说明,规格,说明,规范,明细单,(载有约定条件等的)计划书 18.specious (SPECI + -OUS) adj. 似是而非的,华而不实的 19.spectacle (SPECT + -ACLE) n. 光景,景象,奇观,壮观――spectacular – adj. 公开展示的,壮观的,洋洋大观的 20.spectator (SPECT + -ATOR person) n.(看比赛的)观众,旁观者 21.specter (SPECT + -ER) n. 鬼怪,幽灵,无法拜托的忧惧(鬼或看起来不真实的东西) 22.spectrum – n. 全景 23.speculate (SPECUL + -ATE) vi. 思索,沉思,推测 24.suspect (SU- = SUB- under + SPECT) n. 嫌疑犯,可疑分子;vt. 怀疑 25.suspicion (SU- + SPIC + -ION) n. 怀疑,猜疑――suspicious – adj. 猜疑的,疑心的,多疑的经典词根之九—— TEN/TIN/TAIN 源自拉丁语,意为to hold, to keep 1.abstain (ABS- = AB- away from + TAIN) vi. 节制,戒绝,避开,放弃――abstinence – n. 节制,戒绝,禁欲,避免 2.contain (CON- together, with + TAIN) vt. 容纳,含有,包含;抑止,控制 3.content (CON- + TENT) n. 目录,内容,容量,含量;adj. 满足的,满意的 4.continence (CON- + TIN + -ENCE) n. 节制,克制力――continent – adj. 自制的,克制的,节欲的;n. 大陆,洲,陆地 5.continue (CON- + TIN + -UE) vt. 继续,连续,持续,延续 6.contenance (CON- + TEN + -ANCE) n. 面容,脸色,表情 7.detain (DE- from + TAIN) vt. 扣留,拘押;留住,使延迟 8.entertain (ENTER- within + TAIN) vt. 娱乐,使开心,款待,招待――entertainment – n. 娱乐,招待,款待;招待会,文娱表演 9.impertinence (IM- = IN- not + PER- thoroughly + TIN + -ENCE) n. 无礼,鲁莽――impertinent – adj. 无礼的,粗鲁的 10.incontinent (IN- not + CON- + TIN + -ENT) adj. 无控制力的,不能自制的;失禁的 11.maintain (MAIN = MANU hand + TAIN) vt. 保持,维修,保养,坚持认为――maintenance – n. 维修,保养;保持;生活,生计 12.obtain (OB- near + TAIN) vt. 获得,取得 13.pertain (PER- through + TAIN) vi. 属于,关于,有关;适于 14.pertinacious (PER- + TIN + -ACI + -OUS) adj. 顽强的,执拗的,顽固的,纠缠不休的――pertinacity – n. 顽强,坚持,执拗,纠缠不休 15.pertinent (PER- + TIN + -ENT) adj. 有关的,切题的,恰当的,适宜的 16.retain (RE- back, again + TAIN) vt. 保留,保持,截留,留住 17.retainer (RE- + TAIN + -ER) n. 预约费,(律师等的)聘请费,预付房租 18.retention (RE- + TENT + -ION) n. 保留,保持,保持力;记忆力;扣留;潴留――retentive – adj. 保留的,保持力强的,记忆力持久的 19.sustain (SUS- = SUB- under + TAIN) vt. 维持,持续,保持,支撑,承受――sustenance– n. 维持,保持(体力);(保持体力的)食物,营养品 20.tenable (TEN + -ABLE able) adj. 可防守的;(主张)能成立的,有适应性的 21.tenacious (TEN + -ACI + -OUS) adj. 坚持的,握紧的;粘牢的,(生命力)强的――tenacity – n. 坚韧不拔,坚持;紧抓不放,固执 22.tenant (TEN + -ANT) n. 承租人,佃户,房客 23.tenure (TEN + -URE) n. 占有,保有经典词根之十—— TEN/TENS/TENT 源自拉丁文,意为to stretch, to go, to strive 1.attend (AT- = AD- toward + TEND) vi. 注意,出席,照顾――attendance – n. 照顾,出席,随侍――attendant – n. 侍者,陪从,招待者 2.attention (AT- + TENT + -ION) n. 注意,专心,关注――attentive – adj. 专心的,专注的,关注的 3.contend (CON- together, with + TEND) vi. 竞争,斗争,角逐――contender– n. 竞争者,角逐者――contention– n. 竞争,争论――contentious – adj. 好辩的,爱争论的 4.distend (DIS- away, apart + TEND) vi. 膨胀,胀大――distention – n. 5.extend (EX- out + TEND) vt. 伸展,延长;给予――extension – n. 延长,扩展,伸展――extensive – adj. 广阔的,广泛的,大范围的 6.extent (EX- + TENT) n. 长度,范围 7.intend (IN- inward + TEND) vi. 打算,计划,意欲 8.intense – adj. 强烈的,激烈的 9.intensive (IN- + TENS + -IVE) adj. 集中的,密集的,强烈的 10.intent (IN- + TENT) n. 目的,意图,计划――intention – n. 意图,目的,意向――intentional – adj. 有意的,故意的 11.portend (POR- forth + TEND) vi. 预兆,预示――portent – n. 前兆,征兆,预兆――portentous – adj. 预兆的,不祥之兆的 12.pretend (PRE- before + TEND) vi. 假装,伪装,假扮――pretense – n. 假装,伪装 13.pretentious (PRE- + TENTI + -OUS) adj. 自命不凡的,夸耀的,矫饰的 14.superintendent (SUPER- above + IN- inward + TEND + -ENT) n. 主管人,监督人,指挥者,负责人 15.tend – vi. 趋向,走向,有倾向――tendency (TEND + -ENCY) n. 倾向,趋势,脾性;癖好 16.tense – n. 时态,时式;vt. 紧张;adj. 紧张的,焦虑的――tension –n. 张力,(情绪)紧张,焦虑.-。
1.词根:- Bio-(生命):biology(生物学)、biography(传记)- Geo-(地球):geography(地理学)、geology(地质学)- Audi-(听觉):audience(观众)、audio(音频)- Photo-(光):photograph(照片)、photosynthesis(光合作用)2.词缀:- -able(能够):可与动词结合,表示能够做事,如可数(countable)、可靠(reliable)- -ment(名词):可与动词结合,表示其中一种行为或结果,如achievement(成就)、enjoyment(享受)- -ing(动词进行时):可与动词结合,表示正在进行的动作,如running(跑步)、swimming(游泳)- -ly(副词):可与形容词结合,表示其中一种方式或程度,如quickly(快速地)、happily(快乐地)记忆方法:1.制作词根和词缀卡片:将常用的词根和词缀写在一张卡片上,卡片的另一面写上相应的意思。
2. 构建单词树:将一个词根作为根,根据该词根构造不同的单词。
英语常见词根 — 400个-英语词根
![英语常见词根 — 400个-英语词根](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e9ecca5b69eae009581becf8.png)
英语常见词根—400个Root: The form of a word that remains after removal of all affixes;a morpheme(词素) with lexical meaning that is not further subdivisible(可以再分的) into other morphemes with lexical (词汇的)meaning;the essential, fundamental, or primary part of a word.英语词根:词的核心部分,词的意义主要是由它体现出来的。
(词根和词缀叫构词语素)下面举出一些主要词根例词:ag=do,act做,动agent 代理人agri,agro=agriculture田地,农田agriculture农业,农艺ann,enn=year年annual 每年的,年度的astro,aster=star星astronomy天文学audi,audit=hear听audible听得见的bell=war战争rebellion反叛,反抗bio,bi=life生命,生物biology生物学brev=short短abbreviate缩短,节略ced,ceed=go行走precedent先行的,在前cept=take拿,取exception例外,除外circ=ring环,圆circle 圆,圈,环状...acid, acr = sour, sharp act = to actagogue = leader al, ol, ul = to nourishalt = high alter,ali = otheram = to love ang= to strangleangl, angul = angle anim = breath, mindann = year anthrop = manapt = fit aqua = waterarm = weapons art= skill, artaud = to hear aug= to increase, to make,to growavi = bird astro = star, star-shapedband, bond = to bind bar = barbat = to beat bat ,bas = to gobell = war bio= lifebrev = short cad,cid, cas = to fallcalc = lime camp = fieldcand = white , bright cant, chant, cent = to singcap = head cap = to takecar = car , to run carn = fleshcast = throw cav = hollowcede, ceed , cess = to go, to yield ceive, cept, cip, cipate = to takeceler = swift cent = hundredcentr = center cern, cret = to separatecert = sure chron = timecide , cise = to cut circ , cyc = ringcite = to call , to urge claim , clam = to cryclin = to bend clud = to shutcoct = to cook cognis, gnos = to knowcommun = common cord = heartcorp = body cosm , cosmo = universecount = to count cover = to covercre, cresc = to make, to grow cred = to believecrim = accusation, crime crit = to judgecruc = cross culp = blame, guiltcult = to till cumb = to lie downcur, course = to run cure = to take carecuss = to strike , to shake deb,du = to owedei = god dem= peopledent = tooth derm, derma, dermat = skindic = to proclaim dict,dit = to saydign = worthy divid, divis = to dividedoc = to teach dom = housedom = to tame, to rule don, dot, dow = to givedorm = to sleep dox, dogma = opiniondraw = to draw, to pull drom = to run , course(process)duce, duct = to lead dur = to lastdyn, dynam = powereco = house ego= I , selfelectr = electricem, empt = to take, to buy equ = equalerr = to wander, to err ess, est = to befa, fabl, fabul = to speak fac, front = face, foreheadfac, fect = to make , to do fall, fals = to deceivefam = to speak fare = to gofend , fest = to strikefer = to carry, to bear, to tolerateferv = to boil fess = to speakfest = festival fict, fig = to feignfid = to trust figure = to shape , figure(n.), form(n.)fil = thread , to spin fin = to endfirm = firm fix = to fastenflam, flagr = flame, to burn flat = to blowflect, flex = to bend flict = to strikeflor = flower flu = to flowfoli = leaf form = to form, form ,shapefort = strongfound , fund = basefract, frag = to break fug = to fleefuse, found = to pour gam = marriagegener, gen, gent = to produce, race(n.) ger, gest = to carrygrad, gress = to walk gram , graph = to writegrand = grand grat = to pleasegrav = heavy gregat = to collecthab, hibit = to have hap= luckhelio = sun her = heirherb = grass here, hes = to stickhorr = to tremblehum , hom = manhum = ground hydr = waterhypno = sleep idio = personal, distinctinsul = island it = to goject , jac = to throw join, junct = to joinjourn = day jud = to judgejur = to swear just, juris = law, right , justicelabor = to work laps = to slip, to glidelate = to bring , to bear later = sidelav , lau = to wash lax , lyse = to loosenlect, leg = to choose , to gather, to readleg = to appoint , to sendleg = law lev = to raise, light (adj.)liber = free libr, lib = booklic = to be permitted lig = to bindlingu = tongue, language liqu = fluidliter = letter loc = placelog , loqu, locut = to speak long = longlud = to play lumin = lightlust, luc = brightmagn, maj , max = great manu, man = handmand, mend = to order , to entrust mari = seamark = to mark , boundary matr= mothermechan = machine med = to healmedi = middle melan = blackmemor = to remember ment = to think , mind(n.)mere = to trade , reward(n.) merge, mers = to sink, to dipmeter = to measure migr = to remove , to wandermilit = soldier, to fight min = to jut , to projectmin = small mir = to wonder, to beholdmiss, mit = to send, to throwmix = to mixmod = manner mon = to advise , to remindmonstr = to show mor = custommorph = form mort = deathmount = mountain, to ascend mov, mob, mot = to movemuni = service mur = wallmut = to change myst = mysterynat = born nau, nav = shipnecro = death, dead nect , nex = to bindneg = to deny neur , neuro , nerv = nerveneutr = neither nihil = nothingnoc , nox = to harm noct , nox = nightnomin, nom = name norm = rule, normnot = to mark nounce, nunci = to reportnov = new nul, null = nothingnumber, numer = number, to count nutri = to nourishocul = eye onym = nameoper = to work , work opt = to wishopt, opto = eye, sight ora = to speak ,to prayorder, ordin = order ori = to rise , to beginorn = to decorate, to furnish ortho = straight , rightoss, osteo = bone pact = to agree, to fastenpan = bread par = to preparepar = equal par = to appearpar = to bear , to give birth to part = a part , to partpass = to pass passi , pati, path = to suffer, feelingspart = father ped = footped = child pel , puls = to drivepen ,pun = to punish pend, pens = to hang , to weighperi = to go through pet = to fly , to seekpetr, petro = stone, rock phan ,fan = appearancephon = sound ; phe = to speak photo = light (n.)pict = to paint , picture plac , pleas = to pleaseplain , plaint = to beat the breast plant = to plant , plant (n.)plaud, plode = to strike, to clap plen, plete, ple , pli, ply = to fill, full ( adj. )plore = to flow out ply, pli, ple = to foldpolis = city polit, poli = state, countrypon , pound = to put popul, publ = peopleport = to carry port = gatepos = to place , to putpotent = powerfulprec = to pray preci = pricepreda = prey(n.), to plunder press = to pressprim, prin, prem = first pris, prehend = to seizepriv = private (adj.) to deprive proach , proxim = nearprob, prov = to test , to try, to examine proper , propri = proper, one’s ownpsych, psycho = soul pugn = to fightpunct = to prick pur = purepurg = to purify pute = to thinkquer = to complain qui, quiet = calm , rest(n.)quire, quisit , quest = to seekquit = to free , to releaserad, ras = to scrape radi = rootradi = ray rap, rav = to snatchrat , ratio = to reckon , reason (n.) rect = right , straightreg = to rule , king (n.) rept = to creeprid , ris = to laugh rod, ros = to gnawrog = to ask rot = wheel (n.) , to turnrud = raw rupt = to breakrur, rus = country sacr , sanct , secr = sacredsal = salt sal, sult = to leapsal , san = whole sangui = bloodsat = full scan , scend , scal = to climbsci = to know scribe , script = to writesect = to cut sed, sess, sid = to sitsemin = seed sen = oldsens ,sent = to feel sequ, secut, su = to followsert = to join, to put serv = to serve, to keepsign = to mark simil, sembl = like(prep.), samesinu = curve ,sinus sist , stitut, sta, st = to standsoci = companion, to associate sol = alonesol = sun solv, solute = to loosensomn = sleep son =soundsoph = wise ,wisdom sort = kindspec, spect = to see, to look sper = hopespers = to scatter spher = ballspir = to breathe splend = to shinespond , spons = to promise stell = starstill = drop stinct, sting = to prickstring , strict , strain, stress = to draw tight stru, struct = to buildsuade = to advise sume,sumpt = to takesumm = sum, highest sur = sure , securesurge , surrect = to rise tac, tic = silenttail = to cut tang , tact = to touchtain , ten, tin = to hold , to keep techn(o) = art , skilltect = to cover temper = to moderatetempor = time tempt , tent = to trytend , tens , tent = to stretch tenu = thinterm = boundary terr = earthterr = to frighten test = witnesstext = to weave the(o) = godthes, thet = to place , to put tim = to fearton = tone tort = to twisttour, torn = to turn tox = poisontract , treat = to draw tribut = to pay , to bestowtrop = to turn trud , trus = to thrust , to pushtum = to swell turb = to disturbultim = last umbr = shadowurb = city us , uti = to usevac, van , void = empty vade = to govaga = to wander val , vail = strong , worthvar(i) = diverse , to change velop = to wrapven , vent = to come ven = veinvenge = to avenge vent = windver = true verb = wordverg = to incline vers, vert = to turnvest = to clothe , garmentvi , voy = way vict , vinc = to conquervid , vis = to see vig , veg = livelyviv = to live voc , voke = to call , voicevol = willvolve, volut = to rollvor = to eat vulse = to pluck , pull out ,pull off词根例词ag=do,act做,动agent代理人agri,agro=agriculture田地,农田agriculture农业,农艺ann,enn=year年annual每年的,年度的astro,aster=star星astronomy天文学audi,audit=hear听audible听得见的bell=war战争rebellion反叛,反抗bio,bi=life生命,生物biology生物学brev=short短abbreviate缩短,节略ced,ceed=go行走precedent先行的,在前cept=take拿,取exception例外,除外circ=ring环,,圆circle圆,圈,环状物cid,cis=cut,kill切,杀suicide自杀claim,clam=cry,shout喊叫exclaim呼喊,惊叫clar=clear清楚的,明白的clarify澄清;使清楚clud,clus=close,shut关闭exclude排斥,拒绝,接纳cogn=know知道cognition认知cord=heart心cordial衷心的,诚心的corpor,cor=body体corporation团体,社团cred=believe,trust相信,信任credibility可信,可靠,cruc=cross十字crucify把……钉在十字桇上;折磨cur=care关心,挂念,注意security安全cru,curs,cour,cours=run跑cruise巡航舰di=day日diary日记dit=give给edit编辑dict,dic=say言,说dictator独裁者,口授者duc,duct=lead引导conduct引导,指导,经营ed=eat吃edible可以吃的,食用的ev=age年龄,时代longevity长寿,长命fact,fac=do,make做,作factory工厂fer=bring,carry带,拿different不同的,相异的flor,olour=flower花florid如花的,华丽的flu=flow流fluency流利,流畅fus=pour灌,流,倾泻refuse拒绝,拒受geo=earth地geography地理学gon=angle角trigon三角形grad=step,go,grade步,走,级gradual 逐步的gram=write写telegram电报graph=write,writing写,画photograph 照相,拍照gress=go,walk行走progress进步hap=chance,luck,accident机会,偶发happen发生,巧遇hibit=hold拿,持exhibit展出,展览hospit,hosp=guest客人hospitable好客的idio=particular,own,private,proper特殊的,个人的,专有的idiom惯用语,方言insul=island岛insular岛的,偏狭的it=go行走exit出口,退出ject=throw投掷projection投掷,发射lect,leg,lig=choose,gather选,收elect选举lev=raise举、升elevate抬起,使升高liber=liberty自由liberation解放lingu=language语言linguist语言专家liter=letter文字,字母literate识字的,有文化的loc=place地方local当地的log=speak言,说dialogue对话loqu=speak言说eloquent有口才的,雄辩的lun=moon月亮lunar月亮的,似月的nanu,man=hand手manuscript手稿mar=sea海marine海上的,航海的medi=middle中间mediate居中调解,调停memor=memory,mindful记忆,记住的memory记忆,记忆力milit=soldier兵military军事的,军队的mini=small,less小minimum最小数mir=wonder惊奇,惊异admire赞赏,钦佩mort=death死mortal终有一死的mot=move移动motion运动,动nomin=name名nominal名义上的,有名无实的nov=new新novel新的,新奇的numer=number数numeral数字,[语]数词oper=work工作operation手术,工作,操作ori=rise升起orient东方,东方的paci=peace和平pacify使和平,抚慰past=feed喂,食pasture放牧、牧场,吃草pel=push,drive推,逐,驱propel推动pend,pens=hang悬挂pendent悬空的,悬而未决的pet=seek追求compete竞争,比赛phon=sound声音phone电话plen=full满,全plenty大量,丰富pone=put放置postpone推后,推迟popul=people人民population人口,全体居民port=carry拿,带,运import输入,进口pos=put放置expose揭露,揭发preci=price价值precious宝贵的,珍贵的pur=pure清,纯purify使纯净rect=right,straight正,直correct改正,纠正rupt=break破rupture破裂,使裂开sal=salt盐salary薪水sci=know知science科学sec,sequ=follow跟随sequence继续,连续sect=cut切割section切开,一部分sent,sens=feel感觉sentiment感情,思想感情son=sound声音sonic声音的,音速的spect=look看spectate出席,观看spir=breathe呼吸inspire鼓舞,吸入tail=cut切,割tailor裁缝,成衣商tain,ten=hold握,持,守contain容纳,包含,内装tect=cover掩盖detect侦查,发觉tempor=time时temporary暂时的,临时的tend,tens=draw拉tension拉紧,引力tent,tract=draw拉,抽,引tractor拖拉机urb=city城市suburb郊区,近郊ut=use用utility效用,有用vac,vacu=empty空vacancy空白,空虚vad,vas=walk,go行走invasion入侵,侵略vari=change变化variable可变的,反复的ven=come来convene召集(会议),集会vert,vers=turn转subvert推翻,颠覆vi,via=way路via取道,经由vis,vid=see看visible可见的,看得见的vit=life生命vital充满活力的viv=live活vivid活泼的,有生气的前缀开放分类:英语、语法、学习、词汇中文中:[prefix]以结合形式出现,与一词、词根或短语开头的一个音或连续几个音相接,或书写中一个字母或连续几个字母用以产生出派生词或变化形式。
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词根与词缀1.narc(o)麻醉,睡眠narcosis 麻醉narcolepsy 嗜眠症2.somn(o);somn(i);hypn(o)睡somnolent 瞌睡的,嗜眠的hypnosia嗜眠troph(o)营养trophocyte 滋养细胞ct(o)乳,乳酸lactobacilli 乳(酸)杆菌lactose 乳糖4.albumin(o)蛋白(质)albuminuria 蛋白尿protein 蛋白质,蛋白proteinemia 蛋白血症5.gluc(o)glyc(o)葡萄糖glucopenia 低血糖glycogen 糖原6.adip(o)脂adiposis 肥胖症adipoma 脂瘤7.steat(o)脂,脂肪steatoma 脂瘤steatosis 脂肪变性8.lip(o)脂,脂肪lipidosis 脂沉积症lipoma 脂肪瘤9.orth(o)直立,正常,正orthodontics 正牙学,正畸学orthogenics 优生学10.path(o)病,疾病pathoanatomy 病理解剖学pathology 病理学11.gloss(o) ; lingu(o) ;stomat(o) 舌;口;口腔stomatitis 口炎stomatology 口腔学12.sial(o)涎,唾液sialosis 流涎;多綖sialoangiitis 涎管炎13.or(o)口oropharynx 口咽(部)oronasal 口鼻的14.hydr(o)水;氢hydrothorax 胸膜腔积水hydroa 水疱15.dips(o)口渴dipsosis 烦渴dipsia 口渴16. syn- ,sym合,同Conception 妊娠,概念Synchronia 同时性,同步性Symbiology 共生学17.gnos(o) 感知gnosia 认识;感知gnosis 感悟18.onc(o)瘤,肿Oncogenic 致癌的Oncology 肿瘤学19.peri 周围,周Periostitis 骨膜炎Perianal 肛周的20.circum 周,环Circumocular 眼周的Circumoral 口周的21.cata-下,向下catabolism 分解代谢catachronobiology 生物衰老学22.sphygm(o) 脉,脉搏Sphygmology 脉学Sphygmograph 脉搏计23.necr(o) 坏死,尸体necrology 死亡统计学necropneumonia 肺坏疽necrosis 坏死necrotomy 尸体解剖24.ultra- 超,过度,限外ultramicroscope 超显微镜ultrasonics 超声(波)学ultraviolet 紫外线25.inguin(o) 腹股沟inguinodynia 腹股沟痛26.top(o) 局部,部位topalgia 局部痛topodysestesia 局部感觉迟钝27.hyper 过多,高,过度hyperlipidemia 高血脂症hyperdiuresis 多尿hyperemia 充血hyperglycemia 高血糖(症)28.hypo- 低下,不足,下,减退hypocalcemia 低血钙症hypocrine 内分泌功能减退hypoglycemia 低血糖(症)hypohepatia 肝功能减退hypoinsulin/emia 低胰岛素血(症)hypoxia 缺氧29.mono-,uni- 单monoanesthesia 单麻木,局部麻木monocyt/osis 单核细胞增多症30.bi 二,二倍,双biannual 一年两次的bicolor 双色的31.tri- 三,三次triangle 三角(形)trifacial 三叉神经的triglyceride 甘油三酯32.quadric- 四,四倍quadriceps 四头肌quadriplegia 四肢瘫痪33.a-; an- 不、无、缺Anemia 贫血Anesthesia 感觉缺失;麻醉法34.dia-; trans 通过;透过Transfusion 输血Transplantation 移植35.e-; ec-; ex- 离;外、除Eccyesis 宫外孕Exclusion 排斥;分离术36.de- 去;脱除;离Dearticulation 关节脱位Deformity 变形,畸形Dehydration 脱水Dementia 痴呆37.epi- 在上;在外Epigastralgia 上腹部痛Epinephrine 肾上腺素38.sub- 下;亚;不全;轻Subacute 亚急性的Subaxillary 腋下的39.ecto-; exo-; extra- 外Extract 取出,拔出Extravasation 外渗物40.en-; endo-;intra- 内的Encephalomyelitis 脑脊髓炎Endocarditis 心内膜炎41.mes(o)- 中间Mesosoma 中等身材Mesonasal 鼻中部的42.meta- 变;中;次;后Metastasis 转移Metachrosis 变色(指动物)43.retro- 后,向后Retrogression 退化;变性Retrospect回顾,回想44.infra- 下,在下Infradiaphragmatic 膈下的Infraversion 眼下斜视45.super-; supra-上,在上;过高Superficial 表面的Suprarenin 肾上腺素46.acr(o)- 肢体;表皮acrocyanosis 手足发绀acroagnosis 肢体感觉缺失47.somat(o)- 躯体,体somatoloy 躯体学,身体学smatomegaly 巨人症48.arthr(o)- 关节arthritis 关节炎arthroncus 关节肿大49.cost(o)- 肋骨,骨costotomy 肋骨切开术intercostal 肋骨间50.my(o)- 肌,肌肉myonecrosis 肌肉坏死myocarditis 心肌炎51.oste(o)- 骨osteoarthritis 骨关节炎osteoporo/sis 骨质疏松52.py(o)- 脓phyohemia 脓血症pyopneumo/thorax 脓血胸53.myc(o)- 霉菌mycethemia 霉菌血症mycobacteri/osis 分期杆菌病54.xer (o)- 干燥xerocheilia唇干燥xerophthalmus 干眼病55.nas(o)-;rhin(o)-rhinorrhea 鼻液rhinocleisis 鼻塞nasopharyngitis 鼻咽炎56.pneum(o)- 气;肺pneumohemo/thorax 气血胸pneumonectasis 肺气肿57.spir(o)- 呼吸;螺旋spirogram 呼吸(描记)图spiro-index 呼吸指数spirochetosis 螺旋体病58.trache(o)- 气管tracheobronchitis 气管支气管炎tracheotomy 气管切开术59.gastr(o)-gastritis 胃炎gastroscope 胃镜60.splen(o)- 脾splenectomy 脾切除术splenemia 脾充血61.an(o)- 肛门anococcygeal 肛尾的anorectitis 肛门直肠炎62.hepat(o)- 肝hepatitis 肝炎hepatomegaly 肝肿大63.bil(i);chol(e)胆汁Bilirubin胆红素Cholecyst/it is 胆囊炎64.abdomin(o)-;lapar(o)- 腹abdominoscop 腹腔镜检查laparonenter/ostomy 剖腹肠造口术65.appendic(o)- 阑尾appendicitis 阑尾炎appendicolysis 阑尾黏连分离术66.sten(o)- 狭窄;狭小stenocardia 心绞痛stenosis 狭窄67.brady- 慢bradycardia 心动过缓bradygenesis 发育迟缓68.tachy- 快,快速tachycardia 心动过速tachypnea 呼吸急促69.oligo- 少,缺少oliguria 少尿oligoamnios 羊水过少70.ur(o)-;urin(o)- 尿;尿道;排尿uroclepsia 遗尿,尿失禁urinemia 尿毒症71.-ary; -al;-eal;-ic;-ory;-ar;-ous;-cal 有关于;...的pulmenary肺部的vascular 血管的infectious 感染的mucous 粘液的toxic 有毒的72.-cyte 细胞erythrocyte 红细胞leukocyte 白细胞lymphocyte 淋巴细胞73.-ine; -in 素Insulin 胰岛素adrenaline 肾上腺素74.-ism 状态,过程metabolism 新陈代谢anabolism 合成代谢catabolism 分解代谢75.-tomy 切开术;切断术anatomy 解剖osteotomy 骨切除appendectomy 阑尾切除术76.-plasm 浆;质cyteoplasm 细胞浆protoplasm 原生质chromatoplasm 染色质77. -plasty 修复术osteoplasty 骨修复术myoplasty 肌成形术angioplasty 血管成形术78. -therapy 疗法chemotherapy 化学疗法physiotherapy 物理疗法radiotherapy 放射疗法79. -itis 炎症;发炎colitis 结肠炎gastritis 胃炎vasculitis 脉管炎80. -osis 病态sclerosis 硬化症tuberculosis 肺结核psychosis 精神病81. -graphy 记录过程radiography 放射显影tomography X线断层摄影术ultrasonography 超声波扫描术electrocardiograph 心电图82. -oma 肿瘤angioma 血管瘤adenoma 腺瘤lymphoma 淋巴瘤83. -pathy 疾病vasculopathy 血管病变cardiopathy 心脏病84. -rrhage ;-rrhagia出(血)hemorrhage 出血stomatorrhagia 口腔出血85. -lysis 溶解hemolysis 溶血erythrolysis 红细胞溶解86. -scopy 镜检查tonsilloscopy 扁桃体镜检查gastroscopy 胃镜检查87. -meter 测量计hemocytometer 血细胞计数器erythocytometer 红细胞计数器88. -spasm 痉挛bronchiospasm 支气管痉挛vasospasm 血管痉挛89. -dynia 疼痛gastrodynia 胃痛angiodynia 血管痛90. -trophy 营养oligotrophy 营养不良osteotrophy 骨营养91. -gen 原pathogen 病原oxygen 氧气92. cerebr(o) 大脑cerebrology 脑学cerebroma 脑瘤93.leuk(o) 白Leukemia 白血病Leukocyte 白细胞94.cyt(o) 细胞Cytobiology 细胞生物学Cytopathology 细胞病理学95.aden(o) 腺Adenoma 腺瘤Adenitis 腺炎96.crin(o) 分泌的Crinolog 分泌学Endocrine 内分泌97.immun(o) 免疫Immunocompetence 免疫能力Immunodepression 免疫抑制98.py(o) 脓Pyothorax 脓胸Pyuria 脓尿99.toc(o) 分娩;生育Tocology 产科学Dystocia 难产100.hem(o) 血Hemolysis 溶血Hemoptysis 咯血.-。