英语原著阅读报告II 习任务书
Becoming Educated Barbara JordanIn this autobiographical excerpt from Barbara Jordan:A Self-Portrait (1979),Jordan narrates her learning experience in Boston University that leads to a real insight into the true meaning of education.So I was in Boston University in this new and strange and different world,and it occurred to me that if I was going to succeed at this strange new adventure, I would have to read. I felt that, in order to compensate for what I had missed in earlier years,I would have to work harder, and study longer, than anybody else. I still had this feeling that I did not want my colleagues to know what a tough time I was having understanding the concepts, the words, the ideas, the process. I did not want them to know that. So I did my reading not in the law library, but in a library at the graduate dorm, upstairs where it was very quiet, because apparently nobody else there studied. So I would go there at night after dinner. I would load my books under my arm and go to the library, and I would read until the wee hours of the morning and then go to bed. I did not get much sleep during those years. I was lucky if I got three or four hours a night, because I had to stay up. I had to. The professors would assign cases for the next day, and these cases had to be read and understood or I would be behind, further behind than I was.成为受过教育的芭芭拉·乔丹在本自传摘自芭芭拉·乔丹:一幅自画像(1979),约旦叙述她在波士顿大学学习的经验,导致一个真正的洞察教育的真正含义。
• B.A. (1972) and M.A. (1975) from Oxford University with First Class Honors in English, a second M.A. from Stanford.
• Born in Alabama USA in 1945. • Parents divorced when he was a
boy; traveled widely with his mother; soon forced to endure life under his strict and cruel stepfather.
much as possible. • Think about the themes of the story and form your
own opinions.
Say Yes
Unit 2
Culture Tips
His Life
• Non-dramatic, focusing more on the psychological dimensions of a character in dilemmas than on plot development
• Often understated, forcing readers to become engaged in the collection of strands that will result in the full comprehension of a story.
英语小说读书报告(共6篇)英语小说读书报告(共6篇)篇一:英语小说读书报告Books and Novels 图片已关闭显示,点此查看图片已关闭显示,点此查看图片已关闭显示,点此查看Books and Novels 图片已关闭显示,点此查看篇二:reading report 英语小说读书报告Reading Report 1 Name: Class: Student Number: 图片已关闭显示,点此查看图片已关闭显示,点此查看篇三:英语小说读书笔记Books and Novels 图片已关闭显示,点此查看图片已关闭显示,点此查看 Books and Novels 图片已关闭显示,点此查看图片已关闭显示,点此查看 Books and Novels 图片已关闭显示,点此查看 Books and Novels 图片已关闭显示,点此查看图片已关闭显示,点此查看 Books and Novels 图片已关闭显示,点此查看图片已关闭显示,点此查看 Books and Novels 图片已关闭显示,点此查看图片已关闭显示,点此查看 Books and Novels 图片已关闭显示,点此查看图片已关闭显示,点此查看篇四:英语小说读书笔记英语小说读书笔记 there are to opposite gangs named socs and greasers. kids hose backgrounds are very rich are called socials, e name it as socs. the poor kids are called greasers, because their hair are covered ith grease and they often ear greasy clothes. there are full of contradiction beteen them. the main character is ponyboy, he is the youngest greaser, and he hates the socs because he alays gets jumped by them. darry and sodapop are his elder brothers, and they both dropped out of school to ork in order to raise money for ponyboy ‘s study. through seeing a movie together ith a rich but kind girl, cherry, ponyboy realizes that not all socs are bad. johnny is his best friend, he used to be very eak, but after being jumped by 4 socs, he bees mad and usually brings a sitchblade ith him, and if there is anyone ho ants to play tricks on him, he ill kill that one. suddenly, in a eek, johnny dies in a fire, bobis kill by someone unillingly, dallykill himself becausejohnny’s death. ponyboy gros a lot, rea lize the love of his families and friends, and promises to be a good man, and not fight anymore.. this is really a heroic story, and i learnt a lot from it.. first of all, i realized that e shouldn’t assess anyone just by knoing about his background. in the book, ponyboy thought that life as unfair-socs alays in, greasers alays lose. socs could easily go to college, but greasers sometimes must drop out of school to ork for their livings. so he hated socs as if from his birth. but he gradually realized that some socs are kind, but some greasers are alike a hood. so e should also kno people deeply before judging them, and believe the truth more than our subjective things.secondly, no matter ho our backgrounds and families are, e should have kind and brave hearts. in the story, ponyboy sa many greasers crime and fight just because of their identify, he thought that as totally rong. even his dying friend, johnny told him to stay gold hich means to be kind, simple and pure in a serious health condition. on the other hand, ponyboy thought gresers have the same rights as socs, and he never loered his head in front of socs. there are also something good about love. at the beginning, ponyboy thought that dally, his eldest brother fully concentrated on orking and making money, but never cared about him and sodapop, and he as dislike a young man anymore, more like an adult. but once ponyboy as sick very seriously, he sa dally crying for the first time hen he as asleep-going-to-aken-up. and hen they ere having a rumble ith a gang of socs, he as alays covered ith his to elder brothers. from that, he kne his small family ould never be short of love, and his brothers loved him much more than he could imagine. in my real life, hen my teachers and parents are strict ith me, i sh ouldn’t think that they don’t love me, it is just another, more deep ay to love. the riter rote this bookhen he as only a teenager as fourteen-going-to-fifteen, in the same age as me. so it is more easy for me to get close to him and understand him. but he truly experienced all i experienced and something i have never imagined. so i should learn something good from him, and keep aay from thing bad he had done. this book really taught me a lot, and i ill spare no efforts to do the good things it bring to me! 篇五:英语小说英文报纸读书笔记reading reportReading Report 1 Name:梁静丹 Class:4 Student Number: 20160201622 图片已关闭显示,点此查看图片已关闭显示,点此查看图片已关闭显示,点此查看篇六:英语阅读报告形式一、总体要求:一年级学生每学期阅读英语简易读物或浅显原著2-3本,并做好读书笔记,完成2篇读书报告。
读书报告英文版读书报告英文版篇一:英文读书报告撰写格式英文读书报告撰写格式 1.字体均为Ti mes Ne Rm an报告题目为3号黑体居中学生姓名、专业班级、学号、正文及参考文献均为小4号双倍行距 2.打印纸张规格:用A4纸单面打印。
附:英文读书报告写作知识 Th e B k r epr t B k r epr tsmay bere qui red by te ach ers hant tknhet her th eir st ude nts ha verea d t hebks as sig ned an d h el l t hey un der sta ndths e b ks. If th eyare nt re qui red, s tud ent s m ayasell ri tener t frth ems elv es, fr ri tin g b k r epr tshel psstu den tst i mpr vethe irrea din g p reh ens inand th eir ab ili tyt a nal yze an d e val uat e b ks. Mr eve r,itisver y g d r itt enpra cti ce. 1. Th ree Ma inPar tsf a Bk re prt Ge ner all y s pea kin g,a b k r epr t c nsi sts fthe fl lin g t hre e m ain pa rts: ?In frm ati n a but th e a uth r a ndhis ti mes ?A s umm ary fthe bk ?Cmm ent s n it A d esc rip tin fthe au thr’stim esshu ldbegiv entge the r i tha b rie f a ccu ntf h islif e.Itshu ldinc lud e t hecir cum sta nce s t hat le d t th e r iti ngf t hebkund erdis cus sin an d t hehis tri cal an d s cia l b ack gru ndrel ate d t th e c nte ntf t hebk.Tmak e t hes e t hin gscle ar,th e r ite r p erh aps ne eds trea d s meref ere nce ma ter ial, s uch as bi gra phi esf t heaut hrand hi str ies fthe pe rid de scr ibe d i n t hebk.2. r iti ngf t heBkRep rt1)The su mma ryf t hebkshu ldbesel f-c nta ine d,cle ar,an d e asy tund ers tan d.Abv e a ll,it sh uld be bj ect ive. 2) C mme nts nand cr iti cis msf t hebkshu ldntbemix edith th e s umm ary; t hey ca n b e l eft tthe th ird pa rt. 3) Th e s umm ary fa n vel ra p lay is us ual lyrit ten in th e p res ent te nse, h ile th atf n nfi cti n,inthe te nse fthe ri gin alrk: fr ex amp le, th e p ast te nse sh uld be us edfra h ist ry, an d t hepre sen t f r a sc ien tif icrk. 4) Cm men tsn a ndeva lua tin fthe bk fr m t hethi rdand ms t i mpr tan t p art fa b k r epr t.Inthi s p art th e r ite r e xpr ess eshis rher nvie s n th e b k,nam esitsme rit s a nddem eri ts,an d d isc uss esits re lev anc e t th e p res ent ti me. Th e d isc uss inshu ldcen ter nthe cn ten t f th e b k,but th e a uth r’s st yle an d t ech niq ues fpre sen tat in, ifin ter est ing, c anals be tu che d u pn.篇二:红字英文版读书报告Th e S car let Le tte r b y N ath ani elHat hrn e i s a cl ass ica l n vel in Am eri can li ter atu reinthe19thcen tur y.Sin cethe fi rst Ch ine setra nsl ati n f Th e S car letLe tte r a ppe are d i n t he1950 s sc hla rsand re ade rsinthi s c unt ryhav e s hnaneve r-i ncr eas ing in ter est in hi s r ks. It s i mmr tal en cha ntm ent li esinntnly it s c nde mna tin fthe ne gat iveim pac t f Pu rit ansci ety npep les s pir it,bu t a lsits af fir mat inf g dne ss. Th e n vel ai msatcri tic izi ngsev ere lyPur ita nic alasc eti cis m,sug ges tin g H ath rne sfur the r t hin kin g v ertheri gin alsin gd an d e vil su l s alv ati n t tal de pra vit y b y a nal yzi ngthe fu r m ain ch ara cte rsinthe nv el. Th e n vel cn cer nsthecn seq uen cecau sed by th e s inand pe ple satt itu detar dssin ra the r t han th e s inits elf. H e b eli eve s m ancan dgddee dst g etrid fevi l i n h ishea rt. Th e i ntr duc tin fthe au thr: H ath rne as br n i n 1804, t hetnf S ale m,Mas sac hus ett s,a d ecl ine ffam ily. H isPur ita n a nce str s h adpar tic ipa ted in th e p ers ecu tin fher eti csasaneve nt. Ha thr nes f ath erasa c apt ain, i n h isdea thatage4. 1821, b eca use fHat hrn e r ela tiv esisfun din g i ntthe In sti tut e f Ha kat a.Hegra dua ted fr m t hesch l i n 1825. B ack tthe Sa lem Tn he rk s i n r iti ng. Ha thr nes s hrtst rie s a remst lydra n f rmthe Ne En gla ndhis try rrea l l ife, f cus ing nthe fa tef h uma nit y a ndhum anprb lem s.The Sc arl etLet ter as ri tte n i n 1851. A re asn abl e d esc rip tin fmar ria gebythe yu ngman bu ndfrthe Cal vin ist s a regui lty fadu lte ryasprh ibi tedpu bli c d isp lay, e xps edthe sy ste m a s u nde r t herul e fcl nia l p lit ics an d r eli gin in sm e f th e d ark nes s.19t h-c ent ury nv elrev eal s t heera fcap ita lis t d eve lpm ent, t heUni tedSt ate s C de,th e l a f sc ial cr uel ty,re lig ius de cep tin an d m ral hy pcr isy. T hestr y i s f lle d l ike th is: Th e p rta gni stf t henve l a s a yu ngman na med He ste r h as pu nis hed tear th e s car let le tte r “A”t s ign ify th atshe as an ad ult ere r.H erhus ban d,C hil lin grt h,a s a sc hla r m uch ld ertha n h er.Hesen t h ert A mer ica bu t h e h ims elf fa ile d t ar riv e.h ile ai tin g f r h erhus ban d,H est erfel l i n l veith alca l y ung mi nis ter na medDi mme sda le.She ha d a n a ffa irith hi m a ndlat ergav e b irt h t Pe arl.Al thu ghshe as sh ame d p ubl icl y nth e t n s caf fld,sh e s til l r efu sed trev eal he r l ver’side nti ty.Inrde r t pu nis h h er,pep lefrc edher tear th e s car let le tte r.S inc e t hen,sh e a ndher da ugh ter Pe arl li ved in actt age at th e e dge fthe fr est an d a s a lie nat edbythe re stf t hemun ity.He ver,th isput he r i n a sp eci alpsi tin tbse rvean d t hin k a but th e s cie ty.Her lv er,the yu ngmin ist er,lac ked cu rag e t cn fes s h issin pu bli cly,fe ltgui ltyan d t rme nte d h ims elf bt h m ent all y a ndphy sic all y.A ndthi s g rad ual lyrui ned hi s h eal th.Atthe sa metim e,C hil lin grt h d isg uis edhim sel f a s a dc trandst aye d i n D imm esd ale’shme.Fr th e s ake frev eng e,h e t rie d v ery ha rdt f ind ut the cn nec tin be tee n t hemin ist er’s a ngu ishan d H est er’s s ecr et.Lat er,Hes ter re vea led Ch ill ing rth’stru e i den tit y t Di mme sda leand as ked hi m t es cap e t Eu rpetg eth er.hil e t hepla inasdes try edbyick edChi lli ngr th.Inthe en d,D imm esd ale cn fes sed hi s a dul ter y i thHes ter in hi s l ast se rmn.He tr e a ayhis mi nis ter ial ga rme nts an d r eve ale d h isbre ast,nhic h t her e a s a sa memar k a s t hesca rle t l ett er.Pep leere tt all y s hck edand th e m ini ste r f ell nt th e s caf fldan d d ied.Af ter hi s d eat h,C hil lin grt h a s l eft it h n bj ect fr hi s r eve nge,he as ted aa y a ndsndie d.L ate r,H est erand Pe arl di sap pea red.Th ismad e t hestr y f sc arl etlet ter gr in t ale gen d.M any ye ars la ter,He ste r s udd enl y r etu rne d t th e t n a ndres ume d h ercha rit y r k.U nti l t hetim e f he r d eat h,s hesti llrethe sc arl etlet ter nher br eas t.h ere as,itasn l nge r t hesym blf s ham e b utthe sy mbl fabl e a ndang le. Th e a nal ysi s fth e n vel: T heSca rle t L ett erals ha s l ite ria l a ndsym bli c m ean ing s,a ndits me ani ngshi fts as ti megesby.ri gin all y,i t i nte nds tmar k H est erasanadu lte rer,it’sa s ymb l f sh ame.Bu t a t t heend fthe st ry,itbee s ape rfu l s cia l i den tit y f He ste r.S hecha nge d t hemea nin g fth e s car let le tte r i n p epl e’s mi ndthr ugh he r nef frt: a cce pti ngthe as sig ned id ent ity an d r ecn fri gur ati ngitith qu iet pe rse ver anc e a ndinn erstr eng th.The ma incha rac ter s f th e n vel th atthe au thr fi gur ese lab rat ely al l h ave sp eci alfun cti ns.Hes ter,th e h eri nef t henve l,i s a n i nte lli gen t,s trn g-i lle d a ndkin d-h ear ted yu ngman hacc ept s h ersin br ave lyand fi nal lycha nge s h erunf airfa te.Dim mes dal e,a n a dmi rab leand re spe ctf ulmin ist erf t hetnpep le,fun cti nsmai nly as acnt ras t t He ste r.Tar d t hei r s in,Hes ter ch ses tacc ept it an d r ecn fig ura teher sel f.h ile Di mme sda ledes n’t da ret c nfe ssitpub lic ly,itmak eshim fe elgui lty an d s uff erend les s p hys ica l a ndspi rit ual tr men t,d eat h i s t henly th ing th atcan re lie vehim.Th rug h t hedif fer ent fa tes fHes ter an d D imm esd ale,ecan se e t hecen tra l i dea th atthe au thr an tst p res ent tus,nam ely ,t herel ati nsh ipbet een si n a ndhum ani ty.Sin st and s f r t hesci al-def ine d i den tit y f pe ple,hi lehum ani tyisursel f-d efi ned id ent ity.Th e a y i n h ich th e s cie tydef ine s a pe rsn is ft enatdds it h t heaytha t i ndi vid ual s d efi nethe mse lve s.I n f act,si n i tse lfisbth gu ilt y a ctand an ac t f af fac tin,it sa p rbl ema tic bi nat inf l veand ev il. Th rug h t hecnn ect inand cn fli ctf s inand hu man ity,eund ers tan d t hemra l s tre ngt h f hu man be ing s.Und ers tan din g f th e n vel: F rmthe st ry,ecan se e t hat th e h ere s l ive arat her-di e-t han-li velif e,and un der sta ndthe me ani ngf l ivi ngand de ath in Ha thr nemin d t hat is tliv ing is tsuf fer ing an d t at nefrcri mes hi let d ieist g etrel ief fr m s ins an d r ebi rth in th errld. I n u r s cie ty, th e t erm “e vil” h asbee n r epl ace d b y t erm s s uch as“ma dne ss” r“in san ity”.P epl e s eem tfee l t henee d t un der sta ndthe mi nds fper pet rat r f ev ilact s.Ina s cie tyith uta s ing leand sl idmra lit y s yst em, e hu man be ing s a reend edith ex cep tin alfre edm in cn sci usand be hav iur, b ute s hul d a lstak e m reres pns ibi lit y f r u rse lve s a ndthe th ers in th e s cie ty.篇三:雾都孤儿读书报告英文版R evi e f ‘l ive r T ist’ A s y u h ave re ad‘li ver Ti st’, a nv elref lec tin g t hetra gic fa ctf t helif e i n B rit ain in 18thcen tur y h ich ha s b eca menef t hemstfa mus rk s f Ch arl esDic ken s,yucan re all y u nde rst andth e r lds‘re gai n t henat ure fgdn ess’.Cha rle s D ick ens as br n i n a pr fa mil y ,hav ing aprbac kgr und,h e r tethi s n vel in hi s t ent ies ,h as ju stith avie trev eal th e u gly ma sks fths e c rue l c rim ina ls,asell as texp sethe hr rrand vi len cehid den un der nea ththe na rrand di rty st ree tsinLnd n.The he r f ‘l ive r T ist’ a s a n r pha n n ame d l ive r T ist, h enheasbrn,h e a s t hrn in t a rl d h ich is fu llf p ver tyand cr ime. H e h assuf fer edenr mus pa ins, s uch as hu nge r,thi rst, b eat ingan d a bus e.hil e r ead ing th e t rag icexp eri enc esf t helit tle li ver, I as sh cke d b y h issuf fer ing s.I f elt re all y s rry fr th e p r b y,but at th e s ame ti meI d ete stthe ev ilFag inand th e b rut alBil l.T m y r eli ef, as al l t hehap pystr ies d,th e g dne sseve ntu all y c nqu ere d d evi l a ndliv erliv edaha ppy li featthe en d.nef t heplt s h ich at tra cte d m e m stistha t a fte r t hethe ft, li ttl e l ive r a s a lle d t re cve r i n t hekin d c are fMrs. M ayl ieand Rs e a ndbeg ana n e l ife. H e e ntfralk s i ththe m,r R serea d t hi m,and he rk edhar d a t h isles sns. H e f elt as if he ha d l eft be hin d f rev erthe rl d f cr ime an d h ard shi p a ndpve rty. S met ime s,i n t hedee p a ndqui etnig hts,Ikee p a ski ngmys elf,hcan su cha l itt lebyh h adalr ead y s uff ere d p pre ssi veaff lic tin re mai n p ure in bd y a ndmin d?The re asn is th e n atu ref g dne ss. Ithi nkitisthems t i mpr tan t i nfr mat inimp lie d i n t henve l b y D ick ens-hebe lie ved th atgdn ess cu ldcnq uer ev ery di ffi cul ty. Al thu ghI d n’t th ink gd nes s i s m nip ten t,yet Id b eli eve th atths e h ar e k ind-he art edliv e m rehap pil y t han th seh a reevi l-m ind ed. Re fle ctn m yse lf,I d efi nethe na tur e f gd nes s t be ne fthe ms t n ece ssa rycha rac ter fr aper sn. Gd nes s i s t hu man s h atate r i s t fi sh.He hisith utgdn ess is an ut ter lyrth les s p ers n.n t hec ntr ary, a s t hefam ussay ing ge s,‘Th e f rag ran ceala yssta ysinthe ha ndtha t g ive s t herse’,heh i s i thgdn ess un dub ted lyisa h app y a nduse ful pe rsn. P epl e r ece ivi nghis he lpare gr ate ful thim an d h e a lsget s g rat ifi edfrm ha t h e h asdne, a ndthu s h e c and g d t bt h t hepep lehehas he lpe d a ndhim sel f.T m y d isa ppi ntm ent, n ada yssme pe ple se emt d ubtth e e xis ten cef t hegdn ess in hu man ity. T hey lk dn npep le’s h nes tyand ki ndn ess, t hin kin g i t f lis h f pe ple tbearm-he art ed. As ares ult, t hey sh nsym pat hyt t hse hare in tr ubl e a ndsel dmffe r t he lpthe rs.nthe th erhan d,the y a tta chimp rta nce tmne y a ndben efi t.Inthe irpin in, mn eyisthenl y r eal bj ect hi leemt ins an d m ral ity ar e n ihi lit y.Ifthe y c ann t g etprf itfrm sh ing th eir‘k ind nes s’,th eydra ba ckhen th ers ar e f ace d i thtru ble an d e ven hi t a ma n h enheisdn. Th eyare ne fthe sr tstha t I re all y d ete st. Th ere ar e s merld s i n a n e ssa y,‘Gd nes s,f a llvir tue s a nddig nit ies fthe mi nd, is th e g rea tes t,bei ngthe ch ara cte r f th e D eit y,and it hut it, m anisa b usy, m isc hie vus, r etc hed th ing, nbe tte r t han akin d f ver min.’. Al l i n a ll,ifa p ers n i thu t g dne ss,he is de sti ned tlse ev ery thi ng.Th ere by, al l t hse ‘v erm in-t-b e’shu ldlea rnfrm th e b k a ndrem emb ert r ega inthe na tur e f gd nes s i n t hebtt m f th eir s’h ear ts.篇四:饥饿游戏英文版读书报告Irea d t henve l---Th e H ung erGam es, be cau seI i thmygdfri end du rin g t heSpr ing Fe sti val ha d n in ten tin tsee Th e H ung erGam es3 .The n I st aye d u p l ate tatc h t hefir stt f ilm s a ndI “fel l i n l veith” i t.A se rie s f th isfil m i s t hemst sp eci alsub jec t I ha d e ver se enbyfar. A fte r r ead ing th e n vel, y u i llmar vel at th e a uth r sid eas.In my he art, i tssta tus nl y H arr y P tte r a ndThe Ma tri x c anbepar abl e t,sasthe ri gin alnve l,I t hin k i t smr e a ttr act ive. I th ink th e n vel’smst at tra cti vepar t i s t heset tThe Hu nge r G ame s .Des ign fthe selev els fthe ga medes ign ercan ma keyufee l v ery ex qui sit e b eyn d p are, b utthe pr emi seistha t t hes e l eve lsare us edt k ill th e ”tri but es“in Th e H ung erGam es.Thi s c ntr adi cti n i llmak e y u f eel ne rvu s a t t hedes tin y f tr ibu tes,als hp e t se e t hen ha t a rethe rg ans du rin g r ead ing th e n vel.In th isprc ess, y urmdill be sh cke d i ththetr ibu te’s d eat h ,an d m arv ele d a t t his ”r uth les s a rt”fthe de sig ner.It al s r efl ect s t hepep les d ark si de,asthere sid ent s f cn gre ssi nal di str ict in th e n vel ta keTheHu nge r G ame s a s a re ali tysh.Pep leill ge ner all y i gnr e t heper sn’li feh h asnth ing td i ththe irn ,hat smre, i llhav e t hemdt a ppr eci ate th erpep les d eat h.hat th e N vel an the r v eryat tra cts me is th e i ndm ita ble spi rit fher ine ----t his isre all y h ear tfe ltadm ira tin.Sh e d are tffe ndtheau thr ity,an d i n s uch adan ger usenv irn men t,a 16 y ear s l d g irl in ad dit int v ere s t hedes ign ers l eve ls,bu t a lsmre da nge rus he art. R eal lysec ret lyapp lau d a ndcng rat ula tefreve rytim e s heesc ape s d ang erhil e r ead ing th e n vel. S heisalsth e p ers n h pe rsn alcha rmisstr ng.She da ret s tan d a gai nstpe rfu l c ngr ess ina l d ist ric t,a ndinf ect s p epl e i n t her ar eas treb elith he r a cti ns.Alt hug h t his is akin d fac tre ss’s ”hal”,i t i s u nde nia ble th athen yu re adthe nv el. Th atspi rit re all y t uch esyu,and yu ar e n e s bl d b ilsit h i ndi gna tin. T his is anve l a but th e r igh ts,pl iti cal, c ura ge, cn spi rac y,res ist anc e ,s h atyuant tsee al l c anbefun d i n t her e.n ceyubeg int r ead, a ndabs lut ely ca n t st p.T hefil m f th e s ame na meisppu lar al l v erthe rl d.T his isit s c har m .I s inc ere lyrem end yu trea d t his nv el, an d y u c anatc h t hemvi esthe sa metim e.I e xpe ctitcan br ing yund erf ul”sh ck”. 篇五:麦田里的守望者英文版读书报告Ca tch erinthe ry e 10140128 陈葭碧Cat che r i n t herye rt e a 16 ye ars ldby,ca lle d H lde n ,h a s b rnina r ich mi ddl e c las s f ami ly.He es cap edfrm sc hlaft erbei ngexp ell edinthe fu rth ti me.Th enheent tthe Un ite d S tat esf N e Y rkcit y i n n e d ayand tnig hts.Th e h lestr y t ell s a hut hi s s uch aspe cia l e xpe rie nce. I t n t n lyviv idl y d epi cte d a de lic atere stl ess nes s f th e m idd lecla sschi ldr en’s d epr ess ed, ln ely an d c yni cal sp iri t r ld,and th e p syc hlg ica l c har act eri sti csf a dle sce nts’ a ma ssf c ntr adi cti ns, bu t a lscri tic ize d t hethe hy pcr isy in th e a dul t s cie ty.Th e b egi nni ngf t hestr y f rmPen cey sc hl. Pe nce y m idd lesch l i s v ery fa mus an d h asa g rea t p pul ari tyinpep les m ind s,hev er, th e h erdes cri bes th e p enc eymid dle sc hlfll as Pe nce y i s j ust as th ersch ls,itcan’tcul tiv ate ta len tsatall. A ndI d n’t se e a nyuts tan din g , in tel lig ent an d e xce lle ntstu den ts.Be sid es,he al s s aid th ere ar e a pl ent y f th iev esinpen cey mi ddl e s chl. I n h lde n spi nin, t hemst un frg iva ble th ing in th atsch l i s f uil ledit h h ypc rit ica l p epl e,esp eci all y t hepri nci pal.He is ve rysnb bis h.h enhesee s r din ary pa ren ts,hejus t s ayhel l tth em.hil e s eethe ri chand pe rfu l h dr ive agdcar, h e i lltal k i ththe m e nth usi asm lyina l ngtim e.Bes ide s t hedis gus ted Ac leand Mr Ru ddter. T herea sntha t H lde n l eav espen cey is nt fr he fa ile d s ixsub jec ts,bu t t her e a rea l t h ypc rit epe ple.Ev enifthe reare en dle ssglr y a ndspl end r,but th e e nti recam pus is in dif fer ent an d a lms t t be an h uma n r ld.Th ere is nhap pin ess in Hl den srld.Ev enifhecan fe elhap py,it is nl y a fe pe ple tgiv e h im.Hi s r eje ctgdthi ngs, a lth ugh it is area l c nce rn. he n h ishis try te ach erSpe nce r t ell s h imtha t h ispar ent s a rethe be stper sns.He fe ltver y d isg ust ed, he he art ily ha testh e r d b ett er. h ile it shar d f r m e t im agi ne, as achi ld,hyhecul d t hin k s ug lyabu t t herld? T hug h t her e a reman y u glyth ing s i n t his rl d,t.Heeve n t hin kssme ti nylit tle th ing s v ery ha tef ul.he n h e s ees abyh i s j ust li kea g uyinthe st ree t a ndget tg eth erith hi s g irl fri end. I f t hey la ugh cn sta ntl y,hethi nks th eir la ugh is si mpl y b utntfun ny.See ing sm ebd y e lse pl ayi nga t une, h e a lsthi nks th e m anisjus t s h f f h isabi lit y.S eei nga m anith achi ldisbei ngmve d a ndcry atth e m vie s,heals cn sid ere d a ph ny. He ev enbri ngt h ateCh ris tia ns. In Hl den seye s,all sr tsf t hin gsisjus t a fa kedea thf f arc e.hen Hl den se esthe ug lysid e f li fe, he te lls hi s l nel ine ssith utany re ser vat in. Th iskin d fln eli nes s i s n t a si mpl e s adn ess in th e s ens e f sl itu de,bu t i t i s n t a pe rsn ca n r eal lyund ers tan d h im.Al thu ghhehat esMrRud d t er, he ul d a lslik e t da nce in fr ntf h im.Ials ne edanaud ien ceand Ials li ket i n f rnt fthe rst s h f f m yse lfThi s i s t hevic e f hi s h ear t,henee d t he ar,tund ers tan dan d n t a el ega ntl y f als e f ace an d t hesft gr eet ing s.Can aper snfee l h app y i thu t t heaud ien ces? T hebus dr ive rsant s h imt t hrsnb all s,and he sa idheill nt th ret a nyn e,but th e b usdri ver de sn’t b eli eve. P epl e j ust dn tbel iev e y urrds Hl tnsai d:“Nneund ers tan dshim. T hemee t b ete enthe ld ma n a ndhim is nt ha ppy, b eca use th eir vi esare pp sit e.B utnethe th erhan d,heisver y d esi ret m uni cat e i ththe ld ma n.Acc rdi ngt u r t day sund ers tan din g,ifthe ma n i s n t b smfri end, i t i sn’t n ece ssa ryt e xpl ain. H eve r h e i s t ln ely, n ne ac pan ies thim an d t alk thim,sheasver y l nel y.Thu s u nde r i nev ita ble ln eli nes s,heeve n t hug htt f indpr sti tut esand he ju stant s t ta lkith he r,but th e f ina l r esu ltisbei ngdec eiv edand ha s a lsbee n b eat by th e r asc alMau ric e.Inurpin in,hl den is n t agdstu den t,but he ha s i nnc enc e a ndkin dne ssinhis he art ju stlik e t her ch ild ren s. he n h e t ake atax i f r t ice, h e a ske d t hedri ver th at:”he reshu ldsha ll-ate r d uck s g in th e c ent ral pa rkhen th e l ake isfr zen?”Thi s i s a fu nny qu est in.Hld encnc ern edabu t d uck s a ndnat ure.Sheisals sy mpa the tic. I n E dmn d h tel, h enhesaa l d m anrke d a s t heait er.The n h e t hug htitisver y d iff icu ltt l etanldman td s uch athi ng.Hav ing en cun ter edbad su itc ase in ha nd, th e t si ste r e atnly br ead an d c ffe e f r b rea kfa st,he ev ensti llhat e t ea t s alt edfis h e ggs.An d t hug httha t h enthe y d idn ttea ch,hcan th eytak e t helds tra ba ske t t ra ise mn eyineve ryh ere an d i llmee t a llkin dsf s itu ati ns, ev enatt rac t b y t her s d esp ist in. F rmthe sethi ngs,ecan cn clu detha t h e a s v ery sy mpa the tic. H isbrt her an d s ist erhad alar ger in flu enc e n hl den slif e.A lli ha vedea d f r a ln g t ime.ntha t d ayf A lli’sdea th, h lde n b rke n a llf t heind sun til hi s h and s e reble edi ng. ecan se e t hat Al li,as it er e,thems t i mpr tan t p ers n i n h islif e.T his is nt afak e.itisund ubt edl y a hu gestr ike fr hl den nher de ath. S heant edt e sca pefrm th isrld an d t fi ndher nspi rit ual hm e.Hesai d tSa lly:”T hey ca n g tthe fr est tbui ltthe irn c abi n b y t hem sel ves an d l eav e a ayfrm th e p epl e.E ven th eir re lat ive ste t vi sit th em,the y s til l d n’t el e.”In fa ct,Hl den de sn’t h ate th isrld, b uthat e s met hin g u gly. I n G alv est n,the pr Ja mes Ka ise r a s k ill edbya g rup fguy s.H eve r t hat gr upf b ysare st ill es cap ing.Th e r ldrea lly ha s a da rksid e,and ev entda y,alt hug h t hesta teatt ach esgre atimp rta nce tthe le gal sy ste m,but th ere ar e s til l m any pe ple ig nre th e l a u nde r t hevar ius ne trk frel ati nsh ips. e dn thav e t rr y a butth ese, b eca use fr ank lyspe aki ng, ecan tcha ngeth e c irc ums tan ces .J sut li kehld encan tcha ngeth e t ime, s met ime s,e’d be tte r b e u rse lve s.Hld en’s c har act erisver y p lex, n th e n e h and, h e h ims elf ha s m any pr ble ms, he cr iti ciz espep learu ndhim, b uttim esdis pla ysas。
The book report of The old man and the sea2《老人与海》英文读书报告
The book report of The old man and the seaBy Ernest HemingwayThis summer vacation, I read the American well-known writer Hem ingway's novel " old person and sea ". I extremely admire in theno velthe senior fisherman's will, he let me understand one person certain ly must have relentless spirit, only then could obtain successfully. Santiago is a very old Cuban fisherman who is regarded as a verytough and powerful man with great determination, courage and conf idence all over the world. As widely accepted, the process he fight withthe big fish, Marlin, and the sharks is actually being turned into so mething more profound, that is the fight between human beings and the nature. A very famous saying from this no vel is that “But ma n is notmade for defeat, A man can be destroyed but notdefeated.”Which cancompletely reflect the old man’s character. He's a very man who is strong and courageous enough to challenge his own de fects. He fights with the nature for his perseverance and his dream. He is actuallysuccessful at last though he has lost his big fish.Some might argue and say that he was defeated as he is the one who said: "they beat me Manolin they truly beat me". However, I respond to them by saying: It is the physical defeat that the old man is talking about and is suffering of, but as far as his faith, spirit, and persistence are concerned he is still a winner. In addition, he is the one who said ' It is silly not to hope, besides I believe it is a sin."As a matter of fact, I see that we should use this extraordinary story as a remedial aid for desperate and depressed people who need a great vigor for enduring their struggle in this life. They should say as the boy, Manolin, said :"I'll bring the luck by myself." In this story, Hemingway represents a distinction between two different types of success: outer-material and inner-spiritual. While the old man lacks the former, the importance of this lack is eclipsed by his possession of the later. He teaches all people the triumph of inevitable spirit over exhaustible resources. Santiago as a perfectionist man tells us: To be a man is to behave with honor and dignity, not to give in to suffering , to accept one's duties without complaint, and most importantly to have maximum self-control. At the end of the story he mentions, "A man is not made for defeat...a man can be destroyed but not defeated''. Like Christ, Santiago represents all those people who pass difficulties and gain the ability to change death into life and defeat into success.In my opinion, Santiago is a man whom we should all respect and honorbecause the sacrifices he presents are unbearable to lots of people; it iseven rare to have such model these days.Generally speaking, courage, hope, and wisdom are the things that I learn from this book. As we all know that, the sea is very beautiful and amazing, but it also can be very dangerous and fearful. Just like the sea, Life can’t always be so smooth, sometimes it may be very tough and difficult. In face of it, some people tend to be very afraid of that and don’t want to deal with it. To be honest, I used to be that kind of person. After reading this novel, I tell myself to be brave, to hold hope, and to gain wisdom. “Man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated.”。
大学英语精读第三版第二册Unit 1The dinner party 晚宴I first heard this tale in India, where is told as if tru e -- though any naturalist would know it couldn't be. Later someone told me that the story appeared in a magazine sho rtly before the First World War. That magazine story, and t he person who wrote it, I have never been able to track d own.我最初听到这个故事是在印度,那儿的人们今天讲起它来仍好像实有其事似的——尽管任何一位博物学家都知道这不可能是真的。
但登在杂志上的那篇故事, 以及写那篇故事的人,我却一直未能找到。
The country is India. A colonial official and his wife are giving a large dinner party. They are seated with their g uests -- officers and their wives, and a visiting American naturalist -- in their spacious dining room, which has a ba re marble floor, open rafters and wide glass doors opening onto a veranda.故事发生在印度。
英语阅读报告格式范文模板Reading Report: The Great Gatsby by F. Scott FitzgeraldThe Great Gatsby, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, is a classic American novel that is often included in highschool and college literature curriculums. Set in the 1920s, the story follows the lives of Jay Gatsby, a mysterious and wealthy man, and his love interest, Daisy Buchanan, as well as Daisy's husband, Tom. The novel explores themes of love, wealth, and the American Dream, and is known for its vivid portrayal of the Jazz Age. In this reading report, I will discuss the characters, themes, and my personal reflections on the novel.Characters:The characters in The Great Gatsby are complex andmulti-dimensional, each with their own flaws and desires. Jay Gatsby, the enigmatic protagonist, is driven by hislove for Daisy and his pursuit of wealth. His mysteriousbackground and lavish parties make him a fascinating and tragic figure. Daisy Buchanan, on the other hand, is portrayed as a beautiful and shallow woman who is torn between her feelings for Gatsby and her loyalty to her husband, Tom. Tom Buchanan, Daisy's husband, is a wealthy and arrogant man who represents the old money elite. The supporting characters, such as Nick Carraway and Jordan Baker, also add depth to the story with their own struggles and motivations.Themes:One of the central themes of The Great Gatsby is the American Dream and its corrupting influence. Gatsby's relentless pursuit of wealth and status, in order to win back Daisy's love, ultimately leads to his downfall. The novel also explores the emptiness of materialism and the disillusionment that comes with the realization that the American Dream is unattainable for many. The theme of love and longing is also prominent, as Gatsby's unrequited love for Daisy drives much of the plot. Additionally, the novel delves into the idea of the past and how it shapes thepresent, as Gatsby is unable to let go of his romanticized vision of his past with Daisy.Personal Reflections:Reading The Great Gatsby was a captivating experience that transported me to the glamorous and tumultuous worldof 1920s America. The vivid descriptions of Gatsby's extravagant parties and the opulent lifestyle of the characters provided a fascinating glimpse into the Jazz Age. The complex relationships and inner turmoil of the characters made the story both compelling and tragic. I found myself empathizing with Gatsby's yearning for loveand acceptance, while also feeling frustrated by the superficiality of the characters' pursuits. The novel's exploration of the darker side of the American Dream left me with a sense of introspection and a deeper understanding of the complexities of human desires and aspirations.In conclusion, The Great Gatsby is a timeless work of literature that continues to resonate with readers due toits richly drawn characters and thought-provoking themes. F.Scott Fitzgerald's masterful storytelling and evocative prose make the novel a must-read for anyone interested in the complexities of human nature and the pursuit of the elusive American Dream.。
英语名著阅读实践报告英文回答:English Literature Reading Practice Report.The purpose of this report is to provide an overview of my English literature reading practice and to reflect onthe progress I have made. As part of my English program, I have been assigned to read a number of classic works of English literature. These works include novels, plays, and poems, and they span a wide range of genres and time periods.At the beginning of this practice, I was a relatively inexperienced reader of English literature. I had read afew classic works in high school, but I had not developed a deep understanding of the nuances of the language or the cultural context in which these works were written. However, through my consistent reading practice, I have made significant progress in my understanding and appreciationof English literature.One of the most important things I have learned is the importance of close reading. When I first started reading these works, I tended to skim the surface, focusing on the plot and the main characters. However, I have since learned that it is essential to pay attention to the details of the text, such as the language, the imagery, and the symbolism. By doing this, I have been able to develop a much deeper understanding of the author's intent and the significance of the work.Another important thing I have learned is the value of context. In order to fully understand a work of literature, it is important to have a basic understanding of the historical and cultural context in which it was written. This can help me to understand the author's purpose, the characters' motivations, and the significance of the events that take place in the story.In addition to the above, I have also learned the importance of critical thinking and analysis. When I read awork of literature, I no longer simply accept the author's point of view. Instead, I question the author's assumptions, I challenge the characters' decisions, and I come to my own conclusions about the meaning of the work. This has helped me to develop a more critical and analytical mind, and it has also helped me to become a more engaged and active reader.Overall, I have made significant progress in my understanding and appreciation of English literature. Ihave learned the importance of close reading, context, and critical thinking. I have also developed a deeper understanding of the nuances of the English language. Through my continued reading practice, I am confident thatI will continue to grow as a reader and as a student of English literature.中文回答:英语名著阅读实践报告。
大学英语2实践报告**English Section****Title: Reflecting on My Journey through College English 2**As I embark on the journey of exploring College English 2, I cannot help but marvel at the vast and intricate world of language it unveils. This course, more than just a mere academic requirement, has been a transformative experience, shaping my understanding of not just the language but also the culture and context it belongs to.From the very first day, the emphasis on communication skills has been paramount. The focus is not just on grammar and vocabulary, but on how to effectively use these tools to convey ideas and thoughts. This approach has been particularly helpful in bridging the gap between the theoretical knowledge of language and its practical application in real-world scenarios.The diverse range of topics covered in the course has been a highlight. Discussions ranging from contemporary social issues to historical events have not just broadenedmy horizons but have also piqued my interest in delving deeper into these topics. The readings assigned have been particularly enriching, introducing me to a range of perspectives and viewpoints that have challenged and broadened my own understanding.The most significant aspect of this course, however, has been the emphasis on critical thinking. The鼓励 to question, analyze, and form opinions has been invaluable. It has not just made me a more discerning reader but has also equipped me with the skills necessary to engage in meaningful conversations and debates.The practical assignments and projects have been a great way to apply what I have learned in the classroom. They have provided me with real-world experiences that have reinforced my theoretical knowledge and given me a taste of what it would be like to use English in a professional setting.In conclusion, College English 2 has been an immensely rewarding experience. It has not just enhanced my language skills but has also instilled in me a passion for learning and exploring new horizons. I am grateful for theopportunity to have been a part of this course and look forward to applying what I have learned in my future academic and professional pursuits.**Chinese Section****标题:反思大学英语2的学习之旅**当我踏上探索大学英语2的旅程时,我不禁惊叹于它所揭示的语言世界的广阔和复杂。
《Reading Club》 学习任务单
《Reading Club》学习任务单一、学习目标通过参与 Reading Club 的活动,提高阅读理解能力、拓展词汇量、培养批判性思维,并增强对不同文体和主题的理解。
2、在线阅读平台如亚马逊 Kindle 电子书、豆瓣阅读等,获取电子书籍和文章。
4、会员专属资源Reading Club 内部提供的精选文章、阅读指南和讨论资料。
五、学习进度安排1、第一周(1)介绍 Reading Club 的规则和学习计划。
《Unit 2 Following Instructions Reading and Writing
《Following Instructions Reading and Writing》作业设计方案(第一课时)一、作业目标本次作业旨在帮助学生巩固Reading and Writing部分的知识和技能,提高他们按照指示进行阅读和写作的能力。
通过完成作业,学生将能够:1. 理解并遵循阅读和写作的指示;2. 准确、清晰地表达自己的观点;3. 运用所学语言知识进行有效的阅读和写作。
二、作业内容1. 阅读作业:学生将阅读一篇说明性的文章,文章中包含详细的阅读和写作指示。
三、作业要求1. 学生需独立完成作业;2. 作业中使用的语言应准确、清晰;3. 写作任务应符合指示要求,并能够准确表达观点;4. 学生需在作业中注明阅读和写作指示的来源;5. 作业应按时提交,作业格式应符合要求。
四、作业评价1. 教师将对提交的作业进行批改,并对作业中的语言、结构和内容进行评价;2. 作业评价将包括分数和评语,以指出学生在作业中存在的问题和需要改进的地方;3. 学生将根据教师的评价进行有针对性的改进和学习。
五、作业反馈1. 学生将在作业评价后获得反馈,包括教师的评价和建议;2. 学生可根据反馈进行自我反思,找出自己在阅读和写作方面的不足之处,并制定相应的改进计划;3. 学生可以将改进计划和成果反馈给教师,以便教师了解学生的进步情况。
通过本次作业,学生将能够更好地理解和掌握Reading and Writing部分的知识和技能,提高他们按照指示进行阅读和写作的能力。
以上就是关于“中职英语课程《Following Instructions Reading and Writing》作业设计方案(第一课时)”的详细内容,希望能对您有所帮助。
《Our town》 学习任务单
《Our town》学习任务单一、学习目标1、理解小说《Our town》的主题、情节和人物形象。
二、学习内容1、小说背景了解作者Thornton Wilder的生平和创作风格。
三、学习资源1、《Our town》原著2、相关研究论文和评论文章3、在线课程和讲座4、学习小组讨论四、学习方法1、阅读与思考仔细阅读小说,做好笔记,标记关键段落和语句。
五、学习进度安排第一周:小说背景研究阅读关于作者Thornton Wilder的介绍和相关评论。
年级 九年级
学期 春季
Module1 Unit2
教科书 书 名:义务教育教科书 英语(新标准) 九年级 下册
1. 复习本单元的词汇,并提炼名词构词法的基本用法
2. 运用名词构词法来辅助英语 学习
1. 复习和整理本单元的知识清单
2. 找出课文中出现的所有名词
【学习任务一】 观察课外生词,并思考它们的基底词
【学习任务二】 阅读理解
【学习任务三】 选词填空
1. In the past, people always fought hard for _________. 2. Johann Strauss was considered to be one of the greatest _______. 3. Many people have a strong _______in the power of education. 4. Sanxing Village was high praised by CCTV media because of its beautiful _________. 5. Have you made your _______ about where to go for you graduation trip yet?
《Unit 2 Following Instructions Reading and Writing
《Following Instructions Reading and Writing》作业设计方案(第一课时)一、作业目标本作业旨在帮助学生巩固阅读和写作技能,通过实践练习,掌握按照指示进行阅读和写作的方法。
二、作业内容1. 阅读练习:学生需要完成一篇包含若干指示的阅读材料。
2. 写作练习:学生需要根据给出的指示,完成一篇短文写作。
三、作业要求1. 作业应在课堂上完成,并提交给教师。
2. 学生应按照指示在规定时间内完成作业,并注意准确性和速度。
3. 作业应保持整洁,并按照要求进行标注和修改。
4. 学生应积极思考和回答问题,提出自己的见解和观点。
四、作业评价1. 教师将对作业进行批改和评分,对学生在阅读和写作中的表现进行评价。
2. 作业中的错误将被标记,并提供正确的答案和建议。
3. 学生可以根据教师给出的反馈进行改进和提升。
具体反馈如下:1. 阅读方面:学生是否能够理解指示并按照指示完成阅读任务?是否能够准确回答相关问题?是否能够把握文章结构并理解作者观点?2. 写作方面:学生是否能够根据指示完成写作任务?文章内容是否清晰、有条理?语言表达是否准确、流畅?通过本次作业,学生将有机会实践和提升自己的阅读和写作技能,从而更好地理解和掌握按照指示进行阅读和写作的方法。
《Unit 2 Following Instructions Reading and Writing
《Following Instructions Reading and Writing》作业设计方案(第一课时)一、作业目标本次作业旨在帮助学生巩固Reading and Writing课程中的基本阅读和写作技巧,提高他们按照指示进行阅读和写作的能力。
通过完成作业,学生应能够:1. 掌握阅读指令的阅读技巧,能够正确理解阅读材料并完成相应任务;2. 学会根据写作指令编写符合要求的作文;3. 提高独立思考和解决问题的能力。
1. 阅读理解部分:学生需要阅读一篇包含具体指令的短文,并根据指令完成以下任务:a. 识别短文的主题;b. 总结短文的主要内容;c. 根据短文中的关键词进行简短的总结或评论。
2. 写作练习部分:学生需要根据给出的写作指令编写一篇作文,作文主题不限,但需要符合以下要求:a. 按照写作指令编写符合要求的作文;b. 作文应包括足够的细节和信息;c. 作文应使用正确的语法和表达方式。
三、作业要求1. 学生需独立完成作业,不得抄袭;2. 作业完成后,需将答案写在指定作业纸上;3. 作业应在规定时间内提交,我们将在课后收集作业并进行批改。
我们希望通过这种方式,帮助学生更好地理解和掌握Reading and Writing课程中的基本技巧和方法。
五、作业反馈以下是学生完成作业情况反馈:1. 阅读理解部分:大部分学生能够正确理解阅读材料并完成相应任务,但仍有少数学生存在理解偏差或遗漏信息的情况。
2. 写作练习部分:大部分学生的作文符合写作要求,但仍有少数学生的作文存在语法错误或信息不足的问题。
金银岛 英文原版 小说 阅读报告 文字版
1.Why Choice to Read Treasure Island?Treasure Island is one of Robert Louis Stevenson’s best-selling novels.It has a very large impact on future generation. Though, Treasure Island has been made into films and TV several times in Hollywood, it is still very popular.So to say that, if Chinese kid is looking at Journey to the West grew up, and then American kid is looking at Treasure Island grew up.In a conclusion, Treasure Island can be regarded as the best ever to read pirate novel.2.About AuthorRobert Louis Stevenson was an English poet and writer who was born in Edinburgh Scotland in 1850. In 1878 and 1879, he published two works of the theme of travel, since then he continued to publish works. In 1883, he published Treasure Island. The story was praised as The Best Work of Children’s Adventure Story as soon as the work was published. Since then Stevenson had became a famous writer. His health condition was very bad and he died suddenly in 1894.Stevenson had a lot of works, such as Treasure Island, Kidnapped, A Child’s Garden of Verses and New Arabian Nights.3.SummaryIn the eighteenth century, British sailor boy Jim got the legendary map of Treasure Island from dying Bill. In support of the local squire, they organized a team of expedition went to Treasure Island.The pirate leader Silver boarded the ship acted as a cook and his a group of men also acted as sailors on board. On the Treasure Island, Silver and his men occupied the ship by launching rebellion. The sailor boy Jim saved the good men three times. Later Silver conflicted with the other pirates and decided to cooperate with doctor and Ben to deal with the other pirates. Finally, the good men gained the treasure.4. Treasure Island Impressions and CommentsAfter reading this story of adventure, I have mixed feelings. The main character Jim originally was a timid and shy boy, however, Jim has obviously become a little hero after going through this adventure. As a kid, he saved the good persons three times, which showing Jim’s amazing resourcefulness and courage.Though Jim is a kid, his courage and loyalty is admirable. Even though in face of the ferocious pirates, he can admit that what he had done,and he adhered to stand his ground that would rather die than cahoots with the pirates. In addition, it is also admirable that Jim kept his words. When Jim and the doctor had a conversation, Jim could run away. But Jim didn’t do it, because he had sworn to the pirate Silver. He gave up the chance to escape. I guess even the adult cannot do this in order to keep his words. It can be said that Jim is a real man.In addition to the surprising and exciting plot of the novel, its central idea is worth thinking. The real intention of the novel tells us the love of humanity and justice often over evil. The main character Jim is the representative of justice, and finally he won, while the pirate Silver who is the representative of evil finally was spurned by people. Besides, I can feel the money has a great temptation to human. In the novel money actually had changed the feelings between people, corroded the world and everything. Of course, money itself is innocent, but the material and greedy heart that drives people pursue the money by all bad means.Gentleman’s love of money in a proper way, we should hold a right attitude to money. We need to know that bland pursuit of money finally become vain and greed and the desire will never bring a better life.。
英文书籍阅读报告——The moon and sixpence
main character
The brave man who chased the moon
·Tortured by loneliness, tormented by "God" ·A person born for art ·Ordinary but great absurd but true ·Despise women and long for ot
Story synopsis
·Strickland, an ordinary London stockbroker, suddenly possessed by the magic of art, abandoned his wife, abandoned his son, and abandoned what others saw as a life of wealth and happiness. He went to Tahiti in the South Pacific, where he wrote his brilliant life with a paintbrush and poured all the value of his life into the colorful canvas
·Most people become not who they want to be, but who they have to be.
·The clown's lips smiled, and his jokes grew more and more funny, for as he made them laugh, he felt even more unbearably alone
三、教学内容本课程的教学内容主要由以下四个部分组成:1. 阅读技巧和方法的讲解包括识别主旨句和关键词、理解文章结构和逻辑、推断词义和句义等。
2. 英语语法和词汇的学习主要涉及名词、形容词、动词等基础词汇的学习,以及常见的英语语法知识,例如时态、语态等。
3. 英语听说读写的训练包括听力训练、口语训练、阅读训练和写作训练。
4. 阅读教材的分析和讨论本课程使用的教材是全新版大学英语阅读教程通用本学生用书第二版第2册,对其中的语言、词汇、句子和篇章进行分析和讨论,培养学生的阅读和分析能力。
六、教学计划本课程共分为18周,教学内容和安排如下:周数教学内容Week 1 阅读技巧和方法的讲解Week 2-3 英语语法和词汇的学习Week 4-7 英语听说读写的训练Week 8-18 阅读教材的分析和讨论七、总结通过本课程的学习,学生将掌握英语阅读的基本技巧和方法,提高英语的综合水平,深入理解英语文章的内涵和意义,同时也能够具备自主学习和独立思考的能力。
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