中, 往往 由于缺乏科学合理 的决 策程序 和流程 , 疏于调 查研究 , 使得英语专业课 程设置 中还存在一些 问题 。 就 理工院校而言 , 秦秀 白认为理工 院校 常片面地 强调“ 应 用型人才 ” 的培养导 向, 致使不少理工院校在探索培养
设置 ( 学计划 ) 教 共有六个 组成部 分 , 包括 通识教育 课 程、 学科基 础课 、 专业 主干课 、 实践 环节 、 自主学习 、 专
英语 ” 更为贴切【 3 1 。付红霞和郝玫通过 对英语 专业毕业
生、 在校高年级本科生 、 用人单位 、 英语教师 等的调查 , 认为相关专业 知识的广度和深度还需 要加强H 。
作为研究对象 的中国地质 大学( 武汉 ) 是教育部下 属 的理工 院校 , 以地学见 长。 目前专业名称为英语 , 无
传统上或依然是 以理工科为主的院校 中设立的“ 英语专
业 ”有相 当数量根据 实际 内容来 看 , , 也许称之 为“ 专业
复合专业方 向标识 ,但在课程 上除了体现英语语言文 学方 向外 , 还开设 了经 贸方 向课程 。 目前所采用 的课程
的课程设 置必须具备一些基本条件 ,包括 了解 学生的
《 高等学校英 语专业 教学大纲》 以下 简称 《 ( 大纲》 ) 依据复合型英语 人才的培养 目标将 4年 的英语 专业课 程分为三大模块 , 即英语 专业 技能课 、 英语专业 知识课 和相关专业知识课” 并说 明各 校在安排 教学计 划时可 I 。
V 1 6 No2 o . . 2
程。我国香港和台湾地区高校通识教育课程体系也非 常重视人文精神 的培养和塑造 。通识课程的设置不仅 重视专业之间、 文化之 间的沟通 , 还格外注重历史、 中 国传统文化 的讲授 , 拓展学生思考 问题 的时间深度和 平等、 宽容的文化价值观… 。如香港大学的通识课分 为人文, 全球 问题 , 中国文化 , 国家和社会 , 科学和技术
四个板块 , 而香港中文大学则是中华文化传承 , 自然、
科技与环境 , 社会与文化 , 自我与人文四个部分。在探 讨 了如何建立符合中国实 际的通识教育课程体系及查 阅了相关研究成果和世界部分大学的通识教育课程计 划之后 , 学者李曼丽和林小英指 出大学通识教育体系
收稿 日期 :0 1—1 21 2—0 1
流学府 , 它们都有着非常完备的通识课程体系 , 而其体
系 中的文化语言类课程设置又是其重中之重 。
二、 以人 文社会 科学 为核 心 的通识 化教 育
通识教育理念源于欧洲 , 但在美 国发展、 繁荣 , 不 论是哈佛 、 斯坦福等综合性大学 , 还是像麻省理工学院 在 内的理工院校都有着以人文社会科学为其核心的通
2 2 年) 中把提高高等教育质量和 国际化水平设 为 00 ” 核心任务 , 把培养大批具有 国际视野、 通晓 国际规则 、
一、英语专业学生就业现状1.1 基本情况中国地质大学(北京)的英语专业学生在就业市场上整体就业竞争压力较大。
1.2 就业地区分布毕业生主要集中在一线和二线城市就业,如北京、上海、广州等。
1.3 就业行业分布就业行业主要分布在外贸、教育、翻译、新闻媒体、旅游等领域。
二、就业问题分析2.1 就业岗位与专业不对口英语专业的学生在校期间主要学习英语文化、语言,但缺乏针对具体职业的实践能力。
2.2 就业形势不稳定随着社会发展的推动,一些外贸行业的岗位已经转移到其他发展中国家,加上外语人才市场竞争激烈,使得英语专业学生就业形势不稳定。
2.3 缺乏实践经验学生在校期间注重英语理论知识的学习,但很少有机会实践。
三、就业建议3.1 增强实践能力学校应加强英语专业课程的实践性教学,提供更多实践机会,例如开设实习基地,与周边企事业单位合作开展实践项目,使学生能够更好地将所学应用于实际操作中。
3.2 提升综合素质英语专业学生不仅需要具备扎实的语言基础和专业知识,还需要具备一定的综合素质,如沟通能力、团队协作能力、创新能力等。
理工科学生英语学习策略现状调查X张红燕 刘心全 秦傲松 江 敏 提 要 阐述学习策略在外语教学中的作用和地位,提出对学习者学习策略进行调查研究的广泛步骤,并实施调查,对调查结果进行分析和论证,提出对改进外语教学方法的新思路。
关键词 学习策略 学习者 教学方法 大学英语作 者 张红燕,中国地质大学(武汉)外语系讲师;刘心全,中国地质大学(武汉)外语系教授;秦傲松,华中理工大学外语系教授;江敏,中国地质大学(武汉)外语系助教。
一、引言关于外语学习策略(Learning strategies),迄今为止还没有一个统一的定义。
二、调查方法调查在华中理工大学和中国地质大学(武汉) 97级理工科学生中进行。
成部分 , 包括通识 教育课程 、 学科 基础课 、 专业 主干课 、 实践
环节 、 自主学 习、 专业选 修课 。其 中学科基 础课包 含综 合英
在传统上或依 然是 以理 工科 为主 的院校 中设 立 的“ 英语 专 业” 有相 当数 量 根据 实 际 内容来 看 , , 也许 称 之 为 “ 业英 专
大模 块 , 即英 语 专 业 技 能课 、 语 专 业 知 识 课 和 相 关 专 业 知 英
识课 。并说明各校在安排 教学计 划时可 根据本 校 的培养 目标 、 办学特点及 具体条 件开设 相应 的选修课 , 排教学 时 安 数。然 而在实际课程设计的过 程中 , 往往 由于缺乏科学合理 的决策程序和流程 , 于调 查研究 , 得英语专 业课程 设置 疏 使
特 色方 向课程、 第二 外语等方 面的 需求进行 了调查研 究 , 结果显 示理 工院校在英语课 程设计 的过程 中应 当首先保 证专业技能课的开设 , 同时, 要兼顾 专业选修课 的数量和质量 , 满足学生需求的同时保障英语 专业人 才培养 的质 在
[ 关键 词 ] 理工院校; 英语专业; 课程设置; 学生需求
言教学计划 中, 需求调查 ( 包括对学生 、 教师 、 管理 人员 、 业 职
雇 主等 的需求调查和分 析 ) 非常重要 的 ] 是 7。其 中, 作为课 程的直接受用对象 , 学生 的需求往往是课程设 置首先要考虑 的因素 。本文正是从学生需求 分析的角度 , 中 国地质大学 从
英语专业的课程设置 出发 , 调查学 生对 于课程 的兴趣 、 来 需 求 、 意见 , 而 , 如何 对 现 行课 程 设 置 进 行 改 革 优 化 提 出 和 从 就 ( )研 究 对 象 一
E P班的学生来 自于中国地质大学 ( P 武汉) 五个优 势学科的基地班或实验班 , 分别是 国家地质学理科基地 班、 地质工科基地班、 水资源与环境工程实验班、 地质工
程实验班、 地质与地球物理实验班。这些学生专业成绩
国家所需要 的国际竞争能力。 发展 E P的必要性 已经无 容置 疑 了, S 而且 随着 E P的不断发展 , 的类别也越来越丰富。中国地质 S 它 大学 ( 武汉) 2 1 于 00年 9 月开始实施 的大学英语 E P P ( nHhf r esnl u o s 实验班就是其 中的 E g s o Po soa P r s ) r f i p e
— —
中国地质大学“ 大学英语试验班” P E P写作课程构建
严 瑾 , 葛亚非
( 中国地质大学 外国语 学院, 武汉 4 07 ) 304
摘 要: 专门用途英--E P 教 学被认 为是 中国大学英语今 后发展 的方 向之 一 , 作为其 中一个 重要 分 支, 业英语  ̄(S ) 而 职
突出, 英语基础好, 具有较强的科研能力和进一步深造
的强烈要求。在大二学期伊始 , 由院系推荐 , 个人 自愿 报名的方式产生候选人, 然后由负责大学实验班的外语
教师 , 对其进行 口试和笔试 , 最后综合评估外语成绩和
专业成绩 , 出有学科发展潜力和英语水平较高的 挑选
0 作为 E P班的授课对象。课程设置分为语 P 个重要的分支。E P班教学 目的是培养具备扎实的 2 名学生 , P 重点增加科技英语的含量, 包括科 专业知识和英语 技能的复合型 国际化人才。历史证 言基础和语言技能 , 明: 文明程度越高、 技发展越快 的国家 , 国民读 科 其 写能力都是相当强 的。就吸取世界 先进的科技成果、 技文献阅读 , 科技翻译和学术论文写作。
:、 一份 发人深 省的 媒介素 养调 壹
中国地 质大学( 武汉) (以 下简称“地犬 ”)是 一所以理工 为“
( 作者单位:福建师范大学协和学院)
ONGNAN CHUANBO学术平台 ——媒介素养教育研究
资产阶级的立场,确实是很显然的事实……”在<世界新闻事 #, 业的一个中心>一文中,他一方面批评<泰晤士报>“老气横
秋” ,另一 方面 又赞赏 巴黎“ 报纸 各有特 点,不 作表 面上的 模
仿,以及设备上的科学化,这都是值得我们注意的,此外便是 y:
媒介素养的核心理念之 一,是受众不是被动地接 受媒介内容,而是根据岛 已的需要和特征采确定、 诠释媒介讯息的涵义,并
,;』# 0;^/
【内 容提要 】本文 通过对 :
囊— 嘞婀隳 —膨噘~ 一 鬈瑶; j翰蝴 l灞- 叛淄
”“ …“
l ( 题3) ,是考察大学生的媒介素养的重要内容之一。地大学生 t 抱着“了解信息”( 38,2%)的宙的去接触媒贪的比例最高,以
? “体 闲娱 乐” 为碧 的的占 33岛 0%, 19. 3% 的人 认为 使用 媒介
;是为了“学习知 识“。由此可见,在信患时代, 作为信息的主要
Vol.33No.8Aug.2012第33卷第8期2012年8月赤峰学院学报(汉文哲学社会科学版)Journal of Chifeng University (Soc.Sci )需求分析(needs analysis,NA)指通过内省、访谈、观察和问卷等手段研究需求的技术和方法,最初应用于专门用途英语,其理论背景主要源于20世纪60年代出现的课程开发理念,即课程开发须要遵循的改进教学方法、针对教学群体调整教学和训练学生学习的3个原则,需求分析则根植于后两者。
此后,交际功能与Dell Hymes 的“交际能力”、学习中心法等二语习得相关理论也相继成为需求分析的支撑理论。
我喜欢中国地质大学的理由英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Why I Like China University of GeosciencesChina University of Geosciences, also known as CUG, is a prestigious university located in Beijing, China. It is renowned for its strong academic programs, state-of-the-art facilities, and vibrant student community. Here are just a few reasons why I like China University of Geosciences:1. Excellent Academic ProgramsOne of the main reasons why I like CUG is its excellent academic programs. The university offers a wide range of courses in geosciences, including geology, geography, geochemistry, and geophysics. The faculty members are highly qualified and experienced, providing students with an in-depth understanding of the subject matter. Additionally, CUG has strong research programs, allowing students to participate in cutting-edge research projects and gain valuable hands-on experience.2. State-of-the-Art FacilitiesCUG boasts state-of-the-art facilities that support student learning and research. The university has modern classrooms, laboratories, and libraries equipped with the latest technology and resources. Students have access to cutting-edge equipment and tools, enabling them to conduct experiments and research effectively. The campus itself is well-maintained and provides a conducive environment for studying and learning.3. Vibrant Student CommunityAnother reason why I like CUG is its vibrant student community. The university has a diverse student body, with students from different backgrounds and countries coming together to learn and grow. There are plenty of opportunities for students to participate in extracurricular activities, such as clubs, sports teams, and cultural events. This fosters a sense of community and camaraderie among students, creating a supportive and inclusive environment.4. Opportunities for Growth and DevelopmentCUG provides ample opportunities for student growth and development. The university offers various programs and initiatives to help students develop their skills and expand their knowledge. From study abroad programs to internships and research opportunities, CUG empowers students to reach theirfull potential and pursue their passions. Additionally, the university has a strong alumni network that provides valuable connections and resources for students as they transition into the workforce.In conclusion, China University of Geosciences is a fantastic institution that offers a high-quality education, top-notch facilities, and a vibrant student community. I am proud to be a part of this university and am grateful for the opportunities it has provided me. CUG has truly shaped me into the person I am today, and I look forward to continuing my academic journey here.篇2I like China University of Geosciences for various reasons. Firstly, the university has a long history and a strong reputation in the field of geosciences. It was founded in 1952 and has since then produced many successful graduates who have made significant contributions to the field. The university is known for its high academic standards and research excellence, which are key factors that attract me to study here.Secondly, China University of Geosciences has a beautiful campus with state-of-the-art facilities. The campus iswell-equipped with modern laboratories, libraries, and research centers that provide students with the necessary resources to excel in their studies. The university also has a variety of extracurricular activities and social events that allow students to engage with each other and form lasting friendships.Another reason why I like China University of Geosciences is the quality of its faculty members. The professors and researchers at the university are experts in their fields and are dedicated to providing students with a high-quality education. They are always available to help students with their studies and research projects, which has been invaluable to me during my time at the university.Furthermore, China University of Geosciences offers a wide range of programs and courses in geosciences, allowing students to specialize in their areas of interest. The university also has partnerships with other institutions and industry partners, providing students with opportunities for internships and research collaborations.Overall, I believe that China University of Geosciences is the best place for me to pursue my studies in geosciences. The university's reputation, facilities, faculty members, and programs make it an ideal environment for learning and research. I amgrateful for the opportunity to study at such a prestigious institution and look forward to the knowledge and experiences that I will gain during my time here.篇3Why I Like China University of GeosciencesChina University of Geosciences is one of the leading universities in China that specializes in geosciences education and research. There are several reasons why I like China University of Geosciences, and I would like to share them with you in this article.First and foremost, I appreciate the university's strong reputation in the field of geosciences. China University of Geosciences has a long history of excellence in teaching and research, and its faculty members are experts in their respective fields. The university’s geosciences programs are highly regarded both in China and internationally, and its graduates often go on to have successful careers in academia, industry, and government.Secondly, I am impressed by the wide range of geosciences programs that China University of Geosciences offers. The university offers undergraduate, master's, and doctoralprograms in geology, geophysics, geochemistry, and other related disciplines. These programs are designed to provide students with a comprehensive education in the geosciences and prepare them for careers in a variety of fields. Additionally, the university offers opportunities for students to participate in hands-on research projects and fieldwork, which help them develop important skills and knowledge in the geosciences.Another reason why I like China University of Geosciences is its modern facilities and resources. The university hasstate-of-the-art laboratories, research centers, and equipment that are used by students and faculty members for teaching and research purposes. The university also has strong connections with industry and government organizations, which provide students with opportunities for internships, job placements, and collaboration on research projects.Furthermore, I appreciate the university's commitment to fostering a diverse and inclusive academic community. China University of Geosciences welcomes students from all backgrounds and cultures, and it provides support services for international students to help them adjust to life in China. The university also organizes cultural events, seminars, andworkshops that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion on campus.In conclusion, I like China University of Geosciences because of its strong reputation, wide range of programs, modern facilities, and commitment to diversity and inclusion. I believe that the university offers an excellent education in the geosciences and provides students with valuable opportunities for personal and professional growth. I am confident that my experience at China University of Geosciences will prepare me for a successful career in the geosciences and help me make a positive impact on the world.。
你为什么就读中国地质大学英文作文Why I Chose to Study at China University of Geosciences Choosing a university is a significant decision in one's life, as it shapes not only one's academic journey but also one's future career path. For me, the decision to pursue my studies at China University of Geosciences (CUG) was a natural one, stemming from my profound interest in geology and the university's reputation in this field. Firstly, my fascination with the Earth and its mysteries has always been a driving force in my academic pursuits. Geology, the study of the solid Earth, its structure, history, and the processes that shape it, has always fascinated me. The intricate patterns of rocks, the secrets buried deep within the Earth's crust, and the vast history of our planet are all aspects that captivate my imagination. CUG, as a leading institution in geology and geosciences, offers a unique opportunity to delve deeper into these mysteries and gain a comprehensive understanding of our planet.Secondly, the academic excellence of CUG is a major factor in my decision. The university boasts a world-class faculty of researchers and educators who are experts in their respective fields. Their dedication to teaching and research, coupled with thestate-of-the-art facilities and resources available at the university,provide an ideal environment for academic growth and exploration. I am confident that studying at CUG will not only enhance my knowledge but also foster my critical thinking and problem-solving skills.Moreover, the university's commitment to practical learning is also a major draw. I believe that learning is not merely confined to the classroom but also extends beyond the walls of the university. CUG provides ample opportunities for students to engage in fieldwork, lab experiments, and research projects that allow us to apply the theoretical knowledge gained in the classroom to real-world situations. This hands-on experience is invaluable in preparing us for future careers in the geosciences.Lastly, the diverse student community at CUG is another reason why I chose to study here. Students from various backgrounds and cultures come together to share their knowledge and experiences, creating a vibrant and inclusive academic atmosphere. I am excited to be a part of this diverse community and to learn from my peers' diverse perspectives.In conclusion, my decision to study at China University of Geosciences was a natural one, stemming from my passion for geology and the university's excellence in this field. I am confident that my studies at CUG will provide me with the knowledge, skills, andexperiences necessary to pursue a successful career in the geosciences.。
你为什么就读中国地质大学英语作文China University of Geosciences (CUG) has been my dream educational institution since my early years. There are several reasons why I chose to pursue my higher education at CUG, and I believe these reasons perfectly align with my academic and career aspirations.First and foremost, CUG offers a prestigious and specialized academic program in the field of geology. As someone who has always been fascinated by the Earth's composition and geological processes, studying geology at CUG provides me with the perfect opportunity to delve deeper into this subject. The university's comprehensive curriculum, renowned faculty members, and state-of-the-art facilities ensure that I will receive a top-notch education and gain in-depth knowledge in the field.Moreover, CUG boasts a vibrant and diverse student community. Interacting with fellow students who share a similar passion for geology allows me to engage in fruitful discussions, broaden my perspectives, and learn from different experiences. Collaborating with like-minded individuals will undoubtedly enhance my learning experience and foster a dynamic academic environment.Another aspect that attracted me to CUG is its strong emphasis on practical training and research opportunities. The university is well-equipped with advanced laboratories, geological field stations, and research centers that offer ample opportunities for hands-on learning. By actively participating in field work and research projects, I can develop essential practical skills, gain valuable industry experience, and contribute to the advancement of geological sciences.Furthermore, CUG has a rich heritage and a legacy of academic excellence in the field of geosciences. The university has been at the forefront of groundbreaking research and has produced numerous influential scholars and experts in the field. Being a part of this esteemedinstitution not only provides me with access to a vast network of professionals but also instills in me a sense of pride and motivation to follow in the footsteps of those who have excelled before me.Lastly, CUG is located in an idyllic setting surrounded by natural wonders and geological marvels. The proximity to various geological sites and geological parks offers the perfect outdoor classroom for practical learning and field exploration. Studying in such an environment provides a unique opportunity to witness geological phenomena firsthand, which further strengthens my understanding and appreciation for the subject.In conclusion, my decision to study at China University of Geosciences is driven by a combination of factors. The specialized academic program, diverse student community, emphasis on practical training, academic excellence, and unique location all contribute to the appeal of this institution. I am confident that CUG will provide me with a solid foundation in geology, equip me with necessary skills, and open doors to exciting career opportunities in the field.。
中国地质大学英语教材China University of Geosciences English TextbookIntroduction:China University of Geosciences (CUG) is a prestigious institution known for its expertise in geological studies. As an integral part of the university curriculum, the English textbook plays a crucial role in enhancing students' language skills and fostering their understanding of geological principles. This article aims to explore the components, features, and benefits of the English textbook used at China University of Geosciences.1. Contents of the English Textbook:The English textbook used at CUG covers a wide range of subjects related to geosciences. It is designed to cater to the specific needs of undergraduate students majoring in geology, geophysics, geochemistry, and other related disciplines. The primary topics include:1.1 Basic English Skills:- Vocabulary: Essential geological terms and expressions are introduced, ensuring students have a solid foundation in English language relevant to their field of study.- Grammar: Students learn different grammatical structures and practices used in scientific writing and academic discourse.1.2 Reading and Comprehension:- Scientific Papers: Selected articles from renowned international geological journals are included to familiarize students with the style, format, and concepts expressed in scientific literature.- Case Studies: Real-life geological case studies provide a practical context for students to apply their English reading skills while deepening their understanding of geological phenomena.1.3 Writing and Communication:- Technical Writing: Students are guided through the process of effectively communicating scientific research and findings in English.- Oral Presentation: The textbook provides guidance and exercises to enhance students' ability to deliver clear and concise scientific presentations.2. Features of the English Textbook:The English textbook used at CUG incorporates several features that distinguish it from conventional English textbooks:2.1 Geoscience Focus:- The textbook emphasizes geological terminology, concepts, and case studies, allowing students to build a strong foundation in both English language skills and geological knowledge.- The integration of geoscience-related content ensures that students are not only proficient in English but also well-versed in the specific scientific language and discourse used within their field.2.2 Authentic Materials:- The textbook includes a variety of authentic materials such as scientific papers, research articles, and conference abstracts, which reflects the actual academic resources used in the geosciences field.- By exposing students to authentic materials, they develop critical reading skills and gain practical experience in interpreting and extracting information from real scientific texts.2.3 Interactive Activities:- The textbook presents interactive activities, exercises, and assignments that engage students in active learning.- Collaborative tasks, discussions, and presentations encourage students to communicate and interact in English, promoting fluency and confidence in expressing their scientific ideas.3. Benefits of the English Textbook:The English textbook used at CUG offers several significant benefits to the students:3.1 Enhanced Professional Skills:- By mastering English language skills specific to the geosciences field, students are better prepared to communicate effectively in the international scientific community.- The ability to read, write, and present scientific information in English opens doors to global research collaboration, conferences, and publications.3.2 Improved Academic Performance:- Proficiency in English aids students in understanding and comprehending scientific papers, textbooks, and lectures delivered in English, thereby facilitating their academic success.- The English textbook equips students with the necessary tools to excel in their coursework, presentations, and research projects.3.3 Global Perspective:- Exposure to authentic international scientific materials broadens students' understanding of global geoscience research, discoveries, and advancements.- The English textbook cultivates a global perspective, enhancing students' cross-cultural awareness and preparing them to contribute to the international scientific community.Conclusion:The English textbook used at China University of Geosciences is meticulously designed to meet the linguistic and academic needs of geoscience students. Its comprehensive range of topics, geoscience-focused approach, authentic materials, and interactive activities contribute to students' language proficiency, geological knowledge, and global perspective. The textbook plays an instrumental role in preparing students for successful careers in the geosciences field and fosters their integral participation in the international scientific community.。
英语小作文你为什么就读中国地质大学全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Why I Chose to Study at China University of GeosciencesEver since I was a child, I've been fascinated by the natural world around me. The towering mountains, the deep valleys, the winding rivers – all of it captivated my imagination and made me wonder about the forces that shaped our planet. As I grew older, this curiosity blossomed into a deep interest in the field of geology, and I knew that pursuing a career in this realm was my true calling.When it came time to choose a university, the decision was not an easy one. There were many excellent institutions to consider, each with its own strengths and specialties. However, after careful research and deliberation, I ultimately decided that the China University of Geosciences (CUG) was the perfect fit for me.One of the primary reasons I was drawn to CUG was its stellar reputation in the field of geosciences. Consistently ranked among the top universities in China for this discipline, CUGboasts a distinguished faculty comprised of leading researchers and experts from around the world. The opportunity to learn from such esteemed scholars and engage in cutting-edge research was an opportunity I could not pass up.Another factor that influenced my decision was the university's diverse range of programs and concentrations within the geosciences. Whether my interests lie in petroleum geology, mineral resources, environmental geology, or any other specialized area, CUG offers comprehensive and rigorous coursework to prepare me for a successful career. This breadth of options ensures that I can tailor my education to align with my specific goals and aspirations.Beyond academics, CUG's location in Wuhan, a vibrant and rapidly developing city in central China, was also a significant draw. As a hub for technological innovation and economic growth, Wuhan provides numerous opportunities for internships, field studies, and potential employment after graduation. The city's rich cultural heritage and proximity to natural wonders like the Three Gorges region also make it an ideal setting for an aspiring geologist to explore and gain hands-on experience.Moreover, CUG's commitment to international collaboration and exchange programs appealed to me greatly. As aglobally-minded individual, I value the opportunity to interact with students and scholars from diverse backgrounds, broadening my perspectives and fostering cross-cultural understanding. The university's partnerships with renowned institutions around the world open doors for me to participate in international research projects, attend conferences, and potentially pursue further studies abroad.As I embark on this exciting journey at CUG, I am filled with a sense of anticipation and determination. The path ahead will undoubtedly be challenging, but I am confident that the knowledge, skills, and experiences I gain at this esteemed institution will equip me to make a meaningful contribution to the field of geosciences.Whether my future lies in the exploration of energy resources, the study of natural hazards, or the preservation of our planet's delicate ecosystems, I know that CUG will provide me with the solid foundation I need to succeed. With itsworld-class faculty, cutting-edge facilities, and a diverse and supportive community, I am certain that my decision to study at the China University of Geosciences will prove to be one of the most rewarding choices of my life.篇2Why I Chose to Attend China University of GeosciencesAs a student with a deep fascination for the earth sciences, the decision to attend China University of Geosciences (CUG) was a natural choice for me. This prestigious institution has long been at the forefront of geological research and education, renowned for its exceptional academic programs andworld-class facilities. However, my reasons for choosing CUG go beyond its stellar reputation; they stem from a personal affinity for the field of geology and a desire to contribute to the understanding of our planet's intricate systems.From a young age, I was captivated by the wonders of the natural world. The majestic mountains that adorned the horizon, the intricate patterns etched into rock formations, and the sheer power of geological processes – all of these elements ignited an insatiable curiosity within me. As I delved deeper into the realm of earth sciences, I realized that geology was not merely a subject to study but a window into the very fabric of our existence, revealing the profound interplay between time, matter, and energy that has shaped our world.CUG's reputation as a leading institution in geological studies was undeniable, but it was the university's commitment to interdisciplinary research that truly resonated with me. Thestudy of geology is inherently multifaceted, encompassing aspects of chemistry, physics, biology, and even engineering. By fostering a collaborative environment that encouragescross-disciplinary exploration, CUG provides an unparalleled platform for students to broaden their horizons and gain a holistic understanding of the complexities that govern our planet.The university's world-class facilities and cutting-edge resources were another significant draw for me. Fromstate-of-the-art laboratories equipped with the latest analytical instruments to extensive rock and mineral collections, CUG offers an immersive learning experience that transcends traditional classroom settings. The opportunity to conduct hands-on research and fieldwork under the guidance of renowned experts is an invaluable asset, allowing students to develop practical skills and gain first-hand experience in real-world scenarios.Moreover, CUG's location in the geologically diverse region of China presents a unique advantage for aspiring geologists. The country's vast and varied terrain, encompassing towering mountain ranges, ancient rock formations, and active tectonic zones, offers an unparalleled outdoor classroom for exploration and discovery. Fieldwork and excursions organized by theuniversity provide students with the chance to study geological phenomena in their natural settings, fostering a deeper appreciation for the intricate processes that have shaped our planet over billions of years.Beyond the academic offerings, CUG's vibrant and inclusive community was a compelling factor in my decision. The university attracts students and scholars from around the world, creating a rich tapestry of diverse perspectives and cultural backgrounds. This diversity not only enriches the learning experience but also fosters a spirit of collaboration and mutual understanding, essential qualities for addressing the global challenges we face in the realm of environmental protection and natural resource management.Furthermore, CUG's strong emphasis on practical application and industry collaboration resonated with my ambitions. The university maintains close ties with leading companies and organizations in the mining, energy, and environmental sectors, providing students with invaluable internship and career opportunities. This seamless integration between academia and industry ensures that the knowledge and skills acquired at CUG are directly applicable to real-world scenarios, preparinggraduates to make meaningful contributions from the outset of their careers.Ultimately, my decision to attend China University of Geosciences was driven by a profound passion for the earth sciences and a desire to contribute to our understanding of the intricate systems that shape our planet. The university's commitment to excellence, interdisciplinary approach,world-class facilities, and industry connections make it an unparalleled destination for those seeking to unravel the secrets of the geological world. As I embark on this journey at CUG, I am filled with excitement and篇3Why I Chose to Attend China University of GeosciencesEver since I was a kid, I've been fascinated by the natural world around me. The towering mountains, the vast oceans, and the intricate formations of rocks and minerals – they all captivated my imagination and piqued my curiosity. I wanted to understand the forces that shaped our planet, the secrets hidden beneath the surface, and the intricate processes that have unfolded over billions of years. It was this insatiable thirst for knowledge that led me to pursue a degree in geology, and aftercareful consideration, I chose to attend the esteemed China University of Geosciences.From the moment I stepped onto the campus, I was struck by the university's rich history and legacy in the field of geosciences. Established in 1952, it has been at the forefront of geological research and education, producing numerous acclaimed scholars and professionals who have made significant contributions to our understanding of the Earth. The university's reputation for academic excellence, coupled with itsstate-of-the-art facilities and world-class faculty, made it an obvious choice for someone like me who aspires to become a geologist of distinction.One of the primary reasons I chose China University of Geosciences is its comprehensive curriculum, which covers a wide range of topics in geology, from mineralogy and petrology to geophysics and paleontology. The university's commitment to interdisciplinary learning has allowed me to explore the connections between different branches of geosciences, broadening my perspectives and equipping me with a holistic understanding of the field. The hands-on fieldwork opportunities, laboratory sessions, and research projects have been invaluablein honing my practical skills and preparing me for the challenges of a career in geology.Moreover, the university's location in China, a country with a rich geological heritage and diverse terrain, has provided me with unparalleled opportunities for fieldwork and exploration. From the ancient rock formations of the Qinling Mountains to the vast deserts of Xinjiang, China offers a wealth of geological wonders that serve as living laboratories for aspiring geologists like myself. The ability to study and conduct research in such a geologically diverse setting has been a truly enriching experience, allowing me to apply theoretical concepts toreal-world scenarios.Beyond academics, China University of Geosciences has also provided me with a vibrant and inclusive community oflike-minded individuals. The university's student organizations, such as the Geological Society and the Environmental Club, have fostered a sense of camaraderie and allowed me to engage with peers who share my passion for the Earth sciences. Through workshops, seminars, and field trips organized by these groups, I have not only expanded my knowledge but also developed valuable professional connections that will undoubtedly benefit me in my future endeavors.Additionally, the university's strong industry partnerships and collaborations with renowned research institutions have opened doors for internships, research opportunities, and potential career paths. I have had the privilege of working alongside renowned geologists and participating incutting-edge research projects, further solidifying my love for the field and preparing me for the challenges that lie ahead.As I reflect on my journey at China University of Geosciences, I am filled with a profound sense of gratitude and pride. This institution has not only provided me with an exceptional education but has also nurtured my passion for geology and fostered my personal growth. The knowledge, skills, and experiences I have gained here have laid a solid foundation for my future aspirations, whether it be pursuing a career in academia, industry, or contributing to the exploration and preservation of our planet's natural wonders.In the years to come, as I embark on new adventures and face new challenges, I will carry with me the invaluable lessons and memories from my time at China University of Geosciences. This institution has not only shaped my academic pursuits but has also instilled in me a deep appreciation for the Earth'scomplexity and a commitment to advancing our understanding of the geological processes that shape our world.篇4Why I Chose to Attend China University of GeosciencesEver since I was a kid, I've been fascinated by the natural world around me. From the majestic mountains that adorned the horizon to the tiny pebbles I collected on my walks, I found myself drawn to the mysteries of the Earth. As I grew older, this curiosity only intensified, fueling a burning desire to understand the intricate processes that shape our planet.It was during my high school years that I first learned about the field of geosciences. I remember being captivated by the stories of intrepid explorers who ventured into uncharted territories, uncovering ancient secrets hidden beneath the Earth's surface. The idea of unraveling the complex tapestry of our planet's history, from the formation of its core to the shifting of tectonic plates, ignited a fire within me.As I began researching universities that offered exceptional programs in geosciences, one name stood out among the rest: China University of Geosciences (CUG). With a legacy spanning over a century, CUG has established itself as a premier institutionfor the study of Earth sciences, attracting some of the brightest minds and most innovative thinkers in the field.What initially drew me to CUG was its comprehensive curriculum, which covers a wide range of disciplines within geosciences. From geology and geophysics to mineral resources and environmental sciences, the university offers a well-rounded education that equips students with the knowledge and skills necessary to tackle the most pressing challenges facing our planet.One aspect that particularly resonated with me was CUG's emphasis on fieldwork and practical experience. As a hands-on learner, the prospect of participating in geological expeditions, conducting on-site research, and applying theoretical concepts in real-world settings was incredibly appealing. I knew that this immersive approach would not only deepen my understanding of the subject matter but also prepare me for the rigors of a career in geosciences.Another factor that influenced my decision was CUG's outstanding faculty. The university boasts a team of renowned scholars and industry experts who have made significant contributions to their respective fields. The opportunity to learnfrom these esteemed professionals, whose passion and expertise are unparalleled, was an opportunity I simply could not pass up.Furthermore, CUG's state-of-the-art facilities andcutting-edge research centers are truly impressive. The university's laboratories are equipped with the latest technologies and instruments, allowing students to engage in groundbreaking research and push the boundaries of our understanding of the Earth's systems.Beyond academics, CUG's vibrant campus life and diverse student community also played a role in my decision. The university offers a rich array of extracurricular activities, clubs, and organizations, providing ample opportunities for personal growth, cultural exchange, and social engagement. I knew that attending CUG would not only equip me with a world-class education but also expose me to a diverse range of perspectives and experiences, fostering a well-rounded and globally-minded outlook.Moreover, CUG's strong industry connections and impressive graduate employment rates were particularly appealing. The university maintains close ties with leading companies and organizations in the geosciences field, facilitating internships, research collaborations, and potential careeropportunities for its students. As someone with ambitions of pursuing a career in this field, the prospect of having access to such invaluable resources and networks was a major selling point.Lastly, I cannot overlook the allure of China itself – a country with a rich geological history and an abundance of natural wonders. From the towering peaks of the Himalayas to the vast deserts of Inner Mongolia, China offers a breathtaking canvas for geological exploration and research. The opportunity to study in a nation with such a diverse and awe-inspiring landscape was simply too enticing to resist.In conclusion, my decision to attend China University of Geosciences was driven by a combination of factors, including its renowned academic programs, world-class faculty,state-of-the-art facilities, vibrant campus life, strong industry connections, and the incredible geological wonders of China itself. As I embark on this exciting journey, I am confident that CUG will equip me with the knowledge, skills, and experiences necessary to pursue my passion for geosciences and contribute to our understanding of this fascinating field.篇5Why I Chose to Attend China University of GeosciencesAs a student with a profound fascination for the mysteries hidden beneath the earth's surface, the decision to attend China University of Geosciences was a natural choice for me. This prestigious institution, renowned for its excellence in the field of geosciences, had been on my radar since my early days of exploring the wonders of our planet.From a young age, I was captivated by the tales of ancient civilizations, their intricate structures, and the geological marvels that surrounded them. The imposing mountains, the vast deserts, and the enigmatic formations that dotted the landscapes fueled my curiosity and ignited a burning desire to unveil the secrets they held. As I delved deeper into the realm of geosciences, I realized that this was more than just a passing interest; it was a calling that resonated with the very core of my being.When the time came to choose a university, the decision was not an easy one. Numerous institutions beckoned with their prestigious reputations and state-of-the-art facilities. However, China University of Geosciences stood out as a beacon of excellence, offering a comprehensive and immersive education that aligned perfectly with my aspirations.One of the primary reasons for my choice was the university's unwavering commitment to cutting-edge research and exploration. The faculty members, renowned experts in their respective fields, have made groundbreaking contributions to the understanding of our planet's intricate systems. Their dedication to pushing the boundaries of knowledge and their willingness to embrace innovative approaches resonated deeply with my own thirst for discovery.The university's extensive curriculum, spanning a wide range of geoscience disciplines, was another factor that drew me in. From geological engineering and mineral exploration to environmental geosciences and paleontology, the breadth of courses offered an unparalleled opportunity to explore my diverse interests and forge a path tailored to my unique aspirations.Furthermore, the university's state-of-the-art laboratories and field research facilities provided an environment conducive to hands-on learning and practical application. The prospect of conducting fieldwork in some of the most geologically diverse regions of China, from the towering Himalayas to the vast deserts of the west, filled me with excitement and a sense of anticipation.Beyond the academic realm, China University of Geosciences boasted a vibrant and inclusive community that celebrated diversity and fostered personal growth. The opportunity to interact with students from various backgrounds and cultures promised to broaden my perspectives and enrich my understanding of the world around me.As I embarked on this journey, I knew that the challenges would be numerous, but the rewards would be even greater. The prospect of contributing to the body of knowledge that shapes our understanding of the earth's processes and resources filled me with a sense of purpose and determination.Throughout my time at China University of Geosciences, I have been constantly inspired by the stories of alumni who have gone on to make their mark in the field. Their achievements serve as a testament to the quality of education and the unwavering support provided by the university. It is my hope that one day, I too will join their ranks, making meaningful contributions to the world of geosciences and leaving a lasting impact on the way we perceive and interact with our planet.In the end, my decision to attend China University of Geosciences was a culmination of my passion for the earth sciences, my desire to learn from the best, and my ambition tocontribute to the ever-evolving understanding of our dynamic planet. With each lecture, each field excursion, and each groundbreaking discovery, I am reminded of the wisdom behind my choice and the boundless opportunities that lie ahead.篇6Why I Chose to Attend China University of GeosciencesAs an aspiring geologist with a deep fascination for the earth's mysteries, I knew that my choice of university would play a pivotal role in shaping my future career. After careful consideration and extensive research, I decided to pursue my academic journey at the prestigious China University of Geosciences (CUG). This decision was not merely a matter of chance but a well-thought-out choice driven by several compelling factors.Firstly, CUG's reputation as a leading institution in the field of geosciences was a significant draw. With a rich history spanning over seven decades, the university has established itself as a pioneer in geological research and education. Its commitment to academic excellence and cutting-edge exploration has produced numerous eminent scholars andindustry leaders who have made invaluable contributions to our understanding of the earth's complexities.Moreover, CUG's comprehensive curriculum and diverse range of programs were perfectly aligned with my academic interests and career aspirations. The university offers a wide array of specialized courses, ranging from geological engineering and mineral resources exploration to environmental geology and geophysics. This breadth of offerings not only allowed me to delve deeper into my areas of passion but also provided me with the opportunity to explore interdisciplinary perspectives, fostering a well-rounded and holistic approach to my studies.Beyond the academic realm, CUG's state-of-the-art facilities and resources were instrumental in solidifying my decision. The university boasts world-class laboratories, advanced instrumentation, and an extensive collection of geological specimens and data. These resources, combined with dedicated faculty members who are actively engaged in cutting-edge research, create an ideal environment for hands-on learning and practical application of theoretical concepts.One of the defining moments that solidified my choice was attending CUG's annual Open Day. The energy and enthusiasm of the current students, coupled with the captivatingpresentations and interactive exhibits, painted a vivid picture of the university's vibrant academic community. I was particularly impressed by the stories shared by alumni, who spoke passionately about the transformative experiences they had at CUG and the doors it opened for them in their respective careers.Furthermore, CUG's commitment to fostering a diverse and inclusive learning environment resonated deeply with me. The university actively encourages international collaborations and student exchanges, providing valuable opportunities for cultural exchange and global networking. As someone with a keen interest in exploring different perspectives and fosteringcross-cultural understanding, this aspect of CUG's ethos aligned perfectly with my personal values.Beyond the academic and professional considerations, the city of Wuhan, where CUG's main campus is located, held its own allure. Known as the "River City," Wuhan offers a unique blend of modernity and historical charm, with its vibrant cultural scene, rich culinary traditions, and stunning natural landscapes. The prospect of immersing myself in this dynamic environment, while simultaneously pursuing my passion for geology, was an enticing prospect.Ultimately, my decision to attend CUG was a culmination of its esteemed reputation, comprehensive academic offerings, state-of-the-art facilities, inclusive community, and the vibrant city of Wuhan. As I embark on this exciting journey, I am filled with anticipation and a deep sense of gratitude for the opportunity to be part of an institution that not only shares my passion for the earth sciences but also provides an environment conducive to personal growth, intellectual exploration, and global collaboration.。
我喜欢中国地质大学的理由英语作文I like China University of Geosciences for several reasons. Firstly, the university has a strong reputation for its geology programs. The faculty members are renowned experts in their fields, and the curriculum is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of geosciences. The state-of-the-art facilities and research opportunities also contribute to the university's excellence in this field.Secondly, China University of Geosciences offers a diverse and inclusive community. The campus is home to students from all over the world, creating a multicultural environment that fosters open-mindedness and global awareness. This diversity enriches the academic experience and provides students with the opportunity to learn from peers with different perspectives and backgrounds.Additionally, the university's commitment to innovation and sustainability is inspiring. China University of Geosciences has been at the forefront of research and initiatives aimed at addressing environmental challenges and promoting sustainable development. This aligns with myown values and aspirations, and I am eager to contribute to these efforts during my time at the university.Furthermore, the university's location in Wuhan is another factor that attracts me. Wuhan is a vibrant and dynamic city with a rich history and cultural heritage. It offers a unique blend of modernity and tradition, providing students with countless opportunities for personal and academic growth outside of the classroom.Overall, China University of Geosciences stands out to me as a place where I can receive a top-notch education, engage with a diverse community, contribute to meaningful research and innovation, and immerse myself in a dynamic and stimulating environment.我喜欢中国地质大学有几个原因。
理工专业通用学术英语. 基础篇
二、学术英语概述1. 学术英语的定义学术英语是指在学术领域中使用的英语,包括学术交流、学术写作以及学术阅读等方面。
2. 学术英语的特点学术英语具有一定的特点,主要包括语言精炼、逻辑严谨、术语准确、句式复杂等。
三、理工专业学术英语的应用1. 学术交流在理工专业中,学术英语主要用于学术交流的场合,比如学术讲座、国际会议、学术报告等。
2. 学术写作学术英语在理工专业中也广泛应用于学术论文、学术报告等的撰写。
3. 学术阅读作为理工专业的学生,学术阅读是十分重要的技能。
四、学术英语的学习方法1. 词汇积累学术英语的词汇量相对较大,涉及到各个学科的专业术语和概念。
2. 句式结构学术英语的句式结构相对复杂,包括倒装句、定语从句、状语从句等。
学院现有教职工103人,教师87人,其中教授11人,副教授33人,外籍教师 4人,国(境)内兼职教授2人;国外(英国雷丁大学)讲座教授1人。
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[ 关键 词 ]理 工科 院校 ;英语 学 习;调 查 ;策略 [ 中图分类号 ]G 4 6 [ 献标识 码 ]A 文 [ 文章 编号 ] 10 — 4 2 (09 2— 14 O 05 63 20 )2 02 一 1
1 研 究方 法
调 查方法 :走访 、访谈 。尽 管大 多数研 究者运 用调 查 问卷这 一方式 ,但 常 由于被 调查 者填 写不认 真而 导致所 获 数 据失 实 。故 笔者使 用 了走访 的方式 。 调 查对象 :地 大在校本 科生 。调查 地点 :英语 教学 课 堂 、各 类英语 活动 场所 、 自习室等 。
[ 收稿 日期 】2 0 0 9—0 5—1 0
2 0 . 0 96
( )盲 目报 班 ,求 快 心切 。为 “ 速 ” 学 好 英 语 , 3 快 不少 同学 盲 目报 班 ,尤 其是 一些艺 术类 同学 。这些辅 导班 费 用较高 ,平均 费用在 50元 。 0 ( )只重书面 ,不重 口头 。这 是英语 学习的通病 。走访 4 中,笔者常发现笔头做得很好但 口头表达不行 的同 考之后 ,要创 造条 件让英 语 教学 四年不 断线 。在保 障基础 教学 的情况 下 ,开 展专业 英 语 的学 习。
( ) 开辟第 二课 堂 。 2 ① 充分 利用社 团 。社 团是 大学 生活重要 的一部 分 ,校 方应 充分利 用这 一资 源 。这 既可 实现 社 团管 理 的规 范化 , 又可 以此 为载体浓 厚整个 学校 的英 语学 习氛 围。
文化 建 设
学术论丛 20 09年 第2 期 ( 2 总第53 ) 3期
浅谈 理 工科高校 英语 学 习
以中 国地 质 大 学 ( 武汉 ) 为例
莫 明 翠 ,贺亚 娜
(.中国地质大学 ( 1 武汉) 外国语 学院,湖北 武 汉 4 0 7 ; 30 4 2 .中国地 质 大 学 ( 汉 ) 艺术 与传 媒 学 院 ,湖 北 武 汉 4 0 7 ) 武 30 4
( )改 良教学 方式 。 I
①建 立 以学生 为 中心 的教学模 式 。教师应 致力 于从 以
教 师为 中心 的 “ 授 型 ” 向 以 学 生 为 中心 的 “ 务 型” 教 任
教 学模式 转变 。
们 总是羞 于开 口。 ( )C igi 2 hnl h+da c 即 中式英 语 和 乡音 影 响 。中英 s il t e 文行 文 区别 较大 ,如 中文重 意合 ,英 文重 形合 。同学们 常 常会 在英语 写作 时陷入 词不 达意 的窘境 ,而 乡音 的影 响则
社 ,19 . 96
… … … … …
客观方面 。包括 教学 、专业 、环境 等 。大 多数 学校 英
语 教学采取 以教师为 中心 的教 授型 方法 和不 太注重 实 际语 言应用 能力 的狭义 交际法 ( o m nct napoc ) cm u ia o p rah 。同 时 i
由于理 工科 类学校英语 学习氛 围不浓厚 ,影 响英语 学 习。
[ 摘 要 】英语 是世界 上使 用 范围最 广的语 言 ,其 重要性备 受 关注 。英语 学 习也 一直是 热 门话 题 ,关 于英语 学 习的
调 查和 学. 策略层 出不 穷。本 文基 于笔者 的调查 ,概括 了X - 科 高校 英语 学 习状况 ,并提 出学习策略 。 - - j Y -
4 策 略探 索
主观 方面 : ( )端正 英语学 习态 度 。 I
( )选择 适合 的学 习资料 。 2
( )养 成 良好 的学 习 习 惯 ,合 理安 排 时间 ,保 障 英 3
语 学习必需 的 时间 。
客观 方面 :
2 调 查 结 果
( ) 学英 语 时 羞 怯 。这 主 要 是 在 口语 学 习 中 ,同学 1
体 现在 口语 上 。
② 使 用 交 际 性 语 言 教 学 ( o m n av l gae cm ui te a ug ci n
tahn ) ec ig 。教师应 该在 组织课 堂教 学过 程 中 ,尽 可能 地 为 学 生创 造语 言 环 境 ,用 英 语 组 织 教 学 ,既 可 提 高 学生 语 感 、听力 ,又 有利 于引导 学生使 用英语 交流 。
( )英 语 学 习 资 料 五花 八 门 ,良莠 不 齐 , 同学 们 常 5
不 知道 选择哪 种 。
3 原 因分 析
主观方 面 。大 学 生 没 有 了以 往 的 学 习 压 力 ,生 活 散 漫 ,学 习时 间减少 。大学 里活 动丰 富 ,大量 的活动 时 间挤