Existence of quasi-arcs


On normal families of quasiregular mappings

On normal families of quasiregular mappings
Let p > 1 and ya = a + |a|2−p x. Then Qf (a) = lim q (f (ya ), f (a)) q (f (a + |a|2−p x), f (a)) = lim . ya → a |x|→0 |ya − a|α ||a|2−p x|α
Setting fa (x) = f (a + |a|2−p x), for every fixed a ∈ Rn \ {0} we have Qfa (0) = lim = lim q (fa (x), fa (0)) |x|→0 |x|α
On normal families of quasiregular mappings
Shamil Makhmutov and Matti Vuorinen
Abstract. We discuss the value distribution of quasimeromorphic mappings in R with given behavior in a neighborhood of an essential singularity. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 30D45ຫໍສະໝຸດ Secondary 30C65.
Further let Bp (a, r ) = {x ∈ Rn : |x − a| < r |a|2−p }, where a ∈ Rn \ {0}, p ≥ 1 and r > 0, and B2 (a, r ) = B (a, r ). 1.2 NORMAL FAMILIES AND YOSIDA MAPPINGS. Here norn mality of a family of mappings in a domain D ⊆ R means uniform continuity of the family in the spherical metric q (., .) on compact subsets of D . We consider the case of families of K -quasimeromorphic mappings in Rn with essential singularity at infinity only. A family F = {f } of K -quasimeromorphic mappings of a domain D ⊆ Rn is called normal on D if every sequence {fn } ∈ F has a subsequence that converges uniformly on compact subsets of D with respect to the spherical metric q . The criteria for normality of a family of K -quasimeromorphic mappings, proved by R. Miniowitz [6], can be formulated for D ⊆ Rn as follows 1.3. THEOREM. A family F = {f } of K -quasimeromorphic mappings in a domain D in Rn is normal if and only if for every compact subset G of D there exists a number MG such that q (f (x1 ), f (x2 )) ≤ MG |x1 − x2 |α 1 (1.4)



初三英语哲学思考问题单选题40题1. When we think about the nature of reality, which of the following statements is correct?A. Reality is only what we can see.B. Reality is determined by our thoughts.C. Reality is independent of human perception.D. Reality changes based on our feelings.答案:C。


选项A 过于局限,现实不仅仅是我们能看到的。

选项B 是主观唯心主义观点,不符合客观事实。

选项C 符合唯物主义观点,现实是独立于人类感知而存在的。

选项D 现实不会仅仅因为我们的感受而改变。

2. What is the essence of philosophy according to the basic concepts?A. The study of history.B. The exploration of science.C. The reflection on fundamental questions of life and existence.D. The analysis of language.答案:C。


选项 A 历史研究并非哲学的本质。

选项 B 科学探索也不是哲学的本质核心。

选项D 语言分析只是哲学的一个方面,而非本质。

3. In the philosophical view, which one is true about truth?A. Truth is relative and changes over time.B. Truth is absolute and never changes.C. Truth depends on personal belief.D. Truth is something that cannot be known.答案:A。



哲学术语A :哲学家专有名词1 辩证法(dialectic)一种被黑格尔和马克思大加使用的哲学方法,在辩证法中,矛盾之间互相对抗以达到真理。


2 白板(tabula rasa)洛克哲学中的术语。



3 超人(ubermensch,Superman)尼采著作中的一个概念,指一个有可能在未来取代我们的卓越的人。

4 超验的(transcendent)独立的。



5 沉思[contemplation]按照亚里士多德(和其他哲学家)的说法,这是最幸福的生活,即是思想和哲学的生活。

6 存在的世界(world of Being)柏拉图形而上学中的术语,指理想中的“形式”的世界,这个世界是没有变化的,我们只能通过理性和思想来认识这个世界。

7 单子(monad)莱布尼茨用来指一切不变事物的最终组成部分的非物质实体,上帝是唯一一个不是被创造的单子,他作为自我封闭的(“无窗的”)的先定实体创造了所有其他单子。

8 狄奥尼索斯式的(尼采)[Dionysian(Nietzsche)]艺术、精力和意志中的非理性原则。

9 公意(卢梭)[general will(Rousseau)]一个民族集体的愿望和决定。

10 信仰的飞跃(leap of faith)克尔凯•郭尔的用语。


11 海森堡不确定性原理(物理学中的)[Heisenberg uncertainty principle(in physics)]一个亚原子粒子的运动和位置不可能同时确定。

Quasi--exact solvability

Quasi--exact solvability
1991 Mathematics Subject Classi cation. Primary 17B81, 34L05, 35P05, 81Q05; Secondary 13A50, 17B56, 33E30, 81R05. Key words and phrases. Schrodinger operator, Lie algebra, di erential operator, quasi-exactly solvable. The rst author was supported in part by DGICYT Grant PS 89{0011. The second author was supported in part by an NSERC Grant. The third author was supported in part by NSF Grant DMS 89-01600. This paper is in nal form and no version of it will be submitted for publication elsewhere Typeset by AMS-TEX 1
Lie algebraic and Lie group theoretic methods have played a signi cant role in the development of quantum mechanics since its inception. In the classical applications, the Lie group appears as a symmetry group of the Hamiltonian operator, and the associated representation theory provides an algebraic means for computing the spectrum. Of particular importance are the exactly solvable problems, such as the harmonic oscillator or the hydrogen atom, whose point spectrum can be completely determined using purely algebraic methods. The fundamental concept of a \spectrum generating algebra" was introduced by Arima and Iachello, 4], 5], to study nuclear physics, and subsequently, by Iachello, Alhassid, Gursey, Levine, Wu and their collaborators, was also successfully applied to molecular dynamics and spectroscopy, 19], 22], and scattering theory, 1], 2], 3]. The Schrodinger operators amenable to the algebraic approach assume a \Lie algebraic form", meaning that they belong to the universal enveloping algebra of the spectrum generating algebra. Lie algebraic operators reappeared in the discovery of Turbiner, Shifman, Ushveridze, and their collaborators, 26], 28], 29], 33], of a new class of physically signi cant spectral problems, which they named \quasi-exactly solvable", having the property that a ( nite) part of the point spectrum can be determined using purely algebraic methods. This is an immediate consequence of the additional requirement that the hidden symmetry algebra preserve a nite-dimensional representation space consisting of smooth wave functions. In this case, the Hamiltonian restricts to a linear transformation on the representation space, and hence the associated eigenvalues can be computed by purely algebraic methods, meaning matrix eigenvalue calculations. Finally, one must decide the \normalizability" problem of whether the resulting \algebraic" eigenfunctions are square integrable and therefore represent true bound states of the system. Connections with conformal eld



1The Glivenko-Cantelli TheoremLet X i,i=1,...,n be an i.i.d.sequence of random variables with distribu-tion function F on R.The empirical distribution function is the function ofx defined byˆFn(x)=1n1≤i≤nI{X i≤x}.For a given x∈R,we can apply the strong law of large numbers to the sequence I{X i≤x},i=1,...n to assert thatˆFn(x)→F(x)a.s(in order to apply the strong law of large numbers we only need to show that E[|I{X i≤x}|]<∞,which in this case is trivial because|I{X i≤x}|≤1).In this sense,ˆF n(x)is a reasonable estimate of F(x)for a given x∈R. But isˆF n(x)a reasonable estimate of the F(x)when both are viewed as functions of x?The Glivenko-Cantelli Thoerem provides an answer to this question.It asserts the following:Theorem1.1Let X i,i=1,...,n be an i.i.d.sequence of random variables with distribution function F on R.Then,supx∈R|ˆF n(x)−F(x)|→0a.s.(1) This result is perhaps the oldest and most well known result in the very large field of empirical process theory,which is at the center of much of modern econometrics.The statistic(1)is an example of a Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic.We will break the proof up into several steps.Lemma1.1Let F be a(nonrandom)distribution function on R.For each >0there exists afinite partition of the real line of the form−∞=t0< t1<···<t k=∞such that for0≤j≤k−1F(t−j+1)−F(t j)≤ .1Proof:Let >0be given.Let t0=−∞and for j≥0definet j+1=sup{z:F(z)≤F(t j)+ }.Note that F(t j+1)≥F(t j)+ .To see this,suppose that F(t j+1)<F(t j)+ .Then,by right continuity of F there would existδ>0so that F(t j+1+δ)< F(t j)+ ,which would contradict the definition of t j+1.Thus,between t j and t j+1,F jumps by at least .Since this can happen at most afinite number of times,the partition is of the desired form,that is−∞=t0< t1<···<t k=∞with k<∞.Moreover,F(t−j+1)≤F(t j)+ .To see this, note that by definition of t j+1we have F(t j+1−δ)≤F(t j)+ for allδ>0.The desired result thus follows from the definition of F(t−j+1).Lemma1.2Suppose F n and F are(nonrandom)distribution functions on R such that F n(x)→F(x)and F n(x−)→F(x−)for all x∈R.Thensupx∈R|F n(x)−F(x)|→0.Proof:Let >0be given.We must show that there exists N=N( )such that for n>N and any x∈R|F n(x)−F(x)|< .Let >0be given and consider a partition of the real line intofinitely many pieces of the form−∞=t0<t1···<t k=∞such that for0≤j≤k−1F(t−j+1)−F(t j)≤2.The existence of such a partition is ensured by the previous lemma.For any x∈R,there exists j such that t j≤x<t j+1.For such j,F n(t j)≤F n(x)≤F n(t−j+1)F(t j)≤F(x)≤F(t−j+1),which implies thatF n(t j)−F(t−j+1)≤F n(x)−F(x)≤F n(t−j+1)−F(t j).2Furthermore,F n(t j)−F(t j)+F(t j)−F(t−j+1)≤F n(x)−F(x)F n(t−j+1)−F(t−j+1)+F(t−j+1)−F(t j)≥F n(x)−F(x).By construction of the partition,we have thatF n(t j)−F(t j)−2≤F n(x)−F(x)F n(t−j+1)−F(t−j+1)+2≥F n(x)−F(x).For each j,let N j=N j( )be such that for n>N jF n(t j)−F(t j)>− 2and let M j=M j( )be such that for n>M jF n(t−j )−F(t−j)<2.Let N=max1≤j≤k max{N j,M j}.For n>N and any x∈R,we have that|F n(x)−F(x)|< .The desired result follows.Lemma1.3Suppose F n and F are(nonrandom)distribution functions on R such that F n(x)→F(x)for all x∈Q.Suppose further that F n(x)−F n(x−)→F(x)−F(x−)for all jump points of F.Then,for all x∈R F n(x)→F(x)and F n(x−)→F(x−).Proof:Let x∈R.Wefirst show that F n(x)→F(x).Let s,t∈Q such that s<x<t.First suppose x is a continuity point of F.Since F n(s)≤F n(x)≤F n(t)and s,t∈Q,it follows thatF(s)≤lim infn→∞F n(x)≤lim supn→∞F n(x)≤F(t).Since x is a continuity point of F,lim s→x−F(s)=limt→x+F(t)=F(x),3from which the desired result follows.Now suppose x is a jump point of F .Note thatF n (s )+F n (x )−F n (x −)≤F n (x )≤F n (t ).Since s,t ∈Q and x is a jump point of F ,F (s )+F (x )−F (x −)≤lim inf n →∞F n (x )≤lim sup n →∞F n (x )≤F (t ).Sincelim s →x −F (s )=F (x −)lim t →x +F (t )=F (x ),the desired result follows.We now show that F n (x −)→F (x −).First suppose x is a continuity point of F .Since F n (x −)≤F n (x ),lim sup n →F n (x −)≤lim sup n →F n (x )=F (x )=F (x −).For any s ∈Q such that s <x ,we have F n (s )≤F n (x −),which implies thatF (s )≤lim inf n →∞F n (x −).Sincelim s →x −F (s )=F (x −),the desired result follows.Now suppose x is a jump point of F .By as-sumption,F n (x )−F n (x −)→F (x )−F (x −),and,by the above argument,F n (x )→F (x ).The desired result follows.Proof of Theorem 1.1:If we can show that there exists a set N suchthat Pr {N }=0and for all ω∈N (i)ˆFn (x,ω)→F (x )for all x ∈Q and (ii)ˆFn (x,ω)−F n (x −,ω)→F (x )−F (x −)for all jump points of F ,then the result will follow from an application of Lemmas 1.2and 1.3.For each x ∈Q ,let N x be a set such that Pr {N x }=0and for all ω∈N x ,ˆF n (x,ω)→F (x ).Let N 1= x ∈Q .Then,for all ω∈N 1,ˆF n (x,ω)→F (x )by construction.Moreover,since Q is countable,Pr {N 1}=0.4For integer i ≥1,let J i denote the set of jump points of F of size at least 1/i .Note that for each i ,J i is finite.Next note that the set of all jump points of F can be written as J = 1≤i<∞J i .For each x ∈J ,let M x denotea set such that Pr {M x }=0and for all ω∈M x ,ˆF n (x,ω)−F n (x −,ω)→F (x )−F (x −).Let N 2= x ∈J M x .Since J is countable,Pr {N 2}=0.To complete the proof,let N =N 1∪N 2.By construction,for ω∈N ,(i)and (ii)hold.Moreover,Pr {N }=0.The desired result follows.2The Sample MedianWe now give a brief application of the Glivenko-Cantelli Theorem.Let X i ,i =1,...,n be an i.i.d.sequence of random variables with distribution F .Suppose one is interested in the median of F .Concretely,we will defineMed(F )=inf {x :F (x )≥12}.A natural estimator of Med(F )is the sample analog,Med(ˆFn ).Under what conditions is Med(ˆFn )a reasonable estimate of Med(F )?Let m =Med(F )and suppose that F is well behaved at m in the sense that F (t )>12whenever t >m .Under this condition,we can show usingthe Glivenko-Cantelli Theorem that Med(ˆFn )→Med(F )a.s.We will now prove this result.Suppose F n is a (nonrandom)sequence of distribution functions such thatsup x ∈R |F n (x )−F (x )|→0.Let >0be given.We wish to show that there exists N =N ( )such that for all n >N|Med(F n )−Med(F )|< .Choose δ>0so thatδ<12−F (m − )δ<F (m + )−12,5which in turn implies thatF(m− )<12−δF(m+ )>12+δ.(It might help to draw a picture to see why we should pickδin this way.) Next choose N so that for all n>N,supx∈R|F n(x)−F(x)|<δ.Let m n=Med(F n).For such n,m n>m− ,for if m n≤m− ,thenF(m− )>F n(m− )−δ≥12−δ,which contradicts the choice ofδ.We also have that m n<m+ ,for if m n≥m+ ,thenF(m+ )<F n(m+ )+δ≤12+δ,which again contradicts the choice ofδ.Thus,for n>N,|m n−m|< ,as desired.By the Glivenko-Cantelli Theorem,it follows immediately that Med(ˆF n)→Med(F)a.s.6。



法国历年高考哲学作文2012-06-07 18:58:31法国可以说是最重视中学的哲学教育的国家之一,从柏拉图到现当代的哲学思想都会有详细的讲解,让学生充分了解人类的思想史;并且,这个过程中是不带有价值评断的,法国中学教育要求教师们能尽可能客观地讲述内容,如果想要批驳一个作家或哲学家A的思想,老师不能自己随意发表意见,而是必须有理有据地引用另外一个作家或者哲学家B在某处针对A的批判言论才行,这样一来,学生的个人观点、个人思考能力才不会被老师的话语和个人政治、哲学倾向所影响,而且,这也算是为学术伦理打下了基础。







【2011】文学考生卷:- "Peut-on prouver une hypothèse scientifique ?"我们能否证明科学假说(Can we prove a scientific hypothesis?)- "L'homme est-il condamné à se faire des illusions sur lui-même ?"人(类)以自己为中心制造幻象、对自己充满幻想,是否应当受到指责(Is Man condemned to make illusions about himself? )- Expliquer un extrait du "Gai savoir" de Nietzsche解读尼采的《快乐的知识》的一段节选(节选部分略)理科考生卷:- "La culture dénature-t-elle l'homme ?"文化是否扭曲了人本身(Does Culture distort Man ?)- "Peut-on avoir raison contre les faits ?"我们是否有理由否决事实(Can we be right against the facts? )- Expliquer un extrait des "Pensées" de Pascal解读帕斯卡尔《思想录》的一段节选社会经济考生卷:- "La liberté est-elle menacée par l'égalité ?"自由是否被平等所威胁(Is Freedom threatened by equality? )- "L'art est-il moins nécessaire que la science ?"相比科学,艺术是否是次要的(Is Art less necessary than Science? )- Expliquer un extrait de "Les bienfaits" de Sénèque解读赛涅卡(古罗马政治家)《论善行》的一段节选艺术生卷- "La maîtrise de soi dépend-elle de la connaissance de soi ?"自我克制是否取决于自我认知(Self-control depends upon self-knowledge?)- "Ressentir l'injustice m'apprend-il ce qui est juste ?"体验不公是否能让人明白正义的内涵(Is it by perceiving the injustice that I shall learn what is right?)- Expliquer un texte de Nietzsche解读尼采的一个选段【2010】文学考生卷:La recherche de la vérité peut-elle être désintéressée ?对真理的追寻是出于无私之心吗(Can the search for truth be disinterested?)Faut-il oublier le passé pour se donner un avenir ?该不该忘记过去以便给自己一个未来?(Should we forget the past in order to have a future?) Un commentaire d'un extrait de la Somme théologique, de Thomas d'Aquin评论托马斯·阿奎那《神学大全》的一个选段理科生考卷:L'art peut-il se passer de règles ?艺术可否无视规则(Can the art do without rules?)Dépend-il de nous d'être heureux ?快乐是否取决于我们自身(Does it depend on us to be happy?)Un commentaire d'un extrait du Léviathan de Thomas Hobbes.评论霍布斯的《利维坦》的一个选段社会经济考生卷:Une vérité scientifique peut-elle être dangereuse ?科学真理会不会是有危险性的(Can a scientific truth be dangerous?)Le rôle de l'historien est-il de juger ?历史学家的角色(身份)是做论断用的吗(Does the role of the historian consist in judging?) Un commentaire d'un extrait de L'Education morale, d'Emile Durkheim评论涂尔干的《道德教育》的一个选段【2009】文学考生卷:Le langage trahit-il la pensée ?语言背叛了思想?(Does the language betray the thought?)L’objectivité de l’histoire suppose-t-elle l’impartialité de l’historien?历史的客观性是否期望历史学家的中立性?(Does the objectivity of history presuppose the impartiality of the historian?)un extrait d’un texte de Schopenhauer评论叔本华的一个选段理科考生卷:Est-il absurde de désirer l’impossible ?对于不可能(的事物)的渴望,是荒谬的吗(Is it absurd to desire the impossible?)Y-a-t-il des questions auxquelles aucune science ne répond ?存在不存在任何科学都不回答的问题(注:不是“无法”回答--pouvoir/can,是不回答)(Are there any questions that no science answers?)un texte de Tocqueville extrait de “De la démocratie en Amérique”评论托克维尔的《美国的民主》的一段节选社会经济考生卷:Le développement technique transforme-t-il les hommes ?技术发展使人们自身也发生了改变?(Technical development transforms men)Que gagne-t-on à échanger ?交换(兑换、交流)中,我们得到了什么?(What do we gain in exchanging ?)un extrait d’ un texte de John Locke评论洛克的一个选段【2008】文学考生卷- La perception peut-elle s’éduquer ?感知力是自发培养起来的吗(Can perception be educated by itself? )- Une connaissance scientifique du vivant est-elle possible ?对于活者(活人)的科学性认识是可能的吗(A scientific understanding of the living, is it possible?)- Expliquer un extrait des « Cahiers pour une morale » de Sartre.萨特《伦理学笔记》选段的解读理科考生卷:- L’art transforme-t-il notre conscience du réel ?艺术改造了我们对于真实的意识?(Does Art transform our consciousness of reality?) - Y a-t-il d’autres moyens que la démonstration pour établir une vérité ?除了论证之外,是否存在其他方式以建立一个真理?(Is there any other way than demonstration in order to establish a truth?)- Expliquer un extrait de « Le monde comme volonté et comme représentation »de Schopenhauer.叔本华的《作为意志和表象的世界》选段的解读社会科学考生卷:- Peut-on désirer sans souffrir ?我们能否渴求但不受罪(Can we desire without suffering?)- Est-il plus facile de connaître autrui que de se connaître soi-même ?认识他者是否比认识自我容易?(Is it easier to know others than to know oneself?)- Expliquer un extrait de « De la démocratie en Amérique » de Alexis de Tocqueville评论托克维尔的《美国的民主》的一段节选【2007】文学考生卷- Toute prise de conscience est-elle libératrice ?所有的察觉都有解放性吗?(Is any awareness liberating?)- Les oeuvres d'art sont-elles des réalités comme les autres ?艺术品是否是像其他物品一样的现实体(Are the works of art like other realities ?)- Expliquer un extrait de "Ethique à Nicomaque" d'Aristote sur le thème de la responsabilité. 解读亚里士多德《尼各马可伦理学》的一段节选,围绕“责任”这一主题理科考生卷- Le désir peut-il se satisfaire de la réalité ?欲望能由现实来满足吗(Can the desire be satisfied with reality?)- Que vaut l'opposition du travail manuel et du travail intellectuel ?脑力劳动和体力劳动的对立划分有什么用?- Expliquer un texte de Hume extrait d'"Enquête sur les principes de la morale" sur le thème de la justice.休谟《道德原理研究》节选,“正义”主题社会经济考生卷- Peut-on en finir avec les préjugés ?我们可否不带偏见?(Can we do away with prejudices?)- Que gagnons-nous à travailler ?工作为我们带来什么?(What do we gain by working?)- Expliquer un texte de Nietzsche extrait de "Humain, trop humain" sur la morale.解读尼采《人性的,太人性的》节选【2006】文学考生卷:- N'avons-nous de devoirs qu'envers autrui ?我们只对他人负有责任吗?(Do we have duties only for others?)- Cela a-t-il un sens de vouloir échapper au temps ?想要逃避时光,这有意义吗?(Does it have a sense of willing to escape time?)-(评论著作节选,略)理科考生卷- Peut-on juger objectivement la valeur d'une culture ?我们能客观地评论一个文化的价值吗?(Can we objectively judge the value of a culture?)- L'expérience peut-elle démontrer quelque chose ?经验能证明什么?(Can experience demonstrate something?)社会经济考生卷- Faut-il préférer le bonheur à la vérité?应该为幸福而舍真理吗(Should we prefer happiness to truth?)- Une culture peut-elle être porteuse de valeurs universelles ?一种文化会具有普世价值吗?(Can a culture be the bearer of universal values?)艺术考生卷:- L'expression "c'est ma vérité" a-t-elle un sens?“这是我的真理” 这句话有意义吗?(Does Tte phrase "this is my truth" have a meaning?)- Le sentiment de la justice est-il naturel?正义感是天性吗?(Is the sense of justice natural?)技术考生卷:- Quel besoin avons-nous de chercher la vérité?寻找真理是源于我们的哪种需求?(Which need do we have to seek the truth?)- L'intérêt de l'histoire, est-ce d'abord de lutter contre l'oubli?历史的重要性,首先在于抵抗遗忘?(Is the interest of history to fight against forgetting firstly?)。

Archaeologys Search for the Legendary Utopia

Archaeologys Search for the Legendary Utopia

Archaeologys Search for the LegendaryUtopiaThe search for the legendary utopia has captured the imagination of archaeologists and adventurers for centuries. The idea of a perfect, idyllic society hidden somewhere in the depths of history has fueled countless expeditions and quests. But what exactly is this utopia, and why do so many people believe it exists? The concept of utopia, a place of ideal perfection and harmony, has beena recurring theme in literature and philosophy. From Plato's Republic to Thomas More's Utopia, the idea of a society free from conflict and suffering has long captivated the human imagination. But is there any truth to the existence of sucha place in the real world? Archaeologists have long been intrigued by the possibility of discovering evidence of a real-life utopia. Some believe that ancient civilizations may have achieved a level of social and technological advancement that could be considered utopian by the standards of their time.Others are more skeptical, arguing that the concept of utopia is purely a product of human imagination and has no basis in reality. Despite the skepticism, the search for the legendary utopia continues to inspire explorers and researchers. Countless expeditions have been launched in search of fabled lands such as Atlantis, Shangri-La, and El Dorado. While many of these quests have ended in disappointment, the allure of discovering a lost utopia remains as strong as ever. One of the most famous utopian legends is that of Atlantis, the mythical island civilization described by the ancient Greek philosopher Plato. According to Plato, Atlantis was a powerful and advanced society that eventually sank into the oceanin a single day and night. While the story of Atlantis is widely regarded as a myth, some researchers have speculated that it may have been based on a real historical event, such as the eruption of the volcano Thera in the Aegean Sea. Another legendary utopia is Shangri-La, a mythical Himalayan paradise described in James Hilton's novel "Lost Horizon." The idea of a hidden valley where people live in peace and harmony has captured the popular imagination, leading to numerous expeditions in search of the real Shangri-La. While no conclusive evidence of the existence of Shangri-La has been found, the search for this utopian paradisecontinues to attract adventurers and dreamers. The legend of El Dorado, a fabled city of gold in the New World, has also inspired countless explorers and treasure hunters. Many expeditions have been launched in search of this mythical city, leading to the exploration of vast swathes of the Amazon rainforest and other remote regions of South America. While no evidence of a literal city of gold has been found, the search for El Dorado has led to important archaeological discoveries and the expansion of our knowledge of ancient civilizations in the Americas. In conclusion, the search for the legendary utopia continues to captivate the human imagination and inspire countless expeditions and quests. While the existence of a real-life utopia remains unproven, the allure of discovering a society free from conflict and suffering continues to drive explorers and researchers to seek out lost and mythical lands. Whether the search for utopia will ultimately lead to concrete evidence of a perfect society or remain a purely symbolic quest, the pursuit of this ideal serves as a powerful reminder of humanity's enduring desire for a better world.。

Geological and geophysical aspects of the underground CO2 storage

Geological and geophysical aspects of the underground CO2 storage

Procedia Earth and Planetary Science 1 (2009) 7–12 /locate/procediaThe 6th International Conference on Mining Science & TechnologyGeological and geophysical aspects of the underground CO 2 storageDubi ński Józef*Central Mining Institute, 40-166 Katowice, PolandAbstractObserved impact of carbon dioxide (CO 2) emissions on the climate changes resulted in significant intensification of the research focused on the development of the technologies, which would enable CO 2 capture from the flu gases and its safe storage in the adequately selected geological formations. The member countries of the European Union (UE-27) worked out special CCS (CO 2 Capture and Storage) directive concerning industrial application of this technology. It must be emphasized, that extremely important and difficult from the technical point of view is its final stage connected with CO 2 storage process itself. The paper presents key geological problems, which may occur during above mentioned stage of CCS technology, it draws also attention on the problem of monitoring the locations selected for CO 2 storage. It points out significant role of geophysical methods for effective application in this domain.Keywords : CO 2 Injection; CO 2 Capture and Storage; CCS technology; CO 2 monitoring1. IntroductionIt is believed that the climate changes on earth, observed during last decade or so have direct impact on more frequent occurrence of the extreme phenomenon in different places of the earth. Theirs’ symptoms are: rising the sea levels, occurrence of the extreme meteorological phenomenon, glaciers’ regression but also changes in the productivity and quality of the crops and many more. They result in the concern of the society expressed in the mass media by the watchword: “intensification of the global warming”. Predominant is the opinion, that the main reason for the occurrence of above is the activity of the human being, which leads to the increase of the concentration of the gases colloquially defined as the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere [1]. Above effect is recognized through their continuously increasing emissions due to dynamic increase of the combustion of such hydrocarbons like coal, oil and natural gas. It can not be also neglected the influence of reduced sequestration of coal through the flora due to the deforesting of substantial territories of the globe and emissions of methane gas coming from the farming. In the years 1906 – 2005 average increase of the air temperature measured in the vicinity of the earth surface reached 0.74 ±0.18o C, and in Europe almost 10o C. According to the forecasts prepared by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change – IPCC continuation of intensive activities of the people in XXI century can result in rising the average global temperature of the earth surface from 1.1 even up to 6.40C and intensification of above mentioned extreme phenomenon. For this reason in 1997 governments of many countries signed and ratified Kioto Protocol, aiming at reduction of greenhouse gases emissions. There is presently global political and public debate, especially intensive in the European Union, which concerns the activities driving to the reduction of the climate warming up rate [1].Another very important aspect is the analysis of the impact of above activities on the individual economies and the 187-/09/$– See front matter © 2009 Published by Elsevier B.V .doi:10.1016/j.pro .2009.09.0085220eps 4Procedia Earth and Planetary Sciencesocieties. There is also opinion opposite to above, which proves that observed climate changes are natural process developed by mutual interaction of the earth surface and its atmosphere, which is warmed up by the solar radiation with the variable cyclic intensity and that they can not be attributed exclusively to the humans. The opponents adduce mainly the evidence coming from the geological research, proving that the periodical changes of the climate were and still are fundamental feature of the earth’s climate throughout whole history of its evolution. There is no disagreement between those two groups however as far as the fact of partial increase of the emissions and concentration of the greenhouse gases and especially CO 2 coming from the human’s activities is concerned. That is why it seems reasonable to undertake all sorts of activities, which would aim at reducing above emissions based on the principles of sustainable development and mitigation of eventual results of present global warming.Significant role in the development of the technologies reducing volume of emitted CO 2 will be connected with the technology connected with its capture and storage in the suitably selected geological formations (CCS – CO 2 Capture and Storage) [8][9]. The process must be safe for the geological and natural environment on the ground surface, what will require application of advanced monitoring. That is why geological and geophysical aspects connected with these key processes will play considerable role in the implementation of CCS technology.2. The heart of the global warming effectThe global warming effect is the phenomena caused by the ability of the circumterrestrial atmosphere to let the major part of short-wave solar radiation with its waves’ length 0.1–4 mm in and stopping the long-wave earth’s radiation with the waves’ length 4-80 mm. As a result of above phenomena earth’s surface and lower layers of its atmosphere are warmer. The research in this domain indicates that if the earth was devoided of the atmosphere, temperature of its surface would be at the level of – 180C, whereas presently its average temperature is +150C. Thereby without above effect life on earth would not be established and could not evolve. Thus the layer of atmosphere creates kind of structure similar to the roof of the greenhouse, which let the visible light in and absorb energy coming out by the means of infrared radiation, stopping in this way the heat inside. That is why the warming effect is also called green house effect. The point of the problem is that so called greenhouse gases accumulated in the layers of circumterrestrial atmosphere intensify natural warming effect, which results in the increase of earth temperature. There are about 30 different greenhouse gases. The most important are: carbon dioxide, methane, nitrogen oxides, chlorofluorocarbons, ozone and also water steam. Fossil energy fuels – hard and brown coal, natural gas and oil – in the process of their combustion emit with different intensiveness different gases, including particularly carbon dioxide. The emission is the highest during the combustion of the brown and hard coal. Thus the power industry based on the coal has to face serious challenge of development the technology reducing value of the CO 2 emissions and other gaseous substances [1].3. Role of coal as source of a energy in the global economyCoal is one of the most important primary energy carriers in the global economy. It takes predominant place as a source for the electricity production.The forecasts of International Energy Agency (IEA) presented below in table 1 confirm global increase in coal demand, which in the years 2000-2007 reached 31%.Table 1. Global coal consumption in (Mtoe)Years World UE OECD2000 2364.3 316.2 1124.02001 2384.8 316.3 1114.52002 2437.2 314.9 1120.62003 2632.8 325.2 1151.52004 2805.5 320.1 1160.12005 2957.0 311.3 1170.32006 3090.1 318.9 1169.72007 3177.5 317.9 1184.3D. Józef / Procedia Earth and Planetary Science 1 (2009) 7–128Source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy, June 2008 [2]Above status of coal as an energy carrier is caused by many following reasons:- more even geological location of the coal resources in the world comparing with other energy carriers,- clearly bigger coal resources and what results from this their higher sufficiency (globally for another 200 years), - higher safety of stable deliveries of coal fuel,- lower cost of production the electricity from the coal comparing with gas and oil,- possibility of further increase the economical efficiency and reducing the inconvenience of coal for the natural environment.Above reasons make the coal, which was used for centuries as primary source of energy long lasting important energy carrier in the global energy economy. Coal is playing key role today in the fuel-energy balance of such countries like: China, India, USA, Japan, Republic of South Africa, Russia, Poland, Germany, Australia and many others. Some of above countries are the leading coal producers, and others just important coal consumers. The UE countries represented also by Poland are the third in the world largest coal consumers. It must be emphasized here, that EU coal production can fulfill only 57% of its demand. Poland is the largest European hard coal producer with Germany when brown coal is concerned.Unfortunately coal is recognized in the EUas a …dirty fuel” from the ecological point of view and fulfilling more and more restrictive environmental requirements is becoming big challenge both for the mining and energy sectors. Special attention is being paid on the reduction of CO 2 emissions, recognized as a major greenhouse gas. One of the methods to reduce its emission is development and implementation of the CCS – CO 2 Capture and Storage technologies.4. Characteristics of the CCS technologyCCS technology, which presently at its stage of intensive development is meant to be an effective tool enabling for permanent and safe storage of captured carbon in deep geological formations. Its point is to separate and capture CO 2 from the stream of the flu gases being released during different industrial processes, then to transport and storage it in inside appropriate geological formations [9]. The key stages of CCS technology were presented schematically on the figure 1 below.Fig. 1. Key stages of the CCS technologyThe CO 2 storage locations can be: depleted natural gas or oil fields, unmineable coal seams and saline aquifers of the water-bearing sandstones [8]. The last-one mentioned have the largest storage capacity and they are recognized as the most promising environment for effective underground CO 2 storage. The mechanism of underground CO 2 storage is simplified thanks to the fact, that its density is significantly growing up with the depth of the injection and below critical depth, which is in most cases about 800m, where it is becoming supercritical fluid. It has much smaller volume then and can easier fill up spaces of underground reservoirs. There are four principal mechanisms, which provide isolation of CO 2 in deep geological formations [9]. They are being developed in different time horizons. The first-one of above is structural isolation connected with existence of non-permeable rock overburden, which makes the migration of CO 2 from storage place impossible. The second mechanism consists in the isolating CO 2 by the capillary forces inside the pores of rock formation. The third mechanism is the solution isolation, consisting in dissolving CO 2 in the geological formation water. The fourth mechanism is mineral isolation consisting in chemical reaction of dissolved CO 2 with the rock environment what results in creation new mineral compounds. 9D. Józef / Procedia Earth and Planetary Science 1 (2009) 7–1210 D. Józef / Procedia Earth and Planetary Science 1 (2009) 7–125. Geological conditions for underground CO2 storageSelection of optimal geological structure for CO2 storage must secure both: satisfactory storage capacity and its safety with reference to the geological environment underground and natural environment on the ground surface. Very important are also economical aspects including type of applied technology, distance of the CO2 emitting source from the storage place determining cost of transportation as well as legal and social aspects. From the geological point of view the principal factors, which must be analyzed are: geological, geo-thermical and hydro-geological conditions. The geological structure must fulfill several conditions like: depth, volume, thickness of isolating overburden, tightness of the reservoir, permeability and porosity of the rocks, which determine its storage capacity for CO2, hydro-geological connections and many others [4][8]. The locations, which eliminate geological structures as the places for CO2 storage are: protected main underground water reservoirs, rock formations, which got into reaction with CO2, and those which contain important resources of various mineral resources.Safety criteria for underground CO2 storage cover also detailed recognition of potential geological structure with the aspect of identification its eventual ways of escape [6]. It can be caused by the leak of overburden layers, occurrence of cracks and fracture systems and faulting zones as well as by existing potable water intakes or completed oil or gas wells. CO2 leakages from its underground storage reservoirs may also happen through the leakiness in the injection and monitoring wells, as well as due to occurrence other circumstances. Figure 2 shows main potential roads of CO2 escape from its storage place [9].All above aspects are covered by the adequate EU Directive [5].Fig. 2. Example of potential leakage scenarios Source: Co2 GeoNet European Network of Excellence6. Geophysical exploration and monitoring of CO2 storage placesThe key role in the exploration of the geological structures considering their eventual suitability for CO2 storage locations is played by the geophysical methods and especially by the method of reflective seismic. Thanks to the innovative techniques of transmission and presentation of the results of seismic tests explored structure can be properly assessed with special focus on:- determination of the geometry of interesting sedimentary series and especially porous reservoir series and clay sealing layers,-identification of eventual faulting zones crossing sendimentary series, which can be potential ways for CO2 leaking,-identification of optimal reservoir faces considering their porosity and permeability.Seismic data represent significant values for farther tests connected with elaboration the model of analyzed geological structure and for assessing its volume. Based on them decisions concerning location of the exploratory and exploitation wells are being made.Ensuring safe storage of CO2 i.e. identification of its eventual ways of leaking, is the key task of the operator, whoobtained the concession for its storage. Thus extremely important role is being played by monitoring both of the injection installation during its operation and the storage location together with its surrounding. Monitoring should be performed not only during the injection but also after finishing it [7]. The subject of monitoring first of all should be surface environment, but also periodically underground geological environment. The principal methods of surface monitoring are first of all geochemical methods consisting in direct measurements of CO 2 concentration in the air, soil and in the soil water. Information on eventual surface deformations as a result of CO 2 storage can be also obtained from the satellite and aerial photographs.Extremely important role in monitoring of CO 2 storage places is being played by the group of so called indirect methods, where by the measurements of many physical parameters the assessment of the processes taking place in the rock environment can be made. Among them dominant position due to its properties have geophysical methods and especially seismic, electromagnetic and gravimetric methods. Images of the rock environment performed by the means of above methods, in different time give the basis for the analysis of the changes, which place in the structure of reservoir rocks under influence of CO 2 storage. Figure 3 shows selected results of measurements made with the usage of reflective seismic conducted since 1996 in the Norwegian gas field “Sleipner” on the Northern Sea, where CO 2 is being stored in the porous sandstones of Utsira geological formation [3].As one can see there are visible changes caused by CO 2 injection and storage confirming effectiveness of the process.Fig. 3. Seismic imaging to monitor the CO 2 plume at the Sleipner pilot; bright seismic reflections indicate thin layers of CO 25. Conclusions1. CCS – CO 2 capture and storage technology is one of the options for the reduction of CO 2 emissions. Its key stage is CO 2 storage in the suitable geological formations. Above process requires good examination of geological structures and defining reservoir parameters of selected structures as well as assessment of the risk connected with the CO 2 storage.2. Geological aspect of the process requires solving many specialized tasks defined in the CCS directive, in order to make if economically feasible and safe for the natural environment on the ground surface, including the citizens and geological environment.3. Important role during the process of CO 2 injection will play its monitoring and then location of injected CO 2 plume what requires application of appropriate monitoring methods enabling up to date assessment of the safety and risk connected with eventual leakage of CO 2.4. Significant role both in the examination of potential geological structures for CO 2 storage purposes and its underground monitoring later on belongs to the geophysical methods especially considering their forecasting and technical features.5. CCS technology in case of its industrial scale application will have to face new challenges in the scientific-research domain connected with its further development, and also in the domain of education the new technical specialists for the companies implementing this technology.Before injection 2.35 Mt CO 2 4.36 Mt CO 2 5.0 Mt CO 211D. Józef / Procedia Earth and Planetary Science 1 (2009) 7–1212 D. Józef / Procedia Earth and Planetary Science 1 (2009) 7–12References[1] A Vision for Zero Emission Fossil Fuel Power Plants. Report ETP ZEP, 2006.[2]BP Statistical Review of Word Energy, 2008.[3]Chadwick, Recent time-lapse seismic data show no indication of leakage at the Sleipner CO2– injection site. Proceedings of the 7thInternational Conference on Greenhouse Gas Technologies, Vancouver. I (2005) 653-662.[4]J. Dubiński and H.E. Solik, Uwarunkowania geologiczne dla składowania dwutlenku węgla. Uwarunkowania wdrożenia zero-emisyjnych technologii węglowych w energetyce. Praca zbiorowa pod red. M. Ściążko. Wyd. IChPW, Zabrze, 2007.[5]Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the geological storage of carbon dioxide and amending Council Directive85/337/EE, Directives 2000/60/EC, 2001/80/EC, 2004/35/EC, 2006/12/EC, 2008/1/EC and Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006. Brussels, 2009.[6]J. Rogut, M. Steen, G. DeSanti and J. Dubiński, Technological, Environmental and Regulatory Issues Related to CCS and UCG. CleanCoal Technology Conference “Geological Aspects of Underground Carbon Storage and Processing, 2008.[7]R. Tarkowski, B. Uliasz-Misiak and E. Szarawarska, Monitoring podziemnego składowania CO2. Gospodarka SurowcamiMineralnymi, 2005.[8]R. Tarkowski, Geologiczna sekwestracja CO2. Studia, Rozprawy, Monografie, 132, Wyd. IGSMiE PAN, Kraków, 2005.[9]What does CO2 geological storage really mean? Ed. CO2 GeoNet European Network of Excellence, 2008.。

Existence of solitary waves in higher dimensions

Existence of solitary waves in higher dimensions
1. Introduction
We define a solitary wave as a solution φ(x, t) of a wave equation whose maximum amplitude at time t, sup \φ(x91)\, does not tend to zero as ί-> αo, but which tends to zero in some convenient sense as |x|->oo for each t. The convergence should have the property that physical quantities, such as the energy and charge, are finite. Particular types of solitary waves are (1) traveling waves φ = u(x — ct) where c is a constant vector and (2) standing waves φ = exp(iωt)u(x) where ω is a real constant. Traditionally, solitary waves have been traveling waves, but in recent years oscillatory factors have been allowed. The above definition includes all uses of the term. Solitary waves have also been called "solitons" but, properly speaking, the latter word should be reserved for those special solitary waves which exactly preserve their shapes after interaction. Many examples of these special solitons have been discovered in recent years in the case of two space-time dimensions. In higher dimensions, however, even the existence of solitary waves seems to be elusive. We consider the scalar NLKG equation



The pursuit of scientific knowledge is a journey that has captivated the human mind for centuries.It is a quest that has led to monumental discoveries and breakthroughs,shaping the world we live in today.Science, in its essence,is the systematic study of the natural world through observation and experimentation.It is a discipline that thrives on curiosity, innovation,and the relentless pursuit of truth.One of the most fascinating aspects of science is its ability to unravel the mysteries of the universe.From the smallest subatomic particles to the vast expanses of the cosmos,science seeks to understand the fundamental principles that govern our existence.This quest for understanding has led to the development of various scientific fields,each with its own unique focus and methodology.Biology,for instance,is the study of life and living organisms.It delves into the intricacies of cellular processes,the complex interactions within ecosystems,and the evolutionary history of species.Through the lens of biology,we have gained insights into the remarkable adaptability and resilience of life,as well as the delicate balance that sustains it.Chemistry,on the other hand,is the science of matter and its transformations.It explores the properties,composition,and reactions of substances at the atomic and molecular levels.The discoveries made in chemistry have paved the way for countless innovations,from the development of lifesaving pharmaceuticals to the creation of new materials with unique properties.Physics,a field that seeks to understand the fundamental forces and interactions that shape our universe,has given us a deeper understanding of the nature of space and time.The theories and principles of physics have not only expanded our knowledge of the cosmos but have also led to technological advancements that have transformed our daily lives.The power of science lies not only in its ability to explain the world around us but also in its capacity to inspire and challenge us.It encourages us to question our assumptions,to think critically,and to embrace the unknown. The scientific method,with its emphasis on observation,hypothesis,and experimentation,is a testament to the human spirits relentless pursuit of knowledge.One of the most significant contributions of science to society is its role in addressing global challenges.From climate change to public health crises, science provides the tools and knowledge necessary to develop innovative solutions.The development of vaccines,for example,has saved countless lives and has been instrumental in controlling the spread of infectious diseases.Moreover,science fosters collaboration and interdisciplinary thinking.It brings together experts from various fields to work on complex problems, fostering a culture of innovation and creativity.This collaborative approach is essential in tackling the multifaceted challenges that our world faces today.In conclusion,science is a powerful force that continues to shape ourunderstanding of the world and our place in it.It is a discipline that thrives on curiosity,innovation,and the pursuit of truth.As we continue to explore the frontiers of knowledge,science will undoubtedly play a crucial role in shaping our future,guiding us towards a more sustainable and enlightened world.。

Some properties on quasi stationary distributions in the birth and death chains

Some properties on quasi stationary distributions in the birth and death chains

SOME PROPERTIES OF QUASI STATIONARY DISTRIBUTIONS IN THE BIRTH AND DEATH CHAINS:A DYNAMICAL APPROACHP.A.FERRARIInstituto de Matem´a tica e EstatisticaUniversidade de S˜a o Paulo,S˜a o Paulo,Brasil.S.MARTINEZDepartamento de Ingenier´ıa Matem´a ticaFacultad de Ciencias F´ısicas y Matem´a ticasUniversidad de Chile,Santiago,Chile.P.PICCOCentre de Physique Th´e orique,C.N.R.S.Luminy,Marseille,France.ABSTRACT.We study the existence of non-trivial quasi-stationary distributions for birth and death chains by using a dynamical approach.We also furnish an elementary proof of the solidarity property.1.IntroductionConsider an irreducible discrete Markov chain(X(n))on S∗∪{0}where0is the only absorbing state and S∗is the set of transient states.Letνbe a probability distribution. Denote byν(n)(x)=Pν(X(n)=x||X(n)=0)(1.1) the conditional probability that at time n the chain is at state x given that it has not been absorbed,starting with the initial distributionν.A measureµis called a Yaglom limit iffor some probability measureνwe have:ν(n)(x)−−→n→∞µ(x)for all x∈S∗.Now assume that the transition probabilities p(x,y)=P(X(n+1)=y|X(n)=x) verify the following hypothesis:p(0,0)=1P∗=(p(x,y):x,y∈S∗)is irreducible∀x∈S the set{y∈S:p(y,x)>0}isfinite and non-emptyThen it is easy to show that Yaglom limitsµverify the set of equations∀x∈S∗,µ(x)=y∈S∗µ(y)(p(y,x)+p(y,0)µ(x))(1.2)or equivalently the row vectorµ=(µ(x):x∈S∗)satisfiesµP∗=γ(µ)µwithγ(µ)=1−µ(x)p(x,0)(1.3)x∈S∗In general a quasi-stationary distribution(q.s.d.)is a measureµwhich verifies(1.3). Ifµis also a probability measure we call it a normalized quasi-stationary distribution (n.q.s.d.).Obviously the trivial measureµ≡0is a q.s.d.It is easy to show that the irreducibility condition we have imposed on the Markov chain implies that for any non-trivial q.s.d.,µ(x)>0for all x∈S∗.Some of the interesting problems of q.s.d.are concerned with the search for·necessary and/or sufficient conditions on the transition matrices for the existence of non-trivial q.s.d.,·domains of attractions of q.s.d.,·evolution ofδ(n),δx being the Dirac distribution at point x.xconverges to a n.q.s.d.For several kinds of Markov chains it has been proved thatδ(n)xThis was shown for branching process by Yaglom(1947),forfinite state spaces by Darroch and Seneta(1965),for continuous time simple random walk on N by Seneta(1966)and for discrete time random walk on N by Seneta and Vere-Jones(1966).does not For birth and death chains the existence of the limit of the sequenceδ(n)xdepend on x,and if the limit exists it is the same for all x.We provide in section3 an elementary proof of this fact.Good(1968)gave a proof of this result based on some powerful results of Karlin and McGregor(1957);some technical details need additional explanations.The problem of convergence ofν(n)forνother than Dirac distributions was initially considered by Seneta and Vere Jones(1966)for Markov chains with R-positive transition matrix.For random walks it turns of that the Yaglom limit ofδ(n)is the minimal n.q.s.d.x(this meansγ(µ)is minimal).Then the study of the domains of attraction of non-minimal n.q.s.d.concerns the evolutionν(n)forνother than Dirac distributions.Recently we proved in[FMP]that the domains of attraction of non-minimal n.q.s.d.are non-trivial. More precisely we show that:Theorem1.1.Letµ,µ be n.q.s.d.withγ(µ)>γ(µ ).Assume thatνsatisfies:sup{|ν(x)−µ(x)|µ (x)−1:x∈S∗}<∞orν=ηµ+(1−η)µ forη∈(0,1]µ.thenν(n)−−→n→∞Our main results deal with q.s.d.in birth and death chains.Afirst study concerning the description of the class of q.s.d.’s for birth and death process was made by Cavender (1978).Roughly,this class was characterized as an ordered one-parameter family and it was proved that any q.s.d.has total mass0,1or∞.2.Existence of Q.S.D.for Birth and Death Chains2.1GENERAL CONDITIONS FOR EXISTENCEConsider a birth and death chain(X n)on N with0as its unique absorbing state,so p(0,0)=1.Denote q x=p(x,x−1)and p x=p(x,x+1),so p(x,x)=1−p x−q x for all x∈N∗.For a sequenceµ=(µ(x):x∈N∗)the equations(1.2)take the form,∀y∈N∗:(p y+q y)µ(y)=q y+1µ(y+1)+p y−1µ(y−1)+q1µ(1)µ(y)(2.1)Ifµ(1)>0we getxy=1µ(y)=1−1µ(1)q1(q x+1µ(x+1)−p xµ(x))so a non-trivial q.s.d.is normalized iffµ(x)−−→x→∞0.Now forγ=p1+q1define in a recursive way the following sequenceZγ=(Zγ(x):x∈N∗),Zγ(1)=γ(2.2)∀y≥2:Zγ(y)=fγ,y(Zγ(y−1))(2.3) wherefγ,y(z)=γ+p y+q y−p1−q1−p y−1q yz(2.4)Associate to Zγthe following vectorµ(γ)=(µ(γ)(x):x∈N∗)µ(γ)(1)=1q1(p1+q1−γ)(2.5)∀x≥2:µ(γ)(x)=µ(γ)(1)x−1y=1Zγ(y)q y+1(2.6)In[FMP]it was shown that a vectorµ=(µ(x):x∈N∗)with non-null terms verifies equations(2.1)iffthere exists aγ=p1+q1such thatµ=µ(γ).In particular this last result implies that there exist non-trivial q.s.d.µifffor some γ<p1+q1the sequence Zγ=(Zγ(x):x∈N∗)is strictly positive.Then we search for conditions under which the orbitZγ(y)=fγ,y◦fγ,y−1◦···◦fγ,2(γ)is strictly positive.Assume for simplicity that p x +q x =1for all x ∈N ∗so the evolution functions f γ,y take the form,f γ,y (z )=γ−p y −1q yz(2.7)Now make the following hypothesis:there exists a ¯q ∈(12,√7−12)such that ∀y ∈N ∗,12<¯q −12¯q −122<q ≤q y ≤q <¯q +12¯q −122<1(2.8)Denote p =1−q ,p=1−q.Notice that if ¯q =√7−12then ¯q +12(¯q −12)2=1.The abovecondition (2.8)means that the birth and death chain is a perturbation of a random walk of parameter ¯q .It can be shown that the hypothesis (2.8)implies the inequality2pq <p +q <1Call g γ(z )=γ−p q zand h γ(z )=γ−pq z .It is easy to check that:∀y ∈N ∗,z ≥0:h γ(z )≤f γ,y (z )≤g γ(z )(2.9)Take γ∈[2√pq ,1),then h γ(z )has two fixed points (only one if γ=2√pq ),a stable oneξ=γ+√γ2−4pq2and an unstable one η=γ−√γ2−4pq 2.Also g γ(z )has two fixed points,a stable one ˜ξ=γ+√γ2−4p q 2and an unstable one ˜η=γ−√γ2−4pq 2.Theorem 2.1.If condition (2.8)holds then there exist n.q.s.d.More precisely,if γ∈[2√pq,1)then µ(γ)is a non trivial q.s.d.and if γ∈[2√pq ,p +q ]then µ(γ)is a n.q.s.d.Proof.Take γ∈[2√pq,1).We have Z γ(1)=γ≥ξ.ThereforeZ γ(y )=f γ,y ◦...◦f γ,2(Z γ(1))≥h (y −1)γ(Z γ(1))≥h (y −1)γ(ξ)=ξ>0Then Z γ(y )≥ξ>0.Now γ<1implies µ(γ)(1)>0and expression (2.6)shows µ(γ)(x )>0for any x ≥2,so µ(γ)is a non trivial q.s.d.Now let us prove that:∀y ∈N ∗,Z γ(y )≤˜ξ+(γ−˜ξ) ˜η˜ξy −1(2.10)Since Z γ(1)=γthe relation (2.10)holds for y =1.Now we haveZ γ(y )=f γ,y ◦f γ,y −1◦···◦f γ,2(γ)≤g (y −1)γ(γ)where g (x )γ=g γ◦···◦g γx times.Since g (y −1)γ(˜ξ)=˜ξwe get from Taylor formula,g (y −1)γ(γ)≤˜ξ+(γ−˜ξ)sup z ∈[˜ξ,γ]∂∂t g (y −1)γ(z )Now∂∂z g (y −1)γ(z )=y −2 x =0g γ(g (x )γ(z ))withg (0)γ(z )=z and g γ(z )=p qz 2=˜ξ˜ηz 2.Using the fact that g γis increasing and ˜ξis a fixed point of g γwe get easily that for all 0≤x ≤y −2,and z ∈[˜ξ,γ],we have g (x )γ(z )≥˜ξ.Therefore we get supz ∈[˜ξ,γ] ∂∂t g (y −1)(z ) ≤ ˜η˜ξ y −1Then property (2.10)is fulfilled.Recall that q y ≥q .Use the bound (2.10)to get from (2.6),µ(γ)(x )≤µγ(1)(x −1y =1(1+γ−˜ξ˜ξ(˜η˜ξ)y −1))(˜ξq )x −1Since∞ y =1(˜η˜ξ)y −1<∞we deduce that C =∞ y =1(1+γ−˜ξ˜ξ(˜η˜ξ)y −1)<∞.Soµ(γ)(x )≤Cµγ(1)(˜ξq)x −1.Now assume γ∈[2√pq ,p+q ].Since pq >p q we get:˜ξ=12(γ+ γ2−4pq )≤12((p +q )+ (p +q )−4p q )<12((p +q )+(q −p ))=q Then˜ξq<1so µ(γ)(x )−−→x →∞0.Then µ(γ)is a n.q.s.d.2.2LINEAR GROWTH CHAINS WITH IMMIGRATIONThese processes are birth and death chains withp y =py +1(p +q )y +1,q y =qy(p +q )y +afor y ∈N ∗,(2.11)(so p y +q y =1)and an absorving barrier at 0,p (0,0)=1.We assume conditionsp >q and a <p +q (2.12)It can be shown that these inequalities imply that the sequence of functions(f γ,y :y ∈N ∗)defined in (2.7),is increasing with y .The pointwise limit of this sequence,when y →∞,is f γ,∞(z )=γ−pq(p +q )2z .Then we have:f γ,2≤···≤f γ,y ≤f γ,y +1≤···≤f γ,∞(2.13)Observe that f γ,2plays the role of h γand f γ,∞that of g γin (2.9).Now,inequality p 1q 2<1is equivalent to2(q −p )2+a (3p +a −5q )>0(2.14)This condition is verified if q is big enough,for instance if q >p +54a +a (p +1716a ).We assume (2.14)holds.Take γ∈(2√p 1q 2,1)so ξ=γ+√γ2−4p 1q 22belongs to the interval (0,γ)and it is a fixed point of f γ,2.Then Z γ(1)=γand,Z γ(y )=f γ,y ◦···◦f γ,2(γ)>f (y −1)γ,2(ξ)=ξ>0Since γ<1,from (2.5)and (2.6)we get µ(γ)(y )>0for any y ∈N ∗.Hence µ(γ)is a non trivial q.s.d.Recall that f γ,2≤f γ,∞is equivalent to pq(p +q )2<p 1q 2.Take γ∈(2√pq (p +q ),2√p 1q 2).Then the point ˜η=γ−γ2−4pq(p +q )22and ˜ξ=γ+ γ2−4pq (p +q )2are respectively the unstable and the stable fixed points of f γ,∞.Replacing g γby f γ,∞we get that condition (2.9)holdswith ˜η,˜ξthe fixed points of f γ,∞.Then,µ(γ)(x )≤µ(γ)(1){x −1y =1(1+γ−˜ξ˜ξ(˜η˜ξ)y −1}˜ξx −1x −1 y =11q y +1(2.15)Denote C =∞y =1(1+γ−˜ξ˜ξ(˜η˜ξ)y −1)which is finite.We have x −1 y =11q y +1=(p +q q )x −1x −1 y =1(1+a(p +q )(y +1))≤(p +q q )x −1exp{ap +qx −1 y =11y +1}.Thenx −1 y =11q y +1≤(p +q q )x −1(x −1)a.Hence µ(γ)(x )≤µ(γ)(1)C (˜ξ(p +q )q)x −1(x −1)a p +q(2.16)It can be easily verified that our assumptions imply that˜ξ<qp+q .Thenµ(γ)(x)−−→x→∞0.Then,forγ∈(2√pqp+q,2√p1q2)the q.s.d.µ(γ)is normalized.3.Solidarity Property for Birth and Death ChainsConcerning the convergence of point measures to some Yaglom limit,the deepest results have been established in[S2,SV-J]for random walks(q x=q,p x=1−q)with continuous and discrete time.Here we shall show a solidarity process which asserts that it suffices to have the convergence for the probability measure concentrated at1.Our proof is elementary,in fact it does not use any higher technique.We must point out that Good [G]has also shown this result but in his proof some technical steps have been overlooked.Theorem3.1.Ifδ(n)1converges to a q.s.d.µthen for any x∈N∗,δ(n)xconverges toµ.Proof.For x,n∈N∗set:αx(n)=P x+1(X(n−1)=0)P x(X(n)=0),βx(n)=P x(X(n−1)=0)P x(X(n)=0),ξx(n)=P x−1(X(n−1)=0) P x(X(n)=0)Observe thatξ1(n)=0for all n∈N∗,all other terms being>0.These quantities are related by the identity∀x∈N∗,ξx+1(n)=βx(n)βx+1(n)(αx(n))−1(3.1) On the other hand from the equationP x(X(n)=0)=q x P x−1(X(n−1)=0)+(1−p x−q x)P x(X(n−1)=0)+p x P x+1(X(n−1)=0)(3.2) we deduce that∀x,n∈N∗,q xξx(n)+(1−p x−q x)βx(n)+p xαx(n)=1(3.3) Also from definition we getβx(n)=(P x(X(n)=0|X(n−1)=0))−1=(1−δ(n−1)x(1)q1)−1(3.4)If the limit of a sequenceη(n)exits denote it byη(∞).So the hypothesis of thetheorem is:∀z∈N∗,δ(∞)1(z)exists.Sinceδ(∞)1(1)exists and belongs to[0,1]we deduce from(3.4)thatβ1(∞)exists andbelongs to[1,11−q1].Fromξ1(n)=0and(3.3)we get thatα1(∞)exists and is bigger orequal than1p1(1−(1−p1−q1)1−q1)=11−q1.Now let us show that,∀x∈N∗,lim infn→∞αx(n)>0(3.5) This holds for x=1.Now from(3.2)evaluated at x+2we deduce the inequalityP x+1(X(n−1)=0)≤q−1x+2P x+2(X(n)=0)On the other hand since P y(X(n)=0)increases with y∈N∗and decreases with n∈N∗we get the following relationsP x(X(n)=0)≥p x P x+1(X(n−1)=0)αx+1(n)=P x+2(X(n−1)=0)P x+1(X(n)=0)≥P x+2(X(n)=0)P x+1(X(n−1)=0)Hence we obtain:αx(n)=P x+1(X(n−1)=0)P x(X(n)=0)≤(p x q x+2)−1P x+2(X(n)=0)P x+1(X(n−1)=0)≤(p x q x+2)−1αx+1(n)Thenαx+1(n)≥p x q x+2αx(n).So lim infn→∞αx+1(n)>0and relation(3.5)holds.Now let us prove by recurrence that:the limitsαx(∞),βx(∞),ξx(∞)andδ(∞)x(z)for all z∈N∗,exist(3.6) We show above that these limits exist for x=1.Assuming that property(3.6)holds for x∈{1,...,y},we shall prove that it is also satisfied for x=y+1.With this purpose in mind,condition on thefirst step of the chain to get,P y(X(n)=z)=q y P y−1(X(n−1)=z)+(1−p y−q y)P y(X(n−1)=z)+p y P y+1(X(n−1)=z)(3.7) Now from definitions ofαy(n),βy(n),ξy(n)we have the following identities for y≥2:P y(X(n)=0)=αy(n)(P y+1(X(n−1)=0))−1=βy(n)(P y(X(n−1)=0))−1=ξy(n)(P y(X(n−1)=0))−1Developδ(n)y(z)=P y(X(n)=z)(P y(X(n)=0))−1according to(3.7)and the last equalities to get:δ(n) y (z)=δ(n−1)y−1(z)q yξy(n)+δ(n−1)y(z)(1−p y−q y)βy(n)+δ(n−1)y+1(z)p yαy(n)(3.8)This last equality holds for any y≥1(recallξ1(n)=0).Sinceδ(∞)(z),ξx(∞),βx(∞),αx(∞)exist for any x≤y and z∈N∗,and,by(3.5),αx(∞)>0we get thatδ(∞)y+1(z)exists for any z∈N∗.On the other hand equality(3.4)implies thatβy+1(∞)exists.Then by(3.1)the limitξy+1(∞)exists and equation(3.3) implies the existence ofαy+1(∞).From(3.5)and(3.4)we deduceαx(∞)>0andβx(∞)>0for any x∈N∗.So(3.1) impliesξx(∞)>0for x≥2.Then ifδ(∞)y(z)=0for some y,z∈N∗we can deduce from equality(3.8)thatδ(∞) x (z)=0for all x∈N∗.So the q.s.d.’s which are the limits ofδ(n)xare all trivial ornormalized.Assume thatδ(n)1converges to a normalized q.s.d.µ.Let us prove by recurrence thatδ(n)xconverges toµfor all x.Since the limitsδ(∞)y exists andδ(∞)1(z)>0,when we evaluate(3.8)at y=1,n=∞we get the following equation:1=(1−p1−q1)β1(∞)+(δ(∞)2(z)δ(∞)1(z))p1α1(∞)Comparing this equation with(3.3)evaluated at x=1,n=∞,and by taking into accountthatξ1(∞)=0we deduceδ(∞)2(z)=δ(∞)1(z)for any z∈N∗.Assume we have shown for any y∈{1,...,y0}that:∀z∈N∗,δ(∞)y (z)=δ(∞)1(z).Letus show that this last set of equalities also hold for y0+1.Evaluate equation(3.8)at y=y0,n=∞to get1=q y0ξy(∞)+(1−p y−q y)βy(∞)+(δ(∞)y0+1(z)δ(∞)y0(z))p yαy(∞)Comparing this equation with(3.3)evaluated at x=y0,n=∞we deduce thatδ(∞)y0+1(z)=δ(∞) y0(z).Hence the recurrence follows and for any x∈N∗,δ(n)xconverges toµ=δ(∞)1.AcknowledgmentsWe thank Antonio Galves and Isaac Meilijson for discussions.P.P.and S.M.acknowl-edge the very kind hospitality at Instituto de Matem´a tica e Estat´ıstica,Universidade deS˜a o Paulo.The authors acknowledge the very kind hospitality of Istituto Matematico, Universit`a di Roma Tor Vergata.This work was partially supported by Funda¸c˜a o de Am-paro`a Pesquisa do Estado de S˜a o Paulo.S.M.was partially supported by Fondo Nacional de Ciencias0553-88/90and Fundaci´o n Andes(becario Proyecto C-11050).References[C]J.A.Cavender(1978)Quasi-stationary distributions of birth and death processes.Adv.Appl.Prob.,10,570-586.[FMP]P.Ferrari,S.Mart´ınez,P.Picco(1990)Existence of non trivial quasi stationary dis-tributions in the birth and death chains.Submitted J.Appl.Prob.[G]P.Good(1968)The limiting behaviour of transient birth and death processses condi-tioned on survival.J.Austral Math.Soc.8,716-722.[KMcG1]S.Karlin and J.McGregor(1957)The differential equations of birth and death pro-cesses,and the Stieljes Moment Problem.Trans Amer.Math.Soc.,85,489-546. 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高一英语高频作文是否挖掘遗址Archaeological Discovery and the Unveiling of the Past.Humankind has always been fascinated by our origins and the civilizations that have come before us. Unearthing the secrets of the past is a testament to our enduringcuriosity and desire to understand our place in the tapestry of history. Archaeological digs and the excavation of ancient sites offer us a tantalizing glimpse into bygone eras, providing invaluable insights into the lives of our ancestors and the cultures they created.The value of archaeological discoveries extends far beyond mere historical knowledge. They have the power to transform our understanding of the human experience, unveiling the complexities of past societies and challenging our assumptions about the trajectory of human development. Artifacts, structures, and even the remnants of everyday life can paint a vivid picture of the aspirations, beliefs, and technological advancements ofancient peoples.One of the most significant contributions of archaeology lies in its ability to challenge prevailing historical narratives. By uncovering evidence that contradicts conventional wisdom, archaeologists can shed new light on important events and figures, forcing us to reconsider the past and reshape our understanding of history. The discovery of the Rosetta Stone, for example, played a pivotal role in deciphering ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics, revolutionizing our knowledge of one of the world's oldest civilizations.Moreover, archaeological excavations have the potential to uncover lost or forgotten cultures, expanding our knowledge of human diversity and the richness of human creativity. The excavation of the ancient city of Mohenjo-daro in Pakistan revealed the existence of a sophisticated Indus Valley Civilization that flourished thousands of years before the rise of Mesopotamia and Egypt. This discovery challenged the long-held belief that civilization originated solely in the Middle East.Archaeological discoveries also provide a crucial window into the relationship between humans and their environment. By examining the remains of ancient settlements, archaeologists can gain insights into the ways in which past societies adapted to their surroundings, exploited natural resources, and developed sustainable practices. The analysis of pollen, seeds, and animal bones can reveal valuable information about climate change,dietary habits, and the impact of human activity on the environment over time.Furthermore, the preservation and restoration of archaeological sites can serve as a catalyst for cultural heritage tourism, stimulating economic development and fostering a sense of pride and connection to the past. The grandeur of ancient ruins, such as the Roman Colosseum or the Mayan pyramids, attracts millions of visitors each year, generating revenue for local communities and providing employment opportunities.However, it is essential to approach archaeologicalexcavations with sensitivity and respect for the cultural significance of the sites being explored. Indigenous communities, in particular, should be actively involved in the planning and execution of archaeological digs, ensuring that their cultural heritage is preserved and protected. Ethical considerations and the application of best practices are paramount to minimize damage to archaeological remains and ensure the integrity of the historical record.In conclusion, the excavation of ancient sites offers a treasure trove of knowledge and insights into the human past. Archaeological discoveries challenge our understanding of history, unveil lost cultures, provide valuable information about human-environment interactions, and stimulate economic development. As we continue to unearth the secrets of the past, we not only expand our knowledge but also deepen our appreciation for the richness and diversity of human experience. It is a noble endeavor that enriches our present by connecting us to the wisdom and ingenuity of our ancestors.。

We shall show that if t

We shall show that if t
Ê Ê Abstract. We construct an invariant of the bi-Lipschitz equivalence of an-
of f, that are defined as follows. Let ∇f denote the gradient of f. The radial component of ∇f is defined on Rn \ {0} and equals
∂f ∂r
∂ ∂r
n xi ∂f i=1 |xi| ∂xi
W ε := {x; f(x) = 0, ε|∇′f| ≤ |∂rf|},
where ε > 0. Note that W ε ⊂ W ε′ for ε′ < ε. Let γ : ([0, 1), 0) → (Rn, 0) be the germ of a real analytic curve. In order to
In order to distinguish bi-Lipschitz types of complex analytic function germs of two complex variables f : (C2, 0) → (C, 0) we construct in [2] a numerical invariant that is given in terms of the leading coefficients of the asymptotic expansions of f along the branches of generic polar curve of f. This construction is recalled in section 4 below. The real case, though similar, is more delicate. Firstly we cannot simply use the invariants of the complexification. For instance the family (0.1) for t < 0 is bi-Lipschitz trivial but the family of complexification admit continuous moduli. This is due to the fact that polar curves ∂f/∂x = 3(x2 − ty4) = 0, t < 0, that are responsible for the complex invariant, are invisible in the reals.

The Apotheosis of Arcane Hopes

The Apotheosis of Arcane Hopes

**The Apotheosis of Arcane Hopes**In the labyrinthine corridors of human aspiration and yearning, there lies a profound and enigmatic phenomenon known as the apotheosis of arcane hopes. These hopes, veiled in mystery and ambiguity, hold the potential to elevate the human spirit to unprecedented heights.Arcane hopes are not the mundane desires for material possessions or temporal achievements; they are the hidden, profound longings that dwell in the recesses of our souls. Consider the story of Prometheus, who defied the gods to bring fire to humanity. His act was driven by an arcane hope for enlightenment and progress, a hope that transcended the boundaries of the known and ventured into the forbidden.In the works of William Shakespeare, the characters often grapple with arcane hopes. Hamlet's tortured indecision is underpinned by a hope for justice and truth in a world marred by corruption and deception. His quest for meaning and purpose is an embodiment of the arcane hopes that haunt the human psyche.The ancient alchemists, in their pursuit of turning base metals into gold, were driven by an arcane hope of unlocking the secrets of nature and transforming the mundane into the extraordinary. Though their scientific methods may have been flawed, the spirit of their hope endures as a symbol of human curiosity and the insatiable desire for transformation.However, the journey towards the apotheosis of arcane hopes is not without its trials and tribulations. It often requires us to confront our deepest fears, question established norms, and brave the unknown. The story of Galileo Galilei, who faced persecution for his revolutionary ideas about the universe, demonstrates the price one may pay in the pursuit of arcane hopes.In contemporary times, the pursuit of sustainable energy solutions and the exploration of space are manifestations of arcane hopes. These endeavors, though fraught with challenges, carry the promise of a better future and a deeper understanding of our world and beyond.In conclusion, the apotheosis of arcane hopes is a transcendent journey that defines the very essence of human progress and self-actualization.As Friedrich Nietzsche once said, "He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how." Let us embrace the mystery and power of arcane hopes, for they are the guiding stars that lead us towards a future filled with possibility and wonder.。

Archaeologys Search for a Legendary Emperor

Archaeologys Search for a Legendary Emperor

Archaeologys Search for a LegendaryEmperorArchaeology's search for a legendary emperor has captured the imagination of historians, researchers, and enthusiasts for centuries. The quest to uncover the truth behind the existence of such a figure has led to numerous expeditions, excavations, and studies in various parts of the world. The allure of discovering a legendary emperor who may have left a lasting impact on history has fueled the passion and dedication of those involved in this pursuit. One of the most intriguing aspects of the search for a legendary emperor is the mystery and uncertainty that shrouds the entire endeavor. The lack of concrete evidence and historical records has made it challenging to pinpoint the existence of such a figure. However, this has not deterred archaeologists and historians from embarking on ambitious quests to unearth clues and artifacts that couldpotentially lead to the discovery of a legendary emperor. The search for a legendary emperor has also sparked intense debates and discussions within the academic and archaeological communities. While some scholars remain skeptical about the existence of a legendary emperor, others firmly believe in thepossibility of uncovering evidence that could validate the existence of such a figure. This divergence of opinions has led to a diverse range of approaches and methodologies in the pursuit of this elusive historical enigma. The quest to find a legendary emperor has also evoked a sense of wonder and fascination among the general public. The idea of unearthing the legacy of a powerful and influential ruler from the annals of history has captured the imagination of people from all walks of life. The prospect of unraveling the mysteries surrounding a legendary emperor has given rise to a sense of anticipation and excitement, as individuals eagerly await any breakthroughs or revelations that may emerge from ongoing archaeological endeavors. Despite the challenges and uncertainties that accompany the search for a legendary emperor, the resilience and determination of archaeologists and historians remain unwavering. The commitment to uncovering the truth behind the existence of such a figure serves as a testament to the enduring allure of historical exploration and discovery. The pursuit of a legendary emperorrepresents a profound quest for knowledge and understanding, as well as a testament to the enduring fascination with the enigmatic figures that have left an indelible mark on the tapestry of human history. In conclusion, the search for a legendary emperor represents a captivating and enduring quest that continues to captivate the hearts and minds of individuals across the globe. The allure of uncovering the legacy of a powerful and influential ruler from the depths of history has fueled the passion and dedication of archaeologists, historians, and enthusiasts alike. Despite the challenges and uncertainties that accompany this pursuit, the unwavering commitment to unraveling the mysteries surrounding a legendary emperor stands as a testament to the enduring allure of historical exploration and discovery. As the quest for a legendary emperor continues to unfold, it serves as a poignant reminder of the timeless appeal of delving into the enigmatic realms of the past in search of truth and understanding.。

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a rXiv:078.824v1[math.M G]6A ug27EXISTENCE OF QUASI-ARCSJOHN M.MACKAY Abstract.We show that doubling,linearly connected metric spaces are quasi-arc connected.This gives a new and short proof of a theorem of Tukia. 1.Introduction It is a standard topological fact that a complete metric space which is locally connected,connected and locally compact is arc-wise connected.In [Tuk96]Tukia showed that an analogous geometric statement is true:if a complete metric space is linearly connected and doubling,then it is con-nected by quasi-arcs,quantitatively.(Definitions will be explained below.)In fact,he proved a stronger result:any arc in such a space may be approx-imated by a local quasi-arc in a uniform way.In this note we give a new and more direct proof of this fact.This result is of interest in studying the quasi-symmetric geometry of met-ric spaces.Such geometry arises in the study of the boundaries of hyperbolic groups;Tukia’s result was used in this context by Bonk and Kleiner [BK05]and also by the author [Mac07].(Bonk and Kleiner use Assouad’s embed-ding theorem to translate Tukia’s result from subsets of R n to the situation of doubling,linearly connected metric spaces that we will be working in directly.)Before stating the theorem precisely,we recall some definitions.A metric space (X,d )is said to be doubling if there exists a constant N such that every ball can be covered by at most N balls of half the radius.We say (X,d )is L -linearly connected for some L ≥1if for all x,y ∈X there existsa continuum J ∋x,y of diameter less than or equal to Ld (x,y ).(This is also known as bounded turning or LLC(1).)Note that a complete,doubling metric space is locally compact.Also,increasing L by an arbitrarily small amount allows us to assume J is an arc,since then we can extend J to be connected,locally connected and complete,hence arc-wise connected.See,for example,[HY61].We denote by A [x,y ]the sub-arc of an embedded arc A between x and y inA .We say that an arc A in a doubling and complete metric space is an ǫ-local λ-quasi-arc if diam(A [x,y ])≤λd (x,y )for all x,y ∈A such that d (x,y )≤ǫ.(This terminology is explained by Tukia and Vaisala’s characterization of quasi-symmetric images of the unit interval as those metric arcs that are2J.M.MACKAYdoubling and bounded turning[TV80].)We say that an arc Bǫ-follows an arc A if there exists a coarse map p:B→A such that for all x,y∈B, B[x,y]is in theǫ-neighborhood of A[p(x),p(y)];in particular p displaces points at mostǫ.(We call the map p coarse to emphasize that it is not necessarily continuous.)We can now state(the stronger version of)Tukia’s theorem precisely, and as a immediate corollary our initial statement[Tuk96,Theorem1B, Theorem1A]:Theorem1.1(Tukia).Suppose(X,d)is a L-linearly connected,N-doubling, complete metric space.For every arc A in X and everyǫ>0,there is an arc J in theǫ-neighborhood of A whichǫ-follows A and is anαǫ-localλ-quasi-arc,whereλ=λ(L,N)>0andα=α(L,N)>0.Corollary1.2(Tukia).Every pair of points in a L-linearly connected,N-doubling,complete metric space is connected by aλ-quasi-arc,whereλ=λ(L,N)>0.Our strategy for proving Theorem1.1is straightforward:firstfind a method of straightening an arc on a given scale(Proposition2.1),then secondly apply this result on a geometrically decreasing sequence of scales to get the desired local quasi-arc as a limiting object.The statement of this proposition and the resulting proof of the theorem are essentially the same as in[Tuk96],but the proof of the proposition is new and much shorter.We include a complete proof for convenience to the reader.The author thanks Mario Bonk and,in particular,his advisor Bruce Kleiner for many helpful suggestions and fruitful conversations.2.Straightening arcsGiven any arc A andǫ>0,the following proposition allows us to straight-en A on a scaleǫinside theǫ-neighborhood of A,denoted by N(A,ǫ)={x∈X:d(x,A)<ǫ}.Proposition2.1.Given a complete metric space X that is L-linearly con-nected and N-doubling,there exist constants s=s(L,N)>0and S= S(L,N)>0such that:Given any arc A⊂X,ǫ>0then there exists an arc J⊂N(A,ǫ)with endpointsǫ-close that satisfies•for all x,y∈J,if d(x,y)<sǫthen diam(J[x,y])<Sǫ;and•Jǫ-follows A.We can use this proposition to prove Theorem1.1:Proof of Theorem1.1.We may assume s<1and S>1.Letδ=s10 andǫn=ǫδn.(We will make frequent use of the inequality ∞n=1δn≤1EXISTENCE OF QUASI-ARCS3 convergent to some points a and b respectively.If a=b then let J={a} and we are done.Otherwise,we claim that the sequence J n tends(in the Hausdorfftopology)to a non-trivial local quasi-arc.First,we show that the limit J=lim H J n exists,where lim H denotes the Hausdorfflimit.As{J n}is a sequence of compact,connected sets in a bounded region of a locally compact metric space,it suffices to show that the sequence is Cauchy with respect to the Hausdorffmetric.One bound follows by construction:J n+m⊂N(J n,109ǫδn-follows J n.Since d(z i,z i+1)≤ǫδn,d(p(z i),p(z i+1))≤4ǫδn≤sǫδn−1it follows that J n⊂N(J n+m,ǫδn+Sǫδn−1),and so{J n} is Cauchy and the limit J=lim H J n exists.Moreover,J is a connected, non-trivial,compact subset of X inside N(A,ǫ).To show J is an arc it suffices to demonstrate that every point,with the exception of(at most)two,is a cut point[HY61,Theorems2-18and 2-27].We use the order on J n induced by its topology,with least element a n and greatest b n.Given x∈J we define three points h n(x),x n and t n(x) that satisfy a n<h n(x)<x n<t n(x)<b n where x n is chosen such that d(x,x n)<109ǫδn)-neighborhoods of J n[a n,h n(x)]andJ n[t n(x),b n]respectively,and define H(x)=∪{H n(x):n≥n0}(the Head) and T(x)=∪{T n(x):n≥n0}(the Tail).By definition,H(x)and T(x)are open.Suppose y∈J and y=x.We want to show that y lies in H(x)∪T(x).To this end we bound the diameter of J n[h n(x),t n(x)]using J n−1.d(p n(h n(x)),p n(t n(x)))≤2ǫδn−1+6Sǫδn−1≤sǫδn−2,and so we have that the diameter of J n−1[p n(h n(x)),p n(t n(x))]is less than Sǫδn−2.Thus the diameter of J n[h n(x),t n(x)]is less than Sǫδn−2+ 2ǫδn−1,as J n(ǫδn−1)-follows J n−1.For some n,d(x,y)>3Sǫδn−2.Now y is109ǫδn+(S+2δ)ǫδn−2<(2109ǫδm)by definition.We project J m to J n using f=p n+1◦···◦p m:J m→J n,to get that T m(x)⊂N(J n[f(x m),b n],2ǫδn).Now since4J.M.MACKAYd(f(x m),x n)≤d(f(x m),x m)+d(x m,x)+d(x,x n)<4ǫδn<sǫδn−1we have (even for n=m):T m(x)⊂N(J n[x n,b n],2ǫδn)∪B(x n,(S+2δ)ǫδn−1).Thus H n(x)∩T m(x)=∅implies that there exists points p and q in J n such that a n≤p≤h n(x)<x n≤q≤b n and d(p,q)<3ǫδn<sǫδn−1.(Since(S+2δ)ǫδn−1+102Sǫδn−1,H n(x)cannot meet T m(x)in the ballB(x n,(S+2δ)ǫδn−1).)But now we know that the diameter of J n[p,q]is less than Sǫδn−1,while being109ǫδn)and has diameter less than Sǫδn−1+3ǫδn≤S+3δδ2we have that J is a local quasi-arc.The proof of Proposition2.1is based on a quantitative version of the following trivial topological result:given a maximal separated r-net N in an L-linearly connected,N-doubling space X then to each x in N we can associate V x,a connected union offinitely many arcs,satisfying for all x,y∈N:(1)If d(x,y)≤2r then y∈V x.(2)diam(V x)≤5Lr(3)Either d(V x,V y)>0or V x∩V y=∅.This may be done by letting V x,for x∈N,be the union of(finitely many) arcs joining x to each y∈N with d(x,y)≤2r.By linear connectedness,we get V x⊂B(x,3Lr).The third condition is trivially satisfied for compact subsets of a metric space,but this is the condition that we will extend to the following:(3′)Either d(V x,V y)>δr or V x∩V y=∅.Lemma2.2.We can construct the sets V x satisfying(1),(2)and(3′)for δ=δ(L,N).Without loss of generality,we can rescale the metric to set r=1.We now use a Zorn’s Lemma argument and the doubling property to split N into the disjoint union of separated20L-nets N1,...,N M,where M=M(20L,N). Consider the followingClaim∆(n).For the above situation we canfind V x for all x∈∪n k=1N k satisfying(1)and(2).Moreover,if we set all other V x={x}then(3′)is satisfied withδ=δ(L,N).EXISTENCE OF QUASI-ARCS5 We will show that∆(n)holds for0≤n≤M.(Lemma2.2immediately follows from∆(M).)As N is2-separated,∆(0)certainly holds forδ≤12(5L)−M.Proof of Claim.∆(n)holds so we are given V x for all x in N i,1≤i≤n. As N n+1is10L-separated we can treat the constructions of V x for x∈N n+1independently,and for each x we can construct a V(0)x usingfinitely many arcs to join x to its2-neighbors in N,inside the ball B(x,3L).Now construct V(i)x inductively,for1≤i≤M.(Again,assume V x={x}for x∈N k,k>n+1.)V(i−1)x can be5L-close to at most one y∈N i.Ifd(V(i−1)x,V y)∈(0,12(5L)−M)for some y∈N i,i<M.(The i=M case follows from the last step of the construction.)Then,since V x=V(M)x⊃V (i)x,d(V(i)x,V y)>12(5L)−i(1−(2L)(5L)−1−(2L)(5L)−2−...−(2L)(5L)−(M−i))>11−(1/(5L)) ≥52(5L)−M,contradicting our assumption,so∆(n+1)holds.We nowfinish by using this construction to prove our proposition. Proof of Proposition2.1.By rescaling the metric,we may assume thatǫ= 20L.Let r=1in the discussion above,and let N be a maximally separated 1-net in e Lemma2.2to get{V x}x∈N satisfying(1),(2)and(3′)for δ=δ(L,N)>0.Discretize A as follows:send A to afinite sequence(x0,...,x n)where x i∈N for0≤i≤n and there exists a sequence of points y i∈A for 0≤i≤n,such that in the order on A a=y0≤...≤y n=b and A[y i,y i+1]⊂B(x i,2).Now we cut out a path without repeats along the V x’s.Let r0=0,and for j∈N+define r j inductively as max{k:V xk ∩V xr j−1=∅},untilr m=n for some m≤n.Note that for i+2≤j,V xr i ∩V xr j=∅andthus d(V xr i ,V xr j)>δ.Let us construct our arc J in segments.First,letz0=x r0.Second,for each i from0to m−1,let J i=J i[z i,z i+1]be an arcjoining z i∈V xr i to some z i+1∈V xr i+1,inside thefinite connected union of6J.M.MACKAYarcs V xr i ,where z i+1is thefirst point of J i in V xr i+1.(In the case i=m−1,join z m−1to x rm =z m.)Set J=J0∪...∪J m.This path J is an arc since each J i⊂V xr iis an arc,and if p∈J i∩J j fori<j then V xr i ∩V xr j=∅,so j=i+1and therefore p=z i+1=z j.Thisimplies that J is an arc;in fact it is the arc we want.For any y,y′∈J, y<y′,we canfind i≤j such that z i≤y<z i+1,z j≤y′<z j+1.(If y=z m,set i=m;likewise for y′.)If d(y,y′)≤δthen because y∈V xr iandy′∈V xr j we have d(V xr i,V xr j)≤δ,and so either i=j or i=j+1,givingthat J[y,y′]⊂V xr i ∪V xr jand diam(J[y,y′])is bounded above by10L.Furthermore,there is a coarse map sending y∈J[z i,z i+1)⊂J to x ri ∈N,and sending x rm to itself.We then send this x rito its corresponding y ri∈Aand call the entire composition f:J→A.The construction coarsely preserves order(up to constant10L+2<20L=ǫ).So taking s=120L10L we are done. Remark:This method of proof allows one to explicitly estimate the con-stants given in the statements of Theorem1.1and Corollary1.2,but for most applications this is not necessary.References[BK05]M.Bonk and B.Kleiner,Quasi-hyperbolic planes in hyperbolic groups,Proc.Amer.Math.Soc.133(2005),no.9,2491–2494(electronic).[HY61]J.G.Hocking and G.S.Young,Topology,Addison-Wesley,Reading,Mass.,1961. [Mac07]J.M.Mackay,Spaces with conformal dimension greater than one,Preprint(2007). [Tuk96]P.Tukia,Spaces and arcs of bounded turning,Michigan Math.J.43(1996),no.3, 559–584.[TV80]P.Tukia and J.V¨a is¨a l¨a,Quasisymmetric embeddings of metric spaces,Ann.Acad.Sci.Fenn.Ser.A I Math.5(1980),no.1,97–114.Department of Mathematics,University of Michigan,Ann Arbor MICurrent address:Department of Mathematics,Yale University,New Haven CTE-mail address:jmmackay@。
