Application of random amplified polymorphic DNA





从原理上可分为两类:直接测序,主要是分析一些特定基因或DNA片段的核苷酸序列;另一类是检测基因组的一批识别位点,如限制性片段长度多态性(Restriction fragment length polymorphism, RFLP)分析,DNA指纹分析和随机扩增多态DNA(Random Amplified Polymophism DNA)技术等RFLP技术是用特定的方法将核(n)DNA,叶绿体(cp)DNA,线粒体(mt)DNA或总DNA,cDNA(用特定基因克隆片段作为探针来检测生物基因组),MHC(主要相容性复合体)提取出来,用限制性内切酶消化后,直接或间接地得出酶切片段在长度和数量上的差异。

限制性片段长度多态性(Restriction fragment length polymorphism, RFLP)是指用限制性内切酶消化不同基因型的DNA后产生的酶切片段在长度和数量上的差异。


在遗传多态性研究中,常用于RFLP 分析的DNA分子主要有:cpDNA、mtDNA、Rdna,单拷贝基因以及变相基因等。



随机扩增多态DNA(Random Amplified Polymophism DNA,RAPD)技术是1990年出现的一项新技术,该技术通过PCR进行DNA扩增,所用引物是G+C含量为50~70%的单个随机引物,这些引物在一定的退火条件下能与基因组DNA的互补序列配对,启动DNA的合成。








理想的遗传标记一般必须达到以下几个要求: (1)具有高度的多态性;(2)共显性遗传,即利用分子标记可鉴别二倍体中杂合和纯合基因型;(3)能明确辨别等位基因;(4)遍布整个基因组;(5)除特殊位点的标记外,要求分子标记的位点均匀分布于整个基因组;(6)选择中性,即无基因多效性;(7)检测片段简单、快速,实验程序易自动化;(8)开发成本和使用成本尽量低廉;(9)在实验室内和实验室间重复性好,便于数据交换。





由自发突变或物理化学诱变均可获得具有特定优良性状的形态特征,通过人工选育工作使那些优良胜状稳定遗传下来,从而达到选育的目的和效果,自上个世纪80年代,我国科研工作者就开始采用形态学方法对鱼类种质资源鉴定进行研究,李思发等(1990) 对长江、珠江、黑龙江鳞、墉、草鱼种质资源进行了调查和研究。


e p rme t e u t s o h tc mp d wi P O,S I S a c iv eai ey h g e o n t n r t t e rfa u e , xe i na r s l h w t a o  ̄e t I S l s h A-P O c n a h e e r lt l i h r c g i o ae wi fwe t r s v i h e t e a p i ain o i l td a n ai g me h n s c n h l t h p i z t n o e t r ee t n a d t e mp o e h p l t f smu ae n e n c a im a e p wi t e o t c o l h miai f f au e s lc i , n h i rv d o o ag r h as ef r s w l o l b o v re c . lo t m o p r m el n go a c n e g n e i l o l
n h S a d t i l e n e igI m n a i e S am O t i t n ( A I S e mua d A n a n - u e P r c w r pi z i t l m t l m a o S — O) w s a o t r fa r eet n t e P a d p d f e t e sl i . h e o u co
第3 卷第 1 1 0期
21 0 1年 1 0月
计 算机 应 用
J un lo o ue piain o r a fC mp trAp l t s c o
V0 _ No 0 I 31 .1
0c. 01 t2 1








193 1年冯肇芳在我国的华北地区首先发现并报告棉花枯萎病,1934年黄方仁报告桔萎病在江苏南通发生和危害,据1965年全国棉花枯黄萎病会议统计,全国有18个植棉省的372个县不同程度发生桔萎病,局部十分严重。











Variable: 变量


Measurement: 测量



Sample: 样本



Population: 总体



Dependent Variable: 因变量



Independent Variable: 自变量



Control Variable: 控制变量























脉冲随机微分方程英文Pulse Stochastic Differential Equations: AnIntroduction and Applications.Stochastic differential equations (SDEs) are a generalization of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) that incorporate random effects. These equations model systems that are influenced by both deterministic and stochastic forces, making them suitable for describing a wide range of real-world phenomena such as financial markets, ecological systems, and population dynamics. Pulse stochastic differential equations (PSDEs) are a subclass of SDEs that introduce impulsive effects, where the system state can undergo sudden changes at discrete time points.In this article, we will explore the theory and applications of PSDEs. We will start by defining PSDEs and discussing their fundamental properties. Then, we will delve into methods for solving these equations, including numerical approximation techniques. Finally, we willexplore some real-world applications of PSDEs,demonstrating their utility in modeling complex systems.Definition and Properties of PSDEs.A PSDE is a stochastic differential equation that incorporates impulsive effects. It has the general form:\[ dX(t) = f(t, X(t))dt + g(t, X(t))dW(t) + J(t, X(t^-), X(t)) \delta(t Tk), \]where:\( X(t) \) represents the state of the system at time\( t \).\( f(t, X(t)) \) and \( g(t, X(t)) \) aredeterministic and stochastic components of the equation, respectively.\( dW(t) \) is a Wiener process (or Brownian motion), representing the stochastic noise.\( J(t, X(t^-), X(t)) \) represents the impulsive effect at time \( Tk \), where \( t^\) denotes the limit from the left.\( \delta(t Tk) \) is the Dirac delta function, which is zero for all \( t \neq Tk \) and infinite at \( t = Tk \).The impulsive effects occur at discrete time points\( Tk \), causing sudden jumps in the system state. These jumps can be deterministic or stochastic, depending on the specific form of \( J(t, X(t^-), X(t)) \).PSDEs exhibit several unique properties that distinguish them from traditional SDEs. Firstly, their solutions are typically discontinuous at impulsive time points, reflecting the sudden changes in the system state. Secondly, PSDEs can exhibit complex dynamics, including periodic behavior, chaos, and bifurcations, depending on the specific forms of \( f \), \( g \), and \( J \).Solving PSDEs.Solving PSDEs is generally more challenging than solving ODEs or traditional SDEs due to the impulsive effects and the discontinuous nature of the solutions. However, several numerical approximation techniques have been developed to address this challenge.One common approach is to discretize the time domain and approximate the impulsive effects using a suitable numerical scheme. For example, the Euler-Maruyama method can be extended to handle impulsive effects by introducing additional terms at the impulsive time points. Other numerical methods, such as the Milstein method or the tau-leaping method, can also be adapted to solve PSDEs.The choice of numerical method depends on the specific properties of the PSDE and the desired accuracy of the solution. It is important to note that numerical approximations may introduce errors, and it is crucial to assess their impact on the overall accuracy of the model.Applications of PSDEs.PSDEs find applications in various fields, particularly those involving complex systems with impulsive events. Here are some examples:1. Financial Markets: PSDEs can model financial markets, where prices can undergo sudden jumps due to news events, economic announcements, or trader behavior. Byincorporating impulsive effects, these models can better capture the dynamics of financial markets and provide more accurate predictions.2. Ecological Systems: Ecological systems are often influenced by impulsive events such as disasters, diseases, or migrations. PSDEs can model these systems, incorporating impulsive effects to capture the sudden changes in population sizes or species distributions.3. Population Dynamics: PSDEs can also be used to model population dynamics, where impulsive events such as births, deaths, or migrations can significantly affect populationsizes. These models can provide insights into population growth patterns and the impact of external factors on population dynamics.4. Neural Networks: In neuroscience, PSDEs can be used to model neural networks, where neurons can receive impulsive inputs or undergo sudden firing events. These models can help understand the dynamics of neural networks and their response to external stimuli.Conclusion.Pulse stochastic differential equations (PSDEs) are a powerful tool for modeling complex systems with impulsive effects. They generalize traditional stochasticdifferential equations to incorporate sudden jumps in the system state, making them suitable for describing a wide range of real-world phenomena. By combining deterministic and stochastic components, PSDEs can capture the complex dynamics of these systems and provide insights into their behavior.Numerical approximation techniques play a crucial role in solving PSDEs, as they allow us to approximate the solutions efficiently and accurately. These methods enable us to simulate the system's behavior over time, assess its long-term properties, and make predictions based on the model's dynamics.Applications of PSDEs span multiple fields, including financial markets, ecological systems, population dynamics, and neural networks. By incorporating impulsive effects, these models can better capture the real-world behavior of these systems and provide valuable insights into their dynamics and response to external factors.In summary, PSDEs are a valuable tool for modeling complex systems with impulsive effects. They offer a flexible and powerful framework for understanding and predicting the behavior of these systems, with applications ranging from finance to ecology and neuroscience.。




从原理上可分为两类:直接测序,主要是分析一些特定基因或DNA片段的核苷酸序列;另一类是检测基因组的一批识别位点,如限制性片段长度多态性(Restriction fragment length polymorphism, RFLP)分析,DNA指纹分析和随机扩增多态DNA(Random Amplified Polymophism DNA)技术等RFLP技术是用特定的方法将核(n)DNA,叶绿体(cp)DNA,线粒体(mt)DNA或总DNA,cDNA(用特定基因克隆片段作为探针来检测生物基因组),MHC(主要相容性复合体)提取出来,用限制性内切酶消化后,直接或间接地得出酶切片段在长度和数量上的差异。

限制性片段长度多态性(Restriction fragment length polymorphism, RFLP)是指用限制性内切酶消化不同基因型的DNA后产生的酶切片段在长度和数量上的差异。


在遗传多态性研究中,常用于RFLP 分析的DNA分子主要有:cpDNA(叶绿素)、mtDNA、Rdna(核糖体DNA),单拷贝基因以及变相基因等。



随机扩增多态DNA(Random Amplified Polymophism DNA,RAPD)技术是1990年出现的一项新技术,该技术通过PCR进行DNA扩增,所用引物是G+C含量为50~70%的单个随机引物,这些引物在一定的退火条件下能与基因组DNA的互补序列配对,启动DNA的合成。



生物技术在中药鉴定方面的应用浙江理工大学生命科学学院,浙江杭州 310018摘要现代生物技术是以现代生物学和生命科学为基础,按照所研究的层次不同,可以分为酶工程、发酵工程、细胞工程、基因工程、蛋白质工程等五大类,核心是基因工程。




关键词中药鉴定 PAGE技术 RAPD技术 DNA序列分析生物芯片中药鉴定学研究的主要内容是中药材及基原鉴定,包括鉴定方法和鉴定标准。



1 蛋白质标记技术1.1 聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(PAGE)中药材中含有多种组分,如有机酸、蛋白质、生物碱和酶等,其电荷和分子量和分子结构大不相同。




2 DNA分子鉴定2.1随机引物扩增多态性(randomamplifiedpolymor2phicDNA,RAPD)技术RAPD技术在PCR技术的基础上发展于20世纪90年代,是用人工合成的较短的单个随机引物,以药材总DNA为模板,在DNA聚合酶作用下,进行非特异性的聚合酶链式反应,分析扩增产物电泳图谱在不同类群中的变异,扩增片段具有品种、品系及单株特异性。



黑龙江农业科学2008(1):102~104 Heilong jiang Ag ricultural Sciences综述 102 黑龙江农业科学DNA 分子标记的研究进展及几种新型分子标记技术关 强1,张月学2,徐香玲1,孙德全2,李绥艳2,林红2,潘丽艳2,马延华2(1.哈尔滨师范大学生命与环境科学学院,哈尔滨150080;2.黑龙江省农业科学院草业研究所,哈尔滨150086)摘要:分子标记是继形态标记、细胞标记和生化标记之后发展起来的一种比较理想的遗传标记技术。

综述了DN A 分子标记的类型,基本原理和特点,同时还对几种最新出现的分子标记技术作了简要的介绍。

关键词:新型DN A 分子标记;RG A s 标记;RM A P D ;SRA P ;T RAP中图分类号:Q 78 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1002-2767(2008)01-0102-03Development of DNA Molecular Marker and SeveralNew Types of Molecular MarkersGUAN Qiang 1,ZHANG Yue -xue 2,XU Xiang -ling 1,SUN De -quan 2,LI Sui -yan 2,LIN Hong 2,PAN Li -yan 2,MA Yan -hua2(1.Life and Environmental Co lleg e ,H arbin No rm al U niversity ,H arbin 150080;2.Pratacultural Science Institute ,Heilongjiang Academy of Ag ricultural Sciences ,H arbin 150086)Abstract :DN A molecular mar ke r is a compar atively ideal g enetic mar ker s develo ped after the shape ma rker ,cellu -lar ma rker and biochemical mar ke r .I n this pape r ,the ty pe s ,basic principles a nd cha racte rs we re summarized ,meanw hile ,several new ty pes of mo lecular ma rkers we re intro duced w hich appea red rece ntly .Key words :DN A mo lecular marker ;RGA s marker s ;RM A PD ;SRA P ;T RA P收稿日期:2007-05-29第一作者简介:关强(1982-),男,黑龙江人,在读硕士,从事遗传学研究。


的 缺 陷 ,同时 各 模 型滤 波 算 法 采 用 不 敏 粒 子 滤 波 ( P ) 法 ,使 重 要 性 密 度 函数 融 合 了 最 新 量 测 信 息 ,更 好 地 逼 近 U F算 真 实 状 态 的 后 验 概 率 分 布 。通 过 计 算 机 仿 真 证 明 , 出 的算 法 可 以有 效 提 高 I 提 MMP F的 费 效 比 。
摘 要 : 将一种变结构多模 型算法—— 自适应网格交互多模 型( G MM) AI 算法和不敏粒子 滤波 ( P ) 法相 U F算
结 合 , 出了 自适 应 网 格 交 互 多 模 型 不 敏 粒 子 滤 波 算 法 ( GMMU F 。 该 算 法 通 过 自适 应 网格 实 现 了模 型 自适 应 , 提 AI P) 从 而 以较 小 的 模 型 集 合 覆 盖 了 目标 大 范 围 的 机 动 , 以 此 来 克 服 固 定 结 构 交 互 多 模 型 粒 子 滤 波 ( M F 算 法 存 在 并 1 MP )

l tt n o x d s cu eitr cigmut l d lp r ce ftr I i ai ff e t tr nea t lpe mo e at l l ( MMP i o ec me . h n c ne mi o i u r n i i ie F) s v ro d T e u se td
关键 词 : 自适应 网格 ;变结构 多模 型算 法 ;不敏 粒子 滤波 中图分 类号 : T 9 7 N 5 文献标 识 码 : A
文 章 编 号 : 1 7 - 6 9 2 1 ) 8 0 1 ~ 5 d i1 . 4 4 ji n 17 — 6 9 2 1 . 8 0 4 6 2 7 4 ( 0 2 0 ~ 0 8 0 o :0 3 0 /.s . 6 2 7 4 . 0 2 0 . 0 s



近日,来自美国哈佛大学的Joanna Aizenberg教授团队的科研人员在Nature Catalysis发表了题为“Nanoparticle proximity controls selectivity in benzaldehyde hydrogenation”的论文,该项研究采用了一种模块化树莓胶体模板方法来调整PdAu合金纳米粒子的平均粒子间距,同时保留所有其他理化性质,包括纳米粒子尺寸。

通过控制三维大孔SiO2载体中的金属负载量和预成形纳米粒子的位置,并利用苯甲醛加氢生成苯甲醇和甲苯作为探针反应,研究人员发现增加粒子间距(从12 nm到21 nm)可大幅提高对苯甲醇的选择性(从54%提高到99%),且不影响催化性能。


a a i e p r i l w a m ptm i a i n d ptv a tc e s r o i z to
ZHAO Che y ng e, LI Xi g o U ng a
( tt y L b r tr f I d sra o to c n lgy,De a t n f Co to ce c n g n e ig , S aeKe a o ao y o n u ti lC n r lTeh oo p rme t n r lS in ea d En i ern o
第6 1卷
第 8 期

工 学 报
Vo1 No. .61 8 A ugu t 2 0 s 01
21 0 0年 8月
CI ESC J u n l o ra
自适 应 粒 子群 优化 算 法在 聚 丙 烯熔 融指数
预 报 上 的 应 用
赵 成 业 , 刘 兴 高
( 工业 控 制 技 术 国 家 重 点 实 验 室 ,浙 江 大学 控 制科 学 与工 程 系 ,浙 江 杭 州 3 0 2 ) 1 0 7
摘 要 :针 对 丙 烯 聚 合 生 产 控 制 中聚 丙 烯 熔 融 指 数 在 线 测 量 的 控 制 要 求 ,以 及 过 程 变 量 间 相 关 性 高 的 特 点 , 提 出

种 基 于 自适 应 粒 子 群 优 化 算 法 和 径 向基 函数 神 经 网 络 的 聚 丙 烯 熔 融 指 数 预
p r il wa m p i z t n ( S a tce s r o tmia i o P O) n CA sa p i d t e u e t e c mp e iy o h t ts ia d 1 A ,a d P i p l or d c h o e l x t ft e s a itc l mo e. n w e h d o p i zn o h s r c u e a d p r me e s o a i1 b ss f n t n ( e m t o fo tmii g b t t u t r n a a t r f r d a a i u c i o RBF) n t r S a s e wo k i l o





采用PCR-RFLP方法,对提取出的总DNA用10对叶绿体通用引物进行扩增,对PCR产物用限制性内切酶AluI,HaeIII,HinfI,Hin6I,RsaI,MvaI 和TaqI进行酶切,对19种梨(包括新疆梨系统、白梨系统、西洋梨系统、秋子梨系统、杜梨、沙梨系统)的叶绿体基因组trnS-trnfM非编码区进行克隆、测序。

应用DPS v7.05和DNAMAN、DNAStar、ClustalX-1.83、PHYLIP -3.68软件进行分析。


结果显示:10对引物中只有7对(cp01,cp 02,cp 03,cp 04,cp 06,cp 09,cp 10)能在梨属植物上扩增出一条特异性谱带,这说明梨属植物叶绿体基因组序列十分保守,3个引物对(cp05,cp07,cp08)不能在梨属植物上扩增出谱带。

931份引物对/酶切组合中,cp09/MvaI,cp03/Hin6I 的酶切位点有显著差异。

对梨属植物的cpDNA trnS-trnfM区域进行克隆、测序,所得的序列长度为:库尔勒香梨和鸭梨的序列最长(1642bp),苹果梨、早酥梨、慈梨、象牙、翠伏的序列最短(1272bp)。


根据ClustalX软件完全比对的结果,用PHYLIP -3.68软件的邻接法对cpDNA trnS-trnfM区域序列变异位点构建系统进化树。






















E -mail :yao_317@doi :10.3969/j.issn.1004-6755.2010.07.020DNA 分子标记技术概述姚红伟1,张立冬1,孙金阳1,刘霄霞2(1.大连海洋大学生命科学与技术学院,辽宁大连116023;2.太原理工大学,山西太原030024)摘 要:综述了DNA 分子标记技术的类型及代表性分子标记技术的基本原理和优缺点,对常用分子标记技术进行了对比,并对其发展趋势进行了展望。

关键词:DNA ;分子标记;类型;原理;展望 1953年Wat son 和Crick 提出DNA 分子结构双螺旋模型,宣布了分子遗传学时代的到来。

1974年,Grozdicker 等人在鉴定温度敏感表型的腺病毒DNA 突变体时,利用限制性内切酶酶解后得到的DNA 片段的差异,首创了DNA 分子标记。

所谓分子标记是根据基因组DNA 存在丰富的多态性而发展起来的可直接反映生物个体在DNA 水平上的差异的一类新型的遗传标记,它是继形态学标记、细胞学标记、生化标记之后最为可靠的遗传标记技术[1]。

广义的分子标记是指可遗传的并可检测的DNA 序列或蛋白质分子。

通常所说的分子标记是指以DNA 多态性为基础的遗传标记[2]。

DNA 分子标记不受环境和发育阶段的影响,标记数丰富,可大大提高杂交育种的有效性和可靠性,而且在对杂种机理的认识、杂种优势的预测、目的性状的选择等方面已显示出不可比拟的优越性。



1 D NA 分子标记技术的类型DNA 分子标记从它诞生之日起,就引起了生物科学家极大的兴趣,在经历了短短几十年的迅猛发展后,分子标记技术日趋成熟,现已出现的DNA 分子标记技术有几十种,部分分子标记技术所属类型如下。

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RESEARCH ARTICLEApplication of random amplified polymorphic DNA andinter-simple sequence repeat markers in the genus Crataegus H.Dai1,X.Guo1,Y.Zhang2,Y.Li1,L.Chang1&Z.Zhang1,21College of Horticulture,Shenyang Agricultural University,Shenyang,Liaoning,China2Key Laboratory of Agriculture Biotechnology of Liaoning Province,Shenyang,ChinaKeywordsCrataegus;genetic diversity;ISSR;RAPD.CorrespondenceZ.Zhang,College of Horticulture,Shenyang Agricultural University,Dongling Road120, Shenyang,Liaoning110161,China.Email:zhangz@Received:23September2007;revised version accepted:20June2008.doi:10.1111/j.1744-7348.2008.00290.x AbstractHawthorn(Crataegus spp.)has a long history as an ornamental and a source of medicine.We report the use of random amplified polymorphic DNA(RAPD) and inter-simple sequence repeat(ISSR)markers to determine genetic rela-tionships in the genus Crataegus.Twenty-eight accessions,including eight species(Crataegus pinnatifida,Crataegus bretschneideri,Crataegus maximowiczii, Crataegus kansuensis,Crataegus altaica,Crataegus songarica,Crataegus dahurica and Crataegus sanguinea)and two botanical varieties(C.pinnatifida var.major and C.maximowiczii var.ninganensis)were analysed.Twelve RAPD primers repro-ducibly and strongly amplified128fragments of which116were polymorphic; similarly,13ISSR primers generated127products of which119were poly-morphic.Dendrograms based on unweighted pair group method with arith-metic average analysis were constructed from both the RAPD and the ISSR data.Similarity coefficient based on RAPD and ISSR markers ranged from0.22 to0.98and0.23to0.98,respectively.The range in similarity coefficient indi-cated that the genus has a high level of genetic diversity.The Mantel test on the similarity matrices produced by RAPD and ISSR markers gave r=0.86, showing high correlation between RAPD and ISSR markers in their ability to detect genetic relationships between Crataegus accessions.RAPD and ISSR appear to be reliable methods for the analysis of genetic relationships among hawthorns.IntroductionHawthorn(Crataegus spp.),a genus of the Rosaceae fam-ily,grows as small shrubs or spreading trees with thorny branches,three-tofive-lobed deciduous leaves,white flowers and red,orange,yellow-green or yellow fruits (Dai et al.,2007).Including numerous hybrids,the Cra-taegus genus contains anywhere between140and200 species(Phipps et al.,2003).Besides its worldwide use as an ornamental,hawthorn ranks as one of the most ancient of pharmaceutical plants and is described in vari-ous pharmacopoeias(Rigelsky&Sweet,2002;Kao et al., 2005).The hawthorn fruit,which may be consumed fresh or in the form of sauce,preserved slices or juice, has been used in China as an aid to digestion for at least 2500years.As many as18species and6botanical varie-ties of Crataegus originated in China(Zhao&Feng,1996),among which the large fruited(6–17g)Chinese hawthorn(Crataegus pinnatifida Bge.var.major N.E.Br.) is represented by>100cultivars in northern China.A characterisation of diversity present is a prerequisite for the scientific exploitation of genetic resources.To date,in hawthorn,this has been based on variation for morpholog-ical traits,a method that suffers from low numbers of inde-pendent characters and often poor heritability(Archak et al., 2003).In contrast,DNA-based assays are generally highly heritable and available in unlimited numbers.Random amplified polymorphic DNA(RAPD)and inter-simple sequence repeat(ISSR)are molecular marker techniques based on PCR.The former employs a single short primer of arbitrary nucleotide sequence(Williams et al.,1990),while the latter targets the genomic DNA lying between the fre-quently occurring microsatellites(or simple sequence re-peats)by anchoring the primers to either end of theseAnnals of Applied Biology ISSN0003-4746Ann Appl Biol154(2009)175–181ª2008The Authors175features(Zietkiewicz et al.,1994).Both RAPD and ISSR techniques have several advantages such as simplicity of use,the short time required to obtain results,highly informative nature,lower cost and the use of a small amount of plant material(Qian et al.,2001).And there are many different RAPD primers that can be available commercially.RAPD and ISSR have been widely applied for DNAfingerprinting(Blair et al.,1999;Raina et al., 2001),for gene tagging(Molnar et al.,2000),for pedigree verification(Harada et al.,1992),for cultivar identification (Martins et al.,2003)and for assessing the level of genetic diversity in collections of germplasm(Qian et al.,2001; Souframanien&Gopalakrishna,2004).Molecular marker technology has yet to be applied to genus Crataegus.In the present paper,we describe a diver-sity study of hawthorn,based on RAPD and ISSR mark-ers,and compare the utility of these two techniques.Materials and methodsPlant materialsThe sample set of accessions consisted of28of the col-lection of130accessions of hawthorn,including eight species and two botanical varieties originating from China, maintained in the National Hawthorn Germplasm Re-pository at Shenyang.The sample included one represen-tative each of the wild species[Crataegus maximowiczii Schneid.,Crataegus kansuensis Wils.,Crataegus altaica (Loud.)Lange,Crataegus songarica C.,Crataegus dahurica Koehne,Crataegus sanguinea Pall.]and the botanical vari-ety C.maximowiczii Schneid.var.ninganensis S.Q.Nie& B.J.Jen,four accessions each of Crataegus bretschneideri Schneid.and C.pinnatifida Bge.,and a set of13ran-domly chosen cultivars of C.pinnatifida Bge.var.major N.E.Br.(Table1).Table1Informativeness of RAPD and ISSR primers used to genotype accessions of Crataegus spp.Number Name ofAccession SpeciesRAPD ISSRNo.ofScoredBandsNo.ofPolymorphicBandsPolymorphism(%)No.ofScoredBandsNo.ofPolymorphicBandsPolymorphism(%)1Maoshanzha Crataegus maximowiczii494183.7322475.02Ninganshanzha C.maximowicziivar.ninganensis514384.3443681.83Liaoningshanzha Crataegus sanguinea463882.6443681.84Ganshushanzha Crataegus kansuensis534584.9453782.25Aertaishanzha Crataegus altaica453782.2282071.46Zhungeershanzha Crataegus songarica393179.5393179.57Guangyeshanzha Crataegus dahurica524484.6393179.58Zuofu2Crataegus bretschneideri524484.6605286.79Jifu2 C.bretschneideri534584.9655787.710Fulihong C.bretschneideri544685.2645687.511Jifu1 C.bretschneideri534584.9625487.112Dashanlihong Crataegus pinnatifida544685.2484083.313Xinbinruanzi C.pinnatifida574986.0514384.314Fenshanlihong C.pinnatifida544685.2453782.215Chuizhishanlihong C.pinnatifida534584.9423481.016Yidu C.pinnatifida var.major554785.5524484.617Jilindawang C.pinnatifida var.major605286.7574986.018Xuzhoudahuo C.pinnatifida var.major554785.5534584.919Qiujingxing C.pinnatifida var.major635587.3605286.720Mopan C.pinnatifida var.major585086.2524484.621Liaohong C.pinnatifida var.major564885.7554785.522Qiuhong C.pinnatifida var.major675988.1564885.723Jianzirou C.pinnatifida var.major605286.7574986.024Tongliaohong C.pinnatifida var.major564885.7554785.525Wulinghong C.pinnatifida var.major564885.7524484.626Luanhong C.pinnatifida var.major635587.3564885.727Tugu1 C.pinnatifida var.major564885.7595186.428Yubeihong C.pinnatifida var.major524484.6554785.5ISSR,inter-simple sequence repeat;RAPD,random amplified polymorphic DNA.RAPD and ISSR markers in Crataegus H.Dai et al. 176Ann Appl Biol154(2009)175–181ª2008The AuthorsTotal DNA extractionGenomic DNA was extracted from leaves using the CTAB (cetyltrimethylammonium bromide)method described by Doyle&Doyle(1990),with minor modifications.The con-centration of CTAB in the extraction buffer was3%w/v. The concentration of dissolved DNA was estimated using a DU800spectrophotometer(Beckman Coulter,Fullerton, CA,USA).Random amplified polymorphic DNA and inter-simple sequence repeat amplificationsA set of148RAPD primers was tested,including133 10-mer primers purchased from Sangon Biological Engi-neering and Technology and Service Co.,Ltd.(Shanghai, China)1212-mer primers obtained from Wako Inc. (Osaka,Japan)and three designed by the National Insti-tute of Vegetable and Tea Science at Tsu in Japan.RAPD amplifications were carried out in20l L reactions contain-ing1ÂPCR buffer[50mM KCl,10mM Tris–HCl(pH9.0), 0.1%v/v Triton X-100,2mM MgCl2],0.2mM dNTP, 0.3l M primer,0.5U Taq DNA polymerase(Tiangen, Shanghai,China)and50ng template DNA.Amplification was achieved via an initial denaturing step(94°C/30s), followed by45cycles of94°C/30s,40°C/120s,72°C/ 180s and ending with an incubation of72°C/7min.For ISSR,26primers were selected from the University of British Columbia series(UBC807–812,814,815,823,824, 834–836,840–844,852,853,868,881and888–891),eight [VBV(AC)7,HBH(CT)7,GCV(TC)7,VCG(TC)7,BDV(AG)7, HVH(TGT)5,BDB(CAC)5and BDV(CAG)5]were as reported by Arnau et al.(2002)and were nominated st-01to st-08, respectively,in our laboratory and two[(BDB(AC)7, (AG)8YG],nominated SAU01and SAU02,were designed in our laboratory.ISSR amplifications were carried out in 20l L reactions containing1ÂPCR buffer[50mM KCl; 10mM Tris–HCl(pH9.0);0.1%v/v Triton X-100,3mM MgCl2],0.2mM dNTP,0.3l M primer,0.5U Taq DNA polymerase(Tiangen)and50ng template DNA.Amplifica-tion was achieved via an initial denaturing step(94°C/ 3min),followed by38cycles of94°C/30s,annealing tem-perature for60s,72°C/120s and ending with an incubation of72°C/7min.The optimal annealing temperature of each primer wasfirst established by temperature gradient PCR. Amplicons were separated by agarose gel electrophore-sis in TBE buffer,and profiles were visualised under UV light after staining in ethidium bromide.The experimental reproducibility of the RAPD and ISSR markers was as-sessed by performing two independent amplifications. Data analysisRAPD and ISSR products were scored as present or absent, disregarding variation in band intensity.Data analyses were performed using NTSYS-pc v2.10e(Rohlf,1992). Jaccard’s coefficient was used to estimate genetic iden-tity,calculated as N AB/(N AB+N A+N B),where N AB represents the number of shared bands between two profiles,N A the number of fragments unique to sample A and N B the number unique to sample B.A cluster analysis was based on the resulting similarity matrices, and the relationships between accessions were displayed as dendrograms based on the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic average(UPGMA)algorithm. Correlation between the two matrices obtained with two marker types was estimated by means of the Mantel test (Mantel,1967)with1000random permutations. ResultsRAPD banding patternsOf the148RAPD primers,30amplified clear and repro-ducible profiles.Fig.1is the representative of the extent of polymorphism of four accessions of Crataegus revealed by primers of A15and A17.Of the30RAPD primers,the 12that proved the most highly informative(Table2) were used to genotype the full panel of accessions. RAPDfingerprinting was based on128clear,reproduc-ible fragments,equivalent to a mean of10.7fragments per primer.Of these,116(9.7per primer)were poly-morphic.The size of the amplified fragmentsrangedFigure1Random amplified polymorphic DNA profiles of hawthorn accessions generated by primers A15and A17.M,100bp DNA ladder. 1–4,accessions:‘Yidu’(Crataegus pinnatifida var.major),‘Fulihong’(Crataegus bretschneideri),‘Zuofu2’(C.bretschneideri)and‘Ningan-shanzha’(Crataegus maximowiczii var.ninganensis).H.Dai et al.RAPD and ISSR markers in Crataegus Ann Appl Biol154(2009)175–181ª2008The Authors177from250to2100bp.The proportion of polymorphic fragments in the profile generated by each primer in turn ranged from66.7%(A20)to100%(A53,A56and A88)(mean90.7%).The most effective RAPD primer was A88(Table2).The number of fragments present in any particular profile varied from accession to accession from39(C.songarica‘Zhungeershanzha’)to67( var.major‘Qiuhong’)(Table1).Inter-simple sequence repeat band patternsExcept for UBC868and UBC890,all the ISSR primers amplified some PCR product.UBC891,BDB(AC)7and HBH(CT)7produced only weak and smeared bands. Thirteen of the primers generated clear and reproducible polymorphic banding profiles(Table3).Fig.2is the representative of the extent of polymorphism of28ac-cessions of Crataegus revealed by UBC835.Seven of these13primers were3#-anchored poly(GA)or poly (AG)based.The annealing temperature greatly affected the efficiency of amplification,and the difference between the theoretical melting temperature(T m)and the optimum annealing temperature ranged from24°C to5°C.The primers amplified a variable number of dis-tinct products,with the poly(AG)primers producing a greater number(12.7per primer)than poly(GA)(8.8 per primer).The13selected primers generated127clear, reproducible bands(mean of9.8per primer)(Table3). The size of the amplified fragments ranged from200to 2000bp.All but eight of the bands were polymorphic across the genotype set(mean of9.2polymorphic prod-ucts per primer).Individual primers generated66.7–100%polymorphism(mean93.8%),somewhat more than had been achieved by the RAPD primers.The most informative primer was SAU02,which amplified20 polymorphic products(Table3).The total number of fragments per accession varied from less than40to more than60(Table1).Dendrogram:interspecies and intraspecies relationshipAll the clear and reproducible bands generated by the12 chosen RAPD primers(Table2)were scored for presence or absence among the28accessions of Crataegus and used for the UPGMA cluster analysis.The dendrogram based on UPGMA analysis of the RAPD data is shown in Fig.3.The similarity coefficients ranged from0.22to0.98, indicating a good level of genetic diversity in theTable2Informativeness of a core set of12RAPD primers used to assess genetic diversity in a panel of28accessions of Crataegus spp.PrimerName Sequence No.ofScoredBandsNo.ofPolymorphicBandsPolymorphism(%)A15GGTGATGTCC161487.5A17GGGTTGCCGT121083.3A20AGCACTGTCA6466.7A28GGGATCGTGT151493.3A53GATAGCCGAC1111100A56TCGGCCTGCT1111100A70TGCAGCACCG5480.0A76CCACAGCAGT4375.0A88GAGCCCTCCA1616100A91GTGCCTAACC9888.9A95TGCCCGTCGT121191.7A96CTCTCCGCCA111090.9Total128116Average10.79.790.7Table3Informativeness of a core set of13ISSR primers used to assess genetic diversity in a panel of28accessions of Crataegus spp.Primer Name Sequence a T m(°C)Optimum AnnealingTemperature(°C)No.of ScoredBandsNo.ofPolymorphic BandsPolymorphism(%)UBC810(GA)8T50519888.9UBC811(GA)8C525377100UBC824(TC)8G525288100UBC834(AG)8YT535355100UBC835(AG)8YC55581313100UBC840(GA)8YT53581010100UBC841(GA)8YC55589666.7UBC853(TC)8RT53501212100UBC868(GAA)6485233100SAU02(AG)8YG55582020100st-06HVH(TGT)54951111090.9st-07BDB(CAC)559601111100st-08BDV(CAG)559559666.7Total127119Average9.89.293.8a R=(A,G);Y=(C,T);B=(C,G,T);D=(A,G,T);H=(A,C,T);V=(A,C,G).RAPD and ISSR markers in Crataegus H.Dai et al. 178Ann Appl Biol154(2009)175–181ª2008The AuthorsH.Dai et al.RAPD and ISSR markers in CrataegusFigure2Inter-simple sequence repeat profiles of hawthorn accessions generated by primer UBC835.M,100bp DNA ladder.1–28,accessions as 1.identified in TableFigure3Genetic relationships derived from an UPGMA-based analysis among a panel of Crataegus accessions(listed in Table1)based on random amplified polymorphic DNA(RAPD)or inter-simple sequence repeat(ISSR)genotyping.Ann Appl Biol154(2009)175–181ª2008The Authors179germplasm sample.The28accessions could be grouped into three clusters.Cluster I comprisedfive of the wild species(C.sanguinea, C.altaica, C.dahurica, C.kansuensis and C.maximowiczii)and one botanical variety(C.maximo-wiczii var.ninganensis).The C.bretschneideri,C.pinnatifida and C.pinnatifida var.major accessions grouped as cluster II,within which subclusters IIa and IIb contained,respec-tively,the wild C.pinnatifida and the C.bretschneideri ac-cessions.All the C.pinnatifida var.major cultivars fell into subcluster IIc.‘Zhungeershanzha’(C.songarica)formed a separate operational taxonomic unit III.The dendrogram based on the ISSR data is also shown in Fig.3.The accessions formed two clusters,one of which comprised six of the wild species(C.songarica, C.san-guinea,C.altaica,C.dahurica,C.kansuensis and C.maximo-wiczii)and other botanical variety C.maximowiczii var. ninganensis.C.bretschneideri,C.pinnatifida and C.pinnatifida var.major grouped into cluster II,within which three sub-clusters could be identified.Subcluster IIa comprised the C.bretschneideri genotypes,IIb the three wild accessions of C.pinnatifida and IIc all13cultivars of C.pinnatifida var.major along with one wild C.pinnatifida accession (‘Dashanlihong’).A difference emerged between the RAPD-and the ISSR-based dendrograms:in the latter,all the C.pinnatifida accessions(including the wild types and the cultivars)formed a larger cluster,and then grouped with the C.bretschneideri accessions.However,in the for-mer,the wild C.pinnatifida accessionsfirst clustered with C.bretschneideri.An analysis performed by means of a Mantel test (Mantel,1967)indicated a high correlation between RAPD and ISSR markers in their ability to detect genetic relationships between Crataegus accessions(r=0.86; t=9.00;P=0.002).DiscussionDifferences between molecular marker types with respect to their informativeness have been well rehearsed in the literature(e.g.for strawberry–Degani et al.,2001;Kuras et al.,2004;for pea–Ellis et al.,1998and for hop–Pat-zak,2001).In the present study,the RAPD markers gen-erated a genetic data set,which was more consistent than was the ISSR-based set with the geographical origins and the morphological variation of hawthorn.Crataegus has been divided into22sections(Phipps,1983),and the eight species and two botanical varieties of hawthorn used here belong to section Pinnatifidae(C.pinnatifida, C.pinnatifida var.major and C.bretschneideri),section San-guineae(C.maximowiczii,C.maximowiczii var.ninganensis, C.kansuensis, C.altaica, C.dahurica and C.sanguinea)or section Orientales(C.songarica).The phylogenetic tree of hawthorn based on RAPD(Fig.3)is completely consis-tent with these taxonomic sections,as all the accessions in cluster I belong to the Sanguineae,all those in cluster II to the Pinnatifidae and C.songarica(Orientales)was an out-lier.However,in the ISSR-based tree,the Sanguineae and Orientales accessions clustered together.Random amplified polymorphic DNA markers have sometimes been associated with a lack of reproducibility (Penner et al.,1993).However,if the PCR conditions are well controlled,a high level of reproducibility is attain-able(Mattioni et al.,2002).We devoted considerable ef-forts to optimise the components of the PCR,including the concentrations of MgCl2,dNTP,primer and Taq DNA polymerase and the quality and concentration of tem-plate DNA(data not shown).Furthermore,a relatively high annealing temperature(40°C)and a long annealing time(120s)were applied(Zhang et al.,2003).Although Penner et al.(1993)have drawn attention to the depen-dence of RAPD profiles on the PCR machine used,in our hands,two different thermocyclers–the Mastercycler Gradient produced by Eppendorf company and the PTC-200DNA Engine produced by MJ research company–gave highly consistent results,with nearly all the strongly amplified fragments proving to be fully repro-ducible.We conclude that RAPD analysis is a reliable technique for genotyping in hawthorn. 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