高中英语课件 unit 15-section ⅱ
2. Why is life-long learning so important for people today?
Lesson 1
Unit 15
Lesson 1 Life-long Learning
For most people, learning is something they should do all their life. It is important to continue studies after formal education. You will find many ways for posteducation, as long s you would like to go on with your studies.
unpredictable changes; 2. One must be ready to keep
oneself up-to-date with any challenge.
Reread the article and answer the questions according to it, using the information you have collected.
Test your memory: Put in the missing words according to the
Today you cannot __a_s_s_u_m__ethat completing a course will give you __q_u_a_l_if_i_ca_t_i_o_n_s_ that will see you through your career. Change is __u_n_p_r_e_d_ic_t_a_b_l_e and you must be ready for it. In fact, there is no profession that doesn't _r_e_q_u_ir_econstant learning. But this is not something to be _sc_a_r_e_d_ of. All you need to do is to _d_e_v_e_l_o_plearning skills and learn how to learn so that you are ready to keep yourself _u__p_-_t_o_-_d_a_t_e_with any changes that come your way. Be _o_p__e_n_-_m__i_n_d_e_d_, have the right _a__tt_i_t_u_d__e_, and be ready for the next c__h_a_l_l_e_n_g_e_.
【公开课课件】北师版英语选修五Unit 15 Learning Lesson 2 Different Schools
Match the pictures with the subjects.
Customer service Computer science
Maths PE
Language study
1. My school is at the foot of a hill.
I enjoy songs such as this one. 2. 许多国家说英语,如澳大利亚、加拿大等。
English is spoken in many countries, such as Australia, Canada and so on.
For example
Unit15 Lesson 2 Different Schools
编程 从…时起 顾客服务 处理,对付 计算机科学
理发 注定会成为
Lead in
training center
classroom building
dining hall
Take turns to ask questions about daily activities.
如果一个好的厨师能做小甜饼,那么他能做 多少小甜饼呢?一个好的厨师能做出和其它好 厨师一样多的小甜饼。
E: Really good. I think it’s easy.
Practice / P22
A: May I sit here? B: Sure, sit down, please. A: __________________ B: My second year. How about you? …
北师大版高中英语必修五Unit15 Learning lesson 2名师公开课优质课件(10张)
Consolidation: Try to use the polite disagreement and phrasal verbs.
Alternative education is better than
traditional education.
(T) (A) (T) (A)
Alternative or Traditional education? • 1. Teachers don’t allow even the slightest loose conduct. • 2. The school motto is “making our school fit for every child”. • 3. Students are treated as receivers of knowledge. • 4. Students take part in learning and are involved in a lot of reading, writing and problem-solving activities.
• Key to Ex. 9 P39 1. loose 2. select 3. slight 4. To a certain extent 5. misunderstand 6. mild 7. assignment 8. reputation
• Key to Ex. 10 P39 1. fall behind/go over 2. get together 3. put on 4. set up 5. look up/catch up with/ get on with 6. put off 7. got on with 8. go on to 9. take up/set up/ get on with
高中英语 Unit 15 Lesson 2 Different Schools课件2 北师大版选修5
Consolidation: Try to use the polite disagreement and phrasal verbs.
Alternative education is better than
Make up a dialogue, try to use the functional expressions. • Situation: Two students are talking about school rules. One criticizes a rule which he or she think is not fit for students nowadays. The other one shows disagreement. • For example: • A: I don’t think it right for school to force us to come to school before 8 am. • B: Well, to a certain extent, yes, but …
Match the phrases with their Chinese meanings.
• • • • • • • • •
take up catch up with put off fall behind with set up go over all the time look up put on
Listen to the second part of the conversation with the expressions of polite disagreement
I don’t think It’s as popular as it Not really (2) __________. N: (1) __________ used to be in the 1970s. J: Well, (3)to _____________, a certain extent yes, but I can’t really say because I only know my type of school. One of the problems about the sort of alternative J; (4)_________________ school that Nicholas goes to is that students don’t prepare well for tests. I’m sorry to disagree jack. I don’t accept that at all. N: (5) _________________, maybe J: Well, (6) _________ you’re right. Our lessons were very structured. necessary It doesn't suit all students. N: (7) Not __________. Ex. 6 P39
然而双方的斗法还是公开了。 民首富与官府交厚,非常讲究阔气和排场,决定要在新宅落成后举行隆重典礼,招待八方宾客以庆。首富要在大门
上安装一百个铜质、虎头带环的圆形门扣儿,以此显示豪宅的森然威严气势,彰显身份和地位,炫耀财富和权势。。 高清网 。
榜文一出,有两家精明的铜铺按自己的技术和实力,虎头雕花很讲技艺,觉得没有把握做出来,评不上就倒贴许多不合算,就自动放弃。唯独朱老冲铜匠铺非要把邵铜匠压下 来,就揭榜承担做虎头带环的门扣。
朱老冲调动自己的全部实力积极做门扣,还每天三次派人暗中打探邵铜匠的行动。一连四五天,邵铜匠几乎没有心思做富户的门扣儿,依旧给几家平民修理铜器。朱老冲觉得 邵铜匠很知趣,自己这回一定是拿到大奖,赚到大钱了。自己铜铺的威望也马上提升了。
这是发财的大生意,东城的几家铜铺老板暗中首富都想拿到此项活计还暗中送礼去求。唯独邵铜匠装作不知道,一点不与理睬。精明的首富自然感觉得出其中机巧。首富几经 考虑,决定全城的四个铜匠铺公开竞争,便贴出榜文说:全城四家铜铺各自按标准,在十天内做一百个虎头带环的圆形门扣,他去北京城请专家公开评定,评定上的他除给足工钱 外,还奖励三千大洋。评不上的自己干巴材料和做工。
2. Money, equality, freedom, democracy, privacy (and personal freedom), movies, a strong sense of patriotism.
The last paragraph
• a. Conclusion of the last paragraph is (Sentence) __t_h_e_la_st_s_e_nt_e_nc_e__.
• b. How is the paragraph developed? By ___q_u_o_tin_g__w_h_at_a_w_r_it_er_s_ai_d__________ and by _______p_re_se_n_ti_ng__a _re_p_or_t ________.
• My survey proved that basketball is a very popular sport with boys of No.2 High School.
Writing 2
2 现在正是春暖花开的春游时节。你校学生会以“高 三学生要不要参加春游活动”为题,向高三学生做调
查。请你根据下表所出示的调查结果,以”Whether or not should Senior 3 students go spring outing?’ 为题,写一篇短文,上交学生会。
• The second period Reading (129)
• The third period Integrating skills (p.133) + ★ Reading a report
Section II Lesson 2D ifferentS choo Isl.What does Alternative education v mean? 0P38)选择性教育”是什么意思?altemativet/J/-.非传统的,另类的可替代的,可供选择的两者择一的刃•可选择的物体The alternative plans of having a picnic or taking a boat trip put them in a dilemma・去野餐或者去乘船旅游二者只能选其一。
2.Our teac hers are e oyedto te ach andgetstudents to partici pate in the le arning process一they are not there to hand out punishment 0P38)我们的老师受雇来教(学生),使学生参加学习的过程一一他们不是在那儿给予惩罚。
*hand out分发,散发,给予The teacher had the monitor hand out the papers ・老师让班长分发了试卷。
思联so •handin上交hand in hand手拉手by hand手工Hand in your examination papers now,please. 现在请把试卷交上来。
Students stand hand in hand in a row.学生们手牵手站成一排。
All work is done by hand.一切都是用手工操作的。
即学即练 根据句意完成下列句子 ① 他们帮助陌生人分发蜡烛和电池。
They helped strangers candles and batteries. ② 他们手挽手在一座美丽的花园里散步。
They walked hand ③ 她递交了一份关于那个事件的简要报告。
很多人都说,感觉河蚌你在家里的地位挺低的。怎么说呢,确实也不高,当然,关键的一些大事儿上,叶子还是会尊重我的意见。当然了,如果我的意见跟她的不一致,她虽然会听我的,但也总会 拿我撒气。另一方面就如段子所说了,过日子,家里能有多少大事儿?所以,我拿主意的事儿确实不多。平时的那些小事儿,叶子其实也是非常希望我来拿主意的,但是我都很明智的装聋作哑。因为我 知道,叶子希望我拿的主意,必须说到她心坎里,而我自知没那个水平,也不想费那个心思。叶子为此是有怨言的,觉得我对她不够用心,不够关注。多少也是事实,我是个懒人,工作回来,除了挖空 心思跟天天玩,对叶子,确实不想多用心思。“你怎么说我怎么做,指哪打哪,绝无怨言,这还不够吗?”我这么跟她说。这话也很有道理不是?可事实上,她安排的不少活,我其实做不好的,比如烧 饭,比如开车。盈丰体育
很多人只看到了我的地位低,却没看到我地位那么低,为什么却还愿意过下去,且过得也还算开心吧。憋屈总归也是有一点的,但属于大家都有的那种不如意,并没有多多少。付出和忍让,多数时 候其实还真就是心甘情愿的,主要是为了孩子,当然也有爱情。叶子回娘家前,给我准备了甘蔗、香蕉、苹果和橙子等各色水果,还给我留好了酸菜和肉,外加一大块肉皮,让我可以自己炖着吃。“你 真不吃肉粽子?”她问我了好几遍,因为我让她把给我留的肉粽子都带走。老夫妻了,她了解我,怀疑我是自己不舍得吃,让给她和天天。我只好笑着解释:“不是不吃,也不是不爱吃,只是对我而言, 吃肉粽子和吃米饭配一块煮熟的肉没啥区别。问题是这样一来,你包粽子不就白费劲了?”她这才相信,把肉粽子拿走,又多给我留下几个枣泥的。总得来说,叶子对我其实不错,她是刀子嘴豆腐心那 种,说的少做的多,跟我
高一英语下学期unit 15PPT教学课件
• 同学们是否喜欢看漫画?
• 你们都看过什么样的漫 画呢?
漫画作品欣赏: 欣赏角度:
1、造型 2、主题 3、创意 4、意义含义,表现手法
独幅、多幅、连环、政治漫画、新闻 漫画、科学漫画、哲理漫画、幽默漫 画、肖像漫画、故事漫画、动画
A. Footprints
B. Shoe prints
C. Fingerprints
D. A shoe
Scene 2
1. What did John and Mary discover? A. The door is open. B. The window is broken. C. The door is broken. D. The window is open. 2. What did John and Mary find on the floor? A. A shoe. B. A key. C. Some hair. D. Broken glass
MJaocreyhl:nlpN:hAoon,neId’awsnudhrnaeet ctikhsleatycheiw.s?erAe bhaenraenoanpteheel.
taMbMlaear.ryy:: AI tbhainnkaynoau’preeerilg?htW. Ohha,ta’sndislodookinatg in
MceJgaloJfJlaropooyhrohhh:dntnnopeJ:anroanAinnehnhtddt.noas,M.!MlITaoahrocryeakyfwnofh’liotlnaordvfwiomenwtdohgierosmenmoyecpylesnuintneee.tcrsoSik.ooltumahsceeeonaend my JthoMehm tm ahnurr:?oysMut:ghaLhayovtboehekec,lywihmoienubrdeejoduwaus,rtpeaftnohmdergosttorroeetleewf,noghoyoeotnpureerriinnyotsu. put
北师大版高中英语必修五Unit 15 《Lesson 2 Different Schools》课件 2
必修5 Unit 15 Learning
应用 6.单词拼写 He earned a r________for the poor family. 答案: reputation
必修5 Unit 15 Learning
Well,select another one then.(教材P39) 那么,挑选另一个吧。 归纳 select vt.挑选 I was selected for the team.我被选入了这个队。 She let her son select his own Christmas present. 她让儿子自己选择圣诞礼物。
应用 1.用alternative,choice与selection的适当形式填空 (1)Parents should be careful in their________of the movies their young children see. (2)Do you have a(n)________solution to the problem? (3)The store offers a wide________of fruits and vegetables. 答案: (1)selection (2)alternative (3)choice
必修5 Unit 15 Learning
Founded in 1896,“Tredona School” is proud of its long list of outstanding past students.(教材P38)
Tredona学校成立于1896年,它为自己培养出众多的优秀学生感到 骄傲。
高中英语北师大版高二上册《Unit 15 Period 2》课件
• Ⅴ.课文缩写
• Graham Lawrence,a science author 1.________ gives presentations on TV,went to Overton School,from 1981 to 1989.He wasn't very good at
most school subjects.But when he went into Mr.Jenkins' class,he 2.________(become)
• 11.____p_o_ur__v.to flow in a continuous stream • 12.____la_c_k__v.to not have something that you need • 13.____d_ra_g__v.to pull someone or something along
• ________ ________ ________ ________them if you don't go?
• 【答案】What will become of
• 2.Some schools teach how to pass tests so that the students can go to university.
he has done something worthwhile.
• (2)According to the text,which statement is TRUE?
• A.Graham and Mr.Jenkins often meet each other after Graham's graduation.
• B.Graham was interested in science before Mr.Jenkins taught him.
必修5 Unit 15
第一部分 必修5 Unit 15
1.I come back home after a day’s work, hungry and exhausted. 我在一天的工作后回到家,又饿又累。 2.The blog serves as an open platform where we can learn a lot of things. 博客是一个我们可以学习很多东西的开放平台。 3.Attracted by interesting topics, we are free to take part in the weekly discussion. 被有趣的话题吸引,我们都自由参加 每周的讨论。
1.spelling n. 2.backwards adv. 3.blank adj. 4.status n. 5.chief adj. 6.saying n.
第一部分 必修5 Unit 15
___拼__写___________ __由__后__向__前__地______ ___空__白___的________ _现__状__;__社__会__地__位______ ___最__高__级__别__的_____ ___格__言__,__谚__语_____
n.赞成 10.______u_r_g_e_______ vt.力劝,强烈要求→____u_r_g_e_n_t_______ adj.紧急的→____u_r_g_e_n_c_y______ n.迫切
栏目 导引
第一部分 必修5 Unit 15
11._____in_s_p_i_r_e______ v.启发;鼓舞→___i_n_s_p_ir_a_t_i_o_n____ n.灵
感;给予鼓舞(激励)之人/事→____in__sp__ir_i_n_g_____ adj.鼓舞人心 的→____i_n_s_p_ir_e_d______ adj.受启示的 12.____a_s_su__m_e_______ vt.假定,假设→___a_s_s_u_m__p_t_io_n____ n. 假定,假设
高二英语第15单元课文课件 人教版
Para.1 Rio de Janeiro Kitzbuhel Wanderlust: the urge/itch to travel
Fast reading
1: Of the two places introduced, which is a summer resort to us, and which is a winter resort?
What’s Carnival?
What is the best time to visit Rio?
There is something for everyone here It’s a festival to celebrate the sun; It’s one of the world’s most famous and attracts many visitors
Careful Reading
Para. 1
1. Why do many people spend too much money on trips?
Maybe they have wanderlust 2. What is wanderlust? It is the urge to explore the world, or to travel .
in the clubs .
A comparison of the two cities
Items Rio de Janeiro Kitzbuhel
Location On the coast of In southern
Atlantic Ocean Austria
高中英语Unit15 Lesson 2 Different School北师大版必修5
Unit15 Lesson 2 Different SchoolTeaching aims:To prepare questions for a listening exercise and to predict contents.To practise using vocabulary of school and education.To practise disagreeing and contradicting politelyTo practise using phrasal verbsTeaching difficulties:To practise disagreeing and contradicting politelyTo practise using phrasal verbsTeaching Aids: computerTeaching procedures:Ⅰ. Warming upLook at the picturesThis is our school, can you describe our school in your own words?The following words may help you:boring, strict, test, homework, traditional Read these words together and put them under the three headings.Traditional Education:Alternative Education:All Kinds of Education:Ⅱ.ListeningJack had a traditional educational education. Nicholas had an alternative one.Jack and Nicholas who are exchange students from the UK are discussing their learning experience. Listen to the text and do exercise4 and exercise5 Jack’s 1. 4. 6Nicholas’ 2. 3. 5Listen the text again and finish exercise6Now listen to the second part of the conversation. Complete the Function File with expressions from the list.not necessarily, I don’t think, one ofthe problems, I’m sorry to disagree, maybe, to a certain extent, not reallyⅢ. SpeakingThink about the questions below. Then in pairs, discuss them. Use expressions from the function file with the correct intonation.1.which school would you prefer to go to? Why ?2.what are the advantages and disadvantages oftraditional schooling?3.what are the advantages and disadvantages ofalternative schooling?Ⅳ.Complete the sentences with the Phrasal Verbs. catch up with, fall behind,get on with, get together,go on to, go over, look up,put off, put on, set up, take upComplete the passage with the following words and phrases.to a certain extent, select,misunderstand, reputation, mild, assignment, slight, looseⅤ. Assignments。
高二英语第15单元课文课件 人教版
2: What is Carnival in Rio de Janeiro?
Carnival is a four-day festival to celebrate the sun.
3: Where is Alps?
Alps stands around Kitzbuhel in southern Austria, in Europe.
请根据课文的第二部分填空 If you are looking for a winter a_d_v_e_n_tu__r_e
and want to ski, you can go to Kitzbuhel.
Kitzbuhel is a p_a_r_a_d_is_efor skiers ,and the breath-taking s_c_e_n_e_r_y there is very beautiful. Skiers g a_t_h_e_r_ here once a year to compete
Careful Reading
Para. 1
1. Why do many people spend too much money on trips?
Maybe they have wanderlust 2. What is wanderlust? It is the urge to explore the world, or to travel .
I want to see the carnival.
I want to see the Alps.
I want to watch a ski race.
in the downhill race. Should you have enough energy left after
unit 15-2教师讲稿
Unit 15-2Hello, everyone, now we will continue our topic on AI.Today’s focus is to learn background knowledge related to the future of AI and how it will transform business, and Practice listening skill of identifying key words to understand the information.As you have already known that AI is an area of computer science that emphasizes the creation of intelligent machines.From the way we communicate to healthcare to autonomous driving, and even the way we bank and tackle everyday trivial is being affected by the global business shift to AI.Many of us will ask, What is the Future of AI in Business?Well, AI is already a reality for many businesses. And it is changing the global business landscape.It's believed that by 2030, 70% of companies may have adopted at least one type of AI technology. This figure alone shows how businesses view the importance of AI.The discussion on AI is not just the technology itself, people also talk a lot about the careers that are shaping from AI's emergence.Over the past few years, the demand for AI and machine learning experts rose drastically, and the number of people claiming to have the educational and skills profiles to qualify as an AI expert also rose remarkably in the past 2 years.Soon, we'll all realize the power these industry experts have on our economic future.From AI technology companies to industry organizations to government agencies, there are a lot of forecasts on how these major sectors will operate in the AI marketplace.I will just cite some of the statistics on the rise of AI in business.According to Deloitte, 3% of early AI adopters have already achieved substantial or moderate economic benefits.Tractica ,a market intelligence company,says that The AI software market is predicted to reach $118.6 billion (USD) in annual worldwide revenue by 2025.PwC believes AI could contribute up to $15.7 trillion (USD) to the global economy in 2030.Accenture forecasts that AI applications could create $150 billion in annual savings for the United States healthcare economy by 2026.In this part,you are going to hear an interview with the CEO of Sentient Technologies,Sentient Technologies is an American artificial intelligence-based technology company, founded in 2007, and the world’s most well-funded AI company. Antione Blondeau is the co-founder and Chairman of Sentient, in the interview, he talks about his vision for the company and his thoughts about AI.Now listen to the interview and try to note down the questions raise by the anchor.OK, have you got all the questions? Can you answer some of them?Now, we will listen to it again for detailed information, before that, we will go over the words and phrases in the interview so that you can be better prepared for the understanding of it. I will read the words or expressions one by one, repeat after me and try to remember them.gain momentumin the first inning of the gameright on the moneyprecursordimentionalityharnesssolvabledive intoencapsulatearray ofsub-optimalcontemplateOK,now following are sentences from the interview, when I read them, please follow me to fill the gaps with the words or expressions we just read.1 Artificial Intelligence seems to be gaining tremendous momentum whether it is venture capital, media coverage, or simply progress that is obvious in the world.2 I think we are in the first inning of the game, as so much innovation is ahead of us.3 You are right on the money when you talk about what has happened over the past five or seven years the is making this possible.4 Some of the team members and I worked on the precursor to what became Siri.5 one of the things that we foresaw was not only that data would explode but the dimensionality of data would explode.6 we can harness an enormous amount of compute cycles.7 when you begin to think about the scale, you can begin to address problems that you had not thought were solvable previously.8 I would like to dive a bit further into the details of how this becomes reality.9 The second thing is can you encapsulate the whole decision making process within the machine.10 That means, effectively, understanding how the user is interested or looks at the array of choices that he or she sees in the shop.11 you are going to quickly get lost and go away or make a sub-optimal choice.12 how do you map that out? How do you contemplate what qualifies as good advice…I will read them again so you can get a chance to review the words and expressions and how they are used.1 Artificial Intelligence seems to be gaining tremendous momentum whether it is venture capital, media coverage, or simply progress that is obvious in the world.2 I think we are in the first inning of the game, as so much innovation is ahead of us.3 You are right on the money when you talk about what has happened over the past five or seven years the is making this possible.4 Some of the team members and I worked on the precursor to what became Siri.5 one of the things that we foresaw was not only that data would explode but the dimensionality of data would explode.6 we can harness an enormous amount of compute cycles.7 when you begin to think about the scale, you can begin to address problems that you had not thought were solvable previously.8 I would like to dive a bit further into the details of how this becomes reality.9 The second thing is can you encapsulate the whole decision making process within the machine.10 That means, effectively, understanding how the user is interested or looks at the array of choices that he or she sees in the shop.11 you are going to quickly get lost and go away or make a sub-optimal choice.12 how do you map that out? How do you contemplate what qualifies as good advice…Now listen to the interview, and do the exercises attached to part B of your text book.We have discussed a lot about AI and its extensive application, and most of us are enjoying the convenience and benefits brought by it. There are optimistic predictions that new technology would increase prosperity and lower drudgery. However, problems come along with the advance of technology, some are solvable, some are controversial.Many are concerned that one day AI and robots may take place human and do allthe jobs we do. Some jobs are disappearingAccording to US Bureau of Labor Statistics, between 2016 and 2026, over 40 jobs could be on their way out of in the U.S, including :office machine operators,engine and other machine assemblers,electronic equipment assemblers,parking enforcement workers,and postal-service mail sorters, legal secretaries, executive secretaries, etc.And The bank of England says that 15million UK jobs might be taken over by robots.These jobs are not necessarily blue collar jobs, some scholars say that automation is blind to the color of your collar.” It does not matter whether you are a factory worker, a financial advisor or a professional music instrument player, automation is coming for you, but all are on some level routine, repetitive and predictable.We have to admit in many aspects, AI and robots seem smarter than us, the human being, for example, a couple of years ago, Alphago defeating human go players made the headline across the world,while marveling at the super powerful memory of the robot, we may also be afraid of being challenged in many more fields.Listen to the report on “google’s alphago defeats Chinese Go Master in Win for AI” and note down the reasons that Alphago wins Kejie.Ok, can you tell me the reasons?Now gonging over all we have talked about AI, it application, its future, and problems related to it. Look at the the charts below, brainstorming the differentdimentions of AI , make a presentation to answer one of the following questions. You can go over what I have explained to you to draw an outline of your presentation.Please record your presentation and upload it to the Assignment Folder in this session.1 will artificial intelligence replace human intelligence? Or2 What are the moral dilemmas of AI application? or3 How will AI change the business world in the future?。
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④This group of trainees is still under
【答案】 ③in ④instruction
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Ⅰ.语境填词 【导学号:78880023】
1.Under the
of the teacher,he was
to do something
instruct sb.in sth. instruct sb.to do sth. instruct that/whinstruction in sth.
教导某人某事 命令某人做某事 从句 命令…… 教授/传授某事
①Has anyone instructed you how to use the computer?
suspect sb.of (doing) sth. suspect sb.to be... suspect that...
怀疑某人做了某事 疑心某人是…… 疑心……
①Some people suspected him of theft. 有些人怀疑他偷窃。
②The police suspected him of
a part in the jewel robbery.
③The doctor suspected 医生怀疑他得了流感。
he was ill with flu.
【答案】 ②taking ③that
instruct v.教导,指导 (教材 P36)I got my grandson to instruct me on how to email... 我让我孙子教我如何发邮件……
②You will be instructed what to do when the plane is ready.
③Greater effort is needed to instruct children
road safety.
suspect of;go blank;lay off;aside from;look forward to;be about to;set up
1.When I stood up to speak,my mind
2.It is now our aim to
a factory.
3.The company
It is time for sb.to do sth.到某人做某事的时候了
100 workers a few years ago because of the
financial crisis. 4.The new school year
5.He was
cheating us.
【答案】 1.went blank 2.set up id off 4.is about to 5.suspected of
(教材 P36)Now I'm about to graduate from the School of Continuing Education at Qinghua University with a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Engineering by distance learning.
现在通过远程教育,我即将从清华大学的继续教育学院毕业,并获得计算 机工程专业的学士学位。
【要点提炼】 be about to do 表示即将发生的事情。常翻译为“正要做……; 就要做……”不能与具体的时间状语连用,但常与 when 连用。
①I was about
when my guide shouted at me and told me
right.(instruct) 2.The locals tend to be
of strangers,because strangers are
of stealing.(suspect) 3.The question is
into a
person always explain the matter
his words so as to prove his
on this matter.(correct)
【答案】 1.instruction;instructed 2.suspicious;suspected 3.simplified; simple 4.frank;frankly 5.corrected;correction
Section Ⅱ Warm-up & Life -long Learning—Language
巧 突
suspect v.怀疑;不信任;猜想 n.可疑分子,嫌疑犯 (教材 P36)I suspect that they laid me off because the company was not doing that well... 我怀疑他们解雇我是因为公司做的不是那么好……
not to do so. 我正要去游泳,这时向导大声叫我不要去。
②She was about to walk out of the door
the telephone rang.
【答案】 ①to go swimming ②when
(教材 P36)I decided that it was time I became an Internet user. 我决定到了我成为一名因特网使用者的时候了。 【要点提炼】 该句中 It is/was time (that)...表示“是……的时候 了”。It's time that...句型中,从句谓语动词多用虚拟语气形式。这种结构中的谓 语动词的过去式有时也可用“should+动词原形”,在日常交际中,通常用 It's time for sb.to do sth.替代上述结构,不过用虚拟语气的结构要委婉客气些。