代理关系在公司的组织形式中存在的主要原因是什么?在这种环境下,可能会出现什么样的问题? 解:股东拥有公司;股东选举董事会,董事会选举管理层(股东→董事会→管理层);代理关系在公司的组织形式中存在的主要原因是所有权和控制权的分离;在这种情况下,可能会产生代理问题(股东和管理层可能因为目标不一致而使管理层可能追求自身或别人的利益最大化,而不是股东的利益最大化)。
2.非营利企业的目标假设你是一家非营利企业(或许是非营利医院)的财务经理,你认为什么样的财务管理目标将会是恰当的? 解:所有者权益的市场价值的最大化。
请问公司应该怎么做呢?”5.跨国公司目标股票价值最大化的财务管理目标在外国会有不同吗?为什么? 解:财务管理的目标都是相同的,但实现目标的最好方式可能是不同的(因为不同的国家有不同的社会、政治环境和经济制度)。
作者:PanHon glia ng 封面仅供个人学习《公司理财》考试范围:第3~7章,第13章,第16~19章,其中第16章和18 章为较重点章节。
PS:书中课后例题不出,大家可以当习题练练~考试卷型:1.单选题10分2判断题10分3.证明题10分4.计算分析题60分5 .论述题10分注:第13章没有答案第一章1•在所有权形式的公司中,股东是公司的所有者。
2. 非营利公司经常追求社会或政治任务等各种目标。
3. 这句话是不正确的。
4. 有两种结论。
请问公司应该怎么做呢5. 财务管理的目标都是相同的,但实现目标的最好方式可能是不同的,因为不同的国家有不同的社会、政治环境和经济制度。
PS:书中课后例题不出,大家可以当习题练练~考试题型:1.单选题10分 2.判断题10分 3.证明题10分 4.计算分析题60分 5.论述题10分注:第13章没有答案第一章1.在所有权形式的公司中,股东是公司的所有者。
PS:书中课后例题不出,大家可以当习题练练~考试题型:1.单选题10分 2.判断题10分 3.证明题10分 4.计算分析题60分 5.论述题10分注:第13章没有答案第一章1.在所有权形式的公司中,股东是公司的所有者。
二、公司理财的基本概念【习题2-1】解释下列有关概念:货币(资金)时间价值;单利;复利;年金;普通年金;预付年金;递延年金;永续年金;系统风险;非系统风险【习题2-2】假设银行年利率为8%,为在5年后得到10 000元。
【要求】计算每年应存入银行多少元?【解答】每年应存入银行A=10 000/(S/A,8%,5)=1 704.56(元)。
【习题2-3】某投资项目在未来8年内每年可取得10 000元的收益,假设投资报酬率为8%。
【解答】该项目的现在价值P=10 000×(P/A,8%,8)=57 466(元)。
【习题2-4】某投资项目自第三年起,每年可取得投资收益5 000元,假设投资报酬率为10%。
【要求】1.10年后共取得的投资收益的价值为多少?2.其现在价值为多少?【解答】1.10年后共取得的投资收益的价值S=A×[S/A,i,(n-m)] =5 000×[S/A,10%,(10-2)] =57 180(元);2.现值P=57 180×(P/S,10%,10)=22 042.89(元)或P=A×[P/A,i,(n-m)] ×(P/S,i,m)=5000×[P/A,10%,(10-2)]×(P/S,10%,2)=5 000×5.3349×0.8264=22 043.81(元)。
PS:书中课后例题不出,大家可以当习题练练~考试题型:1.单选题10分 2.判断题10分 3.证明题10分 4.计算分析题60分 5.论述题10分注:第13章没有答案第一章1.在所有权形式的公司中,股东是公司的所有者。
Chapter 1Goal OF FirmN0.2, 3, 4, 5, 10.2. Not-for-Profit Firm Goals Suppose you were the financial manager of a not-for-profit business (anot-for-profit hospital, perhaps). What kinds of goals do you think would be appropriate?答:所有者权益的市场价值的最大化。
3.Goal of the Firm Evaluate the following statement: Managers should not focus on the current stock value because doing so will lead to an overemphasis on short-term profits at the expense of long-term profits.答:错误;因为现在的股票价值已经反应了短期和长期的的风险、时间以及未来现金流量。
4. Ethics and Firm Goals Can the goal of maximizing the value of the stock conflict with other goals, such as avoiding unethical or illegal behavior? In particular, do you think subjects like customer and employee safety, the environment, and the general good of society fit in this framework, or are they essentially ignored? Think of some specific scenarios to illustrate your answer.答:有两种极端。
《公司理财》第二版课后答案4股票估值第四章股票估值习题答案计算题:1.解答:(1)r =D !/P +g =2/22.5+10%=18.89%(2)57.28%10%1721=?=?=g r D P >22.5 因为该股票的价格低于投资者的预期价值,所以该投资者会购买2.解答:(1)r =r !+β×r !?r !=12%+1.65×15.6%?12%=17.94%(2) P=8.5/(17.94%-5%)=65.693.解答:P 0=EPS/r=5/16%=31.25NPV=-5×65%+5×65%×0.2/0.16=0.8125PVGO=0.8125/(16%-65%×20%)=27.08P=P 0+ PVGO=31.25+27.08=58.33利用股利增长模型验证:P=5×35%/(16%-65%×20%)=58.334.解答:43=(48+2.84)/(1+r), 推出 r=18.23%5.解答:(1) r=3.6/33=10.91%(2) P=3.6/10%=36(3)因为该优先股价值被低估了,所以投资者应该购买优先股。
6.解答:50×(1+15%)-6=51.57.解答:(1)P1(公司债)=1000×0.27+130×5.216=270+678.08=948.08 948.08/1100=86% P2(优先股)=13/15%=86.6786.67/90=96.3%P3(普通股)=2×(1+7.18%)/(20%-7.18%)=2.1436/12.82%=16.72 16.72/20=83.6% 其中股利增长率:3(1+g )^10=6 得到g=7.18%(2)由于三种证券的价值均小于价格,所以均不应该购买(3)P1=10000×0.322+130×5.65=322+734.5=1056.51056.5/1100=96%P2=13/14%=92.86 92.86/90=103% P3=2×(1+7.18%)/(18%-7.18%)=2.1436/10.82%=19.8119.81/20=99% 此时只有第二种证券被低估,因此应该购买第二种证券8.解答:(1)23.5=1.32×(1+8%)/((r-8%) 得到r=14%(2)P=1.32×(1+8%)/((10.5%-8%)=57.024>23.5(3)因为该股票价值被低估了,所以可以购买。
第三章8、ROE 就是对公司的业绩最好的衡量方法。
ROE 表示股权投资者的回报率。
18、ROE= 销售利润率×总资产周转率×权益乘数=8、1%×1、9×1、25=19、2375%留存比率b=1-股利支付率=1-30%=70%可持续增长率=bROE 1bROE ⨯-⨯= =15、56%19、ROE=ROA ×权益乘数= ROA ×(1+负债权益比)权益乘数A =总资产/总权益=1/0、6 权益乘数B =1/0、7ROE A =12%×1/0、6=20% ROE B =15%×1/0、7=21、43% 因此,B 公司的权益收益率高。
21、销售额=净利润/销售利润率=205000/0、093=2204301 赊账额=赊账率×销售额=2204301×0、80=1763440、9 应收账款周转率=1763440、9/162500=10、85次应收账款回收期=365/应收账款周转率=365/10、85=33、64天 第四章11、FV=PV(1+r)ta 、FV=1000(1+0、06)10 =1790、85美元b 、FV=1000(1+0、07)10=1967、15美元c 、FV=1000(1+0、06)20=3207,14美元d 、因为就是按复利计算,已得的利息也要计算利息,所以c 的结果不就是a 的两倍。
完整版公司理财部分课后答案Goal OF FirmN0.2, 3, 4, 5, 10.2. Not-for-Profit Firm GoalsChapter 1Suppose you were the financial manager of a not-for-profit business (anot-for-profit hospital, perhaps). What kinds of goals do you think would be appropriate?答:所有者权益的市场价值的最大化。
3. Goal of the Firm Evaluate the following statement: Managers should not focus on the current stockvalue because doing so will lead to an overemphasis on short-term profits at the expense of long-termprofits.答:错误;因为现在的股票价值已经反应了短期和长期的的风险、时间以及未来现金流量。
4. Ethics and Firm Goals Can the goal of maximizing the value of the stock conflict with other goals, suchas avoiding unethical or illegal behavior? In particular, do you think subjects like customer and employeesafety, the environment, and the general good of society fit in this framework, or are they essentiallyignored? Think of some specific scenarios to illustrate your answer. 答:有两种极端。
PS:书中课后例题不出,大家可以当习题练练~考试题型:1.单选题10分 2.判断题10分 3.证明题10分 4.计算分析题60分 5.论述题10分注:第13章没有答案第一章1.在所有权形式的公司中,股东是公司的所有者。
二、单项选择1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.A6.C 7.A 8.B 9.D 10.C三、多项选择1.AE 2.ABCD 3.ABCD 4.BCDE 5.CE6.ADE 7.ABD 8.CE 9.ABCDE 10.ACDE11.ABCDE 12.ABC 13.CDE 14.ACDE四、判断改错1.错改:公司财务管理是一种价值管理。
PS:书中课后例题不出,大家可以当习题练练~考试题型:1.单选题10分 2.判断题10分 3.证明题10分 4.计算分析题60分 5.论述题10分注:第13章没有答案第一章1.在所有权形式的公司中,股东是公司的所有者。
1、假定G 公司有两个独立的投资机会。
(2)根据盈利指数法则,G 公司应该接受哪个项目?【参考答案】(1)对于项目A ,其盈利指数为:对于项目B ,其盈利指数为:(2)根据盈利指数法则,G 公司应该接受A 项目。
2、考虑AZ 公司两个互斥项目M 和F 的现金流,假设公司折现率为10%。
具体如下:(1)根据回收期法,应该选择什么项目?(2)根据净现值法,应该选择什么项目?(3)根据内部收益率法,应该选择什么项目?【参考答案】(1)计算两个项目的回收期M 项目:第一年累计现金流=200000元,回收期=200000/200000=1年F 项目:第一年累计现金流=200000元,第二年累计现金流=200000+300000=500000元,回收期=2年因为M 项目的回收期比F 项目回收期更短,所以选择M 项目。
(2)计算每个项目的NPV年份 项目A 项目B0 -500 -20001 300 3002 700 18003 600 1700 年份 M F 0 -200000 -500000 1 200000 200000 2 150000 300000 3 150000 300000 604.2/500600/1.1700/1.1300/1.132=++=)(A PI 519.12000)/1.1/17001.1/18001.1/300(32=++=B PI 34.2184821.1/1500001.1/1500001.1/200000200000-32=+++=NPV M根据NPV 法则,应该选择M 项目,因为其NPV 更高。
(3)计算每个项目的内部报酬率M 项目的IRR 为:得F 项目的IRR 为: 得根据IRR 法则,应选择M 项目,因为它的内部收益率更高。
3、A 公司是一家全权益公司,它的贝塔值为1.1,公司目标负债-权益比为0.4。
第4章P88,26The cash flows for this problem occur monthly, and the interest rate given is the EAR.Since the cash flows occur monthly, we must get the effective monthly rate. One way to do this is to find the APR based on monthly compounding, and then divide by 12. So, the pre-retirement APR is:EAR = .11 = [1 + (APR / 12)]12– 1; APR = 12[(1.11)1/12– 1] = 10.48%And the post-retirement APR is:EAR = .08 = [1 + (APR / 12)]12– 1; APR = 12[(1.08)1/12– 1] = 7.72%First, we will calculate how much he needs at retirement. The amount needed atretirement is the PV of the monthly spending plus the PV of the inheritance. The PV of these two cash flows is:PVA = $20,000{1 – [1 / (1 + .0772/12)12(20)]} / (.0772/12) = $2,441,554.61PV = $1,000,000 / (1 + .08)20 = $214,548.21So, at retirement, he needs:$2,441,554.61 + 214,548.21 = $2,656.102.81He will be saving $1,900 per month for the next 10 years until he purchases the cabin.The value of his savings after 10 years will be:FVA = $1,900[{[ 1 + (.1048/12)]12(10)– 1} / (.1048/12)] = $400,121.62After he purchases the cabin, the amount he will have left is:$400,121.62 – 320,000 = $80,121.62He still has 20 years until retirement. When he is ready to retire, this amount will have grown to:FV = $80,121.62[1 + (.1048/12)]12(20) = $646,965.50So, when he is ready to retire, based on his current savings, he will be short:$2,656,102.81 – 645,965.50 = $2,010,137.31This amount is the FV of the monthly savings he must make between years 10 and 30.So, finding the annuity payment using the FVA equation, we find his monthly savingswill need to be:FVA = $2,010,137.31 = C[{[ 1 + (.1048/12)]12(20)– 1} / (.1048/12)]C = $2,486.12第5章P109,24. a.The profitability index is the PV of the future cash flows divided by the initial investment. The profitability index for each project is:PI A = [$140,000 / 1.12 + $140,000 / 1.122] / $200,000 = 1.18PI B = [$260,000 / 1.12 + $260,000 / 1.122] / $400,000 = 1.10PI C = [$150,000 / 1.12 + $120,000 / 1.122] / $200,000 = 1.15b.The NPV of each project is:NPV A = –$200,000 + $140,000 / 1.12 + $140,000 / 1.122NPV A = $36,607.14NPV B = –$400,000 + $260,000 / 1.12 + $260,000 / 1.122NPV B = $39,413.27NPV C = –$200,000 + $150,000 / 1.12 + $120,000 / 1.122NPV C = $29,591.84c.Accept projects A, B, and C. Since the projects are independent, accept all threeprojects because the respective profitability index of each is greater than one.d. B NPV 或增量PIe. AB第6章P128,13题We will use the bottom-up approach to calculate the operating cash flow for each year.We also must be sure to include the net working capital cash flows each year. So, the net income and total cash flow each year will be:Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Sales $8,500 $9,000 $9,500 $7,000 Costs 1,900 2,000 2,200 1,700 Depreciation 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 EBT $2,600 $3,000 $3,300 $1,300 Tax 884 1,020 1,122 442 Net income $1,716 $1,980 $2,178 $858OCF $5,716 $5,980 $6,178 $4,858 Capital spending –$16,000NWC –200 –250 –300 –200 950 Incremental cash flow –$16,200 $5,466 $5,680 $5,978 $5,808The NPV for the project is:NPV = –$16,200 + $5,466 / 1.12 + $5,680 / 1.122 + $5,978 / 1.123 + $5,808 / 1.124NPV = $1,154.53第7章P147,17题We need to calculate the NPV of each option, and choose the option with the highestNPV. So, the NPV of going directly to market is:NPV = C Success (Prob. of Success)NPV = $1,500,000 (0.50)NPV = $750,000The NPV of the focus group is:NPV = C0 + C Success (Prob. of Success)NPV = –$135,000 + $1,500,000 (0.65)NPV = $840,000And the NPV of using the consulting firm is:NPV = C0 + C Success (Prob. of Success)NPV = –$400,000 + $1,500,000 (0.85)NPV = $875,000The firm should use the consulting firm since that option has the highest NPV.第8章P171,25题The price of any bond (or financial instrument) is the PV of the future cash flows. Even though Bond M makes different coupons payments, to find the price of the bond, we just find the PV of the cash flows. The PV of the cash flows for Bond M is:P M = $800(PVIFA4%,16)(PVIF4%,12) + $1,000(PVIFA4%,12)(PVIF4%,28) +$20,000(PVIF4%,40)P M = $13,117.88Notice that for the coupon payments of $800, we found the PVA for the coupon payments, and then discounted the lump sum back to today.Bond N is a zero coupon bond with a $20,000 par value; therefore, the price of the bond is the PV of the par, or:P N = $20,000(PVIF4%,40) = $4,165.78第9章P191,7题Here we need to find the dividend next year for a stock experiencing differential growth.We know the stock price, the dividend growth rates, and the required return, but not the dividend. First, we need to realize that the dividend in Year 3 is the current dividend times the FVIF. The dividend in Year 3 will be:D3 = D0(1.30)3And the dividend in Year 4 will be the dividend in Year 3 times one plus the growth rate, or:D4 = D0(1.30)3(1.18)The stock begins constant growth after the 4th dividend is paid, so we can find the price of the stock in Year 4 as the dividend in Year 5, divided by the required return minus the growth rate. The equation for the price of the stock in Year 4 is:P4= D4(1 + g) / (R– g)Now we can substitute the previous dividend in Year 4 into this equation as follows:P4 = D0(1 + g1)3(1 + g2) (1 + g3) / (R–g3)P4= D0(1.30)3(1.18) (1.08) / (.13 – .08) = 56.00D0When we solve this equation, we find that the stock price in Year 4 is 56.00 times as large as the dividend today. Now we need to find the equation for the stock price today.The stock price today is the PV of the dividends in Years 1, 2, 3, and 4, plus the PV of the Year 4 price. So:P0= D0(1.30)/1.13 + D0(1.30)2/1.132+ D0(1.30)3/1.133+ D0(1.30)3(1.18)/1.134+56.00D0/1.134We can factor out D0 in the equation, and combine the last two terms. Doing so, we get:P0 = $65.00 = D0{1.30/1.13 + 1.302/1.132 + 1.303/1.133 + [(1.30)3(1.18) + 56.00] / 1.134}Reducing the equation even further by solving all of the terms in the braces, we get:$65 = $39.86D0D0 = $65.00 / $39.86 = $1.63This is the dividend today, so the projected dividend for the next year will be:D1 = $1.63(1.30) = $2.12第10章P212,15-1715.a. To find the average return, we sum all the returns and divide by the number ofreturns, so:Arithmetic average return = (.34 +.16 + .19 – .21 + .08)/5Arithmetic average return = .1120 or 11.20%b. Using the equation to calculate variance, we find:Variance = 1/4[(.34 – .112)2 + (.16 – .112)2 + (.19 – .112)2 + (–.21 – .112)2 +(.08 – .112)2]Variance = 0.041270So, the standard deviation is:Standard deviation = (0.041270)1/2Standard deviation = 0.2032 or 20.32%16.a. To calculate the average real return, we can use the average return of the asset andthe average inflation rate in the Fisher equation. Doing so, we find:(1 + R) = (1 + r)(1 + h)r = (1.1120/1.042) – 1r = .0672 or 6.72%b. The average risk premium is simply the average return of the asset, minus theaverage real risk-free rate, so, the average risk premium for this asset would be:RRRP=–fRP= .1120 – .0510RP= .0610 or 6.10%17.We can find the average real risk-free rate using the Fisher equation. The average realrisk-free rate was:(1 + R) = (1 + r)(1 + h)f r= (1.051/1.042) – 1f r= .0086 or 0.86%And to calculate the average real risk premium, we can subtract the average risk-free rate from the average real return. So, the average real risk premium was:rp=–f r= 6.72% – 0.86%rrp= 5.85%18.Apply the five-year holding-period return formula to calculate the total return of thestock over the five-year period, we find:5-year holding-period return = [(1 + R1)(1 + R2)(1 +R3)(1 +R4)(1 +R5)] – 15-year holding-period return = [(1 + .1843)(1 + .1682)(1 + .0683)(1 + .3219)(1 – .1987)] – 15-year holding-period return = 0.5655 or 56.55%22. To calculate the arithmetic and geometric average returns, we must first calculate thereturn for each year. The return for each year is:R1 = ($55.83 – 49.62 + 0.68) / $49.62 = .1389 or 13.89%R2 = ($57.03 – 55.83 + 0.73) / $55.83 = .0346 or 3.46%R3 = ($50.25 – 57.03 + 0.84) / $57.03 = –.1042 or –10.42%R4 = ($53.82 – 50.25 + 0.91)/ $50.25 = .0892 or 8.92%R5 = ($64.18 – 53.82 + 1.02) / $53.82 = .2114 or 21.14%The arithmetic average return was:R A = (0.1389 + 0.0346 – 0.1042 + 0.0892 + 0.2114)/5R A = 0.0740 or 7.40%And the geometric average return was:R G = [(1 + .1389)(1 + .0346)(1 – .1042)(1 + .0892)(1 + .2114)]1/5– 1R G = 0.0685 or 6.85%第11章P240:27a.Again, we have a special case where the portfolio is equally weighted, so we cansum the returns of each asset and divide by the number of assets. The expectedreturn of the portfolio is:E(R p) = (.103 + .05)/2 = .0765 or 7.65%b.We need to find the portfolio weights that result in a portfolio with a β of 0.50. Weknow the β of the risk-free asset is zero. We also know the weight of the risk-freeasset is one minus the weight of the stock since the portfolio weights must sum toone, or 100 percent. So:βp = 0.50 = w S(.92) + (1 – w S)(0)0.50 = .92w S + 0 – 0w Sw S = 0.50/.92w S = .5435And, the weight of the risk-free asset is:w Rf = 1 – .5435 = .4565c.We need to find the portfolio weights that result in a portfolio with an expectedreturn of 9 percent. We also know the weight of the risk-free asset is one minus theweight of the stock since the portfolio weights must sum to one, or 100 percent. So:E(R p) = .09 = .103w S + .05(1 – w S).09 = .103w S + .05 – .05w Sw S = .7547So, the β of the portfolio will be:βp = .7547(.92) + (1 – .7547)(0) = 0.694d. Solving for the β of the portfolio as we did in part a , we find:βp = 1.84 = w S (.92) + (1 – w S )(0)w S = 1.84/.92 = 2w Rf = 1 – 2 = –1The portfolio is invested 200% in the stock and –100% in the risk-free asset. Thisrepresents borrowing at the risk-free rate to buy more of the stock.第12章 P256:12a. If m is the systematic risk portion of return, then:m = βGNP ΔGNP + βInflation ΔInflation + βr ΔInterest ratesm = .0000479($13,601 – 13,275) – 1.30(3.20% – 3.90%) – .67(4.70% – 5.20%) m = 2.81%b. The unsystematic return is the return that occurs because of a firm specific factorsuch as the bad news about the company. So, the unsystematic return of the stock is –2.6 percent. The total return is the expected return, plus the two components of unexpected return: the systematic risk portion of return and the unsystematic portion. So, the total return of the stock is:R = R + m + εR = 10.80% + 2.81% – 2.6%R = 11.01%P257:16a.The market model is specified by:R = R + β(R M – M R ) + εso applying that to each Stock:Stock A:R A = A R + βA (R M – M R ) + εAR A = 10.5% + 1.2(R M – 14.2%) + εAStock B:R B = B R + βB (R M – M R ) + εB R B = 13.0% + 0.98(R M – 14.2%) + εBStock C:R C = C R + βC (R M – M R ) + εCR C = 15.7% + 1.37(R M – 14.2%) + εCb. Since we don't have the actual market return or unsystematic risk, we will get a formula with those values as unknowns:R P = .30R A + .45R B + .25R CR P = .30[10.5% + 1.2(R M – 14.2%) + εA ] + .45[13.0% + 0.98(R M – 14.2%) + εB ]+ .25[15.7% + 1.37(R M – 14.2%) + εC ]R P = .30(10.5%) + .45(13%) + .25(15.7%) + [.30(1.2) + .45(.98) + .25(1.37)](R M – 14.2%)+ .30εA + .45εB + .25εCR P = 12.925% + 1.1435(R M – 14.2%) + .30εA + .45εB + .25εCc. Using the market model, if the return on the market is 15 percent and the systematic risk is zero, the return for each individual stock is:R A = 10.5% + 1.20(15% – 14.2%)R A = 11.46%R B = 13% + 0.98(15% – 14.2%)R B = 13.78%R C = 15.70% + 1.37(15% – 14.2%)R C = 16.80%To calculate the return on the portfolio, we can use the equation from part b , so:R P = 12.925% + 1.1435(15% – 14.2%)R P = 13.84%Alternatively, to find the portfolio return, we can use the return of each asset and its portfolio weight, or:R P = X 1R 1 + X 2R 2 + X 3R 3R P = .30(11.46%) + .45(13.78%) + .25(16.80%)R P = 13.84%第13章P280:11,12,13,14,18,1911.With the information given, we can find the cost of equity using the dividend growthmodel. Using this model, the cost of equity is:R E = [$2.40(1.055)/$52] + .055 = .1037 or 10.37%12. We have the information available to calculate the cost of equity using the CAPM andthe dividend growth model. Using the CAPM, we find:R E = .05 + 0.85(.08) = .1180 or 11.80%And using the dividend growth model, the cost of equity isR E = [$1.60(1.06)/$37] + .06 = .1058 or 10.58%Both estimates of the cost of equity seem reasonable. If we remember the historical return on large capitalization stocks, the estimate from the CAPM model is about the same as the historical average, and the estimate from the dividend growth model is about one percent lower than the historical average, so we cannot definitively say one of the estimates is incorrect. Given this, we would use the average of the two, so:R E = (.1180 + .1058)/2 = .1119 or 11.19%13. a.The pretax cost of debt is the YTM of the company’s bonds, so:P0 = $1,080 = $35(PVIFA R%,46) + $1,000(PVIF R%,46)R = 3.167%YTM = 2 × 3.167% = 6.33%b.The aftertax cost of debt is:R D = .0633(1 – .35) = .0412 or 4.12%c.The aftertax rate is more relevant because that is the actual cost to the company.14. Using the equation to calculate the WACC, we find:WACC = .70(.15) + .30(.08)(1 – .35) = .1206 or 12.06%18. a.He should look at the weighted average flotation cost, not just the debt cost.b.The weighted average flotation cost is the weighted average of the flotation costsfor debt and equity, so:f T = .05(.75/1.75) + .08(1/1.75) = .0671 or 6.71%c.The total cost of the equipment including flotation costs is:Amount raised(1 – .0671) = $20,000,000Amount raised = $20,000,000/(1 – .0671) = $21,439,510Even if the specific funds are actually being raised completely from debt, theflotation costs, and hence true investment cost, should be valued as if the firm’starget capital structure is the debt-equity ratio to calculate the WACC, we find:WACC = (.65/1.65)(.055) + (1/1.65)(.15) = .1126 or 11.26%Since the project is riskier than the company, we need to adjust the project discount rate for the additional risk. Using the subjective risk factor given, we find:Project discount rate = 11.26% + 2.00% = 13.26%We would accept the project if the NPV is positive. The NPV is the PV of the cash outflows plus the PV of the cash inflows. Since we have the costs, we just need to find the PV of inflows. The cash inflows are a growing perpetuity. If you remember, the equation for the PV of a growing perpetuity is the same as the dividend growth equation, so:PV of future CF = $3,500,000/(.1326 – .05) = $42,385,321The project should only be undertaken if its cost is less than $42,385,321 since costs less than this amount will result in a positive NPV.第15章P322:2,4,6,12,15,16,212.The differences between preferred stock and debt are:a.The dividends on preferred stock cannot be deducted as interest expense whendetermining taxable corporate income. From the indi vidual investor’s point of view,preferred dividends are ordinary income for tax purposes. For corporate investors,70% of the amount they receive as dividends from preferred stock are exempt fromincome taxes.b.In case of liquidation (at bankruptcy), preferred stock is junior to debt and senior tocommon stock.c.There is no legal obligation for firms to pay out preferred dividends as opposed tothe obligated payment of interest on bonds. Therefore, firms cannot be forced intodefault if a preferred stock dividend is not paid in a given year. Preferred dividendscan be cumulative or non-cumulative, and they can also be deferred indefinitely (ofcourse, indefinitely deferring the dividends might have an undesirable effect on themarket value of the stock).4.The return on non-convertible preferred stock is lower than the return on corporatebonds for two reasons: 1) Corporate investors receive 70 percent tax deductibility on dividends if they hold the stock. Therefore, they are willing to pay more for the stock;that lowers its return. 2) Issuing corporations are willing and able to offer higher returns on debt since the interest on the debt reduces their tax liabilities. Preferred dividends are paid out of net income, hence they provide no tax shield.Corporate investors are the primary holders of preferred stock since, unlike individual investors, they can deduct 70 percent of the dividend when computing their tax liabilities.Therefore, they are willing to accept the lower return that the stock generates.6. There are two benefits. First, the company can take advantage of interest rate declines bycalling in an issue and replacing it with a lower coupon issue. Second, a company might wish to eliminate a covenant for some reason. Calling the issue does this. The cost to the company is a higher coupon. A put provision is desirable from an investor’s standpoint, so it helps the company by reducing the coupon rate on the bond. The cost to the company is that it may have to buy back the bond at an unattractive price.12. When a company has dual class stock, the difference in the share classes are the votingrights. Dual share classes allow minority shareholders to retain control of the company even though they do not own a majority of the total shares outstanding. Often, dual share companies were started by a family, taken public, but the founders want to retain control of the company.16. If the company uses straight voting, the board of directors is elected one at a time. Youwill need to own one-half of the shares, plus one share, in order to guarantee enough votes to win the election. So, the number of shares needed to guarantee election under straight voting will be:Shares needed = (600,000 shares / 2) + 1Shares needed = 300,001And the total cost to you will be the shares needed times the price per share, or:Total cost = 300,001 $39Total cost = $11,700,039If the company uses cumulative voting, the board of directors are all elected at once. You will need 1/(N + 1) percent of the stock (plus one share) to guarantee election, where N is the number of seats up for election. So, the percentage of the company’s stock you need is:Percent of stock needed = 1/(N + 1)Percent of stock needed = 1 / (7 + 1)Percent of stock needed = .1250 or 12.50%So, the number of shares you need to purchase is:Number of shares to purchase = (600,000 × .1250) + 1Number of shares to purchase = 75,001And the total cost to you will be the shares needed times the price per share, or:Total cost = 75,001 $39Total cost = $2,925,039第16章P342:11、12、13、14、1511-13 see excel14. a.Under Plan I, the unlevered company, net income is the same as EBIT with nocorporate tax. The EPS under this capitalization will be:EPS = $750,000/240,000 sharesEPS = $3.13Under Plan II, the levered company, EBIT will be reduced by the interest payment.The interest payment is the amount of debt times the interest rate, so:NI = $750,000 – .10($3,100,000)NI = $440,000And the EPS will be:EPS = $440,000/160,000 sharesEPS = $2.75Plan I has the higher EPS when EBIT is $750,000.b.Under Plan I, the net income is $1,500,000 and the EPS is:EPS = $1,500,000/240,000 sharesEPS = $6.25Under Plan II, the net income is:NI = $1,500,000 – .10($3,100,000)NI = $1,190,000And the EPS is:EPS = $1,190,000/160,000 sharesEPS = $7.44Plan II has the higher EPS when EBIT is $1,500,000.c.To find the breakeven EBIT for two different capital structures, we simply set theequations for EPS equal to each other and solve for EBIT. The breakeven EBIT is:EBIT/240,000 = [EBIT – .10($3,100,000)]/160,000EBIT = $930,00015.We can find the price per share by dividing the amount of debt used to repurchase sharesby the number of shares repurchased. Doing so, we find the share price is:Same value: 240000* Share price =160000* Share price +3100000Share price = $3,100,000/(240,000 – 160,000)Share price = $38.75 per shareThe value of the company under the all-equity plan is:V= $38.75(240,000 shares) = $9,300,000And the value of the company under the levered plan is:V = $38.75(160,000 shares) + $3,100,000 debt = $9,300,000第17章P368:1818. a.If the company decides to retire all of its debt, it will become an unlevered firm.The value of an all-equity firm is the present value of the aftertax cash flow toequity holders, which will be:V U = (EBIT)(1 –t C) / R0V U = ($1,300,000)(1 – .35) / .20V U = $4,225,000b.Since there are no bankruptcy costs, the value of the company as a levered firm is:V L = V U + {1 – [(1 –t C) / (1 –t B) ]} × BV L = $4,225,000 + {1 – [(1 – .35) / (1 – .25)]} × $2,500,000V L = $4,558,333.33c. The bankruptcy costs would not affect the value of the unlevered firm since it couldnever be forced into bankruptcy. So, the value of the levered firm with bankruptcywould be:V L = V U + {1 – [(1 –t C) / (1 –t B)] } × B– C(B)V L = ($4,225,000 + {1 – [(1 – .35) / (1 – .25)]} × $2,500,000) – $400,000V L = $4,158,333.33The company should choose the all-equity plan with this bankruptcy cost.第18章P382:1515. a.If the company were financed entirely by equity, the value of the firm would beequal to the present value of its unlevered after-tax earnings, discounted at itsunlevered cost of capital. First, we need to find the company’s unlevered cash flows,which are:Sales $28,900,000Variable costs 17,340,000EBT $11,560,000Tax 4,624,000Net incomeSo, the value of the unlevered company is:V U = $6,936,000 / .17V U = $40,800,000b.According to Modigliani-Miller Proposition II with corporate taxes, the value oflevered equity is:R S = R0 + (B/S)(R0– R B)(1 – t C)R S = .17 + (.35)(.17 – .09)(1 – .40)R S = .1868 or 18.68%c.In a world with corporate taxes, a firm’s weighted average cost of capital equals:R WACC = [B / (B + S)](1 – t C)R B + [S / (B + S)]R SSo we need the debt-value and equity-value ratios for the company. The debt-equity ratio for the company is:B/S = 0.35B = 0.35SSubstituting this in the debt-value ratio, we get:B/V = .35S / (.35S + S)B/V = .35 / 1.35B/V = .26And the equity-value ratio is one minus the debt-value ratio, or:S/V = 1 – .26S/V = .74So, using the capital structure weights, the company’s WACC is:R WACC = [B / (B + S)](1 – t C)R B + [S / (B + S)]R SR WACC = .26(1 – .40)(.09) + .74(.1868)R WACC = .1524 or 15.24%We can use the weighted average cost of capital to discount the firm’s unlevered aftertax earnings to value the company. Doing so, we find:V L = $6,936,000 / .1524V L = $45,520,661.16Now we can use the debt-value ratio and equity-value ratio to find the value of debt and equity, which are:B = V L(Debt-value)B = $45,520,661.16(.26)B = $11,801,652.89S = V L(Equity-value)S = $45,520,661.16(.74)S = $33,719,008.26d.In order to value a firm’s equity using the flow-to-equity approach, we can discountthe cash flows available to equity holders at the cost of th e firm’s levered equity.First, we need to calculate the levered cash flows available to shareholders, whichare:Sales $28,900,000Variable costs 17,340,000EBIT $11,560,000Interest 1,062,149(=11,801,652.89*9%)EBT $10,497,851Tax 4,199,140Net incomeSo, the value of equity with the flow-to-equity method is:S = Cash flows available to equity holders / R SS = $6,298,711 / .1868S = $33,719,008.26第19章:P409,4040. a.Let x be the ordinary income tax rate. The individual receives an after-tax dividendof:Aftertax dividend = $1,000(1 –x)which she invests in Treasury bonds. The Treasury bond will generate aftertax cashflows to the investor of:Aftertax cash flow from Treasury bonds = $1,000(1 –x)[1 + .08(1 –x)]If the firm invests the money, its proceeds are:Firm proceeds = $1,000[1 + .08(1 – .35)]And the proceeds to the investor when the firm pays a dividend will be:Proceeds if firm invests first = (1 –x){$1,000[1 + .08(1 – .35)]}To be indifferent, the investor’s proceeds must be the same whether she invests theafter-tax dividend or receives the proceeds from the firm’s investment and paystaxes on that amount. To find the rate at which the investor would be indifferent,we can set the two equations equal, and solve for x. Doing so, we find:$1,000(1 –x)[1 + .08(1 –x)] = (1 –x){$1,000[1 + .08(1 – .35)]}1 + .08(1 –x) = 1 + .08(1 – .35)x = .35 or 35%Note that this argument does not depend upon the length of time the investment is held.b.Yes, this is a reasonable answer. She is only indifferent if the after-tax proceedsfrom the $1,000 investment in identical securities are identical. That occurs onlywhen the tax rates are identical.c.Since both investors will receive the same pre-tax return, you would expect thesame answer as in part a. Yet, because the company enjoys a tax benefit frominvesting in stock (70 percent of income from stock is exempt from corporate taxes),the tax rate on ordinary income which induces indifference, is much lower. Again,set the two equations equal and solve for x:$1,000(1 –x)[1 + .12(1 –x)] = (1 –x)($1,000{1 + .12[.70 + (1 – .70)(1 – .35)]})1 + .12(1 –x) = 1 + .12[.70 + (1 – .70)(1 – .35)]x = .1050 or 10.50%d.It is a compelling argument, but there are legal constraints, which deter firms frominvesting large sums in stock of other companies.。
二、单项选择1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.A6.C 7.A 8.B 9.D 10.C三、多项选择1.AE 2.ABCD 3.ABCD 4.BCDE 5.CE6.ADE 7.ABD 8.CE 9.ABCDE 10.ACDE11.ABCDE 12.ABC 13.CDE 14.ACDE四、判断改错1.错改:公司财务管理是一种价值管理。
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(1)初始现金流量: 购买新设备现金流出:80000 元, 旧设备变现现金流入:30000 元, 旧设备变现损失抵税现金流入: [(50000-20000)-30000]×30% = 0 元, 初始现金流量 = 30000-80000 = -50000 元, (2)经营现金流量: 每年D=(80000-8000)/6-(30000-0)/6 = 7000 元, R=100000-70000=30000 元, E=50000-40000=10000 元,
(1)投资限额为300万元时,可供选择的组合 投资及其净现值为:
组合投资 甲 乙+丙 乙+丁 初始投资 300 300 300 净现值 90 98 115
(2)投资限额为500万元时,可供选择的组合 投资及其净现值为:
Байду номын сангаасCF = (R-E )(1-T) + D×T = (30000-10000)(1-40%) + 7000×40% = 14800(元);
(3)终结时现金流量:8000 元。 购买新设备每年现金流为:
年 现金流 0 -50000 1 14800 2 14800 3 14800 4 14800 5 14800 6 22800
组合投资 甲+乙 甲+丙+丁 乙+丙+丁 初始投资 500 500 400 净现值 160 163 143
快乐 再见
(4)购买新设备的净现值为: NPV = 14800 PVA10%,5 +22800 PV10%,6 -50000 = 18966元), 因为 NPV > 0,所以更新设备可行。
组合投资 甲 乙 丙 丁 初始投资 300 200 100 100 净现值 90 70 28 45