银川一中2013届高三年级第二次月考英语试卷2012.9命题教师:朱庆林、武慧娟第Ⅰ卷 (共115分)第一部分:听力理解(共两节。
1. When does the man get up on Saturday ?A. At 7:00B. At 7:30C. At 8:002. Where does the conversation most probably take place ?A. At a restaurantB. At a shopC. Over the phone3. Where is the woman going?A. To a football groundB. To the airport.C. To her apartment4. What can we learn from the conversation ?A. The man is writing a compositionB. The woman will choose two broad topics next .C. The woman will narrow the topic down next.5. What does the man advise the woman to do ?A. Go to the ticket window and ask.B. Ask someone else on the street.C. Call the ticket seller.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白,每段对话和独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A B C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置,听每段对话和独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5分钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。
陕西宝鸡中学2013届高三第一学期月考(二)数学(理)试题命题人:张拴虎说明: 1.本试题分Ⅰ、Ⅱ两卷,第Ⅰ卷的答案按A 、B 卷的要求涂到答题卡上,第一卷不交;2.全卷共三大题21小题,满分150分,120分钟完卷。
第Ⅰ卷(共50分)一、 选择题(每题5分,共50分).1.集合(){}.02|>-=x x x A (){}.01|=-=x x x B 则B A =( )A . ()1,0B . {}1,0C . ()2,0D . {}12. 命题P :任意锐角;都有B A ABC cos sin ,>∆ 命题q :存在.0,≤∈x R x 则( )A . P 或q 假B . P 且q 真C .p ⌝且q ⌝真D . p ⌝或q ⌝真3. 锐角α适合方程0cos 2sin =-αα,α应是在( )范围。
A .⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛6,0π B .⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛4,6ππ C .⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛3,4ππ D .⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛2,3ππ 4.关于x 的方程022=--a x x 在[)+∞-,1 上有解,则实数a 的取值范围为( )A . (]1,-∞-B . [)+∞-,1C . (]0,∞-D . [)+∞,05.函数()x x x f cos 2+= 在⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡-ππ,2 上的最小值为 ( )A . 1B .25 C . 3 D .216. 某水杯内壁是由抛物线2x y =绕轴旋转而成,假设水杯内壁底部到杯口距离10cm ,则该水杯容积大约为( )毫升。
A .100B .150C . 200D .2507. 已知α角终边过点P ⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛-ππ71sin,71cos,且πα20<<,则α=( )A .7πB .76π C .713π D .78π8. 直线kx y =与曲线x y sin =恰5个公共点,其横坐标由小到大依次为521,...,,x x x .则5x 与5tan x 大小为( )A .55tan x x >B .55tan x x <C .55tan x x =D .无法确定9. ()x f 是定义在R 上且0≠x 的可导偶函数,且0>x 时,()()(),02,0'=>⋅+f x f x x f 则()0>x f 的解集为( ) A .()2,2- B .()()+∞-∞-,22,C .()()+∞-,20,2D .无法确定10. 函数()()()1,,122-=∈+-=x x g R a ax x x f 同时符合以下条件:(1)任()x f R x ,∈或()x g 非负;(2)存在()()0,>⋅∈x g x f R x ,则实数α的范围是( ) A .()2,0B .[]1,0C .()2,1-D .[]1,1-第Ⅱ卷(共100分)二、填空题(每题5分,共25分).11. ABC ∆中,D 为ABC ∆重心,以→→AC AB ,为一组基底,可表示→AD = 。
2013—2014学年度七年级语文第二次月考测试卷一、积累与运用(21分)1、请选择下列加点词语注音完全正确的一组()(2分)A 倔.强juè停滞.(zhì)诅.咒zǔ获益匪.浅fěiB 栖.息(qī)给.予gěi 厄.运è忍俊不禁.jīnC枯涸.(hé)伫.立zhù迸.溅bèng 盘虬.卧龙qiúD 迂.回yū挑剔tì头晕目眩xuàn 险象迭生dié2.选出下列字词全对的一项:()(2分)A 诱惑辜负雏形崛强B 贮畜朗润训戒忍俊不禁C 潦亮耸立烘托录录终生D 抖擞安适诅咒仙露琼浆(2分)3.下列句子中,没有语病...的一项是()A、据科学家统计,蜜蜂每酿造一斤蜜,大约需要采集50万朵花左右的花粉。
5.在下列句中空白处填上适当的词,正确的一组是( )(2分)我坐在藤椅上看着他们,可以微笑着_________一二小时的光阴,那时太阳光________的照着,心上感着生命的_________与________.A.消磨温暖旺盛幸福B.消耗暖暖新鲜快乐C.消耗暖暖旺盛幸福D.消磨温暖新鲜快乐6、古诗文填空(11分)(1)一曲新词酒一杯,去年天气旧亭台。
江西省玉山五中2013-2014学年九年级上学期语文第二次月考试题 (word版含答案)
A.④②①③⑤ B.③⑤④②① C.③⑤①④② D.①④②⑤③5、下列填入语段横线上最能表达贝多芬内心痛苦的一项是( )(2分)贝多芬什么也听不见,很久很久背身站在指挥台上,直到一个女孩拉着他的手向观众答谢时,他才缓缓地转过身来。
2013-2014学年高二语文上学期第二次月考试题(含解析)(新人教版 第234套)
考号 125112202 125112201 125112210 125112217 125112203 125112207 125112209 125110401 125112218 125112206 125112219 125110302 125112212 125112226 125112224 125112204 125112228 125112225 125112216 125112222 125112215 125110105 125112221 125112234 125112223 125112211 125110603 125112220 125112232 125110205 125110611 125110701 125112231 125112213 125112205 125112214 125110307 125110443 125112235 125110306 125110708 125110501 125110402 125110206 125110312 125110403 125112229 125110607 125112227 125110517 125110609 125112233 125110103 125110324 125110703 125112230 125111553 125110901 125110305 125110107 125110902 125110605 125110106 125110301 125110101 125110504 125110303 125110325 125110610 125110707 125110910 姓名 滕鹤涵 柏林 王硕 汪晓一 付常芸 王健宇 吴仲安 曲金铭 齐放 李元辉 傅馨玉 李卓然 车金徽 张文妍 刘思延 安相宇 任天明 周冰倩 曲睿 关发龙 周
破解房地产市场僵局经过一年多的房地产宏观调控, 一二线城市住房销售量在去年下降的基础上进一步全面下降,比如八月第一周,北京住房销售量同比下降近50%,但住房价格却没有随之向下调整, 而是僵持在一个高水平上。
寿县一中2013届高三第二次月考数学试卷(理科)本试卷满分150分,考试时间120分钟命题人:毕良阔 审题人:吕先联第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共50分)一、选择题(5分×10=50分,请把你认为唯一正确答案的序号填在题后的括号内)1.已知全集U R =,集合{}{}2|log 1|,0,2xA xB y x y x >==≤=,则()U AC B = ( )A.φB.{}|x>2xC.{}|12x x ≤<D.{}|12x x <≤ 2.已知0a >且1a ≠,则“(1)(1)0a b -->”是“log 0a b >”的 ( )A. 充分不必要条件B.必要不充分条件C.充要条件D.既不充分也不必要条件 3.已知函数3()2log (19)f x x x =+≤≤,则函数22()()y f x f x =+的最大值为 ( ) A.33 B.22 C.13 D.64.函数52x y x a -=--在(1,)-+∞上单调递增,则a 的取值范围是 ( )A.3a >-B.3a <C.3a ≤-D.3a ≥-5.若函数3()3f x x x a =-+至少有2个不同的零点,则实数a 的取值范围为 ( ) A.(2,2)- B.[2,2]- C.(,1)-∞ D.(1,)+∞6.在等腰直角ABC ∆中,E 、F 是斜边AB 的三等分点,则tan ECF ∠的值为 ( ) A.34 B.23 C.16277.锐角ABC ∆中,角C B A ,,所对的边分别为c b a ,,,若B A 2=,则ba的取值范围是 ( )A.(1,2)B.(3,1)C.(,23) D.2)8.函数()f x 在定义域内可导,若()(2)f x f x =-,且当(,1)x ∈-∞时,'(1)()0x f x -⋅<,设1(0),(),(3)2a fb fc f ===,则 ( )A.a b c <<B.b c a <<C.c b a <<D.c a b <<9.若71sin 63πα⎛⎫-= ⎪⎝⎭,则2cos 23πα⎛⎫+ ⎪⎝⎭的值为 ( ) A.79- B.13- C.13 D.7910.设三次函数()f x 的导函数为'()f x ,函数'()x f x ⋅的图像的一部分如图所示,则 ( )A.()f x的极大值为f ,极小值为(f B.()f x的极大值为(f ,极小值为f C.()f x 的极大值为(3)f -,极小值为(3)f D.()f x 的极大值为(3)f ,极小值为(3)f -第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共100分)二、填空题(5分×5=25分,请把你认为正确答案填在题后的横线上)11.已知函数)(x f 满足:当4≥x 时,xx f ⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛=21)(;当4<x 时,)1()(+=x f x f ,则)3log 2(2+f 的值为________.12.已知定义在R 上的函数()f x 满足(2)()f x f x +=-,且函数(1)f x +的图像关于点(1,0)-对称,则(6)f 的值为________.13.圆弧长度等于圆内接正三角形的边长,则其圆心角的弧度数为________.14.三角函数式00(1tan1)(1tan 2)++⋅⋅⋅0(1tan 44)+的值等于________.15.设''()f x 为()y f x =的导函数'()f x 的导数,若方程''()0f x =有实数解0x ,则称点00(,()x f x 为函数()y f x =的拐点.定理:任何三次函数都有拐点,任何三次函数都有对称中心,且拐点就是对称中心.请你根据这一定理判断下列命题:①任意三次函数32()(0)f x ax bx cx d a =+++≠都关于点(,())33b bf a a--对称; ②存在三次函数)(x f 满足'()0f x =有实数解0x ,且点00(,()x f x 为函数)(x f 的对称中心;③存在三次函数有两个及两个以上的对称中心; ④若函数32115()3212g x x x =--,则(2011)(2012)1g g -+=-. 其中真命题为__________.(把你认为是真命题的序号都填上)三、解答题(本大题满分75分,解答时请写出必要的演算、推理和证明过程).16.(本小题满分12分) 已知p :关于x 的不等式(21)0xt dt m +->⎰,对任意[1,2]x ∈恒成立;q :2(0)()1(0)x x f x x x ⎧-≥=⎨-+<⎩,不等式2()(2)f m f m >+成立.若p q ∨为真,p q ∧为假,求实数m 的取值范围.17.(本小题满分12分)公式是三角函数内容的重要组成部分,除了我们已经学习的公式外,还有和差化积公式、积化和差公式、万能公式等.如:sin sin 2cos sin22θϕθϕθϕ+--=就是和差化积公式(之一).(1)证明:sin sin 2cossin22θϕθϕθϕ+--=;(2)请应用(1)中的结论将cos cos θϕ-化为积的形式.18.(本小题满分12分)(1)已知()()()sin cos 2tan 32()tan sin 2f παπααπαππαα⎛⎫---+ ⎪⎝⎭=⎛⎫++ ⎪⎝⎭,若α是第三象限角,且31cos 25πα⎛⎫-= ⎪⎝⎭,求()f α的值.(2)已知直线12//l l ,A 是1l ,2l 之间的一个定点,且A 到直线1l ,2l 的距离分别为1h ,2h .点B 是直线2l 上的一个动点,作AC AB ⊥,且AC 与直线1l 交与点C ,求ABC ∆面积的最小值.19.(本小题满分13分)设0≥a ,函数)0(ln 2ln 1)(2>+--=x x a x x x f .(1)令()'()F x xf x =,判断)(x F 在0,+∞()内的单调性并求极值; (2)求证:当1>x 时,2ln 2ln 1x x a x >-+恒成立.20.(本小题满分13分)为了在夏季降温和冬季供暖时减少能源损耗,房屋的屋顶和外墙需要建造隔热层,某幢建筑物要建造可使用20年的隔热层,每厘米厚的隔热层建造成本为6万元.该建筑物每年的能源消耗费用C (单位:万元)与隔热层厚度x (单位:cm )满足关系式()(010)35kC x x x =≤≤+,若不建造隔热层,每年能源消耗费用为8万元,设()f x 为隔热层建造费用与20年的能源消耗费用之和.(1)求k 的值及()f x 的表达式;(2)隔热层修建多厚时,总费用()f x 达到最小,并求出最小值.21.(本小题满分13分)已知函数()ln f x x =,()(0)ag x a x=>,设()()()F x f x g x =+. (1)求函数()F x 的单调区间;(2)若以函数()y F x =在(0,3]的图像上任意一点00(,)P x y 为切点的切线斜率12k ≤恒成立,求 实数a 的最小值;(3)是否存在实数m ,使函数22()11ay g m x =+-+的图像与函数2(1)y f x =+的图像恰有4个 不同的交点?若存在,求出实数m 的取值范围;若不存在,请说明理由.。
2012-2013学年上期高三理科第二次月考成绩表学号座号姓名语文数学英语物理化学生物总分班次603游小钰 13414712510597676751602龚立雪 1251471349097746672605何铭远 12413912610299696593622吴哲伦 12313813010291726564706叶冯颖 1181411279696726501617罗乐文 12313512810284746465612林成靖 1151421219796716426629章奕洋 12613712279100746387606钟嘉鑫 1201341249090776358616郑蔚琪 1161411258693726339601魏怡悦 11614112796797363210604许露佳 12014312186917163210627陈俊妤 11713912290996563210621谢 胤 11913811689977163013634卓叶欣 10914612387976863013705张 伟 1261331129395706292610张灵杰 12313513079946762815633唐静雯 11614112485927062815721郑俪媛 11313512490916862131121陶连城 1151261259390726211611张颉文 11513413479896962017615夏鸿旺 12013912284876862017630胡韵涵 114134125101875962017710范宇航 11813212184917462041501邱兴龙 1191211248993726181707刘治羽 114132107105916861751205吴美艳 10713511990976961711301朱华佳 1111331149594696161712康开锦 11112510210899706156608吴金锋 12013811478947061420613翁文俊 10214112390896961420722谢颖滢 11512712290887061271007张 莹 1201231257496746121607方兴接 11713111484927361122701江孝炜 11114011387857060681122张 昌 1231291129486626062609叶兆亮 118133108839568605231142游深钦 11012110810196696053614程章宇 11514212455947460424624张雁翔 102143118779965604241139张明浩 11412911981917060441001叶思凯 1061361049293706012620叶文强 11712412489776960026628赖慧颖 13112911271906760026626陈立辉 11112010496957259828 714曾静慧 1101251149092675989 720余康捷 12112711989726959710 801阮烨畑 1221181247292695971 1201游世萍 1101291158787685962 703江 平 10213211086907259211 623肖宇薇 11311712566997159129 727林朝鑫 10913310995856059112 1505魏 洁 1221301177582655912 1355江继虹 1141191009195695882 619黄鑫宇 10412711778907158730 631雷菲菲 11612612173876458730 715任韦茜 10811112185936958713 719庄新伟 10913010979946658713 1003吴岳敏 1081141178890695863 1221傅 莹 1171181169281625863 1650邱元旺 1071229710096645861 1008谢秀媛 1121291107994615854 717赵晓培 11212410594866258315 718邵美娴 1191259691876558315 716宋启翔 10113110989906258217 804余慧慧 1041271178283685812 1304谢倩雯 1071291226691665813 618谢华辉 10713011181826958032 702谢 婷 12013311858836858018 902黄洪明 105134958194715801 638龚贺宁 11812911866777057833 802方启鹏 1041341017695685783 1403董芳芬 119122977991705781 1004吴烨睿 1051321127788635775 1002魏坤洧 1111091168295635766 1626李家宁 1101301067895565752 625陈宇泓 10111111689926557434 905陈 惠 1091181138085695742 1503练惠宇 105138839689635743 636张倩怡 11312611867826757335 736杨 洋 11512410281896257319 728张翔宇 1061369799755957220 1203王 颖 109130928284745714 1402魏远伟 107127908394705712 635陈秀杰 11711212176796557036 704王志萍 12311412673736157021 1141方启辉 1071111148092665705 1309张卓依 1221191017491635704 1628熊彦彬 1171261007782685703 1512陈 莲 109133878988635694 642卢逸凡 11513095887961568371204张 超 911369110476705685 1211卢志权 116114958489705685 1507范瑞年 99115899996685665 1630胡紫薇 1141101207580665654 1636张 斌 1051151068890615654 813冯泽华 1131001117899635644 1404刘景元 1081161157090645633 1504范娴颖 1071211037691645626 1633葛艺敏 1161091069171695626 1307杨子越 107133888483665615 711游莹莉 10013911275666856022 1006詹 莲 1141341007178635607 730吴昊寅 12112711958716355923 1313杨子超 107127909380615586 734林绚锦 12010512065826555724 1208龚泽鑫 113127827892655577 1619魏丽红 112107949681665567 641刘 颖 11511610471876255538 708陈良斌 1111337790826255525 901陈雪萍 1151201117775575553 1305黄 华 1061181076787695547 732刘示杰 1151179675915955326 1401魏张璇 1131091226079705534 1408张荣杰 106118918885655534 903陈 沁 1161131266571615524 1011赖慧欣 124961236876655528 1417林安憬 1181171085686675526 1124叶亚婕 111113978187625516 1415张佳丽 1111231146571675517 1303陈征宇 1161061255882635508 1406谢学斌 114118828486665508 645詹维斯 11211212188605654939 723吴凌琛 10412511069845754927 1209周琦锋 117951087686675498 1509蒋荣青 1121161125887645497 1308叶 颖 1111111098580525489 1624陈凌雪 111128995886665488 713高美龄 10812211444897054728 805叶 倩 98112958990635475 908马振特 1051191047080695475 1508李希文 1141021048873665478 1616康文丽 115103968286655479 747陈宣良 991339476885654629 811魏 翔 103991219270615466 1202张美玲 1091191127076605469 919张泽薇 95121919586575456 637江博文 92125105737871544401411郑张铭 118120908178575449 918戴龙挺 1011261006885635437 1104伍飞宇 981219210670565437 1207张昌浩 1031098894846554310 906江游洋 113117837987635428 745陈涵硕 10811111780725354130 746章李卉 11610310182796054130 911张佳敏 114123777290655419 1324吴必城 1011288687845554110 1410张志超 10411710375786454110 1511黄文豪 100117978095525419 650甘文韬 10411611277745754041 651范礼浩 10310111380865754041 1021范天伟 115110938676605409 640黄杨希 11411610559786753943 809林恩发 1041241015793605397 1125吴 翔 1031231016192595398 1412梁忠生 11111110878716053911 812邱 敏 1131081265872615388 845阮学良 104911028793615388 912游淑婷 125969569916253810 648吴怡婷 1151079961926353744 1617江仁全 1121358752886353710 738饶钰莹 11312111055776053632 1206詹祖全 1151249471775553611 1502宁健强 1119710568926353610 1620高钰娟 10911110072756953611 1622严蔚赓 1061199083855353611 1034叶生唐 10411210878835053510 1506陈 楠 951237981877053511 1649王运强 1141119282795753513 1215饶九丰 1149710871816353412 1321郑喻丹 1151089670816453411 1510吴 雯 1141249947826853412 1521叶校斌 10810510491596753412 904杨 杰 1101289362766353211 1632徐 艳 12211111166635953214 1224郑丽萍 1178011174826753113 632陈心悦 10811111467775353045 709范铭伟 10210410678766453033 1107詹昌洵 95111959380565309 735吴舒沁 1117512371945552934 1019黄素珍 11010010875825452911 1137卓慧敏 11211610945816652910 743王玉玮 12211210353746452835 808范美珍 1087411376857252810 1012吴达鑫 1051357368796852812649黄芷涵 1001159775835752746 1030张常源 941268771945552713 910谢淑慧 1158511379765852612 807高月荧 1089312056905852511 814葛圣明 1161158670835552511 1015叶齐琦 1169111666766052514 1323方 雯 1149611174765452512 806徐一凡 1129211662835952413 907张 璐 11210811272596052313 1020李 萍 10610911168725752315 1423詹来键 113929878786452312 1117池方婕 10111411350816352211 1133卢 烨 10910810360776552211 1143杨泓钊 1121128966826152211 1618肖庆铧 1051268266915252215 729高诗榕 105979477786952036 1648吴恩民 1121309248835552016 1010潘成浩 1101287365806351916 1027刘 琪 11911012356605151916 803王宗禄 1101078563876651814 928陈冬嫦 1061119775705951814 733瞿昊然 1001199959786251737 1302郑丹梅 10810010475705951613 1425倪诗语 11411210562705351613 1637卢文清 1099310065915851617 1640张杰佳 11811010059785151617 1524黄钊禹 10611011162675951514 816陈晨晖 10212511146795151415 1045杨书欢 1171158481675051418 821叶 琰 1039211074815351316 930范天祥 1011049685685951315 1017游 琳 1051197672786351319 1026李华迪 1011207577895151319 1213庄 言 1011129679656051314 1102朱思怡 10812611765356151214 1418范 洪 961069379736551214 1513魏俊杰 11310111861586051115 741林俊江 1021069468835751038 639谢 锐 1029910771706050947 1022李佳绮 104978677836250921 1218刘峰涛 1091259148756150915 1644何雨珊 11410411064645350919 1149叶 嘉 11510511547626450815 1227江紫玲 1081119379635450816 1239吴启喆 1059710870794950816 1413杨 琪 1081059562776150815 1514叶尤聪 10510193767756508161516吴 瑕 9412010358726150816 644陈娟琪 1131199750775150748 831叶猷宇 941119669865150717 920吴慧珊 1168111552786550716 1212杨雄辉 97969376806550718 1242陈于一 1149010181754650718 1332范帮年 1121059774536650714 1443李美娟 1149610062765950716 1518黄珺琳 1248512457615650718 1652张利权 1101057472945150620 909李建强 1141178164755450517 933林 婷 1081018380736050517 1150张鸿丽 11010210859636350516 1407杨秀靖 969411861736350517 1214邱 潇 104949777805250420 1526陈林雪 1101047975825450419 1539魏积巍 1081098465786050419 1414张声颖 105938077915750318 1426郑少峰 971179469745250318 1009魏文辉 111998256856950222 1424杨诗捷 1031109767705550220 1529刘炀富 1061078377785150221 1237陆鹏辉 1071029843826950121 1337李珮翎 1098410775755150115 817陈飞鹏 11010210077615050018 1101邹慧芳 1061049564785350017 1240林婉萍 110969579734750022 1427林瑰霞 961019280656650021 1429游剑平 108939374745850021 927林思远 1011108872755349919 1311陈远昌 10210210168656149916 1451陈 昱 1037812457815649923 1602黄永发 10010210153885549921 1653施郁洁 10410810156666449921 742余春晖 108989782734049839 917黄 虹 1238910454725649820 1421叶凯宁 1071019857756049824 1515陆 晶 951009859786849822 1608肖芳颖 116909677665349823 1634江璐楠 1079511467615449823 724彭承键 115939367775249740 914江越丰 1121119771664049721 1315魏剑超 1137410375716149717 1612陈思怡 12210911043694449725 1647饶启凡 1071058659786249725 810黄 想 10810411653655049619 1103杨佳明 9311292637759496181335郑浩群 931189254796049618 1422黄晓强 103949374656549425 1428彭 聪 100967992656249425 1532叶国洋 999210256796649423 1643叶年雪 1011079661735649427 925张丽水 1021159747735949322 1128包书航 1139710253715749319 1132张忠义 961038794684549319 1219邱文丽 1011068867656649323 1607潘瑶琪 111989069715449328 952余翠萍 1079511357754549223 1048黄 超 1051029775704349223 923黄丽青 120839170685949124 1319江文娟 951188179655349119 1638黄土根 971028166816449129 725曾馨雨 111919766685749041 1134李梦诗 1178211870584549021 1306王礼福 1041029243866349020 1325周银妹 1079810153844749020 1310葛欣婷 1021068464755848922 1631苏 琦 921128670715848930 827李舒敏 1101078362735348820 1115张郑凯 101928967825748822 1420陈艺娴 1068812153705048827 1623王 丹 1101059850626348831 1641张少瑱 9410610569654948831 1520陈璟雯 9410510747755948724 828张自强 1037910473735348521 1113郭沛炜 109958081714948523 1131徐文龙 9712010148714848523 1231葛杰现 951237281645048524 1232卓江燕 112949443746848524 744任英琦 1061059062744748442 921张忠华 10711510451535448425 945怀文韬 10910810263614148425 1130陈可悦 1169510057645148325 646魏永益 901139958764648249 940陈思雨 1101048269655248227 1014叶煜荣 1041057971744948224 1416王佳俊 110999956744448228 1316范景伟 1031089178812048123 1544陈文斌 951059367685348125 1329郑 婕 10110410451655548024 1333翁雯琴 102978271666248024 1328葛芳男 1041119565644047926 1440刘宝乐 109869176675047929 1531陈 薇 1019695646954479261118江丽彩 10511411041684047826 1120吴强文 931059284614347826 1135郑博文 1067511158814747826 1222谢靖雯 941137976645247826 1525叶思雨 104928069736047827 1605黄甘强 1091028777564747833 748李钰璇 1039710150685847743 1314叶兰青 10410110055645247627 915袁翠萍 110819063696147428 1136胡靖飞 981037842896447429 1154雷炜宏 1078510676554547429 825林锦萍 1097211161695147322 1031叶 淋 109878870655347225 750叶凌颖 11110710940475647044 726叶文炜 911157953815046945 936葛斯璇 109849754685746929 1111潘汉殿 1011067755795146931 1216叶丽君 98969749686146927 1519李 辉 88868377795646928 815詹超英 921148953615946823 824叶淑平 1131029624775646823 840张 倩 109689889594546823 844邹丹红 931149954446346726 1320陈慧萍 104829059795346728 1322李捷芸 1101017941766046728 829魏 鹏 9711710148554846627 1312洪睿杰 102946864825646630 1409陆建平 103927867755146630 1430张盛彬 103928562754946630 1627曹道宏 1008910557793646634 823余朝进 891008957745646528 1152詹家铭 1041019551734146532 1153黄凯慧 1051068966633646532 1217张 俊 103958967674446528 1344谢卓夫 1097310759655246531 1140江广文 1201137655524846434 1024陈月华 1091048349635546326 1220张盛宁 104947677625046329 1432吴礼强 1088810051714546332 1437余婉萱 1069610252614646332 1338魏俊铭 97728961826146232 1327金舒婷 110858650686146033 1538邱绍辉 109977859655246029 1151叶 涛 93869957745045935 1342余建祥 122748782524245934 652李晨皓 1069310744674145850 737曾庆辉 1057895637146458461147谢水光 104877965685445736 1225叶光照 88947183794245730 1229苏光浚 100837876784245730 819龚 萍 10110510938594445629 1145郑潇潇 1031009352654345637 1236黄小澄 1061018959633845632 1639游远聪 1106610456705045635 837冯敏军 109859463673745530 1029郑天宇 101829175654145527 1238曾晨瑞 101919146656145533 942潘凯旋 109869357654445430 1210谢智焕 100975872745345434 1343丁莎莎 117709846715245435 739钱 曦 111869574592845347 820裴家煜 921038057705145331 839游达栋 1096610866634145331 1016黄文杰 931058855684445328 1018江 坤 1041078373444245328 1431李丹梅 1056510859674945334 1541吴惠媛 109999345584945330 946郑晓俊 9210411038644445231 1033雷捷敏 111899645624945230 1601李翟俊 102998165644145236 932李赞元 101999159554645132 1234江载涛 110909255634145135 1517练吴俊 99899043696145131 1114谢有荣 96928558645545038 1405薛 敏 99939460564845035 1353吴祥熙 100599482714344936 1245谢昉洹 100839851684844836 1248张云涛 97909161634544737 935虞丽安 94928655685144633 1023左 翔 111779256713944631 1146赖淑丹 112859946545044639 1441卢智铭 1048310064633244636 1527张佩荣 1011058257544744632 926宋 琦 958910355535044534 931傅佩文 109929551504744435 1235王世坤 1031009156494544438 1318陈林达 93797965725644437 1354黄雨潇 102948934715444437 1439陈文丽 981039642545044337 830裴振强 104917372624044233 851邓德琦 107976958624944233 1438练晓燕 101829763544544238 834冯妮嘉 102888741655844135 944池屿芳 1157389575354441361230李 斌 96877169744344039 1347徐 宁 103859743714144039 826陈起拓 95858169594943836 938郑李阳 991048349624143837 1339李宇浩 100857852675643840 1543陈泽宇 94869153585643833 1013林骞端 104959150623543732 1041张 悦 1018910946474543732 1523黄永琦 105769048744443734 848李仁慧 102918950634143637 1223李显桂 99846863705243640 822游金泽 101829151614943538 1534周淑萍 98759947694743535 1613谢城浚 91799761664143537 818陈 飞 1018610644484943439 832郑丽清 1001088866403243439 1535李心宸 114669940635243436 842郑嘉琪 107948154524543341 929马春广 103828645714543238 1340詹重思 91966065685243241 1530夏文杰 104829630695143237 934范 琳 95916751765143139 1228潘富圣 95938337665743141 1334陈 涛 96977838843843142 1533陆美娟 103927738675443138 922张荣俊 113857546634843040 1037黄 萍 106579848665543034 1642谢奇宏 110848367543243038 1611黄 蓉 106858052614542939 1247林梦诗 858510157574342842 947郑阮豪 911008743634242641 1106郑佳琦 98998448445342640 1610张 超 113898264423642640 647方 圆 1046310160663142551 939吴 泓 981046242695042542 1035刘国玲 1021058642533742535 1123龚城兰 93987850584842541 1112吴 建 101746667645242442 1434徐锦卓 98877449674842339 937陈林涛 113729343505142243 1341黄廖接 100748947684442243 1615葛永娇 101846938775342241 950周华仙 100838755564042144 1032李 凡 109819044514642136 1049黄媛媛 96859741564642136 1646李俊鹏 87977659584442142 1435高 埼 1009870416051420401548吴江航 1098210135474642039 833吴 红 100956858584041942 1047兰振伟 85819142794141938 1442朱华俊 101896954673941941 751范慧琳 1111066949533041848 1040吴小云 1001276237573541839 1540李文艺 111688953554241840 643张恩彬 98689953603941752 1046周晓凯 103648455615041740 846张境翔 105897760533241643 1241范水娟 101979224564641643 1345叶诗蕾 1059010142463241644 740朱晓雪 1017910629653541549 948李泽旭 88909239624441545 1536刘严琦 103887937614741541 1546陈 慧 87997659464741442 1243龚梅君 100769053583641344 1350黄明杰 86739672602541245 753游凌昊 116609941623241050 1039梁於椿 94967858483641041 1326邱林靖 92936442813841046 1148张祥兴 98828630654840943 1614朱丰鑫 106768737643940943 752胡彧楷 104976851553340851 838黄金辉 96788857533640844 1445陆俊玲 103678664375140842 1537吴腾飞 95677274544640843 749翁礼锐 91748167534140752 1036黄济棠 97828055613240742 1419张天宇 87965653664940743 1522徐 俊 80907260782740744 836吴珍彩 101819840434340645 1105周智青 946011255473840644 1351吴世宏 99777750604340647 1044李 晔 91706555725240543 841蓝江雪 105868541424440346 1052江丽婷 97909432543540244 1252陈成龙 967010332604140245 1119吴 琦 91858460423940145 1550陈志强 975610250534340145 849黄胜男 103579346614040047 924陈仕希 102657440675139946 1025张楚圆 98708145624339945 1433刘悦欣 106758435574239944 1609林 立 110876960353839944 1436朱希雨 97806272483939845 1603方靖雯 1128566494640398451621陈德良 92559957613439845 1127王生勃 104728027704439746 1138游小兰 115696845604039746 1249周 容 98998518613639746 1043李炎辉 112559944553039546 1109林丽文 102648841594039448 1317黄杰聪 0979871794939448 1625陈 新 90646468555339447 943徐志坚 86996753543439347 1144叶 恒 102827246583339349 654刘敏雯 108627140664539253 941王雨航 975311535494339248 1028罗 奇 86806645734239247 1348陈 悦 98777336604839249 1444李忆汐 105737959522439246 1448游丽苇 96779244542939246 653谢 菲 100718163423439154 1116陶志培 85719568492239050 1244刘芳萍 108649636572939047 835吴志强 92875370573038948 850柯国威 107667335664138849 1606张有彬 91857452414538848 1042张学铭 927010238463738548 1038邱家杰 79815755674438349 1129雷华倩 99639337494238351 1126许肖宁 99776165423638052 1446杨佳珊 99787849433338048 1547翁嫄婕 101827652422537846 1346李远晖 104686548553737750 852穆财堃 99399363473537650 1629黄钰铃 106587847602737649 1549杨 婷 91918151273437547 1226王 倩 102548550503337448 1449陈 晶 110645453524137449 1331张维杰 96638059462737151 913林 炜 99836731503836849 1110范晨萱 102717335433936353 1233刘雯艳 87608831544236249 1053谢颖薇 99618240473136050 1635杨书权 945010023474135550 1050游建南 104488439473235451 1352魏晓烨 95459949442035252 1528邓舒男 9506871575935048 1450江鲁杰 98785250432834950 1246王立强 91727444363034750 1542陈文欣 95648234393234649 1545范旭炜 866764653628346491604陈润贤 108635924593234551 1250范可娟 88546150493333551 949叶俊杰 109655129344633450 1552池学通 95316254603133351 1447林智汶 89777528332933151 847黄文治 91746421601832851 1645邱家沁 96398449322532552 1551游贻强 101306836593032452 1253郭雯倩 107616233302832152 754吴墨涵 85616540363231953 1651徐国强 94456245284131553 1336叶志伟 96536523383330853 1330黄寅岱 80395349473830654 1251黄学镭 106545725362430253 853邹叶翔 77568317482030152 1349张 瑜 90476136323029655 951黄 辉 9060518452928351 854饶慧霞 00000000 855余 畅 00000000 856邹华范捷00000000 857周年新 00000000 953陈叶辉 00000000 954龚智玮 00000000 955范文琴 00000000 956刘必辉 00000000 1005张华倩 00000000 1051吴俊杰 00000000 1054黄彦畅 00000000 1055周跃忠 00000000 1056詹晨辉 00000000 1057苏永浩 00000000 1058郑玲洁 00000000 1108朱一鸣 00000000 1155林建芳 00000000 1156谢颖宁 00000000 1157张健森 00000000 1158田家伟 00000000 1159黄贵潜 00000000 1254谢晓嘉 00000000 1255陈 浩 00000000 1256张作鹏 00000000 1257林昭祺 00000000 1258范鸿全 00000000 1356祝余俊 00000000 1357祝光宇 00000000 1358冯骏阳 00000000 1359黄达峰 000000001360林 馨 00000000 1453衷圣毅 00000000 1454林尚靖 00000000 1455叶 雯 00000000 1456舒征宇 00000000 1457范方材 00000000 1458林德伟 00000000 1459黄承龙 00000000 1553郑世亮 00000000 1554尹建斌 00000000 1555詹坚亮 00000000 1556曹文宣 00000000 1557张 晨 00000000 1654杨 光 00000000 1655陈振馥 00000000 1656吴 迪 00000000 1657范炜珊 00000000 1658杨舒敏 00000000段次上班次上段次进步1121413 2553 311-2 4673 52127 6671 722-5 8161911 915189 1089-1 1133-8 11910-1 1111121 14223218 14203016 1615-11 17233316 171416-1 19135738 19117-2 21274221 2118287 21348160 21319-2 2536035 26104620 2625630 28121-7 29525-4 3044-26 301011-19 3294412 3214210 341726-8 358372 3546631 372131-6 3757134 392333-6 39368445 39221-18 422497 43316320 431929-1445326419 45146520 47219649 4738841 49123-26 50733-17 511315-36 5112521 51149-2 54610955 5530550 55337318 55188025 551149-6 59352-7 5914210151 5949536 621114684 632310138 632814885 653016196 662671 663748 682947-21 68627-41 68152-16 712537-34 71133-38 7159120 7469622 75460-15 7618210134 7735836 77258-19 77610831 802845-35 803216787 822611735 83711734 83276-7 852641-44 851984-1 85339-46 85812742 85813550 901518999 91371172691468-23 91362-29 94712228 9526296201 95274-21 9714215118 98488-10 99258-41 99914041 101239-62 1021568-34 1027101-1 1041677-27 105591-14 1061677-29 106814337 1081317365 1094018374 1092196-13 109712213 11271142 1131984-29 113147-66 1131120087 1166105-11 1161216347 1167101-15 119814122 119694-25 121487-34 1218107-14 12347311188 1232915229 123914623 12391318 1271114821 1276117-10 129424-105 1291321081 1291215526 12991312 129168-61 1343623197 134714814 1346109-25 137101381 1383815517138******** 140371-69 1401422181 140599-41 143491-52 1443116521 1443418945 1441620157 1441818339 144377-67 1444101-43 150******** 150******** 150582-68 1534321562 1536122-31 153******** 1531016714 1571923174 1571622467 1579135-22 1604220747 1605116-44 16227142-20 16210161-1 1625105-57 16210152-10 1621317311 1671320134 1671318316 1671921750 1701319525 170151788 17012167-3 1701623868 1747122-52 1747128-46 176121782 17739173-4 177******** 1777131-46 18033171-9 18010139-41 1801219515 183******** 1834113-70 1839122-61186411959 1862428296 1882022941 189111956 1891220112 1891320112 18913155-34 193101941 19413167-27 1941520713 1941827177 1979155-42 1971523841 1972226467 19715178-19 2014029695 2012022423 20327342139 2031723128 2055117-88 2051922116 2073725043 20810143-65 20828335127 208388-120 20811155-53 21228364152 2139165-48 2132125744 215162249 2152126045 2152226449 2151923823 2151829681 22010173-47 22012210-10 2228128-94 22324111-112 22444217-7 2242326945 2242331692 22417201-23 2286128-100 2282030476 22829351123 2289135-93 228243351072282028254 2344731177 23415217-17 23414188-46 23411171-63 23428348114 2349134-100 2342432389 23413183-51 24212163-79 243599-144 24316201-42 2432125613 2431827128 24730379132 24729367120 24717246-1 25014238-12 2502833585 25216224-28 252162575 25230373121 25537421166 25523235-20 25727360103 25717246-11 2572231154 2572127720 25731358101 2622836098 2623128826 26236431169 26233393131 2622528624 26747444177 26715193-74 26717260-7 2671928013 2673136497 2672428215 2734331643 2732735582 27324238-35 27332387114 2732831643 27821273-5 27813217-6127820195-83 28120273-8 2812432342 2812129312 28116189-92 2853036479 28539431146 28516245-40 28516260-25 2852730116 2902230616 29050544254 29211143-149 29230277-15 29222267-25 29525114-181 29549534239 29517182-113 29525246-49 29912151-148 29942460161 30136439138 30118250-51 30122288-13 3012932120 30121238-63 30618250-56 30716224-83 3073135346 30725306-1 3072533528 30715229-78 31242311-1 3122836048 31236415103 31518250-65 31646288-28 3162432913 31619238-78 3163034832 32018183-137 3202635131 3223734220 32228269-53 32431288-36 32447548224 324273532932722264-63 32724304-23 327283292 32717280-47 3273340477 32723277-50 3334436734 33422231-103 33518207-128 33526323-12 33548526191 3383040466 3393338748 34038273-67 34150462121 34123316-25 3413539352 34118296-45 3413542887 34620250-96 3462635812 3463141165 34923288-61 34926260-89 34936316-33 3522938432 35221210-142 35213235-117 3523744795 352303575 3578152-205 35718250-107 3573639942 35724329-28 35729273-84 3623439129 3633439330 3633339936 36326329-34 363323696 36734296-71 36827267-101 3683340436 37028329-41 3704140434 3725038210 37235221-15137411189-185 3743339925 3744146692 37741480103 3774144467 3773541538 3773641134 38125355-26 38118235-146 38126339-42 38449532148 38421308-76 3844341531 3874542841 38722282-105 3874047588 3873539912 38726301-86 38733377-10 3873945164 3944048389 39428346-48 394353995 3973541114 3973541518 39711155-242 40033373-27 40023301-99 40214177-225 40347516113 40427341-63 40531384-21 4053745146 40526323-82 40534391-14 4054149388 41026350-60 41131384-27 41132387-24 41133293-118 41138369-42 415354216 41631411-5 41649554138 4163847256 4193543112 41925339-804213944726 4214948059 4233643916 4233746239 42342408-15 42322311-112 42732378-49 42730360-67 42732379-48 4304651585 43038428-2 43234421-11 43223321-111 43249533101 43524323-112 4354248348 43536431-4 43833415-23 4394048344 4394847940 43925342-97 44233393-49 44231383-59 4425049048 4424046927 4464250054 44628346-100 44639439-7 4494551768 4504852575 4514853180 4514447322 45138421-30 45449323-131 4544752268 45431376-78 45432369-85 45837408-50 4594351758 46034408-52 460474622 460424600 4634651047 4634954178 4634550441 46340446-17 467404882146736431-36 4694551041 4694449829 46926329-140 4725250937 4724550432 4724753765 47551387-88 47539466-9 4774450023 47739447-30 47735308-169 4805150424 4804250020 48030373-107 4834249512 48442475-9 48538369-116 48646439-47 48636421-65 48645437-49 48943455-34 4894752940 49148456-35 49128379-112 4914654554 49138439-52 49548456-39 49540474-21 4954251318 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0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00000000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000。
河北省任丘一中北校区2013-2014学年高二下学期第二次月考数学理试题 Word版含答案
任丘一中北校区2013—2014学年第二学期高二年级第二次月考数学试题(理)考试时间:4月5日 考试范围:选修2-2第二、三章;选修2-3第一章—2.2.1一.选择题(本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的)1. 已知2a i b i i+=+(,a b R ∈),其中i 为虚数单位,则a b +=( ) A .-1B .1C .2D .3 2. 在二项式⎝⎛⎭⎫x 2-1x 5的展开式中,含x 4的项的系数是 ( ) A .-5 B .5 C .-10 D .103. 某汽车生产厂家准备推出10款不同的轿车参加车展,但主办方只能为该厂提供6个展位,每个展位摆放一辆车,并且甲、乙两款车不能摆放在1号展位,那么该厂家参展轿车的不同摆放方案有 ( )A .C 210A 48 种B .C 19A 59 种 C .C 18A 59 种D .C 18A 58 种4. 已知{1,2}⊆Z ⊆{1,2,3,4,5},满足这个关系式的集合Z 共有 ( ) A .2个 B .4个 C .6个 D .8个5. 从5双不同颜色的手套中任取4只,其中恰好有一双同色的取法有( )A .120B .240C .360D .726. 设X 是一个离散型随机变量,其分布列为X1- 0 1 P 12 12q - 2q则q 的值为( )A .1B .221±C .221+D . 221- 7. 在10个形状大小均相同的球中有6个红球和4个白球,不放回地依次摸出2个球,在第1次摸出红球的条件下,第2次也摸到红球的概率为( )A .35B .25C . 59D .1108. 某同学有同样的画册2本,同样的集邮册3本,从中取出4本赠送给4位朋友,每位朋友1本,则不同的赠送方法共有 ( )A .4种B .10种C .18种D .20种9. 在数字1,2,3与符号“⊗”,“*”这5个元素的所有全排列中,任意两个数字都不相邻的全排列个数是 ( )A .6B .12C .18D .2410. 从甲袋中取出一个红球的概率是13,从乙袋中取出一个红球的概率是12,从两袋中各取出一个球,则概率等于23的是( ) A .两个球不都是红球 B .两个球都是红球C .两个球中至少有一个球是红球D .两个球中恰有一个球是红球11. 观察(x 2)′=2x ,(x 4)′=4x 3,(cos x )′=-sin x ,由归纳推理可得:若定义在R 上的函数f (x )满足f (-x )=f (x ),记g (x )为f (x )的导函数,则g (-x )=( )A .-g (x )B .-f (x )C .g (x )D . f (x )12. 直线l 1∥l 2,l 1上有4个点,l 2上有6个点,以这些点为端点连成线段,他们在l 1与l 2之间最多的交点个数是( )A .24B .45C .80D .90二.填空题(本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分,把正确答案填在答题纸给定的横线上)13. 设(x -1)21=a 0+a 1x +a 2x 2+…+a 21x 21,则a 10+a 11=________.14. 随机变量X 的概率分布列为()(1,2,3,4)(1)a P X n n n n ===+,其a 是常数,则⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛<<2521X P 的值为________. 15. 在()()611-+x x 展开式中5x 的系数是 . 16. 设坐标平面内有一个质点从原点出发,沿x 轴跳动,每次向正方向或负方向跳1个单位,经过5次跳动质点落在点(3,0)(允许重复过此点)处,则质点不同的运动方法共有 种.三.解答题(本大题共6小题,共70分,解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤) 17. (x 2-3x +2)5=a 0+a 1x +a 2x 2+…+a 10x 10. (1)求a 1+a 2+…+a 10;(2)求(a 0+a 2+a 4+a 6+a 8+a 10)2-(a 1+a 3+a 5+a 7+a 9)2.18.已知(x-2x2)n(n∈N*)的展开式中第五项的系数与第三项的系数的比是10∶1.(1)证明:展开式中没有常数项;(2)求展开式中二项式系数最大的项;(3)求展开式中有多少项有理项?(不必一一列出)19.有6个房间安排4个旅游者住宿,每人可以随意进哪一间,而且一个房间也可以住多个人,求下列问题中各有多少种不同的住法?(1) 每人随意选择,则所有的入住方法;(2) 第1号房间有1人,第2号房间有3人;(3) 指定的4个房间中各有1人;(4) 恰有1个房间中有2人;(5) 恰有2个房间中各有2人.20.已知箱中装有4个白球和5个黑球,且规定:取出一个白球得2分,取出一个黑球得1分.现从该箱中任取(无放回,且每球取到的机会均等)3个球,记随机变量X为取出此3球所得分数之和.(1)求X的分布列;(2)求得分大于4的概率.21.试证当n为正整数时,f(n)=32n+2-8n-9能被64整除.22. 某同学参加科普知识竞赛需回答3个问题,竞赛规则规定:答对第1、2、3个问题分别得100分、100分、200分,答错得零分.假设这名同学答对第1、2、3个问题的概率分别为0.8、0.7、0.6,且各题答对与否相互之间没有影响.(1)求这名同学得200分的概率;(2)如果规定至少得300分则算通过,求某同学能通过竞赛的概率.任丘一中北校区2013—2014学年第二学期高二年级第二次月考数学试题(理)答案一、选择题 1-5 BDCDA 6-10 DCBBB 11-12 AD二、填空题 13.0 14. 5615. 9 16. 5 三、解答题 17.解析: (1) 令f (x )=(x 2-3x +2)5=a 0+a 1x +a 2x 2+…+a 10x 10,a 0=f (0)=25=32,a 0+a 1+a 2+…+a 10=f (1)=0,∴a 1+a 2+…+a 10=-32.(2)(a 0+a 2+a 4+a 6+a 8+a 10)2-(a 1+a 3+a 5+a 7+a 9)2=(a 0+a 1+a 2+…+a 10)(a 0-a 1+a 2-…+a 10) =f (1)·f (-1)=0.18.解析:由题意第五项系数为C n 4·(-2)4,第三项的系数为C n 2·(-2)2,则C n 4·(-2)4C n 2(-2)2=101,解得n =8(n =-3舍去). 通项公式T r +1=C 8r (x )8-r ·(-2x 2)r =C 8r (-2)r ·x 8-5r 2. (1)证明:若T r +1为常数项,当且仅当8-5r 2=0,即5r =8,且r ∈Z ,这是不可能的,所以展开式中没有常数项.(2)展开式中的二项式系数最大的项为T 5=11206x -.(3)由T r +1=C 8r (-2)r x 8-5r 2,若T r +1为有理项,当且仅当8-5r 2为整数,而0≤r ≤8,故r =0,2,4,6,8,即展开式的有理项有5项。
87 64 71 61 45 15 39 26 63 38 84 61 23 42 26 42 20 68 35 51 64 83 66
75 69 68 68 25 37 77 60 61 45 62 63 40 35 82 39 68 62 61 48 74 63 66 90 38 51 65 55 74 66 75 73 25 26 76 58 74 46 53 84 64 67 65 67 41 69 38 60 56 79 85 52 60 71 89 58 46 43 社会 *0.5 37 33 37.5 36.5 12.5 13 38 29 37 23 26.5 42 32 33.5 32.5 33.5 20.5 34.5 19 30 28 39.5 42.5 26 30 35.5 44.5 29 23 21.5
79 49 54 63 60
65 50 90 21
初一(02)班 翁玉洁 初一(06)班 金珍建 初一(04)班 周海娜 初一(04)班 陈芳芳 初一(03)班 龙中德 初一(04)班 白杨杨 初一(01)班 代卫娟 初一(01)班 付小慧 初一(02)班 荣美丽 初一(03)班 徐家乐 初一(02)班 陈林梦 初一(06)班 沈小雁 初一(05)班 陈如意 初一(07)班 李思思
79 85
86 86
46 50 71 77 44 34
76 79
48 73 73 76 80 47
64 74 35 77
河北省石家庄市正定县正定中学2013-2014学年高二下学期第二次月考政治试题卷一单项选择题(共50分)1. 2013年3月,新一轮国务院机构改革正式启动,内容之一是实行铁路政企分开,组建国家铁路局和中国铁路总公司,不再保留铁道部。
这项改革旨在A.协调政府与企业的关系,强化经济调节职能B.进一步加快政府职能转变,扩大政府职权C.强化对权力的监督,提高政府工作的透明度D.理顺政府与市场的关系,建设服务型政府2. 2012年初,国务院下发《关于实行最严格水资源管理制度的意见》,明确了严格控制用水总量、用水效率、入河湖排污总量的“三条红线”,将水资源开发、利用、节约和保护的主要指标纳入地方经济社会发展综合评价体系,建立水资源管理责任和考核制度。
这些规定①提高了政府水资源管理的决策效率②强化了地方政府水资源管理的职能③约束了地方政府管理水资源的权限④强化了水资源管理的政府责任A.①② B.①③ C.②④ D.③④3. 为了使政府部门与群众的沟通日常化,Q市开展了“网络在线问政”活动。
2011年前9个月,共有19个政府部门组织了287次在线访谈,受理建议及咨询9 482件(次),网民在线参与43 657人次。
Q市开展“网络在线问政”活动是①提升行政管理水平的要求②提高政府决策效率的基础③健全权力制约机制的关键④增强政府工作透明度的举措A.①② B.①④ C.②③ D.③④4. 漫画《最佳人选》给我们的启示是①公民必须依法行使监督权②要切实保障公民的监督权③政府要作出正确决策,就必须依法接受监督④我国公民有民主权,没有监督权A.①② B.②③ C.③④ D.①④5. 微博是一个分享、传播以及获取信息的平台。
公民利用微博参与政治①便于公民行使表决权和质询权②促进了政府决策的民主化③拓宽了公民行使权利的渠道④保障了公民的基本民主权利A.①②B.①③C.②③D.②④6. 某学校附近有一条交通要道,由于没有设置红绿灯,常常发生交通事故。
① ② ③ ④宿迁市2013~2014学年度第一学期第二次月考高一地理试题(满分100分 考试时间75分钟)一、单项选择题:(本大题共30题,每题2分,共60分)。
1.下列关于太阳活动对地球影响的叙述,不正确的是( )A .影响无线电短波通信B .可能引发干旱、洪涝等灾害C .可能冲击地球磁场和大气,引发磁暴、电离层扰动等D .可能导致人类的彻底毁灭2.下列属于地球存在生命条件的是( )A .黄赤交角的存在B .大、小行星各行其道,互不干扰C .地球不均匀的公转速度D .太阳活动的频繁发生 3.下图中表示太阳系的是 ( )4. 下图中能正确表示地球自转方向的是 ( )A .①②B .②③C .①④D .②④ 5.若下图“黄赤交角示意图”中β由目前的23°26′变为30°, 则下列叙述正确的是 ( )A .太阳直射点的移动范围变小B .极昼、极夜的范围变小C .热带范围变大,寒带范围变小D .温带范围变小伦敦奥组委7月27日宣布2012年第30届夏季奥运会将于2012年7月27日晚8时12分(伦敦当地时间)开幕。
6.伦敦奥运会开幕时莫斯科(东3区)的观众应在何时观看开幕盛况?( )A .7月27日17时12分B .7月28日17时12分C .7月27日23时12分D .7月28日23时12分150亿 A B C D读下图(其中阴影部分表示夜长),完成7—8题。
7.四地中纬度位于南半球的是( ) A .a 地 B .b 地 C .c 地 D .d 地 8.四地纬度按由北到南的顺序排列正确的是 ( )A .a 、b 、c 、dB . b 、a 、d 、cC .c 、a 、b 、dD .b 、c 、a 、d 9. 依据右边的太阳直射点移动示意图,下列叙述正确的是 ( ) A .直射点从①到⑤需要1个回归年 B .直射点在②处时是12月22日前后 C .直射点位于①、③、⑤时都是春分日D .直射点在从②到③期间,全球白昼逐渐变长下图为岩石圈物质循环示意图,图中的字母表示内、外力作用,读图完成10~11题。
七年级第二次月水平测试数学试卷时间100分钟 满分120分一、选择题(每题3分,共30分)1.有下列长度的三条线段,能组成三角形的是( )A 、3cm 4cm 8cm 、、 B 、4cm 4cm 8cm 、、 C 、5cm 6cm 10cm 、、 D 、2cm 5cm 10cm 、、 2.已知有长为1、2、3的线段若干条,任取其中三条构造三角形,则最多能构成形状或大小不同的三角形个数是( )A 、5B 、6C 、7D 、83.下列说法①任意一个三角形的三条高至少有一条在此三角形内部;②一个多边形从一个顶点共引出三条对角线,此多边形一定是五边形;③一个三角形中,至少有一个角不小于060;④以a 为底的等腰三角形其腰长一定大于2a ;⑤以cb a ,,为边,且c b a >+能构成一个三角形 ;⑥一个多边形增加一条边,那么它的外角均增加0180.其中正确的是( )A 、①②③④B 、①③④⑤C 、③④⑤⑥D 、①②③⑥4.如图所示,下列图案是我国几家银行的标志,其中不是轴对称图形的有( )5.下列结论错误的是( )A 、等边三角形是轴对称图形B 、轴对称图形的对应边相等,对应角相等C 、成轴对称的两条线段必在对称轴同侧D 、成轴对称的两个图形的对应点的连线被对称轴垂直平分6.两个图形关于某直线对称,对称点一定是( )A 、这条直线的两旁B 、这条直线的同旁C 、这条直线上D 、这条直线两旁或这条直线上7.甲、乙、丙、丁四名同学在讨论数学问题时作了如下发言:甲:因为三角形中最多有一个钝角,因此三角形的外角之中最多只有一个锐角;乙:在求n 个角都相等的n 边形的一个内角的度数时,可用结论: 180°-n 1×360°; 丙:多边形的内角和总比外角和大;丁:n 边形的边数每增加一条,对角线就增加n 条.四位同学的说法正确的是( ).A 、甲、丙B 、乙、丁C 、甲、乙D 、乙、丙8.如果三角形的一个外角与它不相邻的两内角的和为180º,那么与这个外角相邻的内角等于( )A 、30ºB 、60ºC 、90ºD 、120º9.一个多边形的内角和比它的外角和的3倍少0180,这个多边形的边数是( )A 、5条B 、6条C 、 7条D 、8条10.下列正多边形的组合中,能够铺满地面的是( )A 、正八边形和正方形B 、正五边形和正八边形C 、正六边形和正三角形D 、正五边形和正六边形二、填空题(每题3分,共30分)11.把一张正方形纸沿两对角线对折两次,形成了四个同样大小的三角形.12.工人师傅在做完门框后.为防小变形常常像图1中所示的那样上两条斜拉的木条(即图1中的AB ,CD ),这样做根据的数学道理是 .13.如图2 ,⊿ABC 中,AD 是∠BAC 的平分线,AE 是BC 边上的高,已知∠B=47º∠C=73º,则∠DAE= .14.如图3,AD 是△ABC 的外角平分线,∠B=30º,∠DA E=55º,则∠ACD= .15.等腰三角形的周长为12,则腰长a 的取值范围是 .16.一个多边形减少一条边,它的内角和减少 度,如果一个多边形减少一条边后,内角和为1260度,那么原来的多边形的边数为 .17.n边形的内角和等于t边形的外角和的2倍,则n= .18.已知一个多边形的边数恰好是从一个顶点出发的对角线条数的2倍,则这个多边形的边数是,内角和是.19.一个多边形的每一个内角都相等,并且它的一个外角与一个内角之比为2:3,则这个多边形是边形.20.如图4三、解答题(7个小题,共60分)21.(10分)如图,四边形ABCD中,∠A=∠C=90°,B E平分∠ABC,DF平分∠ADC,试问BE与DF平行吗?为什么?22.(10分)如图,∠ACD是△ABC的一个外角,∠ABC和∠ACD的平分线BE、CE交于一点E,试说明∠A=2∠E.23.(9分)过m边形的一个顶点有8条对角线,n边形没有对角线,p边形有p条对角线,试求n( 的值.pm)24.(8分)已知等腰三角形的周长为28厘米,①底边长和腰长之比为3:2,求各边长;②底边比腰小2厘米,求各边长.25、(6分)请用1个等腰三角形,2个长方形,3个圆设计一个轴对称图形,并用简炼的文字说明你的创意。
)(2分)2、下列各项中加点字注音全对的一项是(2分) ( ) A 、啜.泣(chu ó) 泯.灭(m ǐn ) 猝.然(z ú) 迸.溅(b âng ) B 、黄晕.(y ùn ) 地窖.(ji ào ) 收敛.(li ǎn ) 姊.妹(zh ǐ) C 、洗濯.(zhu ó) 发髻.(j ì ) 主宰.(z ǎi ) 宽恕.(sh ù ) D 、厄.运(è) 寥.阔(li áo ) 芊.芊(qi ān ) 枯涸.(g ù)3、根据句中的拼音写出词语。
(4分)(1)重现的远古林木多么c ōng l óng__________、幽雅!(2)花朵从来都稀落,东一穗西一串l íng d īng_______地挂在树梢,好像在试探什么。
(3)还有各种花的香,都在微微润湿的空气里y ùn ni àng________。
(4)一sh à_______时,我感到责任的重大。
4、下列各句中,加点的成语使用错误的一项是(2分) ( ) A 、议论文不靠人物形象塑造取胜,但涉及到相关事例的描述时,也应做到细 腻传神、具体而微....。
B 、由于采制工艺精湛独到,制出的茶质地优良,冲泡后汤色翠绿,饮后齿颊 留芳,令人心旷神怡....。
C 、报告会上,机关、企事业单位代表认真聆听了十一届全国人大二次会议精 神,很多人表示获益匪浅....。
D 、相声大师侯耀文虽然已经猝然长逝....地离开了我们,但他的一系列精彩表演 却深深地留在了观众们的记忆里。
2013学年度第一学期初三语文月考试卷一、文言文(28分)(一)默写(12分)1. 清新庾开府,____________________。
(《春日忆李白》)2. _______________,雪尽马蹄轻。
(《观猎》)3. 伤心桥下春波绿,________________。
(《沈园二首(选一)》)4. ___________________,人约黄昏后。
(《生查子·元夕》)5. ____________________,山色空蒙雨亦奇。
(《饮湖上初晴后雨》)6. ___________________,气象万千。
7.“天狼”在词中的意思是_____________(2分)8.下列理解不正确...的一项是()(2分)A. 首句以“狂”字统领全词,表现了词人举止、神态之“狂”。
B. “锦帽”等两句描绘出猎时的雄壮场面,烘托词人豪迈气概。
C. “酒酣”等三句刻画了作者怀才不遇、借酒浇愁的愤懑委屈。
D. 全词抒发词人渴望为国守卫边疆、抗击侵略者的雄心壮志。
2 18 23 62 28 43 46 35 55 107 5 23 88 55 28 35 82 5 13 80 74 18 102 20 58 10
54 49 58 52 49 59 36 36 34 33 46
40 70 35 14 80 110 59 100 29 75 40 40 35 35 53
29 62 3 40 62 1 102 102 105 106 75
551 509.5 532.5
556 451 398 483 422 459 491.5 506 505 503 534 495.5
84 73 78 80 74 88 66 67 66 64 64
13 82 36 22 88 109 82 110 33 36 93 46 72 11 72
13 72 46 36 68 3 98 93 98 102 102
52 48 53 56 45 26 50 37 54 46 52 52 53 53 51
37 80 29 55 20 37 50 88 55 4 44 80 100 80 1 69 64 10 79 88 50 4 44 37 91 37
147 140 138 125 136 132 131 135 127 87 144 138 109 127 136 135 112 144 141 113 118 140 98 139 126 142
86 75 72 84 67 80 77 73 66 90 82 77 82 77 81 78 77 82 71 86 75 78 70 77 76 78 77 64 81 78 84 86
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
282 282 282 282 282 282 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 空教室 空教室 空教室 空教室 空教室 空教室 空教室 空教室 空教室 空教室 空教室 空教室 空教室 空教室 空教室 空教室 空教室 空教室 空教室 空教室 空教室 空教室 空教室 空教室 空教室 空教室 空教室 空教室 空教室 空教室
空教室 空教室 空教室 空教室 空教室 空教室 空教室 空教室 空教室 空教室 空教室 288 288 288 288 288 288 288 288 288 288 288 288 288 288 288 288 288 288 288 288 288 288 288 288 288 288 288 288 288 288 288 288 288 288 288 288 288 288 288 288 288 287 287 287 287 287 287 287 287 287 287 287 287 287 287 287 287 287 287 287 287 287 287 287 287 287
275 张凯 31 276 李浩 32 277 曹飞 33 278 韩磊 34 279 邵立慧 35 280 张含笑 36 284 常吉乐 37 285 牛旭 38 286 白广莹 39 287 杜小龙 40 288 李婷 41 275 苏娜娜 1 276 杨涛(大) 2 277 韩永福 3 278 朱蓉萍 4 279 高彩清 5 280 张羽萱 6 284 贾涛 7 285 张楠 8 286 边玥玥 9 287 冯静 10 288 谷世轩 11 275 郭桂玲 12 276 杨涛(小) 13 277 贾乐乐 14 278 张文 15 279 阿丽雅 16 280 王波 17 284 谷子昱 18 285 李宏飞 19 286 曹文婷 20 287 冯占昊 21 288 李婷 22 275 刘冬艳 23 276 杨政达 24 277 李帅帅 25 278 邵策 26 279 吴慧 27 280 郝崇景 28 284 王逸 29 285 郭昊澎 30 286 柴欢 31 287 高慧 32 288 樊柯源 33 275 陈荣荣 34 276 邵磊 35 277 白金源 36 278 马继洋 37 279 俞小倩 38 280 刘晨旭 39 284 潘贞星 40 285 李兆东 41 286 崔勇 1 287 郭圆 2 288 曹雨 3 275 吴浩浩 4 276 陈科 5 277 郭娜 6 278 王正正 7 279 张鹏 8 280 焦华 9 284 王永龙 10 285 王晨曦 11 286 高娟娟 12 287 贾梅 13 288 王慧敏 14 275 刘阿赛 15 276 任鹏飞 16 277 王毓瑄 17 278 陈伟 18 279 张文欣 19 280 杨泽宇 20 284 刘璐 21 285 王雪峰 22 286 谷云文 23 287 梁来应 24 288 王丽 25
2013年9月份考试大学英语(2)第二次作业一、单项选择题(本大题共40分,共 40 小题,每小题 1 分)1. —Excuse me, can you tell me where your general manager is? —Yes, of course, ( )A. here does our general managerB. here our general manager comesC. our general manager here comesD. here comes our general manager2. I think the headmaster is a rigid man who lacks of a ____ of humour.A. airB. touchC. gasD. sense3. Businesses and professional services are listed in a special ( ) directory.A. ClassifiedB. ClassicalC. classD. classes4. In case of ( ), please dial the alarm number 110.A. EmergencyB. EmergentC. UrgencyD. urgent5. I wish I () in the sun by a swimming pool now.A. am lyingB. were lyingC. am layingD. were laying6. He registered the birth of his child. ( )A. 挂号方式邮寄B. 显示C. 记录D. 语域7. The ministers agree ( ) global warming is a serious world problem.A. whatB. whichC. whenD. that8. It () for a week!Don’t worry! It () be a fine day tomorrow.A. rains…is suppose toB. is raining … is suppose toC. has raine d…is supposed toD. has been raining… is supposed to9. ( ) tonight, why not drop in and play chess with me?A. Since you are freeB. For you are freeC. Because you are freeD. If you would be free10. I came across an old country guide the other day. It listed all the tradesmen in each village in my part of the country, and it was impressive to see the great variety of services which were available on one'''' s own doorstep in the late Victorian countryside. Nowadays a superficial traveller in rural England might conclude that the village tradesmen still flourishing were either selling frozen food to the inhabitants or selling antiques to visitors. Nevertheless, this would really be a false impression. Admittedly there has been a contraction (收缩) of village commerce, but its vigor is still remarkable.Our local grocer''''s shop, for example, is actually expanding inspite of the competition from supermarkets in the nearest town. Women sensibly prefer to go there and exchange the local news while doing their shopping, instead of queuing (排队) up at a supermarket. And the proprietor (店主) knows well that personal service has a substantial cash value.His prices may be a bit higher than those in the town, but he will deliver anything at any time. His assistants think nothing ofbicycling on the village street in their lunch hour to take a pieceof cheese to an old age pensioner (领养老金) who sent her order by word of mouth with a friend who happened to be passing. The more affluent customers telephone their shopping lists and the goods areon their doorsteps within an hour. They have only to hint at a fancy for some commodity outside the usual stock and the grocer, a red-faced figure, instantly obtains it for them.The village gains from this sort of enterprise, of course. But I also find it satisfactory because a village shop offers one of the few ways in which a modest individualist can still get along in the world without attaching himself to the big battalions of industry or commerce. The writer implies that one disadvantage of town shops is that __.A. their prices are higherB. people cannot telephone themC. their staff may make less trouble to satisfy customersD. one has 10 queue up to pay in them11. A man walked into a restaurant that advertised having the longest menu in the world. The manager was very proud of being able toprovide any dish, no matter how unusual.At the bottom of the menu, there was a notice that said, “If you do not see the dish you require on this menu, please tell us and we will add i t to the menu immediately.”The man looked at the menu and decided to make life really difficult for the manager and his chef. He would order something that was very unusual.When the waiter came up to take his order, he said, “You say you can serve any dish, anything at all, even if it''''s not on your menu, which is the longest menu in the world.”“That is correct, sir. We have never yet been unable to meet our customers'''' requirements.”“Very well,” the man said. “In that case, bring me two elephan t ears on toast. Indian, not African.”The waiter wrote down on his pad:Two Indian elephant ears on toast. “Very good, sir”, he said. “That shouldn''''t take long. ”He walked away quickly.The man was very surprised and rather disappointed.Then he smiled as the waiter returned with a very unhappy look on his face.“Ah! ”the man said. “You can’t bring me elephant ears on toast, can you? ”The waiter was very apologetic.“I’m very sorry, sir, and this is most embarrassing, ” he said, “but I’m afraid we can’t. Unfortunately, we’ve run out ofbread. ” the waiter was unhappy because _____ .A. the man didn''''t order elephant earsB. they had no elephant to cookC. they didn''''t want to serve the customerD. the chef didn''''t know how to cook the elephant ears12. These good shoes are a real bargain ( ) such a low price.A. atB. inC. ofD. on13. These good shoes are a real ( ) at such a low price.A. bargainB. productC. profitD. production14. As soon as I saw her, I ( ) my way through the crowd to greet her.A. madeB. tookC. triedD. did15. In time of recession, it is very hard for an undergraduate to find a () job.A. decentB. currentC. definiteD. diligent16. Wish you a happy voyage and give my best () to your families.A. BlessingB. hopeC. regardsD. greeting17. ( ) he has signed the contract or not doesn’t matter.A. IfB. WhetherC. WhatD. Why18. John used to get up early, ()?A. used heB. did heC. didn''''t heD. would he19. It was in the midnight () the burglary happened.A. whenB. whichC. whatD. that20. Every drop of tears, every moan out of pain and every cry for help then _____ like knife cutting deep into his heart.A. wasB. areC. wereD. is21. They demand that all the facts () first.A. were examinedB. are examinedC. be examinedD. will be examined22. By no means ( ) look down upon the poor.A. we shallB. should weC. weD. we should23. The tall man ( ) the woman ( ) her wallet.A. robbed; ofB. robbed; fromC. robbed; outD. robbed; away24. The parents’ association is trying to cooperate with the school to prevent the teenagers from () drugs.A. addicting inB. addicting toC. being addicted inD. being addicted to25. There ( ) no money left, we had to change our plan.A. beingB. would beC. hadD. was26. It is important that all the facts ( ).A. Abe examinedB. ExaminedC. ExamineD. would be examined27. Carelessness always ( ) disaster.A. results fromB. leads toC. caused byD. goes to28. Mr. Harris had to call service technician last week because his dishwasher ( ).A. broke downB. had broken downC. brokeD. have broken29. ––The air is full of smoke and people are coughing. ––It'll get worse ( ) the government does something about pollution.A. butB. exceptC. besidesD. unless30. Ahead of me I saw a woman ( ) I thought was my aunt.A. whoB. whomC. of whomD. whose31. This course carries three credits. ( )A. 荣誉B. 广告C. 信誉D. 学分32. We can only do the job for you ___ the work is paid for in advanceA. on condition thatB. now thatC. just asD. in that33. ____ lungs are to the body, ____ parks are to the city.A. As...asB. Like.... asC. what.... thatD. Just as....that34. ( ) than he was asked to start on another journey.A. No sooner he had arrived homeB. No sooner had he arrived homeC. No sooner did he arrive homeD. No sooner he arrived homeE. No sooner he arrived home35. I gave him the book, but demanded that he ( ) it to me in a week.A. must returnB. returnC. would returnD. returned36. Last week John ( ) his right arm.A. fell and brokeB. feel and brokenC. fallen and brokenD. has fallen and broken37. He was caught by the policeman ( ) a gun at his manager.A. to pointB. pointedC. pointingD. point38. You will be a man if you can _____ the responsibilities for your work and families.A. resumeB. assumeC. presumeD. consume39. The subject ( ) I am most interested is English.A. in thatB. in whatC. in whichD. in where40. Hardly had they got to the bus stop ( ) the bus suddenly pulled away.A. whenB. thenC. thatD. as二、阅读理解单项选择题(本大题共60分,共 6 小题,每小题 10 分)1.Beldon and Canfield are two seashore towns, not far apart. Both towns have many hotels. And in the summer the hotels are full of holiday-makers and other tourists (游客).Last August there was a fire at the Seabreeze Hotel in Beldon. Next day, this news appeared on page two of the town''s newspaper. The Beldon Post.FIRE AT SEABREEZELATE LAST NIGTH FIREMEN HURRIED TO THE Seabreeze Hotel and quickly put out a smallfire in a bedroom. The hotel manager said that a cigarette started the fire. We say again to all ourvisitors, "Please don''t smoke cigarettes in bed." This was Beldon''s first hotel fire for five years. ! "''The Canfield Times gave the news in these words on page one: AOTHER BELDON HOTEL CATCHES FIRELast night Beldon firemen arrived just too late to save clothing, bedclothes and some furniture (家具) at the Seabreeze Hotel. An angry holiday-maker said, "An electric lamp probably started the fire. The bedroom lamps are very old at some these hotels. When I put my bedside light on, I heard a funny noise from the lamp." We are glad to tell our readers that this sort of adventure does not happen in Canfield.What are the facts, then? It is never easy to find out the exacttruth about an accident. There was a fire at the Seabreeze Hotel 1 st August: that is one fact. Do we know anything else? Yes——we know that firemen went to the hotel.Now what do you think of the rest the "news"?(1). Which of the following best gives the main idea of this article?A.Beldon and Canfield are both good places for tourists in summer.B.A fire broke out one night in Seabreeze Hotel last summer.C.It was not easy to find out exact truth from newspaper.D. Two newspaper gave reports on the same matter.(2). Which of the following are probably facts?a. The fire broke out in a bedroom at the hotel.b. A cigarette started the fire.c. An old lamp started the fire.d. The fire broke out at night.A. b and cB.a and dC.c and eD. a and c(3). The Canfield Times used the headline like this in order to make its readers think ( )?A.hotels in Beldon often catch fireB.hotels in Beldon don't often catch fireC.this was the second fire in the Seabreeze HotelD. Beldon was a good place except that hotels there are not quite safe(4). The Canfield newspaper gave a report just the opposite to The Beldon Post by saying that ( )?A.the fire men failed to save clothing, bedclothes and other things B.the bedroom lamps were very oldC.the bedroom lights made funny noiseD. such accidents never happened in Canfield(5). The "angry holiday-maker"( )A.caused the fire when he turned on a lampB.didn't seem to be really angryC.was talking about the lamps in Seabreeze HotelD. lived in the room which had caught fire2.Choking (窒息) on things is the fourth leading cause of death in young children. Children will put anything in their mouths—smallparts of a toy, jewelry, tacks, and coins. The way to protect them is to keep small items out of their reach.Some foods can cause young children to choke. Round, hard foods are especially dangerous to young children.You can go and ask your doctor if your child is old enough to have foods like hot dogs, nuts, carrots, and grapes. For these foods can easily fix in a child'' s throat and be very hard to get out.There are other safety warnings you should keep in mind. Do not let your child run with anything in his or her mouth. Do not let yourchild lie down while eating. Never leave your baby alone with an uncovered bottle.Being aware of what your child puts in his or her mouth may save his or her life.(1). What kind of foods can especially cause children to choke?A.Round, soft foods.B.Circular, hard foods.C.Round, bad foods.D. Round, well-done f(2). Protect young children by keeping small items out of their reach. Here "out of their reach" means( )A.they can sometimes reach small itemsB.they can touch small items easilyC.they can get none of small itemsD. they can often have some small items(3). The choking on things may cause young children to ( )A.DieB.shoutC.laughD. scream(4). Which of the following statements is not mentioned in the passage?A.Don't let your young child play with toys alone.B.Don't let your young child lie down while eating.C.Don' t leave your baby alone with an uncovered- bottle.D. Don' t let your child run with anything in his or her mouth.(5). The passage mainly tells that ( )A.it's possible to prevent young children from dyingB.it's possible to get out what a child puts in his mouthC.it' s possible to stop young children from playing with toysD. it' s possible to protect young children from being choked to death3.Think of what things would be like without cars. Our lives would be the same. We would have to use bikes, horses, or our feet to get to places. And we couldn''t go as far as we are used to going. But we do have cars. With cars, people can come and go as they please. They can work far from home. Many people live in the country. But they work in the city. Most of them get there in cars. This means that there are a lot of cars on the road.Are there too many cars on the road? Some people think so. So they are asking that we take trains and buses. But not everyone can do this. Some people must take their cars. This is because no trains or buses go where they have to go. Maybe other people could go to work with them. Then there wouldn''t be so many cars on the road.What will our lives be like in times to come? Maybe we won''t need cars so much. Maybe more of us will work at home. Maybe trains and buses will go to more places. Then more people will be in them. This will mean more room on our streets and roads.It would be nice if people walk more. They might like to step along a street or road. They would not get far very fast. But they would have the time to look around them. Who knows? They might even feel better, too!(1). What's not the possible reason why there are a lot of cars on the road?A.Because everyone likes to drive his own car to do whatever he likes.B.Because the number of trains and buses is small.C.Because many people who live in the country go to work in cars in the city.D. Because it is more convenient for people to go to places in cars than other means.(2). According to the author, which of the following is not the reason why the number of cars willbe reduced in the future?A. More people will work at home.B.Trains and buses will go to more places.C.More people will take buses and trains.D. People won't need so many cars.(3). It can be inferred from the passage that __.A.the author thinks that people who are in the city should not live in the countryB.the author thinks that there should be more trains and buses which should go to more placesC.the author wishes that the number of cars would be reduced so that there will be more room on the streets and roadsD. the authors believe that more walk does good to health(4). What does the underlined word "please" here mean?A.to goB.to meanC.to planD. to love(5). What's the writer's opinion in this passage?A. We should use more carsB.We should use fewer cars.C.We should not use carsD. We should take good care of cars.4. Long ago there was a little boy who wanted to be a soldier more than anything else in the world. His brothers and sisters playedother games while he was playing soldier. Later he went to a military (军事的) school and studied very hard. When he was less than eighteen, he became a soldier. But the small man wanted power (t权力). He wanted to tell people and nations and the whole world what to do. He kept on working and studying until he became a general in the French Army. His name was Napoleon Bonaparte, and he finally became emperor of France. He was famous as an emperor and for a while he won all the wars and became a national hero. But he was not a kind man.He could be charming (迷人的) when he wanted to be. But he was also rude and very cruel, and many people died so that he could win his wars. Napoleon did one thing that was very important to the United States. He sold a huge piece of land in North America to the Untied States and got a lot of money and he could go on fighting a war with England. And Napoleon rose to great power. Then things began to go badly for him. In June of 1815 he lost the Battle of Waterloo (滑铁卢) to England and his days of power and greatness were suddenly over.And six years later he died on a far rocky island.(1). The little boy wanted to be a soldier, so( ).A. he didn't play with his brothersB. he read a lot of military booksC. he often played soldier aloneD. he joined the army when he was young”(2). Napoleon studied hard in the military school, because ( ).A. he wants to be a generalB. he wants to get much moneyC. he hoped to win the Battle of WaterlooD. he hoped to dominate the world.(3). The French regard Napoleon as a national hero because ( ).A. he won all the wars for a whileB. he became an emperor of FranceC. he became a famous generalD. he was kind to the people(4). Napoleon sold the land to the United States in order to ( ).A. fight the war with EnglandB. make his family richerC. give some money to his peopleD. build a huge palace for himself(5). Napoleon died in ( ).A. 1815B. 1821C. 1822D. 18275.Hotlines have become common in China. Some radio broadcastingstations use hotlines to encourage the listeners to take part in the talk shows.That''s a good idea. Yet, the fact is, some people do nothing but break the whole programme. Some people know little about the topic under discussion. Sometimes they do not even know what the host (主持人) is talking about. So the host has to tell the caller what the show is about. Usually the caller will ask a few questions which express hope and show his ignorance (无知}. Then the host has to answer and explain——how silly this is! It wastes a lot of time.It seems that some people phone the hotlines in fun. They just wantto let the listeners hear them. They don''t care what the topic is, whether they themselves are interested in or how silly they appear to be.I think that it''s necessary for radio stations to improve the hotline programmes. In my opinion, if a caller doesn''t know what is going on, the operator should not let the callers take part in it.(1). The sentence "some people do nothing but break the whole programmes" may tell us that ( ).A.radio stations use hotlines in a wrong wayB.it is a factC.it is a good ideaD. some people have unclear thoughts(2). According to the passage, which of the following is not true?A.Some people do not know what the host is talking about.B.Some people know little about the topic under discussion.C.Some people do not know what the show is about.D. The writer tells us that the host is silly.(3). The host has to answer and explain ( ).A.for the host works hardB.because of the caller's ignoranceC.for the host likes talking to the callerD. because a lot of questions are raised by the caller(4). The passage doesn't tell us ( ).A.that some listeners phone the hotline in funB.that some people just want to be heard by othersC.that some people who don't care what the topic is realize that they appear to be sillyD. what the hotlines programmes are(5). The underlined word "operator" in the last sentence refers tothe ( ).A.HostB.ListenerC.DoctorD. both A and B6.One afternoon in April a year ago, I first saw the strange and appealing doll in the window of a toyshop. The shop was just around the corner from my office. I still remember how it was that day: the first sign of spring mixing with the soft coal smoke from thefactories and the street smells of the poor neighborhood.As I turned the corner on my way to office, I once more looked at the poor collection of toys in the dusty window. And then I remembered the coming birthday of my small niece in Cleveland. For years I was inthe habit of sending gifts to her. Therefore I stopped and examined the window to see if there might be anything appropriate. I looked at the collection of unappealing objects–a red toy fire engine, some lead soldiers, cheap baseballs, bottles of ink, pens, yellowed stationery (文具), and garish (俗气的) advertisements for soft-drink. And when I was about to leave because of disappointment, my eyes eventually came to the doll in one corner, a doll with the strangest, most charming expression on her face. I could not wholly make her out, due to the shadows, but I knew that a great impression had been made upon me.(1). What made an impression on the author?A. The doll’s unusual face.B.The collection of toys.C.A stranger he met at the store.D.The expressions of the doll to his niece.(2). Why does the author mention his niece?A.She likes dolls.B.The doll looks like her.C.She lives near Cleveland.D. She was looking for a gift for her.(3). The story takes place in the ( )A.early summerB.midsummerC.early springD. late spring(4). When was the story written?A.One year after the incidentB.Right after the incident.C.In the author’s old age.D. On the author’s birthday.(5). Most of the things in the store window were ( )A.expensiveB.appealingC.neatly arrangedD. unattractive答案:一、单项选择题(40分,共 40 题,每小题 1 分)1. D2. D3. A4. A5. B6. C7. D8. D9. A 10. C 11. C 12. A 13. A14. B 15. A 16. C 17. B 18. C 19. D 20. A 21. C 22. B 23. A 24. D 25.A 26. A 27.B 28. B 29. D 30.C 31.D 32. A 33. C 34. B 35. B 36. A37. C 38. B 39. C 40. A二、阅读理解单项选择题(60分,共 6 题,每小题 10 分)1.(1). C (2). B (3). A (4). A (5). C2.(1). B (2). C (3). A (4). D (5). D3.(1). B (2). D (3). C (4). D (5). B4.(1). C (2). D (3). A (4). A (5). B5.(1). D (2). D (3). B (4). D (5). A6.(1). A (2). D (3). C (4). A (5). D。
2013级护理班第二次月考试题班级学号姓名成绩1. 哪项检查最适用于糖尿病病人A.尿比重B.尿糖定性C.尿蛋白定性D.尿细胞和管型的检查2.脓尿常见于 A.肾盂肾炎 B.尿路结石 C.肾癌 D.肾炎3. 尿量明显增多尿比重低于正常可见于A.糖尿病B.尿崩症C.急性肾小球肾炎D.心力衰竭4.血管内溶血可出现 A.血尿 B.胆红素尿 C.乳糜尿 D.血红蛋白尿5.下述哪项可引起红细胞计数减少 A.高原居住 B.新生儿 C.慢性失血 D.慢性缺氧6.中性粒细胞增多常见于A.病毒性肝炎B.急性化脓性阑尾炎C.脾功能亢进D.再生障碍性贫血7.网织红细胞增多常见于A.再生障碍性贫血B.急性白血病C.慢性白血病D.溶血性贫血8.尿中蜡样管型常见于 A.慢性肾衰竭 B.慢性肾盂肾炎 C.急性肾盂肾炎 D.肾结石9.正常人尿液中可出现 A.透明管型 B.颗粒管型 C.细胞管型 D.脂肪管型10.下述哪项可引起红细胞计数增高A.中晚期妊娠B.异型输血C.慢性失血D.慢性缺氧11.尿中出现管型提示病变在 A.肾实质 B.输尿管 C.膀胱 D.尿道12.中性粒细胞核左移主要见于A.急性严重化脓菌感染B.急性出血C.恶性肿瘤D.急性一氧化碳中毒13.易引起红细胞计数增高的心脏病是A.冠心病B.高血压性心脏病C.慢性肺源性心脏病D.贫血性心脏病14.下列那种疾病不会出现管型尿A.急性肾小球肾炎B.慢性肾小球肾炎C.肾盂肾炎D.膀胱炎15.正常人昼夜尿量之比为 A.1:1 B.1:2 C.2:1 D.3~4:116.女性病人,32岁,发热、腰痛、尿频、尿痛2天,尿液外观浑浊,镜检可见白细胞(+ + + +),有白细胞管型。
最可能的是A.急性肾小球肾炎B.急性肾盂肾炎C.急性膀胱炎D.急性尿道炎E.肾病综合征17.粪便隐血试验阳性提示A.上消化道少量出血B.上消化道急性大出血C.下消化道少量出血D.下消化道大量出血18.下述哪项是检查肾小管功能的试验A.内生肌酐清除率测定B.浓缩-稀释试验C.血液尿素氮测定D.血液肌酐测定19.下述那种疾病血清丙氨酸氨基转移酶增高最明显A.急性重症肝炎B.慢性肝炎C.肝硬化D.原发性肝癌20.下述哪项不符合阻塞性黄疸的特点A.皮肤巩膜黄染B.粪便颜色呈白陶土样C. 尿胆红素阳性D.尿胆原强阳性21.24h尿蛋白定量检查其标本内应加入的防腐剂是 A.甲醛 B.甲苯 C.甲醇 D.苯甲酸22.能够较早反映肾小球功能受损的检测项目是A.内生肌酐清除率测定B.浓缩-稀释试验C.血液尿素氮测定D.尿渗量试验23.能使血清肌酐明显增高的疾病是 A.休克 B.心力衰竭C.上消化道大出血D.尿毒症24.反映肝功能损伤最灵敏的指标是 A.血清胆红素增高 B.血清清蛋白减少 C. 血清天门冬氨酸氨基转移酶增高 D.血清丙氨酸氨基转移酶增高25.血清甲胎蛋白持续阳性对哪种疾病诊断意义最大A.肝炎B.肝硬化C.原发性肝细胞癌D.原发性胆管细胞癌26.抗-HBS单项阳性的意义哪项错误A.曾感染过乙肝病毒 B. 是机体对乙肝病毒产生免疫力的标志C.接种过乙肝疫苗 D.乙肝病毒正在体内大量复制27.血、尿淀粉酶增高最明显的疾病是A.急性胰腺炎B.慢性胰腺炎C.急性肝炎D.消化性溃疡28有关地西泮的叙述,错误的是A口服吸收迅速而安全B肌注吸收慢而不规则C 青光眼及重症肌无力者禁用D为迅速显效,静脉速度应快29关于水合氯醛的叙述,错误的是A有镇静催眠作用B有抗癫痫作用C有抗惊厥作用D久用无成瘾性30具有镇静催眠抗惊厥和抗癫痫作用的药物是A苯巴比妥B硫喷妥钠C司可巴比妥D异戊巴比妥31下列何药不属于苯二氮卓类A艾司唑仑B地西泮C水合氯醛D奥沙西泮32苯妥英钠的应用不包括A局限性发作B癫痫大发作首选C治疗外周神经痛D抗惊厥33不属于苯妥英钠的不良反应的是A局部刺激性强B齿龈增生C共济失调D嗜睡34癫痫持续状态应首选下列哪种药物A苯妥英钠B苯巴比妥C扑痫酮D地西泮35氯丙嗪对哪种精神失常疗效较好/A 躁狂症B 抑郁症C 精神分裂症D 焦虑症36氯丙嗪引起的直立性低血压宜用下列何药来纠正A 肾上腺素B 去甲肾上腺素C 尼可刹米D 东莨菪碱37 下列哪种抗精神病药几乎无椎体外系反应A 氯丙嗪B 奋乃静C 五氟利多D 氯氮平38治疗躁狂症应选用A 氯普噻吨B 碳酸锂C 丙咪嗪D 阿米替林39 吗啡可用于治疗A分娩止痛B感染性腹泻C心源性哮喘D心律失常40慢性钝痛不宜用吗啡治疗的主要原因是A对钝痛疗效差B镇痛,镇静,抑制呼吸C可引起体位性低血压D久用易成瘾41喷他佐辛的特点是A无呼吸抑制作用B可引起体位性低血压C成瘾性很小,不属于麻醉药品D镇痛作用很强E无止泻作用42胆绞痛应首选A哌替啶+阿托品B吗啡C哌替啶D罗通定43吗啡中毒致死的主要原因是A昏睡B震颤C呼吸麻痹D血压降低44下列哪个药物可用于人工冬眠A吗啡B美沙酮C哌替啶D芬太尼45 对哌替啶的描述,错误的是A用于创伤性剧痛B用于内脏绞痛C用于晚期癌症疼痛D用于关节痛46对哌替啶临床应用的叙述,错误的是A可用于麻醉前给药B可用于支气管哮喘C可代替吗啡用于各种剧痛D可与氯丙嗪,异丙嗪组成冬眠合剂47 解热镇痛药解热作用的特点是A 能降低正常人体温B 仅能降低发热病人的体温C 既能降低正常人体温又能降低发热病人体温D 解热作用受环境温度的影响明显48 阿司匹林的镇痛作用机制是A 兴奋中枢阿片受体B 抑制痛觉中枢C 抑制外周PG合成D 阻断中枢的阿片受体49 下列药物中无抗炎,抗风湿作用的是A 阿司匹林B 对乙酰氨基酚C 吲哚美辛D 布洛芬50 阿司匹林不适用于、A 缓解胆绞痛B 缓解关节痛C 神经痛D 牙痛51阿司匹林的临床应用不包括下列哪项A 预防脑血栓形成B 治疗感冒引起的头痛C 治疗风湿性关节炎D 支气管哮喘52为减轻阿司匹林对胃的刺激,可采取A 餐后服药或同服抗酸药B 餐前服药C 餐前服药或同服抗酸药D 合成乳酶生53治疗过敏性休克首选药物是A、肾上腺素B、去甲肾上腺素C、多巴胺D、麻黄碱54.为昏迷病人留置胃管应采用的最佳体位是:A.坐位B.平卧位C.左侧卧位D.去枕平卧位55.女性,50岁,患急性扁桃体炎来门诊治疗。
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A 卷(100分)
1.一个数加上-12得-5,那么这个数为( )
2.在-(-2)、|-1|、-|0|,-22,(-3)2,-(-4)5中正数有( ) A.1个 B.2个 C.3个 D.4个
3.下列结论正确的是( )
5的倒数 B.|-2|=-2 C.任何一个有理数的偶次方都是非负数 D.-3>3
4.某天股票A 开盘价18元,上午11:30跌1.5元,下午收盘时又涨了0.3元,则股票A 这天收盘价是( )
D.18元 5.下列各对数中,互为倒数的是( )
A. 5和-5
B. 2和-2
C. -1和-1
D. 0.01和10 6. a -2的相反数是( ):
A a +2
B -a -2
C -a +2
D -|a -2| 7.下面关于0的说法正确的是( ):
①是整数,也是有理数 ②是正数,不是负数 ③不是整数,是有理数 ④是整数,也是自然数 8.大于-1999而小于2000的所有整数的和是( )A .-1999
B .-1998
C .1999
D .20009.一个数的倒数等于它本身的数是( )A .1
B .1-
C .±1
D .010.下列计算正确的是( )
A .2(4)16--=
B .2
(4)16-= C .3
32233⎛⎫-=- ⎪⎝⎭
D .()2
1. -[-(+4
1)]= 2. -0.25的倒数是 3.
3-的相反数是 。
姓名:________________ 班级:______________ 学号:
---------------------------- 订----------------------------------------- 线----------------------------------------------------
8.一盒牛奶超出标准质量2克,记作+2,则-3克表示 .9.有理数3,+7.5,-0.3,25
中,非负数有 .10.在数轴上距2.5有3.5个单位长度的点所表示的数是
2.5(40)-⨯-; (2)10.33(100)3⎛⎫
-⨯-⨯- ⎪⎝⎭
(3) 121)]41()32[()3(2
÷-+---; (4) 42)2(|4
-⨯-⨯; (2)1
1.某数的30%与-334 的和是-31
5 的倒数,求某数
2. 在数轴上表示下列各数,并把这些数用“<”号连接起来.|4|--,2
- ⎪⎝⎭
B 卷(50分)
1. 已知x 的倒数为5,y 的相反数为2,求代数式(4x 2
4 )÷y 2的值.
2. ])()()[(])([323222332241
3. 工商部门抽样检查A,B 两批食品罐头,各抽6听检查重量是否符合标
求A 批样品比B 批样品平均每听重
4.已知(a +1)2+(2b -3)2+1-c =0,求c ab 3+b
c a -的值。
5.已知a 、b 、c 在数轴上的位置如 图所示,求代数式|a|-|a+b|+|c -a|+|b -c|