-]?ɑ:nsanswer[', '?n符合;回答vt.vi.符合;回答答案;回答;答辩n.
ant[?nt] n.蚂蚁
bag [b?ɡ]n.袋;猎获物;(俚)一瓶啤酒;vt.猎获;把…装入袋中;[口]占据,私吞;使膨大;vi.松垂
banana [b?'nɑ:n?, -'n?-]n.香蕉;喜剧演员;大鹰钩鼻
brother['br?e?]n.兄弟;战友;同事int. [俚]我的老兄!
aunt[ɑ:nt, ?nt]n.伯母;阿姨;舅妈;姑妈
auntie['ɑ:nti, '?n-]
aunty['ɑ:nti, '?n-]n.阿姨;舅妈,伯母
大运英语词汇竞赛单词表1严禁倚靠No Leaning2严禁攀折No Picking3禁止游泳No Swimming4请遵守场内秩序Please Keep Order5请勿打扰Do Not Disturb6当日使用,逾期作废Use on Day of Issue Only7凭票入场Ticket Holders Only8票已售完Sold Out9禁止停车/禁止停放车辆No Parking10禁止吸烟/请勿吸烟No Smoking11暂停服务/临时关闭Service Suspended/ Temporarily Closed 12请勿使用闪光灯No Flash13请在此等候Wait Here14请勿摄像/请勿摄影No Filming/ No Video15请勿拍照No Photography16出口/安全出口/安全门/太平门/安全通道EXIT17入口ENTRANCE18出口方向Way Out19入口方向Way In20谢绝参观/游客止步No Admittance/ Out of Bounds21禁止挟带的物品Restricted Articles22违禁物品Contraband23服务中心Service Center24 志愿者服务中心V olunteers Service Center25咨询服务中心Information Center26 无障碍设施Wheelchair Accessible27小件寄存处Cloakroom/ Luggage Deposit28货币兑换Currency Exchange29 明斯克航母世界Minsk Aircraft Carrier World30仙湖植物园Shenzhen Fairylake Botanical Garden31银湖旅游中心Shenzhen Silver Lake Resort32 红树林自然保护区Mangrove Natural Reserve33 莲花山Lianhua Mountain34 东部华侨城OCT East35 欢乐谷Happy Valley Theme Park36锦绣中华Splendid China37 中国民俗文化村China Folk Culture Villages38 深南大道Shennan Avenue39梧桐山Wutong Mountain40深圳市会展中心Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center41 禁坐栏杆No Sitting on the Handrail42 小心轻放Handle with Care43 请勿外带食品No Food from Outside44 易碎Fragile45 报警指示牌Police Alarm46 消防指示牌Fire Alarm47 请在此处开票Get Your Invoice Here48 单号入口Odd Numbers Entrance49 双号入口Even Numbers Entrance50 营业时间Open Hours/ Business Hours51 场馆示意图Map/ Sketch Map52 票务室Ticket Office/ Tickets53 桑拿浴房Sauna54 更衣室Locker Room55淋浴室Shower Room56 按摩室Massage Room57 医务室Clinic58 贵宾休息室/贵宾厅VIP Lounge59 力量训练房Strength Training Gymnasium60 运动员休息室Athletes' Lounge61 记者休息室Press Lounge/ Media Lounge62 运动员席Athletes' Seats/ Athletes' Box63 新闻发布厅Press Conference Hall/ Media Conference Hall 64新闻办公室Press Office/ Media Office65 文字记者席Press Seats/ Press Box66 电视评论席TV Commentators67 播音室Broadcasting Room68 广播席Radio Commentators69 摄影记者区Photo Zone/ Pool Positions70 兴奋剂检查室Doping Control Room71 场地器材室Venue Equipment Room72 竞赛办公室Competition Office73 技术代表室Technical Delegates' Office74 裁判员室Referees' Office75 仲裁办公室Jury's Office76 公告栏Notice Board77 吸烟处Smoking Area78 运动员专用通道Athletes Only79 残疾人专用通道Wheelchair Accessible80 观众通道For Spectators81 检录处Call Room/ Call Area82 观众席Spectator Seats83 贵宾席VIP Box84 主席台Rostrum85 等候区Waiting Area86 残疾人(无障碍)观众席Seats for Disabled87 计时控制室Timing Control Room88 公共广播系统PA (Public Address/ Announcement System)89 运营区/场馆工作区BOH (Back of House)90 通行区/场馆公众区FOH (Front of House)91市体育局Shenzhen Municipal Sports Bureau92大运中心主场馆Universiade Main Venues93深圳体育馆Shenzhen Gymnasium94深圳市网球中心Shenzhen Tennis Center95深圳游泳跳水馆Shenzhen Natatorium96深圳体育场Shenzhen Stadium97深圳射击馆Shenzhen Shooting Range Hall98罗湖区体育馆Luohu District Gymnasium99主席President100副主席Vice-President101 执行主席Executive President102 执行副主席Executive Vice-President103 执行委员Member of the Executive Board104总干事Director General105秘书长Secretary General106 副秘书长Vice-Secretary General107教练员Coach108运动健将Master Sportsman109运动员Athlete110 国家级裁判员National Level Referee/ Umpire/ Judge 111 一级裁判员First-grade Referee112 二级裁判员Second-grade Referee113三级裁判员Third-grade Referee114 工作人员Staff115 受薪人员Paid Staff116 合同商工作人员Contractor117 志愿者Volunteer118 借用人员Loaned Staff119 联络员Liaison Officer120 巡边人员Linesman121 保洁人员Cleaner122 足球场Football Field123 羽毛球场Badminton Court124 网球场Tennis Court125 手球场Handball Court126 乒乓球台Table Tennis Table127 排球场Volleyball Court128 沙滩排球场Beach V olleyball Ground129 棒球场Baseball Field130 垒球场Softball Field131 篮球场Basketball Court132 田径场Track & Field Stadium133 U型池Pool U134 山地自行车赛道Mountain Bike Trails135 山地自行车场Mountain Bike Course136 公路自行车赛场Cycling Course137射击场Shooting Range138 射箭场Archery Field139 帆船中心Sailing Center140 游泳池Swimming Pool141 跳板Spring Board/ Diving Board142 跳台Diving Platfor143 居住区Residential Zone (RZ)144 大运村综合诊所Village Polyclinic145 团队办公室Team Office146 运动员公寓Athlete Apartment147 车检点Vehicle Control Point (VCP)148 媒体村Media Village149 人员进驻Move in150兴奋剂检查Doping Control151反兴奋剂Anti-Doping152禁用清单Prohibited List153 世界反兴奋剂组织World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) 154 血样Blood Sample155 样品传送Sample Transportation156 急救包First Aid Kit157 理疗师Physiotherapist158 医疗设施Medical Facility159 医疗卫生人员Medical Staff160 医疗用品Medical Supplies161 运动员医疗站Medical Station for Athletes162 隔离检疫Quarantine Isolation163 国际联络International Relations164 语言服务Language Service165 笔译员Translator166 多语言服务总机Multilingual Switchboard167 工作语言Working Language168官方语言Official Language169交替传译Consecutive Interpretation170 口译员Interpreter171 同声传译Simultaneous Interpretation172 志愿者协调员V olunteer Coordinator173 礼宾Protocol174 场馆礼宾Venue Protocol175 旗杆Flagpole176 随行人员Entourage177 招待酒会Reception178 票务Ticketing179 订票处Booking Office180 换票Ticket Exchange181 检票区Ticket Rip Area (TRA)182 热敏票Thermal Tickets183 软验票Ticket Soft Check (TSC)184 售票系统Ticketing System185 退票Ticket Refund186 验票点Ticket Check Point (TCP)187 在线售票On-line Ticket Sales188 主票务中心Main Ticketing Center (MTC) 189 志愿者Volunteer190 城市志愿者City V olunteers s191 骨干志愿者Core V olunteers192 关键岗位志愿者V olunteers on Key Positions 193 技术志愿者Technical V olunteers194 赛会志愿者Games-time V olunteers195 社会志愿者Social V olunteers196 体育志愿者Sport Volunteers197 通用志愿者V olunteers on General Positions 198 岗位培训Job Training199 商业伙伴Commercial Partner200 招募Recruitment201 检票Ticket Taking202 路障Barricade203 轮班Shift204 失物招领Lost & Found205 信息亭Information Booth206颁奖台Podium207 颁奖仪式Victory Ceremony (VC)208 国歌National Anthem209 国家或地区旗帜Flag210获奖运动员Medalist211 嘉宾引导员Presenter(s) Escort212 奖牌Medal213奖牌挂带Ribbon214 金牌Gold Medal215升旗手、护旗手Flag-bearer216铜牌Bronze Medal217安保Security218 当地媒体Local Press219 发言人Spokesperson220 海外电视转播Overseas TV Transmission221 互联网服务Internet Services222 黄金时段报道Prime-time Coverage223 记者Journalist224 交互媒体Interactive Media225 媒体报道Media Coverage226 “一站式”服务“One-stop”Service227 媒体关系协调人Media Relations Coordinator 228摄影记者Photographer229 数字媒体平台Digital Media Platform230 数字转播系统Digital Broadcasting System 231 特约记者Special Correspondent232 体育编辑Sports Editor233 体育播报Sports Broadcasting234 体育广播员Sportscaster235 体育记者Sportswriter236 体育评论员Sport Commentator237 体育赛事Sports Event238 体育专栏作家Sports Columnist239 危机处理Crisis Management240 卫星传输Satellite Transmission241 卫星频道Satellite Channel242 卫星终端站Satellite Terminal243 文字记者工作间Press Workroom244 现场(实况)转播Live Transmission245 现场直播频道Live Broadcasting Channel246 新闻发布会Press Conference247 移动通信Mobile Communication248 移动通信服务Mobile Communication Services 249 有线电视Cable Television (CA TV)250 支持服务人员Support Staff251 主新闻中心Main Press Center (MPC)252 主转播商Host Broadcaster253 专项摄影记者Sport-specific Photographer 254 专项体育记者Sport-specific Journalist255半决赛Semi-final256抽签Draw257 代表队Delegation/ Team258 代表团团长Chef De Mission259 第二轮Second Round260 第二名Second Place261 复赛Repechage262 个人比赛Individual Competition263 个人淘汰赛Individual Elimination264 个人项目Individual Event265 计时排位赛Seeding Phase266 技术代表Technical Delegate (TD)267 技术官员Technical Official (TO)268 技术支持Technology Helpdesk269 晋级Advance270 径赛Track Events271 竞赛日程Competition Schedule272 决赛Final273 决赛成绩Final Result274 每场比赛时间Match Duration275 名次Ranking276 抗议与申诉Protests & Appeals277 热身场地Warm-up Area278 赛制Competition System279 三、四名决赛Play-off for Third Place280 三局两胜The Best of Three Games281 四分之一决赛Quarterfinal282 随队官员Team Official283 替补运动员Reserve Athletes/ Alternate Athletes 284 田赛Field Events285 团体比赛项目Team Events286团体赛Team Competition287 无效赛事Invalid Events288 预赛Preliminary289 运动员资格认定书Eligibility Condition Form 290 资格赛Qualification Events291长跑比赛Long Distance Race292 短跑Sprint293田径Athletics294跳高High Jump295跳远Long Jump296 掷标枪Javelin Throw297 掷铁饼Discus Throw298 推铅球Shot Put299羽毛球(项目)Badminton300竞技体操Artistic Gymnastics301沙滩排球Beach V olleyball302艺术体操Rhythmic Gymnastics303水球Water Polo304篮球Basketball305跆拳道Taekwondo306跳水Diving307帆船帆板Sailing308击剑Fencing309乒乓球Table Tennis310举重Weightlifting311自行车Cycling312游泳Swimming313柔道Judo314高尔夫Golf315足球Football316田径Athletics317射击shooting318排球Volleyball319国际象棋Chess320羽毛球Badminton321健美操Aerobics322网球Tennis323射箭Archery324深圳市文化局Shenzhen Municipal Culture Bureau 325 深圳报业集团Shenzhen Press Group326 深圳广播电影电视集团Shenzhen Media Group 327 科学馆Science Museum328少年宫Children's Palace329虚拟大学城Virtual University Town330大芬油画村Dafen Oil Painting Village331开幕式Opening Ceremony332发言人Spokesman333 新闻发布官Press Officer334 通讯员Correspondent335 新闻分析员News Analyst336 安全疏散指示图/紧急疏散指示图Evacuation Chart 337自然保护区Natural Reserve338 风景区Scenic Spot339 度假旅游区、度假村Holiday Resort340疗养地Health Resort/ Spa/ Health Spa341旅游休假地Tourist Resort342 内地休养、度假地Inland Resort343国家A级景区A-level National Scenic Spot344餐饮服务部Food & Beverages345导览册Guide Book346旅行社Travel Agency347深圳游泳跳水馆Shenzhen Natatorium348大运中心主场馆Universiade Main Venues349降水量Precipitation350 空气质量Air Quality351汽车尾气排放Vehicle Exhaust352日平均气温Daily Average Air Temperature353临建场馆Temporary Venue354现有场馆Existing Venue355新建场馆Newly-built Venue356车辆配备Allocated Vehicles357交通应急指挥中心Traffic Contingency Control Center 358交通影响Transport Impact359专项直达专线客车Dedicated & Direct Shuttle360专用通道Dedicated Passageway361备用车辆Backup Vehicle362 备用路线Reserved Route363城市主干道Artery364道路堵塞情况Road Congestion365低排放燃料Low Emission Fuel366公共交通Public Transport367临时停车限制Temporary Parking368交通控制区Traffic Control Zone369交通流量Traffic V olume370交通信号Traffic Signal371自动售检票系统Automatic Fare Collection372大运会运行中心Village Operation Center373主入口Main Entry374抵达和离开(抵离)Arrival & Departure (A & D) 375住宿Accommodation (ACM)376预留坐席Reserved Seats377安检Security Check378 度假旅游区、度假村Holiday Resort379 疗养地Health Resort/ Spa/ Health Spa380旅游休假地Tourist Resort381 度假地Vacation Spot382 旅行营地Travel Camp383 汽车营地和旅游公园Caravan & Tourist Parks384 野营地Camp Ground/ Camp Site/ Caravan Park385 宿营地Camp Ground/ Campsite386 海滩度假村Beach Resort387 度假城镇Resort Town/ Resort Community388 滑雪旅游点Skiing Resort389民俗村Ethnic Village390 人造景观Man-made Tourist Site391 海滩Beach392 海水浴场Bathing Beach393 水上公园Water Park394 公园、花园与自然保护区Parks, Gardens & Reserve 395 植物园Botanic Garden396 动物园Zoo397 水族馆Aquarium398 航海博物馆Maritime Museum399 天文馆Observatory400 古文化遗址Historical Cultural Site401 古迹Historical Site402 古建筑Historical Buildings403 娱乐中心Amusement Center404 历史纪念物Historical Monuments405 纪念堂Memorial Hall406 故居Former Residence407 博物馆Museum408 艺术博物馆Art Museum409 美术馆Art Gallery410名胜Sights/ Attractions411 遗址Historic Relics/ Historic Sites412 野生动物保护区Wildlife Reserve413 森林保护区Forest Preserve414 国家公园National Park415 宫、院Palace416 亭、阁Pavilion417 寺Monastery (Temple)418 牌楼Memorial Archway419 桥Bridge420 牌坊Memorial Gateway421 庙Temple422 四合院Courtyard Dwellings423 钟鼓楼Bell Tower & Drum Tower424 清真寺Mosque425 教堂Church426 犹太教会堂Synagogues427 女修道院Convents428 皇家陵园Imperial Cemetery429 佛堂Buddhist Worship Hall/ Sanctuary430 祠堂Ancestral Temple431 城隍庙Town God Temple432 游船Sightseeing Boat433 索道Cableway434 缆车Cable Car435 拱桥Arch Bridge436 游乐场/游乐园Amusement Park437 儿童游乐场/儿童乐园Children's Playground438 瀑布Waterfall439 步行街Pedestrian Street440 公园Park441 主题公园Theme Park442 森林公园Forest Park443 湿地公园Wetland Park444 儿童公园Children's Park445 街区公园Community Park446 纪念馆Memorial / Memorial Museum447 展览馆/陈列馆Exhibition Hall/ Exhibition Center448 美术馆/艺术馆Museum of fine Art/ Museum of Art 449 科技馆Science & Technology Hall450 世界文化遗产World Cultural Heritage451 标志性建筑物Landmark452 露天剧场Open-air Theater453 露天影院Drive-in Movie454 定点饭店、旅馆Certified Restaurant/ Hotel for Tourism 455 咖啡馆、餐馆Café/ Coffee Shop456 星级饭店Star-grade Hotel457 百货商店Department Store458 自然景观Natural Attraction459 温泉Hot Spring460 假山Rockery/ Artificial Rockwork461 水塘Pond462 火山V olcano463 热带植物园Tropical Plants Garden464 地质景观Geological Landscape465 植物景观Plants Landscape/ Flora Landscape466 江河湖泊Rivers & Lakes467 水池Pool468 洞穴Cave469 峡谷Valley470 戏曲Traditional Opera471 戏剧脸谱Theatrical Mask472 京剧Peking Opera473 功夫Kung Fu474 拳术Chinese Boxing475 毛笔Writing Brush476 书法Calligraphy477 灯笼Lantern478 爆竹Firecracker479 舞狮Lion Dance480 舞龙Dragon Dance481 杂耍Variety Show482 灯会Exhibit of Lanterns483 气功Controlled Breathing Exercise484 农历Lunar Calendar485 阳历Solar Calendar486 地王观光Meridian View Center487 赛格观光SEG Plaza488 野生动物园Shenzhen Wildlife Park489 青青世界Evergreen Resort490海上田园Shenzhen Waterlands491笔架山公园Bijiashan Park492 锦绣中华Splendid China493中国民俗文化村China Folk Culture Villages494香格里拉大酒店Shangri-La Hotel495 圣廷苑酒店The Pavilion496格兰云天大酒店Shenzhen Grand Skylight Hotel497 深圳画院Shenzhen Fine Art Institute498 科学馆Science Museum499 深圳书城Shenzhen Book Mall500 深圳戏院Shenzhen Theatre501 深圳大剧院Shenzhen Grand Theatre502 深圳市工人文化宫Shenzhen Worker’s Cul tural Palace503 深圳图书馆Shenzhen Library504 嘉禾深圳影城Golden Harvest Shenzhen Cinemas505 深圳卫视Shenzhen Satellite TV506 深圳特区报Shenzhen Special Zone Daily507 深圳商报Shenzhen Economic Daily508 深圳晚报Shenzhen Evening News509 晶报Daily Sunshine510 深圳书城中心城Shenzhen CBD Book Mall511 深圳水贝珠宝项链街区Shenzhen Shuibei Jewelry & Necklace Street 512 观澜版画原创产业基地Guanlan Woodcut Originality Industrial Base 513 女主角Heroine514男主角Hero515 女配角Supporting Actress516 男配角Supporting Actor517 编导Director518 制作人Producer519 美术指导Art Director520 平面设计师Graphic Artist521 布景设计师Scenic Designer522 服装设计师Costume Designer523音乐家Musician524 歌唱家Singer/V ocalist/Songster525 作曲家Composer526 器乐家Instrumentalist527 钢琴家Pianist528 伴奏家Accompanist529 小提琴手Violinist530 吉他手Guitarist531 男高音Tenor532 女高音Soprano533 女中音Mezzo Soprano534 女低音Alto535 鼓手Drummer536 社长President537 发行人Publisher538 督印人Publishing Supervisor539编辑Editor540 助理编辑、整理来稿编辑Assistant Editor541 总编辑Editor-in-chief542 主编、编辑主任Managing Editor543 副主编Associate Managing Editor/ Deputy Managing Editor 544 执行编辑Executive Editor545 高级编辑Senior Editor546 特约编辑Contributing Editor547 责任编辑Responsible Editor548 新闻编辑News Editor549 版面编辑Lay-out Editor550 副刊编辑Supplement Editor551 地方版编辑City Editor552 社论编辑Lead-writer553 电讯编辑Telegraph Editor/ Cable Editor554 图片编辑Picture Editor555 快速路Expressway556 快速通道Express Entry557 路线标识Route Signage558 媒体专用车辆Media Allocated Vehicle559 内部班车Internal Shuttle Bus560派送单Delivery Order561 一卡通Smart Card/ Intelligence Card562 主要街道Main Street563 注册车辆Accredited Vehicle564专用停车位Allocated Parking Space565 自动售检票系统Automatic Fare Collection566 物流Logistics567 物流服务Logistics Service568 采购订单Purchase Order569 采购方式Procurement Method570 采购小组Buying Team571 采购中介代理Procurement Agent572 仓库管理系统Warehouse Management System (WMS)573 分散采购Decentralized Procurement574 货物入库通知Goods Received Advice (GRA)575 集中采购Centralized Procurement576 举办城市交通供给Host City Transport Supply577 配送计划Delivery Schedule578 物流中心Logistics Center579 夜间航班Night Flight580 载货清单Driver Manifest (DM)581 暂停区Staging Area582 站点管理Depot Management583 支路Branch Road584 直达以及专用交通服务Direct & Dedicated Transport Service 585 指路标识Way-finding Signage586 智能交通系统Intelligent Traffic System587 中心区Center Zone588 中型客车Mini-bus589 主干路Trunk Road590 专业司机Professional Driver591 专用车辆Allocated Vehicle592 专用轿车Dedicated Car593 专职司机Full-time Driver594 装箱单Packing Slip (PGS)595 资产管理系统Assets Management System (AMS)596华润万象城.. The MIXc597金光华购物广场.. Kingglory Plaza598地王商场.. Di Wang Commercial Center599西武百货.. Seibu Department Store600友谊名店.. Friendship Department Store601吉之岛.. JUSCO602家乐福.. Carrefour603沃尔玛.. Walmart604华润万家.. Vanguard605赛格电子市场.. Seg Electronics Market606华强电子市场.. Huaqiang Electronics Market607白马服装市场.. White Horse Clothing Market608西华宫购物中心.. Huaxigong Shopping Center609罗湖商业城.. Luohu Shopping Mall610酒吧台Bar Counter611 茶盘Tea Tray612 酒吧椅、酒吧凳Bar Chair/ Stool613 桌台Tables614 小水池Washing Basin615 开瓶钻Corkscrew616 侍者用开瓶器Wine Waiter Corkscrew 617 削冰器Ice Shaver618 调酒器Strainer619 柠檬挤汁器Cocktail Squeezer620 果汁挤压器Juice Extractor621 电动搅拌器Electric Blender622 鸡尾酒摇樽Cocktail Shaker623 开瓶器Bottle Opener624 制冰块机Ice Making Machine/ Ice Maker 625 冰块压碎机Ice Crusher626 碎冰器Ice Breaker627 水壶Water Jug628 香槟桶Champagne Bucket629 小冰桶Ice Bucket630 冰块夹Ice Tongs631 冰勺Ice Scoop632 长匙Bar Spoon633 长叉Bar Fork634 小刀Knife635 吸管Straws636 调酒标Mixing Glass637 混合酒调酒棒Swizzle Stick638 潘趣钵Punch Bowl639 各式酒杯Bar Glasses640 杯垫Coaster641 托酒盘Tray for Drinks642 玻璃小碟Glass Saucer643 五味酒盆及勺Punch Bowl & Ladles 644 红酒篮Wine Basket645 牙签筒Toothpick Holder646 糖缸Sugar Bowls647 烟灰缸Ashtray648 案板Cutting Board649 菜单架Menu-holder650 烛台Candlestick651 纸巾Paper Towel652 玻璃酒具Glassware653 酒杯Glass654 鸡尾酒杯Cocktail Glass655 香槟酒杯Champagne Glass656 潘趣酒杯Punch Glass657 白兰地酒杯Brandy Glass658 白兰地小酒杯Brandy Snifter659 甜酒杯Liqueur Glass660 高脚杯Water Goblet661 水果杯Fruit Cup662 咖啡杯Coffee Cup663 果汁杯Juice Glass664 水杯Water Tumbler665 啤酒杯、扎Beer Mug666 清洁用具Cleaning Equipment667 茶具Tea Set668 茶罐Caddy669 茶壶Tea-pot670 冰粒供应Ice Supplies671 鲜橙Orange672 鲜柠檬Lemon673 橘子水Orangeade674 柠檬水Lemonade675 金姜饮Gingerale676 蜂蜜水Hydromel677 苏打水Soda Water/ Carbonated Water 678 矿泉水Mineral Water679 饮用水Drinking Water680 冰水Ice Water681 悬钩子汁冰水Raspberry Sorbet682 蒸馏水Distilled Water683 干姜水Ginger Ale684 各种汽水Fizzy Mineral Water685 含香料的汽水(美)Soda Pop686 汽水Aerated Water/ Soda Water687 橘子汽水Orange Pop688 橙汁汽水Orangeade/ Orange Squash 689 柠檬汁汽水Lemon Squash690 七喜柠檬汽水Seven-up/ 7-up691 果汁粉Drink Mix692 番茄汁Tomato Juice693 葡萄汁Grape Juice694 西柚汁Grapefruit Juice695 菠萝汁Pineapple Juice696 柠檬汁Lemon Juice697 酸橙汁Lime Juice698 白糖浆White Sugar Syrup699 石榴糖浆Grenadine700 蜂蜜Honey701 红必打士Angostura Bitters702 橙必打士Orange Bitters703 热饮Hot Drink704 冷饮Cold Drink705 冰冻饮料Iced Drink706 清凉饮料Cooling Drink707 软饮料Soft Drink708 瓶装饮料Bottled Drink709 果茶、美味饮料Nectar710 水果混合饮料Fruit Punch711 茶Tea712 红茶Black Tea/ Red Tea713 绿茶Green Tea714 花茶Scented Tea715 柠檬茶Lemon Tea/ Tea with Lemon 716 茉莉花茶Jasmine Tea717 乌龙茶Oolong Tea718 玫瑰花茶Rose Tea719 菊花茶Chrysanthemum Tea710 水仙茶Narcissus Tea711 杏仁茶Almond Tea712 麦芽茶Malt Tea713 大麦茶Baked Barley Tea714 薄荷茶Mint Tea715 凉药茶、苦茶Herbal Tea/ Bitter Tea 716 冬瓜茶White Gourd Tea717 牛茶Beef Tea718 人参茶Ginseng Tea719 药草茶Herbal Tea720 银杏茶Ginko Leave Tea721 功夫茶Congou722 酥油茶Yak Butter Tea723 白毫(高级红茶)Pekoe724 小种红茶Souchong725 铁观音Tie-guan-yin726 龙井茶Long-jing/ Dragon Well Tea 727 普洱茶Pu’er Tea728 热巧克力茶Hot Chocolate729 速溶茶Instant Tea730 砖茶Brick Tea731 浓茶Strong Tea732 淡茶Weak Tea733 红果汁Haw Juice734 芒果汁Mango Juice735 桃汁Peach Juice736 酸枣汁Wild Jujube Juice737 柚子汁Grapefruit Juice738 酸梅汁Plum Juice739 樱桃汁Cherry Juice740 草莓汁Strawberry Juice741 桑椹汁Mulberry Juice742 甘蔗汁Sugar-cane Juice743 苹果汁Cider744 梨汁Pear Juice745 西瓜汁Watermelon Juice746 橘子汁Orange Juice747 木瓜汁Papaya Juice748 椰子汁Coconut Mild749 猕猴桃汁Kiwi Fruit Juice 750 天然果汁Fruit Juice751 芦笋汁Asparagus Juice752 蔬菜汁Vegetable Juice753 果子露Sherbet754 杏仁露Syrup of Almond755 柠檬露Lemon Syrup756 葡萄露Grape Syrup757 玫瑰露Rose Syrup758 酸梅汤Syrup of Plum759 可口可乐Coca-cola/ Coke 760 百事可乐Pepsi-cola761 无糖百事可乐Diet Pepsi762 咖啡Coffee763 牛奶咖啡White Coffee764 无奶咖啡Black Coffee765 速溶咖啡Instant Coffee766 冰咖啡Iced Coffee767 无咖啡因的咖啡Decaffeinated 768 蒸汽煮的浓咖啡Espresso 769 餐后饮用的浓咖啡Demitasse 770 泡腾咖啡Cappuccino771 可可Cocoa772 速溶可可Instant Cocoa Drink 773 牛奶Milk774 热牛奶Warm Milk775 冷牛奶Cold Milk776 冰牛奶Ice Milk777 酸奶Yogurt778 巧克力奶Chocolate Milk779 羊奶Goat Milk780 马奶Mare’s Milk781 奶雪、冰奶蛋Milk Shake782 炼乳Condensed Milk783 无糖炼乳Evaporated Milk784 奶粉Powdered Milk785 速溶奶粉Instant Milk786 全脂奶粉Whole Milk787 脱脂奶粉Skimmed Milk788 麦乳精Malted Milk789 豆浆Soybean Milk790 冰棍Ice-lolly/ Popsicle (美)791 冰块Ice-cubes792 米饭Rice793 煮饭Cooked Rice794 蒸饭Steamed Rice795 炒饭Fried Rice796 菜饭Vegetable Rice797 蛋炒饭Fried Rice with Eggs798 扬州炒饭Fried Rice with Eggs & Prawns799 虾仁炒饭Fried Rice with Shrimps800 盖浇饭Rice Served with Meat & Vegetables801 什锦烩饭Mix-meat Risotto802 八宝饭Eight-treasure Rice Pudding803 鸡汤泡饭Shredded Chicken with Rice in Soup804 肠粉Rice Noodle Roll805 米粉、米线Rice-Noodles806 炒米粉Soft Cooked Rice Noodles807 干炒牛河Dry Fried Rice Noodle with Beef808 馒头Steamed Bread809 炸馒头Deep Fried Steamed Bread810 烤馒头Baked Steamed Bread811 花卷Steamed Roll/ Steamed Twisted Roll812 包子Steamed Stuffed Bun813 菜包Green Vegetable Bun814 肉包子Meat Bun815 水晶包Steamed Bun with Sugar & Pork Fat816 豆沙包Crushed Bean Bun817 糖包Steamed Bun with Sugar Stuffing818 叉烧包Steamed Bun Filled with Roast Pork/ Car Bonado Bun819 小笼包子Small Steamed Meat Bun/ Small Steamed Meat Dumpling 820 烧卖Shaomai/ Steamed Dumpling with the Dough Gathered at the Top 821 蟹黄烧卖Crab Shaomai822 窝窝头Steamed Corn Bread823 玉米饽饽Flapjack824 菠菜豆腐汤Spinach & Bean Curd Soup825 蛋花汤Egg Drop Soup826 乌鱼蛋汤Squid Egg Soup827 燕窝汤Bird’s Nest Soup828 粟米羹Sweet Maize Potage829 西湖牛肉羹Thick Soup of Minced Beef & Egg830 蟹黄豆腐羹Bean Curd & Crab-meat Soup831 烙饼Flapjack832 酸辣汤Sour & Chilli Soup/ Sour & Hot Soup/ Sour-peppery Soup 833 番茄汤Tomato Soup834 豌豆汤Pea Soup835 馅饼Meat Pie836 酥饼Shortcake837 烧饼、火烧Baked Wheat Cake838 葱油饼Green Onion Pie839 荷叶饼Lotus-leaf Pancake840 千层饼Multi-layer Steamed Bread841 煎饼Pan Cake with Deep Fried Dough Cake & Soy Sauce Stuffing 842 油饼Deep-fried Dough Cake843 油条Twisted Cruller/ Deep-fried Twisted Dough Sticks844 锅贴Fried Dumpling845 蒸饺Steamed Dumpling846 猪肉水饺Boiled Pork Dumpling847 虾饺Shrimp Dumpling848 馄饨Chinese Flour Dumplings/ Wonton/ Dumplings in Soup849 猪肉馄饨Pork Wonton850 虾仁馄饨Shrimp Wonton851 面疙瘩Dough Slices in Soup852 春卷Spring Roll853 炸春卷Fried Spring Roll854 面条Noodles855 煮面Stewed Noodles856 炒面Fried Noodles857 汤面Noodles in Soup858 拉面Fine Dried Noodles859 担担面Sichuan Noodles with Peppery Sauce860 牛肉面Beef Noodles861 阳春面Noodles in Simple Sauce862 虾仁面Shrimp Noodles863 打卤面Noodles with Sauce864 炸酱面Noodles with Pork Mince & Soy Bean Sauce865 凉拌面Cool Braised Noodles Mixed with Sauce866 方便面、速食面Instant Noodles867 扬州炒面Assorted Meat with Fried Noodles868 三鲜汤面Noodle Soup with Sea Food869 蒸糕Steamed Cake870 松糕Steamed Sponge Cake871 年糕Glutinous Rice Cake/ New Year Cake872 炒年糕Saute Glutinous Rice Flour Cake873 元宵Glutinous Rice Flour Dumplings874 芝麻汤圆Sweet Rice Balls with Sesame Filling875 珍珠麻团Pearl-shaped Balls of Glutinous Rice876 豌豆黄Pea Cake, Beijing Style877 棕子Pyramid-shaped Glutinous Rice Dumpling (Wrapped in Reed Leaves)878 粥Gruel/ Porridge/ Congee879 糯米粥Glutinous Rice Congee880 小米粥Millet Gruel881 玉米粥Maize Gruel882 绿豆粥Congee with Mung Beans883 腊八粥Rice Porridge with Nuts & Dried Fruit (Eaten on the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month)884 皮蛋粥Minced Preserved Egg with Rice Gruel885 中餐菜谱Menus of Chinese Food886 红烧肉Stewed Pork/ Braised Pork in Brown Sauce887 东坡肉Stewed Pork in Dongpo Style888 酱肉Spiced Pork/ Braised Pork Seasoned with Soy Sauce889 回锅肉Stir-fried Boiled Pork Slices in Chilli Sauce/ Twice-cooked Pork890 盐煎肉Fried Pork with Salted Pepper891 咕老肉、古老肉Sweet & Sour Pork892 蒜泥白肉Shredded Pork with Garlic Sauce893 米粉肉Steamed Pork with Rice Flour894 猪肉炖粉条Stewed Pork with Vermicelli895 炸肉丸Deep-fried Meatballs896 红烧狮子头Stewed Meatballs in Brown Sauce897 软炸里脊Lightly-fried Fillet898 炒肉片Fried Pork Slice899 炒肉丁Fried Diced Meat900 辣子炒肉丁Diced Pork with Green Pepper901 蚂蚁上树Vermicelli with Spicy Minced Pork902 炒肉丝Fried Shredded Pork903 鱼香肉丝Shredded Pork with Garlic Sauce904 韭黄肉丝Shredded Pork with Chives905 青椒肉丝Shredded Pork with Green Pepper906 糖醋排骨Sweet & Sour Spareribs907 粉蒸排骨Steamed Spareribs with Rice Flour908 烤乳猪Roasted Suckling Pig909 酱猪肘Spiced Pork Leg/ Spiced Pig’s Leg910 水晶肘子Pork Leg Jelly911 炒猪肝Fried Pork Livers912 焖牛肉Pot Roast Beef913 咖啡牛肉Fried Curry Beef/ Curried Beef Stew/ Beef Curry914 红烧牛肉Beef in Brown Sauce915 蚝油牛肉Oyster Sauce Beef916 铁板牛柳Stir-fried beef with onion on hot iron plate917 蒙古手抓肉Mongolian Boiled Lamb918 涮羊肉Instant-boiled Mutton919 葱爆羊肉Fried mutton slices with green scallion920 烤羊肉串Mutton Cubes Roasted on a Skewer/ Kebab921 烧鸡Stewed Chicken922 德州扒鸡Stewed Chicken, Dezhou Style923 白斩鸡Boiled Chicken924 香酥鸡Savoury & Crisp Chicken925 怪味鸡Chicken in Piquant Sauce926 麻辣鸡Chicken with Chilli & Sichuan Pepper927 油淋鸡Boiling Oil Scalded Chicken928 棒棒鸡Shredded Chicken/ Chicken Cutlets in Chilli Sauce929 纸包鸡Deep-fried Chicken in Paper/ Chicken Wrapped in Cellophane930 芙蓉鸡片Sliced Chicken with Egg-white/ Sliced Chicken in Egg White Sauce 931 辣子鸡丁Diced Chicken Saute with Green Pepper932 宫保鸡丁Sautéd/ Diced Chicken with Chilli & Peanuts933 北京烤鸭Roast Beijing Duck934 盐水鸭Boiled Salted Duck/ Salted Duck935 樟茶鸭Smoked Duck, Sichuan Style936 烧鹅Roasted Goose937 蒸鹅Steamed Goose938 茶叶蛋Tea Eggs939 卤蛋Spiced Eggs940 煎蛋Fried Eggs941 荷包蛋Poached Egg942 西红柿炒鸡蛋Tomato Omelet943 皮蛋、松花蛋Preserved Egg944 清蒸鱼Steamed Fish945 糖醋鱼Sweet & Sour Fish946 剁椒鱼头Steamed Fishhead with Chilli947 红烧鲤鱼Stewed Carp in Brown Sauce948 松鼠黄鱼Sweet & Sour Boneless Yellow Croaker949 清蒸桂鱼Steamed Mandarin Fish950 扒鱼翅Steamed Shark’s Fins951 干烧大虾Fried Prawns with Brown Sauce952 腰果虾仁Fried Shrimp Meat with Cashew Nuts953 虾仁豆腐Shrimp Meat with Bean Curd954 葱烧海参Scallion Flavoured Sea Cucumber955 老醋蛰头Cold Jellyfish in Vinegar956 红烧干贝Stewed Scallops in Brown Sauce957 麻婆豆腐Bean Curd Sautéd in Sichuan Style958 菠菜豆腐Stewed Bean Curd with Spinach959 沙锅豆腐Bean Curd in Earthen Ware Pot960 豆腐脑儿Jellied Bean Curd961 独面筋Braised Wheat Gluten in Brown Sauce962 干煸四季豆Fried Beans with Minced Pork & Chilli963 西芹百合Fried Celery with Lily964 醋溜白菜Chinese Cabbage with Sweet & Sour Sauce965 炒油菜Fried Season Vegetable966 蚝油生菜Lettuce in Oyster Sauce967 炸茄合Fried Stuffed Eggplant968 鱼香茄子Eggplant, Sichuan Style/ Eggplant with Garlic Sauce 969 拌黄瓜Fresh Cucumber with Bean Sauce970 四川泡菜Pickled Vegetables, Sichuan Style971 什锦火锅Assorted Meat & Vegetables in Casserole972 什锦锅巴Assorted Meat with Fried Rice Crusts973 冷盘Cold Dish(双拼2 Sorts)(四拼4 Sorts)974 鸭架汤Roast Duck Bone Soup975 西湖莼菜汤West Lake Style Water Shield Soup976 紫菜蛋花汤Seaweed & Egg Soup977 西红柿鸡蛋汤Tomato & Egg Soup978 鱼圆汤Fish Ball Soup979 三鲜汤Clear Soup of Three Delicious Ingredients/ Soup of Seafood 980 火腿冬瓜汤Ham & White Gourd Soup981 白面包White Bread982 黑面包Rye Bread983 烤面包Toast984 汉堡包Hamburger/ Burger985 热狗Hot Dog986 法式面包French Bred987 美式白面包American White Bread988 全麦面包Wholemeal Bread989 面包圈Circle Bread990 花棍面包Bread Stick991 日本酱油汁汉堡包Teriyaki Burger。
2018 初一寒假尖子班词汇表
2018 初一寒假尖子班1-6讲词汇Lesson 1★★go for a walk散步warm up热身,变暖★★get away离开,摆脱★★change v.改变n.变化,零钱★★memory n.记忆★★remember v.记得remember to do sth. remember doing sth. ★★have a good time过得愉快★enjoy v.喜欢,享受enjoy doing sth.cool down 冷却,平静下来★breathe v.呼吸★fresh adj.新鲜的★freeze v.冻结★look forward to doing sth. 期待,盼望★go on with sth. 继续做某事Don’t let sb do sth !Don’t be sad!No smoking !Open the door!Lesson 3pleasant adj. 舒适宜人的gentle adj. 柔和的comfortable adj. 舒服的jeans n. 牛仔裤scenery n. 风景freezing adj. 寒冷的harvest n. 收获go hiking 远足in one’s spare time 在某人空闲的时间be busy doing sth忙于做某事makesb feel + adj. 使得某人感觉..Lesson 4host n. 主人,主持人★ be used to doing sth.习惯于做某事plan to do sth.计划做某事dragon n. 龙★ loud adj. 大声的,出声的colorful adj. 多姿多彩的,丰富多彩的★ a bit adj. 稍微有点儿;少量in the middle of在…中部in the center of★ turn up出现;调大(音量等)turn down 调小声turn off 关掉turn on 打开(开关)★ event n. 事件,项目★ wait for等待某人、某事★ count v. 计数,计算countable adj. 可数的uncountable adj. 不可数的★ join in = take part in 参加used to do 过去常做某事choose v. 选择would like to do sth想要做某事make a very loud noise发生很大的声响Lesson 5。
全国小学英语竞赛备考词汇表七、竞赛备考词汇表Aa, an, about, after, afternoon, again, ago, air, all, along, am, and, angry, animal, answer, ant, any, apple, April, are, ask, at, August, aunt, auntie, aunty, autumnBback, bad, bag, ball, banana, bank, basketball, bathroom, be, bean, bear, beautiful, bed, bee, before, begin, best, between, big, bike, bird, birthday, black, blackboard, blue, blow, boat, book, borrow, boots, bowl, box, pencil box, boy, bread, breakfast, bright, bring, brother, bus, but, buy, by, byeCcake, can, car, card, careful, carry, cartoon, cat, chair, cheap, cheese, chess, chick, chicken, child, children, chocolate, city, class, classroom, clean, clear, clearly, clever, climb, clock, close, clothes, coat, coffee, coin, cold, have a cold, color, come, come back, come out, come to school, computer, cook, cool, corner, of course, cup, cutDDad, dance, dark, date, day, dear, December, deer, desk, difference, dirty, do, doctor, dog, door, down, draw, dress, drink, driver, dry, duckEEar, early, east, eat, egg, eggplant, e-mail, English, enjoy, eraser, evening, every, every day, example, excuse, eyeFface, factory, family, ,far, farm, farmer, fast, fasten, fat, fax, February, feel, film, find, fine, finger, finish, first, fish, five, flag, flower, follow, fly, follow, food, foot, football, for, fork, fox, Friday, friend, fruitGgame, garden, gate, get, girl, give, glass, glasses, go, go to bed, go to school, goat, good, grade, grape, grass, great, green, guessHhair, half, hall, music, hand, happy, hard, hare, have, he, head, hear, hello, help, her, here, hers, hi, high, him, his, hold, hold on,holiday, home, go home, at home, homework, horse, hospital, in hot, hotel, hour, half an hour, house, how, hundred, hungry, hurryII, ice cream, idea, if, ill, in, in time, ink, interesting, internet, into, is, it, Italy, itsJJacket, Jane, January, jeep, join, juice, July, jump, June, justKKeep, key, kind, kite, knife, knowLLadder, lady, lake, land, last, late, learn, leave, lend, lesson, let, letter, library, lift, light, like, line, listen, little, live, long, look, lose, a lot, love, luck, lunchMmadam, make, man, many, mango, how many, map, March, match, math, May, may, maybe, me, meal, meet, meeting, merry, message, middle, milk, mine, minute, mirror, miss, model,mom(=mum) , moment, Monday, money, month, moon, morning,mother, mountain, mouse, mouth, movie, Mr., Mrs., much, how much, music, must, my, myselfNname, near, neat, need, neighbor, nervous, net, new, news, newspaper, next, nice, night, last night, no, No.(=number) , nose, not, nothing, November, now, number, nurseOOctober, of, office, often, oh, OK, old, on, one, only, open, or, orange, our, ours, out, outside, overPpanda, paper, parents, park, party, pass, past, peach, pear, pen, pencil, pet, phone, photo, piano, picture, pig, place, plane, plate, play, please, post, post office, postcard, postman, potato, price, purse, put, put onQquarter, question, queue, quietRRabbit, radio, rain, raise, read, ready, red, remember, repair, return, right, river, road, room, round, row, ruler, runSsad, salad, salesman, same, sandwich, Saturday, sausage, save, say, school, schoolbag, season, second, see, September, shark, she, sheep, shelf, shell, ship, T-shirt, shoe, shop, shopping, short, should, shy, sick, sing, sister, sit, size, skate, skirt, sleep, slow, small, snail, snake, snow, so, sofa, some, something, son, song, sorry, speak, spell, sport, spring, stamp, stand, star, start, station, stay, stop, store, story, street, student, study, subway, summer, sun, Sunday, swimTtable, tail, take, take pictures, talk, tall, tea, teach, teacher, telephone, tell, temperature, tennis, test, thank, that, the, their, theirs, them, then, there, these, they, thick, thin, think, this, those, through, Thursday, ticket, tidy, time, to, today, toe, together, tomorrow, too, tooth, toy, train, tree, truck, try, Tuesday, turn,TV(=television)UUncle, under, us, useVVery, visit, visitor volleyballWwait, wait for, walk, wall, want, warm, wash, watch, water, way, we, weather, Wednesday, week, welcome, well, wet, what, when, where, which, white, who, whose, why, will, wind, window, winter, with, wolf, woman, women, woods, word, work, worker, world, write, wrongYYea, yellow, yes, yesterday, you, young, your, yoursZZoo八、知识点详解1.易混词(句)辨析1)any / someAny用于疑问句或否定句中,表示“一些”的意思。
竞赛备考词汇表Aa(an) 一(个,件)a lot of 许多,大量a pair of一双,一副able能干的,能够的,有才能的about大约,左右abroad往国外,海外act扮演(角色)active积极地,踊跃的actor(男)演员afraid害怕的,担心的after以后,后来;在。
之后的时间或期间afternoon下午again又,再一次age年龄,时代ago以往,之前air空气airport机场all所有的,总;全部,全体人员always总是,一直am(我)是america美国and和,又;而angry生气的,愤怒的animal动物answer回答:答案ant蚂蚁any任何,无论哪一个anything任何事物apple苹果April四月argue争论,辩论arm手臂,胳膊arrive到达,抵达ask询问,要求,问at在at all根本at home在家at school在学校,在上学ate (eat的过去式)吃August八月autumn秋天aunt姨妈,姑妈,婶婶Bbad坏的,不道德的badly严重的,恶劣的badminton羽毛球bag书包,提包bake烤ball球balloon气球banana香蕉bank银行baseball棒球basketball篮球bath浴室,澡盆,洗澡bathe沐浴,洗bathroom浴室,洗手间bear熊beautiful美丽的,美好的because因为become变成,成为bed床bedroom卧室,寝室bee蜜蜂before在(某人或某事物)之前,在。
旁边,靠近best最好的;最好地big大的bike自行车bird鸟birthday生日black黑色;黑色的blackboard黑板bless祝福,保佑blind瞎的blue蓝色;蓝色的boat小船body身体book书bored无聊的,烦人的borrow借both ...and二者;两者都,二者...bottle瓶子box盒子boy男孩bread面包breakfast早餐bridge桥bring带来broken坏掉的,中断的brother兄,弟brown褐色的building建筑物bus公共汽车business商业busy忙碌的but但是butter黄油buy买by通过;在。
全国英语知识能力竞赛词汇表 初三级
全国英语知识能力竞赛词汇表初三级1. a. I have a pen.一支/个2. a. A horse is a useful animal.一种3. an. I have an apple.一只4. ability. She has unusual ability in science.有才能的5. able. Mr. Green is an able man.有能力的6. be able to. I will be able to see you again.能够7. about. What do you know about him?关于8. about. The little girl walked about the streets.到处9. about. Come here at about 8:00 am.大约10. above. The plane flew above the clouds.在…上面11. above. The book is above me.超过12. above. Look at the clouds above.上面13. aboard. It's time to go aboard.出国14. absent. who is absent today?缺席15. accent. I have a Guangdongnese accent.口音16. accept. I can't accept your gift.接受17. accident. He was killed in a traffic accident.事故18. ache. I have got a toothache.牙痛19. achieve. He will never achieve anything if he does not work harder.完成20. across. There is a bridge across the river. 横过21. action. Actions are more important than words.行动22. activity. It's time for Activity B.活动23. ad. I saw an ad for house in the paper.广告24. add. If you add 4 to 2, you get 6.加上25. address. My address is Feilaixia No. 1 Middle School.地址26. advantage. Living in a big city has many advantages.优势27. advice. You should take his advice on how to learn English well.建议28. advise. He advised me to work harder.建议29. afford. I can't afford the car.买得起30. be afraid of. I am afraid of the dog over there.害怕31. Africa. Africa is the second biggest continent in the world.非洲32. after. I often read books after supper.在…之后33. after. I will come after I finish my work.在… 后34. afternoon. Good afternoon. Sir!下午35. again. Read the text once again.再36. again and again. I warned him not to do that again and again.再三地37. against. He sold his house against his will.反对38. age. He went to school at the age of 6.年龄39. ago. I lived here 10 years ago.岁40. agree to do sth. We agree to do the job.同意去做某事41. agree on sth. I agree on your plan to go home. 同意某方面42. agree with sb. I agree with you.同意某人意见43. agreement. We are in agreement with the plan.一致44. air. Let's go out and have fresh air.空气45. by air. I went to Beijing by air.坐飞机46. airline. My father is an airline pilot.定期航线47. airplane. I will go to England by airplane.飞机48. airport. I will meet you at the airport.飞机场49. all. He has lived all his life here.全部50. all over. I have friends all over the world.全世界51. all right. Everything is all right.好的52. not ... at all. I don't like him at all.根本不53. almost. The car almost hit you.几乎54. allow. He will allow me to use his bike.允许55. alone. I am alone here, but I don't feel lonely.单独56. along. Go along this street and turn right, you will find it.沿着57. along. I will go along with you.一直58. aloud. The teacher asked him to read the text aloud.大声59. already. I have already done my work.已经60. also. I like her and she also likes me.也61. always. I always love my family.总是62. A.M.=a.m. we have classes at 7:50 am.早上63. amaze. The boy amazed us with his fine skills.使人惊讶64. America. America is the fourth largest country in the world.美洲65. American. Americans speak English.美国人66. among. There is a village among the hills.在…之中67. ancient. Xi'an is an ancient city with long history.古老的68. and. You and I are good friends.和69. be angry with sb. The teacher is angry with me for I spoke tooloudly.生某人的气70. be angry at\about sth. I am angry at her words.对…感到生气71. animal. Men, birds and dogs are all animals.动物72. another. I don't like the cake, please give me another.另一个73. answer. She answered the question with a smile.回答74. answer. This is the answer to the question.答案75. ant. Some animals eat ants.蚂蚁76. any. Any help is welcome.任何77. any. I don't have any money now.任何78. anybody. I don't know anybody here.任何人79. anything. I don't have anything important to tell you.任何东西80. anyway. I am afraid I can't come to your party, but thanks anyway.无论如何81. appear. Jack appeared on TV last night.出现82. apple. There are some apples on the tree.苹果83. April. It's April Fool's Day today.四月84. are. We are all students except the man.是85. area. Y ou haven't cleaned the area under the table.地方86. arm. He's carrying the book under his arm.手臂87. army. He wants to join the army.敌人88. around. We sit around the table.围着89. around. I found nobody around.周围90. arrive. I arrived home yesterday.到达91. arrive at. We have just arrived at the station.到达92. arrive in. He arrived in Nanjing just now.到达93. art. We will have an art lesson this afternoon.美术94. article. The article is on the Chinese history.文章95. as. I saw her as she was getting off the bus.当…时候96. as... as. He is as tall as me.如…一样97. not as...as. Tom is not as tall as Lucy.不如…98. not so... as. Jim is not so tall as Tom.不如…99. as if. She looks as if she has come back.好像100. as usual. He gets up early as usual. 像平常一样101. as well. If you have no pen, a pencil will do as well.也102. ask. May I ask you a question?问103. ask for. The sick man asked for help.请求104. Asia. Asia is the largest continent in the world.亚洲105. Asian. I am Asian. I live in China.亚洲人106. asleep. The baby is asleep.睡着107. assistant. My sister is a shop assistant.店员108. at. I'll arrive here at 8:00 am.在几点钟109. at breakfast. We are at breakfast now.在吃早餐110. at home. He is at home on Sundays.在家111. at last. We succeeded at last.最后112. at once. I'll do it at once, sir.立刻113. at school. We are at school every day except weekends.在学校学习114. at the same time: We got there at the same time.同时115. at work. My father is at work now.在工作116. at the age of. She had a baby at the age of 21.在…岁时117. at the end of. I will finish the work at the end of this year.在…尽头118. at the moment. We are having English class at the moment.此时此刻119. Atlantic. Atlantic is the second largest ocean in the world.大西洋120. attack. They attacked the enemy.攻击121. attention. Y ou must pay more attention to your pronunciation.注意122. attract. She is attracted to money.吸引123. August. August is the eighth month ofthe year.八月124. aunt My aunts all love me.阿姨125. Australia. Australia is in the south of the world.澳大利亚126. Australian. Australians speak English.澳大利亚人127. autumn. Leaves fall in autumn.秋天128. available. Coffee is easily available in that shop.可用的129. avoid. We only just avoid doing that again.避免130. awake. The noise of the car awoke me.唤醒131. away. He will be away for a week.离开132. go away. Boys. Go away from here.离开BBB133. baby. She has a baby-girl.女婴134. back. Go back to your room.回到135. back. He is on the horse back.背后136. background. I need some background information.背景137. bad. His English is very bad.差的138. badly. He was badly hurt.严重139. bag. I have a schoolbag.书包140. ball. The earth is a ball.球形141. balloon. A lot of balloons went up and floated in the sky.气球 142. banana. I would like some bananas.香蕉143. bank. We often walk along the bank of the Beijang .河堤144. bank. I bank ¥200 each month.银行145. baseball. The people like playing baseball in America.棒球146. basic. The basic question is, can we afford it?根本的147. basket. They ate a basket of apples.篮子148. basketball. I like playing basketball.篮球149. bath. I had a hot bath and then went to bed.淋浴150. bathroom. He is having a bath in the bathroom upstairs.浴室 151. be\am. I am Chinese.= I am a Chinese boy.是152. be\are. They are English.是153. be\is. She is American.是she is an American girl.是154. be\was. I was at home yesterday.是155. be\were. We were at work the day before yesterday.是156. be\being. I like being a teacher.成为157. be\been. I have been there before.158. beach. They were running about on the beach.海滩159. bear. Bears usually eat fruit and insects as well as fish.熊 160. bear. She can't bear the pain in the back.忍受161. beat. They beat us yesterday.打败162. beautiful. We are making our country more beautiful.美丽163. because. He didn't go to school because he was ill in bed.因为 164. become. It becomes warmer and warmer in spring.变成165. beer. I would like some beer.啤酒166. bed. I often go to bed at 10:00 pm.上床睡觉167. bedroom. Jim is still in his bedroom.卧室168. before. There are some trees before the house.在…的前面169. before. I haven't seen such thing before.之前170. beg. She begged us not to kill the bird./I beg your pardon, sir.乞求171. begin. It's time to begin our class.开始172. beginning. A good beginning is half done.开始173. behaviour. His behaviour has been strange.行为174. behind. He is behind the door.在…的后面175. believe. I believe what you said.相信176. bell. Listen. The bell is ringing.铃177. belong to. The black car belongs to him.属于178. below. There is a boat below the bridge.低于179. beside. Come and sit beside me.在…旁边180. besides. There are three man besides me.除了…还有181. best. I like pork best.最好182. do one's best. I'll do my best to finish it尽力183. best-seller. 'Harry Potter' is the best-seller these days.畅销184. better. Y ou are little better than I am.更好185. had better do sth. I think I had better do it myself.最好做某事186. had better not do sth. Y ou had better not be late for school again./Hadn't you better take the pen? 最好不做某事187. between. February is between January and March.在…两者之间188. beyond. We succeeded beyond our hopes.超过189. bicycle. He goes to school with his bicycle.自行车190. big. That coat is too big for me.大191. bike. I usually go to school by bike.自行车192. bill. Let me pay the bill for you.账单193. billion. Billion is thousand millions.十亿194. biology. Biology is a science of life and living things.生物195. bird. There are some birds in the tree.小鸟196. birth. The baby weighed 7 pounds at birth.出生时197. birthday. Happy Birthday to you, Jim!生日198. biscuit. I like to eat the biscuits with some milk.饼干199. bit. I took some bits of wood and fired it.一点儿200. a bit of. I felt a bit of tired.有一点儿201. bitter. It is a little bitter to taste.苦味202. black. The blackboard is black.黑色的203. blackboard. Our blackboard is on the wall.黑板204. blind. The horse is blind in the right eye.盲205. blood. They gave their blood for their country.血液206. blouse. She likes her red blouse in summer.女衬衫207. blow. It was blowing hard.吹风208. blue. The sky is deep blue.蓝色209. board. There are some words on the board.木板210. boat. We usually go boating on Sundays.去划船211. body. He had a wound in the body.身体212. book. I like reading books at school.书213. book. I have booked two seats for the concert.预订214. bookshelf. There are some books on the bookshelf over there.书架215. bookshop. There are a lot of things in the bookshop.书店216. bookstore. There are many kinds of books at that bookstore.书店217. boot. That lady is standing in the clod in her boot .长统靴218. boring. This kind of film is boring me.令人厌烦的219. be born. I was born on May 1st,1986.出生于220. borrow. I borrowed a pen from Lily just now.向…借入221. boss. This is my boss, Mr. Black.老板222. both. I want both books.两本223. both...and. Both Lily and Lucy are Americans.两者都224. bottle. Glass is made into bottles.瓶子225. bottom. He fell into the bottom of the well.底部226. box. The box is made of paper.盒子227. boy. Tom is an American boy.男孩228. brain. Two brains are better than one.火车229. brave. It was brave of him to enter the burning building to save the people.勇敢230. bread. I would some more bread.面包231. break. The windows broke into pieces.打破232. My bike was broken on my way home.坏了233. breakfast. We usually have porridge for breakfast.早餐234. breath. Y ou can take a deep breath out of the window.呼吸235. breathe. Let's go out and breathe fresh air.呼吸236. bridge. There is a bridge over the river.桥237. bright. The classroom is bright and clean.明亮的238. bring. Bring the book here, Jim.带来239. Britain. Britain is England, Wales and Scotland.英国 240. British. Here come the British army!英国的241. brother. Tom is my elder brother.兄弟242. broom. You can clean your room with the broom.扫帚 243. brown. That is a brown coat.棕色的244. brush. This is my writing-brush.毛笔245. brush. Please brush your teeth twice a day.刷牙246. build. They have built the house.建设247. building. That is our school building.建筑248. burn. The house is burning!燃烧249. bus. I usually go to school by bus.公共汽车250. business. I am on business, not for pleasure.工作的 251. businessman. My father is a businessman.商人252. busy. He's very busy now and can't see you .忙碌253. be busy doing sth.。
第二届外语系英语词汇竞赛基础词汇表abundant a. 丰富的,充裕的,大量的acquire vt. 取得,获得;学到accomplish vt .完成,到达;实行adopt v. 收养;采用;采纳adapt vi. 适应,适合;改编,改写vt. 使适应adequate a. 适当地;足够adhere vi. 粘附,附着;遵守,坚持attach vt. 系,贴;使附属avenue n. 林荫道,大街available a. 现成可用的;可得到的applicable a. 可应用的,适当的applicant n. 申请人appeal n. vi. 呼吁,恳求acknowledge v. 承认;致谢apparent a. 显然的,明白的appetite n. 胃口;欲望awful a. 极坏的,威严的,可怕的awkward a. 笨拙的,棘手的await vt. 等候appoint vt. 任命,委派approach v. 接近n. 途径,方式appropriate a. 适当的beforehand ad. 预先,事先breadth n. 宽度blast n. 爆炸;气流vi. 炸,炸掉breed n. 种,品种v. 繁殖,产仔barrel n. 桶bargain n. 便宜货vi. 讨价还价barrier n. 障碍;棚栏budget n. 预算v. 编预算,作安排bunch n. 群,伙;束,串bundle n. 捆,包,束vt. 收集,归拢ceremony n. 典礼,仪式chaos n. 混乱,紊乱cargo n. (船、飞机等装载的)货物coarse a. 粗的,粗糙的,粗劣的coach n. 教练;长途公共汽车code n. 准则,法规,密码conservation n. 保存,保护conservative a. 保守的comparable a. (with, to) 可比较的,比得上的,类似的comparative a. 比较的,相对的complain vi. 抱怨,埋怨deposit n. 存款,定金v.存放,储蓄deputy n. 副职,代表derive vt. 取得,得到;(from)起源于descend v. 下来,下降discount n. (价格)折扣display n. vt. 陈列,展览device n. 装置,设备devise vt. 发明,策划,想出dive vi. 跳水,潜水dispose vi. 除掉;处置;解决;处理(of)diverse a. 不同的,多种多样的decline v. 拒绝,谢绝;下降drift vi. 漂,漂流durable a. 耐用的,持久的duration n. 持续,持续期间dusk n. 黄昏,薄暮deliberately adv. 故意的destructive adj. 破坏性的consume v. 消耗,耗尽clue n. 线索,提示collision n. 碰撞,冲突consistent a. 坚固定;一致的,始终如一的continual a. 不断地,频繁的explode v. 爆炸;爆发;激增exploit v. 剥削;利用,开采explosion n. 爆炸;爆发;激增explosive a. 爆炸的;极易引起争论的extent n. 程度,范围,大小,限度exterior n. 外部,外表a. 外部的,外表的external a. 外部的,外表的,外面的exaggerate v. 夸大,夸张evil a. 邪恶的,坏的extraordinary a. 不平常的,特别的,非凡的entitle vt. 给...权利,给...资格emphasize vt. 强调,着重emotion n. 情感,感情emotional a. 感情的,情绪(上)的excess n. 过分,过量,过剩expel v. 驱逐,开除,赶出expend v. 消费expenditure n. 支出,消费;经费expense n. 开销,费用expand v. 扩大,扩张;展开,膨胀expansion n. 扩大,扩充;发展,膨胀exhaustion n. 竭力,疲惫elaborate a. 精心设计的,复杂的elastic n. 橡皮圈(带) a. 有弹性的equivalent a. 相等的a. 相等物erect a. 竖直的v. 建造,竖立fax n. vt. 传真fertile a. 肥沃的;多产的fertilizer n. 肥料grateful a. 感激的gratitude n. 感激generate vt. 生成,产生(光、热、电等) genuine a. 真的,真诚的gasoline n. 汽油gesture n. 姿势,手势giant a. 巨大的n. 巨人,巨物glimpse n. 一瞥,一看glory n. 光荣,荣誉glorious n. 光荣的,极好的golf n. 高尔夫球运动horror n. 恐怖horrible a. 可怕的Internet n. 国际互联网,因特网Interpret v. 翻译,解释interpretation n. 解释,说明jungle n. 丛林,密林knot n. 结vt. 把...打成结hostile a. 敌对的,敌意大household n. 家庭,户holy a. 神圣地,圣洁的hint n. 暗示,示意insignificant a. 无意义的,无足轻重的;无价值的insurance n. 保险,保险费insure vt. 给...保险,保证,确保identification n.鉴别,证明hesitate v. 犹豫highlight vt. 强调,突出hence ad. 因此,所以;今后,从此herd n. 兽群,牧群kneel vi. 跪label n. 标签likelihood n. 可能,可能性merchant n. 商人mere a. 仅仅的,只不过的;纯粹的nuisance n. 令人讨厌的东西(或人) numerous a. 众多的,许多的nuisance n. 损害,妨害,讨厌(的人或事物) parade n. 游行v. 列队行进starvation n. 饥饿,饿死prescribe vt. 开处方,开药,吩咐采用...疗法primitive a. 原始的,早期的ridge n. 脊,山脊,埂ridiculous a. 可笑的,荒漠的redid a. 严格的;僵硬的withstand vt. 经受,承受witness n. 目击者;证据vt. 注意到;证明slippery a. 滑的smash vt. 粉碎,打烂snap n. vt. 折断,拉断;快照solar a. 太阳的lunar a. 月的,月球的submerge vi. 潜入水中submit vi. (to)屈服,听从timber n. 木材,原木tissue n. 组织;薄纱,手巾纸legislation n. 法律,法规;立法illusion n. 错觉fatigue n. 疲劳,劳累favorable a. 称赞道;有利的,顺利的gallery n. 画廊gallon n. 加仑gap n. 间隔,差距garbage n. 垃圾,废物gaze v. 凝视,注视gear n. 齿轮,传动装置liable a. 可能的,大概的;(to) 易于... liberal a. 自由得liberty n. 自由license/license n. 许可证,执照moisture n. 潮湿motivate vt. 激励,激发motive n. 动机,目的mild a. 温暖的,暖和的;温柔的,味淡的tender a. 温柔的;脆弱的stimulate vt. 刺激,激励liberal a. 慷慨的;丰富的;自由的split v. 劈开;割裂;分裂a.裂开的spit v. 吐(唾液等);唾弃spill v. 溢出,溅出,倒出slip v. 滑动,滑落;忽略slide v. 滑动,滑落n. 滑动;滑面;幻灯片swallow v. 吞下,咽下n. 燕子suspicion n. 怀疑,疑心suspicious a. 怀疑的,可疑的network n. 网状物;广播网,电视网;网络tide n. 潮汐;潮流tidy a. 整洁的,整齐的weave v. 织,编vertical a. 垂直的obscure a. 阴暗,模糊decent a. 像样的,体面的sake n. 缘故,理由scale n. 大小,规模;等级;刻度tedious a. 乏味道,单调的,tend vi.易于,趋向tendency n.趋向,趋势ultimate a. 极端的,最大的,最终的n. 极端undergo v. 经历,遭受casual a. 偶然的,碰巧的;临时的;非正式的vacuum n. 真空,真空吸尘器optics n. (单、复数同形)光学organ n. 器官,风琴individual a. 个别的,单独的n. 个人,个体personnel n. [总称] 人员,员工;人事部门grant vt. 授予,同意,准予grand a. 宏伟大,壮丽的,重大的invade v. 侵入,侵略,侵袭optimistic a. 乐观optional a. 可以任选的,非强制的outstanding a. 杰出的,突出的,显著的impose vt. 把...加强(on);采用,利用religion n. 宗教,宗教信仰religious a. 宗教的victim n. 牺牲品,受害者videotape n. 录像磁带v. 把...录在录像带上interfere v. 干涉,干扰,妨碍internal a. 内部的,国内的racial a. 人种的种族的radiation n. 放射物,辐射isolate vt. 使隔离,使孤立issue n. 问题,争论点;发行,(报刊)一期hook n. 钩vt. 钩住ban vt. 取缔,禁止capture vt. 俘虏,捕获valid a. 有效的,有根据的;正当的valley n. 山谷,峡谷remote a. 遥远的,偏僻的removal n. 除去,消除render 解释比较长,可要仔细体会啊!precaution n. 预防,防备,警惕idle a. 懒散的,无所事事的identify n. 身份;个性,特性resistant a. (to) 抵抗的,抗...的,耐...的resolve vt. 解决;决定,决意focus v. (使)聚集n. 焦点,中心,聚焦debate n. (v.)辩论,争论decade n. 十年enclose vt. 围住;把...装入信封encounter vt. /n. 遭遇,遭到scan vt. 细看;扫描;浏览scandal n. 丑事,丑闻subsequent a. 随后的,后来的target n. 目标,靶子vt. 瞄准virtue n. 美德,优点virtual a. 实际上的,事实上的orient vt. 使适应,(to, toward)使朝向n. 东方portion n. 一部分inevitable a. 不可避免的naval a. 海军的navigation n. 航行necessity n. 必需品;必要性provision n. (pl.)给养,口粮;准备,设备,装置pursue vt. 追逐;追求;从事,进行stale a. 不新鲜的,陈腐的substitute n. 代用品vt. 代替deserve vt. 应受,应得,值得discrimination n. 歧视;辨别力professional a. 职业的,专门的secure a. 安全的security n. 安全,保障nevertheless ad. 仍然,然而,不过neutral a. 中立的,中性的spot n. 地点;斑点vt. 认出,发现;玷污medium a. 中等的,适中的n. 媒介物,新闻媒介media n. 新闻传媒auxiliary a. 辅助的,备用的automatic a. 自动的competent a. 有能力的,能胜任的distribute vt. 分发disturb vt. 打搅,妨碍integrate v. (into, with) (使)成为一体,(使)合并moist a. 潮湿的moisture n. 潮湿register v./n.登记,注册stable a. 稳定的sophisticated a. 老于世故的,老练的;很复杂的cancel vt. 取消,废除variable a. 易变的,可变的prospect n. 前景,前途;景象prosperity n.兴旺,繁荣aspect n. 方面;朝向;面貌cope vi. (with)(成功地)应付,处理core n. 果心,核心maintain vt. 维持,保持;坚持,主张mainland n. 大陆domestic a. 本国的,国内的;家用的;家庭的constant a. 不变的,恒定的n. 常数cliff n. 悬崖,峭壁authority n. 权威;当局commit vt. 犯(错误,罪行等),干(坏事等) comment n. /vt. 评论distinguish vt. 区分,辨别distress n. 痛苦,悲伤vt. 使痛苦facility n. [pl.] 设备,设施;便利,方便faculty n. 能力,技能;系,学科,学院;全体教员moral a. 道德上的,有道德的essential a. 必不可少的;本质的estimate n. vt. 估计,估量evaluate vt. 评估,评价exceed vt. 超过,越出exceedingly ad. 非常,极其exclaim v. 呼喊,大声说exclude vt. 把...排斥在外,不包括exclusive a. 读有的,排他的excursion n. 远足flee vi. 逃走flexible a. 易弯曲的flock n. 羊群,(鸟兽等)一群;一伙人hardware n. 五金器具harmony n. 和谐,融洽haste n. 急速,急忙hatred n. 憎恶,憎恨incident n. 事件,事变index n. 索引,标志infant n. 婴儿infect v. 传染inferior a. 劣等的,次的,下级的infinite a. 无限的ingredient n. 组成部分inhabitant n. 居民jam n. 果酱;拥挤,堵塞joint a.连接的;共同的launch vt. 发动,发起luxury n. 奢侈;奢侈品manual a. 用手的,手工做的n. 手册manufacture vt. n. 制造,加工marine a. 海的;海产的mutual a. 相互的naked a. 裸露的neglect vt. 忽视,忽略prominent a. 突出的substance n. 物质;实质substantial a. 可观的;牢固的;实质的prompt vt. 促使a. 敏捷的,及时的vivid a. 生动的vocabulary n. 词汇(量);词汇表venture n. 风险投资,风险项目v. 冒险;取于version n. 版本,译本;说法waist n. 腰,腰部weld v. n. 焊接yield vi. (to)屈服于;让出,放弃n. 产量zone n. 地区,区域strategy n. 战略,策略strategic a. 战略(上)的,关键的tense a. 紧张的v. 拉紧n. 时态tension n. 紧张(状态),张力regulate vt. 管理,调节release vt. /n. 释放,排放;解释解脱shrink vi. 起皱,收缩;退缩subtract v. 减(去)suburb n. 市郊subway n. 地铁adjust v. 调整,调节profitable a. 有利可图的slope n. 斜坡,斜面reinforce vt. 增强,加强reject vt. 拒绝fatal a. 致命的;重大的fate n. 命运humble a. 谦逊的;谦虚的illegal a. 不合法的,非法的award vt. 授予,判给n. 奖品,奖金aware a. 意识到comedy n. 喜剧dumb a. 哑的;沉默的dump vt. 倾卸,倾倒deaf a. 聋的;不愿听的decorate vt. 装饰,装璜approximate a. 大概的,大约v. 近似arbitrary a. 随意的,未断的architect n. 建筑师architecture n. 建筑学geography n. 地理(学)geology n. 地质学geometry n. 几何(学)arithmetic n. 算术entertainment n. 娱乐;招待,款待enthusiasm n. 热情,热心entry n. 进入,入口处;参赛的人(或物) environment n. 环境restrain vt. 阻止,抑制restraint n. 抑制,限制resume v. (中断后)重新开始severe a. 严重的simplicity n. 简单;朴素simplify vt. 简化stuff n. 原料,材料vt. 填进,塞满temporary a. 暂时的,临时的temptation n. 诱惑,引诱terror n. 恐怖thrust v. 挤,推,插treaty n. 条约,协定arise vi. 产生,出现,发生;起身arouse vt. 引起,激起;唤醒bureau n. 局,办事处marvelous a. 奇迹般的,惊人的massive a. 大的,大量的,大块的mature a. 成熟的maximum a. 最高的,最大的minimum a. 最低的,最小的principal a. 最重要的n. 负责人,校长principle n. 原则,原理prior a. 优先的,在前的priority n. 优先,重点prohibit vt. 禁止,不准remarkable a. 值得注意的,异常的,非凡的remedy n. vt. 补救,医治,治疗repetition n. 重复,反复vain a. 徒劳的,无效的undertake vt. 承担,着手做;同意,答应unique a. 唯一的,独特的obstacle n. 障碍(物),妨碍odd a. 奇特的,古怪的;奇数的omit vt. 省略opponent n. 敌手,对手opportunity n. 机会,时机semester n. 学期;半年semiconductor n. 半导体seminar n. 研讨会terminal a. 末端的,极限的n. 终点territory n. 领土nonsense n. 胡说,冒失的行动nuclear a. 核子的,核能的nucleus n. 核retail n. v. ad. 零售retain vt. 保留,保持restrict vt. 限制,约束sponsor n. 发起者,主办者vt. 发起,主办,资助spur n. vt. 刺激,激励triumph n. 胜利,成功tuition n. 学费twist vt. 使缠绕;转动;扭歪undergraduate n. 大学肄业生universal a. 普遍的,通用的;宇宙的universe n. 宇宙vague a. 模糊的,不明确的via prep. 经由,经过,通过vibrate v. 振动,摇摆virus n. 病毒voluntary a. 自愿的volunteer n. 志愿者v. 自愿(做)vote v. 选举n. 选票wagon n. 四轮马车,铁路货车leak v. 漏,渗出lean vi. 倾斜,倚leap vi. 跳跃modify vt. 修改nylon n. 尼龙onion n. 洋葱powder n. 粉末parallel n. 平行线;可相比拟的事物passion n. 激情,热情passive a. 被动的,消极的pat v. n. 轻拍,轻打peak n. 山峰,顶点phenomenon n. 现象reluctant a. 不情愿的,勉强的rely vi. (on ,upon)依赖,指望relevant a. 有关的,切题的reliable a. 可靠的relief n. 轻松,宽慰;减轻reputation n. 名气,声誉rescue vt. n. 营救triangle n. 三角(形)sequence n. 连续;顺序shiver vi,n. 发抖shrug v. n. 耸肩signature n. 签名sincere a. 诚挚的,真诚的utility n. 功用,效用utilize vt. 利用utter vt. 说出a. 完全的,彻底的variation n. 变化,变动vehicle n. 交通工具,车辆applause n. 鼓掌,掌声appliance n. 器具,器械consent n. 准许,同意vi (to) 准许,同意conquer vt. 征服defect n. 缺点,缺陷delicate a. 易碎的;娇弱的;精美的evolve v.演变evolution n. 演变,进化prevail vi. 流行,盛行quit v. 停止quotation n. 引文,引语recreation n. 娱乐活动recruit vt. 招募,吸收(新成员) rival n. 竞争对手,敌手shuttle n. 梭子;航天飞机skim vt. 搬(去),掠过;浏览frown v. n. 皱眉frustrate vt. 使沮丧guarantee vt. n. 保证guilty a. 内疚的;有罪的jealous a. 妒忌的jeans n. 牛仔裤modest a. 谦虚的molecule n. 分子orbit n. 轨道v. (绕...)做轨道运行participate v. (in) 参与,参加response n. 回答,答复;反应sensible a. 明智的sensitive a. 敏感到,灵敏的tremble vi. 颤抖tremendous a. 巨大的;精彩的trend n. 趋向,倾向mission n. 使命;代表团noticeable a. 显而易见到notify vt. 通知,告知notion n. 概念;意图,想法resemble vt. 像,类似于reveal vt. 揭露revenue n. 收入,岁入;税收shield n. 防护物,盾vt. 保护,防护vital a. 重要的;致命的,生命的vitally ad. 极度,非常;致命地urban a. 城市的urge vt. 鼓励,激励usage n. 使用,用法violence n. 强力,暴力violent a. 强暴的violet a. 紫色的welfare n. 福利whereas conj. 然而,但是,尽管oval a. 椭圆形的n. 椭圆形outset n. 开始,开端presumably ad. 大概,可能slender a. 苗条的,修长的theme n. 主题textile n. 纺织品tropical a. 热情的,炎热的transform v. 转变,变革;变换transmit v. 传播,播送;传递transplant v. 移植shift v. 转移;转动;转变vary v. 变化,改变;使多样化vanish vi. 消灭,不见。
全国小学生英语竞赛(NECPS)竞赛备考词汇表(A)a [ei]art. 一;任一;每一an [强æn, 弱ən, n] art. 一(在元音字母前)about[ə'baut]prep. 关于;大约adj. 四处走动的;在起作用的;在附近的adv. 大约;到处;周围n. 大致;粗枝大叶;不拘小节的人after['ɑ:ftə, 'æf-] adv. 后来,以后prep. 在……之后conj. 在……之后adj. 以后的afternoon[,ɑ:ftə:'nu:n, ,æf-, 'ɑ:ftə'n u:n, 'æf-]n. 午后,下午again[ə'ɡen, -'ɡein]adv. 再一次;又,此外ago[ə'ɡəu]adv. 以前,以往adj. 过去的;以前的air[εə]n. 空气,大气;曲调;天空;样子vt. 使通风,晾干;夸耀vi. 通风all[ɔ:l]adj. 全部的adv. 越发;全然地n. 全部pron. 全部along[ə'lɔŋ]adv. 向前;一起;来到prep. 沿着;顺着am[强æm, 弱əm] abbr. 调幅v. 是and[强ænd, 弱ənd, ən]conj. 和,与;就;而且;但是;然后angry['æŋɡri]adj. 生气的;愤怒的;狂暴的;(伤口等)发炎的animal['æniməl] n. 动物answer['ɑ:nsə, 'æn-]vt. 符合;回答vi. 符合;回答n. 答案;回答;答辩ant[ænt] n. 蚂蚁any['eni]adj. 任何的;所有的;丝毫pron. 任何;任何一个;若干apple['æpl]n. 苹果;[俚]家伙æs -]n. 篮球;篮球运动 n. 浴室;厕所;盥洗室 prep. 在,存在;是bean [bi:n] n. 豆;[动]嘴峰;[美口]毫无价值的东西vt. [美口]击…的头部 bear [bεə]vi. 结果实;承受vt. 忍受;具有;支撑 n. 熊beautiful['bju:tiful] adj. 美丽的bed[bed]n. 床;基础;河底,海底 vt. 使睡觉;安置,嵌入;栽种vi. 分层;上床bee[bi:]n. 蜜蜂,蜂;勤劳的人before[bi'f ɔ:]prep. 在…之前,先于 adv. 在前;以前conj. 在…以前;在…之前begin [bi'ɡin] vt. 开始 vi. 开始;首先best [best]n. 最好的人,最好的事物;最佳状态 adj. 最好的 adv. 最好地 vt. 打败,胜过between [bi'twi:n] prep. 在…之间 adv. 在中间big[bi ɡ] adj. 大的;重要的;量大的 adv. 大量地;夸大地;顺利 bike[baik]n. 自行车;脚踏车 vi. 骑自行车(或摩托车)bird[b ə:d]n. 鸟;家伙;羽毛球 vt. 向…喝倒彩;起哄 vi. 猎鸟;观察研究野鸟birthday ['b ə:θdei]n. 生日,诞辰;诞生的日子 black[blæk]adj. 黑色的;黑人的;邪恶的n. 黑色;黑颜料;黑人 vt. 使变黑;把鞋油等涂在…上;把(眼眶)打成青肿 vi. 变黑blackboard['blækb ɔ:d]n. 黑板blue [blu:]adj. 蓝色的;忧郁的,沮丧的;下流的 n. 蓝色 vi. 变蓝 vt. 使成蓝色 blow[bl əu] n. 吹;殴打;打击 vi. 风吹;喘气 vt. 风吹boat [b əut] n. 小船;轮船 vi. 划船book[buk] n. 书籍;帐簿;卷;名册;工作簿vt. 预订;登记 borrow ['b ɔr əu] vi. 借;借用;从其他语言中引入 vt. 借用;借 boots[bu:ts]n. (英)擦靴的仆役;靴子(bo ot 的复数) bowl[b əul]box[b ɔks]boy[b ɔi]n. 碗;木球;大酒杯vi. 玩保龄球;滑动;平稳快速移动vt. 投球;旋转;平稳快速移动n. 箱,盒子;包厢;一拳vi. 拳击vt. 装…入盒中;拳击;打耳光n. 男孩;[美口]男人bread[bred]n. 生计;面包vt. 在…上洒面包屑breakfast['brekfəst]n. 早餐;早饭vi. 吃早餐vt. 为…供应早餐bright[brait]adj. 明亮的,鲜明的;聪明的;愉快的adv. 欢快地;明亮地;光明地n. 车头灯光bring[briŋ]vt. 带来;引起;促使;使某人处于某种情况或境地brother['brʌðə]n. 兄弟;战友;同事int. [俚]我的老兄!bus[bʌs]n. 公共汽车but[强bʌt, 弱bət, bʌt] conj. 但是;然而;而是adv. 仅仅,只prep. 除…以外buy[bai]vt. 购买;获得;贿赂vi. 买,采购n. 购买,买卖;所购的物品by[bai]prep. 被;经由;在……之前;在附近;依据;通过adv. 经过;通过;附近;[域]白俄罗斯bye[bai]int. 再见n. 轮空;次要的东西adj. 次要的全国小学生英语竞赛备考词汇(C)cake[keik]n. 蛋糕;块状物;利益总额vt. 使结块vi. 结成块状can[强kæn, 弱kən]n. 罐头,一罐;金属容器vt. 把食品装罐conj. 能,可以car[kɑ:]n. 汽车;车厢card[kɑ:d]n. 卡片;纸牌;明信片vt. 记于卡片上careful['kεəful]adj. 仔细的,小心的carry['kæri]vt. 拿,扛;搬运;携带;支持vi. 被携带;被搬运;能达到n. 进位;运载;射程cartoon[kɑ:'tu:n]n. 卡通片,动画片;连环漫画vt. 为…画漫画vi. 画漫画cat[kæt]n. 猫;猫科动物chair[tʃεə]n. 椅子;(会议的)主席位;大学教授的职位;讲座vt. 使…入座;使就任要职;担任(会议的)主席cheap[tʃi:p]adj. 便宜的;[口]小气的;不值钱的adv. 便宜地cheese[tʃi:z]n. 奶酪;干酪;[美俚]要人vt. [俚]停止adj. [俚]叛变的;胆小的chess[tʃes]n. 国际象棋,西洋棋chick[tʃik]n. 小鸡;小鸟;[俚]少妇adj. 胆小的;懦弱的chicken['tʃikin]n. 小鸡;鸡肉;胆小鬼,懦夫adj. 鸡肉的;幼小的;胆怯的child[tʃaild]n. 儿童,孩子;子孙;产物children['tʃildrən]n. 孩子们(child的复数)chocolate['tʃɔkəlit]n. 巧克力,巧克力糖;巧克力色adj. 巧克力色的;巧克力口味的city['siti]n. 城市,都市adj. 都会的;城市的class[klɑ:s, klæs]n. 班级;阶级;种类vt. 分类;把…分等级adj. 极好的classroom['klɑ:srum]n. 教室clean[kli:n]adj. 清洁的,干净的;清白的vt. 使干净vi. 打扫,清扫adv. 完全地n. 打扫clear[kliə]adj. 清楚的;清澈的;晴朗的;无罪的vt. 清除;跳过;使干净;通过vi. 变清澈;放晴adv. 清晰地;完全地n. 清除;空隙clearly['kliəli]adv. 明净地;清晰地;无疑地;明显地clever['klevə]adj. 聪明的;机灵的;熟练的climb[klaim]vi. 攀登;爬;上升vt. 攀登;爬;上升n. 攀登;爬clock[klɔk]n. 时钟;计时器vt. 记录;记时vi. 记录时间;打卡close[kləuz]adj. 亲密的;亲近的;紧密的vt. 关;结束;使靠近vi. 关闭;关;结束adv. 紧密地n. 结束clothes[kləuðz] n. 衣服coat[kəut]n. 外套vt. 覆盖…的表面coffee ['kɔfi]n. 咖啡;咖啡豆;咖啡色coin[kɔin]vt. 铸造(货币);杜撰,创造n. 硬币,钱币cold[kəuld]adj. 寒冷的;冷淡的,不热情的;失去知觉的have a cold感冒,受凉;患感冒n. 寒冷;感冒 adv. 完全地color['k ʌl ə]n. 颜色;脸色;肤色;颜料vt. 给...涂颜色;粉饰;歪曲vi. 变色;获得颜色come[k ʌm]vi. 来;出现;到达;变成;开始;发生 vt. 做;假装;将满(…岁) int. 嗨! come back回来;记起;恢复原状,重新流行come out出现;出版;结果是come to v. 想起;共计school[sku:l]n. 学校;学派;学院;鱼群 vt. 教育 computer[k əm'pju:t ə]n. 电脑;计算机;电子计算机 cook[kuk]vt. 烹调,煮 vi. 烹调,做菜n. 厨师,厨子cool[ku:l]adj. 冷静的;凉爽的;[口]出色的vt. 使…冷却;使…平静下来 vi. 变凉;平息 n. 凉爽;凉爽的空气 adv. 冷静地corner ['k ɔ:n ə]n. 角落,拐角处;困境,窘境;地区,偏僻处vi. 相交成角;囤积vt. 垄断;迫至一隅;使陷入绝境;把…难住cup[k ʌp]n. 杯子;奖杯;酒杯vt. 使成杯状;为…拔火罐cut[k ʌt]n. 伤口;切口;削减;(服装等的)式样;[体育]削球;切入;v t. 切割;削减;缩短;刺痛;vi. 切割;相交;切牌;停拍;不出席;adj. 割下的;雕过的;缩减的全国小学生英语竞赛备考词汇(D)dad[dæd] n. 爸爸;爹爹dance[d ɑ:ns, dæns]n. 舞蹈;舞曲;舞会 vi. 跳舞;飘扬;跳跃 vt. 跳舞;使跳跃 adj. 舞蹈的;用于跳舞的dark['d ɑ:k] adj. 黑暗的,深色的;无知的;模糊的;忧郁的n. 黑暗;黄昏;模糊;夜 date[deit]n. 日期;约会;年代;枣椰子vi. 注明日期;始于(某一历史时期);过时 vt. 确定…年代;和…约会 day[dei]dear[di ə]n. 一天;白昼;时期 adv. 每天;经常在白天地 adj. 日间的;逐日的 adj. 亲爱的;昂贵的;尊敬的 adv. 高价地;疼爱地 int. 哎呀 n. 亲爱的人 December[di'semb ə] n. 十二月 deer[di ə] n. 鹿desk[desk]n. 办公桌;服务台;编辑部;(美)讲道台;乐谱架adj. 书桌的;桌上用的;伏案做的 difference['dif ər əns] n. 差异;不同;争执dirty['d ə:ti] adj. 污秽的;下流的,卑鄙的;恶劣的;暗淡的 vi. 变脏 vt. 弄脏 do[强du:, 弱du, d ə, d, du:] n. 要求;规定;C 大调音阶中的第一音vt. 做;完成;进行;解答 vi. 做;完成;进行 aux. 助动词(无词义) doctor[d ɔkt ə] n. 医生;博士 vt. 为…治病;授以博士学位;修理;窜改,伪造vi. 行医;就医dog[d ɔɡ, d ɔ:ɡ] n. 狗;;[美俚]丑女人;卑鄙的人;(俚)朋友;vt. 跟踪;尾随door[d ɔ:]n. 门;家,户;门口;通道down [daun]adv. 向下,下去;在下面adj. 向下的n. 软毛,绒毛;开阔的高地 prep. 沿着,往下 vt. 打倒,击败 vi. 下去;下降draw[dr ɔ:] vt. 画;拉;吸引 vi. 拉;拖 n. 平局;抽签 dress[dres] vt. 给…穿衣 vi. 穿衣 n. 女装;连衣裙 drink[dri ŋk]vt. 喝,饮;吸收;举杯庆贺 vi. 喝酒;饮水;干杯 n. 酒,饮料;喝酒 driver[draiv ə]n. 驾驶员;驱动程序;起子;传动器dry[drai] adj. 干的;口渴的;禁酒的;枯燥无味的 vt. 把…弄干duck[d ʌk]n. 鸭子;鸭肉;(英)宝贝儿;[版]零分vi. 闪避;没入水中adj. 家庭的,家族的 adj. 远的;久远的 n. 远方 farm[f ɑ:m]vi. 种田,务农;经营农场 n. 农场;畜牧场;农家 vt. 耕种;养殖;佃出(土地) farmer['f ɑ:m ə] n. 农夫,农民fast[f ɑ:st, fæst]adj. 快速的,迅速的;紧的,稳固的 adv. 紧紧地;彻底地;迅速地 vi. 禁食,斋戒 n. 斋戒;绝食 fasten['f ɑ:s ən, 'fæ-]vt. 扎牢;使固定;集中于;强加于 vi. 扣紧;抓住;集中注意力fat[fæt]adj. 肥的,胖的;丰满的;油腻的 n. 脂肪,肥肉vt. 养肥;在…中加入脂肪 vi. 长肥fax [fæks] vt. 传真 n. 传真 February['febru əri] n. 二月 feel['fi:l]vt. 感觉;试探;触摸;认为 vi. 觉得;摸索 n. 感觉;触摸 film [film]n. 胶卷;电影;薄膜;轻烟 vt. 在…上覆以薄膜;把…拍成电影 vi. 生薄膜;摄制电影;变得朦胧 find[faind]vt. 发现;认为;感到;获得 vi. 裁决 n. 发现fine [fain]adj. 好的;优良的;晴朗的;健康的;细小的,精美的 n. 罚款 vt. 罚款;澄清 adv. 精巧地;很好地 finger['fi ŋɡə] n. 手指;指针,指状物 vt. 用手指拨弄;伸出 vi. 用指触摸;拨弄finish['fini ʃ] vt. 完成;结束;用完 vi. 结束,终止;完成;终结 n. 结束;完美;完成;磨光 first[f ə:st]adv. 第一;首先;优先;宁愿 n. 第一;开始;冠军 adj. 第一的;最早的;基本的 num. 第一 fish[fi ʃ]vi. 捕鱼,钓鱼;用钩捞取five[faiv]n. 五,五个;[口]五美元钞票。
单词竞赛C组参考词库单词过关词汇表date 日期late 迟到gate 大门game 游戏snake 蛇bake 烤make 制作cake 蛋糕take 拿走case 盒子sale 出售wave 波浪place 地方plane 飞机lake 湖same 相同的dad 爸爸hat 帽子fat 胖的cat 猫rat 老鼠bat 蝙蝠sad 悲伤的band 乐队bag 包bad 坏的fax 传真pass 经过grab 抢夺pan 平底锅pack 包裹map 地图plant 植物sat 坐过class 班级mat 毯子last 最后的hand 手camp 营地fan 电扇task 任务man 男人plan 计划taxi 出租车nap 打盹mad 疯狂的chair 椅子check 检查she 她wash 洗tree 树try 试drink 喝three 三thin 瘦的they 他/他们mother 母亲jeep 吉普June 六月yes 是的year 年fox 狐狸box 盒子queen 女皇quack 鸭子的嘎嘎叫声theme 作文scene 布景gene 基因mete 测量west 西方pest 害虫vest 背心test 考试best 最好的bed 床get 得到tell 告诉red 红色的very 非常net 网let 允许sell 卖pen 钢笔egg 蛋check 检查shell 贝壳chess 国际象棋rest 休息rent 租left 左边leg 腿neck 脖子end 结束vet 兽医ten 十send 发送less 较少的help 帮助set 设备smell 闻wife 妻子side 旁边nine 九time 次数ice 冰price 价格nice 好的like 喜欢ride 骑,射mice 老鼠(复)slice 薄片drive 驾驶mile 英里kite 风筝size 尺寸five 五quite 相当slide 滑滑梯print 打印river 河prince 王子hill 小山ill 生病的pill 药丸fill 注满since 自从kid 孩子win 赢city 城市swim 游泳bill 账单hit 撞击his 他的fifth 第五gift 礼物pig 猪list 清单zip 拉链wish 希望six 六trip 旅途fish 鱼dig 挖掘pick 捡起fit 强健的quick 快的dish 盘子milk 牛奶miss 思念rich 富有的silly 愚蠢的visit 拜访those 那些globe 地球仪home 家close 关闭phone 电话nose 鼻子smoke 抽烟joke 笑话hot 热的dog 狗job 工作log 圆木smog 烟雾box 盒子fox 狐狸golf 高尔夫lost 遗失的doll 洋娃娃model 模特long 长的cost 价值lot 许多rock 岩石song 歌曲pop 流行的topic 话题drop 滴下clock 时钟cute 可爱的mute 静音tube 管子huge 巨大的such 这样的must 必须study 学习drum 鼓luck 幸运duck 鸭子bus 公共汽车lunch 午餐run 跑ugly 难看的but 但是fun 乐趣other 其他的love 爱some 一些glove 手套come 来brother 兄弟color 颜色money 钱full 饱的pull 拉push 推blue 蓝色的glue 胶水rain 下雨play 玩mail 邮件tail 尾巴rail 铁轨fail 失败paint 绘画rain 下雨train 火车pain 痛苦wait 等waitress 女服务员main 主要的maid 少女faith 信念nail 指甲drain 排水May五月day 天bay 海湾play 玩pay 工资hay 干草way 道路stay 停留away 离开clay 泥土always 总是maybe 可能steak 牛排grey 灰色的great 伟大的they 他们break 打破hey 嗨sheep 绵羊please 请thief 小偷steep 险峻的beef 牛肉green 绿色的tree 树meet 遇见sleep 睡觉beeper 呼叫器greet 问候deep 深的freeze 结冰feel 感觉week 星期feed 喂养need 需要bee 蜜蜂needle 针peel 削皮teeth 牙齿east 东方meat 肉pea 豌豆read 阅读leaf 树叶least 最少的heat 加热mean 意味steal 偷treat 款待season 季节teacher 教师beat 敲打peach 桃子beach 海滩deal 处理lead 领导heal 治愈wheat 小麦thief 贼chief 首领piece 块believe 相信head 头weather 天气sweater 毛衣leather 皮革pleasure 高兴heavy 沉重的health 健康really 真地theater 剧院night 夜晚die 死亡light 光flight 飞行right 正确的high 高的sight 视力tight 紧的fright 吃惊pie 馅饼tie 领带lie 说谎slow 慢的boat 小船toe 脚趾bowl 碗know 知道slow 慢的show 表演low 低的grow 生长own 自己的throw 扔yellow 黄色的borrow 借follow 跟随fellow 伙伴goat 山羊coat 外套road 道路boat 小船doe 母鹿foe 敌人toe 脚趾woe 悲哀cow 奶牛house 房子how 怎么now 现在town 城镇bow 鞠躬brown 褐色的down 向下flower 花round 圆的sound 声音proud 自豪的cloud 云shout 呼喊mount 安装count 计算out 外面的mountain 山脉house 房子mouse 老鼠blouse 女衬衣room 房间fruit 水果noise 噪音boy 男孩oil 油boil 沸腾spoil 破坏soil 土壤coil 卷,盘绕voice 声音noise 噪声choice 选择toy 玩具joy 欢乐enjoy 喜欢star 星星short 短的card 卡片,贺卡farm 农场park 公园dark 深色的,黑暗的fork 叉子pork 猪肉corn 玉米horse 马four 四your 你的pour 倾泻store 贮藏more 更多的score 得分nurse 护士bird 鸟her 她的word 词early 早的purse 钱包turkey 火鸡purple 紫色的church 教堂girl 女孩skirt 裙子shirt 衬衣first 第一her 她的herm 学期serve 服务person 人world 世界work 工作worse 更坏的worst 最坏的early 早的learn 学习earth 地球search 搜寻air 空气hare 野兔bear 熊ear 耳朵deer 鹿hair 头发chair 椅子stair 楼梯pair 一双hare 野兔care 照顾square 广场bear 熊wear 穿戴pear 梨hear 听到near 近的fear 害怕tear 眼泪deer 鹿steer 驾驶beer 啤酒here 在这里领跑英语提高篇、冲刺篇词汇表body身体head 头部face 脸nose 鼻子mouth 嘴巴eye 眼睛ear 耳朵hand手arm 手臂finger手指leg 腿snake 蛇goat 山羊squirrel 松鼠deer 鹿elephant大象kangaroo 袋鼠sheep 绵羊tiger 老虎fox 狐狸animal动物food 食物Canada 加拿大England 英国China 中国Australia澳大利亚France 法国Germany 德国America 美国Japan 日本her 她的his 他的where哪里from 来自……Canadian 加拿大的、加拿大人Chinese 中国的,中国人French 法国的,法国人American 美国的,美国人Japanese 日本的,日本人English 英国的,英国人Australian澳大利亚的,澳大利亚人German 德国的,德国人in 在……里面on 在……上面under在……下面behind在……后面near 在……附近over 在……上方between 在……中间below 在……下方in front of 在……前面next to紧邻的bedroom 卧室thirteen 十三fourteen 十四fifteen 十五sixteen 十六seventeen 十七eighteen 十八nineteen 十九twenty 二十forty 四十have 有many 许多(修饰可数名词)red 红色的blue 蓝色的white 白色的black 黑色的orange 橙色的pink粉红色的grey灰色的crayon 蜡笔notebook 笔记本schoolbag 书包magazine 杂志coat 外套skirt 短裙shirt 男士衬衣dress 连衣裙T-shirt T恤pants 长裤shorts 短裤socks 短裤fifty 五十sixty 六十eighty 八十ninety 九十sandwich 三明治pie 派hamburger 汉堡包chips 薯条pizza 披萨orange 桔子watermelon 西瓜banana 香蕉lemon 柠檬grape 葡萄hungry 饿的monkey 猴子lion 狮子koala 考拉kangaroo 袋鼠zebra斑马giraffe 长颈鹿panda 熊猫photo照片engineer 工程师worker 工人singer 歌手writer 作家actor 男演员actress 女演员policeman 男警察dentist 牙医driver 司机green beans 青豆potato 土豆tofu 豆腐tomato 西红柿juice 果汁beef 牛肉milk 牛奶soup 汤beer 啤酒pork 猪肉rice 米,米饭noodle 面条Monday 星期一Tuesday 星期二Wednesday 星期三Thursday 星期四Friday 星期五Saturday星期六Sunday 星期天dancing 跳舞reading阅读singing 唱歌running跑步playing football踢足球playing the violin 拉小提琴hobby 爱好watch TV 看电视wash clothes 洗衣服clean the room 清理房间play table tennis打乒乓球play tennis 打网球do homework 做家庭作业read books 看书go shopping 逛街购物play computer games玩游戏piece一片fruit水果watermelon 西瓜strawberry 草莓vegetable蔬菜eggplant茄子cucumber黄瓜chicken 鸡肉pork猪肉a bottle of juice一杯果汁a bar of chocolate一条巧克力a packet of sweets一包糖果favorite最喜欢的dessert甜品lost weight(lost是lose的过去式)减肥junk food垃圾食品sugar糖Weather 天气Rainy 多雨的,下雨的sunny阳光充足的snowy下雪的windy多风的cloudy多云的warm温暖的cold 冷的cool凉爽的season季节plant trees植树change改变country国家,乡村nearby在附近,邻近的around在...周围on the left of/在…左边post office邮局cinema电影院bookstore书店bus stop公交车站library图书馆bank银行museum博物馆hospital医院supermarket大型超市hotel宾馆on the corner of拐角,街角处block街区in the middle of在...中间on the right of在…的右边across在...对面avenue大街,林荫道than比smaller更小的taller更高的shorter更矮的stronger更强壮的heavier更重的longer更长的thinner更瘦的bigger更大的light灯泡,灯管fan风扇daytime白天mine我的hers她的jacket夹克衫,短上衣sweater毛衣scarf围巾gloves手套jeans牛仔裤sandals凉鞋his他的ours我们的theirs他们的yours你的write an e-mail写一封邮件cook meals做饭do the dishes洗碗water flowers浇花sweep the floor扫地make the bed 整理床铺listening to music听音乐set the table摆桌子theater剧院when什么时候where时间,什么时候gate 大门Chinese中文,汉语English英语,英国人math数学music音乐art美术science科学P.E. 体育class班级,课neither两者都不difficult困难的student学生often常常do sports做运动usually经常go hiking远足climb mountains爬山fly kites放风筝visit grandparents看望(外)祖父母take pictures拍照play chess下象棋Excuse me.打扰一下,对不起turn left向左转second第二miss错过,想念fourth第四third第三fifth第五first第一turn right向右转go straight向前直走north北方south南方west西方east东方nearest最近的September九月Teachers’ Day教师节January一月New Year’s Day元旦节March三月Women’s Day妇女节May五月May Day劳动节June六月Children’s Day儿童节October十月National Day国庆节April?月April Fool’s Day愚人节December十二月Christmas Day圣诞节festival 节日July七月weekend周末next week下周tonight今晚go swimming去游泳go skating去滑冰go camping去野营go riding去骑马go painting去画画visit拜访,参观go shopping去购物go skiing 去滑雪watch a movie看电影answer the phone接电话collect leaves收集树叶have a picnic野餐watch insects观察昆虫do an experiment做实验catch butterflies 抓蝴蝶party聚会classmate同学write a report写报告count insects数昆虫have an English class上英语make a snowman堆雪人pick up leaves摘树叶list清单myself我自己yourself 你自己wrong错误的a headache头疼a cough咳嗽a toothache牙疼a sore throat 喉咙疼an earache耳朵疼a stomachache肚子疼a runny nose流鼻涕matter关系,问题medicine药feel感觉sleepy困的,想睡的have a fever发烧serious严重的have the flu得了流感pill药片flute class 长笛课half past seven七点半a quarter past ten 十点十五分five past eight 八点过五分a quarter to nine 九点差十分get up 起床have breakfast 吃早餐go to school 去上学do homework 做作业go to bed 去睡觉on January 2nd 在1月2日on February 14th 在2月14日on March 10th 在3月10日on August 1st在8月1日on October 1st 在10月1日on April 3rd在4月3日in May 在五月in June在六月in July 在七月in September 在九月in November在十一月in December在十二月Sunday 星期天Monday 星期一Tuesday 星期二Wednesday 星期三Thursday 星期四Friday 星期五Saturday星期六play table tennis打乒乓球play the guitar弹吉他play the violin拉小提琴play the piano 弹钢琴play the flute 吹笛子living room 客厅dining room 餐厅bedroom 卧室study书房kitchen厨房bathroom卫生间house房子apartment公寓yard庭院swimming pool游泳池comic book漫画书newspaper报纸sofa沙发fridge冰箱curtain 窗帘trash bin 垃圾箱closet 壁橱mirror镜子end table 床头柜;茶几bookshelf 书架by bike骑自行车by bus乘公交车by car坐小车by taxi乘出租车by train乘火车by jeep坐吉普车by ship乘轮船by plane坐飞机how怎样get to 到达on foot 走路read books 读书plant trees 植树use a computer 使用计算机wash the clothes 洗衣服learn English学习英语read a newspaper 读报纸do morning exercises做早操make a kite 制作风筝clean the house 打扫房子wipe the window擦窗户crying 哭泣(cry的现在分词)running 跑(run的现在分词) scared 害怕的eating 吃(eat的现在分词) hungry 饿的drinking喝(drink的现在分词) thirsty口渴的sleeping睡觉(sleep的现在分词) tired 累的;疲劳的shouting 喊叫(shout的现在分词) angry生气的smiling 微笑(smile的现在分词) parking 停车smoking吸烟drop litter 扔垃圾watch TV 看电视make noise 制造噪音open the window 打开窗户close the door 关门did 做(do的过去式)took拿(take的过去式)was 是(am,is的过去式)were 是(are的过去式)danced 跳舞(dance的过去式) ate 吃(eat的过去式)read读(read的过去式)chipped削(chip的过去式)drank 喝(drink的过去式) sat 坐(sit的过去式rip 裂缝hole 洞worn用旧的rug 小地毯comfortable 舒适的got up 起床(get up的过去式)made dinner 做晚饭(make dinner的过去式)took a shower 冲凉(take ashower的过去式)wrote a letter 写信(write a letter的过去式)drove to the supermarket 开车去超市(drive to the supermarket的过去式)saw a film看电影(see a film的过去式)went to sleep 去睡觉(go to sleep的过去式)left the restaurant离开饭店(leavethe restaurant的过去式)fantasyland 幻想世界last night 昨晚days ago 几天前last year 去年today今天yesterday morning 昨天早晨just now 刚才this afternoon今天下午bought买(buy的过去式)had 有(have的过去式)Harry Potter哈利波特WOW魔兽世界(World OfWarcraft的缩写)play badminton 打羽毛球have a rest 休息play cards打纸牌college 大学do homework观光旅游do some reading读点文章row a boat划船wet 湿的windy多风的dry干的bored觉得无聊的beautiful 漂亮的tired觉得累的salty咸的may可以must 必须would 想要should 应该need需要empty the trash 倒垃圾take a message带口信drink some water 喝点水safer 更安全的younger更年轻的lighter 更轻的fatter 更胖的friendlier 更友好的cuter 更可爱的uglier 更丑的prettier 更漂亮的smarter更聪明的lazier 更懒惰的larger更大的youngest 最年轻的smartest最聪明的funniest 最滑稽的nicest 最好的kindest 最亲切的kindest 最好的the most interesting 最有趣的the most polite 最有礼貌的the most patient 最有耐性的beach 海滩sandcastle 沙塔carried保持(carry的过去式和过去分词)tide 潮汐swam 游泳(swim的过去式)told 告诉(tell的过去式)built建造(build的过去式came 来(come的过去式)washed洗(wash的过去式和过去分词)took拿(take的过去式和过去分词)did 做(do的过去式)was 是(is或am的过去式)grandparents 祖父母travel 旅行however 然而sushi 寿司key钥匙key ring 钥匙环visited 拜访(visit的过去式)got 得到(get的过去式和过去分词)enjoyed欣赏(enjoy的过去式和过去分词)remember 记得tie系ponytail 马尾辫present礼物ribbon 发带habit习惯pool 水池。
大运英语词汇竞赛单词表1严禁倚靠No Leaning2严禁攀折No Picking3禁止游泳No Swimming4请遵守场内秩序Please Keep Order5请勿打扰Do Not Disturb6当日使用,逾期作废Use on Day of Issue Only7凭票入场Ticket Holders Only8票已售完Sold Out9禁止停车/禁止停放车辆No Parking10禁止吸烟/请勿吸烟No Smoking11暂停服务/临时关闭Service Suspended/ Temporarily Closed 12请勿使用闪光灯No Flash13请在此等候Wait Here14请勿摄像/请勿摄影No Filming/ No Video15请勿拍照No Photography16出口/安全出口/安全门/太平门/安全通道EXIT17入口ENTRANCE18出口方向Way Out19入口方向Way In20谢绝参观/游客止步No Admittance/ Out of Bounds21禁止挟带的物品Restricted Articles22违禁物品Contraband23服务中心Service Center24 志愿者服务中心V olunteers Service Center25咨询服务中心Information Center26 无障碍设施Wheelchair Accessible27小件寄存处Cloakroom/ Luggage Deposit28货币兑换Currency Exchange29 明斯克航母世界Minsk Aircraft Carrier World30仙湖植物园Shenzhen Fairylake Botanical Garden31银湖旅游中心Shenzhen Silver Lake Resort32 红树林自然保护区Mangrove Natural Reserve33 莲花山Lianhua Mountain34 东部华侨城OCT East35 欢乐谷Happy Valley Theme Park36锦绣中华Splendid China37 中国民俗文化村China Folk Culture Villages38 深南大道Shennan Avenue39梧桐山Wutong Mountain40深圳市会展中心Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center41 禁坐栏杆No Sitting on the Handrail42 小心轻放Handle with Care43 请勿外带食品No Food from Outside44 易碎Fragile45 报警指示牌Police Alarm46 消防指示牌Fire Alarm47 请在此处开票Get Your Invoice Here48 单号入口Odd Numbers Entrance49 双号入口Even Numbers Entrance50 营业时间Open Hours/ Business Hours51 场馆示意图Map/ Sketch Map52 票务室Ticket Office/ Tickets53 桑拿浴房Sauna54 更衣室Locker Room55淋浴室Shower Room56 按摩室Massage Room57 医务室Clinic58 贵宾休息室/贵宾厅VIP Lounge59 力量训练房Strength Training Gymnasium60 运动员休息室Athletes' Lounge61 记者休息室Press Lounge/ Media Lounge62 运动员席Athletes' Seats/ Athletes' Box63 新闻发布厅Press Conference Hall/ Media Conference Hall 64新闻办公室Press Office/ Media Office65 文字记者席Press Seats/ Press Box66 电视评论席TV Commentators67 播音室Broadcasting Room68 广播席Radio Commentators69 摄影记者区Photo Zone/ Pool Positions70 兴奋剂检查室Doping Control Room71 场地器材室Venue Equipment Room72 竞赛办公室Competition Office73 技术代表室Technical Delegates' Office74 裁判员室Referees' Office75 仲裁办公室Jury's Office76 公告栏Notice Board77 吸烟处Smoking Area78 运动员专用通道Athletes Only79 残疾人专用通道Wheelchair Accessible80 观众通道For Spectators81 检录处Call Room/ Call Area82 观众席Spectator Seats83 贵宾席VIP Box84 主席台Rostrum85 等候区Waiting Area86 残疾人(无障碍)观众席Seats for Disabled87 计时控制室Timing Control Room88 公共广播系统PA (Public Address/ Announcement System)89 运营区/场馆工作区BOH (Back of House)90 通行区/场馆公众区FOH (Front of House)91市体育局Shenzhen Municipal Sports Bureau92大运中心主场馆Universiade Main Venues93深圳体育馆Shenzhen Gymnasium94深圳市网球中心Shenzhen Tennis Center95深圳游泳跳水馆Shenzhen Natatorium96深圳体育场Shenzhen Stadium97深圳射击馆Shenzhen Shooting Range Hall98罗湖区体育馆Luohu District Gymnasium99主席President100副主席Vice-President101 执行主席Executive President102 执行副主席Executive Vice-President103 执行委员Member of the Executive Board104总干事Director General105秘书长Secretary General106 副秘书长Vice-Secretary General107教练员Coach108运动健将Master Sportsman109运动员Athlete110 国家级裁判员National Level Referee/ Umpire/ Judge 111 一级裁判员First-grade Referee112 二级裁判员Second-grade Referee113三级裁判员Third-grade Referee114 工作人员Staff115 受薪人员Paid Staff116 合同商工作人员Contractor117 志愿者Volunteer118 借用人员Loaned Staff119 联络员Liaison Officer120 巡边人员Linesman121 保洁人员Cleaner122 足球场Football Field123 羽毛球场Badminton Court124 网球场Tennis Court125 手球场Handball Court126 乒乓球台Table Tennis Table127 排球场Volleyball Court128 沙滩排球场Beach V olleyball Ground129 棒球场Baseball Field130 垒球场Softball Field131 篮球场Basketball Court132 田径场Track & Field Stadium133 U型池Pool U134 山地自行车赛道Mountain Bike Trails135 山地自行车场Mountain Bike Course136 公路自行车赛场Cycling Course137射击场Shooting Range138 射箭场Archery Field139 帆船中心Sailing Center140 游泳池Swimming Pool141 跳板Spring Board/ Diving Board142 跳台Diving Platfor143 居住区Residential Zone (RZ)144 大运村综合诊所Village Polyclinic145 团队办公室Team Office146 运动员公寓Athlete Apartment147 车检点Vehicle Control Point (VCP)148 媒体村Media Village149 人员进驻Move in150兴奋剂检查Doping Control151反兴奋剂Anti-Doping152禁用清单Prohibited List153 世界反兴奋剂组织World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) 154 血样Blood Sample155 样品传送Sample Transportation156 急救包First Aid Kit157 理疗师Physiotherapist158 医疗设施Medical Facility159 医疗卫生人员Medical Staff160 医疗用品Medical Supplies161 运动员医疗站Medical Station for Athletes162 隔离检疫Quarantine Isolation163 国际联络International Relations164 语言服务Language Service165 笔译员Translator166 多语言服务总机Multilingual Switchboard167 工作语言Working Language168官方语言Official Language169交替传译Consecutive Interpretation170 口译员Interpreter171 同声传译Simultaneous Interpretation172 志愿者协调员V olunteer Coordinator173 礼宾Protocol174 场馆礼宾Venue Protocol175 旗杆Flagpole176 随行人员Entourage177 招待酒会Reception178 票务Ticketing179 订票处Booking Office180 换票Ticket Exchange181 检票区Ticket Rip Area (TRA)182 热敏票Thermal Tickets183 软验票Ticket Soft Check (TSC)184 售票系统Ticketing System185 退票Ticket Refund186 验票点Ticket Check Point (TCP)187 在线售票On-line Ticket Sales188 主票务中心Main Ticketing Center (MTC) 189 志愿者Volunteer190 城市志愿者City V olunteers s191 骨干志愿者Core V olunteers192 关键岗位志愿者V olunteers on Key Positions 193 技术志愿者Technical V olunteers194 赛会志愿者Games-time V olunteers195 社会志愿者Social V olunteers196 体育志愿者Sport Volunteers197 通用志愿者V olunteers on General Positions 198 岗位培训Job Training199 商业伙伴Commercial Partner200 招募Recruitment201 检票Ticket Taking202 路障Barricade203 轮班Shift204 失物招领Lost & Found205 信息亭Information Booth206颁奖台Podium207 颁奖仪式Victory Ceremony (VC)208 国歌National Anthem209 国家或地区旗帜Flag210获奖运动员Medalist211 嘉宾引导员Presenter(s) Escort212 奖牌Medal213奖牌挂带Ribbon214 金牌Gold Medal215升旗手、护旗手Flag-bearer216铜牌Bronze Medal217安保Security218 当地媒体Local Press219 发言人Spokesperson220 海外电视转播Overseas TV Transmission221 互联网服务Internet Services222 黄金时段报道Prime-time Coverage223 记者Journalist224 交互媒体Interactive Media225 媒体报道Media Coverage226 “一站式”服务“One-stop”Service227 媒体关系协调人Media Relations Coordinator 228摄影记者Photographer229 数字媒体平台Digital Media Platform230 数字转播系统Digital Broadcasting System 231 特约记者Special Correspondent232 体育编辑Sports Editor233 体育播报Sports Broadcasting234 体育广播员Sportscaster235 体育记者Sportswriter236 体育评论员Sport Commentator237 体育赛事Sports Event238 体育专栏作家Sports Columnist239 危机处理Crisis Management240 卫星传输Satellite Transmission241 卫星频道Satellite Channel242 卫星终端站Satellite Terminal243 文字记者工作间Press Workroom244 现场(实况)转播Live Transmission245 现场直播频道Live Broadcasting Channel246 新闻发布会Press Conference247 移动通信Mobile Communication248 移动通信服务Mobile Communication Services 249 有线电视Cable Television (CA TV)250 支持服务人员Support Staff251 主新闻中心Main Press Center (MPC)252 主转播商Host Broadcaster253 专项摄影记者Sport-specific Photographer 254 专项体育记者Sport-specific Journalist255半决赛Semi-final256抽签Draw257 代表队Delegation/ Team258 代表团团长Chef De Mission259 第二轮Second Round260 第二名Second Place261 复赛Repechage262 个人比赛Individual Competition263 个人淘汰赛Individual Elimination264 个人项目Individual Event265 计时排位赛Seeding Phase266 技术代表Technical Delegate (TD)267 技术官员Technical Official (TO)268 技术支持Technology Helpdesk269 晋级Advance270 径赛Track Events271 竞赛日程Competition Schedule272 决赛Final273 决赛成绩Final Result274 每场比赛时间Match Duration275 名次Ranking276 抗议与申诉Protests & Appeals277 热身场地Warm-up Area278 赛制Competition System279 三、四名决赛Play-off for Third Place280 三局两胜The Best of Three Games281 四分之一决赛Quarterfinal282 随队官员Team Official283 替补运动员Reserve Athletes/ Alternate Athletes 284 田赛Field Events285 团体比赛项目Team Events286团体赛Team Competition287 无效赛事Invalid Events288 预赛Preliminary289 运动员资格认定书Eligibility Condition Form 290 资格赛Qualification Events291长跑比赛Long Distance Race292 短跑Sprint293田径Athletics294跳高High Jump295跳远Long Jump296 掷标枪Javelin Throw297 掷铁饼Discus Throw298 推铅球Shot Put299羽毛球(项目)Badminton300竞技体操Artistic Gymnastics301沙滩排球Beach V olleyball302艺术体操Rhythmic Gymnastics303水球Water Polo304篮球Basketball305跆拳道Taekwondo306跳水Diving307帆船帆板Sailing308击剑Fencing309乒乓球Table Tennis310举重Weightlifting311自行车Cycling312游泳Swimming313柔道Judo314高尔夫Golf315足球Football316田径Athletics317射击shooting318排球Volleyball319国际象棋Chess320羽毛球Badminton321健美操Aerobics322网球Tennis323射箭Archery324深圳市文化局Shenzhen Municipal Culture Bureau 325 深圳报业集团Shenzhen Press Group326 深圳广播电影电视集团Shenzhen Media Group 327 科学馆Science Museum328少年宫Children's Palace329虚拟大学城Virtual University Town330大芬油画村Dafen Oil Painting Village331开幕式Opening Ceremony332发言人Spokesman333 新闻发布官Press Officer334 通讯员Correspondent335 新闻分析员News Analyst336 安全疏散指示图/紧急疏散指示图Evacuation Chart 337自然保护区Natural Reserve338 风景区Scenic Spot339 度假旅游区、度假村Holiday Resort340疗养地Health Resort/ Spa/ Health Spa341旅游休假地Tourist Resort342 内地休养、度假地Inland Resort343国家A级景区A-level National Scenic Spot344餐饮服务部Food & Beverages345导览册Guide Book346旅行社Travel Agency347深圳游泳跳水馆Shenzhen Natatorium348大运中心主场馆Universiade Main Venues349降水量Precipitation350 空气质量Air Quality351汽车尾气排放Vehicle Exhaust352日平均气温Daily Average Air Temperature353临建场馆Temporary Venue354现有场馆Existing Venue355新建场馆Newly-built Venue356车辆配备Allocated Vehicles357交通应急指挥中心Traffic Contingency Control Center 358交通影响Transport Impact359专项直达专线客车Dedicated & Direct Shuttle360专用通道Dedicated Passageway361备用车辆Backup Vehicle362 备用路线Reserved Route363城市主干道Artery364道路堵塞情况Road Congestion365低排放燃料Low Emission Fuel366公共交通Public Transport367临时停车限制Temporary Parking368交通控制区Traffic Control Zone369交通流量Traffic V olume370交通信号Traffic Signal371自动售检票系统Automatic Fare Collection372大运会运行中心Village Operation Center373主入口Main Entry374抵达和离开(抵离)Arrival & Departure (A & D) 375住宿Accommodation (ACM)376预留坐席Reserved Seats377安检Security Check378 度假旅游区、度假村Holiday Resort379 疗养地Health Resort/ Spa/ Health Spa380旅游休假地Tourist Resort381 度假地Vacation Spot382 旅行营地Travel Camp383 汽车营地和旅游公园Caravan & Tourist Parks384 野营地Camp Ground/ Camp Site/ Caravan Park385 宿营地Camp Ground/ Campsite386 海滩度假村Beach Resort387 度假城镇Resort Town/ Resort Community388 滑雪旅游点Skiing Resort389民俗村Ethnic Village390 人造景观Man-made Tourist Site391 海滩Beach392 海水浴场Bathing Beach393 水上公园Water Park394 公园、花园与自然保护区Parks, Gardens & Reserve395 植物园Botanic Garden396 动物园Zoo397 水族馆Aquarium398 航海博物馆Maritime Museum399 天文馆Observatory400 古文化遗址Historical Cultural Site401 古迹Historical Site402 古建筑Historical Buildings403 娱乐中心Amusement Center404 历史纪念物Historical Monuments405 纪念堂Memorial Hall406 故居Former Residence407 博物馆Museum408 艺术博物馆Art Museum409 美术馆Art Gallery410名胜Sights/ Attractions411 遗址Historic Relics/ Historic Sites412 野生动物保护区Wildlife Reserve413 森林保护区Forest Preserve414 国家公园National Park415 宫、院Palace416 亭、阁Pavilion417 寺Monastery (Temple)418 牌楼Memorial Archway419 桥Bridge420 牌坊Memorial Gateway421 庙Temple422 四合院Courtyard Dwellings423 钟鼓楼Bell Tower & Drum Tower424 清真寺Mosque425 教堂Church426 犹太教会堂Synagogues427 女修道院Convents428 皇家陵园Imperial Cemetery429 佛堂Buddhist Worship Hall/ Sanctuary430 祠堂Ancestral Temple431 城隍庙Town God Temple432 游船Sightseeing Boat433 索道Cableway434 缆车Cable Car435 拱桥Arch Bridge436 游乐场/游乐园Amusement Park437 儿童游乐场/儿童乐园Children's Playground 438 瀑布Waterfall439 步行街Pedestrian Street440 公园Park441 主题公园Theme Park442 森林公园Forest Park443 湿地公园Wetland Park444 儿童公园Children's Park445 街区公园Community Park446 纪念馆Memorial / Memorial Museum447 展览馆/陈列馆Exhibition Hall/ Exhibition Center448 美术馆/艺术馆Museum of fine Art/ Museum of Art 449 科技馆Science & Technology Hall450 世界文化遗产World Cultural Heritage451 标志性建筑物Landmark452 露天剧场Open-air Theater453 露天影院Drive-in Movie454 定点饭店、旅馆Certified Restaurant/ Hotel for Tourism 455 咖啡馆、餐馆Café/ Coffee Shop456 星级饭店Star-grade Hotel457 百货商店Department Store458 自然景观Natural Attraction459 温泉Hot Spring460 假山Rockery/ Artificial Rockwork461 水塘Pond462 火山V olcano463 热带植物园Tropical Plants Garden464 地质景观Geological Landscape465 植物景观Plants Landscape/ Flora Landscape466 江河湖泊Rivers & Lakes467 水池Pool468 洞穴Cave469 峡谷Valley470 戏曲Traditional Opera471 戏剧脸谱Theatrical Mask472 京剧Peking Opera473 功夫Kung Fu474 拳术Chinese Boxing475 毛笔Writing Brush476 书法Calligraphy477 灯笼Lantern478 爆竹Firecracker479 舞狮Lion Dance480 舞龙Dragon Dance481 杂耍Variety Show482 灯会Exhibit of Lanterns483 气功Controlled Breathing Exercise484 农历Lunar Calendar485 阳历Solar Calendar486 地王观光Meridian View Center487 赛格观光SEG Plaza488 野生动物园Shenzhen Wildlife Park489 青青世界Evergreen Resort490海上田园Shenzhen Waterlands491笔架山公园Bijiashan Park492 锦绣中华Splendid China493中国民俗文化村China Folk Culture Villages494香格里拉大酒店Shangri-La Hotel495 圣廷苑酒店The Pavilion496格兰云天大酒店Shenzhen Grand Skylight Hotel497 深圳画院Shenzhen Fine Art Institute498 科学馆Science Museum499 深圳书城Shenzhen Book Mall500 深圳戏院Shenzhen Theatre501 深圳大剧院Shenzhen Grand Theatre502 深圳市工人文化宫Shenzhen Worker’s Cultural Palace503 深圳图书馆Shenzhen Library504 嘉禾深圳影城Golden Harvest Shenzhen Cinemas505 深圳卫视Shenzhen Satellite TV506 深圳特区报Shenzhen Special Zone Daily507 深圳商报Shenzhen Economic Daily508 深圳晚报Shenzhen Evening News509 晶报Daily Sunshine510 深圳书城中心城Shenzhen CBD Book Mall511 深圳水贝珠宝项链街区Shenzhen Shuibei Jewelry & Necklace Street 512 观澜版画原创产业基地Guanlan Woodcut Originality Industrial Base 513 女主角Heroine514男主角Hero515 女配角Supporting Actress516 男配角Supporting Actor517 编导Director518 制作人Producer519 美术指导Art Director520 平面设计师Graphic Artist521 布景设计师Scenic Designer522 服装设计师Costume Designer523音乐家Musician524 歌唱家Singer/V ocalist/Songster525 作曲家Composer526 器乐家Instrumentalist527 钢琴家Pianist528 伴奏家Accompanist529 小提琴手Violinist530 吉他手Guitarist531 男高音Tenor532 女高音Soprano533 女中音Mezzo Soprano534 女低音Alto535 鼓手Drummer536 社长President537 发行人Publisher538 督印人Publishing Supervisor539编辑Editor540 助理编辑、整理来稿编辑Assistant Editor541 总编辑Editor-in-chief542 主编、编辑主任Managing Editor543 副主编Associate Managing Editor/ Deputy Managing Editor 544 执行编辑Executive Editor545 高级编辑Senior Editor546 特约编辑Contributing Editor547 责任编辑Responsible Editor548 新闻编辑News Editor549 版面编辑Lay-out Editor550 副刊编辑Supplement Editor551 地方版编辑City Editor552 社论编辑Lead-writer553 电讯编辑Telegraph Editor/ Cable Editor554 图片编辑Picture Editor555 快速路Expressway556 快速通道Express Entry557 路线标识Route Signage558 媒体专用车辆Media Allocated Vehicle559 内部班车Internal Shuttle Bus560派送单Delivery Order561 一卡通Smart Card/ Intelligence Card562 主要街道Main Street563 注册车辆Accredited Vehicle564专用停车位Allocated Parking Space565 自动售检票系统Automatic Fare Collection566 物流Logistics567 物流服务Logistics Service568 采购订单Purchase Order569 采购方式Procurement Method570 采购小组Buying Team571 采购中介代理Procurement Agent572 仓库管理系统Warehouse Management System (WMS)573 分散采购Decentralized Procurement574 货物入库通知Goods Received Advice (GRA)575 集中采购Centralized Procurement576 举办城市交通供给Host City Transport Supply577 配送计划Delivery Schedule578 物流中心Logistics Center579 夜间航班Night Flight580 载货清单Driver Manifest (DM)581 暂停区Staging Area582 站点管理Depot Management583 支路Branch Road584 直达以及专用交通服务Direct & Dedicated Transport Service 585 指路标识Way-finding Signage586 智能交通系统Intelligent Traffic System587 中心区Center Zone588 中型客车Mini-bus589 主干路Trunk Road590 专业司机Professional Driver591 专用车辆Allocated Vehicle592 专用轿车Dedicated Car593 专职司机Full-time Driver594 装箱单Packing Slip (PGS)595 资产管理系统Assets Management System (AMS)596华润万象城.. The MIXc597金光华购物广场.. Kingglory Plaza598地王商场.. Di Wang Commercial Center599西武百货.. Seibu Department Store600友谊名店.. Friendship Department Store601吉之岛.. JUSCO602家乐福.. Carrefour603沃尔玛.. Walmart604华润万家.. Vanguard605赛格电子市场.. Seg Electronics Market606华强电子市场.. Huaqiang Electronics Market607白马服装市场.. White Horse Clothing Market608西华宫购物中心.. Huaxigong Shopping Center609罗湖商业城.. Luohu Shopping Mall610酒吧台Bar Counter611 茶盘Tea Tray612 酒吧椅、酒吧凳Bar Chair/ Stool613 桌台Tables614 小水池Washing Basin615 开瓶钻Corkscrew616 侍者用开瓶器Wine Waiter Corkscrew 617 削冰器Ice Shaver618 调酒器Strainer619 柠檬挤汁器Cocktail Squeezer620 果汁挤压器Juice Extractor621 电动搅拌器Electric Blender622 鸡尾酒摇樽Cocktail Shaker623 开瓶器Bottle Opener624 制冰块机Ice Making Machine/ Ice Maker 625 冰块压碎机Ice Crusher626 碎冰器Ice Breaker627 水壶Water Jug628 香槟桶Champagne Bucket629 小冰桶Ice Bucket630 冰块夹Ice Tongs631 冰勺Ice Scoop632 长匙Bar Spoon633 长叉Bar Fork634 小刀Knife635 吸管Straws636 调酒标Mixing Glass637 混合酒调酒棒Swizzle Stick638 潘趣钵Punch Bowl639 各式酒杯Bar Glasses640 杯垫Coaster641 托酒盘Tray for Drinks642 玻璃小碟Glass Saucer643 五味酒盆及勺Punch Bowl & Ladles 644 红酒篮Wine Basket645 牙签筒Toothpick Holder646 糖缸Sugar Bowls647 烟灰缸Ashtray648 案板Cutting Board649 菜单架Menu-holder650 烛台Candlestick651 纸巾Paper Towel652 玻璃酒具Glassware653 酒杯Glass654 鸡尾酒杯Cocktail Glass655 香槟酒杯Champagne Glass656 潘趣酒杯Punch Glass657 白兰地酒杯Brandy Glass658 白兰地小酒杯Brandy Snifter659 甜酒杯Liqueur Glass660 高脚杯Water Goblet661 水果杯Fruit Cup662 咖啡杯Coffee Cup663 果汁杯Juice Glass664 水杯Water Tumbler665 啤酒杯、扎Beer Mug666 清洁用具Cleaning Equipment667 茶具Tea Set668 茶罐Caddy669 茶壶Tea-pot670 冰粒供应Ice Supplies671 鲜橙Orange672 鲜柠檬Lemon673 橘子水Orangeade674 柠檬水Lemonade675 金姜饮Gingerale676 蜂蜜水Hydromel677 苏打水Soda Water/ Carbonated Water 678 矿泉水Mineral Water679 饮用水Drinking Water680 冰水Ice Water681 悬钩子汁冰水Raspberry Sorbet682 蒸馏水Distilled Water683 干姜水Ginger Ale684 各种汽水Fizzy Mineral Water685 含香料的汽水(美)Soda Pop686 汽水Aerated Water/ Soda Water687 橘子汽水Orange Pop688 橙汁汽水Orangeade/ Orange Squash 689 柠檬汁汽水Lemon Squash690 七喜柠檬汽水Seven-up/ 7-up691 果汁粉Drink Mix692 番茄汁Tomato Juice693 葡萄汁Grape Juice694 西柚汁Grapefruit Juice695 菠萝汁Pineapple Juice696 柠檬汁Lemon Juice697 酸橙汁Lime Juice698 白糖浆White Sugar Syrup699 石榴糖浆Grenadine700 蜂蜜Honey701 红必打士Angostura Bitters702 橙必打士Orange Bitters703 热饮Hot Drink704 冷饮Cold Drink705 冰冻饮料Iced Drink706 清凉饮料Cooling Drink707 软饮料Soft Drink708 瓶装饮料Bottled Drink709 果茶、美味饮料Nectar710 水果混合饮料Fruit Punch711 茶Tea712 红茶Black Tea/ Red Tea713 绿茶Green Tea714 花茶Scented Tea715 柠檬茶Lemon Tea/ Tea with Lemon 716 茉莉花茶Jasmine Tea717 乌龙茶Oolong Tea718 玫瑰花茶Rose Tea719 菊花茶Chrysanthemum Tea710 水仙茶Narcissus Tea711 杏仁茶Almond Tea712 麦芽茶Malt Tea713 大麦茶Baked Barley Tea714 薄荷茶Mint Tea715 凉药茶、苦茶Herbal Tea/ Bitter Tea 716 冬瓜茶White Gourd Tea717 牛茶Beef Tea718 人参茶Ginseng Tea719 药草茶Herbal Tea720 银杏茶Ginko Leave Tea721 功夫茶Congou722 酥油茶Yak Butter Tea723 白毫(高级红茶)Pekoe724 小种红茶Souchong725 铁观音Tie-guan-yin726 龙井茶Long-jing/ Dragon Well Tea 727 普洱茶Pu’er Tea728 热巧克力茶Hot Chocolate729 速溶茶Instant Tea730 砖茶Brick Tea731 浓茶Strong Tea732 淡茶Weak Tea733 红果汁Haw Juice734 芒果汁Mango Juice735 桃汁Peach Juice736 酸枣汁Wild Jujube Juice737 柚子汁Grapefruit Juice738 酸梅汁Plum Juice739 樱桃汁Cherry Juice740 草莓汁Strawberry Juice741 桑椹汁Mulberry Juice742 甘蔗汁Sugar-cane Juice743 苹果汁Cider744 梨汁Pear Juice745 西瓜汁Watermelon Juice746 橘子汁Orange Juice747 木瓜汁Papaya Juice748 椰子汁Coconut Mild749 猕猴桃汁Kiwi Fruit Juice 750 天然果汁Fruit Juice751 芦笋汁Asparagus Juice752 蔬菜汁Vegetable Juice753 果子露Sherbet754 杏仁露Syrup of Almond755 柠檬露Lemon Syrup756 葡萄露Grape Syrup757 玫瑰露Rose Syrup758 酸梅汤Syrup of Plum759 可口可乐Coca-cola/ Coke 760 百事可乐Pepsi-cola761 无糖百事可乐Diet Pepsi762 咖啡Coffee763 牛奶咖啡White Coffee764 无奶咖啡Black Coffee765 速溶咖啡Instant Coffee766 冰咖啡Iced Coffee767 无咖啡因的咖啡Decaffeinated 768 蒸汽煮的浓咖啡Espresso 769 餐后饮用的浓咖啡Demitasse 770 泡腾咖啡Cappuccino771 可可Cocoa772 速溶可可Instant Cocoa Drink 773 牛奶Milk774 热牛奶Warm Milk775 冷牛奶Cold Milk776 冰牛奶Ice Milk777 酸奶Yogurt778 巧克力奶Chocolate Milk779 羊奶Goat Milk780 马奶Mare’s Milk781 奶雪、冰奶蛋Milk Shake782 炼乳Condensed Milk783 无糖炼乳Evaporated Milk784 奶粉Powdered Milk785 速溶奶粉Instant Milk786 全脂奶粉Whole Milk787 脱脂奶粉Skimmed Milk788 麦乳精Malted Milk789 豆浆Soybean Milk790 冰棍Ice-lolly/ Popsicle (美)791 冰块Ice-cubes792 米饭Rice793 煮饭Cooked Rice794 蒸饭Steamed Rice795 炒饭Fried Rice796 菜饭Vegetable Rice797 蛋炒饭Fried Rice with Eggs798 扬州炒饭Fried Rice with Eggs & Prawns799 虾仁炒饭Fried Rice with Shrimps800 盖浇饭Rice Served with Meat & Vegetables801 什锦烩饭Mix-meat Risotto802 八宝饭Eight-treasure Rice Pudding803 鸡汤泡饭Shredded Chicken with Rice in Soup804 肠粉Rice Noodle Roll805 米粉、米线Rice-Noodles806 炒米粉Soft Cooked Rice Noodles807 干炒牛河Dry Fried Rice Noodle with Beef808 馒头Steamed Bread809 炸馒头Deep Fried Steamed Bread810 烤馒头Baked Steamed Bread811 花卷Steamed Roll/ Steamed Twisted Roll812 包子Steamed Stuffed Bun813 菜包Green Vegetable Bun814 肉包子Meat Bun815 水晶包Steamed Bun with Sugar & Pork Fat816 豆沙包Crushed Bean Bun817 糖包Steamed Bun with Sugar Stuffing818 叉烧包Steamed Bun Filled with Roast Pork/ Car Bonado Bun819 小笼包子Small Steamed Meat Bun/ Small Steamed Meat Dumpling 820 烧卖Shaomai/ Steamed Dumpling with the Dough Gathered at the Top 821 蟹黄烧卖Crab Shaomai822 窝窝头Steamed Corn Bread823 玉米饽饽Flapjack824 菠菜豆腐汤Spinach & Bean Curd Soup825 蛋花汤Egg Drop Soup826 乌鱼蛋汤Squid Egg Soup827 燕窝汤Bird’s Nest Soup828 粟米羹Sweet Maize Potage829 西湖牛肉羹Thick Soup of Minced Beef & Egg830 蟹黄豆腐羹Bean Curd & Crab-meat Soup831 烙饼Flapjack832 酸辣汤Sour & Chilli Soup/ Sour & Hot Soup/ Sour-peppery Soup 833 番茄汤Tomato Soup834 豌豆汤Pea Soup835 馅饼Meat Pie836 酥饼Shortcake837 烧饼、火烧Baked Wheat Cake838 葱油饼Green Onion Pie839 荷叶饼Lotus-leaf Pancake840 千层饼Multi-layer Steamed Bread841 煎饼Pan Cake with Deep Fried Dough Cake & Soy Sauce Stuffing 842 油饼Deep-fried Dough Cake843 油条Twisted Cruller/ Deep-fried Twisted Dough Sticks844 锅贴Fried Dumpling845 蒸饺Steamed Dumpling846 猪肉水饺Boiled Pork Dumpling847 虾饺Shrimp Dumpling848 馄饨Chinese Flour Dumplings/ Wonton/ Dumplings in Soup849 猪肉馄饨Pork Wonton850 虾仁馄饨Shrimp Wonton851 面疙瘩Dough Slices in Soup852 春卷Spring Roll853 炸春卷Fried Spring Roll854 面条Noodles855 煮面Stewed Noodles856 炒面Fried Noodles857 汤面Noodles in Soup858 拉面Fine Dried Noodles859 担担面Sichuan Noodles with Peppery Sauce860 牛肉面Beef Noodles861 阳春面Noodles in Simple Sauce862 虾仁面Shrimp Noodles863 打卤面Noodles with Sauce864 炸酱面Noodles with Pork Mince & Soy Bean Sauce865 凉拌面Cool Braised Noodles Mixed with Sauce866 方便面、速食面Instant Noodles867 扬州炒面Assorted Meat with Fried Noodles868 三鲜汤面Noodle Soup with Sea Food869 蒸糕Steamed Cake870 松糕Steamed Sponge Cake871 年糕Glutinous Rice Cake/ New Year Cake872 炒年糕Saute Glutinous Rice Flour Cake873 元宵Glutinous Rice Flour Dumplings874 芝麻汤圆Sweet Rice Balls with Sesame Filling875 珍珠麻团Pearl-shaped Balls of Glutinous Rice876 豌豆黄Pea Cake, Beijing Style877 棕子Pyramid-shaped Glutinous Rice Dumpling (Wrapped in Reed Leaves)878 粥Gruel/ Porridge/ Congee879 糯米粥Glutinous Rice Congee880 小米粥Millet Gruel881 玉米粥Maize Gruel882 绿豆粥Congee with Mung Beans883 腊八粥Rice Porridge with Nuts & Dried Fruit (Eaten on the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month)884 皮蛋粥Minced Preserved Egg with Rice Gruel885 中餐菜谱Menus of Chinese Food886 红烧肉Stewed Pork/ Braised Pork in Brown Sauce887 东坡肉Stewed Pork in Dongpo Style888 酱肉Spiced Pork/ Braised Pork Seasoned with Soy Sauce889 回锅肉Stir-fried Boiled Pork Slices in Chilli Sauce/ Twice-cooked Pork890 盐煎肉Fried Pork with Salted Pepper891 咕老肉、古老肉Sweet & Sour Pork892 蒜泥白肉Shredded Pork with Garlic Sauce893 米粉肉Steamed Pork with Rice Flour894 猪肉炖粉条Stewed Pork with Vermicelli895 炸肉丸Deep-fried Meatballs896 红烧狮子头Stewed Meatballs in Brown Sauce897 软炸里脊Lightly-fried Fillet898 炒肉片Fried Pork Slice899 炒肉丁Fried Diced Meat900 辣子炒肉丁Diced Pork with Green Pepper901 蚂蚁上树Vermicelli with Spicy Minced Pork902 炒肉丝Fried Shredded Pork903 鱼香肉丝Shredded Pork with Garlic Sauce904 韭黄肉丝Shredded Pork with Chives905 青椒肉丝Shredded Pork with Green Pepper906 糖醋排骨Sweet & Sour Spareribs907 粉蒸排骨Steamed Spareribs with Rice Flour908 烤乳猪Roasted Suckling Pig909 酱猪肘Spiced Pork Leg/ Spiced Pig’s Leg910 水晶肘子Pork Leg Jelly911 炒猪肝Fried Pork Livers912 焖牛肉Pot Roast Beef913 咖啡牛肉Fried Curry Beef/ Curried Beef Stew/ Beef Curry914 红烧牛肉Beef in Brown Sauce915 蚝油牛肉Oyster Sauce Beef916 铁板牛柳Stir-fried beef with onion on hot iron plate917 蒙古手抓肉Mongolian Boiled Lamb918 涮羊肉Instant-boiled Mutton919 葱爆羊肉Fried mutton slices with green scallion920 烤羊肉串Mutton Cubes Roasted on a Skewer/ Kebab921 烧鸡Stewed Chicken922 德州扒鸡Stewed Chicken, Dezhou Style923 白斩鸡Boiled Chicken924 香酥鸡Savoury & Crisp Chicken925 怪味鸡Chicken in Piquant Sauce926 麻辣鸡Chicken with Chilli & Sichuan Pepper927 油淋鸡Boiling Oil Scalded Chicken928 棒棒鸡Shredded Chicken/ Chicken Cutlets in Chilli Sauce929 纸包鸡Deep-fried Chicken in Paper/ Chicken Wrapped in Cellophane930 芙蓉鸡片Sliced Chicken with Egg-white/ Sliced Chicken in Egg White Sauce 931 辣子鸡丁Diced Chicken Saute with Green Pepper932 宫保鸡丁Sautéd/ Diced Chicken with Chilli & Peanuts933 北京烤鸭Roast Beijing Duck934 盐水鸭Boiled Salted Duck/ Salted Duck935 樟茶鸭Smoked Duck, Sichuan Style936 烧鹅Roasted Goose937 蒸鹅Steamed Goose938 茶叶蛋Tea Eggs939 卤蛋Spiced Eggs940 煎蛋Fried Eggs941 荷包蛋Poached Egg942 西红柿炒鸡蛋Tomato Omelet943 皮蛋、松花蛋Preserved Egg944 清蒸鱼Steamed Fish945 糖醋鱼Sweet & Sour Fish946 剁椒鱼头Steamed Fishhead with Chilli947 红烧鲤鱼Stewed Carp in Brown Sauce948 松鼠黄鱼Sweet & Sour Boneless Yellow Croaker949 清蒸桂鱼Steamed Mandarin Fish950 扒鱼翅Steamed Shark’s Fins951 干烧大虾Fried Prawns with Brown Sauce952 腰果虾仁Fried Shrimp Meat with Cashew Nuts953 虾仁豆腐Shrimp Meat with Bean Curd954 葱烧海参Scallion Flavoured Sea Cucumber955 老醋蛰头Cold Jellyfish in Vinegar956 红烧干贝Stewed Scallops in Brown Sauce957 麻婆豆腐Bean Curd Sautéd in Sichuan Style958 菠菜豆腐Stewed Bean Curd with Spinach959 沙锅豆腐Bean Curd in Earthen Ware Pot960 豆腐脑儿Jellied Bean Curd961 独面筋Braised Wheat Gluten in Brown Sauce962 干煸四季豆Fried Beans with Minced Pork & Chilli963 西芹百合Fried Celery with Lily964 醋溜白菜Chinese Cabbage with Sweet & Sour Sauce965 炒油菜Fried Season Vegetable966 蚝油生菜Lettuce in Oyster Sauce967 炸茄合Fried Stuffed Eggplant968 鱼香茄子Eggplant, Sichuan Style/ Eggplant with Garlic Sauce 969 拌黄瓜Fresh Cucumber with Bean Sauce970 四川泡菜Pickled Vegetables, Sichuan Style971 什锦火锅Assorted Meat & Vegetables in Casserole972 什锦锅巴Assorted Meat with Fried Rice Crusts973 冷盘Cold Dish(双拼2 Sorts)(四拼4 Sorts)974 鸭架汤Roast Duck Bone Soup975 西湖莼菜汤West Lake Style Water Shield Soup976 紫菜蛋花汤Seaweed & Egg Soup977 西红柿鸡蛋汤Tomato & Egg Soup978 鱼圆汤Fish Ball Soup979 三鲜汤Clear Soup of Three Delicious Ingredients/ Soup of Seafood 980 火腿冬瓜汤Ham & White Gourd Soup981 白面包White Bread982 黑面包Rye Bread983 烤面包Toast984 汉堡包Hamburger/ Burger985 热狗Hot Dog986 法式面包French Bred987 美式白面包American White Bread988 全麦面包Wholemeal Bread989 面包圈Circle Bread990 花棍面包Bread Stick991 日本酱油汁汉堡包Teriyaki Burger992 新月形面包、法式牛角包Croissant993 小甜圆面包Bun/ Roll994 葡萄干面包Raisin Sandwich995 鸡肉三明治Chicken Sandwich996 火腿三明治Ham Sandwich997 香肠三明治Sausage Sandwich998 奶酪三明治Cheese Sandwich999 通心粉Macaroni。
三年级单词竞赛词库备注:前面为课内单词包括1-2年级牛津英语,后面加粗为课外拓展单词一、(学习文具类)pen 钢笔pencil 铅笔book 书ruler 尺子bag包crayon 蜡笔eraser/rubber 橡皮pencil box铅笔盒pencil-case 笔袋notebook笔记本knife小刀brush毛笔二、身体部位类mouth 嘴small nose 小鼻子hand 手big eyes 大眼睛ear耳朵face 脸arm 手臂head 头short finger 短手指foot 脚leg 腿 long hair 长头发shoulder 肩膀knee 膝盖toe 脚趾neck脖子finger 手指头三、颜色类red 红色的yellow 黄色brown 棕色的orange 橙色的blue 蓝色的black 黑色的white 白色的purple 紫色的green 绿色的 grey 灰色pink 粉红色的四、动物类cow 奶牛lion 狮子tiger老虎cat 猫dog 狗monkey 猴子panda 熊猫bird 鸟pig 猪bear 熊rabbit兔子butterfly蝴蝶bee蜜蜂duck 鸭子ant 蚂蚁chicken小鸡fox 狐狸zebra 斑马goose 鹅snake蛇fish 鱼kangaroo 袋鼠cicada蝉cricket蟋蟀lizard蜥蜴fly苍蝇shark鲨鱼whale鲸parrot鹦鹉wolf狼lamb羊羔sheep绵羊goat山羊hippo河马koala考拉squirrel松鼠mouse 老鼠mice (老鼠复数)elephant象deer 鹿giraffe长颈鹿五、食品类candy糖果sweet糖果pie 馅饼rice米饭chocolate巧克力egg 蛋bread 面包cake 蛋糕hamburger 汉堡包hot dog 热狗ice-cream 冰淇淋fish鱼肉chips薯条steak牛排meat肉vegetable蔬菜cheese奶酪salad沙拉beef牛肉pork猪肉biscuit饼干jam 酱chicken 鸡肉noodle(s)面条六、饮料类milk牛奶juice 果汁tea 茶Coke 可乐ice 冰sprite雪碧soda苏打soft drink 软饮料water 水coffee咖啡七、(果蔬)水果:banana 香蕉pear 梨peach桃子 apple苹果 orange 橙子lemon柠檬berry 浆果cherry 樱桃coconut椰子papaya木瓜kiwi猕猴桃lichi荔枝blueberry蓝莓grape 葡萄watermelon 西瓜strawberry 草莓蔬菜:carrot 胡萝卜bean 豆角tomato西红柿potato土豆cabbage卷心菜,甘蓝cucumber黄瓜green vegetable青菜eggplant茄子cauliflower花椰菜pepper胡椒,辣椒ginger生姜八、(toy玩具类)chess 棋puppet木偶puzzle拼图toy玩具box 盒子doll玩具娃娃ball 球balloon 气球kite 风筝bell铃铛yoyo溜溜球robot机器人CD光盘Jack-in-the-box玩偶盒toy gun玩具枪gift 礼物Barbie doll芭比娃娃Teddy Bear 泰迪熊九、(交通工具类)car 小汽车boat 船taxi 出租车plane飞机bike 自行车jeep吉普车bus 公共汽车train 火车metro地铁high-speed rail高铁ship轮船sports car跑车truck卡车ambulance救护车aircraft航空器spaceship宇宙飞船rocket火箭十、人物类:(一)(家庭成员类)family家庭father/dad父亲(爸爸)mother/mom 母亲(妈妈)elder brother 哥哥☆younger brother弟弟elder sister 姐姐☆younger sister 妹妹☆grandfather/grandpa 爷爷(外公)grandmother/grandma 奶奶(外婆)Uncle叔叔aunt阿姨grandson孙子,外孙granddaughter 孙女,外孙女cousin表兄(弟姐妹),堂兄(弟姐妹)nephew 侄子,外甥(二)人物称呼:girl 女孩boy 男孩friend class同学们朋友man 男人woman 女人Miss 小姐Mrs 夫人Ms女士Mr先生sir阁下(三)职业:teacher 教师pupil小学生student 学生doctor 医生nurse 护士worker 工人cook厨师farmer农夫driver司机engineer工程师artist 画家writer作家reporter记者milkman 送奶工waiter服务生waitress女服务员actor男演员actress 女演员singer歌手dancer舞者barber理发师dentist牙医sailor海员officer公务员policeman警察designer设计师keeper看守人guide导游guard守卫/保安manager经理president董事长十二、(数字类)one 一two 二three 三four 四five 五six 六seven七eight八nine九ten十eleven十一twelve十二thirteen十三fourteen十四fifteen十五sixteen 十六seventeen 十七eighteen十八nineteen十九twenty二十 hundred百十三、地名(国家)China/PRC 中国Canada/CAN 加拿大America/USA 美国United Kingdom/UK英国Australia/AUS 澳大利亚Japan 日本Russia 俄罗斯城市:Paris巴黎Tokyo东京Washington DC华盛顿Ottawa渥太华Hong Kong/HK香港十四、(家居类)家具:desk课桌chair椅子table餐桌window 窗户door 门sofa沙发电器:TV 电视机computer电脑lamp台灯walkman随声听air-conditioner 空调十五、(方位类)in(在……里) on(在……上面)under (在……下面) behind (在……后面) beside 在旁边next to在隔壁十六、(形容词类)bright明亮的big 大的small 小的right 对的happy 快乐的new新的old 旧的nice 好的,愉快的;well好的good 好的bad 坏的long 长的short 短的/矮的tall高的lovely 可爱的quiet安静的smart 聪明的cute 逗人喜爱的beautiful漂亮的funny 可笑的 full 饱的hungry 饿的十七、(感叹词)wow哇super 超级棒great 太好了cool 好酷啊ouch哎呀十八、(人称代词类)(主格)I我you 你he他she她it它we 我们they 他们(宾格)me 我you你你们him他her她it 它us我们them他们(物主代词)my我的your你(们)的his他的her她的its 它的our 我们的their 他们的十九、(疑问代词类)where 哪里how 多么;怎么样what 什么who 谁 how old 多少岁what colour 什么颜色how many 多少how much多少钱when什么时候why为什么which哪一个what time什么时间二十、(动词类)like 喜欢jump 跳skate 溜冰ski 滑雪colour 涂色do做… sit down 坐下stand up 起立hands up举手hands down 手放下 open 打开close 关上look 看touch触摸play football 踢足球play chess下棋sing唱歌dance跳舞put on 穿上take off 脱掉put放置fly 放飞…keep保持play 玩draw 画have拥有read 读say 说eat 吃drink 喝watch观看stamp跺脚clap 拍手make制作come过来go去二十一、服饰类:(1)jacket夹克衫coat大衣外套sweater 毛衣T-shirt T恤衫skirt 短裙cap 鸭舌帽dress 连衣裙socks袜子stockings长筒袜shoes 鞋子boots靴子gloves 手套hat 礼帽shorts 短裤jeans牛仔裤pants休闲裤trousers长裤slipper拖鞋handbag手提包(2)glasses 眼镜earring耳环finger ring戒指necklace项链tie领带belt腰带二十二、场所cinema电影院park公园school学校zoo动物园hospital医院supermarket超市court法院theatre 剧院garden 花园yard 院子station车站二十三、学科Chinese语文PE体育Art美术Maths数学English英语Music音乐二十四、自然界(1)sun太阳moon月亮star 星星earth地球(2)flower 花tree 树(3)spring 春天summer 夏天autumn 秋天winter 冬天(4)wind风rain雨storm暴风雨fog 雾snow雪thunder雷lightning闪电(5)volcano火山meadow草原lake湖泊beach海滩mountain山脉hill小山river河流twister 龙卷风typhoon 台风(6)hour 小时minute 分钟second 秒year 年season季节month 月week星期day 天二十五、(短语)listen to me 听我说Happy Birthday!生日快乐!Merry Christmas圣诞快乐! Happy New Year! 新年快乐thanks 多谢look at 看;瞧fly a kite 放风筝Yes, please.好的,请吧。
nourish vt 提供养分,养育nourishment 食物,营养状况novelty 新颖,新颖事物novel 新颖,异常nucleus 原子核,细胞核number vt 共计,达……之数numerical 数字,数值nun 修女,尼姑nursery 苗圃,养鱼池nut 螺母oar 桨,划手vi 划行oath 誓言,誓约,宣誓obedience 服从,顺从,管辖obedient 服从,顺从objective 宾格,目的obligation 义务,职责,责任oblige vt 使感激,施恩惠于obscure 阴暗,蒙昧observation 意见,短评observe vi 说,评述obstinate 固执,顽强occurrence 事故offence 犯罪,犯规,冒犯offensive 冒犯,攻打offer vt 呈现出,vi 浮现offspring 子女,子孙,后裔ohm 欧姆olive 橄榄,橄榄树onwards 向前,在前面opaque 不透明,不传导operation 运算opium 鸦片,麻醉剂optical 光,光学optimum 最适条件,最适度optimism 乐观,乐观主义option 选取,取舍orchard 果园orchestra 管弦乐队所有乐器ordinarily 普通,大概orient 东方,亚洲,远东orientation 向东,方向,定位originate vi 发源,vt 首创ornament n装饰物,vt 装修otherwise ad 此外,在其她方面ought 早应当,本应outbreak 战争愤怒等爆发peacock 孔雀peak 尖端,v 达到最高峰peck vv 啄,啄起peculiarity 特性,独特性,怪癖pedal 踏脚,踏板pedestrian 行人,步行者pedlar 小贩peel 果皮,蔬菜皮,v 剥皮,除掉peer vi 凝视,隐约浮现pendulum 钟等摆penetration 穿入,渗入,侵入perception 感觉,概念,理解力perch 禽鸟栖木,vi 栖息,停留perfect vt 使纯熟,使改进perfection 尽善尽美,无比精准peril 危机,危险事情perimeter 周边,周长periodic 周期,一定期期periodical 期刊,杂质peripheral 周界,末梢perish vi 死亡,夭折,枯萎perpendicular 垂直,垂线perpetual 永久,四季开花perplex vt 困惑,困惑,难住persecute vt 迫害,残害persevere 坚持,不屈不挠persist vi 持续,存留persistence 坚持,持续,存留personality 个性,人格,人物personnel 人事部门persuasion 劝告,说服,主张pertinent 恰当,关于petition 情愿vt 向……请愿petty 细小,气量小photoelectric 光电photography 照相术,照相physically ad 物质上,体格上pickle 腌制食品,泡菜pier 桥墩,码头pierce vt 穿透,戳穿,洞察pilgrim 香客,朝圣者pineapple 凤梨,菠萝pirate 海盗piston 活塞pitch 人造树脂,沥青plague 瘟疫,鼠疫,天灾prevalent 流行,盛行prey 猎物,vi 捕获prevention 防止,制止,妨碍prick vt 刺穿,刺孔primitive 远古,未开化principally ad 重要,大抵printer 印刷工,印花工priority 优先,重点prism 棱柱体,棱镜probe 探针,vt 用探针探查proceeding 程序,行动,事项producer 生产者,舞台监督productive 生产,出产……proficiency 纯熟,精通proficient 纯熟,精通productivity 生产率,多产profitable 有利,有益profound 深刻,渊博program vi 编制程序projector 投影仪,探照灯prolong vt 延长,拉长,迟延promotion 增进,提高,创立promptly ad 敏捷地,迅速地propaganda 宣传,宣传机构propagate vt 繁殖,传播,普及propagation 繁殖,传播,蔓延propel vt 推动,推动propeller 螺旋桨,推动器proper 合乎体统,正派prophecy 预言,语言能力prophet 预言家,先知proposition 命题,主题,建议prose 散文proton 质子prototype 原型,典型,范例proverb 谚语,格言,箴言province 领域,范畴,职权provision 规定,条款,条项provoke vt 对……挑衅,激发prudent 谨慎,精明psychology 心理学,心理puff vi 喘气,喷烟等pulley 滑轮,滑车,皮带轮punch vt 冲压,n冲压机puppy 小狗,幼小动物purify vt 提纯,精炼金属reconcile vt 使和好,调停rectangle 矩形,长方形recreation 消遣,娱乐活动rectify vt 纠正,调节,精馏reed 芦笛,牧笛reef 礁石,暗礁reel vt 卷,绕referee 裁判员,vt 当裁判reference 参照文献,参照系数refinery 精炼厂,提炼厂refrain vi 抑制,制止,忍住refreshment (精力)恢复,爽快refugee 难民,流亡者regenerative 使再生,革新regime 政体,政权,制度regiment 团,军团,一大群regularity 规则性,整洁regulation 规章,规则,调节regulate vt 调节,调节,对准reign 朝代relay vt 分程传递,使接替reject vt 舍弃,抛弃,排斥religion 信念,信条remainder 剩余物,余数repay vv 偿还,报答repeal vt撤销,放弃,n 撤销repel vt 回绝,使厌恶replace vt 送还,归还,赔还replacement 送还,取代,置换,归还report 传说,议论representation 描写,陈述,代表representative 代表性,代议制reproduce vt 仿造reproduction 再生产,繁殖reptile 爬行动物,两栖动物requisite 需要,必须品resemblance 相似,相似性reserve 沉默,自我克制reside vi 居住,驻扎,属于resent vt 对……不满,怨恨reservation 保存,预定,预订residual 剩余,残存resident 常住者resignation 听从,屈从,顺从resolute 坚决,果敢scan n 扫描,扫掠scandal 丑闻scar n. 伤疤scarcity n 缺少,局限性,萧条scarlet n 猩红热a 猩红scheme vt. 筹划vi 搞诡计scholarship 学问,学识,奖学金scoff vv 讥笑,嘲弄scope n眼界scorch vi 烧焦,枯萎;讥讽scout vt 收索,侦查,跟踪scramble vi &n 爬行,攀登scrap n 碎片,废料;vt 废弃scratch n 起跑线,起步线scrub n&vt 擦洗,擦净sculpture n 圣经,经书seam n 缝口,接缝,骨缝seaport 海港,港口,港市seaside 海滨胜地,海边second vt 赞成,支持section 切下某些seemingly ad 表面上,外表上segment n 切片,某些;段,节selection n 精选东西,选取senator 参议员,评议员sensation n 感觉,知觉,轰动senseless a 愚蠢,无意义sensible a 明显,感觉得到sensitivity n 敏感性,敏捷性sensor 传感器,敏捷元件sequence 序列sentiment n 感情,情操;情绪set 集合sermon n布道,讲道,说教settlement n 调停,新住宅区severe a 激烈,简朴shabby 褴褛,老旧shade n色彩浓淡,深浅shady a可疑,靠不住shaft n 工具柄,杆状物sham n假冒,赝品,vt. 假装shame vt 使羞愧,玷辱shark 贪婪狡猾人,鲨鱼sharply 严肃地,苛刻地shatter vt 粉碎,破碎,毁坏sheer a 纯粹,全然slide n 滑板,滑座vi 减少slim a 细长,微小slit vt切开n 狭长切口slumber 睡眠,沉睡状态,vi 睡眠smart vi刺疼,扎疼,剧痛a 美丽smuggle vt私运vi走私snacks 快餐,小吃vi 吃点心snail 行动缓慢人;蜗牛snap vt 猛咬,突然折断;快门声sneer vi&n 冷笑;讥笑sneeze vi打喷嚏sniff vi 用鼻子吸vt 嗅n 呼吸snob 势利小人snobbish a 势利,谄上欺下snore vi 打鼾,打呼噜n 打呼噜声sociology 社会学sodium 钠soften vt 使软化vi 变软弱softness 温和,柔和,软弱solidarity 团结,休戚有关solidify vi&vt 团结,凝固solo 独唱,独奏,独唱曲sophisticated 老于世故,高档sorrowful a 使人伤心,悲哀sovereign 君主;统治souvenir 纪念品soy 酱油,大豆,黄豆spacious a 辽阔,广大span 桥墩间墩距spatial 空间,占据空间specialize vt 使专门化,专业化species 种,物种,种类specification 载明,详述,规格spectacle 场面,景象,奇观speculate vi 思考,沉思,投机spectrum 系列,范畴,波谱spectator 参观者,观众spherical 球形,球面spice 香料,调味品,香气spill v 泄露n 摔下,跌下spiral 螺旋形,盘旋spite 恶意,怨恨splash vt 溅泼vi 泼水n 溅split n 分裂,分化;派系spokesman 发言人,代言人squash vt 压碎n 鲜果汁subscription 预约,顾客,订阅费subsequent 随后,日后subsequently 其后,另一方面,接着subsidiary 辅助,补充substance 财产,内容,本旨substantial 物质,结实subtle 微妙,精致succession 继承权,后裔successor 继承人,继任者suffice vi足够,有能力suicide n vv自杀suit 使配合,彼此协调sullen 绷着脸不高兴summary 概括,速决summit 顶点,最高点,极度summon 召唤,鼓起勇气superb 壮丽,超等superficial 表面,肤浅superiority 优越性,优势supersonic 超声,超声速superstition 迷信,迷信行为supervise vv 监督,监视supplement n补遗,附录,增刊suppress vt弹压,抑制,隐瞒surplus 过剩,剩余物资surpass vt 超过,超越,赛过suspicious 可疑,猜疑sweeten 使变甜,变甜sweetness 甜蜜,新鲜,温和swell vi&vt 使膨胀,隆起switch 树木软枝条symmetry 对称性,匀称symmetrical 对称,匀称symphony 交响乐,交响乐团symposium 酒会,座谈会symptom 症状,症候,征兆synthesis n 合成,综合,综合物systematic 成体系,分类systematically 系统地,有规则地tabulate vt 把……制成表,列表显示tack 平头钉vt钉住tackle vt 解决,对付n用品tact 机敏,圆滑,得体tactics n 方略,战术,兵法tangle vt 使纠缠,使缠结tape vt 系,捆tow vt&n 拖引,牵引towards 为了,有助于Tower vi 高耸,挺立,飞翔track vi 留下足迹,n 轨迹,航迹trade vi 做买卖,互换trader 商人;商船tradesman 商人,手艺人tragic 悲剧性,悲惨tramp vv 践踏,蹂躏tranquil 安静,稳定transaction 解决,交易,和解transform vt 变压,变换transition 转变,变迁,过渡transmission 遗传,传染transplant vv移植,移种transverse 横切traverse vv 横越,横贯,横越tread vv 踩踏,践踏treasurer 司库,财务主管trench 深沟,战壕,壕沟triangular 三角,三者间tribute 贡物,献礼,贡献trifle vi 玩忽,闲混,戏耍trigger 扳机,vt 触发,引起triumphant 得胜,得意洋洋trivial 琐碎,寻常trolley 手推车,无轨电车troop vi 集会,n 一群,一队,大量tropical 热带,炎热trot vi&n 小跑,慢跑troublesome 累赘,困难tuberculosis 结核病,肺结核tug vi 用力拖,n猛拉,拖tulip 郁金香turtle 海龟tuna 金枪鱼tutor vt 教,指引twilight 黎明,傍晚,曙光twist vt 歪曲,曲解tyranny n 暴政,专制,残暴tyrant n暴君,专制君主ultimate a基本,最后ultrasonic a超声n超声波ultraviolet a紫外,紫外线辐射unanimous a (全体)一致uncertain a 不定,无常vigour n活力,精力,元气villa n别墅,城郊小屋vine n蔓,藤,藤本植物violation n违犯,侵犯,妨碍violent a狂暴,歪曲Virgin n处女,a处女visa n签证viscous 黏滞,黏性vision 眼光,视力,想象力vitamin 维生素,维她命vocation 职业,行业vocabulary 词汇表,词汇汇编void 空,无效;空处volunteer 志愿者,vt 志愿vow 誓言,誓约,许愿vi 发誓vowel 元音,元音字母vulgar 粗俗,庸俗wade vt 趟河,跋涉wag vt 摇晃,摆动wagon 敞篷车厢waitress 女侍者,女服务员walnut 胡桃,胡桃树ward n 病房,病室,监房wardrobe 衣柜,衣橱,藏衣室ware 商品,货品,物品warehouse 仓库,货栈warfare 战争,战争状态warning 警告,告诫,鉴诫warrant n 允许证,委任状wasp 黄蜂,马蜂wasteful a 挥霍,破坏性watchful 注意,警惕watertight 不漏水,防水watery 水,湿,乏味Watt 瓦特waver vi 摇晃,踌躇不决way n 状态,情形weaver 织布工,编制者web 网,丝,网状物wedge 楔vt 楔入,挤入whale 鲸;庞然大物wharf 码头,停泊所whereby ad 靠什么,靠那个whilst conj 同……同步,然而whisker vt 低声地讲,私下说white 白种人。
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hospitalmake the bedlovelybe going to do …make cakesdrinkChristmas Daygiftboughtbuycameratake photosa lot ofwithdo[强du:, 弱du, də, d, du:]does[dʌz]helpful['helpful]often['ɔfən, 'ɔftən, 'ɔ:-]weekend[,wi:k'end, 'wi:kend]waiter[weitə]tired['taiəd]tire['taiə]after['ɑ:ftə, 'æf-]work n. 工作;职业;产品;行为;文学、音乐或艺术作品;工厂;操作;[物]功 vt. 使工作;操作;经营;使缓job[dʒɔb]because [bi'kɔz]every dayrobot['rəubɔt, -bət, 'rɔbət]take[teik]science museumdifferentkind[kaind]kind of有点儿;有几分when[hwen, 弱hwən]birthday['bə:θdei]hobby['hɔbi]Monday['mʌndi]would like愿意;想要wrong[rɔŋ, rɔ:ŋ]tomato[tə'mɑ:təu, -'mei-]carrot['kærəthow about你认为…怎样what about怎么样;(对于)…怎么样favorite['feivərit]subject['sʌbdʒikt, -dʒe-, səb'dʒekt] interest['intrist, 'intər-]interesting['intristiŋ, 'intər-]interested['intristid, 'intər-]old[əuld]older['əuldə]than[ðæn, 弱ðən, ðn]young jʌŋ]younger['jʌŋə, 'jʌŋɡə] tallerjapan[dʒə'pæn]speak[spi:k]write[rait]come here或here comebus[bʌs]wait for等候next[nekst]anything['eniθiŋ]else[els]telephonenumberborrow['bɔrəu]want[wɔnt, wɔ:nt] turn downnoisy['nɔizi]will[wil, 弱wel] sleepy['sli:pi]still[stil]early['ə:li]last[lɑ:st, læst]last nightwhy[hwai]well[wel]a pair of [pεə]gloves[glʌvz] honey['hʌni]turn [tə:n]turn topage[peidʒ]learn[lə:n]unit['ju:nit] pardon['pɑ:dn]cook[kuk]meal[mi:l]cook the mealshow do you go to schoolon foot步行;在进行中next[nekst]next to几乎,差不多;紧挨着;居于…之后were[wə:, wə]yesterdaycall[kɔ:l]nobody['nəubədi, -bɔdi]answer['ɑ:nsə, 'æn-]answer the phonewent[went]son[sʌn]any['eni]animal['æniməl]dolphin['dɔlfin]then[ðen]sound[saund]sounds gooddaughter['dɔ:tə]think[θiŋk]did[did]wrote[rəut]letter['letə]pal[pæl]pen pal笔友(等于pen friend)live[liv]how longhas been tostudy['stʌdi]ever['evə]exchange[iks'tʃeindʒ] change[tʃeindʒ]exchange studentcome to v. 想起;共计come to memonth[mʌnθ] ago[ə'ɡəu]city ['siti]citiesgoing to betour[tuə]guide[ɡaid] travel['trævəl] all over the worldengineer[,endʒi'niə] design[di'zain] best[best]which[hwitʃ]bookstore['bukstɔ:] cinema['sinəmə]comic['kɔmik] yet[jet]far[fɑ:]I see我明白了;我看always['ɔ:lweiz, -wiz]sometimes['sʌmtaimz]usually['ju:ʒuəli]piano[pi'ænəu, pi'ɑ:-]play the piano弹钢琴pianist['piænist, pi'ænist]magazine[,mæɡə'zi:n]get on上车,上马;进展,使前进tell[tel]told[təuld]take the No 519 busjust now刚才;眼下worry['wʌri, 'wə:ri]don't worry不要紧;不用担心get off v. 动身;免于受罚;从…下来;脱下(衣服等)east [i:st]east of在……东面;在;东面walk[wɔ:k]walk to步行去;向…走去everyone['evriwʌn]…yeas old岁England['iŋɡlənd]cousin['kʌzən]both[bəuθ]december[di'sembə]21st twenty first20th twentythevery['evri]hold[həuld]sing[siŋ]dance[dɑ:ns, dæns]story['stɔ:ri]storiescollect[kə'lekt]if[if]call me[kɔ:l]get intostart[stɑ:t]drive[draiv]suddenly['sʌdnli]saw[sɔ:]behind[bi'haind]driver[draivə]drove[drəuv]turn left v. 向左转turn right v. 向右转stop[stɔp]traffic['træfik]traffic light红绿灯(等于traffic signals)afraid[ə'freid]quick[kwik]quickly['kwikli]police[pə'li:s]station['steiʃən]surprise[sə'praiz]policeman[pə'li:smən] came out走出来jump out跳出ran[ræn]ask[ɑ:sk, æsk] arrest[ə'rest]run awaysmile[smail]say[sei]said[sed]give [ɡiv]purse[pə:s]back to回到madam['mædəm]drop[drɔp] street[stri:t]wash[wɔʃ, wɔ:ʃ]clothes kləuðz]fishing['fiʃiŋ]find[faind]lake[leik]by [bai]by carwinter['wintə]skiing['ski:iŋ]spring[spriŋ]festival['festəvəl] enjoy[in'dʒɔi] reporter[ri'pɔ:tə]hard[hɑ:d]curtain['kə:tən]make me让我feel['fi:lgo for a walk v. 散步should[ʃud, 弱ʃəd, ʃd] subway['sʌbwei]lateonlytwicehourknowmind[maind]get out of逃避;避免won't[wəunt, wʌnt]won't be long不会太久的scarf[skɑ:f]gave[ɡeiv]tenth birthday on one's tenth birthday在某人十岁生日那天country['kʌntri]stay[stei]Australia[ɔ'streiljə]tasty['teisti]Summer Palace['sʌmə] ['pælis]join[dʒɔin]join us加入我们wonderful['wʌndəful]have a wonderful time = have a good timewhat't wrong with you?fell from fall fromfall from:从落下hurt[hə:t] free[fri:] post[pəust post office n. 邮局ticket['tikit]dollar['dɔlə]each[i:tʃ]hundred['hʌndrəd] something['sʌmθiŋ]slow[sləu]art festival艺术节week[wi:k] sneakers['sni:kəz]took[tuk]last yearchildren['tʃildrən] plant[plɑ:nt, plænt] water the plants给植物浇水tidy['taidi]dishes['diʃiz]dry[drai]way[wei]that is a nice waythat is a nice way to do it make breakfast做早餐thirsty['θə:stiwater for me水给我dear[diə]or[ɔ:, ə]be quick[kwik]get to到达;开始;接触到airport['εəpɔ:t]on time [ɔn'taim]in timeall rightcould[强 kud, 弱 kəd] club[klʌb]glad [ɡlæd]glad to help youchess[tʃes]may I have your name?brian['braiən]spell[spel]I got itthat's alllinda smith琳达·史密斯Grade[ɡreid]speech[spi:tʃ]contest['kɔntest, kən'test] english speech contestabout[ə'baut]history['histəri]before[bi'fɔ:]more[mɔ:]more about更多writer['raitə]rick jackson杰克逊I'd like to have the bookonce[wʌns]had[hæd]love[lʌv]meal timesat[sæt]sat up at the tableate[et,eit]eat[i:t]share[ʃεə]everything['evriθiŋ]wife[waif]without[wi'ðaut, -'θaut] begin[bi'ɡin]began[bi'ɡæn]over['əuvə]jump up onto跳上去mice[mais]anyone['eniwʌn]own[əun]the otherother['ʌðə]dear me [diə]cry[krai]cried[kraid]hush[hʌʃ]husband['hʌzbənd]show[ʃəu how to love me如何爱我。
n.(课间)休息;中断 v.折断;断裂;破碎 n.早餐 v.呼吸 n.桥 n.桥牌 adj.明亮的;灿烂的 adj.明亮的;晴朗的 adv.明亮地;闪亮地 v.带来;拿来 n.英国;不列颠英格兰、威尔士和 苏格兰总称 adj.英国的;英国人的 n.小册子 v.(动词break的过去时)折断;打 破 adj.弄坏了的 n.扫帚 n.兄;弟 adj.& n.棕色(的);褐色(的) n.刷子;毛笔;画笔 n.布鲁塞尔(比利时首都) v.建立;建造;建设 n.建筑物 n.公共汽车 n.商业;生意;事务 n.商业;生意;事务 adj.忙的;繁忙的 conj.但是 prep.除了 n.黄油 n.按钮;钮扣 v.买 prep.乘车(船等) .乘飞机 .乘飞机 .乘船 .乘船
.立刻;马上 .在学校 .在大海上 在„„岁月
„„起始;开始 .在„„结尾;到„„尽头 .在„„的最前头 .此刻 .同时 .有时;偶尔 .在工作 v.吸引 n.听众 n.八月 n.姨母;舅母;姑母;伯母;婶母 n.(=Australian)澳大利亚人 n.澳大利亚 n.秋天;秋季 adj.清醒的 adv.离开 n.婴儿;幼畜 adv.回(原处);向后 n.背部;后面 adj.坏的 adv.严重地;恶劣地 n.书包 n.面包师 n.球 n.竹子 n.香蕉 n.乐队 v.猛敲;猛撞;砰砰作响 n.砰砰的 声音 n.银行 n.(海、河、湖的)岸;堤 n.(农家的)谷仓;堆物房;马房; 牛舍 v.以„„作根据;基于 以„„(为)根据 n.棒球 n.(电脑)初学者通用符号指令码 n.篮子
agree with .同意意见(想法);符合;一致
angry animal another answer any any more anybody anyone anything anytime anywhere appear apple April are aren't arm around arrive art artist as as as as if
六年级寒假集训——重点单词 04
寒假集训重点单词04 Part 1 重点单词1 sight /saɪt/ n. 视力;景象;2 how far 多远;3 English speaking contest 英语演讲比赛4 congratulations /kənˌgrætjʊˈleɪʃənz/ n. 祝贺;恭喜;5 be proud of 因……感到自豪6 come true 实现7 unless /ənˈles/ conj. 除非8 look for 寻找9 look after 照顾10 look over 检查11 look up 查阅,向上看12 look out 当心,向外看13 look like 看起来像14 space /speɪs/ n. 空间;太空;15 had better do sth. 最好做某事16 in the west of 在…的西部17 accident /ˈæksɪdənt/ n. 事故;意外18 eagle /ˈiːɡl/ n. 鹰19 nest /nest/ n. 巢,窝20 sadness /ˈsædnəs/ n. 悲伤21 fear /fɪər/ n. 害怕;恐惧22 appear /əˈpɪə(r)/ v. 出现;显得;似乎23 wild /waɪld/ adj. 野生的;野蛮的24 at the top of 在顶部25 push /pʊʃ/ vt. 推动,增加26 abandon /əˈbændən/ v. 遗弃;27 instead /ɪnˈsted/ adv. 代替;反而;28 design /dɪˈzaɪn/ n. / v. 设计29 helicopter/ˈhelɪkɒptər/ n. [航] 直升飞机30 human /ˈhjuːmən/ n. 人;人类31 genius/ˈdʒiːniəs/n. 天才32 invention /ɪnˈvenʃn/ n. 发明33 seem/siːm/ v. 似乎;像是34 modern/ˈmɒdn/adj. 现代的,近代的35 inventor/ɪnˈventər/ n. 发明家36 painter /ˈpeɪntər/ n. 画家;油漆匠37 painting /ˈpeɪntɪŋ/ n.油画38 duty /ˈdjuːti/ n. 责任39 receive /rɪˈsiːv/ v. 收到40 discuss /dɪˈskʌs/v. 讨论41 as soon as 一……就……42 enter/ˈentə(r)/ v. 进入43 hurriedly /ˈhʌrɪdli/adv. 匆忙地44 hall /hɔːl/n. 大厅45 while/waɪl/conj. 在……期间46 reply /rɪˈplaɪ/v. 回复,回答47 save /seɪv/ v. 挽救48 practice /ˈpræktɪs/ v. 练习,实践49 breathe /briːð/v. 呼吸50 invite/ɪnˈvaɪt/ v. 邀请第一天:我对了___________个!写出下列英文单词对应的中文释义。
.fabricate vt 制作,组合,捏造fabrication n 制作,构成,捏造facilitate vt 使容易,助长faction n 派别,宗派,小集团fair 美丽的fake 假货,赝品n假的fall vi 变成,成为,陷于fantastic 空想的,奇异的fascinate vt 迷住,vi 迷人fasteners 扣件,纽扣faultless 无过失的,无缺点的fearless 无畏的,大胆的feel vi摸起来fell vt 砍倒树等,砍伐fellowship 伙伴关系,联谊会feminine 女性的,女子气的fence 击剑术,vi击剑ferrous 铁的,亚铁的ferry 渡船,渡口vt 运送fertile 创造力丰富的fighter 斗争者,战斗机filament 细丝,长丝,灯丝fill 担任职务,填补filter vi 滤过filth 污秽,污物,淫猥finance vt 提供资金finely ad精细地,美好地finite a有限的,有尽的fireplace n壁炉firmness n坚固,坚定,稳固first-rate a第一流的,优秀的fission n裂开,分裂生殖fitness n适当,恰当,健康fitting a 适当的,n配合fixture 固定,定期存款flake 片,薄片,肌膈flame 发火焰,点燃flank 侧面,肋腹flannel 法兰绒,法兰绒衣服flap vt&n拍打,vi 拍动flask 瓶,火药筒,砂箱flavour vt 给……调味,n 滋味,味道flaw 缺点,瑕疵,裂隙flee vi 逃走,vt 逃避.flexible 灵活的,可变通的flight 溃退,逃跑,外流fling vv 用力扔,抛float 漂浮物,浮标,木筏flock vi 群集,聚集fluctuation 波动,脉动,踌躇flush 兴奋,脸红,发烧flutter vi 振翼,飘动flux 流,涨潮,流量fly v 飞跑,逃跑,消失foam 泡沫,泡沫塑料follow vt 从事职业,经营follower 契据的附面,从动作footpath 小路,人行道foreign 无关的forge vt 打铁等,锻造formal 形态的,规范的formerly 以前,从前formidable 可怕的,难对付的formulation 明确的表达formulate vt 用公式表示forsake vt 遗弃,抛弃,摒绝fort 要塞,堡垒forthing 即将到来的,现有的fortress 堡垒,要塞forum 论坛,讨论会forward 向前,将来vt 转递fossil 化石,化石的foster vt 养育,抚养,培养foul 肮脏的,丑恶的fowl n 家禽,禽肉fraction 分数,分馏的部分fracture n破裂,裂痕vi 破裂fragile 脆的,体质弱的frail 脆弱的,意志薄弱的framework 机构,组织,体制freight 运费,货运,负担frequency 频繁,屡次,频率frequent 常见的,频繁的vt 时常出入于娱乐场所freshen vt 使显得新鲜fret vv 使烦恼friction 擦热皮肤fright 惊吓,恐怖.frightful 可怕的,讨厌的fringe 穗,毛边,边缘fro ad 往,去,回,向后frock 女上衣,罩衫frustrate vt 挫败,使无效furious 狂暴的,强烈的further vt 增进fury 狂怒,暴怒,猛烈fuse 保险丝,导火线fuss 忙乱,吹捧vi 忙乱oar 桨,划手vi 划行oath 誓言,誓约,宣誓obedience 服从,顺从,管辖obedient 服从的,顺从的objective 宾格,目标的obligation 义务,职责,责任oblige vt 使感激,施恩惠于obscure 阴暗的,蒙昧的observation 意见,短评observe vi 说,评述obstinate 固执的,顽强的occurrence 事故offence 犯罪,犯规,冒犯offensive 冒犯的,进攻的offer vt 呈现出,vi 出现offspring 儿女,子孙,后代ohm 欧姆olive 橄榄,橄榄树onwards 向前的,在前面opaque 不透明的,不传导的operation 运算opium 鸦片,麻醉剂optical 光的,光学的optimum 最适条件,最适度optimism 乐观,乐观主义option 选择,取舍orchard 果园orchestra 管弦乐队的全部乐器ordinarily 通常,大概orient 东方,亚洲,远东orientation 向东,方向,定位originate vi 发源,vt 首创ornament n装饰物,vt 装修otherwise ad 另外,在其他方面.ought 早应该,本应outbreak 战争愤怒等爆发oute 后果,成果outermost 最外面的,最远的outlaw 逃犯,歹徒outlet 发泄感情等方法outline vt 概括,概述outside 在……外,向……外oval 卵形的,卵形over 在……时候overflow vt从……溢出overall 综合的,工作服overestimate vt 过高估计overhear vt 偶尔听到,偷听overlap vt 与……交替vi重叠overtake vt突然袭击,压倒overthrow vt 推翻,n推翻,瓦解overwhelm vt 压倒,使不知所措overwhelming 压倒的,势不可挡的oxide 氧化物oxidized vt 使氧化,使生锈oyster 沉默寡言的人wade vt 趟河,跋涉wag vt 摇摆,摆动wagon 敞篷车厢waitress 女侍者,女服务员walnut 胡桃,胡桃树ward n 病房,病室,监房wardrobe 衣柜,衣橱,藏衣室ware 商品,货物,物品warehouse 仓库,货栈warfare 战争,战争状态warning 警告,告诫,鉴诫warrant n 许可证,委任状wasp 黄蜂,马蜂wasteful a 浪费的,破坏性的watchful 注意的,警惕的watertight 不漏水的,防水的watery 水的,湿的,乏味的Watt 瓦特waver vi 摇摆,犹豫不决way n 状态,情形weaver 织布工,编制者web 网,丝,网状物.wedge 楔vt 楔入,挤入whale 鲸;庞然大物wharf 码头,停泊所whereby ad 靠什么,靠那个whilst conj 同……同时,然而whisker vt 低声地讲,私下说white 白种人的whitewash n 白灰水,vt 粉饰wholesome 有益身体健康的widely 大大地wield vt 挥剑,行驶willow 柳树,柳木winding 卷绕着的线,卷曲的windmill 风车windy 多风的,刮风的wink vi眨眼,使眼色,n 眨眼,打盹wisdom 名言,格言wither vi 枯萎,vt 使衰弱whereas conj 而,却,反之witty 机智的,风趣的woodpecker 啄木鸟workpiece 工作件workshop 专题讨论会worship vt 崇拜vi做礼拜wrath 暴怒,狂怒,愤慨wrench vt 拧,扭伤,n 拧wrestle 摔跤,斗争,搏斗wretched 不幸的,卑鄙的wring vt 拧,挤,扭,榨wrinkle 皱纹vt 使起皱纹Xerox vv 用静电印刷,复印yacht 游艇,快艇yearn vi 想念,怀念,向往yeast 酵母yoke 枷锁yolk 蛋黄,卵黄,羊毛油脂youngster 小伙子,年轻人zinc 锌vt 在……上镀锌。
1.一(个,件)2.有一点儿3.大约,左右4.疼5.下午6.全部的7.又,再次8.同意9.也10.好吧,好的11.(我)是12.同,和,而13.动物14.苹果15.四月16.(你)是17.手臂,胳膊18.美术教室19.在……20.在家21.在学校,在上学22.八月23.姨母;姑母;婶母24.婴儿25.坏的,不道德的26.书包,提包27.球28.香蕉、29.篮球30.浴室,洗手间31.熊32.美丽的33.小心34.因为35.床36.牛肉37.蜜蜂38.更好的39.大的40.自行车41.鸟42.黑色的,n.黑色43.黑板44.蓝色的,n.蓝色45.小船v.划船46.靴子47.书48.书49.碗50.盒子51.男孩52.面包53.早餐,早饭54.兄,弟55.褐色的,褐色56.公共汽车57.但是58.通过;乘59.再见60.蛋糕61.呼叫;称呼62.骆驼63.照相机64.(开罐)能,会65.帽子66.首都67.小汽车68.卡片69.胡萝卜70.携带,运送71.猫72.椅子73.花钱少的,便宜的74.国际象棋75.小鸡76.鸡肉77.孩子们78.中国79.中国人;汉语;中国人的;中国的80.语文书81.筷子82.城市83.(学校里的)班级84.教室85.干净的,v.打扫86.聪明的87.时钟88.关上89.衣服90.多云的,阴天的91.外套,上衣92.感冒,冷的93.颜色,v.给……着色94.来95.请进96.快点,加油97.计算机98.计算机机房99.烹饪,烧菜,厨师100.凉爽的;淡漠的101.奶牛,母牛102.小杯子103.可爱的104.(口)爸爸105.跳舞106.暗的,黑的107.白天,日子108.十二月109.鹿110.度数111.书桌112.困难的,难做的113.脏的114.晚餐,正餐115.做116.医生117.狗118.美元119.驴子120.不要121.门122.向下123.画124.梦,做梦125.女服;连衣裙126.饮料v.喝127.司机128.鼓v.击鼓129.鸭子130.饺子131.耳朵132.东,东边133.吃134.蛋,鸡蛋135.八136.十八137.八十138.英语;英语的;英国的;英国人的139.英语书140.橡皮141.傍晚;晚上142.每天143.所有事情144.原谅n.借口145.昂贵的,花钱多的146.眼睛147.脸,面部148.著名的149.风扇150.农场151.农民152.远的,153.在远处154.肥胖的155.父亲156.快的157.快餐158.二月159.发烧160.十五161.五十162.找到163.(身体)好的;晴朗的164.手指165.鱼;鱼肉166.五167.第一个,第一个的168.一楼169.旗170.地板171.飞172.脚173.足球174.足球运动员175.为了176.叉子177.四十178.四179.十四180.星期五181.冰箱182.朋友183.友好的184.青蛙185.从;从……来186.水果187.有趣的n.娱乐,玩笑188.游戏189.花园190.上车191.起床192.给193.女孩194.高兴的195.眼镜196.手套197.去198.回家199.上床睡觉200.去上学201.山羊202.好的203.再见204.鹅205.年级206.外祖父母207.伟大的;好极了208.绿色的n.绿色209.豆角,四季豆210.地面211.吉他212.头发213.汉堡包214.手215.发生216.快乐的,高兴的,幸福的217.努力的,硬的,困难的218.帽子219.有,做事情220.他221.头222.头疼223.听到224.喂225.帮忙,帮助226.为(自己)取用227.母鸡228.她的229.这儿230.嗨231.高的232.跳高233.小山234.他(宾格)235.他的236.假日237.家,在家238.家庭作业239.希望240.马241.热的,辣的242.热狗243.房子244.家务245.怎样246.多少(接可数名词)247.多少(接不可数名词)248.几岁了,多大了249.百,一百250.饥饿的251.赶紧,急忙252.快点253.我254.冰淇淋255.思想,主意256.用.....,在……里257.用英语258.有趣的259.是260.它261.它的262.外套,夹克衫263.一月264.牛仔裤265.吉普车266.工作267.(水果)汁268.七月269.跳,跳跃270.六月271.正好,恰好272.稍等一会儿273.钥匙;答案274.孩子275.亲切的276.厨房277.风筝278.膝盖279.刀280.知道281.女士282.湖283.大的,巨大的284.最后的285.大笑;发笑286.学习287.学习,学会288.左;左边的289.腿290.让291.让我们292.信,字母293.图书馆294.生活,生命295.灯,轻的296.喜欢,像...一样297.听298.少的,矮小的299.居住;300.客厅,起居室301.伦敦302.长的303.跳远304.看,瞧305.看起来像306.丢失307.许多308.爱,喜爱309.低的310.运气311.午餐,午饭312.祝您好运313.制作314.男人,人315.男人,人(复数)316.许多的,多的317.地图318.三月319.数学书320.可以,可能321.五月322.也许,大概323.我324.肉325.遇见,碰上326.米327.中间的,中级的328.中学329.牛奶330.我的331.模型;模特332.星期一333.猴子334.月亮335.更多的,较多的336.上午337.莫斯科338.母亲339.嘴340.很,非常341.(有柄的)大杯342.妈妈343.音乐344.音乐课345.音乐教室346.我的347.名字;命名348.淘气的349.距离近350.脖子351.新的352.临近,在...旁边353.纽约354.好的,漂亮的,令人愉快的355.夜356.九357.十九358.九十359.数字,数360.不,不是361.面条362.北,北边363.鼻子364.不365.笔记薄366.十一月367.现在,目前368.数字,号码369.护士370.点钟371.十月372.当然373.老的;......岁的;旧的374.在......之上375.在376.一377.有一天,总有一天378.洋葱379.开着的,v.打开380.或者381.橙子,橘子,橙色的382.我们的383.在...外面384.在户外385.在那边,在...上边386.在那边(在较远处)387.收拾(行李)388.裤子389.页390.熊猫391.纸392.公园393.鹦鹉394.聚会395.传递396.过去,过去的397.体育课398.桃子399.梨400.钢笔401.铅笔402.铅笔盒403.人,人们404.打电话,电话405.照片406.钢琴407.野餐408.图片,照片409.猪410.菠萝411.粉红色的412.飞机413.玩,打球414.操场415.玩,摆弄416.请417.分数418.流行音乐419.土豆,马铃薯420.漂亮的421.小狗422.紫色的423.放,摆,装424.穿上,戴上425.难题,谜426.皇上,女王427.安静的428.兔子429.下雨,雨430.阴雨的,多雨的431.读,阅读,朗读432.准备好的433.真的434.红色的,红色435.骑,乘436.对的,正确的;右边的437.河流438.道路,街道439.机器人440.公鸡441.排,行442.排成一行443.尺子444.跑445.色拉446.特价销售,大减价447.相同的448.夹心面包,三明治449.星期六450.说451.围巾452.学校453.书包,大海454.二楼455.座位456.看,瞧457.九月458.七459.十七460.七十461.她462.绵羊463.书架464.轮船465.男衬衫466.鞋467.商店468.短的,矮的469.短裤470.肩膀471.害羞的472.唱473.新加坡474.姐妹475.坐476.六477.大小,尺寸478.短裙479.小的480.天,天空481.睡觉482.小的483.微笑484.下雪的485.所以486.袜子487.长沙发488.一些,若干,有些489.非常地490.儿子491.对不起的,抱歉的492.汤493.南,南边494.说,说话495.拼写496.勺497.运动日498.广场499.邮票500.站,立501.星星502.开始503.车站504.胃疼505.石头506.停止507.故事书508.直的509.直着走510.强壮的511.学生512.书房513.太阳514.太阳镜515.星期日516.阳光充足的517.超级市场518.确信的,的确519.毛皮520.糖果(复数)521.游泳522.悉尼523.桌子524.带走,拿走525.拍照526.和...527.高的528.出租汽车529.茶530.教师531.讲台532.教师办公室533.电话,打电话534.十535.谢谢536.与...相比537.那,那个538.这(那)个(些)539.他们(她们)的540.在那时,然后541.他们(她们,它们)的542.在那里,在那边543.有544.这些545.他们(她们,它546.厚的547.瘦的,薄的548.想,认为549.渴的550.十三551.三十552.这,这个553.那些554.三555.星期四556.时间,次557.今天558.脚趾559.一起560.西红柿561.明天562.也563.牙齿564.玩具565.毛巾566.火车,训练567.树568.尝试,试一下569.试穿570.T恤衫571.转向,转动572.打开11 / 13573.向右转574.向左转575.电视机576.十二577.二十578.二579.雨伞580.叔父,伯父581.在......下面582.在......上面583.我们584.用,使用585.美国586.用,使用587.蔬菜588.很,非常589.背心,汗衫590.拜访,看望591.排球592.声音593.等,等候594.等待595.墙596.暖和的,暖和的597.要,想要598.洗,洗涤,洗刷599.手表,观看600.水601.西瓜602.方向603.我们604.天气605.星期三606.周,星期607.受欢迎的,608.西,西边609.潮湿的610.什么611.什么时候612.在哪里613.哪一个614.白色的,白色615.谁616.谁的617.为什么618.宽的619.冬天620.胜利,取胜621.窗户622.有风的623.冠军624.妇女12 / 13625.工作,劳动626.工人627.世界628.写629.是的630.黄色的,黄色631.昨天632.是,是的633.你,你们634.年轻的,幼小的635.你的,你们的636.表示味道或气味非常好637.零,零点638.动物园13 / 13。
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第一讲plus [plʌs] prep. 加上One plus one is two. 一加一等于二。
minus ['mainəs] prep. 减去Ten minus two is eight. 十减二等于五。
multiply ['mʌltiplai] v. 乘Four multiplied by two is eight. 四乘二等于八。
divide [di'vaid] V. 除Six divided by two is three. 六除以二等于三。
doze off 打瞌睡She dozed off in the class yesterday. 她昨天在课上打瞌睡了。
original [ə'ridʒənl]adj. 原来的,最初的The original price of the coat was 100, but the shop cut it down by 30%.这件外套的原价是100,但是商店降价了30%。
parade [pəˈreid]n. 游行More and more people joined the parade to celebrate carnival. 越来越多的人加入游行中来庆祝狂欢节。
.circus ['sə:kəs] n. 马戏团You can find clowns in a circus. 马戏团里有小丑。
mow [məu] v. 割(草、麦)I hate mowing the lawn. 我讨厌剪草坪。
lawn [lɔ:n] n. 草坪argue ['ɑ:gju:] v. 争辩,争吵She is arguing with Bill about the matter. 她在跟Bill就这个问题进行争辩。
fishing rod 钓竿court [kɔ:t]n. 球场There is a large tennis court near my house. 在我家附近有一个大型网球场。
ketchup [ˈketʃəp] n. 番茄酱I like eating potato chips with ketchup. 我喜欢就着番茄酱吃薯条。
tuck in 安顿某人睡觉Honey, it’s bed time, I’ll tuck you in. 亲爱的,该睡觉了。
injection [in'dʒekʃən] n. 注射The nurse gave me an injection. 护士给我打了一针。
liar [ˈlaiə] n. 说谎者,骗子giggle ['gigl] v./n.咯咯地笑Everyone started to giggle except him.除了他每个人都开始咯咯地笑起来。
landlord ['lændlɔ:d] n. 房东tenant ['tenənt] n. 房客colleague [ˈkɔli:g] n. 同事I get on very well with my colleagues. 我和同事们相处得很好。
receptionist [ri'sepʃənist] n. 接待员promote [prə'məut] v. 提升,升职He likes to read biographies of great men to promote himself.他喜欢读伟人传记来提高自己。
employee [ˌem'plɔii:] n. 雇员The firm has 1000 employees. 这家公司有一千名员工。
constant ['kɔnstənt] adj. 不变的,不断的I hate his constant absence. 我讨厌他常常缺席的行为。
idler ['aidlə] n. 懒散者suitable ['sju:təbl] adj. 合适的These films are suitable for adults only. 这些电影只适宜成人观看。
label ['leibl] n. 标签direction [di'rekʃən] n. 方向,说明Follow the directions that your doctor gives you. 请遵医嘱。
cut down 砍倒,减少We should stop cutting down trees without limitation. 我们应该停止无限制地滥伐树木。
belong to 属于This beautiful garden belongs to the Smiths. 这座美丽的花园是属于史密斯一家的。
第二讲first name=given name 名family name=surname=last name 姓club [klʌb]n. 俱乐部He joined a tennis club last week. 他上个星期加入了一个网球俱乐部。
Danish ['deiniʃ] n./adj. 丹麦人(的),丹麦语(的)Copenhagen [ˌkəupən'heigən]哥本哈根(丹麦首都)poem ['pəuim]n. 诗歌theme [θi:m]n. 主题The theme of the poem is love and peace. 这首诗的主题是爱与和平。
roller coaster n. 过山车carve [kɑ:v]v. 雕刻hard [ˈhɑ:d]adj./adv.坚硬的,辛苦的,困难的;努力地Teeth are very hard. 牙齿很坚硬。
shape [ʃeip]v. 塑造,使…成形The children are shaping a snowman. 孩子们在堆雪人。
while [wail]conj. 然而,而I like green tea while she prefers black tea. 我喜欢绿茶而她更喜欢红茶。
remain [ri'mein]v. 保持,仍是Ten years has passed and my mother still remains young. 十年过去了,我妈妈仍然年轻。
enough [i'nʌf]adj./adv. 足够的;足够地I don’t have enough time to finish the work. 我没有足够的时间来完成工作。
besides [bi'saidz]prep. 此外,除…以外I visited the Summer Palace besides the Great Wall. 除了长城之外我还参观了颐和园。
amazing [əˈmeiziŋ]adj. 惊人的,很棒的She has an amazing memory for number. 她对数字有惊人的记忆力。
all around 周围,到处All around the mountain there are wild roses. 山上到处都是野玫瑰花。
catch fire 着火The wooden house caught fire last night. 这间小木屋昨晚着火了。
be used to do 被用来…Pens are used to write with. 笔是用来写字的。
fabulous ['fæbjuləs]adj. 极好的fantastic [fæn'tæstik] adj. 极好的,难以置信的wonderful ['wʌndəfəl] adj. 精彩的I watched a wonderful football game last night. 我昨晚看了一场精彩的足球比赛。
terrific [tə'rifik]adj. 极好的;可怕的disgusting [dis'gʌstiŋ]adj. 令人厌恶的The durian has a disgusting smell. 榴莲的气味很恶心。
boring ['bɔ:riŋ]adj. 枯燥的,无聊的awful ['ɔ:ful]adj. 糟糕的,可怕的I had an awful experience yesterday. 我昨天有一件可怕的经历。
awesome ['ɔ:səm]adj. 了不起的,精彩的;可怕的be used to do 被用来conversation [ˌkɔnvə'seiʃən]n. 对话第三讲toddler ['tɔdlə]n. 刚学走路的小孩mask [mɑ:sk]n. 面具You can wear a mask to cover your face so that he won’t recognize you. 你可以戴个面具遮住脸,这样他就认不出你了。
imitate ['imiteit]v. 模仿mean [mi:n]adj. 吝啬的,小气的fatal ['feitl]adj. 致命的This kind disease is fatal. 这种疾病是致命的。
deft [deft]adj. 灵巧的She has got deft hands. 她有一双灵巧的手。
smug [smʌg]adj. 自负的A smug person always thinks that he is the best. 自负的人总认为自己是最好的。
coach [kəutʃ]n. 教练dead-line 截止期original [ə'ridʒənl]adj. 原来的,原始的survive [sə'vaiv]v. 生存,幸存fade [feid]v. 凋谢Most flowers fade in winter. 大多数花在冬天会凋谢。
tyre [taiə]n. 轮胎flatter ['flætə]v. 赞扬,称赞offspring [ˈɔfˌspriŋ]n. 后代raw [rɔ:]adj. 未加工的,生的ban [bæn]v. 禁止Smoking is banned here. 这儿禁止吸烟。
sleeve [sli:v]n. 袖子fragile ['frædʒail]adj. 易碎的,脆弱的butcher [ˈbutʃə]n. 屠夫,肉贩peep [pi:p]v. 偷看She peeped at his diary, which made him very annoyed. 她偷看他的日记,这使得他非常生气。