作文-结构七 1


写作文有几种结构常见的且比较简单有效的记叙文结构方式有如下三种:总分式、并列式和对照式.一、总分式结构无论是写人还是叙事,我们都需要围绕一个中心展开,这中心就是记叙文要展现的核心,将核心内容放在记叙文的开头,开门见山点明文章的中心,是总起;而放在写人叙事的结尾处加以强调,是总括.总分式便因此可以分为三种:总分、分总、总分总二、并列式结构无论是记叙一件事的多个侧面,还是通过几件不同的事来展现一个共同的主题,常常需要从多重内容和多个角度来写人叙事,表现人物和主题,这多重内容和多个角度之间构成并列关系,使文章有了层次感和厚重感,这就是最常见的并列式结构.如果是写一个人物,我们应该围绕人物的性格选择细节.人物性格是复杂的,往往有着多个侧面,那么,要展现一个人复杂的性格,就应该从两个或者两个以上的侧面去展现,以使人物形象更加丰满而立体.如果记叙文写作中需要围绕一个主题去叙述事实,我们依然可以采用这一章法,即用两个或两个以上不同方面的实例加以表现,通过小和大,名人和普通人,文艺界和体育界,物质和精神等等不同的方面的人物或事例,展现相同的主题或者主题的不同深度.三、对照式结构记叙文的对照式结构其实可以看作是并列结构的一种特例,只因为并列的事例内容上是真与假、好与坏、美与丑、善与恶、公与私等对立的两方作对比,故称为对照式结构.这几种技法,既是分别独立的,又可以融为一体,如总分中,分的内容可以是并列式,也可以是对照式,而无论是并列还是对照,在一篇文章中都只能围绕一个中心展开.所以不要可以追求形式,还是要集中展现人物性格以及文章主旨.考场作文几种常见文体的结构模式(一)记叙文常见结构模式纵式:以时间为线索组织材料进行记叙纵式结构优点:突出时间,能给读者清晰的印象,使记叙条理清楚、明了.横式:以地点的变化为依据组织材料(适用于游记性文章)或以观点(感情)为线索组织材料.横式结构优点:容易使中心集中、突出.纵横交叉式:以时间为经,以地点为纬组织材料(适用于写复杂记叙文).纵横交叉式优点:反映出的社会生活更广泛、更深刻.(二)议论文常见结构模式回评式:概括(选择可论或可感的角度,确立论点)——回评(条分缕析,证明论点)——归纳(开掘深化,升华结论)联想式:概括(略述材料,确定论点)——联想(相关的另一类感性材料)——析理(深入剖析,阐释揭示,得出结论)列据式:立论(简单引述,提出论点)——列据(列出得力精当的论据)——析理(集中剖释,挖掘深意,明辨是非,确证论点)(三)散文常见构思模式怀念式:睹眼前景——思从前景(详写部分)——抒怀念情参游式:参游起因——参游见闻(详写,移步换景,虚实相间,适当联想)——参游收获静赏式:景点概述——景点静赏(多角度,或并列、或层进充分描写)——景点联想象征式:引出所托之物——展示“物”的描写——扣住相似点,转入写人——综合抒情言志情索式:情的缘起——情的积蓄——由情到人、到理——情的归结话题作文常见结构模式片段组合式:将几个有共同特点的片段组合到一起.以三个片段为宜.这三个片段之间必须有一定的联系,而这种联系就是文章的主题.注意点:片段的选择——既要求同,又要求异.求同指的是选择的片段材料之间应该有一种内在的联系,应该是围绕着同一个主题来进行的.求异指的是片段与片段之间应该有不同的角度和不同的方向.片段的陈述——应该简明扼要,一般来说大都采用白描勾勒的方式,不采用大段的描述刻画文字,陈述的目的是为了突出主题,所以要围绕着主题来陈述材料.片段的组合——片段与片段之间可采用一根或明或暗的线索串联.片段的主题提炼——可以通过片段的小标题或者在文章的最后一段,来揭示片段的主题.感悟咏怀式:由一件事、一个物体、一种自然现象产生感想,从而领悟了一个道理或一种人生哲理.注意点:对事物、现象的描写陈述是手段,是铺垫,最终的目的是为了引出自己的感悟.所感悟的道理和所陈述描写的事物之间应该有一定的联系,不能截然分开.所引发的道理必须是自己的真实感受或感悟,不能虚假拔高,搞“假大空”.纵横联想式:有一根清晰的线索,不能杂乱无章;有一个共同的主题,切忌零零碎碎,什么都想谈,到头来什么都没谈透;有丰富的材料,体现深厚的文化底蕴.故事新编式:选取古代事例,用自己的语言和立意来描绘陈述的编故事型的写作模式.取材多在文学名著、史书记载,如《水浒传》《三国演义》《红楼梦》《阿q 正传》《史记》《安徒生童话》等.立意多在讽古喻今,多是有感于现实社会中某种现象,对此现象,人们多已熟悉,并都有同感,根据人们的这种认识,让古代名人来表演,借古人之口来评说,因而取得让人耳目一新的感觉.语言有特殊之处,既要体现故事中人物原先所处的时代的语言,又要适合所编的“新”的生活环境.形式体现自己的创新精神.。


人有意气,才能有千古留名,流芳百世,才能在国家 危难之时挺身而出。几百年的风风雨雨,早已涤荡了风波 亭的点点残血;几百年的潮起潮落,早已淹没了零丁洋里 的声声叹息;几百年的猎猎西风,早已拂走了牧羊的老者; 几百年的漫漫黄沙,早已淹没了西域路上的声声驼铃…… 然而,岳武穆的满腔热血,文天祥的一颗丹心,苏武的一 根竹杖,张骞的十几年牢狱之苦,早已映入史册,成为民 族的精神瑰宝。若无意气,他们怎会有如此壮行? 人有意气,才能摧不垮,压不倒,追求不泯,意志不 衰。还记得舞台上那尊慈祥博爱的千手观音吗?邰丽华, 虽是聋哑人,但她有意气,手臂练得青肿了,脚底磨出血 泡了,她始终坚持练习。最终,她用手指勾勒了人性的美 好,用舞姿诠释内心的感觉,感动中国,感动你我。若无 意气,她怎会从不幸的底谷达到艺术的巅峰?
珍惜时间,可以让我们的生命变得更加辉煌。 刘翔,亚洲飞人,他用12.88秒的时间打破了世界 纪录,让世人为他骄傲,为中国骄傲,如果不是 他平时在训练中珍惜时间,秒秒必争,现在何以 能取得如此大的成就,怎么能让全世界为他欢呼, 为他鼓掌?刘翔将时间变成他手中的王牌,在最 短的时间里发出王牌,赢得胜利。试问,一个不 珍惜时间的人,他懂得出示这张王牌吗?只可能 随意发牌,被别人的王牌重重的压在下面。 时间,就是生命,珍惜时间吧,让我们的生 命唱起来,让我们的生命舞起来,让我们的生命 亮起来!
一、横向并列结构 二、纵向递进结构 三、正反对比结构
谈 意 气(06湖南高考优秀作文)
意气,是李白“仰天大笑出门去,我辈岂是蓬蒿人” 的高歌;意气,是杜甫“致君尧舜上,再使民风淳”的肺 腑之言;意气,是毛泽东“数风流人物,还看今朝”的壮 怀…… 人要有意气,有自己的意志和气概,要意气风发。 人不能没有意气,就像傲视苍穹的红杉不能没有坚固的根 基,芳香四溢的鲜花不能没有给予它自信的阳光。 人有意气,才能有豁达的胸襟。“惟江上之清风, 与山间之明月,耳得之而为声,目遇之而成色”,苏子有 意气,虽遭官场与文场一齐泼来的污水,但他仍意气风发, “侣鱼虾而友麋鹿”,心胸豁达可见一斑。“安能摧眉折 腰事权贵,使我不得开心颜”,遭人诽谤的李白,被玄宗 赐金放还,虽有昭昭若明星之德,日月齐辉之才,终化为 泡影,但他仍意气风发,“举杯邀明月,对影成三人”, 酒入愁肠三分酿成月亮,七分化为剑气,秀口一吐便是半 个盛唐。若无意气,他怎会有如此豁达的胸襟?

初一上册Unit1-4英语作文第一篇:初一上册Unit1-4英语作文Unit1My parents and I are going on a trip to Beijing.On Thursday morning we will leave for Beijing by car.It’s about five hours’driving.On Saturday we are going to Tian’anmen Square and the Palace Museum.At night we can have a walk near our hotel.On Sunday, we are going to the Great Wall.Then we will go shopping.Mum wants to buy the beautiful clothes, and I want to buy a new school bag.On Sunday evening we will drive back home.Unit 2Last weekend, I went to the park.That day, the weather was very fine.My mother told me to take my umbrella with me because it would be rainy today.But I didn’t take it.Wow!The park was very beautiful.The grass on the hill was very green.The flowers were so colorful.There were two boys playing football.A woman sat under the tree.The tall man read newspaper beside the river.And I walked along the bank.But suddenly, it rained heavily.When I got home, I had been wet.Every coin has two sides.I caught a cold but I had a good time.Unit 3Hello, everyone!I am Li Tao.I’m in Yuhua Middle School.My school is very big.There are …students in my class.We are all good friends.We always help each other.I’m not good at English this term.Ann always helps me with my English.My classroom is bright because there are five windows on the wall.We have many subjects.They are math, English, Chinese, art, P.E.and so on.But my favorite subject is English.I’m really like it.English is important in our life.If you want to study English well, you must read, listen and write.I sometimes speak English in my life.Myteachers are good, too.They always encourage me when they want to give up my studies.They give me hopes.After school, I go home from school.If I do my homework quickly, I can watch TV for an hour.I love my School.This is my school day.Unit 4 Hello!I am Jack.I am a twelve-year-old boy.Everyone has hobbies.So do I.I like to read books because it can open my eyes.I also like to play chess.Chess challenges me and makes me think hard.I enjoy playing the guitar.I always play the guitar in the parties.I always listen to the music in my free time.It makes me relaxed.I want to be healthy.So I love playing volleyball.I like to surf the Internet, too.Sometimes, I help my mum with the housework.My life is dull now.I want to join some clubs.Please send me an e-mail.My e-*****************************.第二篇:初一上册英语作文The Spring Festival comes after New Year's Day.It's usually in January or February.It's the Chinese New Year's Day.The Spring Festival is the biggest festival in China.All of the Chinese like this festival.When it comes,people are busy.They usually do some cleaning,go to the stores to buy some new clothes and a lot of meat,vegetables and fruit.On the eve of the festival,everyone in the family comes back home from other places.They get together and have a big supper.They eat dumplings,New Year's cake and some other delicious food in their houses.Some people like New Year's cake,but more people think dumplings are the most delicious food of all.Some families have a party.They sing,dance and have a good time.I like this festival very much because I can play with my friends and I can get “red envelopes”.春节是在新年的第一天。



七年级上册英语第一单元作文80字左右全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1My First Unit in 7th Grade EnglishWow, 7th grade English is going to be so exciting! I just got my new textbook and I'm really looking forward to the first unit. The title is "Making Connections" which sounds super interesting.I can't wait to learn all about how to better communicate and connect with people.As I flipped through the pages, I saw there are going to be lots of cool lessons and activities. The first part is all about introducing yourself and sharing basic information like your name, age, favorite things, etc. That will be fun because I love talking about myself! I'll get to learn how to say those things properly in English.Next, there are some dialogues that look at making small talk. The examples show people engaging in casual conversations, like discussing the weather or asking how someone's day is going. Making small talk can be kind of awkward sometimes, so I'm glad we're going to practice thoseskills. Maybe it will help me feel more comfortable chatting with new people.Then we'll move into a section focused on active listening strategies. Active listening is super important for having good conversations and really understanding what someone is trying to say. The lessons cover things like asking follow-up questions, paraphrasing to ensure you understood correctly, and being an engaged listener. Those will be such valuable skills to learn!Another cool part is about polite expressions and phrases. Things like "excuse me," "thank you," and "you're welcome" are basic but so important for communicating respectfully. I tend to sometimes forget my manners when I get excited, so studying polite expressions will be a helpful reminder. Using them could make me sound a lot more mature too.There's also a unit on making and responding to introductions. Like how to properly introduce yourself or others, and how to respond when being introduced. I go to a lot of my parents' work events where I have to meet new people, so knowing the right way to introduce myself will be extremely useful. No more awkward handshakes or forgetting people's names!Overall, this first unit on making connections is packed with so many practical skills for everyday conversations and interactions. While some parts may seem basic, like discussing favorites or making small talk, practicing those basics will be incredibly valuable. Other lessons, like active listening or polite expressions, will teach more advanced and nuanced communication abilities.I'm really excited to dive into all the different activities, dialogues, and exercises throughout the unit. It will be so helpful for making me a better communicator and listener. With the knowledge from these lessons, I'll be able to make connections and have much more engaging conversations. Bring on 7th grade English!篇2My Thoughts on Unit 1 of 7th Grade EnglishEnglish class was always kind of boring for me in elementary school. It felt like we did the same things over and over - verb conjugations, spelling lists, reading simple stories. But now that I'm in 7th grade, English is finally getting interesting!Unit 1 in our new textbook was all about introducing yourself and getting to know your classmates. I thought it wouldjust be the same old "Hi, my name is..." dialogue practice that we've done a million times. But our teacher Ms. Roberts made it way more fun and engaging than that.On the first day, she had us go around and say our names, ages, and one unique fact about ourselves. I said I have a pet lizard named Spike. Julio said he was born on Leap Day. Tina said she's an only child. Hearing all the little details about my classmates' lives made me realize how little I actually knew about them, even though I've gone to school with some of them for years.Then Ms. Roberts put us into small groups and had us interview each other about our hobbies, families, favorite foods, etc. I worked with Tina and Jeremy. I learned that Tina actually has an older sister who's away at college. And Jeremy's favorite food is his mom's homemade tamales. I shared that I'm obsessed with playing video games, especially Fortnite.After the interviews, each group had to introduce one member to the rest of the class, using all the details we had learned about them. Jeremy's group totally roasted him about being obsessed with his Xbox. My group made me sound way cooler than I actually am. But it was fun to hear everyone's personalities come across in the third-person intros.The unit had us practicing asking each other follow-up questions to keep conversations going. We learned phrases like "No way, tell me more about that!" and "What do you like best about..." I've always struggled with keeping dialogues flowing naturally, so those lessons were really helpful.There were also some cool culture lessons interspersed, like how introductions work differently in various countries. In some places, you just state your name without saying "Hello, I am..." first. In others, you're supposed to sha ke hands or bow formally. Getting glimpses into other cultures was my favorite part.The unit culminated in a free conversation day where we could just mingle and talk to our classmates about anything. I was nervous at first, but then I started discussing Marvel movies with Isaiah and we couldn't stop gushing about all the epic battle scenes. Lila and I bonded over both being terrified of public speaking. It was awesome putting my new conversation skills to use in a low-pressure way.By the end of Unit 1, I felt like I had gotten to know my classmates so much better. We had transitioned from being just names on the attendance sheet to actual individuals with unique personalities, interests and backgrounds. I'm normally pretty shy, but the activities pushed me to make more of an effort toconnect with people. English is feeling a lot more relevant and useful now that it's about genuine communication and cultural exchange, rather than just rote memorization.I'm really looking forward to the rest of 7th grade English! The preview for Unit 2 looked like it'll cover more substantive topics beyond just small talk. There will be readings and debates about social issues affecting teenagers today. As someone who cares a lot about things like environment and equality, I'm excited to explore richer themes and ideas.I have a feeling this year's English curriculum will help me become a more curious, empathetic, and worldly person. For once, I'm not dreading that part of my school day. Thanks to an enga ging teacher and course material, I've discovered that English can actually be kind of...cool? How freshman year of me! But I'm just relieved it's more than copying vocabulary words ad nauseam. Bring on Unit 2!篇3My First English Unit in 7th GradeThis year in 7th grade, we started a brand new English textbook. The first unit was all about introducing ourselves and learning basic conversational English. At first, I felt a littlenervous because English is really hard for me. But my teacher, Mrs. Johnson, made it fun!We began by learning simple phrases like "Hello, my name is..." and "How are you?" Then we practiced asking and answering questions about where we're from, what our favorite things are, and telling a little bit about our families. It was nice getting to know my classmates better.The hardest part was probably the new vocabulary words we had to memorize. Words like "hobbies," "siblings," and "cuisines" were totally new to me. But Mrs. Johnson had us play games and sing songs to help us learn them. My favorite was the "Hobbies" song - it was kind of silly but I'll never forget what a hobby is now!Overall, I'm feeling much more confident about speaking basic English after this first unit. I can introduce myself, ask simple questions, and talk a little about my life. I'm really looking forward to the next unit where we'll learn how to discuss our daily routines and schedules. English is definitely challenging but also really exciting and fun!篇4My Summer Vacation AdventuresHey there! I'm Sam, a 7th grader who just got back from the most epic summer vacation ever. You won't believe all the crazy stuff I got up to. It was like an action movie!It all started when my parents surprised me and my little brother Jake with a trip to our aunt and uncle's ranch in Montana. At first I wasn't too pumped about going to hang out on some boring old ranch. But boy was I wrong!The second we got there, my cousin Billy told us about this awesome hiking trail through the mountains behind the ranch. He said if we followed it to the end, we'd find something amazing. With nothing better to do, Jake and I decided to check it out.The hike started out pretty normal. Just lots of trees, rocks, and the occasional deer or rabbit running across the path. But then things took a turn for the adventurous! Up ahead we noticed smoke rising from behind some boulders. We crept up slowly and peeked over and there was a campfire with three mean-looking guys sitting around it!"Cattle rustlers!" Billy whispered. He told us they were criminals who went around stealing ranch animals to sell on the black market. We had to get out of there!As we turned to tiptoe away, I accidentally knocked over a loose rock. It went clattering down the hill, announcing our presence to the rustlers. They spotted us and gave chase!We ran as fast as we could, but the rustlers were gaining on us. Up ahead was a rickety old rope bridge over a raging river. We had no choice but to cross it. About halfway over, the biggest rustler caught up to us. He grabbed Jake and threatened to toss him into the icy waters below if we didn't surrender!I've never been so scared in my life. Just then, I remembered the pocket knife my dad gave me for emergencies. I flipped it open and cut the bridge ropes on either side. The rustler had no choice but to release Jake as the bridge plummeted down, finally getting swept away in the rapids!We didn't stick around to see if he could swim. We just high-tailed it out of there as fast as we could. When we finally made it back to the ranch, we told our aunt and uncle the whole story. Uncle Bud quickly organized a posse and they went and caught those no-good rustlers!The rest of the summer was nice and relaxing after that wild adventure. Although I did have a hard time sleeping without wondering if I'd hear hoofbeats and cattle rustlers trying to kickdown my door in the middle of the night! I can't wait until next summer. Who knows what other excitement is in store?篇5Title: My English Class AdventuresHey there! I'm Sammy, a 7th grader, and I can't wait to share my experiences from English class with you. Buckle up because this is going to be one wild ride!So, we just started the first unit of our English textbook, and let me tell you, it's been a roller coaster of emotions. On the first day, our teacher, Mrs. Johnson, walked in with a huge smile on her face. She was all like, "Alright, class, get ready for an adventure!" I thought she was just being her usual cheerful self, but boy, was I wrong!The first thing we did was learn some basic greetings and introductions. Easy peasy, right? Well, not quite. Mrs. Johnson made us practice them over and over again until we were basically shouting them at each other across the classroom. It was hilarious! I swear, I'll never forget how to say "Hello, my name is..." in English.But that was just the beginning. Next up, we had to learn how to spell our names. Now, you might be thinking, "Big deal, Sammy. How hard can that be?" Let me tell you, it's a lot harder than you think when you have a name like "Xochitl" or "Nguyen" in your class. We spent an entire lesson just trying to get everyone's name right. It was like a tongue-twister Olympics!Then came the real challenge: conversations. Mrs. Johnson would pair us up, and we had to have these scripted dialogues with each other. The first time I did it, I was so nervous that I kept forgetting my lines. My partner, Jake, had to keep nudging me and whispering the words. It was a disaster! But you know what? Practice makes perfect, and by the end of the week, we were like little conversation pros.But you know what made it all worth it? The sense of accomplishment I felt when I could finally put those words and grammar rules into practice. Like, the other day, we had to write a short paragraph about our favorite food, and I was able to use words like "delicious" and "scrumptious" without even thinking twice. It was a proud moment for me, I won't lie.Speaking of writing, that's been one of the toughest parts of this unit. Mrs. Johnson is really big on teaching us how to write properly in English. We've learned about things like sentencestructure, capitalization, and punctuation. It's a lot to remember, but I have to admit, my writing has improved a ton since the beginning of the unit.And let's not forget about the cultural aspect of it all. Mrs. Johnson has been teaching us about the customs and traditions of English-speaking countries. We've learned about holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas, and we've even tried some traditional foods like pumpkin pie and Yorkshire pudding. I'm not gonna lie, some of that stuff is pretty weird, but it's been really cool to learn about different cultures.Overall, this first unit of English has been a wild ride, but I've learned so much. Sure, there have been some frustrating moments (like when I couldn't pronounce "thought" correctly for the life of me), but it's all been worth it in the end. I can't wait to see what the next unit has in store for us!So, there you have it, folks. That's my English class adventure so far. Stay tuned for more hijinks and hilarity as I continue my journey through the wonderful world of the English language!Word count: 2028篇6My First English Unit in 7th GradeHey there! I'm a 7th grader just starting a brand new school year. I've been looking forward to English class this year because I really want to improve my skills. In elementary school, English always felt a bit too easy for me. I'm ready for more of a challenge!Our first unit was all about introductions and getting to know each other. I thought it would be pretty boring since we've done that every year, but my teacher Mr. Johnson made it really fun and interesting.On the first day, instead of just having us go around and say our names like usual, he had us introduce ourselves with three fun facts. I said I'm Christopher, I have a pet lizard named Zorro, I'm on the soccer team, and my favorite food is pepperoni pizza. Hearing everybody's fun facts was a great way to learn some unique details about my classmates.Then we did an activity where we had to mingle around the room and introduce ourselves to as many people as possible in 5 minutes. Whoever met the most new people got a prize. It was kind of hectic with everyone rushing around, but it really broke the ice and got us energized.Next, we learned how to introduce other people. Mr. Johnson brought in his daughter who is in kindergarten. He introduced her to the class saying "Class, this is my daughter Emily. She's 5 years old and loves drawing pictures of unicorns." How cute is that? We all thought it was adorable.Then we had to pair up and introduce our partners to the class with three facts about them. I was partners with Jake and I introduced him saying "This is my friend Jake. He wants to be a pro basketball player, he's an amazing artist, and he hates spinach." Jake did a great job introducing me too.The unit also covered different ways to greet people in English. We learned expressions like:"Hello, how are you?""Hi there, nice to meet you!""Hey, what's up?""Good morning/afternoon/evening."We also went over different responses like:"I'm doing well, thanks for asking.""Nice to meet you too!""Not much, how about you?""Good morning/afternoon/evening to you too."It was fun practicing greeting each other with different expressions and responses. Mr. Johnson had us mingle again, but this time we had to properly greet our classmates when we met them.One of the most interesting activities was learning about different customs for greeting people around the world. Did you know that in some cultures, it's polite to grasp your own hands together when greeting someone? Or that in others, you're supposed to grasp forearms instead of shaking hands?In Vietnam, they have a polite waving gesture where you wave with your whole hand facing down. In Madagascar, they put their hands together in a prayer position to say hello. It was really cool learning about all the fascinating cultural differences when it comes to greetings.For our unit project, we had to write a short skit performing introductions and greetings between three characters. Then we performed the skits for the class. My group did one where two friends were greeting each other, then introduced each other to a new student. I played the new student and I reallyhammeditupsayinginavaryingaccent"Velc'metothiscountry!Nic'tomeetyou!"Overall, I found the introduction unit really valuable. Greetings and introductions are such a basic part of communication, but there's actually a lot of interesting cultural components to learn. I know I'll be using the skills from this unit my whole life when meeting new people. Can't wait for the next unit!。


下面是小编为大家整理的七年级第一单元作文,希望能够帮助到大家! 七年级第一单元作文1小时候,我做了一件非常蠢的事,那就是种月亮。

初一下册英语书第七模块unit1的作文全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: My First Month in Junior High SchoolHi everyone! I'm so excited to share with you all about my first month in junior high school. It's been super fun and interesting, and I can't wait to tell you all about it.First of all, let me tell you about my new friends. I've made so many new friends in school, and they're all so nice and funny. We sit together in class, eat lunch together, and even play sports together during break time. It's been great getting to know them and I'm so happy to have such awesome friends.Next, let me tell you about my teachers. They are all really kind and helpful. They make learning fun and interesting, andI've learned so much in just a few weeks. My favorite subject is English, because our teacher makes it so lively and interactive. I also love art class, where we get to express ourselves through drawing and painting.My favorite part of school so far has been all the extracurricular activities. I joined the school choir and we've been practicing for the upcoming performance. I also joined the soccer team and we've had a few friendly matches with other schools. It's been so much fun and I love being able to showcase my talents outside of the classroom.Overall, my first month in junior high school has been amazing. I've made new friends, learned new things, and had a blast with all the activities. I can't wait to see what the rest of the year has in store for me. Junior high school is so cool, and I'm loving every minute of it.That's all for now. Thanks for reading about my adventures in junior high school. See you next time! Bye!篇2Hello everyone! Today I want to share with you what I have learned from Unit 1 of the seventh module in our English textbook. This unit is all about describing people and places, and it was super fun to learn!First of all, we learned how to use adjectives to describe people's appearances. For example, we can say someone haslong hair, brown eyes, or a big smile. It's important to use adjectives to paint a clear picture of someone in our minds.Next, we talked about using adverbs to describe how people do things. Adverbs can tell us if someone is doing something quickly, slowly, carefully, or happily. It's cool how adverbs can add more detail to our sentences!We also practiced asking and answering questions about people's appearances and personalities. It's fun to imagine what our classmates or friends look like and what they are like as people.In the second part of the unit, we learned how to describe different places. We used adjectives to talk about cities, parks, and buildings. It's interesting how we can use words like crowded, peaceful, or modern to give a sense of what a place is like.Finally, we practiced writing short paragraphs describing a person or a place. It was a great way to show off all the new vocabulary and grammar we have learned in this unit.I had a lot of fun learning about describing people and places in Unit 1. I can't wait to keep practicing and improving myEnglish skills! Thank you for reading my little essay, and I hope you enjoyed it. See you next time!篇3Hello everyone, I want to share with you my essay about Unit 1 in Module 7 of our English textbook.In this unit, we learned about our daily routine and the activities we do every day. I usually wake up at 6:30 in the morning, brush my teeth, wash my face, and have breakfast. Then, I go to school by bus. At school, we have different lessons like English, Math, Science, and PE. My favorite subject is English because I like to learn new words and talk with my friends in English.After school, I like to play basketball with my friends in the park. It's so much fun and we always have a great time together. When I go back home, I do my homework and have dinner with my family. We usually watch TV together and talk about our day.On weekends, I like to go to the library to borrow some books. I love reading storybooks and mystery novels. Sometimes, I also go to the park with my family for a picnic. We bring sandwiches, fruits, and juice to enjoy under the sun.I really enjoy my daily routine and I am grateful for all the wonderful things in my life. Learning English has been a great experience for me and I can't wait to learn more in the future.That's all for my essay about Unit 1 in Module 7. Thank you for listening!篇4Hello everyone! I am so excited to share with you all about Unit 1 in Module 7 of our English textbook. It's all about friends and family, and I had so much fun learning about it!In this unit, we talked about different types of families and learned new words like grandparents, cousins, aunts, and uncles. We also learned about how to introduce our family members in English. My family has a lot of members, so I had a great time practicing using the new words.One of the fun activities we did was drawing our family trees.I drew a big tree with my parents at the top, then added my grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. It was so cool to see how big and connected my family is!We also talked about our friends and what qualities make a good friend. I think a good friend is someone who is kind, helpful,and always there for you when you need them. I wrote a paragraph about my best friend and shared it with the class. It was nice to talk about how much I appreciate her.Overall, I really enjoyed Unit 1 in Module 7. I learned a lot of new words, met some new friends, and had a great time doing the activities. I can't wait to learn more English in the next unit! Thank you for listening to my thoughts on this unit. Bye bye!篇5Title: My First Day in Junior High SchoolHi everyone! I want to tell you about my first day in junior high school. It was both exciting and nerve-wracking for me.When I arrived at the school, I saw so many students bustling around. I felt a bit lost at first, but then I saw some of my friends from elementary school. We hugged and greeted each other, and suddenly, I felt much better.Our first class was English, and our teacher was really nice. She asked us to introduce ourselves and talk about our summer vacations. I was a bit shy at first, but I managed to tell everyone about my trip to the beach with my family.After English class, we had a break, and I met some new friends. We talked and laughed together, and I felt like I was starting to fit in. Then we had math class, which was a bit challenging, but I tried my best to follow along.At lunchtime, I sat with my friends from elementary school and our new friends. We shared our food and talked about our classes. I felt so happy to have such great friends by my side.Overall, my first day in junior high school was a mix of emotions, but I’m excited to see what the rest of the year will bring. I know it will be full of new experiences and challenges, but with my friends by my side, I know I can handle anything. Junior high school, here I come!篇6Title: My Holiday AdventureHi everyone! My name is Lily and I want to tell you about my holiday adventure during the winter break. I had so much fun and I can't wait to share it with you!During the winter break, my family and I went to a beautiful mountain resort. It was my first time seeing snow and I was so excited! We stayed in a cozy cabin with a fireplace and a bigjacuzzi. The view outside was amazing with all the snow-covered trees and mountains.On the first day, I went skiing for the first time. It was a bit scary at first, but I quickly got the hang of it. My dad even taught me how to do some tricks on the slopes. I felt like a professional skier!The next day, we went ice skating on a frozen lake. I was a bit wobbly at first, but after a few falls, I was skating like a pro. It was so much fun gliding on the ice and twirling around.In the evenings, we would sit by the fireplace and drink hot cocoa while playing board games. I love spending quality time with my family, especially in such a beautiful place.On the last day of our trip, we went on a horse-drawn carriage ride through the snowy forest. It was like something out of a fairy tale! The horses were so cute and fluffy, and the scenery was breathtaking.I had the best time during my holiday adventure and I can't wait to go back again. I am so grateful for the memories I made with my family and the new experiences I had. Winter break was truly magical!That's all for now. Thanks for listening to my story. I hope you all had a wonderful holiday too. Bye-bye!篇7Hello everyone! Today I want to tell you about the first unit in our English book for the first semester of the first year of junior high school.In this unit, we learned about different countries and their customs. We learned about greetings, food, and traditional clothing from countries like Japan, India, Mexico, and Egypt. It was so cool to learn about all the different cultures around the world!We also learned some new words and phrases in English. My favorite phrase from this unit is "Nice to meet you." It's a polite way to greet someone new and make a new friend. I also learned how to say "thank you" in different languages. It's important to show gratitude and appreciation to others.One of the most fun activities we did in this unit was a class presentation. Each of us had to pick a country to research and then give a short presentation to the class. I chose Japan and learned so many interesting facts about the country. Did you know that sushi is a traditional Japanese dish?Overall, I really enjoyed learning about different countries and cultures in this unit. It was so interesting and I can't wait to learn more in the next unit. I hope you all enjoyed learning about this unit too!That's all for now, see you next time!篇8Title: My Experience in Unit 1 of Module 7 in English ClassHi everyone! Today I want to share with you my experience in Unit 1 of Module 7 in English class. It was so much fun and I learned a lot of new things!In Unit 1, we learned about different types of sports and hobbies. We talked about our favorite sports and hobbies, and even played some games to practice our English skills. My favorite sport is basketball, so I was super excited to talk about it with my classmates.We also learned about using the present simple tense to talk about routines and habits. It was a bit tricky at first, but with the help of my teacher and friends, I was able to understand it better. Now I can talk about what I do every day in English!One of the best parts of Unit 1 was when we had a mini sports day at school. We played games like relay races, soccer, and even some fun dance games. It was so much fun to practice our English while having a great time with our friends.Overall, Unit 1 of Module 7 was an awesome experience. I learned a lot of new vocabulary, practiced my English skills, and had a blast with my classmates. I can't wait to see what we learn next in English class!That's all for now. Thanks for listening to my story! Bye!篇9Hi everyone! Today I'm going to talk about the first unit of Module 7 in our English textbook for the first semester of Grade 7. This unit is all about "My Summer Holiday".During my summer holiday, I did a lot of fun things. I went swimming with my friends at the beach, played soccer in the park, and even went camping with my family. It was so exciting and I had a great time!One day, my family and I went to visit a zoo. We saw all kinds of animals like lions, tigers, and elephants. I even got to feed the giraffes! It was a little bit scary but also really cool.Another day, we went to a water park. I went down the water slides and splashed around in the wave pool. I was so happy and had so much fun!Overall, my summer holiday was amazing. I made so many great memories and had a lot of adventures. I can't wait to see what next summer brings!That's all for now. Thanks for listening! Bye!篇10Title: My First Year in Junior High SchoolHey guys, I’m so excited to share with you all about my first year in junior high school! It has been such a rollercoaster ride, full of ups and downs, but overall a great experience.First of all, let me tell you about my new friends. I was a bit nervous at first, but everyone in my class was so friendly and welcoming. We quickly bonded over our love for sports, music, and video games. We have so much fun together during breaks and after school. My classmates have become like a second family to me.Next, let’s talk about the subjects. Junior high sc hool is way different from elementary school – the workload is much heavier!But I’ve been managing pretty well so far. I particularly enjoy English class because our teacher is so cool and makes learning fun. Plus, I get to practice my speaking and writing skills, just like I’m doing now!One of the highlights of this year was our school trip. We went to a theme park for a day of fun and adventure. I rode roller coasters, played games, and ate so much junk food. It was definitely a day to remember, and I can’t wait for our next school trip.Of course, there were also some challenges along the way. I struggled with math at first, but with the help of my classmates and teacher, I was able to improve my grades. It’s all about perseverance and hard work, right?Overall, my first year in junior high school has been amazing. I’ve made new friends, learned new things, and grown as a person. I can’t wait to see what the next years have in store for me. Bring it on, junior high school!That’s all from me for now. Take care, guys, and see you in the next module! Bye!。







1. 话题引入。
2. 观点提出。
1. 第一段,论点一。
1) 论据1。
2) 论据2。
3) 论据3。
2. 第二段,论点二。
1) 论据1。
2) 论据2。
3) 论据3。
3. 第三段,论点三。
1) 论据1。
2) 论据2。
3) 论据3。
1. 总结全文。
2. 重申观点。

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1、根据下面作文的优缺点,看看自己作文的得与失。 优点:1、部分同学选材都来源于生活,具有感染力。 2、少部分同学能突出某一动人的相关情节,将这一的动人的 情节写具体、写细致,并将自己难忘的原因具体描写出来。 3、部分文章的结构严谨,首尾照应,开头点题,结尾深化中 心。 缺点:1、部分同学详略不当,之前的铺垫写得太多,而“动 人”情节写得太简略。 2、部分同学在写“动人的( )”这一画面时缺少细节描写。 特别是没有将自己难忘的内容具体描写出来。 3、扣题意识还不够强,中心没有明显体现出来。
()应当适当运用比喻、拟人、夸张等 Nhomakorabea辞方法,
变抽象为具体,使无形变有形,使读者通过阅读文字, 在头脑中形成清晰的画面,让具体的画面成为打动读 者的动情点,也使语言的生动性得到增强。 如《难忘那动人的菊花》这篇范文中,对“动人”
要求:请在横线上补充恰当的词语,并运用标 题勾连法为该题列个提纲。
示例:多滋多味的初中生活 开头:三年的初中生活即将结束,静坐回味时,种种 不同滋味的初中生活画面在脑海中浮现出来。 中间:三个小标题 青果·生涩之味 橙子·酸甜各半 蜜桃·友情香气 结尾:多滋多味的初中生活为我的人生画卷添上了浓 墨重彩的一笔,我爱这多滋多味的初中生活。
秋风下,动人的菊花独自绽放在天地间,一下子跃 为花中之王…… 滂沱大雨不认输 雷声隆隆,电光闪闪,豆大的雨点像一头猛烈的 狮子乐一头西一头地乱撞,一齐逼向菊花弱小的身躯 ,它不气馁,不认输,鼓足了勇气,挺直了腰杆儿, 即使早已被“攻击”得东倒西歪,但仍死死地抓紧树 枝,仿佛体内有一股巨大的力量支撑着它,我的心震 撼了 - 小小的花,竟有不屈的灵魂,它蔑视滂沱的大雨, 竭尽全力地挺立着,体现的是对生命的尊重,是“世 人笑我太疯癫,我笑他人看不穿”! 大雨中,动人的菊花勇敢地绽放在天地间,是与大 雨抗争的“战士”……
文章结构安排常见的几种方式: 1、段落排比法
2、小标题勾连法 注意:小标题一般要有三个,各个小标题必须语言简 练、字数尽量相同、结构一致。 (提醒:并不是所有的文章都可以使用小标题的结构 形式。 只有当一篇文章可以采用不同的角度来表达文 章主题时,才能在写作中使用小标题结构法。 )
1、题目:阅读,真好 要求:用段落排比法,为该题列个提纲。 示例:
十六年的人生路上,我真正静下心来阅读的 时间实在很有限。但是,仔细回味后,我发现阅 读的感觉,真好! 阅读让我……,真好!…… 阅读让我……,真好!…… 阅读让我……,真好!…… 有限的阅读却让我不仅……,而且……, 还……。阅读的感觉,真好!好好享受阅读吧!
课前提问:(2分钟) 如何展开细节描写: 1、细化动作、延长过程。 2、运用修辞,画其神韵。
备课人:刘壮志 议课人:潘世江 议课时间:第18周 上课时间:第19周
1、主要从细节描写的角度点评上一次作文。 2、学习并掌握记叙文结构的技巧。
范文欣赏 难忘那动人的菊 记忆中的菊花,总是源源不断洗涤着心灵,启迪着灵 魂,像一泓清泉,流不尽也吐不完,任时间腐蚀,益发 绚烂…… ---题记 皓态孤芳压俗姿 秋天迈着脚步姗姗而来,枯黄的落叶,冻红的玫瑰 ,都纷纷埋葬给大地,萧条无比!而一抹金黄色映入了 眼帘,它没有牡丹的火热,没有百合的妖艳,但它有菊 花与生俱来的热烈和深沉,不焦急,不浮躁,淡然,稳 然,超然地将这一份金黄献给人世,我的心震撼了 -小小的花,竟能如此坚强?它蔑视秋风的酷寒,竭 尽全力地绽放着,体现的,是对生命的热爱,是“生当 作人杰”!
北风拖着裙子割过大地,小草儿瑟瑟发抖,冬 天快到了,是时候该告别人世,报答这片养育的土 地了。离开,不是怯懦,而是为了明年更好的重生 ;于是在风的怂恿下,它告别树枝,身姿翩翩,划 出优美的弧线,拥抱了大地,我的心震撼了— 小小的花,竟有伟大的品格,它感恩神州大地 ,用自己的生命去奉献,去铺垫明年更好的重生! 是“死亦为鬼雄” 北风下,动人的菊花无私地拥抱了大地,是横 亘天地的“奉献者”……
细节描写技巧: 在表现“动人”“难忘”等内心感受时,就
抓紧树枝,仿佛体内有一股巨大的力量支撑着它 .
1、题目:阅读,真好 要求:用段落排比法,为该题列个提纲。 2、题目:“ 的初中生活” 第1题提纲提示: 要求:请在横线上补充恰当的词语,并运用标题 在宁静的午后,斟上一杯醇茶,捧上一本心爱的 勾连法为该题列个提纲。 书,在斑驳的日影下,阅读,真好! 是谁让生命重于泰山?阅读《史记》…… 指导:结构策略一:段落排比法 是谁让九州动容?“臣无祖母,无以至今日…… 注意:排比段落必须三个或三个以上,且有内在联系。 是谁搅动了一江春水?屈原…… 排比段的每段开头一句都应使用结构相同或相似的语句。 是谁在浅吟低唱:其实地上本没有路,走的人多 结构策略二:标题勾连法 了,也便成了路。阅读鲁迅…… 注意:小标题一般要有三个,各个小标题必须语言简练、 用如水的心境去阅读,我终于感受到了真善美 字数尽量相同、结构一致。 的存在,它们如天籁般倾泻下来,让我在阅读的午 后,在香气萦绕之间,获得了另一种心境。阅读, 学生自学,教师巡视(二)(10分钟) 真好!