



中英文对照外文翻译文献中英文对照外文翻译The Internet is Applicated in Real EstateThe Real Estate Industry and the World Wide Web: Changing Technology, Changing Location.The Internet, in its Web based graphics version, has captured the imagination of both consumers and businesses. Its convenience, speed, low cost and versatility are being exploited on a daily basis in ever-changing ways. Together with its capacity to transform existing businesses, promote new businesses and facilitate exchange of information and data, its other striking attribute has been the speed with which this new technology has spread throughout the global economy.Keywords:The internet;Real Estate;ApplicatedThe number of computer hosts grew by more than ten-fold between 1995 and early 1999. The number of Web sites increased almost 100-fold, to over two million, between 1995 and 1998.By the year 2000, there will be approximately 400-500 million Internet users in the world, and the total number of Web sites will exceed five million.This new technology has the potential for affecting the real estate industry directly and indirectly. Directly, it may become a tool that allows a real estate business to expand its information and sales network. Indirectly, it may change the location equation where and how firms do business which in turn will affect the role of firms involved in real estate development, investment and transactions.Measuring the Spread of the WebThere are few reliable published statistics on Internet or Web use, and statistics reported by different analysts are often inconsistent. Our discussion of the Web and real estate is based on limited information from surveys and on examination of Web sites rather than on more comprehensive data. We have built our overview of the role of the World Wide Web and real estate by examining a variety of sources(including trade publications, existing Web sites, and our own survey of selected real estate firms)From E-mail to E-commerceBefore the advent of the World Wide Web, the Internet existed mostly for the purposes of e-mail, data transfers, newsgroups and bulletin boards, and its reach was limited primarily to the academic and the defense community. The technology itself was not particularly user-friendly, the network speed was not very high, the medium was limited to text and data, and accessing information was cumbersome and time-consuming. The browser technology greatly simplified usage, enabled multimedia information, and created interactive possibilities. The technology brought together TV entertainment, library information, news bulletins, communication and data in one desktop machine.Although initially the greatest patrons of the Internet were the academic community, the commercial sector quickly caught on to the potential of the Web. The private sector saw in the Web an opportunity to widen its marketing reach, lower costs of information dissemination, improve customer relations, and ultimately to conduct sales. Existing private sector Web sites can be roughly categorized into three types, as summarized. The most basic level is for simple information dissemination. The firm registers a Web site and develops a page giving basic company information. The second stage is an expansion of information, marketing goods and services or providing other customer information. The third stage is the addition of transactions tothe activities possible on the Web site.Most business sites at present are in Stage 2. The use of the World Wide Web for detailed information dissemination, and marketing has had several advantages. For the firm, marketing, information dissemination and customer services on the Web can be monitored and analyzed with some details unavailable from conventional methods of marketing using other media. Internet tools can now provide a firm with data on who accessed the site, which pages were visited most, heavily, from where and for how long. This information contributes to improved measures of the results of promotional efforts. The promotional costs associated with the Internet have also been very low. For example, in direct mail marketing, to send a one-page color brochure to 5,000 random addresses will cost upwards of $2,500. The cost of setting up a Web site could be one-tenth of this amount or less (although tracking and analysis can quickly add to the cost)?Many different sectors, including real estate, have found the Internet to be both efficient and cost-effective as a marketing device.The next logical step - a full-fledged office/store on the Web with transaction capability and commerce on the Internet is now being attempted in varying degrees depending on the firm's area of business. Retail sites selling products between $10 and $100, the kind that are traditionally part of a direct mail sales catalog, seem to be the ones having the greatest success(although 4% of sites sell products over $10,000 and another 13% sell products ranging from $100 to$9,999)?A number of retail sites have also harnessed a secondary revenue stream from advertising. Advertising revenues on the Web have crossed the billion-dollar mark and total Internet generated revenue will approach$100 billion this year.Consumers' Use of the WebSurveys of consumers using the Web suggest that a Web site does notsubstitute for the more traditional forms of business, but can greatly facilitate the run-up to the final transaction. The most common use of the Web is for information searching, closely followed by work-related uses, education, and entertainment. A significant majority of those that use the Web for shopping do so to carry out detailed research on product information(90%)and to do price comparisons(85%). This more often leads to purchases through normal channels(67%). Most of the online purchases tend to be of items that are standardized-four of the five top items bought on the Web, according to survey, are software, books, hardware and music (the fifth is travel). More than half of consumers who make purchases on the Web spend less than $500 in a six-month period.The demographics of Web users vary widely in age and income. Surveys by Georgia Tech, Active Media and Web indicate that the average age of Web users is 35 years, with average household income $67,000. Most are college educated (65%). A high proportion of the respondents (42%) has accessed real estate sites.Limits to the Web - Some "Catches" to the New Technology New technology is frequently a mixed blessing, and the World Wide Web is no exception. Apart from the teething troubles that any new technology faces and the time, as well as resources needed to learn, adapt and master it, the Web poses some unique issues and problems of its own. Consumers today are facing information overload of taxing proportions. It is not always easy, or even possible, to locate the relevant information on the Web, despite sophisticated search engines. Once the site is located, fancy graphics, complex linkages, labyrinthine routings, and a lot of irrelevant information may overwhelm the consumer - in short, poor and confusing site design can reduce the site's effectiveness.From the point of view of the business, there are two commonly heardcomplaints. First, the business may find that its site does not figure prominently on search results, limiting the number of customers reached. Second, for many firms, Web initiated leads are as yet few and far between. Real Estate Web SitesReal Estate firms and related businesses were among the early private sector pioneers of Internet use and have had a fast growing presence on the Web. presence on the Web. One example of the real estate sector's presence on the Internet in its pre-World Wide Web incarnation was the real estate classified bulletin board of Prodigy, the online service, which had listings for homes and other real estate. A few real estate related Web sites started in 1994 (generally regarded as the inaugural year of the Web). The New York City Real Estate Guide Web site, created in the summer of 1994, was one of the first to offer free access to the latest New York real estate information. By the summer of 1995, the site was receiving more than 100,000 inquiries a month.The real estate industry registered its entry on the Web in a dramatic way in 1995. By the end of that year there were close to 4,000 real estate Web sites. The content matter of the sites, as well as the mix of real estate related firms on the Web have changed over time. Initially, quite a few of the sites were residential real estate brokerages and listing guides, but fairly rapidly the list expanded to include commercial and retail listings, mortgage brokers,appraisers, architects, real estate attorneys, developers, construction firms, and suppliers. As investment vehicles for real estate expanded, REITs, publicly held firms, and investment advisors also added Web sites.The early real estate broker Web sites quickly took advantage of the unique features of the Web. Prospective customers could find out what properties were for sale or rent, look up detailed descriptions of each listing, view photographs and floor plans, and contact the broker by e-mail. Viewerscould also look up statistical and data reports on conditions in various geographical areas and on emerging macroeconomic trends.Ever since then, the real estate industry has been among the most enthusiastic users of the Web, by some measures accounting for 4% to 6% of commercial Web sites. A survey conducted by Real Estate Broker's Insider in early 1998 confirmed that nearly 95% of the respondents/brokers had a Web site, and more than 90% of the housing stock on sale at a given time is now listed on the Web. Indeed, because of the dispersed, localized nature of the role of information in real estate, the prospective gains from information dissemination, comparability, and Web links were particularly significant in real estate.For much of the real estate sector, the Internet generates not so much the actual transactions themselves, but creates initial leads that are later followed by transactions, purchases and sales. Web sites frequently lead to contacts that are then nurtured through telephone and person-to-person meetings. For residential real estate, Web activity includes residential searches, housing details, and pricing information (both on houses and mortgages), with follow-up contact with brokers. Real estate-related transactions are seen in the hospitality industry (making reservations for hotels and vacation homes and in online mortgage applications). Mortgage and home loan finance companies report both inquiries from mortgage shoppers who obtained initial information from their Web sites, as well as closing of loans through the Web, lead to great savings in time and overhead costs.It is not just the real estate professionals who are enthusiastic about their Internet presence, judging it to be as effective as print and radio advertising. Mortgage shoppers, homebuyers and vacation rental seekers as well applaud, in particular, the convenience it brings to the entire process of searching, researching, comparing, communicating and transacting business.Beyond these sectors, many other types of real-estate related firms are using the Web to broaden their market areas, increase the depth of their marketing, and to provide a range of services to existing customers. Commercial brokers provide not only information on available sites but also on market conditions for different locations and sometimes more in-depth economic analysis of a region. REITs and other investment firms provide detailed information on their products as well as background market or economic information. Public companies provide up-to-date stock quotes and quarterly and annual reports on the Web.Web Penetration and Use: The Experience of Leading Real Estate Firms We conducted a limited survey of a sample of leading real-estate related firms in the US and California. Responses from approximately 60 of these firms showed that over four-fifths had Web Sites by March 1999. 2 Of those with Web sites, one-third had inaugurated their sites by the end of 1996. Among the earliest with a Web presence were brokers, investment firms, lenders, business and financial services firms, law firms, residential developers, and a trade organization. Another third of the group were newcomers, with sites inaugurated in 1998 or early 1999. Commercial developers were prominent among this group, with residential developers, consultants and advisors, lenders, REITs and investment firms also among this group. Those without sites were more likely to be privately held firms with a relatively narrow base of activity (for example, a commercial developer centered in the San Francisco Bay Area)?Most with Web sites used their site to provide information about the company and to market services. In addition, about one-third marketed property from their site, providing detailed information on the characteristics of buildings available, surrounding communities, and other related data. Other Web site uses include employee recruiting, providing information formembers or investors, and disseminating related information on topics such as regulations or real estate markets.What does the Web specifically do for Real Estate?According to Activemedia, an internet research company, some of the sectors experiencing the greatest growth in terms of their presence on the Web in 1998 were computer hardware and software, real estate, publishing and information, finance and Internet services. A significant initial motivation for this rush for the Web is provided by, what can be termed, the "tiptoe" effect. The first ones on the Web had an additional advantage over those who did not; information on their services, products, home listings now be accessed conveniently by those with computers. The low setup cost, however, and the potential disadvantage of not having a Web presence has propelled others in the profession to set up their own sites.Real estate shares in some of the basic advantages of the Web mentioned earlier, such as ease of marketing, communication and feedback from clients, lowered costs of operations and convenience of customer service and support. In addition, the Web provides positive features specific to the real estate industry.Key elements include the following.1.Increased geographic reach.The Web has dramatically increased the geographic reach of both buyers and sellers. Although the "local" aspect of real estate will perhaps never be whittled away completely, there is no doubt that inquiries about properties can now emanate from far away to a much greater degree than before. This, in turn, potentially increases the size and "depth" of the market and makes it more efficient.2.Capability of visualization.In some sense, increased geographic reach has become possible due tothe other emergent feature of the Web, the capability of visualization. In its most state-of-the-art form, Web sites now allow prospective buyers to take virtual tours of homes, resorts, hotels and convention centers.3.Reduced transaction costs.The Web may reduce transactions costs. This has been particularly apparent in the case of mortgages. According to Fannie Mae, 1.5% of all mortgages were handled online this past year. The Web-attributable features that make this kind of a transaction possible are instantaneous comparability, interactive capability, online calculation, online applications, and continuous updating of the sites.4.Improved information dissemination.The Web offers broad opportunities for increasing the scope and depth of information provided by many different types of firms. A well constructed home page gives an overview of a firm's range of services or activities. Links allow the customer or client to learn much more detail about the selected items of most interest, while ignoring less relevant pieces of information. A number of sites take advantage of the ability to link to resources beyond the company's Web pages, linking customers and clients to related Web resources.Unlike retail sectors, such as books and computer hardware, the Web as yet has not become a threat to the "middle man" role of many real estate firms. Instead, it is more likely to be used as a means of expanding services offered or locations served. However, in the long term, the Web and related Internet technology have the potential to change the structure of business activity, which in turn will affect the demand for real estate in type if not in quantity. For example, some retailers already have closed stores while expanding sales on the Web. Also, the Internet has been seen as one factor allowing the decentralization of office space. These trends to date have notled to a decline, but rather to a redistribution in the demand for office, retail and warehouse space.These are summarized .Speculation on Potential Impact of Internet on Real Estate Industry.1.Shortening of Transaction Cycle2.Precise Market Targeting3.Transformed Competition4.Cost savings:a)Marketing,b)Sales,c)Operation5.Possibility of Disintermediation;Lowering of Commissionsbination of Comparison Shopping and Direct Sales7.Access to MBS Secondary MarketHow to Find the Real Estate Sector on the WebThere are a few key sites that can be used to access the broad range of real-estate related Web sites. These include:-Site sponsored by the National Association of Realtors, linking users to realtor, home sales and market information.-Site sponsored by the National Association of Home Builders, providing a wide range of market information.-Directory to commercial real estate sites, including brokers,developers, investors and analysts. and , two sites that provide users with information about mortgage rates, mortgage brokers and with the opportunity to submit an application online. (National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts) and (Real Estate Investment Advisory Council), two associations related to real estate investment trusts.-The California Association of Realtors site.the site for the Urban Land Institute, with information onthe organization, programs, conferences, and publications related to real estate and land use. has three online magazines including National Real Estate Investor, Shopping Center World, and Midwest Real Estate News. An additional real estate online magazine, can available at .Ashok Deo BardhanRESEARCH FELLOWCynthia A. KrollREGIONAL ECONOMIST互联网在房地产业的应用摘要:互联网,仅仅它的网页图形版本,就已经吸引了众多消费者和商家的目光。









二、术语标准化的可能性现代术语学奠基人维斯特(E. Wüster,1898-1977)的专著《普通术语学和术语词典编纂学导论》是术语学的经典著作,这本著作全面地论述了维斯特的术语学理论,在术语学的发展历史上具有开创性的功劳。


ISO国际标准化组织提出,术语(term)是指称(designate)专业概念(concept)的词和词组,而概念是从客体(o b j e c t)中经过概念化(conceptualization)的提炼而形成的。





AA bill of quantities allows each contractor tendering for a project to price the work using the same information.一个账单量允许每个承包商为项目投标价格A bill of quantities is a list of item are entered in the next column followed by the rate ($/meter,$/meter2,$meter3,etc).比尔的数量是一个列表项进入下一列由率(美元/米,美元/平方米,美元/ 立方米,等)A construction manager can provide such coordination and the leadership necessary to produce the work. 一个项目经理提供必要的生产等工作的协调和领导。

A contract can be a ‘simple contract’: specialty contracts are also commonly referred to as ‘contracts under seal’.合同可以是一个简单的合同”:专业合同通常也被称为“盖印契约A contract is agreement between two or more than two parties(individuals or organizations) to perform or not to perform certain acts.合同协议的两个或更多的比之间的两方(个人或组织)执行或不执行某些行为。

A contract may be written or oral, but is only formed when there has an offer to do or provide something that is accepted by another party and is supported by consideration.合同可以是书面的或口头的,但只有当有一个形成作出或提供的东西是由另一方的接受和支持的思考。



本科毕业设计外文文献及译文文献、资料题目:Changing roles of the clientsArchitects and contractorsThrough BIM文献、资料来源:Engineering, Construction, Archi-tectual Management文献、资料发表(出版)日期:2010.2院(部):管理工程学院专业:班级:姓名:学号:指导教师:翻译日期:2012.6.3外文文献:Changing roles of the clients,architects and contractors through BIMRizal SebastianTNO Built Environment and Geosciences, Delft, The NetherlandsAbstractPurpose– This paper aims to present a general review of the practical implications of building information modelling (BIM) based on literature and case studies. It seeks to address the necessity for applying BIM and re-organising the processes and roles in hospital building projects. This type of project is complex due to complicated functional and technical requirements, decision making involving a large number of stakeholders, and long-term development processes. Design/methodology/approach– Through desk research and referring to the ongoing European research project InPro, the framework for integrated collaboration and the use of BIM are analysed. Through several real cases, the changing roles of clients, architects, and contractors through BIM application are investigated.Findings–One of the main findings is the identification of the main factors for a successful collaboration using BIM, which can be recognised as “POWER”: product information sharing (P),organisational roles synergy (O), work processes coordination (W), environment for teamwork (E), and reference data consolidation (R). Furthermore, it is also found that the implementation of BIM in hospital building projects is still limited due to certain commercial and legal barriers, as well as the fact that integrated collaboration has not yet been embedded in the real estate strategies of healthcare institutions.Originality/value– This paper contributes to the actual discussion in science and practice on the changing roles and processes that are required to develop and operate sustainable buildings with the support of integrated ICT frameworks and tools. It presents the state-of-the-art of European research projects and some of the first real cases of BIM application in hospital building projects. Keywords Europe, Hospitals, The Netherlands, Construction works, Response flexibility, Project planningPaper type General review1. IntroductionHospital building projects, are of key importance, and involve significant investment, and usually take a long-term development period. Hospital building projects are also very complex due to the complicated requirements regarding hygiene, safety, special equipments, and handling of a large amount of data. The building process is very dynamic and comprises iterative phases and intermediate changes. Many actors with shifting agendas, roles and responsibilities are actively involved, such as: the healthcare institutions, national and local governments, project developers, financial institutions, architects, contractors, advisors, facility managers, and equipment manufacturers and suppliers. Such building projects are very much influenced, by the healthcare policy, which changes rapidly in response to the medical, societal and technological developments, and varies greatly between countries (World Health Organization, 2000). In The Netherlands, for example, the way a building project in the healthcare sector is organised is undergoing a major reform due to a fundamental change in the Dutch health policy that was introduced in 2008.The rapidly changing context posts a need for a building with flexibility over its lifecycle. In order to incorporate life-cycle considerations in the building design, construction technique, and facility management strategy, a multidisciplinary collaboration is required. Despite the attempt for establishing integrated collaboration, healthcare building projects still faces serious problems in practice, such as: budget overrun, delay, and sub-optimal quality in terms of flexibility, end-user’s dissatisfaction, and energy inef ficiency. It is evident that the lack of communication and coordination between the actors involved in the different phases of a building project is among the most important reasons behind these problems. The communication between different stakeholders becomes critical, as each stakeholder possesses different set of skills. As a result, the processes for extraction, interpretation, and communication of complex design information from drawings and documents are often time-consuming and difficult. Advanced visualisation technologies, like 4D planning have tremendous potential to increase the communication efficiency and interpretation ability of the project team members. However, their use as an effective communication tool is still limited and not fully explored (Dawood and Sikka, 2008). There are also other barriers in the information transfer and integration, for instance: many existing ICT systems do not support the openness of the data and structure that is prerequisite foran effective collaboration between different building actors or disciplines.Building information modelling (BIM) offers an integrated solution to the previously mentioned problems. Therefore, BIM is increasingly used as an ICT support in complex building projects. An effective multidisciplinary collaboration supported by an optimal use of BIM require changing roles of the clients, architects, and contractors; new contractual relationships; and re-organised collaborative processes. Unfortunately, there are still gaps in the practical knowledge on how to manage the building actors to collaborate effectively in their changing roles, and to develop and utilise BIM as an optimal ICT support of the collaboration.This paper presents a general review of the practical implications of building information modelling (BIM) based on literature review and case studies. In the next sections, based on literature and recent findings from European research project InPro, the framework for integrated collaboration and the use of BIM are analysed. Subsequently, through the observation of two ongoing pilot projects in The Netherlands, the changing roles of clients, architects, and contractors through BIM application are investigated. In conclusion, the critical success factors as well as the main barriers of a successful integrated collaboration using BIM are identified.2. Changing roles through integrated collaboration and life-cycle design approachesA hospital building project involves various actors, roles, and knowledge domains. In The Netherlands, the changing roles of clients, architects, and contractors in hospital building projects are inevitable due the new healthcare policy. Previously under the Healthcare Institutions Act (WTZi), healthcare institutions were required to obtain both a license and a building permit for new construction projects and major renovations. The permit was issued by the Dutch Ministry of Health. The healthcare institutions were then eligible to receive financial support from the government. Since 2008, new legislation on the management of hospital building projects and real estate has come into force. In this new legislation, a permit for hospital building project under the WTZi is no longer obligatory, nor obtainable (Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, 2008). This change allows more freedom from the state-directed policy, and respectively, allocates more responsibilities to the healthcare organisations to deal with the financing and management of their real estate. The new policy implies that the healthcare institutions are fully responsible to manage and finance their building projects and real estate. The government’s support for the costs of healthcare facilities will no longer be given separately, but will beincluded in the fee for healthcare services. This means that healthcare institutions must earn back their investment on real estate through their services. This new policy intends to stimulate sustainable innovations in the design, procurement and management of healthcare buildings, which will contribute to effective and efficient primary healthcare services.The new strategy for building projects and real estate management endorses an integrated collaboration approach. In order to assure the sustainability during construction, use, and maintenance, the end-users, facility managers, contractors and specialist contractors need to be involved in the planning and design processes. The implications of the new strategy are reflected in the changing roles of the building actors and in the new procurement method.In the traditional procurement method, the design, and its details, are developed by the architect, and design engineers. Then, the client (the healthcare institution) sends an application to the Ministry of Health to obtain an approval on the building permit and the financial support from the government. Following this, a contractor is selected through a tender process that emphasises the search for the lowest-price bidder. During the construction period, changes often take place due to constructability problems of the design and new requirements from the client. Because of the high level of technical complexity, and moreover, decision-making complexities, the whole process from initiation until delivery of a hospital building project can take up to ten years time. After the delivery, the healthcare institution is fully in charge of the operation of the facilities. Redesigns and changes also take place in the use phase to cope with new functions and developments in the medical world (van Reedt Dortland, 2009).The integrated procurement pictures a new contractual relationship between the parties involved in a building project. Instead of a relationship between the client and architect for design, and the client and contractor for construction, in an integrated procurement the client only holds a contractual relationship with the main party that is responsible for both design and construction ( Joint Contracts Tribunal, 2007). The traditional borders between tasks and occupational groups become blurred since architects, consulting firms, contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers all stand on the supply side in the building process while the client on the demand side. Such configuration puts the architect, engineer and contractor in a very different position that influences not only their roles, but also their responsibilities, tasks and communication with the client, the users, the team and other stakeholders.The transition from traditional to integrated procurement method requires a shift of mindset of the parties on both the demand and supply sides. It is essential for the client and contractor to have a fair and open collaboration in which both can optimally use their competencies. The effectiveness of integrated collaboration is also determined by the client’s capacity and strategy to organize innovative tendering procedures (Sebastian et al., 2009).A new challenge emerges in case of positioning an architect in a partnership with the contractor instead of with the client. In case of the architect enters a partnership with the contractor, an important issues is how to ensure the realisation of the architectural values as well as innovative engineering through an efficient construction process. In another case, the architect can stand at the client’s side in a strategic advisory role instead of being the designer. In this case, the architect’s responsibility is translating client’s requirements and wishes into the architectural values to be included in the design specification, and evaluating the contractor’s pr oposal against this. In any of this new role, the architect holds the responsibilities as stakeholder interest facilitator, custodian of customer value and custodian of design models.The transition from traditional to integrated procurement method also brings consequences in the payment schemes. In the traditional building process, the honorarium for the architect is usually based on a percentage of the project costs; this may simply mean that the more expensive the building is, the higher the honorarium will be. The engineer receives the honorarium based on the complexity of the design and the intensity of the assignment. A highly complex building, which takes a number of redesigns, is usually favourable for the engineers in terms of honorarium.A traditional contractor usually receives the commission based on the tender to construct the building at the lowest price by meeting the minimum specifications given by the client. Extra work due to modifications is charged separately to the client. After the delivery, the contractor is no longer responsible for the long-term use of the building. In the traditional procurement method, all risks are placed with the client.In integrated procurement method, the payment is based on the achieved building performance; thus, the payment is non-adversarial. Since the architect, engineer and contractor have a wider responsibility on the quality of the design and the building, the payment is linked to a measurement system of the functional and technical performance of the building over a certain period of time. The honorarium becomes an incentive to achieve the optimal quality. If thebuilding actors succeed to deliver a higher added-value that exceed the minimum client’s requirements, they will receive a bonus in accordance t o the client’s extra gain. The level of transparency is also improved. Open book accounting is an excellent instrument provided that the stakeholders agree on the information to be shared and to its level of detail (InPro, 2009).Next to the adoption of integrated procurement method, the new real estate strategy for hospital building projects addresses an innovative product development and life-cycle design approaches. A sustainable business case for the investment and exploitation of hospital buildings relies on dynamic life-cycle management that includes considerations and analysis of the market development over time next to the building life-cycle costs (investment/initial cost, operational cost, and logistic cost). Compared to the conventional life-cycle costing method, the dynamic life-cycle management encompasses a shift from focusing only on minimizing the costs to focusing on maximizing the total benefit that can be gained. One of the determining factors for a successful implementation of dynamic life-cycle management is the sustainable design of the building and building components, which means that the design carries sufficient flexibility to accommodate possible changes in the long term (Prins, 1992).Designing based on the principles of life-cycle management affects the role of the architect, as he needs to be well informed about the usage scenarios and related financial arrangements, the changing social and physical environments, and new technologies. Design needs to integrate people activities and business strategies over time. In this context, the architect is required to align the design strategies with the organisational, local and global policies on finance, business operations, health and safety, environment, etc. (Sebastian et al., 2009).The combination of process and product innovation, and the changing roles of the building actors can be accommodated by integrated project delivery or IPD (AIA California Council, 2007). IPD is an approach that integrates people, systems, business structures and practices into a process that collaboratively harnesses the talents and insights of all participants to reduce waste and optimize efficiency through all phases of design, fabrication and construction. IPD principles can be applied to a variety of contractual arrangements. IPD teams will usually include members well beyond the basic triad of client, architect, and contractor. At a minimum, though, an Integrated Project should include a tight collaboration between the client, the architect, and the main contractor ultimately responsible for construction of the project, from the early design untilthe project handover. The key to a successful IPD is assembling a team that is committed to collaborative processes and is capable of working together effectively. IPD is built on collaboration. As a result, it can only be successful if the participants share and apply common values and goals.3. Changing roles through BIM applicationBuilding information model (BIM) comprises ICT frameworks and tools that can support the integrated collaboration based on life-cycle design approach. BIM is a digital representation of physical and functional characteristics of a facility. As such it serves as a shared knowledge resource for information about a facility forming a reliable basis for decisions during its lifecycle from inception onward (National Institute of Building Sciences NIBS, 2007). BIM facilitates time and place independent collaborative working. A basic premise of BIM is collaboration by different stakeholders at different phases of the life cycle of a facility to insert, extract, update or modify information in the BIM to support and reflect the roles of that stakeholder. BIM in its ultimate form, as a shared digital representation founded on open standards for interoperability, can become a virtual information model to be handed from the design team to the contractor and subcontractors and then to the client (Sebastian et al., 2009).BIM is not the same as the earlier known computer aided design (CAD). BIM goes further than an application to generate digital (2D or 3D) drawings (Bratton, 2009). BIM is an integrated model in which all process and product information is combined, stored, elaborated, and interactively distributed to all relevant building actors. As a central model for all involved actors throughout the project lifecycle, BIM develops and evolves as the project progresses. Using BIM, the proposed design and engineering solutions can be measured against the client’s requirements and expected building performance. The functionalities of BIM to support the design process extend to multidimensional (nD), including: three-dimensional visualisation and detailing, clash detection, material schedule, planning, cost estimate, production and logistic information, and as-built documents. During the construction process, BIM can support the communication between the building site, the factory and the design office– which is crucial for an effective and efficient prefabrication and assembly processes as well as to prevent or solve problems related to unforeseen errors or modifications. When the building is in use, BIM can be used in combination with the intelligent building systems to provide and maintain up-to-date information of thebuilding performance, including the life-cycle cost.To unleash the full potential of more efficient information exchange in the AEC/FM industry in collaborative working using BIM, both high quality open international standards and high quality implementations of these standards must be in place. The IFC open standard is generally agreed to be of high quality and is widely implemented in software. Unfortunately, the certification process allows poor quality implementations to be certified and essentially renders the certified software useless for any practical usage with IFC. IFC compliant BIM is actually used less than manual drafting for architects and contractors, and show about the same usage for engineers. A recent survey shows that CAD (as a closed-system) is still the major form of technique used in design work (over 60 per cent) while BIM is used in around 20 percent of projects for architects and in around 10 per cent of projects for engineers and contractors (Kiviniemi et al., 2008).The application of BIM to support an optimal cross-disciplinary and cross-phase collaboration opens a new dimension in the roles and relationships between the building actors. Several most relevant issues are: the new role of a model manager; the agreement on the access right and Intellectual Property Right (IPR); the liability and payment arrangement according to the type of contract and in relation to the integrated procurement; and the use of open international standards.Collaborative working using BIM demands a new expert role of a model manager who possesses ICT as well as construction process know-how (InPro, 2009). The model manager deals with the system as well as with the actors. He provides and maintains technological solutions required for BIM functionalities, manages the information flow, and improves the ICT skills of the stakeholders. The model manager does not take decisions on design and engineering solutions, nor the organisational processes, but his roles in the chain of decision making are focused on:●the development of BIM, the definition of the structure and detail level of the model, and thedeployment of relevant BIM tools, such as for models checking, merging, and clash detections;●the contribution to collaboration methods, especially decision making and communicationprotocols, task planning, and risk management;and the management of information, in terms of data flow and storage, identification of communication errors, and decision or process (re-)tracking.Regarding the legal and organisational issues, one of the actual question s is: “In what way does the intellectual property right (IPR) in collaborative working using BIM differ from the IPR in a traditional teamwork?”. In terms of combined work, the IPR of each element is attached to its creator. Although it seems to be a fully integrated design, BIM actually resulted from a combination of works/elements; for instance: the outline of the building design, is created by the architect, the design for the electrical system, is created by the electrical contractor, etc. Thus, in case of BIM as a combined work, the IPR is similar to traditional teamwork. Working with BIM with authorship registration functionalities may actually make it easier to keep track of the IPR(Chao-Duivis, 2009).How does collaborative working, using BIM, effect the contractual relationship? On the one hand, collaborative working using BIM does not necessarily change the liability position in the contract nor does it obligate an alliance contract. The General Principles of BIM Addendum confirms: ‘This does not ef fectuate or require a restructuring of contractual relationships or shifting of risks between or among the Project Participants other than as specifically required per the Protocol Addendum and its Attachments’ (ConsensusDOCS, 2008). On the other hand, changes in terms of payment schemes can be anticipated. Collaborative processes using BIM will lead to the shifting of activities from to the early design phase. Much, if not all, activities in the detailed engineering and specification phase will be done in the earlier phases. It means that significant payment for the engineering phase, which may count up to 40 per cent of the design cost, can no longer be expected. As engineering work is done concurrently with the design, a new proportion of the payment in the early design phase is necessary(Chao-Duivis, 2009).4. Review of ongoing hospital building projects using BIMIn The Netherlands, the changing roles in hospital building projects are part of the strategy, which aims at achieving a sustainable real estate in response to the changing healthcare policy. Referring to literature and previous research, the main factors that influence the success of the changing roles can be concluded as: the implementation of an integrated procurement method and a life-cycle design approach for a sustainable collaborative process; the agreement on the BIM structure and the intellectual rights; and the integration of the role of a model manager. Thepreceding sections have discussed the conceptual thinking on how to deal with these factors effectively. This current section observes two actual projects and compares the actual practice with the conceptual view respectively.The main issues, which are observed in the case studies, are:●the selected procurement method and the roles of the involved parties within this method;●the implementation of the life-cycle design approach;●the type, structure, and functionalities of BIM used in the project;●the openness in data sharing and transfer of the model, and the intended use of BIM in thefuture; and●the roles and tasks of the model manager.The pilot experience of hospital building projects using BIM in the Netherlands can be observed at University Medical Centre St Radboud (further referred as UMC) and Maxima Medical Centre (further referred as MMC). At UMC, the new building project for the Faculty of Dentistry in the city of Nijmegen has been dedicated as a BIM pilot project. At MMC, BIM is used in designing new buildings for Medical Simulation and Mother-and-Child Centre in the city of Veldhoven.The first case is a project at the University Medical Centre (UMC) St Radboud. UMC is more than just a hospital. UMC combines medical services, education and research. More than 8500 staff and 3000 students work at UMC. As a part of the innovative real estate strategy, UMC has considered to use BIM for its building projects. The new development of the Faculty of Dentistry and the surrounding buildings on the Kapittelweg in Nijmegen has been chosen as a pilot project to gather practical knowledge and experience on collaborative processes with BIM support.The main ambition to be achieved through the use of BIM in the building projects at UMC can be summarised as follows:●using 3D visualisation to enhance the coordination and communication among the buildingactors, and the user participation in design;●facilitating optimal information accessibility and exchange for a high●consistency of the drawings and documents across disciplines and phases;●integrating the architectural design with structural analysis, energy analysis, cost estimation,and planning;●interactively evaluating the design solutions against the programme of requirements andspecifications;●reducing redesign/remake costs through clash detection during the design process; and●optimising the management of the facility through the registration of medical installationsand equipments, fixed and flexible furniture, product and output specifications, and operational data.The second case is a project at the Maxima Medical Centre (MMC). MMC is a large hospital resulted from a merger between the Diaconessenhuis in Eindhoven and St Joseph Hospital in Veldhoven. Annually the 3,400 staff of MMC provides medical services to more than 450,000 visitors and patients. A large-scaled extension project of the hospital in Veldhoven is a part of its real estate strategy. A medical simulation centre and a women-and-children medical centre are among the most important new facilities within this extension project. The design has been developed using 3D modelling with several functionalities of BIM.The findings from both cases and the analysis are as follows. Both UMC and MMC opted for a traditional procurement method in which the client directly contracted an architect, a structural engineer, and a mechanical, electrical and plumbing (MEP) consultant in the design team. Once the design and detailed specifications are finished, a tender procedure will follow to select a contractor. Despite the choice for this traditional method, many attempts have been made for a closer and more effective multidisciplinary collaboration. UMC dedicated a relatively long preparation phase with the architect, structural engineer and MEP consultant before the design commenced. This preparation phase was aimed at creating a common vision on the optimal way for collaboration using BIM as an ICT support. Some results of this preparation phase are: a document that defines the common ambition for the project and the collaborative working process and a semi-formal agreement that states the commitment of the building actors for collaboration. Other than UMC, MMC selected an architecture firm with an in-house engineering department. Thus, the collaboration between the architect and structural engineer can take place within the same firm using the same software application.Regarding the life-cycle design approach, the main attention is given on life-cycle costs, maintenance needs, and facility management. Using BIM, both hospitals intend to get a much。



外文文献:The project management office as an organisational innovationBrian Hobbs *, Monique Aubry,Denis ThuillierUniversity of Quebec at Montreal, Department of Management and Technology,PO Box 8888,Downtown Station,Montreal,Que,Canada H3C 3P8Received 15 May 2008; accepted 20 May 2008AbstractThe paper presents an investigation of the creation and the reconfiguration of project management offices (PMOs) as an organizational innovation。

The analysis of 11 organisational transformations centred on the implementation or reconfiguration of PMOs is presented. The objective of the paper is to contribute to a better understanding of PMOs and of the dynamic relationship between project management and the organisational context。

The aim is also to integrate the examination of PMOs as an organisational innovation into the mainstream of research on the place of project management in organisations and more widely to the ‘‘rethinking of project management.”1。


工 作 , 切体 会 到 词典 翻译 殊 非 易 事 , 对 词典 翻译 的 性 质 、 深 并 原 则 和方 法 有 了较 深 切 的 体 会 。 双 语 词 典 的 翻 译 主 要包 括词 目翻译 和例 证 翻译 , 们 构 它
词 目翻 译 对 等 词 一 般 分 为 两 类 : 入 式 对 等 词 (ne . 插 i r st
“ 语 ” 面上 的动 态 翻 译 提 供 重 要 的 参考 依据 ; 言 层 而在 动 态 语 义 等 值 的例 证 翻 译 层 面 , 方 面 应 揭 示 出 词 日词 与 其 他 词 一
汇 单 位 的 组合 搭 配 意义 , 据 具体 情 况提 供 灵 活 多 变 的译 法 , 助 词 典 使 用 者 理 解 词 目词 的 言语 意 义 , 其 提 供 更 多 的 根 帮 为 翻译 选 择 , 其 拓 宽 翻 译 思 路 , 一 方 面 还 需 注 意 词典 的 示 范 作 用 , 调 译 文 表 达 的规 范地 道 , 免 生 硬 僵 化 的翻 译 腔 , 助 另 强 避 帮助 词典 使 用 者 熟悉 翻 译 技 巧 、 强 转换 意识 , 而 实 现 双语 词典 的 翻译 功 能 , 高 双 语 词 典 对 翻 译 活 动 的指 导 价 值 。 增 从 提 [ 关键 词 ]双 语 词 典 翻 译 ; 译 功 能 ; 目翻译 ; 翻 词 例证 翻译 [ 图分 类 号 ] 5 中 H0 9 [ 献 标 识 码 ]A 文 [ 文章 编 号 ]17 3 8 2 1 ) 107 -3 6 29 5 ( 00 O -0 00
il euvl t与解 释性 对 等 词 ( xlnt yeuvl t 。插 be q i e ) an epaa r q i e ) o an 入 式 对 等 词 , 名 思 义 可 以直 接 替 代 原 语 词 目, 入 到 目 的 顾 插


Linguistic Equivalence
Linguistic Translation
Linguistically Creative Translation
Literal Translation
Loan Translation
Computer-assisted Translation
Conference Interpreting
Consecutive Interpreting
Constitutive Translational Conventions
Correspondences,Hierarchy of
Court Interpreting
Covert Translation
Cross-temporal Theories of Translation
Cross-temporal of Tranlsation
Blank Spaces
Blank Verse Translation
Computer-aided Translation
Category Shift



Concrete Construction matterT. Pauly, M. J. N. PriestleyAbstractViewed in terms of accepted practices, concrete construction operations leave much to be desired with respect to the quality, serviceability, and safety of completed structures. The shortcomings of these operations became abundantly clear when a magnitude 7.6 earthquake struck northern Paki-stan on October 8, 2005, destroying thousands of buildings, damaging bridges, and killing an esti-mated 79,000 people. The unusually low quality of construction operations prevalent was a major cause of the immense devastation.Keywords: Concrete Placing Curing Construction TechnologyPlacing ConcreteIf concrete is placed in the surface, the sur-face should be filled with water sufficiently to prevent it from absorbing the concrete of its water. If fresh concrete is to be placed on or nearby to concrete that has solidified, the surface of the placed concrete should be cleaned absolutely, preferably with a high-pressure air or water jet or steel-wire brushes. The surface should be wet, but there should be no much water. A little quantity of cement grout should be brushed over the whole area, and then followed immediately with the application of a 1/2-in Layer of mortar. The fresh concrete should be placed on or against the mortar.In order to decrease the disintegration re-sulting from carriage after it is placed. The con-crete should be placed as nearly as probably in itsfinal point. It should be placed in layers to permit uniform compaction. The time interval between the placing of layers should be limited to assure perfect bond between the fresh and previously placed concrete.In placing concrete in deeper patters, a ves-sel should be used to limit the free fall to not over 3 or 4 ft, in order to prevent concrete disintegra-tion. The vessel is a pipe made of lightweight metal, having adjustable lengths and attached to the bottom of a hopper into which the concrete is deposited. As the patters are filled, sections of the pipe may be removed.Immediately after the concrete is placed, it should be compacted by hand pudding or a me-chanical vibrator to eliminate voids. The vibrator should be left in one position only long enough to reduce the concrete around it to a plastic mass; then the vibrator should be moved, or disintegra-tion of the aggregate will occur. In general, the vibrator should not be permitted to penetrate concrete in the prior lift.The mainly advantage of vibrating is that it permits the use of a drier concrete, which has a higher strength because of the reduced water content. Among the advantages of vibrating con-crete are the following:1.The decreased water permits a reduction in the cement and fine aggregate because less cement paste is needed.2.The lower water content decreases shrinkage and voids.3.The drier concrete decreases the cost of finishing the surface.4.Mechanical vibration may replace three to eight hand puddles.5.The lower water content increases the strength of the concrete.6.The drier mixture permits theremoval of some patters more quickly, which may reduce the cost of patters.Curing ConcreteIf concrete is to gain its maximum strength and other desirable properties, it should be cured with adequate moisture and at a favorable tem-perature. Failure to provide these conditions may result in an inferior concrete.The initial moisture in concrete is adequate to hydrate all the cement, provided it is not should replace the moisture that does evaporate. This may be accomplished by many methods, such as leaving the patters in place, keeping the surface wet, or covering the surface with a liquid curing compound, which comes being to a water-tight membrane that prevents the escape of the initial water. Curing compounds may be applied by brushes or pressure sprayers. A gallon will cover 200 to 300 sq ft.Concrete should be placed at a temperature not less than 40 or more than 80°F.A lower tem-perature will decrease the rate of setting, while ahigher temperature will decrease the ultimate strength.Placing Concrete in Cold WeatherWhen the concrete is placed during cold weather, it is usually necessary to preheat the water, the aggregate, or both in order that the ini-tial temperature will assure an initial set and gain in strength .Preheating the water is the most ef-fective method of providing the necessary tem-perature. For this purpose a water reservoir should be equipped with pipe coils through which steam can be passed, or steam may bedischarged directly into the water, several outlets being used to given better distribution of the heat.When the temperatures of the mixtures are known, some specific charts may be used to cal-culate the temperature of concrete. A straight line pass all three scales, passing through every two known temperatures, will assure the determina-tion of the third temperature. If the surface of sand isdry, the fact lines of the scales giving the temperature of concrete should be used. However, if the sand contains about 3 percent moisture, the dotted lines should be used.Specifications usually demand that freshly placed concrete shall be kept at a temperature of not less than 70°F for 3 days or 50°F for 5 days after it is placed. Some proper method must be provided to keep the demanded temperature when the cold weather is estimated.Reinforcing steels for concreteCompared with concrete, steel is a high strength material. The useful strength of ordinary reinforcing steels in tension as well as compres-sion, i.e., the yield strength, is about 15 times the compressive strength of common structural con-crete, and well over 100 times its tensile strength. On the other hand, steel is a high-cost material compared with concrete. It follow that the two materials are the best used in combination if theconcrete is made to resist the compressive stresses and the compressive force, longitudinal steel reinforcing bars are located close to the ten-sion face to resist the tension force., and usually additional steel bars are so disposed that they re-sist the inclined tension stresses that are caused by the shear force in the beams. However, rein-forcement is also used for resisting compressive forces primarily where it is desired to reduce the cross-sectional dimensions of compression members, as in the lower-floor columns of multi-story buildings. Even if no such necessity exits , a minimum amount of reinforce- ment is placed in all compression members to safeguard them against the effects of small accidental bending moments that might crack and even fail an unre-inforced member.For most effective reinforcing action, it is essential that steel and concrete deform together, i. e., that there be a sufficiently strong bond be-tween the two materials to ensure that no relative movements of the steel bars and the surrounding concrete occur. This bond is provided by the rela-tively large chemical adhesion which develops at the steel-concrete interface, by the natural roughness of the mill scale of hot-rolled rein-forcing bars , and by the closely spaced rib-shap-ed surface deformations with which reinforcing bars are furnished in order to provide a high de-gree of interlocking of the two materials.Steel is used in two different ways in con-crete structures: as reinforcing steel and as prestressing steel .reinforcing steel is placed in the forms prior to casting of the concrete. Stresses in the steel, as in the hardened concrete, are caused only by the loads on the structure, except for possible parasitic stresses from shrinkage or similar causes. In contrast, in priestesses concrete structures large tension forces are applied to the reinforcement prior to letting it act jointly with the concrete in resistingexternal.The most common type of reinforcing steel is in the form of round bars, sometimes called rebars, available in a large range of diameters,from 10 to 35 mm for ordinary applications and in two heavy bar sizes off 44 and 57 mm these bars are furnished with surface deformations for the purpose of increasing resistance to slip be-tween steel and concrete minimum requirements for these deformations have been developed in experimental research. Different bar producers use different patterns, all of which satisfy these requirements.Welding of rebars in making splices, or for convenience in fabricating reinforcing cages for placement in the forms, may result in metal-lurgical changes that reduce both strength and ductility, and special restrictions must be placed both strength and ductility, and special restric-tions must be placed both on the type of steel used and the welding procedures the provisions of ASTM A706 relatespecifically to welding.In reinforced concrete a long-time trend is evident toward the use of higher strength materi-als, both steel and concrete.Reinforcing bars with 40ksi yield stress , almost standard 20 years ago , have largely been replaced by bars with 60ksi yield stress , both because they are more economical and because their use tends to reduce congestion of steel in the forms .The ACI Code permits reinforcing steels up to Fy=80ksi. Such high strength steels usually yield gradually but have no yield plateau in this situation the ACI Code requires that at the speci-fied minimum yield strength the total strain shall not exceed 0.0035 this is necessary to make cur-rent design methods, which were developed for sharp-yielding steels with a yield plateau, appli-cable to such higher strength steels. there is no ASTM specification for deformed bars may be used , according to the ACI Code , providing they meet the requirements stated under special circumstances steel in this higher strength range has its place, e.g., in lower-story columns of high-rise buildings.In order to minimize corrosion of rein-forcement and consequent spelling of concrete under sever exposure conditions such as in bridge decks subjected to deicing chemicals , galvanized or epoxy-coated rebars may be specified.Repair of Concrete StructuresReinforced concrete is generally a very du-rable structural material and very little repair work is usually needed. However, its durability can be affected by a variety of causes, including those of design and construction faults, use of inferior materials and exposure to aggressive en-vironment. The need for a repair is primarily dic-tated by the severity of the deterioration as de-termined from the diagnosis. Good workmanship is essential if any thing more than just a cosmetic treatment to the creation is required.1. performance requirements of repair systemHaving established the causes of the defect by carefully diagnosing the distress, the next step should be to consider the requirements of the re-pair method that will offer an effective solution to the problem (see fig.).①DurabilityIt is important to select repair materials that provide adequate durability. Materials used for the repair job should be at least as durable as the substrate concrete to which it is applied.②Protection of steelThe mechanism of protection provided to the reinforcing depends on the type of repair ma-terials used. For example, cementations materials can protect the steel from further corrosion by their inhibitive effect of increasing the alkalinity of the concrete, whereas epoxy resin mortars can give protection against the ingress of oxygen,moisture and other harmful agents.③Bond with substrateThe bond with the substrate must produce an integral repair to prevent entry of moisture and atmospheric gases at the interface. With most re-pair materials, the bond is greatly enhanced with the use of a suitable bonding aid such as an un-filled epoxy resin systems and slurry of Portland cement, plus any latex additives for a Portland cement-based repair system. Precautions should also be takento remove all loose and friable ma-terials from the surfaces to be bonded.④Dimensional StabilityShrinkage of materials during curing should be kept to a minimum. Subsequent dimensional change should be very close in the substrate in order to prevent failure⑤Initial Resistance to Environmentally In-duced DamageSome initial exposure conditions may lead to premature damage lo repairs. For example, partially cured Portland cement repairs can dete-riorate from hot weather preventing full hydration of the cement. To prevent this from happening extra protection during curing time may be nec-essary.⑥Ease of ApplicationMaterials should be easily mixed and ap-plied so that they can be worked readily into small crevices and voids. Ideally, the material should not stick to tools, and should not shear while being trowel led nor slump after placement.⑦AppearanceThe degree to which the repair material should match the existing concrete will depend on the use of the structure and the client' s re-quirements. A surface coating may be required when appearance is important or when cover to reinforcement is small.2. Selection of Repair MethodsA suitable repair counteracts all the defi-ciencies which are relevant to the use of the structure.The selection of tile correct method and material for a particular, application requires careful consideration, whether to meet special requirements for placing strength, durability or other short-or long-term properties. These con-siderations include:1. Nature of the DistressIf alive crack is filled with a rigid material, then either the repair material will eventually fail or some new cracking will occur adjacent to the original crack. Repairs to live cracks must either use flexible materials to accommodate move-ments or else steps must be taken prior to the re-pair to eliminate the movement.2. Position of the CrackTechniques which rely on gravity to intro-duce the material into the crack are more suc-cessfully carried out on horizontal surfaces but are rarely effective on vertical ones.3. EnvironmentIf moisture, water or contaminants are found in the crack, then it is necessary to rectify the leaks Repair to slop leaks may be further com-plicated by the need to make the repairs while the structure is in service and the environment is damp.4. WorkmanshipThe skill the operatives available to carry put the repairs is another relevant factors. Some-times this can mean the difference between a permanent repair and premature failure of the re-pair material.5. CostThe cost of repair materials is usually small compared with the costs of providing access, preparation and actual labor.6. AppearanceThe repair surface may be unsightly, par-ticularly when it appears on a prominent part of the building. In this case, the repair system will include some form of treatment over the entire surface.Reference[1]Philip Jodidio, Contemporary European Architecture, Taschen, Koln, pp.148-153[2]Ann Breen & Dick Rigby, Waterfronts, McGraw-Hill, Inc. New York, 1994, pp.297-300[3]Ann Breen & Dick Rigby, The New Waterfront, Thames and Hudson, London, 1996, pp.118-120[4]Ann Breen & Dick Rigby, The New Waterfront, Thames and Hudson, London, 1996, pp.52-55[5]Robert Holden, International Landscape Design, Laurence King Publishing, London, 1996, pp.10-27[6] A new concept in refrigerant control for heat pumps ,J.R.Harnish,IIR Conference Pa-per,Cleveland,Ohio.May,1996[7]Carrier Corporation-Catalog 523 848,1997[8]Waste Heat Management Handbook, Na-tional Bureau of Standardc Handbook 121, Pub-lica-tion PB 264959, February,1997Ten design principles for air to air heat pumps,Allen Trask,ASHRAE Journal,July,1997重庆科技学院学生毕业设计(论文)外文译文学院建建筑工程学院专业班级工管103学生姓名李学号201044241附件1:外文资料翻译译文混凝土施工事项T.Pauly, M.J.N.Priestley摘要:根据一般承认的惯例看,巴基斯坦的混凝土结构建筑物在结构上的质量,效用和安全需要上都留下了很多值得关注的问题。


任重而道远 。

二、 工程管理专业双语教学现 状 从做法上看, 国 内各高校工程 管理专 业开展的双语教学大致可分 为下表 中的三种基本模式: 目前来看, 大多数高校工程管理专业 开展的双语教学主要是采用 英汉结合 、 先汉后英这两种模式。 从开设课程 的调查结 果看,天津大学 国际工程管理专业 当为表 率, 哈尔滨工业大学、 同济大学和重庆 大学也开设 了相 关课程 。 大 多数
双语教学 ; 工程管理专业 ; 问题 ; 途径

文献表识码 :
工程 管理专业 开设双语课程 的 目的在 于培养 工程管理 专业学 生 熟练地使用外语进 行工程管理工作所需 的听说读 写译能力 , 特别是在 入世后 国际工程承 包行业迅速发展的过程 中, 能够与国外同行进行无
国, 双 语教学主要存 在于少数 民族地 区, 学校为 了使少数 民族 学生既 能学好汉语 , 又保 留其少数 民族语言而采取的教学方法 就我 国目前 的高校来讲 , 绝大多数 的双语教学都是采用英语与汉语相结合 的教 学 方法 。笔者 以英语与汉语结合 的双语教学为背景, 通过参与工程管理 专业有关课程双语教学 的经历 , 感悟到工程管理专业双语教学 中存在 的深刻 问题 , 并深入研究 了改进双语教 学、 提高教学效 果的途径和建

双语教 学是上个世 纪6 0 年代美 国和加拿大 等移 民国家为 了使外 来人 口更快融入 当地社会和适 应当地社会环境 , 解决 就业、 生活、 教育
上的语言障碍 问题 , 而采取 的用两种语言作为课堂媒 介的办法。在中
表l 工 程 管 理 专 业 双 语教 学 模 式 比 较
( 一) 教学主体的问题 教师和 学生的英语水平普遍不高, 特别 是口语 表达 能力和水平存 在较 大的差异, 这是“ 双语教学’ I 课程 开设率偏低和 教学效果不好 的主



• 西方最早的翻译理论家是罗马帝国时期的著名 哲学家西赛罗(Cicero)。公元前55年,他首 次提出整体意义应重于单个词的意义,并指出 了修辞在翻译中的重要作用。 • 自西塞罗以来,西方翻译理论围绕直译与意译, 死译与活译,忠实与不忠实,准确与不准确的 问题,被一条绵延不断的线贯穿起来。 • 在古代,昆体良的“与原作竞争”; • 哲罗姆的“文学用意译,《圣经》用直译”; • 奥古斯丁的《圣经》翻译凭“上帝的感召”以 及有关语言符号理论。
对翻译标准问题的探讨历来是中外翻译界 的热点问题。在我国, 翻译标准一直是翻译 理论界讨论的焦点问题。
• 中国翻译理论,从时间上看,可以分为传 统、现代和当代三个时期。在中国,传统 的翻译理论是指不以西方“现代语言学” 为方法论的翻译理论研究,其具体又可以 分为“发生期”、“发展期”、“成熟 期”、和“转型期”等。这四个时期分别 见证了中国的几大翻译高潮,即东汉至宋 的佛经翻译、明末清初的科技翻译及清末 明初的西学翻译及“五四”新文学翻译。
• 成熟期:成熟期是指传统翻译理论的完善时期,具体表 现在:翻译思想日蓁充实完善,表达方法日益精密得当。 成熟期所对应的乃是西学翻译与“五四”新文学翻译, 以1898年严复的《天演论》为标志,其代表性的译论 有如严复的“信达雅”、林纾的谈译书之难、金岳霖的 “译意”与“译味”、郑振铎的“文学可译”、矛盾的 “文学翻译创造论”、鲁迅的“信译”、傅雷的“神似” 与钱钟书的“化境”等。成熟期的翻译理论研究有几个 特点:翻译理论倾向的文学性质、团体论争的精彩纷呈, 如严复与梁启超等关于翻译的文体、语言的论争;胡适、 刘办农等对于严复、林纾的批评等、大量大翻译家及文 学家的出现,如严复、矛盾、鲁迅、朱生毫等。 • 转型期:转型期是指传统译论的核心问题开始转移的时 期,主要对应于新中国的成立至语言学翻译研究期间的 翻译理论。这一时间的翻译理论相对比较贫瘠。


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经纪人 国际会议口译联合会 类同形式 分析 感染型文本 应用翻译研究;应用翻译学 古词;废词 元译素 关于范围的翻译理论 元译素 听觉媒介型文本



工程项目管理常用词汇英汉对照“戴明环”“戴明环”Plan - Do - Check - Action, PDCA “交钥匙”承包“交钥匙”承包Turn - key Contract “三时”估计法“三时”估计法Three - Time - Estimate S 曲线曲线S - Curve 按费用设计按费用设计Design - to - Cost 保留金保留金 Retention Money 保险保险Insurance 保证金保证金 Retainage 报表报表Statement 报告关系报告关系Reporting Relationship 报价邀请报价邀请Requestfor Quotation, RFQ 变更指令变更指令Variation Order, Change Order 标前会议标前会议Pre - Bid Meeting 补充资料表补充资料表Schedule of Supplementary lnformation 不可接受风险不可接受风险Unacceptable Risk 不可抗力不可抗力Force Majeure 不可预见不可预见Unforeseeable 不平等条款不平等条款Unequal Term 平衡报价法平衡报价法Unbalanced Bids 材料材料Materials 材料费材料费 Material Cost 财产风险财产风险Probable Risk 留风险留风险 Residual Risk 层次分析法层次分析法Analytic Hierarchy Process 产品产品Product 超前超前Lead 成本预算成本预算Cost Budgeting 承包方承包方 Contractor 承包商代表承包商代表Contractor's Representative 承包商人员承包商人员Contractor's Personnel 承包商设备承包商设备Contracto Contracto’’s Equipment 承包商文件承包商文件Contractor's Documents 承发包方式承发包方式Contract Approach 承诺 Acceptance 承诺诚实信用原则 In Good Faith 诚实信用原则触发器 Triggers 触发器纯粹风险 Pare Risk 纯粹风险次关键路线 Near - Critical Path 次关键路线大型项目 Program 大型项目代理型CM, 非代理型CM CM/Agency, CM/Non Agency 单代号搭接网络图 Multi - Dependency Network 单代号搭接网络图单代号网络图 Activity - on - Network, AON 单代号网络图单价合同 Unit Price Contract 单价合同单时估计法 Single - Time - Estimate 单时估计法担保 Guarantee 担保当地货币 Local Currency 当地货币当事方(一方) Party 到岸价格 Cost lnsurance and Freight, CIF 到岸价格道义索赔 Ex - Gratia Claims 道义索赔德尔裴法 Delphi 德尔裴法调整 Updating, Adjustment 调整定额 Quota 定额动员预付款 Pre - Payment 动员预付款二次风险 Secondary Risk 二次风险法律 Laws 法律反义居先原则 Contra Preferential 反义居先原则返工 Rework 返工方差 V ariance 方差非工作时间 Idle Time 非工作时间费用计划 Cost Planning 费用计划费用索赔 Claims for Lossand Expense 费用索赔分包商 Sub - Contractor 分包商分项工程 Section 分项工程分支网络 Fragnet 分支网络风险 Risk 风险风险定量分析 Quantitative Risk Analysis 风险定量分析风险定性分析 Qualitative Risk Analysis 风险定性分析风险规避 Risk Avoidance 风险规避风险监控 Risk Monitoring and Control 风险监控风险减轻 Risk Mitigation 风险减轻风险接受 Risk Acceptance 风险接受风险类别 Risk Category 风险类别风险评审技术 Venture Evaluation and Review Technique, VERT 风险评审技术风险识别 Risk Identification 风险识别风险应对 Risk期Response 风险应对风险转移 Risk Transference 风险转移付款证书 Payment Certificate 付款证书概率与影响矩阵 Probability and Impact Matrix 概率与影响矩阵赶工 Crashing 赶工个人间的联系 Interpersonal Interfaces 个人间的联系工程变更 Variation, Change 工程变更工程量表 Bill of Quantities 工程量表工程师 The Engineer, Consultant 工程师工程现场勘测 Site Visit 工程现场勘测工程项目采购 Proiect Procurement 工程项目采购工程项目分解 Project Decomposition 工程项目分解工程项目沟通管理 Project Communication Management 工程项目沟通管理工程项目简介 Project Brief 工程项目简介工程项目建设模式 Proiect Construction Approach 工程项目建设模式工程项目决策 Decision to Project 工程项目决策工程项目人力资源管理 Project Human Resource Management 工程项目人力资源管理工程项目审计 Project Audit 工程项目审计工程项目收尾阶段 Project Closure 工程项目收尾阶段工程项目投产准备 Preparation for Proiect Operation 工程项目投产准备工程项目团队 Project Team 工程项目团队工程项目质量 Projectoualitv 工程项目质量工程项目质量控制 Proiect Quality Control 工程项目质量控制工程项目组织方式 Project Organization Approach 工程项目组织方式工期 Proiect Duration 工期工期压缩 Duration Compression 工期压缩工艺关系 Process Relation 工艺关系工作规范 Specification of Work 工作规范工作说明 Statement of Work, SOW 工作说明公开招标 Open Tenderine/Public Invitation 公开招标沟通 Communications 沟通购买—建设—经营经营 Buy - Build - Operate, BBO 顾客 Customer顾客雇主 Employer 雇主雇主人员 Employer's Personnel 雇主人员雇主设备 Employer's Equipment 雇主设备关键活动 Critical Activity 关键活动关键路线 Critical Path 关键路线关键线路法 Critical Path Method, CPM 关键线路法国际标准化组织 International Standard Organization, ISO 国际标准化组织国际项目管理协会 International Project Management Association, IPMA 国际项目管理协会国际咨询工程师联合会 Federation Internationate Des Ingenieurs-Conseils, FIDIC 国际咨询工程师联合会国家私人合作模式 Public - Private Partnership, PPP 国家私人合作模式合同 Contract 合同合同工期 Duration of Contract 合同工期合同管理 Contract Administration 合同管理合同价格 Contract Price 合同价格合同内索赔 Contractual Claims 合同内索赔合同条件 Conditions of Contract 合同条件合同外索赔 Non - Contractual Claims 合同外索赔合同协议书 Contract Agreement 合同协议书合资公司 Joint Enterprise 合资公司横道图 Gantt Charts 横道图环境管理体系 Environmental Management System, EMS 环境管理体系环境绩效 Environmental Performance 环境绩效环境指标 Environmental Target 环境指标回路 Logical Loop 回路混合型合同 Mixed Contract 混合型合同活动持续时间估计 Activity Duration Estimation 活动持续时间估计活动范围 Scope 活动范围活动逻辑关系 Activity Logical Relations 活动逻辑关系活动描述 Activity Description, AD 活动描述活动排序 Activity Sequencing 活动排序活动清单 Activity List 活动清单伙伴模式 Partnering 伙伴模式货物采购 Goods Procurement 货物采购基准计划 Baseline 基准计划基准日期 Base Date 基准日期绩效评估与激励 Performance Appraisaland Reward 绩效评估与激励计划工期 Planned Project Duration 计划工期计划评审技术 Program Evaluation Review Technique, PERT 计划评审技术计日工作计划 Daywork Schedule 计日工作计划计算工期 Calculated Project Duration 计算工期技术规范 Technical Specifications 技术规范技术联系 Technical Interfaces 技术联系价值工程 Value Engineering, VE 价值工程间接费 Indirect Cost 间接费监理工程师 The Engineer, Supervision Engineer 监理工程师监视 Monitoring 监视检查表 Checklist 检查表建设工期 Durationof Project Construction 建设工期建设—经营—拥有—转让 Build - Operate - Own - Transfer, BOOT 建设—经营—拥有—转让建设—经营—转让 Build - Operate - Transfer, BOT 建设—经营—转让建设实施 Construction 建设实施建设—拥有—经营 Build - Own - Operate, BOO 建设—拥有—经营建设—转让—运营 Build - Transfer - Operate, BTO 建设—转让—运营建设准备 Construction Preparation 建设准备建议书邀请 Request for Proposal, RFP 建议书邀请建筑师 Architect 建筑师接收证书 Taking - Over Certificate 接收证书节点 Node 节点节点编号 Node Number 节点编号结束到结束 Finishto Finish, FTF 结束到结束结束到开始 Finishto Start, FTS 结束到开始截止日期 As - of Date 截止日期紧后活动 Back Closely Activity 紧后活动紧前活动 Front Closely Activity 紧前活动进度报告 Progress Reports 进度报告进度偏差 Schedule Variance, SV 进度偏差纠正措施 Corrective Action 纠正措施矩阵型组织结构 Matrix Organization 矩阵型组织结构决策树分析 Decision Tree Analysis 决策树分析决策网络计划法 Decision Network, DN 决策网络计划法竣工时间 Time for Completion 竣工时间竣工试验 Tests on Completion 竣工试验竣工验收 Project Acceptance 竣工验收开工日期 Commencement Date 开工日期开始到结束 Start to Finish, STF 开始到结束开始到开始 Start to Start, STS 开始到开始可交付成果 Deliverable 可交付成果可接受风险 Acceptable Risk 可接受风险可原谅的延误 Excusable Delay 可原谅的延误控制 Control 控制控制图 Control Charts 控制图快速路径法 Fast Track 快速路径法类比估计 Analogous Estimating 类比估计离岸价格 Free on Board, FOB 离岸价格里程碑 Milestone 里程碑历史数据 Historical Results 历史数据利润 Profit 利润例外计划报告 Exception Report 例外计划报告联合集团 Consortium 联合集团联营体 Joint V enture 联营体临时工程 Temporm. Works 临时工程流程图 Flow Diagram 流程图路径会聚 Path Convergence 路径会聚履约保函 Performance Guarantee 履约保函履约保证 Performance Security 履约保证履约证书 Performance Certificate 履约证书卖方 Seller 卖方蒙特卡罗分析 Monte Carlo Analysis 蒙特卡罗分析敏感性分析 Sensitive Analysis 敏感性分析模糊数学法 Fuzzy Set 模糊数学法拟完工程计划费用 Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled, BCWS 拟完工程计划费用逆推法 Backward Pass 逆推法欧洲发展基金会 European Development Fund, EDF 欧洲发展基金会巴雷托图 Pareto Diagrams 排列图, 巴雷托图偏差变量 Cost V ariance, CV 偏差变量评标 Bid Evaluation 评标期望值 Expectation 期望值期中付款证书 Interim Payment Certificate 期中付款证书启动 Initiation 启动起始节点 Start Node 起始节点潜在的损失值 Risk Event V alue 潜在的损失值赢得值法 Earned V alue 曲线法, 赢得值法全面质量控制 Total Quality Control, TQC 全面质量控制权变措施 Workoround 权变措施缺陷通知期限 Defects Notification Period 缺陷通知期限确凿证据优先 Prima Facie 确凿证据优先人工费 Labor Cost 人工费人工量 Effort 人工量人力资源 Human Resource 人力资源人身风险 Life Risk 人身风险人为风险 Personal Risk 人为风险人员配备要求 Staffing Requirements 人员配备要求任务 Task 任务上控制线 Upper Control Limit, UCL 上控制线设计方 Designer 设计方设计一建造方式 Design - Build, DB 设计一建造方式设计图纸 Drawings 设计图纸生产设备 Plant 生产设备生命周期成本计算 Life - circle Costing 生命周期成本计算剩余工期 Remaining Duration 剩余工期施工合同 Construction Contract 施工合同施工合同分包 Subcontract 施工合同分包施工合同转让 Assignment 施工合同转让施工机械使用费 Expensesof Using Construction Machinery 施工机械使用费施工进度计划 Construction Schedule 施工进度计划施工组织设计 Construction Planning 施工组织设计时距 Time Difference 时距实际成本 Actual Cost 实际成本实际成本加百分比合同 Cost Plus Percentage - of - Cost Contract 实际成本加百分比合同实际成本加固定费用合同 Cost Plus Fixed - Fee (CPFF) Contract 实际成本加固定费用合同实际成本加奖金合同 Cost Plus Incentive - Fee (CPIF) Contract 实际成本加奖金合同实际开始日期 Actual Start Date, AS 实际开始日期实际完成日期 Actual Finish Date, AF 实际完成日期世界银行 The World Bank 世界银行事件 Event 事件受资源约束的进度计划 Resource - Limited Schedule 受资源约束的进度计划授予合同 Award of Contract 授予合同书面文字优先原则 Written Word Prevail 书面文字优先原则数据日期 Data Date 数据日期双代号时标网络法 Time - Coordinate Network, Time Scale Network 双代号时标网络法双代号网络图 Activity - on - Arrow Network, AOA 双代号网络图税金 Tax 税金私人主动融资 Project Finance Initiative, PFI 私人主动融资松弛时间 Slack 松弛时间索赔 Claims 索赔条形图 Bar Chart 条形图通货膨胀 Currency Inflation 通货膨胀统计和概率法 Statistics 统计和概率法投标 Bidding 投标投标保证 Bid Security 投标保证投标报价 Bid Price 投标报价投标函 Letter of Tender 投标函投标决策 Decision to Bid 投标决策投标人 Bidder 投标人投标人须知 Instruction to Bidders 投标人须知投标书 Tender 投标书投标书附录 Appendix to Tender 投标书附录投标文件的递送 Submission of Bids 投标文件的递送投标邀请书 Initiation to Bids 投标邀请书投标有效期 Bid V alidity 投标有效期投机风险 Speculative Risk 投机风险投资方 Investor 投资方投资估算 Cost Estimating 投资估算投资回报期 Investment Recovery Period 投资回报期图示评审技术 Graphical Evaluation Review Technique, GERT 图示评审技术团队成员 Team Member 团队成员退却计划 Fallback Plan 退却计划外币 Foreign Currency 外币完成百分比 Percent Complete (PC) 完成百分比完工估算 Estimate at Completion, EAC 完工估算完工尚需估算 Estimate to Complete, ETC 完工尚需估算完工预算 Budget at Completion, BAC 完工预算五条件 Unconditional, no Demand 五条件无限竞争性招标 Unlimited Competitive Tendering 无限竞争性招标下控制线 Lower Control Limit, LCL 下控制线现场 Site 现场线路 Path 线路限定性估算 Definitive Estimate 限定性估算项目 Project 项目项目报告 Project Report, PR 项目报告项目档案 Project Files 项目档案项目的执行与监督 Project Executionand Supervision 项目的执行与监督项目定义 Project Defining 项目定义项目风险 Project Risk 项目风险项目干系人 Stakeholder 项目干系人项目管理班子 Project Management Team 项目管理班子项目管理班子的偏好 Preferences of the Project Management Team 项目管理班子的偏好项目管理承包型 Project Management Contract, PMC 项目管理承包型项目管理模式 Project Management Approach 项目管理模式项目管理软件 Project Management Software 项目管理软件项目管理协会 Project Management Institute, PMI 项目管理协会项目管理知识体系 Project Management Body of Knowledge, PMBOK 项目管理知识体系项目管理咨询型 Project Management, PM 项目管理咨询型项目后评价 Project Post - evaluation 项目后评价项目计划 Project Planning 项目计划项目结构分解 Project Breakdown Structure 项目结构分解项目结束 project Closing 项目结束项目内在联系 Project Interfaces 项目界面, 项目内在联系项目进度计划 Project Schedule 项目进度计划项目负责人 Project Manager 项目经理, 项目负责人项目可行性研究 Project Feasibility Study 项目可行性研究项目控制 Project Controlling 项目控制项目评估 Project Appraisal 项目评估项目设计 Project Design 项目设计项目谈判 project Negotiation 项目谈判项目型组织 Projectized Organization 项目型组织项目选定 Project Identification 项目选定项目业主 Owner 项目业主项目预评估 Project Pre - Appraisal 项目预评估项目章程 Project Charter 项目章程项目执行 Project Executing 项目执行项目周期 Project Cycle 项目周期项目准备 Project Preparation 项目准备项目综合管 Project Integration Management 项目综合管信息技术 Information Technology, IT 信息技术虚活动 Dummy Activity 虚活动询价 Solicitation 询价亚洲开发银行 Asian Development Bank, ADB 亚洲开发银行延长工期索赔 Claims for Extensionof Time, Claims for EOT 延长工期索赔邀请招标 SelectiveTenderin6/InvitedBidding 邀请招标要约 Offer 要约已完工程计划费用 Budgeted Costof Work Performed, BCWP 已完工程计划费用已完工程实际费用 Actual Cost of Work Performed, ACWP 已完工程实际费用因果分析图 Cause - and - Effect Diagram 因果分析图银行保函 Bank Guarantee 银行保函应急储备 Contingency Reserve 应急储备应急费 Contingency Allowance 应急费英国土木工程师学会 Institute of Civil Engineer, ICE 英国土木工程师学会营运 Operation 营运影响图 Influence Diagram 影响图永久工程 Permanent works 永久工程优化 Optimization 优化有条件 Conditional 有条件有限竞争性招标 Limited Competitive Tendering 有限竞争性招标预可行性研究 Pre - Feasibility Study 预可行性研究运费在内价 Cost and Freight, CFR 运费在内价暂定金 Provisional Sum 暂定金责任风险 Liability Risk 责任风险招标 Bid Invitation/Tendering 招标招标人拒绝投标书的权利 Right to Reiiect Any or All Bids 招标人拒绝投标书的权利招标准备 Tendering Preparation 招标准备争端裁决委员会 Dispute Adiudication Board, DAB 争端裁决委员会正推法 Forward Pass 正推法直方图 Histogram 直方图直线型组织结构 Line Organization 直线型组织结构直线一职能型组织结构 Line - Functional Organization 直线一职能型组织结构职能型组织 Functional Organization 职能型组织职业健康安全 Occupational Healthand Safety, OHS 职业健康安全制约和限制 Constraintsand Limitations 制约和限制质量 Ouality 质量质量保证 Quality Assurance 质量保证质量成本 Cost of Quality 质量成本质量环 Quality Loop 质量环滞后 Lag 滞后中标函 Letter of Acceptance 中标函中标合同金额 Accepted Contract Amount 中标合同金额中介人 Intermediary 中介人中心线 Center Limit, CL 中心线终止节点 End Node 终止节点重叠 Overlap 重叠主导语言 Ruling Language 主导语言专家谈判估计 Expert Judgement 专家谈判估计咨询方 Consulter 咨询方资料表 Schedules 资料表资源计划 Resource Planning 资源计划资源配置 Resource Requirements 资源配置资源平衡 Resource Leveling 资源平衡资源效果 Resource Capabilities 资源效果子网络 Subnetwork 子网络子项目 Subproject 子项目自然风险 Natural Risk 自然风险自由时差 Free Float, FF 自由时差总承包商 General Contractor 总承包商总价合同 Lump Sum Contract 总价合同总时差 Total Float, TF 总时差租赁一建设一经营 Lease - Build - Operate, LBO 租赁一建设一经营组织关系 Organizational Relation 组织关系组织规划设计 Organizational Planning 组织规划设计组织机构 Organization Structure 组织机构组织结构分解 Organizational Breakdown Structure, OBS 组织结构分解组织联系 Organizational Interfaces 组织联系最悲观时间 Most Pessimistic Time 最悲观时间最迟结束时间 Latest Finish Date, LP 最迟结束时间最迟开始时间 Latest Start Date, I5 最迟开始时间最可能时间 Most Probable Time 最可能时间最乐观时间 Most Optimistic Time 最乐观时间最早结束时间 Earliest Finish Date, EF 最早结束时间最早开始时间 Earliest Start Date, ES 最早开始时间最终报表 Final Statement 最终报表最终付款证书 Pinsl Payment Certificate 最终付款证书。




二、论文参考题目德语翻译硕士毕业论文高职德语教学中翻译法和交际法的应用互文性视角下的译者主体性功能翻译理论指导下各类德语讲话稿的翻译及研究德语广告的语言特点与翻译多维翻译的应用研究交际教学法视角下中国本科德语专业高年级翻译课堂教学探讨论藏族民间故事的德语翻译从等值理论看莫言小说《檀香刑》的德语翻译以功能翻译学视角对《孙子兵法》三个德语译本的对比分析德语戏剧《阴谋与爱情》中译本的比较分析基于目的论对德语经济新闻的编译研究功能主义视角下的汉语四字成语翻译策略研究从目的论看《红楼梦》的两个德语译本等值理论在复合句翻译中的应用中国政府政治文献中“四字格”的翻译研究文化专有项的翻译研究电影标题翻译策略研究诗性变形作为文学游戏吉林华侨外国语学院地球村中文解说词翻译报告从功能翻译理论出发分析当代中国文学德译本的翻译处理翻译主体间伦理视角下的《沉没之鱼》译写个案研究点面等值论在影视字幕翻译中的可行性研究SUNTHER翻译公司竞争战略研究双语英汉科学词典术语翻译和编撰工程管理研究译者风格的鲜明对照从功能派翻译论角度对《骆驼祥子》两个英译本的对比研究《网络辩论》节译报告改写理论视角下《骆驼祥子》伊万·金英译本的研究科勒等值理论视角下的《红楼梦》麦克休英译本转译问题研究Analyse Einer Audiovisuellen (?)bersetzung Aus DemChinesischen Ins Deutsche文学翻译作为理解过程和对文学性的重构《回顾》两个中译本评析从功能翻译理论分析当代中国文学德译本的翻译策略小说《朗读者》中译本的对比分析中国当代小说德译研究:中德文学翻译流1990—2009来自圣经的常用德语熟语与中文对应语词对比分析欧洲中世纪晚期《圣经》翻译与基督教传播德汉新闻翻译方法初探在构词法理论框架内的中德汽车词汇对比研究以修辞手段为例看《红楼梦》库恩译本及史华慈译本从奈达等效理论看《论语》卫礼贤德译本语域理论与英语商务合同汉译中英新闻导语对比分析与英译策略语域理论视角下的会展材料英译研究基于多任务处理模式的有稿/无稿同传效果对比实验Er/sie/es与der/die/das的回指功能及应用一种多语言、多编码的识别方法语境理论视角下《红字》两个中译本的对比研究从语域理论看海商合同中的否定结构及汉译俄语词汇多义性探微塞琉古王国的统治与“希腊化”从语法隐喻角度对比分析《远大前程》原本和简写本语法隐喻视角下情景喜剧《老友记》与《生活大爆炸》中的笑点对比分析陶渊明诗歌英译比较与教学“语势”与“势”庞德译学理论比较研究里尔克的代表作的译文比较《道德经》在德国的译介与接受从韩礼德语言与语篇模式视角对培根Essayes中译文进行比较研究从语域理论看中国银行业简介的翻译篇章翻译中的语境分析俄罗斯翻译理论史及其影响研究翻译适应选择论角度下的《骆驼祥子》施晓菁英译本研究中英双语儿童翻译歧义词加工机制研究《论语》两德译本中文化专有项及其翻译策略的对比研究论溥仪《我的前半生》德译本中文化专有项的翻译关于鲁迅的翻译活动从目的论看美国电视剧《绯闻女孩》的字幕翻译论文本类型理论和语篇分析在广告翻译中的整合应用翻译美学视角下的罗慕士《三国演义》英译本研究语境与对等翻译豪斯翻译质量评估模式在英汉互译中的可行性分析基于统计的汉英机器翻译技术的研究论《围城》中汉语文化负载词的翻译语境和英汉翻译英语、法语、德语陈述句语序对比分析小说《第七天堂》翻译报告语域理论在应用文体翻译中的应用从功能翻译角度分析情景喜剧中的幽默翻译余华《兄弟》德译本中文化专有项的翻译策略研究翻译批评—《德国民法典》及其汉译本比较库恩和他的德译《金瓶梅》《呐喊》杨译本衔接手段翻译研究语域理论在法律翻译中的应用翻译选择中的制约因素试论商务文本的翻译诗歌翻译的语法隐喻视角异文化要素对文学翻译的影响及其补偿手段基于语料库的《红楼梦》三个英译本的詈骂语翻译对比研究《德国》杂志汉语版翻译策略研究释意理论在文学翻译中的适用性从语域理论角度论英语新闻标题的翻译语域理论视角下的中英文商业广告翻译研究段落作为翻译单位的必要性及可操作性从语域角度分析儿童文学作品的翻译《红楼梦》中四字成语翻译策略对比研究论《围城》英译本中文化负载词的翻译方法文学翻译中的译者注《德国经济与人口结构的变化》翻译报告语域理论视角下旅游文本汉英翻译的语言文化信息重组语域理论与翻译基于语料库的莎士比亚戏剧汉译本逻辑关系显化研究语域理论视角下的法律英译研究《离骚》泰译本对比研究目的论视角下《骆驼祥子》英译本的对比研究论语域理论视角下英语新闻标题汉译的对等策略Register Study and Its Application toTranslationTeaching for Undergraduate English Majors何类何法《餐桌礼仪》英译汉的反思性研究报告移情视角下《三国演义》的诗词对比研究余华小说德文译本的功能等效问题之探讨德汉篇章非结构衔接手段对比研究有关《哈利波特与死亡圣器》的三个译本的解构分析LiteratureReview on Metaphor Translation Study Abroad 基于语料库研究对小说《少年维特之烦恼》中译本的对比分析莫言文学在日本的受容中国古典文学中文化空白的翻“异”欧洲德语区草药文献整理及奥地利中药处方分析从阐释学视角比较《骆驼祥子》两个英译本《还乡》三译本语用对比分析接受美学视角下苏童《米》的英译研究从李白《将进酒》的英,西,德三个译本看唐诗中文化的不可译描写译学视角下的《红楼梦》库恩译本语域理论视角下信用证的汉译研究从语域理论评析《中华人民共和国旅游法》英译本及对策A ComparativeStudy of the Two Chinese Versions of D avid Copperfield从语法隐喻角度对比分析《红楼梦》两个英译本《围城》文化负载词英译中的视野融合《另眼看德国》试译研究报告时空纵横探易译对德汉语初级口语教学难点与对策研究试析耶利内克的语言游戏及其汉译难点不同类型英语学习者关系从句习得的多因素研究语法隐喻在古诗英译中的应用研究《朗读者》的“羞耻感”主题分析中国实习生跨文化行为能力研究跨文化能力测试的文化特殊性德英汉国际词语对比研究词篇《声声慢》英译语域偏离分析中德学院学生二语学习动机与学习效果的关系研究诗意现实主义的净化策略与《晚夏》卡夫卡与余华小说比较研究德国财税体制对我国的启示与借鉴《吉尔伽美什史诗》译释法治背景下制定法与法律的紧张关系语域理论视域下不同口译现场的释意研究博尔赫斯笔下的迷宫和中国回文诗的对比研究英汉新闻报纸评论专栏中语法隐喻现象对比分析英汉中动句的类型学研究论1897到1914年间中德文化碰撞及传教士卫礼贤对中国文化传播所做的贡献《格林童话》:体裁结构和语言风格。





























Construction Project Management——Value Engineering By:Fredrick E.Gould.Nancy.E.JoyceABSTRACTValue engineering is a kind of in the world proved very fruitful way of project management. In our country, with the improvement of socialist market economy, value engineering, whether in theoretical research or practical application aspects, obtained greater progress, and is gradually applied to engineering project management. Due to the construction of the project design stage investment is less, the owners often ignored this phase of the application of value engineering, but the practice proof, design phase is the possibility of managing investment the biggest stage. Therefore, this paper based on the design stage of a construction project, study the application of value engineering.Key Words:construction project; value engineering; design stageV alue engineering and cost reduction are often confused, so that the value engineering in the designer had a bad reputation, however, it is important that value engineering is a process, is to consider the cost of other factors, such as: life cycle cost, quality, durability and maintainability. On the other hand, reduce cost, think only reduced. At the same time they are in rely on a given standard role, we consider in the larger context of the standard, while the other reaction activity is only for budget problem. The project team should be very clear in their processes are involved in. Despite the tight budget reduces life cost, the owners need to know exactly what he or she buys. Value engineering in the process, should the owner to another system reference to buy items or equivalent value system to reduce the cost. In reducing cost in order to save money, he or she is of little value or range less.Value engineering is all designed products in the active part. Value engineering isnot done enough time, reduce cost becomes necessary. Value engineering provides a" better reduction mode", and reduce the cost can be reduced by engineering quality or quantity, save money.Value engineering is not limited to the construction industry, but in the business world to help analysis is to minimize the cost of the optimal value of object technology and products. The best value is not an intrinsic property of. For each project, it takes on a different meaning, often in other similar product comparison. In the construction which is comparable to many products, it is a complicated job. Therefore, value engineering is as one of the best team in good operation. Value engineering is one of the reasons for negative take designers sometimes feel, architecture is a measure of their work and suggestions, damage the item aesthetic quality. In the process if the designer is an equal partner, this feeling will be reduced. At the same time, the owners need to fully understand the design ideas to make the choice, when the time came, to a specific recommendations for proper balance, to accept or reject.Owners of professional designers and construction with the help of setting standards. In general, these standards are divided into several categories: best cost, the best optimal function and aesthetic value. Determining the optimal cost for life cycle cost analysis to the building, using the most effective play a role definition. The best aesthetic value, can be difficult to determine, but as with other important criteria. As an important emergency generator case, the team focused on cost and function, but they do not concern for aesthetic values, because the generator will be hidden from view. It takes the first consider the cost, durability, and reliability. Its role will be in accordance with safety requirements and the buildings within the residents needs to decide. In a curtain wall system, the owners pay attention to the cost, function and aesthetic value. Because the system will be the main architectural image, aesthetic value may cost more than the weight, exceeding even function. These are only the owner can decide to make the final.Including value engineering, all items are redundant. After all, is not a design team to put together the best solution, it finds the optimal solution will satisfy theowner's cost, functional, aesthetic standards. Of course, a good design team is doing. However, every design company established culture also needs to be questioned standard practice. In the value engineering in the process, he could do it. In addition, some teams may be dealt with as soon as possible in the design of the case. For example, the owner should accelerate the job to get the project started construction. Its purpose is to return to the previous fact and is not easy to make a decision before the state. Value engineering to ensure that such errors do not occur. Another possibility is that, the owners have vision, but does not fully explain to the designer. Designer response more complexity, to meet the needs of the owners. Value engineering process, this complexity will be questioned and clarification.Building professionals in their occupation career into contact with many design company. Specific design company may not know they brought other products and processes form information. In value engineering, these ideas will be checked, and where appropriate, set down. Building professionals can easily acquire about certain product availability information. If a product needs a very long distance transport, which can increase the cost of. Maybe there are local products, can also achieve the same standard.Although the value engineering in the project construction and even in the construction industry as a whole is pale, the maximum value is obtained in the earlier process: from one system to another, in the schedule have hardly any effect, and the amount of redesign and redraw is minimized. However, in the early stages of design, to produce any saving document is one of the most difficult, because there are usually no formal drawings or plan. The most recognizable effects occur in the schematic diagram of the final and the design and development stage of early. There is enough information on the idea of rational judgment system. Of course, most of these savings can be achieved. In construction drawing, macroscopical idea is already in place, and most of the ideas embodied in the file details.During the construction process, value engineering efforts continue. Because making changes to the project, design development should follow in the design phase to assess changes in the procedure. Contractors can also in the field of application ofvalue engineering principle, save money method, equipment or sequence of operations. Who achieve these fields generated by saving depends on the form of contract.Some value engineering operation is informal, though the team members in favor of the arrangements and procedures, the others follow a more formal by another person established standards, the following is a good value engineering project is the main component of:(1) Review the field identification. He could be performed separately, as each team member critically reviews the design drawings and specifications.The idea was conceived, concern in the design field in this period of time, can use the new product or process, material the use of different strengths, simplify the system, or to processing details.(2) Brain storm team members sitting together with idea list and tossing ideas let others to accept, the idea is to get as many ideas as possible on the desktop. As discussed in the context of members should be thought from the others and many have special ideas inspired.(3) Each of the proposed analysis. The Group determines the standards to evaluate each idea. Discussion of alternatives in the brainstorming sessions with standard test. Here the brainstorming session, costs are usually not considered first. Once a proposal in the functional requirements based on the merits, and then calculate the cost, involves a considerable amount of time and energy. It is a keeping brainstorming focus on functional outcome and reduce costs.(4) Report to management. The team will be all the idea of putting it all together. When presented with more and more information is available, some may be in other phases of the project carried out a detailed analysis. Some have been team provides a rationale for rejected, some instant recommendation. All the topics for discussion, whether to reject or approve, should keep some for later reference.When the cost of computing work begins, the team can have a look simple first cost, but also can view the life cycle cost proposal. If the proposal in first cost on the basis of sound words, life cycle cost, may not be complete, but the danger is, first costmay not be incorporated into the overall savings work during the life of structures. Therefore, it is best to consider the life cycle cost, figure 6.5 shows the first cost and life cycle cost differences between.Life cycle cost in building or construction system in the initial study life, operation and maintenance costs, and future interests. Prior to this analysis can be applied, assumptions are made about the under construction quality expectations, limitations of the procedure, as well as prospective predictors of cost of capital. Life cycle cost can help the design team decided to set system design, site, materials used in construction, and the investment of money. It can be used to build or rebuild project. In the project, the first problem is, whether the buildings were removed or retained. If you have decided to keep the building, the next question is how to scale renovation to meet expectations. These analyses can go through a life cycle cost analysis.The goal is to find, give some to meet the needs of customers alternatives, which cost at least over the life of the building. For example, a specific non traditional heating system can have a higher cost base. Basic cost includes direct related design, procurement costs, as well as system installation. However, such a system might be a longer life expectancy than traditional systems, can burn the fuel more efficiently, and may not require so much of the repair, and can use the cheap fuel source.建设项目管理——价值工程Fredrick E.Gould.Nancy.E.Joyce摘要价值工程是一种在世界各国被证明卓有成效的工程管理方法。



谈英汉双语词典中英文例句与释义的汉译——与宋伟华老师商榷薛宁地【摘要】宋伟华老师认为双语词典的编纂质量亟待提高.为了举证,她指出了《新牛津英汉双解大词典》中一些例句的汉语译文不符合汉语的规范,还指出了一些她认为是误读、误译和漏译的现象.宋老师并尝试着对这些现象作了一些理论上的分析.对宋老师的某些观点提出了不同的看法,援引一些语言学理论进行了辩护,并指出宋老师对双语词典例句的汉语译文的要求过高了.【期刊名称】《中北大学学报(社会科学版)》【年(卷),期】2013(029)001【总页数】4页(P93-96)【关键词】双语词典;英文例句;翻译质量;《新牛津英汉双解大词典》【作者】薛宁地【作者单位】广东外语外贸大学南国商学院,广东广州510545【正文语种】中文【中图分类】H315.90 引言《中国科技翻译》2011年第 1期上,刊登了广东韶关学院宋伟华老师的一篇文章,标题是《双语词典编纂质量亟待提高——以〈新牛津英汉双解大词典〉为例》。





1 关于《大词典》中的译文表述与汉语规范宋老师一开始便批评了《大词典》中 4个例句的中文译文,认为其不符合汉语的规范,并暗示这些译文是“蹩脚的译文”[1]59。


我们来看这 4个例句及译文:例1 It was taking up more time than he could afford.原译文原占的时间超出他能抽出的时间。

[2]33例2 Competitors from as far afield as Aberdeen.原译文远道从阿伯丁来的竞争者。



Part1market demand 市场需求facility 设施the speculative housing market 投机性住宅市场the real estate developer 房地产开发商government agency 政府机构public project 公共项目project management 项目管理the conceptual planning stage 概念规划阶段feasibility 可行性in-house 内部的,内业的the project life cycle 项目生命周期from cradle to grave 从开始到结束knowledge domain 知识领域construction industry 建筑业spectrum 波普,光谱,范围residential housing construction 房屋住宅建设subcontractor 分包商institutional and commercial building construction 办公与商业用房建设specialized industrial construction 专业化工业项目建设infrastructure and heavy construction 重大基础项目建设architectural and engineering(A/E)firm 建筑与工程设计公司consortium 财团,株式会社preliminary design 初步设计general contractor 总承包商on site quality inspection 现场质量监督litigation 法律诉讼shop drawings 施工图constructability 可建造性,可施工性value engineering 价值工程construction contract 施工合同design/construct firm 设计、施工公司turnkey 交钥匙(承发包)模式facility maintenance 设施维护Part2project integration management 项目综合管project scope management 项目范围管理project time management 项目时间管理project cost management 项目成本管理project quality management 项目质量管理project human resource management 项目人力资源管理project communications management 项目沟通管理project risk management 项目风险管理project procurement management 项目采购管理contractual relationships 合同关系changes 工程变更claims 施工索赔mega-projects 巨型项目“functional”organization “职能式”组织“project”organization “项目式”组织suborganizations 次级组织strong matrix-type suborganization 强矩阵式次级组织interpersonal influence 人际间影响力formal authority 正式的授权reward and/or penalty power 奖励和/或惩罚的权利matrix organization 矩阵式组织hierarchical structure 层级结构Part3job-site productivity 工作现场生产率non-productive activities 非生产性工作temporary work stoppage 临时性工作暂停union activities 工作活动performance analysis 绩效分析base labor productivity 基准劳动生产率labor productivity index 劳动力生产指数non-local labor 非当地用工productive labor yield 劳动力产出requisitions 询价purchase orders 订购单subcontracts 分包合同shipping and receiving documents 装船与接收文件invoices 发票bulk materials 大众材料standard off-the-shelf materials 现货材料fabricated members or units 预制构件或单元semi-processed state 半成品状态pre-processed 预加工的pressure vessels 压力容器field assembly 现场装配skilled craftsmen 熟练技工crawler mounting 履带式底盘claim shell 抓铲挖土机`dragline 拉铲挖土机backhoe 反铲挖土机shovel 正铲挖土机bulldozer 推土机rotary-percussion drills 旋转冲击钻bituminous 沥青Part4economic evaluation 经济评价the planning horizon 规划期cash flow profile 现金流量图minimum attractive rate of return(MARR) 最低收益率sensitivity or uncertainty analysis 敏感性或不确定性分析annual benefit 年收益annual cost 年费用net annual cash flow 年净现金流量opportunity cost 机会成本social rate of discount 社会贴现率profit measure利润指标值private corporations 私营股份制公司public agencies 公共机构net future value(NFV) /净终值net present value(NPV) 净现值equivalent uniform annual net value (NUV)等额净年值capital recovery factor 资金回收因子benefit-cost ratio(BCR) 收益-费用比profitability index 盈利指数saving-to-investment ratio(SIR) 存款投资比率absolute numerical measure 绝对指数internal rate of return(IRR) 内部收益率marginal efficiency of capital 边际资本收益return on investment(ROI) 投资收益payback period(PBP) 投资回收期profit maximization利润最大化public sector 公共领域basic principle 基本原理nonnegative 非负的budget constraint 预算限制incremental analysis 追加分析internal rate of return method 内部收益率法Part5Word Bank-financed projects 世界银行融资贷款项目foreign bidders 海外投标人civil works 土木工程I nternational Competitive Bidding(ICB) 竞争性国际招标Limited International Bidding 有限国际招标National Competitive Bidding 国内竞争性招标International Shopping 国际订购Direct Contracting 直接签约General Procurement Notice 通用采购公告prequalification 资格预审bidding documents 招标文件domestic contractors 国内承包商instructions to bidders 投标人须知conditions of contract 合同条件specifications of drawings 技术规范与图纸bill of quantities 工程量清单payment terms 支付条件minutes of the conference 会议纪要pre-bid conferences 标前会议site visits 现场踏勘substantially responsive 实质性响应the lowest evaluated cost 经评审的最低造价Part6the sealed bids 密封的投标报价construction company 建筑公司marketing strategy 市场营销策略long-term goals 长期目标client relationships 客户关系short-term goal 短期目标direct costs estimate 直接费估算mark-up 涨价溢价company or head office overheads 公司或总部管理费unrealistic bids 不切实际的报价owner-contractor agreement 业主与承包商之间订立的合同standard form of agreement 标准合同形式American Institute of Architects(AIA) 美国建筑师协会bonus and penalty clauses 奖励与惩罚条款lump-sum agreement 总价合同changer order 变更单written authorization 书面授权unit-price agreement 单价合同quantity takeoff 工程量清单cost-plus-fee agreements 成本加酬金合同equity partners 股权伙伴rental rates 出租比例percentage fee 百分百酬金合同fixed fee 固定酬金合同changes 工程变更contract award 合同授予changes clause 变更条款publicly financed project 公共融资项目extra work 附加工作the prime contractor 主承包商Part7the International Federation of Consulting Engineering 国际咨询师联合会the FIDIC Conditions of Contract for Constructions FIDIC施工合同条件the General Conditions (FIDIC)通用条件the Particular Conditions (FIDIC)专业条件the Appendix to Tender (FIDIC)投标附录arbitration 仲裁,裁决Dispute Adjudication Board(DBA)争议仲裁委员会Conditions of Contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction 土木工程施工合同条件Conditions of Contract for Electrical and Mechanical Work 机电安装工程合同条件Conditions of Contract for Design-Build and Turnkey设计-建造于交钥匙合同条件Client/Consultant Model Services Agreement 客户/咨询师服务协议Conditions of Subcontract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction 土木工程分包合同条件Guides to the Use of the Different FIDIC Conditions of Contract 各种FIDIC合同条件应用指南Amicable Settlement of Construction Disputes 施工争端友好解决方式Insurance of Large Civil Engineering Projects 大型土木工程保险The Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build (FIDIC)安装与设计-建造合同The Conditions of Contract for EPC/Turnkey Projects (FIDIC)EPC/交钥匙项目合同条件The Short Form of Contract (FIDIC)简短格式合同The Form of Contract for Dredging and Reclamation Works (FIDIC)疏浚与防洪工程合同格式priced contract with activity schedule 总价合同priced contract with bill of quantities 单价合同target contract with activity schedule 目标总价合同target contract with bill of quantities 目标单价合同cost reimbursable contract 成本补偿合同performance bond 履约保函parent company guarantee 母公司担保advance payment 预付款retention (工程)留置权bonus for early completion 工期提前奖delays damages 误期损害surety 担保financial loan 商业贷款insurance policy 保险政策in breach of contract 合同违约bid bond 投标担保justification (正当的)理由labor and material bond 劳动力与原材料担保lien bond 留置权担保comprehensive general liability insurance 综合责任险professional liability insurance职业责任险workers’compensation insurance 工人补偿险builder’s risk fire insurance 施工方火灾险Part8construction planning 施工计划the choice of technology 施工技术的选择the definition of work tasks 工作任务的定义the estimation of the required resources and durations for individual tasks 所需资源和各项工作持续时间的估算reasoning backward 逆向推理normative problem 规范性问题cost control 成本控制schedule control 进度控制critical path scheduling procedures 关键线路进度控制程序job shop scheduling procedures 工作现场进度控制程序work breakdown 工作分解manufacturing terminology加工制造业术语resource allocations 资源分配fore-runner 先行者laborious and tedious process 复杂和枯燥的过程general models 通用模型databases and information systems 数据库和信息系统the storage and recall of the activities工作活动的存储于记忆manpower 人力,劳动力the duration of the activity 工作活动的持续时间placing concrete on site 现场浇筑混凝土placing forms 支设模板installing reinforcing steel 绑扎钢筋pouring concrete 浇筑混凝土finishing the concrete 混凝土养护removing forms 模板拆除position forms on the cleaning station 在清理场所码放的模板hierarchical structure 层级结构work breakdown structure 工作结构分解precedence relations 先导顺序关系structural integrity结构整体性design drawings 设计图纸milestone events 里程碑事件lag 时间间隔computer based simulation 基于计算机的模拟excavation equipment 开挖机械\Part9critical path method(CPM) 关键路线发predecessor/successor activities先导/后续工作resource constraint 资源约束artificial precedence constraint 人为先导关系约束activity-branch network 双代号网络图dummy activity 虚工作earliest time schedule 最早时间进度latest time schedule 最迟时间进度float 时差,机动时间maneuvering room 可调整的余地free float 自由时差independent float 独立时差total float 总时差inter-relationships 相互关系graphical presentations of project schedules 项目进度的图形表达network diagrams 网络图time-scaled network 时标网络bar or Gantt chart 横道或甘特图horizontal axis 横轴,横坐标vertical axis 纵轴,纵坐标S-curves S型曲线resource graphs 资源图uncertainty associated with the actual durations与实际持续时间相关的不确定性regulatory approval 行政许可adverse weather 不利的天气contingency allowance 应急准备probabilistic perspective概率的角度independent random variables 相互独立的随机变量random fluctuations 随机波动positive correlations正相关over-optimistic 过于乐观的Part10e-construction 工程返工personal injuries 人身伤害conformance 遵守,服从re-evaluation of design decisions设计决策的重要评估tunneling methods 隧道开掘方法actual site conditions 现场的实际状况roadway rehabilitation 公路路面返修quality assurance 质量保证n-site inspections 现场监督检查US Occupational Safety and Health Administration(OSHA)美国职业安全与健康署violation of existing standard 违反现行规范标准employee participation in quality control 质量控制的员工参与statistical methods 统计方法batches of materials 材料批implicit assumption 隐含的假设total quality control 全面质量控制zero defects goal 零缺陷目标quality circles 质量环“optimum”proportion “最佳”的比例non-destructive techniques 非破坏性技术x-ray inspection of welds 焊接的X光检测exhaustive or 100% testing 全数或100%检测lot 母体,总体sampling by attributes 特征抽样sampling by variables 变量抽样direct costs 直接成本indirect costs 间接成本construction accidents 工程事故insurance premiums 保险赔偿unsecured railings 未经保护的围栏on-board electronics面板电子元器件asbestosis 矽肺,石棉肺sewer line 排污管道four lane street 四车道道路Part11construction yard and warehouse management information 施工仓储管理信息concrete pumps 混凝土泵warehouse clerks 仓储管理员daily rental charge 日租金tedious manual task 繁琐的手工作业application programs 应用程序duplicate 复制verbal description 文字描述warehouse inventory database 仓储清单数据库relational data model 关系数据模型data dictionary 数据字典numerical code 数据编码redundancy 冗余aggregate 集料,骨料external models of the information 外部信息模型algebraic theory 代数理论projection 映射advantages of distributed processing 分散式处理的优点dynamic changes in information needs 信息需求的动态变化untidy information 凌乱的信息information flow 信息流preprocessor system 预处理系统independent systems 独立系统geometric information 图形信息。



建筑build; architecture; construct; architectural; architectural & industrial ceramics ; 建筑安装工程量construction work quantity; 建筑板材building board; 建筑材料表list of building materials; 建筑材料检验building material testing; 建筑材料行building material dealer建筑材料运输列车construction train; 建筑草图architectural sketch; 建筑朝向building orientation; 建筑成本预算construction cost estimate; 建筑承包商building contractor; 建筑尺度architectural scale; 建筑处理architectural treatment; 建筑创作architectural creation; 建筑大五金architectural metalwork; 建筑大样architectural detail; 建筑单元building unit; 建筑费construction cost; 建筑风格architectural style; 建筑辅助系统building subsystem; 建筑钢construction(al) steel; 建筑钢板building sheet; 建筑高度building height; height of building; 建筑高度分区building height zoning; height zoning; 建筑工程升降机builder’s lift; 建筑工地选择siting; 建筑工羊角锤头builder’s claw hammer head; 建筑工业building industry; construction industry; 建筑工种building trades; 建筑构思architectural conception建筑构图compostion on architecture; architectural composition; 建筑构造building construction; 建筑估价building cost estimate; 建筑管理architectural control; 建筑规程building regulations; 建筑规范building code; 建筑机械construction machinery; building machinery; 建筑及维护规则recommendation; 建筑结构building structure; 建筑结构分析语言structural engineering system solver (STRESS); 建筑立面elevation of building; building elevation; 建筑沥青bitumen for building; building asphalt No. 10; 建筑力学architectural mechanics; 建筑铝型材生产线architectural aluminium profile production line; 建筑毛面积gross floor area; 建筑毛造价gross building cost; 建筑面积area of structure; covered area; 建筑面积比floor-area ratio (F.A.R.); 建筑面积指标floor-space index (F.S.I.); 建筑模数building module; 建筑配景entourage of building; 建筑平面architectural plane; building plane; 建筑起重机building crane; construction-site crane ; 建筑砌块building block; 建筑气候分区climate region of building; 建筑青铜architectural bronze; 建筑青铜合金architectural bronze建筑声学architectural acoustics建筑石paring stone建筑石料building stone建筑时期观念construction period concept建筑史architectural history; history of architecture 建筑收进线building setback line建筑陶板architectural terra-cotta (ATC)建筑陶瓷architectural pottery建筑特色architectural feature建筑体积architectural volume; cubage建筑体积计算cubing建筑体系building system建筑体形building size建筑透视architectural perspective建筑外壳building shell建筑外形architectural appearance建筑物building; structure建筑物保险building insurance建筑物朝向direction of building建筑物基础building foundation建筑物间距distance between buildings建筑物理architectural physics; building physics建筑物缺隐building deficiency建筑物入口building entrance建筑物租约building lease建筑现场construction建筑限制building restriction建筑限制线building restiction line建筑效果architectural effect建筑型钢轧机机座structural stand建筑型式type of construction; architectural form建筑遗产architectural heritage建筑艺术architectural art建筑艺术处理artistic treatment in architecture; architectural treatment建筑艺术形式artistic form of architecture建筑用地building lot; building site; lot建筑用地规划plot planning; block planning建筑用钢铁constructional iron建筑用黄铜architectural brass建筑用木材building timber建筑用提升机service-building elevator建筑原理architectonics; architectural principle建筑造型艺术art of architectural modelling建筑占地系数coefficient of land used for buildings建筑障碍architectural barriers建筑照明architectural lighting建筑折旧准备buildings depreciation reserve建筑哲理architectural philosophy建筑柱式architectural orders; orders of architecture建筑装饰architectural decoration; architectural ornament建筑装饰彩釉砂涂料colour-glazed sand paint for building decoration建筑装饰学architectural decoration建筑装修五金architectural metalwork建筑自动化building automation建筑自重structural weight per square meter建筑渲染architectural rendering; rendu施工construct; execution; construction; execution of works施工安装图construction and erection drawing施工安装用的机械及工具machines and tools for construction and erection 施工标桩construction stake施工布置图construction plan施工步骤construction procedure; construction steps施工测量construction survey施工程序construction program; execution programme for works施工程序网络图project network施工贷款construction loan施工单位construction organization; builder施工道路construction road施工地点job location施工吊车construction hoist施工定额construction norm施工队construction team施工方法job practice施工方式form of construction work施工费用construction cost施工缝construction joint施工工程construction work施工工程师construction engineer; operating engineer施工工程学construction engineering施工工期construction period施工工种construction trade施工规模scope of construction item; size of construction施工荷载construction loads; working load施工合同construction contract施工机械construction machinery施工机械费cost of constructor’s mechanical plant施工机械化mechanization of building operation; mechanization of construction 施工机械化系数coefficient of construction mechanization施工技术财务计划financial plan for construction technology施工计划construction plan; construction program(me)施工监督supervision of construction; supervision; monitoring施工检查inspection of construction施工检查员construction inspector施工阶段construction stage; construction phase施工进度construction progress施工进度表schedule of construction; schedule of operations; work-schedule施工进度计划detailed construction schedule; construction schedule施工经济学construction economics施工经理construction manager施工经验construction experience施工卷扬机builder’s hoist; builder’s winch施工临时螺栓construction bolt施工流水作业法construction streamline method施工面积floor space under construction施工平面图construction plan施工期construction period施工起重机construction hoist施工企业construction enterprises施工前阶段preconstruction stage施工区construction area施工缺陷constructional deficiency施工人员constructor; builder施工设备plant for construction; construction equipment施工设计detail design; detailed engineering施工水平仪builder’s level施工说明general descri ption of construction施工说明书construction specifications施工图设计construction documents design施工图设计阶段construction documents design phase; construction documents phase 施工图预算working drawing estimate施工文件construction documents (包括施工图及说明)施工误差construction error施工现场fabricating yard; job location施工详图detail of construction; construction detail; working drawing施工项目project under construction; construction item施工项目编号construction item reference number施工效率efficiency of construction施工性能workability施工许可证builder’s licence施工验收技术规范technical code for work and acceptance施工依据manufacture bases施工营业执照builder’s licence施工预算construction estimate施工执照building permit施工准备preliminary work for construction; preparations for construction施工准备计划preparatory plan施工总平面图overall construction site plan施工总则general conditions of construction施工组织设计construction management plan施工作业计划work element construction program项目subject of entry; item项目报告project paper项目编制阶段project preparation phase项目标记project mark项目财务估价project financial evaluation项目采购project purchasing项目成本project cost; item cost项目筹备融通资金project preparation facility (PPF)项目贷款project finance; project-financing loan; project loan项目单menu项目的拟订project formulation项目的所有者owner of the project项目的总投标价值total tender value of project项目发展周期project development cycle项目范围scope of project项目方案project alternatives项目分隔符item separation symbol项目分类classification of items项目分配allocation of items项目分析item analysis项目工程师project engineer项目工程师负责制project engineer system项目管理project management项目管理人project manager项目号item number项目核对法check list (市场调查技术之一)项目核准权projects approval authority项目后评价post project evaluation项目后评价和后继行动post project evaluation and followup项目划分segregation of items项目化组织projectized organization项目环境生态评价environmental appraisal of a project项目货款额度project line项目技术评价project technology evaluation项目计划project plan项目计划设计图project planning chart项目记录item record项目加权item weighting项目检验回归曲线item-test regression curve项目建设费用cost of project implementation项目建设进度表project implementation scheduling项目建议书proposals for the projects项目经济估价project economic evaluation; economic evaluation of a project 项目经理project manager项目矩阵组织project matrix organization项目控制project control项目块entry block项目历史history of project项目目标管理project management by objectives项目拟订project formulation项目匹配法matching item项目评估project appraisal; project evaluation项目评估法Project Evaluation and Review Technique项目企业经济评价enterprise’s economic appraisal of a project项目删除deletion of items项目上端item top项目社会评价project’s social value appraisal项目设备project equipment项目设计item design项目设计工程师负责制project engineer responsibility system项目生产project production项目说明item descri ption项目说明书specification of an item项目投资时期investment phase of a project项目图与布置图project charts and layouts项目网络法project network technique项目网络分析project network analysis项目文件item file项目小组project group; project team organiztion项目行item line项目修理通知单item repairing order项目选择project selection项目训练法project training项目研究编目item study listing项目研究小组project team项目一次采购法project purchasing项目一览表itemized schedule项目预算program budget; project budget项目预算编制program budgeting项目政治评价political appraisal of a project项目支助业务project supporting services项目执行project implementation项目执行情况审计报告project performance audity report (PPAR) 项目指标project indicators项目转移item advance项目资金筹措project financing质量grade; mass; quality; qualitative properties; mass (物理用语) 质量百分比mass percent质量半径关系mass-radius relation质量保持率quality retention质量保证quality assurance质量保证技术出版物quality assurance technical publications质量保证计划quality control system质量保证控制程序quality assurance operating procedure质量保证手册quality control (assurrance) manual质量保证体系quality assurance (control) system质量保证验收标准quality assurance acceptance standard质量保证制度quality certification system质量比mass ratio质量比电阻mass specific resistance质量变坏debase质量标度mass scale质量标志quality mark质量标准quality level; quality specification; quality standard质量不灭定律law of conservation of mass质量不平衡mass unbalance质量不足mass deficiency质量参数mass parameter; quality parameters质量测定mass measurement; quality determination质量测定系统quality measurement system质量测量mass measurement质量层化mass loss segregation质量差价quality price differentials质量差异mass discrepancy质量产额mass yield质量产额分布mass-yield distribution质量产额曲线mass yield curve质量成本quality cost质量传递mass transmission; mass transport; mass transfer质量传递机理mass transport mechanism质量传递系数coefficient of mass transfer质量单位unit of mass; mass units质量弹簧缓冲器组合mass-spring dashpot combination; mass-spring-dashpot combination 质量弹簧系统mass-spring system质量弹簧阻尼器体系mass-spring-dashpot system质量弹性特性mass-elastic characteristics质量当量mass equivalent质量倒数reciprocal mass质量的米制技术单位metric-technical unit of mass (TME)质量的相对论性变化relativistic change in mass质量的相对论性增加relativistic increase of mass质量等级quality grade质量等级因素grade factors质量低劣bum; inferiority of quality; inferior quality质量低劣的bum质量第一quality first质量电感模拟mass-inductance analogy质量电阻率mass resistivity质量定律mass law质量发光度半径关系mass-luminosity-radius relation质量反应性系数mass coefficient of reactivity质量范围mass range质量方程mass equation质量分辨本领mass resolution质量分布mass distribution质量分布函数mass function质量分光计mass spectrometer质量分类试验attribute testing质量分离mass separation质量分离器mass separator; mass-separator质量分散mass dispersion质量分析mass analysis; quality analysis质量分析离子动能度谱术mass analyzed ion kinetic energy spectrometry质量分析器mass analyzer质量分析仪mass-synchrometer质量丰度mass abundance质量峰mass peak质量辐合mass convergence质量辐散mass divergence质量辐射阻止本领mass radiative stopping power质量幅度quality latitude质量负载mass loading质量改善剂modifying agent; quality booster质量工程quality engineering质量公式mass formula质量管理quality control; quality management质量管理检验quality control check质量管理系统quality control system质量管理制度quality control system质量惯性矩mass mement of inertia质量规格quality requirement; quality standard; specification of quality 质量过大恒星overmassive star质量过滤器mass filter质量过剩mass excess质量函数mass function; quality function质量和可靠性目标quality and reliability objective质量合格标准acceptable quality level质量合格证certification of fitness质量厚度mass thickness质量换算因子mass conversion factor质量集中分析qualitative investigation质量级quality-class质量计量学qualimetry质量监测台monitoring desk质量监督quality monitoring质量监视控制台quality monitor console质量检测器mass detector质量检查quality inspection质量检查科quality control division (QCD)质量检查证明书quality inspection certificate质量检定quality arbitration质量检验quality control surveillance; quality test; quality inspection 质量检验标准quality control standards (QCS)质量检验器quality checker质量减损mass decrement质量鉴定试验qualification test (QT)质量鉴定试验程序qualification test procedure质量鉴定试验规范qualification test specification质量交换速度mass-transfer rate质量交换系数mass transfer coefficient质量交流mass exchange质量矩moment of mass质量矩阵mass matrix质量抗mass reactance质量壳mass shell质量可靠性保证quality reliability assurance质量控制mass control; quality monitoring; quality control 质量控制标准quality control specification质量控制传感器quality control pick-up质量控制等级quality control level质量控制电动扬声器mass-controlled dynamic loudspeaker 质量控制计划quality control planning质量控制检查quality control checking质量控制可靠性quality control reliability质量控制手册quality control manual质量控制数据quality control data质量控制体系quality control system质量控制图quality control chart质量控制系统quality control system质量控制振荡器mass-controlled oscillator质量亏损mass loss; mass defect质量扩散mass diffusion质量扩散率mass diffusivity质量累积检测器mass integral detector质量灵敏值mass sensitive quantity; mass-sensitive quantity 质量瘤mascon质量流动mass flow质量流动连续条件condition of mass flow continuity质量流动速度mass velocity质量流动学说mass flow theory质量流过速率mass rate of flow质量流控制mass flow control质量流量flow mass; mass flow; mass flow rate质量流量比mass flow ratio质量流量常数mass flow constant质量流量方程mass flow equation质量流量计mass flowmeter质量流量控制器mass flow controller质量流量率mass rate of flow质量流量敏感性检测器mass flow rate sensitive detector 质量流量扰动mass-flowrate perturbation质量流量系数mass flow coefficient质量流量压差关系mass flow pressure-difference relation质量流率mass flowrate质量流速mass velocity质量密度mass density; specific mass质量密集mascon质量面mass surface质量面积比mass area ratio质量敏感分离器mass sensitive deflector质量能量传递系数mass energy transfer coefficient质量能量换算系数mass energy conversion coefficient质量浓度mass concentration质量判据quality criteria质量抛射mass ejection质量碰撞阻止本领mass collission stopping power质量偏差mass deviation质量平衡mass balance质量平均值mass average value质量评定grade estimation; qualitative assessment; quality evaluation; qualification; merit rating 质量迁移率mass-transfer rate质量趋势quality trends质量曲线figure-of-merit curve; mass curve; mass diagram质量全息术mass holograghy质量缺陷mass defect质量燃烧速率mass burning rate质量散度mass divergence质量散射系数mass scattering coefficient质量色谱法mass chromatography质量色谱分析mass chromatographic analysis质量实质quality entity质量试验quality test质量试验规范quality test schedule质量试验器quality tester质量守恒mass conservation; conservation of mass质量守恒定律law of conservation of mass质量守恒定律方程equation of mass conservation质量守恒方程mass conservation equation质量守恒原理principle of mass conservation质量输运mass transport质量数mass number; unclear number; nucleon number质量数标度mass scale质量数测定mass assignment质量数指示器mass marker质量衰减mass attenuation质量衰减系数mass attenuation coefficient质量双线mass doublet质量说明书quality specification质量速度mass velocity质量速度比mass-velocity ratio质量算符mass operator质量碎片法mass fragmentography (MF)质量碎片谱法mass fragmentography质量损失mass loss质量损失率mass loss rate质量特性quality characteristic; quality coefficient质量通量mass flux质量统计检验statistical quality control质量温度关系mass-temperature relation质量稳定性评价标准quality retention rating质量吸收mass absorption质量吸收系数mass absorption coefficient质量吸收效应mass-absorption effect质量系数mass coefficient; mass factor; quality factor质量限额mass limit质量响应mass-basis response质量项mass term质量小恒星undermassive star质量效果mass effect质量效应mass effect质量型检测器mass flow rate sensitive detector质量性状qualitative character; quality character质量循环速度mass circulation velocity质量压力mass pressure质量要求prescri ption; quality requirements质量遗传qualitative genetics; qualitative inheritance质量移动姿态控制系统mass-motion attitude control system; mass-shifting attitude control system质量因数factor of quality质量因数计Q-meter质量因素quality factor质量因素比quality factor ratio质量因子factor of merit质量引力mass attraction质量引力垂线mass attraction vertical质量优良的小客车quality car质量再循环率mass recirculation质量增加mass addition质量甄别mass discrimination质量诊断quality diagnostics质量证明certificate of quality质量指标qualitative index; quality index; quality indicator; quality target质量指南quality guideline质量指示器mass indicator; mass marker质量指数quality index number质量中位直径mass median diameter质量中心centre of mass; mass center; mass centroid; centroid; center of mass质量中心轴线centroidal axis质量重整化mass renormalization质量转移mass transfer质量转移反应mass-transfer reaction质量转移理论mass transfer theory质量阻止本领mass stopping power质量组分mass component质量作用mass action质量作用定律mass action law; law of mass action质量作用效应mass action effect质量作用原理mass action principle现场field engineering; job site; site; scene (FE)现场安装field mounted (FM)现场安装工作on-site installation work现场安装和维修条件installation and maintenance conditions at field现场安装螺栓field bolting; field bolt现场安装容器field assembly of vessels现场操作规范field-work standards现场抽查spot checking现场淬火field quenching现场存货field warehousing现场的local现场电视监测生产法television-monitored production现场调查field investigation; field survey; spot investigation; field method; spot survey; (spot) field investigation现场调查设计field survey design现场调查员field worker现场调度spot dispatch现场发泡foam-in-place现场仿真field simulation现场访问facility visit现场工作field work现场管理field management; worksite management现场灌注球基桩franki pile现场焊接field weld; site weld; site welding; field welding现场核查on-site verification现场核数员field auditor现场计数field enumeration现场计算field calculation现场记录record on spot现场加工field processing现场检查on-site inspection; on-spot check; spot checking现场检验field inspection; on-site inspection; floor inspection; spot inspection现场交货delivery on the spot; ex works现场交货价格ex point of origin现场交通site traffic现场浇铸cast-in-place现场浇筑cast in situs现场接线field connection现场经纪floor broker; pit broker现场决标award at tender opening现场勘测site survey现场勘察on-the-spot investigation现场可变只读存储器field alterable ROM现场可更换部件field-replaceable unit现场客floor trader现场控制台field control station现场联结field connection现场录音live recording现场铆钉对接接头site riveted butt joint现场铆接field rivet(t)ing; site rivet(ing)现场配料field mix现场平衡法field balancing technique现场清洗in-place cleaning现场人员训练field personnel training现场摄像机field camera; live camera现场设备field apparatus现场生产性能测定on-farm performance现场实习workshop practice现场实验field experiment现场使用field service; field usage现场使用可靠性on-the-job dependability现场试验field experiment; field test; field investigation; field trial; site test; site trial; on-the-spot experiment现场试验程序field test procedures现场手册field manual现场数据field data现场栓接field bolted现场踏勘reconnaissance trip现场统计field statistics现场维修field maintenance; on-site repair现场修理current repair; spot repair现场研究field study现场以外的训练vestibule training现场用压缩机field service compressor现场制造field manufacturing现场制作field fabrication; fabrication on site 现场装配field connection现场组装field assembly现场总线fieldbus现场可替换单元LRU [现场的on-site [现场冷却spot cooling [现场冷却;局部冷却spot cooling进度progress; tempo进度安排scheduling进度报表progress report; progress sheet进度报告制度progress reporting system进度工作日程progress schedule进度估计progress estimate进度管理progress control; schedule control 进度计划scheduled plan进度计划安排scheduling进度计划表schedule diagram进度计划明细表detailed schedule进度计划总表master schedule进度检查follow-up进度控制schedule control; progress control 进度时间表process schedule进度图progress chart; progress map进度维护scheduled maintenance进度照片photographs of progress合同agreement; stipulation; charter; contract 合同更改的请求contract change request合同更改建议contract change proposal合同更改通知书contract change notification 合同工jobbing work合同工厂contract plant合同管理范围contract management region 合同规定contractual specifications合同号contract number合同技术要求contract technical requirements (CTR)合同签定日期contract award date合同饲养contract feeding合同谈判contract negotiation合同条款terms of the contract合同项目contract item合同要求requirement管理administer; administration; control; manage; management; superintendence; supervision管理报表managerial report管理报表系统managerial report system管理报告managerial report管理报告系统managerial report system管理操作台administrative operator station管理操作系统management operating system; supervisor operation system; supervisory operating system管理操作员administrative operator管理操作员站administrative operator station管理差距management gap管理程序executive program; executive routine; supervisor; supervisory routine; hypervisor; supervisory program管理程序测试supervisor program test管理程序常驻区域supervisor residant area管理程序的例行程序supervisor routine管理程序的试验程序supervisor test program管理程序的组成executive program components管理程序调入supervisor call管理程序调入码supervisor call code管理程序调入指令supervisor call instruction (SVC)管理程序调用supervisor call管理程序调用命令supervisor call instruction (SVC)管理程序调用命令中断supervisor call interruption管理程序调用命令子程序supervisor call routine管理程序调用中断supervisor call interruption; supervisor call interrupt管理程序队列区supervisor queue area管理程序方式supervisor mode管理程序仿真supervisory program simulation管理程序封锁supervisor lock管理程序模拟supervisory program simulation管理程序锁supervisor lock管理程序锁定supervisor lock管理程序通信区supervisor communication region管理程序暂驻区supervisor transient area管理程序中断supervisor interrupt管理程序驻留区supervisor resident area管理程序状态supervisor mode; supervisor state管理处management管理磁盘hyperdisk管理的任务managerial role管理的作用managerial role管理调用程序supervisor call program管理毒品法令decree of management of narcotic drugs管理对策management game管理范围control limit管理方式supervisor mode管理费cost of operation; management cost; management cost; operation cost; overhead charge; management expenses; costs of administration; overhead expenses管理分析management analysis管理分析报告系统management analysis reporting system管理服务management service; supervisor services管理服务程序supervisor services管理覆盖程序supervisor overlay管理工程administrative engineering; management engineering管理工作handing operation管理工作间隔的约会块session commitment unit管理工作系统management operating system (MOS)管理工作站management work station管理规划及监督management planning and control管理画面supervisory frame管理环境management environment管理会计management accounting管理机supervisor管理机构administrative agency; administrative organization; administration; administrative authorities管理级别supervisory level管理级计算机management leve computer管理寄存器supervisor register管理计划management planning管理计划系统management planning system管理计算management accounting管理计算机supervisory computer管理键盘supervisory keyboard管理经济managerial economics管理局administration管理决策系统management decision system管理科学management science管理控制management control; supervisory control管理控制程序supervisor control program管理控制级management control level管理控制盘supervisory control disk管理控制系统management control system; supervisory control管理框图法control chart method管理例行程序executive routine; supervisory routine管理良好的well-regulated管理能力supervisory capability管理排队区supervisor queue area管理器supervisor管理请求分程序supervisor request block管理人manager管理人员handling crew; managerial staff; superintendent管理软件management software管理设备supervisory unit管理时间administrative time管理数据management data管理水平control level; level of control管理顺序supervisory sequence管理所control house; control station管理特许指令supervisor-privileged instruction管理通信宏指令supervisor communication macro管理通信区supervisor communication region管理图control chart管理图表control chart管理土壤资源managing soil resources管理维护实用程序management support utility管理系统management system; managerial system; supervisory system管理系统多道程序设计executive system multiprogramming管理信号supervisory signal管理信息administrative information; management information管理信息系统management information system; management operating system 管理信息要求management information requirement管理性数据处理administrative data processing管理序列supervisory sequence管理学模型management science model管理学院school of management管理训练management training管理研究management research管理羊群running sheep管理业务management service; supervisor services; supervisory service管理因素management factors管理语句语言control statement language管理员administrator; controller管理支持实用程序management support utility管理指令housekeeping instruction; executive instruction管理中继supervisory relay管理终端office terminal管理终端系统administrative terminal system (ATS)管理周期control cycle; management cycle管理专业训练软件management training software管理转接supervisory relay管理状态controlled state管理子程序supervisory routine工程project; engineering工程保险insurance of works工程报告engineering report; project report工程比例尺engineering scale工程编号job number工程变更change in the work工程变更通知单change order; variation order工程标准engineering specification工程标准部门engineering standard department工程补偿费reimbursable expenses工程材料engineering material工程材料规范engineering material specification工程采购规格手册engineering purchasing specification manual工程测链chain; engineer’s chain工程测量engineering survey; project survey工程车machineshop truck; shop truck; technical vehicle; engineering truck; engineering van; machineshop car工程程序engineering process工程处construction division; engineering department工程单位engineering unit工程单位制engineering system of units; engineering unit system工程弹性力学engineering elasticity工程等级engineering order工程地点project site; site工程地震学engineering seismology; engysseismology工程地震仪engineering seismograph工程地址调查site investigation; site survey工程地址鉴定site appraisal工程地质engineering geology工程地质勘探engineering geological prospecting工程地质学engineering geology; geologie engineering工程地质钻机engineering geological drilling rig工程队construction brigade工程法规engineering legislation工程法制engineering legislation工程范围works scope工程费construction cost; project cost; engineering cost工程费变更条文cost variation clause工程费用engineering cost工程费用预算construction cost estimate工程分析project analysis工程分项价值表schedule of values工程辅助设备project support equipment工程负责人project director; project manager工程改变engineering change工程改进时间engineering improvement time工程概算表priced bill of quantities; priced bill工程更改engineering change (EC)工程公司engineering corporation工程管理engineering management; engineering supervision; project management; schedule control工程管理手册engineering administration manual工程光学engineering optics工程规划porject planning工程过程engineering process工程海洋学engineering oceanography工程号job number工程合同总造价total contract sum工程画engineering drawing工程回访project revisit工程基本收益primary project benefit工程机械轮胎off-the-road tyre工程机械图machine drawing工程机械用柴油机industrial diesel engine工程技巧engineering technique工程技术报告engineering report工程技术标准engineering standard工程技术标准手册engineering standards manual工程技术情报管理系统engineering information control system工程技术人员engineer; engineering technical personnel; engineers and technicians工程技术设计规范engineering technical design specification工程技术数据engineering data工程技术文献索引engineering index工程技术研究engineering and technological research工程技术业务出版物engineering service publication。

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【英文摘要】The concept of “science” has already been used since 7th B.C. As an ancient civilized country. Greece was proud of its most sophisticated science at that time. Greek thus became the universal scientific language in Europe. During 7th B.C and 5th B.C, Latin acquired its own place and gradually took the place of Greek with Mediterranean countries emerged and it was used until 17th century. Those who engaged in scientific researches were trained to use Latin because scientific works must be written or translated into Latin. Not until 18th and 19th century did Germany chemistry and other scientific research develop so fast that German language was used inscience instead of Latin. While in the early 20th century, English was designated as scientific language as science and technology made huge progress in English speaking countries like UK and USA. Statistics show that 2/3 of scientific papers in the world are written or published in English. So “English translation” becomes my major concern in scientific translation.It is the fact that Bilingual dictionaries in the true sense didn’t appear until the time between 14th and 15th century. The appearance can be contributed to the development of European social culture, promotion of printing techniques, increasing need of communication among people of different accents and languages and gradual formation of individual national languages. In this special period of time, “word list” was evolved into bilingual dictionary both in name and in fact.In modern society, economic, cultural and scientific and technological communication among different countries has been developing rapidly and the amount of human knowledge has been accumulating explosively. To satisfy people’s need to knowledge, dictionaries have played a more and more important role in the publications. It is so in many countries, France is a good example in case, the percentage of dictionaries has climbed from 15% to 23% in the publications in the last yearsof the 20th century. The most recent study about bilingual science dictionary is conducted by a few scholars in China. They put it into the whole framework of lexicography. Bilingual science dictionary contains two aspects:collection and translation of entry words and compilation project. The former is advanced by the study of its macro-structure andmicro-structure and its distinctive features, while the study of compilation project is still neglected. Lexicographical compilation is a complicated and systematic project which involves compilers, dictionary users and publishing houses and institutions. Of course, a large amount of manpower, material resource and time should be invested in the project. Therefore it is necessary to put forward a sound theory to guide the practice.Since the compilation of dictionary is an organized and collective activity, the extemporaneous compilation of dictionary by a few people can only become a complementary part in the main stream market. The dictionary will never have a share in the market if its theme is not appropriate. So the main stream dictionaries in the future are destined to be those compiled and organized by academic institutions and published by professional publishing houses. It requires dictionary publishing houses and institutions enact a mid and long termdevelopment project.【关键词】双语英汉科学词典术语翻译编撰工程管理【采买全文】同时提供论文写作定制和论文发表服务.保过包发.【说明】本文仅为中国学术文献总库合作提供,无涉版权。


【英文关键词】bilingual E-C science dictionary terminology translation project management【目录】双语英汉科学词典术语翻译和编撰工程管理研究ABSTRACT9-10摘要11-12Introduction12-16Chapter One Literature Review of Bilingual ScienceDictionary16-27 1.1 History Review of Bilingual Science Translation in China16-21 1.2 Development of Bilingual E-C Science Dictionary in China21-27Chapter Two Fundamental Theories of Bilingual E-C Science Dictionary27-35 2.1 Disciplinary Position of Bilingual E-C ScienceDictionary27-28 2.2 Academic Functions of Bilingual E-C science Dictionary28-29 2.3 Basic Types of Bilingual E-C Science Dictionary29-30 2.4 Stylistic Features of Bilingual E-C Science Dictionary30-35Chapter Three Terminology Translation of Bilingual E-C Science Dictionary35-57 3.1 Principles of Terminology Translation35-53 3.1.1 Principles of Establishing Entry Items44-47 3.1.2 Principleof Definition47-51 3.1.3 Principles of Bilingual Equivalence51-53 3.2 Translation Methods of Bilingual E-C Science Dictionary53-57 3.2.1 Features ofTerminologies53-54 3.2.2 Translation of Terminologies from English to Chinese54-57Chapter Four Project Management of Bilingual E-C Science Dictionary57-67 4.1 Development Project of Bilingual E-C Science Dictionary57-62 4.1.1 The Necessity of Project Management58-59 4.1.2 The Purpose of Project Management59-60 4.1.3 The Key points of Project Management60-62 4.2 Compilation Project of Bilingual E-C Science Dictionary62-64 4.3 Implementation of the Compilation Project64-67 4.3.1 Workflow of the Compilation Project65 4.3.2 Quality Control of CompilationProject65-67Conclusion67-69Bibliography69-71Ackn owledgements71-72学位论文评阅及答辩情况表72。
