Signs in Imaging-The Dural Tail Sign



a. OPLL b. DISH(弥漫性特发性骨增生症) c. OFL
• 小关节退变 • 椎管狭窄——MR是最佳评价手段,可同时观察
• 脊椎和椎间盘化脓性感染 • 硬膜外、硬膜下脓肿 • 脊髓炎和脊髓脓肿 • 脊柱结核 • 其他感染性病变:真菌性脊柱炎
实质器官——低信号 脂肪组织——利用脂肪抑制技术被抑制 静止或相对静止的液体——高信号
选用长TR(>3000ms)——取得T2效果 长TE (>150ms)—— 增强T2效果
• 自旋回波序列
快速自旋回波序列 TSE/FSE——显示硬膜囊边界较好 半傅立叶采集单次激发快速自旋回波(HASTE)序列——成像时间短
• 脊柱脊髓先天发育畸形 • 脊柱及脊髓创伤 • 脊柱退行性病变 • 脊柱及脊髓感染性病变 • 脊柱及椎管内肿瘤 • 脊髓脱髓鞘病变 • 脊髓血管性病变
• 神经管闭合不全:脊膜膨出/脊髓膨出/脊髓脊 膜膨出/脂肪脊髓脊膜膨出/背侧上皮窦
• 神经源性囊肿 • 脊髓纵裂 • 脊髓积水及脊髓空洞症 • Chiari畸形 • 脊髓栓系综合征
Department of Radiology,P1 UTH
• 脊柱常规扫描技术及临床应用 • MR全脊柱扫描 • MRM • 纤维环DTI成像
• 部位: 颈椎、胸椎、腰骶椎 • 线圈: 头颈线圈,胸腰表面线圈 • 序列: 矢状位:T1WI(SE)/ T2WI



The guideline was developed under the auspices of the University of Toronto. They searched Medline for guidelines published between 2002 and 2014 using the Medical Subject Headings “pancreatitis” and “clinical practice guideline.” This search identifed 14 guidelines published between 2008 and 2014. Another electronic search of Medline was performed using the Medical Subject Headings “pancreatitis,”“acute necrotizing pancreatitis,” “alcoholic pancreatitis,” and “practice guidelines” to update the systematic review. The results were limited to articles published in English between January 2007 and January 2014. The references of relevant guidelines were reviewed. Up-todate articles on acute pancreatitis diagnosis and management were also reviewed for their references.



1. contrast medium:对比剂对于缺乏自然对比的结构和器官,可将密度高于或低于该结构或器官的物质引入器官内或其周围间隙,人为使之产生密度差别而形成影像,引入的物质称为对比剂2. partial volume effect:部分容积效应:同一扫描层面内含有两种以上不同密度的物质时,所测得的CT 值是它们的平均值,不能如实反映其中任何一种物质的CT 值3. CT value:CT值体素的相对X 线衰减度,即该体素组织对X 线的吸收系数,单位为亨氏单位(HU)4. artifact:伪影是指在扫描或信息处理过程中,由于某一种或几种原因而出现的人体本身并不存在而图像中却显示出来的各种不同类型的影像,主要包括运动伪影、高密度伪影和机器故障5. molecular imaging:分子影像学是在活体状态下,在细胞和分子水平上应用影像学方法对生物过程进行定性和定量研究的一门学科。

6. PACS:图像存档与传输系统,是以高速计算机设备及海量存贮介质为基础,以高速传输网络连接各种影像设备和终端,管理并提供、传输、显示原始的数字化图像和相关信息,具有查找快速准确、图像质量无失真、影像资料可共享等特点7. RIS:放射信息系统8. Chiari malformation:小脑扁桃体下疝畸形,又称Arnold‐Chiari 畸形,为先天性后脑畸形,表现为小脑扁桃体及下蚓部疝入椎管内,脑桥与延髓扭曲延长,部分延髓下移9. hydrocephalus:脑积水是指脑脊液在脑室系统内的过量积聚,引起脑室系统部分或全部扩大,导致颅内压增高,并发一系列临床症状10. lacunar infarction:腔隙性脑梗死,脑深部小的穿通动脉供血区域的小缺血性梗死灶,可能为小穿通动脉本身疾病或栓塞等其他原因所致,以其本身动脉硬化所造成的动脉阻塞最常见11. dural tail sign:脑膜尾征是指增强扫描中,肿块邻近的增厚硬脑膜成窄带状强化,随着远离肿瘤而逐渐变细12. lung fields:肺野是后前位胸像上自纵膈肺门向外的透光区域13. lung markings:肺纹理是由肺动脉、肺静脉及支气管形成,表现为自肺门向外周放射状分布的树枝状阴影,立位时下肺野纹理较粗14. hila:肺门是由肺动脉、肺静脉、支气管、淋巴组织构成,主要成分为动脉和静脉15. secondary pulmonary lobule:次级肺小叶是肺组织的微小解剖结构单位,切面呈圆锥形,尖端向肺门,底向胸膜16. interlobular septum:小叶间隔是包绕肺小叶的纤维结缔组织,内有肺静脉和淋巴管分支17. lobular parenchyma:小叶实质是位于小叶核与小叶间隔之间,包括由小气管、肺动静脉分支供应的肺泡和相关的毛细血管床,是功能性肺实质18. consolidation:实变是由于终末细支气管以远的含气腔隙内的气体被病理性液体或/和细胞、组织所替代后形成19. lobulation:分叶征,X 线与CT 显示结节边缘呈细小深分叶或锯齿状,状如桑葚20. spiculation:毛刺征,X 线与CT 显示结节边缘呈浓密的细短毛刺,僵硬,状如绒球21. intrapulmonary air containing space:肺内空腔是肺内生理腔隙的病理性扩张,如肺大疱、含气的支气管囊肿、囊状支气管扩张等22. cavity:空洞,病变内发生坏死,坏死组织经支气管排出后形成,可有虫蚀样空洞、薄壁空洞和厚壁空洞23. subpleural lines:胸膜下线位于胸膜下1cm 以内,长约2‐5cm,与胸膜平行的弧形细线,由相邻增厚的小叶间隔相连而成,常见于石棉肺、硬皮病等24. ground‐glass opacity:磨玻璃样改变是肺内密度增高的模糊影,肺纹理可见反映微小间质增厚或气腔病变25. tuberculoma:结核球,为边界清晰的类圆形结节,密度较高,内常有钙化、裂隙样或新月样空洞,周围可见结核灶,病理改变为纤维组织包绕的局限性干酪样坏死26. inverted S curve sign:反“S”征为X 线胸片上右肺门肿块与右上叶不张相连构成27. pulmonary venous stasis:肺淤血肺静脉血液回流受阻,导致肺毛细血管和淋巴管扩张,最终导致肺动脉高压,多见于二尖瓣瓣膜病和左心室衰竭。


MRI T1呈稍低信號或等信號,T2呈稍高信號或 等信號。增強掃描腫瘤明顯增強( hyperintensity),常能顯示腦膜尾征( dural tail)。
DWI:稍 高信號
Pseudo DW:低等 信號
ADC:高等信號 ADC值: 0.772- 0.853
• Comparatively little edema • Sharp margins • Enhance homogeneously • Hyperostosis 15%–50% • Dural thickening,abnormal dural enhancement extend
beyond the site of attachment.
• 最常見的腦腫瘤 • 占顱內腫瘤17%,占神經上皮源性腫瘤40% • 幕上多見 • 主要症狀為癲癇
• CT:好發於額葉,其次顳葉、頂葉、小腦 和腦幹。平掃多表現為腦內均勻的低密度 病灶,邊界不清,增強多數不明顯。
• MR:T1WI略低信號,T2WI明顯高信號, 輪廓規則或略不規則。一般無瘤周水腫, 位於白質。增強後常不增強或輕微增強。
therapy and outcome?
基本流程basic flowsheet
核對資料check data
臨床資料clinical data 影像資料imaging data
Analysis to get the diagnosis
臨床資料clinical data
• 姓名、性別、年齡 name 、

影像复习资料 英语单词

影像复习资料 英语单词
Байду номын сангаас
脑萎缩(brain atrophy) DWI:弥散成像(diffusion weighted imaging) SWI:磁敏感加权成像(susceptibility weighted imaging,SWI) MR血管成像(magnetic resonance angiography,MRA) 时间飞跃(time of flight,TOF) 相位对比(phase contrast,PC)
肺气肿emphysema 肺不张atelectasis 气胸pneumothorax 大叶性肺炎lobar pneumonia 小叶性肺炎/支气管肺炎lobular pneumonia 肺脓肿lung abscess 支气管扩张bronchiectasis 肺野lung field 肺叶lobe 气管隆嵴carina of trachea 肺充血/肺血增多pulmonary congestion 肺血减少/肺缺血pulmonary oligemia 肺淤血congestion 肺水肿pulmonary edema 肺栓塞pulmonary embolism 肺循环高压(肺高压)pulmonary hypertention 法洛四联症tetralogy of fallot,TOF 主动脉夹层aortic dissection,AD 肺动脉栓塞征象pulmonary embolism
脑积水(hydrocephalus) 小脑扁桃体下疝畸形)Chiari malformation 脑膜尾征(dural tail sign 垂体瘤(pituitary adenoma) 脑出血Cerebral hemorrhage 脑梗塞cerebral infarction 星型细胞瘤astrocytoma 脑膜瘤meningioma 垂体瘤pituitary adenoma 脑转移瘤metastatic tumor 脑脓肿(brain abscess) 结核性脑膜炎tuberculous meningitis



Block membrane
Block nonspecific sites with Blocking Reagent (e.g., StartingBlock™ (PBS) Blocking Buffer, Cat. No. 37538) for 30–60 minutes at room temperature with shaking. Alternatively, block overnight at 2–8ºC without shaking.
Online resources
∤ Visit /chemisubstrates for additional information and protocols.
∤ For support, visit /support.
Table 1. Recommended antibody concentration
Primary antibody dilution (from a 1 mg/mL stock)
1:1,000–1:50,000 or 0.02–1 μg/mL
Secondary antibody dilution (from a 1 mg/mL stock)
1:50,000–1:250,000 or 4–20 ng/mL
Prepare the substrate working solution by mixing equal parts of the Substrate and Stable Peroxide components
(e.g., for a mini blot mix 5 mL Substrate with 5 mL Stable Peroxide). Use a sufficient volume to ensure that the blot



脑静脉血栓的影像诊断周立新;倪俊;朱以诚;姚明;彭斌;崔丽英【摘要】脑静脉血栓(cerebral venous thrombosis,CVT)是一类累及脑静脉及静脉窦的少见卒中,临床诊断困难,延误诊断易导致不良预后。


颅脑磁共振成像(magnetic resonance imaging,MRI)联合磁共振静脉血管成像(magnetic resonance venography,MRV)是临床最常用、最敏感的影像诊断技术。

颅脑MRI的T1、T2、T2*序列可发现CVT导致的继发脑实质损害(间接征象)或静脉部位的血栓信号(直接征象),再进一步通过MRV显示的静脉血栓信号(直接征象)证实诊断,若仍不能做出诊断,可考虑进行数字减影血管造影(digital subtraction angiography,DSA)以明确诊断。


%Cerebral venous thrombosis, including thrombosis of cerebral veins and major dural sinuses, is an uncommon disorder in the general population. It may have disastrous consequences if not diagnosed and treated promptly. Imaging plays a primary role in its diagnosis. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the head combined with magnetic resonance venography (MRV) is the most sensitive study for detection of cerebral venous thrombosis in the acute, subacute, and chronic phases. If the diagnosis is still uncertain after MRI and MRV has been performed, cerebral angiography may be indicated. Knowledge of normal venous variations and potential pitfalls related to image interpretation are important for achieving an accurate diagnosis.【期刊名称】《中国卒中杂志》【年(卷),期】2014(000)010【总页数】8页(P838-845)【关键词】脑静脉血栓;磁共振成像;磁共振静脉血管成像;计算机断层扫描静脉成像【作者】周立新;倪俊;朱以诚;姚明;彭斌;崔丽英【作者单位】100730 北京北京协和医院神经科;100730 北京北京协和医院神经科;100730 北京北京协和医院神经科;100730 北京北京协和医院神经科;100730 北京北京协和医院神经科;100730 北京北京协和医院神经科【正文语种】中文脑静脉血栓(cerebral venous thrombosis,CVT)是累及静脉窦及脑静脉的一类相对少见的卒中,占所有卒中的0.5%~1%,推测人群中患病率为3/1 000 000~4/1 000 000[1],青年女性常见[2]。


You will only feel a quick prick when you receive the numbing medicine. It will be like going to the dentist. There may be a second prick when the needle to grab the fluid is in place. You will feel some pressure during the procedure.
How is it done?
You'll change into a medical gown and lie on your stomach on the X-ray machine table.
First, the doctor will clean your back with special soap.
Can I eat or drink anything before and after the test?
Try not to eat anything 2 hours before the test. It is normally encouraged to drink more liquids before the test. You can eat and drink after the test.
How long will it take?
30 minutes from start to finish.
What will I feel afterwards?
You may feel a little sore in the back or a mild headache. These feelings normally go away quickly. If anything continues to feel weird, let your doctor know.


1义为血液向组织转运 的稳定状态。许多生理学家用“灌注”一 词强调血液与组织的联系,或者代之以毛 细血管血流。
连续法CASL:当动脉血流经过标记平面时, 在一个持续的梯度下,动脉血的磁化被持 续的射频脉冲连续的反转,常用序列包括 DAI、SPDI、originalCASL;
脉冲法PASL:一个动脉血自旋厚块的磁化 被一个绝热的双曲正割脉冲所反转,标记 一段时间内的动脉血液,常用序列如 EPISTAR、HIT、FAIR等。
PASL 中对照图像和标记图像中静态组织 的差异主要是层面轮廓缺陷,而不是CASL 中的 磁化传递效应。在标记脉冲和对照脉冲前额外 施加一个饱和脉冲, 这样可以消除施加标记脉 冲和对照脉冲时静态组织的磁化矢量, 从而将 层面轮廓缺陷伪影减少到最小程度。
各种不同ASL新序列产生的根本是标记方式的改变 和消除磁化转移效应及层面轮廓缺陷的方式。如 CASL方式,在采集对照图像时, 可在图像采集层面 的远端施加一个RF 脉冲, 这样既可以产生与标记图 像一样的磁化传递效应, 又可以避免图像采集层面 近端动脉血质子被标记。PASL中的EPI - STAR 序 列,标记图像采集时, 在图像采集层面近端的一段距 离内施加反转脉冲。对照图像采集时,则在远端的一 段距离内施加反转脉冲。FAIR 序列, 标记图像是非 选择性反转,对照图像是选择性反转。PICORE 序列, 标记反转脉冲和EPI - STAR 相同,但对照图像采集时, 在同侧施加一个非反转RF 脉冲。



幕下孤立性纤维瘤的影像学表现(附5例报道及文献复习)徐小玲,牛晨,范妤欣,马雪英,张明Imaging features of subtentorial solitary fibrous tumor:A literature review of 5 casesXu Xiaoling,Niu Chen,Fan Yuxin,Ma Xueying,Zhang MingDepartment o f Radiology y The First Affiliated Hospital o f Xian Jiaotong University ^Shaanxi Xian 710061 yChina.【Abstract 】Objective: To sum m arize the im aging features of subtentorial solitary fibrous tumor,in order to im proveits diagnostic accuracy. M ethods :Im aging m anifestations and clinicopathological data of 5subtentorial solitary fibroustum or confirm ed by operation and pathology w ere analyzed retrospectively. There w ere CT plain scan in one case, M RIplain and enhancem ent scan in th ree cases,only MRI enhancem ent scan in one case. Results:All of the 5cases (4 fe­males,! male) w ere d ural based single lesion, th e lesions w ere located in righ t hem isphere (n =2) , left cerebellumconvex (n = 1) , across supratentorial and infratentorial ( n = 1) and left cerebellar pontine angle ( n = 1). The m axi­m um diam eter of tum or is approxim ately 4. 1〜 5. 2 cm , th e boundary of 5 cases w as clear, 4 cases w ere m ultilobularand 1case w as round. The tum or show ed slightly high density on plain CT scan, isointense or slightly hypointense sig­nal on T1WI , slightly hyperintense signal or hypointense signal on T2WI. There w ere hypointense signals area in 3 ca­ses on T2WI,cystic portion in 2 cases,flow void vascular signals in 2 cases,mild edema around tum or in 4 cases an dcerebrospinal fluid surrounded tum or in 3 cases. The solid and th e w all of cystic of tum or w ere enhanced obviously,dural tail w as found in 2 cases. C onclusion :Im aging m anifestation of subtentorial solitary fibrous tum or has its ow nfeatures. If th e subtentorial m ass show ed m ultilobular and signs of extracerebral tumors, slightly high density on plainCT scan, isointense or slightly hypointense signal on T1WI and slightly hyperintense signal or hypointense signal onT2WI,obvious enhancement,flow void vascular and low signal area, diagnosis of subtentorial solitary fibrous tu m orcould be considered. B ut its confirm ation still depends on histopathology and im m unohistochem istry.【Key words】subtentorial,solitary fibrous tum or,m agnetic resonance imaging,im m unohistochem istryModem Oncology 2018,26(05) :0691 -0695【摘要】目的:探讨幕下孤立性纤维瘤Olkary tum O T,SFT)的影像学表现,以提高其诊断准确率。



sign的英语作文结尾The significance of signs in our daily lives is often overlooked yet undeniable. From the moment we wake up and see the alarm clock display the time, to the road signs guiding us through our commute, to the symbols on our electronic devices, signs are ubiquitous and essential in navigating the modern world.Signs serve as a universal language, transcending barriers of spoken communication and allowing for the efficient exchange of information. They provide direction, convey warnings, and impart meaning where words may fall short. The power of a single symbol to evoke an immediate response or understanding is a remarkable feat of human ingenuity.Consider the humble stop sign at an intersection. Its octagonal shape and vibrant red color instantly command the attention of drivers, alerting them to the need to bring their vehicles to a halt. This sign is recognized worldwide, allowing people from diverse linguistic backgrounds to intuitively grasp its meaning and act accordingly. The standardization of such traffic signs is a testament to the globalreach and importance of visual communication.Moving beyond the realm of transportation, signs play a crucial role in our daily activities. The icons on our smartphones and computer screens allow us to navigate complex digital landscapes with ease. A simple envelope icon instantly conveys the function of an email application, while a musical note symbol denotes a music player. These intuitive visual cues enable us to interact with technology seamlessly, reducing the learning curve and enhancing productivity.In the realm of branding and marketing, signs take on an even more powerful role. Iconic logos, such as the golden arches of McDonald's or the swoosh of Nike, have become deeply ingrained in the public consciousness. These symbols transcend their physical representations, becoming shorthand for the values, qualities, and experiences associated with their respective brands. A mere glance at these signs can evoke a wealth of emotions, memories, and brand associations within the minds of consumers.The significance of signs extends far beyond the practical applications mentioned thus far. In the realm of art and culture, signs and symbols have long been used to convey deeper meanings and profound ideas. From the ancient hieroglyphics of Egypt to the symbolic imagery in religious iconography, the power of visual representation to express complex concepts is undeniable.Consider the ubiquitous yin-yang symbol, which encapsulates the ancient Chinese philosophy of the balance and interplay of opposites. This simple circular design, with its contrasting black and white halves, eloquently conveys the notion of duality, harmony, and the cyclical nature of existence. The impact of such a sign is not limitedto its aesthetic appeal but rather its ability to communicate profound truths about the human experience.Similarly, the rainbow flag, which has become a global symbol of LGBTQ+ pride and equality, carries immense cultural and political significance. This vibrant array of colors transcends language and national boundaries, uniting individuals from diverse backgrounds in a shared expression of identity, solidarity, and the pursuit of equal rights. The power of this sign lies in its ability to inspire, empower, and foster a sense of community among those who identify with its message.The significance of signs is not limited to their practical applications or cultural resonance but also extends to the realms of psychology and human cognition. Studies have shown that the brain processes visual information far more quickly and efficiently than textual information, making signs and symbols an invaluable tool for effective communication. The instantaneous recognition and comprehension of a sign can have a profound impact on decision-making, memory retention, and overall cognitive processing.Moreover, the use of signs and symbols can have a profound impact on our emotional and psychological well-being. The simple act of seeing a familiar, comforting symbol can trigger feelings of safety, belonging, and nostalgia, while the presence of warning signs can elicit a sense of caution and heightened awareness. This emotional response to visual cues underscores the deep-rooted connections between our visual perception and our subjective experiences.In conclusion, the significance of signs in our daily lives is undeniable. From their practical applications in navigation and communication to their cultural and psychological impact, signs have become an integral part of the human experience. As we continue to navigate an increasingly complex and interconnected world, the power of visual representation to convey meaning, evoke emotions, and shape our understanding of the world around us will only continue to grow in importance. The humble sign, with its ability to transcend language and cultural barriers, stands as a testament to the ingenuity and adaptability of the human mind.。

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signs 英文作文

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john waters study art sign -回复

john waters study art sign -回复

john waters study art sign -回复“How Does John Waters Study Art Sign?”IntroductionJohn Waters, the renowned American filmmaker and artist, has always had a distinctive approach to studying art sign. In this article, we will delve into Waters' journey of studying art sign and explore the steps he takes to enhance his understanding and embrace its significance. From exploring unconventional art forms to challenging societal norms, Waters' unique perspective can inspire us all to view art sign in a new light.Step 1: Embracing Unconventional Art FormsJohn Waters believes in embracing unconventional art forms as a means of expanding his understanding of art sign. He refuses to limit himself to traditional mediums, such as painting or sculpture, and explores diverse forms like performance art, avant-garde cinema, and even graffiti. By exposing himself to a wide range of artistic expressions, Waters broadens his horizons and challenges preconceived notions about art.Step 2: Leaving No Stone UnturnedTo truly study art sign, Waters believes in leaving no stone unturned. He immerses himself in the art world through constant exploration of galleries, museums, and exhibitions. Waters understands that art sign is not confined to famous works displayed in renowned institutions. He seeks out emerging artists, street art, and lesser-known exhibitions, as these can often provide a fresh perspective on societal issues and the human experience.Step 3: Dialogue and CollaborationEngaging in dialogue and collaboration with other artists is another crucial step in Waters' journey of studying art sign. He believes that art is a collective effort, and by engaging in conversations with fellow artists, he gains insights into different perspectives and influences his own artistic expression. Through collaborative projects, Waters pushes boundaries and challenges conventional art sign, ultimately contributing to a more diverse and vibrant creative landscape.Step 4: Embracing ControversyJohn Waters' study of art sign involves embracing controversy and challenging societal norms. He understands that art has the power to provoke, disrupt, and question the status quo. By intentionally pushing boundaries and creating unconventional narratives, Waters forces his audience to confront uncomfortable truths and reconsider their understanding of art sign. This willingness to challenge societal norms is a cornerstone of his artistic philosophy.Step 5: Pop Culture InfluenceA significant aspect of studying art sign for Waters is his exploration of pop culture. From his early works, such as "Pink Flamingos," to more recent endeavors like "Hairspray," Waters' artwork often draws inspiration from popular culture icons and symbols. By incorporating elements of pop culture, he molds art sign and makes it accessible to a wider audience, allowing them to connect with his art on a deeper level.Step 6: Celebrating IndividualityIn studying art sign, Waters never fails to celebrate individuality. His art often showcases marginalized communities and outcasts, encouraging audiences to embrace their own uniqueness and challenge established norms. By highlighting diverse voices and experiences, Waters' artwork becomes a platform for those who have been overlooked or silenced, further enhancing his exploration of art sign and its ability to incite social change.ConclusionJohn Waters' study of art sign encompasses various steps that take him beyond traditional artistic boundaries. By embracing unconventional forms, exploring a diverse range of work, engaging in dialogue and collaboration, embracing controversy, integrating pop culture influences, and celebrating individuality, Waters has carved a unique path in his artistic journey. His approach serves as a reminder that art sign is not confined to one medium, style, or perspective, but is a dynamic and ever-evolving form that has the power to challenge perceptions and provoke societal change.。



LensesLenses affect the light that passes through them making an image of the object from which the light waves come. Sometimes this image is real (you can form it on a surface such as a piece of paper) and sometimes virtual (it cannot be formed on a surface)Curvature and the sign conventionThe radius of curvature (R) of a surface is taken as a positive number if it increases the curvature of the waves – i.e. converges the waves and negative if it decreases the curvature of the ways – i.e. diverges the waves.A surface that converges a wavefront is taken a positive e.g. a convex lensA surface that diverges a wavefront is taken as negative e.g. a concave lensThe curvature of the surface, or wave, is defined as 1/radiusof that surface orwave. A surface with a small radius of curvature therefore has a large curvature.Waves and curved surfacesWhen light waves fall on a curved surface that surface changes the curvature of the wave. Lenses are made with at least one curved surface (convex or concave) and so lenses simplychange the curvature of the waves that fall on them.Therefore:plano-convex plano-concavebi-convexbi-concavemeniscus ++∞∞+Effect of a lensA lens adds curvature to a wavefront. As the waves enter the lens their curvature is changed. In the example below they are bent from a plane wave to form a converging wave in the lens. This wave is further converged when it leaves the lens.You can follow this change of curvature as the waves meet the lens and then pass through it, emerging at the other side.As the wave hits the lens it is the centre of the wave that meets the glass first and so this part of the wave is slowed down first (light waves move slower in glass than they do in air). This means that the outer portions of the wave ‘catch up’ so increasing the curvature to form a converging beam.As the wave leaves the lens the outer portions move into the air first and so speed up first. This means that the outer portions move off more rapidly first and so the curvature of the wave is further increased so converging the light more strongly.The overall action of the convex lens is therefore to converge light waves to a focus.Looking at the diagram you can see that waves with no curvature have been converged to a point a distance f (the focal length) from the lens. This means that they have been given a curvature 1/f. The shape of the incident waves have no effect on how much the lens changes their curvature and so we can say that a lens increases the curvature of waves that pass through it by a constant amount 1/f.(Remember that 1/f will be positive for a convex lens and negative for a concave lens)The example has been done with a plane wave but the same would occur with a spherical wave spreading outwards from a point object.WavefrontsWavefronts spreading outwards from a point source are taken as having a negative curvature and so the distance from the lens to the object is negativeWavefronts that converge to an image are taken as having a positive curvature and so the distance from the lens to the image is positive. Wavelength in air λWavelength in glass λ’λFocusLens equationThe curvature of the waves spreading outwards towards a lens from an object distance u from the lens have a curvature 1/u and those converging to a point image on the other side of the lens have a curvature 1/v. The lens adds a constant curvature (1/f) to the wave and so the equation relating the object distance (u) image distance (v) and the focal length (f) is:using the above sign convention called the Cartesian sign conventionThis can be shown in the following diagram.I。



contrast medium;对比剂对于人体缺乏自然对比的脏器,人为将高于或低于靶器官物质引入体内,使之产生对比显示病变,称为造影检查。




partial volume effect;部分容积效应CT扫描层面具有一定厚度,而图像是将三维转换成二维,在同一扫描层面内含有两种或两种以上的不同密度的组织相互重叠时,实际所测得的CT值不能真实反映其中任何一种物质的CT值,作为每一像素,只能显示体素内均值,这种现象叫部分容积效应。

CT 扫描层面具有一定的厚度,而图像是把三维转换成二维的。


CT value;CT值体素的相对X线衰减度,即该体素组织对X线的吸收系数,单位为亨氏单位(HU)。





molecular imaging;分子影像是在活体状态下,应用影像学在分子水平上对细胞生物过程进行定性和定量研究,探查疾病过程中机体细胞分子异常。


Chiari malformation;小脑扁桃体下疝畸形: 为先天性后脑畸形,表现为小脑扁桃体及下蚓部疝入椎管内,脑桥与延髓扭曲延长,部分延髓下移。



medical imageology 医学影像学diag no stie radiology 放射诊断学x-ray diag no sis X 线诊断imaging 影像con trast 对比resolution 分辨率fluoroscopy 荧光透视radiology 放射摄影tomography 体层摄影contrast agents (media)造影剂protection from radiation 放射防护computed tomography (CT) 计算机体层摄影an alog/digital conv erter 模拟/数字转换器digital/a nalog conv erter 数字/模拟转换器voxel 体素pixel 象素spatial resoluti on 空间分辨率den sity resoluti on 密度分辨率Houlsfield un it CT 值单位plai n ct sca n CT 平扫con trast enhan ceme nt ct sca n CT增强扫描convertional CT 常规CT spiral CT 螺旋CT ultrafast ct (electric beamCT)超高速CT (电子束CT)关于CT方面的中英文对照:ct seanner CT 扫描仪(CT机)an terior parare nal space 肾旁前间隙aortopul monary win dow level 主肺动脉窗层面bone window 骨窗CT an giography, CTA CT 血管造影den sity resoluti on 密度分辨力distal of the aortic archlevel 主动脉弓上层面dural sac 硬膜囊dyn amic con trast-e nhan ced imaging动脉增强扫描electro n beam CT, EBCT 电子束CTfluid-fluid level 液-液平面four- chamber level “四腔higt resolutio n CT, HRCT 高分辨力CTHoun sfield Unit HUin tra/extra-capsularligame nts 囊外韧带lateroc onal fascia 侧锥筋膜left atrial level 左心房层面pericardial defect 心包缺损pericardial neoplasm心包新生物pericardial effusi ons 心包渗出pericardial thicke ning and calaificatio n 心包增厚和钙化pericardium 心包perire nal space 肾周间隙pul monary artery level 主肺动脉层面soft-tissue wi ndow 软组织窗spatial resoluti on 空间分辨力spiral CT 螺旋CTaortic arch level 主动脉弓层面ven tricle level 心室层面头部急诊平扫Emerge nt Head Sea n头部急诊增强Emerge nt Head Enhanced Scan头部平扫Head Routine Scan头部增强Head En ha need Sca n 眼部平扫Orbits Routine Scan眼部增强Orbits En ha need Sca n耳平扫Inner Ear RoutineSca n耳增强Inner Ear EnhancedSca n乳突平扫Mastoid RoutineSca n乳突增强Mastoid En ha need Sca n蝶鞍平扫Sella Routine Scan蝶鞍增强Sella En ha need Scan 鼻窦轴位平扫Si nus AxialRouti ne Scan鼻窦轴位增强Si nus Axial Enhanced Scan心”层面posterior pararenal space 肾旁后间隙鼻窦冠位平扫Sinus Coro nal Sca n鼻窦冠位增强Si nus Coro nal Enhanced Scan鼻咽平扫Nasopharynx鼻咽增强Nasopharynx Enhanced Scan腮腺平扫Parotid RoutineSca n腮腺增强Parotid EnhancedSca n喉平扫Larynx Routine Scan 喉增强Larynx Enhanced Scan 甲状腺平扫HypothyroidRouti ne Scan甲状腺增强Hypothyroid Enhanced Scan颈部平扫Neck Routine Scan 颈部增强Neck En ha need Scan 肺栓塞扫描Lu ng EmbolismSca n胸腺平扫Thymus Routine Scan 胸腺增强Thymus En ha need Sca n 胸骨平扫Sternum RoutineSca n胸骨增强Sternum EnhancedSca n胸部平扫Chest Routine Scan胸部薄层扫描HighResolutio n Chest Scan胸部增强Chest En ha need Sca n 胸部穿刺Chest Puncture Scan 轴扫胸部穿刺Axial ChestPun ture Sca n上腹部平扫Upper-Abdomen Routi ne Scan中腹部平扫Mid-AbdomenRouti ne Scan上腹部增强Upper-AbdomenRout ine Enhan ced Sca n中腹部增强Mid-Abdomen Routi ne Scan腹部穿刺Abdomen Puncture Sca n轴扫腹部穿刺Axial Abdomen Pun cture Sca n颈椎平扫C-spine Routine Sca n胸椎平扫T-spine Routine Sca n腰椎平扫L-spine Routine Sca n盆腔平扫Pelvis Routine Scan 盆腔增强Pelvis En ha need Sca n骶髂关节平扫SI Joi nt Sca n 肩关节平扫Shoulder Joi nt Sca n 上肢软组织平扫Upper上肢软组织增强Upper Extremities Soft Tissue Enhanced肘关节平扫Elbow Joi ntRouti ne Scan腕关节平扫Wrist Joi ntRouti ne Scan手部平扫Hand Routine Scan 髋关节平扫Hip Joi nt Rout ine Sca n膝关节平扫Knee Joi ntRouti ne Scan踝关节平扫An kle Joi ntRouti ne Scan下肢软组织平扫Lower Extremities Soft Tissue Sca n 下肢软组织增强Lower Extremities Soft Tissue EnhancedExtremities Soft Tissue Sca n血管造影和三维成像头部血管造影Head CTAn giography颈部血管造影Neck CTAn giography心脏冠脉造影Coronal ArteryAn giography心脏冠脉钙化积分Cardiac Calcium Scori ng Scan胸部血管造影Chest CTAn giography腹部血管造影Abdomen CTAn giography上肢血管造影Upper Extremities CT An giography 下肢血管造影LowerExtremities CT An giography 五官三维成像3D Facial Scan 胃三维3D Stomach CT Scan颈椎三维3D C-Spine胸椎三维3D T-Spine腰椎三维3D L-Spine肩关节三维3D Shoulder Joi nt 肘关节三维3D Elbow Joi nt 腕关节三维3D Wrist Joi nt髋关节三维3D Hip Joi nt膝关节三维3D Knee Joi nt踝关节三维3D An kle Joi nt检查名称英文对照头部平扫Head Routine Scan 头部常规增强Head Rout ine Enhanced Scan头部动态增强Head Dyn amic Enhanced Scan垂体平扫Sella Routine Scan垂体增强Sella En ha need Scan 鼻咽部平扫NasopharynxRouti ne Scan鼻咽部增强Nasopharynx Enhanced Scan眼眶部平扫Orbits RoutineSca n眼眶部增强Orbits En ha need Sca n听道平扫Inner Ear RoutineSca n颈部平扫Neck Routine Scan颈部普通增强Neck Enhanced Sca n颈部动态增强Neck Dyn amic Enhanced Scan上腹部平扫Upper Abdomen Sca n上腹部普通增强Upper Abdome n Routi ne Enhan ced 上腹部动态增强UpperAbdome n Dyn amic Enhan ced 中腹部平扫Mid-Abdomen Scan 中腹部普通增强Mid-Abdomen Routi ne Enhanced中腹部动态增强Mid-Abdomen Dyn amic Enhan ced肾脏平扫Kidney Routine Scan 肾上腺平扫Adrenal Routine Sca n肾脏普通增强Kid ney Routi ne Enhanced Scan肾脏动态增强Kid ney Dyn amic Enhanced Scan胰胆管造影MRCP尿路造影MRU腹和盆腔联合扫描Abdomen &Pelvis Sca n颈椎平扫C-spine Scan 女性盆腔普通增强Female 颈椎增强C-spi ne En ha needSca n胸椎平扫T-spine Scan胸椎增强T-spi ne En ha need Sca n腰椎平扫L-spine Scan腰椎增强L-spi ne En ha need Sca n胸腰段平扫T&L Spine Scan 胸腰段增强T&L Spine Enhanced Scan胸部平扫Chest Scan胸部普通增强Chest Routine Enhanced Scan胸部动态增强Chest Dynamic Enhanced Scan女性盆腔平扫Female Pelvis Pelvis Routi ne Enhan ced女性盆腔动态增强Female Pelvis Dyn amic Enhan ced男性盆腔平扫Male PelvisSca n男性盆腔普通增强MalePelvis Routi ne Enhan ced男性盆腔动态增强MalePelvis Dyn amic Enhan ced肩关节平扫Shoulder Joi nt Sca n肘关节平扫Elbow Joi nt Scan 腕关节平扫Wrist Joi nt Scan手部平扫Ha nd Sca n 上肢软组织平扫Upper SoftTissue Scan上肢软组织普通增强Upper Soft Tissue Rout ine Enhan cedSca n上肢软组织动态增强UpperSoft Tissue Dyn amic Enhan ced骶髂关节平扫Sacrum IliumJoint Scan髋关节平扫Hip Joi nt Sca n膝关节平扫Knee Joi ntRouti ne Scan踝关节平扫An kle Joi ntRouti ne Scan足部平扫Foot Routine Scan下肢软组织平扫Lower SoftTissue Scan下肢软组织普通增强LowerSoft Tissue Rout ine Enhan ced下肢软组织动态增强LowerSoft Tissue Dyn amic Enhan cedhad no statistical significance The difference was not statistically significant there was no statistical significance compared with Ad group(2.6 ±0.5) and NS group(2.7 ±0.7)(P>0.05).。



1.体素(VOXEL) C T图像是假定将人体某一部位有一定厚度的层面分成按矩阵排列的若干个小的立方体,即基本单元,以一个CT值综合代表每一个单元内的物质密度,这些小的单元即称为。

2.像素(PIXEL) 一幅C T图像是有许多按矩阵排列的小单元组成,这些组成图像的基本单元被称为。


3.窗宽(window width)指图像上十六个灰阶所包括的CT值范围,在此CT值范围内的组织均以不同的模拟灰度显示,C T值高于此范围的组织均为白色,而CT值低于此范围的组织均显示为黑色。

4.窗位(window level)又称窗中心,为窗的中心位置,一般应选择欲观察组织的CT值为中心。

5.Relaxation 终止射频脉冲后,宏观磁化矢量并不立即停止转动,而是逐渐向平衡态恢复,此过程称为弛豫,所用的时间称为弛豫时间。

6.纵向弛豫中断射频脉冲后,质子释放能量,逐一从高能状态转回到低能状态,因此纵向磁化逐渐增大,直至缓慢恢复到原来的状态,此过程呈指数规律的增长横向弛豫质子不再被强制处于同步状态,由于每个质子处于有差别的不同磁场中,开始按稍有不同的频率进动,指向同一方向的质子散开,导致横向磁化很快减少到零,此过程亦是呈指数规律衰减纵向磁化由零恢复到原来数值的63%时所需时间;称为纵向弛豫时间,T1横向磁化由最大衰减到原来值的37%时所需的时间,称为横向弛豫时间,T27.流空现象(flow void phenomenon)血管内快速流动的血液,在MR成像过程中虽然受到射频脉冲激励,但在终止射频脉冲后采集MR信号时已经流出成像层面,因此接收不到该部分血液的信号呈现为无信号黑影,这一现象称为。

8.部分容积效应partial volume effect 在同一扫描层面内含有两种以上不同密度的物质时,所测CT值是他们的平均值,不能如实反映其中任何一种物质的CT值。

9.弥散成像diffusion weighted imaging, DWI 通过检测组织中水分子扩散受限制的方向和程度可得到微观的水分子扩散情况,即组织中水分子无需扩散运动快慢的信息,间接了解组织微观结构的变化。



脑膜瘤的MRI和CT表现特点分析罗武;王波;刘卫军【期刊名称】《临床医学工程》【年(卷),期】2014(000)005【摘要】Objective To evaluate the value of CT and MRI in the diagnosis of meningioma. Methods The imaging data of 59 cases of meningioma were collected and analyzed. Results Among 59 cases of meningioma, there were 15 cases of male, and 44 cases of female, with the ratio of 1:2.9. Most cases had single lesion (57/59, 96.6%), and most lesions were located at cerebral falx region and skull inner plate (42/57, 73.7%). The lesions showed high density on plain CT scan. Most lesions demonstrated slightly low signal (16 cases) or equisignal (23 cases) on T1WI of MRI scan, slightly high signal (26 cases) and equisignal (12 cases) on T2WI. After Gd-DTPA injection, most had obvious homogeneous enhancement (32/41, 78.0%). Dural tail sign and peritumorous edema were found on CT and MRI scan. Conclusions The imaging performances of CT and MRI are effective to preoperative diagnosis of meningioma.%目的:探讨M砸陨和悦栽在脑膜瘤诊断中的价值。

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Eric W.Wallace,MDThe Dural Tail Sign 1APPEARANCEThe dural tail sign is seen on contrast material–enhanced mag-netic resonance (MR)images as a thickening of the enhanced dura mater that resembles a tail extending from a mass (Figs 1,2).EXPLANATIONPrecise pathophysiologic understanding of the dural tail typi-cally associated with meningioma is less than complete.It was initially proposed that dural tails resulted from direct tumor invasion (1),but many later investigators (2,3)were able to show little or no direct tumor involvement.It was therefore proposed that dural tails represented reactive changes to the dura mater,with perhaps minimal changes to meningothelial nodules that were adjacent to but not in contiguity with the tumor.Meningiomas are known to be hypervascular,which results in additional adjacent reactive changes such as hyper-ostosis and sinus blistering (4).It is reasonable that both mech-anisms (tumor invasion and hypervascular reaction)may be responsible for the dural tail sign.DISCUSSIONAn early clinical description of meningioma was reported in 1614(5).Unfortunately,at that time the diagnosis could be made only after death.In 1902,George E.Pfahler,MD,then a resident physician,was able to offer a radiologic diagnosis on a living patient.Pfahler described the “tumor shadow”of a meningioma on conventional radiographs (5).In 1989,Wilmset al (1)described dural tails that were associated with menin-giomas on MR images.Disagreement exists in the literature regarding the impor-tance of dural tails on meningiomas.Some extraaxial tumors (eg,vestibular schwannomas)are difficult to distinguish from meningiomas,and accurate diagnosis could be facilitated with a sensitive and specific sign.In 1990,Goldsher et al (2)pub-lished a report on 30meningiomas,of which 60%had tails.The authors devised radiologic criteria to reliably establish the presence or absence of dural tails.Three criteria were adopted:(a)The tail should be identified on two successive sections through the tumor,(b)the tail should taper smoothly away from the tumor,and (c)the tail must have an enhancementAtrainee (resident or fellow)wishing to submit a manuscript for Signs in Imaging should first write to the Editor for approval of the sign to be prepared,to avoid duplicate preparation of the samesign.Figure 1.Coronal T1-weighted spin-echo MR image (repetition time msec/echo time msec,400/20)of the brain with intravenous gado-linium enhancement shows dural tail (arrow)attached to a typical meningioma (arrowhead).Signs in Imaging56greater than that of the tumor itself.Given this strict de fini-tion,none of the 41nonmeningioma tumors in the control group,including extraaxial or super ficial tumors,met the cri-teria for a dural tail.Goldsher et al thus concluded that dural tails were a “highly speci fic feature of meningiomas ”(2).Although findings from a few studies have supported the fact that the presence of a dural tail is at least suggestive of meningioma (60%–72%of meningiomas have a tail)(2,6),many cases have now been reported of dural tails that are attached to nonmeningioma tumors (or tumefactive pro-cesses).To date,dural tails have been documented adjacent to chloroma,primary central nervous system lymphoma,sarcoid-osis,vestibular schwannoma,metastatic tumor,syphilitic gumma,and an aggressive papillary middle ear tumor (7–10).No clear answer can be discerned from the literature as to why some tumors cause a dural tail and others do not.In the particular case of meningiomas,some investigators have noted tumor invasion,and others relate the tail to hypervascular reaction.These two common explanations (namely,aggressive in filtration and in flammatory reaction)are also noted for most of the nonmeningioma tumors.Whatever the explanation,the dural tail sign remains a helpful sign at least suggestive of meningioma.Acknowledgment:Much gratitude and high regard are extended to Joon Kie Kim,MD,for his expert assistance in this project and others.References1.Wilms G,Lammens M,Marchal G,et al.Thickening of durasurrounding meningiomas:MR features.J Comput Assist Tomogr 1989;13:763–768.2.Goldsher D,Litt AW,Pinto RS,Bannon KR,Kricheff II.Dural “tail ”associated with meningiomas on Gd-DTPA-enhanced MR images:characteristics,differential diagnostic value,and possible implica-tions for treatment.Radiology 1990;176:447–450.3.Tokumaru A,O ’uchi T,Eguchi T,et al.Prominent meningealenhancement adjacent to meningioma on Gd-DTPA-enhanced MR images:histopathologic correlation.Radiology 1990;175:431–433.4.Rowbotham GF.The hyperostosis in relation with the meningi-oma.Br J Surg 1939;26:593–622.5.Siegelman ES,Mishkin MM,Taveras JM.Past,present,and futureof radiology of meningioma.RadioGraphics 1991;11:899–910.6.Aoki S,Sasaki Y,Machida T,Tanioka H.Contrast-enhanced MR images in patients with meningioma:importance of enhance-ment of the dura adjacent to the tumor.AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 1990;11:935–938.7.Bourekas EC,Wildenhain P,Lewin JS,et 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