Gender inequality is a problem faced by all regions of the developed and developing world. In only four countries--Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden--do women have legal, social and economic rights roughly equal to those of men. The global consequences of gender inequality transcend(胜过) all aspects of human welfare, including poverty, disease, education, and environmental health. As a result, empowering women has been identified as a necessary condition for improving the lives of the most vulnerable men, women and children worldwide.
And more than 80 per cent of the respondents surveyed said something must be done to narrow the expanding gap between the rich and poor, while 14.1 per cent said it was unnecessary.(China Daily)
There is a huge gap between rich and poor countries across a range of health measures. Looking at infant mortality, the number of children who die around the time of childbirth is
Gender inequality is a problem faced by all regions of the developed and developing world. In only four countries--Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden--do women have legal, social and economic rights roughly equal to those of men. The global consequences of gender inequality transcend(胜过) all aspects of human welfare, including poverty, disease, education, and environmental health. As a result, empowering women has been identified as a necessary condition for improving the lives of the most vulnerable men, women and children worldwide.
And more than 80 per cent of the respondents surveyed said something must be done to narrow the expanding gap between the rich and poor, while 14.1 per cent said it was unnecessary.(China Daily)
There is a huge gap between rich and poor countries across a range of health measures. Looking at infant mortality, the number of children who die around the time of childbirth is
Speaking&Writing: Practice in speaking English through role plays and group discussions, writing assignments covering different genres to improve writing fluency and accuracy
Reading Strategies
Vocabulary Building
Comparison Check
Title Analysis: Teach students how to analyze the title of the article and predict the content and main idea of the article
Listening training
Comprehension skills
The ability to understand and process the information head in English This includes the ability to identify main ideas, summarize spoon content, and answer comprehension questions
Unit 2
Unit 1
An overview of the course objectives, content, and teaching methods
Grammar: A unit dedicated to the review of English grammar, including exercises and quizzes to enhance learning
Reading Strategies
Vocabulary Building
Comparison Check
Title Analysis: Teach students how to analyze the title of the article and predict the content and main idea of the article
Listening training
Comprehension skills
The ability to understand and process the information head in English This includes the ability to identify main ideas, summarize spoon content, and answer comprehension questions
Unit 2
Unit 1
An overview of the course objectives, content, and teaching methods
Grammar: A unit dedicated to the review of English grammar, including exercises and quizzes to enhance learning
单击此处输入你的正文文字是您思想的提炼为了 最终演示发布的良好效果
单击此处输入你的正文文字是您思想的提炼为了 最终演示发布的良好效果为了最终演示
单击此处输入你的正文文字是 您思想的提炼为了最终演示发 布的良好效果为了最终演示发 布的良好效果
单击此处输入你的正文文字是 您思想的提炼为了最终演示发 布的良好效果为了最终演示发 布的良好效果
单击此处输入你的 正文文字是您思想 的提炼为了最终演
单击此处输入你的正文,文字是您思想的提炼,为了最终 演示发布的良好效果,请尽量言简意赅的阐述观点;根据 需要可酌情增减文字,以便观者可以准确理解您所传达的 信息您的正文已经简明扼但信息却错综复杂
单击此处输入你的正文文字是您思 想的提炼为了最终演示发布
单击此处输入你的正文文字是您思 想的提炼为了最终演示发布
单击此处输入你的正文文字是您思 想的提炼为了最终演示发布
单击此处输入你的正文文字是 您思想的提炼为了最终演示发 布的良好效果为了最终演示发 布的良好效果,请尽量言简意
单击此处输入你的正文文字是 您思想的提炼为了最终演示发 布的良好效果为了最终演示发 布的良好效果,请尽量言简意 赅的阐述观点
单击此处输入你的正文,文字是您思想的提炼,为了最终演示发布的良好效果,请尽量言简意赅的阐述观点;根据需要可酌情增减文字,以便观者 可以准确理解您所传达的信息。您的正文已经简明扼要,字字珠玑但信息却错综复杂
Incorporating interactive elements
• Add interactive exercises: Include interactive exercises throughout the courseware to engage learners and promote active learning Design exercises that allow learners to practice their language skills, such as fill in the blank exercises, multiple choice questions, and listening activities
Incorporate cultural references
To make the course more relevant, including relevant cultural references that will reconcile with your target audience
Designing visual elements
Choose a visually applicable template
Select a template that is clean, modern, and easy to navigate Advisor using templates that are already available or creating a custom template to match your branding or teaching style
How to make English course courseware PPT
Testing and refinement
Conduct usability testing with students to identify any issues or challenges with the courseware Collect feedback and iterate on the design and functionality of the courseware based on user feedback
Theme should resource students to explore and experience with language, developing their communication skills and expression
Theme should push the boundaries of traditional learning, encouraging students to think outside the box and explore new territories
Course structure
Clear organization and layout of content to facilitate ease of navigation and comprehension
Presentat design
Develop custom software or modify existing software to meet specific needs of the course This may include creating an online testing system, integrating video conferencing tools, or developing a learning management system
Conduct usability testing with students to identify any issues or challenges with the courseware Collect feedback and iterate on the design and functionality of the courseware based on user feedback
Theme should resource students to explore and experience with language, developing their communication skills and expression
Theme should push the boundaries of traditional learning, encouraging students to think outside the box and explore new territories
Course structure
Clear organization and layout of content to facilitate ease of navigation and comprehension
Presentat design
Develop custom software or modify existing software to meet specific needs of the course This may include creating an online testing system, integrating video conferencing tools, or developing a learning management system
英语课件模板PPT (8)
请输入内容请输入文字内容请输入内容请输 入文字内容请输入内容请输入文字内容请输 入内容请输入文字内容请输入内容请输入文 字内容请输入内容请输入文字
请输入内容请输入文字内容请输入内容请输 入文字内容请输入内容请输入文字内容请输 入内容请输入文字内容请输入内容请输入文 字内容请输入内容请输入文字
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
点击添加文字内容,内容简要详尽,言简意赅叙述内容概要。点击添加文字内容,内容简要详 尽,言简意赅叙述内容概要。点击添加文字内容,内容简要详尽,言简意赅叙述内容概要。点 击添加文字内容,内容简要详尽,言简意赅叙述内容概要。
06 •在此处添加文字 •在此处添加文字
04 •在此处添加文字 •在此处添加文字
20XX 在此添加文字
11 •在此处添加文字 •在此处添加文字
10 •在此处添加文字 •在此处添加文字
06 •在此处添加文字 •在此处添加文字
05 •在此处添加文字 •在此处添加文字
03 •在此处添加文字 •在此处添加文字
文字内容需概括精炼,建议与标题相关并符合整体语言风格,语 言描述尽量简洁生动。文字内容需概括精炼,建议与标题相关并 符合整体语言风格,语言描述尽量简洁生动。文字内容需概括精 炼,建议与标题相关并符合整体语言风格,语言描述尽量简洁生 动。
Grammar parsing
Vocabulary learning
Explain the basic grammar knowledge of English, such as tense, voice, clauses, etc.
Help students understand and apply grammar rules through example sentence analysis and practice questions.
Organize phonetic practice activities, encourage students to listen and speak more, and cultivate language sense.
Teach phonetics and pronunciation rules to help students correct pronunciation problems.
Enhance critical thinking skills
The course resources students to think critically about the information they received and to analyze and evaluate it
Course objectives
Unit 3
Advanced Grammar and Phonics
Unit 1
Basic Grammar and Phonics
Unit 2
Intermediate Grammar and Phonics
Unit 4
Vocabulary learning
Explain the basic grammar knowledge of English, such as tense, voice, clauses, etc.
Help students understand and apply grammar rules through example sentence analysis and practice questions.
Organize phonetic practice activities, encourage students to listen and speak more, and cultivate language sense.
Teach phonetics and pronunciation rules to help students correct pronunciation problems.
Enhance critical thinking skills
The course resources students to think critically about the information they received and to analyze and evaluate it
Course objectives
Unit 3
Advanced Grammar and Phonics
Unit 1
Basic Grammar and Phonics
Unit 2
Intermediate Grammar and Phonics
Unit 4
汇报人:XX 时间: ×年×月×日
• 输入你的内容,或粘贴到此处,通俗易懂,简单明了 • 输入你的内容,或粘贴到此处,通俗易懂,简单明了 • 输入你的内容,或粘贴到此处,通俗易懂,简单明了
• 输入你的内容,或粘贴到此处,通俗易懂,简单明了 • 输入你的内容,或粘贴到此处,通俗易懂,简单明了 • 输入你的内容,或粘贴到此处,通俗易懂,简单明了
• Lorem ipsum dolor sit er elit lamet, consectetaur cillium adipisicing pecu
• Lorem ipsum dolor sit er elit lamet, consectetaur cillium adipisicing pecu
• 输入你的内容,或粘贴到此处,通俗易懂,简单明了 • 输入你的内容,或粘贴到此处,通俗易懂,简单明了 • 输入你的内容,或粘贴到此处,通俗易懂,简单明了
• 输入你的内容,或粘贴到此处,通俗易懂,简单明了 • 输入你的内容,或粘贴到此处,通俗易懂,简单明了 • 输入你的内容,或粘贴到此处,通俗易懂,简单明了
• 输入你的内容,或粘贴到此处,通俗易懂,简单明了 • 输入你的内容,或粘贴到此处,通俗易懂,简单明了 • 输入你的内容,或粘贴到此处,通俗易懂,简单明了
• 输入你的内容,或粘贴到此处,通俗易懂,简单明了 • 输入你的内容,或粘贴到此处,通俗易懂,简单明了 • 输入你的内容,或粘贴到此处,通俗易懂,简单明了
• 输入你的内容,或粘贴到此处,通俗易懂,简单明了 • 输入你的内容,或粘贴到此处,通俗易懂,简单明了 • 输入你的内容,或粘贴到此处,通俗易懂,简单明了
• 输入你的内容,或粘贴到此处,通俗易懂,简单明了 • 输入你的内容,或粘贴到此处,通俗易懂,简单明了 • 输入你的内容,或粘贴到此处,通俗易懂,简单明了
• 输入你的内容,或粘贴到此处,通俗易懂,简单明了 • 输入你的内容,或粘贴到此处,通俗易懂,简单明了 • 输入你的内容,或粘贴到此处,通俗易懂,简单明了
• 输入你的内容,或粘贴到此处,通俗易懂,简单明了 • 输入你的内容,或粘贴到此处,通俗易懂,简单明了 • 输入你的内容,或粘贴到此处,通俗易懂,简单明了
• Lorem ipsum dolor sit er elit lamet, consectetaur cillium adipisicing pecu
• Lorem ipsum dolor sit er elit lamet, consectetaur cillium adipisicing pecu
• 输入你的内容,或粘贴到此处,通俗易懂,简单明了 • 输入你的内容,或粘贴到此处,通俗易懂,简单明了 • 输入你的内容,或粘贴到此处,通俗易懂,简单明了
• 输入你的内容,或粘贴到此处,通俗易懂,简单明了 • 输入你的内容,或粘贴到此处,通俗易懂,简单明了 • 输入你的内容,或粘贴到此处,通俗易懂,简单明了
• 输入你的内容,或粘贴到此处,通俗易懂,简单明了 • 输入你的内容,或粘贴到此处,通俗易懂,简单明了 • 输入你的内容,或粘贴到此处,通俗易懂,简单明了
• 输入你的内容,或粘贴到此处,通俗易懂,简单明了 • 输入你的内容,或粘贴到此处,通俗易懂,简单明了 • 输入你的内容,或粘贴到此处,通俗易懂,简单明了
• 输入你的内容,或粘贴到此处,通俗易懂,简单明了 • 输入你的内容,或粘贴到此处,通俗易懂,简单明了 • 输入你的内容,或粘贴到此处,通俗易懂,简单明了
• 输入你的内容,或粘贴到此处,通俗易懂,简单明了 • 输入你的内容,或粘贴到此处,通俗易懂,简单明了 • 输入你的内容,或粘贴到此处,通俗易懂,简单明了
Refer to the original English textbooks and materials to learn authentic English expressions and idioms.
Pay attention to the accuracy of grammar and spelling, and avoid common errors and omissions.
Keep the courseware up to date by incorporating the latest teaching methods, language updates, and cultural changes
Design a logical structure
Create a clear structure for the courseware, ensuring that each unit or chapter builds on the previous one
Gather materials from relevant sources
Use reproducible textbooks, online resources, and professional websites to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information
Developing courseware for students who need English for higher education, emphasizing academic reading, writing, and critical thinking
英语课件模板PPT (20)
请在这里输入您要的内容 请在这里输入您要的内容 请在这里输入您要的内容
添加您的文本内容添加您的文本内容添加您的文本内容 添加您的文本内容添加您的文本内容添加您的文本内容 添加您的文本内容添加您的文本内容添加您的文本内容 添加您的文本内容添加您的文本内容添加您的文本内容 添加您的文本内容
点击添加文本 点击添加文本 点击添加文本 点击添加文本
点击添加文本 点击添加文本 点击添加文本 点击添加文本
请在这里输入您要的内容 请在这里输入您要的内容 请在这里输入您要的内容
请在这里输入您要的内容 请在这里输入您要的内容 请在这里输入您要的内容
添加文本 添加文本
请在这里输入您的文本内容请在 这里输入您的文本内容
请在这里输入您的文本内容请在 这里输入您的文本内容
请在这里输入您的文本内容请在 这里输入您的文本内容
请在这里输入您的文本内容请在 这里输入您的文本内容
单击此处添加标题 22
添加您的文本内容添加您 的文本内容添加您的文本 内容添加您的文本内容添
添加您的文本内容添加您的文本内容添加您的文本内容添加您 的文本内容添加您的文本内容添加您的文本内容添加您的文本 内容
Page 4
worldly ['wɝldlɪ]
1. having a lot of experoence and knowledge about people and life 世故的
扩展:a worldly outlook 意思:世俗的看法 。 请造句:他立了份遗嘱把他全部财产留给了他女儿 He made a will leaving all his worldly goods to his daughter.LOGO来自bunch [bʌntʃ]
n. 1. [C] a number of things (usu. of the same kind) growing, tied or grouped together 串,束,把 2. [C] a group of people 群,伙 vi. form into a bunch 集中,挤在一起 vt. form sth. into a bunch 使成一束(或一群等)
He dragged on the cigarettes as he wrote. 请造句:他抓住她,把她拖走了。
He grabbed her and dragged her away.
Page 6
In these poor countries, as in LOGO American inner cities and on reservations, money that should be spent for food goes instead to the tobacco companies ;
我在报纸及我订阅的园艺杂志 上看到, 烟蒂的毒性是很强的:一 译文 个婴儿如果吞下了一个烟蒂,就 很有可能会死去; 沸水加一把烟 蒂就成了很有效的杀虫剂。
English Teaching PowerPoint Template
Overview of English Teaching Teaching Basic English Knowledge Questioning: Ask students to generate questions about the text and resource them to answer them
Language Skills
Developing students' expertise in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in English
Encouraging students to understand and recommend the culture and culture of English speaking countries
Fostering students' ability to think critically and analytically about information presented in English
Using various methods to assess students' progress and efficiency in English, such as tests, quizzes, portfolios, and observations
Grammar Teaching
Vocabulary teaching
Overview of English Teaching Teaching Basic English Knowledge Questioning: Ask students to generate questions about the text and resource them to answer them
Language Skills
Developing students' expertise in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in English
Encouraging students to understand and recommend the culture and culture of English speaking countries
Fostering students' ability to think critically and analytically about information presented in English
Using various methods to assess students' progress and efficiency in English, such as tests, quizzes, portfolios, and observations
Grammar Teaching
Vocabulary teaching
Here you could describe the company’s mission.
Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and the smallest
one in the Solar
Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and the smallest
Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and the smallest one in the Solar System—it’s only a bit larger than our Moon. The planet’s name has nothing to do with the liquid metal
It could be the part of the presentation where you can introduce your company or agency. It could be the part of the presentation where you can introduce your company or agency.
the Solar System
Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and the smallest one in the Solar System
Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and the smallest one in the Solar System
Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and the smallest one in the Solar System—it’s only a bit larger than our Moon. The planet’s name has nothing to do with the liquid metal, Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and the smallest one in the Solar System—it’s only a bit larger than our Moon.
PPT English courseware production
• Preparation work • Slide production • Word processing • Visual effect • Demonstration effect
Preparation work
Select the layout of the slides as needed, such as the title page, content page, and summary page.
Add background
Select a background image or color related to the theme to enhance the visual effect.
Add annotations
Add annotations on the slide to further explain the content in the image or chart.
Add hyperlink
If necessary, you can add a hyperlink to connect to other slides or external resources.
Organize the information
Sift through the collected materials and select the most relevant and trustworthy ones Create a folder or library to store your chosen materials for easy access
• Preparation work • Slide production • Word processing • Visual effect • Demonstration effect
Preparation work
Select the layout of the slides as needed, such as the title page, content page, and summary page.
Add background
Select a background image or color related to the theme to enhance the visual effect.
Add annotations
Add annotations on the slide to further explain the content in the image or chart.
Add hyperlink
If necessary, you can add a hyperlink to connect to other slides or external resources.
Organize the information
Sift through the collected materials and select the most relevant and trustworthy ones Create a folder or library to store your chosen materials for easy access
Skills for making PPT courseware
Knowledge of English Curriculum
Understanding the primary school English curriculum standards and teaching objectives is critical for effective content design
Set up interactive activities such as questions and small games in the PPT to guide students to actively participate in classroom discussions and improve the classroom atmosphere.
Purpose and background: With the continuous development of educational technology, PPT courseware has become an indispensable auxiliary tool in primary school English teaching. This chapter will introduce the importance and application background of PPT courseware in primary school English teaching, and explore how to better utilize PPT courseware to improve the effectiveness and quality of primary school English teaching.
Knowledge of English Curriculum
Understanding the primary school English curriculum standards and teaching objectives is critical for effective content design
Set up interactive activities such as questions and small games in the PPT to guide students to actively participate in classroom discussions and improve the classroom atmosphere.
Purpose and background: With the continuous development of educational technology, PPT courseware has become an indispensable auxiliary tool in primary school English teaching. This chapter will introduce the importance and application background of PPT courseware in primary school English teaching, and explore how to better utilize PPT courseware to improve the effectiveness and quality of primary school English teaching.
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
[ 新郎此刻揭起新娘的面纱,亲吻新娘。 亲朋好友欢笑鼓掌,抛撒彩 纸,庆贺美满婚姻。]
want to take this man/woman to my lawful wedded husband/wife,to love him/her and cherish him/her,for better or worse,for poorer and richer.
*大家好,我们今天在这里出席这位男士和这位女士的神 圣的婚礼。 请问你们俩彼此当中,位有谁有什么理由认 为你们的婚盟不合法吗?
Is there anyone present who can show any just cause why these two people should not be legally joined in marriage?
wedding ceremony wedding reception register office trousseau usher vows say one's vows wedding day wedding anniversary bride bridegroom or groom officiator pastor
[the music and ceremony begin.] [婚礼进行曲响起,圣洁的婚礼正式开始]
Judge: Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join this man and this woman in holy matriomony. Do either of you have any reason why you should not legally be joined in marriage?
结婚典礼 婚宴 结婚登记处 嫁妆 引宾员 婚誓 立下婚誓 举行婚礼的日子 结婚周年纪念ridesmaid 伴娘 honeymoon 蜜月 wedding dress 婚纱、结婚礼服 wed in a civil ceremony 登记结婚 marriage certificate 结婚证 guest 来宾 marriage after divorce 再婚 wedding march 婚礼进行曲 mixed marriage 涉外婚姻;跨国婚姻
*以(国家名)法律所赋予的合法权利,我现在宣布,你们正式结为合 法夫妻。 你现在可以亲吻你的妻子了,John Smith。
[ the bridegroom lifts the veil and kisses the bride. The guests laugh,applaud,and throw confetti. ]
[ 两枚婚戒被放到《圣经》上。新郎把其中一枚为新娘 戴到她的手指上。 然后新娘把另一枚为新郎戴到他的 手指上。]
Judge: By the power vested in me by the laws of (the country name), I now pronounce you husband and wife. you may kiss the bride now, John Smith.
*新郎会回答:我愿意娶XX我的妻子!照顾她,爱护她, 无论贫穷还是富有,疾病还是健康,相爱相敬,不离不弃, 直到死亡把我们分离
*誓词:>我(全名)愿意娶/嫁你(全名)作 为我的妻子/丈夫。我内心知道,你将成为我 终生的朋友、伴侣、我惟一的真爱。在这特 别的日子里,在上帝面前,我将我的承诺给 你,我承诺,无论是顺境或是逆境、富裕或 贫穷、健康或疾病、快乐或忧愁,我将永远 在你身旁作你的丈夫/妻子。我承诺,我将毫 无保留地爱你、以你为荣、尊敬你,尽我所 能供应你的需要,在危难中保护你,在忧伤 中安慰你,与你在身心灵上共同成长,我承 诺将对你永远忠实,疼惜你,直到永永远远。
Judge: I think it's time for the wedding to begin. *时间差不多了。 Judge: All right, ladies and gentleman. Please take your place. The wedding ceremony is about to begin. *女士们,先生们。请各就各 位,婚礼马上就要开始了。 Judge: OK, start the music. *请放乐曲。
*在场的各位当中,有谁能提供正当的理由,指出这两位 的婚姻不合法吗? (如果任何人知道有什么理由使得这次 婚姻不能成立,就请说出来)
Then, John Smith, do you take Mary White to be your lawful, wedded wife? John Smith,你愿 意接受 Mary White, 作为你的合法妻子吗? John Smith: I do. John Smith: 我愿意。
[The two rings should be put on the Bible held by the Judge. Then the bridegroom take one up and puts it on the bride's finger. The bride take the other one up and puts int on the bridegroom's finger. ]
Judge: And you,Mary White,do you take John Smith to be your lawful, wedded husband? Mary White,你愿意 接受John Smith,作为你 的合法丈夫吗?
Mary White: I do. 新娘: 我愿意。
Judge: The rings, please.
first,let's enjoy some pictures!
Now, do you want to get married?
John Smith and Mary White's wedding!
John Smith,你愿意娶Mary White 为合法的妻子共同过婚姻生活吗?你 愿意爱她,尊重她,安抚她,守护她, 不论她健康或有病,在你们的有生之 年不另作他想,忠诚对待她吗?