



Roche Applied ScienceFor general laboratory use. Not for use indiagnostic procedures. FOR IN VITRO USE ONLY.FastStart TaqMan ® Probe MasterFastStart TaqMan ®Probe Master (Rox)Cat. No. 04 673 409 001 2.5 ml (2 × 1.25 ml; 100 × 50 ␮l reactions)Cat. No. 04 673 417 00112.5 ml (10 × 1.25 ml; 500 × 50 ␮l reactions)Store at Ϫ15 to Ϫ25°CCat. No. 04 673 433 00150.0 ml (10 × 5 ml; 2000 × 50 ␮l reactions)Cat. No. 04 673 450 001 2.5 ml (2 × 1.25 ml; 100 × 50 ␮l reactions)Store at Ϫ15 to Ϫ25°C F Keep away from lightCat. No. 04 673 468 00112.5 ml (10 × 1.25 ml; 500 × 50 ␮l reactions)Cat. No. 04 673 476 00150.0 ml (10 × 5 ml; 2000 × 50 ␮l reactions)2× concentrated, ready-to-use hot start master mix for qPCR and qRT-PCR using the hydrolysis probe detection format on real-time PCR instruments (except the LightCycler ® Instruments)1.What this Product DoesContentsThe FastStart TaqMan ® Probe Master is a ready-to-use, 2× concen-trated master mix that contains all the reagents (except primers, probe and template) needed for running quantitative, real-time DNA detec-tion assays, including qPCR and 2-step qRT-PCR, in the hydrolysis probe detection format. It is available in two formulations, one that contains the Rox reference dye and one without Rox.Storage and StabilityIf stored at Ϫ15 to Ϫ25o C, the master mix is stable through the expira-tion date printed on the label. For short-term storage (up to 3months),the master mix may be stored at +2 to +8o C.N Keep the FastStart TaqMan ® Probe Master (Rox) away from light.N Avoid repeated freezing and thawing.L The complete PCR mix (i.e., FastStart TaqMan ® Probe Master sup-plemented with primers, probe, and template) is stable for up to 24hrs at room temperature. Keep the PCR mix away from light!ApplicationThe FastStart TaqMan ® Probe Master is a ready-to-use reagent mix that simplifies the preparation of reactions for qPCR and 2-step qRT-PCR. In combination with a real-time PCR instrument, suitable PCR primers and Hydrolysis Probe, FastStart TaqMan ® Probe Master allows very sensitive detection and quantification of defined DNA sequences.N Do not use this product on the LightCycler ® 1.5 Instrument, theLightCycler ® 2.0 Instrument, or the LightCycler ® 480 Instrument.In principle, the FastStart TaqMan ® Probe Master can be used for the amplification and detection of any DNA or cDNA target, including those that are GC-rich or GC-poor. However, you would need to adapt your detection protocol to the reaction conditions of the particular real-time PCR instrument in use and design a specific hydrolysis probe and PCR primers for each target. See the Operator’s Manual of your real-time PCR instrument for general recommendations.N The mix is designed for optimal amplification of targets up to500bp long. Do not use the mix to amplify longer targets.L FastStart TaqMan ® Probe Master offers convenience and ease-of-use because the addition of MgCl 2 to the reaction mixture is not necessary, thus avoiding time-consuming optimization steps.L The mix contains dUTP, so that it may be used with Uracil-DNAGlycosylase to prevent false positives arising from carry-over con-tamination, i.e., contamination with amplified DNA.L The FastStart TaqMan ® Probe Master is fully compatible withprobes from the Universal ProbeLibrary Sets*.Additional Equipment and Reagents RequiredAdditional reagents and equipment required to perform quantitative real-time PCR assays with the FastStart TaqMan ® Probe Master include:•general laboratory equipment–nuclease-free, aerosol-resistant pipette tips–pipettes with disposable, positive-displacement tips–sterile reaction tubes for preparing master mixes and dilu-tions–standard benchtop microcentrifuge –water, PCR-grade*•for first-strand cDNA synthesis–Transcriptor First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit*•for real-time PCR–PCR reaction vessels (e.g., optical tubes or microplates)–sequence-specific primers–a hydrolysis probe (e.g ., from the Universal ProbeLibrary Sets*)–ROX Reference Dye* (optional)•for carry-over prevention (optional)–LightCycler ® Uracil-DNA Glycosylase** available from Roche Applied Science2.How to Use this Product2.1Before You BeginGeneralThe optimal reaction conditions (concentration of template DNA and PCR primers, incubation temperatures and times, cycle number)depend on the specific template/primer system and must be deter-mined individually.Sample Material•Use any template DNA (e.g., genomic or plasmid DNA, cDNA) suit-able for PCR in terms of purity, concentration, and absence of inhib-itors. For reproducible isolation of nucleic acids use:–either the MagNA Pure LC Instrument or the MagNA Pure Compact Instrument together with a dedicated nucleic acid isolation kit (for automated isolation) or–a HIGH PURE nucleic acid isolation kit (for manual isolation).0706.04699220001For details see the Roche Applied Science Biochemicals catalog or home page, .•Use up to 250 ng complex genomic DNA or 50 ng cDNA.PrimersUse PCR primers at a final concentration of 0.3 – 1.0 ␮M. The recom-mended starting concentration is 0.9 ␮M each.N Always use equimolar primer concentrations.N If you are using probes from the Universal ProbeLibrary*, use 200nM of each primer.L The design of the PCR primers determines amplicon length, melt-ing temperature, amplification efficiency, and yield. Primer design may also depend on the choice of PCR program (2-step versus 3-step protocol).L Several programs for primer design are freely available or provided by the suppliers of real-time PCR instruments (e.g., PrimerExpress).Alternatively, such programs are available to the public on the web for free. For example, use the free online ProbeFinder software () to design primers that may be paired with probes from the Universal ProbeLibrary*.ProbeThe probe concentration should be significantly lower than the primer concentration. As a starting point, we recommend using 250 nM probe. However, suitable concentrations range from 100 nM to 300nM.N To ensure a specific and sensitive assay, the probe must anneal to the DNA at a significantly higher temperature than the primers.Therefore, the T m of the probe should be 68 – 70°C and the T m of the primers about 58 – 60°C.N For maximum assay sensitivity, avoid placing a terminal G at the 5´-end of the probe because the fluorescent signal (arising after cleavage of the probe) is adversely affected by such a G.N To ensure that the fluorescent reporter dye within the unreacted probe is quenched, the length of the probe should not exceed 28 nucleotides.N If you use probes from the Universal Probe Library*, start with a probe concentration of 100 nM. Set the annealing temperature to 60°C.Negative ControlTo detect DNA contamination, always include a negative control in each run. To prepare this control, replace template DNA with PCR-grade water.Reaction VolumeVarious reaction volumes of the FastStart TaqMan® Probe Master can be used. Please refer to recommendations from the supplier of the instrument for suitable volumes and tubes/plates.ROX Reference DyeN Please read carefully.In principle, real-time PCR instruments (except the LightCycler®instruments) offer three different modes:1.Detection of released signal in relationship to a reference dye (usu-ally ROX)2.Detection of released signal in relationship to the quencher dye ofthe probe (e.g., TAMRA)3.Detection of released signal aloneThe choice of mode depends on the instrument (e.g. whether a chan-nel for detecting the reference dye is available) and on the light source of the instrument (halogen versus laser).The FastStart TaqMan® Probe Master is available with or without ROX. L The FastStart TaqMan® Probe Master (Rox) contains 120 nM ROX (2× concentrated), i.e. the final concentration of Rox in the PCR mix is 60 nM.The following list gives an overview how to apply the FastStart Taq-Man® Probe Master in combination with specific real-time PCR instru-ments:•If you want to use the reference channel of your real-time PCR instrument, then use the FastStart TaqMan® Probe Master (Rox).•for the ABI 7500 Real-Time PCR System, the Stratagene Mx3000P QPCR System, and the Corbett RotorGene Real Time Thermoana-lyzers: no addition of further ROX Reference Dye is required•for the ABI PRISM 7000 Sequence Detection System and the ABI7300 Real-Time PCR System: add additional ROX Reference Dyeto a final concentration of 300 nM a)•for the ABI 7700 Real-Time PCR System and the ABI PRISM7900HT Sequence Detection System: add additional ROX Refer-ence Dye to a final concentration of 400 nM a)•If you do not want to use the reference channel of your real-time PCR instrument or the instrument is not equipped with a reference channel, use either the FastStart TaqMan®Probe Master or the FastStart TaqMan® Probe Master (Rox).•If you use the Bio-Rad iCycler iQ5 Real-Time PCR Detection System apply only the External Well Factor Plate procedure for determining the well factors. For determining the well factors the Bio-Rad iCycler iQ5 Real-Time PCR Detection System does not use ROX but fluorescein. Therefore, use the FastStart TaqMan® Probe Mas-ter (without ROX) in combination with the iCycler iQ5 Real-Time PCR Detection System only! For details on how to perform the External Well Factor Plate procedure consult the iCycler iQ5 Real-Time PCR Detection System Instruction Manual.L a)This is the recommended starting concentration. The final con-centration of ROX Reference Dye may be further optimized in a range of 300 to 600 nM. Especially if you observe an unsteady flu-orescence signal, increase the ROX concentration until the signal is stable. Usually, when working with small reaction volumes (Յ10␮l) a higher ROX concentration is required. (In this case, the recommended starting concentration is 400 nM.)2.2ProcedurePreparation of the PCR mixFor each 50 ␮l reaction, prepare the following reaction mix:ᕡ•Thaw the solutions and, for maximum recovery of the contents, briefly spin vials in a microcentrifuge before opening.•Mix solutions carefully by pipetting them up and down, thenstore on ice.ᕢPrepare 100× conc. solutions of the PCR primers and the hydrol-ysis probe.ᕣIn a 1.5 ml reaction tube on ice, prepare the PCR mix for one 50␮l reaction by adding the following components in the orderlisted below.Component Volume a)Finalconc.FastStart TaqMan® Probe MasterFastStart TaqMan® Probe Master (Rox)b25 ␮l1×Hydrolysis Probe (25␮M)0.5 ␮l250nMForward primer (90␮M)0.5 ␮l900nMReverse primer (90␮M)0.5 ␮l900nMWater, PCR-grade18.5 ␮lT otal Volume45 ␮lL a) To prepare the PCR mix for more than one reaction, multi-ply the amounts in the “Volume” column by z, where z = thenumber of reactions to be run + one additional reaction.N b) If you need to supplement the PCR mix with additional ROX Reference Dye*, add the dye to the FastStart TaqMan® ProbeMaster (Rox) before primers, probes or DNA template areadded. Refer to the package insert of the ROX Reference Dyefor detailed instructions.ᕤ•Mix the solution carefully by pipetting it up and down. Do not vortex.•Pipet45␮l PCR mix into each PCR reaction vessel or well of aPCR microplate (depending on your real-time PCR instrument).ᕥ•Add 5 ␮l of template DNA (up to 250 ng total DNA) or cDNA.L In initial experiments to determine the optimum amount of cDNA template, we recommend running undiluted, 1:10diluted, and 1:100 diluted cDNA template in parallel.•Mix carefully by pipetting up and down.ᕦAccording to the instructions supplied with your instrument, prepare the tubes or microplates for PCR (e.g., seal tubes withoptical tube caps or the plate with self-adhesive foil).2Roche Applied Science3Roche Applied SciencePerforming PCRThere are several different ways to program the PCR. Either two-step or three-step PCR programs will provide suitable experimental results.The amplicon should be short (approx. 150 bp) and the annealing/elongation temperature should be 60°C (e.g., a typical PCR protocol is 40 cycles of 95°C/15 s, followed by 60°C/1 min).N For best results, be sure the instrument is calibrated correctly.2.3Related ProceduresPrevention of Carry-Over ContaminationUracil-DNA N-Glycosylase (UNG) is suitable for preventing carry-over contamination in PCR. This carry-over prevention technique involves incorporating deoxyuridine triphosphate into amplification products,then pretreating later PCR mixtures with UNG. If a dUTP-containing contaminant is present in the later PCRs, it will be cleaved by a combi-nation of the UNG and the high temperatures of the initial denatur-ation step; it will not serve as a PCR template. Since your target DNA template contains thymidine rather than uridine, it is not affected by this procedure.L dUTP is a component of the FastStart TaqMan ® Probe Master.N Perform prevention of carry-over contamination with LightCycler ®Uracil-DNA Glycosylase*. Add 1.25 U per 50 ␮l PCR reaction. Pro-ceed as described in the package insert.Two-step RT-PCRFastStart TaqMan ® Probe Master can also be used to perform two-step RT-PCR. In two-step RT-PCR, the reverse transcription of RNA into cDNA is separated from the other reaction steps and is performed outside the real-time PCR instrument. Subsequent amplification and online monitoring is performed according to the standard real-time PCR procedure, using the cDNA as the starting sample material. Tran-scriptor First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit* is recommended for reverse transcription of RNA into cDNA. Synthesis of cDNA is performed according to the detailed instructions provided with the kit.3.Troubleshooting³Following the instruction manual of the instrument supplier, program the instrument with the following parameters:CyclesAnalysis Mode Target Temperature Hold TimeRemarks 1 (optional)None 50°C2 minOnly if UNG hadbeen added for carry-over pre-vention 1None 95°C 10 minActivation of FastStart Taq DNA Polymerase 40Quantifi-cationDependent on the specific primer-probe combination.Amplification and real-time analysis·Place your tubes or plate in the instrument and start the reaction.»At the end of the reaction, follow instrument instructions for quantification/analysis.Problem CauseRecommendation No amplification detectable and no band in gel analysis•error in PCR program (e.g. activation step omitted)•pipetting errors (e.g. DNA not added)•amplicon too long •inhibitory effects of impurities•bad primer design•Adjust PCR program •Repeat experiment; check pipetting steps carefully•Redesign primer •Repeat isolation of template•Redesign primerNo or lowamplificationdetectable but strong band in gel analysisPCR is working but the probe is poorly designed Redesign probe 4.Additional Information on this ProductFastStart Taq DNA PolymeraseThe FastStart TaqMan ® Probe Master (with or without ROX) contains the FastStart Taq DNA Polymerase for hot-start PCR to improve speci-ficity and sensitivity of the PCR by minimizing the formation of non-specific amplification products (1,2,3,4). This enzyme delivers superior results thanks to its unique enzyme design and optimized buffer sys-tem.FastStart Taq DNA Polymerase is a chemically modified form of ther-mostable recombinant Taq DNA polymerase that shows no activity up to 75°C. The enzyme is active only at high temperatures, where primers no longer bind non-specifically. The enzyme is completely activated (by removal of blocking groups) in a single pre-incubation step (95°C,10 min) before cycling begins. Activation does not require the extra handling steps typical of other hot-start techniques.Detection of PCR productsReal-time DNA detection assays based on the hydrolysis probe format (also known as 5´-nuclease assays) require a single, signal-generating probe that contains two labels, a fluorescent reporter dye at the 5´-end and a (fluorescent or dark) quencher label at or near the 3´-end (6).When the probe is intact, the fluorescent signal is almost completely suppressed by the quenching label. When the probe is hybridized to its target sequence, it is cleaved by the 5´→3´ exonuclease activity of the FastStart Taq DNA Polymerase, which “unquenches” the fluores-cent reporter dye. During each PCR cycle, more of the released fluo-rescent dye accumulates, boosting the fluorescent signal.N If you use the hydrolysis probe format for detection, you cannotperform a subsequent melting curve analysis. For melting curve analysis, we recommend using the FastStart SYBR Green Master*.Quality ControlEach lot is tested for performance in qPCR using three templates:a GC–rich template, a GC-poor template and a long template (about 440 bp).References1Chou, Q et al (1992). Prevention of pre-PCR mis-priming and primer dimerization improves low-copy-number amplifications. Nuc. Acid Res. 20, 1717-1723.2Kellogg, DE et al (1994). TaqStart Antibody: hot-start PCR facili-tated by a neutralizing monoclonal antibody directed against Taq DNA polymerase. BioTechniques 16, 1134-1137.3Birch, DE et al (1996). Simplified hot start PCR. Nature 381, 445-446.4PCR Manual, Roche Diagnostics (1999) 2nd edition (1999) 2, 52-58.5Bustin, SA (ed ., 2004). A – Z of Quantitative PCR. IUL Biotech-nology Series, 5.6Holland, PM et al (1991). Detection of specific polymerase chain reaction product by utilizing the 5´→3´ exonuclease activity of Thermus aquaticus DNA polymerase. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci . USA . 88, 7276-7280.7Rees, E. et al (2006). siRNA Silencing of Lamin A and Quantifi-cation of the Knockdown Effect via qPCR. Biochemica 2006 (2), 25-27.Fluorescence varies within a run instrument not correctly calibratedRecalibrate instrument variations in pipettingMonitor the channel in which Rox is detected High background in the negative (no template) controlContamination •Remake or replace critical solutions (e.g ., water)•Clean lab bench •Use UNG to prevent carry-over contami-nationProblem Cause RecommendationRoche Diagnostics GmbHRoche Applied Science 68298 Mannheim Germany5.Supplementary Information5.1ConventionsText ConventionsTo make information consistent and memorable, the following text conventions are used in this package insert:SymbolsIn this package insert the following symbols are used to highlight important information:5.2AbbreviationsIn this Instruction Manual, the following abbreviations are used:5.3Changes to Previous Version•Storage and Stability information extended.•Recommended concentrations of ROX for ABI real-time PCR instruments changed.•Minor editorial changes5.4Ordering InformationRoche Applied Science offers a large selection of reagents and systems for life science research. For a complete overview of related products and manuals, please visit and book-mark our home page, , and our Special Interest Sites including:•The Universal ProbeLibrary: •The MagNA Pure System family for automated nucleic acid isolation: •Amplification – Innovative Tools for PCR: /pcr•DNA & RNA preparation – Versatile Tools for Nucleic Acid Purification: /napure L Refills for all 165 individual Universal ProbeLibrary probes, each sufficient for 500(50 ␮l) reactions, can be ordered at .Text Convention UseNumbered Instructions labeled ቢ, ባ,etc.Steps in a process that usually occur in the order listed Numbered Instructions labeled ³, ·,etc.Steps in a procedure that must be performed in the order listed Asterisk *Denotes a product available from Roche Applied ScienceSymbolDescriptionL Information Note:Additional information about the current topic or procedure.NImportant Note:Information critical to the success of the procedure or use of the product.Abbreviation MeaningqPCR quantitative real-time PCR UNGUracil-DNA N-GlycosylaseProductPack SizeCat. No.FastStart SYBR Green Master (Rox) 5 ml (4 × 1.25 ml)50 ml (10 × 5 ml)04 673 514 00104 673 522 001FastStart SYBR Green Master 5 ml (4 × 1.25 ml)50 ml (10 × 5 ml)04 673 484 00104 673 492 001ROX Reference Dye50 ␮l (1 mM)04 673 549 001Transcriptor First Strand cDNA Syn-thesis Kit1 kit 04 379 012 001LightCycler ® Uracil-DNA Glycosy-lase100 U 03 539 806 001Water, PCR Grade 25 ml (25 × 1 ml)25 ml (1 × 25 ml)100 ml (4 × 25 ml)03 315 932 00103 315 959 00103 315 843 001High Pure PCR T emplate Preparation Kit100 purifications 11 796 828 001mRNA Isolation Kit Ͼ70 ␮g mRNA11 741 985 001Universal ProbeLibrary Set, Arabi-dopsis Library of 90 pre-validated detection probes04 683 595 001Universal ProbeLibrary Set, C. ele-gans Library of 90 pre-validated detection probes04 683 609 001Universal ProbeLibrary Set, Droso-phila Library of 90 pre-validated detection probes04 683 625 001Universal ProbeLibrary Set, Human Library of 90 pre-validateddetection probes04 683 633 001Universal ProbeLibrary Set, Mouse Library of 90 pre-validateddetection probes04 683 641 001Universal ProbeLibrary Set, Primates Library of 90 pre-validateddetection probes04 683 617 001Universal ProbeLibrary Set,Rat Library of 90 pre-validated detection probes04 683 650 001NOTICE TO PURCHASERLIMITED LICENSE: A license to perform the 5' nuclease process for research requires the use of a Licensed 5' Nuclease Kit (containing Licensed Probe), or the combination of an Authorized Core Kit plus Licensed Probe, or license rights that may be purchased from Applied Biosystems. This product is an Authorized Core Kit without Licensed Probe. Its purchase price includes a limited, non-transferable immu-nity from suit under U.S. Patents Nos. 5,210,015, 5,487,972, 5,476,774,and 5,219,727, and corresponding patent claims outside the United States, owned by Roche Molecular Systems, Inc. or F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd ("Roche"), for using only this amount of the product in the practice of the 5' nuclease process solely for the purchaser's own internal research and development activities. This product is also an Authorized Core Kit for use with service sublicenses available from Applied Biosystems. This product conveys no rights under U.S. Pat-ents Nos. 5,804,375, 6,214,979, 5,538,848, 5,723,591, 5,876,930,6,030,787, or 6,258,569, or corresponding patent claims outside the United States, expressly, by implication, or by estoppel.No right under any other patent claims (such as apparatus or system claims in U.S. Patent No. 6,814,934) and no right to perform commer-cial services of any kind, including without limitation reporting the results of purchaser's activities for a fee or other commercial consider-ation, is hereby granted expressly, by implication, or by estoppel. This product is for research purposes only. Diagnostic uses require a sepa-rate license from Roche.Further information on purchasing licenses to practice real-time PCR processes may be obtained by contacting the Director of Licensing,Applied Biosystems, 850 Lincoln Centre Drive, Foster City, California 94404, USA.TrademarksLIGHTCYCLER, FASTSTART, TAQMAN, HYBPROBE, MAGNA PURE,and HIGH PURE are Trademarks of Roche.ROX, PRISM, TAMRA, and PRIMER EXPRESS are Trademarks of Applera Corporation, Norwalk, CT, USA.Other brand or product names are trademarks of their respective holders.Contact and SupportTo ask questions, solve problems, suggest enhancements or report new applications, please visit our Online Technical Support Site at:/supportTo call, write, fax, or email us, visit the Roche Applied Science home page, , and select your home country. Country-specific contact information will be displayed.Use the Product Search function to find Pack Inserts and Material Safety Data Sheets.。



罗氏荧光定量PCR仪器简介罗氏荧光定量PCR仪器(Roche Real-Time PCR System)是一种用于荧光定量PCR(Polymerase Chain Reaction)的仪器。
















它可以实时监测PCR 反应过程中的荧光信号,从而实现对靶标DNA的定量分析。




仪器特点实时荧光定量PCR仪具有以下几个特点:1. 高灵敏度实时荧光定量PCR仪可以检测非常低浓度的靶标DNA,甚至达到单个分子的级别。


2. 高准确性该仪器采用荧光定量技术,能够实时监测PCR反应过程中的荧光信号,从而避免了传统PCR反应后的测量误差。


3. 广泛应用实时荧光定量PCR仪在生物医学领域有着广泛的应用。



使用方法使用实时荧光定量PCR仪进行实验需要以下步骤:1. 样本制备首先需要从待测样品中提取目标DNA,并进行纯化和扩增。


2. 反应液的配置将所需的PCR反应药物配置出合适的反应液。


3. 仪器设置将PCR反应液加入到实时荧光定量PCR仪的孔板或管条中,然后将样品放入仪器中。


4. 实时检测启动仪器后,开始进行PCR反应和实时荧光检测。


5. 数据分析使用相应的分析软件对实时荧光定量PCR仪的输出数据进行处理和分析。



实时荧光PCR外标绝对定量的数 学模型

在实时荧光PCR 中,每个模板的 Ct值与该模板的 起始拷贝数的对 数存在线性关系, 起始拷贝数越多, Ct值越小。
实时荧光PCR外标绝对定量的数 学模型

利用已知起始拷贝 数的外部标准品可 做出标准曲线,在 现有实时荧光PCR 中,大部分以纵坐 标为Ct值,横坐标 为起始拷贝数,少 部分以纵坐标为起 始拷贝数,横坐标 为Ct值。

扩增效率E(amplification efficiency) 扩增 效率指的是一个循环后的产物增加量与这个循 环的模板量的比值,其值位于0到1之间。在 PCR的前20或30个循环中,E值比较恒定,为 指数扩增期,随后E值逐步降低,直至0,此时 PCR达到平台期,不再扩增。扩增效率的计算 可以采用系列稀释法,将稀释后浓度的对数值 与所得Ct值做图,在一定范围内应该是得到一 条直线,利用公式(1):E=10-1/K-1(K为该 直线斜率)即可计算出E值。

Ct值(threshold cycle)或CP值(crossing point) Ct或CP值指的是实时监测扩增过程的 荧光信号达到指数扩增时的循环周期数。主要 的计算方式是以扩增过程前3到15个循环的荧 光值的10倍标准差为阈值,当荧光值超过阈值 时的循环数则为阈值循环数(Ct)。有实验证 明Ct值与样本中的原始拷贝数成正比关系。Ct 值是当前实时荧光PCR的主要定量参数。

绝对定量(Absolute quantitation) 绝对定量是使用一系列稀释 的已知浓度的标准品与临床标本同时进行测定,根据系列浓度标 准品的Ct值与起始模板(RNA或cDNA)量之间的线性比例关系, 绘制标准曲线。待测标本的浓度则可根据其测定的Ct值,从标准 曲线或回归方程计算得到原始模板的数量。这种方法是假定所有 的标准品和临床标本有相近的扩增效率。系列稀释标准品的浓度 应包含临床标本的浓度范围,并且在实时PCR仪及检测试剂方法 的准确度和线性范围内。 系列稀释的标准品最好是RNA,也可以是双链DNA片段、单链 DNA或载有靶序列的质粒。标准品必须是纯的,与RNA标准品相 比,DNA有相对较好的稳定性、重复性和敏感性,但其与逆转录 没有关系,不能反映逆转录效率。



羅氏應用科學L i g h t C y c l e r®480儀器操作手冊軟體版本1.0修訂史前言頁一.修訂史 (9)二.聯繫地址 (9)三.一致性申明 (10)四.保證 (10)五.商標 (10)六.用途 (11)七L i g h t C y c l e r®許可聲明 (11)八.軟體許可協定 (12)九.導言 (16)十.L i g h t C y c l e r®480儀器操作手冊的用法 (16)十一.本手冊中的約定 (17)文字約定 (17)符號 (17)十二.警告和預防 (19)操作要求 (19)一般預防 (20)電氣安全 (21)十三.儀器處理 (22)A概述頁1.介紹 (25)2.L i g h t C y c l e r®480規格 (26)2.1一般規格 (26)2.2環境參數 (26)2.3介面 (27)2.4樣本容量 (27)2.5運輸 (27)2.6數據站 (28)3.檢測單位規格 (29)3.1激發 (29)3.2探測器 (29)3.3濾光器 (29)4.溫度阻斷迴圈控制器規格 (30)5.多孔板條碼掃描器規格 (31)6.手提式條碼掃描器規格 (32)前言3修訂史4L i g h t C y c l e r ®480 儀器操作手冊-操作手冊1.0版B系統描述 頁1. 系統包裝...........................................................35 2. 安裝 ..............................................................36 2.1 安裝要求.............................................................36 2.2 空間和電源要求.......................................................36 2.3 環境要求.............................................................38 2.4 L i g h t C y c l e r ® 480 儀器安裝 ...........................................39 3. 系統描述...........................................................43 3.1 L i g h t C y c l e r ® 480儀器描述.............................................43 3.2 熱迴圈器單元描述.................................................... 47 3.3 檢測單元描述.........................................................50 3.4 檢測通道描述.........................................................52 3.5 L i g h t C y c l e r ® 480儀器耗材.............................................53 3.6 L i g h t C y c l e r ® 480儀器P C R 試劑 .........................................55 3.7 所需的額外設備.......................................................56 3.8 L i g h t C y c l e r ® 480 儀器即時P C R 檢測格式 ............................ ..56 3.8.1 概述...............................................................56 3.8.2 使用S Y B R 綠色I 染料監控P C R ..........................................58 3.8.3 使用水解探針監控P C R ...............................................60 3.8.4 使用H y b P r o b e 探針監控P C R ............................................62 3.8.5 使用S i m p l e P r o b e 探針基因分型. (64)C操作頁1. 介紹................................................................................................67 2. 系統的啟動.......................................................................................68 3. 準備和開始L i g h t C y c l e r ® 480儀器的運轉.............................................69 4. 更換L i g h t C y c l e r ® 480熱迴圈器 (72)修訂史D軟體頁前言5修訂史6L i g h t C y c l e r ®480 儀器操作手冊-操作手冊1.0版1. L i g h t C y c l e r ® 480基礎軟體概述.........................................................81 1.1 L i g h t C y c l e r ® 480基礎軟體用戶介面通則..........................................81 1.2 L i g h t C y c l e r ® 480基礎軟體的啟動..................................82 1.3 L i g h t C y c l e r ® 480基礎軟體主視窗...................................................85 1.4 選擇與流覽特性...........................................................................90 1.4.1 流覽器....................................................................................90 1.4.2 查詢表....................................................................................94 1.4.3 樣品選擇與樣品表.....................................................................98 1.5 導出與導入檔與物件.....................................................................100 2. 試驗的編程與運行........................................................................109 2.1 試驗的編程....................................................................................110 2.1.1 設定檢測格式...........................................................................112 2.1.2 定義程式與溫度靶.....................................................................113 2.1.3 定制線上資料顯示.....................................................................117 2.2 試驗運行.......................................................................................118 2.3 輸入樣品資訊.................................................................................120 3. 試驗分析概述..............................................................................126 3.1 分析步驟概述.................................................................................127 3.2 使用分析視窗.................................................................................129 3.2.1 選擇濾光器組合與顏色補償.........................................................130 3.2.2 在分析中處理樣品.....................................................................131 3.2.3 使用圖表.................................................................................132 3.2.4 添加分析注解...........................................................................132 3.2.5 對分析進行刪除或重新命名.........................................................133 4. 進行絕對定量分析........................................................................134 4.1樣品交叉點................................................... ..............................135 4.2 關於標準曲線的作用........................................................................136 4.3 提供標準曲線.................................................................................138 4.4 使用絕對定量方法...........................................................................140 5. 進行溶解曲線分析........................................................................144 5.1 使用溶解曲線特徵進行D N A 產物及其基因型的鑒定.................................144 5.1.1 定義溶解程式...........................................................................145 5.1.2 溶解溫度分析的內容..................................................................145 5.2 進行溶解溫度調用分析..................................................................146 6. 進行顏色補償分析........................................................................152 6.1 進行顏色補償試驗...........................................................................153 7. 使用範本與巨集..............................................................................156 7.1 製作與使用範本..............................................................................156 7.2 製作與使用宏.................................................................................156 8. 使用子功能表.................................................................................162 9. 使用圖表....................................................................................164 9.1 列印,導出與複製圖表.....................................................................165 9.2 進行變焦和變位元以查看圖表詳細內容 (169)D軟體 頁10. 生成報告 (171)修訂史11.使用選項工作 (174)11.1使用圖解選項 (175)11.1.1設定圖表表頭與標籤類型 (176)11.1.2設定螢光圖表內容 (177)11.1.3設定標準曲線圖表的外觀 (178)11.1.4設定溫度圖表的內容與外觀 (179)11.1.5覆蓋默認的圖表選項 (180)11.2使用樣品選項 (183)11.2.1更改所有試驗的樣品選項 (183)11.2.2重新設置默認的圖表選項 (185)11.3生成一個單獨的選項專案並將其設為默認 (187)11.4設定用戶選項 (188)12.管理工具 (189)12.1管理用戶訪問 (190)12.1.1用戶帳戶 (190)12.1.2組 (191)12.3.3角色 (191)12.1.4高級用戶角色的特權 (192)12.1.5本地管理員角色的特權 (193)12.1.6用戶訪問物件 (194)12.1.7管理用戶、組和角色 (197)12.1.8使用角色 (202)12.1.9更改密碼 (203)12.2報告的設置 (203)12.3.資料庫資訊 (204)12.4.儀器 (207)12.4.1定義儀器 (209)12.5檢測格式 (210)13.診斷工具 (213)14.L i g h t C y c l e r®480基礎軟體的安裝與維護 (214)14.1初始啟動步驟 (215)14.2L i g h t C y c l e r®480基礎軟體的安裝 (216)14.3保存一個已有的資料庫和安裝附加資料庫 (219)14.4登錄到不同資料庫 (223)14.5用一個資料庫檔替換一個已存在的同名資料庫 (224)14.6在L i g h t C y c l e r®480基礎軟體中整合一個恢復的資料庫檔使之成為附加資料庫 (225)14.7刪除L i g h t C y c l e r®480的基礎軟體 (228)14.8F L E X n e t許可證管理員 (229)前言7修訂史8L i g h t C y c l e r ®480 儀器操作手冊-操作手冊1.0版E 維護頁1. 常規維護.................................................. .........237 2. 儀器清潔操作指南 ...................................................237 2.1 常規清潔.................................................. ........ 237 2.2 預防性維護.................................................. ...... 237 3 更換氙氣燈................................................. ........238 4 更換風道灰塵篩檢程式......................................... ........242 5 更換保險絲 ..................................................... (244)F 附錄頁1. 訂購資訊.......................................................................................251 2. 索引................................... .. (253)前言修訂史前言9一、修訂史版本修訂時間1.02005年9月© 版權2005, R o c h e D i a g n o s t i c s G m b H . 版權所有.本手冊資訊可以在未經通知的情況下變更。



型号:LightCycler® 480产品介绍Roche罗氏LightCycler 480实时荧光定量PCR系统可以让你实现实时在线的高通量快速荧光定量PCR循环,可同时检测96或384孔板样品。





7.全能:分析模式多样,绝对定量、相对定量、基因分型(溶解曲线法和终点法)、高分辨率溶解曲线分析,同时适用几乎所有检测模式(染料检测、水解探针(TaqMan探针)、杂交探针、简单探针等)8.开放式平台:可使用市面上绝大多数荧光染料以及第三方提供的8 连管,96孔板和384孔板9.灵活:可互换的96孔、384孔加热模块,用户可自行更换,无需工程师到场10.自动化平台:配以LIMS系统及自动进样机械臂,可实现远程操作及全自动化运行。

技术指标产品应用1.绝对定量2.相对定量3.终点法基因分型4.溶解曲线法基因分型5.DNA甲基化研究6.Micro RNA研究7.HRM基因扫描......。

荧光定量pcrlightcycler 480ii 技术参数

荧光定量pcrlightcycler 480ii 技术参数

荧光定量pcrlightcycler 480ii 技术参数全文共四篇示例,供读者参考第一篇示例:荧光定量PCR技术是一种用于检测DNA或RNA含量的方法,其通过荧光信号的变化来定量检测目标分子的数量。

LightCycler 480II是一款高性能的荧光定量PCR仪器,具有快速、灵敏和高通量的特点,适用于各种科研和临床领域的实验。

LightCycler 480II具有多种技术参数,下面分别介绍:1. 快速反应:LightCycler 480II具有优化的发热和降温速度,整个PCR过程只需要几十分钟就能完成,大大提高了实验效率。

2. 高通量:LightCycler 480II支持96孔和384孔板,可同时进行多个样品的PCR反应,适用于高通量实验。

3. 高灵敏度:LightCycler 480II的检测灵敏度可达到单个分子水平,可以检测到极微量的目标序列。

6. 灵活的控制软件:LightCycler 480II配备了功能强大的数据分析软件,可实现实时监测、自动分析和结果导出,为用户提供便利。

LightCycler 480II是一款功能强大的荧光定量PCR仪器,具有快速、灵敏、高通量和多功能的特点,适用于各种科研和临床领域的实验。

通过合理使用LightCycler 480II,科研人员和临床医生可快速、准确地进行目标序列的定量检测,为科研和诊断提供强有力的支持。




而LightCycler 480 II是罗氏公司推出的一款高端荧光定量PCR仪器,具有高速、高灵敏和高通量的特点,被广泛应用于科研和临床领域。

一、仪器参数1.1 光源:LightCycler 480 II采用的是白色长寿命LED光源,可提供高强度的荧光激发1.2 探测:支持FAM、JOE、ROX、Cy5等多种荧光探针,适用于多通道荧光检测1.3 温度范围:可设定反应温度范围为4-99°C,满足不同引物的PCR检测需求1.4 可视化:配备有高分辨率的液晶触摸屏,实时显示PCR过程和结果,操作简便直观1.5 通量:支持96孔和384孔板,可满足不同规模的实验需求,提高实验效率1.6 数据分析:内置的分析软件可自动生成PCR曲线、计算Ct值和扩增因子,方便数据处理1.7 软件更新:可通过网络连接实现软件升级,保持仪器性能和功能的最新状态二、技术优势2.1 高灵敏度:LightCycler 480 II具有极高的灵敏度,可实现对低拷贝数目标的定量检测,适用于稀有基因的研究2.2 高特异性:荧光探针结合PCR技术,能够区分特异性序列,避免非特异扩增和干扰2.3 高速度:LED光源和快速温度控制系统,可缩短PCR反应时间,提高实验效率2.4 高通量:支持大规模的样本检测和多通道荧光检测,可实现高通量实验2.5 数据可靠性:系统自动调整反应条件,减少人为误差,确保数据的准确性和可靠性2.6 多样性:支持不同引物和探针的应用,适用于各种PCR实验设计和研究需求2.7 自动化:仪器操作简便,支持自动化实验流程,减少人工干预,提高实验一致性三、应用领域3.1 基因表达分析:荧光定量PCR可用于检测基因的表达水平和变化,研究基因功能和调控机制3.2 病原体检测:可以用于检测病原体的种类和数量,诊断传染病和病原体感染3.3 药物筛选:可用于快速筛选药物的效果和剂量,评估药物的毒性和疗效3.4 生物标记物检测:可通过检测生物标记物的浓度和变化,评估疾病风险和预后3.5 遗传研究:可用于研究基因突变和遗传变异,揭示遗传疾病的发病机制和遗传规律3.6 食品安全检测:可用于检测食品中的潜在病原体和有害物质,保障食品安全和质量第三篇示例:LightCycler 480II具有快速的反应时间。



罗氏荧光定量 PCR 是一种高灵敏度、高精确度的多重荧光定量 PCR 技术,可以用于定量检测 DNA 或 RNA 中的特定序列。


一、基本原理罗氏荧光定量 PCR 基于 PCR 扩增技术,在 PCR 反应过程中,使用荧光标记的探针来定量检测扩增产物的数量。

该技术采用两个荧光染料:SYBR Green 和 TaqMan 探针。

SYBR Green 是一种结合双链 DNA 的荧光染料,可以在 PCR 反应过程中不断累积,并发出荧光信号;而 TaqMan 探针是一种在 PCR 反应过程中被水解释放的荧光探针,可以在特异性结合目标序列后发出荧光信号。

通过测量这些荧光信号的强度,可以确定 PCR 反应产物的数量。

二、实验步骤1. 样品制备首先需要从样品中提取出目标 DNA 或 RNA,常用的提取方法包括酚-氯仿提取法、磁珠法等。


2. PCR 反应将样品DNA 或RNA 与特异性引物、荧光探针和PCR Master Mix 混合,加入 PCR 反应管中,进行 PCR 扩增反应。

PCR 扩增条件需根据具体引物和模板 DNA/RNA 来确定,一般包括以下步骤:(1) 热变性:将反应体系加热至 95℃,使 DNA/RNA 双链分离为单链。

(2) 退火:将反应体系降温至引物的退火温度,使引物与模板DNA/RNA 特异性结合。

(3) 延伸:利用DNA/RNA 聚合酶将引物延伸,合成新的DNA 单链。

(4) 荧光检测:在延伸过程中,荧光探针与目标序列特异性结合,发出荧光信号。

荧光信号的强度与产物数量成正比,可以通过检测荧光信号来定量 PCR 扩增产物。

3. 数据分析利用荧光数据分析软件对荧光信号进行分析,得出 PCR 扩增产物的数量。

根据标准曲线,可以将荧光信号转化为目标序列的数量,从而定量检测样品中的目标 DNA 或 RNA。

LightCycler 480II 实时荧光定量PCR仪 说明书

LightCycler 480II 实时荧光定量PCR仪 说明书

LightCycler® 480 II 实时荧光定量PCR仪非凡体验谋求突破,专业设计诠释经典LightCycler ® 480 II 实时荧光定量PCR 仪具备出色的分辨率、重复性及高速度,可广泛应用于科研、临床诊断、食品安全、疫情监控等1985 Kary Mullis 发明PCR 技术▼▲*1991 罗氏公司获得PCR全球专利权▲1993 Kary Mullis 因发明PCR 技术而获得诺贝尔化学奖▲1998 罗氏应用科学部推出LightCycler ®全自动实时定量PCR 仪▲2012 含新光源的LightCycler ®480 II 上市▲2006 LightCycler ® 480全自动实时定量PCR 仪问世!1993 罗氏公司Russell Higuchi 发明实时定量PCR 仪▼1995 罗氏诊断公司推出PCR 诊断行业金标准:COBAS Amplicor▼2008 全新升级型号,LightCycler ® 480 II 正式上市▼2005 LightCycler ®全球装机突破5000台,成为全球销量成绩斐然的单型号实时定量PCR 仪▼高精密度轻松区分1.5倍浓度差异,置信度≥99.8%高灵敏度可检测单拷贝基因动力学范围广可同时检测到1-1010个拷贝DNA 高重复性重复性高,CV <0.15%高速40分钟完成40个PCR 循环(384孔板)技术领先采用Therma-Base TM热循环技术(专利号US Patent No.5161609)、导热性能好的银质热循环模块和先进的光学检测系统,彻底消除边缘效应,保持稳定优质的检测结果,且整个过程中无需使用ROX 等内参染料,有效节约成本全能分析模式多样,绝对定量、相对定量、基因分型(熔解曲线法及终点法)、高分辨率熔解曲线分析,同时适用市面上主流的检测模式(染料检测、水解探针(TaqMan ®探针)、杂交探针、简单探针等)开放式平台可使用市面上绝大多数常见荧光染料以及第三方提供的8联管、96孔板和384孔板灵活可互换的96孔、384孔加热模块,用户可自行更换,无需工程师到场自动化平台配以LIMS 系统及自动进样机械臂,可实现远程操作及全自动化运行LightCycler ® 480 II 实时荧光定量PCR 仪——温控系统独具匠心的PCR热循环模块设计加热模块和冷却元件之间引入的高效热平衡技术(Therma-Base TM),同时使用导热性能出色的银质材质,使LightCycler ® 480 II 的温控系统获得了技术性的进步。



罗氏实时荧光定量PCR仪 介绍
罗氏实时荧光定量PCR仪外观为长方 体,尺寸适中,便于实验室放置。
仪器配备彩色触摸屏,操作界面友好 ,方便用户进行参数设置和实验操作 。
仪器内部包括加热模块、光学检测系 统、电脑控制系统等部分,各部分协 同工作完成PCR扩增和荧光检测。
制定仪器的维护保养计划,按照 计划进行保养,保证仪器的正常
通过比较不同样本之间的基因表达数据,可以筛选出差异表达的基 因,进一步研究其在生物学过程中的作用。
通过实时监测基因转录水平的变化,有助于深入了解基因表达的调 控机制,为相关疾病的研究和治疗提供线索。
1 2 3
利用罗氏实时荧光定量PCR仪,可以快速、准确 地测定病毒载量,为临床诊断和治疗提供依据。
根据仪器使用情况定期清洗仪器 内部,包括清洗反应管、更换滤
定期邀请专业技术人员对仪器进 行校正,确保仪器准确性。
详细记录实验数据,包括荧光信号的 变化、扩增曲线等,并对数据进行整 理和分析。
实验结束据进行审核,撰写详细的实验报 告,包括实验目的、方法、结果和结论等 。




基因分型及SNP分析 转基因动物及植物研究
超高速的热循环 ——由于采用空气迅速改变温 度,以及利用有高表面积/体积比的光学玻璃毛 细管模式,使升降温速度最高可达20℃/秒,温 控≤0.2 ℃ , 每20~30分钟便能完成30~40个 循环。
光学玻璃毛细管的材料适合荧光讯号的测定,类似光纤 的形状,保证荧光讯号的准确捕获。没有边缘效应.
LightCycler / 毛细管 / 试剂的成本核算

仪器的维护费用 LightCycler是免维护的仪器,采用的光源是普通 的发光二极管,寿命长达20000小时以上,非常 稳定,价格低廉。而卤素灯光源,寿命<2000小 时,发光强度衰减明显,需要定期更换,价格 昂贵。 单一反应成本的计算 单一反应成本包括试剂成本和反应管成本,由 于毛细管的反应体系是10~20ul,而其他同类机 器的反应体系是50ul,所以使用LC试剂的成本 可以减少至少一半。
for sequence specific detection of DNA
LC Red
End of Elongation
Monitoring of PCR with the LightCycler Using Hybridization Probes
杂交探针的优点: 1.灵敏度高 2.宽动力学范围
Template: Plasmid; Target: CycA; Detection Format: Hybridization Probes



LightCycler® 480/96的扩展应用
高分辨率熔解曲线(HRM)是传统的熔解曲线分析的延伸 • 要求特殊的饱和荧光染料、高性能的荧光定量PCR与专门的分析算法 • 使得可以不必测序直接筛查PCR扩增产物中是否存在遗传学变异 (SNPs, 未知的突变) • 与其它方法相比,具有高特异性、高灵敏度与方便快捷的优点;而且通量更高,
• 把PCR反应的前15个循环的荧光信号作为荧光本底信号 • 荧光域值的缺省设置是3-15个循环荧光信号的标准偏差的10倍
CT值(cycle threshold)/Cp值(crossing point)
• 每个反应管内的荧光信号有统计学意义显著增长(即穿过阈值线)时的循环次 数,即从基线到指数增长的拐点所对应的循环次数
• 对引物特异性要求较高
荧光共振能量传递效应(Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET))示意图
荧光共振能量传递效应(Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET))示意图


该技术通过荧光染料或荧光探针标记特异性寡核苷酸引物,在PCR扩增过程中, 随着DNA片段的扩增,荧光信号被逐渐释放,通过荧光信号的累积可以实时监测 DNA片段的扩增量。
实时荧光定量PCR技术基于PCR扩增 过程中荧光信号的变化进行监测。
荧光信号的强度与DNA片段的扩增量 成正比,因此可以通过实时监测荧光 信号的变化来反映DNA片段的扩增量 。
随着新技术的不断涌现,实时荧光定量PCR 技术面临着被替代和淘汰的风险,需要不 断更新和完善。
临床应用对实时荧光定量PCR技术的需求不 断增长,同时也对其准确性和可靠性提出 了更高的要求。
科研领域对实时荧光定量PCR技术的需求也 在不断增加,需要不断提高其检测的灵敏 度和特异性。
每天记录仪器的使用情况 ,包括样品数量、运行时 间等,以便于跟踪仪器性 能和保养计划。
按照制造商的推荐,定期对仪器 内部进行清洁,确保光学系统和 加热模块等关键部件不受污染。
定期对仪器进行校准和性能测试, 确保其准确性和可靠性。
根据需要,定期更换消耗品,如滤 芯、密封圈等,以确保仪器正常运 行。
如果样品检测结果异常,可能需 要对仪器进行校准或检查样品制
如果仪器无法启动,可能需要进 行电源检查或联系制造商的技术
如果加热模块出现故障,可能需 要更换加热模块或联系制造商的



染料检测-SYBR Green I
5’ 3’
3’ 5’
Roche Applied Science
Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET)
Roche Applied Science
N: N0: N: E: 扩增产物量; 启始模板量; 循环数; 扩增效率 (0 E1)
log(1+E)n+logN0 -nlog(1+E) +logN

Cp =n = -logN0/log(1+E) +logN/log(1+E) (Y=kX+b )
பைடு நூலகம்
绝对定量:含内参照和标准品( 双色检测)
Roche Applied Science

先决条件: 标准品是有已知浓度的目的基因 标准品与样本具有相同的PCR扩增效率
• 特别应用领域: Bacteriology, Virology • 优点: 结果可通过 LightCycler Software 3.53软件快速分析 可以质控PCR抑制剂的存在 (可靠的绝对定量值) • 局限性: 动力学范围较低 (approx. 3-5 magnitudes) 须使用双光检测(Hybridization Probe format ) 无法区分影响PCR扩增效率的因子?

lightcycler 480ⅱ介绍

lightcycler 480ⅱ介绍

LightCycler 480 II是一款实时荧光定量PCR仪,由罗氏公司生产。

1. 快速:具有快速加热和冷却系统,能大幅度缩短实验时间。

2. 准确:采用双光束荧光检测技术,能够有效消除背景荧光,提高检测准确性。

3. 高灵敏度:具有高度灵敏的荧光检测系统,能够检测到微量的核酸样本。

4. 多功能:适用于各种荧光染料和引物,支持多种PCR反应格式。

此外,LightCycler 480 II作为一款高通量实时荧光PCR仪器,能灵活兼容96个或384个样本同时进行检测,满足不同样本通量的客户需求。




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实时荧光定量PCR 仪
荧光定量 PCR 通过荧光染料或荧光标记的特异性的探针,对PCR产物进行 标记跟踪,实时在线监控反应过程,结合相应的软件可以对 结果进行分析,计算待测样品的初始模板量。 荧光定量 PCR仪 荧光定量PCR仪是一种带有激发光源和荧光信号检测系统的 PCR仪,通常配有电脑系统及相应的分析软件。
两种石英玻璃毛 光学性好,反应体系小,节约试剂成本,适合 细管体系 (20ul 和 多种用途。 100ul)
530nm, 555nm, 610nm, 640nm, 六个波长,并解决相关荧光素荧光干扰问题 670nm, 710nm.
LightCycler 软件 4.0

Lightcycler 1.5 结构分析
以空气加热及 冷却迅速改变 温度 带有极高表面积/ 容量比例的密封 20l毛细管 加热线圈 可容纳32个样品的 卡盘 将荧光仪定位的 分档器发动机 热室 将样品置于 光学仪上的 分档器发动 机 风扇 滤器 免维护的 LED光源

1992年由Higuchi等人第一次报告:使用EB内插染 料法插至双链DNA,经改装的带有冷CCD的PCR 仪检测样品的荧光强度 PCR循环 = 双链DNA = 染料 = 荧光 后来用与双链DNA有更强结合力的SYB普通PCR的比较
Lightcycler 的分析模式
适用于所有的通用探针及染料分析模式: SYBR Green I(荧光染料) TaqMan(水解探针) Molecular beacon(分子信标)

Lightcycler上开发独有的分析模式: Hybridization Probe Format(杂交探针) SimpleProbe (单探针)
LightCycler 结构分析
激发光源 Rodenstock-LED (发光二极管) 光学倍增管 (PMT) 空气加热 冷光源,免维护,开机可以马上进行操作。
灵敏度高,宽检验范围,背景低,无边缘效应 管间差小,热传导速率20℃/秒,温控变化准确 (0.05-20℃/秒)。
特点: 1、免维护的LED冷光源,寿命长达2万小时以上 2、光学倍增管(Rodenstock ) 3、多达6通道(LC2.0)和3通道(LC1.5)实时检 测 优点: 1、毛细管光学特性将光线散射、衍射降至最低, 避免LED 功率低的问题 2、免维护,带自动检验功能 3、轻易实现内标、内对照及多重PCR
分子信标(Molecular Beacon Probe)
独特的颈环结构,由非特异的颈和特异的环组成, 探针的5’端标记荧光分子,3’端 标记一个吸收或淬灭 荧光的分子 。自身环化时仪器检测不到荧光,在PCR 反应的退火阶段,探针因与模板链杂交而打开,使5’ 端荧光分子与3’端吸收或淬灭荧光的分子分开,仪器 就会检测到荧光信号。每一个循环,随着PCR扩增产 物的增加,荧光信号会增强,从而根据荧光信号的增 强来计算PCR扩增产物的增加量。
水解探针(Taqman )检测模式
同时标记有荧光发光分子和荧光淬灭分子的一条 探针在激发光作用下,发光分子所产生的荧光可被淬 灭分子吸收,因而检测不到荧光。在PCR延伸时,因 Taq酶具有的5,-3,核酸外切酶活性,可降解荧光探 针,使荧光发光分子与荧光淬灭分子分开,在外界光 源激发下即可发出荧光,荧光强度与PCR扩增产物量 有关。
Lightcycler 2.0 结构分析
PMT 检 测 系 统
光 纤
特点: 1、空气加热 2、毛细管反应体系 优点: 1、升降温速度快(0.05 ℃ -20℃/秒), 2、体系均一,不存在边缘现象 3、把反应体系缩小到0-20ul,节省试剂成本 实现快速PCR

实时在线监控 对样品扩增的整个过程进行实时监控,能够实时 地观察到产物的增加,直观地看到反应的对数期 降低反应的非特异性 使用引物和荧光探针同时与模板特异性结合,提 高了PCR反应的特异性 增加定量的精确性 全程监控,准确的算法进行定量 结果分析更加快捷方便,无需跑胶
罗氏产品介绍以及与 同类产品之间的对比
设计与检测区互补的分别带有不同染料标记的一对 寡核苷酸(既杂交探针),在与扩增的DNA片断杂交 时,两种染料互相接近。其中供体荧光染料受外来光 源激发后,将能量传递给附近的受体染料,既发生荧 光共振能量转移(FRET),从而释放出受体染料分子 的发射波长荧光信号。荧光信号的强度和DNA的产量 成正比。其他非特异性产物由于不会与探针杂交,因 而不产生信号干扰。
SYBR-Green I 检测模式
SYBR Green I能选择性地与双链DNA结合,在 外界光源激发下产生强烈荧光。在PCR过程中, SYBR Green I可与新合成地双链DNA结合,产生地 荧光信号强度与双链DNA含量成正比,荧光检测在 每一循环的延期后进行。 SYBR Green I与非特异性 双链DNA(如引物二聚体)结合产生的干扰可通过 融解曲线分析而得到解决。
全自动熔点曲线分组 全自动熔点温度提示 简化数据和用户管理
PCR领域最聪明的革新 – LightCycler荧光定量PCR

超高速 实时在线监测 高灵敏 范围广 开放性 六个荧光通道 最小化 灵活性 闭管分析
30至40分钟完成PCR过程 收集每一循环的数据并立即显示于联机电脑上 在一个基因组当量中可检测出单基因拷贝 可检测10-1010拷贝线性范围,无需稀释样品 全开放,成为国内外试剂厂家的首选开发平台 轻易实现内标、内对照或多重PCR 定量反应体积降至10-20ul,费用低廉 支持水解探针、杂交探针及 SYBR Green I 消除污染风险