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Section A
The main activities are 1, 2a and 3. 本课重点活动是1, 2a和3。

Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标
1.(1) Learn the names of school buildings:
playground, lab, room, gym, classroom, building, pool, dormitory, dinning hall
(2) Learn other new words:
card, soon, physics
2. Learn the present continuous tense:
—What is Maria doing now?
—She is reading in the library.
—What are you doing?
—I am making cards.
3. Learn likes and dislikes:
—Does she like reading best?
—Yes, she does.
—What does Kangkang like doing best?
—He likes playing soccer best.
Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具
Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案
Step 1 Review 第一步复习(时刻:10分钟)
1. (咨询学生一些咨询题, 了解学生是否喜爱校园生活, 在课余时刻经常做什么活动, 不仅复习了上几节课学过的短语,而且又为学习校园场所名称埋下伏笔, 也为学习现在进行时提供必要的动词词组。

T: Today I want to make a survey. S1, do you like our school life?
S1: Y es, I like our school life.
T: What do you usually do in your free time?
S1: I usually play basketball.
T: Thank you. S2, what do you usually do in your free time?
S2: I often read books.
T: What about you, S3?
S3: I often go swimming.

2. (询咨询学生通常在哪里做上述活动, 出现校园场所名称。

T: I know you all have an interesting school life. S1 usually plays basketball.
S2 often reads books. S3often goes swimming… Please answer my question now.
Where do we play basketball? If you can’t answer in English, you can speak Chinese.
S1: 操场。

T: W here do we read story books?
S2: 图书馆。

T: W here do we swim?
S3: 游泳池。

(让学生依照预习, 讲出校园内场所的名称。

T: Can you name the school buildings?
S1: L ibrary, dining hall…
S2: G ym, lab…

3. (让学生跟读1的录音, 并把词与图片正确搭配。

T: Please listen to 1 and repeat. Then write the letters in the right place on the picture.
4. (核对答案, 并讲授其中的生词和短语。

playground, lab, room, gym, classroom, building, pool, dormitory, dining hall Step 2 Presentation 第二步出现(时刻:10分钟)
1. (进行2a, 让学生听录音, 回答以下咨询题。

Where is Maria?
Where is Kangkang?
Where is Wang Wei?
T: Now look at 2a. Listen to the tape and find out the answers to these questions. Is that clear?
Ss: Yes.
T: OK. L et’s begin.
2. (核对答案。

T: L et’s check the answers. Who can answer the first question?
S1:Maria is in the library.
T: Good. Next one?
S2:Kangkang is on the playground.
T: OK. What about the last one?
S3:Wang Wei is in the dormitory.
3. (让学生再听2a, 完成2b表格。

T: L et’s lis ten to 2a again. And fill out the form in 2b. Begin!
4. (核对答案。

T: Who wants to share your answers with us?
S1: K angkang…
S2: M aria…
S3: W ang Wei…
Step 3 Consolidation 第三步巩固(时刻:5分钟)
1. (放2a的录音, 让学生跟读, 注意语音语调。

T: Please listen to the tape and follow it.
You should pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.

2. (让学生分角色朗读对话。

T: Read the dialog with your partner. I will ask several groups to act it out. Begin!
3. (找几组学生表演对话。

T: Who wants to act your dialog out?
G1: …
T: Very good! Anyone else?
G2: …
Step 4 Practice 第四步练习(时刻:10分钟)
1. (让学生依照2a内容, 回答以下咨询题。

T: Look at 2a. Answer my questions, please. What is Maria doing?
S1: S he is reading in the library.
T: D oes Maria like reading best?
S2: Y es, she does.
T: What does Kangkang like doing best?
S3: H e likes playing soccer best.
T: Is Wang Wei playing soccer now?
S4: N o, he isn’t.
T: What is he doing now?
S5: H e is sleeping.
2. (让学生跟读3中的对话。

T: Please listen to 3 and follow it.
(依照对话内容提咨询, 让学生回答, 出现现在进行时的一样疑咨询句形式。

T: Is Jane doing her homework?
Ss: No, she isn’t.
T: Is Jane watching TV?
Ss: Yes, she is.
T: Is Michael playing basketball?
Ss: No, he isn’t.
T: What’s he doing?
Ss: He’s making cards.
3. (让学生依照4的图画进行两人对话。

T: Please look at the pictures in 4. Ask and answer in pairs.
S1:Where is she?
S2:She is in the gym.
S1:Is she singing?
S2:No, she isn’t.
S1:What’s she doing?
S2:She’s dancing.
Step 5 Project 第五步综合探究活动(时刻:10分钟)
1. (让学生调查班级的学生喜爱校园的什么场所及缘故。

T: Please make a survey and complete the table.
Name Favorite place Why
Wei Wei Playground Likes playing soccer

T: Please report the result of the survey.
S1: W ei Wei likes the playground best. He likes playing soccer there.

2. (自编Chant, 巩固现在进行时, 让学生同时表演动作。

T: I’ll chant. Please perform the action when I ch ant.
What’re you doing now?
I am swimming now.

What’re you doing now?
I am running now.


3. (请一名学生到台上做动作, 其他学生用现在进行时态进行咨询答。

T:××, come here. (出示一个dance的动词卡片给他/她看。

) Please perform the action.

T: What is he/she doing?
Ss: He’s/She’s dancing.

4. Homework:
(要求学生调查班级某学生课余最喜爱做什么, 最喜爱校园的什么场所。

Section B
The main activities are 1a and 2. 本课重点活动是1a和2。

Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标
1. Learn some new words and phrases:
borrow, course, shelf, keep, return, pleasure, post, talk, purse, money, else, of course, lost
and found
2. Go on learning the present continuous tense:
I’m looking for my purse.
Sally is cleaning the room.
3. Talk about how to borrow things:
Excuse me, may I borrow a few Ren’ai Project English workbooks?
How long can I keep them?
You must return them on time.
4. Talk about Lost and Found.
Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具
Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案
Step 1 Review 第一步复习(时刻:5分钟)
1. (猜谜。

讲一些描述性的语言, 让学生猜是学校的哪个场所。

T: A place where we can go swimming. What is it? Who knows?
S1: I s it the swimming pool?
T: Yes, you are right. Next, a place where we can play sports. What is it? Who knows?
S2: …

2. (用师生咨询答的方式, 复习上节课的要紧内容。

T: Boys and girls, can you name our school buildings?
S1: C lassroom building, swimming pool.
T: Good! Anyone else?
S2: G ym, lab.
T: OK. Else?
S3: D ormitory, library.

T: Which place do you like best?
S1: I like the library best.
T: Why?
S1: B ecause I like reading best.
T: S2, what about you?
S2: I like the playground best. Because I like playing soccer best.

T: Good job. You are great.
3. (引入新课, 手拿一本仁爱版的英语教辅书, 引入1a。

T: Boys and girls, suppose I am in a library now. I want to borrow a book like this. What should I say? Do you want to know?
Ss: Yes.
T: OK. Please look at the screen.
Step 2 Presentation 第二步出现(时刻:10分钟)
1. (利用课件出现1a。

T: Look at the screen. Where are they?
Ss: They are in the library.
T: What are they doing?
Ss: They’re borrowing books.
2. (让学生看并听1a的前半部分, 注意对话中的生词和句型。

T: Look and listen to 1a. Think about how to borrow a book from the library. Pay
attention to the following new words and expressions.
borrow some workbooks
look for the books on the shelf
H ow long…?keep the books
return the books on time
3. (让学生依照课件放映和录音估量对话中借书的步骤,以此推测板书中词组的含义。



T: Now, please find out the responses to the sentences in 1b from 1a.
Excuse me, may I borrow…?—Of course.
How long can I keep them? —Two weeks.
You must return them on time. —Sure, I will.
Thank you. —It’s a

4. (假设一种情境:假设学生没有借到想要的书, 那该如何办?利用课件出现1a后半部

T: Boys and girls, if you can’t borrow the book you want, what should you do? Ss: I don’t know.
T: OK. Let’s go on watching and pay attention to the following new words and expressions.

post Sorry, w e don’t have any.
Thank you all the same.
Step 3 Consolidation 第三步巩固(时刻:10分钟)
1. (给学生几分钟时刻, 朗读1a, 然后找几组学生进行表演。

T: I will give you several minutes to read 1a, then I will ask some of you to act it out. Understand?
Ss: Yes.
T: Now, begin!

2. (找几组学生进行表演。

T: OK. Are you ready?
Ss: Yes, we are.
T: Which group wants to act?
G1: We want.

T: Very good! But you should speak slowly. Next group?
G2: …

3. (依据1b中的句型, 让学生自编对话, 教师可给予必要的指导。

T: Work in pairs to practice borrowing things from each other. You can use the expressions in 1b. Begin!
4. (找几组学生表演他们编的对话。

T: OK. Stop here! Who wants to share your dialog with us?
G1: We want.

T: Excellent! You can speak more loudly. Next group!
G2: …

T: Well done. Now let’s have a match.
Step 4 Practice 第四步练习(时刻:10分钟)
1. (出现2, 通过课件展现一名学生在路上查找东西的画面。

T: Look at the picture. Guess what she is doing.
Ss: She is looking for something.
T: You are right. She lost her purse.
T: Do you know how much money is in her purse?
Ss: No, we don’t.
purse I’m looking for my
money What’s in it?
else What else?
2. (播放2的录音, 让学生跟读。

T: Listen to 2 and follow it. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.
3. (给学生两分钟时刻, 自读对话, 然后找学生朗读。

T: Now, I’ll give you two minutes to read the dialog with your partner. Then I’ll ask some of you to read. OK. Begin!
4. (检查朗读情形。

T: Which group wants to read the dialog for us?
G1: …
T: Next group?
G2: …

5. (完成3, 让学生听录音, 选择正确的答案。

T: Listen to the dialogs in 3, and choose the right answers.

6. (核对答案。

T: Let’s check the answers. The first question, who wants to answer?
S1: Sally is…
T: Good. No.2?
S2: Sorry, I don’t know.

7. (1)(完成4, 让学生读书上两那么启事, 学习如何写寻物/招领启事。


Lost: The thing(被丢物品) Name(谁丢了物品)
Phone number(联系方式) Found: The thing(被发觉的物品) Where(物品现存地)
Phone number(联系方式)
T: Read the notices on the bulletin board. Learn how to write them. Please pay
attention to the
form of the message.

T: Suppose you found or lost something. Write your own bulletin board message.
Step 5 Project 第五步综合探究活动(时刻:10分钟)
1. (鼓舞更多的学生复述2的内容。

T: S1, do you want to try to retell the story of 2?
S1: …
T: Anyone else? Raise your hand.
Wow, so many!
2. Homework:
(1)(让学生写一篇有关借书过程的小短文, 大约10句话。

(2)(写一那么寻物/招领启事, 许多于两个句子。


如有爱好, 画一张本校的建筑物分布图。

Section C
The main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a和2a。

Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标
1. (1)Learn the expressions about positions:
center, near, left, between, in the center of, next to, at the back of, between…and…
(2)Learn other new words:
plan, attention, news, movie, program, stamp, show, world
2. Learn about how to describe or draw a plan of school buildings.
3. Talk about school news and posters.
Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具
Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案
Step 1 Review 第一步复习(时刻:10分钟)
1. (开始上课, 师生咨询好。

T: Class begins. Good morning, everyone.
Ss: Good morning, sir/madam.
T: S it down, please. Today we will go on with our new lesson, Section C. But, first let’s revi ew Section B.
2. (表演竞赛。

(让学生进行对话表演, 教师将全班分为四组, 每组各表演一个对话。


第一组学生借东西, 能够在教室内走动。

第二组东西丢了, 去失物招领处找回来。


第四组请一名学生表演动作, 另两名学生用现在进行时对话。

通过那个活动来热身, 提起学生的爱好, 从而能够复习现在进行时及前面的对话。

Group 1
S1: Excuse me, may I borrow…?
S2: Of course.

Group 2
S1: What are you doing?
S2: I’m looking for my purse.
S3: …

Group 3
S1: Excuse me, do you have any books of Harry Potter?
S2: Sorry, I don’t have any.
S3: …
T: OK, wonderful! …, the last group?

3. (引入1a。


A is in B.
B is next to C.
C is near E.
D is near B on the left.
E is near C on the right.
F is at the back of C.
T: Look at the sketch map and guess the meanings of the prepositions. Where is A? It’s in B. So 〝in〞 means 〝在……里面〞. Well, B is next to C. What’s the meaning of〝next to〞 ?
Ss: 紧邻。

T: …

4. (贴一张本校教学楼和宿舍楼的平面图在黑板上。

(1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8八间教室, 9、10教师办公室, 11、12、13、14、15、16学生宿舍。

T: Look at the picture, and answer my questions.
T: What are they doing?
Ss: They are playing on the computer.
T: What’s the name of the room? Can you guess?
Ss: Computer room.
T: Where’s the computer room?
S1: It’s in the classroom building.
S2: It’s next to the lab.
T: Good. Which room is next to the computer room?
S3: I think it’s the lab. Is it right?
T: Right.
T: What are they doing?
S4: They are reading books.
T: Where are they reading books?
S5: In the library.
T: Yes,you are right. Where is the library?
S6: I think it’s next to the gym. There is a gym near the library. Because many studen ts are dancing in the room. So I guess it’s a gym.
T: Well done! Where is the dormitory building?
S7: It’s near the classroom building.

Step 2 Presentation 第二步出现(时刻:5分钟)
1. (让学生读1a, 完成书中的平面图。

T: OK. Now, please read 1a again. And fill in the blanks o n the plan. Let’s begin. (在阅读过程中, 教师可巡视课堂为学生提供必要的关心。

2. (核对答案, 加深学生对平面图中各个建筑物之间位置关系的明白得。

T: OK. Stop! Are you ready?
Ss: Yes, we are.
T: L et’s check the answers. (把预备好的挂图张贴在黑板上)Who wants to show the buildings on this plan?
S1: (在中央部分填写)Here is the classroom.
S2: (在后部填写)Here is the dining hall.
S3: (在实验室的位置填写)Here is the library.
T: Here is the library. Do you agree with him?
S4: No, he is wrong. There is the lab.
T: Right. The lab is next to the computer room. OK, let’s go on.

Step 3 Consolidation 第三步巩固(时刻:10分钟)
1. (播放1a的录音, 让学生跟读。

T: Listen to the tape and follow it.
2. (出现1b, 让学生画一幅理想中的校园平面图, 并标注地点。

T: Take out a piece of paper, draw a plan of your ideal school and mark the places.
3. (完成1b, 让学生依照1b中所画的平面图, 写一篇描述性的短文。

T: Now look at your plans, and write a short passage to describe your ideal school. L et’s begin.
4. (找学生汇报他们的成果。

T: Are you ready?
Ss: Yes, we are.
T: OK. Who can give us your passage?
S1: (朗读自己的短文)…
T: Very good! But there are some mistakes in your passage. For example: …O K. Next one?
S2: …
Step 4 Practice 第四步练习(时刻:10分钟)
1. (让学生听2a的录音, 回答以下咨询题。

T: OK. Let’s listen to 2a. Then answer the following questions.
(1)When does the game begin?
(2)Where can we watch the game?
(3)When does the movie King Kong begin?
(4)When does the movie The Sound of Music begin?
(5)Where can we watch the movies? attention news between movie program
2. (让学生再听2a, 教师核对答案。

T: Let’s listen to the tape again. Then check the answers.
T: Are you ready?
Ss: Yes.


T: Who wants to be the first?
S1: T he game begins at 5:00 this afternoon.
T: Right. Next one?
S2: W e can watch the game on the playground.

3. (让学生再听2a的录音, 完成2b中的表格。

T: Let’s listen to 2a again. You should fill out the form in 2b.
4. (核对答案。

T: Let’s check the answers one by o ne.
S1: …
S2: …

5. (完成3, 让学生自行阅读海报1, 然后完成海报2中的空格。

T: Read Poster 1 and then fill in the blanks of Poster 2.
6. (用单词卡片再现本课新词并让学生造句。

For example:
T: Attention, please.

What’s this in English, please?
Ss: News. It’s a piece of news.

Ss: Between. He sits between you and me.

T: How to say〝邮票, 邮展〞in English?
S1: S tamp. Stamp Collection Show.

T: What’s this in English?
S2: W orld. In the world.

T: What about this one?
S3: M ovie. Come and watch a movie show in the school hall.
T: Wonderful. You are great!
Step 5 Project 第五步综合探究活动(时刻:10分钟)
1. (让学生描述理想的学校, 把它画下来, 每组请一名学生到黑板上画。

2. (假设一种情境:星期六晚上学校要在礼堂举行一个歌舞晚会, 请学生们一起制作一个海报。

3. Homework:
(1)(让学生复习本单元单词, 为下节课单词竞赛做预备。


Section D
The main activities are 1, 3a and 5. 本课重点活动是1, 3a和5。

Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标
1. Learn the consonants:
/♦♦/, /♎/, /♦❒/, /♎❒/
2. Learn some new words:
exercise, because, Japanese, wonderful, also
3. Review the present continuous tense:
I’m looking for my purse.
But he isn’t cleaning the dormitory.
—Are you doing your homework?
—Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.
—Is he/she…?
—Yes, he/she is. / No, he/she isn’t.
—What are you doing?
—I’m making cards.
—What is he/she doing?
—He/S he is…
4. Review the words about school buildings.
Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具
Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案
Step 1 Review 第一步复习(时刻:10分钟)
1. (单词竞赛。

抽查三排学生, 被抽到的排, 从左到右往下轮, 每名学生读并拼出一个单词, 造一个句子。

使用现在进行时态, 单词一分, 句子两分。

全班学生一起找错误, 找到一个错误减两分。

For example:
T: Please read the names of school buildings, and make sentences one by one.
S1: Library. In the library. I’m reading in the library.
S2: Playground. On the playground. I’m running on the playground.
S3: Pool. The swimming pool. He’s swimming in the swimming pool.


playground, lab, room, gym, building, pool, card, shelf, keep, return, borrow, soon, physics, pleasure, post, purse, money, else, plan, center, near, left, talk, classroom, attention, news, between, movie, program, stamp, show, world (通过竞赛, 吸引学生注意力, 活跃课堂气氛, 调动学习积极性。

2. (让学生进行一分钟对话, 复习现在进行时的确信句、否定句、一样疑咨询句、专门疑咨询句及其回答。

(竞赛规那么:教师抽一排学生, 分成4组, 每组编一个对话进行竞赛, 时刻为一分钟。

鼓舞学生用心听对话内容, 提高听力能力。

3. (拿出一张照片, 上面是一个日本女孩在健身房跳健美操。

T: She is my pen pal. Do you like her?
Ss: Yes, she is a beautiful girl.
T: Is she running?
Ss: No, she isn’t.
T: What’s she doing?
Ss: She is dancing.
T: Y eah, right. She is taking exercise in the gym. 她在健身房做锤炼。

Do you like taking exercise?
Ss: Yes, we do.
T: Where is she from? Do you know?
Ss: She is from China.
T: No, you are wrong. She is from Japan. She is Japanese. She is a Japanese girl. 她是日本
人, 她是一个日本女孩。

(板书划线部分, 英汉对比。

展现一些动画片的图片, 导入exercise, Japanese。

She is taking exercise in the gym.

She is Japanese. She’s is a Japanese girl.

T: Who can speak out some roles of Japanese cartoons?
S1: I know Kumiko is from Japan. She is Japanese.
S2: Xiaodingdang is from Japan, and Kangfu is a Japanese boy.
S3: Yingtaoxiaowanzi is a Japanese girl, too.
T: You are all clever. You love cartoons. Who likes taking exercise in the cartoons?
Can you tell me?
S4: Daxiong likes taking exercise, so he is very strong.
S5: Kangfu doesn’t like taking exercise, so he is short and weak.
T: Good, you are wonderful!
Step 2 Presentation 第二步出现(时刻:10分钟)
1. (出现含/ts/、/dz/、/tr/、/dr/的单词卡片, 让学生熟悉这些发音, 为下面的操练做预备。

T: What’s this?
Ss: It’s〝boats〞.
T: What’s that?
Ss: It’s〝shirts〞.
(板书boats, shirts, 要求学生找规律。

boats, shirts
T: Look at these two words. What can you find out their rules?
S1: …
S2: …
T: Good! In〝shirts〞,〝ts〞makes /ts/, and〝boats〞/ts/, too.
You are clever! Read after me…
(再举个/dz/的例子, 步骤同上;然后出现/tr/音标, 运用头脑风暴法要求学生尽可能多地讲动身那个音的单词, 再进行归纳, 讲授/dr/的发音方法同/tr/, 并给出答案, 学生讲出1个单词加1分。

For example:
playgrounds /dz/, roads /dz/, Australia /tr/, interest /tr/, trouble /tr/, draw /dr/, drink /dr/, hundred /dr/
T: Look at /tr/. What words have the pronunciation /tr/ in them?
Ss: …
T: Clever! I think〝interest, Australia〞have the pronunciation /tr/.
Let’s go on with another phonetic /dr/. Who knows…?
2. (放1的录音, 并让学生跟读。

T: OK, please open your books, and look at 1. Let’s listen to the tape and follow it.

3. (让学生自读1, 巩固所学音标。

T: Read these phonetics by yourselves.
4. (进行3a。

第一让学生看图, 听录音, 教师板书填空题,然后让学生填写以下空格。

) T: Now stop here! Please look at the pictures in 3a, listen to the tape, then fill in the blanks.
(1)He is in the gym in Picture 1.
(2)In Picture 2, he is swimming in the .
(3)In Picture 3, he is talking to on the Great
5. (核对答案, 找3名学生到黑板上填写空格。

T: Are you ready?
Ss: OK.
T: Who wants to fill in the blanks?
S1: (到黑板上填写第一题)…
T: Is he right or wrong?
Ss: Right.
T: Very good. Go back to your seat. Next one?
S2: (到黑板上填写第二题)…

Step 3 Consolidation 第三步巩固(时刻:5分钟)
1. (进行3b, 再放一遍3a的录音, 给学生两分钟时刻, 依照3b中的咨询题进行练习。

T: Ask and answer in pairs according to the questions in 3b as possible as you can.
For example:
A: Where is Wen Wei in Picture 1?
B: He is…
A: What is he doing?
B: He is…
2. (找几组学生汇报练习成果。

T: I want someone to act out your dialog. Who can do it?
G1: Where is…?

Step 4 Practice 第四步练习(时刻:10分钟)
1. (出现2, 放录音, 让学生连线。

T: Now let’s do 2. First, please listen to the tape carefully, then match. OK, let’s begin.

2. (核对答案。

T: Are you ready?
Ss: Yes.
T: L et’s check the answers. The first one, 〝Jane〞. Who can do it?
S1: J ane is playing the guitar in the dormitory.
T: I s he right or wrong?
Ss: Right.
T: G ood! Next one,〝Maria〞?
S2: M aria is singing a song in the classroom.

3. (让学生把这些句子变成否定句, 一样疑咨询句, 专门疑咨询句并回答。

For example:
S1: W hich place does Jane like best?
S2: I think she likes her dormitory best.
S3: I s Maria singing a song in the classroom?
S4: Y es, she is.
S5: K angkang is playing soccer in the gym. Is it right or wrong?
S6: I t’s wrong. He is playing soccer on the playground.
S7: W hat are their teachers doing?
S8: T hey are working in the office.

4. (完成4a, 4b的内容, 总结归纳本话题的语法和有用的短语。

T: Look at 4a, 4b, please. They are very important to you. You should read them carefully and try to remember them. Understand?
(学生阅读, 教师巡视, 给予必要的关心。

T: OK. Stop. Let me sum up the grammar for you.
Please look at the following box.
(1)主+be(is, am, are)+doing…
(3)主+be not+doing…
(4)疑咨询词+be (is, am, are)+主语
Step 5 Project 第五步综合探究活动(时刻:10分钟)
1. (布置学生每人写一篇海报。

2. (展现学生的海报并在班上读出来。

For example:
Found: A purse is in the lost and found room. Please come to get it at 3:00 p.m. today.
(假设海报贴出来后, 有几名学生前来认领钞票包。


) Questions:
(1)What color is the purse?
(2)What’s in the purse?
3. Homework:
(让学生复习本话题所学内容:生词, 语法, 短语……)。
