为了回馈玩家,商家把游戏里的假钱替换成了真欧元你玩过孩之宝大富翁桌游吗?这款图版游戏又被称为地产大亨,英文名 “Monopoly”就是垄断的意思。
为了庆祝大富翁游戏在法国面世 80 周年,孩之宝公司决定为玩家送上一份礼品。
在总共 3 万个大富翁游戏盒中,孩之宝秘密地把其中 80 个游戏盒的仿真纸币换成了真钞。
其中唯一的大奖内,所有的游戏纸币全部换成了价值 2 万多的欧元。
二等奖有 10份,里面含有 300 欧元;最低的奖有 69 份,里面也有 150 欧元。
总值接近 3 万 4 千欧元。
这个项目是由大富翁在法国的品牌经理 Florence Gaillard 策划的。
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好奇心日报 , 每个时代都有最好的媒体。
DNF中文件对应的背景音乐时间:2016-08-19 10:05 作者:唯美悲痛zombie_virus_02-----生化禁区(图中)zombie_virus_01-----生化禁区(等待)vdefence-----新版怪物攻城town_pvp-----新版怪物攻城(战斗)town_ghost-----怪物攻城虚弱tournament_stage_02-----武斗大会2tournament_stage_01-----武斗大会1tournament_ready-----武斗大会(准备)up_to_the_castle-----开场镜像bloodbutterfly_boss-----血蝴蝶之舞bossbloodbutterfly-----血蝴蝶之舞hameln_boss-----老鼠bosshameln-----老鼠endless_nightmare_boss-----疑惑之村bossendless_nightmare-----疑惑之村grozny_boss_new-----绿都格罗兹尼boss区域(新) shallow_keep-----绿都odesa_boss_new-----热血八番街boss区域(新)bwanga_boss-----布万加修炼场bossbwanga_boss-----布万加修炼场skasa_boss-----斯卡萨之巢bossskasa-----斯卡萨之巢aganzo_boss-----月光酒馆bossaganzo-----月光酒馆underfoot-----浅栖之地shadow_maze_boss-----暗影迷宫boss shadow_maze-----暗影迷宫behemoth树精丛林、神殿外围(老版本) whitenight_boss-----极昼boss whitenight-----极昼cold_boy-----冰心少年riku_boss-----利库天井bossriku_cave-----利库天井charnakridge_boss-----山脊boss charnakridge-----山脊whiteland_boss-----白色废墟boss whiteland-----白色废墟darkelf_boss-----暗精灵墓地boss darkelf_amb-----暗精灵墓地magma_cave-----熔岩穴bloodhell_boss-----天帷禁地boss bloodhell-----天帷禁地float_castle-----悬空城b_float_castle-----悬空城相关场景3kingdom_boss-----第二脊椎boss3kingdom-----第二脊椎darkness_enter_boss-----黑暗玄廊boss darkness_enter-----黑暗玄廊1st_spine_boss-----第一脊椎boss1st_spine-----第一脊椎golem_tower_boss-----石巨人塔boss golem_tower-----石巨人塔hall_of_doll_boss-----人偶玄关bosshall_of_doll-----人偶玄关draconian_tower_boss-----龙人之塔bossdraconian_tower-----龙人之塔secret-----暗黑雷鸣废墟mirkwood_boss-----烈焰格拉卡bossmirkwood-----烈焰格拉卡grakkarak_new_boss-----格拉卡bossgrakkarak_new-----格拉卡street_battle_boss-----格兰守卫战bossstreet_battle-----格兰守卫战ringwood_prison_boss-----幽冥监狱bossringwood_prison-----幽冥监狱forest02-----洛兰领主【酷帅的投掷哥布林】forest01_old-----洛兰(旧)forest01_new-----洛兰(新)结婚westcoast_old-----西海岸(旧)westcoast_new-----西海岸church-----结婚礼堂wedding_room----婚房wedding_march----结婚wedding_honeymoon-----爱之摩伽陀银色村庄silver_crown_ds-----银色村庄dssilver_crown-----银色村庄luteon_boss-----炽晶森林&冰晶森林bossluteon-----炽晶森林&冰晶森林glassfey_boss-----水晶矿脉/被污染的水晶矿脉boss glassfey-----水晶矿脉/被污染的水晶矿脉prison_underground_boss-----幽冥监狱下层boss prison_underground-----幽冥监狱下层赫顿玛尔废墟sewer_ds-----赫顿玛尔废墟dssewer-----赫顿玛尔废墟mushroom_garden_boss-----蘑菇庄园bossmushroom_garden-----蘑菇庄园salif_boss-----蚁后的巢穴bosssalif-----蚁后的巢穴decay_area_boss-----腐烂之地bossdecay_area-----腐烂之地old_town_boss-----赫顿玛尔旧街区bossold_town-----赫顿玛尔旧街区chessboard_despair_boss-----绝望的棋局领主(罗莉安) chessboard_despair-----绝望的棋局dendroid-----陷落的村庄暗黑城circus_event_gate-----马戏团开场circus_event_boss-----马戏团bosscircus_event-----马戏团forgotten_island_hidden-----隐藏的遗忘之地forgotten_island_boss-----遗忘之地bossforgotten_island-----遗忘之地largus_02-----封印的藏宝地2largus_01-----封印的藏宝地1underfoot_town_ds-----暗黑城dsunderfoot_town-----暗黑城spider_kingdom_boss-----蜘蛛王国bossspider_kingdom-----蜘蛛王国tomb_of_the_hero_boss-----英雄冢bosstomb_of_the_hero-----英雄冢despot_king_altar_boss-----暴君的祭坛bossdespot_king_altar-----暴君的祭坛gold_cave_boss-----黄金矿洞bossgold_cave-----黄金矿洞ancient_times_heart_boss-----远古墓穴深处bossancient_times_heart-----远古墓穴深处dragon_seal_boss-----邪龙的封印bossdragon_seal-----邪龙的封印天帷巨兽behemoth_town_ds-----天帷巨兽3behemoth_town-----天帷巨兽2behemoth_b01_1-----天帷巨兽1durban_boss-----鲨鱼栖息地bossdurban-----鲨鱼栖息地humiliation_reef_boss-----人鱼的国度bosshumiliation_reef-----人鱼的国度goddess_temple_boss-----GBL女神殿bossgoddess_temple-----GBL女神殿breeding_place_boss-----树精繁殖地bossbreeding_place-----树精繁殖地corrupt_temple_boss-----疯狂的祭典&失落的神殿boss corrupt_temple-----疯狂的祭典&失落的神殿PK场Battle_Festa_waiting-----PK系统等待Battle_Festa_loading-----PK系统载入Battle_Festa_02-----PK系统02Battle_Festa_01-----PK系统01grenselos_truce----PVE战场(结束)grenselos_ready----PVE战场(准备)grenselos_battle----PVE战场(战斗)Gseeker01_boss-----南部溪谷&PK场(斗魂坛)bossGseeker01-----南部溪谷&PK场(斗魂坛)shallow_keep_b01-----老版本PK场pvp_tower-----PK场(死亡之塔)pvp_pub-----PK场(酒馆)pvp_practice-----PK场(风云道场)&练习模式pvp_odesa-----PK场(热血八番街)pvp_guild----PVP公会Guild_agit-----韩服公会战pvp_gate-----PK场(等待)pvp_counter-----PK场(追击歼灭战)pvp_colosseum-----PK场(斗兽场)pvp_bwanga-----PK场(雪山修炼场)pvp_area-----PK场(准备)&PK场(鹰吉处)暗精灵遗迹temple_boss-----神殿入口bosstemple_entrance----神殿入口temple_core-----未知temple_maze----未知temple_groop_boss----未知北方避难所north_shelter_ds-----北方避难所dsnorth_shelter-----北方避难所thorn_garden_boss----冰刺庭院bossthorn_garden-----冰刺庭院snake_nest_boss-----极光幻境bosssnake_nest-----极光幻境pollution_area_boss-----暮色之城bosspollution_area-----暮色之城black_snowmountain_boss-----黑色雪山boss black_snowmountain-----黑色雪山thief_boss----堕落的盗贼bossthief----堕落的盗贼in_depth_boss-----噩梦之源bossin_depth-----噩梦之源神之都根特gent_city_ds-----神之都根特dsgent_city-----神之都根特gentgate_outside_boss-----根特外围bossgentgate_outside-----根特外围gentgate_north_boss-----根特北门bossgentgate_north-----根特北门gentgate_east_boss-----根特东门bossgentgate_east-----根特东门gentgate_defence_boss-----根特防御战boss gentgate_defence-----根特防御战gentgate_boss----根特南门bossgentgate----根特南门nightattack_boss-----夜间袭击战bossnightattack-----夜间袭击战interception_boss-----补给线阻断战bossinterception-----补给线阻断战pursuit_boss-----追击歼灭战bosspursuit-----追击歼灭战鲁夫特悬空海港lufthafen_ds-----鲁夫特悬空海港dslufthafen-----鲁夫特悬空海港2lotus_nest_boss-----鲁夫特悬空海港bosslotus_nest-----鲁夫特悬空海港1seatrain_kong-----小美人鱼空空伊pirate_boss-----列车上的海贼bosspirate_boss-----列车上的海贼seatrain_boss-----夺回西部线bossseatrain-----夺回西部线haze_boss-----雾都赫伊斯bosshaze-----雾都赫伊斯arden_boss-----阿登高地bossarden-----阿登高地亡者峡谷illusiontower----迷妄之塔eviltower_02-----死亡之塔2eviltower_01-----死亡之塔1territory_pvp-----领主之塔刷图territory_castle-----领主之塔城堡territory_camp-----领主之塔营地territory_boss-----领主之塔bossBloodtower_03-----无尽的祭坛11—15Bloodtower_02-----无尽的祭坛6—10Bloodtower_01-----无尽的祭坛1—5despair_tower_under-----绝望之塔&叹息之塔(下阶)despair_tower_top-----绝望之塔&叹息之塔(上阶)piece_of_tera_normal-----堕落的泰拉遗迹刷图piece_of_tera_booster_02-----堕落的泰拉遗迹2piece_of_tera_booster_01-----堕落的泰拉遗迹1素喃shonan_ds----虚祖首都(素喃ds)shonan----虚祖素喃shonan_outside-----素喃郊外3kingdom_boss-----3kingdom_boss(新版巨龙boss?) 3kingdom_normal-----3kingdom_normal(新版巨龙?) 3kingdom_intro-----3kingdom_intro(新版巨龙?)the_nest_of_neitram-----巨龙盘踞之地in_cave_boss-----念气洞穴深处bossin_cave-----念气洞穴深处nen_area_boss-----念气修炼场bossnen_area-----念气修炼场timegate-----时空之门GBLarad_hatchery_boss-----时空裂痕bossodesa_new-----时空裂隙t_iris_song-----迷之觉悟2t_consciousness-----迷之觉悟1t_young_skasa(beginning_boss)-----凛冬bosst_three_dragons(beginning)-----凛冬t_confrontation(old_scave_boss)-----昔日悲鸣bosst_conspiracy(old_scave)-----昔日悲鸣t_the_kerberos(s_area_boss)-----绝密区域bosst_failed_metastasis(s_area)-----绝密区域t_out_of_control(b_church_boss)-----暗黑圣战bosst_black_holy_war(b_church)-----暗黑圣战t_adios_verrickt(cartel_boss)-----卡勒特之初bosst_we_are_desperado(cartel)-----卡勒特之初t_skull_knight(epidemic_boss)-----瘟疫之源bosst_land_of_darkness(epidemic)-----瘟疫之源t_rage(conflagration_boss)----格兰之火bosst_chaos_begin(conflagration)-----格兰之火t_quest_theme-----时空之门进图前斯曼工业区slough_industrial_ds-----斯曼工业基地dsslough_industrial-----斯曼工业基地kohle_boss-----克雷发电站boss、斯洛特发电站(摧毁发电站) kohle-----克雷发电站fruz_boss-----普鲁兹发电站bossfruz-----普鲁兹发电站trombe_boss-----特伦斯发电站bosstrombe-----特伦斯发电站grandine_boss-----格蓝迪发电站bossgrandine-----格蓝迪发电站helix_lab_boss-----赫拉斯研究所(前两图)bosshelix_lab-----赫拉斯研究所(前两图)helix_lab_trap-----赫拉斯研究所(前两图后)GBLarad_lab-----斯洛特发电站(逃离发电站)苍穹贵族号noble_sky-----苍穹贵族号寂静城zelba-----克洛诺斯岛watch_tower_boss-----倒悬的瞭望台bosswatch_tower-----倒悬的瞭望台up_to_the_castle-----倒悬的瞭望台(上升途中)lukerinje_boss----卢克的聚光镜bosslukerinje----卢克的聚光镜metals_brakium_boss-----钢铁之臂bossmetals_brakium-----钢铁之臂brazier_of_salamander_boss-----能源熔炉boss brazier_of_salamander-----能源熔炉banquet_hall_of_light_boss-----光之舞会bossbanquet_hall_of_light-----光之舞会empire_rempart-----王的书库异界gblkingdom_boss-----哥布林王国bossgblkingdom-----哥布林王国skycastle_boss-----蠕动之城bossskycastle-----蠕动之城bakalcastle_intro-----巴卡尔变身前bakalcastle_boss-----巴卡尔之城bossbakalcastle-----巴卡尔之城squadwar_boss-----兰蒂卢斯的鹰犬bosssquadwar-----兰蒂卢斯的鹰犬dimensionspace_boss-----虚无之境bossdimensionspace-----虚无之境blackearth_named-----黑色大地boss2blackearth_boss-----黑色大地boss1blackearth-----黑色大地远古vilmark_boss-----比尔马克帝国实验场bossvilmark-----比尔马克帝国实验场screaming_cave_boss-----悲鸣洞穴bossscreaming_cave-----悲鸣洞穴Npera_boss-----诺伊佩拉bossNpera-----诺伊佩拉kings_ruins-----熔岩穴、王的遗迹boss区域sc_b03----王的遗迹cartel_jump_down-----卡勒特总部自由落体时cartel_headquater_boss-----卡勒特总部boss cartel_headquater-----卡勒特总部ghost_train_boss-----幽灵列车bossghost_train-----幽灵列车leshphon_boss-----痛苦之村列瑟芳bossleshphon-----痛苦之村列瑟芳安图恩anton_phase2_boss-----安图恩第二阶段boss anton_phase2-----安图恩第二阶段anton_phase1_boss-----安图恩第一阶段bossanton_phase1_boss-----安图恩第一阶段aircraft_carrier_boss-----战舰bossaircraft_carrier-----战舰其他aincrad------aincrad(男格斗二觉宣传片背景音乐?)attendance_event-----摇骰子活动buff_fishing_legend-----buff_fishing_legend(未知)carol_town-----挖彩蛋dancing_tonight-----舞会Event_bgm_04-----剧情背景音乐4(活动)Event_bgm_03-----剧情背景音乐3(活动)Event_bgm_02-----剧情背景音乐2(活动)Event_bgm_01-----剧情背景音乐1(活动)eventBGM-----剧情背景音乐(活动)evilspirit-----evilspirit(未知)dunstagram_event-----dunstagram_event(未知)doll_burningtime-----doll_burningtime(未知)GBLarad_boss-----特殊地下城过场bossGBLarad-----特殊地下城过场hall_of_eternity_boss-----不太清楚hardcore_death-----hardcore_death(应该是死亡模式里的) hellmonster-----深渊模式character_stage_ds-----新版频道选择dscharacter_stage-----新版频道选择characterSelectStage_new-----韩服的登陆音乐(新)characterSelectStage-----韩服的登陆音乐intro-----DNF开场漫画job_guide-----转职画面kronos_room----众神议会厅(活动)Event_kronos_gate-----众神议会厅开场(活动)Event_kronos_boss-----众神议会厅boss(活动)Event_kronos-----众神议会厅(活动)result-----通关、PK结果音乐saint_horn_ds-----圣者之鸣号dssaint_horn-----圣者之鸣号seria_gate-----赛丽亚旅馆(新)adventurer_maker_02------adventurer_maker_02(养女儿?) adventurer_maker_01------adventurer_maker_01(养女儿?) gate_new-----赛丽亚旅馆(赛丽亚之歌伴)gate-----赛丽亚旅馆carol_rock-----赛丽亚电子背景音乐carol_gate-----赛丽亚旅馆(圣诞节特别版)ad_altar_boss-----守护者祭坛bossad_altar_normal-----守护者祭坛2ad_altar_hugewave-----守护者祭坛1sera_shop_new-----商城(新)carol_shop-----商城(圣诞节特别版)temp_mcgee-----三岔路的坎特温毁灭纪前forest02_old-----格兰之森大部分的地下城(旧)forest_town-----艾尔文防线hendonmyre_new-----赫顿玛尔hendon_cityhall-----市政厅(斯卡迪女王处)tavern-----索西雅酒馆storm_pass-----斯顿雪域。
1.1 Opera(歌剧)•S.1, Don Sanche, ou Le château de l'amour (1824–25) 歌剧《唐切桑》1.2 Sacred Choral Works(神圣的合唱作品)•S.2, The Legend of St. Elisabeth (1857–62) 清唱剧《圣伊丽莎白传奇》•S.3, Christus (1855–67) 清唱剧《基督》•S.4, Cantico del sol di Francesco d'Assisi [first/second version] (1862, 1880–81) 清唱剧《阿西西的圣方济圣歌》•S.5, Die heilige Cäcilia (1874)•S.6, Die Glocken des Strassburger Münsters (Longfellow) (1874)•S.7, Cantantibus organis (1879)•S.8, Missa quattuor vocum ad aequales concinente organo [first/second version] (1848, 1869)•S.9, Missa solennis zur Einweihung der Basilika in Gran (Gran Mass) [first/second version] (1855, 1857–58)•S.10, Missa choralis, organo concinente (1865)•S.11, Hungarian Coronation Mass (1866–67)•S.12, Requiem (1867–68)•S.13, Psalm 13 (Herr, wie lange ?) [first/second/third verion] (1855, 1858, 1862)•S.14, Psalm 18 (Coeli enarrant) (1860)•S.15, Psalm 23 (Mein Gott, der ist mein Hirt) [first version: chorus, soloist & orchestra] [second version: chorus, soloist & violin, piano, harp, organ] (1859, 1862)•S.15a, Psalm 116 (Laudate Dominum) (1869)•S.16, Psalm 129 (De profundis) (1880–83)•S.17, Psalm 137 (By the Rivers of Babylon) [first/second version] (1859–62)•S.18, Five choruses with French texts [5 choruses] (1840–49)•S.19, Hymne de l'enfant à son réveil (Lamartine) [first/second version] (1847, 1862)•S.20, Ave Maria I [first/second version] (1846, 1852)•S.21, Pater noster II [first/second version] (1846, 1848)•S.22, Pater noster IV (1850)•S.23, Domine salvum fac regem (1853)•S.24, Te Deum II (1853?)•S.25, Beati pauperes spiritu (Die Seligkeiten) (1853)•S.26, Festgesang zur Eröffnung der zehnten allgemeinen deutschen Lehrerversammlung (1858)•S.27, Te Deum I (1867)•S.28, An den heiligen Franziskus von Paula (b. 1860)•S.29, Pater noster I (b. 1860)•S.30, Responsorien und Antiphonen [5 sets] (1860)•S.31, Christus ist geboren I [first/second version] (1863?)•S.32, Christus ist geboren II [first/second version] (1863?)•S.33, Slavimo Slavno Slaveni! [first/second version] (1863, 1866)•S.34, Ave maris stella [first/second version] (1865–66, 1868)•S.35, Crux! (Guichon de Grandpont) (1865)•S.36, Dall' alma Roma (1866)•S.37, Mihi autem adhaerere (from Psalm 73) (1868)•S.38, Ave Maria II (1869)•S.39, Inno a Maria Vergine (1869)•S.40, O salutaris hostia I (1869?)•S.41, Pater noster III [first/second version] (1869)•S.42, Tantum ergo [first/second version] (1869)•S.43, O salutaris hostia II (1870?)•S.44, Ave verum corpus (1871)•S.45, Libera me (1871)•S.46, Anima Christi sanctifica me [first/second version] (1874, ca. 1874)•S.47, St Christopher. Legend (1881)•S.48, Der Herr bewahret die Seelen seiner Heiligen (1875)•S.49, Weihnachtslied (O heilige Nacht) (a. 1876)•S.50, 12 Alte deutsche geistliche Weisen (Chorales) [12 chorals] (ca. 1878-79) •S.51, Gott sei uns gnädig und barmherzig (1878)•S.52, Septem Sacramenta. Responsoria com organo vel harmonio concinente (1878) •S.53, Via Crucis (1878–79)•S.54, O Roma nobilis (1879)•S.55, Ossa arida (1879)•S.56, Rosario [4 chorals] (1879)•S.57, In domum Domino imibus (1884?)•S.58, O sacrum convivium (1884?)•S.59, Pro Papa (ca. 1880)•S.60, Zur Trauung. Geistliche Vermählungsmusik (Ave Maria III) (1883)•S.61, Nun danket alle Gott (1883)•S.62, Mariengarten (b. 1884)•S.63, Qui seminant in lacrimis (1884)•S.64, Pax vobiscum! (1885)•S.65, Qui Mariam absolvisti (1885)•S.66, Salve Regina (1885)• 1.3 Secular Choral Works(世俗的合唱作品)•S.67, Beethoven Cantata No. 1: Festkantate zur Enthüllung (1845)•S.68, Beethoven Cantata No. 2: Zur Säkularfeier Beethovens (1869–70)•S.69, Chöre zu Herders Entfesseltem Prometheus (1850)•S.70, An die Künstler (Schiller) [first/second/third verion] (1853, 1853, 1856)•S.71, Gaudeamus igitur. Humoreske (1869)•S.72, Vierstimmige Männergesänge [4 chorals] (for Mozart-Stiftung) (1841)•S.73, Es war einmal ein König (1845)•S.74, Das deutsche Vaterland (1839)•S.75, Über allen Gipfeln ist Ruh (Goethe) [first/second version] (1842, 1849)•S.76, Das düstre Meer umrauscht mich (1842)•S.77, Die lustige Legion (A. Buchheim) (1846)•S.78, Trinkspruch (1843)•S.79, Titan (Schobert) (1842–47)•S.80, Les quatre éléments (Autran) (1845)•S.81, Le forgeron (de Lamennais) (1845)•S.82, Arbeiterchor (de Lamennais?) (1848)•S.83, Ungaria-Kantate (Hungaria 1848 Cantata) (1848)•S.84, Licht, mehr Licht (1849)•S.85, Chorus of Angels from Goethe's Faust (1849)•S.86, Festchor zur Enthüllung des Herder-Dankmals in Weimar (A. Schöll) (1850)•S.87, Weimars Volkslied (Cornelius) [6 versions] (1857)•S.88, Morgenlied (Hoffmann von Fallersleben) (1859)•S.89, Mit klingendem Spiel (1859–62 ?)•S.90, Für Männergesang [12 chorals] (1842–60)•S.91, Das Lied der Begeisterung. A lelkesedes dala (1871)•S.92, Carl August weilt mit uns. Festgesang zur Enthüllung des Carl-August-Denkmals in Weimar am 3 September 1875 (1875)•S.93, Ungarisches Königslied. Magyar Király-dal (Ábrányi) [6 version] (1883)•S.94, Gruss (1885?)1.4 Orchestral Works(管弦乐作品)1.4.1 Symphonic Poems(交响诗)•S.95, Poème symphonique No. 1, Ce qu'on entend sur la montagne (Berg Symphonie) [first/second/third version] (1848–49, 1850, 1854) 第一交响诗山间所闻•S.96, Poème symphonique No. 2, Tasso, Lamento e Trionfo [first/second/third version] (1849, 1850–51, 1854) 《塔索,哀叹与胜利》•S.97, Poème symphonique No. 3, Les Préludes (1848) 第三交响诗“前奏曲”•S.98, Poème symphonique No. 4, Orpheus (1853–54) 第四交响诗《奥菲欧》•S.99, Poème symphonique No. 5, Prometheus [first/second version] (1850, 1855) 第五交响诗《普罗米修斯》•S.100, Poème symphonique No. 6, Mazeppa [first/second version] (1851, b. 1854) 第六交响诗《马捷帕》•S.101, Poème symphonique No. 7, Festklänge [revisions added to 1863 pub] (1853) 第七交响诗《节日之声》•S.102, Poème symphonique No. 8, Héroïde funèbre [first/second version] (1849–50, 1854) 第八交响诗《英雄的葬礼》•S.103, Poème symphonique No. 9, Hungaria (1854) 第九交响诗《匈牙利》•S.104, Poème symphonique No. 10, Hamlet (1858) 第十交响《哈姆雷特》•S.105, Poème symphonique No. 11, Hunnenschlacht (1856–57) 第十一交响诗《匈奴之战》•S.106, Poème symphonique No. 12, Die Ideale (1857) 第十二交响诗《理想》•S.107, Poème symphonique No. 13, Von der Wiege bis zum Grabe (From the Cradle to the Grave) (1881–82) 第十三交响诗《从摇篮到坟墓》1.4.2 Other Orchestral Works(其他管弦乐作品)•S.108, Eine Faust-Symphonie [first/second version] (1854, 1861)•S.109, Eine Symphonie zu Dante's Divina Commedia (1855–56)•S.110, Deux épisodes d'apres le Faust de Lenau [2 pieces] (1859–61)•S.111, Zweite Mephisto Waltz (1881)•S.112, Trois Odes Funèbres [3 pieces] (1860–66)•S.113, Salve Polonia (1863)•S.114, Künstlerfestzug zur Schillerfeier (1857)•S.115, Festmarsch zur Goethejubiläumsfeier [first/second version] (1849, 1857)•S.116, Festmarsch nach Motiven von E.H.z.S.-C.-G. (1857)•S.117, Rákóczy March (1865)•S.118, Ungarischer Marsch zur Krönungsfeier in Ofen-Pest (am 8 Juni 1867) (1870)•S.119, Ungarischer Sturmmarsch (1875)1.5 Piano and Orchestra(钢琴与乐队)•S.120, Grande Fantaisie Symphonique on themes from Berlioz Lélio (1834)•S.121, Malédiction (with string orchestra) (1833) 诅咒钢琴与弦乐队•S.122, Fantasie über Beethovens Ruinen von Athen [first/second version] (1837?, 1849) •S.123, Fantasie über ungarische Volksmelodien (1852) 匈牙利民歌主题幻想曲为钢琴与乐队而作•S.124, Piano Concerto No. 1 in E flat [first/second version] (1849, 1856) 降E大调第一钢琴协奏曲•S.125, Piano Concerto No. 2 in A major [first/second version] (1839, 1849) A大调第二钢琴协奏曲•S.125a, Piano Concerto No. 3 in E flat (1836–39)•S.126, Totentanz. Paraphrase on Dies Irae [Feruccio Busoni's 'De Profundis'/final version] (1849, 1859) 死之舞为钢琴与乐队而作•S.126a, Piano Concerto "In the Hungarian Style" [probably by Sophie Menter] (1885)1.6 Chamber Music(室内乐等)S.126b, Zwei Waltzer [2 pieces] (1832)•S.127, Duo (Sonata) - Sur des thèmes polonais (1832-35 ?)•S.128, Grand duo concertant sur la romance de font Le Marin [first/second version] (ca.1835-37, 1849)•S.129, Epithalam zu Eduard. Reményis Vermählungsfeier (1872)•S.130, Élégie No. 1 [first/second/third version] (1874)•S.131, Élégie No. 2 (1877)•S.132, Romance oubliée (1880)•S.133, Die Wiege (1881?)•S.134, La lugubre gondola [first/second version] (1883?, 1885?)•S.135, Am Grabe Richard Wagners (1883)1.7 Piano Solo1.7.1 Studies(钢琴练习曲)•S.136, Études en douze exercices dans tous les tons majeurs et mineurs [first version, 12 pieces] (1826) 12首钢琴练习曲•S.137, Douze grandes études [second version, 12 pieces] (1837) 《12首超技练习曲》•S.138, Mazeppa [intermediate version of S137/4] (1840) 练习曲“玛捷帕”•S.139, Douze études d'exécution transcendante [final version, 12 pieces] (1852) 12首超技练习曲•S.140, Études d'exécution transcendante d'après Paganini [first version, 6 pieces] (1838) 帕格尼尼超技练习曲•S.141, Grandes études de Paganini [second version, 6 pieces] (1851) 6首帕格尼尼大练习曲•S.142, Morceau de salon, Étude de perfectionnement [Ab Irato, first version] (1840) 高级练习曲“沙龙小品”•S.143, Ab Irato, Étude de perfectionnement [second version] (1852) 高级练习曲“愤怒”•S.144, Trois études de concert [3 pieces] (1848?) 3首音乐会练习曲1. Il lamento2. La leggierezza3. Un sospiro•S.145, Zwei Konzertetüden [2 pieces] (1862–63) 2首音乐会练习曲1. Waldesrauschen2. Gnomenreigen•S.146, Technische Studien [68 studies] (ca. 1868-80) 钢琴技巧练习1.7.2 Various Original Works(各种原创作品)•S.147, Variation on a Waltz by Diabelli (1822) 狄亚贝利圆舞曲主题变奏曲•S.148, Huit variations (1824?) 降A大调原创主题变奏曲•S.149, Sept variations brillantes dur un thème de G. Rossini (1824?)•S.150, Impromptu brilliant sur des thèmes de Rossini et Spontini (1824) 罗西尼与斯蓬蒂尼主题即兴曲•S.151, Allegro di bravura (1824) 华丽的快板•S.152, Rondo di bravura (1824) 华丽回旋曲•S.152a, Klavierstück (?)•S.153, Scherzo in G minor (1827) g小调谐谑曲•S.153a, Marche funèbre (1827)•S.153b, Grand solo caractèristique d'apropos une chansonette de Panseron [private collection, score inaccessible] (1830–32) [1]•S.154, Harmonies poétiques et religieuses [Pensée des morts, first version] (1833, 1835) 宗教诗情曲•S.155, Apparitions [3 pieces] (1834) 显现三首钢琴小品•S.156, Album d'un voyageur [3 sets; 7, 9, 3 pieces] (1835–38) 旅行者札记•S.156a, Trois morceaux suisses [3 pieces] (1835–36)•S.157, Fantaisie romantique sur deux mélodies suisses (1836) 浪漫幻想曲•S.157a, Sposalizio (1838–39)•S.157b, Il penseroso [first version] (1839)•S.157c, Canzonetta del Salvator Rosa [first version] (1849)•S.158, Tre sonetti del Petrarca [3 pieces, first versions of S161/4-6] (1844–45) 3首彼特拉克十四行诗•S.158a, Paralipomènes à la Divina Commedia [Dante Sonata original 2 movement version] (1844–45)•S.158b, Prologomènes à la Divina Commedia [Dante Sonata second version] (1844–45)•S.158c, Adagio in C major (Dante Sonata albumleaf) (1844–45)•S.159, Venezia e Napoli [first version, 4 pieces] (1840?) 威尼斯和拿波里•S.160, Années de pèlerinage. Première année; Suisse [9 pieces] (1848–55) 旅行岁月(第一集)- 瑞士游记•S.161, Années de pèlerinage. Deuxième année; Italie [7 pieces] (1839–49) 旅行岁月(第二集)- 意大利游记•S.162, Venezia e Napoli. Supplément aux Années de pèlerinage 2de volume [3 pieces] (1860) 旅行岁月(第二集补遗)- 威尼斯和拿波里•S.162a, Den Schutz-Engeln (Angelus! Prière à l'ange gardien) [4 drafts] (1877–82) •S.162b, Den Cypressen der Villa d'Este - Thrénodie II [first draft] (1882)•S.162c, Sunt lacrymae rerum [first version] (1872)•S.162d, Sunt lacrymae rerum [intermediate version] (1877)•S.162e, En mémoire de Maximilian I [Marche funèbre first version] (1867)•S.162f, Postludium - Nachspiel - Sursum corda! [first version] (1877)•S.163, Années de pèlerinage. Troisième année [7 pieces] (1867–77) 旅行岁月(第三集)•S.163a, Album-Leaf: Andantino pour Emile et Charlotte Loudon (1828) [2] 降E大调纪念册的一页•S.163a/1, Album Leaf in F sharp minor (1828)降E大调纪念册的一页•S.163b, Album-Leaf (Ah vous dirai-je, maman) (1833)•S.163c, Album-Leaf in C minor (Pressburg) (1839)•S.163d, Album-Leaf in E major (Leipzig) (1840)•S.164, Feuille d'album No. 1 (1840) E大调纪念册的一页•S.164a, Album Leaf in E major (Vienna) (1840)•S.164b, Album Leaf in E flat (Leipzig) (1840)•S.164c, Album-Leaf: Exeter Preludio (1841)•S.164d, Album-Leaf in E major (Detmold) (1840)•S.164e, Album-Leaf: Magyar (1841)•S.164f, Album-Leaf in A minor (Rákóczi-Marsch) (1841)•S.164g, Album-Leaf: Berlin Preludio (1842)•S.165, Feuille d'album (in A flat) (1841) 降A大调纪念册的一页•S.166, Albumblatt in waltz form (1841) A大调圆舞曲风格纪念册的一页•S.166a, Album Leaf in E major (1843)•S.166b, Album-Leaf in A flat (Portugal) (1844)•S.166c, Album-Leaf in A flat (1844)•S.166d, Album-Leaf: Lyon prélude (1844)•S.166e, Album-Leaf: Prélude omnitonique (1844)•S.166f, Album-Leaf: Braunschweig preludio (1844)•S.166g, Album-Leaf: Serenade (1840–49)•S.166h, Album-Leaf: Andante religioso (1846)•S.166k, Album Leaf in A major: Friska (ca. 1846-49)•S.166m-n, Albumblätter für Prinzessin Marie von Sayn-Wittgenstein (1847)•S.167, Feuille d'album No. 2 [Die Zelle in Nonnenwerth, third version] (1843) a小调纪念册的一页•S.167a, Ruhig [catalogue error; see Strauss/Tausig introduction and coda]•S.167b, Miniatur Lieder [score not accessible at present] (?)•S.167c, Album-Leaf (from the Agnus Dei of the Missa Solennis, S9) (1860–69)•S.167d, Album-Leaf (from the symphonic poem Orpheus, S98) (1860)•S.167e, Album-Leaf (from the symphonic poem Die Ideale, S106) (1861)•S.167f, Album Leaf in G major (ca. 1860)•S.168, Elégie sur des motifs du Prince Louis Ferdinand de Prusse [first/second version] (1842, 1851) 悲歌•S.168a, Andante amoroso (1847?)•S.169, Romance (O pourquoi donc) (1848) e小调浪漫曲•S.170, Ballade No. 1 in D flat (Le chant du croisé) (1845–48) 叙事曲一•S.170a, Ballade No. 2 [first draft] (1853)•S.171, Ballade No. 2 in B minor (1853) 叙事曲二•S.171a, Madrigal (Consolations) [first series, 6 pieces] (1844)•S.171b, Album Leaf or Consolation No. 1 (1870–79)•S.171c, Prière de l'enfant à son reveil [first version] (1840)•S.171d, Préludes et harmonies poétiques et religie (1845)•S.171e, Litanies de Marie [first version] (1846–47)•S.172, Consolations (Six penseés poétiques) (1849–50) 6首安慰曲•S.172a, Harmonies poétiques et religieuses [1847 cycle] (1847)•S.172a/3&4, Hymne du matin, Hymne de la nuit [formerly S173a] (1847)•S.173, Harmonies poétiques et religieuses [second version] (1845–52) 诗与宗教的和谐•S.174, Berceuse [first/second version] (1854, 1862) 摇篮曲•S.175, Deux légendes [2 pieces] (1862–63) 2首传奇•1. St. François d'Assise. La prédication aux oiseaux (Preaching to the Birds)•2. St. François de Paule marchant sur les flots (Walking on the Waves)•S.175a, Grand solo de concert [Grosses Konzertsolo, first version] (1850)•S.176, Grosses Konzertsolo [second version] (1849–50 ?) 独奏大协奏曲•S.177, Scherzo and March (1851) 谐谑曲与进行曲•S.178, Piano Sonata in B minor (1852–53) b小调钢琴奏鸣曲•S.179, Prelude after a theme from Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen by J. S. Bach (1859) 前奏曲“哭泣、哀悼、忧虑、恐惧”S.179 - 根据巴赫第12康塔塔主题而作•S.180, Variations on a theme from Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen by J. S. Bach (1862) 巴赫康塔塔主题变奏曲•S.181, Sarabande and Chaconne from Handel's opera Almira (1881)•S.182, Ave Maria - Die Glocken von Rom (1862) 圣母颂“罗马的钟声”•S.183, Alleluia et Ave Maria [2 pieces] (1862) 哈利路亚与圣母颂•S.184, Urbi et orbi. Bénédiction papale (1864)•S.185, Vexilla regis prodeunt (1864)•S.185a, Weihnachtsbaum [first version, 12 pieces] (1876)•S.186, Weihnachtsbaum [second version, 12 pieces] (1875–76) 钢琴曲集《圣诞树》•S.187, Sancta Dorothea (1877) 圣多萝西娅•S.187a, Resignazione [first/second version] (1877)•S.188, In festo transfigurationis Domini nostri Jesu Christi (1880) 我主耶稣基督之变形•S.189, Klavierstück No. 1 (1866)•S.189a, Klavierstück No. 2 (1845)•S.189b, Klavierstück (?)•S.190, Un portrait en musique de la Marquise de Blocqueville (1868)•S.191, Impromptu (1872) 升F大调即兴曲“夜曲”•S.192, Fünf Klavierstücke (for Baroness von Meyendorff) [5 pieces] (1865–79) 5首钢琴小品•S.193, Klavierstuck (in F sharp major) (a. 1860) 升F大调钢琴小品•S.194, Mosonyis Grabgeleit (Mosonyi gyázmenete) (1870) 在莫佐尼墓前•S.195, Dem andenken Petofis (Petofi Szellemenek) (1877) 纪念裴多菲•S.195a, Schlummerlied im Grabe [Elegie No 1, first version] (1874)•S.196, Élégie No. 1 (1874)•S.196a, Entwurf der Ramann-Elegie [Elegie No 2, first draft] (1877)•S.197, Élégie No. 2 (1877)•S.197a, Toccata (1879–81) 托卡塔•S.197b, National Hymne - Kaiser Wilhelm! (1876)•S.198, Wiegenlied (Chant du herceau) (1880) 摇篮曲•S.199, Nuages gris (Trübe Wolken) (1881) 灰色的云•S.199a, La lugubre gondola I (Der Trauergondol) [Vienna draft] (1882)•S.200, La lugubre gondola [2 pieces] (1882, 1885) 葬礼小船。
world coin使用方式
World Coin使用方式1. World Coin的基本介绍与获取方式1.1 什么是World Coin?World Coin是一种全球性的数字货币,旨在促进跨国交易和加强全球金融互联互通。
1.2 World Coin的发行方式World Coin的发行主要通过矿工挖矿的方式完成,保障了货币的去中心化特性。
1.3 World Coin的存储与钱包World Coin可以通过数字钱包进行存储,这些钱包可以是硬件钱包、软件钱包或在线钱包。
1.4 World Coin的交易平台用户可以通过数字货币交易平台购买或出售World Coin。
2. World Coin在全球经济中的应用2.1 全球支付和汇款World Coin可以作为全球支付工具,实现跨国支付,避免了传统金融体系中的汇款难题。
由于World Coin的去中心化特性,支付和汇款过程更加高效、低成本。
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通过智能合约,World Coin还可以用于融资,促进全球创新和企业发展。
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由于World Coin的全球性质,其价值相对稳定,有助于保值和保护资产。
3. World Coin的未来发展与挑战3.1 全球法规和监管World Coin面临来自不同国家监管机构的法规压力,可能会影响其在某些国家的合法性和可用性。
Drive On Water 水中行驶
Do Nothing 什么都不做
Hookers Pay You 妓女付你钱
AEDUWNV = Never Get Hungry 主角没有进食要求
CVWKXAM = Infinite Oxygen 无限氧气
ANOSEONGLASS = Adrenaline Mode 刺激模式
KANGAROO = Mega Jump 超级跳跃
IAVENJQ = Mega Punch 超级攻击
ROCKETMAYHEM = Recruit Anyone (Rockets) 给任何人火箭发射器
BMTPWHR = Country Vehicles and Peds, Get Born 2 Truck Outfit 乡村车辆,得到卡车装备
Байду номын сангаас
script PlaySoundFile
/scriptPlaySoundFile("Sound/Music/GlueScreenMusic/BCCredits_Lament_of_the_Highborne.mp3") 幽暗城女王希尔瓦娜斯倾情演绎,上层精灵的挽歌赞~2,/script PlaySoundFile("Sound/Music/ZoneMusic/DMF_L70ETC01.mp3")牛头老大的歌曲3,/script PlaySoundFile("Sound/Music/GlueScreenMusic/BC_main_theme.mp3")燃烧远征的主题曲4,/script PlaySoundFile("Sound/Music/Musical Moments/ZulGurubVooDoo.mp3")祖尔格拉布5,/script PlaySoundFile("Sound/Music/WorldEvents/AllianceFirepole.mp3")火焰节6,以下几个宏为ZAM的音乐,听起来还不错啊~/script PlaySoundFile("Sound/Music/ZoneMusic/ZulamanZA_zulaman_VCT10.mp3")一首组曲,很有气势/script PlaySoundFile("Sound/Music/ZoneMusic/ZulamanZA_zulaman_AMB10.mp3")修改后面的_AMB10到_AMB15 可选听共5首/script PlaySoundFile("Sound/Music/ZoneMusic/ZulamanZA_zulaman_BTL11.mp3")修改后面的_BTL11到_BTL15 可选听共4首7,以下为KLZ的音乐/script PlaySoundFile("Sound/Music/ZoneMusic/KarazhanKA_MalchezarWalkUni01.mp3") 交响曲一/script PlaySoundFile("Sound/Music/ZoneMusic/KarazhanKA_OperaOrganWalkUni01.mp3") 交响曲二/script PlaySoundFile("Sound/Music/ZoneMusic/KarazhanKA_BackstageWalkUni01.mp3")修改后面的01~02,共2首/script PlaySoundFile("Sound/Music/ZoneMusic/KarazhanKA_FoyerIntroUni01.mp3")修改后面的01~04,共4首/script PlaySoundFile("Sound/Music/ZoneMusic/KarazhanKA_GeneralWalkUni01.mp3")修改后面的01~07,共7首/script PlaySoundFile("Sound/Music/ZoneMusicKarazhanKA_LibraryWalkUni01.mp3")修改后面的01~04,共4首/script PlaySoundFile("Sound/Music/ZoneMusic/KarazhanKA_MalchezarWalkUni01.mp3") 修改后面的01~03,共3首/script PlaySoundFile("Sound/Music/ZoneMusicKarazhanKA_StableIntroUni01.mp3")/script PlaySoundFile("Sound/Music/ZoneMusicKarazhanKA_StableWalkUni01.mp3")修改后面的01~03,共3首/script PlaySoundFile("Sound/Music/ZoneMusic/KarazhanKA_TowerWalkUni01.mp3")修改后面的01~03,共3首8,暴风城音乐/run PlaySoundFile("Sound/Music/CityMusic/Stormwind/stormwind01-moment.mp3")修改stormwind01-moment到stormwind03-moment,共3首/run PlaySoundFile("Sound/Music/CityMusic/Stormwind/stormwind04-zone.mp3")修改stormwind04-zone到stormwind08-zone,共5首9,各地旅馆音乐/script PlaySoundFile("Sound/Music/ZoneMusic/TavernDwarf/RA_DwarfT avern1A.mp3")暗夜精旅馆的音乐,把后面的1A可以换成2A,1B,2B,3播放别版本的音乐/script PlaySoundFile("Sound/Music/ZoneMusic/TavernHuman/RA_HumanT avern1A.mp3") 人类旅馆的音乐,把后面的1A可以换成2A,1B,2B可播放别版本的音乐/scriptPlaySoundFile("Sound/Music/ZoneMusic/T avernHuman/RA_Tavern1_RevisitedA.mp3")船上面的音乐,把A改成B可播放B版本/scriptPlaySoundFile("Sound/Music/ZoneMusic/T avernNightElf/RA_TempleOfTheMoonA.mp3")月之神殿的音乐,把后面的A可以换成B可播放B版本/script PlaySoundFile("Sound/Music/ZoneMusic/TavernOrc/RA_OrcRestArea1A.mp3")兽人旅馆的音乐,把后面的1A可以换成2A,1B,2B,3A,3B播放别版本的音乐/script PlaySoundFile("Sound/Music/ZoneMusic/TavernPirate/RA_PirateT avern1A.mp3")把后面的1A可以换成2A,1B,2B,3A,3B播放别版本的音乐/script PlaySoundFile("Sound/Music/ZoneMusic/TavernT auren/RA_T aurenRestArea1A.mp3") 把后面的1A可以换成2A,1B,2B,3A,3B播放别版本的音乐/script PlaySoundFile("Sound/Music/ZoneMusic/TavernUndead/RA_UndeadT avern1A.mp3") 亡灵旅馆的音乐,把后面的1A可以换成1B,2,3A,3B播放别版本的音乐。
DISC1:01.Sadeness 悲伤02.Y arada 雅拉达03.Tum Around 四周围绕04.Shadows in Silence 寂静的影于05.Mea Culpa 责任06.Sex On The Beach Sex在海滩07.T N T For The Braint TNT的智能08.Appreciation 升值09.Soul 灵魂10.Smell Of Desire 达到心愿11.Modem Crusaders 现代战争12.Anima 阿密娜13.Sleep Will Come 将要入睡14.Speck Of Gold 有斑点的黄金DISC2:st Tango ln Paris 巴黎最后的探戈02.Drifting A way 漂走03.Twe Much 加倍04.Homebass 花园05.Flower 0f Rose 玫瑰之花06.Onion Mweng Rainbird 洋葱头的鸟07.Silence Must Be Heard 沉默被打破08.Desire 渴望09.Traveller 旅行者10.After 在以后11.Hermosa Marla 海洋生物12.Push The Limits 推开世界13.Mysterious 神秘14.What Will Be 什么将是DISC3:01.Whatever Lola Wants 无论罗拉要什么02.Faithless 无信仰03.Punjab 旁遮普邦04.Dream 梦幻05.Secret Tear 秘密泪花06.I Love Y ou I'll Kill Y ou 我爱你才得到你07.Monsoon 季风08.Porcelain 瓷瓶09.Hey!girl 嘿!女孩10.Age Of Loneliness 孤独的岁月11.On One In This World 在这个世界的无人处12.In The Light 发光体13.Kelly Watch The Stars 出发14.Sometimes 有时候401 the voice of enigma02 principles of lust - i - sadeness03 principles of lust - ii - find love04 principles of lust - iii - sadeness (reprise)05 callas went away06 mea culpa07 the voice & the snake08 knocking on forbidden doors09 back to the rivers of belief- i - way to eternity10 back to the rivers of belief- ii - hallelujah11 back to the rivers of belief- iii - The Rivers of Belief12 x sadeness (meditation)13 x mea culpa (fading shades)14 x principles of lust (everlasting lust)15 x the rivers of belief (the returning silence)以下是Enigma官方网站所列专辑曲目清单:01 2:08 The V oice of Enigma02 4:15 Sadeness (Principles of Lust)03 5:49 Find Love (Principles of Lust)04 3:48 Sadeness Reprise (Principles of Lust)05 4:29 Callas Went A way06 5:53 Mea Culpa07 2:45 The V oice & The Snake08 4:27 Knocking on Forbidden Doors09 2:19 Way to Eternity10 4:15 Hallelujah11 4:31 The Rivers of Belief专辑曲目:01. 鲸鱼之吻V on Haugwitz - Thale Of Whale (Original)02. 神秘花园The Flyhigh Project - Mystery Garden (Original)03. 彩色夜晚Dj Mary - Colors Night (Original)04. 爱的女神Cane Garden Quartet - Love Goddess (Original)05. 纽约之夜Th Floor - A Night In New Y ork (Original)06. 蓝色森林Jazz 4 - Blue Forest (Original)07. 神圣山谷Neon G - Sagrado (Original)08. 晶体尺寸Jazz 4 - Crystal Dimension (Original)09. 七个梦Seven Dreams - Seven Dreams (Original)10. 唤醒早晨Benn Finn - Morning Call (Original)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------31.专辑名称:浪漫风情T台走秀音乐-不落的夕阳时装是色彩交织的传说,是梦幻中的魅惑,是巴黎塞纳河上永不停止的古典音乐,与现代钢筋水泥的混合体。
这首歌曲的英文版本通常被称为 "Tear the Market" 或 "Tear Cardboard Market",但是并没有一个官方的英文翻译版本。
你在网上搜索 "Tear the Market" 或 "Tear Cardboard Market"
骑马与砍杀16世纪北半球 酒馆猜硬币必赢+酒馆雇佣加钱修改
骑马与砍杀16世纪北半球酒馆猜硬币必赢+酒馆雇佣加钱修改我的版本是1.6测试版conversation猜硬币必赢dlga_tavernkeeper_talk:tavernkeeper_coin 69631 161 3 2270 1 1224979098644774912 2106 2 1224979098644774912 6(时间就是说的6小时改为0之后大地图中右下角时间变了就又可以开始了) 32 2 1224979098644774912 144115188075857084 I'd_like_to_flip_a_coin_with_you. 157 0 NO_VOICEOVERdlga_tavernkeeper_coin:tavernkeeper_coin2 4095 157 0Alright._How_much_money_do_you_want_to_lose? 158 0 NO_VOICEOVERdlga_tavernkeeper_coin2:tavernkeeper_coin3 69631 158 2 2149 2 1224979098644774912 360287970189639680 30 2 1224979098644774912 100100_Denars. 159 1 2133 2 72057594037927942 100(钱) NO_VOICEOVER ……..其他钱都省掉了都可以不改的dlga_tavernkeeper_coin2:tavernkeeper_coinn 69631 158 0 I_can't_afford_it. 160 0 NO_VOICEOVERdlga_tavernkeeper_coinn:tavernkeeper_talk 4095 160 0 Nevermind. 161 0NO_VOICEOVERdlga_tavernkeeper_coin3:tavernkeeper_coin4 4095 159 0 Okay._Head_or_tail? 162 0 NO_VOICEOVERdlga_tavernkeeper_coin4:tavernkeeper_coin5 69631 162 0 Head. 163 2 2320 2 2 1585267068834415589(正) 2320 2 3 1585267068834415590 NO_VOICEOVER dlga_tavernkeeper_coin4:tavernkeeper_coin5.1 69631 162 0 Tail. 163 2 2320 2 2 1585267068834415590(反) 2320 2 3 1585267068834415589 NO_VOICEOVER dlga_tavernkeeper_coin5:tavernkeeper_coin6 4095 163 0Well,_here_we_go..._(He_flips_the_coin.) 164 1 2136 3 144115188075857083 0 2 NO_VOICEOVERdlga_tavernkeeper_coin6:tavernkeeper_coin6a 4095 164 1 31 2 144115188075857083 0 Look,_it's_{s3}!_Bad_luck_for_you. 165 0 NO_VOICEOVER dlga_tavernkeeper_coin6:tavernkeeper_pretalk 4095 164 1 31 2 144115188075857083 1 Damn,_it's_{s2}..._Here's_your_money. 166 3 1528 2 360287970189639680 72057594037927942 2270 1 1224979098644774912 2133 2 144115188075857084 1224979098644774912 NO_VOICEOVERdlga_tavernkeeper_coin6a:tavernkeeper_pretalk 69631 165 0Here_are_your_{reg6}_Denars. 166 3 1529(1528) 2 360287970189639680 72057594037927942 2270 1 1224979098644774912 2133 2 144115188075857084 1224979098644774912 NO_VOICEOVER猜硬币必赢需要修改的就是1529改为1528,这样不管输赢酒馆老板都会给你钱。
各国欧元图案一览2欧元硬币正面1欧元正面50欧分正面20欧分正面10欧分正面5欧分正面2欧分正面1欧分正面2欧元奥地利:Bertha vonSuttner,好象是个和平斗士比利时:King AlbertII.阿尔伯特二世,国王就是用这种方式不朽。
德国:鹰,设计者是Heinzand Sneschana Russewa-Hoyer。
没有一枚德国欧元硬币上有Germany 或Deutschland字样,有性格啊希腊:3世纪斯巴达的一个马赛克图案。
这人是the Grand DukeHenri。
币上另有卢文的卢森堡字样摩纳哥:H.S.H. TheSovereign Prince Rainier III。
葡萄牙圣马力诺:Il PalazzoPubblico - "The Public Palace"。
奥地利:WolfgangAmadeus Mozart芬兰:两只天鹅希腊:熟吧?这是雅典娜的猫头鹰嘛。
摩纳哥:The SovereignPrince and The Hereditary Prince Albert圣马力诺葡萄牙:图案比较单一。
每一个家族对应一种特 定的领域,比如:环球 金融系统,军事科技/军 工发展,意识控制,宗
教系统,大众传媒等等。 每一个家族都有一个13 人议会。13这个数字对 他们有非同寻常的意义。 他们知道神性意识(GodMind)的10个层面共包 含了12种类型的能量, 这12种能量之总和代表 了第13种能量。——这 被认为是最强大的知识
后来有位美国著名的政治作 家Eustace Mullins,经过 半个世纪的追查和研究,写 了一部《美联储的秘密》, 终于把美联储各个股东的银 行股份,全部摊在阳光下。 Wright Patman 认为: 《The Secrets of The Federal Reserve》实在是 一本好书原来美联储是属于 私人银行如:花旗银行、纽 约银行、摩根大通银行、第 一国家银行、纽约国家商业 银行、摩根信托公司、大通 曼哈顿银行等等等等,以及 很多超级富豪家族如:洛克 菲勒家族、摩根家族、罗斯 柴尔德家族、哈里曼家族、 希夫家族等等等等,而他们 又全部都是光明会和共济会 成员。
裏的仪式用红酒代替血来 进行。
光明会在地球上建立的 金字塔形控制体系完全 和Draco帝国裏的一样。 金字塔(13层),和它 顶端那只眼睛——这个 美元钞票上的图形—— 正是一种形象的象徵。 眼睛作为金字塔的顶部, 也解释了为什麼胡夫金 字塔的尖顶最初是用黄 金堆砌成的。
这13个家族的下面一级就是”三百委员 会“(Committee of 300)。三百委 员会为Pindar和13个家族提供直接的 支援。13个家族的成员全是蓝血谱系的 会变形的爬虫人,但三百委员会,虽然 他们也都带有相当比例的爬虫人DNA, 但是他们并不会形变。三百委员会的成 员家族包括了下面这些有名的名字:
浙江省温州市英语小学四年级上学期自测试卷及解答参考一、听力部分(本大题有12小题,每小题2分,共24分)1、听力原文:A. What’s this? It’s a cat.B. What’s that? It’s a dog.C. What’s this? It’s a bird.Question: What is the animal in the picture?A. A catB. A dogC. A birdAnswer: BExplanation: The listener should hear the sentence “What’s that? It’s a dog.” Therefore, the correct answer is B, a dog.2、听力原文:A. I like apples.B. I like bananas.C. I like oranges.Question: What fruit does the speaker like?A. ApplesB. BananasC. OrangesAnswer: AExplanation: The listener should hear the sentence “I like apples.” Therefore, the correct answer is A, apples.3、Listen to the dialogue and answer the question.A. What is the weather like today?B. Who is the man talking to?C. What does the girl like to do in the park?Answer: AExplanation: In the dialogue, the man says, “It’s a sunny day today, isn’t it?” which indicates that the weather is nice. Therefore, the correct answer is A.4、Listen to the story and complete the following sentence.The little boy went to the store to buy a new__________for his mother.Answer: penExplanation: In the story, the little boy wants to buy a new pen for his mother because she has been using the same old pen for a long time. The sentence is completed with the missing word “pen.”5.You hear a dialogue between two friends, Alice and Bob. Listen carefully and choose the correct answer.A. Alice is going to the park.B. Bob is going to the zoo.C. They are going to the library together.Answer: BExplanation: In the dialogue, Alice says, “I’m going to the park this afternoon.” Bob responds, “That sounds nice, but I’m going to the zoo.” So, the correct answer is Bob is going to the zoo.6.Listen to a short story and answer the following question.What is the story about?A. A girl named Lily.B. A boy named Tom.C. A dog named Max.Answer: AExplanation: In the story, Lily goes to the beach with her family. She finds a seashell and keeps it as a souvenir. Therefore, the story is about a girl named Lily.7、Listen to the dialogue and choose the correct answer.A. The boy wants to play soccer.B. The girl likes to play piano.C. They both want to go to the library.Answer: CExplanation: In the dialogue, the boy asks the girl if she wants to go tothe library to study together. The girl agrees, so the correct answer is C.8、Listen to the question and choose the correct answer.Question: What time is it now?A. 7:00 a.m.B. 8:00 a.m.C. 9:00 a.m.Answer: BExplanation: The question asks about the current time. In the dialogue, the speaker mentions that it’s almost time for breakfast, which is usually at 8:00a.m. Therefore, the correct answer is B.9、Listen to the following dialogue and choose the best answer.A. What’s your name?B. How old are you?C. Where are you from?D. What do you like to do?Answer: CExplanation: The speaker asks “Where are you from?”, which is the correct response to the question “What’s your name?” in the dialogue.10、Listen to the following question and answer and choose the correct answer.Question: How many apples does the boy have?A. He has three apples.B. He has five apples.C. He has two apples.D. He has four apples.Answer: AExplanation: In the dialogue, t he boy says, “I have three apples.” Therefore, the correct answer is A.11.Listen to the dialogue between two students, Tom and Jerry, and answer the question.Tom: “Jerry, how was your science project last night?”Jerry: “It was great, Tom! We built a volcano and it erupted!”Question: What did Jerry and Tom do last night?A. They watched a movie.B. They built a volcano.C. They studied for a math test.D. They went to a party.Answer: B. They built a volcano.Explanation: The dialogue clearly mentions that Jerry and Tom built a volcano, which means option B is the correct answer.12.Listen to the conversation between a teacher and a student, Alice, and answer the question.Teacher: “Alice, how did you do on your math test?”Alice: “I’m not sure, Mr.Smith. I think I got a few questions wrong.”Question: What is Alice’s feeling about her math test?A. She is confident.B. She is unsure.C. She is happy.D. She is sad.Answer: B. She is unsure.Explanation: Alice explicitly states that she is not sure about her performance on the math test, indicating that she feels unsure about her results. Therefore, option B is the correct answer.二、选择题(本大题有12小题,每小题2分,共24分)1、Which sentence correctly uses the past tense to describe an action that happened yesterday?A. I am eating breakfast.B. I ate breakfast.C. I am eating breakfast yesterday.D. I was eating breakfast yesterday.答案:B解析:选项B正确使用了过去时态(past tense),描述了昨天发生的动作。
1)What is bitcoin?(组长接工)1)Brief introductionBitcoin (sign: BTC) is a decentralized digital currency based on an open-source, peer-to-peer internet protocol. It was introduced by a pseudonymous developer named Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009.2)How to get bitcoins?•The most common way to buy bitcoins are the Bitcoin Exchanges . •Accept bitcoins as payment for goods or services.•There are several services where you can trade them for traditional currency.•Find someone to trade cash for bitcoins in-person through a local directory.•Participate in a mining pool.3) The differences between bitcoin and traditional electronic currency1、Bitcoin is decentralized, the traditional electronic money has a service center. The money supply is controlled by a decentralized software system, releasing new currency into the supply every 10 minutes, until a maximum of 21 million bitcoins is reached. The money supply cannot beinflated or deflated artificially in times of plenty or crisis. This is in contrast with other currencies, whose supply is controlled by humans who may be mistaken, misguided, malfeasant or under duress.2、Bitcoin stock is limited, cannot casually increase issue, while traditional electronic currency can be unlimited.3、Bitcoin code is open source, but the traditional electronic money are closed. Bitcoin's software source code is publicly available for review, testing and auditing at all times. Bitcoin's transaction ledger, by design, must be public, to guard against double-spending and to ensure system financial integrity.4、Bitcoin's value is derived from the users increased gradually, but the traditional electronic currency depend on fiat endorsement.2)Advance of bitcoin(周佳文接工)1)Brief introductionBitcoin is the world's first global, decentralized, digital currency—it is not controlled by any one party, who might be misguided or influenced. For the first time, you may send value (money) between any two parties, anywhere in the world, without a third-party intermediary.◆Bitcoins are sent easily through the Internet, without needing to trust any third party.◆Transactions are irreversible by design they are also cost very little,especially compared to other payment networks.◆With allegedly strict rules on the creation of Bitcoins, the money supply is limited. Theoretically, no government can water down the Bitcoin with any type of quantitative easing. As a result, Bitcoins seem to present the best of all possible worlds -- the convenience of modern digital payment technology and the stability of a fixed money supply.2)Bitcoin’s appliacations1)Brief introductionBitcoin has garnered comments and attention from economists and journalists, as well as investors and speculators. Others who mistrust their national currency have seen Bitcoin as a safe haven from inflation and a way to circumvent capital controls. The Bitcoin market currently suffers from volatility, limiting bitcoin utility to act as a currency. This has not prevented their being used as a medium of exchange. Bitcoin is used as a currency, with about 1,000 brick and mortar businesses willing to accept payment in bitcoins as of November 2013 and more than 35,000 merchants online.2)Established caseBitcoin is changing finance the same way the webs changing publish. When everyone has access to global market, great ideas flourished. Let’s look at some example that show how Bitcoin already used today.1)you can purchase video games2)Gifts3)Books4)storage space5)When several currency exchange exist, you can trade your to dollar,euro and more.6)Bitcoin detractors and supporters have suggested that Bitcoin isgaining popularity in countries with problem-plagued national currencies because it can be used to circumvent inflation, capital controls, and international sanctions. For example, Bitcoins are used by some Argentinians as an alternative to the official currency, stymied by inflation and strict capital controls. In addition, some Iranians use bitcoins to evade currency sanctions. A link between higher Bitcoin usage in Spain and the 2012–2013 Cypriot financial crisis has been suggested. Mistrust in traditional financial institutions and central banks fostered by the financial crisis of 2007–08 have probably helped to bolster Bitcoin popularity.7)Bitcoin is great way for small merchant and freelancer to get notice.Because it is a guaranteed payment, like a cashier's check. If youreceive bitcoins, that transaction cannot be reversed at a later date bya criminal seeking to commit fraud. This has obvious advantages formerchants selling goods over the Internet. In addition, Visa, MasterCard and other credit cards cover only about 60 of the world's nearly 200 countries. Bitcoin enables anyone in any country to securely pay a merchant, without the merchant having to worry about fraud risk.3)Legal issues and status1)Brief introduction(无人接工)1)Bitcoins have become linked to online criminal behavior and so-called cybercriminals. Used to obfuscate online transactions, bitcoins are often seized when dark web black markets are shut by authorities.2)Criminal activity involving Bitcoin has largely centered around theft of the currency, money laundering, the use of botnets for mining, and the illicit use of bitcoins in exchange for illegal items or services. Certain nation states may feel that its use in circumventing capital controls is also undesirable. While some governments have taken a hands-off approach, others have moved to regulate Bitcoin and similar private currencies.3)Despite claims made by the non-profit Bitcoin Foundation that "cryptography is... the reason no one can... steal Bitcoins," theft is widespread.Recently,a TOKYO—Bitcoin exchange Mt. Gox said it was filing for bankruptcy protection and that 750,000 of its customers' bitcoins and 100,000 of its own had been lost. At market prices charted by the CoinDesk bitcoin index, that would represent a loss of $473 million. The name-Mt. Gox originally stood for Magic: The Gathering Exchange, an online site designed to trade cards used in playing the card game popular with the younger set. An exchange based on trading kiddy cards does not seem like a sound foundation for a monetary system.(此处有视频)Mt.Gox是自称最大的比特币交易站之一。
A Practical Guide to Quantitative Finance Interview (Part)
Table of ContentsChapter 1 General Principles (1)1. Build a broad knowledge base (1)2. Practice your interview skills (1)3. Listen carefully (2)4. Speak your mind (2)5. Make reasonable assumptions (2)Chapter 2 Brain Teasers (3)2.1 Problem Simplification (3)Screwy pirates (3)Tiger and sheep (4)2.2 Logic Reasoning (5)River crossing (5)Birthday problem (5)Card game (6)Burning ropes (7)Defective ball (7)Trailing zeros (9)Horse race (9)Infinite sequence (10)2.3 Thinking Out of the Box (10)Box packing (10)Calendar cubes (11)Door to offer (12)Message delivery (13)Last ball (13)Light switches (14)Quant salary (15)2.4 Application of Symmetry (15)Coin piles (15)Mislabeled bags (16)Wise men (17)2.5 Series Summation (17)Clock pieces (18)Missing integers (18)Counterfeit coins I (19)2.6 The Pigeon Hole Principle (20)Matching socks (21)Handshakes (21)Have we met before? (21)Ants on a square (22)Counterfeit coins II (22)Contentsii 2.7 Modular Arithmetic (23)Prisoner problem (24)Division by 9 (25)Chameleon colors (26)2.8 Math Induction (27)Coin split problem (27)Chocolate bar problem (28)Race track (29)2.9 Proof by Contradiction (31)Irrational number (31)Rainbow hats (31)Chapter 3 Calculus and Linear Algebra (33)3.1 Limits and Derivatives (33)Basics of derivatives (33)Maximum and minimum (34)L’Hospital’s rule (35)3.2 Integration (36)Basics of integration (36)Applications of integration (38)Expected value using integration (40)3.3 Partial Derivatives and Multiple Integrals (40)3.4 Important Calculus Methods (41)Taylor’s series (41)Newton’s method (44)Lagrange multipliers (45)3.5 Ordinary Differential Equations (46)Separable differential equations (47)First-order linear differential equations (47)Homogeneous linear equations (48)Nonhomogeneous linear equations (49)3.6 Linear Algebra (50)Vectors (50)QR decomposition (52)Determinant, eigenvalue and eigenvector (53)Positive semidefinite/definite matrix (56)LU decomposition and Cholesky decomposition (57)Chapter 4 Probability Theory (59)4.1 Basic Probability Definitions and Set Operations (59)Coin toss game (61)Card game (61)Drunk passenger (62)A Practical Guide To Quantitative Finance InterviewsN points on a circle (63)4.2 Combinatorial Analysis (64)Poker hands (65)Hopping rabbit (66)Screwy pirates 2 (67)Chess tournament (68)Application letters (69)Birthday problem (71)100th digit (71)Cubic of integer (72)4.3 Conditional Probability and Bayes’ formula (72)Boys and girls (73)All-girl world? (74)Unfair coin (74)Fair probability from an unfair coin (75)Dart game (75)Birthday line (76)Dice order (78)Monty Hall problem (78)Amoeba population (79)Candies in a jar (79)Coin toss game (80)Russian roulette series (81)Aces (82)Gambler’s ruin problem (83)Basketball scores (84)Cars on road (85)4.4 Discrete and Continuous Distributions (86)Meeting probability (88)Probability of triangle (89)Property of Poisson process (90)Moments of normal distribution (91)4.5 Expected Value, Variance & Covariance (92)Connecting noodles (93)Optimal hedge ratio (94)Dice game (94)Card game (95)Sum of random variables (95)Coupon collection (97)Joint default probability (98)4.6 Order Statistics (99)Expected value of max and min (99)Correlation of max and min (100)Random ants (102)Chapter 5 Stochastic Process and Stochastic Calculus (105)iiiContentsiv 5.1 Markov Chain (105)Gambler’s ruin problem (107)Dice question (108)Coin triplets (109)Color balls (113)5.2 Martingale and Random walk (115)Drunk man (116)Dice game (117)Ticket line (117)Coin sequence (119)5.3 Dynamic Programming (121)Dynamic programming (DP) algorithm (122)Dice game (123)World series (123)Dynamic dice game (126)Dynamic card game (127)5.4 Brownian Motion and Stochastic Calculus (129)Brownian motion (129)Stopping time/ first passage time (131)Ito’s lemma (135)Chapter 6 Finance (137)6.1. Option Pricing (137)Price direction of options (137)Put-call parity (138)American v.s. European options (139)Black-Scholes-Merton differential equation (142)Black-Scholes formula (143)6.2. The Greeks (149)Delta (149)Gamma (152)Theta (154)Vega (156)6.3. Option Portfolios and Exotic Options (158)Bull spread (159)Straddle (159)Binary options (160)Exchange options (161)6.4. Other Finance Questions (163)Portfolio optimization (163)Value at risk (164)Duration and convexity (165)Forward and futures (167)Interest rate models (168)A Practical Guide To Quantitative Finance Interviews Chapter 7 Algorithms and Numerical Methods (171)7.1. Algorithms (171)Number swap (172)Unique elements (173)Horner's algorithm (174)Moving average (174)Sorting algorithm (174)Random permutation (176)Search algorithm (177)Fibonacci numbers (179)Maximum contiguous subarray (180)7.2. The Power of Two (182)Power of 2? (182)Multiplication by 7 (182)Probability simulation (182)Poisonous wine (183)7.3 Numerical Methods (184)Monte Carlo simulation (184)Finite difference method (189)vChapter 2 Brain TeasersIn this chapter, we cover problems that only require common sense, logic, reasoning, and basic—no more than high school level—math knowledge to solve. In a sense, they are real brain teasers as opposed to mathematical problems in disguise. Although these brain teasers do not require specific math knowledge, they are no less difficult than other quantitative interview problems. Some of these problems test your analytical and general problem-solving skills; some require you to think out of the box; while others ask you to solve the problems using fundamental math techniques in a creative way. In this chapter, we review some interview problems to explain the general themes of brain teasers that you are likely to encounter in quantitative interviews.2.1 Problem SimplificationIf the original problem is so complex that you cannot come up with an immediate solution, try to identify a simplified version of the problem and start with it. Usually you can start with the simplest sub-problem and gradually increase the complexity. You do not need to have a defined plan at the beginning. Just try to solve the simplest cases and analyze your reasoning. More often than not, you will find a pattern that will guide you through the whole problem.Screwy piratesFive pirates looted a chest full of 100 gold coins. Being a bunch of democratic pirates, they agree on the following method to divide the loot:The most senior pirate will propose a distribution of the coins. All pirates, including the most senior pirate, will then vote. If at least 50% of the pirates (3 pirates in this case) accept the proposal, the gold is divided as proposed. If not, the most senior pirate will be fed to shark and the process starts over with the next most senior pirate… The process is repeated until a plan is approved. You can assume that all pirates are perfectly rational: they want to stay alive first and to get as much gold as possible second. Finally, being blood-thirsty pirates, they want to have fewer pirates on the boat if given a choice between otherwise equal outcomes.How will the gold coins be divided in the end?Solution: If you have not studied game theory or dynamic programming, this strategy problem may appear to be daunting. If the problem with 5 pirates seems complex, we can always start with a simplified version of the problem by reducing the number of pirates. Since the solution to 1-pirate case is trivial, let’s start with 2 pirates. The seniorBrain Teasers4pirate (labeled as 2) can claim all the gold since he will always get 50% of the votes from himself and pirate 1 is left with nothing.Let’s add a more senior pirate, 3. He knows that if his plan is voted down, pirate 1 will get nothing. But if he offers private 1 nothing, pirate 1 will be happy to kill him. So pirate 3 will offer private 1 one coin and keep the remaining 99 coins, in which strategy the plan will have 2 votes from pirate 1 and 3.If pirate 4 is added, he knows that if his plan is voted down, pirate 2 will get nothing. So pirate 2 will settle for one coin if pirate 4 offers one. So pirate 4 should offer pirate 2 one coin and keep the remaining 99 coins and his plan will be approved with 50% of the votes from pirate 2 and 4.Now we finally come to the 5-pirate case. He knows that if his plan is voted down, both pirate 3 and pirate 1 will get nothing. So he only needs to offer pirate 1 and pirate 3 one coin each to get their votes and keep the remaining 98 coins. If he divides the coins this way, he will have three out of the five votes: from pirates 1 and 3 as well as himself.Once we start with a simplified version and add complexity to it, the answer becomes obvious. Actually after the case 5,n a clear pattern has emerged and we do not need to stop at 5 pirates. For any 21n pirate case (n should be less than 99 though), the most senior pirate will offer pirates 1,3,, and 21n each one coin and keep the rest for himself.Tiger and sheepOne hundred tigers and one sheep are put on a magic island that only has grass. Tigers can eat grass, but they would rather eat sheep. Assume: A . Each time only one tiger can eat one sheep, and that tiger itself will become a sheep after it eats the sheep. B . All tigers are smart and perfectly rational and they want to survive. So will the sheep be eaten?Solution: 100 is a large number, so again let’s start with a simplified version of the problem . If there is only 1 tiger (1n ), surely it will eat the sheep since it does not need to worry about being eaten. How about 2 tigers? Since both tigers are perfectly rational, either tiger probably would do some thinking as to what will happen if it eats the sheep. Either tiger is probably thinking: if I eat the sheep, I will become a sheep; and then I will be eaten by the other tiger. So to guarantee the highest likelihood of survival, neither tiger will eat the sheep.If there are 3 tigers, the sheep will be eaten since each tiger will realize that once it changes to a sheep, there will be 2 tigers left and it will not be eaten. So the first tiger that thinks this through will eat the sheep. If there are 4 tigers, each tiger will understandA Practical Guide To Quantitative Finance Interviews5that if it eats the sheep, it will turn to a sheep. Since there are 3 other tigers, it will be eaten. So to guarantee the highest likelihood of survival, no tiger will eat the sheep.Following the same logic, we can naturally show that if the number of tigers is even, the sheep will not be eaten. If the number is odd, the sheep will be eaten. For the case 100,n the sheep will not be eaten.2.2 Logic ReasoningRiver crossingFour people, A ,B ,C and D need to get across a river. The only way to cross the river is by an old bridge, which holds at most 2 people at a time. Being dark, they can't cross the bridge without a torch, of which they only have one. So each pair can only walk at the speed of the slower person. They need to get all of them across to the other side as quickly as possible. A is the slowest and takes 10 minutes to cross; B takes 5 minutes; C takes 2 minutes; and D takes 1 minute.What is the minimum time to get all of them across to the other side?1Solution: The key point is to realize that the 10-minute person should go with the 5-minute person and this should not happen in the first crossing, otherwise one of them have to go back. So C and D should go across first (2 min); then send D back (1min); A and B go across (10 min); send C back (2min); C and D go across again (2 min). It takes 17 minutes in total. Alternatively, we can send C back first and then D back in the second round, which takes 17 minutes as well.Birthday problemYou and your colleagues know that your boss A ’s birthday is one of the following 10 dates:Mar 4, Mar 5, Mar 8Jun 4, Jun 7Sep 1, Sep 5Dec 1, Dec 2, Dec 8A told you only the month of his birthday, and told your colleague C only the day. After that, you first said: “I don’t know A ’s birthday; C doesn’t know it either.” After hearing 1 Hint: The key is to realize that A andB should get across the bridge together.Brain Teasers6what you said, C replied: “I didn’t know A ’s birthday, but now I know it.” You smiled and said: “Now I know it, too.” After looking at the 10 dates and hearing your comments, your administrative assistant wrote down A ’s birthday without asking any questions. So what did the assistant write?Solution: Don’t let the “he said, she said” part confuses you. Just interpret the logic behind each individual’s comments and try your best to derive useful information from these comments.Let D be the day of the month of A ’s birthday, we have {1,2,4,5,7,8}.D If the birthday is on a unique day, C will know the A ’s birthday immediately. Among possible D s, 2 and 7 are unique days. Considering that you are sure that C does not know A ’s birthday, you must infer that the day the C was told of is not 2 or 7. C onclusion: the month is not June or December. (If the month had been June, the day C was told of may have been 2; if the month had been December, the day C was told of may have been 7.) Now C knows that the month must be either March or September. He immediately figures out A ’s birthday, which means the day must be unique in the March and September list. It means A ’s birthday cannot be Mar 5, or Sep 5. C onclusion: the birthday must be Mar 4, Mar 8 or Sep 1.Among these three possibilities left, Mar 4 and Mar 8 have the same month. So if the month you have is March, you still cannot figure out A ’s birthday. Since you can figure out A ’s birthday, A ’s birthday must be Sep 1. Hence, the assistant must have written Sep 1.Card gameA casino offers a card game using a normal deck of 52 cards. The rule is that you turn over two cards each time. For each pair, if both are black, they go to the dealer’s pile; if both are red, they go to your pile; if one black and one red, they are discarded. The process is repeated until you two go through all 52 cards. If you have more cards in your pile, you win $100; otherwise (including ties) you get nothing. The casino allows you to negotiate the price you want to pay for the game. How much would you be willing to pay to play this game?2Solution: This surely is an insidious casino. No matter how the cards are arranged, you and the dealer will always have the same number of cards in your piles. Why? Because each pair of discarded cards have one black card and one red card, so equal number of2Hint: Try to approach the problem using symmetry. Each discarded pair has one black and one red card. What does that tell you as to the number of black and red cards in the rest two piles?A Practical Guide To Quantitative Finance Interviews7red and black cards are discarded. As a result, the number of red cards left for you and the number of black cards left for the dealer are always the same. The dealer always wins! So we should not pay anything to play the game.Burning ropesYou have two ropes, each of which takes 1 hour to burn. But either rope has different densities at different points, so there's no guarantee of consistency in the time it takes different sections within the rope to burn. How do you use these two ropes to measure 45 minutes?Solution: This is a classic brain teaser question. For a rope that takes x minutes to burn, if you light both ends of the rope simultaneously, it takes /2x minutes to burn. So we should light both ends of the first rope and light one end of the second rope. 30 minutes later, the first rope will get completely burned, while that second rope now becomes a 30-min rope. At that moment, we can light the second rope at the other end (with the first end still burning), and when it is burned out, the total time is exactly 45 minutes. Defective ballYou have 12 identical balls. One of the balls is heavier OR lighter than the rest (you don't know which). Using just a balance that can only show you which side of the tray is heavier, how can you determine which ball is the defective one with 3 measurements?3Solution: This weighing problem is another classic brain teaser and is still being asked by many interviewers. The total number of balls often ranges from 8 to more than 100.Here we use 12nto show the fundamental approach. The key is to separate the original group (as well as any intermediate subgroups) into three sets instead of two. The reason is that the comparison of the first two groups always gives information about the third group.Considering that the solution is wordy to explain, I draw a tree diagram in Figure 2.1 to show the approach in detail. Label the balls 1 through 12 and separate them to three groups with 4 balls each. Weigh balls 1, 2, 3, 4 against balls 5, 6, 7, 8. Then we go on to explore two possible scenarios: two groups balance, as expressed using an “=” sign, or 1, 3Hint: First do it for 9 identical balls and use only 2 measurements, knowing that one is heavier than the rest.Brain Teasers82, 3, 4 are lighter than 5, 6, 7, 8, as expressed using an “<” sign. There is no need to explain the scenario that 1, 2, 3, 4 are heavier than 5, 6, 7, 8. (Why?4)If the two groups balance, this immediately tells us that the defective ball is in 9, 10, 11 and 12, and it is either lighter (L ) or heavier (H ) than other balls. Then we take 9, 10 and 11 from group 3 and compare balls 9, 10 with 8, 11. Here we have already figured out that 8 is a normal ball. If 9, 10 are lighter, it must mean either 9 or 10 is L or 11 is H . In which case, we just compare 9 with 10. If 9 is lighter, 9 is the defective one and it is L ; if 9 and 10 balance, then 11 must be defective and H ; If 9 is heavier, 10 is the defective one and it is L . If 9, 10 and 8, 11 balance, 12 is the defective one. If 9, 10 is heavier, than either 9 or 10 is H, or 11 is L.You can easily follow the tree in Figure 2.1 for further analysis and it is clear from the tree that all possible scenarios can be resolved in 3 measurements. In general if you have the information as to whether the defective ball is heavier or 4 Here is where the symmetry idea comes in. Nothing makes the 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5, 6, 7, 8 labels special. If 1, 2, 3, 4 are heavier than 5, 6, 7, 8, let’s just exchange the labels of these two groups. Again we have the case of 1, 2, 3, 4 being lighter than 5, 6, 7, 8.1/2L or 6H5H or 3L4L or 7/8H 12L or 12H 9/10H or 11L 9/10L or 11H 5,6,7,8+?1,2,53,6,9_1/2/3/4 L or 5/6/7/8 H1L 6H 2L 8H 4L 7H 3L 5H 2_18_79_39,108,11_9/10/11/12 L or H 9L 11H 10L 12H 11L 12L 10H 9H_912_8_9Figure 2.1 Tree diagram to identify the defective ball in 12 ballsA Practical Guide To Quantitative Finance Interviews9lighter, you can identify the defective ball among up to 3n balls using no more than n measurements since each weighing reduces the problem size by 2/3. If you have no information as to whether the defective ball is heavier or lighter, you can identify the defective ball among up to (33)/2n balls using no more than n measurements. Trailing zerosHow many trailing zeros are there in 100! (factorial of 100)?Solution: This is an easy problem. We know that each pair of 2 and 5 will give a trailing zero. If we perform prime number decomposition on all the numbers in 100!, it is obvious that the frequency of 2 will far outnumber of the frequency of 5. So the frequency of 5 determines the number of trailing zeros. Among numbers 1,2,,99, and 100, 20 numbers are divisible by 5 (5,10,,100 ). Among these 20 numbers, 4 are divisible by 52 (25,50,75,100). So the total frequency of 5 is 24 and there are 24 trailing zeros.Horse raceThere are 25 horses, each of which runs at a constant speed that is different from the other horses’. Since the track only has 5 lanes, each race can have at most 5 horses. If you need to find the 3 fastest horses, what is the minimum number of races needed to identify them?Solution: This problem tests your basic analytical skills. To find the 3 fastest horses, surely all horses need to be tested. So a natural first step is to divide the horses to 5 groups (with horses 1-5, 6-10, 11-15, 16-20, 21-25 in each group). After 5 races, we will have the order within each group, let’s assume the order follows the order of numbers (e.g., 6 is the fastest and 10 is the slowest in the 6-10 group)5. That means 1, 6, 11, 16 and 21 are the fastest within each group.Surely the last two horses within each group are eliminated. What else can we infer? We know that within each group, if the fastest horse ranks 5th or 4th among 25 horses, then all horses in that group cannot be in top 3; if it ranks the 3rd, no other horse in that group can be in the top 3; if it ranks the 2nd, then one other horse in that group may be in top 3; if it ranks the first, then two other horses in that group may be in top 3. 5 Such an assumption does not affect the generality of the solution. If the order is not as described, just change the labels of the horses.Chapter 4 Probability TheoryC hances are that you will face at least a couple of probability problems in most quantitative interviews. Probability theory is the foundation of every aspect of quantitative finance. As a result, it has become a popular topic in quantitative interviews. Although good intuition and logic can help you solve many of the probability problems, having a thorough understanding of basic probability theory will provide you with clear and concise solutions to most of the problems you are likely to encounter. Furthermore, probability theory is extremely valuable in explaining some of the seemingly-counterintuitive results. Armed with a little knowledge, you will find that many of the interview problems are no more than disguised textbook problems.So we dedicate this chapter to reviewing basic probability theory that is not only broadly tested in interviews but also likely to be helpful for your future career. 1 The knowledge is applied to real interview problems to demonstrate the power of probability theory. Nevertheless, the necessity of knowledge in no way downplays the role of intuition and logic. Quite the contrary, common sense and sound judgment are always crucial for analyzing and solving either interview or real-life problems. As you will see in the following sections, all the techniques we discussed in Chapter 2 still play a vital role in solving many of the probability problems.Let’s have some fun playing the odds.4.1 Basic Probability Definitions and Set OperationsFirst let’s begin with some basic definitions and notations used in probability. These definitions and notations may seem dry without examples—which we will present momentarily—yet they are crucial to our understanding of probability theory. In addition, it will lay a solid ground for us to systematically approach probability problems.Outcome (Ȧ):the outcome of an experiment or trial.Sample space/Probability space ( ):the set of all possible outcomes of an experiment.1 As I have emphasized in Chapter 3, this book does not teach probability or any other math topics due to the space limit—it is not my goal to do so, either. The book gives a summary of the frequently-tested knowledge and shows how it can be applied to a wide range of real interview problems. The knowledge used in this chapter is covered by most introductory probability books. It is always helpful to pick up one or two classic probability books in case you want to refresh your memory on some of the topics. My personal favorites are First Course in Probability by Sheldon Ross and Introduction to Probability by Dimitri P. Bertsekas and John N. Tsitsiklis.Probability Theory60()P Z : Probability of an outcome (()0,,()1P P Z Z Z Z :t : ¦).Event:A set of outcomes and a subset of the sample space.()P A : Probability of an event A , ()()AP A P Z Z ¦.A B : Union A B is the set of outcomes in event A or in event B (or both).A B or AB : Intersection A B (or AB ) is the set of outcomes in both A and B .c A : The complement of A , which is the event “not A ”.Mutually Exclusive :A B ) where ) is an empty set.For any mutually exclusive events 12,,N E E E ,11().N N i i i i P E P E §· ¨¸©¹¦ Random variable: A function that maps each outcome (Ȧ) in the sample space ( ) into the set of real numbers.Let’s use the rolling of a six-sided dice to explain these definitions and notations. A roll of a dice has 6 possible outcomes (mapped to a random variable): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6. Sothe sample space :is {1,2,3,4,5,6} and the probability of each outcome is 1/6 (assuming a fair dice). We can define an event A representing the event that the outcomeis an odd number {1,3,5},Athen the complement of A is {2,4,6}.c A Clearly ()P A (1)(3)(5)1/2.P P P Let B be the event that the outcome is larger than 3: {4,5,6}.B Then the union is {1,3,4,5,6}A B and the intersection is {5}.A B One popular random variable called indicator variable (a binary dummy variable) for event A is defined as the following:1,{1,3,5}.0,{1,3,5}A if x I if x ® ¯ Basically 1A I when A occurs and 0A I if c A occurs. The expected value of A I is []()A E I P A .Now, time for some examples.A Practical Guide To Quantitative Finance Interviews61Coin toss gameTwo gamblers are playing a coin toss game. Gambler A has (1)n fair coins; B has n fair coins. What is the probability that A will have more heads than B if both flip all their coins?2Solution: We have yet to cover all the powerful tools probability theory offers. What do we have now? Outcomes, events, event probabilities, and surely our reasoning capabilities! The one extra coin makes A different from B . If we remove a coin from A ,A and B will become symmetric. Not surprisingly, the symmetry will give us a lot of nice properties. So let’s remove the last coin of A and compare the number of heads in A ’s first n coins with B ’s n coins. There are three possible outcomes:1E :A ’s n coins have more heads than B ’s n coins;2E :A ’s n coins have equal number of heads as B ’s n coins;3E :A ’s n coins have fewer heads than B ’s n coins.By symmetry, the probability that A has more heads is equal to the probability that B has more heads. So we have 13()().P E P E Let’s denote 13()()P E P E x and 2().P E y Since ()1,P Z Z :¦ we have 2 1.x y For event 1,E A will always have more headsthan B no matter what A ’s (1)n th coin’s side is; for event 3E ,A will have no moreheads than B no matter what A ’s (1)n th coin’s side is. For event 2E ,A ’s (1)n thcoin does make a difference. If it’s a head, which happens with probability 0.5, it will make A have more heads than B . So the (1)n th coin increases the probability that A has more heads than B by 0.5y and the total probability that A has more heads is 0.50.5(12)0.5x y x x when A has (1)n coins.Card gameA casino offers a simple card game. There are 52 cards in a deck with 4 cards for each value jack queen king ace 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,,,,J Q K A . Each time the cards are thoroughly shuffled (so each card has equal probability of being selected). You pick up a card from the deck and the dealer picks another one without replacement. If you have a larger number, you win; if the numbers are equal or yours is smaller, the house wins—as in all other casinos, the house always has better odds of winning. What is your probability of winning? 2 Hint: What are the possible results (events) if we compare the number of heads in A ’s first n coins withB ’s n coins? By making the number of coins equal, we can take advantage of symmetry. For each event, what will happen if A ’s last coin is a head? Or a tail?。
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凯撒大帝名言英语1. "Veni, vidi, vici." ——我来,我见,我征服。
2. "Alea iacta est." ——骰子已经掷出。
3. "Aut viam inveniam aut faciam." ——我将找到一条路,或者创造一条路。
4. "Caesar non supra grammaticos." ——凯撒不凌驾于语法学家之上。
5. "Dum spiro, spero." ——只要我活着,就有希望。
6. "Et tu, Brute?" ——你也是,布鲁图?7. "Faciendum est." ——必须去做。
8. "Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." ——人们往往愿意相信他们希望的事情。
9. "Fortune favors the bold." ——幸运眷顾勇敢者。
10. "Iacta alea est." ——骰子已经掷出。
11. "Mens sana in corpore sano." ——健全的精神寓于健全的身体。
12. "Omnia vincit amor." ——爱征服一切。
13. "Plus ultra." ——更远的地方。
14. "Quo usque tandem abuteris, Catilina?" ——你到底要滥用我们多久,卡提林?15. "Sapere aude." ——勇敢地去智慧。
16. "Sed haec quis custodiet ipsos custodes?" ——但谁来守护这些守护者自己呢?17. "Sine ira et studio." ——无怒无偏。
2024-2025学年山东省青岛市英语小学五年级上学期复习试卷与参考答案一、听力部分(本大题有12小题,每小题2分,共24分)1、Listen to the conversation and choose the correct answer.A. The boy wants to go to the library.B. The girl wants to go to the park.C. They both want to go to the cinema.Answer: BExplanation: In the conversation, the girl suggests going to the park, and the boy agrees. Therefore, the correct answer is B.2、Listen to the short passage and complete the sentence with the missing word.The sun rises in the_______and sets in the _______.A. east, westB. north, southC. west, eastAnswer: AExplanation: The correct answer is “east, west” as the sun traditionally rises in the east and sets in the west.3、Listen to the conversation between two students in a classroom and choosethe correct answer.A) The teacher is explaining a new math concept.B) The students are discussing their weekend plans.C) The teacher is correcting homework.Answer: B) The students are discussing their weekend plans.Explanation: The conversation focuses on what the students did over the weekend and their plans for the upcoming days, indicating that they are discussing their weekend plans.4、Listen to a short story about a famous explorer and answer the question. Question: What was the explorer famous for?A)Discovering a new island.B)Mapping the world’s oceans.C)Climbing the highest mountain.Answer: B) Mapping the world’s oceans.Explanation: The story mentions the explorer’s extensive work in mapping the world’s oceans, making this the correct answer. The other optio ns are not mentioned in the story.5.Listen to the following dialogue and choose the best answer to the question.A. What’s the weather like today?B. How are you doing today?C. What’s your favorite color?D. How much is the book?Answer: AExplanation: The speaker asks about the weather, which indicates the topic of the conversation is the current weather condition. Therefore, option A is the correct answer.6.Listen to the passage and answer the following question.Question: What is the main purpose of the passage?A. To teach children how to ride a bicycle.B. To tell a story about a boy who loves reading.C. To explain the importance of exercise.D. To introduce a new game in the school.Answer: CExplanation: The passage focuses on the importance of exercise and its benefits for children. The author emphasizes the need for regular physical activity to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Thus, option C is the correct answer.7.Listen to the dialogue and choose the correct answer.A. What is the boy doing on the playground?1.He is playing soccer.2.He is playing basketball.3.He is playing badminton.Answer: 1Explanation: The boy is heard saying, “Let’s play soccer,” which indicates he is playing soccer on the playground.8.Listen to the story and answer the question.What did the cat do when it saw the mouse?A. It ran after the mouse.B. It played with the mouse.C. It hid from the mouse.Answer: AExplanation: In the story, the cat is described as “pouncing” on the mouse, which means it ran after and caught the mouse. The other options are not supported by the story.9.A: What is the weather like today?B: It’s sunny, but it’s a bit cold.Q: What is the weather like today?A: It’s sunny, but cold.Answer: BExplanation: This question asks about the weather condition today. The dialogue between A and B indicates that it is sunny but also a bit cold. Therefore, the correct answer is “It’s sunny, but cold.”10.A: How old are you, Tom?B: I’m nine years old. You?Q: How old is Tom?A: Tom is nine years old.Answer: BExplanation: This question inquires about Tom’s age. The dialogue between A and B reveals that Tom is nine years old. Hence, the correct answer is “Tom is nine years old.”11.Listen to the dialogue and choose the correct answer.A. What is the weather like today?B. How is the school event going?C. What time is the library open?Answer: BExplanation: In the dialogue, one person asks about the school event, indicating that the topic is about an event at school. Therefore, the correct answer is B.12.Listen to the question and choose the correct answer.A. What is the name of the movie?B. Where is the nearest restaurant?C. How much does the book cost?Answer: CExplanation: The question asks for the price of a book, which is a detail related to cost. Hence, the correct answer is C.二、选择题(本大题有12小题,每小题2分,共24分)1、Which of the following words ends with the silent “e”?A. hopeB. writeC. greatD. come答案:B解析:The word “write” ends with the silent “e.” Words with the silent “e” often follow a pattern where the “e” does not change the sound of the final consonant, such as in “write,” “kite,” “hate,” etc.2、What is the capital city of France?A. ParisB. LondonC. RomeD. Madrid答案:A解析:The capital city of France is Paris. London is the capital of the United Kingdom, Rome is the capital of Italy, and Madrid is the capital of Spain.3、What is the plu ral form of the word “child”?A)childrenB)childsC)childrensD)childAnswer: C) childrensExplanation: The correct plural form of “child” is “children.” The addition of an “s” at the end is the standard rule for forming the plural ofmany nouns in English.4、Which of the following sentences uses the correct past tense form of the verb “go”?A)I go to the park every weekend.B)I went to the park yesterday.C)I goes to the movies.D)I gone to school last week.Answer: B) I went to the park yesterday.Explanation: The past tense form of the verb “go” is “went.” Therefore, the correct sentence is the one that uses “went.” The other options contain incorrect verb forms or tenses.5.Which of the following sentences is correct according to the rules of capitalization?A. I am going to the park today.B. i am going to the park today.C. I am going to the Park today.Answer: AExplanation: The first letter of the first word in a sentence should always be capitalized. Therefore, option A is correct.6.Choose the word that best completes the sentence.The teacher__________us a new book.A. gaveB. givesC. will giveAnswer: AExplanation: The sentence is in the simple past tense, which means we need to use the past form of the verb. “Gave” is the correct past tense of “give,” so option A is the correct choice.7.What is the plural form of the word “child”?A)childersB)childsC)childrenD)childAnswer: C) childrenExplanation: The plural form of “child” is “children,” which is used to refer to more than one child.8.Which sentence is correct?A)She has two cats and a dog.B)She has two cats and dog.C)She has two cats and two dogs.D)She has two cats, and dog.Answer: A) She has two cats and a dog.Explanation: The correct sentence structure includes the use of “and” to connect the two items in the list, and the articles “a” and “an” are used before singular nouns. Therefore, “She has two cats and a dog” is the correct sentence.9.Which of the following sentences has the correct subject-verb agreement?A. The boy and the girl are singing.B. The boys and girls are singing.C. The boys or the girl is singing.D. The boy or the girl are singing.Answer: BExplanation: The correct subject-verb agreement is used in option B, as “the boys and girls” is a plural subject requiring a plural verb, “are singing.”10.Choose the word that best completes the sentence.The cat was very______when it saw the mouse.A. happyB. sadC. angryD. scaredAnswer: DExplanation: The word “scared” is the most appropriate to complete the sentence, as it describes a typical reaction of a cat to seeing a mouse.11.What is the plural form of the word “mouse”?A) miceB) mouseC) mousesD) mouseesAnswer: A) miceExplanation: The plural form of “mouse” is “mice.” This is an irregular plural form in English.12.Which sentence is correct?A) The children are plays in the park.B) The children are play in the park.C) The children are playing in the park.D) The children are playing in the park.Answer: C) The children are playing in the park.Explanation: The correct sentence is “The children are playing in the park.” The present continuous tense is used here to describe an ongoing action.三、完型填空(10分)Cloze TestRead the passage and choose the best word for each blank from the options given below.The school day at Elmwood Elementary begins with a 1)__________assembly. Every Monday, the principal, Mr. Green, addresses the students and teachers. This assembly is a chance for everyone to 2)__________the school rules and important announcements.One day, Mr. Green decided to 3)__________a special activity during the assembly. He wanted to 4)__________the students’ interest in learning. So, he 5)__________a puzzle that would require teamwork and creativity.1.A) earlyB) lateC) shortD) long2.A) discussB) ignoreC) repeatD) miss3.A) includeB) excludeC) introduceD) continue4.A) raiseB) lowerC) changeD) ignore5.A) presentedB) ignoredC) removedD) correctedAnswers:1.A) early2.A) discuss3.C) introduce4.A) raise5.A) presented四、阅读理解(26分)Reading ComprehensionPassage:Dear Students,Welcome back to the new school year! This semester, we are exploring the magical world of fairy tales. Today, we’ll delve into the classic story of “Cinderella.” Cinderella is a young girl who lives with her wicked stepmother and stepsisters. Despite their cruelty, Cinderella remains kind-hearted and hopeful. One night, she attends a royal ball with the help of her fairy godmother. However, she must return home before the clock strikes midnight or she will be turned into a pumpkin and her fairy godmother will vanish.One day, the king announces a royal ball to celebrate his birthday. The young ladies of the kingdom are invited to attend. Cinderella’s stepsisters, eager to go, begin preparing for the ball. However, Cinderella is forbidden to attend by her stepmother. Despite her sadness, Cinderella is determined to find a way to attend the ball.The night of the ball arrives, and Cinderella’s fairy godmother appears. With a wave of her wand, she transforms Cinderella’s pumpkin into a beautifulcarriage, her rags into a magnificent gown, and her common shoes into glass slippers. With these magical transformations, Cinderella is ready to attend the ball.At the ball, Cinderella meets the prince. They dance and enjoy each other’s company. However, Cinderella must leave the ball before midnight. She whispers a secret to the prince and runs home. When she arrives, the magic wears off, and she is left with nothing but her glass slipper. The prince, determined to find Cinderella, starts a search. He finds her by following the trail of the glass slipper.The story of Cinderella teaches us that beauty is not just on the outside, but also on the inside. It also shows us that with a little hope and magic, anything is possible.Questions:1.Why does Cinderella want to attend the royal ball?A. Because she is curious about the palace.B. Because she is invited by the prince.C. Because she is determined to find a way to attend despite her stepmother’s ban.D. Because she wants to impress her stepsisters.2.What is the main transformation that Cinderella undergoes before attending the ball?A. She is transformed into a princess.B. She is transformed into a fairy.C. She is transformed into a pumpkin.D. She is transformed into a beautiful carriage.3.What is the main message of the story of Cinderella?A. Beauty is only skin deep.B. Magic is the most important thing in life.C. Hope and determination can lead to success.D. Appearance is everything.Answers:1.C. Because she is determined to find a way to attend despite her stepmother’s ban.2.D. She is transformed into a beautiful carriage.3.C. Hope and determination can lead to success.五、写作题(16分)Write a short story about a young girl named Lily who loves to read. Describe her favorite book, how she discovered it, and why she enjoys reading so much.Example:Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Lily who lived in a small, cozy village. She had a passion for reading that no one else in her family could quite understand. Lily spent every spare moment with her nose buried in a book, whether it was a fairy tale or a mystery novel.Lily’s favorite book was “The Secret Garden” by Frances Hodgson Burnett.It was a magical story about a young girl named Mary who discovers a hidden gardenin her great-aun t’s mansion. The book transported Lily to a world of wonder and adventure, and she was instantly captivated by its beauty.One sunny afternoon, Lily was walking home from school when she stumbled upon an old bookshop. The store was filled with dusty shelves and faded covers, but Lily felt a strong pull to explore. She wandered through the aisles until she found a copy of “The Secret Garden” tucked away on a high shelf. The moment she opened the book, she was immediately drawn into Mary’s world.Lily loved r eading “The Secret Garden” because it allowed her to escape from her everyday life and immerse herself in a world of imagination. She enjoyed the way the characters grew and learned from their experiences, and she felta deep connection with Mary’s journey of self-discovery.As the days passed, Lily would often visit the bookshop and explore other enchanting stories. She realized that reading not only entertained her but also inspired her to dream big and pursue her passions. Thanks to “The Secret Garden,” Lily discovered the power of books and knew that she would always cherish the magical adventures they had to offer.Explanation:This example follows the prompt by focusing on a young girl named Lily who loves to read. The story begins by setting the backg round and introduces Lily’s passion for reading. It then describes her favorite book, “The Secret Garden,” and how she discovered it at an old bookshop. The reasons for Lily’s enjoymentof reading are explained, emphasizing the sense of wonder and imagination that books can bring. The story also highlights Lily’s connection to the characters and the inspiration she gains from their journeys. Overall, the example provides a clear and engaging narrative that meets the requirements of the prompt.。
IBM SPSS Statistics 版本 27 安装和许可入门指南说明书
Capítulo 1. Guía de inicio de instalación y licencias
Este documento es una visión general del proceso de licencia y de instalación de IBM® SPSS Statistics. Si lee este documento, entenderá los diferentes tipos de licencia, se familiarizará con el proceso de licencia e instalación básico y conocerá qué documentos de instalación debe leer para obtener información detallada.
Proceso de instalación de licencias de usuario concurrente
El proceso de instalación básico de licencias de usuario concurrente consta de tres pasos: 1. Instale el administrador de licencias en un equipo servidor. 2. Autorice el administrador de licencias. 3. Instale el producto. Las licencias de usuario concurrente están pensadas para empresas con varios usuarios. El producto se autoriza una vez a través del administrador de licencias, que se instala en un equipo servidor de su empresa. Cuando los usuarios fintienen una licencia concurrente y, a continuación, especifican el equipo servidor en el que está instalado el administrador de licencias. Si hay varios usuarios que están instalando el producto, tiene la opción de "distribuir" la instalación a los usuarios. La distribución de la instalación elimina la necesidad de acceder físicamente a cada sistema para instalar el producto en él. Si desea más información Para obtener información detallada sobre el proceso de instalación, consulte las instrucciones de instalación. En concreto, consulte los documentos siguientes. • Concurrent License Administrator's Guide.pdf. Si es la persona responsable de las