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Fra Baidu bibliotek
2.巴金大名鼎鼎,但平易 近人。
Chinese meaning: ____很_有__名________
• (be) famous / well-known (be) accessible/approachable (be) easy to get along with
2. 由于粗心大意,汤姆错过了这个机会。 (miss)(98高考)
3. 依我看,要做这个实验简直是天方夜 谭。 (it)
4. 科学家们投身工作时常常废寝忘食。 (devote)
5. 他在异国他乡 孤身只影 /孤家寡人 ,举目无亲。
• He was alone in the foreign country (far from his home), and no relative was near (him) .
Translate the sentences on your sheet.
• First,write down the Chinese meaning of each underlined idioms.
• Then, translate the whole sentence.
1. 集邮集币其乐无穷。(collect)
to you for… • I appreciate one’s doing…
Ⅲ. the way to translate idioms
1.用英语演讲对一个英文 教授来说易如反掌。
Chinese meaning: ____很__容__易____
• It’s very easy for sb. to do…
I .The translation of idioms (成语/习语的翻译)
— Phrases
II .The translation of idioms —— Sentence Patterns
1. 毫无疑问,毋庸置疑
•Without doubt/question, ... •There is no doubt that … •It is out of question that…
2. 显而易见
• It is obvious ( / apparent / clear/ distinct / evident) that …
• Obviously, /Apparently, / Clearly, / Distinctly, /Evidently, …
3. 感激涕零,不胜感激
• Thank you very much for … • I’m grateful / thankful / obliged
What is the way to translate idioms?
——意译 free translation
Step 1:
Find out the Chinese meaning.
Step 2:
Look for suitable English expression.
3. 开卷有益。
Chinese meaning: _读_书__有__益_(_于__我_们__)_ • It is good to read a lot. • Reading does good (to us). • Reading benefits us. • We can benefit from reading. • Reading is beneficial to us.