SRS(软件测试规范)模板下面是一个可以用作软件测试规范(SRS)的模板:1. 引言1.1 范围1.2 目标1.3 定义、首字母缩写词和缩略词1.4 参考文献1.5 概述2. 总体描述2.1 产品透视图2.2 产品功能2.3 用户特征3. 需求3.1 功能需求3.1.1 功能需求13.1.2 功能需求2...3.2 非功能需求3.2.1 性能需求3.2.2 安全需求3.2.3 用户界面需求...3.3 接口需求3.3.1 硬件接口3.3.2 软件接口...3.4 数据需求3.4.1 数据输入需求 3.4.2 数据输出需求 ...4. 测试策略4.1 测试的目标4.2 测试方法4.3 测试环境4.4 测试资源5. 测试计划5.1 测试范围5.2 测试任务5.3 测试进度5.4 测试资源5.5 风险评估和控制5.6 问题跟踪6. 测试设计6.1 测试用例6.2 测试数据6.3 测试环境6.4 预期结果7. 测试执行7.1 测试准备7.2 测试执行7.3 测试记录8. 缺陷管理8.1 缺陷识别8.2 缺陷报告8.3 缺陷跟踪8.4 缺陷解决8.5 缺陷验证9. 术语表9.1 同义词9.2 定义10. 参考文档这只是一个模板,具体的SRS的内容和结构可以根据项目的需求和团队的要求进行调整。
需求规格说明书SRS模板瑞德小说网需求规格说明书版本变更记录版本号日期描述v1.0.0 2017年12月20日初次定档V1.0.1 2017年12月27日目标描述V1.0.22018年1月1日功能需求V1.0.32018年1月7日附件完善V1.0.42018年1月8日汇总归纳目录1.引言 (6)1.1目的 (6)1.2文档格式 (6)1.3 预期的读者和阅读建议 (7)1.4 项目范围 (8)1.5 参考文献 (8)2.需求概述 (8)2.1 项目目的 (8)2.2 项目功能 (9)2.3 用户类和特征 (9)2.4 运行环境 (10)2.5 设计和实现的限制 (10)2.6 假设和依赖 (11)3.系统功能需求 (12)3.1描述和优先级 (12)3.2 功能划分 (12)3.3 功能描述 (13)4.外部接口需求 (14)4.1 用户界面 (14)4.2 硬件接口 (15)4.2 软件接口 (15)4.3 故障处理 (15)5.其他非功能需求 (16)5.1 性能需求 (16)5.2 安全性需求 (16)5.4 软件质量属性 (17)5.5 用户文档 (17)6.分析模型 (18)6.1 系统流程图 (18)6.2 用例图 (18)6.3 ER图 (20)6.4 类图 (21)6.5 数据流程图 (21)7.验收说明 (24)附录一用户需求汇总 (25)附录二目标描述 (33)附录三场景描述 (42)附录四数据字典 (69)附录五用户手册 (74)附录六需求验证与需求管理的相关规范 (77)1.引言1.1目的该文档首先给出了整个系统的整体网络结构和功能结构的概貌,试图从总体架构上给出整个系统的轮廓,然后又对功能需求、性能需求和其它非功能性需求进行了详细的描述。
系统将具备以下特点:1. 易用性:系统应易于使用,界面友好,提供必要的功能和信息。
2. 可靠性:系统应具有高度的可靠性,能够稳定运行并提供持续服务。
3. 可扩展性:系统应具备良好的扩展性,以便适应未来的需求变化和业务发展。
4. 安全性:系统应保证数据的安全性,采取必要的加密和安全措施。
三、功能需求1. 用户管理:系统应具备用户管理功能,包括用户注册、登录、权限管理等。
2. 数据录入:系统应提供数据录入功能,支持用户输入相关数据。
3. 数据查询:系统应支持数据查询功能,允许用户根据特定条件检索数据。
4. 数据统计:系统应对数据进行统计和分析,生成报表和图表。
5. 系统设置:系统应具备系统设置功能,包括参数配置、界面定制等。
四、性能需求1. 响应时间:系统响应时间应在合理范围内,满足用户的需求。
2. 并发用户数:系统应支持一定数量的并发用户,确保服务的稳定性和可用性。
3. 数据处理能力:系统应具备高效的数据处理能力,满足大量数据的处理需求。
4. 数据存储:系统应提供充足的数据存储空间,以满足业务增长和数据备份的需求。
五、设计约束1. 系统架构:系统应采用合理的架构设计,确保系统的可维护性和可扩展性。
2. 技术选型:系统应选择成熟可靠的技术方案,确保系统的稳定性和安全性。
3. 接口规范:系统应遵循统一的接口规范,保证与其他系统的集成和互操作性。
srs文档案例1. 引言软件需求规格说明书(Software Requirements Specification,简称SRS)是软件开发过程中的重要文档,用于详细描述软件系统的需求。
2. 项目背景本案例是基于一个在线购物系统开发项目的SRS文档。
3. 需求概述3.1 目标该在线购物系统旨在满足用户对便捷购物体验的需求,并提供安全可靠的支付和配送服务。
3.2 用户特征该系统主要面向互联网用户群体,包括年轻人、上班族和家庭主妇等。
4. 功能需求4.1 用户注册与登录4.1.1 用户注册:用户可以通过填写个人信息完成注册。
4.1.2 用户登录:已注册用户可以通过输入用户名和密码登录系统。
4.2 商品浏览与搜索4.2.1 商品分类:商品应根据类型、品牌等属性进行分类展示。
4.2.2 商品搜索:用户可以通过关键词搜索商品。
4.2.3 商品详情:用户可以查看商品的详细信息和图片。
4.3 购物车管理4.3.1 添加商品:用户可以将感兴趣的商品添加到购物车。
4.3.2 删除商品:用户可以从购物车中删除不需要的商品。
4.3.3 修改数量:用户可以修改购物车中商品的数量。
4.4 订单管理4.4.1 下订单:用户可以将购物车中的商品生成订单。
4.4 2 订单支付:用户可以选择支付方式完成订单支付。
5.非功能需求5.1 性能需求5.1.1 响应时间: 系统应在秒级内响应用户操作,保证流畅的使用体验。
5.1.2 并发能力: 系统应能同时处理多个请求,保证在高峰期不发生系统崩溃或响应缓慢等问题。
安全要求规格书srs全文共四篇示例,供读者参考第一篇示例:安全要求规格书SRS(Safety Requirement Specification)是软件项目开发过程中必不可少的一份文档,它主要用于描述软件系统中的安全要求和需求。
二、安全要求规格书的编写内容1. 系统概述:对软件系统做一个简要的介绍,包括系统的功能、用途、目标用户等。
2. 安全需求:描述系统中的各种安全需求,包括机密性、完整性、可用性等方面的要求。
3. 安全策略:制定系统的安全策略,包括访问控制、身份认证、数据加密、安全审计等。
4. 安全风险评估:对系统进行安全风险评估,识别潜在的安全风险并提出相应的应对措施。
5. 安全测试计划:制定系统的安全测试计划,包括安全功能测试、安全性能测试等内容。
6. 安全验证与审计:对系统进行安全验证和审计,确保系统符合安全标准和规范。
7. 安全培训与意识:制定安全培训计划,提高项目团队成员和用户的安全意识,并加强安全培训。
srs文档案例SRS (软件需求规格说明书) 文档是一个重要的软件开发文档,用于明确软件系统的功能需求、性能要求、接口要求等,并提供一个明确的指导,以便软件开发团队能够正确地开发出满足客户需求的软件系统。
下面是一个SRS文档的案例:1. 引言1.1 目的目的是定义和描述一个在线电商平台的功能需求和性能需求。
1.2 范围该软件系统将包括用户注册、商品浏览、购物车管理、订单处理等功能,并且需要支持多用户同时在线访问。
1.3 定义、缩写和缩写表2. 总体描述2.1 产品透视图该系统将由一个后端服务器和一个前端网页应用程序构成,后端服务器负责处理用户请求并管理数据库,前端网页应用程序将提供用户界面。
2.2 用户特点主要用户是注册用户和游客,注册用户将享有更多功能,例如购物车管理和订单处理。
3. 功能需求3.1 用户注册3.1.1 注册表单:用户可以通过填写注册表单来注册账号。
3.1.2 验证机制:系统需要验证用户提供的信息,并确保其唯一性。
3.2 商品浏览3.2.1 商品分类:系统需要将商品按照不同的分类进行展示。
3.2.2 商品搜索:用户可以通过关键字搜索商品。
3.3 购物车管理3.3.1 添加商品:用户可以将商品加入购物车。
3.3.2 修改商品数量:用户可以修改购物车中商品的数量。
3.3.3 删除商品:用户可以从购物车中删除商品。
3.4 订单处理3.4.1 下单:用户可以将购物车中的商品生成订单。
3.4.2 支付:用户可以选择支付方式并完成支付。
4. 性能需求4.1 响应时间:系统需要在用户请求后的3秒内作出响应。
4.2 吞吐量:系统需要支持1000个并发用户同时在线访问。
5. 接口需求5.1 用户界面:系统将提供一个Web用户界面。
5.2 数据库接口:系统将与数据库进行交互。
6. 非功能需求6.1 可靠性:系统需要保证数据的完整性和一致性。
6.2 安全性:系统需要采用安全性措施,防止未经授权的访问和数据泄露。
<项目名称> 需求规格说明书腾讯科技(深圳)有限公司版权所有侵权必究修订记录日期版本修改描述作者审核如:2006-9-21 V1.00模板修订历史日期版本修改描述作者审核2005-11-29 V0.10 版本完成,进行试点Faye Lane 2006-5-18 V1.00 模板内容优化Faye JeffxiongSidoqin Sunny 2006-8-22 V1.01 修订记录移到目录之前,增加模板修订记录、添加3.1.9其他需求的注释2006-9-10 V1.02 增加附录;修改特性、功能性需求表格;Sidoqin Sunny把I18NR、DSR明确到特性下;修改模板版本号至3位;修订目录显示层级2006-9-21 V1.03 修改修订记录换行格式;增加特性下的Tracy Sunny专利申请点及描述;部分排版修改目录修订记录 (2)目录 (3)1前言 (4)1.1文档目的和范围 (4)1.2参考文献 (4)1.3术语表 (4)2总体描述 (4)2.1业务执行角色 (4)2.2运行环境 (5)2.3设计和实现上的约束 (5)2.4整体流程/逻辑关系 (5)3特性 (5)3.1特性F MMM F EA TURE (5)3.1.1特性描述 (5)3.1.2功能性需求(Functional Requirements,FR) (6) 功能需求1 (6)3.1.3性能需求(Performance Requirements,PR) (6) 性能需求1 (6)3.1.4用户界面(User Interface,UI) (6)3.1.5接口需求(Interface Requirements,IR) (6)3.1.6安全性需求(Security Requirements ,SR) (7)3.1.7国际化需求(Internationalization Requirements,I18NR ) (7)3.1.8数据统计需求(Date Statistic Requirements,DSR) (7)3.1.9其他需求 (7)3.1.10该特性受限时的用户体验 (7)3.2特性F MMM F EA TURE (7)4附录 (8)说明:本文中蓝色斜体字体为说明性文字,写文档时请删除。
软件需求规格说明书模板(SRS)1引言 (2)1.1编写目的 (2)1.2背景 (2)1.3定义 (2)1.4参考资料 (2)2任务概述 (3)2.1目标 (3)2.2用户的特点 (3)2.3假定和约束 (3)3需求规定 (3)3.1对功能的规定 (3)3.2对性能的规定 (5)3.2.1精度 (5)3.2.2时间特性要求 (5)3.2.3灵活性 (5)3.3输人输出要求 (5)3.4数据管理能力要求 (6)3.5故障处理要求 (6)3.6其他专门要求 (6)4运行环境规定 (6)4.1设备 (6)4.2支持软件 (6)4.3接口 (7)4.4控制 (7)5 其他需求 (7)XXXX软件需求说明书1引言1.1编写目的说明编写这份软件需求说明书的目的,指出预期的读者。
2.2 产品功能: 产品功能:
概述了产品所具有的主要功能。其详细内容将在 中描 概述了产品所具有的主要功能。其详细内容将在3中描 所以在此只需要概略地总结, 述,所以在此只需要概略地总结,例如用列表的方法 给出。很好地组织产品的功能, 给出。很好地组织产品的功能,使每个读者都易于理 用图形表示主要的需求分组以及它们之间的联系, 解。用图形表示主要的需求分组以及它们之间的联系, 例如数据流程图的顶层图或类图。 例如数据流程图的顶层图或类图
5. 其他非功能需求
5.1 性能需求 阐述了不同的应用领域对产品性能的需求, 阐述了不同的应用领域对产品性能的需求,并解释它 们的原理以帮助开发人员作出合理的设计选择。 们的原理以帮助开发人员作出合理的设计选择。确定 相互合作的用户数或者所支持的操作、 相互合作的用户数或者所支持的操作、响应时间以及 与实时系统的时间关系。 与实时系统的时间关系。 5.2 安全设施需求 详尽陈述与产品使用过程中可能发生的损失、 详尽陈述与产品使用过程中可能发生的损失、破坏或 危害相关的需求。定义必须采取的安全保护或动作, 危害相关的需求。定义必须采取的安全保护或动作, 还有那些预防的潜在的危险动作。 还有那些预防的潜在的危险动作。明确产品必须遵从 的安全标准、策略或规则。 的安全标准、策略或规则。 5.3 安全性需求 详尽陈述与系统安全性、 详尽陈述与系统安全性、完整性或与私人问题相关的 需求, 需求,这些问题将会影响到产品的使用和产品所创建 或使用的数据的保护。定义用户身份确认或授权需求, 或使用的数据的保护。定义用户身份确认或授权需求, 明确产品必须满足的安全性或保密性策略。 明确产品必须满足的安全性或保密性策略。
2. 综合描述
这一部分概述了正在定义的产品以及它所运行的 环境、使用产品的用户和已知的限制、 环境、使用产品的用户和已知的限制、假设和依 赖。 2.1产品描述: 产品描述: 产品描述
需求分析中需求规格SRS模板SRS Template(Software Requirements Specification)推荐的SRS编写方法:1、自然语言描述的结构化文档2、图形化模型,比如Rose等UML本SRS模板给出结构化文档的建议格式目录1 引言91.1 目的91.2 产品范围91.3 预期的读者和阅读建议91.4 文档约定91.5 定义、首字母缩写词和缩略语91.6 参考文献102 整体说明102.1 功能概述102.1.1 主要功能102.1.2 其它功能122.2 分析模型132.2.1 用例图132.2.1 流程图132.2.1 状态图132.2.2 类图152.3 用户特征152.4 需求特殊要求162.5 假定和约束163 接口需求163.1 用户界面16(用户界面是解决方案,属于设计的范畴,不是需求。
增强交流,但不对开发进行限制,也不要增加变更管理的负担)(建议用户界面的细节,写入一个独立的用户界面文档,不要写在需求规格中)3.1.2 主界面173.1.2.1 界面原型183.1.2.2 界面内容及说明213.2 硬件接口503.3 软件接口503.4 通信接口504 功能需求504.1 功能列表及优先级504.2 功能名514.2.1 说明和优先级514.2.3 用户特征524.2.4 [可选]业务流程524.2.5 [可选]业务说明524.2.6 [可选]用户动作/系统响应序列(用例的方式,如果必要的话。
并非所有功能需求都和用例对应)4.2.7 功能需求524.2.8 [可选]数据要素(只是相关的数据要素,不是数据结构,数据结构整体给出,否则容易引起不一致性、缺乏整体性等问题)5 非功能性需求665.1 系统需求665.1.1 硬件要求665.1.2 软件要求675.1.3 设计和实现上的限制675.2 性能需求67软件的“时间-空间”效率,而不仅是指软件的运行速度。
b. 在SRS的前言、项目概述、附录部分的有关讨论中,要提供对任何一个具体需求交叉引用的背景;
c. 具体需求分类的方法如下:
a. 描述实际需求的目的;
b. 说明需求所预期的读者。
a. 用一个名字标识被生产的软件产品。比如:×××数据库系统,报表生成程序等等;
i. 应用的临界点;
j. 安全和保密方面的考虑。
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 输入
元数据Metadata 描述数据的内容、质量、状况和其他有关特征的数据。
数据中心Data Center 以各类数据为核心,依托成熟的存储、数据库、GIS、网络等技术,按照统一标准,建立的具有信息管理、分析、查询、统计及服务的一体化数据管理体系。
用户群:调度员2.2.项目背景XXX02.3.项目目标XXX o2.4.项目用户调度员3.需求说明3.1.整体需求XXX o3.2.功能需求3.2.1.需求编号规则需求编号:XXX(项目名称)+dt(模块名称)+001(功能点)工2.2.总体模块划分主要根据业务和展示功能划分,分为地图功能模块和业务功能模块。
【项目名称】需求规格说明书【文档标识(唯一标识该文档的标识号,SPD+组号)】【版本号】小组名称学号姓名本文档中主要承担的工作内容版本变更历史版本提交日期主要编制人审核人版本说明1.范围 (1)** 项目概述 (1)** 文档概述 (1)** 术语和缩略词 (1)** 引用文档 (1)2.业务需求 (1)3.功能需求 (1)4.数据需求 (2)5.非功能需求 (2)6.运行与开发环境 (2)** 运行环境 (2)** 软件环境 (2)** 用户界面需求 21.范围1.1 项目概述【在SDP文档基础上,进一步明确系统的背景、主要功能和非功能性需求,以及应用场景。
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】6.运行与开发环境6.1 运行环境【在SDP文档基础上,进一步明确系统运行的硬件环境和软件环境。
PREPAREDBY ExidaPTT PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITEDCHECKEDBY TeerasakONSHORE COMPRESSOR STATION 4 PROJECTAPPROVED BY(PTT) NaretCERTIFIED (PTT)NAREV.NO. DATEREVISED BY APPROVEDBY DESCRIPTIOND1 18-Jul-08 ISSUED FOR ITBD2 21-Jul-08REVISION ISSUED FOR ITBSAFETY REQUIREMENT SPECIFICATIONSPC-0804.02-60.07 REV D2TOTAL 46 PAGESAREA CODE OF SITE LOCATIONGENERAL AREA: 010.PTT PLC. CONTRACT NO.PTT PLC. PROJECT NO.0804.02COPYRIGHT RESERVEDThe information and design details in this document are the property of exida Pty Limited, and/or its associates. Except as provided below the document is issued on the strict condition that except with the written permission of exida Pty Ltd it mustAUSTRALIAPTT PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITEDSafety Requirement SpecificationPTT OCS4 ProjectJuly 2008CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATIONTable of Contents1Introduction (5)1.1General Project Information (5)1.2Background (5)1.3Purpose and Scope (5)1.4Methodology (5)1.5Regulations and Standards Used (6)1.6Supporting Documents (6)2General Requirements for the Safety Instrumented System (7)2.1Definition (7)2.2Design Requirements (7)2.3Requirement for Review (7)2.4Response to SIS Logic Solver Failures (7)2.5Interfaces (7)2.6Sequence of Events Recording (SER) (8)2.7Environmental Conditions (8)2.8Electrical Power (8)2.9Loss of Energy Sources (8)2.10SIS Software Requirements (8)3General Requirements for the Safety Instrumented Functions (9)3.1Spurious Trip Rate (9)3.2Demand Mode of Operation (9)3.3Protection Mode (9)3.4Manual Shutdown (9)3.5Pre-Alarms (9)3.6Maintenance Overrides (9)3.7Operating Modes (10)3.8Trip Reset (10)3.9Mission Time (10)3.10Response Time (10)3.11Test Interval (10)3.12Common Cause Sources (11)3.13Interfaces (11)3.14Regulations & Standards (11)3.15Failure Modes (11)3.16Diagnostics (12)3.17Gas Over Oil Valves (12)3.18Application Software (12)3.19Proof Test Procedures (12)4List of Safety Instrumented Functions (13)5Details of Safety Instrumented Functions (14)5.1PSD-103 (14)5.2PSD-101A (16)5.3PSD-102A (18)5.4USD-104.1A (20)5.5USD-104.2A (22)5.6USD-104.3A (24)5.7USD-101A (26)5.8ESD-101 (28)6Abbreviations and Definitions (30)7Disclaimer and Assumptions (31)7.1Disclaimer (31)7.2Assumptions for Safety Requirements Specification (31)Appendix A - List of Safety Functions Evaluated (32)Appendix B – SIL Determination Workshop Minutes (33)Revision HistoryREV DATE COMMENTS AUTHOR CHECKED APPROVEDA 17 July 2008 Incorporates comments from review RW MS1Introduction1.1General Project InformationProject Information Project DetailsProject Identification : 0804.02Project Name : Onshore Compressor Station 4Company : PTT Public Company LimitedProject Leader : Mr Naret VisesvongsaProject Initiated On : March 2008Project Description : Identify and specify SIF to IEC 61511 requirements1.2BackgroundPTT intends to install a new Onshore Compressor Station No. 4 (OCS4) located at Map Ta Phut, Rayong, adjacent to PTT LNG terminal, to boost the pressure of the incoming gas from PTT Gas Separation Plant Dew Point Control Unit (GSP DPCU) in order to mix it with gas from the LNG terminal at the Fourth Transmission Pipeline (FTP) header. The mixed gas will be distributed via the Fourth Transmission Pipeline.PTT has decided that the OCS4 project will follow the functional safety requirements of IEC 61511 safety lifecycle activities to ensure that potential incidents that could affect safety, the environment, or cause asset loss at the facility, have been identified, and risk management of these incidents can be demonstrated.1.3Purpose and ScopeThe purpose of this document is to provide details of the functional requirements that are common to the Safety Instrumented System (SIS), the functional requirements that are common to all identified Safety Instrumented Functions (SIF), and the functional and integrity requirements that are unique to each SIF. In this way repetition, conflicting or missing requirements are reduced. The intent is that the information required by the organization responsible for the design of the SIS is presented as clearly, completely and accurately as possible to enable the organization to design the SIS and each SIF to meet the functional requirements.The scope of the document follows the boundaries of the OCS4 project.1.4MethodologyAs an initial step in the process of compliance with IEC 61511, PTT has drawn on experience from designing and implementing similar facilities, and used this in conjunction with a HAZOP workshop to identify potential incidents, their causes and consequences, and the preventative and mitigative safeguards already in place. Where the HAZOP team felt it was necessary, additional safeguards were recommended.This initial step was followed by a SIL determination workshop held at the Foster Wheeler Thailand office in Sri racha on 14 July 2008. The SIL determination workshop used the results of the HAZOP to evaluate the performance requirements of the identified SIF. A risk graph approach, as detailed in the Foster Wheeler SIL Review Procedure, was used to evaluate the performance requirements of each SIF, and The results of the SIL determination workshop are located in Appendix B.. Essentially, the risk graph approach is a team-based evaluation of the severity of the consequence of each incident scenario the frequency each scenario would occur, the likelihood that a person or persons would be in the area, and possibility that the person or persons would have adequate warning prior to the incident occurring to enable them to avoid the incident. Separate risk graphs were used for environmental impact and potential financial loss.These parameters were then plotted on the appropriate risk graph to produce a Safety Integrity Level for each individual the SIF, for each of the three types of consequence considered – safety,environmental impact, and potential financial loss. The highest SIL rating from the three consequence types considered was chosen as the performance requirement of the SIF. As this approach resulted in a SIL for each SIF, it was felt necessary to refine this requirement with the inclusion of a Risk Reduction Factor (RRF). The following table maps the required RRF to the SIL value:SIL RRF1 302 5001.5Regulations and Standards UsedThis SRS is based on the following standards:Standard NumberIEC 61511 Parts 1-3 Functional Safety: Safety Instrumented Systems for the Process Industry SectorIEC 61508 Parts 1 to 7 Functional Safety of Electrical/Electronic/Programmable Electronic Safety-Related Systems1.6Supporting DocumentsThis SRS drew on information from, or references the following documents: Document DescriptionE17-08 FosterWheelerSIL Review ProcedurePR-0804.02-90.03 Rev A1 HAZOP Study - 3 July 2008- SIL Determination Workshop Results – 14 July 2008 15-3-0804.02-6000-001 to15-3-0804.02-6000-029 Rev D1Piping & Instrument Drawings (P&IDs )14-3-0804.02-6000-001 Rev D2 ESD Hierarchy DiagramsSPC0804.02-60.02 SISSpecificationSPC0804.02-99.90 Basic Engineering Design Document (BEDD)2General Requirements for the Safety Instrumented SystemThis section describes the common functional requirements that apply to the Safety Instrumented System used in the Onshore Compressor Station 4 project.2.1DefinitionThe Safety Instrumented System is defined as the total system and includes all sensor, logic solver and final element subsystems, power supplies and communication networks.2.2Design RequirementsThe SIS shall be designed in accordance with the manufacturer’s requirements to meet the required safety performance level. Where equipment is certified for safety use, all of the design requirements of the equipment safety manual (whether referenced on the safety certificate or not) shall be implemented, and evidence of this shall be provided.A copy of the safety manual for each certified device shall be provided.2.3Requirement for ReviewThis Safety Requirement Specification (SRS) was written based on the latest revisions of documentation available at the time. Prior to the design of the SIS, the responsible contractor shall review the SRS against the latest revisions of all applicable documents and to modify the SRS if and where required.2.4Response to SIS Logic Solver FailuresIn the event of partial or complete failure of the SIS, the following provisions must be made.a) A continuous diagnostic program shall detect the discrepancies and shall take timely action(initiation of the respective function or of the complete ESD). This action shall be visible from the operation station and recorded, and at no time it will imply any loss in process safety.b)In the case of system failure, the outputs will be driven to take the plant to a safe position andthe operator shall be warned.c)The failure modes and response of the SIS on the detection of faults should be defined. Forexample, a transmitter can be designed to fail toward a trip condition or away from a trip condition. If it is designed to fail away from the trip condition, then it is important that the operator gets an alarm on the transmitter failure and is trained to take the necessary corrective action to get the transmitter repaired as quickly as possible. See also IEC 61511-1, clause 11.3 relating to requirements on detection of a fault.2.5InterfacesThe SIS must interface to the following systems:2.5.1Distributed Control System (DCS)The interface between the SIS and the DCS shall be provided using redundant V-NET.It must be possible for the SIS to write information to the DCS.It must not be possible for the DCS to write information, settings or actions to the SIS. The SIS will be able to read information from the DCS to perform external sensor comparison, if required. An alarm shall be provided in the SIS and communicated to the operator should the read communications fail.In the case of 2oo3 transmitter voting, the SIS will write the transmitter values to the DCS; the DCS will perform a measurement validation comparison and raise an alarm if discrepancy is detected.2.5.2Operator WorkstationsOperating stations must be provided in accordance with PTT specifications and philosophy documents.2.6Sequence of Events Recording (SER)Sequence of Event (SOE) recording is required for this project:System timing in the SIS shall be synchronized from the DCS. The DCS shall be synchronized from a GPS.The SIS shall write event data to the DCS complete with time stamp.System timing shall be provided in accordance with DCS specification SPC0804.02-60.05 Section ConditionsThe SIS must be suitably designed, built and installed to operate in the environmental conditions specified in the SIS Specification (SPC0804.02-60.02) and Basic Engineering Design Document (SPC0804.02-99.90).2.7.1Interior EquipmentThe logic solver and associated interface equipment will be mounted in a controlled environment in accordance with SIS Specification (SPC0804.02-60.02).2.7.2Exterior EquipmentField equipment (sensors & final elements) will be supplied by others to meet the environmental requirements as detailed in Basic Engineering Design Document (SPC0804.02-99.90) and process requirements as detailed in the individual instrument data sheets.2.8Electrical PowerElectrical power is provided to the SIS via two independently fused power feeds providing power to two independent UPS systems.The UPS systems shall be sized to provide sufficient power to continue full operation of the SIS, including field devices, for 2 hours after which there will still be sufficient power for a controlled shutdown of the compressor station. Contractor to provide calculations to verify this capability2.9Loss of Energy SourcesThe complete SIS system shall be designed to go to its safe state on total loss of electrical power, or on total loss of instrument air/nitrogen.2.10SIS Software RequirementsAll configuration and programming requirements specified by IEC 61511-1 clause 12 shall be followed.a)SIF threshold set points shall be able to be changed without having to re-flash EPROMs. The SIFthreshold set points shall be protected via software access security.b)Use IEC 61508 safety assessed logic blocks (safety PLCs)c)Have cycle times that will allow overall performance as stated in the following general andspecific SIF requirementsd)Be functionally tested as stated in each SIF specific requiremente)Follow functional safety management and safety lifecycle practices similar to SIS hardware(especially MOC M anagement o f C hanges).3General Requirements for the Safety Instrumented FunctionsThis section describes the common functional requirements that apply to all Safety Instrumented Functions in the Onshore Compressor Station 4 project. In some cases, a Safety Instrumented Function will have additional or different requirements; these will be identified in the appropriate SIF subsection of this document.3.1Spurious Trip RateAll Safety Instrumented Functions shall be designed to fail spurious (safe) no more than once every 15 years (i.e. 0.066 per year)3.2Demand Mode of OperationAll Safety Instrumented Functions shall be designed to operate in low demand mode.3.3Protection ModeAll Safety Instrumented Functions shall be designed such that movement of the final element to the safe position will be performed by removing power from the element (i.e. de-energize-to-trip).3.4Manual ShutdownA pushbutton will be provided in the control room to manually initiate a shutdown if required.A pushbutton will be provided in the field to manually initiate a shutdown as specified in the individual SIF specification sheets.Control room and field pushbuttons are 1 button with 3 contact sets. Each contact set connects toa different digital input card, and is voted 2oo3.3.5Pre-AlarmsAll process SIF have a requirement for a pre-alarm signal. The pre-alarm signal shall be generated in the DCS as a median of the transmitter measured values written from the SIS to the DCS.3.6Maintenance OverridesMaintenance overrides (MOR) shall be applied to PSD-103 only.A master key switch in the DCS console shall enable an individual soft switch override of PT-111-1; PT-111-2 and PT-111-3 from the DCS. The DCS shall be programmed to ensure that only one maintenance override per voting group shall be permitted at any one time.Maintenance overrides will degrade the redundant voting elements as follows:Original Voting 2oo3Degraded Voting 2oo2The MOR column in the sensor data tables is interpreted as follows; Yes = Maintenance Override is permitted or No = Maintenance Override is NOT permitted (or not applicable).Maintenance overrides will operate as follows:I.The SIS shall be configured so that overrides are implemented using a two-step processthat includes activation of a unit-specific Bypass Enable switch and activation of a SIF input-specific override.II.Only when both of these items are activated will the system be in override. When a system is placed in override, the logic solver will hold the input of the element in overide in the non-shutdown state.III.In the Normal position, the contacts are open, indicating that the SIS cannot be used to override inputs in that Plant Unit.IV.In the Enable position, the contacts are closed, indicating that the SIS can be used to override inputs in that Plant Unit.V.Activation of the Override Enable switch shall be communicated to the DCS. Upon detection of a transition to the override-enabled state, the DCS shall generate an alarmand log the action.VI.The SIS shall be configured so that it will only allow overriding if the associated Plant Unit Override Enable switch is in the enable position.VII.The SIS shall be configured so that it will only allow one element of the voting group to be in override at any one time.VIII.An attempt to override without the Override Enable switch in the enable position will generate an alarm.IX.SIF input override ON command is initiated from the DCS as a pulse signal, the SIS reads this pulse and latches the override. SIF override OFF command is initiated from the DCS asa pulse, the SIS reads this pulse and unlatches the override. This is to ensure that overrideremains enabled in the event of loss of communications between DCS and SIS.X.If a SIF input override is enabled for 90 minutes the SIS shall alarm to the DCS that override is still enabled. This alarm will be repeated every 90 minutes until the SIF input override isdisabled.XI.Once all SIS override switches are in the normal position for that Plant, the Plant Unit Override Enable switch can be set back to the normal position.XII.If the Override Enable switch is set to the normal position while a SIS override switch is still in the override position, the SIS override will be forced to the normal position. If the overrideinput has not returned to a non-trip reading the SIF will be activated and the associatedautomatic shutdown will occur.XIII.To minimize this potential a lamp shall be provided, immediately adjacent to each Plant Unit Override Enable switch. The lamp will be lit when the Override Enable switch is in theenable position and all shutdown trips in that Plant Unit have not cleared.3.7Operating ModesThe following operating modes are identified for each Safety Instrumented Function: demand/continuous. This shall be stated in each individual SIF specification sheet.3.8Trip ResetTrip reset requirements will be stated in the individual SIF specification sheets.A trip cannot be manually reset until all initiators are in their healthy (normal operation) condition.3.9Mission TimeThe mission time (or system lifetime) shall be 15 years.3.10Response TimeThe response time of the complete SIF will be from detection at the sensor to completion of final element action and shall not exceed half of the process safety time for the specific incident scenario the SIF is guarding against.3.11Test IntervalEach component of the SIF may be tested separately according to its proof test interval.The proof test interval for the complete SIF will be the interval for which all SIF components are tested together.3.12Common Cause SourcesGood engineering practice should be used to minimize common cause failure sources. Sources of common cause failure for SIF components must be identified and considered when estimating the Beta factor.Factors associated with common cause failure are typically:ChemicalDevices are exposed to same or similar internal or external environments which may include freezing, plugging etcMechanicalDevices are exposed to same or similar mechanical stress such as vibration etc.Devices are identical or use same or similar technologyElectricalDevices share common electrical supply or instrument routes & marshalling equipment Devices are exposed to same or similar electrical stress such as lightning, RFI etc.SystematicDevices are designed, installed, maintained and tested by same or similar personnel and therefore subject to human error.3.13InterfacesThe process connection for sensors must be defined, for example:Clean Service, Remote Seal or Impulse Line with Low, Medium or High potential for blockage.Thermocouple or RTDThe interface for sensors must be defined, for example:IS barriers or other isolation/interface/signal conversion devicesThe process connections for final elements must be defined, for example;Tight shut-off or severe serviceThe interface for final elements must be defined, for example:Solenoids, barriers or other devices3.14Regulations & StandardsAll Safety Instrumented Functions shall be designed in accordance with the requirements detailed in IEC 61511and the PTT OCS4 project documentation.The Hardware Fault Tolerance of all SIF must be evaluated against the Architectural Constraints as stated in IEC 61508.3.15Failure ModesEvery SIF in this project has 2oo3 voting of sensors. On detection of failure, a transmitter shall be configured to fail away from the trip condition.As each SIF is designed to fail away from the trip condition, then it is important that the operator gets an alarm on the transmitter failure and is trained to take the necessary corrective action to getthe transmitter repaired as quickly as possible. See also IEC 61511-1, 11.3 relating to requirements on detection of a fault.3.16DiagnosticsEvery SIF in this project has 2oo3 voting of sensors. Detected failures will degrade the voting of groups as follows;Original Voting 2oo3Voting (1 Fail) 2oo2Voting (2 Fail) TripVoting (3 Fail) TripThe SIS logic solver shall be programmed to utilize all its diagnostic capabilities.The results of all diagnostics on all SIS and SIF subsystems shall be communicated to the DCS.Digital outputs to SOVs shall be line monitored.3.17Gas Over Oil ValvesWhere Gas over Oil valves are used in the final element subsystem of a SIF it should be noted that accumulators are used, and that this should be accounted for in SIL Verification calculations.3.18Application SoftwareApplication software shall be developed and tested in accordance with IEC 61511-1 clause 12.A certified Limited Variability Language (LVL) will be utilized for the SIS application program.3.19Proof Test ProceduresA detailed proof test procedure shall be provided for each SIF. Each proof test shall effectively evaluate the performance of the associated SIF from the process connection for sensor(s) to the process connection for the final element(s). Each test procedure shall contain a detailed test of effectiveness with measurable pass/fail criteria documented.Where sensor and/or final element subsystems of a SIF are to be tested separately, a detailed proof test procedure shall be provided for each subsystem. Each sensor subsystem proof test shall effectively evaluate the performance of the subsystem from the process connection for sensor(s) to the associated logic in the logic solver. Each final element subsystem proof test shall effectively evaluate the performance of the subsystem from the associated logic in the logic solver to the process connection for final element(s).Each proof test shall incorporate the manufacturers’ requirements for testing specific devices within each SIF or SIF subsystem.A detailed list of equipment required to effectively carry out any test procedure shall be documented within the test procedure.4 List of Safety Instrumented FunctionsThe functional and integrity requirements unique to each SIF are detailed in separate subsequent sections.SIF NameInitiating TagSIF DescriptionSIL PSD-103 PT-111A/B/C (2oo3) PT-111A/B/C detects low pressure indicating major leak orrupture downstream of inlet isolation valve SDV-101; and closesshutdown valve SDV-101 and closes pressurisation valve XV-101. SIL 1 RRF 30 SE PALL-321 PT-321A/B/C (2oo3)PT-321A/B/C detects low pressure instrument air indicating a total loss of instrument air, and switches to nitrogen.Implement in the DCS NSR PSD-101A/B/CLT-102A1/A2/A3 (2oo3)LT-102A/B/C detect LL level in separator S-101A/B/C and closes SDV-103A/B/C and LV-101A/B/C to prevent gas going to slops drum and potential drum rupture.SIL2 RRF 500 SEL PSD-102A/B/CLT-102A1/A2/A3 (2oo3)LT-102A detects HH level in separator S-101A and close SDV-102A to prevent liquid carry over to compressor C-101A/B/C inlet.SIL2 RRF 500LPSD-105.1/105.1RLT-103LT-101 / PT101 LT-101R / PT101RLT-103 detects low level in flare blow down drum D-101 and stops slop pumps P-101/101R to prevent cavitation.LT-101 / PT101 detects pump seal leakage on pump P-101 and stops pump P-101 to prevent damage.LT-101 R/ PT101R detects pump seal leakage on pump P-101R and stops pump P-101 to prevent damage.Implement in the DCSNSRPSD-106 F101-XT-101 F101 -XT-101 detects vibration (minor mechanical damage) in fan and stops flare blower to prevent major mechanical damage.Implement in the Bentley Nevada/MCCNSRUSD-104.1A/B/C TT-106A1/A2/A3 (2oo3) TT-106A detects high temperature downstream of the gas cooler E-101A and closes SDV-104A and SDV-105A, and shuts down compressor C-101A. SIL 2RRF 500SEL USD-104.2A/B/C PT-107A1/A2/A3 (2oo3) PT-107A detects high pressure between compressor C-101A and isolation valve SDV-106 and closes SDV-104A and SDV-105A, and shuts down compressor C-101A. SIL 2RRF 500SEL USD-104.3A/B/C PDT-105A1/A2/A3 (2oo3) PDT-105 detects high differential pressure across strainer STR-101A/B/C; closes SDV-104A and SDV-105A, and shuts down compressor C-101A.SIL 1 RRF 30 LPSD-104A/B/CXT-10N-A1 / A2 (1oo2)XT1-N detect vibration in individual finfans, XT2-N detectvibration in individual finfan motors and stops finfan to prevent major mechanical damage.N = 1-9 depending on the fin fan in questionImplement in the Bentley Nevada/MCCNSRESD-101 HS-101 HS-101 Initiates Total Plant Shutdown via all USD and PSD in ESD hierarchyNOTEUSD-104.1, USD-104.2 and USD-104.3 are three separate scenarios that initiate SIF USD-104Legend: S – Safety; E – Environment; L – Financial Loss; NSR - No Special Safety Requirements :5Details of Safety Instrumented Functions5.1PSD-103SIF Safety Requirement SpecificationSIF initiating devices PT-111-1; PT-111-2; PT-111-3 (2oo3)Hazard Rupture of pipeline downstream of SDV-101Consequence Gas leakage, potential fire and explosionSafe State SDV-101 closedRequired SIF Action PALL-111 detects low pressure at station inlet; to close main inlet shutdown valve SDV-101Proof Test Interval 60 months full proof test; 6 months for partial stroke test; 12 months for transmittersResponse Time 10 secTarget SIL / RRF SIL 1 / RRF 30Demand Rate (Source) Less than 1/30 yrsMode of Operation Low demandManual Shutdown NoTrip Mode De-energise to tripMTTR 8 hrsDocument References HAZOP : PR-0404.02-90.03 Rev A1: Action Item 1.03P&ID : 15-3-0804.02-6000-002 Rev D1ESD : 14-3-0804.02-6000-001 Rev D2C&E :Notes:Safety Requirement Specification Page 14 of 46Safety Requirement SpecificationPage 15 of 46Logic Relation & Loop Components Sensor Part & VotingLogic Solver PartFinal Element Part & VotingPressure transmitters PT-111-1; PT-111-2; PT-111-3 (voted 2oo3) detect low pressure at station inlet.SDV-101 gas over oil actuator. Valve to close.Intermediate Devices Intermediate DevicesIS barrier; surge arresterYokogawa ProSafe RS (Redundant) Redundant 3-way solenoid valves voted 1oo2. Accumulator tanks for SDV.Process & Operational Requirements Normal operating range 34 bar Operator Interface Requirements Sensor trip point 25 barMaintenance OverrideYes.Master key switch in DCS console to enable individual soft switch override of PT-111-1; PT-111-2 and PT-111-3 from DCS,but only allows override on one transmitter at a time. The maintenance overrides will degrade the redundant voting elements as follows: Original Voting 2oo3 Degraded Voting2oo2Requirements for maintenance and testingFollow prescribed maintenance procedures at defined proof test interval.Contractor to develop the specific test procedure. Reset RequirementsSoft manual reset implemented in the DCS (HS-203) Manual reset on SDV-101 in the fieldPressure value and trending on DCS SDV-101 position indication on DCSSpecific indication for the SIF on a stand-alone alarm anunciator panel dedicated to SISDiagnostics to be shown on operator station:- Line monitoring on the solenoid valvesassociated with the final element - Any transmitter failure - Logic solver diagnostics - MVC discrepancy alarm。
XX 软件需求规格说明书拟制日期yyyy-mm-dd 评审人日期yyyy-mm-dd 批准日期yyyy-mm-dd 签发日期yyyy-mm-dd<公司或企业图标><公司或企业中英文名称>版权所有侵权必究(仅供内部使用)修订记录分发记录目录1 简介 (8)1.1 目的 (8)1.2 范围 (8)2 总体概述 (8)2.1 软件概述 (8)2.1.1 项目介绍 (8)2.1.2 产品环境介绍 (8)2.2 软件功能 (9)2.3 用户特征 (9)2.4 假设和依赖关系 (9)3 具体需求 (9)3.1 功能需求 (10)3.1.1 功能需求1 (10)3.2 性能需求 (12)3.2.1 性能需求1 (12)3.3 外部接口需求 (12)3.3.1 用户接口 (12)3.3.2 软件接口 (13)3.3.3 硬件接口 (13)3.3.4 通讯接口 (14)4 总体设计约束 (14)4.1 标准符合性 (14)4.2 硬件约束 (14)4.3 技术限制 (14)5 软件质量特性 (15)6 依赖关系 (15)7 其他需求 (15)7.1 数据库 (15)7.2 操作 (15)7.3 本地化 (15)8 需求分级 (15)9 待确定问题 (16)10 附录 (16)10.1 附录A 可行性分析结果 (16)10.2 附录B 需求建模 (16)10.2.1 数据流图 (16)10.2.2 数据字典 (17)表目录Table1 **表 ................................................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
表1 **表....................................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
CSCI 需求是为了满足分配给该CSCI的系统需求所形成的软件需求。
计算机学院毕业设计题目需求规格说明书目录1.引言 (4)1.1.编制目的 (4)1.2.范围 (4)1.3.预期的读者和阅读建议 (4)1.4.术语和缩略语 (4)1.5.文档约定 (5)1.6.参考文件 (5)2.项目概述 (5)2.1.目标 (5)2.2.范围 (5)2.3.用户的特点 (5)2.4.假定条件和约束限制 (5)2.5.运行环境 (6)2.5.1.硬件环境 (6)2.5.2.软件环境 (6)3.业务分析 (7)4.数据描述 (7)5.功能需求 (7)5.1.功能需求总述 (7)5.1.1.功能需求总表 (7)5.1.2.角色、权限需求 (8)5.2.功能需求1名称 (8)5.3.功能需求N名称 (10)6.非功能需求 (10)6.1.性能需求 (10)6.2.安全保密需求 (10)6.3.扩展性需求 (11)6.4.稳定性需求 (11)6.5.部署需求 (11)7.界面要求 (11)7.1.图形要求 (11)7.2.报表格式 (12)7.3.其他 (12)1.引言1.1.编制目的{描述文档编写的内容及目的和作用。
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瑞德小说网需求规格说明书版本变更记录目录1.引言 (5)1.1目的 (5)1.2文档格式 (5)1.3 预期的读者和阅读建议 (6)1.4 项目范围 (7)1.5 参考文献 (7)2.需求概述 (7)2.1 项目目的 (7)2.2 项目功能 (8)2.3 用户类和特征 (8)2.4 运行环境 (9)2.5 设计和实现的限制 (9)2.6 假设和依赖 (10)3.系统功能需求 (10)3.1描述和优先级 (10)3.2 功能划分 (11)3.3 功能描述 (12)4.外部接口需求 (13)4.1 用户界面 (13)4.2 硬件接口 (13)4.2 软件接口 (13)4.3 故障处理 (14)5.其他非功能需求 (14)5.1 性能需求 (14)5.2 安全性需求 (15)5.4 软件质量属性 (15)5.5 用户文档 (15)6.分析模型 (16)6.1 系统流程图 (16)6.2 用例图 (16)6.3 ER图 (18)6.4 类图 (19)6.5 数据流程图 (19)7.验收说明 (22)附录一用户需求汇总 (22)附录二目标描述 (31)附录三场景描述 (39)附录四数据字典 (67)附录五用户手册 (71)附录六需求验证与需求管理的相关规范 (75)1.引言1.1目的该文档首先给出了整个系统的整体网络结构和功能结构的概貌,试图从总体架构上给出整个系统的轮廓,然后又对功能需求、性能需求和其它非功能性需求进行了详细的描述。
1.2文档格式本文档按以下要求和约定进行书写:(1)文档标题,宋体,小初,黑色;(2)文档的编辑顺序遵循IEEE 830相关标准;(3)文档一级目录,宋体,二号,黑色;(4)文档二级目录,宋体,三号,黑色;(5)文档正文内容,宋体,四号,黑色;(6)文档正文内容中部分有着明显的优先级区分,通常优先级大小会使用符号来区分(菱形>圆形>方形)。
1.3 预期的读者和阅读建议本文档的主要内容共分4部分:综合描述、系统特性、和非功能性需求和外部接口描述。
1.4 项目范围该项目是在积累了丰富业务经验的基础上进行开发的,在需求上,充分考虑了具体用户的实际情况。
1.5 参考文献1.《软件工程基础》赵一丁北京邮电大学出版社2.《软件需求》劳森(作者),刘晓晖(译者) 电子工业出版社3.《软件需求工程:原理和方法》金芝,刘璘,金英科学出版社2.需求概述2.1 项目目的瑞德小说网提供一个集读与写于一身的小说交流平台。
2.2 项目功能本产品是为了开发一个提供编写讨论以及阅读小说的平台,适用于各类想要编写小说、提高写作水平以及阅读小说的人群。
2.3 用户类和特征●重要用户类读者:读者可以阅读小说、评论小说、收藏小说。
2.4 运行环境●客户端(1)操作系统:Windows2000/XP/2003/Vista/7(2)网络协议:TCP/IP协议(3)浏览器:Internet Explorer 6.0以上版本●服务器端(1)操作系统:Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition(2)网络协议:TCP/IP协议(3)WEB服务器:Internet Information Server 6.0(4)数据库:Microsoft SQL Sever 2005 Developer Edition●硬件环境●(1)服务器 CPU:Pentium 双核以上 ,内存:1G以上●(2)客户机 CPU:P4 以上,内存:256M以上2.5 设计和实现的限制●平台需要有充足的小说来吸引读者。
具体用户需求详见“附录一”2.6 假设和依赖建议开发软件运行的最短寿命为5年、经费来源为投资方、使用限制为人工键鼠操作、符合法律和政策方面所有条件、运行环境与之前的“运行环境”描述相同、开发环境的条件由开发方自行提供、可利用的信息均来自用户需求调查(附录一)、建议开发软件投入使用的最迟时间为2018年1月1日。
优先级标准:1.用户体验2.核心功能3.实现成本关键程度标准:1.核心功能2. 效益和成本3.用户体验3.2 功能划分S-1 Search 小说搜索R-1 Read 小说阅读R-2 Release 小说发布C-1 Collect 小说收藏C-2 Comment 小说交流评论R-3 Rank 小说排行榜C-3 Commend 小说推荐榜L-1 ListenBook 听书D-1 Download 下载小说图3.1 总体功能模块图3.3 功能描述S-1 小说搜索:用户可根据对书籍的分类浏览和输入关键字进行本站包含书籍的查找浏览。
R-1 小说阅读:用户可以对感兴趣的小说进行选择并阅读其章节目录与章节内容。
R-2 小说发布:用户可以申请作者权限并将自己写的小说进行发布,等待管理员审核,审核通过之后即发布成功。
C-1 小说收藏:用户可以选择自己感兴趣的小说进行收藏,并在自己的收藏夹中可以看见自己所有收藏的小说。
C-2 小说交流评论:用户可以在小说评论区发表评论。
R-3 小说排行榜:小说以某种分类进行排行,用户可以查看各种分类的小说。
C-3 小说推荐榜:小说以某种特征属性进行推荐,平台向用户推送以某种属性排行的推荐榜.L-1 听书:用户通过语音播报方式阅读小说.D-1 下载小说:用户选择小说进行离线下载并阅读.具体功能目标描述请参见“附录二目标描述”4.外部接口需求4.1 用户界面人性化界面,全新感觉,操作简便,一目了然,视图优美等特点。
4.2 硬件接口本软件不需要特定的硬件或硬件接口进行支撑。
4.2 软件接口运行于Windows95及更高版本的操作系统之上。
4.3 故障处理正常使用时不应出错,若运行时遇到不可恢复的系统错误,也必须保证数据库完好无损。
此时你可用“if not isnull”语句先判断一下是否为空记录,再操作。
5.其他非功能需求5.1 性能需求●数据精确度A.要按照严格的数据格式输入,否则系统不予响应进行处理。
B .查询时要保证查全率,所有相应域包含查询关键字的记录都应能查到。
5.2 安全性需求●数据保护/保密[对需要保护或保密的敏感性、局限性等方面的数据进行需求描述;没有则注明‘无’或‘略’。