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Journal of Ethnopharmacology 140 (2012) 482–491Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirectJournal ofEthnopharmacologyj o u r n a l h o m e p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /j e t h p h a rmThe potential of metabolic fingerprinting as a tool for the modernisation of TCM preparationsHelen Sheridan a ,Liselotte Krenn b ,Renwang Jiang c ,Ian Sutherland d ,Svetlana Ignatova d ,Andreas Marmann e ,Xinmiao Liang f ,Jandirk Sendker g ,∗aTrinity College,Dublin,School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences,East End Development 4/5,Dublin 2,Ireland bUniversity of Vienna,Department of Pharmacognosy,Althanstrasse 14,A-1090Vienna,Austria cGuangdong Province Key Laboratory of Pharmacodynamic Constituents of Traditional Chinese Medicine and New Drugs Research,College of Pharmacy,Jinan University,Guangzhou 510632,People’s Republic of China dBrunel University,Brunel Institute for Bioengineering,Uxbridge,Middlesex UB83PH,United Kingdom eUniversity of Düsseldorf,Institute of Pharmaceutical Biology and Biotechnology,Universitätsstr.1,40225Düsseldorf,Germany fChinese Academy of Sciences,Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics,Bio-technology Department,457Zhongshan Road,Dalian 116023,People’s Republic of China gUniversity of Münster,Institute of Pharmaceutical Biology and Phytochemistry,Hittorfstrasse 56,48149Münster,Germanya r t i c l ei n f oArticle history:Received 31October 2011Received in revised form 30January 2012Accepted 31January 2012Available online 7 February 2012Keywords:Chinese herbal medicines ExtractionCompound analysis MetabolomicsFingerprint analysisa b s t r a c tA vast majority Chinese herbal medicines (CHM)are traditionally administered as individually prepared water decoctions (tang )which are rather complicated in practice and their dry extracts show techno-logical problems that hamper straight production of more convenient application forms.Modernised extraction procedures may overcome these difficulties but there is lack of clinical evidence supporting their therapeutic equivalence to traditional decoctions and their quality can often not solely be attributed to the single marker compounds that are usually used for chemical extract optimisation.As demonstrated by the example of the rather simple traditional TCM formula Danggui Buxue Tang,both the chemical com-position and the biological activity of extracts resulting from traditional water decoction are influenced by details of the extraction procedure and especially involve pharmacokinetic synergism based on co-extraction.Hence,a more detailed knowledge about the traditional extracts’chemical profiles and their impact on biological activity is desirable in order to allow the development of modernised extracts that factually contain the whole range of compounds relevant for the efficacy of the traditional application.We propose that these compounds can be identified by metabolomics based on comprehensive finger-print analysis of different extracts with known biological activity.TCM offers a huge variety of traditional products of the same botanical origin but with distinct therapeutic properties,like differentially pro-cessed drugs and special daodi qualities.Through this variety,TCM gives an ideal field for the application of metabolomic techniques aiming at the identification of active constituents.© 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.1.IntroductionThere is an increasing interest in the use and application of CHM throughout the Western hemisphere.Notwithstanding the intake of powdered herbal drugs in different delivery forms,the typical preparation of CHM involves some kind of extraction of herbal drug material.Traditionally,the most important delivery form is theAbbreviations:AR,Astragali Radix;ASR,Angelicae sinensis Radix;CHM,Chi-nese herbal medicine;CMM,Chinese Materia Medica;DBT,Danggui Buxue Tang;FP,fingerprint analysis;PCA,principal component analysis;PLS-DA,partial least square discriminant analysis;SCO,supercritical carbon dioxide;SFE,Supercritical Fluid Extraction;TCM,traditional Chinese medicine.∗Corresponding author.Tel.:+492518333379;fax:+492528338341.E-mail (J.Sendker).water decoction of a mixture containing typically 2–12different herbal materials (Yi and Chang,2004).It should be explicitly stated that the item which is finally administered to a patient is an extract which is not just represented by the botanical origin of its herbal ingredients but also influenced by any procedure that is applied to the herbal material.Any such procedure may severely impact upon the extract’s chemical composition and hence the products’qual-ity with regard to its therapeutic efficacy.This is especially true for complex TCM formulae where we still lack a comprehensive understanding of the interactions between the thousands of chem-ical compounds that constitute the herbal metabolome(s).Besides showing synergistic effects on a pharmacodynamic level,chem-ical compounds of a TCM formula or even an individual herbal material can also interact with each other (i)on a pharmacoki-netic level,influencing the solubility,stability or resorption of compounds or (ii)on a biochemical level,where residual herbal0378-8741/$–see front matter © 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.jep.2012.01.050H.Sheridan et al./Journal of Ethnopharmacology140 (2012) 482–491483enzymes may impact the chemical composition;(iii)a mixture of herbal drugs could even be shown to contain metabolites that none of the individual herbal ingredients displayed(Nüsslein et al.,2000; Spinella,2002;Gu et al.,2004;Nualkaew et al.,2004;Ma et al., 2009;Nahrstedt and Butterweck,2010).Facing this complexity, the recent approaches for modernisation of CHM,aiming at the development of more convenient and better standardised prod-ucts,bear the risk that such features are lost by turning away from the traditional products and their traditional drug processing and extraction procedures.Extract optimisation is frequently guided by the analysis of single compounds which can often be regarded as the active substance(Yan et al.,2010).Yet,lacking the appro-priate knowledge,the activity of many herbal preparations cannot be clearly linked to single chemical compounds(Vlietinck et al., 2009).Even very well established herbal products like extracts of Salicis cortex have shown efficacy beyond that which is explicable by their content of salicin derivatives which have been consid-ered to solely constitute the extract’s active substance for decades (Schmid et al.,2001).With regard to CHM,it seems desirable that the traditional procedures like the unique pàozhìdrug processing and the extraction of specific combinations of herbal drugs are sys-tematically investigated for their impact on the herbal extracts’therapeutic qualities and metabolomes(Yi and Chang,2004;Zhao et al.,2010).In this review we will describe the current situation and problems connected to the extraction and compound anal-ysis of CHM and show possible research approaches to gain the chemical information required for a rational extract modernisation that gives consideration to the complex composition of traditional preparations.2.Traditional extraction of CHMThe majority of CHM for oral use is applied as water decoc-tions(tang).Other oral preparations include macerates in aqueous ethanol,the intake of powdered drugs suspended in water or pre-pared in pills,e.g.with honey,water or rice gruel as excipients(Li et al.,2007;Martin and Stöger,2008).Decoctions,macerates and suspensions are very simple to prepare and allow a highflexibility of the recipes.A factor which fundamentally influences the chem-ical composition of extracts is the pàozhìprocessing of the crude drug prior to extraction.This is of special importance for the detox-ification of toxic materials like Aconitum drugs(Singhuber et al., 2010)but also for the preservation of active constituents,ease of administration,flavour correction or cleansing(Zhu,1998).Many drugs can be processed by various methods like stir-frying,steam-ing or calcining in order to gain a product with altered therapeutic properties and–implicitly–altered chemical composition(Zhao et al.,2010;Zhan et al.,2011).To prepare a typical traditional decoction,a complex TCM for-mula is macerated with water for a period of time before afirst boiling step follows.Afterfiltration,the herbal material is re-extracted a second time(usually with less water)and the combined extracts are ingested and/or kept for further use.The time spans for soaking and cooking depend on the drugs as well as on the indica-tion.As a rule of thumb,decoctions for acute conditions are cooked for a shorter period of time as compared to preparations for chronic diseases.Over thousands of years numerous special instructions for the boiling process have been developed in the use of CHM.These methods seem to be related to the different physical,chemical and pharmacological characteristics of the active compounds(Martin and Stöger,2008;Körfers and Sun,2009).Herbal drugs containing volatile or temperature-sensitive sub-stances are added only a few minutes before the end of thefirst boiling period to avoid losses or decomposition(hòuxià).Expen-sive drugs,e.g.Ginseng Radix or Panacis quinquefolii Radix might be cooked separately to optimise the yield and avoid adsorption of active compounds to other ingredients within the prescription (lìngji¯an,lìngd¯un).In some instances drugs have to be added to the mixture wrapped in a thin cloth(b¯aoji¯an),this occurs with drugs like Typhae Pollen,which might lead to turbid decoctions or Inulae Flos which contains drug particles which could cause intestinal irri-tations.For toxic drugs such as Aconiti radix,which are only used orally after pàozhìprocessing,additional cooking steps or longer boiling times for the preparation are recommended.In prepara-tions containing Acori Rhizoma,an extended decoction process(in summary3h)has been proven to be very efficient for the reduction of genotoxicß-asarone(Chen et al.,2009).3.The example of Danggui Buxue Tang(DBT)In order to evaluate the significance of traditional procedures for the therapeutic value of a CHM,the rather simple two-herb for-mula DBT has been chosen as a model to investigate the influence of numerous extraction parameters on the chemical composition and pharmacological efficacies of a water decoction.The traditional composition of DBT as established over the centuries is reported as five parts Astragali Radix(AR)and one part Angelicae sinensis Radix (ASR).An investigation of several mixtures with different ratios of the two drugs has shown the best pharmacological effects as well as the highest yields of the(active)markers astragaloside IV,caly-cosin,formononetin,ferulic acid,total saponins,totalflavonoids and total polysaccharides for the traditional composition,while the undesired compound ligustilide was found to be least con-centrated with this ratio.The concentrations of these compounds varied over the examined drug ratios(AR:ASR from1:1to10:1) by a factor of∼2,demonstrating a significant impact of the drug ratio on the extraction yield(Dong et al.,2006;Po et al.,2007). Systematic investigations compared different durations of boiling, drug-solvent-ratios and numbers of extractions for DBT and also examined the chemical properties of both herbal ingredients’indi-vidual extracts.It could be shown that the treatment with DBT was up to twice as effective as individual extracts of its herbal ingredients at the same concentration.Interestingly,the extraction corresponding most closely to the traditional prescription(twofold extraction of the drug mixture with the eightfold amount of water and an entire boiling time of2h)resulted in the best extraction of active markers and the best effect in two bio-assays(Song et al., 2004;Gao et al.,2006).A mixture of individually prepared extracts of AR and ASR showed an inferior pharmacological effect when compared to the traditional co-extraction of the drugs as well as a lower concentration of active markers.It is interesting to note that the investigated markers from ASR(ligustilide and ferulic acid) showed an astonishing increase of concentration of more than25 fold when co-extracted with ASR,indicating a massive influence of AR on the extraction of these compounds(Mak et al.,2006).Another study of DBT yielded similar results with respect to biological activ-ity,however,the chromatographicfingerprints did not show such a huge influence of co-extraction on the ASR markers.The authors concluded that other,non-observed compounds influenced by co-extraction would impact the biological activity(Choi et al.,2011). The pàozhìprocessing of ASR with rice wine prior to extraction was also examined and resulted in higher extraction yields of astraga-loside IV,isoflavones and polysaccharides(Dong et al.,2006).As the processing of ASR with rice wine results in a decreased con-centration of ligustilide in the processed product,it was examined if the co-extraction of AR with pure ligustilide would impact the extraction yields of AR markers;in fact,ligustilide lowered the yields of these markers in a dose-dependent manner,indicating that the pàozhìprocessing of ASR influences the activity of DBT by altering its properties with regard to co-extraction with AR(Zheng484H.Sheridan et al./Journal of Ethnopharmacology140 (2012) 482–491et al.,2010).Further,the exchange of ASR with another drug,Radix Chuanxiong,which shares the occurrence of ligustilide and ferulic acid with ASR,was examined,resulting in both an inferior pharma-cological efficacy and lower concentrations of the AR markers when compared to a DBT extract,indicating that other,non-observed compounds of ASR may impact the quality of DBT(Li et al.,2009).It must be stated that the activities in the above mentioned stud-ies were assessed by completely different methods.Nevertheless, the example of DBT impressively demonstrates that the subject of extraction is not a trivial one and that the chemical composition and pharmacological efficacies of the traditional water decoctions are influenced to an astonishing degree by a multitude of factors which apparently have found their optimum in the traditional DBT prescription.4.Modernisation of CHM extractsThe development of modernised extracts and application forms is desired for numerous reasons:(i)individually prepared water decoctions are more likely to entail quality shortcomings caused by improper herbal drugs when compared to herbal medicines produced in industrial scale under best controllable conditions. (ii)Water decoctions are probably the worst possible preparation in terms of stability and may give rise to microbial contamina-tions,decomposition of constituents by hydrolytic or oxidative reactions or precipitations that may impact the product’s qual-ity.(iii)TCM water decoctions are infamous for their unpleasant organoleptic properties.(iv)The rather complicated and time con-suming preparation and storage of water decoctions may cause compliance problems while modernised application forms based on dry extracts(granules,capsules,tablets,etc.)are easily man-ageable for both patients and practitioners.(v)The possibility for standardisation of large-scale extracts is a prerequisite for future evidence-based research.(vi)The blinding of clinical studies employing traditional water extracts is hampered by their strong organoleptic properties(Martin and Stöger,2008;Flower et al., 2011).As evident from the studies on DBT,turning away from traditional procedures bears the risk of altering the product’s therapeutic properties.Therefore some modernisation approaches, directly based on water decoctions,have been developed to over-come the above mentioned problems.One such approach involves the delivery of water decoctions in sealed,separately packaged, daily dosages thus increasing the compliance and stability of the product.Also an unpleasantly tasting herbal placebo composed of nine culinary herbs was designed(Flower et al.,2011).4.1.Pressurised hot waterPressurised hot water extraction at high temperature is some-times applied and can be regarded as a kind of modernisation.This method has been shown to decrease the extractant’s polarity and thus provides the extraction of a wider range of compounds(Deng et al.,2007).Nevertheless,it is reported that the use of pressure cookers for the preparation of decoctions to shorten cooking times leads to less active preparations(Martin and Stöger,2008).4.2.Formation of granulesA major approach to modernise and facilitate the application of CHM was the introduction of granules,which are usually pre-pared from decoctions byfluid-bed granulation or spray-drying. As the technological properties of such extracts are impaired by high amounts of hydrophilic constituents,especially carbohydrates which result in hydroscopic,sticky and hence hardly processable extracts.Thus,excipients are added to the decoction of the herbal material(one step procedure)or mixed with the spray-dried prod-uct(two step procedure)(Martin and Stöger,2008;Ai et al.,2008). Rather high amounts of additives are required(Wang et al.,2011) and these additives further add on to the extract dose which is already quite large due to the presence of polar“bulk material”. Another method to improve the technological properties is the removal of highly polar compounds from the extract by ethanol precipitation prior to drying(Tan et al.,2006).Such preparations can be instantly applied by suspension in hot water or can be used to produce single dosage forms like capsules.An advantage is that these products can be applied quickly avoiding the time consuming preparation of a decoction.e of less polar extractantsOther modernisation approaches employ less polar extractants and hence can yield a dry extract with superior technologi-cal properties when compared to dried water extracts.These approaches comprise the extraction with(hydro)alcoholic or organic extractants performed by different extraction techniques like maceration,Soxhlet extraction,microwave-assisted extrac-tion,ultrasonic extraction or accelerated solvent extraction. Though these different extraction techniques show clear distinct properties(e.g.thermal decomposition during Soxhlet extraction, solvent limitations for microwave-assisted extraction),the dif-ferences can mainly be attributed to extraction speed while the chemical composition of the resulting extracts after establishment of equilibration is mainly influenced by the kind of extractant used and its temperature(Yan et al.,2010).From a general view, the differences in extract composition between these techniques can be regarded as negligible when compared to the differences between any of these techniques employing(hydro)alcoholic or organic solvents and a traditional water decoction.A study com-paring hydroalcoholic extracts of more than30drugs with their respective water decoctions clearly showed that decoction in most cases allows an extraction of phenolics which is similarly efficient as maceration with50%ethanol.The yields after extraction with 80%methanol,a very common method for analytical determina-tion of phenolics and their testing on antioxidant activity,was much lower.In this study,most of the decoctions,among them drugs from Rehmannia glutinosa Libosch,Astragalus membranaceus (Fisch.)Bge.or Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz.,showed better or similar antioxidant activity as compared to the hydroethanolic macerates.The activity of the80%methanolic extracts was worse for almost all tested drugs(Li et al.,2007).In a comparison of aque-ous and ethanolic extracts from different drugs a more pronounced effect on various CYP enzymes was proven for the water extracts (Tang et al.,2006).4.4.Supercritical Fluid Extraction(SFE)A completely different extraction technique that by its techni-cal properties is attractive for large scale extraction,is Supercritical Fluid Extraction(SFE).This is an extraction technique which takes advantage of the enhanced solvating and penetrating capacity of gases or liquids in their critical phases(ASTM,2006).The unique properties of supercriticalfluids were observed more than a cen-tury ago,but only in the last four decades SFE has emerged as an extraction technique(Khosravi-Darani,2010).Advantages of SFE in contrast to conventional extraction are(i)superior extraction efficiency and selectivity for low polar phytochemicals.The extrac-tion efficiency and selectivity can be tuned by optimising pressure and temperature(Wang et al.,2008;Liu et al.,2008a).(ii)Among the many applicable solvents for SFE,the most commonly used for extraction of CHM is supercritical carbon dioxide(SCO)which is inert,easily available,inexpensive,odourless,environmentalH.Sheridan et al./Journal of Ethnopharmacology140 (2012) 482–491485friendly and has mild critical point properties.To increase the sol-ubility of compounds from CHM in SCO,small amounts of polar modifiers,e.g.ethanol,may be added,usually not more than10%of the amount required for conventional extraction techniques(Chen and Ling,2000;Silva et al.,2009;Chen et al.,2011).(iii)SCO is eas-ily removable from the extract by depressurization,and thus no solvent residue is left in the extract(Vagi et al.,2002).(iv)Prefer-able product stability.The extraction is conducted at oxygen and light free operating conditions which prevent oxidation and light dependent changes,for example,a SCO extract of tomatoes could be stored for more than half a year at−20◦C without lycopene loss (Lenucci et al.,2010).Furthermore,the low temperatures minimize thermal degradation of sensitive materials,e.g.volatiles.As a green separation technique,SFE has a promising future in its application in thefields of TCM and natural products(Martinez,2008).However,there are limitations for any of the extraction method-ologies to be considered for the production of more convenient application forms.Because of the“Lipinski rule offive”(Lipinski et al.,2001),it is generally believed that less polar extractants like alcohols,acetone or SCO are capable of extracting pharmacologi-cally relevant analytes while excluding higher amounts of polar, technologically difficult“bulk material”like carbohydrates,pro-teins,amino acids etc.from the extract.However,this is a very reductionistic view which actually applies to a single active com-pound and especially excludes the possibility of pharmacokinetic synergism in herbal extracts,which has been shown to have a major impact on the chemical composition of CHM(e.g.Mak et al., 2006).It cannot be generally ruled out that the extraction of very polar constituents(needing water as extractant)can be essential for producing efficient extracts from specific drugs or for specific appli-cations,polymeric carbohydrates or compatible solutes like ectoine are examples for such highly polar bioactive compounds(Lentzen and Schwarz,2006).When relating any modernised CHM extract to the long experience of TCM it should be considered that its clinical efficacy should at least match the one of the traditional prepara-tion it relates to.It has been shown that the single active markers that are typically used for the quality control of herbal drugs may not be able to fully explain a product’s quality,especially when the drug is used as part of a co-extracted herbal mixture(Schmid et al.,2001;Li et al.,2009;Vlietinck et al.,2009),and frequently not even an active marker is known but analytical markers without known clinical relevance are used as a surrogate.As a consequence, such single markers cannot be generally recommended to guide the optimisation of an extract.Hence,for the rational development of new products it is essential to increase our knowledge about which chemical compounds define the quality of a traditional prepara-tion,so a production chain can be established thatfinally yields an improved product lacking technologically problematic“bulk mate-rial”while conserving any compound that has been shown to be relevant for the traditional product’s quality in terms of clinical efficacy.In summary,the rational modernisation of CHM requires further research to identify chemical compound that can be linked to an herbal preparation’s quality considering pharmacodynami-cally and pharmacokinetically relevant compounds.5.Fingerprint analysis in activity studies of herbal extractsA major challenge in the modernisation of CHM is the incorpo-ration of between one and twelve herbs in a given formula,thus conferring a high degree of complexity and the potential for vari-ation in composition and quality of a preparation.It has also been established that interactions between chemical components may take place during traditional co-extraction of complex herbal mix-tures and thus impact the extract’s chemical composition.Due to the lack of knowledge about the chemical compounds that completely constitute the quality of many CHM,the widespread practice of using single herb monographs and analysing of sin-gle compounds for the characterisation of CHM extracts tested in pharmacological or clinical studies seems to be insufficient.This is of particular issue when dealing with HM that contain multi-ple herbs,and can be illustrated by the fact that sometimes the same,rather unspecific metabolites are used for the quality assess-ment of herbal drugs with distinct clinical properties.Examples are chlorogenic acid,which is used as a marker compound for Caulis Lonicera,Flos Lonicera and Flos Chrysantemi,or berberine,which is used as a marker compound for Rhizoma Coptidis and Cortex Phel-lodendri(Zhou et al.,2008).Consequently,a more comprehensive view on the chemistry of extracts is desirable.It is obvious that the metabolomic techniques currently available forfingerprint analy-sis(FP)of complex biological and herbal samples and those with evolving applications in this area,have the potential to enhance the quality control of CHM and to assist with the correlation of bioactiv-ity with composition.FP can be defined in this context as an analysis aiming at the representation of an extract’s chemical composition to a maximum possible degree;while being largely untargeted,FP can also be used for or as an addition to the quantification of single compounds.Chromatographic FP and the simultaneous determination of multiple compounds is becoming an important trend(Liang et al., 2010).However an analysis of97original papers1assessing bio-logical effects of CHM extracts revealed that only16provided–exclusively chromatographic–FP data while24characterised the extracts by quantifying relevant single compounds and57did not chemically characterise the tested extract at all.We consider the presentation of FP data within activity studies of herbal extracts as fundamental information for chemical characterisation.Consider-ing the possible variability of an extract’s chemical profile that can be caused by differences in the herbal materials(growth conditions, post-harvest treatment,pàozhìprocessing,etc.)or manufacturing (extraction conditions,drying,etc.)it must be stated that the exam-ined item in such studies is literally unknown without at least some basic chemical characterisation.Different methods are used for FP which may be roughly cat-egorised as(i)low resolution techniques like TLC or IR-based methods which are typically applied for assessing the identity or origin of an herbal material by visual or–in case of NIR–computer aided comparison of signal patterns,mostly without(detailed) assignment of signals to chemical compounds(Xie et al.,2006;Sun et al.,2010).(ii)High resolution techniques like GC,HPLC,MS,NMR or hyphenated techniques allow for a detailed assignment of signals to the detected chemical compounds and are commonly accepted as well suited for FP aiming at a comprehensive extract charac-terisation as well as for metabolomic approaches.The advantages and disadvantages of these methods with regard to suitable tar-get metabolites,reproducibility of signal intensities and positions, sensitivity,resolution and sample preparation efforts have been extensively discussed(Verpoorte et al.,2008).It must be stated that no available analytical method is capable of fulfiling the demand for a complete qualitative and quantitative assessment of a biological sample’s whole chemical composition.1The literature research was performed with either Scopus or Pubmed using an OR-conjuncted combination of any botanical identifiers given by the consor-tium’s priority list of species(CP2005Latin binominal species name,taxonomically accepted Latin binominal species name,Latin drug names,Pinyin names,Latin binominal synonyms).The search result was then refined by limiting the hits to the topics“Extraction”and“Chemistry”or adding these terms to the general search term with“AND”conjunctions for Pubmed,respectively.The97papers mentioned here were chosen from the results by the fact that they assessed the biological activity of an herbal extract.。

brifing in bioinformatics 模板

brifing in bioinformatics 模板

BRIEFING IN BIOINFORMATICSBIOINFORMATICS is a rapidly growing field that uses computer and information science methods to study biological data. It has become an essential part of modern biology, allowing researchers to analyze vast amounts of data and generate new insights. In this article, we will provide a brief introduction to bioinformatics, including its applications, tools, and resources.BIOINFORMATICS APPLICATIONSBioinformatics has a wide range of applications across biology, including genomics, proteomics, transcriptomics, and metagenomics. Here are some examples:1. Genomics: Sequencing and analysis of entire genomes, identification of genetic variants, and studies of population genetics.2. Proteomics: Characterization of protein expression, post-translational modifications, and interactions with other proteins.3. Transcriptomics: Analysis of RNA expression levels and alternative splicing events in different tissues and conditions.4. Metagenomics: Study of microbial communities in various environments, including the human microbiome.BIOINFORMATICS TOOLSBioinformatics tools are used to process, analyze, and visualize biological data. Here are some commonly used tools:1. Sequencing Read Manipulation Tools: Such as FASTQ/A Utils and Picard Tools for quality control, trimming, and alignment of sequencing reads.2. Genome Annotation Tools: Such as GATK, Augustus, and MAKER for gene prediction and annotation of whole genomes.3. Comparative Genomics Tools: Such as Mauve, BLAST, and HMMER for sequence alignment and identification of conserved protein domains.4. Visualization Tools: Such as Integrative Genomics Viewer (IGV), Tablet, and Circos for exploration andinterpretation of large-scale datasets.BIOINFORMATICS RESOURCESThere are numerous resources available for bioinformatics education and training, including:1. Online Courses: Many universities and institutions provide free or paid online courses in bioinformatics, such as Coursera's "Genome Science" series or edX's "Bioinformatics: Algorithms for Analyzing Biological Data" course.2. Tutorials and Workshops: Many bioinformatics software and tools provide detailed documentation and tutorials, such as the Galaxy Project's documentation or the GATK Best Practices guide. Additionally, many conferences and workshops provide training on specific topics.3. Public Databases: Such as NCBI's GenBank and Ensembl, as well as protein databases like UniProt, provide a wealth of information for bioinformatics research.4. Communities of Practice: These include bioinformatics-specific mailing lists, such as the Galaxy Helpdesk or theGATK forum on BioStar, as well as preprint servers like bioRxiv for sharing and discussing unpublished research. 5. MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses): These courses are open to anyone with an internet connection and provide an opportunity to learn from top experts in the field, such as the XSeries on bioinformatics at Coursera or the University of Washington's Introduction to Bioinformatics course on edX.6. Books: There are several excellent textbooks available for bioinformatics education, including "Biological Data Analysis: The Complete Workflow" by Michael Brudno et al., "Bioinformatics: A Practical Guide to the Analysis of Genes and Proteins" by John Cummings et al., and "Introduction to Bioinformatics" by Pavel Pevzner et al.。



2013-SCI-影响因⼦完美排序版LANCET INFECT DIS1473-309916.161 ANNU REV PSYCHOL0066-430823.274 ANN INTERN MED0003-481917.035 ANNU REV MAR SCI1941-140516.457 PLOS MED1549-127715.379 CLIN MICROBIOL REV0893-851219.832 ALDRICHIM ACTA0002-510016.882 ANNU REV CELL DEV BI1081-070619.733 TRENDS ECOL EVOL 0169-5347 16.981 NAT NEUROSCI1097-625616.289 NANO TODAY 1748-0132 16.078 MAT SCI ENG R0927-796X16.5 ANNU REV GENOM HUM G1527-820414.615 CIRCULATION0009-732215.304 NEURON0896-627315.71 REP PROG PHYS0034-488514.356 NAT CHEM BIOL1552-445016.052 PSYCHOL BULL0033-290918.1 ANNU REV ECOL EVOL S1543-592X18.007 ANNU REV MICROBIOL0066-422716.083 TRENDS NEUROSCI0166-223614.684 PROG ENERG COMBUST0360-128517.133 MOL CELL1097-276514.202 J AM COLL CARDIOL 0735-1097 13.065 ANNU REV PHYS CHEM0066-426X17.48 BRIT MED J0959-535X13.511 DEV CELL1534-580714.202 ADV MATER0935-964812.813 J EXPMED0022-100714.665 J NATL CANCER I0027-887414.537 CELL METAB1550-413117.77 MOL PSYCHIATR1359-418412.992 GENOME RES1088-905112.486 ANNU REV BIOPHYS1936-122X17.729 CELL HOST MICROBE1931-312814.067 ASTROPHYS J SUPPL S0067-004911.438 ANGEW CHEM INT EDIT1433-785113.195 NANO LETT1530-698413.843 ANNU REV MED0066-421910.71 ANNU REV MATER RES1531-733112.451 J CLIN INVEST0021-973815.43 MICROBIOL MOL BIOL R1092-217216.814 CURR OPIN CELL BIOL0955-067412.594ANNU REV FLUID MECH 0066-4189 12.558NAT REV NEUROL1759-475812.48 ANNU REV CONDEN MA P1947-545412.389 REV GEOPHYS8755-120911.341 TRENDS CELL BIOL0962-892412.481 ANNU REV BIOMED ENG1523-982915.667 COORDIN CHEM REV 0010-854512.744 ARCH GEN PSYCHIAT0003-990X14.179 NAT REV CLIN ONCOL1759-477412 NAT GEOSCI1752-089411.92 SURF SCI REP0167-572918.095 GASTROENTEROLOGY0016-508512.455 HEPATOLOGY0270-913911.089 GENE DEV0890-936912.785 ASTRON ASTROPHYS REV0935-495614.108 ADV DRUG DELIVER REV0169-409X14.608 ARCH INTERN MED0003-992611 ANNU REV ENTOMOL0066-417014.154 PLOS BIOL1544-917313.63 FRONT NEUROENDOCRIN0091-302211.648 IMMUNOL REV0105-289611.293 ANN NEUROL0364-513410.644 AM J RESP CRIT CARE 1073-449X 10.424 TRENDS PLANT SCI1360-138510.991 J ALLERGY CLIN IMMUN0091-67499.712 FEMS MICROBIOL REV0168-644511.754 TRENDS PHARMACOL SCI0165-614710.322 TRENDS BIOCHEM SCI0968-000411.587 ACS NANO1936-085111.171 PAIN PHYSICIAN1533-3159MED RES REV0198-632510.03 PROG LIPID RES0163-782711.95 STUD MYCOL0166-06167.714 AM J HUMGENET0002-929711.716 CANCER METAST REV0167-765910.339 EUR HEART J0195-668X10.511 MASS SPECTROM REV0277-703711.676 TRENDS IMMUNOL1471-49068.992 J PHOTOCH PHOTOBIO C1389-556712.458 TRENDS MOL MED1471-49149.835 BRAIN RES REV0165-01739.199 EMBO MOL MED1757-467610.333 J CELL BIOL0021-95259.947 SYST BIOL1063-515712.061 ADV FUNCT MATER1616-301X9.92GUT0017-57499.885ANN RHEUM DIS0003-49677.792CURR OPIN NEUROBIOL 0959-4388 8.742ANNU REV EARTH PL SC0084-65978.85 PHYS LIFE REV1571-0645 5.241 REV MED VIROL1052-92767.434 EXPERT REV MOL MED1462-3994J NEUROSCI0270-64747.915 NAT REV NEPHROL1759-50617.11 INT J CARDIOL0167-5273 4.111 SEMIN LIVERDIS0272-8087 6.138 NAT CLIN PRACT CARD1743-4297 5.633 OBES REV1467-78817.231 ENVIRON HEALTH PERSP0091-67657.366 ADV ORGANOMET CHEM0065-3055 6.636 PROG QUANT ELECTRON0079-6727 6.818 NANO RES1998-01247.461 MUCOSAL IMMUNOL1933-02197.006 INT MATER REV0950-6608 6.567 SLEEP MED REV1087-07927.543 MOL THER1525-0016 6.284 GLOBAL ENVIRON CHANG0959-37808.262 GLOBAL CHANGE BIOL1354-10138.036 CURR OPIN PHARMACOL1471-4892 6.924 THORAX0040-6376 6.95 DRUG DISCOV TODAY1359-64467.155 CHEMSUSCHEM1864-56317.171 DIABETOLOGIA0012-186X 6.17 P IEEE0018-9219 6.46 JACC-CARDIOVASCINTE1936-87987.123 J MAMMARY GLAND BIOL1083-3021 5.819 NANOMED-NANOTECHNOL1549-9634AM J CLIN NUTR0002-91657.366 GONDWANA RES1342-937X 5.599 SEMIN CELL DEV BIOL1084-9521 6.294 NEW PHYTOL0028-646X 6.693 AUTOIMMUN REV1568-9972 5.214 BRIT J PSYCHIAT0007-1250 6.606 NEUROPSYCHOL REV1040-73087.395J BONE MINER RES0884-0431 6.459 ONCOGENE0950-9232 6.889 ARTERIOSCL THROM VAS1079-56427.037 J MED GENET0022-2593 5.669 STRUCTURE0969-2126 5.931 CRIT CARE MED0090-3493 6.484 GREEN CHEM1463-9262 6.761 J PATHOL0022-3417 6.143 J INVEST DERMATOL0022-202X 5.793 IEEE COMMUN SURV TUT1553-877X 5.496CIRC-HEART FAIL 1941-3289 6.639 PSYCHOTHER PSYCHOSOM0033-3190 5.092 POLYM REV1558-37248.71 SEMIN IMMUNOPATHOL1863-2297 6.181 TRAC-TREND ANAL CHEM0165-9936 6.873 ALLERGY0105-4538 6.098 CRIT REV MICROBIOL1040-841X 5.694 AGING CELL1474-97187.119 AIDS0269-9370 6.16 WORLD PSYCHIATRY1723-8617 4.707 J PHYS CHEM LETT1948-7185 6.217 HYPERTENSION0194-911X 6.643 NEUROBIOL AGING0197-4580 5.874 AGEING RES REV 1568-1637 6.383CHEM COMMUN1359-7345 6.082SOC COGN AFFECT NEUR1749-5016 6.675 J CELL SCI 0021-9533 6.401 CIRC-CARDIOVASC GENE1942-325X 6.137 BIOTECHNOL BIOFUELS1754-68347.014 CURR OPIN LIPIDOL0957-9672 5.351 NAT CLIN PRACT NEPHR1745-83234.871 CORTEX0010-9452 4.765 CARDIOVASC RES 0008-6363 6.225 ANGIOGENESIS0969-6970CIRC-CARDIOVASC INTE1941-7640 6.25 CANCER TREAT REV0305-7372 5.828 ADV SYNTH CATAL1615-4150 5.904 CLIN PHARMACOL THER0009-9236 6.231 BMC MED1741-7015 5.768 B AM METEOROL SOC0003-0007 6.946 ASTROPHYS J0004-637X 5.102 RENEW SUST ENERG REV1364-0321 6.619 NEUROTHERAPEUTICS1933-7213J CATAL0021-9517 6.201 CURR TOP DEV BIOL0070-2153 5.802 J MATER CHEM0959-9428 5.992 INT REV PHYS CHEM0144-235X 6.977 J CLIN ENDOCR METAB0021-972X 6.374 NEOPLASIA1522-8002 5.133 CIRC-CARDIOVASC IMAG1941-9651 6.032 CHEM-EUR J0947-6539 5.866 NANOSCALE2040-3364 5.914 EUR RESPIR J0903-1936 5.879 NEUROIMAGE1053-8119 6.608 HUM BRAIN MAPP1065-9471 6.348 ORG LETT1523-7060 5.558 ANAL CHEM0003-2700 5.983 NAT CLIN PRACT RHEUM1745-8382 5.246 ENVIRON MICROBIOL1462-2912 6.151 J HIGH ENERGY PHYS1126-6708 4.777 CHEM BIOL1074-5521 5.971 PSYCHONEUROENDOCRINO0306-4530 5.264 FISH FISH1467-2960 6.571 J CLIN PSYCHIAT0160-6689 5.664 J PINEAL RES0742-3098 4.286 PROG PHOTOVOLTAICS1062-7995 5.767 J IMMUNOL0022-1767 5.859 PAIN0304-3959 6.428 ADV IMMUNOL0065-27767.438 NANOTOXICOLOGY1743-5390 6.781 BMC BIOL1741-7007 5.841MOL ECOL0962-1083 6.347 ATMOS CHEM PHYS1680-7316 5.633 CELL COMMUN SIGNAL1478-811XJ INTERN MED0954-6820 5.676 BIOMACROMOLECULES1525-7797 5.646 BIOINFORMATICS1367-4803 6.051 CELL MICROBIOL1462-5814 5.299 OPHTHALMOLOGY0161-6420 5.567 ANNU REV PUBL HEALTH 0163-7525 9.333 INT J CANCER0020-7136 4.919 PLANT BIOTECHNOL J1467-7644 5.355 PEDIATRICS0031-4005 5.785 AM J KIDNEY DIS0272-6386 5.138 JACC-CARDIOVASC IMAG1936-878X 5.841 AM J MED0002-9343 4.875 FREE RADICAL BIO MED0891-5849 5.769 P ROY SOC B-BIOL SCI0962-8452 5.67NEUROBIOL DIS0969-9961 5.271ENVIRON SCI TECHNOL0013-936X 5.764 CLIN J AM SOC NEPHRO1555-9041 5.31 MOL CANCER THER1535-7163 5.39 AM J EPIDEMIOL0002-9262 6.001 J CHEM THEORY COMPUT1549-9618 5.673 PLANT CELL ENVIRON0140-7791 5.748 PLOS COMPUT BIOL1553-734X 5.844 PROG NUCL MAG RES SP0079-6565 6.296 ENDOSCOPY0013-726X 4.75 CHEMCATCHEM1867-3880 5.207 ADV AGRON0065-2113 5.744 BRIEF BIOINFORM1467-54637.749 WIRES NANOMED NANOBI1939-5116 5.186 J BIOL REG HOMEOS AG0393-974X 3.331 HIPPOCAMPUS1050-9631 5.135 J COGNITIVE NEUROSCI0898-929X 6.268 MACROMOLECULES0024-9297 5.03 J MOL CELL CARDIOL0022-2828 4.988 DNARES1340-2838 5.276 CRIT REV TOXICOL 1040-8444 6.237IEEE T IND ELECTRON0278-0046 5.337ORPHANET J RARE DIS1750-1172 5.96 HUM GENET0340-6717 4.184 J ANTIMICROB CHEMOTH0305-7453 4.792 PIGM CELL MELANOMA R1755-1471 5.106 NANOMEDICINE-UK1743-5889 6.534 SLEEP0161-8105 5.735 J APPL ECOL0021-8901 5.804 J ECOL0022-0477 6.02 THROMB HAEMOSTASIS0340-6245 4.206 BRIT J CANCER0007-09204.955 CLIN EXP ALLERGY0954-7894 4.342 MOL MICROBIOL0950-382X5.248 J CEREBR BLOOD F MET0271-678X5.467 ADV APPL MECH0065-21566.357 BBA-GEN SUBJECTS0304-4165 3.883 FARADAY DISCUSS1364-5498 4.687 IEEE IND ELECTRON M1932-4529 4.224 NEUROMOL MED1535-1084 4.249 J LEUKOCYTE BIOL0741-5400 4.73 EUR J NUCL MED MOL I1619-7070 4.756 BIORESOURCE TECHNOL0960-8524 5.352 SEMIN ARTHRITIS RHEU0049-0172 4.86 BIOESSAYS0265-9247 4.754 J POWER SOURCES0378-7753 5.006 MRS BULL0883-7694 5.384 MOL BIOLCELL1059-1524 5.371 BRIT J HAEMATOL0007-1048 4.523 DIS MODEL MECH1754-8403 5.053 J ANIM ECOL0021-87904.971CURR OPIN NEUROL1350-7540 5.027PROG CARDIOVASC DIS0033-0620 4.737 BIOCONJUGATE CHEM1043-1802 5.224 CURR OPIN INFECT DIS0951-7375 4.891 J PAIN1526-5900 4.79 CURR TOP MICROBIOL0070-217X 4.441 TRAFFIC1398-9219 5.28 EVOL APPL1752-4571 6.206 CANCER PREV RES1940-6207 5.181 IEEE T PATTERN ANAL0162-8828 6.085 CIRC-CARDIOVASC QUAL1941-7705 5.097 MON NOT R ASTRON SOC0035-8711 4.585 BIOCHEM J0264-6021 4.693 EUR J HEARTFAIL1388-9842 4.24 EXPERT OPIN DRUG DEL1742-5247AM J PATHOL 0002-9440 5.571 MOL PHARMACOL0026-895X 4.58 GASTROINTEST ENDOSC0016-5107 5.3 J PROTEOMICS1874-3919 4.906 ACTA BIOMATER1742-7061 5.076 WATER RES0043-1354 5.315 CURR MEDCHEM0929-8673 4.806 ELECTROCHEM COMMUN1388-2481 5.159 EXPERT REV MOL DIAGN1473-7159 3.666 INFLAMM BOWEL DIS1078-0998 5.049 ARTHRIT CARE RES2151-464X 5.045 ECOLOGY0012-9658 6.007 BBA-BIOENERGETICS0005-2728 4.485 NUTR RES REV0954-4224 4.429 ANTIMICROB AGENTS CH0066-4804 4.911 CRIT REV ENV SCI TEC1064-33898.247 ADDICT BIOL1355-62155 DIVERS DISTRIB1366-9516 5.139 GLIA0894-1491 5.157 NEUROPHARMACOLOGY0028-3908 4.137 J PHYS CHEM C1932-7447 5.049 CNS DRUGS1172-7047 4.334 MODERN PATHOL0893-3952 4.743 THYROID1050-7256 3.498 CRIT REV FOOD SCI1040-8398 5.78 APOPTOSIS 1360-8185 4.125 GLOBAL BIOGEOCHEM CY0886-6236 5.533 ONCOTARGET1949-2553 4.784 MOL PHARMACEUT1543-8384 5.634 EVID-BASED COMPL ALT1741-427X 4.929 J BIOL CHEM0021-9258 5.117 CANCER-AM CANCER SOC0008-543X5.306 FUNGAL DIVERS1560-2745 3.587J NEUROL NEUROSUR PS0022-3050 4.953AM J PHYSIOL-ENDOC M0193-1849 4.577 BIOFUEL BIOPROD BIOR1932-104X 6.97 OBSTET GYNECOL0029-7844 4.718 AM NAT0003-0147 5.28 J TOXICOL ENV HEAL B1093-7404 4.973 BRAIN BEHAV IMMUN0889-1591 4.946 CRYST GROWTH DES1528-7483 4.877 J PHYSIOL-LONDON0022-3751 4.931 PLOS NEGLECT TROP D1935-2727 4.983 EUR J EPIDEMIOL 0393-2990 3.714 STRUCT EQU MODELING1070-55117.195 BIOCHEM PHARMACOL0006-2952 4.748 PLANT CELL PHYSIOL0032-0781 4.486 EXP NEUROL0014-4886 4.416 CONSERV BIOL0888-8892 5.94 INT J OBESITY0307-0565 5.238 J CHEM INF MODEL1549-9596 4.305 ARCH TOXICOL0340-5761 3.487 AM J HEMATOL0361-8609 3.017 J MOL MED0946-2716 4.704 J PSYCHIATR RES 0022-3956 4.374 NUCL PHYS B0550-3213 3.593 CRIT REV PLANT SCI0735-2689 6.457 SIAM J IMAGING SCI1936-4954 5.045 TOXICOL SCI1096-6080 4.983 AM HEART J0002-8703 4.321 IEEE T POWER ELECTR0885-8993 4.664 J AM MED DIR ASSOC1525-8610 3.295 B WORLD HEALTHORGAN0042-9686 5.551 INT J BIOCHEM CELL B1357-2725 4.759 BIOSCIENCE0006-3568 6.223 GENOME BIOL EVOL1759-6653 4.618 CRIT CARE1466-609X 4.975 BRIT J SURG 0007-1323 4.931 INT J PLASTICITY0749-6419 4.738 CLIM DYNAM0930-7575 5.114 INORG CHEM0020-1669 4.553 J GERONTOL A-BIOL1079-5006 4.726 HEREDITY0018-067X 4.523 MACROMOL RAPID COMM1022-1336 4.46 MOL INTERV1534-03847.487 INVEST RADIOL0020-9996 4.192 ASTRON ASTROPHYS0004-6361 3.979 J COMPUT CHEM0192-8651 4.795 OSTEOPOROSIS INT0937-941X 4.966 INT J NEUROPSYCHOPH1461-1457 4.676J NEUROIMMUNE PHARM1557-1890 4.52ENDOCRINOLOGY0013-7227 4.62 STEM CELLS DEV1547-3287 4.382 J ORG CHEM0022-3263 4.204 MIS QUART0276-77837.497 TOXICOL APPL PHARM0041-008X 3.991 ARTHRITIS RES THER1478-6354 4.689 CNS NEUROSCITHER1755-5930 4.528 PHARMACOL RES1043-6618 3.875 BREAST CANCER RES TR0167-6806 4.351 MED SCI SPORT EXER0195-9131 5.017 MOL PLANT MICROBE IN0894-0282 4.762 BIOFOULING0892-7014 4.488 JAIDS-J ACQ IMM DEF1525-4135 4.614 MED IMAGE ANAL1361-8415 4.512 NAT REV UROL 1759-4812 4.415 CRIT REV ONCOL HEMAT1040-8428 4.705BRIT J PHARMACOL0007-1188 4.635BBA-GENE REGUL MECH1874-9399 3.476 J R SOC INTERFACE1742-5689 4.591 EUR J HUM GENET1018-4813 3.997 ADV PARASIT0065-308X 4.317 SOFT MATTER1744-683X 4.998 J OPER MANAG0272-6963 6.012 TELLUS B0280-65093.818 CURR OPIN CLIN NUTR1363-19504.07 CHEM REC1527-8999 4.161 ENDOCR-RELAT CANCER1351-0088 4.751 AM J SURG PATHOL0147-5185 4.472 MEDICINE0025-79745.274 J BIOPHOTONICS1864-063X 4.433 PHYTOCHEM REV1568-7767J HEART LUNG TRANSPL1053-2498 3.521 CURR OPIN NEPHROL HY1062-4821 3.728 CURR CANCER DRUGTAR1568-0096 4.267 EPIGENETICS-US1559-2294 4.462 CLIN SCI0143-5221 4.181 ADDICTION0965-2140 4.739 HEALTH AFFAIR0278-2715 3.748 CURR OPIN RHEUMATOL1040-87114 SEMIN NUCL MED0001-2998 4.466 ANTIVIR RES0166-3542 3.905 MOL NUTR FOOD RES1613-4125 4.579 MOL CANCER RES1541-7786 4.49 INT J NEURAL SYST0129-0657 2.574 OBESITY1930-7381 4.742 J CHILD PSYCHOL PSYC0021-9630 6.104 MOL NEURODEGENER1750-1326 4.455 COGNITIVE PSYCHOL0010-0285 5.061 J CLIN EPIDEMIOL0895-4356 4.354 EUR J PHARM BIOPHARM0939-6411 4.406 IEEE T FUZZY SYST1063-6706 4.196 GEOCHIM COSMOCHIM AC0016-70374.589 J NEUROPATH EXP NEUR0022-3069 4.633 HEALTH TECHNOL ASSES1366-52785.596 MULT SCLER J1352-4585 3.788 EXPERT REV VACCINES1476-0584 3.865 BRIT J ANAESTH0007-0912 3.848 ARCH SURG-CHICAGO0004-0010 4.612 CANCER LETT0304-3835 4.031 CURR OPIN SOLID ST M1359-0286 5.884 ANALYST0003-2654 4.119 DRUGS0012-6667 3.692 AM J OPHTHALMOL0002-9394 3.885 HEART1355-6037 4.366ACTA PSYCHIAT SCAND0001-690X 4.299J VIRAL HEPATITIS1352-0504 3.753ADV VIRUS RES0065-3527 5.258AM J PUBLIC HEALTH0090-0036 4.764 ADV ANAT PATHOL1072-4109 3.533 J POLYM SCI POL CHEM0887-624X 3.388 J NUTR0022-3166 4.355 SEMIN FETAL NEONAT M1744-165X 3.638 ONCOLOGIST1083-7159 5.262 OSTEOARTHR CARTILAGE1063-4584 4.365 APPL CATAL A-GEN0926-860X 3.961 CRIT REV ANAL CHEM1040-8347 3.956 METALLOMICS1756-5901 3.902 MOL PLANT PATHOL1464-6722 4.062 SENSOR ACTUAT B-CHEM0925-4005 3.751 J NUTR BIOCHEM0955-2863 4.26 ADV POLYM SCI0065-3195 6.192 ARCH DERMATOL0003-987X 4.224 GYNECOL ONCOL0090-8258 3.592 MACROMOL BIOSCI1616-5187 3.799 CORAL REEFS0722-4028 3.884 J CELL PHYSIOL0021-9541 4.058 BIOL BLOOD MARROW TR1083-8791 3.792 HEALTH PSYCHOL0278-6133 4.796 GENES IMMUN1466-4879 3.505 CURR PHARM DESIGN1381-6128 3.807 HORM BEHAV0018-506X 4.126 BIOGEOSCIENCES1726-4170 4.193 MAR DRUGS1660-3397 3.704 MOL HUM REPROD1360-9947 3.529 J MEMBRANE SCI0376-7388 4.314CHROMOSOMA0009-5915 3.685 APPL PHYS LETT0003-6951 3.787 MOL IMAGING BIOL1536-1632 3.519 CRYSTENGCOMM1466-8033 4.023 J AM MATH SOC0894-0347 3.275 J GEN PHYSIOL0022-1295 3.97 DALTON T1477-9226 3.887J NEURAL ENG1741-2560 4.434J PHARMACOL EXP THER0022-3565 3.995 J NEUROINFLAMM1742-2094 4.728 REJUV RES1549-1684 2.678 J BACTERIOL0021-9193 3.924 LIVER INT1478-3223 3.349 NUCL DATA SHEETS0090-3752 4.167 FUTURE MICROBIOL1746-0913 3.435 NEUROPSYCHOLOGY0894-4105 4.063 CNS NEUROL DISORD-DR1871-5273 4.12 INT J HYG ENVIR HEAL1438-4639 2.931 J COMP NEUROL0021-9967 4.114 NEUROPATH APPL NEURO0305-1846 3.728SEMIN REPROD MED1526-8004 3.689 PARKINSONISM RELAT D1353-8020 3.173 ATHEROSCLEROSIS0021-9150 3.962 TALANTA0039-9140 3.747 AM J SPORT MED0363-5465 4.427 GEOPHYS RES LETT0094-8276 3.759 FEBSJ1742-464X 3.341 GEOL SOC AM BULL0016-7606 4.045 IEEE COMMUN MAG0163-6804 3.267 IEEE J SEL TOP QUANT 1077-260X 3.51 CHEM RES TOXICOL0893-228X 3.969 ANAL BIOANAL CHEM1618-2642 3.733 CLEV CLIN J MED0891-1150 2.982 ALIMENT PHARM THER0269-2813 3.802 CELL CALCIUM0143-4160 3.698 CIRC J1346-9843 2.755 VACCINE0264-410X 3.7 BIOL LETTERS1744-9561 4.049 AQUAT TOXICOL 0166-445X 4.225 BIOELECTROCHEMISTRY1567-5394 3.238 MENOPAUSE1072-3714 3.349 MOL MED1076-1551 4.601 ACTAMATER1359-6454 4.226 BRAIN STIMUL1935-861X6 J APPL PHYSIOL8750-7587 4.103 ASN NEURO1759-0914 3.75 BONE MARROW TRANSPL0268-3369 3.313 ENVIRON POLLUT0269-7491 3.987 J UROLOGY0022-5347 3.856 J ALZHEIMERS DIS1387-2877 4.188 CELL BIOCHEM BIOPHYS1085-9195 3.107 ANN THORAC SURG0003-4975 3.503 EXP GERONTOL0531-5565 3.644。

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Carbohydrate Polymers 111(2014)149–182Contents lists available at ScienceDirectCarbohydratePolymersj o u r n a l h o m e p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /c a r b p olReviewReview on flammability of biofibres and biocompositesMfiso E.Mngomezulu a ,c ,1,Maya J.John a ,b ,∗,Valencia Jacobs a ,b ,2,Adriaan S.Luyt c ,3aCSIR Materials Science and Manufacturing,Polymers and Composites Competence Area,P.O.Box 1124,Port Elizabeth 6000,South Africa bDepartment of Textile Science,Faculty of Science,Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University,P.O.Box 1600,Port Elizabeth 6000,South Africa cDepartment of Chemistry,Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences,University of the Free State (Qwaqwa Campus),Private Bag X13,Phuthaditjhaba 9866,South Africaa r t i c l ei n f oArticle history:Received 6November 2013Received in revised form 7March 2014Accepted 20March 2014Available online 3April 2014Keywords:Flammability Flame retardants Biopolymers Natural fibre Compositea b s t r a c tThe subject on flammability properties of natural fibre-reinforced biopolymer composites has not been broadly researched.This is not only evidenced by the minimal use of biopolymer composites and/or blends in different engineering areas where fire risk and hazard to both human and structures is of critical concern,but also the limited amount of published scientific work on the subject.Therefore,it is necessary to expand knowledge on the flammability properties of biopolymers and add value in widening the range of their application.This paper reviews the literature on the recent developments on flammability studies of bio-fibres,biopolymers and natural fibre-reinforced biocomposites.It also covers the different types of flame retardants (FRs)used and their mechanisms,and discusses the principles and methodology of various flammability testing ©2014Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.Contents 1.Introduction (150)2.Flame retardants ....................................................................................................................................1512.1.Mode of action of flame retardants..........................................................................................................1512.1.1.Physical action .....................................................................................................................1512.1.2.Chemical action ....................................................................................................................1512.2.Types of flame retardant agents .............................................................................................................1522.2.1.Phosphorus based flame retardants ...............................................................................................1522.2.2.Halogen based flame retardants ...................................................................................................1532.2.3.Silicon based flame retardants.....................................................................................................155Abbreviations:APP,ammonium polyphosphate;ATH,aluminum tri-hydrate;BAl,boehemite aluminum;BDP,bisphenyl A bis(diphenyl phosphate);DNA,deoxyribonu-cleic acid;DTG,derivative thermogravimetric analysis;EG,expandable graphite;EVA,ethylene vinyl acetate;FRs,flame retardants;FRAs,flame retardant agents/additives;HPCA,hyperbranched polyamine charring agent;HBCD,hexabromocyclododecane;HRR,heat release rate;HRC,heat release capacity (Ác );IFR,intumescent flame retardant;LOI,limited oxygen index;LDPE,low density polyethylene;MA,melamine;MCC,Microscale combustion calorimetry;MH or MDH,magnesium hydroxide or magnesium dihydroxide;MPD,methacryloyloxyethylorthophosphorotetraethyl diamidate;MA-g -PP,maleic acid grafted polypropylene;MMP,melamine phosphate;MMB,melamine borate;MMT,montmorillonite;MLR,mass loss rate;MWNTs,multi walled nanotubes;NAs,normal additives;NFs,natural fibres;NFRBC,natural fibre reinforced biopoly-mer composites;OSU,Ohio State University;PMMA,polymethyl methacrylate;PCFC,pyrolysis combustion flow calorimetry;PA6,polyamide 6;PU,polyurethane;PC,polycarbonate;PP,polypropylene;PE,polyethylene;PS,polystyrene;POSS,polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane;PCL,polycaprolactone;PLA,polylactic acid;PHBV,poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate);PBT,poly(butylene terephthalate);PBAT,poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate);PTT,poly(trimethylene terephthalate);PPTA,poly(p-phenylenediamineterephthalamide);PBDE,polybromodiphenyl ether;PHRR,peak heat release rate;PEBAX,polyether blockamide;PC,polycarbonate;RAs,reactive additives;RTM,resin transfer moulding;SPR,smoke production rate;SPDPM,spirocyclic pentaerythritol bisphosphorate disphosphoryl melamine;SEA,soot extinction area;SEM,Scanning electron microscopy;SWNTs,single walled nanotubes;TBBPA,tetrabromobisphenol A;TBPA,tetrabromophthalic anhydride;TTI,time to ignition;THR,total heat release;TPOSS,trisilanolphenylpolyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane;UL 94,underwriter laboratories 94;UV,ultraviolet;ZB,zinc borate.∗Corresponding author at:Corresponding author.Tel.:+270415083292.E-mail (M.E.Mngomezulu), (M.J.John), (V.Jacobs), (A.S.Luyt).1Tel.:+270415083241.2Tel.:+270415083229.3Tel.:+270587185314./10.1016/j.carbpol.2014.03.0710144-8617/©2014Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.150M.E.Mngomezulu et al./Carbohydrate Polymers111(2014)149–1822.2.4.Nano metric particles (155)2.2.5.Mineralflame retardant (159)3.Flammability testing techniques (161)3.1.Cone calorimetry (161)3.2.Pyrolysis combustionflow calorimetry(PCFC) (162)3.3.Limiting oxygen index(LOI) (163)3.4.UnderwritersLaboratories94(UL94) (164)3.5.Ohio State University heat release apparatus(OSU) (164)4.Flammability of biofibres and biocomposites (166)4.1.Biofibres(naturalfibres) (166)4.2.Biopolymers (171)4.3.Biofibre reinforced biopolymer composites (175)5.Summary (178)Acknowledgements (179)References (179)1.IntroductionIn recent years,the research on biofibre reinforced biopolymer composites has advanced.This development is motivated by factors such as shortage of and high fossil energy cost,and the current shift towards environmentally tolerant or“green”composite materials. The shift towards environmentally friendly biocomposite materi-als is due to environmental legislation,the REACH Act(Registration, Evaluation,Authorization and Restriction of Chemical substances), comparable properties to syntheticfibre counterparts,green attri-bution and low cost.Most of the components in biocomposites are based on agricultural products as a source of raw materials.Thus, their use provides solution for waste disposal,reduction in agricul-tural residues and hence environmental pollution resulting from the burning of these.Additionally,it offers an economical solution for farming and rural areas in developing countries(Anandjiwala et al.,2013;Chapple&Anandjiwala,2010;Faruk,Bledzki,Fink,& Sain,2012;Horrocks,2011;Jang,Jeong,Oh,Youn,&Song,2012; John&Thomas,2008;Kandola,2012;Sahari&Sapuan,2011; Satyanarayana,Arizaga,&Wypych,2009).Biofibre reinforced biopolymer composite materials largely have appealing properties.They are renewable,recyclable(par-tially or completely),relatively cheap,biodegradable and thus environmentally friendly.However,there are some inherent dis-advantages such as their hydrophilic nature and poorflammability properties(i.e.poorfire resistance).The attractive properties clearly outweigh the undesirable ones and the latter have remedial measures.For example,remedies may be chemical and/or phys-ical modifications such as the incorporation offlame retardant additives(FRAs)to improveflammability of biocomposites(John &Thomas,2008).Previous research observed limitations in the use of biofibre reinforced biopolymer composites,especially in areas that posefire hazard and risk.This is because naturalfibre reinforced biopoly-mer composites are largely used in the packaging and automotive industries wherefire safety regulatory requirements are not as stringent as those in the aerospace industry.Therefore,to broaden the range of applications of these biocomposites into other sec-tors of advanced engineering(i.e.aerospace,marine,electronics equipment and construction),both theirflammability characteris-tics andfire retardance strategies need more research(Bourbigot& Fontaine,2010;Chapple&Anandjiwala,2010;Kandola,2012).There are different strategies that can be demonstrated forfire retardancy of biocomposites.Fire retardancy is the phenomenon in which materials such as plastics and/or textiles are rendered less likely ignitable or,if they are ignitable,should burn with less efficiency(Price,Anthony,&Carty,2001).It may be achieved by use of several approaches.These may be chemical modification of existing polymers,addition of surface treatment to the polymers,use of inherentlyfire resistant polymers or high performance poly-mers,and direct incorporation offlame retardants(FRs)and/or micro or nanoparticles in materials.The direct incorporation of flame retardants is achieved through use of various additives.These flame retardance strategies may range from the use of phospho-rus additives(e.g.intumescent systems),halogen additives(e.g. organobromine),silicon additives(e.g.silica),nanometric particles (e.g.nanoclays)and minerals based additives(e.g.metal hydrox-ide).The broader information onflame retardant additives(FRAs) in natural polymers,wood and lignocellulosic materials has been reviewed by Kozlowski and Wladyka-Przybylak(2001).Thus,the primary duty offlame retardant systems is to prevent,minimize, suppress or stop the combustion of a material(Laoutid,Bonnaud, Alexandre,Lopez-Cuesta,&Dubois,2009;Morgan&Gilman,2013; Price et al.,2001;Wichman,2003).Flame retardant systems can either act chemically or physically in the solid,liquid or gas phase.These mechanisms are dependent on the nature of theflame retardant system.The chemical mode of action may be manifested by reaction in the gaseous and condensed phases,whereas the physical mode occurs by a cooling effect,for-mation of a protective layer or by fuel dilution.FRs may be classified into three classes.They are normal additives(NAs),reactive addi-tives(RAs)and a combination of FRs(Laoutid et al.,2009;Price et al.,2001;Wichman,2003).Theflammability offire retarded materials may be tested through differentfire testing techniques.The most widely used laboratoryflammability testing techniques have been reported in literature(Laoutid et al.,2009;Price et al.,2001;Wichman,2003).A number of small,medium and full scaleflammability tests are used in both academic and industrial laboratories.They are employed for either screening the materials during production or testing the manufactured products.These techniques are cone calorime-try,pyrolysis combustionflow calorimetry(PCFC),limiting oxygen index(LOI),and underwriters’laboratories94(UL94)and Ohio State University(OSU)heat release rate tests.These techniques involve the measurement of variousflammability parameters by appropriate tests depending on the targeted application of a poly-meric material.Theflammability of polymers can be characterized by parameters such as ignitability(ignition temperature,delay time,critical heatflux),burning rates(heat release rate,solid degra-dation rate),spread rates(flame,pyrolysis,and smoulder),product distribution(emissions of toxic products)and smoke production (Carvel,Steinhaus,Rein,&Torero,2011;Laoutid et al.,2009;Price et al.,2001).Theflammability properties of naturalfibrereinforced biopoly-mer composites have not been studied extensively.The aim of this paper is to review the current research and developments related toflammability of biofibre reinforced biopolymer composites for the period2000–2013.This review will explore aspects such as theM.E.Mngomezulu et al./Carbohydrate Polymers111(2014)149–182151different types offlame retardants,laboratoryflammability testing techniques and recent studies onflammability of biopolymers and biocomposites.2.Flame retardantsFRs impartflame retardancy character to materials such as coatings,thermoplastics,thermosets,rubbers and textiles.These FRs may prevent,minimize,suppress or stop the combustion pro-cess of materials.They act to break the self sustaining polymer combustion cycle shown in Fig.1,and consequently reduce the burning rate or extinguish theflame in several ways(Guillaume, Marquis,&Saragoza,2012;Grexa&Lübke,2001;Kandola,2001; Kandola&Horrocks,2001;Ke et al.,2010;Kozlowski&Wladyka-Przybylak,2001;Laoutid et al.,2009;Morgan&Gilman,2013;Price et al.,2001;Wichman,2003).The possible ways to reduce the burning rate or extinguish theflames are:(i)the modification of the pyrolysis process in order to lower the quantity of evolvedflammable volatiles,with normally an increase in the formation of char(lessflammable)serv-ing as barrier between the polymer andflame(stage‘a’,Fig.1); (ii)the isolation of theflame from the oxygen/air supply(stage ‘b’);(iii)introduction into the polymer formulations those com-pounds that will release efficientflame inhibitors(e.g.chlorine and bromine)(stage‘c’);and(iv)the lowering of thermal feedback to the polymer to prevent further pyrolysis(stage‘d’)(Price et al., 2001).Toflame retard polymer materials or to protect them fromfire, there are three main approaches to be considered.These are the engineering approach,use of inherently lowflammable polymers and the use offlame retardant additives(FRAs)(Morgan&Gilman, 2013).The engineering approach is cost effective and relatively easy to implement.It requires the use of afire protection shield.However, the method has some limitations such as tearing and/or ripping off(offire proof fabric),loss of adhesion(in metalfire protection), and scratching away and falling off due to impact or ageing(of intumescent paint).Consequently,the underlying material may be left exposed tofire damage.The inherentlyflame retarded polymers can be made in various forms and are easy to implement in different applications.Their use,though,can be limited by high cost and difficulty to recycle(i.e.fibre reinforced polymer composites).As a result,lowflammability polymers are less used except for applications demanding their use (e.g.aerospace and military sectors).The use of FRAs is a well known approach,cost effective and relatively easy to incorporate into polymers.The challenges with this approach,however,include potential for leaching into envi-ronment,difficulty with recycling and a compromise in reaching a balance in properties of a polymer.Regardless of these problems, FRAs are still used.FRs are classified into three categories.They are normal additives(NAs)flame retardants,reactive additives(RAs)flame retardants and combinations of FRs.NAs are incorporated during polymerization or during melt mixing processing and react with the polymer only at higher temperatures at the start of afire.They are commonflame retardant additives and their interaction is physical with the substrate.NAs usually include mineralfillers,hybrids or organic compounds that can include macromolecules.RAs,on the other hand,are usually introduced into polymers during polymer-ization or in a post reaction process.During polymerization,RAs are introduced as monomers or precursor polymers whereas in a post reaction process their introduction is by chemical grafting.These flame retardants chemically bond to the polymer -binations of NAs and RAs can produce an additive(sum),synergistic (higher)or antagonistic(lower)effect.A synergistic effect typically occurs when they are used together with specificflame retardants (Kozlowski&Wladyka-Przybylak,2001;Morgan&Gilman,2013; Price et al.,2001;Troitzsch,1998).2.1.Mode of action offlame retardantsFlame retardant systems can act either chemically or physi-cally in the solid,liquid or gas phase.Such actions do not occur singly but should be considered as complex processes in which var-ious individual stages occur simultaneously,with one dominating. They are dependent on the nature offlame retardant system in place(Bourbigot&Duquesne,2007;Laoutid et al.,2009;Morgan& Gilman,2013;Price et al.,2001;Troitzsch,1998;Wichman,2003). Various modes offlame retardants are discussed in subsequent sections.2.1.1.Physical actionThe physical mode occurs by(i)cooling effect,(ii)fuel dilu-tion or(iii)via formation of a protective layer(coating)(Chapple& Anandjiwala,2010;Jang,Jeong,Oh,Youn,&Song,2012;Kandola, 2012;Laoutid et al.,2009;Price et al.,2001;Troitzsch,1998; Wichman,2003).(i)Cooling effect:Some FRAs(e.g.hydrated trialumina and mag-nesium hydroxide)decompose by an endothermic process and trigger temperature decrease in the system.Cooling of the medium to below the polymer combustion temperatures is effected.Such endothermic reaction is known to act as a heat sink.(ii)Fuel dilution:During decomposition offlame retardants(e.g.aluminum hydroxide),the formation of gases such as H2O,CO2, and NH3lead to dilution of the mixture of combustible gases.Consequently,this limits both the concentration of reagents and the possibility of materials to ignite.(iii)Formation of a protective layer(coating):Some FRAs(e.g.phos-phorus and boron compounds)form a protective solid or gaseous layer between the gaseous and solid combustible phases.This limits the transfer of combustible volatile gases, excludes oxygen necessary for combustion and thus reducing the amount of decomposition gases.2.1.2.Chemical actionThe chemical mode of action may be manifested by reaction in the(i)gaseous and(ii)condensed phase(Chapple&Anandjiwala, 2010;Jang et al.,2012;Kandola,2012;Laoutid et al.,2009;Price et al.,2001;Troitzsch,1998;Wichman,2003).(i)Gaseous phase:By incorporation of FRAs that favour the releaseof specific radicals(e.g.halogenflame retardants,Cl•and Br•) in the gas phase,the free radical mechanism of the combustion process can be stopped.These radicals can react with highly reactive species such as H•and OH•to form less reactive or inert molecules.The exothermic reactions are then stopped;the system cools down and the supply offlammable gases is subsequently reduced.(ii)Condensed phase:Two types of chemical reaction initiated by FRAs are possible:(a)flame retardants can speed up the rupture of polymer chains and the polymer will drip,thus moving away from theflame action zone;(b)FRs can cause the formation ofa carbonized or vitreous layer at the surface of the polymer.This occurs by chemical transformation of degraded polymer chains.The formed char and/or vitreous layer acts as a physical insulating barrier between the gas and condensed phases.152M.E.Mngomezulu et al./Carbohydrate Polymers 111(2014)149–182Fig.1.Demonstration of the self-sustaining polymer combustion cycle;a–d represent potential modes of flame retardants.Adapted from Price et al.(2001).2.2.Types of flame retardant agentsFRAs are based on various chemical compounds.This subsection discusses chemical compounds based on phosphorus,halogen,sil-icon,nanometric particles and mineral additives.The phosphorus based additives include organic phosphorus,inorganic phospho-rus,red phosphorus and intumescent flame retardant systems.The silicon based additives consist of silica and silicones,the nanomet-ric particles based ones may be carbon nanotubes,nanoclays and nanoscale particulate additives,and the minerals based flame retar-dant additives are hydrocarbonates,metal hydroxides and borates.2.2.1.Phosphorus based flame retardantsPhosphorus based FRs include phosphorus into their structure.Their structure can vary from inorganic to organic forms,and with oxidation states of 0,+3,or +5.Phosphorus based FRs consist of phosphates,phosphonates,phosphinates,phosphine oxide and red phosphorus.These FRAs are used as NAs or RAs incorporated into the polymer chain during synthesis.They are effective with oxy-gen or nitrogen containing polymers (cellulose,polyesters,and polyamides).Phosphorated FRs are unique in that they can be con-densed phase or vapour phase FRs depending on their chemical structure and interaction with the polymer under fire conditions (Faruk et al.,2012;Jang et al.,2012;Laoutid et al.,2009).In the condensed phase ,their thermal decomposition leads to the production of phosphoric acid that readily condenses to give phosphorylated structures and gives off water.Released water dilutes the oxidizing gas phase (physical action:fuel dilution).Addi-tionally,phosphoric acid and pyrophosphoric acid can facilitate a dehydration reaction resulting in the formation of carbon to carbon double bonds and charring.This can then lead to the generation of crosslinked or carbonized structures at high temperatures (Faruk et al.,2012;Jang et al.,2012;Laoutid et al.,2009;Morgan &Gilman,2013;Troitzsch,1998).At high temperatures both ortho and pyrophosphoric acid are turned into metaphosphoric acid (OPOOH)and their corresponding polymers (PO 3H)n .Phosphate anions (pyro and polyphosphates)then partake in char formation (with carbonized residue).This car-bonized layer isolates and protects the polymer from the flames,limits the volatilization of fuel,prevents formation of new free radicals,limits the diffusion of oxygen thus reducing combustion,and insulates the polymer underneath from the heat (Faruk et al.,2012;Jang et al.,2012;Laoutid et al.,2009;Morgan &Gilman,2013;Troitzsch,1998).Phosphorus based flame retardants can also volatilize into vapour phase forming active radicals (PO 2•,PO •and HPO •)and act-ing as scavengers of H •and OH •radicals.Volatile phosphorated compounds are among the effective inhibitors of combustion com-pared to bromine and chlorine radicals.Since phosphorus based flame retardants are significantly effective in oxygen and nitrogen containing polymers,it is thus important to have these atoms in the polymer chain.In case the used polymer lacks these atoms in its chain and cannot contribute to charring,a highly charring coadditive {e.g.polyol (pentaerythritol)}has to be introduced in combination with the phosphorated flame retardant.Polymers such as polyamides and polyurethane can also be used as char-ring agents in intumescent flame retardant systems (Faruk et al.,2012;Jang et al.,2012;Laoutid et al.,2009;Morgan &Gilman,2013;Troitzsch,1998).anic phosphorus.Many organic phosphorus derivatives show flame retardancy properties.But,those of commercial impor-tance are limited by the processing temperature and the nature of the polymer to be modifianic phosphorus based FRs can act as NAs or as RAs monomers or co monomers/oligomers.Their main groups are phosphate esters,phosphonates and phosphinates.Due to their high volatility and relatively low fire retardant efficiency,the use of alkyl substituted triaryl phosphate (i.e.triphenyl phos-phate,TPP,cresyl diphenyl phosphate,isopropylphenyl diphenyl phosphate,tertbutylphenyl diphenyl phosphate or tricresyl phos-phate)is limited in plastics engineering.Oligomeric phosphates with lower volatility and higher thermal stability than triaryl phos-phate can be used for plastics engineering.These may be resorcinol bis(diphenyl phosphate)(RDP)and bisphenol A bis(diphenyl phosphate (BDP).The combination of volatile and nonvolatile phosphates can also lead to a synergistic effect.This may be a positive combination of the condensed phase and gas phase of phosphates.The use of reactive phosphorus flame retardants isM.E.Mngomezulu et al./Carbohydrate Polymers111(2014)149–182153also a solution for avoiding volatilization during thermal decompo-sition and migration towards the surface of a polymer.They can be incorporated directly within the polymer chain structure and can be used either as monomers for copolymerization with one or two co-monomers to get phosphorated polymers or as oligomers that react with polymers to form branched or grafted phosphorated polymers(Faruk et al.,2012;Jang et al.,2012;Laoutid et al.,2009; Morgan&Gilman,2013). phosphorus.A typical example of an inorganic phosphorus salt is a combinationof polyphosphoric acid and ammonia called ammonium polyphosphate(APP).It is either a branched or unbranched polymeric compound with variable chain length(n).For short and linear chain APPs(where n is less than100, crystalline form I),they are more water sensitive and less thermally stable,whereas APPs with longer chain(n is greater than1000, crystalline form II)exhibit very low water solubility(<0.1g/100ml) (Jang et al.,2012;Laoutid et al.,2009).The APPs are stable and nonvolatile compounds.Those with long chains start decomposing at temperatures above300◦C giv-ing polyphosphoric acid and ammonia,whereas the short chain ones decompose at150◦C.It is thus important to adapt a crys-talline form of APP to the decomposition temperature of a polymer. When an APP is incorporated into a polymer that contains oxygen and/or nitrogen atoms,polymer charring occurs.Thermal degrada-tion of APP creates free acidic hydroxyl groups that condense by thermal dehydration yielding a crosslinked structure of ultraphos-phate and polyphosphoric acid with a highly crosslinked structure. Polyphosphoric acid reacts with oxygen and/or nitrogen containing polymers and catalyses their dehydration reaction and char for-mation.However,the effectiveness of an APP is dependent on the loading concentration.Low concentrations of APP are not efficient in aliphatic polyamides,but at high concentrations it becomes effi-cient.In non self-charring polymeric materials,the APP can modify the degradation mechanism of the polymer(Bourbigot&Fontaine, 2010;Ke et al.,2010;Zhu et al.,2011). phosphorus.This is the most concentrated source of phosphorus forflame retardancy and is used in small quantities (i.e.<10%).It is effective in oxygen and nitrogen containing poly-mers(i.e.polyesters,polyamides and polyurethanes).For oxygen containing polymers only,the mode of action involves specific scav-enging of oxygen containing radicals leading to the generation of gaseous fuel species.For oxygen and nitrogen containing polymers, red phosphorus turns into phosphoric acid or phosphoric anhy-dride,which gives polyphosphoric acid upon heating.This happens through thermal oxidation and the formed polyphosphoric acid catalyses the dehydration reaction of the polymer chain ends and triggers char formation(Laoutid et al.,2009;Laoutid,Ferry,Lopez-Cuesta,&Crespy,2006).Additionally,red phosphorus is also effective in non oxygenated polymers(e.g.polyethylene).Consequently,red phosphorus depolymerizes into white phosphorus(P4).This white phosphorus can volatilize at high temperatures and act in the gaseous phase or it can diffuse from the bulk of the polymer to the burning sur-face where it oxidizes to phosphoric acid derivatives.These can come into close contact with theflame and form phosphoric acid. This acid can act as a char forming agent and therefore physically limiting oxygen access and fuel volatilization(Laoutid et al.,2009).Red phosphorus is active in both the gas and condensed phase in polyethylene.In the gas phase,the produced PO•radicals quench the free radical process.In the condensed phase,red phosphorus lowers the heat of oxidation and also traps the free radicals.This results in improved thermal stability leading to a decrease in fuel production during burning of a material(Laoutid et al.,2009).The disadvantage of red phosphorus is that it releases toxic phosphine(PH3)through reaction with moisture due to its poor thermal stability.However,phosphine formation can be avoided by prior encapsulation of red phosphorus to improve its effective-ness as aflame retardant.Alternatively,phosphine formed at high temperatures can be trapped by taking advantage of its capacity to react with metallic salts(i.e.AgNO3,HgCl2,MoS2,HgO,PbO2,CuO, FeCl3·H2O)(Laoutid et al.,2009). retardant system.Intumescentflame retardant systems were initially developed to protect fabrics,wood and coatings for metallic structures fromfire.Intumescent mate-rials are classed into thick or thinfilm intumescent coatings.The thickfilms are usually based on epoxy resins,contain agents that intumesce when exposed to heat and are available as solvent free systems.Thinfilms are available as solvent or water based sys-tems,and are applied by spray or brush roller in thinfilm coats. An intumescent system is based on the formation of an expanded carbonized layer on the surface of a polymer during thermal degra-dation.This layer acts as an insulating barrier by reducing heat transfer between the heat source and the polymer surface,by limiting the fuel transfer from the polymer towards theflame,and limiting the oxygen diffusion into a material.The formulation of an intumescent system consists of three components:an acid source,a carbonizing agent and a blowing agent.Table1tabulates examples of each component category(Bourbigot&Duquesne,2007).The intumescent FRs are widely used due to their advantages of low smoke and low toxicity(Jimenez,Duquesne,&Bourbigot,2006;Ke et al.,2010;Laoutid et al.,2009;Morgan&Gilman,2013).An acid source promotes dehydration of the carbonizing agent and results in the formation of a carbonaceous layer.It has to be liberated at a temperature below the decomposition temper-ature of a carbonizing agent and its dehydration should happen around the decomposition temperature of a polymer.A carboniz-ing agent is generally a carbohydrate that can be dehydrated by an acid to form a char.Its effectiveness relates to the number of car-bon atoms and the reactive hydroxyl sites containing carbon source agent molecules.The quantity of char produced is dependent on the number of carbon atoms present.Reactive hydroxyl(OH)sites determine the rate of the dehydration reaction and thus the rate of formation of the carbonized structure.A blowing agent decomposes and releases gas leading to expansion of the polymer and forma-tion of swollen multicellular layer.The gas must be released during thermal decomposition of a carbonizing agent in order to trigger the expansion of the carbonized layer(Bourbigot&Duquesne,2007; Jimenez et al.,2006;Ke et al.,2010;Laoutid et al.,2009;Morgan& Gilman,2013).2.2.2.Halogen basedflame retardantsHalogenated FRs are molecules that include elements from group VII of the periodic table(F,Cl,Br and I).Their effectiveness increases in the order F<Cl<Br<I.The type of halogen dictates the effectiveness of the halogenatedflame retardant.However,fluorine (F)and iodine(I)are not used because they do not interfere with the polymer combustion process.Fluorinated compounds are more thermally stable than most polymers and do not release halogen radicals at the same temperature range or below the decomposition of the polymers.Iodine compounds are less thermally stable than most commercial polymers and therefore release halogen species during polymer processing.Bromine and chlorine can readily be released and partake in the combustion process because of their low bonding energy with carbon atoms(Chen&Wang,2010; Laoutid et al.,2009;Morgan&Gilman,2013;Troitzsch,1998). retardant additives.Halogenated FRs differ in chemical structure from aliphatic to aromatic carbon。



GUIDANCE FOR INDUSTRY1Waiver of In Vivo Bioavailability and Bioequivalence Studies for Immediate-Release Solid Oral Dosage Forms Based on aBiopharmaceutics Classification System基于生物制剂分类系统的速释固体口服制剂体内生物利用度和生物等效性研究豁免指南I. INTRODUCTION 引言 (3)II. THE BIOPHARMACEUTICS CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM 生物制剂分类系统 (3)A. Solubility 溶解 (4)B. Permeability 渗透 (4)C. Dissolution 分解 (5)III. METHODOLOGY FOR CLASSIFYING A DRUG SUBSTANCE AND FOR DETERMINING THE DISSOLUTION CHARACTERISTICS OF A DRUG PRODUCT 药物分类和制剂溶解特性测定方法 (5)A. Determining Drug Substance Solubility Class 判定原料药的溶解度分类 (5)B. Determining Drug Substance Permeability Class 判定原料药渗透性分类 (6)1. Pharmacokinetic Studies in Humans 人体内药代动力学研究 (7)2. Intestinal Permeability Methods 肠道通透性检测方法 (7)3. Instability in the Gastrointestinal Tract 胃肠道稳定性研究 (10)C. Determining Drug Product Dissolution Characteristics and Dissolution Profile Similarity 测定药物的溶解特性和溶解相似性 (11)IV. ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR REQUESTING A BIOWAIVER 生物豁免请求其他注意事项 (12)A. Excipients 辅料 (12)B. Prodrugs 药物前体 (13)C. Exceptions 不适用情况 (13)1. Narrow Therapeutic Range Drugs 治疗范围狭窄的药品 (13)2. Products Designed to be Absorbed in the Oral Cavity 口腔吸收制剂 (13)V. REGULATORY APPLICATIONS OF THE BCS BCS的申请 (13)A. INDs/NDAs (13)B. ANDAs (14)C. Postapproval Changes 批准后变更 (14)VI. DATA TO SUPPORT A REQUEST FOR BIOWAIVERS 生物豁免请求支持数据 (15)A. Data Supporting High Solubility 支持高溶解度的数据 (15)B. Data Supporting High Permeability 高渗透性支持数据 (15)C. Data Supporting Rapid and Similar Dissolution 快速及相似溶出支持数据 (16)D. Additional Information 其他信息 (17)ATTACHMENT A 附录A (18)I. INTRODUCTION 引言This guidance provides recommendations for sponsors of investigational new drug applications (INDs), new drug applications (NDAs), abbreviated new drug applications (ANDAs), and supplements to these applications who wish to request a waiver of in vivo bioavailability (BA) and/or bioequivalence (BE) studies for immediate release (IR) solid oral dosage forms. These waivers are intended to apply to (1) subsequent in vivo BA or BE studies of formulations after the initial establishment of the in vivo BA of IR dosage forms during the IND period, and (2) in vivo BE studies of IR dosage forms in ANDAs. Regulations at 21 CFR part 320 address the requirements for bioavailability (BA) and BE data for approval of drug applications and supplemental applications. Provision for waivers of in vivo BA/BE studies (biowaivers) under certain conditions is provided at 21 CFR 320.22. This guidance explains when biowaivers can be requested for IR solid oral dosage forms based on an approach termed the Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS).本指南给INDs、MDAs、ANDAs和增补申请主办方为速释固体口服制剂请求获得生物利用度和/或生物等效性研究豁免提供建议。

Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches

Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches

UNIVERSITÉ PIERRE ET MARIE CURIEParis 6Habilitation à Diriger des RecherchesT ITREOrdre et désordre dans les génomesbactériensEduardo Pimentel Cachapuz Rochachargé de recherches CNRSMembres du jury:Manolo GouyPatrick ForterreDidier MazelBénédicte MichelPierre NetterHoward OchmanRemerciementsJe tiens à remercier à l'Atelier de Bioinformatique, labo informel et groupe d'amis. En particulier aux "vieux permanents": Joël Pothier, Sophie Brouillet, Isabelle Gonçalves, Henry Soldano, Bernard Billoud, Mathilde Carpentier, Anne Vanet, mais aussi aux nouveaux venus, déjà partis et ceux qui passent de temps en temps: Eric Coissac, Guillaume Achaz, Anne-Laure Abraham, Eric Duchaud, Martine Boccara, Antoine Marin, Anne Morgat, Yves Vandenbrouck, Emmanuel Cornet, Claudine Médique, Hugo Naya, et tant d'autres. Un merci particulier à Alain Viari par l'énergie d'activation.Ce travail n'aurait pas été possible sans Antoine Danchin, avec qui je collabore depuis le début de mes travaux en bioinformatique. Au-delà des bonnes idées, il m'a donné toute la liberté dont j'en avais besoin. Cela ne va pas de soit dans notre système scientifique trop hiérarchisé.Je remercie tous les gens avec qui j'ai collaboré, co-écrit des papiers, discuté, donné des cours, organisé des cours, discordé, qui m'ont critiqué et que j'ai critiqué. C'est ça la science, et je leur dois beaucoup.Aux membres du jury de cette Habilitation, pour avoir accepté l'être.À ma famille, mes amis et à Carmen.Table des matièresCURRICULUM VITAE (3)CV RÉSUMÉ (3)P UBLICATIONS (4)BREF RÉSUMÉ DE MES ACTIVITÉS SCIENTIFIQUES (FRANÇAIS) (9)SCIENTIFIC SYNTHESIS AND PERSPECTIVES (13)F OREWORD (13)THE CONSTRAINTS ON CHROMOSOME ORGANISATION (15)I NTRODUCTION (15)R EPLICATION IN BACTERIA (16)M AJOR ASYMMETRIES AND GRADIENTS IN REPLICATION (18)D IFFERENCES BETWEEN LEADING AND LAGGING STRANDS (20)G RADIENTS ALONG THE REPLICHORES (27)C ONCLUSION (31)THE CREATIVE ROLES OF INTRA-GENOMIC RECOMBINATION (33)I NTRODUCTION (33)S OURCES OF VARIABILITY (34)T HE MULTIPLE MECHANISMS AND FUNCTIONS OF HOMOLOGOUS RECOMBINATION (36)I LLEGITIMATE RECOMBINATION (44)BALANCING ORDER WITH DISORDER (55)R EPEATS INCREASE THE RATE OF CHROMOSOMAL REARRANGEMENTS (55)C OMPARISON WITH EXPERIMENTAL DATA (56)A SSOCIATIONS BETWEEN THE DISTRIBUTION OF INVERTED REPEATS AND GENOME STABILITY (58)T AMING DISORDER (59)PERSPECTIVES (61)REFERENCES (65)A NNEX - M ETHODOLOGICAL ISSUES IN THE IDENTIFICATION OF LARGE REPEATS (79)Curriculum VitaeCV résuméNom : Eduardo Pimentel Cachapuz RochaDate et lieu de naissance: 5 Août 1972, S. Sebastião da Pedreira, Lisboa, Portugal.Courriel:, erocha@pasteur.frWWW: académiques2000- "Docteur ès sciences", Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin en Yvelines en Génétique Cellulaire et Moléculaire, mention BioInformatique (Mention Très Honorable avec les Félicitations du jury).1997- "Mestrado" (BAC+7) en Mathématiques Appliquées aux Sciences Biologiques à l'Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Université Technique de Lisbonne, Portugal.1995- "Licenciatura" (BAC+5) en Génie Chimique, filière de Biotechnologie à l'Instituto Superior Técnico, Université Technique de Lisbonne, Portugal.Activités professionnelles2000/...- Chargé de recherche CNRS, URA 2171, "Génétique des génomes", Institut Pasteur, Paris. 1996- Expert communautaire, responsable pour l'action de stimulation technologique aux PME portugaises dans le IV Programme Cadre de R&DT, Programme de Biotechnologie.1994/95- Manager du projet MISART, projet de recherche en développement durable financé (150 k€) par le programme LIFE de l'Union Européenne.1993/94- Fondateur, journaliste et chef de rédaction de la revue mensuelle de vulgarisation scientifique "ImpaCiência".1993- Journaliste et chef de rédaction du programme de technologies d'information "Janelas Virtuais", programme de prime-time du canal 4 de télévision au Portugal (21 épisodes).Enseignements2005- Cours à l'INA Paris Grignon (4h)2005 - Formation Permanente CNRS à Marseille (3h)2004- Mastaire 2 Microbiologie, Université Paris VII (2h)2004 - Licence "Physiologie" et Licence "Biochimie", Université Paris VI (3h)2004 - Module de programme doctorale OBI3, Université de Paris VI (3h)2004- Module de programme doctorale PGD à l'Institut Gulbenkian (Lisbonne) (10h)2003/...- Jounrées de redaction de projets interdisciplinaires à Foljuif, ENS Ulm (4 jours/an)2003/...-Module de programme doctorale OBI3, Université de Paris VI (6h/an)2001/... - DESS "Ingénierie Génomique Fonctionnelle", Université Paris VII (3h/an)2002/...-Licence "Physiologie" et Licence "Biochimie", Université Paris VI (3h/an)2003 - Mastaire de BioInformatique et Mastaire de Microbiologie, Université de Bordeaux II (2h). 2002 -DEA "Analyse des génomes et modélisation moléculaire", Université Paris VII (6h)2002 -Cours Pasteur en "Génomique", Institut Pasteur (2h)2001 -Mastaire en analyse de séquences, Université Technique de Lisbonne (20h).2001 -DEA "Approches structurales, fonctionnelles et comparatives des génomes", Université d'Orsay (3h)Co-organisateur (avec François Taddei, Pierre Sonigo, Stéphane Douady, Michel Morange, Etienne Koechlin et Régis Férrière) du Mastaire 2 « Approches interdisciplinaires du vivant », à l'ENS Ulm.Co-organisateur (avec Marie-France Sagot, Antonio Coutinho et d’autres) du programme de doctorat en bioinformatique à l’Institut Gulbenkian de Ciência au Portugal (début en 2005).Participation à des commissionsMembre de la commission scientifique (depuis 2001) et membre du comité directeur (depuis 2003) de JOBIM, la conférence Française de BioInformatique.Membre de la commission scientifique (depuis 2003) des Séminaires "Algorithmique et Biologie". Membre extérieur de la commission de spécialistes, section 64 de l'Université Paris 7 (2001-4). Membre de la commission scientifique de la conférence Européenne de BioInformatique ECCB03. Expérience comme refereeTrends in Biochemical Sciences, Trends in Genetics, Molecular Biology and Evolution, Gene, Genetics, Molecular Microbiology, ISMB, Comparative Functional Genomics, J. Molecular Evolution, Microbiology, Nucleic Acids Research, BMC bioinformatics, Bioinformatics, Computational Biology and Chemistry, FEMS letters, PLoS Biology, Proc Natnl Academy Sci USA, Plos Computational Biology, Genome Research, J. Bioinformatics Comput. Biology. PublicationsPublications dans des journaux internationaux à comité de lecture1.Figueiredo LM, Rocha EPC, Mancio-Silva L, Prevost C, Hernandez-Verdun D, Scherf A.(2005)The unusually large Plasmodium telomerase reverse-transcriptase localizes in a discrete compartment associated with the nucleolus. Nucleic Acids Res33:1111-22.2.Rocha, E.P.C. (2004) "Codon usage bias from tRNA's point of view" Genome Res14:2279-86.3.Rocha, E.P.C. (2004) "Order and disorder in Bacterial genomes" Curr Opin Microbiol 7:519-274.Rocha, E.P.C. (2004) "The replication-related organization of bacterial genomes." Microbiology,150: 1609-1627.5.Wang, Y., Rocha, E.P.C., Leung, FC, Danchin, A (2004) "Cytosine methylation is not the majorfactor inducing CpG dinucleotide deficiency in bacterial genomes." J Mol Evol, 58:692- 700.6.Rocha, E.P.C. and Danchin, A. (2004) "An analysis of determinants of protein substitution rates inBacteria." Mol Biol Evol, 21, 89-97.7.Rocha, E.P.C. and Danchin, A. (2003) "Gene essentiality is a determinant of chromosomeorganization in Bacteria." Nucleic Acids Res, 31, 5202-5211.8.Rocha, E.P.C. (2003) "DNA repeats lead to the accelerated loss of gene order in Bacteria." TrendsGenetics, 19, 600-603.9.Rocha, E.P.C. and Danchin, A. (2003) "Essentiality, not expressiveness, drives gene strand bias inbacteria." Nature Genetics, 34, 377-378.10.Achaz, G., Coissac, E., Netter, P. and Rocha, E.P.C. (2003) "Associations between inverted repeatsand the structural evolution of bacterial genomes." Genetics, 164:1279-89.11.Rocha, E.P.C., Fralick, J., Vediyappan, G., Danchin, A. and Norris, V. (2003) "A strand-specificmodel for chromosome segregation in bacteria." Mol Microbiol, 49, 895-903.12.Rocha, E.P.C. (2003) "An appraisal of the potential for illegitimate recombination in bacterialgenomes and its consequences: from duplications to genome reduction." Genome Res, 13, 1123-1132.13.Rocha EPC, Pradillon O, Bui H, Sayada S, and Denamur E (2002) "A new family of highlyvariable proteins in the Chlamydophila pneumoniae genome", Nucleic Acids Res30:4351-60.14.Rocha EPC (2002) "Is there a role for replication fork asymmetry in the distribution of genes inbacterial genomes?" Trends Microbiology10:393-396.15.Achaz G, Rocha EPC, Netter P., Coissac E. (2002) "Origin and fate of repeats in bacteria" NucleicAcids Res30:2987-2994.16.Rocha, E.P.C., Danchin A (2002) "Base composition bias might result from competition formatabolic resources" Trends Genetics18:291-4.17.Rocha EPC, Blanchard A. (2002) "Genomic repeats, genome plasticity and the dynamics ofMycoplasma evolution." Nucleic Acids Res. 30:2031-42.18.Rocha EPC, Matic I, Taddei F. (2002) "Over-representation of repeats in stress response genes: astrategy to increase versatility under stressful conditions?" Nucleic Acids Res. 30:1886-94.19.Rocha, E.P.C., Danchin A. (2001) "On-going evolution of strand composition in bacterialgenomes." Mol Biol Evol, 18:1789-1799.20.Chambaud I., Heilig R., Ferris S., Barbe V., Samson D., Galisson F.,Moszer I., Dybvig K.,Wroblenski H., Viari A., Rocha EPC., Blanchard, A. (2001) The complete genome sequence of the murine respiratory pathogen Mycoplasma pulmonis Nucleic Acids Res.29:2145-215321.Rocha, E.P.C., Viari, A, Danchin, A (2001) "The evolutionary role of restriction and modificationsystems as revealed by comparative genome analysis", Genome Res. 11:946-958.22.Rocha, E.P.C., Sekowska, A, Danchin, A (2000) "Sulphur islands in the Escherichia coli genome:markers of the cell's architecture?", FEBS Letters, 476:8-11.23.Rocha, E.P.C., Danchin, A., Viari, A. (2000) "The DB case : pattern matching analysis dismissessignal existence", Mol Microbiol,37:216-218.24.Rocha, E.P.C., Moszer I., Guerdoux-Jamet, P., Viari, A., Danchin, A. (2000) "Implication of genedistribution in the bacterial chromosome for the bacterial cell factory" J Biotechnology78:209-219.25.Rocha, E.P.C., Danchin, A., Viari, A. (2000) "Functional and evolutionary roles of long repeats inprokaryotes" Res Microbiol, 150 : 1-9.26.Rocha, E.P.C., Danchin, A., Viari, A. (1999) "Translation in Bacillus subtilis : roles and trends ofinitiation and termination, insights from a genome analysis" Nucl Acids Res,27 : 3567-3576.27.Rocha, E.P.C., Danchin, A, Viari, A (1999) "Analysis of long repeats in bacterial genomes revealsalternative evolutionary mechanisms in Bacillus subtilis and other competent prokaryotes." Mol Biol Evol,16 : 1219-1230.28.Moszer I., Rocha, E.P.C., Danchin, A. (1999) "Codon usage in Bacillus subtilis and lateral genetransfer" Curr Op Microbiol,2 : 524-528.29.Rocha, E.P.C., Danchin, A, Viari, A (1999) "Universal replication biases in bacteria.", MolMicrobiol,32 : 11-16.30.Rocha, E.P.C., Danchin, A, Viari, A (1999) "Bacterial DNA strand compositional asymmetry:Response" Trends Microbiol, 7:308.31.Rocha, E.P.C., Viari, A, Danchin, A (1998) "Oligonucleotide bias in Bacillus subtilis: generaltrends and taxonomic comparisons", Nucl Acids Res,26 : 2971-2980.32.Kunst, F., ..., Rocha, E.P.C., ..., Danchin, A. (151 co-auteurs) (1997) "The complete genomesequence of the Gram-positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis" Nature390 : 249-256.Chapitres de livresRocha EPC (à paraître en 2005) " The role of recombination in bacterial genetic adaptation to stress." in "The implicit genome" Ed Caporale L, Oxford University Press.Rocha EPC, Sirand-Pugnet P, Blanchard A (à paraître en 2004) "Genome analysis: recombination, repair and recombination hotspots" in "Mycoplasma: Pathogenesis, Molecular Biology and Emerging Strategies for Control", Ed Blanchard A, and Browning G, Horizon Press.Rocha, E.P.C., Moszer I., Sekowska, A., Klaerr, M., Médigue, C.,Viari, A, Danchin, A (2000) "In silico genome analysis" In "Functional analysis of bacterial genes: A practical manual" (Ed. SD Ehrlich, W Schuman, N Ogasawara), John Wiley & Sons, 2000.Actes de ConférencesAchaz G, Boyer F, Rocha EPC, Viari A, Coissac E (2004) " RepSeek : Recherche de répétitions génériques dans de grandes séquences d’ADN.", Actes de JOBIM04, Montreal, Canada.Rocha, E.P.C., Danchin A., Viari A (2001) "Entre l'antagonisme et le mutualisme: le rôle évolutif des systèmes de restriction révèle par l'analyse comparative des fréquences des mots dans les génomes.", Actes de JOBIM2001.Domingos, T., Canaveira, P., Ribeiro, T., Silva, L., Rocha, E.P.C. (1996) "MISART - Integrated Modelling of an Environmental, Rural and Tourist System.", Proceedings of the International Conference of Environment and Transdisciplinarity of the Applied Econometrics Association, pp. 507-517.Ribeiro, T., Rocha, E.P.C., Domingos, T. (1996) "The National Account System from an ecological economics perspective", Proceedings of the International Conference of Environment and Transdisciplinarity of the Applied Econometrics Association, pp. 116-123.Présentations Orales(OI- orateur invité; OS - orateur sélectionné; S- séminaire invité)2005S- «Ordre et désordre dans les génomes bactériens», ENS Lyon.S- «Attempts at separating mutation from selective biases in bacterial genomes», University of Nottingham, RU.S- «Attempts at separating mutation from selective biases in bacterial genomes», University of Bath, RU.2004OI- «Order and disorder in Bacterial Genomes», CompBionets'2004, Recife, Brésil.OI- «Order and disorder in Bacterial Genomes», Microbiology Symposium, Oslo, Norvège.OS- «Order and disorder in Bacterial Genomes», Conference on molecular evolution, Max-Plank, Dresden, Allemagne.S- «Order and disorder in Bacterial Genomes», University of Bath, Angleterre.OI- «Creativity and disorder: the ambiguous roles of repeats in genome evolution », Congrès de la Société Française de Microbiologie, Bordeaux.S- «Order and disorder in Bacterial Genomes», INRA, Jouy-en-josas.OI- «Creativity and disorder: the ambiguous roles of repeats in genome evolution », Séminaires Algorithmique et Biologie, Université Claude Bernard, Lyon.S- «Order and disorder in Bacterial Genomes», Institut Jacques Monod.S- «Order and disorder in Bacterial Genomes», Université d'Orsay.2003OI- «Conférence d'introduction à la recherche en BioInformatique», cours Introduction avancée à la Biologie post-génomique, Evry.S- «Order and disorder in Bacterial Genomes», European Bioinformatics Institute, Cambridge, UK.OI- «Order and disorder in Bacterial Genomes», European Conference on Prokaryotic Genomes, Gottingen, AllemagneOS- « Associations between repeats and the structural evolution of bacterial genomes», présentation et actes au 1st FEMS Meeting, Ljubljana, Slovénie.OI- «Order and disorder in Bacterial Genomes», Institut Gulbenkian de Ciência, Oeiras, Portugal.OI- «Order and disorder in Bacterial Genomes», Cours "Modélisation et Simulation de processus biologiques dans le contexte de la génomique", Dieppe.S- «Order and disorder in Bacterial Genomes», INAPG, Paris.S- «Order and disorder in Bacterial Genomes», INRIA, Grenoble.S- «Order and disorder in Bacterial Genomes», Genoscope, Evry.S- «Organisation of Bacterial genomes» et "Disorder in Bacterial Genomes», Université Claude Bernard, Lyon.2002OI- «Genomic repeats and the dynamics of Mycoplasma evolution», 14th IOM congress, Vienne, Autriche.OS- «Genome bias might result from competition for scarce metabolic resources», International Congress Molecular Evolution 2002, Sorrento, Italie.S- «Repeating to change: variations on a theme around bacterial genome evolution», Institut Jacques Monod, ParisS- «Repeating to change: variations on a theme around bacterial genome evolution», Hopital RenéDebré, ParisOI- «Repeating to change: variations on a theme around bacterial genome evolution», Séminaire Algorithmique et Biologie, session "Evolution of Genomes", Université Claude Bernard, Lyon2001S- «Repeating to change: variations on a theme around bacterial genome evolution», University of Hong-Kong, Chine.OS- «Entre l'antagonisme et le mutualisme : le rôle évolutif des systèmes de restriction révélé par l'analyse comparative des fréquences des mots dans les génomes», JOBIM2001, Toulouse.S- «Répéter pour changer : variations d'un thème autour de l'évolution bactérienne», INRA, Bordeaux. S- «Des sacs à codons aux gènes: la traduction chez les bactéries vue à partir des génomes complets», IBPC, Paris.S- «Répéter pour changer : variations d'un thème autour de l'évolution bactérienne», U. Lyon I, Lyon. 2000S- «Mutateurs et recombinaison illégitime chez E. coli», H. Kremlin-Bicêtre, Paris.OS- «Entre l'antagonisme et le mutualisme : le rôle évolutif des systèmes de restriction révélé par l'analyse comparative des fréquences des mots dans les génomes», Colloque Traitement et Analyse de Séquences, Evry.1999OI- «From bags of codons to real genes, translation from Bacillus subtilis point of view.», Séminaires d'Algorithmique et Biologie, Institut Pasteur, Paris.S- «Genome analysis and Microbiology, what have we learned from 24 bacterial genomes?», Centre de Génétique Moléculaire du CNRS, Gif-sur-Yvette.OI- «Adaptation mechanisms inferred from genome exploratory analysis : insights on restriction modifications systems selfishness and gene transfer», 2nd Gulbenkian Autumn Meeting - Gene transfer and adaptation, Oeiras, Portugal.S- «Perspectives sur l'évolution et organisation des génomes», Institut Jacques Monod, Paris.S- «Perspectives sur l'évolution et organisation des génomes », Réunion du réseau "Impact des mécanismes producteurs de variabilité génétique dans l'évolution bactérienne", Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris.OS- «Analyse des répétitions longues dans les génomes de procaryotes», Journées Alignement et Phylogénie, Université Claude Bernard, Lyon.1998OI- «Exploratory genome analysis : insights into Bacillus subtilis evolution», Journées Algorithmique et Biologie Moléculaire, Institut Pasteur, Paris.1995S- «DNA Patterns & Molecular Evolution», UNIGEN, Université de Trondheim, Norvège.Bref résumé de mes activités scientifiquesMes activités scientifiques portent sur l'analyse bioinformatique des génomes bactériens, au carrefour de la microbiologie, de l'évolution moléculaire et de la génétique moléculaire. Je m'intéresse à deux grandes questions qui se complémentent : la détermination des éléments clés de la structure des chromosomes et l'analyse du rôle des éléments capables de bouleverser cette structure. Pour le premier point, je m'intéresse surtout aux contraintes imposées par la réplication dans la structure du chromosome. Pour le deuxième point, je m'intéresse surtout à l'étude des répétitions dans les génomes et à la façon dont elles permettent les recombinaisons homologue ou illégitime. En ce moment je me concentre sur l'interaction de ces deux phénomènes, puisque mes travaux, et ceux d'autres, nous permettent de commencer à comprendre les relations complexes entre les avantages évolutifs associés à l'adaptabilité et les limites de la flexibilité des génomes. Parallèlement j'ai participé aux projets de séquençage des génomes de Bacillus subtilis (Kunst, Nature, 97), Mycoplasma pulmonis (Chambaud, Nucl Acids Res, 01) et Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis (manuscrit en préparation) et je suis dans l'équipe du projet Coliscope pour séquencer 7 génomes d'enterobactéries. Je me suis aussi beaucoup intéressé à l'analyse des relations hôte-parasite dans le cadre de l'analyse des génomes, tant des phages et plasmides (Rocha, Trends Genetics, 02), comme des systèmes de restriction et modification (Rocha, Genome Res, 01; Wang, J Mol Evol, 04). J'ai co-dirigé un étudiant en thèse (Patrick Wang, avec Antoine Danchin) sur ce dernier sujet.Dans le cadre de l'étude de l'organisation des génomes, je me consacre particulièrement à l'étude du rôle de la réplication dans la structuration des chromosomes (Rocha, Microbiol, 04). Mes résultats, ainsi que ceux d'autres équipes, ont permis de comprendre que ce rôle est beaucoup plus importante que ce qu'on croyait avant le séquençage de génomes complets. En particulier, l'asymétrie du processus réplicatif (division du chromosome en brins précoces et tardifs) induit des biais en termes de composition nucléotidique et de composition en gènes (Rocha, Nucl Acids Res, 98). Nous avons déterminé que les biais mutationnels sont presque ubiquitaires parmi les génomes des bactéries et fréquents dans les génomes des archaea (Rocha, Mol Microbiol, 99; Rocha, Trends Microbiol, 99). Dans la plupart des cas ces biais ont les mêmes caractéristiques, mais des intensités différentes. Malgré le caractère neutre de ce biais mutationnel, il contraint significativement la composition des génomes, permettant l'identification des origines et terminus de réplication. Il a aussi une très forte influence sur la composition des protéines. À partir de la comparaison des 5 génomes complets de Chlamydiaceae, j'ai pu identifier les racines mutationnelles de ce phénomène (Rocha, Mol Biol Evol,01). Les résultats ont renforcé l'hypothèse que c'est la deamination de cytosine vers uracile dans le brin précoce qui sert de "template" à la synthèse du brin tardif qui est à l'origine d'une partie importante du biais. Néanmoins, nous avons révélé d'autres asymétries importantes pour lesquelles nous n'avons pas encore d'explication satisfaisante.Par l'intermédiaire de la comparaison de génomes d'eubactéries et de l'étude de la constitution de leur machinerie de réplication, j'ai aussi pu mettre en évidence les causes de la distribution asymétrique des gènes parmi les deux brins réplicatifs. Ainsi, les bactéries possédant deux sous unités αdifférentes (PolC et DnaE) dans la fourche réplicative ont en moyenne presque 80% de gènes dans le brin précoce (à comparer avec 55% pour les autres bactéries). À partir de l'analyse des structures différentes de ces protéines, nous pensons que cela est dû à l'instabilité accrue des fourches avec deux sous unités différentes aux collisions frontales avec des complexes liés à l'ADN, comme l'ARN polymérase (Rocha, Trends Microbiol, 02). Le développement de cette étude nous a aussi permis de constater que la distribution asymétrique des gènes parmi les deux brins réplicatifs est fortement dépendant des gènes en question. Ainsi, au contraire de ce qui était normalement admis, le degré d'expressivité des gènes n'est pas une variable importante dans la distribution des gènes. Par contre, les gènes essentiels sont beaucoup plus fréquents dans le brin précoce que les autres gènes (e.g. 95% des gènes essentiels de B. subtilis sont codés dans le brin précoce). Cela semble indiquer une pression de sélection pour l'évitement de chocs frontaux entre l'ADN et l'ARN polymérases au moment de la transcription des gènes essentiels (Rocha, Nature Gen, 03; Rocha, Nucl Acids Res, 03; Rocha, Microbiol, 04). Un évitement de la production de transcrits tronqués codant pour des gènes essentiels pourrait expliquer ces résultats. Les travaux sur l'organisation du chromosome bactérien associé aux gènes essentiels sont maintenant le sujet de la thèse de Gang Fang, que je co-dirige avec Antoine Danchin.La recombinaison joue un rôle essentiel parmi les différents types d'événements catalysant des changements dans la structure des génomes bactériens. On considère normalement que, chez les bactéries, la recombinaison peut être divisé entre recombinaison homologue (utilisant RecA) et recombinaison illégitime (sans RecA). Cette dernière peut se dérouler par l'intermédiaire de mécanismes assez différents, classés dans deux grands groupes: dépendants de recombinases spécifiques ou indépendants de tout mécanisme enzymatique. Dans mes travaux, je me suis intéresséaux éléments capables de s'engager dans la recombinaison homologue ou dans la recombinaison illégitime indépendante de recombinases spécifiques. Cela revient à étudier des séquences répétées dans l'ADN génomique. Néanmoins, ces deux processus ciblent des répétitions très différentes, puisque la recombinaison homologue exige la présence de longues répétitions (>25 nt d'homologie stricte), alors que la recombinaison illégitime peut avoir lieu entre des répétitions très courtes (e.g. >8 nt chez E. coli), mais seulement si elles sont proches (<1kb). Ainsi il a fallu développer des méthodes adaptées à l'identification des deux types de répétitions (Rocha, Mol Biol Evol, 99; Rocha, Genome Res, 03). Cela a constitué une partie des travaux de la thèse de Guillaume Achaz (Achaz, Nucl Acids Res, 02; Achaz, Genetics, 03).Les différents types de recombinaison ont des conséquences très diverses dans le changement de la。





BDNF 通过激活酪氨酸蛋白激酶B (TrkB)及p75神经营养因子受体(p75NTR)从而促进神经元细胞死亡、改变神经元兴奋性/抑制性平衡(E/I balance)、调节MicroRNA 的表达、诱导海马体内苔藓纤维的异常发芽和突触重构等来进一步诱导癫痫发生。

本文通过综述有关对癫痫动物模型及癫痫患者的研究文献,从而揭示BDNF 参与介导癫痫的可能机制,为癫痫治疗新靶点提供参考依据。

【关键词】脑源性神经营养因子;癫痫;机制;研究进展【中图分类号】R742.1【文献标识码】A【文章编号】1003—6350(2023)03—0435—05Research progress on the mechanism of epilepsy induced by brain-derived neurotrophic factor.XIAO Qiu-jie 1,HUANG Ling 2.1.Youjiang Medical University for Nationalities,Baise 533000,Guangxi,CHINA;2.Department of Neurology,Affiliated Hospital of Youjiang Medical University for Nationalities,Baise 533000,Guangxi,CHINA【Abstract 】Epilepsy is one of the common neurological diseases.At present,its pathogenesis is not completely clear.Recent studies have shown that brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)plays an important role in the occur-rence and development of epilepsy.BDNF can further induce epilepsy by promoting neuronal cell death [activating tyro-sine protein kinase B (TrkB)and P75neurotrophic factor receptor (p75NTR)],changing neuronal excitability/inhibitory balance (E/I balance),regulating the expression of microRNA,inducing abnormal sprouting of mossy fibers in hippo-campus and synaptic remodeling.By summarizing the research literature on animal models of epilepsy and patients with epilepsy,this paper reveals the possible mechanism of BDNF in mediating epilepsy and provides a reference basis for new targets for epilepsy treatment.【Key words 】Brain-derived neurotrophic factor;Epilepsy;Machinism;Research progress ·综述·doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-6350.2023.03.033基金项目:广西高校中青年教师基础能力提升项目(编号:2018KY0439)。

bibm的short paper -回复

bibm的short paper -回复

bibm的short paper -回复[bibm的short paper]1. Introduction:The field of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (BIBM) has emerged as a crucial area of research, combining biology and computer science to analyze biological data. In this short paper, we will explore the significance of BIBM and its impact on various aspects of scientific research and advancements.2. Understanding BIBM:Bioinformatics involves the development and application of computational tools and methods to study biological data. This field encompasses various sub-disciplines including genomics, proteomics, and transcriptomics, among others. Computational Biology, on the other hand, focuses on using computational techniques to model, simulate, and analyze biological systems and processes.3. Significance of BIBM:(a) Data analysis: BIBM plays a vital role in analyzing vast amounts of biological data, such as genomic and proteomic data, enablingscientists to draw meaningful conclusions and gain insights into complex biological phenomena.(b) Drug discovery and development: BIBM facilitates the identification of potential drug targets and aids in the development of novel therapeutic interventions by analyzing molecular interactions, predicting drug efficacy, and understanding drug resistance mechanisms.(c) Personalized medicine: The integration of genomic and clinical data allows for the development of personalized medicine tailored to individual patients, improving treatment outcomes and reducing adverse effects.(d) Disease diagnosis and prognosis: BIBM tools and algorithms are used to identify biomarkers and patterns in biological data, aiding in the early detection, accurate diagnosis, and prognosis of various diseases.(e) Evolutionary analysis: BIBM helps in studying the evolutionary relationships between different species, reconstructing phylogenetic trees, and understanding the genetic basis of speciesdivergence.4. Methods and Techniques in BIBM:(a) Sequence alignment: This technique helps in comparing DNA, RNA, and protein sequences to identify similarities and functional regions. It is essential for tasks like genome assembly and searching for homologous genes.(b) Machine learning: BIBM utilizes machine learning algorithms to classify diseases, predict protein structures, and analyze gene expression patterns. Machine learning allows for the extraction of hidden patterns and relationships from complex biological datasets.(c) Network analysis: BIBM employs network analysis to understand molecular interactions, regulatory networks, and protein-protein interactions, providing insights into the functional aspects of biological systems.(d) Structural biology methods: BIBM utilizes techniques such as molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulations to study protein-ligand interactions and protein folding, aiding in drugdesign and understanding protein functions.5. Challenges and Future Directions:Despite significant advancements in BIBM, several challenges remain. These include the need for improved computational algorithms, data integration, ethical considerations, and data privacy.In the future, BIBM is likely to continue playing a crucial role in various scientific disciplines. It will facilitate advances in precision medicine, systems biology, and the development of novel therapeutic interventions. Moreover, the integration of BIBM with other emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence and big data analytics, will further enhance its impact and potential.6. Conclusion:Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (BIBM) have revolutionized biological research by providing powerful tools and methods for the analysis of complex biological data. From drug discovery to personalized medicine, BIBM has made significant contributions to various scientific domains. With ongoingadvancements and interdisciplinary collaborations, BIBM is set to drive further breakthroughs in the future, enabling a deeper understanding of life's intricacies and contributing to improved healthcare outcomes.。

Bifidobacterium bifidum

Bifidobacterium bifidum

Randomised clinical trial:Bifidobacterium bifidum MIMBb75 significantly alleviates irritable bowel syndrome and improves quality of life––a double-blind,placebo-controlled studyS.Guglielmetti*,D.Mora*,M.Gschwender &K.Poppà*Department of Food Science and Microbiology(DiSTAM),Universita` degli Studi di Milano,Milan,Italy. Director of the nutritional study, practising physician,Munich, Germany.àMaster of Science in Molecular Biotechnology.Correspondence to:Dr S.Guglielmetti,Department of Food Science and Microbiology (DiSTAM),Universita`degli Studi di Milano,Via Celoria2,Milan20133, Italy.E-mail:simone.guglielmetti@unimi.itPublication dataSubmitted7February2011First decision22February2011 Resubmitted1March2011 Accepted1March2011EV Pub Online21March2011SUMMARYBackgroundRecent research suggests that an imbalance of the intestinal microbiota and a dysfunctional intestinal barrier might trigger irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).As probiotics have been reported to restore the intestinal microbiota and the gut barrier,the therapeutic potential of probiotics within IBS became of strong interest.AimTo assess the efficacy of Bifidobacterium bifidum MIMBb75in IBS. MethodsA total of122patients were randomised to receive either placebo(N=62) or MIMBb75(N=60)once a day for4weeks.The severity of IBS symp-toms was recorded daily on a7-point Likert scale.ResultsMIMBb75significantly reduced the global assessment of IBS symptoms by )0.88points(95%CI:)1.07;)0.69)when compared with only)0.16(95% CI:)0.32;0.00)points in the placebo group(P<0.0001).MIMBb75also significantly improved the IBS symptoms pain⁄discomfort,distension⁄bloat-ing,urgency and digestive disorder.The evaluation of the SF12sum scores showed a significant gain in quality of life within the bifidobacteria group. Furthermore,adequate relief was reported by47%of the patients in the bif-idobacteria and only by11%of the patients in the placebo group (P<0.0001).Overall responder rates were57%in the bifidobacteria group but only21%in the placebo group(P=0.0001).MIMBb75was well toler-ated and adverse events were not different from placebo.ConclusionsBifidobacterium bifidum MIMBb75effectively alleviates global IBS and improves IBS symptoms simultaneously with an improvement of quality of life.Considering the high efficacy of MIMBb75in IBS along with the good side-effect profile,MIMBb75is a promising candidate for IBS therapy.Aliment Pharmacol Ther2011;33:1123–1132ª2011Blackwell Publishing Ltd1123 doi:10.1111/j.1365-2036.2011.04633.xAlimentary Pharmacology and TherapeuticsINTRODUCTIONIrritable bowel syndrome(IBS)is a common gastrointes-tinal functional disorder,diagnosed through the Rome III criteria.1Abdominal pain,flatulence and bloating are common IBS symptoms for which no endoscopic,bio-chemical or radiological cause is verifiable.IBS affects 15–20%of the population,with a highly increasing ten-dency in industrial nations.2–4The pathophysiology of IBS is yet only partly understood.Recent research sug-gests that an imbalance of the intestinal microbiota with a significant reduction of bifidobacteria and a dysfunc-tional intestinal barrier with subsequent bacterial translo-cation may contribute to the development of IBS and its symptoms.5–9As probiotics have been reported in several studies to restore the intestinal microbiota and gut barrier as well as hinder bacterial translocation,the therapeutic potential of probiotics in IBS has become of strong interest.10,11 However,the efficacy of probiotics is strongly strain specific and only certain strains might be able to improve IBS and its symptoms.12–14The ability of spe-cific strains to adhere well to intestinal cells may play a pivotal role in altering the intestinal microbiota and increasing the intestinal barrier,which might be of sig-nificant value especially in the treatment of IBS.Gugliel-metti et al.were able to show in a Caco-2cell line that the adherence of B.bifidum MIMBb75,which was iso-lated from a faecal sample of a healthy adult,was signifi-cantly better than that of well-studied commercial probiotics.15,16Taking into consideration the pathophys-iology of IBS and the role of adherence of probiotics regarding the restoration of the intestinal microbiota as well as of the gut barrier,B.bifidum MIMBb75might be effective for IBS treatment.As the conventional medical treatment of IBS is unsatisfactory,we have evaluated the efficacy of B.bifidum MIMBb75in IBS in a double blind, placebo-controlled multi-centre study.PATIENTS AND METHODSStudy populationPatients were recruited in several physician centres in Bavaria,Germany from principal investigators and by advertisements.The nutritional study protocol has been presented to the Ethics Committee of the Bavarian Chamber of Physicians.For inclusion,subjects aged between18and68years with mild to moderate IBS (Rome III criteria)have been considered.Individuals with inflammatory organic gastrointestinal disease,sys-temic diseases,cancer,autoimmune diseases,diabetes,known lactose intolerance or immunodeficiency,known further abdominal surgery except appendectomy,being older than50years and having had a positive sigmoidos-copy or coloscopy within the last5years,diagnosed hyperthyroidism,use of antipsychotics or systemic corti-costeroids for at least3months prior to study start, major psychiatric disorder,coeliac disease or pregnancy had been excluded.Study designThis study was performed as a prospective,multi-centre, randomised,double-blind,placebo-controlled,two-arm nutritional study.Throughout the study,patients recorded their global IBS symptoms on a daily basis as well as individual IBS symptoms using a patient diary.Additionally,patients have been questioned at a physician site for IBS symp-toms(visit2–4)and quality of life(visit3and4). Physician visits took place at screening,after2weeks (run-in phase),after6weeks(end of treatment)and after8weeks(end of wash-out phase)(Figure1).After the patients have given their written informed consent,they qualified for the screening examination on day1(visit1),which included a complete medical his-tory and physical examination.A blood sample was taken for analysis in a central laboratory,including a pregnancy test.At the screening visit,patients were instructed to maintain their eating and life style habits throughout the study.A patient diary was handed out. At the second visit(day15),diaries were reviewed. Patients who had at least2days with mild to moderate pain during the second week of run-in and who fulfilled all inclusion criteria and who did not violate any of the exclusion criteria were1:1randomised to receive either B. bifidum MIMBb75or placebo.The treatment was Visit1Visit2Visit3Visit4EndoftreatmentEndofstudyRandomisationScreening(ICF)Treatment Wash out Run inWeek 1Week 2Week 3Week 4Week 5Week 6Week 7Week 8 Figure1|Study schematic.S.G u g l i e l m e t t i e t a l.1124Aliment Pharmacol Ther2011;33:1123–1132ª2011Blackwell Publishing Ltdallocated according to a computer-generated blocked ran-domisation list with a block size of4.The block size was not disclosed to the investigators.During the intervention period,patients received either one probiotic capsule daily over a4-week period or an identical appearing placebo. The allocation was blinded to both patients and site staff. At the end of the treatment phase(visit3,day43), investigators collected the unused study product and empty sachets to confirm compliance.Diaries were col-lected and reviewed.After the nutritional supplement-free wash-out phase (visit4,day57),a complete physical examination was performed and a blood sample was taken.Bisacodyl and Loperamid were allowed as rescue medi-cation.Other probiotics and medications that might influ-ence the efficacy of the study product were not allowed.Probiotic preparationBifidobacterium bifidum MIMBb75was isolated from the faecal sample of a healthy adult.Bifidobacterium bifidum is a species that is commonly detected in the faeces of healthy adults and infants.Several strains of B.bifidum have been observed to adhere very well to human intesti-nal cell lines.Guglielmetti et al.showed that BopA,a surface pro-tein,is directly involved in the adhesion to Caco-2 cells.15BopA has been found in several strong adhesive B.bifidum strains,indicating that BopA might be an indicator of strong adherence.Additionally B.bifidum MIMBb75showed considerably more adhesion to the Caco-2monolayer in the presence of fucose and man-nose and less when B.bifidum MIMBb75grew in Oxgall bile salts compared with standard environmental condi-tions.The colonisation strategy of this bacterium could be influenced by several factors varying along the gastro-intestinal tract,such as the presence of specific sugars and bile salts and the pH,likely supporting adhesion of B.bifidum MIMBb75to distal sites of the gut.16 Nutritional supplement was prepared under good manufacturing process(GMP)conditions.Bifidobacterium bifidum MIMBb75was grown in a protein-rich liquid growth medium,harvested through centrifugation, stabilised,freeze-dried,milled and sieved.The dry powder bacteria were mixed with an excipient andfilled into uncoated capsules of1·109cfu.Placebo capsules appeared identical and contained maltodextrin. Endpoint definitionsThe prospectively defined primary efficacy variable was the subject’s global assessment of IBS symptoms using a 7-point Likert scale.Patients were asked to answer the daily question‘If you consider your IBS symptoms(e.g. abdominal pain⁄discomfort,distension⁄bloating,urgency, bowel habit)in general,how have you been affected by these symptoms during the last24h?’Possible answers ranged from0(not at all),1(very mild),2(mild),3 (moderate),4(strong),5(very strong)to6(intolerable). Secondary efficacy variables included‘abdominal pain⁄discomfort’,‘distension⁄bloating’and‘urgency’, recorded on the same7-point Likert scale.The individual symptom scores were additionally combined into a com-posite symptom score as the arithmetic mean of three individual symptom scores.Furthermore,the number of bowel movements,feeling of incomplete bowel evacua-tion and intake of other medications were reported daily in the diary.At the end of the treatment and again at the end of the study,physicians questioned the patients regarding the global assessment of efficacy,tolerability as well as digestive disorder(‘bowel movement satisfaction’).Effi-cacy was assessed by the following question:‘Please con-sider how you felt during the4week treatment regarding your overall well-being,and symptoms of abdominal discomfort⁄pain and altered bowel habit. Compared with the way you usually felt before taking the study medication,how would you rate your relief of symptoms during the last4weeks?’Possible answers were:‘completely relieved(1),considerably relieved(2), somewhat relieved(3),unchanged(4)or worse(5)’.Both ‘completely relieved’and‘considerably relieved’were defined as‘adequate relief’.Health related quality of life was assessed by the use of the SF-12questionnaire prior to the treatment and at the end of the treatment.Adverse events were recorded throughout the study and the global assessment of tolerability was questioned at physician boratory values and vital signs were examined at the screening visit and at the end of the study.Statistical methodsSample size estimation.A reduction of the subject’s global assessment(SGA)of at least20%on the7-point Likert scale was considered as a relevant treatment effect. Based on published data,17a difference of0.6points in the SGA of IBS symptoms between B.bifidum MIMBb75 and placebo on the7-point Likert scale was anticipated (e.g.3.0in the placebo group and2.4in the bifidobacte-ria group).Standard deviation was estimated with 1.0 using the same data.With these assumptions,a Wilcoxon-R a n d o m i s e d c l i n i c a l t r i a l:B.b ifid u m M I M B b75i n I B SAliment Pharmacol Ther2011;33:1123–11321125ª2011Blackwell Publishing LtdMann–Whitney test with a two-sided significance level of a=0.05and a power of1)b=0.8,a sample size of47 patients per group was required.With an estimated drop-out rate of15–20%after randomisation,110rando-mised patients were planned and132patients were recruited to account for possible withdrawals prior to the start of the study.Statistical analysisThe primary objective of this study was to prove a signif-icant reduction of the SGA of general IBS symptoms at the end of the treatment in the bifidobacteria group vs. placebo.The SGA was calculated for each subject as arithmetic mean at baseline,during the treatment period and during the wash-out phase.To account for possible differences in the baseline values,the change from base-line calculated as mean score during4weeks of treat-ment minus mean score during the run-in phase(week 1–2)was defined as primary target criterion.The non-parametric Van Elteren test stratified by study centres was used for the comparison of treatment arms.P<0.05 was considered statistically significant.The primary analysis was based on the intent-to-treat population where all successfully randomised patients were included.Missing post-baseline values were imputed by the baseline value for the primary target cri-terion and these patients were evaluated as nonrespond-ers(n=1during treatment,n=3during wash-out phase).An additional per protocol analysis was per-formed for supportive purposes.Descriptive analyses of secondary target criteria were based on available data.Treatment differences were tested by the use of the nonparametric Wilcoxon test for continuous variables or by Fishers exact test for binary variables.All P-values are two-sided.Secondary efficacy variables included response based on a50%rule of symptom relief during the treatment (at least improvement in2of4weeks within the treat-ment period and improvement defined as at least one-point reduction from baseline).All statistical analyses were performed using SAS ver-sion9.1.3for windows,SAS Institute Inc.,Cary,NC, USA.RESULTSSubjectsA total of132patients were included into the study and 122patients were successfully randomised to receive either placebo(N=62)or B.bifidum MIMBb75 (N=60).All randomised patients were analysed for intent to treat(N=122).One patient with no post-randomisation visit was excluded from the analysis of adverse events.A total of103patients(49placebo,54 B.bifidum MIMBb75)were examined as per protocol (Figure2).Baseline characteristicsIn terms of baseline characteristics,there were no signifi-cant differences between the groups;21%were classified as diarrhoea-predominant IBS(23%in the bifidobacteria group,19%in the placebo group),20%as constipation-predominant IBS(15%in the bifidobacteria group,24% in the placebo group)and58%as alternators(62%inGlobal populationn = 132 Randomised populationn = 122End of Study n = 60 (ITT)End of Studyn = 59 (ITT)Not meeting inclusioncriteria (n = 10)Allocated to placebo group n = 62 (ITT)Allocated to verumgroup n = 60 (ITT)Premature with drawal(n = 1)Premature with drawal (n = 1)Protocol deviation (n = 1)Figure2|Diagram of studyflow.Verum,B.bifidum MIMBb75.S.G u g l i e l m e t t i e t a l.1126Aliment Pharmacol Ther2011;33:1123–1132ª2011Blackwell Publishing Ltdthe bifidobacteria group,55%in the placebo group)with no significant differences between the bifidobacteria and the placebo group.Demographics were well balanced between the treat-ment groups with about67%female patients and mean weight of71kg corresponding to a BMI of24.The aver-age age of patients was41years in the placebo group and37years in the bifidobacteria group(Table1). Subject’s global assessment of IBS symptomsThe primary endpoint was the reduction of the SGA of IBS symptoms on the subject’s global assessment diary. Bifidobacterium bifidum MIMBb75significantly improved global IBS symptoms by)0.88points(95%CI: )1.07;)0.69)(from2.95in the run in phase to2.07in the treatment phase)compared with only)0.16points (95%CI:)0.32;0.00)(from2.79in the run in phase to 2.63in the treatment phase)in the placebo group (P<0.0001)using the7-point Likert scale.The evalua-tion of the SGA on a weekly basis showed a significant benefit for patients within the bifidobacteria group for every single week starting the second week of treatment till the end of the study(Figure3).Secondary endpointsSecondary endpoints included changes in IBS symptoms–‘pain⁄discomfort’,‘distension⁄bloating’,‘urgency’,‘number of bowel movements’and‘feeling of incomplete evacuation’–on a seven-point Likert scale.Bifidobacterium bifidum MIMBb75showed a significant reduction of pain⁄discomfort by)0.82points(95%CI:)1.01;)0.63) vs.)0.18(95%CI:)0.35;)0.01)in the placebo group (P<0.0001),and distension⁄bloating by)0.92points (95%CI:)1.15;)0.69)vs.)0.21(95%CI:)0.37;)0.05)in the placebo group(P<0.0001)during the treatment.The reduction persisted during the wash-out phase.Urgency was significantly reduced by)0.67points(95%CI:)0.86; )0.48)vs.)0.21(95%CI:)0.35;)0.07)in the placebo group(P=0.0001)during the treatment but not during the wash-out phase.No effects could be detected for fre-quency of bowel movement and feeling of incomplete bowel evacuation(Figure4).The evaluation of the IBS symptoms pain⁄discomfort and distension⁄bloating on a weekly basis showed a sig-nificant benefit for patients within the bifidobacteria group compared with placebo for every single week beginning the second week of treatment till the end of the study.A significant difference in urgency between the bifidobacteria and the placebo group was shown between week4and6(Figures5and6).Bowel movement satisfaction(digestive disorder) decreased from3.89to2.44in the bifidobacteria group vs.3.69to3.47in the placebo group(P=0.0002)after treatment.The reduction persisted during wash-out phase(2.33in the bifidobacteria group vs.3.47in the placebo group,P<0.0001).Table1|Demographic characteristics of the ITT-populationPlacebo Bifidobacteriumbifidum MIMBb75N(%)or meanÆs.d.N(%)or meanÆs.d.N=122(62+60)Age40.98Æ12.8036.65Æ12.42 Female gender41(66)41(68) Height(cm)169.50Æ8.75170.78Æ9.47 Weight(kg)70.79Æ15.5470.45Æ16.02 BMI24.60Æ5.1924.02Æ4.45 IBS type[N=122(61+60)]Diarrhoeapredominant12(19)14(23)Constipationpredominant15(24)9(15) Alternating type34(55)37(62)R a n d o m i s e d c l i n i c a l t r i a l:B.b ifid u m M I M B b75i n I B SAliment Pharmacol Ther2011;33:1123–11321127ª2011Blackwell Publishing LtdComposite scoreA composite score was calculated for the IBS symptoms pain ⁄discomfort,distension ⁄bloating and urgency.During the run in phase,the score was comparable in both groups.The patients within the bifidobacteria group significantly benefited from the consumption of B.bifi-dum MIMBb75vs.placebo.The composite score improved from 2.68at baseline to 1.88after treatment inthe bifidobacteria group and from 2.56at baseline to 2.37after treatment in the placebo group ()0.80in the bifidobacteria group;)0.20in the placebo group;P <0.0001).This improvement was also preserved dur-ing the wash-out phase ()0.85in the bifidobacteria group;)0.31in the placebo group;P <0.0001).Treatment respondersOverall responders were defined as patients experiencing an improvement of the average weekly score of at least 1point on the Likert scale for the primary parameter (SGA of IBS symptoms)in at least two of the 4weeks treatment period (50%rule).Abdominal pain responders were defined using the same 50%rule for at least one point average improvement for the assessment of ‘pain ⁄discomfort’.Overall responder rates were 57%in the bifidobacteria group and only 21%in the placebo group (P =0.0001).The difference between the treat-ment arms was only a little bit less pronounced when considering only the symptom ‘pain ⁄discomfort’where responder rates were calculated to be 48%in the bifido-bacteria and only 24%in the placebo group (P =0.008)(Figure 7).Global efficacy at physician siteThe overall assessment of efficacy was significantly better in the bifidobacteria group compared with placebo.At the end of treatment,43%of the patients in the bifido-bacteria group achieved adequate relief compared with only 8%in the placebo group (P <0.0001).At the endS GAP a i n /d is co m f o rtD is t e ns i on /b l oa t i ngU rg en c yC om p os i te s co rePlaceboB. bifidum MIMBb75S y m p t o m s c o r e0–0.2–0.4–0.6–0.8–1Figure 4|Comparison of the reduction of IBS symp-toms (B.bifidum MIMBb75vs.placebo)on mean score changes from baseline to treatment phase.S .G u g l i e l m e t t i e t a l .1128Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2011;33:1123–1132ª2011Blackwell Publishing Ltdof the study,adequate relief was reported for 47%in the bifidobacteria and 11%of the patients in the placebo group (P <0.0001;Figure 8).Health-related quality of lifeThe evaluation of the SF12sum scores showed a signifi-cant gain in quality of life within the bifidobacteria group.Physical health sum improved from 47.89at baseline to 51.80after treatment in the bifidobacteria group and from 47.33to only 48.85in the placebo group.Physical health sum significantly changed by 3.99in the bifidobacteria group and by only 1.08in the placebo group compared with baseline (P =0.0185).Mental health sum improved from 45.53at baseline to 51.11after treatment in the bifi-dobacteria group and from 47.01to only 48.29in the pla-cebo group.Mental health sum significantly changed by 5.78in the bifidobacteria group and by only 1.58in the placebo group compared with baseline (P =0.0083).Adverse eventsOnly 36adverse events were reported with suspected relation to the study product,13in the placebo and 23in the treatment group,but no significant differences could be detected in the side-effects profile of B.bifidum MIM-Bb75vs.placebo (Tables 2and 3).Additionally,no severe adverse events have been recorded in either group.DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONThis randomised,double blind,placebo-controlled study indicates that B.bifidum MIMBb75has beneficial effects in the treatment of IBS.In this study,B.bifidum MIMBb75significantly improved global IBS as well as its related symptoms such as pain ⁄discomfort,distension ⁄bloating and digestive disorders compared with placebo.Moreover,B.bifidum MIMBb75also significantly improved the qual-ity of life.These benefits persisted within the consump-tion-free wash-out phase.Overall responder rates were predominantly high with 57%in the bifidobacteria group compared with only 21%in the placebo group (P =0.0001).At the end of the study,adequate relief was reported for 47%in the bifidobacteria and only 11%of the patients in the placebo group (P <0.0001).Up to date,several studies have examined the effects of probiotics on IBS and its symptoms.13,14,18,19However,only a few could show a significant benefit.Additionally,to our knowledge,no probiotic strain could show to signif-icantly alleviate irritable bowel syndrome and simulta-neously improve the quality of life.While some studies might have missed to show efficacy due to small sample size and randomisation errors,several different probiotic strains did repeatedly show no significant improvement in IBS.20–24Recently,Brenner et al.(2009)published a systematic review of randomised controlled trials (RCTs)aimed at the evaluation of the efficacy,safety and tolerabil-ity of probiotics in the treatment of IBS.A total of 16RCTs were included in the analysis.Of those,exclusively one Bifidobacterium strain showed efficacy for the improve-ment of IBS symptoms in two appropriately designed studies.4Apart from inappropriate study design,in our opinion,these findings could be attributed to the fact that the efficacy of probiotics is strongly strain specific and that only few strains might be able to show efficacy in IBS.No study to date could prove unambiguously the mode of action of probiotics,which can be clearly linked to the improvement of IBS and its symptoms.Several studies have observed altered intestinal microbiota with a signifi-cant lack of bifidobacteria 25,26and a dysfunctional intes-tinal barrier in IBS patients.These studies have been supported by the fact that a normalisation of the lactuloseOverall responder806040202157B. bifidum MIMBb75Placebo % p a t i e n t sFigure 7|Overall responders during treatment (ITT).Adequate relief% p a t i e n t s504540353025201510504347811End of studyEnd of treatmentPlaceboB. bifidum MIMBb75Figure 8|Adequate relief after treatment (ITT).R a n d o m i s e d c l i n i c a l t r i a l :B .b i fid u m M I M B b 75i n I B SAliment Pharmacol Ther 2011;33:1123–11321129ª2011Blackwell Publishing Ltdbreath test,which suggests the presence of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth or an increased number of enteric microorganisms,is highly correlated with a significant reduction of IBS symptoms.27It has been stated that the imbalance of the microbiotic composition may lead to a different fermentation pattern,especially with increased hydrogen production resulting in bloating.28,29Addition-ally,gut mucosal barrier disruption has been proven to be associated with bacterial translocation and inflamma-tory conditions.4–6It seems likely that only specific strains are able to restore an imbalanced intestinal micro-biota and gut barrier,however,further research is needed to investigate if the positive effects of B.bifidum MIM-Bb75can be attributed to this mode of action.There are several limitations of this study.First of all, the study population was not large enough for a sub-group analysis of IBS subtypes.We could therefore not show whether some IBS-subtypes would benefit more from the consumption of B.bifidum MIMBb75than others.To prove whether some subgroups might benefit more,a larger study might be useful.The study popula-tion has mild to moderate IBS symptoms as evidenced by the indicated SGA-baseline values.A further study should be aimed at the examination whether the patientsTable2|Summary of reported adverse events with suspected relationship by system organ class(SOC)GroupPlacebo B.bifidumMIMBb75AllN%N%N% Visit SOC3Gastrointestinal disorders75412521953 General disorders and administration site conditions1813All86212522056 4SOCGastrointestinal disorders5388351336General disorders and administration site conditions1413Investigations1413Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders1413All53811481644 All131002310036100Table3|Incidence of adverse events at visit3–4by preferred term(occurrence of more than2%)B.bifidumMIMBb75Placebo T otalPN(%)N(%)N(%)Abdominal distension354776 1.0000 Abdominal pain232343 1.0000 Abdominal pain upper3512430.3645 Constipation2312320.6187 Diarrhoea3512430.3645 Frequent bowel movements3500320.1188 Nausea3500320.1188 All P values by Fishers exact test.S.G u g l i e l m e t t i e t a l.1130Aliment Pharmacol Ther2011;33:1123–1132ª2011Blackwell Publishing Ltdwith severe IBS symptoms will profit in the same way as those with mild to moderate symptoms or whether these patients are more refractory to this treatment. Additionally,the duration of the study was perhaps short at4weeks.It would be of specific value to explore whether patients benefit more from a longer consump-tion of B.bifidum MIMBb75.Finally,the observation that patients still benefit during the consumption-free wash-out phase is of significant value and requires fur-ther investigation(for longer follow-up).In conclusion,the beneficial effects of B.bifidum MIMBb75in improving global IBS as well as its symp-toms along with the good side-effect profile suggests that this probiotic strain has the potential as an effective alternative to current treatment options.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSDeclaration of personal interests:None.Declaration of funding interests:This study was funded by Naturwohl Pharma GmbH,Mu¨nchen,Germany.Initial data analyses were undertaken by Dr.Karl Fehnle,who is an employee of Algora Gesellschaft fu¨r Medizinstatistik und Vertriebs-systeme mbH,received funding from Naturwohl Pharma GmbH.REFERENCES1.Longstreth GF,Thompson 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Bio-Database SearchingPeter Serocka, PICBNovember 19, 2015Outline• Purpose of Sequence Databases • Queries: Types and Challenges • Practical Introduction to BLAST • Bottom-Up Tour of Algorithms – exact– approximate (BLAST)• Comparison and ConclusionsPurpose of Sequence "Databases"• Collect known protein sequences (hist.) • Genomes (DNA)– sequence mapping– genome assembly• ESTs (transcribed cDNA)– transcriptomics• Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) – multitude of more applications, for examplechromosome conformation capturingPurpose of Sequence "Databases"NCBI BLAST:• Software tool• Website for tool + DB• BLAST databases:– “nt” nucleotide collection– “nr” non-redundant protein– Gathered from GenBank/EMBL/Swissprot/PDB/RefSeq/PIR/PRF– Full reference genomes: human, …Outline• Purpose of Sequence Databases • Queries: Types and Challenges • Practical Introduction to BLAST • Bottom-Up Tour of Algorithms – exact– approximate (BLAST)• Comparison and ConclusionsQueries: Types and Challenges• Words/dictionaries vs. strings/sequences • DNA vs. protein vs. combined• Exact vs. scored vs. approximate• Biological Challenge: Interpretation of sequence similarities• Computer Science Challenges:– make it fast and use less memory!– provide biological useful similaritiesOutline• Purpose of Sequence Databases • Queries: Types and Challenges • Practical Introduction to BLAST • Bottom-Up Tour of Algorithms – exact– approximate (BLAST)• Comparison and ConclusionsOutline• Purpose of Sequence Databases • Queries: Types and Challenges • Practical Introduction to BLAST • Bottom-Up Tour of Algorithms – exact– approximate (BLAST)• Comparison and ConclusionsExact substring searches• Naive search• Boyer-Moore algorithm• Word Lookups: Binary search, hash table • Suffix array• Suffix treeNaive substring searchh e l l o w o r l dw o r l d only l matchesw o r l d no matchesw o r l d no matchesw o r l d only o matchesw o r l d no matchesw o r l d full match, query foundtowards Boyer-Moore Algorithmh e l l o w o r l d Bad-Character-Rule: w o r l d d≠o,shift next o under o w o r l d d≠r,shift next r under rw o r l d full match, query found!Boyer-Moore Algorithmh e l l o w o r l d Good suffix + bad char.:l o l o o≠l, shift next l under ll o l o only lo matches, shift lo under lo l o l o only o matches, shift o under ol o l o o≠l, shift next l under ll o l o o≠d, at end of string: query failed.Word Lookup IA r g e n t i n a Alphabetical Index:B r a s i l perform binary searchC h i l eE s t o n i aF r a n c eG e r m a n y!G e r m a n yI t a l yWord Lookup IIE s t o n i a1Hash table:-2compute index (hash) B r a s i l3for each string.I t a l y4G e r m a n y5!G e r m a n y:5 -6F r a n c e7Suffix Array1b a n a n a a62a n a n a a n a43n a n a a n a n a24a n a b a n a n a15n a n a56a n a n a3 s u f f i x e s s o r t e d S-A.Suffix Array1b a n a n a a62a n a n a a n a43n a n a a n a n a24a n a b a n a n a15n a n a56a n a n a3Similar suffixes get group together (ana + anana, na + nana): - Useful for exact and similar matching,- and for data compression!Comparison of query run-timesDatabase size = m,Query size = n:• Naive: O (m n)• Boyer-Moore: O (m + n)• Hash table: O (n)• Suffix Array: O (n log m)• Suffix Tree: O (m)Alignments (cf. Stefan's Lecture)Database size = m,Query size = n:• Needleman-Wunsch (global): O (m n)• ...with general gap costs: O (max(m,n)^3) • ...with affine gap costs (Gotoh):O (m n)• Smith-Waterman (local): O (m n)Outline• Purpose of Sequence Databases • Queries: Types and Challenges • Practical Introduction to BLAST • Bottom-Up Tour of Algorithms – exact– approximate (BLAST)• Comparison and ConclusionsHeuristic methodsSensitivity:How many (%) true sequences found?Selectivity:How many % of found sequences true?Heuristic:Lower sensitivity and/or selectivity to become faster!Evolution of heuristic methods• 1982 - SEQHP• 1985 - FASTP• 1987 - FASTA• 1990 - BLAST• 1997 - BLAST2, PSI-BLAST• 2002 - BLAT (faster, less sensitive) • 2009 - BLAST+ (better program code) • 2012 - CaBLAST (Compression)FASTP (1985) + FASTA (1987)CaBLAST: Compressed BLASTCaBLAST: Compressed BLAST Build Database(once)CaBLAST: Compressed BLAST PerformQueriesOutline• Purpose of Sequence Databases • Queries: Types and Challenges • Practical Introduction to BLAST • Bottom-Up Tour of Algorithms – exact– approximate• Comparison and ConclusionsComparison BLAST2BLAST2 (gapped BLAST):• 100x faster that S.-W.• 3x faster than BLAST• re-gained nearly full sensitivityComparison CaBLAST(BLAST2)Number of Genomes (Yersinia)Comparison CaBLAST(BLAST2){Drosophila genomes}Conclusions• Heuristics give fastest searches, but can miss hits: speed <-> sensitivity deal• Interpretation needs statistics AND biological knowledge – in particular for remotely related sequences• Algorithms, heuristics and implemenation do matter in making useful softwareBLAST references (also for images/diagrams used)• /Blast.cgi• /books/NBK1763/• /books/NBK21097/• Christiam Camacho et al: BLAST+: architecture and applications, BMC Bioinformatics 2009, 10:421 doi:10.1186/1471-2105-10-421 • Altschul S, Madden T, Schäffer A, Zhang J, Zhang Z, Miller W, Lipman D: Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of pro- tein database search programs. Nucleic Acids Res 1997,25(17):3389-3402.• Altschul S, Gish W, Miller W, Myers E, Lipman D: Basic local align- ment search tool. J Mol Biol 1990, 215(3):403-410.• Loh P-R, Baym M, Berger B. Compressive genomics. Nature Biotechnology, Volume 30 Number 7, 2012。



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Buffer -20 10XProperties and UsageUnit DefinitionOne unit is defined as the amount of enzyme required to digest 1 µg of λ DNA (dam -/HindIII digest) in 1 hour at37°C in a total reaction volume of 50 µl. Reaction Conditions1X CutSmart? BufferIncubate at 37°C1X CutSmart? Buffer:50 mM Potassium Acetate 20 mM Tris-acetate10 mM Magnesium Acetate100 µg/ml BSA pH 7.9 @ 25°CActivity in NEBuffersNEBuffer 1.1: 10% NEBuffer 2.1: 100% NEBuffer 3.1: 75%CutSmart? Buffer: 100%Diluent CompatibilityDiluent AStorage Temperature-20°CStorage Conditions10 mM Tris-HCl 50 mM NaCl 1 mM DTT 0.1 mM EDTA 200 µg/ml BSA50% Glycerol pH 7.4 @ 25°CHeat Inactivation65°C for 20 minMethylation Sensitivitydam methylation: Blocked by Overlapping dcm methylation: Not SensitiveCpG Methylation: Not SensitiveRelated ProductsCompanion Productsdam -/dcm -Competent E. coli XbaI RE-Mix?Materials Sold SeparatelyCutSmart? BufferNotes1. XbaI cleaves to leave a 5' CTAG extension which can be efficiently ligated to DNA fragments generated by AvrII, SpeI or NheI.FAQsFAQs1. Is XbaI affected by methylation?2. What effect does BSA have on the performance of NEB ’s restriction enzymes when included in the new buffers?3. Do I have to set-up digests with Time-Saver? qualified enzymes for 5-15 minutes? Can I digest longer?4. How can I access the old NEBuffer Activity Chart?ProtocolsDatacardsProtocols1. Optimizing Restriction Endonuclease Reactions2. Double Digest Protocol with Standard Restriction Enzymes3. Time-Saver Protocol for Restriction Enzyme DigestsDatacardsThe Product Summary Sheet, or Data Card, includes details for how to use the product, as well as details of its formulationand quality controls. The following file naming structure is used to name the majority of these document files: [Catalog Number]Datasheet-Lot[Lot Number]. For those product lots not listed below, please contact NEB atinfo@/doc/266015f6c5da50e2534d7f1b.html or fill out the Technical Support Form for appropriate document.R0145Datasheet-Lot0411302Selection Tools Usage Guidelines & TipsTroubleshooting Guides Interactive ToolsSelection ToolsAlphabetized List of Recognition SpecificitiesAverage Fragment Size Generated By Endonuclease CleavageCompatible Cohesive Ends and Generation of New Restriction SitesCross Index of Recognition SequencesDam-Dcm and CpG MethylationFrequencies of Restriction SitesIsoschizomersRecleavable Filled-in 5' OverhangsTime-Saver? Qualified EnzymesWhy Choose Recombinant Enzymes?Usage Guidelines & TipsActivity at 37°C for Restriction Enzymes with Alternate Incubation TemperaturesActivity of Restriction Enzymes in a Q5?, Taq or Phusion PCR MixCleavage Close to the End of DNA FragmentsCleavage of Supercoiled DNADam and Dcm Methylases of E. coliDigestion of Agarose-Embedded DNA: Info for Specific EnzymesDouble DigestsHeat InactivationMegabase MappingNEBuffer Activity/Performance Chart with Restriction EnzymesOptimizing Restriction Endonuclease ReactionsRestriction Endonucleases - Survival in a ReactionRestriction Enzyme Diluent Buffer CompatibilityRestriction Enzyme TipsSingle Letter CodesStar ActivityTraditional Cloning Quick GuideTroubleshooting GuidesRestriction Enzyme Troubleshooting GuideInteractive ToolsCompetitor Cross-Reference ToolDNA Sequences and Maps ToolDouble Digest FinderEnzyme FinderNEBcutter?NEBioCalculatorREBASE?Quality Control Certificate of AnalysisSpecifications Safety Data SheetDatacardsQuality ControlQuality Control AssaysThe following Quality Control Tests are performed on each new lot and meet the specifications designated for the product. Individual lot data can be found on the Product Summary Sheet/Datacardor Manual which can be found in the Supporting Documents section of this page.Blue-White Screening (Terminal Integrity):A sample of DNA vector linearized with a 10-fold excess of a restriction endonuclease, religated and transformed into an E. coli strain expressing the LacZ beta fragment gene results in less than 1% white colonies.Endonuclease Activity (Nicking):The product is tested in a reaction containing a supercoiled DNA substrate. After incubation for 4 hours the percent converted to the nicked form is determined by agarose gel electrophoresis.Exonuclease Activity (Radioactivity Release):The product is tested in a reaction containing a radiolabeled mixture of single and double-stranded DNA. After incubation for 4 hours the exonuclease activity is determined by the % release of radioactive nucleotides.Ligation and Recutting (Terminal Integrity):After an over-digestion of DNA with a restriction endonuclease the percentage of the DNA fragments ligated with T4 DNA ligase and the percentage that can be recut are determined by agarose gel electrophoresis.Non-Specific DNase Activity (16 hour):The product is tested for non-specific nuclease degradation in a reaction containing a DNA substrate. After incubationfor 16 hours there is no detectable degradation of the DNA substrate as determined by agarose gel electrophoresis. Certificate of AnalysisThe Certificate of Analysis (COA) is a signed document that includes the storage temperature, expiration date and quality control's for an individual lot. The following file naming structure is used to name these document files: [Product Number]_[Size]_[Version]_[Lot Number]R0145S_L_v1_0421311R0145S_L_v1_0421405R0145T_M_v1_0421311R0145T_M_v1_0421405R0145S_L_v1_0411302R0145S_L_v1_0411305R0145S_L_v1_0411307R0145S_L_v1_0411311R0145T_M_v1_0411301R0145T_M_v1_0411305R0145T_M_v1_0421411R0145S_L_v1_0421411R0145T_M_v1_0421501R0145S_L_v1_0421504R0145T_M_v1_0421505R0145T_M_v1_0411509R0145S_L_v1_0421509R0145T_M_v1_0421512R0145T_M_v1_0421602R0145S_L_v1_0421602SpecificationsThe Specification sheet is a document that includes the storage temperature, shelf life and the specifications designated for the product. The following file naming structure is used to name these document files: [Product Number]_[Size]_[Version] R0145S_L_v1R0145T_M_v1Safety Data SheetThe following is a list of Safety Data Sheet (SDS) that apply to this product to help you use it safely.XbaICutSmart? BufferDatacardsThe Product Summary Sheet, or Data Card, includes details for how to use the product, as well as details of its formulation and quality controls. The following file naming structure is used to name the majority of these document files: [Catalog Number]Datasheet-Lot[Lot Number]. For those product lots not listed below, please contact NEB atinfo@/doc/266015f6c5da50e2534d7f1b.html or fill out the Technical Support Form for appropriate document.R0145Datasheet-Lot0411302。



抑菌报告英文怎么说呢Report on Antibacterial ActivityIntroduction:This report aims to analyze the antibacterial activity of the test sample. The experiment was conducted to determine the effectiveness of the sample in inhibiting bacterial growth and to assess its potential as an antibacterial agent.Methodology:1. Test Organisms:- Bacterial strains used: Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus - These strains were selected based on their common occurrence and significant impact on human health.2. Sample Preparation:- The test sample was prepared by following the standard protocol.- It was diluted to the required concentration using sterile distilled water.3. Agar Diffusion Method:- Sterilized agar plates were prepared, and wells were made in the agar using a sterile cork borer.- The bacterial suspension was spread evenly over the agar surface.- Various concentrations of the test sample were added to the wells.- Control plates (with no sample application) were also prepared for comparison.4. Incubation:- The plates were incubated at an appropriate temperature, allowing bacterial growth for 24 hours.5. Measurement of Antibacterial Activity:- The antibacterial activity of the test sample was determined by measuring the zone of inhibition.- The diameter of the zone of inhibition around each well was measured and recorded.Results:The results of the experiment indicated that the test sample exhibited antibacterial activity against both Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. The zone of inhibition measurements indicated the effectiveness of the sample in inhibiting bacterial growth.- Escherichia coli: The test sample resulted in an average zone of inhibition of X mm.- Staphylococcus aureus: The test sample resulted in an average zone of inhibition of Y mm.Discussion:The observed antibacterial activity against both Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus showcases the potential of the test sample as an antibacterial agent. The results obtained suggest that further research and testing should be conducted to determine the mechanism of action and potential applications of the test sample.Conclusion:Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that the test sample exhibits antibacterial activity against both Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. Further studies are recommended to explore the full potential of the test sample and its possible applications in the field of antibacterial research.Note: This report is provided for informational purposes only and does not aim to provide conclusive evidence. Further analysis and research are required to validate the findings presented.。



• 评估数据产量和质量(Illumina报告示例), 并根据需要去除接头污染和低质量序列, 如:
– FastQC可对Illumina和ABI SOLiD测序序列质量 进行快速评估(FastQC质量报告示例) – FASTX-Toolkit和Galaxy即可评估序列质量,还 可去除污染碱基和低质量碱基并对序列进行 质量过滤
(Pabinger, et al. Brief in Bioinform, 2013)
• /annovar/
• 较全面的功能注释,广为使用 • 需在本地安装注释数据库,如dbSNP、 1000genomes、SIFT、DGV等,按需灵活使用 • 可基于基因注释、基于区间注释,还可过滤 • 对于SNP和indel,结果包括基因注释、氨基酸 置换预测评分、保守性预测评分、dbSNP ID、 千人基因组变异频率、NHLBI-ESP 6500 个外显 子测序变异频率等 • Annovar注释结果示例
– 目前是验证DNA序列突变的金标准
• 全基因组或全外显子组的第二代测序(Nextgeneration sequencing, NGS)(Illumina: 30-150bp)
– 优点:是通量高,成本较低 – 缺点:需PCR易引入误差,容易在高GC和同聚物的区域 出现错误,无法对高重复区域和单倍体型或杂合子序 列等这些复杂区域进行测序
可在线使用的注释工具 SeattleSeq Annotation
• /SeattleSeqAnnotation137/
• 可接受多种输入格式,如Maq、GFF、CASAVA、VCF、 自定义格式、一行一基因型格式、GATK BED • 可根据NCBI 全基因注释、或CCDS(仅编码区)、 或NCBI和CCDS两者兼有 • 注释的结果内容较SnpEff丰富,但不及ANNOVAR全 面



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A survey of tools for variant analysis of next-generation genome sequencing dataStephan Pabinger ,Andreas Dander ,Maria Fischer ,Rene Snajder ,Michael Sperk,Mirjana Efremova,Birgit Krabichler ,Michael R.Speicher ,Johannes Zschocke and Zlatko T rajanoskiSubmitted:20th August 2012;Received (in revised form):4th December 2012AbstractRecent advances in genome sequencing technologies provide unprecedented opportunities to characterize individual genomic landscapes and identify mutations relevant for diagnosis and therapy .Specifically ,whole-exome sequencing using next-generation sequencing (NGS)technologies is gaining popularity in the human genetics community due to the moderate costs,manageable data amounts and straightforward interpretation of analysis results.While whole-exome and,in the near future,whole-genome sequencing are becoming commodities,data analysis still poses significant challenges and led to the development of a plethora of tools supporting specific parts of the ana-lysis workflow or providing a complete solution.Here,we surveyed 205tools for whole-genome/whole-exome sequencing data analysis supporting five distinct analytical steps:quality assessment,alignment,variant identifica-tion,variant annotation and visualization.We report an overview of the functionality ,features and specific require-ments of the individual tools.We then selected 32programs for variant identification,variant annotation and visualization,which were subjected to hands-on evaluation using four data sets:one set of exome data from two patients with a rare disease for testing identification of germline mutations,two cancer data sets for testing variant callers for somatic mutations,copy number variations and structural variations,and one semi-synthetic data set for testing identification of copy number variations.Our comprehensive survey and evaluation of NGS tools provides a valuable guideline for human geneticists working on Mendelian disorders,complex diseases and cancers.Keywords:Mendelian disorders;cancer;variants;bioinformatics tools;next-generation sequencingINTRODUCTIONRecent advances in genome sequencing technologies are rapidly changing the research and routine work of human geneticists.Due to the brisk decline of costs per base pair,next-generation sequencing (NGS)is now affordable even for small-to mid-sized labora-tories.Whole-genome sequencing and whole-exome sequencing have proven to be valuable methods for the discovery of the genetic causes of rare and com-plex diseases [1].Although cheaper than Sanger sequencing,whole-genome sequencing remains ex-pensive on a grand scale.Over and above,one sequencing run provides enormous amounts of data and poses considerable challenges for the analysis and interpretation.In contrast,whole-exome sequencing is becoming a popular approach to bridge the gapStephan Pabinger ,PhD,is a research fellow at the Division for Bioinformatics at Innsbruck Medical University.Andreas Dander is a research assistant at Oncotyrol and a PhD student at Innsbruck Medical University.Maria Fischer ,PhD,is a research fellow at the Division for Bioinformatics at Innsbruck Medical University.Rene Snajder is a technical assistant at the Division for Bioinformatics at Innsbruck Medical University and Oncotyrol.Michael Sperk is a PhD student at Innsbruck Medical University.Mirjana Efremova is a PhD student at Innsbruck Medical University.Birgit Krabichler ,PhD,is a research fellow at the Division of Human Genetics,Innsbruck Medical University.Michael Speicher ,MD,is chair of the Institute of Human Genetics at the Medical University of Graz.Johannes Zschocke ,MD,is chair of the Division of Human Genetics at Innsbruck Medical University.Zlatko T rajanoski ,PhD,is chair of the Division for Bioinformatics at Innsbruck Medical University.Corresponding author.Zlatko Trajanoski,Division for Bioinformatics,Innsbruck Medical University,Innrain 80,6020Innsbruck,Austria.Tel.:þ43-512-9003-71401;Fax:þ43-512-9003-73100; IN 1of 23doi:10.1093/bib/bbs086ßThe Author 2013.Published by Oxford University Press.This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (/licenses/by-nc/3.0/),which permits unrestricted non-commercial use,distribution,and reproduction in any medium,provided the original work is properly cited.Briefings in Bioinformatics Advance Access published January 21, 2013between genome-wide comprehensiveness and cost-control,by capturing and sequencing the 1% of the human genome that codes for protein se-quences[2,3].Furthermore,novel,non-optical tech-nologies[4]are developing fast,and soon devices will be available that can sequence up to10Gbases at a fraction of the current costs.Thus,it is expected that by the end of the year2012whole-exome sequencing can be performed at a reagent cost per sample in the range of400–500E[5].Whole-exome sequencing has already been used for identifying the molecular defects of single gene disorders[6,7],for elucidating some genetically het-erogeneous disorders[8,9]and for improving the accuracy of diagnosis of patients[10,11].The amount of both raw and processed data for whole-exome sequencing is orders of magnitude smaller than for whole-genome sequencing.Nevertheless,each sequencing run identifies a wealth of simple nucleo-tide variations(SNVs),including single-nucleotide polymorphisms(SNPs)and small insertions and dele-tions(INDELs).On average,whole-exome sequen-cing identifies12000variants in coding regions[12], of which 90%are found in publicly available data-bases[13].In comparison, 5million variants,includ-ing144000new variants,are reported on average by whole-genome sequencing[14].Not surprisingly,initiatives have been started using whole-exome sequencing to explore all Mendelian disorders,which will improve the functional anno-tation of the human genome and will provide new insights into mechanisms of disease development [15].As of to date,OMIM[16],a catalog of Mendelian disorders,lists>3000disorders where the molecular basis has been reported.Still,>3500 disorders are listed where the genetic cause remains unknown and has yet to be identified[17].Other main fields of interest for human geneticists are complex diseases and cancer.For example,the usage of NGS has led to the identification of driver mutations for specific types of cancer[18,19],which are often reported to be structural or non-coding [20].NGS paved the way for the fundamental understanding of mutated genes in cancer cells,af-fected pathways,and how these data inform our models and knowledge of cancer biology[21].A recent study with regard to tumor vaccination showed a proof-of-concept in which somatic muta-tions are first detected using NGS.Subsequently the immunogenicity of these mutations is defined,and finally,mutations are tested for their capability to elicit T-cell immunogenicity[22].Thus,tailored vaccine concepts based on the genome-wide discov-ery of cancer-specific mutations and individualized therapy seem technically feasible.The current bottleneck of whole-genome and whole-exome sequencing projects is not the sequen-cing of the DNA itself but lies in the structured way of data management and the sophisticated computa-tional analysis of the experimental data[23].In order to get meaningful biological results,each step of the analysis workflow needs to be carefully considered, and specific tools need to be used for certain experi-mental setups.The complete NGS data analysis process is com-plex,includes multiple analysis steps,is dependent on a multitude of programs and databases and involves handling large amounts of heterogeneous data.It is not surprising that due to the enormous success of NGS projects,a flood of tools has been created to support specific parts of the analysis workflow.It is apparent that the appropriate choice of tools is a non-trivial task,especially for inexperienced users. Therefore,a number of review articles were recently published(e.g.[24–28])to facilitate the choice of the most suitable tool for a particular application. However,these articles review only selected compo-nents of the NGS data analysis pipeline such as map-ping and assembly[24],sequence alignments[26], algorithms for SNP and genotype calling[25]or de-tection of structural variations(SVs)and copy number variations(CNVs)[27].To the best of our know-ledge,a comprehensive review covering all individual analysis steps has not been reported yet.Such a review would be tremendously helpful for researchers plan-ning a NGS project since it would provide a rich re-source to guide the assembly of an analytical pipeline for a particular application or alternatively select a fully integrated pipeline.In addition,by covering multiple steps of the workflow it addresses issues such as data handling and tool compatibility,which are neglected when only individual components are reviewed.We therefore initiated this study to survey existing tools spanning the complete analysis work-flow and compile a comprehensive list of programs for variant analysis of NGS data.Additionally,we wanted to test a particular scenario typical for a human gen-eticist,i.e.applying tools in the context of mutation discovery on a Mendelian disorder or on a cancer data set.This type of hands-on evaluation of NGS soft-ware using real data sets rather than benchmarking the performance of a bioinformatics pipeline providespage2of23Pabinger et al.additional criteria for making a decision to select the appropriate tools.We surveyed 205tools for whole-genome/whole-exome sequencing data analysis supporting five distinct analytical steps (Figure 1):quality assess-ment,alignment,variant identification,variant anno-tation and visualization.We report an overview of the functionality,features and specific requirements of the individual tools.We then selected 32programs for variant identification,variant annota-tion and visualization,which were subjected to hands-on evaluation using four data sets:one set of whole-exome data from two patients with a rare disease for testing identification of germline muta-tions,two cancer data sets for testing variant callers for somatic mutations,CNVs and SVs,and one semi-synthetic data set for testing identification of mercial tools such as Avadis NGS (),CLC Genomics Workbench (),DNAnexus (),Ingenuity Pathways Analysis (),NextGENe (/NextGENe.html),Partek Genomics Suite ()or SNP and Variation Suite ()were not part of this survey.The article is structured as follows.We first intro-duce the main application fields for NGS in human genetics,namely,Mendelian diseases,i.e.single gene disorders as a result of a single mutated gene like cystic fibrosis or sickle cell anemia,complex diseases,i.e.polygenic diseases associated with the effects of multiple genes in combination with other factors like diabetes or hypertension and cancer.Next,we de-scribe NGS platforms and the NGS data analysis workflow and review available tools for the distinct analysis steps.Then we explain the scope and the method used to evaluate the tools and report hands-on experience of the selected programs.Finally,we make general recommendations for tool selection and prioritization of candidate genes.APPLICA TION OFNEXT-GENERA TION GENOME SEQUENCING IN HUMAN GENETICSWe considered three common scenarios for human geneticists using NGS data:(i)identification of causa-tive genes in Mendelian disorders (germline muta-tions),(ii)identification of candidate genes in complex diseases for further functional studies and (iii)identification of constitutional mutations as well as driver and passenger genes in cancer (somatic mutations).Mendelian disordersTraditionally,the main approach to elucidate causes of Mendelian disorders has been positional cloning based on linkage analysis [29].The resultinggenomicFigure 1:Basic workflow for whole-exome and whole-genome sequencing projects.After library prep-aration,samples are sequenced on a certain platform.The next steps are quality assessment and read align-ment against a reference genome,followed by variant identification.Detected mutations are then annotated to infer the biological relevance and results can be dis-played using dedicated tools.The found mutations can further be prioritized and filtered,followed by valid-ation of the generated results in the lab.Survey of tools for variant analysis of next-generation genome sequencing data page 3of 23interval should normally contain<300candidate genes which are further investigated by Sanger sequencing[13].This study design is only applicable for familial diseases where an appropriate sample size is available[30]and is not suitable for the identifica-tion of de novo dominant mutations.Currently,OMIM lists 3500Mendelian dis-orders with unknown genetic causes[17].Whole-exome sequencing is a powerful tool that has not only revolutionized comprehensive candidate gene sequencing in traditional positional cloning studies but also allowed identification of autosomal recessive disease genes in single patients from non-consanguineous families(e.g.[6,7,31])as well as de novo dominant mutations.As whole-exome sequencing identifies a vast amount of variants, sophisticated filtering approaches are needed to reduce the number of genes for further investigation. Furthermore,as current capturing methods cannot evenly capture exonic regions[32],potentially inter-esting mutations in these regions are possibly neglected.Whole-genome sequencing provides a complete view of the human genome,including point muta-tions in distant enhancers and other regulatory elem-ents which have been previously associated with hereditary diseases[33].As the cost per sequenced base will likely drop in the future,whole-genome sequencing will presumably replace whole-exome sequencing.Complex diseasesThe genetics of complex phenotypes have been investigated for decades through association studies with candidate genes that,based on pathophysio-logical considerations,were suspected to be involved in the development of the phenotype[34].This ap-proach was severely hampered by relying on some-times unfounded functional hypotheses as well as by applying wrong statistical assumptions.An alternative to this candidate gene approach are genome-wide association studies(GWASs),which have become more feasible through the advancement of high-throughput genotyping technologies.GWASs are based on the principle of linkage disequilibrium—the non-random association between alleles at differ-ent loci—at the population level[35].The develop-ment of SNP arrays,which can genotype many markers in a single assay in conjunction with bio-banks of either population cohorts or case–control samples,facilitated the ability to conduct GWAS.This unbiased survey of many genes and variants ro-bustly identified associations between1300loci and 200diseases or traits[36].Genetic studies of complex phenotypes are based on either‘common disease–common variant’or ‘common disease–rare variant’hypotheses.GWAS primarily test the‘common disease–common variant’hypothesis,where complex phenotypes are the result of cumulative effects of a large number of common variants.In contrast,the‘common disease–rare vari-ant’hypothesis posits that multiple rare variants with large effect sizes are the main determinants of herit-ability of the disease[34].The field is now shifting toward the study of lower frequencies of rare variants [37],which can only be empowered by NGS and sophisticated bioinformatics approaches[38]. Defining the genetic basis of complex diseases using NGS can be performed by the following:(i) whole-genome,(ii)whole-exome and(iii)targeted subgenomic sequencing.Whole-genome and whole-exome sequencing have been successfully uti-lized to identify the genes responsible for complex hereditary diseases[39,40],where whole-genome sequencing enables testing of both mentioned hypotheses.Finally,NGS can also be used to identify trait loci by re-sequencing candidate genes in a large number of patients and controls as demonstrated for Type1 diabetes[41].This targeted subgenomic sequencing is likely to be supplanted by whole-exome(or whole-genome)sequencing in the near future.The challenge is now to utilize sequencing to enable the discovery of novel genes that contribute to the stu-died diseases.Given the vast number of genetic and non-genetic etiological factors of complex diseases, the ultimate approach will require exploiting biolo-gical and clinical data,and integration of additional data sets including RNA sequencing data,prote-omics data and metabolomics data.Somatic mutationsFor human geneticists,there is an important distinc-tion between constitutional and somatic mutations. Constitutional mutations,which have been inherited from the parents,are present in all cells of the body and may increase the susceptibility of an individual to be diagnosed with cancer[42].New methods have led to the identification of novel genetic components which may improve assessment of cancer predispos-ition[43].Indeed multiple cancer susceptibility loci have been identified,which indicate that there maypage4of23Pabinger et a significant number of common alleles that con-tribute to the heritability of a specific cancer. However,each of these loci confers only a small contribution to the risk for cancer[44].For example, 22common breast cancer susceptibility loci have been reported which explain only 8%of the dis-ease’s heritability[45].For this reason,it is daunting to transfer these common alleles,which on their own have only a minor impact on disease risk,into a clinical test[43].In contrast,according to the ‘common disease–rare variant’hypothesis[46],con-stitutional high-penetrance mutations in specific genes may cause a high risk of developing particular types of cancer.Whole-exome sequencing has led to the identification of high-penetrance mutations in other genes that are only relevant for a small propor-tion of families[47].There is considerable interest in the exploitation of somatic mutations as a tool used to improve the detection of disease and,ultimately,to allow indivi-dualized treatment leading to better outcomes.The aim is to give patients a drug tailored to the genetic makeup of their tumor.The most famous example is the Bcr-Abl tyrosine kinase inhibitor imatinib,which represents a major therapeutic advance over conven-tional therapy in patients with Philadelphia chromo-some positive chronic myelogenous leukemia.Here, >90%of patients obtained complete hematologic re-sponse and70–80%of patients achieved a complete cytogenetic response[48].In colorectal cancer,the paradigms are‘KRAS’mutations in exon2(codons 12and13),which have been established as a predict-ive marker for treatment with epidermal growth factor receptor inhibitors[49].Therefore,it has become increasingly urgent for the clinical oncolo-gist to have access to accurate and sensitive methods for the detection of such predictive biomarkers. NGS V ARIANT ANAL YSIS WORKFLOWNGS platformsNGS instruments provide higher throughput at an unprecedented speed by sequencing millions of short DNA fragments in parallel[50,51].Currently,the three most commonly used platforms are Roche454 (introduced in2005),Illumina(launched in2006) and ABI SOLiD(followed in2008).All three plat-forms sequence DNA by measuring and analyzing signals,which are emitted during the creation of the second DNA strand,but differ in how the second strand is generated.In order to produce detectable signals,template DNA is fragmented into small pieces,amplified and immobilized on a glass slide before sequencing. Roche454implements pyrosequencing,which measures released pyrophosphates allowing the ana-lysis of read fragments up to a few hundred base pairs.Since this technique infers the number of incorporated nucleotides from the signal’s intensity, the system experiences problems when homopoly-mer stretches longer than8bp are sequenced[52]. This complicates identification of small insertions and deletions.Illumina applies a sequencing-by-synthesis approach where only1nt per sequencing cycle is incorporated using reversible dye terminators. Thereby,it avoids homopolymer calling problems at the cost of being capable of sequencing only shorter fragments.ABI SOLiD analyzes DNA by ligating fluorescently labeled di-base probes to the first strand,requiring reading each base twice.Due to the nature of this approach,identified calls are not stored in nucleotide but in color space—a property that needs to be considered in downstream analyses. Depending on library preparation and sequencing technology,it is possible to sequence reads that are of a known chromosomal distance[26].These so-called paired-end or mate-pair reads provide additional in-formation which can be used for enhancing mapping accuracy and identifying structural rearrangements [53].After completing laboratory work and the actual sequencing,the researcher is confronted with a huge amount of raw data.The analysis of the data can be decomposed into five distinct steps(Figure1):(i) quality assessment of the raw data,(ii)read alignment to a reference genome,(iii)variant identification,(iv) annotation of the variants and(v)data visualization. In the following paragraphs,we briefly explain each of the steps and review available software tools.The initial list of analysis tools was acquired by perform-ing multiple PubMed searches.Furthermore,we conducted additional Internet searches to identify tools not indexed by PubMed.An overview of the surveyed tools is given in Supplementary Tables(see also assessmentThe first analysis step after completing the sequen-cing run is to evaluate the quality of raw reads and to remove,trim or correct reads that do not meet theSurvey of tools for variant analysis of next-generation genome sequencing data page5of23defined standards.Raw data generated by sequen-cing platforms are compromised by sequence artifacts such as base calling errors,INDELs,poor quality reads and adaptor contamination[54].These errors are quite common in sequencing data,and platforms are susceptible to a wide range of chemistry and in-strument failures[55,56].As many downstream ana-lysis tools are not capable of checking for low-quality reads,it is necessary to perform filtering and trim-ming tasks in advance to avoid drawing of wrong biological conclusions.Generally,these steps include visualization of base quality scores and nucleotide distributions,trimming of reads and read filtering based on base quality score and sequence properties such as primer contaminations,N content and GC bias.Several tools have been developed to perform the various stages of quality assessment(Supplementary Table S1shows11selected tools).The stand-alone tools NGSQC Toolkit[54]and PRINSEQ[57]are able to handle FASTQ and454(SFF)files,produce summary reports and are capable of filtering and trimming reads.FastQC(http://www.bioinfor /projects/fastqc)is compatible with all main sequencing platforms and outputs sum-mary graphs and tables to quickly assess the data quality.The tool ContEst[58]can be used to esti-mate the amount of cross-sample contamination in NGS data.Galaxy offers an integrated tool[59]that creates FASTQ summary statistics and performs flex-ible trimming and filtering tasks.htSeqTools[60]and SolexaQA[55]include quality assessment,processing and visualization functionality.In addition,software tools have been published that support only the Illumina platform(i.e.FASTX-Toolkit(http://han /fastx_toolkit),PIQA[61]and TileQC[62])or provide certain specialized function-ality(i.e.TagCleaner[63]).AlignmentAfter reads have been processed to meet a certain quality standard,they are usually aligned to an exist-ing reference genome[25].Currently,there are two main sources for the human reference genome assembly:the University of Santa Cruz(UCSC), which is also hosting the central repository for ENCODE data[64]and the Genome Reference Consortium(GRC),which focuses on creating ref-erence assemblies[65].Both resources provide sev-eral versions of the human genome.UCSC offers versions hg18and hg19while GRC provides GRCh36and GRCh37.Together these are the most widely used reference genomes.UCSC(hg) and GRC(GRCh)human assemblies are identical[66]but differ with regards to their nomenclature(e.g.UCSC uses a‘chr’prefix).Over the last years,many alignment programs have been developed[67]to efficiently process mil-lions of short reads and include,among others, Bowtie/Bowtie2[68,69],BWA[70,71],MAQ [72],mrFAST[73],Novoalign(http://novocraft. com),SOAP[74],SSAHA2[75],Stampy[76]and YOABS[77](Supplementary Table S2).Since re-views about characteristics and properties of align-ment methods have been published elsewhere[26, 67,78],we do not report a comprehensive list but rather a shorter list of17commonly used tools and refer to the literature for an in-depth review of the methods and the corresponding tools.The sequencing technologies are constantly push-ing the lengths of generated reads—requiring new and improved algorithms.First-generation short-read aligners were often optimized for ungapped align-ment whereas today’s programs can deal with longer read lengths and gaps.The majority of cur-rently available long-read alignment algorithms may be classified as either using hash table indexing,like in BLAT[79]or in SSAHA2or using some sort of compressed tree indexing based on the Burrows–Wheeler transform[80].Most alignment algorithms follow the seed-and-extend paradigm,where one or more of so-called seeds are searched followed by an extension to cover the whole query sequence[26]. Additionally to the selection of the alignment pro-gram,three issues are noteworthy.First,to overcome the problem of ambiguity when mapping short reads to a reference genome,paired-end reads have proven to be a valuable solution and are highly recom-mended,if not even a requirement for whole-exome sequencing and whole-genome sequencing[81]. Second,reads that can only be mapped with many mismatches should not be considered and as a con-sequence,mutations that are only backed by such reads should be discarded from further analysis. And third,as current NGS technologies incorporate PCR steps in their library preparations,multiple reads originating from only one template might be sequenced,thereby interfering with variant calling statistics.For that reason,it is common practice to remove PCR duplicates after alignment in whole-genome and whole-exome sequencing studies.page6of23Pabinger et al.V ariant identificationA crucial part of next-generation genome sequen-cing data analysis is the identification of variants. The choice of applied strategies for genotype-calling, somatic mutation identification and SV exploration is ultimately related to the data usage.It is of utmost importance to first carefully design the study as it ultimately affects analysis and testing strategies[82]. In addition,sequence coverage is an important factor in variant identification as called mutations should be supported by several reads[83].Finally,appropriate tools for analyzing NGS data[25]have to be thor-oughly evaluated.Tools for genome-wide variant identification can be grouped into four categories:(i)germline callers, (ii)somatic callers,(iii)CNV identification and(iv) SV identification.The detection of germline muta-tions is a central part for finding causes of rare dis-eases.Cancer studies focus on the identification of somatic mutations by comparing sequencing results of tumor/normal pairs from one subject.The tools for the identification of large structural modifications can be divided into those which find CNVs and those which find other SVs such as inversions,trans-locations or large Vs are currently the only SVs that can be detected in both whole-genome and whole-exome sequencing studies. Therefore,dedicated tools have been designed that consider the properties of exome capturing[84]. We surveyed63tools for variant identification and provide a list for each of the four categories including input/output formats,supported platform,types of detectable variants and usage notes(Supplementary Tables S3–S6).V ariant annotationWith the large amount of data produced by NGS experiments,the possibility of predicting the func-tional impact of variants in an automated fashion is becoming increasingly puter-aided annotation enables research groups to filter and pri-oritize potential disease-causing mutations for further analysis.The available tools implement different methods for variant annotation.Most of them focus on the annotation of SNPs,since they can be easily identified and analyzed.INDELs are also cov-ered by some tools,whereas annotation of structural variants is limited to CNVs and only performed by recently developed applications.The most common form of annotation is to pro-vide database links to various public variant databases such as dbSNP.In terms of functional prediction of the variants,the tools employ different approaches, ranging from simple sequence-based analysis over region-based analysis to the evaluation of the struc-tural impact on proteins.The result of the functional analysis is a classification into accepted and deleteri-ous mutations.The programs often have more fine-grained risk classes or scores reflecting the like-lihood of a deleterious effect.Many annotation tools are provided as web appli-cations,which have the advantage that there is no need for installing or maintaining a local copy. Usually,applications using web interfaces are easy to use and self-explanatory.However,users are de-pendent on the availability and the performance of the provided services.Another issue is that many of the online tools do not support batch submission of variants,thus making them only viable for manual analysis of a small set of variants.Moreover,legal issues might arise since most services do not guaran-tee data confidentiality.On the other hand,offline tools usually provide more flexibility and are not dependent on the availability of any specific web-service,but require the user to have a certain degree of IT skills.The inspected annotation tools (74)with their respective input/output formats,sup-ported variants,type[graphical user interface(GUI), client or web tools]and usage notes are given in Supplementary Table S7.VisualizationAn important and challenging step in every NGS data analysis workflow is the validation and visual-ization of the generated results.Visual representation of data can be tremendously useful for the interpret-ation of obtained results.Therefore,NGS visualiza-tion tools should support users by displaying aligned reads,mapping quality and identified mutations combined with annotations from various public re-sources.In addition,the tools should be user-friendly,intuitive and responsive.Visualization tools for genomic data can be divided into three different types[85]:(i)finishing tools supporting the interpretation of sequence data of de novo or re-sequencing experiments,(ii)genome browsers that allow users to browse mapped experi-mental data in combination with different types of annotation and(iii)comparative viewers that facili-tate the comparison of sequences from multiple or-ganisms or individuals.In addition to genome browsers,software suites have been publishedSurvey of tools for variant analysis of next-generation genome sequencing data page7of23。
