Infrared and Raman spectra of magnesium




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拉曼光谱和拉曼光谱技术Raman spectrum and Raman spectroscopy 拉曼光谱的峰强度与相应的分子浓度成正比,拉曼光谱也能用于定量分析。




























傅里叶红外光谱的英文傅里叶红外光谱的英文I. IntroductionInfrared spectroscopy is a common analytical method used for studying the chemical properties of a sample. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), also known as Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) analysis, is a type of infrared spectroscopy that uses a Fourier transform to obtain the spectral information. In this article, we will discuss the English terminology used for FTIR.II. Basic Terminology1. Infrared spectrum: a representation of the absorption or transmission of infrared radiation as a function of wavelength or frequency2. Spectral range: the range of wavelengths or frequencies measured in the infrared spectrum3. Wavenumber: the reciprocal of wavelength, measured in cm-1 in the FTIR spectrum4. Absorbance: the logarithm of the ratio of the incident radiation to the transmitted radiation, measured in the FTIR spectrum5. Peak: a point on the FTIR spectrum that corresponds to a specific vibrational mode of the sample6. Baseline: the absorption background in the FTIR spectrumIII. Sample PreparationBefore performing FTIR analysis, the sample must be prepared in the formof a thin film or powder to ensure uniformity of the sample.IV. InstrumentationFTIR analysis requires a Fourier transform infrared spectrometer, which consists of a source, interferometer, and detector. The sample is placed in the path of the infrared beam generated by the source and the transmitted or absorbed radiation is measured by the detector. The interferometer is used to obtain the interferogram, which is then transformed into the FTIR spectrum.V. ApplicationsFTIR is used in various fields such as chemistry, pharmaceuticals, and material science. It is commonly used for the identification of unknown compounds, characterization of functional groups, and monitoring of chemical reactions.VI. ConclusionFTIR analysis is a powerful technique for studying the chemical properties of a sample. Understanding the basic terminology and instrumentation used in FTIR is essential for accurate interpretation of the spectral data.。

拉曼 Raman spectroscopy Chapter 18

拉曼 Raman spectroscopy Chapter 18
Chapter 18 Raman Spectroscopy
• When radiation passes through a transparent medium, the species present scatter a fraction of the beam in all directions. • In 1928, the Indian physicist C. V. Raman discovered that the visible wavelength of a small fraction of the radiation scattered by certain molecules differs from that of the incident beam and furthermore that the shifts in wavelength depend upon the chemical structure of the molecules responsible for the scattering.
Mechanism of Raman and Rayleigh Scattering
The relative populations of the two upper energy states are such that Stokes emission is much favored over anti-Stokes. Rayleigh scattering has a considerably higher probability of occurring than Raman because the most probable event is the energy transfer to molecules in the ground state and reemission by the return of these molecules to the ground state. The ratio of antiStokes to Stokes intensities will increase with temperature because a larger fraction of the molecules will be in the first vibrationally excited state under these circumstances.



Infrared spectraIntroductionThe infrared spectra of organic compounds are associated with transitions between vibrational energy level. Molecular vibrations may be detected and measured either in an infrared spectrum or indirectly in a Raman spectrum. The most useful vibrations, from the point of view of the organic chemist , occur in the narrower range of 2.5-16μm. The position of an absorption band in the spectrum may be expressed in microns, but standard practice uses a frequency scale in the form of wavenumbers, which are the reciprocals of the wavelength,cm-1.The useful range of the infrared for an organic chemist is between 4000 cm-1 at the high-frequency end and 625 cm-1 at the low frequency end.Many function groups have vibration frequencies,characteristic of that functional group,within well-defined regions of the range;these are summarised in Charts 1-4 at the end of this chapter, with more detail in the tables of data that follow.because many functional groups can be identified by their characteristic vibration frequencies,the infrared spectrum is the simplest, most rapid, and often most most reliable means for identifying the functional groups.Equation 2.1,which is derived from the model of a mass mvibrating at frequency v on the end of a fixed spring, is useful in understanding the range of values of the vibrational frequencies of various kinds of bonds.Where k is a measure of the strength of spring.However,in chemical bonds, one end of the “spring”(bond) is not fixed, but rather there are two mass(m1 and m2)involved and each is able to move.the m of Eq.2.1 is mow determined by the relationship in Eq.2.2If one of the masses (say,m1) is infinitely large 1/m1 is then zero,and the relevant mass m for Eq.2.1 is simply that of m2 --making it analogous to the case where one end of the “spring”is fixed.Simple substitutions of masses in these equations allow us to understand that with other things being equal:(1)C-H bonds will have higher stretching frequencies than C-C bonds , which in turn are likely to be higher than C-halogen bonds;(2)O-H bonds will have higher stretching frequencies than O-D bonds ;and (3),since k increases with increasing bond order ,the relative stretching frequencies of carbon-carbon bonds lie in the order:These generalisations are useful, and Eqs. 2.1and 2.2 allow an increased understanding of the empirical data that are subsequently presented in this chapter. You may often be able toextend the use of the model in a way that will make it easier to understand the trends that are observed.However, because of the other variables that influence vibrational frequencies,the equations should be taken as no more than a frequently useful guide.2.2Preparetion of samples and examination in an infrared spectrometerOlder spectrometers used a source of infrared light which had been split into two beams of equal intensity.Only one of these was passed through the sample, and the difference in intensities of the two beams was then plotted as a function of ing this old technology,a scan typically took about 10 minutes . Most spectrometers in use today use a Fourier transform method,and the spectra are called Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra. A source of infrared light , emitting radiation throughout the whole frequency range of the instrument,typically 4600-400cm-1,is again divided into two beams of equal intensity. Either one beam is passed through the sample , or both are passed,but one beam is made to traverse a longer path than the other . Recombination of the two beams produces an interference pattern that is the sun of all the interference patterns created by each wavelength in the beam.By systematically changing the difference into the paths,the interference patterns change to produce a detected signal varying with optical path difference,as modified by the selective absorption by the sample of some frequencies. This pattern is known as the interferogram , and looks nothing like a spectrum . However Fourier transformation of the interferogram, using a computer built into the instrument, converts it into a plot of absorption against wavenumber just like that from the older method . There are several advantages to FTIR over the old method , and few whole spectrum is measured in at most a few seconds .Because it is not necessary to scan each wavenumber successively , the whole spectrum is measured in at most a few seconds.Because it is not dependent upon a slit and a prism or grating , high resolution in FTIR iseasier to obtain without sacrificing sensitivity.FTIR is especially useful for examining small samples (several scans can be added together ) and for taking the spectrum of compounds produced only for a short period in the outflow of a chromatograph. Finally,the digital form in which the data are handled in the computer allows for adjustment and refinement. For example,by subtracting the background absorption of the medium in which the spectrum was taken, or by subtracting the spectrum of a known impurity from that of a known impurity from that of a mixture to reveal the spectrum of the purecomponent . However, the way in which infrared spectra are taken does not affect their appearance.The older spectra and FTIR spectra look very similar , and older spectra in the literature are still valuable for comparison . Compounds may be examined in the vapour phase , as pure liquids , in solution,and in the solid state.In the vapour phase.The vapour is introduced into a cell ,usually about 10 cm long,which can then be placed directly in the path of one of the infrared beams.The end walls of the cell are usually made of sodium chloride , which is transparent to infrared in the usual range . Most organic compounds have too low a vapour pressure for this phase to be useful .As a liquid.A drop of the liquid is squeezed between flat plates of sodium chloride (transparent through the 4000-625cm-1 region). This is the simplest of all produces. Alternatively,if the sample of the liquid is not suitable for dispensing as a drop , a solution in a volatile and dry solvent may be deposited directly onto the surface of a sodium chloride plate , and the solvent allowed to evaporate in a dry atmosphere to leave a thin film.In solution. The compound is dissolved to give ,typically, a 1-5% solution in carbon tetrachloride or ,for its better solvent properties , alcohol-free chloroform . This solution is introducedinto a cell , 0.1-1 mm thick ,made of sodium chloride . A second cell of equal thickness , but containing pure solvent , is placed in the path of the other beam of the spectormeter in order that solvent absorptions should be balanced.Spectra taken in such dilute solutions in non-polar solvents are generally the most desirable ,because they are normally better resolved than spectra taken on solids, and also because intermolecular forces ,which are especially strong in the crystalline state, are minimised. On the other hand , many compounds are not soluble in non-polar solvents,and all solvents absorb in the infrared; when the solvent absorption exceeds about 65% of the incident light, useful spectra cannot be obtained because insufficient light is transmitted to work the detection mechanism efficiently . Carbon tetrachloride and chloroform , fortunately, absorb over 65% of the incident light only in those region(Fig.2.1)which are of little interest in diagnosis. Other solvents, of course , may be used but the areas of usefulness in each case should be checked beforehand, taking account of the size of the cell being used. In rare cases aqueous solvents are useful ; special calcium fluoride cells are then used.In the solid state.About 1mg of a solid is finely ground in a small agate mortar with a drop of a liquid hydrocarbon (Nujol Kaydol)or ,if C-H vibration are to be examined ,withhexachlorobutadiene. The mull is then pressed between highly polished flat plates of sodium chloride. Alternatively,the solid ,often much less than 1 mg ,is ground with 10-100 times its bulk of pure potassium bromide and the mixture pressed into a disc using a mould and a hydraulic press. The use of KBr eliminates the problem (usually not troublesome)of bands from the mulling agent and tends,on the whole ,to give rather almost always appears(see Fig.2.7).Solids may alsobe deposited,either from a melt or ,as with liquids described above,by evaporation from a solution directly onto the surface of a sodium chloride plate ,with a sacrifice ,usually small ,from scattering off a crystalline surface.Because of intermolecular interactions,band positions in solid state spectra are offen different from those of the corresponding solution spectra. This is particularly true of those functional groups which take part in hydrogen bonding.On the other hand ,the number of resolve lines is often greater in solid state spectra,so that comparison of the spectra of,for example,synthetic and natural samples in order to determine identify is best done in the solid state. This is only true,of course,when the same crystalline modification is in use; racemic,synthetic material,for example,should be compared with enantiomerically pure,nature material in solution.2.3Examination in a Raman spectrometerRaman spectra are generally taken on instruments using laser sources,and the quantity of material needed is now of the order of a few mg.A liquid or a concentrated solution is irradiated with monochromatic light,and the scattered light is examined by a spectometer using photoelectric detection.Most of the scattered light consists of the parent line produced by absorption and re-emission.Much weaker lines,which constitute the Raman spectrum,occur at lower and higher energy and are caused by absorption and re-emission of light coupled with vibrational excitation or decay,respectively.The difference in frequency between the parent line and the Raman line is the frequency of the corresponding vibration.Raman spectroscopy is not used by organic chemists routinely for structure determination,but for the detection of certain functional groups(see Fig.2.12)and for the analysis of mixtures-of deuterated compounds for example-it has found some use,especilly by analytical chemists.2.4 Selection rulesIf the frequency of a vibration of the sample molecule falls within the range of the instrument,the molecule may absorb energy of this frequency from the light,but only when theoscillating dipole moment (from a molecular vibration)interacts with the oscillating electric vector of the infrared beam.A simple rule for deciding if this interaction (and hence absorption of light)occurs is that the dipole moment at one extreme of a vibration must be different from the dipole moment at the other extreme of the vibration.In the Raman effect a corresponding interaction occurs between the light and the molecule's polarisability,resulting in different selection rules. The most important consequence of these selection rules is that in a molecule with a center of symmetry those vibrations symmetrical about the center of symmetry are active in the Raman and inactive in the infrared (see Fig.2.12);those vibrations which are not centrosymmetric are inactive in the Raman and usually active in the infrared. This is doubly useful,for it means that that the two types of spectrum are complementary.Furthermore ,the more easily obtained,the infrared ,is the more useful ,because most functional groups are not centrosymmetric.The symmetry properties of a molecule in a solid can be different from those of an isolated molecule. This can lead to the appearance of infrared absorption bands in a solid state spectrum which would be forbidden in solution or in the vapour phase.2.5The infrared spectrumA complex molecule has many vibrational modes which involve the whole molecule.To a good approximation,however,many of these molecular vibrations are largely associated with the vibrations of individual bonds and are called localised vibrations.These localised vibrations are useful for the identification of functional groups,especially the sterching vibrations of O-H and N-H single bonds and all kinds of triple and double bonds,almost all of which occur with frequencies greater than 1500cm-1.The stretching vibrations of other single bonds,most bending vibrations and the soggier vibrations of the molecule as a whole give rise to a series of absorption bands at lower energy,blow 1500cm-1,the positions of which are characteristic of that molecule.The net result is a region above 1500cm-1 showing absorption bands assignable to a number of functional groups,and a region containing many bands,characteristic of the compound in question and no other compound,below 1500cm-1 .For obvious reasons,this is called the fingerprint region.Fig.2.2shows a representative infrared spectrum,that of cortisone acetate1.It shows the strong absorption from the stretching vibrations above 1500cm-1 demonstrating thepresence of each of the functional groups:the O-H group,three different C=O groups and the weaker absorption of the C=C double bond ,as well as displaying a characteristic fingerprint below 1500cm-1.By convention absorbance is plotted downwards,opposite to the convention for ultraviolet spectra,but the maxima are still called peaks or bands.Rotational fine structure is smoothed out,and the intensity is frequently not recorded.When intensity is recorded,it is usually experssed subjectively as strong(s),medium(m),or weak(w).To obtain a high-quality spectrum,the quantity of substance is adjusted so that the strongest peaks absorb something close to 90% of the light.The scale on the abscissa is linear in frequency,but most instruments change the scale,either at 2200cm-1 or at 2000cm-1 to double the scale at the low-frequency end .The ordinate is linear in percent transmittance,with 100% at the top and 0% at the bottom.The regions in which the different functional groups absorb are summarised below F.2.2.The stretching vibrations of single bonds to hydrogen give rise to the absorption at the high-frequency end of the spectrum as a result of the low mass of the hydrogen atom,making it easy to detect the presence of O-H and N-H groups.Since most organic compounds have C-Hbonds,the absorption close to 3000cm-1 is rarely usefully although C-H bonds attached to double and triple bonds van be usefully identified. Thereafter,the order of stretching frequencies follows the order:triple bonds at higher frequency than double bond between two similar atoms the higher the frequency of the vibration.Bending vibrations are of lower frequency and usually appear in the fingerprint region below 1500cm-1,but one exception N-H bending vibration,which appears in the 1600-1500cm-1 region.Polysyrene is sometimes used to provide accurately placed calibration lines at 2924,1603,1028,and 906cm-1.Although many absorption bands are associated with the vibrations of individual bonds,other vibrations are coupled vibrations of two or more components of the whole molecule .Whether localised or not ,stretching vibrations are given the symbol v,and the various bending vibrations are given the symbol o.Coupled vibrations may be subdivided into asymmetric and symmetric stretching,and the various bending modes into scissoring ,rocking ,wagging and twisting,as defined for a methylene group in Fig.2.3. A coupled asymmetric and symmetric stretching pair is also found with many other groups,like carboxylic anhydrides,carboxylate ions and nitrogroups,each of which has two equal bonds close together.2.6 The use of the tables of characteristic group frequencies Reference charts and tables of data are collected together at the end of this chapter for ready reference.Each of the three frequency ranges above 1500cm-1 shown in Fig.2.2 is expanded to give more detail in Charts 1-4 in Sec.2.13.Thesa charts summarise the narrower ranges within which each of the functional groups absorbs.The absorption bands which are found in the fingerprint region and which are assignable to functional groups are occasionally useful,either because they are sometimes strong bands in otherwise featureless regions or because their absence may rule out incorrect structures,but such identifications should be regarded as helpful rather than as definitive,since there are usually many bands in this area. Tables of detailed information can be found in Sec.2.14 at the end of this chapter,arranged by functional groups roughly in descending order of their stretching frequencies.One could deal with the spectrum of an unknown as follows. Examine each of the three main regions of the spectrum above the fingerprint regions of the spectrum above the fingerprint region,as identified on Fig.2.2; at this stage certain combinations of structures can be ruled out --the absence of O-Hor C=O ,for example --and some tentative conclusions reached.Where there is still ambiguity --which kind of carbonyl group,for example -the tables corresponding to those groups that might be present should be consulted.It is important to be sure that the bands under consideration are of the appropriate intensity for the structure suspected.A weak signal in the carbonyl region,for example,for example ,it is more likely to be an overtone or to have been produced by an impurity.The text following this section amplifies some of the detail for each the main functional groups,and shows the appearance,sometimes characteristic,of several of the functional groups,and shows the appearance,sometimes characteristic,of several of the bands.Cross-reference to the tables at the end is inevitable and will need to be frequent.2.7 Absorption frequencies of single bonds to hydrogen 3600-2000cm-1C-H Bonds. The precise position of the various CH,CH2,and CH3 symmetrical and unsymmetrical vibration frequencies are well known.C-H bonds do not take part in hydrogen bonding and so their position is little affected by the state of measurement or their chemical environment.C-C vibrations,which absorb in the fingerprint region,are generally weak and not practically useful . Since many organic molecules possess saturated C-H bonds,their absorption bands,stretching in the 3000-2800cm-1 region and bending in the fingerprint region,are of little diagnostic value,but a few special structral features in saturated C-H groupings do give rise to characteristic absorption bands(Table 2.1).Thus,methyl and methylene groups usually show two sharp bands from the symmetric and asymmetric stretching(Fig.2.3),which can sometimes be picked out but the general appearance of the accumulation of all the saturated C-H stretching vibrations often leads to broader and not fully resolved bands like those illustrated in many of the spectra below . The absence of saturated C-H absorption in a spectrum is ,of course,diagnostic evidence for the absence of such a part structure in the corresponding compound. Unsaturated and aromatic C-H stretching frequencies (Table 2.1)can be distinguished from the saturated C-H absorption,since they occur a little above 3000cm-1 and are relatively weak,as in the spectrum of ethyl benzoate 2(Fig.2.4)and benzonitrile 14(Fig.2.7).Terminal acetylenes give rise to a characteristic strong,sharp line close to 3300cm-1 from ¥C-H stretching,as in the spectrum of hexyne3(Fig.2.4),and ethers and aminesalso show bands in the low-frequency region 2850-2750cm-1.When the antiperiplanar arrangement is rigidly fixed ,as in axially-oriented C-H bonds in six-membered cyclic amines,C-H stretching has an unusually low frequency,giving rise to absorption known as Bohlmann bands.The C-H bending vibrations are in the fingerprint region,with methine C-H bending and CH3 and CH2 symmetrical bending giving rise in many organic compounds to two bands close to 1450and 1380cm-1,as seen in the common mulling agent Nujol.The out-of -plane vibration of trans-C=CH- diuble bonds is one of the more usefully diagnostic bending vibrations .It occurs in a narrow range 970-960cm-1,or at slightly higher frequency if conjugated ,and it is always strong.In contrast,the corresponding vibration of the cis isomer is of lower intensity and at lower frequency,typically in the range 730-675cm-1.The band at 975cm-1in the fingerprint of ethyl trans-crotonate5(Fig.2.4)clearly shows that such a feature may be present ;if it were not there,it would be diagnostic of the absence of this feature,as in the spectrum of the cis-alkene 20 in Fig.2.12。



Mineralogical Study On Synthetic JadeiteWei Ran Zhang Beili Shen CaiqingAbstract Four synthetic jadeite samples were studies by means of XRD,EPMA,Infrared spectrometer, Laser Raman spectrometer, and luminescence, etc. The samples mainly consist of crystal and glassiness. The region of crystalline is relatively small, and the crystal was automorphic jadeite with rod-shaped form. The composition of glassiness is almost same as jadeite, but the consist of Si and Al obviously on the high side of and the Na on the low side. The structure of synthetic jadeite is simpler than natural jadeite.合成翡翠的矿物学研究Wei Ran Zhang Beili Shen Caiqing文摘通过XRD、电子探针、红外光谱仪、激光拉曼光谱仪和冷光源等来研究四种合成翡翠。





Key Words synthetic jadeite, phase,Laser Raman spectrum, cathode luminescence重点词汇:合成翡翠词组:激光拉曼光谱仪,阴极冷光源Samples &MethodsThe tested four samples have the same appearance generally, which is about 3-5mm grain sizes and mainly composed of transparent and nontransparent zone. The color of each zone was different(Table 1), but the whole sample takes on green.Some Methods, such as XAD, microscope infrared reflecting spectra and laser Raman spectra, had been used to analyze the property of distinct phases of samples. Furthermore, the cathode luminescence and EPMA in useful on analyzing the composition and structure of samples.样品和方法:四个被测试的样品总体来说外观一样,都是关于3-5mm晶粒尺寸和主要由透明和非透明的区域构成。



4 包裹体:
矿物中的包 裹体成分的鉴 定。
玻璃中的包 裹体(气泡) 成分的鉴定。
5.7.3 拉曼图谱的表示方法
横坐标: 拉曼位移(Raman Shift),以波数(cm-1)
Δν=| ν入–ν散 |=ΔE/h
纵坐标: 拉曼(散射)强度,以(Raman Intensity)
CaCO3 的Raman图谱
Raman Intensity
拉曼谱带, 随单键双键三键谱带强度增加。 2)CN,C=S,S-H伸缩振动在拉曼光谱中是强谱带。 3)环状化合物的对称呼吸振动常常是最强的拉曼谱
带。 4)在拉曼光谱中,X=Y=Z,C=N=C,O=C=O-类键的对
6)醇和烷烃的拉曼光谱是相似的: I. C-O键与C-C键的力常数或键的强度
三 拉曼位移(Raman shift)
Δν=| ν入–ν散 |=ΔΕ/h
即入射光(激发光)频率与散射光 频率之差,只与能级差有关。
与入射光波长无关 适用于分子结构分析
四 拉曼光谱与分子极化率
1 分子的极化
在外电场作用,分子变形产生诱导偶极 矩或增大永久偶极矩的现象。 分子的变形:
正电中心与负电中心发生位移(由重合变 为不重合,由偶极长度小变偶极长度大) 。
3 珠宝
鉴定和分析真假宝石(如钻石,石英,红 宝石,绿宝石等)以及对珍珠、玉石及其他珠 宝产品进行分析。
手 镯
100000 80000
1316.89 1589.77

Infrared and Raman spectra of magnesium ammonium phosphate

Infrared and Raman spectra of magnesium ammonium phosphate

Infrared and Raman spectra of magnesium ammonium phosphate hexahydrate (struvite )and its isomorphous analogues.VII:Spectra of protiated and partially deuterated hexagonal magnesium caesium phosphate hexahydrateV.Stefov a,*,A.Cahil a ,B.Šoptrajanov a,b ,M.Najdoski a ,F.Spirovski a ,B.Engelen c ,H.D.Lutz c ,V.Koleva daInstitut za hemija,PMF,Univerzitet ‘‘Sv.Kiril i Metodij ”,P.O.Box 162,1001Skopje,Republic of Macedonia bMakedonska akademija na naukite i umetnostite,Skopje,Republic of Macedonia cAnorganische Chemie,Universität Siegen,57068Siegen,Deutschland dInstitute of General and Inorganic Chemistry,Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,1113Sofia,Bulgariaa r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 31October 2008Received in revised form 22November 2008Accepted 2December 2008Available online 11December 2008Keywords:Magnesium caesium phosphate hexahydrate Hexagonal Hp50FT infrared spectra FT Raman spectra Difference spectruma b s t r a c tThe Fourier transform infrared and Raman spectra of the struvite analogue,hexagonal magnesium cae-sium phosphate hexahydrate,MgCsPO 4Á6H 2O (hP50)and of its partially deuterated analogues were recorded from room temperature (RT)down to the boiling temperature of liquid nitrogen (LNT).The exis-tence of strong hydrogen bonds between water molecules and PO 43Àions is supported by the appearance of a broad band from 3600to 2200cm À1in the O–H stretching region of the vibrational spectra.In the region of the OD stretching vibrations of isotopically isolated HDO molecules of the analogue with a small deuterium content (%5%D),at least two bands (from the expected three)are observed in the difference LNT infrared spectrum.In the region of m 3(PO 4)modes of the infrared spectra,a broad and asymmetric band (at around 1000cm À1)is found,while in the region of the m 4(PO 4)bending vibration and of the external modes of the water molecules,several bands can be seen.The intense band at 945cm À1in the Raman spectra can with certainty be attributed to the m 1(PO 4)mode.On the basis of a careful analysis of the RT and LNT spectra of the protiated compound,as well as those of its partially deuterated ana-logues,the asymmetric band at around 550cm À1could be assigned to the components of the m 4(PO 4)mode,the bands between 470and 430cm À1to the m 2(PO 4)vibrations and the remaining ones as due to pure or coupled librational and translational modes of the water molecules.The external modes of the phosphate ions and those of the water molecules are mixed.Ó2009Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionThe phosphates of some metals posses certain interesting non-linear optical,ferroelectric,antiferroelectric and magnetic proper-ties,ionic conductivity,etc.These characteristics stimulate the preparation and study of various materials with potential conduct-ing properties (for example,crystalline hydrates of metal phos-phates in the structure of which strong hydrogen bonds are present)which is of special scientific and practical interest.Various methods have been employed for studying the structural features of such compounds,including vibrational (infrared and Raman)spectroscopy.Such reasons have inspired us to investigate the structural fea-tures of the phosphate compounds using vibrational spectroscopy [1–7]with emphasis on the struvite-type compounds [8–13]to which the general formula M I M II PO 4Á6H 2O (M I =NH 4,K,Rb,Cs,Tl;M II =Mg,Ni)can be ascribed.With the exception of the caesium analogue,all others crystallize in the orthorhombic system.The infrared spectra of MgM I PO 4Á6H 2O (M I =NH 4,K,Rb,Cs,Tl)recorded at room temperature (RT)have been studied by Banks et al.[14].The RT Raman spectrum of struvite,MgNH 4PO 4Á6H 2O,has also been published previously [15,16].The vibrational spectra of MgKPO 4Á6H 2O,MgNH 4PO 4Á6H 2O,MgNH 4AsO 4Á6H 2O,NiK-PO 4Á6H 2O,and NiNH 4PO 4Á6H 2O have been studied in our labora-tory as well,and interesting results have been obtained [8–13].In order to clarify,as much as possible,some of the observed spec-tral characteristics,studying more compounds from the struvite series is of special importance.In this work,the study of the Fourier transform infrared and Ra-man spectra of MgCsPO 4Á6H 2O (hP50)(recorded at room tempera-ture,RT and at the boiling temperature of liquid nitrogen,LNT)and those of the series of its deuterated analogues is carried out and is discussed in detail.Depending on the method of preparation,MgCsPO 4Á6H 2O crys-tallizes in the cubic system (cF100,space group F –43m i.e.T 2d )with Z =4[17,18]or in the hexagonal system (hP50,space group P 63mc0022-2860/$-see front matter Ó2009Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.molstruc.2008.12.009*Corresponding author.Tel.:+38923249942;fax:+38923226865.E-mail (V.Stefov).Journal of Molecular Structure 924–926(2009)100–106Contents lists available at ScienceDirectJournal of Molecular Structurej o u r n a l h o m e p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /m o l s t r uci.e.C46v)with Z=2[19,20].It should be pointed out here that the hex-agonal MgCsPO4Á6H2O is obtained at normal conditions whereas the cubic analogue is produced at a temperature of280°C and pressure of around7MPa.Thus,the compound under investigation is not, strictly speaking,isomorphous to struvite as is implied by the general title of the present series of papers.The crystallographic data of MgCsPO4Á6H2O(hP50)[19,20]indi-cate that the univalent cations,divalent cations and the PO43–an-ions occupy special sites with C3v symmetry,whereas the oxygen atoms of the two types of crystallographically different water mol-ecules and two of the hydrogen atoms lay on sites with m symme-try,whereas the remaining hydrogen atoms occupy general positions.Thus the symmetry of one of the two types of water mol-ecules is C s(all atoms of these molecules are located on the mirror plane)and that of the other type may be taken as either C2v(only the oxygen atoms of the water molecules of this type are found on the mirror plane,while the hydrogen atoms are located on general positions and are mirror images of one another)or as C s(if only the symmetry of the site on which the oxygen atom is located).The water molecules form three OÁÁÁO types of quite short hydrogen bonds(the acceptors are phosphate oxygens)with distances of 263.0,264.3and267.2pm[20].A rather unique two-dimensional H-bond system exists in this very interesting structure with cyclo-hexane-like antidromic(6O+6H)H-bonded rings(O4H3O1)con-nected perpendicularly to the asymmetric water molecules (H1O3H2),forming triple sets of tricyclic H-bond systems.2.ExperimentalThe investigated compound was prepared with precipitation from aqueous solutions.The synthesis was performed in a small beaker by mixing3mL solution containing0.1g of caesium chlo-ride and0.2g of magnesium chloride hexahydrate with5mL of a solution containing0.25g disodium hydrogenphosphate dodeca-hydrate.Before mixing,the solutions were cooled down to4°C and than the reaction system was kept at the same temperature for48hours.After this recrystallization time,the precipitate was separated withfiltration under vacuum and dried at room temperature.The spectra were recorded,from both pressed KBr disks and from mulls,at room and liquid-nitrogen temperature(RT and LNT,respectively).The infrared spectra were recorded using a Per-kin-Elmer System2000infrared interferometer.The variable-tem-perature cell P/N21525(Graseby Specac)was used for the low-temperature measurements.The far infrared spectra were re-corded in Nujol between polyethylene pellets.For obtaining a good signal-to-noise ratio,64scans were collected and averaged at LNT, whereas32scans appeared to be enough at RT.The resolution of the instrument was4cmÀ1.GRAMS ANALYST2000[21]and GRAMS32[22]packages were used for spectra acquisition and management.The FT Raman spectra were recorded(with a resolu-tion of2cmÀ1)on a Brucker RFS100n s FT Raman equipped with an Nd:YAG laser emitting at1064nm.For a good signal-to-noise ratio,500scans were accumulated and averaged.All Raman spec-tra were recorded under identical experimental conditions.3.Results and discussionThe Fourier transform infrared and Raman spectra of MgC-sPO4Á6H2O(hP50)1recorded at RT and at LNT are given in Figs.1and2.These spectra are similar to the ones obtained for other stud-ied struvite-type compounds[8–13].3.1.Internal vibrations of water moleculesAs previously mentioned,two crystallographically different types of water molecules with effective symmetry C s and C2v(the oxygen atoms of both types are situated on sites with m symmetry) exist in the structure of title compound.The correlations diagrams (Table1)imply that,in absence of correlation-field effects,from each distinct type of water molecules three infrared active and three Raman active internal modes are expected.Under the influ-ence of the correlationfield,each vibration is split into four compo-nents(two of them doubly degenerate).The components of the A1 and E1symmetry type are infrared and Raman active,whereas those of the E2symmetry are only Raman active.3.1.1.Stretching vibrations of the water moleculesAs in the previously studied vibrational spectra of orthorhombic struvite-type compounds[8–13],one broad,structured and asym-metric band which is deuteration sensitive is observed in the O–H stretching region of the spectra of the hexagonal MgCsPO4Á6H2O (Fig.3).The feature is obviously a result of overlap of several bands contributing to the width and the asymmetric character of this band.The position of the centroid of the complex band is below 3000cmÀ1suggesting,in agreement with the structural data [20],the presence of strong hydrogen bonds in the structure.Having in mind that one of the two types of water molecules possesses two equivalent protons and the other has two non-equivalent protons,three types of HDO molecules should be formed upon deuteration.Consequently,when the deuterium con-tent is low(1–5%D),three bands are expected in the O-D streching region.In the low-temperature difference infrared spectrum of the slightly deuterated analogue(Fig.4),three bands(at2255,2180 and2090cmÀ1)are actually observed.The higher-frequency one can be attributed to the O–D stretching vibrations of the isotopi-cally isolated O w4-D3ÁÁÁO1groupings2where the O w4ÁÁÁO1distance is reported[20]to be267.2pm,whereas the bands at2180and 2090cmÀ1should be attributed to the O–D stretchings of the H2O w3–D1ÁÁÁO2and H1–O w3–D2ÁÁÁO1groupings where the O w3ÁÁÁO2 and O w3ÁÁÁO1distances are264.3and263.0pm,respectively[20].3.1.2.Bending vibrations of the water moleculesThe bending region of the water molecules is particularly inter-esting because of the band substructure and the relatively wide range(from around1900to1350cmÀ1)in which bands appear (Fig.5).The spectral pattern in this region is very similar to that observed for the other studied struvite-type compounds[8–13] differing only in the position of the centroid of the complex band. In the present case,namely,it seems to be at lower frequency than the value of the bending HOH vibration of gaseous water (1595cmÀ1).The conclusion is supported by the appearance of the band at1540cmÀ1found in the spectrum of the highly deuter-ated analogue(top curve in Fig.6)and believed to arise from the bending vibrations of the HOH molecules remaining in the sample.3.2.External vibrations of the water moleculesConsidering the existence of two crystallographically non-equivalent types of water molecules lying on sites with m symme-try in the structure of the studied compound,in absence of corre-lation-field effects six infrared active and six Raman active1In order to avoid the repetition of the rather involved‘MgCsPO4Á6H2O(hP50)’notation(where hP50is the Pearson notation specifying the hexagonal form ofMgCsPO4Á6H2O),when the hexagonal modification is meant,it will be referred to as ‘the title compound’.2The labeling of the atoms is as in Ref.20,only a subscript‘w’is added where needed to distinguish the water oxygens from the phosphate ones.V.Stefov et al./Journal of Molecular Structure924–926(2009)100–106101components of librational modes are expected (Table 1).The bands originating from translations should be located close to one an-other due to the similar values of the two types of Mg-O distances (205.4and 208.2pm,according to the structural data [20]).Comparing the IR spectra of the protiated compound recorded at RT and LNT (Fig.7)as well as the spectra of a series of partially deuterated analogues (Fig.8),the asymmetric bands located at around 910,850,830,775and 700cm À1in the LNT spectrum of the title compound can be assigned to librations.This assignment is supported by their shape,intensity,negative temperature coeffi-cient and changes in the spectra upon deuteration.The intense band at around 640cm À1in the spectrum of the analogue with highest deuterium content can be attributed to librations of the D 2O molecules,whereas the weaker bands at 570,540and 530cm À1can be considered as related to D 2O librations (pure or mixed).The band at around 550cm À1in the IR spectra of the par-tially deuterated analogues will be discussed in detail in the sub-section devoted to the vibrations of the phosphate ions.It is interesting to mention here that in spite of the existence of only two types of water molecules in the structure of the title com-pound,the spectral picture in the region of the external modes of the water molecules in the IR spectra is very similar to that ob-served in the case of the previously studied orthorhombic stru-vite-type compounds,which posses four types of water molecules.In the Raman spectra of the title compound recorded at RT and LNT in the region between 900and 600cm À1,bands with notice-able intensity attributable to H 2O librations,have not been de-tected (Fig.9).Several bands are observed between 350and 200cm À1in the Raman and far-IR spectra (Figs.9and 10).These bands are only slightly shifted to lower frequencies in the spectra of the deuter-ated analogues (Figs.10and 11)implying that their origin is re-lated to m (Mg–O)modes.3.3.Vibrations of the phosphate ionsOne type of phosphate ions lying on sites with C 3v symmetry ex-ists in the structure of the title compound.The analysis of the vibrations of the unit cell (Table 1)shows that six IR active (A 1and E 1)and nine Raman active (A 1,E 1and E 2)components of the internal vibrations of the phosphate ions should be expected.In absence of significant correlation splitting and taking into con-sideration the transformation of the symmetry types T d to C 3v ,the appearance of maximum six bands in the IR and Raman spectra (two components of each m 3and m 4mode,one of each m 1and m 2mode)should be expected.In the region of the m 3modes in the IR spectra of the studied compound,one intense and asymmetric band appearsaroundFig.2.Fourier transform Raman spectra of hexagonal MgCsPO 4Á6H 2O (hP50)recorded at RT (lower curve)and at LNT (uppercurve).Fig.1.Infrared spectra of hexagonal MgCsPO 4Á6H 2O (hP50)recorded at RT (lower curve)and at LNT (upper curve).102V.Stefov et al./Journal of Molecular Structure 924–926(2009)100–1061000cmÀ1with several shoulders above and below this frequency. As observed for the other studied struvite-type compounds,this band is both temperature-sensitive(Fig.7)and deuteration-sensi-tive(Fig.8).In the IR spectra of the partially deuterated analogues, the shoulders on both sides of this band disappear when increasing the deuterium content resulting in one strong and practically sym-metrical band at995cmÀ1in the spectrum of the analogue with highest deuterium content.This means that the shoulders on the intense band at around1000cmÀ1are due to modes involving water molecules.The lowering the frequency of this band in the spectra of the deuterated analogues suggests its connection to vibrations coupled with one of the water librational modes.Several bands with low intensity attributable to the m3(PO4)modes appear in the region between1060and990cmÀ1of the Raman spectra as well(Fig.9).In the region of the m1modes in the LNT Raman spectra of the studied compound(Fig.11)one intense and symmetrical band ap-pears at944cmÀ1,whereas the corresponding band is observed at 939cmÀ1in the spectrum of the analogue with highest deuterium content implying that the m1mode is coupled to a librational mode.Table1V.Stefov et al./Journal of Molecular Structure924–926(2009)100–106103Fig.4.Difference infrared spectrum recorded at LNT in the region of the m (OD)vibrations,obtained by subtracting the spectrum of the protiated compound hexagonal MgCsPO 4Á6H 2O from the spectrum of the analogue with low deuterium content (%5%D).Fig.5.Infrared spectra of hexagonal MgCsPO 4Á6H 2O (hP50)recorded at RT (lower curve)and at LNT (upper curve)in the region of the HOH bendingvibrations.Fig. 6.Infrared spectra of partially deuterated analogues of hexagonal MgC-sPO 4Á6H 2O (hP50)recorded at LNT in the region of the HOH and DOD bending vibrations (the content of deuterium increases from bottom totop).Fig. 3.Infrared spectra of partially deuterated analogues of hexagonal MgC-sPO 4Á6H 2O (hP50)recorded at LNT in the region of the OH and OD stretching vibrations (the content of deuterium increases from bottom totop).Fig.7.Infrared spectra of hexagonal MgCsPO 4Á6H 2O (hP50)recorded at RT (lower curve)at LNT (upper curve)in the region of the HOH external and PO 4internal vibrations.104V.Stefov et al./Journal of Molecular Structure 924–926(2009)100–106In the IR spectrum of this analogue with the highest deuterium content,a shoulder with low intensity at around935cmÀ1is ob-served(Fig.8)which could be attributed to the m1mode.In the region of the m4(PO4)modes of the IR spectra of the par-tially deuterated analogues of the title compound,the most inter-esting behaviour has been detected for the bands at587cmÀ1 (weaker)and551cmÀ1(stronger).Namely,upon increasing the deuterium content,the shifting of these bands to lower frequencies and their actual disappearance(Fig.8)is more evident than in the IR spectra of the previously studied orthorhombic struvite-type compounds[8–13].It should be noted that in the far infrared spectra of the com-pound with highest deuterium content(Fig.10),bands from D2O Fig.9.Fourier transform Raman spectra of hexagonal MgCsPO4Á6H2O(hP50)recorded at RT(lower curve)at LNT(upper curve)in the region of the HOH externaland PO4internalvibrations.Fig.8.Infrared spectra of partially deuterated analogues of hexagonal MgC-sPO4Á6H2O(hP50)recorded at LNT in the region of the HOH external and PO4internal vibrations(the content of deuterium increases from bottom totop).Fig.10.Far-infrared spectra of hexagonal MgCsPO4Á6H2O(hP50)recorded at LNT(the content of deuterium increases from bottom totop).Fig.11.Fourier transform Raman spectra of partially deuterated analogues ofhexagonal MgCsPO4Á6H2O(hP50)recorded at LNT in the region of the HOH and PO4external vibrations(the content of deuterium increases from bottom to top).V.Stefov et al./Journal of Molecular Structure924–926(2009)100–106105librations(related to the intense one found at551cmÀ1in the spectrum of the protiated analogue)can not be observed.Conse-quently,the551cmÀ1band in the infrared spectra of the protiated analogue can not be assigned to H2O librations.For an explanation and clarification of this rather unexpected behaviour,further quan-tum mechanical calculations should be made.However,it seems undeniable that the vibrations of the phosphate ions and those of the water molecules(excluding,of course,the stretching OH vibra-tions)are mixed.In the region of the m2(PO4)vibrations,of the IR and Raman spectra of the studied compounds,weak and temperature-sensi-tive bands are observed between470and430cmÀ1(Figs.7and 9).On increasing the deuterium content in the partially deuterated analogues,these bands change their shape and intensity and shift to slightly lower frequencies(Figs.8and11).As in the case of the studied orthorhombic struvite type compounds[8–13],this behav-iour implies that vibrations giving rise to these bands are not pure but coupled.AcknowledgementsThefinancial support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Macedonia and of the National Science Fund of Republic of Bulgaria is gratefully acknowledged.References[1]B.Šoptrajanov,G.Jovanovski,V.Stefov,I.Kuzmanovski,Phosphorus Sulfur111(1996)9.[2]M.Kuzmanovski, B.Trpkovska,V.Šoptrajanov,Stefov.Vibr.Spectrosc.19(1999)249.[3]B.Šoptrajanov,V.Stefov,I.Kuzmanovski,G.Jovanovski,J.Mol.Struct.482(1999)103.[4]B.Šoptrajanov,I.Kuzmanovski,V.Stefov,G.Jovanovski,Spectrosc.Lett.32(1999)703.[5]B.Šoptrajanov,V.Stefov,I.Kuzmanovski,G.Jovanovski,H.D.Lutz,B.Engelen,J.Mol.Struct.613(2002)7.[6]V.Koleva,V.Stefov,A.Cahil,M.Najdoski,B.Šoptrajanov,B.Engelen,H.D.Lutz,J.Mol.Struct.917(2009)117.[7]V.Koleva,V.Stefov,A.Cahil,M.Najdoski,B.Šoptrajanov,B.Engelen,H.D.Lutz,J.Mol.Struct.919(2009)164.[8]V.Stefov,B.Šoptrajanov,F.Spirovski,I.Kuzmanovski,H.D.Lutz,B.Engelen,J.Mol.Struct.689(2004)1.[9]B.Šoptrajanov,V.Stefov,H.D.Lutz,B.Engelen,in:E.Faulques,D.Perry,A.Yeremenko(Eds.),NATO Science Volume:Spectroscopy of Emerging Materials, 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近红外光谱法英文Near-Infrared SpectroscopyNear-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is a powerful analytical technique that has gained widespread recognition in various scientific and industrial fields. This non-invasive method utilizes the near-infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum, typically ranging from 700 to 2500 nanometers (nm), to obtain valuable information about the chemical and physical properties of materials. The versatility of NIRS has led to its application in a diverse array of industries, including agriculture, pharmaceuticals, food processing, and environmental monitoring.One of the primary advantages of NIRS is its ability to provide rapid and accurate analysis without the need for extensive sample preparation. Unlike traditional analytical methods, which often require complex sample extraction and processing, NIRS can analyze samples in their natural state, allowing for real-time monitoring and decision-making. This efficiency and non-destructive nature make NIRS an attractive choice for applications where speed and preservation of sample integrity are crucial.In the field of agriculture, NIRS has become an invaluable tool for the assessment of crop quality and the optimization of farming practices. By analyzing the near-infrared spectra of plant materials, researchers can determine the content of various nutrients, such as protein, carbohydrates, and moisture, as well as the presence of contaminants or adulterants. This information can be used to guide precision farming techniques, optimize fertilizer application, and ensure the quality and safety of agricultural products.The pharmaceutical industry has also embraced the use of NIRS for a wide range of applications. In drug development, NIRS can be used to monitor the manufacturing process, ensuring the consistent quality and purity of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and finished products. Additionally, NIRS can be employed in the analysis of tablet coatings, the detection of counterfeit drugs, and the evaluation of drug stability during storage.The food processing industry has been another significant beneficiary of NIRS technology. By analyzing the near-infrared spectra of food samples, manufacturers can assess parameters such as fat, protein, and moisture content, as well as the presence of adulterants or contaminants. This information is crucial for ensuring product quality, optimizing production processes, and meeting regulatory standards. NIRS has been particularly useful in the analysis of dairy products, grains, and meat, where rapid and non-destructive testing is highly desirable.In the field of environmental monitoring, NIRS has found applications in the analysis of soil and water samples. By examining the near-infrared spectra of these materials, researchers can obtain information about the presence and concentration of various organic and inorganic compounds, including pollutants, nutrients, and heavy metals. This knowledge can be used to inform decision-making in areas such as soil management, water treatment, and environmental remediation.The success of NIRS in these diverse applications can be attributed to several key factors. Firstly, the near-infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum is sensitive to a wide range of molecular vibrations, allowing for the detection and quantification of a variety of chemical compounds. Additionally, the ability of NIRS to analyze samples non-destructively and with minimal sample preparation has made it an attractive choice for in-situ and real-time monitoring applications.Furthermore, the development of advanced data analysis techniques, such as multivariate analysis and chemometrics, has significantly enhanced the capabilities of NIRS. These methods enable the extraction of meaningful information from the complex near-infrared spectra, allowing for the accurate prediction of sample propertiesand the identification of subtle chemical and physical changes.As technology continues to evolve, the future of NIRS looks increasingly promising. Advancements in sensor design, data processing algorithms, and portable instrumentation are expected to expand the reach of this analytical technique, making it more accessible and applicable across a wider range of industries and research fields.In conclusion, near-infrared spectroscopy is a versatile and powerful analytical tool that has transformed the way we approach various scientific and industrial challenges. Its ability to provide rapid, non-invasive, and accurate analysis has made it an indispensable technology in fields ranging from agriculture and pharmaceuticals to food processing and environmental monitoring. As the field of NIRS continues to evolve, it is poised to play an increasingly crucial role in driving innovation and advancing our understanding of the world around us.。

Raman spectroscopy as a versatile tool for studying the properties of graphene

Raman spectroscopy as a versatile tool for studying the properties of graphene

Graphene is the two-dimensional building block for sp 2 carbon allotropes of every other dimensionality. It can be stacked into three-dimensional graphite, rolled into one-dimensional nanotubes, or wrapped into zero-dimensional fuller-enes. It is at the centre of an ever-expanding research area 1–5. Near-ballistic transport and high mobility make it an ideal mate-rial for nanoelectronics, especially for high-frequency applica-tions 6. Furthermore, its optical and mechanical properties are ideal for micro- and nanomechanical systems, thin-film transis-tors, transparent and conductive composites and electrodes, flex-ible and printable (opto)electronics, and photonics 2–4,7,8.An ideal characterization tool should be fast and non-destruc-tive, offer high resolution, give structural and electronic informa-tion, and be applicable at both laboratory and mass-production scales. Raman spectroscopy 9,10 fulfils all these requirements. The Raman spectrum of graphite was first recorded more than 40 years ago 11 and, by the time the Raman spectrum of graphene was first measured in 200612, Raman spectroscopy had become one of the most popular techniques for the characterization of disordered and amorphous carbons, fullerenes, nanotubes, diamonds, carbon chains and polyconjugated molecules 13. Raman techniques are particularly useful for graphene 14 because the absence of a band-gap makes all wavelengths of incident radiation resonant, thus the Raman spectrum contains information about both atomic structure and electronic properties. Resonance could also be reached by ultraviolet excitation 15,16, either with the M-point Van Hove singularity or in the case of bandgap opening, such as in fluorinated graphene.The number of graphene layers (N ) in a sample can be deter-mined by elastic light scattering (Rayleigh) spectroscopy 17,18, but this approach only works for exfoliated samples on optimized substrates and does not provide other structural or electronic information. Raman spectroscopy, on the other hand, works for all graphene samples 12,14. Moreover, it is able to identify unwanted by-products, structural damage, functional groups and chemical modifications introduced during the preparation, processing or placement of graphene 5. As a result, a Raman spectrum is invalu-able for quality control, and for comparing samples used by differ-ent research groups.Raman spectroscopy as a versatile tool for studying the properties of grapheneAndrea C. Ferrari 1* and Denis M. Basko 2Raman spectroscopy is an integral part of graphene research. It is used to determine the number and orientation of layers, the quality and types of edge, and the effects of perturbations, such as electric and magnetic fields, strain, doping, disorder and functional groups. This, in turn, provides insight into all sp 2-bonded carbon allotropes, because graphene is their fundamental building block. Here we review the state of the art, future directions and open questions in Raman spectroscopy of graphene. We describe essential physical processes whose importance has only recently been recognized, such as the various types of resonanc e at play, and the role of quantum interferenc e. We update all basic c onc epts and notations, and propose a terminology that is able to describe any result in literature. We finally highlight the potential of Raman spectroscopy for layered materials other than graphene.The toll for the simplicity of Raman measurements is paid when it comes to data interpretation. The spectra of all carbon-based materials show only a few prominent features, regardless of the final structure 13. However, the shapes, intensities and posi-tions of these peaks give a considerable amount of information, often comparable to that obtained by competing techniques that are more complicated and destructive 13. For example, Raman spectroscopy can distinguish between a hard amorphous carbon, a metallic nanotube or a doped graphene sample 14.In the past six years, there has been a significant step forward in the understanding of Raman spectroscopy in graphene, fuelled by new results on doping 19–27, edges 28–33, strain and stress 34–40, disorder 14,33,41–43, oxidation 44, hydrogenation 45, chemical func-tionalization 46, electrical mobility 47,48, thermal conductivity 49,50, electron–phonon 41,50–55 and electron–electron 51,53,54,56,57 interac-tions, magnetic field 58–67 and interlayer coupling 68–72. As a result, the understanding of the basic Raman processes has changed. Raman scattering on phonons is to a large extent determined by electrons: how they move, interfere and scatter. Thus, any varia-tion of electronic properties due to defects, edges, doping or mag-netic fields affects positions, widths and intensities of the Raman peaks, enabling one to probe electrons via phonons. Quantum interference effects 20,52,73 play a key role, and they can also be investigated by this technique.Here we review these new developments, and incorporate them into a general framework for Raman spectroscopy in gra-phene based on a unified and self-consistent terminology. We introduce the basic physics of Raman spectroscopy in graphene, and discuss the effects of edges, layers, defects and disorder, and perturbations. We outline the history of the field, interference 74,75 and surface-enhanced 76 Raman scattering in the Supplementary Information (Sections S4, S2 and S3, respectively), along with the effects of polarization (Supplementary Section S5), elec-tric fields and doping (Supplementary Section S6), magnetic field (Supplementary Section S7), uniaxial and biaxial strain (Supplementary Section S8), temperature (Supplementary Section S9), isotopes (Supplementary Section S10) and other examples (Supplementary Section S11). The key difference between our framework and those published previously 77–79 is1Cambridge Graphene Centre, Cambridge University, 9 JJ Thomson Avenue, Cambridge CB3 OFA, UK, 2Université Grenoble 1 and CNRS, LPMMC UMR 5493, Grenoble, France. *e-mail: acf26@that we start from the general picture of the Raman process, and show how the numerous observed effects naturally arise from it. This approach creates a unified view of Raman scattering, thereby enabling the observed effects to be better understood and, hope-fully, to anticipate new ones.The Raman spectrum of grapheneTo understand the state of the art in Raman spectroscopy of graphene it is important to know the historical development of the main ideas, nomenclature and peak assignments starting from graphite. We give a detailed overview in Supplementary Section S4, where we also introduce some background concepts, such as Kohn anomalies 80. Here we summarize the nomenclature and current understanding of the main peaks.Throughout this Review we will use the notation I for peak height, A for peak area, Pos for peak position, FWHM for the full-width at half-maximum and Disp for peak dispersion (that is, the rate of shift in peak position with changing excitation energy). So, for example, I (G) is the height of the G peak, A (G) its area, FWHM(G) the full-width at half-maximum, Pos(G) its position and Disp(G) its dispersion.The phonon dispersions of single-layer graphene (SLG) com-prise three acoustic (A) and three optical (O) branches. The modes with out-of-plane (Z) motion are considerably softer than the in-plane longitudinal (L) and transverse (T) ones. Figure 1a plots the electronic Brillouin zone of graphene, the first-phonon Brillouin zone and shows a schematic of the electronic dispersion(Dirac cones). Graphene has two atoms per unit cell, thus six nor-mal modes (two being doubly degenerate) at the Brillouin zone centre Γ (ref. 81): A 2u + B 2g + E 1u + E 2g (Fig. 1b) (ref. 82). There is one degenerate in-plane optical mode, E 2g , and one out-of-plane optical mode B 2g (ref. 81). The E 2g phonons are Raman active, whereas the B 2g phonon is neither Raman nor infrared active 81. Graphite has four atoms per unit cell. Indeed, only half the car-bons have fourth neighbours that lie directly above or below in adjacent layers. Therefore, the two atoms of the unit cell in each layer are now inequivalent. This doubles the number of optical modes, and is responsible for the infrared activity of graphite 81. All the optical modes become Davydov-doublets: The E 2g phonon generates an infrared-active E 1u phonon and a Raman-active E 2g phonon, the B 2g phonon goes into an infrared-active A 2u phonon and an inactive B 2g phonon. The antisymmetric combinations of the acoustic modes are the optically inactive B 2g phonons and the Raman active E 2g modes. The symmetric combinations of the acoustic modes remain A 2u and E 1u (ref. 81). Thus, for graphite 81–83 Γ = 2(A 2u + B 2g + E 1u + E 2g ) (Fig. 1b). There are now two Raman active E 2g modes, each doubly degenerate.The Raman spectrum of SLG consists of distinct bands 12 (Fig. 1e). Figure 1d plots the optical phonon dispersions of SLG, relevant for the interpretation of the Raman spectra 54,80,84. The G peak corresponds to the high-frequency E 2g phonon at Γ. The D peak is due to the breathing modes of six-atom rings (Fig. 1c) and requires a defect for its activation 11,15,85. It comes from TO phon-ons around the Brillouin zone corner K(refs 11,15), it is active bybRIRIRRc20304050Raman shift (cm −1)8LG6–7LG5LG 4LG 3LG 2LG CC G 1,5841,5811,5784441383532290.0 0.2 0.41/Layer numberR a m a n s h i f t (c m −1)I n t e n s i t y (a .u .)fExcitation energy (eV)D -p e a k p o s i t i o n (c m −1)geRaman shift (cm −1)F r e q u e n c y (c m −1)d Energy (meV)E FππΓΓΓΓΓaΓEK’KK E 1uE 2g E 1uA 2uB 2gA 2uB 2gA 2uB 2gE 2gE 1uE 2gFigure 1 | Electrons, phonons and Raman spectrum of graphene. a , Electronic Brillouin zones of graphene (black hexagons), the first-phonon Brillouin zone (red rhombus) and schematic of electronic dispersion (Dirac cones). The phonon wave vectors connecting electronic states in different valleys are labelled in red. b , Γ-point phonon-displacement pattern for graphene and graphite. Empty and filled circles represent inequivalent carbon atoms. Red arrows show atom displacements. Grey arrows show how each phonon mode in graphene gives rise to two phonon modes of graphite. Their labelling shows Raman-active (R), infrared-active (IR) and inactive (unlabelled) modes. c , Atom displacements (red arrows) for the A 1g mode at K. d , The black curves represent the dispersion of in-plane phonon modes in graphene in the energy and frequency range relevant for Raman scattering. The red lines represent Kohn anomalies 80. The symbols are data taken from refs 54,84. e , Raman spectra of pristine (top) and defected (bottom) graphene. The main peaks are labelled. f , C peak as a function of number of layers (left). Fitted C- and G -peak position as a function of inversenumber of layers (right). The line passing through the C-peak data is from equation (1). Flakes with N layers are indicated by N LG. Thus, for example, 2LG is BLG (bilayer graphene), and 8LG is 8-layer graphene. g , D-peak position as a function of excitation energy, data from ref. 87.DOI: 10.1038/NNANO.2013.46double resonance 85,86, and is strongly dispersive with excitation energy 87 (Fig. 1g), due to a Kohn anomaly at K (ref. 80). Double resonance can also happen as an intravalley process, that is, con-necting two points belonging to the same cone around K (or K ʹ). This gives the so-called Dʹ peak. The 2D peak is the D-peak over-tone, and the 2Dʹ peak is the Dʹ overtone. Because the 2D and 2Dʹ peaks originate from a process where momentum conservation is satisfied by two phonons with opposite wave vectors, no defects are required for their activation, and are thus always present 12,88.The band at ~2,450 cm −1 in Fig. 1e was first reported in graph-ite by Nemanich and Solin 89. Its interpretation was subject to debate, as discussed in Supplementary Section S4. It is assigned a combination of a D phonon and a phonon belonging to the LA branch, seen at ~1,100 cm –1 in defected samples when meas-ured with visible light, and called Dʹʹ peak 55,90–93, it is indicated as D + Dʹʹ in Fig. 1e.The Raman spectrum of graphite and multilayer graphene consists of two fundamentally different sets of peaks. Those, such as D, G, 2D and so on, present also in SLG, and due to in-plane vibrations 12–14, and others, such as the shear (C) modes 68 and the layer-breathing modes (LBMs)69–71, due to relative motions of the planes themselves, either perpendicular or parallel to their nor-mal. The low-frequency E 2g mode in graphite was first measured by Nemanich et al. in 197594 at ~42 cm –1. We called this mode C, because it is sensitive to the interlayer coupling 68 (Fig. 1f). The absence of the C peak would, in principle, be the most direct evi-dence of SLG. However, it is not warranted to use the absence of a peak as a characterization tool, because one can never be sure why something is absent. On the other hand, this mode scales with the number of layers, going to ~31 cm –1 for bilayer graphene 68 (BLG) (Fig. 1f). The C-peak frequency is below the notch and edge filter cut-off of many spectrometers, particularly those used for pro-duction-line monitoring. This problem was overcome recently by combining a BragGrate filter with a single monochromator 68 and, for the first time, Pos(C) was measured for an arbitrary number of graphene layers 68. This method allows the detection of similar modes in any other layered material 68,95. For Bernal stacked sam-ples, Pos(C) varies with N as 68:where α = 12.8 × 1018 N m −3 is the interlayer coupling, and μ = 7.6 × 10–27 kg Å−2 is the graphene mass per unit area 68. Layer-breathing modes can also be observed in the Raman spectra of FLGs, through their resonant overtones and combination modes in the range 80−300 cm –1 (refs 69–71). Note that, although being an in-plane mode, the 2D peak is sensitive to N because the reso-nant Raman mechanism that gives rise to it is closely linked to the details of the electronic band structure 12,14, the latter changing with N , and the layers relative orientation 96. On the other hand, the C peak and LBMs are a direct probe of N (refs 55,68–72), as the vibrations themselves are out of plane, thus directly sensitive to N . Because the fundamental LBM in bulk graphite is a silent B 1g mode at ~128 cm −1, the observation of the first-order LBM is a challenge.Raman spectroscopy can also probe the scattering of photons by electronic excitations. In pristine graphene, these have a con-tinuous structureless spectrum 97, not leading to any sharp fea-ture. However, it was realized that in a strong magnetic field, B , when the electronic spectrum consists of discrete Landau levels, the electronic inter-Landau-level excitations give rise to sharp B -dependent peaks in the Raman spectrum 60–62,98,99.Raman processes in grapheneThe understanding of Raman processes in graphite and relatedPos(C)N =materials has challenged researchers for decades. The reason is the richness of phenomena combined with the wealth of experi-mental information that must be consistently arranged to solve the jigsaw. An introduction to Raman scattering is presented in Supplementary Section S1, whereas surface-enhanced and inter-ference-enhanced Raman spectroscopy in graphene are discussed in Supplementary Sections S2 and S3.In graphene, graphite and nanotubes, Raman processes involv-ing up to six phonons can be easily measured 90–92,100,101. However, most literature reports spectra up to ~3,300 cm −1. This restricts our attention to one- and two-phonon peaks. We can also dis-tinguish between spectra measured on pristine samples (that is, ideally defect-free, undoped, unstrained and so on) and those measured on samples subject to external perturbations (such as electric and magnetic fields, strains and so on) or those with defects. We will cover external perturbations below, as well as in Supplementary Sections S6–S9. Defect-activated peaks will be discussed now together with those not requiring defects for their activation.In general, Raman scattering can be described by perturbation theory 102. An n -phonon process involves n + 1 intermediate states, and is described by an (n + 2)-order matrix element, as given by equation (S-3) in the Supplementary Information. Figure 2 plots the possible elementary steps of the Raman processes contribut-ing to each peak of graphene. According to the number of factors in the denominator of equation (S3) that vanish, the processes can be classified as double resonant (Fig. 2b–g,j,k) or triple reso-nant (Fig. 2h,i,l). Higher orders are also possible in multiphonon processes. Note that this classification is useful, but approximate (valid when the electron–hole asymmetry and the difference in energies of the two phonons are neglected). The process in Fig. 2a is not resonant.One-phonon modes in defect-free samples can be Raman active only if their symmetry is correct and their wave vector is zero (that is, they obey the fundamental Raman selection rule, see Supplementary Section S1). In graphene, only the C and G peaks satisfy these requirements. The energies of the intermediate states are given by the difference in energies of electrons in the emptyπ* and filled π bands, εk π* − εk π(where k is the electronic wave vector), with or without the phonon energy ħΩq =0 at the phonon wave vector q = 0 (where ħ is Planck’s constant). The decay rate of the intermediate states is given by the sum of the scatteringrates of the electron in the π* band, 2γk π*/ħ, and of the hole in theπ band, 2γk π/ħ. The contribution from the phonon decay is typi-cally smaller.Counterintuitively, the electronic wave vectors k mostly con-tributing to the matrix element for the G peak are not only thosefor which the excitation energies εk π* − εk πlie within an interval ~γ from ħωL or ħωL −ħΩq =0, where ħωL is the incident laser pho-ton energy. Instead, they are such that |εk π*− εk π− ħωL | can be of the order of ħωL itself, and there are strong cancellations in the sum over k (ref. 52). These cancellations correspond to destruc-tive quantum interference. In fact, this interference can be con-trolled externally. Indeed, occupations of electronic states can be changed by doping and, because transitions from an empty state or to a filled state are impossible due to Pauli blocking, doping can effectively exclude some regions of k from contributing to the matrix element (Fig. 2a). Owing to suppression of destructive interference, this leads to an increase of the G-peak intensity at high doping levels, as was predicted by Basko 52, and observed by Kalbac et al.19 and Chen et al.20.For two-phonon processes, the fundamental selection rule can be obeyed by any pair of phonons with opposite wave vectors, q ,−q . The matrix element has four contributions corresponding to processes when (i) both phonons are emitted by the electron (ee), (ii) both phonons are emitted by the hole (hh), and (iii) oneDOI: 10.1038/NNANO.2013.46phonon is emitted by the electron, and the other by the hole (eh and he). In principle, it would be expected that the two-phonon Raman spectrum be a broad band, as determined by the sum ofthe phonon frequencies Ωq α + Ω−q βfrom branches α, β for all q , with possible features from Van Hove singularities in the joint phonon density of states. However, resonance conditions favour phonon states with q coupling electronic states k , k − q , either in the same valley (that is, with q near Γ), or in different valleys (q near K ). But, it turns out that, even among these q , very few are selected by subtle effects of resonance and quantum interfer-ence 41,53. These effects are captured by the direct integration over the electron momentum, where they appear as cancellations in the sum over k , but they are more easily understood by consider-ing the Raman process in real space.Raman scattering in the real space was first studied in 1974103, and the spatial separation between the photoexcited electron and the hole in cascade multiphonon Raman scattering was analysed in 1983104. However, in the context of graphene this approach was proposed only recently 28,31,53. The real-space picture is especially useful when translational invariance is lacking due to defects or edges. It arises because of separation of two energy scales: the electronic energy ε ≈ ħωL /2 (~1 eV for visible Raman), and the energy uncertainty δε << ε. For the triple-resonant processes in Fig. 2h,i,l, δε is of the order of the broadening γ (a few tens of meV; refs 41,63,88). For double-resonant processes in Fig. 2b–g,j,k, δε is of the order of the phonon energy, that is, 0.17 or 0.20 eV for phonons near Γ or K ,K ʹ (ref. 80). From the uncertainty principle, δε determines the typical lifetime of the intermediate state, ~ħ/δε,be it real or virtual. This gives the process duration, whereas ℓ = ħv F /δε gives its spatial extent (v F ≈ 108 cm s −1 ≈ 7 eV Å ħ-1 is the Fermi velocity). For triple-resonant processes with γ = 20 meV , we have ℓ ~ ħv F /γ ≈ 35 nm; for double-resonant processes, ℓ ~ v F /Ω ≈ 3.5 nm (for ħΩ = 0.2 eV). As ℓ is much bigger thanthe electron wavelength, λ–ε = ħv F /ε ≈ 0.7 nm for ħωL = 2 eV , the electron and hole motion can be viewed in a quasi-classical man-ner, as shown in Fig. 3 for two-phonon processes. This is analo-gous to the geometrical optics approximation for electromagnetic waves, with electronic trajectories corresponding to light rays. The quasi-classical picture arises when calculating the Raman matrix elements in the coordinate representation 28. It does not require real e ,h populations, as it is a property of wavefunctions.From the real-space picture it is seen that those q that cor-respond to e and h scattered backwards (otherwise e and h will not meet in the same point) contribute the most to two-phonon processes. The backscattering condition, corresponding to rever-sal of the group velocity direction, agrees with the nesting condi-tion described by Venezuela et al.41, and was mentioned as early as 1974105. In particular, this eliminates the contribution from two phonons with q = 0, which would correspond, for example, to the G-peak overtone, explaining why the 2G peak is not seen in the Raman spectrum (unfortunately many works still mistak-enly name the 2Dʹ peak as 2G ). Also, the ee and hh processes, where one of the carriers has to travel for longer than the other, are in conflict with the requirement that they travel for the same time (this would not be the case if e and h had strongly differ-ent velocities). Strictly speaking, such processes, prohibited inDfD’g2D’h2D, D + D’’i2D, D + D’’j2D, D+ D’’kD + D’lGaD’b D’cDdDeFigure 2 | Raman processes. Electron dispersion (solid black lines), occupied states (shaded areas), interband transitions neglecting the photon momentum, accompanied by photon absorption (blue arrows) and emission (red arrows), intraband transitions accompanied by phonon emission (dashed arrows), electron scattering on a defect (horizontal dotted arrows). a , One-phonon processes responsible for the G peak, which interfere destructively. Some processes can be eliminated by doping, such as the one that is crossed out. b –g , In the presence of defects, the phonon wave vector need not be zero, producing the D ’ peak for intravalley scattering (b ,c ), and D peak for intervalley scattering (d –g ). Besides the eh or he processes, where the electron and the hole participate in one act of scattering each (b –e ), there are contributions (ee, hh) where only the electron (f ) or the hole (g ) are scattered. h –k , For two-phonon scattering, momentum can be conserved by emitting two phonons with opposite wave vectors, producing the 2D’ peak for intravalley scattering (h ) and the 2D, D + D” peaks for intervalley scattering (i –k ). The ee and hh processes are shown in j ,k . l , With defects, one intravalley and one intervalley phonon can be emitted, producing the D + D’ peak. The processes (f ,g ,j ,k ) give a small contribution, as indicated by the orange peak labels.DOI: 10.1038/NNANO.2013.46the classical picture (corresponding to δε/ε → 0), are allowed in the full quantum picture, but are weaker than the dominant contribution. Note that the G peak is also classically forbidden (e and h cannot meet at the same point). Thus, one may wonder why it produces a noticeable feature, while classically forbidden processes in two-phonon scattering are not seen. One reason is that two-phonon processes contain a higher power of the small electron–phonon coupling (EPC); another is that the G peak is narrow (a few cm –1), whereas the two-phonon bands are spread over hundreds of cm –1.In samples with defects the overall momentum conservation can be satisfied by adding an electron-defect scattering event to the process. We can thus have (i) one-phonon defect-assisted pro-cesses, producing the D, Dʹ, Dʹʹ and other smaller peaks, and (ii) two-phonon defect-assisted processes, such as those leading to the D + Dʹ peak. For one-phonon defect-assisted processes the matrix element has the same form as two-phonon defect-free processes. It is sufficient to replace the electron–phonon Hamiltonian by the electron-defect Hamiltonian, and set the frequency of the second phonon to zero. For the two-phonon defect-assisted processes the situation is quite different. The explicit formula for the matrix element contains 48 terms, each having five matrix elements in the numerator and a product of four factors in the denominator. Figure 3a(iv) shows that for the D + Dʹ peak there is no backscat-tering restriction, so the phonon momenta (counted from K and Γ) can be between 0 and ωL /(2v F ). Thus, the D + Dʹ peak is much broader than the 2D or 2Dʹ peaks, because in the latter the mag-nitude of the phonon momentum is fixed by the backscattering condition, and Pos(D + Dʹ) ≠ Pos(D) + Pos(Dʹ). Unfortunately, the D + Dʹ peak is often labelled as D + G in literature, due to the lack of understanding of this activation mechanism.These simple considerations can explain the peaks’ disper-sions. For example, in the 2D process (Fig. 2i) the photon creates e and h with momenta p and −p , counted from the Dirac points. These then emit phonons with momenta ħq = p − p ʹ and −ħq (counted from the K point). In the Dirac approximation for theelectronic dispersion, επ*K+p /ħ = −επK+p /ħ = v F |p |, and assuming iso-tropic phonon dispersions around K , the magnitudes of p and p ʹ before and after phonon emission are fixed by the resonancecondition: 2v F p = ħωL , 2v F p ʹ = ħωL − 2ħΩq TO. The backscattering condition (Fig. 3a) fixes the relative orientation of p ,p ʹ (that is, opposite directions), thus the magnitude of q :(2)Neglecting Ωq TO, we estimate Disp(2D) as:(3)where νq TO ≡ d Ωq TO/d q is the TO phonon group velocity. AsdPos(2D)/d ωL ≈ 100 cm –1 eV -1 (ref. 106), we obtain νq TO≈ 0.006v F . A similar argument holds for the D + Dʹʹ peak, whose experimen-tally observed Disp(D + Dʹʹ) ≈ −20 cm –1 eV -1, is determined as νq TO /v F + νq LA /v F (the LA phonon has a negative slope as the wave vector moves away from the K point)55,107.An understanding of the main contributions to the widths of the Raman peaks in the spectra of graphene has recently been achieved. Besides the anharmonic and EPC contributions, whichq =ħp + p '=2νF ωL +2νF ωL 2ΩqTODisp(2D)=dωL d Pos(2D)=dq dΩq TO dωL dq ≈22νF νqTOabFigure 3 | Real-space Raman processes. The excitation photon promotes an electron with momentum p = ħk from π to π*, thereby creating a hole inthe π band with momentum −p , and energy −εk π, shown by the lightning. This process is assumed to take place in a given point in space. e and h thenmove along classical trajectories, in directions determined by their group velocities, v k e = ∂εk π*/∂(ħk), v k h = ∂εk π/∂(ħk), as shown by the black arrows. At some point, they emit phonons (green wavy lines) or scatter on defects (black dots) or edges (hatched zones). To recombine radiatively and produce the scattered photon (flash), e and h must meet with opposite momenta k ′,−k ′ at the same point in space, after having travelled for the same amount of time. a , Trajectories for two-phonon processes. (i) Trajectory for which radiative recombination is impossible, even though momentum is conserved, because e and h cannot meet at the same point to recombine. (ii) Trajectory corresponding to an ee process, incompatible with the requirement that e and h travel for the same amount of time. (iii) Trajectory corresponding to 2D, 2D ′. On phonon emission, e and h must be back-scattered. (iv) Trajectory corresponding to D + D ′. b , Scattering at edges. (i) Zigzag edge. (ii) Armchair edge. (iii) Equi-energy contours for electronic states involved in the D peak. n Z and n A indicate directions normal to zigzag and armchair edges, respectively. (iv) Trajectory not contributing to D, as e and h cannot meet after scattering.DOI: 10.1038/NNANO.2013.46。



• 主要部件 激光源:汞电弧灯和激光器——提供光源 激光源:汞电弧灯和激光器——提供光源 • 目前使用的主要有4种激光,其波长分别为 目前使用的主要有4 782.0、632.8、514.5和488.0nm,常用气体 782.0、632.8、514.5和488.0nm,常用气体 产生的激光波长见P263表 产生的激光波长见P263表7-3。 CCD:与拉曼微探针和计算机、摄象机连接, CCD:与拉曼微探针和计算机、摄象机连接, 用来检测拉曼散射光的光谱。 “陷波”滤波器 • 确定完全排除相对较强的瑞利散射。 衍射光栅:把散射光按光谱波长排列 • 样品的制备 可测固、液、气体样品,,对固体粉末,不需要 压片,也可以是固体块状样品
红外光谱:基团; 红外光谱:基团; 拉曼光谱:分子骨架测定; 拉曼光谱:分子骨架测定;
Raman and Infrared Spectra of H-C≡C-H H-C≡CAsymmetric C-H Stretch
Symmetric C-H Stretch C≡C Stretch
1928年,印度物理学家C. Raman发现光 1928年,印度物理学家C. V. Raman发现光 通过透明溶液时,有一部分光被散射,其 频率与入射光不同,频率位移与发生散射 的分子结构有关。这种散射称为拉曼散射, 频率位移称为拉曼位移。
当一束单色光照射到物质表面时,一部分入射光透过 物质,一部分在物质界面上产生反射,此外还会在物 质的不同方向上出现十分微弱的散射光,散射光中大 部分是与激光波长相同的弹性散射光(瑞利散射), 还有比激发光波长长的称为斯托克斯线,比激发光波 长短的叫反斯托克斯线,这种现象称为拉曼散射效应。 拉曼散射是由入射光和物质内原子分子的运动(转动, 振动)相互作用造成的,拉曼散射造成的频移一般在 数十至数千波数(cm 数十至数千波数(cm-1)之间,由被测物质的拉曼光谱 即可知道物质内部分子、原子的振动情况,各种物质 有各自特征的拉曼光谱。



表面增强拉曼光谱英文全文共四篇示例,供读者参考第一篇示例:IntroductionSurface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) has emerged as a powerful technique for sensitive and selective detection of molecules at low concentrations. The enhancement of Raman signals is achieved by the interaction of analyte molecules with nanostructured metal surfaces, leading to an increase in the Raman scattering cross-section by several orders of magnitude. As a result, SERS has found applications in a diverse range of fields, including analytical chemistry, biochemistry, materials science, and environmental monitoring.第二篇示例:Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) is a powerful technique that allows for the sensitive detection and identification of molecules at very low concentrations. The enhancement in Raman signals arises from the interaction between the molecules of interest and the plasmonic nanoparticles on the surface. This interaction leads to an increasein the intensity of Raman scattering by many orders of magnitude, making it possible to detect molecules at concentrations as low as a single molecule.第三篇示例:Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) is a powerful analytical technique that combines the chemical specificity of Raman spectroscopy with the high sensitivity provided by plasmonic nanostructures. This technique has been widely utilized in various fields such as material science, environmental monitoring, pharmaceutical analysis, and biological research. In this article, we will discuss the principles, applications, and recent advances in surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy.Principles of Surface-enhanced Raman Spectroscopy第四篇示例:SERS relies on the phenomenon known as surface plasmon resonance (SPR), which occurs when incident light interacts with metallic nanostructures. When the frequency of the incident light matches the natural frequency of the conduction electrons in the metal, collective oscillations called surface plasmons are generated at the metal surface. These surface plasmons can enhance the electromagnetic field near the metal surface,leading to an increase in the Raman scattering cross-section of molecules in close proximity to the metal surface.。



拉曼光谱(Raman spectra),是一种散射光谱。




当受到入射光照射时,激发光与此分子的作用引起的极化可以看作为虚的吸收,表述为电子跃迁到虚态(Virtual state),虚能级上的电子立即跃迁到下能级而发光,即为散射光。




附加频率值与振动能级有关的称作大拉曼位移,与同一振动能级内的转动能级有关的称作小拉曼位移:大拉曼位移:(为振动能级带频率)小拉曼位移:(其中B为转动常数)简单推导小拉曼位移:利用转动常数拉曼散射光谱具有以下明显的特征:a.拉曼散射谱线的波数虽然随入射光的波数而不同,但对同一样品,同一拉曼谱线的位移与入射光的波长无关,只和样品的振动转动能级有关;b. 在以波数为变量的拉曼光谱图上,斯托克斯线和反斯托克斯线对称地分布在瑞利散射线两侧, 这是由于在上述两种情况下分别相应于得到或失去了一个振动量子的能量。

c. 一般情况下,斯托克斯线比反斯托克斯线的强度大。




1928~1940年,受到广泛的重视,曾是研究分子结构的主要手段。 这是因为可见光分光技术和照相感光技术已经发展起来的缘故;
1940~1960年,拉曼光谱的地位一落千丈。主要是因为拉曼效应太 弱(约为入射光强的10-6),并要求被测样品的体积必须足够大、 无色、无尘埃、无荧光等等。所以到40年代中期,红外技术的进步和 商品化更使拉曼光谱的应用一度衰落;
入射光 分子
光散射 - 拉曼
散射光中的1010光子之一是非弹性散射(拉曼 )
入射光 分子
principle of Raman spectroscopy
在激光拉曼光谱中,完全自由取向的分子所散射的光 也可能是偏振的,因此一般在拉曼光谱中用退偏振比 (或称去偏振度)ρ表征分子对称性振动模式的高低。
I //
I∥和I⊥—3—的分别谱代带表称与为激偏光振电矢谱量带平,行表和示垂分直的子谱有线较的高强的度 对称振4 动模式 。
3 的谱带称为退偏振谱带,表示分子对称振 动模式4 较低。
Raman shift (cm-1)
不同复印机墨的 拉曼光谱比对
In t
400 Sun Dec 28 11:53:18 2008 (GMT+08:00)
350 300
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Vibrational Spectroscopy 68(2013)122–128Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirectVibrationalSpectroscopyj o u r n a l h o m e p a g e :w w w .e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /v i b s p ecInfrared and Raman spectra of magnesium ammonium phosphate hexahydrate (struvite )and its isomorphous analogues.IX:Spectra of protiated and partially deuterated cubic magnesium caesium phosphate hexahydrateV.Stefov a ,∗,Z.Abdija a ,b ,M.Najdoski a ,V.Koleva c ,V.M.Petruˇs evski a ,T.Runˇc evski d ,R.E.Dinnebier d ,B.ˇSoptrajanova ,e aInstitute of Chemistry,Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics,Ss.Cyril and Methodius University,P.O.Box 162,1001Skopje,MacedoniabFaculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics,State University of Tetovo,Tetovo,Macedonia cInstitute of General and Inorganic Chemistry,Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,1113Sofia,Bulgaria dMax Planck Institute for Solid State Research,Stuttgart,Germany eMacedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts,Skopje,Macedoniaa r t i c l ei n f oArticle history:Received 3April 2013Received in revised form 12June 2013Accepted 14June 2013Available online 24June 2013Keywords:Caesium magnesium phosphate hexahydrate CubicInfrared spectra Raman spectraX-ray powder diffractiona b s t r a c tInfrared and Raman spectra of cubic magnesium caesium phosphate hexahydrate,MgCsPO 4·6H 2O (cF100),and its partially deuterated analogues were analyzed and compared to the previously studied spectra of the hexagonal analogue,MgCsPO 4·6H 2O (hP50).The vibrational spectra of the cubic and hexagonal dimorphic analogues are similar,especially in the regions of HOH stretching and bending vibrations.In the difference IR spectrum of the slightly deuterated analogue (<5%D),one distinctive band appears at 2260cm −1with a small shoulder at around 2170cm −1,but only one band is expected in the region of the OD stretchings of isotopically isolated HDO molecules.The small weak band could possibly result from second-order transitions (a combination of HDO bending and some libration of the same species)rather than statistical disorder of the water molecules.By comparing the IR spectra in the region of external vibrations of water molecules of the protiated compound recorded at RT (room temperature)and at LNT (liquid nitrogen temperature)and those in the series of the partially deuterated analogues,it can be stated with certainty that the bands at 924and 817cm −1result from librations of water molecules,rocking and wagging respectively.And the band at 429cm −1can be safely attributed to a stretching Mg–O w mode.In the 3(PO 4)and 4(PO 4)region in the infrared spectra,one band in each is observed,at 995and 559cm −1,respectively.In the region of the 1modes,in the Raman spectrum of the protiated compound,one very intense band was observed at 930cm −1which is only insignificantly shifted to 929cm −1in the spectrum of the perdeuterated compound.The band at 379cm −1in the Raman spectrum could be assigned to the 2(PO 4)modes.With respect to the phosphate ion vibrations,the comparison between the two polymorphic forms of MgCsPO 4·6H 2O and their deuterated compounds shows that 1(PO 4)and 3(PO 4)appear at lower wavenumbers in the cubic phase than in the hexagonal phase.These data are in full agreement with the lower repulsion potential at the cubic lattice sites compared with that for the hexagonal lattice sites.©2013Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionSpectroscopic studies of metal phosphates and arsenates have previously been carried out [1–9].The focus has been put on the struvite-type compounds [10–17]with the general formula M I M II PO 4·6H 2O (M I =NH 4,K,Rb,Cs,Tl;M II =Mg,Ni).All studied∗Corresponding author.Tel.:+38923249942;fax:+38923226865.E-mail (V.Stefov).compounds from this group crystallize in the orthorhombic system except the hexagonal caesium analogue,MgCsPO 4·6H 2O.The vibrational spectra of the hexagonal form of MgCsPO 4·6H 2O have been studied earlier in our laboratory [16].Recently we have managed to synthesize the cubic form of MgCsPO 4·6H 2O and,in this work,the study of the Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR)and Raman spectra of this compound (recorded at room temperature,RT,and at the boiling temperature of liquid nitro-gen,LNT)and those of the series of its deuterated analogues is carried out and is discussed in detail.Also,the diffractograms of the title compound at room and low temperature were0924-2031/$–see front matter ©2013Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved./10.1016/j.vibspec.2013.06.003V.Stefov et al./Vibrational Spectroscopy68(2013)122–128123 recorded in order to check if phase transitions occur at lowtemperatures.MgCsPO4·6H2O is dimorphic.Depending on the preparationprocedure it can crystallize either in the cubic system(cF100,spacegroup F¯43m i.e.T2d)with Z=4[18]or in the hexagonal system(hP50,space group P63mc i.e.C46v )with Z=2[19,20].Therefore,thestudied compound is not,strictly speaking,isomorphous to stru-vite(MgNH4PO4·6H2O)as is implied by the general title of the present series of papers,although both dimorphic entities by their structural features belong to struvite-type compounds.The crystal structure of the title compound has been determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction[18].It crystallizes in the cubic system(space group F¯43m),with Z=4and thus it is isostructural with MgCsAsO4·6H2O and FeCsPO4·6H2O[21,22].The Cs+,Mg2+ and PO43−ions in the unit cell lie on positions with T d symme-try,while the water molecules occupy C2v positions.All entities in the structure are of one crystallographic type.The Mg2+ions are at the centre of regular octahedra formed by the water oxygen atoms(O1)with a Mg–O1distance of206.5pm.Every[Mg(H2O)6]2+ cation is tetrahedrally surrounded by four regular PO43−anions and vice versa,every PO43−is connected to four neighbouring [Mg(H2O)6]2+cations by three“face-to-face”hydrogen bonds to the water molecules.Each phosphate oxygen atom(O2)is accep-tor of three hydrogen bonds from three water molecules belonging to three neighbouring[Mg(H2O)6]2+cations,thus forming a three-dimensional framework.The Cs+cations are located in the voids of this arrangement and exhibit a regular cuboctahedral coordina-tion of12H2O belonging to four[Mg(H2O)6]2+cations.There are twelve hydrogen bonds per formula unit,all of a single crystallo-graphic type,O1···O2with a length of264.9pm(strong hydrogen bonds).What makes this system special and interesting for study is the fact that both water molecules and phosphate ions retain their highest molecular symmetry in the structure.Regarding the phosphate ions,the site symmetry of which is T d,it is worth men-tioning that the point group,which is isomorphous to the factor group of the space group(also known as a unit cell symmetry group),has T d symmetry,too.This structural peculiarity,i.e.the retaining of the highest symmetry of both water molecules and phosphate ions,is observed very seldom,such as in this compound and its recently studied isostructural analogues MgCsAsO4·6H2O and FeCsPO4·6H2O[21,22].It urged a more detailed spectroscopic analysis of the vibrational modes of the water molecules and phos-phate ions,which was carried out very thoroughly in this study.The RT IR spectrum of the cubic form of MgCsPO4·6H2O and its anhydrous analogue has already been published[23]but,to the best of our knowledge,there are no data or studies on the Raman spectra and on the vibrational spectra recorded at low temperatures of its deuterated analogues.2.ExperimentalThe cubic form of MgCsPO4·6H2O has been synthesized employ-ing high pressure and high temperature(P=7×106Pa,T=553K) [18].In this work,a relatively simple precipitation procedure was developed.The synthesis is basically identical with the procedure by which the hexagonal analogue was synthesized[16],the only difference being that the obtained crystals were immediately sep-arated from the mother liquor after precipitation and dried at room temperature.The cubic phase is metastable at room temperature [18]and,as we established,it very quickly transforms into the hexagonal phase at prolonged staying in the mother liquor.Partially deuterated analogues were obtained employing the same general procedure,but using H2O–D2O mixtures with appropriate compo-sitions as solvents.The highest content of deuterium in the samples was achieved using pure D2O(the corresponding samples will be Table1Crystallographic and Rietveld refinement data CsMgPO4·6H2O(cF100).At273K At100K Wavelength(Å) 1.54059 1.540592Ârange(◦)2–902–90Step(◦2Â)0.01720.0172Cell setting and space group Cubic,F¯43m Cubic,F¯43m Quantitative amount100%100%a(Å)10.031(6)10.017(8)R Bragg a(%) 2.28 3.12R wp a(%) 2.52 2.72R p a(%) 1.62 1.68R exp a(%) 1.10 1.057No.of variables3838a R Bragg,R wp,R p and R exp are as defined in TOPAS4.1(Bruker AXS)[28]. referred to as perdeuterated).X-ray diffraction patterns of all syn-thesized(protiated and deuterated)compounds were recorded to confirm that they are,indeed,all cubic(meaning,that no measur-able quantities of the hexagonal phase were present).IR spectra were recorded from pressed KBr disks and from mulls, at both RT and LNT.FT-IR spectra were recorded using a Perkin-Elmer System2000infrared interferometer.Low-temperature measurements were carried out using the variable-temperature cell P/N21525(Graseby Specac).For a good signal-to-noise ratio, 64scans were collected and averaged at LNT,whereas32scans were enough at RT.The resolution of the instrument was2cm−1 in all of the performed measurements.GRAMS ANALYST2000[24] and GRAMS32[25]packages were used for spectra acquisition and management.The RT Raman spectra of the title compound and its deuter-ated analogues were recorded at RT on a LabRam300(Horiba Jobin-Yvon)micro-Raman spectrometer equipped with two lasers: He–Ne laser operating at633nm(with6mW power on the sam-ple)and a double frequency Nd:YAG laser at532nm(with5mW power at the sample).An Olympus MPlanN microscope with50×and100×magnification was used.The spectra were recorded with spectral resolution of2cm−1.Acquisition times varied between10 and40s,with15–30scans.The LabSpec package was used for spec-tra acquisition[26]and GRAMS32[24]for spectra management.X-ray powder diffraction patterns at variable temperature were recorded on a high-resolution laboratory powder diffractometer, StoeStadi-P with Dectris-MYTHEN1K strip PSD with an opening angle of12◦in2Â,in Debye–Scherrer,geometry with the samples sealed in borosilicate glass capillaries of0.5mm diameter(Hilgen-berg glass No.50).One diffraction pattern was recorded at273K, and then the temperature was lowered to a value of100K(using a cold air-blower)and a diffraction pattern was collected at this tem-perature as well.The samples were spun during measurement for better particle statistics.Experimental details are given in Table1. Data were taken in steps of0.0172◦in a2Ârange from2◦to90◦. Diffraction data were collected at temperatures of100and273K.Unconstrained and unrestrained Rietveld refinement[27]was performed using the program TOPAS4.1[28].Thefinal plots of the diffraction pattern measured at RT and LNT are given in Fig.1 and selected crystallographic and refinement data in Table1.As a starting model for the refinements,the crystal structures of the cubic forms of MgCsPO4·6H2O were used[18].The sample was shown to crystallize exclusively in the cubic polymorphic form.The refined overall parameters were:phase scale factor,background coefficients(Chebyshev polynomials),unit cell parameters,zero-error shift,and parameters for the strain contribution to the peak profile.The anisotropy of width and asymmetry of the Bragg reflec-tions was successfully modelled by applying symmetry-adapted spherical harmonics of eighth order to Gaussian,Lorentzian and124V.Stefov et al./Vibrational Spectroscopy 68(2013)122–128Fig.1.Scattered X-ray intensities of CsMgPO 4·6H 2O (cF100)as a function of diffraction angle,measured at (A)273K and (B)100K.The observed pattern measured in Debye–Scherrer geometry,the best Rietveld fit profile (line)and the difference curve between the observed and the calculated profiles (below)are shown.exponential distributions which are then convoluted with geomet-rical and instrumental contributions to the final peak profile.3.Results and discussionThe primitive unit cell of the cubic form of MgCsPO 4·6H 2O con-tains 25atoms and,thus the total number of the fundamental vibrations is 75distributed as =4A 1+A 2+5E +7F 1+13F 2,with 1F 2being due to the acoustic modes.Under the influence of the crystal field with T d symmetry the components with F 2symmetry are IR and Raman active,these with A 1and E symmetry are only Raman active,whereas A 2and F 1are non-active modes.Therefore,a low number of bands are expected in the vibrational spectra:13IR and 19Raman bands from normal modes.The FT-IR spectra of the cubic form of MgCsPO 4·6H 2O recorded at RT and at LNT and the Raman spectrum recorded at RT are given in Figs.2and 3.These spectra are similar to those obtained for the hexagonal form of MgCsPO 4·6H 2O,especially in the region of the stretching and bending HOH vibrations [16].3.1.Internal vibrations of the water moleculesAs mentioned earlier,there is one crystallographic type of water molecules in the crystal structure.The water molecule retains the high C 2v symmetry with a trigonal planar coordination [18].According to the unit cell group analysis (UCGA)in an absence of a correlation field,three IR active and three Raman active internal modes are expected.Under the influence of a correlation field,the number of the IR bands remains the same (3F 2),while the number of the Raman bands increases to seven (2A 1+2E +3F 2).Fig.2.IR spectra of the cubic form of MgCsPO 4·6H 2O recorded at RT (lower curve)and at LNT (upper curve).Two intense bands are observed in the stretching region in the vibrational spectra at around 3200and 2900cm −1(Figs.2and 3).Similarly as for the hexagonal analogue,these result from the anti-symmetric and the symmetric stretchings of the HOH molecules,lowered in wavenumber (with respect to the gas-phase HOH val-ues)due to the existence of strong hydrogen bonds in the structure of this compound.Having in mind the fact that the water molecules occupy pos-itions with C 2v symmetry,only one band is expected in the region of the OD stretchings of isotopically isolated HDO molecules.In the difference IR spectrum of the slightly deuterated analogue (<5%D),one distinctive band appears at 2260cm −1with a small weak band at around 2170cm −1(Fig.4).Since the diffractograms recorded at RT and LNT of the protiated compound are identical (see Fig.1)and correspond to the cubic form of MgCsPO 4·6H 2O,the possibil-ity for phase transitions at LNT is eliminated.In addition,to check for any phase transformation of the studied substance during the preparation of KBr discs,a disc from the pure substance was pre-pared and it was kept under pressure of 10t/cm 2(the same pressure used for KBr discs preparation)for 1min (as for preparation of KBr discs).The diffractograms of these discs corresponded to a pure cubic form of MgCsPO 4·6H 2O,which confirms that no transforma-tion occurs during preparation of KBr discs.Therefore,the small weak band at 2170cm −1could be a result of second-order transi-tions involving motions of the HDO molecules i.e.a combination of ı(HDO)and some HDO libration.Another (less likely)alterna-tive could possibly imply a slight statistical disorder of the water molecules.However,in this case the difference in the two OD stretches (2260and 2170cm −1)of the disordered HDO molecules appears to be too large (90cm −1).Moreover,the powder neutron diffraction data of the isostructural compound FeCsPO 4·6H 2OdoFig.3.Raman spectra of the cubic form of MgCsPO 4·6H 2O recorded at RT.V.Stefov et al./Vibrational Spectroscopy68(2013)122–128125Fig.4.Difference IR spectrum recorded at LNT in the region of the (OD)vibrations, obtained by subtracting the spectrum of the protiated compound(cubic form of MgCsPO4·6H2O)from the spectrum of the analogue with low deuterium content (≈5%D).not give any evidence for statistical disorder of the water molecule [22].Furthermore,the band at2170cm−1has rather low posi-tion although bands at low enough frequencies(even lower than 2100cm−1)have already been detected in the difference infrared spectra of other struvite type compounds studied in our laboratory [10–14,16].These bands have been attributed to the OD stretch-ings of isotopically isolated HDO molecules.It should be mentioned that the observation of an additional band is more pronounced in the spectrum of the slightly deuterated isomorphous arsenate ana-logue,which is currently under study in our laboratory.Otherwise, the spectra of the partially deuterated analogues in the region ofthe OH and OD stretching vibrations(Fig.5)indeed supporttheFig.5.IR spectra of partially and nearly fully deuterated analogues of the cubic form of MgCsPO4·6H2O recorded at LNT in the region of the OH and OD stretching vibrations(the content of deuterium increases from bottom to top,offset spectra arepresented).Fig.6.IR spectra recorded at LNT of the hexagonal form of MgCsPO4·6H2O(lower curve)and cubic form of MgCsPO4·6H2O(upper curve)in the region of the HOH bending vibrations.existence of symmetric water molecules in the crystal structure. Namely,as expected[29,30],in the region of the OD stretching vibrations,upon increase of the deuterium content new bands are observed that are positioned to the left and right of the band at2260cm−1.These bands result from the symmetric and anti-symmetric stretching vibrations of the D2O molecules and,in the spectrum of the perdeuterated compound(x D≈0.95),they appear at2294and2185cm−1.In the HOH bending region in the IR spectra,very similarly to the case of the hexagonal form of MgCsPO4·6H2O,one complex band appears with more distinctive maxima at around1750,1550 and1470cm−1despite the expected single band,according to the UCGA in absence of a correlationfield(Fig.6).The spectral pat-tern in this region is practically the same for both hexagonal and cubic forms of MgCsPO4·6H2O(Fig.6),regardless of the fact that in the former compound there are two crystallographically different types of water molecules(one is trigonal planar and the other is trigonal pyramidal),compared to only one type(trigonal planar) in the cubic analogue.As the coordination of the water molecules in both polymorphs is trigonal,it could be postulated that despite the structural differences(cubic vs.hexagonal),the effective force fields for the HOH bendings in both polymorphs are essentially the same.Following previous assignments for other studied struvite-type compounds[10–17],as well as for other isomorphous series (like alums[31,32],Tutton salts[33]etc.)this complex band can be attributed to second-order transitions of HOH librations,possi-bly further enhanced by interactions of the Fermi-resonance type (overtones and combinations of lower frequency modes in reso-nance withı(HOH)vibrations).Coupling with some low frequency lattice modes may also be important(like those found by Bertie and Falk[34]).3.2.External vibrations of the water moleculesAccording to the UCGA,in this region of the IR spectrum only one band from the rocking and one from the wagging modes is expected,the twisting remaining inactive due to the high site sym-metry.On the other hand,in the Raman spectra,one band from each of the three librational modes is expected.The influence of the correlationfield should not change the number of IR and Raman bands.126V.Stefov et al./Vibrational Spectroscopy68(2013)122–128Fig.7.IR spectra of the cubic form of MgCsPO4·6H2O recorded at RT(lower curve) at LNT(upper curve)in the region of the HOH external and PO4internal vibrations.Assignments of the librational modes of the water molecules have been carried out by many authors[29,30,35,36].Nevertheless, the two most useful(albeit somewhat tentative)approaches have been shown to be:(1)that relying on the different H2O/D2O and H2O/HDO isotopic shifts of the librational bands in the vibrational spectra[37,38],and(2)the one based on measuring the intensities of the librational bands of the water molecules[39,40].Thefirst one relies on the assumption that the hindered rotations of water molecules are performed around one of the three anticipated main axes of the angular momentum.It is assumed that the librating water molecules have C2v symmetry and can be treated as a rigid rotors(or rigid hindered rotors,to be more specific).The essence of the second approach is in the expectation that the wagging mode gives rise to the most intense band in the IR spectra.By comparing the IR spectra in the region of the external vibra-tions of water molecules of the protiated compound recorded at RT and at LNT(Fig.7)and those in the series of the partially deuterated analogues(Fig.8),it can be suggested with certainty that the bands at924and817cm−1result from librations of water molecules.The high frequencies of the H2O librations are in line with the exist-ence of strong hydrogen bonds[35].The assignment of the bands originating from these modes has been performed by consider-ing their shape,intensity,negative temperature coefficient and the changes in the spectra upon increase of the deuterium content. Hence,in the spectrum of the perdeuterated analogue,the bands at729and615cm−1can be with certainty attributed to librations of D2O molecules.The factors of the H2O/D2O isotopic shifts of the libration bands are equal to1.27and1.33,respectively.A closer inspection(Figs.7and8)reveals the following:tentatively,the higher-frequency band is assigned to the HOH rocking librational mode,and the lower-frequency one to the wagging libration.This working hypothesis is motivated by the lower isotopic ratio forthe Fig.8.IR spectra of partially and nearly fully deuterated analogues of the cubic form of MgCsPO4·6H2O recorded at LNT in the region of the HOH external and PO4internal vibrations(the content of deuterium increases from bottom to top,offset spectra are presented).rocking,but higher integrated intensity of the wagging mode.It is further strengthened by the possibility that the rocking mode is at highest frequency for trigonally coordinated water molecules [37].Somewhat surprisingly,no bands could be assigned to HDO librations in the IR spectra of the partially deuterated analogues. Providing this is really the case,the rocking HDO counterpart could easily remain undetected,or hidden under the intense band at 817cm−1assigned to wagging HOH libration.It should be kept in mind that for HDO molecules the form of the normal librational modes changes(there is one H motion and another,D motion, that fall at some mid-frequencies of the wag and twist HOH and DOD modes,respectively[37]).Thus,one can easily understand the absence of intermediate bands due to the HDO motions in the spectra of the partly deuterated analogues.In short:(1)the rocking HDO remains hidden under the wagging HOH mode,as mentioned above;(2)the H motion of the HDO molecules is expected to be roughly in this same region(according to the model calcula-tions of Eriksson and Lindgren[37]),and(3)the corresponding D motion of HDO should overlap with the wagging DOD mode(the above-mentioned band at615cm−1).In the Raman spectra of the protiated and partially deuterated compounds,no band with sig-nificant intensity could be observed in the region of the librational modes(Fig.9)even though a band with considerable intensity due to the twisting mode is expected[30,40].The translations of the H2O molecules are normally referred to M–O w stretching vibrations.In an absence of a correlationfield, one band in the Raman spectra is expected from the stretching Mg–O w mode.In the presence of thisfield,the Raman mode with A1symmetry could give rise to three components with A1,E and F2symmetry respectively.In the IR spectra,even under the influ-ence of the correlationfield,only one band from the (Mg–O w) modes is expected(that of F2symmetry).In the IR spectrum of the studied compound the band at429cm−1(Fig.7)can be safely attributed to a stretching Mg–O w ly,when going from the spectrum of the protiated to the spectra with increasing deu-terium content(Fig.8),this band shifts to lower frequencies and is found at422cm−1in the spectrum of the perdeuterated analogue.V.Stefov et al./Vibrational Spectroscopy68(2013)122–128127Fig.9.Raman spectra of the cubic form of MgCsPO4·6H2O(lower curve)and its almost completely deuterated analogue(upper curve)recorded at RT in the region of the HOH external and PO4internal vibrations.The appearance of:(1)a single band in this region,and(2)the low value(1.022)of the H2O/D2O isotopic shift together with(3)the fact that in the IR spectrum no band is expected from the 2(PO4) mode,supports this conclusion.On the other hand,the low value of the frequency shift(1.022)implies that the (Mg–O w)modes are not pure but probably coupled with other low frequency motions of the same symmetry.In the Raman spectrum of the protiated com-pound,the small intensive asymmetric band at458cm−1(Fig.9) can be assigned to the stretching Mg–O w modes.The correspond-ing band in the Raman spectrum of the perdeuterated analogue is observed at446cm−1.The difference in the frequencies of the cor-responding bands in the IR and Raman spectrum of the protiated compound suggests a significant influence of the correlationfield on these (Mg–O w)modes.Similarly as in the hexagonal form of MgCsPO4·6H2O[16],in the Raman spectra of the cubic analogue,in the region around400–300cm−1(Fig.9),three more bands with considerable intensity are observed that are only slightly shifted to lower frequencies upon deuteration,implying they are also related to Mg–O w modes,probably the O–M–O bendings.3.3.Vibrations of the phosphate ionsAs previously mentioned,in the structure of the studied com-pound the phosphate ions occupy positions with T d symmetry and the primitive unit cell group has T d symmetry,too.This would mean that the influence of the correlationfield on the phosphate vibra-tions is eliminated.Accordingly,one band each for 3and 4modes of the phosphate ions is expected to appear in the IR spectra(F2 symmetry)whereas four bands are expected in the Raman spectra (one for each of the 1, 2, 3and 4modes with symmetries A1,E, F2,F2,respectively).In the IR spectrum of the protiated compound and of the perdeuterated one(Fig.8),in the region of the 3modes,one band is observed at995and987cm−1,respectively.As for the hexag-onal analogue[16],the frequency decrease of the band from the 3mode in the spectrum of the perdeuterated compound can be attributed to the coupling of this vibration with some of the H2O librations(rocking or wagging).Because of close frequencies,this coupling of the 3(PO4)vibrations is more likely to happen with the libration at924cm−1,that we attributed to the rocking mode. In the Raman spectra of the protiated and mostly deuterated com-pound,in the region from1065to975cm−1,two bands with low intensity appear at1048and985cm−1,and1035and985cm−1 (Fig.9),respectively.One of these bands can be assigned to the 3mode whereas the other is most probably a combination of 1 vibrations with a low-frequency lattice mode(possibly reinforced by Fermi resonance with the 3fundamental).A very interesting phenomenon was observed in the IR spectra of the partially deuter-ated analogues(with5,25and50%D)where a splitting of the band from the 3(PO4)mode was detected.Actually an additional band at 975cm−1grows on the low-frequency side of the original 3(PO4) band and then again disappears.It can be speculated that it origi-nates from the 3(PO4)modes that are in the vicinity of HDO or D2O molecules to which the phosphate oxygens serve as proton acceptors.In this way,in the course of the H/D substitution,the ideally symmetric phosphate anions‘see’an environment,with H statistically substituted by D.This destroys the ideal T d symmetry of that very environment.The lower symmetry of the environment is back-reflected on the symmetry of the phosphate anions,which now vibrate in a forcefield that is not of T d symmetry anymore. This,naturally,induces splitting of the 3(PO4)band.As the mole ratio of D approaches1,the two bands coalesce into a single band, in a complete agreement with the expectations.In the region of the 1modes in the RT Raman spectrum of the protiated compound one very intense band was observed at 930cm−1which is only insignificantly shifted to929cm−1in the spectrum of the perdeuterated compound(Fig.9).In contrast to the hexagonal form of MgCsPO4·6H2O[16],in the IR spectrum of the perdeuterated cubic analogue,as expected,no band was observed that could be attributed to 1modes.In the region of the 4(PO4)modes in the IR spectra of the pro-tiated compound,one band appears at559cm−1,that is shifted to lower frequencies with a simultaneous decrease in intensity(Fig.8) and is found at535cm−1in the spectrum of the perdeuterated ana-logue.In this respect it completely parallels the behaviour of the corresponding band in the IR spectra of the hexagonal analogue [16]during partial deuteration.In the Raman spectra of the proti-ated and perdeuterated compound(Fig.9)these bands are observed at559and538cm−1,respectively.All thesefindings strongly sug-gest that the 4(PO4)modes are coupled to water librational modes (more efficiently in the perdeuterated samples,in which case the 4(PO4)vibrations are simply‘pushed’downwards by the DOD librational modes).The band at379cm−1in the RT Raman spectrum(Fig.9)could be assigned to the 2(PO4)modes.This band is slightly shifted to lower frequencies in the spectra of the deuterated analogue (Fig.9)suggesting that it is also not a pure phosphate vibration, but coupled with other vibrations involving protons.The other two bands with considerable intensity in the Raman spectrum of the protiated compound at306and220cm−1appear at frequencies that are too low to be attributed to 2(PO4)modes.The two are slightly sensitive to deuteration,implying some degree of mix-ing with lattice modes(most probably bending vibrations of the Mg(H2O)6skeleton).With respect to the phosphate ion vibrations the comparison between the two polymorphic forms of MgCsPO4·6H2O shows that 1and 3appear at lower wavenumbers in the cubic phase(930。
