


流程 人员
•满足企业需求的角度 制定和实施技术刚要 •提供运维使用的软件 工具 •技术培训与讲座
•满足企业需求的角度 建立与推广各流程 •服务级别协议的落实 •分级服务支持体系
•问题责任制 •IT服务成熟度测评 •用户满意度调查 •服务优化及改进
标准流程负责管控IT服务的开展状况,人员能力体现服务质量的高低,技术则保证服务 的质量和效率。这三大关键性要素的整合构成 基于IT服务管理的标准与符合客户需求及 期望的IT外包解决方案。
▪ 相同问题反复出现 ▪ 病毒、木马成“窝” ▪ 针对问题处理问题,
重装,再次重装…… ▪ 缺乏桌面的集中管理
软硬件故障不断 网络管理缺乏
▪ 临时搭建的“IT帐篷” ▪ IT认为了“能够上网的
电脑” ▪ 数据资料集中存储、
共享、备份不足 ▪ IT设备缺乏技术的应用 ▪ IT能力的缺乏
▪ 更低的运营、维护成 本
▪ 优化现有IT投资成本 ▪ 控制IT变动成本
▪ 提升服务质量 ▪ 提高技术能力 ▪ 提高可用性和性能 ▪ 提高变更及交付能力 ▪ 提高用户满意度
▪ 使IT环境能够适应不断 发展的企业需求
▪ 提高服务水平的灵活性 (人员、技术)
•满足企业需求的角度 制定和实施技术刚要 •提供实施使用的软件 工具 •技术培训与讲座
•提供用户《IT服务指 南》 •培训用户IT基础应用 •合理的预期与充分的 协作
事实上,IT系统支持工作就是技术支持人员遵循规定的业务与管理流程,运用 高效的技术向用户提供的一种服务。









贵公司的组织架构主要为北京总部、5个部门分布在不同地区,各部门通过2M 带宽与总部进行联系,这样的跨地区式分布环境正好符合了微软产品的特性。


统一软件安装和补丁管理我们则采用微软的(System Center Configuration Management 2007)SCCM2007来实现,SCCM2007不仅可以实现统一安装软件和补丁管理,还可以实现软/硬件资产清单,远程协助等功能,能够很好的帮助IT管理员统计资产信息以及当客户端出现部分小问题时,管理员可以通过远程连接的方式帮助客户端解决问题。

对于服务器而言,我们很需要一个软件能够及时的发现服务器问题所在并且能够及时的告之管理员,System Center Operation Manager 2007(SCOM2007)可以帮助我们很好的监控服务器的性能,日志以及应用,当出现问题时,SCOM可以及时通过邮件的方式通知管理员,不仅如此,我们还可以通过脚本的方式实现多种功能,比如我们曾经就在农行实现SCOM远程声音报警的功能。



XXXX IT基础架构规划方案Version 1.1.0目录1工程建设目标31.1总体目标31.2具体目标41.2.1IT基柮架构41.2.2虚拟化平台41.2.3数据库平台41.2.4信息沟通平台51.2.5企业培训通道51.2.6文档体系51.2.7企业内外门户52工程建设内容63工程实施规划73.1虚拟化平台设计73.2活动目录(AD)平台设计83.2.1活动目录(AD)概述83.2.2活动目录(AD)设计93.3文件服务器设计143.4系统补丁管理143.5邮件平台设计153.5.1邮件需求概述153.5.2邮件平台架构设计164工程服务174.1 服务概述174.2工程计划184.3任务划分194.4交付清单195建议配置205.1软件配置205.2系统配置216工程服务费用221工程建设目标1.1总体目标本方案采用基于微软的企业基础架构解决方案,企业活动目录架构其实就是一个企业目录管理服务平台。



通过AD,Exchange,Skype,SharePoint,SQL Server系统或信息工具的导入,将为XXXX建立一完善的、高效的、安全的信息化平台,为XXXX的管理及长期发展保驾护航,为高层的决策分析提供了精确而快速的数据报表,为员工的日常工作提供了统一沟通平台,提升了工作效率,减少工作失误,降低企业整体营运成本。






















第三条本规定适用于中国*股份有限公司总部的各类IT 基础架构资源。





I T基础架构(总1页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--IT基础架构一、机房系统:承载各类IT设施,保障设备正常运行和人员操作1.机柜/模块化机柜1.防静电/防雷2.电力系统/UPS3.空调/新风系统4.消防系统/监控系统5.综合布线系统二、网络系统:将多个计算机系统互联1.交换机/路由器/防火墙/中继器/网桥/网关/Modem2.无线AC/AP3.链路:网线五类、超五类、六类三、网络基础架构:三层架构1.核心层:局域网核心转发,连接服务器区、安全管控区、园区接入区。



一般一层楼放置一个四、计算机系统:信息处理和存储系统1.服务器:大型机/小型机/X86服务器2.终端:PC/笔记本/手机3.存储:磁盘/光盘/移动存储五、操作系统:管理与控制计算机系统1.z/OS,AIX,HP-UX.,Solaris2.Windows Server,Linux3.Windows 7/8/9/10,Linux4.iOS,Android,Symbian,Windows Mobile六、服务器虚拟化1.VMware Hyper-V:微软 Xen2.KVM:华三CAS OpenVZ七、基础软件系统:1.数据库:Oracle MYSQL SQLServer2.国产数据库:金仓达蒙神通3.中间件:八、安全技术1.网络安全:防火墙/IDS/IPS/审计2.主机安全:CA/防病毒/审计/HIPS3.应用安全:CA/加密/容错4.物理安全:消防/监控/空调5.数据安全:数据加密/备份。



it基础架构岗位职责it基础架构岗位职责1岗位职责:1、参与小鹏汽车技术中台的微服务平台和云平台产品建设;2、分析系统瓶颈,处理、协调和解决基础框架中出现的技术问题;3、新技术研究和应用,并推动适合的技术应用于生产;任职要求:1、计算机相关专业,本科或以a上学历,五年以上开发工作经验,有基础架构开发经验优先;2、熟练掌握corejava技术,能深入理解框架工作原理,有springboot、springcloud 实战经验者优先;3、熟悉docker容器及容器化技术,有kubernetes实战经验者优先;4、熟悉linux服务器,熟悉常用shell命令;精通jvm调优,故障排查;5、对新技术有执着追求,热爱编程。





大部 分是 服 务器 的虚拟 化 ,小部 分实 现存 储 的虚 拟 化 ,
但服务器访 问存储还是基于旧有的实现方式 ,无法实现端到 端的虚拟化 ,总体上还无法实现基础资源的统一管理。 通过在 网络架构 中采用 F o ,建设全新的统一光纤网 CE
络 架 构 ,简 化 网络结 构和 管理 。通过 在 一个 增强 型 以太 网 中
( i eC a nl vrEhre ) Fb hn e oe tent 协议 也 渐渐进 入 了用 户 的视 r
时间 内共 存 。
数 据 网络 和存储 网络融 合后 ,形 成一 个统 一 架构 ,从 服 务 器端 至存 储端 的 通道 、服 务器之 间 的通 道就 变得 简单 和 清 晰 ,再 结合 虚 拟化 技术 ,一 种全 新 的资源 管理 和调 度 方式 将 展 现在 我们 面 前 。 目前 主流 网络适 配 器厂 商都发 布 了相关 的 C A适 配器 , N
在这种方式下,基础资源池的扩容也十分简单 ,只需进 行横向扩展即可 ,而传统的数据 中心必须竖 向考虑。
近 几 年来 ,虚拟 化 、云计算 、云存 储 及绿 色 节 能 的概
基础架构作为最基本的底层结构,以一系列的物理设备 和连通介质,再根据之上的各种标准协议组建而成。T PI C/ P
协议组是众所周知 的网络通信协议组 ,世界上最大的 网络
IT R E N E N T就 是采 用 了 T PI 协 议 , T PI 底 层物 理 网 C/ P 而 C/ P 络 多数 使用 以太 网协议 , 因此 以太 网+ C / T PI P成为 I 业 中 T行 应用 最 普遍 的技 术 。 于以太 网和 T PI 对 C/ P协议 本 文就 不进行







二、IT基础设施架构设计原则1. 合理性原则IT基础设施架构设计需要结合企业实际情况,考虑企业的业务需求、业务模式、组织规模、技术水平、安全需求和投资预算等因素,以达到合理、稳定和协调的目标。

2. 可扩展性原则IT基础设施架构设计应具备充分的可扩展性,以应对企业信息化快速发展的需求,同时降低因系统扩展带来的成本和风险。

3. 稳定性原则IT基础设施架构设计要保证系统的稳定性,以确保企业业务的连续性和高效性。


4. 安全性原则IT基础设施架构设计必须充分考虑企业的安全需求,建立完善的安全管理机制和措施,确保系统的安全性,保护企业的信息安全。

5. 可管理性原则IT基础设施架构设计需要考虑管理的方便性和效率,以确保IT 基础设施的稳定和高效运转,提升IT管理水平。

三、IT基础设施优化方法1. 合理规划IT基础设施的规划是IT基础设施优化的首要工作。


2. 优化网络网络是IT基础设施中最为重要的组成部分之一,其优化效果可以促进整个IT系统的性能提升。


3. 优化存储IT基础设施中存储是至关重要的一环,其优化效果直接影响整个信息系统的可用性和性能。



Business SLAs
基于服务共享 基于规范共享
组织模型 无
共享的所有权 面向服务
IT管理流程 复杂被动的
被动/主动混合 主动地,成熟 生命周期管理 的问题管理
主动,动态 可预测
端到端 服务管理
学术界的研究成果- MIT模型
本地/功能性 优化
特定的 商业需要
面对本地 最终用户的 技术支持
非核心 商业需要
核心应用 流程整合
产品信息 客户数据
本地 客户化
IT投资分布 应用
商业核心 连结性
核心数据 可用性
数据来源:MIT Center of Information Research
理论界的研究成果- Gartner 模型
基础架构资源 共享
动态优化,满 足服务水平协

目标 对变化反应
作出变化的能力 几个月/星期
灵活性, 利用经济规模 降低成本
几个星期/天 几天/几分钟
工业化应用- 微软企业优化模型



IT基础架构知识有哪些_IT基础知识信息技术(IT)基础架构是指运行和管理企业 IT 环境所需的组件。

IT 基础架构可以部署在云计算系统中,也可以部署在企业自己的设施中。




软件软件是指企业使用的各种应用,例如 Web 服务器、内容管理系统和操作系统(如Linux®)。




IT基础架构管理IT管理是对各种 IT 资源、系统、平台、人员和环境进行协调统筹。




IT 运维管理:也称为业务流程管理,是指对经常重复、正在进行或可预测的业务流程进行建模、分析和优化的实践。

IT 自动化:创建可重复的指令和流程,以取代或减少人与 IT 系统之间的交互。




API 管理:分配、控制和分析跨企业和云连接应用与数据的应用编程接口(API)。





IBM Tivoli实现IT基础架构管理 -管理资料如今,信息技术的发展已经进入到一个崭新的阶段,无处不在的信息技术将以前只能想像的事情变成了现实,IBM Tivoli实现IT基础架构管理。






IBM Tivoli管理软件为此打造了一整套解决方案。









IT基础架构库IT基础架构库IT基础架构库(Information Technology Infrastructure Library, ITIL,信息技术基础架构库)由英国政府部门CCTA(Central Computing and Telecommunications Agency)在20世纪80年代末制订,现由英国商务部OGC(Office of Government Commerce)负责管理,主要适用于IT服务管理(ITSM)。



其中服务管理是其最核心的模块,该模块包括“服务提供”和“服务支持”两个流程组ITIL为企业的IT服务管理实践提供了一个客观、严谨、可量化的标准和规范,企业的IT部门和最终用户可以根据自己的能力和需求定义自己所要求的不同服务水平,参考ITIL来规划和制定其IT基础架构及服务管理,从而确保IT 服务管理能为企业的业务运作提供更好的支持。




目前,ITIL已经在全球IT服务管理领域得到了广泛的认同和支持,四家最领先的IT管理解决方案提供商都宣布了相应的策略:IBM Tivoli推出了“业务影响管理”解决方案、HP公司倡导“IT服务管理”、CA公司强调“管理按需计算环境”、BMC公司则推出了“业务服务管理”理念。


容量管理(Capacity Management)
可用性管理 (Availability Management)
可持续性管理(Continuity of IT Services)
发布管理 (Release Management)
事件管理 (Incident Management)
ITIL V3版本图
IT服务管理是ITIL框架的核心,它是一套协同流程(Process),并通过服务级别协议(SLA)来保证IT服务的质量。它融合了系统管理、网络管理、系统开发管理等管理活动和变更管理、资产管理、问题管理等许多流程的理论和实践。ITIL把IT管理活动归纳为一项管理功能和十个核心流程,主要如下: (如图)



• 项目章程 • 组织架构图 • 项目沟通管理计划 • SOW • 项目计划书 • 项目考核标准 • 项目变更流程 • 项目风险管理计划 • 资源&预算跟踪表格 • 资源管理计划 • 项目进展报告 项目启动
Project Kick-Off
• 试运行准备报告 • 系统试运行报告 • 服务试运行报告 • 服务上线计划 • 更新的接口人名单 • DNT服务团队报告
• 规划及实施计划 • FMO运维服务方案 • 技术解决方案 • 工具实施方案 • 服务流程管理方案 • 平台及工具安装报告 • 运营资源规划 • 接口人名单 • QA管理办法 • 服务试运行计划
方案审核 Solution Review
测试及试运行 VerificationLeabharlann 服务交接 Sign Off
ESM Server
Data Base ESM Web Server
ESM Data Server ESM SMIS Agent
ESM Host Agent
Port 5988
SNMP Trap Brocade SMI Agent
SMIS Provider
项目调研 及差距分析 阶段
设计FMO 定义人员职责 定义运维工具 定义交付物知识库 人员职责试行 运维工具试行 交付物试行 运维技能传递 定义工作流程 定义运维平台 定义作业 工作流程试行 运维平台试行 完善作业计划 规范流程传递 日常工作计划 故障跟踪计划 系统优 化规划 日常工作试行 故障跟踪试行 系统优 化规划 日常工作培训 故障跟踪培训 系统优 化规划 配置管 理规划 配置管 理规划 配置管 理规划 运维规范制定 变更服务计划 增值服 务规划 运维规范试行 变更服务试行 增值服 务规划 运维规范培训 变更服务培训 增值服 务规划



对于力求使其 IT 基础架构更敏捷、可靠且经济高效的任何规模的组织而言,网络自动化变得日益重要。

尽管所有规 模的公司都采用了服务器和存储虚拟化,网络通常却并未 跟上步伐。

在许多情况下,网络调配和管理仍通过手动流 程处理,这通常会减缓部署速度,增加开销成本和人为错误风险。


网络是整个企业的结缔组织;任何性能问题或 部署延迟都会给整个组织带来影响。

幸运的是,无论规模 如何,企业现在都可部署高级工具和流程,实现网络调配和管理自动化。

除了全自动部署 (ZTP)、单一管理平台管理和实时遥测与分析等创新,IT 团队还可使用网络自动化作为跳板,以可灵活编排的方法来部署和管理整个基础架构。


特别是对于可能没有此项预算或大量 IT 员工的组织,更是如此。




同时讨论了如何克服文化挑战并确保您选择的步骤 1:创建自动化案例和任何重要的技术计划一样,IT 团队应准备好创建强大的 网络自动化业务案例,以获得以下关键优势:•降低成本:通过消除调配、管理、部署和扩展网络基础架构中涉及的许多重复性、耗时的手动流程,自动化可降低运营成本。

这让组织能够以更具战略性的方式使用其有限的 IT 人力资源。


•加快价值实现:更快地实现价值在当今的云计算和 IT 消费化时代至关重要。



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  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

管理下一代的I T基础架构SANY GROUP system office room 【SANYUA16H-Managing next-generation IT infrastructureThe days of building to order are over. The time is ripe for an industrial revolution.James M. Kaplan, Markus L?ffler, and Roger P. RobertsThe McKinsey Quarterly, Web exclusive, February 2005In recent years, companies have worked hard to reduce the cost of the IT infrastructure—the data centers, networks, databases, and software tools that support businesses. These efforts to consolidate, standardize, and streamline assets, technologies, and processes have delivered major savings. Yet even the most effective cost-cutting program eventually hits a wall: the complexity of the infrastructure itself.The root cause of this complexity is the build-to-order mind-set traditional in most IT organizations. The typical infrastructure may seem to be high tech but actually resembles an old-fashioned automobile: handmade by an expert craftsperson and customized to the specifications of an individual customer. Today an application developer typically specifies the exact server configuration for each application and the infrastructure group fulfills that request. The result: thousands of application silos, each with its own custom-configured hardware, and a jumble of often incompatible assets that greatly limit a company's flexibility and time to market. Since each server may be configured to meet an application's peak demand, which is rarely attained, vast amounts of expensive capacity sit unused across the infrastructure at any given time. Moreover, applications are tightly linked to individual servers and storage devices, so the excess capacity can't be shared.Now, however, technological advances—combined with new skills and management practices—allow companies to shed this build-to-order approach. A decade into the challenging transition to distributed computing, infrastructure groups are managing client-server and Web-centered architectures with growing authority. Companies are adopting standardized application platforms and development languages. And today's high-performance processors, storage units, and networks ensure that infrastructure elements rarely need hand-tuning to meet the requirements of applications.In response to these changes, some leading companies are beginning to adopt an entirely new model of infrastructure management—more off-the-shelf than build-to-order. Instead of specifying the hardware and the configuration needed for a business application ("I need this particular maker, model, and configuration for my network-attached storage box . . ."), developers specify a service requirement ("I need storage with high-speed scalability . . ."); rather than building systems to order, infrastructure groups create portfolios of "productized," reusable services. Streamlined, automated processes and technologies create a "factory" that delivers these products in optimal fashion (Exhibit 1). As product orders roll in, a factory manager monitors the infrastructure for capacity-planning and sourcing purposes.With this model, filling an IT requirement is rather like shopping by catalog. A developer who needs a storage product, for instance, chooses from a portfolio of options, each described by service level (such as speed, capacity, or availability) and priced according to the infrastructure assets consumed (say, $7 a month for a gigabyte of managed storage). The system's transparency helps business users understand how demand drives the consumption and cost of resources.Companies that make the transition gain big business benefits. By reducing complexity, eliminating redundant activity, and boosting the utilization of assets, they can make their infrastructure 20 to 30 percent more productive—on top of the benefit from previous efficiency efforts—thereby providing far greater output and flexibility. Even larger savings can be achieved by using low-cost, commodity assets when possible. Developers no longer must specify an application's technical underpinnings and can therefore focus on work that delivers greater business value; the new model improves times to market for new applications.Nevertheless, making this transition calls for major organizational changes. Application developers must become adept at forecasting and managing demand so that, in turn, infrastructure groups can manage capacity more tightly. Infrastructure groups must develop new capabilities in product management and pricing as well as introduce new technologies such as grid computing and As for CIOs, they must put in place a new model of governance to manage the new infrastructure organization.The road forwardDeutsche Telekom knows firsthand the challenges involved: over 18 months, hoping to balance IT supply and demand, it implemented this new infrastructure-management model at two divisions (see sidebar, "Next-generation infrastructure at Deutsche Telekom"). In the old days, the company's IT infrastructure, like most, was a landscape of application silos. Today accurate forecasts of user demand are critical, so newly minted product managers must take a horizontal view, across applications, to assess the total needs of the business and create the right products. They must then work closely with infrastructure teams to align supply—infrastructure assets such as hardware, software, and storage—with demand.In the past, employees of the infrastructure function were order takers. Now, they can be more entrepreneurial, choosing the mix of hardware, software, and technology that optimizes the infrastructure. To keep costs low, they can phase in grids of low-end servers, cheaper storage disks, and other commodity resources. Factory managers now focus on automating and "industrializing" production. Although Deutsche Telekom's two divisions didn't radically change their organizational or reporting structures, IT governance now seeks to ensure that product and service levels are consistent across business units in order to minimize costs and to improve the infrastructure's overall performance.What we've seen at Deutsche Telekom and other companies suggests that creating a next-generation infrastructure involves action on three fronts: segmenting user demand, developing productlike services across business units, and creating shared factories to streamline the delivery of IT.Segmenting user demandLarge IT organizations support thousands of applications, hundreds of physical sites, and tens of thousands of end users. All three of these elements are critical drivers of infrastructure demand: applications require servers and storage, sites need network connectivity, and users want access to desktops, laptops, PDAs, and so forth. To standardize these segments, an IT organization must first develop a deep understanding of the shape of current demand for infrastructure services and how that demand will most likely evolve. Then it needs to categorize demand into segments (such as uptime, throughput, and scalability) that are meaningful to business users.When grouped in this way, most applications fall into a relatively small number of clusters.A pharmaceutical manufacturer, for instance, found that most of a business unit's existing and planned applications fell into one of five categories, including sales force applications that need around-the-clock support and off-line availability and enterprise applications that must scale up to thousands of users and handle batch transactions efficiently.In contrast, a typical wholesale bank's application portfolio has more segments, with a wider range of needs. Some applications—such as derivatives, pricing, and risk-management tools—must execute computation-intensive analyses in minutes rather than hours. Funds-transfer applications allow for little or no downtime; program-trading applications must execute transactions in milliseconds or risk compromising trading strategies.Although simple by comparison, the needs of physical sites and user groups can be categorized in a similar way. One marketing-services company that evaluated its network architecture, for example, segmented its sites into offices with more than 100 seats, those with 25 to 100, and remote branches with fewer than 25. A cable systems operator divided its users into senior executives with "concierge-support" needs, professional employees, call-center agents, and field technicians.Most companies find that defining the specific infrastructure needs of applications, sites, and users is the key challenge of segmenting demand. Major issues include the time and frequency of need, the number of users, the amount of downtime that is acceptable, and the importance of speed, scalability, and mobility.Standardizing productsOnce the infrastructure group has assessed current and future demand, it can develop a set of productlike, reusable services for three segments: management and storageproducts for applications, access products such as desktops and laptops for end users, and network-access products for various sites. For each of these three product lines, the group must then make a series of decisions at both the portfolio and the product level.At the portfolio level, it has to make decisions about the scope, depth, and breadth of product offerings, with an eye toward optimizing resources and minimizing costs. Exceptions must be detailed up front. The group may decide, for example, against offering products to support applications with stringent requirements, such as very-low-latency processing; these applications may be better built "by hand" and "from the ground up." Other applications, such as legacy ones, may be better left outside the new model ifthey're running well and can't easily be ported to new hardware. The group should also decide how to introduce new technologies and to migrate existing applications that are easier to move.At the product level, the group must define the features, service levels, and price of each product. For each application support product, to give one example, it will be necessary to specify a programming language, an acceptable level of downtime, and a price for infrastructure usage. That price, in turn, depends on how the group decides to charge for computing, storage, processor, and network usage. The group has to consider whether its pricing model should offer discounts for accurate demand forecasts or drive users to specific products through strategic pricing.Looking forward, companies may find that well-defined products and product portfolios are the single most important determinant of the infrastructure function's success. Developers and users may rebel if a portfolio offers too few choices, for instance, but a portfolio with too many won't reap the benefits of scale and reuse. Good initial research into user needs is critical, as it is for any consumer products company.The supply side: Creating shared factoriesThe traditional build-to-order model limits the infrastructure function's ability to optimize service delivery. Delivery has three components: operational processes for deploying, running, and supporting applications and technologies; software tools for automating these operational processes; and facilities for housing people and assets.At most companies, variations in architecture and technology make it impossible to use repeatable processes applied across systems. This problem hinders efficiency and automation and restricts the amount of work that can be performed remotely in low-cost locations, thus limiting the scope for additional cost savings.In the next-generation infrastructure model, however, application developers specify a service need but have no input into the underlying technologies or processes chosen to meet it. The application may, for instance, require high-speed networked storage, but the developer neither knows nor cares which vendor provides the storage media. This concept isn't new—consumers who have call waiting on their home telephone lines don't knowwhether the local carrier has a Lucent Technology or Nortel Networks switch at its closest central office.Because the infrastructure function can now choose which software technologies, hardware, and processes to use, it can rethink and redesign its delivery model for optimal efficiency. Using standardized and documented processes, it can start developing an integrated set of software tools to automate its operations. Next, by leveraging its processes and automation tools, it can develop an integrated location strategy that minimizes the needfor data centers, so that more functions can operate remotely in low-cost—even offshore—locations.Building a new organizationWhat changes must CIOs make to capitalize on these new opportunities? The next-generation infrastructure has major implications for the roles, responsibilities, and governance of the infrastructure organization.The most critical new roles are those of the product manager, who defines products and product portfolios, and of the factory architect, who designs the shared processes to deploy, operate, and support them (Exhibit 2). Product managers must focus on service offerings and be accountable for reaching productivity targets. Their other key responsibilities include building relationships with business users and application developers, understanding and segmenting demand, defining product portfolios, and persuading developers and business users to accept their decisions.Factory architects are, in equal parts, technology strategists and industrial engineers, codifying the architectures, processes, and tools that support the product portfolio. Their other key responsibilities include confirming that product commitments can be met, choosing technologies, defining processes, developing process-automation plans, and selecting tools. Although this was an established role at Deutsche Telekom, factory architects are now more focused on automating and industrializing production.Organizational structures must change as well. Specialized silos with administrators focused on specific technology platforms—mainframes, midrange computing, distributed servers, storage, and voice and data networks—should give way to multidisciplinary teams that manage the performance of the infrastructure and the delivery of services.CIOs must also put in place novel governance mechanisms to deal with capacity planning, the launch of new services, and investment-financing issues. Although Deutsche Telekom opted to keep its existing governance structure, many companies create an enterprise-level infrastructure council to ensure the consistency of products and service levels across business units. Such consistency is critical for keeping costs low and optimizing performance.To make sure the new infrastructure is running efficiently and to sustain performance improvements, IT leaders should focus on five key areas:forecasting and capacity planning. A key goal of the new infrastructure model is to match supply and demand more closely, thereby minimizing the waste of resources. To achieve this objective, the IT group must work closely with business units in order to forecast demand and thus improve capacity planning. Forecasts are more accurate when companies follow Deutsche Telekom's example and aggregate demand across products instead of applications.and budgeting. Product demand drives budgets. Since the new model uses real demand forecasts, budgeting is easier. Moreover, with pricing transparency comes knowledge. Business units will now know what their IT choices are going to cost; the infrastructure group will understand the budget implications of user requests and be able to create a more accurate capital plan.management. Companies can expect to spend six months developing new-product portfolios. The infrastructure team should reexamine them two or three times during the first year to ensure that they are appropriate given projected workloads and emerging end-user needs. Thereafter, a yearly review usually suffices. Teams should monitor all phases of the product life cycle, from planning and sourcing new products to retiring old services and redeploying resources.management. To ensure that new technologies or upgrades are integrated effectively and that change causes less upheaval and lost productivity, leading companies carefully manage the release of both infrastructure products and applications in parallel. Moreover, to plan ahead, application developers need to know about any impending change in the infrastructure catalog.and vendor management. IT leaders must ensure that computing resources are available to meet the contracted service levels of product portfolios. Infrastructure managers should revisit their sourcing strategy annually, seeking opportunities to lower costs and improve productivity.Even with the restructuring and the new roles and processes in place, changing the build-to-order mind-set and culture may remain the biggest challenge of all. Deutsche Telekom adjusted its incentives, hired new people, developed training workshops, and appointed "change agents" to spread the word and build enthusiasm. These organizational and cultural changes are central to realizing the potential of the next-generation infrastructure model. Investing the time and attention needed to get the right results is just as critical as refreshing the technical architecture.Reference:Next-generation infrastructure at Deutsche TelekomOtto Zeppenfeld's cheerful demeanor may be surprising given his job. As head of IT operations for T-Com, Deutsche Telekom's fixed-network division, he's responsible for ensuring that all applications run smoothly, even during times of peak demand.T-Com, which outsources almost all of its IT operations to its sister company T-Systems, provides voice and data services to about 40 million consumers and very small businesses. It generates higher revenues than any other division of Deutsche Telekom. The company's IT infrastructure is massive: petabytes of storage capacity, 25,000 MIPS of computing power, approximately 3,000 servers and 100,000 workstations, and hundreds of applications.Many of T-Com's IT infrastructure assets, like those of most companies, once sat idle waiting for peak loads. To address the problem, T-Com and T-Systems began implementing the key elements of a next-generation infrastructure model: productlike services, transparent pricing, strict demand forecasting, and capacity management.Managing supply and demand across applicationsFor each infrastructure product category—storage, hosting, and so forth—T-Com appointed a product manager to assess demand across all applications in that category and to work with T-Systems on defining the right products and service levels and negotiating prices. T-Com's process for forecasting demand aggregates it across all categories and then forwards that information to T-Systems for use in capacity planning and management.T-Systems supplies T-Com's products and manages the underlying hardware, software, and networks. Like T-Com, it takes a bird's-eye view, looking across applications at total storage and computing needs. The two units now work in tandem to balance supply and demand—a radical departure from the traditional application-silo mentality.The success of this model depends on two key factors: T-Com must learn to predict how much computing power it will need and when; T-Systems must learn how to use excess capacity in other areas. "T-Systems must take on a lot more responsibility," notes Michael Auerbach, the T-Systems manager for all T-Com IT operations. "At the end of the day, it's our job to leverage the idle capacity elsewhere."Paying only for usageSince the new model requires T-Systems—rather than T-Com—to pick up the tab for unused capacity, T-Systems is under pressure to think and operate in new ways. Formerly, when Zeppenfeld needed a new business application for T-Com, T-Systems' Auerbach supplied the appropriate hardware, software, and services and then tallied up the cost. It was usually the subject of intense debate because the value of complex computer systems is hard to determine, and so is the cost of the associated installation, operations, and maintenance.Now, Zeppenfeld pays only for the computing resources he uses every month; the hardware, software, and storage needed to power T-Com's applications are Auerbach's problem. This model, however, gives TSystems the freedom to make decisions that optimize the infrastructure as a whole rather than specific applications. Wherever possible, T-Systems uses cheaper commodity resources such as grids of low-end servers, storage disks, and Intel processors instead of Unix systems. In essence, it now acts more as an entrepreneur than as an order taker.Transparency of costs is a major benefit of this model: T-Com merely reads off the bytes it consumed and pays a predetermined price that factors in T-Systems' engineering support. T-Com's invoice includes a handful of service categories (such as storage, backup, computing, the operation of applications, and the help desk) and quantifies usage in detail. Each service unit has a fixed price, so T-Com knows exactly what it will pay for a gigabyte of storage, an hour of telephone support, or a backup copy of a database. Moreover, these services can be benchmarked individually, so TCom has the ability to check that prices are reasonable. Zeppenfeld and Auerbach agree that transparency helps create an atmosphere of trust.Gaining greater flexibilityT-Com also gains flexibility: its contract lets it increase or decrease its computing capacity if it gives three months' notice. Drastic, across-the-board changes in usage are unlikely for most companies, but this added flexibility in individual areas is still a welcome benefit. Marketing, for instance, has fluctuating needs. Take an e-mail campaign generating several million responses. Previously, a six-month lead time was needed to purchase new hardware and software. The new model forces marketing to produce more accurate forecasts but cuts the lead time in half. Now, T-Com lets TSystems know about the marketing group's plans and requirements three months before such a campaign; the earlier it alerts T-Systems, the lower the added capacity costs. The department managers who, with their teams, plan in advance and make the most accurate forecasts can increase their savings. These incentives are designed to improve the forecasting of T-Com and the capacity planning of T-Systems.Making it happenA next-generation infrastructure model poses practical challenges. The concept of IT bills based on actual consumption, for instance, is still very much in the development phase. Moreover, some companies get stuck migrating legacy applications to the new systems. Depreciation schedules may mean that purchase and leasing agreements for old ones still have a long time to run. At most large companies, IT has hundreds of individual contracts expiring at different times, so it is hard to make a clean break.T-Com and T-Systems found that an all-or-nothing approach was unnecessary. Making better use of existing resources and phasing in new technology allowed them to use savings generated by the new model to offset the cost of migrating applications. The twounits also started small, focusing solely on storage services for a few key applications. Only later did they expand the model to computing services for mainframe applications. Today 80 percent of the relevant IT infrastructure has been converted.T-Com and T-Systems are very satisfied with the early results of the new infrastructure model, which has delivered major cost savings, improved the use of assets, provided for greater flexibility, and made the system far less complex to manage.About the AuthorsJames Kaplan is an associate principal in McKinsey's global IT practice and specializes in IT infrastructure. He is based in New York. Markus L?ffler is an associate principal in McKinsey's global IT practice and specializes in IT infrastructure and architecture. He is based in Stuttgart. Roger Roberts leads McKinsey's IT architecture practice in North America and specializes in the high-tech and industrial sectors. He is based in Silicon Valley.The authors wish to thank Andrew Appel for his contributions to this article.This article was first published in the Winter 2004 issue of McKinsey on IT.Notes1 Grid computing breaks down an application's processing requirements into pieces for distribution among a number of servers. Server virtualization is a technology that allows a single central-processing unit to run a number of different operating systems—Windows NT, Windows XP, and Linux, for instance—at the same time.。
