Rectification of current in ac-driven nonlinear systems and symmetry properties of the Bolt

第3章ChapterⅡ系统原理System Principle本章主要介绍PowerSmart TM变频调速系统的原理The chapter mainly introduces the principle of PowerSmart TM VariableFrequency Speed-Regulating Device3.1系统的单线原理图3.1 Single-line Schematic Diagram of the System本高压变频调速系统主要由PowerSmart TM系列变频器、远控操作箱、机旁操作箱及旁路开关柜等部分组成。
工频自动旁路系统的单线原理图如下所示:The high-voltage Variable Frequency Speed-Regulating Device is mainly composed of PowerSmart TM series drive, remote-control operation box, machine-side operation box, bypass switch cabinet and so on, among which remote-control operation box, machine-side operation box and bypass switch cabinet are matching equipments, bypass switch cabinet may be adopted manual or automatic bypass form, which is designed ac cording to concrete requirements of users. The single-line schematic diagram of power frequency automatic bypass system follows as below:3-13-2图3-1 系统的单线原理图Fig3-1 Single-line Schematic Diagram of the System注:旁路开关柜中KM2、KM3采用高压真空接触器,QF1采用高压真空断路器。

F F1327C256 is a CMOS 256K bit EPROM. The device is organized as 32K words by 16 bits .T T63A disadvantage of connecting lamps in series is that if one lamp blows all of them will go out because the circuit is broken.T T43A lamp may be used to test a rectifier diode, but do not use a lamp to test a signal diode because the large current passed by the lamp will destroy the diode!T T21 A PIC is a Programmable Integrated Circuit microcontroller, a 'computer-on-a-chip'.F F101 A products made of interchangeable parts is slowly assembled, higher in cost.T T68 A relay is an electrically operated switch.T T100 A resistor placed in a circuit will resist the passage of electrical current through it.T T94 A thermistor is an input transducer (sensor) which converts temperature (heat) to resistance. T T99 A transformer consists of two coils (often called 'windings') linked by an iron core.T82A transistor may be used as a switch (either fully on with maximum current, or fully off with no current) and as an amplifier (always partly on).T4 A warning notice has to be set up on the equipment while repairing.F46All rectifier diodes are made from silicon and therefore have a forward voltage drop of 0.2V.T98An audio (AC) signal with a constant DC signal will make a large current flow through the Loudspeaker due to its low resistance, possibly damaging both the speaker and the driving circuit.F105Automatic control systems are a product of this generation.T6Be careful not to damage or scar the inner surface finish of the bottom sub.T133Before logging, inspect the cable drum assembly for apparent damage or cracked welds.T131Before starting engine ,we must check the batteray cables and terminals for corrosion or loose connection. F111Cams are the most versatile lathe.T34Capacitors are also used in filter circuits because capacitors easily pass AC (changing) signals but they block DC (constant) signals.T33Capacitors are used to smooth varying DC supplies by acting as a reservoir of charge.T32Capacitors store electric charge.T8Check the cable and wire for proper connections both before and after repair.F125Checking the engine oil level,we don't wipe dipstick clean ,we can get a good reading.F67Connecting several LEDs in parallel with just one resistor shared between them is generally a good idea.T69Current flowing through the coil of the relay creates a magnetic field which attracts a lever and changes the switch contacts.F28Current is measured with an voltmeter, connected in series.T27Current is the rate of flow of charge.T31Currents add up for components connected in parallel.T29Currents are the same through all components connected in series.T57Datasheets are available for most ICs giving detailed information about their ratings and functions. F39Diodes allow electricity to flow in two directions.T77Electrical energy is converted to heat when current flows through a resistor.F14EPROM can be read and writen.F112Form the fits point of view, a key is referred to as the hole and the keyway as the shaft.T44General purpose signal diodes such as the 1N4148 are made from silicon and have a forward voltage drop of 0.7V. T124Going downhole,screw the adjustable uphole torque control valve fully clockwiseF150Heat treatment can decrease material Hardness.T149Heat treatment can increase material Hardness.F103High carbon steel is softer than tempered steel, but it is much more easier to work.T128Hot exhaust system parts can cause serious bodily injury.F114Hot working is defined as plastic deformation below the recrystallization temperature.T121Hydraulic oil temperature is controlled by the thermostatic bypass valve and hydraulic system heat exchanger.T141Hydrostatic charge fluid pressure is measured by the CHARGE PRESSURE GAUGE.T88IC (chip) pin diagrams show the view from above.T54ICs (chips) are easily damaged by heat when soldering ,so we usually use an IC holder(socket).T135If any fuel leaking are found above exhaust system, shut down engine immediately and repair.F118If hoist parking brake control knob is pushed,the brake bands located on each side of the hoist drum tighten and hold the drum.T126If the engine oil level has reached between the high and low mark,the engine oil level is normal.F110If the follower lose contact with the cam, it will natural work.T134If there is no engine oil pressure or low engine oil pressure, stop the engine immediately.T55If you need to remove an IC it can be gently prised out of the holder(socket) with a small flat-blade screwdriver.T85In addition to standard (bipolar junction) transistors, there are field-effect transistors which are usually referred to as FETs.T130Inspect the engine radiator , insure that core is clean and free of debris.T129Inspect the engine radiator cap, verify that the seals and spring are good.T5Install the retaining ring in the bottom sub using the modified pliers.T52Integrated Circuits are complex circuits which have been etched onto tiny chips of semiconductor (silicon). T51Integrated Circuits are usually called ICs or chips.T36It is easy to find the value of electrolytic capacitors because they are clearly printed with their capacitance and voltage rating.T9It is forbidden that using a high-volt insulation tester to measure circuit insulation T113It is important that the product be designed with material.F24It is impossible to have voltage without current, current cannot flow without voltage.F75kF61Lamps can not be connected either way round in a circuit.T59Lamps emit light when an electric current passes through them.T64LEDs means Light Emitting DiodesF65LEDs need not a resistor in series to limit the current to a safe value for testing it.T58Logic ICs process digital signals and there are many devices, including logic gates, flip-flops, shift registers, counters and display drivers.T97Loudspeakers are output transducers which convert an electrical signal to sound. T115Machine parts are maunfactured so they are interchangeable.T102Materials differ widely in physical properties,machinability characteristics,methods of Forming,and possibe service life.T80Multi-way switches have 3 or more conducting positions.T17Normally,the TTL IC use the 5Vdc power supply.T79ON-OFF SPST switch means Single Pole, Single ThrowT15Operational amplifier can be used as a part of an active filter.F96Piezo transducers are output transducers which convert an electrical signal to heat.F87Please note that transistor lead diagrams show the view from top with the leads towards you.T123Pre-start checks,make sure the drum brake is on and both hoist control lever are in the neutral position. T41Rectifier diodes are quite robust and no special precautions are needed for soldering them.T45Rectifier diodes are used in power supplies to convert alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC), a process called rectification.F71Relays and transistors compared ,relays can only switch DC, transistors can switch AC and DC. F127Remove the engine radiator cap when engine is running.T76Resistors in Parallel will get a smaller value.T73Resistors may be connected either way round. They are not damaged by heat when soldering.F72Resistors restrict the flow of electric voltage.T11Rig safety can be improved by using MWD measurements in real time to avoid potentially dangerous well control problems.F62Several lamps can be successfully connected in parallel provided they all have identical voltage and power (or current) ratings.T104Smooth flat belts and V belts depend on friction on the pulleys and some slippage is inherent in their operation.T12Sperry-Sun’s FEWD measurements can be used in horizontal wells to steer a well for maximum formation exposure in the productive part of the reservoir.T56Static sensitive ICs will be supplied in antistatic packaging with a warning label.F78Switch contacts are rated with a maximum voltage and current, and there should be same ratings for AC and DC. F106The all material may have higher strength.T83The amount of current amplification of a transistor is called the current gain, symbol h FE.T47The bridge rectifier have four leads or terminals: the two DC outputs are labelled + and -, the two AC inputs are labelled "~".F22The CMOS circuitry used in the 74HC series ICs means that they are static sensitive. Touching a pin while charged with static electricity is always safe.T66The colour of an LED is determined by the semiconductor material, not by the colouring of the 'package' (the plastic body).F132The drum bearing don't need to be greased separately T109The element must be kept stiff and rigid.T122The engine must be shut down immediately if the water temperature gauge registers higher than normal coolant temperatures.T140The ENGINE STOP CONTROL is used to stop the flow of diesel fuel to the engine.T139The ENGINE THROTTLE CONTROL increases and decreases the speed of the diesel engine.T137The FREQUENCY METER measures the frequency of the diesel generator.T90The heat sink of power transistor helps to dissipate (remove) the heat by transferring it to the surrounding air. F117The hoist control lever have two positions,uphole and downhole.F1The hoist in the worker-house can be used by everyone to move the logging tools.F20The Input Impedance of FET transistor is very low.T18The Intel 87C51 is a single-chip control-oriented microcontroller which is fabricated on Intel's reliable CHMOS EPROM technology.F143The machine for manufacture charge holder tube is CNC lathe.T144The machine for manufacture charge holder tube is laser cutter machining.T148The material Hardness commonly denotes "Rockwell hardness " or "Brinell hardness".T146The material mechanical properties of perforating gun include: Tensile Strength,Yield Strength,Elongation,Reduction of Area,Hardness etc.F147The material mechanical properties of perforating gun only include Tensile Strength.T142The material of charge holder tube is welder tubing.F19The negtive pulse makes the resistance between pin D and pin S of N-Channel MOSFET very low. F3The O-Ring oil can be replaced by thread compound.F138The output voltage of diesel generator is normally 120V DC.T145The perforating gun can match charges including deep perforate, super deep, big hole, super big hole and low debris or no debris types.F53The pins of ICs are numbered clockwise around the IC (chip) starting near the notch or dot.T119The speed range control switch has no effect over the back-up hoist control.T136The SPEED RANGE CONTROL SWITCH is used as a course speed adjustment by the operator.F108The surface and the pitch circle and the bottom of the tooth.T60The voltage and power (or current) ratings are usually printed or embossed on the body of a lamp.T35There are many types of capacitor but they can be split into two groups, polarised and unpolarised F84There are two types of all transistors, NPN and PNP.T95Thermistors with a negative temperature coefficient (NTC) means their resistance decreases as their temperature increases.T16These devices are sensitive to electrostatic discharge. Users should follow proper IC Handling Procedures.T10Thread protectors should always be installed when transporting instrument to aid in securing or handling tool. T70Transistors and ICs must be protected from the brief high voltage produced when a relay coil is switched off.F81Transistors are used to amplify current only.F89Transistors can not be damaged by heat when solderingF86Transistors have three leads which be connected no matter the way round.F37Unpolarised capacitors are small value and must be connected correct way round.T38Variable capacitors are mostly used in radio tuning circuits and they are sometimes called 'tuning capacitors'. T93Variable resistors are often called potentiometers in books and catalogues.T92Variable resistors consist of a resistance track with connections at both ends and a wiper which moves along the track as you turn the spindle.T23Voltage and Current are vital to understanding electronics, but they are quite hard to grasp because we can't see them directly.F25Voltage is measured with a voltmeter, connected in series.F30Voltages are the same across all components connected in series.T107We can alter the characteristics of steel in various ways.T116We can alter the characteristics of steel in various ways.F120we increase engine throttle control,the injectors will be delived little amount of fuel.T7We must apply Lubriplate to the threads of the pressure housingF40When a reverse voltage is applied a perfect diode does not conduct, no diodes leak current .F2When we make the insulate check,either megger or multimeter can be used.T T91You can use a multimeter or a simple tester (battery, resistor and LED) to check the transistorF F42You can use a multimeter or a simple tester (battery, resistor and LED) to check that a diode conducts in two directions.F F74You may have noticed that resistors are available with every possible value.T T49Zener diodes are designed to 'breakdown' in a reliable and non-destructive way so that they can be used in reverse to maintain a fixed voltage across their terminals.T T48Zener diodes are used to maintain a fixed voltage.F F50Zener diodes can not be distinguished from ordinary diodes easily .T T26Zero volts could be any point in the circuit, but to be consistent it is normally the negative terminal of the battery or power supply.判断题答案序号中中难难易中中中中中难难易中难易中难中中易中易易易易易易中中中中易难易易中易易中易易难中中中易难难难易易中易中易中中难中易易易易易中中易易难中中中易中难易中中难易易难易中易难中中易易难中易中难难易中难难易程度。

power output 功率输出,输出功率power output 功率输出,输出功率short circuita great deal 大量ac交流(电)admittance 导纳amp安培amp安培amplitude振幅arc电弧,弧光arise from 起于,由...出身armature电木区armature winding 电枢绕组arrangement布置,排列;设备,装置;安装,装配;置配;安排arrangement布置,排列;安装,装配;assemblage 与会者(集合称),集合,集会,装配assume假定,设想,采取,呈现automatic voltage regulator自动电压调节器,自动稳压器,自动调压器autotransformer 自耦变压器backup protection后备保护,后备保护装置block 组[件],单元,部件;机组,单元机组;滑轮;字组,块,程序块,数据块break down 毁掉,制服,压倒,停顿,倒塌,中止,垮掉,分解bus bar汇流条,母线bus impedance matrix 母线阻抗矩阵,节点阻抗矩阵bus impedance matrix 母线阻抗矩阵,节点阻抗矩阵busbar母线,汇流条,结点,节点,汇流排bushing [电工]套管capacitor bank 电容器组carrier protection载波保护,高频保护carrier relaying 载波继电保护,高频保护,载波中继[制]carry 携带,搬运,传送,传播;支持,执行,进位,进列changing 转换charging currents 充电电流circuit breaker [电工]断路开关,断路器Circuit breaker 电路断路器circuit layout电路布线,线路布置circuit-breaker〈电〉断路器,断路开关circuit-breaker〈电〉断路器,断路开关clearing time通信连络断开时间,电话的话终时间clearing time通信连络断开时间,电话的话终时间combine with 与…结合come into 得到communication circuit 通讯电路conductance [电工]电导,导率,电导系数contact 接触contact (电流的)接触;接通;接触器core loss current 铁耗电流core type 铁心式(变压器)critical point 临界点cross-sectional 横截[断]面current density 电流密度current flow 电流current transformator变流器,电流互感器 cut-and-try method 渐近法,试探法Cycle 循环、周期、周波cylindrical rotor [电]鼓形转子,隐极转子damage 损害,伤害,损伤,破坏,损坏;事故,故障damp 阻尼,减幅,衰减damper winding阻尼绕组de-剥夺,分离 断开,去能,去激励;断电 断开,断电 不赋能的,除去电源的,去激励的demagnetizing effect :消磁效果;去磁效应;消磁作用401丽皿0导数401丽皿0导数desired 期待的desired value 期待值,给定值,预定值,所需值,预期值detection 察觉,发觉,侦查,探测,发现determine 确定:在考虑,调查或计算之后,决定性地确认参见控制,限制development stage 发展阶段dielectric 电介质,绝缘体dielectric loss 介电损失differential protection 差动保护[装置]differential relay 差动继电器differentiate 求…的微分:计算导数或(函数的)微分difficulty 困难:困难的环境或程序:The condition or quality of being difficult:developed power 发出功率deenergizede-energizede-energized digital computer )direct proportiondirectional relaydirect-wire circuitdisconnect switch数字计算机正比例,正比方向继电器,定向继电器单线线路隔离刀闸隔离开关 调度,迅速处理,输送,发运,发货 调度,迅速处理,输送,发运,发货distance relay 距离继电器distribution substation 配电站distribution transformer 配电变压器 disturbance 扰动 double-breaker 双断开关double-bus双母线dynamic performance 动态特性 dynamic system performance 系统动态运行特性economic dispatch 经济调度economic dispatch 经济调度economic dispatch 经济调度economic planning 经济计划 eddy curren 涡流,涡电流 eddy current 涡流,涡电流 electrical contact 电连接,电接点,电触点,电触头electromagnetic 电磁的 emf 电动势 energize 给与...电压 energize 使带电流;使通电 energy 热能源,电能:可用的热量或能量: energy 热能源,电能:可用的热量或能量 engine 发动机,机械,机器,引擎,工具 engine-driven generator [发动]机[驱]动的发电机 equivalent circuit 等效电路 excess load 过载,过负荷,超载,过荷载 fault detection 故障检验 feature 要素 feed water 锅炉给水field winding 激励绕组,励磁绕组,场绕组 flux 磁通focal point 焦点force outage 事故停用,强迫停机,强制停机 force outage 事故停用,强迫停机,强制停机 fraction 【数学】分数:表明两个量的商的表达式 ft (foot, feet )英尺 fuel cost 燃料费 fuel cost 燃料费 fuel input 燃料加入(量) fuel input 燃料加入(量) full load 满载,满负荷 fundamental 【物理学】基波的: Gauss-Seidel method 高斯-塞德尔法(潮流计算的) Gauss-Seidel procedure 高斯-塞德尔法generating plant 发电厂,电厂,电站,发电设备 generating system 发电系统 generation 产生;代;发电,发生,振荡,改进阶段generation schedule 发电计划 gradient approachgradient approach 梯度方法ground current 大地电流ground relay 接地继电器 ground relaying接地继电保护 guard against 提防,预防harmonic 谐波head (水站等的)蓄水高度,水头,落差,压力;势头high-speed reclosure 快速重合闸horizontal axis 水平轴线disconnected switchdispatch 发送,horizontal axis 水平轴线hydroelectric水力发电的hysteresis 磁滞hysteresis滞后作用,[物]磁滞现象identical【数】恒等的impedance [电]阻抗,全电阻,[物]阻抗in any case 无论如何in phase adv.同相地in terms of 根据,按照,用…的话,在…方面in the case of 在…的情况incremental cost 边际成本incremental cost 边际成本incremental cost curveincremental cost curveincremental generating cost 发电成本增量incremental generating cost 发电成本增量inductive 电感性的,电感的,感应的;吸入的inductive circuit 有感电路,电感电路,感性电路inflammable 易燃的inflammable liquid 易燃液(体)injection current 注入电流instantaneous relay 瞬动继电器(电流速断保护)instantaneous value 瞬时值instrument transformator 仪表用互感器instrument transformator 仪表变压器insulation breakdown 绝缘击穿insulation deterioration 绝缘老化insulation failure 绝缘事故,绝缘损坏insure against 给...保险interconnected electric power system 互联电力系统internal voltage 内电压,电动势internal voltage 电动势,内电压internal voltage 内电压,电动势(发电机的),反电动势(电动机的) inverse time 反时,逆时inverse time current protection 反时限[过]电流保护[装置]inverse time relay 反时限继电器inverse-time definite-time limit relay 逆时定时限继电器,定时限反时继电器ionize 电离ionize 电离it follows that由此得出结论…,因而断定…key diagram 原理草图,工作图know-how >实际知识,技术秘诀,诀窍lagging current 滞后电流layout 设计,布置,规划;草图,布置图,线路图;排列;layout diagram 布置图layout drawing 布置图,配线图,定位图leakage flux 漏通量leakage inductance 漏电感lightning 闪电lightning arrester 避雷器limit界限,限度,限制line conductor 导线line flashover 线路闪络line terminal线路线端,线路终端line trap线路陷波器,阻波器line-to-line 两线间的,相间的,线间短路live 有电的,带电的,活动的,正极接地的load characteristic 负荷特性,负载特性load factor 负载系数long-range 远大的,长期的loop system 环形线路制,闭环系统;回路系统m.m.f 磁动势magnetize vt 使磁化magnetizing current 磁化电流,起磁电流maximum power transfer 最大传输功率mechanical stress 机械应力memory capacity 存储容量motor starter 电动机起动器multi-winding transformer 多绕组变压器mutual coupling 互耦mutual flux 互(感)磁通mutual impedance 互阻抗navigation 航海,航空,导航,领航,航行navigation 航运negative damping 负阻尼network system 网络系统,供电网系统neutral conductor 中性导线Newton-Raphson牛顿-拉夫逊nodal admittance matrix 节点导纳矩阵normal load 额定负荷,正常负载normal-voltage 正常电压Norton's theorem诺敦定理,等值电流源定理offset wave 偏移波open 开的,敞开的,打开,断路,断开,公开的,断路的open-circuit 开路的open-circuit voltage 开路电压,空载电压operating coil动作线圈,工作线圈operating frequency 工作频率,操作频率,运行频率operating range 运转范围,工作范围,作用距离,作用半径,(堆功率)运行区段out of 与…不相宜,不相称,在…范围,缺乏,放弃outage 断电output power 输出功率over-current 过电流overflash闪络,飞弧Overhead line 架空线over-load超过负荷over-voltage 过电压parallel resonance 并联谐振parallel resonance 并联谐振permeable 可渗透的,能透过的phase displacement 相(位)移phase displacement 相(位)移phase displacement 相位移phase shift 周相移动phase shifters 移相器phase-angle 相角;相位角,相移角;相(位)角phase-angle 相角;相位角,相移角;相(位)角phase-comparison 相位比较phase-displacementphase-to-ground 相对地pick-up current 接触电流,起动电流,拾音器电流planner 规划人员plunger relay插棒式继电器,螺管式继电器polarity 极性pondage power plant 抽水蓄能电站positive sequence network 正序网路potential transformator电压互感器,测量用变压器power circuit 电源电路,电力电路;动力线路,电力网,电力线路,电源线路power flow 电力潮流、功率潮流、功率通量,能流power level 功率级,[功率]电平;功率水平power line 动力线,动力网,电力线,电源线,输电线power swing功率波动,功率摆动,功率摇摆power transfer功率传输,电和输送power transfer 功率传输,电力传送power transfer 功率传输,电力传送power transformator 电源[电力,功率]变压器prefault 故障前的primary grid substation 主网变电站prime mover 原动力,发动者prime mover 原动力,发动者problem问题:应该考虑、解决或回答的问题:protective relay 保护继电器protruding-pole 凸极public hazard 公害pumped storage station 提水蓄能站pumped storage station 抽水蓄能电站quadratic formula 二次公式radial system 辐射状配电制,径向配电制radian 弧度rate current 反应[额定]电流reactance 电抗reactance drop 电抗电压下降reactive power 无功功率real number [数]实数rectification 整流regulate管制,控制,调节,校准relative movement 相对运动relative position 相对位置relative position 相对位置relay继电器relay element继电器元件relay inverse time继电器反时限特性relay system 继电保护系统reluctance 【物理学】磁阻:reservoir水库,蓄水池resistance 电阻resistance drop 电阻(性电)压降resistivity电阻系数resistor [电]电阻器ring bus 环形母线rpm每分钟转数run-off-river station 径流式水电厂,河流式水电厂run-of-the -riversalient pole rotor 凸极转子saturation饱和度scheme方案,线路图,电路,图表,图解,计划,线路,路,设计图,规划secondary substation 二次变电所sensor 传感器sequence component 序分量sequential tripping顺序脱扣,顺序跳闸series capacitor 串联电容器,附加电容器(仪表)series capacity串联电容series inductance 串联电感setting 装配,调整,炉墙,支座,调节,置位,装定,整定值,起动,装置,设置short-cut 短路,捷路,简化side effect 副作用single-busbar system 单母线系统single-pole switch单极开关,单刀开关sinusoidal 正弦曲线slope 【数学】斜率:slope 【数学】斜率:solid insulation 固体绝缘solid insulation 固体绝缘sparse matrix 稀疏矩阵specific loading 单位负载,比负载,比负荷specification详述,规格,说明书,规范specified load 额定负荷,设计负荷,规定负荷,标准荷载specify把…列为条件,规定,指定,确定;详细说明,具体说明squirrel cage 鼠笼stability limit 稳定极限,稳定限度,稳定度极限steady-state 稳定工况,稳定状态,稳恒状态,静态,稳态steady-state stability 稳态steam trap 凝汽阀steam turbine蒸汽轮机steam turbine 汽轮机steam valve 蒸汽阀step down 降低,降压step-type voltage regulator 分级式电压调整器step-up 升压,升高,加速step-up substation 升压变电站stir up 激起,鼓动,煽动stray flux杂散磁通Stray loss杂散损耗substation transformator 配电变压器subtransient 次暂态suffer from 忍受,遭受susceptance 电纳(导纳的虚数分量swing 摆动,动荡,摆度,振幅,摆幅switchboard 配电盘,配电屏;配电板,switching 开关switching 开关,开闭,转接,切换,换向,整流switching surge 操作过电压synchronous condenser 同步调相机synchroscope同步指示器,同步示波器system design 系统设计system layout 系统布置system reliability 系统可靠性system reliability 系统可靠性tapped抽头的;分接的;带向分接头的,带分接头的term [数学]项:terminal voltage 端电压Thevenin theory 戴维宁理论throttle setting节流阀调整time delay relay 延时继电器,缓动继电器time setting 时间整定timer 计时器,定时器,时间发送器,时间继电器,延时调节器;程序装置torque 扭矩,转矩transfer bus 切换母线transfer传递,传送,输送;转换,转移;调动,变换;传输,传导,迁移;进位transformer bank 变压器组transformer bushing 变压器套管transformer bushing 变压器套管transformer tap 变压器分接头transient stability 瞬态[暂]态稳定性transmission capacity 输电能力,输电量transmission capacity 输电能力,输电量transmission capacity 输电能力,输电量transmission line 输电线transmission line 输电线,输电线路;谐振线transmission system 传动系统,输电系统,传输系统,发射系统transmitting capacity 输电能力;传输能力,发送能力traveling wave 行波trial and error method 试凑法,尝试法,逐次逼近法,试探,试配,试错trial-and-error 尝试法[的],逐步逼近[法]tune谐调turbine 涡轮turbo 涡轮(发动机)unit transformer 单元[机组]变压器unity power factor [电]整功率因数valve 阀,valving设置阀门;[阀门]关闭voltage drop 电压降落voltage rate 电压比voltage rating额定电压 电压调整器,电压调节器,稳压器,调压器 电压调整、电压调整率、电压变动率 电压调整器,电压调节器,稳压器,调压器 电压传感器 voltage transformation 变压water storage reservoir 水库water turbine 水轮机 wave shape 波形 wave shape 波形 wrap around 卷绕的,环绕的 zero sequence 零[相]序,零序 voltage regualator voltage regulation voltage regulator voltage sensor。

电子信息工程专业英语课后答案电子信息工程专业英语-教师用书Part 1第一课关于电子技术一、课文习题参考答案Ⅰ. (1) alternating current circuits (2) semiconductor diodes(3) passive component(4) the combinatory logic electric circuit(5) rectification(6) Laplace transform(7) inductor(8) Fourier series and Fourier transformⅡ.(1)控制理论(2)场效应管三极管(3)布尔代数(4)稳压(5)相关性和功率谱密度(6)滤波器类型(7)模/数转换器(8)时序逻辑电路的分析与综合Ⅲ.(1)Electronics is a part of the larger field of electricity. The basic principles of electricity are also common to electronics. Modern advances in the field of computer, control system, communications have a close relationship with electronics. The field of electronics includes the electron tube, transistor, integrated circuit and so on.(2) Direct current circuits & Alternating current circuits,Analog electronics,Digital electronics,signal and systems,Circuit theory and design, Control theory, Microcontrollersystems,Computer programming for engineering applications.(3) This curriculum mainly introduces the characteristics of semiconductor devices in linear application scope.The content involved in semiconductor diodes (PN junction diodes, special purpose diodes), transistors (field effects and bipolar transistors), signal amplifiers, practical amplifiers, biasing circuits, operationalamplifiers circuit and other circuits (rectification, regulation and DC power supplies).(4) This partial studies take the basicelectric circuit theory and the operational amplifier knowledge as the foundation. The main study goal is to enhance understanding of the electric circuit theory. Its main content includes the elementary theory in circuit theory (network functions, characteristic frequencies), types offilter (lowpass,bandpass), review of operational amplifiers (design of first and second order using operational amplifiers, cascade design), filter characteristics(Butterworth, Chebyshev, frequency transformations in design, sensitivity design of passive LC ladder filters and a brief introduction to switched capacitor filters).(5) Perfect.二、参考译文电子学的发展电子学是电学的一部分。

1矮米特博士2001年毕业于哈佛大学Dr. Emmet graduated from Harvard University in 20012李教授1988年在西安理工大学获得机械工程博士学位Professor Li earned his Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering from the Xi’an University of Technology in 1988.3现在我们转向讨论一下局与网Now we shall turn to the discussion of local area networks.4 BAINBRIDGE质谱仪是与光谱仪一样重要的仪器The Bainbridge mass spectrometer is as important an instrument as the optical spectrometer.5做这个实验需要多长时间How long a time [或How much time] is required to this experiment?6压力的增加总会引起体积的减少。
An increase in pressure always causes a decrease in volume7图2-5画出了式2-2所表示的情况。
Fig. (2-5) shows what is expressed by Eq. (2-2).8电感的单位是亨利The unit of inductance is the henry.9该电路由一个电池。
一个电感和一个电容器组成This circuit consists of a battery, an inductor and a capacitor.10试计算在A B C三点处的电场。
Compute the electric fields at points a, b, and c.11这颗卫星用于美国与英国法国意大利之间的通信This satellite is used for communications between the United States and Great Britain, France and Italy.12我们假设该天线是垂直的其损耗为零We assume that the antenna is vertical and that its loss is zero.13第6 7 8章论述传输线Chapters 6, 7, and 8 deal with transmission lines.14其误差为千亿分之六Its error is six parts in 1012.15这台计算机所储存的信息比那台多2倍。

科技英语语法_西安电子科技大学中国大学mooc课后章节答案期末考试题库2023年1.The wavelength which the eye is most sensitive is 5.5×【图片】cm.参考答案:to2._______ being compressed(压缩), the volume of a substance will be reduced.(填入一个恰当的介词,使句意通顺。
)参考答案:On##%_YZPRLFH_%##Upon3._______ more details on numerical techniques(数值方法) refer to Ref. [6-9].(填入一个恰当的介词,使句意通顺。
)参考答案:For4.The element immediately following hydrogen is helium, the atom whichcontains two electrons.参考答案:of5.The devices exist capable of input that not connected directly to thecomputer.参考答案:are6.The conditions are derived whereby the two functions , at most, by aconstant.参考答案:differ7.These results have to be interpreted _______ caution(谨慎). (填入一个恰当的介词,使句意通顺。
It is estimated that during the 5 billion years of ____________, the core of our sun has used about half of its original supply of hydrogen.参考答案:its existence9.We call the time to complete one cycle the period of the sinusoid. 下划线部分在句中作。

关键字:双管正激电压自驱动同步整流门极电荷保持环路电流AbstractHigh power density as well as high reliability has always been the goal to pursue in the field of modern electric power converters. As one kind of the modern electric power converters, two transistor forward converter has many attractive characteristics, such as low switch voltage stress, inherent anti-break-through capability, and high reliability. It becomes one of the most widely used topology in the industrial application, especially in the telecommunication energy systems, welding machines and computer power supply.Based on driven approach of main power switch in the primary side of the transformer and rectifier circuit, this paper aims at not increasing the complexity of the main circuit and control circuit of origin, to improve the traditional two transistor forward converter and enhance the efficiency of circuit. The paper made analysis of the process of improved circuit and the specific problems encountered by the application and gave the solutions of the pared with the traditional circuit, the control circuit of the improved converter has been modified to streamline, one of the two main switches can work in a ZCS state, synchronous rectifier circuit can overcome the dead zone and light load loop current, and the circuit's overall performance has been enhanced.Using the current mode PWM controller, a 15V/300W power system was developed during the experiment by the author. The experiment proved stable jobs of the system and simplifying control circuit (similar with the Forward circuit).The circuit improved 3-4 percentage points more efficient than traditional circuit, with the maximum efficiency of 88% of full load.Keywords: t wo transistor forward converter self voltage drivensynchronous rectification gate charge retentioncirculating current独创性声明本人声明所呈交的学位论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。

电力电子技术术语Absorber Circuit 吸收电路AC/ACFrequency Converter 交交变频电路AC power control 交流电力控制AC Power Controller 交流调功电路AC Power Electronic Switch 交流电力电子开关AC Voltage Controller 交流调压电路Asynchronous Modulation 异步调制Baker Clamping Circuit 贝克箝位电路Bi-directional Triode Thyristor 双向晶闸管Bipolar Junction Transistor-- BJT 双极结型晶体管Boost—Buck Chopper 升降压斩波电路Boost Chopper 升压斩波电路Boost Converter 升压变换器Bridge Reversible Chopper 桥式可逆斩波电路Buck Chopper 降压斩波电路Buck Converter 降压变换器Commutation 换流Conduction Angle 导通角Constant Voltage Constant Frequency--CVCF恒压恒频Continuous Conduction—-CCM (电流)连续模式Control Circuit控制电路CUK Circuit CUK 斩波电路Current Reversible Chopper 电流可逆斩波电路Current Source Type Inverter-—CSTI 电流(源)型逆变电路Cycloconvertor 周波变流器DC—AC—DC Converter 直交直电路DC Chopping 直流斩波DC Chopping Circuit直流斩波电路DC-DC Converter 直流-直流变换器Device Commutation 器件换流Direct Current Control 直接电流控制Discontinuous Conduction mode (电流)断续模式Displacement Factor 位移因数Distortion Power 畸变功率Double End Converter 双端电路Driving Circuit 驱动电路Electrical Isolation 电气隔离Fast Acting Fuse 快速熔断器Fast Recovery Diode 快恢复二极管Fast Recovery Epitaxial Diodes 快恢复外延二极管Fast Switching Thyristor 快速晶闸管Field Controlled Thyristor 场控晶闸管Flyback Converter 反激电流Forced Commutation 强迫换流Forward Converter 正激电路Frequency Converter 变频器Full Bridge Converter 全桥电路Full Bridge Rectifier 全桥整流电路Full Wave Rectifier 全波整流电路Fundamental Factor 基波因数Gate Turn—Off Thyristor-—GTO可关断晶闸管General Purpose Diode 普通二极管Giant Transistor-—GTR 电力晶体管Half Bridge Converter 半桥电路Hard Switching 硬开关High Voltage IC 高压集成电路Hysteresis Comparison 带环比较方式Indirect Current Control 间接电流控制Indirect DC-DC Converter 直接电流变换电路Insulated-Gate Bipolar Transistor--IGBT 绝缘栅双极晶体管Intelligent Power Module-—IPM 智能功率模块Integrated Gate—Commutated Thyristor—-IGCT集成门极换流晶闸管Inversion 逆变Latching Effect 擎住效应Leakage Inductance 漏感Light Triggered Thyristo-——LTT 光控晶闸管Line Commutation 电网换流Load Commutation 负载换流Loop Current 环流元件设备三绕组变压器:three—column transformer ThrClnTrans 双绕组变压器:double-column transformer DblClmnTrans 电容器:Capacitor并联电容器:shunt capacitor电抗器:Reactor母线:Busbar输电线:TransmissionLine发电厂:power plant断路器:Breaker刀闸(隔离开关):Isolator分接头:tap电动机:motor状态参数有功:active power无功:reactive power电流:current容量:capacity电压:voltage档位:tap position有功损耗:reactive loss无功损耗:active loss功率因数:power—factor功率:power功角:power-angle电压等级:voltage grade空载损耗:no-load loss铁损:iron loss铜损:copper loss空载电流:no-load current阻抗:impedance正序阻抗:positive sequence impedance 负序阻抗:negative sequence impedance 零序阻抗:zero sequence impedance电阻:resistor电抗:reactance电导:conductance电纳:susceptance无功负载:reactive load 或者QLoad有功负载: active load PLoad遥测:YC(telemetering)遥信:YX励磁电流(转子电流):magnetizing current 定子:stator功角:power—angle上限:upper limit下限:lower limit并列的:apposable高压: high voltage低压:low voltage中压:middle voltage电力系统power system发电机generator励磁excitation励磁器excitor电压voltage电流current母线bus变压器transformer升压变压器step—up transformer高压侧high side输电系统power transmission system输电线transmission line固定串联电容补偿fixed series capacitor compensation 稳定stability电压稳定voltage stability功角稳定angle stability暂态稳定transient stability电厂power plant能量输送power transfer交流AC装机容量installed capacity电网power system落点drop point开关站switch station双回同杆并架double-circuit lines on the same tower 变电站transformer substation补偿度degree of compensation高抗high voltage shunt reactor无功补偿reactive power compensation故障fault调节regulation裕度magin三相故障three phase fault故障切除时间fault clearing time极限切除时间critical clearing time切机generator triping高顶值high limited value强行励磁reinforced excitation线路补偿器LDC(line drop compensation)机端generator terminal静态static (state)动态dynamic (state)单机无穷大系统one machine - infinity bus system 机端电压控制AVR电抗reactance电阻resistance功角power angle有功(功率)active power无功(功率) reactive power功率因数power factor无功电流reactive current下降特性droop characteristics斜率slope额定rating变比ratio参考值reference value电压互感器PT分接头tap下降率droop rate仿真分析simulation analysis传递函数transfer function框图block diagram受端receive—side裕度margin同步synchronization失去同步loss of synchronization 阻尼damping摇摆swing保护断路器circuit breaker电阻:resistance电抗:reactance阻抗:impedance电导:conductance电纳:susceptance导纳:admittance电感:inductance电容:capacitance一般术语电力电子变流器的型式(表1—2)电力电子开关和交流电力电子控制器电力电子设备的基本元件电力电子设备的电路和电路单元电力电子设备的运行电力电子设备的性能电力电子变流器的特性曲线稳定电源。

872021年第1期 安全与电磁兼容引言CR200J 型动力车的控制电源由110 V 充电机和蓄电池共同组成,两者相互配合工作,为动力车控制电路供能,是列车安全可靠运行的技术保证[1]。
控制电源中包含IGBT (绝缘栅双极型晶体管)等开关功率器件,在开关动作的瞬间会产生高d u /d t 、d i /d t 信号,流过回路形成强烈的传导干扰:高d u /d t 信号通过装置与保护地之间的分布电容产生共模电流[3];高d i /d t 信号流过电源线产生差模电流[4]。
机车内部设备在实验室测试均表现正常,考虑到现场测量不同于实验室测量,现场实车测试中被测设备的传导EMI 会受到其他工作设备影响,同时机车机械间内部空间狭小且带高压电的设备众多,测量过程中不允许出现接线、断线情况。
本文针对CR200J 型动力车控制电源的传导干扰问题进行了分析,分别采用电压、电流探头测量控制电源在不同工况下输出电压、电流信号和主断路器闭合工况下输出端口差模、共模电流,分析其传导干扰和输出运行特性,以给出相应的电磁兼容优化建议和方案。
1 控制电源电气结构CR200J 型动力车控制电源采用的是110 V DC 充电机与蓄电池并联的工作方式,主断路器闭合时充电机给蓄电池和控制电路供能;主断路器断开时,蓄电池单独给控制电路供能。
控制电源的电气组成可划分为四大部分,依次为电源输入、预充电回路、110 V DC 充电模摘要为研究CR200J 型动力车110 V 控制电源现场测试的传导干扰问题,介绍了控制电源的电气结构,现场测量了控制电源不同工况下输出电压、电流信号和主断路器闭合工况下输出端口的差模、共模电流信号,并分析了输出电压、电流的特性和输出端传导干扰的频谱。
LT8309 二次侧同步充电驱动器说明书

Typical applicaTionFeaTuresDescripTionSynchronous Rectifier DriverThe L T ®8309 is a secondary-side synchronous rectifier driver that replaces the output rectifier diode in a flyback topology. By replacing the diode with a N-channel MOSFET, applications are no longer restricted by the heat constraints of the output diode. The IC replicates the behavior of a diode by sensing the drain-to-source voltage to determine when the current becomes negative. The LT8309's low minimum on- and off-times help improve noise immunity. The fast propagation delay of 26ns allows applications to operate in discontinuous conduction mode (DCM) and critical conduction mode (CrCM). The gate driver features a 0.8Ω pull-down device for fast turn-offs. The 40V V CC rating allows the part to be driven from the output volt-age or the rectified drain voltage of the MOSFET. A low quiescent current of 400µA maximizes efficiency at low output currents.40W, 5V Isolated Telecom SupplyEfficiency vs Load CurrentapplicaTionsnWorks with DCM and BCM/CrCM Conduction Mode Flyback Topologies n V CC: 4.5V to 40V n Supports Up to 150V MOSFETs n 26ns Turn-Off Propagation Delayn Accurate Minimum On and Off Timers for Reliable Operationn Adjustable and Accurate T rip Point: +5mV to –30mV n 1Ω Gate Driver Pull-Down n SOT-23 5-Lead PackagenHigh Output Current Flybacks n High Efficiency FlybacksL , L T, L TC, L TM, Linear Technology and the Linear logo are registered trademarks ofLinear Technology Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.OUT +, 8AOUT –VLOAD CURRENT (A)065E F F I C I E N C Y (%)708090123465775851009588309 TA01bpin conFiguraTionabsoluTe MaxiMuM raTingsV CC ............................................................................40V INTV CC GATE ............................................................10V DRAIN .....................................................................150V Maximum Junction Temperature ..........................125°C Operating Temperature Range (Note 2)LT8309E ............................................–40°C to 125°C LT8309I .............................................–40°C to 125°C LT8309H ............................................–40°C to 150°C Storage Temperature Range ..................–65°C to 150°C(Note 1)GATE 1GND 2TOP VIEWS5 PACKAGE5-LEAD PLASTIC TSOT-23INTV CC 35 DRAIN4 V CCθJA = 215°C/WorDer inForMaTionLEAD FREE FINISH TAPE AND REEL PART MARKING*PACKAGE DESCRIPTION TEMPERATURE RANGE LT8309ES5#PBF LT8309ES5#TRPBF L TGFZ 5-Lead Plastic TSOT-23–40°C to 125°C LT8309IS5#PBF LT8309IS5#TRPBF L TGFZ 5-Lead Plastic TSOT-23–40°C to 125°C LT8309HS5#PBFLT8309HS5#TRPBFL TGFZ5-Lead Plastic TSOT-23–40°C to 150°CConsult L TC Marketing for parts specified with wider operating temperature ranges. *The temperature grade is identified by a label on the shipping container.For more information on lead free part marking, go to: /leadfree/For more information on tape and reel specifications, go to: /tapeandreel/elecTrical characTerisTicsNote 1: Stresses beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to any Absolute Maximum Rating condition for extended periods may affect device reliability and lifetime.Note 2: The LT8309E is guaranteed to meet performance specifications from 0°C to 125°C operating junction temperature. Specifications over the –40°C to 125°C operating junction temperature range are assured by design, characterization and correlation with statistical process controls. The LT8309I is guaranteed over the full –40°C to 125°C operating junctionPARAMETER CONDITIONSMIN TYP MAX UNITSInput Voltage Range l4.540V V CC Quiescent Current Not Switching, INTV CC = 8V 300345µA Comparator Turn-On Threshold R S = 0Ωl –69–57–45mV Turn-Off Threshold R S = 0Ω l17 162125 28mV mV Drain Voltage Latch Reset R S = 0Ω1.21V Minimum Off-Time 7595115ns Minimum On-Time 310360410ns Drain CurrentOut of Pinl 9.51010.5µA INTV CC Linear Regulator INTV CC Quiescent Current Not Switching, INTV CC = 8V100117µA INTV CC Voltage Range 4.510V INTV CC Regulation Voltage l6.877.2V INTV CC UVLO4.03V Dropout (V CC to INTV CC )I INTVCC = –10mA, V IN = 7V1 1.3 1.6V Current Limit l 304255mAGate DriverTurn-On Propagation Delay (t D(ON))R S = 0Ω, –100mV OD , V DS to V GATE 3140ns Turn-Off Propagation Delay (t D(OFF))R S = 0Ω, –100mV OD , V DS to V GATE 2636ns t r GATE Driver Output Rise Time C L = 3300pF 21ns t f GATE Driver Output Fall Time C L = 3300pF11ns Pull-Up Resistance 2.7ΩPull-Down Resistance0.8ΩThe l denotes the specifications which apply over the full operating temperature range, otherwise specifications are at T A = 25°C.temperature range. The LT8309H is guaranteed over the full –40°C to 150°C operating junction temperature range. High junction temperatures degrade operating lifetimes. Operating lifetime is derated at junction temperatures greater than 125°C.Note 3: The LT8309 includes overtemperature protection that is intended to protect the device during momentary overload conditions. Junction temperature will exceed 150°C when overtemperature protection is active. Continuous operation above the specified maximum operating junction temperature may impair device reliability.TEMPERATURE (°C)–500V C C I Q C U R R E N T (µA )50150250–252550100751251002003504503004001508309 G01TEMPERATURE (°C)–50I N T V C C I Q C U R R E N T (µA )–252550100751251508309 G02408012016020020601001401800I N T V C C V O L T A G E (V )24681357V CC VOL TAGE (V)102030408309 G04TEMPERATURE (°C)–503.0T H R E S H O L D V O L T A G E (V )3.54.5–252550100751255.04.01508309 G05INTV CC CURRENT (mA)I N T V C C R E G U L A T O R D R O P O U T (V )1.51020302. G06TEMPERATURE (°C)–500I N T V C C D R O P O U T (V )1.0–252550100751252.00.51.51508309 G07TEMPERATURE (°C)–500I N T V C C C U R R E N T L I M I T (m A )103050–252550100751252040601508309 G08Typical perForMance characTerisTicsINTV CC Voltage vs V CC VoltageINTV CC Undervoltage Lockout vs TemperatureINTV CC Regulator Dropout vs INTV CC CurrentINTV CC Dropout vs TemperatureINTV CC Current Limit vs TemperatureMinimum On-Time and Off-Time vs TemperatureI VCC vs TemperatureI INTVCC vs TemperatureINTV CC vs TemperatureTEMPERATURE (°C)–100–50T I M E (n s )501001502008309 G0950150250100200350300400TEMPERATURE (°C)–506.0I N T V C C V O L T A G E (V )–252550100751258. G03TEMPERATURE (°C)–500D R A I N P I N C U R RE N T (µA )2612–252550100751251048141508309 G10TEMPERATURE (°C)–50T U R N -O N T H R E S H O L D (m V )–252550100751251508309 G11–80–70–60–50–40–75–65–55–45TEMPERATURE (°C)–50T U R N -O F F T H R E S H O L D (m V )–252550100751251508309 G12102030405152535TEMPERATURE (°C)–501.00T H R E S H O L D V O L T A G E (V )–252550100751251.401. G13Typical perForMance characTerisTicsLatch Reset Thresholdvs TemperatureGATE Rise and Fall Time vs ChargeGATE Current vs ChargeDRAIN Pin Current vs TemperatureComparator Turn-On Thresholdvs TemperatureComparator Turn-Off Threshold vs Temperature0T I M E (n s )50150200100CHARGE (nC)6012030901508309 G14T I M E (n s ) (nC)8309 G150601203090150block DiagraMpin FuncTionsGATE (Pin 1): N-Channel MOSFET Gate Driver Output. Switches between INTV CC and GND. Driven to GND during undervoltage lockout of INTV CC . GND (Pin 2): Ground.INTV CC (Pin 3): Regulated Supply for Internal Loads, and GATE Driver. Supplied from V CC and regulates to 7V (typical). INTV CC must be bypassed with a 4.7µF capacitor placed close to the pin.V CC (Pin 4): Input Voltage. This pin supplies current to the internal start-up circuitry and to the INTV CC LDO. This pin must be locally bypassed with a capacitor.DRAIN (Pin 5): Current Sense Pin. This pin sensesthe voltage across the drain-to-source of the externalN-channel MOSFET. A series resistor is needed to set the offset voltage and needs to be at least 800Ω. The offset is equal to:20mV •1−R 20008309 F01GND V OFFSETD(ON)D(OFF)operaTionThe LT8309 is a synchronous rectifier designed for boundary conduction mode/critical conduction mode and discontinuous mode flyback converters. Existing solutions use a pulse signal from the primary side to control the synchronous rectifier, but the LT8309 senses the drain-source voltage of the MOSFET to control the synchronous rectifier. This technique not only elimi-nates a transformer, but allows it to work with Linear Technology’s line of no-opto critical conduction flyback converters. Synchronous rectification improves ef-ficiency and more importantly increases the maximum output current when compared to nonsynchronous designs.The LT8309 imitates the behavior of a diode but re-places the forward voltage with the R DS(ON) of an externalN-channel MOSFET. The LT8309 includes an LDO, a very fast comparator and a powerful gate driver.An external resistor connects the part’s DRAIN pin to the drain of the MOSFET. This resistor sets the trip point of the comparator with a precise internal current source. To set the trip point to –10mV, a 3000Ω resistor is needed. The trip point decreases by 1mV for every 100Ω added to this drain resistor. This trip point will be referred to as V OFFSET . Figure 1 shows the drain waveform on top and the gate waveform on the bottom. The gate node goes high when the drain node goes 74mV below the V OFFSET . The comparator’s output is ignored for a minimum on-time to eliminate the chance that ringing triggers the comparator. After the minimum on-time, the comparator is ready to trigger at the V OFFSET voltage. Once the drain voltage goes above V OFFSET , the gate turns off after a very fast propaga-tion delay, t D(OFF). The body diode begins to conduct again before the current reaches 0A. The drain voltage needs to go above 1.21V and then wait for the minimum off-time before the comparator is re-enabled.Figure 1. Drain and Gate WaveformsOUTV operaTionUndervoltage LockoutThe part features a INTV CC undervoltage lockout (UVLO) to prevent switching until the INTV CC voltage is above 4V. INTV CC LDOAn internal LDO regulator provides a regulated 7V output from the V IN pin to the INTV CC pin. An output capacitor is needed to provide the current needed for the gate driver. A 4.7µF capacitor is recommended and must be placed as close as possible to the INTV CC pin. The current limit for the LDO is 42mA.MOSFET SelectionA MOSFET’s R DS(ON) is important to the operation of the LT8309. The drain-source voltage is used to determine when to turn off the MOSFET. The peak current through the MOSFET times the MOSFET’s R DS(ON) should be above 75mV. When this voltage is too low, the high speed comparator may trip early due to ringing on the DRAIN pin. When this voltage is too high, the MOSFET dissipates a large amount of power which causes efficiency to go down and may cause thermal issues with the MOSFET.Setting the DRAIN Pin ResistorThe DRAIN pin resistor sets when the LT8309 turns off the MOSFET. The trip point, V OFFSET , is set with the fol-lowing equation:V OFFSET = 20mV – 10µA • R DRAINR DRAIN is the resistor connected between the drain of the MOSFET and the DRAIN pin of the part. R DRAIN needs to be at least 800Ω to operate correctly. For most applications, V OFFSET should be set at –5mV. High R DS(ON) MOSFETs may require a more negative V OFFSET voltage to keep the drain-to-source current from reversing. If the current is reversing, decrease V OFFSET in 5mV steps to eliminate the cross-conduction. Short-Circuit OperationIn the Typical Application diagram on Page 1, the V CC pin is connected to the output of the flyback converter. During an output short-circuit condition, the LT8309 is off and the body diode of the MOSFET must handle the short-circuit condition. This puts additional thermal requirements on the MOSFET. The drain voltage of the MOSFET is equal to V IN /N in short-circuit and capable of powering the LT8309 with the circuit in Figure 2. This allows the LT8309Figure 2. Short-Circuit Application CircuitoperaTionFigure 3. Demo Board Topside Silkscreen Figure 4. Demo Board Topside Metalto operate during a short, and the current will flow throughthe low resistance channel of the MOSFET instead of itsbody diode. Make sure to use a resistor in series with thediode to keep V CC below 40V.Layout ConsiderationsThe main current loop is the MOSFETs drain-to-sourcecurrent. This should not share the same ground path asthe LT8309. The drain resistor needs to sense directly atthe drain of the MOSFET and not have any current of thedrain current flow through its metal trace. The drain nodeof the MOSFET is used as the heat sink and will need tobe sized according to the power dissipation requirements.Figure 3 is an example layout of the LT8309.Effects of the Body DiodeWhen the discontinuous ring voltage goes below ground,the body diode of the primary-side MOSFET turns on andbegins to conduct current. This diode clamps the voltageto a diode drop below ground. When the current reversesdirection, the diode does not turn off immediately, andconducts current in the opposite direction for a small periodof time. This is known as the reverse-recovery time. Duringthis time, the magnetizing inductance of the transformerstores energy just like it does when the MOSFET turnson. When the primary-side body diode finally turns off,the energy is transferred to the secondary side and maybe enough to turn on the body diode of the secondaryMOSFET. Then, the LT8309 turns on its MOSFET for asecond time. Since this happens during the discontinuousring, the primary side may turn on during this time andcause cross conduction. If this problem does occur, oneway to improve the reverse-recovery time of the primaryside’s MOSFET is to add a parallel Schottky diode, whichwill conduct most of the current and turn off much fasterthan the body diode. Another way of eliminating this issueis by sizing the turns ratio so that the discontinuous ringnever goes below ground.Typical applicaTions60W, 12V Output, Isolated Telecom SupplyV, 5AOUT–Typical applicaTions40W, 5V Isolated Telecom SupplyV, 8AOUT–118309faFor more information /L T8309package DescripTionPlease refer to /designtools/packaging/ for the most recent package drawings.0.30 – 0.45 TYP5 PLCS (NOTE 3)(NOTE 3)S5 TSOT-23 0302 NOTE:1. DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS2. DRAWING NOT TO SCALE3. DIMENSIONS ARE INCLUSIVE OF PLATING4. DIMENSIONS ARE EXCLUSIVE OF MOLD FLASH AND METAL BURR5. MOLD FLASH SHALL NOT EXCEED 0.254mm6. JEDEC PACKAGE REFERENCE IS MO-1930.620.95RECOMMENDED SOLDER PAD LAYOUTPER IPC CALCULATORS5 Package3-Lead Plastic TSOT-23(Reference LTC DWG # 05-08-1635)128309faFor more information /L T8309138309faFor more information www.linear .com/L T8309Information furnished by Linear Technology Corporation is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for its use. Linear Technology Corporation makes no representa-tion that the interconnection of its circuits as described herein will not infringe on existing patent rights.revision hisToryREV DATE DESCRIPTION PAGE NUMBERA11/14Added H-Grade Version2, 3148309faFor more information www.linear .com/L T8309LINEAR TECHNOLOGY CORPORA TION 2014LT 1114 REV A • PRINTED IN USALinear Technology Corporation1630 McCarthy Blvd., Milpitas, CA 95035-7417(408) 432-1900 ● FAX : (408) 434-0507 ● www.linear .com/L T8309relaTeD parTsTypical applicaTionPART NUMBER DESCRIPTIONCOMMENTSLT3748100V Isolated Flyback Controller5V ≤ V IN ≤ 100V, No-Opto Flyback, MSOP-16 PackageLT3798Offline Isolated No-Opto-Coupler Flyback Controller with Active PFCV IN and V OUT Limited Only by External Components, MSOP-16 Package LT3799/LT3799-1Offline Isolated Flyback LED Controller with Active PFC V IN and V OUT Limited Only by External Components, MSOP-16 Package LT3957A/LT395840V/80V Flyback/Boost/Inverting/SEPIC Converter Monolithic with Integrated 5A/3.3A SwitchLT3573/LT3574/ LT357540V Isolated Flyback ConvertersMonolithic No-Opto Flybacks with Integrated 1.25A/0.65A/2.5A Switch LT3757A/LT3759/ LT375840V/100V Boost, Flyback, SEPIC and Inverting Controllers Universal Controllers with Small Package and Powerful Gate Drive LT8302Micropower No-Opto Isolated Flyback Converter2.8V ≤ V IN ≤ 42V, with Integrated3.6A, 65V DMOS Power Switch, 106µA Quiescent Current, SO-8 Package33W, 3.3V Isolated Telecom SupplyOUT +, 10AOUT –V。

电力电子技术术语Absorber Circuit 吸收电路AC/ACFrequency Converter 交交变频电路AC power control 交流电力控制AC Power Controller 交流调功电路AC Power Electronic Switch 交流电力电子开关AC Voltage Controller 交流调压电路Asynchronous Modulation 异步调制Baker Clamping Circuit 贝克箝位电路Bi-directional Triode Thyristor 双向晶闸管Bipolar Junction Transistor-- BJT 双极结型晶体管Boost-Buck Chopper 升降压斩波电路Boost Chopper 升压斩波电路Boost Converter 升压变换器Bridge Reversible Chopper 桥式可逆斩波电路Buck Chopper 降压斩波电路Buck Converter 降压变换器Commutation 换流Conduction Angle 导通角Constant Voltage Constant Frequency--CVCF恒压恒频Continuous Conduction--CCM (电流)连续模式Control Circuit控制电路CUK Circuit CUK 斩波电路Current Reversible Chopper 电流可逆斩波电路Current Source Type Inverter--CSTI 电流(源)型逆变电路Cycloconvertor 周波变流器DC-AC-DC Converter 直交直电路DC Chopping 直流斩波DC Chopping Circuit直流斩波电路DC-DC Converter 直流-直流变换器Device Commutation 器件换流Direct Current Control 直接电流控制Discontinuous Conduction mode (电流)断续模式Displacement Factor 位移因数Distortion Power 畸变功率Double End Converter 双端电路Driving Circuit 驱动电路Electrical Isolation 电气隔离Fast Acting Fuse 快速熔断器Fast Recovery Diode 快恢复二极管Fast Recovery Epitaxial Diodes 快恢复外延二极管Fast Switching Thyristor 快速晶闸管Field Controlled Thyristor 场控晶闸管Flyback Converter 反激电流Forward Converter 正激电路Frequency Converter 变频器Full Bridge Converter 全桥电路Full Bridge Rectifier 全桥整流电路Full Wave Rectifier 全波整流电路Fundamental Factor 基波因数Gate Turn-Off Thyristor--GTO可关断晶闸管General Purpose Diode 普通二极管Giant Transistor--GTR 电力晶体管Half Bridge Converter 半桥电路Hard Switching 硬开关High Voltage IC 高压集成电路Hysteresis Comparison 带环比较方式Indirect Current Control 间接电流控制Indirect DC-DC Converter 直接电流变换电路Insulated-Gate Bipolar Transistor--IGBT 绝缘栅双极晶体管Intelligent Power Module--IPM 智能功率模块Integrated Gate-Commutated Thyristor--IGCT集成门极换流晶闸管Inversion 逆变Latching Effect 擎住效应Leakage Inductance 漏感Light Triggered Thyristo---LTT 光控晶闸管Load Commutation 负载换流Loop Current 环流元件设备三绕组变压器:three-column transformer ThrClnTrans双绕组变压器:double-column transformer DblClmnTrans 电容器:Capacitor并联电容器:shunt capacitor电抗器:Reactor母线:Busbar输电线:TransmissionLine发电厂:power plant断路器:Breaker刀闸(隔离开关):Isolator分接头:tap电动机:motor状态参数有功:active power无功:reactive power电流:current容量:capacity电压:voltage档位:tap position无功损耗:active loss功率因数:power-factor功率:power功角:power-angle电压等级:voltage grade空载损耗:no-load loss铁损:iron loss铜损:copper loss空载电流:no-load current阻抗:impedance正序阻抗:positive sequence impedance 负序阻抗:negative sequence impedance 零序阻抗:zero sequence impedance电阻:resistor电抗:reactance电导:conductance电纳:susceptance无功负载:reactive load 或者QLoad有功负载: active load PLoad遥测:YC(telemetering)遥信:YX励磁电流(转子电流):magnetizing current功角:power-angle上限:upper limit下限:lower limit并列的:apposable高压: high voltage低压:low voltage中压:middle voltage电力系统power system发电机generator励磁excitation励磁器excitor电压voltage电流current母线bus变压器transformer升压变压器step-up transformer高压侧high side输电系统power transmission system输电线transmission line固定串联电容补偿fixed series capacitor compensation 稳定stability电压稳定voltage stability暂态稳定transient stability电厂power plant能量输送power transfer交流AC装机容量installed capacity电网power system落点drop point开关站switch station双回同杆并架double-circuit lines on the same tower 变电站transformer substation补偿度degree of compensation高抗high voltage shunt reactor无功补偿reactive power compensation故障fault调节regulation裕度magin三相故障three phase fault故障切除时间fault clearing time极限切除时间critical clearing time切机generator triping高顶值high limited value强行励磁reinforced excitation机端generator terminal静态static (state)动态dynamic (state)单机无穷大系统one machine - infinity bus system 机端电压控制AVR电抗reactance电阻resistance功角power angle有功(功率)active power无功(功率)reactive power功率因数power factor无功电流reactive current下降特性droop characteristics斜率slope额定rating变比ratio参考值reference value电压互感器PT分接头tap下降率droop rate仿真分析simulation analysis传递函数transfer function受端receive-side裕度margin同步synchronization失去同步loss of synchronization 阻尼damping摇摆swing保护断路器circuit breaker电阻:resistance电抗:reactance阻抗:impedance电导:conductance电纳:susceptance导纳:admittance电感:inductance电容: capacitance一般术语序号术语定义1 电力电子学电力电子技术Power electronics电子学涉及电力变换和开关的领域,无论是否进行功率调节2 (电力)(电子)变流(power)(electronics)conversion借助电子阅览器件使电能的一个或多个特性发生变化,但基本不产生可观损耗的过程3 (电力)电子通断(power) electronics switching借助电子阅览器件使电力电路接通或断开的过程4 (电力)(电子)电阻控制(power)(electronics) resistancecontrol利用连续改变电子阀器件的电阻进行控制的过程5 (电力)(电子)交(流)直(流)变流(power)(electronics)./. conversion交流到直流或直流到交流的变流6 (电力)(电子)整流(power)(electronics) rectification交流到直流的变流7 (电力)(电子)逆变(power)(electronics) inversion直流到交流的变流8 (电力)(电子)交流变流(power)(electronics) . conversion交流到交流的变流9 (电力)(电子)直流变流(power)(electronics) . conversion直流到直流的变流电力电子变流器的型式(表1-2) 序号术语定义1(电力)(电子)变流器 (power)(electronics)converter由一个或多个阀器件连同变压器、滤波器(如有必要)和辅助装置(如有)所组成的运行单元2交(流)/直(流)变流器 ./. converter用于整流或逆变,或既可以整流亦可以逆变的变流器。

图 2示 出该 电路 各 点 波 形 。 /-/'gV3为 Vs的 驱 动 3 T 的 参 数 设 计
电 压 ; 为 电容 两 端 的 电压 ;Wr。 : ,由于 变 化 很 小 ,所 以认 为 基 本 为 常 值 脉 冲 输 出驱 动 电压 , 与 PD 的 电源 电压 及 稳 压 管 的 稳 压值 近 似 相 等 。
pr oblem of a great loss.An adaptive current—dr iven synchronous rectifcation circuit(ACDSR)is proposed.It has made the
secondary side of current transform er a short circuit after turns t he synchr onous r ecti fcat ion MOSFET on,and better
阶 段 4[t3,t 】 t3时 刻 ,im: ,iz=O。 此 后 i2反
向 ,i。亦 反 向驱 动 V 导 通 ,将 A 点 电位 拉 到 零 ,即
PD输 入 端 变 为 低 电平 ,PD 输 出低 电平 ,关 断 V 。
同 时 V 栅 源 电容 通 过 VD 放 电 ,V,关 断 , 同步 整
摘 要 :电流型 自驱动 方式 作为 同步整 流驱 动 方式 的一 种重 要形 式 ,因其优 越 的性 能得 到广 泛 的应用 与研 究 ,然
而 现有 的 电流型 自驱动 电路 仍然存 在驱 动 电路 自身损耗 较大 的 问题 。提 出了一种 同步 整流 的 自适 应 电流 自驱
动 电路 (ACDSR)。 同步整 流 MOSFET导通 后 随 即将 电流互 感器 次级 短路 ,较好 地 解决 了现有 的电流 自驱 动 电

关键字:双管正激电压自驱动同步整流门极电荷保持环路电流AbstractHigh power density as well as high reliability has always been the goal to pursue in the field of modern electric power converters. As one kind of the modern electric power converters, two transistor forward converter has many attractive characteristics, such as low switch voltage stress, inherent anti-break-through capability, and high reliability. It becomes one of the most widely used topology in the industrial application, especially in the telecommunication energy systems, welding machines and computer power supply.Based on driven approach of main power switch in the primary side of the transformer and rectifier circuit, this paper aims at not increasing the complexity of the main circuit and control circuit of origin, to improve the traditional two transistor forward converter and enhance the efficiency of circuit. The paper made analysis of the process of improved circuit and the specific problems encountered by the application and gave the solutions of the pared with the traditional circuit, the control circuit of the improved converter has been modified to streamline, one of the two main switches can work in a ZCS state, synchronous rectifier circuit can overcome the dead zone and light load loop current, and the circuit's overall performance has been enhanced.Using the current mode PWM controller, a 15V/300W power system was developed during the experiment by the author. The experiment proved stable jobs of the system and simplifying control circuit (similar with the Forward circuit).The circuit improved 3-4 percentage points more efficient than traditional circuit, with the maximum efficiency of 88% of full load.Keywords: t wo transistor forward converter self voltage drivensynchronous rectification gate charge retentioncirculating current独创性声明本人声明所呈交的学位论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。

目录摘要 (2)第1章绪论 (4)1.1 引言 (4)1.2 课题来源及研究的目的和意义 (4)1.3 国内外在该方向的研究现状及分析 (5)第2章谐波理论基础 (6)2.1 谐波的基本概念 (6)2.2 谐波的产生 (8)2.3 谐波的危害 (9)2.4 谐波限制标准 (10)2.5 本章小结 (11)第3章谐波检测方法分析 (12)3.1 频域理论 (12)3.2 时域理论 (12)3.2.1 快速傅立叶变换 (12)3.2.2 基于瞬时无功功率检测方法 (13) p q-法 (20)i i-法 (22) p q3.2.2.3 Park变换的d q-法 (23)3.2.3 基于神经网络的谐波检测方法 (24)3.3 本章小结 (25)第4章仿真分析 (26)4.1 仿真软件简介 (26)4.2 三相整流电路仿真 (27)4.4 基于瞬时无功功率的单相谐波检测 (31)结论 (34)致谢 (35)参考文献 (36)摘要在电力系统中许多电气元件都产生不同程度的谐波,各种整流设备,交直流换流设备尤为严重。
关键词谐波电流检测; 瞬时无功功率理论; Matlab/Simulink; 三相整流电路桥AbstractA lot of electric components produce various degrees of harmonies in the power system, it is particularly serious to do it such as various kinds of rectification equipment and inverters and converters. Therefore the danger brought and its wave in harmony are suppressed it is subjects that a lot of people pay close attention to extensively.The paper introduces the concept of harmonics, its harm to power grid and limitation of harmonics voltage and current harmonics,and it also demonstrates the necessity of eliminate harmonics, and briefly introduces several methods to eliminate harmonics and research of both here and abroad. The paper analyzes the principles of the harmonic. Then the paper detailed introduces the theory of the way of harmonic currents of a single-phase and the way of harmonic currents of a there-phase and instantaneous reactive power,. In the end the paper simulates harmonics detection methods by MATLAB/simulink. In the simulink, utilizeMatlab/Simulink to set up commutate circuit mode. Write its data FFT analyses software. By showing the wave form and analyzing data, indicate the authenticity of this simulink model and feasibility of the scheme.Key word:harmonic current detection; Instantaneous reactive power theory; Matlab/Simulink;Three-Phasa Universal Bridge第1章绪论1.1 引言电能作为现代社会中使用最广泛的能源,其应用程度是衡量一个国家发展水平的重要标志之一。

整流的英文单词The English word for 整流 is rectification.Rectification is the process of converting alternating current (AC) into direct current (DC). This process is important in many electronic devices and power systems where a steady and consistent flow of current is necessary. Rectification can be achieved through various methods such as using diodes or rectifier circuits.In a diode rectifier, the diode allows current to flowin only one direction, effectively converting the negative half of the AC waveform into a positive DC voltage. This process is known as half-wave rectification. However, this method is not very efficient as it only utilizes half of the input waveform.To improve efficiency, a full-wave rectifier can be used which makes use of both the positive and negative halves of the AC waveform. This can be achieved through a bridge rectifier circuit which uses four diodes to effectively rectify the entire AC waveform.In power systems, rectification is commonly used in the conversion of AC power from the grid into DC power for use in electronic devices such as laptops, phones, and other consumer electronics. It is also used in industries where a stable and constant DC power supply is required for various applications.整流是将交流(AC)转换为直流(DC)的过程。

高压大功率同步整流英文回答:High voltage and high power synchronous rectificationis a crucial technology in power electronics. It is widely used in various applications such as industrial power supplies, renewable energy systems, and electric vehicles. This technology allows for efficient conversion of AC power to DC power, enabling the smooth operation of electrical devices.One key aspect of high voltage and high power synchronous rectification is the use of semiconductor devices, such as power MOSFETs or IGBTs, to control the rectification process. These devices act as switches, turning on and off to allow the flow of current in the desired direction. By synchronizing the switching operation with the input AC voltage, the rectification process can be optimized for maximum efficiency.In addition to the semiconductor devices, a control circuit is required to drive the switches and ensure proper synchronization. This control circuit monitors the input AC voltage and generates the necessary signals to control the switching operation. It also includes protection features to prevent overcurrent or overvoltage conditions, which could damage the rectifier or the connected load.To achieve high power conversion efficiency, synchronous rectification utilizes a technique called zero-voltage switching (ZVS) or zero-current switching (ZCS). These techniques minimize the power losses associated with switching transitions by ensuring that the switches turn on or off when the voltage or current across them is close to zero. This reduces the switching losses and improves the overall efficiency of the rectifier.Synchronous rectification also offers advantages in terms of power factor correction (PFC) and harmonic distortion reduction. By controlling the switching operation, the rectifier can actively shape the input current waveform to closely follow the input voltagewaveform. This results in a power factor close to unity, which reduces the reactive power demand and improves the overall power quality of the system.In summary, high voltage and high power synchronous rectification is a critical technology in power electronics. It enables efficient conversion of AC power to DC power and offers advantages in terms of power factor correction and harmonic distortion reduction. By utilizing semiconductor devices and a control circuit, the rectification processcan be optimized for maximum efficiency and reliability.中文回答:高压大功率同步整流是电力电子学中的一项关键技术。

整流电路交直流电流的计算英文回答:Rectifier circuits are used to convert alternating current (AC) into direct current (DC). The calculation of the current in a rectifier circuit involves understanding the behavior of diodes and the principles of rectification.In a full-wave rectifier circuit, both the positive and negative half-cycles of the AC input are converted into positive DC output. The current in this circuit can be calculated using the following steps:1. Determine the peak voltage of the AC input. This can be done by multiplying the RMS voltage by the square root of2.2. Calculate the peak current by dividing the peak voltage by the load resistance.3. Determine the forward voltage drop across the diode. This can be obtained from the datasheet of the diode used in the circuit.4. Calculate the forward current through the diode using Ohm's Law. The forward current is equal to the difference between the peak current and the forward voltage drop divided by the diode resistance.5. The DC output current is equal to the forward current multiplied by the number of diodes used in the rectifier circuit.For a half-wave rectifier circuit, only the positive half-cycle of the AC input is converted into DC. The calculation of the current in this circuit is similar to that of a full-wave rectifier, but the DC output current is half of the forward current through the diode.整流电路用于将交流电流(AC)转换为直流电流(DC)。

外置mos管同步整流芯片英文回答:Introduction to External MOSFET Synchronous Rectifier ICs.External MOSFET synchronous rectifier ICs are used in a wide variety of power conversion applications to improve efficiency and reduce power loss. They are typically usedin place of traditional diodes in synchronous rectification circuits, which can significantly reduce conduction losses and improve overall system efficiency.Operation of External MOSFET Synchronous Rectifier ICs.External MOSFET synchronous rectifier ICs are typically implemented using a low-side N-channel MOSFET as the main switching device. The MOSFET is driven by a control circuit that generates a complementary gate drive signal to the MOSFET, which turns on the MOSFET when the output voltageis below the input voltage and turns it off when the output voltage is above the input voltage. This allows the MOSFETto act as a synchronous rectifier, conducting current only when the output voltage is lower than the input voltage.Advantages of External MOSFET Synchronous Rectifier ICs.External MOSFET synchronous rectifier ICs offer several advantages over traditional diodes, including:Lower conduction losses: MOSFETs have much lower on-resistance than diodes, which reduces conduction losses and improves overall system efficiency.Higher switching speeds: MOSFETs can be switched onand off much faster than diodes, which reduces switching losses and improves transient response.Lower voltage drop: MOSFETs have a lower forward voltage drop than diodes, which further reduces power loss and improves system efficiency.Selection of External MOSFET Synchronous Rectifier ICs.When selecting an external MOSFET synchronous rectifier IC, several factors should be considered, including:Input voltage range: The input voltage range of the IC should be compatible with the expected range of input voltages in the application.Output current rating: The output current rating of the IC should be sufficient to handle the expected load current in the application.Switching speed: The switching speed of the IC should be fast enough to minimize switching losses and improve transient response.Conduction losses: The conduction losses of the IC should be minimized to improve overall system efficiency.Applications of External MOSFET Synchronous Rectifier ICs.External MOSFET synchronous rectifier ICs are used in a wide variety of power conversion applications, including:DC-DC converters: External MOSFET synchronousrectifier ICs can be used in both buck and boost DC-DC converters to improve efficiency and reduce power loss.AC-DC converters: External MOSFET synchronousrectifier ICs can be used in AC-DC converters to rectify the AC input voltage and provide a DC output voltage.Inverters: External MOSFET synchronous rectifier ICs can be used in inverters to generate an AC output voltage from a DC input voltage.中文回答:外置MOS管同步整流芯片介绍。
相移式全桥转换器同步整流开关控制驱动方法 说明书

相移式全橋轉換器同步整流開關控制驅動方法Mappus 電源供應器控制產品Steve摘要驅動倍流型同步整流輸出級是一件相當複雜的工作,特別是針對相移式全橋架構而言更是如此。
內容1. 簡介 22. 同步整流開關切換訊號需求 43. 一個較簡單的方法 54. 應用電路圖75. 結論86. 參考文獻8圖目錄圖1 具倍流功能之相移式全橋轉換器開關時序圖 3 圖2 同步整流器真值表以及驅動邏輯 4 圖3 以AB訊號驅動相移式全橋轉換器同步整流輸出級 5 圖4 使用AB PWM訊號驅動同步整流輸出級之簡化方法 6 圖5 使用AB PWM訊號驅動同步整流輸出級之簡化方法的應用電路圖71 相移式全橋轉換器開關切換波形簡介為了要了解同步整流器的開關切換需求,必須先了解相移式轉換器的開關時序圖。

关键词大功率;半桥变换器;功率因数校正;均流;AC/DC辽宁科技大学毕业设计(论文)第II页AbstractWith the development of power electronics technology, power technology has been widely used in computers, industrial instrumentation, military, aerospace and other fields related to the national economy all walks of life. Especially in recent years, with the extensive application of IGBT, switching power supply to more high-power development. Development of a wide range of high-power, high-performance switching power supply into the trend. An input voltage power supply system requirements for AC220V, the output voltage for DC38V, output current of 100 A, low output voltage ripple, power factor> 0.9, if necessary, multiple use of power can be directly parallel, the parallel uneven load of <5%.Designed with the AC / DC / AC / DC transformation programme. After a rectification of DC voltage, the APFC links to improve the power factor, and then transform the half-bridge inverter circuits, high-frequency transformer isolation from the buck, the last DC rectifier output voltage. The main part of a DC / DC circuit, power factor correction circuit, PWM control circuit, both flow circuit and the protection of circuit.The main objective is to complete the design of a 38 V/100A directly parallel the high-power AC / DC converter, the main use of the active power factor correction technology to achieve the high power factor. DC / DC main circuit chips using current-mode PWM UC3846 control of the half-bridge converters, and proposed a new IGBT driver circuit. In order to meet the power needs of direct parallel operation was designed to flow both chip UC3907 are at the core of the current circuit.Keywords High efficiency; Half bridge converter; Power factor adjustment; Flows;AC/DC辽宁科技大学毕业设计(论文)第III页目录摘要 (I)Abstract·································································································I I第1章单片机概论 (1)1.1 单片机——微控制器嵌入式应用的概念 (1)1.2 单片机的特点 (2)1.3 单片机的应用领域 (5)1.4 单片机的历史与发展 (6)第2章有源功率因数校正 (9)2.1 功率因数校正方法分类 (9)2.1.1 按有源功率因数校正拓扑分类 (9)2.1.2 按输入电流的控制原理分类 (9)2.2 功率因数校正环节的设计 (10)第3章DC/DC主电路及控制部分分析 (12)3.1 DC/DC主电路拓扑 (12)3.2 PWM电路 (13)3.2.1 PWM电路 (13)3.2.2 PWM技术应用 (13)3.3 IGBT的驱动 (14)3.3.1 IGBT栅极特性 (14)3.3.2 正向导通特性 (20)3.3.3 动态特性 (20)3.3.4 IGBT的保护功能 (21)3.4 均流环节设计 (22)3.5 保护电路设计 (23)第4章分电路波形及所需重要元器件 (25)4.1 各部分电路波形 (25)辽宁科技大学毕业设计(论文)第IV页4.2 所需重要元件 (26)4.2.1 二极管 (26)4.2.2 三极管 (27)4.2.3 电容 (29)4.2.4 电阻 (30)结论 (32)致谢 (33)参考文献 (34)附录 (35)辽宁科技大学毕业设计(论文)第1页第1章单片机概论科技的进步需要技术不断的提升。
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and A. A. Ovchinnikov
Max–Planck–Institut f¨ ur Physik er Str. 38, D-01187, Dresden, Germany
arXiv:nlin/0010003v3 [nlin.CD] 1 Dec 2000
p(t; x0 , p0 )
−p(−t + 2τ ; x0 , p0 )
x(−t + 2τ ; x0 , p0 )
Here the constants X and τ are defined by the shape of functions U (x) and E (t) and are in correspondence with the discrete symmetry groups of the Hamiltonian (1). If U ′ (x + X ) = −U ′ (−x + X ) and E (t) = −E (t + T /2) the dynamical equations of motion are invariant ˆa (this symmetry has been also observed and discussed by under the symmetry operation S Ajdari et al [12] for the overdamped case). On the other hand, if E (t + τ ) = E (−t + τ ), they ˆb symmetry (dissipationless case provided). Both symmetries (2-3) may be broken have S by choosing appropriate functions U (x) and E (t). In the overdamped case the corresponding dynamical equation γx ˙ + U ′ (x) + E (t) = 0 , may possess an additional symmetry 2 (4)
ˆc S
x(t; x0 , p0 )
p(t; x0 , p0 )
x (−t + τ ; x0 , p0 ) + X
−p (−t + τ ; x0 , p0 )
provided that U (x) and E (t) possess the following properties: U ′ (x) = −U ′ (x + X ) and ˆc if realized is based on time reversal in the E (t) = −E (−t + τ ). Note that the symmetry S overdamped limit, which is quite unexpected. An independent discovery of this symmetry has been done in [11] (coined “supersymmetry”). The model analysis in [5] does not account for more realistic statistical properties of an ensemble of particles (like thermalization of the distribution). Still it provides one with a good intuitive understanding of current rectification. On the other hand, a lot of solid state applications require a more rigorous statistical description of transport properties. The aim of the present paper is to show that the symmetry approach can be applied as well to the classical kinetic Boltzmann equation. We will show in particular that the attractor of the Boltzmann equation completely reflects the symmetries of the original equation of motion for one particle. The kinetic Boltzmann equation reads (see, for example, [13]) ˆf ≡ ∂t f + x∂ L ˙ x f + p∂ ˙ p f = J (f, F ) , x ˙ =p, p ˙ = −U ′ (x) + E (t) . (6) (7)
2 Institute
for Chemical Physics of Russian Academy of Sciences, 117977, Moscow, Russia (February 8, 2008) We study rectification of a current of particles moving in a spatially pe-
In recent years, a lot of efforts have been devoted to the study of a directed current of particles in a spatially periodic potential under the simultaneous action of an external timedependent field with zero mean [1]. Most of the previously done work was connected with transport in the presence of a stochastic external field (noise) [2–4]. Another set of problems concerns systems driven by a deterministic periodic force [5–7] with applications to current generation in semiconductor superlattices [8], a free particle moving in a non-Newtonian liquid [9], two-dimensional conducting electron gas in arrays of triangular shaped quantum dots [10], to name a few. For more information we refer the interested reader to [11]. The model Hamiltonian of a particle of unit mass and its dynamical equation of motion can be written as:
p2 + U (x) − xE (t) , x ¨ = −U ′ (x) + E (t) . 2
Here U is a spatially periodic potential U (x) = U (x + 2π ) , E is an ac field E (t) = E (t + T ) with zero mean value and frequency ω = 2π/T . A recent approach to the problem of current rectification [5] was based on the analysis of symmetries of the dynamical equations of motion with and without additional dissipation. Consider trajectories generated from an ensemble of initial conditions in phase space. A dc current can be calculated by averaging over initial conditions and time. To generate a non-zero dc current it is necessary to break all relevant symmetries which are responsible for transforming a trajectory with x(t; x0 , p0 ), p(t; x0 , p0 ) , x(t0 ; x0 , p0 ) = x0 and p(t0 ; x0 , p0 ) = p0 into another one with a momentum of the opposite sign. Note, that the generated trajectory must belong to the same statistical ensemble. These symmetries can be expressed via combinations of shifts and reflections in time and space (see [5]): ˆa S