中国西南干旱研究进展综述 Drought in Southwest China - A review


SPEI 数值 −1 < SPEI < −0.5 −1.5 < SPEI < −1 −2 < SPEI < −1.5 SPEI ≤ −2 干旱等级 轻旱 中旱 重旱 特旱
The Analysis of Drought Characteristics Based on SPEI in Southwest China in Recent 55 Years
Qiujie Wu, Liya Jin*
Chengdu University of Information Technology, Chengdu Sichuan
2.2.2. 标准化降水蒸散指数(SPEI) 标准化降水指数 SPI 与标准化降水蒸散指数 SPEI 所使用的计算方法较为一致,但是 SPEI 指数的计 算方法更为完善, 用降水与潜在蒸散之差来替换 SPI 计算中的单一降水异常, 能更好地反映干旱特征[24]。 SPEI 指数干旱等级标准按照 SPI 指数干旱等级标准划分, 具体内容见表 1 (正文所有干旱强度均以正值表 示)。
Copyright © 2019 by authors and Hans Publishers Inc. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY). /licenses/by/4.0/
DOI: 10.12677/ccrl.2019.81009 75


几 十 年来 西南 干 旱 的 观测 事 实 和特 征 , 然 后对 干旱 成 因研 究 进 行 了
在 全球 变 暖背 景 下, 中国极 端 天 气 气候 事件频发 . 近年 来 , 发 生在 中 国西 南 的严 重干旱事件 给 当地造 成 了重大的 经
济损 失 和 严 重 的 社 会 影 响 , 引起 政 府 部
门和科 学界 的高度重视. 因此 , 总结 西南 干旱的观测事 实和规律 , 探 讨干旱 成 因, 为西南干旱 的预 测 预警提 供 依 据 , 是 一
至今 这几个 时 间段 是西 南 5省 旱灾 频 繁 发 生 的 时期 , 即 间隔 1 0 a左
作者简介 庞晶 , 女, 硕士生 , 主要研究方 向为大气环
境. p a n n i n g 5 8 2 @1 2 6 . c o n r
覃军( 通 信作 者 ) , 男, 博士, 高级工程 师 , 硕 士生导 师, 主要从事大气环流异常与气候 变
1 2 8
P AN G J i n g , e t a 1 . Ad v a n c e s i n c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s a n d c a u s e s o f d r o u g h t r e s e a r c h i n s o u t h we s t C h i n a
以及西 南部 分地 区 发生 严 重 伏 秋 连 旱 ; 2 0 0 5年 华 南 南 部 出 现严 重 的

我国是一个自然灾害频发的国家,据统计,气象灾害造成的经济损失约占所有自然灾害的70 %,其中干旱造成的损失又占了气象灾害的50%以上。

西南旱灾英文作文Southwest Drought Disaster。
The Southwest region of China has been hit hard by a severe drought, causing widespread damage to crops, livestock, and the environment. The drought has been ongoing for several months, and the situation is becoming increasingly dire.Farmers in the affected areas are struggling to grow crops and feed their livestock. Many have been forced to sell off their animals at a loss, while others have been forced to abandon their farms altogether. The lack of rainfall has also caused water shortages, making itdifficult for people to access clean drinking water.The drought has also had a significant impact on the environment. Rivers and lakes have dried up, and the soil has become arid and infertile. This has led to a decline in biodiversity, with many plant and animal species strugglingto survive.The government has taken steps to address the situation, including providing financial assistance to affectedfarmers and implementing measures to conserve water. However, more needs to be done to mitigate the effects of the drought and prevent similar disasters from occurring in the future.In the meantime, it is important for people to come together and support those affected by the drought. Thiscan be done through donations, volunteering, and spreading awareness about the issue. By working together, we can help alleviate the suffering caused by this devastating natural disaster.。

1. 旱灾背景西南地区旱灾的主要原因是降水不足。
2. 受灾情况西南地区多个省市都受到了旱灾的影响。
3. 影响分析旱灾给当地的农业生产带来了严重的损失。
4. 应对措施为了有效应对旱灾,我们需要采取一系列措施:4.1 加强气象监测和预警系统通过加强气象监测和预警系统,能够提前预测和警报旱情的发生。
4.2 加强水资源管理加强水资源管理,包括对水源的保护和高效利用。
4.3 实施生态修复和防火措施加强对森林和草原的治理和保护工作,加强预防和控制森林火灾的能力。
4.4 加大对受灾群众的援助力度在旱灾期间,重点关注受灾群众的生活需求和基本保障。
5. 启示与展望西南旱灾的发生提醒我们,要加强对气候变化和自然灾害的预警和应对能力,加强生态环境保护和水资源管理。

关键词:干旱、西南地区、气候变化、农业、水资源、生态环境1. 引言西南地区是我国重要的生态脆弱区,干旱是其常见的气象灾害之一。
2. 西南地区干旱的地理特点西南地区干旱主要分布在四川盆地、云贵高原和西藏高原等地,其主要特点有:高海拔、降水稀少、土地退化、蒸散发强烈等。
3. 气候变化与西南干旱关系气候变化是西南地区干旱的主要原因之一。
4. 西南地区干旱指数干旱指数是评价干旱程度的重要指标。
5. 西南地区干旱机理西南地区干旱的机理涉及到气候和地理因素。
6. 干旱对农业的影响干旱对西南地区的农业生产造成了严重损失。
7. 干旱对水资源的影响西南地区的水资源主要来自降水和地表水,干旱使得水资源短缺。

寸草 不生 的荒漠 化演 变 趋 势 , 态恶 化 发 展 到危 机 生 状态 [ 。阿坝 州森林 覆 盖率 由 2 纪 5 , 0世 0年代的
最 困难 的 一 种 特 殊 地 域 类 型 J 主 要 分 布 于 金 沙 , 江、 怒江 、 沧 江和 雅砻 江的 中 、 澜 下游 , 大渡 河和元 江 的 中游 , 岷江上 游 和嘉 陵江上 游的 白水河 等河谷 区 ,
其总长度 为 4 1 5k 总面 积 1 3 m2 0 m, 12 0 k u 。干 旱 J
1 3 干旱河 谷生 态环 境现 状 .
将会对 区域 生态 环境 的改 善和 当地 的可持续 发展产
生重 大的意 义 。
1 干旱 河 谷
1 1 成 因 .
1 3 1 植被 稀疏 , .. 盖度 低 , 森林覆 盖率 减 少, 水文状 况恶化 【 由 于干 旱 少 雨 、 壤 贫 瘠 , 4 J 土 干旱 河 谷地 区植被极 为稀 疏 , 多 为低 矮 、 大 多刺 的 旱生 性 灌丛 。
展 . 。特定 的 自然 地理 因素 对 于 干旱 河 谷的 形成 7 J 起 着根本 的制 约作 用 , 人 为 因素 加 速 了干 旱河 谷 而
的形成 和退化 。 12 干旱河 谷的类 型 .
根 据不 同的 自然地理 区及 热量条 件 可将我 国的
干 旱河谷 分 为干热 河 谷 、 暖河 谷 和 干 温河 谷 三种 干 类 型[—l] 7 。 9o
干旱 河谷是 我 国西 南地 区 山地 的特殊 类型 , 在
南 北走 向的横 断 山, 使东 南 太 平 洋季 风 和 西南 印 致
同区域 山 地垂 直 带 中干 旱 河 谷 带 是 相 对 脆 弱 的 地

运用MODIS 对我国西南地区极端干旱情况监测与评估研究——以2009~2010年遥感数据为例张小强1,冯 彬1,王云燕2(1. 江苏省环境科学研究院 江苏省环境工程重点实验室,江苏 南京 210036;2. 河海大学环境学院,江苏 南京 210036)摘 要: 文章利用中分辨率成像光谱仪(MODIS )反演的干旱胁迫指数(DSI )来监测我国西南地区2009~2010年极端干旱的持续时间、发生强度和空间分布等特征,进而评估DSI 的干旱监测能力,并验证其精度。
将DSI 和标准化降水指数(SPI )进行皮尔逊相关分析,以评估DSI 的监测结果。
结果表明:DSI 与SPI 的变化趋势在时间尺度较为一致,DSI 和时间尺度为3个月的SPI 的相关性系数最高(r =0.58),农业气象干旱的监测资料也验证了这一点。
研究表明,DSI 具有监测我国西南地区或全球其他类似地区极端干旱的能力。
关键词: 干旱;干旱胁迫指数;标准化降水指数;MODIS ;西南地区中图分类号: X321 文献标志码: A DOI :10.16803/ki.issn.1004 − 6216.2020.01.024Monitoring and Evaluation of Extreme Drought in Southwest China Based the MODIS——A Case Study Based on 2009 ~ 2010 Remote Sensing DataZHANG Xiaoqiang 1,FENG Bin 1,WANG Yunyan 2(1. Jiangsu Provincial Key Laboratory of Environmental Engineering, Jiangsu Provincial Academy of Environmental Science,Nanjing 210036, China ;2. College of Environment, Hohai University, Nanjing 210036, China )Abstract : This article investigated whether Drought Severity Index (DSI) derived from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) had the capability of detecting the regional drought in the subtropical southwest China. The monthly remote sensing data based DSI were used to characterize the extent, duration, and severity of the drought from 2000 to 2010. The results showed that southwest China suffered an extreme drought from November 2009 to March 2010 (referred to as the “drought period ”). The area affected by the drought occupied approximately 74% of the total area of the study region, in which a moderate drought, severe drought, and an extreme drought accounted for 20%, 12.7% and 13.2% of the total area, respectively. Spatially,eastern Yunnan, western Guizhou and Guangxi suffered a persistent drought ranged from mild to extreme during the drought period.Pearson correlation analyses were performed between DSI and the in-situ meteorological station-based Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) for validating the monitoring results. The results showed that the DSI corresponded favorably with the temporal change trend of the SPI. Furthermore, similar spatial patterns and temporal variations were found between the DSI and the 3-month SPI with the highest correlation (mean: r=0.58), as well as the agro-meteorological drought observation data. The analysis proved that the DSI could monitor the extreme drought with a fine resolution across subtropical southwest China, or other similar regions.Keywords : Drought ;Drought Severity Index ;SPI ;MODIS ;Southwest China CLC number : X321在各类农业气象灾害中,农业干旱造成的损失十分严重,是对农业生产威胁最大的灾害之一。


第 25卷第 4期干旱地区农业研究Vol . 25No . 4收稿日期 :2006-07-08基金项目 :国家重点基础研究发展规划资助项目 (2002C B111506 作者简介 :杨兆平 (1980— , 男 , 山东枣庄人 , 硕士研究生 , 主要从事景观生态学研究。
E -mail :yangzp04@163. com 。
通讯作者 :常禹 , E -mail :changyu @iae . ac . cn 。
我国西南主要干旱河谷生态及其研究进展杨兆平1, 2, 常禹1(1. 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所 , 辽宁沈阳 110016; 2. 中国科学院研究生院 , 北京 110039摘要 :在广泛查阅前人工作的基础上 , 发现到目前为止 , 对干旱河谷生态方面的研究主要集中在成土特征和土壤养分水分分布特征、植被状况及生态恢复上。
认为干旱河谷生态研究的进一步工作应该注重人为因素的研究 , 对干旱河谷区人口与生态环境间不协调的方面进行干预 , 以实现该区域人口与生态环境的良性互动 ; 加强景观生态学研究和多尺度集成 , 利用景观生态学原理、方法来探讨干旱河谷景观结构和功能的相应变化 , 寻求维持区域生态安全的关键机制。
关键词 :干旱河谷 ; 生态环境 ; 生态恢复中图分类号 :X171. 1文献标识码 :A 文章编号 :1000-7601(2007 04-0090-04干旱河谷是我国西南地区山地的特殊类型 , 在同区域山地垂直带中干旱河谷带是相对脆弱的地带 [1, 2], 也是存在问题最多 , 在山区治理中最关键和最困难的一种特殊地域类型 [3], 主要分布于金沙江、怒江、澜沧江和雅砻江的中、下游 , 大渡河和元江的中游 , 岷江上游和嘉陵江上游的白水河等河谷区 , 其总长度为 4105km , 总面积 11230km 2[1]。

Rethinking the serious drought in south-west China 作者: 马仲庄[1];张晓峰[2];马润水[1]
作者机构: [1]邯郸市漳滏河灌溉供水管理处,河北邯郸056000;[2]通辽市水利勘察设计院,
出版物刊名: 河北工程大学学报:社会科学版
页码: 48-49页
年卷期: 2010年 第4期
主题词: 干旱;抗旱;措施

近百年西南地区干旱的多时间尺度演变特征王林1, 2 陈文1(1 中国科学院大气物理研究所季风系统研究中心,北京 100190; 2 中国科学院大学,北京 100049)摘要:以干旱变化的不同时间尺度特征为出发点,利用具有多时间尺度变化并考虑温度影响的标准化降水蒸散指数(Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index,SPEI)对我国西南地区近百年的干旱演变特征进行了分析。
关键词:多时间尺度,SPEI指数,西南干旱DOI:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1973.2012.04.003Characteristics of Multi-timescale Variabilities of the Drought over Last 100 Years in Southwest ChinaWang Lin1,2, Chen Wen1(1 Center for Monsoon System Research, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 1001902 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049)Abstract: The characteristics of 20th drought in Southwest China at different time scales have been investigated based on SPEI (Standardized Precipitation Evaportranspiration Index), which is a multi-timescale drought index and takes temperature into account. Firstly, in comparison with observations, the SPEI is confirmed to be applicable to analyze the drought in Southwest China. Secondly, the results present that at longer time scales the SPEI have a feature of interdecadal variability with minimum values of SPEI appearing around 1940 and in August, 2006. In contrast, the temporal evolutions at shorter time scales of the SPEI are characterized by seasonal to interannual oscillations. Sometimes, the droughts at different time scales may happen simultaneously, which may produce extreme drought events affecting society and economy seriously (for instance, the summer drought in 2006 in Sichuan and Chongqing). However, compared with the summer drought in 2006, the summer drought in 1972 is not that severe because there is no overlap of droughts at different time scales. Finally, the contribution of temperature anomaly to the drought is also analyzed. The result indicates that high temperature contribution cannot be neglected and its probability can reach as high as 20%-25%.Key Words: multiple time scales, SPEI, the drought in Southwest China1 引言干旱是我国乃至全球最重要的自然灾害之一,它的影响范围广,涉及时间长。

原由(1)中国 63% 的城市道对水源缺少,污染和工业化恶化了这类状况;(2)大批树木被砍伐,丛林覆盖率急剧降落;(3)水利工程没有合理运用,浇灌系统过于陈腐。
注意:(1) 词数 100 左右 ;(2)可适合增添细节,以使上下文连接 ;(3)开头已写好,不计入总词数。
What Lessons Should Be Learned From the DroughtThe drought in the south-west China lasts for several months, which makes people face water and food scarcity. Weshould learn lessons from it.The drought can be cause by several factors.__________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ __【猜题原由】我国西南地域的旱灾牵动着国人的心,在为之痛心的同时,我们也应从中汲取教训。

家庭中可以修复水漏、安装水-saving 用品,减少水的浪费。

基于不同干旱指数的西南干旱特征发布时间:2021-08-09T15:03:50.420Z 来源:《探索科学》2021年6月作者:洛桑平措洛松卓玛德庆曲珍德吉央宗[导读] 干旱是成灾害最为严重的自然灾害,受其影响的人数比其他任何自然灾害都多。
拉萨市气象局洛桑平措洛松卓玛德庆曲珍德吉央宗 850000摘要:干旱是成灾害最为严重的自然灾害,受其影响的人数比其他任何自然灾害都多。
40年来,中国国土范围内整体呈现出气候干旱的趋势,自东北向西南地区还存在一条显著的干旱趋势带,副热带和中低纬度地区的干旱日数呈增加趋势(Zhai et al., 2010;刘珂和姜大膀,2015)。

近日我国西南大旱1. 简介近期,我国西南地区遭遇严重干旱天气。
2. 原因分析在分析西南大旱的原因时,主要从气候变化和人类活动两个方面进行探讨。
2.1 气候变化气候变化是导致西南大旱的主要原因之一。
2.2 人类活动人类活动也是导致西南地区大旱的重要原因之一。
3. 影响分析西南大旱对当地的农业生产、经济发展和人民的生活产生了深远的影响。
3.1 农业生产干旱天气对农业生产带来了巨大的冲击。
3.2 经济发展西南地区是我国的重要经济区域之一,大旱对当地的经济发展产生了严重的负面影响。
3.3 人民生活大旱对人们的生活也带来了很多不便和困扰。
4. 救灾措施为了应对西南大旱的严峻形势,政府和社会各界采取了一系列的救灾措施。
4.1 节水措施为了确保人民的生活用水和农业灌溉的需求,政府鼓励人们节约用水,加强对重要水资源的保护和管理。
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关键词:干旱,中国西南,历史变化,未来预估,机理下载地址:相关链接:/syky/201506/t20150615_4373967.shtml/newsroom/research_news/201506/t20150616_148920.shtmlP R E L I M I N A R Y A C C E P T E D V E R S I O NDrought in Southwest China: A ReviewWANG Lin 1 , CHEN Wen 2, ZHOU Wen 3, and HUANG Gang 4,51Key Laboratory of Regional Climate-Environment for Temperate East Asia, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China 2Center for Monsoon System Research, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China3Guy Carpenter Asia-Pacific Climate Impact Centre, School of Energy and Environment, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China 4State Key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China 5Joint Center for Global Change Studies, Beijing 100875, ChinaReceived 29 April 2015; revised 20 May 2015; accepted 17 June 2015; published 16 November 2015AbstractThe clustering of severe and sustained droughts in Southwest China (SWC) during the last decade has resulted in tremendous losses, including crop failure, a lack of drinking water, ecosystem destruction, health problems, and even deaths. Various attempts have been made to explore the variability and causes of drought in SWC. Here, the authorsCorresponding author: WANG Lin, wang_lin@P R E L I M I N A R Y A C C E P T E D V E R S I O Nsummarize and integrate this accumulated but fragmented knowledge. On the whole, general agreement has been reached on the evolution of drought in SWC, which has become more frequent and intense during the past 50 years and is projected to continue throughout the 21st century. However, it is unclear and even disputable as to what and how sea surface temperatures and circulation oscillation patterns affect the drought condition. Meanwhile, the presence of strong nonlinearity places considerable challenges in both understanding and predicting drought in SWC. Therefore, much remains to be learned concerning the mechanisms responsible for drought disasters in SWC and accurate forecast practice. In addition to pursuing research on factors and processes involved in drought formation, above all, there is an urgent need to develop appropriate strategies and plans for mitigating the threats of drought.Keywords: drought, Southwest China, historical change, future scenario, mechanismCitation: Wang, L., W. Chen, W. Zhou, et al., 2015: Drought in Southwest China: A review, Atmos. Oceanic Sci. Lett., 8, doi:10.3878/AOSL20150043.1 IntroductionSouthwest China (SWC) covers an area of approximately 1.23 million km 2, or 12.9% of China, with latitude and longitude ranging from 22°N to 32°N and 98°E to 110°E, respectively, and comprises four provinces and one municipality: Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, west of Guangxi and Chongqing. SWC is one of the most densely populated regions in China, accounting for an estimated 1/6 of the nation’s total, and is also the main grain producing area,P R E L I M I N A R Y A C C E P T E D V E R S I O Nproviding approximately 16% of the national food supply. SWC has abundant precipitation of about 1200–1800 mm per year on average; meanwhile, it contains headwaters of many important rivers, including the Yangtze, Lancang and Nujiang, which provide as much as 46% of China’s available water resources. Despite being located in the humid climate zone, exceptional and sustained droughts have frequently hit SWC in the last decade, with the summer of 2006, the autumn of 2009 to the spring of 2010, and the summer of 2011 being record-breaking events (Wang et al., 2014). According to statistics reported by the Chinese government, severe drought together with high temperatures during summer 2006 caused water scarcity for at least 18 million residents, crop failure on 311300 ha of land, and economic losses of 11.74 billion yuan (Li et al., 2009). During the long-lasting drought from autumn 2009 to the ensuing spring of 2010, more than 16 million people and 11 million livestock faced drinking water shortages, with direct economic losses estimated at 19 billion yuan (Barriopedro et al., 2012; Qian and Zhang, 2012; Yang et al., 2012b). One year later, the drought in the summer of 2011 affected a combined 5.86 million ha of crops, leaving a total of 9.17 million livestock and 12 million people short of drinking water (Sun et al., 2012; Wang et al., 2012). All of these super droughts constitute devastating and far-reaching threats to agriculture, water availability, ecosystems (Zhang et al., 2012a, b), the economy, and society (Ye et al., 2012). Besides the negative effect of drought, the complex topography, erosion, deforestation, and poor water management have exacerbated the worst drought events in SWC (Qiu, 2010).Before massive droughts over SWC initiated in 2006, studies of drought/flooding acrossP R E L I M I N A R Y A C C E P T E D V E R S I O Neastern China and Northwest China were hot topics among the research community (e.g., Huang, 2004; Zhou et al., 2006, 2012; Zhou and Chan, 2006; Chen et al., 2009, 2013a, b; Wei and Wang, 2013; Li et al., 2014a; Qu et al., 2014). During recent years, devastating droughts in SWC have attracted great concern from both the Chinese government and the academic sector. To date, considerable efforts have been expended on surveying the characteristics as well as establishing the physical causes of droughts in this hotspot region. Nevertheless, the relevant literature remains fragmented. Therefore, in this review paper, we gather and integrate the past achievements in understanding the multiple aspects of drought in SWC, and highlight the pending obstacles and knowledge gaps that need to be addressed in future work. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: In section 2, we review the historical change of drought in SWC from an observational perspective, along with future projections based on simulations by climate models. After describing the basic characteristics of the variability of drought in SWC, the suggested causes of drought in the region are summarized in section 3. Finally, section 4 provides concluding remarks and suggests directions for future research. 2 Historical and future projected changes of drought in SWCThis section provides the current knowledge from historical and future perspectives regarding drought in SWC. He et al. (2011), Zhang et al. (2013a), and Li et al. (2014b) all detected the spatiotemporal signatures of dryness-wetness variations in SWC from 1960 to 2009 and, despite the different drought metrics employed, the generally consistent finding was that drought events in SWC have increased in both intensity and frequency during theP R E L I M I N A R Y A C C E P T E D V E R S I O Npast half a century, induced by the combined effect of decreasing precipitation and rising temperature. Wang and Chen (2012) examined the multiscalar variability of drought over SWC in long records starting from the early 20th century and found dramatic interannual variability superimposed on interdecadal oscillations without a pronounced long-term trend. Therefore, the trend towards increasing drought in the last 50 years may indeed reflect a phase transition associated with multi-decadal variability. Although current droughts are extremely serious, it is in fact not the worst period in a long-term context because the drought episodes centered around the year 1940 experienced the same intensity and duration. Other dry periods with less detrimental effects included the 1960s and 1990s, while very or extremely humid conditions were recorded in 1910–30, the 1950s, and 1967–70. In addition, other decades were characterized by climatic stability, with less intensive and shorter dry or humid periods. Recently, Ji et al. (2015) extended the analysis back to 1500 A. D. with the help of yearly charts of dryness-wetness in China for the last 500 years, a reconstruction product on the basis of China’s official historical documents. On the centennial scale, an abrupt increase of drought disasters was found during the 20th century compared to the past four centuries. However, it should be noted that there remains substantial uncertainty with respect to the proxy database inferred from chorography, indicating that interpretations of reconstructed drought variability should be treated with caution. Despite significant efforts made to place drought in SWC in a historical context, as Wang et al. (2015a) pointed out, it remains unclear as to why the recent super droughts are historically unprecedented during the past 50 years and what is the essential feature behind them. These failures stem from theP R E L I M I N A R Y A C C E P T E D V E R S I O Nabsence of an integrated approach to quantifying drought and its associated indexes, which is crucial for understanding the mechanisms responsible for super droughts and for distinguishing such droughts from those of less consequence. A new metric, called the Comprehensive Multiscalar Indicator (CMI), was developed to consider the combined effects of the wet/dry state at different timescales. Reexamination of droughts in SWC illuminates the essential feature of super droughts events— a combination of multiple stresses on water resources and highlights the utility of CMI.As we know, climate change poses a significant challenge to human survival and development, especially for underdeveloped regions. Apart from understanding historical evidence, it is of vital importance to assess possible future scenarios of drought risk under the background of global warming. Such knowledge will be helpful for the state and local government in preparing advanced mitigation and adaptation strategies. Wang et al. (2014) evaluated potential future changes in drought over SWC under the CMIP5 (Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5) framework. Towards the end of 21st century, precipitation and evaporation are both expected to increase, resulting from intensified water vapor transport from the Bay of Bengal and the joint effect of elevated temperature and surface net radiation, together with reduced relative humidity, respectively. In comparative terms, the increasing rate of evaporation outweighs that of precipitation, producing an overall drying tendency in SWC (Fig. 1). Furthermore, we see that not only will incidences of severe and extreme drought increase dramatically in the future, but extremely wet events will also become more probable. It is also noteworthy that the future drought risk in SWC is nearlyP R E L I M I N A R Y A C C E P T E D V E R S I O Ntwice that in other parts of the country (Wang and Chen, 2014). In light of the current impacts and future threats of drought disasters in SWC, it is imperative to take measures to improve our ability to cope with such change, including water management solutions, adjustments to cropping structures, soil protection, and so on.3 Mechanisms responsible for drought in SWCBased on the above arguments, the variability of drought in SWC at varying time scales becomes clear, but the physical mechanisms responsible remain elusive. In general, the maintenance of deficient precipitation over affected areas is often regulated by persistently abnormal sea surface temperature (SST) and the resulting atmospheric conditions. Therefore, many studies have been conducted to explore the critical pattern of SST and synoptic systems with significant influence on the lack of rainfall in SWC. Besides, drought is often enhanced by land-atmosphere coupling, which plays a significant role at a more local and on shorter time scales. Figure 2 summarizes the factors currently recognized as possibly being engaged in drought formation over SWC.At present, the vast majority of studies on the topic have been carried out with a focus on particular droughts, such as those that occurred in summer 2006, autumn 2009 to spring 2010, and summer 2011. Yang et al. (2008), Li et al. (2009), and Liu et al. (2009b) all noted that, during summer 2006, the western Pacific subtropical high (WPSH) strengthened, with its ridge line shifting northward and extending westward, and the Tibetan high lay eastward. The two highs then merged into a stable belt of continental high pressure aloft in the middle and upper troposphere. Under the control of high pressure, downward airflows prevailed in SWCP R E L I M I N A R Y A C C E P T E D V E R S I O Nand moisture supply from the Bay of Bengal and South China Sea to this region was blocked, as evidenced by anomalous water vapor flux from the northeast to the southwest, and an associated divergent center situated in the Sichuan-Chongqing region (Liu et al., 2009a). Further investigation showed that a stronger heat source induced vigorous convective activities over the western Pacific in summer (Peng et al., 2007) and less snow cover over the Tibetan Plateau in the preceding winter and spring (Zou and Gao, 2007), giving rise to the amplification of the WPSH and the Tibetan high, respectively. Moreover, accompanied by a weak blocking high in the Ural Mountains and a shallow East Asian trough, the midlatitudes were dominated by stronger zonal circulation than usual, which hindered the southward intrusion of cold air into SWC. Consequently, the large-scale configuration of the subtropical and midlatitude circulation pattern during summer 2006 was not favorable for the convergence of warm-moist air from the south and cold-dry air from the north, and thus severe drought developed. Related with the autumn 2009 to spring 2010 drought, several potential climatic candidates have been identified. At the local scale, SWC was characterized by a lack of moisture and warmer air temperature throughout the lower and middle troposphere, which together made it hard for the air to become saturated and thus also made it hard for rain to form (Lu et al., 2011; Yang et al., 2012b). Meanwhile, significant anomalous descent was observed in SWC. Even so, what and how did remote forcing affect the regional thermodynamic characteristics? Yang et al. (2012b) reported a significant positive correlation between the Arctic Oscillation (AO) index and precipitation in SWC, indicating that aP R E L I M I N A R Y A C C E P T E D V E R S I O N negative phase of the AO may bring drought to the region. Accordingly, Barriopedro et al. (2012), Huang et al. (2012), and Yang et al. (2012b) all noted that, in winter of 2009/2010, the AO index amounted to its lowest value since the mid-20th century, which brought the track of cold waves eastward with coincident reduced northerly flow of cold air into SWC, as mirrored by pronounced low temperature overwhelming the eastern half of China. Meanwhile, SWC also suffered from deficient moisture supply: during autumn 2009, an anomalous cyclone over the South China Sea impeded water vapor transport from the western Pacific and the Bay of the Bengal; during the subsequent winter, a flat-shaped south branch trough (also called the India-Burma trough) diverted water transfer to the far east before penetrating inland towards SWC (Wang and Li, 2010; Zhang et al., 2011; Barriopedro et al., 2012). Furthermore, Huang et al. (2012), Yang et al. (2012b), and Zhang et al. (2013b) all assumed oceanic warming in the equatorial central Pacific that began around June and matured in November, known as El Niño Modoki, to be the principal external forcing in shaping East Asian circulation pattern anomalies. Specifically, El Niño Modoki induced a strongly anomalous cyclone over the west North Pacific during autumn 2009 (Zhang et al., 2013b), while a substantial westward extension of the WPSH (Yang et al., 2012b) along with an anticyclone over the South China Sea (Huang et al., 2012) occurred during winter 2009/2010, all of which were conducive to a strong decline in water vapor transport to SWC. Conversely, however, Jiang and Li (2010) and Yang et al. (2012a) both argued that the drought during winter 2009/2010 did not arise from the impact of El Niño, owing to the fact that the SST anomaly composite for extreme rainfall deficit years resembled a La Niña pattern. AnotherP R E L I M I N A R Y A C C E P T E D V E R S I O Ncontroversial aspect is the effect of the Indian Ocean (Huang et al., 2012; Zhang et al., 2013b). In summary, studies are generally consistent in the AO playing a critical role in the extreme drought condition of 2009/2010, but it remains an open question as to whether El Niño Modoki or the Indian Ocean make the greatest contribution. We elaborate on this further later in the paper. Additionally, Li et al. (2013) demonstrated the importance of antecedent soil moisture anomalies in their simulation, showing that reduced soil moisture in autumn led to decreased precipitation in the subsequent winter via positive feedback loops.With respect to the 2011 summer drought, Sun et al. (2012) and Wang et al. (2012) concluded that a weakened water vapor supply and prevalent descending motion over SWC yielded the severity and persistence of the drought. Such a pattern is quite similar to the atmospheric configurations noted during the previous event in summer 2006. However, the WPSH exhibited contrasting characteristics in summer 2006 and 2011 in terms of its zonal extent. Li et al. (2014c) revealed that the WPSH stretched westward in 2006 but withdrew eastward in 2011, indicative of its possible nonlinear behavior. The case studies summarized above are indispensable but can sometimes be misleading, because of their very narrow focus. Recent studies have endeavored to provide a more general description of the synoptic and SST conditions, as opposed to specific examples, offering deeper insight into the causes of drought. Feng et al. (2014) studied the teleconnected causes of drought in SWC during its dry season (November to March), and considered SST anomalies in the tropical Pacific and North Atlantic to be the main drivers for drought. During La Niña years, enhanced heating over the Maritime Continent provokesP R E L I M I N A R Y A C C E P T E D V E R S I O Nanomalous downward motion over SWC through the connection of local Hadley circulation; in the presence of an ENSO-neutral status, a negative-phase North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) plays a crucial role by exciting a large-scale wave train that leads to an anomalous anticyclone in SWC. Xu et al. (2012) focused on the asymmetric relationship between the NAO and SWC precipitation in boreal winter, disclosing that the negative phase of the NAO generates insufficient precipitation over SWC, while the relationship between them is not significant for the opposite phase.Regarding autumn drought, as suggested by Wang et al. (2015b), it is primarily the tropical Northwest Pacific (NWP) SST that exerts an influence on SWC; moreover, the three key dynamic processes linked to drought in SWC in response to a warm NWP have also been elucidated based on both observational diagnosis and numerical experiments. Therefore, it is evident that there is no preference for drought during the dry season to be correlated to the El Niño portion of ENSO. However, as mentioned, the 2009/2010 drought was attributed to El Niño Modoki by Huang et al. (2012), Yang et al. (2012b), and Zhang et al. (2013b). So, why are there such conflicting attitudes towards the effect of ENSO? One possible explanation to reconcile these disparate findings is that the response of drought and its associated circulation pattern to ENSO forcing is rather nonlinear. If a nonlinear association exists, it is probable for individual events (i.e., the 2009/2010 drought) to be influenced by a specific El Niño episode, with its distinct features in terms of intensity and location, even though there is no overall correspondence between them.Also recall that a strong and westward extension of the WPSH during summer 2006 isP RE L I M I N A R Y A C C E P T E D V E R S I O Nbelieved to have promoted the dry condition over SWC. Following the linear perspective, a weak and eastward retreat of the WPSH implies plentiful precipitation in SWC. However, Li et al. (2009) examined the strength indices and western-most points of its ridge line corresponding to severe drought in different years, and revealed that the WPSH patterns associated with marked positive and negative rainfall anomalies in SWC are not opposite to each other. Instead, either stronger with a westward shift or weaker with an eastward shift of the WPSH can result in inadequate precipitation over SWC, implying a nonlinear response of SWC precipitation to the amplitude and zonal deviation of the WPSH during summer. Nevertheless, a common feature shared by almost all drought events is the poleward displacement of its ridge line (Li et al., 2009; Liu et al., 2009b).Lastly, but importantly, the worsening drought risk in SWC is not only a natural process, but also the result of inappropriate human intervention. Extensive human activities have been exerting increasing impacts on the fragile environment of the region, including the degradation of vegetation, deforestation, soil erosion, and excessive consumption of water resources. When anthropogenic impacts work in tandem with natural disasters, drought conditions can intensify and perpetuate. Mu et al. (2010) studied the effects of human activity on severe drought in SWC, but it is beyond the scope of this review to go into their findings in detail.4 Conclusion and future perspective Starting around 2006, a sequence of extreme droughts have struck SWC, resulting inP R E L I M I N A R Y A C C E P T E D V E R S I O Ntremendous losses including crop failure, a lack of drinking water, ecosystem destruction, health problems, and even deaths. Enormous amounts of research effort have been dedicated to investigating the variability and causes of droughts in SWC. In this review, we first document the basic characteristics, encompassing historical changes and future scenarios, of dryness-wetness variation in SWC, and then summarize the proposed mechanisms responsible for drought. On the one side, clear agreement has been achieved on the spatiotemporal evolution of drought in SWC, which has become more frequent and intense during the past 50 years and is projected to continue throughout the 21st century. On the other side, however, although our understanding of the causes of drought in SWC has progressed a great deal, evolving from case studies to more generalized theory, many controversies and open questions remain. Hence, there is much left to be learned about the mechanisms that trigger drought in SWC. Based on this review of the literature, the key issues and challenges to be addressed in the future are highlighted as follows: (1) Role of SST (particularly ENSO) with associated teleconnections. There is great uncertainty as to which SSTs and induced atmospheric circulation anomalies cause drought or flood conditions in SWC. Detailed investigations need to be made to determine the exact impacts of SSTs. In particular, since ENSO is known to heavily disrupt normal weather conditions in many parts of the world, it is essential to ascertain the role and effect of ENSO, be it of the canonical or Modoki type. Besides, previous results are suggestive of a possible nonlinear influence of ENSO, depending on its intensity and location, on SWC, which deserved further attention.P R E L I M I N A R Y A C C E P T E D V E R S I O N(2) Strong nonlinearity. The SST and circulation patterns tied to the fluctuation of SWC precipitation are typically complicated, with already reported nonlinear influences of the WPSH and ENSO at play. Consequently, a simple linear technique, such as correlation, regression or composite analysis, is not applicable. The presence of nonlinear relationships invokes appreciable difficulties in understanding the mechanisms involved.(3) Predictability and prediction. The ultimate goal of understanding the mechanisms and processes underlying drought variability is to develop skillful prediction. Further, the ability to predict drought accurately relies on our knowledge of sources of predictability. However, little is currently known about potential predictors of drought in SWC. Moreover, as a consequence of strong nonlinearity, it is challenging to build effective prediction methods because current climate models are incapable of capturing both the position and intensity of SST and circulation anomalies.The scope of future work is not limited to the key issues outlined above. In particular, the contribution from land surface processes, both locally in SWC and remotely in the Tibetan Plateau, has not yet been investigated. Obviously, more research is needed in the future to reveal the potential candidates that contribute to drought in SWC. Therefore, the only way to address drought-related problems in SWC is via the concept of the climate system.Finally, regardless of whether or not improvements will be made to our understanding and forecasts of drought in SWC, it is urgent to implement planning and mitigation strategies in order to reduce the adverse impacts when drought occurs.Acknowledgements. This work was supported by the National Basic Research Program ofP R E L I M I N A R Y A C C E P T E D V E R S I O NChina (Grant Nos. 2012CB955604 and 2011CB309704), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 41461144001, 41230527, 41275083, and 91337105), and the National Outstanding Youth Science Fund Project of China (Grant No.41425019).References Barriopedro, D., C. M. Gouveia, R. M. Trigo, et al., 2012: The 2009/10 drought in China: Possible causes and impacts on vegetation, J. Hydrometeor., 13, 1251–1267.Chen, W., J. Feng, and R. 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