How do you improve your writing?
I pracitce writing by_w_r_it_i_n_g_e_-m__a_il_s _to__m_y_
How do you improve your pronunciation ?
mistakes. You know we sometimes make mistakes when we speak Chinese. Don't be afraid. We
must be brave. If you really want to learn English well, you must try to speak with everyone so
A. A good beginning is half the battle. 句子还原题:
B. Failure is the mother of success.
空格前一句话“Don't be afraid of failure”表明作者对于失败的态度。
C. It is never too old to learn.
The _m__e_t_h_o_d_s_ of improving English.
Part3 E__as_i_er_s_a_id__th_a_n__d_on_e. D__o_m_o_r_e_p_r_a_ct_i_ce_.__
Listening First __l_is_t_e_n_t_o_o_t_h_e_r_s__ Then _tr_y__to__im__i_ta_t_e_a_n__d_speak Be relaxed while listening to English programs.
人教版九年级全一册英语 Unit 1-Unit 2 复习课件(共82张PPT)
【答案】 C
2.If you have a sore throat,you could drink some
hot tea
A.with B.at C.on D.through
1.(2020·甘肃天水)We can overcome all the difficulties
A.work B.works
C.working D.worked
切困难。by doing sth.意为“通过做某事”。故此处介词by
熟义:n.花园;园子 生义:v.做园艺工作;种植花木
(1)I will plant different kinds of flowers in my garden. 花园 (2)Many people are growing plants to eat in their own gardens at home.(2020·天津) 园子 (3)Around 70% of the people felt it was important to spend time in the garden,and over 50% of these described gardening as the
presented in class.
(3)How many people were present at the wedding?
ma5675带物进境,必须()。A.事先办理检疫审批手续B.在报检的同时办理检疫审批手续C.可以事后补办检疫审批手续D.可以免办检疫审批手续 [问答题,简答题]财政政策工具有哪些? [单选]切割时几乎不产生热量,特别适用热敏的贵金属加工的切割方法是()。A.火焰切割B.等离子弧切割C.碳弧气割D.水射流切割 [单选]某施工单位通过行贿中标某大型项目,并向项目建设单位提交了某银行出具的工程履约保函。目前工程已经实施过半,经其他投标人投诉,招标主管部门调查认定行贿谋取中标情节属实。则()。A.施工合同无效,履约保函有效B.施工合同无效,履约保函也无效C.施工合同有效,履约 [名词解释]审美情绪 [单选]()是企业授予客户的赊销限额,反映企业的资金能力和对客户所承担的机会成本及风险的承受能力。A.信用额度B.信用期限C.信用折扣D.信用标准 [单选,A1型题]下列关于RNA的叙述哪项是错误的()A.主要有mRNA、tRNA、rRNA等种类B.原核生物没有hnRNA和snRNAC.tRNA是最小的一种RNAD.胞质中只有一种RNA,即mRNAE.组成核糖体的主要是rRNA [问答题,简答题]简述汽油机和柴油机的着火和燃烧方式。 [单选]关于免疫学检查,错误的是()A.大多数用以检测抗体的方法都可以用于检测抗原B.特异性抗体检测可以反映人群的感染率C.恢复期特异性抗体都比急性期上升4倍有助于确诊D.皮肤试验不属于免疫学检查E.T细胞亚群检测常用于艾滋病的诊断 [单选]下列属于终末质量评价的是()。A.病区管理合格率B.消毒隔离管理合格率C.年度护理差错发生率D.一人一针一管执行率E.护理技术操作合格率 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]低血糖时可出现()A.胰岛素分泌加强B.胰升糖素抑制C.生长激素分泌抑制D.生长激素分泌加强E.肾上腺素分泌增加 [填空题]化工管道的涂色。生产中将各种管道涂以各种不同的颜色,可以使人们很容易的辨别判断各种管道中所盛装的不同介质,即方便操作,又易排除故障或处理事故。氨气管涂()。 [单选,A1型题]有关小儿喂养以下哪项不正确()A.婴儿热卡需要量110cal/(kg·D.,以后每增3岁减少10kcalB.婴儿牛乳加糖5%~8%C.婴儿从生后3个月后开始喂全奶D.婴儿水分需要量为120~150ml/100kcalE.幼儿饮食中蛋白、脂肪、糖所占热卡之比约为1:2:3 [单选]根据局部服从总体的原则,地方规划应当服从国家规划,首先保证国家规划的实现,维护国家规划的权威性与()。A.统一性B.宏观性C.远景性D.前瞻性 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]患者头晕目花,少气倦怠,腹部有坠胀感,脱肛,舌淡苔白,脉弱。其证候是()A.气滞B.气虚C.气陷D.气脱E.气逆 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]下列因素中能使冠状动脉血流量增多的是()。A.主动脉舒张压降低B.心室收缩压下降C.心室舒张期延长D.左心室收缩力降低E.冠状动脉痉挛 [单选]以下疾病中不可用维A酸类外用制剂治疗的有()A.鱼鳞病B.毛周角化病C.寻常型银屑病D.遗传性大疱性表皮松解症 [单选]0.2550m的有效数字是()位。A.3B.4C.5D.6 [填空题]城市普通中小学设卫生室,按学生人数()比1的比例配备专职卫生技术人员。 [单选]F—脱氧葡萄糖(FDG)脑断层显像是采用()A.脏器功能测定仪B.γ照相机C.正电子照相机D.SPECTE.PET [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]组成蛋白质的氨基酸在自然界存在的差异是()。A.种族差异B.个体差异C.组织差异D.器官差异E.无差异 [单选]最有特征性的痛风关节超声表现是()。A.软骨表面强回声B.关节腔内低回声液性暗区C.滑膜增厚,出现多普勒血流信号D.肌腱附着点多普勒血流信号E.软骨内强回声 [单选]关于CT扫描层厚的理解,哪个是错误的()A.层厚是CT扫描技术选择的重要参数B.层厚薄空间分辨率高C.层厚加大,密度分辨率低D.层厚的选择,应根据扫描部位和病变大小决定E.层厚薄,病灶检出率高 [问答题,简答题]《陕西省农村合作金融机构会计业务印章管理办法》规定,结算专用章的使用范围是什么? [单选]在软盘的各磁道中,零磁道的数据存储密度()。A、最低B、最高C、与其他磁道一样D、其他 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]灸法的主治作用是()A.蔬肝理气B.安神补心C.温经散寒D.益气养阴E.以上均不是 [单选]孕卵着床的时间约为受精后的().A.2~3天B.3~4天C.4~5天D.6~7天E.14天 [单选,A1型题]既能消食健胃又能回乳消胀的药物是()A.神曲B.山楂C.谷芽D.麦芽E.鸡内金 [单选]布氏硬度HB的单位是()A.MPaB.无单位C.kgf/c㎡D.kgf•m/m㎡ [判断题]如果一个反应的ΔrHθm>0,ΔrSθm<0,则此反应在任何温度下都是非自发的。A.正确B.错误 [单选,A1型题]具有严格季节性的证候是()。A.风淫证B.寒淫证C.湿淫证D.暑淫证E.火热证 [单选]一患者呼吸表现为有规律的呼吸几次后,突然停止一段时间,又开始呼吸,周而复始,这种呼吸节律称为()A.Cheyne-Stokes呼吸B.叹息样呼吸C.Kussmaul呼吸D.Blots呼吸E.抑制性呼吸 [单选]B公司的平均投资资本为2000万元,其中净负债600万元,权益资本1400万元;税后利息费用60万元,税后利润200万元;净负债成本(税后)8%,权益成本12%。则剩余经营收益为()万元。A、-40B、-16C、44D、12 [单选]机动飞行包线的横坐标和纵坐标分别为()。A.当量飞行速度和攻角B.攻角和飞机过载C.当量飞行速度和飞机过载D.过载和速压 [单选]中心风力12级以上的风被称为()。A.台风B.热带风暴C.强热带风暴D.热带低压 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]在诊断典型的再生障碍性贫血时,网织红细胞计数的绝对值应低于()A.1×109/LB.3×109/LC.5×109/LD.10×109/LE.15×109/L [单选]下列分析中,()应考虑关联效果,对项目涉及的所有社会成员的有关效益和费用进行全面识别。A.社会分析B.风险分析C.经济分析D.经济影响分析 [单选]哪种心脏病最易发生感染性心内膜炎()A.先天性心脏病室间隔缺损B.先天性心脏病房间隔缺损C.冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病D.风湿性心脏瓣膜病E.肺源性心脏病 [单选]病人五心烦热,盗汗,口咽干燥,颧红,舌红少津,脉细数,此为()。A.里实热证B.里实寒证C.表实热证D.里虚热证E.表虚热证 [单选]甲公司息税前利润为200万元,资本总额账面价值1000万元。假设无风险报酬率为4%,证券市场平均报酬率为8%,所得税税率为25%。债务市场价值为200万元时,税前债务利息率为6%,权益资本成本率为10.2%,则甲公司的公司价值为()万元。A.1382B.1482C.400D.1582
Look and say
Open your pencil-box
Close your book
Carry your bag
Show me your pen
Read and write(读读填填)
__ pple
Listen and choose(听音,选句子)
• 1、每组派一位代表上台书写 • 2、全班按顺序默写字母,按对的个数累积, 小组算平均分,优胜者得☆
Look and say(说出图片所代表的单词)
book red orange
bag green brown
pen blue black
pencil-box yellow white
Read and choose(根据情境,选择正确句子。)
• 4、放学后,要对好朋友说: • A:Goodbye. • B: Good afternoon.
• 5、介绍自己的新铅笔,要说: • A:Look,I have a new pencil. • B: Look,I have a zoo.
• 6、把蜡笔涂成橙色,要说: • A:Colour the crayon orange. • B: Show me the orange yon.
6 A This is my pencil.
7 A I have a black crayon. 8 A What colour is it?
B That is my pen.
B I have a brown book. B Colour it white.
Units1-2复习课件 人教版英语九年级全册
1. Come and sit by us. 2. Peter goes to work by bus every day. 3. Can you finish the work by 10:00 pm tomorrow? 4. The house was taken down by terrorists. 5. My brother studies history by working with a group. 1.by表示位置,“在……旁边”。 2.by表示交通方式。 3.by表示时间,“到(某时)之前;不迟于”。 4.by用于构成被动语态,“被,由”。 5.by表示方式或手段,“by+v.-ing 形式”结构在句中作方式状语,“通 过……方式(方法)”或“借助……手段”,用___________提问。
Learning how to learn
Talk about how to study
U2 I think that mooncakes are delicious.
Give a personal reaction(反应)
1.你怎样学习英语?我通过小组学习的方式来学。 2. 你通过大声朗读来学习英语吗? 是的,我是。它有助于我的发音。 3. 我怎样能读得更快点? 你可以通过读意群来读得更快点。 4. 我怎样能改善我的发音?一个方法是通过听磁带。
6. 固定搭配 little by little side by side by oneself=on one’s own by the way by mistake, by accident
1.—How does Li Hua improve his spoken English? —_H_e_i_m__p_ro_v_e_s_h_i_s_s_p_o_k_e_n_E__n_g_li_sh__b_y_l_i_பைடு நூலகம்t_e_n_in_g_.to tapes
ZMM : Sure , I am Z M M . My surname is Zhang and Mingming is my given name. I'm a Chinese girl. I was born in 7th Feb, 2005 in Jinan,Shandong.And my passport number is G25184703.That's all for my passpart information.
ZM: Good morning. This is … speaking. ... What should I do now? Policeman: Don’t worry. … ZM: Sure. …
Zhang Given Name:
Chinese Date of Birth:
If you were in trouble, what should you do ?
Task 3
Emergency Phone Numbers
the police
fire department
first aid
traffic rescue
Here is my family photo. This is my sister.
These are my parents.
That is my brother.
Those are my grandparents.
Task 7
Write down the family members as many as you can.
ZM: Good morning. This is … speaking. ... What should I do now? Policeman: Don’t worry. … ZM: Sure. …
Zhang Given Name:
Chinese Date of Birth:
If you were in trouble, what should you do ?
Task 3
Emergency Phone Numbers
the police
fire department
first aid
traffic rescue
Here is my family photo. This is my sister.
These are my parents.
That is my brother.
Those are my grandparents.
Task 7
Write down the family members as many as you can.
Units 1—2[九年级](共46张PPT)
词汇 拓展
第15课时┃Units 1—2 [九年级]
8. steal→(过去式) ________→( 过去分词) ________ stole stolen discovery 9. discover→(名词) __________ 10. warm→(名词) ________ warmth speaking 形容词)口语的 11. speak→(现在分词)________→( 词汇 spoken speech ________→( 名词)演讲 ________ 拓展 correctly 同义词) ________ right 12. correct→(副词) ________→( knowledge 13.know→(名词) ____________→( 形容词) knowledgeable _________________ busily 14.busy→(副词) ________
自学反馈 重点突破
第15课时┃Units 1—2 [九年级]
9. 两周后我要去清迈。 I'm going to Chiang Mai ___________________. in two weeks 10. 我听说在中国庆祝父亲节和母亲节变得越来越 句型 受欢迎。 再现 more and more popular I heard that it is becoming _____________________ to celebrate Mother's Day and Father's Day in China.
第15课时┃Units 1—2 [九年级]
麦格雷戈认为:“人是喜欢工作的、负责的,能够自我控制和管理的”,该理论是A.Y理论B.X-Y理论C.z理论D.X理论E.X-Z理论 在防静电工作中,防静电的三大基本方法是:、、。 粪便隐血试验呈现阳性,每日出血量要达到A.50mlB.20~30mlC.10mlD.5ml以上E.20ml 人体寄生虫包括A.线虫、吸虫、绦虫B.吸虫、绦虫、原虫C.原虫、线虫、节肢动物D.原虫、蠕虫、节肢动物E.蠕虫、绦虫、节肢动物 下列哪个方面不是药物可能被微生物污染的途径A.操作人员B.药用辅料C.制药设备D.制药环境E.外包装材料 分布式文件系统的设计必须平衡灵活性和可伸缩性与软件的复杂性和性能,不是其透明性。A.访问透明性B.移动透明性C.逻辑透明性D.位置透明性 流式细胞术是一种对单细胞或其他生物粒子膜表面以及内部的化学成分,进行定量分析和分选的检测技术,它可以高速分析上万个细胞,并能从一个细胞中测得多个参数,是目前最先进的细胞定量分析技术。流式细胞仪的主要组成不包括A.液流系统B.光路系统C.抗原抗体系统D.信号测量E.细胞分 能穿过胎盘的螺旋体是A.雅司螺旋体B.回归热螺旋体C.奋森螺旋体D.梅毒螺旋体E.伯氏疏螺旋体 特种设备作业人员从业持证有何规定? 颞下颌关节急性前脱位不可能出现的症状()A.患者不能闭口B.前牙反,下中线偏向健侧C.后牙早接触D.言语不清E.唾液外流,面下1/3变长 革兰阳性败血症,哪项最具有参考价值A.时间长B.近有皮肤感染,呼吸道感染C.肝脾肿大D.病程中出现迁徙病灶,脑脓肿、肝脓肿E.WBC升高,N升高 主要适用于危重病人多、护理工作量大、专科性强的排班方式为A.双人三班B.单人三班C.双人班D.每日一班E.单人二班 出现宫缩乏力,行人工破膜加速产程进展适用于A.头先露,已衔接,宫口开3cmB.臀位,宫口开大3cm以上C.横位,宫口开大3cmD.胎头浮,跨耻征(+)E.头先露,宫口开1cm,胎心率170次/分 关于中期妊娠利凡诺引产,下列哪项正确A.成功率75%以上B.引产时间为36~48小时C.并发症较多D.不是中期妊娠引产首选方法E.只能羊膜腔内注射 有关门静脉系统的解剖特点,不恰当的是A.一端是肝小叶内的肝窦B.无静脉瓣C.门静脉是由肠系膜上静脉和肠系膜下静脉汇合而成D.门静脉和腔静脉之间有四个交通支E.门静脉主干分左、右二支进入肝脏 在学校体育中加强培养学生社会适应能力的基本要求有A、营造民主的体育氛围,建立融洽的师生关系B、优化学校体育环境,创造良好的体育锻炼空间C、组织丰富多彩的课外体育活动,提高社会适应能力D、广泛开展学校体育竞赛,培养竞争与协助意识 类风湿关节炎预后不良的因素不包括A.男性B.女性C.受累关节大于20个D.类风湿因子持续高滴度阳性E.早发病 病程中梅毒传染性最强的是A.潜伏期B.第Ⅰ期C.第Ⅱ期D.第Ⅲ期E.恢复期 心的生理特性是A.主通明B.主宣发C.主升清D.主升发E.主蛰守 使用二氧化碳灭火器时,可直接用手握喷筒或金属管,进行灭火.A.正确B.错误 下列各项中,不按照“财产转让所得”项目计征个人所得税的是。A.个人销售无偿受赠不动产的所得B.职工将企业改制中取得的量化资产转让C.个人转让房屋D.股份制企业为个人股东购买住房而支出的款项 年,教育部编订并颁发了新中国第一部《中小学体育教学大纲》。A、1952B、1954C、1950D、1956 压力容器设计压力 王先生以0.2元每股的价格买入1张行权价格为20元的甲股票认购期权C1(合约单位为10000股),买入1张行权价格为24元的甲股票认购期权C2,股票在到期日价格为22元,则王先生买入的认购期权。A、C1行权,C2不行权B、C1行权,C2行权C、C1不行权,C2不行权D、C1不行权,C2行权 产生闭锁综合征脑梗死部位位于A.双侧脑桥基底部B.双侧中脑腹侧C.双侧脑桥背部D.双侧丘脑E.双侧内囊 申请期货公司营业部负责人的任职资格,应当具有从事期货业务年以上经验。A.5B.3C.2D.4 手术护理记录由巡回护士在手术结束后及时完成。A.正确B.错误 大黄后下的目的是。A.清热解毒B.泻热通便C.清化痰热D.活血祛瘀E.凉血止血 直流电机运行时允许的三个火花等级为。 湿绝热递减率 直接营养扁桃体的动脉分支为。A.腭降动脉B.腭升动脉C.面动脉扁桃体支D.咽升动脉E.舌背动脉 仅适用于空气和物品表面灭菌的方法是A.辐射灭菌法B.紫外线灭菌C.75%乙醇灭菌D.苯酚溶液灭菌E.干热空气灭菌 在感染过程的下列表现中,最易识别的是A.隐性感染B.潜伏性感染C.病原体被消灭或排出体外D.显性感染E.病原携带状态 在中,①用于防止信息抵赖;②用于防止信息被窃取;③用于防止信息被篡改;④用于防止信息被假冒。A.①加密技术②数字签名③完整性技术④认证技术B.①完整性技术②认证技术③加密技术④数字签名C.①数字签名②完整性技术③认证技术④加密技术D.①数字签名②加密技术③完整性技术④ 保险合同中规定了受益人的保险金请求权。A.财产B.海上C.信用D.人身
kground in the text
介绍课文中涉及的文化背景和知识,帮助学生了解英语国 家的文化习俗和社会现象,增强跨文化交流的能力。
05 Practice and consolidation
Listening exercises
听力练习是复习课程的重要部分, 旨在提高学生的听力理解能力。 这些练习包括听录音材料,然后 回答问题,如选择题、填空题和
To improve students' ability to communicate effectively in English through speaking, listening, reading, and writing activities.
To develop students' critical thinking and problem-solving skills through various activities
the subject and verb must agree in number (singular or plural) when the subject is a noun, and when the subject is a pronoun, the verb must agree with the gender (masculine, feminine, or neutral) and number of the subject.
Overview of grammar points
Simple present tense
介绍课文中涉及的文化背景和知识,帮助学生了解英语国 家的文化习俗和社会现象,增强跨文化交流的能力。
05 Practice and consolidation
Listening exercises
听力练习是复习课程的重要部分, 旨在提高学生的听力理解能力。 这些练习包括听录音材料,然后 回答问题,如选择题、填空题和
To improve students' ability to communicate effectively in English through speaking, listening, reading, and writing activities.
To develop students' critical thinking and problem-solving skills through various activities
the subject and verb must agree in number (singular or plural) when the subject is a noun, and when the subject is a pronoun, the verb must agree with the gender (masculine, feminine, or neutral) and number of the subject.
Overview of grammar points
Simple present tense
4. –Do you think there are ___ mew words in this unit? --Yes, that’s right. I’ll ___ first.
A. too much; look them up B. too many; look them up C. too much; look up them D. too many; looklso…
1. Not only Mr. and Mrs. Black but also is good at their 5-year-old kid ____ dancing. 2. Not only ___________, but also it is hot. A. the room is small B. is the room small
二. discover / invent / find out 1. discover 发现 发现一种世界上原本已 存在,后来才被人们认识到的东西。 2. invent 发明,创造 发明一种世界上 原本不存在的东西。 3. find out 找出,发现,查明 通过观察、 调查而发现事实真相。
1. 电灯是大发明家爱迪生发明的。 was invented The light bulb ______ _______ by the great inventor Edison. 2. 哥伦布于1492年发现了美洲。 discovered Columbus __________ America in 1492.
25. 成功的学习者 26. 注意 27. 把……与……相联系 28. 每次 29. 独立地;自愿地 30. 在外吃饭 31. 发胖 32. 相互 33. 冲走;清洗 34. 以……形式 35. 民间故事 36. 最动人的
lie has been very lone5ly.skinnceifheis nw.if→e le_ft_hk_imn_.i_v_e_s (复数)刀
6.importance n.→ ___im__p_o_r_ta_n__t _adj.重要的 7.strong adj.→ _s_tr_o_n_g_l_yadv.强烈地
考点2 give up 放弃
can not help/stop doing sth.忍不住做某事 put off doing sth.推迟做某事 be busy doing sth.忙于做某事 be worth doing 值得做
1. As we know, many successful people n_e_v_e_r__g_iv_e__up(从不放弃) no matter what difficulties they've had. 2.He has given up __l_e_a_rn__in_g__ to swim.
考点3 put off 推迟
We'll have to put off our visit; until next week. 我们将不得不把访问推迟到下周. put off中off为副词,其后接名词、代词或动名词,代词作宾语时需放 在put和off中间。 The meeting has been put off because of the heavy rain. 会议因大雨已延期举行。 Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. 今天能做的事,不要拖延到明天。(今日事,今日毕。) Please don't put off doing your homework. 请你(们)不要推迟做作业。
Unit 1-Unit 2 复习课件
in China. 4.The mother told the little girl not to talk with __s_t_ra_n_g_e_rs____
(strange) on the way to school. 5.They treat us with kindness and __w_a_rm__th__(warm).
注意:只能用 whether不能用 if 的情况
1. 当or not 紧随连词之后时。如: I don't know whether or not he will come on time. 我不知道他能否按时来。 2. 从句用作介词宾语时。如: I am interested in whether he joined the army. 我对他是否入伍很感兴趣。 3. 在带to的动词不定式前。如: She doesn't know whether to go to the cinema or to watch TV at home. 她不知道是去看电影还是在家看电视。 4. 当宾语从句移至句首表强调时。如: Whether this is true or not, I'm not sure. 这是否真实,我不敢肯定。
meaning. 8.Nothing is a waste if you have a __cr_e_at_iv_e__(create) mind. 9.They are reading __a_l_ou_d___(loud) the English poem in class.
10. The teacher encouraged the boy to answer his questions
__a_c_ti_ve_l_y _(active).
(strange) on the way to school. 5.They treat us with kindness and __w_a_rm__th__(warm).
注意:只能用 whether不能用 if 的情况
1. 当or not 紧随连词之后时。如: I don't know whether or not he will come on time. 我不知道他能否按时来。 2. 从句用作介词宾语时。如: I am interested in whether he joined the army. 我对他是否入伍很感兴趣。 3. 在带to的动词不定式前。如: She doesn't know whether to go to the cinema or to watch TV at home. 她不知道是去看电影还是在家看电视。 4. 当宾语从句移至句首表强调时。如: Whether this is true or not, I'm not sure. 这是否真实,我不敢肯定。
meaning. 8.Nothing is a waste if you have a __cr_e_at_iv_e__(create) mind. 9.They are reading __a_l_ou_d___(loud) the English poem in class.
10. The teacher encouraged the boy to answer his questions
__a_c_ti_ve_l_y _(active).
人称代词 在英语中, 表示人称代词的有I(我), you(你), he(他), she(她), it(它), we(我们), you(你们), they(他们/她们/它们)。 我们已经学到的人称代词有: I, you, he, she, it 如: I am Frank. You are Gina. He is Bob. She is Alice. It is a pen.
主语 第一人称单数(I) 第二人称单数(you) 第三人称单数(he, she, it) 复数人称(they)
系动词(be) am are is are
如: ①I am a student. 我是一个学生。 ②You are a good boy. 你是一个好男孩。 ③She is a good girl. 她是一个好女孩。 ④It is a black pen. 它是一支黑钢笔。 ⑤My name is Jim. 我的名字是吉姆。 ⑥Where are Eric and Bob? 埃里克和鲍勃在哪里? ⑦They are my friends. 他们是我的朋友。
—Is he Jack? —No, he isn’t.
动词be的一般现在时态 am • 肯定句: 主+ be is + … are 否定句: 主 + be + not + …
一般疑问句: be+主+…? Yes, 主 + be. No, 主 + be + not.
注意: be动词am,is,are与其前后词的 缩写。 I am = I’m you are = you’re he is = he’s she is = she’s what is= what’s it is = it’s is not = isn’t are not = aren’t my name is = my name’s
Unit 1-2 复习课件
—She often plays sports on Sundays.
9.W__h_a__t _ti_m__e_does she usually do her homework? 10.___W__h_e_n____ does the new term begin?
根据句意,就画线部分提问,每空词数不限。 15.Bob usually gets up at_6:15. __W__h_a_t_t_im__e_does Bob usually get up? 16.They often go to the zoo on_weekends. ___W__h_e_n___do they often go to the zoo? 17.It is 7:00_pm now.
写出下列时间的两种英文表达方式。 1. 5:10 _f_i_ve__te_n____ _t_e_n_p_a_s_t_f_iv_e___ 2. 7:15 s_e_v_en__fi_ft_e_en___ _f_if_te_e_n_/a_q_u_a_r_te_r past seven 3. 9:30 _n_in_e_t_h_ir_t_y _____ h_a_l_f_p_a_s_t_n_in_e____ 4. 6:40 __si_x_f_o_r_ty____ _t_w_e_n_ty__to__s_e_ve_n 5. 11:45 _e_l_ev_e_n_f_o_rt_y_fi_ve_ _a__qu_a_r_te_r_t_o_t_welve
Nancy can swim.南希会游泳。
Can you sing that song?你会唱那首歌吗?
1.肯定句 句型:主语+can+动词原形+其他. eg. They can play the violin.他们会拉小提琴。 2.否定句 句型:主语+can not/can't+动词原形+其他. eg. They can not /can't play the violin.他们会拉小提琴。
9.W__h_a__t _ti_m__e_does she usually do her homework? 10.___W__h_e_n____ does the new term begin?
根据句意,就画线部分提问,每空词数不限。 15.Bob usually gets up at_6:15. __W__h_a_t_t_im__e_does Bob usually get up? 16.They often go to the zoo on_weekends. ___W__h_e_n___do they often go to the zoo? 17.It is 7:00_pm now.
写出下列时间的两种英文表达方式。 1. 5:10 _f_i_ve__te_n____ _t_e_n_p_a_s_t_f_iv_e___ 2. 7:15 s_e_v_en__fi_ft_e_en___ _f_if_te_e_n_/a_q_u_a_r_te_r past seven 3. 9:30 _n_in_e_t_h_ir_t_y _____ h_a_l_f_p_a_s_t_n_in_e____ 4. 6:40 __si_x_f_o_r_ty____ _t_w_e_n_ty__to__s_e_ve_n 5. 11:45 _e_l_ev_e_n_f_o_rt_y_fi_ve_ _a__qu_a_r_te_r_t_o_t_welve
Nancy can swim.南希会游泳。
Can you sing that song?你会唱那首歌吗?
1.肯定句 句型:主语+can+动词原形+其他. eg. They can play the violin.他们会拉小提琴。 2.否定句 句型:主语+can not/can't+动词原形+其他. eg. They can not /can't play the violin.他们会拉小提琴。
人教版八年级英语上册Units 1--2期末复习课件
—It’s black and white. 5.My grandma keeps some _h_e_n_s (母鸡) in our yard, so we needn’t buy eggs.
6. Yesterday the weather was cool, so we_d_e_c_i_d_e_d(决定) to play tennis. 7. I w__o_n_d_e_r (想知道) which country Alice comes from? 8.What __a_c_ti_v_it_ie_s( 活 动 ) do you have in your school? 9. Look!The _b_ir_d_s_ (鸟) are singing in the tree. 10. He t_r_ie_d__ (尝试) Mapo Tofu and said it was very delicious.
decide to do sth.决定去做某事 enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事 want to do sth.想去做某事 stop doing sth. 停止做某事 dislike doing sth. 不喜欢做某事
1. But I think Moon Theater has the most comfortable seats. 但是我认为月亮剧院有最舒服的座椅。 2. How do you like it so far? 到目前为止你认为它怎么样? 3. Thanks for telling me. 谢谢你告诉我。 4. It’s the closest to home. 它离家最近。 5. How far is it from home? 它离家有多远? 6. It’s always interesting to watch other people show their talents. 观看别人展示他们的才艺总是有趣的。
6. Yesterday the weather was cool, so we_d_e_c_i_d_e_d(决定) to play tennis. 7. I w__o_n_d_e_r (想知道) which country Alice comes from? 8.What __a_c_ti_v_it_ie_s( 活 动 ) do you have in your school? 9. Look!The _b_ir_d_s_ (鸟) are singing in the tree. 10. He t_r_ie_d__ (尝试) Mapo Tofu and said it was very delicious.
decide to do sth.决定去做某事 enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事 want to do sth.想去做某事 stop doing sth. 停止做某事 dislike doing sth. 不喜欢做某事
1. But I think Moon Theater has the most comfortable seats. 但是我认为月亮剧院有最舒服的座椅。 2. How do you like it so far? 到目前为止你认为它怎么样? 3. Thanks for telling me. 谢谢你告诉我。 4. It’s the closest to home. 它离家最近。 5. How far is it from home? 它离家有多远? 6. It’s always interesting to watch other people show their talents. 观看别人展示他们的才艺总是有趣的。
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how often _ junk food _ go to the movies_ be good for _ try to do sth _ _ a lot of _ 去购物 _ 照顾 _ 保持健康 ……的结果 _ 关于,至于 _ 一星期一两次 _
Unit 2 ┃ 基础知识梳理
Unit 2 ┃ 基础知识梳理
● 重点句型 根据汉语意思完成句子 1.“你怎么了?” “我肚子痛。” matter ? the —What's stomachache . —I have a 2.或许你应该喝加蜂蜜的热茶。 Maybe you should drink hot tea with honey . 3.那是个好主意。 idea That's a good . 4.听到你感觉不舒服我很难过。 I’m sorry to hear that you're not feeling well.
____________________________ 散步
____________________________ 租借录像带
去度假 ____________________________
____________________________ 玩得开心,过得愉快
____________________________ 完成某事 ____________________________ 考虑
____________________________ 看牙医 ____________________________ 例如 ____________________________ 均衡的饮食 ____________________________ 健康的生活方式 ____________________________ 直到……才…… ____________________________ 寄宿家庭
Unit 3 ┃ 基础知识梳理
11.决定 12.go hiking 13.get back 14.spend time with sb 15.go fishing 16.take a walk 17.rent videos 18.take a vacation 19.have a good time 20.finish doing sth 21.think about 22.something different
一个好主意 ____________________________
____________________________ 给我一些好的建议
Unit 3 ┃ 基础知识梳理
● 重点短语 英汉短语互译 1.去野营 2.多久 3.听起来像 4.寄给我一张明信片 5.骑自行车旅行 6.去观光 7.去海滩 8.出示某物给某人看 9.计划做某事 10.离开
go camping ____________________________
how long ____________________________
sound like ____________________________ send me a postcard ____________________________ go bike riding ____________________________ go sightseeing ____________________________ go to the beach ____________________________ show sb sth/show sth to sb ____________________________ plan to do sth ____________________________ go away ____________________________
Unit 2 ┃ 基础知识梳理
5.我希望你快点好起来。 hope you feel better soon. I 6.我相信每晚睡八个小时是很重要的。 I believe it's important to sleep eight hours a night. 7.你现在觉得怎么样? How are you feeling now? 8.什么时候开始的? When did it start? 9.你像现在这样多久了? how you been like this? How long 10.我感到有压力。 out I‘m stressed .
____________________________ have a sore throat
(be)stressed out ____________________________
keep/stay healthy ____________________________
western countries ____________________________
Unit 3 ┃ 基础知识梳理 ● 语法解读
A:现在进行时表将来的用法 现在进行时不仅可以表示 现在 正在发生的动作,还可以 表示 将来 的动作。 1.意义:现在进行时表示 未来计划 的时候,意为“意图, 安排,打算”。 2.构成:be 动词+动词的 现在分词 (v.ing)。 注意:所用的动词多是趋向性动词:come,go, leave, arrive, fly, 还有动词start, return, play, stay, do, have等。如: My uncle is coming to see me. 我叔叔要来看我。 I'm going to school in a minute. 我马上要去上学了。
Unit 2 ┃ 基础知识梳理
11.lie down 12.have a fever 13.see a dentist 14.for example 15.a balanced diet 16.a healthy lifestyle 17.not…until 18.host family 19.a good idea 20.give me some good advice 躺下 ____________________________ 发烧 ____________________________
一些不同的事情 ____________________________
Unit 1 ┃ 基础知识梳理 ● 重点句型
根据汉语意思完成句子 1.“你多久看一次电视?”“一周两次。” often — How do you watch TV? — Twice . a week 2.我从不吃蔬菜和水果,我也很少做运动,因此我非常胖。 I never eat vegetables or fruit, and I Hardly ever exercise, so I am pretty fat. 3.你每天晚上睡几个小时? How hours do you sleep every night? many 4.尽管我有一个健康的生活方式,但我不是很健康。 I am not very healthy, although I have a healthy lifestyle.
____________________________ decide on ____________________________ 去远足
____________________________ 回来
____________________________ 与某人一起度过时光 ____________________________ 去钓鱼
Unit 2 ┃ 基础知识梳理
Ⅱ.根据汉语意思完成句子 1.你应该躺下来休息。 You should lie 2.你应该看牙医。 You should see 3.你应该去睡觉。 You should go down a to and dentist . rest .
4.你应该大量喝水。 You should drink a lot of water. 5.你不应该吃任何东西。
Unit 1 ┃ 基础知识梳理
● 重点短语
英汉短语互译 1.多久一次 2.垃圾食品 3.去看电影 4.对……有好处 5.试图做某事 6.大量;许多 7.go shopping 8.look after 9. keep healthy 10.the result of 11.as for 12.once or twice a week
Unit 3 ┃ 基础知识梳理
4.他们什么时候去北京? When are they going to Beijing? 5.从香港给我寄一张明信片。
Send me a postcard from Hong Kong. 6.这次我想做些不同的事情。 This time I want to do something different . 7.我等不及了。 I can’t . wait
Unit 3 ┃ 基础知识梳理
用所给动词的适当形式填空 1.Be quiet! Your father is sleeping
(sleep) in the go) shopping tomorrow afternoon. 3.It‘s twelve now.The students are having (have) lunch now. 4.What are they doing (do)for vacation? 5.My aunt is arriving (arrive)in Beijing next Friday.
how often _ junk food _ go to the movies_ be good for _ try to do sth _ _ a lot of _ 去购物 _ 照顾 _ 保持健康 ……的结果 _ 关于,至于 _ 一星期一两次 _
Unit 2 ┃ 基础知识梳理
Unit 2 ┃ 基础知识梳理
● 重点句型 根据汉语意思完成句子 1.“你怎么了?” “我肚子痛。” matter ? the —What's stomachache . —I have a 2.或许你应该喝加蜂蜜的热茶。 Maybe you should drink hot tea with honey . 3.那是个好主意。 idea That's a good . 4.听到你感觉不舒服我很难过。 I’m sorry to hear that you're not feeling well.
____________________________ 散步
____________________________ 租借录像带
去度假 ____________________________
____________________________ 玩得开心,过得愉快
____________________________ 完成某事 ____________________________ 考虑
____________________________ 看牙医 ____________________________ 例如 ____________________________ 均衡的饮食 ____________________________ 健康的生活方式 ____________________________ 直到……才…… ____________________________ 寄宿家庭
Unit 3 ┃ 基础知识梳理
11.决定 12.go hiking 13.get back 14.spend time with sb 15.go fishing 16.take a walk 17.rent videos 18.take a vacation 19.have a good time 20.finish doing sth 21.think about 22.something different
一个好主意 ____________________________
____________________________ 给我一些好的建议
Unit 3 ┃ 基础知识梳理
● 重点短语 英汉短语互译 1.去野营 2.多久 3.听起来像 4.寄给我一张明信片 5.骑自行车旅行 6.去观光 7.去海滩 8.出示某物给某人看 9.计划做某事 10.离开
go camping ____________________________
how long ____________________________
sound like ____________________________ send me a postcard ____________________________ go bike riding ____________________________ go sightseeing ____________________________ go to the beach ____________________________ show sb sth/show sth to sb ____________________________ plan to do sth ____________________________ go away ____________________________
Unit 2 ┃ 基础知识梳理
5.我希望你快点好起来。 hope you feel better soon. I 6.我相信每晚睡八个小时是很重要的。 I believe it's important to sleep eight hours a night. 7.你现在觉得怎么样? How are you feeling now? 8.什么时候开始的? When did it start? 9.你像现在这样多久了? how you been like this? How long 10.我感到有压力。 out I‘m stressed .
____________________________ have a sore throat
(be)stressed out ____________________________
keep/stay healthy ____________________________
western countries ____________________________
Unit 3 ┃ 基础知识梳理 ● 语法解读
A:现在进行时表将来的用法 现在进行时不仅可以表示 现在 正在发生的动作,还可以 表示 将来 的动作。 1.意义:现在进行时表示 未来计划 的时候,意为“意图, 安排,打算”。 2.构成:be 动词+动词的 现在分词 (v.ing)。 注意:所用的动词多是趋向性动词:come,go, leave, arrive, fly, 还有动词start, return, play, stay, do, have等。如: My uncle is coming to see me. 我叔叔要来看我。 I'm going to school in a minute. 我马上要去上学了。
Unit 2 ┃ 基础知识梳理
11.lie down 12.have a fever 13.see a dentist 14.for example 15.a balanced diet 16.a healthy lifestyle 17.not…until 18.host family 19.a good idea 20.give me some good advice 躺下 ____________________________ 发烧 ____________________________
一些不同的事情 ____________________________
Unit 1 ┃ 基础知识梳理 ● 重点句型
根据汉语意思完成句子 1.“你多久看一次电视?”“一周两次。” often — How do you watch TV? — Twice . a week 2.我从不吃蔬菜和水果,我也很少做运动,因此我非常胖。 I never eat vegetables or fruit, and I Hardly ever exercise, so I am pretty fat. 3.你每天晚上睡几个小时? How hours do you sleep every night? many 4.尽管我有一个健康的生活方式,但我不是很健康。 I am not very healthy, although I have a healthy lifestyle.
____________________________ decide on ____________________________ 去远足
____________________________ 回来
____________________________ 与某人一起度过时光 ____________________________ 去钓鱼
Unit 2 ┃ 基础知识梳理
Ⅱ.根据汉语意思完成句子 1.你应该躺下来休息。 You should lie 2.你应该看牙医。 You should see 3.你应该去睡觉。 You should go down a to and dentist . rest .
4.你应该大量喝水。 You should drink a lot of water. 5.你不应该吃任何东西。
Unit 1 ┃ 基础知识梳理
● 重点短语
英汉短语互译 1.多久一次 2.垃圾食品 3.去看电影 4.对……有好处 5.试图做某事 6.大量;许多 7.go shopping 8.look after 9. keep healthy 10.the result of 11.as for 12.once or twice a week
Unit 3 ┃ 基础知识梳理
4.他们什么时候去北京? When are they going to Beijing? 5.从香港给我寄一张明信片。
Send me a postcard from Hong Kong. 6.这次我想做些不同的事情。 This time I want to do something different . 7.我等不及了。 I can’t . wait
Unit 3 ┃ 基础知识梳理
用所给动词的适当形式填空 1.Be quiet! Your father is sleeping
(sleep) in the go) shopping tomorrow afternoon. 3.It‘s twelve now.The students are having (have) lunch now. 4.What are they doing (do)for vacation? 5.My aunt is arriving (arrive)in Beijing next Friday.