
牛津沪教版英语九年级上首字母专项练习九年级上首字母专项训练Exercise 1Do you like to read science books? Reading science is not quite like reading a p____1__ or story. You read to get information. Over the years much of the scientific information that has beenc___2_____ has been put into books. So we read to learn. We should try to be better readers inscience.Books on science often contain many s__3____ new words and much new information. It is important for us to know the m__4____ of every word we read. There are many difficult words inscience books and articles. We must understand these words in order to understand the m____5___ the words bring.We must keep our m__6___ on what we are reading. We must know why we are reading. We ask questions before we read.“ What is this book about? Why should I read it? Will the title help me find out why I should read it?”If we can keep a record of what we read, that is, write down important words and information, these records help us remember what we have read. We read some books more than once. Often,we read to discover f___7___that we didn’ t find in our first reading.Exercise 2Chinese are very generous when it comes to educating their children. Not caring about themoney, parents often send their children to the best schools or even a___1__ to England, the United States or Australia. The Chinese believe that themore expensive an education is , the betterit is . So the parents will spend a lot ofmoney on education. Even poor couples will buy acomputer for their son or daughter. Though they are not rich, they would rather pay for theeducation.Parents can see that their children's skills vary , skilled in some areas while poor in others .But most parents fail to r____2_____ that today's children lack self -respect and self-confidence.牛津沪教版英语九年级上首字母专项练习The problem is that parents are only educating their children on how to take multiple-choicetests and how to study well, but parents aren't teaching them the most important skills that theyneed. And these skills are important to help them to be confident , happy and c___3______.Parents can a___4___ this by teaching practical skills like cooking , sewing and doinghousework .Teaching a child to cook will improve many of the skills that the will need later in life .Cooking demands p_____5___ and time . It's an enjoyable but difficult experiment. A good cookalways tries to improve his cooking, so he will learn to work hard and gradually to finish his jobs___6______. His result, a well -cooked dinner, will give him much satisfaction and a lot ofself-confidence.Some old m___7____ , such as a broken radio or TV set that you give your children to playwith will make him curious and arouse his interest He will spend hours looking at them , trying tofix them ; your childmight become an engineer when he grows up . These activities aren'tmerely teaching a child to read a book, but rather to think , to use his mind . And that is moreimportant. Exercise 3We can ’reallyt say that one language is easier or more difficult than another language. Insome ways, English is an easy language to learn. Take the verbs for example, in some languages,you have to make many,many c____1___ to the verb — in Latin, for example, there are more than120 different f___2__ of one verb! In English, there are only five. With verb “ go”for exathere ’ s “ go” , “ goes ” , “ went ” , “ going ” , and “ gone ” , but we use them!in a lot of different way But the spelling and pronunciation of English are more difficult than in many other languages. Wehave a lot of s__3___in English, and the spelling isn ’ t very regular.Nobody know e___4__ how many people are learning English in the world today, but it ’ sc__5___ more than it was 50 years ago. For example, fifty years ago very few people in China learnedEnglish, but now the n___6__ of people learning English in china is bigger than thepopulation of the united states! So there are probably about 300 million people learning English at2 / 35牛津沪教版英语九年级上首字母专项练习2050 — that ’ s about thirty-five years from now—half of the world’ s population will speak English.I ’ m not sure, and I think we’ ll have to wait and see.Exercise 4Learning is natural. It begins the minute we are born. Our first teachers are our family members.At home we learn to talk and to dress and feed ourselves. Then we go to school. A teacher tells uswhat to learn and how to learn. Many teachers g____1____ us, and we pass many exams. Thenpeople say we are educated.Are you really educated? Let’ s think about the real meaning of learning. Knowing facts doesnot mean being able to solve problems. Solving problems r__2___ creativity, not just a goodm____3___. Some people who don’ t know many facts are good at solving problems.Henry is a good e_____4____. He left school at the age of 15. Later when his company couldnot build cars fast enough, he solved the problem. He thought of the assembly line( 装配线 ).What does a good teacher do? Does he give students facts to remember? Well, yes, we mustremember facts. But a good teacher shows how to find answers. He brings us to the stream ofk____5____. So we can drink for ourselves. When we are t___6__, we know where to go.True learning combines intake and output. We take information into our brains. Then we useit. Think of a computer: it stores a lot of information, but it can ’think. It only o___7___ commands. A person who only remembers facts is not really learned. Learning takes place onlywhen a person can use what he knows.Exercise 5To us students, learning is no doubt( 怀疑,疑问 )the most important thing, because learning isclosely related to our future. All of us have experienced learning from p____1____ to senior highschool. We learn knowledge; and furthermore, we also learn to b__2__ a man.Nowadays, with the rapid d____3___ of economy, our society and our country need moreand more talents of all kinds to meet different requirements in every f___4_____. The moreknowledge we learn and master, the better we’ ll p__5______ ourselves for the future. What we are牛津沪教版英语九年级上首字母专项练习learning should be combined with p___6_____ and with our future as well.As a famous s___7____ goes, “ one is never too old to learn, ”let ’ s try hard to learn for the future.Exercise 6High school students in Japan choose the universities they want to go to and apply for beforeJanuary of their final year. The university e____1____ exam is a standard nationwide test heldevery year in January. It p____2____ tests for 31 subjects in six subject areas: Japanese language,geography and history, civics, math, science and a foreign language. All national and publicuniversities, as well as some p__3____ ones make use of this exam. But many also have their owntests in February or later, before the new school year s____4_____ in April.In order to pass the exam for the best universities such as the national university of Tokyo,many students a____5_____ special preparation schools on top of their regular classes. These exraschools can l____6___ for one to two years between high school and university.A____7____ every student has the chance of going to a Japanese university, only 50 percentof high school seniors actually choose further study.Exercise 7Test scores make you either happy or sad and your parents pay high attention to your testresults. You spend days filling in blanks, trying to make the best answer to question after question.Maybe you tried your hardest or maybe you never tried! What you need to remember is that a testis a picture of you’ re a____1from just one day. It consists of some pieces including yourhealth, your personality, your interests, and your motivation. You need to look at all the pieces toget a clear idea of your p____2_____. So whether your scores are higher than you thought, or lessthan you had hoped, try not to think of them as what you will be at last. It probably c____3____you why your scores have become the focus of your life. The purpose of a test is to c___4____how much you have learned about a subject. It not only helps make your newly acquiredknowledge forever, but also e__5____ you to find out what needs to spend more time improving.If you’ re p leased with the results, encourage yourself to work for a further aim. If disappointment牛津沪教版英九年上首字母has overcome you, ask your teacher and your parents to help you set a reasonable goal forimprovement. Most exams are about to test your skill in certain subject areas such as math,language and arts. Some c___6___ your skills to other students’ skills from across the country, o (98)just test whether or not you have mastered a specific skill. These scores can be very puzzling⋯ even to adults. You should speak to both your teacher and your parents to find out what they meanin your e____7_____ journey. It is important to take a correct attitude towards test scores.Exercise 8In American schools, computers have taken over many of the jobs that teachers used to do.Computers ask students questions. If the students give the right answer, the computer will say,“ Fantastic! ” Some students can do e___1____ and homework on their computers.Both students and teachers are crazy about computers.“ With computers, students get help at once, ” said one teacher.“ But if the students don’ t have computers, they must w___2__ for me to walk around and get to them.”“ I can t__3___ faster than write,” said a student.“ Using a computer is easier than using an eraser.”Computers are also very p___4____. A teacher may get angry with a student, but computersare always calm. When a student gives the wrong answer, the computer just say, “ Pleasetrya___5_____.”Companies that make software for schools have a difficult job. They must make the softwareas interesting as the p___6_____ that students watch on TV . But they are s____7____, becausestudents like computers as much as teachers do.Exercise 9As we know, our school is going to give extra lessons during Labor Holiday. It set off a warmd____1___ among the teachers and the students. So the student union made a s___2____ about it.牛津沪教版英语九年级上首字母专项练习Here are the results.Almost 90 percent of the teachers are a__3___ giving extra lessons during holiday. They think it is time for relaxation and rest, both for teachers and students. Students should be givenenough time and f____4____ to develop their own interest and enjoy outdoor activities. It is good for their study later on.60 percent of the students have the same idea as the teachers. They say they need more time to relax and get ready for a b__5___ start. On the other side about 40 percent agree to have lessons during the holiday. They want to learn more things.What about the parents? They all agree to it, though they c__6___ about the high price they have to p__7____. They think that having someone take care of their children is better than leaving them alone at home, and also children at school can learn something no matter how littleit is.Exercise 10Every year, high school juniors and seniors from across the US take the Scholastic Aptitude Test( SAT, 学术自能测试).The SAT 1 is a three-hour exam that tests students' maths and verbal (词汇的) s___1____. Most universities will not a___2____students without this test. his also used to decide how much financial aid (经济资助)should be given to each student. Scores range from 200 to 800 for each part. There is a total of 1 600 points. The test is held each year from October to June. But seniors must take it before December in order to include their scores in their university application. Thea___3_____ total score for an American high school student is around 1, 000.A poor SAT 1 score can p___4____ a student from going to a good university. Students who want to go to one of America's best universities, such as Harvard or Yale, must score between1 430 and 1 600.The test can be taken over and over again, but all the scores will a___5____ on the students' records. However, unlike Chinese universities, the score is not the only thing needed. American universities also look at a student's subject grades, what they do outside of school, and their teachers' recommendations.In addition to the SAT 1 some universities r___6___ high school students to take at leastthree SAT 2s. These one-hour exams can be taken in any subject, for example c__7_____ orFrench.Exercise 11Never try to work when you are very hungry. If you want to do your homework right afterschool, you may want to eat something before getting to work. Always do your homework beforeyou get too t___1___. Don’ t wait until very late in the evening, assignment(orthe作业 ) will seemmuch harder than it r___2____ is.O___3____ your time into a few parts if you have more than an hour ’ s work, give yourself a’ t get a b____4___ after an hour. On the other hand, don ’ t break it up so much that you can done. Youshould be able to work at least half an hour at a time without s___5_____.Don’ t put it off until the last minute. If you put off doing your homework, you will have it onyour mind, and you won’ t enjoy your free time so much. If you put it off until thedenof the weekor until right before a test, you will have too much c___6___ up. A little bit each night, enough tokeep up with what is happening each day in school, will take the fear at tests and keep you on topof it all.Do your homework at the same time every day. This will help you make it a habit—part ofyour daily work. It will make it easier to do, and it will make your free time more e___7____ aswell.Exercise 12There are many things you have to do each day. But no matter what you ’ re trying to do, there are three important steps you need to take: Get organized. Stay focused( 集中注意力 ). Get it done!Get organized.For schoolwork, it means having one notebook where you s___1____ all your work. Thenyou know what you have to do and when.Planning means d____2____ what you will do and when you will do it. Calendars, lists andschedules can help you plan. Making a schedule or a -do ”list is a “goodto idea. Add new things asyou get new assignments and c____3____ off those’ ve done. Use your list to help you decideyou which one is the most important thing to do first.Stay focusedTo keep your mind focused, talk to yourself through the work. Ask yourself, “ what do I to do now?” answer your question, then go a____4_____ and do it. Sometimes, your mindwanders. Then you might have to change the way you ’ re sitting so you ’ re more comfortable. Tak a nice deep b____5____ or get up and stretch.(伸展 )Get it doneHang in there until it’ s all done, and don’ t g___6______ up when you ’ re halfway through For anything you do, getting it done means finishing what you start, doing a good job andchecking your work.Oh, one more important thing: take a moment to admire( 欣赏 ) the work you ’ ve done. Youhave a good reason to feel p___7___. Nice job!Exercise 13Ballpoint pens have made life easier for millions of people. At one time schools did not liketheir students to write with them. P____1____ it was too easy.Pens can leak(漏)and it is easy tospill( 溢出,流出 )the ink . But it is hard to write on thin or cheap paper with them.Ladislao Biro worked for a newspaper in Budapest .He spent all day at his desk .Day in andday out, he c____2____ pages of thin ,cheap paper with a pen and ink . He often had to stop tof____3____his pen and it did not write well on the thin paper.He and his brother George. Whybegan some e___4_____.They wanted a pen that did not leak , with ink that did not spillnot use a little b___5___ at the end?Two Englishmen ,Henry Martin and Fredrick Miles ,liked the idea. It was the time of thesecond World War . The Air Force( 空军 ) neededa non-leak, non-spill pen for the men towithin p__6____.Martin and Miles made and s___7____ many thousands of Biro“ writing—sticks” to the Air Force.Exercise 14A chicken lays an egg. You feel sleepy. And a tree loses its leaves. All of these thin, and manymore, happen in a certain way, at a certain time each day or each year. They take p___1___became something called an internal clock. The word internal means“ inside of” , and the inte clock is inside a certain part of every plant and animal. For example, there is an internal clock inthe h___2____ of a chicken.The internal clock r____3___ a signal, or message, from the world around it. Some of signalsi___4___ light, heat, darkness and cold. When the internal clock gets the signal, the body of theplant or animal p___5_____ a chemical that causes the living thing to do different a___6_____.For example, daylight signals the chicken's internal clack to make a chemical. Then this chemicalcauses the chicken to lay eggs.People are learning a lot about internal clocks. Fanners have even learned how to f___7___ achicken's internal clock so that the chicken lays more eggs.Exercise 15Many people believe that Galileo invented the thermometer( 温度计 ). But Galileo did notinvent the thermometer. He invented the water thermometer( 测温计 ). The water thermoscope is ag___1__ bulb that contains water. When the air temperature changes, the water l__2___ rises. Buta thermometer does not measure the temperature change. A real thermometer must be a___3____to measure the temperature change.Who invented the first real contemporary(同时代的) thermometer then? It was invented bySantorio. Santorio lived from 1531 to 1636. He was an Italian doctor and physicist. Santorioa__4_____ a number of scales to the thermoscope. That helped to precisely measure how muchthe temperature changed. He thought that he could measure everything in n____5____. He appliedhis thought and r__6___ to medicine and the body.T___7__ to him, now people can measure body temperature with a thermometer.牛津沪教版英语九年级上首字母专项练习Exercise 16Philo Farnsworth, the inventor of one of the country ’ s greatest machines was actually born in a log cabin, rode to high school on the horse back and without benefit of university d___1___(indeed, at age 14), thought of the idea of electronic television. In 1906 Farnsworth was born in acommunity near Beaver City, Utah, a community settled by his grandfather. when he was 12, hisfamily moved to a ranch ( 大牧场 )in Rigby,Idaho, which was four miles from the nearest highschool, thus necessitating(使成为必要 )his d___2____ horseback rides. Because he was interestedin the electron and electricity, he persuaded his p___3___teacher, Justin Tolman, to give himspecial instruction and to allow him to listen to a senior c___4____.The d___5___ of his father forced him to leave at the end of his second year, but, as it turnedout, at no great intellectual cost. There were, at the time, no more than a handful of men on thep___6___ who could have understood Farnsworth ’ideas for building an electronic televisionsystem, and it ’unlikelys that any of them were at this local community. One such man wasVladimir Zworykin who had moved to the US from Russia with a Ph. D in electrical engineering.He went to work for Westinghouse with a d__7____ of building an all-electronic television system.But he wasn’ t capable to do so. Farnsworth was. But not at once.Exercise 17James Francis Cameron, was born on August 16, 1954 in Kapuskasing, Ontario, Canada. Hemoved to the United States in 1971. As a son of an e__1____, he majored in physics at CaliforniaState University. But after g___2_____ he worked as a truck driver to support his dream ofmaking films. With no formal t___3____, he started making films. He directed and wrote thescripts for his first six films and produced the last three. In 1984, he wrote and directed TheTerminator (1984), made with a budget (预算 ) of only 6.5 million dollars. He directed, wrote,produced, and edited his most a___4___ movie, 1997Titanic. It wa’s a huge s___5___ and themovie won 11 Oscars. Cameron is now one of the most sought-after directors in Hollywood, buthe is much more than just a director. He is c____6__ and visionary(有远见的). He works harduntil the production m___7___ with his high standards(标准).牛津沪教版英语九年级上首字母专项练习Exercise 18Juana Lopez has invented a number of things over the years. One day, she had an idea for a dish washing machine that worked without u___1_____ water. She went to see several dishwasher factories about p_____2___ the machine, but none of them were interested.Juana found investors(投资者 ) to support her idea and founded her own company. She spent millions of dollars on developing her dishwasher and it was put to the market three yearslater. From then on, s___3____ were very good, better even than Juana had h____4______.But Global Domestic, one of the companies that she had been to see, made its own waterless dishwasher. Juana obtained one and found that used the technical ideas she had developed. She had obtained legal p____5_____ for these ideas, so that other companies could not use them. Aftera long legal process, Global Domestic was forced to stop making its competing dishwasher and to pay Juana several million dollars. Now Juana's waterless dishwasher has 40 p___6_____ of the worldwide dishwasher market and this is i____7_____ every year.Exercise 19At West Orange, Edison had more than 50 people working for him. He improved some of his old inventions such as the phonograph ( 留声机 ). He made new inventions, too. A popular one was a doll with a tiny phonograph inside. When you turned on a b_____1_____, the doll begun to talk.He also spent years developing an electric car. This was a good car, but was never as popular as cars using petrol. However, the battery which he invented had many u___2______.Edison sometimes f____3_____. He bought a lot of land in new jersey to d____4_____ for iron. He did not find any iron and so he lost over one million dollars. However, Edison said he had a good time spending the money.In December 1914, a fire destroyed his lab. Edison r_____5____ a new one with the help of the money from Henry Ford, the man who was famous for making cars. Even at 67 years old, Edison wanted to go on working.In early 1931, Edison said, “ I ideas,’mlongbut son 6_____ on time. I expect to live to beonly about a hundred.” In fact Edison died on October 18, 1931, at the age of 84.Edison was one of the world ’ s greatest inventors. His s____7____ was hard work. His mostfamous saying is “ genius天才 )( is one percent inspiration( 灵感) and 99 percent perspiration( 汗水). ”Exercise 20All matter is either solid or liquid, or gas. In addition, all matter has different sizes. So we usedifferent units of measurements when we measure different t___1___of matter. When you want tobuy shoes, you need to know the size of your feet. If you don ’ t, then you need to try on every sho in the shoe store. When you are trying to bake a cake ___2_____ looking at a cooking book, youwill see different measurement for the diffe rent ingredients. But if you don ’ knowt how tomeasure the e___3____ amount for each ingredient, it will be hard to bake a d_____4___ cake.These are the reason why we need to know the units of measurement.Here are some of the units of measurement. To measure the l____5____ of something, weuse centimeters( cm) , meters(m), miles(m), inches(in), feet(ft) and etc. To measure the mass andvolume of something, we use gallons (gal), kilograms(kg), milligrams(mg), grams(g), liters(l) etc.The units of measurement can be different in each country. So it is i____6____ to know whatunits of measurement each country u___7_____.Exercise 21Printing was one of the four greatest inventions of ancient China.Before printing was invented, all writing was done by hand. When people needed a copy ofbook, they had to p__1_____ someone to copy it out for them by hand. This made books verye___2_______ and only the richest people could have them.Then in the Tang Dynasty China, about AD 650, people carved (雕刻) w____3___ blocks(印版) with a page of text, then inked( 沾上墨水 ) it. When they pressed a paper on the block, theycould print a page. The oldest printed scroll( 纸卷 ) came from northwest china in AD 700.Around the AD 1000’ s, a man n___4______ Bi Sheng in china invented a more flexible (灵活的 ) system of printing. He carved each Chinese character separately on a small clay (陶土 )blocks. He put them together to make w____5____ and sentences. The same blocks could bereused to make many different texts.About 500 years later, people throughout Europe and Asia began to use movable type madeout of m____6___. Printers in Europe might have been Chinese block printing (活字印刷 )through trade across West Asia. They came up with the idea of moveable type of theiro_____7_____.Exercise 22If you go into the forest with friends, stay with them. If you don’ t, you may get lost. you do get lost, this is what you should do.Sit down and stay where you are. Don’ t try to find your friends. L___1____ them find you.You can help them to find you by stay in one place.There is another way to help your friends or other people to find you. Give them a signal(信号)outing or whistling ( 吹口哨 ) three times. S___2___. Then shout or whistle three times again.Any signal given three times is a call for help.Keep on shouting or whistling, always three times together. When people hear you, they willgive two shouts or two whistles. When a signal is given twice, it is an a__3__ to a call for help.If you don ’ t think that you will get help b___4___ night comes, try to make a small roomwith branches. (树枝What should you do if you get h___5___ or need drinking water? You would have to leaveyour little branch room to look for something to eat and drink. Don’ t just walk far away. Pick up牛津沪教版英语九年级上首字母专项练习small branches and d__6___ them as you walk so that you can find your way back.The most i___7___ thing you need to do when you are lost--- stay in one place.Exercise 23An old man lived in a nice house with a large garden. He took care of his flowers all the time, watering and fertilizing them.One day a young man went by the garden. He looked at the beautiful flowers, imagining how happy he could be if he lived in such a beautiful place . Then, suddenly he found the old gardenerwas blind. He was very s____1___ about this and asked ,“ You can’ t see these flowers. Why are you busy taking care of them every day?”The old man smiled and said,“ I can tell you four r____2___. First, I was a gardener when I was young, and I really like this job. Second, 42 I can’s,t Iseecanthese 3flowerthem.Third, I can smell the sweetness of them. As to the last one, that’ s you.”“ Me? But you don ’ t know me, ” said the young man.“ Yeah, it’ s t___4____ that I don’ t know you . But I know that flowers天are使)angels(that everybody knows . We enjoy the happiness these flowers have b_____5____ us.”The blind man’ s work opened our eyes and pleased our h____6____ , which also made his life happier. It was just like Beethoven, who became deaf in his later life and wrote many greatmusical works. Beethoven himself couldn ’heart his wonderful music, but his music has e____7_____ millions of people to face their difficulties bravely. Isn t one kind of happiness?’ t iExercise 24Everyone likes living in a clean and c__1______ environment. If the environment is bad, it will affect our body, and make us not feel well. Sometimes we may be t___2_____ ill. At thattime we don’ t want to work, and wehave to stay in bed and rest at home. So the environment isvery important to us.。
人教版九年级英语上册Unit 1 培优测试卷含答案

人教版九年级英语上册Unit 1 培优测试卷一、单项选择。
(每小题2分,共20分)1. We can improve our imagination and creative skills ____ reading books.A. byB. ofC. forD. in2. —How do you improve your English ____?—I often talk with the people whose mother language is English.A. populationB. transportationC. pronunciationD. suggestion3. It takes us less time to go to Beijing because the ____ of trains has increased a lot.A. priceB. speedC. spaceD. service4. The dancing teacher gives us instructions ____ until we are perfect in every move.A. patientlyB. quicklyC. suddenlyD. wisely5. Zhang Guimei ____ the first free high school for girls in mountain areas and hashelped more than 1,800 students to go to college.A. educatedB. createdC. memorizedD. dreamed6. —Ms. Li, I am sad that I didn't pass the test.—Keep trying. Success ____ hard work.A. depends onB. gives awayC. leads toD. takes up7. —How time flies! We'll graduate from middle school this weekend!—____ we have to say goodbye, I will remember our friendship forever.A. BecauseB. AlthoughC. UnlessD. Until8. Don't ____ the new words each time you meet them. Try to guess their meanings asyou read.A. look upB. look throughC. look downD. look like9. —Could you tell me the secret of improving your spoken English?—____ you speak, ____ your English will be.A. The most;the bestB. The more;the betterC. The more;the bestD. The most;the better10. —I wonder if I can learn English well. It's too difficult to learn.—____. There are no overnight success stories.A. It takes timeB. It sounds like a good ideaC. It serves you rightD. It's a piece of cake二、完形填空。
人教版九年级英语上册Unit 9 培优检测卷含答案

人教版九年级英语上册Unit 9 培优检测卷第一部分选择题(共50分)一、阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分;满分40分)第一节阅读下面语言材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
A1. Tony is free on the evening of May 3. What can he enjoy?A. A talk show.B. A Russian ballet.C. A Chinese opera.D. An Italian concert.2. If Mr. White goes to watch Sichuan Opera with his 8-year-old son, how muchshould he pay?A. 60 yuan.B. 80 yuan.C. 100 yuan.D. 160 yuan.3. Which number should John call if he wants to go to a concert?A. 6502-1167.B. 6655-2100.C. 6392-8877.D. 6501-1555.4. Where is the passage probably from?A. A newspaper.B. A novel.C. A report.D. A diary.BIf you are really interested in music festivals,then you must have heard of the Isle of Wight Music Festival. It takes place every June on the Isle of Wight,the UK. People think it's great to enjoy the lovely summer time on the beach.The dream begins as soon as you start traveling to the island. In order to get to the campsite(营地) of the festival,you have to take the ferry(渡轮). The ferry is full of excited festival lovers who are ready to take part in the fantastic music festival. You can put up your tent after arriving at the campsite. There people talk with each other openly. They are not that cold like those you meet in your everyday life.The festival lasts for four days. You will sponge__out all your worries about everything during the days, just like living in a dream. Then it may be hard for you to come back to “reality” after that.It seems that it is this kind of music event that makes people get together. It gives people a real sense of unity(团结). I took part in the festival with my friends last year. It was so exciting that we all lost ourselves in the beautiful music. Dancing Queen sung by Bjorn Again was my favorite. I'm really looking forward to joining in it for a second time.5. When is the Isle of Wight Music Festival?A. At the beginning of spring.B. At the beginning of summer.C. At the end of the year.D. At the end of summer.6. What does the writer think of the people at the Isle of Wight Music Festival?A. Crazy.B. Patient.C. Cold.D. Friendly.7. What do the underlined words “sponge out” in Paragraph 3 mean?A. Increase.B. Start.C. Remember.D. Forget.8. What's the passage mainly about?A. Some famous music festivals.B. A trip to an island.C. The Isle of Wight Music Festival.D. The feelings of joining in music festivals.CLulu,a Hungarian PhD(匈牙利哲学博士)student at Tsinghua University,first came to Beijing in 2017. She soon fell in love with the city. She also found her greatest hobby—Peking Opera.Lulu watched Peking Opera for t he first time in an opera museum. “I found it really fantastic,” she said. “ Both the outfits (装束) and the movements were so wonderful. The face-painting was something I'd never seen before. It is so different from Western opera. ”With great interest,she joined the Peking Opera group of Tsinghua University. That made her see that Peking Opera is much more than just the looks. “There is really,really huge cultural and historical background in Peking Opera. ”The group members practice twice a week. Mostly,they practice singing and movements. The biggest problem for Lulu was learning the Asian way of singing. “To start with,my throat was in great pain,because I was using my voice in the wrong way,” she said. But with the help of teachers,she has improved a lot.There are other international students in the group. “I really love Peking Operabecause it brings us together,” she said. “I believe that art has no boundaries(界限)and music has no language barriers(障碍). I hope to share my love for Peking Opera with mo re people outside China. ”9. When did Lulu first come to Beijing?A. In 2016.B. In 2017.C. In 2018.D. In 2019.10. When Lulu first watched Peking Opera,she found the outfits and movementswere ____.A. uglyB. strangeC. wonderfulD. old11. Why did Lulu have trouble with the way of singing at first?A. Because she didn't get enough practice.B. Because she wasn't good at singing at all.C. Because she couldn't pronounce Chinese well.D. Because she didn't use her voice in the right way.12. From this passage,what can we infer(推断)?A. Fewer Peking Opera groups will be set up in the future.B. The Asian way of singing will be harder to learn in the future.C. Lulu will introduce Peking Opera to more foreigners in the future.D. More students in Tsinghua University will learn Western opera in the future.D①On January 4th,the China National Traditional Orchestra(乐团)played some well-known traditional music in their concert. People enjoyedthe beautiful sounds of guzheng,the powerful tunes of suona,the touchingnotes of erhu and so on. Each traditional Chinese musical instrument tells itsown story.②“I've fallen in love with the sounds of traditional instruments,especially pipa,the four-stringed instrument(四弦乐器) with a history of more than 2,000 years. It can produce different sounds,such as the sounds of falling snow and rain. Everytime I listen to a pipa tune(琵琶曲调),I have a strong feeling of peace,” said Yang Tian after the concert.③However,a recent report suggests the number of traditional music listeners is dropping. To wake up people's love for traditional music,something creative has been done.④In some traditional music concerts,VR technology is used. It's like watchinga 3D movie.⑤Li Xiaobing,a music teacher from Beijing,combines traditional folk singing and operas with Chinese instruments through technology. People are surprised at his works and they love them!⑥Some musicians try to add something new to traditional music. They bring modern music like pop into traditional music. When the East meets the West,the new form of music wins the hearts of both the old and the young.⑦Traditional music shows the beauty of our culture,and with some creativity,great things happen.13. How many kinds of traditional instruments are mentioned in the passage?A. 3.B. 4.C. 5.D. 6.14. What did Li Xiaobing do to wake up people's love for traditional music?A. He told many cheerful stories.B. He made good 3D movies with VR technology.C. He mixed traditional music with Chinese instruments.D. He brought modern music like pop into traditional music.15. Which paragraphs introduce some creative methods?A. ③④⑤B. ④⑤⑥C. ⑤⑥⑦D. ④⑥⑦16. What does the writer think of traditional music according to the passage?A. Traditional music must be taught creatively.B. Traditional music and technology must be connected.C. Traditional music should only be played in concerts.D. Traditional music with creativity will be more popular.第二节阅读短文,从方框内所给的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有一个多余的选项。

九年级上首字母专项训练Exercise 1Do you like to read science books? Reading science is not quite like reading a p____1__ or story. You read to get information. Over the years much of the scientific information that has been c___2_____ has been put into books. So we read to learn. We should try to be better readers in science.Books on science often contain many s__3____ new words and much new information. It is important for us to know the m__4____ of every word we read. There are many difficult words in science books and articles. We must understand these words in order to understand the m____5___ the words bring.We must keep our m__6___ on what we are reading. We must know why we are reading. We ask questions before we read. “What is this book about? Why should I read it? Will the title help me find out why I should read it?”If we can keep a record of what we read, that is, write down important words and information, these records help us remember what we have read. We read some books more than once. Often, we read to discover f___7___that we didn’t find in our first reading.Exercise 2Chinese are very generous when it comes to educating their children. Not caring about theUnited States or Australia. The Chinese believe that themore expensive an education is , the better it is . So the parents will spend a lot ofmoney on education. Even poor couples will buy a computer for their son or daughter.Though they are not rich, they would rather pay for the education.Parents can see that their children's skills vary , skilled in some areas while poor in others . But most parents fail to r____2_____ that today's children lack self-respect and self-confidence.The problem is that parents are only educating their children on how to take multiple-choice tests and how to study well, but parents aren't teaching them the most important skills that they need. And these skills are important to help them to be confident , happy and c___3______.Parents can a___4___ this by teaching practical skills like cooking , sewing and doing housework .Teaching a child to cook will improve many of the skills that the will need later in life . Cooking demands p_____5___ and time . It's an enjoyable but difficult experiment. A good cook always tries to improve his cooking, so he will learn to work hard and gradually to finish his job s___6______. His result, a well-cooked dinner, will give him much satisfaction and a lot of self-confidence.Some old m___7____ , such as a broken radio or TV set that you give your children to play with will make him curious and arouse his interest He will spend hours looking at them , trying to fix them ; your childmight become an engineer when he grows up . These activities aren't merely teaching a child to read a book, but rather to think , to use his mind . And that is more important.Exercise 3We can’t really say that one language is easier or more difficult than another language. In some ways, English is an easy language to learn. Take the verbs for example, in some languages, you have to make many,many c____1___ to the verb—in Latin, for example, there are more than 120 different f___2__ of one verb! In English, there are only five. With verb “go” for example, there’s “go”, “goes”, “went”, “going”, and “gone”, but we use them in a lot of different ways!But the spelling and pronunciation of English are more difficult than in many other languages. We have a lot of s__3___in English, and the spelling isn’t very regular.Nobody know e___4__ how many people are learning English in the world today, but it’s c__5___ more than it was 50 years ago. For example, fifty years ago very few people in China learned English, but now the n___6__ of people learning English in china is bigger than the population of the united states! So there are probably about 300 million people learning English at the m__7___,which is more than any other language, and some experts(专家) say that by the year2050—that’s about thirty-five years from now—half of the world’s population will speak English. I’m not sure, and I think we’ll have to wait and see.Exercise 4Learning is natural. It begins the minute we are born. Our first teachers are our family members. At home we learn to talk and to dress and feed ourselves. Then we go to school. A teacher tells us what to learn and how to learn. Many teachers g____1____ us, and we pass many exams. Then people say we are educated.Are you really educated? Let’s think about the real meaning of learning. Knowing facts does not mean being able to solve problems. Solving problems r__2___ creativity, not just a good m____3___. Some people who don’t know many facts are good at solving problems.Henry is a good e_____4____. He left school at the age of 15. Later when his company could not build cars fast enough, he solved the problem. He thought of the assembly line(装配线).What does a good teacher do? Does he give students facts to remember? Well, yes, we must remember facts. But a good teacher shows how to find answers. He brings us to the stream of k____5____. So we can drink for ourselves. When we are t___6__, we know where to go.True learning combines intake and output. We take information into our brains. Then we use it. Think of a computer: it stores a lot of information, but it can’t think. It only o___7___ commands. A person who only remembers facts is not really learned. Learning takes place only when a person can use what he knows.Exercise 5To us students, learning is no doubt(怀疑,疑问)the most important thing, because learning is closely related to our future. All of us have experienced learning from p____1____ to senior high school. We learn knowledge; and furthermore, we also learn to b__2__ a man.Nowadays, with the rapid d____3___ of economy, our society and our country need more and more talents of all kinds to meet different requirements in every f___4_____. The more knowledge we learn and master, the better we’ll p__5______ ourselves for the future. What we arelearning should be combined with p___6_____ and with our future as well.As a famous s___7____ goes, “one is never too old to learn,” let’s try hard to learn for the future.Exercise 6High school students in Japan choose the universities they want to go to and apply for before January of their final year. The university e____1____ exam is a standard nationwide test held every year in January. It p____2____ tests for 31 subjects in six subject areas: Japanese language, geography and history, civics, math, science and a foreign language. All national and public universities, as well as some p__3____ ones make use of this exam. But many also have their own tests in February or later, before the new school year s____4_____ in April.In order to pass the exam for the best universities such as the national university of Tokyo, many students a____5_____ special preparation schools on top of their regular classes. These exra schools can l____6___ for one to two years between high school and university.A____7____ every student has the chance of going to a Japanese university, only 50 percent of high school seniors actually choose further study.Exercise 7Test scores make you either happy or sad and your parents pay high attention to your test results. You spend days filling in blanks, trying to make the best answer to question after question. Maybe you tried your hardest or maybe you never tried! What you need to remember is that a test is a picture of you’re a____1______ from just one day. It consists of some pieces including your health, your personality, your interests, and your motivation. You need to look at all the pieces to get a clear idea of your p____2_____. So whether your scores are higher than you thought, or less than you had hoped, try not to think of them as what you will be at last. It probably c____3____ you why your scores have become the focus of your life. The purpose of a test is to c___4____ how much you have learned about a subject. It not only helps make your newly acquired knowledge forever, but also e__5____ you to find out what needs to spend more time improving. If you’re p leased with the results, encourage yourself to work for a further aim. If disappointmenthas overcome you, ask your teacher and your parents to help you set a reasonable goal for improvement. Most exams are about to test your skill in certain subject areas such as math, language and arts. Some c___6___ your skills to other students’ skills from across the country, o (98)just test whether or not you have mastered a specific skill. These scores can be very puzzling…even to adults. You should speak to both your teacher and your parents to find out what they mean in your e____7_____ journey. It is important to take a correct attitude towards test scores.Exercise 8In American schools, computers have taken over many of the jobs that teachers used to do. Computers ask students questions. If the students give the right answer, the computer will say, “Fantastic!” Some students can do e___1____ and homework on their computers.Both students and teachers are crazy about computers. “With computers, students get help at once,” said one teacher. “But if the students don’t have computers, they must w___2__ for me to walk around and get to them.”“I can t__3___ faster than write,” said a student. “Using a computer is easier than using an eraser.”Computers are also very p___4____. A teacher may get angry with a student, but computers are always calm. When a student gives the wrong answer, the computer just say, “Please try a___5_____.”Companies that make software for schools have a difficult job. They must make the software as interesting as the p___6_____ that students watch on TV. But they are s____7____, because students like computers as much as teachers do.Exercise 9As we know, our school is going to give extra lessons during Labor Holiday. It set off a warm d____1___ among the teachers and the students. So the student union made a s___2____ about it.Here are the results.Almost 90 percent of the teachers are a__3___ giving extra lessons during holiday. They think it is time for relaxation and rest, both for teachers and students. Students should be given enough time and f____4____ to develop their own interest and enjoy outdoor activities. It is good for their study later on.60 percent of the students have the same idea as the teachers. They say they need more time to relax and get ready for a b__5___ start. On the other side about 40 percent agree to have lessons during the holiday. They want to learn more things.What about the parents? They all agree to it, though they c__6___ about the high price they have to p__7____. They think that having someone take care of their children is better than leaving them alone at home, and also children at school can learn something no matter how little it is.Exercise 10Every year, high school juniors and seniors from across the US take the Scholastic Aptitude Test(SAT,学术自能测试).The SAT 1 is a three-hour exam that tests students' maths and verbal(词汇的)s___1____. Most universities will not a___2____students without this test. his also used to decide how much financial aid(经济资助)should be given to each student. Scores range from 200 to 800 for each part. There is a total of 1 600 points. The test is held each year from October to June. But seniors must take it before December in order to include their scores in their university application. The a___3_____ total score for an American high school student is around 1, 000.A poor SAT 1 score can p___4____ a student from going to a good university. Students who want to go to one of America's best universities, such as Harvard or Yale, must score between 1 430 and 1 600.The test can be taken over and over again, but all the scores will a___5____ on the students' records. However, unlike Chinese universities, the score is not the only thing needed. American universities also look at a student's subject grades, what they do outside of school, and their teachers' recommendations.In addition to the SAT 1 some universities r___6___ high school students to take at least three SAT 2s. These one-hour exams can be taken in any subject, for example c__7_____ or French.Exercise 11Never try to work when you are very hungry. If you want to do your homework right after school, you may want to eat something before getting to work. Always do your homework before you get too t___1___. Don’t wait until very late in the evening, or the assignment(作业) will seem much harder than it r___2____ is.O___3____ your time into a few parts if you have more than an hour’s work, give yourself a b____4___ after an hour. On the other hand, don’t break it up so much that you can’t get anything done. You should be able to work at least half an hour at a time without s___5_____.Don’t put it off until the last minute. If you put off doing your homework, you will have it on your mind, and you won’t enjoy your free time so much. If you put it off until the en d of the week or until right before a test, you will have too much c___6___ up. A little bit each night, enough to keep up with what is happening each day in school, will take the fear at tests and keep you on top of it all.Do your homework at the same time every day. This will help you make it a habit—part of your daily work. It will make it easier to do, and it will make your free time more e___7____ as well.Exercise 12There are many things you have to do each day. But no matter what you’re trying to do, there are three important steps you need to take: Get organized. Stay focused(集中注意力). Get it done!Get organized.For schoolwork, it means having one notebook where you s___1____ all your work. Then you know what you have to do and when.Planning means d____2____ what you will do and when you will do it. Calendars, lists and schedules can help you plan. Making a schedule or a “to-do” list is a good idea. Add new things asyou get new assignments and c____3____ off those you’ve done. Use your list to help you decide which one is the most important thing to do first.Stay focusedTo keep your mind focused, talk to yourself through the work. Ask yourself, “what do I need to do now?” answer your question, then go a____4_____ and do it. Sometimes, your mind wanders. Then you might have to change the way you’re sitting so you’re more comfortable. Take a nice deep b____5____ or get up and stretch.(伸展)Get it doneHang in there until it’s all done, and don’t g___6______ up when you’re halfway through.For anything you do, getting it done means finishing what you start, doing a good job and checking your work.Oh, one more important thing: take a moment to admire(欣赏) the work you’ve done. You have a good reason to feel p___7___. Nice job!Exercise 13Ballpoint pens have made life easier for millions of people. At one time schools did not like their students to write with them. P____1____ it was too easy.Pens can leak(漏)and it is easy to spill(溢出,流出)the ink.But it is hard to write on thin or cheap paper with them.Ladislao Biro worked for a newspaper in Budapest.He spent all day at his desk.Day in and day out,he c____2____ pages of thin,cheap paper with a pen and ink.He often had to stop to f____3____his pen and it did not write well on the thin paper.He and his brother George began some e___4_____.They wanted a pen that did not leak,with ink that did not spill.Why not use a little b___5___ at the end?Two Englishmen,Henry Martin and Fredrick Miles,liked the idea. It was the time of the second World War.The Air Force(空军) needed a non-leak,non-spill pen for the men to writewithin p__6____.Martin and Miles made and s___7____ many thousands of Biro “writing—sticks” to the Air Force.Exercise 14A chicken lays an egg. You feel sleepy. And a tree loses its leaves. All of these thin, and many more, happen in a certain way, at a certain time each day or each year. They take p___1___ became something called an internal clock. The word internal means “inside of”, and the internal clock is inside a certain part of every plant and animal. For example, there is an internal clock in the h___2____ of a chicken.The internal clock r____3___ a signal, or message, from the world around it. Some of signals i___4___ light, heat, darkness and cold. When the internal clock gets the signal, the body of the plant or animal p___5_____ a chemical that causes the living thing to do different a___6_____. For example, daylight signals the chicken's internal clack to make a chemical. Then this chemical causes the chicken to lay eggs.People are learning a lot about internal clocks. Fanners have even learned how to f___7___ a chicken's internal clock so that the chicken lays more eggs.Exercise 15Many people believe that Galileo invented the thermometer(温度计). But Galileo did not invent the thermometer. He invented the water thermometer(测温计). The water thermoscope is a g___1__ bulb that contains water. When the air temperature changes, the water l__2___ rises. But a thermometer does not measure the temperature change. A real thermometer must be a___3____ to measure the temperature change.Who invented the first real contemporary(同时代的) thermometer then? It was invented by Santorio. Santorio lived from 1531 to 1636. He was an Italian doctor and physicist. Santorio a__4_____ a number of scales to the thermoscope. That helped to precisely measure how much the temperature changed. He thought that he could measure everything in n____5____. He applied his thought and r__6___ to medicine and the body.T___7__ to him, now people can measure body temperature with a thermometer.Exercise 16Philo Farnsworth, the inventor of one of the country’s greatest machines was actually born in a log cabin, rode to high school on the horse back and without benefit of university d___1___ (indeed, at age 14), thought of the idea of electronic television. In 1906 Farnsworth was born in a community near Beaver City, Utah, a community settled by his grandfather. when he was 12, his family moved to a ranch (大牧场)in Rigby, Idaho, which was four miles from the nearest high school, thus necessitating(使成为必要)his d___2____ horseback rides. Because he was interested in the electron and electricity, he persuaded his p___3___teacher, Justin Tolman, to give him special instruction and to allow him to listen to a senior c___4____.The d___5___ of his father forced him to leave at the end of his second year, but, as it turned out, at no great intellectual cost. There were, at the time, no more than a handful of men on the p___6___ who could have understood Farnsworth’s idea for building an electronic television system, and it’s unlikely that any of them were at this local community. One such man was Vladimir Zworykin who had moved to the US from Russia with a Ph. D in electrical engineering. He went to work for Westinghouse with a d__7____ of building an all-electronic television system. But he wasn’t capable to do so. Farnsworth was. But not at once.Exercise 17James Francis Cameron, was born on August 16, 1954 in Kapuskasing, Ontario, Canada. He moved to the United States in 1971. As a son of an e__1____, he majored in physics at California State University. But after g___2_____ he worked as a truck driver to support his dream of making films. With no formal t___3____, he started making films. He directed and wrote the scripts for his first six films and produced the last three. In 1984, he wrote and directed The Terminator (1984), made with a budget (预算) of only 6.5 million dollars. He directed, wrote, produced, and edited his most a___4___ movie, 1997’s Titanic. It was a huge s___5___ and the movie won 11 Oscars. Cameron is now one of the most sought-after directors in Hollywood, but he is much more than just a director. He is c____6__ and visionary(有远见的). He works hard until the production m___7___ with his high standards(标准).Exercise 18Juana Lopez has invented a number of things over the years. One day, she had an idea for a dish washing machine that worked without u___1_____ water. She went to see several dishwasher factories about p_____2___ the machine, but none of them were interested.Juana found investors(投资者) to support her idea and founded her own company. She spent millions of dollars on developing her dishwasher and it was put to the market three years later. From then on, s___3____ were very good, better even than Juana had h____4______.But Global Domestic, one of the companies that she had been to see, made its own waterless dishwasher. Juana obtained one and found that used the technical ideas she had developed. She had obtained legal p____5_____ for these ideas, so that other companies could not use them. After a long legal process, Global Domestic was forced to stop making its competing dishwasher and to pay Juana several million dollars. Now Juana's waterless dishwasher has 40 p___6_____ of the worldwide dishwasher market and this is i____7_____ every year.Exercise 19At West Orange, Edison had more than 50 people working for him. He improved some of his old inventions such as the phonograph (留声机). He made new inventions, too. A popular one was a doll with a tiny phonograph inside. When you turned on a b_____1_____, the doll begun to talk.He also spent years developing an electric car. This was a good car, but was never as popular as cars using petrol. However, the battery which he invented had many u___2______.Edison sometimes f____3_____. He bought a lot of land in new jersey to d____4_____ for iron. He did not find any iron and so he lost over one million dollars. However, Edison said he had a good time spending the money.In December 1914, a fire destroyed his lab. Edison r_____5____ a new one with the help of the money from Henry Ford, the man who was famous for making cars. Even at 67 years old, Edison wanted to go on working.In early 1931, Edison said, “I’m long on ideas, but s___6_____ on time. I expect to live to beonly about a hundred.” In fact Edison died on October 18, 1931, at the age of 84.Edison was one of the world’s greatest inventors. His s____7____ was hard work. His most famous saying is “genius (天才) is one percent inspiration(灵感) and 99 percent perspiration(汗水).”Exercise 20All matter is either solid or liquid, or gas. In addition, all matter has different sizes. So we use different units of measurements when we measure different t___1___of matter. When you want to buy shoes, you need to know the size of your feet. If you don’t, then you need to try on every shoe in the shoe store. When you are trying to bake a cake ___2_____ looking at a cooking book, you will see different measurement for the diffe rent ingredients. But if you don’t know how to measure the e___3____ amount for each ingredient, it will be hard to bake a d_____4___ cake. These are the reason why we need to know the units of measurement.Here are some of the units of measurement. To measure the l____5____ of something, we use centimeters(cm), meters(m), miles(m), inches(in), feet(ft) and etc. To measure the mass and volume of something, we use gallons (gal), kilograms(kg), milligrams(mg), grams(g), liters(l) etc.The units of measurement can be different in each country. So it is i____6____ to know what units of measurement each country u___7_____.Exercise 21Printing was one of the four greatest inventions of ancient China.Before printing was invented, all writing was done by hand. When people needed a copy of book, they had to p__1_____ someone to copy it out for them by hand. This made books very e___2_______ and only the richest people could have them.Then in the Tang Dynasty China, about AD 650, people carved (雕刻) w____3___ blocks(印版) with a page of text, then inked(沾上墨水) it. When they pressed a paper on the block, theycould print a page. The oldest printed scroll(纸卷) came from northwest china in AD 700.Around the AD 1000’s, a man n___4______ Bi Sheng in china invented a mo re flexible (灵活的) system of printing. He carved each Chinese character separately on a small clay (陶土) blocks. He put them together to make w____5____ and sentences. The same blocks could be reused to make many different texts.About 500 years later, people throughout Europe and Asia began to use movable type made out of m____6___. Printers in Europe might have been Chinese block printing (活字印刷) through trade across West Asia. They came up with the idea of moveable type of their o_____7_____.Exercise 22If you go into the forest with friends, stay with them. If you don’t, you may get lost. If you do get lost, this is what you should do.Sit down and stay where you are. Don’t try to find your friends. L___1____ them find you. You can help them to find you by stay in one place.There is another way to help your friends or other people to find you. Give them a signal(信号)outing or whistling (吹口哨) three times. S___2___. Then shout or whistle three times again. Any signal given three times is a call for help.Keep on shouting or whistling, always three times together. When people hear you, they will give two shouts or two whistles. When a signal is given twice, it is an a__3__ to a call for help.If you don’t think that you will get help b___4___ night comes, try to make a small room with branches.(树枝What should you do if you get h___5___ or need drinking water? You would have to leave your little branch room to look for something to eat and drink. Don’t just walk far away. Pick upsmall branches and d__6___ them as you walk so that you can find your way back.The most i___7___ thing you need to do when you are lost ---stay in one place.Exercise 23An old man lived in a nice house with a large garden. He took care of his flowers all the time, watering and fertilizing them.One day a young man went by the garden. He looked at the beautiful flowers, imagining how happy he could be if he lived in such a beautiful place . Then, suddenly he found the old gardener was blind. He was very s____1___ about this and asked , “ You can’t see these flowers. Why are you busy taking care of them every day?”The old man smiled and said, “I can tell you four r____2___. First, I was a gardener when I was young, and I really like this job. Second, 42 I can’t see these flower s, I can t___3__ them. Third, I can smell the sweetness of them. As to the last one, that’s you.”“Me? But you don’t know me,” said the young man.“Yeah, it’s t___4____ that I don’t know you . But I know that flowers are angels(天使) that everybody knows . We enjoy the happiness these flowers have b_____5____ us.”The blind man’s work opened our eyes and pleased our h____6____ , which also made his life happier. It was just like Beethoven, who became deaf in his later life and wrote many great musical works. Beethoven himself couldn’t hear his wonderful music, but his music has e____7_____ millions of people to face their difficulties bravely. Isn’t i t one kind of happiness?Exercise 24Everyone likes living in a clean and c__1______ environment. If the environment is bad, it will affect our body, and make us not feel well. Sometimes we may be t___2_____ ill. At that time we don’t want to work, and we have to stay in bed and rest at home. So the environment is very important to us.It’s germs(细菌) that makes us ill. There are germs everywhere, They are very small and you can’t find them with your own eyes, but you can see them with a microscope(显微镜)They are very small and there may be h____3___ of them on a very small thing, Germs can always be found in dirty water. When we look at dirty water under the microscope, we shall see them in it. Germs can also be found in a__4____ and dust(灰尘). If you cut your f__5____, some of the dust from the floor may go into it, and you will have much pain in it. Sometimes the germs will go into all of your body, and you will have pain everywhere.To keep us healthy, we should try to our best to make our environment become cleaner and t____6____. This needs us to a__7__ together.Exercise 25Unlike the other parts of the body, your ears don’t ask for much. They don’t need to be b___1___ once a day like your teeth. But they really need some special care, especially if you like listening to music with earphones (耳机).M___2__ your mum or dad has told you, “Turn that down before you go deaf” Well, they are quite right. Loud noise may cause hearing problems for a short time or even forever.Think that earphones are a good way to escape from your parents’ eyes? Well, it may not be as good a way as you t___3___. American doctors have studied a group of 4,490 people who used earphones more than 15 hours every week. The doctors found that 3,730 of them were getting hearing problems.If you use earphones too long, your ears may feel painful. You could also l__4___your hearing for the rest of your life. So don’t wear your earphones too long. Use them less than one hour a day.Want good hearing? Don’t forget to do the following:●Try to s__5___ away from places with too much noise, like a disco. If you have to go, wear earplugs (耳塞).。

Lesson 10经典易错题基础作业I . Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案) :1.Could you tell me ________?A. how could I protect myself from the air pollutionB. how can I protect myself from the air pollutionC. how I could protect myself from the air pollutionD. how I can protect myself from the air pollution2.The invention of Wechat(微信)makes it easier ________ in touch with friends.A keepingB keepC to keepD keeps3.Jane________ be in the office. She has gone to the meeting room.A) mustn't B) needn't C) can't D) shouldn't4.I have just watched a good film about ________ elderly fisherman in Guilin.A) a B) an C) the D) /5.You’d better book the tickets as early as possible, ________ they will be sold out soon.A) and B) but C) so D) or6.The Spring Festival is on the way. Many shops have ________ huge posters with the word“sales”.A) put up B) put on C)put out D) put off7.We should obey the traffic rules in order to keep ourselves ________.A. saveB. safeC. safelyD. safety8.—I'm sorry I've broken your glasses.—________. I've got another pair. Which of the following responses is wrong?A. You're welcome.B. Never mind.C. It doesn't matter.D. That's all right.9.We really need a new car, but ________ we’ll have to continue using the old one.A. for the time beingB. for the first timeC. from time to timeD. for some time10.Jenny didn’t visit the Rubber Duck in Century Park yesterday because she ________ it.A. seesB. sawC. has seenD. had seen11.No matter how much you think you hate school, you will still miss it ________ you leave it.A) when B) unless C) until D) since12.Learning English is a difficult but happy________ .A) program B) progress C) process D) problem13.The writer told the children that she ________ quite a few detective stories in the last few years.A) wrote B) has writtenC) was written D) had written14.Hi, could you please tell me ________ your father has gone to Sydney?A) when B) how often C) how long D) if15.The movie star is afraid that she will be recognized as she ________ at the airport.A. arrivesB. arrivedC. will arriveD. arrive16.Mr. King doesn't know what time ________ back home yesterday evening.A. does his son comeB. his son comesC. did his son comeD. his son came17.I'm sorry- children over five ________ pay the full entry price to the show.A) can B) may C) should D) must18.John ________ off his bike and hurt himself while he ________ .A)fell, were riding B) had fallen, was ridingC) fell, was riding D) had fallen, rode19.Arthur’s memory starts to go wrong because of his age. So does ________ .A) I B) mine C) me D) myself20.David knows much about the city because he ________ there three times.A) will go B) went C) has gone D) has been21.Which of the following underlined parts is different from the others in pronunciation?A) jumps B) conclusions C) interviews D) miles22.The wonderful concert didn’t come to ________ end until midnight.A./B. aC.anD. the23.To make the roads ________ for people, two Indian artists designed these 3D “zebra crossing”.A)safe B)safely C)safer D) more safely24.The manager is much better than other employees ________ dealing with the customers’complaints.A.inB.atC. onD. of25.Look! Someone ________ up the hall already and we can just relax!A. cleansB. will cleanC. is cleaningD. has cleaned26.I hear that you have been to Wuzhen. Did you like it? How long ________ you ________ there?A) do...stay B) have...stayed C) did...stay D) had...stayed27.There ________ a number of books in the school library. We spend much time reading there.A)be B)am C)is D)are28.With the invention of computer, many teenagers would rather ________ computer games than________other things.A) to play...to do B) to play...do C) play...to do D) play...do29.Neither Tom nor Jack and I ________ his students.A. areB.amC.isD. was30.Mary as well as her sisters ________ Chinese in China.A. are studyingB. have studiedC. studiesD. study31.Alice, together with two boys, ________ for having broken the rule.A. was punishedB. punishedC. were punishedD. being punished32.Professor Ted is ________ university teacher. He comes from ________ European country.A. an, anB. an, aC. a, aD. a, an33.________ young often get words of wisdom from ________ old people.A. The, theB. / , /C. The, /D. /, the34.I think The West Lake is one of the most beautiful sites in China and I will come for ________second time.A. theB. aC. anD. /35.Most of the students in our class come to school ________ their bicycles.A. byB. onC. withD. in36.Oh, it’s you, Tom! Your voice sounds very different ________ the phone. What’s happening?A. fromB. inC. ofD. on37.There are many new high rises on ________ side of Huaihai Road. What a magnificent!A. eitherB. neitherC. bothD. all38.I’m sorry that I can’t give you any advice because I know ________ about it.A. littleB. a littleC. fewD. a few39.Through the windows you can see many high rises on ________ sides of Huangpu River.A. bothB. neitherC. eitherD. every40.Mr. Brown is an experienced teacher and he will teach ________ English this term.A. youB. yourC. yourselvesD. yours41.—Can you come on Monday or Tuesday?—I’m afraid ________ day is possible.A. eitherB. neitherC. bothD. any42.In winter the ________ it snows, the happier the children will feel.A. heavyB. more heavilyC. heavilyD. heavier43.You may make your dream come true ________ you don’t give up easily.A. as soon asB. untilC. unlessD. as long as44.The newly-built building is about ________.A. 100-meters highB. 100 meter highC. 100 meters highD. 100-meter-high45.By the end of next month, the students ________ middle school.A. finishedB. had finishedC. will finishD. have finished46.By the time my parents came back home, I ________ most of the housework.A. had finishedB. have finishedC. finishedD. would finish47.From time to time he ________ me to believe in myself.A. is tellingB. has toldC. tellsD. told48.The 16th Asian Games ________ in Guangdong, China last year.A. holdB. heldC. was heldD. were held49.No one but his parents ________ how naughty he is.A. knowB. knowsC. had knownD. knew50.Our teacher’s told us that we ________ a class meeting sometime next week.A. will haveB. would haveC. have hadD. had51.Professor Gray, along with his assistants, ________ on the project day and night to finish it on time.A. workB. worksC. is workingD. are working52.I ________ all the books on the reading list before I came to school yesterday.A. have readB. readC. will readD. had done53.We will make laws ________ our environment.A. to protectB. protectC. protectingD. protected54.Tell your teacher the truth honestly. It’s no use ________ you didn’t know.A. pretendingB. pretendC. pretendD. to pretend55.The doctor ordered the patient to ________ all food for at least twenty-four hours.A. take offB. keep offC. show offD. give offII. Fill in the blanks with proper words. (在短文的空格内填入适当的单词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给):Volunteering in the ClassroomDiscover great ideas on how to give your time, no matter how much you can spare.Research shows that teachers who have classroom support do their job better. And parents who participate (参与) in the classroom can do better in supporting their children’s schoolwork. So evenif your time is l 1 , doing some school volunteer work can make all the difference in yourfamily’s school success.Get StartedCall or write to your child’s teacher to ask how you can help. There are many ways you can get involved. Most teachers will have ideas, i 2 reading to the class, setting up arts and crafts projects, helping to run a Book Fair, filing and making copies, etc.Know y 3What are your interests, abilities, and skills? Do you prefer working independently or following a set path? How do you really feel about a r 4 full of children? Would you rather work at home? What’s your schedule? You might not like every task, so discuss your preferences and talents with the teacher.Best BehaviorIf you’re going to be in the classroom with students, let your child’s teacher take charge of it. Wait until you’ve been introduced to the class. Respect the fact that the classroom is the teacher’s domain (领地). T 5 will help you communicate and build a good relationship with the teacher.The Red TapeV olunteer rules are v 6 in different schools and areas. You may be able to just show up at the scheduled time. Additionally, some schools don’t allow parents to volunteer in their own children’s classroom. Talk with your child’s teacher or school office for information.What to DoBoth working and stay-at-home parents have advantages. Working parents can invite kids to their offices for a career day. Discuss ideas with your child’s teacher to find the best s 7 you can offer.参考答案:I .1-5DCCBD 6-10 ABAAD 11-15 ACBDA 16-20 DDCBD21-25ACCBD 26-30 CDDBC31-35 ACCBB 36-40 DAAAA41-45 BBDCC 46-50 ACDBB 51-55 CDAABII.1.limited2.including3.yourself/yourselves4.room5.That/This6.various7.support。

上海初三中考英语首字母填空专项练习一、Firefighters or firemen play an important role in our daily life. In some places, firefighters use watchtowers to look for smoke and fires, although they get a fire report by telephone. A high tower is still very u 67 for watching and guarding a place。
Fire fighters also make it a place for practice。
They learn how to p 68 out fires from burning buildings。
They try to c 69 up the outside of the tower as fast as possible。
They carry water hoses up to the fire. They practise carrying imaginable victims down f 70 high ladders。

Lesson 1词性转换进阶作业I.Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词)1.We’re thinking about changing our city from a/an _________ city to an environment-friendlycity.(industry)2.During _________ experiments, she explained exactly what would happen and my work justimproved it.(science)3.Smoked salmon(三文鱼)is the restaurant’s _________.(special)4.Difficulties _________ the mind, as labor does the body. (strong)5.Car _________ is predicted to increase.(use)6._________ cost nothing and gains everything. (polite)7.The _________ of professional sports has been increasing steadily.(popular)8.There is no _________ between Tom and me even though we are twins.(similar)9.The sick baby cost his mother many _________ nights.(sleep)10.She was in _________ and wouldn’t believe the bad news.(deny)11.She is regarded as the greatest _________ throughout Chinese history. (poet)12.Hush-let our secret remain forever _________! (speak)13.This is a major inspiration for their _________ in architecture. (create)14.The Great Pyramids were built by the _________. (Egypt)15.At first, nobody noticed the child’s _________until his mom shouted: “Help!” (appear)16.You are in _________ now, and nobody is allowed to hurt you. (secure)17._________ orders is not allowed here. (obey)18.The father was angry with the boy for his _________ behavior. (response)19.Steve Jobs died of a _________ cancer and his _________ made all the world’s Apple fanssad. (die)20.Students should always be _________ to their teachers. (respect)21.I can't forget a(an) _________ experience which happened two years ago. (believe)22.Mr.Smith ________ to me for being late with an _________expression on his face.(apology)23.The diamond on her bracelet is actually man-made, so it is a piece of _________ jewelry.(value)24.After working the whole day we really enjoy relaxing at home that can _________our lifemore glorious. (beautiful)25.In the experiment, the students are asked to prove the _________ of copper. (pure)26.The place is nationally known for its melons and fruit, especially its ________ grapes. (seed)27.Advances in medical science have made it possible to cure many so-called _______ diseases.(cure)28.If you take my advice to have the operation, you may experience some minor _______duringthe treatment. (comfortable)29.It’s _________ that careless driving can lead to accident. (avoid)30.Thank you to get myself a _________ of that tomorrow is her birthday. ( remind)31.The telescope _________(build) last year cost him a lot of money.32.The hen _________ (lay) an egg a moment ago.33.It was a very frightening experience and they were very _________ .(courage)34.I found the whole experience very _________.(depress)35.He had always wanted an _________ life in the tropics. (adventure)36.The moon _________(hang)in the sky shone brightly.37.In _________, young people will not go into teaching until salaries are higher.(real)38.There is growing _________ that we must protect the environment. (real)39.There is an _________ (observe) at Sheshan in Shanghai.40.The students put the books on the library desk, and the _________checked them in. (library)41.The comic book was so exciting that they all lost _________ in it.(they)42.The _________ time of the train has to be changed because of the heavy rain. (arrive)43.The government has been paying more attention to _________ problems. (economy)44.Doctors have tried their best to save the _________ patient. (death)45.Long ago, humans learned to count in _________ .(ten)46.I'd been waiting for twenty minutes and I was getting _________ .(patient)47.He expressed his _________ in the boy's honesty.(believe)48.There’s been a huge increase in the number of _________ on London’s streets. (beg)49.The May_________ Movement is also called the New Culture Movement. (four)50.The host added, “Well, I hope you will both enjoy _________ . (you)51.Don’t get close to the wire, or you' ll easily get an _________ shock. (electricity)52.I really enjoy the _________ along the Bund in Shanghai.(architect)53.The meeting is at _________ time for me; I'm afraid I can't come.(convenient)54.He is young and _________ , but please do not count that against him.(experience)55.The smaller lake ranges from five to fourteen feet in _________ .(deep)56.The atmosphere lets sunlight in and keeps _________ from getting out. (warm )57.It is _________ to understand every single word when reading an article. (necessary)58.Mr Black is one of the most famous _________ in that five-star restaurant. (cook)59.As we all know, the_________ of the forest is making the Greenhouse effect worse. (destroy)60.She gave an _________ account of the incident. (completely)61.We must tell our children to be aware of the _________ dangers around them.(hide)62.I offered my seat to an _________ lady on the bus this morning. (old)63.It seems that _________ the woman’s innocence may take a long time. ( proof)64.Jill studies very hard. We often see her _________her homework carefully in the library. (do)65.When doing calculations, _________ is far more important than speed. (accurate)66.Being an exchange student is really a(an) _________ experience. (forget)67.My room was a good size and _________ clean, and the bed very comfortable. (spot)68.I’m afraid you have given an _________ address. We are in the wrong place now. (correct)69.Before you go out, remember to switch off gas and _________ appliances. (electricity)70.Now that you have the _________. Why not arrest him right now? (prove)71.The digital camera is one of the _________ of the modern science. (wonderfully)72.Recycling and _________ materials can help reduce the amount of land pollution. (use)73.The more _________ you do, the greater progress you'll make.(review)74.The roller coaster seems so _________ . I am not brave enough to take the ride. (frighten)75.Jack _________ lost his way in the railway station and contacted a local agent for help (one)76.The boy over there looks like a pupil, but he is actually a _________ school student. (two)77.Waka Waka, the _________ song for the 20 1 0 FIFA World Cup,had a strong and quickrhythm.(office)78.Many students in Shanghai go to America for _________ study every year.(far)79.The _________ served us so wonderfully that we thanked her again and again.(wait)80.His small farm was in worse condition than any _________ farm in that area. (neighbour)81.People around the world expressed their sympathies to the _________ in the attack inParis.(die)82.My parents are always strict with me and what about _________? (you)83.I’ll bear full _________ for the consequences. (response)84.In the 1970s the main _________for the continent’s high fertility was cultural. (explain)85.These lights flickered _________ like traffic lights which have gone mad. (continue)86.Excuse me, is there any hotel available _________. (near)87._________ his twin brother, he is active and has a good sense of humor instead. (like)88.All the air-conditioners should be _________ fixed on the walls of the buildings. (security)89.It was a wonderful vacation. We _________every minute of it. (joy)90.He has supported the local team _________ for 20 years. (faith)91. A child’s _________of being an individual grows in stages during the pre-school years.(aware)92.Alex was almost _________with rage and despair. (speak)93.The amount of sleep we need _________ from person to person. (various)94.The company invested thousands in an _________order-control system. (electron)95.Strangely enough, you will _________wake up after this length of time. (automatic)96.Even some police __________ were killed during the 2-hour fight. (chief)97.They designed some new software packages to meet different consumers’ _________.(require)98.China may be the world’s fastest-growing automotive market, but so far homegrown Chinesecar design has proven _________(imagine) .99.The poor man’s apartment was in the basement of the house with the _________ van parkedoutside.(remove)100.In my opinion, the _________ deserve more care and love in our society.(ability)参考答案:1.industrial2. scientific3. specialty4. strengthen5. usage6. Politeness7. popularity8. similarity9. sleepless10. denial11. poetess12. unspoken13. creativity 14.Egyptains15.disappearance 16.security 17.Disobeying 18.irresponsible 19.deadly death 20.respectful 21.unbelievable 22.apologized apologetic 23.valueless 24.beautify25.purity26.seedless 27.incurable 28.discomfort 29.unavoidable 30.reminder 31.built id 33.encouraged 34.depressing35.adventurous 36.hanging 37.reality 38. realization 39. observatory40.librarian41.themselves42.arrival43.economic44.dying 45.tens46.impatient 47. belief48.beggars 49.Fourth 50.yourselves 51.electric 52.architecture(s)53.inconvenient54.inexperienced 55.depth56.warmth 57. unnecessary58.cooks59.destruction 60.incomplete 61.hidden 62.elderly 63.proving 64.doing 65.accuracy 66. unforgettable 67. spotlessly 68. incorrect 69. electrical 70.proof(s)71. wonders72.reusing73.revision74.frightening75.once76.secondary77.official78.further79.waitress80.neighbouring 81.dead82.yours83. responsibility84. explanation85. continuously 86. nearby87.Unlike88.securely 89.enjoyed90. faithfully91.awareness 92.speechless 93.varies94.electronic95.automatically 96. chiefs97. requirements98. unimaginative 99. removable 100. disable。

2024年秋学期九年级英语期中读写培优练习完形填空"Today I will give you a special test,"said the English teacher with a smile.All the students set up straight and (1)for the test to begin.The teacher began to (2)the test papers to all the students. (3)he finished handing out the test papers,he asked them to begin.The students were very (4)to see that there was not a question but a black dot in the centre of the paper.The teacher (5)the students' surprise and said,"I want you to (6)about what you see there."At the end of the class,the teacher took all the students' answer sheets and read the answers. (7)of them described the black dot.After reading all the answers,the teacher said,"Everyone only paid attention to the black dot,(8)no one wrote about the white paper."The whole class listened (9),because they were afraid to fail in the exam.Then the teacher said,"Don't worry about your (10)for this test.I just want you to think about our life.The white paper is like our whole life and the black dot in the centre of the paper (11)problems in our daily life."Our life is a (12)given to us,with love and care. (13),we just pay attention to the problems like illnesses and poverty.We never see that these problems are very (14)compared to everything else we have in our life.So,take our eyes off our problems and (15)each moment life gives us.(1)A.searched B.looked C.cheered D.waited(2)A.show B.provide C.give D.donate(3)A.After B.Before C.Until D.Since(4)A.happy B.surprised C.excited D.sad(5)A.forgot B.remembered C.noticed D.reminded(6)A.talk B.write C.hear D.learn(7)A.All B.None C.Some D.Many(8)A.because B.but C.if D.although(9)A.silently B.easily C.happily D.quickly(10)A.presents B.marks C.suggestions D.tasks(11)A.helps B.finds C.represents D.solves(12)A.problem B.gift C.moment D.door(13)A.Though B.Otherwise C.Therefore D.However(14)A.serious B.big C.small D.important(15)A.refuse B.stop C.waste D.enjoy二、阅读理解Do you want to improve your physics and chemistry grades Well, maybeyou should first learn something about the struggles (斗争) of great scientists.The American Psychological Association (美国心理学会) did a study. More than 400 students in New York City took part in it. The students were divided into three groups. Group 1 read a typical textbook that describes the achievements of great Scientists. Group 2 read about those scientists personal struggles. For example, as a Jew, Einstein escaped from Nazi Germany to avoid being killed. Group 3 read about the scientists’ intellectual struggles, such as Marie Curie’s failed experiments. These stories about struggles also told students how the scientists dealt with these problems.The students took a science test before the study. After the six-week study, they took another. Scientists found those in Groups 2 and 3 improved their science grades. Students in Group 1 didn’t see a grade increase. Some of them even had lower grades after the study.The study was led by Xiaodong Lin Siegler, a professor. According to Xiaodong, kids often think Einstein was born a genius. They believe they will never match him. Many of them fail to realize that any success requires a long journey. Along the way, there are many failures. Students who read the struggle stories were more likely to say great scientists were like themselves. The “great minds” also had to solve problems to achieve success.Xiaodong says today’s science textbooks fail to bring science to life. As a result, students hardly consider science as part of their everyday lives. Instead, they just see a long list of facts that they have to remember. Xiaodong thinks textbooks should include more stories about how great scientists had to struggle to succeed. And they should pay more attention to how these scientists responded to the problems they met along the way.1.According to the passage, we can improve our physics and chemistry grades by ________.A.reading the achievements of great scientists more carefullyB.listening more carefully to our physics and chemistry teachersC.learning about the difficulties that great scientists once experiencedD.spending more time remembering the lists of facts in our science textbooks2.Who took part in the study held by the American Psychological AssociationA.Students who went to schools in New York City.B.Students who Studied in secondary school.C.Students who were interested in physics and chemistry.D.Students who were poor at physics and chemistry grades.3.According to the last paragraph, Xiaodong thinks that ________.A.Today’s science textbooks bring much science to lifeB.Students should study harder to become a great scientist.C.Students only need to remember a long list of facts.D.It is meaningful to learn how scientists struggle to succeed.4.Where can we probably find this passageA.A novel.B.A fashion magazine.C.A story book.D.An education website.三、阅读并回答问题,每小题答案不超过6个单词On March 14, one of science’s brightest stars went dark. Stephen Hawking, the world-famous British scientist, died at 76 in Cambridge, the UK.Hawking is considered by many to be the greatest scientist in history since Albert Einstein. He came up with the theory that the universe began with the Big Bang (大爆炸) and would end in black holes. His theories became the base for a lot of later research. He also wrote books to help common people understand the universe. His most famous book is A Brief History Of Time, which has sold more than 25 million copies around the world.Besides his scientific achievements, Hawking was also someone who had a strong will and optimistic attitude. When Hawking was 21, he was diagnosed with a serious illness that stopped him from walking and talking. Later in life, he had to sit in a wheelchair and “speak” by using a computerized voice. But this didn’t stop him from living a meaningfuland colourful life. “If one is physically disabled, one cannot afford to be psychologically disabled as well,” he once said.Hawking travelled around the world to attend science conferences, visiting every continent, including Antarctica (南极洲). He was also a fan of pop culture and appeared on TV shows such as Star Trek and The Big Bang Theory.He celebrated his 60th birthday by going up in a hot-air balloon. When he was 65, he took part in a zero-gravity flight to experience weightlessness. He hoped to travel into space one day. In 2013, Hawking spoke about how he felt life was unfair when he was first diagnosed with his illness. “But now, 50 years later, I can be quite satisfied with my life,” he said.What does Hawking think the universe began withWhat happened to Hawking because of the serious illnessHow many continents has Hawking visited in his lifeWhere did Hawking celebrate his sixtieth birthdayWhat can you learn from Hawking四、选词填空either as a result require patient mindThe aim of students who came to school is to study. But studying 1 a right way, or you waste 2 the time or the money. The following are the ways of studying.The best time for reading is morning, because in the morning, the air is fresh and the 3 is clear. 4 , we can get good results.In studying we must have 5 . If we have not known a text well, we must read it again. We should not read the next one until we have learned the first one.way ask write down learn whileWhen we are studying, we must put our hearts into the book, or we can get nothing from the book 6 we are reading.We must always 7 “whys”. If it is not well understood, 8 the question and ask our teachers or parents, or friends. In any possible way, we must know it completely and what we have 9 can be used well and made better.Though there are many 10 for studying, the above mentioned will be quite enough if we can keep them in heart and do so.1.___________2.____________3.____________4._____________5._____________6.___________7.____________8.____________9._____________0._____________五、首字母填空We all have goals (目标) that are important to us. How we achieve these goals depends on many things. One important thing is practice. Practice helps us d 1 the skills to achieve our goals.One day, a teacher who taught pottery (陶艺) told his class that he would d 2 the class into two groups. Group 1 had to make as m 3 pots as they could. If they made 50 pots, they would get a grade A, 40 pots a grade B, etc. Group 2 had to make one pot that could be the b 4 and perfect. If it was perfect, it would get a grade A.At the end of the Pottery classes, the teacher found a surprising fact. The pots that were of the best and highest quality were all m 5 by Group 1. For Group 2, they spent so much time discussing the best design for their pot that they f 6 to make a single good pot.The best pots were made by the group who made the most. So, what was the reason for this Group 1 was busy making as many pots as p 7 . They were practicing, developing skills and learning from their m 8 . Meanwhile, Group 2 were sitting around talking about it. When they came up w 9 their design, they were unable to make it because they had no skills.So, to achieve our goals, we need the skills to get there. This means lots of p 10 , for example, making lots of pots. When you do something regularly, you develop your skills. Then you make progress towards your goals.1.___________2.____________3.____________4._____________5._____________6.___________7.____________8.____________9._____________0._____________六、书面表达阳光中学校园网的英语专栏征稿,邀请学生分享成长历程中的困难和蜕变。
闸北初中补习班 秋季中考新王牌冲刺补习 初三 首字母填空专项练习

首字母专项训练1.Life gets noisier every day and very few people can be free from noise of some kind or another. Whether you live in the center of a modern city or a village far away----the chances that you will be disturbed by planes, cars, radios and so on are almost e 1 . We seemed to be used to noise, too. Some people feel quite lonelyw 2 background music while they are working.Tests have showed that t 3 silence can be a very frightening experience. However, some people enjoy listening to pop music which is very loud, and this can be h 4 to their ears. In some heavy industrial areas, the noise level is far a 5 the usual safety level.One recent report about noise said that although a lot of people say that a 6 noise disturbs their attention, only a sudden change in the level of noise really affects people’s attention. It goes on to say that a background noise, which doesn’t change too much (music, for example) may even help to pay attention.People are testing w 7 to make less noise. There are even laws controlling noise. Some day in the future we can return to the “good old days” of peace and quiet.2.Some people think that as more and more people have television in their homes, fewer and fewer people will buy books and newspapers. Why read an article in the newspaper, when the TV news can b 1 you the information in a few minutes and with pictures? Why read a novel, when a play on television can tell you the same story with color, picture and action?H 2 , television has not killed reading. Today, newspapers and magazines sell in very l 3 numbers. And books of every kind are sold more than ever before. Although some books with hard covers are expensive, books are still a cheap way to get information and entertainment.Some types of books should be in our homes. Every home should have a good dictionary. It might bee 4 . A good encyclopedia is useful, because you can find information on any subject. In addition, it is useful to have on your bookshelves o 5 books such as history books, science textbooks, cook books, books a 6 medicine and health, etc. It is also important to have some storybooks or novels. Then you can relax with a good story and have a rest q 7 .3.Many people have to work on the weekend. Some people do not mind. Other people think it is terrible.One man thinks that working on the weekend can be d 1 . He is Graham Coates. Mr. Coates works in an office in Brighton, England.On Sunday, May 24, 1998, he went to the office to do some work. When he got on the elevator, it s 2 between floors. Mr. Coates could not get out of the elevator. He started to shout, but no one heard him. Then Mr. Coates remembered that it was a h 3 in England. No one was going to come to work e 4 Tuesday!There was nothing for Mr. Coates to do. He had to wait till one of his co-workers came to work and found him. With nothing to eat and drink, Mr. Coates had to s 5 for most of the time.Early on Tuesday morning, the vice president of the company came to work and found the elevator was not working. He got someone to f 6 it. When the elevator was opened, Mr. Coates came out hungry, weak, and tired.After this terrible experience, Mr. Coates says, “I o 7 use elevators if they have telephones in them.”4.One day a poor boy, who was selling newspapers from door to door to pay for his schooling, found he has only ten pennies l 1 , and he was hungry. He decided to ask for a meal at the next house. However, he had another idea when a young woman opened the door.Instead of a meal he asked for a drink of water. But as he looked hungry, she brought him a large glass of milk. He drank it, and then asked, “How much do I owe you?”“My mother teaches me that I should n 2 get money for any kindness,” she replied, “so you don’t own me anything.”Many years later, the woman became s 3 ill. Then she was sent to a famous hospital in London.Dr. Kelly was called in to s 4 her illness. When he heard the name of the town which she came from, a strange light filled his eyes.As soon as he walked into her room, he got to know her at once. He did his best to save her. Then he gaves 5 attention to her. After some time she got well.Dr. Kelly asked for her final b 6 before she left hospital. He looked at it and then wrote something on it before it was sent to her. She was afraid to open it, for she believed it would take the rest of her life top 7 for it all. But finally she opened it, and read these words on it: Paid in full with one glass of milk. 5.Now people have a better understanding of the i 1 of the ecosystem. An ecosystem is an ecologicalsystem in which all the plants and animals live in a certain part of the world in their own w 2 . This can be very dangerous to human beings and to the whole world. If there is something wrong w 3 the ecosystem in an area, there will be many serious problems. Take the Great Lakes for example; when f 4 were built along the shores, the waste from them went into the Lakes. This broke the Lake’s ecosystem and the result was terrible: many fish and plants d 5 . When this has happened, people realized that something must be d 6 . Scientists set up a science lab to study the ecosystem of the Lakes, and they found that pollution was killing the Lakes. They did many things to make the ecosystem right again. T 7 , this will not be easy. It will last many years.6.Yesterday my grandfather told me about his early days. When he left school at the age of 20, he found a job in a post office. He worked hard in the post office. Soon he had more money than his friends because of his hard work. It s 1 that he would have a bright future.When he was 25 years ago, however, he began to dislike his job. He wanted a more exciting one, so he left the post office. Two months later he found a new job in a big company. Workers in this company usually traveled a lot. At first he really enjoyed the traveling. But after a year, he began to h 2 it. He had to move around and he was a 3 in a car or on a train. The w 4 thing was that he couldn’t make any new friends. Even so, his boss was not satisfied with him. Two years later he left the company.He was poor at that time so he sold his house. He had to a 5 a part-time job in a book shop. He was surprised to find that he loved it! He made new friends every day and he enjoyed reading books. Three years later, he married the shop owner’s daughter. Soon they had their first child. In the next ten years, they had another three children and four more book shops! He became very rich i 6 .“L 7 is wonderful,” he told me. “The most important thing is that you should always try your best. Never give up!”7.Hawaii is famous for its beautiful beaches. Every year, water sports, especially surfing and water skiing a1 many tourists to the island.Hawaii has been a magical name to people who like to travel for many years. People on both sides of the Pacific Ocean, in Japan and in America, dream of seeing these beautiful islands in the middle of the ocean. In the tropical(热带的) lands, the sun drops like a ball of golden fire into the s 2 , and it drops so quickly thatyou can almost see it move. The sun leaves behind a glow(落日余晖) that lights the sky in the quiet water.People often have a quiet, e 3 time walking along the water. Centuries ago, the first tourists to these islands came in canoes(独木舟) not much b 4 than small boats.They found the beautiful white sand beaches and the waving palm trees, but there were no grand hotels like ones we see today. The first people came to Hawaii n 5 two thousand years ago, but huge hotels were only built in the last 25 years. Now planes make it p 6 to fly to Hawaii for a weekend from Tokyo or San Francisco.W 7 people come from, they really want to see the earlier beauty of Hawaii. They want to see the lovely beaches and the mountains which are almost hidden by the tall hotels.8.Which country grows the most tea? The answer is India. It grows three times as much as China. Which country drinks the most tea? It’s neither China nor Japan. It’s Great Britain.In the wild, tea plants may be 30 feet tall. But a plant grown for market is pruned(修剪). Pruning keeps the plant only three or four feet tall. This is an easy h 1 for tea picking. Only the two top leaves of each new shoot (芽) are picked. So to make money, tea plantations(种植园) must be huge.In general, there are t 2 kinds of tea, black tea and green tea. They are made in different ways. When black tea is made, it loses nearly all of its healthy qualities. But green tea retains its healthy qualities. For example, it may p 3 heart disease.People used to send tea in tin boxes. This was expensive. Someone thought of a c 4 way. He sent tea in small silk bags. Customers would open the bag. They would put the leaves into a pot as usual. One customer put the bag into a pot. Then he just poured hot water over it. And the tea bag was b 5 .Shen Nung was the first to drink tea. This was about 2737 B.C.. Shen was ill, so he drank several cups of hot water daily. One day something happened. Leaves from a wild tea tree fell into the hot pot. The water was coloured. Shen tasted it. He liked it. He drank it all. Shen was p 6 of this new drink. He served it to his guests. Word s 7 . Since then, tea became the drink of China.9.When I left college, I b 1 a doctor. But I always wanted to travel, and so I made several voyages as a ship’s doctor. After I got married, I stayed at home. As I could not find a good job in my hometown, I decided togo to sea a 2 . This time I joined a ship sailing to the islands in the South Pacific Ocean(南太平洋). At first, e 3 went well. We sailed across the Atlantic(大西洋), round the coast of Africa and into the Indian Ocean. But one day, a s 4 storm hit us and pushed our ship on a rock. The ship was broken into two. I got on a small boat and rowed towards the land. Suddenly a big wave hit the boat. I fell into the ocean again. I struggled to swim, k 5 my head above water. I didn’t know how many hours had passed before my feet touched land. I was so t 6 that I lay down and fell asleep.The next morning, when I woke up, I found that b 7 my hands and feet were fixed to the ground. My long hair was tied to the ground, too. I…I couldn’t move.10.Let kids enjoy their school dinnertime treatSCHOOL dinners aren’t to everyone’s taste, but it seems most Britain people agree that dessert(餐后甜点) was usually the highlight(重要部分)Traditional apple crumble (烤苹果奶酪) and custard (奶油蛋糕) has been named the nation’s favorite school canteen pudding in a s 1 . One in five British voted for the dessert when asked about their memories of school dining.The survey, carried out by online education guide , found that a fifth of women s 2Turn to their favorite school puddings for comfort, because they b 3 back happy memories about time at school.Twenty-eight percent said that today’s schoolchildren are under too much pressure to count calories. Two thirds told researchers it would be disappointing to see traditional puddings d 4 from school menus.They thought schools had a r 5 to let children enjoy them and want to see more children enjoying this element of school life without worrying too much about putting on weight. e 6 Gail Dixon said: “In a time when the focus lies so heavily on diet and nutrition(营养), we were s 7 to see that some old favorites still have a place in our hearts.”。

九年级英语上学期培优专项训练题培优专项训练⼗⼆Lessons 45-48I.根据句意及⾸字母或英⽂提⽰完成单词1. She was badly hurt in the traffic a____.2. Danny is very c_____. He made many mistakes in his homework.3. Don’t worry. There is nothing s_____ with you.4. The accidents can be p____ if everyone is careful enough.5. I invited her to have supper tonight,but she r_____.6. My mother often stops me from ____ (watch)TV in the evening.7. She was worried about the ____ (safe)of the children.8. Wang Ling wants to be a ____ (report)in the future.9. Don’t you think that the radio was too ____ (noise)?10. The bridge is 500 metres ____ (length).II. 句型转换1. There is something wrong with my foot. (改为反义句)There is ____ ____ with my foot.2. He could hardly hear anything after the accident. (改为反意疑问句) He could hardly hear anything after the accident, ____ ____?3. Miss Rose is so busy that she can’t come to your party. (改为同义句) Miss Rose is ____ busy ____ come to your party.4. He hurried to school this morning. (改为同义句)He went to school ____ ____ ____ this morning.5. If you don’t study hard,you will fail the exam. (改为同义句)____ ____,or you won’t ____ the exam.6. rules, learn, what, from, safety, did, accident, you, the (? )(连词成句) _______________________________________ III.完形填空I am Amy Yip,a nurse. On 5th October,I was on Flight J16 to London. The plane,a 747 jet,1 Hong Kong at 4:30 p. m. . After about an hour,I noticed a man who 2 blond hair walking to the front of the plane. The woman who was sitting beside me said the man 3 her feel nervous. Suddenly the man turned around and 4 up a small,black box. He told us that it was a bomb. He ordered everyone not to move because he was hijacking (劫持) the plane. The pilot of the plane,Captain Scott,started 5 to the man. He told the hijacker he would do everything he said. The 6 ordered Captain Scott to fly to Leone,which is a city in Italy.Captain Scott,who was very calm,agreed. A few minutes later,a man whose seat was near the hijacker jumped up and 7 him. Five passengers tied up the hijacker while Co-pilot Ed Lau picked up the bomb,which was only a toy. Everyone clapped and thanked the man who 8 the hijacker. Then the plane was 9 back to Hong Kong so that the 10 could be handed over to the police.1. A. left B. set off C. left for D. set off to2. A. owned B. worn C. had D. put on3. A. surprised B. made C. asked D. wanted4. A. brought B. took C. made D. held5. A. talking B. saying C. telling D. smiling6. A. nurse B. captain C. hijacker D. passengers7. A. helped B. shouted at C. shot D. attacked8. A. stopped B. killed C. shot D. helped9. A. taken B. flown C. brought D. carried10. A. captain B. passengers C. pilot D. hijackerIV.【2018郴州】A) 阅读下⾯⽂章,并根据短⽂内容判断⽂后句⼦的正误。
Unit 9培优练习 人教版英语九年级全册

九年级英语Unit 9培优训练一、短文还原。
Whenever you are invited to a Western family for dinner, to know some knowledge of Western manners is very important. 1.First, be on time. To be a polite guest, be sure to get there on time. Being late as well as being too early is impolite. If you can't get there on time, make a call as early as possible.2.People in different countries have different ways of greeting each other. In Britain and the United States, people are supposed to shake hands when they meet for the first time. For friends, they may choose a hug. In France, greeting with a kiss is very common.Third, mind table manners. When having dinner, you should behave properly. For example, putting your spoon in the soup bowl is considered impolite. 3.Be careful not to make much noise when cutting things with your knife.Fourth, keep a proper talking distance(距离). Generally, one meter between each other is perfect in Britain. 4.People will feel uncomfortable when they are too close to each other or too far from each other.5.Some flowers or a bottle of wine is enough. If there are children, some chocolate will be nice.As the saying goes, "When in Rome, do as the Romans do." It's just the key to being a polite guest abroad.根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使文章意思通顺、内容完整。

培优专项训练七Lessons 25-28I.用所给单词的适当形式填空(2)My brother has never _______(hurt) before. (2)But the hospital will be ______ (close)! (2)His father gets ______(dress) quickly. (2)How ______ you _______ (feel) now? (2)He saw an old man ______(lie) on the road when he came back from school.(2)In small groups, study the _______(ill). (2)French fries are _______ (make) from _____(potato).(2)_______(eat) fruit and vegetables is very ______(health).(2)Move your ______(foot).(2)I feel ______(bad) today than yesterday. II.根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词(2)吉姆怎么了?_______ _______ ________ Jim?2.他感觉不舒服。
He doesn’t ________ _______.3.我的肚子以前没有痛得这么厉害。
My stomach _______ _______ _______ this much before.4.我要一天吃三次药。
I will _______ that medicine ________ _______ ________ ________.5.我的鼻子不透气。
I can’t ________ _______ my nose.6.它们在世界上正变得越来越受欢迎。
They are getting ________ _______ _______ popular in the world.7. 你的脚活动得越多,你就会越健康。

Lesson 4AD篇阅读理解进阶作业(1)A. Choose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案)It seems that schools in the U.K. are feeling totally hopeless in dealing with the lateness of some of their students. So now, some have decided that the punishment should go not to the children, but to their parents. Thousands of parents in Hampshire have been fined $80 because their children were late for class more than ten times in a term. The fine will double if it is not paid within 21 days. Dozens of schools across Hampshire have put the new rule into effect, and from this September, another 500 local primary and secondary schools will join them.Similarly, in Islington, London, parents will also face a fine if their children arrive at school late for more than 12 times in six weeks.Parents in Essex, however, will not be fined, but that doesn't mean they won't face trouble if their children are regularly late for school. Several schools there have set up their late-for-school patrols. Parents who send their children to school late will be questioned by officers of the patrols about the reasons for lateness.The Education Department explained, “We don't really want to fine or trouble parents. But indeed we want children to be in school. There just comes a time when we have no their choices. Maybe children are still too young to learn the importance of punctuality. So we’re afraid that parents, especially those who send their children to school, need to take the responsibility.”Parents, of course, are not happy about the new rules. They don't think getting fined or questioned will be a good way to solve the old problem. Besides, to some poor families, $80 may be a lot.1.Schools in parts of the U.K. will punish __________for students’ lateness.A. the parentsB. the studentsC. both the parents and the studentsD. the teachers2.Parents in ________ will be fined if their children are often late for school.A. Hampshire and IslingtonB. Hampshire and EssexC. Islington and EssexD. Hampshire, Islington and Essex3.Parents in Hampshire will have to pay ________more if they don't pay the fine within 21 days.A. $60B. $80C. $160D. $1804.The underlined word “punctuality” in paragraph 5 probably means “_______”A. arriving at school earlyB. arriving at school lateC. arriving at school on timeD. arriving at school with parents5.Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?A. Parents in Hampshire will not face a fine if their children are late for class eight times in aterm.B. Parents in Islington will be fined if their children are late for class more than two times aweek.C. The Education Department has no other choices but to fine or trouble parents.D. Parents are not very supportive of the new rules.6.Which of the following is the most suitable title for the passage?A. Hopeless students’ latenessB. Punishment to parents for kids’ latenessC. The importance of punctualityD. New school rules in U.K.(2)D. Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题)“Mom, I dreamed about you all night. I dreamt that you had come back to me, but I know you are gone……” says a post-80s girl named Lulu in a Sina Weibo post.Lulu has been “ talking “ to her deceased(已故的) mother through her microblog for the past four years. Her act has moved millions of Chinese netizens, Xinhua reported last Tuesday.The girl from Shenyang posted the first to her mother in June, 2012, just over a week, after her mother passed away. “ I will keep talking to you until I leave the world.” Lulu wrote. Since then, she has kept updating her post almost every day, expressing how she misses her mother and also shares exciting or sad moments of her daily life.Lulu said it’s her way to “keep in touch” with her mother, as she used to talk with her three to four times a day when she was alive.During the past four years, she has posted over 1,200 messages and got 86,583 followers so far. One internet user said, “ Every tweet moves me to tears, and thank you for reminding more people to cherish(珍惜) each day we have with our mother.” Another said this was the most touching microblog ever.Lulu said she was pleased that her microblog made more people realize their filial (子女的) duties and she hopes young people could take more time to be with their parents.1.Where did Lulu write letters to her deceased mother, in Sina Weibo or Xinhua Daily?_________________________________________________________________2.When did Lulu post the first message to her mother?_________________________________________________________________3.How often did Lulu use to talk to her mother when she was alive?_________________________________________________________________4.How many followers has Lulu got in the past four years?_________________________________________________________________5.After reading the blogs, what did some people think of it?_________________________________________________________________6.What can people get from Lulu’s blog?_________________________________________________________________(3)A. Choose the best answer (根据文章内容,选择最恰当的答案):(12分)“It’s only two weeks till we go!” Laura said excitedly.“Oh, yeah. Hm!”“I just can’t wait to show you the White Water Park – it’s the most amazing fun in that area!”“I bet. Yeah! It must be.”“It’s just great that Mum and Dad said you could come. It’ll be so much better than being on my own with Toby and Matt. They are so boring and they just want to play computer all day.”“Er…” Rupa hesitated. “It is unbelievable that your mum and dad invited me. It was so kind of them It’s even more amazing that my parents said I could go… but…”“Yeah! I didn’t think they would either. I mean, they didn’t even want you to come skating when we went for Annie’s party, did they?”“No – well, they are a bit crazy about homework, you know.”“I hope we’re in the Lakeside House. You can watch birds with huge wings flapping over the lake while you have breakfast.”“Hm! Sounds good. Er…”“Er what? You’re not sounding all that excited and more. You haven’t changed your mind?”“Er…”“Roops! What is it? What’s happened?”“Well, nothing exactly happened…”“Well, then, what? You’re my bestest friend!”“I know! And you’re mine! It’s just…”“WHAT?”Rupa paused. She drew a deep breath.“Leon’s coming from America. He gets in the day we’re supposed to be going away. He leaves the day we get back. If I come away with you, I will miss him. Completely! ”Laura went very pale.“Oh, no. And I will miss him too!”The girl stood in silence, both of them heartbroken, thinking of Rupa’s film-star cousin andhow they had dreamed of meeting him.1.The two girls are going to have a holiday in________.A. a weekB. two weeksC. three weeksD. four weeks2.________ parents have made the plan for the holiday.A. Laura’sB. Rupa’sC. Annie’sD. Leon’s3.Rupa didn’t expect that she could have the chance to ________.A. spend the holiday with LauraB. play computer with the boys.C. go skating with her friendsD. visit her cousin in Americaura used the word “bestest” to emphasize (强调)that _______.A. Rupa should be as excited as sheB. she would take care of RupaC. Rupa should tell her whatever had happenedD. she would never keep a secret from Rupa5.The girls’ problem is that if they go away to the Lakeside House, they________.A. will have no time to do their homeworkB. will probably miss Annie’s partyC. cannot see Leon’s new filmD. cannot meet Rupa’s film-star cousin6.The best title for the passage could be ________.A. An Exciting HolidayB. A Difficult SituationC. The Best FriendsD. A Film-star Cousin(4)D.Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题)1.Is Linda in Australia or in the Netherlands now?__________________________________________________________2.Who gave Linda the idea of choosing the Netherlands for her exchange programme?__________________________________________________________3.What did Linda find difficult about living in the Netherlands?__________________________________________________________4.What can be filled in the blank?__________________________________________________________5.How did Linda feel about the students in the Netherlands?They were ________ and ________. (ONE word for each blank)6.What might be the reasons Linda would recommend the programme?__________________________________________________________。

9年级秋季英语基础冲刺培优上册-首字母专项训练-配套练习-(培优版)学生版(李丽莉)Lesson 5 首字母专项训练进阶作业(1)C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文内填入恰当的词,使文章通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给出)(14分)Liyuan LibraryLiyuan Library (篱苑书屋), known as one of China's most beautiful bookstores, is located in a small hillside village near Beijing.The project, designed by architect Li Xiaodong, was built with 40,000 wooden sticks. In the village, Li found large amounts of woodensticks piled around each house. The villagers gather these sticks all yearround to fuel their cooking stoves (炉子). Thus they decided to use thisordinary material in a s___81___ way.“This project is about the r___82___ of a building to the surroundings and its role (角色) in serving the community (社区), rather than a building as an individual object,” Li told the visitors.In the two-and-a –half years of the operation, Liyuan Library has experienced unexpected levels of use and appreciation. A new bus stop has opened close by for the frequent visits by thousands of people, including local villagers, tourists from the Beijing urban area, and many i___83___ visitors as well.“Everybody is f___84___ to visit,” explained Li. “However,visitors are encouraged to bring two books to the library, and take one back home from the collection in order to keep the place a center of knowledge e___85___ .”Instead of a___86___ a new building in the village, they chose this site in the nearby mountains, a pleasant five-minute walk from the village center. In doing so, they could provide a place for clear thoughts when one takes the effort to head for the reading room.Li described his practice in the following way: “We try to mix technology, community, local materials, modern thinking and a traditional sense of identity t___87___.”(2)C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)(14分)Today we’re going to school by bus as usual. We normally leave home at 8 a.m., but we’re leaving e 81 because we’re testing some new devices for this month’s report. All these devices are useful when you’re travelling. So, what have we got?First up is the Briefskate. It’s made of wood, so it looks likea normal skateboard, but you can open the top. Inside there’s s82 for books and a mobile or an iPad. In my opinion, it’s useful and fun, but Tina and I can’t skate, so we can’t test it ...The n 83 device is the UE Boom 2. It’s a small speaker with a really big sound! It’s about the size of a can of drink, so you carry it with you easily and enjoy listening to your music. It’s powerful enough to f 84 a large room with music, so you can have a party wherever you are! And the battery lasts for fifteen hours.Taking selfies(自拍)is fun, but sometim es you’d like yourselfie stick to be just a little bit longer. Well, the Nixie is the perfect device for you! It’s a camera that flies! You w 85 it on your arm like a watch, so it’s easy to carry. When you’re r 86 to take a photo, you let it go and it flies up into the air. It knows where you are and it can follow you to take some awesome photos. It then comes back down, you catch it and put it back on your arm. Simple! The Nixie isn’t a 87 to buy yet, but you can put your name on the list to get one as so on as they’re on sale.(3)C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)It seems school children all over the world complain about their school food. Cherie Blair , the wife of former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, said that she would prepare a p__81__lunch for her son if school dinners do not improve. So what do students of your age eat for lunch at school? JapanHigh schools have canteens, which serve everything from noodles to rice, but not burgers and chips. Other children bring food from home such as cold rice balls , meat or fish , pickles and vegetables.Students take home a menu for the coming month containing notes on nutrition value. Twice a year parents are invited to have a t___82__of the food. The class with the fewest leftovers at the end of the month receives a prize.United StatesA typical menu from the US school is made up of a hamburger with fried potatoes or roast chicken, lettuce and pickles, fruit and cookies. School lunches must also p__83__at least one third of the daily dietary allowances of protein vitaminA, vitamins C ,iron, calcium and calories. AustraliaMeat pies sausage rolls and hotdogs are all traditional dishes in Australian school shops .Butas the nation pays more attention to c___84__health, healthier foods have started to find their way onto school menus.Many schools have used a traffic light system. The sale of red-labelled foods, including pastries , chocolate and soft drinks , is served only twice a week. Healthier green-labelled foods such as sushi , sandwiches, corn and watermelon, however, are a____85___ every day.In some schools, students have a choice of up to 89 foods to choose from, including popcorn and rice.South AfricaMost of South Africa's schools do not serve meals at all. Classes end at1:30p.m. and students get their own lunches. Many students bring food from home,u___86___sandwiches.Fast food and fried food sell the best among students , which has led to a rise in obesity among children. But as more people began to realize the fact that b____87___too fat may cause different diseases , some schools in towns have led the way towards better nutrition . Now students at these schools are offered lunches of porridge with vegetables, such as cabbage , onions , beans , carrots and tomatoes.(4)C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给):(14分)Recently the unmanned aircraft which are called drones (无人驾驶飞机)have come into use for a number of business purposes. Basically, a drone is a flying robot. The aircraft (飞行器)may be remotely controlled or can fly a____81___ through flight programs in their systems. The little planes used to be very costly. In the past, they were mostly used in the military (军事) . But as they have d____82___ in price more people have begun to use them. Rescue workers and farmers are among the new users.A company in France is using drones to help farmers examine their crops and limit the amount of fertilizer ( 肥料) they use. The fast development of computer technology, image sensing devices(图像感应设备) , satellite navigation (卫星导航) and cell phones has led to lower-priced drones. Researchers and developers have learned how to build smaller and less-costly drones .Moviemakers are using drones to film from the sky. Historians (历史学家) use them when they explore a____83___buildings. Rescue workers use them to look for people: And now farmers are using them to m____84___their crops.Romain Faroux is a French businessman who starts companies. His father was a farmer. He believed drones could help farmers. He helped create a company that developed a small drone thatcould be controlled by people on the g____85___. They called it "Agridrone (农业无人机).'' It uses a special "optical sensor (光学感应器) "to examine crops.The technology used is similar to that used by smart phones except it has wings. A computer program directs the drone to fly over the crops. The sensor on the drone records four different-colored "bands" of sunlight ( 太阳光带) that are reflected off ( 反射) the crops.Jean-Baptiste Bruggeman is a farmer. He says the drone flies over his crops at different time of the season. He says this provides a lot of information about his crops. The drone picturesshow him the exact amount of fertilizer the crops need. It also shows exactly where the fertilizer is needed.Romain Faroux says farmers use information g ____86___by the Agridrone to place fertilizer only in areas where it was needed. This saves money and reduces pollution. Before they used the drones, farmers would put the same amount of fertilizer everywhere. Drones also save time because farmers can examine u____87___ to three hectares (公顷) in about a minute.(5)C. Fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。

九年级学生应该通过多种方式积累词汇,包括:- 阅读英文书籍和文章,注意生词的上下文含义。
- 制作词汇卡片,每天复习一定数量的单词。
- 参与英语角或与外国友人交流,实际运用新学的词汇。
九年级学生应该:- 系统学习英语语法规则,并通过练习题加以巩固。
- 分析句子结构,理解主谓宾等基本句型。
- 通过写作练习,提高语法运用的准确性。
学生可以通过以下方式提高听力:- 定期收听英语广播或观看英语节目,提高对英语语音的敏感度。
- 利用听力练习软件或在线资源,进行针对性的听力训练。
- 参与英语讨论或辩论,锻炼在实际对话中的听力理解能力。
九年级学生应该:- 与同学或老师进行英语对话练习,增强语言的实际运用能力。
- 参加英语演讲或朗诵比赛,提高语言的表达能力和自信心。
- 模仿英语母语者的发音和语调,提高语音的自然度和流畅度。
学生应该:- 广泛阅读不同类型的英文材料,如小说、报纸、杂志等。
- 学习并运用各种阅读策略,如略读、寻读和细读。
- 通过做阅读理解题,提高对文章主旨、细节和逻辑关系的把握。
九年级学生应该:- 练习写作不同类型的英语文章,如记叙文、议论文和说明文。
- 学习并运用各种写作技巧,如段落结构、论点论据和逻辑连接。
- 通过写作练习,提高语言的组织能力和表达的清晰度。

Lesson 4AD篇阅读理解基础作业(1)A. Choose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案)Can you imagine dancing with friends in the school cafeteria(自助食堂)? I couldn't either. That was until last week.Every term, my school throws a "reward night" party. It is to make the students relax. It’s held in the cafeteria from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm.I usually don't go, but this time my friends Danny and Swatti asked me to come. On the night of the party, I went to the cafeteria. But I didn't bring any money. No one told me there was a $2 fee to get in! I had to wait until Danny showed up and lent me the money.But it was worth the trouble. The party was amazing. Music was playing, the lights were off, and the people were dancing. It was easy to forget that we were inside the school cafeteria.I looked up and saw a projector (投影仪) and a screen. It was Dance Dance Revolution (跳舞机), one of my favorite video games! In the game, your feet follow the arrows (箭头) on the screen to dance. Danny entered the DDR contest. I stood to one side and watched him dance.Then I began to pay attention to the music. I had never heard music so loud in school! And, I had never heard a school play popular music either. I was amazed. We were there for about an hour. But I began to get hungry. There were slices of pizza for sale, but I didn't want to borrow any more money. The party was also becoming less active. Then the music changed to a song that I didn't know. Even though it had been a really good party, I knew it was time to leave.1.It was the _______ time for the writer to dance with his or her friends in the school cafeteria.A. firstB. secondC. thirdD. last2.The“reward night”party is held at their school so as to _____.A. make the students learn to danceB. let the students receive rewardsC. give the students a chance to have funD. encourage the students to study harder3.The underlined phrase“showed up”means _______.A. came backB. arrivedC. went awayD. waited4.The writer may leave the school cafeteria ____.A. at 6:30 pmB. at 8:00 pmC. at 7:30 pmD. at 2:00 pm5.What did the writer think of the party?A. It was great trouble.B. It was amazing.C. It was waste of money.D. It was really boring.6.When the writer left the party, he or she felt ____.A. very happyB. quite sadC. very hungryD. tired out(2)D. Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题)Every year, thousands of students choose to study in another country for a term, the summer, or a year. Studying overseas can be an exciting experience for many people.Why do itLiving in another country can make you learn a language and about another culture easier. You will see the world in a new way, and learn more about yourself. Overseas study may also look good on your future resume (求职简历). Many companies today want employees(雇员)who speak a second language, or have experiences living or working in another country.Making the right choiceOnce you decided to study overseas, you have to make some choices. To choose the right country or school, ask yourself: Where do I want to go and why? How much do I want to pay? How long do I want to study overseas? Do I want to live with roommates, alone or somewhere else? Getting ready to goGet your passport and visa(签证)early! Before you go, learn some of the language and read about some common customs in the country that you are going to. Learn about the money. Bring some of it and a credit card with you.Once you are thereAfter the first few weeks overseas, many students will feel a little homesick. They may miss their family, friends, and familiar ways of doing things. Remember that it takes time to get used to a new place, school and culture. When you feel sad or homesick, try to talk to others, or write your feelings in a notebook.1.Can studying overseas be an exciting or a terrible experience for many people?______________________________________________________________________2.How long do thousands of students choose to study in another country?______________________________________________________________________3.Who want(s) employees that are good at foreign languages?______________________________________________________________________4.What should you do if you decide to study abroad?______________________________________________________________________5.How can you make yourself happier or less homesick when you study overseas?______________________________________________________________________6.What do you think of studying overseas? Why?______________________________________________________________________(3)A. Choose the best answer (根据文章内容,选择最恰当的答案):(12分)Do you find getting up in the morning so difficult that it’s painful? This might be called laziness, but Dr. Kleitman has a new explanation. He has proved that everyone has a daily energy circle.During the hours when you are working, you may say that you’re hot. That’s true. For some people, the energy peak(高峰)comes in the morning. For others it comes in the afternoon or evening. No one has discovered why this is so, but it leads to such words as, “Get up, John. You’ll be late for work again!” The possible explanation to the trouble is that John is at his temperature and energy peak in the evening. Much family quarreling ends when husbands and wives realize what these energy cycles mean, and which cycle each member of the family has.You can’t change your energy cycle but you can learn to make your life fit it better. Habits can help. Dr. Kleitman believe maybe you’re sleepy in the evening but feel you must stay up later than you want anyway. Counteract(抵抗)your cycle to some extent by habitually(习惯地)staying up later than you want to. If your energy is slow in the morning but you have an important job to do early in the day, rise before your usual hour. This won’t change your cycle, but you’ll work better at your low point.Try to have a slow start which saves your energy. Get up with a yawn and stretch. Sit on the edge of the bed a minute before putting your feet on the floor. Whenever possible, do daily work in the afternoon and save tasks requiring more energy or concentration for your sharper hours.1.According to Dr. Kleitman, ____________.A. people get up late because they are lazyB. everyone has a daily energy cycleC. most people feel energetic in the eveningD. most people can change their energy cycles2.If a person finds getting up early a problem, most probably ____________.A. he is a lazy personB. he refuses to follow his own energy cycleC. he has changed his energy cycleD. he is at his energy peak in the evening3.When you feel most energetic in the day,____________.A. your body temperature is unusualB. your body temperature is lowC. you’ll feel coldD. you’ll feel hot4.____________may lead to family quarrels according to the passage.A. Having no idea of energy circlesB. Saving as much energy as possible.C. A change in a family member’s energy cycleD. Trying to control others’ energy cycles5.You are advised to rise with a yawn and stretch because it will____________.A. help to keep your energy for the day’s workB. help to control your temper early in the dayC. enable you to concentrate on your daily workD. keep your energy cycle under control all day6.Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?A. Getting out of bed slowly in the morning helps save the energy.B. Dr. Kleitman discovered the secret behind the energy cycle.C. Children as well as adults have energy cycle.D. Habits can help one fit his own energy cycle.(4)D.Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题)(12分)The Silk Road went from China to Eastern Europe. It went along the north of China, India, and Persia and ended up in Eastern Europe near today's Turkey and the Mediterranean Sea.It was called the Silk Road because one of the major products traded was silk cloth from China. Chinese silk was soft and of high quality. So people throughout Asia and Europe loved it very much. The Chinese sold silk for thousands of years. Besides silk, the Chinese also sold teas, salt, sugar, porcelain(陶瓷), and spices. Most of the goods was expensive. This was because it was a long trip and traders didn't have a lot of room for goods.Traders traveled in large caravans. They would have many guards with them. Traveling in a big group like a caravan helped in protecting themselves. Most of the road was through dry land. So camels were popular animals for transport.The silk trade developed quickly during the Han Dynasty which ruled from 206 BC to 220 AD. Later, under the rule of the Yuan Dynasty, trade along the Silk Road was fully developed. During this time the Mongols controlled most of the trade road, and Chinese traders travelled safely. Also, traders had a higher social position during the Mongol rule.The Silk Road was very important to both China and the rest of the world. It was more than an ancient international trade route(路线). Besides trade, knowledge about arts, science and literature, as well as crafts and technologies was shared across the Silk Road. In this way, languages and cultures developed and influenced each other.In modern times, the old Silk Road routes are still used, but now they are crossed by trains instead of camels and horses. Today, China is trying to build the“21st Century Marine(海洋的)Silk Road”. With the help of APEC held in Beijing in November 2014, the dream of One Belt One Road(the “Silk Road Economic(经济的)Belt”and“21st Century Marine Silk Road” )(“一带一路”)is coming true.1.The Silk Road got its name because of silk cloth traded from China, didn’t it?(1分)____________________________________________________________________________ 2.Why was most of the goods the Chinese sold expensive?(2分)____________________________________________________________________________ 3.What changes did the Mongols bring to the traders during the Yuan Dynasty?(2分)____________________________________________________________________________ 4.Do people still travel the old Silk Road routes?(2分)____________________________________________________________________________ plete the following sentence with only ONE word.(2分)The Silk Road was a very important line of ________ connecting East and West.6.Do you know why China is trying to build the“21st Century Marine Silk Road” according tothe passage? Give at least TWO reasons.(3分)____________________________________________________________________________参考答案:(1) A C B C B C(2) 1. An exciting experience.2. Maybe for a term , the summer or a year.3. Many companies overseas.4. I should choose the right country or school.5. By talking to others, or writing your feeling in a notebook.6. Any reasonable answer is ok.(3) B D DA A B(4) 1. Yes, it did.2. This was because it was a long trip and traders didn't have a lot of room for goods.3. Traders had a higher social position during the Mongol rule.4. Yes, they do.5. communication.6. Yes, because it is a way to build friendship with other countries. It enables other countries toknow more about China.。

Lesson 10经典易错题专项训练1.The boy wanted to add some sugar to the coffee, but he found there was _______ left in the jar.A.nothingB. noneC.no oneD. neither 【解析】nothing是泛指,没有任何东西,强调的是内容,只能指物。
例如:He wants me to lend him some money, but I have none at hand.(特指前面提到的钱。
也有可能没有糖,但是有勺子呀?2.We shouldn’t waste water and food at school. (保持句意基本不变)We _________ _________to waste water and food at school.【解析】该题答案是aren’t supposed. be supposed to do sth.应该做某事。
3.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others?A. Trees protect themselves by communicating with each other.B. His job is to get the best product at the lowest price.C. This factory is good at producing shoes for women.D. The hotel which provides free meals gets good reviews from us.【解析】该题初看四个单词划线部分读音没有差别,但是实际上是有差别的。

九年级上首字母专项训练Exercise 1Do you like to read scie nee books? Readi ng scie nee is n ot quite like read ing a p 1__ orstory. You read to get information. Over the years much of the scientific information that has beenc __ 2 ____ has bee n put into books. So we read to lear n. We should try to be better readers inscie nee.Books on scie nee ofte n con tain many s__3 _ new words and much new in formatio n. It isimporta nt for us to know the m__4 __ of every word we read. There are many difficult words inscienee books and articles. We must understand these words in order to understand the m 5 the words bring.We must keep our m__6 __ on what we are read ing. We must know why we are readi ng. Weask questi ons before we read. “ What is this book about? Why should I read it? Will the title helpme find out why I should read it? ”If we can keep a record of what we read, that is, write down important words and information, these records help us remember what we have read. We read some books more tha n on ce. Often, we read to discover f 7 that we didn 't find in our first reading.Exercise 2Chinese are very generous when it comes to educating their children. Not caring about themoney, parents often send their children to the best schools or even a 1 to England, theUnited States or Australia. The Chinese believe that themore expensive an education is , the betterit is . So the parents will spend a lot ofmoney on education. Even poor couples will buy a computer for their son or daughter. Though they are not rich, they would rather pay for the educati on.Parents can see that their children's skills vary , skilled in some areas while poor in others .But most pare nts fail to r __ 2 ____ that today's childre n lack self -respect and self-c on fide nee.The problem is that pare nts are on ly educati ng their childre n on how to take multiple -choicetests and how to study well, but pare nts aren't teach ing them the most importa nt skills that theyn eed. And these skills are importa nt to help them to be con fide nt ___________ , happy and c 3 .Parents can a ___ 4 this by teachi ng practical skills like cook ing , sew ing and doinghousework .Teaching a child to cook will improve many of the skills that the will need later in life .Cook ing dema nds p ___ 5 __ and time . It's an enjoyable but difficult experime nt. A good cookalways tries to improve his cooking, so he will learn to work hard and gradually to finish his jobs __ 6 _____ . His result, a well -cooked dinner, will give him much satisfaction and a lot ofself-c on fide nee.Some old m __ 7 __ , such as a broke n radio or TV set that you give your childre n to playwith will make him curious and arouse his in terest He will spe nd hours look ing at them , trying tofix them ; your childmight become an engineer when he grows up . These activities aren't merelyteaching a child to read a book, but rather to think , to use his mind . And that is more important.Exercise 3We can ' really say that one Ianguage is easier or more difficult than another Ianguage. Insome ways, En glish is an easy Ian guage to lear n. Take the verbs for example, in some Ian guages,you have to make many,many c ____ 1_ to the verb —in Lati n, for example, there are more tha n120 differe nt f _ 2_ of one verb! In En glish, there are on ly five. With verb “ go” for exathere ' s “ go” , “ goes ” , “ went ” , “ going ” , and “ gone ” , but we use them in a lot of different way But the spell ing and pronun ciati on of En glish are more difficult tha n in many other Ian guages. Wehave a lot of s_3 ___ in English, and the spelling isn ' t very regular.Nobody know e ___ 4_ how many people are learning English in the world today, but it ' sc_5 ___ more tha n it was 50 years ago. For example, fifty years ago very few people in Chinalearned English, but now the n _____ 6_ of people learning English in china is bigger than thepopulati on of the un ited states! So there are probably about 300 milli on people lear ning En glish atthe m_7 ___ , which is more than any other Ianguage, and some experts(专家)say that by the year2050 —that ' s about thfitye years from now —half of the world ' s population will speak English.I ' m not sure, and I think we ' ll have to wait and see.Exercise 4Lear ning is n atural. It beg ins the minute we are born. Our first teachers are our familymembers. At home we learn to talk and to dress and feed ourselves. Then we go to school. A teacher tells us what to lear n and how to lear n. Many teachers g ________________________ 1 ___ u s, and we pass manyexams. Then people say we are educated.Are you really educated? Let ' s think about the real meaning of learning. Knowing facts doesnot mean being able to solve problems. Solving problems r__2 _______ creativity, not just a goodm __ 3 ___ . Some people who don ' t know many facts are good at solving problems.Henry is a good e ____ 4 ___ . He left school at the age of 15. Later whe n his compa ny couldnot build cars fast eno ugh, he solved the problem. He thought of the assembly line(装配线).What does a good teacher do? Does he give stude nts facts to remember? Well, yes, we must remember facts. But a good teacher shows how to find answers. He brings us to the stream of k 5 . So we can drink for ourselves. When we are t 6__, we know where to go.True lear ning comb ines in take and output. We take in formatio n into our brains. Then we useit. Think of a computer: it stores a lot of information, but it can ' think. It only o _____________ 7_comma nds. A pers on who only remembers facts is not really lear ned. Lear ning takes place only whe n a pers on can use what he kno ws.Exercise 5To us students, learning is no doubt(怀疑,疑问)the most important thing, because learning isclosely related to our future. All of us have experie need lear ning from p __ 1__ to senior highschool. We lear n kno wledge; and furthermore, we also lear n to b__2__ a man.Nowadays, with the rapid d _____ 3_ of economy, our society and our country need moreand more talents of all kinds to meet different requirements in every f ________ 4 ____ . The moreknowledge we learn and master, the better we ' ll p__5 _____ ourselves for the future. What we are learning should be comb ined with p 6 _____ and with our future as well.As a famous s __7____ goes, “ one is never too old to learn, ” let ' s try hard to learn for the future.Exercise 6High school stude nts in Japa n choose the uni versities they want to go to and apply for beforeJanuary of their final year. The university e ______ 1 ___ exam is a standard nationwide test heldevery year in Janu ary. It p __ 2 ____ tests for 31 subjects in six subject areas: Japa nese Ian guage,geography and history, civics, math, scienee and a foreign Ianguage. All national and publicuni versities, as well as some p_3 ___ ones make use of this exam. But many also have their owntests in February or later, before the new school year s ___ 4 ____ in April.In order to pass the exam for the best uni versities such as the n ati onal uni versity of Tokyo,many stude nts a __ 5 _____ special preparati on schools on top of their regular classes. These exraschools can I __ 6 ___for one to two years betwee n high school and uni versity.A ___ 7 ___ every stude nt has the cha nee of going to a Japa nese uni versity, only 50 perce ntof high school seniors actually choose further study.Exercise 7Test scores make you either happy or sad and your parents pay high attention to your testresults. You spend days filling in blanks, trying to make the best answer to question after question.Maybe you tried your hardest or maybe you n ever tried! What you n eed to remember is that a testis a picture of you ' re a ___ 1 from just one day. It consists of some pieces including yourhealth, your pers on ality, your in terests, and your motivati on. You n eed to look at all the pieces toget a clear idea of your p ___ 2 ____ . So whether your scores are higher tha n you thought, or lessthan you had hoped, try not to think of them as what you will be at last. It probably c ___ 3___you why your scores have become the focus of your life. The purpose of a test is to c __ 4___how much you have learned about a subject. It not only helps make your newly acquiredkno wledge forever, but also e_5 ___ you to find out what n eeds to spe nd more time improvi ng.If you ' re p leased with the results, encourage yourself to work for a further aim. If disappointmenthas overcome you, ask your teacher and your pare nts to help you set a reas on able goal forimprovement. Most exams are about to test your skill in certain subject areas such as math,Ian guage and arts. Some c _ 6 __ your skills to other stude nts ' skills from across the coun try, o (98) just test whether or not you have mastered a specific skill. These scores can be verypuzzling …even to adults. You should speak to both your teacher and your parents to find out whatthey mean in your e ____ 7 _____ journey. It is important to take a correct attitude towards testscores.Exercise 8In America n schools, computers have take n over many of the jobs that teachers used to do.Computers ask students questions. If the students give the right answer, the computer will say,“ Fantastic! ” Some students can do e ___ 1 ___ and homework on their computers.Both students and teachers are crazy about computers. “ With computers, students get help at once, ” said one teacher. “ But if the students don ' t have computers, they must w ___ 2_ for me to walk around and get to them. ”"I can t_3 ___ faster tha n write, ” said a stude nt. “ Using a computer is easier tha n using an eraser.Computers are also very p __ 4 ___ . A teacher may get angry with a stude nt, but computersare always calm. When a student gives the wrong answer, the computer just say, “ PleasiryCompa nies that make software for schools have a difficult job. They must make the softwareas in terest ing as the p _ 6 ___ that stude nts watch on TV . But they are s _____ 7 ___ , becausestude nts like computers as much as teachers do.Exercise 9As we know, our school is going to give extra lessons during Labor Holiday. It set off a warmd ___ 1 __ among the teachers and the stude nts. So the stude nt union made a s _ 2 ___ about it.Here are the results.Almost 90 percent of the teachers are a__3 ____ giving extra lessons during holiday. Theythink it is time for relaxation and rest, both for teachers and students. Students should be given eno ugh time and f 4 to develop their own in terest and enjoy outdoor activities. It is goodfor their study later on.60 perce nt of the stude nts have the same idea as the teachers. They say they n eed more time to relax and get ready for a b__5 start. On the other side about 40 perce nt agree to have less ons duri ng the holiday. They want to lear n more thin gs.What about the pare nts? They all agree to it, though they c__6 __ about the high price theyhave to p__7 ___ . They thi nk that hav ing some one take care of their childre n is better tha nleaving them alone at home, and also children at school can learn something no matter how little it is.Exercise 10Every year, high school j uniors and seniors from across the US take the Scholastic AptitudeTest (SAT,学术自能测试).The SAT 1 is a three-hour exam that tests stude nts' maths and verbal (词汇的)s ___ 1 ___ .Most uni versities will not a __ 2__ stude nts without this test. his also used to decide how muchfinancial aid (经济资助)should be given to each student. Scores range from 200 to 800 for eachpart. There is a total of 1 600 poin ts. The test is held each year from October to June. But seniors must take it before December in order to include their scores in their university application. The a 3 total score for an America n high school stude nt is around 1,000.A poor SAT 1 score can p __ 4 ___ a stude nt from going to a good uni versity. Stude nts whowant to go to one of America's best universities, such as Harvard or Yale, must score between 1 430 and 1 600.The test can be take n over and over aga in, but all the scores will a _ 5 ___ on the stude nts'records. However, unlike Chinese universities, the score is not the only thing needed. American universities also look at a student's subject grades, what they do outside of school, and their teachers' recomme ndati ons.In addition to the SAT 1 some universities r ______ 6__ high school students to take at leastthree SAT 2s. These one-hour exams can be taken in any subject, for example c__7 _________ orFren ch.Exercise 11Never try to work whe n you are very hun gry. If you want to do your homework right after school, you may want to eat someth ing before gett ing to work. Always do your homework before you get too t 1 . Don ' t wait until very late in the evening, ossignment(作业)will seemmuch harder tha n it r _ 2 ____ i s.O __ 3 __ your time into a few parts if you have more than an hour ' s work, give yourself a b ___ 4 __ after an hour. On the other hand, don ' t break it up so much that you can ' t get a done. You should be able to work at least half an hour at a time without s __ 5 ____ .Don' t put it off until the last minute. If you put off doing your homework, you will have it onyour mind, and you won ' t enjoy your free time so much. If you put it off until thedeoif the weekor un til right before a test, you will have too much c _ 6 __ up. A little bit each ni ght, eno ugh tokeep up with what is happe ning each day in school, will take the fear at tests and keep you on top of it all.Do your homework at the same time every day. This will help you make it a habit —part ofyour daily work. It will make it easier to do, and it will make your free time more e __ 7 ___ aswell.Exercise 12re trying to do, there are three important steps you need to take: Get organized. Stay focused(集中注意力).Get it done!Get orga ni zed.For schoolwork, it means havi ng one no tebook where you s _1 ___ all your work. The nyou know what you have to do and whe n.Pla nning means d ___ 2__ what you will do and whe n you will do it. Cale ndars, lists andschedules can help you plan. Making a schedule or a -do” list is a got o d idea. Add new things asyou get new assignments and c ___ 3 ___ off those you ' ve done. Use your list to help you decidewhich one is the most importa nt thing to do first.Stay focusedTo keep your mind focused, talk to yourself through the work. Ask yourself, “ what do I ito do now?” answer your question, then go a ______ 4 ____ and do it. Sometimes, your mindwanders. Then you might have to change the way you ' re sitting so you ' re more comfortable. Taka nice deepb ___ 5 ___ or get up and stretch.(伸展)Get it doneHang in there until it ' s all done, and don ' t g ______ 6 ____ up when you ' re halfway through For anything you do, getting it done means finishing what you start, doing a good job andcheck ing your work.Oh, one more important thing: take a moment to admire(欣赏)the work you ' ve done. Youhave a good reas on to feel p __ 7 _ . Nice job!Exercise 13Ballpoint pens have made life easier for millions of people. At one time schools did not liketheir students to write with them. P __ 1 ___ it was too easy . Pens can leak(漏)and it is easy tospill(溢出,流出)the ink . But it is hard to write on thin or cheap paper with them .Ladislao Biro worked for a newspaper in Budapest . He spent all day at his desk . Day in andday out, he c ___ 2 ___ pages of thin , cheap paper with a pen and ink. He often had to stop tof ___ 3 __ his pen and it did not write well on the thin paper. He and his brother Georgebega n some e __ 4 ___ . They wan ted a pen that did no t leak , with ink that did not spill . Whynot use a little b _ 5 ___ at the end?Two Englishmen , Henry Martin and Fredrick Miles , liked the idea. It was the time of thesecond World War . The Air Force(空军)needed a non-leak, non-spill pen for the men to writewithin p__6 ___ . Marti n and Miles made and s ________ 7___ m any thousa nds of Biro“ writ ing — sticks ” to the Air Force.Exercise 14A chicken lays an egg. You feel sleepy. And a tree loses its leaves. All of these thin, and many more, happe n in a certa in way, at a certa in time each day or each year. They take p _____________________ 1 __became somethi ng called an in ternal clock. The word internal means “ i nside of,and the int€clock is in side a certa in part of every pla nt and ani mal. For example, there is an internal clock in the h 2 of a chicke n.The internal clock r ___ 3 __ a sig nal, or message, from the world around it. Some of sig nalsi _ 4 ___ l ight, heat, dark ness and cold. When the internal clock gets the sig nal, the body of thepla nt or ani mal p _5 _____ a chemical that causes the living thi ng to do differe nt a _ 6 ___ .For example, daylight signals the chicken's internal clack to make a chemical. Then this chemical causes the chicke n to lay eggs.People are lear ning a lot about internal clocks. Fanners have even lear ned how to f _ 7 __ achicke n's internal clock so that the chicke n lays more eggs.Exercise 15Many people believe that Galileo inven ted the thermometer(温度计).But Galileo did notinvent the thermometer. He inven ted the water thermometer(测温计).The water thermoscope is ag 1__ bulb that contains water. Whe n the air temperature cha nges, the water l__2 rises. But a thermometer does not measure the temperature cha nge. A real thermometer must be a _____________________ 3 __to measure the temperature cha nge.Who inven ted the first real con temporary(同时代的)thermometer the n? It was inven ted bySantorio. Santorio lived from 1531 to 1636. He was an Italian doctor and physicist. Santorio a__4 a nu mber of scales to the thermoscope. That helped to precisely measure how muchthe temperature cha nged. He thought that he could measure everyth ing in n __ 5 ___ . He appliedhis thought and r__6 _ to medic ine and the body.T __ 7__ to him, now people can measure body temperature with a thermometer.Exercise 16Philo Farn sworth, the inven tor of one of the country ' s greatest mach ines was actually born in a log cab in, rode to high school on the horse back and without ben efit of uni versity d _______ 1__(in deed, at age 14), thought of the idea of electro nic televisi on. In 1906 Farnsworth was born in a com mun ity n ear Beaver City, Utah, a com munity settled by his gra ndfather. whe n he was 12, his family moved to a ranch (大牧场)in Rigby, Idaho, which was four miles from the nearest highschool, thus necessitating(使成为必要)his d 2 ___ horseback rides. Because he was interestedin the electron and electricity, he persuaded his p ______ 3 _ teacher, Justin Tolman, to give himspecial in structio n and to allow him to liste n to a senior c 4 ____ .The d __ 5 __ of his father forced him to leave at the end of his sec ond year, but, as it turnedout, at no great intellectual cost. There were, at the time, no more than a handful of men on thep __ 6 __ who could have understood Farnsworth 'idea for building an electronic televisionsystem, and it ' unlikely that any of them were at this local community. One such man wasVladimir Zworykin who had moved to the US from Russia with a Ph. D in electrical engineering.He went to work for West in ghouse with a d__7 __ of buildi ng an all-electro nic televisi on system.But he wasn ' t capable to do so. Farnsworth was. But not at once.Exercise 17James Francis Camer on, was born on August 16, 1954 in Kapuskas ing, On tario, Can ada. Hemoved to the United States in 1971. As a son of an e__1 ___ , he majored in physics at CaliforniaState University. But after g _____ 2 ___ he worked as a truck driver to support his dream ofmaking films. With no formal t _____ 3 ___ , he started making films. He directed and wrote thescripts for his first six films and produced the last three. In 1984, he wrote and directed TheTerminator (1984), made with a budget (预算)of only 6.5 million dollars. He directed, wrote, produced, and edited his most a _____________________ 4 ___ movie, 1997 Tita ni c. It was a huge s _ 5 ___ and themovie won 11 Oscars. Camer on is now one of the most sought-after directors in Hollywood, but he is much more tha n just a director. He is c _____________________ 6__ and visi onary (有远见的).He works hardun til the product ion m _ 7 __ with his high sta ndards(标准).Exercise 18Jua na Lopez has inven ted a nu mber of things over the years. One day, she had an idea for a dish wash ing mach ine that worked without u ____________ 1 ____ water. She went to see several dishwasherfactories about p ____ 2 the mach ine, but none of them were in terested.Juana found investors(投资者)to support her idea and founded her own company. She spe nt milli ons of dollars on develop ing her dishwasher and it was put to the market three years later. From the n on, s 3 were very good, better eve n tha n Jua na had h 4 ______________________________________ .But Global Domestic, one of the compa nies that she had bee n to see, made its own waterless dishwasher. Jua na obta ined one and found that used the tech ni cal ideas she had developed. She had obta ined legal p 5 for these ideas, so that other compa nies could not use them. Aftera long legal process, Global Domestic was forced to stop making its competing dishwasher and to pay Jua na several millio n dollars. Now Jua na's waterless dishwasher has 40 p _________________ 6___ of theworldwide dishwasher market and this is i ____ 7 ____ every year.Exercise 19At West Oran ge, Edis on had more tha n 50 people worki ng for him. He improved some of his old inven ti ons such as the phono graph (留声机).He made new inven ti ons, too. A popular one was a doll with a tiny phono graph in side. When you tur ned on a b ____________________________ 1 ____ , the doll begu n to talk.He also spe nt years develop ing an electric car. This was a good car, but was n ever as popular as cars using petrol. However, the battery which he inven ted had many u _____________ 2 _____ .Edis on sometimes f __ 3 ____ . He bought a lot of land in new jersey to d ____ 4___ foriron. He did not find any iron and so he lost over one millio n dollars. However, Edis on said he had a good time spe nding the mon ey.In December 1914, a fire destroyed his lab. Edis on r ____ 5___ a new one with the help ofthe money from Henry Ford, the man who was famous for making cars. Even at 67 years old, Edis on wan ted to go on work ing.In early 1931, Edis on said, “ lideasjong s__6 ____ o n time. I expect to live to be11/35only about a hun dred. In fact Edison died on October 18, 1931, at the age of 84.Edis on was one of the world ' s greatest i nven tors. His s __ 7 ___ was hard work. His mostfamous saying is “ ge天ids ) is one percent inspiration( 灵感)and 99 percent perspiration( 汗水).”Exercise 20All matter is either solid or liquid, or gas. In addition, all matter has different sizes. So we usediffere nt un its of measureme nts whe n we measure differe nt t 1 _ of matter. Whe n you want tobuy shoes, you need to know the size of your feet. If you don ' t, then you need to try on every shoe in the shoe store. When you are trying to bake a cake __ 2 ____ l ooking at a cooking book, youwill see different measurement for the diffe rent ingredients. But if you don' know how tomeasure the e __ 3___ a mount for each in gredie nt, it will be hard to bake a d ___ 4 __ cake.These are the reas on why we n eed to know the un its of measureme nt.Here are some of the un its of measureme nt. To measure the l __ 5 ___ of someth ing, weuse centimeters( cm) , meters(m), miles(m), inches(in), feet(ft) and etc. To measure the mass andvolume of someth ing, we use gall ons (gal), kilograms(kg), milligrams(mg), grams(g), liters(l) etc.The un its of measureme nt can be differe nt in each coun try. So it is i _ 6 ___ to know whatun its of measureme nt each country u 7 _____ .Exercise 21Printing was one of the four greatest inventions of ancient China.Before prin ti ng was inven ted, all writ ing was done by hand. When people n eeded a copy ofbook, they had to p_1 _____ s ome one to copy it out for them by hand. This made books verye __ 2 ______ and only the richest people could have them.Then in the Tang Dynasty China, about AD 650, people carved (雕刻)w _____ 3 __ blocks(印版)with a page of text, then inked( 沾上墨水)it. When they pressed a paper on the block, theycould print a page. The oldest printed scroll(纸卷)came from northwest china in AD 700.Around the AD 1000 ' s, a man n ___ 4 ____ Bi Sheng in china inven ted a meflexible (灵活的)system of printing. He carved each Chinese character separately on a small clay (陶土)blocks. He put them together to make w _____ 5 ____ and sentences. The same blocks could bereused to make many differe nt texts.About 500 years later, people throughout Europe and Asia bega n to use movable type madeout of m ____ 6 __ . Printers in Europe might have been Chinese block printing (活字印刷)through trade across West Asia. They came up with the idea of moveable type of theiro ____ 7 ____ .Exercise 22If you go into the forest with friends, stay with them. If you don ' t, you may get lost. you do get lost, this is what you should do.Sit down and stay where you are. Don ' t try to find your friends. L __ 1 __ them find you.You can help them to find you by stay in one place.There is ano ther way to help your friends or other people to find you. Give them a sig nal(信号)outing or whistling (吹口哨)three times. S _ 2 _ . Then shout or whistle three times again.Any sig nal give n three times is a call for help.Keep on shouting or whistling, always three times together. When people hear you, they willgive two shouts or two whistles. When a sig nal is give n twice, it is an a_3_ to a call for help.If you don ' t think that you will get help b __ 4 ___ night comes, try to make a small roomwith branches.(树枝What should you do if you get h __5__ or n eed drinking water? You would have to leaveyour little branch room to look for something to eat and drink. Don ' t just walk far away. Pick upsmall bran ches and d__6 __ t hem as you walk so that you can find your way back.The most i __ 7 __ thing you need to do when you are lost --- stay in one place.Exercise 23An old man lived in a nice house with a large garden. He took care of his flowers all the time,watering and fertilizing them.One day a young man went by the garden. He looked at the beautiful flowers, imagining howhappy he could be if he lived in such a beautiful place . Then, sudde nly he found the old garde nerwas blind. He was very s ___ 1 __ about this and asked , “ You can ' t see these flowers. Why are you busy tak ing care of them every day? ”The old man smiled and said, I can tell you four r ___ 2__ . First, I was a garde ner whe nIwas young, and I really like this job. Second, 42 I can 'st seerthese31oweem.Third, I can smell the sweet ness of them. As to the last one,s you.thatMe? But you don t know me, said the young man.“ Yeah, it ' s t ___ 4 ___ that I don ' t know you . But I know that flowers天使at1hatls(everybody knows . We enjoy the happ in ess these flowers have b ___ 5___ u s.The blind man ' s work opened our eyes and pleased our h ______ 6 ___ , which also made hislife happier. It was just like Beethoven, who became deaf in his later life and wrote many greatmusical works. Beethoven himself couldn ' htear his wonderful music, but his music hase ___ 7 ____ milli ons of people to face their difficulties bravely. Is n t one kind of happ in ess? t iExercise 24Every one likes living in a clea n and c__1 ____ e nvironmen t. If the environmen t is bad, itwill affect our body, and make us not feel well. Sometimes we may be t _______ 2 ____ ill. At thattime we don ' t want to work, and weave to stay in bed and rest at home. So the environment isvery importa nt to us.。
9年级秋季英语基础冲刺培优上册-作文主题训练 人物荟萃-配套练习-(培优版)学生版(李丽莉)3

Lesson 7作文专项训练进阶作业I.Write at least 60 words on the topic“_______ has changed me”(以“_____改变了我”为题,写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格)成长路上,你曾经遇见过很多人,如一位师长、一个朋友等,你也曾经经历过很多事,如一次比赛、一项活动等,这些人与事或多或少改变了你,让你变成更好的自己。
请选择其中某件事或某个人,以“______ has changed me”为题写一篇不少于60字的短文。
)__________ __________ __________ __________ __________ ____________________ __________ __________ __________ __________ ____________________ __________ __________ __________ __________ ____________________ __________ __________ __________ __________ ____________________ __________ __________ __________ __________ ____________________ __________ __________ __________ __________ ____________________ __________ __________ __________ __________ ____________________ __________ __________ __________ __________ ____________________ __________ __________ __________ __________ ____________________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________60__________ __________ __________ __________ __________ ____________________ __________ __________ __________ __________ ____________________ __________ __________ __________ __________ ____________________ __________ __________ __________ __________ ____________________ __________ __________ __________ __________ ____________________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________II. Read the sentences and fill in the blanks with proper words (在句子的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。
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Lesson 5 首字母专项训练进阶作业(1)C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文内填入恰当的词,使文章通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给出)(14分)Liyuan LibraryLiyuan Library (篱苑书屋), known as one of China's most beautiful bookstores, is located in a small hillside village near Beijing.The project, designed by architect Li Xiaodong, was built with40,000 wooden sticks. In the village, Li found large amounts of woodensticks piled around each house. The villagers gather these sticks all yearround to fuel their cooking stoves (炉子). Thus they decided to use thisordinary material in a s___81___ way.“This project is about the r___82___ of a building to the surroundings and its role (角色) in serving the community (社区), rather than a building as an individual object,” Li told the visitors.In the two-and-a –half years of the operation, Liyuan Library has experienced unexpected levels of use and appreciation. A new bus stop has opened close by for the frequent visits by thousands of people, including local villagers, tourists from the Beijing urban area, and many i___83___ visitors as well.“Everybody is f___84___ to visit,” explained Li. “However, visitors are encouraged to bring two books to the library, and take one back home from the collection in order to keep the place a center of knowledge e___85___ .”Instead of a___86___ a new building in the village, they chose this site in the nearby mountains, a pleasant five-minute walk from the village center. In doing so, they could provide a place for clear thoughts when one takes the effort to head for the reading room.Li described his practice in the following way: “We try to mix technology, community, local materials, modern thinking and a traditional sense of identity t___87___.”(2)C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)(14分)Today we’re going to school by bus as usual. We normally leave home at 8 a.m., but we’re leaving e 81 because we’re testing some new devices for this month’s report. All these devices are useful when you’re travelling. So, what have we got?First up is the Briefskate. It’s made of wood, so it looks like a normal skateboard, but you can open the top. Inside there’s s 82 for books and a mobile or an iPad. In my opinion, it’s useful and fun, but Tina and I can’t skate, so we can’t test it ...The n 83 device is the UE Boom 2. It’s a small speaker with a really big sound! It’s about the size of a can of drink, so you carry it with you easily and enjoy listening to your music. It’s powerful enough to f 84 a large room with music, so you can have a party wherever you are! And the battery lasts for fifteen hours.Taking selfies(自拍)is fun, but sometimes you’d like your selfie stick to be just a little bit longer. Well, the Nixie is the perfect device for you! It’s a camera that flies! You w 85 it on your arm like a watch, so it’s easy to carry. When you’re r 86 to take a photo, you let it go and it flies up into the air. It knows where you are and it can follow you to take some awesome photos. It then comes back down, you catch it and put it back on your arm. Simple! The Nixie isn’t a 87 to buy yet, but you can put your name on the list to get one as soon as they’re on sale.(3)C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)It seems school children all over the world complain about their school food. Cherie Blair , the wife of former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, said that she would prepare a p__81__lunch for her son if school dinners do not improve. So what do students of your age eat for lunch at school? JapanHigh schools have canteens, which serve everything from noodles to rice, but not burgers and chips. Other children bring food from home such as cold rice balls , meat or fish , pickles and vegetables.Students take home a menu for the coming month containing notes on nutrition value. Twice a year parents are invited to have a t___82__of the food. The class with the fewest leftovers at the end of the month receives a prize.United StatesA typical menu from the US school is made up of a hamburger with fried potatoes or roast chicken, lettuce and pickles, fruit and cookies. School lunches must also p__83__at least one third of the daily dietary allowances of protein vitamin A, vitamins C ,iron, calcium and calories. AustraliaMeat pies sausage rolls and hotdogs are all traditional dishes in Australian school shops .Butas the nation pays more attention to c___84__health, healthier foods have started to find their way onto school menus.Many schools have used a traffic light system. The sale of red-labelled foods, including pastries , chocolate and soft drinks , is served only twice a week. Healthier green-labelled foods such as sushi , sandwiches, corn and watermelon, however, are a____85___ every day.In some schools, students have a choice of up to 89 foods to choose from, including popcorn and rice.South AfricaMost of South Africa's schools do not serve meals at all. Classes end at1:30p.m. and students get their own lunches. Many students bring food from home,u___86___sandwiches.Fast food and fried food sell the best among students , which has led to a rise in obesity among children. But as more people began to realize the fact that b____87___too fat may cause different diseases , some schools in towns have led the way towards better nutrition . Now students at these schools are offered lunches of porridge with vegetables, such as cabbage , onions , beans , carrots and tomatoes.(4)C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给):(14分)Recently the unmanned aircraft which are called drones (无人驾驶飞机)have come into use for a number of business purposes. Basically, a drone is a flying robot. The aircraft (飞行器) may be remotely controlled or can fly a____81___ through flight programs in their systems. The little planes used to be very costly. In the past, they were mostly used in the military (军事) . But as they have d____82___ in price more people have begun to use them. Rescue workers and farmers are among the new users.A company in France is using drones to help farmers examine their crops and limit the amount of fertilizer ( 肥料) they use. The fast development of computer technology, image sensing devices(图像感应设备) , satellite navigation (卫星导航) and cell phones has led to lower-priced drones. Researchers and developers have learned how to build smaller and less-costly drones .Moviemakers are using drones to film from the sky. Historians (历史学家) use them when they explore a____83___buildings. Rescue workers use them to look for people: And now farmers are using them to m____84___their crops.Romain Faroux is a French businessman who starts companies. His father was a farmer. He believed drones could help farmers. He helped create a company that developed a small drone thatcould be controlled by people on the g____85___. They called it "Agridrone (农业无人机).'' It uses a special "optical sensor (光学感应器) "to examine crops.The technology used is similar to that used by smart phones except it has wings. A computer program directs the drone to fly over the crops. The sensor on the drone records four different-colored "bands" of sunlight ( 太阳光带) that are reflected off ( 反射) the crops.Jean-Baptiste Bruggeman is a farmer. He says the drone flies over his crops at different time of the season. He says this provides a lot of information about his crops. The drone pictures show him the exact amount of fertilizer the crops need. It also shows exactly where the fertilizer is needed.Romain Faroux says farmers use information g ____86___by the Agridrone to place fertilizer only in areas where it was needed. This saves money and reduces pollution. Before they used the drones, farmers would put the same amount of fertilizer everywhere. Drones also save time because farmers can examine u____87___ to three hectares (公顷) in about a minute.(5)C. Fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。