1.有关阿德莱德地区区域特征说法正确的是 C )A.地势西高东低B.夏季高温多雨C.植被常绿耐旱D.冬季河流结冰2.图中,乙地比甲地土壤肥力高,原因最不可能的是 A )A.甲地坡度较小B.乙地位于河流下游C.甲地盐碱化重D.乙地地势相对平坦【解析】第1题,根据等高线分布,东部地势高,西部地势低,A错误;根据降水量分布图,该地夏季12—2月)降水少,B错误;该地为地中海气候,冬季温和多雨,河流无结冰期,植被为亚热带常绿硬叶林,耐旱,D错误,C正确。
2022·湖北模拟)科西嘉岛属于法国,冬季温和,夏不酷热,年均温度15.5 ℃,降水量有明显的空间差异和季节差异。
3.科西嘉岛年降水量最少的地区位于岛屿的 A )A.东部B.西部C.南部D.北部4.影响科西嘉岛城镇分布的主要区位因素有 C )①洋流②气候③地形④河流A.①② B.②③C.③④ D.①④5.在科西嘉岛旅行可以看 D )①成片的葡萄园②美丽的珊瑚礁③幽深的峡湾④漂亮的滑雪场⑤迷人的温泉A.①②③ B.①②⑤C.③④⑤ D.①④⑤【解析】第3题,科西嘉岛地处地中海气候区,西部位于盛行西风的迎风坡,降水多,东部位于盛行西风的背风坡,降水少。
GB 1499.2-2007钢筋混凝土用钢第二部分:热轧带肋钢筋Steel for the reinforcement of concrete—Part 2: Hot rolled ribbed bars(ISO 6935-2:1991,Steel for the reinforcement of concrete—Part2:Ribbed bars,NEQ)前言GB1499分为三个部分:---第1部分:热轧光圆钢筋---第2部分:热轧带肋钢筋---第3部分:钢筋焊接网。
本部分为GB1499的第2部分,对应国际标准ISO6935-2:1991《钢筋混凝土用钢第2部分:带肋钢筋》,与ISO 6935-2:1991的一致性程度为非等效,本部分同时参考了国际标准的修订稿“ISO/DIS 6935-2(2005)”。
本部分代替 GB1499-1998《钢筋混凝土用热轧带肋钢筋》。
本部分与GB1499-1998相比,主要变化如下:---适用范围增加细晶粒热轧钢筋;---增加细晶粒热轧钢筋HRBF335、HRBF400、HRBF500三个牌号;---增加3.1普通热轧钢筋、3.2细晶粒热轧钢筋、3.11特征值三条定义;---增加第5章订货内容;---增加7.5疲劳性能、7.6焊接性能、7.7晶粒度三项技术要求;---对“表面质量”、“重量偏差的测量”等条款作修改;---修改钢筋牌号标志:HRB335、HRB400、HRB500分别以3、4、5表示,HRBF335、HRBF400、HRBF500分别以C3、C4、C5表示;---取消原附录 B“热轧带肋钢筋参考成分”;---增加现附录 B“特征值检验规则”;---增加附录 C“钢筋相对肋面积的计算公式”。
本标准为条文强制性标准,其中6.4.1条、7.3.5条、7.4.2条、7.5条、表3的尺寸a、b 和附录C为非强制条款,其余均为强制条款。
第二部分阅读理解(1)全翻译版(重点看)Passage 1Mr. Young ran his own business and worked very hard. His wife was afraid that he would get sick if he continued like that, so she often tried to get him to take a vacation. At last she managed to persuade him to do so, and she hoped that he would be able to enjoy his vacation without any disturbance, so before they left, Mrs. Young went to see her husband's secretary. She said to her, "My husband needs a vacation very much, so whatever happens, please don't bother him with telegrams and letters about business problems while we are away. Just wait till we get back."After Mr. and Mrs. Young had been away about a week, Mr. Young received a letter from his secretary which said, "Something terrible happened to your business, but I'm not going to bother you with it while you are enjoying your vacation."杨先生经营自己生意和工作很辛苦,他的妻子怕他这样继续下去会生病,所以她常常劝说他去度一次假。
机械安全 基本概念与设计通则 第2部分:技术原则与规范EN292-2
机械安全基本概念与设计通则第2部分:技术原则与规范GB/T 15706.2-1995国家技术监督局1995-09-22批准1996-06-01日实施前言本标准是根据ISO的2类技术报告ISO/TR 12100—2:1992《机械安全——基本概念,设计通则——第2部分:技术原则与规范》制定的,在标准技术要素上与之等效,在概述要素、一般要素和补充要素方面根据国内情况有以下几点改变:1.删去了EN292—2的前言,因为该前言只说明了标准的起草单位以及引用标准EN 60204—1的修订情况;引言只是说明欧洲机械安全标准的分类及各类标准之间的关系,都与本标准的技术内容关系不大,故将其删去。
ISO/TR 12100—2:1992是等同采用欧洲标准EN 292—2:1991的,现在已发至ISO/TC 199各成员国试用。
本标准在《机械安全基本概念与设计通则》的总标题下,包括以下两部分:第1部分:GB/T 15706.1—1995 基本术语、方法学第2部分:GB/T 15706.2—1995 技术原则与规范本标准自1996年6月1日开始实施。
2020届一轮浙江语文教案:第2部分 专题11 第2节 考点1 情节的3种考法 Word版含解析
第二节考点分解思维建模——洞悉高频考点,快速强技提能考点1 情节的3种考法情节是小说中用以表现主题或人物性格的一系列有组织的生活事件。
GB 1499.2-2007钢筋混凝土用钢第二部分:热轧带肋钢筋Steel for the reinforcement of concrete—Part 2: Hot rolled ribbed bars(ISO 6935-2:1991,Steel for the reinforcement of concrete—Part2:Ribbed bars,NEQ)前言GB1499分为三个部分:---第1部分:热轧光圆钢筋---第2部分:热轧带肋钢筋---第3部分:钢筋焊接网。
本部分为GB1499的第2部分,对应国际标准ISO6935-2:1991《钢筋混凝土用钢第2部分:带肋钢筋》,与ISO 6935-2:1991的一致性程度为非等效,本部分同时参考了国际标准的修订稿“ISO/DIS 6935-2(2005)”。
本部分代替 GB1499-1998《钢筋混凝土用热轧带肋钢筋》。
本部分与GB1499-1998相比,主要变化如下:---适用范围增加细晶粒热轧钢筋;---增加细晶粒热轧钢筋HRBF335、HRBF400、HRBF500三个牌号;---增加3.1普通热轧钢筋、3.2细晶粒热轧钢筋、3.11特征值三条定义;---增加第5章订货内容;---增加7.5疲劳性能、7.6焊接性能、7.7晶粒度三项技术要求;---对“表面质量”、“重量偏差的测量”等条款作修改;---修改钢筋牌号标志:HRB335、HRB400、HRB500分别以3、4、5表示,HRBF335、HRBF400、HRBF500分别以C3、C4、C5表示;---取消原附录 B“热轧带肋钢筋参考成分”;---增加现附录 B“特征值检验规则”;---增加附录 C“钢筋相对肋面积的计算公式”。
本标准为条文强制性标准,其中6.4.1条、7.3.5条、7.4.2条、7.5条、表3的尺寸a、b 和附录C为非强制条款,其余均为强制条款。
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第一单元善良之心,久久相依奥古斯塔斯 J 布洛克当时我没有意识到,是爸爸帮我保持平衡1随着我渐渐长大,当别人看见我和爸爸在一起,我会觉得很尴尬。
2 要协调我们的步伐并不容易,他(的步子)一瘸一拐的,我(走起来)则缺乏耐心。
”3 我们通常在家和地铁之间来往,这是他上班的必由之路。
4 当地上有冰或雪的时候,即使有人帮忙他也无法走路。
一到那儿,他就能紧紧抓住扶手一直走下去, 地铁道里比较暖和,下面的楼梯不结冰。
5 一个成年男子要有多少勇气才能承受这种屈辱和压力,我现在想来惊讶不已。
6 他从不把自己当作同情的对象,也从不对更幸运的或更能干的人表示任何嫉妒。
7 由于年龄的增长,我相信那是一种用来判断人的恰当的标准,尽管我还不能精确地知道什么是一颗“善心”。
8 尽管很多活动我爸爸不能参加,但他还是尽量用某种方式参与。
《科研伦理与学术规范》选修课课后测试题答案第二部分科研伦理与学术规范引论1.请选择您认为错误的答案?正确答案:在提供和著录引文时,不允许引用原著者之前的引文 D2.下列哪个是国家质量监督检验检疫总局和中国标准化管理委员会发布的现行参考文献标注标准?正确答案:《信息与文献参考文献著录规则》 A3.在提供和著录引文时,应该遵循以下哪些原则?①原则上使用原始文献,避免采用转引的方式;②引用以必要、适当为限;③引用不得改变或歪曲被引内容的原貌原义;④引用原则上使用最优或最新版本;⑤引用标注应该完整、准确地显示被引作品的相关信息;⑥引用网络资源应该慎重,引用信息包括相关的时间信息。
⑦直接引用别人的文章必须使用引号正确答案:①②③④⑤⑥⑦4.就文献来源的交待而言,一般应包括以下几个文献要素?正确答案:主要责任者+ 文献标题+页码+出版或发表事项5.将作者的权威性与作品的权威性混同的表现有??正确答案:一味引用权威作者的作品,不管其作品是否权威6.为什么需要引注?请选出您认为正确的答案正确答案:引注将作者的论文和已有的知识体联系起来只有通过引注才能使学术论文更具有可信性引注可以帮助写论文的学生构建、组织、支持以及传达论点7.参考文献和引注文献,即关于bibliography和references的说法正确的是?正确答案:参考文献总体的数量要大于等于引用文献在引注文献的使用上,鼓励使用原始文献,即第一手文献选择文献,需要选择具有准确性、权威性、可靠性的参考文献8.以下哪些参考文献符合GB/T 7714-2005《文后参考文献著录规则》的规范要求?正确答案:哈里森,沃尔德伦. 经济数学与金融数学[M]. 谢远涛,译. 北京:中国人民大学出版社,2012: 235-236上海市食品药品监督管理局课题组.互联网药品经营现状和监管机制的研究[J].上海食品药品监管情报研究,2008(1):8-119.下列有关脚注发展史的说法正确的是?正确答案:格拉夫敦的《脚注趣史》用幽默的笔调系统地考察了脚注作为现代历史学术基础的演变过程古罗马立法者“在法律条文中精确地引注以前的法律文献”。
电力建设安全工作规程 第2部分:架空电力线路DL5009.2-2004
电力建设安全工作规程(第二部分:架空电力线路部分)DL 5009.2—2004目次前言1范围2规范性引用文件3基本规定4材料、设备的存放和保管5文明施工6施工用电7防火防爆8高处作业及交叉作业9工地起重和运输10基础工程11杆塔工程12架线工程13不停电与停电作业14施工机械及工器具15其他附录A(规范性附录)送电施工安全设施标准名称表附录B(资料性附录)送电工程常用数据条文说明前言本标准的全部技术内容为强制性。
DL 5009《电力建设安全工作规程》分为三部分:——第1部分:火力发电厂——第2部分:架空电力线路——第3部分:变电所本部分为DL 5009的第2部分,是对DL 5009.2—1994《电力建设安全工作规程(架空电力线路部分)》的修订。
DL 5009.2—1994颁发九年多来,为确保电力建设的施工安全、确保电建职工的安全与健康起到了积极作用。
本部分代替DL 5009.2—1994《电力建设安全工作规程(架空电力线路部分)》。
本部分与DL 5009.2—1994相比主要变化如下:——强调从技术上、措施上确保施工人员在任何情况下不得失去保护;——增加“文明施工”一章(见5章);——增加原电力工业部颁发的《送电施工安全设施标准》中的架空电力线路部分的各种安全施工设施;——增加“建设单位”、“监理单位”、“工程设计人员”(见3.0.1条);——增加“爆破施工”的基本规定(见3.0.14条);——增加“爆破器材库”的规定(见7.2.2条、7.2.5条);——增加“自卸车”使用的规定(见9.1.12条);——删除原标准中人力和机械装卸部分内容(原标准第85条、第88条、第93条);——删除原标准中人力绞磨的使用规定(原标准第360条的3、4);——增加“基础工程”的部分规定(见10.1.1、10.1.2、10.1.12、10.1.13、10.2.19、10.3.3、10.3.16、10.4.5、10.5.7条);——增加“杆塔工程”的部分规定(见11.1.1、11.1.7、11.1.15、11.1.17、11.1.19、11.1.20、11.1.21、11.1.22、11.4.2、11.4.5、11.4.6、11.4.7、11.6.3、11.6.15、11.6.16条);——增加“架线工程”的部分规定(见12.1.2、12.2条);——增加“不停电作业与停电作业”的部分规定(见13.1.1、13.1.2、13.4.1、13.4.4、13.4.10条);——增加“施工机械及工器具”的部分规定(见14.4.12、14.5.6条);——部分条文的词句修改、顺序变更、位置调整及内容归类和增加。
英语B级考试真题 第2部分--阅读理解1
第二部分阅读理解(1)全真翻译版(判断对错题——A:T代表对;B:F代表错)以下18篇正误判断题(实考题),考1题共10分,答案是二选一,即A或B. 相对来说难度较低,投机率大.阅读一的题库范围太大、每次考试出现的新题很多,资料里的题目考试时抽中的机会很小。
阅读一的答案特点为 A 多于 B 的几率大,约 70%的文章答案为 A 多于 B解题思路:正误判断题主要考学生对文章的理解能力.根据文章内容对所给句子即题干判断正误.难度相对较小.此类题型往往依托短文内容进行发挥,或者给出意见相近或相反的几个句子要求辨别判断.或者变换词句结构来考察同意思的不同表达.做此类题目时,应先看问题,根据”问题中的关键词回归原文定位的方法”, 带着”问题”,寻找所需要的信息,两相对照,仔细辨别. 注意在对句子进行判断时,只有完全符合文章意思的句子才可判断为正确,那些基本意思相同,却仍然有某一点不符合的应判断为错误.Passage 1Jimmy is a very kind young man. He works in a big supermarket. His workmates like him very much.Last month Jimmy caught a bad cold, he stayed in bed for about two weeks. But after he got well, something happened—he couldn’t stop winking(眨眼). When he stayed at home, he was all right as usual. But if he went out, he couldn’t stop his eyes from winking.Jimmy went to work the next morning. On the way he met a policeman and winked at him. The policeman felt surprised but said nothing. Then he met an old man and winked at him. The old man thought he must be mad. But still he didn’t say a word.Real trouble started when he met women. First he met a young lady. He winked at her. The woman’s face turned red, and ran away as fast as she could. And then he met an old woman who carried a walking stick. Jimmy winked at her, she looked closely at him. Jimmy winked again. Without saying a word, she hit Jimmy on the head with her walking-stick.“Take that!” she cried out “This is a lesson for you.” Poor Jimmy! How could he explain it? He ran away quickly.From then on, he always wears a pair of dark glasses when he goes out.吉米是个很好的年轻人,他在一个大超市工作,他的同事们都很喜欢他。
解析 C项,“是因为这些话会影响蚕的收成”说法错误。第九段原文说“在养 蚕这一项上,乡下人的迷信特别厉害,凡是和蚕有关系的不吉利的字,甚至 同音字,他们都忌讳说出口”,可见他们不说不吉利的话是因为他们迷信这 话会影响蚕的收成,而不是这些话本身会影响蚕的收成。
2.下列对文本艺术特色的分析鉴赏,不正确的一项是( B )(3分) A.选文善用细节描写刻画人物,如“他们会从心窝里漾上一丝笑意来”表现 了蚕农看着“蚕种”和嫩桑叶想象今年蚕茧有好收成的喜悦。 B.选文前四段交代了故乡农村的现状和蚕农在多重困境下仍要辛苦饲蚕 的原因,为下文具体描述“丫姑老爷”“美梦”的破灭埋下伏笔。 C.选文结尾指出乡下人的生命线整个儿断了的现实,暗示故乡陷入彻底衰 败,蚕农彻底破产的境地,既深化了中心,又和开头相呼应。 D.选文通过作者的见闻及其和“丫姑老爷”的对话,叙述故乡乌镇20世纪30 年代的社会经济变化,塑造了“丫姑老爷”这个典型的农民形象。
我们家有一位常来的“丫姑老爷”——他的女人从前是我的祖母身边 的丫头,我想来应该尊他为“丫姑老爷”庶几合适——就是怀着此种希望的。 他算是乡下人中间境况较好的了。他是一个向来小康的自耕农,有六七亩 稻田和靠二十担的“叶”。他的祖父手里,据说还要“好”,账簿有一叠。他本 人又非常勤俭,不喝酒,不吸烟,连小茶馆也不上。他使用他的田地不让那 田地有半个月的空闲。我们家那“丫小姐”,也委实精明能干,粗细都来得。 凭这么一对儿,照理该可以兴家立业的了,然而不然,近年来也拖了债了。 债不算多,大大小小百十来块吧,他希望在今年的“头蚕”里可以还清这百十 来块的债。他向我的婶娘“掇转”二三十元,预备乘这时桑叶还不贵,
注①茅盾作于1932年的散文《故乡杂记》真实地反映了20世纪30年代故 乡乌镇的风貌。②完粮:交纳钱粮,旧指交纳田赋。
《科研伦理与学术规范》选修课课后测试题答案第二部分科研伦理与学术规范引论1.请选择您认为错误的答案?正确答案:在提供和著录引文时,不允许引用原著者之前的引文 D2.下列哪个是国家质量监督检验检疫总局和中国标准化管理委员会发布的现行参考文献标注标准?正确答案:《信息与文献参考文献著录规则》 A3.在提供和著录引文时,应该遵循以下哪些原则?①原则上使用原始文献,避免采用转引的方式;②引用以必要、适当为限;③引用不得改变或歪曲被引内容的原貌原义;④引用原则上使用最优或最新版本;⑤引用标注应该完整、准确地显示被引作品的相关信息;⑥引用网络资源应该慎重,引用信息包括相关的时间信息。
⑦直接引用别人的文章必须使用引号正确答案:①②③④⑤⑥⑦4.就文献来源的交待而言,一般应包括以下几个文献要素?正确答案:主要责任者+ 文献标题+页码+出版或发表事项5.将作者的权威性与作品的权威性混同的表现有??正确答案:一味引用权威作者的作品,不管其作品是否权威6.为什么需要引注?请选出您认为正确的答案正确答案:引注将作者的论文和已有的知识体联系起来只有通过引注才能使学术论文更具有可信性引注可以帮助写论文的学生构建、组织、支持以及传达论点7.参考文献和引注文献,即关于bibliography和references的说法正确的是?正确答案:参考文献总体的数量要大于等于引用文献在引注文献的使用上,鼓励使用原始文献,即第一手文献选择文献,需要选择具有准确性、权威性、可靠性的参考文献8.以下哪些参考文献符合GB/T 7714-2005《文后参考文献著录规则》的规范要求?正确答案:哈里森,沃尔德伦. 经济数学与金融数学[M]. 谢远涛,译. 北京:中国人民大学出版社,2012: 235-236上海市食品药品监督管理局课题组.互联网药品经营现状和监管机制的研究[J].上海食品药品监管情报研究,2008(1):8-119.下列有关脚注发展史的说法正确的是?正确答案:格拉夫敦的《脚注趣史》用幽默的笔调系统地考察了脚注作为现代历史学术基础的演变过程古罗马立法者“在法律条文中精确地引注以前的法律文献”。
在相同的测量条件下,多次测量同一物理量,误差不变或按 一定规律变化着,这样的误差称为系统误差。按误差的变化 规律可分为恒值误差和变值误差。变值误差又分为线性误差、 周期性误差和复杂规律变化的误差。
①端点连线 将静态特性曲线上的对应于测量范围 上、下限的两点的连线作为工作直线;
端点连 线
②端点平移线 平行于端点连线,且与实际静态特性 (常取平均特性为准)的最大正偏差和最大负偏差的 绝对值相等的直线;
③最小二乘直线 直线方程的形式为 yˆ a bx
②确定仪器或测量系统的静态特性指标; ③消除系统误差,改善仪器或测量系统的正确度
y a0 a1x a2 x2
工作曲线:方程 y a0 a1x a2 x2 称之为工作曲线或
静态特性曲线。实际工作中,一般用标定过程中静态平均特 性曲线来描述。
第二部分 测试系统的静态与动 态特性
静态特性:被测量处于稳定状态或缓慢变化状态时,反映测试 系统的输出值和输入值之间关系的特性。
①测试系统的静态特性与误差分析 ②测试系统的主要静态性能指标及计算 ③测量系统的动态特性 ④测量系统的动态性能指标
按误差的表达形式可分为绝对误差和相对误差;按误差出现的 规律可分为系统误差、随机误差、粗大误差(过失误差);按 误差产生的原因可分为原理误差、构造误差和使用误差
第2部分专题4 第2讲 第10节 技法(三)——无提示词的情况-2023年新高考英语二轮专题复习冲刺
二 精编外刊好题
NASA has released the first fullcolor image taken by the James Weiber Space Telescope
The orbiting observatory aims to build on the work of earlier telescopes, such as the Hubble and Spitzer. Both of those telescopes led to many __2__ (discovery) and captured detailed and colorful images. But the Webb is designed __3__ (gather) more indepth data and explore parts of space never observed before.
1.length 考查词性转换。句意:它们通常长度在70到90厘米之间, 重量在45到70公斤之间。in length “长度上”。故填length。
2.however 考查副词。句意:然而,与此同时,这也使他们成为了 容易被攻击的目标,迫使他们不断寻求庇护。前后为转折关系,且有逗号 隔开,应用副词however作状语。故填however。
1.powerful 考查词性转换。修饰名词短语space science telescope,应 用形容词作定语,故填powerful。
2.discoveries 考查名词。可数名词前有many修饰,应用复数。故填 discoveries。
M F D 唯 一 性
次数(即其“分母”多项式矩阵行列式的次 数)。 如:
G(s) N1 (s)D (s) N2 (s)D2 (s)
N 2 (s) N1 (s)T (s) D2 (s) D1 (s)T (s)
性质2 若N2(s)D2-1(s)可简约, 则 可逆矩阵T (s)
N2 ( s) N1 ( s)T ( s) D2 (s) D1 (s)T (s) 性质3 不可简约MFD次数最小,因此通常也称其 为最小阶MFD。 性质4 不可简约MFD的、维数为其次数的系统实 现必为最小实现,其状态完全能控、能观。
不 可 简 约 M F D 的 特 性
性质1 若均不可简约, 则
W ( s )单模阵 N ( N 2 ( s )W ( s ) 1 s) D1 ( s ) D2 ( s )W ( s )
系 统 真 性 和 严 格 真 性
G( s) [
nij ( s) dij ( s)
对i 1, 2,
, q, j 1, 2,
, p, 满足deg nij (s) deg dij (s)
G ( s ) 0(零矩阵) 等价于: lim s
畜禽屠宰企业等级要求第一部分:导言1. 概述畜禽屠宰企业是食品生产过程中的重要环节,直接关系到食品安全和卫生。
2. 主题概述本文将从畜禽屠宰企业等级要求的角度出发,对我国畜禽屠宰企业的等级分类、管理要求以及相关政策进行深入探讨,并对畜禽屠宰企业的等级要求进行全面解读和分析。
第二部分:畜禽屠宰企业等级分类及管理要求1. 等级划分根据《食品安全法》及其相关法规,对畜禽屠宰企业进行了等级划分,主要包括一级、二级、三级和合格/不合格等级。
2. 管理要求根据等级的不同,畜禽屠宰企业需要满足不同的管理要求,一级企业需要具备更为严格的管理体系和设施设备,包括操作规程、环境卫生、生产设施等方面的要求,以确保生产过程的安全和卫生。
第三部分:相关政策及法规解读1. 监管机构及职责我国对畜禽屠宰企业的监管主要由国家食品药品监督管理总局及各地市场监督管理局负责,对畜禽屠宰企业的等级划分、检查和监督执法等方面进行管理。
2. 法规要求《畜禽屠宰卫生标准》、《食品安全法》等一系列法规对畜禽屠宰企业的生产流程、设施设备、员工健康状况、卫生条件等方面提出了详细的要求,以确保畜禽屠宰产品的安全和卫生。
第四部分:畜禽屠宰企业等级要求分析1. 现状分析目前我国畜禽屠宰企业的等级划分基本符合国际标准和国家法规的要求,大部分企业在管理上也能够按照标准进行运作,但仍然存在一部分企业因种种原因未能达到合格标准。
2. 问题探讨针对一些未能达到合格标准的畜禽屠宰企业,需要进一步分析问题的原因,包括企业内部管理、监管部门的监督力度、法规的执行力度等方面的问题,并提出对策和建议。
第五部分:结语1. 总结畜禽屠宰企业的等级要求是确保食品安全和卫生的重要保障,在国家食品安全体系建设中起着至关重要的作用。
请选择您认为错误的答案?正确答案:在提供和著录引文时,不允许引用原著者之前的引文 D2.下列哪个是国家质量监督检验检疫总局和中国标准化管理委员会发布的现行参考文献标注标准?正确答案:《信息与文献参考文献著录规则》 A3。
就文献来源的交待而言,一般应包括以下几个文献要素?正确答案:主要责任者+ 文献标题+页码+出版或发表事项5.将作者的权威性与作品的权威性混同的表现有??正确答案:一味引用权威作者的作品,不管其作品是否权威6。
为什么需要引注?请选出您认为正确的答案正确答案:引注将作者的论文和已有的知识体联系起来只有通过引注才能使学术论文更具有可信性引注可以帮助写论文的学生构建、组织、支持以及传达论点7.参考文献和引注文献,即关于bibliography和references的说法正确的是?正确答案:参考文献总体的数量要大于等于引用文献在引注文献的使用上,鼓励使用原始文献,即第一手文献选择文献,需要选择具有准确性、权威性、可靠性的参考文献8.以下哪些参考文献符合GB/T 7714—2005《文后参考文献著录规则》的规范要求?正确答案:哈里森,沃尔德伦。
经济数学与金融数学[M]. 谢远涛,译. 北京:中国人民大学出版社,2012: 235—236上海市食品药品监督管理局课题组.互联网药品经营现状和监管机制的研究[J]。
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Part Ten The Age of RomanticismI. Fill in the blanks.1.The Romantic Period in American literature stretches from the end of the 18thcentury to the outbreak of ______.2.In “Rip Van Winkle”, which is written by , Rip falls into sleep for 20 years,during which the Revolutionary War takes place.3.Cooper’s Leatherstocking Series is about a frontiersman hero, Natty Bumppo, andconsists of 5 novels: The Pioneer s; ______; The Prairie; The Pathfinder; and ______.4.Ralph W. Emerson’s first little book ______ e stablished him as the most eloquentspokesman of Transcendentalism.5.Transcendentalism was, in essence, romantic idealism on Puritan soil. It was asystem of thought that originated from three sources: Unitarianism, ______ and ______.6.Melville is best known as the author of one book named ______, which is, criticshave agreed, one of the world’s greatest masterpieces.7.In ______, Hawthorne illustrates several sides of his writing: his disenchanted viewof human nature, his use of symbolism, and his interest in the supernatural.8.It is supposed by many that Edgar Allan Poe wrote the beautiful poem _______ toremember his dead wife.9.In the early 19th century “Rip Van Winkle”had established _______’s reputation athome and abroad, and designated the beginning of American Romanticism.10.The Civil War of 1861-1865 ended in the defeat of the Southerners and theabolition of _______.11.The American Transcendentalists formed a club called _______.12.In the early 19th century, Washington Irving wrote _______ which became the firstwork by an American writer to win financial success on both sides of the Atlantic.13.At nineteen _______ published in his brother’s newspaper, his “Jonathan Oldstyle”satires of New York life.14.The short story “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” is taken from Irving’s work named_______.15.Irving also wrote two biographies, one is The Life of Oliver Goldsmith, and theother is _______.16.The central figure in the Leatherstocking Tales is _______, who goes by thevarious names of Leather Stocking, Deerslayer, Pathfinder and Hawkeye.17.“To a Waterfowl” is perhaps the peak of _______’s work. It has been called by aneminent English critic “the most perfect brief poem in the Language.”18.Poe’s poem _______ is perhaps the best example of onomatopoeia in the Englishlanguage.19.Emerson’s truest disciple, the man who put into practice many of Emerson’stheories, was Henry _______ Thoreau.20.In 1845, Thoreau began a two-year residence at _______Pond.21.Hester Prynne is the heroine in Hawthorne’s novel _______.22.Melville’s novel _______ is a tremendous chronicle of the whaling voyage inpursuit of a seemingly supernatural white whale.23.From Thoreau’s Concord jail experience, came his famous essay _______.24.Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s first collection of poems entitled _______appeared in 1838.25.After his death, _______ became the only American to be honored with a bust inthe Poet’s Corner of Westminster Abbey.26.In 1850, Nathaniel Hawthorne brought out his masterpiece _____, the story of atriangular love affair in colonial America.27.In 1836, a little book came out which made a tremendous impact on the intellectuallife of America. It was entitled Nature by _______.28.Washington Irving, the Father of American literature, developed the _____ as agenre in American literature.29.Franklin’s best wr iting is found in his masterpiece _____.30.The most outstanding poet in America of the 18th century was _____.31._____ has sometimes been considered the father of the modern short story.II. Each of the following statements below is followed by four alternative answers.Choose the one that would best complete the statement.1.Which of the following works is regarded as the Declaration of IntellectualIndependence”?A. The American ScholarB. English TraitsC. The Conduct of LifeD. Representative Men2.In the middle of the 19th century, America witnessed a cultural flowering which iscalled “______”.A. the English RenaissanceB. the American RenaissanceC. the Second RenaissanceD. the Salem Renaissance3.______ is unanimously agreed to be the summit of the American Romanticism inthe history of American literature.A. New England TranscendentalismB. England TranscendentalismC. the Harlem RenaissanceD. New Transcendentalism4.About the novel The Scarlet Letter, which of the following statements is right?A. It's a love story and a story of sin.B. It's not a highly symbolic story though the author is a master of symbolism.C. It's mainly about the moral, emotional and psychological effects of the sin uponthe main characters and the people in general.D. In it the letter A takes the same symbolic meaning throughout the novel.5.Moby-Dick is usually considered ______.A. a symbolic voyage of the mind in quest of the truth and knowledge of theuniverseB. a spiritual exploration into man's deep reality and psychologyC. a simple whaling tale or sea adventureD. both A and B6.Born of one common cultural heritage, the American Romanticists shared somecommon features…______, with the English R omanticists.A. an increasing emphasis on the free expression of emotionsB. an increasing attention to the psychic states of their charactersC. an increasing emphasis on the desire to return to natureD. both A and B7.As a philosophical and literary movement, transcendentalism flourished in NewEngland from the 1830s to the Civil War, whose most important representatives are ______.A. Emerson and ThoreauB. Emerson and WhitmanC. Hawthorne and MelvilleD. Edgar Poe and James Cooper8.Hawthorne’s uni que gift was for the creation of ______ which touch the deepestroots of man’s moral nature.A. symbolic storiesB. romantic storiesC. gothic storiesD. humorous stories9.Which of the following is not written by Herman Melville?______A. Typee and OmooB. Mardi and White JacketC. Moby-Dick and PierreD. The Bostonians and Billy Budd10.The novel Moby Dick shows the rebellious struggle of Captain Ahab against______.A. the overwhelming, mysterious vastness of the universe and the awesome forcesB. the gliding great demon of the seas of lifeC. the white whaleD. the savage harpooners and the motley crew11.The Romantic Period in American literature started from the publication ofWashington Irving's ______ and ended with Whitman's Leaves of Grass.A. The Sketch BookB. Tales of a TravellerC. A History of New YorkD. The Scarlet Letter12.As a philosophical and literary movement, the main issues involved in the debateof Transcendentalism are generally concerning ______.A. nature, man and the universeB. the relationship between man and womanC. the development of Romanticism in American literatureD. the cold, rigid rationalism of Unitarianism13.About the novel The Scarlet Letter, which of the following statements is not right?A. It's very hard to say that it is a love story or a story of sin.B. It's a highly symbolic story and the author is a master of symbolism.C. It's mainly about the moral, emotional and psychological effects of the sin uponthe main characters and the people in general.D. In it the letter A takes the same symbolic meaning throughout the novel.14.The great sea adventure story Moby-Dick is usually considered______.A. a symbolic voyage of the mind in quest of the truth and knowledge of theuniverse.B. an adventurous exploration into man's relationship with natureC. a simple whaling tale or sea adventureD. a symbolic voyage of the mind in quest of the artistic truth and beauty15.Washington Irving’s ______ became the first work by an American writer t o winfinancial success on both sides of the Atlantic in the first half of the 19th century.A. Sketch BookB. Charles the SecondC. The Scarlet LetterD. Moby Dick16.Despite strong foreign influences, American romantic writings are typicallyAmerican which can be revealed in the following __________.A. a desire for an escape from civilized society and a return to the ennobling natureB. the American national experience of “pioneering into the west”C. American type of characters speaking local dialects appeared in the fictionD. all of the above17.In the well-known story “Rip Van Winkle” Rip falls into sleep for 20 years, duringwhich __________ takes place.A. the Revolutionary WarB. the Civil WarC. the War for IndependenceD. World War I18.According to Emerson, which of the following is said about nature?A. Nature is emblematic of the material world, alive with God’s overwhelmingpresence.B. Nature exercises a healthy and restorative influence on human mind.C. Without nature man can improve himself and become spiritually whole.D. Both A and B.19.Which of the following cannot be said of American literature from the early 1800sto the beginning of the Civil War?A. American type of characters speaking local dialects appeared in the fiction.B. There was a desire for an escape from civilized society and a return to theennobling nature.C. There was a stress on law and reason in literary writings of the time.D. There was faith in the value of individualism and self-reliance.20.All of the following ca n be said of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s works except_________.A. man’s moral natureB. the dark side of the human characterC. the impact of nature on human spiritD. sin and deliverance21.Which of the following statements about American Romantic literature is right?A. Emerson and Edgar Allan Poe are the forerunners of the literary movement ofNew England Transcendentalism in the 19th century.B. The forest Young Goodman Brown goes to during his night journey is literally aplace where the evil beings rustle about.C. For Emerson and his disciples, material economy is good for spiritual.D. Rip Van Winkle feels happy and fortunate to be with his family again after hecomes back from the woods.22.Moby Dick is a mixture of fantasy and ________based upon the South Pacificwhaling industry.A. romanticismB. realismC. naturalismD. surrealism23.Which of the following statements about the Romantic period in the history ofAmerican literature is NOT true?A. In most of the American writings of this period there was a new emphasis uponthe imaginative and emotional qualities of literature.B. The writers of this period placed an increasing emphasis on the free expressionof emotions and displayed an increasing attention to the psychic states of their characters.C. There was a strong tendency to exalt the individual and the common man.D. Most heroes and heroines in the writings of this period exhibited extremes ofreason and nationality.24.In the following statements, _________ is NOT true about Washington Irving’sfamous story “Rip Van Winkle” .A. The story is not only well-known for Rip’s 20-year sleep but also considered amodel of perfect English in American literature.B. The story is set against the background of the inevitably changing America.C. The social conservatism and literary preference for the past are revealed, tosome extent, in the story.D. Irving describes Rip’s response and reaction in a dramatic way, so that we seeclearly both the narrator and Irving agree on the preferability of the present to the past.25.As one of Hawthorne’s most profound tales, Young Goodman Brown is written inthe manner of its concern with_________.A. guilt and evilB. good and badC. moral and corruptionD. destruction and hope26.The most important representatives of American transcendentalism, which onceflourished in New England as a philosophical and literary movement, are ________.A. Edgar Poe and James CooperB. Emerson and WhitmanC. Hawthorne and MelvilleD. Emerson and Thoreau27.Ralph W. Emerson’s first little book _________ established him as the mosteloquent spokesman of Transcendentalism.A. EssaysB. NatureC. The American ScholarD. The Over-Soul28.Romantics put emphasis on the following EXCEPT ______.A. common senseB. imaginationC. intuitionD. individualism29.Which of the following statements concerning the basic tenets of AmericanTranscendentalism is NOT correct?A. Individualism is elevated by the Transcendentalists.B. Intuition is less important than experience.C. Nature is only another side of God.D. Transcendentalists have a new and delightful thrill in nature.30.Melville’s novel ______ is a tremendous chronicle of a whaling voya ge in pursuitof a seemingly supernatural white whale.A. TypeeB. OmooC. White JacketD. Moby Dick31.Hester Prynne is the heroine in Hawthorne’s novel ______.A. Moses from an Old ManseB. Twice-Told TalesC. The Scarlet LetterD. The Blithedale Romance32.As a philosophical and literary movement, ______ flourished in New Englandfrom the 1830s to the Civil War.A. ModernismB. RationalismC. SentimentalismD. Transcendentalism33.Irving was best known for his famous short stories such as ______.A. Rip Van WinkleB. Legend of the AlhambraC. Life of GoldsmithD. Life of Washington34._____ has become so important that most people consider it an unofficialmanifesto for the “Transcendental Club”.A. NatureB. The American ScholarC. WaldenD. Civil Disobedience35._____ is a symbol of microcosm of the world we are living in.A. The PequodB. Moby DickC. The Scarlet LetterD. Nature36._____ held a “black” vision of life and human beings.A. Ralph Waldo EmersonB. Nathaniel HawthorneC. Edgar Allan PoeD. James Fenimore Cooper37.Moby Dick, the big white whale, is possible read as symbolic of all the followingEXCEPT_____.A. malignancyB. beautyC. adulteryD. God38.According to Emerson, man’s capacity is _____.A. ambiguousB. limitedC. infiniteD. subsidiary to God39._____ is regarded as an encyclopedia of everything: philosophy, religion, history,etc.A. NatureB. WaldenC. Moby DickD. The Scarlet Letter40.Whitman’s poems are characterized by all the following features EXCEPT______.A. a strict poetic formB. a simple and conversational languageC. a free and natural rhythmic patternD. an easy flow of feelings41.According to Emerson, which of the following is said about nature?A. Nature is emblematic of the material world, alive with God’s overwhelmingpresence.B. Nature exercises a healthy and restorative influence on human mind.C. Without nature man can improve himself and become spiritually whole.D. Both A and B.42.Which of the following cannot be said of American literature from the early 1800sto the beginning of the Civil War?A. American type of characters speaking local dialects appeared in the fiction.B. There was a desire for an escape from civilized society and a return to theennobling nature.C. There was a stress on law and reason in literary writings of the time.D. There was faith in the value of individualism and self-reliance.43.Henry David Thoreau’s work, ________, has always been regarded as amasterpiece of the New England Transcendental Movement.A. WaldenB. The PioneersC. NatureD. “Song of Myself”44.“Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind” is a famous quotefrom ______’s writings.A. Walt WhitmanB. Henry David ThoreauC. Herman MelvilleD. Ralph Waldo Emerson45.The period before the American Civil War is generally referred to as___________.A. The Naturalist PeriodB. The Modern PeriodC. The Romantic PeriodD. The Realistic Period46._____is the author of the work ’The Legend of Sleepy Hollow’.A. Washington IrvingB. James JoyceC. Walt WhitmanD. William Butler Yeats47.Washington Irving’s “Rip Van Winkle” is famous for_________.A. Rip’s escape into a mysteriousB. The story’s German legendary source materialC. Rip’s seeking for happinessD. Rip’s 20-years sleep48.Which of the following statement is not true about Washington Irving?A. Washington Irving is regarded as Father of the American short stories.B. Irving’s relationship with the Old World in terms of his literary imagination canhardly be ignored considering his success both abroad and at home.C. Irving’s taste was essentially progressive or radical.D. Washington Irving has always been regarded as a writer who “perfected the bestclassic style that American literature ever produced”.49.All the following novels are in Coope r’s Leatherstocking Tales except ________.A. The PioneersB. T he PrairieC. The DeerslayerD. The Spy50.In 1837, Ralph Waldo Emerson made a speech entitled _______at Harvard, whichwas hailed by Oliver Wendell Holmeasas: Our Intellectual Declaration of Independence".A. “Self-Reliance”B. “Divinity School Address”C. “The American Scholar”D. “Nature”51._____is the most ambivalent (有争议的) writers in the American literary history.A. Nathaniel HawthorneB. Walt WhitmanC. Ralph Waldo EmersonD. Mark Twain52.________is the writer of “There is evil in every human heart, which may remainlatent, perhaps, through the whole life; but cir cumstances may rouse it to activity”.A. Washington IrvingB. Ralph Waldo EmersonC. Nathaniel HawthorneD. Walt Whitman53.In Hawthorne’s novels and short stories, intellectuals usually appear as________.A. saviorsB. villainsC. commentatorsD. observers54.All of the following are works by Nathaniel Hawthorne except_______.A. The House of the Seven GablesB. White JacketC. The Marble FaunD. The Blithedale Romance55.“Moby Dick” is regarded as the first American_________.A. Prose epicB. Comic epicC. Dramatic fictionD. Poetic fiction56.The giant Moby Dick may symbolize all EXCEPT________.A. mystery of the universeB. sin of the whaleC. power of the great NatureD. evil of the world57.Which of the following comments on the writings by Herman Melville is not true?A. “Bartleby, the Scrivener” is a short story.B. “Benito Cereno” is a novella.C. The Confidence —man has something to do with the sea and sailors.D. Moby-Dick is regarded as the first American prose epic.58.The Transcendentalists believe that, first, nature is ennobling, and second, theindividual is____, therefore, self-reliant.A. insignificantB. vicious by natureC. divineD. forward-looking59.Transcendentalist doctrines found their greatest literary advocates in _______ andThoreau.A. JeffersonB. EmersonC. FreneauD. Over-soul60.Transcendentalists recognized _______ as the “highest power of the soul”.A. intuitionB. logicC. data of the sensesD. thinking61.Herman Melville’s _______ is not only an adventu re story, but also a significantphilosophical work on spiritual exploration.A. Moby DickB. The EggC. NatureD. The Over-Soul62.In the 19th century America, Romanticism had certain general characteristics.Choose such characteristics from the following items.A. moral enthusiasmB. faith in the value of individualism and intuitive perceptionC. adoration for the natural worldD. all of the above63.In 1817, the stately poem called “Thanatopsis” introduced the best poet _______to appear in America up to that time.A. Edward TaylorB. Philip FreneauC. Willism Cullen BryantD. Edgar Allan Poe64.Ralph Waldo Emerson’s first book _______ is the fundamental document of hisphilosophy, and expresses his constant, deeply felt love for love for the natural scenes.A. WaldenB. NatureC. Daisy MillerD. Leaterstocking Tales65.From the following, choose the characteristics of Ralph Waldo Emerson’s poetry.A. being highly individualB. lack of form and polishC. striking imagesD. all of the above66.Which essay is not written by Ralph Waldo Emerson?A. “Of Studies”B. “Self-Reliance”C. “The American Scholar”D. “The Divinity School Address”67.Herman Melville called his friend Nathaniel Hawthorne _______ in Americanliterature.A. the largest brain with the largest heartB. father of American poetryC. the transcendentalistD. the American scholar68.Which is the character who appears in the novel Moby Dick?A. Hester PrynneB. Mr. HooperC. AhabD. Pearl69.Which is regarded as the “Declaration of Intellectual Independence”?A. “The American Scholar”B. “English Traits”C. “The Conduct of Life”D. “Representative Men”70. During 1807-1808, Washington Irving wrote for his brother’s newspaper called________.A. New York TimesB. Washington PostC. SalmagundiD. Daily News71. History of New York was published in 1807 under the name of ________.A. Washington IrvingB. Diedrich KnickerbokerC. James Fenimore CooperD. John Whittier72. “Rip Van Winkle” was written by _______.A. James Fenimore CooperB. Benjamin FranklinC. Washington IrvingD. Walt Whitman73. The Spy was written by James Fenimore Cooper in 1821. It is a novel about________.A. American Civil WarB. American RevolutionC. American West ExpansionD. The First World War74. Natty Bumppo is the hero in Cooper’s ________.A. The PrecautionB. The SpyC. The Gleanings in EuropeD. Leatherstocking Tales75. ________ was regarded as a poet of the American Revolution.A. Philip FreneauB. Walt WhitmanC. Robert FrostD. Cal Sandburg76. The Raven was written in 1844 by ________A. Philip FreneauB. Edgar Allan PoeC. Henry Wadsworth LongfellowD. Emily Dickinson77. The Minister’s Black Veil was written by ________.A. Edgar Allan PoeB. Nathaniel HawthorneC. Henry David ThoreauD. Ralph Waldo Emerson78. The ship ______ carried about one hundred Pilgrims and took 66 days to beat itsway across the Atlantic. In December of 1620, it put the Pilgrims ashore at Plymouth, Massachusetts.A. SunflowerB. ArmadaC. MayflowerD. Titanic79. Washington Irving got his idea for his most famous story, “Rip Van Winkle”, froma ________.A. Greek legendB. German legendC. French legendD. English legend80. “Rip Van Winkle”is found in Irving’s longer work, ________.A. The Sketch BookB. History of New YorkC. Tales of a TravelerD. The Precaution81. ________ was often regarded as America’s first man of letters, devoting much ofhis career to literature.A. Benjamin FranklinB. Philip FreneauC. Washington IrvingD. James Fenimore Cooper82. Transcendentalists recognized__________ as the “highest power of the soul.”A. intuitionB. logicC. data of the sensesD. thinking83. In the early 19th century America, statesmen such as _________ , came to dominate American politics not with their prose but with the emotional force of their oratory.A. Daniel WebsterB. Daniel DefoeC. Philip FreneauD. Thomas Paine84. _________ is an appalling fictional version of Nathaniel Hawthorne' s belief that “the wrong doing of one generation lives into the successive ones” and that evil will come out of evil though it may take many generations to happen.A. The Marble FaunB. The House of Seven GablesC. The Blithedale RomanceD. Young Goodman BrownIV. Terms1. New England Transcendentalism2. American RomanticismV. Make comments on the following topics with about 200 words each.1.The Last of the Mohicans2.The Legend of Sleepy Hollow3.Nature.4.Moby Dick.5.The Scarlet Letter.11。