


人名、地名、机构团体名和其 他具有特殊含义的名词。 专有名词的外译汉是指外来语 翻译成汉语。
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外来语是一种语言从别种语言里引进的语 词。外来语的翻译要跨越种种文化障碍,因为 中国文化与西方文化差异较大, 如语言差异、
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C. 约定俗成
念,应避免使用与上下文联成意义或具有 明显贬义意味的字。切忌借题发挥,滥用 音译。如:
Bumble Carefour Congo Centaur
本伯(不译“笨怕”) 家乐福 (不译 “卡里福” ) 刚果(不译“甘果”) 人头马(不译“神鸵”)
Snow White
(Trade Mark)
Audi Apollo Benz Boeing carnation Chevrolet Colgate Ikea Marlboro
奥迪(轿车) 阿波罗(飞船) 奔驰(汽车) 波音(飞机) 康乃馨(花) 雪佛莱(汽车) 高露洁(牙膏) 宜家 (家具) 万宝路(香烟)
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O-ring S-turning T-square U-steel U-pipe V-belt Y-curve Y-track Z-iron
O形环 S形弯道 丁字尺 U形槽钢
V形皮带 Y形曲线
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课堂练习: 翻译下列外来语(参考译文)
1.West Chester 2.Kennedy Airport 3.Holmes 4.Thatcher 5.House 6.Park 7.Younger



MacDonalds 翻译成“麦当劳”为什么好?许多国际品牌源于很平凡的名字,但译为中⽂必须有巧思。











可⼝可乐:绝妙之译众所周知,"可⼝可乐"就是"Coca Cola",但是却很少有⼈追问⼀句:那是什么意思?原来Coca和Cola是两种植物的名字,⾳译为"古柯树"和"可乐树",古柯树的叶⼦和可乐树的籽是该饮品的原材料,古柯叶⾥⾯含有古柯碱,也叫可卡因(有时⽤作⿇醉药,尤其可⽤于眼睛、⿐⼦或喉咙,此品还因其兴奋性和刺激性⽽⼴泛⽤做毒品)。



麦当劳市场营销分析目录一.公司简介----—-—----——----——--—-——---—---——--———-—----——-——2 二.环境分析———-——-——---——--—---—-----—----———--—-—-----—-—--—4(一)宏观环境——--—--—-—--——----—-——---———----————-———-—41、人口环境-----————-——--———-—-—----------————--—42、经济环境—--——-———---—--—---—--————--——--——----53、自然环境—-—-—-—------—-——-——--—-——--—-——-———--54、政治法律环境—————---——-———-——--——---——-—----65、科学技术环境--—--—————--—---—--—--———--——---66、社会文化环境—-—--——---—---——---—-—-——--——-—6(二)微观环境—---——-—-------———-——-—--------—-—-———--—6一、营销渠道企业-—---———--———-—----——--——-———--————--6二、营销中间商—-—-——-—-——--—--————---——--——————---—-—-7三、SWOT分析-—-——-—----—--———-—--——-—---—--—-——-—---8中国快餐市场swot分析-—-----——-—--—--———--———--——---———8 三.STP战略分析-—-—-——-----—-———---———---—-———--——----—--—-13一、市场细分--—-—-——-—--——-——————----———-—————-—---—-—13二、市场定位————-—--—-—-—-—-—--——————-————----—---—-—-15 四.4PS战略分析—--——————---—---——-—-———--—--————-————-—----16一、对于4p中的产品问题-——--—-—-————-—-——-—--—--—-—-—-——16二、对于4p中的价格问题----———-——-—---—-———-------——-———17三、对于4p中的渠道问题-———-——-—---—----———----————-—-—-18四、对于4p中的促销问题——-—---———------——--———-———-—-—--19麦当劳市场营销案例分析引言美国麦当劳公司是全球规模最大、最著名的快餐集团,是世界上最成功的特许经营者之一,成就了在126个国家拥有3万多个分店的全球最大快餐业连锁店的霸主地位,并以每3小时增加一个店面的惊人速度持续的扩展,成为当今快餐业的巨无霸。



Sales Promption
McDonald’s Puzzles Outdoor posters were turned into large interactive push puzzles that consumers could solve in order to “sort your head”. This was done to promote McDonald’s Large Coffee for only 1 Euro in Sweden.
Hamburgers Sandwiches
Delicious, freshly made, and oh-so-satisfying. From the Big Mac to Premium Grilled Chicken Club to classic Cheeseburger, McDonald’s sandwiches make the meal.
The McDonald's Golden Arches logo was introduced in 1962. It was created by Jim Schindler to resemble new arch shaped signs on the sides of the restaurants. He merged the two golden arches together to form the famous 'M' now recognized throughout the world. Schindler's work was a development of the stylized 'v' logo sketched by Fred Turner The McDonald's name was added to the logo in 1968.



关键词: --简约 --巧妙 --鲜明 --童真 --趣味
关键词: --麦当劳报纸式广告 --大容量 --眼见为实 --设计精巧 --精神食粮与麦当劳共享
关键词: --简笔画
--以图示意 --主题鲜明 --淡而不凡
创意户外平面广告: --随处可见的M元素
创意户外平面广告: --易角度 奇思妙想
关键词: --温哥华
--时尚 巧妙 --反常理 换视角 --吸引力 震撼性
创意户外平面广告: --易角度 奇思妙想
关键词: --瑞典斯德哥尔摩 --巨型餐巾纸
--相对性想象 --好奇心
麦当劳公益广告: 麦当劳公益广告: --系列招贴之愤怒的墙 --系列招贴之愤怒的墙
i'm lovin' it
i'm lovin' it
i'm lovin' it
i'm lovin' it i'm lovin' it
i'm 广告语:i'm lovin' it lovin' it
我就喜欢 关键词:“我就”--酷 主见 个性 张扬 活力 我行我素 对象:年轻一族
i'm lovin' it
《愤怒的墙》此广告以拟人修辞将墙设定为主角,以其所见来表达共 同参与城市美好建设的愿望以及自觉性。 “墙”这一简单的形象却因了“愤怒”一词而人格化,极富动感,同时 图文交织,使得主题形象直观,视觉感染力增强。虽未见人,却似乎呈 现出一幅围观,吸引,触动,深思的场景。虽贯彻了公益之名,麦当劳 依旧在其中占据了相当的重量。



麦当劳肯德基点餐专用英语McDonald’ sMenu and 50 commonly used sentences of spoken English Part One Menu 菜单Hamburger 汉堡包Big Mac巨无霸Filet—o-Fish麦香鱼McChicken麦香鸡Chicken McNuggets麦乐鸡Spicy Chicken Filet Burger麦辣鸡腿汉堡Spicy McWings麦辣鸡翅Egg Sausage Burger麦香猪柳蛋Hamburger汉堡包Cheeseburger吉士汉堡包Double Cheeseburger双层吉士汉堡包EVM/Combo MealBig Mac Combo Meal巨无霸套餐Cheeseburger Combo Meal吉士汉堡套餐Filet—o-Fish Combo Meal麦香鱼套餐McChicken Combo Meal麦香鸡套餐Chicken McNuggets Combo Meal麦乐鸡套餐Spicy Chicken Filet Burger Combo Meal麦辣鸡腿汉堡套餐Spicy McWings Combo Meal麦辣鸡翅套餐Egg Sausage Burger Combo Meal麦香猪柳蛋套餐French Fries (Large/ Medium/ Small)薯条(大/中/小) Beverages 饮料Orange Juice橙汁Hot Tea热红茶Coffee热咖啡Hot Chocolate热朱古力Milk鲜奶Coca-Cola可乐Fanta芬达Sprite雪碧Happy Meals 开心乐园餐Hamburger Happy Meal汉堡包开心乐园餐Cheeseburger Happy Meal吉士汉堡开心乐园餐Chicken McNuggets Happy Meal麦乐鸡开心乐园餐Desserts 甜品Milk Shake (Chocolate/ Vanilla/ Strawberry)奶昔(巧克力/香草/ 草莓)Sundae (Chocolate/ strawberry/ Pineapple)新地(巧克力/草莓/菠萝)McFlurry (Cappuccino/ Mini M&M’s Milk Chocolate/ Oreo Cookie Crunch)麦旋风(咖啡/朱古力/曲奇)Cone圆筒冰淇淋Apple Pie/ Pineapple Pie/ Orange Pie苹果派/菠萝派/橘子派Soup 汤Vegetable Soup海鲜汤肯德基英语服务菜单Menu经济豪华餐MealRoasted chicken burger combo黄金烤鸡腿堡套餐Mini burger combo田园脆鸡堡餐Extra tasty crispy burger combo劲脆鸡腿堡餐Zinger burger combo香辣鸡腿堡餐Mexican Twister combo墨西哥鸡肉卷餐Dragon Twister combo老北京鸡肉卷餐New Orleans roast wings combo新奥尔良烤翅餐Hot wing combo香辣鸡翅餐Bucket meal外带全家桶快乐儿童餐Kid’s mealA set:Nugget+Mashed Potato+MirindaB set:Original Recipe+French Fries+MirindaC set:Mini Burger+French Fries+Mirinda鸡类产品Chicken ProductsOriginal Recipe吮指原味鸡Hot Wings香辣鸡翅New Orleans roast wings新奥尔良烤翅Zinger burger香辣鸡腿堡Extra tasty crispy劲脆鸡腿堡Mini Burger田园脆鸡堡Mexican Twister墨西哥鸡肉卷Dragon Twister老北京鸡肉卷Popcorn Chicken劲爆鸡米花Nuggets上校鸡块Roasted chicken burger黄金烤鸡腿堡早餐BreakfastEgg &Pork Congee皮蛋瘦肉粥Chicken &Mushroom Congee香菇鸡肉粥Seafood &Egg Congee海鲜蛋花粥Egg & Pork Floss Twister鸡蛋肉松卷Egg & Pork Sausage Twister鸡蛋猪柳卷早餐优惠组合Braekfast ComboCheese &Egg Burger Combo芝士蛋堡餐Mini burger combo田园脆鸡堡餐Mini burger with Egg combo田园脆鸡堡加蛋Pork & Egg Burger combo猪柳蛋堡餐Congee & Potato Stix Combo花式粥餐Egg &Pork Floss Twister Combo鸡蛋肉松卷餐Egg & Pork Sausage Twister Combo鸡蛋猪柳卷餐早餐饮料及配餐Drinks &Side ItemsOrange Juice都乐鲜橙汁Fresh Milk/ Hot Milk鲜牛奶/热牛奶Milk Tea奶茶Potato Stix香脆薯棒French Fries薯条Mashed Potato土豆泥Corn on the cob香甜粟米棒Egg &Vegetable Soup芙蓉鲜蔬汤Dinner Roll胡萝卜餐包Corn Salad玉米沙拉Seasonal Vegetable四季鲜蔬Dessert甜点Ice Cream Cone脆皮甜筒Chocolate/Blueberry巧克力/蓝莓Sundae圣代Chocolate/Strawberry巧克力/草莓Egg Tart葡式蛋挞Drinks饮料Pepsi Cola百事可乐Seven-up七喜Mirinda美年达Ice Tea雀巢冰爽茶Ice Tang雀巢橙CCoffee咖啡Tea红茶Milo美禄Tang橙汁Milk牛奶Nine Lives Juice九珍果汁Good Balance Tea清衡茶调味品和日常用品Condiments & Common Restaurant ItemsKetchup番茄酱Coffee mate奶精Sugar糖Sweet &Sour Sauce糖醋酱Sweet Chili Sauce甜辣酱Napkin/Tissue餐巾纸Stirrer搅拌棒Straw吸管Toothpick牙签Spoon勺子Tray托盘Cup杯子虽然麦当劳、肯德基这类快餐店在国内外都受到不同程度的质疑,但就餐时间拥挤的人群还是充分说明了人们对他们的依赖。

英汉互译简明教程(第二版)课件14 第四篇 专有名词的翻译

英汉互译简明教程(第二版)课件14 第四篇 专有名词的翻译
3. 机构名称的翻译 3.1 音译
世界著名企业名称和品牌通常都有约定俗成的译法,其 中很多采用的是音译,如: • Nike 耐克 • Michelin 米其林 • Cadillac 凯迪拉克 • Phillips 飞利浦 • Maxwell 麦斯威尔
3. 机构名称的翻译 3.2 意译
• 如:中国北京清华大学28号楼502室,应翻译为Room 502, Dormitory Building 28, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China。
• 中文地址翻译成英文的顺序是:X室、X号、X路/街、X区 /县、X市、X省,然后是中国。
1. 汉语地名的翻译方法
汉语地名翻译通常采用汉语拼音加直译的方法。 1.1 一般专名加通名构成汉语地名的翻译
这类情况通常将专名译作汉语拼音,然后再意译通名,例如: • 珠海市 Zhuhai City • 王府井商业街 Wangfujing Shopping Mall • 青藏高原 the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau • 四川盆地 the Sichuan Basin • 京杭运河 the Beijing-Hangzhou Canal
香山 Xiangshan Hill, 象鼻山 the Elephant Hill • Peak (山峰)
莲花峰 the Lotus Peak, 独秀峰 the Singular Beauty Peak
1. 汉语地名的翻译方法
1.5 通名为不同汉字的同一种译法 与前面相反,不同的汉字在很多情况下可英译为同一个单 词。譬如“江、河、水、溪”都统一英译为river,如:
• 长江 the Yangtze River • 黄河 the Yellow River • 珠江 the Pearl River • 古田溪 the Gutian River


在整个公关危机的处理中,最重要的一环是与媒体的沟通,尤其危机来 临的时候,媒体极有可能会充当起风向标的作用。在危机一开始的时候,麦 当劳就应该积极主动地接受媒体记者的采访,与他们沟通;在事件的处理过 程中,麦当劳可以恳请当地主要媒体与餐饮行业的专家召开新闻恳谈会,介 绍麦当劳在全球实行的标准化工艺流程以及具体执行情况,并把这次事件的 处理结果告之于媒体。
麦当劳提供的食品: 汉堡包、乾酪汉堡/双层乾酪?I堡、将军汉堡、巨无霸、足八两、麦香鸡、板烧鸡腿
麦乐鸡(鸡块)、碳酸饮料、橙汁、咖 啡、茶、热巧克力、奶昔、新地、麦 旋风、派、蔬菜色拉、苹果批/*粟米 批/*香芋批、热香饼、足尊牛堡 、麦 香鱼、甜香玉米杯
爱是什么? 一个精灵坐在碧绿的枝叶间沉思。 风儿若有若无。 一只鸟儿飞过来,停在枝上,望着远处将要成熟的稻田。 精灵取出一束黄澄澄的稻谷问道:“你爱这稻谷吗?” “爱。” “为什么?” “它驱赶我的饥饿。” 鸟儿啄完稻谷,轻轻梳理着光润的羽毛。 “现在你爱这稻谷吗?”精灵又取出一束黄澄澄的稻谷。 鸟儿抬头望着远处的一湾泉水回答:“现在我爱那一湾泉水,我有点渴了。” 精灵摘下一片树叶,里面盛了一汪泉水。 鸟儿喝完泉水,准备振翅飞去。 “请再回答我一个问题,”精灵伸出指尖,鸟儿停在上面。 “你要去做什么更重要的事吗?我这里又稻谷也有泉水。” “我要去那片开着风信子的山谷,去看那朵风信子。” “为什么?它能驱赶你的饥饿?” “不能。” “它能滋润你的干渴?” “不能。”爱是什么? 一个精灵坐在碧绿的枝叶间沉思。 风儿若有若无。 一只鸟儿飞过来,停在枝上,望着远处将要成熟的稻田。 精灵取出一束黄澄澄的稻谷问道:“你爱这稻谷吗?” “爱。” “为什么?” “它驱赶我的饥饿。” 鸟儿啄完稻谷,轻轻梳理着光润的羽毛。 “现在你爱这稻谷吗?”精灵又取出一束黄澄澄的稻谷。 鸟儿抬头望着远处的一湾泉水回答:“现在我爱那一湾泉水,我有点渴了。” 精灵摘下一片树叶,里面盛了一汪泉水。 鸟儿喝完泉水,准备振翅飞去。 “请再回答我一个问题,”精灵伸出指尖,鸟儿停在上面。 “你要去做什么更重要的事吗?我这里又稻谷也有泉水。” “我要去那片开着风信子的山谷,去看那朵风信子。” “为什么?它能驱赶你的饥饿?” “不能。” “它能滋润你的干渴?” “不能。”



麦当劳肯德基点餐专用英语McDonald’ s Menu and 50 commonly used sentences of spoken EnglishPart One Menu 菜单Hamburger 汉堡包Big Mac巨无霸Filet-o-Fish麦香鱼McChicken麦香鸡Chicken McNuggets麦乐鸡Spicy Chicken Filet Burger麦辣鸡腿汉堡Spicy McWings麦辣鸡翅Egg Sausage Burger麦香猪柳蛋Hamburger汉堡包Cheeseburger吉士汉堡包Double Cheeseburger双层吉士汉堡包EVM/Combo MealBig Mac Combo Meal巨无霸套餐Cheeseburger Combo Meal吉士汉堡套餐Filet-o-Fish Combo Meal麦香鱼套餐McChicken Combo Meal麦香鸡套餐Chicken McNuggets Combo Meal麦乐鸡套餐Spicy Chicken Filet Burger Combo Meal麦辣鸡腿汉堡套餐Spicy McWings Combo Meal麦辣鸡翅套餐Egg Sausage Burger Combo Meal麦香猪柳蛋套餐French Fries (Large/ Medium/ Small) 薯条(大/中/小) Beverages 饮料Orange Juice橙汁Hot Tea热红茶Coffee热咖啡Hot Chocolate热朱古力Milk鲜奶可乐Fanta芬达Sprite雪碧Happy Meals 开心乐园餐Hamburger Happy Meal汉堡包开心乐园餐Cheeseburger Happy Meal吉士汉堡开心乐园餐Chicken McNuggets Happy Meal麦乐鸡开心乐园餐Desserts 甜品Milk Shake (Chocolate/ Vanilla/ Strawberry)奶昔(巧克力/香草/ 草莓)Sundae (Chocolate/ strawberry/ Pineapple)新地(巧克力/草莓/菠萝)McFlurry (Cappuccino/ Mini M&M’s Milk Chocolate/ Oreo Cookie Crunch) 麦旋风(咖啡/朱古力/曲奇)Cone圆筒冰淇淋Apple Pie/ Pineapple Pie/ Orange Pie苹果派/菠萝派/橘子派Soup 汤Vegetable Soup海鲜汤肯德基英语服务经济豪华餐MealRoasted chicken burger combo黄金烤鸡腿堡套餐Mini burger combo田园脆鸡堡餐Extra tasty crispy burger combo劲脆鸡腿堡餐Zinger burger combo香辣鸡腿堡餐Mexican Twister combo墨西哥鸡肉卷餐Dragon Twister combo老北京鸡肉卷餐New Orleans roast wings combo新奥尔良烤翅餐Hot wing combo香辣鸡翅餐Bucket meal外带全家桶快乐儿童餐Kid’s mealA set:Nugget+Mashed Potato+MirindaB set:Original Recipe+French Fries+MirindaC set:Mini Burger+French Fries+Mirinda鸡类产品Chicken ProductsOriginal Recipe吮指原味鸡Hot Wings香辣鸡翅New Orleans roast wings新奥尔良烤翅Zinger burger香辣鸡腿堡Extra tasty crispy劲脆鸡腿堡Mini Burger田园脆鸡堡Mexican Twister墨西哥鸡肉卷Dragon Twister老北京鸡肉卷Popcorn Chicken劲爆鸡米花Nuggets上校鸡块Roasted chicken burger黄金烤鸡腿堡早餐BreakfastEgg & Pork Congee皮蛋瘦肉粥Chicken & Mushroom Congee香菇鸡肉粥Seafood & Egg Congee海鲜蛋花粥Egg & Pork Floss Twister鸡蛋肉松卷Egg & Pork Sausage Twister鸡蛋猪柳卷早餐优惠组合Braekfast ComboCheese & Egg Burger Combo芝士蛋堡餐Mini burger combo田园脆鸡堡餐Mini burger with Egg combo田园脆鸡堡加蛋Pork & Egg Burger combo猪柳蛋堡餐Congee & Potato Stix Combo花式粥餐Egg & Pork Floss Twister Combo鸡蛋肉松卷餐Egg & Pork Sausage Twister Combo鸡蛋猪柳卷餐早餐饮料及配餐Drinks & Side ItemsOrange Juice都乐鲜橙汁Fresh Milk/ Hot Milk鲜牛奶/热牛奶Milk Tea奶茶Potato Stix香脆薯棒French Fries薯条Mashed Potato土豆泥Corn on the cob香甜粟米棒Egg & Vegetable Soup芙蓉鲜蔬汤Dinner Roll胡萝卜餐包Corn Salad玉米沙拉Seasonal Vegetable四季鲜蔬Dessert甜点Ice Cream Cone脆皮甜筒Chocolate/Blueberry巧克力/蓝莓Sundae圣代Chocolate/Strawberry巧克力/草莓Egg Tart葡式蛋挞Drinks饮料Pepsi Cola百事可乐Seven-up七喜Mirinda美年达Ice Tea雀巢冰爽茶Ice Tang雀巢橙 CCoffee咖啡Tea红茶Milo美禄Tang橙汁Milk牛奶Nine Lives Juice九珍果汁Good Balance Tea清衡茶调味品和日常用品Condiments & Common Restaurant ItemsKetchup番茄酱Coffee mate奶精Sugar糖Sweet & Sour Sauce糖醋酱Sweet Chili Sauce甜辣酱Napkin/Tissue餐巾纸Stirrer搅拌棒Straw吸管Toothpick牙签Spoon勺子Tray托盘Cup杯子虽然麦当劳、肯德基这类快餐店在国内外都受到不同程度的质疑,但就餐时间拥挤的人群还是充分说明了人们对他们的依赖。



The McDonald's Golden Arches logo was introduced in 1962. It was created by Jim Schindler to resemble new arch shaped signs on the sides of the restaurants. He merged the two golden arches together to form the famous 'M' now recognized throughout the world. Schindler's work was a development of the stylized 'v' logo sketched by Fred Turner The McDonald's name was added to the logo in 1968.
The reason of success
1. Children really love, this is not the fault of a child stemming from a child's nature and ignorance. Misleading error is to adults. 2. When people think that foreign goods are good, our ancestors passed down is that, for example, the last thing to what foreign country, are known as "foreign" word,forexample,洋火(that matches), sea surface (flour ),洋钱(foreign currency) and so on, people had inherited the gene you, what are the "foreign" good. • Yang M and KFC meal is, therefore, "foreign food" is good! 3. One day at a local watch, time is not, Wai Fed up with a large group of people and to look on the first day looking at the people, in fact, nothing in heaven, fix, which the birds We will get over the look of guano! Ha ha (Chinese characteristics). 4. Parroting a good Everybody says that good, that is, KFC and M is spam, but also as a foreign food to eat foreign food proud moment as if music is the body in a foreign country, the Lok Weizai,,,, Le Kenya,,, The saddest thing is even by foreigners to sell McDonald's food calories, and which led to their obesity, so as to McDonald's to court, be considered junk food, the people are to proud to eat KFC or M,,, pathetic, sad , ignorance ,,,,, • I often see, public holidays, the child's parents or grandfather, grandmother, led a small grandson, granddaughter, came to M, or KFC,,,, silent,,,, Need to know, M and abroad KFC fast food is just an ordinary, as we have people every day buy a deepfried dough sticks dipped in a little temporary tofu breakfast as the most simple,



McDonald'sMcDonald’s是美国二十世纪最具影响力的发展之一,百分之九十六的学校孩童都认识[麦当劳叔叔」(Ronald McDonald),这项排名仅次于第一名的圣诞老人。



背景麦当劳公司总部座落在美国伊利诺斯州Oak Brook,麦当劳是全球规模最大、最著名的快餐集团,从1955年创始人麦当劳兄弟和雷·克洛克在美国伊利诺斯州开设第一家餐厅至今,它在全世界的120多个国家和地区已开设了三万多家餐厅,现在仍以快速的趋势迅猛发展。





CIS制度:1、麦当劳的特许制度● 特许费麦当劳对特许费的管理:受许人至少要拥有自有资金10万~17.5万美元。









McDonald's vs. KFC: A Comparative Analysis McDonald's and KFC, two global fast-food giants, have been at the forefront of the quick-service restaurant industry for decades. While both brands offer convenient and tasty meals on the go, they differ significantly in various aspects, from their branding and market positioning to their menu offerings and restaurant experiences.Firstly, let's delve into their branding and market positioning. McDonald's has cultivated a youthful and trendy image, focusing on speed, convenience, and value. Its bright and modern restaurant designs and extensive breakfast options cater to a wide range of customers, especially families and children. In contrast, KFC has a more family-oriented and traditional branding, emphasizing quality and taste. Its signature fried chicken and comforting restaurant ambiance appeal to adults and those seeking a heartier meal.When it comes to menu offerings, McDonald's boasts a diverse range of burgers, chicken products, fries, and beverages. Its hamburgers are particularly renowned fortheir variety and customizability, while the fries are a favorite among customers for their unique flavor and texture. KFC, on the other hand, is famous for its finger-licking fried chicken, which is prepared using a secret blend of herbs and spices. In addition to its signature chicken, KFC also offers a range of sandwiches, wraps, salads, and desserts to complement its menu.In terms of restaurant experience, McDonald's provides a fast and efficient service, with both counter and drive-through options available. Its bright and airy interiors create a welcoming and informal dining environment. KFC, on the other hand, offers a more cozy and relaxed dining experience. Its restaurants are often decorated with warm colors and comfortable seating, creating an inviting atmosphere for customers to enjoy their meals. Moreover, both brands have different expansion strategies. McDonald's relies on a combination of franchising and corporate-owned stores to expand its global footprint. This allows it to maintain consistency in branding and quality while leveraging the resources and expertise of its franchisees. KFC, on the other hand, has amore franchising-driven expansion strategy, relying primarily on local entrepreneurs to open and operate its restaurants. This approach enables KFC to penetrate new markets quickly and efficiently.In conclusion, McDonald's and KFC, while both offering convenient and tasty fast-food options, differ significantly in their branding, market positioning, menu offerings, and restaurant experiences. McDonald's appeals to a wide range of customers with its youthful and trendy image and diverse menu, while KFC caters to those seeking a heartier meal and a cozy dining experience. Both brands have been successful in their respective strategies and continue to thrive in the competitive fast-food industry.。



Sales Promption
McDonald’s Puzzles Outdoor posters were turned into large interactive push puzzles that consumers could solve in order to “sort your head”. This was done to promote McDonald‟s Large Coffee for only 1 Euro in Sweden.
In most markets, McDonald's offers salads and vegetarian items, wraps and other localized fare.
Hamburgers Sandwiches
Delicious, freshly made, and oh-so-satisfying. From the Big Mac to Premium Grilled Chicken Club to classic Cheeseburger, McDonald’s sandwiches make the meal.
Sales Promption
McDonald’s Free Wi-Fi Free Wi-Fi served at all McDonald‟s
Sales Promption
McDonald’s Freshness Box Salad Clever poster, with what appears to be fresh salad vegetables, changed a bus shelter into a section in the refrigerator.



麦当劳肯德基英文作文1. McDonald's is my go-to place for a quick and tasty meal. The burgers are always juicy and the fries are perfectly crispy.2. KFC, on the other hand, has some delicious fried chicken that always hits the spot. I love their secret blend of herbs and spices.3. When I'm in the mood for a classic cheeseburger, McDonald's is where I head. The cheese is always melted just right and the pickles add the perfect crunch.4. KFC's mashed potatoes and gravy are like a warm hug in a bowl. They're creamy and savory, just like grandma used to make.5. McDonald's apple pies are my guilty pleasure. The flaky crust and sweet apple filling are the perfect combination of flavors.6. KFC's biscuits are so buttery and soft, they practically melt in your mouth. I could eat a whole basket of them in one sitting.7. The convenience of McDonald's drive-thru is unbeatable. I can satisfy my cravings without even leaving my car.8. KFC's coleslaw is the perfect side dish to balance out the richness of their fried chicken. The crunchy cabbage and tangy dressing are a match made in heaven.。












三、品牌口号麦当劳的品牌口号是“我(I'm)Lovin' It”。













2005 mcdonald's标准

2005 mcdonald's标准



一、食品安全1. 食品原料采购:麦当劳公司要求所有的食品原材料必须来源于合格的供应商,并在运输、储存、使用过程中保持严格的安全控制。

2. 加工制作:在食品加工和制作过程中,必须遵循严格的卫生标准和操作流程,确保食品的安全和卫生。

3. 产品质量:所有的产品都必须符合麦当劳公司的质量标准,经过严格的抽检和测试,确保食品的口感和营养价值符合标准。

二、产品质量1. 食品口味:麦当劳公司对于产品的口味有着非常严格的要求,要求加盟商严格按照标准配方和制作工艺,确保产品的口感一致性。

2. 营养价值:麦当劳公司注重产品的营养价值,要求加盟商在制作产品的过程中,不能使用含有有害物质或者过度添加调味品。

3. 服务标准:在服务环节,麦当劳公司对员工的服务态度、速度、礼貌等方面也有着统一的标准,要求加盟商严格执行。

三、环境保护1. 环保材料:麦当劳公司鼓励加盟商使用可降解的环保材料,减少对环境的影响。

2. 节能减排:麦当劳公司要求加盟商在店铺装修、设备使用等方面注重节能减排,减少资源浪费和环境污染。

3. 环保宣传:麦当劳公司要求加盟商积极参与环保宣传活动,提高员工和用户对环保的认识和意识。

四、员工培训1. 培训内容:麦当劳公司提供完善的员工培训计划,包括食品安全知识、产品知识、服务技巧等多个方面的培训内容。

2. 培训标准:麦当劳公司对于培训的内容和标准有着统一的要求,确保员工能够掌握必要的知识和技能。

3. 培训效果:加盟商必须定期对员工进行培训效果的评估,并根据评估结果进行改进和调整,确保培训效果达到预期目标。





麦当劳的优点英语作文McDonald's has a wide variety of menu options that cater to different tastes and preferences. From juicy burgers to crispy fries, there is something for everyone to enjoy at McDonald's.The fast service at McDonald's ensures that customers can quickly satisfy their hunger without having to wait for a long time. This is especially convenient for busy individuals who are always on the go.McDonald's offers affordable meal options, making it a budget-friendly choice for people looking for a quick and tasty meal. The value meals and combo deals provide great value for money.The consistent quality of food at McDonald's ensures that customers know what to expect every time they visit. Whether you are in New York or Tokyo, you can count on McDonald's to deliver the same delicious taste.McDonald's is a global brand that is easily recognizable wherever you go. This familiarity can be comforting for travelers who are looking for a taste of home in a foreign country.The Happy Meal options at McDonald's make it a family-friendly restaurant that appeals to both kids and parents. The toys and activities included in the Happy Meal add an element of fun to the dining experience.McDonald's commitment to sustainability and community initiatives shows that the company is not just focused on profits, but also on making a positive impact on society. By supporting local communities and implementing eco-friendly practices, McDonald's sets a good example for other businesses.。

介绍 McDonald's

介绍 McDonald's

7 values
➢ Values: (1) We place the customer experience at the
core of all we do (2) We are committed to our people (3) We believe in the McDonald’s System (4) We operate our business ethically (5) We give back to our communities
Introduction of McDonald
1.McDonald's History 2.Corporate's Info
2012级 本四班 文慧芳 30号
The McDonald Brothers
The Ray Kroc Story 雷·克拉克(1902-1984)
Don Thompson - CEO
• Desserts & Shakes
• McCafé
Meal Bundles
•Extra Value meals
•Happy Meals 开心乐园餐
Sales Promption
McDonald’s Bus Stop
onald’s Puzzles Outdoor posters were turned into large interactive push puzzles that consumers could solve .
(6) We grow our business profitably (7) We strive continually to improve

案例介绍 英文

案例介绍 英文

案例介绍英文Title: McDonald's: A Case StudyIntroduction:McDonald's is a global fast-food chain that was founded in 1955. It is well-known for its burgers, fries, and beverages. This case study explores the success of McDonald's in the fast-food industry and the key factors contributing to its popularity.Background:In the 1950s, Ray Kroc joined the McDonald's company, recognizing the potential for growth in the fast-food industry. He built a franchise model that allowed rapid expansion and standardized operations across all restaurants. This innovation was the foundation of McDonald's success.Marketing Strategy:McDonald's is famous for its catchy jingles, various promotional campaigns, and the iconic golden arches. By targeting children, families, and teenagers, McDonald's has built a strong brand image around convenience, affordability, and a fun dining experience. Their innovative advertising campaigns have made it an easily recognizable brand worldwide.Menu Innovation:McDonald's offers a wide range of food options to cater to diverse customer preferences. Over the years, they have introduced healthier choices, vegetarian and vegan options, and adapted to regional tastes. For example, in countries like India, where beef is not commonly consumed, they introduced vegetarian burgers likethe McAloo Tikki.Global Expansion:McDonald's has successfully expanded its operations globally, adapting to local tastes and cultures. They have embraced localization, offering menu items like rice dishes in Asian countries. This strategy has allowed them to effectively penetrate new markets and compete with local competitors.Operational Efficiency:McDonald's is known for its efficient operations and high-speed service. The standardization of food production processes and the implementation of technology, such as self-service kiosks and mobile ordering, have enhanced customer experience and increased operational efficiency.Community Engagement:McDonald's has demonstrated a commitment to giving back to the community through various social initiatives. They have partnered with organizations like Ronald McDonald House Charities, providing support to families with ill children. This has helped to build a positive public perception and strengthen brand loyalty. Conclusion:McDonald's has successfully built a global fast-food empire through effective marketing strategies, menu innovation, global expansion, operational efficiency, and community engagement. However, the company has also faced criticism regarding the health impact of its products and employment practices. Nonetheless, McDonald's remains a dominant player in the fast-food industry, constantly evolving to meet changing customer needs and preferences.。



麦当劳经典广告语大全1. “I'm lovin' it.”(我就喜欢)2. “There's a McDonald's for everyone.”(每个人都有属于自己的麦当劳)3. “The simple joy of McDonald's.”(麦当劳带来的简单快乐)4. “Good times at McDonald's.”(在麦当劳度过美好时光)5. “You deserve a break today, at McDonald's.”(你值得在麦当劳享受片刻休息)6. “I'm loving it at McDonald's.”(在麦当劳就是我的最爱)7. “McDonald's. A little taste of heaven.”(麦当劳,天堂的一丝滋味)8. “McDonald's makes your day.”(麦当劳让你快乐一整天)9. “I'm hungry for McDonald's.”(我饿了,想要麦当劳)10. “When you're at McDonald's, you're smiling.”(当你在麦当劳,你就会微笑)11. “McDonald's. More smiles per hour.”(麦当劳。

每小时笑容更多)12. “The taste that makes you smile.”(让你微笑的味道)13. “McDonald's. It's a good time for the great taste.”(麦当劳。

这是品尝美味的好时机)14. “The best food under the golden arches.”(金色拱门下的最佳美食)15. “McDonald's. We love to see you smile.”(麦当劳。

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