郯城职教中心2011级期中试题一、 选择题:(每题2分)设全集I={0,1,2,3},集合M={0,1,2},N={0,2,3}则M ∩I N C =( )B.{2,3} C.{0,1,2} D.∅2.已知集合S={a ,b ,c}中的三个元素是△ABC 的三边长,那么△ABC 一定不是( )B.直角三角形 C.钝角三角形 D.等腰三角形2x =1},集合Q={x|ax=1},若Q⊆P,那么a 的值是( ) B.-1 C.1或-1 D.0,1或-1A ,B满足A ⊂≠B,则下列集合中为空集的是( )B C B.A U A C C .B U B C A D .C U U ) B.4 C. 6 D.8⎩⎨⎧-==11y x 是方程23x ay -=的一个解,那么a的值是( )A.1 B.3 C.-3 D.-1a>b,c 是非零实数,那么下列结论一定正确的是( ) 22ac bc < B.ac bc <C.ac bc > D.22ac bc > 39x -<的解集是( ) (3,+∞) B.(-3,+∞)C.(-∞,-3) D.(-∞,3)271x -≥的解集是( )A.(4,+∞) B.[4,+ ∞]C.(4,]+∞ D.[4,)+∞ .若A={}|11x x -<<,{}|03B x x =<≤,则A ∩B 的值是( ){}|11x x x ><-或 B.{}|01x x <<C.{}|01x x x ><-或 D.{}|13x x -<≤ .若{}|10A x x =+>,{}|230B x x =-+>,则A ∪B 的值是( ) {}|1x x > B.3|2x x ⎧⎫<⎨⎬⎩⎭C.3|12x x ⎧⎫-<<⎨⎬⎩⎭ D.R 不等式的解集{}|12x x -≤<用区间记法为( )A.(1,2]- B.[]1,2-C.[1,2)- D.(-1,2) 如图,它为数轴上表示不定式组13219x x -≤⎧⎨+<⎩的解集正确的是( )14.将二次三项式 2245x x -+ 进行配方,正确的结果是( ) A.22(1)3x -+ B.2(1)3x -+ C.22(2)1x -+ D.2(2)1x -+ 15.方程2(1)40x --=的根是( ).3A x = B.1x =- C.121,3x x =-= D.123,1x x =-=16.已知代数式242a a +-的值是3,则a-1的值是( )A.-6 B.0 C.-6或0 D.2 17.“3a >”是“ 5a >”的( )A.充分且不必要条件B.必要且不充分条件C.充分且必要条件 D.既不充分也不必要条件 18.如果0,10a b >-<<,则2,,a ab ab 的大小关系是( )A.2a ab ab >> B.2a ab ab >> C.2ab a ab >> D.2ab ab a >> 19.一元二次不等式220x x --<的解集是( )A.{}|2x x < B.{}|21x x -<< C.{}|21x x x ><-或 D.{}|12x x -<< 20.下列方程中,无实数根的方程是( )A. 230x x += B.24310x x +-= C.24310x x ++= D.(1)(1)0x x -+=21.在直角坐标系内,第一象限的点的集合可表示为( )A.{}(,)|00x y x y >>且 B.{}|00x x y >>,C.{}(,)|0x y x y +> D.{}(,)|0x y xy > 22. 00a ab ≠≠是的( )A.充分不必要条件 B.必要不充分条件 C.充要条件 D.既不充分也不必要条件23.下列关系正确的有几个( )①0.5Z ∈ ②3.14Q ∈ ③0N ∈ Q A.1 B.2 C.3 D.424.设全集U=R,集合{}|13M x x =-<≤则U M C 等于( )A{}|13x x x ≤->或. B.{}|1x x ≤- C.{}|13x x x <-≥或 D.{}|3x x ≥ 25.设集合{}|10M x x =+=,{}2|10N x x =+=,则( )A.M ⊂≠N B.M ⊃≠N C.M N = D.M N ∈26.将249x x -+写成2()a x m n ++的形式,正确的是( )A.2(2)9x -+ B.2(2)5x ++ C.2(2)5x -+ D.2(4)7x -- 27.已知0a b <<,则下列各式不正确的是( )A.11a b > B.||||a b > C.11a b b >- D.22a b >28.不等式|21|0x +>的解集是( )A.R B.1|2x x ⎧⎫<-⎨⎬⎩⎭C.1|2x x ⎧⎫>-⎨⎬⎩⎭ D.1|2x x ⎧⎫≠-⎨⎬⎩⎭ 29.已知方程032=+++a ax x 有实数解,则a 的取值范围是( )A.{}|62a a a ≥≤-或 B.{}|26a a -≤≤C.{}|62a a a ><-或 D.{}|26a a -<< 30.不等式2160x -<的正整数解组成的集合为( )A.{}1,2 B.{}1,2,3C.{}1,2,3,4 D.{}2 二.填空题(每题3分)31.已知集合A={1,2,3,4,5},B={1,2,3,a},若B ⊂≠A 则a=_______32.已知1x =-是方程210x mx ++=的一个根,则另一个根为_______ 33.不等式2(3)16x -≥的解集为___________________34.a=b 是|a|=|b|的 _______________________条件 三、解答题35.解下列方程(共6分)① 465633x x --=- ②2410x x +-=36. (5分)比较大小 254x x +和37.解不等式(组)(共9分)① 3043326x x x ->⎧⎪⎨+>-⎪⎩②|21|13x -+> ③2230x x --≤38.(8分)已知集合{}{}102|,73|<<=≤≤=x x B x x A ,{}|C x x a =<全集为实数集 ①求A∪B,R (A)B C ∩ ②如果A ∩C ≠∅,求a 的取值范围。
初一第一学期期中试卷数学(清华附中初11级) 2011.11一、选择题(每题3分,共30分)1.下列有理数大小关系判断正确的是( )A .3121--> B .100-> C .33+<- D .01.01->-2.近似数0.0004060的有效数字有( )A .3个B .4个C .5个D .6个 3.下列计算正确的是( )A .43(1)(1)1-⨯-=B .9)31(31-=-÷C .3(2)6--=D .1393⎛⎫-÷-= ⎪⎝⎭4.对于任意有理数a 、b ,若b a =,则a 与b 的关系为( ) A .a b = B .a b =- C .0a b a b =+=或 D .以上全不对 5.已知ay ax =,下列等式变形不一定成立的是( )A .y x =B .ay b ax b +=+C .ay x ax x -=-D .1122+=+a ay a ax 6.下面运算正确的是( )A .347a b ab +=B .03333=-ba b aC .61312122=-y y D .a a a 26834=- 7.若a 是有理数,下列式子中一定大于0的是( ) A .2(+5)a B .1+a C .a1D .)(a -- 8.若3)1(4152||2-+-y m y x m 是x 、y 的三次三项式,则m 等于( )A .1±B .1C .1-D .以上都不对9.已知代数式113a b a x y +--与23x y 是同类项,则a b -=( )A .2B .0C .2-D .1 10.()()20012000232-+⨯-的值为( )A .20002-B .20002C .20012-D .20012 二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)11.小明到文具商店为学校美术组的30名同学购买铅笔和橡皮,已知铅笔每支m 元,橡皮每块n 元,若给每名同学买两支铅笔和三块橡皮,则一共需付款___________元.12.若m 是有理数,则|2|5m ---的最大值是___________. 13.将30805保留到千位的近似数为___________. 14.若|a |=3,|b |=2,且a <b ,则a +b =___________. 15.当a <0时,化简||2a aa-的结果是___________. 16.已知代数式2a a +的值是1,则222+2009a a +的值是___________. 17.已知x = 2是方程2343x k x -=-的解,则k =___________. 18.按如下规律摆放三角形:则第(4)堆三角形的个数为 ;第(n )堆三角形的个数为___________. 19.如果定义运算符号""为:1a ba b ab ;定义运算符号""为:22a ba ab b ,那么2(43)=___________.20.已知a 、b 互为相反数,c 、d 互为负倒数,m 的绝对值等于2,则代数式22011()()m cd a b m cd -++⨯+的值为___________. 三、解答题(共50分)3()2()1()21.计算(每题3分,共12分)(1) 3557()()212212+--+- (2) ()152+6061215⎡⎤--+⨯-⎢⎥⎣⎦()() (3) 22313(18)(3)(3)3-⨯+-÷--- (4) 222(2)4(1)x xy x xy --++-22.解方程(每题3分,共6分) (1) 1)1(2)12(3--=-x x (2) 121136y y y -+--=23.先化简,再求值:33(433)(4),2a a a a a ----+=-其中.(3分)24.当13a b +=时,求代数式21341a b b a +⎛⎫-+ ⎪+⎝⎭的值.(3分) 25.已知a 、b 、c 在数轴上的位置如图,化简a b b c c a ----+.(4分)26.已知2a -与()231b -互为相反数,求111(1)(1)(1999)(1999)ab a b a b +++++++的值.(4分)27.已知多项式42x +my -8与多项式-2nx +2y +7的差中,不含有x 、y ,求m n +mn 的值.(4分)28.已知0,3abc a b c <++=,且,ab bc cax ab bc ca=++求535ax bx c +--的值.(4分)29.已知x 2-x -1=0,求-x 3+2x 2+2007的值.(4分)30.从2开始,连续的偶数相加,它们和的情况如下表:(6分)(1)若n =10时,则S 的值为___________________________. (2)根据表中的规律猜想:用n 的代数式表示S 的公式为:2462S n =++++=_________________________.(3)根据上题的规律计算88+90+92+…+2008的值(要有过程....).附加题:(共20分)1.(3分)已知代数式23257y y -+-=-,则2342y y -+-= .2.(3分)当224)3x --+(取得最大值时,25(32)x x x ⎡⎤----⎣⎦= .3.(3分)二进制只有0和1两个数码,其加法法则是逢二进一,如“1+0=1,1+1=10,10+0=10,10+1=11,11+0=11,11+1=100”;乘法法则是:“0⨯0=0,0⨯1=0,1⨯1=1”.那么101⨯(110+111)= .4.(4分)计算:n n 1)1()4(3)2(1+-++-++-+ = .5.(3分)解答题:已知,,a b c 为自然数,,a b b <为质数,1995a b +=,200c a -=,求a b c ++的最大值.6.(4分)解答题:有8个连续的正整数,其和可以表示成7个连续的正整数的和,但不能表示为3个连续的正整数的和,求这8个连续的正整数中最大数的最小值.初一第一学期期中考试数学答案(清华附中初11级) 2011.11三、解答题(共50分)21.(1)-2 (2)27 (3)22 (4)6xy-4 22.(1)12x =(2)y=5 23.12 24.原式=3-753a a +-,当a=-2时,原式=43 25.原式=b-a+b-c+c+a=2b 26.a=2,b=1,原式=2000200127.原式=24)(2)15n x m y ++--(,m=2, n=-4, 原式=8 28.0,30,0,01=-5()5358abc a b c a b c a b c x a b c a b c <++=∴>><∴=-∴---=-++-=--=-、、两正一负,不妨设原式29.200830.(1)110 (2)n(n+1) (3)1007128 附加题:1.-5 2.18 3.1000001 4.122n n+-或 5.3181 6.21。
2011学年第二学期高一级期中考试试卷高一物理试题命题人:梁鉴成说明:1.考试时间90 分钟,满分150分.2.试卷分为第I卷和第Ⅱ卷,第I卷为选择题(80分),第Ⅱ卷为非选择题(70分).第I卷(选择题,共80分)一、单项选择题(共10小题,每小题5分,共50分.每小题的选项中只有一项是正确的.)1、物体作匀速圆周运动,在其运动过程中,不发生变化的物理量是()A、速度 B. 角速度 C. 向心加速度 D. 合外力2、下列说法正确的是()A、物体在恒力作用下不可能做曲线运动B、物体在变力作用下不可能做曲线运动C、物体在恒力作用下可能做曲线运动D、做圆周运动的物体,合外力一定指向圆心3、关于平抛运动和圆周运动,下列说法正确的是()A、平抛运动是匀变速曲线运动B、匀速圆周运动是速度不变的运动C、圆周运动是匀变速曲线运动D、平抛运动的物体落地时的速度一定是竖直向下的4、如图所示,在同一竖直面内,小球a、b从高度不同的两点,分别以初速度va和vb沿水平方向抛出,经过时间ta和tb后落到与两抛出点水平距离相等的P点.若不计空气阻力,下列关系正确的是()A、ta>tb,va<vbB、ta>tb,va>vbC、ta<tb,va<vbD、ta<tb,va>vb5、人通过绳牵引船靠岸,人拉绳的速度恒定为v,滑轮与绳的摩擦力不计,则船靠岸的运动情况是()A、匀速直线运动B、减速运动C、加速运动D、先加速后减速6、汽车以一定速率通过拱桥时,下列说法中正确的是()A、在最高点汽车对桥的压力大于汽车的重力B、在最高点汽车对桥的压力等于汽车的重力C、在最高点汽车对桥的压力小于汽车的重力D、汽车以恒定的速率过桥时,汽车所受的合力为零7.将一物体以某一初速度上抛、空气阻力大小不变、在下列四幅图中,哪一幅能正确表示物体在整个运动过程中的速度与时间的关系?()8、在匀速转动的水平转盘上,有一个相对盘静止的物体,随盘一起转动,关于它的受力情况,下列说法中正确的是 ( )A .只受到重力和盘面的支持力的作用B .只受到重力、支持力和静摩擦力的作用C .除受到重力和支持力外,还受到向心力的作用D .受到重力、支持力、静摩擦力和向心力的作用9.如图所示,光滑水平面上,小球m 在拉力,作用下做匀速圆周运动,若小球运动到P 点时,拉力F 发生变化,关于小球运动情况的说法正确的是( )A .若拉力突然消失,小球将沿轨迹Pa 做离心运动B .若拉力突然变小,小球将沿轨迹pa 做离心运动C .若拉力突然变大,小球将沿轨迹pb 做离心运动D .若拉力突然变小,小球将沿轨迹pc 做离心运动10.如图所示,用长为L 的细线拴一个质量为M 的小球,使小球在水平面内做匀速圆周运动,细线与竖直方向间的夹角为θ,关于小球的受力情况,下列说法错误的是( )A .小球受到重力、线的拉力和向心力三个力B .向心力是细线的拉力和小球所受重力的合力C .向心力大小等于细线对小球拉力的水平力分力D .向心力的大小等于Mg tan θ二、双项选择题(共5小题,每小题6分,共30分. 每小题的选项中有两项是正确的,错选或不选不给分,漏选给3分.)11、用细线拴着一个小球,在光滑水平面上作匀速圆周运动,有下列说法其中正确的是( )A 、小球线速度大小一定时,线越长越容易断B 、小球线速度大小一定时,线越短越容易断C 、小球角速度一定时,线越长越容易断D 、小球角速度一定时,线越短越容易断12、已知地球的质量为M ,半径为R ,表面的重力加速度为g ,那么地球的第一宇宙速度的表达式有( )A 、R GM /B 、2/R GMC 、g R /D 、Rg 13、如图所示,皮带传动装置,皮带轮O 和O ′上的三点A 、B 和C ,OA = O /C =r ,O /B =2r ,则皮带轮转动时A 、B 、C 三点的情况是( ).A 、v A =vB , v B >vC B 、ωA =ωB , v B >v CC、v A =v B ,ωB =ωC D 、ωA >ωB , v B =v C14、小球固定在轻杆的一端,随杆一起绕另一端在竖直平面内作圆周运动,在运动过程中,杆对球的作用力( )A 、一定是拉力B 、一定是压力C、可能有时为拉力,有时为压力 D 、在某一时刻可能为零15.如图所示,一小球质量为m ,用长为L 的细线悬于O 点,在O 点正下方L/2处钉有一根长钉.把悬线沿水平方向拉直后无初速度释放,当悬线碰到钉子的瞬时,下面说法正确的是()A.小球的线速度突然增大 B.悬线的拉力突然增大C.小球的向心加速度突然减小 D.小球的角速度突然增大第Ⅱ卷(非选择题,共70分)三、填空题(共20分)16、一物体在水平面内沿半径 R=20 cm的圆形轨道做匀速圆周运动,线速度V=0.2m/s,那么,它的向心加速度为______m/S2,它的角速度为_______ rad/s,它的周期为______s。
∫ dy ∫
f ( x, y )dx
C.∫1 dy ∫y f ( x, y)dx
D. ∫1
dy ∫ 2 f ( x, y )dx
2 2 5.设L为 x=y2从y = -1到y = 1的一段弧,则 ∫L y dx − x dy =
2 − A. 5
1 B.− 5
1 C. 5
∫∫ xydσ = ∫ dy∫ 2 xydx
D −1 y
y+ 2
x2 = ∫ y dy −1 2 y2
∫ [y( y + 2)
2 −1
− y 5 dy
45 8
2 2 4. 计算三重积分 ∫∫∫zdxdydz ,其中 Ω 是由曲面 z = x + y 与平面
∂u y = ∂y ( x + y) 2
∂ 2 u a ( x + y) 2 − 2( x + ay)x + y) ( = ∂x∂y ( x + y) 4
∂ 2 u − 2 y( x + y) = ∂y∂x ( x + y) 4
∂2u ∂2u = ∂x∂y ∂y∂x
a ( x + y) 2 − 2( x + ay)x + y) −2 y( x + y) ( =
x = a cos θ ,取逆时针方向,则 y = b sin θ
y d x − x d y = − 2πab
[2] 正常机体内环境的理化特性经常保持(B)状态。
A.固定不变 B.相对恒定 C.随机多变 D.绝对平衡E.时高时低[3]下列叙述中,不属于神经调节的特点是(D )。
A. 反应速度快B. 作用范围局限C. 反应速度快而准确D. 作用范围广而作用时间持久E. 作用范围局限而且作用时间短暂分析:神经调节、体液调节、自身调节的特点(1)神经调节:迅速迅速、精确、短暂(2)体液调节:作用缓慢、广泛、持久(3)自身调节:简单、幅度小,但对稳态的维持也十分重要。
[4]机体处于应急状态时,糖皮质激素分泌增多是属于(C )。
A. 神经调节B. 体液调节C. 神经体液调节D. 全身性体液调节E. 局部性体液调节分析:在应急状态时,糖皮质激素分泌增多是由于应急因素刺激使神经系统的冲动引起下丘脑分泌促肾上腺皮质释放激素分泌增多,然后引起垂体分泌的促肾上腺皮质激素分泌增多,最终引起糖皮质激素分泌增多的结果,引起下丘脑分泌的因素属于神经因素,而下丘脑对肾上腺分泌的调节作用则属于内分泌因素,因此属于神经体液调节。
A.大气环境B. 血液C.汗液D. 细胞外液E. 细胞内液分析:主要考查细胞外液细胞内液、细胞外液、内环境的概念。
[7] 可兴奋组织接受刺激后所产生反应的共同特征是(D )。
A.收缩反应 B.分泌活动 C.神经冲动 D.生物电变化E.肌纤维缩短[8] 自身调节是指组织、细胞在不依赖于神经或体液调节的情况下对刺激所产生的(A )。
A.适应性反应 B.前馈调节 C.稳态反应 D.非自控调节E.自身控制[9] 动物见到食物就引起唾液分泌,这属于(E )。
华东师范大学化学系2011级仪器分析期中试题学号______________姓名______________得分______________一、选择题(单项选择题,每题2分,共20分)1 在循环伏安法分析,对于一个可逆的电极过程,其氧化峰电位和还原峰电位之差理论上为:( D )A.29 mV; B.根据反应体系而定;C.58 mV; D.58/n mV。
2. 下列有关液接电位产生原因正确的说法是:( C )。
A.溶液中各种离子所带电荷的不同; B.溶液中各种离子的浓度不同;C.溶液中不同离子的不同迁移速率; D.以上均正确。
3. 在控制电位电解过程中,为了保持工作电极电位的恒定,必须保持:( D )。
A.保持电解电流恒定; B.保持辅助电极电位不变;C.保持外加电压不变; D.不断改变外加电压。
4. 下列三种内酯中,C = O伸缩振动频率从大到小顺序排列正确的是:( C )。
A.(1),(2),(3); B.(3),(2),(1); C.(3),(1),(2); D.(1),(3),(2)。
5. 下列什么极谱(伏安)方法可以有效消除电容电流( C )。
A.单扫描极谱; B.交流极谱; C.方波极谱; D.溶出伏安。
6. pH玻璃电极电位是指:( B )。
A.膜电位; B.膜电位+内参比电极电位; C.膜电位+不对称电位; D.膜电位+扩散电位。
7.下列化合物在紫外吸收光谱中可能有n→π*,δ→δ*,π→π*跃迁的化合物是:( A )。
A.甲酸甲酯; B.甲醇; C.丁二烯; D.二甲苯。
8. 对于拉曼散射光谱,下列说法正确的是:( C )。
9. 如果铅离子在1mol/LHNO3电解质中的E1/2相对标准氢电极(SHE)为-0.16V,那么E1/2相对饱和甘汞电极(SCE)则应为:( C )。
平湖外国语学校2011-2012学年下学期高一年级思想政治学科期中考试卷命题人:刘文圣(考试时间 60 分钟,满分 100 分)一、选择题(每小题3分,共75分)1. 2011年12月11日,由国务院法制办牵头起草的校车安全条例草案征求意见稿正式全文公布,广纳民意。
国务院校车安全条例之所以要广纳民意,根本原因是( B )A.我国政府是为人民服务的政府B.我国是人民当家作主的社会主义国家C.我国的民主具有全民性和真实性D.我国政府坚持对人民负责的原则【答案】B【解析】我国国家性质决定政府性质,政府性质决定政府职能,抓住“根本原因”就能正确作出选择。
2. 2011年9月,中国人权蓝皮书发布。
我国农民的人权状况的变化表明( A )A.我国人民民主具有真实性B.我国人民民主具有广泛性C.公民在法律面前一律平等D.国家与公民个人的利益是一致的【答案】A【解析】本题考查课本基础知识,我国在人权方面取得的成就体现了我国人民民主具有真实性。
公民参与民主决策的前提和基础是( B )A.公民对决策享有监督权 B.公民对决策享有知情权C.公民对决策享有决定权 D.公民对决策享有建议权【答案】B【解析】本题考查课本基础知识,公民对决策享有知情权是公民参与民主决策的前提和基础。
4. 2011年到2012年的我国县乡基层人大代表换届选举是新修的选举法颁布实施后的第一次。
关于县乡人大代表,以下认识正确的是( A )①他们代表人民直接行使国家权力②他们是由选民直接选举产生③县乡人大代表每届任期4年④他们是地方各级国家行政机关的组成人员A.①②B.①③C.②③D.③④【答案】A【解析】③错误,县乡人大代表每届任期5年。
三亚市第一中学2011-2012学年度第二学期高二年级期中考试历史(文科B 卷)试题命题人:程世高 审题人:肖志刚注意事项:1.本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。
1.在清明节前,祖籍海南的新加坡华人见面时往往会用家乡话互相询问:“回屋(家乡)做清明不?”与这种寻宗认祖、祭拜先人的情结联系最为密切的制度是:A.禅让制B.井田制C.分封制D.宗法制2.各科教师的教育、教学管理风格成为学生茶余饭后热议的话题,大家学以致用,以“历史”的眼光发表了以下评论,其中不太恰当的是:A.语文老师倡导互相爱护,与学生相处得十分融洽,彰显了儒家风范!B.数学老师要求纪律严明,一旦有人违纪必定严惩,继承了法家遗风!C.英语老师强调顺应自然,课堂氛围特别宽松自由,深得了老聃真传!D.历史老师主张教学相长,总是平等地与学生对话,受到了墨翟影响! 3.《史记•秦始皇本纪》载:“天下共苦战斗不休,以有侯王。
有鉴于此,秦始皇在地方推行:A.三公九卿制B.郡县制 B.三省六部制 D.行省制 4.右图是唐朝时创制的农具“筒车”的模型,它在当时的主要用途是:A.播种B.碎土C.灌溉D.冶铁5.1988年英国人事管理局局长杰弗里•托马斯•摩根先生,到北京参加“中国公务员制度国际研讨会”,一下飞机就说,他是到公务员制度的故乡来研讨公务员制度。
中国古代以考试方式选拔官员的“公务员制度”开始于:A.隋朝B.唐朝C.元朝D.明朝考试科目:_______年级:_______班别: 姓名: 学号:_________ 座位号:……O ……密……O ……封……O ……线……O ……密……O ……封……O ……线……O ……密……O ……封……O ……线……O6.陶宗仪《南村辍耕录》卷二十四载:“国初时,有一妪名黄道婆者,自崖州来。
4、下列氯化物与 AgNO3 乙醇溶液按 SN1 反应历程最快的是 (
(c) (CH3)2CH (d) Cl3CCH2
选),合成下列各化合物 :(每小题 6 分,共 24 分)
Cl 。
8、羧酸衍生物中下列离去基团的离去活性由大到小排列正确的是( B )。
(a) NH2 (b) RO (c) RCOO (d) Cl A、a >b >c >d B、d >c >b >a C、b >c >d >a
D、d >a >c >b
9、下列化合物按亲核加成反应活性由大到小排列正确的是( D ):
6、下列卤代物中哪一种可用于制备 Grignard 试剂?( D )
《 有机化学 》试卷第 2 页 共 9 页
7、下列的表述哪个是错误的? ( C、D ) A、 外消旋体的旋光度为 0;B、 内消旋体的旋光度为 0; C、 内消旋体是混合物;D、 含有 2 个手性碳原子的化合物一定具有手性.
图12011学年第二学期高一级期中考试试卷高一物理试题命题人:谢荣洲说明:1.考试时间90 分钟,满分150分.2.试卷分为第I 卷和第Ⅱ卷,第I 卷为选择题(80分),第Ⅱ卷为非选择题(70分).第I 卷(选择题,共80分)一、单项选择题(共10小题,每小题5分,共50分.每小题的选项中只有一项是正确的.) 1.做曲线运动的物体,在运动过程中一定变化的物理量是 ( ) A .速率 B .速度 C .加速度 D .合外力 2.如图1所示,用细线吊着一个质量为m 的小球,使小球在水平面内做匀速圆周运动,关于小球的受力情况,下列说法中正确的是 ( )A. 重力、绳子的拉力、向心力B . 重力、绳子的拉力 C. 重力D. 以上说法均不正确3.雨滴由静止开始下落,遇到水平方向吹来的风,下述说法中正确的是 ( )①风速越大,雨滴下落时间越长 ②风速越大,雨滴着地时速度越大 ③雨滴下落时间与风速无关 ④雨滴着地速度与风速无关A .①②B .①④C .③④D .②③4.一架飞机水平地匀速飞行,从飞机上每隔1s 释放一个铁球,先后共释放4个.若不计空气阻力,从飞机上观察4个球 ( )A. 在空中任何时刻总是排成抛物线,它们的落地点是等间距的B. 在空中任何时刻总是排成抛物线,它们的落地点是不等间距的C . 在空中任何时刻总是在飞机正下方排成竖直的直线,它们的落地点是等间距的 D. 在空中任何时刻总是在飞机正下方排成竖直的直线,它们的落地点是不等间距的 5.如图2所示,皮带传动装置中,在运行中皮带不打滑,两轮半径分别为R 和r ,且R ∶r=3∶2,M 、N 分别为两轮边缘上的点,则在皮带运行过程中,M 、N 两点的角速度之比为( )A .2∶3B .1∶1C .3∶2D .9∶46.关于质点做匀速圆周运动的说法,以下正确的是 ( )A. 因为2va r=,所以向心加速度与转动半径成反比B. 因为2a r ω=,所以向心加速度与转动半径成正比 C. 因为vrω=,所以角速度与转动半径成反比D . 因为2n ωπ=(n 为转速),所以角速度与转速成正比7.如图2所示,匀速转动的水平圆盘上在离转轴某一距离处放一滑块,该滑图2块恰能跟随圆盘做匀速圆周运动而不产生相对滑动,则在改变下列何种条件的情况下,滑块仍能与圆盘保持相对静止 ( )A . 增大滑块的质量 B.增大滑块到转轴的距离C. 增大圆盘转动的角速度D.以上说法都不正确8.在平面上运动的物体,其x 方向分速度v x 和y 方向分速度v y 随时间t 变化的图线如图6 中的(a )和(b )所示,则图7中最能反映物体运动轨迹的是 ( )9.如图8所示,质量为m 的小球固定在长为L 的细轻杆的一端,绕细杆的另一端O 在竖直平面上做圆周运动,球转到最高点A 时,线速度的大小为)2/(gL ,此时 ( ) A .杆受到mg/2的拉力 B .杆受到mg/2的压力C .杆受到3mg/2的拉力D .杆受到3mg/2的压力10.已知某天体的第一宇宙速度为8 km/s ,则高度为该天体半径的宇宙飞船的运行速度为( )A .22km/sB .4 km/sC .42 km/sD .8 km/s二、双项选择题(共5小题,每小题6分,共30分. 每小题的选项中有两项是正确的,错选或不选不给分,漏选给3分.)11.关于曲线运动,下列说法中正确的是 ( )A .物体作曲线运动时,它的速度可能保持不变B .物体只有受到一个方向不断改变的力的作用,才可能作曲线运动C .所有作曲线运动的物体,所受合外力方向与速度方向肯定不在一条直线上D .所有作曲线运动的物体,加速度方向与所受合外力方向始终一致12. 洗衣机的甩干筒在旋转时有衣服附在筒壁上,则此时 ( )A. 衣服受重力,筒壁的弹力和摩擦力,及离心力作用 B . 衣服随筒壁做圆周运动的向心力由筒壁的弹力提供C. 筒壁对衣服的摩擦力随转速的增大而增大D . 筒壁对衣服的弹力随着衣服含水量的减少而减少 13. 如果把地球近似地看成一个球体,在北京和广州各放一个物体随地球自转做匀速圆周运图8图100 图7动,则这两个物体具有大小相同的是 ( )A. 线速度B . 角速度C . 周期D. 加速度14. 用长短不同、材料相同的同样粗细的绳子各拴着一个质量相同的小球在光滑水平面上做匀速圆周运动,如图所示,则 ( )A. 两个小球以相同的线速度运动时,短绳易断B. 两个小球以相同的角速度运动时,短绳易断C . 两个小球以相同的角速度运动时,长绳易断 D. 以上说法都不对15.如图所示,研究平抛运动时,小球A 沿轨道滑下,离开轨道末端(末端水平)时撞开轻质接触式开关S ,被电磁铁吸住的小球B 同时自由下落。
2012-2013学年第一学期期中考试2011级《护理学基础》试题班级:姓名:成绩:一.(一)单选题(每题1分,共60题,共60分)1、有关整体护理内涵的叙述,下述哪项错误A.护理对象是所有的人B.服务于人的生命全过程C.实施全身心护理D.重视人与环境的平衡E.护理工作地点仅在医院2、护理学是医学领域里一门A.自然学科B.社会学科C.人文学科D.行为学科 E.综合性应用学科3、现代医学模式为A.生物、社会医学模式B.生物、心理医学模式C.生物医学模式D.生物、心理、社会医学模式E.生物、生理、社会医学模式4、与病人沟通时,不符合护理用语要求的是A.内容要严谨B.措辞要准确C.言语要温和D.用专业术语E.语调要适中5、关于整体护理的叙述不正确的是A.使护理对象达到最佳健康状态B.工作范围包括个体、家庭和社区C.体现“以病人为中心”的现代护理观D.工作内容贯穿于健康与疾病的全过程E.护理服务于人生命的各个阶段6、李女士,因肢体瘫痪自理困难,护士为使李女士舒适将她的污单更换为清洁被单,此时护士的角色是A.提供照顾着者B.健康咨询者C.健康协调者D.护理计划者E.病人代言人7、下列有关护理诊断的描述,正确的是A.护士可参照马斯洛的基本需要层次论进行排序B.一个病人只能有一个首优的护理诊断C.首优的护理诊断解决之后再解决中优问题D.现存的护理诊断应排在“有……危险”的护理诊断之前E.对于某个病人来说,护理诊断的先后次序常常是固定不变的8、陈述护理诊断的三个要素是A.诊断、主述、相关因素B.主述、诊断、症状与体征C.症状、体征、问题D.问题、相关因素、症状与体征E.诊断、主述、现病史9、以人为中心,以护理程序为基础,以现代护理观为指南,对人实施从生理、心理和社会各个方面的护理,从而使人达到最佳健康状况的护理是A、个案护理B、功能制护理C、小组护理D、责任制护理E、整体护理10、马斯洛将人的基本需要分为五个层次,由低到高依次为A、生理,爱与归属,安全,尊重,自我实现B、生理,安全,爱与归属、尊重,自我实现C、安全,生理,爱与归属,尊重,自我实现D、安全,生理,尊重,爱与归属,自我实现E、生理,安全,尊重,爱与归属,自我实现11、在倾听技巧中,哪项是不可取的A、全神贯注B、集中精神C、双方保持合适的距离D、用心听讲E、不必保持目光的接触12、下列关于护患关系的理解不正确的是A、护患关系是一种帮助与被帮助的关系B、护患关系是一种治疗关系C、护患关系以护士为中心的关系D、护患关系是多方面、多层面的专业性互动关系E、护患关系是在护理活动中形成的13、下列哪项不是沟通的基本因素A、信息的发现者和接受者B、信息的内容C、沟通的背景D、沟通的方式E、信息反馈过程14、护士收集健康资料的目的中,错误的是A、为了解病人的隐私,确立护理诊断提供依据B、为寻找病因,制定护理措施提供依据C、为了解病情变化,制定治疗方案提供依据D、为了解病人的心理特征,选择护理实施方法提供依据E、为了解治疗反应,评估护理行为提供依据15、抢救病人中护士进行的工作下列哪项不正确A、口头医嘱复诵后再执行B、用完的空安瓿应及时处理C、抢救后应及时请医生补写医嘱D、抢救记录字迹清晰及时准确E、医生未到时可先建立静脉通道16、在护理程序中,指导护理活动的思想核心是A、以完成的护理工作内容为中心B、以医院管理的重点任务为中心C、以维护医护人员的利益为中心D、以执行医嘱为中心E、以护理的服务对象为中心17、病区良好的社会环境不包括A、建立良好的护患关系B、病室环境清洁,整齐C、老病人对新病人的关心D、保护病人的隐私权E、家属对病人的关心18、下列哪项治疗不属于家庭病床护理范围A、注射B、换药C、导尿D、血液透析E、灌肠19、影响舒适的人际关系环境因素是A、体位不当B、活动受限C、护患关系D、角色改变E、身体不洁20、下列哪项不是促进病人休息的护理措施A、做好心理护理,解除病人焦虑B、尊重病人休息习惯C、各种诊疗护理活动相对集中D、满足病人一切要求E、协助病人自我放松21、孟先生,56岁,行胃大部切除术后第2天,须密切观察病情,巡视病人的适宜时间为A、每5-10min一次B、每15-30min一次C、每30-60min一次D、每1-2h一次E、每日2次22、刘先生:55岁,脑血管意外,长期卧床,无自理能力,根据奥瑞姆的自理模式,这时护士提供的护理应属于何种补偿系统A、全补偿系统B、部分补偿系统C、支持系统D、教育系统E、辅助系统23、林先生,22岁,患有性病,认为自己患病是一种惩罚,并且认为患的是为社会所不能接受的疾病,至产生潜在的暴力行为,此种对疾病的心理反应属于A、罪恶感B、卑微感C、孤独感D、否认E、恐惧心理24、郑女士,27岁,妊娠10个月急诊入院,经产科医生检查宫口已开4cm,住院处护士应首先A、办理入院手续B、沐浴更衣C、会阴清洗D、让产妇步行入病区E、送产房待产25、护理体检的最终目的是A.全面采集病人的资料 B.纠正医生不妥的诊断 C.解决病人的健康问题D.取得病人的信任 E.结合病史做出医疗诊断26、不符合一级护理的要点是A.严格执行各项诊疗及护理措施 .B每1小时巡视患者1次C.观察病情及生命体征D.认真做好各项基础护理E.满足患者身心两方面的需要27、护士记录病人资料不符合要求的是A.收集资料后需及时记录B.描述资料的词语应确切C.内容要正确反映病人的问题D.客观资料应尽量用病人的语言E.避免护士的主观判断和结论28、世界上第一所正式护士学校创建于A.1854 年,意大利,佛罗伦斯B.1860 年,英国,伦敦C.1888 年,中国,福州D.1920 年,德国,开塞维慈E.1921 年,法国,巴黎29、护理诊断PSE 公式中的P 代表A.病人的健康问题B.症状与体征C.病人的既往病史D.病人的现病史E.健康问题的相关因素30、引导交谈,下列哪项属于开放式提问A.您的父母有高血压病史吗? B.您对手术有顾虑吗? C.您每天解几次大便?D.您的右上腹是否疼痛? E.您今天的感觉怎么样?31、人类基本需要是A.生理的需要是指个体需要有保障、受保护B.安全的需要是指个体渴望归属于某一群体C.尊重的需要是指个体希望爱与被爱D.自我实现的需要是指个体有自尊、被尊重和尊重人的需要E.爱与归属是指个体渴望归属于某一群体,希望爱与被爱32、按医疗技术水平划分可将医院分为A.综合性医院B.专科医院C.个体所有制医院D.企业医院E.一、二、三级医院33、程先生,20 岁,擦玻璃时不慎从楼上跌下,造成严重颅脑损伤,需随时观察、抢救,入院后对此病人的护理应给予A.特别护理B.一级护理C.二级护理D.三级护理E.个案护理34、孟先生,56岁,行胃大部切除术后第2天,须密切观察病情,巡视病人的适宜时间为A、每5-10min一次B、每15-30min一次C、每30-60min一次D、每1-2h一次E、每日2次35、刘先生:55岁,脑血管意外,长期卧床,无自理能力,根据奥瑞姆的自理模式,这时护士提供的护理应属于何种补偿系统A、全补偿系统B、部分补偿系统C、支持系统D、教育系统E、辅助系统36、护理学的4个基本概念指的是A、预防、治疗、护理、环境B、病人、健康、社会、护理C、人、环境、健康、预防D、人、环境、健康、护理E、病人、预防、治疗、护理37、下列有关适应特性的叙述,不正确的是A、适应是有一定限度的B、适应本身也具有应激性C、应激源来的越突然,个体越难以适应D、面对应激源机体只能做出一个层次的适应E、适应是区别有生命机体和无生命物质的一个特征38、下列哪种沟通形式不属于非语言性沟通A、面部表情B、手势C、身体运动D、身体姿势E、健康宣教资料39、下列不属于护理诊断的是A、潜在并发症:出血B、体温过高:与肺部感染有关C、有受伤的危险:与头晕有关D、便秘:与进食粗纤维食物少有关E、知识缺乏:缺乏冠心病居家自我护理的知识40、合理的病室环境是A、婴儿室室温宜在22-24℃B、室内相对湿度在30%-40%为宜C、破伤风病人,室内光线应明亮D、产休室,应保暖不宜开窗E、气管切开者,室内相对湿度为40%41、昏迷病人从急诊室被送入病室后值班护士首先应A、填写各种卡片B、通知医生、配合抢救、测量生命体征C、询问病史,评估发病过程D、通知营养室,准备膳食E、介绍医院环境42、护士协助病人向平车挪动的顺序是A、上身、下身、臀部B、臀部、上身、下身C、臀部、下肢、上身D、上身、臀部、下身E、下肢、臀部、上身43、全身麻醉未清醒的病人采用去枕仰卧位的目的是A、有利于静脉回流B、防止颅内压降低C、防止呕吐物流入气管D、减轻伤口疼痛E、减少局部出血44、某结核病人咯血突然中止,出现呼吸极度困难,表情恐怖,两手乱抓,首要的处理措施为A.即刻通知医生B.立即给予吸氧C.立即用呼吸兴奋剂D.置病人干头低脚高位并拍背E.立即输血45、护士记录病人资料不符合要求的是A.收集资料后需及时记录B.描述资料的词语应确切C.内容要正确反映病人的问题D.客观资料应尽量用病人的语言E.避免护士的主观判断和结论46、应付压力引起的情感变化首先是A.自我评估压力来源B.精神发泄,以示防卫C.承认事实,自我放松D.听天由命,顺其自然E.与亲人交谈,取得支持47、张某,车祸全身多处骨折,需急送医院,搬运时宜用A.挪动法B.一人搬运法C.二人搬运法D.三人搬运法E.四人搬运法48、两人法为病人翻身应注意A.一人托病人的颈部和背部,另一人托住病人的臀部和腘窝B.一个托病人的颈肩部和腰部,另人一托住病人的臀部和腘窝C.一人托病人的颈肩部,另一人托住病人的臀部和腘窝D.一人托病人的颈肩部和腰部,另一人托住病人的臀部E.一人托病人的肩部和背部,另一人托住病人的腰部和臀部49、护士小张要为一位晚期肿瘤患者配制化疗药物,配制前要做的准备是A.洗手、戴口罩、穿隔离衣B.流动水洗手、戴手套、穿隔离衣C.流动水洗手、戴防护罩、戴手套、穿隔离衣D.流动水洗手、戴防护罩、帽子、面罩、工作外套、穿隔离衣E.流动水洗手、戴手套、穿隔离衣、戴防护罩50、凯利希认为,刺激的需要应优先于A.生理需要B.安全需要C.归属需要D.尊重需要E.自我实现需要(51-52题共用备选答案)A、一看,二问,三检查,四分诊B、五定C、四轻D、三查七对与二人查对E、二人查对51、一切抢救物品应做到52、预检护士掌握急诊就诊标准应做到53、护士在各种护理操作中应做到(54-56题共用备选答案)A、有关疾病的预防知识B、有关疾病并发症的观察C、有关自我实现的态度D、有关病人的生理功能改变E、有关领导角色的实现54、属护理工作范畴解决的问题是55、护合作范畴解决的问题是56、属医疗工作范畴解决的问题是57~59题题共用备选答案A.病室整洁,准备迎接新病人B.供暂时离床活动的病人使用C.使病人心情愉快D.便于接受麻醉手术后的病人E.防止发生压疮57、铺备用床的目的是58、铺暂空床的目的是59、铺麻醉床的目的是60、护士站立持物时,不妥的姿势或方法是A.两脚分开10 cm~15cmB.两臂屈曲与躯干成90OC.两肘放松贴于躯干两侧D.物体尽量靠近身体E.尽可能以提取代替推或拉一、(二)多选题。
...__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 号 学___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 名 姓__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 级 班__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 部 系-潍坊科技学院-------- 2021-2021学年第一学期期中考试---- -----?大学英语Ⅲ?试卷 (B 卷)- -- -- --- --〔考试时间 90 分钟,总分值 100 分〕--- -----〔适用于2021级专科 非英语专业学生〕线--- --- 题号 ⅠⅡⅢⅣⅤⅥ合计- -- -- - 分数------ 阅卷人--- ---- Ⅰ. Listening (每题1分,共15分)----- Task 1-- -- You will hear eight short conversations. After each conversation, there will be a- --- question. After each question, there will be apause of ten seconds. The-封-conversations and questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question,- --- you should decide on the correct answer from the four choices marked A), B), C)- -- and D).----- Example:You will hear:--- -- W: Are you catching the 10:15 flight to New York?------ M: No. I'll leave this evening.----- Q: What are the two persons talking about?- ----- You will read:A) New York City.B) An evening party.-----C) A plane trip.D) The man's job.-密-- From the conversation, we learn that the man is to take a flightto New York.- ---- Therefore, C) "A plane trip." is the correct answer.---- -- Now listen.--- -- 1. A) Helen isn ’tlike her mother.----- B) Helen is a teacher.-- - -- C) The man should notice the book.-- -- - - - -D) The man shouldn ’tjudge people only by their appearances.2 .A) Because she is ill.B) Because she may go to her grandmother ’s funeral.C) Because she misses home.D) Because her parents have come to see her.3. A) He had a toothache.B) He had a fever.C) He broke his leg.D) He cut his fingers.4. A) He is a bus driver.B) He is a taxi driver.C) He works in an office.D) He sells cars.5 .A) The man can use the computer.B) The man can ’tuse the computer. C) The man needs to buy the computer.D) The man learns to use the computer.6 .A) He is very thin.B) He is handsome.C) He is very fat.D) He is funny.7 .A) Sending things earlier.B) Not sending anything.C) Not buying her daughter anything.D) Sending things by air.8. A) It is sold.B) It needs repairing.C) It is new. D) It is too old.第1页共6页Task 2You will hear one conversation. After the conversation, there will be some questions. After each question, there will be a short pause. The conversation and questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).9.A) They can help us kill the time.B)They reduce the cost of products.C)They provide us information.D)They tell us which product is the best.10.A) TV stations.B)Those who buy the advertised products.C)Manufactures.D)Advertisers.Task 3You will hear a passage. The passage is printed with some words or phrases missing. The passage will be spoken three times. During the second reading, you are required to fill in the five blanks with the words or phrases you hear. The third reading is for you to check your answers. Now listen.Florence Sephton is 77. She is reading for an 11 . “I’m more of a creature to polish my mind than to 12 〞. The house takes the second place when I put studying.“I was very happy at school and had a wonderful time learning. I passed theuniversity entrance examination and was ready to university, but with the First World War, I went into banking. I was paid one pound a week. Manchester University held my place for 3 years, but I was13and the freedom, so I turned it down.〞Mrs. Sephton sees her studies as keeping her14, “For all my life I ’ve been self-supporting. It ’s not a very good characteristic. It means I don’t care enough about other people. I don’t know whether I ’ll15in what I’mlearning, so I’ll be interested to see what it’s going to be like in my life ahead.〞Ⅱ. Choices.(每题1分,共20分)16. The ______ of College English Tests is to help students learn English better,isn't it?A. objectingB. subjectC. objectiveD. aiming17. These shops normally ______ in old and antique (古董 ) items, not in modernones.A. buyB. makeC. SpecializeD. sell18. He saw the______ of a house against the skyA. outlookB outlineC. outside D. outfit19. Some senior 年(长的 ) members from the visiting team made a good numberenquiries ( 询问 ) about what they saw in order to ______ additionalinformation.A. advertiseB. gainC. knowD. remember20.The book is endlessly ______ and richly rewarding; I highly recommend it toyou.A. fascinatingB. dullC. boringD. expensive21. When we went to the coast we stayed in a holiday ______.A. vacationB. campC. placeD. site22. The fat old man looked ______ in his tight white trousers.A. ridiculousB. fineC. wellD.sorry23. No one can stop him ______ going on with his studies.A. inB. onC. fromD. after24. It's very expensive to ________ on television.A. advertiseB. advertisingC. advertiserD. advertised25.How would a person who stays abroad most probably _____ when he or shefrustrated by the culture shock 文(化冲击 )?A. rememberB. respectC. recallD. react26.He pushed his way ______the crowd.A. inB. onC. fromD. through27.The man who spoke at the meeting yesterday ______ his brother.A. isB. wasC. has beenD. had been28.Has he told you where he ______ his holiday next month.A. spentB. has spentC. will spentD. would spend29.The street was sealed ______ yesterday when a bomb had been found in the c driven by a young man.A. offB. onC. throughD. up30. Too much direct sunlight will ______ the plant.A. holdB. harmC. helpD. heat31.Your natural hair color begins to _______as you grow older, and eventuallygoes grey.A. decreaseB. fadeC. fallD. lose32.Some people name their children ________ famous rulers or public figures,like George Washington Carver, for example.A. afterB. withC. byD. as33. Believe it or not, the _____ line is that we have to make a decision today.A. clearB. positiveC. bottomD. usual34.After the operation and three days’_____ care, the patient is out of dangernow.A. extensiveB. expensiveC. intensiveD. deep35. We have to get moving on this before we have a real disaster _____ our hands.A. onB. underC. inD. byⅢ. Cloze (每题1分,共10分)Television is rightfully described (36)_______the "king" of advertising media.A large (37)______ of the country's population (38)_______ at least some hours in front of the TV every day. They are more (39)_______ to this combination ofaudio (声频的 ) and visual form of entertainment (娱乐 ) than any other.However, competition is at its highest limits when it (40)_______ television and mostly you will see a lot of advertisements for similar products.Also, during the commercial (41)_______ the viewer may choose to get a snack (快餐 ), go to the bathroom or have a conversation about what they just sawon the show they were viewing. Even if your advertisement is being aired, viewers may never see it unless it is creative enough to catch their (42)_______.(43)_______ the most effective, television advertising is much more expensive than advertising on any other medium. It's not a good idea to attempt it (44)_______ you have enough money in your budget预(算 ) to do it (45)_______.36. A. asB. for C. with37. A. lotB. scale C. number 38.A. cost B. spend C. take39.A. interested B. attracted C. acceptable40.A. comes across B. falls into C. comes to41.A. break B. pause C. period42.A. view B. attention C. eyes43.A. Although B. Because C. But44.A. when B. because C. unless45.A. right away B. right C. correctⅣ. Reading Comprehension〔每题2分,共20分〕Passage oneIt was a winter morning, just a couple of weeks before Christmas 2005. While most people were warming up their cars, Trevor, my husband, had to get up early to ride his bike four kilometers away from home to work. On arrival, he parked his bile outside the back door as he usually does. After putting in 10 hour of labor, he returned to find his bike gone.The bike, a black Kona 18 speed, was our only transport. Trevor used it to get to work, putting in 60-hour weeks to support his young family. And the bike was also used to get groceries(食品杂货 ), saving us from having to walk along longdistances from where we live.I was so sad that someone would steal our bike that I wrote to the newspaper and told them our story. Shortly after that, several people in our area offered to help. One wonderful stranger even bought a bike, then called my husband to pick it up. Once again my husband had away to get to and from his job. It really is an honor that a complete stranger would go out of their way for someone they have never met before.People say that a smile can be passed from one person to another, but acts o kindness from strangers are even more so. This experience has a spreading effect in our lives because it strengthened our faith in humanity(人性 ) as a whole. Andhas influenced us to be more mindful of ways we, too, can share with others. No matter how big or how small, an act of kindness shows that someone cares. And the results can be everlasting.46.Why was the bike so important to the couple?A.They used it for work and daily life.B.It was their only possession(财产 ).C.It was a nice Kona 18 speed....47. We can infer from the passage that________.A. the couple worked 60 hours a week...B. From a newspaper.C. From TV news.......D. From radio broadcasts.......49. What do the couple learn from their experience?times for his father, his dog, or anything else he likes. Playful a meaninglessA. Strangers are usually of little help.B. One should take care of their bike.......C. News reports make people famous....D. An act of kindness can mean a lot.......50. From this story, we can see humanity is ________.A. they need equal amount listeningA. selfishB. commercialC. kindD. cold-heartedPassage twoLanguage learning begins with listening. Children are greatly different in the A. may have problems withlisteningamount of listening they do before they start speaking, and later starters are often B. probably do not hear eno language spoken around thlong listeners .Most children will“ obey〞 spoken instructions some time beforethey can speak, thoug the word “ obey〞 is hardly accurate as a description of the D. often take a long time into listen properlyeager and delighted cooperation usually shown by the child .Before they can53. A baby ’s tfirnoises are ________.speak, many children will also ask questions by gesture and by making A. an expression of his moo feelingsquestioning noises.Any attempt to study the development from the noises babies make to their C. a sign that he means to tsomethingfirst spoken words leads to considerable difficulties. It is agreed that they enjoy D. an imitation of the speecadultsmaking noises, and that during the first few months one or two noises sort54. The problem of deciding at what point a babythemselves as particularly expressive as delight, pain, friendliness, and so on. Butas speech________.since these can ’ t be said to show the baby’ s intention to communicate ,they can A. is important because wor have different meanings for different peoplehardly be regarded as early forms of language. It is agreed, too, that from aboutB. is not especially important because the changeover takes place gradually three months they play with sounds for enjoyment, and that by six months they are第4页共6页C. is one that should be properly understood because the meaning ofwords changes with ageD. is one that should be completely ignored〔忽略〕 because children’ s use ofwords is often meaningless55.The speaker implies________.A.parents can never hope to teach their children new soundsB.children no longer imitate people after they begin to speakC.children who are good at imitating learn new words more quicklyD.even after they have learnt to speak, children still enjoy imitatingⅤ. Translating〔每题2分,共20分〕A. Translating the following into English.56.你认为一个人要做些什么才能成为一个幸福的人?57.大工厂生产的产品正在替代小工厂生产的产品。
然后将玻璃管竖直倒置,在红蜡块匀速上浮的同时使玻璃管紧贴黑板面水平向右匀加速移动,你正对黑板面将看到红蜡块相对于黑板面的移动轨迹可能是右下图中的()4、在同一水平直线上的两位置分别沿同方向抛出两小球A和B,其运动轨迹如图所示,不计空气阻力.要使两球在空中相遇,则必须()A.同时抛出两球Array B.先抛出B球C.先抛出A球D.使两球质量相等5、如右图所示,一小球以初速度v0沿水平方向射出,恰好垂直地射到一倾角为30°的固定斜面上,并立即反方向弹回。
已知反弹速度的大小是入射速度大小的43,则下列说法正确的是( )A .在碰撞中小球的速度变化大小为027v B .在碰撞中小球的速度变化大小为021vC .小球在竖直方向下落的距离与在水平方向通过的距离的比为3 D .小球在竖直方向下落的距离与在水平方向通过的距离之比为23 6、如图所示,在自行车后轮轮胎上粘附着一块泥巴现将自行车后轮撑起,使后轮离开地面而悬空,然后用手匀速摇脚踏板,使后轮飞速转动,泥巴被甩下来图中四个位置泥巴最容易被甩下来的是( )A .a 点B .b 点C .C 点D .d 点7、如图所示,长为L 的细绳一端固定,另一端系一质量为m 的小球.给小球一个合适的初速度,小球便可在水平面内做匀速圆周运动,这样就构成了一个圆锥摆,设细绳与竖直方向的夹角为θ.下列说法中正确的是( )A.小球受重力、绳的拉力和向心力作用B.小球只受重力和绳的拉力作用C. θ越大,小球运动的速度越大D. θ越大,小球运动的周期越大8、在绕地球稳定运行的空间站........中,有如图所示的装置,半径分别为r 和R (R>r )的甲、乙两个光滑的圆形轨道固定在同一竖直平面上,轨道之间有一条水平轨道CD 相通,宇航员让一小球以一定的速度先滑上甲轨道,通过粗糙的CD 段,又滑上乙轨道,最后离开两圆轨道,那么下列说法正确的是( )A .小球在CD 间由于摩擦力而做减速运动B .小球经过甲轨道最高点时比经过乙轨道最高点时速度大C .如果减少小球的初速度,小球有可能不能到达乙轨道的最高点D .小球经过甲轨道最高点时对轨道的压力大于经过乙轨道最高点时对轨道的压力9、2011年8月12日,我国在西昌卫星发射中心,将巴基斯坦通信卫星1R ( Paksat - 1R )成功送入地球同步轨道,发射任务获得圆满成功.关于成功定点后的“1R”卫星,下列说法正确的是( )A .运行速度大于第一宇宙速度,小于第二宇宙速度B .绕地球运动的周期比月球绕地球运行的周期大C .离地面的高度一定,相对地面保持静止D .向心加速度与静止在赤道上物体的向心加速度大小相等10、我国将独立建立自己的空间站,未来宇航员乘返回舱返回地球时,返回舱高速进入大气层后,受到空气阻力的作用而减速,接近地面时,减速伞打开,在距地面几米处,制动发动机点火制动,返回舱迅速减速,安全着陆,下列说法正确的是( )A .返回舱脱离空间站后需要减速,然后进入一个返程的椭圆轨道B .返回舱进入大气层运动过程,所阻力所做功等于其动能的变化C .引力始终对返回舱做正功,所以返回舱的机械能增加D .制动发动机点火制动时,返回舱处于超重状态11、月球与地球质量之比约为1:80,有研究者认为月球和地球可视为一个由两质点构成的双星系统,他们都围绕月球连线上某点O 做匀速圆周运动。
若P肽段功能缺失,则该蛋白A、无法继续合成B、可以进入高尔基体C、可以被加工成熟D、无法被分泌到细胞外3.有一批抗锈病(显性性状)的小麦种子,要确定这些种子是否是纯种,正确且最简单的方法是A. 自交B.与易染锈病小麦进行测交C.与杂种抗锈病小麦进行杂交D. 与纯种抗锈病的小麦杂交4.DNA分子具有多样性是因为构成DNA分子的碱基对排列顺序千变万化。
若一个DNA分子中有200个碱基,则碱基对的排列方式可能有()A.250种B.2100种C.4100种D.4200种5.已知某DNA 分子中有2000个碱基对,其中胸腺嘧啶有1100个,这个DNA分子中应含有游离的磷酸基和鸟嘌呤的数目依次为()A.2个和450个B.2000个和900个C.2个和900个D.4000个和1800个6.在酶合成过程中,决定酶种类的是()A.核苷酸B.核酸C.核糖体D.tRNA7.在欧洲人群中,每2500人中就有一人患囊性纤维性变性,这是一种常染色体上的遗传病。
以后该妇女又与一健康男子再婚,问这对再婚夫妇如生一孩子,孩子患病的几率是()A.1/25B.1/5C.1/100D.1/6258.人类遗传病中,抗维生素D性佝偻病是由X染色体上的显性基因控制的,甲家庭中丈夫患抗维生素D性佝偻病,妻子表现正常;乙家庭中,夫妻都表现正常,但妻子的弟弟患红绿色盲,从优生角度考虑,甲、乙家庭应分别选择生育()A.男孩,男孩B.女孩,女孩C.女孩,男孩D.男孩,女孩9、下列几组植物杂交中,其实验结果可以用分离定律加以解释的是()A.抗病ⅹ早熟→F1→F2B、杂高ⅹ纯矮→F1→F2C. 高杆ⅹ抗病→F1→F2D. 纯高ⅹ纯高→F1→F210.一株甜玉米结了胚基因型为AaBb的一种子,则此种子胚乳的基因型可能是()①.AAaBBb ②.AaaBbb ③.AaaBBb ④.AAaBbbA. ①④B.②③C. ①②③D. ①②③④11. 果蝇的红眼为伴X显性遗传,其隐性性状为白眼,在下列杂交组合中,通过眼色即可直接判断子代果蝇性别的一组是A.杂合红眼雌果蝇×红眼雄果蝇 B.白眼雌果蝇×红眼雄果蝇C.纯合红眼雌果蝇×白眼雄果蝇 D.白眼雌果蝇×白眼雄果蝇12、下列与生物进化相关的叙述,正确的是A、进化总是有突变引起的B、进化时基因频率总是变化的C、变异个体总是适应环境的D、进化改变的是个体而不是群体13、下列关于生物变异的叙述,正确的是()A.基因突变都会传给后代B.染色体变异产生的后代都的不可育的C. 基因的碱基序列发生改变,生物的性状不一定改变D.基因重组只发生在生殖细胞形成的过程中人类可以通过杂交育种,单倍体育种和诱变育种等方法培育出人类需要的农作物品种。
第I卷(36分)一、(24分,每小题3分)1. 下列词语中加点的字,读音全都正确的一组是( )A.祛除(qū) 狡黠(xiá) 兴奋剂(xìng) 觥筹交错(gōng)B.粘贴(nián) 答理(dā) 吃空饷(kòng) 引吭高歌(háng)C.晕车(yùn) 哂笑(shěn) 创可贴(chuāng) 一哄而散(hòng)D.矿藏(cáng) 胴体(dòng) 芝麻糊(hú) 呼天抢地(qiāng)2. 下列各项中,每对词语加点字读音完全不同的一组是( )A.露.面/露.马脚犄.角/掎.角之势亟.待解决/亟.来问讯B.翘.首/翘.尾巴蹊.跷/独辟蹊.径量.人为出/量.体裁衣C.混.迹/混.合泳角.色/崭露头角.载.入史册/载.人航天D.执拗./拗.口令辟.邪/开天辟.地重在参与./与.人为善3. 下列各项中,没有错别字的一项是()A.贸失一溜烟凭心而论前赴后继B.目眩水蒸气对症下药迫不及待C.麦秆刊误表微言大义钩玄题要D.藉贯冷不防返璞归真人才辈出4. 下列词语中,没有错别字的一组是()A.美滋滋常年累月大展宏图未雨绸缪B.拉拉队融会贯通到处传诵牙牙学语C.照像机委曲求全要言不烦纷至踏来D.金钢钻世外桃源以逸待劳出奇致胜5. 下列各句中加点的成语使用恰当的一句是()A杨振宁的演讲从对中国传记文学的批评开始,他说:曾看过一本华罗庚传,有很多内容纯属无中生有,真是不.忍卒读...,据说这样的书居然还获过奖B.早上起来就看到天气很不好,乌云密布、暮气沉沉....的,好像要下雨,又好像要起风似的。
C. 这次选举,本来他是最有希望的,但由于他近来的所作所为不孚众望....,结果落选了。
D. 李娜夺得法网女单冠军,振奋人心。
(15分)1. Which do you enjoy ________(spend) yourweekend, shopping or fishing?2. Look! There is a pet dog _______(躺) onthe ground. Let’s go and play with it.3. The factories must ________(stop) frompouring waste things into the rivers nearby.4. ---Did you notice a boy in blue pass by justnow?---No, sir. I ___________(watch) the TVnews about Yao Ming.5. It’s thousands of years since the ForbiddenCity ________(build).6. The pen I thought I ________(lose) is onthe desk, right under my nose.7. Jack told me he_________(arrive)on time,but he was still late.8. What strange ________(suggest) you haveoffered!9. The others all ran off, ________(leave) meto face the music.10. As I have a meeting, ten minutes________(be) all that I can spare to talkwith you.二、单项选择。
(50分)1.________Chinese are learning English fora better future.A. MillionB. MillionsC. Millions ofD. Million of2. I’ve borrowed ____ books from the libraryfor my report.A. a plenty ofB. a bit ofC. plenty ofD. lot of3. Shy people get ___ when they have tospeak in public.A. worryB. confidentC. creativeD. nervous4. ---Tom looks unhappy. What’s wrong withhim?---He got annoyed _____ her words.A. becauseB. because ofC. withD. to5. ---Shall we have a drink when you finishgiving a speech?---_______.A. No, you can’t.B. You’re welcome.C. You needn’t do thatD. All right6. The car is so dear that he ______ it withthe money.A. can hardly affordB. can affordC. can almost payD. can hardly spend7. ---Shall we call a taxi?---Okay. Let me ___ the phone number inYellow Pages.A. look upB. look forC. look overD. look at8. ---Why do n’t you ask him for help?---You ___ be good friends.A. are used toB. are used forC. are used asD. used to9. ---_________?---I’m energetic and outgoing.A.What are youB. What are you likeC.What do you look likeD.What do you like?10.---Look, Mr. Green is on the other side ofthe street.A. mustB. might notC. can’tD. mustn’t11. If I ____ you, I ____ late for school this morning.A. were, wouldn’t beB. am, willC. were, wouldn’tD. was, won’t be12. Something is wrong with my video. I willget it _____.A. repairB. repairingC. to repairingD. repaired13. Jack ______ the 8:30 train and he had towait for the next one.A. missedB. lostC. caughtD. took14. ---Do you like talking with your friends onthe telephone or mobile phone?---_______. I enjoy using QQ.A. EitherB. NeitherC. NoneD. Both15. I don’t know ______ tomorrow. Can youtell me?A. when we startedB. when did we startC. when we will startD. when will we start16. Not only his parents but also his twinbrother ________ to South Korea. Theywill be back by the end of next month.A. have beenB. have goneC. has beenD. has gone17. The Smiths are considering ________ toNew England because they ________ thecold weather there.A. not moving; didn’t use toB. not moving; aren’t used toC. not to move; didn’t use toD. not to move; aren’t used to18. Jack prefers ________ his old car ________ a new one.A. selling; to buyB. selling; to buyingC. to sell; to buyD. to sell; buy19. The robot needs ____. You’d better _____.A. repaired; have it repairB. to be repaired; have it repairedC. repairing; have it to repairD. to be repaired; have it repairing20. All the students agreed to go there by______ sea and camp by ______ sea.A. the; aB. / ; theC. /; /D. a; the21. No matter _______busy he is, he won’tgive up his hobby.A. whereB. howC. whatD. who22. I hate people _____don’t help others whenthey are in trouble.A. whoB. whenC. theyD. which23. She prefers to walk there _____by bus.A. rather than goB. to goC. not to goD. to going24. He has few friends in the new school,_____?A. has heB. is heC. doesn’t heD. did he25. —How do you like the book?—_______A. It’s interesting.B. What about you?C. No, I don’t like it at all.D. I’d like to read it tomorrow.26. Joan and Dickey are too busy to help us.Let’s do it _______.A. herselfB. himselfC. themselvesD. ourselves27. We are provided _______a lot of food.A. forB. withC. ofD. as28. —Would you like some more?—_______. I’m full.A. Yes, pleaseB. I’d love toC. No, I wouldn’tD. No, thanks29. —Would you love to go surfing this afternoon?—_______.A. You’re very niceB. I don’t knowC. Thanks a lotD. I’d love to30. This is the factory _______I work.A. whatB. whereC. thatD. which31. The work is very _____and I feel a bit _____.A. tired; tiredB. tiring; tiringC. tired; tiringD. tiring; tired32. It’s wrong ____not ____her an e-mail.A. for you; postB. for me; readingC. of him; sendingD. for you; to send33. I hope Tina _______to my birthday partyon time next Wednesday.A. to comeB. comeC. cameD. will come34. —I won’t go with you to the mountains.—_______?A. Why notB. HowC. WhyD. For what35. Lily, please help me _______the papers tothe students.A. give upB. give offC. give outD. give in36. —Jimmy, your toys should be in rightorder.—OK. I’ll _____them _____right now.A. put; downB. put; awayC. put; upD. put; on37. He thought up a new idea in the end.A. came outB. came up withC. came upD. Came to38. The problem is so hard that I can’t __.A. work outB. work out itC. work it outD. work hard39. I’ve _______all my money. Can you lendme some?A. run outB. run intoC. run out ofD. made40. Who can I _______help when I’m in trouble?A. /B. askC. ask forD. ask to41. _______too much is bad for our health.A. EatB. EatingC. To eatingD. Eating to42. —Thank you very much for your help.—_______.A. I’d like toB. It’s my pleasureC. With pleasureD. That’s right. Anytime43. Could you show us _______a bike?A. how to mendB. what to buyC. where to goD. how many to buy44. We shouldn’t _______everything we cando today till tomorrow.A. put onB. put offC. put upD. put down45. He didn’t like the picture at all.A. alsoB. tooC. in the slightestD. slightly46. What would you do if you ____a millionaire?A. amB. isC. areD. were47. Don’t eat the meat. It smells _______.A. terribleB. badlyC. deliciousD. good48. Jack caught a big fish this afternoon. Nowhe is cooking _______for dinner.A. itB. oneC. thisD. that49. To students, learning how to live is________ important ______learning howto study.A. too; toB. so; thatC. as; asD. not only; but also50. —Is Mrs. Black really badly ill?—_______. She’s in hospital.A. I don’t think soB. No, she isn’tC. I don’t hope soD. I’m afraid so三、完形填空。
大学英语四级期中试卷April 2012Major _______ Name _______ Code _______ Score ______Part I Reading Course 3 (15%)Directions: Choose the best answer according to passages in Reading Course 3.Be Kind to Commuters1.Which of the following is NOT true about commuters?A.It‟s hard to maintain independence.B.They find it hard to fall into the rhythm of college life.C.They have the freedom to choose the means to work off their tension.D.Leave-taking and parting at graduation are painful.2.According to the text, all the following statements are TRUE except that ________.A.the purpose of the text is to seek a better understanding of commuters.B.dormers enjoy a relatively loose schedule.C.dormers are more capable than commuters.muters must manage to balance their college life and family needs.3. Commuters are, to some extent, second-class citizens in the social world in the sense that_________.A. they are usually taken as lesser beings or softiesB. they can‟t escape the permanent adolescenceC. they are just caught between the rock of academia and sometimes hard place of homeD. they miss out on some traditional collegiate experiences“The American Man”4. By “showing the sword”, the author encourages American men to __________________.A. exhibit their physical strengthB. display their joyful decisivenessC. have courage to argue with their mothersD. get ready to fight for America in future wars5. What‟s wrong with American men today?A. They never cry and always provide;B. They work hard, support the family and admire discipline;C. They have recognized their feminine side and become more gentle and considerate;D. They are not happy because their receptivity doesn‟t help to solve their problems.The Civil Rights Movement: What Good Was It?6. Which of the following is NOT one of the changes the Civil rights Movement had producedin Walker‟s life?A. She began to know her existence.B. She could look after herself intellectually as well as financially.C. She could tell when she was being wronged and by whom.D. She was just inferior to the whites.7. Why was Walker‟s mind locked apart from the outer contours and complexion of her body asif it and body were strangers?A. She was ignorant of her existence.B. She lived as a phantom or a statistic exists.C. The color of her body disallow thought and spirit.D. She thought the blacks were inferior to the whites.8. Why did the author feel herself to be a number or a shadow in her high school years?A. Because she had to finish so many school assignments.B. Because she was denied of spiritual pursuits due to her race.C. Because she watched soap operas so often that she forgot her own lifeD. Because she thought herself inferior to the whites.The Middle-Class Black’s Burden9. How does the author feel as a member of the middle-class black in American society?A. She is embraced by both the white and the black.B. She feels perplexed about her life and status.C. She feels wronged and envied by her colleagues.D. She feels abandoned in her life and work.10. Which of the following is excluded from the middle-class black‟s burden?A. assuage white guiltB. disapproving black inadequacyC. showing whites that blacks are peopleD. showing blacks that middle-class blacks are still part of their own raceIt’s Time to Ban Handguns11. It can be inferred from the passage that______A. most guns are made to fire at peopleB. the author doesn't trust people who own guns.C. private possession of guns is a social problem in the U.S.D. there is not any form of gun control in the U.S.12. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?A.The use of guns in modern society is the remains of some primitive instinct.B.Most guns are made to fire at people.C.The chief reason for the flood of guns is that the laws are stupid and inadequate.D.Private possession of guns is a social problem in the U.S.When a Citizen Fights Back13. Later, in the chase of the mugger, Colin felt a bit regretful because ___________________.A. the mugger‟s lawyer would charge himB. he had to pay for the mugger‟s medical billsC. the mugger had threatened to revenge himD. he had inflicted injury on another human being14. When Colin reflected upon his hitting the robber with a baseball bat, he was NOT ________.A.worried about a charge from the robber‟s lawyerB.guilty of injuring another human beingC.worried about a revenge from the robber.D.afraid that it was against racial justiceSuperhumans15. Which is NOT TRUE according to the passage?A.One of the possible attributes of the “superhumans” mentioned is that they are endowedwith incredible information-processing abilities.B.In the “profitable relationship” with the superhumans, one of the disadvantages forhumans is that they would become dependent on ET‟s services.C.It can be inferred from the passage that the author thinks superhumans are likely to treathumans as humans treat some inferior animals.D. The purpose of this passage is to suggest ways in which humans can deal withsuperhumans.Part II Vocabulary (30%)Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence, there are four choices marked a, b, c and d. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence.16.The government is keen to _____________ with educational reform to foster an all-rounddevelopment of the young generation.a.take upb. pick upc. drag ond. press on17.Thousands of local people were ___________ homeless by the earthquake.a.derivedb. renderedc. engagedd. changed18.They are hopeful that through negotiation they will be able to bring the _____ to a peacefulconclusion.a.siegeb. contestc. formulad. prototype19.Thousands of ex-army officers have found ________ jobs in private security firms.a.decisiveb. efficientc. lucratived. crucial20.The Labor Party's electoral strategy has been based on a tactical __________ with other smallparties.a.expansionb. conquestc. campaignd. alliance21.Oil leaking from a barge in the Mississippi River poses a ________ to the drinking water ofNew Orleans.a.hazardb. offensivec. debtd. thesis22.A wooden frame was ________ onto the cage so as to protect its glass cover.a.blurtedb. mountedc. chuckledd. offended23. The artist rented a large dirty attic, which he, later, ___________into a studio.a. transformedb. transferredc. renewedd. converted24. The aircraft ___________ several new safety features in addition to the standard ones.a. vibratedb. correlatedc. manufactured d .incorporated25. Some politicians fear that agreeing to the concession would set a dangerous ___________,since it might allow a whole range of changes to be introduced.a. precedenceb. presencec. precedentd. president26. We do not want people ___________ into our personal affairs.a.endeavoringb. hammeringc. pryingd. competing27. He‟s got the first prize and won in the ___________ of four million dollars.a.partitionb. bracketc. standpointd. neighborhood28. As she talked about how she started up her own enterprise, there was a _________ in here y es that could not be hidden.a.strokeb. sparklec. lighteningd. track29. It is advisable to _____ your travel agent first about the hotel facilities for families withchildren.a.pryb. grillc. prayd. alert30. When his ____________ employers learned that he smoked, they said they wouldn't hirehim.a.prospectiveb. aggressivec. offensived. bleak31. The company took a _____ by cutting the price of their products, and it paid off.a.gambleb. tollc. campaignd. cooperation32. His political rivals are ____________ for an attack on his policies.a.bogged downb. taking a crackc. biding their timed. sending out33. The prec ise number of _________ in yesterday‟s bomb explosion is not known,a.applicantsb. oddsc. casualtiesd. boons34. The orange tip _______ well against most backgrounds.a.shows upb. gives upc. makes upd. plays up35. If the curriculum ignores the natural interests of children, it will _______ their motivation.a.correlateb. eliminatec. instructd. launch36. American society remains a diverse mix of racial,_______ and religious groups.a.rawb. heroicc. concernedd. ethnic37. Robots are used in repetitive, __________ tasks in which human performance might degradeover time.a.devastatingb. filthyc. monotonousd. identifiable38. He is seeking advice on how to revive the ___________ economy.a.inadequateb. competitivec. courteousd. stagnant39. The whole house _________ whenever a heavy truck passes.a.vibratesb. poundsc. paralyzesd. retreats40. The huge volume of commuter traffic __________ the city‟s roads every morning and everyevening.a. analyzesb. paralyzesc. realizesd. modernizes41. Historically, the United States has attracted vast numbers of _______ from all around theworld.a.immigrantsb. veteransc. partnersd. analysts42. Is it __________ that brings people together, or is it accident?a.entityb. destinyc. frequencyd. tide43. Being appointed as President of the university, he _________ to defend the right of everyteacher to freedom of choice in religiona. blurtedb. endeavoredc. interviewedd. pried44. Although job-sharing scheme was ____________ a year ago, very few people have shownany interest in it.a. renderedb. decidedc. launchedd. instructed45. Running a business requires a very different ________ from being a salaried employer.a. tendencyb. mentalityc. declarationd. tensionPart III Reading (30%)Directions: There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Y ou should decide on the best choice.Passage 1A computer virus has already done a lot of damage, but its potential is even more terrifying. Beginning late Wednesday, computers in dozens of universities and on many military bases began running faster and faster, compiling huge quantities of useless data.Scientists at the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory suspected a virus and shut their system down. At the University of California at Berkeley, academic research files also began to fill with worthless data and at Stanford Research Institute, several computer based projects are now in jeopardy. One project that will now likely have to be scrapped is a multimillion-dollar program being developed to test Defense Department software.All of the researchers say they will be shutting down and isolating their computers from outside sources. They explain that the virus probably entered the computers by means of a network of telephone lines by which thousands of scientists all over the world share information. The virus is a program disguised as a message. Once in the computer, it takes over and gives the computer new instructions. It is believed the virus was entered into the computer network some time ago and was programmed to trigger late Wednesday.At the Nasa Ames Research Center in Mountain View, California, the virus was noticed late Wednesday night when it began to overtake the CPU, or central processing unit, of the main system. The virus then occupied the computer‟s central brains, pre venting them from doing the tasks they should have been doing.The Pentagon says some of its information systems have shown evidence of tampering, also, but the virus did not reach any classified or weapon system files. It now appears the FBI will launch an investigation to try to determine who or what has caused this information invasion.46. It can be inferred from the first paragraph that _______.A.better and faster computers will be developed soonB.all computer viruses can be wiped out in the near futureC.the detected virus has damaged all the data in the key institutionsD.the virus is likely to do further damage to the computers47. The virus got into the computers by_______.A.disguising itself as a messageB.hiding itself in a diskpiling huge quantities of useless dataD.overtaking the central processing units48. Why did some people unhook their computers?A.They wanted to use less electricity.B.They wanted to prevent the virus from entering their computers.C.They did not want other people to share their information.D.They did not want their computers to work all the time.49. The word tampering in the last paragraph means “_______”.A.savingB.copyingC.marking the symbols that represent or constitute a documentD.meddling with or making unauthorized changes50. The computer virus mentioned in the passage begins to do damage _____.A.as soon as it enters the computerB.long after it entered the computerC.on Wednesday morningD.at a preprogrammed timePassage 2Humor is a most effective, yet frequently neglected, means of handling difficult situations in our lives. It can be used for patching up differences, apologizing, saying “no”, criticizing, getting the other fellow to do what you want without his losing face. For some jobs, it is the only tool that can succeed. It is a way to discuss subjects so sensitive that serious dialogue may start a riot. For example, many believe that comedians on TV are doing more today for racial and religious tolerance than are people in any other forum.Humor is often the best way to keep a small misunderstanding from escalating into a big deal. Recently, a neighbor of mine had a squabble with his wife as she drove him to the airport. Airborne, he felt miserable, and he knew she did, too. Two hours after she returned home, she received a long-distance phone call. “Person-to-person for Mrs. I.A. Pologize,” intoned the operator. “That‟s spelled …p‟ as in…” In a twinkling, the whole day changed from grim to lovely at both ends of the wire.An English hostess with a quick wit was giving a formal dinner for eight distinguished guests whom she hoped to enlist in a major charity drive(运动). Austerity(简朴)was a fashion in England at the time, and she had asked her children to serve the meal. She knew that anything could happen-----and it did, just as her son, with the studied concentration of a tightrope walker, brought in a large roast turkey. He successfully elbowed the swinging dining-room door, but the backswing overturned the bird onto the dining-room floor.The boy stood rooted; guests stared at their plates. Moving only her head, the hostess smiled at her son, “No harm, Daniel.” She said. “ Just pick him up and take him to the kitchen”------She enunciated(发音) clearly so he would think about what she was saying-----“and bring in the other one.”A wink(使眼色) and one-liner(俏皮话) instantly changed the dinner from a red-faced embarrassment to a conspiracy of fun.51. What is the main idea of the passage?A. Humor is the key to success in our daily life as well as work.B. Humor enables us to cope with difficult situations effectively.C. Humor is the only best way to criticize someone without losing his face.D. Humor makes fun of any difficult situations.52. Which of the following is NOT stated in the passage?A. Comedians on TV are believed to have done a lot in making people more tolerant of racialand religious differences.B. To make up differences, humor is a most acceptable as well as a most effective means.C. People often turn to humorous ways when meeting with difficult situations due to itseffectiveness.D. Only by adopting the means of humor can one succeed in some jobs.53. From the context, we may guess that the word “squabble” in Paragraph 2 means ___________.A. accidentB. mealC. jokeD. quarrel54. By addressing his wife “Mrs. I. A. Pologize”, the husband____________.A. meant to have a serious talk with his wifeB. jokingly suggested his wife apologizeC. showed his respect for his wifeD. apologized in private seriously55. What would the son do according to the reaction of the hostess?A. He would bring another turkey from the kitchen right away.B. He would bring one and the same from the kitchen again.C. He would bring the next course from the kitchen immediately.D. He would usher in another child to replace him in service.Passage 3The arrival on our TV screens of “V ice V ersa”, the story where a pompous father changes places with his downtrodden schoolboy son is a welcome reminder that there are other forms of role-reversal besides the one where father washes nappies (尿布) and mother drives a truck. There are countless other reversals that upset us all the time.From the moment a mother asks her child to thread a needle for her one such reversal is underway: it‟s only a matter of time before the younger boss their elders as once they were bossed as kids. The man who used to have jobs to offer is made redundant, and for the first time in years feels what it‟s like to h ave to ask for work.There‟s a lot of role-reversal in those activities which are for some reason called Leisure—the ones which involve sweating up mountains, risking rupture at the end of a rope or clinging to the tiller in a gale. Dad, who doesn‟t know w hich way up is spoon in his own home kitchen, in camp suddenly becomes a fussy old maid about not leaving the washing up, while mother lies back in the grass thinking who cares?At least those reversals are temporary; and temporary reversals have one incontestable blessing: they let you see how it feels to be the other guy.A few years back the Observer investigated some role-reversed couples, and found that mostof them reverted to a more conventional pattern when some phase or crisis was over; the big advantage, they all said, was that now they knew what the other party had to put up with.Y ou don‟t always know, though, whether the reversal is temporary. Money, for example: Max Beerbohm wrote a beautiful description of the host who couldn‟t be a good guest, but it‟s one thing to be a guest just this once, or because you‟ve forgotten your wallet; quite another when you‟re unemployed with no expense account.In our family, we do change places over money, since both of us tend to spend when we‟ve been working hard and be very skinflint when we haven‟t. So the bemused children see that at one moment Daddy‟s the big spender, lashing out on cameras and little trips abroad, while Mummy would be biting her nails, except that she‟s saving all nail clippings this mont h to make pan-cleaners. Y et at other times the most necessary expenses send their father into spasm, while I insouciantly write cheques with a song on my lips. I only hope it teaches them flexibility.56. What does the author imply to be the most common role-reversal situation?A. The child becomes the breadwinner in a familyB. The man stays at home while the woman goes out to workC. The mother becomes a drunkard while the father abstains from drinkingD. The child bosses his mother and refuses to do what he should57. In the 3rd paragraph, the writer indicates that ________.A. women tend to take a rest more often than menB. a change of environment produces a change of rolesC. if they wish, men can do a better job in the kitchen than womenD. in order to change their roles, many people like to enjoy their holidays in the mountains58. The writer makes a difference between paying for someone who has lost his wallet and payingfor someone who is unemployed because the latter _________.A. is worth your attentionB. is usually poorerC. plays a more important role in our societyD. depends on your charity59. From the context, why might mummy be “biting her nails”?A. She might be worrying about the state of the family finances.B. Her nails are too longC. She wants to use her nails to make pan-cleanersD. Her camera was lost60. The word insouciantly in the last paragraph means _______.A. in an excited mannerB. in carefree mannerC. sadlyD. anxiouslyPassage 4For most of us, work is the central, dominating fact of life. We spend more than half of ourconscious hours at work, preparing for work, traveling to and from work. What we do there largely determines our standard of living and to a considerable extent the status we are accorded by our fellow citizens as well. For the foreseeable future the material and psychological rewards which work can provide, and the conditions in which work is done, will continue to play a vital part in determining the satisfaction that life can offer. Y et only a small minority can control the pace at which they work or the condition in which their work is done.Inequality at work and in work is still one of the cruelest and most glaring forms of inequality in our society. The most glaring inequality is that between managers and the rest. For most managers, work is an opportunity and a challenge. Their jobs engage their interest and allow them to develop their abilities. They are constantly learning; they are able to exercise responsibility; they have a considerable degree of control over their own------- and others‟------- working lives. Most important of all, they have the opportunity to initiate. By contrast, for most manual workers, and for a growing number of white-collar workers, work is a boring, monotonous, even painful experience. They spend all their working lives in conditions which would be regarded as intolerable------- for themselves------by those who take the decisions which let such conditions continue. The majority have little control over their work; it provides them with no opportunity for personal development. Often production is so designed that workers justifiably feel themselves to be mere cogs (齿轮) in the bureaucratic machine. As a direct consequence of their work experience, many workers feel alienated (疏远) from their work and their firm, whether it is in public or in private ownership.61. In the author‟s opinion, people judge others by __________.A.the type of work they doB.the place where they workC.the time they spend at workD.the amount of money they earn62. According to the author, in the future work will__________.A.matter less than it does nowB.be as important as it is nowC.be better paid than it is nowD.offer more satisfaction than it does now63. What advantages do managers have over other workers?A.They cannot lose their jobs.B.They can attend courses at working time.C.They can work at whatever interests them.D.They can make their own decisions.64. Why do working conditions generally remain bad?A.The workers are quite satisfied with them.B.No one can decide what to do about them.C.Managers see no need to change them.D.Office workers want to protect their position.65. What frustrates the workers in a modern factory?A.They are incapable of doing their work properly.B.Their work interferes with their private lives.C.They feel they are no important than their machines.D. Their life is complicated by technological advances.Part IV Cloze (10%)Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Y ou should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage.One of the first principles of effective communication is that a good speaker should have a single, controlling thought on which all other remarks are __66__. If a piece of merchandise __67__ unsatisfactory and you want your money refunded, come __68__ and say so. If you are confused and need help from others, __69__ them know in plain words. If you appreciate the friendship of someone, make your feeling __70__. When you express your __71__ in a brief, clear core statement, you will be __72__ in two ways. First, you‟ll be misunderstood less often; second, people will be more __73__ to take you seriously.There are at least two common reasons for __74__ to make a clear core statement. The most common one is embarrassment. Many times you might be reluctant to express just what is on your mind for fear it won‟t be appreciated or __75__. People often fail to complain about poor service for fear __76__ being judged “touchy”. Others failed to express appreciation or affection__77__ it might not be reciprocated(回应). Sometimes you might be reluctant to express an __78__ for fear someone would disagree. __79__ than speaking out in situations like these, the usual alternative is to send the message indirectly.A second reason for failing to make a clear core statement is that we often don‟t know ourselves what is __80__ on our minds. Precisely what __81__ you about a neighbor‟s behavior? Exactly what is wrong with the merchandise you want to do __82__ it? Just what do you appreciate __83__ another person? What are your opinions, and __84__ did you reach them, and how do they __85 __ from the other ideas you have heard expressed?66. A) based B) fixed C) developed D) stuck67. A) turns B) shows C) proves D) results68. A) out B) on C) along D) round69. A) have B) make C) let D) allow70. A) real B) clear C) vague D) indirect71. A) senses B) brains C) hearts D) thoughts72. A) rewarded B) profited C) harvested D) achieved73. A) possible B) proper C) likely D) adequate74. A) avoiding B) failing C) expecting D) having75. A) greeted B) received C) admitted D) accepted76. A) in B) of C) about D) to77. A) because B) when C) though D) unless78. A) advice B) explanation C) opinion D) interest79. A) Rather B) Instead C) More D) None80. A) just B) only C) exactly D) later81. A) worries B) bothers C) confuses D) interrupts82. A) on B) about C) for D) at83. A) about B) to C) for D) with84. A) what B) whether C) why D) how85. A) differ B) change C) range D) shiftPart V Writing (15%)Direction: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition titled Commuter or Dormer. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given be low in Chinese:1.有大学生选择住校2.也有选择走读3.我的选择Key to PaperPart I Reading Course 3 (15%)1—5 CCDBD 6—10 DCBBA 11—15 CBDCDPart II Vocabulary (30%)16—20 DBACD 21—25 ABDDC 26—30 CDBBA31—35 ACCAB 36—40 DCDAB 41—45 ABBCBPart III Reading (30%)46—50 DABDD 51—55 BCDBB 56—60 BBDAB 61—65 ABDCCPart IV Cloze (10%)66—70 ACACB 71—75 DACBD 76—80 BACAC 81—85 BBADAPart V Writing (15%)略。
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湛江师范学院2012- 2013学年度第一学期2011级期中考试试题B(考试时间:100分钟)Part I Choose the Correct Answer to Each Question and Mark Your Answers on the Answer Sheet. (100%)1. She was so ____ in her job that she didn’t hear anybody kn ocking at the door.A) attracted B) absorbed C) drawn D) concentrated2. If you let your pencil drop to the floor, you see gravity in ____.A) reaction B) density C) action D) response3. My brother’s plans are very ____; he wants to master English, French and Spanish before hi issixteen.A) arbitrary B) aggressive C) abundant D) ambitious4. The author of the report is well ____ with the problems in the hospital because he has beenworking there for many years.A) informed B) acquainted C) enlightened D) acknowledged5. Those gifts of real books that were given to us were deeply ____.A) appealed B) appreciated C) applied D) approved6. Niagara Falls is a great tourist ____, drawing millions of visitors every year.A) arrangement B) attention C) attraction D) appointment7. There is no ____ to the house from the main road.A) access B) avenue C) exposure D) edge8. He _____ to London after an argument with his family.A) fled B) flocked C) flowed D) flash9. In Australia the Asians make their influence ________ in businesses large and small.A) feeling B) felt C) feel D) to be felt10. Though he was born and brought up in America, he can speak _________ Chinese.A) fluid B) smooth C) fluent D) flowing11.All her energies are ______ upon her children and she seems to have little time for anything else.A) guided B) aimed C) directed D) focused12. Urban crowdedness would be greatly relieved if only the ______ charged on public transportwere more reasonable.A) fees B) fares C) payments D) costs13. She keeps a supply of candles in the house in case of power_______.A) failure B) lack C) absence D) drop14. You need to be more __________ and imaginative in your approach.A) sensible B) flexible C) objective D) sensitive15. Hard work is __________ to success.A) fun B) functional C) fundamental D) fluent16. When young, she led an extravagant life, living out a ________ that she was a movie star.A) fantastic B) fantasy C) fascination D) fashion17. She ____ the cake with chocolate.A) flavors B) favors C) flows D) flourishes18. We _____ the cook because her cooking was so poor.A) dismissed B) deserted C) resigned D) withdrew19. One of his eyes was injured in an accident, but after a _____ operation, he quickly recovered his sight.A) delicate B) considerate C) precise D) sensitive20. The one pleasure that Einstein ____ his great fame was the ability it gave him to help others.A) resulted from B) stirred up C) turned out D) derived from21. She cut her hair short and tried to ______ herself as a man.A) decorate B) disguise C) fabricate D) fake22. At one time this view ____ over the academic circles.A) controlled B) domineered C) dominated D) charged23. She ____ great self-control when they told her the news.A) disliked B) disposed C) displayed D) disordered24. Some patients were _______ because the beds were needed by new patients.A) discharged B) fired C) laid off D) gave out25. He ________ knowing anything about the corruption.A) refused B) rejected C) desired D) denied26. He ordered curry as a ________ from his usual bland diet.A) departure B) aparture C) department D) apartment27. It is most ________ that he attends the conference.A) desirous B) desiring C) desired D) desirable28. Bob tried to work out the puzzle many times, but at last he became _____ and gave up.A) convinced B) discouraged C) disturbed D) disappointed29. I am not sure whether I can gain any profit from the investment, so I can not make a(n) _____promise to help you.A) exact B) defined C) definite D) sure30. However, at times this balance in nature is ______, resulting in a number of possibly unforeseen effects.A) troubled B) disturbed C) confused D) puzzled31. During the process, great care has to be taken to protect the _____ silk from damage.A) sensitive B) tender C) delicate D) sensible32. Britain has the highest _____ of road traffic in the world ---- over 60 cars for every mile of road.A) popularity B) density C) intensity D) prosperity33. All human beings have a comfortable zone regulating the _____ they keep from someone they talk with.A) distance B) scope C) range D) boundary34. Mr. Smith was the only witness who said that the fire was _____.A) mature B) deliberate C) meaningful D) innocent35. Many people lost their jobs during the business ______.A) desperation B) decrease C) despair D) depression36. The rest of the day was entirely at his _____ for reading or recreation.A) dismissal B) survival C) disposal D) arrival37. Young children soon ____ words they hear their elders use.A) pick up B) look forward to C) turn up D) put forward38. Do you know the _____ for obtaining a new passport? Next year, I will go to Australia.A) process B) procedure C) program D) proceedings39. In a time of social reform, people’s state of mind tends to keep _____ with the rapid changes ofsociety.A) step B) speed C) pace D) progress40. He was _____ to secrecy.A) promised B) guaranteed C) sworn D) pledged41. The _____ problem is to unite all the members and go on with our cause.A) principle B) principal C) primarily D) chiefly42. The teacher said that the children are vigorous and have good_____.A) perspective B) respect C) prospect D) prosperity43. This custom still ______ among members of the older generation.A) popular B) has C) dominates D) prevails44. The ringing bells _____ the news of the birth of the prince.A) claimed B) proclaimed C) released D) published45. It is one of the duties of police to ______ the public order.A) preserve B) conserve C) reserve D) deserve46. Only hotel guests have the ____ of using the private beach.A) occasion B) possibility C) privilege D) habit47. Mr. Bloom is not ______ now, but he will be famous someday.A) prominent B) dominant C) magnificent D) significant48. He was taken on for a three-month trial period before being accepted as a(an) _______ memberof staff.A) lasting B) eternal C) persistent D) permanent49. Most parents encourage their children to take an active part in social events, _____ those events do not interfere with their studies.A) lest B) though C) unless D) provided50. You must take the _____ steps by yourself; after you have begun, I will help you.A) primitive B) preliminary C) primary D) practicable51. The court considers a financial ____ to be an appropriate way of punishing him.A) option B) duty C) obligation D) penalty52. One day, you will have to ____ this foolish behavior.A) pay B) pay for C) pay back D) pay off53. Fuel scarcities(缺乏) and price increases ____ automobile designers to develop completely new lines of small cars and trucks.A) prompted B) persuaded C) imposed D) enlightened54. We’re looking for a new house, _____ one near the school.A) professionally B) previously C) presently D) preferably55. My _____concern is to protect my property.A) prevailing B) prime C) precious D) plausible56. In the _____ paragraph some comments had been made of it.A) proceeding B) progressing C) preceding D) processing57. Please make sure to_______ the students to gather on the playground.A) observe B) mobilize C) maintain D) inform58. There stands a newly-built ______in the park.A) maturity B) monument C) maintenance D) mixture59. It is quite wrong to _____ your duties.A) neglect B) abandon C) multiply D) mount60. True friendship must be based on ______ the joys as well as troubles.A) participating B) owing C) sharing D) possessing61. To change something slightly, especially to improve it means ______.A) restore B) recover C) modernize D) modify62. _____means a small group in a nation differing from others in race, religion, and language.A) Majority B) Minority C) Minimum D) Popularity63. To cause somebody to have a wrong idea or impression about somebody or something means______.A) mislead B) mistake C) misunderstand D) mistrust64. To ______ means keeping a person, an animal or a plant alive and well with food.A) await B) support C) nourish D) grant65. A son of your sister or brother is called _________.A) niece B) son-in-law C) daughter-in-law D) nephew66. She’s always making good _______ as to who is the best one for a certain jo b.A) solution B) illusion C) resolution D) revolution67. We came to his ______ and pulled him out of the river.A) safety B) rescue C) save D) security68. German and Italian courses are held in Munich and Rome ____.A) relatively B) reluctantly C) respectively D) relevantly69. Most people found it hard to believe that such a seemingly _____ man should havedone that wicked thing.A) respectable B) respectful C) respecting D) respective70. During the famine, many people were _____ to eating grass and leaves.A) obliged B) inclined C) reduced D) forced71. The librarian is _____ for all the books in the library.A) dutiful B) responsible C) confident D) secure72. The purpose of this election is to set up a government truly _____ of the people.A) typical B) representative C) characteristic D) responsible73. I’d like to _____ a seat for the New Year’s Concert.A) preserve B) serve C) conserve D) reserve74. Her achievement was more _____ in that she had come from such a remote area.A) popular B) famous C) remarkable D) understandable75. I hate peo ple who _____ the end of a film that you haven’t seen before.A) reveal B) rewrite C) revise D) reverse76. Nuclear science should be developed to benefit people _____ harm them.A) more than B) other than C) rather than D) better than77. There are some areas which are still densely populated ____ their severe weather conditions.A) due to B) with regard to C) regardless of D) but for78. He built the team through both hard training and _____ discipline.A) loose B) physical C) rigid D) slack79. In most cases, the _____ of a person who sits on a pin is to leap into the air.A) reaction B) behavior C) function D) instance80. When she was criticized, she claimed that it was outside her _____of responsibility.A) field B) limit C) extent D) range81. Do you believe these two ____ friends used to be bitter enemies?A) intimate B) emotional C) intense D) supreme82. In the advanced course students must take performance tests at monthly ____.A) gaps B) lengths C) distances D) intervals83. Four people were seriously ____ in an accident on the motorway.A) damaged B) harmed C) injured D) wounded84. This story is not real; it is only ______.A) imaginary B) imaginative C) imaginable D) imagined85. His latest piece of work was ______ by a song he heard on the radio.A) released B) inspired C) assessed D) composed86. Their products are frequently overpriced and ____ in quality.A) influential B) inferior C) superior D) subordinate87. Stamping o n any country’s national flag is an _____ to its people.A) inflation B) ingredient C) insult D) invasion88. What he ____ was that you didn’t tell the whole truth.A) referred B) implied C) inclined D) accorded89. This machine works very well so long as no one ____ with it.A) interferes B) disturbs C) upsets D) interrupts90.He asked us to ________ them in carrying through their plan.A) assist B) arouse C) provide D) persist91. This office has a very modern _______ though it has an old-fashioned appearance.A) exterior B) interior C) superior D) inferior92. The job _______ traveling abroad for three months each year.A) involved B) included C) consisted D) concluded93. Some _____ diseases are caused by the genes.A) gifted B) inherent C) artificial D) coherent94. ____ with the boy’s true love for her, the girl decided to entrust he r life to him.A) Acquired B) Imposed C) Infected D) Diagnosed95. It is not polite to ____ a speaker with frequent questions.A) interpret B) intervene C) interrupt D) interfere96. At t he early stage of a child’s development, the family tends to have a greater _____ on him than his school.A) instrument B) identity C) communication D) influence97. Although there is no easy cure for SARS at present, some of its causes have been ______ by experts.A) rebelled B) distracted C) bolted D) identified98. Tax cuts are the most important ______ the government has for stimulating the economy.A) instruction B) toast C) instrument D) stuff99. Arriving home, the boy told his parents about all the ________ which occurred in his dormitory.A) occasions B) incidents C) matters D) issues100. No estimate has been done on the ______ of SARS on the economy of China and some other Asian countries as well.A) affect B) defect C) impact D) compact。