



An insatiable desire to peer into the futureThe wonderful thing about forecasts is that they all sound very profound--------------------------It’s that time of year again. Time for you to make your predictions for 2013.You’re kidding, right? You’re asking an economist for predictions?Just my little joke. But surely you’re not a propereconomist if you can’t make a few predictions. Isn’t that the whole point of the economic profession – to make dozens of mutually contradictory forecasts with impunity?Well, the impunity is a topic worth discussing. But the economics profession could do with a few more disagreements, I think. In 1995, FT columnist John Kay examined the record of British economic forecasters from 1987 to 1994. He discovered that they tended to all say much the same thing. The only dissenter was reality: economic growth often fell outside the range of all 34 forecasts.So economists are terrible forecasters. What else is new?It isn’t just economists who are terrible forecasters. Take the quantitative analysts responsible for Goldman Sachs’s notorious “25 standard deviation” episode – presumably physicists or mathematicians.25 standard deviation?At the beginning of the financial crisis, the chief financial officer of Goldman Sachs explained that the firm was seeing “25 standard deviation moves, several days in a row” – a statement that, translated into English, means “according to our models, what we’re seeing is very unlucky”.How unlucky?Oh, the sort of bad luck you see once every 28, 900, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000,000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000 years, given certain assumptions about what Goldman might have meant. For reference the universe is about 14,000,000,000 years old. The alternative to the “very unlucky” hypothesis, of course, is that the quantitative models didn’t produce very good forecasts.Well, that’s a forecast so bad that I can’t believe an economist wasn’t involved somewhere.You may be right. But I can give you another example: the 300-odd experts recruited by Philip Tetlock, the psychologist, for his epic study of forecasting in political science. Prof Tetlo ck’s conclusions are wide-ranging and painstaking, but if I can be forgiven an excessively brief summary, he finds that all sorts of people with plausible claims to expertise –diplomats, political advisers, journalists and academics –produce lame forecasts of political and economic events.Nate Silver seems to be able to forecast just fine.Well, yes, notwithstanding the politically motivated “Nate Silver can’t add up” school of criticism, Mr Silver, and other statisticians such as Drew Linzer and Sam Wang, successfully forecast the outcome of the US elections in some detail. Contrasted against a background of bloviation, it was impressive. But if psephology is Exhibit A in the Museum of Successful Social Science Forecasts, let’s reflect on how modest our ambitions must have become: US elections are frequently repeated, with behaviour that shows considerable historical persistence, and an astonishing amount of detailed quantitative data are available. The elections take place at a fixed date, according to well-understood rules, and with a narrowly defined space of possible outcomes. It’s easy to see that forecasting a win for Barack Obama, while better than forecasting a win for Mitt Romney, is not quite as hard as successfully predicting if and when Greece will leave the eurozone.You’re pretty quick with the excuses.No excuses. We just can’t see into the future. I don’t thinkthat’s any surprise, nor an embarrassment. The question is why there’s such a hunger for social science predictions, when the practice is so transparently pointless.It’s a test of expertise.If so, then monkeys are as expert as professors of political economy. I wouldn’t want to be quite so cynical. I think forecasting in a complex world is a poor test of expertise because luck is the overwhelming success factor.So why do we love predictions?No idea. Here’s one guess: saying “the UK economy will recover strongly in 2012” or “President Assad will be out of office by June” compresses a vast amount of expertise and analysis into a few words.But the words are probably meaningless.Yes. But it’s Christmas. Actually studying the situation in detail is far too much like hard work真是费神的事. Thewonderful thing about a forecast is that both the forecaster and his audience feel that something profound has been expressed. And nobody will remember the forecast anyway.It’s time of …….time for; but surely you…..if you …….; Isn’t that the whole point of …….Well, but……..I think.So…… what else is new?It isn’t just , presumably……;But if I can be forgivenWell yes,notwithstandingAs hard asIf and whenIf so….共和党旗手埃里克·坎托年轻的国会共和党领袖坎托是个野心勃勃和勤奋异常的人,FT华盛顿分社社长马利德(Richard McGregor)认为他是共和党的新旗手。







统计套利的意义在于:第一,减少市场系统性风险;第二,产生可以转换到任意资产收益率上的超额收益(transporting alpha);第三,减少对市场趋势判断的依赖,产生低风险、低波动率和稳定的收益。




在后续报告中,我们将关注以下主题:运用更复杂的统计套利方法进行指数追踪(Index Tracking),指数增强型投资(Enhanced IndexingInvestment);在系列报告三中,我们将介绍另外一种类型的统计套利,即风险套利(Risk Arbitrage),希望为机构投资者开拓视野,提供更多的收益机会,为融资融券业务的开展后,可以预见的更多的投资策略提供一些新的思维。



计量经济学术语A校正R2(Adjusted R-Squared):多元回归分析中拟合优度的量度,在估计误差的方差时对添加的解释变量用一个自由度来调整。

对立假设(Alternative Hypothesis):检验虚拟假设时的相对假设。

AR(1)序列相关(AR(1) Serial Correlation):时间序列回归模型中的误差遵循AR(1)模型。

渐近置信区间(Asymptotic Confidence Interval):大样本容量下近似成立的置信区间。

渐近正态性(Asymptotic Normality):适当正态化后样本分布收敛到标准正态分布的估计量。

渐近性质(Asymptotic Properties):当样本容量无限增长时适用的估计量和检验统计量性质。

渐近标准误(Asymptotic Standard Error):大样本下生效的标准误。

渐近t 统计量(Asymptotic t Statistic):大样本下近似服从标准正态分布的t 统计量。

渐近方差(Asymptotic Variance):为了获得渐近标准正态分布,我们必须用以除估计量的平方值。

渐近有效(Asymptotically Efficient):对于服从渐近正态分布的一致性估计量,有最小渐近方差的估计量。

渐近不相关(Asymptotically Uncorrelated):时间序列过程中,随着两个时点上的随机变量的时间间隔增加,它们之间的相关趋于零。

衰减偏误(Attenuation Bias):总是朝向零的估计量偏误,因而有衰减偏误的估计量的期望值小于参数的绝对值。

自回归条件异方差性(Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity, ARCH):动态异方差性模型,即给定过去信息,误差项的方差线性依赖于过去的误差的平方。

一阶自回归过程[AR(1)](Autoregressive Process of Order One [AR(1)]):一个时间序列模型,其当前值线性依赖于最近的值加上一个无法预测的扰动。



ArbitrageArbitrage is the making of a gain through trading without committing any money and without taking a risk of losing money. The term is also used more loosely to cover a range of activities, such as statistical arbitrage, risk arbitrage, and uncovered interest arbitrage, that are not true arbitrage (because they are risky).Many of these strategies bear some similarities to true arbitrage, in that they are market neutral attempts to identify and exploit (usually short lived) anomalies in pricing. The terminology used usually adds a qualifier to make it clear that it is not real arbitrage. The discussion below is of true arbitrage.An arbitrage opportunity exists if it is possible to make a gain that is guaranteed to be at least equal to the risk free rate of return, with a chance of making a greater gain. This is equivalent to the definition of an arbitrage opportunity as the possibility of a riskless gain with a zero cost portfolio, because a portfolio that is guaranteed to make a profit can be bought with borrowed money.Less rigorously, an arbitrage opportunity is a "free lunch", that allows investors to make a gain for no risk. Being less rigorous means that it is not really possible to distinguish between arbitrage and the closely related concepts of dominant trading strategies and the law of one price.Arbitrage should not be possible as, if an arbitrage opportunity exists, then market forces should eliminate it. Taking a simple example, if it is possible to buy a security in one market and sell it at ahigher price in another market, then no-one would buy it at the more expensive price, and no one would sell it at the cheaper price. The prices in the two markets would converge.Arbitrage between markets is the simplest type of arbitrage. More complex strategies such as arbitraging the price of a security against a portfolio that replicates its cash flows. These range from the relatively simple, such as delta and gamma hedges, to extremely complex strategies based on quantitative models.Much of financial theory (and therefore most methods for valuing securities) are ultimately built on the assumption that securities will trade at prices that make arbitrage impossible. In particular, if there is no arbitrage then a risk neutral pricing measure exists and vice versa. Although this result is not something that is used by most investors, it is of great importance in the theory of financial economics.Although arbitrage opportunities do exist in real markets, they are usually very small and quickly eliminated, therefore the no arbitrage assumption is a reasonable one to build financial theory on. When persistent arbitrage opportunities do exist it means that there is something badly wrong with financial markets. For example, there is evidence that during the dotcom boom the value of internet related tracker stocks and listed subsidiaries was not consistent with the market value of parent companies: an arbitrage opportunity existed and persisted.。



(大连商品交易所-和讯网十大期货研发团队评选团队投稿)豆油和棕榈油套利统计实证分析湘财祈年刘光素杜宝泉刘超摘要:本文利用统计套利(Statistical Arbitrage)来发现和分析研究豆油、棕榈油跨品种价差的稳定性以及变量间的长期均衡关系,用协整方法对实际的价格与数量模型进行对比;并利用豆油和棕榈油之间的协整关系得出,棕榈油和豆油之间的最佳套利比例为:1:1.16,从而得出相对客观的棕榈油和豆油期货跨品种套利策略。

一、协整方法介绍根据持有成本(THE THEORY OF COST OF CARRY)定价模型而知,豆油、棕榈油合约的价格走势都是基于对未来标的指数的预期产生的,由于二品种终端消费的替代关系,直观看,它们之间的价差具有一定的稳定性。







其中涉及到的时间序列的平稳性检验,可以通过ADF单位根检验来实现;协整关系可以用EG 检验或Johansen协整检验进行。





Statistical Arbitrage

Statistical Arbitrage

t’s the spring of 2000 and another warm sunny day in Newport Beach. From 600 feet high on the hill I look 30 miles over the Pacific at Wrigley’s 26-mile-long Catalina Island, stretched across the horizon like a huge ship. To the left, 60 miles away, the top of equally large San Clemente Island is visible peeping above the horizon. The ocean ends two and a half miles away, with a ribbon of white surf breaking on wide sandy beaches. An early trickle of fishing and sail boats stream into the sea from Newport Harbor, one of the world’s largest small-boat moorings, with more than 8,000 sail and power vessels, and some of the most expensive luxury homes in the world. Whenever I leave on vacation I look back over my shoulder and
wonder if I’m making a mistake. As I finish breakfast the sun is rising over the hills to the east behind me. It illuminates the tops of three financial towers to the west in the enormous business and shopping complex of Fashion Island. By the time the buildings are in full sun I make the 3-mile drive to my office in one of them.


and the deterministic trend process: yt = + t + ut where ut is iid in both cases. (2)

Stochastic Non-Stationarity
Note that the model (1) could be generalised to the case where yt is an
Chevron & Exxon

Formation Period Corr=0.93 Trading Period Corr=0.96 Optimal Threshold=1.25*sd’s # Transactions=10

Electronic Arts & GAP

Two types of Non-Stationarity
Various definitions of non-stationarity exist In this chapter, we are really referring to the weak form or covariance

If there exists a relationship between two non-stationary I(1)
series,Y and X , such that the residuals of the regression
Yt 0 1 X t ut
of one on the other could have a high R2 even if the two are totally unrelated



GNP国民生产总值: Gross national Product. The market value of goods and service produced by the property and labor owned by the economy.GDP 国内生产总值: Gross Domestic product. The market value of all goods and services produced within the geographic area of an economy.Anti-dumping duty反倾销税: a tax levied by a country on imports that it believes to constitute dumping in its own market. Anti-monopoly law反垄断法: a law used to prevent companies from fixing prices, carving up the market, and gaining unfair monopoly advantagesBalance of payments国际收支平衡: a statistical system that records all external expenditure and income activities of a country第一部分金融绝对购买力评价:本国货币与外国货币之间的均衡汇率是通过两国货币之间的购买力或物价水平表现出来的Absolute purchasing power evaluation: the exchange rate between domestic and foreign currencies is expressed by the purchasing power or price level between the two currencies 相对购买力评价:两国之间的通货膨胀率决定两种货币之间的均衡汇率Relative purchasing power evaluation: the inflation rate between the two countries determines the exchange rate between the two currencies短期投资是指企业购入的各种能随时变现、持有时间不超过一年的有价证券,以及不超过一年的其他投资Short-term investment refers to all kinds of securities purchased by enterprises that can be realized at any time and held for no more than one year, as well as other investments that do not exceed one year.长期投资是指不准备随时变现,持有时间超过1年的企业对外投资Long-term investment refers to the outward investment of an enterprise that is not ready to be realized at any time and has been held for more than one year.对冲指特意减低另一项投资的风险的投资。



经济学热门词语英文翻译灰市场Grey Market低碳经济Low-carbon economy蓝海经济Blue Ocean Economic奢侈品消费Luxury Consumption网络经济Network Economy物业税Property Tax宏观调控Macroeconomic control城市化Urbanization内需Domestic Demand经济复苏Economic Recovery长尾理论The Long Tail中国出口China’s exports服务外包Services Outsourcing热钱Hot money挤出效应Crowding Out Effect搭便车Free Rider产业结构调整Industrial Restructuring高速铁路High-Speed Railway寻租理论Rent-Seeking Theory国际油价Petroleum Prices包容性增长Inclusive Growth真实汇率Real Exchange Rate比较优势Comparative Advantage后危机时代Post-crisis Era收入差距Income Gap信息不对称Information Asymmetry产业集群Industry Cluster增长极Growth Pole区域经济一体化Regional Economic Integration计价货币Money of Account国际货币体系International Monetary System国际旅游岛建设The development of International Tourist Destination 中国模式Chinese Model存款准备金Deposit Reserve微观经济学Microeconomics完全理性rational choices充分信息perfect information市场出清profit maximization中心理论central dogma均衡价格理论Equilibrium price theory消费行为理论Consumer Behavior theory一般均衡理论general equilibrium theory生产理论Production theory成本理论Cost theory分配理论Distribution theory市场均衡理论Market equilibrium theory 产权理论Property rights theory福利经济学welfare economics价格理论price theory消费理论consumption theory需求理论Demand theory供求关系Supply and demand市场理论Market Theory电子虚拟市场electronic marketplace偏好理论preference theory模糊模型fuzzy model代理理论Agency theory遗憾理论Regret theory预期效用理论Expected utility theory经济人Economic ManX-非效率X-efficiency市场失灵Market Failure最大化理论the maximum principle博弈论Game Theory纳什均衡Nash equilibrium佚名定理Anonymous theorem集体理性Collective rationality个体理性Rational individual完全信息模型Complete information model沉没成本Sunk Cost贝特朗均衡Bertrand equilibrium古诺模型MCournot model独占理论Exclusive theory非对称信息环境Asymmetric information environment 信息成本Information cost证伪主义Falsificationism纳什均衡Nash Equilibrium搜索理论Search theory契约理论Contract Theory市场分析market analysis消费者剩余Consumer surplus效用函数Utility function市场需求分析Market demand analysis风险规避risk aversion边际替代率Marginal rate of substitution高峰负荷定价Peak-load pricing迈尔森-萨特思韦特定理Myerson-Satterthwaite theorem 价格分散Price dispersion机会成本Opportunity cost市场缺失missing market完全竞争Perfect competition生产因子Factors of production经济效率Economic efficiency边际价格marginal cost供求关系supply-demand relation价格与数量prices and quantities边际效用曲线marginal utility购买力purchasing power边际成本marginal cost外部经济效果Externalities成本效益分析cost-benefit analysis稳定理论firm theory竞争competition独占Monopoly独买Monopsony寡占Oligopoly卡特尔Cartel买方寡占Oligopsony独占性竞争Monopolistic competition 差别定价Price discrimination价格吸脂策略Price skimming马太效应Matthew effect外部负效应external negative effects宏观经济学Macroeconomics国内生产总值GDP国民收入national income国民支出national output物价指数price indices国民核算National accounts失业率unemployment rate马尔萨斯人口论Malthusianism加速数Accelerator乘数multiplicator经济萧条economic depression基本理论basic theory凯恩斯理论Keynesianism消费函数理论Theory of the Consumption Function 投资理论investment theory货币理论Monetary Theory经济周期理论economic cycle theory经济增长理论theory of economic growth失业理论theory of unemployment通货膨胀inflation货币政策monetary policy货币数量学说quantity theory of money价格体系price system货币供应量money supply票面价值nominal value财政政策fiscal policy预算赤字Budget deficit政府支出Government spending储蓄Saving货币赤字Currency deficit转移性支付transfer payment有效需求effectual demand汇率exchange rates公共债务Public debt分析模型analytical model动态随机一般均衡模型Dynamic stochastic general equilibrium 可计算得一般均衡Computable general equilibrium宏观经济计量模型Macroeconomic model国际经济International economics国际金融International finance金融危机financial crises经济危机Economic crises世界银行World Bank国际收支balance of payments国际汇兑international exchange国际结算international settlement国际信用International Credit国际投资international investment国际收支balance of payments外汇F\X国际储备international reserves国际资本流动international capital movement 货币一体化monetary integration金融市场financial market国际货币基金组织International Monetary Fund 国际贸易international trade混合经济mixed economies比较经济体系Comparative economic systems 发展经济学Development economics结构增长理论Structural-change theory绝对优势Comparative advantage自由贸易Free trade公平贸易Fair trade欧盟European Union世界贸易组织World Trade Organization北美自由贸易协定North American Free Trade Agreement 东盟ASEAN贫困与发展Poverty and development市场保护market protection贸易收益gains from trade收入分配income distribution多马经济增长模型Harrod-Domar Model外生增长模型Exogenous growth model过剩劳动力Surplus labor主权财富基金Sovereign wealth fund国外投资foreign investment购买力平价法purchasing power parity蒙代尔一弗莱明模型Mundell-Fleming model最优货币区optimum currency area经济利润Economic profits贸易支付差额balance of payments货币联盟currency unions重分配政策redistributive policies契约摩擦Contractual frictions商业主义Mercantilism资产定价Asset pricing债券价格bond prices长期投资long-term invest国际货币经济international monetary economics经济思想史History of economic thought古典政治经济学Classical political economy新古典经济学Neoclassical economics凯恩斯经济学Keynesian economics后凯恩斯经济学Post-Keynesian economics重商主义mercantile system历史学派historical school边际效用学派Marginal Utility School制度学派Institutional School货币主义monetarism经济体系Economic system虚拟经济Virtual economy传统经济Traditional economy生存经济Subsistence economy社会主义市场经济Socialist market economy计划经济Planned economy网络经济Network Economy自然经济Natural economy混合经济Mixed economy市场社会主义Market socialism知识经济Knowledge Economy 信息经济Information economy 绿色经济Green economy数字经济Digital Economy指令性经济Command economy 物物交换经济Barter economy。



Fundamentals 基本概念
Long/Short 多(Long)/空(Short)
•Long= Buying and holding a stock 多 (Long)= 买入并持有股票 •Short= Borrowing a stock and selling it 空 (Short)= 借股票卖出 •Gross Exposure = Long + Short 总敞口 (Gross Exposure) = 多 (Long) + 空 (Short) •Net Exposure = Long – Short Gross Short 净敞口 (Net Exposure) = 多 (Long) -空 (Short) •Leverage = Gross Exposure – 100% 杠杆作用 (Leverage) =总敞口 (Gross Exposure) – 100% •Long/Short managers can be long or short a stock/index; can use some leverage. 多/空经理人可买进或卖空一支股票/指数;可使用一 些杠杆作用 。
Alpha Hedge Fund Performance = Market Move*Net Exposure (Beta) + Alpha 对冲基金绩效 =净敞口相对于市场 动向* (β) + α Beta
Key Advantages: the ability to adjust market exposure 关键优势:调整股市投资比率的能力



lim D(
n i1
wi (ai
ei ))
2 ep
2 ep
2 ei
i 1
i 1
2 ei
于资产i成立 wi / n
则有 从而
2 ep
1 n2
3. 按12%的利率贷出一笔1年期的款项金 额为1000万元。
4. 1年后收回1年期贷款,得本息1127万 元(等于1000e0.12×1),并用1110万 元(等于1051e0.11×0.5)偿还1年期的 债务后,交易者净赚17万元(1127万 元-1110万元)。
套利不仅仅局限于同一种资产(组合), 对于整个资本市场,还应该包括那些“相 似”资产(组合)构成的近似套利机会。
– APT对资产的评价不是基于马克维茨模型, 而是基于无套利原则和因子模型。
– 不要求“同质期望”假设,并不要求人人一致 行动。只需要少数投资者的套利活动就能消除 套利机会。
– 不要求投资者是风险规避的!
1. 市场是有效的、充分竞争的、无摩擦的 (Perfectly competitive and frictionless capital markets);
2 f1
2 f2



CFA备考必备名词解释1. CFA Institute:Definition:The organization that awards the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation. It sets the curriculum and conducts the CFA exams.2. Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA):Definition: A professional designation granted by the CFA Institute, indicating expertise in investment and financial analysis.3. CFA Program:Definition: A three level examination process administered by the CFA Institute, covering ethics, investment tools, portfolio management, and more.4. CFA Charter:Definition:The certification and membership granted to individuals who successfully complete all three levels of the CFA Program, including meeting work experience requirements and adhering to ethical standards.5. Ethical and Professional Standards:Definition:A key component of the CFA curriculum that emphasizes ethical behavior and integrity in the investment industry.6. Quantitative Methods:Definition:A CFA exam topic covering statistical and mathematical techniques used in investment analysis.7. Economics:Definition:A CFA exam topic focusing on economic principles and their application to financial markets.8. Financial Statement Analysis:Definition: The examination of financial statements to assess a company's financial performance and make investment decisions.9. Corporate Finance:Definition:A CFA exam topic covering financial management and decision making within corporations.10. Equity Investments:Definition:A CFA exam topic addressing the analysis and valuation of stocks and equity securities.11. Fixed Income:Definition: A CFA exam topic covering bonds and other fixed income securities, including valuation and risk analysis.12. Derivatives:Definition:A CFA exam topic involving financial instruments whose value depends on the price of an underlying asset.13. Alternative Investments:Definition:A CFA exam topic encompassing non traditional investment options like hedge funds, private equity, and real assets.14. Portfolio Management and Wealth Planning:Definition:A CFA exam topic focusing on constructing and managing investment portfolios, as well as wealth planning strategies.15. Time Value of Money (TVM):Definition: A fundamental financial concept in the CFA curriculum, representing the idea thata sum of money has a different value today than it will in the future.16. Risk Management:Definition:In the context of the CFA curriculum, this involves identifying, analyzing, and managing risks associated with investment portfolios.17. Hurdle Rate:Definition:The minimum rate of return required by an investor or a firm for undertaking an investment or project.18. Monte Carlo Simulation:Definition:A statistical method used in financial modeling to account for risk and uncertainty by simulating a range of possible outcomes.19. Arbitrage:Definition:The practice of exploiting price differences in different markets to make a profit with no net cash flow or risk.20. Sharpe Ratio:Definition:A measure of risk adjusted return, indicating the return of an investment compared to its risk (volatility).21. CAPM (Capital Asset Pricing Model):Definition:A model used to determine the expected return on an investment based on its risk in relation to the overall market.22. Black Scholes Model:Definition: A mathematical model used for calculating the theoretical price of options, helping in option pricing and risk assessment.23. Liquidity Risk:Definition:The risk that an asset cannot be quickly bought or sold in the market without affecting its price.24. Credit Risk:Definition:The risk of loss from the failure of a borrower to fulfill their financial obligations. 25. Duration:Definition:A measure of the sensitivity of the price of a bond to changes in interest rates. 26. Callable Bond:Definition:A bond that the issuer can redeem (call back) before its maturity date.27. Put Option:Definition:A financial contract giving the holder the right to sell an asset at a specified price within a certain timeframe.28. Active Management:Definition:Investment management strategy involving making specific investment decisions to outperform the market.29. Passive Management:Definition: Investment strategy that aims to replicate the performance of a specific market index rather than outperforming it.30. GIPS (Global Investment Performance Standards):Definition:A set of ethical standards and performance reporting guidelines for investment managers, ensuring fair representation and full disclosure.31. Margin Call:Definition:A demand by a broker for an investor to deposit additional funds or securities to cover potential losses.32. Market Capitalization (Market Cap):Definition:The total value of a company's outstanding shares of stock, calculated by multiplying the share price by the number of shares.33. Systematic Risk:Definition:The risk inherent to the entire market or an entire market segment, often referred to as market risk.34. Unsystematic Risk:Definition:Risk specific to an individual investment or asset class, also known as idiosyncratic or specific risk.35. Active Return:Definition:The difference between the actual return of a portfolio and the return of a benchmark index.36. Passive Return:Definition:The return on a portfolio that results from simply holding the securities in a benchmark index.37. Tracking Error:Definition:A measure of how closely a portfolio follows the index it is benchmarked against, indicating the volatility of the portfolio's returns relative to the benchmark.38. Yield Curve:Definition:A graphical representation of the relationship between the yield on bonds of the same credit quality but different maturities.39. Duration Risk:Definition:The risk associated with the sensitivity of a bond's price to changes in interest rates, measured by its duration.40. Behavioral Finance:Definition:The study of how psychological factors can influence financial decision making and market behavior.41. Hedging:Definition:A risk management strategy designed to reduce or offset the impact of adverse price movements in an asset.42. Earnings Per Share (EPS):Definition: A financial metric representing the portion of a company's profit allocated to each outstanding share of common stock.43. Return on Investment (ROI):Definition:A performance measure used to evaluate the efficiency or profitability of an investment, calculated by dividing the net gain or loss by the initial investment cost.44. Beta:Definition:A measure of a stock's volatility in relation to the overall market, used to assess systematic risk.45. Convertible Bond:Definition:A bond that can be converted into a predetermined number of shares of the issuer's common stock.46. Currency Risk:Definition:The risk that changes in exchange rates will adversely affect the value of an investment denominated in a foreign currency.47. Stakeholder:Definition:An individual or group with an interest in the success or failure of a business, often including employees, customers, and investors.48. Working Capital:Definition: The difference between a company's current assets and current liabilities, representing its short term operational liquidity.49. Regression Analysis:Definition:A statistical technique used to quantify the relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables.50. VaR (Value at Risk):Definition: A measure of the maximum potential loss in the value of a risky asset or portfolio over a specific time period with a certain level of confidence.51. Monetary Policy:Definition: The actions taken by a central bank to manage and control the money supply and interest rates to achieve economic goals.52. Fiscal Policy:Definition:Government policy concerning taxation and public spending to influence the economy.53. Call Option:Definition:A financial contract that gives the holder the right, but not the obligation, to buy an asset at a predetermined price within a specified timeframe.54. Dividend Discount Model (DDM):Definition:A method used to value a stock by estimating its future dividends and discounting them back to present value.55. Duration Matching:Definition:A strategy used in portfolio management to match the duration of assets and liabilities to minimize interest rate risk.56. Commodity:Definition:A raw material or primary agricultural product that can be bought and sold, such as gold, oil, or wheat.57. LIBOR (London Interbank Offered Rate):Definition:The benchmark interest rate at which major global banks lend to one another in the international interbank market.58. Alpha:Definition:A measure of investment performance, indicating the excess return of a portfolio relative to a benchmark index.59. Z Score:Definition:A statistical measurement that describes a value's relationship to the mean of a group of values, measured in terms of standard deviations.60. Treynor Ratio:Definition:A risk adjusted performance measure that evaluates the returns earned above the risk free rate per unit of systematic risk.61. Margin Trading:Definition: The practice of borrowing funds to trade financial instruments, using the borrowed money as leverage.62. Asset Allocation:Definition:The distribution of an investment portfolio among different asset classes, such as stocks, bonds, and cash, to achieve specific investment goals.63. Return on Assets (ROA):Definition:A financial ratio that measures a company's profitability by expressing its net income as a percentage of its total assets.64. Return on Equity (ROE):Definition:A financial ratio that evaluates a company's profitability by expressing its net income as a percentage of shareholders' equity.65. Solvency:Definition:The ability of a company to meet its long term financial obligations.66. Treasury Stock:Definition:Shares of a company's own stock that it has repurchased and holds in its treasury.67. Benchmark:Definition:A standard against which the performance of a security, mutual fund, or investment manager can be measured.68. Tender Offer:Definition:A public offer to buy shares of a company at a specified price, typically higher than the current market price.69. Discount Rate:Definition:The interest rate used to determine the present value of future cash flows in discounted cash flow analysis.70. Reverse Stock Split:Definition:A corporate action in which a company reduces the number of its outstanding shares, increasing the share price proportionally.71. Proxy Statement:Definition:A document provided to shareholders before an annual meeting, containing information about issues to be voted on.72. Hedonic Pricing Model:Definition:A pricing model that breaks down the price of a good or service into components, allowing for the analysis of each component's contribution to the overall price.73. Intrinsic Value:Definition:The perceived or calculated value of an asset, based on fundamental factors, rather than its market price.74. Margin of Safety:Definition:The difference between the intrinsic value of a security and its market price, providing a buffer against potential market fluctuations.75. R Squared:Definition:A statistical measure that represents the proportion of a security's price movement explained by the movement in a benchmark index.76. Dividend Yield:Definition:A financial ratio that represents the annual dividend income a company pays out to its shareholders as a percentage of its stock price.77. Initial Public Offering (IPO):Definition:The first sale of stock by a private company to the public, transitioning from private to public ownership.78. Underwriting:Definition:The process by which investment banks raise investment capital from investors on behalf of corporations or governments.79. Write Down:Definition:The reduction of the book value of an asset due to a decrease in its market value.80. Duration Gap:Definition:The difference between the duration of a bank's assets and liabilities, used to measure interest rate risk.81. Beta Risk:Definition:The risk associated with the uncertainty of a security's beta, which measures its sensitivity to market movements.82. Cross Sectional Analysis:Definition:An analysis that compares different companies or assets at the same point in time.83. Bottom Up Investing:Definition:An investment strategy that focuses on the analysis of individual stocks rather than broader market trends.84. Top Down Investing:Definition:An investment strategy that starts with an analysis of macroeconomic factors before narrowing down to specific industries or individual stocks.85. Risk Free Rate:Definition:The theoretical return on an investment with zero risk of financial loss, often represented by government bonds.86. Financial Modeling:Definition:The process of creating a mathematical representation of a financial situation, used for decision making and financial analysis.87. Rollover Risk:Definition:The risk that short term debt will not be able to be refinanced at the same or lower interest rates when it matures.88. Maturity Transformation:Definition:The process by which financial institutions convert short term liabilities into long term assets.89. Scenario Analysis:Definition:An analysis technique that examines how a portfolio or company's financial health would fare under different scenarios or conditions.90. Working Capital Turnover:Definition:A financial ratio that measures a company's efficiency in using its working capital to generate sales.91. Equity Risk Premium (ERP):Definition:The excess return that an individual stock or the overall stock market provides overa risk free rate.92. Market Microstructure:Definition:The study of the mechanisms and processes in financial markets, including how orders are executed and the impact of market participants on prices.93. Exchange Traded Fund (ETF):Definition:An investment fund traded on stock exchanges, representing a basket of assets like stocks, bonds, or commodities.94. Venture Capital:Definition:Funding provided to startup companies or small businesses that show high growth potential in exchange for equity ownership.95. Stress Testing:Definition:The analysis of how a financial institution's portfolio or system would perform under adverse conditions or extreme scenarios.96. Fiduciary Duty:Definition:The legal and ethical obligation to act in the best interest of another party, often associated with the duty of financial advisors to their clients.97. Securitization:Definition: The process of converting assets, such as loans or receivables, intomarketable securities.98. Futures Contract:Definition:A financial contract obligating the buyer to purchase, or the seller to sell, a specified amount of an asset at a predetermined future date and price.99. Leveraged Buyout (LBO):Definition:The acquisition of a company using a significant amount of borrowed funds, often with the acquired company's assets serving as collateral.100. Alpha Return:Definition:The portion of a portfolio's total return that is attributable to the manager's skill in selecting individual securities.101. Convertible Preferred Stock:Definition:A type of preferred stock that can be converted into a predetermined number of common shares.102. Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization (EBITDA): Definition:A measure of a company's operating performance, representing its earnings before certain expenses are deducted.103. Risk Parity:Definition:An investment strategy that allocates capital to different asset classes based on their risk contribution to the overall portfolio.104. Cash Flow Statement:Definition:A financial statement that shows how changes in balance sheet accounts affect cash and cash equivalents.105. Variance:Definition:A statistical measure of the dispersion of returns for a given security or market index. 106. Nominal Interest Rate:Definition:The interest rate before adjusting for inflation, representing the actual interest paid or earned on an investment.107. Real Interest Rate:Definition:The interest rate adjusted for inflation, providing a more accurate measure of the purchasing power of money.108. Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH):Definition:A theory asserting that financial markets are informationally efficient, making it impossible to consistently achieve higher than average returns through market timing or stock picking.109. Mutual Fund:Definition:An investment vehicle that pools funds from multiple investors to invest in a diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, or other securities.110. Custodian:Definition:A financial institution that holds and safeguards financial assets on behalf of clients. 111. Markowitz Portfolio Theory:Definition:A theory developed by Harry Markowitz that explores how investors can construct portfolios to maximize expected return for a given level of risk.112. Black Litterman Model:Definition:An asset allocation model that combines views from investors with equilibrium market expectations to generate an optimal portfolio.113. Duration Convexity:Definition:A measure of the sensitivity of a bond's duration to changes in interest rates, providing a more accurate estimation of price changes.114. Money Market:Definition:A segment of the financial market where short term borrowing and lending occur, typically involving highly liquid and low risk instruments.115. Put Call Parity:Definition:A principle stating that the price of a European call option and a European put option of the same class, with the same strike price and expiration date, should be equal. 116. Risk Neutral Valuation:Definition:A pricing approach that calculates the present value of future cash flows by discounting them at the risk free rate, assuming investors are risk neutral.117. Cross Hedging:Definition:A hedging strategy that involves using a financial instrument that differs from the asset being hedged.118. Liberalization:Definition:The process of reducing or removing restrictions and regulations in a market, often associated with financial markets becoming more open to foreign investment.119. Elasticity:Definition:A measure of how sensitive the quantity demanded or supplied of a good is to a change in price, income, or other factors.120. Callable Preferred Stock:Definition:A type of preferred stock that can be redeemed by the issuer after a specified date.。

L3-State Preference Theory and Pricing by Arbitrag

L3-State Preference Theory and Pricing by Arbitrag

AFT Lecture Notes
Dr. Damian S. Damianov
States of Nature
States of nature in the future
State probabilities (homogeneous expectations)
= ∙ + b∙ + ∙
AFT Lecture Notes
Dr. Damian S. Damianov
Derivation of the prices of pure securities: replication of existing assets approach
• No-arbitrage principle: two portfolios with the same state-contingent payoffs should have the same price (single-price law of markets).
• Any asset that is introduced in a complete market should have the same price as the portfolio that replicates it.
• Given a complete securities market, investors could
eliminate the uncertainty about their future wealth by
holding diversifies (risk-free) portfolios.



套汇的名词解释英文Foreign exchange arbitrage, commonly known as forex arbitrage, refers to the practice of taking advantage of price differences between different currency markets to profit from the fluctuations in exchange rates. In simple terms, it involves buying a currency at a lower price in one market and selling it at a higher price in another market. This strategy is widely used by traders to make quick profits in the forex market.The concept of forex arbitrage is based on the principle of the law of one price, which states that in an efficient market, identical goods should have the same price. In the context of foreign exchange, this means that the exchange rate between two currencies should be the same in all markets. However, due to various factors such as market inefficiencies and timing discrepancies, temporary price disparities may occur.There are several types of forex arbitrage strategies that traders employ. The most common one is called spatial arbitrage, which involves taking advantage of price differences between different geographical locations. For example, if the exchange rate for the US dollar is higher in one country compared to another, a trader can buy the currency at the lower rate and sell it at the higher rate, making a profit in the process.Another type of forex arbitrage is called temporal arbitrage. This strategy relies on exploiting price differences that occur over time. For instance, if the exchange rate for a currency is expected to increase in the future, a trader can buy it at the current lower rate and sell it when the exchange rate goes up, making a profit from the price difference.Furthermore, there is also statistical arbitrage, which involves using mathematical models and algorithms to identify patterns and discrepancies in currency prices. This approach relies on complex calculations and statistical analysis to identify profitable trading opportunities.It is important to note that forex arbitrage requires quick execution and advanced technology. Traders need to monitor multiple markets simultaneously and have access to real-time market data in order to identify and exploit price discrepancies efficiently.Moreover, since the profit margins from forex arbitrage are usually small, large trading volumes are often required to generate significant profits.While forex arbitrage can be a profitable strategy in theory, it is not without risks and challenges. First and foremost, it is important to comply with relevant regulations and legal requirements in each jurisdiction where the trades are conducted. Additionally, market conditions and liquidity can impact the feasibility and profitability of arbitrage opportunities. Moreover, technological failures or delays in trade execution can lead to missed opportunities or losses.In conclusion, forex arbitrage is a trading strategy that exploits price differences in the foreign exchange market. It involves buying a currency at a lower price and selling it at a higher price to make a profit. Traders employ various strategies such as spatial, temporal, and statistical arbitrage to identify and exploit these discrepancies. However, the successful execution of forex arbitrage requires advanced technology, real-time market data, and adherence to regulatory frameworks.。



金融市场中的高频交易及算法交易研究Chapter 1: Introduction to High-Frequency Trading and Algorithmic Trading in Financial MarketsIn recent years, high-frequency trading (HFT) and algorithmic trading have become increasingly popular in financial markets. These trading strategies rely on advanced technology and complex algorithms to execute trades at ultra-fast speeds and generate profits. This article aims to provide an overview of high-frequency trading and algorithmic trading, as well as delve into the research surrounding these areas.Chapter 2: High-Frequency TradingHigh-frequency trading refers to the practice of executing a large number of trades within a short period, often in microseconds. HFT relies on powerful computers, high-speed data feeds, and sophisticated algorithms to analyze market conditions and execute trades at lightning speed. It is estimated that HFT accounts for a significant portion of trading volume in major financial markets.2.1 History of High-Frequency TradingHigh-frequency trading can be traced back to the 1970s when exchanges started using electronic trading systems. However, it wasn't until the early 2000s, with the advancement of technology and the proliferation of algorithmic trading strategies, that HFT truly took off.2.2 Strategies Used in High-Frequency TradingHFT employs various trading strategies, including market making, statistical arbitrage, and event-driven trading. Market making involves continuously buying and selling financial instruments to provide liquidity to the market. Statistical arbitrage takes advantage of pricing discrepancies between related securities, while event-driven trading aims to profit from market events such as earnings announcements or economic data releases.2.3 Benefits and Concerns of High-Frequency TradingProponents argue that high-frequency trading improves liquidity, narrows spreads, and reduces trading costs. However, critics raise concerns about market manipulation, unfair advantages enjoyed by HFT firms, and potential systemic risks. Research continues to examine the impact of HFT on market stability and efficiency.Chapter 3: Algorithmic TradingAlgorithmic trading refers to the use of pre-programmed instructions to automatically execute trades based on specific criteria. These instructions, also known as algorithms, analyze market data to identify trading opportunities and execute trades without human intervention. Algorithmic trading has gained popularity due to its ability to efficiently process large amounts of data and execute trades at optimal prices.3.1 Types of Algorithmic Trading StrategiesThere are various types of algorithmic trading strategies, including trend-following, mean-reversion, statistical arbitrage, and execution algorithms. Trend-following strategies aim to capture directional price movements, while mean-reversion strategies take advantage of price reversals. Statistical arbitrage strategies exploit pricing discrepancies between related securities, and execution algorithms focus on achieving optimal trade execution.3.2 Advantages and Challenges of Algorithmic TradingAlgorithmic trading offers several advantages, such as increased speed, accuracy, and reduced human error. It also enables traders to backtest their strategies and implement risk management measures. However, algorithmic trading also poses challenges, such as technical glitches, market data accuracy, and potential algorithmic biases.Chapter 4: Research in High-Frequency Trading and Algorithmic TradingAcademic and industry research plays a crucial role in advancing our understanding of high-frequency trading and algorithmic trading. Researchers explore topics such as market microstructure, algorithmic trading strategies, risk management, and the impact of regulations on these trading practices.4.1 Market Microstructure ResearchMarket microstructure research focuses on understanding the dynamics of order flow, price formation, and the impact of HFT onmarket quality. Studies examine the effects of HFT on liquidity provision, price volatility, and market efficiency. Researchers also explore the impact of order types, trading fees, and other market design factors on HFT activity.4.2 Algorithmic Trading Strategy ResearchResearch on algorithmic trading strategies aims to identify profitable trading strategies and improve their performance. This involves developing sophisticated mathematical models, statistical techniques, and machine learning algorithms. Researchers investigate factors such as data analysis, signal generation, and execution algorithms to enhance trading strategies.4.3 Risk Management and Regulation ResearchRisk management is a crucial aspect of high-frequency and algorithmic trading. Research explores methods to measure and mitigate risks associated with these trading practices. Additionally, researchers examine the effects of regulations, such as circuit breakers and market access controls, on market stability and HFT activity.Chapter 5: ConclusionHigh-frequency trading and algorithmic trading have revolutionized financial markets, offering increased liquidity and efficiency. However, they also raise concerns about market fairness, stability, and potential risks. Ongoing research in these areas plays a key role in understanding and shaping the future of high-frequency trading and algorithmictrading, as well as addressing their challenges. It is essential for regulators, industry participants, and researchers to continue their efforts to ensure the integrity and resilience of financial markets.。



金融工程英文词典In the realm of finance, the term "financial engineering" refers to the application of mathematical and statistical methods to solve complex financial problems. It's adiscipline where creativity and innovation are as valuable as technical expertise.Financial engineering is not just about crunching numbers; it's about understanding market dynamics and creatingfinancial instruments that can manage risk and maximize returns. This field is at the intersection of finance, economics, and applied mathematics.One of the key tools in financial engineering is the useof derivatives, which are financial contracts derived from underlying assets. These can be used for hedging, speculation, or arbitrage, and are essential in managing the volatility of financial markets.Risk management is a core component of financial engineering. It involves the assessment of potentialfinancial risks and the development of strategies to mitigate or eliminate those risks. This is crucial for the stabilityof financial institutions and the economy as a whole.Modeling and simulation are also vital in financial engineering. These techniques help in predicting market behavior and in the development of investment strategies.They allow financial engineers to test different scenariosand make informed decisions.The field of financial engineering is constantly evolving, driven by advancements in technology and the ever-changing landscape of the global financial markets. It requires a combination of analytical skills, creativity, and a deep understanding of financial markets.As financial engineering continues to grow, so does the need for professionals who can navigate its complex terrain. These individuals are not just number-crunchers; they are problem solvers, innovators, and strategic thinkers.In conclusion, financial engineering is a multifacetedfield that combines the precision of mathematics with the intricacies of financial markets. It's a discipline thatplays a pivotal role in shaping the future of finance and ensuring its stability and growth.。









所以我们尝试用统计套利(Statistical Arbitrage)的方法发现价差的稳定性以及变量间的长期均衡关系,用实际的价格与数量模型所预测的价值进行对比,制定统计方法下相对客观的跨期套利策略。








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STATISTICAL ARBITRAGE MODELS OF THE FTSE 100A. N. BURGESSDepartment of Decision ScienceLondon Business SchoolSussex Place, Regents Park, London, NW1 4SA, UKE-mail: N.Burgess@In this paper we describe a set of statistical arbitrage models which exploit relative value relationshipsamongst the constituents of the FTSE 100. Rather than estimating cointegration vectors of highdimensionality, a stepwise regression approach is used to identify the most appropriate subspace for thestochastic detrending of each individual equity price. A Monte Carlo simulation is used to identify theempirical distribution of the Variance Ratio profile of the regression residuals, under the null hypothesisof random walk behaviour. Both a chi-squared test on the joint distribution of the Variance Ratioprofile, and additional tests based on its eigenvectors, indicate that as a whole the stochasticallydetrended stock prices deviate significantly from random walk behaviour and hence may containpredictable components. A combined cross-sectional and time-series model indicates that the relative“mispricing” of the equities tends to trend in the short-term and revert in the longer term. The out-of-sample performance of the models is consistently profitable using a simple trading rule, with thecombined portfolio suggesting a possible annualised Sharpe Ratio of over 7 for a trader with costs of 50basis points. Furthermore, information derived from the in-sample variance ratio profile is shown to besignificantly correlated with the out-of-sample profitability of the individual models – suggesting thatthe performance may be improved further by modelling the time-series properties conditionally onsuch information.1IntroductionIn many cases the volatility in asset returns is largely due to movements which are market-wide or even world-wide in nature rather than specific characteristics of the particular asset; consequently there is a risk that this “market noise” will overshadow any predictable component of asset returns. A number of authors have recently suggested approaches which attempt to reduce this effect by suitably transforming the financial time-series. Lo and MacKinley (1995) create “maximally predictable” portfolios of assets, with respect to a particular information set. Bentz et al (1996), use a modelling framework in which prices are relative to the market as a whole, and returns are also calculated on this basis; this “de-trending” removes typically 90% of the volatility of asset returns, as is consistent with the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) of finance theory. Burgess and Refenes (1996) use a cointegration framework in which FTSE returns are calculated relative to a portfolio of international equity indices, with the weightings of the portfolio given by the coefficients of the cointegrating regression. Steurer and Hann (1996) also adopt a cointegration framework, modelling exchange rates as short-term fluctuations around an “equilibrium” level dictated by monetary and financial fundamentals. This type of approach in general is characterised as “statistical arbitrage” in Burgess (1996) where a principle components analysis is used to create a eurodollar portfolio which is insulated from shifts and tilts in the yield curve and optimally exposed to the third, “flex” component; the returns of this portfolio are found to be partly predictable using neural network methodology but not by linear techniques.We define statistical arbitrage as a generalisation of traditional “zero-risk” arbitrage. Zero-risk arbitrage consists of constructing two combinations of assets with identical cash-flows, and exploiting any discrepancies in the price of the two equivalent assets. The portfolio Long(combination1) + Short(combination2) can be viewed as a synthetic asset, of which any price-deviation from zero represents a “mispricing” and a potential risk-free profit1. In statistical arbitrage we again construct synthetic assets in which any deviation of the price from zero is still seen as a “mispricing”, but this time in the statistical sense of having a predictable component to the price-dynamics.Our methodology for exploiting statistical arbitrage consists of three stages:1 Subject to transaction costs, bid-ask spreads and price slippage•constructing “synthetic assets” and testing for predictability in the price-dynamics•modelling the error-correction mechanism between relative prices•implementing a trading system to exploit the predictable component of asset returnsIn this paper we adopt an approach to statistical arbitrage which is essentially a generalisation of the econometric concept of cointegration. We modify the standard cointegration methodology in two main ways: firstly we replace the cointegration tests for stationarity with more powerful variance ratio tests for “predictability”, and secondly we construct the cointegrating regressions by a stepwise approach rather than the standard regression or principal components methodologies which are found in the literature. These two innovations are easily motivated: firstly, variance ratio tests are more powerful against a wide range of alternative hypotheses than are standard cointegration tests for stationarity, and hence are more appropriate for identifying statistical arbitrage opportunities; secondly, the high dimensionality of the problem space (approx. 100 constituents of the FTSE 100 index) necessitates the use of a methodology for reducing the models to a manageable (and tradable!) complexity, but in a systematic and principled manner – for which the “subset” approach of stepwise regression is ideally suited. The predictive model is simply a linear error-correction model using the cointegration residuals (asset “mispricings”) and lagged relative returns to forecast future relative returns on a one-day ahead basis. The trading system described in this paper is very simple – simply taking offsetting long and short positions which are proportional to the forecasted relative return. For a discussion of more-sophisticated trading rules for statistical arbitrage, see Towers and Burgess (1998a, b).The paper is organised as follows. Section 2 describes the stepwise cointegration methodology and the Monte Carlo experiments to determine the distribution of the variance ratio profile under the null hypothesis that the variables are all random walks. Section 3 describes the tests for predictability which are based on the variance ratio analysis, and the results of applying these tests to the statistical “mispricings” obtained from the stepwise regressions. Section 4 describes the time-series model for forecasting changes in the mispricings and section 5 analyses the out-of-sample performance of this model. Section 6 explores the relationship between the characteristics of the variance ratio for a given mispricing and the profitability of the associated statistical arbitrage model. Finally, a discussion and brief conclusions are presented in section 7.2Distribution of the Variance Ratio profile of stepwise regression residualsOur methodology for creating statistical arbitrage models is based on the econometric concept of cointegration. Cointegration can be formally defined as follows: if a set of variables y are integrated of order d (i.e. must be differenced d times before becoming stationary) and the residuals of the cointegrating regression are integrated of order d-b where b > 0 then the time-series are said to be cointegrated of order (d,b).i.e.if each y i is I(d) and εt is I(d - b) b >0 then y~ CI( d, b)The most common and useful form of cointegration is CI(1,1) where the original series are random walks and the residuals of the regression are stationary according to a “unit root” test such as the Dickey-Fuller (DF), Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF), suggested by Engle and Granger (1987) or the cointegrating regression Durbin-Watson (CRDW) proposed by Sargan and Bhargava (1983). Tests based on a principal components or canonical correlation approach have been developed by Johansen (1988) and Phillips and Ouliaris (1988) amongst others.In our case, however, the data consists of 93 constituents2 of the FTSE 100 together with the index itself, giving a dimensionality of 94- much higher than normal for cointegration analysis, and large relative to the sample size of 400 (see section 3 for a description of the data). In order to reduce the dimensionality of the problem we decided to identify relationships between relatively small subsets of the data. There remains the problem of identifying the most appropriate subsets to form the basis of the 2 the remaining FTSE constituents were excluded from the analysis due to insufficient historical data being available (e.g. for newly quoted stocks such as the Halifax building society)statistical arbitrage models. In order ensure a reasonable span of the entire space, we decided to use each asset in turn as the dependent variable of a cointegrating regression. To identify the most appropriate subspace for the cointegrating vector we use a stepwise regression methodology in place of the standard “enter all variables” approach. Before moving on to analyse these models further, we will describe the basis of the “Variance Ratio” methodology which we use to test for potential predictability.The variance ratio test follows from the fact that the variance of the innovations in a random walk series grows linearly with the period over which the increments are measured. Thus the variance of the innovations calculated over a period τ should approximately equal τ times the variance of single period innovations. The basic VR(τ) statistic is thus:()()VR()ττττ=−−∑∑∆∆∆∆d d d d t tt t 22(1)The variance ratio is thus a function of the period τ. For a random walk the variance ratio will be close to 1 and this property has been used as the basis of statistical tests for deviations from random walk behaviour by a number of authors since Lo and McKinley (1988) and Cochrane (1988).Rather than testing individual VR statistics, we prefer to test the variance ratio profile as a whole, firstly because there is no a priori “best” period for the comparison and secondly because it can summarise the dynamic properties of the time series: a positive gradient to the variance ratio function (VRF) indicates positive autocorrelation and hence trending behaviour; conversely a negative gradient to the VRF indicates negative autocorrelations and mean-reverting or cyclical behaviour. Figure 1, below, shows the VRFs for the Dax and Cac indices together with the VRF for the relative value of the two indices.Figure 1: the Variance Ratio profile of the Dax and Cac indices individually and in relative terms. The x axis is the period over which asset returns are calculated (in days), the y axis is the normalised variance of the returns. In this case, the fact that the relative price deviates further from random-walk behaviour suggests that it may be easier to forecast than the individual series The usefulness of the variance ratio profile can be seen from the fact that it indicates the degree to which the time-series departs from random walk behaviour – which may be taken as a measure of the potential predictability of the time-series. This is unlike standard tests for cointegration which are concerned with the related but different issue of testing for stationarity – a series may be nonstationary but still contain a significant predictable component and thus the variance ratio will identify a wider range of opportunities than the more restrictive approach of testing for stationarity. For both the Dax and the Cac the VRFs fall below 1, suggesting a certain degree of predictability - even though both series are nonstationary. Note also that the VRF for the relative price series is consistently below those of the individual series, indicating that the relative price exhibits a greater degree of potential predictability than either of the individual assets.A problem with using the Variance Ratio test in conjunction with a cointegration methodology is that the residuals of a cointegrating regression (even when the variables are random walks) will not behave entirely as a random walk – for instance, they are forced, by construction, to be zero mean. More importantly, the regression induces a certain amount of spurious “mean-reversion” in the residuals and the impact of this on the distribution of the VR function must be taken into account. In our case, there is one further complication in that we are using stepwise regression and hence the selection bias inherent in choosing m out of n > m regressors must also be accounted for. This is akin to the “data snooping”issue highlighted by Lo and McKinley (1990)We thus performed a Monte Carlo simulation to identify the joint distribution of the variance ratio profile under the null hypothesis of regressing random walk variables on other random walks (i.e. no predictable component), accounting in particular for the impact of (a) the mean-reversion induced by the regression itself, and (b) the selection bias introduced by the use of the stepwise procedure. The distribution was calculated from 1000 simulations, in each case the parameters of the simulation match those of the subsequent statistical arbitrage modelling: namely a 400 period realisation of a random walk is regressed upon 5 similarly generated series from a set of 93 using a forward stepwise selection procedure, and the variance ratio profile calculated from the residuals of the regression3. The variance ratio is calculated for returns varying from one-period up to fifty periods. Note however, that by construction the value of VR(1) can only take the value 1.From these 1000 simulations, both the average variance ratio profile and the covariance matrix of deviations from this profile were calculated. As we are interested in the “shape” of the VR profile we also conducted a principle component analysis to characterise the structure of the deviations from the average profile. The scree plot of the normalised eigenvalues is shown below:Figure 2: the scree plot of normalised eigenvalues for the covariance matrix of the variance ratio profile. The fact that almost the entire variability can be represented by the first few factors (out of a total of 49) shows that deviations from the average profile tend to be highly structured and can be characterised by only a small number of parameters.The average profile and selected eigenvectors are shown in figure 3, below. The average profile shows a significant negative slope which would imply a high degree of mean reversion if this were a standard3 Clearly it would be straightforward to repeat the procedure for other experimental parameters, sample size, number of variables etc, but the huge number of possible combinations leads towards recalibrating only for particular experiments rather than attempting to tabulate all possible conditional distributions.variance ratio test. In our case it merely represents an artefact of the regression methodology which can be taken as a “baseline” for comparing the variance ratio profiles of actual statistical“mispricings”. Note also the highly structured nature of the eigenvectors – indicating that deviations from the average profile have a tendency to be correlated across wide regions of lag-space rather than showing up as “spike” in the VR profile. The first eigenvector represents a low frequency deviation in which the variance is consistently higher than the average profile – patterns with a positive projection on this eigenvector will tend to be trending whilst a negative projection will tend to indicate mean-reversion. The second eigenvector has a higher “frequency” and characterises profiles which mean-revert in the short term and trend in the longer term (or vice versa). Similarly the third eigenvector represents a pattern of trend-revert-trend. The higher-order eigenvectors (not shown in the figure) tend to follow this move towards higher frequency deviations. The fact that the associated eigenvalues are large only for the first few components tells us that the residuals derived from random walk time-series tend to deviate from the average profile only in very simple ways, as represented by the low-order eigenvectors shown in the diagram. 3: Variance Ratio profiles for: average residual of regression from simulated random-walk data;characteristic deviations from the average profile as represented by selected eigenvectors3Analysis of Variance Ratio profiles of statistical “mispricings” of FTSE 100 stocksGiven the average profile and covariance matrix of the profile under the null hypothesis of random walk behaviour, we can test the residuals of actual statistical arbitrage models for significant deviations from these profiles. The data used consist daily closing prices of the FTSE 100 and 93 of its constituent stocks. The prices were obtained from the Reuters TS1 database and it total consist of 500 observations from 13 June 1996 to 13 May 1998. Of these 400 observations were used to estimate the cointegrating regressions and the final 100 observations were reserved for the purposes of out-of-sample evaluation.Each asset in turn was used as the dependent variable in a stepwise regression, with constant term and five regressors selected from the possible 93, and the VR profile of the resulting statistical mispricing tested for potential predictability in the form of deviation from random walk behaviour.Two types of test were used, the first treating the distribution of the VR profile as multivariate normal and measuring the Mahalanobis distance of the observed profile from the average profile under the null hypothesis. This approach to joint testing of VR statistics has previously been used by Eckbo and Liu (1996) and it is easy to show that the test statistic should follow a chi-squared distribution with degreesof freedom equal to the dimensionality of the test. The second set of tests are designed to identify different types of deviation from the average profile and are based on the projection of the deviation onto the different eigenvectors – under the null hypothesis these statistics should follow a standard normal distribution. Figure 4, below, shows Variance Ratio profiles of the mispricings for selected statistical arbitrage models: 4: Selected variance ratio profiles for statistical mispricings obtained through stepwise regression of asset on remaining assets in FTSE 100 universeThe test results are shown in the table below; in order to account for deviations from (multivariate)normality we report the nominal size but also the empirical size of the tests – calculated from the calibration data from the original simulation and also a test set from a second similar but independent simulation. Eigenvectors derived from both the correlation and the covariance matrix are used in the analysis.Chi-sq EigCov1EigCov2EigCov3EigCov4EigCov5EigCor1EigCor2EigCor3EigCor4EigCor5Cal 1.8% 1.6% 1.4% 1.4%0.9% 1.4% 1.7% 1.1% 1.7% 1.5% 1.2%Test 4.3% 1.2%0.9% 1.8% 1.3% 1.2% 1.3%0.9% 1.3% 1.3% 1.6%Model36.2%8.5% 1.1% 2.1% 3.2% 3.2%8.5% 4.3% 3.2% 4.3%8.5%Table 1: Comparison of VR tests for random-walk simulations and actual mispricings, nominal size of test = 1%Chi-sq EigCov1EigCov2EigCov3EigCov4EigCov5EigCor1EigCor2EigCor3EigCor4EigCor5Cal6.6% 4.5% 5.1% 4.8% 5.2% 6.0% 4.7% 5.8% 4.0% 4.1% 4.8%Test9.9% 3.9% 5.5% 4.6% 4.8% 5.4% 4.1% 4.2% 4.3% 5.6% 6.2%Model 53.2%11.7%8.5%7.4%12.8%11.7%11.7%9.6%8.5%14.9%13.8%Table 2: Comparison of VR tests for random-walk simulations and actual mispricings, nominal size of test = 5%Chi-sq EigCov1EigCov2EigCov3EigCov4EigCov5EigCor1EigCor2EigCor3EigCor4EigCor5Cal11.7%8.7%9.8%9.5%10.6%10.5%8.3%10.0%8.4%9.4%9.7%Test14.5%8.2%10.5%9.3%10.9%10.7%7.5%10.1%8.5%12.1%10.4%Model 59.6%20.2%13.8%14.9%18.1%18.1%19.1%14.9%16.0%19.1%23.4%Table 3: Comparison of VR tests for random-walk simulations and actual mispricings, nominal size of test =10%The tests indicate that the mispricings of the statistical arbitrage models deviate significantly from the behaviour of the random data – suggesting the presence of potentially predictable deviations from()MIS s,t =−+=∑P w P c s t s i i c i s t ,,(,),15randomness. The table below shows ‘z’ tests of the average scores of the true mispricings when compared to the simulated test data:Chi-sq EigCov1EigCov2EigCov3EigCov4EigCov5EigCor1EigCor2EigCor3EigCor4EigCor5AveTest 50.99-0.01- 5.56 2.72 1.570.83AveModel 70.79- 1.02-0.650.61VarModel 676.340.410. 3.83 1.86 1.06z' stat 7.3-3.20.5 4.0-4.1-5.0-2.6 1.0 4.4-5.0 6.3p-value 0.000000.001290.611690.000060.000040.000000.008900.328160.000010.000000.00000Table 4: Comparison of average values of the various VR tests for random-walk simulations and actual mispricingsThis result reinforces the findings that the actual mispricings deviate from random behaviour. In the next section we describe a forecasting model based on these mispricings.4Modelling the dynamics of the statistical mispricingsIn this section we describe the error-correction model which forecasts one-day-ahead changes in the statistical mispricings of the FTSE 100 stocks.A single “pooled” model was estimated across the cross-section of 94 mispricing models and sample period of 400 observations. In order to capture any “mean reversion” effects, the one day ahead changes in the mispricings were regressed on the current level of the mispricing:(2)where P c(i,s) is the price of the i ’th constituent asset for the model of stock ‘s ’ and w s,i is the associated regression coefficient (portfolio weighting).The remaining independent variables were selected in order to capture properties of different segments of the lag-space of mispricing dynamics and are of the form:()L n m s t ,,=−MIS MIS s,t-n s,t-m(3)with the resulting regression of the form:MIS MIS MIS s,t +1s,t s,t −=++++++++αββββββε0123451011225101020L L L L L s t s ts t s t s t s t (,)(,)(,)(5,)(,),,,,,,(4)In total, 94*400 = 37600 observations were used to estimate the model, leaving 94*100=9400 for out-of-sample evaluation. The regression output is shown below:SUMMARY OUTPUTRegression StatisticsMultiple R 28.6%R Square 8.2%Adjusted R Square 8.2%Standard Error 0.016Observations 37600ANOVAdf SS MS F Significance F Regression60.830.14559.020Residual375939.310.0002Total 3759910.14Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95%Upper 95%Intercept0.0000.0001-2.050.04010.0000.000MIS-0.1880.0043-43.480.0000-0.197-0.180L10200.0210.00277.990.00000.0160.027L5100.0300.00368.240.00000.0230.037L250.0370.00438.760.00000.0290.046L120.0180.0060 2.960.00310.0060.029L010.1070.006017.970.00000.0960.119The model shows significant predictability in future changes of the statistical mispricings. This predictability derives from two sources - firstly a short term trend as represented by the positive coefficients for the lagged difference terms L (n,m), and secondly a long term error-correction as represented by the negative coefficient for the mispricing MIS. Given the size of the dataset from which the model was estimated, the results are all highly significant and the adjusted R 2 suggests that the predictable component accounts for 8.2% of total variability in the mispricings. In spite of this, it is unclear how much of this effect is spuriously induced by the cointegrating regression methodology which was used to generate the mispricings - the true test of the model is on the out-of-sample performance, an evaluation of which is presented in the following section.5Performance AnalysisFirstly let us consider the aggregate performance which is achieved by averaging the cross-section performance of the models - this is equivalent to trading a portfolio with an equal weight in each of the individual statistical arbitrage models.The out-of-sample aggregate equity curve is shown in figure 5, below:0%2%4%6%8%10%12%14%16%18%010********60708090Time (Days)C u m u l a t i v e P r o f i tFigure 5: Aggregate equity curve, averaged across the performance of the 94 statistical arbitrage modelsA set of performance metrics for the aggregate performance are reported in table 5 below:Profitable Ave Ret SD ret Ret (Annual)SD (Annual)Sharpe No costs85%0.16%0.14%31.75% 2.03%15.7Costs = 50bp67%0.08%0.14%15.73% 2.02%7.8 Table 5: Aggregate cross-section performance of the statistical arbitrage models: the first row shows performance excluding trading costs, the second row shows performance with trading costs assumed equal to 50 basis points (0.5%) The metrics are directional ability (percentage of periods in which profits are positive), daily and annualised return and risk (measured as standard deviation of return), and Sharpe Ratio of annualised return to annualised risk.The trading performance suggests that the model is highly successful - the diversification across models means that on this aggregate level the strategy is profitable in 85% of the out-of-sample periods (falling to 67% when costs are included). After costs the annualised return is just over 15% which is very satisfactory given that the trading is market neutral and could be overlaid on an underlying long position in the market. Alternatively the Sharpe Ratio suggests that the returns are large when compared to the capital requirements of covering the associated risks and that in this risk-adjusted sense the system is highly attractive. Note that the performance is highly sensitive to the assumed level of trading costs - one-way costs of 50bp reduce the return by half, with the break-even point lying close to transaction costs of 1%. From this perspective the usefulness of such a system is conditional on the circumstances of the user - whilst a bank may have costs as low as 10-20 basis points, the equivalent cost for an individual is likely to be over 1%, hence negating the information advantage provided by the model.The table below summarises the performance metrics of the individual models; the detailed results are presented in Appendix C.Model Correlation Direction Return Risk Sharpe Direction(Adj)Return(adj)Risk(adj)Sharpe (adj) Min0.00646%-7.0% 5.8%-0.326%-38.0% 5.8%-6.5Max0.38666%184.4%67.6% 5.459%160.3%67.2% 4.0Ave0.22456%58.2%21.6% 2.844%25.3%21.4% 1.0 Table 6: Summary of the performance metrics evaluated for individual models; the table reports the min, max and average values of: predictive correlation (between actual and forecasted returns), Directional forecasting ability, annualised return risk and Sharpe Ratio, and equivalent figures adjusted for transaction costs at a level of50 basis points (0.5%). Note that the figures in a given row may be derived from different models.The key feature of the results in table 6 is the wide range of performance across the individual models. Note that, after adjusting for transactions costs, the models are only profitable in 44% of the out-of-sample periods and yet still return positive profits - suggesting that the models are better at forecasting the larger moves. The average Sharpe Ratio of the models is only 1.0 but notice that by aggregating across the models the average return is unaffected whilst the average risk is significantly reduced. From this perspective the improvement from a Sharpe Ratio of 1.0 on an individual basis, to 7.8 on an aggregate basis (see table 5) would be expected only from models which are almost uncorrelated and hence can significantly reduce risk by means of diversification.6Investigation of the relationship between Variance Ratio profile and profitabilityIn the final phase of the analysis, we investigated the relationship between the insample properties of the variance ratio profiles of the different models, and the variability in their profitability during the out-of-sample period. This analysis consisted of regressing the out-of-sample Sharpe Ratios of the individual models on their VR statistics (M ahalanobis distance and eigenvector projections). A stepwise regression procedure resulted in the model shown below:。
