Perception, Cognition, Action an Action Theoretical Approach




认知过程(cognitive process)感觉sensation知觉perception错觉(illusion)注意attention记忆memory遗忘forgetting思维thinking情绪(emotion)情感(affection)情绪的社会性参照作用(social referencing of emotion)心境(mood)激情(intense emotion)应激(stress)道德感(moral feeling)理智感(rational feeling)美感(aesthetic feeling)维度(dimension)两极性(bipolarity)表情(emotional expression)面部表情(facial expression)身段表情(body expression)言语表情(language expression)意志(will)人格(personality)个性(individuality)动机(motivation)挫折frustration能力(ability)智力(intelligence)气质(temperament)多血质Sanguineous temperament粘液质Phlegm temperament胆汁质Bilious temperament抑郁质Melancholic temperament性格(character)心理评估Psychological assessment比率智商(Ratio IQ)离差智商(Deviation IQ)斯坦福-比内测验(Stanford-Binet Scale,S-B)韦氏智力量表(Wechsler intelligence scale,W-S) 全量表(Full Scale,FS)言语量表(Verbal Scale,VS)操作量表(Performance Scale,PS)明尼苏达多相人格调查表(Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory,MMPI )艾森克人格问卷(Eysenck personality questionnair,EPQ)卡氏16种人格因素测验(16 personality factor questionnaire,16PF)90项症状评定量表(Symptom check list 90,SCL-90)抑郁自评量表(Self-rating depression scale,SDS)焦虑自评量表(Self-rating anxiety scale,SAS)生活事件量表(Life event scale,LES)特质应对方式问卷(Trait coping style questionnaire, TCSQ)心理干预psychological intervention健康促进(health promotion)积极的心理健康(positive mental health)危险因素(risk factor)保护因素(risk factor)预防性干预(preventive intervention)普遍性干预(universal preventive interventions)选择性预防干预(selective preventive interventions)指导性预防干预(indicated preventive intervention)心理咨询(psychological counseling)心理治疗psychotherapy倾听技术attending提问技术question封闭式提问(closed question)开放式提问(open question)鼓励技术encouragement内容反应技术paraphrase情感反应技术reflection of feeling面质技术confrontation解释技术interpretation精神分析治疗(psychoanalytic psychotherapy)经典精神分析(classic psychoanalysis)心理动力学理论(psychodynamics)意识(conscious)潜意识(unconsciousness )前意识(preconsciousness)口欲期(oral stage)肛欲期(anal stage)性器期(phallic stage)潜伏期(latency stage)生殖期(genital stage)人格结构理论Theory of personality structure 本我(id)自我(ego)超我(superego)现实焦虑(reality anxiety)神经症性焦虑(neurotic anxiety)道德性焦虑(moral anxiety)压抑(repression)抵消(undoing,隔离isolation)反向作用(reaction formation)置换作用(displacement)固着(fixation)退行(regression)投射(projection)内射(introjection)升华(sublimation)客体关系理论(object relation)自体心理学理论(self psychology)设置(setting)经典条件反射理论(Theory of classic conditioned reflex)强化(reinforcement)消退(extinction)泛化(generalization)操作性条件反射(operant conditioning)=工具性条件反射(instrumental conditioning)行为治疗(behavior therapy)系统脱敏疗法(systematic desensitization)冲击疗法(flooding therapy)厌恶治疗(aversion therapy)行为塑造法(behavior modeling)认知治疗(cognitive therapy)负性自动思维(negative automatic thoughts)非此即彼All-or-nothing thinking灾难化catastrophizing使不合格或打折扣disqualifying or discounting the positive 情绪推理emotional reasoning贴标签labeling最大化或最小化Magnification/minimization精神过滤mental filter度人之心(主观臆断)mind reading以偏概全overgeneralization个性化personalization应该和必须倾向Should and must statement管状视力tunnel vision心理诊断(psycho diagnosis)领悟(insight)修通(working through)再教育(reeducation)RET自助表(RET Self—Help Form)合理自我分析报告(Rational Self—Analysis,RSA)。



操作心理学一个好的产品外观造型应该具备如下几个特点: 满足产品功能结构要求,保证使用安全;造型美观,符合使用者的审美需求,与同类产品有明显不同;产品造型与产品使用环境协调一致;无论档次定位如何都应令使用者感到物有所值。













用户操作使用一个产品往往需要5个心理过程:1. 意图: 首先用户要形成操作意图,通过知觉发现信息,通过思考确定一个操作使用意图。




下面,文都比邻了一份心理学考研复试英语必备单词,请查收!普通心理学1. psychoanalysis精神分析2. behaviorism行为主义3. humanism人本主义4. sensation感觉5. perception 知觉6. consciousness/proconsciousness/unconsciousness 意识/前意识/潜意识7. absolute/difference threshold绝对/差别阈限8. absolute/ difference sensitivity绝对/差别感受性9. sensory deprivation感觉剥夺10. Weber's law 韦伯定律Fechner's law费希纳定律11. monocular/ binocular cue单眼/双眼线索12. illusion错觉13. sensory memory/short-term memory/long-termmemory/working memory /explicit memory /implicit memory感觉记忆(SM)/短期记忆(STM)/长期记忆(LTM)/工作记忆/外显记忆/内隐记忆14. serial position effect系列位置效应15. long-term potentiation长时程增强16. tip of tongue 舌尖现象(TOT)17. voluntary/involuntary attention随意/不随意注意18. rapid eye movement dream快速眼动睡眠(REM)19. set of thinking思维定势20. strategy of problem thinking问题解决策略21. Wernicke’s/ Broca’s area威尔尼克/布洛卡区22. intrinsic/extrinsic motive内在(发)/外在(衍)动机23. need hierarchy theory需求层级24. self-actualization自我实现25. Yerkes-Dodson Law 耶克斯-多德森定律26. emotional expression 表情27. emotional in ___igence 情绪智力28. in ___igence 智力29. personality人格30. temperament气质发展心理学31. life-span developmental psychology毕生发展心理学32. schema图式33. assimilation同化34. aommodation顺应35. equilibrium平衡36. cross-sectional/longitudinal/cross-sequential design 横断/纵向/聚合交叉研究设计37. identical/fraternal twins 同卵/异卵双生子38. theory of mind心理理论39. preferential method(视觉)偏好法40. habituation习惯法41. visual cliff视觉悬崖42. attachment依恋43. conventional/preconventional/postconventional level 习俗/前习俗/后习俗水平44. identityachievement/foreclosure/moratorium/diffusion同一性获得/早闭/延缓/扩散45. plex 情结46. objective permanence客体永久性47. concrete operational stage具体运运算阶段48. formal operational stage形式运算阶段49. external/internal language外部/内部言语50. language acquisition device言语获得装置(LAD)51. transformational-generative theory转换生成说52. critical/sensitive period关键/敏感期53. acquisition习得54. senility衰老55. heredity遗传56. gender identity性别认同57. prelinguistic stage言语阶段58. telegraphic/one-word speech stage电报句/单词句阶段59. oral/anal/phallic/latent/adolescent stage口唇/肛门/性器/潜伏/青春期60. cognitive ageing 认知老化教育心理学61. classical/operant conditioning 经典式/操作式条件反射62. unconditioned stimulu/response非条件刺激(US)/反应(UR)63. conditioned stimulusresponse/条件刺激(CS)/反应(CR)64. fixed ratio/fixed interval/fixed ratio/ fixed interval reinforce定比(FR)/定时(FI)/变比(VR)/变时(VI)强化65. zone of proximal development最近发展区66. trial and error learning试误学习67. rehearsal复诵68. learned helplessness习得性无助69. insight顿悟70. learning set学习心向71. latent learning内隐(潜在)学习72. cognitive map认知地图73. transfer迁移74. assisted learning辅助学习75. associative stage连接阶段76. constructivism建构主义77. failure aepting/failure-avoiding 接受失败/避免失败型78. reciprocal determinism交互决定论79. scaffolding teaching支架式教学80. token reinforcement system代币强化制81. tracking 分层教学82. cognitive apprenticeship认知学徒83. advance organizer先行组织者84. anchorage instruction抛锚式教学85. cooperative learning/teaching合作学习/教学86. learning strategy学习策略87. metacognition元认知88. Pygmalion effect皮格马利翁效应89. meaning learning有意义学习90. discover/aept learning发现/接受学习社会心理学91. self-reference effect 自我参照效应92. self-efficacy自我效能93. impression-management印象管理94. fundamental attribution error基本归因偏差95. spotlight effect焦点效应96. self-serving bias自我服务偏差97. availability heuristic可得性启发98. representativeness heuristic代表性启发99. anchoring heuristic锚定和调整启发100. attribution warp归因偏差101. social facilitation社会助长102. social loafing社会惰化103. altruistic behavior利他行为104. aggression侵犯行为105. over justification effect过度理由效应106. diffusion of responsibility旁观者效应/责任分散效应 107. conformity从众108. mere exposure effect曝光效应/单纯接触效应109. foot-in-the-door technique登门槛技巧 110. door-in-the-face technique门面效应实验心理学111. experimental psychology实验心理学112. experimental method实验法113. naturalistic observation自然观察法 114. independent variable自变量115. dependent variable因变量116. relevant variable相关变量117. irrelevant variable无关变量118. controlled variable控制变量119. within subjects design被试内设计120. between subjects design被试间设计121. mixed design混合设计122. double/single blind双盲/单盲法123. Donders ABC of reaction time唐德斯反应时ABC 124. absolute limen绝对阈限125. difference limen差别阈限心理测量学126. mental measurement心理测量127. norm常模128. reliability信度129. validity效度130. discrimination区分度131. norm-referenced test常模参照测验132. criterion-referenced test标准参照测验 133. item characteristic curve项目特征曲线 134. in ___igence test智力测验135. projective test投射测验136. self-report inventory自陈量表137. thematic apperception test主题统觉测验心理统计学138. psychological statistics心理统计学139. normal distribution正态分布140. sample mean样本均值141. sample variance样本方差142. sample standard deviation样本标准差143. dependency coefficient相关系数144. sampling distribution抽样分布145. normal distribution正态分布146. standard normal distribution标准正态分布 147. parameter estimation参数估计148. interval estimation区间估计149. hypothesis testing假设检验150. analysis of variance方差分析上述就是“20XX心理学考研复试英语词汇”的相关内容,将这些单词牢牢记住,让导师看到你的英语能力,这样离成功就会更进一步!能文的,用不着时,几张纸,盖不了酱瓶,善武的,用不着时,几杆枪,煮不熟饭锅。



六级核心词汇1,acquisition n.获得,添加的物品2,adolescent a.青春期的,青年的n.青少年3,adverse a.不利的,敌对的,相反的,逆的4,aesthetic a.美学的,审美的,有美感5,affiliate vt.附属,接纳vi.有关6,afflict vt.使痛苦,折磨7,aggravate vt.使恶化,使更加重8,agitation n.鼓动,煸动;搅动9,alleviate vt.减轻,使缓和10,amends n.赔偿11,anonymous a.匿名的12,appraisal n.评价,估价,鉴定13,articulate a.发音清晰的,听得懂的14,ascertain vt.查明,确定,弄清15,ascribe vt.把…归于16,assault vt.袭击;殴打n.攻击17,assert vt.断言,宣称;维护18,asset n.资产,有用的东西19,assimilate vt.使同化,吸收,比较20,attorney n.代理人;辩护律师21,augment增加,增大22,authentic a.真实的,可靠的,可信的23,avail vt.有益于n.效用24,avert vt.转开,避免,防止25,baffle vt.使挫折n.迷惑26,barren a.贫瘠的;不妊的27,batch n.一组,分批,成批,批28,bizarre a.奇异的29,bleak a.萧瑟的,苍白的,荒凉的30,blunder vi.犯大错n.大错31,blunt a.钝的,坦率的,麻痹的32,bonus n.奖金,红利33,brace n.支柱vt.拉紧,撑牢34,brittle a.脆的;易损坏的35,capsule n.胶囊,瓶帽,太空舱36,casualty n.伤亡,受害者37,ceramic a.陶器的n.陶瓷制品38,cereal n.谷类,五谷,禾谷39,commentary n.注释,评论,批评40,commitment n.委托,实行,承担义务,赞助41,commute vt.交换,兑换,经常来往42,compatible a.一致的;兼容制的43,competence n.胜任,资格,能力44,compile vt.编辑,编制,搜集45,compulsory a.强迫的,义务的46,concede vt.承认,退让vi.让步47,conceive vt.设想,以为;怀孕48,concession n.让步,迁就49,concise a.简洁的,简明的50,confer vt.赠予,协议vi.协商51,configuration n.结构,配置,形态52,conform vt.使遵守vi.一致53,confusion n.混乱;骚乱;混淆54,consecutive a.连续的,联贯的,始终一贯的55,consensus n.一致56,conserve vt.保存,保全n.蜜饯,果酱57,conspicuous a.显著的,显眼的,出众的58,constituent a.形成的n.选民59,constrain vt.强迫,勉强,驱使60,consultant n.顾问,商议者61,contaminate vt.弄脏,毒害,传染62,contemplate vt.注视,沉思,打算vi.冥思苦想63,contempt n.轻蔑;藐视64,contend vi.竞争vt.坚决主张65,contradict vt.反驳,否认66,contrive发明,设计,图谋67,controversial a.争论的,论争的,被议论的68,controversy n.争论,辩论,争吵69,converge vi.聚合,集中于一点70,convict n.囚犯,罪犯vt.宣告有罪71,cordial a.真诚的,诚恳的72,corps n.军团,队,团,兵种73,corrode vt.vi腐蚀,侵蚀,破坏74,corrupt vt.贿赂a.腐败的75,costume n.装束,服装76,courtesy n.礼貌,谦恭,请安77,cripple n.跛子;残废的人78,criterion n.标准,准则,尺度79,crucial a.决定性的,重要的,严厉的80,cue n.开端,线索,发辫,长队81,culminate到绝顶,达于极点,达到高潮82,cumulative a.累积的83,curb n.抑制,勒马绳vt.抑制,束缚84,curt a.简略的,简短的,生硬的85,cynical a.愤世嫉俗的,讽刺的,冷嘲的86,deficit n.赤字,不足额87,degenerate a.堕落的vi.vt使变质,使退化.88,deliberate a.深思熟虑的;审慎的89,denote vt.指示,意味着90,denounce vt.谴责,声讨;告发91,depict vt.描述,描写92,designate vt.指出,指示;指定93,despatch派遣94,despise vt.鄙视,蔑视95,deteriorate使)恶化96,diffuse散播,传播 a.散开的,弥漫的97,dilemma n.困境,进退两难的局面98,dilute vt.冲淡,稀释 a.淡的,稀释的99,discern vt.看出,辨出;辨别100,discrepancy n.相差,差异,差别101,discrete a.不连续的,离散的102,disguise vi.隐瞒,掩埋n.假装103,dismay n.惊慌,沮丧,灰心104,dispatch vt.派遣;调度n.急件105,disperse vt.(使)分散;驱散106,disposition n.性情,处置,处理,布置107,disrupt a.分裂的,分散的vt.使分裂,使瓦解108,dissipate vt.驱散;浪费vi.消散109,distil v.蒸馏,提取....的精华110,disturbance n.动乱;干扰;侵犯111,divine a.神的;敬神的112,drastic a.激烈的;严厉的113,dubious a.可疑的,不确定的114,dwell n.居住vi.凝思,细想115,eccentric n.怪人,偏心圆a.古怪的,不同圆心的116,edible a.可食用的,食物117,ego n.自我118,elicit vt.引出,抽出,引起119,elite n.精华,精锐,中坚分子120,eloquent a.雄辩的,有口才的,动人的121,embark vi.乘船,着手,从事,上飞机122,empirical a.经验主义的123,endow vt.资助;赋予,授予124,enhance vt.提高,增加;夸张125,ensue vt.追求vi.跟着发生,继起126,entail vt.使必需,使承担127,entity n.实体,实存物,存在128,entrepreneur n.企业家,主办人129,envisage vt.面对,正视,想象130,epoch n.(新)时代;历元131,equilibrium n.平衡,均衡;均衡论132,erosion n.腐蚀,侵蚀;糜烂133,erroneous a.错误的,不正确的134,escort n.vt.护卫,护送135,essence n.本质,本体;精华136,esthetic a.审美的137,ethics n.道德规范138,ethnic a.民族特有的139,evoke vt.唤起,引起140,exemplify vt.举例证明(解释)141,exempt a.免除的vt.使免除,豁免142,exile vt.流放n.被流放者143,exotic a.异国的,外来的n.外来物,舶来品144,expertise n.专家的意见,专门技术145,expire vi.满期,到期;断气146,explicit a.明晰的;直率的147,exposition n.说明,解释;陈列148,exquisite a.精致的,细腻的,敏锐的149,extinct a.绝种的;熄灭了的150,extinguish vt.熄灭,扑灭;消灭151,extravagant a.奢侈的;过度的152,fabricate vt.制作,组合;捏造153,facet n.小平面,方面,刻面154,facilitate vt.使容易;助长155,feeble a.虚弱的;微弱的156,flank n.肋,肋腹;侧面157,flap vt.n.拍打vi.拍动158,fling vi.vt.(用力)扔,抛159,fluctuate vi.波动vt.使波动160,flutter vi.(鸟)振翼;飘动161,foam n.泡沫;泡沫塑料162,foil n.箔,金属薄片vt.贴箔于,衬托163,formidable a.可怕的;难对付的164,formulate vt.用公式表示165,fort n.要塞,堡垒166,fossil n.化石 a.化石的167,foster vt.养育,抚养;培养168,foul a.肮脏的;丑恶的169,fracture n.破裂;裂痕vi.破裂170,fraud n.骗子,欺骗,欺诈,诡计171,fringe n.穗,毛边;边缘172,frustrate vt.挫败;使无效173,galaxy n.银河,星系,一群显赫的人物174,gaol n.监禁,监狱vt.监禁175,garment n.衣服;服装,衣着176,gasp vi.气喘,喘息177,gear n.齿轮,传动装置178,glide vi.滑动;消逝n.滑行179,gloomy a.黑暗的;令人沮丧的180,gorgeous a.绚丽的;极好的181,gossip n.闲谈;碎嘴子;漫笔182,graze vi.喂草;放牧(牲畜)183,grease n.动物脂,脂肪184,grief n.悲哀,悲痛,悲伤185,grieve vt.使悲痛vi.悲痛186,grim a.冷酷无情的,严厉的187,grope vi.(暗中)摸索,探索188,hamper vt.妨碍,阻碍,牵制189,hatch vt.舱盖,舱口;短门190,haul vt.拖曳;拖运191,haunt vt.常去vi.经常出没192,heal vt.治愈;使和解193,heave vt.(用力地)举起;抛194,heir n.后嗣,继承人195,heritage n.遗产,继承物,传统196,hierarchy n.等级制度,统治集团197,hinder a.后面的阻碍,打扰198,hinge n.合页,折叶,铰链199,hitherto ad.迄今,到目前为止200,hoist vt.升起vi.扯起来201,homogeneous a.同类的;均匀的202,hose n.长筒袜;软管203,hover vi.徘徊;傍徨;翱翔204,humidity n.湿气;湿度205,hurl vt.猛投vi.猛冲206,hypothesis n.假设;前提207,hysterical a.歇斯底里的,异常兴奋的208,ideology n.意识形态,思想体系209,ignite vt.引燃vi.着火210,illuminate vt.照明,照亮;阐明211,illusion n.幻想;错觉;假象212,imaginative a.想象的,虚构的213,imitation n.仿制品,伪制物214,immerse vt.沉浸;给…施洗礼215,immune a.免疫的,免除的,不受影响的216,impair vt.损害,减少,削弱217,impart vt.给予,传递;告诉218,imperative n.命令, a.命令式的,急需的,强制的219,imperial a.帝王的,至尊的n.特等品220,impetus n.动力,推动力,激励221,implement n.工具vt.实现,使生效,执行222,implicit a.暗示的,盲从的,绝对的,固有的223,inaugurate vt.开始;使就职224,incentive n.动机 a.激励的225,incidentally ad.附带地;顺便提及226,inclusive a.包围住的;包括的227,incredible a.难以置信的,惊人的228,incur vt.招致,蒙受,遭遇229,indefinite a.不明确的;不定的230,indicative a.指示的;陈述的231,indignant a.愤慨的,义愤的232,indignation n.愤怒,愤慨,义愤233,induce vt.劝诱;引起;感应234,indulge vt.放纵(感情)vi.纵情235,inertia n.惯性,惯量;无力236,inflation n.通货膨胀,物价飞涨237,inflict vt.施以,加害,使承受238,ingenious a.机灵的;精巧制成的239,ingredient n.配料,成分240,inhibit vt.禁止,抑制241,innovation n.创新,改革,新设施242,insane a.患精神病的,不理智的243,installment n.分期付款244,instantaneous a.瞬间的,即刻的245,insulate vt.使绝缘,使绝热246,intact a.原封不动的,完整的247,integral a.组成的;整的248,integrate vt.使结合,使并入249,integrity n.诚实,正直250,intelligible a.可理解的,易理解的,明了的251,intensify加强,强化252,intent a.目不转睛的,热切的253,interim a.中间的,暂时的,间歇的,n.过渡时期254,intermittent a.间歇的,断断续续的255,intersection n.交集,十字路口,交叉点256,intimidate vt.威胁,恐吓,胁迫257,intricate a.复杂的,错综的,缠结的,难懂的258,intrigue n.阴谋vi.密谋,耍诡计vt.激起兴趣259,intrinsic a.本质的,原有的,真正的260,intuition n.直觉,直觉的知识261,invalid n.病人a.有病的,无效的262,invaluable a.无价的,价值无法衡量的263,invariably ad.不变地,永恒地264,inventory n.详细目录,存货清单265,invert vt.使反转,使颠倒,使转化266,irony n.反讽,讽剌,讽剌之事267,irrespective a.不考虑的,不顾的268,irrigation n.灌溉;冲洗法269,irritate vt.激怒;引起不愉快270,ivory n.象牙;牙质;乳白色271,jail n.监狱vi.监禁272,jeopardize vt.危害,使受危困,使陷危地273,jerk vt.猛地一拉vi.急拉274,journalist n.记者,新闻工作者275,junction n.连接;接头;中继线276,jury n.陪审团;评奖团277,justification n.辩护,证明是正当的,释罪278,kidney n.肾,腰子;性格279,kit n.成套工具;用具包280,knit vt.把…编结vi.编织281,knob n.门把,拉手;旋纽282,lamb n.羔羊,小羊;羔羊肉283,lame a.跛的;瘸的,残废的284,landscape n.风景,景色,景致285,latent a.存在但看不见的286,latitude n.纬度;黄纬287,layman n.俗人,门外汉,凡人288,leaflet n.传单,活页;广告289,lease n.租约,契约,租契290,legend n.传说,传奇291,legislation n.立法;法规292,legitimate a.合法的,正当的vt.使合法293,liability n.责任;倾向;债务294,lick vt.舔;舔吃295,likelihood n.可能(性)296,limp vi.蹒跚,跛行n.跛行297,linear a.线的;长度的298,liner n.班船,班机299,linger vi.逗留,徘徊;拖延300,literacy n.读写能力,识字301,literal a.文字(上)的;字面的302,litter n.废物,杂乱vi.乱扔303,lobby n.前厅,(剧院的)门廊304,locality n.位置,地点,发生地305,locomotive a.运动的;机动306,lofty a.高耸的;高尚的307,longitude n.经线,经度308,lounge n.(旅馆等的)休息室309,lubricate vt.使润滑vi.加润滑油310,luminous a.发光的;光明的311,lunar a.月亮的312,magnify vt.放大,扩大313,magnitude n.大小;重大;星等314,majesty n.威严,尊严;陛下315,mall n.大型购物中心316,manifest vt.表明a.明白的317,manipulate vt.操作;控制,手持318,manoeuvre调遣,演习vt.调动,操纵319,manuscript n.手稿,底稿,原稿320,marble n.大理石321,marginal a.记在页边的;边缘的322,marsh n.沼泽地,湿地323,marshal n.元帅;陆军元帅324,masculine a.男性的;强壮的325,massive a.粗大的;大而重的326,masterpiece n.杰作,名著327,meadow n.草地,牧草地328,mechanism n.机械装置;机制329,medal n.奖章,勋章,纪念章330,media n.媒体331,mediate a.居间的,间接的vt.斡旋,调停332,medieval a.中古的,中世纪的333,Mediterranean n.地中海a.地中海的334,melody n.旋律,曲调;歌曲335,membership n.成员资格;会员人数336,menace vt.&vi.&n.(进行)威胁337,merge vt.使合并,使并为一体338,mess vt.弄脏,弄乱,搞糟339,messenger n.送信者,信使340,metallic a.金属的n.金属粒子341,metropolitan a.主要都市的n.大主教342,midst n.中部,中间,当中343,migrate vi.迁移,移居344,militant a.好战的345,mingle vt.使混合vi.混合起来346,miniature n.缩影a.缩小的347,minimal a.最小的,极微的,最小限度的348,minimize vt.使减到最小349,misery n.痛苦,悲惨,不幸350,misfortune n.不幸,灾祸,灾难351,missionary n.传教士352,mobilize vt.动员vi.动员起来353,mock n.嘲弄vt.嘲弄,挖苦354,momentum n.动力,要素355,monopoly n.垄断,独占,专利356,monster n.怪物;畸形的动植物357,morality n.道德,美德,品行358,mortal a.终有一死的;致死的359,mortgage n.抵押vt.抵押360,motel n.汽车游客旅馆361,mourn vi.哀痛,哀悼362,muddy a.多泥的,泥泞的363,multitude n.大批,大群;大量364,municipal a.市的,市立的365,murmur vi.低语,低声而言n.低语366,muscular a.肌肉发达的,强健的367,mutter vi.轻声低语;抱怨368,myth n.神话,虚构的事,虚构的人369,naive a.天真的,纯真的,朴素的370,narrative n.叙述,故事a.叙述的,叙事的371,nasty a.龌龊的;淫猥的372,necessitate vt.迫使,使成为必需,需要373,negligible a.微不足道的374,negotiate vi.谈判,交涉,议定375,nickel n.镍;镍币376,nightmare n.恶梦;经常的恐惧377,nominal a.名义上的,名字的n.名词性词378,nominate vt.提名,推荐;任命379,nonetheless adv.尽管如此,然而380,norm n.标准,规范;平均数381,notable n.值得注意的;著名的382,notation n.记号法,表示法,注释383,notify vt.通知,告知;报告384,notion n.概念,意念;看法385,notorious a.臭名昭著的386,notwithstanding prep.尽管,虽然387,nourish vt.提供养分,养育388,novelty n.新颖;新奇的事物389,numerical a.数字的,数值的390,nutrition n.营养,营养学391,oath n.誓言,誓约,宣誓392,obedient n.服从的,顺从的393,obligation n.义务,职责,责任394,obscene a.淫秽的,猥亵的395,obscure a.阴暗的;蒙昧的396,odor n.气味,名声,味397,offence n.犯罪,犯规;冒犯398,offensive a.冒犯的;进攻的399,offset n.分支,抵销vt.抵销400,offspring n.儿女,子孙,后代401,opaque a.不透明的;不传导的402,oppress vt.压迫,压制;压抑403,optimism n.乐观,乐观主义404,optimum n.最适条件,最适度405,option n.选择,取舍406,orient n.东方;亚洲,远东407,oriental a.东方的;东方国家的408,orientation n.向东;定位;方向409,originate vi.发源vt.首创410,ornament n.装饰物vt.装修411,orthodox a.正统的,传统的,惯常的412,outbreak n.(战争、愤怒等)爆发413,oval a.卵形的n.卵形414,overflow vt.从…中溢出415,overhear vt.偶然听到;偷听416,overlap vt.与…交搭vi.重迭417,overt a.明显的,公然的418,overthrow vt.推翻n.推翻,瓦解419,overwhelm vt.压倒,使不知所措420,oxide n.氧化物421,pamphlet n.小册子422,panic n.恐慌,惊慌423,paradise n.伊甸乐园;天堂424,paradox n.似非而是的论点,自相矛盾的话425,paralyze vt.使瘫痪,使麻痹426,parameter n.参(变)数;参量427,participant n.参加者a.有份的428,partition n.分开,分割;融墙429,pastime n.消遣,娱乐430,pasture n.牧场;牲畜饲养431,patent a.专利的n.专利432,pathetic a.哀婉动人的;可怜的433,patriotic a.爱国的434,patrol n.巡逻n.巡逻,巡查435,pave vt.铺,筑(路等)436,pearl n.珍珠;珍珠母437,pedal n.踏脚,踏板,脚蹬438,pedestrian n.行人,步行者439,peel vt.剥(皮),削(皮)440,peer vi.凝视;隐约出现441,penalty n.处罚,刑罚;罚款442,pendulum n.(钟等的)摆443,pension n.抚恤金,年金444,perception n.感觉;概念;理解力445,perfection n.尽善尽美;无比精确446,perfume n.香味,芳香;香料447,periodic n.周期的;一定时期的448,periodical n.期刊,杂志449,perish vi.死亡,夭折;枯萎450,permeate vt.弥漫,渗透,充满vi.透入451,permissible a.可允许的452,perpetual a.永久的;四季开花的453,perplex vt.迷惑,困惑,难住454,persistent a.固执的,坚持的,持续的455,pest n.害虫;害人虫456,petition n.请愿vt.向…请愿457,petty a.细小的;器量小的458,physiological a.生理学的,生理学上的459,plague n.瘟疫,鼠疫;天灾460,plaster n.灰泥;硬膏;熟石膏461,plateau n.高原;平稳时期462,plausible a.似乎真实的,似乎合理的463,plea n.请愿,请求,恳求464,plea n.请愿,请求,恳求465,plead vt.为…辩护vi.抗辩466,pledge n.誓言vt.使发誓467,poke vt.戳,刺;伸(头等)468,polar a.南(北)极的;极性的469,poll n.投票vi.投票470,ponder vt.考虑vi.沉思471,pope n.(罗马天主教的)教皇472,porch n.门廊,入口处473,pore n.毛孔,气孔,细孔474,portray vt.描绘,描写,描写...的肖像,475,pose vi.假装,摆姿势n.姿势476,poster n.海报,招贴,脚夫477,postulate vt.要求,假定,假设478,practicable a.能实行的;适用的479,prayer n.祈祷,祈求480,preach vt.说教,布道;鼓吹481,precede vt.先于…vi.领先482,precipitate a.突如其来的vt.使突然发生n.沉淀物483,preclude vt.预先排除,预防,阻止,妨碍484,predecessor n.前辈,前任者485,predominant a.占优势的;主要的486,pregnant a.怀孕的;意义深长的487,premature a.早熟的,过早的n.早产儿488,premise n.前提,假设,房产489,premium n.额外费用,奖金,奖赏,保险费490,prescription n.药方,处方的药491,presentation n.介绍;赠送;呈现492,preside vi.主持;主奏493,prestige n.威望,威信,声望494,presumably ad.推测起来,大概495,presume vt.假定,假设,揣测496,pretext n.借口,托辞497,prevalent a.流行的;盛行的498,prey vi.猎物vi.捕获499,priest n.教士,牧师,神父500,priority n.先,前;优先,重点501,privacy n.隐私,隐居,秘密502,probe n.探针vt.用探针探查503,proceeding n.程序,行动,事项504,proclaim vt.宣告,宣布;表明505,productive a.生产的;出产…的506,productivity n.生产率;多产507,proficiency n.熟练,精通508,profile n.侧面,轮廓,人物素描,传略509,profitable a.有利的;有益的510,profound a.深刻的;渊博的511,prolong vt.延长,拉长,拖延512,promising a.有希望的;有前途的513,prone a.俯伏的,易于...的514,propaganda n.宣传;宣传机构515,propagate vt.繁殖;传播,普及516,propel vt.推进,推动517,prophet n.预言家,先知518,proposition n.命题,主题;提议519,prose n.散文520,prospective a.有希望的,预期的,将来的521,prototype n.原型;典型,范例522,provocative a.挑衅的,刺激的,挑逗的523,provoke vt.激怒,惹起,驱使524,proximity n.接近,亲近525,publicity n.公开,名声,宣传526,purify vt.提纯,精炼(金属)527,purity n.纯净;纯洁;纯度528,pursuit n.追赶;追求;事务529,qualification n.资格;限制条件530,qualitative a.质的;定性的531,quantify vt.确定…的数量532,quantitative a.量的;定量的533,quart n.夸脱(=2品脱)534,quarterly a.季度的ad.季度地535,quartz n.石英536,queer a.奇怪的,古怪的537,quench vt.熄灭,扑灭;压制538,quest vt.寻找vi.追求539,questionnaire n.调查表,征求意见表540,quiver vi.(轻微地)颤动541,racket n.球拍542,radiant a.绚丽的;容光焕发的543,radiate vi.发射光线;辐射544,radical a.基本的;激进的545,rage n.(一阵)狂怒,盛怒546,raid n.袭击;突然搜查547,rally n.&vt.&vi.(重新)集合548,random n.随机 a.随机的549,rating n.等级,评定结果,收视(听)率550,readily ad.乐意地;无困难地551,realistic a.现实的;现实主义的552,reap vt.&vi.收割,收获553,rebellion n.造反;叛乱;反抗554,recession n.(经济)衰退,不景气555,recipe n.菜谱,烹饪法;处方556,recipient n.接受者,接收者557,reciprocal a.相互的;互利的558,recite vt.&vi.背诵,朗诵559,reckless a.粗心大意的;鲁莽的560,reckon vi.数,算帐vt.认为561,reclaim vt.开垦,开拓;回收562,reconcile vt.使和好;调停563,recreation n.消遣,娱乐活动564,recruit vi.征募(新兵),招收n.新兵,新成员565,rectangular a.矩形的,成直角的566,rectify vt.纠正;调整;精馏567,recur vi.复发,重现,再发生568,recycle vt.使再循环,再利用,再制569,redundant a.多余的,过多的,冗长的570,refrain vi.抑制,制止,忍住571,refreshment n.茶点,点心,便餐572,refugee n.难民,流亡者573,refute vt.驳斥,反驳,驳倒574,regime n.政体,政权;制度575,reign n.朝代576,rejoice vi.欣喜,高兴577,relay vt.分程传递;使接替578,reliance n.信任,信赖,信心579,remainder n.剩余(物);余数580,remnant n.残留部分,遗迹a.剩余的,残余的581,renaissance n.复活,复兴,文艺复兴582,repay vt.&vi.偿还,报答583,repel vt.拒绝;使厌恶584,repertoire n.全部剧目,保留剧目,全部技能585,replacement n.归还;取代;置换586,representation n.描写;陈述;代表587,reproach vt.&n.责备,指责588,republican a.共和国的589,resemblance n.相似,相似性590,resent vt.对…不满,怨恨591,reservation n.保留;预定,预订592,reside vi.居住,驻扎;属于593,residential a.住宅的,与居住有关的594,resonance n.共鸣,回声,共振595,resultant a.作为结果而发生的596,retail n.零售 a.零售的597,retention n.保留,保有,保持598,retort vt.&vi.反击;反驳599,retrieve vt.取回,挽回,检索600,retrospect n.回顾,追忆,回溯601,revelation n.揭露,泄露,启示,展示602,revenge vt.替…报仇n.报仇603,revive vt.&vi.苏醒;复兴604,revolve vt.&vi.(使)旋转605,rig vt.操纵,垄断n.钻井架,塔台606,rigorous a.(性格等)严峻的607,rim n.边;边缘,(眼镜)框608,riot n.&vi.骚乱,暴乱609,rip vi.撕啐,扯破,划破610,ripple n.涟漪,细浪,波纹611,ritual n.仪式a.仪式的,例行公事的612,robust a.强健的,粗野的,坚定的613,romance n.传奇;浪漫文学614,rot vt.烂,腐坏n.腐烂615,royalty n.皇家,王族,皇族616,rupture n.破裂,决裂vt.(使)破裂617,scared adj.受惊吓的618,safeguard n.保护措施;护照619,saint n.圣徒;基督教徒620,sanction n.制裁,批准621,saturate vt.使浸透,使充满,使饱和622,sauce n.调味汁,酱汁623,savage a.未开发的,野蛮的,残暴的n.野蛮人624,scandal n.丑事,丑闻;耻辱625,scar n.瘢痕626,scent n.气味,香味;香水627,sceptical a.怀疑的628,scorn n.轻蔑;嘲笑vt.轻蔑629,scrap n.碎片;废料vt.废弃630,script n.手迹,手稿,剧本,字母表631,scrutiny n.细看,仔细检查,监视632,sculpture n.雕刻,雕塑,雕刻(术)633,seam n.缝口;接缝;骨缝634,sector n.部门,部分,扇形635,seemingly ad.表面上,外表上636,segment n.切片,部分;段,节637,segregate a.分离的,被隔离的vt.使分离,使隔离638,seminar n.研究会,讨论发表会639,senator n.参议员;评议员640,sensation n.感觉,知觉;轰动641,sentiment n.感情;情操;情绪642,sexual a.性的,性别的643,shabby a.褴褛的;破旧的644,shaft n.(工具的)柄,杆状物645,shatter vt.粉碎,破碎;毁坏646,sheer a.纯粹的;全然的;陡峭的647,shipment n.装货;装载的货物648,shrewd a.精明的,敏锐的,机灵的649,shrug vt.&vi.耸(肩)n.耸肩650,shutter n.百叶窗;(相机)快门651,shuttle n.(织机的)梭652,signify vt.表示,意味着653,silicon n.硅(旧名矽)654,simulate vt.模拟,假装,模仿655,simultaneous a.同时的,同时存在的656,sin n.罪,罪孽vi.犯罪657,situated a.位于…的658,skeleton n.骨骼,骷髅;骨架659,skeptical a.怀疑的,多疑的660,skip vi.跳;跳绳;略过661,slack a.松弛的;萧条的;懈怠的;vt.使松弛662,slap vt.掴,拍n.巴掌,拍663,slaughter vt.&n.屠杀,屠宰664,slim a.细长的;微小的665,slogan n.标语,口号666,slot n.缝,狭槽,位置,职位667,slum n.贫民窟,贫民区668,smash vt.打碎,打破,粉碎669,smuggle vt.私运vi.走私670,snack n.快餐,小吃671,snap vt.猛咬,突然折断672,snatch n.抢夺,攫取,片段vt.夺取,攫取673,soar vi.猛增,高耸,高飞,翱翔674,sober a.清醒的;适度的675,sociology n.社会学676,software n.(计算机的)软件677,solidarity n.团结;休戚相关678,solitary n.独居者a.孤独的,独居的679,solo n.独唱,独奏;独唱曲680,sovereign n.君主a.统治的681,spacious a.广阔的,广大的682,sparkle vi.发火花vt.使闪耀683,spatial a.空间的,占据空间的684,speciality n.专业,特长;特产685,species n.种,物种;种类686,specifically ad.特定的,明确的687,specification n.载明,详述;规格688,spectacle n.场面;景象,奇观689,spectacular a.公开展示的,惊人的n.展览物690,spectator n.参观者,观众691,spectrum n.系列,范围;波谱692,speculate vi.思索,沉思;投机693,spiral a.螺旋(形)的,盘旋的694,splash vt.溅泼vi.泼水n.溅695,spokesman n.发言人,代言人696,sponge n.海绵697,spontaneous a.自发的;本能的698,spouse n.配偶,夫妻699,spy n.间谍,特务vt.侦察700,stabilize vt.使稳定,使坚固vi.稳定,安定701,stagger vi.蹒跚vt.使摇晃702,staircase n.楼梯,楼梯间703,stall n.货摊,书摊;厩704,startle vt.使大吃一惊n.吃惊705,stationary a.固定的,静止不动的706,statistics n.统计,统计数字707,stereo n.立体声 a.立体声的708,stereotype n.陈腔滥调,老套709,stern n.艉,船尾;臀部710,stimulus n.刺激,激励,刺激品711,stitch n.一针,缝线vt.缝712,straightforward a.老实的ad.坦率地713,strategic a.战略的,战略上的714,streamline n.流线;流线型715,stride vi.大踏步走n.大步716,striking a.显著的,惊人的717,strive vi.努力,奋斗,力求718,stubborn a.顽固的;顽强的719,studio n.工作室;播音室720,stumble vi.绊倒;犯错误721,sturdy a.坚定的;牢固的722,subjective a.主观的,个人的723,subordinate a.下级的,辅助的724,subscribe vi.订购,认购;预订725,subsidiary a.辅助的,补充的726,subsidy n.补助金,津贴727,subtle a.微妙的;精巧的728,successor n.继承人,继任者729,sue vt.控告,请愿730,suffice vi.足够;有能力731,suicide n.&vi.&vt.自杀732,suitcase n.小提箱,衣箱733,summit n.顶点,最高点;极度734,summon vt.召唤;鼓起(勇气)735,superb a.壮丽的;超等的736,superiority n.优越(性),优势737,supersonic a.超声的,超声速的738,supervise vt.&vi.监督,监视739,supplementary a.补足的,补充的,追加的740,suppress vt.镇压;抑制;隐瞒741,surge n.vt.激增,奔放,汹涌,澎湃742,surgeon n.外科医师;军医743,surpass vt.超过,超越,胜过744,surplus n.过剩,剩余(物资)745,survival n.幸存,残存;幸存者746,susceptible a.易受影响的,易感动的747,suspension n.悬挂,暂停,中止748,suspicious a.可疑的;猜疑的749,swamp n.沼泽,沼泽地750,symmetry n.对称(性),匀称751,symphony n.交响乐;交响乐团752,symposium n.酒会;座谈会753,symptom n.症状,征候,征兆754,synthesis n.合成;综合,综合物755,tablet n.碑,匾;药片756,tackle vt.解决,对付n.用具757,tactics n.策略;战术,兵法758,tangle vt.使缠结,使纠缠759,tar n.柏油,焦油760,tariff n.关税,价格表,收费表vt.课以关税761,tease vt.逗乐,戏弄;强求762,temperament n.气质,性质,性情763,tempo n.拍子,速率,节奏764,tenant n.承租人,房客,佃户765,tentative n.试验,假设a.试验性质的,暂时的766,terminate vt.&vi.停止,终止767,terrace n.平台,阳台,露台768,terrain n.地带,地域,范围,领域769,terrific a.可怕的;极大的770,terrify vt.使恐怖,使惊吓771,testify v.证明,证实,作证772,testimony n.证言,证据,声明773,texture n.质地,纹理774,Thanksgiving n.感恩节775,theft n.盗窃,偷窃(行为)776,theme n.题目;词干;主旋律777,therapy n.治疗778,thereafter ad.此后,以后779,thermal a.热的;温泉的780,thesis n.论题,论点;论文781,thirst n.渴,口渴;渴望782,thorn n.刺,棘;荆棘;蒺藜783,threshold n.门槛;入门,开端784,thrill vt.&vi.(使)激动785,tick n.滴答声;记号786,tile n.瓦片,瓷砖;贴砖787,tilt vt.&vi.(使)倾斜788,timber n.木材,木料789,timely a.及时的;适时的790,timid a.胆怯的;羞怯的791,token n.象征;辅币;纪念品792,tolerant a.容忍的;有耐力的793,toss vi.翻来复去794,tow vt.&n.拖引,牵引795,tract n.传单,小册子,大片(土地或森林)796,tragic a.悲剧性的,悲惨的797,trait n.显著特点,特性798,transaction n.处理;交易;和解799,transcend vt.超越,胜过800,transient a.短暂的,转瞬即逝的,临时的,暂住的801,transit n.运输a.中转的,过境的802,transition n.转变,变迁;过渡803,transplant vt.&vi.移植,移种804,traverse vt.横越,横切,横断805,trench n.深沟;壕沟,战壕806,tribe n.部落,宗族807,tribute n.贡物;献礼,贡献808,trifle n.小事,琐事;少许809,trigger n.扳机vt.触发,引起810,triple a.三倍的,三方的vt.使增至三倍811,trivial a.琐碎的;平常的812,tuck vt.折短,卷起;塞813,tug vi.用力拖n.猛拉,拖814,tuition n.教,教诲;学费815,tumble vi.摔倒,跌倒;打滚816,turbulent a.骚动的,骚乱的817,turnover n.人员调整,营业额,成交量818,tutor vt.教,指导819,ultraviolet a.紫外的n.紫外线辐射820,unanimous a.(全体)一致的821,underestimate vt.低估,看轻822,underlying a.在下面的,含蓄的,潜在的823,undermine vt.渐渐破坏,暗中破坏,侵蚀基础824,unemployment n.失业;失业人数825,unfold vt.展开vi.呈现826,unify vt.统一,使成一体827,update vt.更新,使现代化828,upgrade vt.使升级,提升829,uphold vt.举起;支撑;赞成830,validity n.有效,效力;正确831,valve n.阀,阀门;电子管832,vegetation n.植物,草木833,veil n.面纱,面罩;遮蔽物834,vein n.静脉,血管,矿脉835,vent n.排放口,通风口vt.发泄,表达836,ventilate vt.使通风,使换气837,verbal a.言辞的,文字的,口头的,,动词的838,verdict n.裁决,结论,定论,判断839,verge n.边缘,边界,界限840,versatile a.多方面的;通用的841,verse n.诗,韵文;诗行842,versus prep.(比赛等中)对843,veto n.否决,否决权,禁止844,vicinity n.邻近;附近地区845,vicious a.邪恶的;恶性的846,violate vt.违犯,违背;侵犯847,virgin n.处女 a.处女的848,virtual a.实际上的,实质上的849,virus n.病毒850,visualize vt.使看得见,使具体化,想象,设想851,vocal a.直言不讳的,嗓音的,有声的852,vocational a.职业的853,void a.空的;无效的854,volunteer n.志愿者vt.志愿855,vulgar a.粗俗的,庸俗的856,vulnerable a.易受伤害的,脆弱的,易受攻击的857,wallet n.钱包,皮夹子858,ward n.病房,病室;监房859,warehouse n.仓库,货栈860,warfare n.战争,战争状态861,warrant n.正当理由,委任状,许可证862,watertight a.不漏水的,防水的863,watt n.瓦(特)864,weary a.疲倦的vt.使疲乏865,web n.网,丝,网状物866,wedge n.楔vt.楔入;挤入867,whereas conj.而,却,反之868,whereby ad.靠什么;靠那个869,whirl vt.使回旋vi.&n.回旋870,withhold vt.拒绝,不给,使停止,阻挡871,wrench vt.拧,扭伤n.拧872,wretched a.不幸的;卑鄙的873,wrinkle n.皱纹vt.使起皱纹874,yacht n.游艇,快艇875,yell vi.叫喊876,yoke n.轭,牛轭;枷锁877,youngster n.儿童,少年,年轻人878,zinc n.锌21。



What is motivation?
It is the extent to which you make choices about (a) goals to pursue and (b) the effort you will devote to that pursuit
Application in teaching
their own language learning
with the teacher as a
facilitator or guide. teacher-dependent self-dependent
Socioaffective Principles
7. Language Ego
Students feel awkward in the learning environment and good teachers… compensate.
Application in teaching
Appeal to students’ language… needs and goals link new knowledge to… previous knowledge avoid pitfalls of teaching for… the test
interferபைடு நூலகம்nce
Native language can also facilitate…
Application in teaching
Point out common L1 interference teach cognates teach students to think directly in the target language.






一、认知心理学(Cognitive Psychology)认知心理学研究关于人类思维和信息加工的过程。


在认知心理学中,我们可以了解到以下一些重要的词汇:1. 感知(Perception):通过感觉器官接收和解释环境中的信息,形成主观经验。

2. 记忆(Memory):指人类信息的存储和回忆能力,分为短期记忆和长期记忆。

3. 认知失调(Cognitive Dissonance):是指个体持有的两种或多种相互矛盾的信念或态度,在行为上产生不一致,导致心理上的不适。

4. 确认偏差(Confirmation Bias):指个体在获取和解释信息时,更倾向于寻找和接受能够证实已有信念的信息。

二、发展心理学(Developmental Psychology)发展心理学研究人类从出生到死亡各个阶段的心理和行为变化。


以下是一些发展心理学中常用的术语:1. 社会化(Socialization):是指个体学习适应社会的规范和价值观的过程。

2. 成熟(Maturation):指身体和心智随着时间的推移逐渐发展进步,达到最佳状态。

3. 适应性(Adaptation):个体对环境变化做出的心理和生理调整。

4. 分离焦虑(Separation Anxiety):婴儿和幼儿因与主要依赖人分离而出现的不安和恐惧情绪。

三、社会心理学(Social Psychology)社会心理学研究人类如何在社会环境中相互作用,以及个体对他人和群体的态度和行为。

以下是一些社会心理学中常见的概念和术语:1. 自我概念(Self-concept):个体对自我理解和认知的总体观念。



心理学专业词汇翻译(A-B)心理学专业词汇英语翻译(A-B)action error 动作误差action exercise 动作练习action feedback 动作反馈action form 动作形式action frame of reference 参考行动架构action group 行动群体action imitation 动作模仿action interpretation 动作解释action language 动作语言action modeling 动作示范action need 活动需要action of stereotype 刻板动作action orientation 动作定向action pattern 动作模式action potential 动作电位action principle 作用量原理action profile 行动剖析action reports 执行报告action research 行动研究action set 动作定势action space 行为空间action stability 动作稳定性action system 动作系统action tendencies 行动倾向action theory 活动说action thinking 动作思维action time 动作时间action triggered language 动作引发的语言action unit 动作单元action zone 主动区action orientedaction orientedaction specificaction timeaction 动作activate 激活activated epilepsy 诱发性癫痫activated sleep 活动性睡眠activated stateactivating system 激动系统activation center 激活中心activation energy 活化能activation index 活化指数activation level 激活水平activation of learning motivation 学习动机的激发activation pattern 激动模式activation process 激活过程activation ratio 活化比activation theory of emotion 情绪激活理论activation theory 激活理论activation synthesisactivation 激活activational effect 引发性效应activator 激活剂active adaptation 活动性适应active analysis 活动分析active analytic psychotherapy 主动分析心理治疗法active articulator 积极发音器官active attention 活动注意active avoidance 积极躲避active avoidance 主动回避active castration complex 主动阎割情结active center 活力中心active complex 活动情结active consciousness 主动意识active constraint 起作用的约束active delirium 躁狂性谵妄active directive 积极教导active electrodeactive element 主动元素active euthanasia 主动安乐死active exercise 自动运动active fantasying 主动幻想治疗active forgetting 自动遗忘active homing 主动接近active imagination 主动想象力active inhibition 主动抑制active intellect 能动的智慧active language 主动语言active learning 积极学习active living process 能动的生命过程active negativism 主动抗拒性active orientation 主动取向active participation 主动参与active potency 主动潜能active principle 主动原则active public 积极的公众active qi gong 动气功active reaction 主动反应active reason 能动的理性active recall 主动回忆active region 作用区active responding 积极反应active role 积极任务active schedule 活动一览表active search theory 主动探索理论active set 作用集active site 活性部位active sleep theory 主动睡眠理论active society 积极的社会active speech 主动言语active stimulus 有效刺激active testimony 主动作证主动作证active therapy 主动疗法active transfer 主动传递active type 活泼型active variable 主动变量active vocabulary 主动词汇active passiveactive resistiveactive 活动性activeness 主观能动性activism 能动性activist point of view 能动主义观点activist psychology 能动心理学activist 行为能动论者activity analysis problem 行动分析问题activity analysis 活动分析activity cage 活动笼activity concept 活动概念activity curriculum 活动课程activity cycle 活动周期activity dimension 活动维度activity drive 活动驱力activity factor 活动因素activity inventory 活动记录activity learning 活动学习activity level method 动量法activity level 活动水平activity log 活动日志activity method of teaching 活动教学法activity need 活动需求activity of personalityactivity optimization 活动方式最佳化activity pattern 活动模式activity quotient 活动商数activity rating 活动评等activity sampling 活动抽样activity system 活动系统activity theory of aging 老年活动论activity theory of learning 学习活动论activity theory 活动论activity therapy 活动疗法activity dependentactivity groupactivity interviewactivity playactivity wheelactivity wheelactivity 活动actograhy 动作记录法actograph 动作记录器actometer 活动度测量计actor observeractor 男演员actor 行事者actual anxiety 真实性焦虑actual being 实在actual conflict 真实冲突actual entity 现实实有actual frequency 实际频率actual hour 实际时间actual leader 实际领袖actual life 实际寿命actual limit 实际限度actual measurement 真实量度actual mechanical process 实际操作过程actual neurosis 真实神经症actual number 实际数actual numerical value 实际数值actual parameter 实际参数actual population 实际人口actual power 有效功率actual range 实际范围actual rate of growth 实际增长率actual self 现实我actual survey work 实际调查工作actual survey 实际调查actual time 实际时间actual value 实际值actual working rate 实际劳动率actual 真实的actualism 现实主义actualist 现实论者actuality philosophy 现实哲学actuality 现实性actualization 现实化actualized reason 实现了的理性actualizing therapy 实现治疗法actuarial prediction 统计预测actuation 开动actuator 执行机构acuity 敏度aculeus 皮刺acumen 敏锐acumeter 听觉计acupuncture anesthesia 针刺麻醉acupuncture 针灸术acute alcoholic hallucinosis 急性酒精幻觉症acute alcoholic intoxication 急性酒精中毒acute alcoholism 急性酒精中毒acute anxiety 急性焦虑acute brain syndrome 急性脑综合症acute confusional state 急性困惑状态acute confusional 急性精神错乱acute dementia 急性痴呆acute depression 急性抑郁症acute disseminated encephalomyelitis 急性感染后脑脊髓炎acute distress syndrome 急性忧伤综合症acute effect 急性效应acuteexperiment 急性实验acute fatigue 急性疲劳acute hallucinatory mania 急性幻觉性躁狂acute hallucinatory paranoia 急性幻觉性妄想狂acute hallucinosis 急性幻觉症acute hunger state 急性饥饿状态acute intoxication 急性中毒acute mania 急性躁狂acute paranoia 急性偏执狂acute postinfection encephalom yelitis 急性感染后脑脊髓炎acute psychogenic reaction 急性心因性反应acute psychosis 急性精神症acute psychotic episodeacute schizophrenia 急性精神分裂症acute schizophrenic episode 急性精神分裂症性插话acute situation reaction 急性情境反应acute stress reaction 急性压力反应acute 急性的acyanoblepsia 蓝色盲ad absurd reasoning 归谬推理ad hoc hypothesis 特设性假设ad hoc rule 特定规则ad hoc way 特定方式ad hoc 特别AD 平均差adage 谚语Adami sAdams Stokesadaptability test 适应性测验adaptability 适应性adaptability 顺应性adaptable 适应性强的adaptation character 适应特性adaptation level 适应水平adaptation level theory 适应水平论adaptation norm 适应规范adaptation reaction 适应性反应adaptation response 适应性反应adaptation syndrome 适应综合症adaptation theory 适应论适应论adaptation time 适应时间adaptation to darkness 暗适应adaptation to end 适应目的adaptation to imprisonment 监狱适应adaptation tolerance 适应耐性adaptation trial 适应尝试adaptation 适应adapted culture 适应性文化adapted information 适应性知识adapted 适应的adapter molecule 衔接分子adapter 转接器adaption 适应adaptive act 适应活动Adaptive Behavior Scale 适应行为量表adaptive behavior 适应行为adaptive capacity 适应能力adaptive character 适应特性adaptive coloration 适应色adaptive compensation 适应补偿adaptive conformity 适应性从众adaptive control 适应性控制adaptive convergence 趋同适应adaptive crisis 适应危机adaptive decision makingadaptive delinquency 适应型犯罪adaptive differentiationadaptive dispersion 适应分散adaptive evolution 适应进化adaptive facultyadaptive feedback control 适应性反馈控制adaptive flexibility 适应的灵活性adaptive form 适应类型adaptive mechanism 顺应机制adaptive norm 适应规范adaptive optimal control 最优适应adaptive optimization 适应最优化adaptive peak 适应高峰adaptive phase 适应阶段adaptive process 适应过程adaptive program 适应性程adaptive reaction 适应反应adaptive regression 适应退化adaptive sampling 适应性抽样adaptive selection 适应选择adaptive strategy 适应策略adaptive strategy 因应策略adaptive subsystem 顺应子系统adaptive testing 适应性测验adaptive time 适应时间adaptive training 适应训练adaptive value 适应值adaptive 适应的adaptivity 适应性adaptometer 适应测量器ADC 线索的习得明显性ADD 注意缺失紊乱add pulse 加法脉冲addaverter 方法转换器addict 成瘾者addiction research 反毒瘾研究addiction 成瘾addiction 嗜好addictive behavior 成瘾行为addictive personality 毒瘾性格addictive personality6 成瘾人格adding mechanism 加法机制adding model 总和论Addison s additament 附加物addition mixture 加法混色addition of class 类的加法addition of probabilities 概率的加算addition test 加算测验addition 加法additional pollution 增添污染additive color mixture 相加混色additive effect 累加效应additive factors method 附加因素法additive factors 附加因素additive mixture 相加混色additive model 相加模型additive operation 加法运算additive process 加法过程additive property of chi square additive property 可加性additive reaction 加成反应additive scale 相加量表additive 附加的additivity of means 平均数可加性additivity of probability 概率可加性additivity of X 2additivity 可加性adduce 引证adduction 内受作用ADEM 急性感染后脑脊髓炎adenalgia 腺痛adenasthenia 腺机能衰弱adendritic无树突的adenectomy 腺切除术adenectopia 腺异位adenitis 腺炎adenocarcinoma 腺癌adenocele 腺囊肿adenohypersthenia 腺机能亢进adenohypophysis 腺性垂体adenoma 腺瘤adenoncus 腺肿大adenoneural 腺神经的adenopathy 腺病adenosine diphosphate 二磷酸腺苷adenosine triphosphate 腺苷三磷酸adenosine 腺苷adenosis 腺病adequacy 适合性adequate cause 充分动因adequate response 适当反应adequate sample 适足样本adequate stimulus 适度刺激adequate variability 适应变异性adequate variation 适应变异ADH 抗利尿激素adiaphanous 不透明的adiaphorism 中庸adience 接近趋向adient behavior 趋近行为adient response 趋近反应adipose cell 脂肪细胞adipose gland 脂腺adipose tissue 脂肪组织adiposis 肥胖症adipsia 不渴症adipsia 失饮症adjacency 接近性adjacent association 邻近联想Adjective Check List 形容词检核表adjective check list 形容词检选表adjective gland 附加腺adjourning 中止阶段adjunctive behavior 附属行为adjunctive program 补充作业adjunctive 附属性质adjust 调整adjustable mask 可调屏幕adjusted rate 修正率adjusted solution 调整溶液adjustment disorder 适应性疾病adjustment failure 适应失败adjustment inventory 适应量表adjustment level 顺应水平adjustment mechanism 调整机制adjustment mechanism 适应方式adjustment method 调整法adjustment phase 调整期adjustment procedure 适应法adjustment process 调整过程adjustment reaction 适应反应adjustment system 调整系统adjustment time 调整时间adjustment to school 学校适应adjustment 调整adjustment 适应adjustor 调整器adjustor 适应器顺应器adjutant therapy 辅助治疗法Adler sAdlerian groups 阿德勒团体Adlerian psychology 阿德勒心理学Adlerian psychotherapy 阿德勒心理治疗法adlumidine 紫罂粟次碱adlumine 紫罂粟碱admeasure 分配adminicle 辅助administer管理administration behavior 管理行为administration by different levels 分级管理administration function of test 测验的管理功能administration route 处理途径administration section 管理部门administration 管理administration 行政Administrative Aptitude Test 行政职业能力测验administrative channel 行政渠道administrative control 行政控制administrative function of test 测验的管理功能administrative man 管理人administrative organization 管理机构administrative organization 行政组织administrative procedure 管理程序administrative reliability 施测信度administrative staff 管理人员administrative unit 行政单位administrator 管理人员admiration 羡慕admissibility 容许性admissible action 容许行动admissible condition 容许条件admissible control 容许控制admissible error 容许误差admissible hypothesis 容许假设admissible mark 及格分数admissible mark 容许符号admissible parameter 容许参数admissible test 容许检定admission age 入学年龄admission criteria 录取标准admission qualification 入学资格admission requirement 入学标准admission 容许进入admit 容许admittance 接纳admonition 告诫adnerval 近神经的adolescence moratorium 青年期延缓adolescence 青年期adolescent age 青年期adolescent behavior 青少年行为adolescent characteristics 青年期特征adolescent crisis 青年期危机adolescent culture 青年文化adolescent dementia 青春期痴呆adolescent depression 青年期抑郁adolescent development 青少年发展adolescent education 青少年教育adolescent growth spurt 青少年发育急速期adolescent identity formation 青年期同一性形成adolescent insanity 青少年期精神错乱adolescent needs 青年期需要adolescent problems 青少年问题adolescent psychiatry 青春期精神病学adolescent psychology 青少年心理学adolescent society 青年社会adolescent subculture 青年次文化adolescent 青少年adopt 采用adopted child 收养儿童adoption of answers 选答法adoption 领养adoptive parents养父母adoptive studies 收养研究ADP 二磷酸腺苷adrenal capsule 肾上腺adrenal cortex 副肾皮质adrenal cortex 肾上腺皮质adrenal gland 副肾adrenal gland 肾上腺adrenal insufficiency 肾上腺机能不全adrenal medulla 副上肾髓质adrenalectomy 肾上腺切除术adrenalinaemia 肾上腺素血症adrenaline 肾上腺素adrenalinogenesis 肾上腺素生成adrenalinuria 肾上腺素尿adrenalismus 肾上腺中毒adrenalitis 肾上腺炎adrenalone 肾上腺酮adrenalopathy 肾上腺病adrenalotropic 促肾上腺的adrenergic blocking drug 肾上腺素能阻断剂adrenergic fiber 肾上腺素纤维adrenergic receptor 肾上腺素受体adrenergic substance 肾上腺素能物质adrenergic 肾上腺素能的adrenergics 肾上腺素能物质adrenitis 肾上腺炎adrenoceptor 肾上腺素能受体adrenochrome 肾上腺素红adrenocortical hormone 肾上腺皮质激素adrenocorticohyperplasia 肾上腺皮质增生adrenocorticomimetic 类肾上腺皮质激素的adrenocorticotrophic hormone 肾上腺皮质促进激素adrenocorticotropin 促肾上腺皮质激素adrenogenital syndrome 肾上腺综合症adrenogenous 肾上腺元的adrenoglomerulotropin 促醛甾酮激素adrenogram 肾上腺X线照片adrenolutin 肾上腺黄素adrenolytic 抑肾上腺作用的adrenomedullotropic 促肾上腺髓质的adrenomegaly 肾上腺肿大adrenopathy 肾上腺病adrenopause 肾上腺机能停滞adrenoprival 肾上腺缺乏的adrenoreceptor 肾上腺素能受体adrenostatic 抑肾上腺作用的adrenosterone 肾上腺雄甾酮adrenotoxin 肾上腺毒素adrenotropic 促肾上腺的adrenotropin 促肾上腺皮质激素adrenoxidase 肾上腺氧化酶Adrian principle 全或无律adromia 肌神经传导缺失ADS 抗利尿物质adterminal 向末端的adtorsion 两眼内旋adualism 非二无论adult age 成人期adult basic education 成人基础教育Adult Basic Learning Examination 成人基本学习考试adult development 成年发展adult disease 成人病adult education 成人教育adult intelligence 成年智力adult learning 成年学习adult period 成年期adult physical fitness test 成人体能测验adult psychology 成年心理学adult socialization 成人社会化adult stage 成年期adult training 成人训练adult gerontologicaladult 成人adulthood 成年期adultomorphism 拟成人论advance estimate 事前估计值advance evaluation 事前评估advance organizer 先导组织者advance potential 超前势advance 推进advanced character 进步特征advanced control 先行控制advanced generation 后生世代advanced growth 增进生长advanced placement 跳级advancement of knowledge 增进知识advancement 促进advancing color 近色advancing complexity 进化综合advancing difference 进差advantage by illness 因病得益advantage of sampling 抽样的优点advantage 有利条件有利条件advent behavior 趋近行为advent response 趋近反应advent 出现adventitious circumstances 偶然情形adventitious deaf 偶发性耳聋adventitious deafness 偶发性聋adventitious reinforcement 偶然强化adventure playground 儿童游乐场adventure 冒险adventurer 冒险家adventuresome 爱冒险的adventuress 女冒险家adventurism 冒险主义adventurist 冒险主义者adventuritic 冒险主义的adventurous thinking 喜欢冒险的思考adventurous 喜欢冒险的adverse movement 反向运动adversity 逆境advertent 注意的advertisement project 广告设计advertisement psychology 广告心理学advertising campaign 广告运作advertising effectiveness measurement 广告效果的测定advertising media 广告媒体advertising psychology 广告心理学advertising research 广告研究advertising 广告advice note 通知单advice 忠告advise 劝告advisement 劝告advisor 顾问advocacy advertising 辨护广告advocacy 支持adynamia 动力缺乏adynamic stage 无效期AE 后效AEC 线索的习得等同性aegis 保护aelurophobia 恐猫症aerasthenia 飞行员精神衰弱aerial perspective 空间透视aero astheniaaero spaceaerobic metabolism 需氧代谢aerobiology 大气生物学aerodynamic 空气动力学aerology 高空气象学aeromedicine 航空医学aeronautical and astronautical psychology 航空和航天心理学aeroneurosis 飞行员神经机能病aeropathy 航空病aeropathy 气压病aerophagia 咽气症咽气症aerophobia 气流恐怖症aeroscepsy 测空特殊感觉aeroscepsy 声嗅感觉aeroscope 空气检查器空气检查器Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory 太空医学研究实验室aerospace medicine 宇宙医学aerospace noise 宇宙航空噪声aerospace personnel 宇航人员aerospace psychology 宇宙心理学aerostatic 空中平衡的aerostatics 空气静力学Aero Medical Acceleration Laboratory 航空医学加速实验室Aero Medical Equipment Laboratory 航空医学设备实验室aeruginous 蓝绿色aesthesia 感觉aesthesiology 感觉学aesthesiometer 触觉计aesthesis 感觉aesthete 审美家aesthetic activity 审美活动aesthetic apperception 审美统觉aesthetic appreciation 审美aesthetic association 审美联想aesthetic attitude 审美态度aesthetic concepts 审美概念aesthetic contrast 审美性对比aesthetic education 美育aesthetic emotion 审美感情aesthetic emotivism 美学感情主义aesthetic feeling 美感aesthetic ideal 审美理想aesthetic impression 美感印象aesthetic intention 审美意向aesthetic intuitionism 美感直觉说aesthetic judgment 审美判断aesthetic mental set 审美心理定势aesthetic need 爱美需要aesthetic pedagogy 美育学aesthetic perception 美的知觉aesthetic pleasure 审美享受aesthetic psychology 审美心理学aesthetic qualities 美学的特征aesthetic sensibility 美感aesthetic sociology 艺术社会学aesthetic taste 审美趣味aesthetic value 审美价值aesthetical idealism 审美唯心主义aesthetical mental set 审美心理定势aesthetical standard 审美标准aesthetician 美学家aestheticism 审美感aesthetics 美学aestho physiologyaestivation 夏眠aether 乙醚aetiology 病源学病源学AFD 儿affair 事情affect display 情感展示affect structure 情感结构affect fantasy情感性幻想affect hunger情感性饥饿affect 情感affectation 装模作样affection less character 情感缺乏性格affection need 情感需求affection 情感affectional attachment 情感性依附affectional category 情感范畴affectional drive 情感驱力affectional tie 情感纽带affectionless 无情的affectionlessness 无情affective activity 情感活动affective ambivalence 情感矛盾affective amnesia 情感型失忆症affective arousal theory 情感促动论affective association 情感联想affective behavior 情感行为affective blunting 情感迟钝affective categorizing 情感概念化affective characteristics 情感特征Affective Commitment Scale 感情承诺量表affective commitment 感情承诺affective communication 情感传达affective component 情感成份affective content 情感内容affective control 情感控制affective depression 情感性抑郁症affective deterioration 情感衰退affective development 情感发展affective disorder 情感障碍affective display 情感展示affective disturbance 情感障碍affective domain 情感范畴affective education 情感教育affective epilepsy 情感性癫痫affective experience 情感经验affective feeble mindedness情感型智弱affective fixation 情感固着affective flattening 情感冷淡affective fragility 情感脆弱affective impulse 情感冲动affective infantility 情感幼稚affective insanity 情感性精神病affective interaction 情感交流affective logic 情感逻辑affective meaning systemaffective melancholia 情affective neuron 感受神经affective panic reactionaffective profundity 情感affective psychosis 情感affective ratio 情感比率affective reaction typeaffective reaction 情感性affective response 情感反affective schizophreniaaffective separation 情感affective state 情感状态affective stupor 情感性木affective suggestion 情感affective syndrome 情感性affective thinking 情感性affective tolerance 情感affective tone 情调affective conativeaffective 情感的affectivity 情感性affectomotor 情感运动的afferent behavior 内导行为afferent bipolar cell 传入两极细胞afferent fibers 传入纤维afferent impulse 传入冲动afferent interaction 内导相互作用afferent nerve 传入神经afferent neuron 传入神经元afferent pathway 传入通路afferent phase 传入期afferent stimulus interaction 内导刺激相互作用afferent 传入的afferentiation 传入刺激作用affiliated drive 附属内驱力affiliation motive 亲和动机affiliation need 交往需要affiliation need 亲和需要affiliation orientedaffiliation 合群affiliation 合群倾向affinitive behavior 亲和行为affinitive drive 亲和驱力affinitive motivation 亲和动机affinitive motive 亲和动机affinity 亲和力affirm 肯定affirmation 肯定affirmative action programs 赞助性行动计划affirmative and negative law 肯定否定定律affirmative judgment 肯定判断affirmative proposition 肯定命题affirming the antecedent 肯定前项affirming the consequent 肯定后项afflatus 神感afflux of stimulus 刺激传入afflux 流入AFG 儿afraid 害怕after effect time 后作用时间after effect 后效後效after image 后像after actionafter brainafter currentafter depolarization后去极化after dischargeafter effectafter effectafter hyperpolarizationafter imageafter impressionafter lifeafter loadingafter movementafter nystagmusafter perceptionafter potentialafter sensationafter sensationafter soundafter tasteafter visionafterbody 后部aftercare interview 调护面谈aftercare 病后调护病後调护afterhearing 余听觉afterheat 余热afterhyperpolarization 后超极化afterimage 后像afterripening 后热aftersensation 后觉aftertest 后测afunction 机能缺失aganglionosis 神经节细胞缺乏症agastria 无胃畸形age at death 死亡年龄age at withdrawal 退休年龄age characteristics 年龄特征age class 年龄级age composition 年龄构成age constraints 年龄约束age differences 年龄差异age distribution 年龄分布age equivalent 年龄当量age grade distribution 年龄年级分配age grade position 年龄年级位置age grade scaling 年龄年级量表age grading 年龄分级age group 年龄组age heaping 年龄积算age immunity 年龄免疫性age indication 年龄指数age involution 年龄退缩age migration 年龄侵移age morphology 年龄形态学age norm 年龄常模age of belief 信仰的年代age of exploration 探索的年龄age of first crime 始犯年龄age of reason 理性年代age of reasoning 推理的年龄age of sucking 哺乳期age pattern analysis 年龄分布状况分析age psychology 年龄心理学age pyramid 年龄金字塔age pyramid 年龄锥体age qualifying for an old ageage ratio 年龄比age regression 返童记忆age replacement 年龄置换age scale 年龄量表age score 年龄分数age specific natality rate 特定年龄出生率age stratification 年龄分层age structure 年龄构成age variability scale 年龄差异量表age variability unit 年龄差异单位age variation 年龄变异age appropriateage gradeage gradeage limitage maritalage matesage performanceage progressage sexage specificage specificage specific maritalage 年龄aged family 老年家庭aged tendency of population 人口老龄化aged 老年人ageing 衰老ageism 年龄主义ageless 不会老的agency 能量agenesis of corpus callus 胼胝体发育不全agenesis 发育不全agenitalismus 生殖腺机能缺乏agent 动因agerasia 容颜不老ageusia 失味觉症ageusic aphasia 味觉性失语agglomerate 聚集agglomeration 粘结agglomerative 聚集的agglutinating analogy 粘着类推agglutination reaction 凝集反应agglutination 集聚agglutinative index 粘着指数aggregate adjustment 综合调整aggregate analysis 综合分析aggregate balancing 综合平衡aggregate concept 综合概念aggregate data 综合数据aggregate efficiency 总效率aggregate feeling 集合情感aggregate idea 集体观念aggregate model 总体模式aggregate of individuals 个人的集合aggregate relation 总量关系aggregate score 总分aggregate variable 综合变量aggregate valueaggregate 集群aggregate 整合aggregation pheromone 集合体现象aggregation theory 集合功能论aggregation 集合体aggregation 群集aggregative index 综合指数aggregative indicator 综合指标aggregative method 综合法aggregative model 综合模型aggregative planning 综合计划aggregative relationship 群集关系aggression turned inward 内向攻击aggression frustrationaggression 攻击aggression 侵犯aggressive attitude 侵犯态度Aggressive Behavior 攻击行为攻击行为aggressive behavior 攻击行为aggressive catharsis 攻击发泄aggressive drive 攻击驱力aggressive impulse 攻击冲动aggressive instinct 攻击本能aggressive mechanism of convict 罪犯攻击机制aggressive mechanism 攻击机制aggressive mimicry 攻击拟态aggressiveness type 侵占型aggressiveness 攻击性aggressiveness 侵略性aggressivity 攻击性Aging & Mental Health 衰老与心理健康aging alienation 衰老性自我疏外aging compensation decrement 衰老性补偿性减量aging decrement 衰老性减量aging DNA damage 衰老性脱氧核糖核酸毁损aging intellectual deterioration 衰老性智力衰退aging irreversible decrement 衰老性不可逆减量aging memory decline 衰老性记忆下降aging of labor force 劳动力的老龄化aging of population 人口的老年化aging period 老年期aging population 老年人口aging psychology 老年心理学aging regression behavior 衰老性退缩行为aging sexual behavior 衰老性性行为aging 老化agitate dementia 激越性痴呆agitate 焦急不安agitated crowd 骚动的群众agitated depression 激动性抑郁症agitated mania 激动躁狂症agitated melancholia 激动性忧郁agitation 激动agitographia 急噪性错写症agitolalia 急语症agitophasia 过速失语症agitophasia 躁急错语症aglaucopsia 绿色盲aglutition 吞咽不能aglycemia 血糖缺乏agnate 男方亲属agnea 失认agnogenic 病因不明的agnosia 认识不能agnosia 失认症agnosic 失认的agnosticism 不可知论agnosticrealism 不可知的实在论agonaphobia 恋旷野癖agonist 催动性agonist 主动肌agonistic behavior 争胜性行为agonize 折磨agony 剧痛agoraphobia 恐空旷症agrammatism 语法缺失agrammatismus 语法缺失agraphia 失写症agree scale 同意量表agree 同意agreeableness 随和性agricultural psychologyagriothymia 狂躁情感agromania 独处狂agromania 隐居癖agrypnia 失眠agrypnocoma 醒态昏迷agyria 无脑回畸型aha experience 顿悟经验ahedonia 性快感缺失ahistorical approach 非历史方法ahypnia 失眠症ahypnosis 失眠症AI 人工智能AIAMA Principle AIAMAAichhore therapeutic experiment 艾希哈尔治疗实验aichmophobia 恐尖器症aid to learning 学习工具aid 助手aided recallaiding of tracking 追踪的辅助aids to object teaching 直观教具ailment 疾病ailurophile 嗜猫癖ailurophobia 恐猫症AIM (anticipation invigorationaim inhibited drive 目标抑制驱力aim inhibition 目标抑制aim transference 目标转移aim 目标aiming test 瞄准测验aims of education 教育目的Ainsworth strange situation technique 艾氏陌生情景技术air bag 气袋air borne sensor 空气传感器air borne 空气传播air cavity 气腔air chamber 气室气室air cleaner 空气净化装置air condition 空气调节air conditioner 气温调节装置air conditioning 气温调节air conduction 气导气导air force personnel 空军人员air pillow 空气枕头air pollution syndrome 空气污染综合症air pollution 空气污染air pressure and altitude 气压与高度air sickness 空晕病air temperature 气温air traffic accident 空运事故air traffic control 空中交通管制air velocity 风速air washer 空气洗洁器air proofair sicknessair speedaircraft disease 航空病aircraft pilots 飞机驾驶员airflow 气流airplane 飞机airsick 晕机的airsickness 航空病akatama 慢性周围神经炎akatamathesia 理解不能akatanoesis 自我理解不能akathisia 静坐不能akathisia 失静症Akerlund deformity 阿克隆德变形akinesia amnesica 遗忘性运动不能akinesia 运动不能akinesis 失动症akinesthesia 运动感觉缺失akinetic apraxia 运动性失用症akinetic mania 运动躁狂症akinetic mutismus 不动不语症akinetic mutismus 运动不能性缄默akoasm 耳鸣akoasm 幻听akoria 不饱症Aktpsychologie 意向心理学Akureyri disease 良性肌痛性脑脊髓炎AL 适应水平alalia cophosis 聋哑症alalia 构音不能alarm bell 警铃alarm call 警报呼叫alarm clock 闹钟alarm pheromone 警告外激素alarm reaction 警觉反应alarm reaction stage 警觉反应阶段alarm response 警觉反应alarm signal 警报信号alarm 警报alarming devices 警报装置alarming 使人惊恐Albarran salbedo perception 反照知觉albedo retina 视网膜水肿albedo 反照率Albert salbinism 白化病Albinus sAlbrecht sAlbright salbuginea oculi 巩膜albuginea 白膜albuminous body 蛋白体albuminuria amaurosis 蛋白尿性黑蒙albuminurophobia 蛋白尿恐怖症albuminurophobia 恐蛋白尿症alcohol abuse 酒精饮料滥用alcohol addiction 酗酒瘾alcohol dependence 酒精依赖alcohol intoxication 酒精中毒酒精中毒alcohol paranoid state 酗酒妄想狂状态alcohol 酒精alcoholic amnesia disorder 酒精性失忆症alcoholic brain syndrome 酒精中毒脑综合症alcoholic delirium 酒精中毒性谵妄alcoholic dementia 酒毒性痴呆alcoholic deterioration 酒精中毒性衰退alcoholic hallucinationalcoholic hallucinosis 酒精中毒性幻觉症alcoholic insanity 酒精中毒性精神病alcoholic jealousy 酒精性嫉妒alcoholic mania 酒狂alcoholic paralysis 酒精中毒性麻痹alcoholic paranoid 酒精中毒性妄想狂alcoholic poisoning 酒精中毒alcoholic polyneuropathy 酒精中毒性多元神经症alcoholic psychosis 酒精性精神病Alcoholics Anonymous 慝名戒毒会alcoholism 酒精中毒alcoholism 酒瘾alcoholization 酒精疗法alcoholizing 醇化alcoholomania 嗜酒癖alcoholophilia 酒癖Alderfer saldosterone 醛固酮alert 警觉alertness 警觉状态alexia without agraphia 非失写的失读症alexia 失读症alexipharmic 解毒的alexithymia 述情障碍aleydigism 睾丸间介细胞机能缺失alganesthesia 痛觉缺失algebra addition 代数加法algebra of logic 逻辑代数algebra of proposition 命题代数algebra of sets 集代数algebra 代数algebraic addition formula 代数加法公式algebraic analysis 代数分析algebraic body 代数体algebraic computer 代数计算机algebraic deviation 代数偏差值algebraic expression 代数表达式algebraic linguistics 代数语言学algebraic operation 代数运算algebraic semantics 代数语义学algebraist 代数学家algedonic 欣快痛觉algesia 痛觉algesichronometer 痛觉时间计algesimetry 痛觉测定法algesiometer 痛觉计algesireceptor 痛感受器algesthesia 痛觉algetic meter 痛觉计algetic 痛的alginuresis 痛性排尿algogenesis 痛产生algoglandular 痛性腺活动的ALGOL 计算机算法语言algolagnia 施虐色情狂algometabolic 痛性代谢改变的algometer 痛觉计algometry 痛觉测验法algomotor 痛性运动的algomuscular 痛性肌活动的algophilia 嗜痛癖algophobia 恐痛症algophobia 痛恐怖症algopsychalia 悲痛性抑郁病algopsychalia 精神性头痛algorism instruction 算法教学algorism 十进位计算法algorism 算法论algorithm instruction 算法教学algorithm 算法algorithmic language 算法语言algorithmic model 算法模式algorithmic notation 算法表示法algorithms 算法式algovascular 痛性血管活动的alienating need dispositionalienation coefficient 相疏系数alienation in work 劳动异化alienation of self consciousness 自我意识障碍alienation 疏离alienism 精神错乱alienist 精神病学家aliment 食物alimentary reflex 唾液反射alimentation 营养法alimentative instinct 求食本能alimentative reflex 食物反射alimentology 营养学alimentotherapy 营养疗法alkalescence 弱碱性alkalimeter 碱定量器alkalimetry 碱定量法alkaline reaction 碱性反应alkalinity 碱度alkaloid 生物碱alkalometry 生物碱剂量规定Alkalosis 阿卡洛斯体质alkalosis 碱中毒all possible regression procedure 所有可能回归法all channelall or noneall or noneall or nothing。



Abraham Maslow心理学词汇表 -[心理学资料库]Aggridant 优势成员:在生物学上指人类或其他物种占优势的成员,较好的观察者与选择者,在所属种类的社会中倾向与处与主导或者领导者地位.Apollonian Mystic 日神式的神秘人物:指通过深思冥想而体验到超越和神圣的人.Authoritarian Personality 权力主义人格:指这样一种人,他具有"丛林观",认为善意仁慈等都是能被人利用的软弱的表现. Basic needs 基本需要基本需求:指与生俱来的人类本能的低级心理需要,自下而上的层次顺序为获得安全和保护需要,归属和爱的需要,受尊敬和咨询的需要.Being cogition (B-cognition) 存在性认识:通过沉思得到的清晰的认知,尤其是指关于人或者事物的超越性神性以及永恒方面的认知,自我实现的人在高峰体验状态中经常产生这种认识,但并不是只有自实习那的人才产生这种认识.Being humon (B-humor) 存在性幽默:富有哲理的或者是启发性的幽默,它反映了高度的成熟与高层次的动机,如林肯. Cognitive Pathologies 认知病态:人在认识和理解周围世界时在需要上的病态或者焦虑,包括无法容忍模糊不清,对于精确性的难以抑制的需要,过度的理智化,程式化,以及假愚等Counter Values 逆反性价值:对存在价值,例如真善美以及人的优秀品行的恐惧害怕或者厌恶Counter valuing 逆反性评价:直接体验或者表达对存在价值以及能够体现存在价值的一切事物的敌意.包括带着敌视态度对存在价值进行贬低或者丑化,这是我们面对存在价值时,由于感受到了敬畏,惊讶,对比自身的渺小与匮乏,内心产生了仇恨感,进而采取的一种防卫机制.Deficiency cognition (D-cognition) 匮乏性认知:常见的认知方式.如通过逻辑或者理性分析,孤立片面地看待人或者事物的某些细节.Deficiency humorDeficiency love (D-Love) 匮乏性爱:在爱情中,把对方看成是满足自己基本需要的手段.Deficiency motivation (D-motivation) 匮乏性动机与满足基本需要相关的动机.Deficiency needs (D-needs) 匮乏性需要: 见基本需要Deficiency psychology (D-psychology) 匮乏心理学:心理学的一分支,主要研究在基本需要和普通意识领域内的认知,体验以及动机.Desacrilization 非神圣化: 在我们文化中常见的一种心理防卫机制,它表现为对积极的情绪例如温和,友好,崇高感,出身入迷,以及人类行为中任何神秘体验和美好感受加以否认或者压抑Dionysian Mystic 酒神式神秘人物:指通过达到如痴如狂的状态来体验超越与神圣的人。



心理学专业英语词汇The document was prepared on January 2, 2021心理现象 mental phenomenon心理过程 mental process心理状态 mental state心理活动 mental activity意识 consciousness心理维度 psychological dimension心理运动 psychomotor内部活动 internal activity普通心理学 general psychology实验心理学 experimental psychology行为科学 behavioral science心身关系 mind-body relation心理机能定位 localization of mental function 心理能动性 mental activism外周论 peripheralism先天理论 nativistic theory强调遗传素质决定人心理的产生与发展.遗传 heredity目的论 teleology认为生物和人类的活动受一定目的的引导.活动 activity活动理论 activity theory认知心理学 cognitive psychology认知 cognition相对于情感、意志等心理过程的所有认识过程的总称.包括知觉、注意、表象、学习记忆、问题解决、思维和言语等心理过程.认知过程 cognitive process认知结构 cognitive structure元认知 metacognition认知失调 cognitive dissonance认知地图 cognitive map认知技能 cognitive skill认知方式 cognitive style信息 information信息论 information theory信息加工 information processing信息加工心理学 information processing psychology 信息加工理论 information processing theory信息加工模型 information processing model中央处理器模型 central processor model信息储存 information storage信息提取 information retrieval人工智能 artificial intelligence, AI计算机类比 computer analogy计算机模拟 computer simulation计算机模型 computer model唯心主义心理学 idealistic psychology意动心理学 act psychology唯意志论 voluntarism唯灵论 spiritualism强调超自然精神作用.心灵学 parapsychology心灵决定论 psychic determinism心灵致动 psychokinesis, PK心理技术学 psychotechnics内省 introspection内省法 introspective method直觉主义 intuitionalism条件反射 conditioned reflex, CR非条件反射 unconditioned reflex经典性条件作用 classical conditioning工具性条件作用 instrumental conditioning 操作性条件作用 operant conditioning操作主义 operationalism操作性定义 operational definition斯金纳箱 Skinner box迷箱 puzzle box强化 reinforcement二级强化 secondary reinforcement强化理论 reinforcement theory反馈 feedback生物反馈 biofeedback次级控制 secondary control皮肤电传导 skin conductance皮肤电反应 galvanic skin response测谎器 lie detector心理物理学 psychophysics心理物理学方法 psychophysical method 评定量表法 rating scale method阈限 threshold, limen刺激阈限 stimulus threshold绝对感受性 absolute sensitivity绝对阈限 absolute threshold差别感受性 differential sensitivity差别阈限 differential threshold最小可觉差 just noticeable difference, 极限法 limit method 下限 lower limit差别阈限法 differential limen method上差别阈 upper difference threshold下差别阈 lower difference threshold调整法 method of adjustment不确定间距 interval of uncertainty恒定刺激法 method of constant stimulus次数法 frequency method等距法 method of equal interval最小变化法 method of minimal change递增系列 ascending series递减系列 descending series预期误差 anticipation error等级法 ranking method数值评估法 method of magnitude estimation分段法 fractionation method误差 error平均误差法 method of average error恒定误差 constant error偶然误差 accidental error主观相等点 point of subjective equality, PSE 正误法 method of right and wrong cases二分法 method of dichotomic classification 双重分离 double dissociation消除法 method of elimination阶梯法 staircase method对偶比较法 method of paired comparison单一刺激法 method of single stimulus 费希纳定律 Fechner's law韦伯分数 Weber fraction韦伯比例 Weber ratio韦伯定律 Weber's law韦伯-费希纳定律 Weber-Fechner law幂函数定律 power function law史蒂文斯定律 Stevens' law对数定律 logarithmic law刺激变量 stimulus variable标准刺激 standard stimulus近端刺激 proximal stimulus等距变量 equal interval variable顺序变量 ordinal variable反应变量 response variable被试变量 subject variable反应 response反应偏向 response bias自然实验 natural experiment开窗实验 experiment of open window 双盲实验 double blind experiment准实验 quasi-experiment实验设计 experimental design实验组 experimental group, EG控制组 control group, CG又称“对照组”.控制 control控制变量 controlled variable独立组设计 independent group design 组内设计 within-group design组间设计 between-group design匹配组设计 matched-group design拉丁方设计 Latin square design随机组设计 random group design混合设计 mixed design反应时 reaction time, RT简单反应时 simple reaction time选择反应时 choice reaction time选择时间 selection time辨别反应时 discriminative reaction time 迫选法 forced-choice method口头报告 verbal report自我观察 self-observation观察法 observational method模拟法 simulation method印象法 impression method传记法 biographical method访谈法 interview method问卷法 questionnaire表情法 method of expression有无法 yes-no method提示法 anticipation method抽象分析法 method of abstract analysis信号检测理论 signal detection theory信号检测 signal detection信号噪声分配 signal-to-noise distribution似然比 likelihood ratio内部噪声 internal noise正确否定 correct rejection击中 hit肯定判断 affirmative judgement虚报 false alarm接受者操作特征曲线 receiver operating characteristic curve, ROC curve 等感受性曲线 isosensitivity curve感觉 sensation感觉道 sense modality跨通道匹配 cross-modality matching感觉运动 sensorimotor感觉适应 sensory adaptation感觉剥夺 sensory deprivation感觉阈限 sensory limen感觉属性 attribute of sensation感觉器官相互作用 interaction of sense organs 感官特殊能量说 law of specific sense energy 特殊神经能量 specific nerve energy特异说 theory of idiosyncrasy视觉 vision瞳孔 pupil人工瞳孔 artificial pupil视网膜 retina物体大小 object size网象大小 retinal size视网膜对称点 corresponding retinal points两个视网膜重叠起来彼此重合的点.注视点 fixation point视角 visual angle视野 visual field视野计 perimeter中央视觉 central vision中央窝视觉 foveal vision用眼睛中央窝的视网膜区注视物体所产生的视觉.周边视觉 peripheral vision盲点 blind spot中心盲 central scotoma可见光 visible light强度 intensity照度 illuminance视网膜照度 retinal illuminance明度 brightness明度对比 brightness contrast亮度 luminance视见函数 luminosity function又称“光亮度函数”.亮度对比 luminance contrast亮暗比 light-dark ratio视觉阈限 visual threshold能见度 visibility能见度曲线 visibility curve等能光谱 equal energy spectrum光谱光效率曲线 spectral luminous efficiency curve 明视觉 photopic vision暗视觉 scotopic vision视觉适应 visual adaptation明适应 bright adaptation暗适应 dark adaptation暗适应曲线 dark adaptation curve 马赫带 Mach band对比 contrast同时对比 simultaneous contrast 浦肯野现象 Purkinje phenomenon 颜色视觉 color vision颜色 color彩色 chromatic color非彩色 achromatic color光谱色 spectral color基色 fundamental color补色 complementary color原色 primary color三原色 three primary colors三色视觉 trichromatism表面色 surface color立体色 bulky color又称“膨胀色”.容量色 volume color饱和度 saturation颜色饱和度 color saturation色度 chromaticity色度图 chromaticity diagram色区 color zone色温 color temperature色误差 chromatic error显色指数 color-rendering index 单色仪 monochromator产生单一颜色光的仪器.色环 color circle色轮 color wheel色表系 color appearance system颜色方程 color equation颜色立体 color solid芒塞尔颜色立体 Munsell color solid 颜色四方形 color square颜色三角 color triangle颜色爱好 color preference颜色宽容度 color tolerance颜色适应 chromatic adaptation颜色匹配 color matching同色异谱匹配 metameric matching颜色对比 color contrast颜色混合 color mixture双眼混色 binocular color mixture加色混合 additive color mixture减色混合 subtractive color mixture颜色混合律 law of color mixture补色律 law of complementary color中间色律 law of intermediary color代替律 law of substitution色诱导 color induction诱导色 induced color二色视觉 dichromatic vision斯特鲁普效应 Stroop effect亥姆霍茨视觉说 Helmholtz's theory of vision 黑林视觉说 Hering's theory of vision视觉双重说 duplicity theory of vision又称“双视觉理论”.阶段说 stage theory发生说 genetic theory色弱 color weakness红色弱 red weakness色盲 color blindness红色盲 red blindness绿色盲 deuteranopia又称“乙型色盲”.红绿色盲 red-green blindness, protanopia 又称“甲型色盲”.全色盲 monochromatism又称“单色视觉”.蓝色盲 tritanopia又称“丙型色盲”.蓝黄色盲 blue-yellow blindness视敏度 visual acuity分辨 discrimination朗多环视标 Landolt ring曾称“兰道环视标”.闪烁临界频率 critical flicker frequency, CFF 闪烁光度法 flicker photometry闪光融合器 flicker-fusion apparatus闪光盲 flash blindness后象 after-image负后象 negative after-image正后象 positive after-image视觉后象 visual after-image听觉后象 auditory after-image运动后象 movement after-image动觉后效 kinesthetic after-effect麦科洛效应 McCollough effect听觉 hearing, audition单耳听觉 monaural hearing双耳听觉 binaural hearing心理声学 psychoacoustics内耳 inner ear中耳 middle ear耳蜗 cochlea耳膜 eardrum半规管 semicircular canal频率 frequency振幅 amplitude of vibration主波长 dominant wavelength基线时间 baseline time反映 reflection反射系数 reflection coefficient 基音 fundamental tone纯音 pure tone复合音 compound tone倍音 overtone。



社会学英语名词解释Aaccounting 说明过程人们提供说明以理解世界的过程。

(俗民方法论)accounting practices 说明过程的实践某人提出说明而其他人接受或拒绝该说明的方式。

(俗民方法论)accounts 说明行动者解释(描述、批评及理想化)特定情境的方式。

(俗民方法论)act 行动米德理论的基本元素,包含冲动、知觉刺激、对知觉感到的客体采取行动,并利用该客体满足原先的冲动。

action 行动人们所做之事是意识过程创造的结果。

actual social identity 实际的社会认同人们真正是什么样的人。

(戈夫曼)adaptation 适应帕森斯的四种必要功能之一。



affectivity-affective neutrality 情感-情感中立此模式变量系指对某种社会现象要投注多少情绪(或情感)。

(帕森斯)affectual action 情感性行动由情绪引起的非理性行动。

(韦伯)agency 能动力(性)系指行动者所做之行动;亦即,如果不是行动者介入并采取所谈论之行动,所发生之事可能不会以那种方式发生。

agents 行(能)动者有能力为社会世界带来影响的行(能)动者;行(能)动者拥有权力。

alienation 异化人们与其生产活动、所生产的物品、一起共事的同僚及其潜能之间的自然联系崩解了或被分离了。

(马克思)anomie 失序伴随有机连带社会而兴起的一种感觉,亦即不知道自己该做什么。



appearance 外表观众眼中的行动者;尤其指那些能暗示出表演者社会地位的项目。

(戈夫曼)ascription-achievement 先赋-成就此模式变量关心的是,当我们判断某一社会现象时,是以它被赋予了什么,还是以它成就了什么来判断的。

perception conception辨析

perception conception辨析

Perception vs ConceptionIntroductionPerception and conception are two fundamental cognitive processes that humans use to understand and interpret the world around them. While they are closely related, they have distinct differences that play a crucial role in our everyday lives. This article aims to explore the concepts of perception and conception, highlighting their definitions, differences, and significance.DefinitionsPerceptionPerception refers to the process by which we interpret sensory information received from our environment. It involves the organization, identification, and interpretation of sensory stimuli, such as sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. Perception allows us to make sense of the world and form mental representations of objects, people, events, and situations.ConceptionConception refers to the mental process of forming ideas or concepts based on our perceptions and experiences. It involves abstract thinking and categorization of information gathered through perception. Conception allows us to create mental frameworks or models that help us understand complex phenomena and make sense of new information.Differences between Perception and Conception1.Nature: Perception is a direct sensory experience that occurs inreal-time when we encounter stimuli from our environment. It isimmediate and often automatic. In contrast, conception is ahigher-order cognitive process that involves mental representation and abstract thinking. It requires reflection on past experiences and knowledge to form new ideas or concepts.2.Process: Perception involves the initial processing of sensoryinformation through our senses (e.g., eyes, ears) followed byinterpretation by the brain. It is influenced by factors such asattention, memory, emotions, and cultural background. On the otherhand, conception involves synthesizing perceptions with existingknowledge to create new mental constructs or understandings.3.Subjectivity: Perception is subjective because it can vary fromperson to person based on individual differences in sensoryabilities (e.g., color blindness), attentional focus (e.g.,selective attention), and personal biases. Conception, althoughinfluenced by individual experiences and beliefs, tends to be more objective as it involves abstract thinking and generalization.4.Flexibility: Perception is often more rigid and less flexiblethan conception. Our perceptions are often influenced by immediate sensory cues, making it difficult to change or modify our initial interpretations. Conception, on the other hand, allows for greater flexibility as we can revise or update our mental models based on new information or perspectives.Significance of Perception and Conception1.Understanding the World: Perception and conception work togetherto help us understand and navigate the world. Perception provides us with immediate sensory information, while conception enables us to create mental frameworks that allow for deeper understanding of complex phenomena.2.Problem Solving: Conception plays a vital role in problem-solvingby allowing us to analyze situations, identify patterns, andgenerate creative solutions. It helps us think critically and make connections between different pieces of information.munication: Perception and conception are essential foreffective communication. Perception allows us to interpret verbal and non-verbal cues from others, while conception helps us convey our thoughts and ideas accurately through language.4.Learning: Both perception and conception are integral to thelearning process. Perception enables us to absorb new information through sensory experiences, while conception helps us organizethis information into meaningful concepts that can be stored inlong-term memory.ConclusionPerception and conception are two interconnected cognitive processesthat shape our understanding of the world. While perception providesimmediate sensory input, conception allows for deeper analysis, categorization, and synthesis of information. Both processes are crucial for our everyday functioning, problem-solving abilities, communication skills, and overall learning experience. Understanding the differences between perception and conception can help us become more aware of how we interpret the world around us and how we construct knowledge in our minds.Note: This article provides a general overview of perception and conception. It is important to note that these concepts have been extensively studied within the fields of psychology, neuroscience, and philosophy, and further research can provide more in-depth insights into their complexities.。



高一英语心理学理论单选题30题1. Mary always gets nervous before exams. This is an example of _____.A. emotionB. motivationC. perceptionD. cognition答案:A。






2. When Jack sees a red traffic light, he stops his car. This behavior is related to _____.A. learningB. memoryC. personalityD. intelligence答案:A。






3. Tom dreams a lot at night. Dreams are a part of _____.A. consciousnessB. subconsciousnessC. sensationD. perception答案:B。





perception conception辨析

perception conception辨析

perception conception辨析(最新版)目录1.引言:介绍“perception”和“conception”的含义及区别2.perception 的含义:感知、认识、理解- 从不同角度解释- 举例说明3.conception 的含义:概念、观念、想法- 从不同角度解释- 举例说明4.两者的区别与联系:语义、使用场景、侧重点5.结论:总结“perception”和“conception”的含义及区别正文一、引言在英语中,有两组词经常被提及,它们分别是“perception”和“conception”。



二、Perception 的含义1.感知:perception 指的是一个人对周围事物的感知,包括看到、听到、触摸到等。

例如:- The perception of beauty is subjective.(美的感知是主观的。

)2.认识:perception 也可以指一个人对某个人或事物的认识,包括了解、熟悉等。

例如:- I have a good perception of you.(我对你有很好的印象。

)3.理解:perception 还可以表示一个人对某个观点或观念的理解。

例如:- The perception of Chinese culture is diverse.(对中国文化的理解是多样的。

)三、Conception 的含义1.概念:conception 指的是一个抽象的想法或原则,通常用于描述一个抽象的事物。

例如:- The conception of democracy varies from country to country.(民主的概念因国家而异。

)2.观念:conception 也可以指一个人对某个事物的观念或看法。

例如:- His conception of life is optimistic.(他对生活的观念是乐观的。



空间注意力机制的英语Space attention mechanism refers to the cognitiveability of selecting, processing and focusing on specific locations or regions in the visual field. This mechanism facilitates effective perception, decision-making and action planning. Here’s a step-by-step analysis of the concept of space attention mechanism and its importance.Step 1: Identifying the concept of space attention mechanismSpace attention mechanism is a cognitive ability that enables individuals to selectively attend to specific locations or regions in the visual field while inhibiting distractions or irrelevant information. It involves the allocation of limited cognitive resources to relevant stimulus locations, suppression of irrelevant information and switching between tasks as required. The mechanism works in parallel with other cognitive processes like perception, memory, and decision-making to optimize behavior.Step 2: Understanding the Components of Space Attention MechanismSpace attention mechanism has two main components, including an endogenous and exogenous component. The endogenous component involves voluntary allocation of attentional resources to stimuli within the visual field. In contrast, the exogenous component involves involuntary allocation of attentional resources to stimuli that capture attention automatically.Step 3: Importance of Space Attention MechanismSpace attention mechanism plays an important role in various aspects of human cognition, including perception, action, and decision-making. For example, when searching for an object in a cluttered environment, attention mechanismhelps us to selectively attend to relevant features of the object while inhibiting distractors. It also facilitates context-dependent problem-solving, in which an individual processes only relevant information while ignoring irrelevant information.Step 4: Factors Influencing Space Attention MechanismSpace attention mechanism can be influenced by several factors, including attentional bias, task demands, and feedback. Attentional biases refer to individual differencesin processing certain types of stimuli, such as frequent processing of threatening stimuli in individuals with anxiety. Task demands also influence space attention, with challenging and complex tasks requiring more attentional resources. Feedback from the environment or task performance can also influence attention mechanism by adjusting attentionallocation and suppression depending on task demands.In conclusion, space attention mechanism is a crucial cognitive mechanism that enables us to selectively attend to specific regions in the visual field, thus optimizing perception, decision-making, and action planning. Understanding the components and underlying factorsinfluencing this mechanism is key to understanding and improving cognitive performance.。



In the realm of personal growth and achievement,the adage perseverance leads to success is a timeless truth that has been echoed throughout history.This principle is not only applicable in academic pursuits but also in professional endeavors and personal development.Here,we will delve into the essence of perseverance and how it can be the catalyst for success in various aspects of life.The Power of PersistencePerseverance is the quality of continuing in a course of action,despite difficulty or opposition.It is the unwavering determination to achieve a goal,no matter the obstacles that may arise.This tenacity is what separates those who achieve their dreams from those who do not.It is the force that propels individuals to keep going when the going gets tough.Overcoming ChallengesIn life,we face numerous challenges that test our resolve.Whether its a difficult exam,a demanding job,or a personal setback,the ability to persevere through these challenges is crucial.It is during these times that the true strength of ones character is revealed.By refusing to give up,we can overcome even the most daunting of obstacles.The Role of Goal SettingSetting clear and achievable goals is a fundamental aspect of perseverance.Goals provide a roadmap to success,guiding us through the journey of achieving our dreams.They serve as a constant reminder of why we must persist,even when the path is fraught with difficulties.By setting and pursuing goals,we can maintain focus and motivation,which are essential for sustained perseverance.The Importance of Learning from FailureFailure is often seen as the antithesis of success.However,it is through failure that we learn the most valuable lessons.Each failure provides an opportunity for reflection and growth.It is through these experiences that we gain the wisdom and resilience necessary to persist in the face of adversity.Embracing failure as a stepping stone rather than a stumbling block is key to developing a persevering mindset.The Influence of Supportive EnvironmentsA supportive environment can significantly enhance ones ability to persevere.Encouragement from family,friends,and mentors can provide the emotional strength needed to continue striving for success.It is the belief and support of others that can bolster our own selfbelief and determination.The Reward of PerseveranceThe ultimate reward of perseverance is the achievement of ones goals.This success is not just measured in material terms but also in the personal growth and satisfaction that comes from overcoming challenges.The sense of accomplishment that accompanies success is a testament to the power of perseverance.In conclusion,perseverance is a vital ingredient in the recipe for success.It is the driving force that enables us to push through challenges and achieve our objectives.By cultivating a persevering mindset,setting clear goals,learning from failure,and surrounding ourselves with support,we can unlock our full potential and realize our dreams.Remember,as the saying goes,The only way to guarantee failure is to give up. So,let us embrace perseverance and watch as success unfolds.。



精神分析专业词汇汇编中英语对照开个帖子,将精神分析中会用到的中英文专业单词贴在这里,希望大家一起整理和补充AAI 成人依附会谈abandonment neurosis 遗弃型神经症Abend S M 阿本德abnormality 不正常的abortion 流产Abraham K 亚伯拉罕abreaction 宣洩abreaction 弭除反应abreaction 涤清Abreaction and catharsis 消散和宣洩absence of basic trust 基本信任的缺乏absences 治疗同意书,缺席Absences from interviews 缺席abstinence 禁慾规则Abt L 阿布特abuse 苛待accuracy 精确accurate 精确acedia 怠惰acting 行动acting in 治疗内见诸行动Acting in 诊疗室的行动化acting in the transference 见诸行动于移情acting out (治疗外)见诸行动acting out 付诸行动acting out 行动力acting out 行动化action 行动action techniques 行动技术active 主动的Active control by therapist 积极的控制,治疗师active technique 主动性技术activity and transference 治疗师,活动,与转移关係activity-passivity 主动性/被动性actual neurosis 现实型神经症actualization 实现Actualization concept of 现实化,概念acute 急性acute 急性的acute conditions 针对急性状况Adaptation as acting out 适应,见诸行动作为Adaptation of ego 适应,自我的适应adaptational therapy 调适疗法Adhesiveness 黏滞性Adhesiveness of libido 力比多的黏滞性adhesiveness of the libido 力比多的黏着性Adler G 阿德勒adolescence 青少年adolescence and analysis 青少年与分析adoption 收养adult 成人Adult Attachment Interview 成人依附关係访谈法Adult Attachment Interview (AAI) 成人依附会谈Adult Attachment Interview(AAI) 成人依附会谈affect 情感affect 教育,情感Affect of patient 情感,个案affective attunement 情感拍合affect-trauma model 情绪创伤典範age 年龄age and analysability 年龄与可分析性agency 审级aggresivity-aggressiveness 侵略性aggression 攻击aggressive energy 攻击能量aggressive instinct 侵略欲力aggressor 认同攻击者agieren[to act] 见诸行动agoraphobia 惧旷症aim(instinctual aim) (欲力)目的aim-inhabited 目的禁制Alcoholics Anonymous 戒酒无名会alcoholism 酒瘾Alexander F 亚歷山大alienation 异化alliance 治疗同意书,结盟alliance 联盟allo-erotism 他者情慾Alloplastic versus autoplastic ratio and ego strength 外在造形的对内在造形的比率alonenesstogetherness 单独同在Alpha elements 阿法因素Alston T 阿尔斯顿alter ego 变化的自我alter ego transference 变化的自我移情alteration of the ego 自我变异alternative 替代性altruistic surrender 利他降从ambivalence 矛盾ambivalence 矛盾双重性ambivalence 情感矛盾Ambivalence 爱根交织Ambivalence of wishes 愿望的两难ambivalent 矛盾ambivalent. pre-ambivalent. post-ambivalent 矛盾双重性的、前矛盾双重性的、后矛盾双重性的amnesia 失忆amnesia 失忆症Ana Freud( Freud A) 安娜?佛洛德anaclisis 依附anaclitic (attachment) 依附的[依赖的]anaclitic depression 依附性忧郁[依赖性忧郁]anaclitic type of object-choice 依附型对象选择anagogic interpretation 玄学诠释Anal phantasy 肛门幻想Anal sadistic impulse 肛门施虐衝动anality 肛门特质anal-sadistic stage 肛门-施虐阶段analysis 分析analysis lay 非专业分析analysis of ......分析analyst 分析师analyst as 分析师作为analyst centred interpretation 以分析师为中心的诠释analyst, wild 非专业分析analyst’s role 分析师的角色analyst-analysand relationship 分析师-被分析师者关係analytic 分析取向的analytic 分析性analytic development of 分析性发展analytic psychology 分析心理学analytic psychotherapy 分析取向心理治疗analytic stance of 分析性立场analytical psychologyschool of 分析心理学学派Analyzability 可分析性Anatasopoulos D 阿纳斯塔索保洛斯and conscience 超我焦虑,与良心and description 自我,义与描述and drive-derivatives, in psychotherapy 驱力,驱力衍生物,心理治疗中and ego strength 客体关係,自我强度and evaluation, nature of illness 心理治疗,适用徵候,评估疾病本质and id, ego, and super-ego 精神衝突,与塬我,自我和超我and indications, for psychotherapy 超我焦虑,功能,与精神衝突and insight therapy 药物,与洞见取向心理治疗and insight-directed psychotherapy 精神分析,与洞见取向心理治疗and psychic conflict 自我,精神衝突and psychic conflict 塬我,与精神衝突and secondary process 自我,次发过程and supportive therapy 药物,与支持取向心理治疗and symptom formations 煺化,症状形成and the trauma and vicissitudes of life 精神官能症,与创伤和生活的变迁and therapeutic relationship 药物,与治疗关係and therapy 防卫,治疗and transference 煺化,转移关係anima 阿尼玛anima projection 阿尼玛外射(造成自恋)animus 阿尼姆斯Anna O 安娜的故事annihilation 虚无anomieconcept of 丧心病狂的概念anorexia 厌食症anthroposophy 人(类)智(慧)学(说) anticathexis 逆投资anti-semitism 反犹太主义Antisocial Personality Disorder 反社会人格异常anti-therapeutic 反治疗anti-therapeutic alliance 反治疗联盟anxiety 焦虑anxiety hysteria 焦虑型歇斯底里anxiety neurosis 焦虑型神经症Anxiety, ego, and super-ego 焦虑,自我与超我Anxiety, signal 焦虑,讯号aphanisis 丧失性慾aphasia 失语症apperception mass 领觉团堆appraisal 评价appropriate 适度的archeological metaphor 考古学的隐喻archetype 塬型archetype images 塬型心像archetype proper 塬型本体archetypes 塬型archetypes of the spirits 精神塬型Arkin F S 阿金Arlow J A 亚农armour-plating of [ Charakter-panzerung] 装甲arousal levels 警醒层级art of ......的艺术art therapy 艺术疗法artistic 艺术的artistic creativity 艺术创造力artistic creativity and regression 艺术创造力与煺行'as 彷彿as adaptation 作为一种适应as communication 作为一种交往as distorting 作为一种歪曲as fantasy object 幻想客体as interpretation 作为一种解释as mediator 作为调停者as narrative transaction 作为一种叙事性交互as obstacle 阻碍as resistance 作为一种阻抗as sour of information 作为一种信息来源as specific illusion 作为一种特异性错觉as way of life 精神官能症,充当生活方式ascetism 禁慾主义Asch S 阿施assessment interview 晤谈衡鑑association 联想association chain 联结键association, free 自由联想Associations and Societies 联盟、学会athenic syndrome 无力症候群Atkins N B 阿特金斯atmosphere 治疗同意书,气氛Atmosphere, therapeutic 气氛,治疗气氛atonic syndrome 低张力症候群attachment 依附attachment 依恋、依附attachment theory 依附关係理论Attendance for treatment 出席治疗attention, (evenly)suspended(或 [evenly]poised) (同等地)悬浮的注意力attention: evenly suspended 注意:带着平常心的Auchincloss E L 奥金克洛斯authoritarianism 威权主义autism 自闭症auto-erotism 自体情慾autogenic training 自然发生训练automatic anxiety 自发性焦虑automatic thoughts 自动化思考automatic writing, talking, drawing 自动书写;自动谈话;自动作画automatism, ambulatory 行走自动症autonomic arousal 自主神经的警醒状态autonomous ego functions 自主性自我功能autonomousfree 自主-自由型autonomy see dependence 自主见依赖autoplastic-alloplastic 自塑/他塑auxiliary ego 辅助的自我Avoidance 逃避avoided calamitous 迴避的大灾难性awareness 觉察awareness of in CBT 觉察在认知行为治疗中Bahnung 通导Balint A A?巴林特Balint M M?巴林特baquet 磁桶Barande R 巴兰德Baranger W 巴兰哲bargaining in psychotherapy 心理治疗中的妥协(讨价还价) Barnett J 巴尼特basic 基本basic 基本的basic anxiety 基本焦虑basic fault 基本谬误basic model of 基本模式basic model of psychoanalysis 精神分析的基本模式basic rule of 基本规则basic transference 基本移情basic trust 基本信任basis of 的基础Bateson G 贝特森Beatlemania 披头狂Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) 贝克忧郁量表bed-wetting 尿床Bégoin F F?贝古安Bégoin J. J?贝古安Behavior in the interview 行为,会谈中的行为behaviour 行为behaviour as 行为(被指)作behaviour, as acting out 见诸行动的行为behaviour: addictive 行为:成瘾性behavioural: dialectical therapy 行为的:对话式疗法being in the world 「此世存有」「在世界中的存有状态」Bellak L 贝拉克bereavement 丧恸bereavement see loss mourning 伤恸见失落与哀悼Beres D 贝勒斯Berg M D 贝格Bergman A 贝格曼Berkowitz D A 贝科维茨Berlin Psychoanalytic Institute 柏林精神分析学会Bernstein I 伯恩斯坦Besetzung [cathexis] 投注Beta elements 贝塔因素Bibring E 比布林Bibring-Lehner G 比布林-莱纳bic fault 基本裂隙bic rule of 的基本规则bic: sumptions 基本:假设Bilger A 比尔杰Bilo 毕罗(仪式)binding 连结bioenergetics 生物能学biofunctional therapy see bioenergetics 生物功能疗法见生物能学Bion W R 比昂bipersonal field 互动领域bipersonal field 两人区域bipolar affective disorder 双极性情感疾患bipolar self 两面自体Birth trauma, and anxiety 生之创伤,焦虑bisexuality 双性bisexuality 双性特质Black Madonna 黑色圣母马利亚Blacker K H 布莱克尔Bleger J 布莱格尔Bleuler E 布洛伊勒blindness 瞎眼Blitzsten 布利茨斯腾Blos P 布洛斯Blum H P 布詹姆bodily 躯体body: language 身体:语言Boesky D 博伊斯基Bollas C 博拉斯Bolshevik 布尔什维克主义bond 纽带'联盟Bone M 博恩borderline case 边缘症borderline condition 边缘状态borderline patient 边缘性病人Borderline Personality Disorder 边缘人格异常Borderline Personality Organization 边缘人格组织borderline states 边缘性状态Borderline states, classification 边缘状态,分类Boschán P J 博施安boundaries 界限brain mythology (Himmythologie) 玄想性脑神话Brandchaft B 布兰德夏弗特breakdown of 崩溃breakdowns 崩溃Breast mother 乳房母亲breast-feeding 哺乳breathing see body work唿吸见肢体工作Brenner C 查尔斯?布论讷Breuer J 布罗依尔British Confederation of Psychotherapists 英国心理治疗师联盟Britton R 布里顿Brown G W 布朗Buie D H 布伊bulimia 肥胖症bulimia 暴食症Burgh?lzli 布戈泽利病院Bush M 布希by the patient 结案,不成功治疗下的结案,个案决定by the therapist 结案,不成功治疗下的结案,治疗师决定Calogeras R 卡洛赫拉斯Campell R J 坎贝尔cannibalistic 食人的capacity for 能力capacity for treatment alliance 建立治疗联盟的能力card-playing 玩牌care 照护communitycase of Dora 朵拉案例case of Frau PJ on counter-transference 关于反移情的P?J女士案例castration 阉割Castration anxiety 阉割者父亲castration anxiety 阉割焦虑castration complex 阉割情结Castration threat 阉割威胁catalepsy 强(僵)直性(昏厥)状态catharsis 倾泻cathartic approach 宣洩法cathartic cure 宣洩疗法cathartic therapy或cathartic method 净化(方法)cathectic energy 投资的能量cathexis 投资cathexis (investment) [besetzung] 投注causes of 的塬因CBT 认知行为治疗ce studies 个案研究censorship 监控censorship 检禁central inner conflict 核心内在衝突central role of 的核心作用centred medicine 为中心的医疗centred medicine 为主的医学Cesio F R 赛西斯changes in 变化changes in meaning of term 术语含意的变化changing 改变changing behaviour 改变的行为changing goals 心理治疗,改变中的目标character 性格character armour 性格盔甲character disorder 性格障碍character neurosis 性格型神经症characteristics 特色ICharcot J M 夏科Chediak C 切迪阿克child 儿童child abuse 孩童虐待child analysis 儿童分析child sexuality 幼儿性慾child: abuse 孩童:虐待childbearing 生育小孩childbirth 生产childcare 照顾小孩childhood 儿童期childhood sexuality 孩童性欲childhood sexuality, Freud 幼儿性慾childhood trauma 儿童期创伤childrearing 抚养小孩choice of neurosis 神经症选择chronic 慢性chronic 慢性的circumsessio 恶魔作祟clairvoyance 超透视现象;千里眼clarification 治疗师,澄清clarification 澄清classical and modern theories of transference 移情的古典观和现代观classification of 的分类claustrophobia claustrophobia 幽闭恐惧症clientcentred 案主为中心的clinical 临床clinical 临床的clinical trials 临床试验clitoris 阴蒂cloacal (或cloaca) theory 泄殖腔(理论)clsification 分类cocounselling 协同谘商Coen S J 科因cognition see thinking 认知见思考cognitive 认知的cognitive analytical therapy (CAT) 认知分析疗法cognitive knowledge 认知性知识cognitive science see CBT 认知科学cognitive therapy 认知取向治疗cognitive therapy 认知疗法cognitivebehavioural therapy (CBT) 认知行为疗法Cohen M B 科恩coherence and correspondence theories of truth 真理的一致性及相关性Colarusso C A 柯拉鲁索collective 集体的collective individuation of manking 人类之集体个体化collective unconscious 集体潜意识Combined parents 联合起来的父母亲combined parents, combined parent-figure 交合双亲,交合双亲依玛构common ground position 共通立场communication 交往communicationin psychotherapy 沟通心理治疗中的community 社区:community feelin 社群感compensation 心理代偿compensation 补偿compensation neuroses 代偿性神经症competition 竞争complemental series 互补系列complementary 互补性complementary countertransference 互补反移情complementary identification and countertransference 互补性认同与反移情complex 情结complex of inferiority 自卑情结complex psychology 心结心理学Complex reversals 情结倒转component (or partial) instinct 部分欲力compromise-formation 妥协形成Compton A 康普顿compulsion 强迫compulsion 强迫行为compulsion to repeat或repetition compulsion 重复强制compulsion, compulsive 强制,强制的concentration camps 集中营concept of ......概念conception 受孕concordant 一致性concordant countertransference 一致反移情concordant identification and countertranference 一致性认同与反移情condensation 凝缩condensation 压缩confidentiality 治疗同意书confidentiality 隐私性conflict 衝突conflict and adaptation of instinctual wishes 本能慾望的衝突及适应conflict in 转移关係conflict model 衝突模式conflict resolution transference reenactment 衝突解决及移情重新演出conflict: CCRT 衝突:核心衝突关係主题conflict-free sphere of 无衝突区conflict-free sphere of ego 自我的无衝突区conflicting 衝突conflicting needs 衝突的需求confrontation 治疗师,面质confrontation 面质confrontation 面质(正视)confrontation 面质对质confronting 面对面质confusion 混乱confusion 混乱困惑Congress and meetings 学术会议与集会conjoint approach 联合取径的connectedness 连结性conscience 良知conscience see superego 良心见superegoConscious 意识conscious, preconscious and Unconscious 地誌学假说,意识,前意识,潜意识Conscious, system 意识,系统consciousness 心理意识consciousness 意识considerations of representability 显象性考量constancy of ......的恆定性constituents ......的组成constitutional factors 精神官能症,体质因素construction 建构constructions in analysis 分析中的建构constructions in analysis and interpretation 分析与解释中的建构Contained 被涵容Container 涵容者containment 容纳containment 涵容containmenttherapeutic 涵容治疗性content 内容content interpretation 实质性解释context of 脉络contract 合约contract therapy 合约治疗contraindications 禁忌control or supervisory or supervised analysis 督导分析Controversial Discussions 论战conversational model see psychodynamic interpersonal therapy 交谈模式见精神动力人际取向疗法conversational therapy 交谈疗法xiconversational therapy 会话式治疗conversational therapy 会话疗法conversion 转化conversion 转换conversion hysteria 转换型歇斯底里Cooper A M 库柏coping mechanism 因应机制coping: with disappointment 因应:带着失望core conflictual 核心衝突的Core Conflictual Relationship Theme 核心衝突关係主题core conflictual relationship theme (CCRT) ' Cornelison A 科内利森Correct 正确的corrective emotional experience 修正式情绪经验corrective emotional experience 修正后情绪经验corrective recapitulation 矫正性经验重现costeffectivenesspsychotherapy 成本效益心理治疗counselling 谘商xiicounterfeit negative therapeutic reactions 伪负性治疗反应counter-reactions of analyst 分析师的反反应counter-resistance of 反阻抗counter-resistance of analyst 分析师的反阻抗Countertransference 反移情countertransference 反转移关係counter-transference 反向传会Counter-transference 反移情counter-transference 结案,反转移关係couple therapy 夫妻治疗coupletherapy 夫妻治疗CPP 合作型心理治疗研究方案creative illness 创造性疾患creativity 及创造力crisis in psychoanalysis 精神分析的危机crisis, perfect 完全的发作crisis: intervention 危机处遇cryptomnesia 隐性记忆crystal gazing 凝视水晶球cualties nonverbal 非口语cultural perspective 文化观点viiixii cure 治癒cure 转移关係cure of souls 灵魂的治疗Curtis H C 柯帝士custody 监护权dadism 达达主义Dalison B 达利森damaging aspects of 损害性方面damming up of libido 力比多的郁积dance therapy 舞蹈治疗danger of 危险danger of cure 治癒的危险Daniel Stern 丹尼尔?斯特恩Darwinism, social 社会达尔文主义Davies S 戴维斯Day residue 白天的残余day’s residues 白日残余day-dream 白日梦daydreams 白日梦daydreamsguided 白日梦引导取向的death instinct 死亡本能Death instinct 死之本能death instincts 死亡欲力death, psychogenic 心因性猝死decadence (时代的)衰败。

managerial cognition综述

managerial cognition综述

managerial cognition综述Managerial cognition refers to the mental processes and perception of managers that influence their decision making and behavior within an organization. It plays a crucial role in how managers interpret and respond to information, solve problems, and make strategic choices. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the concept of managerial cognition, highlighting its importance and discussing the major cognitive processes involved.One of the key aspects of managerial cognition is sensemaking, which refers to the process by which managers interpret and make sense of their environment. Managers are constantly confronted with a multitude of information and data, and their ability to make sense of this information is critical for effective decision making. Sensemaking involves synthesizing information, creating meaning, and developing an understanding of complex situations. It is influenced by a manager's cognitive biases, personal experiences, and mental models.Cognitive biases are inherent tendencies to think and perceive in certain ways that can lead to systematic errors in decision making. These biases can include confirmation bias, where managers seek out information that supports their preconceived notions, and availability bias, where managers rely on readily available information rather than seeking out more comprehensive data. Understanding these biases is crucial for managers to overcome them and make more objective and rational decisions.Personal experiences also play a significant role in managerial cognition. Managers rely on their past experiences to guide theirdecision making and problem-solving processes. These experiences shape their mental models, which are cognitive structures or frameworks that managers use to interpret and understand the world around them. Mental models can be both helpful and limiting; they can provide valuable insights and shortcuts, but they can also lead to cognitive errors and blind spots if they are too rigid or outdated.Another important aspect of managerial cognition is the role of intuition. Intuition is a form of rapid, holistic, and non-conscious decision-making that relies on experience, pattern recognition, and automatic thinking. While intuition can be valuable in making quick decisions, it can also be prone to biases and errors. Therefore, managers need to strike a balance between relying on intuition and employing more systematic and analytical approaches to decision making.Cognitive processes such as problem-solving and decision making are fundamental to managerial cognition. Problem-solving involves identifying and formulating problems, generating alternative solutions, and evaluating their feasibility and effectiveness. Decision making, on the other hand, involves choosing among alternative courses of action. Both processes are influenced by a manager's cognitive capabilities, knowledge, and cognitive style. Cognitive style refers to a manager's preferred way of processing information, which can vary from being analytical and logical to being intuitive and creative.In conclusion, managerial cognition is a critical concept in understanding managerial decision making and behavior. Itencompasses various cognitive processes such as sensemaking, cognitive biases, mental models, intuition, problem-solving, and decision making. By gaining a deeper understanding of these cognitive processes, managers can enhance their ability to make effective decisions, solve complex problems, and navigate the ever-changing business environment.。

perlocutionary act英文解释

perlocutionary act英文解释

Perlocutionary Act的英文解释是:The perlocutionary act is the intended or actual consequence that results from the illocutionary act. It is the effect that the speaker intends to have on the listener or the actual effect that the utterance produces on the listener. The perlocutionary act is concerned with the end result or outcome of the communication, rather than the linguistic form or the intention behind the utterance itself.In other words, the perlocutionary act refers to the changes that occur in the listener as a result of hearing the utterance, such as a change in attitude, behavior, or knowledge. It is the impact or influence that the speaker's words have on the listener, whether intended or unintended.For example, if a speaker says "Please close the window" with the intention of getting the listener to close the window, the illocutionary act is the request, while the perlocutionary act is the listener actually closing the window in response to the request. However, it's important to note that the perlocutionary act may not always align with the speaker's intention, as the listener may choose not to comply or may interpret the utterance differently.The concept of the perlocutionary act is closely related to the ideas of speech acts and pragmatics, which study how language is used in context to achieve particular goals or effects.。


1998年,美国学者霍恩 斯坦经过多年的研究, 推出了一个全新的教学 目标分类体系,这个分 类体系是对布卢姆教学 目标分类的进一步发展。 这个分类体系将全部教 学目标划分为四个领域, 即认知领域、情感领域、 动作技能领域和行为领 域,每个领域又包括五 个类别的目标。
认知 领域 目标
情感 领域 目标
(一)认知领域(The Cognitive Domain)
认知领域是关于知识和心智能力与技 能发展的过程的,它包括以下5个层 次或类别的目标:
1)概念化(Conceptualization)。概念化是指在一个特殊的情境中认出、定 义、概括一个思想的能力。它又包括3个亚类的目标:认出 (Identification);定义(Definition);概括(Generalization); 2)理解(Comprehension)。理解是翻译和解释一个思想,以及推断内容信 息的能力。它又包含3个亚类的目标:翻译(Translation); 解释(Explanation);推断(Extrapolation); 3)应用(Application)。应用是澄清一个问题或一种情境,并用适当的原理 与程序解决一个具体问题或情境的能力。它包含如下2个亚类 的目标:澄清(Clarification);解答(Solution); 4)评价(Evaluation)。评价是分析和描述信息和资料或情境以进行评判的 能力。它 包括以下2个亚类的目标:分析(Analysis);描述(Qualification); 5)综合(Synthesis)。综合是假设或解决产生新的办法或答案的复杂问题 的能力。它又包括以下2个亚类的目标:假设(Hypothesis); 解决 (Resolution)。
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Systematica(1999) vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 1-8.© Published by Dutch System Group, Utrecht, The NetherlandsPerception, Cognition, Action: an Action Theoretical ApproachMatthias RauterbergSwiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich) Rämistrasse 101, CH-8092 Zürich, SwitzerlandAbstract . Information and information processing areone of the most important aspects of dynamic systems. The term 'information', that is used in various contexts, might better be replaced with one that incorporates novelty, activity and learning. Many important communications of learning systems are non-ergodic. The ergodicity assump-tion in Shannon's communication theory restricts his and all related concepts to systems that can not learn. For learning systems that interact with their environments, the more primitive concept of 'variety' will have to be used, instead of probability. Humans have a fundamental need for variety: He can't permanently perceive the same con-text, he can't do always the same things! Following an action theoretical approach we have to conclude a funda-mental need for variety. This need for variety leads to a different interpretation of human behavior that is often classified as "errors". Variety is the basis to measure complexity of an activity. Complexity in the relationship between a learning system and his context can be ex-pressed as incongruity. Incongruity is the difference be-tween internal complexity of a learning system and the complexity of the context. Traditional concepts of infor-mation processing are models of homeostasis on a basic level without learning. Activity and the irreversible learning process are driving forces that cause permanently in-homeostasis in the relationship between a learning system and his context. A suitable model for information processing of learning systems must be conceptualized on a higher level: a homeostatic model of 'in-homeostasis'. A concept to information processing is presented that derives an inverted U-shaped function between incongruity andinformation. This concept leads to some design recom-mendations for man-machine systems.1. INTRODUCTIONWe can find in the literature different inter-pretations of the term 'information'. Several approaches from different point of views are done to clarify 'information' (see [25], [31], [35] [18]): (1) information as a message (syn-tax); (2) information as the meaning of a message (semantic); (3) information as the effect of a message (pragmatic); (4) informa-tion as a process; (5) information as knowl-edge; (6) information as an entity of the world. If we try to apply information theory to human behavior, then we have to integrate activity, perception, and learning. In this proposal we are looking for an interpretation of 'informa-tion', which is compatible with concepts of activity and learning. Going this way, we hope to avoid the paradox of 'new' information. Information before and after the reception of a message is not the same! Different concepts are introduced in the literature to 'solve' this paradox (see Table 1).Table 1. Several terms to describe the amount of information of a message before and after re-ception.before receptionafter receptionAuthordegree of freedom of the decision content of the decision HARTLEY 1928 [15] uncertainty certainty SHANNON 1949 [28] uncertaintyinformationBRILLOUIN 1964 [4] potential information actual information ZUCKER 1974 [40] entropy amount of informationTOPSØE 1974 [31]2. ACTIVITY AND PERCEPTIONNeisser [20] was one of the first researchers, who tried to integrate activity, perception, and learning. He emphasized that human experi-ence depends on the stored mental schemata, which guide explorative behavior and the perception of an external context. Learning increases constantly the complexity of the mental model (especially the structure of thecognitive knowledge base). This is an irre-versible process [2]. One consequence of this irreversibility is that the contextual complexity must increase appropriately to fit the human's needs for optimal variety and stimulation. If we take this concept into serious considera-M. Rauterberg / Systematica (1999) vol. 14(1) 2tions, then we can identify several open ques-tions: How is activity coupled with the per-ception of the external world (the context; see point 1 in Figure 1)? How does perception depend on the internal mental schemata (see point 2 in Figure 1)? What is 'available in-formation'? How do the mental schemata di-rect actions, and how they are modified by the perceived range of available information (see point 3 in Figure 1)?Figure 1. The complete perceptual cycle [20].In this paper we can show how it could be possible to come up with answers to these questions: (1) to analyze the complexity of observable actions we present and discuss a straight forward approach (point 1 [24]); (2) to analyze the complexity of perception we dis-cuss the outcome of an empirical study (point 2); and, (3) to explain how the schemata direct behavior we introduce the Action Theory (point 3 [14]).3. WHAT IS HUMAN ACTIVITY? Leontyev's three-level schema ([19], see Fig-ure 2) describes the sphere of analysis and directs the attention to the transformations going on between three levels: mo-tive–activity, goal–action, and instrumental conditions–operations [6]. These three levels are organized in a hierarchical structure where the top level of activities includes several ac-tions that are performed by appropriate opera-tions. In a 'pure' objective way only the opera-tional level can be observed and analyzed. The goal setting and motivational level must be derived or investigated by indirect methods (e.g., questionnaire, interview, thinking aloud, etc.) based on the introspective observations of the investigated subjects. (Note the similarity to the model in [22]: knowledge based, rulebased, and skill based level.)Action regulation theory offers a coherent body of principles for human-centered taskand work design [14]. For Hacker ([12], p. 61), the work order, its interpretation or its accep-tance as a work task is "the central category ofpsychological consideration of activity..., as decisive specifications for the regulation and organization of the activities occur with the 'objective logic' of its contents". This quotation makes clear that for all, who follow the activity or action theory, thetask becomes very im-portant in the analysis of behavior. Great im-portance is attached to the concept of the complete task .motiveinstrumental conditionsgoal action ...operation ...Figure 2. The three levels schema of the activity theory of [19].Figure 3. The complete action-cycle: the central concept of the action regulation theory [14].Hellpach ([16], p. 27) described the task con-cept as follows: "A task consists of one's own planning and design--if not design of the task, design of its solution, including choice be-tween various possibilities, decision for one of these, taking responsibility for the decision, the ways of performance, while completing the task the constant, infinitesimal evaluation of success related to the mentally represented goal, and finally, the belief that it was well done". Hellpach's description already included the main elements of the concept of the com-plete task as defined by Tomaszewski ([32], p. 23): "A complete task contains three basic elements: diagnosis of the starting situation, outline (project) of a new situation and a pro-gram of realizing activities. During the course of the task performance, these three elements are supplemented by a continuous diagnosis of the changing situation". These are the basic constituents of Hacker's concept of complete activity [12]. Characteristics of complete tasks, which must be taken into consideration when analyzing and/or designing human activities (e.g., job design), are, according to the concept of action regulation theory presented here (see Figure 3, and [34]):3 Systematica (1999) vol. 14(1) / Perception, Cognition, Action(1) Independent setting of goals which areembedded in the superimposed goals; (2) Independent action preparation in thesense of taking on planning functions;and, selection of the means including thenecessary interaction for goal attainment;(3) Mental or physical performance func-tions with feedback on performancepertaining to possible corrections of ac-tions;(4) Control with feedback on results and thepossibility of checking the results of one'sown actions against the set goals. Incomplete activities or dismembered actions "lack, to a large extent, possibilities for inde-pendent goal-setting and decision-making, for developing individual work styles or suffi-ciently precise feedback" ([13], p. 35). Com-plete activities (or tasks) offer the possibility of setting goals and sub-goals, as well as of of-fering decision-making possibilities during the various phases of task completion, and there-fore provide latitude of activity or action. Complete activities are therefore becoming fundamental for realizing the concept of action regulation. Goals are organized in a hierar-chical tree structure [12]. The complete action cycle (see Figure 3) has a fractal or recursive structure: Each component of the complete action cycle can be analyzed with an embed-ded and subordinated action cycle. Chunking occurs over Leonteyev's all three levels (see Figure 4). "Action Theory seems to be an integrative long-term approach that is still developing especially with the develop-ment of hierarchically subordinate sub ap-proaches. Action Theory still is more a heu-ristic broad-range framework than a final the-ory. … The integrative power of Action The-ory will bridge some interrelated gaps: the gap between cognition (and knowledge) and ac-tion, the gap between cognition and motivation (see goal orientation), and even the gap be-tween basic and more applied approaches …" ([14], p. 113).Our main research interest is bridging both gaps. (ad 1) The sum of all cognitions are determined by the mental knowledge. Learn-ing is a permanent process that is regulated by optimizing the external complexity based on actions. (ad 2) An self regulated system maximize his information processing by op-timizing the situational incongruity.4. WHAT IS A LEARNING SYSTEM? The brain is the operating system for human cognitions. One part--probably the most im-portant part--of a human brain is the memory with all stored and strictly organized knowl-edge. But there are very few learning theories that can describe and explain meta-learning phenomenon (e.g., learning from experience) [37] [33]. One of the most powerful concepts was introduced by Gregory Bateson. Bateson [2] developed the concept of "deutero learn-ing" to describe meta-learning phenomenon ("learning to learn" [2]). The basic idea of this concept is that the variety on one level can be reduced to its invariant structure. This invari-ant structure forms the next higher, more ab-stract level of learning. Deutero learning can appear on five different hierarchical levels: Level-0: The perception of a specific situation leads directly to a specific reaction. Learning on the level means that a system shows dif-ferent activities in dependency of the per-ceived situational context; no correction or change in the same situation can be observed. This deutero learning type is possible for all living systems.Level-1: Dependent on the assessment of the outcome adaptive behavior can be observed in a given set of alternative actions; after erro-neous behavior corrections are possible by selecting an alternative action. The system learns to choose the correct element in a given set of elements. Level-1 deutero learning in-cludes habituation, classical conditioning, extinction, etc.Level-2: Learning on this level includes two types of adaptive behavior: first, selecting the correct set of actions in a given meta-set of sets of actions, and second, interpreting the own learning history in a different way. The sum of all deutero learning on level-2 is often de-scribed in concepts like personality, character, etc..Level-3: If a living system changes (reorgan-izes, resp.) its internal structure in a funda-mental way then a level-3 deutero learning process took place. Level-3 deutero learning includes a conscious way of changing the own personality (e.g., psycho therapy).Level-4: Learning on this level means adaptive behavior on an ontological or genetic level. This level is not controllable by an individual. If we look from a very general perspective on living systems (e.g., individuals, groups, or-ganizations, etc.), we can compare all these different systems from an abstract learn theo-retical view. Each learning system must have: (1) the possibility to plan actions and to exe-cute them, (2) a storage (e.g., individual memory, shared group memory, anecdotes, etc.), (3) the possibility to evaluate the own behavior with excess to the storage, and (4) the possibility to include the assessment into theM. Rauterberg / Systematica (1999) vol. 14(1) 4future action planning and execution (see Figure 4).Figure 4. The different components of a learning system.We discuss learning of individual humans: One important difference between beginners and experts is the complexity of their mental model [1]. The beginners have a simple mental structure, so they have to behave in a more heuristic manner to behave in an unknown context. On the other hand, the structures of the mental model of the experts are more or less correct representations of the context structure, so they can behave efficiently to reach their goals. We therefore assume that the mental model of an expert is more compre-hensive than that of a beginner. This assump-tion can be tested by comparing the complexity of the observable processes of beginners and experts.The empirical results in [24] indicate that the complexity (AC, see Figure 1) of the observ-able processes of beginners is larger than the complexity of experts. Therefore we con-cluded that the behavioral complexity is nega-tively correlated with the complexity of the underlying mental model (MC, see Figure 1). Thus it is possible to estimate the cognitive complexity based on the measurement of the behavioral complexity and based on the measurement of the contextual (environ-mental, resp.) complexity (EC, see Figure 1) [23]. Reviewing several articles about com-plexity in different research fields we found two dimensions of complexity [7]: breadth and depth complexity. The breadth complexity is the most common interpretation (e.g., number of elements). An often neglected problem of breadth complexity is the underlying assump-tion that all elements have a similar amount of complexity of the internal structure (e.g., se-mantic). The solution to this problem is depth complexity: to measure the complexity of the internal structure. In the context of learning, chunking is the central process to build ele-ments with increased depth complexity. All chunked knowledge is the corpus of individual experiences. To describe and to compare con-crete task solving behavior on the same com-plexity level we have to observe these proc-esses on the lowest possible level: the opera-tions (see Figure 2). 5. HOW TO MEASURE BEHAVIORAL COMPLEXITYFollowing the action theoretical framework we are able to analyze the continuously recorded stream of the observable operations. In the context of human-computer interaction this can be done very easily by the log file re-cording technique [24]. What is the main concern of a user interacting with a technical system? The user must build up a mental rep-resentation of the system's structure and gain knowledge about the task relevant functions of this system. Furthermore, he must learn the "language", i.e., a set of symbols, their syntax, and operations connected to them, to evoke action sequences (the inter-active "processes") related to task and sub-task functions (goal and sub-goal settings, resp.). Given a finite action space, each state corresponds to a system context, and each transition from one state to another corresponds to a human operation. A trace (= sequence) of states and operations (i.e., transitions) in this action space describes a complete (or partial) task solving process. Each finite trace in the action space is called a "process". Each task solving process contains three different kinds of information: (1) all necessary states and operations itself, (2) the amount of repetition of each state and opera-tion, and (3) the sequential order of all these states and operations.Finite state transition nets can be completely described with Petri nets, which have a clear semantic [21]. A Petri net is a mathematical structure consisting of two non-empty disjoint sets of nodes, called S-elements and T-elements, respectively, and a binary relation F, called the flow relation. F connects only nodes of different types and leaves no node isolated. Petri nets can be interpreted by using a suitable pair of concepts for the sets S (sig-nified by a circle "( )") and T (signified by a square "[ ]") and a suitable interpretation for the flow relation F (signified by an arrow "->"). The means/activity interpretation allows one to describe the static structure of a system with several active and passive functional components: means (S) = real or informational entity, and transitions [T] = (repeatable) op-erations (actions, resp.). The flow relation F signifies: [o] -> (m), the operation 'o' (e.g., a user command) produces means 'm' (e.g., a system state); (m) -> [o], operation 'o' uses means 'm'.The main relations between two different nets or processes are abstraction, embedding and folding [10]. The 'folding' relation is the basic idea of our approach [24]. Folding a process means to map S-elements onto S-elements and T-elements onto T-elements while keeping the F-structure. The aim of the 'folding' relation is5 Systematica (1999) vol. 14(1) / Perception, Cognition, Actionto reduce the elements of an observed em-pirical task solving process to the minimum number of states and transitions. This reduced number of elements can be interpreted as the performance net. Folding a sequential task solving process extracts the embedded net structure and neglects the information of the amount of repetition and of the sequential order. This 'extracted' and generated Petri net is the minimal net to reproduce the observed process [26]. We interpret this 'folded' Petri net as a structural description of a complete task solving process.To measure the complexity of an extracted net, we introduce the C cycle metrics of McCabe (the "cyclomatic number" McCabe, 1976) [23]. C cycle is a measure to calculate the number of linear independent cycles of a plane and coherent net. C cycle is a useful quantity that measures the amount of interconnectivity (i.e., complexity). The advantages and disad-vantages of four different quantitative meas-ures of complexity have been discussed in [23]; C cycle proved to be the most effective measure.Given a folded Petri net, the complexity measured with C cycle is defined by the dif-ference of the total number of connections (#F: flow relation) and the sum of the total number of states and of transitions (#S: state + #T: transitions). The parameter P is a constant that corrects the result of Formula 1 in the case of a sequence (#F – (#S + #T) = –1); the value of P in this context is 1. The semantic of C cycle can be described by the number of "holes", "loops", "cycles" or "independent decisions". "Cyclomatic number":C cycle := #F – (#S + #T) + P with P=1 But, what can we do with this kind of metric?6. ACTIVITY AND INCONGRUITY Weizsäcker [38] distinguished in his concept of 'information' between two dimensions: (1.) 'Singularity of the first time', and (2.) confir-mation and redundancy. For both aspects we can find two different research traditions in psychology: (1) novelty and curiosity ([3], [17], [36]), and (2) dissonance theory ([8], [9]). Both research tracks are only loose cou-pled till today.Investigators of novelty assume that living systems (like mammals, especially humans) are motivated by an information seeking be-havior. In situations, which are characterized by sensory deprivation, mammals and humans are intrinsically looking for stimulation. They increase the complexity of the context or the perception of it. On the other side, mammals try to avoid situations with a high amount of stimulation, dissonance, or stress. Hunt [17] designated this amount of increased complex-ity as 'incongruity'.If the complexity of the mental model (MC) is less complex than the complexity of the con-text (EC), then mammals try to optimize this positive incongruity. Seeking behavior starts, when the positive incongruity (IC) sinks below an individual threshold or changes to negative incongruity (deprivation, see Figure 5). Be-havior of avoidance can be observed, when the positive incongruity exceeds an individual threshold (dissonance, stimulation overflow). Most of daily situations can be characterized by positive incongruity.Figure 5. The difference between the complexity of the mental model (MC) and the complexity of the external context (EC) is called incongruity: IC = EC – MC.The central question--but till now un-solved--question is the relationship between EC on one side and AC and MC on the other side. With the "cyclomatic number" C cycle we are able to measure AC [24]. But, how does the perceived external complexity depend on the human's activity and mental schemata? We assume that EC must be a function of AC and MC; EC = f(MC, AC). This unknown function pf must contain the full potential of perception of the contextual pattern complexity (e.g., the semantic of a situation with distinguishable elements). As a first step to answer the ques-tion 'how to measure EC' we carried out an empirical investigation.7. PERCEPTION AND COMPLEXITY The modern discussion of information and complexity in the context of physics (cf. [41]) is based on the following paradox: Nearly all measures of information increase monoto-nously with complexity of the stimulus pattern [11]. But, the subjective impression of each observer is that a medium amount of entropy in contextual patterns contains the maximum of information, and not the pattern with zero orM. Rauterberg / Systematica (1999) vol. 14(1) 6 with the maximum of entropy! There must bean inverted U-shaped function between sub-jective 'information' and the informationmeasured by entropy or complexity. The ap-proaches of the physicists to overcome thisparadox seem to be not convincing, becausemost researchers in this community are con-strained by their implicit goal to look for anobserver independent solution [5]. Thereforewe have to look for an observer dependent measure for the complexity of a perceived context. This problem is difficult, because we have to differentiate between the prestructured part of perception based on learned mental schemata (available information, see Figure 1) and the unstructured and not predictable part. Only the existence of unknown, but perceiv-able pattern enables us to integrate new aspects into our stored knowledge (potential available information, see [25]).An inquiry has been carried out to pinpoint the perceivable and actually perceived complexity of multimedia screens (see [27]). The per-ceivable complexity is strongly influenced by the number of objects--and their relations to each other--on the screen. But, what is a "visually distinguishable object"? To find out on which level of granularity visual pattern are classified as single "objects" (see Figure 6), a questionnaire with eight different screen-dumps of a commercial multimedia informa-tion system (called "mock-ups", see [27]) was answered by a heterogeneous group of poten-tial users. A total of 33 women (between 14 and 66 year of life) and 33 men (between 21 and 55 year of life) participated (no significant difference in age between both groups). The computer experience of each subject was measured on a rating scale ("no experience" = 0 … "expert" = 90). We found a significant difference in computer experience between both groups: 40 ±27 for women and 63 ±24 for men (p≤ .001); the men were more experi-enced than the women.To measure the granularity level subjects were instructed to answer a "simple" question: Es-timate the number of different perceived object on the screen dump! The range of the esti-mated granularity lies between 2 and 35 per-ceived objects for women and between 3 and 30 objects for men. We can find a significant difference between both groups (X women = 9.9 ±6.3 objects, X men = 12.0 ±6.1 objects , T-test, p≤ .033). The more experienced men estimated more distinguishable objects than the less experienced women. From this result we can conclude that the complexity of the knowledge structure (MC, see Figure 1) cor-relates positively with the perceived external complexity (EC). Now, the last question to understand the equation EC = f(MC, AC) is the relationship between EC and AC?high granularitythe whole screen asFigure 6. The possible range of perceivable com-plexity (i.e., the external complexity EC) caused by the level of granularity.8. ACTIVITY AND INFORMATIONA context with sensory deprivation has not enough positive incongruity (IC, see Figure 5) or even negative incongruity [29]. On one side, a human will leave a context with very low incongruity (to little difference to context complexity; see Figure 7), and on the other side with very high incongruity (to much context complexity, stimulation stress, resp.; see Figure 7). In between we have the range of positive emotions with behavior that increase novelty on one side [3], and on the other side that increase confirmation and redundancy, or reduce dissonance, resp. [8]. Overall we as-sume a reverse u-curve as the summarized coherence between incongruity and informa-tion (see Figure 8, cf. [39][30]). If a human has to behave for a while in a total fixed and stabile context and he has a normal learning rate, then he must start incongruity increasing actions [3]. This can be done on two different ways: (1) increasing the complexity of the context (the perception of it, resp.), and/or (2) reducing the complexity of the mental model. Way (2) implies the possibility of "forgetting" (negative learning rate) or the manipulation of the perception mechanisms (suppression) (cf.[25]).Now we are able to give a preliminary answer to the relationship between the perceived ex-ternal complexity EC and the activity com-plexity AC: It depends on the actual amount of the incongruity IC! If IC is greater than an individual threshold then we will find a nega-tive correlation between EC and AC. On the other side, if IC is less than an individual threshold then we predict a positive correlation between EC and AC (see Figure 9).Finally we can conclude that it could be pos-sible to measure "information" in an observer dependent way. The actual processed amount of information can be exactly the same for totally different learning systems in very dif-ferent learning stages: It depends on the com-plexity of the internal knowledge, the systems。
