BS英国钢结构规范中⽂完整版BS 5950‐2:2001建筑钢结构的结构适⽤第2部分:材料规范,制造和安装 - 轧制和焊接型材英国标准委员会负责本标准的编制委托技术委员会B/521,钢结构的标准编制时,以下机构派代表出席了会议:英国的施⼯钢结构协会冷轧型材协会DETR(建设局)DETR(公路局)健康与安全执⾏局⼟⽊⼯程师学会英国结构⼯程师学会钢结构协会英国钢铁协会焊接研究所本英国标准乃根据部门政策⽅向和战略委员会建筑与⼟⽊⼯程⼯程出版社根据权威的标准政策和战略委员会出版2001年8⽉24⽇BSI2001年8⽉24⽇⾸发1985年12⽉出版1992年3⽉第⼆版2001年8⽉第三版以下BSI引⽤“有关这⽅⾯的标准:委员会参考B/521草案意见99/100269DCISBN0 580333043⽬录前⾔第1节。
公差7.1概述7.2制造公差7.3安装公差附录A(标准)焊接的最终检验A.1⽬测检查A.2⾮破坏性测试A.3受剪螺钉连接A.4焊接验收标准和纠正措施A.5结构循环荷载作⽤附录B(资料性附录)钢结构招标和合同的⼀般建议29 B.1 概述29B.2资料的递交29B.3钢结构设计所需要的资料29B.4投标者所需要的资料(如果没有钢结构设计图)30B.5深化设计30B.6进度表31B.7检验和测试31附录C(资料性附录)“项⽬规范”所提到参考⽂献32参考⽂献33图1 - 最⼤的冲压变形10表1 - 钢结构产品 5表2 - 匹配螺栓,螺母和垫圈 6表3 - 清结螺纹11表4 - 形状和尺⼨公差20表A.1 - 检查范围 - 连接缝的类型和厚度的要求,⾮破坏性测试24表A.2 - 检查范围 - 连接缝在表A.1如需要⾮破坏性测试的测试频率范围25表A.3 - 钢结构焊接的验收要求26表A.4 - 钢结构焊接缺陷的特征28前⾔BS 5950 的这部分内容是替代BS5950-2:1992的修订版,旧版将被取代,撤回。
3.行业标准是指没有国家标准而又需要在全国某 个行业范围内统一的技术要求。行标应用范围 广、数量多,收集较为不易。如USB,PCI,DVI 等。
4.企业标准是在企业内部统一的技术要求。如廠 內各種產品規格書,作業流程,檢驗規範,包裝規 範,各種材料規格書等。
二、常見標准中英文全稱 及內容簡介
它使用1300nm光波,具有高達100Mbit/s傳輸速 度,傳輸距離為2km,超過2km以外需加中繼器,但 總的長度不得超過200km。
(3) ANSI X.12
ANSI為EDI(Electronic Data Interchange電子數 据交換)的商業交易制定的數据交換格式。
10.EIA-Electronics Industry Association 美國電子工業協會標准
美國國內為電子工業制定標准的組織,它代表 了大多數美國電子企業。它成立于1924年,已頒布 了許多與電子產品的互連(如終端與計算机、計算 机與計算机的互連)、電信和計算机通信有關的標 准。
GB5095-9-86-(IEC512-9-1992) 電子設備用机電元件 基本試驗規程及測量方法 第九部分:電纜夾緊試驗, 爆炸危險性試驗,耐化學腐蝕試驗,燃燒危險性 試驗,射頻電阻試驗,電容試驗,屏蔽與濾油試驗, 磁干擾試驗
GB191-73 包裝儲運指示標志 GB4457~9-84 机械制圖標准(圖紙幅面與格式,比
2.ASME-American Society of Mechanical Engineers –美國機械工程師學會標准
bs插头尺寸标准 -回复
bs插头尺寸标准-回复BS插头尺寸标准是指英国国家标准委员会(British Standards Institution,简称BSI)制定的插头及插座标准。
BS插头尺寸标准主要由BS 1363和BS 546两个系列组成,其中BS 1363系列是英国最常用的标准插头,BS 546系列则主要用于旧式设备。
首先,我们来了解BS 1363系列插头的尺寸标准。
BS 1363插头是一种三脚的插头,分为13A、15A和32A三种额定电流的型号。
BS 1363插头的尺寸为矩形形状,长度约为75mm,宽度约为55mm。
其次,我们来了解BS 546系列插头的尺寸标准。
BS 546插头也是一种三脚的插头,分为2A、5A、15A和30A四种额定电流的型号。
BS 546插头的尺寸为椭圆形状,长度约为70mm,宽度约为40mm。
插头的正面仍然有三个接触针脚,但布局和顺序与BS 1363插头有所不同。
BS 546插头的地线位于右侧,相位线位于左侧,零线位于上方。
世界主要钢管标准Pipe World StandardsAPI(American Petroleum Institute)API 5L Line PipeAPI 5CT CASING AND TUBINGAPI 5D DRILL PIPEBS(British Standards)BS534 / Steel Pepes Fittings and Specials for Water and Gas and SewageBS778 / Steel Pipes and Joints for Hydraulic PurposesBS879 / Steel Pipes and Joints for Hydraulic Purposes(HFS27/HFS35/ERW27/ERW26/HFS27/HFS35/ERW27/ERW26)BS1139 / Tubes for Use in ScaffoldingBS1387 / Steel Tubes and Tubulars Suitable for Screwing to BS21 Pipe Threads(DN15/DN20/DN25/DN32/DN40/DN50/DN65/DN80/DN100/DN125/DN150/DN15/DN20/DN25/DN32/DN40) BS1717 / Steel Tubes for Cycle and Motor Cycle Purposes(CFSC3/CFSC4/CFSC6/ERWC1/ERWC2/ERWC3/ERWC5/CRWC1/CRWC2/CRWC3/CFSC3/C4)BS1864 / Stainless Steel Milk Pipes and Fittings(Gr.1/Gr.2/Gr.3/Gr.4/Gr.5/Gr.6/Gr.7/Gr.8/Gr.9/Gr.1/Gr.2/Gr.3/Gr.4/Gr.5/Gr.6/Gr.7/Gr.8/Gr.9)BS3059 PART1 / Steel Boiler and Superheater Tubes(HFS320/CFS320/ERW320/CEW320/HFS320/CFS320/ERW320/CEW320)BS3059 PART2 / Steel Boiler and Superheater Tubes(S1 360/S2 360/ERW360/CEW360/S1440/S2 440/ERW440/CEW440/S1 243/S2243/ERW243/CEW243/ERW620)BS3600 / Dimensions and Masses Per Unit Length of Welded and Seamless Steel Pipesand for Pressure PurposesBS3601 / Steel Pipes and Tubes for Pressure Purposes Carbon Steel with Specified RoomTemperature Properties (BW320/ERW320/ERW360/ERW430/S360/S430/SAW430/BW320/ERW320) BS3602 PART1 / Steel Pipes and Tubes for Pressure Purposes : Carbon and Carbon ManganeseSteel with Specified Elevated Temperature Properties (HGS360/CFS360/CEW360/HFS430/CFS430/) BS3602 PART2 / Steel Pipes and Tubes for Pressure Purposes : Carbon and Carbon ManganeseSteel with Specified Elevated Temperature Properties (SAW410/SAW460/SAW410/SAW460)BS3603 / Steel Pipes and Tubes for Pressure Purposes Carbon and Alloy Steel withSpecified Low Temperature Properties (HFS410LT50/CFS410LT50/ERW410LT50)BS3604 / Steel Pipes and Tubes for Pressure Purposes Ferritic Alloy Steel with Specified Elevated Temperature Properties(JFS620-460/CFS620-460/ERW620-460/CEW620-460/HFS620-440/CFS620-440) BS3605 PART1 / Seamless and Welded Austentic Stainless Steel Pipe and Tubes forPressure Purposes(Seamless Pipes With Specified Room Temperature Preperties)BS3605 PART2 / Seamless and Welded Austentic Stainless Steel Pipe and Tubes forPressure Purposes (Welded Pipes With Specified Room Temperature Properties)BS3606 / Steel Tubes for HeatExchangers (ERW320/CEW320/CFS320/ERW440/CEW440/CFS440/ERW243)BS4127 / Light Gauge Stainless Steel Tubes(Round Pipe)BS4825 / Pipes and Fittings for the Food IndustryBS5242 PART1 / Tubes for Fluid Power Cylinder Barrels (HP1/HP2/HP3/HP4/HP4/HP6/HP1/HP2/) BS5242 PART2 / Tubes for Fluid Power Cylinder Barrels (HP1/HP2/HP3/HP4/HP4/HP6/HP1)BS5242 PART3 / Tubes for Fluid Power Cylinder Barrels(for Mining)(HP1/HP2/HP3/HP4)BS6323 PART2 / Seamless and Welded Steel Tubes for Automobile Mechanical and GeneralEngineer Purpose (Hot finished welded steel tubes)BS6323 PART2 / Seamless and Welded Steel Tubes for Automobile Mechanical and GeneralEngineer Purpose(Hot finished welded steel tubes) (Square.Rectangular Pipe)BS6323 PART3 / Seamless and Welded Steel Tubes for Automobile Mechanical and GeneralEngineer Puropese (Hot finished seamless steel tube)BS6323 PART4 / Seamless and Welded Steel Tubes for Automobile Mechanical and GeneralEngineer Purpose (Cold finished seamless tubes)BS6323 PART5 / Seamless and Welded Steel Tubes for Automobile Mechanical and GeneralEngineer Purpose (Electric resistanced welded(including induction welded)steel tubes)BS6323 PART5 / Seamless and Welded Steel Tubes for Automobile Mechanical and GeneralEngineer Purpose (Electric resistanced welded(including induction welded)steel tubes)BS6323 PART6 / Seamless and Welded steel Tubes for Automobile Mechanical adn GeneralEngineer Purpose (Cold finished electric resistance welded (including induction welded) steel tubes)BS6323 PART6 / Seamless and Welded steel Tubes for Automobile Mechanical adn GeneralEngineer Purpose (Cold finished electric resistance welded (including induction welded) steel tubes)BS6323 PART7 / Seamless and Welded Steel Tubes for Automobile Mechanical and GeneralEngineer Purpose (Submerged arc welded steel tubes)BS6323 PART8 / Seamless and Welded Steel Tubes for Automobile Mechanical and GeneralEngineer Purpose(Longitudinally welded stainless steel tubes)BS6323 PART8 / Seamless and Welded Steel Tubes for Automobile Mechanical and GeneralEngineer Purpose(Longitudinally welded stainless steel tubes)BS6363 / Welded Cold Formed Steel Structural Hollow(34/26 / 43/36 / 50/45 /34/26 / 43/36 / 50/45)BS7416 / Precision Finished Seamless Cold Drawn low Carbon Steel Tubes for Use in Hydraulic Fluid Power SystemsASTM(ASTM International)ASTM A53 / ASME SA53 / Pipe Steel Black and Hot Dipped Zinc Coated Welded and SeamlessASTM A106 / ASME SA106 / Seamless Carbon Steel Pipe for High Temperature ServiceASTM A134 / ASME SA134 / Pipe Steel Electric Fusion(ARC) Welded(Sizes Nps 16 and Over)1ASTM A135 / ASME SA135 / Pipe Steel Electric Fusion(ARC) WeldedASTM A139 / ASME SA139 / Electric Resistance Welded Steel PipeASTM A161 / ASME SA161/ Seamless Low Carbon And Cardon Molybdenum Steel Still Tubes For Refinery ServiceASTM A178 / ASME SA178 / Electric Resistance Welded Carbon Steel Boiler TubesASTM A179 / Seamless Cold Drawn Low Carbon Steel Heat Exchanger and Condenser TubesASTM A192 / ASME SA192 / Seamless Carbon Steel Boiler Tubes for High Pressure ServiceASTM A199 / ASME SA199 / Seamless Cold Drawn Intermediate Alloy Steel Heat Exchanger and Condenser TubesASTM A200 / ASME SA200 / Seamless Intermediate Alloy Steel Still Tubes for Refinery ServiceASTM A209 / ASME SA209 / Seamless Carbon Molybdenum Alloy Steel Boiler and Superheater TubesASTM A210 / ASME SA210 / Seamless Medium Carbon Steel Boiler and Superheater TubesASTM A211 / ASME SA211 / Spiral Welded Steel or Iron PipeASTM A213 / ASME SA213 / Seamless Ferritic and Austenitic Alloy Steel Boiler Superheater and Heat Exchanger TubesASTM A214 / ASME SA214 / Electric Resistance Welded Carbon Steel Heat Exchanger and Condenser TubesASTM A216 / ASME SA216 / Carbon Steel Castings Suitable for Fusion for High Temperature ServiceASTM A226 / ASME SA226 / Electric Resistance Welded Carbon Steel Boiler and Superheater Tubes for High Pressure ServiceASTM A249 / ASME SA249 / Welded Austentic Steel Boiler Superheater Heat Exchanger and Condenser TubesASTM A250 / ASME SA250 / Electric Resistance Welded Carbon Molybdenum Alloy Steel Boiler and Superheater TubesASTM A252 / ASME SA252 / Welded and Seamless Steel Pipe PilesASTM A254 / ASME SA254 / Copper Brazed Steel TubingASTM A268 / ASME SA268 / Seamless and Welded Ferritic Stainless Steel Tubing For General Service ASTM A269 / ASME SA269 / Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubing for General Service ASTM A270 / ASME SA270 / Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Sanitary TubingASTM A271 / ASME SA271 / Seamless Austenitic Chromium Nickel Steel Still Tubes for Refinery Service ASTM A312 / ASME SA312 / Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel PipeASTM A333 / ASME SA333 / Seamless and Welded Steel Pipe for Low Temperature ServiceASTM A334 /ASME SA334 / Seamless and Welded Carbon and Alloy Steel Tubes for Low Temperature ServiceASTM A335 / ASME SA335 / Seamless Ferritic Alloy Steel Pipe for High Temperature ServiceASTM A358 / ASME SA358 / Electric Fusion Welded Austenitic Chromium Nickel Alloy Steel Pipe for High Temperature Service1ASTM A369 / ASME SA369 / Carbon and Ferritic Alloy Steel Forged and Bored Pipe for High Temperature ServiceASTM A376 / ASME SA376 / Seamless Austenitic Steel Pipe for High Temperature Central Station ServiceASTM A381 / ASME SA381 / Metal Arc Welded Steel Pipe for USE with High Pressure Transmission SystemsASTM A405 / ASME SA405 / Seamless Ferritic Alloy Stlle Pipe Specially Heat Treated for High Temperature ServiceASTM A409 / ASME SA409 / Welded Large Diameter Austenitic Steel Pipe for Corrosive or High Temperature ServiceASTM A422 / ASME SA422 / Butt Welds in Still Tubes for Refinery ServiceASTM A423 / ASME SA423 / Seamless and Electric Welded Low Alloy Steel TubesASTM A426 / ASME SA426 / Standard Specification for Centrifugally Cast Ferritic Alloy Steel Pipe for High Temperature Service1ASTM A430 / ASME SA430 / Austentic Steel Forged and Bored Pipe for High Temperature ServiceASTM A450 / ASME SA450 / General Requirements for Carbon Ferritic Alloy and Austentic Alloy Steel Tubes1ASTM A451 / ASME SA451 / Centrifugally Cast Austenific Steel Pipe for High Temperature Service1ASTM A452 / ASME SA452 / Centrifugally Cast Austenitic Steel Cold Wrought Pipe for High Temperature ServiceASTM A498 / ASME SA498 / Seamless and Welded Carbon Ferritic and Austenitic Alloy SteelHeat-Exchanger Tubes With Integral Fins1ASTM A500 / ASME SA500 / Cold Formed Welded and Seamless Carbon Steel Structural Tubing in Rounds and Shapes(Round Pipe)ASTM A500 / ASME SA500 / Cold Formed Welded and Seamless Carbon Steel Structural Tubing in Rounds and Shapes(Square . Rectangular pipe)ASTM A501 / ASME SA501 / Hot Formed Welded and Seamless Carbon Steel Structural TubingASTM A511 / ASME SA511 / Seamless Stainless Steel Mechanical TubingASTM A512 / ASME SA512 / Cold Drawn Buttweld Carbon Steel Machanical TubingASTM A513 / ASME SA513 / Electric Resistance Welded Carbon and Alloy Steel Mechanical TubingASTM A519 / ASME SA519 / Seamless Carbon and Alloy Steel Mechanical TubingASTM A520 / ASME SA520 / Supplementary Requirements for Seamless and Electric Resistance Welded Carbon Steel Tubular Products for High-Tmeperature Service Conformigf to ISO Recommendations for Boiler Construction1ASTM A523 / ASME SA523 / Plain end Seamless and Electric Resistance Welded Steel Pipe for High Pressure Pipe Type Cable CircuitsASTM A524 / ASME SA524 / Seamless Carbon Steel Pipe for Atmospheric and Lower TemperaturesASTM A530 / ASME SA530 / Standard Specification for General Requirements for Specialized Carbon and Alloy Steel Pipe1ASTM A539 / ASME SA539 / Electric Resistance Welded Coiled Steel Tubing for Gas and Fuel Oil LinesASTM A554 / ASME SA554 / Welded Stainless Steel Mechanical Tubing(Round Pipe)ASTM A554 / ASME SA554 / Welded Stainless Steel Mechanical Tubing(Square . Rectangular pipe)ASTM A556 / ASME SA556 / Seamless Cold Drawn Carbon Steel Feedwater Heater TubesASTM A557 / ASME SA557 / Electric Resistance Welded Carbon Steel Feedwater Heater TubesASTM A587 / ASME SA587 / Electric Welded Low Carbon Steel Pipe for the Chemical IndustryASTM A589 / ASME SA589 / Seamless and Welded Carbon Steel Water Well PipeASTM A595 / ASME SA595 / Steel Tubes Low Carbon Tapered for Structural UseASTM A608 / ASME SA608 / Centrifuhally Cast Iron Chromium Nickel High Alloy Tubing for Pressure Application at High TemperatureASTM A618 / ASME SA618 / Hot Formed Welded and Seamless High Strength Low Alloy Structural TubingASTM A632 / ASME SA632 / Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubing(Small Diameter)for General ServiceASTM A660 / ASME SA660 / Centrifugally Cast Carbon Steel Pipe for High Temperature ServiceASTM A671 / ASME SA671 / Electric Fusion Welded Steel Pipe for Atmospheric and Lower TemperatureASTM A672 / ASME SA672 / Electric Fusion Welded Steel Pipe for High Pressure Service at Moderate TemperaturesASTM A688 / ASME SA688 / Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Feedwater Heater TubeASTM A691/ ASME SA691 / Carbon And Alloy Steel Pipe Electric Fusion Welded for High Pressure Service at High TempeeraturesASTM A692 / ASME SA692 / Seamless Medium Strength Carbon MolybdenumASTM A714 / ASME SA714 / High Strength Low Alloy Welded and Seamless Steel PipeASTM A727 / ASME SA727 Forgings, Carbon Steel, for piping components with Inherent Notch Toughness¹ASTM A731 / ASME SA731 / Seamless and Welded Ferritic Stainless Steel PipeASTM A733 / ASME SA733 / Standard Specification for Welded and Seamless Carbon Steel and Austenitic Stainless Steel Pipe Niples1ASTM A771 / ASME SA771 / Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubing for Breeder Reactor Core ComponentsASTM A778 / ASME SA778 / Welded Unannealed Austenitic Stainless Tubluar ProductsASTM A787 / ASME SA787 / Standard Specification for Electric Resistance Welded Metallic Coated Carbon Steel Mechanical Tubing1ASTM A789 / ASME SA789 / Seamless and Welded Ferritic/Austenitic Stainless Steel Pipe for General ServiceASTM A790 / ASME SA790 / Welded Unannealed Ferritic Stainless Steel TubingASTM A791 / ASME SA791 / Welded Unannealde Ferritic Stainless Steel TubingASTM A795 / ASME SA795 / Black and Hot-Dipped Zinc Coated(Galvanized) Welded and Seamless Steel Pipe for Fire Protection USE1ASTM A803 / ASME SA803 / Welded Ferritic Stainless Steel Feed Water Heater TubesASTM A813 / ASME SA813 / Single or Double Welded Austentic Stainless Steel PipeASTM A814 / ASME SA814 / Cold Worked Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel PipeASTM A822 / ASME SA822 / Seamless Cold Dram Carbon Steel Tubing For Hydraulic System ServiceASTM A826 /ASME SA826 / Austenitic and Ferritic Stainless Steel Duct Tubes for Breeder Reactor Core ComponentsASTM A847 / ASME SA847 / Cold Formed Welded and Seamless High Strength Low Alloy Structural Tubing With Improved Atmospheric Corrosion ResistanceASTM A851 / ASME SA851 / High Frequency Induction Welded Unannealed Austenitic Steel Condenser TubesASTM A865 / ASME SA865 / Threaded Couplings Steel Black or Zinc Coated(Galvanized) Welded or Seamless for Use in Steel Pipe Joints1ASTM A872 / ASME SA872 / Centrifugally Cast Ferrific/Austenitic Stainless Steel Pipe for Corrosive EnvironmentsASTM A908 / ASME SA908 / Stainless Steel Needile Tubing1ASTM B~ / ASME SB~ASTM B111 / ASME SB111 / Copper and Copper Alloy Seamless Condenser Tubes and FerruleASTM B161 / ASME SB161 / Nickel Seamless Pipe and TubeASTM B163 / ASME SB163 / Seamless Nickel and Nickel Alloy Condenser and Heat Exchanger TubesASTM B165 / ASME SB165 / Nickel Copper Alloy(UNS N04400) Seamless Pipe and TubeASTM B167 / ASME SB167 / Nckel-Chromium-Iron Alloys(UNS N06600, N06601, N06690, AND N06045) Seamless Pipe and TubeASTM B210 / ASME SB210 / Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Drawn Seamless TubesASTM B234 / ASME SB234 / Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Drawn Seamless Tubes for Condensers and Heat ExchangersASTM B241 / ASME SB241 / Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Seamless Pipe and Seamless Extruded TubeASTM B315 / ASME SB315 / Seamless Copper Alloy Pipe and TubeASTM B337 / ASME SB337 / Seamless and Welded Titanium and Titanium Alloy PipeASTM B338 / ASME SB338 / Seamless and Welded Titanium and Titanium Alloy Tubes for Condensers and Heat ExchangesASTM B359 / ASME SB359 / Tubes for Condensers and Heat Exchangers Heat Exchanger Tubes with Integral FinsASTM B395 / ASME SB395 / Specification for U-Bend Seamless Copper and Copper Alloy Heat Exchanger and Condenser TubesASTM B407 / ASME SB407 / Nickel-Iron-Chromium Alloy Seamless Pipe and TubeASTM B423 / ASME SB423 / Nickel Iron Chromium Molybdenum Copper Alloy (UNS N08825 AND N08221) Seamless Pipe and TubeASTM B443 / ASME SB443 / Nickel Chromium Molybdenum Columbium Alloy (UNS N06625)Plate, Sheet, and StripASTM B444 / ASME SB444 / Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenium-Columbium Alloy(UNS N06628)Pipe And TubeASTM B464 / ASME SB464 / Welded UNS N08020, UNS N08024, and UNS N08026 Alloy Pipe Incoloy 020 = UNS 08020ASTM B466 / ASME SB466 / Seamless Copper Nickel Pipe and TubeASTM B467 / ASME SB467 / Welded Copper Nickel PipeASTM B468 / ASME SB468 / Welded UNS N08020 N08024 and N08026 Alloy TubesASTM B514 / ASME SB514 / Welded Nickel Iron Chromium Alloy Pipe.ASTM B515 / ASME SB515 / Welded UNS N08800 and UNS N08810 Alloy TubesASTM B516 / ASME SB516 / Welded Nickel Chromiumiron Alloy (UNS N06600), UNS N06025, and UNSN06045 TubesASTM B517 / ASME SB517 / Specification for Welded Nickel Chromium Iron Alloy(UNS N06600) UNSN06025 and UNS N06045 PipeASTM B523 / ASME SB523 / Seamless and Welded Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy TubesASTM B535 /ASME SB535 / Nickel Iron Chromium Silicon Alloys (UNS N08330 AND N08332) Seamless Pipe And TubeASTM B619 / ASME SB619 / Wedded Nickel and Nickel Cobalt Alloy Pipe Hastelloy B-2 = UNS N10665 / Hastelloy C-276 = UNS N10276ASTM B622 / ASME SB622 / Seamless Nickel and Nickel Cobalt Alloy Pipe and TubeASTM B626 / ASME SB626 / Welded Nickel and Nickel Clbalt Alloy TubeASTM B658 / ASME SB658 / Seamless and Welded Zirconium and Zirconum Alloy PipeASTM B668 / ASME SB668 / UNS N08028 Seamless TubesASTM B673 / ASME SB673 / UNS N08904, UNS N08925, and N8926 Welded PipeASTM B674 / ASME SB674 / UNS N08904, UNS N08925, and UNS N08926 Welded TubeASTM B675 / ASME SB675 / UNS N08366 and UNS N08367 Welded PipeASTM B676 / ASME SB676 / UNS N08366 and UNS N08367 Welded TubeASTM B677 / ASME SB677 / UNS N08904, UNS N08925, and UNS N08926 Seamless Pipe and TubeASTM B690 / ASME SB690 / Iron Nickel Chromium Molybdenum Alloys(UNS N08366 AND UNS N09367) Seamless Pipe and TubeASTM B704 / ASME SB704 / Welded UNS N06625 and UNS N08825 Alloy TubesASTM B705 / ASME SB705 / Nickel Alloy (UNS N06625 and UNS N08825) Welded PipeASTM B710 / ASME SB710 / Nickel Iron Chromium Silicon Alloy Welded PipeASTM B729 / ASME SB729 / Seamless UNS N08020, UNS N08026, and UNS N08024 Nickel Alloy Pipe andASTM B751 / ASME SB751 / General Requirements for Nickel and Nickel Alloy Seameless and Welded TubeASTM B775 / ASME SB775 / General Requriements for Nicel and Nickel Alloy Seamless and Welded Pipe ASTM B804 / ASME SB804 / UNS N08367 and UNS N08926 Welded PipeASTM B829 / ASME SB829 / General Requirements For Nickel and Nicel Alloys Seamless Pipe and Tube JIS(Japan Industrial Standards)JIS G3442 Galvanized Steel Pipes for Water Service (SGPW)JIS G3447 Stainless Steel sanitary Pipes (SUS 304TBS/304LTBS/ 316TBS/316LTBS)JIS G3448 Light Gauge Stainless Steel Pipes for Ordinary Piping (SUS304TPD/316TPD)JIS G3452 Carbon Steel Pipes for Ordinary Piping (SGP)JIS G3454 Carbon Steel Pipes for Pressure Service (STPG 370/STPG 410)JIS G3455 Carbon Steel Pipes for High Pressure Service (STS 370/STS 410/STS 480)JIS G3456 Carbon Steel Pipes for High Temperature Service (STPT370/STPT410/STPT480)JIS G3457 Arc Welded Carbon Steel Pipes (STPY400)JIS G3458 Alloy Steel Pipes (STPA 12/ 20/ 22/ 23/ 24/ 25/ 26)JIS G3459 Stainless Steel Pipes (SUS 304TP/304HTP/304LTP/309TP/309STP)JIS G3460 Steel Pipes for Low Temperature Service (STPL 380/STPL 450/STPL 690)JIS G3468 Arc Welded Large Diameter Stainless Steel Pipes (SUS304TPY /304LTPY)JIS G3469 Polyethylene coated Steel Pipes (P1H /P2S/P1F)JIS G3461 Carbon Steel Tubes for Boiler and Heat Exchagner (STB 340/STB 410/STB 510)JIS G3462 Alloy Steel for Boiler and Heat Exchanger Tubes (STBA12/ 13/ 20/ 22)JIS G3463 Stainless Steel for Boiler and Heat Exchanger Tubes (SUS304TB/304HTB/316TB)JIS G3464 Steel Heat Exchanger Tubes for Low Temperature Service (STBL380/ 450/690)JIS G3467 Steel Tubes for Fired Heater (STF 410/STFA 12/ 22/ 23/ 24/ 25/ 26)JIS G3131 Hot-Roll mild steel plates, sheet and strip (HR Pipe SPHC/SPHD/SPHE)JIS G3141 Cold-reduced carbon steel sheets and strip(CR Pipe SPCC/SPCD/SPEC)JIS G3441 Alloy steel tubes for machine purposes (SCr420TK/SCM415TK/418TK/420TK)JIS G3444 Carbon steel tubes for general structural purposes (STK290/STK400/500/490)JIS G3445 Carbon steel tubes for machine structural purposes (STKM11A/12A/13A/14A)JIS G3446 Stainless steel pipes for machine and structural purposes (SUS304TKA)ROUNDJIS G3446 Stainless steel pipes for machine and structural purposes (SUS304TKA)Square.Re. JIS G3466 Carbon steel Square for general structural purposes (STKR 400/STKR 490)JIS G3471 Corrugated steel pipes and sections (SCP1R/SCP 1 RS/SCP 2 R/SCP 3 RS/SCP2E) JIS G3472 Electric Resistance Welded Carbon Steel Tubes for Automobile Structural Purposes JIS G3473 Carbon Steel Tubes Cylinder Barrels (STC370/STC440/STC510A/STC510B/STC540) JIS G3474 High Tensile Strength Steel Tubes for Tower Structural Purposes (STKT540/590)JIS G4051 Carbon steel for Machine Structural Use (S45C Pipe)JIS A5525 Steel pipes piles (SPS290/SPS400/SPS500/SPS490/SPS540)JIS A5530 Steel pipe sheet piles (SKY 400/SKY 490)JIS G3429 Seamless Steel Tubes for High Pressure Gas Cylinder (STH 11/STH 12/STH 21..)JIS G3465 Seamless Steel Tubes for Drilling (STM-C 540/STM-C 640 /STM-R 590/STM-R 690) JIS G4903 Seamless nickel-chromium-iron alloy pipes (NCF600TP/NCF625TP/NCF690TP)JIS G4904 Seamless nickel-chromium-iron alloy heat exchanger tubes (NCF600TB/NCF625TB) JIS C8305 Rigid steel conduits (G 16/G 22/G 28/G 36/G 42/G 54/G 70/G 82)JIS C8380 Plastic coated steel pipes for cable ways (G16LL/G16LT/G 22LL/G 22LT/G 28LL8LT) JIS G4805 Seamless Pipe High Carbon Chromium Bearing Steel Pipe (SUJ-2)DIN(Deutsches Insititut for Normung)DIN1615 / Welded Circular Unalloyed Steel Tubes Not Subject To Special RequirementsDIN1626 / Welded Circular Tubes of Non Alloy Steels with Special Quality Requirements(USt37.0/St37.0/St44.0/St52.0)DIN1628 / Welded Circular Tubes of Non Alloy Steels with Very High Quality Requirements(St37.4/St44.4/St52.4)DIN1629 / Seamless Circular Tubes of Non Alloy Steels with Special Quality Requirements(St 37.0/St 44.0/St 52.0/1.0254/1.0256/1.0421)DIN1630 / Seamless Circular Tubes of Non Alloy Steels with Very High Quality Requirements (St 37.4/St 44.4/St 52.4/1.0255/1.0257/1.0581)DIN2391-1 / Seamless Precision Steel Tubes (St30Si/St30A1/St35/St45/St52)DIN2391-2 / Seamless Precision Steel Tubes (St30Si/St30A1/St35/St45/St52)DIN2393-1 / Welded Precision Steell Tubes(St28/USt28/RSt28/St34-2/US34-2/RSt34-2/St37-2/USt37-2/RSt37-2/St44-2/St52-3)DIN2393-2 / Welded Precision Steell Tubes(St28/USt28/RSt28/St34-2/US34-2/RSt34-2/St37-2/USt37-2/RSt37-2/St44-2/St52-3)DIN2394-1 / Welded And Sized Precision Steel Tubes(St28/USt28/RSt28/St34-2/US34-2/RSt34-2/St37-2/USt37-2/RSt37-2/St44-2/St52-3)DIN2394-2 / Welded And Sized Precision Steel Tubes(St28/USt28/RSt28/St34-2/US34-2/RSt34-2/St37-2/USt37-2/RSt37-2/St44-2/St52-3)DIN2395-1 / Rectangular and Square Electric Welded Precision Steel TubesDIN2395-2 / Rectangular and Square Electric Welded Precision Steel Tubes (St 34.2/St 37.2/St 52.3)DIN2395-3 / Rectangular and Square Electric Welded Precision Steel TubesDIN2402 Pipelines Nominal Widths efinition Grading Pipework; grading of nominal sizesDIN2403 Marking of pipes according to fluid transportedDIN2413 Part1 Design of steel pressure pipesDIN2413 Part2 Design of steel bends used in pressure pipelinesDIN2440 / Steel Tubes Medium Weight Suitable for Screwing (St33.2)DIN2441 / Steel Tubes Heaby Weight for Suitable for Screwing (St33.2)DIN2444 / Zinc Coatings on Steel TubesDIN2445-1 / Seamless Steel Tubes for Dynamic Loads Hot Finished Tubes Nominal Pressures 100 to 400DIN2445-2 / Seamless Steel Tubes for Dynamic Loads Basis for Caluculation of Straight Tubes(St 35,4/St 52,4)DIN2448 / Seamless Steel Pipes and TubesDIN2449 / Seamless Steel Pipes and TubesDIN2450 / Seamless Steel Tubes in St 35 Dimensions and Range of ApplicationTIONDIN2458 / Welded Steel Pipes and TubesDIN2460 / Steel Pipes for Water PipelinesDIN2462 / Seamless Tubes Of Stainless Steel (1.4301 / 1.4306 / 1.4311 / 1.4541 / 1.4550 / 1.4401 / 1.4404 / 1.4571)DIN2463 / Weldel Tubes of Austenitic Stainless Steel(X5CrNi189/X2CrNi189/X5CrNiMo1810/X2CrNiMo1810/X2CrNiMo1812/X5CrNiMo1812/X10CrNiTi189)DIN2916 Bending Radii for seamless and Welded Steel TubesDIN2917 Seamless steel tubes for superheated pipelines and headersDIN17100 / Steels for General Structural Purposes(St33/St37.2/USt37.2/RSt37.2/St37.3/St44-2/St44-3/St50-2/St60-2/St52-33/St50-2/St60-2/St70-2)DIN17102 / Weldable Normalized Fine Grain Structural Steels(StE255/WStE255/TStE255/EStE255/StE285/WStE285/TStE285/EStE285/)DIN17119 / Welded Cold Formed Square And Rectangular Steel Tubes for Structural Steel work(USt 37-2/RSt 37-2/St 37-3/St 44-2/St 44-3/St 52-3/WTSt 37-2/WTSt 37-3/WTSt 52-3)DIN17120 / Welded Circular Steel Tubes for Structural Steelwork(USt37-2/RSt37-2/St37-2/St44-2/St44-3/St52-3)DIN17121 / Seamless Circlar Steel Tubes for Structural Steelwork(RSt37-2/St37-3/St44-2/St44-3/St52-3)DIN17123 / Welded Circular Fine Grain Steel Tubes for Structural Steelwork(StE225/TStE255/EStE255/StE285/StE355/TStE355/EStE355/StE420/TStE420/EStE420)DIN17124 / Carbon and Ferritic Alloy Steel Forged and Bored Pipe for Hig Temperatur Service(StE255/TStE255/EStE255/StE285/TStE285/EStE285/StE355/TSTE355/EStE355/StE420/TStE420/EStE420)DIN17172 / Steel Pipes for Pipe Lines for the Transport of Combustible Fluids and Gases(StE210.7/StE240.7/StE290.7/StE320.7/StE360.7/StE385.7/StE415.7/StE290.7TM/StE207.7TM/StE360.7TM)DIN17173 / Seamless Circular Tubes Made From Steels with Low Temperature Service(TSt35N/TSt35V/26CrMo4/11MnNi53/13MnNi63/10Ni14/12Ni19/X8Ni19)DIN17174 / Seamless Steel Tubes for Elevated Temperatures(TTSt 35 N/TTSt 35 V/11 MnNi 5 3/13 MnNi 6 3/10 Nl 14/12 Nl 19/X 8 Ni9/1.0356/1.6212/1.6217/1.5637/1.5680)DIN17175 / Electricall Resitance Or Induction Weled Steel Tubes for Elevated Temperature(St35.8/St45.8/17Mn4/19Mn5/15Mo3/13CrMo910/10CrMo910/14MoV63/X20CrMoV121)DIN17176 Seamless circular steel tubes for hydrogen service at elevated temperatures and pressures Technical delivery conditionDIN17177 / Electrically Resitance or Induction Welded Steel Tubes for Elevated Temperature(St37.8/St42.8/15Mo3)DIN 17178 Welded circular fine grain steel tubes subject to special requirements Technical delivery conditionsDIN 17179 Seamless circular fine grain steel tubes subject to special requirements Technical delivery conditionsDIN17455 / General Purpose Welded Circular Stainless Steel Tubes(Round Pipe)( 1.4301 / 1.4306 / 1.4311 / 1.4541 / 1.4550 / 1.4401 / 1.4404 / 1.4571)DIN17455 / General Purpose Welded Circular Stainless Steel Tubes(Square.Rectangular Pipe)( 1.4301 / 1.4306 / 1.4311 / 1.4541 / 1.4550 / 1.4401 / 1.4404 / 1.4571)DIN17456 / General Purose Seamless Circular Stainless Steel Tubes( 1.4301 / 1.4306 / 1.4311 / 1.4541 / 1.4550 / 1.4401 / 1.4404 / 1.4571)DIN17457 / Welded Circular Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubes Subject to Special Requirements( 1.4301 / 1.4306 / 1.4311 / 1.4541 / 1.4550 / 1.4401 / 1.4404 / 1.4571)DIN17458 / Seamless Circular Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubes Subject to Special Requirements(1.4301 / 1.4306 / 1.4311 / 1.4541 / 1.4550 / 1.4401 / 1.4404 / 1.4571)DIN17671 / Wrought Copper and Copper Alloy Tubes PropertiesDIN 59410 Hollow Sections for Structural Steel Engineering ot Formed Square and Rectangular Steel Tubes Dimensions, Weights, Perissible Deviations, Static ValuesDIN 59411 Hollow Sections for Structural Steel Engineering Cold Formed Welded Square and Rectangular Steel Tubes Dimension, Weights, Permissible Deviations, Static ValuesISO(International organization for Standaridization)ISO 65 / Carbon Steel Tubes Suitable for Screwing in Accordance with ISO 7/1 (TS/TW)ISO 559 / Welded or Seamless Steel Tubes for Water Sewage and Gas(TSO/TWO/TS1/TW1/TS4/TW4/TS9/TW9)ISO 2604-2 / Steel Products for Pressure Purposes PART2 Wrought Seamless Tubes(TS1/TS2/TS4/TS5/TS6/TS9/TS9H/TS10/TS13/TS14/TS15)ISO 2604-3 / Steel Products for Pressure Purpose Parts Electric Resistance and Induction WeldedTubes (TW1/TW2/TW4/TW5/TW6/TW9/TW9H/TW10/TW13/TW14)ISO 2604-5 / Steel Products for Pressure Purposes PART5 Longitudinally Welded Austenitic stainless Steel Tubes (TW46/TW47/TW50/TW53/TW57/TW58/TW60/TW61/TW69)ISO 2937 / Plain End Seamless Steel Tubes for Mechanical Application (TS1/TS4/TS9/TS18/C35)ISO 2938 / Hollow Steel Bars for Machining (Gr1/Gr2)ISO 3183 / Oil and Natural Fas Industries Steel Line Pipe (E17/E21/E24-1/E24-2)ISO 3304 / Plain end Seamless Precision Steel Tubes (R28/R33/R37/R42/R50)ISO 3305 / Plain end Welded Precision Steel Tuves (R28/R33/R37/R44/R50)。
BS其实是英文“British Standard”的缩写,意为英国标准。
它是由英国标准协会(British Standards Institution,简称BSI)制定和发布的一系列标准。
Technical Specification (技术规范) Guidance (指南) Test Method (试验方法) Classification (分类法) Standard Practice (标准惯例) Terminology (术语) Definition (定义) 还包括:Test Report (试验报告)及试验方法可 使用性
中文名称 国际电工委员会 英文名称 International Electrotechnical Commission 机构简 称 IEC 机构简介 国际电工委员会(IEC)成立于1906年。它是世界上成立最早 的国际性电工标准化机构,负责有关电气工程和电子工程领 域中的国际标准化工作。 IEC标准的权威性是世界公认的。IEC每年要在世界各地 召开一百多次国际标准会议,世界各国的近10万名专家在参 与IEC的标准制订、修订工作。 我国1957年参加IEC,1988年起改为以国家技术监督局的 名义参加IEC的工作,中国现在是IEC的89个技术委员会和107 个分委员会的成员。现已改为以中国国家标准化管理局的名 义参加IEC的工作。我国是IEC理事局、执委会和合格评定局 的成员。1990年我国在京承办了IEC第54届年会,2002年10月 我国还在京承办IEC第66届年会。
按标准化对象的特征又可分为:基础标准、产品标准、 方法标准、安全与环 境保护标准。
标准文献除了以标准命名外,还常以规范、规程、建议 等名称出现,国外 标准文献常以standard(标准)、 specification(规范)、Rules(章程)、 Instruction (规则)、Practice(工艺)、Bulletin(公报)等命名。
欧洲粗糙度标注N12 50N11 25N10 12.5N9 6.3N8 3.2N7 1.6N6 0.8N5 0.4N4 0.2N3 0.1N2 0.05N1 0.025粗糙度分级和我国一样,只是符号不同.倒三角的标注和俩个、三个连续倒三角的的标注是表面粗糙度,是日本旧标注法,倒三角相当于25,12.5;俩个连续倒三角相当于6.3,3.2;三个连续倒三角相当于1.6,0.8,0.4。
•我来个大概的答复: 数值除40,为Ra,如125相当3.2,64-1.6,250-6.4.补充一下,Ra单位的区别,英制的用微英寸,公制的用微米,1微英寸=0.0254微米。
•这是英制的标法,转换为公制为:25.4x英制值/1000如所述则得公制Ra=25.4X250/1000=6.3BS标准新旧钢号对照2007-06-26 14:32BS(British Standard)标准英国标准学会(British Standards Institution 缩写BSI)制定的。
简单对照表如下:070M20 EN 3A080A15 EN 3B045M10 EN32A080M15 EN32C210M15 EN 32M230M07 EN 1A230M07 LEADED EN 1A LEADED080A42 EN 8D080A37/080M36 EN8B080M40 EN8212A42 EN 8DM070M55 EN9080M50 EN 43A150M19 EN 14A/B605M36 HT EN 16 HT606M36 HT EN 16M HT708M40 ANN EN 19A ANN709M40 HT EN 19 HT708M40 ANN EN 19A ANN817M40 HT EN 24 HT817M40 ANN EN 24 ANN826M40 EN 26722M24 EN 40B665M17 EN 34655M13 EN 36AISI 8620 .AISI 4130AISI 4140 .AISI 4145Phosphor Bronze SAE 660Brass CZ121Cast Iron GD 250SG Iron GD 420/12303S31 EN 58AM304S11 EN 58E304S31 EN 58E316S11 EN 58J316S31 EN 58J321S31 EN 58B410S21 EN56A416S21 EN56AM420S29 EN 56B420S37 EN 56C431S29 EN 57ASTM A564 Type 630 17.4PH 2XH1150 ASTM A564 Type 630 17.4PH COND A。
与此同时,英国制定了BS标准(British Standards),它是英国国家标准机构(BSI)制定的一系列技术规范。
BS英国标准清单BS-4-1-1993 (热轧)结构钢BS-146-2002 矿渣水泥的规范BS-476-3-1975 建材及结构的防火试验BS-534-1990 钢管BS-690-2-1981 石棉(水泥)板BS-8 骨料试验BS-882-1992 天然骨料的质量要求BS- 铜钉子BS- 土工试验BS-1710-1984 管道的标识BS-2494-1990 接缝密封BS-3148-1980 混凝土用水BS-3469-1985 滚动轴承BS-3797-1990 对轻质骨料的要求BS-3887-1991 密封胶BS-3943-1979 塑料污水存水弯头BS-3987-1991 铝电镀BS-4190-2001 六角螺栓、螺母BS-4320-1968 金属垫圈BS-4395-1-1969 摩擦螺栓BS-4466 钢筋的长度计算规范(缺)BS-4449 混凝土用钢筋BS-4483-1998 钢丝BS-4514-2001 PVC污水及通风管BS-4533-1986 泛光灯BS-4550-0-1978 水泥试验方法4550-3-3 水泥物理试验BS-4551-1-1998 砂浆制备BS-4607-1-1984 电气安装非金属管道配件BS-4662-1970 电气附件盒BS-4678-1-1971 电线槽BS-4880-1989 颜色BS-4887-1-1986 砂浆外加剂(塑化剂)BS-5045-2-1989 可运输的气体容器BS-5224-1995 砌筑水泥BS-5252-1976 颜色协调BS-5328-1-1997 水泥的选用BS-5385-1-1992 室内贴墙砖BS-5628-3-2001 砌筑BS-5750-8-1991 质量管理及系统指南BS-5838-1-1980 混凝土混合物BS-5950-1-200 钢结构设计BS-5980-1980 瓷砖用的粘合剂BS-6004-2000 PVC电缆BS-6005-1997 空气过滤器BS-6100-1992 建筑术语BS-6319-5-1984 树脂成分分析BS-6399-3-修订屋面荷载BS-6472-1992 建筑振动对人的影响BS-8000-1-1989 建筑工地基本工艺BS-8110-3-1985 混凝土的结构用途EN欧洲标准(英文版本)EN-755-2-1997 铝和铝合金压延制品EN-771-4-2000 AAC蒸养加气砌块规范EN-10029-1991 3毫米以上热轧钢板-尺寸、形状和质量的公差EN-12424-2000 工业、商业和车库门-风载抵抗力-分类EN-12425-2000工业、商业和车库门-水渗透抵抗力-分类EN-12426-2000工业、商业和车库门-风渗透抵抗力-分类EN-12428-2000工业、商业和车库门-热传导-计算要求EN-60300-1-1993E 可靠性管理EN-60598-1-1989 泛光灯-一般要求和试验EN-60598-2-5-1989泛光灯-特殊要求EN-60598-2-7-1989泛光灯-特殊要求-花园使用的手提泛光灯EN-60598-2-9-1989泛光灯-特殊要求-照相和电影泛光灯EN--60598-2-10-1989泛光灯-特殊要求-儿童娱乐用手提式泛光灯EN-60598-2-17-1989泛光灯-特殊要求-舞台灯光、电视、电影和摄影室泛光灯EN--60598-2-19-1989泛光灯-特殊要求-空气调节泛光灯EN-60598-2-22-1990泛光灯-特殊要求-应急照明泛光灯美国国家标准化组织规范ANSI(American National Standards Institute)橡胶硅酸盐水泥砂浆规范ANSI-AWWA-C651-1992 消毒水总水管ASTM,American Society of Testing Materials, 美国材料实验协会规范ASTM-A53-A53M-2001 无缝焊接、镀锌、热浸钢管ASTM-A325-2002六角形淬火和回火钢结构螺栓ASTM-A1008-A1008M-2002 冷轧高强度低合金钢板ASTM-C36-C36M-2001 石膏墙板ASTM-C40-1999 混凝土中细骨料的有机杂质标准试验方法ASTM-C88-1999A 骨料坚固性的标准检验方法-使用硫酸钠或硫酸镁ASTM-C91-2003 砌筑水泥标准规范ASTM-C94-C94M-2003 商品混凝土标准规范ASTM- C109-C109M-2002 水硬性水泥砂浆的抗压强度的标准检验方法ASTM-C117-1995矿石骨料中小于75微米的材料的标准检验方法ASTM-C123-1998骨料中轻质颗粒的标准检验方法-沉浮法ASTM-C127-2001 粗骨料的密度、比重和吸水性的标准检验方法ASTM-C128-2001细骨料的密度、比重和吸水性的标准检验方法ASTM-C131-2003 小尺寸粗骨料(小于毫米)的洛杉矶磨耗值得标准检验方法ASTM-C138-C138M-2001A 混凝土的容重、含气量和屈服的标准检验方法ASTM-C142-1997 骨料中粘土块和易碎颗粒的标准检验方法ASTM-C150-2002A 硅酸盐水泥的标准规范ASTM-C157-C157M-1999 凝固的水硬性水泥砂浆和混凝土的长度变化的标准检验方法ASTM-C191-2001A 维卡针测水硬性水泥的凝结时间的标准检验方法ASTM-C207-1991 砌筑水硬性石灰的标准规范ASTM-C227-1997A 水泥骨料结合的潜在碱反应性的标准检验方法(砂浆棒方法)ASTM-C231-1997 新拌混凝土的含气量的标准检验方法ASTM-C232-1999 混凝土泌水性的标准检验方法ASTM-C260-2001 混凝土加气剂的标准规范ASTM-C289-2002 骨料潜在的硅碱反应性标准检验方法ASTM-C309-1998A 混凝土养护用液体膜化合物的标准规范ASTM-C425-2002 釉面陶管和配件的压接的标准规范ASTM-C494-C494M-1999 混凝土化学外加剂的标准规范ASTM-C501-1984 用挺度研磨机测非釉瓷砖的相对耐磨性的标准检验方法ASTM-C1017-C1017M-1998 用于生产流动混凝土的化学外加剂的标准规范ASTM-C1202-97 混凝土抵抗氯离子渗透能力的电气表示的标准检验方法ASTM-D512-1989 水中氯离子的标准检验方法ASTM-D513-2002 水中溶解的二氧化碳总含量的标准检验方法ASTM-D516-2002 水中硫酸盐离子的标准检验方法ASTM-D2419-2002 土壤和细骨料的砂当量值得标准检验方法ASTM-E96-2000 材料的水蒸气传递的标准检验方法NFPA,National Fire Protection Association 国家防火协会[美]规范NFPA-80-1999 防火门窗的标准NFPA-90A-2002 空调和通风系统安装的标准。
Titleof Chinese standards
Titleof BS standards
钢铁及合金总碳含量的测定 感应炉燃烧后红外吸收法
Technicaldrawings. Seals for dynamic application. General simplified representation
技术制图 动密封圈通用简化表示法
ISO 9222-1:1989
玻璃容器 耐内压力试验方法
摄影师 135规格胶片和暗盒规范
ISO 1007:2000
Electromechanical switches for use in electrical and electronic equipment - Part 1: Generic specification
BS EN ISO 10545-7:1999
Ceramic tiles.Determination of resistance to surface abrasion for glazed tiles
ISO 10545-7:1996
世界要紧钢管标准Pipe World StandardsAPI(American Petroleum Institute)API 5L Line PipeAPI 5CT CASING AND TUBINGAPI 5D DRILL PIPEBS(British Standards)BS534 / Steel Pepes Fittings and Specials for Water and Gas and SewageBS778 / Steel Pipes and Joints for Hydraulic PurposesBS879 / Steel Pipes and Joints for Hydraulic Purposes(HFS27/HFS35/ERW27/ERW26/HFS27/HFS35/ERW27/ERW26) BS1139 / Tubes for Use in ScaffoldingBS1387 / Steel Tubes and Tubulars Suitable for Screwing to BS21 Pipe Threads(DN15/DN20/DN25/DN32/DN40/DN50/DN65/DN80/DN100/DN125/ DN150/DN15/DN20/DN25/DN32/DN40)BS1717 / Steel Tubes for Cycle and Motor Cycle Purposes(CFSC3/CFSC4/CFSC6/ERWC1/ERWC2/ERWC3/ERWC5/CRWC1/CRWC 2/CRWC3/CFSC3/C4)BS1864 / Stainless Steel Milk Pipes and Fittings(Gr.1/Gr.2/Gr.3/Gr.4/Gr.5/Gr.6/Gr.7/Gr.8/Gr.9/Gr.1/Gr .2/Gr.3/Gr.4/Gr.5/Gr.6/Gr.7/Gr.8/Gr.9)BS3059 PART1 / Steel Boiler and Superheater Tubes(HFS320/CFS320/ERW320/CEW320/HFS320/CFS320/ERW320/CEW 320)BS3059 PART2 / Steel Boiler and Superheater Tubes(S1 360/S2 360/ERW360/CEW360/S1440/S2440/ERW440/CEW440/S1 243/S2 243/ERW243/CEW243/ERW620) BS3600 / Dimensions and Masses Per Unit Length of Welded and Seamless Steel Pipesand for Pressure PurposesBS3601 / Steel Pipes and Tubes for Pressure Purposes Carbon Steel with Specified RoomTemperatureProperties (BW320/ERW320/ERW360/ERW430/S360/S430/SAW430/BW 320/ERW320)BS3602 PART1 / Steel Pipes and Tubes for Pressure Purposes : Carbon and Carbon ManganeseSteel with Specified Elevated TemperatureProperties (HGS360/CFS360/CEW360/HFS430/CFS430/) BS3602 PART2 / Steel Pipes and Tubes for Pressure Purposes : Carbon and Carbon ManganeseSteel with Specified Elevated TemperatureProperties (SAW410/SAW460/SAW410/SAW460)BS3603 / Steel Pipes and Tubes for Pressure Purposes Carbon and Alloy Steel withSpecified Low TemperatureProperties (HFS410LT50/CFS410LT50/ERW410LT50)BS3604 / Steel Pipes and Tubes for Pressure Purposes Ferritic Alloy Steel with Specified ElevatedTemperatureProperties(JFS620-460/CFS620-460/ERW620-460/CEW620-460/HFS620-4 40/CFS620-440)BS3605 PART1 / Seamless and Welded Austentic Stainless Steel Pipe and Tubes forPressure Purposes(Seamless Pipes With Specified Room Temperature Preperties)BS3605 PART2 / Seamless and Welded Austentic Stainless Steel Pipe and Tubes forPressure Purposes (Welded Pipes With Specified Room Temperature Properties)BS3606 / Steel Tubes for HeatExchangers (ERW320/CEW320/CFS320/ERW440/CEW440/CFS440/ERW2 43)BS4127 / Light Gauge Stainless Steel Tubes(Round Pipe)BS4825 / Pipes and Fittings for the Food IndustryBS5242 PART1 / Tubes for Fluid Power CylinderBarrels (HP1/HP2/HP3/HP4/HP4/HP6/HP1/HP2/)BS5242 PART2 / Tubes for Fluid Power CylinderBarrels (HP1/HP2/HP3/HP4/HP4/HP6/HP1)BS5242 PART3 / Tubes for Fluid Power Cylinder Barrels(for Mining)(HP1/HP2/HP3/HP4)BS6323 PART2 / Seamless and Welded Steel Tubes for Automobile Mechanical and GeneralEngineer Purpose (Hot finished welded steel tubes)BS6323 PART2 / Seamless and Welded Steel Tubes for Automobile Mechanical and GeneralEngineer Purpose(Hot finished welded steel tubes) (Square.Rectangular Pipe)BS6323 PART3 / Seamless and Welded Steel Tubes for Automobile Mechanical and GeneralEngineer Puropese (Hot finished seamless steel tube)BS6323 PART4 / Seamless and Welded Steel Tubes for Automobile Mechanical and GeneralEngineer Purpose (Cold finished seamless tubes)BS6323 PART5 / Seamless and Welded Steel Tubes for Automobile Mechanical and GeneralEngineer Purpose (Electric resistanced welded(including induction welded)steel tubes)BS6323 PART5 / Seamless and Welded Steel Tubes for Automobile Mechanical and GeneralEngineer Purpose (Electric resistanced welded(including induction welded)steel tubes)BS6323 PART6 / Seamless and Welded steel Tubes for Automobile Mechanical adn GeneralEngineer Purpose (Cold finished electric resistance welded (including induction welded) steel tubes)BS6323 PART6 / Seamless and Welded steel Tubes for Automobile Mechanical adn GeneralEngineer Purpose (Cold finished electric resistance welded (including induction welded) steel tubes)BS6323 PART7 / Seamless and Welded Steel Tubes for Automobile Mechanical and GeneralEngineer Purpose (Submerged arc welded steel tubes) BS6323 PART8 / Seamless and Welded Steel Tubes for Automobile Mechanical and GeneralEngineer Purpose(Longitudinally welded stainless steel tubes) BS6323 PART8 / Seamless and Welded Steel Tubes for Automobile Mechanical and GeneralEngineer Purpose(Longitudinally welded stainless steel tubes) BS6363 / Welded Cold Formed Steel Structural Hollow(34/26 / 43/36 / 50/45 /34/26 / 43/36 / 50/45)BS7416 / Precision Finished Seamless Cold Drawn low Carbon Steel Tubes for Use in Hydraulic Fluid Power SystemsASTM(ASTM International)ASTM A53 / ASME SA53 / Pipe Steel Black and Hot Dipped Zinc Coated Welded and SeamlessASTM A106 / ASME SA106 / Seamless Carbon Steel Pipe for High Temperature ServiceASTM A134 / ASME SA134 / Pipe Steel Electric Fusion(ARC) Welded(Sizes Nps 16 and Over)1ASTM A135 / ASME SA135 / Pipe Steel Electric Fusion(ARC) Welded ASTM A139 / ASME SA139 / Electric Resistance Welded Steel Pipe ASTM A161 / ASME SA161/ Seamless Low Carbon And Cardon Molybdenum Steel Still Tubes For Refinery ServiceASTM A178 / ASME SA178 / Electric Resistance Welded Carbon Steel Boiler TubesASTM A179 / Seamless Cold Drawn Low Carbon Steel Heat Exchanger and Condenser TubesASTM A192 / ASME SA192 / Seamless Carbon Steel Boiler Tubes for High Pressure ServiceASTM A199 / ASME SA199 / Seamless Cold Drawn Intermediate Alloy Steel Heat Exchanger and Condenser TubesASTM A200 / ASME SA200 / Seamless Intermediate Alloy Steel Still Tubes for Refinery ServiceASTM A209 / ASME SA209 / Seamless Carbon Molybdenum Alloy Steel Boiler and Superheater TubesASTM A210 / ASME SA210 / Seamless Medium Carbon Steel Boiler and Superheater TubesASTM A211 / ASME SA211 / Spiral Welded Steel or Iron PipeASTM A213 / ASME SA213 / Seamless Ferritic and Austenitic Alloy Steel Boiler Superheater and Heat Exchanger TubesASTM A214 / ASME SA214 / Electric Resistance Welded Carbon Steel Heat Exchanger and Condenser TubesASTM A216 / ASME SA216 / Carbon Steel Castings Suitable for Fusion for High Temperature ServiceASTM A226 / ASME SA226 / Electric Resistance Welded Carbon Steel Boiler and Superheater Tubes for High Pressure Service ASTM A249 / ASME SA249 / Welded Austentic Steel Boiler Superheater Heat Exchanger and Condenser TubesASTM A250 / ASME SA250 / Electric Resistance Welded Carbon Molybdenum Alloy Steel Boiler and Superheater TubesASTM A252 / ASME SA252 / Welded and Seamless Steel Pipe Piles ASTM A254 / ASME SA254 / Copper Brazed Steel TubingASTM A268 / ASME SA268 / Seamless and Welded Ferritic Stainless Steel Tubing For General ServiceASTM A269 / ASME SA269 / Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubing for General ServiceASTM A270 / ASME SA270 / Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Sanitary TubingASTM A271 / ASME SA271 / Seamless Austenitic Chromium Nickel Steel Still Tubes for Refinery ServiceASTM A312 / ASME SA312 / Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel PipeASTM A333 / ASME SA333 / Seamless and Welded Steel Pipe for Low Temperature ServiceASTM A334 /ASME SA334 / Seamless and Welded Carbon and Alloy Steel Tubes for Low Temperature ServiceASTM A335 / ASME SA335 / Seamless Ferritic Alloy Steel Pipe for High Temperature ServiceASTM A358 / ASME SA358 / Electric Fusion Welded Austenitic Chromium Nickel Alloy Steel Pipe for High Temperature Service1 ASTM A369 / ASME SA369 / Carbon and Ferritic Alloy Steel Forged and Bored Pipe for High Temperature ServiceASTM A376 / ASME SA376 / Seamless Austenitic Steel Pipe for High Temperature Central Station ServiceASTM A381 / ASME SA381 / Metal Arc Welded Steel Pipe for USE with High Pressure Transmission SystemsASTM A405 / ASME SA405 / Seamless Ferritic Alloy Stlle Pipe Specially Heat Treated for High Temperature ServiceASTM A409 / ASME SA409 / Welded Large Diameter Austenitic Steel Pipe for Corrosive or High Temperature ServiceASTM A422 / ASME SA422 / Butt Welds in Still Tubes for Refinery ServiceASTM A423 / ASME SA423 / Seamless and Electric Welded Low Alloy Steel TubesASTM A426 / ASME SA426 / Standard Specification for Centrifugally Cast Ferritic Alloy Steel Pipe for High Temperature Service1ASTM A430 / ASME SA430 / Austentic Steel Forged and Bored Pipe for High Temperature ServiceASTM A450 / ASME SA450 / General Requirements for Carbon Ferritic Alloy and Austentic Alloy Steel Tubes1ASTM A451 / ASME SA451 / Centrifugally Cast Austenific Steel Pipe for High Temperature Service1ASTM A452 / ASME SA452 / Centrifugally Cast Austenitic Steel Cold Wrought Pipe for High Temperature ServiceASTM A498 / ASME SA498 / Seamless and Welded Carbon Ferritic and Austenitic Alloy Steel Heat-Exchanger Tubes With Integral Fins1 ASTM A500 / ASME SA500 / Cold Formed Welded and Seamless Carbon Steel Structural Tubing in Rounds and Shapes(Round Pipe) ASTM A500 / ASME SA500 / Cold Formed Welded and Seamless Carbon Steel Structural Tubing in Rounds and Shapes(Square . Rectangular pipe)ASTM A501 / ASME SA501 / Hot Formed Welded and Seamless Carbon Steel Structural TubingASTM A511 / ASME SA511 / Seamless Stainless Steel Mechanical TubingASTM A512 / ASME SA512 / Cold Drawn Buttweld Carbon Steel Machanical TubingASTM A513 / ASME SA513 / Electric Resistance Welded Carbon and Alloy Steel Mechanical TubingASTM A519 / ASME SA519 / Seamless Carbon and Alloy Steel Mechanical TubingASTM A520 / ASME SA520 / Supplementary Requirements for Seamless and Electric Resistance Welded Carbon Steel Tubular Products for High-Tmeperature Service Conformigf to ISO Recommendations for Boiler Construction1ASTM A523 / ASME SA523 / Plain end Seamless and Electric Resistance Welded Steel Pipe for High Pressure Pipe Type Cable CircuitsASTM A524 / ASME SA524 / Seamless Carbon Steel Pipe for Atmospheric and Lower TemperaturesASTM A530 / ASME SA530 / Standard Specification for General Requirements for Specialized Carbon and Alloy Steel Pipe1 ASTM A539 / ASME SA539 / Electric Resistance Welded Coiled Steel Tubing for Gas and Fuel Oil LinesASTM A554 / ASME SA554 / Welded Stainless Steel Mechanical Tubing(Round Pipe)ASTM A554 / ASME SA554 / Welded Stainless Steel Mechanical Tubing(Square . Rectangular pipe)ASTM A556 / ASME SA556 / Seamless Cold Drawn Carbon Steel Feedwater Heater TubesASTM A557 / ASME SA557 / Electric Resistance Welded Carbon Steel Feedwater Heater TubesASTM A587 / ASME SA587 / Electric Welded Low Carbon Steel Pipe for the Chemical IndustryASTM A589 / ASME SA589 / Seamless and Welded Carbon Steel Water Well PipeASTM A595 / ASME SA595 / Steel Tubes Low Carbon Tapered for Structural UseASTM A608 / ASME SA608 / Centrifuhally Cast Iron Chromium Nickel High Alloy Tubing for Pressure Application at High Temperature ASTM A618 / ASME SA618 / Hot Formed Welded and Seamless High Strength Low Alloy Structural TubingASTM A632 / ASME SA632 / Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubing(Small Diameter)for General Service ASTM A660 / ASME SA660 / Centrifugally Cast Carbon Steel Pipe for High Temperature ServiceASTM A671 / ASME SA671 / Electric Fusion Welded Steel Pipe for Atmospheric and Lower TemperatureASTM A672 / ASME SA672 / Electric Fusion Welded Steel Pipe for High Pressure Service at Moderate TemperaturesASTM A688 / ASME SA688 / Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Feedwater Heater TubeASTM A691/ ASME SA691 / Carbon And Alloy Steel Pipe Electric Fusion Welded for High Pressure Service at High Tempeeratures ASTM A692 / ASME SA692 / Seamless Medium Strength Carbon MolybdenumASTM A714 / ASME SA714 / High Strength Low Alloy Welded and Seamless Steel PipeASTM A727 / ASME SA727 Forgings, Carbon Steel, for piping components with Inherent Notch Toughness¹ASTM A731 / ASME SA731 / Seamless and Welded Ferritic Stainless Steel PipeASTM A733 / ASME SA733 / Standard Specification for Welded and Seamless Carbon Steel and Austenitic Stainless Steel Pipe Niples1 ASTM A771 / ASME SA771 / Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubing for Breeder Reactor Core ComponentsASTM A778 / ASME SA778 / Welded Unannealed Austenitic Stainless Tubluar ProductsASTM A787 / ASME SA787 / Standard Specification for Electric Resistance Welded Metallic Coated Carbon Steel Mechanical Tubing1 ASTM A789 / ASME SA789 / Seamless and Welded Ferritic/Austenitic Stainless Steel Pipe for General ServiceASTM A790 / ASME SA790 / Welded Unannealed Ferritic Stainless Steel TubingASTM A791 / ASME SA791 / Welded Unannealde Ferritic Stainless Steel TubingASTM A795 / ASME SA795 / Black and Hot-Dipped ZincCoated(Galvanized) Welded and Seamless Steel Pipe for Fire Protection USE1ASTM A803 / ASME SA803 / Welded Ferritic Stainless Steel Feed Water Heater TubesASTM A813 / ASME SA813 / Single or Double Welded Austentic Stainless Steel PipeASTM A814 / ASME SA814 / Cold Worked Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel PipeASTM A822 / ASME SA822 / Seamless Cold Dram Carbon Steel Tubing For Hydraulic System ServiceASTM A826 /ASME SA826 / Austenitic and Ferritic Stainless Steel Duct Tubes for Breeder Reactor Core ComponentsASTM A847 / ASME SA847 / Cold Formed Welded and Seamless High Strength Low Alloy Structural Tubing With Improved Atmospheric Corrosion ResistanceASTM A851 / ASME SA851 / High Frequency Induction Welded Unannealed Austenitic Steel Condenser TubesASTM A865 / ASME SA865 / Threaded Couplings Steel Black or Zinc Coated(Galvanized) Welded or Seamless for Use in Steel Pipe Joints1 ASTM A872 / ASME SA872 / Centrifugally Cast Ferrific/Austenitic Stainless Steel Pipe for Corrosive EnvironmentsASTM A908 / ASME SA908 / Stainless Steel Needile Tubing1ASTM B~ / ASME SB~ASTM B111 / ASME SB111 / Copper and Copper Alloy Seamless Condenser Tubes and FerruleASTM B161 / ASME SB161 / Nickel Seamless Pipe and TubeASTM B163 / ASME SB163 / Seamless Nickel and Nickel Alloy Condenser and Heat Exchanger TubesASTM B165 / ASME SB165 / Nickel Copper Alloy(UNS N04400) Seamless Pipe and TubeASTM B167 / ASME SB167 / Nckel-Chromium-Iron Alloys(UNS N06600, N06601, N06690, AND N06045) Seamless Pipe and TubeASTM B210 / ASME SB210 / Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Drawn Seamless TubesASTM B234 / ASME SB234 / Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Drawn Seamless Tubes for Condensers and Heat ExchangersASTM B241 / ASME SB241 / Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Seamless Pipe and Seamless Extruded TubeASTM B315 / ASME SB315 / Seamless Copper Alloy Pipe and Tube ASTM B337 / ASME SB337 / Seamless and Welded Titanium and Titanium Alloy PipeASTM B338 / ASME SB338 / Seamless and Welded Titanium and Titanium Alloy Tubes for Condensers and Heat Exchanges ASTM B359 / ASME SB359 / Tubes for Condensers and Heat Exchangers Heat Exchanger Tubes with Integral FinsASTM B395 / ASME SB395 / Specification for U-Bend Seamless Copper and Copper Alloy Heat Exchanger and Condenser Tubes ASTM B407 / ASME SB407 / Nickel-Iron-Chromium Alloy Seamless Pipe and TubeASTM B423 / ASME SB423 / Nickel Iron Chromium Molybdenum Copper Alloy (UNS N08825 AND N08221) Seamless Pipe and Tube ASTM B443 / ASME SB443 / Nickel Chromium Molybdenum Columbium Alloy (UNS N06625)Plate, Sheet, and StripASTM B444 / ASME SB444 / Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenium-Columbium Alloy(UNS N06628)Pipe And TubeASTM B464 / ASME SB464 / Welded UNS N08020, UNS N08024, and UNS N08026 Alloy Pipe Incoloy 020 = UNS 08020ASTM B466 / ASME SB466 / Seamless Copper Nickel Pipe and Tube ASTM B467 / ASME SB467 / Welded Copper Nickel PipeASTM B468 / ASME SB468 / Welded UNS N08020 N08024 and N08026 Alloy TubesASTM B514 / ASME SB514 / Welded Nickel Iron Chromium Alloy Pipe.ASTM B515 / ASME SB515 / Welded UNS N08800 and UNS N08810 Alloy TubesASTM B516 / ASME SB516 / Welded Nickel Chromiumiron Alloy (UNS N06600), UNS N06025, and UNS N06045 TubesASTM B517 / ASME SB517 / Specification for Welded Nickel Chromium Iron Alloy(UNS N06600) UNS N06025 and UNS N06045 Pipe ASTM B523 / ASME SB523 / Seamless and Welded Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy TubesASTM B535 /ASME SB535 / Nickel Iron Chromium Silicon Alloys (UNS N08330 AND N08332) Seamless Pipe And TubeASTM B619 / ASME SB619 / Wedded Nickel and Nickel Cobalt Alloy Pipe Hastelloy B-2 = UNS N10665 / Hastelloy C-276 = UNS N10276 ASTM B622 / ASME SB622 / Seamless Nickel and Nickel Cobalt Alloy Pipe and TubeASTM B626 / ASME SB626 / Welded Nickel and Nickel Clbalt Alloy TubeASTM B658 / ASME SB658 / Seamless and Welded Zirconium and Zirconum Alloy PipeASTM B668 / ASME SB668 / UNS N08028 Seamless TubesASTM B673 / ASME SB673 / UNS N08904, UNS N08925, and N8926 Welded PipeASTM B674 / ASME SB674 / UNS N08904, UNS N08925, and UNS N08926 Welded TubeASTM B675 / ASME SB675 / UNS N08366 and UNS N08367 Welded Pipe ASTM B676 / ASME SB676 / UNS N08366 and UNS N08367 Welded Tube ASTM B677 / ASME SB677 / UNS N08904, UNS N08925, and UNS N08926 Seamless Pipe and TubeASTM B690 / ASME SB690 / Iron Nickel Chromium Molybdenum Alloys(UNS N08366 AND UNS N09367) Seamless Pipe and TubeASTM B704 / ASME SB704 / Welded UNS N06625 and UNS N08825 Alloy TubesASTM B705 / ASME SB705 / Nickel Alloy (UNS N06625 and UNS N08825) Welded PipeASTM B710 / ASME SB710 / Nickel Iron Chromium Silicon Alloy Welded PipeASTM B729 / ASME SB729 / Seamless UNS N08020, UNS N08026, and UNS N08024 Nickel Alloy Pipe andASTM B751 / ASME SB751 / General Requirements for Nickel and Nickel Alloy Seameless and Welded TubeASTM B775 / ASME SB775 / General Requriements for Nicel and Nickel Alloy Seamless and Welded PipeASTM B804 / ASME SB804 / UNS N08367 and UNS N08926 Welded Pipe ASTM B829 / ASME SB829 / General Requirements For Nickel and Nicel Alloys Seamless Pipe and TubeJIS(Japan Industrial Standards)JIS G3442 Galvanized Steel Pipes for Water Service (SGPW) JIS G3447 Stainless Steel sanitary Pipes (SUS 304TBS/304LTBS/ 316TBS/316LTBS)JIS G3448 Light Gauge Stainless Steel Pipes for Ordinary Piping (SUS304TPD/316TPD)JIS G3452 Carbon Steel Pipes for Ordinary Piping (SGP)JIS G3454 Carbon Steel Pipes for Pressure Service (STPG 370/STPG 410)JIS G3455 Carbon Steel Pipes for High Pressure Service (STS 370/STS 410/STS 480)JIS G3456 Carbon Steel Pipes for High Temperature Service (STPT370/STPT410/STPT480)JIS G3457 Arc Welded Carbon Steel Pipes (STPY400)JIS G3458 Alloy Steel Pipes (STPA 12/ 20/ 22/ 23/ 24/ 25/ 26) JIS G3459 Stainless Steel Pipes (SUS304TP/304HTP/304LTP/309TP/309STP)JIS G3460 Steel Pipes for Low Temperature Service (STPL 380/STPL 450/STPL 690)JIS G3468 Arc Welded Large Diameter Stainless Steel Pipes (SUS304TPY /304LTPY)JIS G3469 Polyethylene coated Steel Pipes (P1H /P2S/P1F)JIS G3461 Carbon Steel Tubes for Boiler and Heat Exchagner (STB 340/STB 410/STB 510)JIS G3462 Alloy Steel for Boiler and Heat Exchanger Tubes (STBA12/ 13/ 20/ 22)JIS G3463 Stainless Steel for Boiler and Heat Exchanger Tubes (SUS304TB/304HTB/316TB)JIS G3464 Steel Heat Exchanger Tubes for Low Temperature Service (STBL380/ 450/690)JIS G3467 Steel Tubes for Fired Heater (STF 410/STFA 12/ 22/ 23/ 24/ 25/ 26)JIS G3131 Hot-Roll mild steel plates, sheet and strip (HR Pipe SPHC/SPHD/SPHE)JIS G3141 Cold-reduced carbon steel sheets and strip(CR Pipe SPCC/SPCD/SPEC)JIS G3441 Alloy steel tubes for machine purposes(SCr420TK/SCM415TK/418TK/420TK)JIS G3444 Carbon steel tubes for general structural purposes (STK290/STK400/500/490)JIS G3445 Carbon steel tubes for machine structural purposes (STKM11A/12A/13A/14A)JIS G3446 Stainless steel pipes for machine and structural purposes (SUS304TKA)ROUNDJIS G3446 Stainless steel pipes for machine and structural purposes (SUS304TKA)Square.Re.JIS G3466 Carbon steel Square for general structural purposes (STKR 400/STKR 490)JIS G3471 Corrugated steel pipes and sections (SCP1R/SCP 1 RS/SCP 2 R/SCP 3 RS/SCP2E)JIS G3472 Electric Resistance Welded Carbon Steel Tubes for Automobile Structural PurposesJIS G3473 Carbon Steel Tubes Cylinder Barrels(STC370/STC440/STC510A/STC510B/STC540)JIS G3474 High Tensile Strength Steel Tubes for Tower Structural Purposes (STKT540/590)JIS G4051 Carbon steel for Machine Structural Use (S45C Pipe) JIS A5525 Steel pipes piles(SPS290/SPS400/SPS500/SPS490/SPS540)JIS A5530 Steel pipe sheet piles (SKY 400/SKY 490)JIS G3429 Seamless Steel Tubes for High Pressure Gas Cylinder (STH 11/STH 12/STH 21..)JIS G3465 Seamless Steel Tubes for Drilling (STM-C 540/STM-C 640 /STM-R 590/STM-R 690)JIS G4903 Seamless nickel-chromium-iron alloy pipes(NCF600TP/NCF625TP/NCF690TP)JIS G4904 Seamless nickel-chromium-iron alloy heat exchanger tubes (NCF600TB/NCF625TB)JIS C8305 Rigid steel conduits (G 16/G 22/G 28/G 36/G 42/G 54/G 70/G 82)JIS C8380 Plastic coated steel pipes for cable ways(G16LL/G16LT/G 22LL/G 22LT/G 28LL8LT)JIS G4805 Seamless Pipe High Carbon Chromium Bearing Steel Pipe (SUJ-2)DIN(Deutsches Insititut for Normung)DIN1615 / Welded Circular Unalloyed Steel Tubes Not Subject To Special RequirementsDIN1626 / Welded Circular Tubes of Non Alloy Steels with Special Quality Requirements(USt37.0/St37.0/St44.0/St52.0)DIN1628 / Welded Circular Tubes of Non Alloy Steels with Very High Quality Requirements(St37.4/St44.4/St52.4)DIN1629 / Seamless Circular Tubes of Non Alloy Steels with Special Quality Requirements(St 37.0/St 44.0/St 52.0/1.0254/1.0256/1.0421) DIN1630 / Seamless Circular Tubes of Non Alloy Steels with Very High Quality Requirements(St 37.4/St 44.4/St 52.4/1.0255/1.0257/1.0581) DIN2391-1 / Seamless Precision SteelTubes (St30Si/St30A1/St35/St45/St52)DIN2391-2 / Seamless Precision SteelTubes (St30Si/St30A1/St35/St45/St52)DIN2393-1 / Welded Precision Steell Tubes(St28/USt28/RSt28/St34-2/US34-2/RSt34-2/St37-2/USt3 7-2/RSt37-2/St44-2/St52-3)DIN2393-2 / Welded Precision Steell Tubes(St28/USt28/RSt28/St34-2/US34-2/RSt34-2/St37-2/USt3 7-2/RSt37-2/St44-2/St52-3)DIN2394-1 / Welded And Sized Precision Steel Tubes(St28/USt28/RSt28/St34-2/US34-2/RSt34-2/St37-2/USt3 7-2/RSt37-2/St44-2/St52-3)DIN2394-2 / Welded And Sized Precision Steel Tubes(St28/USt28/RSt28/St34-2/US34-2/RSt34-2/St37-2/USt3 7-2/RSt37-2/St44-2/St52-3)DIN2395-1 / Rectangular and Square Electric Welded Precision Steel TubesDIN2395-2 / Rectangular and Square Electric Welded Precision Steel Tubes (St 34.2/St 37.2/St 52.3)DIN2395-3 / Rectangular and Square Electric Welded Precision Steel TubesDIN2402 Pipelines Nominal Widths efinition Grading Pipework; grading of nominal sizesDIN2403 Marking of pipes according to fluid transportedDIN2413 Part1 Design of steel pressure pipesDIN2413 Part2 Design of steel bends used in pressure pipelines DIN2440 / Steel Tubes Medium Weight Suitable forScrewing (St33.2)DIN2441 / Steel Tubes Heaby Weight for Suitable for Screwing (St33.2)DIN2444 / Zinc Coatings on Steel TubesDIN2445-1 / Seamless Steel Tubes for Dynamic Loads Hot Finished Tubes Nominal Pressures 100 to 400DIN2445-2 / Seamless Steel Tubes for Dynamic Loads Basis for Caluculation of Straight Tubes(St 35,4/St 52,4)DIN2448 / Seamless Steel Pipes and TubesDIN2449 / Seamless Steel Pipes and TubesDIN2450 / Seamless Steel Tubes in St 35 Dimensions and Range of ApplicationTIONDIN2458 / Welded Steel Pipes and TubesDIN2460 / Steel Pipes for Water PipelinesDIN2462 / Seamless Tubes Of Stainless Steel (1.4301 / 1.4306 / 1.4311 / 1.4541 / 1.4550 / 1.4401 / 1.4404 / 1.4571)DIN2463 / Weldel Tubes of Austenitic Stainless Steel(X5CrNi189/X2CrNi189/X5CrNiMo1810/X2CrNiMo1810/X2Cr NiMo1812/X5CrNiMo1812/X10CrNiTi189)DIN2916 Bending Radii for seamless and Welded Steel TubesDIN2917 Seamless steel tubes for superheated pipelines and headersDIN17100 / Steels for General Structural Purposes(St33/St37.2/USt37.2/RSt37.2/St37.3/St44-2/St44-3/S t50-2/St60-2/St52-33/St50-2/St60-2/St70-2)DIN17102 / Weldable Normalized Fine Grain Structural Steels (StE255/WStE255/TStE255/EStE255/StE285/WStE285/TStE 285/EStE285/)DIN17119 / Welded Cold Formed Square And Rectangular Steel Tubes for Structural Steel work(USt 37-2/RSt 37-2/St 37-3/St 44-2/St 44-3/St52-3/WTSt 37-2/WTSt 37-3/WTSt 52-3)DIN17120 / Welded Circular Steel Tubes for Structural Steelwork (USt37-2/RSt37-2/St37-2/St44-2/St44-3/St52-3)DIN17121 / Seamless Circlar Steel Tubes for Structural Steelwork(RSt37-2/St37-3/St44-2/St44-3/St52-3)DIN17123 / Welded Circular Fine Grain Steel Tubes for Structural Steelwork(StE225/TStE255/EStE255/StE285/StE355/TStE355/EStE3 55/StE420/TStE420/EStE420)DIN17124 / Carbon and Ferritic Alloy Steel Forged and Bored Pipe for Hig Temperatur Service(StE255/TStE255/EStE255/StE285/TStE285/EStE285/StE3 55/TSTE355/EStE355/StE420/TStE420/EStE420)DIN17172 / Steel Pipes for Pipe Lines for the Transport of Combustible Fluids and Gases(StE210.7/StE240.7/StE290.7/StE320.7/StE360.7/StE38 5.7/StE415.7/StE290.7TM/StE207.7TM/StE360.7TM)DIN17173 / Seamless Circular Tubes Made From Steels with Low Temperature Service(TSt35N/TSt35V/26CrMo4/11MnNi53/13MnNi63/10Ni14/12N i19/X8Ni19)。
岩土工程标准值英文缩写The Abbreviations of Geotechnical Engineering Standards。
Geotechnical engineering is a branch of civil engineering that focuses on the behavior of earth materials, such as soil and rock, and their interaction with structures and the environment. In order to ensure the safety and stability of construction projects, various standards and guidelines have been established in the field of geotechnical engineering. These standards provide criteria for design, construction, and testing, and are widely used in the industry.1. ASCE: American Society of Civil Engineers。
The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) is a professional organization that represents civil engineers worldwide. ASCE has developed several standards related to geotechnical engineering, including:ASCE 7: Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures。
BS代表“British Standard”,即“英国标准”。
这是由英国标准协会(British Standards Institution, BSI)制定的一系列标准,涵盖了各种产品和服务的质量、安全、环境等方面的要求。
国际标准iso中bs和din的区别国际标准(ISO)是一种全球通用的标准,而BS(British Standards)和DIN(Deutsches Institut für Normung)分别是英国标准和德国标准。
1. BS(British Standards)是英国制定的标准,由英国标准协会(British Standards Institution)负责制定和发布。
BS标准一般以"BS"为前缀,如BS EN(欧洲标准)、BS ISO(国际标准)等。
2. DIN(Deutsches Institut für Normung)是德国标准化组织,负责制定和发布德国国家标准。
DIN标准一般以"DIN"为前缀,如DIN EN、DIN ISO等。
虽然BS和DIN都是国际标准化组织的成员,同时也遵循ISO标准,但两者之间仍存在一些差异:1. 标准内容:BS和DIN在制定标准时可能有不同的要求和偏好,因此在某些细节上可能存在差异。
2. 标准编号:BS和DIN采用不同的编号系统。
3. 使用范围:BS主要在英国及英联邦国家应用广泛,而DIN主要在德国国内使用较多。
BS标准是指英国标准(British Standards),是由英国标准协会(British Standards Institution,简称BSI)制定的一系列标准。
印度的工业汽车排放标准通常被称为"印度国家车辆排放标准(Indian National Emission Standards)",简写为"BS",后面跟着一个数字。
1. BS-I:实施于2000年,对于柴油车和汽油车的尾气中的一氧化碳(CO)和氮氧化物(NOx)等有限制要求。
2. BS-II:实施于2005年,相对于BS-I有更严格的排放限制要求。
3. BS-III:实施于2010年,比BS-II标准更加严格,继续限制排放的CO和NOx。
4. BS-IV:实施于2017年,对于汽油车和柴油车的排放要求更加严格,包括限制一氧化碳(CO)、氮氧化物(NOx)、非甲烷总烃(NMHC)和颗粒物(PM)等排放物。
5. BS-VI:计划在2020年实施,将进一步提高对CO、NOx、NMHC和PM等排放物的限制要求。
1. Pantone®匹配系统:
2. RAL(Reichs-Ausschuß für Lieferbedingungen):
3. NCS(Nordic Colour System):
4. BS(British Standards):
5. AFNOR标准颜色:
AFNOR是法国国家标准化组织,它发布的塑料颜色标准包括标识各种材料的颜色和质量,其中之一是AFNOR标准颜色(货号Z 10-010)。
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BS 3/2009US Content of the CAD catalog in PARTsolutions.For more catalogues visit www.cadenas.deD Inhalt des CAD-Kataloges in PARTsolutions.Weitere Kataloge auf F Contenu du catalogue CAO dans PARTsolutions.Pour d'autres catalogues visitez www.cadenas.deI Contenuto del catalogo nel PARTsolutionsaltri cataloghi visitate www.cadenas.deE Contenido del catálogo de CAD en PARTsolutions.Para mas catálogos visite www.cadenas.deusing CATIA for example, a real CATIA model will be generated from our model and can of course be edited and manipulated for downstream applications. Interfaces are available for all common CAD systems (see list below). PARTsolutions erhält so in Verbindung mit z.B. CATIA ein echtes CATIA-Modell, das in seiner Konstruktion dann selbstverständlich weitermodelliert werden kann. Schnittstellen für jedes gängige CAD System sind verfügbar(siehe Liste unten).CATIA, en prenant CATIA comme exemple, qui peut être naturellement continuellement modélisé dans sa construction. Des interfaces pour tous les systèmes CAO courants sont disponibles (voir la liste ci-dessous).tutti i sistemi CAD in commercio. Usando per esempio CATIA, viene generato un vero modello CATIA che può essere modificato e manipolato per successivi utilizzi. Le interfacce CAD disponibili sono elencate qui sotto.práctcamente entodos los sistemas CAD. El usuario de PARTsolutions posee de este modo en el usopor ejemlo de CATIA un modelo original de CATIA, en el cual por supuesto se puede seguir modelando. Interfaces para cada sistema CAD disponible son disponibles (ver lista abajo).1US Flanges1.1US BS EN 1092-2D BS EN 1092-22US Nuts2.1US BS 10832.2US BS 17682.3US BS 19812.4US BS 24852.5US BS 28272.6US BS 36922.7US BS 4502.8US BS 4929-12.9US BS 4929-22.10US BS 8562.11US BS EN 14399-42.12US BS EN 14399-72.13US BS EN 14399-82.14US BS 41832.15US BS 41902.16US BS 74192.17US BS 75992.18US BS 76002.19US BS 42783US Pins3.1US BS 15743.2US BS 1804-13.3US BS 1804-23.4US BS 1804-33.5US BS 46-34US Rivets4.1US BS 275D BS 2754.2US BS 4620D BS 46204.3US BS 641D BS 6414.3.1countersunk-head-rivets-140-and-washers5US Screws5.1US BS 10835.2US BS 12105.3US BS 1494-15.4US BS 17685.5US BS 19815.6US BS 24855.7US BS 36925.8US BS 4505.9US BS 74195.10US BS 75995.11US BS 76005.12US BS 7685.12.1US120° Cone point5.12.2US90° Cone point5.12.3US Radiused point5.13US BS EN 14399-75.14US BS EN 14399-85.15US BS 41745.16US BS 41835.17US BS 41905.18US BS 42785.19US BS 44295.20US BS 44395.21tapping_screws5.21.1bs41746US Washers6.1US BS 1494-1D BS 1494-16.2US BS 1802D BS 18026.3US BS 3410D BS 34106.4US BS 4320D BS 43206.5US BS 4464D BS 44646.6US BS 641D BS 6416.7US BS 4929-1D BS 4929-16.8US BS 4929-2D BS 4929-26.9US BS EN 14399-5D BS EN 14399-56.10bs-en-14399-5-2005 6.11bs-en-14399-6-20051.1BS EN 1092-2BS EN 1092-2BS EN 1092-2BS EN 1092-2BS EN 1092-2BS EN 1092-2BS EN 1092-22.1BS 1083BS 1083BS 1083BS 1768BS 1768BS 1768BS 17682.2BS 1768BS 1981BS 1981BS 1981BS 2485BS 24852.4BS 2485:1987(2)BS 2485:1987(1)BS 2485:1987(3)BS 2827BS 2827BS 2827:1957(2)BS 2827:1957(1)2.6BS 3692BS 3692BS 3692BS 3692BS 3692:2001(5)BS 3692:2001(6)BS 3692:2001(1)BS 3692:2001(2)2.6BS 3692:2001(4)BS 3692:2001(3)BS 450:1958(6)BS 450:1958(2)BS 450:1958(4)BS 450:1958(8)BS 4502.7BS 450:1958(9)BS 450:1958(1)BS 450:1958(3)BS 450:1958(7)BS 450:1958(5)BS 4929-1BS 4929:Part1:1973(1)2.8BS 4929:Part1:1973(2)BS 4929-2BS 4929-2BS 4929-2:1973BS 4929-2:1973(2)BS 856 HS2.10BS 856 DCBS 856 CFBS EN 14399-4BS EN 14399-7BS EN 14399-82.14BS 4183BS 4183BS 4190BS 4190BS 7419:1991(2)BS 7419:1991(1)2.17BS 7599:1992BS 7600:1992BS 4278BS 4278BS 42783.1BS 1574BS 1574:1994BS 1804-1BS 1804-2BS 1804-3 ABS 1804-3 B3.4BS 1804-3 CBS 1804-3 DBS 46-3BS 46-34.1BS 275BS 2754.1BS 275BS 275BS 275BS 275BS 275BS 4620BS 46204.2BS 4620BS 4620BS 4620BS 4620BS 46204.3.1BS 641:1951(8-1) 641:1951(8-2) BS 641BS 641BS 641BS 641BS 641BS 6414.3BS 641BS 641BS 6415.1BS 1083BS 10835.2BS 1210BS 1210BS 1210BS 1210BS 1210BS 1210BS 1210BS 12105.2BS 1210BS 1210BS 1210BS 1210BS 1210BS 1210BS 1210BS 12105.2BS 1210BS 1210BS 1210BS 1210BS 1210BS 1210BS 1494-15.3BS 1494-1BS 1494-1BS 1494-1BS 1494-1BS 1494-1BS 1494-1BS 1494-1BS 1494-15.3BS 1494-1BS 1494-1:1964-15BS 1768 ABS 1768 SBS 1768 ABS 1768 S5.5BS 1981BS 1981BS 1981BS 1981BS 1981BS 1981BS 1981BS 19815.5BS 1981BS 1981BS 1981BS 1981BS 1981BS 24855.7BS 3692BS 3692BS 450BS 450BS 450BS 450BS 4505.8BS 450BS 450BS 450BS 450BS 450BS 450BS 450BS 4505.8BS 450BS 450BS 450BS 450BS 450BS 450BS 74195.9BS 7419BS 7599BS 76005.12.1BS 768BS 7685.125.12.1BS 7685.12.2BS 768BS 768BS 7685.12.3BS 768BS 7685.125.12.3BS 768BS EN 14399-7BS EN 14399-8BS 4174BS 41745.15BS 4174BS 4174BS 4174BS 4174BS 4174BS 4174BS 4174BS 41745.15BS 4174BS 4174BS 4174BS 4174BS 4183BS 4183BS 41835.16BS 4183BS 4190BS 4190BS 4278BS 4278BS 42785.19BS 4429BS 4429BS 44395.21.1BS 4171 Self-tapping screws and metallic drive screwsBS 4171 Self-tapping screws and metallic drive screwsBS 4171 Self-tapping screws and metallic drive screws5.215.21.1BS 4171 Self-tapping screws and metallic drive screwsBS 4171 Self-tapping screws and metallic drive screwsBS 4171 Self-tapping screws and metallic drive screws6.1BS 1494-1BS 1494-1BS 1494-16.1BS 1494-1BS 1494-1BS 1802 ABS 1802 BBS 1802 CBS 1802 DBS 1802:1951(4)6.2BS 1802:1951(3)BS 1802:1951BS 1802:1951(1)BS 3410BS 3410BS 3410BS 34106.3BS 3410BS 3410BS 3410BS 3410BS 3410BS 3410BS 3410BS 34106.3BS 3410 1961(8)BS 3410:1961(2)BS 3410:1961(4)BS 3410 1961(6)BS 3410 1961(5)BS 3410 1961(7)BS 3410 1961(10)BS 3410:1961(1)6.3BS 3410:1961(3)BS 3410 1961(9)BS 3410 1961(11)BS 3410 1961(12)BS 4320 ABS 4320 BBS 4320 C6.4BS 4320 DBS 4320 EBS 4320 FBS 4320 GBS 4320:1968BS 4320:1968BS 4320:1968BS 4320:1968。