



1. “英国高教会宁愿饶恕对它三十九个信条中的三十八个信条展开的攻击,而不饶恕对它现金收入的三十九分之一进行的攻击”。

马克思举这个例子是为了说明(ACDE)A.政治经济学的研究直接关系到各阶级的物质利益B.英国高教会容忍对其信条的攻击C.英国高教会也是英国社会的一种利益集团D.物质利益是社会其它利益的基础E.政治经济学是一门具有强烈阶级性的学科2. “一个社会即使探索到了本身运动的自然规律,……它还是既不能跳过也不能用法令取消自然的发展阶段。


这句话说明(BCDE)A.社会运动的规律就是自然运动的规律B.社会运动规律的作用和自然运动规律的作用一样不可抗拒C.社会运动规律决定社会发展的阶段不能人为的超越D.认识社会的运动规律有利于促进社会的发展E.认识了社会运动规律不等于就可以支配社会运动规律3. “我们也同西欧大陆所有其他国家一样,不仅苦于资本主义生产的发展,而且苦于资本主义生产的不发展”。

这句话的意思是说: 德国和西欧大陆其他国家(ABCDE)A.其资本主义生产关系均落后于英国B.同时存在着资本主义生产关系和前资本主义生产关系C.其工人阶级的生活状况不如英国的工人阶级D.其劳动者要遭受资本家阶级和封建贵族阶级的双重压迫E.在与英国的经济竞争中处于劣势4. 《资本论》第一卷是(D)A.《哲学的贫困》的续篇B.《雇佣劳动与资本》的续篇C.《1844年经济学哲学手稿》的续篇D.《政治经济学批判》的续篇E.《1957-1958经济学手稿》的续篇5. 《资本论》包括四大卷,它们的卷名分别是(ABDE)A.资本的生产过程B.资本的流通过程C.资本的分配过程D.资本主义生产的总过程E.剩余价值理论6. 《资本论》第一卷出版于(C)A.1843年3月B.1857年2月C.1867年9月D.1885年12月E.1895年12月7. 马克思研究资本主义经济(ABCE)A.其研究对象是资本主义生产关系B.其研究目的是为了揭示资本主义经济的运动规律C.其研究方法是唯物辩证法D.作为研究典型的国家是美国E.作为研究典型的国家是英国8. 马克思开始研究政治经济学是在(D)A.德国读大学期间B.德国担任“莱茵报”主编期间C.流亡英国伦敦期间D.流亡法国巴黎期间E.流亡比利时布鲁塞尔期间9. “我决不用玫瑰色描绘资本家和地主的面貌”。



2007年重庆市高考数学试卷(理科)一、选择题(共10小题,每小题5分,满分50分)1.(5分)若等差数列{a n}的前三项和S3=9且a1=1,则a2等于()A.3 B.4 C.5 D.62.(5分)命题“若x2<1,则﹣1<x<1”的逆否命题是()A.若x2≥1,则x≥1或x≤﹣1 B.若﹣1<x<1,则x2<1C.若x>1或x<﹣1,则x2>1 D.若x≥1或x≤﹣1,则x2≥13.(5分)若三个平面两两相交,且三条交线互相平行,则这三个平面把空间分成()A.5部分B.6部分C.7部分D.8部分4.(5分)若(x+)n展开式的二项式系数之和为64,则展开式的常数项为()A.10 B.20 C.30 D.1205.(5分)在△ABC中,AB=,A=45°,C=75°,则BC=()A.B.C.2 D.6.(5分)从5张100元,3张200元,2张300元的奥运预赛门票中任取3张,则所取3张中至少有2张价格相同的概率为()A.B. C.D.7.(5分)若a是1+2b与1﹣2b的等比中项,则的最大值为()A.B.C.D.8.(5分)设正数a,b满足,则=()A.0 B.C.D.19.(5分)已知定义域为R的函数f(x)在(8,+∞)上为减函数,且函数y=f (x+8)函数为偶函数,则()A.f(6)>f(7)B.f(6)>f(9)C.f(7)>f(9)D.f(7)>f(10)10.(5分)如图,在四边形ABCD中,++=4,•=•=0,•+•=4,则(+)•的值为()A.2 B.C.4 D.二、填空题(共6小题,每小题4分,满分24分)11.(4分)复数的虚部为.12.(4分)已知x,y满足,则函数z=x+3y的最大值是.13.(4分)若函数的定义域为R,则实数a的取值范围是.14.(4分)设{a n}为公比q>1的等比数列,若a2004和a2005是方程4x2﹣8x+3=0的两根,则a2006+a2007=.15.(4分)某校要求每位学生从7门课程中选修4门,其中甲、乙两门课程不能都选,则不同的选课方案有种.(以数字作答)16.(4分)过双曲线x2﹣y2=4的右焦点F作倾斜角为1050的直线,交双曲线于P、Q两点,则|FP|•|FQ|的值为.三、解答题(共6小题,满分76分)17.(13分)设f(x)=6cos2x﹣sin2x,(1)求f(x)的最大值及最小正周期;(2)若锐角α满足f(α)=3﹣2,求tanα的值.18.(13分)某单位有三辆汽车参加某种事故保险,单位年初向保险公司缴纳每辆900元的保险金、对在一年内发生此种事故的每辆汽车,单位获9000元的赔偿(假设每辆车最多只赔偿一次).设这三辆车在一年内发生此种事故的概率分别为,且各车是否发生事故相互独立,求一年内该单位在此保险中:(1)获赔的概率;(2)获赔金额ξ的分布列与期望.19.(13分)如图,在直三棱柱ABC﹣A1B1C1中,AA1=2,AB=1,∠ABC=90°;点D、E分别在BB1,A1D上,且B1E⊥A1D,四棱锥C﹣ABDA1与直三棱柱的体积之比为3:5.(1)求异面直线DE与B1C1的距离;(2)若BC=,求二面角A1﹣DC1﹣B1的平面角的正切值.20.(13分)已知函数f(x)=ax4lnx+bx4﹣c(x>0)在x=1处取得极值﹣3﹣c,其中a,b,c为常数.(1)试确定a,b的值;(2)讨论函数f(x)的单调区间;(3)若对任意x>0,不等式f(x)≥﹣2c2恒成立,求c的取值范围.21.(12分)已知各项均为正数的数列{a n}的前n项和满足S1>1,且6S n=(a n+1)(a n+2),n∈N*.(1)求{a n}的通项公式;(2)设数列{b n}满足,并记T n为{b n}的前n项和,求证:3T n+1>log2(a n+3),n∈N*.22.(12分)如图,中心在原点O的椭圆的右焦点为F(3,0),右准线l的方程为:x=12.(1)求椭圆的方程;(2)在椭圆上任取三个不同点P1,P2,P3,使∠P1FP2=∠P2FP3=∠P3FP1,证明:++为定值,并求此定值.2007年重庆市高考数学试卷(理科)参考答案与试题解析一、选择题(共10小题,每小题5分,满分50分)1.(5分)(2007•重庆)若等差数列{a n}的前三项和S3=9且a1=1,则a2等于()A.3 B.4 C.5 D.6【分析】根据等差数列的前n项和公式,结合已知条件,先求出d,再代入通项公式即可求解.【解答】解:∵S3=9且a1=1,∴S3=3a1+3d=3+3d=9,解得d=2.∴a2=a1+d=3.故选A.2.(5分)(2007•重庆)命题“若x2<1,则﹣1<x<1”的逆否命题是()A.若x2≥1,则x≥1或x≤﹣1 B.若﹣1<x<1,则x2<1C.若x>1或x<﹣1,则x2>1 D.若x≥1或x≤﹣1,则x2≥1【分析】根据逆否命题的定义,直接写出答案即可,要注意“且”形式的命题的否定.【解答】解:原命题的条件是““若x2<1”,结论为“﹣1<x<1”,则其逆否命题是:若x≥1或x≤﹣1,则x2≥1.故选D.3.(5分)(2007•重庆)若三个平面两两相交,且三条交线互相平行,则这三个平面把空间分成()A.5部分B.6部分C.7部分D.8部分【分析】画出图形,用三线表示三个平面,结合图形进行分析.【解答】解:可用三线a,b,c表示三个平面,其截面如图,将空间分成7个部分,故选C.4.(5分)(2007•重庆)若(x+)n展开式的二项式系数之和为64,则展开式的常数项为()A.10 B.20 C.30 D.120【分析】根据二项式的展开式的二项式系数是64,写出二项式系数的表示式,得到次数n的值,写出通项式,当x的指数是0时,得到结果.【解答】解:∵C n°+C n1+…+C n n=2n=64,∴n=6.T r+1=C6r x6﹣r x﹣r=C6r x6﹣2r,令6﹣2r=0,∴r=3,常数项:T4=C63=20,故选B.5.(5分)(2007•重庆)在△ABC中,AB=,A=45°,C=75°,则BC=()A.B.C.2 D.【分析】结合已知条件,直接利用正弦定理作答.【解答】解:∵AB=,A=45°,C=75°,由正弦定理得:,∴.故选A.6.(5分)(2007•重庆)从5张100元,3张200元,2张300元的奥运预赛门票中任取3张,则所取3张中至少有2张价格相同的概率为()A.B. C.D.【分析】由题意知本题是一个古典概型,满足条件的事件包含的结果比较多,可以从它的对立事件来考虑,取出的三张门票的价格均不相同5×3×2=30种取法,试验发生的所有事件总的取法有C103,用对立事件概率得到结果.【解答】解:由题意知本题是一个古典概型,∵满足条件的事件包含的结果比较多,可以从它的对立事件来考虑,取出的三张门票的价格均不相同5×3×2=30种取法,试验发生的所有事件总的取法有(10×9×8)÷(3×2×1)=120种,三张门票的价格均不相同的概率是=,∴至少有2张价格相同的概率为P=1﹣=.故选C.7.(5分)(2007•重庆)若a是1+2b与1﹣2b的等比中项,则的最大值为()A.B.C.D.【分析】由a是1+2b与1﹣2b的等比中项得到4|ab|≤1,再由基本不等式法求得.【解答】解:a是1+2b与1﹣2b的等比中项,则a2=1﹣4b2⇒a2+4b2=1≥4|ab|.∴.∵a2+4b2=(|a|+2|b|)2﹣4|ab|=1.∴≤===∵∴,∴.故选B.8.(5分)(2007•重庆)设正数a,b满足,则=()A.0 B.C.D.1【分析】由题目中的已知式化简,得到a,b的关系,再代入化简求值.【解答】解:∵=4⇒4+2a﹣b=4⇒2a=b,∴.∴故选B.9.(5分)(2007•重庆)已知定义域为R的函数f(x)在(8,+∞)上为减函数,且函数y=f(x+8)函数为偶函数,则()A.f(6)>f(7)B.f(6)>f(9)C.f(7)>f(9)D.f(7)>f(10)【分析】根据y=f(x+8)为偶函数,则f(x+8)=f(﹣x+8),即y=f(x)关于直线x=8对称.又f(x)在(8,+∞)上为减函数,故在(﹣∞,8)上为增函数,故可得答案.【解答】解:∵y=f(x+8)为偶函数,∴f(x+8)=f(﹣x+8),即y=f(x)关于直线x=8对称.又∵f(x)在(8,+∞)上为减函数,∴f(x)在(﹣∞,8)上为增函数.由f(8+2)=f(8﹣2),即f(10)=f(6),又由6<7<8,则有f(6)<f(7),即f(7)>f(10).故选D.10.(5分)(2007•重庆)如图,在四边形ABCD中,++=4,•=•=0,•+•=4,则(+)•的值为()A.2 B.C.4 D.【分析】先根据++=4,•+•=4,求出+=2,,再由•=•=0,确定∥,再由向量的点乘运算可解决.【解答】解:∵++=4,•+•=4,∴+=2,,由已知•=•=0,知⊥⊥,∴∥,作如图辅助线∴=+=,即三角形AEC是等腰直角三角形,∠CAE=45°|,∴(+)•=||cos∠CAE=2×=4,故选C.二、填空题(共6小题,每小题4分,满分24分)11.(4分)(2007•重庆)复数的虚部为.【分析】把复数整理变形,先变分母,再分子和分母同乘以分母的共轭复数,分子上要进行复数的乘法运算,最后写出代数形式,指出虚部【解答】解:.故答案为:.12.(4分)(2007•重庆)已知x,y满足,则函数z=x+3y的最大值是7.【分析】先画出可行域,再把目标函数变形为直线的斜截式,由截距的最值即可求得.【解答】解:画出可行域,如图所示解得C(1,2),函数z=x+3y可变形为,可见当直线过点C 时z取得最大值,所以z max=1+6=7.故答案为:7.13.(4分)(2007•重庆)若函数的定义域为R,则实数a 的取值范围是0≤a≤1.【分析】利用被开方数非负的特点列出关于a的不等式,转化成x2﹣2ax+a≥0在R上恒成立,然后建立关于a的不等式,求出所求的取值范围即可.【解答】解:函数的定义域为R,∴﹣1≥0在R上恒成立即x2﹣2ax+a≥0在R上恒成立该不等式等价于△=4a2﹣4a≤0,解出0≤a≤1.故实数a的取值范围为0≤a≤1故答案为:0≤a≤114.(4分)(2007•重庆)设{a n}为公比q>1的等比数列,若a2004和a2005是方程4x2﹣8x+3=0的两根,则a2006+a2007=18.【分析】通过解方程可以求出a2004和a2005的值,进而求出q,根据等比数列的通项公式,a2006+a2007=a2004q2+a2005q2=(a2004+a2005)q2,从而问题得解.【解答】解:∵a2004和a2005是方程4x2﹣8x+3=0的两根,∴或.∴q=3或,∵q>1,∴q=3;∴a2006+a2007=a2004q2+a2005q2=(a2004+a2005)×9=18.故答案为:18.15.(4分)(2007•重庆)某校要求每位学生从7门课程中选修4门,其中甲、乙两门课程不能都选,则不同的选课方案有25种.(以数字作答)【分析】从7门课程中选修4门,其中甲、乙两门课程不能都选,可从反面解决,分别求出从7门课程中选修4门的种数和两门都选的方法种数,做差即可;也可按分类原理分为两类:一类甲、乙两门课程都不选,另一类只选一门.【解答】解:所有的选法数为C74,两门都选的方法为C22C52,故共有选法数为C74﹣C22C52=35﹣10=25.故答案为:2516.(4分)(2007•重庆)过双曲线x2﹣y2=4的右焦点F作倾斜角为1050的直线,交双曲线于P、Q两点,则|FP|•|FQ|的值为.【分析】先由点斜式写出直线方程,设出两个交点坐标,再由弦长公式计算,作出解答.【解答】解:∵,.∴.代入x2﹣y2=4得:.设P(x1,y1),Q(x2,y2).⇒x1+x2=.又|FP|=,|FQ|=,∴==,故答案为:.三、解答题(共6小题,满分76分)17.(13分)(2007•重庆)设f(x)=6cos2x﹣sin2x,(1)求f(x)的最大值及最小正周期;(2)若锐角α满足f(α)=3﹣2,求tanα的值.【分析】(I)利用三角函数的二倍角公式及公式化简为只含一个角一个函数名的三角函数,利用有界性及周期公式求出最大值最小正周期.(II)列出关于α的三角方程,求出α,求出正切值.【解答】解:(Ⅰ)===故f(x)的最大值为;最小正周期(Ⅱ)由得,故又由得,故,解得.从而.18.(13分)(2007•重庆)某单位有三辆汽车参加某种事故保险,单位年初向保险公司缴纳每辆900元的保险金、对在一年内发生此种事故的每辆汽车,单位获9000元的赔偿(假设每辆车最多只赔偿一次).设这三辆车在一年内发生此种事故的概率分别为,且各车是否发生事故相互独立,求一年内该单位在此保险中:(1)获赔的概率;(2)获赔金额ξ的分布列与期望.【分析】(1)设A k表示第k辆车在一年内发生此种事故,k=1,2,3、由题意知A1,A2,A3之间相互独立,正难则反,该单位一年内获赔的对立事件是A1,A2,A3都不发生,用对立事件的概率做出结果.(2)由题意知ξ的所有可能值为0,9000,18000,27000,看出这四个数字对应的事件,做出事件的概率,写出分布列,求出期望,概率在解时情况比较多,要认真.【解答】解:(1)设A k表示第k辆车在一年内发生此种事故,k=1,2,3,由题意知A1,A2,A3独立,且P(A1)=,P(A2)=,P(A3)=∵该单位一年内获赔的对立事件是A1,A2,A3都不发生,∴该单位一年内获赔的概率为.(Ⅱ)ξ的所有可能值为0,9000,18000,27000,===,===,P(ξ=27000)=P(A1A2A3)=P(A1)P(A2)P(A3)=,综上知,ξ的分布列为ζ090001800027000P设ξk表示第k辆车一年内的获赔金额,k=1,2,3,则ξ1有分布列ζ109000P∴同理得,综上有Eξ=Eξ1+Eξ2+Eξ3≈1000+900+818.18=2718.18(元)19.(13分)(2007•重庆)如图,在直三棱柱ABC﹣A1B1C1中,AA1=2,AB=1,∠ABC=90°;点D、E分别在BB1,A1D上,且B1E⊥A1D,四棱锥C﹣ABDA1与直三棱柱的体积之比为3:5.(1)求异面直线DE与B1C1的距离;(2)若BC=,求二面角A1﹣DC1﹣B1的平面角的正切值.【分析】(1)因B1C1⊥A1B1,且B1C1⊥BB1,进而可推断B1C1⊥面A1ABB1,进而推断B1E是异面直线B1C1与DE的公垂线,设BD的长度为x,则四棱椎C﹣ABDA1的体积V1为,里用体积公式表示出V1,表示出四棱椎C﹣ABDA1的体积V1,同时直三棱柱ABC﹣A1B1C1的体积V2,根据V1:V2=3:5求得x,从而求得B1D,直角三角形A1B1D中利用勾股定理求得A1D进而利用三角形面积公式求得B1E.(2)过B1作B1F⊥C1D,垂足为F,连接A1F,因A1B1⊥B1C1,A1B1⊥B1D,故A1B1⊥面B1DC1.由三垂线定理知C1D⊥A1F,故∠A1FB1为所求二面角的平面角,先利用勾股定理求得C11D,进而求得BF,进而可求tan求得∠A1FB1.【解答】解:(Ⅰ)因B1C1⊥A1B1,且B1C1⊥BB1,故B1C1⊥面A1ABB1,从而B1C1⊥B1E,又B1E⊥DE,故B1E是异面直线B1C1与DE的公垂线设BD的长度为x,则四棱椎C﹣ABDA1的体积V1为而直三棱柱ABC﹣A1B1C1的体积V2为由已知条件V1:V2=3:5,故,解之得从而在直角三角形A1B1D中,,又因,故(Ⅱ)如图1,过B1作B1F⊥C1D,垂足为F,连接A1F,因A1B1⊥B1C1,A1B1⊥B1D,故A1B1⊥面B1DC1.由三垂线定理知C1D⊥A1F,故∠A1FB1为所求二面角的平面角在直角△C1B1D中,,又因,故,所以.20.(13分)(2007•重庆)已知函数f(x)=ax4lnx+bx4﹣c(x>0)在x=1处取得极值﹣3﹣c,其中a,b,c为常数.(1)试确定a,b的值;(2)讨论函数f(x)的单调区间;(3)若对任意x>0,不等式f(x)≥﹣2c2恒成立,求c的取值范围.【分析】(1)因为x=1时函数取得极值得f(x)=﹣3﹣c求出b,然后令导函数=0求出a即可;(2)解出导函数为0时x的值讨论x的取值范围时导函数的正负决定f(x)的单调区间;(3)不等式f(x)≥﹣2c2恒成立即f(x)的极小值≥﹣2c2,求出c的解集即可.【解答】解:(1)由题意知f(1)=﹣3﹣c,因此b﹣c=﹣3﹣c,从而b=﹣3又对f(x)求导得=x3(4alnx+a+4b)由题意f'(1)=0,因此a+4b=0,解得a=12(2)由(I)知f'(x)=48x3lnx(x>0),令f'(x)=0,解得x=1当0<x<1时,f'(x)<0,此时f(x)为减函数;当x>1时,f'(x)>0,此时f(x)为增函数因此f(x)的单调递减区间为(0,1),而f(x)的单调递增区间为(1,+∞)(3)由(II)知,f(x)在x=1处取得极小值f(1)=﹣3﹣c,此极小值也是最小值,要使f(x)≥﹣2c2(x>0)恒成立,只需﹣3﹣c≥﹣2c2即2c2﹣c﹣3≥0,从而(2c﹣3)(c+1)≥0,解得或c≤﹣1所以c的取值范围为(﹣∞,﹣1]∪21.(12分)(2007•重庆)已知各项均为正数的数列{a n}的前n项和满足S1>1,且6S n=(a n+1)(a n+2),n∈N*.(1)求{a n}的通项公式;(2)设数列{b n}满足,并记T n为{b n}的前n项和,求证:3T n+1>log2(a n+3),n∈N*.【分析】(1)先根据题设求得a1,进而根据a n+1=S n+1﹣S n整理得(a n+1+a n)(a n+1﹣a n﹣3)=0求得a n+1﹣a n=3,判断出{a n}是公差为3,首项为2的等差数列,则数列的通项公式可得.(2)把(1)中的a n代入可求得b n,进而求得前n项的和T n,代入到3T n+1﹣log2(a n+3)中,令,进而判断出f(n+1)>f(n),从而推断出3T n+1﹣log2(a n+3)=log2f(n)>0,原式得证.【解答】解:(1)由,解得a1=1或a1=2,由假设a1=S1>1,因此a1=2,又由,+a n)(a n+1﹣a n﹣3)=0,得(a n+1即a n﹣a n﹣3=0或a n+1=﹣a n,因a n>0,故a n+1=﹣a n不成立,舍去+1﹣a n=3,从而{a n}是公差为3,首项为2的等差数列,因此a n+1故{a n}的通项为a n=3n﹣1(2)证明:由可解得;从而因此令,则因(3n+3)3﹣(3n+5)(3n+2)2=9n+7>0,故f(n+1)>f(n)特别地,从而3T n+1﹣log2(a n+3)=log2f(n)>0即3T n+1>log2(a n+3)22.(12分)(2007•重庆)如图,中心在原点O的椭圆的右焦点为F(3,0),右准线l的方程为:x=12.(1)求椭圆的方程;(2)在椭圆上任取三个不同点P1,P2,P3,使∠P1FP2=∠P2FP3=∠P3FP1,证明:++为定值,并求此定值.【分析】(Ⅰ)设椭圆方程为,由题意知a=6,,故所求椭圆方程为.(Ⅱ)记椭圆的右顶点为A,并设∠AFP i=αi(i=1,2,3),假设,且,,又设点P i在l上的射影为Q i,因椭圆的离心率,从而有|FP i|=|P i Q i|•e==(i=1,2,3).由此入手能够推导出++为定值,并能求出此定值.【解答】解:(Ⅰ)设椭圆方程为因焦点为F(3,0),故半焦距c=3又右准线l的方程为,从而由已知,因此a=6,故所求椭圆方程为(Ⅱ)记椭圆的右顶点为A,并设∠AFP i=αi(i=1,2,3),不失一般性,假设,且,又设点P i在l上的射影为Q i,因椭圆的离心率,从而有|FP i|=|P i Q i|•e==(i=1,2,3)解得=(i=1,2,3)因此++=,而=,故++为定值.。



2007年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试数学 (重庆理卷)一、选择题:本大题共10小题,每小题5分,共50分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的. (1)若等差数列{n a }的前三项和93=S 且11=a ,则2a 等于( )A .3 B.4 C. 5 D. 6(2)命题“若12<x ,则11<<-x ”的逆否命题是( )A .若12≥x ,则1≥x 或1-≤x B.若11<<-x ,则12<x C.若1>x 或1-<x ,则12>x D.若1≥x 或1-≤x ,则12≥x(3)若三个平面两两相交,且三条交线互相平行,则这三个平面把空间分成( )A .5部分 B.6部分 C.7部分 D.8部分 (4)若nxx )1(+展开式的二项式系数之和为64,则展开式的常数项为( ) A10 B.20 C.30 D.120(5)在ABC ∆中,,75,45,300===C A AB 则BC =( )A.33-B.2C.2D.33+(6)从5张100元,3张200元,2张300元的奥运预赛门票中任取3张,则所取3张中至少有2张价格相同的概率为( )A .41 B .12079 C . 43 D .2423 (7)若a 是1+2b 与1-2b 的等比中项,则||2||2b a ab+的最大值为( )A.1552 B.42 C.55 D.22(8)设正数a,b 满足4)(22lim =-+→b ax xx 则=++--+∞→nn n n n ba ab a 2111lim( ) A .0 B .41 C .21D .1 (9)已知定义域为R 的函数f(x)在),8(+∞上为减函数,且y=f(x+8)函数为偶函数,则( )A.f(6)>f(7)B.f(6)>f(9)C.f(7)>f(9)D.f(7)>f(10)(10)如图,在四边形ABCD 中,→→→→→→→⋅=⋅=++DC BD BD AB DC BD AB ,4||||||=0,CD→→→→=⋅+⋅4||||||||DC BD BD AB 则→→→⋅+AC DC AB )(的值为( )A.2B. 22C.4D.24二、填空题:本大题共6小题,共24分,把答案填写在答题卡相应位置上(11)复数322i i+的虚部为________.(12)已知x,y 满足⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧≥≤+≤-1421x y x y x ,则函数z = x+3y 的最大值是________.(13)若函数f(x) =1222--+aax x的定义域为R ,则a 的取值范围为_______.(14)设{n a }为公比q>1的等比数列,若2004a 和2005a 是方程03842=+x x 的两根,则=+20072006a a __________.(15)某校要求每位学生从7门课程中选修4门,其中甲乙两门课程不能都选,则不同的选课方案有___________种。























பைடு நூலகம் 四川省蓬安中学校 张万建 整理 zwjozwj@
2007年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试数学卷 (宁夏.海南.理) 含答案
2007年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试数学卷 (宁夏.海南.文) 含答案
注:使用全国卷Ⅰ的省份:河北 河南 山西 广西 ;
使用全国卷Ⅱ的省份:吉林 黑龙江 云南 贵州 新疆 青海 甘肃 内蒙 西藏



二、程序阅读题, 阅读下面的程序,给出运行结果。 (本大题共 8 小题,每小题 5 分, 共 40 分) 1、 class A1{ int x = 2; public void setx(int i){ x = i; } void printa() { System.out.println(x); } } class B1 extends A1{ int x=100; void printb() { 限选课程《面向对象程序设计-Java》 (A 卷)试卷第 3 页(共 13 页)
super.x = super.x +10 ; System.out.println ("super.x= " + super.x + " x= " + x); } } public class Test { public static void main(String[] args){ B1 b1 = new B1(); b1.printb(); b1.printa(); b1.setx(6); b1.printb(); b1.printa(); } } 2、class Number {int i; } public class NumTest{ public static void main(String []args) { Number a1=new Number(); Number a2=new Number(); a1.i=27; a2=a1; a2.i=45; System.out.println(a1.i+" "+ a2.i); } } 3、interface USB{ void transmit(); } class UDisk implements USB{ public void transmit(){ System.out.println("udisk 在传输..."); } } class UPrinter implements USB{ public void transmit(){ System.out.println("uprinter 在传输..."); } } 限选课程《面向对象程序设计-Java》 (A 卷)试卷第 4 页(共 13 页)



大学英语四级模拟试题四Part I writing (30 minutes)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Chossing an Occupation . You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese:1 选择职业是一个人要面对大众多难题之一。

2 需要时间去选择职业。

3 选择职业时可以向众多人寻求建议和帮助。

Choosing an OccupationPart 2 Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes)Direction: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the question on Answers Sheet 1For questions 1-7 mark.Y(for YES)if the statement agrees with the information given in the passageN(for NO)if the statement contradicts the information given in the passageNG(for NOT GIVEN)if the information is not given in the passageFor questions 8-10 , complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.Will We Run Out Of Water?Picture a “ghost ship” sinking into the sand, left to rot on dry land by a receding sea . Then imagine dust storms sweeping up toxic pesticides and chemical fertilizers from the dry seabed and spewing then across towns and villages.Seem like a scene from a movie about the end of the word? For people living near the Aral Sea in Central Asia, it’s all too irrigate (provide water for) farmland. As a result, the sea has shrunk to half its original size, stranding ships on dry land.The seawater has tripled in salt content and become polluted, killing all 24 native species of fish.Similar large scale efforts to redirect water in other parts of the world have also ended in ecological crisis, according to numerous environmental groups .But many countries continue to build massive dams and irrigation systems, even though such projects can create more problems than they fix why? People in many parts of the world are desperate for water, and more people will need more water in the next century.“Growing populations will worsen problems with water,” says Peter H. Gleick, an environmental scientist at the Pacific Institute for studies in Development, Environment, and Security, a research organization in California. He fears that by the year 2025, as many as one third of the world’s projected 8.3 billion people will suffer from water shortages.Where Water GoesOnly 2.5 percent of all water on Earth is freshwater, water suitable for drinking and growing food, says Sandra Postel, director of the Global Water Policy Project in Amherst, Mass. Two thirds of this freshwater is locked in glaciers and ice caps. In fact, only a tiny percentage of freshwater is part of the water cycle, in which waterevaporates and rises into the atmosphere, then condenses and falls back to Earth as precipitation(rain or snow).Some precipitation runs off land to lakes and oceans, and some becomes groundwater, water that seeps into the earth. Much of this renewable freshwater ends up in remote places like the Amazon river basin in Brazil, where few people live. In fact, the world’s population has access to only 12,500 cubic kilometers of freshwater—about the amount of water in Lake Su perior. And people use half of this amount already. “If water demand continues to climb rapidly,” says Postel, “there will be severe shortages and damage to the aquatic environment.”Close to HomeWater woes may seem remote to people living in rich countries like the United States. But Americans could face serious water shortages, too especially in areas that rely on groundwater. Groundwater accumulates in aquifers, layers of sand and gravel that lie between soil and bedrock. (For every liter of surface water, more than 90 liters are hidden underground).Although the United States has large aquifers, farmers, ranchers, and cities are tapping many of them for water faster than nature can replenish it. In northwest Texas, for example, over pumping has shrunk groundwater supplies by 25 percent, according to Postel.Americans may face even more urgent problems from pollution. Drinking water in the United States is generally safe and meets high standards. Nevertheless, one in five Americans every day unknowingly drinks tap water contaminated with bacteria and chemical wastes, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. In Milwaukee, 400,000 people fell ill in 1993 after drinking tap water tainted with cryptosporidium, a microbe that causes fever, diarrhea and vomiting.The SourceWhere so contaminants come from? In developing countries, people dump raw sewage into the same streams and rivers from which they draw water for drinking and cooking; about 250 million people a year get sick from water borne diseases.In developed countries, manufacturers use 100,000 chemical compounds to make a wide range of products. Toxic chemicals pollute water when released untreated into rivers and lakes. (Certain compounds, such as polychlorinated biphenyls, or PCBs, have been banned in the United States.)But almost everyone contributes to water pollution. People often pour household cleaners, car antifreeze, and paint thinners down the drain; All of these contain hazardous chemicals. Scientists studying water in the San Francisco Bay reported in 1996 that 70 percent of the pollutants could be traced to household waste.Farmers have been criticized for overusing herbicides and pesticides, chemicals that kill weeds and insects but insects but that pollutes water as well. Farmers also use nitrates, nitrogen rich fertilizer that helps plants grow but that can wreak havoc onthe environment. Nitrates are swept away by surface runoff to lakes and seas. Too many nitrates “over enrich” these bodies of water, encouraging the buildup of algae, or microscopic plants that live on the surface of the water. Algae deprive the water of oxygen that fish need to survive, at times choking off life in an entire body of water. What’s the Solution?Water expert Gleick advocates conservation and local solutions to water related problems; governments, for instance, would be better off building small scale dams rather than huge and disruptive projects like the one that ruined the Aral Sea.“More than 1 billion people worldwide don’t have access to basic clean drinking water,”says Gleick. “There has to be a strong push on the part of everyone governments and ordinary people—to make sure we have a resource so fundamental to life.”huge water projects have diverted the rivers causes the Aral Sea to shrink.2. The construction of massive dams and irrigation projects does more good than harm.3. The chief causes of water shortage are population growth and water pollution.4. The problems Americans face concerning water are ground water shrinkage and tap water pollution.5. According to the passage all water pollutants come from household waste.6. The people living in the United States will not be faced with water shortages.7. Water expert Gleick has come up with the best solution to water related problems.1.[Y][N][NG]2.[Y][N][NG]3.[Y][N][NG]4.[Y][N][NG]5.[Y][N][NG]6.[Y][N][NG]7.[Y][N][NG]8. According to Peter H. Gleick, by the year 2025, as many as of the world’s people will suffer from water shortages .9.Two thirds of the freshwater on Earth is locked in .10.In developed countries, before toxic chemicals are released into rivers and lakes, they should be treated in order to avoid .Part III Listening Comprehension(35 minutes)Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked [A],[B],[C]and[D], and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.11.[A]Wait for the sale to start. [B]Get further information about the sale.[C]Call the TV station to be sure if the ad is true. [D]Buy a new suit.12.[A]He doesn’t think that John is ill.[B]He thinks that perhaps John is not in very good health.[C]He is aware that John is ill.[D]He doesn’t think that John has a very good knowledge of physics.13.[A]Before six. [B]At six. [C]After six. [D]After seven.14.[A]It is bigger. [B]It is of a prettier color.[C]It has a larger yard. [D]It is brighter.15.[A]Australian and American. [B]Guest and host.[C]Husband and wife. [D]Professor and student.16.[A]1∶30 [B]11∶00 [C]9∶30 [D]10∶0017.[A]He prefers staying at home because the bus is too late.[B]He prefers staying at home because he doesn’t like to travel.[C]He prefers taking a bus because the plane makes him nervous.[D]He prefers traveling with the woman.18.[A]He thinks she should visit her cousin.[B]Her cousin doesn’t visit very often.[C]Her cousin is feeling a lot better today.[D]He doesn’t think her cousin has been at home today.Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.19.[A]Two different types of bones in the human body.[B]How bones help the body move.[C]How bones continuously repair themselves.[D]The chemical composition of human bones.20.[A]They defend the bone against viruses.[B]They prevent oxygen from entering the bone.[C]They break down bone tissue.[D]They connect the bone to muscle tissue.21.[A]They have difficulty identifying these cells.[B]They aren’t sure how these cells work.[C]They’ve learned how to reproduce these cells.[D]They’ve found similar cells in other species.22.[A]To learn how to prevent a bone disease.[B]To understand differences between bone tissue and other tissue.[C]To find out how specialized bone cells have evolved.[D]To create artificial bone tissueQuestions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.23.[A]A new fuel for buses. [B]The causes of air pollution.[C]A way to improve fuel efficiency in buses. [D]Careers in environmental engineering.24.[A]Her car is being repaired. [B]She wants to help reduce pollution. [C]Parking is difficult in the city. [D]The cost of fuel has increased.25.[A]A fuel that burns cleanly.[B]An oil additive that helps cool engines.[C]A material from which filters are made.[D]An insulating material sprayed on engine parts.Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked [A], [B], [C]and [D].Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.Passage OneQuestions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.26.[A]From three to five months. [B]Three months.[C]Five months. [D]Four months.27. A]Watch traffic. [B]Obey commands.[C]Cross streets safely. [D]Guard the door.28.[A]Three weeks. [B]Two weeks. [C]Four weeks. [D]Five weeks. Passage TwoQuestions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard.29.[A]Two to four times. [B]Four to six times.[C]Four to eight times. [D]Six to ten times.30.[A]Sleeping pills made people go into REM sleep quickly.[B]People had more dreams after they took sleeping pills.[C]People became angry easily because they didn’t take sleeping pills.[D]Sleeping pills prevented people from going into REM sleep.31.[A]People dream so as to sleep better.[B]People dream in order not to go into REM sleep.[C]Because they may run into difficult problems in their dreams.[D]Because in their dreams they may find the answers to their problems. Passage ThreeQuestions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.32.[A]A sales representative. [B]A store manager.[C]A committee chairperson. [D]A class president.33.[A]To determine who will graduate this year.[B]To discuss the seating arrangement.[C]To choose the chairperson of the ceremonies.[D]To begin planning the graduation ceremonies.34.[A]Their names, phone numbers and job preference.[B]The names and addresses of their guests.[C]The names of the committee they worked on last year.[D]Their dormitory name, address and phone number.35.[A]In an hour. [B]Next week.[C]In one month. [D]Next year.Section CDirections: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage isread for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in you own words. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.In the English (36)system, students take three very important examinations. The first is the eleven-plus, which is (37) at the age of eleven or a little past. At one time the (38)or (39)shown on the eleven-plus would have (40)if a child stayed in school. Now, however, all children continue in (41) schools, and the eleven-plus determines which courses of study the child will follow. At the age of fifteen or sixteen, the students are (42)for the Ordinary (43)of the General Certificate of Education. (44). Once students have passed this exam, they are allowed to specialize, so that two-thirds or more of their courses will be in physics, chemistry, classical languages, or whatever they wish to study at greater length. (45). Even at the universities, students study only in their concentrated area, and very few students ever venture out-side that subject again.(46).Part ⅣReading Comprehension(Reading in Depth)(25 minutes)Section ADirections: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.Questions 47 to 56 are based on the following passage.Shopping habits in the United States have changed greatly in the last quarter of the 20th century. 47 in the 1900s most American towns and cities had a Main Street. Main Street was always the heart of a town. This street was lined on the both sides with many 48 businesses. Here, shoppers walked into stores to look at all sorts of merchandise: clothing, furniture, hardware, groceries. In addition, some shops offered 49 . There shops included drugstores, restaurants, shoe repair stores, and barber or hairdressing shops. But in the 1950s, a change began to 50 place. Too many automobiles had crowded into Main Street while too few parking places were 51 to shoppers. Because the streets were crowded, merchants began to look with interest at the open spaces outside the city limits. Open space is what their car driving customers needed. And open space is what they got when the first shopping centre was built. Shopping centers, or rather malls, 52 as a collection of small new stores away from crowded city centers. 53 by hundreds of free parking space, customers were drawn away from 54 areas to outlying malls. And the growing 55 of shopping centers led in turn to the building of bigger and better stocked stores. By the late 1970s, manyshopping malls had almost developed into small cities themselves. In addition to providing the 56 of the stop shopping, malls were transformed into landscaped parks, with benches, fountains, and outdoor entertainment.[A]designed [F]convenience [K]cosmetics[B]take [G]services [L]started[C]Early [H]fame [M]downtown[D]Attracted [I]various [N]available[E]though [J]popularity [O]cheapnessSection BDirections: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked [A], [B], [C]and [D].You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. Passage OneQuestions 57 to 61 are based on the following passage.Culture is one of the most challenging elements of the international marketplace. This system of learned behavior patterns characteristic of the members of a given society is constantly shaped by a set of dynamic variables: language, religion, values and attitudes, manners and customs, aesthetics, technology, education, and social institutions. To cope with this system, an international manager needs both factual and interpretive knowledge of culture. To some extent, the factual knowledge can be learned; its interpretation comes only through experience.The most complicated problems in dealing with the cultural environment stem from the fact that one cannot learn culture one has to live it. Two schools of thought exist in the business world on how to deal with cultural diversity. One is that business is b usiness the world around, following the model of Pepsi and McDonald’s. In some cases, globalization is a fact of life; however, cultural differences are still far from converging.The other school proposes that companies must tailor business approaches to individual cultures. Setting up policies and procedures in each country has been compared to an organ transplant; the critical question centers around acceptance or rejection. The major challenge to the international manager is to make sure that rejection is not a result of cultural myopia or even blindness.Fortune examined the international performance of a dozen large companies that earn 20 percent or more of their revenue overseas. The internationally successful companies all share an important quality: patience. They have not rushed into situations but rather built their operations carefully by following the most basic business principles. These principles are to know your adversary, know your audience, and know your customer.57. According to the passage, which of the following is true?[A]All international managers can learn culture.[B]Business diversity is not necessary.[C]Views differ on how to treat culture in business world.[D]Most people do not know foreign culture well.58. According to the author, the model of Pepsi.[A]is in line with the theories of the school advocating the business is business the world around.[B]is different from the model of McDonald’s[C]shows the reverse of globalization[D]has converged cultural differences59. The two schools of thought.[A]both propose that companies should tailor business approaches to individual cultures[B]both advocate that different policies be set up in different countries[C]admit the existence of cultural diversity in business world[D]Both A and B60. This article is supposed to be most useful for those.[A]who are interested in researching the topic of cultural diversity[B]who have connections to more than one type of culture[C]who want to travel abroad[D]who want to run business on International Scale61. According to Fortune, successful international companies.[A]earn 20 percent or more of their revenue overseas[B]all have the quality of patience[C]will follow the overseas local cultures[D]adopt the policy of internationalizationPassage TwoQuestions 62 to 66 are based on the following passage.There are people in Italy who can’t stand s occer. Not all Canadians love hockey. A similar situation exists in America, where there are those individuals you may be one of them who yawn or even frown when somebody mentions baseball. Baseball to them means boring hours watching grown men in funny tight outfits standing around in a field staring away while very little of anything happens. They tell you it’s a game better suited to the 19th century, slow, quiet, and gentlemanly. These are the same people you may be one of them who love football because there’s the sport that glorifies “the hit”.By contrast, baseball seems abstract, cool, silent, still.On TV the game is fractured into a dozen perspectives, replays, close ups. The geometry of the game, however, is essential to understanding it. You will contemplate the game from one point as a painter does his subject; you may, of course, project yourself into the game. It is in this projection that the game affords so much space and time for involvement. The TV won’t do it for you.Take, for example, the third baseman. You sit behind the third base dugout and you watch him watching home plate. His legs are apart, knees flexed. His arms hang loose. He does a lot of this. The skeptic still cannot think of any other sports so still, so passive. But watch what happens every time the pitcher throws: the third basemangoes up on his toes, flexes his arms or bring the glove to a point in front of him, takes a step right or left, backward or forward, perhaps he glances across the field to check his first baseman’s position. Suppose the pitch is a ball. “Nothing happened,” you say. “I could have had my eyes closed.”The skeptic and the innocent must play the game. And this involvement in the stands is no more intellectual than listening to music is. Watch the third baseman. Smooth the dirt in front of you with one foot; smooth the pocket in your glove; watch the eyes of the batter, the speed of the bat, the sound of horsehide on wood. If football is a symphony of movement and theatre, baseball is chamber music, a spacious interlocking of notes, chores and responses.62.The passage is mainly concerned with .[A]the different tastes of people for sports[B]the different characteristics of sports [C]the attraction of football D]the attraction of baseball63.Those who don’t like baseball may complain that.[A]it is only to the taste of the old [B]it involves fewer players than football [C]it is not exciting enough [D]it is pretentious and looks funny64.The author admits that.[A]baseball is too peaceful for the young[B]baseball may seem boring when watched on TV[C]football is more attracting than baseball[D]baseball is more interesting than football65.By stating “I could have had my eyes closed.” the author means (4th paragraph last sentence).[A]The third baseman would rather sleep than play the game[B]Even if the third baseman closed his eyes a moment ago, it could make no different to the result[C]The third baseman is so good at baseball that he could finish the game with eyes closed all the time and do his work well[D]The consequent was too bad he could not bear to see it66.We can safely conclude that the author.[A]likes football [B]hates football[C]hates baseball [D]likes baseballPart ⅤCloze (15 minutes)Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked [A], [B], [C]and [D]on the right side of the paper. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.Who won the World Cup 1994 football game? What happened at the United Nations? How did the critics like the new play? 67 an event takes place; newspapers are on the streets 68 the details. Wherever anything happens in the world, reports are on the spot to 69 the news.Newspapers have one basic 70 , to get the news as quickly as possible from its source,from those who make it to those who want to 71 it. Radio, telegraph, television, and 72 inventions brought competition for newspapers. So did the development of magazines and other means of communication. 73 , this competition merely spurred the newspapers on. They quickly made use of the newer and faster means of communication to improve the 74 and thus the efficiency of their own operations. Today more newspapers are 75 and read than ever before. Competition also led newspapers to branch out to many other fields. Besides keeping readers 76 of the latest news, today’s newspapers 77 and influence readers about politics and other important and serious matters. Newspapers influence readers’ economic choices 78 advertising. Most newspapers depend on advertising for their very 79 .News papers is sold at a price that 80 even a small fraction of the cost of production. The main 81 of income for most newspapers is commercial advertising. The 82 in selling advertising depends on a newspaper’s val ue to advertisers. This 83 in terms of circulation. How many people read the newspaper? Circulation depends 84 on the work of the circulation department and on the services or entertainment 85 in a newspaper’s pages. But for the most part, circulation depe nds on a newspaper’s value to readers as a source of information 86 the community, city, country, state, nation, and world and even outer space.67.[A]Just when [B]While [C]Soon after [D]Before68.[A]to give [B]giving [C]given [D]being given69.[A]gather [B]spread [C]carry [D]bring70.[A]reason [B]cause [C]problem [D]purpose71.[A]make [B]publish [C]know [D]write72.[A]another [B]other [C]one another [D]the other73.[A]However [B]And [C]Therefore [D]So74.[A]value [B]ratio [C]rate [D]speed75.[A]spread [B]passed [C]printed [D]completed76.[A]inform [B]be informed [C]to informed [D]informed77.[A]entertain [B]encourage [C]educate [D]edit78.[A]on [B]through [C]with [D]of79.[A]forms [B]existence [C]contents [D]purpose80.[A]tries to cover B]manages to cover [C]fails to cover[D]succeeds in81.[A]source [B]origin [C]course [D finance82.[A]way [B]means [C]chance [D]success83.[A]measures [B]measured[C]is measured [D]was measured84.[A]somewhat [B]little [C]much [D]something85.[A]offering [B]offered [C]which offered[D]to be offered86.[A]by [B]with [C]at [D]aboutPart ⅥTranslation(5 minutes)Direction: Complete the sentences on Answer Sheet 2 by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets.87.There’s a man at the reception desk who seems very angry and I think he means(想找麻烦) .88.Why didn’t you tell me you could lend me the money? I (本来不必从银行借钱的) .89.(正是由于她太没有经验) that she does not know how to deal with the situation.90.I (将在做实验) from three to five this afternoon.91.If this can’t be settled reasonably, it may be necessary to (诉诸武力) .答案Part I Writing【写作思路】本文是一篇关于择业的议论文。



绝密★启用前 解密时间:2008年6月7日17:00 【考试时间:6月7日15:00—17:00】2007年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(重庆卷)数学试题卷(理工农医类)一、 选择题:(本大题共10小题,每小题5分,共50分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.)(1)若等差数列{n a }的前三项和93=S 且11=a ,则2a 等于( ) A .3 B.4 C. 5 D. 6(2)命题“若12<x ,则11<<-x ”的逆否命题是( )A .若12≥x ,则1≥x 或1-≤x B.若11<<-x ,则12<x C.若1>x 或1-<x ,则12>x D.若1≥x 或1-≤x ,则12≥x(3)若三个平面两两相交,且三条交线互相平行,则这三个平面把空间分成( )A .5部分 B.6部分 C.7部分 D.8部分(4)若n xx )1(+展开式的二项式系数之和为64,则展开式的常数项为( )A.10B.20C.30D.120 (5)在ABC ∆中,,75,45,300===C A AB 则BC =( )A.33-B.2C.2D.33+(6)从5张100元,3张200元,2张300元的奥运预赛门票中任取3张,则所 取3张中至少有2张价格相同的概率为( )A .41B .12079C . 43D .2423(7)若a 是1+2b 与1-2b 的等比中项,则||2||2b a ab+的最大值为( )A.1552 B.42 C.55 D.22(8)设正数a,b 满足4)(22lim =-+→b ax x x , 则=++--+∞→nn n n n b a ab a 2111lim ( ) A .0 B .41 C .21D .1 (9)已知定义域为R 的函数f(x)在),8(+∞上为减函数,且函数y=f(x+8)函数为偶函数,则( )BAA.f(6)>f(7)B.f(6)>f(9)C.f(7)>f(9)D.f(7)>f(10) (10)如图,在四边形ABCD ||||||4,0,AB BD DC AB BD BD DC →→→→→→→++=⋅=⋅=→→→→=⋅+⋅4||||||||DC BD BD AB ,则→→→⋅+AC DC AB )(的值为( A.2 B. 22 C.4 D.24二、填空题:本大题共6小题,共24分,把答案填写在答题卡相应位置上(11)复数322ii+的虚部为________. (12)已知x,y 满足⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧≥≤+≤-1421x y x y x ,则函数z = x+3y 的最大值是________.(13)若函数R ,则a 的取值范围为_______.(14)设{n a }为公比q>1的等比数列,若2004a 和2005a 是方程24830x x -+=的两根,则=+20072006a a __________.(15)某校要求每位学生从7门课程中选修4门,其中甲、乙两门课程不能都选,则不同的选课方案有___________种。



Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep .-- Shakespeare2007年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(重庆卷)数学(理科)试卷参考答案 一、选择题(每小题5分,满分50分)1.A 2.D 3.C 4.B 5.A6.C 7.B 8.B 9.D 10.C二、填空题11.4512.713.[-1,0]14.1815.2516.833三、解答题17.(本小题13分)解:(I )f (x )=1cos 263sin 22xx+-=3c os2x - 3si n 2x +3 =2313(cos 2sin 2)322x x -+ =23cos(2)36x π++故f (x )的最大值为233+最小正周期T=22ππ= (II )由f (α)=323-得23cos(2)33236πα++=-,故cos(2)16πα+=- 又0<α<2π得2666πππαπ<+<+,故26παπ+=,解得512πα= 从而4tan tan353πα==18.(本小题13分) 解:设A k 表示第k 辆车在一年内发生此种事故,k =1,2,3。

由题意知A 1,A 2,A 3独立,且P (A 1)=19,P (A 2)=110,P (A 3)=111(I )该单位一年内获赔的概率为1-P (123A A A )=1-123()()()p A P A p A =1-891039101111⨯⨯= (II )ξ的所有可能值为0,9000,18000,27000。

P (ξ=0)= P (123A A A )=123()()()p A P A p A =891089101111⨯⨯=, P (ξ=9000)=P (123A A A )+P (123A A A )+P (123A A A )=P (A 1)P (2A )P (3A )+ P (1A )P (A 2)P (3A )+ P (1A )P (2A )P (A 3) =19108110891910119101191011⨯⨯+⨯⨯+⨯⨯ =2421199045= P (ξ=18000)=P (123A A A )+P (123A A A )+P (123A A A ) =1110191811910119101191011⨯⨯+⨯⨯+⨯⨯ =273990110= P (ξ=27000)=P (A 1 A 2 A 3)= P (A 1)P (A 2)P (A 3)=111191011990⨯⨯= 综上所述,ξ的分布列为 ξ0 9000 18000 27000 P(II )求ξ的期望有两种解法:解法一:由ξ的分布列得E ξ=811310900018000270001145110990⨯+⨯+⨯+⨯ =2990011≈2718.18(元) 解法二:设ξk 表示第k 辆车一年内的获赔金额,k =1,2,3。



Unit 1Difficult Sentences1. There is often a reference to William Shakespeare or Charles Dickens to encourage him even more.Who are “William Shakespeare” and “Charles Dickens”?(= Shakespeare is the world’s most popular playwright while Dickens is the greatest English novelist of the 19th century.)Why are they mentioned in the advertisements?(= The people who run the advertisements just want to use quotations to support their points.)2. If it were as easy to learn English as they say, I would have to look for another job, because very few qualified teachers would be needed.What is the author’s profession?(= He must be an English teacher whose job is to train qualified English teachers.) 3. …and it is no use pretending that anyone has discovered a perfect way of teaching English in every possible situation.What are the meaning and the usage of the phrase “it is no use …”?1) The phrase means “it has no effect …”.2) Whenever we use this phrase we should always use the V-ing form after it.More examples:* It’s no use complaining.* It’s no use crying over spilt milk, —he’s spent all the money, and there’s nothing you can do about it.)Translate this part into Chinese.(= 而且也无需装模作样地声称有什么人已经找到了一个万能的适合所有学习环境的教学方法。







(7渝)4.近百年来,图示区域冰川面积快速减少的主要原因是A.温室气体增加B.太阳辐射增强 C.臭氧空洞扩大 D.酸雨危害严重5.当甲地一年中雪线最低的时候A.澳大利亚东南牧场牧民正忙于剪羊毛B.北印度洋的洋流呈顺时针流动C.美国北部森林内地面光照为最强的季节D.巴西高原正值干季草木枯黄读中国最长两条河流部分河段沿程水温变化图,回答6~8题。

(7渝)6.图示黄河段沿程年平均水温线是A.X1 B.Y1 C.X2 D.Y27.两河海拔2000~1000米河段水温变化幅度A.2月长江大于黄河B.2月长江小于黄河C.7月长江大于黄河D.7月长江与黄河相近8.河流水温变化与其流经地区的气候相关,Y河甲河段冬夏季水温差异小,因其穿行在A.横断山区 B.四川盆地 C.黄土高原D.太行山区下图为a城到d城之间的高速公路建设规划示意图。


(7渝)9.图中高速公路建设选择乙方案,其原因可能是①单位距离建设成本低②沿河谷走向自然障碍小③促进沿线地区城镇发展④保护重点风景名胜区A.①② B.①④C.②③ D.③④10.c地建休闲度假地最有利的区位条件是A.环境承载量大,旅游配套设施好B.环境优美,旅游配套设施好C.环境承载量大,交通便捷靠近市场D.环境优美,交通便捷靠近市场11.最适宜在b城发展的工业部门是A.建材工业B.仪表工业 C.造纸工业 D.森林工业二、综合题12、(36分)上图是我国甲乙两省2005年农业产值结构图,下图是两省耕地面积变化图。



cba2007年全国各地高考数学 (重庆理)一、选择题:本大题共10小题,每小题5分,共50分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.(1)若等差数列{n a }的前三项和93=S 且11=a ,则2a 等于( ) A.3 B.4 C. 5 D.6【答案】:A【分析】:由3133339S a d d =+=+=可得 2.d =21 3.a a d ∴=+=(2)命题“若12<x ,则11<<-x ”的逆否命题是( )A.若12≥x ,则1≥x 或1-≤xB.若11<<-x ,则12<x C.若1>x 或1-<x ,则12>x D.若1≥x 或1-≤x ,则12≥x【答案】:D【分析】:其逆否命题是:若1≥x 或1-≤x ,则12≥x 。

(3)若三个平面两两相交,且三条交线互相平行,则这三个平面把空间分成( )A.5部分B.6部分C.7部分D.8部分 【答案】:C【分析】:可用三线,,a b c 表示三个平面,如图,将空间分成7个部分。

(4)若nxx )1(+展开式的二项式系数之和为64,则展开式的常数项为( ) A.10 B.20 C.30 D.120【答案】:B【分析】:662166264 6..n r r r r rr n T C x x C x ---+=⇒=⇒=⋅= 346620320.r r T C ⇒-=⇒=∴==(5)在ABC ∆中,,75,45,300===C A AB 则BC =( )A.33-B.2C.2D.33+ 【答案】:A 【分析】:003,45,75,AB A C ===由正弦定理得:,sin sin sin 45sin 756a cBC ABA C =⇒==+3BC ∴=(6)从5张100元,3张200元,2张300元的奥运预赛门票中任取3张,则所取3张中至少有2张价格相同的概率为( )A.41 B.12079 C. 43 D.2423 【答案】:C【分析】:可从对立面考虑,即三张价格均不相同,11153231031.4C C C P C ⇒=-= (7)若a 是1+2b 与1-2b 的等比中项,则||2||2b a ab+的最大值为( )A.1552 B.42 C.55 D.22【答案】:B【分析】:a 是1+2b 与1-2b 的等比中项,则222214414||.a b a b ab =-⇒+=≥1||.4ab ∴≤2224(||2||)4|| 1.ab a b ab +=+-=2||2||aba b∴=≤=+ ==11||4,4||ab ab ≤∴≥=(8)设正数a,b 满足4)(22lim =-+→b ax xx , 则=++--+∞→nn n n n b a ab a 2111lim( )A.0B.41C.21D.1 【答案】:B 【分析】:221()44242.2lim x a x ax b a b a b b →+-=⇒+-=⇒=∴=DBA11111()()122.24()2()22lim lim lim n n n n n n nn n n n a a a a a ab b b ab a b a +--→∞→∞→∞+++∴===+++ (9)已知定义域为R 的函数f(x)在),8(+∞上为减函数,且函数y=f(x+8)函数为偶函数,则( )A.f(6)>f(7)B.f(6)>f(9)C.f(7)>f(9)D.f(7)>f(10)【答案】:D【分析】:y=f(x+8)为偶函数,(8)(8).f x f x ⇒+=-+即()y f x =关于直线8x =对称。



(2)若 BC = 2 ,求二面角 A1 DC1 B1 的平面角的正切值。
(20)(本小题满分 13 分)已知函数 f (x) ax 4 ln x bx 4 c (x>0)在 x = 1 处取得极值--3--
c,其中 a,b,c 为常数。 (1)试确定 a,b 的值; (2)讨论函数 f(x)的单调区间;
2007 年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试
数学 (重庆理卷)
一、选择题:本大题共 10 小题,每小题 5 分,共 50 分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有
(1)若等差数列{ an }的前三项和 S3 9 且 a1 1 ,则 a2 等于( )
(2)命题“若 x 2 1,则 1 x 1 ”的逆否命题是( )
D.8 部分
D. 3 3
的最大值为( )
a n1 ab n1
m a n1 2bn

(10)如图,在四边形 ABCD 中,| AB | | BD | | DC | 4, AB BD BD DC =0,
(4)若 (x 1 )n 展开式的二项式系数之和为 64,则展开式的常数项为( ) x
(5)在 ABC 中, AB 3, A 450 , C 750 , 则 BC =( )
A. 3 3
B. 2
(6)从 5 张 100 元,3 张 200 元,2 张 300 元的奥运预赛门票中任取 3 张,则所取 3 张中












以下数据可供解题时参考:相对原子质量:H 1 C 12 N 14 O 16第一部分(选择题每题6分,共126分)14.可见光光子的能量在1.61 eV~3.10 eV范围内.若氢原子从高能级跃迁到量子数为n的低能级的谱线中有可见光,根据氢原子能级图(题14图)可判断n为A.1B.2C.3D.415.汽车电动机启动时车灯会瞬时变暗,如图15图,在打开车灯的情况下,电动机未启动时电流表读数为10 A,电动机启动时电流表读数为58 A,若电源电动势为12.5 V,内阻为0.05 Ω,电流表内阻不计,则因电动机启动,车灯的电功率降低了A.35.8 WB.43.2 WC.48.2 WD.76.8 W16.如题16图,悬挂在O点的一根不可伸长的绝缘细线下端有一个带电量不变的小球A. 在两次实验中,均缓慢移动另一带同种电荷的小球B.当B到达悬点O的正下方并与A在同一水平线上,A处于受力平衡时,悬线偏离竖直方向的角度为θ,若两次实验中B的电量分30°和45°.则q2/q1为别为q1和q2, θ分别为A.2B.3C.23D.3317.为估算池中睡莲叶面承受出滴撞击产生的平均压强,小明在雨天将一圆柱形水杯置于露台,测得1小时内杯中水上升了45 mm.查询得知,当时雨滴竖直下落速度约为12 m/s.据此估算该压强约为(设雨滴撞击睡莲后无反弹,不计雨滴重力,雨水的密度为1×103kg/m3) A.0.15 Pa B.0.54 PaC.1.5 PaD.5.4 Pa18.真空中有一平行板电容器,两极板分别由铂和钾(其极限波长分别为λ1和λ2)制成,板面积为S ,间距为d .现用波长为λ(λ2<λ<λ2)的单色光持续照射两板内表面,则电容器的最终带电量成正比 A.⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-11λλλλS d B.⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-212λλλλS d C.⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-11λλλλd S D.⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-22λλλλd S 选择题二本题包括3小题,每小题6分,共18分.每小题给出的四个选项中,至少有两个选项是正确的,全部选对的得6分,选对但不全的得3分,有选错的得0分)19.土卫十和土卫十一是土星的两颗卫星,都沿近似为圆周的轨道线土星运动.其参数如表:两卫星相比土卫十A.受土星的万有引力较大B.绕土星的圆周运动的周期较大C.绕土星做圆周运动的向心加速度较大D.动能较大20.下列说法正确的是A.正弦交变电流的有效值是最大值的2倍B.声波是织波,声源振动越快,声波传播也越快C.在某介质中,红光折射率比其他色光的小,故红光传播速度比其他色光的大21.氧气钢瓶充气后压强高于外界人气压,假设缓慢漏气时瓶内外温度始终相等且保持不变,氧气分子之间的相互作用.在该漏气过程中瓶内氧气A.分子总数减少,分子总动能不变B.密度降低,分子平均动能不变C.吸收热量,膨胀做功D.压强降低,不对外做功第二部分(非选择题共174分)22.(请在答题卡上作答)(17分)(1)在“描绘小灯泡的伏安特性曲线”实验中.用导线a、b、c、d、e、f、g和h按题22图1所示方式连接电路,电路中所有元器件都完好,且电压表和电流表已调零.闭合开关后;①若电压表的示数为2 V,电流表的的示数为零,小灯泡不亮,则断路的导线为_________;②若电压表的示数为零,电流表的示数为0.3 A,小灯泡亮,则断路的导线为_________;③若反复调节滑动变阻器,小灯泡亮度发生变化,但电压表、电流表的示数不能调为零,则断路的导线为____________.(2)建造重庆长江大桥复线桥高将长百米、重千余吨的钢梁从江水中吊起(题22图2)、施工时采用了将钢梁与水面成一定倾角出水的起吊方案,为了探究该方案的合理性,某研究性学习小组做了两个模拟实验.研究将钢板从水下水平拉出(实验1)和以一定倾角拉出(实验2)的过程中总拉力的变化情况.①必要的实验器材有:钢板、细绳、水盆、水、支架、刻度尺、计时器和等.②根据实验曲线(题22图3),实验2中的最大总拉力比实验1中的最大总拉力降低了.③根据分子动理论,实验1中最大总拉力明显增大的原因是.④可能导致测量拉力的实验误差的原因有:读数不准、钢板有油污、等等(答出两个即可)23.(16分)t=0时,磁场在xOy平面内的分布如题23图所示.其磁感应强度的大小均为B0,方向垂直于xOy平面,相邻磁场区域的磁场方向相反.每个同向磁场区域的宽度均为l0.整个磁场以速度v沿x轴正方向匀速运动.(1)若在磁场所在区间,xOy平面内放置一由a匝线圈串联而成的矩形导线框abcd,线框的bc 边平行于x轴.bc=l B、ab=L,总电阻为R,线框始终保持静止.求①线框中产生的总电动势大小和导线中的电流大小;②线框所受安培力的大小和方向.(2)该运动的磁场可视为沿x轴传播的波,设垂直于纸面向外的磁场方向为正,画出L=0时磁感应强度的波形图,并求波长 和频率f.24.(9分)飞行时同质谱仪可通过测量离子飞行时间得到离子的荷质比q/m.如题24图1,带正电的离子经电压为U的电场加速后进入长度为L的真空管AB,可测得离子飞越AB所用时间L1.改进以上方法,如图24图2,让离子飞越AB后进入场强为E(方向如图)的匀强电场区域BC,在电场的作用下离子返回B端,此时,测得离子从A出发后飞行的总时间t2,(不计离子重力)(1)忽略离子源中离子的初速度,①用t1计算荷质比;②用t2计算荷质比.(2)离子源中相同荷质比离子的初速度不尽相同,设两个荷质比都为q/m的离子在A端的速度分别为v和v′(v≠v′),在改进后的方法中,它们飞行的总时间通常不同,存在时间差Δt.可通过调节电场E使Δt=0.求此时E的大小.25.(20分)某兴趣小组设计了一种实验装置,用来研究碰撞问题,其模型如题25图所示不用完全相同的轻绳将N个大小相同、质量不等的小球并列悬挂于一水平杆、球间有微小间隔,从左到右,球的编号依次为1、2、3……N,球的质量依次递减,每球质量与其相邻左球质量之比为k(k<1).将1号球向左拉起,然后由静止释放,使其与2号球碰撞,2号球再与3号球碰撞……所有碰撞皆为无机械能损失的正碰.(不计空气阻力,忽略绳的伸长,g取10 m/s2)(1)设与n+1号球碰撞前,n号球的速度为v n,求n+1号球碰撞后的速度.(2)若N=5,在1号球向左拉高h的情况下,要使5号球碰撞后升高16k(16 h小于绳长)问k 值为多少?26.(14分)脱除天然气中的硫化氢既能减少环境污染,又可回收硫资源.(1)硫化氢与FeCl3溶液反应生成单质硫,其离子方程式为.(2)用过量NaOH溶液吸收硫化氢后,以石墨作电极电解该溶液可回收硫、其电解总反应方程式(忽略氧的氧化还原)为;该方法的优点是. (3)一定温度下1 mol NH4 HS固体在定容真空容器中可部分分解为硫化氢和氨气.①当反应达平衡时ρ氨气×p硫化氢=a(Pa2),则容器中的总压为Pa;②题26图是上述反应过程中生成物浓度随时间变化的示意图.若t2时增大氨气的浓度且在t3时反应再次达到平衡,诸在图上画出t2时刻后氨气、硫化氢的浓度随时间的变化曲线.27.(16分)某兴趣小组设计出题27图所示装置来改进教材中“铜与硝酸反应”实验,以探究化学实验的绿色化.方案反应物甲Cu、浓HNO3乙Cu、稀HNO3丙Cu、O2、稀HNO3(1)实验前,关闭活塞b,试管d中加水至浸没长导管口,塞紧试管c和d的胶塞,加热c.其目的是.(2)在d中加适量NaOH溶液,c中放一小块铜片,由分液漏斗a向c中加入2 mL浓硝酸.c 中反应的化学方程式是.再由a向e中加2 mL蒸馏水,c中的实验现象是.(3)题27表是制取硝酸铜的三种方案,能体现绿色化学理念的最佳方案是. 再由a向c中加2 mL蒸馏水,c中的实验现象是.(4)该小组还用上述装置进行实验证明氧化性KMnO4>Cl2>Br2.操作步骤为,实验现象为;但此实验的不足之处是.28.(16分)有机物A、B、C互为同分异构体,分子式为C5H8O2,有关的转化关系如题28图所示,已知:A的碳链无支链,且1 mol A 能与4 mol Ag(NH3)2OH完全反应;B为五元环酯.提示:(1)A中所含官能团是.(2)B、H结构简式为.(3)写出下列反应方程式(有机物用结构简式表示)E→C ;E→F .(4)F的加聚产物的结构简式为.29.(14分)a、b、c、d、e是短周期元素,周期表中a与b、b与c相邻;a与c的最外层电子数之比为2∶3,b的最外层电子数比c的最外层电子数少1个;常见化合物d2c2与水反应生成c 的单质,且溶液使酚酞试液变红.(1)e的元素符号是.(2)a、b、c的氢化物稳定性顺序为(用分子式表示) ;b的氢化物和b的最高价氧化物的水化物反应生成Z,则Z中的化学键类型为,Z的晶体类型为;ab-离子的电子式为.(3)由a、c、d形成化合物的水溶液显碱性,其原因是(用离子方程式表示) .(4)一定量的d2c2与ac2反应后的固体物质,恰好与0.8 mol稀盐酸溶液完全反应,并收集到0.25 mol气体,则用物质的量表示该固体物质的组成为.30.(21分)李振声院士获得了2006年度国家最高科技奖,其主要成就是实现了小麦同偃麦草的远缘杂交,培合出了多个小偃麦品种.请回答下列有关小麦遗传育种的问题:(1)如果小偃麦早熟(A)对晚熟(a)是显性,抗干热(B)对不抗干热(b)是显性(两对)基因自由组合,在研究这两对相对性状的杂交试验中,以某亲本与双隐性纯合子杂交,F1代性状分离比为1∶1,请写出此亲本可能的基因型:.(2)如果决定小偃麦抗寒与不抗寒的一对基因在叶绿体DNA上,若以抗寒晚熟与不抗寒早熟的纯合亲本杂交,要得到抗寒早熟个体,需用表现型为本,该纯合的抗寒早熟个体最早出现在代.(3)小偃麦有蓝粒品种,如果有一蓝粒小偃麦变异株,籽粒变为白粒,经检查,体细胞缺少一对染色体,这属Ⅰ染色体变异中的变异.如果将这一变异小偃麦同正常小偃麦杂交得到的F1代自交,请分别分析F2代中出现染色体数目正常与不正常个体的原因:.(4)除小偃麦外,我国也实现了普通小麦与黑麦的远缘杂交.①普通小麦(六倍体)配子中的染色体数为21,配子形成时处于减数第二次分裂后期的每个细胞中的染色体数为;②黑麦配子中的染色体数和染色体组数分别为7和1,则黑麦属于倍体植物.③普通小麦与黑麦杂交,F1代体细胞中的染色体组数为,由此F1代可进一步育成小黑麦.31.(21分)甘薯和马铃薯都富含淀粉,但甘薯吃起来比马铃薯甜.为探究其原因,某兴趣小组以甘薯块茎为材料,在不同温度、其他条件相同的情况下处理30 min后测定还原糖含量.结果表明马铃薯不含还原糖,甘薯的还原糖含量见下表:(1)由表可见,温度为70 ℃时甘薯还原糖含量最高,这是因为.(2)马铃薯不含还原糖的原因是.(3)为了确认马铃薯不含还原糖的原因,请完成以下实验:实验原理:①;②.备选材料与用具:甘薯提取液(去淀粉和还原糖),马铃薯提取液(去淀粉)二苯胺试剂,芝林试剂,双缩脲试剂,质量分数为3%的淀粉溶液为3%的淀粉溶液和质量分数为3%的蔗糖溶液等.实验步骤:第一步:取A、B两支试管,在A管中加入甘薯提取液,B管中加入等量的马铃薯提取液. 第二步:70 ℃水浴保温5 min后,在A、B两支试管中各加入.第三步:70 ℃水浴保温5 min后,在A、B两支试管中各加入.第四步:.实验结果:.(4)马铃薯不含还原糖,但吃起来略带甜味,这是由于的作用,食用马铃薯后消化分解成的葡萄糖、被小肠上皮细胞吸收后发生的代谢变化是.绝密*启用前2007年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(重庆卷理科综合能力测试试题答案第一部分选择题一(包括18小题,每小题6分,共108分)1.C2.A3.A4.B5.D6.A7.B8.B9.C 10.D 11.A 12.D 13.C 14.B 15.B 16.C 17.A 18.D选择题二(包括3小题,每小题6分,共18分)19.AD20.CD 21.BC第二部分(包括10小题,共174分)22.(17分)(1)d导线b导线g导线(2)①测力计(弹测力计、力传感器等等)②13.3(允许误差±0.5)0.27(允许误差±0.03)N③分子之间存在引力,钢板与水面的接触面积大④快速拉出、变速拉出、出水过程中角度变化、水中有油污、水面波动等等 23.(16分) 解:(1) ①切割磁感线的速度为v ,任意时刻线框中电动势大小 g=2nB v L v (1) 导线中的电流大小 I =RL nB vv 2 (2) ②线框所受安培力的大小和方向RvL B n LI nB F 2202042==由左手定则判断,线框所受安培力的方向始终沿x 轴正方向.(2)磁感应强度的波长和频率分别为02l =λ (4) (3) vl v f 2=(5)t =0时磁感应强度的波形图如答23图答23图24.(19分)解:(1) ①设离子带电量为q ,质量为m ,经电场加速后的速度为v ,则mv qU 21=2 (1) 离子飞越真空管,AB 做匀速直线运动,则L=m 1 (2) 由(1)、(2)两式得离子荷质比2122Ut L m q =(3) ②离子在匀强电场区域BC 中做往返运动,设加速度为a ,则 qE =ma (4) L 2=avv L 2+ (5) 由(1)、(4)、(5)式得离子荷质比2221421t E U L U m q ⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+=或221222L E U UL m q ⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+= (6) (3) 两离子初速度分别为v 、v ′,则mqEv n L L 2+=(7) l ′=v L '+mqE v '2 (8)Δt =t -t ′=)(2v v qE m v v L -'⎭⎬⎫⎩⎨⎧-' (9)要使Δt =0,则须02=-'qEm v v L (10) 所以E =qLv mv '2 (11)25.(20分) 解:(1)设n 号球质量为m ,n +1,碰撞后的速度分别为,1+''n nv v 、取水平向右为正方向,据题意有n 号球与n +1号球碰撞前的速度分别为v n 、0、m n +1n km根据动量守恒,有1+'+'=nn v n v v km E m v m (1) 根据机械能守恒,有221nn v m =1222121+'+n n n n v km v m (2) 由(1)、(2)得)0(1211舍去='+='++nnnv k E v 设n +1号球与n +2号球碰前的速度为E n +1据题意有v n -1=1+'n v 得v n -1=1+'nv =kE n+12 (3) (2)设1号球摆至最低点时的速度为v 1,由机械能守恒定律有211121v m gh m =(4) v 1=gh 2 (5) 同理可求,5号球碰后瞬间的速度k g v 1625⨯= (6) 由(3)式得111212v k k k v nn ⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛⋅=+-+ (7)N=n =5时,v 5=1112v k v nn ⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛⋅=+ (8) 由(5)、(6)、(8)三式得k =12-)12(414.0舍去--=≈k (9) (3)设绳长为l,每个球在最低点时,细绳对球的拉力为F ,由牛顿第二定律有l v m g m F nn n 2=- (10)则kn n n n n n n n E lg m l v m g m l v m g m F 22/222+=+=+= (11)(11)式中E kn 为n 号球在最低点的动能由题意1号球的重力最大,又由机械能守恒可知1号球在最低点碰前的动能也最大,根据(11)式可判断在1号球碰前瞬间悬挂1号球细绳的张力最大,故悬挂1号球的绳最容易断. 26.(14分)(1)2Fe 2++H 2S=S ↓+2Fe 2++2H -(2)Na 2S+2H 2O 电解 S ↓+H 2↑+2NaOH 或S 2++2H 2O 电解 S ↓+ H 2↑+2OH -副产氢气,生成的NaOH 可循环利用. (3) ①2/3②27.(16分)(1)检查装置气密性.(2)Cu+4HNO3(浓)=Cu(NO3)2+2NO 2↑+2H2O反应变缓,气体颜色变淡.(3)丙;耗酸量最少,无污染.(4)向d中加入KBr溶液,c中加入固体KMnO4,由a向c中加入浓盐酸;c中有黄绿色气体产生,d中溶液变为黄棕色;没有处理尾气.28.(16分)(1)醛基或-CHO(2)(4)29.(14分)(1)S(2)CH4<NH3<H2O;共价健和离子键;离子晶体;[ ∶C N+]-(3)CO2-3 +H2O=HCO-3+OH-或C7O2-4+H2O=HC2O-4+OH-(4)0.3 mol Na2O2、0.1 mol Na2CO330.(21分)(1)AaBB、Aabb、AABb、aaBb.(2)抗寒晚熟;F2(或子二).(3)数目.原因:F1代通过减数分裂能产生正常与不正常的两种配子;正常配子相互结合产生正常的F2代;不正常配子相互吉合、正常配子与不正常配子结合产生不正常的F2代.(4)①42 ②∶③4.31.(21分)(1)还原糖的产生是酶作用的结果,酶具有最适温度.(2)不含淀粉酶.(3)实验原理:①淀粉酶水解淀粉产生还原糖;②还原糖与斐林试剂反应,产生砖红色沉淀.实验步骤:第二步:等量淀粉溶液.第三步:等量斐林试剂.第四步:沸水溶加热煮沸1-2 min.实验结果:A管砖红色,B管蓝色.(4)唾液淀粉酶.代谢变化是:氧化分解为CO2、H2O及释放能量;合成糖元(肝糖元、肌糖元);转变成非糖物质(脂肪、某些非必需氨基酸).。



Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, any thi ng to escape his sickle sweep.--Shakespeare 2007年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(重庆卷)数学(理科)试卷参考答案一、选择题(每小题5分,满分50分)1. A2. D3. C4. B5. A6. C7. B8. B9. D 10. C二、填空题411 .512. 713 . [ —1 , 0]14 . 1815 . 2516 .3三、解答题17 .(本小题13分)解: (I) f (x)=61 cos2x _、.3sin2x2=3cos2x—、、3 sin2x+3=2、3(-^cos2x -〔sin2x) 32 2242 11 990 一 45=2L.3cos(2x —) 故f (x )的最大值为2、、332 TT最小正周期T= — f2(II )由 f ( a) = 3 - 2、_ 3 得 2、3 cos(2 )3 = 3- 2/3,故 cos(2 ) - -1 6 62 6 6 6612… 4 n t-从而tan =tan 35 318.(本小题13分)解:设A k 表示第k 辆车在一年内发生此种事故, 立,且k=1, 2, 3。

由题意知 A i , A 2, A 3 独P ( A i )=!,P ( A 2)=—,P ( A 3)=—910 11(I )该单位一年内获赔的概率为1- P (A A 2A ) =1— P (A|) P(A 2)P (A 3)=〔-9 10 111(II ) E 的所有可能值为 0, 9000, 18000, 27000。

P (宇0) = P () =p(A 1)P(A 2)p(A 3)=810 109 10 11 § 11P (审9000) =P ( AAA ) +P ( AAA ) +P ( AA 2A 3)=P (A 1) P ( A 2 ) P ( A ) + P ( A ) P (A 2) P ( A 3) + P ( A ) P ( A ) P (A 3)= 19 29 10 11 9 10 119 10 11P ( E8000) =P ( A 1A 2A 3 ) +P ( A 1A 2A 3) +P ( A 1A 2A 3)1 1 10 1 9 1 8 1 1=9 10 11 910 11 9 10 1127 3 一990 一 1101 1 1 1 P (审27000) =P (A 1 A2 A 3) = P ( A 1) P (A 2) P (A 3)=- 9 10 11990综上所述,E 的分布列为9000 18000 27000P811 3 1—1145110990(II )求E 的期望有两种解法: 解法一:由E 的分布列得8 11 31 E E 0汇—十9000汉——+18000汇—— + 27000汉——11 45 11099029900 =~ 2718.18 (兀)11解法二:设E 表示第k 辆车一年内的获赔金额,k=1, 2, 3。



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①∵ OE 平分∠BOD (已知)∴ ____∠1__=___∠2___ ( 角平分线定义 )②∵ 直线AB 、CD 相交于点O ( 已知 )∴ ____∠1__=___∠2___ ( 对顶角相等 )③∵ ∠1+∠4=90°( 已知)∠2+∠3=90°∠3=∠4∴ ___∠1___=__∠2____ ( 等角的余角相等 )④∵∠1+∠2=∠3+∠4=180∠3=∠4∴ ___∠1___=__∠2____( 等量减等量差相等 )⑤∵ ∠1与∠4互余,∴ ∠1+∠4=90°(互余定义)⑥∵ O E ⊥AB ( 已知 )∴∠AOE=90°( 垂直定义 )2. 求线段的长,求教的大小的解题思路① 直接求;② 拆成两个角(线段)的和或差再求;如:NB=MN-MB ;NB=BC+CN∠COD=∠COB -∠BOD ;∠COD=∠COE+∠EOD③ 方程思想:见比→设X →利用和差倍分把更多的线段(角)用X 表示(用∵∴格式书写)→列方程 ④ 自己书写全过程的题不用注理由!3. 注意下列定理在实际生活中的应用:① 两点之间线段最短② 垂线段最短③ 两点确定一条直线④ 过一点有且只有一条直线与已知直线垂直M1.注意对细小概念的复习:①用正负数表示相反意义的量;②相反数:a+b=0倒数: ab=1绝对值:求绝对值注意结果的非负性如:|-2|= 2;b c 0 a|a+b|-|b-c|=(-a-b)-(-b+c)=-a-b+b-c=-a-c知绝对值注意多解性如:|-x|=4,x= 4或-4;|x|=x,x为非负数;|a|=|-b|,a,b关系为a,b相等或相反③科学记数法:a×10 n (1≤|a|<10)④近似数:(精确到哪位;保留几个有效数字)如:近似数0.710精确到千分位;有3个效数字;近似数3.4×10 5精确到万位;有2个效数字;把0.750精确到十分位是0.8;保留1个有效数字是0.8;把3.456×10 5精确到万位是3.5×10 5;保留2个有效数字是3.5×10 5⑤整式:单项式的系数,次数;多项式的次数,项数⑥同类项(三个个相同,两个无关,一个特殊)⑦一元一次方程满足:次数=1且系数不为02.解答题①计算:注意顺序,符号,绝对值②比大小:注意解题格式③代入求值:字母→()→代入数字3.列方程解应用题①和差倍分:互余互补:设x°,(90-x) °,(180-x) °;其他:设一倍量为x.②行程:相遇:S甲+S乙=S总乙追击:S甲-S乙=S A B③工程:甲+甲乙合干=1 甲甲乙合干④配套:配套→比例→乘积式(方程)⑤“几个老头?几个梨?”抓住不变量列方程⑥方案选择:计算各方案费用如结果为具体数据,直接比较作出选择即可;(在前面计算各方案费用时会用到方程)如结果中含有变量,则选择不定(令甲=乙,求出分界点,再分类作答)⑦方案设计:直接写出设计的方案,根据方案计算(有的方案会用到方程),通过计算比较找出最优方案。

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绝密★启用前 解密时间:2007年6月7日17:00 (考试时间:6月7日15:00—17:00)2007年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(重庆卷)数学试题卷(理工农药类)数学试题卷(理工农药类)共5页。




2.答选择题时,必须使用2B 铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。





参考公式:如果事件A B 、互斥,那么()()().P A B P A P B +=+ 如果事件A B 、相互独立,那么()()().P A B P A P B =如果事件A 在一次试验中发生的概率是P ,那么n 次独立重复试验中恰好发生k 次的概率()(1).k k nk n n P k C P P =-一、选择题:本大题共10小题,每小题5分,共50分。


1.若等差数列{}n a 的前3项和9n S =且11a =,则2a 等于A .3B .4C .5D .62.命题“若21,11x x <-<<则”的逆否命题是A .若21,11x x x ≥≥≤-则或 B .若211,1x x -<<<则 C .若211,1x x x ><->或则D .若211,1x x x ≥≤-≥或则3.若三个平面两两相交,且三条交线互相平行,则这三个平面把空间分成A .5部分B .6部分C .7部分D .8部分4.若1()nx x+展开式的二项式系数之和为64,则展开式的常数项为A .10B .20C .30D .1205.在ABC 中,0045,75,BC AB A C ===则A .3BC .2D .3+6.从5 张100元,3张200元的奥运与赛门票中任取3张,则所取3张中至少2张价格相同的概率为 A .14B .79120C .34D .23247.若a 是1+2b 与1-2b 的等比中项,则2ab|a|+2|b|的最大值为A .15B .4C .5D .28.设正数a,b 满足22lim()4x x ax b →+-=,则n 1n 1n 1n a ab lim a 2bx +--→∞++= A .0B .14C .12D .19.已知定义域为R 的函数f (x )在(8,)+∞上为减函数,且函数y=f (x+8)为偶函数,则A .f (6)>f (7)B .f (6)>f (9)C .f (7)>f (9)D .f (7)>f (10)10.如题10.图,在四边形ABCD 中,|AB||BD||DC|4,|AB||BD||BD||DC|4,++=+=AB BD BD DC 0,AB DC AC ==则(+)的值为A .2B .C .4D .二、填空题:本大题共6小题,每小题4分,共24分.把答案填写在答题卡相应位置上. 11.复数322ii i +的虚部为 .12.已知,x y 满足1241x y x y x -≤⎧⎪+≤⎨⎪≥⎩,则函数3z x y =+的最大值是 . 13.若函数()f x =R ,则a 的取值范围是 .14.设{}n a 为公比1q >的等比数列,若2004a 和2006a 是方程24830x x -+=的两根,则20062007a a += .15.某校要求每位学生从7门课程中选修4门,其中甲、乙两门课程不能都选.则不同的选择方案有 种.(以数字作答)16.过双曲线224x y -= 的右焦点F 作倾斜角为105的直线,交双曲线于P 、Q 两点,则FP FQ ⋅的值为 .三、解答题:本大题共6小题,共76分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤. 17.(本小题满分13分.其中(1)小问9分,(2)小问4分.)设2()6cos 2f x x x =. (1)求()f x 的最大值及最小正周期;(2)若锐角α满足()3f a =-4tan 5α的值.18.(本小题满分13分.其中(1)小问4分,(2)小问9分.)某学校右三辆汽车参加某种事故保险.单位年初向保险公司缴纳每辆900元的保险金.对在一年内发生此种事故的每辆汽车,单位可获9000元的赔偿(假设每辆最多只赔偿一次).设这三辆车在一年内发生此种事故的概率分别为19、110、111,且各车是否发生事故相互独立.求一年内该单位在此保险中:(1)获赔的概率;(2)获赔金额ξ的分布列和期望.19.(本小题满分13分,其中(1)小问8分,(2)小问5分.)如题(19)图,在直三棱柱111ABC A B C -中,12AA =,1AB =,90ABC ∠= ;点D 、E 分别在1BB 、1A D 上,且11B E A D ⊥,四棱锥1C ABDA -与直三棱柱的体积之比为3:5.(1)求异面直线DE 与11B C 的距离;(2)若BC 111A DC B --的平面角的正切值。

(3)20.(本小题满分13分,其中(1)(2)(3)小问分别为6、4、3分.)已知函数()44ln f x ax x bx c =+- ()0x >在1x =处取得极值3c --,其中,,a b c 为常数。

(1)试确定,a b 的值;(2)讨论函数()f x 的单调区间;(3)若对任意0x >,不等式()22f x c ≥-恒成立,求c 的取值范围。

21.(本小题满分12分,其中(1)小问5分,(2)小问7分.)已知各项均为正数的数列{}n a 的前n 项和n S 满足11S >,且()()612n n n S a a =++ ,n N ∈.(1)求{}n a 的通项公式;(2)设数列{}n b 满足()211n bn a -=,并记n T 为{}n b 的前n 项和,求证:()231log 3n n T a +>+,n N ∈.22.(本小题满分12分,其中(1)小问4分,(2)小问8分。

)如题(22)图,中心在原点O 的椭圆的右焦点为F (3,0),右准线l 的方程为:12x =。

(1)求椭圆的方程;(2)在椭圆上任取三个不同点P 1、P 2、P 3,使122331PFP P FP P FP ∠=∠=∠,证明:123111FP FP FP ++为定值,并求此定值。



11.4512.713.[1,0]-14.18 15.25 16.3三、解答题:满分76分。

17.(本小题13分)解:(1)1cos 2()622+=-xf x x 3cos223=+x x13(2sin 2)322=-+x x )36π=++x故()f x 的最大值为3;最小正周期2.2ππ==T(2)由()3α=-f )336πα++=-,故cos(2)16πα+=-. 又由02πα<<得2666πππαπ<+<+,故26παπ+=,解得512απ=.从而4tan tan 53πα==18.(本小题13分)解:设k A 表示第k 辆车在一年内发生此种事故,1,2,3.=k 由题意知123,,A A A 独立,且123111(),(),().91011===P A P A P A (1)该单位一年内获赔得概率为123123891031()1()()()19101111P A A A P A P A P A -=-=-⨯⨯= (2)ξ的所有可能值为0,9000,18000,27000.12312389108(0)()()()()9101111P P A A A P A P A P A ξ====⨯⨯=123123123(9000)()()()P P A A A P A A A P A A A ξ==++123123123()()()()()()()()()P A P A P A P A P A P A P A P A P A =++19108110891910119101191011=⨯⨯+⨯⨯+⨯⨯2421199045== 123123123(18000)()()()P P A A A P A A A P A A A ξ==++123123123()()()()()()()()()P A P A P A P A P A P A P A P A P A =++1110191811910119101191011=⨯⨯+⨯⨯+⨯⨯273990110== 123123(27000)()()()()P P A A A P A P A P A ξ===111191011990=⨯⨯=综上知,ξ的分布列为求ξ的期望有两种解法: 解法一:由ξ的分布列得ξ811310900018000270001145110990=⨯+⨯+⨯+⨯299002718.1811=≈(元) 解法二:设k ξ表示第k 辆车一年内得获赔金额k =1,2,3, 则1ξ有分布列故1E 90001000.9ξ=⨯= 同理得2311E 9000900E 9000818.18.1011ξξ=⨯==⨯≈, 综上有123E E E E 1000900818.182718.18ξξξξ=++≈++=(元).19.(本小题13分) 解法一:(1)因11111111111B C A B B C BB B C A ABB ⊥⊥⊥,且,故面,111B C B E ⊥从而 ,111B E B C DE 又是异面直线与的公垂线.设BD 的长度为x ,则四棱锥11C-ABDA V 的体积为1ABDA 1111V1S BC=DB A A AB BC X+2BC 366=(+)=().而直三棱柱1112ABC-A B C v 的体积为2ABC 111V S AA AB BC AA BC 2=+=12138V V =35x 2,x=.655由已知条件::,故(+)=解之得从而1182B D B B DB 2.55=-=-=在直角三角形111A B D A 5==中,, 又因12A B D 2111111S =A DB E A B B D,22=11111A B B D B F=A D = 故(2)如题(19)图1,过111B F C D F A F ⊥,垂足为,连接, 1111111A B B C A B B D⊥⊥因,, 故111111A B B DC.C D A F ⊥⊥平面有三垂线定理知,11A FB 故为所求二面角的平面角在直角111C B D C D === 中, 又因121111111S C B D C D B F B C B D 22==故1111111111B C B D A B B F=tan A FB C D 9B F 2===解法二(1)如答(19)图二,以B 点为坐标原点O ,建立空间直角坐标系O-xyz ,则B (0,0,0),B 1(0,0,2),A (0,1,0),A 1(0,1,2),则1(0,0,2)AA = ,(0,1,0)AB =-。
