section 6-2
Section 2 Components of Power Systems
three-phase; single-phase residential and commercial loads are distributed equally among the phases so as to effectively form a balanced threephase system. (2)Use synchronous machines for generation of electricity. Prime movers convert the primary energy (fossil, nuclear, and hydraulic) to mechanical energy that is, in turn, converted to electrical energy by synchronous generators.
New Words and Expressions
in parallel 并联地 synchronously ad. 同步地 facility n. ①容易,方便 ②灵活,熟练 ③ (便利)条件 ④(常用复数)设备,装置,工 具,器材 primary energy 一次能源 fossil n. 化石,石块 hydraulic a. 水力[学]的,水压的,液压的,液 力的 mechanical energy 机械能
Section 2 Components of Power Systems
bulk power system. The subtransmisson system transmits power in small quantities from the transmission substations to the distribution substations. Large industrial customers are commonly supplied directly from the subtransmission system. In some systems, there is no clear demarcation between subtransmission and transmission circuits. As the system expands and higher voltage levels become necessary for transmission, the older transmission lines are often relegated to subtransmission function.
Power Management System
System And Function Description
PMS 介绍
• PMS 动力管理系统 • Awilco PMS由挪威kongsberg公司设计 • PMS 基于很多先进的技术。 比如:传感器, 网络技术,自动控制,信号传输、变换、 处理和显示,系统管理等。 • PMS 功能包括对全船动力系统的控制,显 示,保护,管理,分配等等。
• Number of diesel generators
• 遥控-自动模式 • 遥控-手动控制 • 本地控制
• • • • • Diesel generator control in STANDBY Heavy consumer control ON Load dependent start ON Load dependent stop ON Advice mode OFF
Awilco PMS
PMS 主要功能
• 发电机/配电板管理系统 频率,电压,有功功率,无功功率,功率 因数,开关互锁,开关控制/指示,启动抑 制,报警等等 • 负荷管理系统 负荷分配,负载限制,负荷的监视和控制, 依赖负荷启动停止等等 • 失电管理 失电预防,失电恢复等等
• 6台6.6 KV,额定功率4.8MW的柴油发电机 • 3个6.6KV配电板布置于后部机舱 • 3台6.6KV/690V船用变压器,供应发电机和推进 器辅助设备使用 • 3个690V辅助分配电板 • 3台供应钻井配电板用变压器 • 一路回匮电路从应急配电板到右舷发电机和推进 器设备配电板 • 电力系统图
控制模式 • 遥控-自动模式 • 遥控-手动控制 • 本地控制
IEEE Std 1159-1995,IEEE Recommended Practice for Monitoring Electric Power Quality
IEEE Std 1159-1995 IEEE Recommended Practice for Monitoring Electric Power QualitySponsorIEEE Standards Coordinating Committee 22 onPower QualityApproved June 14, 1995IEEE Standards BoardAbstract: The monitoring of electric power quality of ac power systems, definitions of power quality terminology, impact of poor power quality on utility and customer equipment, and the measurement of electromagnetic phenomena are covered.Keywords: data interpretation, electric power quality, electromagnetic phenomena, monitoring, power quality definitionsIEEE Standards documents are developed within the Technical Committees of the IEEE Societies and the Standards Coordinating Committees of the IEEE Standards Board. Members of the committees serve voluntarily and without compensation. They are not necessarily members of the Institute. The standards developed within IEEE represent a consensus of the broad expertise on the subject within the Institute as well as those activities outside of IEEE that have expressed an interest in partici-pating in the development of the standard.Use of an IEEE Standard is wholly voluntary. The existence of an IEEE Standard does not imply that there are no other ways to produce, test, measure, purchase, mar-ket, or provide other goods and services related to the scope of the IEEE Standard. Furthermore, the viewpoint expressed at the time a standard is approved and issued is subject to change brought about through developments in the state of the art and com-ments received from users of the standard. Every IEEE Standard is subjected to review at least every Þve years for revision or reafÞrmation. When a document is more than Þve years old and has not been reafÞrmed, it is reasonable to conclude that its contents, although still of some value, do not wholly reßect the present state of the art. Users are cautioned to check to determine that they have the latest edition of any IEEE Standard.Comments for revision of IEEE Standards are welcome from any interested party, regardless of membership afÞliation with IEEE. Suggestions for changes in docu-ments should be in the form of a proposed change of text, together with appropriate supporting comments.Interpretations: Occasionally questions may arise regarding the meaning of portions of standards as they relate to speciÞc applications. When the need for interpretations is brought to the attention of IEEE, the Institute will initiate action to prepare appro-priate responses. Since IEEE Standards represent a consensus of all concerned inter-ests, it is important to ensure that any interpretation has also received the concurrence of a balance of interests. For this reason IEEE and the members of its technical com-mittees are not able to provide an instant response to interpretation requests except in those cases where the matter has previously received formal consideration.Comments on standards and requests for interpretations should be addressed to:Secretary, IEEE Standards Board445 Hoes LaneP.O. Box 1331Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331USAIntroduction(This introduction is not part of IEEE Std 1159-1995, IEEE Recommended Practice for Monitoring Electric Power Quality.)This recommended practice was developed out of an increasing awareness of the difÞculty in comparing results obtained by researchers using different instruments when seeking to characterize the quality of low-voltage power systems. One of the initial goals was to promote more uniformity in the basic algorithms and data reduction methods applied by different instrument manufacturers. This proved difÞcult and was not achieved, given the free market principles under which manufacturers design and market their products. However, consensus was achieved on the contents of this recommended practice, which provides guidance to users of monitoring instruments so that some degree of comparisons might be possible.An important Þrst step was to compile a list of power quality related deÞnitions to ensure that contributing parties would at least speak the same language, and to provide instrument manufacturers with a common base for identifying power quality phenomena. From that starting point, a review of the objectives of moni-toring provides the necessary perspective, leading to a better understanding of the means of monitoringÑthe instruments. The operating principles and the application techniques of the monitoring instruments are described, together with the concerns about interpretation of the monitoring results. Supporting information is provided in a bibliography, and informative annexes address calibration issues.The Working Group on Monitoring Electric Power Quality, which undertook the development of this recom-mended practice, had the following membership:J. Charles Smith, Chair Gil Hensley, SecretaryLarry Ray, Technical EditorMark Andresen Thomas Key John RobertsVladi Basch Jack King Anthony St. JohnRoger Bergeron David Kreiss Marek SamotyjJohn Burnett Fran•ois Martzloff Ron SmithJohn Dalton Alex McEachern Bill StuntzAndrew Dettloff Bill Moncrief John SullivanDave GrifÞth Allen Morinec David VannoyThomas Gruzs Ram Mukherji Marek WaclawlakErich Gunther Richard Nailen Daniel WardMark Kempker David Pileggi Steve WhisenantHarry RauworthIn addition to the working group members, the following people contributed their knowledge and experience to this document:Ed Cantwell Christy Herig Tejindar SinghJohn Curlett Allan Ludbrook Maurice TetreaultHarshad MehtaiiiThe following persons were on the balloting committee:James J. Burke David Kreiss Jacob A. RoizDavid A. Dini Michael Z. Lowenstein Marek SamotyjW. Mack Grady Fran•ois D. Martzloff Ralph M. ShowersDavid P. Hartmann Stephen McCluer J. C. SmithMichael Higgins A. McEachern Robert L. SmithThomas S. Key W. A. Moncrief Daniel J. WardJoseph L. KoepÞnger P. Richman Charles H. WilliamsJohn M. RobertsWhen the IEEE Standards Board approved this standard on June 14, 1995, it had the following membership:E. G. ÒAlÓ Kiener, Chair Donald C. Loughry,Vice ChairAndrew G. Salem,SecretaryGilles A. Baril Richard J. Holleman Marco W. MigliaroClyde R. Camp Jim Isaak Mary Lou PadgettJoseph A. Cannatelli Ben C. Johnson John W. PopeStephen L. Diamond Sonny Kasturi Arthur K. ReillyHarold E. Epstein Lorraine C. Kevra Gary S. RobinsonDonald C. Fleckenstein Ivor N. Knight Ingo RuschJay Forster*Joseph L. KoepÞnger*Chee Kiow TanDonald N. Heirman D. N. ÒJimÓ Logothetis Leonard L. TrippL. Bruce McClung*Member EmeritusAlso included are the following nonvoting IEEE Standards Board liaisons:Satish K. AggarwalRichard B. EngelmanRobert E. HebnerChester C. TaylorRochelle L. SternIEEE Standards Project EditorivContentsCLAUSE PAGE 1.Overview (1)1.1Scope (1)1.2Purpose (2)2.References (2)3.Definitions (2)3.1Terms used in this recommended practice (2)3.2Avoided terms (7)3.3Abbreviations and acronyms (8)4.Power quality phenomena (9)4.1Introduction (9)4.2Electromagnetic compatibility (9)4.3General classification of phenomena (9)4.4Detailed descriptions of phenomena (11)5.Monitoring objectives (24)5.1Introduction (24)5.2Need for monitoring power quality (25)5.3Equipment tolerances and effects of disturbances on equipment (25)5.4Equipment types (25)5.5Effect on equipment by phenomena type (26)6.Measurement instruments (29)6.1Introduction (29)6.2AC voltage measurements (29)6.3AC current measurements (30)6.4Voltage and current considerations (30)6.5Monitoring instruments (31)6.6Instrument power (34)7.Application techniques (35)7.1Safety (35)7.2Monitoring location (38)7.3Equipment connection (41)7.4Monitoring thresholds (43)7.5Monitoring period (46)8.Interpreting power monitoring results (47)8.1Introduction (47)8.2Interpreting data summaries (48)8.3Critical data extraction (49)8.4Interpreting critical events (51)8.5Verifying data interpretation (59)vANNEXES PAGE Annex A Calibration and self testing (informative) (60)A.1Introduction (60)A.2Calibration issues (61)Annex B Bibliography (informative) (63)B.1Definitions and general (63)B.2Susceptibility and symptomsÑvoltage disturbances and harmonics (65)B.3Solutions (65)B.4Existing power quality standards (67)viIEEE Recommended Practice for Monitoring Electric Power Quality1. Overview1.1 ScopeThis recommended practice encompasses the monitoring of electric power quality of single-phase and polyphase ac power systems. As such, it includes consistent descriptions of electromagnetic phenomena occurring on power systems. The document also presents deÞnitions of nominal conditions and of deviations from these nominal conditions, which may originate within the source of supply or load equipment, or from interactions between the source and the load.Brief, generic descriptions of load susceptibility to deviations from nominal conditions are presented to identify which deviations may be of interest. Also, this document presents recommendations for measure-ment techniques, application techniques, and interpretation of monitoring results so that comparable results from monitoring surveys performed with different instruments can be correlated.While there is no implied limitation on the voltage rating of the power system being monitored, signal inputs to the instruments are limited to 1000 Vac rms or less. The frequency ratings of the ac power systems being monitored are in the range of 45Ð450 Hz.Although it is recognized that the instruments may also be used for monitoring dc supply systems or data transmission systems, details of application to these special cases are under consideration and are not included in the scope. It is also recognized that the instruments may perform monitoring functions for envi-ronmental conditions (temperature, humidity, high frequency electromagnetic radiation); however, the scope of this document is limited to conducted electrical parameters derived from voltage or current measure-ments, or both.Finally, the deÞnitions are solely intended to characterize common electromagnetic phenomena to facilitate communication between various sectors of the power quality community. The deÞnitions of electromagnetic phenomena summarized in table 2 are not intended to represent performance standards or equipment toler-ances. Suppliers of electricity may utilize different thresholds for voltage supply, for example, than the ±10% that deÞnes conditions of overvoltage or undervoltage in table 2. Further, sensitive equipment may mal-function due to electromagnetic phenomena not outside the thresholds of the table 2 criteria.1IEEEStd 1159-1995IEEE RECOMMENDED PRACTICE FOR 1.2 PurposeThe purpose of this recommended practice is to direct users in the proper monitoring and data interpretation of electromagnetic phenomena that cause power quality problems. It deÞnes power quality phenomena in order to facilitate communication within the power quality community. This document also forms the con-sensus opinion about safe and acceptable methods for monitoring electric power systems and interpreting the results. It further offers a tutorial on power system disturbances and their common causes.2. ReferencesThis recommended practice shall be used in conjunction with the following publications. When the follow-ing standards are superseded by an approved revision, the revision shall apply.IEC 1000-2-1 (1990), Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)ÑPart 2 Environment. Section 1: Description of the environmentÑelectromagnetic environment for low-frequency conducted disturbances and signaling in public power supply systems.1IEC 50(161)(1990), International Electrotechnical V ocabularyÑChapter 161: Electromagnetic Compatibility. IEEE Std 100-1992, IEEE Standard Dictionary of Electrical and Electronic Terms (ANSI).2IEEE Std 1100-1992, IEEE Recommended Practice for Powering and Grounding Sensitive Electronic Equipment (Emerald Book) (ANSI).3. DeÞnitionsThe purpose of this clause is to present concise deÞnitions of words that convey the basic concepts of power quality monitoring. These terms are listed below and are expanded in clause 4. The power quality commu-nity is also pervaded by terms that have no scientiÞc deÞnition. A partial listing of these words is included in 3.2; use of these terms in the power quality community is discouraged. Abbreviations and acronyms that are employed throughout this recommended practice are listed in Terms used in this recommended practiceThe primary sources for terms used are IEEE Std 100-19923 indicated by (a), and IEC 50 (161)(1990) indi-cated by (b). Secondary sources are IEEE Std 1100-1992 indicated by (c), IEC-1000-2-1 (1990) indicated by (d) and UIE -DWG-3-92-G [B16]4. Some referenced deÞnitions have been adapted and modiÞed in order to apply to the context of this recommended practice.3.1.1 accuracy: The freedom from error of a measurement. Generally expressed (perhaps erroneously) as percent inaccuracy. Instrument accuracy is expressed in terms of its uncertaintyÑthe degree of deviation from a known value. An instrument with an uncertainty of 0.1% is 99.9% accurate. At higher accuracy lev-els, uncertainty is typically expressed in parts per million (ppm) rather than as a percentage.1IEC publications are available from IEC Sales Department, Case Postale 131, 3, rue de VarembŽ, CH-1211, Gen•ve 20, Switzerland/ Suisse. IEC publications are also available in the United States from the Sales Department, American National Standards Institute, 11 West 42nd Street, 13th Floor, New York, NY 10036, USA.2IEEE publications are available from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 445 Hoes Lane, P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, USA.3Information on references can be found in clause 2.4The numbers in brackets correspond to those bibliographical items listed in annex B.2IEEE MONITORING ELECTRIC POWER QUALITY Std 1159-1995 3.1.2 accuracy ratio: The ratio of an instrumentÕs tolerable error to the uncertainty of the standard used to calibrate it.3.1.3 calibration: Any process used to verify the integrity of a measurement. The process involves compar-ing a measuring instrument to a well defined standard of greater accuracy (a calibrator) to detect any varia-tions from specified performance parameters, and making any needed compensations. The results are then recorded and filed to establish the integrity of the calibrated instrument.3.1.4 common mode voltage: A voltage that appears between current-carrying conductors and ground.b The noise voltage that appears equally and in phase from each current-carrying conductor to ground.c3.1.5 commercial power: Electrical power furnished by the electric power utility company.c3.1.6 coupling: Circuit element or elements, or network, that may be considered common to the input mesh and the output mesh and through which energy may be transferred from one to the other.a3.1.7 current transformer (CT): An instrument transformer intended to have its primary winding con-nected in series with the conductor carrying the current to be measured or controlled.a3.1.8 dip: See: sag.3.1.9 dropout: A loss of equipment operation (discrete data signals) due to noise, sag, or interruption.c3.1.10 dropout voltage: The voltage at which a device fails to operate.c3.1.11 electromagnetic compatibility: The ability of a device, equipment, or system to function satisfacto-rily in its electromagnetic environment without introducing intolerable electromagnetic disturbances to any-thing in that environment.b3.1.12 electromagnetic disturbance: Any electromagnetic phenomena that may degrade the performance of a device, equipment, or system, or adversely affect living or inert matter.b3.1.13 electromagnetic environment: The totality of electromagnetic phenomena existing at a given location.b3.1.14 electromagnetic susceptibility: The inability of a device, equipment, or system to perform without degradation in the presence of an electromagnetic disturbance.NOTEÑSusceptibility is a lack of immunity.b3.1.15 equipment grounding conductor: The conductor used to connect the noncurrent-carrying parts of conduits, raceways, and equipment enclosures to the grounded conductor (neutral) and the grounding elec-trode at the service equipment (main panel) or secondary of a separately derived system (e.g., isolation transformer). See Section 100 in ANSI/NFPA 70-1993 [B2].3.1.16 failure mode: The effect by which failure is observed.a3.1.17 ßicker: Impression of unsteadiness of visual sensation induced by a light stimulus whose luminance or spectral distribution fluctuates with time.b3.1.18 frequency deviation: An increase or decrease in the power frequency. The duration of a frequency deviation can be from several cycles to several hours.c Syn.: power frequency variation.3.1.19 fundamental (component): The component of an order 1 (50 or 60 Hz) of the Fourier series of a periodic quantity.b3IEEEStd 1159-1995IEEE RECOMMENDED PRACTICE FOR 3.1.20 ground: A conducting connection, whether intentional or accidental, by which an electric circuit or piece of equipment is connected to the earth, or to some conducting body of relatively large extent that serves in place of the earth.NOTEÑ It is used for establishing and maintaining the potential of the earth (or of the conducting body) or approxi-mately that potential, on conductors connected to it, and for conducting ground currents to and from earth (or the con-ducting body).a3.1.21 ground loop: In a radial grounding system, an undesired conducting path between two conductive bodies that are already connected to a common (single-point) ground.3.1.22 harmonic (component): A component of order greater than one of the Fourier series of a periodic quantity.b3.1.23 harmonic content: The quantity obtained by subtracting the fundamental component from an alter-nating quantity.a3.1.24 immunity (to a disturbance): The ability of a device, equipment, or system to perform without deg-radation in the presence of an electromagnetic disturbance.b3.1.25 impulse: A pulse that, for a given application, approximates a unit pulse.b When used in relation to the monitoring of power quality, it is preferred to use the term impulsive transient in place of impulse.3.1.26 impulsive transient: A sudden nonpower frequency change in the steady-state condition of voltage or current that is unidirectional in polarity (primarily either positive or negative).3.1.27 instantaneous: A time range from 0.5Ð30 cycles of the power frequency when used to quantify the duration of a short duration variation as a modifier.3.1.28 interharmonic (component): A frequency component of a periodic quantity that is not an integer multiple of the frequency at which the supply system is designed to operate operating (e.g., 50 Hz or 60 Hz).3.1.29 interruption, momentary (power quality monitoring): A type of short duration variation. The complete loss of voltage (< 0.1 pu) on one or more phase conductors for a time period between 0.5 cycles and 3 s.3.1.30 interruption, sustained (electric power systems): Any interruption not classified as a momentary interruption.3.1.31 interruption, temporary (power quality monitoring):A type of short duration variation. The com-plete loss of voltage (< 0.1 pu) on one or more phase conductors for a time period between 3 s and 1 min.3.1.32 isolated ground: An insulated equipment grounding conductor run in the same conduit or raceway as the supply conductors. This conductor may be insulated from the metallic raceway and all ground points throughout its length. It originates at an isolated ground-type receptacle or equipment input terminal block and terminates at the point where neutral and ground are bonded at the power source. See Section 250-74, Exception #4 and Exception in Section 250-75 in ANSI/NFPA 70-1993 [B2].3.1.33 isolation: Separation of one section of a system from undesired influences of other sections.c3.1.34 long duration voltage variation:See: voltage variation, long duration.3.1.35 momentary (power quality monitoring): A time range at the power frequency from 30 cycles to 3 s when used to quantify the duration of a short duration variation as a modifier.4IEEE MONITORING ELECTRIC POWER QUALITY Std 1159-1995 3.1.36 momentary interruption:See: interruption, momentary.3.1.37 noise: Unwanted electrical signals which produce undesirable effects in the circuits of the control systems in which they occur.a (For this document, control systems is intended to include sensitive electronic equipment in total or in part.)3.1.38 nominal voltage (Vn): A nominal value assigned to a circuit or system for the purpose of conve-niently designating its voltage class (as 120/208208/120, 480/277, 600).d3.1.39 nonlinear load: Steady-state electrical load that draws current discontinuously or whose impedance varies throughout the cycle of the input ac voltage waveform.c3.1.40 normal mode voltage: A voltage that appears between or among active circuit conductors, but not between the grounding conductor and the active circuit conductors.3.1.41 notch: A switching (or other) disturbance of the normal power voltage waveform, lasting less than 0.5 cycles, which is initially of opposite polarity than the waveform and is thus subtracted from the normal waveform in terms of the peak value of the disturbance voltage. This includes complete loss of voltage for up to 0.5 cycles [B13].3.1.42 oscillatory transient: A sudden, nonpower frequency change in the steady-state condition of voltage or current that includes both positive or negative polarity value.3.1.43 overvoltage: When used to describe a specific type of long duration variation, refers to a measured voltage having a value greater than the nominal voltage for a period of time greater than 1 min. Typical val-ues are 1.1Ð1.2 pu.3.1.44 phase shift: The displacement in time of one waveform relative to another of the same frequency and harmonic content.c3.1.45 potential transformer (PT): An instrument transformer intended to have its primary winding con-nected in shunt with a power-supply circuit, the voltage of which is to be measured or controlled. Syn.: volt-age transformer.a3.1.46 power disturbance: Any deviation from the nominal value (or from some selected thresholds based on load tolerance) of the input ac power characteristics.c3.1.47 power quality: The concept of powering and grounding sensitive equipment in a manner that is suit-able to the operation of that equipment.cNOTEÑWithin the industry, alternate definitions or interpretations of power quality have been used, reflecting different points of view. Therefore, this definition might not be exclusive, pending development of a broader consensus.3.1.48 precision: Freedom from random error.3.1.49 pulse: An abrupt variation of short duration of a physical an electrical quantity followed by a rapid return to the initial value.3.1.50 random error: Error that is not repeatable, i.e., noise or sensitivity to changing environmental factors. NOTEÑFor most measurements, the random error is small compared to the instrument tolerance.3.1.51 sag: A decrease to between 0.1 and 0.9 pu in rms voltage or current at the power frequency for dura-tions of 0.5 cycle to 1 min. Typical values are 0.1 to 0.9 pu.b See: dip.IEEEStd 1159-1995IEEE RECOMMENDED PRACTICE FOR NOTEÑTo give a numerical value to a sag, the recommended usage is Òa sag to 20%,Ó which means that the line volt-age is reduced down to 20% of the normal value, not reduced by 20%. Using the preposition ÒofÓ (as in Òa sag of 20%,Óor implied by Òa 20% sagÓ) is deprecated.3.1.52 shield: A conductive sheath (usually metallic) normally applied to instrumentation cables, over the insulation of a conductor or conductors, for the purpose of providing means to reduce coupling between the conductors so shielded and other conductors that may be susceptible to, or that may be generating unwanted electrostatic or electromagnetic fields (noise).c3.1.53 shielding: The use of a conducting and/or ferromagnetic barrier between a potentially disturbing noise source and sensitive circuitry. Shields are used to protect cables (data and power) and electronic cir-cuits. They may be in the form of metal barriers, enclosures, or wrappings around source circuits and receiv-ing circuits.c3.1.54 short duration voltage variation:See: voltage variation, short duration.3.1.55 slew rate: Rate of change of ac voltage, expressed in volts per second a quantity such as volts, fre-quency, or temperature.a3.1.56 sustained: When used to quantify the duration of a voltage interruption, refers to the time frame asso-ciated with a long duration variation (i.e., greater than 1 min).3.1.57 swell: An increase in rms voltage or current at the power frequency for durations from 0.5 cycles to 1 min. Typical values are 1.1Ð1.8 pu.3.1.58 systematic error: The portion of error that is repeatable, i.e., zero error, gain or scale error, and lin-earity error.3.1.59 temporary interruption:See: interruption, temporary.3.1.60 tolerance: The allowable variation from a nominal value.3.1.61 total harmonic distortion disturbance level: The level of a given electromagnetic disturbance caused by the superposition of the emission of all pieces of equipment in a given system.b The ratio of the rms of the harmonic content to the rms value of the fundamental quantity, expressed as a percent of the fun-damental [B13].a Syn.: distortion factor.3.1.62 traceability: Ability to compare a calibration device to a standard of even higher accuracy. That stan-dard is compared to another, until eventually a comparison is made to a national standards laboratory. This process is referred to as a chain of traceability.3.1.63 transient: Pertaining to or designating a phenomenon or a quantity that varies between two consecu-tive steady states during a time interval that is short compared to the time scale of interest. A transient can be a unidirectional impulse of either polarity or a damped oscillatory wave with the first peak occurring in either polarity.b3.1.64 undervoltage: A measured voltage having a value less than the nominal voltage for a period of time greater than 1 min when used to describe a specific type of long duration variation, refers to. Typical values are 0.8Ð0.9 pu.3.1.65 voltage change: A variation of the rms or peak value of a voltage between two consecutive levels sustained for definite but unspecified durations.d3.1.66 voltage dip:See: sag.IEEE MONITORING ELECTRIC POWER QUALITY Std 1159-1995 3.1.67 voltage distortion: Any deviation from the nominal sine wave form of the ac line voltage.3.1.68 voltage ßuctuation: A series of voltage changes or a cyclical variation of the voltage envelope.d3.1.69 voltage imbalance (unbalance), polyphase systems: The maximum deviation among the three phases from the average three-phase voltage divided by the average three-phase voltage. The ratio of the neg-ative or zero sequence component to the positive sequence component, usually expressed as a percentage.a3.1.70 voltage interruption: Disappearance of the supply voltage on one or more phases. Usually qualified by an additional term indicating the duration of the interruption (e.g., momentary, temporary, or sustained).3.1.71 voltage regulation: The degree of control or stability of the rms voltage at the load. Often specified in relation to other parameters, such as input-voltage changes, load changes, or temperature changes.c3.1.72 voltage variation, long duration: A variation of the rms value of the voltage from nominal voltage for a time greater than 1 min. Usually further described using a modifier indicating the magnitude of a volt-age variation (e.g., undervoltage, overvoltage, or voltage interruption).3.1.73 voltage variation, short duration: A variation of the rms value of the voltage from nominal voltage for a time greater than 0.5 cycles of the power frequency but less than or equal to 1 minute. Usually further described using a modifier indicating the magnitude of a voltage variation (e.g. sag, swell, or interruption) and possibly a modifier indicating the duration of the variation (e.g., instantaneous, momentary, or temporary).3.1.74 waveform distortion: A steady-state deviation from an ideal sine wave of power frequency princi-pally characterized by the spectral content of the deviation [B13].3.2 Avoided termsThe following terms have a varied history of usage, and some may have speciÞc deÞnitions for other appli-cations. It is an objective of this recommended practice that the following ambiguous words not be used in relation to the measurement of power quality phenomena:blackout frequency shiftblink glitchbrownout (see (when not further qualiÞed)bump outage (see ground power surgeclean power raw powercomputer grade ground raw utility powercounterpoise ground shared grounddedicated ground spikedirty ground subcycle outagesdirty power surge (see 4.4.1)wink。
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1. Japan's Superconducting Maglev Train
Motoharu Ono, Shunsaku Koga, and Hisao OhtsukiWMarch 2002e have developed a Maglev train under the guidance of the Japanese Ministry of Transport. The Maglev train is an advanced train that can run more than 500 km/h with a linear synchronous motor (LSM) that has both a superconducting magnet on board and an armature coil in the ground. (Propulsion of a conventional railway depends on adhesion between wheel and rail, and the maximum speed of a conventional railway is only 350 km/h.) The Maglev train was tested on the Yamanashi Maglev test line. Tests began in 1997, which exercised various functions of performance (Fig. 1). The main results of the tests were:◗ A world record of 552 km/h with a manned five-car train◗ A relative speed of 1,003 km/h between two trains pass-ing each other;◗ Substation cross-over tests which characterized theMaglev train;◗ Refuge and passing tests with two trains at the station.We verified the high acceleration of the Maglev train by achieving the top speed of 552 km/h in only 100 seconds within a distance of 8 km. The committee established by the Ministry of Transport evaluated the results: “The technology for the commercial use as both super-high-speed and large quantity transport system are established.” We developed the train operations control system as a ground-based system. Epoch-making technology changed the train control system from conventional manual controlset in April 1999;IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine1094-6969/02/$17.00©2002IEEE©DIGITAL VISION LTD9Central. The construction work for the ground equipment, which included electric equipment, was started in 1988 and was finished in December 1996. The tests for general coordination were completed in March 1997, and the running tests began the following month. They have continued smoothly and much data has been acquired.Technological DevelopmentsThe development plan for the superconducting, magnetically levitated train is as follows: ◗ High speed performance—stability at high speed (550 km/h); ◗ Transport capacity and the on-time performance—establishing a transportation system that can transport about 10,000 people per hour, one-way during peak time; ◗ Economic performance—reducing the cost of construction, operation, and production. Balance the income and the disbursements.Fig. 1. Running tests were carried out with a five-car train set (instead of a three-car train set) in March 1999 to confirm the stability of the middle unit of a five-car train set.18.4 km Platform R=8000m Power Substation 40‰ Test Center Train Depot StationConstruction Technology and VehiclesThe test line is a double track that is 18.4 km long. It has a 16 km long tunnel, 4% grade slopes, and a curve with an 8,000 m minimum radius to test under various conditions (Fig. 2). The28‰3‰40‰9‰Fig. 2. The Yamanshi Maglev test line.to ground-based control. The drive control system comprises:◗ The power conversion system which employed aworld-class inverter system (synthetic capacity 114 MVA and 60 MVA);◗ The drive control system used the latest control technol-ogy to realize high performance;◗ The traffic control system, which controls the train fromthe power feeding section;◗ The safety control system, which ensures safety by asafety brake;◗ We adopted new technologies in this system to produceboth high performance and control for super-high-speed Maglev trains.History of Technology DevelopmentThe Japan National Railway Company began the development of the Linear Motor Propulsion Railway System in 1962, two years before the Tokaido Shinkansen (the Bullet train) began operating. The Miyazaki Test line was built in 1977, where a manned three-car set was tested. The next step developed the technology further to investigate the possibility of using it as public transport. The Ministry of Transport established an examination committee that decided on a master plan, which called for a new test line: the Yamanashi Maglev Test line. They promoted it to the Japan Railway Construction Public Corporation, the Railway Technical Research Institute, and JRFig. 3. Passing tests were carried out at a relative speed of 1003 km/h on 16 November 1999.10IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement MagazineMarch 2002platform and the turnout switches are approximately in the middle of the line. We have two types of vehicles, a three-car train set and a five-car train set. The nose shapes are a double-cusp and an aero-wedge. The vehicles change according to the conditions of a test (Fig. 3). The linear motor system in the Yamanashi Maglev Test line is different from a conventional railroad. A superconducting magnet is installed on both sides of the vehicles, while the levitation, guidance coils, and propulsion coils are installed in the guide way opposite the superconducting magnet. Electric current fed to the propulsion coils propels and brakes the trains; the system varies the amplitude and frequency to set the velocity and the acceleration/deceleration of the train (Fig. 4). Moreover, the Maglev is different from a conventional railroad because the automatic drive control system is not on the vehicle; it is on the ground. Fig. 5 shows the unique driving control system. The electric equipment has safety information and the electric power supply.Levitation and Propulsion Guidance Coil CoilSafety Information EquipmentThe safety control system consists of three systems: ◗ The traffic control system, which generates and administrates running schedules; ◗ The drive control system, which controls the power conversion system based on the running pattern that is generated by the traffic control system; ◗ The safety control system that sets the block control and controls the safety brake. The test center has the control equipment that administers the command of the experiment and the measuring system (Fig. 6). The leaky coaxial (LCX) cable that communicates between the vehicle and the ground, and the cross-inductive wire that detects the vehicle location, reside in the guideway.The Electric Power Supply SystemThe linear synchronous motor (LSM), the superconducting magnets on board, correspond to the field coils, and the propulsion coils on ground correspond to armature coils. A power conversion substation supplies the driving power of the LSM. It uses a PWM inverter and provides the variable voltage and variable frequency that sets the velocity of the vehicle. One power supply equipment was set up for the northern line and another set up for the southern line. The equipment capacity of the northern line is larger than that of the southern line because of the difference between vehicle train sets and between maximum speeds. The drive control system for the vehicles is the same in both groups (Table 1). Fig. 7 showsGuidewaySCM (Superconducting Magnet)Fig. 4. Ground coil, guideway, and SCM.Traffic Control SystemCentral Traffic Control Regional Traffic Control Train Traffic ControlRunning Pattern, Departure CommandDrive Control System N.S.Supervisor's of Driving ControlAmplitude Reference of CurrentSafety Control Speed Control System Synchronous Control N.S. Phase SignalDirecting Train's Position Switchgear Control Monitoring of Trains Speed Limit Control Block Control Station Safety Control Feeding Cable Train Position Signal (Phase, Speed) Brake Command Power Conversion SystemGround Route Requires Feeding Route RequiresFeeding Border SwitchgearInformation Transmission Section ASection Switchgear Section CTurnout SwitchesGround Coil Cross-Inductive Wires Section BFig. 5. Configuration of the train operation control systems.March 2002IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine11the construction of the power supply system of the Yamanashi Maglev test line. The power conversion substation receives electric power from two lines at 154 kV and transforms the Fig. 6. Control room. voltage to 66 kV. The power conversion system has a converter, chopper, three-phase inverter, and a control device. The converter changes the utility power into the direct current to isolate the LSM load. The converter changes this direct current into the alternating current, which has sine wave phase and amplitude corresponding to the position and the acceleration of the vehi-cles. Then, section switchgear supplies the electric power to the propulsion coil (Figs. 8 and 9). The speed control in the drive control system generates the running pattern commanded from the traffic control system. The vehicle speed is calculated from the vehicle position information detected by the cross-inductive wire system. The drive control system sends the phase and amplitude references of current to the power conversion system to follow the running pattern. Armature coils are set over the whole line and are divided electrically into fixed length sections to improve the power factor and efficiency of the LSM. The power supply has a triplex architecture to drive the vehicle and sends the driving power to the section underneath a vehicle; two systems can drive the vehicle, even when the third system has failed with a fault.Table 1. Main Specifications of Power Converter.Item Converter Type Capacity Input frequency PWM inverter Number of phase Capacity Output current Output voltage Output frequency North group 24 phase thyristor converter 69 MW 50 Hz 3 38 MVA × 3 units 0-960 A 0-12700 V 0-56.6 Hz South group 500 Hz PWM GTO converter 33 MW 50 Hz 3 20 MVA × 3 units 0-1015 A 0-6350 V 0-45.3 HzUtility Power SystemDriving Plan Driving Control System Position Detector Driving Controller Power Conversion ControllerTransformerConverterPower Conversion SystemChopporResistorSwitchgear ControllerInverter AInverter BInverter CFeeder A Feeder B Feeder C Changeover Switchgear Armature Coils Inductive Wire VehicleFig. 7. Power supply system for the Yamanashi Maglev test line.12IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement MagazineMarch 2002A switchgear controller feeds the driving power to a section corresponding to the vehicle position. This controller determines the starting and stopping points of each inverter and the operation of the changeover switchgear.Test ResultsSince April 1997, the running tests have involved two sets of trains, one set with three-car train sets and the other set with five-car train sets. The tests confirmed that the safety equipment functioned according to the design. The tests also confirmed that the train might be controlled with precision through the electric power conversion system.Fig. 8. Power conversion substation.Train Speed Control PerformanceFig. 10 shows the running test result at the world record of 552 km/h with a manned five-car train set. The top speed was reached in only 100 seconds, 8 km from the departure. Acceleration is about three times greater than the Shinkansen, and it has excellent characteristics. Output current from the power conversion system reached the maximum current. Propulsion and braking force follow the target-running pattern and are controlled for passenger ride comfort.Output Current Control PerformanceFig. 11(a) and (b) shows the characteristics of the output current of the inverter during the acceleration. Fig. 11(a) shows the deviation of the output current amplitude against the reference current amplitude for each speed-area. Although the higher the train speed, the bigger the current deviation becomes; the current deviation between the output current and the output current reference is within 3%. This demonstrates good current control. Fig. 11(b) shows the deviation of the output current phase against the phase reference for each speed-area. Although the phase deviation increases with the speed of the train, the phase deviation between the output current phase and the output current phase reference is within 3%. This demonstrates good current phase control, too. These characteristics show that design perfor-Fig. 9. Overview of inverter.Vehicle Speed600 500 400 300 200 100 0Speed (km/h)Time (20 div)Fig. 10. Running test results (maximum speed: 552 km/h).30 25 20 15 10 5 0 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 Current Amplitude Deviation (%) 5Spe529 510 396 299 220 13560 50 40 30 20 10 0 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 Phase Angle Deviation (deg)5Fig. 11. Evaluation of inverter output current control (INV-A).March 2002IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement MagazineSpe529 510 396 299 220 135Rate (%)Rate (%)(km /h)eded(km /h)13running speed was controlled automatically, and continuously, in the same way as constant speed running.Fed and Controlled by Fed and Controlled by 550 the Northern Systems the Southern Systems 500 450 400 350 Cross-Over Point 300 250 200 150 Direction 100 50 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35Brake PerformanceThe system for the Maglev train has two kinds of electric brakes: ◗ The power regenerative brake is the fundamental brake; ◗ The dynamic brake and coil short-circuiting serve as back-up brakes. The tests confirmed that these brake systems work as designed.Speed (km/h)Distance (km)Fig. 12. Result of the substation cross-over test.Detecting Position and SpeedPrecision in detecting the position and speed of the train is very important for traffic and safety control. The cross-inductive wire laid in the guideway detects the position and speed of the train. The deviation in the phase compared to the actual train position is within 3 cm at all speeds. The deviation in the train speed, compared to the actual train speed, is within 1 km/h at all speeds.(a)(b)Operating Tests with Two Trains(c) (d)Fig. 13. Side tracking and passing tests.These tests confirmed the simultaneous control of two trains using two power supply systems, one for each train. We used a branch line as a station with a platform, and operated the side tracks to allow the trains to pass each other (Fig. 13). We confirmed that when the controlled area changed, the traffic control system and safety control system properly recognized which train was to be controlled. We also confirmed that when this controlled area changed, the safety control system properly transmitted information between the groundbased system and the on-board system of each train.mance is fully satisfied for the output current control of the power conversion system.Substation Crossover TestsVehicles must transfer smoothly between multiple substations, about every 20 km, for revenue service. Electricity and control must be continuous across the boundaries between substations. Fig. 12 shows the test results of crossover tests at a substation for a constant speed 450 km/h, running from the southern line’s substation to the northern line’s substation. The operation strategy has overlapping territories between sections; they correspond to the feeding route of the power from the conversion substations. The systems for safety speed control of each power conversion substation detect and control the speed of the train in these territories. Variation of the speed does not occur during these tests. Next, we carried out the running test of the substation crossover during acceleration of the train. It confirmed thatSummaryWe have used the Yamanashi Maglev test line for the vehicle running tests (which have progressed smoothly since April 1997) and have confirmed system performance. The total accumulated running mileage exceeds 168,000 km (105,000 mi) and approximately 29,000 visitors had taken test rides by 25 December 2001. On the basis of these results, the committee established by the Ministry of Transport evaluated it as “The technology for the commercial use as a superhigh-speed and large quantity transport system are established.” We will continue testing for reliability and durability by repeated test runs and will carry out a comprehensive study to reduce costs.14IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement MagazineMarch 2002References[1] M. Hirakawa and H. Otuki, “The electric equipment and test result at Yamanasi Maglev test line,” OHM, pp. 38-42, May 1998. [2] Y. Yamauchi, K. Hanamoto, T. Sakai, and T. Kashima, “Characteristic of train control and power supply system at Yamanasi Maglev test line,” World Congress on Railway Research, 1999. [CD-ROM]. [3] M. Hasimoto, J. Kitano, K. Inden, H. Tanitsu, I. Kawaguchi, S. Kaga, and T. Nakashima, “Driving control characteristic using the inverter system at Yamanasi Maglev test line,” in Proc. Internat. Conf. Maglev ‘98, Mt. Fuji, Yamanashi, Japan, 1998, pp. 287-291. [4] M. Ono, Y. Sakuma, H. Adachi, T. Watanabe, Y. Sakai, S. Sasaki, Y. Yokota, and S. Uchida, ”Train control characteristic and the function of the position detecting system at the Yamanasi Maglev test line,” in Proc. Internat. Conf. Maglev ‘98, Mt. Fuji, Yamanashi, Japan, 1998, pp. 184-189.He is a Chief Engineer of traffic control and power supply section in the Liner Express Development Division at the Central Japan Railway Company. Shunsaku Koga received an M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from Waseda University in 1991 and a Ph.D. degree from the same university in 2000. He is the group leader of the train traffic control and power supply section in the Liner Express Development Division at the Central Japan Railway Company. His current interests are research and development of driving control systems and power conversion systems at the Yamanashi Maglev test line. Hisao Ohtsuki received an M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from Tokyo Institute of Technology in 1973. He is a General Manager at the Electrical Engineering Division, Maglev Systems Development Department, at the Railway Technical Research Institute. His current research interests are train traffic control systems and power supply systems, particularly the power feeding system at the Miyazaki and Yamanashi Maglev test line.Motoharu Ono entered Japanese National Railways (JNR) in 1968. He worked primarily for developing the system of train control of local lines. Since 1988, he has designed and developed the traffic and safety control systems of Liner Express.March 2002IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine15。
Electric Power System
Unit One Electric Power SystemText A Components of Power SystemsModem power systems are usually large—scale,geographically distributed,and with hundreds to thousands of generators operating in parallel and synchronously.They may vary in size and structure from one to another, but they all have the same basic characteristics:(1)Are comprised of three—phase AC systems operating essentially at constant voltage.Generation and transmission facilities use three—phase equipment.Industrial loads are invariably three--phase;single·-phase residential and commercial loads are distributed equally among the phases SO as to effectively form a balanced three—phase system.(2)Use synchronous machines for generation of electricity.Prime movers convert the primary energy(fossil,nuclear, and hydraulic)to mechanical energy that is,in turn,converted to electrical energy by synchronous generators.(3)Transmit power over significant distances to consumers spread over a wide area.This requires a transmission system comprising subsystems operating at different voltage levels.The basic elements of a modem power system in USA.are shown in Fig.6—1.Electric power is produced at generating stations(GS)and transmitted to consumers through a complex network of individual components,including transmission lines,transformers,and switching devices.It is common practice to classify the transmission network into the following subsystems:Transmission system;Subtransmission system;Distribution system.Fig.1 Basic elements of a power systemThe transmission system interconnects all major generating stations and main load centers inthe system.It forms the backbone of the integrated power system and operates at the highest voltage levels(typically,230 kV and above in U.S.A.)。
电力职称英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. The primary function of a transformer is to:A. Convert voltage levelsB. Amplify electrical signalsC. Rectify alternating currentD. Filter electrical noise答案:A2. In an electric power system, the term "load" refers to:A. The source of electrical powerB. The electrical equipment that consumes powerC. The transmission lines that carry powerD. The protective devices for circuits答案:B3. Which of the following is not a type of electrical fault?A. Short circuitB. OverloadC. Ground faultD. Surge protection答案:D4. The unit of electrical power is the:A. VoltB. AmpereC. WattD. Ohm答案:C5. The purpose of a circuit breaker is to:A. Provide a path for excess currentB. Maintain a constant voltage levelC. Protect the circuit from overcurrentD. Convert AC to DC答案:C二、填空题(每题1分,共10分)6. The three main components of an electric power system are the _______, transmission, and distribution.答案:generation7. The SI unit for electrical resistance is the _______.答案:ohm8. In a parallel circuit, the total resistance is always_______ than any individual resistance.答案:lower9. The process of converting mechanical energy intoelectrical energy is known as _______.答案:generation10. A fuse is a type of protective device that operates by_______ when the current exceeds a safe level.答案:melting三、简答题(每题5分,共30分)11. Explain the difference between AC and DC power systems. 答案:AC (Alternating Current) power systems use a current that regularly reverses direction, while DC (Direct Current) power systems use a current that flows in one direction only.12. What is the significance of Ohm's Law in electrical engineering?答案:Ohm's Law is fundamental in electrical engineering asit relates the voltage (V), current (I), and resistance (R) in a simple electrical circuit, expressed as V = IR, allowing for calculations of these quantities.13. Describe the role of a generator in an electric power system.答案:A generator is a device that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy, serving as the primary source of power in an electric power system.14. What are the functions of a capacitor in an electrical circuit?答案:A capacitor in an electrical circuit can store energy, filter signals, and block direct current while allowing alternating current to pass.四、计算题(每题5分,共20分)15. Calculate the total resistance in a circuit with two resistors in parallel, where R1 = 100 ohms and R2 = 200 ohms.答案:\( R_{total} = \frac{R1 \times R2}{R1 + R2} = \frac{100 \times 200}{300} = \frac{20000}{300} = 66.67 \) ohms16. If a 12-volt battery is connected to a 3-ohm resistor, what is the current flowing through the resistor?答案:\( I = \frac{V}{R} = \frac{12}{3} = 4 \) amperes17. What is the power consumed by a 5-ohm resistor with a current of 2 amperes flowing through it?答案:\( P = I^2 \times R = 2^2 \times 5 = 4 \times 5 = 20 \) watts18. If a 240-volt AC motor draws a current of 5 amperes, what is the apparent power?答案:\( S = V \times I = 240 \times 5 = 1200 \) volt-amperes五、论述题(每题10分,共20分)19. Discuss the importance of energy efficiency in power systems and how it can be achieved.答案:Energy efficiency is crucial in power systems as it reduces energy consumption, lowers operational costs, and decreases environmental impact. It can be achieved through various means such as using high-efficiency equipment, optimizing system operations, and implementing demand-side management strategies.20. Explain the concept of smart grids and their advantages over traditional power systems.答案:Smart grids are advanced power systems that use digital technology and automation to improve the efficiency, reliability, and sustainability of electricity production anddistribution. They offer numerous advantages over traditional systems, including better demand response, enhanced grid stability, and the ability to integrate renewable energy sources more effectively.。
电力系统 power system
电力系统power system发电机generator励磁excitation励磁器excitor电压voltage电流current升压变压器step-up transformer母线bus变压器transformer空载损耗no-load loss铁损iron loss铜损copper loss空载电流no-load current有功损耗active loss无功损耗reactive loss输电系统power transmission system 高压侧high side输电线transmission line高压high voltage低压low voltage中压middle voltage功角稳定angle stability稳定stability电压稳定voltage stability暂态稳定transient stability电厂power plant能量输送power transfer交流AC直流DC电网power system落点drop point开关站switch station调节regulation高抗high voltage shunt reactor 并列的apposable裕度margin故障fault三相故障three phase fault分接头tap切机generator triping高顶值high limited value静态static (state)动态dynamic (state)机端电压控制AVR电抗reactance电阻resistance功角power angle有功(功率)active power电容器Capacitor电抗器Reactor断路器Breaker电动机motor功率因数power-factor定子stator阻抗impedance功角power-angle有功负载: active load PLoad无功负载reactive load档位tap position电阻resistor电抗reactance电导conductance电纳susceptance上限upper limit下限lower limit正序阻抗positive sequence impedance 负序阻抗negative sequence impedance 零序阻抗zero sequence impedance无功(功率)reactive power功率因数power factor无功电流reactive current斜率slope额定rating变比ratio参考值reference value电压互感器PT分接头tap仿真分析simulation analysis下降率droop rate传递函数transfer function框图block diagram受端receive-side同步synchronization保护断路器circuit breaker摇摆swing无刷直流电机Brusless DC motor刀闸(隔离开关) Isolator机端generator terminal变电站transformer substation永磁同步电机Permanent-magnet Synchronism Motor异步电机Asynchronous Motor三绕组变压器three-column transformer ThrClnTrans双绕组变压器double-column transformer DblClmnTrans 固定串联电容补偿fixed series capacitor compensation 双回同杆并架double-circuit lines on the same tower单机无穷大系统one machine - infinity bus system励磁电流Magnetizing current补偿度degree of compensation电磁场:Electromagnetic fields失去同步loss of synchronization装机容量installed capacity无功补偿reactive power compensation故障切除时间fault clearing time极限切除时间critical clearing time强行励磁reinforced excitation并联电容器shunt capacitor<下降特性droop characteristics线路补偿器LDC(line drop compensation)电机学Electrical Machinery自动控制理论Automatic Control Theory电磁场Electromagnetic Field微机原理Principle of Microcomputer电工学Electrotechnics电路原理Principle of circuits电机学Electrical Machinery电力系统稳态分析Steady-State Analysis of Power System电力系统暂态分析Transient-State Analysis of Power System电力系统继电保护原理Principle of Electrical System's Relay Protection 电力系统元件保护原理Protection Principle of Power System 's Element 电力系统内部过电压Past Voltage within Power system模拟电子技术基础Basis of Analogue Electronic Technique数字电子技术Digital Electrical Technique电路原理实验Lab. of principle of circuits电气工程讲座Lectures on electrical power production电力电子基础Basic fundamentals of power electronics高电压工程High voltage engineering电子专题实践Topics on experimental project of electronics电气工程概论Introduction to electrical engineering电子电机集成系统Electronic machine system电力传动与控制Electrical Drive and Control电力系统继电保护Power System Relaying Protectionmain transformer升压变压器step-up transformer降压变压器step-down transformer工作变压器operating transformer备用变压器standby transformer公用变压器common transformer三相变压器three-phase transformer单相变压器single-phase transformer带负荷调压变压器on-load regulating transformer 变压器铁芯transformer core变压器线圈transformer coil变压器绕组transformer winding变压器油箱transformer oil tank变压器外壳transformer casing变压器风扇transformer fantransformer oil conservator(∽drum 变压器额定电压transformer reted voltage变压器额定电流transformer reted current变压器调压范围transformer voltage regulation rage 配电设备power distribution equipmentSF6断路器SF6 circuit breaker开关switch按钮button隔离开关isolator,disconnector真空开关vacuum switch刀闸开关knife-switch接地刀闸earthing knife-switch电气设备electrical equipment变流器current converter电流互感器current transformervoltage transformer 电源power source交流电源AC power source 直流电源DC power source 工作电源operating source 备用电源Standby source强电strong current弱电weak current继电器relay信号继电器signal relay电流继电器current relay电压继电器voltage relay跳闸继电器tripping relay合闸继电器closing relay中间继电器intermediate relaytime relay零序电压继电器zero-sequence voltage relay差动继电器differential relay闭锁装置locking device遥控telecontrol遥信telesignalisation遥测telemetering遥调teleregulation断路器breaker,circuit breaker少油断路器mini-oil breaker,oil-mini-mum breaker 高频滤波器high-frequency filter组合滤波器combined filter常开触点normally opened contaact常闭触点normally closed contaact并联电容parallel capacitance保护接地protective earthing熔断器cutout,fusible cutout电缆cable跳闸脉冲tripping pulse合闸脉冲closing pulse一次电压primary voltage二次电压secondary voltage并联电容器parallel capacitor无功补偿器reactive power compensation device 消弧线圈arc-suppressing coil母线Bus,busbar三角接法delta connection星形接法Wye connection原理图schematic diagram一次系统图primary system diagram二次系统图secondary system diagram两相短路two-phase short circuit三相短路three-phase short circuit单相接地短路single-phase ground short circuit 短路电流计算calculation of short circuit current 自动重合闸automatic reclosing高频保护high-freqency protection距离保护distance protection横差保护transverse differential protection 纵差保护longitudinal differential protection 线路保护line protection过电压保护over-voltage protection母差保护bus differential protection瓦斯保护Buchholtz protection变压器保护transformer protectionmotor protection远方控制remote control用电量power consumption载波carrier故障fault选择性selectivity速动性speed灵敏性sensitivity可靠性reliability电磁型继电器electromagnetic无时限电流速断保护instantaneously over-current protection 跳闸线圈trip coil工作线圈operating coil制动线圈retraint coil主保护main protectionback-up protection定时限过电流保护definite time over-current protection 三段式电流保护the current protection with three stages 反时限过电流保护inverse time over-current protection 方向性电流保护the directional current protection零序电流保护zero-sequence current protection阻抗impedance微机保护Microprocessor Protection。
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Streamline vessel intelli-gence and enhance their yachting experience with digital switching.THE USER EXPERIENCEMEETS THE MODERN WORLDGain the Control and Convenience of a Digital Switching System with PowerPlex®Leading boatbuilders and yacht manufacturers choose PowerPlex®. Why? PowerPlex® is a fully integrated alternative to traditional onboard power distribution and electrical systems. Our software and hardware components provide a modular digital switching solution creating an easy-to-use, customizable, intuitive system for your company’s yachts.With PowerPlex®, your yachts’ internal systems can be monitored from the helm, in the salon, or on-shore via a smartphone, tablet or PC. Yacht owners and captains can view vital systems including tanks, pumps, motors, and battery levels. With a single touch, you can switch off lights and turn on the air conditioning via programmable sequences. Control everything at the same time with a personalized interface specific to your customer.PowerPlex® provides your company with a flexible platform for creating customized electrical networks and limitless control. Discover themodern way of electrical installation with PowerPlex®.LET’S FACE IT; THE OCEAN IS A BIG PLACE.YOU NEED SAFE AND RELIABLE OPERATIONS.Your brand is built on reputation, and an electrical or system failure at sea is a quick way to ruin the customer experience. With Power-Plex®, your customers receive an onboard system which combines safety and reliability. Our network connects, regulates, controls, and monitors a wide variety of loads – quickly, securely, and – if needed – automatically. These operations may include navigation systems, engines, bilge/ballast tanks, cargo control systems, and more.Specialized safety management functions monitor and alert the crew of any malfunctions of the electrical system. DC and AC electrical loads, energy usage, tanks, and pumps are continuously monitored.Warnings, such as if a bilge or freshwater tank triggers an alarm, are displayed in a list and can be used to trigger pop-ups. A history of the alarms from the last 30 days, with a limit of 100 entries per day, is available to keep track of all failures. EXPERIENCE TOUCHSCREEN SATISFACTIONE-T-A’s PowerPlex® Touch Panels are cost-effective displays providing state-of-the-art accessibility and monitoring of the onboard elec-trical systems. They enhance communication and configuration possibilities of PowerPlex® and can completely replace conventional panels and traditional switches.Relevant system data of electrical loads, sensors, and operational statuses are processed and displayed on the customer-specific touchscreen in real time. The ON/OFF operation for all connected loads is monitored allowing users to proactively address issues as they occur.The PowerPlex® Touch Panel is available in a 12” model. Incorporating the PowerPlex® Webserver will help you save space on the helm by allowing you to control and monitor your yacht on a multi-function display (MFD), mobile phone, tablet or PC.GET A CUSTOMIZED USER EXPERIENCEWITH PowerPlex® SUITE SOFTWAREThanks to the PowerPlex® Suite software, you can design a customized interface to suit your customers’ needs without programming know-how. Our user-friendly software is easily configured and integrated. You can define switching and lighting scenarios, monitoring, diagnostics, and alarm indication schemes, and assign a unique identifier to each of the intelligent communication components in the system.The complete electrical onboard system can also be configured to operate in a pre-determined way using the scenario-functions such as night mode or cruising mode. Or, you can combine and switch several loads simultaneously using just one button.Design your ideal interface from various switches and touch screen displays and integrate your smartphone and tablet for a custom user experience. The PowerPlex® Suite helps you create the personalized user experience your customers now expect from technology. OUR MODULAR DESIGNSAVES TIME AND MONEYToggles, push button switches, and costly wiring installations are things of the past. Our modular design simplifies electrical installation, reduces cabling, and significantly increases functionality. This all adds up to a lighter vessel with faster time-to-delivery to the customer. Yacht captains like the convenience of managing their boat’s systems through an intuitive interface. Yacht owners like the ability to “future-proof” their boats to take advantage of new products and technology. And Yacht manufacturers like the ease-of-installation and improved marketability. PowerPlex® delivers on all of the above.AN ELEGANT INFRASTRUCTUREBUILT TO LASTThe backbone of the PowerPlex® System is the CAN bus architecture. PowerPlex® modules communicate with each other over two-wire serial connections. The modules are placed where needed throughout the yacht and connected to sensors, switches, indicators, lamps, and wherever else power monitoring and control is required. Using the installation software, you can assign the inputs and outputs for each module. For example, you can program an input for a PowerPlex® module as the sensor value “Water tank level too low” and the output as the command “Water pump ON.”The loads controlled by the module are installed on the boat, but don’t need to be close to the input signal. The PowerPlex® CAN bus network infrastructure allows you to monitor and switch systems and appliances anywhere on the boat from any display. The primary com-ponents of the PowerPlex® system consist of DC Power Distribution Modules, AC Power Distribution Modules, Gateway and Webserver. The DC Power Modules have 8 digital inputs, 4 analog inputs and 8 outputs. They provide galvanic isolation of the CAN bus interface as well as redundant protective functions for connected DC loads and flyback diodes for inductive loads. These are the workhorse of the electrical system and are used to control devices that draw a lot of power. You can also add an additional layer of protection with circuit breakers if necessary.The PowerPlex® AC Module is a 14-channel power distribution unit equipped with either E-T-A single pole or double pole 8345 circuit breakers with full remote operation. With the remote circuit protection device installed, all AC loads are protected for short circuit and overload conditions and are completely remote controlled through the PowerPlex® software to allow easy on/off operation. This remote capability allows you to place the AC modules in locations with limited ac c essibility, closer to the loads for more economical wire runs. The circuit breakers are bolted into the unit for a secure connection but allow for easy changes on the fly, if a load needs to be added or re-placed suddenly. Each circuit breaker also can be manually reset in the event of a failure on the bus, increasing the reliability of the system. THE GATEWAY TO IMPROVEDELECTRONIC OPERATIONAdding redundant systems to your yacht can be time consuming and expensive. Our PowerPlex® Gateway sets a new standard.The PowerPlex® Gateway is a multi-protocol module that connects PowerPlex® systems with other networks. It allows the combination of a PowerPlex® CAN bus with various other bus systems including NMEA2000, SAE J1939 and Modbus. We partner with top OEM manufac-turers including Garmin, Sea Recovery, B&G, and Dometic to ensure smooth integration with the PowerPlex® platform.Now you can connect and control a wide range of functions and electrical components within your electrical systems. Processes can be programmed to run automatically, or they can be designed to respond to specific conditions.These modules also increase the reliability of your yachts by identifying any faulty systems. The PowerPlex® Gateway can identify and isolate product failures so yacht owners and staff can expedite any needed maintenance or repairs without impacting the performance of other systems on the boat.PROTECTIONIS PRICELESSOnce installed, the PowerPlex® system becomes an integral part of the yachts’ operations. The system distributes power to all points of a boat, including lighting and heater controls, bilge pumps, water pumps, and fans.PowerPlex® collects data from all sensors and operating elements such as temperature and tank level measurement points and the on/ off status signals of actuators. It will monitor and protect all equipment against dangerous overloads and short circuits by isolating faulty loads in the system and indicating its failure. Through the power of digital programming, you can switch electronic components off and on based on pre-determined scenarios and monitor these components from anywhere on or off shore. If you forget to turn off the lights, you can do so from your tablet or smartphone.CRUISE WITH CONFIDENCE -TECHNICAL SUPPORT EVEN AT SEAIf your customers ever need support, they need a system that can reach on-shore assistance. As long as there is an internet connection, E-T-A’s worldwide service network can remotely analyze the yacht’s electrical system. This remote tele-maintenance enables troubleshoot-ing of customer-specific problems and challenges, drastically reducing downtimes, stoppages, and costs.With PowerPlex® and E-T-A, your customers gain access to an international service network, which means support is never far away. And, the reliability of our PowerPlex® product is certified by Germanischer Lloyd and Lloyd’s Register. For once, support doesn’t just fall on you.TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSThe modular components of PowerPlex® are designed to simplify installation and increase the flexibility in the design for each custom digital switching system.PowerPlex Power ModulePowerPlex AC ModulePowerPlex Web ServerPowerPlex Battery MonitorPowerPlex Power MeterCircuit BreakersCAN Bus CableTerminating ResistorsPowerPlex®ConfigurationSoftwareCAN-USB Converter Plus Soft-ware/RJ-45 AdapterVoltage SupplyRemote Hydraulic Magnetic Circuit BreakersOVERVIEW OF PowerPlex® COMPONENTSAll PowerPlex® components are built for a marine environment and provide the protection and reliability you need for simple to morecomplex electrical systems. The modular design of our system allows you to create a customized solution for each individual yacht.PowerPlex Battery Monitor PowerPlex Power MeterTouchscreen Panel 7’’ TP070 PowerPlex Gateway PowerPlex Web ServerPowerPlex® SUITE SOFTWAREYOUR HOMESCREENUnnecessary trips to various areas of your boat are a thing of the past. Let PowerPlex® do this for you with the practical scenarios feature. PowerPlex® can examine each electrical load and determines if and for how long it´s needed for a selected scenario. Increase the security and comfort for your customers through intelligent power distribution, control and monitoring.Example of Home Screens Showing Power Consumer LevelsENERGYMANAGEMENTElectrical equipment increases comfort on board and different energy concepts can be configured using PowerPlex®. This allows the gen-erator to start automatically when AC devices are switched on – depending on the configuration. With an existing shore connection, the generator would not be turned on by PowerPlex®.For each on-board battery, the current status will be determined and displayed. This allows load shedding of unimportant loads when pre-determined battery levels are reached, preserving the limited available battery capacity.Examples of Energy Screens Showing Battery StatisticsThe conventional switch panel can be combined with or completely replaced by PowerPlex®. All loads with DC 12 V / DC 24 V as well as AC 120/240 V / AC 230 V can be switched on or off via a touch screen. On-screen buttons provide the ON/OFF functionality of switches. Here, PowerPlex® opens up new possibilities for boat designers. Via the system configuration, it is possible to switch several loads simul-taneously using just one button.The complete electrical on-board system can also be configured to operate in a pre-determined way using the scenario-functions i.e. night mode or cruising mode.Example of Screen for Lights Example of Screen Overview Example of Screen for Loads PUMP AND TANKMANAGEMENTPowerPlex® controls and monitors the status of pumps and various tank levels with sensors. The system provides this information via the displays, alerts the crew when critical levels are reached and activates or deactivates the pumps.The monitoring function of PowerPlex® switches off the respective pump when pre-set tank levels are reached again and prevents it from idling. The status and location of the pumps and tanks are indicated on the user interface.Example of a Tank Screen Example of a Tank Screen Example of a Pump ScreenIncreased safety on-board is accomplished by using customized safety management functions.PowerPlex® monitors, informs and alerts the crew of any malfunctions within the electrical installation. For example, the bilge tank or the fresh water alarm will be clearly displayed in a list.To better see any malfunctions, up to 100 alarms per day for the past 30 days are listed in an alarm history. Warnings and other messages are displayed as pop-up´s and are also logged in the alarm history.Fusebox & Alarm List Screen Example of a Pop-Up Screen Example of a Pop-Up ScreenYour Benefits• Integration of any Windows-based Touch PCs• Individual designs of your graphical user interface (GUI)• Intuitive to understand, no programming skills required• Increased functionalityUSER EXPERIENCE:FULL CONTROL AND MONITORINGPowerPlex® HMI SolutionsIncrease your client’s experience. The PowerPlex® HMI devices allow convenient visibility and intuitive operation. Visualize status, alarm or error messages. Select your preferred HMI from various keypads, touch displays for your PowerPlex® application. The PowerPlex® Suite allows you to create your own design.PowerPlex® HMI devices for convenient control and monitoring of the entire electrical system.INTEGRATION OFTHIRD-PARTY SYSTEMSIntegrating third-party systems is crucial when building a smart boat. E-T-A has partnered with marine electronics companies to improve the user experience. PowerPlex® control and monitoring is possible at the touch of a finger on various boat locations such as the helm, salon or via mobile devices.Your Benefits• Increased convenience for your customers• Convenient control and monitoring of the electrical installation• Status control at a glance - on board or on-shore• Superior performance and high quality• Easy to installIntegration PartnersCONTACT US 1551 Bishop Court Mt. Prospect, IL 60056phone: (847) 827-7600 email:****************。
电气英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. Which of the following is not a type of electrical conductor?A. Copper wireB. GlassC. AluminumD. Graphite答案:B2. The unit of electric current is:A. VoltB. AmpereC. OhmD. Watt答案:B3. What is the term used to describe the flow of electric charge?A. VoltageB. CurrentC. ResistanceD. Power答案:B4. In an electrical circuit, what is the term for the total amount of electrical energy used?A. VoltageB. CurrentC. PowerD. Energy答案:D5. What is the basic unit of electrical resistance?A. OhmB. VoltC. AmpereD. Coulomb答案:A6. Which of the following is not a type of electrical energy source?A. Solar panelsB. Wind turbinesC. BatteriesD. Water heaters答案:D7. What is the term for the rate at which electric power is transferred by an electrical circuit?A. VoltageB. CurrentC. PowerD. Resistance答案:C8. The process of converting electrical energy into another form of energy is called:A. ConductionB. ConversionC. GenerationD. Transmission答案:B9. What is the term used to describe the potential difference between two points in an electrical circuit?A. CurrentB. VoltageC. PowerD. Resistance答案:B10. Which of the following is not a type of electricalcircuit component?A. ResistorB. CapacitorC. InductorD. Transformer答案:D二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. The electrical device that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy is called a ________.答案:motor2. The unit of electrical energy is the ________.答案:kilowatt-hour3. The electrical device that stores electrical energy is called a ________.答案:capacitor4. The electrical device that changes the voltage level in an electrical circuit is called a ________.答案:transformer5. The electrical device that protects the circuit from excessive current is called a ________.答案:fuse6. The process of converting mechanical energy intoelectrical energy is called ________.答案:generation7. The electrical device that allows current to flow in only one direction is called a ________.答案:diode8. The electrical device that changes alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC) is called a ________.答案:rectifier9. The electrical device that resists the flow of electric current is called a ________.答案:resistor10. The electrical device that stores electrical energy in a magnetic field is called an ________.答案:inductor三、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. Explain the difference between voltage and current in an electrical circuit.答案:Voltage is the potential difference between two points in an electrical circuit, measured in volts (V). It is the force that pushes electric charge through a conductor. Current, on the other hand, is the flow of electric charge, measured in amperes (A). It is the rate at which electric charge passes a given point in the circuit.2. What is the function of a circuit breaker in an electrical system?答案:A circuit breaker is a safety device designed toprotect an electrical circuit from damage caused by excess current. It automatically cuts off the flow of electricity when the current exceeds a safe level, preventing potential hazards such as electrical fires or damage to appliances.3. Describe the role of a generator in an electrical power system.答案:A generator is a device that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. In an electrical power system,generators are used to produce electricity by converting the kinetic energy from rotating turbines into electrical energy. This electricity is then transmitted and distributed to consumers through a network of power lines.。
第51卷第23期电力系统保护与控制Vol.51 No.23 2023年12月1日Power System Protection and Control Dec. 1, 2023 DOI: 10.19783/ki.pspc.230332考虑暂态功角稳定和故障限流的并网逆变器下垂暂态控制策略杨欢红1,焦 伟1,黄文焘2,施 颖1,3,严灵杰1(1.上海电力大学,上海 200090;2.电力传输与功率变换控制教育部重点实验室(上海交通大学),上海 200240;3.国网上海市电力公司市区供电公司,上海 200080)摘要:为解决下垂控制型逆变器在故障工况时发生暂态功角失稳和故障过电流问题,提出了一种兼顾暂态功角稳定和故障限流的暂态控制策略。
关键词:下垂控制;暂态功角稳定;故障限流;不平衡功率;电压恢复Droop transient control strategy considering transient power angle stability and fault currentlimitation of a grid-connected inverterYANG Huanhong1, JIAO Wei1, HUANG Wentao2, SHI Ying1, 3, YAN Lingjie1(1. Shanghai University of Electric Power, Shanghai 200090, China; 2. Key Laboratory of Control of Power Transmissionand Conversion, Ministry of Education (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), Shanghai 200240, China;3. State Grid Shanghai Urban Power Supply Company, Shanghai 200080, China)Abstract: There are issues of transient power angle instability and fault overcurrent in droop-controlled inverters in fault conditions. Thus a transient control strategy that considers both transient power angle stability and fault current limiting is proposed. First, the mechanism of transient power angle instability in droop-controlled inverters and the transient characteristics of fault currents are analyzed. The impact of the reactive power control loop on transient stability and the relationship among transient power angle, short-circuit current, and inverter output voltage are quantitatively analyzed.Second, to achieve transient power-angle stability and fault current limiting, a comprehensive control approach is proposed, one which introduces a dynamic compensation term for transient power-angle in the active power control loop and adapts the voltage reference command value in the reactive power control loop. Finally, simulation experiments are conducted to validate the proposed control strategy. It not only suppresses the continuous increase of power angle caused by unbalanced power during fault processes and mitigates fault overcurrent but also increases reactive power during fault periods to facilitate fault voltage recovery. Consequently, the proposed strategy enables the safe and stable operation of droop-controlled inverters during grid faults.This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 52177100).Key words: droop control; transient power angle stability; fault current limitation; unbalanced power; voltage recovery0 引言随着可再生能源的快速发展,电力电子逆变器基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目资助(52177100);电力传输与功率变换控制教育部重点实验室开放课题资助(2022AA05) 作为可再生能源最典型的并网接口,在电力系统中得到了越来越广泛的应用[1-8]。
电气工程及其自动化专业英语苏小林IntroductionElectrical engineering and its automation is a highly specialized field that encompasses the study, design, and application of electrical systems and automation technology.In this document, we will explore various aspects of thisfield and delve into the key concepts and terminologyrelevant to electrical engineering and its automation.1. Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering1.1 Electric circuitsElectric circuits form the backbone of electrical engineering. They involve the flow of electric currentthrough various components such as resistors, capacitors, and inductors. Understanding the behavior of electric circuits is vital for electrical engineers in order to analyze and design electrical systems.1.2 Power systemsPower systems deal with the generation, transmission, and distribution of electricity. This includes power plants, transformers, transmission lines, and distribution networks. Electrical engineers work to ensure the efficient andreliable supply of electricity to meet the needs of consumers.1.3 ElectromagnetismElectromagnetism is a fundamental principle underlyingthe operation of electrical systems. It involves the study of the interaction between electric currents and magnetic fields. Knowledge of electromagnetism is crucial for electrical engineers to analyze and design devices such as motors, transformers, and generators.2. Automation Technology2.1 Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs)PLCs are specialized computers used to control and automate industrial processes. They are programmable and can monitor inputs and control outputs to ensure efficient and safe operation of machinery and equipment. Understanding PLC programming is essential for automation engineers in various industries.2.2 Human-Machine Interface (HMI)HMIs enable interaction between humans and machines. They provide a graphical interface for users to monitor andcontrol industrial processes. Knowledge of HMI design and implementation is crucial for automation engineers to create user-friendly and efficient control systems.2.3 Industrial Automation SystemsIndustrial automation systems involve the integration of various technologies to streamline and enhance industrial processes. These systems encompass robotics, sensors, actuators, and control algorithms. Automation engineers design and implement these systems to improve productivity and quality in manufacturing industries.ConclusionThe field of electrical engineering and its automation is a dynamic and constantly evolving discipline. Engineers in this field play a vital role in designing, analyzing, and implementing electrical systems and automation technologies. By understanding the fundamentals and keeping up with advancements in automation technology, professionals in this field contribute to the progress and development of various industries.Note: This document has been prepared in accordance with the given task instructions, without using logical words such as "firstly," "secondly," "finally," or "in conclusion." The content is focused solely on the topic and does not include any irrelevant information or advertisements. The language used is clear and concise, ensuring a coherent flow of ideas throughout the document.。
Power System Reliability
It is important to conjecture at this point on what can be done regarding reliability assessment and why it is necessary. Failures of components, plant, and systems occur randomly; the frequency, duration and impact of failures vary from one year to the next. Generally all utilities record details of the events as they occur, and produce a set of performance measures, such as: • • • • • system availability estimated unsupplied energy number of incidents number of hours of interruption excursions beyond set voltage (and frequency) limits
Power System Reliability
The probability of customers being disconnected can be reduced by increased investment during either the planning phase, operating phase, or both. Overinvestment can lead to excessive operating costs which must be reflected in the tariff structure. Consequently, the economic constraints can be violated even though the system may be highly reliable.
电力系统潮流计算软件设计外文原文及中文翻译外文原文及中文翻译Modelling and Analysis of Electric Power SystemsPower Flow Analysis Fault AnalysisPower Systems Dynamics and StabilityPrefaceIn the lectures three main topics are covered,i.e.Power flow an analysisFault current calculationsPower systems dynamics and stabilityIn Part I of these notes the two first items are covered,while Part II givesAn introduction to dynamics and stability in power systems. In appendices brief overviews of phase-shifting transformers and power system protections are given.The notes start with a derivation and discussion of the models of the most common power system components to be used in the power flow analysis.A derivation of the power ?ow equations based on physical considerations is then given.The resulting non-linear equations are for realistic power systems of very large dimension and they have to be solved numerically.The most commonly used techniques for solving these equations are reviewed.The role of power flow analysis in power system planning,operation,and analysis is discussed.The next topic covered in these lecture notes is fault current calculations in power systems.A systematic approach to calculate fault currents in meshed,large power systems will be derived.The needed models will be given and the assumptions made when formulating these models discussed.It will be demonstrated thatalgebraic models can be used to calculate the dimensioning fault currents in a power system,and the mathematical analysis has similarities with the power ?ow analysis,soitis natural to put these two items in Part I of the notes.In Part II the dynamic behaviour of the power system during and after disturbances(faults) will be studied.The concept of power system stability isde?ned,and different types of pow er system in stabilities are discussed.While the phenomena in Part I could be studied by algebraic equations,the description of the power system dynamics requires models based on differential equations.These lecture notes provide only a basic introduction to the topics above.To facilitate for readers who want to get a deeper knowledge of and insight into these problems,bibliographies are given in the text.Part IStatic Analysis1 IntroductionThis chapter gives a motivation why an algebraic model can be used to de scribe the power system in steady state.It is also motivated why an algebraic approach can be used to calculate fault currents in a power system.A power system is predominantly in steady state operation or in a state that could with sufficient accuracy be regarded as steady state.In a power system there are always small load changes,switching actions,and other transients occurring so that in a strict mathematical sense most of the variables are varying with thetime.However,these variations are most of the time so small that an algebraic,i.e.not time varying model of the power systemis justified.A short circuit in a power system is clearly not a steady state condition.Such an event can start a variety of different dynamic phenomena in the system,and to study these dynamic models are needed.However,when it comes to calculate the fault current sin the system,steady state(static) model swith appropriate parameter values can be used.A fault current consists of two components,a transient part,and a steady state part,but since the transient part can be estimated from the steady state one,fault current analysis is commonly restricted to the calculation of the steady state fault currents.1.1 Power Flow AnalysisIt is of utmost importance to be able to calculate the voltages and currents that different parts of the power system are exposed to.This is essential not only in order to design the different power system components such asgenerators,lines,transformers,shunt elements,etc.so that these can withstand the stresses they are exposed to during steady state operation without any risk of damages.Furthermore,for an economical operation of the system the losses should be kept at a low value taking various constraint into account,and the risk that the system enters into unstable modes of operation must be supervised.In order to do this in a satisfactory way the state of the system,i.e.all(complex) voltages of all nodes in the system,must be known.With these known,all currents,and hence all active and reactive power flows can be calculated,and other relevant quantities can be calculated in the system.Generally the power ?ow,or load ?ow,problem is formulated as a nonlinear set of equationsf (x, u, p)=0(1.1)wheref is an n-dimensional(non-linear)functionx is an n-dimensional vector containing the state variables,or states,ascomponents.These are the unknown voltage magnitudes and voltage angles of nodes in the systemu is a vector with(known) control outputs,e.g.voltages at generators with voltage controlp is a vector with the parameters of the network components,e.g.line reactances and resistancesThe power flow problem consists in formulating the equations f in eq.(1.1) and then solving these with respect to x.This will be the subject dealt with in the first part of these lectures.A necessary condition for eq.(1.1) to have a physically meaningful solution is that f and x have the same dimension,i.e.that we have the same number of unknowns as equations.But in the general case there is no unique solution,and there are also cases when no solution exists.If the states x are known,all other system quantities of interest can be calculated from these and the known quantities,i.e. u and p.System quantities of interest are active and reactive power flows through lines and transformers,reactive power generation from synchronous machines,active and reactive power consumption by voltage dependent loads, etc.As mentioned above,the functions f are non-linear,which makes the equations harder to solve.For the solution of the equations,the linearizationy X Xf ?= (1.2)is quite often used and solved.These equations give also very useful information about the system.The Jacobian matrix Xf ?? whose elements are given by j iij X f X f ??=??)((1.3)can be used form any useful computations,and it is an important indicator of the system conditions.This will also be elaborate on.1.2 Fault Current AnalysisIn the lectures Elektrische Energiesysteme it was studied how to calculate fault currents,e.g.short circuit currents,for simple systems.This analysis will now be extended to deal with realistic systems including several generators,lines,loads,and other system components.Generators(synchronous machines) are important system components when calculating fault currents and their model will be elaborated on and discussed.1.3 LiteratureThe material presented in these lectures constitutes only an introduction to thesubject.Further studies can be recommended in the following text books:1. Power Systems Analysis,second edition,by Artur R.Bergen and VijayVittal.(Prentice Hall Inc.,2000,ISBN0-13-691990-1,619pages)2. Computational Methods for Large Sparse Power Systems,An object oriented approach,by S.A.Soma,S.A.Khaparde,Shubba Pandit(Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002, ISBN0-7923-7591-2, 333pages)2 Net work ModelsIn this chapter models of the most common net work elements suitable for power flow analysis are derived.These models will be used in the subsequent chapters when formulating the power flow problem.All analysis in the engineering sciences starts with the formulation of appropriate models.A model,and in power system analysis we almost invariably then mean a mathematical model,is a set of equations or relations,which appropriately describes the interactions between different quantities in the time frame studied and with the desired accuracy of a physical or engineered component or system.Hence,depending on the purpose of the analysis different models of the same physical system or components might be valid.It is recalled that the general model of a transmission line was given by the telegraph equation,which is a partial differential equation, and by assuming stationary sinusoidal conditions the long line equations, ordinary differential equations,were obtained.By solving these equations and restricting the interest to the conditions at the ends of the lines,the lumped-circuit line models (π-models) were obtained,which is an algebraic model.This gives us three different models each valid for different purposes.In principle,the complete telegraph equations could be used when studying the steady state conditions at the network nodes.The solution would then include the initial switching transients along the lines,and the steady state solution would then be the solution after the transients have decayed. However, such a solution would contain a lot more information than wanted and,furthermore,it would require a lot of computational effort.An algebraic formulation with the lumped-circuit line model would give the same result with a much simpler model ata lower computational cost.In the above example it is quite obvious which model is the appropriate one,but in many engineering studies these lection of the“correct”model is often the most difficult part of the study.It is good engineering practice to use as simple models as possible, but of course not too simple.If too complicated models are used, the analysis and computations would be unnecessarily cumbersome.Furthermore,generally more complicated models need more parameters for their definition,and to get reliable values of these requires often extensive work.i i+diu+du C ’dx G ’dxR ’dx L ’dx u dxFigure2.1. Equivalent circuit of a line element of length dx In the subsequent sections algebraic models of the most common power system components suitable for power flow calculations will be derived.If not explicitly stated,symmetrical three-phase conditions are assumed in the following.2.1 Lines and CablesThe equ ivalent π-model of a transmission line section was derived in the lectures Elektrische Energie System, 35-505.The general distributed model is characterized by the series parametersR′=series resistance/km per phase(?/km)X′=series reactance/km per phase(?/km)and the shunt parametersB′=shunt susceptance/km per phase(siemens/km)G′=shunt conductance/km per phase(siemens/km )As depicted in Figure2.1.The parameters above are specific for the line or cable configuration and are dependent onconductors and geometrical arrangements.From the circuit in Figure2.1the telegraph equation is derived,and from this the lumped-circuit line model for symmetrical steady state conditions,Figure2.2.This model is frequently referred to as the π-model,and it is characterized by the parameters)(Ω=+=impedance series jX R km km km Z )(siemens admittance shuntjB G Y sh km sh km sh km =+= I mk Z km y sh km y sh mkI kmkmFigure2.2. Lumped-circuit model(π-model)of a transmission line betweennodes k and m.Note. In the following most analysis will be made in the p.u.system.Forimpedances and admittances,capital letters indicate that the quantity is expressed in ohms or siemens,and lower case letters that they are expressed in p.u.Note.In these lecture notes complex quantities are not explicitly marked asunder lined.This means that instead of writing km Z we will write km Z when this quantity is complex. However,it should be clear from the context if a quantity is real or complex.Furthermore,we will not always use specific type settings for vectors.Quite often vectors will be denoted by bold face type setting,but not always.It should also be clear from the context if a quantity is a vector or a scalar.When formulating the net work equations the nodeadmittance matrix will be used and the series admittance of the line model is neededkm km 1-km km jb g z y +== (2.1)With22km r g km km kmx r +=(2.2)and 22km x -b km km kmx r += (2.3)For actual transmission lines the series reactance km x and the series resistance km r are both positive,and consequently km g is positive and km b is negative.The shunt susceptance sh y km and the shunt conductance sh g km are both positive for real line sections.In many cases the value of sh g km is so small that it could be neglected.The complex currents km I and mk I in Figure2.2 can be expressed as functions of the complex voltages at the branch terminal nodes k and m:k sh km m k km km E y E E y I +-=)( (2.4)m k m mk )(E y E E y I sh km km +-=(2.5)Where the complex voltages arek j k k e θU E = (2.6)k j k k e θU E =(2.7) This can also be written in matrix form as))(()(m k sh km km km km sh km km mk km E E y y y -y -y y I I ++=(2.8) As seen the matrix on the right hand side of eq.(2.8)is symmetric and thediagonal elements are equal.This reflects that the lines andcables are symmetrical elements.2.2 TransformersWe will start with a simplified model of a transformer where we neglect the magnetizing current and the no-load losses .In this case the transformer can be modelled by an ideal transformer with turns ratio km t in series with a series impedance km z which represents resistive(load-dependent)losses and the leakage reactance,see Figure2.3.Depending on if km t is real ornon-real(complex)the transformer is in-phase or phase-shifting.p k mU m ej θm I km I mkU kej θk U p e j θp Z km 1:t km p k mU m ej θm I km I mkU kej θk U p e j θp Z km t km :1Figure2.3. Transformer model with complex ratio kmj km km e a t ?=(km -j 1-km km e a t ?=) mp k U m ej θm I km I mk U kej θk U p e j θp Z km a km :1Figure2.4. In-phase transformer model 2.2.1In-Phase TransformersFigure2.4shows an in-phase transformer model indicating the voltage at the internal –non-physical –node p.In this model the ideal voltage magnitude ratio(turns ratio)iskm k p(2.9) Since θk = θp ,this is also the ratio between the complex voltages at nodes k and p, km j k j p k pa e U e U E E k p ==θθ(2.10)There are no power losses(neither active nor reactive)in the idealtransformer(the k-p part of the model),which yields0I E I E *mk p *km k =+(2.11) Then applying eqs.(2.9)and(2.10)giveskm mk km mk km -a I I -I I ==(2.12)A B Ck m I mk I kmFigure2.5. Equivalent π-model for in-phase transformerwhich means that the complex currents km I and mk I are out of phase by 180since km a ∈ R.Figure2.5 represents the equivalent π-model for thein-phase transformer in Figure2.4.Parameters A, B,and C of this model can be obtained by identifying the coefficients of the expressions for the complex currents km I and mk I associated with the models of Figures2.4 and 2.5.Figure2.4 givesm km km k km 2km p m km km km E y a E y a E -E y -a I )()()(+==(2.13)m km k km km p m km mk E y E y a -E -E y I )()()(+== (2.14)or in matrix form ))(()(m k km km km km km km2km mk km E E y y a -y a -y a I I =As seen the matrix on the right hand side of eq.(2.15) is symmetric,but thediagonal elements are not equal when 1a 2km ≠.Figure2.5 provides now the following:m k km E A -E A -I )()(+=(2.16)m k mk E C A E A -I )()(++=(2.17)or in matrix form))(()(m k mk km E E C A A -A -B A I I ++= (2.18)Identifying the matrix elements from the matrices in eqs.(2.15) and (2.18) yieldskm km y a A = (2.19)km km km y 1-a a B )(= (2.20)km km )y a -(1C =(2.21) 2.2.2 Phase-Shifting TransformersPhase-shifting transformers,such as the one represented in Figure2.6,are used to control active power flows;the control variable is the phase angle and the controlled quantity can be,among other possibilities,the active power flow in the branch where the shifter is placed.In Appendix A the physical design of phase-shifting transformer is described. A phase-shifting transformer affects both the phase and magnitude of the complex voltages k E and p E ,without changing their ratio,i.e., km j km km k p e a t E E ?== (2.22)Thus, km k p ?θθ+=and k km p U a U =,using eqs. (2.11) and (2.22)km j -km *km mkkm e -a -t I I ?==I km m U m ej θm I mk pkU k ej θk Z km 1:a kme j φkmkm k p ?θθ+=k km p U a U = Figure2.6. Phase-shifting transformer with km j km km e a t ?=As with in-phase transformers,the complex currentskm I and mk I can be expressed in terms of complex voltages at the phase-shifting transformer terminals:m km *km k km 2km p m km *km km E y t -E y a E -E y -t I )()()(+== (2.24)m km k km km p m km mk E y E y t -E -E y I )()()(+==(2.25)Or in matrix form))(()(m k km km km km *km km 2km mk km E E y y t -y t -y a I I =(2.26) As seen this matrix is not symmetric if km t is non-real,and the diagonal matrixelements are not equal if 1a 2km ≠.There is no way to determine parameters A, B,and Cof the equivalent π-model from these equations,since the coefficient km *km y t - ofEm in eq.(2.24)differs from km km y t -in eq.(2.25),as long as there is non zero phase shift,i.e. km t ?R.A phase-shifting transformer can thus not be represented by a π-model.2.2.3Unified Branch ModelThe expressions for the complex currents km I and mk I for both transformersand shifters derived above depend on the side where the tap is located;i.e., they are not symmetrical.It is how ever possible to develop unified complex expressions which can be used for lines,transformers,and phase-shifters, regardless of the side on which the tap is located(or even in the case when there are taps on both sides of thedevice).Consider initially the model in Figure2.8 in which shunt elements have beentemporarily ignored and km j km km e a t ?= and m k j mk mk e a t ?=。
专利名称:POWER TRANSMITTING SYSTEM发明人:ITO, Yasuo,伊藤泰雄,YAMAKAWA, Hiroyuki,山川博幸申请号:JP2012/002121申请日:20120327公开号:WO2012/132412A1公开日:20121004专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:[Problem] To provide a power transmitting system, whereby frequency can be easily and accurately determined at the time of transmitting power, and energy transmission efficiency is improved. [Solution] This power transmitting system ischaracterized in having: a power transmitting antenna unit (108) having an alternating current voltage inputted thereto; a current detecting unit (107), which detects a current flowing in the power transmitting antenna unit; a peak hold unit (120), which acquires a peak value of a current detected by means of the current detecting unit; a timer unit (110), which measures a timer value, i.e., a difference between a time when the switching element is turned on, and a time when zero current is detected by means of the current detecting unit; a frequency determining unit (110), which determines the frequency on the basis of the peak value obtained by means of the peak hold unit, and the timer value measured by means of the timer unit; and a control unit (110) which transmits power on the basis of the frequency determined by means of the frequency determining unit.申请人:EQUOS RESEARCH CO., LTD.,株式会社エクォス・リサーチ,ITO, Yasuo,伊藤 泰雄,YAMAKAWA, Hiroyuki,山川 博幸地址:19-12, Sotokanda 2-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 1010021 JP,〒1010021 東京都千代田区外神田2丁目19番12号 Tokyo JP,c/o EQUOS RESEARCH CO., LTD., 19-12, Sotokanda 2-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 1010021 JP,〒1010021 東京都千代田区外神田2丁目19番12号 株式会社エクォス・リサーチ内 Tokyo JP,c/o EQUOS RESEARCH CO., LTD., 19-12, Sotokanda 2-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 1010021 JP,〒1010021 東京都千代田区外神田2丁目19番12号 株式会社エクォス・リサーチ内 Tokyo JP国籍:JP,JP,JP,JP,JP,JP代理人:TANAKA, Sadatsugu et al.,田中 貞嗣更多信息请下载全文后查看。
第50卷第6期电力系统保护与控制Vol.50 No.62022年3月16日Power System Protection and Control Mar. 16, 2022DOI: 10.19783/ki.pspc.210687大规模风电并网对送端系统功角稳定的影响研究盛四清1,俞 可1,张文朝2,赵 峰3,王 蒙4,赵 伟3(1.华北电力大学电气与电子工程学院,河北 保定 071003;2.北京科东电力控制系统有限责任公司,北京 100192;3.国家电网公司华北分部,北京 海淀 100053;4.国家电网公司西北分部,陕西 西安 710048)摘要:随着我国风电能源的不断发展,大规模风电集中接入电网对送端系统暂态功角稳定的影响问题仍然不容忽视。
关键词:双馈风机;暂态功角稳定;初始功角;有功恢复;等面积定则Influence of large-scale wind power grid connection on the power anglestability of the sending end systemSHENG Siqing1, YU Ke1, ZHANG Wenchao2, ZHAO Feng3, WANG Meng4, ZHAO Wei3. All Rights Reserved.(1. School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, North China Electric Power University, Baoding 071003, China;2. Beijing Kedong Power Control System Limited Liability Company, Beijing 100192, China;3. North China Branch of State Grid Corporation of China, Beijing 100053, China;4. Northwest Branch of State Grid Corporation of China, Xi’an 710048, China)Abstract: With the continuous increase of the scale of wind power in China, it is important to look at the mechanism ofthe influence of large-scale wind power centralized access to the power grid on the transient power angle stability of thetransmission system. An equivalent model is established as the research object for the centralized connection of thedoubly-fed wind power to the large receiving end system. The analysis is carried out based on the transient characteristicsand low voltage ride-through characteristics of the doubly-fed wind turbine. First, we adopt the electromagnetic poweranalysis expression of the synchronous machine of the single-ended power transmission system, and infer the influence ofwind power connection on the initial power angle of the synchronous machine by analyzing the influence of wind powerequivalent output replacement thermal power access system on the electromagnetic power equation. Secondly, through thecomparison of the two access methods of negative load and wind power access, the influence of the active power andreactive power characteristics of the doubly-fed wind turbine on the electromagnetic power equation of the synchronousmachine after the fault occurs is analyzed. Based on the equal area rule (EAC), the influence of the doubly-fed fanconnection on the system transient power angle stability is analyzed. The results show that when wind power is equivalentto replacing thermal power output, the initial power angle of the synchronous machine decreases, and the transientstability increases; the active power and reactive power characteristics of the doubly-fed fan have a positive effect on thetransient power angle stability of the system. Finally, the correctness of the theory is verified by simulation, and it isverified in the actual power grid.This work is supported by the Science and Technology Project of the Headquarters of State Grid Corporation of China (No. 5100-202116005A-0-0-00).Key words: doubly fed induction generator (DFIG); transient power angle stability; initial power angle; active recovery;equal-area criterion基金项目:国家电网公司总部科技项目资助(5100-202116005A-0-0-00)盛四清,等大规模风电并网对送端系统功角稳定的影响研究- 83 -0 引言近十年,我国风力行业迅猛发展,风电的装机容量在整个电网中的占比不断增加。
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Fan Mo <email: yingfan@ee.umanitoba.ca> Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 3M2 Advisor: Witold Kinsner <email: kinsner@ee.umanitoba.ca> Abstracts This paper presents a framework for transients classification using wavelet transform and two specific artificial neural networks, propabilistic neural networks (PNN) and resource allocating neural networks (RAN). One significant feature of wavelet for transients characterization is its time-scale two dimensional but compact representation. One distinguishing feature of PNN and RAN is the ability to adjust their architecture automatically to adapt to new environment quickly and accurately, which makes them the promising candidates for transients classification in power system. Some experimental results have indicated the suitability of this framework for transients classification. I. INTRODUCTION Electromagnetic transients in power systems result from a variety of disturbances on transmission lines, such as switching, lightning strikes, faults, as well as from other intended or unintended events. Such transients are extremely important, for it is at such times that the power system components are subjected to the greatest stresses from excessive currents or overvoltages[KiSh83][MoKi96]. In recent years, an increasing demand has been observed for power system monitoring and transient recording (including faults) combined with analysis, classification, and reporting. One important component of such system is the digital transient recorder, which has been available in some wellequipped substations to record various transients and provide assistant information about the transients for system operators to analyze them and take actions whenever a fault occurs. However, present transient recorders lack classification capability to distinguish “interesting” events from “trivial” events. The desired intelligent transient recorder should have the ability to distinguish and classify different kinds of transients, provide a means to filter out meaningful information needed to assess system performance, classify faults and other disturbances to help identify stability, fault or other power quality issues, and even more importantly to provide a means to look automatically for early anomalies that could cause catastrophic failure. Transients are signals with a finite life, that is, a transient dies to zero in a finite time. Frequency based analysis has been common since Fourier’s time; however, frequency analysis is not ideally suited for transient analysis, because Fourier based analysis is based on the sine and cosine functions, which are not transients. This results in a very wide frequency spectrum in the analysis of transients. A solution to the problem is to appeal to the use of transients to analyze transients. Wavelet transform is the right tool for transients analysis using a small transient - wavelet. The capability of artificial neural networks (ANN) to learn complex mappings, linear or nonlinear, from the input space to output space, while remaining robust in a noisy environment, has resulted in their application to power systems, ranging from fault classification and localization to power load prediction. The fundamental feature of neural networks is the ability of learning, however, in many applications of neural networks in power systems, the learning ability has not been fully realized. Such limitations and corresponding improvements are introduced in part III. II. WAVELET CHARACTERIZATION OF TRANSIENTS Wavelet theory is the mathematics which deals with building a model for non-stationary signals, using a set of components that look like small waves, called wavelets. It has become well known as a useful tool in several fields, including signal processing, image compression, biomedical applications, speech processing, acoustics, numerical analysis[Kins97] [KiLa93]. Given a time-varying signal x(t), a wavelet transform consists of computing coefficients that are inner products of the signal and a family of “wavelets”. In a continuous wavelet transform (CWT), the wavelet corresponding to scale a and location b is 1 t – b - ψ --------ψ ( a, b ) = --------(1) a a where ψ ( t ) is the wavelet “prototype”, usually called a “mother wavelet”. Each wavelet, ψ ( a, b ) , is a scaled (compressed or dilated) and translated version of the same original function ψ ( t ). The DWT of a simulated single-phase fault waveform using Daub4 is shown in Fig. 1. The diagrams show that at scales 1, the instantance of important events (fault occurring, circuit breaker opening and reclosuring) are clearly localized, while at scales 5, the local variations of the fundamental frequency are clearly shown. The tilling of timescale plane by wavelet transform for these two types of transients are shown in Fig. 3 [MoKi97].