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例如:“我们所懂得的只是实体存在的片段,可以肯定地说,一切具有重大意义的理论至多只能是部分地真实,但这不应作为放弃理论研究的借口”(chomsky 1979:48) 。
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(空一行)abstractas the manager and leader of a school, the principal is not only a practicer to carry out the policy of the educational reform, but also a forthgoer of educational reform in school. the ability and value tropism play an important role in the management of a school, which has a deep influence in the educational reform. but all of those are embodied in the leadership behavior. as an important theoretical problem, much achievement has been acquired abroad and in hong kong and taiwan, but in mainland china, the professional research is not fruitful and gives too much attention to superorganic theoretical considering, which emphasizes value tropism and ignores factual research.as a new leadership theory, transformational leadership theory is very suitable for the social and educational circumstances full of change and uncertainty. using the multi-factor leadership questionnaire and the sampling method of delamination and random, the author carries out a research to 119 principals of senior middle schools. through analyzing the data the author tries to offer some valuable suggestion for the principals.key words:principal; leadership behavior; senior middle school注:1.英文摘要前空一行。
有软弱性, 这一切导致了她的毁灭。
Abstractis one of Thomas Hardy’s ―Novel of Characters and Environment‖. In this paper, the author tries to analyze the reasons and characteristics of Eustacia’s rebellion. On the one side, the human's instinct and the nature cause her revolt against fate; Eustacia’s desires simply to be away from the Egdon Heath and be happier are the sources of her rebellion. Moreover, the cowardliness accompanieswith the resolutionin her rebellion, which leads the destruction of Eustacia. Here we can see the fatalism in the novel which plays an important role on people’s fates at the same time ,all of these manifest the theme and values of the novel.The analyses on Eustace’s rebellion leaves the reader inspirations that one cannot yield to the fate silently, but what important is how one rebels effectively to gain the success. Therefore, the study on The Return of the Native from the perspective of rebellion would affirm the academic significance with consequent practices providing more comprehensive understanding of Hardy and his novel The Return of the Native.摘 要 (I)act (II)oduction (1)sons of Eust acia’s Reb ellion in The Re turn of the Na tive (1)’s Instinct and the Nature . (1).................................................................. 1 2.2.1 Traditional Social Morality .................................................................... 1 2.2.2 Conflict of Civilization and Feudalism ................................................... 1 2.2.3 Woman’s Awaking .. (1)es of Eust acia’s Reb ellion in The Re tur n of the Na tive (2)22 2 (3) (3)3.2.2 The Influence of Ha rdy’s Fatalism (3)ations fr om Eustacia’s Reb ellion in The Re turn of the Na tive (3)4.1 Recognizing the Reality Wisely ........................................................................ 3 4.2 Fighting with the Fate Effectively .. (4)1. IntroductionThomas Hardy was born on June 2, 1840 and died in 1982. He is a critical realism novelist as well as a poet in the history of English literature. Hardy studied at schools before he was 16 years old and then he learned his career at night, he architecture at the same…From Eustacia’s rebellion, the woman’s conscious is awaking; they s ee the of social morality and civilization, and try to break up the traditional The main reasons that cause Eustacia’s rebellion are added to her nature. As the Hardy says, ―Eustacia is a raw material of a divinity‖ (Hardy , 55). She has the passions and instincts which make a model goddess. She has a noble and proud nature,The development of the Victorian era in the history of the Un ited Kingdom’s The conflicts between capitalism and feudalism are increasing with the . The increased of the capitalism leads to the t….oman’s AwakingWoman’s awaking is another awaking. Women want to break up the the self-value, making a change on right,born in a fashionable city where you can find all features of modern civilization. She has a good education and adores conquerors. In her minds, the female should be equal to male, and women can be independent of social role and economy . She has a strong women's self-consciousness, she is not willing to be resigned to bad conditions and submits to the environment, so she rebels the condition and social morality by her own ways. Because of her awaking, she sees the backward of economy and culture on Egdon, and knows this background will stop her to realize her dreams. ―She isdespising the33.1 Subversion of Her RebellionHardy considers Eustacia as Prometheus who is against the fate in Greek mythology story , so ―her rebellion is practical, holy , revolutionary and tragic to a certain extent.‖Eustacia is parents die, she and grandfather move to Egdon Heath. Because she experiences the prosperous city , so she can not adapt to the darkness, wild environment and hates the backward mode of production. She is hostile to Egdon after arriving in. In V olume One, the author writes ―you could fancy the colour of Eustace's soul to be flame–like‖, (Hardy , 1995:56) ―Egdon was her Hades‖, ―inwardly and eternally unreconciled thereto…‖ (Hardy , 1995:56) She is like a denizen and out of tune with the environmer lover is going to marry another woman, she does not get too angry and still dates with him.3.1.2 Rebellion on the ActionHer actions can be divided into three processes: walking on Egdon, seeking for a lover and escaping from Egdon.E the water. So far, Eustacia’s action is end, and she and Wildeve lose their lives for her rebellion.3.2 Containment of her RebellionAlthough Eustacia devotes her rest life to rebel Egdon Heath and fate, it seems useless, finally, she compromises with the fate, although she dies, it is a relief for her. When Eustacia is drowning, her physical expression is very peaceful. Her lips are3.2.1 The W eakness in her CharacterIn this novel, fatalism decides the heroine's fate to a certain extent, but the weaknesses in character are the main causes to her failure.Iildeve, the boy says: ―One moment you are too tall, another moment you are too do-nothing, another too melancholy, another too dark, ano ther I don't know what,‖ (Hardy , 1995:71). The feelings that she gives the people are desperate, full of fancies and willful.3.2.2 The Influence of Hardy's FatalismThe fatalism influences Hardy's novel everywhere, in his mind, people should obey the conditions, because an invisible and irresistible power control our fates. The meaning of fatalism is that ―what man does is no influence on what will happen. Taking an example, a bullet will shoot me sooner or later, I will be shot, whether I make precaution to prevent the bullet or not‖ (Blackburn , 245). In other words, fates controIn this novel, Egdon Heath controls Eustacia’s tragic fate from the beginning to the end, the fate decides heroine to be a part of the Egdon Heath — ―The form was so lliousness, but she doesn't realize it. In Hardy's fat alism, ―life is a thing to put up with‖, [2] once you become a partyou will be on the road to tragedy .44.1 Recognizing the Reality Wisely Everyone has his ideal life and wants to fate. The dream is cheerful while the reality is cruel, yet the distance between them isnot easy to go through. Just like Eustacia, although she is a brave woman who can rebel the fate for her dreams, she does not realize the fact that she has already been a member of Egdon and she can not leave here to have a luxury life. She still fights for reams, can we realize our ideal life and not take the tragic path as Eustacia does.4.2 Fighting with the Fate EffectivelyOur world just likes the Egdon Heath, the nature and social conditions are still have disadvantages, we can not change it because a person’s power is limited, the only thing we can do is adapt to the conditions, making us be a member of it. Only if totally loser. The fate is in the real world, in other words, it is in your own hands. When we fight with the fate, we must have confidence, and know we should depend on own strength to achieve the ideal not alwa ys rely on other’s help. Fates are not mysterious and invincible, so we can fight with them and master the fate in our hands.5. ConclusionIn this paper, the author tries to analyze the rebellion of Eustacia in two aspects, the reasons and features. Eustacia, the heroine in The Return of the Native, is a female representative in Hardy's works; her proud nature makes she despise traditional culture, departing from value and standard of morality. In this woman's mind, Egdon and the god is the biggest enemy, they are always against her, and so she devotes her rest life to rebel t not change it. Egdon controls Eustacia’s fate, regarding her as a part of it, however, she rebels and refuses Egdon Heath. Finally, the rebellion makes her die.Literary works are just like a mirror, reflecting the merits and problems of the society. When we read the literary, we can indulge in them unconsciously, regarding us as the heroine. The rebellion of Eustacia tells us the people cannot yield to the fate silently, but what important is how one rebels effectively to gain the success and also reflect the woman’s away is a tragedy of women, a tragedy of the Age; if women's statuses are not change, Eustacia’s tragic fate is unavoidable, and this will happen in the future. From her rebellion, we can see that everyone should obey the theory ofsurvival of the fittest, and start from you own reality, only you adapt to the reality, can you survive. Fighting with the Fate Effectively is also important; no matter you win or lose in this competition, you can fight with you fate tells you are a brave one, you can master your life in you hands with you efforts.However, in this paper the author only analyzes Eustacia as the point, the others characters only to be mentioned, not making a further analysis, so the achievements and the inspiration of this paper are limited. The author will expend the extent of the characters and analyses more in literary in the future.[1] Hardy, Thomas. The Return of the Native . London: Wordsworth Editions, 1995.[2] Moses, Cat. ―The Blues Aesthetic in Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye ‖. AfricanAmerican Review , V ol. 33: 4, (1999): 623-37.[3] 陈艳:The Tragic Destiny of the Heroine in The Return of the Native , 《科教文汇》第10期 [4] 一期 (2007)[5] —119.[6] 刘国屏:AcknowledgementsMy deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to my supervisor ……, forherconstant encouragement and guidance.As a senior, because of lacking of experiences, so there are some limitations in my paper. During my paper writing process, I get the kindly care and patience instruction from my teacher. She has walked me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis. Her serious scientific attitude and strives for perfection the work style, infecting and driving me deeply .Without her consistent and illuminating instruction, this thesis could not have reached its present form. Show my sincere gratitude and the lofty respect to Mrs.Last my thanks would go to my beloved family for their loving considerations and great confidence in me all through these years. I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow classmates who gave me their help and time in listening to me and helping me work out my problems during the difficult course of the thesis.文献知识ABCA.夹注的标注法:Language is the fundamental element and carrier of its distinctive national culture; it always carries information of its national culture in the text structures, sentences, even in a single word (董亚芬,1997, pp.19-23).[1]董亚芬. 修订《大学英语》为大学英语上新台阶做贡献[J]. 外语界,1997,(5):19-231.出现在夹注中的作者必须与文后的参考文献形成一一对应关系;注意一个或多个作者间的标点符号,时间、页码等的标注法;夹注出现在标点符号之前。
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25倍行距)近三十年来,我国外汇储备数量有了很大的增长,从1996年突破1000 亿美元到2007年底突破1.5 万亿美元.如此高速的增长和巨大的规模,对我国经济的发展而言是把双刃剑.我国作为一个发展中国家,势必需要一定量的外汇储备来确保我国有能力对外支付、干预外汇市场以及提升国家信誉.但是过量的外汇储备规模又会产生管理性问题。
关键词(黑体小四加粗):外汇储备;国际比较;启示(宋体小四)ABSTRACT(小二号Times New Roman加粗)The number of our foreign exchange reserves has experienced quick growth over the past thirty years,from breaking 100 billion U.S. dollar in 1996 to breaking 1。
毕业设计题目金茂梅溪湖四期一号楼工程投标方案姓名邓俊学号 20107310系部理工系专业年级工程管理2010级指导教师曹建文年月日(时间段统一)中南林业科技大学涉外学院本科毕业设计诚信声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的本科毕业设计,是本人在指导老师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果,成果不存在知识产权争议,除设计中已经注明引用的内容外,本设计不含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果。
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)例如:1) 直接引用——rees said, “as key aspects of …in the process”(1986:241).——the underlying assumption is that language “bound upwith culture in multiple and compl ex ways”(elli, 1968: 3).2 ) 间接引用—— according to alun rees (1986)〔也可位于引语的最后〕, the writers focus on the unique contribution that each individual learner brings to the learning situation 〔(1986〕. —— it maybe true that in the appreciation of medieval art the attitude ofthe observer is of primary importance ( robertson,1987).3 ) 互联网资料:格式:编号例:“a deconstructive reading is a reading which analysesthe specificity of a text’s critical difference from itself” (net. 2).(注:net. 1, net. 2, net. 3,??只是为了便于注明文内引语的出处,具体格式见下文参考文献中的相关内容)7.参考文献:1)参考文献须另起一页。
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1. 尾注(Endnotes)在正文需注释处的右上方按顺序加注数码①②③……,在全文之后写注文,每条加对应数码,回行时与上行注文对齐。
2. 夹注(In-text Citations )某些引文或所依据的文献无需详细注释的,以夹注的形式随文在括弧内注明。
A. 来自专著或文章的直接引语,作者姓名在文中已经出现格式:出版年份:页码。
Example:Rees said, “ ASiey aspects of lear ning are not stable, but cha ngeable, this ope ns the way for the role of the teacher as the pre-em inent mediator in the process" (1986:241).B. 来自专著或文章的直接引语,作者姓名在文中没有出现格式:作者姓名,出版年份:页码。
Example:"One reason perhaps is that the Chinese audienee are more familiar with and receptive to Western culture tha n the average En glish readers is to Chin ese culture" (Fung, 1995:71).C. 来自专著或文章的间接引语,作者的姓名在文中已经提到格式:出版年份:引文页码。
Example:According to Alun Rees (1986:234), the writers focus on the unique contribution that each in dividual lear ner brings to the lear ning situati on.D. 来自专著或文章的间接引语,作者的姓名在文中没有提到格式:作者姓名,出版年:引文页码。
标题统一采用1; 1.1; 1.1.1; 2; 2.1; 2.1.2; …的样式。
参考文献著录格式:序号(统一用[1]的格式)著者(如有多个作者,列出前三名,其余用“等”表示,英文用“et al”表示。
). 文献题名[文献类型代码](其中,专著为M,期刊为J,标准为S,学位论文为D,报告为R,论文集为C,专利为P,报刊新闻为N,论文集中析出文献为A). 期刊名,年,卷(期):起止页码. 其中卷加粗。
著录格式如下例:[1] 王子健,吕怡兵,王毅等. 淮河水体多介质取代苯类污染及其生态健康风险[J]. 环境科学学报, 2002,22(3): 300~304.[2] Lueking A D, Huang W, Soderstrom-Schwarz S, et al. The chemical structure of soil /sediment organic matter and its role in the sequestration and bioavailability of sorb ed organic contaminants[J]. Journal of Environment Quality, 2000,29(1):317~323. [3] 史忠宝. 建设项目环境影响评价[M]. 北京:中国环境科学出版社,1994.。
外文会议论文参考文献格式外文会议论文参考文献格式英语论文参考文献格式是什么样的大家知道吗?下面由小编为大家精心收集的外文会议论文参考文献格式,希望可以帮到大家!外文会议论文参考文献格式篇1一、英语论文参考文献的类型参考文献(即引文出处)的类型以单字母方式标识,具体如下:M——专著 C——论文集 N——报纸文章J——期刊文章 D——学位论文 R——报告对于不属于上述的文献类型,采用字母“Z”标识。
对于英文论文参考文献,还应注意以下两点:①作者姓名采用“姓在前名在后”原则,具体格式是:姓,名字的首字母. 如: Malcolm Richard Cowley 应为:Cowley, M.R.,如果有两位作者,第一位作者方式不变,&之后第二位作者名字的首字母放在前面,姓放在后面,如:Frank Norris 与Irving Gordon应为:Norris, F. & I.Gordon.;②书名、报刊名使用斜体字,如:Mastering English Literature,English Weekly。
二、参考文献的格式及举例1.期刊类【格式】[序号]作者.篇名[J].刊名,出版年份,卷号(期号):起止页码.[1] Heider, E.R.& D.C.Oliver. The structure of color space in naming and memory of two languages[J]. Foreign Language Teaching and Research, 1999, (3): 62 –67.2.专著类【格式】[序号]作者.书名[M].出版地:出版社,出版年份:起止页码.[1] Gill, R. Mastering English Literature [M]. London: Macmillan, 1985: 42-45.3.报纸类【格式】[序号]作者.篇名[N].报纸名,出版日期(版次).4.论文集【格式】[序号]作者.篇名[C].出版地:出版者,出版年份:起始页码.[1] Spivak,G. “Can the Subaltern Speak?”[A]. In C.Nelson & L. Grossberg(eds.). Victory in Limbo: Imigism [C]. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1988, pp.271-313.[2] Almarza, G.G. Student foreign language teacher’s knowledge growth [A]. In D.Freeman and J.C.Richards (eds.). Teacher Learning in Language T eaching [C]. New York: Cambridge University Press. 1996. pp.50-78.5.学位论文【格式】[序号]作者.篇名[D].出版地:保存者,出版年份:起始页码.6.研究报告【格式】[序号]作者.篇名[R].出版地:出版者,出版年份:起始页码.7.条例【格式】[序号]颁布单位.条例名称.发布日期8.译著【格式】[序号]原著作者. 书名[M].译者,译.出版地:出版社,出版年份:起止页码.三、注释注释是对论文正文中某一特定内容的.进一步解释或补充说明。
毕业论文论文名称:(当论文题目较长,一行写不下时可分多行,分行同时压缩行距)学院:(本页内容全部打印,声明页手写签名)专业:(此六栏内容全部左对齐,小四号宋体)学号:学生姓名:指导教师:20 年月目录(格式设置与论文题目一致)摘要 (2)ABSTRACT (3)1 XXXX(一级标题) (4)1。
1 XXXX(二级标题) (4)1.2 XXXX(二级标题)……………………………………………………1.3 XXXX(二级标题)……………………………………………………………2 XXXX(一级标题)……………………………………………………………2.1 XXXX(二级标题)……………………………………………………2。
2 XXXX(二级标题)……………………………………………………………3 XXXX(一级标题)……………………………………………………………………参考文献…………………………………………………………………………关于目录的说明:⒈摘要、ABSTRACT和参考文献须列在目录中。
"字体设为Times New Roman。
⑵中文字体统一设为宋体,英文字体统一设为Times New Roman.⑶页码从目录页开始编起,统一采用阿拉伯数字1、2、3、4……顺序编号,置于页面底端居中,字体为小五号宋体。
下面是关于毕业论文参考文献标准格式,欢迎阅读!参考文献类型:专著[M],论文集[C],报纸文章[N],期刊文章[J],学位论文[D],报告[R],标准[S],专利[P],论文集中的析出文献[A] 电子文献类型:数据库[DB],计算机[CP],电子公告[EB]电子文献的载体类型:互联网[OL],光盘[CD],磁带[MT],磁盘[DK]A:专著、论文集、学位论文、报告[序号]主要责任者.文献题名[文献类型标识].出版地:出版者,出版年.起止页码(可选)[1]刘国钧,陈绍业.图书馆目录[M].北京:高等教育出版社,1957.15-18.B:期刊文章[序号]主要责任者.文献题名[J].刊名,年,卷(期):起止页码[1]何龄修.读南明史[J].中国史研究,1998,(3):167-173.[2]OU J P,SOONG T T,et al.Recent advance in research on applications of passive energy dissipation systems[J].Earthquack Eng,1997,38(3):358-361.C:论文集中的析出文献[序号]析出文献主要责任者.析出文献题名[A].原文献主要责任者(可选).原文献题名[C].出版地:出版者,出版年.起止页码[7]钟文发.非线性规划在可燃毒物配置中的应用[A].赵炜.运筹学的`理论与应用——中国运筹学会第五届大会论文集[C].西安:西安电子科技大学出版社,1996.468.D:报纸文章[序号]主要责任者.文献题名[N].报纸名,出版日期(版次)[8]谢希德.创造学习的新思路[N].人民的日报,1998-12-25(10).E:电子文献[文献类型/载体类型标识]:[J/OL]网上期刊、[EB/OL]网上电子公告、[M/CD]光盘图书、[DB/OL]网上数据库、[DB/MT]磁带数据库[序号]主要责任者.电子文献题名[电子文献及载体类型标识].电子文献的出版或获得地址,发表更新日期/引用日期[12]王明亮.关于中国学术期刊标准化数据库系统工程的进展[EB/OL].[8]万锦.中国大学学报文摘(1983-1993).英文版[DB/CD].北京:中国大百科全书出版社,1996.。
论文标准 中文、外文参考文献的格式
中文、外文参考文献的格式及案例科技论文一定要有参考文献,限著者阅读过和论文中引用过且正式发表的出版物,未公开发表的资料请勿引用;按在文章引用的先后顺序编号;列出主要参考文献即可,一定要给出文献字母标识!!![1] 主要责任者.文献题目[M].出版地:出版者,出版年. 起止页码(任选). (专著[M]— monograph)[2] 主要责任者.文献题目[C].出版地:出版者,出版年. 起止页码(任选).(论文集[C]—collections)[3] 析出文献主要责任者.析出文献题名[A].原文献主要责任者.原文献题名[C].出版地:出版者,出版年.析出文献起止页码.[4] 主要责任者.文献题目[D].出版地:出版者,出版年. 起止页码(任选).(学位论文[D]—dissertation)[5] 主要责任者.文献题目[R].出版地:出版者,出版年. 起止页码(任选).(报告[R]—report)[6] 主要责任者.文献题名[J].刊名,年,卷(期): 起止页码. (期刊文章[J]—journal)[7] 主要责任者.文献题名[N].报纸名,出版日期(版次). (报纸文章[N]—newspaper)[8] 标准编号,标准名称[S]. (标准[S]—standard)[9] 主要责任者.电子文献题名[电子文献/ 载体类型标识].电子文献的出处或可获得地址,发表或更新日期/引用日期(任选). (电子文献: 数据库[DB],计算机程序[CP],电子公告[EB];载体类型及其标识: 联机网OL,磁带MT,光盘CD,磁盘DK 。
Note: DB/OL—database online; DB/MT—database on magnetic tape; M/CD—monograph on CD-ROM)[10]主要责任者.文献题名[Z].出版地:出版者,出版年. (Z—未定义类型的文献标识)[11] 专利所有者.专利题名[P].专利国别:专利号,出版日期.(专利[P]—patent)案例:一、外文参考文献案例:[01] Brown, H. D. Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy[M]. Prentice Hall Regents, 1994.[02] Brown, J Set al. Situated Cognition and the Culture of Learning[J]. Educational Reasercher, 1, 1989.[03] Chris, Dede. The Evolution of Constructivist Learning Envi-ronments: Immersion in Distributed Virtual Worlds[J]. Ed-ucational Technology, Sept-Oct, 1995.[04] Hymes, D.On communicative competence[M]. J. B. Pride; J. Holmes (eds). Sociolinguistics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1972.[05] L. E. Sarbaugh. Intercultural communication[M]. New Brunsw-ick,N.J.U.S.A: Transaction Books, 1988.[06] Puhl, A.. Classroom A ssessment[J]. EnglishTeaching Forum, 1997.[07] Thomas, Jenny. Cross-cultural Pragmatic Failure[J]. Applied Linguistics, 1983, (4): 91-111.[08] William B Gudykunst. Intercultural communication theory[M]. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Pub, 1983.二、中文参考文献的案例:(1) 参考文献的著录应执行GB7714-87《文后参考文献著录规则》及《中国学术期刊(光盘版)检索与评价数据规范》规定,采用顺序编码制,在引文中引用文献出现的先后以阿拉伯数字连续编码,序号置于方括号内。
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1.1 ××××××(作为正文2级标题,用4号黑体,加粗)×××××××××(小4号宋体)××××××…………
1.1.1 ××××(作为正文3级标题,用小4号黑体,不加粗)
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1 胡曰利,吴晓芙.林木生长与养分动态模型研究V杉木林曲线[1].中南林学院,1999,19(4):1-7
2 曾思齐,欧阳君祥. 马尾松低质低效次生林分类技术研究[J].中南林学院学报,2002,22(2):12-16
3 华罗庚,王元.论一致分布与近似分析.中国科学,1973(4):339~357
4 张筑生.微分半动力系统的不变集研究[学位论文].北京:数学系统学研究所,1983
5 Borko H,Bernier C L.Indexing concepts and methods .New York:Academic Pr,1978