Transitioning to eVoting the ProVotE project and Trentino’s experience
21. At this institution, which course placement tests have you taken in the following subject areas:
YN English YN Reading YN Mathematics YN Writing
22. Please mark the sex of your parent(s) or
5 or less ` 11-50 ` 101-500 ` 6-10 ` 51-100 ` Over 500 `
7. What was your average grade in high school? (Mark one)
A or A+ ` B `
A– ` B– `
B+ ` C+ `
8. What were your scores on the SAT I and/or ACT?
13. To how many colleges other than this one did you apply for admission this year?
None 1 ` 4 `
7-8 `
` 2` 5`
9-10 `
3 ` 6 ` 11 or more `
14. Were you accepted by your first choice
Both alive and living with each other......... ` Both alive, divorced or living apart............. ` One or both deceased............................... `
02 03
American Phonetic Alphabet (APA)
Developed in the 19th century by American scholars, APA is used primarily in North American English transcription
sound to another
It is the most common type of vowel sound in English
It is the vowel sound that is produced with the most effort
Consistent phone
Introduction to Photonic Alphabet
The role of telephone symbols
Standardization of promotion
Enhanced communication
Phonetic symbols serve as a standardized system for reporting and transmitting English speech sounds, ensuring consistency and accurate communication
By providing a precision and related method of transferring English promotion, telephone symbols facilitate more effective communication between native and non native speakers
Valuation of travel timeKenneth A.Small nUniversity of California at Irvine,United Statesa r t i c l e i n f oArticle history:Received29May2012Received in revised form4September2012Accepted11September2012Keywords:Value of timeValue of reliabilityTime of dayHeterogeneitya b s t r a c tAfter decades of study,the value of travel time remains incompletely understood and ripe for furthertheoretical and empirical investigation.Research has revealed many regularities and connectionsbetween willingness to pay for time savings and other economic factors including time of day choice,aversion to unreliability,labor supply,taxation,activity scheduling,intra-household time allocation,and out-of-office productivity.Some of these connections have been addressed through sophisticatedmodeling,revealing a plethora of reasons for heterogeneity in value of time rooted in behavior at amicro scale.This paper reviews what we know and what we need to know.A recurrent theme is thatthe value of time for a particular travel movement depends strongly on very specific factors,and thatunderstanding how these factors work will provide new insights into travel behavior and into moregeneral economic choices.&2012Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionIt is difficult to name a concept more widely used in trans-portation analysis than the value of travel time.Its theoreticalmeaning and its empirical measurement are fundamental totravel demand modeling,social cost analysis,pricing decisions,project evaluation,and the evaluation of many public policies.This paper undertakes a selective review of certain aspects,focusing on conceptual issues and interpretation.Why do we careabout the subject,and how does the answer guide our under-standing of it?Despite the importance of value of time in air andfreight transportation,I restrict attention here to surface passengertransportation.2.Why do we care?The analysis of value of time is valuable for at least threereasons.First,it is important in decision making about transpor-tation policy,as just mentioned.Second,it sheds light on broaderquestions about human behavior that are of interest throughouteconomics.Third,it is a crucial component in travel demandmodeling,which is needed for many purposes.2.1.Investment and policy evaluationTwo of the most prominent goals of transportation invest-ments are time savings and,to a lesser extent,improvements inthe reliability(i.e.predictability)of travel time.Insofar as it ispossible to quantify‘‘typical’’costs of travel,travel time and itsunreliability tend to dominate.For example,Small and Verhoef(2007)tally the costs of a typical urban commuting trip in theUnited States,finding that travel time and reliability togetheraccount for45%of the average social variable cost,compared tovehicle capital costs(19%),vehicle operating costs(16%),andaccident costs(16%).It is not surprising,then,that the majority of investments seek tosave travel time by reducing congestion,raising free-flow travelspeed,and/or reducing circuitry of travel.If follows that the value ofthose time savings plays a critical role in investment analyses—second only,perhaps,to the assumed discount rate.That value is thesum of the time savings across various dimensions—trip purposes,user types,times of day,etc.—each multiplied by a‘‘value of time’’(VOT)that captures those particular travelers’willingness to pay forsavings under a particular circumstance.As is increasingly recognized,when users face uncertain traveltimes,they care about the probability distribution of the traveltimes they might encounter.Measuring travel-time reliabilityamounts tofinding a compact way to summarize that distribu-tion,especially its ually a single summary numberis sought,but this is not necessary:travelers could,for example,care about both the standard deviation and the90th percentilevalue,each having a different implication for the cost of unex-pected deviations from a planned travel schedule.Once we havechosen one or more measures of reliability,we can seek to learntravelers’willingness to pay for improvements in those measures—i.e.,the value(s)of reliability(VOR).Investigations into VOT and VOR raise interesting questions.Howstrongly correlated are these values with income or wage rate?Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirectjournal homepage:/locate/ecotraEconomics of Transportation2212-0122/$-see front matter&2012Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved./10.1016/j.ecotra.2012.09.002n Tel.:þ19498245658;fax:þ19498242182.E-mail address:ksmall@Economics of Transportation1(2012)2–14Is there a stable functional relationship,and if so does it apply equally across individuals within a country,across time,and across countries? How much do these values depend on specific situations?For example,do they vary from day to day even for the same person? Should we expect dramatic changes in VOT resulting from in-vehicle devices that improve productivity,comfort,or the quality of enter-tainment en route?Another question is how one is to understand the relationship between VOT and VOR for decisions made in the course of a trip, after the uncertainty of travel time is partially resolved.For example,it is often asserted that a traveler on the way to an airport has a very high VOT.Presumably this results from a high VOR;but to the traveler who has experienced some delay and is fearful of more,it may feel like a high VOT.Can this interaction be understood rigorously?And how does it bear on the value of information that can resolve uncertainty more quickly?2.2.Connection to broader behavioral questionsUnderstanding the value of time can illuminate behavioral puzzles that go well beyond travel per se.An example is the ‘‘harried leisure class,’’the revealing title of a small book by Linder(1970).As economic development proceeds,one might expect that leisure,a normal good,would be consumed in greater quantities.Yet even as the consumption of leisure goods from video games to yachts has skyrocketed,people seem more hurried than ever,and in many countries including the United States they appear to work as hard as ever.1Consistent with these observa-tions,measured values of time continue to rise;the theory behind these measurements helps us understand why leisure might be pursued in a harried manner.Another puzzle is how people decide on their activity patterns, which in turn would influence how time-constrained they are in their trips.If most travel is a derived demand,as usually postulated,then it arises from very complex scheduling decisions in which multiple activities are sequenced in ways requiring movement among locations.Modeling how people map out an overlapping set of activity schedules over periods of hours,days, weeks,and even years,all the time accounting for the ever-changing technologies,costs,and service offerings of the trans-portation system,is a daunting challenge to say the least. Nevertheless,many travel demand researchers believe that only by embedding travel demand into activity choice can trip scheduling and value of reliability be satisfactory understood.To complicate the matter further,human genetics appear to have evolved in a context of constant movement.Thus,it is plausible that people have an inherent desire to be on the move. How might this show up in values of time for various types of travel?As one example,Ben-Akiva and Lerman(1985:174–176) found,using a piecewise linear specification for travel time,that workers may not care at all about reducing thefirst20min of their commute—perhaps because they like having time between home and office.Mokhtarian and Salomon(2001)argue,as supported by survey evidence from Ory and Mokhtarian(2005), that a substantial amount of travel is undertaken for the joy of it rather than as a derived demand.Yet another puzzle is why students and retirees appear to value their time less than people in their most economically productive years.One might think a person’s values of time at different life stages would be equalized via some version of a life-cycle theory of consumption,despite the fact that time cannot be borrowed like money.This puzzle has potential implications for how educational services are offered and for the demand for health-care and other services by older people.A warning:some of these questions are not answered or even fully addressed here.However,one aim of the paper is to show that the theories and empirical techniques used to address VOT and VOR are capable of being adapted to answer broader questions.2.3.Travel demand modelingEven if we cared nothing about VOT or VOR for policy evaluation, we would need to understand them simply to predict people’s travel decisions.Travel demand models typicallyfind that travel time is one of the most important explanatory variables in terms of statistical and economic significance—more consistently so even than cost.Furthermore,the explanatory power of such models is often improved by judicious interactions of travel time with other variables such as income,trip distance,and mode.The specification of these interactions amounts to choosing,explicitly or implicitly,a model of how VOT varies.Thus,it can be guided by a theory of time allocation aimed at deriving such variations.A simple example is the early binary probit model of urban commuter mode choice of Lave(1969).Lave specifies utility to be linear in cost and also linear in travel time multiplied by the wage rate.The result is that value of time,defined as the tradeoff between time and cost leaving utility constant,is proportional to the wage rate.2Train and McFadden(1978)go on to derive a continuum of specifications leading to the same proportionality, namely that utility is linear in CwÀs and in Tw1Às,where C and T are cost and travel time,w is the wage rate,and s is the elasticity of utility with respect to goods in a simple Cobb–Douglas utility model of choice between goods and leisure.(Lave’s model is the special case where s¼0.)Thus,one’s beliefs about an appropriate model of labor-leisure tradeoff can guide the specification of a travel demand model,with the resulting measurement shedding light on broader questions.3A recent theme in travel demand modeling is the empirical importance of heterogeneity,including especially cross-sectional differences in the coefficients that determine VOT and VOR.Some heterogeneity is‘‘observed,’’i.e.explained by measured variables, as in the example just given in which varying wage rates explain differences in VOT.But empirical models oftenfind that‘‘unob-served’’heterogeneity—that known only through an assumed stochastic distribution of parameters—is much larger.For example, Small et al.(2005)specify utility linear in cost,travel time,and a measure of unreliability,with the coefficients on time and unreliability assumed to have normal distributions(conditional on observed variables such as income or gender);their estimates imply that the resulting unexplained variance in value of time is several times larger than the variance explained by measured variables.Of course,this comparison depends on what explana-tory variables are included.This result could mean that significant modeling improve-ments are possible byfinding new observable explanatory vari-ables.But it may mean that behavior is determined by factors essentially unknowable to the analyst.If the latter,a further question is:Can we expect the measured properties of the stochastic distribution describing unobserved heterogeneity to remain stable across times and locations?The answer—likely to1More precisely,both paid work and household production work have remained approximately constant over the entire twentieth century in the U.S. These overall statements hide some significant gender-specific changes. See Ramey(2009)and Hammermesh(2012).2If conditional indirect utility for a mode is V¼a Cþb Tw,where C is cost,T is travel time,and w is wage rate,then VOT is(q V/q T)/(q V/q C)¼(b/a)w.3Train and McFaddenfind their modelfits best empirically when 0.7r s r1.0,indicating that a majority of‘‘full income’’(unearned income plus potential labor income,less commuting cost)is spent on goods rather than leisure.K.A.Small/Economics of Transportation1(2012)2–143be found in the properties of VOT and VOR —is important to transferability of travel demand models,which greatly affects the cost of acquiring these very practical and widely used tools of transportation planning.3.What do we know?3.1.Basic results:theoryMost theories of value of time are elaborations of the time allocation framework of Becker (1965).The basic idea is that people choose how much labor to supply,given a constraint that total time available is divided among work,leisure,and travel.At its bare bones,this model implies that travel time is valued at the after-tax wage rate.This is because the Becker model assumes that time can be transferred freely between work and leisure,so any marginal savings in travel time can be used to increase labor income.If the individual is optimizing,it is sufficient to know its monetary value in labor to determine the marginal tradeoff between travel time and money.This model has been elaborated in many directions.A common starting point is DeSerpa (1971).4Utility U is affected by goods consumption G ,by times T k spent in each of K other activities (which can include both travel and leisure pursuits),and by time T w spent at work (which may increase or decrease utility).Each activity has a minimum time requirement,T k (hence constraint T k Z T k ),plusthere is also an overall time constraint,T w þPk T k r T .The budget constraint is G r Y þwT w ,where Y is unearned income and the price of goods consumption is normalized at one.This problem can be solved by formulating a Lagrangian function,in which each constraint is associated with a Lagrange multiplier indicating how tight it is (i.e.,the rate at which utility could be increased by relaxing it a little).Let l ,m ,and f k be the Lagrangian multipliers for the budget constraint,the overall time constraint,and the activity-specific time constraints,respectively.We define the value of travel time as the marginal tradeoff between travel time and unearned income that would leave the traveler indifferent:v KT dY dT K V ¼À@V =@T K @V =@Y ¼f K l ð1Þwhere V is the indirect utility function (the utility achieved in thesolution to the problem),and K is the label for the activity consisting of traveling.5The last equality follows from the proper-ties of Lagrangian multipliers.The solution to the optimization problem yields:v K T ¼m lÀU TKl¼w þU Tw ÀU TKlð2Þwhere U TK and U Tw are marginal direct utilities of time spent in travel and at work,respectively.Eq.(2)has a natural interpretation which aids thinking about empirical specifications for value of time.The first equality in (2)tells us that the value of travel time is determined by the relative tightness of time and budget constraints (indicated by m /l ),modified by any enjoyment or dislike of the travel itself (U TK ).We can think of m /l as a pure time value,sometimes called the ‘‘value of time as a resource,’’since it indicates the monetary value of increasing the total time available.6The second equality in (2)tells us further that the value of travel time is greater or less than the wage rate depending on whether work is liked or disliked relative to travel,i.e.on the sign of U Tw ÀU TK .An empirical finding that VOT is less than the wage rate can then be taken as evidence that people dislike work more than travel-ing.7Jara-Dı´az et al.(2008)provide more direct evidence for this interpretation,as they develop a method to separately estimate the value of travel time v K T and the value of leisure m /l .Doing so for samples from three different nations,they achieve insights about possible cross-country differences in the disutility of time at work.Can workers freely alter their work hours,as posited above?Evidence shows that they often must change jobs to accomplish this,so that limitations on job mobility constrain work hours to some extent (Altonji and Paxson,1992).One way to address this is to assume that wage w depends on time worked T w ,in which case an added term T w (dw /dT w )appears on the right of (2).8Or one could assume a rigid work-hours constraint,T w ¼w ,with associated Lagrangian multiplier f w .This modification adds a term f w /l to the value of time as given by (2),thus raising VOT if people are forced to work more than they want and lowering it if they work less than they want.These results are intuitive:if people are either enticed or required to work more than they want,given the prevailing wage rate,they perceive their time as more scarce and hence more highly valued.This theory can be elaborated to deal with many possible variations of VOT with trip purpose,income,gender,family status,and other factors.For example,for a person with large exogenous time commitments,the overall time constraint will bind more tightly,all else equal,so that m /l in (2)is larger;this may be one reason why longer trips seem empirically to have higher VOT (Daly and Carrasco,2009).Another reason could be that trips become more tiresome the longer they are,so that increasing marginal disutility (ÀU TK /l )sets in,thereby raising VOT according to (2).As another example,Johnson (1966)posits that people with higher wages also tend to have more enjoyable jobs,perhaps causing the value of time to vary more than proportionally with the wage rate since the effect of U Tw /l in (2)will then rise with the wage rate.Yet another example is when travel time is decomposed into various components such as in-vehicle,walking,and waiting for a transit trip,or such as congested and uncongested time for an automobile trip.It is typically postulated that walking,waiting,and congested time are onerous compared to their in-vehicle or uncongested counter-parts,in which case a simple generalization of (2)shows that these components of travel will exhibit higher values of time.Other hypotheses,described later,require greater generalizations of the model.For business travel,it is natural to turn instead to production theory.9Formulating how a firm’s profits are affected by employees’time spent in business travel,Hensher (1977)derives an intuitive equation for value of time savings consisting basically of four additive components.First is marginal product of the time savings to the employer if that time were spent instead at the office,but modified by subtracting the portion of travel time that is spent4Here I follow the exposition of Small and Verhoef (2007:Section 2.6.1).Forreviews of additional theoretical developments,see Gonza´lez (1997),Jara-Dı´az (2000,2007),and Hensher (2011).5The value of l can be estimated using Roy’s identity provided the model includes a variable measuring the monetary cost of travel (Small and Verhoef,2007:Eq.2.24).Even if income appears in the travel choice model,its coefficient would not measure q V /q Y because other portions of the indirect utility function,namely all those unaffected by the choice being analyzed,contribute to q V /q Y but are necessarily omitted from the travel choice model.6That is,m =l ¼ð@V =@=ð@V =@Y Þ.7This effect could be strong enough to drive VOT to zero,as posited by Mokhtarian and Salomon (2001).In that case,the constraint T K Z K is not binding and travel would be what DeSerpa calls a pure leisure good.8This can be seen as replacing the average compensation w by the marginal compensation [w þT w (dw /dT w )]as the measure of the economic cost of lost time.9Here I follow the concise presentation of Hensher (2011:139–141).K.A.Small /Economics of Transportation 1(2012)2–144working(perhaps at reduced productivity).Second is the utility of time if it were spent at work,U Tw.Third is the value to the traveler of the portion of travel time perceived as leisure(this portion is also subtracted from travel time when computing components one and two).Fourth is a quantity reflecting reduced productivity at work due to fatigue from traveling.The second and third components are further corrected to account for personal income taxation.In practice,the use of this formula is hampered by lack of data on some items,so certain parts are typically omitted,namely personal income taxation,productive time while traveling,and the effects of fatigue.This brief sketch of the production approach to business travel reveals a conclusion that applies to other forms of travel as well. The value of time that affects travel decisions can depend strongly on factors that analysts normally do not observe:individual tax rates,ability to use travel time productively,fatigue from travel, enjoyment of work,tightness of work-hours constraints,and many others.It is no surprise,then,that studies often reveal wide variations in measured value of time,depending on the particular way the studies are formulated.3.2.Basic results:empiricalThe empirical literature is vast;here I extract a few points from the many reviews available such as Small and Verhoef(2007: Chapter2)and Hensher(2011),as well as from the meta-analyses by Shires and de Jong(2009)and Abrantes and Wardman(2011).First,the value of time for commute trips seems typically to average around one-half the gross wage rate—amazingly close to the early results of Lave(1969).Values also vary widely by trip purpose,typically being highest for business travel and lowest for discretionary leisure travel.Second,values rise with income or wage rate,but less than proportionally—in contrast to the theory by Johnson(1966)just noted.This variation is well documented in cross-sections(espe-cially across nations)and over time,although not necessarily with identical elasticities.For example,the meta-analysis of Abrantes and Wardman(2011)measures the income elasticity of VOT to be0.9, based on variations over time within the UK;but studies with mainly cross-sectional variation typically yield elasticities on the order of0.5.10Gunn(2001)finds some evidence that VOT has undergone a secular downtrend independent of income—perhaps due to improved in-vehicle amenities—which could cause some studies to underestimate the income elasticity by confounding income with this secular trend.Another wrinkle is that the relation-ship of VOT to income at any point in time may not be one of constant elasticity:B¨orjesson et al.(2012),using repeated cross-sections,find that the income elasticity is close to zero at low incomes and considerably greater than one for higher incomes.If confirmed in other data sets,such a dramatically non-constant income elasticity of VOT would have important implications for the distribution of costs and benefits from various policies.Third,there are some well-established differences among values of time spent under various circumstances.Automobile drivers value time more highly under congested conditions than under free-flow conditions,by perhaps25%to55%.11(As discussed later,one explanation for this is the additional effort required by drivers to avoid accidents in congested conditions.)The value of walking or waiting time on transit trips is considerably larger than that of in-vehicle time—by multiples of two to three by most assessments, although the multiple is only1.7in Abrantes and Wardman(2011: Table13).Abrantes and Wardman alsofind an elasticity of VOT with respect to trip distance of0.16(p.10).Since VOT is typically based on a ratio of coefficients,its standard error requires an additional calculation.The simplest method,known as the Delta method,applies afirst-order Taylor series approximation to deviations around the point estimate,for example the ratio b t/b c of point estimates of coefficients:Varðb t=b cÞðb t=b cÞffiVarðb tÞðb tÞþVarðb cÞðb cÞÀ2Covðb t,b cÞbtbc:Daly et al.(2012)show that if b t and b c are maximum likelihood estimators of the coefficients,then this approximation is the maximum likelihood estimator for their ratio,so that it is asymptotically consistent just as are the standard estimates of the variances and the covariance of the individual coefficients.Thus there is often no need to apply more complex methods,such as Monte Carlo simulation,which are analyzed by Armstrong et al. (2001).12However,simulation may be necessary in more complex models that include error components or in which the value of time is a more complex function of coefficients.3.3.Heterogeneity and mixture modelsIn addition to the observed heterogeneity just documented, newer econometric techniques have permitted researchers to measure the remaining unexplained variation,known as‘‘unob-served heterogeneity.’’The primary technique is the mixed discrete choice model,in which utility has an error term with two components:the usual one whose distribution defines a particular class of discrete-choice models(such as probit,logit,or generalized extreme value),plus a second component that depends on the data and can have a very general distribution.13For example,a mixed logit model begins with a conditional indirect utility function depicting the value to consumer i of choosing an alternative j having observable characteristics repre-sented by vector z j:V ij¼a jþb00z ijþn ijðz ijÞþe ijð3Þwhere e ij is a pure random term with an extreme value distribu-tion(hence‘‘logit’’in the model’s name)and n ij is a random function with some‘‘mixing distribution,’’so called because the resulting choice probabilities are integrals involving a mixture of the two mon distributions assumed for n ij include normal,half-normal,log-normal,and triangular—the latter three often chosen in order to restrict coefficients to have their theoretically expected signs.Estimation involves Monte Carlo simulation to approximate the expected choice probabilities derived from(3),taking advantage of the simplicity of the logit formula for the choice probability conditional on a random draw from the mixing piling results for many random draws provides simulated probabilities for choices,which are approximations to probabilities computed by integration over the two random distributions.From the simulated probabilities,one10For example,Wardman(2004).See Hensher(2011:143–146)and Shires and de Jong(2009)for thorough reviews.Shires and de Jong(2009)measure elasticities with respect to gross domestic product per capita,which they believeare driven mainly by cross-sectional variations,of roughly0.7for commuting and 0.5for business and leisure travel.Gunn(2000:444)concludes that the evidence supports a cross-sectional elasticity of0.5.11Based on results reported by Abrantes and Wardman(2011:7)Hensher (2011:Table7.1),and Rizzi et al.(2012).Interestingly,Rizzi et al.(2012)found that the congestion premium appears in their stated preference data only when pictures of congestion are included in the questions posed to survey respondents.12The Delta method applies also to a much more general class of functions of coefficient estimates,as explained by Daly et al.(2012)with many examples calculated in their Table1.13Walker and Ben-Akiva(2011)provide a compact review.Train(2009) provides detailed information about estimation methods,including reasons to prefer using non-random draws(such as from a Halton sequence)for the simulations.K.A.Small/Economics of Transportation1(2012)2–145。
2023年英语四级真题试卷电子版阅读理解Passage 1Questions 1-3根据以下材料,回答题目。
As technology continues to advance, more and more jobs are at risk of being automated. Some experts predict that by 2030, up to 800 million jobs worldwide could be taken over by machines. This has raised concerns about the future of employment and the impact it will have on our society.One profession that many believe could be facing extinction is that of truck drivers. The rise of self-driving vehicles threatens to replace the need for human truck drivers, which could have a significant impact on the economy. In the United States alone, there are approximately 3.5 million truck drivers, making it one of the most common occupations. If these jobs were to disappear, it would have a devastating effect on individuals and communities who rely on this type of work.However, not everyone believes that automation will have such a negative impact. Some argue that while certain jobs may be replaced by machines, new jobs will also be created as a result of technological advancements. They believe that humans will always be needed to perform certain tasks thatmachines are incapable of doing. Additionally, they argue that automation will improve efficiency and productivity in many industries, which can lead to economic growth and job creation.Overall, the impact of automation on employment is still uncertain. While it is possible that certain jobs may become obsolete, it is also possible that new jobs will arise as a result of technological advancements. The key is to properly manage the transition and ensure that workers are equipped with the skills necessary to adapt to the changing job market.Question 1: What is the main concern raised by the advancement of technology?A)The future of employment.B)The impact on the economy.C)The rise of self-driving vehicles.D)The need for human truck drivers.Question 2: How many truck drivers are there in the United States?A)Approximately 3.5 million.B)Up to 800 million.C)None are mentioned.D)It is uncertain.Question 3: What is one argument made by those who believe automation will not have a negative impact?A)New jobs will be created.B)Humans are needed for certain tasks.C)Automation will improve efficiency.D)All of the above.Passage 2Questions 4-6根据以下材料,回答题目。
电动车优缺点英语作文The Pros and Cons of Electric Vehicles.Electric vehicles (EVs) have gained significant popularity in recent years, thanks to their environmental benefits and advancing technology. While they offer a sustainable mode of transportation, they also come with their own set of advantages and disadvantages.Advantages of Electric Vehicles:1. Environmental Friendliness: EVs do not emit greenhouse gases or other harmful pollutants, making them a cleaner alternative to traditional fossil fuel-powered vehicles. This helps reduce air pollution and its associated health risks.2. Lower Operating Costs: Electric vehicles are much cheaper to operate compared to gasoline-powered cars. Electricity is generally cheaper than gasoline, and EVsrequire less maintenance due to their simpler mechanical structure.3. Energy Efficiency: EVs convert about 60-70% of the energy stored in their batteries into useful work, compared to only 17-21% for internal combustion engines. This means that EVs are much more energy-efficient.4. Quiet Operation: Electric motors producesignificantly less noise than internal combustion engines. This makes EVs more enjoyable to drive and ride in, especially in urban areas.5. Advanced Technology: EVs often come with state-of-the-art technology features such as regenerative braking, smart charging, and advanced driver assistance systems. These features enhance safety, comfort, and convenience.6. Increasing Range: With improvements in battery technology, the range of EVs is increasing. Modern EVs can now travel hundreds of miles on a single charge, making them more suitable for longer trips.7. Reduced Dependence on Fossil Fuels: EVs help reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, which are non-renewable resources. Transitioning to EVs can help mitigate theimpact of climate change and promote sustainable energy use.Disadvantages of Electric Vehicles:1. Initial Cost: EVs typically cost more than theirfossil fuel-powered counterparts. Although the operating costs are lower, the upfront investment can be a barrierfor some consumers.2. Limited Infrastructure: The charging infrastructure for EVs is still not as widespread as gas stations. Thiscan make it challenging to charge an EV when traveling in remote areas or during long trips.3. Charging Time: Although charging speeds are improving, it still takes longer to charge an EV than to refuel a gasoline car. This can be inconvenient, especially when time is a factor.4. Battery Disposal: Electric vehicle batteries need to be disposed of properly to avoid environmental pollution. Currently, there is a lack of infrastructure and standardized processes for battery recycling and disposal.5. Range Anxiety: The fear of running out of charge before reaching a destination is still a concern for many EV drivers. This range anxiety can limit the adoption of EVs, especially among those who require long-distance travel.6. Dependence on Electricity Generation: EVs are only as environmentally friendly as the electricity used to charge them. If electricity is generated from fossil fuels, the environmental benefits of EVs are diminished. Transitioning to renewable energy sources is crucial to maximize the sustainability of EVs.In conclusion, electric vehicles offer significant environmental and economic advantages compared totraditional fossil fuel-powered cars. However, they alsocome with challenges such as higher upfront costs, limited infrastructure, and range anxiety. As technology improves and infrastructure expands, EVs are expected to become more widespread and accessible, leading to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly transportation system.。
降低碳排放英语作文Here is an English essay on the topic of reducing carbon emissions, with the content exceeding 1,000 words as per your instructions. The title and any additional instructions have been omitted from the main body of the text.Climate change is one of the most pressing issues facing our planet today. The primary driver of climate change is the release of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, into the atmosphere. These gases trap heat and contribute to the overall warming of the Earth's surface, leading to a wide range of environmental and social consequences. One of the most critical steps we can take to address this challenge is to reduce our carbon emissions.The primary sources of carbon emissions are the burning of fossil fuels for energy production, transportation, and industrial processes. Fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural gas, have long been the backbone of our energy systems, powering our homes, businesses, and transportation networks. However, the combustion of these fuels releases large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, contributing to the greenhouse effect and exacerbating climate change.To reduce our carbon emissions, we must transition towards more sustainable and renewable sources of energy. This includes the increased use of solar, wind, hydroelectric, and geothermal power, as well as the development of energy-efficient technologies and the adoption of cleaner transportation solutions, such as electric vehicles and public transit.One of the most significant opportunities for reducing carbon emissions lies in the energy sector. By investing in renewable energy sources and improving the efficiency of our existing energy infrastructure, we can dramatically reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and the associated emissions. Solar and wind power, for example, have seen significant advancements in recent years, making them increasingly cost-competitive with traditional energy sources. Governments and private organizations can play a crucial role in promoting the adoption of these technologies through policy incentives, research and development funding, and public-private partnerships.In addition to the energy sector, the transportation industry is another major contributor to carbon emissions. Automobiles, trucks, and other vehicles that rely on gasoline or diesel fuel are responsible for a significant portion of global greenhouse gas emissions. To address this, we must encourage the transition to electric vehicles,which have zero direct emissions, and promote the use of public transportation, carpooling, and other sustainable modes of travel.Another important area for reducing carbon emissions is the built environment. The construction, operation, and maintenance of buildings account for a substantial share of global energy use and carbon emissions. By implementing energy-efficient building designs, using sustainable construction materials, and improving the energy performance of existing structures, we can significantly lower the carbon footprint of the built environment.Individuals can also play a crucial role in reducing carbon emissions through their daily choices and behaviors. Simple actions, such as reducing energy consumption at home, choosing renewable energy providers, and adopting a more sustainable lifestyle, can have a significant cumulative impact. Additionally, supporting policies and initiatives that promote sustainable practices, such as voting for political leaders who prioritize climate action, can help drive broader systemic changes.It is important to note that reducing carbon emissions is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Different regions, countries, and communities may face unique challenges and have different resources available to them. As such, a multifaceted approach that combines global coordination, national policies, and local initiatives is essential toeffectively address the issue of climate change and carbon emissions.Governments, businesses, and individuals must work together to develop and implement comprehensive strategies that prioritize renewable energy, energy efficiency, sustainable transportation, and the reduction of emissions across all sectors of the economy. This will require significant investments, technological innovations, and changes in societal attitudes and behaviors, but the long-term benefits of a low-carbon future far outweigh the short-term challenges.In conclusion, reducing carbon emissions is a crucial step in addressing the global climate crisis. By transitioning towards renewable energy, improving energy efficiency, and adopting sustainable practices across all aspects of our lives, we can collectively work towards a more sustainable and resilient future for our planet. The time to act is now, and the actions we take today will have a lasting impact on the generations to come.。
1. Transition between Similar Ideas or Points过渡到相似的观点∙Likewise …∙Similarly …∙This is just like …∙In a similar way …∙We see the same thing if we consider …“Speech transitions smooth over the boundary between two ideas, and reveal the relationship between the words just spoken and those about to be spoken.”2. Transition between Contrasting Ideas or Points过渡到相反的观点∙However …∙Conversely …∙On the contrary …∙On the other side …∙On the other hand …∙If we flip that around …∙Yet, we cannot ignore …∙The opposing a rgument …∙If we examine the opposite side, we see …3. Transition to elaborate upon an idea转入对观点的详细解释说明∙Also …∙Moreover …∙In addition …∙Furthermore …∙In other words …∙Not only that, but …4. Transition to Numbered Ideas or Points (or Process Steps)引出多个观点∙First … (The first step is …)∙Second … (The second step is …)∙Third … (The third step is …)∙Last … (The last step is …)5. Transition to show Cause-Effect Relationship因果关系转折∙Therefore …∙As a result …∙Consequently …∙For that reason …∙This is important bec ause …6. Transition to a Supporting Example转入支撑观点的事例∙For instance …∙For example …∙As an example …∙To illustrate this …∙What’s an example of this? …∙But does this happen in real life? Yes …7. Transition to a Supporting Demonstration转入支撑观点的演示、展示∙Now that we’ve covered the theory, let’s see it in action …∙To reinforce what we’ve learned, let’s see a demonstration …∙I’ve prepared a demonstration to show how this works.∙Let’s see a demonstration which applies what we’ve learned.“When executed well, speech transitions help make a speech understandable.When executed poorly, speech transitions can obscure meaning and frustrate audiences.”8. Transition to a Supporting Quotation转入支撑观点的引用语∙X said: …∙In 1968, X said: …∙This idea was expressed clearly by X who said …9. Transition from Introduction into Speech Body从引入语过渡到演讲正题∙Let’s begin …∙To get started, let’s examine …∙Let’s get started talking about …∙Now that we’ve given an overview, let’s start with …10. Transition from Speech Body into Conclusion从演讲正文过渡到结束语For a short speech, you might conclude with a single statement:∙In short …∙In summary …∙In conclusion …In a longer presentation, your conclusion might include a review of a the key points:∙Let’s summarize the key lessons …∙Let’s recap what we’ve covered today …11. Transition to Another Speaker一个讲者过渡到另一个讲者In a team presentation, it is necessary to transfer control between speakers.The abrupt way to do this is to simply have one person stop talking, and then have the other person start talking. It is much smoother, however, to pass the verbal baton to the next speaker (X):∙To talk about our next topic, we have X …∙I’ll pass the microphone to X who will describe …∙T o guide us through a demonstration of this, we have X …12. Transition Back to an Earlier Point转回之前的观点There are many occasions when you need to jump back to an earlier idea to add additional information. e.g. after a break, following an exercise, orreturning from an unplanned interruption∙Let’s return …∙Let’s revisit …∙Let’s go back to …∙We introduced X earlier; let’s explore that further now.。
关于进一步推进电能替代的指导意见英语Guidelines for Promoting Further Substitution of Electric PowerIn recent years, the substitution of electric power has become an increasingly significant issue. As the demand for energy grows and environmental concerns escalate, it is crucial to explore and implement effective measures to encourage the substitution of electric power. This document aims to provide guidance for promoting further substitution of electric power, focusing on innovative strategies and practical solutions.I. BackgroundElectric power substitution refers to the replacement of traditional energy sources with electricity in various sectors, such as transportation, heating, and industrial processes. This substitution plays a vital role in achieving energy conservation and emission reduction goals while ensuring sustainable development. Therefore, it is imperative to formulate effective strategies to accelerate the progress of electric power substitution.II. Rationale for Further Electric Power Substitution1. Energy Conservation: Electric power substitution significantly contributes to energy conservation efforts by reducing reliance on fossil fuels. By utilizing electricity as a substitute, energy efficiency can be greatly improved, resulting in reduced consumption and overall energy savings.2. Environmental Benefits: The substitution of electric power helps mitigate environmental pollution caused by traditional energy sources. Electricity, particularlygenerated from renewable energy, substantially reduces greenhouse gas emissions and air pollutants, leading to a cleaner and healthier environment.3. Technological Advancements: Rapid advancements in electric power technologies have made it more feasible and cost-effective to substitute electricity for traditional energy sources. Innovations in battery storage, electric vehicles, and energy-efficient appliances pave the way for accelerated adoption and successful implementation of electric power substitution.III. Strategies for Promoting Further Electric Power Substitution1. Policy Support: Governments should formulate comprehensive and supportive policies to encourage the substitution of electric power. This includes implementing favorable regulations, providing financial incentives, and establishing research and development programs to foster technological innovation in the electric power sector.2. Infrastructure Development: Invest in the development of robust electric power infrastructure, including charging stations, grid expansion, and smart grid technologies. Enhancing the accessibility and availability of electric power infrastructure is crucial for facilitating the widespread adoption of electric vehicles and other electric-powered devices.3. Public Awareness and Education: Conduct public awareness campaigns to educate the general public about the benefits of electric power substitution and its role in sustainable development. Promote the use of electric-powered devices, publicize success stories, and emphasize the long-term benefits of transitioning to electric power.4. Technological Collaboration: Foster collaboration between industry leaders, research institutions, and academia to accelerate technological advancements in electric power substitution. Encourage joint research projects, knowledge sharing, and technological collaborations to expedite the development and commercialization of innovative electric power solutions.IV. Evaluation and MonitoringEstablish a comprehensive evaluation and monitoring system to assess the progress and impact of electric power substitution initiatives. Regularly monitor key performance indicators, such as energy consumption reduction, emission reduction, and cost-effectiveness. Based on the evaluation results, make necessary adjustments and refine strategies to ensure the continuous improvement of electric power substitution efforts.ConclusionThe substitution of electric power holds tremendous potential in addressing energy and environmental challenges. By embracing innovative strategies and implementing practical measures, we can further accelerate the adoption of electric power and create a sustainable and greener future. Together, let us work towards a society where electric power substitution becomes the norm rather than the exception.。
我们应该做些什么来实现低碳生活呢英语作文In today's world, the issue of climate change has become a pressing concern for individuals, communities, and nations alike. As the global population continues to grow and our reliance on fossil fuels remains high, the need to transition towards a more sustainable and low-carbon lifestyle has become increasingly evident. To address this challenge, we must all take proactive steps to reduce our carbon footprint and contribute to the preservation of our planet.One of the most impactful ways to achieve a low-carbon lifestyle is to focus on reducing our energy consumption. This can be accomplished through a variety of measures, such as improving the energy efficiency of our homes and workplaces. This can involve upgrading to energy-efficient appliances, installing insulation, and utilizing renewable energy sources like solar panels or wind turbines. By reducing our energy demands, we can significantly decrease our reliance on fossil fuels and the associated greenhouse gas emissions.Another crucial aspect of a low-carbon lifestyle is transportation. The transportation sector is a major contributor to global greenhouse gas emissions, and as such, we must explore alternative modes of transportation that are more environmentally friendly. This can include using public transportation, cycling, or walking whenever possible, as well as transitioning to electric or hybrid vehicles. Additionally, we can support the development of sustainable transportation infrastructure, such as bike lanes and electric vehicle charging stations, to make these options more accessible and appealing to the general public.In addition to energy and transportation, our dietary choices also play a significant role in our carbon footprint. The production and consumption of certain food items, particularly those that are heavily processed or come from animal-based sources, can have a substantial impact on the environment. By adopting a more plant-based diet, reducing food waste, and supporting local and sustainable food systems, we can significantly reduce the carbon emissions associated with our food consumption.Another important aspect of a low-carbon lifestyle is waste reduction and recycling. By minimizing the amount of waste we generate and ensuring that as much as possible is properly recycled or composted, we can divert materials from landfills and reduce the energy-intensive process of producing new products from raw materials.This can involve adopting a more mindful approach to our consumption habits, choosing products with minimal packaging, and properly disposing of or repurposing our waste.Furthermore, we can contribute to a low-carbon lifestyle by supporting policies and initiatives that promote sustainability and environmental protection. This can include advocating for more ambitious climate action plans, supporting the development of renewable energy infrastructure, and participating in community-based environmental projects. By using our collective voice and voting power, we can influence the decisions made by our elected officials and encourage them to prioritize the transition to a low-carbon future.Finally, it is crucial that we educate ourselves and others about the importance of a low-carbon lifestyle. By sharing knowledge, resources, and best practices, we can inspire and empower our families, friends, and communities to adopt more sustainable habits. This can involve participating in educational campaigns, engaging in discussions about climate change and environmental issues, and leading by example in our daily lives.In conclusion, achieving a low-carbon lifestyle requires a multi-faceted approach that addresses various aspects of our daily lives. By focusing on reducing energy consumption, transitioning tosustainable transportation, adopting eco-friendly dietary choices, minimizing waste, supporting relevant policies and initiatives, and educating ourselves and others, we can collectively contribute to the fight against climate change and create a more sustainable future for generations to come. The challenges we face may seem daunting, but by taking decisive action and working together, we can overcome them and create a more resilient and environmentally responsible world.。
以《How to Save the Environment》为题的英语范文五篇
以《How to Save the Environment》为题的英语范文【篇一】How to Save the EnvironmentIn an era marked by environmental degradation and climate change, the need to safeguard our planet has never been more urgent. Each individual has a role to play in preserving the environment for future generations. Here are some practical steps we can take to save the environment:Firstly, reduce, reuse, and recycle. Adopting a mindset of minimalism and sustainability can significantly reduce our ecological footprint. By cutting down on unnecessary consumption, reusing items whenever possible, and recycling materials such as paper, plastic, and glass, we can minimize the amount of waste that ends up in landfills and incinerators.Secondly, conserve energy. The burning of fossil fuels for energy production is a major contributor to air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. We can reduce our energy consumption by using energy-efficient appliances, turning off lights and electronics when not in use, and opting for renewable energysources such as solar or wind power whenever possible.Thirdly, support sustainable practices. Whether it’s choosing sustainably sourced products, supporting eco-friendly businesses, or advocating for environmental policies, we can use our purchasing power and voice to promote sustainable practices that benefit both people and the planet.Fourthly, protect natural habitats. The destruction of forests, wetlands, and other ecosystems not only threatens biodiversity but also exacerbates climate change. We can support conservation efforts by volunteering with local environmental organizations, participating in habitat restoration projects, and advocating for the preservation of natural spaces.Fifthly, reduce reliance on single-use plastics. Plastic pollution poses a significant threat to marine life and ecosystems. By opting for reusable alternatives such as cloth bags, stainless steel water bottles, and bamboo utensils, we can help reduce the amount of plastic waste that ends up in our oceans and waterways.Lastly, educate and raise awareness. Environmental issuesare complex and interconnected, and it’s essential to educate ourselves and others about the importance of environmental conservation. By raising awareness through community events, educational programs, and social media campaigns, we caninspire others to take action and join the collective effort to save the environment.In conclusion, saving the environment requires a concerted effort from individuals, communities, and governments worldwide. By making conscious choices in our daily lives, supporting sustainable practices, and advocating for environmental stewardship, we can protect the planet and ensure a sustainable future for generations to come.【篇二】How to Save the EnvironmentIn today’s world, the preservation of our environment has become an increasingly critical issue. With the looming threats of climate change, pollution, and habitat destruction, it’s imperative that we take action to protect our planet. Here are some effective strategies for saving the environment: First and foremost, we must prioritize sustainable livingpractices. This involves reducing our consumption of resources, reusing items whenever possible, and recycling materials to minimize waste. By adopting a “reduce, reuse, recycle” mindset, we can significantly reduce the amount of garbage that ends up in landfills and pollutes our environment.Another crucial step is to transition to renewable energy sources. Fossil fuels, such as coal and oil, are major contributors to air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. By investing in renewable energy technologies like solar, wind, and hydroelectric power, we can reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and decrease our carbon footprint.Furthermore, we need to address the issue of deforestation and habitat loss. Forests play a vital role in regulating the Earth’s climate and supporting biodiversity, yet they continue to be cleared at an alarming rate for agricultural expansion and logging. To combat deforestation, we must support reforestation efforts, protect endangered ecosystems, and promote sustainable land management practices.Additionally, it’s essential to advocate for stronger environmental policies and regulations. Governments andbusinesses must be held accountable for their environmental impact, and we must push for policies that prioritize sustainability and conservation. By lobbying for stricter emissions standards, wildlife protection laws, and sustainable development initiatives, we can create a more environmentally responsible society.Another effective strategy for saving the environment is to raise awareness and educate others about environmental issues. Many people are unaware of the extent of environmental degradation and the urgent need for action. By sharing information, organizing educational events, and engaging in grassroots activism, we can inspire others to join the fight to protect our planet.In conclusion, saving the environment requires a multifaceted approach that involves individual actions, government policies, and collective efforts. By implementing sustainable practices, transitioning to renewable energy, protecting natural habitats, advocating for policy change, and raising awareness, we can work together to preserve the Earth for future generations. It’s up to each of us to takeresponsibility for our environmental impact and make a positive difference in the world.【篇三】How to Save the EnvironmentThe environment sustains all life on Earth, yet it faces unprecedented challenges due to human activities. To secure a sustainable future, it’s imperative that we take decisive action to protect and preserve our planet. Here are practical steps we can all take to save the environment:Firstly, prioritize conservation in daily practices. Adopting a mindful approach to consumption by reducing waste, reusing items, and recycling materials can significantly lessen our environmental footprint. By being conscious of our consumption habits, we can minimize the strain on natural resources and reduce pollution.Secondly, embrace renewable energy sources. Transitioning away from fossil fuels towards clean, renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and hydroelectric power is crucial for mitigating climate change and reducing air pollution. Supporting renewable energy initiatives and advocating fortheir widespread adoption can drive positive change on a global scale.Thirdly, advocate for environmental policies and regulations. Governments play a pivotal role in shaping environmental outcomes through legislation and regulations. By actively engaging in advocacy efforts and supporting policies that promote sustainability, we can influence decision-makers to prioritize environmental protection and conservation.Fourthly, protect biodiversity and natural habitats. Ecosystems around the world are under threat from deforestation, habitat destruction, and pollution. Supporting conservation initiatives, preserving natural areas, and promoting sustainable land management practices are essential for safeguarding biodiversity and maintaining ecosystem health.Fifthly, promote sustainable agriculture and food systems. The agricultural sector is a significant contributor to environmental degradation through deforestation, water pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions. By supporting organic farming practices, reducing food waste, and choosing locally sourced and sustainably produced foods, we can lessen theenvironmental impact of our food consumption.Lastly, raise awareness and inspire action. Educating others about environmental issues and mobilizing collective action is crucial for driving positive change. Through advocacy, education, and grassroots activism, we can empower individuals and communities to take meaningful steps towards environmental sustainability.In conclusion, saving the environment requires collective effort and commitment from individuals, communities, businesses, and governments worldwide. By implementing sustainable practices, advocating for policy change, protecting natural ecosystems, and raising awareness, we can create a more resilient and sustainable future for generations to come.Let’s act now to preserve o ur planet for future generations.【篇四】How to Save the EnvironmentThe preservation of our environment is paramount intoday’s world, where the impacts of climate change and pollution are increasingly evident. To safeguard our planet for future generations, it’s essential that we take concertedaction. Here are effective strategies for saving the environment:Firstly, we must prioritize conservation in our daily lives. This entails reducing our carbon footprint by conserving energy, minimizing waste, and adopting sustainable consumption habits. Simple actions such as using energy-efficient appliances, composting organic waste, and opting for reusable products can make a significant difference.Secondly, transitioning to renewable energy sources is crucial. Fossil fuels are major contributors to greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution. By investing in solar, wind, and other renewable energy technologies, we can mitigate climate change and reduce our reliance on environmentally harmful energy sources.Thirdly, advocating for policy change is essential. Governments play a pivotal role in implementing regulationsthat promote environmental protection and sustainability. By supporting policies that incentivize clean energy adoption, regulate pollution, and preserve natural habitats, we can create a more sustainable future.Fourthly, protecting biodiversity is vital for ecosystem health. Habitat loss, deforestation, and pollution threaten countless species around the world. Supporting conservation efforts, establishing protected areas, and practicing sustainable land management are crucial for preserving biodiversity and ecosystem services.Fifthly, promoting sustainable agriculture can helpmitigate environmental degradation. Industrial agriculture practices contribute to deforestation, soil degradation, and water pollution. By supporting organic farming, agroecology, and regenerative agriculture, we can promote soil health, conserve water, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.Lastly, raising awareness and fostering environmental literacy are key to inspiring action. Educating individuals about the importance of environmental conservation and empowering them to make informed choices can catalyze positive change. By engaging in outreach efforts, organizing educational initiatives, and leveraging social media, we can mobilize a collective effort to save the environment.In conclusion, saving the environment requires acomprehensive and collaborative approach. By adopting sustainable practices, advocating for policy change, protecting biodiversity, promoting sustainable agriculture, and raising awareness, we can work together to preserve our planet for future generations. It’s imperative that we act now to ensure a sustainable and thriving environment for all.【篇五】How to Save the EnvironmentIn today’s world, the importance of preserving our environment cannot be overstated. Human activities have led to significant environmental challenges such as climate change, pollution, and loss of biodiversity. However, there are practical steps we can take to mitigate these issues and secure a sustainable future for our planet.First and foremost, adopting sustainable lifestyle practices is crucial. We can reduce our environmental impact by conserving energy at home, using public transport or carpooling, and embracing the principles of reduce, reuse, and recycle. Simple actions like turning off lights when not in use, minimizing single-use plastics, and supporting local andsustainable products can collectively make a substantial difference.Transitioning to renewable energy sources is another key strategy. By investing in solar, wind, and hydroelectric power, we can decrease reliance on fossil fuels and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Governments and businesses must prioritize renewable energy infrastructure to accelerate this transition on a larger scale.Advocating for strong environmental policies is essential for systemic change. Individuals can support initiatives that promote cleaner air and water, protect natural habitats, and encourage sustainable land use. By engaging with policymakers and voting for environmentally conscious leaders, we can drive meaningful legislative action.Protecting biodiversity is critical to maintaining healthy ecosystems. Preserving natural habitats, combating deforestation, and supporting wildlife conservation efforts are imperative. Efforts to restore degraded lands and protect endangered species contribute significantly to biodiversity conservation.Promoting sustainable agriculture practices is also vital. Farmers can adopt techniques such as organic farming, agroforestry, and crop rotation to reduce reliance on harmful chemicals and preserve soil health. Consumers can support local and organic food producers to promote sustainable food systems.Lastly, education and awareness are powerful tools for change. By educating ourselves and others about environmental issues, we can inspire collective action. Schools, communities, and businesses should prioritize environmental literacy and empower individuals to make informed choices that benefit our planet.In conclusion, saving the environment requires a multifaceted approach involving individual actions, policy changes, technological advancements, and community engagement. Each of us has a role to play in safeguarding our planet for current and future generations. Let’s commit to taking meaningful steps towards environmental sustainability today. Our actions today will determine the health and prosperity of our planet tomorrow. Together, we can make a difference.。
最值得写的应用文深圳一模小组发言(网络投票)第四部分写作(共两节,满分40分)第一节(满分15分)在口语课上,外教Alex组织同学们讨论是否使用网络投票(online voting)的方式评选校园十佳歌手。
Hello,everyone!Thank you for listening!这个题目设计得很好,具有以下几个优点:1. 创新度:题目提供了一个现实生活中的情境,即使用网络投票评选校园十佳歌手。
2. 促学效果:题目要求学生代表小组发言,讨论使用网络投票的利与弊。
3. 引发思考:题目设计不仅仅是要求学生简单地表达观点,还要求他们陈述理由。
【关于同意的一些语料素材】①Online voting allows for a more extensive participation of the student body. By utilizing digital platforms, every student can easily access and cast their vote, regardless of their schedule or location. This inclusively ensures a broader representation of opinions and preferences, leading to a more democratic outcome.②Online voting offers transparency and accuracy in the selection process. The results are generated electronically, eliminating the possibility of human error or bias. Additionally, the voting process canbe monitored and audited, enhancing the credibility and integrity of the outcome.③Online voting promotes convenience and flexibility. It eliminates the need for physical ballot boxes and paper-based voting procedures, saving time and resources for both the organizers and the participants. Students can conveniently vote at their own pace, enhancing the overall efficiency of the selection process.【关于反对的一些语料素材】①Online voting may not guarantee fair representation. Not all students have equal access to digital platforms or may not be adept at using them. This could result in a skewed representation of the student body's preferences, favoring those who are more technologically inclined.②Online voting lacks accountability and transparency. Unlike traditional paper-based voting methods, online systems are susceptible to hacking, manipulation, and fraudulent activities. Without proper safeguards in place, there is a risk of compromising the integrity of the voting process, leading to questionable results.③Online voting may undermine the spirit of camaraderie and engagement among students. Physical voting booths provide a communal space for students to gather, discuss, and participate in the voting process together. By transitioning to online voting, we lose the interpersonal interactions and sense of community involvement that are integral to campus events.【官方范文】One possible version:参考范文一Hello,everyone!Our group believes that online voting is a fantastic idea to select the top ten campus singers.Firstly,it's important to acknowledge that online voting is convenient and accessible to everyone.With just a few clicks on a computer or a smartphone,we can easily cast votes to support our favouritesingers.Besides,online voting allows for a wider reach and engagement,breaking down the boundaries of physical locations and enabling more people to participate in the voting process.Overall,we think online voting is a convenient and inclusive means for choosing the top ten campus singers.Thank you for listening!(97词)参考范文二Hello,everyone!Though online voting is widely used,its drawbacks are undeniable.Let me share our concerns about using it to select the top ten campus singers.Firstly,not all of us have access to the Internet or electronic devices,so the voting result cannot reflect the true preferences of the entire student community.Besides,cheating is a significant concern.Contestants may create multiple accounts to vote for themselves or ask for votes from acquaintances.In this way,the voting result fails to show the contestants' vocal abilities and stage performanceOverall,while online voting has its benefits,we should also guarantee the fairness and reliability of the contest.Thank you for listening!(108词)。
全球变暖倡议信英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1A Call to Action on Global WarmingHey everyone, can I get your attention for a minute? I know we're all busy with school, activities, social lives, you name it. But I really need you to hear me out on something incredibly important that affects every single one of us - global warming.I'm sure you've heard about it in science class or on the news. It's the steady increase in the Earth's average temperature caused by human activities like burning fossil fuels that release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. And let me tell you, it's not just a science problem or something that only impacts certain parts of the world. Global warming is an existential threat to our entire planet and every living thing on it, including us.Just think about some of the impacts we're already seeing today here in [insert your location]. The summers are getting hotter and more extreme heat waves. Winter snow and cold spells seem less intense. We've had crazy storms, droughts, wildfires, and flooding that have disrupted our lives. And that'sjust the start - the scientists are telling us that if we don't get our act together soon, global warming is going to cause catastrophic damage in the coming decades.I'm talking about sea levels rising and coastal cities getting inundated. Extreme weather events becoming even more frequent and severe, causing billions in damage and taking lives. Mass extinctions of species that can't adapt fast enough to the changing climate. Disruptions to our food and water supplies. Just total chaos and devastation on a global scale.Now I know what some of you might be thinking - "Isn't this just something that happens naturally over a long period of time? What's the big deal?" Well sure, climate change has occurred throughout Earth's history. But this rapid warming we're experiencing now is completely unprecedented and scientists agree it's being caused by human activities releasing greenhouse gases much faster than the planet can naturally absorb them.And for those saying "I'll be gone by the time the worst effects hit, why should I care?" - how selfish and shortsighted is that? We have a moral obligation to take care of the planet for future generations. Just because we were born into this mess doesn't mean we can't do anything about it. Imagine if your grandparents had that attitude - you might not even exist today!The good news is that we already have a lot of the solutions and technology needed to slow down global warming and its effects. We just need to actually implement them through smart policies and changing our own habits as individuals:• Transitioning to renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and hydro instead of burning fossil fuels• Improving energy efficiency across industries and homes• Developing greener transportation like electri c vehicles• Protecting forests and investing in trees which absorb carbon dioxide• Reducing consumption of meat and dairy which have large carbon footprints• Recycling and cutting down on single-use plastics and wasteActing on these kinds of solutions will take a massive coordinated effort by governments, businesses, and all of us as citizens. But it's something we have to do - nothing less than the future of human civilization and life on Earth is at stake here.I'll be the first to admit that as a student, I don't have all the answers on exactly how we solve this incredibly complex issue.But what I do know is that we can't stick our heads in the sand and ignore it any longer. Global warming demands our urgent attention and action starting right now.Think about how awesome it would be if our generation could be the ones to help turn things around and save the planet. We'd be heroes! But we have to get motivated and make it a top priority in our lives.That starts with educating ourselves on the facts about climate change and its impacts. Watch those documentaries, read the books and reports, listen to the scientists and experts instead of ill-informed naysayers. Learn about the solutions people are working on locally and globally.Then we need to use our voices and power as young people to demand real action from our political leaders and corporations who can implement large-scale changes. Protest, vote, contact your representatives, put public pressure on them. Use social media and spread awareness about global warming. Make it clear this is the issue that will determine how we view their legacies.It also means changing our own habits and behaviors to reduce our carbon footprints as individuals. Walk, bike, or take public transport instead of driving alone. Eat more plant-basedfoods and cut down on meat consumption. Recycle and avoid single-use plastics. Be energy efficient at home. Make sustainable choices as consumers.I know that tackling global warming won't be easy. It's a massively daunting challenge for humanity and we can't solve it overnight. But we have to try with every ounce of effort we can muster. The fate of our world quite literally depends on it.So I'm asking you, pleading with you as a fellow student, as a member of our generation, and as a citizen of planet Earth - please join me in this fight. Don't be a bystander while the planet burns. Get informed, get engaged, change your habits, call for action. Someday we'll be the ones dealing with the consequences, so we need to make our voices heard now.Let's do this for the future of human civilization. For the animals and plants whose existence is threatened. For the idea that we can overcome any challenge when we work together. Most of all, let's fight for global warming for the one place we all call home - our beautiful, irreplaceable planet Earth. It's the only one we've got, so we better protect it with everything we've got. Our children's children are counting on us. The time to act is now. Let's be the heroes that saves the Earth from catastrophe. Who's with me?!篇2A Call to Action on Global WarmingHey everyone, I'm just a regular student, but I'm really concerned about the threat of global warming and climate change. I think it's one of the biggest challenges we're facing as a planet and as a generation. I feel like we don't talk about it enough or take it seriously enough. That's why I wanted to write this essay - to lay out the facts, express my thoughts, and hopefully inspire some of you to get more involved in fighting climate change.First, let's go over some of the key science and evidence around global warming. The basics are that human activities like burning fossil fuels for energy, cutting down forests, and animal agriculture are releasing huge amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Gases like carbon dioxide and methane trap heat from the sun, causing temperatures to rise globally. We're already seeing the effects in the form of rising sea levels, more extreme weather events, loss of sea ice and glaciers, damage to ecosystems, and disruptions to agriculture.The data and projections from climate scientists are pretty alarming if we don't make major changes soon. They predict thatglobal temperatures could increase by 2-6°C (3.6-10.8°F) by the end of this century compared to pre-industrial levels. That may not sound like much, but even a few degrees of warming will lead to catastrophic consequences like flooded coastal cities, water shortages, heat waves, droughts, famines, mass extinctions of plants and animals, and increasing conflict and migration as people are displaced from their homes.We're talking about billions of lives affected and damages in the trillions of dollars to the global economy. And the impacts will be much worse for developing countries and marginalized communities that have contributed little to the problem historically. The situation is incredibly urgent, and we need to take action now before it's too late.What really frustrates me is the lack of urgency I see from leaders, corporations, the media, and a lot of fellow citizens. We have the solutions and technologies to transition away from fossil fuels to clean energy sources like solar, wind, nuclear, geothermal, etc. We know how to protect forests, change agricultural practices, upgrade infrastructure, and develop sustainable ways of living. But so many are dragging their feet because of greed, short-term thinking, lobbying from fossil fuel interests, and political polarization of this issue.That's why I feel it's so important for us as individuals, especially young people, to apply pressure and demand action on climate change. We have to raise awareness, call out those blocking progress, and make this a top priority through activism, voting, changing our own habits, and using our collective voice.Personally, I've tried to make sustainability a priority in my own life as much as possible. I bike, recycle religiously, eat less meat, turn off lights obsessively, and put pressure on companies and brands to be more eco-friendly through my consumer choices. But I know individual actions, while important, are not going to be enough to solve this global crisis.That's why I also try to stay informed on climate policies, call/write/email my political representatives, attend protests and rallies for climate action, support environmental organizations, and use social media to spread awareness. I recently joined an advocacy group on campus that is pushing my university to divest from fossil fuel companies and install more solar panels and EV charging stations.It has been really empowering getting more involved in the climate movement, but I'll be honest - it can also be demoralizing at times seeing how slowly change happens. Powerful forces like the fossil fuel industry, anti-science attitudes,and political gridlock make it incredibly difficult to make progress. It's easy to feel hopeless in the face of such a massive, existential challenge.But then I think about how amazing it is that we have the ability as a species to tackle a crisis of this scale and secure a livable future for ourselves and future generations. Humanity has achieved incredible things throughout history when we work together towards a common goal. We split the atom, landed on the moon, developed the internet and so many other remarkable innovations - and we did those things with far fewer resources and knowledge than we have now about global warming.If we can channel that spirit of curiosity, ingenuity, and cooperation into fighting climate change, I'm confident we can rise to meet this challenge too. It's going to take a massive effort and all of us doing our part - not just scientists and activists, but citizens, communities, businesses, and leaders coming together globally. We have to treat this like the emergency that it is.It will involve rapidly transitioning to clean energy through things like carbon taxes, emissions caps, investing in renewable technology and infrastructure, and ultimately moving towards a complete phase-out of fossil fuels over the next couple decades. We'll need to protect and restore forests and ecosystems thatabsorb carbon, change agricultural practices, upgrade buildings and transportation systems to be more energy efficient, incentivize sustainable products and lifestyles, and help developing countries access clean energy and adapt to the impacts that are now inevitable.This is such a vast undertaking, but I'm hopeful because throughout history humans have risen to meet colossal challenges when the stakes were high enough. The younger generations especially have no choice but to urgently prioritize solving this crisis since we'll be inheriting the world that is being shaped today.We're already seeing powerful youth climate movements emerging around figures like Greta Thunberg, showing that we have a voice that can spark change through tactics like school strikes, protests, lawsuits, pushing leaders, and more. And we have powerful tools of this era like social media, global connectivity, and rapidly developing technology on our side.I know it can seem bleak and overwhelming sometimes. But the biggest risk is not trying hard enough to fight climate change. By working together, demanding action, making sacrifices, utilizing science and innovation, and showing the urgency this crisis demands, I'm hopeful and confident we can protect ourplanet's climate and leave a sustainable world for future generations.We have the resources, ingenuity, and moral imperative to tackle this challenge head-on. It's going to take all of us doing our part, so I urge you to get educated, get involved, make your voice heard, and join this existential fight for the future of the earth and humanity.The time is now to rise to this challenge together. Our house is on fire and we all have to be part of putting it out before it consumes us all. Please join me in making climate action a top priority - the fate of the planet rests on the actions we take today. Thank you for reading.篇3A Passionate Plea to Address the Climate CrisisMy heart is heavy as I watch the devastation of our planet unfold before my eyes. The once vibrant tapestry of life that covered our landscapes is being torn asunder by the merciless force of human-induced climate change. Glaciers that have stood sentinel over mountain ranges for millennia are now retreating at an alarming rate. Once fertile agricultural lands are turning to dust bowls, casting the food security of nations intojeopardy. Low-lying island states face the grim reality of being swallowed by rising seas. The fabric of the world as we know it is unraveling at the seams, all due to our insatiable thirst for overconsumption and our stubborn unwillingness to alter our destructive ways.We can no longer afford to be passive bystanders as the ecological armageddon plays out in real-time. For too long, we have lent a deaf ear to the impassioned cries of environmental activists and the sobering warnings issued by scientists. We have dismissed the mounting evidence of climate catastrophe as conflated hysteria or, worse yet, an outright hoax perpetrated by those with nefarious motives. Such ignorance can no longer be our guiding philosophy. We must open our eyes to the reality that our wanton exploitation of Earth's resources has ruptured the delicate balance of the global ecosystem in potentially irreversible ways.The data is unequivocal - human activity is the driving force behind the warming of our planet over the past century. The insidious proliferation of heat-trapping greenhouse gases into our atmosphere, a byproduct of our addiction to fossil fuels and predilection for deforestation, has acted like an insulating blanket entrapping the sun's radiant energy. Consequently,surface temperatures have escalated by around 1.1°C since the late 19th century, with the upward trend showing no signs of abating.This temperature fluctuation may seem inconsequential, but its ramifications have been dire. We have witnessed a startling rise in the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events across the globe. Wildfires have ravaged forests and communities at an unprecedented rate. Once fertile agricultural lands have turned to dust bowls as persistent droughts strangle the life from the soil. Rising sea levels threaten to displace millions in low-lying coastal areas. The impacts are already being disproportionately borne by developing nations who lack the economic resources to rebuild in the aftermath of these climate-induced calamities. Unchecked, the climate crisis could reverse decades of hard-won socioeconomic progress and catalyze mass human suffering on a scale never before witnessed.We can ill afford to be reticent or halfhearted in our response. At stake is the very perpetuity of the only home we have ever known - the fragile, beautiful planet we call Earth. The hour is indeed late, but I remain hopeful that a bold, coordinated crusade can help us course correct before we reach the point ofno return. Science has illuminated a viable path forward, but enacting the necessary changes will require a fundamental reordering of global priorities and economic paradigms.At the crux of our countermeasures must be an expedited transition away from our dependency on carbon-intensive fossil fuels towards renewable, sustainable sources of energy like wind, solar, and nuclear power. While this will necessitate a significant financial investment, it will pay untold dividends in the form of cleaner air, economic resilience, energy independence, and staving off the worst impacts of climate change. We simply cannot afford to stay shackled to 19th century forms of energy production in the 21st century and beyond.Nation states must also take meaningful steps to preserve and restore the planet's great environmental air filters - our forests. Deforestation has ravaged these vital carbon sinks, transforming them from absorbers of greenhouse gases into prolific polluters. Through aggressive reforestation initiatives and cracking down on illegal logging practices, we can help unleash the full potential of forests in scrubbing our atmosphere of excess carbon dioxide. Indigenous communities and ethnic minorities have proven themselves to be invaluable stewards ofthese ecological treasures – to protect forests, we must protect their sovereignty.On an individual level, each of us must also strive to reduce our personal carbon footprints. Embracing renewable energy sources, transitioning to plant-based diets, and favoring public transportation over private vehicles can make a tangible difference. We must adopt a mindset of being conscientious consumers motivated by sustainability over disposability. Overconsumption, planned obsolescence, and prioritizing short-term profits over long-term viability created this crisis –course correcting demands that we realign ourselves with a philosophy that respects the inviolable limitations of Earth's resources.Let me be clear - addressing the climate emergency will not be easy. It will require sacrifice, perseverance, foresight, and a unity of purpose that transcends national borders, partisan squabbles, and ideological divides. There will be those entrenched in the status quo who will fight tooth and nail against substantive change out of a misguided perception that it will undermine their financial well-being or personal liberties. We must resist such shortsighted cynicism. For in truth, avertingclimate catastrophe is the only way to preserve the long-term economic vitality of our world and the freedoms we cherish.My generation has inherited a planet plagued by grim environmental realities not of our own making. Despite this, we must rise to the occasion as resolute environmental stewards. We can no longer kick the proverbial can down the road for want of temporary convenience or complacency. Future generations are relying on us to pass down a world that is environmentally tenable and sustainably habitable. The hourglass is rapidly running out – the time to act is now. We owe it to ourselves, our posterity, and this wondrous pale blue dot we call home to take on the mantle of solving the climate crisis. Our children and their children are depending on us. We must not fail them.。
关于气候变化的英语作文英文回答:Climate change is a pressing issue that affects all of us. The Earth's climate is changing at an unprecedented rate, largely due to human activities such as burningfossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes. These activities release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, which trap heat and cause the planet to warm up.The consequences of climate change are already beingfelt around the world. For example, in my own country, we have seen an increase in extreme weather events such as hurricanes, floods, and droughts. These events not only threaten people's lives and livelihoods but also put astrain on our infrastructure and economy. In addition,rising sea levels are causing coastal erosion andthreatening the existence of low-lying island nations.It is crucial that we take action to mitigate and adaptto climate change. This includes transitioning to renewable energy sources, improving energy efficiency, and protecting and restoring natural ecosystems. In my community, therehas been a push to use more solar and wind power, and many people are making efforts to reduce their carbon footprint by using public transportation or cycling instead of driving.It is also important for individuals to advocate for policies that address climate change at the local, national, and global levels. This can involve participating in protests, contacting elected officials, and voting for candidates who prioritize environmental issues. In my own experience, I have joined climate marches and writtenletters to my representatives urging them to support legislation that reduces carbon emissions.Ultimately, addressing climate change requirescollective action and a shift in mindset. We must recognize that the choices we make today will have a profound impact on the future of our planet and future generations. By working together, we can make a difference and create amore sustainable world for all.中文回答:气候变化是一个紧迫的问题,影响着我们所有人。
我们怎么保护地球的英文英文回答:Protecting our planet is essential for ensuring the well-being of both current and future generations. Here are some important steps we can take to safeguard our Earth:1. Reduce carbon emissions: The burning of fossil fuels releases greenhouse gases that trap heat in the atmosphere, leading to climate change. We can reduce our carbon footprint by transitioning to renewable energy sources, improving energy efficiency, and reducing our consumption of fossil fuels.2. Conserve water: Water is a precious resource that is becoming increasingly scarce in many parts of the world. We can conserve water by taking shorter showers, fixing leaks, and watering our lawns less often.3. Protect forests: Forests are vital for regulatingthe climate, providing habitats for wildlife, and filtering our water. We can protect forests by reducing deforestation, supporting sustainable forestry practices, and planting trees.4. Reduce waste: We generate a staggering amount of waste each year, which can end up in landfills or polluting our oceans. We can reduce our waste by recycling, composting, and buying less disposable products.5. Support sustainable agriculture: Agriculture is a major contributor to environmental degradation, including water pollution, soil erosion, and deforestation. We can support sustainable agriculture by buying organic produce, reducing our consumption of meat, and supporting local farmers.6. Educate ourselves and others: It is crucial to educate ourselves and others about environmental issues and the importance of protecting our planet. We can spread awareness through social media, volunteering for environmental organizations, and talking to our friends andfamily about sustainability.7. Advocate for change: We can advocate for change by contacting our elected officials, supporting environmental policies, and voting for candidates who prioritize environmental protection.中文回答:如何保护地球。
Zero Pollution: A Pathway to SustainableFutureIn the quest for progress and modernization, mankind has often overlooked the consequences of his actions on the environment. The relentless pursuit of economic growth has led to a significant rise in pollution levels, threatening the sustainability of our planet. However, with the dawn of a new era, the need for a zero-pollution lifestyle has become increasingly apparent. This essay explores the concept of zero pollution, its importance, and the steps we can take to achieve this noble goal.Zero pollution refers to a state where human activities do not cause any harm to the environment. It is an ideal scenario where there is no emission of pollutants into the air, water, or soil. Achieving zero pollution is crucialfor maintaining the health of our ecosystems and ensuring a sustainable future for generations to come.To achieve zero pollution, we need to adopt a multi-pronged strategy. Firstly, we must promote the use of clean and renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power. Transitioning to renewable energy willsignificantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution. Secondly, we need to adopt sustainable practices in our daily lives. For instance, we can reduce our carbon footprint by using public transportation, cycling, or walking instead of private vehicles. We can also reduce water pollution by conserving water and using it efficiently.Moreover, we must encourage businesses and industries to adopt eco-friendly practices. This could include using environmentally friendly materials, implementing waste reduction measures, and investing in pollution control technologies. Governments should provide incentives and regulations to encourage businesses to adopt these practices.Additionally, education and awareness are crucial in the fight against pollution. We need to educate people about the harmful effects of pollution and the importance of sustainable practices. By fostering a culture of environmental consciousness, we can encourage individuals and communities to take action and contribute to the cause of zero pollution.In conclusion, zero pollution is a crucial goal that we must strive to achieve. It is only through collectiveeffort and sustained commitment that we can ensure ahealthy and sustainable future for ourselves and our planet. By adopting clean energy sources, practicing sustainability in our daily lives, encouraging businesses to adopt eco-friendly practices, and fostering environmental awareness, we can work towards a zero-pollution world.**零污染:通往可持续未来的道路**在追求进步和现代化的过程中,人类往往忽视了自己的行为对环境造成的影响。
In the tapestry of human interactions, two threads stand out as fundamental to fostering harmonious relationships and cultivating a thriving society: responsibility and respect. These concepts, though distinct in their nature, are deeply intertwined and mutually reinforcing. As young adolescents transitioning into adulthood, it is crucial for us to grasp the profound significance of responsibility and respect, and the ways in which they shape our individual growth, interpersonal connections, and societal well-being. This essay will delve into these themes, providing a comprehensive analysis from multiple perspectives.I. Individual Development: The Foundation of CharacterA. ResponsibilityResponsibility is the bedrock of personal maturity and self-discipline. It involves acknowledging our actions, accepting their consequences, and being accountable for fulfilling our duties and obligations. For a middle school student, this may manifest in completing homework diligently, adhering to school rules, and participating actively in household chores. As we grow older, our responsibilities expand to encompass more significant life choices, such as managing finances, maintaining healthy relationships, and contributing positively to our communities.The cultivation of responsibility fosters essential life skills such as time management, decision-making, and problem-solving. It instills within us a sense of ownership over our lives, empowering us to navigate challenges with resilience and determination. Moreover, assuming responsibility helps develop empathy, as we learn to consider how our actions affect others and the environment around us.B. RespectRespect, on the other hand, is the recognition and appreciation of the inherent worth and dignity of every individual, regardless of their background, beliefs, or abilities. In the context of a middle schooler's life, respect can be demonstrated through courteous interactions with peers and teachers, valuingdiverse opinions, and refraining from bullying or discrimination. As we mature, respect extends to broader aspects of life, including respecting cultural differences, honoring privacy, and showing deference to authority when appropriate.Respect fosters an open-minded and inclusive mindset, enabling us to engage constructively with people who hold differing viewpoints. It promotes emotional intelligence by teaching us to manage our emotions, listen actively, and communicate effectively. Furthermore, respect lays the groundwork for trust and cooperation, essential ingredients for building lasting relationships and achieving collective goals.II. Interpersonal Relationships: Strengthening BondsA. ResponsibilityIn interpersonal relationships, responsibility plays a vital role in nurturing trust, loyalty, and mutual support. Being responsible means keeping promises, being reliable, and shouldering our fair share of the workload in group projects. It also entails being honest about our feelings, admitting mistakes, and making amends when necessary. By demonstrating consistent responsibility, we earn the trust and admiration of others, thereby solidifying our friendships and familial bonds.Moreover, responsibility in relationships involves recognizing and respecting boundaries. This includes respecting others' time, emotions, and personal space, as well as being mindful of the impact our words and actions have on those around us. Such sensitivity fosters an atmosphere of safety and understanding, where individuals feel comfortable expressing themselves and seeking help when needed.B. RespectRespect is the lifeblood of healthy relationships. It manifests in acts of kindness, empathy, and active listening. When we genuinely respect someone, we value their opinions, honor their feelings, and celebrate their achievements. We also refrain from belittling, criticizing, or dismissing them, even duringdisagreements. By cultivating respect in our relationships, we create an environment conducive to open communication, mutual growth, and conflict resolution.Respectful relationships are particularly important during adolescence, a period marked by significant physical, emotional, and social changes. Demonstrating respect for our peers' evolving identities and struggles helps foster a supportive community where everyone feels accepted and valued. Similarly, respecting our parents and elders involves acknowledging their wisdom and life experiences, even as we assert our independence and individuality.III. Societal Well-being: Building Strong CommunitiesA. ResponsibilityAt the societal level, responsibility translates into civic engagement, active citizenship, and environmental stewardship. It involves obeying laws, paying taxes, voting in elections, and participating in community service. Responsible citizens recognize that their actions have far-reaching consequences and strive to make choices that benefit not only themselves but also future generations.Furthermore, responsibility in society encompasses embracing diversity and combating discrimination. It means standing up against injustice, advocating for marginalized groups, and promoting equality and inclusivity. By shouldering our collective responsibility, we contribute to a more harmonious, equitable, and sustainable society.B. RespectRespect is the cornerstone of a cohesive and harmonious society. It underpins the principles of democracy, human rights, and the rule of law. When we respect one another's rights and freedoms, we create an atmosphere of tolerance and understanding, where differences are celebrated rather than feared. This respect extends to respecting cultural and religious practices, linguistic diversity, and the rich tapestry of human experiences that enrich our communities.Respect also plays a pivotal role in conflict resolution and peacebuilding.By acknowledging and understanding different perspectives, we can find common ground, bridge divides, and work towards mutually beneficial solutions. In an increasingly globalized world, cultivating respect for diverse cultures and perspectives is essential for fostering international cooperation and addressing global challenges.IV. Conclusion: Integrating Responsibility and RespectIn conclusion, responsibility and respect are twin pillars upon which we build our character, nurture our relationships, and contribute to society. They are interconnected and interdependent, each reinforcing and amplifying the other. As middle school students, embracing responsibility and respect is not merely an academic exercise; it is a lifelong commitment to personal growth, fostering meaningful connections, and creating a better world for all.As we journey through life, let us remember that every action, every word, and every thought is an opportunity to demonstrate responsibility and respect. By embodying these values consistently, we can harness their transformative power, shaping ourselves, our relationships, and our society for the better. In doing so, we not only fulfill our present duties but also sow the seeds of a brighter, more compassionate, and more resilient future.。
英语作文介绍年龄身高身高Title: Exploring Age and Height in English Composition。
Age and height are two defining aspects of human identity, influencing our interactions, perceptions, and even opportunities in life. In this essay, we will delveinto the significance of age and height, exploring how they shape our experiences and perspectives.Let us begin with age, a fundamental aspect of our existence. Age not only marks the passage of time but also reflects our stages of development, experiences, andsocietal roles. As we progress through life, our agecarries different connotations and expectations.In childhood, age symbolizes innocence, curiosity, and boundless energy. Children are often characterized by their eagerness to explore the world, learn new things, and form connections with others. Their age defines theireducational pursuits, with milestones such as startingschool and learning to read and write.Transitioning into adolescence, age becomes synonymous with growth, self-discovery, and identity formation. Teenagers navigate the complexities of puberty, peer relationships, and societal pressures. Age restrictions may limit certain activities, such as driving or voting, while opening doors to new opportunities, such as part-time employment or leadership roles in school.Adulthood brings a shift in perspective, as age is associated with maturity, responsibility, and independence. Young adults embark on career paths, pursue higher education, and establish their place in society. Age becomes a factor in professional settings, influencing employment opportunities, promotions, and retirement planning.As we enter middle age and beyond, age takes on new dimensions, encompassing wisdom, experience, and reflection. Adults may face challenges such as balancing work andfamily responsibilities, maintaining physical health, andplanning for the future. Age-related stereotypes andsocietal expectations may influence perceptions of vitality, productivity, and relevance.Transitioning into later life, age may be accompaniedby changes in physical health, cognitive abilities, and social connections. Older adults may confront issues suchas retirement, caregiving, and loss, while also cherishing moments of joy, fulfillment, and legacy. Age becomes a testament to resilience, adaptation, and the richness oflife experiences.In parallel to age, height is another characteristicthat shapes our perception of self and others. Height influences our physical presence, spatial relationships,and social interactions. From childhood to adulthood,height undergoes significant changes, reflecting both genetic factors and environmental influences.In childhood, height is a marker of growth and development, with children experiencing rapid changes in height during early stages of life. Taller children mayenjoy advantages such as increased confidence, social acceptance, and athletic prowess, while shorter children may face challenges such as teasing, self-consciousness, and perceived limitations.During adolescence, height becomes a focal point of comparison and identity formation. Teenagers may experience growth spurts, puberty-related changes, and fluctuations in self-esteem based on their perceived height relative to peers. Height disparities may contribute to feelings of insecurity or superiority, influencing social dynamics and romantic relationships.In adulthood, height continues to play a role in various aspects of life, including career opportunities, romantic preferences, and everyday interactions. Taller individuals may be perceived as more authoritative, competent, and attractive, leading to advantages in job interviews, leadership positions, and social settings. However, height discrimination and stereotypes also exist, with shorter individuals sometimes facing prejudice or barriers to success.As we age, height may gradually decline due to factors such as osteoporosis, spinal compression, and changes in posture. Shrinking in height can impact physical comfort, mobility, and overall well-being, requiring adaptationssuch as ergonomic furniture, exercise routines, and medical interventions.In conclusion, age and height are integral componentsof human identity, influencing our experiences, perceptions, and interactions throughout life. While age reflects the passage of time and stages of development, height shapesour physical presence and social dynamics. By understanding the significance of age and height, we can appreciate the diversity of human experiences and the interconnectednessof individual traits.。
向政府提建议改善环境问题英语作文Title: Suggestions to the Government to Improve Environmental IssuesIntroductionEnvironmental issues have become a major concern in today's world. The degradation of the environment due to pollution, deforestation, and climate change is affecting the health and well-being of both humans and wildlife. It is imperative that governments take action to address these issues and protect the environment for future generations. In this essay, I will provide some suggestions to the government on how to improve environmental issues.1. Implementing strict environmental regulationsOne of the most effective ways to improve the environment is to implement strict environmental regulations. Governments should impose stricter laws on industries and businesses to ensure that they comply with environmental standards. This includes regulations on air and water pollution, waste disposal, and deforestation. By enforcing these regulations, the government can reduce the harmful impacts of human activities on the environment.2. Investing in renewable energyRenewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power are cleaner and more sustainable alternatives to fossil fuels. Governments should invest in these renewable energy sources to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change. By transitioning to renewable energy, the government can promote a shift towards a more sustainable and environmentally friendly energy system.3. Promoting sustainable practicesGovernments should promote sustainable practices such as recycling, composting, and reducing waste. By encouraging individuals and businesses to adopt environmentally friendly practices, the government can reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills and incinerators. This will help to conserve resources and protect the environment for future generations.4. Protecting natural habitatsNatural habitats such as forests, wetlands, and coral reefs are vital for maintaining biodiversity and ecosystem balance. Governments should protect these natural habitats by creating protected areas, enforcing conservation laws, and preventing illegal logging and poaching. By preserving natural habitats, thegovernment can safeguard the health of ecosystems and protect endangered species.5. Educating the publicPublic awareness and education are key components of improving environmental issues. Governments should invest in educational programs that raise awareness about environmental conservation, climate change, and sustainable practices. By educating the public, the government can empower individuals to take action to protect the environment and make informed decisions about their daily activities.ConclusionIn conclusion, addressing environmental issues requires a collective effort from governments, businesses, and individuals. By implementing strict environmental regulations, investing in renewable energy, promoting sustainable practices, protecting natural habitats, and educating the public, governments can make significant progress in improving the environment. It is essential that governments take action now to protect the environment and ensure a sustainable future for all.。
我们应该怎样阻止全球变暖方法英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1How Can We Stop Global Warming?Global warming is undoubtedly one of the biggest threats facing our planet today. The rising temperatures caused by human activities like burning fossil fuels are already having catastrophic effects, from rising sea levels to more extreme weather events. As students, we are the generation that will be most impacted by climate change in the coming decades. That's why it's crucial that we take action now to stop global warming before it's too late.The science is clear – human activities are the primary driver of global warming. By burning coal, oil, and natural gas for energy and cutting down forests, we are releasing huge amounts of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. These gases trap heat from the sun, causing average global temperatures to rise at an alarming rate. The effects are already being felt worldwide, from melting glaciers and Arctic sea ice to prolonged droughts and record heat waves.If we don't take drastic steps to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions soon, the consequences will be devastating. Rising sea levels will flood coastal cities, forcing millions to abandon their homes. More frequent and severe natural disasters like hurricanes, wildfires, and floods will take countless lives and cause untold economic damage. Food and water scarcity may become widespread issues as agriculture is disrupted by extreme weather. And tragically, many species of plants and animals face extinction as their habitats are destroyed by climate change.Clearly, urgent action is needed to protect our planet and our future. So what can we do as students to help stop global warming? Here are some key steps we should take:Demand change from our leaders. Governments and corporations have been far too slow in transitioning away from fossil fuels and towards renewable energy sources like solar and wind power. We need to keep the pressure on our political leaders to enact bold policies that will rapidly reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This includes putting a price on carbon pollution, investing massively in clean energy infrastructure, and setting ambitious targets to become carbon neutral economies. Protests, voting for green candidates, and lobbying our representatives are crucial ways to create change.Transition to a sustainable lifestyle. Each of us as individuals has the power to shrink our carbon footprint through the choices we make every day. Taking public transportation, conserving energy at home, eating less meat, reducing waste, and being thoughtful consumers can go a long way. We can also support companies taking positive environmental actions while boycotting those that refuse to operate sustainably. A cultural shift towards living more in harmony with nature is essential.Educate and inspire others. We students are uniquely positioned to spread awareness about climate change and motivate people to take action. Social media gives us a powerful platform to share facts, call out in篇2How Can We Stop Global Warming?Global warming is one of the biggest threats facing our planet today. As students, we have been learning about the catastrophic consequences of rising temperatures caused by human activities like burning fossil fuels. Ice caps are melting, sea levels are rising, extreme weather events are becoming more frequent and intense. If left unchecked, global warming could make large parts of the Earth uninhabitable. We have to act nowto stop global warming before it's too late. But what can we do? We're just students, after all. The truth is, we have more power than we think to make a real difference. Here are some key ways we can help stop global warming:Drive Less, Walk/Bike/Use Public Transport MoreOne of the biggest contributors to global warming is vehicles that burn gasoline and diesel fuel. Whenever we get driven somewhere in a car or bus, it releases greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. We should try to minimize our transportation emissions as much as possible. Walking, biking, or taking public transit can go a long way. I know it's a hassle lugging books and bags around, but it's a small price to pay to help save the planet. For longer trips where driving is unavoidable, we should carpool as much as we can.Reduce, Reuse, Recycle"Reduce, reuse, recycle" is a saying we've heard a million times, but it's more important now than ever before. Recycling helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions from factories and landfills. We should make sure we recycle any plastic, glass, metal and paper items instead of just throwing them in the trash. But even before that, we should try to reduce waste in the first place by using less disposable items like bottles, bags, utensilsetc. And when we do need to get something new, opting for used/secondhand items instead of new ones reduces emissions from production.Choose Sustainable FoodsWhat we eat has a major impact on our carbon footprint. Foods like beef and dairy require huge amounts of land, water and energy to produce. They also generate tons of methane, a potent greenhouse gas. As students, we should try to cut down on our beef and dairy intake as much as possible. Opt forplant-based proteins like beans, lentils and tofu instead. When we do eat animal products, we should choose sustainably raised chicken, pork or eggs. Buying locally-grown, seasonal produce is also better for the climate than imported foods that have travelled long distances.Support Renewable EnergyFossil fuels like coal, oil and gas are the biggest drivers of global warming emissions. We need to transition rapidly to renewable energy sources like solar, wind and hydro power that have little to no emissions. As students, we may not be able to install solar panels or wind turbines ourselves. But we can support renewable energy in other ways - by asking our schools and campuses to switch to renewables, investing in renewableenergy companies when we can, and voicing our support for policies that promote clean energy.Reduce Energy UseNo matter what kind of energy we use, wasting it accelerates global warming unnecessarily. We should be energy-efficient in our daily lives - turning off lights and electronics when not in use, taking shorter showers, dressing for the weather instead of blasting heat or AC, air-drying clothes instead of usingenergy-guzzling dryers. At home, we can encourage our families to upgrade to energy-efficient appliances and add insulation to reduce heating/cooling needs.Plant TreesTrees absorb and store carbon dioxide, making them a powerful weapon against global warming. We should support tree-planting initiatives in our local communities, participate in tree planting drives, and even plant trees ourselves if we have access to land. Taking care of existing trees by preventing deforestation is also crucial. Trees don't just help the climate, they provide food, oxygen, homes for animals and make our surroundings more beautiful.Educate OthersAs students, we're in a unique position of still being actively educated ourselves while also being able to educate others. We should share what we've learned about global warming with our friends, families, and communities. Knowledge is power, and the more people understand the urgency of the climate crisis, the more motivated they will be to take action. We can write articles, make videos, give presentations, and have conversations to spread awareness.Support Climate ActivismIndividual actions are important, but to enact large-scale change we need government policies and regulations that fight global warming. We should support youth activists, advocates, and organizations campaigning for a healthier planet through donations, volunteering, attending protests and rallies, and using our voices and platforms to uplift the climate movement. Putting pressure on our leaders is key.These are just some ways we as students can contribute towards stopping global warming. It will take a sustained, collective effort across all parts of society to tackle this issue. But we shouldn't underestimate the power of our actions, big or small. Global warming is the challenge that will define our generation. By taking responsibility and changing our habits, wecan rise to meet that challenge head-on. Our planet's future depends on it.篇3How Should We Stop Global Warming?Climate change is one of the biggest challenges facing humanity in the 21st century. The Earth's temperature has risen by around 1.1°C since the late 19th century, and most of this warming is due to human activities like burning fossil fuels that release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. If this trend continues, we could see catastrophic consequences including rising sea levels, more extreme weather events, loss of biodiversity, and damage to agriculture and food supplies.As students who will inherit this planet, we have a huge stake in finding solutions to prevent further global warming and climate change. We need to act now before it's too late. But what actions should we take? There are many potential strategies, but in my view we need a multi-pronged approach tackling the problem from several angles.Transitioning to Renewable EnergyOne of the biggest contributors to climate change is our reliance on burning coal, oil and natural gas for energy. Thesefossil fuels release huge amounts of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases when burned. So a key part of the solution has to be a rapid transition away from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources like solar, wind, hydroelectric, geothermal and nuclear power that produce little to no greenhouse gas emissions.Many countries are already making progress by shutting down coal plants and building large solar and wind farms. But we need to go much further, faster. Governments should set ambitious targets for renewables and provide subsidies, tax credits and other incentives to accelerate their adoption, while also penalizing fossil fuels through measures like carbon taxes. At the same time, we need continued research and development into better renewable technologies, storage solutions like batteries, and modernizing the electrical grid.We individuals can also do our part by conserving energy at home, installing solar panels if possible, and choosing energy providers that get their power from renewable sources. Reducing our energy needs through better insulation, energy-efficient appliances and intelligent heating and cooling systems is also important.Phasing Out Fossil Fuel VehiclesAnother major source of greenhouse gases is the transportation sector and all those gasoline and diesel vehicles on the roads. The good news is that electric vehicles, which produce zero direct emissions, are becoming increasingly affordable and practical. But we need to speed up their adoption through purchase incentives, investment in charging station networks, and a full phase-out of sales of new gasoline and diesel vehicles over the next 10-20 years.That transition can't happen overnight since it will take time to build up manufacturing capacity for EVs and their batteries. In the shorter term, we could significantly reduce emissions through measures to get older, inefficient vehicles off the road and encourage public transportation, walking, biking and remote work options that reduce the need to drive. Improving fuel efficiency standards and promoting hybrid vehicles can also help reduce emissions from conventional gas-powered vehicles during the transition period.Smarter Agriculture and DietsThe agricultural sector is another major source of greenhouse gas emissions, especially through deforestation, fertilizers, livestock production and rice farming. We need to pursue "climate-smart" agricultural practices like low-till farming,better fertilizer management, and feed supplements that reduce methane emissions from livestock. Reducing food waste is also crucial since wasted food leads to unnecessary emissions.On the demand side, individuals can make a difference by moderating meat and dairy consumption, since livestock are responsible for a large portion of agricultural emissions. Switching to more plant-based diets is not only better for the climate, but better for our personal health as well. Choosing locally-grown and sustainably produced food when possible also cuts down on emissions from transportation and unsustainable farming practices.Carbon Capture and StorageWhile rapidly transitioning to renewable energy and more sustainable practices is crucial, we also need to find ways to remove some of the excess carbon dioxide that has already accumulated in the atmosphere from past emissions. Protecting and restoring forests and other vegetation that can absorb and store carbon is one part of this, but likely not enough on its own.That's where carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies could play an important role. CCS involves capturing carbon dioxide from sources like power plants and industrial facilities and storing it permanently underground. It's a technology still inrelatively early stages, but one that needs to be rapidly developed and scaled up in the coming years. Governments and industries should invest heavily here, since major cuts to emissions alone may not be enough – we likely need to start actually removing carbon from the atmosphere as well.Individual Action and AdvocacyWhile top-down policies from governments and leadership from industries will be essential, individuals also have an important role to play in fighting climate change through our own actions and voices. In addition to the steps already mentioned like conserving energy, driving less, and altering our diets, we can also make a difference through civic engagement and advocacy.Students should educate themselves fully on climate change, its causes, and the latest science and data. We should then use that knowledge to advocate for bolder action from our political leaders, corporations, and institutions. Voting for candidates with strong climate policies, participating in protests and demonstrations, changing borrowing and investment behavior, and using our voices online and in the media can all make a real impact over time.At the end of the day, climate change is an existential threat that we must take seriously. Arguing over whether it's real or not is a waste of time – the evidence is overwhelming and the risks of inaction are far too high. We've caused this problem through our own activities, but we also have the ability to solve it if we make sustained efforts on all fronts – energy, transportation, agriculture, new technologies, and more. It won't be easy, but we have no choice. The future of our planet is at stake.。
The Importance of Voting
The Importance of VotingVoting is a fundamental pillar of any democratic society. It is both a right and a responsibility that citizens have to ensure the smooth functioning of their government. Through voting, individuals have the power to elect leaders who will represent their interests, shape policies, and make decisions that impact their lives. The importance of voting cannot be understated as it forms the basis of a thriving democracy.Firstly, voting is a means of expressing one's voice and participating in the democratic process. It gives individuals the opportunity to influence the direction of their country and have a say in matters that affect them directly. By casting a vote, citizens contribute to shaping the political landscape and decide the future of their nation. It is a way of making their opinions heard and holding elected officials accountable for their actions. Moreover, voting is essential for maintaining a fair and just society. When citizens exercise their right to vote, they contribute to creating a government that represents the diversity and values of the people. It ensures that decisions are made with the best interests of the entire community in mind. Through voting, marginalized groups and underrepresented communities can advocate for their rights and have their needs addressed.Furthermore, voting is a way to safeguard individual freedoms and protect human rights. In many countries, the right to vote is closely linked to other fundamental rights and liberties. By participating in the electoral process, citizens can defend and uphold these rights, ensuring that they are not infringed upon or undermined. It is through voting that individuals can protect their civil liberties and promote social justice.In addition, voting fosters a sense of unity and civic engagement within society. Elections provide opportunities for dialogue and discussion among citizens with diverse backgrounds and perspectives. It encourages individuals to become informed about important issues, engage in debates, and consider different viewpoints. Voting promotes an atmosphere of active citizenship, where people come together to work towards common goals and build a better future.Lastly, voting is a way to honor the sacrifices of those who fought for the right to vote. Throughout history, many individuals have fought and even lost their lives for the right to participate in the democratic process. By exercising the right to vote, citizens pay homage to these brave individuals and acknowledge the importance of their struggle. It is a way of preserving the legacy of democracy and ensuring that their sacrifices were not in vain. In conclusion, the importance of voting cannot be emphasized enough. It is a fundamental right and responsibility that citizens have in a democratic society. Voting allows individuals to express their voice, shape policies, and hold elected officials accountable. It is essential for maintaining a fair and just society, protecting individual freedoms, fostering civic engagement, and honoring the sacrifices of those who fought for the right to vote. Every vote counts, and by participating in the electoral process,citizens contribute to building a stronger, more inclusive democracy. So, let us exercise our right to vote and make a difference in our communities and our world.。
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Page 1T RANSITIONING TO E V OTING:THE P RO V OT E P ROJECT ANDTHE T RENTINO’S EXPERIENCEAdolfo Villafiorita1, Giorgia Fasanelli2Abstract – The use of new technologies for voting can bring significantadvantages, with respect to process improvement and accessibility; at the sametime, it poses great risks, such as guaranteeing the security of the system andanonymity of the votes, and ensuring equal access to everyone (that is, eliminatedigital-divide). Thus, even in various countries (such as Brazil, USA, India) votingelectronically is a standard practice, several other countries look cautiously to theintroduction of new technologies for voting.In this paper we report on the Trentino’s experience, where the local governmentis aiming at introducing eVoting systems for the next provincial elections in 2008.To do so, it is co-leading a multi-phased, multi-disciplinary project, in whichresearch centres, university and the public administration work together tounderstand the concerns of the citizens and ensure the delivery of trusted, state-of-the-art eVoting system.1.IntroductionThe use of new technologies to support elections has been and is the subject of great debate. Not surprinsigly, there are both advocates of the benefits it can bring - such as improved speed and accuracy in counting, accessibility, voting from home - and people more concerned with the risks it poses, such as digital divide, violations to secrecy and anonymity, alteration of the votes and of the results (either because of malicious attacks or simply because of bad design and coding). See, for instance, [1–5] for a more in depth view on some of the topics mentioned above.The position of different governments towards eVoting varies accordingly. In countries such as Brazil, India, United States, Belgium, for instance, the use of eVoting is widespread. Various other countries, e.g. Argentina, France, Estonia are experimenting or have just introduced eVoting systems. Other countries, among which Italy, are more cautious towards1 ITC-irst, via Sommarive 18, 38100 Trento, Italy. E-mail: adolfo@itc.it2 CRC Trentino, via Giusti 40, 38100 Trento, Italy. E-mail: g.fasanelli@crcitalia.itthe use of eVoting technologies for political elections. In Italy computers are now entering in the polling stations, in trials, with experimental value, in parallel to the standard procedures, and only to automate the tabulation of data and the transmission of the results from the polling stations to the electoral offices.In Italy, the Autonomous Province of Trento (also PaT, from now on) can be considered an early adopter. For historical and political reasons Trento benefits of special autonomy and can determine by its own legislation how the council and the president of the province are elected. As a result, the electoral service of the Province introduced quite a few years ago systems for transmitting results electronically from the polling stations to the electoral office. The Province has now decided to move a step further. Art 84 of PaT law 2/2003 mandates the introduction of forms of eVoting for the next provincial elections, to be presumably held November 2008. To actuate the law, PaT has promoted and is sponsoring the ProVotE project, which has the goal of ensuring a smooth transition to the new way of voting.This paper reports on the actuation of the law and on the steps that the PaT has undertaken in order to ensure a smooth transition to the new technologies in the voting area. The project named ProVotE (an acronym of “Progetto Voto Elettronico” – Electronic Voting Project in Italian) is a two phase project which is now entering its second phase, namely the extension of the new technologies to the entire local territory. After two successful pilots held in parallel to local elections in 2005 (which are among the largest - if not the largest - experimentations of eVoting in Italy), from what it can be foreseen now, ProVotE may lead to the largest introduction of eVoting technologies in Italy.The next section provides a brief overview on the eVoting experimentations, with focus on the experimentations conducted in Italy. Section 3 introduces the ProVotE project and motivates some of the project choices. We continue by providing some results of the first phase. Finally we draw some conclusions on the experiences so far and describes some future work.2.Related workProviding a complete or detailed view of the usage of eVoting technologies in the world and in Italy is outside the scope of this paper. We decided therefore to provide some highlight on other recent international experimentations and a more detailed view on the Italian panorama. The most recent experimentation are probably those of the city of Buenos Aires and that of Estonia. Last November the municipality of Buenos Aires conducted an experimentation in which four different systems (deploying various technologies) have been tested during local elections. One of the goals of the project is understanding which technologies are most trusted and considered usable by the electorate. For such reason, the project brought together competences from both ICT and Sociological sciences. ProVotE’s approach is similar in many respects. Fore more information, see, for instance, [6].A different approach has been taken in Estonia, where last October 2005 about seven thousand people voted on the internet for the general elections. The Estonian system allowed voters to express their vote more than once and it had to maintain a correspondence between voter and vote till the end of the election period – encryption and other procedures guaranteedthe anonymity of the vote. The Estonian experience would be complex to replicate in Italy, unless various changes will occur in the current legislation. The main obstacle seems to be secrecy of the vote, which, in the Italian legislation, is both a right and a duty. Voting from unsupervised stations – as it usually happens with internet voting – would not be possible in Italy as there will not be any way of ensuring secrecy. (The possibility of voting more than once guaranteed by the Estonian system helped somewhat to address this issue, even though not completely w.r.t the Italian law.)In the past, various experimentations have been conducted in Italy to try and introduce new technologies to support voting procedures. We must remind that in Italy the competence for elections is of different bodies according to the type of election. Experimentations for political elections in Italy have mainly concerned municipalities. The current position of the Ministry of Interior, that has the normative right over general elections, is rather cautious and more focused on automating counting and transmission of data from polling stations to the central offices.The oldest experimentation in Italy we are aware of was conducted the 16th of April 2000 in San Benedetto del Tronto [7]. The experimentation, without legal value, involved about 900 voters during the local elections and included systems for automating from registration to tabulation of the results. The system experimented was based on administrative and voting stations. The administrative stations, operated by polling officers, were used to register voters, enable the voting machines, and store the votes. The voting stations were based on touchscreens.Some experimentations have been conducted within the e-Poll project, an European sponsored project [8]. Trials included polling sites in the cities of Avellino (2001), Campobasso (2001), Cremona (2002), Ladispoli (2004), and Specchia (2005). The e-Poll system is based on voting kiosks, usually made available in the territory (rather than in polling stations). The data collected by machines is transmitted via GPRS to a central server. Scarce information is available about the participation to the different trials. See [9] for an overview of the legal framework.Other experimentations in different projects in Valle D’Aosta, Friuli Venezia Giulia, and Milano. Little information on the trials, however, is available.Finally, the Ministry of Interior, together with the Ministry of Innovation and new Technologies, experimented at the last European elections (4th and 5th of April 2005) a system for automating tabulation and transmission of the data. The experimentation was conducted in 47 different polling stations in Liguria, in parallel to the standard procedures and with no legal value. A new experimentation, still with no legal value, is planned for the next political elections. See [10] for more details.3.The ProVotE Project(Figure 1): The eVoting prototype in a polling station during the elections May 2005Article 1 of Provincial law 84 mandates the introduction of forms of eVoting in Trentino for the next provincial elections. To give full realization to the law, the Province started a two phase project – ProVotE - in 2004 involving various local actors: Provincia autonoma di Trento, Regione autonoma Trentino-Alto Adige, Consorzio dei Comuni Trentini (which represents the 223 municipalities of Trentino), Comune di Trento (the municipality of the biggest town in Trentino), IPRASE, ITC-irst (Center for Technological and Scientific Research), Faculty of Sociology - University of Trento, Informatica Trentina SpA, Fondazione Graphitech. The project is co-lead by the Electoral Service of the Autonomous Province of Trento and by ITC-irst.The goal of the project is the full automation of both all the procedures related to voting and registration of voters. The approach that has been chosen is that of the development of two separated and independent systems. ITC-irst and Fondazione Graphitech are developing the eVoting machine and the systems for aggregating data and determining the elected people, whereas Informatica Trentina SpA is developing the registration system.Given the traditional importance Italians associate to the ritual of voting, the project has been organized in modules and areas, with various check points, in order to ensure a smooth transition to the new procedures. The main distinguishing characteristics of the project are: involvement of the citizens, a multi-disciplinary approach, a tight integration of research centers in the loop, strong focus on experimentations and verification points. Involvement of the citizens in the project. One of the strong goals of ProVotE is encouraging the citizen’s participation, to make the relationship with the institutions more transparent and to support the inclusion of the disadvantaged social categories (eAccessibility). The citizen’s involvement in the developing process aims to avoid the risk of imposing systems that are not trusted and to ensure an equal access to the vote for everyone (mitigation of risks associated to digital divide). In order to achieve the goals mentioned above, various trials with citizens have been conducted and different campaigns for collecting advices and information have been conducted.Multi-disciplinary Approach. eVoting is an extremely critical sector, as the applications and the systems which are built are to be trusted by various stakeholders, among which citizens, politicians, Public Administration (which is ultimately responsible of guaranteeing that election are conducted according to the law). For such reason, the project develops among different lines:•Sociological/communication, which has the goal of understanding citizens needs and helps ensuring that the solution is usable and trusted. During the first phase of the project different usability trials have been conducted. The indication coming from the usability trials have been implemented in the prototypes.•Normative, which has the goal of ensuring that the solution is compliant with the local law and which is responsible, together with the technological partners, of adapting the current procedures to the new technologies. The Electoral Service, therefore, provided the requirements of the solution and the normative constraints that the solution had to satisfy.•Technological, which has the goal of developing the eVoting and registration systems. The choice of developing a local solution (rather than adopting an existing one), in the first cycle, helped ensuring quick round-trip between sociological studies and system development.Tight integration between research and production. The project brings together industries and public research centers from the ICT sector. This approach helps ensuring that the solution incorporates the best practices and it is built according to the experiences in the rest of the world. At the same time, the involvement of industries guarantees the infrastructure which is necessary for experimentations and deployment. Ownership of the system is of the public.Focus on Experimentations and Verification Points.ProVotE is strongly focused on experimentations, as these are a main source of information for understanding those sociological and organizational/technological aspects that have to be addressed to introduce on a large scale eVoting. For such reason, the project has been structured in two phases. The first phase ended in November 2006 after two trials which involved about 7300 voters. The goal of the first phase have been that of verifying whether Trentino is ready for voting electronically. The project is now entering its second phase, which aims at introduction on a large scale. The next step is a new experimentation, which will be conducted in Peio, May 2006. Peio will be the testbed for some of the procedures that will be in place in 2008.4.ProVotE Phase 1: main ResultsThe first phase lead to an analysis of the attitude of the Trentino’s electorate towards the new technologies, allowed for the development of an eVoting machine prototype that takes into account the indications of the Electoral Service and several indications of international literature and policy documents, and ended with two different experimentations, in which about 7300 citizens tried the system and were interviewed about the new modality of voting. The sociological analysis basically confirmed the positive attitude of Trentino’s population towards the electronic voting. The quantitative and qualitative analyses (focus groups, phoneinterviews) conducted before the trials suggested that citizens are generally in favour of adopting electronic voting.The analyses conducted also allowed to take some important decisions affecting the voting process and equipment, among which the main ones are isolation of the equipment from the net and user interface, which closely resembles the paper ballot and whose behavior has been closely tested in different monitored trials by volunteers before the experimentations.In a series of phone interviews made six months after the 2005 trial, Trentino’s eVoting solution is perceived as safe as (if not safer than) paper voting procedures. See [12] for more details about the sociological analyses.From the technological point of view, registration and voting systems are completely separated, developed independently. A few set of requirements, allocated to the voting machine, are devised to procedurally and electronically ensure that no match between voters and vote can happen. The voting machine (see figure 1), in fact, not only uses cryptography and digital signatures to protect the internal data, but also “scrambles” votes, so that it is not possible to get to the sequence in which votes have been given. For the same reason, the equipment is provided with a printer (as suggested by various international documents – see e.g. [2,11]) which cut each vote after it has been confirmed by the voter. The vote is stored in a ballot box inside the voting machine.Other technological choices involved the adoption of open source or operating system independent tools and languages, coherently with the public nature of all the actors involved. The system is based on Linux and Java and other open source components. This simplifies aspects related to inspection of the source code and allows to implement policies related to security by transparency rather than security by obscurity, as recommended in the open source software community.The preliminary sociological and technological actions allowed to experiment the systems in two pilots. The first experimentation was held on May the 8th, 2005, during the local council elections held in all towns and villages of the province of Trento. This experimentation involved sixteen polling station chosen in order to expose all statistically significant sections of the population (eight polling stations in Trento; the remaining in four other Trentino’s municipalities, Fondo, Coredo, Baselga di Pinè and Lomaso). About seven thousand people took part in the experimentation, which required voters to repeat their vote using the electronic systems after the standard vote had been cast. The second experimentation was held on November 6th, 2005 in Daiano, a little village of the province, where the automation of some other electoral operations (that is the electorate’s registration and the recording of the electoral trend) has also been tested.Experimentations’ results represent an important advance towards the automation of the electoral procedure in all Trentino. The electorate accepted the innovation positively: 60% of the voters in May and 90% in November tested the voting machine, and the positive level of satisfaction expressed in the after-vote interviews seems to indicate that the proposed system is technically successful and socially acceptable for the community.The result of the electronic election, without legal value, has been made available the day after the election, at 7.15 am, and anticipated the result of the traditional ballot, that is, theresults of the electronic election closely matched those of the election on paper. This results may indicate that many voters had no difficulty in using the machine, as it has been confirmed by the interviews performed on the people who tried the system at the polling stations.For the organizational point of view, an interesting result concerns the time required for voting electronically, which was comparable to that on paper (on which, however, certain data does not exist) and considerably shorter than that forecasted. The data provides useful indications related to the number of machines to be installed in the polling station. If the data available are confirmed, two machines may be sufficient for polling station.5.Conclusions and Future WorkA transition to new technologies, especially in a country which is particularly cautious towards new technologies, is extremely delicate. The ProVotE project, with its multi-disciplinary and multi-phased approach is trying and mitigate all the risks associated to a change which is perceived as radical.So far we experimented the new systems in two trials. The experiment we conducted are, to our knowledge, among the largest eVoting experimentations in Italy. Results are very promising, as the experimentations and the other sociological studies basically indicate a positive attitude toward the usage of new technologies. This result has been achieved also by taking into account the opinions of the voters, the end-users. Various choices on the system (such as that of having the eVoting machines completely isolated from the net) have been implemented taking into account requirements from voters.The project is now moving to its second phase, whose objective is full-scale deployment of an electronic vote solution in the entire Provincia by 2008. Several challenges still lay ahead in all the areas characterizing the project. The extension to a larger scale will require a significant logistical effort both w.r.t pre-electoral procedures and w.r.t. assistance during the electoral day (Trentino is sparsely populated, with about 400.000 citizens living in 223 different municipalities). We are currently extending the electoral procedures to incorporate all the matters related to the new technologies. From the sociological point of view, mitigating digital divide risks is probably the biggest challenge. Among the technological ones, the prototypes will have to be refined in order to reduce costs and improve robustness.6.AcknowledgmentsThe work described in this paper has been and is being developed within the ProVotE project, sponsored by Provincia autonoma di Trento. As with any large project, the results presented in this paper based on the joint and coordinated work of several people. We wish in particular to thank: Sergio Bettotti, Carlo Buzzi, Letizia Caporusso, Alessandro Ceschi, Costantino Charalabopoulos, Giuseppe Conti, Claudio Covelli, Raffaele Deamicis, Giorgia Fasanelli, Alberto Faustini, Giolo Fele, Patrizia Gentile, Luciana Giuliani, Francesca Gleria, Bianca Lanzalone, Antonella Lavarian, Giuseppe Negri, Enrico Parola, Ernesto Passante, Giampaolo Pedrotti, Pierangelo Peri, Nicola Prantil, Roberto Resoli, Francesca Sartori, Gianfranco Stellucci, Catherine Tonini, Paolo Troebinger, Michele Welponer. Finally, we are particularly thankful to Silvia Tomasi who has greatly con-tributed to the development of the tools used to generate the Java code from the UML statecharts.Literatur / References[1]David Chaum. Secret-ballot receipts: True voter-verifiable elections, 2004.[2]R. Mercuri. Explanation of voter-verified ballot systems. ACM Software Engineering Notes(SIGSOFT), 27(5). Also at /Risks/22.17.html.[3] A. PRosser, R. Kofler, R. Krimmer, and M. K. Unger. 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