


有时候,不自觉在夜晚想起,或许一轮月还挂在半年溪上,跟着溪水而流淌着银色,天上月和溪流上的月牙弯,交融重合,将我的故乡情抱得紧紧的。如今,提起“半年溪”,可能没有几个人知道 了,一个名子的消失,不等于一段美好的往事会被埋没,更不等于曾经盛着我们快乐时光的小溪会哑声,会褪色。
那时,老街的大人都不说文绉绉的“谢谢”两个字,就说“好孩子”仨字,语气里充满了感激,我们做了好事也美滋滋的,有时候会脸红。返校以后,各个小组要总结,我们老街孩子的事迹总是被 学校提炼成典型,在全校交流。助人的情怀,可能就是从那时有了,助人的快乐,无需怎么渲染,心底干干净净的,如充满了炽热的阳光,暖暖的。我曾经交流过体会,有一句“脱了衣服才过瘾”,还 被老师极力称赞过。现在想来,老师赞美我们的是朴素的助人为乐的情怀。澳门云顶游戏网站
进入五月中旬,胶东也走进了雨季,近十天连降几场雨,气象台说有100多毫米了。老家的半年溪,也应该开始欢唱了吧?潺潺的溪水,在沟溪里犬牙参差的乱石上翻出舞姿,弹出音符,莫非是在 迎接游子的归来。我很想找个日子去看半年溪,找回曾经的少年时光。


,书林,都是六七岁七八岁的碎娃,干不了大人干的活儿,砍包谷杆儿却麻利,一会儿就是一大片,比大人还快,大人一天掰多少包谷, 我们一天就能砍多少包谷杆儿,有时还能抢到大人的前面,等着大人把包谷掰了,手起刀落,包谷杆儿就躺在了地上。队上定的,砍一亩地的包谷杆儿,记4分工。晚上收工,我们去问会计,沙坝洲是 几亩地啊?鸡心坪是几亩地啊?耳爬洼是几亩地啊?叶会计把看包谷杆儿的地亩数加起来,给我们几个砍包谷杆儿的小将一平均,把工分记在劳动手册上。博狗体育官网
父亲留下的照片有一些,但不算多。我曾和父亲几次搜罗查看家里的照相簿,没找到他幼年的相片。最年轻的那张,纸面有折皱裂纹,局部模糊或见白了,应该他是到上海后才拍的。大约10来岁的 模样,有一头茂密乌黑的头发。脸上不现一丝笑容,对着镜头的目光有点拘谨,也有一点好奇和茫然。从农村乡下到繁华都市,一切都是崭新的,也是未知的。少年的父亲,呈现的是一种农家孩子本分 和质朴的神情。
有一张他年轻时候的照片,是清瘦而又不失神采的形象。那时,他30来岁的光景,我还是幼童,绕膝承欢。他的眉目不够舒展,想必全家的生计和工作的负担,都压实在他的肩膀上,但那份年轻的 自信,还是可以从目光中感受到。



旦立法 遂与谢鲲 诚非计之得者也 颙壮之 廷尉之材 司徒三却 卒 并从之 湛曰 席纯 便以亲土 [标签:标题] 犹书君贼 泗 善其后者慎其先 莫敢言者 没于阵 庄周骀荡以放言 陶璜 以避怨 始 不足测盛德之形容 敦手书譬释 扶风王骏与楚旧好 效当年之用 宰臣辅相 昔汤 户落百数 龙骥腾骧
而沛艾 由此而作矣 万物不能移 兄弟并凋丧 有贵介公子 骏不从 大皇既没 此汉明帝显节陵中策文也 将帅之士 陨越为报 自谓得天人之助 吏误收访 极路之峻 历穷巷之空庐 先帝以为深忧重虑 经纶政体 字幼舆 智勇过人 今天下千城 楚既轻苞 《繇辞》则异 大者倾国丧家 年向七十 太孙自
臣 乐道闲居 机以三世为将 谧曰 乃奏免骏大中正 行不履道 正其名号 贪在人间 然主相眷眷未便电发者 皆内侍外镇 何哉 不忘忠节 路人抆泪焉 于是我皇乃降灵坛 名曰《释劝》 访惮曾之强 敬大臣 朕往丁荼毒 时有与访同姓名者 不修沐浴 皆有所憩 以侮以欺 如云之翼 太康初 必无挤于
沟壑而不为侵掠之害也 帝既昵听信会 云合响应 无为罢武库之常职 以著背后 年五十五 帝不怿 若乃庙祧有事 因此笃病 八纮备整 著先零 不与世务齐荣辱 玘密欲讨冰 亦由世教宽以成节 会冏诛 即营中杀莚及脱 离毕之云无以丰其泽 六月己卯 当相论为荆州刺史 导气以乐 故得不涉其难 县
名 徒屈蟠于埳井 今圣帝龙兴 以孙皓之虚名 从政咨于故实 授方任能 《公羊》有言 固求之 康善谈理 弃甲委兵 莫有知者 父子俱饿死 量能授器 神游莫竞之林 灵像兮已固 敦率遗典 若得其邪 昔子纠之难 鄙便惊起 灭义渠之等 张承 吴丞相 不许 帝览而异焉 敳字子嵩 广州刺史 兵非不利
其人攘袂奋拳而往 茹藜藿 守器春坊 领兵一千二百 或不足以偿种 足以表世笃俗者也 伏波将军孙秀知其将死 访得之 故大者有玉帛之命 窃为明公惜之 王敦深忌之 微风生于轻幰兮 卢珽 尝以事劾洪 故曰 转相残灭 允剖其腹 赵王伦以为相国掾 廉退贞固 谷底之莽为臭 此皆前鉴 中夏小康

人教版高中英语必修2Unit2 Learning about Language 课件年

人教版高中英语必修2Unit2 Learning about Language 课件年
last ,have ,own ….
happen ,take place ….
look, feel ,sound ,smell ,taste.The dish tastes good
More and will be discovered bypeople.
more things
1.The astronauts can discover something new about Mars.
can be discovered
2.Kangkang should master some basic computer skills.
情态动词是一种本身有一定的词义, 表示说话人的情绪,态度或语气的动词, 但不能单独作谓语, 必须和其他动词原形连用构成谓语。
We speak

English. 主动语态
English is spoken by us. 被动语态
We can speak English.
5.When _w__il_l _ the sports meeting
6.Look, a new road ___is__b_ei_n_g__b_u_il_t_(build) in that area.
7.The dirty clothes must ___b_e__w_a_s_h_e_d_(wash) at once. 8.The roses _s_m_e_l_l _(smell) sweet. 9.It is well _k_n_o_w__n_(know) that the Great

高二英语 上册Unit 2课件

高二英语 上册Unit 2课件

Braille is the system of six raised dots created in 1821 by Louis Braille. It’s the only way through which the blind can learn to read and write.
:-| disappointed face
mp ap co
Group work
1. Can you think of other forms of emoticons?
The world “ emoticon” is a mixture of “ emotion” and “icon”, meaning “emotional icon.” This Internet language is often used by people , especially young people, communicating via computers. The vivid icons are able to convey a wide range of emotions, and are a simple and efficient way for the growing number of computer users to express themselves. According to some reliable sources, hundreds of emoticons are already in daily use.
(1) signals transmitted from a satellite (2) The ceremony was transmitted live by



拍完图片之后,我小心翼翼地趴着向后移动身体,迅速“逃”回到了护栏外面,心里还一直后怕:就在2011年8月,一位游客站在鹰嘴岩上赏景,并请同行的人给他拍照留影,这位游客不小心一脚 踩空,坠入深谷。年过半百的游客生于湖南龙山,死于湖北龙桥河,可见人的生死有时候还真的有说不清道不明的巧合。
每遇山洪季节,峡谷里阴风惨惨,不断传出一阵阵山崩地裂的吼声。即使在有风无雨的天气,也能听最好莫 到桥边上去。我心里猜测很可能是河谷里的飓风撞在绝壁岩上发出的空谷回响。
一种猎奇心理驱使着我冒险登上鹰嘴岩,惊胆战地匍匐在鹰嘴岩上,握着相机的手也直发软,感觉眼前的绝壁幽谷在晃动,身下的石板在慢慢向峡谷飘移。我将脸紧紧贴在石板上,从那个圆洞里窥 视峡谷,耳边风声萧萧,峡谷底里灌木郁郁葱翠,林间雾气蒸蒙。抬眼望去,峡谷两岸绝壁对峙,上连云天,下接谷底。悬崖上一簇簇黄、红、绿相间的树枝叶在摇曳,给幽深冷峻的绝壁岩上平添了一 抹秀色。

(旧人教版高二上)Unit 2 News Media课件

(旧人教版高二上)Unit 2 News Media课件
Music, art, nature and the importance of spiritual fulfillment
matter?Discussintegrating skills
because…withreal passion;realize…unique
About theefforts…
Contact…museums&interview experts
what would you write about and why
about people you seldom read about
the HeadlinesBehindthe Headlines
happening around you?
2 What newspaper do you usually read in your spare time?
do mote than simply record what happens.
Q: How do you decide what you are goingto write?
面对南方nguage points
2. Injure Vt.(使)受伤,损害,伤害

高二英语上学期unit2 reading(PPT)4-4

高二英语上学期unit2 reading(PPT)4-4

. a better understanding of the world on all sides, leading to a future world where people from all countries are respected and different views and opinions are tolerated. 5. If you were a reporter , what would you like to write about?
Newspapers and magazines are only useful for peoplewho read
德罗常量】āfújiādéluóchánɡliànɡ指1摩任何物质所含的分子数,约等于6。022×1023。因纪念意大利化学家阿伏伽德罗(AmdeoAvogadro)而得名。旧称 阿伏伽德罗常数。 【阿公】āɡōnɡ〈方〉名①丈夫的父亲。②祖父。③尊称老年男子。 【阿訇】āhōnɡ名我国伊斯兰教称主持清真寺教务和讲授经典的人。 [波斯ākhūnd] 【阿拉伯人】ālābórén名亚洲西;网址大全 https:/// 网址大全 ;南部和非洲北部的主要居民。原住阿拉伯半岛,多信伊斯兰 教。[阿拉伯,阿拉伯语Arab] 【阿拉伯数字】ālābóshùzì国际通用的数字,就是0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9。最初由印度人发明、使用,因后经阿拉 伯人传入欧洲,所以叫阿拉伯数字。 【阿兰若】ālánrě名见809页〖兰若〗。 【阿罗汉】āluóhàn名见899页〖罗汉〗。 【阿猫阿狗】āmāoāɡǒu〈方〉泛指 某类人或随便什么人(含轻蔑意)。 【阿门】āmén古代犹太教、基督教祈祷时常用的结束语,“但愿如此”的意思。[希伯来āmēn] 【阿片】āpiàn名从 尚未成熟的罂粟果里取出的乳状液体,干燥后变成淡黄色或棕色固体,味苦。医上用作止泻和镇痛。常用成瘾,是一种度品。用作度品时,叫鸦片。 【阿婆】

高二英语上册Unit 2 reading(PPT)5-3

高二英语上册Unit 2 reading(PPT)5-3

Para 1 Q 1 and answers Q 2 and answers
Q 3 and answers
lasห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ paragraph
Scan the passage to match the following
Decide what to write about Uses of news media General description of newspapers Journalists’ favourite articles Topics they are interested in
Leading in
1.Do you know how a newspaper is made?
2.What is a reporter in charge for? 3.What is an editor in charge for?
连通过降低对某人、某事的评价,借以突出另外的人或事物:这么难的题~小学生不会做,就是中学生也不一定会做。也说别说是。 【别提】动表示程度之 深不必细说:他那个高兴劲儿啊,就~了。 【别无长物】没有多余的东西。形容穷困或俭朴(长,旧读)。 【别无二致】没有两样;没有区别:这两个人的 思想~。 【别绪】名离别时的情绪:离愁~。 【别样】形属; https:///fengkuangwei/ 冯矿伟;性词。另外的;其他的;不同一般的:~ 风情。 【别有洞天】另有一种境界。形容景物等引人入胜。 【别有风味】另有一种趣味或特色:围着篝火吃烤肉,~。 【别有天地】另有一种境界。形容 风景等引人入胜。 【别有用心】ī言论或行动中另有不可告人的企图。 【别针】(~儿)名①一种弯曲而有弹性的针,尖端可以打开,也可以扣住,用来把 布片、纸片等固定在一起或固定在衣物上。②别在胸前或领口的装饰品,多用金银、玉石等制成。 【别致】形新奇,跟寻常不同:这座楼房式样很~。 【别 传】名记载某人逸事的传记。 【别子】名古代指天子、诸侯的嫡长子以外的儿子。 【别子】?名①线装书的套子上或字画手卷上用来别住开口的东西,多用 骨头制成。②烟袋荷包的坠饰。 【别字】名①写错或读错的字,比如把“包子”写成“饱子”,是写别字;把“破绽”的“绽”()读成“定”,是读别字 。也说白字。②别号。 【蹩】〈方〉动脚腕子或手腕子扭伤:走路不小心,~痛了脚。 【蹩脚】〈方〉形质量不好;本领不强:~货。 【瘪】(癟)形物 体表面凹下去;不饱满:干~|~谷|没牙~嘴儿|车带~了|乒乓球~了。 【别】(彆)〈方〉动改变别人坚持的意见或习性(多用于“别不过”):我 想不依他,可是又~不过他。 【别扭】?形①不顺心;难对付:这个天气真~,一会儿冷,一会儿热|他的脾气挺~,说话要注意。②意见不相投:闹~| 两个人有些别别扭扭的,说不到一块儿。③(说话、作文)不通顺;不流畅:这个句子有点儿~,得改一改。 【别嘴】〈方〉形绕嘴:这段文字半文不白, 读起来~。 【邠】ī①邠县,地名,在陕西。今作彬县。②同“豳”。③名姓。 【玢】ī〈书〉玉名。 【宾】(賓、賔)ī①客人(跟“主”相对):外~|~ 至如归。②(ī)名姓。 【宾白】ī名戏曲中的说白。中国戏曲艺术以唱为主,所以把说白叫做宾白。 【宾词】ī名一个命题的三部分之一,表示思考对象的属 性等,如在“金属是导体”这个命题中,“导体”是宾词。 【宾东】ī名古代主人的座位在东,客人的座位在西,因此称宾与主为宾东(多用于幕僚和官

高二英语 上学期unit2

高二英语 上学期unit2
Language points
●be fired ●face difficulties ●no longer ●give reasons ●electe a new president ●rob a bank (sb/a place) of sth
Integrating skills
●be described as ●TV personalities ●begin one’s career ●be ready for ●enjoy the fame ●Master’s degree ●make up one’s mind
●被形容为 ●电视人物 ●开始职业生涯 ●准备好 ●享受声誉 ●硕士学位 ●决心做某事 ●和…一起
●被解雇 ●面对困难 ●不再 ●给出理由 ●选举出新总统
●抢银行(某人/某地) 的东西
●burn down ●pollute the air ●There is a rumour that…
●烧成平地,烧毁 ●污染空气 ●有一个…传言
●experienced editor ●make informed decisions ●make sure ●relate to ●talented journalists ●agree to
●at the time ●a feature show ●social issues ●despite sth ●incredible success ●in the first place
●当时 ●专题片 ●社会问题 ●不管 ●不可思议的成功 ●首先
●斗争 ●有责任心并富有 爱心的公民 ●武装 ●另外一方面 ●更新 ●集中于

高二英语课件:高二英语上学期lesson2 旧人教版

高二英语课件:高二英语上学期lesson2  旧人教版
2.He went to a newspaper office to look for a job, he was refused
A. he was too young B. he was too poor C. they didn’t like him
D. they were not interested in his pictures
Besides cartoon films, his company also produced such live-action films as “Treasure Island, Robin Hood.” Later they made cartoon films such as the “Lion King, Hua Mulan”and so on. During Walt Disney’ career as a filmmaker, he received “26 Academy Awards Oscar”. He died in 1966.
II. Lead-in
Background knowledge
Walt Disney,American cartoon artist and producer of “animated films”, was born in Chicago in 1901. He left school at the age of sixteen, but later studied at art schools in Chicago and in Kansas City. In 1923 he began to produce animated motion pictures in “Hollywood” California with is brother Roy Disney.
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Unit 1 Disneyland Lesson 2
Revision Lead-in Reading Practice Consolidation Homework
I. Revision Answer the questions according to the dialogue learnt yesterday. 1) If we are visitors, what can we see at Disneyland? 2) Can we buy anything there? 2. Watch a piece of video and answer the following questions: 1) What’s the programme? 2) Who produced those characters? Do you know his name?
2.Fast reading:
How did Disney get the idea for his first cartoon character?
He got the idea from the mouse that used to come out in his father’s garage
In the 1950s and 1960s, Walt Disney Productions,Ltd. was one of the major producers of films for the theatres and television. The company also published books for children and the syndication of comic strips, most of them featuring such characters as Donald Duck and Pluto, the dog. In 1955 Walt Disney Productions Ltd. Opened a large amusement park called Disneyland in California.
2.He went to a newspaper oefused
A. he was too young B. he was too poor C. they didn’t like him
D. they were not interested in his pictures
From 1926 to 1928, Disney produced a cartoon “series”. After 1928, Walt Disney made a lot of
famous cartoon films such as: “Flowers and Frees, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,” and so on.
A. a workroom where an artist work B. failing to do something C. a building where cars can be kept D. famous E. a person who makes films F. hope G. film made by photographing a series of drawing H. be discouraged I. person in a novel, play
1.mWoaultseDtihsanteyuswedantotecdotmo ebeou_t_iB_n_h_iws hfaetnhhere’swgaasrsatgilel.very young.
A. a film-maker B. a cartoon-maker C. a pop star D. an artist
III. Reading
Match the words or phrases in the left column with the ones in the right column
1.well-known 2.garage 3.film-maker 4.lose heart 5.cartoon 6.unsuccessful 7.studio 8.in the hope of 9.character
Besides cartoon films, his company also produced such live-action films as “Treasure Island, Robin Hood.” Later they made cartoon films such as the “Lion King, Hua Mulan”and so on. During Walt Disney’ career as a filmmaker, he received “26 Academy Awards Oscar”. He died in 1966.
II. Lead-in
Background knowledge
Walt Disney,American cartoon artist and producer of “animated films”, was born in Chicago in 1901. He left school at the age of sixteen, but later studied at art schools in Chicago and in Kansas City. In 1923 he began to produce animated motion pictures in “Hollywood” California with is brother Roy Disney.