Solar Thermal Science and Engineering Heat Engine




图 3 两级反射式线性菲涅尔集热系统热阻网络图 Fig. 3 Thermal resistance model of tw ostage linear Fresnel reflector concentrator
1. 2
根据两级反射式线性菲涅尔太阳能集热器物理 模型图 2 和热网络图 3 , 集热器玻璃盖板、 金属吸热
第2 期
吕明新, 等: 两级反射线性菲涅尔中高温集热系统热性能
K ; T o —传热工质出口温度, K。 度, 通过上面的分析可得到反射式菲涅尔集热器的 有用功 q u 和集热效率 η, 分别为 热损失 q loss 、 q loss = q C , ga + q R, gs , q u = mc p ( To - Ti ) , η= qu mc p ( To - Ti ) = 。 Ib D m Ib D m ( 5) ( 6) ( 7)
但 集 热 效 率 不 高 。意 大 利 的 行了 理 论 分 析, GRENA R 采用硝酸盐作为传热工质, 导致设备复
[8 ] 杂并且影响系统的集热过程 。 印度的 SINGH P 等人推算了太阳直射时的 LFR 镜场设计公式, 但该 [9 ] 优化布置理论在太阳斜射时并不通用 。 西班牙
[7 ]
3961 ( 2013 ) 02010506 文章编号: 1672-
1, 2 1 1 1 1* 吕明新 , 宋固 , 董震 , 魏露露 ,赖艳华
( 1. 山东大学能源与动力工程学院,山东 济南 250061 ; 2. 天津大学热能研究所, 天津 300072 )
的 ABBAS R 等人采用不同优化方法对圆形 - 圆柱 型和抛物线 - 圆柱型镜场的布置进行了研究, 但仅 考虑了镜面宽度的影响



Venus Express Mission Definition ReportESA-SCI(2001)6 ESA-SCI(2001)6 October 20011An Orbiter for the study of the atmosphere, the plasma environment, and the surface of VenusMission Definition ReportEuropean Space Agency Agence Spatiale Européenne3 Venus Express Mission Definition Report ESA-SCI(2001)6ForewordVenus Express, an Orbiter for the study of the atmosphere, the plasma environment, and the surface of Venus, is a mission which was proposed to ESA in response to the Call for Ideas to re-use the Mars Express platform issued in March 2001. Venus Express together with two other missions, Cosmic DUNE and SPORT Express, was selected by ESA’s Space Science Advisory Committee for a Mission Definition Study. The industrial study of the three missions was conducted in parallel by Astrium-SAS (Toulouse, France) from mid-July to mid-October 2001. The payload included in the Venus Express Study comprises 5 instruments (ASPERA/MEx, PFS/MEx, SPICAM/MEx, VeRa/Rosetta, VIRTIS/Rosetta) from the Core payload of the original Proposal and the VENSIS/MEx radar in line with the SSWG recommendation. During the Study it was found scientifically reasonable and technically feasible to replace the standard Mars Express engineering Video Monitoring Camera by a scientific instrument, the Venus Monitoring Camera (VMC). The Mission Definition Report describes the scientific objectives of the Venus Express mission, presents selected payload set, and summarizes the results of the Mission Definition Study. This version of the report covers all science aspects of the mission but contains only a brief summary of the industrial study. The combined industrial study report for all the three missions is published in a separate cover. A complete Venus Express Mission Definition Report, including a comprehensive description of scientific goals, payload, and technical aspects of the spacecraft will be prepared by the end of 2001. The Venus Express Study was directly supported by the Science Study Team listed below.Mission science coordinationD.V. Titov, MPAe, Germany E. Lellouch, DESPA, France F.W. Taylor, Oxford University, UK L. Marinangeli, Universita d’Annunzio, Italy H. Opgenoorth, IRF-Uppsala, SwedenPrincipal InvestigatorsS. Barabash, IRF-Kiruna, Sweden /PI ASPERA J.-L. Bertaux, Service de Aeronomie, France /Co-PI SPICAM/ P. Drossart, DESPA, France /Co-PI VIRTIS/ V. Formisano, IFSI, Italy /PI PFS/ B. Haeusler, Universitaet der Bundeswehr, Germany /PI VeRa/ O. Korablev, IKI, Moscow, Russia /Co-PI SPICAM/ W.J. Markiewicz, MPAe, Germany /PI VMC/ M. Paetzold, Universitaet zu Koeln, Germany /Co-PI VeRa/ G. Picardi, Infocom Dpt. Univ. of Rome, Italy /PI VENSIS/ G. Piccioni, IAS, Italy /Co-PI VIRTIS/ J. Plaut, JPL/NASA, Pasadena, California, USA J.-A. Sauvaud, CESR-CNRS, France /Co-PI ASPERA/ P. Simon, BISA, Belgium /CO-PI SPICAM/The ESA members of the Scientific Directorate responsible for the study were: J-P. Lebreton, Study Scientist, Research and Science Support Department (RSSD), ESTEC M. Coradini, Science Planning and Coordination Office, ESA HQ, Paris G. Whitcomb, Future Science Projects and Technology Office, SCI-PF, ESTEC D. McCoy, Mars Express Project Team, SCI-PE, ESTEC. The Industrial study was lead by: Ch. Koeck (Study Manager), Astrium, France with support from: S. Kemble (Mission Analysis), Astrium, UK4 Venus Express Mission Definition Report ESA-SCI(2001)6L. Gautret (Payload Interface Engineering), Astrium, France P. Renard (System Engineering), Astrium, France F. Faye (Mars Express expertise), Astrium, France. Support was provided by the following colleagues within ESA:ESOC: M. Hechler and J. Rodriguez-Canabal, (Mission Analysis); R. Van Holtz, (Ground Segment definition) ESTEC A. Chicarro (Mars Express Project Scientist), RSSD/SCI-SO P. Falkner, (payload support), RSSD/SCI-ST P. Martin (Mars Express Deputy Project Scientist), RSSD/SCI-SO J. Romstedt (radiation environment analysis & payload support), RSSD/SCI-ST R. Schmidt (Mars Express Project Manager), SCI-PE J. Sorensen (radiation environment analysis), TOS-EMA P. Wenzel (Head of Solar System Division), RSSD/SCI-SO O. Witasse, (Science support), RSSD/SCI-SOThis report is available in pdf format at: Requests for further information and additional hard copies of this report should be addressed to: Jean-Pierre Lebreton: Marcello Coradini: Marcello.Coradini@esa.int5 Venus Express Mission Definition Report ESA-SCI(2001)6Executive SummaryThe first phase of Venus spacecraft exploration (1962-1985) by the Venera, Pioneer Venus and Vega missions established a basic description of the physical and chemical conditions prevailing in the atmosphere, near-planetary environment, and at the surface of the planet. At the same time, they raised many questions on the physical processes sustaining these conditions, most of which remain as of today unsolved. Extensive radar mapping by Venera-15,-16 and Magellan orbiters, combined with earlier glimpses from landers, have expanded considerably our knowledge of Venus’ geology and geophysics. A similar systematic survey of the atmosphere is now in order. This particularly concerns the atmosphere below the cloud tops, which, with the exception of local measurements from descent probes, has escaped detection from previous Venus orbiters. Many problems of the solar wind interaction, in particularly those related to the impact on the planetary evolution are still not resolved. The present proposal aims at a global investigation of Venus’ atmosphere and plasma environment from orbit, and addresses several important aspects of the geology and surface physics. The fundamental mysteries of Venus are related to the global atmospheric circulation, the atmospheric chemical composition and its variations, the surface-atmosphere physical and chemical interactions including volcanism, the physics and chemistry of the cloud layer, the thermal balance and role of trace gases in the greenhouse effect, the origin and evolution of the atmosphere, and the plasma environment and its interaction with the solar wind. Besides, the key issues of the history of Venusian volcanism, the global tectonic structure of Venus, and important characteristics of the planet’s surface are still unresolved. Beyond the specific case of Venus, resolving these issues is of crucial importance in a comparative planetology context and notably for understanding the long-term climatic evolution processes on Earth. The above problems can be efficiently addressed by an orbiter equipped with a suite of adequate remote sensing and in situ instruments. Compared with earlier spacecraft missions, a breakthrough will be accomplished by fully exploiting the existence of spectral “windows” in the near-infrared spectrum of Venus’ nightside, discovered in the late ‘80’-s, in which radiation from the lower atmosphere and even the surface escapes to space and can be measured. Thus, a combination of spectrometers, spectro-imagers, and imagers covering the UV to thermal IR range, along with other instruments such as a radar and a plasma analyzer, is able to sound the entire Venus atmosphere from the surface to 200 km, and to address specific questions on the surface that would complement the Magellan investigations. This mission will also tackle still open questions of the plasma environment focusing on the studies of nonthermal atmospheric escape. This issue will be addressed via traditional in situ measurements as well as via innovative ENA (Energetic Neutral Atom) imaging techniques. The instruments developed for the Mars Express and Rosetta missions are very well suited for this task. The following available instruments: SPICAM – a versatile UV-IR spectrometer for solar/stellar occultations and nadir observations, PFS – a high-resolution IR Fourier spectrometer, ASPERA – a combined energetic neutral atom imager, electron, and ion spectrometer, VIRTIS – a sensitive visible spectro-imager and mid-IR spectrometer, a radio science experiment VeRa, a wide-angle monitoring camera VMC, and subsurface and ionosphere sounding radar VENSIS will form the payload of the proposed Venus Express mission. Taken together, these experiments can address all the broad scientific problems formulated above. The Mission Definition Study demonstrated the feasibility of the proposed mission to Venus in 2005. The Mars Express spacecraft can accommodate the above mentioned experiments with minor modifications. The launch with Soyuz-Fregat can deliver this payload to a polar orbit around Venus with a pericenter altitude of ~250 km and apocenter of6 Venus Express Mission Definition Report ESA-SCI(2001)6~45,000 km. This orbit will provide complete coverage in latitude and local solar time. It is also well suited for atmospheric and surface sounding, as well as the studies based on solar and radio occultations. In comparison to the Pioneer Venus spinning spacecraft, Mars Express is an advanced 3 axis stabilised platform which provides significantly enhanced spectroscopic and imaging capabilities. The proposed duration of the nominal orbital mission is two Venus days (sidereal rotation periods) equivalent to ~500 Earth days. The Venus Express mission will achieve the following “firsts”: • First global monitoring of the composition of the lower atmosphere in the near IR transparency “windows”; • First coherent study of the atmospheric temperature and dynamics at different levels of the atmosphere from the surface up to ~200 km; • First measurements of global surface temperature distribution from orbit; • First study of the middle and upper atmosphere dynamics from O2, O, and NO emissions; • First measurements of the non-thermal atmospheric escape; • First coherent observations of Venus in the spectral range from UV to thermal infrared; • First application of the solar/stellar occultation technique at Venus; • First use of 3D ion mass analyzer, high energy resolution electron spectrometer, and energetic neutral atom imager; • First sounding of Venusian topside ionospheric structure; • First sounding of the Venus subsurface. Together with the Mars Express mission to Mars and the Bepi Colombo mission to Mercury, the proposed mission to Venus, through the expected quality of its science results, would ensure a coherent program of terrestrial planets exploration and provide Europe with a leading position in this field of planetary research. The international cooperation formed in the framework of the Mars Express and Rosetta missions will be inherited by the Venus Express and will include efforts of the scientists of European countries, USA, Russia, and Japan. The Venus Express orbiter will play the role of pathfinder for future, more complex missions to the planet, and the data obtained will help to plan and optimize future investigations. Venus studies can have significant public outreach given the exotic conditions of the planet and the interest in comparing Venus to Earth, especially in a context of concern with the climatic evolution on Earth.7 Venus Express Mission Definition Report ESA-SCI(2001)6Table of content1. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................................ 8 2. MISSION SCIENCE OBJECTIVES................................................................................................................. 8 2.1 LOWER ATMOSPHERE AND CLOUD LAYER (0 – 60 KM) ................................................................................... 8 2.2 MIDDLE ATMOSPHERE (60 – 110 KM) ........................................................................................................... 12 2.3 UPPER ATMOSPHERE (110 – 200 KM) ............................................................................................................ 13 2.4 PLASMA ENVIRONMENT AND ESCAPE PROCESSES ......................................................................................... 14 2.5 SURFACE AND SURFACE-ATMOSPHERE INTERACTION ................................................................................... 15 3. SCIENTIFIC PAYLOAD ................................................................................................................................. 17 3.1 ASPERA (ANALYZER OF SPACE PLASMAS AND ENERGETIC ATOMS) ......................................................... 17 3.2 PFS (HIGH RESOLUTION IR FOURIER SPECTROMETER) ................................................................................ 18 3.3 SPICAM (UV AND IR SPECTROMETER FOR SOLAR/STELLAR OCCULTATIONS AND NADIR OBSERVATIONS)20 3.4 VERA (VENUS RADIO SCIENCE).................................................................................................................... 22 3.5 VIRTIS (UV-VISIBLE-NEAR IR IMAGING SPECTROMETER) .......................................................................... 23 3.6 VENSIS (LOW FREQUENCY RADAR FOR SURFACE AND IONOSPHERIC STUDIES). ......................................... 25 3.7 VMC (VENUS MONITORING CAMERA) ......................................................................................................... 26 3.8 SYNERGY OF THE PAYLOAD. .......................................................................................................................... 27 3.9 PAYLOAD ACCOMMODATION ......................................................................................................................... 28 3.10 MISSION AND PAYLOAD SCHEDULE ............................................................................................................. 29 3.11 PAYLOAD TEAMS ......................................................................................................................................... 29 4 MISSION OVERVIEW...................................................................................................................................... 36 4.1 MISSION SCENARIO ........................................................................................................................................ 36 4.2 LAUNCH, DELTA-V, AND MASS BUDGETS ...................................................................................................... 37 4.3 OPERATIONAL ORBIT ..................................................................................................................................... 37 4.4 ORBITAL SCIENCE OPERATIONS ..................................................................................................................... 38 4.5 TELECOMMUNICATIONS ................................................................................................................................. 38 4.6 THERMAL CONTROL ....................................................................................................................................... 39 4.7 RADIATION REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................................................... 39 4.8 GROUND SEGMENT IMPLEMENTATION AND OPERATIONS SUPPORT ............................................................... 39 4.9 MISCELLANEOUS ............................................................................................................................................ 40 5. SCIENCE OPERATIONS, DATA ANALYSIS, AND ARCHIVING ......................................................... 40 5.1 SCIENCE OPERATIONS CONCEPT ................................................................................................................... 40 5.2 PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATORS ........................................................................................................................... 40 5.3 INTERDISCIPLINARY SCIENTISTS (IDS) ......................................................................................................... 40 5.4 SCIENCE WORKING TEAM ............................................................................................................................. 40 5.6 SCIENCE OPERATION PLAN ............................................................................................................................ 41 5.7 DATA ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................................................. 41 5.8 SCIENCE MANAGEMENT PLAN ...................................................................................................................... 41 5.9 COMPLEMENTARY VENUS GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS ........................................................................ 41 6. PROGRAMMATIC VALIDITY ..................................................................................................................... 41 7. SCIENCE COMMUNICATION AND OUTREACH ................................................................................... 42 7.1 GOALS ............................................................................................................................................................ 42 7.2 SCIENTIFIC THEMES ....................................................................................................................................... 42 7.3 IMPLEMENTATION .......................................................................................................................................... 43 8. INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION............................................................................................................ 43 9. REFERENCES................................................................................................................................................... 45 10 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ................................................................................................................................ 468 Venus Express Mission Definition Report ESA-SCI(2001)61. IntroductionSince the beginning of the space era, Venus has been an attractive target for planetary science. Our nearest planetary neighbour and, in size, the twin sister of Earth, Venus was expected to be very similar to our planet. However, the first phase of Venus spacecraft exploration (1962-1985) discovered an entirely different, exotic world hidden behind a curtain of dense clouds. The earlier exploration of Venus included a set of Soviet orbiters and descent probes, Veneras 4–16, the US Pioneer Venus mission, the Soviet Vega balloons, the Venera 15, 16 and Magellan radar orbiters, the Galileo and Cassini flybys, and a variety of ground-based observations. Despite all of this exploration by more than 20 spacecraft, the “morning star” remains a mysterious world. All these studies gave us a basic knowledge of the conditions on the planet, but generated many more questions concerning the atmospheric composition, chemistry, structure, dynamics, surface-atmosphere interactions, atmospheric and geological evolution, and the plasma environment. It is high time to proceed from the discovery phase to a thorough investigation and deep understanding of what lies behind Venus’ complex chemical, dynamical, and geological phenomena. The data from ground-based observations and previous space missions is very limited in space and time coverage, and, prior to the discovery of the near infrared spectral windows, lacked the capability to sound the lower atmosphere of Venus remotely and study the phenomena hidden behind the thick cloud deck from orbit. Thus a survey of the Venus atmosphere is long overdue. Pioneer Venus, Venera-15, -16, and Magellan provided global comprehensive radar mapping of the surface and investigated its properties. The use of penetrating radar can add a third dimension to the earlier investigations. While a fully comprehensive exploration of Venus will require, in the long term, in situ measurements from probes, balloons and sample return, so many key questions about Venus remain unanswered that even a relatively simple orbiter mission to the planet can bring a rich harvest of high quality scientific results. The re-use of the Mars Express bus with the payload based on the instruments available from the Mars Express and Rosetta projects is very appropriate in this regard. It offers an excellent opportunity to make major progress in the study of the planet.2. Mission science objectivesThe proposed Venus Express mission covers a broad range of scientific goals including atmospheric physics, subsurface and surface studies, investigation of the plasma environment and interaction of the solar wind with the atmosphere. For clarity we divided the atmosphere into three parts: lower atmosphere (0-60 km), middle atmosphere (60 – 110 km), and upper atmosphere (110 – 200 km). The physics, methods of investigation, and scientific goals are quite different for each atmospheric region. However they all can be studied by a multipurpose remote sensing and in situ payload in the framework of the proposed orbiter mission.2.1 Lower atmosphere and cloud layer (0 – 60 km)Structure. Existing observations of the lower atmosphere hidden below the clouds are limited to in situ measurements, acquired by 16 descent probes mostly in equatorial latitudes, by radiooccultations on previous orbiters (Venera 9, 10, 15, 16, Pioneer Venus, and Magellan), and brief glimpses provided by the Galileo and Cassini fly-bys. The descent probes showed that the temperature structure below 30 km is quite constant all over the planet (Fig. 2.1). However, the temperature structure in the lower scale height is virtually unknown. Mapping the regions of high elevation in sub-micron spectral “windows” at the nightside will determine the surface temperature as a function of altitude (Meadows and Crisp (1996)). Assuming this is equal to the near-surface air temperature, this will allow a determination of the thermal profile and lapse rate in the 0-10 km range and an investigation of its degree of static stability, constraining the dynamics and turbulence in this region. The thermal structure above 35 km altitude will be obtained from radiooccultations with high vertical resolution. Composition. The Venusian atmosphere consists mainly of CO2 and N2 with small amounts of trace gases (Fig. 2.1). Although there is very little observational data, the chemistry of the lower atmosphere is expected to be dominated by the thermal decomposition of sulfuric acid, and cycles that include sulfur and carbon compounds (SO2, CO, COS etc.) and water vapour.9 Venus Express Mission Definition Report ESA-SCI(2001)6The discovery of the near IR spectral “windows” (Allen and Crawford, 1984), through which thermal radiation from the lower atmosphere leaks to space, allows us to study the composition of the atmosphere below the clouds on the nightside of the planet. The windows at 2.3 and 1.74 µm sound the atmosphere in broad altitude regions centered at 30-35 km and 20 km respectively, while the windows shortward of 1.2 µm (0.85, 0.9, 1.01, 1.10,and 1.18 µm) probe the first scale height and the surface. The detailed appearance of the windows results from the combined effect of composition, cloud opacity, and thermal structure, including the surface temperature (Taylor et al., 1997). Highresolution observations covering all windows simultaneously, along with physical cloud models, should allow retrieval of all the variables.Figure 2.1 Structure and main parameters of the lower atmosphere of Venus.Water vapour is important not only for chemistry but also as a greenhouse gas. The few existing measurements of the H2O abundance in the deep atmosphere show no evidence for variability so far. By mapping simultaneously at several wavelengths, corresponding to radiation originating at different altitudes, it will be possible to probe the H2O profile below the clouds and to search for possible spatial variations, including those that might be the signature of volcanic activity. A precise inventory is also needed to better constrain the origin of the present atmospheric water. The H2O abundance at the surface has strong implications for the stability of some hydrated rocks. Carbon monoxide is very abundant in the upper atmosphere due to the dissociation of CO2 by solar ultraviolet radiation. It is much less common in the troposphere, but it does there show a definite trend of increasing from equator to pole. The source near the poles could be the downward branch of a Hadley cell transporting CO-rich air from the upper atmosphere, an important diagnostic of the mean meridional circulation. More detailed observations of CO at all levels, latitudes and times are needed to confirm this hypothesis and reveal details of the global-scale dynamics. CO is also a key player in the equilibrium between surface minerals and the atmosphere. The study of the lower atmosphere composition by means of spectroscopy in the near IR transparency “windows” is one of the main goals of the Venus Express mission. More specific objectives include abundance measurements of H2O, SO2, COS, CO, H2O, HCl, and HF and their horizontal and vertical (especially for H2O) variations, to significantly improve our understanding of the chemistry, dynamics, and radiative balance of the lower atmosphere, and to search for localized volcanic activity. Cloud layer. Venus is shrouded by a 20 km thick cloud layer whose opacity varies between 20 and 40 in the UV, visible and infrared (Fig. 2.1). The clouds are almost featureless in visible light but display prominent markings in the UV-blue spectral region (Fig. 2.2). Earlier observations showed that at least the upper cloud consists of micron size droplets of 75% H2SO4, which is produced by photochemical reactions at the cloud tops. The physical and chemical processes forming the lower clouds are virtually unknown, including major problems like (1) the nature of the UV-blue absorber which produces the features observed from space and absorbs half of the energy received by the10 Venus Express Mission Definition Report ESA-SCI(2001)6planet from the Sun, and (2) the origin of the large solid particles detected by the PioneerVenus probe. The remote sensing instruments on Venus Express will sound the structure, composition, dynamics, and variability of the cloud layer, including: • Cloud and haze structure and opacity variations; Distribution and nature of the UV• blue absorber; • Measurements of atmospheric composition which constrain models of cloud formation and evolution. Greenhouse effect. The high surface temperature of about 735 K results from the powerful greenhouse effect created by the presence of sulphuric acid clouds and certain Figure 2.2 Venus images in the violet filter taken gases (CO2, H2O, SO2) in the atmosphere by the Gallileo spacecraft (see Crisp and Titov, 1997). Less than 10% of the incoming solar radiation penetrates through the atmosphere and heats the surface, but thermal radiation from the surface and lower atmosphere has a lower probability of escape to space due to the strong absorption by gas and clouds. The result is about 500K difference between the surface temperature and that of the cloud tops, an absolute record among the terrestrial planets (Fig. 2.1). The measurements of outgoing fluxes over a broad spectral range, combined with temporarily and latitudinally resolved cloud mapping and high resolution spectroscopy in the near IR windows will give an insight into the roles of radiative and dynamical heat transport, and the various species, in the greenhouse mechanism. Atmospheric dynamics. The dynamics of the lower atmosphere of Venus is mysterious. Tracking of the UV markings, descent probes, and Vega balloons trajectories all showed that the atmosphere is involved in zonal retrograde super-rotation with wind velocities decreasing from ~100 m/s at the cloud tops to almost 0 at the surface (Fig. 2.3). At the same time, there appears to be a slower overturning of the atmosphere from equator to pole, with giant vortices at each pole recycling the air downwards. What is most puzzling about the regime represented by this scenario is how the atmosphere is accelerated to such high speeds on a slowly-rotating planet. Additional questions include (1) whether the meridional circulation is one enormous 'Hadley' cell extending from the upper atmosphere to the surface, or a stack of such cells, or something else altogether; (2) how the polar vortices couple the two main components of the global circulation and why they have such a complex shape and behaviour; and (3) what the observed (and observable) distributions of the minor constituents in Venus' atmosphere, including the clouds, are telling us about the motions (Fig.2.4). All attempts to model the zonal superrotation have been unsuccessful so far, indicating that the basic mechanisms of the phenomenon are unclear. There is an even Figure 2.3 Zonal winds in the Venus atmosphere。

韩国先进科技学院机械工程系Bong Jae Lee副教授简介

韩国先进科技学院机械工程系Bong Jae Lee副教授简介

Bong Jae LeeAssociate ProfessorThermal Radiation LaboratoryDepartment of Mechanical EngineeringKorea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology(KAIST)291Daehak-ro,Yuseong-guDaejeon305-701,Republic of INTERESTS•Near-Field Thermal Radiation for Thermophotovoltaic Energy Conversion•Electric/Magnetic Metamaterials for Solar Energy Harvesting•Radiation Thermometry at Extreme Conditions2EDUCATION•Georgia Institute of Technology,Atlanta,Georgia,USA–Ph.D.,Mechanical Engineering2007/12–M.S.,Mechanical Engineering2005/08•Seoul National University,Seoul,Republic of Korea–B.S.,Mechanical Engineering2001/083PROFESSIONAL APPOINTMENTS•Associate Professor,KAIST2013/09–present •Assistant Professor,KAIST2011/05–2013/08•Assistant Professor,University of Pittsburgh2008/09–2011/04•Postdoctoral Fellow&Lecturer,Georgia Institute of Technology2008/01–2008/084HONORS AND A W ARDS•Best Paper Award,Thermal Engineering Division,KSME2015•Excellence in Teaching Prize,KAIST2015•Outstanding Teaching Award(MAE311Heat Transfer),Department of Mechanical Engineering, KAIST Spring2014•Invited Professor Grant,`Ecole Centrale Paris July,2014•Young Investigator Award,Thermal Engineering Division,KSME2014•Outstanding Teaching Award(MAE810Special Topic:Nanoscale Heat Transfer),Department of Mechanical Engineering,KAIST Spring2012•Sigma Xi(Georgia Tech Chapter)Best Ph.D.Thesis Award2008•ASME-Hewlett Packard Best Paper Award(2nd place)2007•Haiam Scholarship from the SeAH Steel Corporation1996–20015PUBLICATIONS5.1INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL1.M.Lim,S.S.Lee,and B.J.Lee,“Near-Field Thermal Radiation between Doped-Si Plates atNanoscale Gaps,”Physical Review B91,195136,2015(IF:3.664).2.M.Lim,S.M.Jin,S.S.Lee,and B.J.Lee,“Graphene-Assisted Si-InSb Thermophotovoltaic Devicefor Low Temperature Applications,”Optics Express23,A240–A253,2015(IF:3.525).3.S.Han and B.J.Lee,“Control of Thermal Radiative Properties using Two-Dimensional ComplexGratings,”International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer83,713–721,2015(IF:2.522).4.J.Yeo,G.Kim,S.Hong,J.Lee,H.Park,B.J.Lee,C.P.Grigoropoulos,S.H.Ko,“Single NanowireResistive Nano-heater for Highly Localized Thermo-Chemical Reactions:Localized Hierarchical Heterojunction Nanowire Growth,”Small10,5015–5022,2014(IF:7.514).5.J.Jeon,S.Park,and B.J.Lee,“Optical Property of Blended Plasmonic Nanofluid based on GoldNanorods,”Optics Express22,A1101–A1111,2014(IF:3.525).6.B.J.Lee,Y.-B.Chen,S.Han,F.-C.Chiu,and H.J.Lee,“Wavelength-Selective Solar ThermalAbsorber with Two-Dimensional Nickel Gratings,”Journal of Heat Transfer136,072702,2014 (IF:2.055).7.H.Park,B.J.Lee,and J.Lee,“Note:Simultaneous Determination of Local Temperature andThickness of Heated Cantilevers using Two-Wavelength Thermoreflectance,”Review of Scientific Instruments85,036106,2014(Selected for RSI Editor’s Picks2014;IF:1.367).8.M.Lim,S.S.Lee,and B.J.Lee,“Near-Field Thermal Radiation between Graphene-Covered DopedSilicon Plates,”Optics Express21,22173–22185,2013(IF:3.525).9.J.S.Jin,B.J.Lee,and H.J.Lee,“Analysis of Phonon Transport in Silicon Nanowires IncludingOptical Phonons,”Journal of the Korean Physical Society63,1007–1013,2013(IF:0.506).10.B.Ding,M.Yang,B.J.Lee,and J.-K.Lee,“Tunable Surface Plasmons of Dielectric Core-MetalShell Particles for Dye Sensitized Solar Cells,”RSC Advances3,9690–9697,2013(IF:2.562). 11.J.Kim,S.Han,T.Walsh,K.Park,B.J.Lee,W.P.King,and J.Lee,“Temperature Measurementof Heated Microcantilever using Scanning Thermoreflectance Microscopy,”Review of Scientific Instruments84,034903,2013(IF:1.367).12.H.J.Lee,J.S.Jin,and B.J.Lee,“Assessment of Phonon Boundary Scattering from Light Scat-tering Standpoint,”Journal of Applied Physics112,063513,2012(IF:2.168).13.J.Lee,B.J.Lee,and W.P.King,“Deflection Sensitivity Calibration of Heated MicrocantileversUsing Pseudo-gratings,”IEEE Sensors Journal12,2666–2667,2012(IF:1.520).14.B.J.Lee,K.Park,T.Walsh,and L.Xu,“Radiative Heat Transfer Analysis in Plasmonic Nanoflu-ids for Direct Solar Thermal Absorption,”Journal of Solar Energy Engineering134,021009,2012 (IF:0.846).15.L.Xu,Z.-J.Zhang,and B.J.Lee,“Magnetic Resonances on Core-Shell Nanowires with Notches,”Applied Physics Letters99,101907,2011(Selected for the September19,2011issue of Virtual Journal for Nanoscale Science&Technology;IF:3.844).16.Z.-J.Zhang,K.Park and B.J.Lee,“Surface and Magnetic Polaritons on Two-DimensionalNanoslab-Aligned Multilayer Structure,”Optics Express19,16375–16389,2011(IF:3.587).17.B.Ding,B.J.Lee,M.Yang,H.S.Jung,and J.-K.Lee,“Surface-Plasmon Assisted Energy Con-version in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells,”Advanced Energy Materials1,415–421,2011(IF:10.043).18.W.DiPippo,B.J.Lee,and K.Park,“Design Analysis of Surface Plasmon Resonance Immunosen-sors in Mid-Infrared Range,”Optics Express18,19396–19406,2010(Selected for the October 22,2010issue of Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics;IF:3.753).19.L.Xu,B.J.Lee,W.L.Hanson,and B.Han,“Brownian Motion Induced Dynamic Near-FieldInteraction between Quantum Dots and Plasmonic Nanoparticles in Aqueous Medium,”Applied Physics Letters96,174101,2010(IF:3.841).20.A.J.McNamara,B.J.Lee,and Z.M.Zhang,“Quantum Size Effects on the Lattice Specific Heat ofNanostructures,”Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering14,1–20,2010(Figure selected as the cover image for the January2010issue;IF:1.903).21.S.Basu,B.J.Lee,and Z.M.Zhang,“Near-Field Radiation Calculated with an Improved DielectricFunction Model for Doped Silicon,”Journal of Heat Transfer132,021005,2010(IF:0.942). 22.S.Basu,B.J.Lee,and Z.M.Zhang,“Infrared Radiative Properties of Heavily Doped Silicon atRoom Temperature,”Journal of Heat Transfer132,021001,2010(IF:0.942).23.B.J.Lee and A.C.To,“Enhanced Absorption in One-dimensional Phononic Crystals with Inter-facial Acoustic Waves,”Applied Physics Letters95,031911,2009(IF:3.554).24.X.J.Wang,J.D.Flicker,B.J.Lee,W.J.Ready,and Z.M.Zhang,“Visible and Near-InfraredRadiative Properties of Vertically Aligned Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes,”Nanotechnology20, 215704,2009(IF:3.137).25.L.P.Wang,B.J.Lee,X.J.Wang,and Z.M.Zhang,“Spatial and Temporal Coherence of ThermalRadiation in Asymmetric Fabry-Perot Resonance Cavities,”International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer52,3024–3031,2009(IF:1.947).26.B.J.Lee and Z.M.Zhang,“Indirect Measurements of Coherent Thermal Emission from a Trun-cated Photonic Crystal Structure,”Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer23,9–17,2009 (IF:0.687).27.Q.Li,B.J.Lee,Z.M.Zhang,and D.W.Allen,“Light Scattering of Semitransparent SinteredPolytetrafluoroethylene(PTFE)Films,”Journal of Biomedical Optics13,054064,2008(IF:2.970).28.B.J.Lee and Z.M.Zhang,“Lateral Shift in Near-Field Thermal Radiation with Surface PhononPolaritons,”Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering12,238–250,2008(IF:1.000).29.B.J.Lee,L.P.Wang,and Z.M.Zhang,“Coherent Thermal Emission by Excitation of MagneticPolaritons between Periodic Strips and a Metallic Film,”Optics Express16,11328–11336,2008 (IF:3.880).30.Y.-B.Chen,B.J.Lee,and Z.M.Zhang,“Infrared Radiative Properties of Submicron Metallic SlitArrays,”Journal of Heat Transfer130,082404,2008(IF:1.421).31.B.J.Lee,Y.-B.Chen,and Z.M.Zhang,“Transmission Enhancement through Nanoscale MetallicSlit Arrays from the Visible to Mid-infrared,”Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 5,201–213,2008(Invited paper;IF:1.256).32.B.J.Lee,Y.-B.Chen,and Z.M.Zhang,“Surface Waves between Metallic Films and TruncatedPhotonic Crystals Observed with Reflectance Spectroscopy,”Optics Letters33,204–206,2008 (Featured in the Year End Review issue of Aerospace America2008;IF:3.772).33.B.J.Lee,Y.-B.Chen,and Z.M.Zhang,“Confinement of Infrared Radiation to Nanometer Scalesthrough Metallic Slit Arrays,”Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer109, 608–619,2008(IF:1.635).34.B.J.Lee,K.Park,and Z.M.Zhang,“Energy Pathways in Nanoscale Thermal Radiation,”AppliedPhysics Letters91,153101,2007(Figure selected as the cover image for the October8, 2007issue;Introduced in the October30,2007issue of Nanomaterials News;IF:3.596).35.B.J.Lee and Z.M.Zhang,“Coherent Thermal Emission from Modified Periodic Multilayer Struc-tures,”Journal of Heat Transfer129,17–26,2007(IF:1.202).36.Z.M.Zhang and B.J.Lee,“Lateral Shift in Photon Tunneling Studied by the Energy StreamlineMethod,”Optics Express14,9963–9970,2006(IF:4.009).37.B.J.Lee and Z.M.Zhang,“Design and Fabrication of Planar Multilayer Structures with CoherentThermal Emission Characteristics,”Journal of Applied Physics100,063529,2006(IF:2.316). 38.B.J.Lee,C.J.Fu,and Z.M.Zhang,“Coherent Thermal Emission from One-dimensional PhotonicCrystals,”Applied Physics Letters87,071904,2005(Selected for the August22,2005issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science&Technology;IF:4.127).39.B.J.Lee,Z.M.Zhang,E.A.Early,D.P.DeWitt,and B.K.Tsai,“Modeling Radiative Properties ofSilicon with Coatings and Comparison with Reflectance Measurements,”Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer19,558–569,2005(IF:0.665).40.B.J.Lee,V.P.Khuu,and Z.M.Zhang,“Partially Coherent Spectral Radiative Properties ofDielectric Thin Films with Rough Surfaces,”Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer19, 360–366,2005(IF:0.665).41.K.Park,B.J.Lee,C.J.Fu,and Z.M.Zhang,“Study of the Surface and Bulk Polaritons with aNegative Index Metamaterial,”Journal of the Optical Society of America B22,1016–1023,2005 (IF:2.119).42.H.J.Lee,B.J.Lee,and Z.M.Zhang,“Modeling the Radiative Properties of SemitransparentWafers with Rough Surfaces and Thin-Film Coatings,”Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer93,185–194,2005(IF:1.685).5.2DOMESTIC JOURNAL1.S.Han,B.Choi,T.-H.Song,S.J.Kim,and B.J.Lee,“Experimental Investigation of VariableEmittance Material Based on(La,Sr)MnO3,”Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B37,583–590,2013.2.D.Kim,S.Kim,S.Choi,B.J.Lee,and J.Kim,“Effect of Flame Radiative Heat Transfer inHorizontal-Type HRSG with Duct Burner,”Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical En-gineers B37,197–204,2013.5.3INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE PROCEEDING1.H.Han and B.J.Lee,“Spectral Absorptance of Tandem Grating and Its Application for Solar En-ergy Harvesting,”ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition,Abstract No.IMECE2014-36694,Montreal,Canada,November14–20,2014.2.H.Han and B.J.Lee,“Tailoring Radiative Property of Two-Dimensional Complex Grating Struc-tures,”15th International Heat Transfer Conference,Paper No.IHTC15-9050,Kyoto,Japan,Au-gust10–15,2014.3.J.Jeon,S.Park,and B.J.Lee,“Absorption Coefficient of Plasmonic Nanofluids based on GoldNanorods,”2nd International Workshop on Nano-Micro Thermal Radiation:Energy,Manufactur-ing,Materials,and Sensing,Shanghai,China,June6–9,2014.4.M.Lim,S.S.Lee,and B.J.Lee,“MEMS-based Parallel Plate with Sub-micron Gap for MeasuringNear-field Thermal Radiation,”2nd International Workshop on Nano-Micro Thermal Radiation: Energy,Manufacturing,Materials,and Sensing,Shanghai,China,June6–9,2014(poster presen-tation).5.M.Lim,S.S.Lee,and B.J.Lee,“Theoretical Investigation of the Effect of Graphene on the Near-Field Thermal Radiation between Doped Silicon Plates,”ASME4th Micro/Nanoscale Heat and Mass Transfer International Conference,Abstract No.MNHMT2013-22033,Hong Kong,China, December11–14,2013.6.Y.-B.Chen,S.W.Han,F.-C.Chiu,H.J.Lee,and B.J.Lee,“Design a Wavelength-SelectiveAbsorber for Solar Thermal Collectors with Two-Dimensional Nickel Gratings,”ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference,Paper No.HT2013-17288,Minneapolis,MN,USA,July14–19,2013.7.J.Kim,B.J.Lee,W.P.King,and J.Lee,“Optical Heating and Temperature Sensing of Heated Mi-crocantilever using Two-Wavelength Thermoreflectance,”10th International Workshop on Nanome-chanical Sensing,Stanford University,CA,USA,May1–3,2013(poster presentation).8.J.Kim,S.Han,K.Park,B.J.Lee,W.P.King,J.Lee,“DC and AC Electrothermal Charac-terization of Heated Microcantilevers using Scanning Thermoreflectance Microscopy,”26th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems,Taipei,Taiwan,January20–24, 2013(poster presentation).9.H.J.Lee,J.S.Jin,and B.J.Lee,“Theoretical Investigation of Phonon Boundary Scatteringfrom One-Dimensional Rough Surfaces,”3rd International Forum on Heat Transfer,Paper No.IFHT2012-149,Nagasaki,Japan,November13–15,2012.10.B.J.Lee,“Electric and Magnetic Resonances on Isolated Nanostructure,”ASME3rd Micro/NanoscaleHeat and Mass Transfer International Conference,Abstract No.MNHMT2012-75078,Atlanta,GA, USA,March3–6,2012.11.K.Park,J.K.Lee,and B.J.Lee,“Investigating Laser-Induced Heating of Plasmonic Nanofluidsfor a Fast,High Throughput Polymerase Chain Reaction,”ASME3rd Micro/Nanoscale Heat and Mass Transfer International Conference,Abstract No.MNHMT2012-75127,Atlanta,GA,USA, March3–6,2012.12.B.J.Lee and K.Park,“Direct Solar Thermal Absorption using Blended Plasmonic Nanofluids,”ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition,Abstract No.IMECE2011-64067,Denver,CO,USA,November11–17,2011.13.Z.-J.Zhang,B.J.Lee,and K.Park,“Modeling Radiative Properties of Nanowire-Aligned Multi-layer Structures,”presented at Open Forum on Radiative Transfer and Properties for Renewable Energy Applications,14th International Heat Transfer Conference,Washington,D.C.,USA,Au-gust8–13,2010.14.W.DiPippo,B.J.Lee,and K.Park,“Development of Surface Plasmon Resonance Immuno-Sensorsat Mid-Infrared Range,”14th International Heat Transfer Conference,Paper No.IHTC14-22914, Washington,D.C.,USA,August8–13,2010.15.B.J.Lee,W.Hanson,and B.Han,“Plasmon-Enhanced Quantum Dot Fluorescence Induced byBrownian Motion,”ASME2nd Micro/Nanoscale Heat and Mass Transfer International Confer-ence,Paper No.NMHMT2009-18185,Shanghai,China,December18–21,2009.16.B.J.Lee and Z.-J.Zhang,“Investigation of the Effects of Nanostructures on Thermal Radiation inthe Near Field,”7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Near-Field Optics,Jeju,Korea,November25–27, 2009(poster presentation).17.A.J.McNamara,B.J.Lee,and Z.M.Zhang,“Reexamination of the Size Effect on the LatticeSpecific Heat of Nanostructures,”ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Ex-position,Abstract No.IMECE2009-12388,Orlando,FL,USA,November13–19,2009(poster pre-sentation).18.W.DiPippo,B.J.Lee,and K.Park,“Theoretical Investigation of Tip-based Nanoscale InfraredSpectroscopy,”ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference,Paper No.HT2009-88538,San Francisco, CA,USA,July19–23,2009.19.B.J.Lee and A.C.To“Periodic Nanostructure Patterning using Pulsed Laser Ablation in the NearField,”ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference,San Francisco,CA,USA,July19–23,2009.20.A.C.To and B.J.Lee,“Multifunctional One-dimensional Phononic Crystal Structures ExploitingInterfacial Acoustic Waves,”2009MRS Spring Meeting,San Francisco,CA,USA,April13–17, 2009.21.S.Basu,B.J.Lee,and Z.M.Zhang,“Near-Field Radiation Calculated with an Improved DielectricFunction Model for Doped Silicon,”ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition,Paper No.IMECE2008-68314,Boston,MA,USA,October31–November6,2008.22.L.P.Wang,B.J.Lee,and Z.M.Zhang,“Metamaterials Using Magnetic Resonance between Pe-riodic Strips and a Metallic Film,”OSA Fall Optics and Photonics Congress:Plasmonics and Metamaterials,Rochester,NY,USA,October20–23,2008.23.B.J.Lee,L.P.Wang,X.J.Wang,and Z.M.Zhang,“Spatial and Temporal Coherent Emission froma Fabry-Perot Resonance Cavity,”ASME3rd Energy Nanotechnology International Conference,Jacksonville,FL,USA,August10–14,2008.24.B.J.Lee and Z.M.Zhang,“Energy Streamlines in Near-Field Thermal Radiation,”ASME Mi-cro/Nanoscale Heat Transfer International Conference,Paper No.MNHT2008-52210,Tainan,Tai-wan,January6–9,2008.25.Y.-B.Chen,B.J.Lee,and Z.M.Zhang,“Infrared Radiative Properties of Submicron MetallicSlit Arrays,”ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition,Paper No.IMECE2007-41268,Seattle,WA,USA,November11–15,2007.26.S.Basu,B.J.Lee,and Z.M.Zhang,“Infrared Radiative Properties of Heavily Doped Siliconat Room Temperature,”ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Paper No.IMECE2007-41266,Seattle,WA,USA,November11–15,2007(2nd Place in ASME -Hewlett Packard Best Paper Award).27.B.J.Lee,K.Park,and Z.M.Zhang,“Visualization of Energy Streamlines in Near-Field ThermalRadiation,”in Photogallery Heat Transfer Visualization,ASME-JSME Thermal Engineering and Summer Heat Transfer Conference,Vancouver,Canada,July8–12,2007.28.B.J.Lee,Y.-B.Chen,and Z.M.Zhang,“Indirect Measurements of Coherent Thermal Emissionfrom a Truncated Photonic Crystal Structure,”ASME-JSME Thermal Engineering and Summer Heat Transfer Conference,Paper No.HT2007-321303,Vancouver,Canada,July8–12,2007.29.B.J.Lee,Y.-B.Chen,and Z.M.Zhang,“Can Infrared Energy Be Focused to Nanometeric LengthScale?”ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition,Chicago,IL,USA, November5–10,2006.30.B.J.Lee,Y.-B.Chen,and Z.M.Zhang,“Measurements of Coherent Thermal Emission from PlanarMultilayer Structures,”ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Chicago,IL,USA,November5–10,2006(poster presentation).31.Z.M.Zhang and B.J.Lee,“What is Photon Tunneling?”ASME International Mechanical Engi-neering Congress and Exposition,Chicago,IL,USA,November5–10,2006.32.B.J.Lee and Z.M.Zhang,“Coherent Thermal Emission from Modified Periodic Multilayer Struc-tures,”ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition,Paper No.IMECE2005-82487,Orlando,FL,USA,November5–11,2005.33.B.J.Lee and Z.M.Zhang,“Temperature and Doping Dependence of the Radiative Properties ofSilicon:Drude Model Revisited,”Proceedings of the13th IEEE Annual International Conference on Advanced Thermal Processing of Semiconductors,pp.251–260,Santa Barbara,CA,USA,October 4–7,2005.34.B.J.Lee and Z.M.Zhang,“Rad-Pro:Effective Software for Modeling Radiative Properties inRapid Thermal Processing,”Proceedings of the13th IEEE Annual International Conference on Advanced Thermal Processing of Semiconductors,pp.275–281,Santa Barbara,CA,USA,October 4–7,2005.35.B.J.Lee,V.P.Khuu,and Z.M.Zhang,“Partially Coherent Spectral Radiative Properties ofDielectric Thin Films with Rough Surfaces,”37th AIAA Thermophysics Conference,Paper AIAA-2004-2466,Portland,OR,USA,June28–July1,2004.36.B.K.Tsai,D.P.DeWitt,E.A.Early,L.M.Hanssen,S.N.Mekhontsev,M.Rink,K.G.Kreider,B.J.Lee,and Z.M.Zhang,“Emittance Standards for Improved Radiation Thermometry during Ther-mal Processing of Silicon Materials,”9th International Symposium on Temperature and Thermal Measurements in Industry and Science,Cavtat-Dubrovnik,Croatia,June22–25,2004.37.H.J.Lee,B.J.Lee,and Z.M.Zhang,“Modeling the Radiative Properties of SemitransparentWafers with Rough Surfaces and Thin-Film Coatings,”4th International Symposium on Radiation Transfer,Istanbul,Turkey,June20–25,2004.38.K.Park,B.J.Lee,C.J Fu,and Z.M.Zhang,“Effect of Surface and Bulk Polaritons on theRadiative Properties of Multilayer Structures with a Left-Handed Medium,”ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition,Washington D.C.,USA,Paper No.IMECE2003-41972,November16–21,2003.39.Z.M.Zhang,B.J.Lee,and H.J.Lee,“Study of the Radiative Properties of Silicon-Based Materialsfor Thermal Processing and Control,”Proceedings of the11th IEEE Annual International Con-ference on Advanced Thermal Processing of Semiconductors,pp.107–115,Charleston,SC,USA, September23–26,2003.40.B.J.Lee and Z.M.Zhang,“Development of Experimentally Validated Optical Property Models forSilicon and Related Materials,”Proceedings of the11th IEEE Annual International Conference on Advanced Thermal Processing of Semiconductors,pp.143–150,Charleston,SC,USA,September 23–26,2003.41.H.J.Lee,B.J.Lee,and Z.M.Zhang,“Modeling the Directional Spectral Radiative Properties ofSemitransparent Wafers with Thin-Film Coatings,”15th Symposium on Thermophysical Proper-ties,Boulder,CO,USA,June22–27,2003.5.4DOMESTIC CONFERENCE PROCEEDING1.J.Jeon,S.Park,and B.J.Lee,“Enhancing Light Absorption Performance of Volumetric So-lar Collector using Plasmonic Nanofluid based on Gold Nanorod,”KSME Annual Fall Meeting, Gwangju,Korea,November11–13,2014.2.M.Lim,S.M.Jin,S.S.Lee,and B.J.Lee,“Doped Si-Graphene-InSb Near-Field Thermophoto-voltaic System,”KSME Annual Fall Meeting,Gwangju,Korea,November11–13,2014.3.J.B.Kim and B.J.Lee,“Thermal Properties of Dielectric Nanofluids,”KSME Annual Fall Meet-ing,Gwangju,Korea,November11–13,2014.4.M.K.Lim,S.S.Lee,and B.J.Lee,“The Effect of Graphene on the Near-Field Radiation,”KSMEThermal Engineering Division Spring Meeting,Busan,Korea,May23–24,2013(poster presenta-tion).5.S.W.Kim and B.J.Lee,“Pool Boiling Characteristics of SiO2-Nanoparticle-Coated Surface,”KSME Thermal Engineering Division Spring Meeting,Busan,Korea,May23–24,2013.6.S.Han,H.J.Lee,and B.J.Lee,“Design and Analysis of Efficient Solar Absorber Using Two-Dimensional Metallic Gratings,”KSME Annual Fall Meeting,Changwon,Korea,November7–9, 2012.7.H.J.Lee,J.S.Jin,and B.J.Lee,“Specularity Models to Account for Energy Scattering by Sur-face Roughness,”KSME Thermal Engineering Division Spring Meeting,Yongpyung,Korea,May 23–25,2012.5.5BOOK CHAPTER1.Z.M.Zhang and B.J.Lee,“Theory of Thermal Radiation and Radiative Properties,”Chapter3,pp.74–132,in Radiometric Temperature Measurements:I.Fundamentals,Z.M.Zhang,B.K.Tsai, and G.Machin(eds.),Academic Press(an Imprint of Elsevier),Amsterdam,2009.5.6PATENT1.J.Jeon and B.J.Lee,“Plasmonic Nanofluid Having Broad-band Absorption Characteristic Madeby Blending Gold Nanorods of Different Aspect Ratios and Its Design Method,”Korea Patent (Application Number:10-2015-0000500).2.J.B.Kim and B.J.Lee,“Low Viscous Dielectric Nanofluid for Electric Device Cooling,”KoreaPatent(Application Number:10-2014-0173068).3.H.Lee,H.J.Choi,and B.J.Lee,“Metamaterial-based Absorber of Solar Radiation Energy andMethod of Manufacturing the Same,”Korea Patent(Patent Number:10-1497817).4.S.W.Han,B.S.Choi,T.H.Song,S.J.Kim,and B.J.Lee,“Thin Film of Variable Emittance Ma-terial on Metal Layer and Method for Fabrication,”Korea Patent(Patent Number:10-1430222).6INVITED PRESENTATIONS1.“Application of Thermal Radiation to Energy Technology,”Department seminar,Department ofMechanical Engineering,Pohang University of Science and Technology,Korea,May8,2015.2.“Introduction to Nanoscale Thermal Radiation,”Department seminar,School of Mechanical En-gineering,Yeungnam University,Korea,March27,2015.3.“Introduction to Nanoscale Thermal Radiation,”Group seminar,Thermal&Fluid System R&BDGroup,Korea Institute of Industrial Technology(KITECH),Korea,March17,2015.4.“Introduction to Nanoscale Thermal Radiation,”Department seminar,Department of MechanicalEngineering,Korea University,Korea,March6,2015.5.“Nanoscale Thermal Radiation:Theory and Application,”Division seminar,School of Energy Sci-ence and Engineering,Harbin Institute of Technology,Harbin,China,January19,2015.6.“Nanoscale Thermal Radiation:Theory and Application,”Division seminar,Institute of FluidScience,Tohoku University,Sendai,Japan,January13,2015.7.“Design of Metamaterial-based Solar Thermal Absorber,”Invited presentation,Material ResearchSociety of Korea,Daejeon,Korea,November27,2014.8.“Tailoring Radiative Properties with Micro/Nanostructures for Energy Harvesting,”Departmentseminar,Department of Mechanical Engineering,Yonsei University,Korea,November7,2014.9.“Tailoring Radiative Properties with Micro/Nanostructures for Energy Harvesting,”Departmentseminar,School of Mechanical and Advanced Material Engineering,Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology,Korea,October15,2014.10.“Nanoscale Thermal Radiation:Theory and Application,”KCC open seminar,KAIST Institutefor Nanocentury,Korea,October14,2014.11.“Spectral and Directional Control of Radiative Properties using Nanostructures,”Departmentseminar,EM2C Laboratory,`Ecole Centrale Paris,France,July10,2014.12.“Application of Nanostructures in Solar Energy Absorption,”Invited presentation,KSME ThermalEngineering Division Spring Meeting,Jeju,Korea,April25,2014.13.“Designing Nanostructures for Solar Thermal Absorption,”Department seminar,School of Mecha-tronics,Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology,Korea,April16,2014.14.“Introduction to Nanoscale Thermal Radiation,”Division seminar,Division of Future Vehicle,KAIST,Korea,April9,2014.15.“Harvesting Solar Thermal Energy using Nanoscale Engineering,”Department seminar,Depart-ment of Materials Science and Engineering,Korea University,Korea,May25,2013.16.“Measurement of Radiative Properties and Their Control using Nanostructures,”Division seminar,Environmental and Energy Systems Research Division,Korea Institute of Machinery&Materials(KIMM),Korea,February7,2013.17.“Metamaterials for Thermal Radiation and Their Counterpart for Acoustic Waves and Phonons,”Department seminar,Department of Nano Manufacturing Technology,Korea Institute of Machin-ery&Materials(KIMM),Korea,February5,2013.18.“Plasmonic Nanoparticles for Energy and Sensing Applications,”Department seminar,Departmentof Mechanical Engineering,National Cheng Kung University,Taiwan,January25,2013.19.“Thermal Radiative Properties of Nanostructures,”Invited presentation,KSME Annual Fall Meet-ing,Changwon,Korea,November8,2012.20.“Tailoring Radiative Properties using Nanostructures,”Department seminar,Satellite Thermal/PropulsionDepartment,Korea Aerospace Research Institute(KARI),Korea,August29,2012.21.“Application of Gold Nanoshell for Biosensing and Direct Solar Thermal Absorption,”Invitedpresentation,Collaborative Conference on Materials Research,Seoul,Korea,June26,2012.22.“Thermal Radiative Properties of Nanostructures,”Department seminar,Department of Mechan-ical Engineering,Tokyo Metropolitan University,Japan,March16,2012.23.“Thermal Radiative Properties of Nanostructures,”Department seminar,Department of Mechan-ical Engineering,Tokyo University of Science,Japan,March15,2012.24.“Recent Development in Measurement Techniques of the Radius of Curvature of Reflectors inSolar Thermal Power Plant,”Department seminar,Department of Solar Energy,Korea Instituteof Energy Research(KIER),Korea,February29,2012.25.“Theory of Thermal Radiation&Radiative Properties,”Invited seminar,Home Appliance R&DLaboratory,LG Electronics,Korea,December16,2011.26.“Electric or Magnetic Metamaterials for Applications in Biosensing and Energy Harvesting,”Di-vision seminar,Nano-Mechanical Systems Research Division,Korea Institute of Machinery&Ma-terials(KIMM),Korea,November25,2011.27.“Application of Plasmonic Nanostructures in Solar Energy Harvesting,”KAIST Institute Thursdayseminar,KAIST Institute for Eco-Energy,Korea,October6,2011.28.“Localized Surface Plasmon and Its Applications in Biosensing and Energy Harvesting,”Depart-ment seminar,Department of Mechanical Engineering,Sogang University,Korea,May6,2011.29.“Tailoring Radiative Properties using Nanostructures,”Department seminar,Department of Me-chanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics,University of Pennsylvania,USA,November11, 2010.30.“Enhanced Fluorescence of Quantum Dots by the Dynamic Near-Field Interaction with PlasmonicNanoparticles,”Invited presentation,Workshop on Thermal Transport at the Nanoscale,Telluride, CO,USA,June21-25,2010.31.“Engineering Nanostructures for Tailoring Energy Transport,”Department seminar,Departmentof Physics,Indiana University of Pennsylvania,USA,April2,2010.32.“Nanostructures for the Control of Thermal Radiative Properties,”Invited presentation,ASMEMicro/Nanoscale Heat and Mass Transfer International Conference,Shanghai,China,December 18-21,2009.33.“Controlling Energy Transport using Surface Waves,”Department seminar,School of Informationand Communication Engineering,Inha University,Korea,May21,2009.34.“Controlling Energy Transport using Surface Waves,”Department seminar,School of Mechanicaland Aerospace Engineering,Seoul National University,Korea,May19,2009.35.“Controlling Energy Transport using Surface Waves,”Department seminar,School of Mechanicaland Advanced Material Engineering,Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology,Korea, May15,2009.36.“Controlling Energy Transport using Surface Waves,”Department seminar,Department of Me-chanical Engineering,Kyung Hee University,Korea,May12,2009.37.“Coherent Thermal Emission from Nanostructures and Near-Field Radiative Heat Transfer,”De-partment seminar,Department of Mechanical Engineering,University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA,November6,2008.38.“Multilayer Structures for Coherent Thermal Emission and Energy Pathways in Near-Field Ra-diative Transfer,”Invited presentation,6th Japan-US Joint Seminar on Nanoscale Transport Phe-nomena-Science and Engineering,Boston,MA,USA,July13-16,2008.39.“Spectral and Directional Radiative Properties of Semitransparent Materials with Rough Sur-faces,”Division seminar,Optical Technology Division,Physics Department,National Institute of Standards and Technology,USA,November10,2004.7PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES&AFFILIATIONS7.1DEPARTMENTAL SER VICE•Curriculum Committee(2013–present)•Coordinator,KAIST-ITB Joint Workshop on Research and Education(2012–present)•Student Affairs Committee(2011–present)•Mechanical Engineering Design Competition Committee(Ad Hoc;2013–present)•EAC Preparation Committee(Ad Hoc;2014)。





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• Overview of Thermal Power Engineering
• Fundamentals of Thermal Power Engineering
• Professional vocabulary for thermal power engineering
Application fields of thermal power engineering
Power generation
Thermal power plants are the main way of power generation, accounting for a large promotion of global electricity production
• Integration with information technology: The integration of thermal power engineering with information technology allows for more effective monitoring, control, and optimization of thermal power plants
• Radiation Heat Transfer: Radiation heat transfer occurs when electromagnetic waves transfer energy between objects Understanding radiation heat transfer is important for designing heat exchanges and other thermal systems



在行政职务中,assitant指“助手”,可译作“副”或“助理”,即正职的主要助手,如:部长助理——assistant minister, 副司令员——assistant commander,公司副经理——assistant manager,副校长(中小学)——assistant headmaster;在技术职称中,assistant指“助理”,如助理工程师——assistant engineer,助理农艺师——assistant agronomist,助理会计师——assistant accountant,助理巡视员——assistant counsel。
deputy与director, chief, head secretary, dean, mayor搭配;
sub-与commissioner, dean, head, chief, editor, master, chairman, principal搭配。
一些不符合英语习惯的搭配要防止,如:vice-professor, vice-director, vice-manager, vice-mayor, vice-mayor, vice-editor-in-chief.
大学里的副教授一般用associate professor,不用vice-professor或deputy professor,同样的例子如:副研究员——associate research fellow,副主编——associate editor,副审判长——associate chief judge,学院的副院长、大学的副教务长——associate dean。
◆ School of Mines矿院
◆ School of Safety Engineeranics & Civil Engineering力建



工学专业名称英语力学Mechanics一般力学与力学基础General and Fundamental Mechanics固体力学Solid Mechanics流体力学Fluid Mechanics工程力学Engineering Mechanics机械工程Mechanical Engineering机械制造及其自动化Mechanical Manufacture and Automation机械电子工程Mechatronic Engineering机械设计与理论Mechanical Design and Theory车辆工程Vehicle Engineering光学工程Optical Engineering仪器科学与技术Instrument Science and Technology精密仪器及机械Precision Instrument and Machinery测试计量技术及仪器Measuring and Testing Technologies and Instruments材料科学与工程Materials Science and Engineering材料物理与化学Materials Physics and Chemistry材料学Materialogy材料加工工程Materials Processing Engineering冶金工程Metallurgical Engineering冶金物理化学Physical Chemistry of Metallurgy钢铁冶金Ferrous Metallurgy有色金属冶金Non-ferrous Metallurgy动力工程及工程热物理Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics工程热物理Engineering Thermophysics热能工程Thermal Power Engineering动力机械及工程Power Machinery and Engineering流体机械及工程Fluid Machinery and Engineering制冷及低温工程Refrigeration and Cryogenic Engineering化工过程机械Chemical Process Equipment电气工程Electrical Engineering电机与电器Electric Machines and Electric Apparatus电力系统及其自动化Power System and its Automation高电压与绝缘技术High V oltage and Insulation Technology电力电子与电力传动Power Electronics and Power Drives电工理论与新技术Theory and New Technology of Electrical Engineering电子科学与技术Electronics Science and Technology物理电子学Physical Electronics电路与系统Circuits and Systems微电子学与固体电子学Microelectronics and Solid State Electronics电磁场与微波技术Electromagnetic Field and Microwave Technology信息与通信工程Information and Communication Engineering通信与信息系统Communication and Information Systems信号与信息处理Signal and Information Processing945控制科学与工程Control Science and Engineering控制理论与控制工程Control Theory and Control Engineering检测技术与自动化装置Detection Technology and Automatic Equipment系统工程Systems Engineering模式识别与智能系统Pattern Recognition and Intelligent Systems导航、制导与控制Navigation, Guidance and Control计算机科学与技术Computer Science and Technology计算机软件与理论Computer Software and Theory计算机系统结构Computer Systems Organization计算机应用技术Computer Applied Technology建筑学Architecture建筑历史与理论Architectural History and Theory建筑设计及其理论Architectural Design and Theory城市规划与设计(含风景园林规划与设计) Urban Planning and Design (includingLandscape Planning and Design)建筑技术科学Building Technology Science土木工程Civil Engineering岩土工程Geotechnical Engineering结构工程Structural Engineering市政工程Municipal Engineering供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程Heating, Gas Supply, Ventilating and AirConditioning Engineering防灾减灾工程及防护工程Disaster Prevention and Reduction Engineering andProtective Engineering桥梁与隧道工程Bridge and Tunnel Engineering水利工程Hydraulic Engineering水文学及水资源Hydrology and Water Resources水力学及河流动力学Hydraulics and River Dynamics水工结构工程Hydraulic Structure Engineering水利水电工程Hydraulic and Hydro-Power Engineering港口、海岸及近海工程Harbor, Coastal and Offshore Engineering测绘科学与技术Surveying and Mapping大地测量学与测量工程Geodesy and Survey Engineering摄影测量与遥感Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing地图制图学与地理信息工程Cartography and Geographic Information Engineering化学工程与技术Chemical Engineering and Technology化学工程Chemical Engineering化学工艺Chemical Technology生物化工Biochemical Engineering应用化学Applied Chemistry工业催化Industrial Catalysis地质资源与地质工程Geological Resources and Geological Engineering矿产普查与勘探Mineral Resource Prospecting and Exploration地球探测与信息技术Geodetection and Information Technology946矿业工程Mineral Engineering采矿工程Mining Engineering矿物加工工程Mineral Processing Engineering安全技术及工程Safety Technology and Engineering石油与天然气工程Oil and Natural Gas Engineering油气井工程Oil-Gas Well Engineering油气田开发工程Oil-Gas Field Development Engineering油气储运工程Oil-Gas Storage and Transportation Engineering纺织科学与工程Textile Science and Engineering纺织工程Textile Engineering纺织材料与纺织品设计Textile Material and Textiles Design纺织化学与染整工程Textile Chemistry and Dyeing and Finishing Engineering服装设计与工程Clothing Design and Engineering轻工技术与工程The Light Industry Technology and Engineering制浆造纸工程Pulp and Paper Engineering制糖工程Sugar Engineering发酵工程Fermentation Engineering皮革化学与工程Leather Chemistry and Engineering交通运输工程Communication and Transportation Engineering道路与铁道工程Highway and Railway Engineering交通信息工程及控制Traffic Information Engineering Control交通运输规划与管理Transportation Planning and Management载运工具运用工程Vehicle Operation Engineering船舶与海洋工程Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering船舶与海洋结构物设计制造Design and Construction of Naval Architecture andOcean Structure轮机工程Marine Engine Engineering水声工程Underwater Acoustics Engineering航空宇航科学与技术Aeronautical and Astronautical Science and Technology飞行器设计Flight Vehicle Design航空宇航推进理论与工程Aerospace Propulsion Theory and Engineering航空宇航器制造工程Manufacturing Engineering of Aerospace Vehicle人机与环境工程Man-Machine and Environmental Engineering兵器科学与技术Armament Science and Technology武器系统与运用工程Weapon Systems and Utilization Engineering兵器发射理论与技术Armament Launch Theory and Technology火炮、自动武器与弹药工程Artillery, Automatic Gun and Ammunition军事化学与烟火技术Military Chemistry and Pyrotechnics核科学与技术Nuclear Science and Technology核能科学与工程Nuclear Energy Science and Engineering核燃料循环与材料Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Materials核技术及应用Nuclear Technology and Applications辐射防护及环境保护Radiation and Environmental Protection947农业机械化工程Agricultural Mechanization Engineering农业水土工程Agricultural Water-Soil Engineering农业生物环境与能源工程Agricultural Biological Environmental and Energy农业电气化与自动化Agricultural Electrification and Automation林业工程Forestry Engineering森林工程Forest Engineering木材科学与技术Wood Science and Technology林产化学加工工程Chemical Processing Engineering of Forest Products环境科学与工程Environmental Science and Engineering环境科学Environmental Science环境工程Environmental Engineering生物医学工程Biomedical Engineering食品科学与工程Food Science and Engineering食品科学Food Science粮食、油脂及植物蛋白工程Cereals, Oils and Vegetable Protein Engineering农产品加工及贮藏工程Processing and Storage of Agriculture Products水产品加工及贮藏工程Processing and Storage of Aquatic Products948。



Department of Thermal Energy & Power Engineering
Specialized English for Thermal Energy & Power Engineering
Utility boilers are used primarily to generate electricity in large central power stations. They are designed to optimise overall thermodynamic efficiency at the highest possible availability. A key characteristic of newer units is the use of a reheater section to increase overall cycle efficiency.
整体煤气化联合循环(IGCC):在CC基础上增加煤气化 以降低燃料费用并将污染排放降到最低。 增压循环流化床燃烧(PFBC):在更高压力下燃烧,包 括燃气净化,以及燃烧产物膨胀并通过燃气轮机做功。 高炉排烟热量回收:利用高炉余热产生蒸汽。 太阳能蒸汽发生器:利用集热器收集太阳辐射热产生蒸汽。
Department of Thermal Energy & Power Engineering
Specialized English for Thermal Energy & Power Engineering
现代蒸汽发生系统可根据不同的标准分类。这 些包括最终用途、燃烧方式、运行压力、燃料和循 环方式。大型中心电站的电站锅炉主要用来发电。 经过优化设计,使最大可能可用性时有最高的热效 率。新机组的关键特性是利用再热器提高整个循环 效率。



热能与动力工程Thermal Energy and Power Engineering 材料与能源学院:Institute of Materials and Energy 空调制冷:refrigeration and air conditioning 热传导:thermol conduction 热对流:thermal convection 热辐射:thermal radiation 学生毕业后能胜任现代火力发电厂,制冷与低温工程及相关的热能与动力工程专业的技术与管理工作,并能从事其它能源动力领域的专门技术工作. The graduates may find employment of technology and management in the fields of the Thermal Energy &Power Engineering (TEPE) (TEPE) and and and its its its relevance, relevance, such such as as as modern modern modern power power power plant plant plant or or or the the the Refrigeration Refrigeration and and Cryogenics Cryogenics Engineering (RCE), (RCE), the the graduates may also engaged in the special technique in the fields related to TEPE. 现代空气动力学、流体力学、热力学、水力学以及航空航天工程、水利水电工程、热能工程、流体机械工程都提出了一系列复杂流动问题,其中包括高速流、低速流、管道流、燃烧流、冲击流、振荡流、涡流、湍流、旋转流、多相流等等A A series series series of of of complicated complicated complicated flow flow flow problems problems problems have have have been been been posed posed posed in in in modern modern modern fluid fluid fluid mechanics, mechanics, mechanics, aero aero dynamics, dynamics, thermodynamics, thermodynamics, thermodynamics, and and aeronautical aeronautical and and and aerospace aerospace aerospace engineering, engineering, engineering, water water water conservancy conservancy conservancy and and and hydropower hydropower hydropower engineering, engineering, engineering, heat heat heat energy energy energy engineering, engineering, engineering, fluid fluid machinery engineering, and so on, and they cover high-speed flow, low-speed flow, eddy flow, turbulent flow, burning flow, impact flow, oscillating flow, backflow, and two-phase flow, etc. In the thermal engineering, the studied objects normally are isolated from one another and then we try to analysis the change and interaction, the studied objects isolated is named thermodynamic system. 在热力工程中,通常将研究对象分离出来再分析其变化及(与外界)的相互作用,该对象即热力系统。

太阳能利用A review of solar collectors and thermal energy storage in solar thermal applications

太阳能利用A review of solar collectors and thermal energy storage in solar thermal applications

A review of solar collectors and thermal energy storage in solar thermal applicationsY.Tian a ,C.Y.Zhao b ,⇑a School of Engineering,University of Warwick,CV47AL Coventry,United KingdombSchool of Mechanical Engineering,Shanghai Jiaotong University,200240Shanghai,Chinah i g h l i g h t s"The latest developments in solar thermal applications are reviewed."Various types of solar collectors are summarised."Thermal energy storage approaches and systems are discussed."The current status of existing solar power stations is reviewed.a r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 24July 2012Received in revised form 18November 2012Accepted 20November 2012Available online 23December 2012Keywords:Solar collectorsThermal energy storage Heat transfer enhancement Metal foamSolar power stations PCMa b s t r a c tThermal applications are drawing increasing attention in the solar energy research field,due to their high performance in energy storage density and energy conversion efficiency.In these applications,solar col-lectors and thermal energy storage systems are the two core components.This paper focuses on the latest developments and advances in solar thermal applications,providing a review of solar collectors and ther-mal energy storage systems.Various types of solar collectors are reviewed and discussed,including both non-concentrating collectors (low temperature applications)and concentrating collectors (high temper-ature applications).These are studied in terms of optical optimisation,heat loss reduction,heat recuper-ation enhancement and different sun-tracking mechanisms.Various types of thermal energy storage systems are also reviewed and discussed,including sensible heat storage,latent heat storage,chemical storage and cascaded storage.They are studied in terms of design criteria,material selection and different heat transfer enhancement st but not least,existing and future solar power stations are overviewed.Ó2012Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionCO 2-induced global warming has become a pressing issue,and needs to be tackled.Efficient utilisation of renewable energy re-sources,especially solar energy,is increasingly being considered as a promising solution to global warming and a means of achiev-ing a sustainable development for human beings.The Sun releases an enormous amount of radiation energy to its surroundings:174PW (1PW =1015W)at the upper atmosphere of the Earth [1].When the energy arrives at the surface of the Earth,it has been attenuated twice by both the atmosphere (6%by reflection and 16%by absorption [1])and the clouds (20%by reflection and 3%by absorption [1]),as shown in Fig.1[2].Another 51%(89PW)of the total incoming solar radiation reaches the land and the oceans [1].It is evident that,despite the attenuation,the total amount of solar energy available on the Earth is still of an enormous amount,but because it is of low-density and intermittency,it needs to be collected and stored efficiently.Solar collectors and thermal energy storage components are the two kernel subsystems in solar thermal applications.Solar collec-tors need to have good optical performance (absorbing as much heat as possible)[3],whilst the thermal storage subsystems require high thermal storage density (small volume and low con-struction cost),excellent heat transfer rate (absorb and release heat at the required speed)and good long-term durability [4,5].In 2004,Kalogirou [6]reviewed several different types of solar thermal collectors that were in common use,and provided relative thermal analyses and practical applications of each type.However,the technologies involved in solar collectors have been much im-proved since that review was published,so that some of the latest collectors,such as PVT (Photovoltaic-Thermal)collectors,were not available in time for inclusion in [6].These latest technologies are described in Section 2of the present paper.In addition,most of0306-2619/$-see front matter Ó2012Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved./10.1016/j.apenergy.2012.11.051Corresponding author.Tel./fax:+862134204541.E-mail address:Changying.zhao@ (C.Y.Zhao).existing review-type literature on thermalmainly restricted to low-temperatureare only a few papers addressingstorage applications.These includegroup of potential phase change120°C to1000°C,and provided theiret al.[11],who reviewed thesystems especially for power generation; materials and thermal models that can be latest developments in high-temperature ogies are given in Section3of the present This paper provides a review of thermal storage methods,and is organised Solar collectors:non-concentratingcollectors.High-temperature thermal energymaterials,heat transfer enhancementAn overview of existing and future solar2.Solar collectorsA solar collector,the special energy exchanger,converts solar irradiation energy either to the thermal energy of the workingfluid in solar thermal applications,or to the electric energy directly in PV(Photovoltaic)applications.For solar thermal applications,solar irradiation is absorbed by a solar collector as heat which is then transferred to its workingfluid(air,water or oil).The heat carried by the workingfluid can be used to either provide domestic hot water/heating,or to charge a thermal energy storage tank from which the heat can be drawn for use later(at night or cloudy days). For PV applications,a PV module not only converts solar irradiation directly into electric energy(usually with rather low efficiency), but it also produces plenty of waste heat,which can be recovered for thermal use by attaching PV board with recuperating tubes filled with carrierfluids.Solar collectors are usually classified into two categories according to concentration ratios[3]:non-concentrating collectors and concentrating collectors.A non-concentrating collector has the same intercepting area as its absorbing area,whilst a sun-tracking concentrating solar collector usually hasfaces to intercept and focus the solarreceiving area,resulting in an increased heatmodynamic cycle can achieve higher Carnoting under higher temperatures.2.1.Non-concentrating collectors2.1.1.Flat-plate collectorsFlat-plate solar collectors are usuallytion,and therefore need to be orientedplate solar collector usually consists ofplates,insulation layers,recuperating tubesferfluids)and other auxiliaries.Glazing isple sheets of glass or other materials withshort-wave radiation and low transmissivitytion.It not only reduces convection losses frombut also reduces irradiation losses from thegreenhouse effect.Low-iron glass[12,13]isglazing material due to its relatively highradiation(approximately0.85–0.87)[13]andtransmittance for the long-wave thermal50l m).Hellstrom et al.[14]studied the impactmal properties on the performance offlat-platefound that adding a Teflonfilm as secondperformance by5.6%at50°C,whilst installing a to reduce convection loss increased overall performance by12.1%. Further,antireflection treatment of the glazing cover increased the output by6.5%at50°C operating temperature.The absorber plate is usually coated with blackened surface in order to absorb as much heat as possible;however various colour coatings have also been proposed in the literatures[15–17].Desir-able selective surfaces usually consist of a thin upper layer,which is highly absorbent to shortwave solar radiation but relatively transparent to long-wave thermal radiation,and a thin lower layer that has a high reflectance and a low emittance for long-wave radi-ation.Such selective surfaces with a desirable optical performance usually have a high manufacturing cost,but several low-cost man-ufacturing ideas have also been proposed[18].In addition,to fur-ther improve the thermal performance of a collector,heat loss from the absorber also needs to be reduced.Francia[19]found that a honeycomb insertion,which is made of transparent material and placed in the airspace between the glazing and the absorber,was beneficial to heat loss reduction.The heat absorbed by the absorber plate needs to be transferred to workingfluids rapidly to prevent system overheating[20].Fig.1.The Earth’s energy budget([2],from NASA sources).Fig.2.Schematic of the double-passage solar collector with porous media in second channel[25].Ackermann et al.[24]conducted a computational investigation of the effects of internalfins on solar collector panels,concluding that heat transfer performance was increased byfins,and can be even further improved by decreasing thefin pitch and increasing ther-mal conductivities offin materials.The study conducted by Sopian et al.[25]showed that the insertion of porous media in the second channel,as shown in Fig.2,increased the outlet temperature, thereby increasing the thermal efficiency of the systems.In Fig.2,d1is the upper channel depth and d2is the lower channel depth,both of which were varied in their study.Martinopoulos et al.[26]employed polycarbonate honeycombs to enhance heat transfer in solar collectors.Metal foams[27–29],which have high thermal conductivities and large specific surface area,were con-firmed by many researchers to have abilities to significantly en-hance heat transfer for phase change materials(PCMs).However, as far as the authors are aware,metal foams have not so far been examined for their potential capability to enhance heat transfer in recuperating tubes.Relevant thermal analyses and numerical modelling for solar collectors have also been undertaken.Saha and Mahanta[30] investigated the thermodynamic optimisation offlat-plate solar collectors,with their model focusing on minimising all factors affecting entropy generation.Their study showed that an optimum operating regime existed.Farahat et al.[31]also conducted an optimisation analysis of combined energy and exergy forflat-plate solar collectors.They concluded that exergy efficiency increased when increasing optical efficiency and incident sunlightflux,but it decreased rapidly when increasing ambient temperature and wind speed.They also identified an optimum point forfluid inlet temperature.Further,pipe diameter was found to have only a min-or effect on exergy efficiency.In addition,Selmi et al.[32]simu-lated heat transfer phenomena inflat-plate solar collectors using commercial CFD codes by considering the mixed heat transfer modes of conduction,convection and radiation between tube sur-face,glass cover,side walls and insulating base of the collector,and their results achieved good agreement with testdata. Fig.3.PV/Tflow-passage models[43].2.1.2.Hybrid PVT collectorsHybrid photovoltaic/thermal(PVT)neously convert solar energy into electricityPVT collector consists of a PV module withthe range of5%–20%and an absorber plateremoval device)attached on the back of theremoval plate cools the PV module down to afor better electrical performance,and at thethe waste heat,which can then be utilisedapplications,such as domestic hot waterand washing)and adsorption cooling systemsMost of the significant amount of recenttors has been related toflat-plate collectors,tion focusing on absorber plate and tubeflow rates[36,37],tank size[38],PV cellof amorphous silicon[40,41],use of metalple-passage configurations[43](shown in Fig.air collectors[44,45].The use of lowoptics with PVT has also received someshows a comparison between four different PVT collectors(Hegazy[43]).It was found that under similar operational conditions,the Model I collector had the lowest performance and the Model III collector demanded the least fan power.Performance comparisons between hybrid PVT collectors and conventional PV-only systems have also been conducted.All the re-sults indicated that hybrid PVT systems can achieve increased en-ergy conversion efficiency with potential cost benefits[48,39,49]. With detailed theoretical models for PVT collectors being devel-oped,the complicated balance between thermal outputs and elec-trical outputs has been investigated[35,50,37,51].In addition,the exergy analysis of PVT collectors,based on the second Law of Ther-modynamics,has been reported by Joshi and Tiwari[52].2.1.3.Enhanced hybrid PVT collectors–Bifacial PVTHybrid PVT collectors can be classified into those that use water as the heat removal medium,and those that use air.Water is a desirable workingfluid in hybrid PVT collectors,because of its high heat capacity and excellent optical properties.Tina et al.[53]irradiation can be utilised by PV modules to produce electricity. Other researchers[54–56]have also confirmed such a natural com-patibility of water to PV modules.Fig.4shows the optical transmission spectrum of a water layer with a thickness of1.5cm[54,55],as well as the absorption spec-trum of a mono-crystalline layer of a PV solar cell with a thickness of50l m[55,56].Fig.4shows that water absorption only slightly affects the working region of a silicon PV cell(water transmissivity decreases at around950nm),but it strongly absorbs the sunlight with the wavelengths above1100nm.Therefore,the combination of a water-filled solar collector with silicon bifacial PVT hybrid module appears to be very promising.Robles et al.[55]made a bifacial PV module covered by water, which can absorb long wavelength rays to produce heat and trans-mit short wavelength rays to PV module to produce electricity.The data for short-circuit is shown in Fig.5.The lowest curve repre-sents the short circuit current I sc of the rear face alone at different time in a day;the middle curve represents I sc for the front panel; the highest curve gives the total I sc for both faces of the PV module. The highest total value of I sc is7.1A,and the corresponding values for the front and real face are5.1A and2A,respectively.They dem-onstrated that the bifacial PV module produced approximately40% more electric energy than a conventional PVT system,with no noticeable increase in the system cost.However,the system efficiency in a bifacial PVT module can be further improved if the waste heat can be recovered to produce domestic hot water.To achieve higher efficiency,the optimisation of relevantflow passage design and heat transfer characteristics needs to be studied.The suggestion is that the double-flow passage (see Fig.3)can be used in the bifacial PV module for further enhancement of the system efficiency.The double-flow passage not only removes excess heat more efficiently,but also saves the pump in the system which gives an even higher electricity output. Another problem for such a water-type PVT system is its difficulty to be used in extremely cold regions because freezing can easily break up the collectors[57].A heat pipe-type PVT system was re-cently proposed by Pei et al.[57],and it was claimed that their sys-tem allowed heat transport almost without any temperature drop, and that corrosion can also be reduced.2.2.Concentrating collectors2.2.1.Heliostatfield collectorsConcentrating collectors(usually equipped with sun-tracking techniques)have much higher concentration ratio than non-concentrating collectors.They can achieve higher temperatures4.Optical spectra of water and Silicon parameters[55]:(1)transmission characteristics of a water layer with thickness of1.5cm,(2)absorption character-istics of a typical c-Si layer with thickness of50l m.5.Hourly variations of the short-circuit currents of the PV module:the rear face alone(curve1),the front face(curve2)and the total(curve3)[55].of working fluids,meaning that it is possible to achieve a higher thermodynamic efficiency.The Heliostat Field Collector,also called the Central Receiver Collector,consists of a number of flat mirrors/heliostats.Due to the position change of the sun during the day,the whole array of mirrors/heliostats needs to have precise orientation to reflect incident solar lights to a common tower.The orientation of every individual heliostat is controlled by an automatic control system powered by altazimuth tracking technology.In addition,to place these heliostats with a higher overall optical efficiency,an optimised field layout design is needed.Wei et al.[58]proposed a technique which they called ‘YNES’to design the optimised field layout.An optimised field layout of heliostats can efficiently reflect so-lar light to the central tower,where a steam generator is located to absorb thermal energy and heat up water into the high-temperature and high-pressure steam (to drive turbine generators).The heat transfer fluid inside the steam generator can either be water/steam,liquid sodium,or molten salts (usually sodium nitrates or potassium nitrates),whilst the thermal storage media can be high temperature synthetic oil mixed with crushed rock,molten nitrate salt,or liquid sodium [11,59].Central tower solar collectors can be classified into external-type and cavity-type,depending on which kind of central receiver is used.The receiver used at the Solar One (Barstow,California,USA)is of the external type and as shown in Fig.6a,it is located at the top of the central tower;it comprises 24panels (receiver diameter:7m),six of which are for preheating water and eighteen design is shown in Fig.6b.The flux from the heliostat field is re-flected through an aperture (about one third to one half of the internal absorbing surface area [60])onto the absorbing surfaces which form the walls of the cavity.The aperture size is minimised to reduce convection and radiation losses without blocking out too much of the solar flux arriving at the receiver.The primary limitation on receiver design is the heat flux that can be absorbed through the receiver surface and transferred into the heat transfer fluid,without overheating the receiver walls and the heat transfer fluid within them.A survey of typical design peak values is given in Table 1[60].The average flux over the entire ab-sorber wall is typically one half to one third of these peak values.Two other important considerations when designing heat flux are (1)limiting the temperature gradients along the receiver panels and (2)the daily heat cycling of the receiver tubes.Fig.6.Two types of solar towers [60]:(a)external receiver and (b)cavity receiver.Table 1Typical design values of receiver peak flux.Heat transfer fluid Configuration Peak flux (MW/m 2)Liquid sodium In tubes1.50Liquid sodiumIn heat pipes (transferring to air) 1.20Molten nitrate salt In tubes 0.70Liquid water In tubes 0.70Steam vapor In tubes0.50AirInmetal tubes0.22542Y.Tian,C.Y.Zhao /Applied Energy 104(2013)538–553modularity which can be easily scaled up to meet the power needs in remote area,where centralised power supply is too expensive.Such parabolic dish-engine technologies have been successfully demonstrated in a number of applications,typical of which was the STEP(The Solar Total Energy Project)project in USA[65].The STEP was a large solar parabolic dish system that operated between 1982and1989in Shenandoah,Georgia,consisting of114dishes (each one being7m in diameter).The system produced high-pressure steam for electricity generation,medium-pressure steam for knitwear pressing,and low-pressure steam to run the air con-ditioning system for a knitwear factory nearby.2.2.3.Parabolic trough collectorsParabolic trough collectors can concentrate sunlight with a con-centration rate of around40,depending on the trough size.The fo-cal line temperature can be as high as350°C to400°C.The key component of such collectors is a set of parabolic mirrors,each of which has the capability to reflect the sunlight that is parallel to its symmetrical axis to its common focal line.At the focal line, a black metal receiver(covered by a glass tube to reduce heat loss) is placed to absorb collected heat.Parabolic trough collectors can be orientated either in an east–west direction,tracking the sun from north to south,or a north–south direction,tracking the sun from east to west.An experimental study was performed by Bakos[66]to investigate the effect of the two-axis tracking of parabolic trough on the sun-light collected,and they made a comparison with the case which used afixed surface orientation(tilted at40°towards south).Their results indicated that the measured collected solar energy on the tracking surface was significantly larger(up to46.46%)compared with thefixed surface.Abdallah[67]experimentally examined the effect of using different types of sun tracking systems on the voltage–current characteristics and electrical power forflat-plate photovoltaics(FPPV),by comparing four types of electromechani-cal sun-tracking systems:two axes,one axis vertical,one axis east–west,and one axis north–south.His results indicated that the volt–ampere characteristics on the tracking surfaces were sig-nificantly greater than that on afixed surface,with the increased electrical power gain up to43.87%,37.53%,34.43%and15.69% for the four types.In addition,Kacira et al.[68]found that the optimum tilt angle varied from13°in summer to61°in winter (experiment location:latitude37°N and longitude38°E).Mondol et al.[69]found that the monthly optimum collection angle for a south-facing surface varied from20°in summer to60°in winter (location:latitude55°N and longitude6°W).Parabolic trough collectors have multiple distinctive features and advantages over other types of solar systems.Firstly,they are scalable,in that their trough mirror elements can be installed along the common focal line.Secondly,they only need two-dimensional tracking(dish-engine collectors need three-dimensional tracking,making systems more complicated),so they can achieve higher tracking accuracy than dish-engine collectors.3.Solar thermal energy storageAfter the thermal energy is collected by solar collectors,it needs to be efficiently stored when later needed for a release.Thus,it be-comes of great importance to design an efficient energy storage system.Section3of the present paper focuses on the solar thermal energy storage,discussing its design criteria,desirable materials and emerging technologies for heat transfer enhancement.3.1.Criteria for designThere are three main aspects that need to be considered in the design of a solar thermal energy storage system:technical proper-ties,cost effectiveness and environmental impact.Excellent technical properties are the key factors to ensure the technical feasibility of a solar thermal energy storage system. Firstly,a high thermal storage capacity(sensible heat,latent heat or chemical energy)is essential to reduce the system volume and increase the system efficiency.Secondly,a good heat transfer rate must be maintained between the heat storage material and heat transferfluid,to ensure that thermal energy can be released/ab-sorbed at the required speed.Thirdly,the storage material needs to have good stability to avoid chemical and mechanical degrada-tion after a certain number of thermal cycles.The other technical properties,such as compatibility and heat loss,are listed in Table2.Cost effectiveness determines the payoff period of the invest-ment,and therefore is very important.The cost of a solar thermal energy storage system mainly consists of three parts[11]:storage material,heat exchanger and land cost.Cost effectiveness is usu-ally connected with the aforementioned technical properties,be-cause high thermal storage capacity and excellent heat transfer performance can significantly reduce the system volume.Apart from technical properties and cost effectiveness,there are other criteria to be considered,such as operation strategy and inte-gration to a specific power plant,which are listed in Table2.3.2.MaterialsThe materials used for solar thermal energy storage are classi-fied into three main categories according to different storage mechanisms:sensible heat storage,latent heat storage and chem-ical heat storage(with their storage capacity in ascending order). Sensible heat storage is the most developed technology and there are a large number of low-cost materials available[70–72],but it has the lowest storage capacity which significantly increases the system tent heat storage has much higher storage capacity, but poor heat transfer usually accompanies if not employing heat transfer enhancement.Chemical storage has the highest storage capacity,but the following problems restrict its application:com-plicated reactors needed for specific chemical reactions,weak long-term durability(reversibility)and chemical stability.Table2Design criteria of a solar thermal energy storage system.Criteria Influencing factorsTechnical criteria 1.High thermal energy storage capacity(the mostimportant)2.Efficient heat transfer rate between HTF and storagematerial3.Good mechanical and chemical stability of storagematerialpatibility between HTF,heat exchanger and/orstorage materialplete reversibility of a large number of chargingand discharging cycles6.Low thermal losses and ease of controlCost-effectiveness criteria 1.The cost of thermal energy storage materials2.The cost of the heat exchanger3.The cost of the space and/or enclosure for the thermal energy storageEnvironmental criteria 1.Operation strategy2.Maximum load3.Nominal temperature and specific enthalpy drop inload4.Integration to the power plantY.Tian,C.Y.Zhao/Applied Energy104(2013)538–5535433.2.1.Sensible heat storage materialsIn sensible heat storage,thermal energy is stored during the ris-ing or dropping of temperatures of thermal storage media,which can be either solid state or liquid state.Table3shows the main characteristics of the most commonly-used solid-state thermal storage materials[11],including sand-rock minerals,concrete,fire bricks and ferroalloy materials.These materials have working tem-peratures from200°C to1200°C,and have excellent thermal con-ductivities: 1.0W/(m K)–7.0W/(m K)for sand-rock minerals, concrete andfire bricks,37.0W/(m K)–40.0W/(m K)for ferroalloy materials.The materials shown in Table3are all low-cost,ranging from0.05US$/kg–5.00US$/kg.The only disadvantage is their heat capacities being rather low,ranging from0.56kJ/(kg°C)to1.3kJ/ (kg°C),which can make the storage unit unrealistically large.Liquid-state thermal energy storage materials are shown in Ta-ble4[11],including oils,liquid sodium and inorganic molten salts. Oils have rather high vapour pressure[71]which causes serious safety issues due to requiring an airtight system.Liquid sodium has a thermal conductivity as high as71.0W/(m K);however,it is highly unstable in chemical reactivity,therefore incurring much more cost by adopting extra safety measures.Molten salts are regarded as the ideal materials for use in solar power plant[70–72,11]because of their excellent thermal stability under high temperatures,low vapour pressure,low viscosity,high thermal conductivities,non-flammability and non-toxicity.Zhao and Wu [71]reported a serial of novel ternary salt mixtures with ultra-low melting temperatures of76°C,78°C and80°C,which are all below100°C so that the system unfreezing becomes much easier. Their salt mixtures consisting of KNO3,LiNO3and Ca(NO3)2showed much lower viscosities(more than80%)than synthetic oils and commercial molten salts.Their salt mixtures were also found to have good chemical stability under high temperatures(500°C). Such eutectic salts with melting temperatures below100°C were also reported by Wang et al.[73]recently.They found a novel qua-ternary eutectic salt with its melting temperature as low as99°C.The common advantage of sensible heat storage is its low cost, ranging from0.05US$/kg to5.00US$/kg,compared to the high cost of latent heat storage which usually ranges from4.28US$/kg to334.00US$/kg[70]tent heat storage materialsPhase change materials(PCMs)can store/release a large amount of heat when re-forming their phase structures during melting/ solidification or gasification/liquefaction processes.Since the phase-transition enthalpy of PCMs are usually much higher(100-200times,shown in Table5)than sensible heat,latent heat storage has much higher storage density than sensible heat storage.Table5 lists the thermal-physical properties of several commercial PCMs, inorganic salts and eutectics[11,70].These materials listed in Ta-ble5have phase change temperatures ranging from100°C to 897°C,and latent heat ranging from124to560kJ/kg.Unlike sensible heat storage in which materials have a large temperature rise/drop when storing/releasing thermal energy,la-tent heat storage can work in a nearly isothermal way,due to the phase change mechanism.This makes latent heat storage favourable for those applications which require strict working temperatures.However,the main disadvantage of latent heat stor-age is its low thermal conductivities,which mostly fall into the range of0.2W/(m K)to0.7W/(m K),and therefore relative heat transfer enhancement technologies must be adopted[28].3.2.3.Chemical heat storage materialsSpecial chemicals can absorb/release a large amount of thermal energy when they break/form certain chemical bonds during endo-thermal/exothermal reactions.Based on such characteristics,the storage method making use of chemical heat has been invented. Suitable materials for chemical heat storage can be organic or inor-ganic,as long as their reversible chemical reactions involve absorb-ing/releasing a large amount of heat.When designing a chemical storage system,three basic criteria need to be considered:excel-lent chemical reversibility,large chemical enthalpy change and simple reaction conditions(reactions cannot be too complicated to be realised).Table6gives a list of potential materials for chemical heat stor-age,most of which have an enthalpy change of3.6GJ/m3–4.4GJ/ m3.As seen from Table5and Table6,latent heat storage has stor-age densities in the order of MJ/m3,whilst chemical heat storage has much higher storage densities in the order of GJ/m3.Table3Solid-state sensible heat storage materials[11].Storage materials Workingtemperature(°C)Density(kg/m3)Thermal conductivity(W/(m K))Specific heat(kJ/(kg°C))Specific heat(kW h t/(m3°C))Cost per kg(US$/kg)Cost per kW h t(US$/kW h t)Sand-rock minerals200–3001700 1.0 1.300.610.15 4.2 Reinforced concrete200–4002200 1.50.850.520.05 1.0 Cast iron200–400720037.00.56 1.12 1.0032.0 NaCl200–50021607.00.850.510.15 1.5 Cast steel200–700780040.00.60 1.30 5.0060.0 Silicafire bricks200–7001820 1.5 1.000.51 1.007.0 Magnesiafire bricks200–12003000 5.0 1.150.96 2.00 6.0Table4Molten salts and high temperature oils[11].Storage materials WorkingTemperature(°C)Density(kg/m3)Thermal conductivity(W/(m K))Specific heat(kJ/(kg°C))Specific heat(kW h t/(m3°C))Costs per kg(US$/kg)Costs per kW h t(US$/kW h t)HitecÒsolar salt220–6001899n.a. 1.50.790.9310.7 HitecXLÒsolar salt120–50019920.52 1.40.77 1.1913.1 Mineral oil200–3007700.12 2.60.560.30 4.2 Synthetic oil250–3509000.11 2.30.58 3.0043.0 Silicone oil300–4009000.10 2.10.53 5.0080.0 Nitrite salts250–45018250.57 1.50.76 1.0012.0 Liquid sodium270–53085071.0 1.30.31 2.0021.0 Nitrate salts265–56518700.52 1.60.830.50 3.7 Carbonate salts450–8502100 2.0 1.8 1.05 2.4011.0n.a.:Not available.544Y.Tian,C.Y.Zhao/Applied Energy104(2013)538–553。







关键词:建筑节能太阳能热技术热水和采暖Application and evaluation of solar thermal technology inbuildingsSchool of Architecture, Harbin Institute of Technology, Chunling WuAbstract: Solar energy has been extensively studied as an inexhaustible clean energy source in nature. Nowadays, the technologies that use solar energy can be divided into solar thermal conversion and solar photovoltaic conversion, which convert solar radiation absorbed by solar modules into heat or electric energy. For building energy consumption which is the largest part of energy consumption, the application of solar energy utilization technology in buildings has also received widespread attention from researchers. This article focuses on the thermal application of solar energy in buildings, analyzes the existing solar thermal technology researches, summarizes and evaluates their respective characteristics, and proposes corresponding improvements and directions.Keywords: Building energy saving; Technology for using solar energy to obtain heat; Hot water and heating1.正文太阳能与建筑一体化技术分为光热建筑一体化,光伏建筑一体化和光热/光伏建筑一体化技术[1]。

Solar Energy太阳能英语作文

Solar Energy太阳能英语作文

Solar EnergyName: IsabellaSchool: Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology Academic adviser: Andrew MilanekDate: 2013/12/08Imagine a world where sunlight can be captured to produce electricity anywhere, on any surface. The makers of thin-film flexible solar cells imagine that world too. But a big problem has been the amount of silicon needed to harvest a little sunshine.Now, researchers at Caltech say they’ve designed a device that gets comparable solar absorption while using just one percent of the silicon per unit area that current solar cells need. The work was published in the journal Nature Materials.In recent years, the solar energy for the benefit of mankind's technology industry has become more and more developed.Human has a long history to use the solar energy. “China as early as two thousand years ago, during the Warring States period, know the use of four steel mirror to focus sunlight ignition; use of solar energy to dry agricultural products.”The development of modern, solar energy has become increasingly widespread use, which includes the use of solar energy solar thermal, solar photovoltaic.What’s more solar energy was used by photochemical and so on.People use the solar energy in two ways: the photothermal conversion and the photoelectric conversion.At present, many scientists hold optimistic attitude on the prospect of the solar energy .There are three reasons:(1)General: the sun shines on the earth, whether land or sea, regardless of the mountains or islands, are found everywhere, direct the development and utilization, and exploitation and transportation needless. (2) Sound: the development and utilization of solar energy will not pollute the environment, it is one of the most clean energy。



1)Journal of Fluid Mechanics 2)Coastal Engineering 3)Computers:Fluids 4)International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 5)Journal of Hydraulic Engineering-Asce 6)Ocean Engineering 7)Journal of Engineering Mechanics-Asce 8)Journal of Hydraulic Research 9)Journal of Waterway Port Coastal and Ocean Engineering-Asce 10)Fluid Dynamics Research
02 2024
1)Journal of Hydraulic Engineering—ASCE 2)Dam Engineering 3)Journal of Fluids and Structures 4)Journal of Hydraulic Research 5)International Water Power :Dam Constructions 6)Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics 7)Soil Dynamic and Earthquake Dynamics 8)International Journal of Solids and Structures 9)Computers and Structures 10)Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering



四年级关于科学知识介绍的作文回答1:As a fourth grader, it is important to learn about science and the world around us. Science is the study of nature and how things work. There are many different branches of science, including biology, chemistry, physics, and earth science.In biology, we learn about living things and their characteristics. We learn about the different parts of plants and animals, and how they grow and reproduce. We also learn about the different environments that living things can live in, such as deserts, rainforests, and oceans.Chemistry is the study of matter and how it interacts with other matter. We learn about the different states of matter, such as solids, liquids, and gases. We also learn about atoms and molecules, and how they combine to form different substances.In physics, we learn about energy and motion. We learn about the different forces that can act on an object, such as gravity and friction. We also learn about different types of energy,such as kinetic energy and potential energy.Earth science is the study of the Earth and its systems. We learn about the different layers of the Earth, including the crust, mantle, and core. We also learn about natural disasters, such as earthquakes and volcanoes, and how they are caused.Overall, learning about science is important because it helps us understand the world around us. It helps us make sense of the things we see and experience every day. As a fourth grader, it is just the beginning of our scientific journey, and there is so much more to learn and discover.作为一个四年级的学生,学习科学和我们周围的世界非常重要。

Thermal Science and Engineering

Thermal Science and Engineering

Thermal Science and Engineering Thermal Science and Engineering is a branch of engineering that deals with the study of thermodynamics, heat transfer, and fluid mechanics. It is a field that is essential in the design and operation of various systems that involve the transfer of heat. Thermal Science and Engineering has a wide range of applications in various industries, including aerospace, automotive, energy, and manufacturing. In this essay, we will explore the importance of Thermal Science and Engineering from multiple perspectives.From an environmental perspective, Thermal Science and Engineering plays a crucial role in developing sustainable energy solutions. The world is currently facing a significant energy crisis, and there is a need for alternative sources of energy that are clean and renewable. Thermal Science and Engineering has been instrumental in the development of renewable energy technologies such as solar, wind, and geothermal. These technologies rely on the principles of thermodynamics and heat transfer to harness energy from natural sources. By developing these technologies, we can reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and mitigate the impact of climate change.From an economic perspective, Thermal Science and Engineering is vital in the design and operation of various industrial processes. Industrial processes require the transfer of heat, and the efficiency of these processes is dependent on the design of the system. Thermal Science and Engineering helps in the optimization of these systems, leading to increased efficiency and reduced costs. For example, in the manufacturing industry, Thermal Science and Engineering is used to design and optimize processes such as welding, casting, and forging. By optimizing these processes, we can reduce the cost of production and increase profitability.From a societal perspective, Thermal Science and Engineering has contributed significantly to the improvement of our daily lives. The development of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems has made our homes and workplaces more comfortable. These systems rely on the principles of heat transfer and fluid mechanics to regulate temperature and humidity levels. Without these systems, our lives would be significantly impacted, especially in extreme weather conditions. Additionally, the development of thermal insulation materials has helped to reduceenergy consumption in buildings, leading to lower energy bills and reduced carbon emissions.From a technological perspective, Thermal Science and Engineering is essential in the development of advanced materials and devices. The efficiency and performance of these materials and devices are dependent on their thermal properties. For example, in the electronics industry, Thermal Science and Engineering is used to design and optimize the thermal management of electronic devices such as microprocessors and power electronics. By optimizing the thermal management of these devices, we can improve their performance and reliability.From a research perspective, Thermal Science and Engineering is a field that is constantly evolving. There is ongoing research in various areas such as heat transfer, thermodynamics, and fluid mechanics. This research is essential in the development of new technologies and the optimization of existing systems. Additionally, research in Thermal Science and Engineering has contributed significantly to our understanding of natural phenomena such as convection, radiation, and conduction.In conclusion, Thermal Science and Engineering is a field that is essential in the design and operation of various systems that involve the transfer of heat. It has a wide range of applications in various industries, including aerospace, automotive, energy, and manufacturing. From an environmental perspective, it plays a crucial role in developing sustainable energy solutions. From an economic perspective, it is vital in the design and operation of various industrial processes. From a societal perspective, it has contributed significantly to the improvement of our daily lives. From a technological perspective, it is essential in the development of advanced materials and devices. Finally, from a research perspective, it is a field that is constantly evolving, contributing significantly to our understanding of natural phenomena.。




























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Second Law of Thermodynamics: DS >= 0 Entropy always increases or stays the same.
CH4 C2H6
g g g g g
−12.14 −7.86 −5.614 4.14 8.23
At Equilibrium The Free Energy is Minimum C3H8 Helmholtz free energy: F = U – TS (fixed V, T, N) C8H18 Enthalpy: H = U+pV (p, T, N) Gibbs free energy G = U+pV-TS = mN (fixed p, T, m) C10H22
For O2 the standard Gibbs function of formation is zero
ΔrG˚ = −RT ln K; K is the equilibrium constant
Gasoline is CnH2n+2, with 6<n<13
Energy content of materials
Key ideas
1. Maximize capture: High absorption efficiency is essential to capture solar energy 2. Minimize losses: Energy losses due to radiation (emission), heat conduction and convective heat losses must be minimized.
Conversion efficiencies
• • • • Electric generators (mechanical -> electrical) > 80% Electric motors (electrical->mechanical) > 90% Light to heat > 90% Chemical to heat > 90%
Key physical properties for solar thermal systems
Solar thermal dominates the solar energy sector and continues to grow rapidly (Light -> Heat)
• Residential solar water heaters are the largest part of the solar thermal market sector. In some countries they are mandatory in all new houses. Hawaii is the only US state with this requirement (since June 2008) • The US has the largest commercial solar thermal power plants. They have been operating continuously since the late 1980’s, with over 350MW of installed capacity - Solar Energy Generating Systems (SEGS) in the Mojave desert (see wikipedia) • A European consortium, Desertec (/), plans a $500 billion capital investment in solar thermal power plants in north Africa to supply 15% of European electricity needs – Equivalent to around 100 conventional plants or 100GW. DC transmission lines under the Mediterranean will carry the power to Europe. Target generation cost $0.06/kWh
Solar Thermal Science and Engineering
Heat Engine: Lightபைடு நூலகம்or fuel -> Heat-> Motion or Electricity
Direct: Light -> Electricity ; Light -> Fuel ; Fuel -> Motion
Other Non-solar, Non-thermal sources: Usually based on kinetic energy available in “flowing gas or fluid”.
Hydro, wind, waves, tidal, …. (Change in gas or fluid velocity yields energy)
Medium Temperature Systems:
Flat plate, mirrors, lenses. Solar hot water, solar drying, solar cooking, solar distillation.
High Temperature Systems:
Single axis, parabolic trough concentrators. Dual axis parabolic dish concentrators. Fresnel lenses and mirrors. Flat plate systems typically can raise temperature to around 75oC while the upper limit for these systems is 200oC. The world record for temperature achieved through use of a solar concentrator is the Solar Furnace in Odeillo – it has achieved temperatures up to 3800oC
Direct Conversion Systems (Small fraction of existing systems)
- Photovoltaics Single junction, tandem, multi-junction. AM1.5 and under concentration - Solar to fuel conversion: Photosynthesis (Biofuels) and direct chemical conversion
Solar Thermal
Low Temperature Systems: Flat plate collectors. Heated
swimming pools. Residential passive solar heating and cooling. Commercial preheating and evaporation.
Key concepts
• • • • • Light absorption and emission Heat radiation, conduction, convection Thermal cycles Role of thermodynamics in photovoltaics Role of thermodynamics in solar to fuel conversion
• Gasoline is a high specific energy fuel • Aluminum and other light metals are also good and are used in applications such as rockets, but they are harder to use in auto applications as they are solid at STP • All plastics are high specific energy • Biofuels, lipids, organic matter all have significant specific energy density
Basic Thermodynamics
First Law of Thermodynamic (energy conservation): DU=Q–W Change in internal energy = heat added - work done by the system Substance NH3 H2O H2O CO2 g l g g State ΔfG°(kcal/ mol) −3.976 −56.69 −54.64 −94.26
Burning of organic matter -> Carbon dioxide CO2 in the atmosphere is increased by burning coal, oil, gas, and also by deforrestation. CH4 is even worse
• Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes, John A Duffie and William A. Beckman, Wiley 2006 • Solar Energy, Principles of Thermal Collection and Storage, S.P. Sukhatme and J.K. Nayak, MacGraw-Hill, 2008. • Solar Trillions, 7 market and investment opportunities in the emerging clean-energy economy, Tony Seba, 2010. Four of these 7 opportunities are in Solar Thermal technologies. • Beyond Smoke and Mirrors, Climate Change and Energy in the 21st Century, Burton Richter, Cambridge, 2010