

















人教部编版2019-2020学年九年级下册语文第3单元第11课《送东阳马生序》同步练习B卷姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________一、基础知识积累与运用 (共11题;共24分)1. (2分)(2018·鄂州) 下列各组词语的字形及划线字的注音全部正确的一项是()A . 祈祷(dǎo)讪笑(shàn)瓦砾(lè)消声匿迹B . 愧怍(zuò)嗔怒(chēn)缄默(jiān)广袤无垠C . 蓦然(mù)迸溅(bèng)苋菜(xiàn)翻来复去D . 瞰望(kàn)荫庇(yīn)挑衅(xìn)相形见拙2. (2分)下面划线词意义相同的一组是()A . 舜发于畎亩之中野芳发而幽香B . 百里奚举于市今亡亦死,举大计亦死C . 故天将将大任于是人也故君子有不战,战必胜矣D . 入则无法家拂士随风潜入夜3. (2分)下列句子朗读节奏和重音划分有误的一项是()A . 天地开辟以后,天上/有了太阳、月亮和星星,地上/有了山川草木,甚至/有了鸟兽虫鱼了,可是/单单/没有人类。

B . 这世间,无论怎样说吧,总不免/显得/有些荒凉寂寞。

C . 藤条一挥,就有/好些活人出现,不久,大地上/就布满了/人类的踪迹。

D . 这些小人儿/在她的周围/跳跃/欢呼,使她/精神上有/说不出的/高兴和安慰。

4. (2分)下列加线词语属于词类活用的一项()A . 余幼时即嗜学B . 腰白玉之环C . 俟其欣悦,则又请焉D . 媵人持汤沃灌5. (2分)下列各组中划线字意义用法不同的一项是()A . 二者不可得兼,舍鱼而取熊掌者也。

B . 便舍船,从口入。

C . 屋舍俨然,有良田美池桑竹之属。

D . 舍生而取义者也。

6. (2分)对下面句子翻译有误的一项是()A . 故君子有不战,战必胜矣(所以君子不战则已,战就一定胜利)B . 三里之城,七里之郭(方圆三里那样的小城和方圆七里的大城)C . 委而去之(弃城而逃)D . 威天下不以兵革之利(不能只靠武力强大来震慑天下)。


今年旱田的亩数是:(230+35×2)÷ 2=150(亩)
第1讲 份数法 (二)以份数法解差倍应用题
【例题2】和平小学师生步行去春游。队伍走出10.5千米后,王东骑自行车去追赶, 经过1.5小时追上。已知王东骑自行车的速度是师生步行速度的2.4倍。王东和师 生每小时各行多少千米?(适于五年级程度)
【例题1】大、小两辆卡车同时载货从甲站出发,大卡车载货的重量是小卡车的3 倍。两车行至乙站时,大卡车增加了1400千克货物,小卡车增加了1300千克货物, 这时,大卡车的载货量变成小卡车的2倍。求两车出发时各载货物多少千克?(适 于五年级程度)【思路导航】
第1讲 份数法 (三)以份数法解变倍应用题
第1讲 份数法 (九)以份数法解几何题
【例题2】长方形长宽的比是7∶3。如果把长减少12厘米,把宽增加16厘米,那么这个长方形就变 成了一个正方形。求原来这个长方形的面积。(适于六年级程度)
第12讲 消元法(一)以同类数量相减的方法消元


❖ ① 是对呈示部主要主题关系的进一步明确,有两种情况很 典型:“”,把原来的并置关系变成对置关系;“AB”,平 分秋色;“ABAB……”,拉锯过程,伴随着结构的分裂。
❖ ② 场景、画面性描写:使原来不独立的某个部分变得更独 立,整个展开部像画面的转换。
❖ ⑶ 复制呈示部:按照呈示部的呈示部分一音不落地 依次展开,说明呈示部中的关系到这里还不能清晰, 主要矛盾不能清楚,关系很复杂。
❖ ⑴ 激化矛盾; ❖ ⑵ 发展形象; ❖ ⑶ 组织高潮。
❖ ⑴ 典型的展开部; ❖ ⑵ 插部; ❖ ⑶ 被省略的展开部:被省是整个展开部都没有了,
【美】柏西·该丘斯 著《大型曲式学》许勇三译 北京:人民音乐出版社1984年第二版
【美】麦克菲逊 著《曲式及其演进》陈洪 陈小兵 陈鸿铎 译 北京:人民音乐出版社1994年
吴祖强 编著《曲式与作品分析》北京:人民音乐出版社1962年 杨儒怀 著《音乐的分析与创作》北京:人民音乐出版社1995年 彭志敏 著《音乐分析基础教程》北京:人民音乐出版社1997年 谢功成 著《曲式学基础教程》 北京:人民音乐出版社1998年 钱仁康 钱亦平著《音乐作品分析教程》上海:上海音乐出版社2001年 张璟 编著《音乐作品分析实用教程》武汉:长江文艺出版社2003年 李吉提 著《曲式与作品分析》北京:中央民族大学出版社2003年 赵晓生 著《传统作曲技法》上海:上海音乐出版社2004年



走遍美国11-1,11-2,11-3A Big Fish in a Little PondACT IM: I really like this one Susan. Do you?S: Turn around, Michelle. Let me see the back of it. I like it a lot. It fits well. It doesn't need any alterations. We must've bought the right size.H: I like the color. She looks good in blue.M: I like blue, too, Daddy.S: Try on the skirt and blouse outfit, Michelle-- the one that Daddy wanted you to wear.M: OK.H: Michelle has been a different kid since we've been married. She's never been happier.S: And I've never been happier, Harry. I love her very much. She's been a joy.H: We're very lucky, the three of us and becoming part of the Stewart family, too.S: We couldn't ask for anything more, could we?H: Well ...S: Well ...? Could we ask for anything more?H: Well ... we ...M: How do you like it, Daddy?H: It's my favorite outfit.S: It's good for every day. It will be good for school, Michelle.M: I like it, too. I always like skirts that go like this. Do you want to see the winter jacket on me, Susan?S: Yes, I do. Change back into your jeans, and put on the new winter jacket we bought today. M: OK.S: What did you mean by "well ...?" You had something on your mind when I said we couldn't ask for anything more.M: Is everything all right?H: Everything is fine, Michelle.S: Let's take a look at the winter jacket. Come on over here, honey.M: It's kind of warm.S: It is. That's why we bought it for you. This will be a perfect jacket for the wintertime when it's very cold out. But it's kind of small also. We must've bought the wrong size.H: Looks like we should've bought a bigger one. I guess we'll have to exchange it, too. I'm sure M: the store has others I look silly! It is too small!S: You're growing so fast, Michelle.M: Can I take it off? I'm hot!S: Sure. Put it back in your room, and we'll hang everything up later. Well, are you going to tell me what's on your mind, Harry?H: I have been offered a job with a major accounting company in Los Angeles. I have been offered a job with a major accounting company in Los Angeles.S: Los Angeles? That's a big decision. Los AngelesH: I know. It will also affect you and your job, if we decide to go.S: Wow! It sure will. But first tell me about the job, Harry. If it's a good one, then we'll make it work for us.H: I have a client in the garment business, on Seventh Avenue. I do his taxes every year. He has a big sales office in Los Angeles, and the company in Los Angeles that does his major accounting work is looking for an executive. And he recommended me.S: That's wonderful, Harry.H: Yes, but it would mean that we'd have to move to L.A.S: What about the salary?H: The real discussion comes tomorrow. Susan, I don't plan to make any decisions until I have a chance to talk with you about it.S: I understand, Harry.H: And I don't have to make a quick decision. They know that I'm married and that I have a family.S: Well, there's a lot to think about. If it's a good job, then I've got to do some thinking about my career opportunities in Los Angeles.M: Is everything OK?S: Yes, honey.ACT IIG: Hello. Hello there. Are you ready for lunch with your grandpa?S: Oh! Hi, Grandpa. Yes, of course, I am, but my mind isn't.G: What's the matter, Susan?S: A real dilemma.G: Does it have anything to do with you and Harry?S: Yes, but I don't know where to start.G: Maybe I can help. Tell me what it is, Susan.S: Thanks, Grandpa. Please sit down. Oh! Harry has been offered a job in Los Angeles.G: Well, this is something to think about.S: There are so many things to consider. There's Michelle. I wonder if a move would be a bad thing for her. And my job. I don't know if I can get a good job in Los Angeles. And what about our family?G: Can I tell you what I think?S: Tell me.G: I think that you're very successful and that you have a fantastic reputation in the toy industry.I think you could talk to Mr. Marchetta, and I think he could help you find a real good job in Los Angeles. He was very helpful to me, remember?S: I suppose I could call him. But I'm not so sure that I want to leave New York, you, and the rest of our family.G: Well, I'm not going to kid you, Susan. You know we'd all miss you. But this should be your decision. It's something that only you and Harry can work out.S: If moving to L.A. is in Harry's best interest, I have to do what I can do to support him.G:S: And what about Michelle?G: Well, what do you think?S: I think Michelle is better off staying where she is.。

11-第3章 服务业运营

11-第3章 服务业运营

2. 斯金纳(Skinner)提出:集中式工 厂的观点,认为专注于某一领域会让工 人和管理层变得更有效率,并更容易成 功。即:集中式工厂可以通过效率、质 量或更低的成本更好地满足市场需求。
3.2.2 提高服务生产效率的策略
1.将非集中式的作业方式分解为几个稍小的单元, 每个单元之间设立缓冲带,这样每个单元就可以 实现集中生产。 2.可以用输入与输出的资源把技术核心包围起来, 借此缓冲外界因素的影响。例如:存货可以起到 缓冲的作用,帮助实现理想化工厂。 3.存货之外的其他策略:平滑管理、预测和配给
3.2 提高服务运营效率 的理论与方法
3.2.1 提高服务运营效率的理论 1. J.D.汤普森(Thompson )指出:有效率的生 产需要达到如下条件:市场以持续不变的速度 吸纳单一的产品;原材料可以维持稳定的比率 和特定的质量,即企业的核心技术如果避免了 资源输入与输出两个方面波动的干扰,专心运 营可以创造出许多管理方面的效率与优势。 (显然理想状况即使在生产型企业也是不存在 的。 )
需求的多样性 高 低 顺序定制: 汽车修理、保洁 高

互惠式: 医疗护理、高等教 育 集中式: 顺序标准化: 银行、剧院、快餐 洗衣房、超市
需求的多样性水平低,客户意图不明确。劳动分 工明确,几乎无客户定制要求。如,洗衣店、自 选商店 和汽车租赁机构 需求的多样性程度高,意图不明确,服务中接 触程度高,服务人员角色重要。例如,咨询服 务、医疗保健和高等教育。 顺序定制化:需求多样性高,客户意图可预测, 可以进行安全可靠的定制服务 需求多样性水平低,意图明确,定制水平低, 大部分工作由后台工作人员完成。例如,银行、 航空公司和快餐店。

2015-2016学年高中化学人教版选修五习题 课时作业11-第3章-第2节-醛

2015-2016学年高中化学人教版选修五习题 课时作业11-第3章-第2节-醛

第二节醛课时作业(十一) [学业水平层次1.下列关于醛的说法中正确的是( ) A .所有醛中都含醛基和烃基B .所有醛都会使溴水和KMnO 4酸性溶液褪色,并能发生银镜反应C .一元醛的分子式符合C n H 2n O 的通式D .醛的官能团是—COH【解析】 醛分子中都含有醛基(—CHO),醛基有较强的还原性,可还原溴水和KMnO 4酸性溶液。

甲醛中无烃基,只有饱和一元醛的通式为C n H 2n O 。

【答案】 B2.下列物质与水的混合物可以用分液漏斗分离的是( ) A .酒精 B .乙醛 C .蚁醛D .溴苯【解析】 酒精、乙醛、蚁醛均易溶于水,不能用分液漏斗与水分离。

【答案】 D3.乙醛蒸气跟氢气的混合物,通过灼热的镍催化剂时就发生反应生成乙醇,此反应属于( )A .取代反应B .消去反应C .加聚反应D .还原反应【解析】 乙醛催化加氢,断裂键中的一个键,C 原子上加一个H ,O 原子上加一个H ,生成乙醇,此反应又称为还原反应。

【答案】 D4.下列4个化学反应中,与其他3个反应类型不同的是( ) A .CH 3CHO +2Cu(OH)2+NaOH ――→△CH 3COONa +Cu 2O↓+3H 2O B .CH 3CH 2OH +CuO ――→△CH 3CHO +Cu +H 2O C .2CH 2===CH 2+O 2――→催化剂△2CH 3CHOD .CH 3CH 2OH +HBr ―→CH 3CH 2Br +H 2O【解析】 选项A 、B 、C 中的反应均为氧化反应;选项D 中的反应为取代反应。

【答案】 D5.下列反应中,属于氧化反应的是( ) ①CH 2===CH 2+H 2――→催化剂CH 3CH 3 ②2CH 3CHO +O 2――→催化剂△2CH 3COOH③CH 3CHO +2Cu(OH)2+NaOH ――→△CH 3COONa +Cu 2O↓+3H 2O ④CH 3CHO +H 2――→催化剂△CH 3CH 2OHA .①②B .②③C .③④D .①④【解析】 有机物加氧去氢的反应是氧化反应,故②、③中发生的是氧化反应,有机物加氢去氧的反应是还原反应,则①、④中发生的反应是还原反应。

实验3-11 RLC电路的暂态特性

实验3-11 RLC电路的暂态特性

实验3-11 RLC 电路的暂态特性在阶跃电压作用下,RLC 串联电路由一个平衡态跳变到另一个平衡态,这一转变过程称为暂态过程。


RLC 电路的暂态特性在实际工作中十分重要,例如在脉冲电路中经常遇到元件的开关特性和电容充放电的问题;在电子技术中常利用暂态特性来改善波形。


【实验目的】1.观测RC 、RL 及RLC 电路的暂(瞬)态过程,加深对电容、电感特性的认识和对时间常数RC 、RLR L 2、的理解。

2.分别观测RLC 串联电路三种阻尼暂态过程,掌握其形成和转化条件。







1. RC 串联电路的暂态过程RC 电路暂态过程可以分为充电过程和放电过程,首先研究充电过程。

图3-11-2为研究RC 暂态过程的电路。

当开关K 接到“1”点时,电源E 通过电阻R 对C 充电,此充电过程满足如下方程E Cqdt dq R=+ (3-11-1) 式中:q 是电容C 上的电荷,dtdq是电路中的电流。

考虑初始条件t=0,00=q ,便得到它的解为 )1(/RC t e CE q --= (3-11-2)因而有图3-11-1 图3-11-2)1(/RC t C e E Cqu --==(3-11-3) RC t e RE dt dq i /-== (3-11-4)RC t R Ee i R u /-== (3-11-5)以上四式都是指数形式,我们只需观测电容电压C u 随时间的变化规律,就可以了解其余三个量随时间的变化规律。



正保远程教育旗下品牌网站 美国纽交所上市公司(NYSE:DL)自考365 中国权威专业的自考辅导网站官方网站: 高等教育自学考试辅导《企业会计学》第十一章第一节讲义3收入10.特殊销售业务的处理(1)托收承付方式销售商品收入确认时点:办妥托收手续时确认收入[例11-3](245)甲公司为增值税一般纳税人。


开出的增值税专用发票注明:售价500 000元,增值税税额85 000元。

该批商品的实际成本为300 000元。


[答疑编号111110207]『正确答案』借:应收账款——乙公司 585 000贷:主营业务收入 500 000应交税费——应交增值税(销项税额) 85 000同时,借:主营业务成本 300 000贷:库存商品 300 000(2)代销商品①视同买断方式视同买断方式指商品的实际售价由受托代销方自行决定,委托方按合同或协议收取代销货款,实际售价或协议之间的差额归受托方所有。










Mr的左主对角线上全是1并且关于左 主对角线是对称的,可见关系R是相 容关系。
根据相容关系的关系矩阵共同特征,为了减少储存量,并使书写简化,可采 用梯子形状标出左主对角线以下元素,也可以反映出相容关系的关系矩阵。 由于r的关系图上每一点都有指向自身的弧,可以略 去不画,r又具有对称性,因此两点之间如果有一点 指向另一点的弧,必有方向相反的另一弧存在,此 时就简化为一条无箭头的边,故相容关系的简化关 系图就表现为,无自身回路的无向图,
1、定义3-11.4:在集合A上的给定相容关系r,其最 大相容类的集合称作集合A的完全覆盖,记作Cr(A)。 2、定理3-11.2:设C={C1 , C2 ,… , Cr}是集合A的覆 盖,由C决定的关系 R=(C1×C1)(C2×C2)…(Cr×Cr) 是 A 上 的 一 个 相 容 关系。 3 、定理 3-11.3 : 集合 A 上的相容关系 r 与完全覆盖 Cr(A)存在一一对应。
3-11 相容关系(与覆盖有关)
学习相容关系的原因:集合的分划与等价关系是紧 密相关的,但等价关系的传递性是个较麻烦的问题, 在实际问题中往往有些关系不具有传递性,例如朋 友关系、父子关系等就不具有传递性,又如关系数 据库中考虑元组运算时还要排除传递性。本节介绍 一种应用广泛的新的关系-相容关系。 要求:掌握相容关系、相容类、最大相容类、完全 覆盖的概念,会求由相容关系r产生的相容类、最大 相容类Cr以及集合的完全覆盖Cr(A) 。
x1 x2 x3 x4 x5
CA,如果对于C中任意两个元素a1、a2有a1ra2, 称C是由相容关系r产生的相容类。

机械设计基础 第3版 教学课件 ppt 作者 王大康 11-14 第十一章 轴

机械设计基础 第3版 教学课件 ppt 作者 王大康 11-14 第十一章  轴

1. 轴颈—与轴承配合的轴段。 2. 轴头—与传动零件配合的轴段。 3. 轴身—连接轴颈与轴头的轴段。
轴颈 轴头
1. 轴颈—与轴承配合的轴段。 2. 轴头—与传动零件配合的轴段。 3. 轴身—连接轴颈与轴头的轴段。
(1)轴和轴上零件要有准确的工作位置且定位可靠; (2)轴上零件应便于装拆和调整;
一般使用转速为800~3600r/min ,小尺寸挠性轴可达 20000r/min。
2. 按承受载荷分 (1)心轴:工作时只受弯矩的轴。
a) 转动心轴:轴的弯曲应力为对称循环应力。 b)固定心轴:轴的弯曲应力为静应力。
心轴 a) 转动心轴 b) 固定心轴
(6)为减少加工刀具的种类,轴上的倒角、圆角的尺 寸应尽量一致。
(7)对制造精度要求高的轴,轴的两端应加工中心孔, 作为加工和检验的基准。 4. 提高轴的强度 多数轴受变应力作用, 故易发生疲劳破坏。设计 时应从结构上减小应力集 中。 (1)轴肩处应有较大 的过渡圆角,必要时可采 用内凹圆角或隔离环。
1. 轴径的初步计算,以确定轴的最小直径;
2. 确定各轴段的直径和长度,进行轴的结构设计;
3. 轴的强度验算,根据验算结果调整轴的结构和尺寸;
4. 完成轴的设计。 轴的结构设计通常是经过初步计算,确定轴的最小 直径后进行的。影响轴结构的因素很多,轴的结构需在 设计中依具体情况确定,所以轴没有标准的结构形式。

轴是组成机器的重要零件,轴的设计、制造质量直接影 响机器的工作质量和性能。 轴的作用: 1. 支承回转零件,使其具有确定的工作位置。

托福备考托福阅读34套TPO样题+解析+译文11--3 Begging by Nestlings

托福备考托福阅读34套TPO样题+解析+译文11--3 Begging by Nestlings

托福考试 复习托福阅读TPO11(试题+答案+译文)第3篇:Begging by Nestlings托福阅读原文Many signals that animals make seem to impose on the signalers costs that are overly damaging. A classic example is noisy begging by nestling songbirds when a parent returns to the nest with food. These loud cheeps and peeps might give the location of the nest away to a listening hawk or raccoon, resulting in the death of the defenseless nestlings. In fact, when tapes of begging tree swallows were played at an artificial swallow nest containing an egg, the egg in that “noisy” nest was taken or destroyed by predators before the egg in a nearby quiet nest in 29 of 37 trials.Further evidence for the costs of begging comes from a study of differences in the begging calls of warbler species that nest on the ground versus those that nest in the relative safety of trees. The young of ground-nesting warblers produce begging cheeps of higher frequencies than do their tree-nesting relatives. These higher-frequency sounds do not travel as far, and so may better conceal the individuals producing them, who are especially vulnerable to predators in their ground nests. David Haskell created artificial nests with clay eggs and placed them on the ground beside a tape recorder that played the begging calls of eithertree-nesting or of ground-nesting warblers. The eggs “advertised” by the tree-nesters' begging calls were found bitten significantly more often than the eggs associated with the ground-nesters' calls.The hypothesis that begging calls have evolved properties that reduce their potential for attracting predators yields a prediction: baby birds of species that experience high rates of nest predation should produce softer begging signals of higher frequency than nestlings of other species less often victimized by nest predators. This prediction was supported by data collected in one survey of 24 species from an Arizona forest, more evidence that predator pressure favors the evolution of begging calls that are hard to detect and pinpoint.Given that predators can make it costly to beg for food, what benefit do begging nestlings derive from their communications? One possibility is that a noisy baby bird provides accurate signals of its real hunger and good health, making it worthwhile for the listening parent to give it food in a nest where several other offspring are usually available to be fed. If this hypothesis is true, then it follows that nestlings should adjust the intensity of their signals in relation to the signals produced by their nestmates, who are competing for parental attention. When experimentally deprived baby robins are placed in a nest with normally fed siblings, the hungry nestlings beg more loudly than usual—but so do their better-fed siblings, though not as loudly as the hungrier birds.If parent birds use begging intensity to direct food to healthy offspring capable of vigorous begging, then parents should make food delivery decisions on the basis of their offsprings’ c alls. Indeed, if you take baby tree swallows out of a nest for an hour feeding half the set and starving the other half, when the birds are replaced in the nest, the starved youngsters beg more loudly than the fed birds, and the parent birds feed the active beggars more than those who beg less vigorously.As these experiments show, begging apparently provides a signal of need that parents use to make judgments about which offspring can benefit most from a feeding. But the question arises, why don't nestlings beg loudly when they aren't all that hungry? By doing so, they could possibly secure more food, which should result in more rapid growth or larger size, either of which is advantageous. The answer lies apparently not in the increased energy costs of exaggerated begging—such energy costs are small relative to the potential gain in calories—but rather in the damage that any successful cheater would do to its siblings, which share genes with one another. An individual's success in propagating his or her genes can be affected by more than just his or her own personal reproductive success. Because close relatives have many of the same genes, animals that harm their close relatives may in effect be destroying some of their own genes. Therefore, a begging nestling that secures food at the expense of its siblings might actually leave behind fewer copies of itsgenes overall than it might otherwise.托福阅读试题1.The phrase “impose on” in the passage(Paragraph 1)is closest in meaning toA.increase forB. remove fromC.place onD.distribute to2.According to paragraph 1, the experiment with tapes of begging tree swallows establishes which of the following?A.Begging by nestling birds can attract the attention of predators to the nest.B.Nest predators attack nests that contain nestlings more frequently than they attack nests that contain only eggs.C.Tapes of begging nestlings attract predators to the nest less frequently than real begging calls do.D.Nest predators have no other means of locating bird nests except the begging calls of nestling birds.3.The word “artificial”(Paragraph 2)in the passage is closest in meaning toA.attractiveB. not realC. short-termD.well designed4.Paragraph 2 indicates that the begging calls of tree nesting warblersA.put them at more risk than ground-nesting warblers experienceB.can be heard from a greater distance than those of ground-nesting warblersC.are more likely to conceal the signaler than those of ground-nesting warblersD.have higher frequencies than those of ground-nesting warblers5.The experiment described in paragraph 2 supports which of the following conclusions?A.Predators are unable to distinguish between the begging cheeps of ground-nesting and those of tree-nesting warblers except by the differing frequencies of the calls.B.When they can find them, predators prefer the eggs of tree-nesting warblers to those of ground-nesting warblers.C.The higher frequencies of the begging cheeps of ground-nesting warblers are an adaptation to the threat that ground-nesting birds face from predators.D. The danger of begging depends more on the frequency of the beggingcheep than on how loud it is.6.The word “prediction” in the passage(Paragraph 3)is closest in meaning toA. surpriseB.discoveryC.explanationD.expectation7.The word “pinpoint” in the passage(Paragraph 3)is closest in meaning toA.observeB.locate exactlyC. copy accuratelyD. recognize8.The word “derive” in the passage(Paragraph 4)is closest in meaning toA.requireB.gainC. useD.produce9.In paragraphs 4 and 5, what evidence supports the claim that the intensity of nestling begging calls is a good indicator of which offspring in a nest would most benefit from a feeding?A.When placed in a nest with hungry robins, well-fed robins did not beg for food.B. Among robin nestlings, the intensity of begging decreased the more the nestlings were fed.C. Hungry tree swallow nestlings begged louder than well-fed nestlings in the same nest.D. Hungry tree swallow nestlings continued to beg loudly until they were fed whereas well-fed nestlings soon stopped begging.10.It can be inferred from paragraphs 4 and 5 that parent songbirds normally do not feedA. nestlings that are too weak to beg for food as vigorously as their nestmatesB. more than one hungry nestling during a single visit to the nestC.offspring that were fed by the parents on the previous visit to the nestD. nestlings that have been removed and then later put back into their nest11.In paragraph 6, the author compares the energy costs of vigorous begging with the potential gain in calories from such begging in order to A.explain why begging for food vigorously can lead to faster growth and increased sizeB.explain how begging vigorously can increase an individual’s chance of propagating its own genesC. point out a weakness in a possible explanation for why nestlings do not always beg vigorouslyD.argue that the benefits of vigorous begging outweigh any possible disadvantages12.According to paragraph 6, which of the following explains the fact thata well-fed nestling does not beg loudly for more food?A.There is no benefit for a nestling to get more food than it needs to survive.B.By begging loudly for food it does not need, a nestling would unnecessarily expose itself to danger from predators.C.If a nestling begs loudly when it is not truly hungry, then when it is truly hungry its own begging may be drowned out by that of its well-fed siblings.D.More of a nestling's genes will be passed to the next generation if its hungry siblings get enough food to survive.13. Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage. Where would the sentence best fit? The cheeping provides important information to the parent, but it could also attract the attention of others.Many signals that animals make seem to impose on the signalers costs that are overly damaging. ■【A】A classic example is noisy begging by nestling songbirds when a parent returns to the nest with food. ■【B】These loud cheeps and peeps might give the location of the nest away to a listening hawk or raccoon, resulting in the death of the defenseless nestlings. ■【C】In fact, when tapes of begging tree swallows were played at an artificial swallow nest containing an egg, the egg in that “noisy”nest was taken or destroyed by predators before the egg in a nearby quiet nest in 29 of 37 trials. ■【D】14. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points.Experiments have shed much light on the begging behaviors of baby songbirds.A.Songbird species that are especially vulnerable to predators have evolved ways of reducing the dangers associated with begging calls.B.Song bird parents focus their feeding effort on the nestlings that beg loudest for food.C.It is genetically disadvantageous for nestlings to behave as if they are really hungry when they are not really hungry.D.The begging calls of songbird nestlings provide a good example of overly damaging cost to signalers of signaling.E.The success with which songbird nestlings communicate their hunger to their parents is dependent on the frequencies of the nestlings' begging calls.F.Songbird nestlings have evolved several different ways to communicate the intensity of their hunger to their parents.托福阅读答案1.impose on施加影响,强迫,所以答案place on施加是正确答案。



则当x 2 y 2 0时,
设 L 所围区域为D,
y L
(1) 当(0,0) D时, 由格林公式知
41 - 14
Monday, January 25, 2016
例4. 计算
的分段光滑正向闭曲线. (2) 当(0,0) D时, 在D 内作圆周l : x 2 y 2 r 2 ,取逆时 针方向, 记 L 和 l ¯ 所围的区域为 D1 , 对区域 D1 应用格 林公式 , 得
和任一点B( x, y ), 因曲线积分
B( x, y )
A( x0 , y0 )
( x x , y ) ( x, y )
C ( x x, y )

x u u( x x, y) u ( x, y )

( x x , y ) ( x, y )
Pd x Qd y
41 - 12
Monday, January 25, 2016
例3. 计算
其中D 是以 O(0,0) , A(1,1) ,
B(0,1) 为顶点的三角形闭域 . 可以直接用二重积分来计算 解: 令P 0, Q x e
B(0,1) A(1,1)
1 x2
Q( x, y )d y
Q( x, y )d y

41 - 5
Monday, January 25, 2016

3-11 相容关系

3-11 相容关系

2,定理 ,定理3-11.2:给定集合 的覆盖 :给定集合A的覆盖 {A1,A2,…,An},由它确定的关系 , },由它确定的关系 R=A1×A1∪A2×A2∪…∪An×An是相容关系. 是相容关系. 例如, 例如,设A={1,2,3,4}, , , , , 集合{{1, , , , 和 集合 ,2,3},{3,4}}和 {{1,2},{2,3},{1,3},{3,4}} , , , , , , , 都是A的覆盖, 都是 的覆盖,但它们可以产生相同的相容关系 的覆盖 R={<1,1>,<1,2>,<2,1>,<2,2>,<2,3>,<3, , , , , , , , , , , , 2>,<1,3>,<3,1>,<3,3>,<4,4>,<3,4>, , , , , , , , , , , , <4,3>} ,
3,定理3-11.1:设R为有限集A上的相容关系,C是一个 上的相容关系, 相容类, 相容类,那么必存在一个最大相容类CR,使得CCR. 证明: 证明:设A={a1,a2,……,an},构造相容类序列 , , C0 C1 C2 ……, 其中C0= C , 其中 是满足a 且Ci+1= Ci ∪ {aj},其中 是满足 j Ci而aj与Ci中各元素 ,其中j是满足 都有相容关系的最小足标. 都有相容关系的最小足标. 由于A的元素个数 由于 的元素个数|A|=n,所以至多经过 的元素个数 ,所以至多经过n-|C|步,就使这 步 个过程终止,而此序列的最后一个相容类, 个过程终止,而此序列的最后一个相容类,就是所要找的 最大相容类. 最大相容类.
























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对任意固定的 j ( = 1, 2, 3, 4), 极限 lim pij ( n) 都不存在 .
n→ ∞
此链不具遍历性. 此链不具遍历性
在直线上带有反射壁的随机游动, 例4 在直线上带有反射壁的随机游动 如果质点只 能取1, 三个点, 能取 2, 3三个点 一步转移概率矩阵为 三个点
q P = q 0
使对任意的 ai , a j ∈ I , 都有
Pij ( m ) > 0, i , j = 1, 2,, N ,
则此链具有遍历性 , 且有极限分布 π = ( π1 , π 2 ,, π N ), 它是方程组 π = πP满足条件 π j > 0, ∑ π j = 1 的唯一解 .
j =1 N

可计算得 P ( 3) = P 3无零元 . 链是遍历的 链是遍历的.
极限分布 π = ( π 0 , π1 , π 2 , π 3 )满足方程组 :
π0 = (1 q)π0 + p(1 q)π1, π = qπ + [ pq + (1 p)(1 q)]π (1 q)π , 0 1 2 1 π2 = q(1 p)π1 + [ pq + (1 p)(1 q)]π2 + p(1 q)π3 , π = q(1 p)π + [ pq + 1 p)]π , 2 3 3 π0 + π1 + π2 + π3 = 1.
1. 求证遍历性即找一正整 数 m , 使 m 步转移概率
矩阵 P 无零元 .
2. 极限分布转化为了求解方程组 极限分布转化为了求解方程组. 3. 在定理的条件下马氏链的极限分布是平稳分布 在定理的条件下马氏链的极限分布是平稳分布.
试说明带有两个反射壁的随机游动是遍历的, 例1 试说明带有两个反射壁的随机游动是遍历的 并求其极限分布(平稳分布). 并求其极限分布(平稳分布) 解
× × 4 P (4) = P = × 0 0
× × = × × ×
× × × × 0
× × × × ×
0 × × × ×
0 × 0 × × × × 0 × 0
× × × × 0
× × × × ×
0 × × × ×
0 0 × × ×
× × × × 无零元,链是遍历的 × × × × 无零元 链是遍历的 × × × × . × × × × × × × ×
结论 经过相当长的时间以后, 经过相当长的时间以后 系统中无人的情形 的时间, 而系统中有一人, 二人, 约占 14% 的时间 而系统中有一人, 二人, 三 的时间. 人的情形约各占 29% 的时间
例3 设一马氏链的一步转移概率阵为
0 1 / 2 0 1 / 2 1 / 2 0 1 / 2 0 , P= 0 1 / 2 0 1 / 2 1 / 2 0 1 / 2 0
出发, 态 i出发 通过长时间的转移到达状态 j 的概率都趋 出发
近于 π .
定义 设齐次马氏链的状态空 间为 I , 若对于所有
的ai , a j ∈ I , 转移概率 Pij ( n)存在极限
(不依赖于 i ) n→ ∞ π1 π 2 π π 2 1 或 P ( n) = P n → ( n→ ∞ ) π1 π 2 则称此链具有遍历性 遍历性. 则称此链具有遍历性
(以 × 代表转移概率矩阵的正 的元 )
0 × = 0 0 0 × 0 0 0 0 × × 0 0 × × × × 0 0 0 × × × 0 0 0 × 0 0 × 0 0 0 × × 0 0 × × × 0 0 × × × 0 0 × 0
P ( 2) = P 2
ai , a j ∈ I , 转移概率 Pij ( n)存在极限
lim Pij ( n) = π j
n→ ∞
(不依赖于 i ),
则称此链具有遍历性. 则称此链具有遍历性
(有限链 遍历性的充分条件 有限链) 有限链
设齐次马氏链的状态空 间为 I = {a1 , a2 ,, a N },
P 是它的一步转移概率矩 阵 , 如果存在正整数 m ,
由前四个方程解得 : 3π1 = π 2 = π 3 = π 4 = 3π 5 .
归一条件), 代入最后一个方程 (归一条件 得唯一解 归一条件
π1 = π 5 = 1 / 11, π 2 = π 3 = π 4 = 3 / 11.
π = (1 / 11, 3 / 11, 3 / 11, 3 / 11, 1 / 11) .
+ pq 2 (1 q )(1 p ) + q 3 (1 p )2 .
若取 p = q = 1 / 2, 可得
π 0 = 1 / 7 ≈ 0.14, π1 = π 2 = π 3 = 2 / 7 ≈ 0.29 ,
极限分布为 π = (1 / 7, 2 / 7, 2 / 7, 2 / 7 ) .
试讨论它的遍历性. 试讨论它的遍历性 1 / 2 0 1 / 2 0 0 1 / 2 0 1 / 2 , 解 P ( 2) = P 2 = 1 / 2 0 1 / 2 0 0 1 / 2 0 1 / 2
当 n 为奇数时 , 当 n 为偶数时 ,
P ( n) = P (1) = P , P ( n) = P ( 2).
lim Pij ( n) = π j
π j π j π j
若∑ π j = 1, 则称π = ( π1 , π 2 ,)为链的极限分布 .
二,(有限链)遍历性的充分条件 有限链)
设齐次马氏链的状态空 间为 I = { a1 , a2 ,, a N } ,
P 是它的一步转移概率矩 阵 , 如果存在正整数 m ,
0 1 3 2 P = P P = 0 1 q 0
可推出 P 2 n1 = P ,
( 显然 lim pijn ) n→ ∞
p 0 = P, p
q 0 = 0 1 q 0 p 0 , p
P 2n
因此此链不是遍历链. 因此此链不是遍历链
设齐次马氏链的状态空 间为 I , 若对于所有的
极限分布 π = ( π1 , π 2 ,, π 5 )满足方程组 :
π1 = 1 / 3π 2 , π = π + 1 / 3π + 3 / π , 1 2 3 2 π 3 = 1 / 3π 2 + 1 / 3π 3 + 1 / 3π 4 π 4 = 1 / 3π 3 + 1 / 3π 4 + π 5 π 5 = 1 / 3π 4 , π 1 + π 2 + π 3 + π 4 + π 5 = 1.
试说明带有两个反射壁的随机游动是遍历的, 例1 试说明带有两个反射壁的随机游动是遍历的 并求其极限分布(平稳分布). 并求其极限分布(平稳分布) 解
(以 × 代表转移概率矩阵的正 的元 ) × × × 0 0 × × × × 0 2 P ( 2) = P = × × × × × , 0 × × × × 0 0 × × ×
使对任意的 ai , a j ∈ I , 都有
Pij ( m ) > 0, i , j = 1, 2,, N ,
则此链具有遍历性 , 且有极限分布 π = ( π1 , π 2 ,, π N ) , 它是方程组 π = πP 满足条件 π j > 0, ∑ π j = 1 的唯一解 .
j =1 N
一,遍历性的概念 二,(有限链)遍历性的充分条件 有限链) 三,应用举例 四,小结
对于一般的两个状态的马氏链, 由上节内容可知, 对于一般的两个状态的马氏链 由上节内容可知
当 0 < a , b < 1时, Pij ( n)有极限
b lim P00 ( n) = lim P10 ( n) = = π0 . n→ ∞ n→ ∞ a+b a lim P01 ( n) = lim P11 ( n) = = π1 . n→ ∞ n→ ∞ a+b 意义 对固定的状态 不管链在某一时刻的什么状 对固定的状态j,不管链在某一时刻的什么 不管链在某一时刻的什么状
解之, 解之 得唯一解
π 0 = p 3 (1 q )3 / C , π1 = p 2q(1 q )2 / C , π 2 = pq 2 (1 q((1 p ) / C , π 3 = q 3 (1 p )2 / C ,
其中 C = p 3 (1 q )3 + p 2q(1 q )2
在直线上带有完全反射壁的随机游动, 例5 在直线上带有完全反射壁的随机游动 如果质 点只能取1, 三个点, 点只能取 2, 3三个点 一步转移概率矩阵为 三个点
0 1 P = q 0 0 1
讨论它是否为遍历链. 讨论它是否为遍历链 解
p p , 0
q 2 + pq pq p2 二步转移 2 概率矩阵 P 2 = q 2 2 pq p , q2 pq q 2 + pq
这个分布表明 这个分布表明 经过长时间游动之后, 经过长时间游动之后 醉汉 Q 位于点 2 (或 3 或 4 ) 或 的概率约为 3/11, 位于点 1 (或 5) 的概率约为 1/11. 或
试说明排队模型中的链是遍历的, 例2 试说明排队模型中的链是遍历的 并求其极限 分布. 分布 解 由此问题的一步转移概率矩阵P 由此问题的一步转移概率矩阵 ,
讨论它是否为遍历链. 讨论它是否为遍历链 解
p 0 q
Hale Waihona Puke 0 p , p q 2 + pq pq p2 2 2 2 P = q 2 pq p , q2 pq q 2 + pq