







A.个人互换B.公司之间互换C.地区互换D.社会整体互换参照答案:D5. 市场营销学作为一门独立的经营管理学科出生于20世纪初的_________。





参照答案:√10. 互换是一个过程。



A.政府民众B.媒介民众C.融资民众D.民众集体参照答案:C2. 与公司密切相联,直接影响公司营销能力的各样参加者,被称为A.营销环境B.宏观营销环境C.微观营销环境_________。






对外经济贸易大学2003─2004学年第二学期《营销学原理》期末考试试卷(A卷)课程代码及课序号:MKT206-1、2、3、4、5、6、7学号: 姓 名: 成 绩: 班级: 课序号: 任课教师:题号I II III IV V 合计分值注意事项:1.本试卷考试时间为120分钟;2.请使用中文或英文答卷;3.本试卷满分为100分,占本课程总评成绩的50%;4.禁止使用计算器、快译通等电子设备和各类字典。

I. Multiple Choice: (For each question, only one choice iscorrect, 20 points) Score:( ) 1. A firm that compares its own operations with those of a leading competitor is engaging in:a. copyingb. a parallel strategyc. benchmarkingd. none of the above( ) 2. There are 24 million left-handed people in the United States. However, most marketers do not attempt to appeal to or design products forthis group because there is little census data about it. This group,therefore, is not a(n) ___________ segment.a. actionableb. substantialc. differentiabled. measurable( ) 3. The totality of features and characteristics of a product that bear onits ability to satisfy stated or implied needs is called:a. value.b. quality.c. the core product.d. none of the above.( ) 4. An industry characterized by many buyers and sellers trading a homogeneous commodity, where no single buyer or seller has muchinfluence on the going market price, operates in:a. pure competition.b. monopolistic competition.c. target profit pricing.d. monopoly.( ) 5. ______ data have the characteristics of being relatively cheap and quick to obtain.a. Syndicatedb. Market intelligencec. Primaryd. Secondary( ) 6. Promotion, contact, and matching are all functions of:a. branding.b. the distribution channel.c. test marketing.d. logistics.( ) 7. The performance a consumer perceives in a product relative to her expectations is the source of:a. customer satisfaction.b. customer value.c. customer demand.d. customer need.( ) 8. A good, though expensive, sales-promotion tool to use to introduce a new consumer product, such as a bath soap, is:a. coupons.b. samples.c. premiums.d. contests.( ) 9. _________ provide the resources that a company needs to produce goods and services.a. Distributorsb. Banksc. Suppliersd. Resellers( ) 10. The ______ is all the actors and forces outside marketing that effecta marketer's ability to develop and maintain successful relationshipswith target customers.a. microenvironmentb. external environmentc. marketing environmentd. macroenvironment( ) 11. _____ are people who have so many resources that they can indulge in many pursuits.a. Fulfilledsb. Achieversc. Actualizersd. Experiencers( ) 12. A _____ sales force structure is built around the individual lines produced by a company.a. productb. customerc. territoriald. consumer( ) 13. The ___________________ are skeptical and they adopt an innovative product only after a majority of people have tried it.a. early adoptersb. early majorityc. late majorityd. laggards( ) 14. The main difference between merchant wholesalers and agents and brokers is that:a. merchant wholesalers take title to the goods they sell while agentsand brokers do not.b. agents and brokers take title to the goods they sell while merchantwholesalers do not.c. merchant wholesalers represent buyers while agents and brokersrepresent sellers.d. agents and brokers do not have to worry about store atmospherewhile merchant wholesalers do.( ) 15. A _____ produces a lot of funds that a business uses to pay its bills and support other business areas that need investment.a. dogb. cash cowc. stard. question mark( ) 16. The proper order of the traditional product life-cycle is:a. introduction, growth, maturity, decline.b. introduction, maturity, growth, decline.c. decline, maturity, growth, introduction.d. introduction, decline, growth, maturity.( ) 17. Any paid form of nonpersonal communication is known as:a. publicity.b. sales promotions.c. advertising.d. personal selling.( ) 18. Your SUVs quickly grow popular because your first-rate engineers designed vehicles, which, in virtually every case, perform at the levelyour marketers claim they will. In other words, your SUVs possesshigh:a. performance quality.b. brand quality.c. conformance quality.d. extension quality.( ) 19. You market air-conditioning systems and their servicing to businesses. One of your long-time clients has built a new wing on itsoffice building and wants your firm to upgrade its old system andextend the upgraded system into the new wing. Your client has madewhat sort of buying decision?a. straight rebuyb. new-taskc. system buyd. modified rebuy( ) 20. Shirtco, a manufacturer of men's fashion shirts, has experienced an increase in demand for its product line, and the sales forecastindicates a continued upward trend during the next season. The bestseller in the line is made from a special fabric produced by only onesupplier, who has just raised prices by 20%. Fabric represents 15%of the production cost of the shirt. Another textile mill offers tosupply fabric of comparable quality, but different material, at oldprice. Market research indicates the new fabric would be acceptedby consumers, but several changes would be required in production.Shirtco selects to buy the old fabric from the old supplier at thehigher price. This is an example ofa. short-run inelasticity.b. acceleration principle.c. derived demand.d. professional purchasing.II. True or False (10points) Score:()1. You want to start an online bookstore. Because every person effectively constitutes a market, you can target them through mass marketing, offeringeach customer a product that suits his or her needs.()2. Market nichers serve small segments not served by other firms.()3. The aim of total quality management (TQM) is to ensure that products are completely free of defects (缺陷).()4. Maintaining top-of-mind product awareness is the purpose of reminder advertising.()5. The majority of companies use a straight salary compensation plan.()6. Social class is determined only by one's income.()7. Convenience stores are now trying to change their image and attract more female customers.()8. The actual product consists of the brand name, features, quality level, and packaging.()9. The final step in new-product development is commercialization.()10. All the organizations that buy goods and services either for resale or rental, or that produce other goods and services, are called the businessmarket.III. Define the following concepts briefly. (12 points)Score:1.Marketing (3 points)2.Strategic business unit (SBU) (3 points)3.Marketing information system (MIS) (3 points)4.Opinion leader (3 points)IV. Answer the following questions briefly. (18 points)Score:1.What are the basic differences between selling concept and marketing concept? (6 points)2.Describe the kinds of horizontal (横向)and vertical (纵向)channel conflict that might occur in the automobile industry? (6 points)3.Classify and explain the advertising objectives by its primary purpose. (6 points)V. C ase Analysis(40 points) Score:1. (20 points)Suppose a mobile phone manufacturer has the following costs and expected price:Variable cost $50Fixed costs $1,000,000Expected price $100Now answer the following questions:(1)Suppose the manufacturer wants to breakeven, that is, for total revenue to covertotal cost, at least how many units of the phone must be sold at this price? (7points)(2)Calculate the total revenue at the breakeven point. (6 points)(3)If the manufacture wants to make a target profit of $500,000, how many units ofthe phone must be sold at this price? (7 points)2. Product Mix of Unilever China (20 points)Product line managers are often concerned with managing the length, width and consistency of their product lines. Some companies have very wide product mix, while others have narrow but long product lines. The following table illustrates the product mix of Unilever China.Category Brand Hair Care Lux (力士), Hazeline (夏士莲)Skin Care Hazeline (夏士莲), Pond’s (玉兰由), Dove (多芬), Vaseline (凡士林) Personal Cleaning Lux (力士), Dove (多芬)Oral Care Zhonghua (中华), Signal (洁诺)Ice Cream Wall’s (和路雪)(立顿), Jinghua (京华)Tea Lipton(家乐), Laocai (老蔡)Savory (调味品) KnorrSpreads & DressingsSkippy (四季宝), Hellmann (好乐门)(食伴酱)(奥妙), Comfort (金纺)Laundry (洗衣) OmoNow answer the following questions:1) Define the width, length, and consistency of a product mix. Describe the productmix of Unilever China in terms of width, length, and consistency. (9 points)2) What brand strategy (line extensions, brand extensions, multibrands or new brands)does Unilever apply to its Skin Care line? Explain the strength and weakness of such brand strategy. (11 points)-- END --。



《营销学原理》试卷1 参考答案一、单项选择题(每小题1分,共12分。

)1.C 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.B 6.C7.A 8.C 9.D 10.D 11.B 12.D二、多项选择题(每小题2分,共18分。

)1.AB C DE 2.ABC 3.ACDE 4.CDE 5. BC6.ABCE 7.BD 8.ACDE 9.ABD三、判断题(每小题1分,共12分。

)1.×2.×3.×4.√5.×6.×7.×8.×9.× 10.× 11.× 12.√四、填空题(每小题1分,共8分。






2.市场细分(Marketing Segmentation)是指营销者利用一定需求差别因素(细分因素),把某一个整体市场划分为若干具有不同需求差别的群体的过程或行为。








华南理工大学 2020-21学年第一学期《营销学原理》平时作业

华南理工大学  2020-21学年第一学期《营销学原理》平时作业




(2)产品生命周期成长期有什么特点?在这阶段的营销策略应注重什么?答:特点: 成长期是产品在市场上已经打开销路,销售量稳步上升的阶段。

















营销学原理 第一到三章考试题答案

营销学原理 第一到三章考试题答案

营销学原理第一章——第三章练习答案一、单项选择1.需求是()A.没有得到某些基本满足的感受状态B.想得到基本需要的具体满足物的愿望C.对于有能力购买并且愿意购买的某个具体产品的欲望D.对于愿意购买的某个具体产品的欲望2.福特汽车公司在本世纪初曾倾全力于汽车的大规模生产,努力降低成本,使消费者买得起,这种经营思想属于()A.产品观念B.生产观念 C.推销观念 D.市场营销观念3.“生产出好产品卖给顾客”这句话反映的是A.推销观念B.市场营销观念C.产品观念D.生产观念4.指出下哪种观念最容易产生“营销近视症”A.产品观念 B.推销观念C.市场营销观念 D.社会市场营销观念5.()要求市场营销者在制定市场营销政策时,要兼顾企业利益、消费者需要、社会利益等三方面的利益。

A.市场营销观念B.生产观念C.推销观念D.社会营销观念6.产品观念强调的是()A以量取胜 B、以廉取胜C、以质取胜 D、以形象取胜7.市场营销观念的中心是()A.推销已经生产出来的产品B.发现需要并设法满足他们C.制造质优价廉的产品 D.制造大量产品并推销出去。

8.市场是指对某项商品或劳务具有需求的所有A. 个人消费者B. 生产者C. 机构集团D. 现实与潜在买者9.市场营销的核心是A. 交换活动B. 销售活动C. 生产活动D. 促销活动10.生产家用电器的企业与房地产公司是( )。

A.愿望竞争者B.平行竞争者C.品牌竞争者D.产品形式竞争者11.“捷安特”自行车公司是“桑塔纳”轿车生产厂的A. 愿望竞争者B. 平行竞争者C. 产品形式竞争者D. 品牌竞争者12.企业在调整业务投资组合时,对某些问号类业务单位,欲使其转入明星类单位,宜采取哪种战略( )A维持B收获C发展增大 D放弃13.金牛类战略业务单位适合的战略选择是()A.发展增大B.维持 C.收获 D.放弃14.市场营销组合是指()A.对企业各种环境因素的组合 B.对企业宏观环境因素的组合C.对影响价格因素的组合 D.对企业可控的各种营销因素的组合15.许多冰箱生产厂家近年来高举“环保”、“健康”旗帜,纷纷推出无氟冰箱。



营销学原理第一到三章考试题答案work Information Technology Company.2020YEAR营销学原理第一章——第三章练习答案一、单项选择1.需求是()A.没有得到某些基本满足的感受状态B.想得到基本需要的具体满足物的愿望C.对于有能力购买并且愿意购买的某个具体产品的欲望D.对于愿意购买的某个具体产品的欲望2.福特汽车公司在本世纪初曾倾全力于汽车的大规模生产,努力降低成本,使消费者买得起,这种经营思想属于()A.产品观念B.生产观念 C.推销观念 D.市场营销观念3.“生产出好产品卖给顾客”这句话反映的是A.推销观念B.市场营销观念C.产品观念D.生产观念4.指出下哪种观念最容易产生“营销近视症”A.产品观念 B.推销观念C.市场营销观念 D.社会市场营销观念5.()要求市场营销者在制定市场营销政策时,要兼顾企业利益、消费者需要、社会利益等三方面的利益。

A.市场营销观念B.生产观念C.推销观念D.社会营销观念6.产品观念强调的是()A以量取胜 B、以廉取胜C、以质取胜 D、以形象取胜7.市场营销观念的中心是()A.推销已经生产出来的产品B.发现需要并设法满足他们C.制造质优价廉的产品 D.制造大量产品并推销出去。

8.市场是指对某项商品或劳务具有需求的所有A. 个人消费者B. 生产者C. 机构集团D. 现实与潜在买者9.市场营销的核心是A. 交换活动B. 销售活动C. 生产活动D. 促销活动10.生产家用电器的企业与房地产公司是( )。

A.愿望竞争者B.平行竞争者C.品牌竞争者D.产品形式竞争者11.“捷安特”自行车公司是“桑塔纳”轿车生产厂的A. 愿望竞争者B. 平行竞争者C. 产品形式竞争者D. 品牌竞争者12.企业在调整业务投资组合时,对某些问号类业务单位,欲使其转入明星类单位,宜采取哪种战略()A维持B收获C发展增大 D放弃13.金牛类战略业务单位适合的战略选择是()A.发展增大B.维持 C.收获 D.放弃14.市场营销组合是指()A.对企业各种环境因素的组合 B.对企业宏观环境因素的组合C.对影响价格因素的组合 D.对企业可控的各种营销因素的组合15.许多冰箱生产厂家近年来高举“环保”、“健康”旗帜,纷纷推出无氟冰箱。



营销学原理·营销学原理第一次作业一、单项选择题(在每题备选的四个答案中选择一个最适合的,并将选中答案的字母填在题干前方的括号内.每题 1 分,共 12 分.)( C ) 1.市场营销的中心是_________.A.生产 C.互换( C )2.一般日用生活用品,适合于选择_________媒介做广告.A.人员( C ) 3._________是指公司利用多种信息载体,与目标市场进行交流的流传活动,包含广告,人员销售,营业推行与公共关系等等.A.产品 C.促销( B ) 4.花费者的购置单位是个人或_________.A.集体 C.社会( B ) 5.从购置行为来看,专业购置,不易受感情要素影响的这种市场称为A.花费者市场 C.日用品市场( C ) 6._________主要指辅助公司促销,销售和经销其产品给最后购置者的机构.A.供给商 C.中间商( A ) 7.在产品生命周期的投入期,花费品的促销目标主假如宣传介绍产品,刺激购置欲念的产生,因此主要应采纳_________促销方式.A.广告 C.价钱折扣( C ) 8._________差异的存在是市场细分的客观依照.( D ) 9.属于家产市场细分标准的是_________.A.职业( D )10.威迫水平高而机遇水平低的业务是_________.( B )11.为鼓舞顾客购置更多物件,公司给那些大批购置产品的顾客的一种减价称为_________.C.季节折扣( D )12.向最后花费者直接销售产品和服务,用于个人及非商业性用途的活动属于_________.A.零售二、多项选择题(在每题的五个备选答案中起码有两个是正确的,请选出全部正确的答案,并把答案的字母填在题干前方的括号内.错选,多项选择或漏选均扣分,每题 2分,共 18 分.) (ABCDE )1.一般来说,市场营销管理哲学(市场观点)的发展演变历程可区分为以下哪几个阶段?_________A.生产观点 C.市场营销观点(ABC )2.市场营销环境的特点是_________.A.客观性(ACDE )3.市场营销信息系统由_________所组成.A.内部报告系统( CDE )4.产品能够依据其耐用性和能否有形进行分类,大概可分为_________.C.耐用品( BC )5.只需具备了___________这一条件时,公司就能够考虑经过低价来实现市场据有率的提升.(ABCE )6.广告最常用的媒体包含_________.C.广播( BD )7.由于农产品拥有_________特点,所以销售时,需要采纳特别的营销举措.( ACDE )(ABD )9.无差异营销战略_________.A.拥有成本的经济性C.适合于绝大部分产品三、判断题(判断以下各小题的正误,并在题干前方的括号内打"√"或"×"表示. 每题 1 分,共 12 分.)(×) 1.从营销理论的角度看,市场就是买卖商品的场所.(×) 2.顾客总价值是指顾客购置某一种产品或劳务时所希望获取的一组利益. (×) 3.同一个国家不一样地域的公司之间营销环境基本上是同样的.(√) 4.产品生命周期一般是指某个品种的产品从投入市场起,到退出市场所经历的时间.(×) 6.销售反响函数表示,公司加大促销力度,其产品销量将连续增添.(× ) 7.代理商是帮助公司销售产品,完成交易,并帮助分担市场风险的一类中间商.(×) 8. 产质量量是整体产品中的中心产品.(× ) 9.拉式策略一般适合于单位价值较高,性能复杂,需要做示范的产品.(× ) 10."孔府家酒"的成功经验表示,加大广告力度能够快速增添销量和提升著名度,这可为其余公司所模拟.(×) 11."湘菜馆"与"川菜馆"在广东颇受欢迎,这说明不一样菜式都适合于全国市场.(√) 12."雕牌"洗衣粉电视广告以下岗女工为诉求对象,重申了产品的功能和优惠,广告的成功说明广告一定瞄准目标集体.四,填空题(每题 1 分,共 8 分.)1. 市场营销活动的起点和终点都是顾客 .2. "好酒不怕小巷深",这是产品观点的典型表现.3. 中间商主要指辅助公司促销,销售和经销其产品给最后购置者的机构.4.公司把整体市场看作一个大的目标市场,供给一种产品或服务知足其需求,这种营销战略称之为无差异营销战略 .5.不进行市场细分,公司选择目标市场必然是盲目的.6.产品订价的三种导向是:成本导向、需求导向、竞争导向。

























对外经济贸易大学2014─2015学年第一学期《营销原理》第一次测验题答卷课程代码及课序号:MKT206-1请注意填写学号!!!!!!学号:姓名:成绩:班级:课序号:任课教师:薛佳奇I. Multiple Choice. Select the one choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. 请将答案写在下面的表格中!)Score________II. True or False? (Judge every statement with a ‘T’ or ‘F’ mark. 请将答案写在下面的表格中!) ScoreMULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.1) Marketing seeks to create and manage profitable customer relationships by delivering________ to customers.A) superior promotionB) superior valueC) competitive pricesD) product assortmentE) superior service2) ________ are ones to which the individual wishes to belong, as when a teenage basketball player hopes to play someday for the Los Angeles Lakers.A) Social class groupsB) Reference groupsC) Membership groupsD) Aspirational groupsE) Leisure groups3) Today, marketing must be understood in terms of not just making a sale but also________.A) understanding customers' self-imagesB) understanding customers' valueC) successfully remaining in the marketD) brilliant advertisingE) satisfying customers' needs4) People change the goods and services they buy over time because of two important factors. They are ________.A) belief and attitudeB) groups and learningC) age and life-cycle stageD) perception and personalityE) family and tradition5) At the corporate level, a company starts the strategic planning process by defining its overall purpose and ________.A) valuesB) visionC) missionD) opinionsE) strengths6) People can form different perceptions of the same stimulus because of three perceptualprocesses. All of the following name these processes except ________.A) selective attitudeB) selective attentionC) selective retentionD) selective distortion7) A problem with using the BCG matrix centers around the fact that it is ________oriented instead of ________ oriented.A) now; marketB) now; futureC) financially; customerD) customer; supplierE) future; now8) What can we say about business purchasers compared to consumer purchasers?A) They deal with far fewer but far larger buyers.B) Business buyers almost always work in committees.C) They are paid and the consumer is not paid for buying.D) Derived demand exists between business purchasers.9) All of the groups within a company are called the ________.A) internal environmentB) rangeC) diversityD) cultureE) climate10) In a typical organization, buying activity consists of two major parts: the buying ________ and the buying ________.A) deciders; influencersB) time; reorder pointC) economic order quantity; reorder pointD) committee; timeE) center; decision process11) An MIS consists of people, equipment, and procedures to gather, sort, ________, evaluate, and distribute information to marketing decision makers.A) testB) critiqueC) analyzeD) assessE) test market12) Many firms are making an effort to identify smaller, better-defined target groups by using ________.A) mass marketingB) user ratesC) multiple segmentation basesD) loyalty segmentationE) positioning13) Which of the steps in the marketing research process has been left out: defining the problems and research objectives, implementing the research plan, and interpreting and reporting the findings?A) choosing the research methodB) developing the research planC) choosing the research agencyD) developing the research budgetE) comparing and contrasting primary and secondary data14) Niching offers smaller companies the opportunity to compete by focusing their limited resources on serving niches that may be ________ or ________ larger companies.A) unimportant to; unwanted byB) unimportant to; overlooked byC) unknown by; unwanted byD) too small; undesirable to15) The way to begin marketing research is to gather secondary data, which consists of information ________.A) that does not currently exist in an organized formB) that already exists somewhere, having been collected for another purposeC) that the researcher can obtain through surveys and observationD) used by competitionE) that already exists somewhereTRUE/FALSE. Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false.16) When dividing the beer market into “heavy beer drinkers”, “light beer drinkers” and “rare beer drinkers”, the basis of segmentation is the behavior.17) Smart marketers look beyond the attributes of the products and services they sell.They create brand experiences for consumers.18) A purchase decision process begins with the need recognition and ends with the purchase behavior.19) One division of your company is a low-growth, high-share business. This unit is referred to as a star.20) Noneconomic factors such as depressed business firms, minority-owned firms, or small business firms play a role in government buying.21) A marketing analysis includes evaluating the company's situation, markets, environment, strengths and weaknesses, and current and possible marketing actions to determine which opportunities it can best pursue.22) Because there is such variation among the economies of countries around the world,it is not practical to segment international markets on the basis of economic factors.23) Too much information can be as harmful as too little.24) A product's position is the way the product is defined by the retailers who sell it to target markets. It is how it is defined on important attributes - the place the product occupies in the retailers' minds relative to competing products.25) You want to calculate confidence limits for sampling error. It would be best to use nonprobability samples.BDECC ABAAE CCBBBTTFFT TFTFF。



















营销学原理·营销学原理第一次作业一、单项选择题(在每小题备选的四个答案中选择一个最合适的,并将选中答案的字母填在题干前面的括号内.每小题 1 分,共 12 分.)( C ) 1.市场营销的核心是_________.A.生产B.分配C.交换D.促销( C )2.一般日用生活用品,适合于选择_________媒介做广告.A.人员B.专业杂志C.电视D.公共关系( C ) 3._________是指企业利用多种信息载体,与目标市场进行沟通的传播活动,包括广告,人员推销,营业推广与公共关系等等.A.产品B.定价C.促销D.分销( B ) 4.消费者的购买单位是个人或_________.A.集体B.家庭C.社会D.单位( B ) 5.从购买行为来看,专业购买,不易受感情因素影响的这类市场称为A.消费者市场B.生产者市场C.日用品市场D.选购品市场( C ) 6._________主要指协助企业促销,销售和经销其产品给最终购买者的机构.A.供应商B.制造商C.中间商D.广告商( A ) 7.在产品生命周期的投入期,消费品的促销目标主要是宣传介绍产品,刺激购买欲望的产生,因而主要应采用_________促销方式.A.广告B.人员推销C.价格折扣D.营业推广( C ) 8._________差异的存在是市场细分的客观依据.A.产品B.价格C.需求偏好D.细分( D ) 9.属于产业市场细分标准的是_________.A.职业B.生活格调C.收入D.顾客购买规模( D )10.威胁水平高而机会水平低的业务是_________.A.理想业务B.冒险业务C.成熟业务D.困难业务( B )11.为鼓励顾客购买更多物品,企业给那些大量购买产品的顾客的一种减价称为_________.A.功能折扣B.数量折扣C.季节折扣D.现金折扣( D )12.向最终消费者直接销售产品和服务,用于个人及非商业性用途的活动属于_________.A.零售B.批发C.代理D.直销二、多项选择题(在每小题的五个备选答案中至少有两个是正确的,请选出所有正确的答案,并把答案的字母填在题干前面的括号内.错选,多选或漏选均扣分,每小题 2分,共 18 分.) (ABCDE )1.一般来说,市场营销管理哲学(市场观念)的发展演变历程可划分为以下哪几个阶段?_________A.生产观念B.销售观念C.市场营销观念D.产品观念E.社会营销观念(ABC )2.市场营销环境的特征是_________.A.客观性B.差异性C.多变性D.稳定性E.相关性(ACDE )3.市场营销信息系统由_________所构成.A.内部报告系统B.外部报告系统C.营销情报系统D.营销调研系统E.营销分析系统( CDE )4.产品可以根据其耐用性和是否有形进行分类,大致可分为_________.A.高档消费品B.低档消费品C.耐用品D.非耐用品E.劳务( BC )5.只要具备了___________这一条件时,企业就可以考虑通过低价来实现市场占有率的提高.A.市场对价格反映迟钝B.生产与分销的单位成本会随生产经验的积累而下降C.市场对价格高度敏感D.低价能形成潜在竞争者的进入障碍E.产品质量优良(ABCE )6.广告最常用的媒体包括_________.A.报纸B.杂志C.广播D.电影E.电视( BD )7.因为农产品具有_________特点,所以销售时,需要采取特殊的营销措施.A.标准性B.易腐性C.无形性D.季节性E.耐用性( ACDE )8.市场增长率/市场占有率矩阵将经营单位划分为_________几种类型.A.明星类B.金马类C.奶牛类D.问号类E.瘦狗类(ABD )9.无差异营销战略_________.A.具有成本的经济性B.不进行市场细分C.适宜于绝大多数产品D.只强调需求共性E.适用于小企业三、判断题(判断以下各小题的正误,并在题干前面的括号内打"√"或"×"表示.每小题 1 分,共 12 分.)(×) 1.从营销理论的角度看,市场就是买卖商品的场所.(×) 2.顾客总价值是指顾客购买某一种产品或劳务时所期望获得的一组利益.(×) 3.同一个国家不同地区的企业之间营销环境基本上是一样的.(√) 4.产品生命周期一般是指某个品种的产品从投入市场起,到退出市场所经历的时间.(×) 5.地理因素是消费者市场细分最有效的标准(×) 6.销售反应函数表明,企业加大促销力度,其产品销量将持续增加.(× ) 7.代理商是帮助企业销售产品,达成交易,并帮助分担市场风险的一类中间商.(×) 8. 产品质量是整体产品中的核心产品.(× ) 9.拉式策略一般适合于单位价值较高,性能复杂,需要做示范的产品.(× ) 10."孔府家酒"的成功经验表明,加大广告力度可以迅速增加销量和提高知名度,这可为其他企业所模仿.(×) 11."湘菜馆"与"川菜馆"在广东颇受欢迎,这说明不同菜式都适合于全国市场.(√) 12."雕牌"洗衣粉电视广告以下岗女工为诉求对象,强调了产品的功能和实惠,广告的成功说明广告必须对准目标群体.四,填空题(每小题 1 分,共 8 分.)1. 市场营销活动的起点和终点都是顾客 .2. "好酒不怕巷子深",这是产品观念的典型表现.3. 中间商主要指协助企业促销,销售和经销其产品给最终购买者的机构.4.企业把整体市场看作一个大的目标市场,提供一种产品或服务满足其需求,这种营销战略称之为无差异营销战略 .5.不进行市场细分,企业选择目标市场必定是盲目的.6.产品定价的三种导向是:成本导向、需求导向、竞争导向。



A. C. D.A. B. C. D.A. C. D.A. B. C. D.A. C. D. 对. 错对对. 错对. 错对. 错保险公司、证券交易所属于企业的A. B. C. D. 参考答案:CA. B. C. D. 参考答案:CA. B. C. D. 参考答案:DA. B. C. D. 参考答案:AA. B. C. D. 参考答案:AA. B. C. D. 参考答案:AA. B. C. D. 参考答案:BA. B. C. D. 参考答案:BA. B. C. D. 参考答案:BA. B. C. D. 参考答案:C对. 错对. 错对. 错对. 错对. 错对. 错对. 错对. 错对. 错对. 错市场营销的微观环境是指公司本身而言。

对. 错对. 错对. 错对. 错对. 错对. 错对. 错对. 错对. 错对. 错A. B. C. D.A. B. C. D.A. B. C. D.A. B. C. D.A. B. C. D.A. B. C. D.A. B. C. D.A. B. C. D.A. B. C. D.对. 错对. 错对. 错对. 错对. 错对. 错对. 错对. 错对. 错按照不同的职能,非营利组织可分为A. B. C. D.A. B. C. D.A. B. C. D.A. B. C. D.A. B. C. D.A. B. C. D.A. B. C. D.A. B. C. D.A. B. C. D.A. B. C. D. 对. 错对. 错对. 错对. 错对. 错对. 错对. 错对. 错对. 错对. 错A. B. C. D.A. B. C. D.A. B. C. D.A. B. C. D.A. B. C. D.A. B. C. D.A. B. C. D.A. B. C. D.A. B. C. D.A. B. C. D.A. B. C. D.A. B. C. D.A. B. C. D.A. B. C. D.A. B. C. D.A. B. C. D.A. B. C. D.A. B. C. D.A. B. C. D.对. 错市场专业化是一种最简单的目标市场模式。



Ch5-Ch8 Question PoolMULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.1) The marketer wants to understand how the stimuli are changed into1) _______responses inside the consumer's ________, which has two parts. First,the buyer's characteristics influence how he or she perceives and reactsto the stimuli. Second, the buyer's decision process itself affects thebuyer's behavior.A) black boxB) social classC) lifestyleD) beliefE) culture LO. 12) ________ is the most basic cause of a person's wants and behavior. 2) _______A) New productB) CultureC) Brand personalityD) Cognitive dissonanceE) Selective perception LO. 13) _______3) Four important subcultures mentioned by the author include allEXCEPT ________.A) Asian AmericansB) African AmericansC) HispanicsD) opinions leadersE) mature consumers LO. 14) ________ are society's relatively permanent and ordered divisions4) _______whose members share similar values, interests, and behaviors.A) Purchase decisionsB) LifestylesC) PerceptionsD) AttitudesE) Social classes LO. 15) _______5) ________ are ones to which the individual wishes to belong, as when ateenage basketball player hopes to play someday for the Los AngelesLakers.A) Membership groupsB) Aspirational groupsC) Social class groupsD) Reference groupsE) Leisure groups LO. 16) _______6) ________ marketers are now taking to the streets, as well as cafes,nightclubs, and the Internet, in record numbers. Their goal: to seek outthe trendsetters in each community and subtly push them into talkingup a specific brand to their friends and admirers.A) PersonalityB) FamilyC) RelationshipD) OpinionE) Buzz LO. 27) _______ 7) A buyer's decisions also are influenced by ________ such as the buyer'sage and life-cycle stage, occupation, economic situation, lifestyle, andpersonality and self-concept.A) personal characteristicsB) psychographicsC) habitual buying behaviorD) variety-seeking buying behaviorE) learning LO. 28) ________ is a person's pattern of living as expressed in his or her8) _______psychographics.A) PersonalityB) Social classC) CultureD) LifestyleE) Motive LO. 19) All of the following make up a person's lifestyle except ________. 9) _______A) dissonance-reducing buying behaviorB) opinionsC) interestsD) AIO dimensionsE) C and D LO. 110) ______ 10) Researchers found that a number of well-known brands tended to bestrongly associated with one particular trait, such as Levi's with"ruggedness." What is the name of the term that means a specific mix ofhuman traits that may attribute to a particular brand?A) new productB) social classC) information searchD) brand equityE) brand personality LO. 111) ______ 11) People will forget much that they learn. They tend to retain informationthat supports their attitudes and beliefs. This is called ________.A) selective distortionB) selective attentionC) selective attitudeD) selective retentionE) perceptual vigilance LO. 112) All of the following are part of habitual buying behavior except which12) ______one?A) Ad repetition creates brand familiarity rather than brandconviction.learning.C) Consumer behavior does not pass through the usualbelief attitude behavior sequence.D) Consumers search extensively for information about brands.E) None of the above. LO. 113) ______ 13) The most effective source that consumers obtain information from is________ because it legitimizes or evaluates products for the buyer.A) personalB) commercialC) experimentalD) socialE) public LO. 114) What determines whether the buyer is satisfied or dissatisfied with a14) ______purchase? The answer lies in the relationship between the consumer'sexpectations and the product's ________.A) consumer marketB) recognitionC) brand personalityD) perceived performanceE) service quality LO. 115) ________ is a key to building lasting relationships with consumers. 15) ______A) Alternative evaluationsB) QualityC) Customer satisfactionD) PersonalityE) Need recognition LO. 116) Each party in the buying process has subtle ________ and ________. 16) ______A) habits; peculiaritiesB) expectations; needsC) behavior; proceduresD) guidelines; rolesE) roles; needs LO. 117) ______ 17) All of the following are differences between business and consumermarkets except one. Which is it?A) types of decisionsB) nature of the buying unitC) the decision process involvedD) market structure and demandE) type of credit extended LO. 218) What can we say about business purchasers compared to consumer18) ______purchasers?A) They are paid and the consumer is not paid for buying.B) Business buyers almost always work in committees.C) Derived demand exists between business purchasers.D) They deal with far fewer but far larger buyers.19) It is because of ________ demand that many business goods and services19) ______tend to change more, and more quickly, than the demand for consumergoods and services.A) derivedB) inelasticC) fluctuatingD) increasingE) elastic LO. 120) ______ 20) What generally causes several people to become involved in a businesspurchase decision? Usually that occurs when the purchase is more________.A) time consumingB) infrequentC) complexD) expensiveE) frequent LO. 121) The owners of the company you work for have developed a core of21) ______suppliers and are working closely with them. This is an example of________ management.A) channelB) network relationshipC) supplier developmentD) core channelE) channel captain LO. 122) In a typical organization, buying activity consists of two major parts: the22) ______buying ________ and the buying ________.A) economic order quantity; reorder pointB) center; decision processC) time; reorder pointD) deciders; influencersE) committee; time LO. 123) By definition, a buying center consists of all the individuals and23) ______________ that participate in the business decision-making process.A) groupsB) committeesC) managersD) task forcesE) units LO. 124) ______ 24) Alliance Hardware Stores presents a challenge for your company. Theirbuying center must be understood by learning who participates inbuying decisions, his or her influence, and the ________ each decisionparticipant uses.A) budgetary limitsB) evaluation criteriaC) management limits LO. 2D) selective perceptionE) personal bias25) ______ 25) Interpersonal buying factors are difficult to manage because they aregenerally very ________.A) subtleB) vagueC) obviousD) clearE) easily misunderstood LO. 126) ______ 26) When suppliers' offers are very similar, business buyers have little basisfor strictly ________.A) rational choiceB) emotional choiceC) price negotiationD) psychological influenceE) none of the above LO. 127) ______ 27) Business marketers often alert customers to potential problems and thenshow how their products provide solutions. What is this step in thebusiness buying process?A) alternative evaluationsB) problem recognitionC) demonstration acumenD) general need descriptionE) developing limits or constraints LO. 128) The two common nonbusiness markets are ________ and ________. 28) ______A) government; not-for-profitB) institutional; governmentC) nonprofit; governmentD) institutional; for-for-profitE) competitive; noncompetitive LO. 129) Many institutional markets are characterized by ________ and ________. 29) ______A) low budgets; captive patronsB) mismanagement; disgruntled workersC) captive patrons; limited accessD) special needs; vague criteriaE) low budgets; vague criteria LO. 130) ________ also play a growing role in government buying. 30) ______A) Noneconomic criteriaB) Online proposalsC) Personal characteristicsD) Procurement personnel shiftsE) None of the above LO. 131) ______ 31) Research has shown that practicing mass marketing today is limitedbecause the world's mass markets have slowly splintered into aprofusion of ________.A) disarrayB) unidentifiable marketsC) small segmentsD) international marketsE) confused markets LO. 132) ______ 32) Even though several options are available at any one time, there is________ to segment a market.A) a most popular wayB) the most effective wayC) the least-cost wayD) no single wayE) one single best way LO. 133) ______ 33) Your firm has decided to localize its products and services to meet localmarket demands. A good approach to use would be ________segmentation.A) geographicB) customerC) benefitD) imageE) end-use LO. 134) Marketers must be careful to guard against ________ when using age34) ______and life cycle segmentation.A) discriminationB) underestimatingC) stereotypingD) traditional marketingE) cultural bias LO. 135) ______ 35) In general, a company should enter only segments in which it can________ and ________.A) identify behaviors; understanding spending powerB) offer superior value; gain advantages over competitorsC) gain advantages over competitors; get co-op advertisingD) offer lower prices; ship fasterE) offer superior value; ship faster LO. 136) ______ 36) Mass marketers, such as Target and Venture Stores, ignore marketsegment differences and target the whole market with one offer. What istheir approach to segmenting?A) differentiated marketingB) target marketingC) blanket marketingD) undifferentiated marketingE) intelligent marketing LO. 237) Niching offers smaller companies the opportunity to compete by37) ______focusing their limited resources on serving niches that may be ________or ________ larger companies.A) unimportant to; unwanted byB) too small; undesirable toC) unimportant to; overlooked byD) unknown by; unwanted byE) none of the above LO. 138) ______ 38) When the size, purchasing power, and profiles of business marketsegments can be determined, they are said to possess the requirement ofbeing ________.A) substantialB) accessibleC) observableD) actionableE) measurable LO. 139) ______ 39) Markets can be segmented into group of nonusers, ex-users, potentialusers, first-time users, and regular users of a product. This method ofsegmentation is called ________.A) behaviorB) benefitC) usage rateD) product frequencyE) user status LO. 140) ______ 40) When a company interacts one-on-one with large numbers of customersto create customer-unique value by designing products and servicestailor-made to individual needs, it is following ________.A) localizationB) individual marketingC) mass customizingD) differentiated marketingE) mass marketing LO. 141) Target marketing sometimes generates controversy and concern. Issues41) ______usually involve the targeting of ________ consumers with ________products.A) elderly; expensiveB) young; appealingC) vulnerable; potentially harmfulD) unexpected; businessE) vulnerable or disadvantaged; controversial or potentially harmfulLO. 142) In target marketing, the issue is not really who is targeted, but rather42) ______________ and for ________.A) how; whatB) why; how longC) where; whenD) why; whatE) none of the above LO. 143) Ad man Rosser Reeves believes that firms should develop a USP for43) ______each brand and stick to it. For what does USP stand?A) unique selling propositionB) universally strategic practiceC) unique services practiceD) unique sales pitchE) unique selling product LO. 244) ______ 44) You have just created the "perfect" ad. It communicates the full mix ofbenefits upon which the brand is positioned. This full positioning iscalled ________.A) VALSB) AIDAC) value profilingD) capturing the consumers' attentionE) value proposition LO. 145) This statement first states the product's membership in a category and45) ______then shows its point-of-difference from other members of the category.A) vision statementB) statement of intentC) mission statementD) positioning statementE) position statement LO. 146) ________ are a form of product that consists of activities, benefits, or46) ______satisfactions offered for sale that are essentially intangible and do notresult in the ownership of anything.A) SupplementsB) Line extensionsC) ServicesD) BrandsE) Consumer products LO. 147) ______ 47) Product is a key element in ________. At one extreme, it may consist ofpure tangible goods or at the other extreme pure services.A) brand equityB) brand extensionC) market offeringD) the value chainE) co-branding LO. 148) ______ 48) Product planners need to think about products and services on threelevels. Each level adds more customer value. The most basic level is the________, which addresses the question, "What is the buyer reallybuying?"A) co-brandingB) actual productC) exchangeD) augmented productE) core benefit LO. 149) ______ 49) Product planners need to think about products and services on threelevels. The third level is that the product planners must build on a(n)________ around the core benefit and actual product by offeringadditional consumer services and benefits.A) brand equityB) brand extensionC) augmented productD) industrial productE) image LO. 150) ________ are consumer products and services with unique50) ______characteristics or brand identification for which a significant group ofbuyers is willing to make a special purchase effort.A) Line extensionsB) Unsought productsC) Shopping productsD) Industrial productsE) Specialty products LO. 151) ______ 51) Developing a product or service involves defining the benefits that itwill offer. These benefits are communicated and delivered by ________such as quality, features, and style and design.A) product mixesB) product attributesC) private brandsD) consumer productsE) none of the above LO. 152) The company periodically surveys buyers who have used a product and52) ______asks questions such as, "Which specific features of the product do youlike the most?" The company can then assess each feature's ________ tocustomers versus its ________ to the company.A) value; costB) equity; costC) cost; line extensionD) cost; serviceE) service; line extension LO. 153) ______ 53) ________ is an approach in which all the company's people are involvedin constantly improving the products, services, and business processes.A) Product qualityB) Brand equityC) Specialty productD) PositioningE) Total quality management LO. 154) ______ 54) ________ consists of activities undertaken to create, maintain, or changethe attitudes and behavior of target consumers toward an organization.A) Service variabilityB) Organization marketingC) Person marketingD) Internal marketing LO. 1E) Intelligence marketing55) A ________ is a group of products that are closely related because they55) ______function in a similar manner, are sold to the same customer groups, aremarketed through the same type of outlets, or fall within given priceranges.A) convenience productB) line extensionC) product lineD) private brandE) product bandwidth LO. 156) ______ 56) The fundamental asset underlying brand equity is ________the valueof the customer relationships that the brand creates. A powerful brandis important, but what it really represents is a set of loyal consumers.A) line equityB) customer equityC) the service encounterD) customer mixE) service variability LO. 157) ______ 57) The ________ of the product mix refers to how closely related thevarious product lines are in end use, production requirements,distribution channels, or some other way.A) lengthB) consistencyC) widthD) perimeterE) depth LO. 158) ______ 58) ________ occur(s) when a company introduces additional items in agiven product category under the same brand name, such as newflavors, forms, colors, ingredients, or package sizes.A) Service variabilityB) Line extensionsC) Interactive marketingD) Service intangibilityE) Product mix LO. 159) ______ 59) ________ means that the service firm must effectively train and motivateits customer-contact employees and supporting service people to workas a team to provide customer satisfaction.A) Service variabilityB) Service inseparabilityC) External marketingD) Service intangibilityE) Internal marketing LO. 160) ________ means that services cannot be separated from their providers,60) ______whether the providers are people or machines.A) Service intangibilityB) Service variabilityC) Service heterogeneityD) Service perishabilityE) Service inseparability LO. 1TRUE/FALSE. Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false.61) ______61) A dissonance-reducing buying behavior is designed to probeconsumers' hidden, subconscious motivations. LO. 162) A belief is the specific mix off human traits that may be attributed to a62) ______particular brand. LO. 163) ______63) A person's buying choices are further influenced by four majorpsychological factors: motivation, perception, learning, and beliefs andattitudes. LO. 164) Alternative evaluation is the process by which people select, organize,64) ______and interpret information to form a meaningful picture of the world.LO. 165) People differ greatly in their readiness to try new products. In each65) ______product area, there are "consumption pioneers." They are also calledlaggards. LO. 166) ______66) Although consumers in different countries have different values,attitudes, and behaviors, the products they buy are very similar to eachother. LO. 167) ______67) The early majority are deliberate; although they rarely are leaders, theyadopt new ideas before the average person. LO. 168) ______68) The consumer's purchase decision will be to buy the most preferredbrand, but two factors can come between the purchase intention andpurchase decision. The first factor is need recognition. LO. 169) ______69) A business buyer buys goods and services for use in the production ofother products and services that are sold, rented, or supplied to others.It also includes retailers and wholesalers who acquire goods forreselling or renting. LO. 170) The main differences between business and consumer markets include70) ______market structure and demand, the nature of the buying unit, the typesof decisions, and the amount of money spent annually. LO. 171) ______71) Although business demand is generally derived demand, it may turninto joint demand. LO. 172) You have noticed that business marketers build close long-run72) ______relationships with customers compared to consumer marketers. LO. 273) Many business buyers prefer to buy a packaged solution to a problem73) ______from a single seller. This is called systems selling. LO. 174) The influencer is the person in the purchase decision process who74) ______controls the flow of information to others involved. LO. 175) ______ 75) E-procurement reduces drudgery and paperwork and frees purchasingpersonnel to focus on more strategic issues. LO. 176) Today, most companies have moved away from mass marketing and76) ______are being more choosy about the customers with whom they wish tobuild relationships. LO. 177) ______ 77) This type of segmentation uses different marketing approaches fordifferent time periods of peoples' lives and different family situations.This segmentation method is called demographic. LO. 178) Behavioral segmentation requires finding the major advantages or78) ______features people look for in the product class, the kinds of people wholook for each advantage or feature, and the major brands that delivereach advantage or feature. LO. 179) ______ 79) Developing a stronger position within several segments creates moretotal sales than undifferentiated marketing across all segments. LO. 280) ______ 80) When a company faces choosing a target marketing strategy, its choicesare limited by factors related to company resources, the degree ofproduct variability, and the product's life cycle. LO. 181) A product's position is the way the product is defined by the retailers81) ______who sell it to target markets. It is how it is defined on importantattributes the place the product occupies in the retailers' minds relativeto competing products. LO. 182) Consumers position products with or without the help of marketers.82) ______LO. 183) ______ 83) Shopping products are less frequently purchased consumer productsand services that customers compare carefully on suitability, quality,price, and style. LO. 184) Packaging does not include the material necessary to ship a product.84) ______LO. 185) ______ 85) Dove marketers can go beyond the brand's cleansing cream attributesand talk about the resulting benefit of softer skin. This is known asproduct attributes in brand positioning. LO. 186) ______ 86) When a company introduces a new brand name in the same productcategory, it is called line extension. LO. 187) In international product and service marketing, it is important to know87) ______what different colors mean to different countries. LO. 188) ______ 88) Managing service productivity can take place when a companyincreases the quality of its service by giving up some of its output.LO. 289) ______ 89) Service companies wanting to operate in other countries are usuallywelcomed with open arms. Manufacturers usually face restrictionswhen attempting to sell their products in other countries. LO. 190) ______ 90) In international product and service marketing, many banks were afraidto go global and held off for quite a while. LO. 11) A 2) B 3) D 4) E 5) B 6) E 7) A 8) D 9) A 10) E 11) D 12) D 13) A 14) D 15) C 16) E 17) E 18) D 19) C 20) C 21) C 22) B 23) E 24) B 25) A 26) A 27) B 28) B 29) A 30) A 31) C 32) D 33) A 34) C 35) B 36) D 37)C 38)E 39) E 40) C 41) E 42) A 43) A 44) E 45) D 46) C 47) C 48) E 49) C 50) E 51) B 52) A 53) E 54) B 55) C 56) B 57) B 58) B 59) E 60) E 61) FALSE 62) FALSE 63) TRUE 64) FALSE 65) FALSE66) FALSE 67) TRUE 68) FALSE 69) TRUE 70) FALSE71) FALSE 72) TRUE 73) TRUE 74) FALSE 75) FALSE76) TRUE 77) FALSE 78) FALSE 79) TRUE 80) FALSE81) FALSE 82) TRUE 83) TRUE 84) FALSE 85) FALSE86) FALSE 87) TRUE 88) TRUE 89) FALSE 90) FALSE。



专题1市场与市场营销1. 市场营销的核心是_____________ 。

A.生产B.分配C.交换D.促销答题:C 厂A. C B.事;C.匣D.(已提交)参考答案:C问题解析:2. 企业最显著、最独特的首要核心职能是________________。

A.市场营销B.生产功能C.财务功能D.推销职能答题:A * A.回B. [£|C. ^D.(已提交)参考答案:A问题解析:3. 当买卖双方都表现积极时,我们就把双方都称为__________________ 并将这种情况称为相互市场营销。

A.市场营销者B.相互市场营销者C.生产者D.推销者答题: A '* A. r L B. H C. r L D.(已提交)参考答案:A问题解析:4. 宏观市场营销是从____________ 面研究营销问题,强调从整体经济、社会道德与法律角度把握营销活动,并由社会来控制和影响营销过程,以此实现社会供求平衡,保证社会经济的持续发展。

A.个人交换B.企业之间交换C.区域交换D.社会总体交换答题: D °A.个B.…c.叫D.(已提交)参考答案:D问题解析:5. 市场营销学作为一门独立的经营管理学科诞生于20世纪初的____________ 。

A.欧洲B.日本C.美国D.中国答题:C' A. ■ B. '* C. ' D.(已提交)参考答案:C问题解析:6. 从营销理论的角度看,市场就是买卖商品的场所。

答题:F CI对.闰错.(已提交)参考答案:X问题解析:7. 市场营销就是推销和广告。

答题:F对.岔错.(已提交)参考答案:X问题解析:8. 就卖主而言,消费者市场是法人市场,组织市场是公家市场。

答题:F CI对•円错.(已提交)参考答案:X问题解析:9. 通过满足需求达到顾客满意,最终实现包括利润在内的企业目标,是现代市场营销的基本精神。

答题:I T"L对•勺错•(已提交)参考答案:2问题解析:10. 交换是一个过程。

市场营销学原理第次作业(Principles of marketing (Part ))

市场营销学原理第次作业(Principles of marketing (Part ))

市场营销学原理第(1)次作业(Principles of marketing (Part 1))Candidates answer questionsJob name: marketing principle article (1) working volume: SATotal score: 100 pass score: 60Start stop time: 2015-5-7 15:12:34 to 2015-5-7 16:00:31Student Name: 14030110155 student score: 90The total score of standard questions: 100 standard score: 90Detailed information:Question number: 1 question type: single question (please choose the only correct answer in the following options) subject score: 2Contents:Use the scientific method to plan the collection, collation and analysis of relevant marketing information, put forward suggestions to solve the problem, for marketing managers to understand the marketing environment, find the opportunities and problems, as the market forecast and marketingdecision-making, we call it ()A and marketing information systemB and Market ResearchC and market forecastD and decision support systemStudent answer: BThe score is 2Question number: 2 question type: single question (please choose the only correct answer in the following options) subject score: 2Contents:When most consumers in the potential market are not aware of the product, a high price and high promotion strategy is usedA and rapid penetration strategyB, slow penetration strategyC and quick skimming strategyD and slow skimming strategyStudent answer: CThe score is 2Question number: 3 question type: single question (pleasechoose the only correct answer in the following options) subject score: 2Contents:According to the characteristics of the service package, it refers to the spiritual enjoyment that customers can feel after experiencing the service processA, supportive facilitiesB, auxiliary itemsC, explicit serviceD, invisible serviceStudent answer: DThe score is 2Question number: 4 question type: single question (please choose the only correct answer in the following options) subject score: 2Contents:Enterprises use income and occupation as subdivision variables to subdivide a market, which belongs to ()A and geographic subdivisionB and population segmentationC and psychological segmentationD and Behavior SegmentationStudent answer: BThe score is 2Question number: 5 question type: single question (please choose the only correct answer in the following options) subject score: 2Contents:In the strategy of balancing enterprise capacity and customer demand, it is to change the service ability to meet the demandA and price differenceB, adding equipmentC, change the time of service deliveryD, communicate with customersStudent answer: BThe score is 2Question number: 6 question type: single question (please choose the only correct answer in the following options) subject score: 2Contents:The main reason for the difficulty of matching the service demand and the service enterprise's production capacity is the serviceA, invisibilityB, perishableC, differenceD, inseparabilityStudent answer: BThe score is 2Question number: 7 question type: single question (please choose the only correct answer in the following options) subject score: 2Contents:In the model of service quality gap, the gap of service quality refers to the gap between ()Customer expectations and actual customer expectations perceived by A, service providersB, service providers' commitment to customers and service performanceC, customer's expectation of service and customer's perception of serviceD, service standards established by service organizations and customer expectationsStudent answer: CThe score is 2Question number: 8 question type: single question (please choose the only correct answer in the following options) subject score: 2Contents:The symbol of "revolution" in marketing is the idea of putting forwardA, consumer centricB and producer centeredC, marketing mixD, network marketingStudent answer: AThe score is 2Question number: 9 question type: single question (please choose the only correct answer in the following options) subject score: 2Contents:Whether a market is valuable depends mainly on the marketA, demand statusB, competitive powerC, demand and competitivenessHow much is D and middleman?Student answer: CThe score is 2Question number: 10 question type: single question (please choose the only correct answer in the following options) subject score: 2Contents:The most significant and unique core function of an enterprise is ()A and marketingB, production functionC, financial functionD, sales promotion functionStudent answer: AThe score is 2Question number: 11 question type: single question (please choose the only correct answer in the following options) subject score: 2Contents:The following are not the micro environmental factors of marketingA, supplierB, competitorsC, enterpriseD and subculture groupStudent answer: DThe score is 2Question number: 12 question type: single question (please choose the only correct answer in the following options) subject score: 2Contents:Customer satisfaction is derived from () and ()A, gains, costsB, actual performance, expected resultsC, price, valueD, products, servicesStudent answer: BThe score is 2Question number: 13 question type: single question (please choose the only correct answer in the following options) subject score: 2Contents:The life cycle of a product is determined by the life cycle of the productA, enterprise and marketB, need and technologyC, quality and priceD, promotion and serviceStudent answer: BThe score is 2Question number: 14 question type: single question (please choose the only correct answer in the following options) subject score: 2Contents:The first step in service market segmentation is ()A, select segment marketB, selection subdivision criteriaC, clear subdivision variablesD and the definition of marketStudent answer: AThe score is 0Question number: 15 question type: single question (please choose the only correct answer in the following options) subject score: 2Contents:() is the most commonly used variable in international market segmentationA and economic factorsB, political factorsC and combination factorsD and geographical factorsStudent answer: DThe score is 2Item number: 16 multiple-choice questions: (Please tick the check box to choose the correct answer, answer in the following options can be more than the score: 4)Contents:According to the two dimensions of the price level and the promotion level, the product marketing strategy of the input period can be divided into (1)A, cheap penetration strategyB and rapid penetration strategyC, slow penetration strategyD and quick skimming strategyE and slow skimming strategyStudent answer: BCDEThe score is 4Item number: 17 multiple-choice questions: (Please tick the check box to choose the correct answer, answer in the following options can be more than the score: 4)Contents:How many kinds of marketing strategies can be divided according to the price and sales promotion in the product investment period?A and quick skimming strategyB and slow skimming strategyC and rapid penetration strategyD, slow penetration strategyStudent answer: ABCDThe score is 4Item number: 18 multiple-choice questions: (Please tick the check box to choose the correct answer, answer in the following options can be more than the score: 4)Contents:The typical product life cycle generally includes the following stagesA and input periodB and growth periodC and mature stageD and declineStudent answer: ABCDThe score is 4Item number: 19 multiple-choice questions: (Please tick the check box to choose the correct answer, answer in the following options can be more than the score: 4)Contents:How many segments of the target market segment do we have at present?A, surveyB and analysisC and subdivisionD and locationStudent answer: ABCThe score is 4Item number: 20 multiple-choice questions: (Please tick the check box to choose the correct answer, answer in the following options can be more than the score: 4)Contents:When the service time is adjusted, the means can be adoptedA, tell the peak timeB, home serviceC, establishing reservation systemD, discount or offer discountStudent answer: ACThe score is 4Item number: 21 multiple-choice questions: (Please tick the check box to choose the correct answer, answer in the following options can be more than the score: 4)Contents:There is a hierarchical understanding of the perception of stimuliA and selective attentionB, selective distortionC and selective memoryD and selective understandingE and selective eliminationStudent answer: ABDThe score is 0Item number: 22 multiple-choice questions: (Please tick the check box to choose the correct answer, answer in the following options can be more than the score: 4)Contents:Which of the following are necessary conditions for the exchange to occur (?)A, at least two partiesB, each side can communicate information and deliver goodsC, each party is free to accept or reject the supply of the other partyD, one can give the object to the other, and not accept any object in returnStudent answer: ABCThe score is 4Title: 23 multiple-choice questions: (Please tick the check box to choose the correct answer, answer in the following options can be more than one) this fraction: 4Contents:The following belongs to the 4P marketing mixA, productsB, customerC, channelD and priceE, promotionF, communicationStudent answer: ACDEThe score is 4Item number: 24 multiple-choice questions: (Please tick the check box to choose the correct answer, answer in the following options can be more than the score: 4)Contents:The principles of market segmentation are as followsA, measurableB, accessibleC, validityD and stabilityStudent answer: ABThe score is 0Item number: 25 multiple-choice questions: (Please tick the check box to choose the correct answer, answer in the following options can be more than the score: 4)Contents:The following statements are correctA, enterprises can change the environment according to their own wishes, not subject to the environmentB, enterprises must survive and develop in a certain marketing environment, can not exist independently from the environmentC and target consumers are also important environmental factors for enterprisesThe larger the D and Engel coefficients, the lower the living standard, and the lower the proportion of disposable income in total incomeE, population growth also means an increase in the demand for public necessitiesStudent answer: BCDEThe score is 4Question number: 26, question type: judgment question: 3Contents:The stopgap usually avoids competition with big companies, and chooses small markets which are not very interested in large companies as target markets, or market niches1, wrong2, pairsStudent answer: 2The score is 3Question number: 27, question type: judgment question: 3Contents:In the model of service quality gap, the total gap of service quality refers to the gap between the expectation of customer service quality and the actual perception1, wrong2, pairsStudent answer: 2The score is 3Question number: 28, question type: judgment question: 3Contents:The core of market segmentation is to distinguish the difference of consumer demand, and different market segments represent different consumer groups1, wrong2, pairsStudent answer: 2The score is 3Question number: 29, question type: judgment question: 3Contents:Consumer behavior is the process that consumers take to obtain consumer goods and determine the decision-making process of these actions1, wrong2, pairsStudent answer: 1The score is 3Question number: 30, question type: judgment question: 3Contents:The development of the market is a dynamic process driven by the consumer (buyer) and driven by the producer (seller)1, wrong2, pairsStudent answer: 2The score is 3Question number: 31, question type: judgment question: 3Contents:From the actual marketing experience, it is more expensive to maintain the old customers than to attract new customers1, wrong2, pairsStudent answer: 1The score is 3Question number: 32, question type: judgment question: 3Contents:The purpose of the business market is to sell, lease or supply other organizations,Not consumption1, wrong2, pairsStudent answer: 2The score is 3Question number: 33, question type: judgment question: 3Contents:From the perspective of marketing theory, the market is the place where goods are bought and sold1, wrong2, pairsStudent answer: 1The score is 3Question number: 34, question type: judgment question: 3Contents:PEST aims to analyze the industry environment in which the enterprise is located1, wrong2, pairsStudent answer: 1The score is 3Question number: 35, question type: judgment question: 3Contents:Service quality emphasizes customer perceived service quality1, wrong2, pairsStudent answer: 2 The score is 3。



Ch1-Ch4 Question PoolMULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.1) _______1) Marketing seeks to create and manage profitable customer relationshipsby delivering ________ to customers.A) superior promotionB) superior serviceC) competitive pricesD) superior valueE) product assortmentLO. 12) _______2) You have learned at work that today's successful companies at all levelshave one thing in common: they are strongly customer focused andheavily committed to ________.A) marketingB) social responsibilityC) increasing wealth to stockholdersD) employee motivationE) obtaining the best CEOsLO. 13) _______3) The twofold goal of marketing is to attract new customers by promisingsuperior value and to ________.A) keep and grow current customers by delivering competitivepricingB) keep and grow current customers by delivering satisfactionC) keep and grow current customers by delivering friendly serviceD) keep and grow current customers by delivering vast productassortmentE) all of the aboveLO. 14) _______4) You have learned from experience as well as from this course that themost basic concept underlying marketing is that of ________.A) human needsB) fulfilling consumer wantsC) customer satisfactionD) selling and advertisingE) retaining customersLO. 15) _______5) What do companies call a set of benefits that they promise to consumersto satisfy their needs?A) marketing offerB) demand satisfactionC) value propositionD) evoked setE) need propositionLO. 16) We must learn a valuable lesson in marketing. Many sellers make the6) _______mistake of paying more attention to the specific products they offer thanto the ________ produced by those products.A) benefitsB) value satisfactionC) experiencesD) customer loyaltyE) benefits and experiencesLO. 17) _______ 7) Marketing consists of actions taken to build and maintain desirable________ with target audiences involving a product, service, idea, orother object.A) exchange processesB) exchange privilegesC) exchange communicationD) exchange transactionsE) exchange relationshipsLO. 18) The federal government finds it necessary at times to limit demand by8) _______reducing the number of customers or to shift their demand temporarilyor permanently. Name the term for this type of action.A) integrationB) debuggingC) demarketingD) gray marketingE) deregulationLO. 29) The five alternative concepts under which organizations conduct their9) _______marketing activities include the production, ________, selling,marketing, and societal marketing concepts.A) pricingB) promotionC) distributionD) productE) demarketingLO. 110) To practice the marketing concept, an organization must deliver the10) ______________ better than competitors.A) convenient packagingB) attractive pricesC) level of serviceD) advertising campaignE) desired satisfactionsLO. 211) ______ 11) Now many companies are beginning to think of ________ interests aswell as their own customers' needs.A) competitors'B) society'sC) lenders'D) investors'E) stockholders'LO. 212) Companies today face some new marketing realities that mean there are12) ______fewer customers to go around. Changing demographics, ________, andovercapacity in many industries are great concerns.A) slowing incomesB) higher unemploymentC) more sophisticated competitorsD) 9/11E) increased technologyLO. 213) Customers buy from stores and firms that offer the highest ________. 13) ______A) customer perceived valueB) value for the dollarC) level of customer satisfactionD) both B and CE) company imageLO. 114) ______ 14) Because customers tend to act on perceived values, they often do notjudge product values and costs ________.A) oftenB) reliablyC) accurately or objectivelyD) accuratelyE) objectively LO. 115) By supplying customers with special equipment or computer linkages15) ______that help them manage their orders, payroll, or inventory, a businessmarketer would be building customer relationships by adding ________.A) greater customer serviceB) structural tiesC) partnership marketingD) value-added servicesE) none of the aboveLO. 216) When your firm practices developing and maintaining a strategic fit16) ______between your organization's goals and capabilities, it is forming a(n)________.A) operating planB) short-term purposeC) values statementD) strategic planE) mission statementLO. 217) Marketing planning at your firm occurs at what levels? 17) ______A) business unit; product; marketB) business unit; marketC) business unit; productD) product; marketE) business unit; financial unit; marketLO. 218) Your text pointed out that mission statements should be both ________18) ______and specific.A) unachievableB) realisticC) long termD) value ladenE) short termLO. 119) Successful organizations base their missions on their ________. 19) ______A) strategic plansB) value propositionsC) long-term goalsD) values statementsE) distinctive competencies LO. 120) ______ 20) What do we call the collection of businesses and products that make upthe company?A) business portfolioB) investment diversityC) departmentsD) needs inventoryE) none of the above LO. 121) ______ 21) The firm you work for has decided to use the Boston ConsultingGroup's (BCG's) approach to classify its business units. Upon what isthe approach based?A) most profitable unitsB) customer satisfactionC) customer retentionD) cost-benefitsE) growth-share matrix LO. 222) Now that your employer has classified his SBUs, the next step to take in22) ______using the BCG approach is to determine ________.A) the three-year budgetB) the profit centerC) the tactical planD) what role each will play in the futureE) none of the above LO. 223) ______ 23) According to your text, some companies are using all of the following intheir strategic planning except one. Choose it.A) cross-functional teams of managersB) suppliersC) customersD) company philosophyE) employee teams LO. 124) ______ 24) Which of the following explain(s) why a firm might want to abandonproducts?A) The products may have become less profitable.B) The firm may have entered areas where it lacks experience.C) The firm may have grown too fast.D) The market environment might have changed.E) All of the above. LO. 125) A company's value chain is successful when each department adds25) ______________ for customers and ________ other departments.A) satisfaction; coordinates withB) value; coordinates withC) value; shares budgets withD) efficiency; differentiates amongE) value; strengthens LO. 126) ______ 26) Generally speaking, most companies today cannot profitably serve________.A) all foreign marketsB) all consumers in a given market segmentC) all consumers in a given marketD) both A and CE) none of the above LO. 127) Banking, airline, and retailing services are properly termed ________. 27) ______A) accessoriesB) service productsC) adjunct productsD) service encountersE) products LO. 128) ______ 28) A concern with the four Ps is that it takes the ________ view and not the________ view.A) traditional; modernB) seller's; buyer'sC) broad; narrowD) buyer's; seller'sE) domestic; global LO. 129) ______ 29) A major tool for strategic control is a ________, which is acomprehensive, systematic, independent, and periodic examination of acompany's environment, objectives, strategies, and activities todetermine problem areas and opportunities.A) marketing auditB) marketing mix strategyC) business planD) marketing analysisE) marketing plan LO. 130) Which of the following is NOT true about mission statements? 30) ______A) They should be motivating.B) They should be realistic.C) They should be broad, generic statements.D) They should be based on distinctive competencies.E) They should fit the market environment. LO. 131) ______ 31) The most commercially influential demographic group in history is________.A) baby boomersB) infantsC) generation YD) seniorsE) generation X LO. 132) All of the groups within a company are called the ________. 32) ______A) diversityB) internal environmentC) cultureD) rangeE) climate LO. 133) ______ 33) Banks, credit companies, insurance companies, and other businessesthat help finance transactions or insure against the risks associated withthe buying and selling of goods and services are referred to as ________.A) physical distribution firmsB) wholesalersC) marketing service agenciesD) financial intermediariesE) resellers LO. 234) A consumer organization, environmental group, or minority group have34) ______challenged your firm's stand on a local issue. This is the ________ public.A) generalB) localC) mediaD) citizen-actionE) government LO. 135) Defining people by their birth date may be less effective than35) ______segmenting them by their ________ or ________.A) lifestyle; occupationB) income; occupationC) lifestyle; life stageD) gender; sexual preferenceE) occupation; life stage LO. 136) ________ households are now growing faster than ________ households. 36) ______A) Large; traditionalB) Traditional; nontraditionalC) Nontraditional; smallerD) Male-dominant; female-dominantE) Nontraditional; traditional LO. 137) ______ 37) Within given regions, the population is moving from large cities to________.A) foreign countriesB) farming communitiesC) coastal townsD) rural areasE) suburbs LO. 138) ______ 38) The ________ environment consists of factors that affect consumerpurchasing power and spending patterns.A) political-legalB) technologicalC) naturalD) social-culturalE) economic LO. 139) Find the group of expenses that use up most household income. 39) ______A) housing, insurance, taxesB) food, housing, transportationC) housing, taxes, transportationD) food, housing, retirement planningE) food, travel, electronics LO. 140) One of the major concerns for marketers about the natural environment40) ______is the ________.A) increases in recyclingB) offshore oil explorationC) shortages of raw materialsD) number of protestors against misuseE) none of the above LO. 141) ______ 41) As a marketer of pesticides, you should be concerned about all of thefollowing natural environment trends mentioned in your text except________.A) increased pollutionB) increased government interventionC) increased acid rainD) government subsidiesE) shortages of raw materials LO. 242) ______ 42) Which of the following represents the most dramatic force shaping amarketer's destiny?A) partnership marketingB) technological environmentC) legal-political environmentD) deregulationE) natural environment LO. 143) ______ 43) The recent rash of business scandals and increased concerns about theenvironment have created fresh interest in the issues of ________ and________.A) promotion; pricingB) finances; employee discriminationC) management ethics; insider tradingD) ethics; social responsibilityE) ethics; promotion responsibility LO. 144) Marketers must understand that a society's core beliefs and values have44) ______a high degree of ________.A) persistenceB) ethnocentrismC) rigidityD) conformityE) similarity LO. 145) ______ 45) Marketers can take ________ by taking aggressive action to affect thepublics and forces in their marketing environments.A) a relationship building perspectiveB) an environmental perspectiveC) a proactive stanceD) a natural perspectiveE) a natural management perspective LO. 146) ______ 46) Despite the data glut that marketing managers receive, they frequentlycomplain that they lack ________.A) accurate and reliable informationB) timely informationC) quality informationD) valid informationE) enough information of the right kind LO. 147) Your firm has just developed its first successful MIS. It interacts with47) ______information users to assess information needs, develop neededinformation, ________ the marketing information, and help managersuse it in their decision making.A) retrieveB) collectC) validateD) storeE) distribute LO. 248) ______ 48) Marketers must weigh carefully the costs of additional informationagainst the ________ resulting from it.A) costB) benefitsC) rewardsD) usesE) knowledge LO. 149) ______ 49) This systematic collection and analysis of publicly available informationabout competitors and developments in the marketing environment isvery useful. What is it called?A) marketing intelligenceB) Web MasterC) sales and sales managementD) marketing dataE) secondary data LO. 150) ______ 50) Which of the steps in the marketing research process has been left out:defining the problems and research objectives, implementing theresearch plan, and interpreting and reporting the findings?A) developing the research budgetB) choosing the research methodC) choosing the research agencyD) comparing and contrasting primary and secondary dataE) developing the research plan LO. 151) ______ 51) The objective of ________ research is to gather preliminary informationthat will help define the problem and suggest hypotheses.A) descriptive and exploratoryB) descriptiveC) causalD) correctiveE) exploratory LO. 152) ______ 52) The way to begin marketing research is to gather secondary data, whichconsists of information ________.A) that already exists somewhereB) that does not currently exist in an organized formC) that already exists somewhere, having been collected for anotherpurposeD) that the researcher can obtain through surveys and observationE) used by competition LO. 153) ______ 53) This method of research can obtain information that people areunwilling or unable to provide.A) focus groupsB) personal interviewsC) fax surveysD) questionnairesE) observation LO. 154) ______ 54) All of the following are disadvantages of telephone interviewing exceptone. Which one?A) interviewers tend to interpret answers similarlyB) introduces interviewer biasC) under time pressures some interviewers might cheatD) higher cost than mail questionnairesE) A and D LO. 155) ______ 55) Currently you find yourself involved in marketing research. The formyou are using is flexible, allows explanation of difficult questions, andlends itself to showing products and advertisements. What is this formof research?A) online interviewingB) mall interceptsC) vision phone interviewingD) personal interviewingE) none of the above LO. 256) ______ 56) Sampling requires the answers to three questions. Choose theinappropriate one.A) How many people should be surveyed (what sample size)?B) Who is to be sampled (what sampling unit)?C) How should the people be chosen (what sampling method)?D) Why should they be sampled (justification)?E) None of the above. LO. 157) ______57) Researchers interpret and report findings to their managers. What mightbe a typical problem the researcher might encounter when discussingthe findings?A) Managers may accept results that support their preconceivednotions.B) Managers may interpret the findings differently.C) Managers may be biased.D) Managers may not believe the findings.E) All of the above. LO. 158) When managers use small convenience samples such as asking58) ______customers what they think or inviting a small group out to lunch to getreactions, they are using ________.A) focus groupsB) informal surveysC) marketing intelligenceD) experimentsE) observation LO. 159) ______59) Choose the statement that is not a typical consumer reaction to intrusionon consumer privacy.A) Marketers use this information to manipulate our buying.B) Marketers build huge databases full of personal information.C) Sophisticated researchers probe our deepest feelings.D) Marketers make too many products and services available it'sconfusing.E) None of the above. LO. 160) ______60) Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding informationcollected by marketers?A) Most managers do not need more information.B) Many managers are burdened by data overload.C) Managers lack information of the right kind.D) Managers have the right information and they have enough of it.E) Most managers need better information. LO. 1TRUE/FALSE. Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false.61) ______61) A thorough definition of marketing tells us that it is a business andmanagerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what theyneed and want through creating and exchanging products and valuewith others. LO. 162) ______62) The difference between human needs and wants is that needs are statesof felt deprivation. LO. 163) ______63) Customer value in relation to a purchase depends on how well theproduct's performance lives up to the customer's expectations. LO. 164) ______64) Marketing management is interested in serving all customers in everyway to remain competitive in today's markets. LO. 165) ______ 65) The societal marketing concept questions whether the pure marketingconcept overlooks possible conflicts between consumer short-run andlong-run welfare. LO. 166) ______ 66) A smart company tries to delight customers by promising more than itcan deliver and delivering more than it promises. LO. 167) ______ 67) In order to build relationships with key customers, firms should addfinancial and social benefits to customer purchases. LO. 168) ______ 68) The marketing mix includes production, price, promotion, andpackaging; this is known as the four Ps of marketing. LO. 169) A company with many low-margin customers may seek to develop full69) ______partnerships with them; a company with few high-margin customersmay seek to develop basic relationships with them. LO. 170) ______ 70) With selective relationship management, companies use customerprofitability analysis to eliminate losing customers and target winningones. LO. 171) ______ 71) When your organization is involved in the task of selecting an overallcompany strategy for long-run survival and growth, it is conductingstrategic planning. LO. 272) Mission statements should be realistic and general in nature. LO. 1 72) ______73) The major activity in strategic planning is strategic business unit73) ______planning, whereby management evaluates the products and businessesmaking up the company. LO. 174) When an organization identifies and develops new markets for its74) ______current products and services, it is engaged in market development.LO. 175) When a firm finds products or businesses that no longer fit its overall75) ______strategy, it must carefully prune, harvest, or merge them. LO. 176) ______ 76) In today's marketplace, competition takes place between individualcompetitors rather than between the entire value-delivery networkscreated by these competitors. LO. 277) Market positioning is a strong strategy to develop. The company first77) ______identifies possible competitive advantages upon which to build theposition. LO. 178) ______ 78) A firm that organizes by specialist departments is called a divisionalorganization. LO. 179) ______ 79) A marketing audit is actually a thorough examination of a company'sperformance, problems areas, and opportunities. LO. 180) Today's marketers must be good at building relationships in order to80) ______connect effectively with customers, others in the company, and externalpartners. LO. 181) The microenvironment consists of larger societal forces that affect the81) ______microenvironment, such as demographic, economic, political, andcultural forces. LO. 182) ______ 82) Today's marketers recognize the importance of working with theirintermediaries as channels through which they sell their products ratherthan as mere partners. LO. 183) ______ 83) The reason the demographic environment is of major interest tomarketers is because it involves people, and people make up markets.LO. 184) ______ 84) The significant trends in the natural environment include shortages ofraw materials, increased pollution, and decreased governmentintervention. LO. 185) ______ 85) Significant reasons for business legislation to be enacted includeprotecting the interests of society, protecting consumers, and protectingcompanies from each other. LO. 186) ______ 86) The difference in the cultural environment between core values andbeliefs and secondary values and beliefs is that the former are moreopen to change. LO. 187) Environmental concerns have been on the decline in the past decade;87) ______more government legislation and the green movement may be the causeof this trend. LO. 188) ______ 88) Most marketers today believe they still lack a sufficient quantity ofresearch data to make high-quality decisions. LO. 189) ______ 89) Today, marketing managers are viewing research information not onlyas an input for making internal decisions but also as an input forexternal partners. LO. 290) ______ 90) You have just extracted sales and cost data used by the accountingdepartment for preparing financial statements. Most likely, thisinformation should be complete and in useable form to build an internalmarketing database. LO. 191) After carefully questioning your major suppliers and resellers, you91) ______ascertain they do not form important sources of intelligence informationfor marketing decision making. LO. 292) Marketing research is conducted to systematically design, collect, and92) ______report data directly relevant to a specific marketing situation facing theorganization. LO. 193) ______ 93) Once the research problems and objectives have been defined,researchers must determine the exact information needed and present itto management. LO. 194) ______ 94) Secondary data provide good starting points and often help to defineproblems and research objectives, though most companies must alsocollect primary data. LO. 195) A single-source data system uses huge consumer panels and95) ______electronically monitors survey respondents' purchases and exposure tovarious marketing activities. LO. 196) ______ 96) Ideally, a sample should be representative so that the researcher canmake accurate estimates of the thoughts and behaviors of the largerpopulation. LO. 297) ______ 97) After conducting formal marketing research for your department, youmake an oral presentation with notes to management. You are followingnormal marketing research steps. LO. 298) ______ 98) Your manager asked you to go through three of your competitors'garbage bins to gather marketing intelligence from their discardedpaperwork. One of them caught you in the act and has summoned youto court. The judge will most likely rule this to be an illegal activity andfine you and your company. LO. 299) Marketers all agree that questionnaires are the most common research99) ______instrument. LO. 1100) You want to calculate confidence limits for sampling error. It would be100) _____ best to use nonprobability samples. LO. 11) D 2) A 3) B 4) A 5) C 6) E 7) E 8) C 9) D 10) E 11) B 12) C 13) A 14) C 15) B 16) D 17) A 18) B 19) E 20) A 21) E 22) D 23) E 24) D 25) B 26) C 27) B 28) B 29) A 30) C 31) A 32) B 33) D 34) D 35) C 36) E 37) E 38) E 39) B 40) C 41) D 42) B 43) D 44) A 45) C 46) E 47) E 48) B 49) A 50) E 51) E 52) C 53) E 54) A 55) D 56) D 57) E 58) B 59) D 60) D 61) FALSE 62) TRUE 63) FALSE 64) FALSE 65) TRUE66) FALSE 67) TRUE 68) FALSE 69) FALSE 70) TRUE71) TRUE 72) FALSE 73) FALSE 74) TRUE 75) FALSE76) FALSE 77) TRUE 78) FALSE 79) TRUE 80) TRUE81) FALSE 82) FALSE 83) TRUE 84) FALSE 85) TRUE86) FALSE 87) FALSE 88) FALSE 89) TRUE 90) FALSE91) FALSE 92) FALSE 93) FALSE 94) TRUE 95) TRUE96) TRUE 97) FALSE 98) FALSE 99) TRUE 100) FALSE。


专题1 市场与市场营销
22.? “恩格尔定律”认为,随着家庭收入增加,用于购买食品的支出占家庭收入的比重也随之上升。?
20.?确定需要是生产者用户购买决策的起Байду номын сангаас。?
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营销学原理·营销学原理第一次作业一、单项选择题(在每小题备选的四个答案中选择一个最合适的,并将选中答案的字母填在题干前面的括号内.每小题 1 分,共 12 分.)( C ) 1.市场营销的核心是_________.A.生产B.分配C.交换D.促销( C )2.一般日用生活用品,适合于选择_________媒介做广告.A.人员B.专业杂志C.电视D.公共关系( C ) 3._________是指企业利用多种信息载体,与目标市场进行沟通的传播活动,包括广告,人员推销,营业推广与公共关系等等.A.产品B.定价C.促销D.分销( B ) 4.消费者的购买单位是个人或_________.A.集体B.家庭C.社会D.单位( B ) 5.从购买行为来看,专业购买,不易受感情因素影响的这类市场称为A.消费者市场B.生产者市场C.日用品市场D.选购品市场( C ) 6._________主要指协助企业促销,销售和经销其产品给最终购买者的机构.A.供应商B.制造商C.中间商D.广告商( A ) 7.在产品生命周期的投入期,消费品的促销目标主要是宣传介绍产品,刺激购买欲望的产生,因而主要应采用_________促销方式.A.广告B.人员推销C.价格折扣D.营业推广( C ) 8._________差异的存在是市场细分的客观依据.A.产品B.价格C.需求偏好D.细分( D ) 9.属于产业市场细分标准的是_________.A.职业B.生活格调C.收入D.顾客购买规模( D )10.威胁水平高而机会水平低的业务是_________.A.理想业务B.冒险业务C.成熟业务D.困难业务( B )11.为鼓励顾客购买更多物品,企业给那些大量购买产品的顾客的一种减价称为_________.A.功能折扣B.数量折扣C.季节折扣D.现金折扣( D )12.向最终消费者直接销售产品和服务,用于个人及非商业性用途的活动属于_________.A.零售B.批发C.代理D.直销二、多项选择题(在每小题的五个备选答案中至少有两个是正确的,请选出所有正确的答案,并把答案的字母填在题干前面的括号内.错选,多选或漏选均扣分,每小题 2分,共 18 分.) (ABCDE )1.一般来说,市场营销管理哲学(市场观念)的发展演变历程可划分为以下哪几个阶段?_________A.生产观念B.销售观念C.市场营销观念D.产品观念E.社会营销观念(ABC )2.市场营销环境的特征是_________.A.客观性B.差异性C.多变性D.稳定性E.相关性(ACDE )3.市场营销信息系统由_________所构成.A.内部报告系统B.外部报告系统C.营销情报系统D.营销调研系统E.营销分析系统( CDE )4.产品可以根据其耐用性和是否有形进行分类,大致可分为_________.A.高档消费品B.低档消费品C.耐用品D.非耐用品E.劳务( BC )5.只要具备了___________这一条件时,企业就可以考虑通过低价来实现市场占有率的提高.A.市场对价格反映迟钝B.生产与分销的单位成本会随生产经验的积累而下降C.市场对价格高度敏感D.低价能形成潜在竞争者的进入障碍E.产品质量优良(ABCE )6.广告最常用的媒体包括_________.A.报纸B.杂志C.广播D.电影E.电视( BD )7.因为农产品具有_________特点,所以销售时,需要采取特殊的营销措施.A.标准性B.易腐性C.无形性D.季节性E.耐用性( ACDE )8.市场增长率/市场占有率矩阵将经营单位划分为_________几种类型.A.明星类B.金马类C.奶牛类D.问号类E.瘦狗类(ABD )9.无差异营销战略_________.A.具有成本的经济性B.不进行市场细分C.适宜于绝大多数产品D.只强调需求共性E.适用于小企业三、判断题(判断以下各小题的正误,并在题干前面的括号内打"√"或"×"表示.每小题 1 分,共 12 分.)(×) 1.从营销理论的角度看,市场就是买卖商品的场所.(×) 2.顾客总价值是指顾客购买某一种产品或劳务时所期望获得的一组利益.(×) 3.同一个国家不同地区的企业之间营销环境基本上是一样的.(√) 4.产品生命周期一般是指某个品种的产品从投入市场起,到退出市场所经历的时间.(×) 5.地理因素是消费者市场细分最有效的标准(×) 6.销售反应函数表明,企业加大促销力度,其产品销量将持续增加.(× ) 7.代理商是帮助企业销售产品,达成交易,并帮助分担市场风险的一类中间商.(×) 8. 产品质量是整体产品中的核心产品.(× ) 9.拉式策略一般适合于单位价值较高,性能复杂,需要做示范的产品.(× ) 10."孔府家酒"的成功经验表明,加大广告力度可以迅速增加销量和提高知名度,这可为其他企业所模仿.(×) 11."湘菜馆"与"川菜馆"在广东颇受欢迎,这说明不同菜式都适合于全国市场.(√) 12."雕牌"洗衣粉电视广告以下岗女工为诉求对象,强调了产品的功能和实惠,广告的成功说明广告必须对准目标群体.四,填空题(每小题 1 分,共 8 分.)1. 市场营销活动的起点和终点都是顾客 .2. "好酒不怕巷子深",这是产品观念的典型表现.3. 中间商主要指协助企业促销,销售和经销其产品给最终购买者的机构.4.企业把整体市场看作一个大的目标市场,提供一种产品或服务满足其需求,这种营销战略称之为无差异营销战略 .5.不进行市场细分,企业选择目标市场必定是盲目的.6.产品定价的三种导向是:成本导向、需求导向、竞争导向。

7.市场营销机会来源于:未满足的需求8.包装不仅具有保护产品的功能,还具有促销功能.五,问答题(每小题 6 分,共 30 分.)1.现代市场营销是一个整体营销的概念.以工业企业为例,整体营销包括哪三部分营销活动?请分别列出这些活动的内容.答:现代市场营销活动包括产前,产中以及售后服务.产前活动包括市场调查,市场预测,市场营销环境分析,购买者分析,竞争者分析,营销战略制定,市场细分以及目标市场选择.产中活动包括生产,定价,分销,仓储,运输,推销,广告以及销售.售后服务包括送货,安装,维修,培训等.2.企业为什么要进行市场细分?市场细分有什么作用?消费者市场的细分常用那些标准?答:市场细分(Marketing Segmentation)是指营销者利用一定需求差别因素(细分因素),把某一个整体市场划分为若干具有不同需求差别的群体的过程或行为. 在通常情况下,企业不可能为市场的全体顾客服务.因为顾客人数大多,而他们的购买要求又各不相同.因此企业需要把顾客按一定的属性进行分类,从中选择能提供有效服务的顾客群体作为目标市场,并为每个目标市场定制产品开发和营销方案.所以要进行市场细分.市场细分的作用是有利于发现市场机会,是选择目标市场的基础,有利于企业正确制定营销组合策略,提高企业的竞争力.消费者市场细分的标准包括地理环境因素,人口因素,心理因素,行为因素等.3.为什么企业要研究顾客让渡价值?顾客让渡价值包括那两部分?各部分包括哪些具体内容?答:企业要赢得顾客并战胜竞争者,必须了解顾客在面对纷繁复杂的商品,品牌,价格,供应商时,如何进行选择并作出决策的.顾客在一定的限制条件下根据价值最大化原则作出选择.顾客的价值期望的形成是反映顾客选择产品和服务的理论依据,购买决策过程的重要环节,并且影响最后选择.顾客让渡价值(Customer Delivered Value)指顾客总价值与顾客总成本之间的差额.也即包括顾客总价值和顾客总成本两个部分.顾客总价值(Total Customer Value)指顾客购买某一产品与服务时所期望获得的一组利益,包括产品价值(Product Value),服务价值(Service Value),人员价值(PersonalValue)和形象价值(Image Value)等.顾客总成本(Total Customer Cost)指顾客为购买某一产品所耗费的时间,精神,体力以及所支付的货币资金,包括货币成本(Monetary Cost),时间成本(Time Cost),精神成本(Mental Cost)和体力成本(Physical Cost)等.4、解释产品生命周期的概念,产品生命周期包括那几个阶段?简述成熟期的市场特点及企业相应的营销策略?答:产品生命周期指产品从进入市场开始到退出市场为止这一全过程.包括导入期,成长期,成熟期以及衰退期.成熟期具有以下特点:销售量增长缓慢 ,企业利润逐步下降 ,竞争十分激烈 ,商品销售价格降低 ,分销渠道密集.其营销策略包括:从广度和深度上拓展市场,争取新顾客,刺激老顾客增加购买,以增加现有产品的使用频率和消费数量.提高产品质量,进行产品多功能开发,创造新的产品特色,扩大产品的多功能性,安全性和便利性,增加产品的使用价值.改进营销组合策略.5.促销组合包括那些策略?简述人员推销的特点.答:促销方式包括人员推销和非人员推销两种,非人员推销又包括广告,公共关系和营业推广三种具体形式.人员推销是指生产和经营企业的销售人员用谈话方式向可能购买的顾客作口头宣传,以达到推销商品,满足消费者的欲望,实现企业营销目标的一种直接销售方法.人员推销的特点:(1)机动灵活,适应性强.(2)区别对待,针对性强.(3)双向沟通,反馈性好.(4)促成交易,一步到位.(5)收集信息,兼做服务.(6)费用较大,对推销人员素质要求高.六、案例分析题(20 分.)维他豆品公司"维他奶"是一种以大豆为原料的液体豆制品,是在四十年代初由香港着名实业家罗桂祥发明制造的,其目的在于为贫穷的香港劳苦大众提供一种价格低廉而具有高度营养的食品.战前,维他豆品公司生产的维他奶的经营几乎是失败的,维他奶当时的推销术完全套用英式牛奶公司逐户派送鲜奶的方法.这种订户订购,每天派送的手法对外国人和西化的华人来说,是多年来的习惯,但对本地普通大众而言却十分陌生.此外,产品也不被人们接受,因为大多数香港人视豆浆为"寒凉"之物;价格也稍嫌高,因为战前香港居民收入极低.战后,百废待兴,罗桂祥决心重整旗鼓.豆品公司采用了截然不同的销售方法,只做门市,不设订户,推销员每天将维他奶用三轮车送到街区或学校门口,将其当做汽水出售.换言之,维他奶的市场定位从此改变了,由纯粹营养饮品变成汽水或解渴饮料,从此,维他奶的销售量迅速上升,成为当时香港饮料市场的主要品牌之一.从战后到七十年代初,虽然经过多次销售方法及产品本身的改良,但维他奶所标榜的仍然是罗桂祥最初的构想一——"穷人的牛奶",其广告主题一直是:低廉的价格,营养价值和健康的形象.进入七十年代,香港步人富裕阶段,廉价已不是吸引消费者的主要因素了.通过对维他奶和其他汽水消费者的观察,发现了一个有趣的现象:在大街上,凡买其他饮料者,大多数大模大样地从汽水柜中拿起来就喝,但饮维他奶的,则大多站在一旁遮遮掩掩地饮,唯恐给人家看到.另一项调查表明,在七十年代,汽水的主要顾客是十六到二十岁的年青人,而七十年代年轻人的生活方式与战后的贫苦大众显然不同.在这种情况下,维他奶作为"穷人的牛奶"的意义不大,相反它需要建立一个新的年轻消费品的形象.为此,公司推出了强大的广告攻势,主题是要把维他奶的形象年轻化,使它在主要的市场对象即年轻人的心目中是解渴提神的汽水,就像其他汽水一样与他们多姿多彩的生活息息相关,邀请当时的流行歌星,影星拍广告以达到目的,结果大获成功.1.战前豆品公司细分市场的主要标准是:( B )A.地理位置B.收入水平C.年龄D.购买心理2.战前维他奶的定位是:( A )A.牛奶代用品B.饮料C.高档食品D.不明确3.战前维他奶失败的根本原因是:( D )A.目标市场不明确B.产品质量有问题C.进人市场时机不好D.营销方式与目标市场不相配4.战后维他奶最初成功的主要因素之一是:( C )A.目标市场进一步明确化B.营销观念的根本改变C.市场的再定位D.产品质量的改进5.战后维他奶的首次再定位是通过哪种途径?( D )A.产品包装B.产品质量改进C.广告D.分销渠道6.七十年代起,豆品公司市场细分的标准是( A )A.年龄B.性别C.收入D.地理位置7.七十年代维他奶的再定位是一种( C )A.产品质量再定位B.产品包装再定位C.心理再定位D.营销渠道再定位8.案例中,维他奶七十年代再定位的根本原因是( B )A.市场竞争B.经济,文化环境的变化C.产品档次低D.营销渠道有问题9.在豆品公司制定广告策略时,广告主题的选择首先考虑的是( A )A.目标群特点B.产品质量特色C.合适的媒介D.产品形象10.案例给我们的最大启示是( D )A.产品质量至关重要B.营销渠道起关键作用C.广告的作用极大D.营销策略的选择一定要与目标市场相适应。
