中考英语阅读课 教学课件(共26张PPT)
人教版英语 中考英语 阅读理解复习 课件(PPT17张)

人教版英语 中考英语 阅读理解复习 课件(PPT17张)
人教版英语 中考英语 阅读理解复习 课件(PPT17张)
人教版英语 中考英语 阅读理解复习 课件(PPT17张)
带题查阅速定位 紧扣主题排干扰 题文对照细辨伪
1)Which of the following statement is true? 2)Which of the following is NOT true? 3)Which of the following is not mentioned(
① What subject does Mr. Wu teach? A. Chinese B. English C. Math D. P.E
人教版英语 中考英语 阅读理解复习 课件(PPT17张)
人教版英语 中考英语 阅读理解复习 课件(PPT17张)
词义猜测并不难 文中信息细分析
把握语境是关键 反复斟酌定答案
人教版英语 中考英语 阅读理解复习 课件(PPT17张)
词义猜测题例1、2 人教版英语中考英语阅读理解复习课件(PPT17张)
v. 责备
1. You shouldn’t blame him for that— it wasn’t his fault(过错).
2. He is so homely, not at all as handsome as his brother. adj.长相一般的,不漂亮的
1.The band name TFBOYS stands for____A_____. A. The Fighting Boys B. The Famous Boys C. The Friendly Boys D. The Fat Boys
中考英语阅读理解技巧 指导课件(共36张PPT)

finding out the main idea
On 26 May 1928,at a meeting in Amsterdam. A year later in Baracelona, a city of Spain, all the teams agreed that Uruguay(乌拉圭) would hold the first World Cup the next year. 计算时间
Four types
guessing the meaning
Inferring a conclusion
finding out the main idea
Guessing the meaning
Complete the exercises in groups and discuss the skills to solve them.
Types of questions
Four types
guessing the meaning
Inferring a conclusion
finding out the main idea
Inferring a conclusion
1.事实推断 2.指代推断 3.逻辑推断 4.对作者的意图和态度的推断
Types of articles
1.图表广告 (chart and advertisement) (了解图表主题,推敲语言数字) 2.人物故事 (stories) (注意人物、地点、时间、情节的发展) 3.科普知识 (science) (以事实为中心,抓住事物特征、用途、相互关系) 4.新闻报道 (news) (遵循5个W与1个H) 5.文化教育、社会生活 (culture and social life) (关注社会文化生活的背景与细节)
中考英语阅读理解复习课 (共38张PPT)

trees, was holding a baby. Finally, he freed the baby. By this time, other citizens had come.
wAoftmer asanvi,ngbthuerwioemdan,uKnrids merovepdioenc. …esHeohfeawrdaalmlso.anf. u…rAnniotluderr em,anawnads tratprpeeed sin, hwouasesdehbroisl.dHienwgas
44. What's the main idea for Paragraphs 5 and 6? A. Findings of the study.[来^源:z#zstep%.&~com] B. Explanations from the researchers. C. Process of the study. D. Suggestions from the researchers.
B. Kris saved the baby by himself.
C. Kris pulled the first man out of mud. D. Kris found some survivors near his house.[来源:%#中^&教*网]

(1) 根据构词法猜测词义
Eg1. I had walked two kilometers before I found a phone-box and
eventually I was able to get a garage to send someone to give some
Question: The world “eventually” means __________.
A. right away
B. at last
C. with difficulty
D. unhappily
Eg2: Most telephone hot lines are completely anonymous---callers
A. 700
B. 682
C. 388
D. 1070
Eg. Kuming has a population of more than 5,000,000. Question: What’s the population of Kuming? A. Over five millionB. Over five thousand C. Over five billion D. Over five hundred
阅读理解 推测词语意义
推测词语意义是指在阅读过程中根据对语篇提供的信息、逻辑、背景 知识及语言结构等的综合理解去猜测或推断某一生词、关键词或短语的 词义。提高这种技巧可以使我们在阅读过程中能很快通过上下文提供的 线索或生词本身的结构特点推断出词义来,从而提高阅读速度和阅读能 力。 1.What does the underlined word “...” mean? 2. By saying “...” ,the writer means _______. 3. The meaning of the word is __________. 4. The underlined word “...” probably means ______. 5. The word “...” refers to ________. 6. The underlined word “...” can be replaced by ____. 7. Which is the following is the closet in meaning to the word……?
初中英语中考阅读复习专题(new) 课件(共30张PPT)

【说明】 针对文章的事实和细节,常见的提问方式有: ◆ Which of the following is right/true/wrong/ isn’t mentioned? ◆ The following are all right EXCEPT _____. ◆ 用What/Which/When/Where/Why/How等提问. ……
二、快速阅读全文,理解文章大意 以最快的速度读完文章,要特别注意每一段落的 第一句话和最后一句话。这有助于我们了解文章的结 构,理解文章的中心思想及段落大意,解答与文章总 体有关的问题。
三、标示细节问题的出处 再次阅读全文,特别注意与具体细节题目相关的 事实细节并在文章中相关事实细节处做上相应的 记 号,以便对照具体细节题目,印证文章细节,提高解 题的准确率。
As we all know, border(边界)safety is very important to a country. In Chins, many common people, besides soldiers(军 人),are doing what they can to keep the border safe. Wei Deyou is one of them. …… One cold winter day in 1987, when Wei was on his way home from work, a heavy snowstorm came. He lost his way and walked for several hours. He nearly lost his life. Luckily, some soldiers saved him. Another day in 1992,his 400 sheep were driven away or killed. He knew some people hated him because of his strictness. (2017 陕西)

late nor early. ( ) 5. Then Fred couldn’t find his tickets and remembered what he had done with the tickets.
2. Mr Brown said that we had to take a fast look at the
fire because ____B____.
A. it was in the hole B. ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱt was very hot
C. it was orange
D. it was harmful
3. 注意领会文章的寓意。
4.根据题意,初选答案。这一步须仔细审题, 领会测试要求,确定解题方法。对那些明显的, 有把握的题可以断然确定,不必把其余三个答案 再作推敲而浪费时间:有些略难的题,应再查阅 短文(不是重读一遍),迅速找出依据,予以排 除。常用的解题方法有如下几种:
① 直接解题法。即从原文中直接找出答案。 ② 归纳解题法。对于不能从原文中直接找出答
案的可在把握全文中心和线索的前题下进行概括、 归纳得出正确答案。
③ 综合推理法。读者需统观全文,认真分析,
题干中有"suggest, conclude, conclusion, probably, reason, because, according to“等字眼
5. What is the best title(标题)for the article? B A. Watching the Underground - Fire. B. A Way to Put Out the Coal Fires. C. The Burning Earth. D. Coal and Coal Fires.
初中英语阅读课 PPT课件 图文

一.分句正确地朗读课文,了解文章大意。 二.小组带着问题再读课文,找出正确答语。 1.Where is LiYan from? 2.What time does her mother get up in the morning? 3.What does her mother do? 4.After dinner,what does she often do?
3.能够运用所学语言谈论人物。 教学重难点:
1.重点:(Important points:) 初步体会第三人称做主语的一般现在时
2.难点:(Difficult points:) 通过发email 小组交流等方式,询问和介绍家人的日 常生活情况。
afternoon,and then she cooks dinner.After dinner she often ___________ with my father. • She reads English stories ___me.I love my mother and father very much! • Please_____me______your parents,Lucy. • Best ________, • LiYan
Unit 1. I 3
Learning target and impotant difficult points
Fast reading(Fill in the blanks):

初中英语中考阅读理解课件目录CATALOGUE•Overview of Readingcomprehension question types •Vocabulary accumulation andapplication•Sentence comprehension and translation•Chapter structure and logical relationship目录CATALOGUE•Improving reading speed andefficiency•Simulation testing and practical exercises01CATALOGUE Overview of Reading comprehension questiontypesThe article covers a wide range of fields, including stories, popular science, culture, history, etc.Candidates are required to have a broad reading background and vocabulary.There are various types of questions, including multiple-choice questions, true/falsequestions, fill in the blank questions, etc., with multiple-choice questions being the main focus.High score: The reading comprehension section usually accounts for a large proportion ofthe total English score in the middle school entrance examination, which has a significant impact on the candidate's English grades.Characteristics of question types and distribution of scoresWith the advancement of the English reform in the middle school entrance examination, the difficulty of the reading comprehension part is gradually increasing, and higher requirements are placed on the reading and thinking abilities of candidates.In recent years, there have beenmore and more innovativequestions in the English readingcomprehension section of themiddle school entranceexamination, such as task-basedreading, chart reading, etc.More and more articles involvecross-cultural communication,requiring candidates to havecross-cultural awareness and abasic international perspective.Gradually increasing difficulty Innovation inquestion typesCross culturalcommunicationReview and trend analysis of past real problems0102Preview full textFirst, quickly browse the entire text to understand the main idea and theme of the article.Carefully r…Carefully read thequestion, clarify itsrequirements and testpoints.Positioning…Based on the keywordsor phrases in thequestion, locate keyinformation in thearticle.UnderstandingcontextCombining the context,understand the meaningof new words or difficultsentences in the article.Review answersAfter completing allquestions, reviewanswers to ensureaccuracy andcompleteness.030405Problem solving skills and strategies02CATALOGUE Vocabulary accumulation and applicationKey vocabulary sorting and memory methods Sort out high-frequency vocabulary for reading comprehension in the middleschool entrance examination, create a vocabulary list to facilitate students' memoryand review.Assist students in understanding and memorizing words through wordconstruction techniques such as roots and affixes.Combining context and context, enable students to understand and rememberwords in the article, and improve memory efficiency.Guessing Techniques for Word MeaningGuess the meaning of words based on the context, payingattention to the connection and logical relationship between thepreceding and following text.Guess the meaning of words through word formation, such asprefixes, suffixes, roots, etc.Use clues such as synonyms and antonyms to guess the meaningof words.Encourage students to practice using synonyms and synonyms for substitution and rewriting, in order to improve the accuracy and richness of language expression.Analyze the meanings and usage ofcommon synonyms and synonyms,such as "big" and "large", "good"and "well".Help students understand the differences and usage of synonyms and synonyms through example sentences and context.Analysis of synonyms and synonyms03CATALOGUE Sentence comprehension and translationIdentify the main body of the sentenceDetermine the subject, predicate, and object, and understand the core meaning of the sentence.Analyze modifiersIdentify modifiers such as attributives and adverbials, and understand their supplements and limitations on the main body.Adjusting word orderAccording to Chinese expression habits, adjust word order to make translation more natural and fluent.Analysis of Long and Difficult Sentences and Translation MethodsIdentify simple sentences, …Understand the characteristics of different sentence structures in order to understand and translate themcorrectly.要点一要点二Simplify sentence structure Break down long sentences into short ones or simplify complex sentences into simple ones to reduce comprehension difficulty.Sentence structure recognition and simplificationDivision of meaning groups and sentence breaking techniquesMeaning group divisionDividing a sentence into different meaning groups based on its meaning and grammatical structure helps to understand the overall meaning of the sentence.Sentence breaking techniqueBreak sentences in appropriate places to make the translation clearer and more understandable, inline with Chinese expression habits.04CATALOGUE Chapter structure and logical relationshipNarrative writing01Using narration as the main expression, it showcases thedevelopment of the plot by telling events, character experiences,etc.Explanatory text02Using explanation as the main expression, by explaining thenature, characteristics, causes, etc. of things, readers canunderstand them.Argumentative essay03Using argumentation as the main form of expression,expressing the author's viewpoint through presenting facts, reasoning, and other means to convince readers.Genre recognition and characteristic analysis of articlesSynopsis and summarization of paragraphsFinding a topic sentenceThere is usually a sentence in a paragraph that expresses the centralidea, which is the topic sentence. By searching for topic sentences, onecan quickly understand the main idea of a paragraph.Summarize paragraph contentIn the absence of obvious topic sentences, it is necessary to summarizethe main idea of the paragraph by understanding each sentence in theparagraph.Logical relationship judgment and reasoningCausal relationshipCausal relationship often appears in articles, and it is necessary to determine which is the cause, which isthe result, and the logical connection between them.Transition relationshipSometimes transitional words or phrases may appear in an article, indicating a transition or contrast inmeaning. It is necessary to pay attention to the changes in content before and after the transition.Parallel relationshipSometimes in an article, parallel words or phrases may appear, indicating the coexistence ofseveral meanings. It is necessary to pay attention to the logical relationship between them.05CATALOGUEImproving reading speed andefficiencySkimming and scanning skills trainingTeach students how to quickly browse articles, grasp the main idea andcentral idea of the article.Train students to use key information such as titles, subheadings, and firstsentences of paragraphs to predict the content of an article.Guide students to skim through articles and quickly locate key informationand important details.Set a reading time limit to allow students to complete reading tasks within the specified time.Timely provide students with reading feedback,point out problems and shortcomings inreading, and provide improvement suggestions. Provide reading articles of different difficultylevels and types for students to engage intargeted exercises.Limited time reading practice and feedbackDeveloping and Maintaining Reading Habits01Encourage students to develop the habit of reading every day, increasetheir reading volume, and expand their reading scope.02Guide students to choose appropriate reading materials and stimulatetheir interest in reading.03Encourage students to engage in more extracurricular reading, cultivatetheir ability to read independently, and cultivate awareness of lifelonglearning.06CATALOGUE Simulation testing and practical exercisesSelected past high school entrance exam questions, covering reading articles of different themes and genres, ensuring that students are exposed to diverse reading content.Design a simulated test paper tohighlight the key points anddifficulties in readingcomprehension in the middleschool entrance examination, andimprove students' problem-solving ability.Provide a detailed explanation ofthe simulated test paper,including analyzing the structureof the article, summarizing thetypes of questions, and providingguidance on problem-solvingtechniques, to help studentsmaster the essence of readingcomprehension.Design and explanation of simulated test papersStudents practice independently and answer questionsProvide a large number of reading comprehensionexercises for students to choose and practiceindependently, consolidating their knowledge.Encourage students to independently access relevantmaterials, broaden their reading horizons, andimprove their reading speed and accuracy.Set up a Q&A session to answer any questionsstudents may encounter during practice andpromptly eliminate learning barriers.Guide students to arrange exam time reasonably, master the principle of answering questions first easy and then difficult, and ensure efficiency in answering questions.Teach students problem-solvingskills on how to quickly andaccurately grasp the main idea ofan article and the requirements ofthe question, and avoidanswering off topic questions.Provide pre exam psychologicalcounseling to help studentsrelieve tension and maintain aconfident and optimistic attitudewhen preparing for the exam.Examination room strategy guidance and psychological adjustmentTHANKS感谢观看。
中考英语复习《七选五 阅读理解》 课件 (共29张PPT)

A. he is a lazy and ugly piglet。 B. The limited editions (珍藏版) of "McDull McMug Series" comic books (连环漫画册)will come out in February. C. So she tricks (欺骗) him by taking him to a place in Hong Kong.
D. his mother was sad for tricking him. E. The pink piglet has a birthmark(胎 记) in his right eye. F. That's why the piglet is so popular!
G. He has a lot of dreams, but they
Remember: 64 Don’t say anything if you don’t have anything good to say. 65 if you can’t find anything good about people, or you will do more harm than good.
your father, “6C3 ” Remember: 6F4 Don’t say anything if you don’t have
anything good to say. 6B5 if you can’t find anything good about
people, or you will do more harm than good.
1. 现在很多学生都不吃早餐。___________, 我们会感到倦怠、疲劳、脑力无法集中。
中考英语阅读课 教学课件(共26张PPT)

"I used to be a farmer, but last year the farming was not good. As soon as I heard of this project, I brought 40 men aged from 24 to 62 with me for a job."
D 1. This is a passage about the life of
A. farmers with their family B. young people and their parents
C. a new generation(代) of farmers D. immigrant workers(外来务工人员)
friends to___C__
A.have breakfast
B. have lunch
C. have supper
Passage 4:
A shark is a large, dangerous fish. What will you do if you meet a shark while you are swimming? One man who knows all about sharks has given some rules to help you swim safely in the sea.
C. It costs him 2,000 to 3,000 yuan to support a family of five.

Later, the flowers arrived. Then Linda saw something unusual. It was a card. It read, “
Linda, I own (拥有 )this flower shop . I had cancer when I was fifteen years old. I am 24 years old now. Good luck. My heart goes out to you.
Mario loves animals and wants to be an animal doctor. He volunteers at an animal hospital every Saturday morning. Mario believes it can help him to get his future dream job. “It’s hard work, "he says, “but I want to learn more about how to care for animals. I get such a strong feeling of satisfaction when I see the animals get better and the look of joy on their owners’ face.”Mary is a book lover. She could read by herself at the age of four. Last year, she decided to try out for a volunteer after-school reading program. She still works there once a week to help kids learn to read. “The kids are sitting in the library, but you can see in their eyes that they’re going on a different journey with each new book. Volunteering here is a dream comes true for me. I can do what I love to do and help others at the same time.”

5yearold son will pay________for tickets to the activities.
A.10 dollars B.12 dollars
C.16 dollars D.18 dollars
【语篇解读】 短文介绍了“世界蜜蜂日”的活动时间,并 详细地介绍了活动的内容及其目的、门票价
( C
)56.The danger that bees are facing is
caused by ________. A.beekeepers B.food production
C.human activity D.other pollinators
Tickets are $8 for members of BIPC and $10 for nonmembers. Half price for a child. All the money will go to the City Bee
production depends on this yellow and black
insect( 昆 虫 ) and other pollinators( 传 授 花 粉
May 20th this year is the first World Bee Day. It
was created last year by the UN, after Slovenia
Activities for the whole family: talks on bees/bee products for sale/wax(蜡) & candlemaking lessons Bee Communication: Dr Gavin Ramsay will explain the dances of bees, telling you about what smart behaviors bees have.
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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空只能塡一词。 next to 紧挨着
There was a proud teak(柚木) tree in the forest. He
was tall and strong. There was a small herb(草本植
Q: This passage is about__C___ 方法:找 中心句
A. what a shark is B. the best place to swim in C. how to swim safely
Passage 5:
Children are always boasting. They say things like ‘‘My dad’s car is bigger than your dad’s’’. ‘‘My mother is smarter than yours”. ‘‘My family has more money than yours.”
When it was about 6:00 pm, my wife found
that we had little bread. So she asked our
five-year-old daughter, Kathy, to buy some.
Q: One day Kath’s parents invited some
A man in a small size, he was working with about 30 workers to build the wetland park in the new area.
"I used to be a farmer, but last year the farming was not good. As soon as I heard of this project, I brought 40 men aged from 24 to 62 with me for a job."
"I graduated from a technical college in 2008 and used to work as a technician(技 术员) in a village factory. This year a friend brought me here, and it's really a good
students arrived. The music began. The girls
stood in a line on one side, and the boys on
another side.
Q: On Friday evening there would be ___A__
A. a school party B. a school meeting 方法:直接解题
C 高薪水的工人之一,故正确答案为
5. 文章从最后一段可以看出这个三十三岁的工人,是最早来的,现在是一个经 理,最近他把他的父母带到他首都的新家。他说“一个月两千到三千元对我 的家人来说足够在这过快乐的生活”,我感到幸运,社会给我提供了一个好 工作,我抓住了这个机会,在将来我将更加努力争取更大的进步”。因此答
C. a sports meeting
Passage 2:
I won a prize for one of my paintings when I was fourteen. That may be why I went to art school four years later…
When left school, I got some money. I hope to
"2,000 to 3,000 yuan a month is enough for my family to live a happy life here," he said. "I feel very lucky. The society offered me a good job, and I caught this chance. I will work even harder in the future and make bigger progress," he continued.
is harmful (有害的).even the strong will fall
C. It costs him 2,000 to 3,000 yuan to support a family of five.
D. He is pleased enough that he has got the job as a manager.
[分析] 1.完成这道题需要作一定的分析,因为文章中没有给出直接的回答
D ,用自己的辛勤劳动,在都市创造了很好的价值,故正确答案为
2. 在文章的第一段的可以找到依据。一个穿黑夹克的男人高兴地说“我从来没 想过,在我五十多岁的时候,我能带领四十多个人来首都挣钱”。因此答案
B 为 ,他对目前的生活感到自豪。
become a full-time craftswoman.
Q: When finishing school studies, the writer
was about___C__
A. 14
B. 16
C. 21
Passage 3:
One day we invited some friends to dinner.
"I have never imagined this, at the age of over 50, I could lead 40 people to make money in the capital city," said a man in a black T-shirt happily, while wiping the dust(灰尘) off his face.
The word “boasting” means:___A__
A.吹牛 B.骄傲 C.幼稚
1.根据文中内容直接答题 2.根据文中细节判断、推理 3.抓住关键词 4.抓住中心句 5.根据上下文、构词法猜词义
( 2014中考A篇) A
to 物) next
the tree. the strongest 最强壮的
One day, the teak said,“I am the strongest tree
in the forest. Nothing can beat me.”Hearing this, the
herb replied,“Dear friend, too much pride
friends to___C__
A.have breakfast
B. have lunch
C. have supper
Passage 4:
A shark is a large, dangerous fish. What will you do if you meet a shark while you are swimming? One man who knows all about sharks has given some rules to help you swim safely in the sea.
专题训练: Passage 1:
There would be a school party on Friday evening. The girls were talking about what they were going to wear… The party was held on Friday evening. Groups of
C 4. The man of 25 may be
on the project.
A. the most experienced worker
B. the youngest technician
C. one of the most highly paid workers
D. tter reading the beginning of this passage, we know
A. the man has made a lot of money B. the man is proud of his present life
C. the man usually wears dark clothes D. the man is 50 and the boss of 40 men
D 5. What is the right information about the 33-year-old worker? (
A. He was the earliest to get a rise.
B. His parents live with him because of the progress he's made.
Yanglin Middle School Tan Juying
运用所学词汇和句法知识以及相应的阅读策 略阅读短文,并能准确的把握文章的主旨大 意,有目的地提取信息。
1.掌握细节、理解、推理、概括 等阅读方法。