Pipeline transport
管道运输 (Pipeline transport) 是用 管道运输概述 管道作为运输工具的一种长距离 输送液体和气体物资的输方式, 是一种专门由生产地向市场输送 石油、煤和化学产品的运输方式, 是统一运输网中干线运输的特殊 组成部分。有时候,气动管 (pneumatic tube) 也可以做到类似 工作,以压缩气体输送固体舱, 而内里装着货物。管道运输石油 产品比水运费用高,但仍然比铁 路运输便宜。大部分管道都是被 其所有者用来运输自有产品。
运输管道按输送物品的不同分为: 原油管道(运送原油)、
成品油管道(输送煤油、汽油、柴油、航空煤油、 燃料油和液化石油气)、
天然气管道(输送天然气和油田伴生气) 固体料浆管道(如输送煤炭料浆)。
储运工程美国 阿拉斯加原油 管道
西部原油成品 油管道工程
中石化九昌樟成 品油管道工程
现代管道运输始于19世纪中叶,1865年美国宾夕法 尼亚州建成第一条原油输送管道。然而它的进一步发 展则是从20世纪开始的。随着二次大战后石油工业的 发展,管道的建设进入了一个新的阶段,各产油国竞 相开始兴建大量石油及油气管道。 20世纪60年代开始,输油管道的发展趋于采用大 管径、长距离,并逐渐建成成品油输送的管网系统。 同时,开始了用管道输送煤浆的尝试。全球的管道运 输承担着很大比例的能源物资运输,包括原油、成品 油、天然气、油田伴生气、煤浆等。其完成的运量常 常大大高于人们的想象(如在美国接近于汽车运输的运 量)。 近年来管道运输也被进一步研究用于解决散状物 料、成件货物、集装物料的运输,以及发展容器式管 道输送系统。
2. 技术经济特性:
(9)受自然条件影响大 水上运输容易受台风或其他气候条件影响,
内河航道枯洪水期水位变化大,有些海港冬季 结冰,不能实现全年通航。
(10)可达性差 水路运输只能在固定的水路航线上进行运
3. 适用范围:
• 适宜于运距长、运量大、对送达时间要求不 高的大宗货物运输
(6)机动性差 通常情况下,航空运输难以实现“门到门”
3. 适用范围:
• 适宜运送价值高、体积小、时效性要求高的 特殊货物,如电子仪器设备、鲜活易腐货物、 邮件等产品。
• 经济里程:大于1000公里。
1. 管道运输(Pipeline Transport): 是指由钢管、泵站和加压设备等组成
(4)包装要求低 飞机航行平稳,可大大降低货损的比率,
2. 技术经济特性: (5)载运量小
航空运输由于机身容量限制,只能载运小 批量、小体积的货物。
(6)投资大,成本高 飞机造价高,购置、维修费用高,能耗大。
2. 技术经济特性: (7)易受气候条件影响
因飞行条件要求高,航空运输一定程度上 受气候条件的限制,不能保证客货运送的准点 性和正常性。
的利用管道加压输送气体、液体、粉状固 体的运输方式。
五、管道运输 2. 技术经济特性:
• 运输量大
• 灵活性差
• 建设周期短、投资费用低
• 占地少
• 符合绿色运输要求
• 能耗小,成本低
• 运输经常性好
2. 技术经济特性:
(1)运输量大 输油管道每年的输油量可达百万吨到几千
铺设地下运输管线管道运输是国际货物运输方式之一,是随着石油生产的发展而产生的一种特殊运输方式。 具有运量大、不受气候和地面其他因素限制、可连续作业以及成本低等优点。随着石油、天然气生产和消费速度 的增长,管道运输发展步伐不断加快。
管道运输业是中国新兴运输行业,是继铁路、公路、水运、航空运输之后的第五大运输业,它在国民经济和 社会发展中起着十分重要的作用,管道运输是利用地下管道将原油、天然气、成品油、矿浆、煤浆等介质送到目 的地。2006年末,全国输油(气)管道里程为公里,其中输油管公里,输气管公里。2006年底,管道输油(气) 能力为万吨/年,其中输油能力万吨/年,输气能力9418千万立方米/年。
其中,存货持有成本是指花费在保存货物上的费用,除了包括仓储、残损、人力与费用及保险收税收收费用 外,还包括库存占压资金的利息。在计算时,从美国商务部的《国民收入和生产核算报告》《当前商业状况调查》 《美国统计摘要》等获得存货价值的数据。用此数据代入Alford–Bangs公式来测算存货持有成本。其中,利息 是以美国商业利率为标准计算的存货资金占压成本。
“十一五”期间,中国将加快油气干线管和配套设施的规划建设,逐步完善全国油气管线络,建成西油东送、 北油南运成品油管道,同时适时建设第二条西气东输管道及陆路进口油气管道。
未来10年是中国管道工业的黄金期,除得益于中国经济的持续快速发展和能源结构的改变,建设的中俄输气 管线、内蒙古苏格里气田开发后将兴建的苏格里气田外输管线、吐库曼和西西伯利亚至中国的输气管线等,不仅 为中国,也为世界管道业提供了发展机遇。
运输方式:一、海洋运输(Ocean Transport)(一)海洋运输的特点(二)海洋运输船舶的经营方式1、班轮运输(Liner Transport)或定期船运输班轮运输的特点:“四固定”、“一负责”2、租船运输(Charter Transport)或不定期船运输租船运输的特点:租船运输的方式:(1)定程租船(Voyage Charter )或航次租船定程租船的定义定程租船的形式(2)定期租船(Time Charter)定程租船与定期租船的区别:(3)光船租船(Bareboat Charter)或净船期租(4)航次期租(Time Charter on Trip Basis,TCT)(三)海上货物运输费用1、班轮运费由基本运费和附加运费构成基本运费的计算标准和附加费的种类:例题:出口箱装货物共100箱,报价为每箱4000美元FOB上海,基本费率为每运费吨26美元或1.5%,以W/M or Ad V al 选择法计算,每箱体积为1.4m × 1.3m × 1.1m,毛重为每箱2公吨,并加收燃油附加费10%,货币贬值附加费20%,转船附加费40%,求总运费。
练习题:我某公司出口箱装货物一批,报价为CFR利物浦每箱35美元,英国商人要求改报FOB 价。
该批货物的体积为45×40 ×25(厘米),每箱毛重为35公斤,商品计费标准为W/M,基本运费为120美元/运费吨,并加收燃油附加费20%,货币贬值附加费10%。
问:我方应如何报价?2、定程租船运费(1)定程租船运费的计算方式(2)影响定程租船运费的主要因素(3)定程租船运费的支付方式运费预付(Freight Prepaid)和运费到付(Freight Collected)3、定程租船的装卸费(1)船方负担装货费和卸货费(Gross Terms)(2)船方管装不管卸(FO)(3)船方管卸不管装(FI)(4)船方装和卸均不管(FIO)二、铁路运输(Rail Transport)(一)国际铁路货物联运《国际货约》与《国际货协》(二)国内铁路运输1 、对香港的运输2、对澳门的运输三、航空运输(Air Transport)(一)国际空运货物的运输方式(二)航空运输的承运人(三)航空运输的运价四、集装箱运输(Container Transport)(一)集装箱运输的含义及种类不同型号的集装箱一般折算成TEU 计算。
物流专业英语词汇大全-物流英语-物流专业英语-物流英语词汇表一、物流英语的145个专业词汇(1)物流英语之基本概念术语1.物品 article2.物流 logistics3.物流活动 logistics activity4.物流作业 logistics operation5.物流模数 logistics modulus6.物流技术 logistics technology7.物流成本 logistics cost8.物流管理 logistics management 9.物流中心 logistics center 10.物流网络 logistics network 11.物流信息 logistics information 12.物流企业 logistics enterprise13.物流单证 logistics documents 14.物流联盟 logistics alliance 15.供应物流 supply logistics 16.生产物流 production logistics 17.销售物流 distribution logistics18.回收物流 returned logistics 19.废弃物物流 waste material logistics20.绿色物流 environmental logistics 21.企业物流 internal logistics22.社会物流 external logistics 23.军事物流 military logistics24.国际物流 international logistics 25.第三方物流 third-part logistics (TPL)26.定制物流 customized logistics 27.虚拟物流 virtual logistics28.增值物流服务 value-added logistics service 29.供应链 supply chain 30.条码 bar code31.电子数据交换 electronic data interchange (EDI) 32.有形消耗 tangible loss33.无形消耗 intangible loss物流专业英语词汇大全-物流英语-物流专业英语-物流英语词汇表一、物流英语的145个专业词汇(1)物流英语之基本概念术语1.物品 article2.物流 logistics3.物流活动 logistics activity4.物流作业 logistics operation5.物流模数 logistics modulus6.物流技术 logistics technology7.物流成本 logistics cost8.物流管理 logistics management9.物流中心 logistics center10.物流网络 logistics network11.物流信息 logistics information 12.物流企业 logistics enterprise13.物流单证 logistics documents 14.物流联盟 logistics alliance 15.供应物流 supply logistics16.生产物流 production logistics17.销售物流 distributionlogistics18.回收物流 returned logistics19.废弃物物流 waste material logistics20.绿色物流 environmentallogistics21.企业物流 internal logistics22.社会物流 external logistics 23.军事物流 military logistics 24.国际物流 international logistics 25.第三方物流 third-partlogistics (TPL)26.定制物流 customized logistics 27.虚拟物流 virtual logistics28.增值物流服务 value-addedlogistics service29.供应链 supply chain30.条码 bar code31.电子数据交换 electronic datainterchange (EDI)32.有形消耗 tangible loss33.无形消耗 intangible loss 奖罚(2)物流英语之物流作业术语1.运输 transportation2.联合运输 combined transport3.直达运输 through transport4.中转运输 transfer transport5.甩挂运输 drop and pull transport6.集装运输 containerized transport7.集装箱运输 container8.门到门 door-to-door9.整箱货 full container load (FCL) transport 10.拼箱货 less than container load (LCL ) 11.储存 storing 12.保管 storage 13.物品储存 article reserves 14.库存 inventory15.经常库存 cycle stock 16.安全库存 safety stick 17.库存周期 inventory cycle time 18.前置期(或提前期) lead time 19.订货处理周期 order cycle time 20.货垛 goods stack 21.堆码 stacking 22.搬运 handing/carrying 23.装卸 loading and unloading24.单元装卸 unit loading and unloading 25.包装 package/packaging26.销售包装 sales package 27.定牌包装 packing of nominated brand28.中性包装 neutral packing 29.运输包装 transport package 30.托盘包装 palletizing 31.集装化 containerization 32.散装化 containerization 33.直接换装 cross docking 34.配送 distribution 35.共同配送 joint distribution 36.配送中心 distribution center 37.分拣 sorting 38.拣选 order picking 39.集货 goods collection 40.组配 assembly 41.流通加工 distribution processing 42.冷链 cold chain 43.检验 inspectiontransport10.拼箱货 less than containerload (LCL )11.储存 storing12.保管 storage13.物品储存 article reserves 14.库存 inventory15.经常库存 cycle stock 16.安全库存 safety stick 17.库存周期 inventory cycle time 18.前置期(或提前期) lead time 19.订货处理周期 order cycletime20.货垛 goods stack21.堆码 stacking22.搬运 handing/carrying23.装卸 loading and unloading24.单元装卸 unit loading andunloading25.包装 package/packaging26.销售包装 sales package27.定牌包装 packing of nominatedbrand28.中性包装 neutral packing 29.运输包装 transport package 30.托盘包装 palletizing 31.集装化 containerization 32.散装化 containerization 33.直接换装 cross docking 34.配送 distribution 35.共同配送 joint distribution 36.配送中心 distribution center 37.分拣 sorting 38.拣选 order picking 39.集货 goods collection 40.组配 assembly41.流通加工 distributionprocessing42.冷链 cold chain 43.检验 inspection 奖罚(3)物流英语之物流技术装备及设施术语物流1.仓库 warehouse2.库房 storehouse3.自动化仓库 automatic warehouse4.立体仓库 stereoscopic warehouse5.虚拟仓库 virtual warehouse6.保税仓库 boned warehouse7.出口监管仓库 export supervised warehouse8.海关监管货物 cargo under customer’s supervision 9.冷藏区 chill space10.冷冻区 freeze space 11.控湿储存区 humidity controlled space12.温度可控区 temperature controlled space 13.收货区 receiving space14.发货区 shipping space 15.料棚 goods shed 16.货场 goods yard 17.货架 goods shelf18.托盘 pallet 19.叉车 fork lift truck 20.输送机 conveyor21.自动导引车 automatic guided vehicle (AGV) 22.箱式车 box car 23.集装箱 container24.换算箱 twenty-feet equivalent unit (TEU) 25.特种货物集装箱 specific cargo container26.全集装箱船 full container ship 27.铁路集装箱场 railway container yard28.公路集装箱中转站 inland container depot29.集装箱货运站 container freight station (CFS) 30.集装箱码头 container terminal31.国际铁路联运 international through railway transport32.国际多式联运 international multimodal transport 33.大陆桥运输 land bridge transport 34.班轮运输 liner transport 35.租船运输 shipping by chartering 36.船务代理 shipping agency 37.国际货运代理 international freight forwarding agent 38.理货 tally39.国际货物运输保险 international transportation cargo insurance 40.报关 customs declaration 41.报关行 customs broker 42.进出口商品检验 commodity inspection(4)物流英语之物流管理术语1.物流战略 logistics strategy2.物流战略管理 logistics strategy management3.仓库管理 warehouse management4.仓库布局 warehouse layout5.库存控制 inventory control6.经济订货批量 economic order quantity (EOQ)7.定量订货方式 fixed-quantity system (FQS)8.定期订货方式 fixed-quantity system (FIS)9.ABC分类管理 ABC classification10.电子订货系统 Electronic order system (EOS) 11.准时制 just in time (JIT)12.准时制物流 just-in-time logistics 13.零库存技术 zero-inventory logistics14.物流成本管理 logistics cost control 15.物料需要计划 material requirements planning (MRP)16.制造资源计划 manufacturing resource planning (MRP II)17.配送需要计划 distribution requirements planning (DRP)18.配送资源计划 distribution resource planning (DRP II)19.物流资源计划 logistics resource planning20.企业资源计划 enterprise resource planning (ERP)21.供应链管理 supply chain management (SCM) 22.快速反映 Quick response (QR)23.有效客户反映 efficient customer response(ECR)24.连续库存补充计划 continuous replenishment program (CRP)25.计算机付诸订货系统 computer assisted ordering (CAO)26.供应商管理库存 vendor managed inventory (VMI) 27.业务外包 outsourcing二、常用物流英语50句1.Modern logistics is one of the most challenging and exciting jobs in the world.现代物流是世界上最富挑战性和最激动人心的工作。
管道输送协议简介1. 引言管道输送协议(Pipeline Transport Protocol)是一种用于在计算机网络中传输数据的协议。
2. 协议概述管道输送协议是一种面向连接的协议,它建立在传输控制协议(TCP)之上。
3. 工作原理管道输送协议采用了类似于流水线的传输方式。
4. 特性管道输送协议具有以下主要特性:4.1 高效传输管道输送协议采用了流水线传输方式,并通过合理地管理和控制数据流,实现了高效的数据传输。
4.2 可靠性管道输送协议基于TCP协议提供可靠的传输机制。
4.3 适应性由于管道输送协议建立在TCP协议之上,它能够适应各种网络环境和应用需求。
4.4 扩展性管道输送协议具有很好的扩展性。
5. 应用领域管道输送协议在各个领域都有广泛的应用。
物流常用英语20句1.Modern logistics is one of the most challenging and exciting jobs in the world.现代物流是世界上最富挑战性和最激动人心的工作。
2.Logistics is part of a supply chain.物流是供应链的整体组成部分。
3.Logistics is anything but a newborn baby.物流是新鲜事物4.Logistics is a unique gl obal “pipeline”.物流是独特的全球通道。
5.Logistics is related to the effective and efficient flow of materials and information.物流所涉及的是物料和信息有效、快速的流动。
6.Logistics operation and management include packaging, warehousing, material handling, inventory control, transport, forecasting, strategic planning, customer service, etc.物流操作和管理包括包装、仓储、物料搬运、库存控制、运输、预测、战略计划和客户服务等方面。
7.Logistics consists of warehousing, transportation, loading and unloading, handling, carrying, packaging, processing, distribution and logistics information.物流由仓储、运输、装卸、搬运、包装、加工、配送和物流信息所组成。
8.Logistics may be divided into supply logistics, production logistics, distribution logistics, returned logistics and waste material logistics.物流可以分成供应物流、生产物流、销售物流、回收物流和废弃物物流。
五种运输方式的英语表达五种运输方式的英语表达1. Land transportation- Road transport: using vehicles to transport goods or people on roads, highways, or motorways. Example: The company uses trucks for road transport to deliver their products to different cities.- Rail transport: using trains to transport goods or people on railways. Example: The rail transport system is more efficient for transporting heavy goods over long distances. - Pipeline transport: using pipelines to transport liquids or gases over long distances. Example: The oil industry uses pipeline transport to move crude oil from one place to another.2. Water transportation- Sea transport: using ships or boats to transport goods or people over long distances on the sea. Example: The company exports their products to other countries by sea transport. - Inland waterway transport: using rivers, canals, or lakes to transport goods or people. Example: The transport of goods by inland waterways is more economical and environmentally friendly.3. Air transportation- Air transport: using airplanes or helicopters to transport goods or people over long distances in the air. Example: The company uses air transport to deliver their products to other countries quickly.- Space transportation: using spacecraft to transport peopleor goods into space. Example: The space transportation industry is growing rapidly with the development of space tourism.4. Cable transportation- Cable transport: using cables to transport goods or people over long distances. Example: The cable transport system is commonly used in mountainous areas for tourism or transportation.5. Pipeline transportation- Pipeline transport: using pipelines to transport liquids or gases over long distances. Example: The oil industry uses pipeline transport to move crude oil from one place to another.In conclusion, there are various ways to transport goods or people, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. The choice of transportation mode depends on factors such as distance, speed, cost, and environmental impact.。
TransportationTransport tools such as cars,boats,aircraft,pipeline transport five kinds of railways,highways,aviation,water and pipeline transportation.1, railway transportation of advantages and disadvantagesFrom technical performance on look, railway transportation advantages are:(2) transportation capacity(3) railway transport process by natural condition limit smaller, thecontinuity is strong, can guarantee the annual operation;(4) general performance is good, not only can be shipped guest and canbe shipped all kinds of different goods;(5)the train departure time passenger transportation accuracy is higher;(6) the train running smoothly, safe and reliable;Railway transportation defect is:(1)investment is too high,spiraling cost per km railway for 100-3million yuan between, railway in 400 ~ 5 million yuan cost between;(2)long construction period,a main building of 5to 10years,and covers an area of too much, as the growth of the population, will increase the burden of more to the society.2,the waterway transportation of advantages and disadvantagesFrom technical performance look,water and land transportation advantages are:(1)transportation capacity.In the five major way,the waterway transportation capacity is the largest, in the main, a snorting tugs or the barges transport team ability has more than ten thousand tons, the largest foreign the barges of carrying capacity of the team from 3to 400tons, the world's largest oil tanker has more than 5000 tons;(2) in the transportation conditions good channel, through the abilityto almost not restricted.(3)water transport general performance is good,can be shipped guest not only, also can goods, can carry all kinds of goods, especially the big.(4) transportation cost low,;the main drawback of water transportation is:(2)delivery speed is slow,the goods in transit,will increase the flow of the amount of money the owner.3 and road transportation of advantages and disadvantagesHighway transportation advantage is:(1)is flexible and less wear of goods,transport speed,can realize the door to door delivery;(2)lessinvestment,building roads,material and technology is easier to solve, easy in all the widespread social development, can saying is the greatest advantage of the highway transportation.The main drawback of road transportation is to:(1) transportation capacity is small(2) transportation energy consumption is very high, railway transportenergy consumption were 10.6~15.1times,coastal transportation energy consumption is 11.2~15.9times,is inland waterway transportation 113.5~ 19.1 times, pipeline transport energy consumption is 4.8 ~ 6.9 times,but more civil aviation transportation energy consumption is low, only civil aviation transportation of 6% ~ 87%;(3)high transportation costs(4) low labor productivity,4, civil aviation transportation advantages and disadvantagesCivil aviation transportation advantage is:(1) fast operation, general in 800 ~ 900 km/hour, shorten the distancebetween the two;(2) motor performance is good, almost to fly over the various naturalbarriers, can arrive other modes of transportation difficult to reach place.Defect is:5, and the advantages and disadvantages of the pipeline(1)large volume of traffic,foreign a 720mm diameter of conveying pipeline, a year can transport of coal 20 million tons, is almost equal to a coil of single direction of railway transport capacity;(2)transportation bill small occupies little space,pipeline need only laying pipelines,build the pump station,and the quantity of conditions than building the much smaller. And in the valley areas, mostly buried under it, do not take a farmland;(3) the energy consumption is small, in various transportation means isthe lowest in;(4) safe, reliable, and no pollution, low cost;(5) against climate influence, and may, all-weather transport, goodsdelivered the high reliability.(6) pipeline can walk crosscut, transportation distance is short;(7) can achieve closed transportation, less waste.Pipeline transport defect is:(1)specificity is strong,can only transport oil,natural gas and solid pulp (such as coal, etc), but, in the field of occupying, have fixed reliable market;(2) pipe up with the highest traffic between the throughput bysmall,therefore,early in oilfield development,the pipeline transport difficulties,but also the highway,railway,water and land transportation as a transition.type serrviceability price Highway Scope of the largest and fast affordable economical price.Pipe suitable for long-term use, liquid private one lessinvestment.Railway suitable for large and bulky objects, speed,the most range smaller than the highway economical highway suitable for long distance, fastest, a smaller the most expensive range price.Water suitable for coastal areas, slow economical price.transport。
pinna trace 羽片迹pinna 羽片pinnace 舢板;舰载艇pinnacle reef 尖礁pinnacle 尖顶;顶点;尖礁pinnate draingage 羽状水系pinnate fracture 羽状裂缝pinnate joint 羽状节理pinnate shear joint 羽状剪节理pinnate tension gash 羽状张裂缝pinnate tension joint 羽状张节理pinned coupler 插销连接器pinned open position 销钉固定的开启位置pinnipedina 鳍脚亚目pinocamphone 松莰酮pinoline 松香烃pinpoint porosity 极小孔隙性pinpoint test 一点测试pinpoint 针头pinpointer 管道检漏器pint 品脱pintle 舵栓;枢轴;针栓pinux 松属piochelys 蛇颈龟属piocs 实际输入输出控制系统pion 介子pioneer well 初探井pioneer 先驱者pioneering research 开创性研究pioneering 踏勘piovted window 摇窗pip integrator 脉冲积分器pip matching 反射脉冲调整pip 泵入压力pip 泵吸入口压力pip 程序互连过程pip 脉冲pip 生产注入封隔器pipage 管线;管输费用pipe abandon 弃管作业pipe adapter 管接头pipe alignment 管道放线pipe amplitude log 套管声幅测井图pipe analysis log 套管分析测井pipe analysis tool 套管分析测井仪pipe anchor 管线固定锚pipe arrangement 管子排列pipe barge 载管船pipe base perforating 中心管打眼pipe base 中心管pipe basket 钻杆装运车架pipe becoming stuck 钻杆被卡pipe bed 管垫pipe bend 弯管pipe bender 弯管机pipe bending roll 弯管辊pipe bending 弯制管子pipe bevel 管坡口pipe bneding shoe 弯管胎瓦pipe boom jaw 管子吊臂卡爪pipe bracket 管托pipe brush 管刷pipe buggy 钻台前送管小车pipe bundle 管束pipe cap 管端盖帽pipe capacity 管路的输送能力pipe car 运管车pipe carrier 管架pipe choking 管子堵塞pipe clamp 管卡pipe cleaner 清管机pipe cleaning machine 清管机pipe clip 管夹pipe coater 管道绝缘工pipe coating machine 管子涂敷机pipe coating plant 管子涂层预制厂pipe coating 管面涂层pipe coil 盘管pipe collar 管箍pipe concrete coating thickness 管子混凝土加重层厚度pipe connection 管子连接pipe conveyed logging 钻杆传送测井pipe cooler 管式冷却器pipe core 中心管pipe coupling 管箍pipe cradle 管子吊架pipe cutter 切管器pipe cutting machine 切管机pipe detector 管子位置探测器pipe ditch 管沟pipe dog 管钳;钩管环pipe dolly 带辊架管车pipe dope 螺纹润滑油;管外壁涂料pipe driving 顶管pipe elevator 油管吊卡pipe end facing machine 管端坡口机pipe end flange 管端法兰pipe end preheating 管口预热pipe end 管端pipe expander 胀管器pipe expansion joint 管子伸缩连接;伸缩管接头;伸缩器;补偿器pipe explosion 管爆裂pipe explosive 管爆裂pipe eye 管子钩环pipe facing machine 对管机pipe filter 管式过滤器pipe finger 指梁pipe fitter 管工pipe fittings 管件pipe flange 管子法兰pipe friction coefficient 钻杆摩擦系数pipe gallery 管子坑道pipe gang 对管班pipe go-devil 清管器pipe graber 抓管机pipe grade 管材等级pipe grapple 管卡pipe grip 捞管爪;管钳pipe hanger 吊管架pipe hauling trailer 运管拖车pipe head 管路进油端pipe heater 管式加热炉pipe heater 管式炉pipe holder 管子支架pipe hook 吊管钩pipe in pipe casing 双层组合套管结构pipe installation 管路铺设pipe insulating segment 管子扇形保温块pipe jack 对管夹具;立根撬杠pipe joint compound 管子胶合剂pipe joint 管子连接pipe junction 管节pipe lagging 管套pipe lathe 管子加工车床pipe laying ship 铺管船pipe leak 管子裂缝pipe line anchor 管道固定锚pipe line pusher 管道技师pipe liner 管套pipe man 管工;消防水枪手pipe manifold valves 梳形分配阀组pipe manifold 分叉管;梳形管pipe measurement 管子测量pipe mill 钢管厂pipe network 管网pipe nipple 短管pipe opening 管子割缝间隙pipe ore sampler 取样管pipe pad 管垫pipe pier 管墩pipe pig 清管器pipe plate 制管钢板pipe plug 管堵pipe protection 管道保护pipe protector 管子护丝pipe prover 管子检验器;管式流量标定装置pipe pusher 钻工;顶管机pipe pushing 顶管pipe rack 管排;管架pipe racker 架工pipe racking stand 立根架pipe ram 闸板pipe ramp 管子坡道pipe range 管路网;一组管子pipe reciprocator 上下活动套管的装置pipe recovery log 钻杆打捞测井pipe recovery 管材回收pipe reducer 大小头pipe resistance 管子阻力pipe retrieval 收回管线作业pipe riser 升管机;立管pipe rubber 钻杆橡胶护箍pipe run 管道pipe saddle 鞍形管座pipe scaffolding 管子脚手架pipe scale 管垢pipe scraper 刮管器pipe sealing 管子密封pipe section modulus 管子截面系数pipe setback 立根盒;靠在指梁上排立的立根pipe shoe 管鞋pipe skid 运管滑行台pipe slacking block 钻杆盒pipe sleeve joint 管套接头pipe sleeve 管套pipe sling 吊管机pipe spanner 管钳pipe stabber 管子对准器pipe still 管式蒸镏炉pipe storage 管材库pipe straightener 管子校直器pipe straightening machine 直管机pipe stretch method 管柱伸展法pipe string 管柱;一段管线pipe support 管支座pipe surface temperature 管壁温度pipe swedge 管子整形器pipe swing 管子活动接头pipe system 管路系统pipe tally 管子丈量;管子点数pipe tap 管螺纹丝锥pipe tapping machine 管道开孔机pipe tensioner 管子张紧装置pipe testing 管子检验pipe thread protector 护丝pipe thread tap 管螺纹丝锥pipe thread 管螺纹pipe threading machine 管螺纹机pipe tongs 管钳pipe train 管道挤塑机组pipe trench 管沟pipe trolley 推管车;高线滑车pipe twist 管钳pipe union 管子活接头pipe valve 管阀pipe vice 管子虎钳pipe viscometer 管式粘度计pipe wall 管壁pipe waves 管道波pipe way 指梁;管道栈桥pipe welding clamp 管道焊接对管器pipe wind-up angle 钻柱扭转角pipe wiper 钻杆刮泥器pipe wrapping machine 管子缠带机pipe wrench 管钳pipe yard 管子场pipe 管子;导管;管状物;缩管;重皮;烟斗;最大桶pipe-base-type screen 带中心管的筛管pipe-bending machine 弯管机pipe-bending mandrel 弯管芯pipe-carrier-class supply vessel 载管级供应船pipe-casting in trenches 管子浇灌在管沟中pipe-delivery truck 管子运输车pipe-end-preparing lathe 管端坡口车床pipe-freeing concentrate 解卡剂pipe-handling 管子操作pipe-in system 管道系统pipe-jacking system 顶管机pipe-laying plan 铺管计划pipe-laying progress chart 铺管进度图表pipe-laying tractor 铺管拖拉机pipe-laying winch 铺管绞车pipe-line cradle 管道吊架pipe-stablizing pile 稳管桩pipe-to-soil potential 管地电位pipe-to-soil resistance 管地电阻pipe-type meter prover 管式流量计标定装置pipeage =pipagepiped oil 管输原油pipehandler 管子操作装置pipelay vessel 铺管船pipelayer 吊管机pipelaying barge 铺管船pipelaying 管道铺设;铺管pipeless hydrodrill 无杆水力钻具pipeless screen 无中心管的筛管pipeline abandonment 管线报废pipeline anchoring 管线锚固pipeline and cable crossing 管线与电缆的交叉pipeline atlas 管线图集pipeline bedding 管线支垫pipeline blending 管道混油pipeline blind 管线盲板pipeline bridge 管桥pipeline brush 管线刷pipeline burying machine 埋管机pipeline capacity 管线输送能力pipeline cat 有经验的管道建筑人员pipeline chaining 流水线链接pipeline clamp 管夹pipeline cleaner 清管器pipeline clock rate 流水线时钟速率pipeline coating property 管线涂层性能pipeline communication 管道通信pipeline construction 管道建造pipeline control valve 管道操纵阀pipeline corridor 管廊pipeline corrosion leak 管线腐蚀泄漏pipeline corrosion protection 管线防腐pipeline cost index 管线费用指数pipeline crack arrester 管线裂缝限制器pipeline crossing 管道穿越pipeline cycle 流水线周期pipeline delumper 管道破碎机pipeline design 管线设计pipeline engineering 管道工程pipeline erosion 管道磨蚀pipeline excavator 管沟挖掘机pipeline feng 冯氏管子pipeline filter 管线过滤器pipeline float and drag method 管道浮拖法pipeline flotation 管线漂浮pipeline fluid inventory 管线存液量pipeline fracture test 管线破裂试验pipeline gas 管输天然气pipeline gauger 管线计量工pipeline head 管线起点pipeline heater 管线加热炉pipeline hydraulic surge 管线水击pipeline hydraulics 管路水力学pipeline identification 管路标志pipeline inspection sphere 管线检查球形潜水器pipeline inspector 管线检验员pipeline installation 管线敷设pipeline interval 流水线间隔时间pipeline kettle 管线防腐用沥青锅pipeline lay-stress analysis 铺管应力分析pipeline laying 管道铺设pipeline layout 管道线路设计pipeline leak detection 管线检漏pipeline maintenance 管道维护pipeline management 管线管理pipeline microwave network 管线微波网pipeline monitoring station 管线监控站pipeline monitoring system 管线监控系统pipeline oil 管输原油pipeline operation report 管线运行报告pipeline orifice 管道锐孔流量计pipeline overhead time 流水线开销时间pipeline patrol 管线巡线pipeline pitch 道管的坡度pipeline plough 管沟挖掘犁pipeline processor 流水线处理机pipeline purging 管道吹洗pipeline reeling 卷管线pipeline rider 巡线员pipeline rout 管道走向pipeline route profile 管道纵断面图pipeline route survey 管道线路勘测pipeline routing 管道选线pipeline run 管道输送量pipeline safety 管线安全pipeline sales oil specification 管线销售原油规格pipeline sample 管线油样pipeline scraper 刮管器pipeline shore-approach 海滨区管线pipeline shutdown 管线停输pipeline sling 吊管带pipeline span 管道跨度pipeline spread 管道施工队pipeline stage 流水线站pipeline station 管线泵站pipeline stock 管道内积存油pipeline storage 管道内存油量pipeline suspension bridge 管线吊桥pipeline tank 管道油罐pipeline tapping 管道开口pipeline tariff 管线运输价目pipeline thread 管道螺纹pipeline transmission capacity 管道输送能力pipeline transport 管线输送pipeline transportation 管道输送pipeline trash 管道废料pipeline unreeling 松开管线卷pipeline valve 管道阀门pipeline walker 管道巡查人员pipeline walking 巡线pipeline welding 管线焊接pipeline wrapping 管道包扎pipeline 管线pipeline's surrounding environment 管线周围环境pipeline-connected 用管线连接的pipeline-quality gas 符合管道外输标准的天然气pipeline-quality oil 符合管道外输标准的原油pipeline-up station 对管站pipeliner 管道工pipelining in cpu 中央处理机流水线pipelining 管道输送;管道敷设pipelocator 管线位置探测器piperazin 哌嗪;对二氮已环piperidine 哌啶;氮杂环已烷;氮已环piperidinium chloride 氯化哌啶piperylene 戊间二烯;1pipet 移液管pipette 移液管pipework 管道工程piping arrangement 管道布置piping bridge 管道桥piping diagram 管路图piping for tank farm 油库管道piping hanger 管道吊架piping insulation 管道绝缘piping jacket 管道保护层piping layout 管道平面布置图piping manifold 管道分叉管组piping plan 管系布置图piping porosity 长形不连续气孔piping repair products 管线修理用配件产品piping standards 管道标准piping system 管道系统piping 管道系统;管道输送;管道铺设pipper 瞄准器中心pique 探井;刺激;俯冲攻击pir 孔隙度指示比piracy 河流截夺pirate river 袭夺河pirate stream 袭夺河pirate valley 袭夺谷pirated stream 被夺流河pirated valley 被夺流谷pirating 掠夺pirssonite 钙水碱pisces 鱼形总纲piscichnia 鱼迹纲;全遗迹类piscivorous 食鱼的pise 砌墙泥pisolina 豆nfda3属pisolite 豆石pisolith 豆石pisolitic limestone 豆状灰岩pisolitic sinter 豆状钙华pisolitic structure 豆状构造pisolitic 豆状pisophalt 软沥青pisosparite 豆状亮晶灰岩pissasphalt 天然沥青pisselaeum 臭沥青pistillachitina 杆几丁虫属pistol 手枪;焊接工具;金属喷镀器piston action 活塞作用piston body 活塞体piston bore 活塞缸筒piston bush 活塞衬套piston clearance 活塞余隙piston compressor 活塞式压缩机piston core-sampler 活塞式井壁取心器piston crown 活塞顶piston cup 活塞皮碗piston curl 活塞环piston displacement method 活塞置换法piston displacement prover 活塞置换式检定装置piston displacement 活塞位移piston displacer 活塞置换器piston drive sampler 活塞式驱动取样器piston effect 活塞效应piston engine 活塞式发动机piston face 活塞表面piston follower 活塞随动件piston governor valve 活塞调节阀piston head 活塞头piston knock 活塞爆震piston liquid meter 活塞式流量计piston load capacity 活塞载荷能力piston metering pump 活塞式计量泵piston motor 活塞式液压马达piston nut 活塞螺帽piston operated valve 活塞操作阀piston packing ring 活塞环piston packing 活塞填料piston path 活塞冲程piston pin 活塞销piston positioner 活塞式定位器piston pressure 活塞压力piston pump 活塞泵piston ring compressor 活塞环压紧装置piston ring groove 活塞涨圈槽piston ring sticking 活塞环粘滞piston ring 活塞环piston rod guide 活塞相导向器piston rod oiler 活塞杆加油器piston rod packing 拉杆盘根piston rod 活塞杆piston sampler 活塞式取样器piston slide valve 活塞滑阀piston spinning pump 活塞纺丝泵piston stroke 活塞冲程piston stroking upward 活塞上行piston supercharger 活塞增压器piston travel 活塞冲程piston valve body 活塞阀阀体piston valve 活塞阀piston 活塞piston-actuated 活塞促动的piston-like displacement 活塞式驱替piston-like flow 活塞式流动piston-like front 活塞状前缘piston-like movement 活塞式推进piston-type flow 活塞式流动piston-type pump 活塞式泵piston-type sliding valve 活塞式滑阀pistonphone 活塞发声器pit alert system 液位报警系统pit capacity 泥浆池容量pit corrosion 麻点腐蚀pit depth 点蚀深度pit gain 池内液位增长pit gauge 深度尺pit leak 麻点漏油pit level indicator 池液面指示器pit level 池液位pit liner 储池衬板pit sampling 槽探取样pit shooting 土坑爆炸pit temperature 泥浆池中泥浆温度pit 坑pit-alert sensor 泥浆池液面报警传感器pit-and-mound structure 坑-丘构造pit-level device 泥浆池液面指示器pit-volume indicator 泥浆池液面指示器pit-volume recoder 泥浆池泥浆量记录仪pit-volume totalizer 泥浆池液面监测器pitasphalt 软沥青pitch angle 倾斜角pitch arc 相应于一个齿节的弧pitch attitude 俯仰状态;俯仰姿态pitch based fiber 浸渍树脂的纤维pitch block 节圆柱pitch chain 节链pitch circle 节圆pitch coal 沥青煤pitch cone angle 节锥角pitch cone 分圆锥pitch corrosion 点腐蚀pitch curve 节线pitch diameter 中径pitch distortion 俯仰失真pitch earth 地沥青pitch gauge 螺距规pitch lake 沥青湖pitch length 极点长度pitch line 节线pitch of drill 钻头轴距pitch of rivet 铆订间距pitch of screw 螺距pitch of strand 绳索绞距pitch of the laps 绕圈pitch ore 沥青铀矿pitch paper 沥青纸pitch pipe 倾斜管线pitch point 节点pitch radius 节圆半径pitch ratio 螺距比pitch wheel 相互啮合的齿轮pitch 螺距pitchblende 沥青铀矿pitcher pump 手压泵pitcher 投掷者;俯仰操纵机构pitching angle 倾角pitching anticline 伏背斜pitching axis 倾伏轴pitching end 倾没端pitching fold 倾伏褶皱pitching 扔出;俯仰;前后颠簸;俯仰角pitchout 突然转弯pitchover 按程序转弯pitchstone 松脂岩pitchy limonite 沥青褐铁矿pitchy 沥青的pitella 彼特叠层石属pitfall 陷井pith 木髓;精髓;重要性pithole 管子腐蚀处pitman shaft 联接杆pitman 联接杆pitmen pitman 的复数pitometer 皮托压差计;流量计pitot gauge 皮托压差计pitot loss 总压损失pitot static tube 皮托静压管pitot tube 皮托管pitot 空速管;皮托管pittasphalt 软沥青pitted drill pipe 麻点腐蚀的钻杆pitted outwash plain 多坑冰水平原pitted outwash 多坑冰水沉积pitted pebble 麻面卵石pitted pipe 麻点腐蚀的管子pitted plain 多坑冰水平原pitting control index 点蚀控制指数pitting corrosion 麻点腐蚀pitting factor 点蚀率pitting penetration 点蚀深度pitting potential 点蚀电位pitting resistance 抗点蚀性pitting test 点蚀试验pitting 麻点腐蚀pittolium 软沥青pity 遗憾的事;怜悯pitysporites 松型粉属piv drive 无级变速装置piv 峰值反向电压piv 无级变速的pivot angle 摆角pivot arm 旋转臂pivot axis 枢轴线pivot bearing 枢轴承pivot bolt 枢轴螺栓pivot center 摆心pivot element 主元pivot joint 枢轴节pivot journal 枢轴颈pivot point technique 支点法pivot shaft 枢轴pivot 枢pivotability 枢转性pivotal axis 枢转线pivotal element 主元素pivotal fault 枢转断层pivotal methods 主元素法pivoted bearing 枢轴承pivoted bolt 枢轴螺栓pivoted float 活动浮标pivoted 旋转的pix detector 视频检波器pix pic的复数pixel brightness 象元亮度pixel count 象元计数pixel displacement 象元位移pixel resolution 象素分辨率pixel site 象元部位pixel size 象素大小pixel spacing 象元间隔pixel zooming 象素放大pixel 象素pj 微微焦耳pj 圆周喷射pjm 等离子射流加工pk 派克pkn model pkn裂缝几何形状模型pkr 封隔器pl 板;板极;屏极;极板pl 程序设计语言pl 程序语言pl 方位线pl 管道pl 邻近侧向测井pl 零部件明细表pl 生产测井pl 栓;插头pl 有效载荷pl 指示灯pl 专利许可证pl. 处所pl. 复数pl. 极;电极;磁极pl. 屏极;极板pl1 1号程序语言pla 可编程序逻辑阵列placard 招贴;招牌place of deposition 沉积处;结蜡处place of payment 支付地点place of settling 沉淀处place stress on 强调place value 放电值place 地点placeing of well 布井placement efficiency 充填效率placement fluid 充填液placement method 充填方法placement of proppant 布砂placement operation 充填作业placement 方位placer 砂矿placering 砂矿开采placing on production 使井投产placing party 铺管班placing rate 铺管速度placing sand 充填砂placing site 铺管工地placodermi 盾皮鱼纲plagiaplite 斜长细晶岩plagioclase arkose 斜长石砂岩plagioclase 斜长石plagioclasite 斜长岩plagiogranite 斜长花岗岩plagioliparite 斜长流纹岩plagiophyre 斜长斑岩plagioptychus 斜褶蛤属plague 灾害;麻烦;祸患plain adapter 平接头plain asphalt 纯地沥青plain bar 光面钢筋plain bearing 滑动轴承plain butt-weld 对焊plain carbon steel 普通碳钢plain cement 纯水泥plain clinometer 钻杆下部装的测斜仪plain denudation 蚀原作用plain dividing apparatus 普通分度装置plain dividing head 普通分度头plain elbow 不带边弯头plain end adapter 平头接管器plain end pipe 普通管子plain end 管子未加厚端部plain equal cross 不带边同径四通plain equal tee 不带边同径三通plain fishtail 普通的鱼尾钻头plain flange 对接法兰plain flood 平原洪流plain indexing 普通分度plain journal bearing 滑动轴承plain metal 普通金属plain milling machine 普通铣床plain ring 平垫圈plain spark-gap 简单放电器plain strain 简单应变plain transit 普通经纬仪plain tubing 普通油管plain type 普通式plain washer 平垫圈plain water 淡水plain weave 平纹编织plain 平的plain-type horton spheriod 光扁球形储罐plaintiff 原告plaisancian 普莱桑斯阶plait point 褶点plait 褶;辫绳plakite 云母片岩plan contract 计划合同plan view image 平面图象plan view 平面图plan 详图plan-do-see 计划-执行-考核planar antithetic fault 平面状反向组断层planar array 平面阵planar cross-bedding 平面交错层planar cross-stratification 平面交错层理planar diode 平面二极管planar fault 面状断层planar flow structure 流面构造planar helix winding 平面螺旋形缠绕法planar oil-water interface 平面油水界面planar parallelism 面平行性planar schisiosity 面状片理planar structure 板状构造planar synthetic fault 面状同向断层planar tectonic anisotropy 面状构造各向异性planar water 吸附水planar wave 平面波planar winding 平面缠绕法planar 平面的;平的;二维的planarity 平面性planation surface 侵蚀面planation 夷平作用planchet 圆片planck's constant 普朗克常数plane angle 平面角plane coordinate azimuth 平面坐标方位角plane coordinates 平面坐标plane curve 平面曲线plane detonation front 平面爆炸波前plane fault 平面断层plane geometry 平面几何plane hologram 平面全息图plane milling machine 平面铣床plane net 平面网plane of denudation 剥蚀面plane of fracture 破裂面plane of unconformity 不整合面plane polar coordinates 平面极坐标plane polarization 平面偏振plane polarized wave 平面偏振波plane pressure field 平面压力场plane pressure wave 平面压力波plane problem 平面问题plane rectangular coordinate 平面直角坐标plane sailing 平面航法plane schistosity 面状片理plane shear slide 平面剪切滑坡plane strain 平面应变plane stress 平面应力plane surveying 平面测量plane symmetry 平面对称plane table 测绘板;平板仪plane triangle 平面三角形plane view 平面图plane wave decomposition 平面波分解plane wave response 平面波响应plane wave 平面波plane 平面plane-layer point source modeling 水平层点震源模拟plane-position indicator radar 平面位置指示雷达plane-position indicator 平面位置指示器plane-strain elastic modulus 平面应变弹性模量plane-table alidade 平板照准仪plane-table survey 平板仪测量plane-table tachymetric survey 平板仪视距测量plane-table tachymetry 平板仪视距法plane-table traverse 平板仪导线plane-wave field 平面波场plane-wave reflectivity 平波反射率plane-wave seismogram 平面波地震记录plane-wave simulation 平面波模拟planed fault 平削断层planeload 飞机负载量planer drilling machine 龙门钻床planer 刨床;整平机planet gear 行星齿轮planet pinion 行星小齿轮planet wheel 行星齿轮planet 行星planet-gearing 行星式齿轮传动planetabling 平板仪测量planetaria planetarium 的复数planetarium 天文馆;天象仪planetary fracture 行星式断裂planetary gear drive 行星式齿轮传动planetary gear ratio 行星式齿轮传动比planetary gear train 行星式齿轮系planetary gear transmission 行星齿轮传动planetary gear 行星式齿轮planetary geology 行星地质学planetary reducer 行星齿轮减速器planetary set 行星齿轮组planetoid 小行星;类似行星的物体plani- 平面planianticline 平背斜planiform 平面的planigraphy x射线层析照相法planimegraph 比例规planimeter 求积仪planimetric accuracy 平面控制精度planimetric adjustment 平面平差planimetric control point 平面控制点planimetric coordinates 平面坐标planimetric map 平面图planimetric position 平面位置planimetric rectangular coordinates 平面直角坐标planimetry 测面积学;平面几何学planina 广平岩溶高原planing machine 刨床planing 刨削planipiral form 平旋形planisaic 着色照片图planisphere 平面球体图planisporites 三角细刺孢planitron 平面数字管plank 板planking 铺板;板材;地板;船壳板plankton micro-organism 微浮游生物plankton 浮游生物planktonic algae 浮游藻类planktonic microfossil 微型浮游生物化石planktonic organism 浮游生物planktonic 浮游的planned course 设计轨迹planned economy 计划经济planned maintenance 计划维修planned preventive repair 计划预修planned price 计划价格planned project 规划项目planned purchase 计划收购planned shutdown 计划停输planned well path 设计井身planned well 设计井planner 计划者;设计者planning adjustment 计划调节planning and design 规划设计planning authorities 计划部门planning cycle 计划周期planning management system 计划管理体制planning 计划plano- 平面;流动plano-concave lens 平凹透镜plano-convex lens 平凸透镜plano-linear fabric system 面-线状组构体系plano-polarized light 平面偏光planoconvex 平凸的planometer 平面规planomural 平壁planoparallel structure 平面平行构造planophyric 层斑状planospiral shell 平旋壳plant bed 植物化石层plant capacity 装置的生产能力plant community 植物群落plant ecology 植物生态学plant efficiency 设备效率plant factor 设备利用率plant geography 植物地理学plant habit 植物习性plant of water disposal 污水处理站plant operation 装置运转plant operator 装置操作工plant pigment 植物色素plant piping 厂区管系plant population 植物群体plant remains 植物遗体plant safety rules 工厂安全规则plant shut-down decision 关厂决策plant sterol 植物甾醇plant tissue 植物组织plant 工厂plantage 植物界plantation 种植园;栽植planter 种植者;种植器;埋检波器装置planting condition 埋置条件plash 溅泼plasma arc cutting 等离子弧切割plasma arc welding machine 等离子弧焊机plasma arc welding 等离子弧焊plasma chromatography 等离子体色谱plasma cutting 等离子体切割plasma emission spectroscopy 等离子发射分光学plasma jet drill 等离子体破岩钻井plasma jet 等离子体射流plasma oscillation 等离子振动plasma proteins 血浆蛋白plasma spraying 等离子喷涂plasma touch 等离子弧焊枪plasma 等离子区;等离子体;深绿玉髓;原生质血浆;细粒物质plasmaguide 等离子体波导管plasmatron 等离子管plasmid 质粒plasmochemical technology 等离子化学工艺plasmoid 等离子体状态;等离子粒团plasmoporella 拟网膜珊瑚属plastalloy 细晶粒低碳结构钢plaster of paris 熟石膏plaster stone 生石膏plaster 泥饼;灰泥;熟石膏;粉刷plastering action 抹壁作用plastering agent 粘糊剂plastering property 抹壁性能plastic base 树指基液plastic bonding 树脂胶结plastic bushing 塑料衬套plastic casing 塑料套管plastic cement 塑性水泥plastic clay 塑性粘土plastic coal 塑性煤plastic coated tubing 塑料涂层油管plastic coated-gravel 塑料涂敷砾石plastic coating 塑料涂层plastic consistency 塑性稠度plastic consolidated gavel 塑料胶结砾石plastic consolidation fluid 塑料胶结液plastic consolidation 塑料胶结plastic creep 塑性蠕变plastic deformation 塑性形变plastic design 极限设计plastic encapsulation 塑料封闭管plastic equilibrium 塑性平衡plastic flexible disc 软塑料磁盘plastic flow 塑性流动plastic fluid 塑性流体plastic foam 泡沫塑料plastic formation 塑性地层plastic friction 塑性摩擦plastic gear 塑料齿轮plastic hysteresis 塑性滞后plastic impregnated element 浸渍塑料的过滤元件plastic insulation material 塑料绝缘材料plastic jacket 塑料套plastic job 塑料固砂作业plastic limit 塑性极限plastic liner 塑料衬管plastic material 塑料plastic package 塑料封装plastic pellet 塑料粒plastic pipe 塑料管plastic polaristor 塑料偏振器plastic precoated gravel 塑料预涂敷砾石plastic range 塑性范围plastic recycling 塑料再生plastic resin treatment 树脂处理plastic rock 塑性岩石plastic shale 塑性页岩plastic sheath 塑性护层plastic solution 塑料溶液plastic strain 塑性应变plastic tape 塑料带plastic tip hammer 塑料锤plastic trough theory 塑性槽地理论plastic tube 塑料管plastic tubing 塑料油管plastic viscosity 塑料粘度plastic working 塑性加工plastic yield 塑性变形plastic yielding 塑性屈服plastic 塑料;塑性的plastic-coated tube 塑性衬管油管plastic-coated 塑料涂敷的plastic-lined pipe 塑料衬里管plastic-lined tubing 塑料衬里油管plastic-lined 塑料衬里的plastic-reinforced 塑性加固的plastic-viscous flow 塑性粘滞流plasticate 塑炼plastication 增模;塑化作用plasticator 塑炼机plasticgraph 塑度计;塑性计plasticity index 塑性指数plasticity zone 塑性带plasticity 可塑性;范性;适应性;塑性力学plasticization 增塑plasticized melt-spinning 塑化熔体纺丝plasticized zone 塑料胶结层plasticizer alcohol 增塑剂醇plasticizer 增塑剂plasticlast 塑性碎屑plasticon 聚苯乙烯薄膜plasticorder 塑性变形图描记器plasticoviscosity 塑粘性plastid 质体;成形粒plastifier 增塑剂plastigel 增塑凝胶plastigraph =plasticorderplastilock 用合成橡胶改性的酚醛树脂粘合剂plastimets 金属塑料复合材料plastisol 增塑浴胶;塑料分散体plastispray 塑料粉末喷涂plasto-elasticity 弹塑性力学plasto-viscous deformation 塑粘滞变形plasto-viscous flow 塑性粘滞流plastoelastic deformation 塑弹性形变plastogel 塑性凝胶plastomer 塑性体plastometer 塑性计plastometry 塑性测定法plat form construction cost 平台建设费plat 地区图;土地图;图面;地段platable plastic 可电镀塑料platanoidites 悬铃木粉属plate anchor 圆盘锚具plate and frame type filter-press 板框式压滤机plate battery 阳极电池plate bending rolls 卷板机plate boundary activity 板块边缘活动性plate cap 屏极引出头plate capacitance 屏极电容plate characteristic 屏极特性plate circuit 屏极回路plate clutch 圆片离合器plate coalescer 板式聚结器plate collision 板块碰撞plate column 板式塔plate condenser 平板电容器plate conjunction 相片连测plate convergence 板块汇聚plate current 屏极电流plate dectetion 板极检波plate destruction 板块消亡plate dimension 底片尺寸plate dissipation 屏极电路消散plate dynamics 板块动力学plate efficiency factor 板效率因素plate efficiency 板效率plate electrode 板状电极plate filter unit 板状过滤装置plate floor 平板肋板plate formation 板块建造plate girder 组合桁材plate heat exchanger 平板式换热器plate impedance 屏极阻抗plate inductor 屏极扼流圈plate input power 屏极输入功率plate junction 板块结合带plate juncture 板块边界;板块结合带plate keel 平板龙骨plate lead 阳极引线plate level 圆盘水准器plate load impedance 屏极负载阻抗plate load test 平板负荷试验plate magazine 底片暗盒plate mechanics 板块力学plate mill 轧板机;钢板轧制厂plate motion 板块运动plate movement 板块运动plate nadir 象底点plate negative 硬片plate out 析出plate power input 屏极功率输入plate power supply 屏极电源plate power unit 屏极电源设备plate rectifier 阳极电源整流器plate resistance 屏极电阻plate saturation 屏极饱和plate scanning 照相底片上粒子径迹寻找plate spring 板簧plate stratigraphy 板块地层学plate subduction 板块俯冲作用plate supply rectifier 屏极整流器plate supply 屏极电源plate support bar 过滤板支撑杆plate tank 阳极回路plate tectonic theory 板块构造学说plate tectonics 板块构造plate type finned heat exchanger 板翅式换热器plate valve 片阀plate washer 板状垫圈plate wave 板波plate 盘plate-by-plate calculation 逐板计算plate-cathode capacitance 屏极-阴极电容plate-driving force 板块驱动力plate-fin exchanger 板翼式换热器plate-jam 板块挤压plate-pulsed transmitter 板极脉冲发射器plateau absorption 平稳吸附plateau basalt 高原玄武岩plateau characteristic 坪特性plateau equation 平稳方程plateau facies 高原台地相plateau length 坪长plateau period 高产稳产期plateau producion rate 最高稳定产量plateau slope 坪斜plateau 高原;台地;坪;平稳阶段;曲线平直部分plateau-glacier 高原冰川plateaux plateau 的复数plated stem 组合艏柱plated 电镀的platelet 小板platelike 层状的;板状的;片状的platen 压盘;压纸卷轴;台板;屏plater 钢板工;电镀工;镀覆装置platform balance 台秤platform blowing 台架吹塑platform burner 平台用火炬platform deck 平台甲板platform deflection 平台歪斜platform design 平台设计platform edge shallow facies 台地边缘浅滩相platform evaporite facies 台地蒸发岩相platform facies 地台相platform fire 海洋平台火灾platform jacket 平台导管架platform overhang deck 平台悬伸甲板platform reef 礁坪platform scale 台秤platform trailer 平台拖车platform tree 海洋平台采油树platform truck 平板大卡车platform type working craft 平台型作业船platform 台地platform-based control 平台上的控制装置platformal fold belt 台褶带platformal stage 地台阶段platformal trough 台槽platformate 高辛烷值汽油掺合料platforming 铂重整platina 铂;锌铜合金plating action 电镀作用plating 镀plating-out 电解法分离platinichloride 氯铂酸盐platiniridium 铂铱齐;铂铱矿platinite 高镍低膨胀钢platinized and titanized anode 镀铂钛阳极platino 耐碱蚀金铂合金platinoid 铂铜;铂系合金;铜镍锌合金电阻丝platinor 普拉梯诺代用白金platinotype 铂黑印片术;铂黑照片platinum black 铂黑platinum catalyst 铂催化剂platinum contact 铂接点platinum 铂platinum-iridium catalyst 铂-铱催化剂platinum-plated 镀铂的platinum-reforming catalyst 铂重整催化剂platinum-resistance thermometer 铂电阻温度计platinum-rhenium catalyst 铂铼催化剂platinum-rhodium catalyst 铂铑催化剂platinum-tin catalyst 铂锡催化剂platinum-wire thermometer 铂丝温度计platt's oil price index 普氏油价报告platten 焊机床面;滑块;冲头;压扁;弄平;制箔plattenkalk 极状灰岩platter 母板plattern kalk 具韵律性的泥晶灰岩platting 填图;测绘platy cleavage 板劈理platy flow structure 板状流动构造platy grain 片状颗粒platy limestone 板状灰岩platy shaped particle 片状颗粒platy 板状的platy- 扁平platybelodon 铲齿象属platycaryapollenites 化香树粉属platyhelminthes 扁虫动物门platykurtic distribution 低峰态分布platykurtosis 低峰态platysaccus 蝶囊粉属platyvillosus 粒板牙形石属plauenite 钾质富斜正长岩plaxocrinus 片海百合属play adjustment 游隙调整play back center 回放站play out 尖灭play 间隙;远景区;远景带;往复行程;交易;作用;使用playa lake 干盐湖playa 干盐湖playback filter 回放滤波器playback gain 回放增益playback head 读出磁头playback reproducer 回放装置;拾声器playback 回放plazolite 水钙铝榴石plc company 股份公开公司plc 可编程序逻辑控制器plc 制层色谱plca 管线承包商协会plcu 可编程序逻辑控制单元pld 相位同步检波pleader 辩护律师pleasure 愉快pleat 纵褶pleated paper 褶纸pleated sturcture 纵褶构造pleated tube 褶皱管pleated 打褶的pleated-media cartridge 褶裙式滤芯筒plectenchyminite 假薄壁菌质体plectestheria 绞结叶肢介属plectochitina 织几丁虫属plectodina 褶牙形石属plectospathodus 扭片牙形石属plectostroma 绞层孔虫属pledge 誓约;保证;发誓;典当pledgee 抵押权人pledgeor 抵押人plei 多pleionomer 同性低聚物;均低聚物pleistocene epoch 更新世pleistocene glaciation 更新世冰川作用pleistocene series 更新统pleistocene 更新世pleistophyric rock 多斑晶岩pleistoseismic zone 强震带plena plenum 的复数plenitude 充分plenty 多;丰富;很多的;足够的plenum box 充气箱plenum chamber 压力通风室。
专利名称:PIPELINE NETWORK FOR TRANSPORT AND PIPELINE TRANSPORT SYSTEM发明人:LI, Xianglu,李湘鲁申请号:CN2015/084184申请日:20150716公开号:WO2016/008417A1公开日:20160121专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:Disclosed are a pipeline network for transport and a pipeline transport system, comprising multiple pipelines, where vehicles travel in the pipelines. The pipeline network comprises upbound lines (1a and 2a), downbound lines (1b and 2b), and interchange lines(1c and 2c). One upbound line, one downbound line, and two interchange lines constitute one annular pipeline network (1, 2, and 3). Multiple annular pipeline networks are connected in series to constitute the pipeline network. Vehicles travel in opposite directions in the upbound lines and the downbound lines and switch traveling directions between the upbound lines and the downbound lines via the interchange lines. The pipeline network can be integrated well into existing streets or roads of a city, causes little destruction to existing landscape, allows vehicles to turn easily, thus providing a high speed pipeline transport system.申请人:YANG, Nanzheng,杨南征地址:100093 CN,100093 CN国籍:CN,CN代理人:BEIJING LAWSING IP FIRM,北京律和信知识产权代理事务所(普通合伙)更多信息请下载全文后查看。
流体传输管道动力学英文The dynamics of fluid transport in pipelines involve the study of the behavior of fluids as they flow through the pipeline system. This encompasses a wide range of phenomena, including fluid flow characteristics, pressure and velocity profiles, frictional losses, and the effects of pipeline geometry and material on the flow dynamics. Understanding the dynamics of fluid transport in pipelines is crucial for the design, operation, and maintenance of pipeline systems in various industries such as oil and gas, water distribution, and chemical processing.The dynamics of fluid transport in pipelines are governed by fundamental principles of fluid mechanics, including the conservation of mass, momentum, and energy. These principles are used to analyze the flow behavior and performance of pipeline systems under different operating conditions. The study of fluid dynamics also involves the application of mathematical models and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) techniques to predict and optimize thebehavior of fluids in pipelines.From a practical perspective, the dynamics of fluid transport in pipelines have significant implications for the efficiency and safety of fluid transportation systems. Engineers and researchers study the dynamics of fluid transport to optimize pipeline design, minimize energy consumption, reduce pressure drop, and prevent issues such as cavitation, erosion, and corrosion. Additionally, the dynamics of fluid transport in pipelines also play acrucial role in the development of control and monitoring systems for pipeline operations.In summary, the dynamics of fluid transport inpipelines encompass a broad range of scientific, engineering, and practical considerations. Understanding the complex interactions between fluid flow and pipeline characteristics is essential for the efficient and reliable transportation of fluids in various industrial and commercial applications.。
Ocean transportation is suitable for large volumes of goods and materials that are not sensitive to time, such as raw materials, finished products, and heavy machinery. It is also suitable for goods that need to be shipped long distances, such as from China to Europe or from the United States to Australia.
Business Logistics English - Transportation Method
Introduction to Transportation Methods land transportation Maritime transportation air transport Combined transportation
Coastal transportation
Inland waterway transportation is the transportation of goods and materials on rivers, canals, and other inland waterways, using barges or ships specifically designed for this purpose. It is commonly used in countries with extensive inland waterways, such as China and the Netherlands. Inland waterway transportation is usually less expensive than both ocean and coastal transportation because it does not require the use of large freighters or transshipment at ports. It is also environmentally friendly because it does not generate as much air and noise pollution as road transportation. However, it is limited by the availability of inland waterways and canals.
pipeline sshtransfer用法
pipeline sshtransfer用法pipeline sshtransfer是一个用于在不同服务器之间传输文件的工具,通过SSH协议进行传输。
使用pipeline sshtransfer的基本语法如下:
pipeline sshtransfer source_file
除了基本的传输功能外,pipeline sshtransfer还支持一些其他的参数和选项,比如指定端口、传输速度限制、递归传输等。
此外,使用pipeline sshtransfer还可以结合其他工具和命令,比如结合rsync进行增量同步,或结合tar进行打包和解压缩。
总的来说,pipeline sshtransfer是一个强大而方便的工具,可以帮助用户简化和加速在不同服务器之间的文件传输操作,提高工作效率和数据安全性。
外 发 展 历 史 介
管 道 运 输 的
乌连戈依-中央输气管 道
美国阿拉斯加输油管 线
阿拉斯加天然气输送 管道
此管道施工期为三年,分六段施工,按管段和压缩机为投标单元。 1983年先上土木建筑。 1984年上线路工程和压缩机站施工。 1985年完工。 1986年阿拉斯加的天然气输到美国。
1877年由哥伦比亚公司在该州又建起一条76mm管径、 96km、日输能力为55615m3的输油管道;
1879年美国在1879年建成了泰德—瓦特输油管道 (Tide-aterPipeline);
美国的第一条长距离输气管道于1891年在印第安纳州 到芝加哥之间铺设成功;
当时的美国政府修建了两条长距 离输油管道,一条管道叫“大叫 径(BigInch)”原油管道,另一 条是成品油管道,叫“次大口径 (LittleBigLneh)”。
世界上大的原油输送管道之一。 起自鞑(da)靼(da)自治共
和国的阿尔梅季耶夫斯克,经 俄罗斯联邦共和国的欧洲部分, 到达达莫济里附近分为北部、 南部两条支线管道。
每天的输送能力为200万桶原油,其中140-160万桶直接输送到欧洲。 其中从友谊油管进口原油的国家数不胜数,比如,白俄罗斯、波兰、德国、捷克、立陶宛等。
(Oil transportation methods include land transport, water transport, and pipeline transport.)2.陆运通常采用罐车运输,可以直接送达目的地。
(Land transportation is usually carried out by tank trucks, which can deliver directly to the destination.)3.罐车装载油品后需要遵守严格的安全规定和限速要求。
(Tank trucks need to comply with strict safety regulations andspeed limits after loading oil products.)4.水运是油品远距离运输的常用方式,可以通过海运或内河运输。
(Water transport is a common method for long-distance oil transportation, which can be carried out by sea or inland waterway.)5.油轮或驳船通常用于海洋油品运输,而集装箱船和散货船可以用于内河运输。
(Oil tankers or barges are commonly used formaritime oil transportation, while container ships and bulk carriers can be used for inland waterway transport.)6.水运油品需要严格遵守各种安全规定和防范措施,以应对可能的泄漏和污染。
(Water transport of oil products needs to strictly adhere to various safety regulations and preventive measures to cope with possible leaks and pollution.)7.管道运输是油品长距离、大规模运输的有效方式,具有高效、安全的特点。
管道的英文Pipeline is a system of pipes used to transport fluids, such as oil, gas, or water, from one location to another. It is an essential part of modern infrastructure and is used to transport energy and resources across long distances. In this article, we will discuss the different types of pipelines, their components, and their applications.Types of PipelinesThere are several types of pipelines based on their construction, function, and content, such as:1. Liquid Pipeline: A pipeline that carries liquid products such as crude oil, petroleum products, water, and chemicals.2. Gas Pipeline: A pipeline that carries gas products such as natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, and hydrogen.3. Slurry Pipeline: A pipeline that carries mixtures of liquids and solids, such as coal, tailings, and mineral ores.4. Multi-phase Pipeline: A pipeline that carries a mixture of gas, water, and oil.5. Gathering Pipeline: A pipeline that collects oil and gas from the wells and transports them to the processing plants.6. Transmission Pipeline: A pipeline that carries oil and gas from processing plants to distribution centers.7. Distribution Pipeline: A pipeline that transports oil and gas from distribution centers to the end-users.Components of PipelinesA pipeline consists of several components that work together to transport the fluid from one point to another. These components include:1. Pipe: A pipe is the main component of a pipeline, and it carries the fluid from one point to another. Pipes are usually made of steel, plastic, or concrete, and their diameter and thickness depend on the type of fluid and the pressure it generates.2. Valves: Valves are used to control the flow of fluid in a pipeline. They are installed at intervals along the pipeline to allow the fluid to be diverted, regulated, or shut off when necessary.3. Pumps: Pumps are used to move the fluid through the pipeline. They are typically powered by electricity, natural gas, or diesel engines and are placed at intervals along the pipeline.4. Compressors: Compressors are used in gas pipelines to maintain the pressure of the gas. They are also used to increase the flow rate of the gas if necessary.5. Pigging Devices: Pigging devices are used to clean and inspect the inside of the pipeline. They are inserted into the pipe and are propelled by the fluid flowing through the pipeline.Applications of PipelinesPipelines are used for various applications such as:1. Oil and Gas Transportation: Pipelines are used to transport oil and gas from extraction sites to processing plants and refineries. They are also used to transport oil and gas from the processing plants to distribution centers and end-users.2. Water Transportation: Pipelines are used to transport water from rivers and lakes to cities and towns. They are also used to transport wastewater from homes and businesses to treatment plants.3. Chemical Transportation: Pipelines are used to transport various chemicals such as acids, bases, solvents, and pharmaceuticals from manufacturing plants to storage facilities and distribution centers.4. Mining and Mineral Transportation: Pipelines are used to transport minerals and ores from mining sites to processing plants and refineries.Challenges of PipelinesAlthough pipelines are considered a safe and efficient way of transporting fluids, they also face several challenges such as:1. Environmental Concerns: Pipelines can cause environmental damage if they leak or rupture. Oil spills can contaminate water bodies and harm aquatic life, while gas leaks can cause explosions and fires.2. Security Concerns: Pipelines can also be targets of sabotage and terrorism, which can lead to loss of life and property damage.3. Maintenance: Pipelines require regular monitoring and maintenance to prevent leaks and ensure safe operation. Corrosion, fatigue, and mechanical failure can occur over time, leading to accidents and spills.ConclusionIn conclusion, pipelines are an essential part of modern infrastructure, and they are used to transport fluids such as oil, gas, and water across long distances. They consist of several components such as pipes, valves, pumps, compressors, and pigging devices. Pipelines are used for various applications such as oil and gas transportation, water transportation, chemical transportation, and mining and mineral transportation. However, they also face several challenges such as environmental concerns, security concerns, and maintenance issues. Governments and companies must work together to ensure the safe and efficient operation of these pipelines for the benefit of society.。
ACCURATE CALCULATION OF PIPELINE TRANSPORT CAPACITYLeif Idar Langelandsvik 1, Willy Postvoll1, Britt Aarhus1, Kristin Kinn Kaste11. Gassco ASKeywords: 1. natural gas; 2. pipeline capacity; 3. friction; 4. ambient temperature, 5. operational data1 AbstractGassco is the operator of the largest sub-sea transportation system for natural gas in the world. This implies selling transport capacity to shippers of natural gas. Once a pipeline is built, the physical capacity is determined by boundary conditions such as available inlet and outlet pressure. In order to achieve optimal utilization of the pipelines and hence optimal return of invested capital, it is of great importance to calculate this capacity as accurately as possible. Failing to meet booked capacities will result in penalties and poorer reputation while under estimation of the capacity can possibly trigger too early investments in new infrastructure. Both situations are strongly unwanted. Gassco has therefore developed a well proven methodology for transport capacity calculation, which will be elaborated in this paper.Over the last years Gassco has improved the former approach of capacity calculation, namely a capacity test. This improvement has involved further development of the models, particularly by means of heat transfer, which now makes the models more accurate than before and even better suited to calculate transport capacity. Incorporation of real-time modelled sea-bottom temperatures from the UK Meteorological Shelf-seas model provides the models with the best available now-casts and two-day-forecasts of the sea- bottom temperature across most of the North Sea. Better estimates of actual sea-bottom temperatures on certain days in the past combined with short-term forecasts updated every day reduce margins and utilize day-to-day variations in capacity induced by the ambient temperature. Eventually instead of using one single capacity-test point, Gassco has now extended this methodology to make use of steady-state operational data periods in the past, which one-by-one is treated like a capacity test. The results are then averaged to reduce the random error uncertainty in the estimate.Basically these measures have increased the accuracy of the transport capacity calculations. It is however also seen that the result is increased transport capacity which can be sold to the shippers. Altogether the methodology outlined in this paper probably represents the best practice in gas industry with respect to transport capacity calculation. The benefit is increased capacity and consequently flexibility for the shippers, increased income for the infrastructure owners and reduced unit tariff for the shippers.2 Introduction/BackgroundNatural gas plays an important role in the energy supply of Europe and the world. Natural gas accounts for almost a quarter of worl d’s energy consumption. According to energy statistics f rom , total world production in 2008 was 3,065 billion cubic meters, i.e. 3.1·1012 MSm3, of which Norway contributed 3.2% (99.2 billion Sm3). Natural gas is mainly transported in pipelines, either onshore or offshore.The Norwegian gas transportation system is illustrated in Figure 1 and consists of 7,800 km of pipelines, processing plants, riser platforms and receiving terminals, yielding a very complex network which is the largest offshore transportation system in the world. United Kingdom and continental Europe are supplied through seven large diameter subsea pipelines covering around 15% of the European natural gas consumption. The export pipelines are between 500 and 800 km long with a typical inner diameter of 1 m. Security of supply for the customers requires reliable and optimal operation of the transport system.Figure 1 Overview of the trans portation system operated by Gassco.After a reorganization of the infrastructure on the Norwegian Continental Shelf in 2001, the state- owned company Gassco was appointed the operator of the transportation system. The ownership of the infrastructure is organized in a joint-venture, Gassled, where the different companies’ interest is determined based on their historical investments. Gassco is thus responsible for redelivering the requested amount ofgas at the different exit points. The shippers have a certain capacity right, a booked capacity, at each exit point. They can then nominate up to this amount of gas at each exit point, as long as they make the same amount of gas available at an entry point. The shipper may be a producer of gas, or it may have purchased the gas upstream the entry point. The capacity is sold as non-interruptable.Transportation capacity is made available for shippers in dedicated booking rounds, where capacity can be booked on long-term, medium-term or short-term. This will be elaborated later. The unit price of capacity is fixed and regulated by Norwegian government. All the capacity is sold at nearly all exit points, even though it is only fully exploited perhaps a few weeks during a year.High accuracy in the pipeline transport capacity calculations is of crucial importance in order to ensure optimal utilization of invested capital in the pipeline infrastructure. One wants the calculations to be as close to, but not larger than, the true capacity as possible. This will ensure optimal utilization of invested capital. As soon as a pipeline is built, the true capacity is determined by the diameter, length, available inlet compression, minimum delivery pressure and other physical parameters. In Gassco it is the job of scientists to estimate this figure exactly before the commercial department sells the capacity to the shippers. This paper explains the elaborate process used by Gassco to calculate an exact hydraulic capacity. A process that leads to a very accurate hydraulic capacity, and which has been used with great success.The Gassco operated pipelines are often single-leg with one supply point and one delivery point. Since the pipelines are sub-sea, instrumentation is also only found at the inlet and outlet. The methodology is therefore most elaborate for this kind of pipeline. Nonetheless, it also covers pipelines with branches.a. Capacity DefinitionsGassco uses several definitions for pipeline transport capacity. The hydraulic capacity is the calculated maximum physical throughput using maximum inlet pressure and minimum outlet pressure. Available Technical Capacity accounts for limitations in system boundary conditions, eg. caused by limited inlet pressure due to dependency with other pipelines. A fuel factor is also deducted to account for metering errors and fuel gas consumption in either compressors or heating stations. The committable capacity is the capacity that is available for stable deliveries. An operational flexibility (opflex) of 1 or 2 % is usually deducted from the available technical capacity to ensure that small operational disturbances do not lead to loss of delivered gas. Gassco has the mandate to hold back capacity for certain periods. When this hold back is deducted, the bookable capacity is obtained. This is the capacity that is offered to the shippers.b. Pipeline SimulatorsThe transport capacity of Gassco operated pipelines is calculated by using computer simulation models. A detailed model of the pipeline is implemented in a commercially available simulation software. The methodology described in this paper is independent of the chosen software, and should work equally well with most available pipeline simulation software packages. Great care is taken to ensure that all pipeline parameters such as pipeline length, diameter, thickness of different wall layers, elevation profile and burial depth on the sea bed are correct. After the pipeline is installed, the design data is combined with survey data to obtain the best possible data.The simulation software uses the Benedict-Webb-Ruben-Starling (BWRS) equation of state. Great effort has been put into tuning the coefficients to ensure it predicts the density of typical North Sea gases well. The predictive power of the viscosity correlation Lee-Gonzalez-Eakin (LGE) has also been analyzed. The correlation has a simple structure which makes it attractive for use in real-time systems. And it has also proved to predict viscosity for natural gas mixtures well. Gassco has initiated a measurement series of viscosity, and has also proposed a new set of coefficients for the LGE-correlation based on these measurements.The heat transfer model is important in order to simulate the gas temperature correctly. This will be discussed later in the paper.All pipeline simulators use a friction factor correlation which takes wall roughness as input, and calculates the friction factor which gives the wall friction in the model. One of the main uncertainties when modelling pipeline flow, is which roughness factor to use and how the friction shall be calculated based on it. This is also discussed below.c. InstrumentationIn order to achieve the desired accuracy of the transport capacity calculations, Gassco has put a lot of effort into the instrumentation of the pipelines. All pipelines are equipped with state-of-the-art flow meters and pressure transmitters at all supply and delivery points. The pressure transmitters usually have an absolute uncertainty of 52 mBar within a range of 0-200 barg or 0-400 barg depending on the application. The flow meters are either qualified as fiscal or have a similar uncertainty. Usually they are ultrasound⎧ metering stations with an uncertainty of 0.5-0.8 %. Both pressure transmitters and flow meters are calibrated sufficiently often to maintain this uncertainty level over time.Temperature transmitters and gas chromatographs are not that important for the capacitycalculations, but the quality is still very good. The temperature elements are mounted in the gas and close to the real gas flow, and yet keeping the pipelines pigable without damaging the elements. Skin temperature meters are not used as boundary conditions for the models.3Capacity Calculation MethodologyWhen a new pipeline is planned, it is designed to meet a transport capacity need. This means thatafter finding the optimal route from the supply point to the delivery point and the length of this route, the diameter is chosen such that the requested capacity is obtained. This is performed using a pipeline simulator with all design data as input, a slightly conservative ambient temperature estimate and the standard Colebrook-White friction factor correlation with design roughness of 5 micron. Flow coated inner walls is assumed. Originally Gassco, and the previous operators of the transportation system, used 10 micron as the design roughness. Studies however revealed that 5 micron is closer to the true value, and still on the conservative side. The design capacity is used in the first booking rounds for a new pipeline.After the pipeline has commenced operation a capacity test is performed to find the hydraulicroughness in a real test of the pipeline, which is elaborated below.Over the last years the capacity calculation methodology employed by Gassco has been improved inseveral ways. The two major improvements are use of historical operational data periods to improve the accuracy even more and the use of up-to-date ambient sea bottom temperatures from a real time model run by the UK Meteorological Office. These improvements are described below.First of all in this section, some introductory information about wall friction and pressure drop inpipelines is given.a. Friction factor and roughnessThe set of equations describing flow of natural gas in a pipeline can be used to show that the mainresistance to flow in a pipeline is friction against the wall. Almost all the pressure drop is therefore used to overcome frictional forces. Getting the frictional forces correct is hence very important in getting the pressure drop versus flow rate and transport capacity correct.For decades the Colebrook-White correlation (see Colebrook (1939)) has been widely acceptedmore or less as an industry standard in calculating the friction factor (f ) based on roughness (µ, often denoted hydraulic roughness), Reynolds number (Re , turbulence intensity) and inner diameter (D ). Moody plotted the correlation in a semi-logarithmic diagram, known as Moody-diagram, which made it easily accessible without much computation (see Figure 4).1= 2 log 2.51 +Eq. 1f Re f 3.7DExperiments have however shown that different surfaces give different friction factor characteristics.This is particularly valid for the transition region, where the flow changes from smooth turbulent to fully rough turbulent. None has succeeded in explaining why the different surfaces give exactly the friction factor characteristics they give, or predicting friction factor based on measurements of the physical wall surface.Even if accepting the Colebrook-White correlation as the valid one, it remains to find the hydraulicroughness (µ). This can differ significantly from the physically measured wall roughness. Research has proposed to set hydraulic roughness equal 1.5-5 times the measured wall roughness (see e.g. Langelandsvik et al. (2008) and Shockling et al. (2006)). The physical roughness height in commercial steel pipes is very low. Gassco has measured it to be in the range of 2 to 5 micron. When scanned by a human finger most observers would characterize this as perfectly smooth. However, at high enough Reynolds numbers, the laminar sublayer next to the wall diminishes making the roughness elements protrude through this layer and into the turbulence and adding resistance, which is what defines the transition region.The uncertainty associated with a priori calculation of wall friction and pressure drop in a pipelinemakes it necessary to have the friction or roughness tuned in a full-scale test in either way. The methods employed by Gassco are described below.b. Capacity TestWhen the pipeline is installed more accurate as-laid data with respect to length, wall layerthicknesses and burial depths are available and these data are used to update the computer simulator. Shortly after start-up a so-called capacity test is performed. Particular care is taken by all supply and delivery points to operate the pipeline very steady for a period of 1-5 days. The best period of approximately 12 hoursduration is chosen as the official test period, and assumed to represent a steady-state condition in the pipeline.Single-legFor a single-leg pipeline the hydraulic roughness µis mainly a function of the following parameters⎧=f (P in , P out , Q,T in ,T ambient , C ) Eq. 2 where P denotes the pressure, Q is the standard volumetric flow rate, T is the temperature and C is the gas composition.The averaged boundary pressures from the test period are used as boundary conditions in a steady- state simulation. The hydraulic roughness can be determined through iterative model simulations where the roughness is adjusted until the simulated flow rate equals the weighted average of the measured flow rates from the test period. The resulting hydraulic roughness is then said to be this pipeline’s hydraulic roughness. The procedure is illustrated in the figure below.Figure 2 Illustration of capacity test methodology.The other parameter that can be used to check if the model is a good representation of the physical pipeline is the simulated outlet temperature versus the measured one. A deviation can have three different causes. First is obviously the ambient temperature used in the model. If this deviates from the actual temperature at the time of the test, it will usually result in a different modeled temperature. Second are the pipeline parameters like wall data and burial depth. The modeled heat transfer and subsequently the temperature will be affected if these parameters are incorrect in the model. Last come the equations in the simulator software. If they fail to model the heat transfer between the surroundings and the gas, the joule- thompson cooling or the frictional heating effect correctly, the temperature will be affected. And an inaccurate simulated gas temperature along (parts) of the pipeline will affect the calculated hydraulic roughness. Care must therefore be taken to reduce the possible deviation between simulated and measured outlet temperature. Gassco has checked the equations in the simulator, so focus is on the two first causes when we see a temperature deviation in a capacity test.The capacity test is often performed at flow rates significantly lower than the maximum capacity, due to limited amount of gas available early in a pipeline’s lifetime. The simulator is hence used to calculate the hydraulic capacity by using maximum inlet pressure and minimum outlet pressure. This implies extrapolatingthe friction factor along the specific Colebrook-White line for this roughness in the Moody diagram to find the friction factor at maximum capacity. It hence relies on the accuracy of the Colebrook-White correlation, and will be further described in a later section.Network with several supply and delivery pointsThe method for estimating the effective roughness for a pipeline network is more complicated than for a single pipeline. Figure 3 shows a schematic example of a pipeline network which consists of a main pipeline and three branches. The tie-in points are denoted A, B and C. A compressor, K, is also represented. The main pipeline and the branches may have different physical properties like diameter, physical roughness etc.Inlet 2Inlet 3COutlet 1 Inlet 1 KA BOutlet2Figure 3 Example of a pipeline network.As shown in Figure, the network can be considered as a connection of the following single-leg pipelines:Table 1: Network elements in the example network of Figure 3.If measurements are available at the tie-in points A and B as well as upstream and downstream the compressor, an effective roughness can be determined for each “si ngle-l eg”that constitutes the network. The methodology is then similar to the one described above.When there are no pressure instruments at the tie-in points, the single-leg tuning approach is impossible. The following parameters are then necessary in order to determine the effective roughness in the different parts of the network:Pressure at the network inlets: P in,i , where i = inlet numbe r 1,2,…,n inPressure at the outlets: P out,j where j = outlet numbe r 1,2,…,n outFlow rate at the inlets: Q in,iFlow rate at the outlets: Q out,jTemperature at the inlets: T in,iAmbient temperature along the pipeline: T ambient(x,y) Composition at the inlets: C in,iIn other words,⎧=f (Qin ,i , Qout , j, Pin ,i, Pout , j, Tin ,i, Tambient, Cin ,i)Eq. 3The boundary conditions that are recommended to use in the model simulations when the effective roughness is adjusted are shown in Table 2.Table 2: Boundary conditions to use in the simulations.To achieve a steady state solution, the model needs either pressure or flow at each inlet and outlet, where the pressure has to be provided for at least one inlet/outlet. The other pressure and f low measurements are redundant. The boundary conditions selected in Table 2 represent what is usually chosen in a capacity study. Other boundary conditions would have worked equally well. Each redundant measurement can be used to tune one parameter, usually one effective roughness.To match the test data measurements from the capacity test, it is necessary to perform iterative simulations to find the matching simulation parameters shown in Table 3.Table 3: Simulation output parameters.The flow at the last outlet is determined by the flow at the other inlets and outlets, keeping in mind that at steady-state the total inlet flow must equal the total outlet flow.Lack of knowledge on the real system (burial depth, ambient temperature, material etc.) might result in poor outlet temperature predictions. Nevertheless, the simulated outlet temperature must be checked against specified pipeline temperatures to ensure that the simulated gas transport scenarios give acceptable results.For pipelines without compressors, the effective roughness of the leg considered to be the main pipeline in the network is found when the simulated and measured pressures at the main pipeline inlet are the same. This leg should be tuned before starting with the branches. In Figure 3, the main pipeline will be the pipeline running from Inlet 1 to Outlet 1.When the effective roughness is determined for the main pipeline, the simulation also gives the pressures at the tie-in points. Possible deviations between the simulated and the real tie-in point pressures (which are not measured) will obviously not be detected.To match the test data measurements at the other branches, it is necessary to perform iterative simulations for each branch to match the simulated and measured inlet pressures.Two methods of matching the pressure measurements at the branches are given in prioritized order here:1. Tune separate effective roughness for each branch connected to the main pipeline.2. Use a chosen effective roughness for each branch and tune a flow resistance element at theend of each branch. The modelled resistance coefficient must be tuned to match the desiredpressure drop.For both alternatives an iteration process is necessary to match the measurements. In case of relatively short branches with low flow rates, the adoption of the second approach may become necessary since very large changes in roughness are needed to achieve the desired flow resistance in the branch pipeline at low flow rates.Often the most important aim of a capacity test is to estimate the roughness of the main pipeline, and subsequently find the capacity of the main pipeline, i.e., the output capacity.Steady-state flow weighingIn a steady-state simulation, the sum of flow into the network needs to equal the sum of the flow out of the network. This is not necessarily the case for the real pipeline during the capacity test, either due to small remaining transients or due to metering errors. The flow rate that shall be obtained in the steady-state simulation is calculated by weighing the different metered flow rates. For a single-leg pipeline this means flow rate is calculated by:Qmean =w ⊕Qin+ (1 w) ⊕QoutEq. 4where the weight w is calculated based on the flow m eters’ uncertainties to minimize the uncertainty in Q m ean. It can be shown that this is obtained by selecting:u 2 w =outu 2 +u 2Eq. 5in outwhere u denotes the uncertainty.For a pipeline network with several supply points and/or several delivery points the calculation is similar, though a bit more complex.c. Operational DataThe two major drawbacks with the capacity test approach described above are that it relies on one testing point and that it often is performed at a low flow rate and therefore relies on extrapolation of the friction factor along a Colebrook-White curve. The approach described here adds useful knowledge about the pipeline and its capacity in addition to that obtained from a capacity test.Uncertainty analysis quantifies the capacity calculation uncertainty from a capacity test. This uncertainty comprises both systematic error and random error. The categorization of systematic and random error is often difficult, and one usually only obtain a vague idea of their relative contribution to the total uncertainty figure. It is well known that the random error can be minimized and eventually be made neglible if more testing points are averaged to find a pipeline’s hydraulic roughness. Gassco’s capacity calculation methodology has therefore been extended to average a set of steady-state period data points to calculate the hydraulic roughness. And instead of organizing an elaborate capacity test to obtain every single data point, a data base of historical operational data for the pipeline is used. This data base contains logged data from all pressure and temperature transmitters, gas chromatographs, flow meters and other instruments connected to the pipeline. All data are usually logged with intervals of approximately 1 minute. This data base is searched to find good steady-state operational periods which have occurred arbitrarily in the daily operation of the pipeline. A certain set of criteria has been developed for the periods to qualify as a steady- state period. Each of these periods is then treated exactly like a capacity test period, and have a roughness tuned.The Colebrook-White friction factor correlation has been accepted as an industry standard for decades, even though many research groups have proved it to be wrong in their specific tests. The reason it is still well accepted is that none has succeeded in explaining why the Colebrook-White correlation fit or does not fit to their experiments and how different wall surface structures lead to different transition regions (see e.g. results from American Gas Association in the 1960s in Uhl et al. (1965) and more recent experiments in Superpipe at Princeton University by Shockling et al. (2006)). The uncertainty associated with extrapolating along a Colebrook-White curve can be almost entirely removed by selecting steady-state periods with high flow rates. Therefore only steady-state periods with a flow rate of more than approximately 80% of the pipeline’s expected capacity are used when averaging the hydraulic roughness. Most of the Gassco operated pipelines are in the early phase of the transition region from smooth turbulent flow to fully rough turbulent flow, where Colebrook-White is mostly questioned. Evaluating only steady-state periods with high flow rates makes this uncertainty neglible.Figure 4 shows steady-state periods that have been collected and simulated for one specific export pipeline, denoted pipeline A. We see that all the data points have a roughness in the range of 1.5 to 3.0 micron. The average roughness of the data points with highest Reynolds number seems to be approximately 2.2 micron. Imagine the encircled data point which have a roughness close to 3 micron was a capacity-test data point. Extrapolating along the corresponding Colebrook-White curve would have yielded a too large friction factor (marked with red unfilled circle) at maximum capacity and thus predicting a too low capacity. The red filled circle illustrates the recommended friction factor based on averaging steady-state operational data periods. Vice verca would a low capacity test result over predict capacity and result in over booking.This illustrates the reduced uncertainty that is gained by averaging a set of high-flow data points, even though this example shows data points that do not deviate a lot from the Colebrook-White trends.One can also obtain an experimental friction factor curve for the pipeline in question by fitting a line to the plotted friction factors from the steady-state periods. For a limited range of Reynolds number, e.g. between 10 and 40·106, which is the operating range for pipeline A and most others Gassco operated pipelines, it is usually sufficient to use a straight line. Regression analysis can be used to find the line. For pipeline A such a line would be quite parallel to the Colebrook-White lines. If the steady-state periods do not cover flow rates close to the maximum flow rate, even extrapolation along a fitted pipeline specific friction factor curve would imply uncertainty, since one cannot predict the behaviour of the friction factor for larger flow rates.The physical roughness for pipeline 1 has not been measured. But based on measurements on other pipelines which have been manufactured according to the same specifications, it is believed that the root mean square roughness is around 2-3 micron. This is about the same value as the hydraulic roughness estimated to be 2.2 micron in this case. This unexpected low hydraulic roughness may indicate that the friction factor characteristics will deviate from the Colebrook-White lines for larger Reynolds numbers. This is discussed in more detail in Langelandsvik (2008).Figure 4 Moody-diagram where the lines are given by the Colebrook-white correlation for different relative roughnesses. Data points from simulation of steady-state periods for the export pipeline A.In a capacity test, the instruments are usually calibrated beforehand, and special effort is taken by the field and plant operators to ensure steady-state conditions in the pipeline during the test. In operational steady-state periods none of these keys to success are present. But despite this, the benefits of the new approach more than outweigh these drawbacks.The increased accuracy and reduced margins have lead to an increase in calculated transport capacity of in total 4.6 MSm3/d for five export pipelines. It should be noted that one pipeline contributes 2.7 MSm3/d to this number. The basis for this pipeline’s capacity was design capacity and not capacity test capacity as for the other pipelines, ie. the capacity was even more conservative before the application of the described methodology.Requirements for steady-state periodsIt is important that the operational period is a good steady-state representation of the pipeline for the given flow rate. The steady-state periods are therefore found in a two-step procedure. The database that contains the operational data provides a powerful search tool, which can suggest a set of steady-stateperiods based on criteria set by the user. But every single period is also checked visually by Gassco’s。
pipeline翻译【释义】pipelinen.(常指地下的)输送管道;(供应货物、信息等的)渠道,途径;研发生产系统(the pipeline);(计算机)流水线;(冲浪用语)大浪的空心部分v.用管道输送;(计算机)运用流水线技术设计复数pipelines第三人称单数pipelines现在分词pipelining过去式pipelined过去分词pipelined【短语】1 graphics pipeline绘图管线; 图形管线; 图形流水线; 图形管道2 Sumed Pipeline苏麦德输油管道3 gas pipeline气体管道; 燃气管道;油气输气管道4 submarine pipeline油气海底管道; 海底喉管; 海底管线5 pipeline transport管道运输; 管道运轮; 管路运输; 管线输送6 The Pipeline军火补给线; 军火补给站; 军械补给线7 oil pipeline油管; 输油管道; 石油管道8 pipeline processing管线处理;计流水线处理9 pressure pipeline压力管道; 加压管路; 压力管路;机压力管线【例句】1 The main pipeline supplying water was sabotaged by rebels.主供水管道被叛乱分子故意破坏了。
2 A consortium plans to build a natural-gas pipeline from Russia to supply eastern Germany.一家财团计划修建一条从俄罗斯向德国东部供应天然气的管道。
3 They made a pipeline blow up test.他们做了一个管线爆破试验。
4 Recently they have laid an underground pipeline.他们最近铺了一条地下管道。
外贸物流英语必背的10个句子导语:以下是网的外贸物流英语必背的10个,欢迎阅读!1.Logistics is part of a supply chain.物流是供应链的整体组成部分。
•2.Logistics is the process of planning, implementingand controlling the efficient, effective flow and storageof goods, services and related information from the pointof origin to the point of consumption for the purpose of conforming to customer requirements.物流是方案实施和控制商品的快速、高效流动和储存,以及从源头到消费的效劳和信息的全过程,以满足客户的需求。
3.If you keep an overstock of the inventory, expenses will incur not only in warehousing, but also in many other aspects, such as the capital cost and interest aruing to it, taxes, insurance and obsolescence cost.如果过量库存,不仅会造成仓库费用而且在很多方面会产生费用,如资产本钱和它所产生的利息,以及税收、保险和商品变成陈旧物的本钱。
4.Logistics petency directly depends on a firm's strategic positioning.物流运营能力直接取决于一个公司的战略定位。
5.Logistics service is a balance of service priorityand cost.物流效劳是效劳优先与本钱间的平衡。
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Pipeline transport
Definition: Pipeline transport is a mode of transportation that carrying liquids and gases over great distances through using the Pipeline. Generally, it’s mainly used to transport oil and gas.
Infrastructure: The infrastructure of the Pipeline transport system contains pipeline, repository, pumping station and control center.
Historical development:Pipeline transport began in the middle of the 19th century, Pennsylvania, in the United States , built the first pipeline of crude oil in 1865.
Application in recent years:In recent years, pipeline transport was also further researched to disperses the particle material, integrated goods, containerized material, and develop the container—type pipeline system
1. larger volume
2. less occupied land
3.short construction period, high level of automation and low cost
4..high security, low pollution and strong continuity
1. Poor Operation flexibility
2. Single acceptance of goods
3. Can’t extend line passingly
4. The cost of pipeline transport will be increased significantly
when traffic volume is obviously insufficient.
How to improve the efficiency of Pipeline transport
1. build a gas storage at the gas center
2.choosing a compressor unit with bigger setting ranges of dis placement, rate and pressure
3. inside coating, reduce the transport stress
4. lower the temperature of transport pressure, improve the gas pressure, transport various kinds of gas in order.
the advantages of Pipeline transport in transport indu stry
among 5 transport methods, Pipeline transport has the unique advantage
1. For buidling industry, compare with railway, highway and airline, Pipeline transport requires less money
2.For oil and gas transport, Pipeline transport has its dominant superiority. Pipeline transport has the features like safter, airti ght and etc.
current status:
Currently, it's the golden time for Chinese Pipeline transport. With the development of West-East natural gas transmission, the projects of the pipelines for crude, product oil and other im portant programs; the pattern of oil and gas supply with pipelin es through the sea is gradually formed, the development of pi peline in our country has been in a new developmental epochs
定义:管道运输(Pipeline transport) 是用管道作为运输工具的一种长距离输送液体和气体物资的输方式。