Checking and Replacing a Power Plate Module




CONTINUED...Accessories and Modifications .152................................Accessories .152.Additional Safety Precautions .153............................Modifications .153ACCESSORY (Ignition Key.......................................Position).87.............Accessory Power Socket .103....................Additives,Engine Oil .196.............................Airbag (SRS) . 10, 48.....................Air Cleaner Element .211..............Air Conditioning System .108..............................Maintenance age .110.......................Air Outlets (Vents).108.......................Air Pressure,Tires .225..................High Speed Driving .226.........................Normal Driving .226.......................Alcohol in Gasoline .292......................................Antifreeze .199Anti-lock Brakes (ABS)...............................Indicator . 62, 177...................................Operation .175..............Anti-theft,Audio System .137Anti-theft Steering Column..............................................Lock .86..........................Appearance Care .245................................Audio System .118........................Auto Idle Stop . 163, 171.............................Indicator . 164, 172...Automatic Seat Belt Tensioners .46.............Automatic Speed Control .139.Automatic Transmission (CVT).166..........................Capacity,Fluid .288...............Checking Fluid Level .206.......................................Shifting .167.Shift Lever Position Indicator .166................Shift Lever Positions .167....................Shift Lock Release .170BatteryCharging System...........................Indicator . 62, 272............................Jump Starting .265.................................Level Gauge .72..............................Maintenance .216............................Specifications .289..............................Before Driving .143....................................Belts,Seat .8,45...........................Beverage Holder .102.................................Body Repairs .253Brakes...........Anti-lock System (ABS).175.............Break-in,New Linings .144....................Bulb Replacement .237...........................................Fluid .209.......................................Parking .100.................System Indicator . 62, 275........................Wear Indicators .174.............................Braking System .174........................Break-in,New Car .144..Brightness Control,Instruments .77........................Brights,Headlights .75ABIBulb Replacement..........................Back-up Lights .238..............................Brake Lights .237..............................Ceiling Light .241................Front Parking Lights .235........Front Side Marker Lights .235.................................Headlights .234.........High-mount Brake Light .238.................License Plate Lights .239.........Rear Side Marker Lights .237............................Specifications .289...................................Spotlights .242...............................Trunk Light .240....................Turn Signal Lights .235..............................Bulbs,Halogen .234............................Capacities Chart .288.............Carbon Monoxide Hazard .54.............................Carrying Cargo .154Cassette Player............................................Care .136...................................Operation .133..............CAUTION,Explanation of .ii ...................................CD Changer .129.......................................CD Player .127..................................Ceiling Light .104........................Certification Label .286............................................Chains .231....................Changing a Flat Tire .257............Changing Engine Coolant .201Changing Oil........................................How to .197......................................When to .186....................Charge/Assist Gauge .73...Charging System Indicator .62,272............Checklist,Before Driving .160.....................................Child Safety .22Child SeatsTCH Anchorage System .43...........................Lower Anchors .43..........Tether Anchorage Points .42..................Childproof Door Locks .92....................Cleaner Element,Air .211Cleaning....................Aluminum Wheels .248......................................Exterior .246.......................................Interior .249...................................Seat Belts .250...........................................Vinyl .250....................................Windows .251.........................Clock,Setting the .123...................................Clutch Fluid .210........................CO in the Exhaust .294............Cold Weather,Starting in pact Spare .256...............Consumer Information .300Continuously Variable................Transmission (CVT).166.............Controls,Instruments and .57Coolant........................................Adding .199....................................Checking .149.........................Proper Solution .199...................................Replacing . 201...................Temperature Gauge . 71....................Corrosion Protection .252Crankcase Emissions Control........................................System .294............Cruise Control Operation .139.....................Current Fuel Mileage .70..........Customer Relations Office .300................DANGER,Explanation of .ii ...................................Dashboard . 2, 58CDIICONTINUED................Daytime Running Lights .76............Defects,Reporting Safety .302........................Defog and Defrost .116................Defogger,Rear Window .81..............Defrosting the Windows .116....................................Dimensions .288...............Dimming the Headlights .75DipstickAutomatic Transmission.....................................(CVT).206..................................Engine Oil .148..........................Directional Signals .78........Disc Brake Wear Indicators .174.....................Disposal of Used Oil .198Doors..............Locking and Unlocking .87......................Power Door Locks .87..........DOT Tire Quality Grading .290Downshifting,5-speed Manual.............................Transmission .162.......................................Drive Belt .224...........Driver and Passenger Safety .5...........................................Driving .159....................................Economy .150.........................In Bad Weather .178................In Foreign Countries .293..................Dust and Pollen Filter .222............................Fabric,Cleaning .250...................................Fan,Interior .113Features,Comfort and..............................Convenience .107....................Filling the Fuel Tank .145Filters................................Air Cleaner .211.........................Dust and Pollen .222...............................................Oil .197..............................Economy,Fuel .150............Emergencies on the Road .255.............Battery,Jump Starting .265...........Brake System Indicator .275................Changing a Flat Tire .257.....Charging System Indicator .272..................Checking the Fuses .277.....Low Oil Pressure Indicator .271...Malfunction Indicator Lamp .273..................Overheated Engine .268.........................Emergency Brake .100......................Emergency Flashers .80......................Emergency Towing .282............Emergency Trunk Opener .93.......................Emissions Controls .294.............Emissions Testing,State .297Engine....Coolant Temperature Gauge .71...................................Drive Belt .224......Engine Speed Limiter . 165, 169Malfunction Indicatormp .62,273........Oil Pressure Indicator . 62, 271..............Oil,What Kind to Use .195...............................Overheating .268............................Specifications .288.......................................Starting .161......................Ethanol in Gasoline .292.Evaporative Emissions Controls .294...............................Exhaust Fumes .54Expectant Mothers,Use of Seat........................................Belts by .20..................Exterior,Cleaning the .246EFIII.............Halogen Headlight Bulbs .234..............Hazard Warning Flashers .80Headlights........................................Aiming .234............Daytime Running Lights .76..................High Beam Indicator .64........................Reminder Beeper .75........Replacing Halogen Bulbs .234...................................Turning on .75..............................Head Restraints .96.....................Heating and Cooling .108.............High Altitude,Starting at .161.................High-Low Beam Switch .75..............High-mount Brake Light .238....................................Hood Latch .212.......................Hood,Opening the .146..................................................Horn .74...........................Hydraulic Clutch .210.................................Hydroplaning .179...Identification Number,Vehicle .286Ignition..............................................Keys .83...........................................Switch .86............Timing Control System .2955-speed Manual Transmission...............Checking Fluid Level .208................................Shifting the .162.............Flashers,Hazard Warning .80...................Flat Tire,Changing a .257FluidsAutomatic Transmission.....................................(CVT).206..........................................Brake .209.........................................Clutch .210..............Manual Transmission .208..................Windshield Washer .205FM Stereo Radio...................................Reception .125.....Foreign Countries,Driving in .293..........................Four-way Flashers .80............................Front Airbags . 10, 48.................................................Fuel .144......................Fill Door and Cap .145...........................................Gauge .71................Octane Requirement .144...............................Oxygenated .292........................Reserve Indicator .65........................Tank,Filling the .145.....................Fuses,Checking the .276...............Gas Mileage,Improving .150..........................................Gasohol .292.........................................Gasoline .144...............Fuel Reserve Indicator .65...........................................Gauge .71................Octane Requirement .144........................Tank,Filling the .145................Gas Station Procedures .145Gauges...Engine Coolant Temperature .71...............................................Fuel .71...............................Speedometer .69.................................Tachometer .69Gearshift Lever Positions Automatic Transmission.....................................(CVT).1675-speed Manual.........................Transmission .162..............................Glass Cleaning .251......................................Glove Box .101GHIIVCONTINUED.........Important Safety Precautions .6Indicators,Instrument.............................................Panel .59...............................Infant Restraint .31Infant Seats TCH Anchorage System . 43...........................Lower Anchors . 43..........Tether Anchorage Points . 42...................Inflation,Proper Tire .225..................High Speed Driving .226.........................Normal Driving .226...................................Inside Mirror . 99.............................Inspection,Tire .227........................Instrument Panel . 2, 58........Instrument Panel Brightness .77...........................Interior Cleaning .249...............................Interior Lights .104........................................Introduction .i........................Jacking up the Car .259.......................................Jack,Tire .258................................Jump Starting .265..................................................Keys bel,Certification ne Change,Signaling p/Shoulder Belts . 16, TCH Anchorage System .43Lights....................Bulb Replacement .234.......................................Indicator .59.........................................Parking .75..................................Turn Signal .78.....................................Load Limit .155......LOCK (Ignition Key Position).86Locks.......Anti-theft Steering Column .86............................Fuel Fill Door .145.................................Power Door .87...........................................Trunk .92........................Low Coolant Level .149.........................Low Fuel Indicator .65................................Lower Anchors .43...Lower Gear,Downshifting to a .165...Low Oil Pressure Indicator . 62, 271...Lubricant Specifications Chart .288.........................................Luggage .154..................................Maintenance .181...Owner Maintenance Checks .193.................................Record . 191-192......................Required Indicator .66..........................................Safety .182.............................Schedule .184-190.Malfunction Indicator Lamp .62,273...................Manual Transmission .162........Manual Transmission Fluid .208...............................Meters,Gauges .67...................Methanol in Gasoline .292..........................Mirrors,Adjusting .99...................Neutral Gear Position .168..................New Vehicle Break-in .144...................NOTICE,Explanation of .i ...............Numbers,Identification .286LMJKNV.............................. Paint Touch-up.248.............. Panel Brightness Control.77........................ Park Gear Position.167...........................................Parking.173...............................Parking Brake.100Parking Brake and Brake System...............................Indicator . 62,275.................................Parking Lights.75..Parking Over Things that Burn.296.............................PGM-FI System.295..................Polishing and Waxing.247............Pre-Drive Safety Checklist.12.........Pregnancy,Using Seat Belts.20............................Protecting Adults.13...Additional Safety Precautions.20.....Advice for Pregnant Women.20........................Protecting Children.22.......................Protecting Infants.31.......Protecting Larger Children.38.........Protecting Small Children.35Using Child Seats with.....................................Tethers.42.............................Using LATCH.43...................Radiator Overheating.268Radio/CD/Cassette............................Sound System.118...................Readiness Codes . 274,297Rear Lights,Bulb......................Replacement . 237,238............................Rear View Mirror.99.................Rear Window Defogger.81...............Reclining the Seat Backs.94.............................Reminder Lights.59.......................Remote Transmitter.89Replacement Information.................Air Cleaner Element.211..............Dust and Pollen Filter.222..........................Engine Coolant.201................Engine Oil and Filter.197..........................................Fuses.277................................Light Bulbs.234....................................Schedule.184................................Spark Plugs.213...........................................Tires.229.............................Wiper Blades.219Replacing Seat Belts After a............................................Crash.47Reserve Tank,Engine...............................Coolant . 149,199...............................Restraint,Child.22..................Reverse Gear Position.168................................Roof Antenna.247...Octane Requirement,Gasoline.144......................................... Odometer.69............................... Odometer,Trip.69Oil........................ Change,How to.197...................... Change,When to.186......................Checking Engine.148..............Pressure Indicator . 62,271 Selecting Proper Viscosity......................................Chart.196...........ON(Ignition Key Position).87 Onboard Refueling Vapor.................................... Recovery.294..Operation in Foreign Countries.293..............................Outside Mirrors.99.................... Overheating,Engine.268.......Owner Maintenance Checks.193......................... Oxygenated Fuels.292P R OVICONTINUED................................Rotation,Tire .228..................................Safety Belts . 8, 45.........Safety Defects,Reporting .302.................................Safety Features .7.........................................Airbags .10..................................Door Locks .11..........................Head Restraints .11.......................................Seat Belts .8.....................Seats &Seat-Backs .11.............Safety Labels,Location of .55...............................Safety Messages .ii .....................................Seat Belts . 8, 45...............Additional Information .45Automatic Seat Belt...............................Tensioners .46.....................................Cleaning p/Shoulder Belt . 16, 45................................Maintenance .47......Reminder Light and Beeper .61...................System Components e During Pregnancy .20...Wearing a Lap/Shoulder Belt .16........................Seats,Adjusting the .94...............................Serial Number .286...........................Service Intervals .184...........................Service Manual .303.........Service Station Procedures .145..........................Setting the Clock .123.....Shift Lever Position Indicator .166........................Shift Lock Release .170..Shift Up/Shift Down Indicators .165..............................Side Airbags . 10, 50....................Cutoff Indicator . 52, 61Side Marker Lights,Bulb ......................Replacement . 235, 237...............................Signaling Turns .78.....................................Snow Tires .230...................Solvent-type Cleaners .246................................Sound System .118Spare Tire......................................Inflating .256............................Specifications .289................Spark Plugs,Replacing .213....................Specifications Charts .288................................Speed Control .139...................................Speedometer .69.......................................Spotlights .104..........SRS,Additional Information .48...Additional Safety Precautions .53.............................Airbag Service .53How the Side Airbag Cutoff...........Indicator Light Works .52How the SRS Indicator.......................................Works .51How Your Front Airbags.........................................Work .48...How Your Side Airbags Work .50........................SRS Components .48.............................SRS Indicator .51,61....START (Ignition Key Position).87..............State Emissions Testing .297.......................Starting the Engine .161In Cold Weather at High..................................Altitude .161................With a Dead Battery .265........Steam Coming from Engine .268Steering Wheel..................................Adjustment .82.............Anti-theft Column Lock .86...................Stereo Sound System .118...........................Storing Your Car .243SVIISupplemental Restraint................................System . 10, 48......................................Servicing .53.........................SRS Indicator .51,61...................System Components .48..................................Synthetic Oil .196.....................Underside,Cleaning .252Unexpected,Taking Care..........................................of the .255....Uniform Tire Quality Grading .290........................Unleaded Gasoline .144.....................Upholstery Cleaning ed Oil,How to Dispose of .198.................Vehicle Capacity Load .155......................Vehicle Dimensions .288....Vehicle Identification Number .286.....................................Tachometer .69Taillights,Changing..................................Bulbs . 237, 238.Taking Care of the Unexpected .255....................................Tape Player .133Technical Descriptions......DOT Tire Quality Grading .290.....Emissions Control Systems .294.....................Oxygenated Fuels .292Three Way Catalytic...............................Converter .296.......................Temperature Gauge .71..............Tether Anchorage Points .42............................Theft Protection .137..Three Way Catalytic Converter .296..........................Time,Setting the .123....................................Tire Chains .231.........Tire,How to Change a Flat .257...............................................Tires .225..............................Air Pressure .225.........................Checking Wear pact Spare .256......DOT Tire Quality Grading .290......................................Inflation .225..................................Inspection .227..............................Maintenance .227...................................Replacing .229......................................Rotating .228...........................................Snow .230............................Specifications .289................................Tire Chains .231...................Tools,Tire Changing .258Towing.....................................A Trailer .179..................Emergency Towing .282...........................Traction Devices .231TransmissionChecking Fluid Level,..................Automatic (CVT).206Checking Fluid Level,...................................Manual .208..................Fluid Selection . 207, 208..............Identification Number .287Shifting the Automatic.....................................(CVT).167..................Shifting the Manual .165.....................................Treadwear .290.......................................Trip Meter .69....................................Trip Mileage .70................................................Trunk .92........................................Opening .92...................Open Monitor Light .65....................................Turn Signals .78UVTVIII.............................Vehicle Storage .243.....................................Ventilation .109.................................................VIN .286...............................Vinyl Cleaning .250..................................Viscosity,Oil .196.............WARNING,Explanation of .ii .........Warning Labels,Location of .55..................Warranty Coverages .301Washer,Windshield........Checking the Fluid Level .205.......................................Indicator .65.....................................Operation .80.........................................Washing .246..................Waxing and Polishing .247Wheels...............Adjusting the Steering .82............Alignment and Balance .227....................Aluminum Wheels pact Spare .256......................................Wrench .258Windows.....................................Cleaning .251..................Operating the Power .97...........................Rear,Defogger .81Windshield.......................................Cleaning .78...................................Defroster .116.......................................Washers .80Wipers,Windshield.......................Changing Blades .219.....................................Operation .78....................................Worn Tires .227.....Wrecker,Emergency Towing .282:U.S.and Canada onlyWIX。



车辆常规保养英语作文Regular Vehicle Maintenance。

Regular vehicle maintenance is essential to keep your car running smoothly and efficiently. It not only ensures your safety on the road but also helps to prolong the lifespan of your vehicle. In this essay, we will explore the importance of regular vehicle maintenance and discuss some key aspects that should be included in a routine maintenance schedule.Firstly, regular vehicle maintenance is crucial for your safety. By conducting regular inspections and servicing, potential issues can be identified and resolved before they turn into major problems. For example, checking the brakes regularly can prevent brake failure and ensure that you can stop your vehicle effectively when needed. Similarly, inspecting the tires for wear and tear can help to prevent blowouts and maintain good traction on the road. Ignoring these maintenance tasks can lead to accidents andjeopardize your safety as well as the safety of others on the road.Secondly, regular maintenance helps to improve the performance and efficiency of your vehicle. A well-maintained car will run smoother, consume less fuel, and emit fewer pollutants. For instance, changing the engineoil and air filters at recommended intervals will keep the engine clean and ensure optimal performance. Regularly inspecting and maintaining the spark plugs can also improve fuel efficiency and reduce emissions. Neglecting these maintenance tasks can result in decreased performance, reduced fuel economy, and increased pollution.Furthermore, regular vehicle maintenance can save you money in the long run. While it may seem like an unnecessary expense at first, preventive maintenance can help you avoid costly repairs down the line. By identifying and addressing minor issues early on, you can prevent them from escalating into major and more expensive problems. For example, replacing worn-out brake pads in a timely manner can prevent damage to the brake rotors, which would requirea more expensive repair. Regularly checking and replacing the timing belt can also prevent engine damage that would be much costlier to fix. By investing in regular maintenance, you can save yourself from unexpected and costly repairs in the future.Now let's discuss some key aspects that should be included in a routine maintenance schedule. Firstly, regular oil changes are essential to keep the engine running smoothly. The oil lubricates the engine's moving parts and helps to reduce friction and heat. It is recommended to change the oil every 5,000 to 7,500 miles, depending on the type of oil and driving conditions. Secondly, checking the tire pressure regularly is important for safety and fuel efficiency. Underinflated tires can lead to poor handling, increased fuel consumption, and uneven tire wear. It is advisable to check the tire pressure at least once a month and inflate them to the recommended level. Additionally, regular inspections of the brakes, lights, and battery are crucial to ensure their proper functioning. These components should be checked during routine maintenance and replaced as needed.In conclusion, regular vehicle maintenance is vital for your safety, performance, and cost savings. By conducting regular inspections and servicing, you can identify and address potential issues before they become major problems. Remember to include tasks such as oil changes, tire pressure checks, and inspections of brakes, lights, and battery in your routine maintenance schedule. By taking care of your vehicle, you can enjoy a smooth and efficient ride while ensuring your safety on the road.。



IndexAir ConditionerCare........................................... 91Operation.................................. 36Air Filter.......................................... 78Air Pressure, Tires......................... 87Antifreeze... See "Radiator Coolant"Anti-theft Steering Column LockSystem....................................42AppearanceCare............................ 93Ashtrays......................................... 31Automatic TransmissionDriving Technique(CIVIC WAGON)................... 51Driving Technique(4WD).................................. 54Fluid.......................................... 69Operation (CIVIC WAGON).... 49Operation (4WD)...................... 52Shift Lever Position Indicator. 20BatteryCharging System Warning Light ............................................... 21Jump Starting........................ 103Maintenance............................. 82Specification.......................... 109Beeper SystemFasten Seat Belt Warning Beeper ............................................... 11Key Reminder........................... 42Belts, Seat............. See "Seat Belts"Body Repair.................................... 96Brake Warning Light...................... 22BrakesBrake Failure Warning Light.... 22Brake Fluid................................ 76Brake System Design .............. 75Brake Wear............................... 75Brake Wear Indicators............. 76Parking Brake........................... 26Parking Brake Warning Light... 22Break-in Period................................. 2BulbReplacement............................. 85Specification.......................... 109Buzzer............ See "Beeper System"Capacities..................................... 108Care and Cleaning.......................... 93Catalytic Converter..................... 115Certification Label....................... 110Chains, Tires................................... 88Check Engine Warning Light......... 20Child Proof Door Locks................... 4Child Restraint System ................. 14Cigarette Lighter............................ 31Clock............................................... 32Clutch Pedal Adjustment.............. 47COMPACT Spare Tire................... 97Coolant Temperature Gauge ........ 19Cooling (with A/C)......................... 36Cooling System.............................. 71Crankcase Emission Control System (113)Defogger......................................... 25Defroster........................................ 38DoorsChild Proof Door Locks............... 4Door Locks.. (3)EmergencyChanging a Flat Tire ................. 99Hazard Warning System.......... 28If Your Car Gets Stuck.......... 105Jump Starting........................ 103Shoulder Belt Buckle ............. 106Towing.................................... 104Warning and Indicator Lights.. 20Emission Controls........................ 113EngineCoolant...................................... 71Coolant Temperature Gauge ..19Exhaust Controls................... 114Identification Number............ 110Oil and Filter.............................. 65Oil Pressure Warning Light...... 21Specification.......................... 109Engine Exhaust Gas Warning.. (45)Evaporative Emission ControlSystem................................... 114Exhaust Gas Recirculation.......... 114Exterior Care. (93)FiltersAir............................................. 78Engine Oil.................................. 66Fuel........................................... 78Fluid...................................... See "Oil"Foreign Countries, Operation in ... 40Four-Wheel Drive................. See "Real Time 4W D "Front Seat Adjustment.................... 5FuelFiller Door and Cap .................. 40Filter.......................................... 78Gasohol..................................... 39Gasoline.................................... 39Gauge........................................ 19Requirement............................. 39FuseChecking and Replacing........... 83Specification.. (109)Identification Numbers................ 110IgnitionKeys............................................ 3Switch...................................... 42Indicator Lights .............................. 20Inflation Pressures, Tire ................ 87Instrument Panel............................ 17Instrument Panel Brightness Control.................................................. 28Interior Light................................... 28Interior Trim Care .. (93)Jack ................................................ 99Jump Starting..............................103KeysDoor Locks................................. 3Ignition....................................... 42Key Reminder Buzzer.............. 42Keys............................................ 3Tailgate Lock (4)Gasoline............................. See "Fuel"Gas Station Information. Back cover Gauges............................................ 19Glove Box.......................................30Hazard Warning System................ 28HeadlightsFlasher...................................... 27High Beam Indicator................. 20High Beam/Low Beam Switch .............................................. 27Headlight High Baem Indicator Light.................................................. 20Head Restraints................................ 6Heating............................................ 37High BeamIndicator Light .......................... 20Switch....................................... 27Hood Latch. (30)Lap/Shoulder Belts........................... See "Seat Belts"LightBulb Replacement.................... 85Fuse Replacement................... 83Operation.................................. 27Warning and Indicator Light.... 20LocksAnti-theft Steering Column Lock .............................................. 42Child Proof Door Locks............. 4Doors........................................... 3Fuel Filler Door......................... 40Tailgate........................................ 4Luggage Area Light (29)Index (cont'd)MaintenanseNon-Scheduled MaintenanceRecord................................... 62Required Maintenance Record .............................................. 61Schedule ................................... 58Manual TransmissionClutch Pedal Adjustment........ 47Maximum Allowable Speeds .. 47Oil.............................................. 68Recommended Shift Speeds .. 48Shifting ..................................... 46Meters, Gauges........... See "Gauges"MirrorsRearview Mirrors.....................26Numbers, Identification (110)Octane Rating, Gasoline .. See "Fuel"Odometer....................................... 19OilEngine Oil.................................. 65Fluid Locations......................... 64Oil Pressure Warning Light...... 21Transmission Oil/Fluid.............. 68Operation In Foreign Countries . (40)Panel Brightness Control............... 28Parking Brake................................. 26Power Steering.............................. 77Passive Belt...................................... 8Pressures, Tire Inflation ................ 87Preventive Service (95)Radiator Coolant............................ 71Real Time 4WD (56)4WD Disengagement............... 56Rear Seat.......................................... 6Rearview Mirrors........................... 26Rear Window Defogger................. 25Reminder Lights................... See "Warning Lights"ReplacementAir Filter.................................... 78Body and Fender Parts............ 96Bulb............................................ 85Engine Oil.................................. 66Fuel Filter.................................. 78Fuse........................................... 83Oil Filter................................... 66Radiator Coolant...................... 73Spark Plugs............................... 79Tire............................................ 89Wiper Blades ............................ 81Rust Prevention.. (95)Safety Defects, Reporting.......... 117Safety Items................................... 44Seat Belt Warning Light and Beeper................................................... 11Seat BeltsAnchor Points .......................... 15Automatic Belt........................... 8Buckling the Rear Seat Combination Lap/Shoulder Belts .................... 12Child Restraint.......................... 14Cleaning.................................... 16Emergency Belt Release.......... 10Fasten Seat Belt Warning Light and Warning Beeper............ 11Front Seat Belts ......................... 8Inspection (16)Installation of Child Seat.......... 15Pregnant Women..................... 16Rear Center Seat Belts............ 13Releasing the Seat Belts.......... 10Replacement............................ 16Shoulder Belt Buckle ............. 106SeatsFront Seat................................... 5Head Restraints.......................... 6Rear Seat.................................... 6Shoulder Belts .................................. 8ShiftingAutomatic (CIVIC WAGON)... 49Automatic (4WD)..................... 52Manual ......................................46Shift Lever Position Indicator....... 20Spare TireChanging a Flat Tire ................. 99COMPACT Spare Tire............. 97Spark PlugsReplacement ............................ 79Specifications.............................. 108Speedometer................................. 19Starting the Engine........................ 43SteeringAnti-theft Column Lock .......... 42Power Steering........................ 77Tilt Steering.............................. 23Stuck Car. (105)Tachometer.................................... 19Tailgate ............................................. 4Tailgate-open Indicator Light........ 22Temperature Gauge, Coolant....... 19Tilt Steering.................................... 23TireAir Pressure.............................. 87Additional 4WD Tire Information .............................................. 90Balancing................................... 89Chains........................................ 88Changing a Flat Tire ................. 99COMPACT Spare..................... 97DOT Tire Quality Grades ...... 111Inflation Pressures................... 87Requirement........................... 111Rotation.................................... 90Snow Tires ............................... 88Spare Tire................................. 97Specification.......................... 108Winter Driving .......................... 88Towing.......................................... 104TransmissionCapacity ................................. 108Identification Number............ 110Oil/Fluid..................................... 68Shifting the Automatic(CIVIC WAGON)................... 49Shifting the Automatic(4WD)................................... 52Shifting the ManualTransmission........................ 46Tread Wear.................................. 111Turn Signals....................................27Vehicle Identification Number.... 110Ventilation......................................33Warning Lights............................... 20Warranty Service........................ 116WasherRear Window Washer............. 25Reservoir Capacity................ 108Windshield Washer.................. 24Washing.......................................... 93Waxing............................................ 94Windows Appearance Care ......... 93Windshield Defogger..................... 38Windshield Washer........................ 24Windshield Wipers......................... 24Wiper Blades.................................. 81WipersRear Window Wipers .............. 25Windshield Wipers...................24。



五、通电、检查Electrifying and inspection通电前、后应仔细检查,如不符合要求应立即纠正,符合要求后才能对吊篮进行启动调整。

Before and after electrifying, inspection shall be organized to the lifting cage, any problems shall be corrected in time, after which the lifting cage can be started and adjusted.1、通电前检查及要求:Inspection requirement before electrifying(1)电源应是380v三相接地电源,电源电缆接出处应可靠固定,电源插头处不可直接承受电缆重量。

The power shall be 380v three-phasegrounding power, the connecting part between cable and power shall befixed, and weight of cables cannot be bore by the plug of power.(2)顶面悬挂安装正确,安防平稳,固定可靠,连接螺栓无松动或虚紧,平衡重块安装可靠,配重符合要求。

Top surface shall be suspended andinstalled in a correct way, then it shall be stable and fixed, connecting boltsshall be tight, the counterweight shall be well installed in accordance withthe relevant requirement.(3)钢丝绳连接处的绳扣正确,绳扣螺母拧紧可靠。

Cord fastener on the connecting part of steel ropes shall be correctly installed and tight.(4)悬垂钢丝应分开,无绞接、缠绕和折弯。


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v w
Checking and Replacing Fuses If something electrical in your vehicle stops working, the first thing you should check for is a blown fuse. Determine from the chart on pages 452 , 453 , and 454 , or the diagram on the fuse box lid, which fuse or fuses control that device. Check those fuses first, but check all the fuses before deciding that a blown fuse is the cause. Replace any blown fuses, and check if the device works.
No. Amps.
Circuits Protected
15 40 A 16 15 A 17 30 A 18 40 A 19 40 A 20 (40 A) 21 40 A 22 70 A
120 A 23 50 A
50 A
Back-up, ACC Hazard ABS/VSA motor ABS/VSA Drive by wire, LAF heater Option Heater motor Passenger’s fuse box Battery IG main Power window
6. If the replacement fuse of the same rating blows in a short time, there is probably a serious electrical problem with your vehicle. Leave the blown fuse in that circuit, and have your vehicle checked by a qualified technician.





V olvos are known as safe cars, so that's what Amanda looked for when she was buying a used car. However, what she didn’t know was that finding parts or repairmen for Volvos isn't always easy. When the twenty-five-year-old V olvo started to cut out when Amanda was driving, even without knowing anything about the car, she knew it was a pretty big problem. But it started up again right away, so she ignored it. However, she might not have made the best choice. And then one day, it wouldn’t’ t start. Amanda had it towed (to) to a garage that specializes in Volvos, and they got it up and running- for a week or so. Still paying off the first bill, she thought she'd ask a neighbor who fixes cars out of his garage to give it a try. He's a Chevy repairman, but a cars a car, right? Amanda soon found out that. in fact. Volvos are V olvos and Chevys are Chevys- and never shall the two meet!Given that Amanda lived on an island. she was completely stuck at home without a car. She had no money to take taxis everywhere, and she certainly didn't have the money to buy another car. So Amanda finally did what any other fiercely independent- or desperate- woman would do:She ordered a Volvo manual(说明书) and started learning.You should know that Amanda’s father never fixed cars in his spare time when she was growing up, so she knew nothing about cars. After reading through the manual she just flipped through (快速翻阅) and looked at the pictures,but it was a start, right?- she searched online. There are Volvo-fixing websites, V olvo boards, and V olvo groups. Who knew? She posted questions, always apologizing for her complete ignorance, and got answers, which just led to more questions. But she made a little progress by checking the gas tank and replacing the cheap gas with the high-grade oneParagraph 1:The more she learned, the more confident she grew.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Paragraph 2She knew she was not giving up repairing the car, no matter how depressed she felt at times.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________参考答案:Paragraph 1:The more she learned, the more confident she grew. Every time she found a new possibility, she felt sure she would be able to get her car up and running. She didn't think she knew more than the repairmen, but the difference between her and the repairmen was that she needed her car to work She needed to go to groceries and she missed her freedom to drive anywhere. Moreover, she had to admit that she was starting to see her car as more than a car. They were starting to form a bondParagraph 2She knew she was not giving up repairing the car, no matter how depressed she felt at times Finally she had a breakthrough. She fully understood how all the parts of the car work together and found out the real problem. She spent a full month and a bit of money replacing the broken part. In the end, she got it up and running again. That is to say, she fixed the car. To this dayshe's still pretty proud. The car has already travelled half a million kilometers, and she wantsto make it get through the next half a million.阅读下⾯材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成⼀篇完整的短⽂。



强大的牵引力英语The powerful pulling force of a tractor is crucial for various agricultural activities such as plowing, planting, and harvesting. This force is generated by the engine of the tractor which converts fuel energy into mechanical energy. The tractor's transmission system then transfers this energy to the wheels, allowing it to pull heavy loads or equipment.In addition to the engine and transmission system, the weight and design of the tractor also play a significant role in its pulling power. Heavier tractors with a lower center of gravity tend to have better traction and stability, allowing them to exert more pulling force. The type of tires used on the tractor also affects its pulling ability, with wider and heavier-duty tires providing better grip and traction.Furthermore, the type of terrain and the condition of the soil can impact the tractor's pulling power. Rough or uneven terrain can make it more difficult for the tractor to pull a load, while soft or wet soil can increase the resistance and reduce traction. In such cases, additionalequipment such as tire chains or dual wheels can be used to improve the tractor's pulling performance.Regular maintenance and proper adjustment of thetractor's components are essential to ensure that it maintains its pulling power. This includes checking and replacing worn-out parts, lubricating moving components, and adjusting the tire pressure for optimal traction. By keeping the tractor in good condition, farmers can maximize its pulling force and efficiency in the field.Overall, the powerful pulling force of a tractor is essential for modern agriculture, allowing farmers to efficiently and effectively perform a wide range of tasks. With the right equipment, maintenance, and operating practices, tractors can continue to provide the necessary pulling power for years to come.拥有强大的牵引力对于农业活动至关重要,比如耕作、种植和收割等。



写出更换盘式制动器的检查和更换流程Before beginning the process of checking and replacing disc brakes, it is important to gather all the necessary tools and supplies. This includes a lug wrench, a jack, a set of socket wrenches, a C-clamp, new brake pads, brake caliper grease, and brake fluid. It is crucial to work in a well-ventilated area and to take necessary safety precautions, such as wearing gloves and safety glasses.在开始检查和更换盘式刹车之前,收集所有必要的工具和用品非常重要。



The first step in the process is to secure the vehicle on a flat and level surface and to engage the parking brake. Afterwards, the lug nuts on the wheels should be loosened, but not removed completely. Once this is done, the vehicle should be jacked up and securely placed on jack stands. It is important to ensure the vehicle is stable and secure before proceeding with the brake inspection and replacement.在这个过程中的第一步是将汽车停放在平坦和水平的地面上,并拉起驻车制动器。



怎样注意交通安全英语作文Paying attention to traffic safety is crucial for everyone who uses the roads whether as a driver, pedestrian, or cyclist. Negligence and carelessness can lead to devastating consequences not only for the individual but also for others around them. By being vigilant and responsible, we can all play a part in reducing the number of traffic accidents and creating a safer environment for all road users.One of the most important aspects of traffic safety is being a responsible driver. This means always obeying traffic laws and regulations. This includes driving at the posted speed limit, coming to a complete stop at stop signs and red lights, using turn signals when changing lanes or turning, and yielding the right-of-way to pedestrians and other vehicles when required. Speeding and reckless driving are major contributors to traffic accidents and should be avoided at all costs.Drivers should also remain alert and focused at all times while behind the wheel. Distracted driving such as using a mobile phone, eating, or adjusting the radio can significantly impair a driver'sreaction time and decision-making abilities. It is crucial to keep both hands on the wheel and eyes on the road in order to be able to quickly respond to any unexpected situations that may arise.Another key element of traffic safety is maintaining one's vehicle in good working condition. This includes regularly checking and replacing worn tires, ensuring all lights are functioning properly, and addressing any mechanical issues as soon as they arise. Driving a well-maintained vehicle can help prevent accidents caused by equipment failure.Pedestrians also have a responsibility to be aware of their surroundings and follow traffic signals and signs. This means crossing the street only at designated crosswalks and obeying the walk/don't walk signals. It is also important for pedestrians to make eye contact with drivers before crossing the street to ensure they are seen. Wearing bright or reflective clothing can also help increase visibility, especially in low-light conditions.Cyclists, too, must adhere to traffic laws and regulations. This includes riding in the same direction as traffic, using hand signals to indicate turns, and wearing a properly fitted helmet. Cyclists should also be aware of their blind spots and make sure they are visible to drivers around them.Beyond individual responsibility, communities can also take steps to improve traffic safety. This can include implementing traffic-calming measures such as speed bumps or roundabouts in high-risk areas, improving street lighting, and enhancing pedestrian infrastructure like crosswalks and sidewalks. Educating the public, especially young drivers, about the importance of traffic safety can also go a long way in reducing accidents.Ultimately, ensuring traffic safety is a shared responsibility that requires the cooperation of all road users. By being vigilant, responsible, and considerate of others, we can all play a part in creating a safer and more efficient transportation system. Whether you are behind the wheel, on foot, or on a bicycle, it is crucial to remain alert and follow the rules of the road. By doing so, we can help prevent accidents, protect ourselves and others, and contribute to the overall well-being of our communities.。



家庭安全英语作文Title: Home Safety。

Home safety is of utmost importance as it ensures the well-being and security of our loved ones. Creating a safe environment within our homes is essential in preventing accidents and ensuring a peaceful and secure living space for our families.One of the most crucial aspects of home safety is fire prevention. It is important to have working smoke detectors installed in every room of the house, especially in areas where fires are more likely to occur, such as the kitchen and near fireplaces. Regularly checking and replacing the batteries in these smoke detectors is essential to ensure they are functioning properly. In addition, having a fire extinguisher easily accessible in the kitchen and other high-risk areas can help in quickly containing a small fire before it escalates.Another important aspect of home safety is preventing falls and injuries. This is especially important in households with young children or elderly family members. Installing handrails on staircases, securing rugs and carpets to prevent slipping, and ensuring that walkways are well-lit and free of clutter can help prevent falls and injuries. It is also important to keep potentially hazardous items, such as cleaning supplies and sharp objects, out of reach of children.Home security is also a critical component of home safety. Installing sturdy locks on doors and windows, as well as a security system, can help deter potential intruders and provide peace of mind for the family. It is also important to have a plan in place for emergencies, such as a break-in or natural disaster, and to discuss this plan with all family members.In addition to these measures, it is important to regularly inspect and maintain household appliances and systems to prevent accidents. This includes checking for gas leaks, ensuring that electrical wiring is in goodcondition, and maintaining heating and cooling systems to prevent fires and carbon monoxide leaks.Creating a safe home environment also involves educating family members about potential hazards and how to respond in case of an emergency. This includes teaching children about fire safety, how to use emergency contact information, and what to do in case of a break-in.In conclusion, home safety is a crucial aspect of family life. By taking proactive measures to prevent accidents and secure our homes, we can ensure the well-being and security of our loved ones. It is important to regularly assess and address potential hazards within the home, as well as to educate family members about safety protocols. Ultimately, creating a safe and secure home environment is essential for the happiness and peace of mind of our families.。



Low Oil Pressure LightThe low oil pressure light should never come on when the engine is running. If this light conies on with the engine running, take immediate action.Running the engine with low oil pressure can cause serious mechanical damage almostimmediately. Turn off the engine as soon as you can safely get the car stopped.1. Safely pull off the road and shut off the engine.2. Let the car sit for a minute.Open the hood and check the oil level (see page 111).Although oil level and oil pressure are not directly connected, an engine that is very low on oil can losepressure during cornering and other driving maneuvers.3. If necessary, add oil to bringthe level back to the full mark on the dipstick (see page 111).4. Start the engine and watch theoil pressure light. If the light does not go out within 10seconds, turn off the engine.There is a mechanical problem that needs to be repaired before you can continue driving. (See Towing on page 174.)Taking Care of the UnexpectedLOW OIL PRESSURE LIGHTNOTICECharging System IndicationThe charging system light should go out after the engine starts. If it comes on brightly with the engine running, the alternator is no longer charging the battery.Immediately turn off all electrical accessories: radio, heater, A/C,rear defogger, cruise control, etc.Try not to use other electrically-operated controls such as the power windows. Keep the engine running and take extra care not to stall it. Starting the engine will discharge the battery rapidly.By eliminating as much of theelectrical load as possible, you can drive several miles before the battery is too discharged to keep the engine running. Drive to a service station or garage where you can get technical assistance.Taking Care of the UnexpectedCHARGING SYSTEM LIGHTMalfunction Indicator LampIf this indicator comes on while driving, there is a problem with your engine or its emission control systems. Even though you may feel no difference in your car's performance, it can reduce your fuel economy and cause your car to put out excessive emissions.Continued operation may cause serious damage.* The U.S. instrument panel is shown. Differences for the Cana-dian model are noted in the text.If this indicator comes on safely pull off the road and turn off the engine. Restart the engine and watch the indicator. If it stays on,have your car checked by the dealer as soon as possible. Drive moderately until the dealer has inspected the problem. Avoid full-throttle acceleration and driving at high speed.You should also have the dealer inspect your car if the indicator comes on frequently, even though it goes off when you follow the above procedure.If you keep driving with themalfunction indicator lamp/check engine light on, you can damage your car's emission controls and engine. Those repairs may not be covered by your car's warranties.Taking Care of the UnexpectedMALFUNCTION INDICATOR LAMP*NOTICEClosing the MoonroofIf the electric motor will not close the moonroof, do the following:1. Check the fuse for themoonroof motor (see page 171). If the fuse is blown,replace it with one of the same or lower rating.2. Try closing the moonroof. If the new fuse blows immediately or the moonroof motor still does not operate, you can close the moonroof manually.3. Get the tool kit out of the trunk.4. Use a screwdriver or coin toremove the round plug between the sun visors.5. Insert the moonroof wrench into the socket behind this plug. Turn the wrench until the moonroof is fully closed.6. Remove the wrench. Replace the round plug.Taking Care of the UnexpectedROUND PLUGFusesAll the electrical circuits in your car have fuses to protect them from a short circuit or overload.These fuses are located in two fuse boxes.The underhood fuse box is located in the engine compartment next to the battery. To open, push the tab as shown.The interior fuse box isunderneath the dashboard on the driver's side. Remove the fuse box lid by swinging the lid down and pulling it straight out of its hinges.Taking Care of the UnexpectedUNDER-HOODINTERIORFusesChecking and ReplacingIf something electrical in your car stops working, the first thing you should check for is a blown fuse.Determine from the chart on the fuse box cover or inside the fuse box which fuse or fuses control that component. Check those fuses first, but check all the fuses before deciding that is not the cause. Replace any blown fuses and check the component's operation.1. Turn the ignition switch to LOCK (0). Make sure the headlights and all other accessories are off.2. Remove the cover from the fuse box.3. Check each of the large fuses in th e underhood fuse box bylooking through the top at the wire inside. Removing these fuses requires a Phillips head screwdriver.4. Check the smaller fuses in the underhood fuse box and all the fuses in the interior fuse box by pulling out each fuse with the fuse puller provided in the interior fuse box.Taking Care of the UnexpectedBLOWNFUSE PULLERFuses5. Look for a burned wire inside the fuse. If it is burned out,replace it with one of thespare fuses of the same rating or lower.If you cannot drive the car without fixing the problem, and you do not have a spare fuse, take a fuse of the same rating or a lower rating from one of the other circuits.Make sure you can do without that circuit temporarily (such as the cigarette lighter or radio).If you replace the burned out fuse with a spare fuse that has a lower rating, it might blow out again.This does not indicate anything wrong. Replace the fuse with one of the correct rating as soon as you can.Replacing a fuse with one that has a higher rating greatly increases the chances of damaging the electrical system. If you do not have a replacement fuse with the proper rating for the circuit, install one with a lower rating.6. If the replacement fuse of the same rating burns out in a short time, there is probably a serious electrical problem in your car. Leave the burned out fuse in that circuit and have your car checked by a qualified technician.Taking Care of the UnexpectedBLOWNNOTICETowingIf your car needs to be towed, call a professional towing service or, if you belong to one, an organization that provides roadside assistance.Never tow your car behind another car with just a rope or chain. It is very dangerous.Emergency TowingThere are three popular methods of towing a car:Flat-bed Equipment - The operator loads your car on the back of a truck. This is the best way of transporting your Honda.Wheel Lift Equipment - The tow truck uses two pivoting arms that go under the tires (front or rear)and lift them off the ground.The other two wheels remain on the ground.Sling-type Equipment - The tow truck uses metal cables with hooks on the ends. These hooks go around parts of the frame or suspension and the cables lift that end of the car off the ground. Your car's suspension and body can be seriously damaged if this method of towing is attempted.If your Honda cannot be trans-ported by a flat-bed truck, it should be towed with the front wheels off the ground. If, due to damage, your car must be towed with the front wheels on the ground, do the following:5-Speed Manual Transmission Release the parking brake.Shift the transmission to Neutral.Automatic TransmissionRelease the parking brake.Start the engine.Shift to D4, then to N.Turn off the engine.Improper towing preparation will damage the transmission. Follow the above procedure exactly. If you cannot shift the transmission or start the engine (automatictransmission), your car must be transported on a flat-bed.It is best to tow the car no farther than 50 miles (80 km),and keep the speed below 35 mph (55 km/h).Trying to lift or tow your car by the bumpers will cause serious damage. The bumpers are not designed to support the car's weight.Taking Care of the UnexpectedNOTICENOTICE。



激光切板机操作流程英文回答:Operating a laser cutting machine involves several steps to ensure safe and efficient operation. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to operate a laser cutting machine:1. Preparing the material: Before starting the machine,I need to prepare the material that I want to cut. This includes measuring and marking the dimensions, cleaning the surface, and securing it properly on the machine bed.2. Setting up the machine: Once the material is ready,I need to set up the laser cutting machine. This involves turning on the power, checking the gas supply, and ensuring that all safety features are in place.3. Loading the program: Next, I need to load the program that contains the design or pattern I want to cut.This can be done by connecting a computer to the machine or using a USB drive to transfer the file.4. Adjusting the laser parameters: After loading the program, I need to adjust the laser parameters such as power, speed, and focus according to the material I am cutting. This is important to achieve clean and precise cuts.5. Testing the setup: Before starting the actualcutting process, it is essential to test the setup. I usually perform a test cut on a scrap piece of material to ensure that everything is working correctly and the desired results are achieved.6. Starting the cutting process: Once I am satisfied with the setup, I can start the cutting process. This involves initiating the machine and allowing it to follow the programmed path to cut the material. I need to monitor the process closely to ensure that everything is going smoothly.7. Removing the cut pieces: After the cutting processis complete, I need to remove the cut pieces from the machine bed. I should be careful while handling the cut pieces as they might still be hot or sharp.8. Cleaning and maintenance: Finally, I need to clean the machine and perform any necessary maintenance tasks. This includes removing any debris or dust from the machine, checking and replacing consumables if needed, and ensuring that all safety features are still in good working condition.中文回答:操作激光切板机需要经过几个步骤,以确保安全有效的操作。



平安家庭标准及流程Creating a safe and secure home environment isessential for every family. To ensure the safety and well-being of my family, I have established certain standardsand implemented specific procedures. These measures include home security systems, emergency preparedness plans, and regular maintenance routines.First and foremost, I have installed a comprehensive home security system. This includes surveillance cameras, motion detectors, and a burglar alarm. The system is connected to a monitoring service that alerts me and the authorities in case of any suspicious activity or intrusion. This not only deters potential burglars but also provides peace of mind knowing that my family is protected.In addition to the security system, I have implemented an emergency preparedness plan. This plan includes creating an emergency kit with essential supplies such as food, water, first aid supplies, and flashlights. I have alsodesignated a safe meeting place outside the house in case of a fire or other emergencies. Regular drills are conducted to ensure that everyone in the family knows what to do in case of an emergency.Furthermore, regular maintenance routines are crucial for maintaining a safe home. This includes checking and replacing smoke detectors, testing fire extinguishers, and inspecting electrical wiring. By staying proactive and addressing any potential hazards, I can minimize the risk of accidents or emergencies.Moreover, I have established clear communication channels within the family. This includes discussing safety protocols and procedures with all family members and ensuring that everyone understands their roles and responsibilities. Open and honest communication is key in maintaining a safe and secure home environment.Lastly, I believe in leading by example. As the head of the household, I take responsibility for setting a good example for my family. This includes practicing safe habitssuch as locking doors and windows, using seat belts in the car, and following traffic rules. By demonstrating these behaviors, I instill a sense of responsibility and awareness in my family members.中文回答:平安家庭标准及流程。



展厅日常维护流程Maintaining a showroom on a daily basis is essential to ensuring that it remains in top condition for visitors and potential customers. 展厅日常维护对于确保参观者和潜在客户能够看到展厅保持最佳状态是非常重要的。

This process involves a variety of tasks and responsibilities that contribute to the overall appearance and functionality of the showroom. 这个过程涉及到一系列的任务和责任,这些任务和责任对展厅的整体外观和功能性有所贡献。

From keeping the space clean and organized to ensuring that all products are properly displayed, showroom maintenance requires attention to detail and a proactive approach. 无论是保持空间清洁整洁,还是确保所有产品得到正确展示,展厅的维护都需要对细节的关注和积极主动的态度。

One of the first and most important aspects of showroom maintenance is cleanliness. 展厅维护中最重要的一个方面就是清洁卫生。

It is crucial to keep the floors, windows, and display units free of dust and dirt to create an inviting and professional atmosphere. 保持地面,窗户和展示柜清洁是至关重要的,这样才能营造出一个诱人和专业的氛围。
















)Thank you very much for buying our sewing machine.Before using your new machine,please read the safety instructions below and the explanations given in the Operation Instruction.With industrial sewing machines,it is normal to carry out work while positioned directly in front of moving parts such as the needle and thread take-up lever,and consequently there is always a danger of injury that can be caused by these parts.Follow the instructions from training personnel and instructors regarding safe and correct operation before operating the machine so that you will know how to use it correctly.SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS1.Safety indications and their meaningsThis instruction manual and the indications and symbols that are used on the machine itself are provided in order to ensure safe operation of this machine and to prevent accidents and injury to yourself or other people.The meaning of these indications and symbols are given below.IndicationsSymbolshis symbol (△) indicates something that you should be careful of. The picture inside the indicates the nature of the caution that must be taken.example, the symbol at left means"beware of injury".)This symbol (○) indicates something that you must not do.This symbol (●) indicates something that you must do. The picture inside the circle indicates the nature of the thing that must be done.(For example, the symbol at left means "you must make the ground connection".)安全注意事项Notes On Safety安全注意事项Notes On Safety1.供油 Lubriction2.手动给油 Manual lubrication3.给HR 装置供油 Filling the HR device with silicon oil4.穿线的方法 Threading diagram5.穿线图Threading diagram6.压脚压力的调节Adjusting the presser foot pressure7.差动比的调节 Adjusting the diff feed retio8.针脚长度的调节 Adjusting the stitch length9.线状态的调节 Adjusting the thread tension10.缝纫机的清扫Cleaning the machine11.换针Replacing the needle12.检查机油的循环Checking the oil circulation13.油过滤器的检点与更换Checking and replacing the oil filter14.换机油Replacing the oil15.调整标准参数表 Adjusting dimentions....................................................................1.................................................................1........................................................... 2............................................................. 2................................................................. 3...........................................................3............................................................ 4...........................................................4............................................................ 4...........................................................5...................................................................5..........................................................6....................................................6.................................................................6 (7)1.供油Lubrication1.加油量是使油面处于H 线与L 线之间为好.当油面低于L 线时,就要及时补充机油.机油请使用指定的(HIGH SPEED SEWING MACHINE OIL )(ISO 粘度与VG22相同)1.After filing the oil pan ,the oil surface should lie between (H )and (L )lines .Add oil ,when the oil surface reaches or goes below (L ).Note :Use our factory recommended oil [HIGH SPEED SEWING MACHINE OIL ](ISO VG22)1.手动给油是在缝纫机最开始使用时,或停用一段时间重新开始使用时,请供给2-3滴油.机油请使用指定的(HIGH SPEED SEWING MACHINE OIL )(ISO 粘度与VG22相同)1.Apply 2 or 3 drops of oil by hand when the machineis used for the first time or has been left unused for some time .Note :Use our factory recommended oil [HIGH SPEED SEWING MACHINE OIL ](ISO Vg22)H I GH S P E E DS E W I N GM A CH I NE O I L HIGH SPEED SEWING MACHINE OIL2.手动给油 Manual lubrication3.给HR装置供油1.为了防止布纤维或线被切断,请尽早给HR 装置供油。



请记住消防安全知识英文Title: Remembering Fire Safety Knowledge for a Safer Tomorrow Introduction:Fire safety is a crucial aspect of our lives that must never be overlooked. Understanding the principles of fire safety can help prevent and minimize damages caused by fires, saving lives, and protecting property. This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of fire safety knowledge, including prevention, emergency response, and safety measures to stay prepared.1. Understanding Fire:1.1. Fire Triangle:The fire triangle consists of three elements essential for fire to occur: heat, fuel, and oxygen. Understanding the presence and elimination of these elements can help prevent fires.1.2. Fire Classification:Class A, B, C, D, and K fires each involve different types of fuels and require specific firefighting techniques. Knowing the different classes helps in choosing the appropriate fire extinguisher for each situation.2. Fire Prevention:2.1. Fire Risk Assessment:Conducting a risk assessment of potential fire hazards in homes, workplaces, and public spaces is crucial. Identifying and eliminating fire hazards can significantly reduce the risk of fire accidents.2.2. Electrical Safety:Understanding electrical safety guidelines, such as using proper wiring, avoiding overloading outlets, and regular maintenance, is essential in preventing electrical fires.2.3. Smoking Safety:Taking precautions while smoking, such as using ashtrays, ensuring proper cigarette disposal, and not smoking in bed, can prevent accidental fires.2.4. Cooking Safety:Practicing safe cooking habits, such as never leaving cooking unattended, keeping flammable objects away from stoves, and using cooking timers, can prevent kitchen fires.3. Fire Detection and Alarm Systems:3.1. Smoke Detectors:Installing smoke detectors, checking their functionality regularly, and replacing batteries can help detect early signs of fire and provide timely warnings.3.2. Fire Alarms:Understanding the types of fire alarms available, their functionality, and how to respond to their signals is crucial for an effective emergency response.4. Emergency Response:4.1. Evacuation Procedures:Having escape routes planned, establishing assembly points, and conducting regular evacuation drills can save lives duringemergencies.4.2. Stay Low and Crawl Technique:During a fire, the smoke rises, and the cleanest air is closer to the floor. Teaching the "Stay Low and Crawl" technique helps reduce smoke inhalation and allows for easier evacuation.4.3. Stop, Drop, and Roll:Knowing how to extinguish clothing fires by stopping, dropping to the ground, and rolling can prevent the spread of fire and reduce burn injuries.5. Fire Extinguishers:5.1. Types of Fire Extinguishers:Understanding the different types of fire extinguishers and their appropriate use can aid in controlling small fires and preventing them from spreading.5.2. PASS Technique:Knowing the PASS (Pull-Aim-Squeeze-Sweep) technique of using a fire extinguisher ensures its effective use during emergency situations.6. Fire Safety in Public Places:6.1. Public Education:Educating the public about fire safety measures, organizing awareness programs, and distributing informative materials are vital in preventing fire accidents.6.2. Building Safety Measures:Implementing fire safety measures, such as proper fire exits, signage, emergency lighting, and regular inspections, is crucial for public buildings' safety.Conclusion:Fire safety is not an option but a necessity. Being knowledgeable about fire prevention, having an effective emergency response plan, and implementing proper safety measures can save lives, protect property, and ensure a safer future for all. Remembering fire safety knowledge and sharing it with others is a responsibility we all must undertake.。



全面版空调清洗维护协议英文版Comprehensive Air Conditioning Cleaning and Maintenance AgreementThis agreement outlines the terms and conditions for comprehensive cleaning and maintenance services for air conditioning systems.1. Scope of ServicesThe service provider agrees to perform a thorough cleaning and maintenance of the air conditioning unit, including but not limited to the following tasks:- Cleaning of filters, coils, and fins- Checking and replacing refrigerant if necessary- Inspecting and lubricating moving parts- Testing the system for proper operation2. Service ScheduleThe service provider will conduct the cleaning and maintenance services on a regular basis as agreed upon by both parties. The frequency of service will depend on the specific needs of the air conditioning system.3. Responsibilities of the Parties- The service provider is responsible for ensuring that all cleaning and maintenance tasks are performed to the highest standard.- The client is responsible for providing access to the air conditioning unit and ensuring that it is in proper working condition.4. Fees and PaymentThe client agrees to pay the service provider the agreed-upon fee for each cleaning and maintenance service. Payment is due upon completion of the services.5. Termination of AgreementEither party may terminate this agreement with written notice to the other party. In the event of termination, any outstanding fees must be paid within 30 days.6. LiabilityThe service provider will not be liable for any damages or losses resulting from the cleaning and maintenance services, except in cases of negligence.7. ConfidentialityBoth parties agree to keep all information regarding the agreement and services confidential.8. Governing LawThis agreement shall be governed by the laws of [insert jurisdiction].9. Entire AgreementThis agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the parties and supersedes any prior agreements or understandings.Signed:Service Provider: __________________Client: __________________ Date: __________________。



冰箱介绍英语作文Introduction to Refrigerator。

A refrigerator, also known as a fridge, is an essential appliance found in almost every household. It is used for preserving food and keeping it fresh for a longer period of time. The invention of the refrigerator has revolutionized the way we store and consume food, making it an indispensable part of modern life.The primary function of a refrigerator is to lower the temperature of the interior to below the ambient temperature, thus slowing down the growth of bacteria and other microorganisms that cause food to spoil. This is achieved through the use of a refrigeration cycle, which involves the circulation of a refrigerant gas through a series of coils and compressors. As the gas is compressed, it releases heat, causing it to condense into a liquid. This liquid then absorbs heat from the interior of the refrigerator, cooling it down, before evaporating back intoa gas and returning to the compressor to start the cycle again.Refrigerators come in various shapes and sizes, ranging from small compact units to large, double-door models with separate compartments for fresh and frozen foods. They are also available in different styles and designs to suit the aesthetic preferences of consumers. Some refrigerators feature additional functions such as ice makers, water dispensers, and temperature-controlled compartments, offering added convenience and versatility.In addition to preserving food, refrigerators also play a crucial role in minimizing food waste. By keeping food fresh for longer periods, they allow consumers to buy in bulk and store leftovers, reducing the amount of food that is thrown away. This not only saves money but also helps to reduce the environmental impact of food production and disposal.Maintenance of a refrigerator is important to ensureits optimal performance and longevity. This includesregular cleaning of the interior and exterior, checking and replacing the door seals if necessary, and defrosting the freezer compartment when ice buildup becomes excessive. Proper ventilation around the appliance is also essential to prevent overheating and ensure efficient operation.In conclusion, the refrigerator is a fundamental appliance that has transformed the way we store and consume food. Its ability to preserve food and minimize waste has made it an indispensable part of modern life. With a wide range of sizes, styles, and features available, there is a refrigerator to suit the needs of every household. Proper maintenance and care are essential to ensure that the refrigerator continues to function effectively and efficiently for years to come.。



英语作文家务的分类Title: Classification of Household Chores。

Household chores are essential tasks that contribute to maintaining a clean, organized, and functional living space. These chores can be categorized into various types based on their nature, frequency, and significance. In this essay,we will explore the classification of household chores in English.1. Daily Chores:Daily chores are tasks that need to be performed regularly to uphold cleanliness and orderliness in the household. They include activities such as:Washing dishes: This involves cleaning dishes, utensils, and cookware used during meals.Making beds: Straightening and arranging bed linensto keep bedrooms tidy.Sweeping and mopping floors: Removing dust, dirt, and debris from floors to maintain cleanliness.Taking out the trash: Disposing of waste materials and garbage to prevent odor and sanitation issues.Wiping countertops and surfaces: Cleaning kitchen and bathroom surfaces to eliminate germs and maintain hygiene.2. Weekly Chores:Weekly chores are tasks that are typically performed once a week to address deeper cleaning needs and maintain overall cleanliness. They include:Vacuuming carpets and rugs: Removing dirt, pet hair, and debris from carpets and rugs to keep them clean and fresh.Dusting furniture: Wiping down surfaces such as tables, shelves, and electronics to remove dust buildup.Changing bed linens: Laundering and replacing bed sheets, pillowcases, and blankets to promote cleanliness and comfort.Cleaning bathrooms: Scrubbing toilets, sinks, showers, and tubs to remove soap scum, mold, and bacteria.Organizing closets and drawers: Sorting and arranging clothing and other items to maximize storage space and accessibility.3. Monthly Chores:Monthly chores are tasks that are performed less frequently but are essential for maintaining a hygienic and well-maintained living environment. They include:Washing windows: Cleaning windows inside and out to remove dirt, streaks, and grime for improved visibility andaesthetics.Deep cleaning appliances: Cleaning appliances such as ovens, refrigerators, and microwaves to remove grease, food residue, and odors.Dusting light fixtures and ceiling fans: Removing dust and cobwebs from light fixtures and ceiling fans to improve indoor air quality and prevent allergies.Washing curtains and drapes: Laundering curtains and drapes to remove dust, allergens, and odors for a fresher indoor environment.Inspecting and replacing home essentials: Checking and replacing items such as air filters, smoke detector batteries, and light bulbs to ensure functionality and safety.4. Seasonal Chores:Seasonal chores are tasks that are performedaccording to specific seasons or weather conditions to address seasonal cleaning and maintenance needs. They include:Raking leaves and removing debris: Clearing leaves, branches, and debris from yards and outdoor spaces to maintain curb appeal and prevent pest infestations.Winterizing the home: Insulating pipes, sealing windows and doors, and servicing heating systems to prepare the home for colder temperatures and reduce energy consumption.Spring cleaning: Deep cleaning and decluttering the home after the winter season to freshen up living spaces and promote a sense of renewal.Gardening and lawn care: Planting, weeding, pruning, and mowing to maintain a healthy and attractive outdoor landscape throughout the growing season.Pest control: Taking measures to prevent and controlpests such as ants, mosquitoes, and rodents through proper sanitation, sealing entry points, and using pest deterrents.In conclusion, household chores can be classified into various categories based on their frequency and nature, ranging from daily tasks essential for day-to-day upkeep to seasonal tasks required to address specific seasonal cleaning and maintenance needs. By organizing andprioritizing these chores, individuals can effectively manage household responsibilities and maintain a clean, healthy, and comfortable living environment.。



Introduction:The lighting policy of our school aims to ensure the safety, health, and well-being of our students and staff. It is designed to promote energy conservation and create a conducive learning environment. In this article, we will discuss the details of our school's lighting policy,its objectives, and the procedures for implementing it.Objectives:1. To ensure the safety of students and staff by providing adequate lighting in all areas of the school.2. To promote energy conservation and reduce the school's carbon footprint.3. To create a conducive learning environment that enhances productivity and academic performance.4. To raise awareness about the importance of sustainable practices among students and staff.Policy Details:1. Lighting Schedule:Our school follows a strict lighting schedule to ensure energy efficiency. The following are the general guidelines:a. Classrooms and administrative offices: Lights should be turned on 15 minutes before the start of each class or meeting and turned off 15 minutes after the end of the session.b. Laboratories, workshops, and other specialized areas: Lights should be turned on only when in use and turned off immediately after use.c. Common areas such as corridors, staircases, and restrooms: Lights should be kept on during school hours and turned off after school hours.2. Natural Light Utilization:Our school encourages the use of natural light as much as possible. To achieve this, we have installed skylights and large windows in classrooms, administrative offices, and common areas. Additionally, we have implemented daylight harvesting systems to optimize natural light and reduce the need for artificial lighting.3. Energy-Efficient Lighting Fixtures:Our school has replaced all traditional incandescent bulbs with energy-efficient LED lighting fixtures. These bulbs consume less electricity, produce less heat, and have a longer lifespan, thereby reducing energy consumption and maintenance costs.4. Maintenance and Upkeep:Regular maintenance and inspection of lighting fixtures are essential to ensure their optimal performance. Our school's maintenance team is responsible for checking and replacing faulty bulbs and fixtures, as well as cleaning light fixtures to maintain their efficiency.5. Student and Staff Awareness:Our school conducts regular workshops and awareness campaigns to educate students and staff about the importance of energy conservation and the proper use of lighting. These initiatives include:a. Conducting energy conservation workshops during orientation days.b. Distributing informative brochures and posters on energy-efficient practices.c. Encouraging students to report any energy wastage or malfunctioning lighting fixtures.Conclusion:The lighting policy of our school is a comprehensive approach to ensuring the safety, health, and well-being of our students and staff. By promoting energy conservation and creating a conducive learning environment, we aim to instill a sense of responsibility and sustainability among our community members. Through continuous educationand maintenance efforts, we strive to maintain a well-lit and energy-efficient school campus.。

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