Simulation experiments on counter beam lighting in highway tunnel
图像恢复问题的梯度稀疏化正则方法赵晨萍;冯象初;王卫卫;贾西西【摘要】针对图像恢复中边缘损坏及细节丢失等问题,从分析梯度直方图的分布特征及梯度稀疏性最佳表示出发,提出了一种基于梯度稀疏性的正则方法,建立了具有梯度先验信息的图像恢复模型.该模型不仅能够增强图像的细节特征,而且能够在去除模糊及噪声与保持图像边缘之间取得很好的平衡.设计了一种新的优化算法对模型进行求解.实验结果表明,新算法快速有效且收敛性好,新模型能够在很好地去除模糊和噪声的同时,有效保留图像边缘及纹理等信息.%In order to alleviate the defects in image restoration,e.g.,the damage of the edges and the loss of the details,a new gradient sparsity regularization model is derived based on the analysis of the gradient histogram and the best penalty in sparse representation.The proposed model can not only highlight the image detail effectively but also achieve a good balance between blur and noise removal and edge preservation.A new optimization algorithm is designed to solve the new model.Simulation experiments on image denoising and deblurring confirm that the numerical method is fast and efficient,the proposed regularization model can well preserve the significant edges and textures when effectively removing the blur and noise.【期刊名称】《系统工程与电子技术》【年(卷),期】2017(039)010【总页数】6页(P2353-2358)【关键词】图像恢复;梯度直方图;梯度稀疏化;优化算法【作者】赵晨萍;冯象初;王卫卫;贾西西【作者单位】西安电子科技大学数学与统计学院,陕西西安710126;河南科技学院数学科学学院,河南新乡453003;西安电子科技大学数学与统计学院,陕西西安710126;西安电子科技大学数学与统计学院,陕西西安710126;西安电子科技大学数学与统计学院,陕西西安710126【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN911.73图像恢复问题是计算机视觉和图像处理领域的经典研究课题之一[1-3]。
Model Experimental Research On Anti-Sliding Characteristics Of the
Model Experimental Research On Anti-Sliding Characteristics Of theFrame Anti-sliding PilesQian tonghui1,2,a, Xia wencai2,b, Chen fang2,c, Ding hongxing2,d 1Three Gorges Research Center for geo-hazard, Ministry of Education, China University ofGeosciences, Wuhan, 430074, China2Engineering Faculty, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, 430074, Chinaa qiantongh@, b328775393@, c chenfang0609@, d guertang@ Key words: the frame anti-slide pile, model experiment, similarity theory, soil pressureAbstract. Through analysis of model test results, some of the basic sliding piles features of the frame anti-slide pile can be obtained. Under the thrust of landslide, a complex parabola and line function could be used to describe the relationship of load and lateral displacement of pile head. At the same time, there was a big crack in front of the pile. It was shown by monitoring the soil pressure that pushing force acting on the back frame pile was trapezoidal distribution and on the leading frame pile was parabola distribution. The soil pressure value was larger at back piles central and around sliding surface and smaller at the head of piles. the landslide thrust acting on the back piles more larger than the front row piles, the central of piles’ maximum soil pressure minimum 1:3 ratio of the middle pile at the before and after row, the ratio between the changes with the load. Frame pile of the inflection point after another figure appeared, at the top of the link beam and ring beam structure of the entire framework of the pile Showed a synergistic effect of spatial, compare to other forms of single row of piles and others forms, it can significantly reduce the size, to achieve the economic security landslide treatment goal, there is wide application prospect.IntroductionAnti-sliding piles as an effective measures to landslide, has been widely applied in the field of geological hazard control .Since 1950, researches of single row anti-slide piles are mature at home and abroad, but for a double row of different combinations of anti-sliding piles in further study, especially when linked with a ring beam and even tie beams and other forms of double row anti-slide piles, its mechanical characteristics and study on anti-sliding features are limited.Kang Huiming[1] (2004) proposed the frame anti-slide piles, but lack of discussions and researches on anti-sliding pile characteristics. Qian tonghui [2-3] (2009) based on theoretical analysis, proposed space-based synergies the frame anti-slide piles model for mechanical analysis, comprehensive analysis of its mechanical properties.In order to directly reflect in landslides thrust loads the frame anti-sliding pile characteristic, based on similarity theory and theoretical studies in early, for the frame anti-slide pile indoor model experiments.Physical mechanics model testAccording to the prototype of engineering structure, based on the similarity theory to determine the various physical and related parameter.In model test design, model geometric proportion, mechanical parameters, load strength, stress, strain , displacement and the other parameters are all required to meet similar requirements. S.Iai[4] studies on model test of the physical quantity of similarity relation, the result shows, the similarity coefficient variation in above only three is independent, respectively is geometric similar coefficient. In this experiment, λc=20, λf=1 (c is sticky cohesion, f=tanφ, φ is internal friction angle).Test designTest device design. Test model is consist of the sliding body, sliding bed, model piles and model trough. The test device used in the experiment (see Figure 1) is small scale model test chamber, which is composed of two steel boxes up and down. Design of the pulley, rails and the connector between the above and the below box, which main purpose is to reduce friction between the sliding body and sliding bed, prevent the boxes detachment in vertical direction when force exerted. Around and in the middle of the two boxes respectively made of steel frame with angle iron frame, in order to resist the lateral soil stress. Test loading device is MTS electric hydraulic servo loading apparatus.Geotechnical materials. Geotechnical samples are taken fromthe Three Gorges Hong shibao landslide, landslide accumulation silty mudstones, marl stone, rubble, loose soil, soil, soil: stone = 7:3.According to the similarity theory, the test material from the soil slope, stone and sand mixed together according to the ratio of 6:3:1. Adopt C25 concrete as a slide bed, slide belt with a material made by the slope material configuration. Prototype and model of soil and rock mechanical parameters is shown in table 1.Table.1 Prototype and model of soil and rock mechanical parametersMedium typeCompression modulus E s [MPa] Poisson's ratio µ Cohesion C [KPa] Internal friction angle φ [°] Density[KN/m 3] Prototype slope25 0.3 220 30 19.4 Model slope 26.5 - 58.63 30 21.5 Model structure shown in Fig 2, sliding bed height 400 mm, high pile 1200mm, part of the embedded slide bed 400mm, length 1400 mm; not designed to model the slope angle.Model piles design. According to the similarity theory requirements of elastic modulus model materials with consistent than prototype material, C E =1. The concrete density requests the model as C PC =1/C l . To meet the above conditions, the test use micro-concrete, micro-concrete mixture ratio is as follows: water: ash: aggregate =0.5:1:4, determining the aggregate diameter of 2.5~5mm. Plain steel reinforcement of Ф4 and Ф6 are used in this test, the surface indentation and stirrup steel wire. Test model making and acquisition systemTest plan. This test research is focused on the pile soil arching effect geotechnical, and pile beam spatial effect. Test monitoring is as follows: 1.pile, beam internal force 2.pile top displacement3.sliding force, soil arching force, soil resistance4.displacement of sliding and sliding bed. Test model making. Model making steps are as follows: 1. Model pile of strain gauge attached will be posted in model box and fixed. In accordance with the design requirements, on-site mixes sliding materials. 2. The simulation slope body material classification fill in the model box, 4~5 cm per fill with iron roller compacted to the design of its severe, and in the design of earth pressure measuring point buried earth pressure cells. 3. Paste the glass in the pile top before fill to pile top (in order to capture the horizontal displacement of pile top). 4. WBD dial indicator and ordinary dialFig.5 Top anti-slide piles horizontaldisplacement curve with load indicator were laid after a calibration. 5.Connect strain and displacement acquisition system (DH3815 and DH3818), zero dial indicator and strain gauge. 6. Check the system and pre-loaded for the first time.Acquisition e WBD dial indicator to structural displacement, totally layout 6 monitoring points (before the pile top layout 3 monitoring points, after the top of the pile layout 3 monitoring sites). The monitoring points before the pile are shown in Fig.2In the test, earth pressure cells are buried in to monitor the change of earth pressure in and around the frame piles. Layout of internal earth pressure is arranged along the pile length, 12 measuring points arranged in total. Layout of monitoring points of model cross section is shown in Fig.3. Resistance strain is used to monitor the internal forces change of Pile and frame beam. Laid 3 strain monitoring points before and after each pile, ring beam and coupling beam with a total of 12 strain monitoring points arrange, use DH3815N resistance strain gauge to gather the data. Layout of strain gauge of monitoring points is shown in Fig.4 as follows.Results and analysis Displacement characteristics of pile top. Fig.5 titled the top anti-slide piles horizontal displacement curve with load reflects that thrust load and horizontal displacement of pile top are parabolic function related (middle segment is of linear relationship), while before the pile appears larger cracks. The displacement of the middle monitoring points is slightly larger than on either side of the point displacement model box.Soil pressure distribution. Fig.6 titled the soil pressure of front and back piles shows that,as thelandslide thrust front parabolic distribution, soil pressure of the back row slip surface and central pile is relatively large while the top of small. Framework of the pile structure, the landslide thrust of thepiles on the back row is larger than the front piles and the ratio of both with load increases. Fig.7 Bending moment diagram of frame anti-pileFig.6Soil pressure distribution curveForce analysis of pile. Figure 7 titled bending moment diagram of frame anti-pile shows that maximum bending moment of front and back piles located at the slip surface, bending moment at the top of the piles,whatever front or back row piles, are not zero, pile beam bending moment values at the nodes is closest, and the frame piles have the characteristics of collaborative work spaces. ConclusionsFrom the above studies draw the following conclusions:(1)The stiffness of pile beams is reasonable and the deformation of the front and back beams areconsistent, and vertical and horizontal frame beams work well with function of deformation and coordination.(2)With the load increases, maximum values of earth pressure appeared in sliding surface andtransferred to the middle of the piles. In the middle of sliding body, the earth pressure is larger than the sides, and the minimum in pile out of the soil.(3)Thrust of the landslide, the back thrust pile to take a larger role in the landslide. The maximumresistance of pile body in the sliding surface, due to the existence of inflection point, the pile maximum moment decreased. Because of pile-beam rigid connections, and under the common action of longitudinal frame beam, pile beam internal force have a new distribution and balance.(4)Under the function of the piles and soil, the frame piles have spatial collaborative workingcharacteristics. So the frame piles are suitable for medium and large landslide block structure, and with broad engineering application prospects.References[1] IAI S.Similitude for shaking table test on soil-structure-fluid model in 1-g gravitational field[J].Soils and Foundations, 1989, 29(1):105–118.[2] KANG Huiming, MA Ji, LIU Tao. Application of Frame Type Slide-resistance Pile in WellsiteLan dslide Treatment[J]. Petroleum Engineering Construction, 2004, 12.[3] QIAN Tonghui, Tang huiming. Spatial calculation model for portal double row anti-slide piles[J].Rock Mechinics and Engineering, 2009, 30(01): 441-444.[4] QIAN Tonghui. The Frame Pile Study Based on Space Synergy[D]. China University ofGeosciences (Wuhan) PhD thesis, 2009.[5] ZHOU Weiyuan,YANG Ruoqiong,LIU Yaoru,et al.Research on geomechanical model of rupturetests of arch dams for their stability[J].Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering,2005,24(1):53–56.[6] SUN Shuwei, ZHU Benzhen, MA Huimin. Model Experimental Reserch on Anti-SlidingCharacteristics of Micropiles with Cap Beam[J]. Mechinics and Engineering. 2010,29(add): 3039-3044.Advances in Civil Engineering10.4028//AMM.90-93Model Experimental Research on Anti-Sliding Characteristics of the Frame Anti-Sliding Piles10.4028//AMM.90-93.584。
• 至于饱和非线性为什么更有利于形成稳定的空间光孤子, 可以从空间光孤子形成的本质上去理解。空间光孤子的本 质既是光束的自会聚效果和衍射效果相互抵消的平衡态。 通常情况下,光束的衍射效应与光束尺寸有关。而自会聚 效应却与介质的非线性成正比,即光强越大,自会聚效应 越显著。这样,当光束基于非线性在介质内诱导出动态的 “透镜”结构时,光束通过“透镜”会聚产生出更大的光 强,更大的光强可以诱导出会聚效果更好的“透镜”结构。 如此往复,若介质的非线性一直不饱和,则光束就堕入会 聚的恶性循环,直至“崩坏”。若介质的非线性能够达到 饱和,则非线性增加到一定程度就不会再增加,从而可以 把光束稳定在一定的尺寸与相应的衍射效应达到平衡。
• 理论: 在量子力学框架下,描述微观粒子运动的 自由空间薛定谔方程的一维形式是
• • 其中m是粒子的质量,当初始条件输入艾里光波,
在演化过程中可以得到一个不扩展并且能够横向 自加速的波包解。这是1979年由Berry和Balazs首 次在理论上提出的,他们还解释了理论上得到的 弯曲轨迹实际上是初始时刻处于不同位置粒子做 直线运动得到的轨迹形成的包络,每一点的强度 是相应粒子波包在此位置的相干叠加。
• 而在光学的框架下,描述光场运动的麦克 斯韦方程在旁轴近似下是
• 其中,Ai为艾里函数, 为归一化的无量纲横向
搅拌摩擦增材制造的微观结构-力学性能一体化数值模拟张昭;谭治军;李健宇;祖宇飞【摘要】As a new solid state additive manufacturing technology, friction stir additive manufacturing is developed based on friction stir welding. For the re-stirring and re-heating phenomena in friction stir additive manufacturing, both experimental and numerical methods are used for analysis. Monte Carlo method is used to calculate the microstructural evolutions. The precipitate distributions are calculated by the developed precipitate evolution model. The hardness distributions on different additive manufactured layers are then calculated. Experimental data is compared to show the validities of the numerical models. Results indicate that different grain sizes and morphologies can be found due to the existences of restirring and re-heating. The variations of particle numbers and mean radii of precipitates on different layers, caused by different temperature histories, can lead to the different mechanical properties. The mechanism for the generation of different mechanical properties in different layers are explained by numerical simulations in combination with experimental validation.%搅拌摩擦增材制造技术是在搅拌摩擦焊接的基础上发展起来的一种新型固态增材制造技术.针对搅拌摩擦增材制造技术中的重新搅拌和重新加热问题,采用试验和数据方法进行分析,通过Monte Carlo模型计算微观结构演化,通过析出相演化模型计算析出相分布,并进一步计算不同增材层之间的硬度分布,通过与试验测量数据的比较验证了模型的正确性.结果显示,不同增材层之间的晶粒大小和形貌由于重搅拌和重加热的作用而存在差异,同时,温度曲线的变化使粒子数和平均半径发生变化,进而导致力学性能出现差异.在试验验证的基础上,通过数值模拟解释了差异产生的具体机理.【期刊名称】《航空制造技术》【年(卷),期】2019(062)001【总页数】5页(P14-18)【关键词】增材制造;搅拌摩擦增材制造;Monte Carlo法;析出相;力学性能;重搅拌;重加热【作者】张昭;谭治军;李健宇;祖宇飞【作者单位】大连理工大学工程力学系工业装备结构分析国家重点实验室,大连116024;大连理工大学工程力学系工业装备结构分析国家重点实验室,大连116024;大连理工大学工程力学系工业装备结构分析国家重点实验室,大连 116024;大连理工大学航空航天学院,大连 116024【正文语种】中文搅拌摩擦增材制造技术是在搅拌摩擦焊接的基础上发展起来的一种新型的固态增材制造技术,保留了搅拌摩擦焊接的主要优点,包括低缺陷、小变形、无污染等。
建筑物高度对雷击影响的模拟研究孟德友1,2,蔡河章11.福建省气象灾害防御技术中心,福建福州 350007;2.福建省灾害天气重点实验室,福建福州 350007摘要 采用已有的先导连接模式研究建筑物高度对雷击的影响,在特定研究区域保持先导模式的基本初始条件不变,只改变闪电的随机参数和建筑物高度与分布特征。
关键词 先导连接模式;闪电模拟;建筑物高度;雷击保护范围中图分类号:P427.32+1 文献标识码:B 文章编号:2095–3305(2023)08–0301-04雷电(lightning,亦称闪电)是发生在雷暴天气的一种瞬时长间距放电现象。
64doi:10.3969/j.issn.1005-2550.2023.06.013 收稿日期:2023-10-09轿车侧面柱碰撞和可变形壁障碰撞试验研究黄志刚,王立民,张山,闫肃军(中国汽车技术研究中心有限公司,天津300300)摘 要:为研究侧面柱碰及侧面可变形壁障碰撞试验特点,选取某B级轿车分别进行了Euro-NCAP中侧面柱碰试验和C-NCAP侧面可变形壁障(AE-MDB)试验。
关键字:侧面柱碰;侧面可变形壁障碰撞;假人伤害;车身变形中图分类号:F407.471 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1005-2550(2023)06-0064-07Experimental Study on Side Pole Collision and DeformableBarrier Collision of CarHUANG Zhi-gang, WANG Li-min, ZHANG Shan, YAN Su-jun(China Automotive T echnology and Research Center Co., Ltd, Tianjin 300300, China) Abstract: In order to study the characteristics of side pole impact and side deformable barrier impact test, a B-class car is selected to carry out the side pole impact test in Euro-NCAP and side deformable barrier (AE-MDB) test in C-NCAP . The characteristics of body acceleration and dummy injury are analyzed. The results show that compared with the deformable barrier collision, the side pole collision has a greater risk of injury to passengers for vehicle body acceleration, at the same time, the intrusion is greater and local deformation is more serious. In order to reduce the side impact damage, it is necessary to increase the local strength of the body at the side of collision to avoid small area overlapping rigid collision.Key Words: Side Pole Impact; AE-MDB; Dummy Injury; Vehicle Body Deformation引 言汽车保有量的增加导致了汽车碰撞事故的增加,在各类碰撞事故中,侧面碰撞占到了事故总数的36%[1]。
optical tweezers
对于10MW功率的激光和1.2相对折射率计算其中梯度阱最弱的方向俘获力量可达〜1.2*10 ^ -6达因dyne(向后)。
INTRODUCTIONThis paper gives a detailed description of the trapping of micron-sized dielectric spheres can serve as first simple models of living cells in biological trapping experiments and also as basic particles in physical trapping experiments. Optical trapping of small particles by the forces of laser radiation pressure has been used for about 20 years in the physical sciences for the manipulation and study of micron and submicron dielectric particles and even individual atoms. These techniques have also been extended more recently to biological particles.本文给出了一种微米大小的介质球俘获的详细描述,可以作为活细胞的第一个简单的模型生物俘获实验和基本粒子物理俘获实验。
simulation modeling practice
Simulation Modeling PracticeSimulation modeling is an essential skill that many professionals use in their work. It involves creating a virtual representation of a system or process, allowing us to test and experiment with different scenarios and outcomes. In this article, we will explore the importance of simulation modeling, how to practice it, and some tips for success.The Benefits of Simulation ModelingSimulation modeling has many benefits, including:* Accuracy: By simulating a system or process, we can eliminate human error and guesswork, ensuring a more accurate representation of reality.* Efficiency: Simulation modeling allows us to test different scenarios and outcomes quickly and efficiently, saving time and resources.* Portability: Simulation models can be easily transferred between different systems or organizations, making them a valuable asset in cross-functional teams.How to Practice Simulation ModelingPracticing simulation modeling requires a combination of knowledge, skills, and resources. Here are some tips for success:* Identify a topic: Start by choosing a system or process that you are interested in simulating. This could be anything from a business process to a mechanical device.* Research resources: Find online resources that can help you learn more about simulation modeling. This could include tutorials, courses, or online communities.* Practice with a partner: Pair up with someone who is also learning simulation modeling and work together on simulating different scenarios. This will help you identify areas where you need more practice and provide feedback on your progress.* Use simulation software: There are many simulation software packages available that allow you to create virtual representations of systems or processes. Practice using these software packages to develop your skills.* Be patient: Learning new skills takes time and practice, so be patient with yourself and your progress.ConclusionSimulation modeling is an essential skill that many professionals use in their work. By practicing simulation modeling, you can improve your skills and become more effective in your job. The benefits of simulation modeling include accuracy, efficiency, and portability. To practice simulation modeling, identify a topic, research resources, practice with a partner, use simulation software, and be patient with yourself and your progress. With these tips in mind, you can become a more effective simulation modeler and achieve success in your career.。
关键词:飞秒线性加速器,长度串,干涉仪,空心回射器1 介绍最近关于电子脉冲压缩的实验产生高峰值电流和亮度飞秒电子串。
众所周知,在时域测量长度的方法中使用条纹相机,条纹相机已经证实是限于串长度超过200 fs ,此外,条纹相机昂贵并且测量系统复杂。
相对于时域测量方法,频域测量使用相干过渡辐射(CTR )从金属箔在测量飞秒脉冲的短电子中已经显现出前景。
2 理论背景2.1 相干渡越辐射源自于相对论性电子串辐射如同步加速器辐射跃迁辐射等,本质上有较广的范围,如果辐射的波长短于电子串长度,这个阶段的辐射电子不同于彼此,所以辐射是不连贯的。
光谱强度发出一束N 粒子:11()()(1)()|()|tot I NI N N I f λλλλ=+- (2-1)这里1()I λ是靠单电子辐射的强度,()f λ是串形成因素,这是傅里叶变换的规范化的电子密度分布()S Z 。
simulation modelling practice
simulation modelling practiceSimulation modelling is a crucial tool in the field of science and engineering. It allows us to investigate complex systems and predict their behaviour in response to various inputs and conditions. This article will guide you through the process of simulation modelling, from its basicprinciples to practical applications.1. Introduction to Simulation ModellingSimulation modelling is the process of representing real-world systems using mathematical models. These models allow us to investigate systems that are too complex or expensiveto be fully studied using traditional methods. Simulation models are created using mathematical equations, functions, and algorithms that represent the interactions and relationships between the system's components.2. Building a Basic Simulation ModelTo begin, you will need to identify the key elements that make up your system and define their interactions. Next, you will need to create mathematical equations that represent these interactions. These equations should be as simple as possible while still capturing the essential aspects of the system's behaviour.Once you have your equations, you can use simulation software to create a model. Popular simulation softwareincludes MATLAB, Simulink, and Arena. These software packages allow you to input your equations and see how the system will respond to different inputs and conditions.3. Choosing a Simulation Software PackageWhen choosing a simulation software package, consider your specific needs and resources. Each package has its own strengths and limitations, so it's important to select one that best fits your project. Some packages are more suitable for simulating large-scale systems, while others may bebetter for quickly prototyping small-scale systems.4. Practical Applications of Simulation ModellingSimulation modelling is used in a wide range of fields, including engineering, finance, healthcare, and more. Here are some practical applications:* Engineering: Simulation modelling is commonly used in the automotive, aerospace, and manufacturing industries to design and test systems such as engines, vehicles, and manufacturing processes.* Finance: Simulation modelling is used by financial institutions to assess the impact of market conditions on investment portfolios and interest rates.* Healthcare: Simulation modelling is used to plan and manage healthcare resources, predict disease trends, and evaluate the effectiveness of treatment methods.* Education: Simulation modelling is an excellent toolfor teaching students about complex systems and how they interact with each other. It helps students develop critical thinking skills and problem-solving techniques.5. Case Studies and ExamplesTo illustrate the practical use of simulation modelling, we will take a look at two case studies: an aircraft engine simulation and a healthcare resource management simulation.Aircraft Engine Simulation: In this scenario, a simulation model is used to assess the performance ofdifferent engine designs under various flight conditions. The model helps engineers identify design flaws and improve efficiency.Healthcare Resource Management Simulation: This simulation model helps healthcare providers plan their resources based on anticipated patient demand. The model can also be used to evaluate different treatment methods and identify optimal resource allocation strategies.6. ConclusionSimulation modelling is a powerful tool that allows us to investigate complex systems and make informed decisions about how to best manage them. By following these steps, you can create your own simulation models and apply them to real-world problems. Remember, it's always important to keep anopen mind and be willing to adapt your approach based on the specific needs of your project.。
• 理论: 在量子力学框架下,描述微观粒子运动的 自由空间薛定谔方程的一维形式是 • • 其中m是粒子的质量,当初始条件输入艾里光波, 在演化过程中可以得到一个不扩展并且能够横向 自加速的波包解。这是1979年由Berry和Balazs首 次在理论上提出的,他们还解释了理论上得到的 弯曲轨迹实际上是初始时刻处于不同位置粒子做 直线运动得到的轨迹形成的包络,每一点的强度 是相应粒子波包在此位置的相干叠加。
Figure 5 | Simulations and experiments on the non-linear focus shift. (a)Focus shift for the ring-Airy as a function of the input power for propagation in air. Simulation results (black dots), empirical formula (red line), f min empirical limiting focus position (gray dashed line). Inset: comparison between expected and simulated focus position (the mean error is 1%,whereas the maximal error is 3%). (b) Experimentally measured focus shift in fused silica. (Error bars denote s.d., the dotted red curve is the empirical formula prediction).
• 而在光学的框架下,描述光场运动的麦克 斯韦方程在旁轴近似下是
I I I、毕业设计(论文)工作内容及完成时间:第01~03周:查找课题相关资料,完成开题报告,英文资料翻译。
Ⅳ、主要参考资料:[1] 《MATLAB在控制系统中的应用》,张静编著,电子工业出版社。
[5]The Mathworks,Inc.MATLAB-Mathemmatics(Cer.7).2005.信息工程系电子信息工程专业类0882052 班学生(签名):填写日期:年月日指导教师(签名):助理指导教师(并指出所负责的部分):信息工程系(室)主任(签名):学士学位论文原创性声明本人声明,所呈交的论文是本人在导师的指导下独立完成的研究成果。
分类号:T P249密级:公开UDC:62-5编号:201531204032河北工业大学硕士学位论文人机协作机器人的碰撞检测识别及安全控制论文作者:郑晨晨学生类别:全日制专业学位类别:工程硕士领域名称:机械工程指导教师:陈贵亮职称:高级工程师资助基金项目:D i s s e r t a t i o n S u b m i t t e d t oH e b e i U n i v e r s i t y o f T e c h n o l o g yf o rT h e M a s t e r D e g r e e o fM e c h a n i c a l E n g i n e e r i n gC O L I S S I O NDE T E C T I O NA N DI D E N T IF I C A T I O NA N D S E C U R I T Y C O N T R O L O F C O L L A B O R A T I V E R O B O Tb yZ h e n g C h e n c h e nS u p e r v i s o r:C h e n G u i l i a n gM a r c h2018原创性声明本本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师指导下,进行研究工作所取得的成果。
有限元仿真结果表明,基于手指弯曲度的水果直径测量误差小于5%;通过分别对不同直径(15 mm、25 mm、35 mm、45 mm)的3D打印圆柱和水果(杏子、冬枣、红提和龙眼等)进行抓取试验,表明力觉信号第一次突变时刻(手指刚接触到圆柱时)的手指弯曲度可用于被抓物直径的精确测量,误差小于5%。
关键词:力触觉;弯曲度;柔性手爪;原位测量;柔性机器人中图分类号:S225;TP241文献标识码:A文章编号:1000-4440(2020)02-0455-08Abstract:For improving the shortcomings of the existed gripper without grasping force and fruit size detection in fruit grading system, an intelligent soft gripper which could measure grasping forceand fruit size on-line dynamically was developed. Firstly, an intelligent flexible three-finger gripper based on the multi-cavity structure and single airway in each finger was developed. One finger was vertically installed on the palm through a cantilever beam force sensor to detect the tactile sense, one finger was embedded with a flexible curvature sensor to detect the curvature of the finger, and the other finger was installed on the palm directly. Moreover, the conditioning circuits of force sensor and bending sensor were developed and calibrated, respectively. Secondly, an in-situ measurement method of fruit size based on the fusion of the force sensor and curvature sensor was proposed. In addition, the fruit size measurement formula based on finger curvature was derived and verified by the finite element analysis experiment and fruit picking experiment. The simulation results of finite element showed that the fruit diameter detection error based on finger curvature was less than 5%. The grasping experiments on 3D-printed cylinders (15 mm, 25 mm, 35 mm, 45 mm) and different fruits(apricot, jujube, grape and longan, etc.) indicated that the finger curvature at the moment of the first mutation of force signal (the fingers just touched the object) could be used to accurately measure the diameter of the object with an error of less than 5%. It’s feasible to quickly measure the fruit size online based on the fusion information of force sensor and bending sensor.Key words:haptic;curvature;soft gripper;in-situ measurement;soft robot水果含有豐富的维生素、膳食纤维等营养物质,是健康饮食必不可少的食物[1],中国的水果产量连续蝉联世界首位,但目前水果采摘仍然完全依靠人工,是水果生产中最耗时、费力的环节[2]。
摘 要运载火箭等飞行器对导航系统精度等性能的要求越来越高。
基于提出的优化设计算法和架构:给出了在线估计滤波噪声参数的具体实现步骤;利用层次分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP)构造了一个均衡考虑各方面性能的综合评估指标函数;研究了状态修正决策条件,并通过仿真验证了其有效性。
2023年第47卷第11期Journal of Mechanical Transmission某电驱动桥主减速器振动噪声特性仿真与试验研究崔玥1田韶鹏1邹琳2王新强2(1 武汉理工大学汽车工程学院,湖北武汉430070)(2 武汉理工大学机电工程学院,湖北武汉430070)摘要利用Adams软件建立了主减速器“二级斜齿轮副-转子-轴承”仿真模型,仿真结果显示,在0~3 000 r/min,噪声主要来源于系统的共振,且高速级齿轮副贡献量较大。
此外,进行了主减速器振动试验和实车噪声试验,结果表明,当输入转速为2 138.67 r/min时,主减速器的噪声值激增最为明显,与此相对应的齿轮副啮合频率为605.96 Hz,验证了仿真结果。
优化结果表明,在1 400~2 200 r/min转速带,振动幅值显著减小,共振转速向高转速偏移。
关键词电驱动桥齿轮-转子-轴承系统共振特性路试试验Simulation and Experimental Study on Vibration and Noise Characteristics ofthe Main Reducer of an Electric Drive AxleCui Yue1Tian Shaopeng1Zou Lin2Wang Xinqiang2(1 School of Automotive Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, China)(2 School of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, China)Abstract In this study, a simulation model of the two-stage helical gear pair-rotor-bearing of the main reducer is developed by Adams software. The simulation results show that the noise mainly comes from the reso⁃nance of the system and the contribution of the high-speed gear pair is large when the speed is in the range of 0~ 3 000 r/min. Furthermore, the vibration test of the main reducer and the real vehicle noise test are also con⁃ducted. The test results show that the noise of the main reducer increases obviously when the input speed is 2 138.67 r/min, and the corresponding meshing frequency of the gear pair is 605.96 Hz, verifying the simulation results. Finally, the effect of bearing stiffness on the resonance speed distribution is studied, and the optimiza⁃tion measures of the structural stiffness of the system are proposed. After optimization, the vibration amplitude decreases significantly when the speed is in the range of 1 400~2 200 r/min, and the resonance speed shifts to a higher speed. The relative errors between the test results and simulation analysis results are less than 5%, which verifies the Adams simulation results and the optimization measures, and provides some reference for shortening the development cycle of the electric drive axle main reducer and saving research and development costs.Key words Electric drive axle Gear-rotor-bearing system Resonance characteristics Road test0 引言相较于燃油汽车,由于没有发动机,电动汽车省略了变速箱、纵向传动轴等零部件,采用机械结构将电动机与主减速器直接相连。
第46卷 第5期2024年5月系统工程与电子技术SystemsEngineeringandElectronicsVol.46 No.5May 2024文章编号:1001 506X(2024)05 1573 10 网址:www.sys ele.com收稿日期:20220914;修回日期:20221121;网络优先出版日期:20221229。
网络优先出版地址:https:∥∥11.2422.TN.20221229.1852.012.html基金项目:国家自然科学基金(61871386,62035014,61921001)资助课题 通讯作者.引用格式:王元昊,王宏强,刘兴华,等.分布式相参雷达相参效率及相参景深研究[J].系统工程与电子技术,2024,46(5):1573 1582.犚犲犳犲狉犲狀犮犲犳狅狉犿犪狋:WANGYH,WANGHQ,LIUXH,etal.Researchoncoherentsynthesisefficiencyandcoherentdepthoffieldofdistributedcoherentapertureradar[J].SystemsEngineeringandElectronics,2024,46(5):1573 1582.分布式相参雷达相参效率及相参景深研究王元昊1,王宏强1, ,刘兴华2,3,曾 1,杨 琪1(1.国防科技大学电子科学学院,湖南长沙410073;2.军事科学院军事科学信息研究中心,北京100142;3.电子信息系统复杂电磁环境效应国家重点实验室,河南洛阳471003) 摘 要:分布式相参雷达(distributedcoherentapertureradar,DCAR)所发射信号仅能在感兴趣点处完全相参叠加,在一定发射相参效率约束下,因相参位置失配会出现能量弥散现象。
升降法参数估计公式的理论分析与计算机模拟闫雪梅;董笑;何斌【摘要】In this paper, another parameter estimation formula by theoretical analysis and formula derivation on up-and-down method were obtained, and the parameter estimation formula was also corrected. A large number of simulation experiments on up-and-down method have been done using the Monte Carlo method, as well as the standard deviations and fractional errors of different parameter values with the same simulation test data and different samples were compared. It shows that the source of two parameters in the old parameter estimation formula is unclear, they are empirical parameters, but the source of two parameters in the corrected parameter estimation formula is clear, the result of simulation test using the corrected parameter estimation formula shows that the estimation accuracy of standard deviation is better.%对升降法的参数估计公式进行了理论分析推导,得到与原估计公式不同的一组参数值,并对其进行了分析修正;应用Monte Carlo方法进行了升降法的大样本模拟试验,对比了不同样本量、同一模拟试验数据、使用不同参数值计算的标准差及其相对误差.结果表明:升降法参数估计公式中的两个参数来源不清,是经验性数据,经分析修正后的参数值来源清晰,模拟结果也表明其对标准差的估计精度较高.【期刊名称】《火工品》【年(卷),期】2017(000)001【总页数】4页(P14-17)【关键词】升降法;参数估计;模拟试验【作者】闫雪梅;董笑;何斌【作者单位】中国华阴兵器试验中心,陕西华阴,714200;中国华阴兵器试验中心,陕西华阴,714200;中国华阴兵器试验中心,陕西华阴,714200【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TJ450.1升降法[1]是Dixon和Mood于1948年提出的,由于该方法给出的参数估计公式是通过较长篇幅的理论推导给出的,且极为简单,应用十分方便,因而在国内外产生了巨大的反响,被广泛采用和推广。
simulation generates hit events
Simulation Generates Hit EventsIn the realm of computer science and engineering, simulations play a pivotal role in understanding complex systems and predicting their behavior. One such application of simulations is in the generation of hit events, which are essentially simulated interactions or occurrences within a system that are significant or noteworthy.The process of generating hit events through simulation typically begins with the creation of a model that accurately represents the system being studied. This model incorporates various parameters and variables that can influence the system's behavior. Once the model is established, it is subjected to a series of simulated tests or experiments, in which different scenarios and conditions are introduced to observe how the system responds.During these simulations, hit events are generated when certain criteria or thresholds are met. These criteria can be based on a variety of factors, such as the magnitude of an effect, the rarity of an occurrence, or the significance of a particular outcome. For instance, in a simulation of a particle physics experiment, a hit event might be generated when a collision between two particles produces an unusually high energy output.The generation of hit events through simulation offers numerous advantages. Firstly, it allows researchers to safely and cost-effectively studypotentially dangerous or unpredictable systems. By simulating these systems in a controlled environment, risks are significantly reduced while valuable insight can still be gained.Secondly, simulations provide an efficient means of exploring a wide range of possibilities and scenarios. Unlike physical experiments, which can be time-consuming and resource-intensive, simulations can be rapidly adjusted and rerun to test different hypotheses or variations. This flexibility allows researchers to quickly identify patterns, trends, and potential areas of interest within the system.Finally, the ability to generate hit events through simulation enables the development and refinement of complex systems and algorithms. By observing how the system responds to different simulated scenarios, engineers can fine-tune designs, identify performance bottlenecks, and ultimately create more robust and effective systems.In conclusion, the generation of hit events through simulation is a powerful tool for understanding and predicting the behavior of complex systems. It offers a safe, efficient, and flexible alternative to physical experimentation, enabling researchers to gain valuable insights and make informed decisions about the design and operation of these systems. As simulation techniques continue to evolve and improve, their role in generating hit events and advancing scientific knowledge will only grow more significant.。
移频式全息光栅曝光干涉条纹锁定系统的设计宋莹;巴音贺希格;齐向东;张宁;唐玉国【摘要】建立了移频式全息光栅曝光干涉条纹锁定系统以提高全息光栅槽型对比度并降低由外部环境造成的曝光干涉条纹相位移动.根据系统的组成原理,分析了相位测量系统中莫尔条纹的产生条件及其与干涉条纹相位变化的关系,给出了探测器的选择方法.根据系统精度要求计算了A/D转换位数,自行设计了数字控制系统.提出采用光束移频方法来调整条纹相位,应用声光调制器对干涉条纹移动进行实时校正.实验结果表明,该系统采样频率可以达到5 kHz,对干涉条纹漂移和10 Hz以下的低频振动都有较好的抑制作用,相位变化3σ值小于0.12 rad,即相位变化小于±0.02个干涉条纹周期.该系统可以实时有效地锁定曝光干涉条纹,较好地满足全息曝光的要求.【期刊名称】《光学精密工程》【年(卷),期】2014(022)002【总页数】7页(P318-324)【关键词】全息光栅;曝光;莫尔条纹;相位锁定;声光调制器【作者】宋莹;巴音贺希格;齐向东;张宁;唐玉国【作者单位】中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所,吉林长春130033;中国科学院大学,北京100039;中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所,吉林长春130033;中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所,吉林长春130033;中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所,吉林长春130033;中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所,吉林长春130033【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O436.1;O438.11 引言全息光栅的曝光过程是全息光栅制作过程中重要的工艺环节之一。