heartbreaker(feat Flo Rida)
J. D. SalingerThe Heart of a Broken StoryEsquire XVI, September 1941, Page 32, 131-133EVERY day Justin Horgenschlag, thirty-dollar-a-week printer’s assistant, saw at close quarters approximately sixty women whom he had never seen before. Thus in the few years he hadlived in New York, Horgenschlag had seen at close quarters about 75,120 different women. Of these 75,120 women, roughly 25,000 were under thirty years of age and over fifteen years of age. Of the 25,000 only 5,000 weighed between one hundred five and one hundred twenty-five pounds. Of these 5,000 only 1,000 were not ugly. Only 500 were reasonably attractive; only 100 of these were quite attractive; only 25 could have inspired a long, slow whistle. And with only 1 did Horgenschlag fall in love at first sight.Now, there are two kinds of femme fatale. There is the femme fatale who is a femme fatale in every sense of the word, and there is the femme fatale who is not a femme fatale in every sense of the word.Her name was Shirley Lester. She was twenty years old (eleven years younger than Horgenschlag), was five-foot-four (bringing her head to the level of Horgenschlag’s eyes), weighed 117 pounds (light as a feather to carry). Shirley was a stenographer, lived with and supported her mother, Agnes Lester, an old Nelson Eddy fan. In reference to Shirley’s looks people often put it this way: “Shirley’s as pretty as a picture.”And in the Third Avenue bus early one morning, Horgenschlag stood over Shirley Lester, and was a dead duck. All because Shirley’s mouth was open in a peculiar way. Shirley was reading a cosmetic advertisement in the wall panel of the bus; and when Shirley read, Shirley relaxed slightly at the jaw. And in that short moment while Shirley’s mouth was open, lips were parted, Shirley was probably the most fatal one in all Manhattan. Horgenschlag saw in her a positive cure-all for a gigantic monster of loneliness which had been stalking around his heart since he had come to New York. Oh, the agony of it! The agony of standing over Shirley Lester and not being able to bend down and kiss Shirley’s parted lips. The inexpressible agony of it! * * *That was the beginning of the story I started to write for Collier’s. I was going to write a lovely tender boy-meets-girl story. What could be finer, I thought. The world needs boy-meets-girl stories. But to write one, unfortunately, the writer must go about the business of having the boy meet the girl. I couldn’t do it with this one. Not and have it make sense. I couldn’t get Horgenschlag and Shirley together properly. And here are the reasons:Certainly it was impossible for Horgenschlag to bend over and say in all sincerity:“I beg your pardon. I love you very much. I’m nuts about you. I know it. I could love you all my life. I’m a printer’s assistant and I make thirty dollars a week. Gosh, how I love you. Are you busy tonight?”This Horgenschlag may be a goof, but not that big a goof. He may have been born yesterday, but not today. You can’t expect Collier’s readers to swallow that kind of bilge. A nickel’s a nickel, after all.I couldn’t, of course, all of a sudden give Horgenschlag a suave serum, mixed from William Powell’s old cigarette case and Fred Astaire’s old top hat.“Please don’t misunderstand me, Miss. I’m a magazine illustrator. My card. I’d like to sketch you more than I’ve ever wanted to sketch anyone in my life. Perhaps such an undertaking would be to a mutual advantage. May I telephone you this evening, or in the very near future?(Short, debonair laugh.) I hope I don’t sound too desperate. (Another one.) I suppose I am, really.”Oh, boy. Those lines delivered with a weary, yet gay, yet reckless smile. If only Horgenschlag had delivered them. Shirley, of course, was an old Nelson Eddy fan herself, and an active member of the Keystone Circulating Library.Maybe you’re beginning to see what I was up against.True, Horgenschlag might have said the following:“Excuse me, but aren’t you Wilma Pritchard?”To which Shirley would have replied coldly, and seeking a neutral point on the other side of the bus:“No.”“That’s funny,” Horgenschlag could have gone on, “I was willing to swear you were Wilma Pritchard. Uh. You don’t by any chance come from Seattle?”“No.”—More ice where that came from.“Seattle’s my home town.”Neutral point.“Great little town, Seattle. I mean it’s really a great little town. I’ve only been here—I mean in New York—four years. I’m a printer’s assistant. Justin Horgenschlag is my name.”“I’m really not inter-ested.”Oh, Horgenschlag wouldn’t have got anywhere with that kind of line. He had neither the looks, personality, or good clothes to gain Shirley’s interest under the circumstances. He didn’t have a chance. And, as I said before, to write a really good boy-meets-girl story it’s wise to have the boy meet the girl.Maybe Horgenschlag might have fainted, and in doing so grabbed for support: the support being Shirley’s ankle. He could have torn the stocking that way, or succeeded in ornamenting it with a fine long run. People would have made room for the stricken Horgenschlag, and he would have got to his feet, mumbling: “I’m all right, thanks,” then, “Oh, say! I’m terribly sorry, Miss. I’ve torn your stocking. You must let me pay for it. I’m short of cash right now, but just give me your address.”Shirley wouldn’t have given him her address. She just would have become embarrassed and inarticulate. “It’s all right,” she would have said, wishing Horgenschlag hadn’t been born. And besides, the whole idea is illogical. Horgenschlag, a Seattle boy, wouldn’t have dreamed of clutching at Shirley’s ankle. Not in the Third Avenue Bus.But what is more logical is the possibility that Horgenschlag might have got desperate. There are still a few men who love desperately. Maybe Horgenschlag was one. He might have snatched Shirley’s handbag and run with it toward the rear exit door. Shirley would have screamed. Men would have heard her, and remembered the Alamo or something. Horgenschlag’s flight, let’s say, is now arrested. The bus is stopped. Patrolman Wilson, who hasn’t made a good arrest in a long time, reports on the scene. What’s going on here? Officer, this man tried to steal my purse.Horgenschlag is hauled into court. Shirley, of course, must attend session. They both give their addresses; thereby Horgenschlag is informed of the location of Shirley’s divine abode.Judge Perkins, who can’t even get a good, really good cup of coffee in his own house, sentences Horgenschlag to a year in jail. Shirley bites her lip, but Horgenschlag is marched away.In prison, Horgenschlag writes the following letter to Shirley Lester:“Dear Miss Lester:“I did not really mean to steal your purse. I just took it because I love you. You see I only wanted to get to know you. Will you please write me a letter sometime when you get the time? It gets pretty lonely here and I love you very much and maybe even you would come to see me some time if you get the time.Your friend,Justin Horgenschlag”Shirley shows the letter to all her friends. They say, “Ah, it’s cute, Shirley.” Shirley agreesthat it’s kind of cute in a way. Maybe she’ll answer it. “Yes! Answer it. Give’m a break. What’ve ya got t’lose?” So Shirley answers Horgenschlag’s letter.“Dear Mr. Horgenschlag:“I received your letter and really feel very sorry about what has happened. Unfortunately there is very little we can do about it at this time, but I do feel abominable concerning the turn of events. However, your sentence is a short one and soon you will be out. The best of luck to you.Sincerely yours,Shirley Lester”“Dear Miss Lester:“You will never know how cheered up you made me feel when I received your letter. You should not feel abominable at all. It was all my fault for being so crazy so don’t feel that way at all. We get movies here once a week and it really is not so bad. I am 31 years of age and come from Seattle. I have been in New York 4 years and think it is a great town only once in a while you get pretty lonesome. You are the prettiest girl I have ever seen even in Seattle. I wish you would come to see me some Saturday afternoon during visiting hours 2 to 4 and Iwill pay your train fare.Your friend,Justin Horgenschlag”Shirley would have shown this letter, too, to all her friends. But she would not answer this one. Anyone could see that this Horgenschlag was a goof. And after all. She had answered the first letter. If she answered this silly letter the thing might drag on for months and everything. She did all she could do for the man. And what a name. Horgenschlag.Meanwhile, in prison Horgenschlag is having a terrible time, even though they have movies once a week. His cell-mates are Snipe Morgan and Slicer Burke, two boys from the back room, who see in Horgenschlag’s face a resemblance to a chap in Chicago who once ratted on them.They are convinced that Ratface Ferrero and Justin Horgenschlag are one and the same person.“But I’m not Ratface Ferrero,” Horgenschlag tells them.“Don’t gimme that,” says Slicer, knocking Horgenschlag’s meager food rations to the floor.“Bash his head in,” says Snipe.“I tell ya I’m just here because I stole a girl’s purse on the Third Avenue Bus,” pleads Horgenschlag. “Only I didn’t really steal it. I fell in love with her, and it was the only way I could get to know her.”“Don’t gimme that,” says Slicer.“Bash his head in,” says Snipe.Then there is the day when seventeen prisoners try to make an escape. During play period in the recreation yard, Slicer Burke lures the warden’s niece, eight-year-old Lisbeth Sue, into his clutches. He puts his eight-by-twelve hands around the child’s waist and holds her up for the warden to see.“Hey, warden!” yells Slicer. “Open up them gates or it’s curtains for the kid!”“I’m not afraid, Uncle Bert!” calls out Lisbeth Sue.“Put down that child, Slicer!” commands the warden, with all the impotence at his command. But Slicer knows he has the warden just where he wants him. Seventeen men and a small blonde child walk out the gates. Sixteen men and a small blonde child walk out safely. A guard in the high tower thinks he sees a wonderful opportunity to shoot Slicer in the head, and thereby destroy the unity of the escaping group. But he misses, and succeeds only in shooting the small man walking nervously behind Slicer, killing him instantly.Guess who?And, thus, my plan to write a boy-meets-girl story for Collier’s, a tender, memorable love story, is thwarted by the death of my hero.Now, Horgenschlag never would have been among those seventeen desperate men if only he had not been made desperate and panicky by Shirley’s failure to answer his second letter. But the fact remains that she did not answer his second letter. She never in a hundred years would have answered it. I can’t alter facts.And what a shame. What a pity that Horgenschlag, in prison, was unable to write the following letter to Shirley Lester:“Dear Miss Lester:“I hope a few lines will not annoy or embarrass you. I’m writing, Miss Lester, because I’d like you to know that I am not a common thief. I stole your bag, I want you to know, because I fell in love with you the moment I saw you on the bus. I could think of no way to become acquainted with you except by acting rashly—foolishly, to be accurate. But then, one is a fool when one is in love.“I loved the way your lips were so slightly parted. You represented the answer to everything to me. I haven’t been unhappy since I came to New York four years ago, but neither have I been happy. Rather, I can best describe myself as having been one of the thousands of young men inNew York who simply exist.“I came to New York from Seattle. I was going to become rich and famous and well-dressed and suave. But in four years I’ve learned that I am not going to become rich and famous and well-dressed and suave. I’m a good printer’s assistant, but that’s all I am. One day the printer got sick, and I had to take his place. What a mess I made of things, Miss Lester. No one would take my orders. The typesetters just sort of giggled when I would tell them to get to work. And I don’t blame them. I’m a fool when I give orders. I suppose I’m just one of the millions who was never meant to give orders. But I don’t mind anymore. There’s a twenty-three-year-old kid my boss just hired. He’s only twenty-three, and I am thirty-one and have worked at the same place for four years. But I know that one day he will become head printer, and I will be his assistant. But I don’t mind knowing this anymore.“Loving you is the important thing, Miss Lester. There are some people who think love is sex and marriage and six o’clock-kisses and children, and perhaps it is, Miss Lester. But do you know what I think? I think love is a touch and yet not a touch.“I suppose it’s important to a woman that other people think of her as the wife of a man who is either rich, handsome, witty or popular. I’m not even popular. I’m not even hated. I’m just—I’m just—Justin Horgenschlag. I never make people gay, sad, angry, or even disgusted. I think people regard me as a nice guy, but that’s all.“When I was a child no one pointed me out as being cute or bright or good-looking. If they had to say something they said I had sturdy little legs.“I don’t expect an answer to this letter, Miss Lester. I would like an answer more than anything else in the world, but truthfully I don’t expect one. I merely wanted you to know the truth. If my love for you has only led me to a new and great sorrow, only I am to blame.“Perhaps one day you will understand and forgive your blundering admirer,Justin Horgenschlag”Such a letter would be no more unlikely than the following:“Dear Mr. Horgenschlag:“I got your letter and loved it. I feel guilty and miserable that events have taken the turn they have. If only you had spoken to me instead of taking my purse! But then, I suppose I should have turned the conversational chill on you.“It’s lunch hour at the office, and I’m alone here writing to you. I felt that I wanted to be alone today at lunch hour. I felt that if I had to go have lunch with the girls at the Automat and they jabbered through the meal as usual, I’d suddenly scream.“I don’t care if you’re not a success, or that you’re not handsome, or rich, or famous or suave. Once upon a time I would have cared. When I was in high school I was always in love with the Joe Glamor boys. Donald Nicolson, the boy who walked in the rain and knew all Shakespeare’s sonnets backwards. Bob Lacey, the handsome gink who could shoot a basket from the middleof the floor, with the score tied and the chukker almost over. Harry Miller, who was so shy and had such nice, durable brown eyes.“But that crazy part of my life is over.“The people in your office who giggled when you gave them orders are on my black list. I hate them as I’ve never hated anybody.“You saw me when I had all my make-up on. Without it, believe me, I’m no raving beauty. Please write me when you’re allowed to have visitors. I’d like you to take a second look at me. I’d like to be sure that you didn’t catch me at a phony best.“Oh, how I wish you’d told the judge why you stole my purse! We might be together and able to talk over all the many things I think we have in common.“Please let me know when I may come to see you.Yours sincerely,Shirley Lester”But Justin Horgenschlag never got to know Shirley Lester. She got off at Fifty-Sixth Street, and he got off at Thirty-Second Street. That night Shirley Lester went to the movies with Howard Lawrence with whom she was in love. Howard thought Shirley was a darn good sport, but that was as far as it went. And Justin Horgenschlag that night stayed home and listened to the Lux Toilet Soap radio play. He thought about Shirley all night, all the next day, and very often during that month. Then all of a sudden he was introduced to Doris Hillman who was beginning to be afraid she wasn’t going to get a husband. And then before Justin Horgenschlag knew it, Doris Hillman and things were filing away Shirley Lester in the back of his mind. And Shirley Lester, the thought of her, no longer was available.And that’s why I never wrote a boy-meets-girl story for Collier’s. In a boy-meets-girl story the boy should always meet the girl. |||。
喜欢的明星:Jay-Z,Omarion,50 Cent,Nelly,Lil Bow wow and YG的朋友们 喜欢的颜色:黑色,白色,天蓝色,柠檬色 喜欢的电影:A Clockwork Orange 和 Vanilla Sky 以后的想法:会努力的遵守诺言 座右铭:尽力而为 纹身: 左边手腕 moderato:中等速度 右边手腕 vitadolce:甜蜜的生活 背上Too fast to live,too young to die (GD个人理解:仓促的生活,使我们年轻的逝去。) 在G-Dragon的身上随时可以看到自然而散发出来的HIP-POP风,仿佛HIP-POP已经成为了他身体的一部分,但是绝对找不到一般80后少年的娇纵浮躁,这个男孩在任何时候都是谦虚平和的。se7en评价:“志龙对Rap是非常有天赋的,也很有能力,乐感很好。” G-Dragon对潮流充满了很高的嗅觉,是BigBang时尚潮流引导者,时尚杂志封面的宠儿。戴帽衫套鸭舌帽、鸭舌帽套方巾、篮球靴配大耳帽;穿女裤、西瓜头... ...“他可以跟任何一个模特比谁敢穿。
编辑本段G-Dragon 专辑(团辑&SOLO)
美国说唱歌手Flo Rida资料简介弗洛·里达(Flo Rida),原名查马·拉塞尔·迪拉德(Tramar Lacel Dillard),1979年9月16日出生于佛罗里达奥帕洛卡,美国说唱歌手。
下面是小编为大家整理的美国说唱歌手Flo Rida资料简介,希望大家喜欢!Flo Rida资料简介姓名:Flo Rida弗洛·里达别名:Tramar Dillard国籍:美国星座:处女座出生地:美国弗洛里达卡罗尔市出生日期:1979-09-17职业:歌手经纪公司:Poe Boy EntertainmentFlo Rida艺人资料2006年,加入大西洋唱片的旗下Poe Boy Entertainment。
同年参与Rick Ross专辑《Speedin》 (《We the Best"》Remix)发声。
2008年3月7日,弗洛·里达发行第一张专辑《Mail On Sunday》。
同年3月31日,弗洛·里达第二张个人专辑《R.O.O.T.S.》发行,主打歌《Right Round》在发行的首周创下63.6万次的数位销量记录。
同年11月14日,弗洛·里达发行第三张个人专辑《Only One Flo (Part 1)》,其中《Club Can't Handle Me》作为街舞电影《舞出我人生3》的主题曲。
2012年6月22日,发行专辑《Wild Ones》。
How to be a Heartbreaker中英文歌词
百科首页 > How to be a Heartbreaker单身是爱自由还是爱无能?性心理学专家解读How to be a Heartbreaker百科名片How to be a Heartbreaker是 Marinaand the Diamonds 自己写词作曲的一首歌,因为这首歌创作完后刚好是第二张专辑《 Electra Heart 》英国发行一星期,所以没有收录在英版CD中,而后来收录在美版专辑中,这首歌也是Marina新专辑中的第二首国际单曲,英国第三支单曲,Marina本人也证实这歌将会在英国时间10月15号发布。
中文名称:怎样成为一个爱情杀手外文名称: How to be a Heartbreaker所属专辑: Electra Heart歌曲时长: 3:41发行时间: 2012年10月15日歌曲原唱: arina and the Diamonds填词: Marina and the Diamonds谱曲: Marina and the Diamonds编曲: Dr. Luke ,Benny Blanco,Cirkut音乐风格:流行舞曲, PopMV导演: Casper Balslev歌曲语言:英语歌曲介绍这首歌的灵感来自Marina曾经爱上一个男人,当Marina并不知道对方喜图册 How to be a Heartbreaker MV截图 (6张) 不喜欢自己,所以Marina写了这首歌鼓励大家勇敢去爱,不要被爱情阻挠和困扰。
这首歌的MV再次请来了曾为Marina 拍了3次MV的导演Casper Balslev,在MV中Marina一共请来了14位男模去拍摄,其中还请来了6位Calvin Klein的内衣男模去拍摄了MV中戏水的场面.由于Marina 觉得MV中的表情太丑了,需要修改下,准备延迟放出MV,但是在9月28号,有一名歌迷泄出了MV,所以官方不得已放出原MV,就是我们现在看到的这个。
下面是小编为大家整理的heartbreaker中文歌词内容,欢迎阅读!希望对大家有所帮助!英文歌词girlyoudon’tknowhowifeelsinceyoubeenawayohbabyanychancethatyoucouldtakemycall?ificalledyoutodayyousaythatyoudon’twannatalkbutit’scoolbeenthinkin’aboutyoualldaylong,hopinyou’llpickupyourp honea ndiknowthatidon’twannaloseyourloveohbaby,ohbabyohgirligotasecretplacethatwecangocuzireallywannabealonebabynobodyelsegottaknowjustmeetmelateronthelowdon’ttellmeyou’remyheartbreakercuzgirlmyheart’sbreakingdon’ttellmeyou’remyheartbreakercuzgirlmyheart’sbreaking(heartbreaker)heygirlgirlyouseemestandinghere,standingintherainohbabyanychancethatyoucouldstayrighthere?andnevergoaway?yousaythatyoudon’twannatalkbutit’scoolbeenthinkin’aboutyoualldaylong,hopinyou’llpickupyourp honeandiknowthatidon’twannaloseyourloveohbaby,ohbabyohgirligotasecretplacethatwecangocuzireallywannabealonebabynobodyelsegottaknowjustmeetmelateronthelowdon’ttellmeyou’remyheartbreakercuzgirlmyheart’sbreakingdon’ttellmeyou’remyheartbreakercuzgirlmyhear t’sbreaking(heartisbreaking)sowhati’mreallytryintosayis,andwhatihopeyouunderstand isdespitealltheimperfectionsofwhoiamistillwannabeyourman iknowithasn’tbeeneasyforustotalkwitheveryonebeingarou nd,butthisis..thisispersonal,thisisformeandyouandiwantyoutoknowthatistillloveyouandiknowtheseasonsmaychange,butsometimeslovegoesfromsunshinetorainbuti’munderthisumbrellaandi’mcallingyournameandyouknowidon’twannalosethatistillbelieveinusistillbelieveinloveistillbelieveinusihopeyoubelieveinlovethewayibelieveinusyoudon’tsee,iswhatyoudon’tsee,iswhenidon’tsleep,iwan natalktoyaandifihadtheworldinmyhandsi’dgiveitalltoyaiwannaknowifyoufeelin’thewaythati’mfeelin’iwannaknowifyoufeelin’..thewaythati,thewaythatiyoutoldmetobecarefulwithyourheart,yourheartyoutoldmetobecarefulwithyourheart,yourheartbecarefulwithyourheart中英对译歌词girlyoudon’tknowhowifeel(howireallyfeel)亲爱的你不知道我的感受。
Flo Rida - WhistleFlo Rida本名Tramar Dillard,生于1979年9月17号,出生地为美国佛罗里达,carol市。
其在舞台上的名字Flo Rida更为大多数人所熟悉,注意Flo Rida的发音不同于佛罗里达,正确发音为/'flɔ: ‘reidə/,是美国著名的嘻哈说唱歌手,年轻时曾是当地的嘻哈组合2 Live Crew的一员How Do You Do-- BefourBefour是一个来自德国的男女4人组合,成员分别是Alina,Manou,Dan和Angel,走的是纯流行舞曲路线,组合名字的由来是源自他们所主演Super RTL channel的“befour”电视系列。
他们的第一首单曲《Magic Melody》发表后就打入德国,奥地利和瑞士各大排行榜前十大名。
Scorpions - Wind Of Change这首歌大爱啊~~这首歌是八十年代末期蝎子乐队演唱的,主要背景是苏联的解体和东西德的合并,导致了原先社会主义国家的青年不仅仅对前途向往,还存在着迷茫。
Can You Save Me - Apple Trees & Tangerines一首不错的歌曲。
Moves Like Jagger--Maroon 5美国选秀节目The Voice的评委Maroon 5的主唱Adam Levine 联手另外一位评委Christina Aguilera推出了他们合作的单曲"Moves Like Jagger",并且在The Voice的舞台上演了现场版的大首播,这首歌曲同时也向滚石乐队(The Rolling Stones)主唱Mick Jagger致敬。
westlife的演唱是沙哑的,而Angelis 的演唱是清澈的,会让人联想起教堂里的圣歌。
2.《running》来自no doubt,对这个乐队所知甚少,只知道是美国的,风格算摇滚吧。
3.《No Promises》这是英国超级男声Shayne Ward的第二支单曲“No Promises”,“No Promises”是一首叙事抒情曲,歌曲中高音的部分很好地体现了Shayne Ward美妙的声腺。
4. Never Grow old-The Cranberries小红莓合唱团相信不用我介绍大家也知道了吧,听的人很多,不过它的歌的确是经典。
就像歌的名字所写的那样“Never Grow old”。
5. dying in the sun-The Cranberries这是小红莓合唱团的另一首歌,因为只选了20首歌,所以都是一个歌手只会选择一首,但还是给了这首歌例外。
这是一首爱情歌曲,但歌中反复吟唱着那句“Like dying the sun,like dying in the sun”,让人感到无力和绝望,不知所措而又无力还击。
6. Es Ist Ein Schnee Gefallen-Konstanze这首歌其实是一首德文歌曲,而不是英文歌曲,但最终还是没有舍得把它删掉,因为的确是太好听了。
歌词最美的英文歌优美的英文歌名《Heartstrings 》,看看它的歌词如何。
下面是店铺给大家整理的歌词最美的英文歌,供大家参阅!歌词最美的英文歌Heartstrings歌手简介莉顿·梅斯特(Leighton Meester),1986年4月9日出生于美国佛罗里达州马可岛,美国影视剧女演员、歌手。
2007年莉顿·梅斯特出任接档《美眉校探》的新青春剧集《绯闻女孩》的女主角“Blair” ,在小成本恐怖片《Drive-Thru》中担当主角。
歌词最美的英文歌Heartstrings歌手介绍莉顿·梅斯特1986年出生在美国佛罗里达州马可岛,小时候的莉顿·梅斯特曾出演过本地剧场排演的《绿野仙踪》,11岁搬家到纽约后不久她成为了威廉敏娜经纪公司的一名模特,合作过的大牌摄影师包括Bruce Webber以及后来成为大导演的才女索菲亚·科波拉等人。
班得瑞简介班得瑞(Bandari)音乐是瑞士音乐公司Audio Video Communications AG 旗下的一个新纪元音乐团体。
作品特色1. 实地走访瑞士的罗春湖畔和玫瑰山簏、阿尔卑斯山收藏自然元音。
2. 主要强调一种轻柔的绝对性,是最纯净、最能安定人心的音乐处方签。
3. 独特超广角音场、空灵缥缈的编曲构成最具高临场感的大自然音乐。
比如必须熟知每一种候鸟的季节性与飞行路径,有时为了数分钟的音效,往往在荒野守侯达数月之久!有时必须举着比人身还长的录音架往峡谷中采集风声,整个过程险象环生,但也因为如此,班得瑞才能将这些天然的音效栩栩如生地融合在专辑之中……专辑列表旭日之丘Sunrise Hill正版精选集台湾金革唱片公司制作了精选集3张(合称大自然情诗),但是精选集在曲风上与原版略有不同:金革的精选集并非简单地从官方专辑中筛选重组,而是对选出的曲目进行了强化重制,在曲子中上添加了一些鸟鸣等自然环境音效,(比如《春野》专辑中的“雪梦”一曲,官方原版只有乐器演奏,而金革精选集中的“雪梦”则是加入了虫鱼流水声,与音乐旋律融为一体,显得格外悦耳。
《艾米》屋子里只剩我们三个了These are the only three people left.这是亚历克斯·斯蒂尔先生朱丽叶·阿什比女士This is Mr. Alex Steele,Mrs. Juliette Ashby,- 以及艾米·怀恩豪斯女士 - 噢我的咪♥咪♥ Mrs. Amy Winehouse. Ah, my booby.1998年索斯盖特伦敦北部- 以及艾米·怀恩豪斯女士 - 噢我的咪♥咪♥ Mrs. Amy Winehouse. Ah, my booby.1998年索斯盖特伦敦北部换句话说这是艾米·怀恩豪斯女士In other words, Mrs. Amy Winehouse.1998年索斯盖特伦敦北部其他人全都走了And everyone else is gone.1998年索斯盖特伦敦北部你要舔一口棒棒糖吗D'you want a lick of the lollipop?你要舔一口棒棒糖吗D'you want a lick of the lollipop?来嘛舔一口Come on, have a lick.- 不舔 - 舔一口过来No, I don't. Have a lick. Come here.舔一口Come and have a lick.鬼才想舔你的棒棒糖满是口水No one wants to lick your slobbery lollipop.- 劳伦就舔一下嘛 - 这是我Lauren, just lick it. Here's me.这是我的14岁…(劳伦·吉尔伯特)It's my 14th...生日派对之夜…birthday evening and party.♪ Happy birthday to you ♪(朱丽叶·阿什比)♪ Happy birthday to you ♪♪ Happy birthday dear Lauren ♪♪ Happy birthday... ♪♪ To... you ♪♪♪ Moon River wider than a mile ♪♪ I'm crossing you in style... ♪(艾米)我当时和一个小爵士乐团合作演唱(Amy): I was singing with a little jazz unit,国家青年爵士乐团the National Youth Jazz Orchestra,那时我大概16岁must've been about 16,我热爱爵士乐and I just loved jazz.黛娜·华盛顿(爵士歌♥手)Dinah Washington...莎拉·沃恩(20世纪爵士三大天后之一)托尼·班奈特(美国传奇爵士歌♥手)Sarah Vaughan, Tony Bennett.我学习唱歌♥也是因为听蒙克(爵士音乐家 Thelonious Monk)I learned to sing from listening to stuff like Monk,以及很多独唱家的作品and a lot of soloists as well,而不只是听歌♥手rather than just listening to singers.我从一切音乐中学习真的I learned from everything, really.♪ same rainbow's end ♪♪ Waiting round the bend ♪♪ My Huckleberry friend ♪♪ Moon River ♪♪ And me ♪唱歌♥一直对我非常重要So singing has always been important to me,但我从没想过“我喜欢唱歌♥ 我要当歌♥手”but I never thought, "I love singing, I'll be a singer."我只是在想“我很幸运”I just thought, "I'm lucky我喜欢做这件事又可以一直做下去there is something I can always do, if I want to.我很庆幸能有这个条件I'm so lucky like that."但我没想过这会成为一个职业选择But I didn't think it would be a career choice.♪ And me ♪♪ Moon River and me ♪♪今天几号♥?What's the date?- 今天? - 24号♥Today? 24th.2001年1月- 今天? - 24号♥Today? 24th.2001年1月- 是吗 - 是的Is it? Yeah.- 是吗 - 是的Is it? Yeah.- 几号♥? - 24号♥The what? 24th.- 几月? - 1月Of what? January.然后今天是星期几?And, um, what day is it?- 星期六 - 今年是哪一年? (泰勒·詹姆斯)Saturday. And what year is it?午饭时间Lunchtime.我当时是一名19岁的办公室小职员I was a 19-year-old office junior在一家推广公♥司♥工作for a promotions company老板是西蒙·福勒owned by Simon Fuller.我正开始尝试自己到处吹牛I just started to try and kind of blag it myself做个星探(尼克·沙曼斯基“Brilliant 19”经纪公♥司♥)as a talent scout.但我当时其实根本没那个能力I was definitely out of my depth.(艾米) 我的朋友泰勒是一个歌♥手(Amy): My friend Tyler is a singer.他当时和尼克·沙曼斯基在一起泰勒说He was with Nicky Shymansky and Tyler said,“我朋友艾米唱爵士乐唱得很棒”"My friend Amy sings jazz and she's great."尼克又对我说“想去录音棚试试吗”Nicky said to me,"Want some studio time?"我说“去干嘛?” 他说I said, "For what?" And he was like,“嗯如果你能写几首歌♥”"Well, if you'd write songs,我们就录张唱片签个合同”we'd make a record, get a record deal."我说“那你能得到什么好处呢?”I was, like, "What do you get out of it?"哈喽Hello.我看起来丑死了I look ugly.6个月之后伦敦北部排练室我看起来丑死了I look ugly.6个月之后伦敦北部排练室看看你你就可爱多了Yeah, look at you. You look lovely.6个月之后伦敦北部排练室看看你你就可爱多了Yeah, look at you. You look lovely.并不可爱我下巴好大I don't. My chin's massive.- 你在担心你下巴吗 - 它跟你一辈子了Worried about your chin? That's there forever. ♪ There is no greater thrill ♪♪ Than what you bring to me ♪♪ No sweeter song ♪♪ Than what you sing ♪♪ Sing to me ♪♪- 确定要录了? - 是的Decide to record it? Yeah.哈喽Hello.我就在这儿… 抽根烟I'm just here... smoking a fag.我想… 噢我看起来好可怕I just like to... Oh, I look so grim.我像一颗飘浮的人头没有头发I look like a floating head. You know, I've got no hair. 因为背景全是黑的I'm just on a black screen.这是我的手到底怎么搞的?There's my hand. What's going on?(尼克) 我们录了一些小样(Nick): We'd recorded quite a few demo recordings, 我开始跟她聊and I started to talk about尼克·沙曼斯基经纪人尼克·沙曼斯基经纪人问她有没有考虑过写歌♥whether she'd ever consider writing.她说她不确定自己能不能写歌♥She said she's not sure about writing songs,但她写过一大堆诗but she's written a lot of poems.♪ And he's my life ♪♪她很清楚自己虽然一直都有写歌♥She knew full well she'd been writing songs,但都是很个人的东西but they were very personal songs.(艾米) 我从不写别的歌♥(Amy): I wouldn't write anything只写给自己听unless it was directly personal to me,因为有些事我没经历过just 'cause I wouldn't be able to tell the story right 我就没法把故事讲出来because I wouldn't have done it.即使有些歌♥是挺伤感的个人情绪Even though some of it is personal in a sad way,我也从不让它们只是伤感I'd never let it just be that.我总会在歌♥曲里加一些笑料I'll always put a punchline in the song.尝试让我的歌♥词有所不同Just try and be different with my lyrics.有人给了我一张CD 两首歌♥Someone gave me a CD,two songs,不是那种会一下爆火的流行歌♥and they weren't necessarily what you'd call hit songs,但它们传递出一种情感打动了我but they conveyed an emotion that just touched me.盖·蒙特索尼英国主席ATV音乐出版人一个音乐人能做到这一点(盖·蒙特索尼英国主席 ATV音乐出版人)When you have that as an artist,盖·蒙特索尼英国主席ATV音乐出版人盖·蒙特索尼英国主席ATV音乐出版人那通常都是有故事的人you usually have a story to tell behind it.盖·蒙特索尼英国主席ATV音乐出版人但这还是很冒险的But it's a big leap of faith.盖·蒙特索尼英国主席ATV音乐出版人但这还是很冒险的But it's a big leap of faith.我觉得我的老板都不相信这单合同I think my boss even questioned the deal,因为我们答应付给because we were really committing to giving这个无名之辈差不多25万英镑an unsigned artist close to 250,000 pounds.2002年伦敦北部东芬奇利(艾米) 在我签下发行合同的那一刻我立刻搬进了自己的公♥寓♥ 我从十三岁起就一直想搬出来自己住我想要待在只属于自己的公♥寓♥整天写歌♥ 大声放音乐抽大♥麻♥我甚至会一起床就抽大♥麻♥到天黑在我妈家里就不行我们都明白我俩想住在一起We both knew we wanted to live with each other,也都知道对方想搬出来住we both knew we wanted to move out.她有家庭问题我也有一大堆(朱丽叶.阿什比)She had family issues and I had lots of things和家里人的矛盾所以我们俩彼此照顾going on with my family, and we looked after each other.这很棒我们都是年轻人It was amazing. We were young kids两个好姐妹住在属于我们公♥寓♥里and we were best friends, in a flat on our own.她很喜欢这一切 (劳伦·吉尔贝特朋友)She loved it.朱丽叶会唱歌♥ 艾米会唱歌♥Juliette would sing, Amy would sing...我们时常见面玩耍And we just used to see each other all the time.我们会和艾米去看很多演出We used to go to so many gigs with Amy.当她开始做自己的音乐时And when she first started doing her music,我们都很兴奋很替她骄傲we were all so excited and proud of it.艾米我们现在在哪Where are we, Amy?- 我们在布莱顿 - 对但我们具体在哪?We're in Brighton. Yeah, but what are we in now?我们在什么什么广场上Um, we're in, uh... What's-it Square,摄政广场坐在一辆黑色出租车上Regency Square, in a black cab.白色出租车漂亮的出租车In a white cab. A beautiful cab.- 劳伦也和我们在一起 - 噢!And Lauren's with us. Ah!你们知道我最喜欢尼克的什么吗D'you know what my favourite thing about Nicky is? 他的腿His legs.(尼克) 噢(Nick) Aw.你知道我还喜欢你什么吗Know what my other favourite thing is?- 什么? - 反正不是你的发型What? Not your hair.她能让你感到自己很重要She could make you feel so important...尼克·沙曼斯基经纪人她能让你感到自己很重要She could make you feel so important...尼克·沙曼斯基经纪人然后突然之间and then, all of a sudden,尼克·沙曼斯基经纪人又让你感觉自己很不重要very unimportant.又让你感觉自己很不重要very unimportant.然后又一次让你感到自己很重要And then make you feel so important again.这就是她的风格她喜欢先对你That was what she did. She liked to get people说些好听舒服的然后突然刺♥激♥你一下into a comfortable position and then shock them.如果我发型弄对了会怎么样?If I got my hair right, then what would that mean?那你就可以娶我了That would mean you were ready to marry me.《铁窗喋血》怎么样?我最近刚看过克里斯·泰勒男朋友我最近刚看过克里斯·泰勒男朋友(艾米) 我喜欢那部电影克里斯·泰勒男朋友克里斯·泰勒男朋友那是部很棒的片子克里斯·泰勒男朋友克里斯·泰勒男朋友你能连续吃五十个鸡蛋吗克里斯·泰勒男朋友你能连续吃五十个鸡蛋吗我可以试一试(尼克) 她的初恋对象(Nick): Her first relationship是一个比她大的家伙叫克里斯was with an older guy called Chris.她很迷恋他疯狂地爱上了他She really got the hots for him. Madly in love with him.她写了一些歌♥ 来表达对他的迷恋She wrote a few songs about having the hots for him.而最后她对他失去了兴趣And then, eventually, she lost interest and...她过去经常谈起这事还以此来创作She always used to talk about it and started writing about that. 《好家伙》怎么样卡伦? 我喜欢那一幕嗯是你之前经常叫我卡伦么? 我像卡伦吗?有点嗯你像个很强大的男人我觉得在我童年的时候I think when I was growing up,那些流行排行榜上的音乐the music that was in the pop charts or, you know,那些所谓的音乐the music that was...那个时候发行的那些歌♥曲that people were releasing at the time,我觉得“这不是音乐”I just thought, "This isn't music,全都是水货或者说都是狗屎this is watered down, or this is, you know, just crap,别人帮你把歌♥都写好了someone else has written it for you你只需要开口唱就可以and you have to sing it."现在有些音乐也是这样的It's very much the case with some music today.我开始创作歌♥曲就是为了挑战自己I really started writing music just as... to challenge myself,看看我能不能写出来to see what I could write or, you know,而且那个时候真的没有什么just because there was nothing else there我能听的歌♥了that I could listen to at the time.听过那些爵士乐还有那些伟大的唱作人And having listened to jazz and, you know, great songwriters 比如詹姆斯·泰勒还有卡罗尔·金like James Taylor and Carole King,那感觉像是… 我觉得那个时候it was very... I felt like I had nothing new我没有听到任何新鲜的音乐that was coming out at the time能真正表达我自己或是我的感受that really represented me or the way I felt.所以我才开始写歌♥ 写我自己的东西So I just started writing, really, my own stuff根据我个人的生活经历and from personal experience.这首是《听说爱是盲目》This is, um, I Heard Love is Blind.我想把头发夹起来I'll just clip, clip my hair2003年2月小岛唱片工作室伦敦我想把头发夹起来I'll just clip, clip my hair2003年2月小岛唱片工作室伦敦不挡着我不然会弄得我紧张out of the way, 'cause it's gonna get on my nerves.2003年2月小岛唱片工作室伦敦我还记得当她走进来时我在想I remember thinking, when she walked in,尼克·盖特菲尔德2001-08小岛唱片主席我还记得当她走进来时我在想I remember thinking, when she walked in,尼克·盖特菲尔德2001-08小岛唱片主席她真是浑身散发着一股天然的力量she was this complete force of nature.尼克·盖特菲尔德2001-08小岛唱片主席我想“哇这人肯定有点儿意思”I thought, "Wow, there's something about you."尼克·盖特菲尔德2001-08小岛唱片主席我还记得我就在想“千万要是个人才啊”And I remember thinking, "Please be good."我还记得我就在想“千万要是个人才啊”And I remember thinking, "Please be good."我在迈阿密和一个叫萨拉姆的人一起写的这首歌♥I wrote this in Miami with a guy called Salaam and, um... - 我自己觉得很棒 - (尼克) 她当时18岁and I'm really proud of it. (Nick): She was 18她是一个非常典型的北伦敦犹太女孩and she was a very classic North London Jewish girl.特立独行A lot of attitude.很害羞但骨子里散发出特别的气息Quite shy, but something emanated from her.她有别样的魅力She had a charisma.当你分♥析♥她的作词能力When you looked at her lyrical capability和作曲水平时and her melodic capability,就发现她年轻的身体内有一个苍老的灵魂she was a very old soul in a very young body.我们非常爽快地签了合同And we did the deal very, very quickly.艾米的专辑昨天上市到现在卖♥♥多少了?Amy's album came out yesterday and how many has it sold so far? 令人难以置信卖♥♥了800张A pretty staggering 800, actually.那里面至少…That is at least我把账户里所有的钱拿来买♥♥了600张I've emptied my bank account buying 600 of them.伊恩·巴♥特♥尔♥吉他手&键盘手我把账户里所有的钱拿来买♥♥了600张I've emptied my bank account buying 600 of them.伊恩·巴♥特♥尔♥吉他手&键盘手起码有一半是我的小伙伴买♥♥的That is, at least half my friends have bought the album.伊恩·巴♥特♥尔♥吉他手&键盘手丧心病狂我最好今天去把另一半也安利了Bastards. I'd better call the other half up today.丧心病狂我最好今天去把另一半也安利了Bastards. I'd better call the other half up today.毛毯里真舒坦啊Snug in a rug.她要被吵醒了She's going to get annoyed.艾米?Amy?解释一下你这是在干嘛Explain what your little hub is all about.- (伊恩) 喂噢你也来啊 - (艾米) 还在睡呢(Ian): Hello. Oh, you're coming. (Amy): Sleeping!(尼克) 快给个笑脸笑完我就不拍了(Nick): Just give us a smile, then we can turn the camera off. 来快笑一个就一秒钟Come on, just give us a quick one. A one-second flash. 2003年10月《Frank》专辑宣传巡演你觉得你能有多成功?How big do you think you're going to be?我完全没概念因为…I don't, at all, because, you know,观察家报记者加里·穆赫兰采访我完全没概念因为…I don't, at all, because, you know,观察家报记者加里·穆赫兰采访我的音乐没有那么大众不是很流行的东西my music is not on that scale. The music is not on that scale. 观察家报记者加里·穆赫兰采访我的音乐没有那么大众不是很流行的东西my music is not on that scale. The music is not on that scale. 有时候我希望能大受欢迎Sometimes I wish it was,但我不觉得我能出什么名but I don't think I'm gonna be at all famous.我也不觉得我能驾驭那么大名声I don't think I could handle it.我说不定会发疯的I'd probably go mad.你懂吗我说不定会疯的You know what I mean? I would go mad.- 我们现在去哪 - 我们去伯明翰!Where are we going? We're going to Birmingham!我们去伯明翰干什么?Why are we going to Birmingham?我们去伯明翰唱歌♥We're going to Birmingham to sing songs.- 是吗 - 以及寻欢作乐Yeah? And make merry.噢这杆真凶残太猛了!Oh, that was sick! That was sick!- 拍我拍我 - 尼克这杆漂亮Get me, get me. Nicky, that was beautiful.你觉得这杆怎么样What are your thoughts on how beautiful that was?不到肥婆出来唱歌♥(意指“到最后一刻”)我不会庆祝的我的确还没唱你不是肥婆啦好啦到你拍我了到我了到我了!My turn, my turn!等下让我拍个无敌画面Wait, let me get a really good shot.噢打得好Oh, what a shot.噢!Oh!她甚至都不在乎She don't even care.看好了… 看它自己进去Watch it... watch it go in there.这里不够亮Got no light in here.别把我的痘痘拍进去了Don't get my spots in.什么痘痘?What spots?- 爱你哟 - 你知道我在变焦放大吗?I love you. Do you know I'm zooming in?你把我的痘痘全拍进去啦!You're zooming in on all my spots!你个小婊砸You're a fucking cunt.我的头发这样看起来还行吗Does my hair look okay like this?嗯很好很可爱Yeah, very good. It's lovely.- 你确定? - 我发誓Do you promise? I promise.你觉得我今晚先唱哪首歌♥比较好?What song d'you think I should do first tonight?我想你应该先唱...Right, I think you should sta rt off with…噢我喜欢你的小帽子! 超级可爱!Ah, I love your little cap! It's so cute!嗯我觉得你开场应该唱...Um, I think you should start off with a song called...噢我录下来了好吧好吧Oh, on camera. Okay. Okay.- 去吧好姐妹快上 - 你够了Go, sister. Go get done. Stop!♪ In my bed ♪♪ Yeah yeah... ♪♪(主播) 请你自我介绍一下(man): Could you please introduce yourself?2003年12月荷兰Toazted Media电台节目(主播) 请你自我介绍一下(man): Could you please introduce yourself?2003年12月荷兰Toazted Media电台节目好的大家好我是艾米·怀恩豪斯Yes. Hello. I'm Amy Winehouse.2003年12月荷兰Toazted Media电台节目我今年20岁是一名爵士乐歌♥手I'm 20. I'm a jazz singer.2003年12月荷兰Toazted Media电台节目我听过你的专辑它听上去非常成熟I've heard your record and it sounds very, uh, mature. 2003年12月荷兰Toazted Media电台节目全都是现场录制的吗? 不止是演唱部分Is it all live? Also, not only the singing,全都是现场录制的吗? 不止是演唱部分Is it all live? Also, not only the singing,还包括器乐部分?but also the instruments?是的所有乐器全是现场录的Yeah, all the instrumentation is completely live.我的专辑里不会用任何假的小号♥采样I wouldn't have any fake horns on my record.我觉得他们在《Take the Box》里加了假弦乐I think they put fake strings on Take the Box,而没有事先和我商量but I wasn't a part of that.我绝对不会在我的专辑里加弦乐绝不会I would never, ever have put strings on my record. Ever. 负责缩混那首歌♥的家伙他真的…And this guy doing the mix of this song, he just...甚至都没考虑过我的感受didn't even think about it.好吧嗯…Okay, um...我问一两个问题just a couple of questions. Um...对不起我刚才有点刻薄我挺不爽的- 你很生气? - 是的Upset? Yeah.对不起我刚才有点刻薄我挺不爽的- 你很生气? - 是的Upset? Yeah.我恨那个家伙噢好好的Oh, okay. Okay, okay.好的那么…Okay. Um...已经很久没出现这样一个面对媒体There wasn't a girl that had been gobby in the media尼克·沙曼斯基经纪人已经很久没出现这样一个面对媒体There wasn't a girl that had been gobby in the media尼克·沙曼斯基经纪人如此心直口快的女孩了for a long time.尼克·沙曼斯基经纪人她可以非常刻薄And she could be very cutting.尼克·沙曼斯基经纪人尼克·沙曼斯基经纪人尤其是她觉得很烦或感到被误解的时候Especially if she got bored or felt misunderstood.尤其是她觉得很烦或感到被误解的时候Especially if she got bored or felt misunderstood.我不知道不过在我看来呢(woman): I dunno, it seems to me, though,每个会创作的女人你懂的that every woman who writes about, you know,在一张专辑里抒发自己的情绪kind of puts it down on a record对她们又不是件坏事doesn't do them any harm.就比如黛朵(Dido 英国女歌♥手) 她…Look at Dido. I mean, she...就是用那张专辑来发泄她的情绪she used that album to clean out her emotional closet. - 是吗? - 是啊全是关于Did she? Yeah, it's all about她的分手经历什么的你懂的the break-up of her relationship and, you know,在爱情中艰难挣扎kind of like surviving. Mm...然后… 表达那种不想… 反正全是在说And, uh, and not, not going... I mean, like the whole thing 不要搞得鱼死网破about not going down with the ship.- 是么… - 我的意思是黛朵是黛朵Yeah... I mean, Dido's Dido,但… 你懂我的意思嗯…but, you know, I mean, uh...我觉得她是这个国家I think she's one of the most exciting这么多年以来and brilliantly talented vocalists最令人激动最有天分的歌♥手之一to emerge in this country in many, many years.2004年3月乔纳森·罗斯周五之夜最令人激动最有天分的歌♥手之一to emerge in this country in many, many years.2004年3月乔纳森·罗斯周五之夜这位就是艾米·怀恩豪斯It is Amy Winehouse.2004年3月乔纳森·罗斯周五之夜真棒Fantastic.你所在的经纪公♥司♥ 曾捧出过”七小龙”乐团You're managed by the company who looks after S Club 7,辣妹组合就是西蒙·福勒的公♥司♥used to look after the Spice Girls, Simon Fuller.他们试过给你规定发展路线吗Have they tried to mould you in any way?要求你按他们的想法做事Asked you to do things,改变你的造型或言行么?to change the way you look or speak or behave?嗯有过他们中有个人想改造我Um, yeah, one of them tried to mould me把我变成“大三角”的一员(指光明会) 我说”不!”into a big triangle shape and I went, "No!"不我有我个人的风格No, I've got my own style.我有我的个人风格我写我自己的歌♥I've got my own style and I wrote my own songs如果一个歌♥手已经有了足够的东西and, you know, if someone has so much of something already, 你就没法再画蛇添足了there's very little you can... add.好你知道我喜欢你哪点吗Yeah. You know what I like about you, as well?你说话很普通The way you sound so common.因为我就是一个普通人Because I am common这感觉非常新鲜and it's like, you know, it's so refreshing能听到一个人说话不像是to hear someone who isn't speaking受过演讲课训练一样like they've taken elocution lessons.是的他们给我安排了演讲课然而这些课就是Yeah. They gave me elocution lessons, but they kind of... - 对你没作用 - 完全不鸟是的They didn't stick. Off my back, yeah.我很早就意识到I realized early on,当艾米做好了决定她就不会动摇when Amy made her mind up, she made her mind up. 珍妮斯·怀恩豪斯母亲当艾米做好了决定她就不会动摇when Amy made her mind up, she made her mind up. 珍妮斯·怀恩豪斯母亲要跟她对抗是件困难的事And I found it difficult to stand up to her.珍妮斯·怀恩豪斯母亲她会说”噢妈妈你对我太温柔了”She would say, "Oh, Mum, you're so soft with me.“哪怕我杀了人你都不会怪我"I can get away with murder.你该强势点妈妈”You should be tougher, Mum."我确实承认这一点Well, I just accepted it.我不够强势到能跟她说“停下”I wasn't strong enough to say to her, "Stop."我妈妈生完小孩后一个人把我们拉扯大因为…我爸爸还没离开之前他就已经不再照顾我们他从来都没照顾过我们比如一些很重要的事我指的不是上下学接送我想说的是在晚上当我们撒泼耍赖大叫“不我们不要上♥床♥睡觉”的时候他从没在一旁管过我们说“听妈妈的话”你懂吗?但我们需要的就是这些他却说他要工作艾米18个月大的时候我遇到了另一个女人I met another woman when Amy was about 18 months old.米切尔·怀恩豪斯父亲艾米18个月大的时候我遇到了另一个女人I met another woman when Amy was about 18 months old.艾米18个月大的时候我遇到了另一个女人I met another woman when Amy was about 18 months old.我们一起工作进而有了婚外恋We worked together. We were having an affair.但我和艾米的母亲继续生活了八♥九♥年才离开这个家But another eight or nine years were to pass before I left home.我是个懦夫I was a coward.但我感觉艾米很快就忘掉了这一切But I felt that Amy was over it pretty quick.我小时候非常开朗性情温和紧张害羞很善良直到九岁那年父母离婚后我觉得自己可以想穿啥就穿啥了可以说脏话可以化妆了真是酷毙纹身身上各种打洞逃学总跟男朋友在一起我妈经常午饭时间下班回家我就和男朋友躺在屋子里艾米还是十三四岁的时候When Amy was a teenager, 13 or 14,泰勒·詹姆斯朋友艾米还是十三四岁的时候When Amy was a teenager, 13 or 14,泰勒·詹姆斯朋友她被带去看心理医生she was being taken to the doctor's泰勒·詹姆斯朋友并且服用抗抑郁药物and she was on antidepressants.泰勒·詹姆斯朋友我曾吃过赛尔特(抗抑郁药)但它只能使我呆头呆脑的蠢蠢的我那时并不清楚抑郁症是怎么回事只知道有时我感觉怪怪的很不一样我觉得这是音乐人的特质所以我才写音乐你知道我不像有些人生活一团糟很多人饱受抑郁症折磨找不到发泄痛苦的办法你懂吗他们不像我可以找把吉他弹一小时来放松自己2004年北海爵士音乐节鹿特丹港♪ What is it about men ♪♪艾米过去常和我说这就是她的梦想Amy used to always say to me that that was her dream, really, 萨姆·贝斯特键盘手艾米过去常和我说这就是她的梦想Amy used to always say to me that that was her dream, really, 萨姆·贝斯特键盘手能够做这种演出to do those sorts of shows,萨姆·贝斯特键盘手在爵士乐俱乐部里给一小群听众唱歌♥to play in jazz clubs to small audiences.萨姆·贝斯特键盘手在爵士乐俱乐部里给一小群听众唱歌♥to play in jazz clubs to small audiences.她和音乐的关系比绝大多数人都要纯净She had one of the most pure relationships to music,纯粹的情感联结着她和音乐such an emotional relationship to music.对她而言音乐像是一个人那么重要Like she needed music as if it was a person,一个她能够为之出生入死的人and that she would die for it.请允许我宣读这个Let me read this.2004年7月全英创作音乐大奖伦敦噢天呐Oh, my God.2004年7月全英创作音乐大奖伦敦2004年7月全英创作音乐大奖伦敦得奖的是… (鲍比·沃马克)Uh, and the winner...2004年7月全英创作音乐大奖伦敦得奖的是… (鲍比·沃马克)Uh, and the winner...获奖歌♥曲《Stronger Than Me》and the song is Stronger Than Me来自艾米·怀恩豪斯和萨拉姆·雷米by Amy Winehouse and Salaam Remi.掌声鼓励!Let's give it up!这是给我的对么? 此时此刻 (2004最佳当代歌♥曲奖) This is me, isn't it? Right here.。
63支经典摇滚乐队代表曲目63支经典摇滚乐队No.1 Led zeppelin如雷贯耳的齐柏林飞艇乐队相信大家都是太熟悉不过了,这里就不多介绍。
1,这里列出他非常经典的摇滚歌曲:1,stairway to heaven 第一名就是这首被很多摇滚迷称为自己圣经的歌曲,来自同名专集Led Zeppelin IV,很多人称赞齐柏林是个多面手,硬摇滚或者柔情的都表演的很到位,但无疑这首是最出名和最动人的一首,我见过对这首歌争论的最多的是他到底能不能排在经典摇滚歌曲第一名,尤其是主唱的那一声---WOO,WOO。
2,Kashmir 国外摇滚论坛对齐柏林评价较高的第二歌曲,相当不错,风格和stairway to heave 截然不同。
但是大师的作品魅力还是令人着迷,加上以下的歌曲相信你对齐柏林的风格有个全新的认识:硬摇滚:Achilles Last Stand, Whole Lotta Love, Heartbreaker, The Lemon Song,松弛的No Quarter, When The Levee Breaks, In The Light。
迷人的情歌系列Babe I'm Gonna Leave You, Since I've Been Loving You, All My Love black dog,Rock N roll等等。
No.2 Queen无论哪个摇滚乐队排行榜,Queen经常是前三甲,否之,肯定有人认为这个名单不公平,没办法,皇后的主唱太TMD牛了,有段时间我就天天听着他们的歌,沉醉在他们华丽的歌声中,也许纯正的摇滚魅力会一直永恒的,不过可惜,天妒英才,流下的只是这些经典的不能再经典的王者之歌1,Bohimian Rhapsody,这首歌不排第一名真怕人骂。
、拉丁格莱美最佳流行男歌手博塞Miguel Bose-SI TU NO VUELVES博塞Miguel Bose,在拉丁世界以及西班牙乐坛名声卓著。
Miguel Bose不仅人长得帅,深情缠绵的歌声更是动人。
2、性感拉丁天王Alejandro Sanz-No Es lo Mismo性感的拉丁天王Alejandro Sanz亚雷汉德罗桑斯,是拉丁格莱美音乐奖创办以来得奖数目最多的男歌手—12座拉丁格莱美小留声机,是西班牙家喻户晓的“歌神”。
3、新拉丁舞曲Los Aterciopelados-el estucheEl estuche由哥伦比亚无敌拉丁嘻哈二人组演绎,选自Putumayo World Music 2005年出版的专辑Latin Groove。
4、极具古巴风情的拉丁舞曲电影《Dirty Dancing》插曲-Represent, Cuba80年代轰动的电影《Dirty Dancing》中的一首极具古巴风情的拉丁舞曲。
5、电影史密斯夫妇中的浪漫拉丁歌曲《Mondo Bongo》Represent, Cuba 是一首极具古巴风情的拉丁歌曲。
80年代造成轰动的那部《Dirty Dancing》中的一首插曲。
6、德国黑人歌手 Lou Bega-Mambo No 5Lou Bega来自德国,但身上流着南美洲人既浪漫又乐天的血液,他的音乐也和他本人一样,充满了无可救药的幽默浪漫情愫,让人一听就上瘾,不可自拔地爱上他音乐中那股热带风情。
7、热舞精灵Christina Aguilera(克莉斯汀娜·阿格丽亚)-Candyman克里斯蒂娜·阿奎莱拉(Christina Aguilera) 是一名既会爱尔兰语又会厄瓜多尔语的双语歌手。
8、伤感拉丁情歌Marc Anthony-How Could I ( 我怎么能够)伤感拉丁情歌王子Marc Anthony似乎正逐步成为当今国际乐迷心中最炙手可热的头号人物之一!但事实上,他在Latin Tropical(热带拉丁音乐)Salsa舞曲界,却早已是众所周知、全球销量最出色的艺人之一。
外国经典影视歌曲100首 (2)
欧美经典歌曲100首1、Michael Joseph Jackson我真不知道该选他什么歌贴在上面,如果贴也只能选几首不太喜欢的,然后其他全贴上。
2、Can't help falling in love 情不自禁坠入爱河Elvis aronpresley(猫王),一位现代流行音乐史上里程碑式的伟人,遥滚音乐史上不朽的象征,1957年7月5日他在孟斐斯录音棚里的一次演唱,被视为摇滚音乐的诞生日,当时只有19岁的他还只是一名卡车司机。
3,yesterday 昨天成立于1960年英国利物浦的TheBeatles(披头士)乐队,作为和猫王同时代齐名的音乐人,他们的出现冲击了美国音乐的基础,结束了当时世界流行乐坛的“猫王王朝”。
4、Seasons In The Sun 阳光季节也是一首被翻唱多次的歌曲,有很多故事在背后而且都很感人,歌曲版本流传最广的是爱尔兰音乐组合Westlife(西城男孩)所演唱的。
他们的好歌还有<Mylove>、<Flying without wings>、<If I let you go>、<You raise me up>都是冠军歌曲,可以欣赏一下。
电影《七月与安生》预告片插曲歌词电影《七月与安生》预告片插曲歌词弗洛·里达(Flo Rida,本名Tramar Dillard),1979年9月17日出生于佛罗里达卡罗尔市,美国嘻哈说唱歌手。
2006年,加入大西洋唱片的旗下Poe Boy Entertainment而出道。
Whistle - Flo Rida(电影《七月与安生》预告片插曲)Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby你会吹响我的口哨宝贝吗Let me know让我知道Girl I'm gonna show you how to do it女孩我会告诉你怎么做And we start real slow我们开始放慢速度You just put your lips together你只需闭上你的双唇And you come real close轻轻的发出声响Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby你会吹响我的口哨宝贝吗Here we go从这开始(Look) I'm betting you like people我敢打赌你喜欢咆哮爵士And I'm betting you love creep mode我敢打赌你喜欢惊悚的风格And I'm betting you like girls that give love to girls 我敢打赌你喜欢那个乐意奉献爱心的女孩And stroke your little ego请抚你的小自我I bet you I'm guilty your honor我知道我嫉妒你的光环That's just how we live in my genre但这就是我相处的风格Who in the hell done paved the road wider?到底是什么时候买了罗特韦尔犬There's only one flo, and one rida可是这里只有一个弗洛一个里达I'm a damn shame我真的十分羞愧rder more champagne, pull a damn hamstring再来一瓶香槟把它干掉Tryna put it on ya努力把它放在你身上Bet your lips spin back around corner我敢打赌你的嘴角开始翘起Slow it down baby take a little longer慢下来宝贝再花一点时间Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby 你会吹响我的口哨宝贝吗Let me know让我知道Girl I'm gonna show you how to do it女孩我会告诉你怎么做And we start real slow我们开始放慢速度You just put your lips together你只需闭上你的双唇And you come real close轻轻的发出声响Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby 你会吹响我的口哨宝贝吗Here we go从这开始Whistle baby, whistle baby,口哨宝贝口哨宝贝Whi-whistle baby, whistle baby口哨宝贝口哨宝贝Whistle baby, whistle baby口哨宝贝口哨宝贝Whi-whistle baby, whistle baby口哨宝贝口哨宝贝It's like everywhere I go就好像我到过的每一个地方My whistle ready to blow我的口哨不绝于耳Shawty don't leave a note矮个子们不要留下便条She can get any by the low她可以用任何方式得到它Permission not approved许可并不代表认同It's okay, it's under control没关系这个可以控制Show me soprano, 'cause girl you can handle大声的吹起口哨来女孩你一定能吹响Baby we start snagging, you come up in part clothes 宝贝我们开始消除阻碍Girl I'm losing wing, my Bugatti the same road女孩我丢失了我的翅膀丢失在同一条路上Show me your perfect pitch, you got it my banjo让我看看你完美的调子你学会了我的班卓琴Talented with your lips, like you blew out a candle 你的'嘴唇具有魔力就好像你吹灭我的蜡烛一样So amusing, now you can make a whistle with the music 太棒了你可以吹着口哨和音乐一起唱Hope you ain't got no issue, you can do it但愿一切都没有问题你可以做到Give me the perfect pitch, ya never lose it给我一张完美的图片我永远不会丢弃它Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby你会吹响我的口哨宝贝吗Let me know让我知道Girl I'm gonna show you how to do it女孩我会告诉你怎么做And we start real slow我们开始放慢速度You just put your lips together你只需闭上你的双唇And you come real close轻轻的发出声响Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby 你会吹响我的口哨宝贝吗Here we go从这开始Whistle baby, whistle baby,口哨宝贝口哨宝贝Whi-whistle baby, whistle baby口-口-哨宝贝口哨宝贝Whistle baby, whistle baby,口哨宝贝口哨宝贝Whi-whistle baby, whistle baby口-口-哨宝贝口哨宝贝Go girl you can twerk it女孩你一定要吹响它Let me see you whistle while you work it 让我听听你的口哨I'mma lay it back, don't stop it我会往后躺下请不要停下'Cause I love it how you drop it, drop it, drop it on me 我喜欢听你吹响它的声音(没错,口哨指代dick..)Now, shawty let that whistle blow-oh, oh oh现在短暂的吹响口哨吧Yeah, baby let that whistle blow-oh oh!耶宝贝吹响你的口哨吧Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby你会吹响我的口哨宝贝吗Let me know让我知道Girl I'm gonna show you how to do it女孩我会告诉你怎么做And we start real slow我们开始放慢速度You just put your lips together你只需闭上你的双唇And you come real close轻轻的发出声响Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby你会吹响我的口哨宝贝吗Here we go从这开始Whistle baby, whistle baby,口哨宝贝口哨宝贝Whi-whistle baby, whistle baby,口-口-哨宝贝口哨宝贝Whistle baby, whistle baby,口哨宝贝口哨宝贝Whi-Whistle baby, whistle口-口-哨宝贝口哨宝贝【电影《七月与安生》预告片插曲歌词】终于写完毕了,希望能够帮助到大家,谢谢!。
歌曲音译歌词A yo! finaly!Is this watch me waiting for?brand new G.D!I move by my self.your my heartbreakerDJ and YG.Let me take this song here那都欧底四古里基那诺哈吉斯马囊够起急呀no弄哈那给mo nei码ga及农撒啦集攻某恰那蛮no位也搜la蛮内页摸那料你噶一嫩够西马大料哈吉吗哭dei内给啊你哦图啊你哦那没给西他够一yo噶摸捏够起急内你破穷一摸他够马来就苏破给黑哭来都囧他够ki为冷大累都航蹦度啦搜你莫苏qia噶摸gen梦憋起西落哟no noyo ma heart heart heart heart heart breaker内噶摸家么汗嫩迹yo ma heart heart heart heart heart breakerno way no way内噶那都那刚那都那恩就马汤那够家撒囊波加够几根几根几根忒比克比克比克忒dei撒浪en 闭古给no way没头噶都梦dei 弄内噶表内大黑噶及四nang母大梦累桑给噶nuo布几呀过麻黑那米奇out of control红家四给苏米拖哭家里古破塞四啊你哦图啊你哦弄给尅西他够一遇噶摸捏够华康那尼莫所地摸他够马来就苏破给黑哭来都囧他够ki为冷大累都航蹦度啦搜你莫苏qia噶摸gen美苏给米我哟no noyo ma heart heart heart heart heart breaker内噶摸家么汗嫩迹yo ma heart heart heart heart heart breaker no way no way内噶那都那刚那都那恩就马汤那够家撒囊波加够几根几根几根忒比克比克比克忒dei撒浪en 闭古给I'll still still be there(表价你假忙gi诶) I'll still still be there(内挤棒Q几行诶) 那七都哭dei(一截那米罗黑都)I'll will still be there用我你昂ki 哈酱哭忙图穷刚内强哭蛮不内那过wo古得位呀木果期亚nia够Hey 那一内给哦不忒no noyo ma heart heart heart heart heart breaker 内噶摸家么汗嫩迹yo ma heart heart heart heart heart breaker no way no wayyo ma heart heart breakeryo ma heart heart breaker breakerh e a r t babymo way[权志龙heartbreaker中文音译歌词]。
drops of jupiter解读
drops of jupiter解读
"Drops of Jupiter"是美国乐队Train的一首歌曲,发行于2001年。
"Drops of Jupiter"是一首情感充沛的流行摇滚歌曲,歌词中充满了隐喻和象征性的意象。
歌词中的"Jupiter"(木星)被用来象征这个人的离开和重新回归,而"Drops of Jupiter"则是指这位主人公在离开期间所经历的各种经历和成长。
歌词中还包含了许多比喻和象征性的语言,比如"Tell me did the wind sweep you off your feet"(告诉我,风是否将你卷走),"But tell me, did you sail across the sun?"(但告诉我,你是否航行穿越太阳),这些表达方式增添了歌曲的浪漫和深情。
"Drops of Jupiter"以其动人的旋律和意味深长的歌词,在音乐界取得了巨大的成功,并成为Train乐队最受欢迎和广为人知的作品之一。
黑金属这种音乐表征:黑暗金属乐风最早是由bathory所带领出来的,但"blackmetal"这个名词却是延用venom在1982年所发行的专辑作品-"blackmetal",虽然venom被视为是blackmetal最早的提示人,但venom当时的风格确不是像今天你我所认定的黑金属乐风,而bathory的后继与创作,才真正开启黑金属在音乐史上的新页,随后再由挪威作为中继地,进而瑞典/全球,发展至今天的模式!★黑金属之发源地黑金属的发源地,在lordsofchaos一书中已经有相当的批判与说,同为北欧冷水国度的挪威与瑞典,双方在黑金属源头的争夺战中,皆举出了有效的证据,但在杀人与放火杀教堂的举动中,却也让人间接明了当时黑金属的中心思想与思维,不过,万佛归宗,黑金属的发源地大多以指挪威为主,但以下仍以讨论挪威与瑞典两地黑金属的起源过程为主:1.挪威:话说当死亡金属乐风在八零中左右开始肆虐全球的同时,死亡金属团彷佛雨后春笋般到处林立起来,当挪威的死金盛况也如同各地般的滥时,过於致式化的死金作品,让生长在挪威的oysteinaarseth感到厌烦!为追回金属本身应有的生命力与理念下,oystein招幕人马共同组成了挪威传奇黑团-mayhem,并不以真名上阵,改黑名为"euronymous",而mayhem的乐风即是黑金属乐风为出发点,抒发对反宗教的思潮,而放火烧教堂/引起异教徒的反教行为,最后却在不明的过程中1993年被刺身亡!但挪威的黑金属风却也因此在八零年底开始掀起一阵旋风!而以后类似挪威黑金属乐风的黑团特别称为"norweiganblackmetal"!2.瑞典:其实bathory就是瑞典团,而主导人quorthon也如同oysteinaarseth在挪威开启挪威黑金属新页的开端般,bathory成功的变格却也开启瑞典黑金属的新页!但在起源的时间上来说mayhem是在1983年成军的,而bathory是在1984年成军的,两者相差不远,但就影响后世黑金属的发展来说,bathory好像比mayhem占较重要的比例不过不管如此,挪威/瑞典皆是黑金属发源最为重要的地点!而此后对於类似瑞典黑金属乐风的黑团特别称为"scandinavianblackmetal"★黑金属之词汇内涵早期黑金属的发源,是在北欧阴冷的森林地之中,早期基督教的入侵,让北欧彷佛得到精神食粮般的疯狂,但就oystein,quorthon等人而言,他们之所以发展出黑金属乐风,在词汇上却主要是以反宗教为出发点,有人特别称为"异教徒的金属乐".早期的黑团mayhm/emperor/darkthrone等,在歌词的写作上,都以表达撒旦如何复活,如何让耶稣基督下台,如何才能反教等,除音乐的表达上,在生活上却也是活生生的异教徒,不管是焚烧教堂/杀人等等都一一可见,有时在公开的表演中,却也拿刃利来割划自己的肌肤,饮血喷火,取带羊头(撒旦的象徵),时而进入歌词最深? ?可见拿刀子或斧头,砍下自己的脑袋!最常提到的文词如有satan/666/symbolsofsatan/倒五芒星等等!但到后期的黑金属乐团而言,异教徒的思想,反而是成为一种象徵性的东西,在作法上,只是延袭早期黑团的各种意象,在现实的生活中,却可能不是如此!★黑金属之艺术团徽设计大都离不开以倒五芒星与公羊头为雏型的编排,而专辑的封面设计,却多呈黑白与北欧阴森的森林地为背景的画面!黑金属中最为特别的是有"尸"(corpse-painted),以黑白两色为基准,作对称性的画象,通常玩黑金属的人,很难能看到团员的真面目,不同於死亡金属的不彩装!在穿著上,黑色的大衣或是黑色的斗篷复盖全身,身上会有许多带刺的针带,手上大都会拿著火柱或是八家将所用的法器等,在动作的表演上,却以极度痛苦与哀号的表情为主角!图象中一眼就能看出异教徒与反宗教的意含,不过黑金属的作品,大都因为其艺术的特别,狻值得收藏!★黑金属之音乐黑金属和死亡金属的团员乐器组合方面,大致都差不多,但在弹奏的技巧/发声的部位上还是有满大的差别,最特别的地方是黑金属会加入键盘或其他管弦乐之类,额外的乐器声音来调合整篇所欲表达的想法!再者,黑金属的专辑中连贯性味道较重,曲目和曲目之间有时可能听不出已经换曲了,这有时也是黑金属迷人之处!============死亡金属这种音乐的表征:1.这些乐队的演奏极其朴实,不象普通重金属乐队,在乐器上加许多效果器,或是用点弦、大小泛音等花哨指法。
第二首歌曲《I did it for love》是宝儿为进某某某美国而发行的单曲之一,包含激情的节奏和时尚的电子配乐。
被贾斯丁称为让自己回归的《Se某y Back》,同样成为中国各个夜店的首选音乐。
第四首歌曲是流行天王迈克尔·杰克逊妹妹Janet的歌曲,《Billboard》是历史上唯一一个在舞曲、流行、摇滚、R&B、当代成人和Top 10榜单上同时拿下冠某某某宝座的艺人。
最后一首歌曲是《Closer》,典型的欧美R&B音乐,Ne yo绝对是王道,在此介绍他的单曲之一《Closer》,今后继续奉上他的爵士风格的经典R&B歌曲。
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Flo Rida/
Flo Rida! YG family! G-Dragon! Holla at him
You are my heart breaker- DJ YG(Flo Rida/Be right back) Let me take this over
Hey 나도어디가서꿀리지않아
Hey 不管在哪我都不会认输
그순간이That's who I hate,you
那一瞬间That's who I hate,you
Flo Flo Flo Rida and G G G-Dragon
It's over.You know what I mean
Shawty got low low low low low low low~(It's the wicked-y truth)
You are my Heart-Heart-Heart-Heart-Heartbreaker
You are my Heart-Heart-Heart-Heart-Heartbreaker
No way!No way!
No way!
Flo Rida, Talk to me
Flo Rida/
Hey I know everybody ain't perfect
Baby what did I do to deserve this
No way you making me nervous
Why can't I be a clown in the circus
Like why did I open the curtain
Baby you my heart should be circuiting
I knew I was allergic I need a surgeon
Cuz you're the only other person
Guess it was(wasn't?) part of the plan
We've been each other I don't understand
What are you, lover, your permanent man
There won't be another that can do what I can
If I were a devil I will give you a hand
But for all the trouble why do it again
Why can't I juggle just being your friend?
After this trouble my heart needs a mend(a mend~a mend~a mend~) G-Dragon/
You are my Heart-Heart-Heart-Heart-Heartbreaker
You are my Heart-Heart-Heart-Heart-Heartbreaker
No way!No way!
I'll still still be there
I'll still still be there
I'll still still be there
Baby 그대없이죽을것만같아
Baby 没有你就像要死去一样
다시한번take my hand 널기다리고있는데
再一次来take my hand 一直都在等待着你
You are my Heart-Heart-Heart-Heart-Heartbreaker 내가뭘잘못했는지
You are my Heart-Heart-Heart-Heart-Heartbreaker No way!No way!
You are my heart-heart~breaker
You are my heart-heart~breaker breaker
H.E.A.R.T Baby (My broken heart)
No way!。