文章题名*(标题1:黑体, 小二; *上标表致谢, 置于页脚; 一般不超过20个字)第一作者1, 2, 3, 第二作者2, 3, 第三作者2, 3, 第四作者2, 3, 第五作者1(作者:华文仿宋, 四号, 逗号隔开)1.中国海洋大学光学光电子实验室, 山东青岛 266100; 2.国土资源部海洋油气资源与环境地质重点实验室, 山东青岛266071; 3.青岛海洋地质研究所, 山东青岛 266071(作者单位、地址:宋体、Times New Roman, 8.5磅; 省、市、邮编中间空格隔开)摘要(黑体, 小五):应反映论文的主要观点、创新点及研究意义, 概括地阐明研究的目的、方法、结果和结论, 能够脱离全文阅读而不影响理解。
摘要的写作要精心构思, 随意从文章中摘出几句或只是重复一遍结论的做法是不可取的。
(摘要正文:宋体小五)(摘要中英文缩写首次出现应给出中英文全称)关键词(黑体, 小五): X射线断层扫描; 天然气水合物; 多孔介质; X-CT成像(关键词:宋体, 小五, 分号隔开; 一般为3~8个)中图分类号: P736.15 文献标识码: A文章编号: 1009-5470(2012)03-0137-7(此行由编辑添加)Application of X-ray computed tomography in natural gas hydrate research(英文标题:Times New Roman, 13磅, 加粗)ZHANG Yun-fan1, HU Deng-ke1, 2, WANG Wan-yin3, QIU Zhi-yun3, LI Fu-cheng1(英文作者:Times New Roman, 五号, 逗号隔开; 汉语拼音, 姓全大写, 名首字母大写, 名字间用连字符)1.Optics and Optoelectronics Laboratory, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266100, China; 2.Key Laboratory of Marine Hydrocarbon Resources and Environment Resources, Ministry of Land and Resources, Qingdao 266071, China; 3.Qingdao Institute of Marine Geology, Qingdao 266071, China(作者单位英文:Times New Roman, 8.5磅; 单位名需用全称)Abstract(Times New Roman 9.5磅, 加粗): This paper gives a review of the application of X-ray computed tomography(X-CT) in natural gas hydrate research, emphasizing sediment structure analysis and dynamics process.X-CT is anon-destructive technique, which is used to analyze the spatial structure of an object.For in-depth study of natural gas hydrate, X-CT plays an increasingly important role in observing the interior spatial structure of natural gas hydrate sediments and assessing the physical properties of these sediments, such as porosity, saturation, and permeability.In terms of identifying natural gas hydrate formation and dissociation process, X-CT imaging has the advantages of being real-time, intuitive and accurate.The measuring principle, apparatus and the important aspects for future hydrate research based on X-CT are also discussed.(英文摘要正文:Times New Roman, 小五)空格下划线收稿日期:; 修订日期:基金项目: 资助项目名称(基金项目编号); 资助项目名称(基金项目编号)(基金名称要写全称)作者简介: 作者名(出生年—), 性别, **省**市人, 学历, 研究方向。
关键词土壤;铁锰结核;研究进展中图分类号S153.6;K903文献标识码A文章编号0517-6611(2014)21-07017-03Research Advance of Ferromanganese Nodules in SoilSU You, YANG Lihui et al (Anhui Key Laboratory of Natural Disaster Process and Protection Research, Anhui Normal University, Wuhu, Anhui 241003)Abstract Through the combing of domestic and international literatures on soil ferromanganese nodules research, the causes of soil ferromanganese nodules, material composition,morphological structure and its relationship with environmental changes were summarized. Development of ferromanganese nodules in the soil formation was strictly limited by the environmental conditions. The nodules’ variations of physical and chemical properties are the products of the environment. The ferromanganese nodules were believed to good information carrier for the study of climate change. Currently there were still weaknesses of the ferromanganese nodules research in soil, such as the mechanism of spatial variation, chronology and so on.Key words Soil; Ferromanganese nodules; Research advance土壤中铁锰结核是指表生过程中铁锰等元素经过强烈迁移和积聚形成的以铁锰元素为主的矿物集合体,其物理化学性质与母质有显著的差异。
波长方程简述 Wavelength Equation Brief Explanation 英语
波长方程简述Wavelength Equation BriefExplanationBrief about Wavelength EquationThe distance between successive crests of a wave or higher points of electromagnetic waves is termed as wavelength. The frequency and wavelength are closely related to each other. But they are inversely proportionate to each other. The wavelength becomes shorter when the frequency is higher and the wavelength becomes longer when the frequency is lower. All the waves of light move with the same speed through a vacuum and the number of crest waves passing by a specific timeline depends onthe wavelengths. The wavelength is fundamentally denoted as Lambda which is a Greek Letter (λ). The wavelength formula or the wavelength equation of a wave has been represented as the following:(λ)=v/fHere, “v” represents the speed of the velocity of the Waves and “f” represents the frequency of the way. The wavelength is expressed in units of meters and the velocity is expressed in meters per second. The frequency is expressed in hertz. In a graph, we can see the waves which are graphed as functions of distance or time. The wavelength can be determined from the distance graph. On the other hand, frequency and period can be obtained from a time graph. Wave speed can be obtained from both the distance and timegraph. In calculating wavelength, the use of distance, speed, and time is found. Speed can be obtained by dividing the distance by time and speed can also be calculated by multiplying wavelength by frequency. Therefore, the wavelength can be calculated by dividing the distance by the product of frequency and time. Our Assignment Help Online expert will now give you the definition of wavelength.What is the wavelength?Wavelength in physics is considered to be the periodic wave’s special pe riod. The inverse or multiplicative inverse or reciprocal of the spatial frequency is the wavelength. In physics,mathematics, and engineering, special frequency is the feature of any structure which is periodic in space across the entire position. Special frequency can also be considered characteristic of a structure which is periodic through several positions in space. The spatial frequency measures the frequency of repeated movement of a structure’s sinusoidal components per unit of distance. Wavelength is generally determined by observing the distance between crests, zero crossing, and troughs which are the consecutive points of a similar phase. Wavelength is the characteristic feature of standing and travelling waves. It also depicts the patterns of the spatial wave. Greek letter Lambda (λ) is designated to wavelength. The term wavelength is applied in the domain of telecommunications and electronics where modulated waves are commonly found.Wavelength is also applied to the sinusoidal envelope of waves or modulated waves. The waves in the case of the sinusoidal envelope are developed by interferences of different sinusoids. In the domain of telecommunications and electronics, the process of varying single or multiple properties of a carrier signal is known as modulation. The carrier signal is the periodic waveform. The periodic waveform varies with modulating signal which typically provides information which is to be transmitted. If a sinusoidal wave is considered to be moving at particular wave speed, wave frequency is inversely proportional to wavelength. This means the waves which have higher frequencies would have shorter wavelengths.On the other hand, the waves which have lower frequencies will have much longer wavelengths.The medium such as vacuum, water, or air determines wavelength. The medium through which wave travels determines the wavelength. There are several wave-like phenomena such as light, sound waves, periodic electrical signals, and water waves. A sound wave is observed in air pressure as a variation. In light, the strength of the magnetic field and the electric varies. In electromagnetic radiation, the magnetic field and electric also vary. In the case of water waves, variations are found in the height of a water body. In the case of crystal lattice vibration, the atomic positions are found to vary. Therefore, wavelength measures the distance between the repetitions which we found in peaks, zero-crossing or valley-like shapes. It does not measure the distance a particular particle moves. The spectrum is the range of frequencies or wavelengths for wave. It is commonly usedconcerning the electromagnetic spectrum or vibration spectrum or sound spectrum. Therefore, a wavelength can be defined as the distance between successive points in an electromagnetic wave or sound wave.Repeated patterns which we observe in the case of travelling energy like light, sound, or light are represented by wavelengths. The distance between two similar or identical crests or peaks or high points is measured by a wavelength. The distance between two low points or troughs in a similar wave is also measured by wavelength. The wavelengths are distinctive in their formations and this formation plays a significant role in differentiating and energy from that of the other. Wavelengths are highly used in the field of technology and science. The engineers, scientists, technologies, use wavelengths toidentify different energy forms in the field of aerospace, network administration, and any other domain of technology. The wavelength of light it is found to vary with colours point the wavelength of light is different for each colour. For example, the longest wavelength is found in case of red colour and the least wavelength is found in the case of violet colour. The wavelength of infrared radiation is found to be longer even then the wavelength of red colour. Frequency and wavelength are inversely proportional to each other. It means the shorter the wavelength, higher is the frequency. On the other hand, longer the wavelength, lower will be the frequency. On an electromagnetic radiation spectrum, the wavelength is indicated by the distance between the repetitions which are observed in the waves. Radio waves which we find in audio range and waves are also includedin the electromagnetic radiation spectrum in a visible light range.How can wavelengths be measured?It is very important to understand the way a wavelength is measured. Wavelengths are generally measured with the help of the units of meters such as centimetres, millimetres, nanometres, meters, etc. Smaller denominations are also used such as picometres, nanometres, and centimetres in measuring shorter wavelengths. The smaller denominations of meters are usually used in measuring shorter wavelengths. The shorter wavelengths which we found find in the electromagnetic spectrum are measured by the help of smaller denominationsof meters. The wavelength such as x-rays, ultraviolet radiation, and gamma rays which are observed in the electromagnetic spectrum, are measured by the help of smaller denominations of meters such as picometres, nanometres, and centimetres. Optical spectrum analyzers or optical spectrometers are the instruments which are used in detecting wavelengths on an electromagnetic spectrum. The wavelength can be measured by the distance between two successive crests in the same wave. The wavelength is the distance between two crests or points in a wave. The distance between two peaks or valleys is the wavelength. in measuring wavelength, two important parameters are needed. these two parameters are frequency and wave speed. The frequency represents the number of cycles of wave passing point at a specified time. On the other hand, the speed ofthe waves is represented by the rate at which a wave can move through any medium and it is highly dependent on the propagation of the medium. For example, electromagnetic waves and sound waves travel through the air. The number of oscillations per unit of time in a wave is represented by the frequency of the wave. Shorter wavelengths can be observed if the frequency is higher and longer wavelengths are observed if the frequency is lower. This is because of the inverse relationship between the frequency of a wave and its wavelength. The wave speed can be calculated by multiplying the number of cycles which pass a point every second by the length of the cycle. The wave speed can be mathematically stated as the multiplication of cycle length and cycles per second. Now our experts from OnlineAssignment Help will tell you about the Wavelength Equation.Wavelength EquationThe characteristic patterns which we find in a light wave or radio wave or infrared wave have a particular length and shape. The distance between two consecutive peaks or high points in the same phase is known as a wavelength. The distance between two consecutive troughs or crests of a wave is the wavelength. Wavelength is measured in the wave’s direction. The distance from one trough or crest to the other and again from that trough or crest to another is the wavelength. The waves can be electromagnetic waves or a sound wave or evena light wave. The highest points where the trough of the wave is found to be the lowest is known as the crest. In measuring wavelength, units of lengths like centimetres, meters, nanometres, millimetres, etc. are used. Wavelength equation is also known as wavelength formula which depicts wavelength to be equal to the ratio between the speed of the waves and wave frequency. Therefore, it can be seen that a wavelength can be measured or calculated by dividing wave velocity by wave frequency. The wavelength is always represented meters. In the wavelength equation, “v” represents velocity and “f” represents frequency which is also measured in hertz or Hz.Wavelength equation is one of the well-known methods of calculating wavelength. The wavelength of any wave can be calculatedsimply by dividing the speed of the wave by its frequency. The wavelength equation or wavelength formula can be written as follows:Wavelength EquationWavelength =Velocity or speed of wave/FrequencyWavelength (λ) =Wave velocity or speed of wave (V)/frequency (f)λ = V/fIt is very important to use correct units in the wavelength equation so that the wavelength can be calculated accurately and the result can be expressed in a correct unit of measurement. Imperial and metric units can be used inrepresenting the speed of the wave. The units such as meter per second, kilometres per hour, and miles per hour, etc. can be used in representing speed. Wavelength is generally measured in metric units such as meters, nanometres, millimetres, etc. Frequency is always expressed in hertz which implies “per second”. The equation can be used in calculating wavelength with the help of certain data or information about the speed of the wave and its frequency. The known quantities can be plugged into the wavelength equation in calculating wavelength. If the wavelength of any wave is to be calculated then the frequency and speed of the wave need to be plugged into the equation. By dividing the speed of the wave by its frequency, the wavelength can be accurately calculated and obtained. Wavelength equation can help calculate wavelength depending on thegiven information about velocity and frequency. If information about frequency and speed of the wave is given, by using wavelength equation the wavelength can be easily calculated. In calculating the wavelength of light, information about specific photon energy needs to be obtained. With the help of the energy equation, the wavelength of light can be calculated. It is very important to use the current formula in calculating wavelength.For example, if a wave speed is 600m per/sec, and the wave frequency is 30waves/sec, the using wavelength equation we can calculate wavelength. The equation is the following:Wavelength=V/f (V=speed of the wave and f=wave frequency)Therefore, the wavelength is 20 mWavelength= 600/30=20mWavelength is the distance between two successive or consecutive crests or troughs of a similar wave. Things which can move are water, strings, air, ground-earthquake, and light. These things can move like a wave. Wavelength is the velocity or speed of a wave divided by the wave’s frequency. The wavelength equation or wavelength formula is represented as follows:Wavelength (λ) =Wa ve velocity or speed of wave (V)/frequency (f)λ = V/fThe velocity is the speed at which a wave moves in a particular direction and this velocity or the speed can be calculated by the units of meters per sec or m/sec or m/s. The frequency is the crests or troughs move through a particular point in a particular time and the formula of frequency is cycles/s or Hz. An example can be used to make wavelength equation simplified to get understood. If sound speed is almost 340m/s, the frequency of the wave is about 20.0cycles/sec, the wavelength can be calculated by using the wavelength equation in the following way:λ = V/fWavelength (λ) =Wave velocity or speed of wave (V) 340m/s / frequency (f) 20.0cycles/sWavelength (λ)= 17.0m In this way, the wavelength can be calculated.。
湍流脉动速度的英文Turbulent Fluctuating Velocity.Turbulence, often described as the "chaos" of fluids, is a common and complex phenomenon encountered in various natural and engineering applications. It is characterized by random fluctuations in various fluid properties, including velocity, pressure, and temperature. Among these fluctuations, turbulent pulsating velocity, or simply turbulent fluctuating velocity, plays a pivotal role in determining the overall behavior of turbulent flows.1. Definition and Characteristics.Turbulent fluctuating velocity refers to the rapid and irregular variations in the velocity of fluid particles within a turbulent flow. These variations are caused by the interaction of eddies, vortices, and other small-scale structures within the flow. These structures constantly form, merge, and break down, leading to the observedfluctuations.The magnitude of these fluctuations is typically much larger than the mean velocity of the flow and can be several orders of magnitude higher. They are also highly uncorrelated, meaning that the velocity at one point in the flow does not depend on the velocity at another point, unless they are separated by a distance comparable to the size of the turbulent eddies.2. Importance of Turbulent Fluctuating Velocity.Turbulent fluctuating velocity is crucial in various fluid dynamics applications. It significantly impacts heat transfer, mass transfer, and the mixing of fluids. For example, in heat exchangers, the turbulent fluctuating velocity enhances the rate of heat transfer between two fluids by increasing the effective surface area for heat exchange.In addition, turbulent fluctuating velocity also plays a key role in determining the overall resistance or dragexperienced by objects placed within a turbulent flow. The fluctuating velocities cause pressure fluctuations on the object's surface, leading to additional drag forces.3. Measurement and Analysis.Measuring turbulent fluctuating velocity is a challenging task due to its random and transient nature. However, several techniques have been developed to capture these fluctuations, including hot-wire anemometry, laser Doppler anemometry, and particle image velocimetry.These measurements provide valuable insights into the characteristics of turbulent flows, such as the statistics of velocity fluctuations, their spatial and temporal correlations, and the energy spectrum of turbulent eddies.4. Modeling and Simulation.Modeling and simulating turbulent fluctuating velocity require sophisticated numerical techniques and computational resources. turbulence models, such as theReynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) model and Large Eddy Simulation (LES), are commonly used to predict the behavior of turbulent flows.These models aim to capture the effects of turbulent fluctuating velocity by introducing additional terms or equations into the governing fluid dynamics equations.While RANS models focus on the statistical properties of turbulence, LES aims to resolve the largest eddies directly and model the smaller ones.5. Conclusion.Turbulent fluctuating velocity is a crucial aspect of turbulent flows, affecting various fluid dynamics phenomena. Understanding its characteristics and behavior is essential for predicting and controlling turbulent flows in various applications, including energy conversion, transportation, and environmental engineering.With ongoing research and the continuous development of new measurement techniques and numerical models, ourunderstanding of turbulent fluctuating velocity and its impact on turbulent flows will continue to deepen.。
空间变量spatial variations
充分条件sufficient condition
质量守恒conservation of mass
动量守恒conservation of momentum
静定问题statically determinate problems
超静定问题statically indeterminate problem
轴向荷载axial load
均布荷载uniform distribution load
集中荷载concentrated load
冲击荷载shock loading
机械能守恒conservation of mechanical energy
能量守恒conservation of energy
守恒定律law of conservation
内摩擦角friction angle
水平面horizontal plane
假想平面imaginary plane
相互垂直平面mutually perpendicular planes
平面外法向outward normal to the plane
非连续介质discontinuous medium
变形量the amount of deformation
最近我们错的那些单词们啊~~~(2023.12.18)1.hero复数:heroes2. strike过去式struck过去分词struck形容词(显著的,突出的)striking2.disturb名词disturbance (表演:performance协助:assistance;指导:guidance; 忽略:ignorance )3.access形容词:accessible (available名词:availability 可利用性) have access to ... 能够获得 connected with与...相联系date back to=date from 追溯到...5.fall fell fallen feel felt felt variety形容词:various 复数:varieties of_6.Recognizerecognition rely可依赖的:reliable 依赖名词:reliability7.Witness名词复数:witnesses a mixture of the East and the West : 中西方的混合体8.DecorateN.装饰物(可数)decorations achieve 名词成就(可数)achievements9.Whether....or.... 不管是...还是... neither..or... 既不..也不... be diverse in form.. 在形式上是多样的10.aim to do sth=be aimed at doing sth. 旨在做某事wonder 奇迹复数:wonders11.relaxrelaxation adapt adaptation expect expectation12.carefully built 精心建造的newlybuilt 新建造的beautifully illustrated 有精美插图的13.remark adj. remarkable 非凡的,显著的expand expansion 扩展14.serve as=act as=work as=function as 作为teach as 作为..去教授shared future 共享的未来15.frequent 频繁的frequency 频率(accurateaccuracy 精准)16.There is no link between...没联系(It is no use/good doing sth.: 做某事没用)17.expect to do sth. 期待做某事expect sb. to do sth. 期待某人做某事18.Stick形容词:粘的sticky rice be on demand 按要求be in demand 受欢迎,有需求19.What inspires Li most is the brand’s evolving business philosophy. (what 引导的主语和宾语从句)20.... rank first 排名第一be awarded to sb 奖给某人21.pete 竞争者:petitor 竞争:petition 有竞争力的:petitive adv petitively22.leadledled globeglobalglobally at the speed/rate/price/cost of... 以...的速度、价格、代价23.Firm名词意思:公司firms sb. initiate sth. 发起。
非牛顿流体的英语实验结果Experimental Results on Non-Newtonian Fluids.Non-Newtonian fluids are a unique class of liquids that do not obey the classical laws of fluid mechanics established by Sir Isaac Newton. These fluids exhibit a complex relationship between stress and strain rate, making them behave differently from the more familiar Newtonian fluids like water or air. The behavior of non-Newtonian fluids can range from viscoelastic, where they resist deformation and exhibit a memory of past deformations, to dilatant, where their viscosity increases with shear rate, or pseudoplastic, where their viscosity decreases with shear rate.To delve deeper into the fascinating properties of non-Newtonian fluids, we conducted a series of experiments designed to observe and understand their behavior under various conditions. In this article, we present thedetailed experimental results from our investigation.Experiment 1: Shear Thickening Behavior.In the first experiment, we aimed to observe the shear thickening behavior of a pseudoplastic non-Newtonian fluid, such as cornstarch suspension. We used a viscometer to measure the viscosity of the fluid at different shear rates. As the shear rate increased, we observed a significant increase in viscosity, indicating the shear thickening effect. This behavior is counterintuitive as most fluids become less viscous with increased shear rate. The experiment revealed that the cornstarch suspensionexhibited a dramatic increase in viscosity when subjectedto rapid shear, making it behave like a solid under high-stress conditions.Experiment 2: Flow Patterns.For our second experiment, we investigated the flow patterns of a non-Newtonian fluid in a closed loop system. We used a transparent tube filled with the fluid and observed its flow behavior as it was pumped through theloop. We found that the fluid exhibited complex flow patterns, with regions of high and low shear ratescoexisting within the same flow stream. This behavior isnot seen in Newtonian fluids, where the shear rate is uniform throughout the flow. The experiment highlighted the importance of considering both spatial and temporal variations in shear rate when studying non-Newtonian fluids.Experiment 3: Rheological Properties.In our third experiment, we focused on characterizingthe rheological properties of a non-Newtonian fluid using a rheometer. Rheometers allow for precise measurement ofstress and strain rate relationships, providing insightsinto the fluid's viscoelastic behavior. We observed thatthe fluid exhibited both viscous and elastic components,with the elastic component becoming more dominant at lower frequencies. This finding is significant as it suggeststhat non-Newtonian fluids can store and release energy like solids, making them behave like viscoelastic solids under certain conditions.Experiment 4: Impact Response.Finally, in our fourth experiment, we investigated the impact response of a non-Newtonian fluid. We dropped a weight into a container filled with the fluid and observed the resulting deformation and recovery behavior. We found that the fluid exhibited a unique ability to resist deformation upon impact but recovered its original shape quickly after the impact. This behavior is distinct from that of Newtonian fluids, which typically deform permanently upon impact. The experiment demonstrated the unique properties of non-Newtonian fluids in dynamic loading conditions.In conclusion, our experiments have provided valuable insights into the complex behavior of non-Newtonian fluids. These fluids exhibit a rich array of rheological properties that are not seen in Newtonian fluids, making them fascinating and challenging to study. The findings from our experiments have implications in various fields, including industrial processing, biomechanics, and material science, where non-Newtonian fluids play crucial roles. Futureresearch in this area is likely to yield even more surprising discoveries and potential applications for these unique fluids.。
Convection heat transferExampleWater flows at a velocity u∞ =1 m/s over a flat plate of length L = 0.6 m. Consider two cases, one for which the water temperature is approximately 300 K and the other for an approximate water temperature of 350 K. In the laminar and turbulent regions, experimental measurements show that the local convection coefficients are well described bywhere x has units of m. At 300 K,While at 350 K,As is evident, the constant C depends on the nature of the flow as well as the water temperature because of the thermal dependence of various properties of the fluid. Determine the average convection coefficient , over the entire plate for the two water temperatures.SolutionKnown: Water flow over a flat plate, expressions for the dependence of the local convection coefficient with dist ance from the plate’s leading edge x, and approximate temperature of the water.Find: average convection coefficient, .Assumptions1. Steady-state conditions.2. Transition occurs at a critical Reynolds number of Re x,c = 5 * 10^5.PropertiesWater (T≈300 K): ρ=v f−1=997 kg/m3, μ=855∗10−6N∙s/m2. (T≈350 K): ρ=v f−1=974 kg/m3, μ=365∗10−6N∙s/m2.AnalysisThe local convection coefficient is highly dependent on whether laminar or turbulent conditions exist. Therefore, we first determine the extent to which these conditions exist by finding the location where transition occurs, x c. From Equation 6.24, we know that at 300 K,At 300K,At 350K,The local and average convection coefficient distributions for the plate are shown in the following figure.Comments1. The average convection coefficient at T≈ 350 K is over twice as large as the value at T≈300 K. This strong temperature dependence is due primarily to the shift of x c that is associated with the smaller viscosity of the water at the higher temperature. Careful consideration of the temperature dependence of fluid properties is crucial when performing a convection heat transfer analysis.2. Spatial variations in the local convection coefficient are significant. The largest local convection coefficients occur at the leading edge of the flat plate, where the laminar thermal boundary layer is extremely thin, and just downstream of xc, where the turbulent boundary layer is thinnest.Tutorial 1Known:Composite wall exposed to convection process; inside wall experiences a uniform heat generation.Find:(a) Neglecting interfacial thermal resistances, determine T1 and T2, as well as the heat fluxes through walls A and C, and (b) Determine the same parameters, but consider the interfacial contact resistances. Plot temperature distributions.Please list the assumptions used.Answer:(a). T1 = 260.9°C T2 = 210.0°Cq1′′=−107,240 W/m2, q1′′=132146 W/m2. Note directions of the heat fluxes.(b).Tutorial 2The flow of oil in a journal bearing can be approximated as parallel flow between two large plates with one plate moving and the other stationary. Such flows are known as Couette flow.Consider two large isothermal plates separated by 2-mm-thick oil film. The upper plates moves at a constant velocity of 12 m/s, while the lower plate is stationary. Both plates are maintained at 20˚C. (a) Obtain relations for the velocity and temperature distributions in the oil. (b) Determine the maximum temperature in the oil and the heat flux from the oil to each plateAnswer:(a)(b). T max=119o C, q0=−28,800W/m2, q L=28,800W/m2Tutorial 3A 2-m × 3-m flat plate is suspended in a room, and is subjected to airflow parallel to its surfaces along its 3-m-long side. The free streamtemperature and velocity of air are 20˚C and 7 m/s. The total dragforce acting on the plate is measured to be 0.86 N. Determine theaverage convection heat transfer coefficient for the plate.The properties of air at 20˚C and 1 atm are:Ρ=1.204 kg/m3, Cp = 1.007 kJ/kg K, Pr = 0.7309Answer:h=12.7 W/m2℃。
声音原理英语作文题目:The Fundamentals of Sound: An Acoustic Exploration In the vast expanse of our sensory world, sound holds a unique and profound significance. It is an invisible yet powerful force that shapes our perceptions, influences our emotions, and facilitates communication. To understand the depth of its impact, we must delve into the fundamental principles that govern the creation, propagation, and reception of sound. This essay serves as an acoustic exploration, elucidating the scientific underpinnings that transform physical vibrations into the rich tapestry of auditory experiences we encounter daily.The Genesis of Sound: Vibrations and WavesSound begins its journey as mechanical vibrations –oscillatory motions that disturb the equilibrium of matter. When an object is set into motion, such as a vocal cord vibrating during speech or a drumhead being struck by a mallet, it imparts kinetic energy to the surrounding medium, typically air. These vibrations propagate through the medium in the form of longitudinal waves, characterized by alternating compressions and rarefactions of particles.At its core, a sound wave is a disturbance that carriesenergy without transferring any net mass. It possesses three fundamental properties: frequency, amplitude, and wavelength. Frequency refers to the number of oscillations per unit time, measured in Hertz (Hz), and determines the pitch of the sound. Amplitude represents the maximum displacement of particles from their resting position and is directly proportional to the loudness or intensity of the sound. Lastly, wavelength is the distance between two consecutive points of the same phase in the wave, influencing the perceived timbre and the way sound interacts with physical barriers.The Medium Matters: Propagation and AttenuationSound waves cannot travel in a vacuum, as they require a medium for transmission. Different media, such as air, water, or solids, have distinct densities and elastic properties that affect the speed at which sound travels. In general, sound moves faster through denser materials and those with higher elasticity. This explains why underwater sounds seem closer and louder than their equivalent on land, and why we can sometimes hear distant conversations through walls more clearly than when they occur outdoors.During propagation, sound waves encounter various forms of resistance, leading to attenuation –a reduction inamplitude over distance. Factors contributing to attenuation include absorption by the medium, scattering due to irregularities in the medium, and geometric spreading, where the energy of the wave is dispersed over an increasingly larger area as it moves away from the source. Attenuation plays a crucial role in shaping our auditory environment, determining the audibility range of sounds and the extent to which they can be localized.Perception and the Human Ear: Decoding SoundThe human ear is a marvel of biological engineering designed to capture, transduce, and interpret sound waves. Sound waves enter the outer ear, or pinna, which funnels and amplifies the sound, directing it into the ear canal. At the end of the canal lies the eardrum, a thin membrane that vibrates in response to the pressure variations of the incoming sound wave.These vibrations are transmitted through the middle ear's ossicles –the malleus, incus, and stapes –which act as a lever system, amplifying the vibrations and transmitting them to the inner ear. Within the cochlea, a spiral-shaped fluid-filled structure, these mechanical vibrations are converted into electrical signals by hair cells. The frequency-dependentactivation of hair cells along the basilar membrane creates a tonotopic map, which the brain decodes as different pitches.Moreover, the brain processes temporal and spatial cues embedded in the sound wave to localize the source, discern speech from background noise, and extract meaningful information from complex auditory scenes. Our ability to perceive and analyze sound is not only a testament to the intricate workings of the auditory system but also underscores the importance of understanding sound principles in fields such as acoustics, psychoacoustics, and audiology.Conclusion: Unraveling the Sonic TapestryThe principles governing sound –from the generation of vibrations to their propagation through various media, and ultimately their interpretation by the human ear –form the fabric of our auditory experience. Understanding these fundamentals not only enriches our appreciation of the intricate symphony of everyday sounds but also enables advancements in numerous applications, ranging from music and audio engineering to architectural acoustics, medical diagnostics, and even environmental monitoring.By unraveling the mysteries of sound, we gain deeper insight into the invisible yet potent force that shapes ourperceptions, communicates ideas, and connects us to the world around us. In essence, the study of sound principles is a journey into the very essence of auditory perception, revealing the remarkable interplay between physics, biology, and human cognition in our encounter with the vibrant realm of sound.。
灵敏度(应该算是装置的灵敏度)PET灵敏度的定义是:The sensitivity of a PET scanner is defined as the number of counts per unit time detected by the device for each unit of activity present in a source.仪表中的定义是输出变化量对输入变化量的比值。
更多的计数的获得通过:长时间的采集注射更多的放射性同位素改善探测器效率空间分辨率The spatial Resolution of a PET scanner is a measure of the ability of the device to faithfully reproduce the image of an object, thus clearly depicting the variations in the distribution of radioactivity in the object. It is empirically defined as the minimum distance between two points in an image that can be detected by a scanner.能识别的最小单位。
高考英语一轮复习 高频词汇翻译练习 (2)
高考英语高频词汇翻译练习1.let fall放下;粘住;写下She let fall a further heavy hint.她似乎无意中又说出了一个明显的提示。
Hansel and Grethel were so frightened that they let fall what they held in their hands. 汉斯和格雷特是如此的受惊吓,他们放下了手里拿的食物。
2.get down to开始认真考虑;着手处理With the election out of the way, the government can get down to business.选举已结束,政府能够着手处理正事了。
I like to get down to work by 9.我喜欢在9点之前开始工作。
3.A way of Seeing 观世之道; 一种观看方式What is art but a way of seeing?艺术不是一种观察方式是什么??"Henry's a good man," her father said, "but he has a way of seeing things."“亨利人不错啊,”她父亲说,“但他有他自己看待问题的方式。
”4.sunshine coast 阳光海岸A Real Sunshine Coast Cloudy Day!阳光海岸一个真正的阴天!没错,阴天!Ms Assange, who moved to the Sunshine Coast five weeks ago for health reasons, said Julian was distancing himself from the family for their own safety.阿桑齐女士在五周前因健康方面的原因前往阳光海岸,她认为朱利安出于保护家人的考虑刻意与他们保持距离。
重视手写汉字英语作文800字The Importance of Preserving Handwritten Chinese Characters.In an era characterized by rapid technological advancements and the omnipresence of digital communication, the practice of handwriting Chinese characters has faced a significant decline. With the advent of computers, smartphones, and other digital devices, many individuals have neglected the art of penmanship, opting instead for the convenience and efficiency of typing. However, the decline of handwritten Chinese characters has far-reaching implications that extend beyond mere practicality. Preserving this ancient tradition is not merely an exercise in nostalgia but a vital endeavor for safeguarding cultural heritage, fostering cognitive development, and enriching personal expression.Cultural Heritage.Chinese characters are an integral part of Chinese culture. They have a rich history spanning thousands of years, evolving from pictographs to the intricate forms we recognize today. Each character carries a unique meaning, often蕴含 profound cultural and historical significance. The act of writing Chinese characters by hand is not simply a mechanical process of reproducing symbols but a profound connection to the past. It is a way of传承 cultural traditions and preserving the collective memory of the Chinese people.Cognitive Development.Recent research has demonstrated the cognitive benefits associated with handwriting Chinese characters. Studies have shown that handwriting improves hand-eye coordination, spatial reasoning, and fine motor skills. The complex strokes and intricate structures of Chinese characters require a high level of concentration and attention to detail, promoting cognitive development in children and adults alike. Moreover, the act of physically writing characters helps to reinforce memory and comprehension,enhancing learning outcomes.Personal Expression.Handwritten Chinese characters offer a unique and expressive form of communication that cannot be fully captured by digital text. The variations in笔迹, thesubtle nuances of ink flow, and the personal touch of the writer all contribute to the unique character ofhandwritten Chinese characters. Whether it is a love letter, a work of calligraphy, or a simple note, handwritten Chinese characters convey a level of emotion andauthenticity that cannot be replicated by digital communication.Challenges to Preservation.Despite its importance, the preservation of handwritten Chinese characters faces numerous challenges. The widespread adoption of digital devices has led to a decline in handwriting practice, particularly among younger generations. Furthermore, the introduction of simplifiedChinese characters in mainland China has simplified the writing system, making it easier to type but potentially eroding the cultural and historical significance of traditional characters.Preservation Efforts.Recognizing the importance of preserving handwritten Chinese characters, educators, cultural organizations, and government bodies have implemented various initiatives to promote and support the practice of handwriting. Schools have incorporated calligraphy classes into their curricula, while community centers and cultural centers offer workshops and demonstrations. Additionally, there are ongoing efforts to digitize ancient texts and manuscripts, making them accessible to a wider audience and preserving them for future generations.Conclusion.Preserving handwritten Chinese characters is not merely an act of nostalgia but a fundamental investment in thepreservation of cultural heritage, the enhancement of cognitive development, and the enrichment of personal expression. While digital communication offers undeniable convenience and efficiency, it should not come at the expense of this cherished tradition. By embracing and promoting the practice of handwriting Chinese characters, we not only safeguard our cultural identity but also ensure the preservation of invaluable cognitive and expressive skills for future generations. Let us continue to cherish this ancient art form and pass it on to future generations, ensuring that the intricate strokes and profound meanings of Chinese characters continue to adorn the pages ofhistory and the hearts of our people.。
渤海海水中离子种类英文Ionic Composition of the Bohai Sea WaterThe Bohai Sea, located in the northeastern part of China, is a semi-enclosed marginal sea that is part of the larger Yellow Sea. As a unique and important body of water, the Bohai Sea plays a crucial role in the regional ecosystem and serves as a vital resource for the surrounding coastal communities. Understanding the ionic composition of the Bohai Sea water is of great significance for various scientific and practical applications, such as marine biology, environmental monitoring, and resource management.The Bohai Sea is characterized by a complex hydrological regime, which is influenced by a variety of factors, including river discharge, tidal patterns, and atmospheric conditions. These factors contribute to the unique ionic composition of the Bohai Sea water, which differs from that of the open ocean. The primary ions present in the Bohai Sea water include sodium (Na+), chloride (Cl-), magnesium (Mg2+), sulfate (SO42-), calcium (Ca2+), and potassium (K+).Sodium (Na+) is the most abundant cation in the Bohai Sea water, accounting for approximately 30% of the total dissolved ions. Thishigh sodium concentration is primarily due to the intrusion of seawater from the Yellow Sea, as well as the weathering and erosion of coastal rocks and sediments. The chloride (Cl-) ion, on the other hand, is the most abundant anion, making up around 55% of the total dissolved ions. The high chloride concentration is also a result of the seawater intrusion and the dissolution of salt deposits in the surrounding regions.Magnesium (Mg2+) is the second most abundant cation in the Bohai Sea water, contributing approximately 3.7% of the total dissolved ions. Magnesium plays a crucial role in various biological and geochemical processes, such as the formation of carbonate minerals and the regulation of enzyme activities. The sulfate (SO42-) ion, which accounts for around 7.7% of the total dissolved ions, is another important component of the Bohai Sea water. Sulfate is derived from the weathering of sulfur-bearing minerals and the oxidation of organic matter.Calcium (Ca2+) and potassium (K+) are present in smaller quantities, making up approximately 1.2% and 0.4% of the total dissolved ions, respectively. Calcium is essential for the formation of shells and skeletons of marine organisms, while potassium is involved in various physiological processes, such as osmoregulation and nerve impulse transmission.The ionic composition of the Bohai Sea water is not uniform throughout the entire water body but can vary depending on location, depth, and seasonal changes. For instance, the concentrations of ions may be higher in the coastal regions due to the influence of river discharge and anthropogenic activities, while the open sea areas may exhibit lower ion concentrations. Additionally, the ionic composition can undergo seasonal fluctuations in response to changes in precipitation, evaporation, and biological activity.The study of the ionic composition of the Bohai Sea water is crucial for understanding the overall water quality and its suitability for various applications. High concentrations of certain ions, such as heavy metals or nutrients, can have significant implications for the marine ecosystem, affecting the growth and survival of aquatic organisms. Furthermore, the ionic composition of the Bohai Sea water is an important factor in determining its potential uses, such as for drinking, irrigation, or industrial purposes.Researchers have employed various analytical techniques, such as ion chromatography, atomic absorption spectroscopy, and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, to determine the ionic composition of the Bohai Sea water. These studies have provided valuable insights into the spatial and temporal variations of the ionic concentrations, as well as the factors that influence thesechanges.In conclusion, the Bohai Sea is a unique and complex marine environment, and the study of its ionic composition is essential for understanding the overall water quality and ecosystem dynamics. The high concentrations of sodium, chloride, magnesium, and sulfate in the Bohai Sea water are a result of the interplay between seawater intrusion, river discharge, and geochemical processes. Continued research and monitoring of the ionic composition of the Bohai Sea water will contribute to the effective management and conservation of this important coastal ecosystem.。
还原百变魔方的方法As an avid Rubik's Cube enthusiast, I have spent countless hours solving and re-solving this challenging puzzle. The feeling of accomplishment when completing a complex algorithm and seeing the colors align perfectly is truly satisfying. 对于一个狂热的魔方爱好者来说,我已经花费了无数个小时来解决这个具有挑战性的难题。
One of the most popular variations of the Rubik's Cube is the Pyraminx. This tetrahedron-shaped puzzle adds an extra layer of complexity to the solving process. Unlike the traditional Rubik's Cube, the Pyraminx has tips that can be twisted 120 degrees, which adds a unique challenge. 魔方中最受欢迎的变种之一是金字塔魔方。
When it comes to restoring a Pyraminx, the method is quite similarto the traditional Rubik's Cube but with a few key differences. The first step is to solve the tips of the Pyraminx before moving on to the centerpieces. This requires a different approach compared to theRubik's Cube, as the tips have a limited range of movement. 解决金字塔魔方的方法与传统的魔方非常相似,但也有一些关键的区别。
流体的特征长度(中英文实用版)Title: Characteristic Length of FluidsFluids have several important characteristics that define their behavior and properties.One of these characteristics is the concept of "characteristic length."流体有许多重要的特性,这些特性定义了它们的行为和性质。
The characteristic length of a fluid refers to a length scale that is typical for the fluid system under consideration.It is a measure of the size of the fluid elements and is used to describe the spatial variations of the fluid properties.流体的特征长度是指在考虑的流体系统中典型的长度尺度。
One common way to define the characteristic length of a fluid is to use the mean free path of the fluid particles.This is the average distance that fluid particles travel between collisions.定义流体特征长度的一种常见方法是使用流体粒子的平均自由路径。
In addition, the characteristic length can also be related to the size of the fluid elements.For example, in the case of a fluid droplet, the characteristic length would be the radius of the droplet.此外,特征长度还可以与流体元素的大小有关。
高动态环境下基于transformer的信道估计方法In high-dynamic environments, the transformer-based channel estimation method has emerged as a promising solution to address the challenges associated with rapid channel variations. The transformer architecture, known for its ability to capturelong-range dependencies, is particularly suitable for estimating channels in scenarios where traditional methods may falter.在高动态环境下,基于transformer的信道估计方法成为了一种有前途的解决方案,用以应对快速信道变化带来的挑战。
The core of this method lies in leveraging the self-attention mechanism of the transformer to capture the temporal and spatial variations of the channel. By processing the received signals through multiple layers of attention, the transformer is able to extract relevant features and estimate the channel state accurately.该方法的核心在于利用transformer的自注意力机制来捕捉信道的时变和空变。
The physics of waves and oscillations
The physics of waves and oscillationsWhen we think of waves and oscillations, we often think of the visible ripples on a pond or the swinging of a pendulum. But these phenomena are actually just examples of a wide range of physical phenomena that can be described by the physics of waves and oscillations. From the behavior of light and sound waves to the movement of electrons in a wire, understanding the physics of waves and oscillations is crucial to making sense of the world around us.At its most basic level, a wave can be thought of as a disturbance that travels through a medium. This can take many different forms, from the well-known water waves to the electromagnetic waves that make up light and radio waves. Waves can be characterized by a number of properties, including their frequency, amplitude, and wavelength.Frequency is perhaps the most important of these properties, and refers to the number of wave cycles that occur in a given amount of time. This is usually measured in Hertz (Hz), or cycles per second. For example, a sound wave with a frequency of 440 Hz would correspond to the musical note A440, commonly used as a reference tone in tuning instruments.Amplitude, on the other hand, refers to the maximum displacement of the wave from its equilibrium position. This is often referred to as the wave's "height", and can be thought of as a measure of its energy. The higher the wave, the more energy it contains.Finally, wavelength refers to the distance between two adjacent peaks (or troughs) of the wave. In a water wave, this would correspond to the distance between two crests, while in an electromagnetic wave it would refer to the distance between two peaks or valleys of the electric and magnetic fields.Oscillations, meanwhile, are a related phenomenon that describe the repetitive motion of a system around an equilibrium position. This can take many forms, from the vibration of a guitar string to the swing of a pendulum. In all cases, however, the motioncan be described using simple harmonic motion, which is characterized by a sinusoidal wave pattern.Simple harmonic motion is a particularly important concept in the physics of waves and oscillations, as many physical systems can be reduced to this basic form. This includes everything from mass-spring systems to the behavior of electrical circuits. By understanding the properties of simple harmonic motion, we can gain a deeper understanding of a wide range of physical phenomena.One important aspect of simple harmonic motion is the concept of resonance. This occurs when a system is forced to vibrate at its natural frequency, leading to an increase in amplitude. This can be seen in a number of different systems, from the way a wine glass shatters when exposed to a certain frequency of sound to the way a building can shake during an earthquake.Overall, the physics of waves and oscillations is a complex and fascinating field that holds many secrets about the behavior of the world around us. From the behavior of light and sound waves to the movement of electrons in a wire, understanding waves and oscillations is crucial for understanding the underlying principles that govern the physical world. So whether you're studying physics or simply trying to understand the world a little better, take some time to dive deeper into the fascinating world of waves and oscillations.。
UNIT ONE Party PoliticsP8 I Comprehension Check1-5 DCDAB 6-10 DDCABP10 Vocabulary StudyI 1-5 CBADB 6-10 CDBCDII 1.etiquette 2.looped 3.unaccountable 4.told off 5. conspicuously 6. pesky 7.let loose 8.racy 9.murky 10.ticklishP11III TranslationTo invite eminent persons to help make advertisements should be regarded as one of the best advertising strategies and could, of course, produce a spectacular(powerful) VIP effect, privided that those celebrities are perfectly willing to accept the invitation and, more importantly, the products to be advertised are genuine and of fair prices. Sometimes, while a commodity is of inferior quality, the advertisement is full of words lavishing praise on it, if a celebrity shows up as an image agent for such a product, the advertisement could, if any, be temporarily successful before it turns the brand of the product in question notorious and, more disastrously, ruins the reputation of the eminent person thereafter. So, the famous are well advised to think more than twice before they agree to appear on the commercial.P13 Key to Supplementary ReadingsA.1-5 FFFTT 6-10 FTFTTB.1-5 FTFTF 6-10 FTFTFUNIT TWO The New SinglesP29 I Comprehension Check1-5 BDBDC 6-10 ACCADP31 Vocabulary StudyI 1.neo-realist 2.neo-Nazis 3.Neo-fascist 4.neocolonialism 5. neologisms 6.neo-Darwinist7.neoclassical 8. neonatesII 1.fostering 2.raved 3.holy grail 4.mainstay 5.twenty-somethings 6.heterosexuals 7.mandatory 8.embracing 9.meditating 10.fusionP32III TranslationNowadays in the city’s tonier residential districts there are peple named as singles, who are usually young, rich and tech-savvy professionals and choose independently their own lifesyles. The number of singles has increased dramatically over the recent years. The reasons of remaining single are various:some may be busy exploring careers without putting their marriage into the agenda, some may indulge in their jobs, travel, entertainment, physical fitness or friendship, More than 80% of them have not abandoned the value of marriage, and they say they aspire to marry or they want to be married someday, but they are patient and feel content being single until they meet the right person.Key to Supplementary Readings(略)UNIT THREE Doctor’s Dilemma:Treat or Let Die?P51 Comprehension Check1-5 BCCBD 6-10 DCDADP53 V ocabulary StudyI 1.outstrip 2.limbo 3.ceased 4. in the wake of 5. paramount 6.ethical 7.prolonged 8. thorny9.congenital 10.subsequentlyII 1.euthanasia 2.salvaged 3.deformity 4.defects 5. handicaps 6.lingering 7. grapple 8. allegedly 9.acquitted 10.frontiersIII TranslationPeople who are energetic, happy, and relaxed are less likely to catch a cold than those who are depressed, nervous, or angry. When the brain is “happy”, it sends messages to our organs that help keep the body healthy and sound. Your chance of developing the common cold, pneumonia, or even cancer may very well be decreased by keeping your brain in a healthy state. In addition, happy and relaxed people are prone to better health practices than their negative and stressed counterparts. They are more likely to get plenty of sleep and to engaged in regular exercise, and have been shown to have lower levels of certain stress hormones.P59 Key to Supplementary ReadingsA.1-5 FTFTF 6-10 TTTFT B 1-5 FFTTF 6-10 TFTFFUNIT FOUR The Cultural Patterning of SpaceP71 Comprehension Check1-5 BABCC 6-9 DDDBP73 V ocabulary StudyI 1-5 begja 6-10 hcifdII 1.anthropologists 2. Patterns 3.tangible 4. persistent 5. infringe 6. integrate 7. secular 8. spatial’s 10.ArchitectureIII TranslationAs one travels abroad and examines the ways in which space is handled, startling variations are discovered; differrences which we react to vigorously. Since none of us are taught to look at space as isolated from other associations, feelings cued by the handling of space are often attributed to something else. In growing up people learn literarily thousands of spatial cues, all of which have their own meanings in their own contexts.当人们到海外旅游时,如果留心观察外国人如何处理空间关系,就会发现许多令人惊讶的不同之处;而这些不同之处总让我们反应强烈。
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SPATIAL VARIATIONS OF THE WAVE, STRESS ANDWIND FIELDS IN THE SHOALING ZONELarry MahrtCollege of Oceanic & Atmospheric SciencesOregon State UniversityCorvallis, OR 97331-5503Ph: (541) 737-5691, E-mail: mahrt@Award # N00014-97-1-0279LONG TERM GOALSThe long term goals are to improve parameterization of surface fluxes in the coastal zone in the presence of wave growth, shoaling, and internal boundary layer development. These goals include improving the present form of similarity theory used by models to predict surface fluxes and stress over water surfaces and to document development of internal boundary layers in the coastal zone which are currently not modelled correctly, particularly in cases of flow of warm air over colder water.OBJECTIVESThe objectives are to provide quality controlled data sets which include spatial variation of surface fluxes, stress and wave characteristics in the coastal zone and vertical structure of the wind and thermodynamic variables in the coastal zone. The objectives also include evaluation of present formulations for surface fluxes at the air-sea interface and evaluation of model simulations of internal boundary layer development.APPROACHThe first approach is completion of an extensive literature survey on existing studies of air-sea interaction in the coastal zone and internal boundary layer development. The second approach is implementation of three field programs, one in fall of 1997 and two in 1999. Two of the field programs will be located at Duck, North Carolina. The site for the third field program in late spring of 1999 has not yet been determined. The spring 1999 field program is designed to study the internal boundary layer in offshore flow, particularly in stable conditions. The third approach is data analysis and evaluation of existing boundary layer and surface flux formulations. The fourth approach is model comparisons in cooperation with Jim Doyle and Jack Glendening at the Navy Research Laboratory.WORK COMPLETEDa) Experiment PlanThe principal activities during 1997 focussed on planning for the pilot experiment, to beconducted at Duck, North Carolina in November of 1997. One of the activities was construction of the experiment plan for the pilot field program (Sun et al., 1997). This plan details not only the pilot experiment but also outlines the overall strategy of the multi-year effort.b) Software Package for In-field Data EvaluationSome attention was devoted to modification of the quality control program which will be used to isolate instrumentation problems in the field on a real time basis. The strategy is to analyze the aircraft data each evening using the quality control package as well as the package for flux sampling errors (Vickers and Mahrt, 1996). The latter will allow assessment of the soundness of the aircraft flight plan and allow modification of the flight plan for the subsequent flight the next day. Are the flight legs long enough or are the number of passes sufficient to adequately sample the flux? We feel that this real time analysis and the flexibility of the LongEZ crew will allow adjustment for mistakes that historically could not be corrected until the "next field program". For analysis in the field, both ease and speed are critical. Therefore, a graphical user interface has been developed for point and click implementation of the quality control and flux sampling programs. This will allow timely review of the data each evening. At the writing of this report, we are concentrating on building an interface for simple scientific analysis of the data which will also facilitate in-field evaluation of the logic of the flight plan strategy.c) EquipmentThe hardware purchased for the pilot experiment partly with ONR funds is as follows: Equipment Usage/ReasonPortable Computer Portability, ease of operation in the fieldInstalled SOLARIS 2.5All of our software was developed under SOLARIS, this providesmaximum compatibility and usability in the field.Installed SUN WORKSHOP Development tool to account for any unknown or unexpectedcode modifications in the field.ZIP drive/ PCMCIA SCSI In-field data will be primarily transferred using 100Mb ZIP disks. Installed Windows 95SOLARIS does not currently support the ZIP drive so Windowswill be used to access the drive.The plan is to receive a set of 100Mb ZIP disks, boot under Windows 95, transfer the data to a 2Gb partition, re-boot under SOLARIS, access the data with the 2Gb partition under normal UNIX operation.d) Literature SurveyWhile the main internal boundary layer experiment will be carried out in 1999, we anticipate some internal boundary layer cases in the pilot experiment and hope to be able to carry out case study analyses of the internal boundary layer using data from the pilot experiment. A literature survey of internal boundary layer has been conducted concentrating mainly on observational studies. A manuscript is under preparation. These studies were carried out to anticipate development of internal boundary layers in offshore flow during the pilot experiment. Approaches for parameterization of the internal boundary layer height are:a) surface based diagnostic formulations designed mainly in short fetch offshore situations onthe scale of a few kilometers.b) diagnostic formulations which include the influence of overlying stratification (or inversionstrength).c) mixed layer growth equations designed to model the growth of the internal boundary layer onthe scale of tens of kilometers up to several hundred kilometers.Present flight plans will capture horizontal scales which are relevant to all three of these approaches.RESULTSThe only products to date are the field experiment plan and a new software/hardware system for real time in-the-field quality control of data, evaluation of flux sampling problems and preliminary data analysis for evaluation of flight plan strategy.IMPACTThe expected results from the fall 1997 experiment will eventually lead to improved modelling of the atmospheric boundary layer in the coastal zone which will be offered to operational Navy forecast models and models of radar propagation near the surface.TRANSITIONSNone at this time.RELATED PROJECTSAnalysis of offshore tower eddy correlation data is being carried out under grant N00014-96-0014 from the Office of Naval Research. This data allows analysis of detailed vertical structure in the lowest 40 m (Vickers and Mahrt, 1997; Mahrt et al., 1997) whereas the above work concentrates on horizontal structure in the coastal zone.REFERENCESMahrt, L. D. Vickers, J. Edson, J. Sun, J. Hojstrup, J. Hare and J. Wilczak, 1997: Heat flux in the coastal zone. To appear in Boundary Layer Meteorology.Sun, J., L. Mahrt, T. Crawford, C. Vogel, E. Dumas, P. Mourad, and D. Vandermark, 1997: Experiment plan for the shoaling experiment.Vickers, D., and L. Mahrt, 1996: Quality control and flux sampling problems for tower and aircraft data. J. of Atmo. Oceanic Tech., 14, 512-526.Vickers, D. and L. Mahrt, 1997: Fetch limited drag coefficients over shallow water. to appear in Boundary Layer Meteorology.。